#id be more powerful and also have huge breast forms
oflgtfol · 4 months
Okay same venom 2003 anon again. I dont have anything else to add to what ur saying as again i didnt read venom 2003 So im just nodding respectfully and wisely to everything your saying but re ur tags is the artist you mean Humberto Ramos? Bc if it is if it helps he's a pretty unpopular artist amongst people (though usually for criticisms about his art being “too cartoony” instead of anything meaningful like the objectification of women which i personally despise when people do that. No more realism sexy super models i want hyper stylisation ONLY in my comic books just to piss those people off). I also personally do not care about him as an artist no hate nor respect towards him but again the bar is so low 😭 ive seen so many genuinely boring deeply misogynistic artists who treat women the exact same awful objectifying way but who get passes in comic book spaces because their art is more Conventionally Likeable. Like if im gonna be forced to see a woman be drawn as only one body type and face and breasting boobily id much rather take the uglier style or the more stylised style just to have something Interesting To Look At then Another Boring Generic Guy Drawing Semi Realism with Soft Shading Based off 1950s Pin ups but thats just me personally as a lifelong comic book guy
YES HUMBERTO RAMOS. i hate the venom 2003 art but in the past two hours i've come to realize that humberto ramos is my real enemy here and the only real fault of venom 2003 is its resemblance of ramos's art (of course in addition to its own home brewed sexism).
i really love stylized art and i hate realistic styles. i love the classic ASM look because it struck a nice balance between the two: the 1960s-80s need to depict the human form in a standardized, realistic way (likely due to toy sales, at least if its caused by the same phenomenon of 80s cartoons, a la he-man, having that same look to them), but the flat colors, limited color palette, and cell shading were so so wonderfully simple and sleek in a really fun way. gave such a distinct Look to the comic, and the simplicity of the colors also made the realistic lineart not too realistic. it just felt very intentional, very careful, very creative with their technological limitations, and it's such a timeless look that has aged so well even still to the 2020s
so while i love the classique look, i also love when comic styles go even further to really break the mold and stylize further!! herrera in venom 2003, and ramos's whole *gestures broadly* COULD be good, if only they were done a little bit more purposefully, and yknow, minus the outrageous sexism
and yes sexism is overall so entrenched in marvel comics and i wouldn't be surprised if it also infected literally all other comic companies out there, considering We Live In A Society. anyone who dares to argue that misogyny doesn't exist needs to go become a comic geek and read hundreds of marvel comics and see
1. how utterly shallow women are characterized compared to their male counterparts
2. how female characters so rarely get to exist on their own outside of a male character; ie. female characters who are only side characters for a male hero, or superheroines who are literaly just "female version of xyz popular male character!", etc etc etc
3. the way women are visually depicted compared to men. men, especially the superheroes, are still subject to white patriarchal standards of beauty of course, but the huge muscles they're drawn with are a form of power, a "look how cool i am." you will never get that with a female character. they are only ever depicted with the same fucking face, the same fucking body type, the same fucking curves and tasteful cleavage and pouty lips and cat eye makeup.
4. and while the men have these like insane muscles that do not exist irl, they at least get to POSE in ways that are not sexualized. the women characters, even if their designs are not objectifying, will still be posed so that their butts face the camera, they have a pretty side profile to show off the silhouette of their breasts, etc. if you really pay careful attention to the way women are placed in comic panels compared to men it's so insane. so fucking insane
but yknow, all of those things tend to manifest in subtle ways, ways that you really can only pick up when you've read so many comics over a decent amount of time, and when you're otherwise prepared to read for and pick up on sexist elements. so i guess i REALLY draw my line and get pissed the fuck off beyond belief when comic writers and/or artists then begin to just be, blatantly, fucking sexist. a la those terrible panels from ASM spider island. a la that one she-hulk issue. a la spider-man/red sonja. when it's blatant it means you give NO fucks, it means you don't even believe women are people because you don't expect them to be engaging your works and thus you don't expect any sort of audience outcry from your blatant sexism, it means you literally only see women as objects for your male audience to oogle over, it's beyond frustrating
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
Hi the tags on your reblog about nullification make a lot of sense to me! I don’t think it’s weird to want that. I don’t know if it’s possible but I’m no scientist. You’re not alone and I’m not even saying that as an asexual <3 it’s much to think about even if it only exists in thoughts it can lead on a journey
thank you so much honestly 🌺🍀🌹🌸!! ive had someone dm me about nullification and that it's definitely possible to surgically do what i'd want done, and it honestly makes me feel so nice knowing that some day i'd be able to realistically fix my bottom dysphoria the way i'd want it done. it's not something i'd be able to achieve anytime soon but... it's validating knowing that it's able to be done and in the way i'd want it.
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thai-with-booty · 4 years
The mall - Part I
This is a story I wrote a while back, but wasn’t ready to share and kept coming back to rather than writing all in one go. It was based around a few years ago when I and my husband were very new to the idea or being more open as we are now.
I can't believe that I am really doing this. Walking in the mall, wearing slutty black high heels (Id never normally wear high heels to a mall), a black silk mini-skirt with a tiny lace thong underneath and a flimsy white silk blouse with just a thin lace bra underneath. My nervousness is causing tiny beads of sweat to form and trickle down my blouse. I had a bet with my husband, over a stupid game, I don’t even remember now what it was, but I remember it being something so small and insignificant, with the loser having to do whatever the other wanted for a full day. I had his day all planned out: fixing my dresser and doing all kinds of stuff around the house. I was sure that I was going to win, but here I am in the mall looking like when I was 22 and working in a bar. If I had known what he wanted me to do, I never would have made the bet.
I feel like a slut and I know that I look like one, too, but somehow a part of me is enjoying this. All of the men staring at me is really doing something to me. I can feel the moistness between my legs and an urge to show off more of myself.
When I first started out today, I was very self-conscious and kept my arms crossed in front of my chest, but realizing that this just brought more attention to myself, I forced myself to act naturally; and soon I realized that I enjoyed having their eyes undress me. I have even found myself trying to catch men looking at me, watching their faces as their eyes wander all over my over-exposed body. Earlier, I spied a guy staring at me, and without even realizing what I was doing, I stretched my arms up, pressing my breasts against the blouse enjoying the look on his face as he stared at my breasts straining the fabric of my blouse. I am supposed to meet my husband in the food court for some new instructions and I can only imagine what he has planned for me next.
I think those three guys are following me. As I stop and pretend to be interested in a window display, I notice that they stopped also. As I continue on, I see that they are right behind me. I have to admit that, as nervous as I am, I am also very turned-on by this.
Oops, I just dropped my purse. As I bend over to pick it up, I can feel this tiny silk skirt ride up my behind, as my nearly naked booty is exposed to them and whoever else is looking in my direction. Knowing that these men can see so much of me, is making me even hotter. I can't believe how turned-on I am! I never realized that acting like a slut would feel so sexy, so confident, so powerful. I am not sure anymore if the reason that I am sweating is nervousness or lust. Stealing a glance at my followers, I see that they are stopped, and if I wasn't so turned-on I would have to laugh. They are staring at me with their mouths wide open. I give them a quick smile and I continue walking knowing that they are watching my butt as I wiggle away.
I notice that they are getting closer and not trying to hide themselves anymore. I am almost to the food court and my appointment with my husband. I step onto the escalator with my little following right behind me, and I know that they can look right up my skirt. Knowing that they can probably see how wet my panties are makes me even hotter. I am tempted to really give them a show by putting my hand inside my panties and my finger inside my dripping slit, but I fight off that temptation. I am on the verge of an orgasm, and I feel my legs wobble as I reach the top of the escalator and step off.
Seeing my husband, he was at the table near the som tam which is my favourite food, he smiles at me and walks away as I start to walk toward him. I see an envelope on the table, and I take his place. I see my husbands writing and his instructions for me to go to the ladies room and open the envelope. I know that he is watching me, and I remember our deal: if I didn't follow his instructions, no matter how stupid, exactly as I was told, we would repeat the whole day next weekend. I hastily grab the envelope and just as I start to stand the three strangers walk by. One of them starts to say something to me, but I just ignore him as I make my way to the ladies room.
Sitting here in the empty lounge, I open the envelope, and I almost gasp as I comprehend the next part of my day. I am to remove my bra and my panties, put them in my purse, and continue to walk until I get to a bench in front of a lingerie store on the other side of the mall. I sit and decide that I am not going to do this. I'll walk out of this mall right now. Not only is the bet off but that my husband is really going to hear it from me about this!
Standing, instead of leaving, I find myself entering an empty stall. After closing the door, I quickly remove my blouse and my bra. While putting the blouse back on, I can't help but see how my large, dark nipples poke holes in this flimsy little silk blouse. As I remove my panties, I am surprised by how moist and warm they are.
I put everything inside my purse but I am so horny that I have to touch myself for just a second. I sit, pull up my skirt, close my eyes, and start to play with myself. Rubbing my clit feels so good! I imagine that I am doing this in front of a crowd, with everybody urging me on. I am surprised again by how quickly, how powerfully I am overcome by pure lust.
Oh my God, I didn't mean to actually go this far but here it comes... Ohhh My God! As I am overcome by my orgasm, I hear myself moan. I try to stay silent but I know that some sounds have escaped my lips.
Now that I have my composure back, I realize just how turned-on I am by showing off my body to total strangers. I straighten out my clothes and as I walk by the mirror, I can see exactly what I look like. As I walk, I can feel how my tits are bouncing around. I look at my skirt and see that the bottom is just below my butt. Just the slightest breeze will let everybody see how naked I am under this tiny skirt. Since nobody is in here, I bend over to see how much of me shows when I do it.
Oh, this skirt rides up so high, I better not if I don't want to get arrested for indecent exposure. As I pull down my skirt, I hear a sound from one of the other stalls. I glance around quickly and notice that one of the other stalls is occupied, with the door still open a crack. I can hear someone in there. It sounds like she is masturbating!
My curiosity gets the best of me, so I move closer and ask, "Are you okay?"
I hear her say yes but it comes out almost as a moan.
I fight off the urge to open the door, but my curiosity gets the best of me and I decide to wait and see this woman. I stall for time freshening up my makeup, and after a short while, she leaves the stall. I realize that she has been sweating, but has a look of total satisfaction on her face. I guess that she is about my age — late twenties/ early thirties — with long black hair similar to mine. I look her in the eye and she greets me with a playful smile as I notice her beautiful brown eyes.
She quickly explains to me that she has been following me, because...
I ask her to repeat the last part because I didn't quite hear it.
I can't believe it! She just told me that she was following me because she wants to make love to me. When I stopped to pick up my purse earlier, she decided that she had to have me, and has been following me ever since. Somehow I didn't notice her.
I don't know what to say. As I stand in front of her, open mouthed, she quickly explains to me that she is bisexual, and often comes to the mall to pick up bored housewives. When she walked into the ladies room after me, she heard me moaning and had to go and play herself, too, but when I was looking at myself in front of the mirror, that brought her over the edge.
Now this beautiful woman is trying to pick me up, and I have no idea how to react!
She explains that many women come to the mall looking for a lover, and she can tell when a women wants another woman without the woman even realizing it herself. She continues, saying that although I may not realize it, I would enjoy myself so much if I came with her.
I start to protest, but she quiets me with a too-passionate kiss that I can't help but return. She somehow can see the nervous and confused state that I am in. She reaches in her purse and pulls out a business card, writes on it, and tells me to call her soon. I watch her leave, then look down at the card and see her name and number.
I better get going. My husband is going to be waiting for me. Leaving the ladies room, I look around for my little group of followers, but they are nowhere to be seen. Suddenly I feel self-conscious and lost. I am in the middle of a huge mall, practically naked. As hot as I felt before, suddenly all of that sexual arousal that I had felt before is gone, replaced by embarrassment and humiliation. I better get going and get this over with before I get arrested for solicitation.
I am almost to my next rendezvous with my husband when I notice that I have regained my group of admirers. I'm feeling more confident and at ease as I find myself with somebody familiar, even if they are strangers. Feeling daring again, I stop at the fountain, open my purse for some change and throw a few baht into the fountain. I can't see them, but I can somehow feel their eyes run up and down my body, but I can sense somebody coming closer to me. A part of me wants to escape and get out of here, and I actually decide to continue on, but just as I turn around, I see one of the trio standing next to me. As I look over at him, he gives me a sexy little smile.
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lirillith · 4 years
Wonder Egg Priority
There’s this... thing going on with viewer reactions to Wonder Egg Priority and the issues it’s been addressing.  Spoilers (and mentions of all the stuff that makes Wonder Egg Priority a beautiful, colorful, gorgeously animated content warning of a show) beneath the cut:
Ep. 1: Girl-on-girl bullying, female friendship, the importance of having a best friend vs. shallow friendships that offer no real support
Ep. 2 - Bullying explicitly linked to jealousy over attention from a desirable male authority figure; implied sexual abuse by other girls; hints that many viewers take as implying sexual abuse by the male authority figure; abusive female gymnastics coach (a sport that for many years HEAVILY favored young girls with prepubescent bodies, frequently keeping athletes’ body fat so low they didn’t menstruate) chiding her athlete to stay disciplined and skinny, though she herself is middle-aged and stout; when the coach takes on a monstrous form it’s grotesquely female, with four breasts, one pair dragging on the ground, and she attacks Ai with breastmilk. 
Ep. 3 - Monster at the beginning of the episode talks about eating up young women. Then, the entire idol industrial complex!  Like, just, IT EXISTS.  Although “Yu-yu” turns out to be male, the focus is still on the commodification both of female idols (Rika and co.) and on the commodification of the attention and devotion of female fans (Chiemi, the two fangirls who killed themselves, even Yu-yu’s stalker) and also on Rika’s harsh words driving Chiemi to an eating disorder, an issue that overwhelmingly affects young women.  Sex work, eating disorders, restrictive body standards and fat-shaming also mentioned.
Ep. 4 - Young girl molested on train by powerful figure at her father’s company (i.e. not a random chikan; he targeted her) and driven to suicide by lack of support after accusing him; the monster goes on to make a lot of “women have an expiration date, younger is hotter” claims before Momoe defeats him.  Later monster is gender-policing who’s allowed in a women-only train car (most viewers focused on this in relation to Momoe’s gender ID but I suspect it’s more relevant to the girl she’s protecting at the time.)  Rika and Neiru have an exchange with the mannequin men about boys, girls, and suicide; Ai immediately identifies Momoe as a girl, to her delight and relief.
Ep. 5 - Neiru fights a monster who evidently took in a teenage runaway and expected sex as repayment, and another who’s obsessing at great length over youth, beauty, and hair and skin care.
Ep. 6 - Rika brings up the specter of abusive stepfathers - physical abuse of sons, sexual abuse of daughters.
Ep. 7 - Rika backstory; Rika’s motto that “a beautiful woman never needs a wallet” (because people will buy stuff for her) is revealed to be the only thing she remembers about her father.  Later, she says that she learned from her mother that men who ask women for money are fakes.  Lots to unpack here; was her dad one of the men who asked for money, despite his advice to Rika? Alternately, he took money from her to spend on a mistress? Or maybe he wanted her to rely on him, despite her running her own business. Maybe the boyfriends who sponged off her came after Rika’s dad was out of the picture. Either way, he was discouraging self-reliance in his daughter, and once again reinforcing that a woman’s value is in youth and beauty and that women without either deserve less. 
After episode 2:  The coach's massive breasts that drag along the floor could possibly represent an application of femininity as a tool for the oppression of women, rather than one of empowerment. (just POSSIBLY.  there’s the FAINTEST chance.)
After episode 4:  This week, Wonder Egg Priority crashes into gender with all the subtlety of a runaway train slamming full-speed into a huge and ancient monolith bearing the word “GENDER” carved into its weathered façade.
“I don't think it will go full on ‘down with the patriarchy’ but it certainly working with some themes of mysoginy in japanese society.”
Re: episode 5:  “Also, since Neiru's Wonder Egg world already mentioned Capitilism and commerical beauty, I still bet it has something to do with corporatism.”
Apparently re: episode 5: “ then the show will be like "THIS girl killed herself to preserve her perfect hair, as women do" “
It’s like they’re trying to tell you something, viewers!  What is it?  Timmy fell down the well?
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ilikeoldchangke · 5 years
Destroying my sister in law’s reputation
This has to be one of the most horrible thing I have done in my life and I would surely go to hell for it.
The idea of doing something like this just hit me out of the blue one day many years back and it has been festering in my brain for the longest time. At first I just wondered if it can be done at all, then slowly as the thought takes root inside my head, it became an infatuation.
Back in 2009 when I was dating my wife, I was introduced to Mandy, her sister. I’ve had the hots for my girlfriend’s sister before but never in such intensity. Mandy really brought out the monster inside me.
My girlfriend Melody then was a hottie too with the figure and brains to match but there is just something about Mandy that attracts me to her.
She is not only the splitting image of her sister, there is this sweet and innocent side to her that makes you want to dote on and pamper her.
You know sometimes you hear people say hey, so and so look like the younger version of a celebrity. A little more cute, a little more sweet. Mandy is just like a younger version of my wife.
Seeing Mandy is like taking a trip back in time.
Even till this very day when I look at my sister in law, I would be reminded of the times I spent with my wife when she was younger.
Melody and Mandy have an age gap of 5 years.
When I got to know Melody as a colleague at work, Mandy was still a JC student.
Looking at her in her JC uniforms, I can picture my wife in that exact same age, dressed exactly in that manner coming home after a day in school. That pair of slim legs and her ankle socks that are barely visible as she walks along the road, cradling her bag in hand looking all innocent and sweet.
That image alone made me attempt to recreate the scene no less than 10 times with Melody.
I’m sure this is something many couples do.
Getting their partners to put on their old school uniforms and pretend they are back in school. As for me, I would pretend I’m the one dishing out disciplinary action to her.
In bed of course.
I could picture myself fucking a younger version of my wife whenever I think about Mandy.
I’m sure if given the chance, you would surely want to be able to do a younger, wilder version of your partner.
Mandy got hotter and prettier as with each passing year.
I literally watch her blossom form a sweet young thing into the hot girl she is today. She got a little taller.
Her breast got a little more full.
There’s more bounce in her buttocks when she walks.
Her lips looked more kissable.
Even the smallest action of her brushing her hair behind her ears would sometimes give me an erection.
Mandy has no lack of followers and fans on her social media sites. She’s not a attention seeking whore or anything but there are occasions she does a bit of modelling for some of her entrepreneur friends.
I shall not waste time by going into detail the kind of fantasies I have of Mandy.
Every conceivable thought and fetish that has to do with your girlfriend sister back then, I have imagined it in my head. I pictured it in my mind and wanked off countless times.
Living in the same household was a added bonus. I live together with my in laws in a Jumbo flat in Woodlands. It’s huge and there’s more than enough space for everyone. Me and my wife’s room is right beside Mandy’s.
We share the same bathroom.
Right by the entrance into the bathroom along the wide corridor sits 3 baskets.
Laundry baskets. One for each of us.
Each time I had to force myself not to look when I see Mandy come home from school or from work as she grew older. The bundle of semi wet clothes with her worn panty and bra entangled into the mix just join the rest of her worn stuff in the basket.
Just think of all the things I can do with Mandy’s clothes. Her lingerie, her sports attire, her socks and heels. It’s a candy shop for a horny adult with a fetish.
I have access to so many things. As long as no one is at home of course.
I had access to Mandy’s laptop as well. She’s not exactly savvy with IT stuff and to be honest, I think she knows her phone better than she knows her computer.
Isn’t this the way things are now with the young people these days ?
I know her login password and ID, I setup the WIFI for the family and I even helped to configure her access to the network printer at home. The best thing I did was help her configure her phone to upload and backup her photos onto the backup drive shared among the family.
Every photo, every selfie. Every wasapp image file and videos.
Once she’s connected to WIFI, it gets backup and I get access.
It’s like stalking on a whole new level.
My relationship with Mandy cannot be better. She looked up to me as a older brother of sort, which really amplified how bastard I am when I do something like this to her.
Through sheer manipulation and the power of association and materials from the internet, I was able to destroy her reputation, wreck her relationship and drove her to the brink of a mental breakdown.
I live by a simple motto.
If I want to do something, I go all the way and this is definitely something that I went all out in terms of the money, time and resources I spent but it was all well worth it in the end.
How far did I go you ask ?
Mandy took down all her social media profile, her boyfriend left her. She quit her job.
When she makes eye contact with another man along the street, she tells me the look haunts her.
It made her question whether they saw the scandal that was floating around the internet.
The fake scandal that I created.
One that her boyfriend and everyone around her believed.
Mandy would shut herself in her room most of the time. Right at her most vulnerable moment, I would be her light at the end of the tunnel.
To lend her a shoulder when I most needed it.
So how did I do it ?
By being the absolute bastard of course.
By absolute, I really meant downright despicable.
The length I went to shock even myself as I did it.
First I need to discredit her and for her boyfriend Yogi to find out about it. Not about the discrediting of course. I wanted Yogi to find out about the personality I created about Mandy.
To paint Mandy in a different light to the people around her.
I plan to do that with the internet.
As a well-behaved goody two shoe, there are things that you would never imagine someone like her doing. I want to create the impression that she is doing something behind everybody’s back.
I don’t need her to be in the picture explicitly doing what want.
I just needed to plan the idea in people’s head and it’s not hard to do that. Given that her boyfriend is also visits the popular sex forums online, it would be a matter of time before he chance upon the charade I created.
For a start, I plan to make use of her own wardrobe against her. Yes, her clothes. Imagine one day coming across the picture of a girl exposing her breast, or her legs wearing the same set of clothes your wife or girlfriend wore to work that day.
Would that not make your heart skip a beat immediately even though no face was shown ?
First, I would need to find someone to play the role of Mandy.
Now it’s impossible to find someone who looks like my sister in law to play the role, I don’t need someone to look like Mandy, I just need someone who feels like Mandy.
Let me explain.
My sister in law has average height and weight.
Not fat, not thin, not too tall.
Just nice.
At 1.6m and 46kg with a proportional body, it’s not hard to find a girl with these stats in Singapore. The challenge is finding someone who is willing to do what I want her to do.
I started by scouring freelance modelling website.
I dropped countless messages and mails but no one seemed interested. I even posted classified ads on free sites and forums, looking for girls of similar stats.
The excuse I gave was for a personal project and that I am willing to pay for a simple photoshoot. However, since I’m not a registered photographer with any portfolio to show for it, it’s natural to expect the lack of replies.
I offered a good deal for about an hour’s work, no hanky panky.
No touching of the model’s body and we will be doing the shoot in public spaces in day time. That should give some assurance to the girls that I’m really not interested din violating them physically.
No face shots. Just the body.
I only needed to use their body, or rather, images of it.
After a 2 months search, I finally got a hit.
The story here is simple.
She needed money for her school fees and chanced upon my ad. My instructions to her were simple.
Put on a set of clothes that I will be providing, and take some pictures, and I’m willing to pay her 200 for an hour’s work. It worked out easier than I expected.
We met up at a café, she asked for a 50% downpayment and I gave it to her.
I handed her the set of clothes I borrowed from my sister in law’s wardrobe.
Now, selecting the clothes is an art. There are so many, so which one do I choose ?
Well, I went through her photos and social media feeds, I found a few photos which I think Mandy looked pretty good.
She was wearing a short sleeveless white dress with black stripes. The hem of the skirt ends several inches above her knees such that as she walked, you would get this lively bounce that almost gave you a peak of her panty.
Instead of a cardigan, she had a faded denim long sleeve top she wore as a jacket. It’s loose, flowly and it covered up the good figure she has.
Shoes is a simple pair of sneakers that is plain light grey in colour.
I picked the same blue backpack she was using in that set of photos and stuffed all the clothes I borrowed into the bag.
These are the stuff I want Charmaine to wear.
Charmaine : The clothes are in here ?
James : yes… just a dress and a jacket of sort. The shoes I think…… let me see…
I took a glance of her feet and told her it might be a little tight but since we are just doing a quick shot, the discomfort should only be for a while.
Charmaine nodded and went into the ladies.
5 minutes later, she emerged in the same set of clothes Mandy wore in one of her Instagram photos.
I tried to picture Charmaine without her face and I tried hard to stop myself from nodding my head.
Looking at just her body, I think she can easily pass of as Mandy.
Charmaine  : like this ??
James : yes… looking good…
I appraised Charmaine’s body and I could tell she was a little uncomfortable.
Charmaine : errrr…. So what now ?
I smiled and told her to follow me.
Charmaine : Where are we going ??
James : relax…. Just across the road. … the HDB estate…
Charmaine : take the pictures there ??
James : Yes…. Don’t worry… just taking some pictures….
As we crossed the road to the housing estate , Charmaine looked nervous. She kept looking around the vicinity.
James : Don’t worry… it’s really just taking photos….
Charmaine : Do you mind if I ask why are you….. ermm… why are you…. Doing this ??
I gave her a reassuring smile and told her that I just wanted some photos for my collection.
James : and ermm… you know… I’m single…. And my friends sometimes tease me I got no girlfriend….
Charmaine : huh ?? ….
James : So… I just want to take some photos…. For my own collection…. And some shots to prove to them I am attached…. Not a gay or something….
Charmaine : oh…. Ermmmmmm… that is so weird….
James : haha… I’m paying you for it… don’t worry….
I could tell she still looked unconvinced but I don’t care.
I just needed her body for a while and hopefully if I can convince her how easy it is to earn this quick buck, I could continue using her body for the other parts of my plan.
James : Alright…. Over here….
Charmaine : here ??
James : Yes… let’s go up….
We entered the lift and I hit the highest floor.
We came out on the 16th floor and I took a quick look around.
It’s a weekday afternoon, most of the people are out at work. I gestured to the corridor and we went to the staircase at the end of it.
James : here is good.
Charmaine looked around and nodded at me nervously, staring intently at the phone I was holding in my hand.
James : relax….
Charmaine : What do I have to do ??
James : haha… not much…. Not much…. climb up the staircase…. Slowly…
I brought up my phone and took the first couple of shots before appraising it on the small LCD screen of a old phone of mine.
I smiled as I looked at the photo.
Just like Mandy……. Just like Mandy….
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1) Full story in PDF - 156 pages 24000 words font size 12
2) Photoshoot album purchase for this piece in pdf ( 73 pages )
3) Charmaine video ( from online references )
4) Mel video ( from online references )
5) Pictures of reference used ( from online reference ) ( 8 pages )
6) Mel school uniform pictures ( from online reference ) ( 9 pages )
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cowboyjen68 · 6 years
Given the topic of labels lately, what labels make you personally proud or personally uncomfortable? Do you think age plays a role in what people are comfortable or uneasy identifying as?
First, I do think age can have a lot to do with labels. It can be what was popular or comfortable when you came out, or just the ID that fit you best as you were forming your sense of self.  I often see a “rub” between generations as to labels people love, are okay or or absolutely hate.  Sometimes the meaning has just changes, the English language is like that, but it only changes to those who do not have experience or memory for the origin of the word, or its common connotations from before they were around. My older lesbians friends (this is a generalization, because there can be factors besides age, much prefer lesbian and not ever queer. They much prefer the spelling of woman to be without the “man” or “men”.  SO there are various ways to spell it.  They also are very connected to “butch” and “femme” IF they fit within one of those categories and they take it pretty seriously.  It is a source of pride and connection for them. My older gay male friends (meaning my contemporaries or older) also prefer Gay over queer most of the time. They do use some of the terminology such as “twink” or “top” and “bottom” but it almost seems like they are not super serious.. more in a gently teasing way when interacting with each other. 
Now about me… disclaimer.. this is just me, my opinions and my feelings and connections and experiences with language. I have a degree in English but NOT gender studies (my minor is religion and philosophy).  So I do find our language amazing and important. I also know it can be personal and i do not like to police anyone’s language that they use for themselves, whether I like it or not.  It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  When I feel like someone is using a label that is important to me, and I think they use it wrong either on themselves or towards me I repeat to myself, people are more important than the words.
One more thing. I do believe labels are important, at least at certain times in life, maybe always for some. It helps us identify our community with in our community. It helps us find mentors within that ID that look like we look, or will look when we get older. It helps people to know they are not alone, that there are others who feel the same way and that they are not wrong about how they feel or want to look, just because society tells them they can’t possibly be what they know they are: 
Ok Me
I love Lesbian. I love all the power it holds. It’s very meaning of women who love women.  That is me. I always use it. I don’t mind “gay” but if Identifying myself I will always chose lesbian. Sometimes I make the challenge to say it in conversation at least one a day just because I am so proud. 
Female and woman. These are also important to me.  I align my gender with with physical sex and I love them both. My parents were pretty good about not gendering anything for the most part (I mean it was the 70′s it was fairly common to not over gender clothes and toys etc) I never played with dolls or liked dresses.  Growing up I was not afraid of those things I align with my femaleness, such as my hips, vagina and breasts. Those “parts” are my experience being female and while they are not perfect and of course when I was younger I was not fond of them (since they were never the cultural ideal),  As i aged I grew to love them and appreciate them. Part of that was I realized how much I loved them on the women I was attracted to and the overwhelming sentiment was that they were shocked someone thought they were lovely.  I don’t hold a grasp on these terms so tightly that I mind if they have grown to encompass more that a “woman born with a vagina” .  These are not my terms to define, but I am proud of what I connect with to feel like  a woman and I encourage others to search and see what connects them to the ID. 
There was a bar in Iowa CIty when I was in my early drinking days. It was my “home” as i came out. A very good friend painted a mural on the back wall that said “Are You Queer?” on it. I own the rights to it, he left them to me when he passed away.  I have thought or re releasing the art for shirts. I am at a bit of a crossroads. I love the art. And I never was attached to the word “queer”. I  usually thing of it as a gay man’s term but now I hear it more often as a way women define themselves. I think it works fine for other. It is not for me. I will always default to lesbian. Queer is too broad of a stroke for my comfort. But I will be releasing the shirts, and in fact did a trial run to raise money for an LGBTQIA Youth Club. I will put a photo of the graphic on my blog some day. I love it because Dan painted it at a time when “queer” was a bold statement and it was HUGE!  And because my memory of that bar helping me find myself is sentimental and rich with experiences that make me me.
Butch:  Okay.. I just LOVE THIS ONE> IT is ME..It is just ME>  As soon as someone called me Butch… i fell in love with it. I was already the very definition of it, I just didn’t know it was a “thing”. Once my older lesbian friends (many fall somewhere on the butch to soft butch spectrum) started to teach me the ropes... the butch nod, that it is okay to shop in the men’s department. Suspenders are always in fashion, my cowboy hat was okay with them and everyone who didn’t like it could “piss off” as one 70 year old once put it. They taught me that butches can be scared of snakes, and change the oil or go to Jiffy Lube. Butches could hate sports and love to camp or vice versa. That we are varied and diverse, but there are in tangible things that we recognize in each other and don’t doubt my instincts. Soft butch actually fits me a little better 75 percent of the time.  Just depends on what I am doing or, how butch I look up against the women I am hanging out with. 
Terms I am not comfortable with. I get “him’ and “ sir” a lot and it is okay with me. Usually is a snap call based on a sudden glance or look in my direction. I almost always correct it but in a kind way. After the third or 4th correction, I just let it go. Not that big of deal. I would never use them on purpose.  I don’t like to be referred to as cis gendered. That is just a personal preference. I know the meaning and I know the reasons and history. I teach about it when I speak. For some reason it strikes me as more information than anyone needs about me in general.  If someone uses it about me, I totally let it go. It is fine. I just never use it on myself.  And close friends know I prefer they not use it when describing me.  I don’t use gnc, even thought technically that could apply. Mostly because I DO consider by dress and hair and butchness to be ALL female. I am just as much a woman in grubby work over alls with short hair as I would be with long hair and makeup (cultural gender stereotype)  so I don’t really see myself as non conforming. I am conforming, to what I, as a woman, like to look like. There you go. Took me two days and saving it as a draft several time but I got ‘er done. Thank you for the ask/prompt. 
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aaaanathaniel · 3 years
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By Kenneth L. It took the guards some time to open his cell, as ice had formed inside the lock. Behind these infringements on religious freedom is an ideological impetus to sweep the public square clean of religious expression or practice, confining such expressions and practices to homes and places of worship.. Los Kumbia Kings, and Little Joe y La Familia and delighted the crowd with a majestic fireworks display as grand finale.. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. Every vehicle advertised on CarMax's website and mobile zapatillas de tacos futbolapp has a link to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's recall information website, which customers can use to obtain open recall information on the specific CarMax vehicles they are researching. Visible in overweight persons, but the main cause of so called cellulite is hereditary and lack of exercise may exacerbate its appearance. Reek, Reek, it rhymes with leak. Une sandale avec un amorti encore sans doute. Greenguts was huge and bald as a stone, with arms thick
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5 Easy Facts About Carpenter Tools Described
device perfectionist that values the inherent feel and finish quality of people-powered tools or somebody who utilizes hand devices simply for the touch-ups that are tough to accomplish with a device, Rockler has the hand tools to fit your demands. We supply whatever from hand saws for tearing, crosscutting as well as cutting dead-on joinery to knives for cleaning up dovetails as well as truing mortises and tenons to bench aircrafts for smoothing table tops.
For carvers with an eye for curves, sculpture as well as three-dimensional surface areas, we stock a huge range of wood sculpting devices, from chip-carving knives to palm carving devices. We've got draw blades, also. Need to make a picture framework? We have actually got the right tools to help you reduce specific miters, hold them snugly and secure them firmly.
Deagreez/ Getty Images The irreplaceable constantly reliable device that offers lots of variations but all serve a common function. The hand saw is the one liked by conventional carpenters as they can control the cut while creating an excellent coating. Due to the fact that this device has several variants, the hand saw is always a valuable tool to have with you.
Hand saws are not a replacement for power saws, yet being the most simplistic one, it is practical, not optional, to have. If you can, having a power saw is a great suggestion, and a cordless one is even much better.
A wood workbench has actually constantly been the center of a conventional woodworker's workshop. If you're actually on a tight budget you can escape nearly https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=Traditional, manual tools for carpentry and woodworking anything that allows you to protect your timber in location for planing as well as sawing, as well as use clamps to safeguard your work surface. Nevertheless, I would certainly recommend that you either construct a wood workbench, or acquisition one if you really feel a workbench develop is as well advanced for you today.
Top Guidelines Of Woodworking Tool Set
You can purchase it in my store here. You can find Will's free workbench strategies for the Moravian Workbench here. Whichever path you choose, see to it you select to either develop or get a hefty & sturdy wood workbench, with at least a 3 solid top, strong encouraging base legs, and also at least one solid vise.
airplanes that are made use of so often that they are usually on your workbench). If you're on a spending plan a jack aircraft can briefly be made use of instead of other airplanes that carry out specialized functions: harsh supply elimination (if you buy a second iron/blade and form it with a rounded "camber"), jointing board sides (as long as the board isn't over 3x the length of your jack aircraft), as well as smoothing the boards.
Block aircrafts have become one of one of the most oft-used tools in a woodworker's workshop. Some typical woodworkers also keep them in their aprons! These little planes can be made use of to cut your joints, placed chamfers aboard edges, trim end grain, and so on. I would certainly recommend finding a reduced angle block aircraft, due to the fact that the low angle allows you cut challenging grain extra quickly.
Handsaws (often called "panel saws") are long, thin saws with a comfortable wood deal with. They are utilized for harsh dimensioning of your lumber. Although a "panel saw" is technically a smaller sized handsaw that fits into the panel of a tool breast, I'll hereafter describe this sort of saw as a "Panel Saw" to differentiate them from the broad category referred to as "hand saws".
You will require both. Panel saws can be fairly inexpensive (often as little as $5 an item), yet you need to understand what you're searching for as well as be willing to spend a long time finding out to sharpen hand saws. My hand saw buying overview will certainly aid you know which brand names & models to keep an eye out for at your local flea markets or on ebay.com.
מיגון style="clear:both" id="content-section-2">Fascination About Best Tools For Woodworkers
The thin metal saw plates are made stiff with steel or brass "backs" that leave the top of the saw plate. If you're on a tight budget, you can manage with just a dovetail saw for some time. However if you have the ways, after that I 'd recommend that you acquire three backsaws: a dovetail saw, with great hole teeth, made use of for cutting joinery along the grain (like syncs), a "carcass saw" made use of for crossing the grain (penalty cross cut teeth), and a bigger tenon saw utilized for reducing deeper cuts, like tenon cheeks, along the grain (split teeth).
As pointed out over, you can certainly manage with just a dovetail saw initially, given that the tiny slit teeth don't do too negative of a work at cutting across the grain. Acquiring backsaws can be really confusing since many sellers do not recognize what saw they have, as well as the tooth setup can change the work of the saw.
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Woodcraft Tools - An Overview
My buyer's overview really removes this confusion up and also will aid you know what to try to find. An excellent miter box & miter saw (a large backsaw) will certainly allow you to cut your wood to very precise sizes, at accurate angles. This will particularly save you a great deal of time in trying to square your board finishes.
The structure's angles can be changed to allow you to reduce excellent miter joints (the joint made use of for image frames) and also lots of other joints. I utilize my miter saw rather usually. I've bought them used for just $15, however expect to pay more than that. The actual cost effective coping saw (generally under $20) is consistently used for rough reducing forms in the board, however particularly for removing waste from dovetail joints (one of the most typical wood joints).
Review my hand saw getting overview for more information on brands & attributes to seek when acquiring a coping saw. I use blades perhaps a lot more than any kind of various other device in my workshop, so it's an excellent idea to not economical out below. An excellent quality set of bevel edge bench chisels (new or vintage) will certainly last you several years (most likely your entire life) and also will be utilized on virtually every job.
Not known Details About Hand Power Tools
A great set of 5-7 bench chisels (they don't have to match) will get you going today. Later on you'll at some point include some specialized chisels (like paring blades, fishtail knives, etc) yet bench blades will certainly benefit almost everything. I commonly pay just $10 for top quality vintage blades, so a put together set can certainly be inexpensive, as well as better than poor quality new collections.
To begin off you only require either a 1/4-inch or 3/8-inch mortise carve (or some size near those). I like 3/8-inch. You don't require an entire collection of mortise chisels. Mortise blades (likewise spelled "mortice blades") are utilized for chopping mortises (rectangular holes) into the side of your board to approve the insertion of a tenon.
I choose the English style "pig sticker label" mortise knives due to the fact that of their toughness, weight, as well as the feel of the oblong manage. My carve purchasing overview shows where to locate these knives and also what to try to find when purchasing them. An excellent as well as exact 6-inch mix square is utilized for many jobs in my workshop, consisting of inspecting the squareness of boards (when planing them to final dimension), scribing dovetail joints, gauging the depth of mortises, and much, a lot more.
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calorieworkouts · 6 years
21 Legit Reasons the Treadmill Doesn’t Suck
Runners, why the treadmill hate? In a current issue of Runner’s World, editors confessed they needed to bribe individuals with boodle like GPS views to evaluate state-of-the-art treadmills for an annual testimonial. Questioning their audience for treadmill nicknames obtained it no love, either. Visitors called it "far better than absolutely nothing," "that point," and "Satan's conveyor belt." Ouch!
Well, enable us to safeguard this underrated item of machinery, since there are numerous science-backed factors the 'mill is the very best area to run-- specifically when bouncing back from injury or avoiding one altogether.
For beginners, the belt helps with leg turnover (a.k.a. the amount of strides you take per minute), making it the utmost training ground for rate job. Actually, one research study shows more leg turnover lessens the influence operating carries your joints. And also the base of a treadmill has a lot more provide as compared to a sidewalk, meaning also less effect on your body: Outdoors, you're literally pounding the sidewalk, which causes a high injury rate (approximated at 66 percent each year).
The reliable treadmill is a much safer area to please that need for rate. Premium models include a lot more shock-absorption, however the utmost in low-impact operating are anti-gravity treadmills. These don't call for blowing up off to deep space, just a get on the newest AlterG 'mill. It's the best training tool for damaged athletes many thanks to its ability to suspend your bodyweight and also any influence on joints. Innovative features on various other designs consist of sensors that count your stride or a heart rate cruise ship control that readjusts your speed as well as slope to maintain your heart thumping at a specific number. All this is evidence that treadmills continuously obtain fooled out with increasingly more awesomeness.
So that's the clinical need to hop on that revolving belt, but there are plenty of practical as well as psychological incentives also! Here are our leading 21 needs to race in position and give the treadmill some much-deserved love.
1. You can run rain or shine. Neither snow, rainfall, heat, neither a freaking twister will maintain you from obtaining your work on. Hit us with the most awful, Mother earth! We'll still lace up our running shoes.
2. You will not obtain run over by automobiles, bikes, or running clubs. Nothing like a throng of joggers in half-marathon Tees to throw you off your stride. On the 'mill, your just possible accident is with a soft fitness center towel swabbing your sweaty brow.
3. You can still race. Anyone's screen is reasonable game for an one-sided sprint to the coating. 'You go to a speed 7? I'm bumping it to an 8. Consume my dirt, treadmill neighbor!' is not what you should claim. But don't hesitate to think it. As well as while you're at it, go ahead and picture the prize, speech, and also ceremony when you "win."
4. You can crank the tunes. No have to maintain volume low so you could hear web traffic (like you should while running outside). Take pleasure in that running playlist at whatever quantity you please. Besides, it's verified that obstructing out can assist running time and endurance.
5. You could see unlimited TV with no regret. Sure, butt-numbing binge seeing on the sofa does not do a body excellent. But on the treadmill, Real Homemakers of Whatever ends up being a merit. As a matter of fact, after four back-to-back episodes, you'll should have a dang award.
6. You can admire yourself. Go in advance, make a Blue Steel face and flex those arms. Nothing like providing yourself the when over to increase your self-confidence and get added inspired.
7. You can perfect your form. While tossing yourself approving glimpses, you can additionally check your running form. Are you standing high with your arms at 90 levels and also knees slightly bent? This video teaches you every little thing you have to understand in 30 seconds.
8. You can people watch. Scope out the space while you sweat. The treadmills around you may supply some actual life #fitspo and bunches of physical fitness fashion on ceremony. You could also catch personal fitness instructors at work as well as suss out if a session would certainly do you great-- or you can take their pointers totally free (we will not tell).
9. You can run with anyone. If the treadmill had a slogan, it would certainly be: "No jogger left behind." Wish to hang with a rapid group? Run with a newbie? At the fitness center, everyone can stick together without feeling peer-pressured about pace.
10. You could circuit train without looking for equipment. Fail to remember hunting for a park bench post-run to do triceps dips. On the gym's treadmill, it's get on, run, jump off, hit the weights, rinse, and repeat. Plus, there's zero possibility the weights will certainly be covered in pigeon poop, which we cannot state for park benches.
11. You could say you ran the 'mill before it was trendy. The modest treadmill is fixed to be a huge tread next year. You, early-adopter that you are, were back on the belt given that means back when.
12. You do not have to obey stoplights. Translation: No bobbing from one foot to an additional to keep your heart price up while awaiting the light to alter. Although if you wish to bob, weave, and even breakdance on the treadmill, go ahead and breast a relocation.
13. You can do interval training sans awkwardness. Ever before wanted a Tees that read, "Interval training in progress"? Or a sign blinking over you that spokens, "My other run is a sprint"? The start-stop of doing periods outside can feel pretty unpleasant. However on the treadmill, that's component of the program-- literally! It's a pre-programmed session.
14. You feel super fast. When running outside, it could really feel like you're evasion along at the speed of a little wiener canine with half-inch legs. Yet that's not the situation when you're running in location-- regardless of your real speed.
15. You don't need to carry sh * t around. Water bottle? Keys? All those power chews? There's a cubby for each and every of them on the treadmill-- plus way a lot more. Just how civilized.
16. You can save that GPS see moolah. No have to splurge on an elegant watch or running app that does not function half the time. Treadmills track your time and distance equally as well (though you'll have to tape outcomes by hand if you wish to keep them). The most effective part: It's entirely complimentary! So place that watch fund toward a brand-new set of running kicks.
17. You do not need to stress over darkness. Running outside at evening requires taking preventative measures, like getting appropriate gear to continue to be noticeable to others. But feel free to leave your reflective tights, headlamp, and roadway ID bracelet in the drawer at residence.
18. You can create hills out of no hills. Even if your home town is fixed as a silver dollar pancake, you can get the benefit of running both uphill and down. Simply change the incline, and voila!
19. You can tap out any time. Tackling an eight-mile run as well as sensation wonky by mile four? If you're running outside, you could be pondering hitching a trip house. On a treadmill, all you should do is put the "quit" button and your run ends-- no taxi fare needed.
20. You can run an exact range. Ever marvel why that two-mile loophole in the park is registered at 2.2 miles when you examine a tracking gadget? It's due to the fact that you're ducking around other joggers, taking wide turns, or bouncing about at traffic lights. On the treadmill, your run is tracked in a direct course. 2 miles truly is two miles.
21. You can join the party. Everyone from indie rockers, to shih tzus dressed as teddy bears are getting on treadmills. No should have FOMO, simply get on the belt and also bring your flair.
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cryptochurp · 7 years
Shivom, Genetic Technologies for Cancer Prediction Data Analysis
Munich Germany – March 8 2018 – Shivom, the blockchain-powered global ‘Unique ID’ genomic database platform, has today announced a major partnership with leading molecular diagnostics company Genetic Technologies Limited (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE) that is expected to accelerate the prediction of cancer for millions of individuals worldwide.
This is a press release provided by Cryptoland PR 
GTG, whose lead product is BREVAGenplus® – a clinically validated risk assessment test for non-hereditary breast cancer and a first in its class – is at the forefront of preventive medicine. However, while collecting data to develop the BREVAGenplus® tests has to date taken over 7 years, the company’s partnership with Shivom will massively reduce such timelines.
“Our partnership with GTG is so significant because, by bringing together the millions of individuals’ genomic profiles that Shivom enables with GTG’s market leading tests, as well as those of many other partners, we will create critical mass that accelerates transformative disease prevention and personalized healthcare,” commented Dr. Axel Schumacher, co-founder & CEO of Shivom.
“This sort of big data analysis and healthcare servicing is only possible through blockchain. The low-cost management of data that it enables allows us to revolutionize how genomics is presented to the world.”
Shivom’s blockchain-enabled healthcare platform, which aims to become the largest unique genomic & healthcare data-hub on the planet, puts ownership of genome data back into the hands of individuals. Via its ‘first of a kind’ Global Genome ID, Shivom aims to revolutionize preventative healthcare, as well as how cures to 7,000 rare genetic diseases are discovered.
By partnering with GTG, Shivom is tapping into a rich history of research investment and transformative personalized healthcare services. The Molecular Diagnostics company has already spent a significant amount of funds on research and, by working with Shivom’s huge database of genomics data, will be able to identify cancer risks and other diseases much more quickly than was previously possible.
“We believe blockchain technology will open up markets to make it much more efficient to catch many more users and many more practitioners. Not only that, by using the Shivom platform to its full potential, we will also be able to access the benefits of research in collaboration with other personalized healthcare organisations,” commented Dr Paul Kasian, Chairman & Interim CEO of GTG.
“Blockchain’s role in this project, especially around the encryption and management of data, is particularly exciting for us. At present, we only use genomic data on a one-off basis. However, now we’ll be able to use the data over and over again. This will be extremely valuable for GTG as we create genomics tests for a wide range of cancers,” added Dr Kasian.
GTG’s BREVAGenPlus has provided a cost-effective method of assessing the risk of non-hereditary breast cancer in women (a cancer that 1 in every 11 women develops in their lifetime). The importance of the partnership with Shivom is that the volume of unique and ethnically diverse global genomic data that will be available via Shivom’s platform will hugely accelerate this process for new tests.
“At Shivom we have created a secure global genomic ecosystem that addresses the security and privacy issues that have previously made many individuals reluctant to share their genomic data. As this data can be encrypted and anonymised and, crucially, remain under the ownership of the individual, not Shivom, we expect to see a big increase in the number of people taking up genomic sequencing. We believe that increased usage will also be driven by the fact that our system enables users to monetize their data by sharing it anonymously with various medical institutions –  like GTG – within our ecosystem,” added Dr. Schumacher.
“Because of our focus on sequencing ethnic minorities and broad global geographies, the Shivom platform will greatly streamline and simplify the task of collecting information for companies like GTG, thereby enabling them to more readily introduce highly-accessible test kits to the market,” concluded Gourish Singla, Co-Founder & COO of Shivom. **** For further information, please contact:
Jon Reader Cryptoland PR for Shivom [email protected] US: 866–586–5603 UK: +44 (0) 208 614 6816
About Shivom
Shivom is powering the next era of genomics through blockchain technology – protecting identity, personalizing healthcare and transforming lives. For the first time ever, a precision medicine ecosystem will offer an open web-marketplace for other providers to add not only genomics information, but also analytics, and associated apps and services to drive personalized medicine. We further aim to extend our services to form a global network of laboratories and research centres, as well as genetic counsellors and other relevant services. For further information, please visit: https://shivom.io/
About Genetic Technologies Limited
Genetic Technologies is a molecular diagnostics company that offers cancer predictive testing and assessment tools to help physicians proactively manage patient health. The Company’s lead product, BREVAGenplus®, is a clinically validated risk assessment test for non-hereditary breast cancer and is first in its class. BREVAGenplus is designed to facilitate better informed decisions about breast cancer screening and preventive treatment plans, and is directed towards women aged 35 years or above, who have not had breast cancer and have one or more risk factors for developing breast cancer.
The Company markets BREVAGenplus, through its U.S. subsidiary Phenogen Sciences Inc., to healthcare professionals in comprehensive breast health care and imaging centres, as well as to obstetricians/gynaecologists (OBGYNs) and breast cancer risk assessment specialists (such as breast surgeons). For more information, please visit www.brevagenplus.com and www.phenogensciences.com. Genetic Technologies is developing a pipeline of risk assessment products including a novel colorectal cancer (CRC) test. For more information, please visit www.gtgcorporate.com
Image via Pixabay
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