#hawks chose his cage
m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You arrive at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls and meet your roommate.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.1k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: oc warning from this chapter onwards ig?? i had to make up students for the fire academy so if you don’t like that then idk what to tell you except that you should probably read something else 😔 but even though jia-li and kaho are not canon characters their brothers are!! we will meet them eventually HAHA although i’m sure some of you might be able to guess who they are based on that
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To His Royal Highness The Prince,
I have arrived at the Academy safely. Ty Lee and I were given leave from classes today, to allow us to acclimate to the environment of the school, but tomorrow, we will join the others in our year for lessons. I promise that I will work hard, so that Your Highness’s good name is not sullied by poor performance on my part.
If it does not trouble Your Highness greatly, and if it is not presumptuous of me to make a request like this, please feed Bian a treat when she reaches the palace. She is working hard, too.
Ever Your Highness’s humble and obedient servant, Ursa
P.S. Regretfully, I must report that I have still regained nothing in the way of my memories.
The messenger hawk that Prince Zuko had given you was a beautiful animal, almost draconian in appearance, with eyes like amber and a queenly crest of russet feathers. She had an enormous wingspan and talons so large that if you handed her a scroll, she would be able to take it between them and then fly away without waiting for you to strap it to her back.
“Woah, so pretty!” Ty Lee said as the Royal Falconer wheeled the caged bird into your room, vocalizing your exact thoughts at seeing the magnificent hawk. “I’ve never seen one so big.”
“Pretty’s one word for it,” the falconer said, shaking his head. “She’s likely the finest bird Agni’s ever seen. Actually, she was meant to be a coronation gift for Prince Zuko, but he came to the aviary the other day and told me to give her to you.”
You were so enraptured by the hawk that you almost did not notice what the man had said, but when his words registered, you immediately straightened your back and gave him an incredulous look.
“This bird was meant to be the prince’s?” you said.
“She was, but like I said, she’s yours now,” the falconer said. “By order of that very prince himself.”
You bit your tongue, feeling equal parts embarrassed and guilty about the gift. Although you knew he was doing it for his own reasons, you still thought it was strange for Prince Zuko to be paying so much attention to you. Even if he had saved you, what cause was there to give you such a grand bird? A normal one would’ve been fine. A smaller, more average messenger hawk was probably more fitting for who you were, so why instead was the finest bird Agni had ever seen sitting before you?
“Does she have a name?” you said.
“We don’t name the hawks,” the falconer said. “You’re her owner now, though, so if you want to, you can.”
You thought about it for a second. “Bian.”
The falconer wrinkled his nose, giving Bian a look that she ignored entirely, too busy preening her feathers to notice. You waited for him to say something, anything, but it took him a while before he did.
“It’s an interesting name,” he said.
“Is something wrong with it?” you said. “I don’t know why I chose it. I can change it, if you’d like.”
“It’s not my place to be demanding you change your own hawk’s name,” he said, bowing at you.
“Wait,” you said. “Before you leave — must I keep her caged all of the time?”
“It’s not really common for anyone to do otherwise,” the falconer said. “But I suppose she won’t go anywhere unless you tell her to, so it’s fine if you let her out.”
Although he was obviously hinting that you should not do it, you leaned over and unlatched the door to Bian’s cage. You weren’t sure why, but something about seeing her trapped like that made you feel claustrophobic yourself, like the metal bars were encroaching on your neck, like it was your flight which was restricted.
Bian did not move for a bit, and then hesitantly, she peeked her head out of the door. When she realized that she was free, that the door was open, she flapped her wings, and with a great gust of wind, she took off and perched on your windowsill.
“They should know how to take care of her at the school, since most students bring their own messenger hawks, so you won’t have to worry about her there,” the falconer said. “And if you ever come to the palace again, you can leave her with me.”
“As you say, sir,” you said. “I don’t know enough about messenger hawks and their care or keeping, so I will defer to your expertise when it comes down to it.”
“Good,” he said. “Have a nice day, Miss Ursa.”
“And you as well,” you said, waving at him before racing to the windowsill to admire the roosting Bian. She peered at you suspiciously, but when you raised your fingers and rested them on the space between her eyes, she did not so much as snap her beak at you.
“Be careful!” Ty Lee said. “Messenger hawks usually aren’t that friendly. They’re a postal service, not pets.”
“It’s alright,” you said, stroking Bian’s head, smiling as she closed her eyes and crooned at you. “I think she’s different. Well, at least, I don’t think she’ll bite me or anything like that. She’s nice.”
“If you say so,” Ty Lee said. “Though I think I will stay far away, if that’s okay with you.”
“That’s your prerogative,” you said. “But I’m not putting her back in that cage, so don’t expect that.”
“Sure, I won’t! Anyways, she’ll live in the school’s aviary while we’re there, so it’s not a big deal,” she said.
“Oh, true,” you said. “Do you think they’ll let me visit her still?”
“They wouldn’t stop you. How else would you send letters? Although, I can’t really understand why Zuko even gave you a hawk in the first place. Who are you going to be writing to?” she said, picking her bag in one hand and yours in the other.
“I think he wanted me to write to him,” you said, whistling at Bian, who whistled back before she realized you were actually calling her, at which she rustled herself alert. “Bian, do you know where the Royal Fire Academy is? That’s where we’re going. You can either come with us or fly there on your own.”
Bian cocked her head before diving back into her cage, landing on the perch and tucking her head under her wing. You glanced at Ty Lee, who shrugged, obviously as confused as you were.
“I guess I won’t close the door, but if she wants to be in there of her own volition, then I can’t take the decision from her,” you said.
“At least it’ll be easier to take her to the academy,” Ty Lee said. “Speaking of which, we should hurry up and go — I think the carriage driver is waiting for us.”
The carriage was covered in gold and brandished with the emblem of the Fire Nation. A dragon moose was in the harness, dozing off, its ears drooping lazily as it napped. The driver himself was in a similar state, resting his chin in his hands, his hat low over his head to protect him from the sun.
“Sorry we’re so late!” Ty Lee chirped at him. He awoke in a flurry of flailing limbs, looking around wildly before letting out a deep breath when he noticed that it was just you and Ty Lee. “The falconer came to give Ursa a messenger hawk, so that took a bit of time, but we’re here now!”
“It’s not an issue,” the driver said, patting the dragon moose on the rump and swinging off his bench, taking the bags from Ty Lee’s hands. She relinquished them easily, watching as he put them under your seats in the carriage, and then she turned to you.
“Give him Bian’s cage, so that he can put her in there as well,” she said.
“He won’t put her under the seat, right?” you fretted, gripping the bars of the open cage.
“Of course not, silly! He’ll just put her on the carriage floor or something, and we’ll have to sit around her,” she said.
“Okay, if you say so,” you said. “Sir Driver, please take the utmost of care with Bian when you put her away.”
“You don’t have to be that formal with him,” Ty Lee whispered to you as the driver gave you a strange look before grabbing Bian’s cage, though he did gentle his movements when you frowned at how rough he was being. “He’s just a driver.”
“Sorry,” you whispered back. “I would just feel bad if I didn’t address him politely.”
“They’re used to it,” she said, leaping into the carriage once the driver had left and extending her hand out to you to help you in. You grabbed onto it and let her pull you in beside her. Bian squawked indignantly when you narrowly avoided kicking her cage over, and you muttered an apology to her as you sat across from Ty Lee, folding your hands in your lap and crossing your legs at the ankles.
“Is the academy far from here?” you said.
“Not by much. It’s a quick journey, since it’s inside of the volcano as well,” she said.
“Volcano?” you said.
“Oh, sorry, I forgot you wouldn’t have known much about that! The Fire Nation’s capital is inside of a dormant volcano, but of course, the entire city isn’t actually located in the main crater. Only the most high-status dwellings and government buildings are here; everything else is on the sides of the volcano, just because there isn’t enough space for them here,” she said.
“The Royal Fire Academy is included in that?” you said.
“It’s where all the children of the Fire Nation elite go to school,” she said. “Naturally, it’d be in here, too!”
“Ah, that’s sensible,” you said, for you hadn’t thought that through until she had mentioned it. In fairness, you also hadn’t known that the inner circle of the Fire Nation was located inside the crater of a dormant volcano, but then again, what could be a greater representation of the nation’s pride than the subjugation of nature’s own version of fire?
“It’s a very beautiful building,” Ty Lee said. “From what I remember, anyways. Nothing’s as beautiful as the palace, but the academy comes close. And the grounds…you’ll love them, Ursa! Even though I didn’t like my time there that much, I still have some good memories of just how amazing the gardens were. I can’t wait to show you around!”
“I can’t wait to see everything,” you said. “Is there a library?”
“Duh,” Ty Lee said. “It’s a school. Of course there’s a library. Do you like reading or something?”
“I don’t know. I can’t remember, but I’m sure that I’ll be much behind everyone else, so I’ll probably need to do a lot of catching up so that I can still get good marks. A library is my best bet at finding the information I need,” you said.
“You’re so studious,” Ty Lee said. “I’ve always just thought to myself that as long as I pass, it’s fine!”
“The prince has gone through so much effort to ensure my acceptance in the academy,” you said. “The least I can do for him is prove that it wasn’t a waste.”
Ty Lee beamed at you. “You’re amazing! I bet he’ll be really grateful that you’re so dedicated.”
“It’s good to hear that,” you said. “Besides, maybe it’ll help jog my memory if I read about history and science and other such things. According to Prince Zuko, I was a soldier before he found me, but I doubt he knows anything about my hobbies or preferences, so there’s no telling what might spark something in my mind.”
This was the true reason. Though it wasn’t a lie to say that you wanted to make the prince happy, your own identity was more important to you. The memories of the girl named Ursa, who she had been, who she had loved…you wanted to know all of it. You wanted to know who you were, not in anyone else’s words but in your own.
Ty Lee did not seem to judge you. She only smiled sadly before turning to look out the window, an obvious sign that the conversation was over.
She had been right; the journey to the academy did not take much longer than the duration of your conversation. You were there before you knew it, before you were really prepared for what that meant, but it was irrelevant. Your personal feelings on the matter weren’t important, because this was where you would now spend your time. You were going to be a proper Fire Nation girl, a lady, one who could rejoin society as someone that even a prince might be proud of.
Bian was carted off to the academy’s aviary before you could even think to wish her farewell, but beyond promising yourself you would visit her later, there was nothing you could do about it. That was because a tall, stately woman before you was now commanding all of your attention, her pinched face souring when she saw your plain clothes and meager possessions.
“So you are the Ursa that the prince insisted attend my school,” the woman, who must’ve been the Headmistress, said. “And here we have the infamous dropout of the academy, Ty Lee.”
Something about the Headmistress seemed to cow even the perpetually sunny Ty Lee, for she only ducked her head and folded her hands behind her back in deference.
“Yes, Headmistress,” she said. Following her example, you hoped you were doing it correctly.
“Yes, Headmistress,” you said.
“You two are probably the most sorry students I’ve seen in all my years at this institution,” she said. “You’re lucky that you are who you are and that you know who you know. If it weren’t for the royal family’s interference, then mark my words: you would not be standing here now. Neither of you.”
“Thank you, Headmistress,” Ty Lee said.
“Thank you, Headmistress,” you echoed.
“Luckily, two of our students still don’t have roommates, so there’s at least space for you both to stay. For as long as you can bear to, anyways,” the Headmistress said, the latter part of her statement pointed at Ty Lee, who did not even argue. “Ty Lee, you will room with Kaho, and Ursa, you will be with Jia-Li.”
You had been hoping that you would get to stay with Ty Lee, but there was only so much that you could expect to go your way. Although you had no idea who Jia-Li was, you hoped that she would at least be friendly enough that you could live with her without much complaint.
Ty Lee did not seem optimistic about the proposition of rooming with Kaho. Her sweet face crumpled, but she did not speak up. You wondered what kind of person Kaho could be, if even Ty Lee did not want to live with her.
“Yes, Headmistress,” you said, speaking for the both of you when it became evident that Ty Lee was far too distressed to say anything.
“I will show you to your rooms. You arrived too late to attend today’s classes, so you will be excused, but I expect the both of you to be present tomorrow. At this school, education is our priority, and special admission or not, no one is exempt from this,” the Headmistress said.
“Of course, Headmistress,” you said once again. “I am eager to begin learning.”
She glanced at you out of the corner of her eye before turning away. “Good. Enthusiasm is the first step to success. We’ll see; maybe we can make something halfway respectable out of you after all.”
The room you were to share with Jia-Li had a heavy, plain door, though two placards hung on it, the left emblazoned with the characters of your name, the right with hers. The Headmistress did not even wait for you to enter before marching off with Ty Lee, presumably to where Kaho’s room was.
You opened the door gingerly, cringing back preemptively in case Jia-Li was of an easily startled temperament. When there was no blast of fire in your direction, you stepped in, admiring the small room and getting your first glance at your new roommate.
She had long, silky hair tied in a ponytail with a red ribbon, and her eyes, which were trained on a scroll, were the same color as volcano-glass. The bed on the left of the room was clearly hers, as its blankets were messy instead of neatly made, and she was sitting at the desk by its foot. There were paintings hung on her side of the room, but the side that must’ve been yours was noticeably bare, likely in preparation for your arrival.
“Are you Jia-Li?” you said when she did not look up. She dropped the scroll in her hands and sprang to her feet, her cheeks flushed and her palms clasped together in apology.
“Yes, I am! I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you coming in. Are you Ursa?” she said. You wanted to say no, because you still didn’t feel very much like that was who you were, but you just nodded your head.
“It’s nice to meet you. I think we’re going to be roommates?” you said.
“Yes, they brought your things up just now. It’s nice to meet you, too! My last roommate left after losing an Agni Kai, so I’ve been living on my own for a bit. It’ll be nice to have someone here with me again,” she said.
“Do you get kicked out if you lose an Agni Kai?” you said.
“No?” Jia-Li said. “It’s just a dishonorable thing. She got so embarrassed she had to leave, but it’s not like anyone made her go. Actually, she lost to Kaho, so no one was even judging her for losing. Kaho’s only lost an Agni Kai once, and that was to Princess Azula, so it doesn’t even count.”
There it was again: Princess Azula. She must’ve been Prince Zuko’s sister, but everyone said her name differently. Almost reverently, though they never said the prince’s name like that. It was strange. You weren’t sure if you ever wanted to meet the princess, if she inspired this kind of terror in people.
“Sorry,” you said. “I probably should’ve known that. Actually, I probably did know that, but — I’m not sure if they told you or anything, but I don’t have any memories.”
Jia-Li blinked. “They didn’t mention it, but that’s good to know. Who are you the daughter of? They must be pretty distraught that you’re like this.”
“I don’t know. I’m not the daughter of anyone,” you said. “If I have parents or siblings or a family, they are lost somewhere in my mind, along with everything else I cannot recall.”
“Not the daughter of anyone? Then how’d you end up in the academy? It’s infamous for being selective and only open to the children of the nobility,” Jia-Li said. It didn’t seem like she was upset or scandalized by the fact that you, her new roommate, were just some ordinary girl — she just appeared to be confused.
“Actually, I was found by Prince Zuko while injured and taken to the palace to be healed,” you said. “Now that I am in a somewhat better shape, he arranged for me to attend the academy so that I can rejoin Fire Nation society in a proper way and understand what kind of world I am living in.”
Jia-Li’s jaw dropped. “You’re the one here on the royal family’s scholarship?”
“I didn’t know that was a well-known thing…” you said, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly, stepping into the room fully. Jia-Li’s face lit up as you opened the bags Mai had packed for you and began to shake out your things to set them up in the room.
“Kaho’s been furious since she heard about it!” she said. “She’s always tried to gain favor from the royal family and failed, so to hear that a girl is coming to the academy that has the very thing she lacks has had her in knots.”
The name Kaho was familiar to you, and not just because Jia-Li had mentioned her earlier. You tried to think about where you might know her from, and then you realized that she was Ty Lee’s roommate, the one that she had been upset about.
“Is she someone dangerous?” you said.
“Depends. Are you talented with bending?” Jia-Li said.
“I’m not even a bender,” you said. Jia-Li winced.
“Then yes, she’s dangerous,” she said. “If I were you, I’d steer clear of her.”
“Are you a Firebender?” you said. Jia-Li smiled, holding out her palm, where a small flame blossomed.
“I’m passable enough. Certainly, I’m no prodigy, but I can do most of the intermediate forms, and I’m starting to try some of the more advanced ones, too,” she said. “That, combined with my brother’s friendship with Kaho’s, is enough for her to mostly leave me alone.”
“I’ll do my best to avoid her,” you said. “Though I don’t even know who she is, so it’ll be difficult.”
“I’ll look out for you,” Jia-Li promised. “Actually, my best advice would be to avoid people you don’t know in general. Most girls here aren’t that nice.”
“But I only know you and Ty Lee,” you said. Jia-Li nodded.
“That’s enough. Two friends is more than most people have, and it’s better to have two actual friends than ten false ones,” she said.
“How do I know that you’re an actual friend?” you said before clapping your hand over your mouth. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”
She laughed. “It’s okay. That’s a good question; one whose answer you will have to determine for yourself. However, whether you think I’m a true friend or not, you’ll have to live with me, so for both our sakes, I hope you come to a more positive conclusion. In the meantime, though, I have to go to afternoon lessons. I’m assuming you’ve been excused from them?”
“Yes, I have been,” you said. “I’m to start with classes tomorrow.”
Jia-Li made a face. “Lucky. You should try to get some rest while you can.”
“I already can’t. I need to spend some time reviewing so that I’m prepared for class tomorrow. I’m already starting off at a disadvantage; I have to do what I can to close the gap between me and everyone else, so that my performance does not reflect poorly on the prince,” you said.
Jia-Li looked impressed. “I’ll leave you to it, then. If you ever need help with your homework or studying or anything, let me know. I’m not the top student at the academy or anything, but my grades are decent.”
“Who’s the top student?” you said. Jia-Li gave you a knowing look.
“It was Princess Azula, before she left, and ever since, it’s been Kaho,” she said.
“Not exactly a person I should be asking for tutoring, then,” you said in defeat.
“Not exactly,” Jia-Li agreed. “Anyways, see you tonight!”
“Tonight? Is something happening?” you said.
“Yeah,” she said. “We’re sleeping. In the same room. As we will be, until the end of the term.”
“Oh, right. I forgot,” you said. Jia-Li smiled, patting you on the shoulder as she walked out.
“Bye, Ursa,” she said.
Once your things were unpacked, you thought about trying to find Ty Lee, but Jia-Li’s warning about Kaho still rang in your head, and considering Kaho was Ty Lee’s roommate, it would probably be best if you avoided that area overall. Besides, you didn’t know where their room was, so even if you weren’t afraid of meeting Kaho, you wouldn’t be able to find Ty Lee anyways.
You were just about sitting down to write a letter to Prince Zuko, telling him about your first day, when someone burst into your room. It wasn’t Jia-Li — you didn’t think she possessed that much energy — but it was still someone familiar to you: Ty Lee.
“You must’ve read my mind,” you said. “I was thinking about how I’d like to meet you.”
“Ursa, things are just horrid! My roommate is Kaho, and she’s just like I remember her being!” Ty Lee wailed, throwing herself into your arms. You barely had the self-possession or advance warning to catch her, and then the only thing you could do was awkwardly pat her on the back, looking around and wishing there was someone else here to help.
“Do you know Kaho from before you left the academy?” you said.
“Do I ever,” Ty Lee muttered. “She’s the reason I’m even friends with Azula.”
“How does that work?” you said.
“She’s insane, that’s how,” Ty Lee said. “Kaho, I mean. She was jealous of how much attention the boys at the Royal Fire Academy for Boys were giving me, so she challenged me to an Agni Kai! Mind you, I’m not even a Firebender.”
“I thought you could only participate in an Agni Kai if you were one, though,” you said.
“Yes, that’s right. She knows that, too. It doesn’t stop her from going around and calling one for at any inconvenience, no matter her opponent’s bending status. The thing is, technically, nonbenders are allowed to call someone else — namely, a Firebender — to represent them in the match,” Ty Lee said.
“Is it common to do that?” you said.
“It’s not really a rule that’s put into practice often, as most people wouldn’t challenge a nonbender to an Agni Kai — excepting Kaho, of course. Anyways, Kaho was the best Firebender in the academy, so no one dared to stand against her, even with that rule in place; no one, that is, but Azula.
“She agreed to be my proxy, though I think that’s just because she was annoyed with how Kaho liked to lord her prowess over everyone. Of course, she won, because she’s the most talented Firebender in the world, and ever since then, she’s been my friend,” Ty Lee finished.
“That’s great,” you said. “Though I’d expect it doesn’t endear you to Kaho any.”
“Not at all!” Ty Lee said. “And now you’re telling me I have to live with her? The Headmistress did this on purpose!”
“How can you know that? Kaho and Jia-Li were probably the only ones needing roommates. It was either me or you,” you said, leaving out the fact that you were secretly pleased that it was her and not you.
“Why didn’t she just make those two stay together and let us be roommates?” Ty Lee said. “I mean, really! Kaho leaves Jia-Li alone, something about their brothers being friends, I think, so they would’ve been fine as a pair, and of course we would’ve had so much fun together. But no. I swear, the Headmistress is punishing me!”
“What for? We just got here,” you said. She gave you a dull look.
“Well, I mean, I did drop out and run away to join the circus, you know…” she said. “It wasn’t the best look for the academy, that’s for sure. She definitely hates me for it.”
“That’s true,” you said. “You should just spend as much time as possible in my room.”
“Sure thing!” she said, like she had been planning on doing that anyways but was pleased to have an official invitation.
“I hope Jia-Li doesn’t mind you being here too much. Did you happen to know her, too?” you said.
“Not that well,” Ty Lee said, tapping her chin in thought. “But I think she was nice. I can’t seem to remember anything about her that particularly stood out, which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it.”
“Hm,” you said. “She did seem to say that she was pretty mediocre all around, so it checks out.”
“Sounds about right! But forget about our disappointing roommates. Do you know what time it is?” she said, raising her pointer fingers.
“I still don’t understand why it’s that time, but yes, I do know what you’re about to do,” you said.
It was something like a ritual for you two, now. Every day, without fail, Ty Lee would jab you with her pointer fingers, always causing your knees to feel weak and your pulse to grow shallow for a moment. You always asked her what she was doing, but she refused to elaborate, promising that she’d tell you one day.
Not today. Not tomorrow. But one day.
To my dear Ursa,
You don’t have to follow such strict protocols and rules of etiquette when you write to me. I know that I am a prince, but in truth I rarely ever feel like one, so it is strange for me when you act as if I am royalty. You may pity me for saying it, but since I know you so well am your benefactor, I will disclose that the habits of my banishment have yet to fade. And in those days, I was never referred to by such titles, so please stop. It is especially strange to hear you calling me such things.
I am glad that you were given time to settle in. Mai told me she was not sure that the two of you would be afforded such grace, but we are both pleased to hear that you were. I hope that your lessons go well, and that your classmates are kind and helpful. I also hope that, if you cannot have Ty Lee as your roommate, you get someone who is friendly to you.
You needn’t fret about doing well in your classes. I am confident you will, and that you will uphold my good name if I even still have one. Worry only for yourself. Try to avoid trouble, if at all possible, but write to me if it finds you anyways. I will do what I can to help you. I will always do what I can to help you.
I gave Bian a treat, as you asked. She was happy. I give you leave to make requests of me freely. It is not a problem for me to oblige you.
Yours,  Zuko
P.S. I am sorry to hear that you still remember nothing. Please write to me if that changes.
P.P.S. Do not sign your letters off like that again. You are not my servant.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Chapter Eleven
Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Y/N Burgess is the granddaughter of Alex and Paul, and after having spent so many summers at their manor and always wondering why she was forbidden from entering the basement, she descends the steps into the world of the Order. She broke out the being that had been trapped in that glass cage, but what does he want with her now that he is free?
Warnings: Language, Reader Choses Verbal Violence When Drunk, Alcohol Consumption Mentions.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x Female!GranddaughterReader, based on Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’, Reader now has long-ish hair for plot reasons (Just so Morpheus can tug on it later).
Word Count: ~2.4k
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Long after you had stumbled back to the hotel room you had booked for the night, drunk off your arse and in need of Advil and tonic, you dropped your aching body into the hotel bed with a soft groan. Drinking that much alcohol was not a good idea, who knew what trouble you could have gotten yourself into being in that state at a club, but you were feeling spiteful tonight… er, last night… it was after two in the morning. If he didn’t want you kissing or fucking anyone, he was going to have to watch your drunk arse like a hawk. Your eyes looked at the London skyline outside your hotel room, glazed over by the alcohol. 
“Do you like pissing my brother off?” You didn’t flinch or ever move at the voice. No, you only rolled your head to look at the woman standing in your hotel room with a raised eyebrow. Brother? She had to be talking about one man. 
“I can kiss whoever I damn well please,” You grumbled, your voice coming out in a croak. “And he certainly doesn’t control me.” 
“Mhm, I got that when you went and got yourself piss drunk on purpose.” The woman chuckled, taking a few steps closer. “Have to admit, I’m curious about a woman who intentionally pisses off my brother.” 
“Which one are you?” She smiled pleasantly. 
“I am Death.” You grunted at her. Death didn’t look like you expected… but then again what was death supposed to look like?
“So then Death, where the hell have you been in the last one hundred years?” You grumbled out, your drunk brain entirely fearless to talk to an Endless with such an attitude. “Dream has how many siblings and not one of you help him? You’ve got a lot of gall showing up.”
Her eyes narrowed at you and you narrowed your own, your irises blazing with silver color. The room’s lights flickered as both of your powers presented themselves. Drunk you wasn’t going to back down from challenging the Endless though, and it was only after Death started chuckling that you backed down with a huff. 
“He’s lucky to have you.” She murmured as your slow brain tried to understand what was going on. A far-off look echoed in her eyes. “You’re right, we should have done something, it’s inexcusable to have left our brother trapped there.” 
“I don’t understand why he chose me or what it means to be bound.” You blabbered, dropping back against the mattress and feeling your head swimming from the alcohol in your veins. “And he deserves siblings that actually act like siblings. None of you deserve him.”
Death let out a sigh and sat on the end of the bed. 
“You’re right, we don’t deserve him.” She spoke softly. “But he’s got you now, and I know that you’re what he needs. Maybe you can curb his egotistical ways.” 
“He shouldn’t need me, he shouldn’t need anyone.” Your voice was listless in the night, barely there as your mind wandered until you slipped into sleep. 
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Taking the train back to Wych Cross was miserable and you were hungover. Even more so when it was God knows how early in the morning. At least the sun wasn’t out yet or you would be in a world of hurt. The headache that already plagued your brain left you groaning softly in your seat, miserable and well-hungover. You had spent the first hour with your eyes closed, leaning against the window while trying to pretend like you hadn’t gotten yourself blackout drunk with Jemima last night. 
You knew that when you had that much to drink you usually ended up blacking out and completely forgetting several hours. It was a stupid idea no matter how spiteful you were feeling at that moment. You just hoped that it was worth it because there was no doubt in your mind that Dream was probably seething from your actions. A rather scary thought considering that he was an Endless. Would you inadvertently tip him into smiting you or something? Maybe considering your interactions thus far. You’d have to watch your manners with him. Your phone buzzed and you let out a groan. You fumbled with your messenger bag and dug around until you found your phone. Blinking at the screen, you wrinkled your nose. 
Jem: Still among the living love? [9:21]
Your fingers were sluggishly tapping on the screen, backtracking as you hit the wrong letters and just generally failed at spelling. 
Y/N: Sod off, Jemmie. I’m not dead. [9:21]
Jem: Ooh, Y/N-bear is feeling feisty this morning. You drank like a fish last night, love, who were you trying to forget? [9:21]
Not to forget, trying to piss off, actually. You weren’t going to tell her that though. The last thing you needed was for Jemima to get mixed up in this mess. Besides, you don’t even remember if your plan actually worked in the first place.
Y/N: Total blackout, I’ve got nothing to report :/ [9:22]
Jem: Disappointing, but classic drunk Y/N Burgess. How’s the head? You make your train on time? [9:22]
Y/N: Halfway to Wych Cross already and ready to die in a hole from my headache. [9:23]
You reached up and adjusted the ball cap you had on, trying to tilt it so the morning sun didn’t pierce your eyes so harshly. It was several minutes before Jemima replied to your text, and you spent those minutes looking out the window at the passing scenery. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a cloud of black weaving in and out of the trees, keeping up in time with the train. Startling in your seat, you straightened up and looked closer. You could see a trail of glowing red eyes and in that instance, your arm started burning in pain once more. That beast, it couldn’t be the one that… a loud crash to your left diverted your attention to see an older lady who had dropped her walking stick. Someone picked it up for her. 
“Oh dear me,” She gasped. “Terribly sorry!”
“Oh no worries, Mum, here you are,” She was handed back her walking stick. You turned your head back to what looked like a hell beast following along the train. It was gone. 
“And now I’m losing my mind,” You whispered, thumping the side of your head against the glass window with a tired sigh. Your phone buzzed one last time and you glanced at the screen. 
Jem: Drink lots of water, love. I’ll call you later. I’ve got to run to meet with a client [9:28]
 At least Jemima’s life was on track because you felt like yours was falling apart. Closing your eyes, you reached up and felt your wrapped wounds. They pulsated with sharp pain, a deep throb that was in time with your heartbeat. 
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Upon reaching Wych Cross, you forwent getting a taxi in favor of a miserable walk home, hoping that you would perk up from a nice walk to hide how hungover you were. The last thing Paul needed was a hungover, moody granddaughter. So walking it was and you were lucky that it was a very nice day to do so. Just so damn bright… Reaching the wooded road that led to Fawny Rig, you stuck your hands in your pockets and kicked at a rock that had made its way into the road. It skittered down the road before ultimately falling to the side. 
At your slow pace, it probably took you about forty-five minutes to walk to Fawny Rig, but at least by the time you were walking up to the front doors you felt less hungover. Letting yourself in, you took off your shoes and left your bag hanging on the banister to the stairs. Food first, then you could clean up and sleep. On your way to the dining room, you passed Herman who welcomed you back and said that he would fix you a plate for lunch. So you continued your way into the dining room and found Paul holding a newspaper, but staring off into space. 
“Lost in thought?” You asked, kissing his cheek in greeting and then taking a seat directly next to him. Paul perked up.
“Darling you’re back! How was your trip? Did you enjoy your time with Jemima?” Paul asked, latching onto something to speak and think about other than grandpapa Alex upstairs. You smiled gently and patted his hand reassuringly. 
“It was wonderful, we went out for dinner at a most scrumptious Japanese restaurant Jemima’s been wanting to try.” You left out the part where you then went to a club and both got hammered with alcohol. You definitely didn’t tell him that you didn’t remember anything from the club. His heart didn’t need that strain. 
“Oh, I’m so happy that you enjoyed yourself.” Paul sighed, readjusting his glasses to push them further up his nose. “These last few days certainly have been trying.”
“They have, how have you been?” You asked while Herman came in with filled plates and a fresh tea tray with the cook's famous biscuits. While Paul told you about his past few days, you both did your best to enjoy lunch. When you finished off your tea and sandwich, you leaned back in your seat and wrinkled your nose. After having that wild night at the club, you felt like you needed a good wash… or soak in the tub. You were partial to baths. You excused yourself, airing out your desire to wash off the morning's travel, and made your way upstairs. The first thing you did was start the water in the antique claw foot tub. You thumbed through the bath oils that were stocked in the cabinet nearby and picked one, adding a few drops to the waterline that was slowly rising. 
With the bath nearly ready, you edged your body out of your traveling clothes and carefully unwrapped your raw-looking arm. The scratch marks looked red and angry, a far cry from how they looked a week ago. It was like the wound was regressing from its original form. Then again, it was from a hell beast and you weren’t sure how exactly a scratch in The Dreaming transferred over to the waking world. You tried not to think about the oddity of the stinging wound and stepped into the bath, sighing as you sink beneath the warm water. 
The water felt heavenly against your aching body and leaning your head back against the edge of the claw foot tub, you closed your eyes and tried to relax. It wasn’t entirely too hard, the lovely scent of the bath oil calmed your mind and your muscles were soothed from the heat of the water. Your tiredness drew you into nodding off into a gentle lull of sleep that was an escape from the slight headache that remained of your hangover. You didn’t know how much time had passed since you had gotten into the bath, but your stress had entirely melted away and the pain in the arm you had resting over the side of the tub had disappeared. You were slowly nodding off when you felt fingertips lightly brush across your cheek. You flickered your eyes open. 
“Don’t you have more important things to do than watch me sit in a tub?” You asked your voice slightly on the raspy side. You moved your non-injured arm across your chest, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. He didn’t respond to your obvious jib at him and instead chose to continue to run his fingers across your cheek to your jaw, and then down your neck. You let out a sigh and then a groan when his lips brushed your shoulder. 
“What I do with my time is my decision alone.” He drew out, running his lips further across your shoulder and then ever so lightly up your neck. You shivered against his lips, trying to fight off the desire for more. He was Endless, you were mortal. Nothing about him was obtainable. Nothing about you was good.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Your words were whispered as you stared at the ceiling. 
“Then tell me to go,” Did he have a response for everything? Your tongue was thick, disabling you from an automatic response of: please leave. You tilted your head to finally look at him. Dark silver blue eyes met yours and you shuddered once more. You could see it in his eyes, he knew you wouldn’t be able to say it. 
“Why can’t I kiss who I want? Why do you always interfere with my relationships?” You asked, pressing your lips together in slight frustration. “What am I not understanding?”
He was still for a few moments and you felt like he was staring into your soul. You still held his gaze, wanting, and needing, an answer to this madness. Then he started moving. Your back went rigid when you realized that his face was drawing near, and going taught, you fought against the slight moan that wanted to crawl from your throat as his lips brushed their way up your neck to the shell of your ear. You were sure he could feel you trembling. 
“You’re mine, Y/N,” Your eyes widened and ever so slowly, you turned your head to look at him. Your faces were nearly a hair width apart and rather than heat, you felt coolness radiating from his skin. It was so hard not to stare at his lips so close to yours. Just one little shift and they would be on yours, just like they had been all those weeks ago. 
Stop it, Y/N. Stop it. 
It was another dilemma of mortality and who you were as a person. A mortal. A Burgess. A train wreck. Everything he should stay well away from. Your heart ached in your chest as you pulled away, retracting your body from him and his ethereal presence. Lowering your injured arm into the tub, you looked down at yourself solemnly. Misery surrounded you. It was as simple as that. It was hard not to jerk away when his fingers brushed against your cheek once more. Why was he being so damn gentle with you?
Something caught your eye. You raised your left arm and stared at your upper arm. Where you were supposed to have a set of scratches that had been plaguing you for weeks on end, was smooth skin. Dream. Your world twisted as you surged into a sitting position in the tub, the water now cool. You checked your arm, the scratches were still there. You had fallen asleep in the tub. Why was your mind still playing tricks on you? You let out a frustrated scream and buried your face in your hands.
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Date Published: 9/19/22
Last Edit: 5/29/23
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Alien Blues
Pairing: Keigo Takami/Hawks X autistic reader
This one shot contains fluff, nesting, maybe some angst, and something that I always call 'autism dominance' (idk the real term for it, but it's basically and autistic individual who's traits are more noticeable than usual, probably due to stress)
Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Based on this post
Quirk is from my Fan Fic series, Endless Forms Most Beautiful (but not the same universe) and you can read the info sheet here
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Right now you just wanted to cry, but you almost visibly recoiled at the thought of your face feeling wet and sticky with salt.
The whole day, all you wanted was to be buried in your lover's arms, wings wrapped around each other, tucked into the corner of your apartment that was turned into a nest.
But instead you were stuck shoulder to shoulder with every type of stranger possible on the subway home from your dream-turned-nightmare 9-5 job.
You swear you've almost been fired a couple of times today. From your 'informal' work attitude because of you're stimming, to not wanting to give you're sweaty palmed and just generally unclean superior physical contact.
You can almost feel how moist your bones are inside your body, and count every air molecule that that you felt pounding against your skin as your finally freed from the metal cage of nightmarish speed. Speaking of nightmarish speeds, that's the one you chose to run at to guarantee no more sensory problems on your way home.
You wish you could fly, you really do. But the contract your company had with you which meant you couldn't use your quirk, unless it was for what was classed as a genuine reason.
As you closed the door to the apartment, you peeled your feet out of the ridiculous dress shoes the company had you wear so you could morph you feet into a more comfortable and natural state.
Stretching your wings and arms above your head, you wander your home searching for pillows, blankets, and most importantly, your beloved, Keigo Takami.
You heard the door open and close mid forage, and you whip your head around, eyes locking on the intruder.
"Keigo!" You sobbed, not realising your love was going to be home so early. Soon you found yourself breaking down in his arms.
"Hey, hey. Baby calm down. Let's get you into the nest, and I'll get you some snacks." He offered, and all you could muster was a quiet 'mhm' , and as soon as your body hit the circular mattress in your living room, you went limp, and Keigo left to get something to eat from the kitchen, as well as the blankets you had dropped.
"Today was shit." You spat out. "They kept on touching me."
"I know, baby bird. How about we finish the nest, order some takeout, and watch that ghost show you like?"
You look up at him from your spot in the nest, baffled.
"You're willing to watch Lockwood & Co. with me? You never do this."
"Sometimes sacrifices need to be made to make people happy."
A few pizzas and a finished nest later, you and Keigo were cuddling, your back to his chest.
He suddenly spoke up,
"I don't think she did look in the mirror."
You turn to look at him with a raised eye, questioning him.
"The one with the curly hair? I personally think she had enough time to look while George got the net."
. . .
There was silence for a bit before Keigo spoke.
"Nah, I don't think so, c'm'ere."
And before you knew it, you were pinned, deft hands working at your sides, causing you to writhe and giggle, almost to the point of pain.
"NO KEI- STOP, PLEASE." You squealed.
"Only if you stop being such a smart ass."
. . .
Keigo flopped down onto you, and you welcomed it, the pressure grounding you.
"Y'know," you said, "I lied about what I said earlier." You admitted.
"Oh, shaddup."
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That was fun to write
This prompt was made by @mirukosbitchywife
I hope I can use more of them in the future
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Anyways, bye for now :]
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
A list of songs I associate with Charles ‘Chucky’ Lee Ray and the reasons why:
Disclaimer, many of these songs will be from musicals because I am a musical fan:
Hot Patootie (Bless My Soul) - The Rocky Horror (Picture) Show
Look, I don’t really have a reason for this, but I just think it gives off strong Chucky vibes. It especially reminds me of his relationship with Tiffany in the 80s (in the early stages). I have this little head canon that one night Chucky got really drunk with some friends at a bar (as a human) and was talked into performing this song for karaoke, and he pulled Tiffany up from her seat to duet. I don’t know, I just think the idea seems adorable 
Eddie - The Rocky Horror (Picture) Show
Again, no real explanation as to why I chose this, but if you swap out the name ‘Eddie’ for ‘Chucky’, I think it could describe him as a child and teenager, maybe even as an adult because he’s that immature. Especially lyrics like “When Eddie said he didn’t like his teddy you knew he was a no-good kid, but when he threatened your life with a switchblade knife, what a guy! Makes you cry! And I did!”
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People
Do I have to explain? 
I Don’t Like Mondays - The Boomtown Rats
This song just gives me strong Chucky vibes, especially as a teenager, he seemed like the type of teen with just enough angst and insanity to try and pull off something like what’s described in the song
Kick It up a Notch - Team Starkid
This song is from Starship, a Starkid musical that I love. Basically, it’s The Little Mermaid with bugs in space. And a robot. Also, Dylan Saunders has the most amazing voice I’ve ever heard, so if you listen to any song on this list, I’d recommend this one. Also, check out the musical if you get a chance, all of Starkid’s stuff is free on YouTube. But back to Chucky, this just feels like his internal monologue when he practices voodoo, if you replace the bug and space stuff with doll and murder stuff of course
The New Knife Game Song - Rusty Cage
This seems like the type of violence that Chucky enjoys, and this is another song I can imagine him singing when he’s drunk and feeling a bit too risky with his knife, I think he’d actually attempt it and cut himself numerous times
The Hearse Song - Rusty Cage
This could almost be sung as a lullaby, I imagine doll Glen not being able to sleep and Chucky, trying to ‘help’ sings this to them. Then Tiffany wakes up because Glen is screaming about dying whilst Chucky’s like “we’re dolls, it’s not gonna happen to you!”
Hawk in the Night - Madds Buckley
This song, to me at least, seems like the sort of thing that Doctor Mixter told Chucky when he was a child in order to ‘stamp out’ that pesky bit of innocence and naïvety still within him. Of course, “a feather’s sharpened end” would be changed into something like “a blade’s sharpened end” and it wouldn’t be a “friend” she refers to, but his mother, because I imagine he felt a tiny trace of guilt about that murder before he was taught otherwise
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
Me, *staring at the panel of Hawks saying “I wasn’t alone in this”* *suddenly jolts awake* omggg, hey yo- that plushie is kinda like AFO??? Both Tenko and Keigo were alone on the streets, but they had this “concept” to cling to someone having “saved them” that they trusted and relied on as they grew up. Tenko was told of it repeatedly by AFO until he believed it, Keigo’s was a silent rescue, he chose to keep believing, and the end result went in opposite directions for them.
I wouldn't say the Endeavor plushie was AFO in this scenario but the HPSC were. The plushie played the same role as the picture of Nana that Tenko found: it gave both of them hope. However when disaster struck for Tenko and no hero came for him, the opposite happened for Keigo. While Endeavor never saved Keigo personally, he did save him, he saved him from a life of abuse under the hands of his father.
In the same vein, AFO and the HPSC manipulated those aspects for Tenko and Keigo respectively. AFO say that Tenko was looking out for a hero, much like the one he saw in his father's study, and used that to twist his world view against the heroes and to make him obedient to him. Meanwhile the HPSC manipulated Keigo's admiration for the hero who saved him and offered him that golden carrot "you can be like him!" that Keigo always wanted in order catch him in their cage.
And both groups made the other disappear from the public. Tenko was forgotten by the world as was Keigo, giving birth to Shigaraki and Hawks.
Hawks, because he was offered the chance to do good, even though the ones who owned him didn't always want him to, kept tight to his morals and beliefs. Shigaraki however was completely stripped of his, constantly pushed to be bad, until all that remained of him was an angry vessel for AFO to one day take over.
The parallels these two share is so interesting to explore but sadly Hawks is a side character.
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Caged Birds Can't Fly (but They Can Still Sing)
Caged birds can’t fly (but they can still sing) by Dirix
Fumi nodded, so Hawks put his fingers around the claps that kept the ban firmly attached to the little kid's wrist.
His heart skipped a beat. The metal was cold.
He could feel it even through his thick gloves, it was as if it was soaking up the warmth of everything it touched, like it needed the proof of life of other living things to be able to function, like the thing it was containing was demanding pure raw energy; souls, warmth, blood, Hawks wasn't sure, but he didn't trust it, not one bit.
There was no sound. It was utterly and unnaturally quiet.
He opened the clasp.
A beat. And then another.
And then. It was roaring .
Or: In a word where slaves are the norm and guards patrol the streets, Hawks just wants to have a peaceful life with his kids. Even if that's a tad difficult when you are not legally considered human.
Words: 4777, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Midoriya Izuku, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow, Todoroki Shouto
Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), for now, Midoriya Izuku & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto & Tokoyami Fumikage
Additional Tags: Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Mentor Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Cute Dark Shadow, Tokoyami Fumikage is a Good Friend, Protective Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Family Drama, Found Family, Adoption, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Growing Up, Slaves, Kid Todoroki Shouto, Kid Tokoyami Fumikage, Teen Takami Keigo | Hawks, in the first chapters and sometimes through the story, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41729829
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years
Uncover by fauxilya
The No. 2 hero wanted to join the League, huh? What a cheap lie. And Hawks had just been proving Dabi's suspicion so far — once a hero, always a hero. He seemed too placated, too tamed to be a caged bird that had finally snapped. There was a kind of sadness about Hawks and Dabi wasn't sure if it was part of the act.
When little information about Hawks's past turned up in his background check, the mysteries around Hawks seemed to open up a breach. Dabi knew how one's past could weigh on people, especially a dead name. He began his investigation with a single purpose, which was not to confirm that Hawks was a traitor, but this: what had been holding him back? What had kept the bird in the cage?
Or, the fic where I try to figure out why Dabi would know Hawks's mom.
Words: 1501, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, More to add in the future
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, This one was born straight from my dabihawks brainrots, author needs to stop thinking about dabihawks and having a mental breakdown, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39816792
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ao3feed-toshinko · 7 months
How to Live with a Cat
by WinterZiyle
Hawks isn’t alone anymore. There are others inside his cage. They make the bad nights, that just keep rolling into more bad nights, tolerable. Even the cat turns out to be somewhat useful.
Rilo isn’t sure who she is outside the powerplant. But there is one thing she does know for certain— She will take down Madam. Even the cat said he’d help.
Words: 5566, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of That Blurred Line
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Original Female Character(s), Original Characters, Takami Keigo | Hawks's Sidekicks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Hero Public Safety Commission President (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Original Female Character(s), Takami Keigo | Hawks & Original Character(s), Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Midoriya Izuku, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Original Character(s), Midoriya Izuku & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Midoriya Inko & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yagi Toshinori | All Might & Original Female Character(s), Hero Public Safety Commission President & Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Romance, Quirk Discrimination (My Hero Academia), Quirkless Discrimination (My Hero Academia), Alternate Universe - Politics, Dystopian, Quirk Abuse (My Hero Academia), Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Older Sibling Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Corrupt Hero Public Safety Commission (My Hero Academia), Hero Society is Corrupt (My Hero Academia), Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Family Fluff, Alternate Canon, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine
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hotflatrock · 8 months
Peter Gabriel at Chase Center
The Peter Gabriel concert was one of my tentpole events for the season. Long a part of my life and listening, Gabriel is the only act in the Year of the Concert that I have seen before. As my concert season began with lots of unknowns, the Gabriel show was saddled with expectation that he would deliver a high point no matter what the rest of the year may deliver. And with lofty expectations, comes a lot of dread that the concert could not live up.
Gabriel has provided the soundtrack to my life, an omnipresent entity from junior high to the present. I remember first hearing Shock the Monkey on the radio in junior high, rushing to school to talk with my friends about this spectacularly weird new song. I vividly recall my first girlfriend in college, gleefully playing Games Without Frontiers for me for the time. I fondly reminisce on the first time I heard the album Us, as KFOG decided to play the entire album on the air, as I drove around aimlessly, making sure not to miss a second. I remember devilishly questioning an Adidas marketing flack about their use of the Passion soundtrack for a shoe commercial, pondering aloud how they chose the (fantastic) soundtrack of a reviled movie to hawk their running shoes. And, of course, the media tie-ins are legendary: John Cusack with the boom box in Say Anything, Nicholas Cage pining away to I Grieve in City of Angels.
A top-5 artist all time for me, Gabriel even went to far as to redeem and restore my love for Sting and the Police. My first several attempts to see Sting in person were fraught with disappointment and boredom, but the concert collaboration with Gabriel in 2016 was wonderful, as Sting seemed much more interested in singing Gabriel’s classic hits, while Gabriel reinvigorated the Police standards at the same time.
And it is against this backdrop of love and expectation that I wandered into the Chase Center to see this icon perform live once again. I knew he was featuring a new album for this show, which led to some nerves, as I had not yet sampled this work. Rightfully so, as the new work made up about 2/3 of the songs played during the show.
The show started off strong, with his band gathered around a simulated campfire for an intimate performance of At Night, they quickly spread thereafter into a larger stage that quickly dissolved any sense of intimacy. What became apparent quickly was that Gabriel was more interested in art and artifice than in entertainment. Gabriel was completely preachy throughout the night, warning against the dangers of Artificial Intelligence and climate change, while extolling peace.
Make no doubt, the show was visually spectacular. A multi-screen display showed multiple shadowy images of Gabriel in various poses, an effect that seemed more Michael Jackson than Peter Gabriel. Short movies punctuated Gabriel’s periodic sermons with visual backdrops to unfamiliar new songs.
I’ve read some reviews saying that the show was electric, mesmerizing, and entrancing. I would argue the opposite, the audience was fruitlessly waiting to have an opportunity to explode.  Instead, the half-empty audience gave polite applause to every song, while Gabriel’s sermons would occasionally be punctuated by a lone voice yelling, “We love you, Peter,” which would sing out clearly through the otherwise dead silence.
Gabriel cautiously trickled out classic songs. Only 3 of the 10 songs from the first set were from older albums, with the first set closer Sledgehammer the only one that could be considered a hit. The second set continued the trend. Only at the midway point of set 2 did Gabriel start giving the audience the consistent hits they craved, closing with Red Rain, Big Time and Solsbury Hill among the final five songs. Solsbury Hill, a perfect pop song if ever there was one, finally gave the audience their first opportunity to release into rapture, but then the band bowed and walked off the stage. Two single-song encores followed, with a delightful performance of In Your Eyes, and a riveting and searing version of Biko that slow-played its way to the end in a way that seared itself in memory.
The show did not live up to expectations, but expectations were astronomical. I look forward to listening to the new album I/O and considering it on its own merits and maybe growing to love it like many other Gabriel albums. But the show itself will only stand out as disappointment, delivering lots of pretty imagery, plenty to feel guilty about, and few visceral thrills.
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ao3feed-todoroki · 1 year
Now You're Gonna Realize (I Cast Us Out of Paradise)
Now you're gonna realize (I cast us out of paradise) by sinnamonpork
"Please. Do this one thing for me, Keigo."
"You won't get me to say yes even if you begged, Tou." He takes a gamble and wraps his around the shaking body. It's the most warmth he has felt since he took Dabi away to be caged in the empty halls of the commission. "I promised you you'd be safe, and I intend to honor that promise."
"I can't live like this. You know I can't. This is not living, Keigo."
Words: 3347, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hero Public Safety Commission
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Mind Manipulation, Memory Loss, Crying, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs a Hug, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Mess, Hurt Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Angry Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Hurt Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45774868
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tiredpaladins · 2 years
Tbh I hate Hawks being compared to Icarus because it implies Hawks has some sort of ignorance about his reality. That he was a child that flew too high too fast and lost it all. I DO like it when the narrative of Icarus is interpreted as someone who knew exactly what he was doing and chose to die free. If Hawks stayed where he was, he would live his life in a cage. If he ran, he would only find that cage waiting when he came back down and would spend his life running from it. But Hawks saw a way to live free and to die free. All he had to do was fly a little too close to the sun.
Hawks knew this relationship with Dabi would crash and burn, going up in flame. He knew that. That's why he loved every second of it, that's what allowed him to love it without apprehension, without fear or doubt looming over his head. The sun wasn't a threat he misjudged, it was his promise of freedom.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 7th June 1329 Robert the Bruce died at his manor near Cardross, Dumbarton.  
The Bruce “house” was more likely a fortified property and although it is long gone historians say it was a piece of land called Pillanflatt, which lay between the extreme south end of modern Renton and what is now Dalmoak farmsteading.
The Bruce spent the last 3 years of his life. He hunted in the area with hawks, and seemingly kept a lion in a cage, which, as historian Dr I. M. M. MacPhail once wrote, was “armorially appropriate“ for the King of Scotland. A plaque was commissioned and unveiled at the old medieval churchyard of Cardross, in Levengrove Park, Dumbarton, on the 1st September, 2001, it reads;
I think most of you will know that The Bruce’s heart never made it to The Holy Land, the ever-restless Douglas stopped to support Spain’s Alfonso XI in his campaign against the Moors and was killed in battle. According to legend, he threw the casket holding Bruce’s heart ahead of him before entering the fray, declaring, 
“Lead on brave heart, I’ll follow thee.” 
Bruce’s heart was ultimately retrieved and interred at Melrose Abbey, while the rest of his body was laid to rest in the royal mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey. The king’s epitaph declared Bruce 
'Here lies the unconquered Robert, blessed king. Who reads his deeds lives again all the battles he fought. By his integrity he brought to freedom the kingdom of the Scots; now he dwells in Heaven's heights.' .”
The brass effigy placed over the burial site in 1889, gifted to the abbey church by the Bruces of Elgin. Only part of Bruce was buried at Dunfermline. His entrails were buried at Cardross. The appeal of being buried in so many different places was that the religious communities in those places would pray and say masses for his soul following his death, interceding to God to reduce Bruce's time in Purgatory. During the course of his long and dramatic career, Bruce had committed some whopping sins in pursuit of his ambitions, so he could probably do with all the help he could get!  Bruce himselh chose Dunfermline, some say as early as 1314, as his last resting place, due to it’s connection with previous Scottish monarchs, he is said to have wanted to be with his 'royal ancestors' St Margaret, Malcolm III, Edgar, Alexander I, David I and Alexander III. It was also the ancient capital of Scotland, only last month was it officially elevated to that of City status.
Following his death in the west, Bruce's body was proceeded eastwards to Dunfermline, making stops at Dunipace and Cambuskenneth (and possibly Culross). Some 8,000 lbs of wax candles were burned in the abbey as the king's body was processed into the choir in a canopied hearse made of imported Baltic wood. The procession of mourners was led by the king's grandson Robert the Steward - who would have been about thirteen at the time - perhaps because the king's five year old son was deemed too young. The only source to offer a date for Bruce's funeral is Jean Froissart's Croniques, which implausibly states that this took place on 7th November 1327, - Ha! Spot the discrepancy with the date?  Precisely one year and seven months before his death! It shows even those old chroniclers got things wrong, or perhaps it was what we call now a typo.
During his life, King Robert paid for an ornate tomb to be built for him at Dunfermline, ordering marble from as far afield as Italy.  Unfortunately, the ornate tomb was destroyed during the Reformation and the exact site of Bruce's burial site was lost.  A skeleton was uncovered in 1818 was initially believed to be King Robert's primarily because the sternum had been cut open, strongly suggesting the heart had been removed, and had clearly been buried in a privileged position within the abbey church.
However, Dr Michael Penman of the University of Stirling has recently raised doubts about this conclusion. Firstly, separate heart burials were not uncommon in medieval Scotland (although they had become less common by the time of Bruce's death), so the fact that the heart had apparently been removed is not necessarily unusual. Furthermore, while we would expect Bruce to enjoy a prominent position within the abbey church, the space directly in front of the altar would more likely have been reserved for King David I, who had founded the abbey and whose mother St Margaret was buried directly behind the altar. In fact, Bruce was probably buried in the Lady Chapel in the north transept of the abbey church. This is where his nephew Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray, his sister Christian, and his great-grandson Robert Stewart, Duke of Albany chose to be buried, their decision likely based on a desire to be buried close to King Robert.
In November 1819 the skeleton was put on display to the public before being re-interred where it had been found in a coffin engraved with the phrase 'ROBERT BRUCE, 1329, 1819'. In 1889 the Bruces of Elgin paid for a brass effigy to be placed over the spot where the skeleton had been buried. Several casts were made of the skull, if you’ve visited the Abbey you will have no doubt seen one of them at the tomb, this leads me to point out that if it is King David’s remains, well all those reconstructions of how Robert would have looked are also actually how David may have looked!  But it may still be oor Robert, acording to the article below it’s a 50% chance. 
Pics are the tomb at Dunfermline and a depiction of how the original may have looked, the third pic is the plaque at Cardross.
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transhawks · 3 years
Not to be the leftist beating an old horse, but Hawks's narrative is just a really good example of how under meritocracy exceptional people from marginalized communities are weaponizing against them.
In plain speak, there's always been a story sold to people who are poor or from backgrounds where discrimination is expected that if they work super hard and happen to be amazing at something they can ascend the social ladder. It happens in both the East and the West - this idea of a very talented individual who disproves the idea that everyone from a certain background is incapable of being "with the best". An underdog who makes it.
But then that story is used as a goal for the rest of the community. The example becomes "if you work three times as hard and happen to be born amazing you can get out of your bad circumstances" and not actually questioning why people have to live in those circumstances in the first place. The talented underdog at once becomes the ideal representative for his community, but also one of stones holding them down. Because if we really believe the underdog is more deserving, that condemns a whole lot of people to poverty and discrimination. And that's the meaning of "Hawks being weaponized".
Let's get into the meat of it more because it also explains Hawks's choices and why he's so optimistic. For all the Commission did to him, he sees them and the Heroes themselves as his saviors. And they kind of are! He was homeless, both his parents were what we can legally define as villains, and he grew up under incredibly abusive and neglectful circumstances.
Why was he saved? Hawks is exceptional. His quirk is amazing; useful in both combat and information-gathering, he's also got clear mutations that work in his favor, and he's smart. I don't even want to say that the commission is responsible for him being smart because he might just naturally be like that given how much information he has to sort through with his quirk. Additionally, he's attractive despite being a heteromorph by canon standards. When you consider this is the formerly homeless kid of villains, it's kind of astounding where he is now.
So, is it that surprising he is so loyal to the system that made him this way? Oh he knows he was exploited, but that was fine because he has a purpose - saving others. He wants to save people just like him.
Except that doesn't work because no one is really just like him. And that's what happens when we think the way of removing people from bad circumstances instead of changing those circumstances. One is easier but less effective in the long term.
But that's hard for Hawks to see. It's why he comes off as mentally not right a lot of the time, like he's suppressing the actual trauma; his origins are reminding him of how grateful he is to be where he is. That's why he keeps thinking of Endeavor. He's thinking of the Endeavor he built in his head, a representation of what saved him and started his journey out of the gutter and into the sky. Coming to terms with the reason for that ascent being fake invalidates so much of who Hawks is right now.
It makes him unable to really get Twice or Dabi because the former didn't use his magnificent talents in the same way Hawks does - Jin was rejected by society and had no wish to go someplace he wasn't wanted despite his amazing quirk. The people who loved and accepted him, who did not make conditions on that love, were not there.
With Dabi we have the opposite - he was born to amazing privilege and status. He was born the eldest son of the second top Hero, meant to succeed him but couldn't - no amount of hard work could ever get him there so he saw up close what the society does to people who can't measure up. Yes, his rage might be born of entitlement (and Hawks has none because he understands his purpose to be used), but it helps him see very clearly how fake the society is because he has nothing to be grateful for, being cast down.
The parallel lives these men have lived explain their different conclusions.
And it really makes Hawks's narrative sadder because, no matter what, he is still the gutter sparrow in a gilded cage, even if he chose to stay there and sing. Even free he feels compelled to be a hero because his parents instilled a trauma in him that tells him that he's worthless if not helping or being useful. That's where his optimism comes from - his purpose, and the reminder of how much worse it all could have been.
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Cage •Inverted Au• | ケージ •逆光•
Cage •Inverted Au• | ケージ •逆光• by Not Telling Anythin9
Takami Izuku, grew up in very bad circumstances. Until the Endeavor saved him from his abusive father, and until Hpsc discovered his little stunt where he saved more than 10 people.
Midoriya Keigo has a good childhood. He is happy, happy and like other children. Full of hope. He can't wait for them to go to the doctor, the same day Midoriya Keigo collapsed. On the same day, mom holding her and whispering warm words to her. "Mother..... I can be..... L - can I still be.... H - hero?..." Greenish gold eyes met smooth green. Inko smiled and nodded. "Of course baby. You just have to work harder for it."
In other words, this is an Au that is reversed. So Izuku has a keigo personality, life, looks. It's the same with keigo. But I will explain their appearance later in the story, maybe even a drawing i will do
Words: 1344, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Takami Izuku | Hawks, Midoriya Keigo, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Snipe, Gran Torino, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Pro Heroes, U.A. Faculty, Class 1-A, Shinsou Hitoshi, League of Villains, Original Characters
Relationships: Takami Izuku | Hawks & Takami Shinyo | Takami The Thief, Hero Public Safety Commission & Takami Izuku | Hawks, Takami Izuku | Hawks & Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Takami Izuku | Hawks-centric, Keigo is a Midoriya, Takami Izuku | Hawks is a Little Shit, Takami Izuku | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Flirty Takami Izuku | Hawks, Midoriya Keigo Has a Quirk, Midoriya Keigo Has One For All Quirk, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Deaf Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Everyone is the same.... Almost, this is my au, reverse au, Takami Shinyo | Takami The Thief Bad Parenting, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing, Hero Public Safety Commission's Bad Parenting, Hero Public Safety Commission Raises Takami Izuku, No more spoiler!, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Maybe, Inverted Au, I'm Bad At Tagging
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42870405
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years
Caged Birds Can't Fly (but They Can Still Sing)
Caged birds can’t fly (but they can still sing) by Dirix
Fumi nodded, so Hawks put his fingers around the claps that kept the ban firmly attached to the little kid's wrist.
His heart skipped a beat. The metal was cold.
He could feel it even through his thick gloves, it was as if it was soaking up the warmth of everything it touched, like it needed the proof of life of other living things to be able to function, like the thing it was containing was demanding pure raw energy; souls, warmth, blood, Hawks wasn't sure, but he didn't trust it, not one bit.
There was no sound. It was utterly and unnaturally quiet.
He opened the clasp.
A beat. And then another.
And then. It was roaring .
Or: In a word where slaves are the norm and guards patrol the streets, Hawks just wants to have a peaceful life with his kids. Even if that's a tad difficult when you are not legally considered human.
Words: 4777, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Midoriya Izuku, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow, Todoroki Shouto
Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), for now, Midoriya Izuku & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto & Tokoyami Fumikage
Additional Tags: Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Mentor Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Cute Dark Shadow, Tokoyami Fumikage is a Good Friend, Protective Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Family Drama, Found Family, Adoption, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Growing Up, Slaves, Kid Todoroki Shouto, Kid Tokoyami Fumikage, Teen Takami Keigo | Hawks, in the first chapters and sometimes through the story, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41729829
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toxic-gorgon · 3 years
Yandere Dio Brando x Reader: Useless
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Synapsis: You are one of the last hamon users and while the practice itself has died along Lisa Lisa, except for a tiny handful of users. While most are willing to allow their gifts to die out and go about their daily lives, you want to put yours to good use and join the crusaders.
Content Warning: Extremely dark themes, click the read more at your own risk! Non-con, blood, yandere Dio, depression/hopelessness, corruption kink, breeding kink, dirty talk, talks of su*cide, violence, and extremely spicy themes. 18+, minors DNI! By continuing to read, you understand the risk.
When you joined the Speedwagon Foundation, you knew the chances of you dying for Mr. Joestar’s cause was almost inevitable. Your gifts were nothing compared to the powerful and unique stands that you came across during the start of your journey. You were one of the last remaining hamon users, but instead of allowing it to fizzle out like the others who trade their gifts for normal lives, you wanted to help and be useful! Lisa Lisa long passed and you heard stories of how hamon saved the world. Allowing hamon to die was allowing a part of yourself to die. 
Hamon was useless against stands, but worked wonders against humans and vampires. However, you primarily used yours for healing and support! The crusaders could use all the help they could get, so it made sense when the directors approached you for the task. Their lives are in your hands, and if it means to put an end to the vampyric Dio’s reign, then you’ll do your part and make sure these boys stay alive.
That’s what you thought at the beginning, back before your days meshed together and all time seemed to stagnate. 
You weren’t sure how many days it’s been since you first arrived in this suffocating manor in Cairo. The dark and coldness inside the manor contrasts the warm and vibrant colors outside your window during the day. You were ever the spunky one when you first arrived, you knew your friends were well on their way and you had no problem voicing that fact loudly in Dio’s presence. He would scoff, flashing you an amused grin, after all you were (as what he puts it) like a fangless, clawless feline. You don’t pose any real threat, but it’s cute to see you try. 
Dio is every bit what the rumors said. His raw charisma and power alone should frighten you, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle that’s Dio Brando. His beauty was truly breathtaking, much more so in person, his shirtless form proudly displayed like a painting hung carefully in the Louvre. His voice charmingly suave, almost a mesmerizing melody that beckons you closer like a siren’s call that you can’t block out. Worst of all was his eyes, that piercing gaze of his that can see right through you, all your worst fears and highest hopes, nothing can be hidden from this man. 
When you first arrived at his mansion, you were awestruck. Cat-got-your-tongue indeed as you drank in the imposing monster of a man, your enemy. What could he possibly want from you? His smirk makes your chest clench as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You wanted to run, and you would’ve if it wasn’t for you being so goddamned weak. You were completely at his fucking mercy, all he had to do was give the word and you would meet your end. You expected to die right then and there, surely a man like Dio would take out his enemy while he had the chance, just so later down the line it won’t bite him in the ass. You weren’t sure if it was out of pity or amusement, but your death never came. Instead, the cocky asshole smriks and gives you his blessing to tour his home. Hell, he even allowed you access to his library, on the grounds that if you did decide to run, you would be all too easy to catch. You were convinced this man had no real plan for you being here, besides making things much harder for the crusaders by stealing away their healer. 
You were determined to keep your head held high and wait for your knights in shining armor. 
But now, you’re just a shallow husk of despair. All the hope and conviction you had died little by little as the days went by, as those dark thoughts that Dio would mock you with began to take root. There’s no point in brainwashing you when your conviction can be shattered so easily. During the day, Vanilla Ice and Pet Shop watch over you. You absolutely loathe Vanilla Ice. His blind devotion towards his master churned your stomach, all the while he’s looking down on you and lack of stand ability. His words stung, but now they mirror static, background noise for your chaotic thoughts. 
Pet Shop was your preferred caretaker. He’s a bird, so he can’t talk like your other wardens. However, you could’ve sworn you saw that bird smirk once or twice, and his steely gaze mirrored his cocky yet powerful master. Perhaps the bird was silently judging you, even mocking you for being more caged than he was. After all, Pet Shop was allowed to move past the mansion’s windows and enjoy the fresh air and sun, even though he stayed within his bounds. A murder hawk has more freedom than you do.
The nights are always the worst. Screams of ecstasy or pain, you weren’t sure which anymore, filled the halls. After a while of being imprisoned, they all sound the same. How long before you’re next? You felt like it was any day now, and eventually your captor will grow bored of your constant banter. Perhaps that would be for the best, you’re dead weight anyway as long as you remain here.
Your friends were on a mission to save Holly, which you admit is more important than rescuing you. You knew the risk after when you joined this crusade, you just didn’t think it would end here in the lion’s den. You contemplated jumping out the window, not caring how painful the initial impact would be. You always decide against it, and instead sit and wait, chalking it up to being a coward as well. Everyday when your saviors hadn’t come, the little bit of hope inside was crushed gradually until barely anything was left besides tears of frustration and a luxurious queen sized bed to help you sleep.
Since you’ve been here, Dio took the liberty of making sure you’re fed three five star meals a day and accompanying you with a wine glass of blood. Such a gentleman, he even made idle chit-chat while you refused to take a bite (no matter how many times he told you it would be a waste poisoning you). Dio boasted about his many achievements, including how he stole Jonathan Jostar’s body, which you weren’t sure if he was just bragging or making sure that even in a casual setting, the threat still lingered. Was this supposed to impress you? Because the only responses you ever gave him were snide remarks and silence. Sometimes he would treat this like a silly game, but on days when he was more temperamental, you wisely chose to nod your head and actually eat what’s in front of you.
He made sure you were treated well, despite your situation. You bathed in a tub fit for a princess with fancy soaps and perfume, and was dressed in the finest of authentic Egyptian gowns that money could buy. All of which were gifts from Dio. He even took the liberty to do away with all your drab belongings and anything that didn’t fit his opulent aesthetic. He even gave you art supplies once. Whenever he gave one of these gifts, he always made sure to attach a rose with it. You always throw them out.
To occupy yourself when your host is gone and taking time for himself, you like to venture to his library and thumb through his vast selection. You’re sure you read over half of his stock by now, but something new always catches your eye to pass the time with. Usually you would saunter off into your room, avoiding the underlings as much as possible, but tonight was one of those nights where Dio met you there. 
“There you are darling, I was worried I missed you.” His smooth voice did little to put you in ease. 
“What do you want?” you sighed, making your way to the bookcase and browsing through different titles. Dio playfully scoffs, as always everything you say is just a game to him, and the disdain in your tone goes unnoticed. You didn’t move an inch when he moved closer to you, towering over your much smaller frame.
“You wound me dear, I only wish to spend time with you.” He leans in close next to your ear, his warm breath tickling your lobe. “Alone.” Now that’s laughable! Dio Brando isn’t a man who did anything out of kindness or ‘quality time’ without something in return. Did he run out of bodies to satisfy his hunger? What could you possibly offer him besides a snack?
“Spend time with you? I’ve seen what you do to the men and women who throw themselves at you for a sliver of attention. Their dead carcass lay about your manor like furniture when you’ve drained them.” You barely whispered. Why were you explaining his misdeeds to him like a child? You weren’t sure if you were trying to reason or reach the last thread of humanity within, but doubt was clearly written on your face. You wanted this to end.
You balled your hands into fists and shook with rage. “Just kill me and get it over with! I’m tired of you and I’m tired of being here!” 
Dio couldn’t help but sneer at your sudden outburst. How can you say these things? He’s given so much to you, and this is how you repay him? Do you not realize what you do to him? How weak he is while in your presence? How absurd. You had to have known, and perhaps you were testing his patience on purpose.
Reaching up and gripping your chin roughly, Dio kept your gaze on him. “I ask very little of you and have given you everything you could ever ask for. Tell me darling, are you truly unhappy?” his lips brush against your own, and his voice dangerously low that it sent shivers down your spine. Your voice was caught in your throat, this tower of a man standing over you so domineering makes you seem insignificant. Like a large cat ready to pounce on his prey. 
Tears run down your cheeks and you had no will to stop them. Why was he doing this to you? As if to answer your question, the blonde captures your lips and wraps his arms around your trembling form. With a jolt of energy you tried to shove him off you in defiance for your space. “Please stop, I don’t want…” you mumble. Growling, Dio pulls away and glares into your glossy puffy eyes, his brows furrowing when you don’t give in so easily.   
“Pet.” he said through gritted teeth, his hand drifting down to your neck and squeezing rough enough to cut off air supply. “You’re being selfish. All I asked from you in return is your loyalty and to surrender yourself to me.” He picks you up by your neck and amusingly smirks when you gasp and attempt to wiggle free, your hands desperate for air. Your nails grazing his skin with little scratches did nothing to phase Dio, instead he chuckles.
“Funny, isn’t it? The man’s body I’ve taken, the only man I would ever call my equal, possesses the same power as you do.” Black dots formed in your vision and your legs grew tired from flailing. He lets you drop from his grip, and while you sit slumped over and choking on air for your burning lungs, Dio looks down with his ruby hues. “Suppose my interest in you is fate, or perhaps you remind me of him.” Bending down to kneel in front of you, Dio pulls you towards his chest and picks you up bridal-style with very little resistance from you. He smirks and leans in to whisper in your ear “However, your strength will never match his.” 
Dio took flawless strides towards the desk on the other side of the room and pinned you down on your stomach against the harsh oak surface. With the wind knocked out of you temporarily, Dio traced his long nails along the soft chiffon fabric of your golden gown before tearing it to shreds down the middle, revealing your back and ass as the now useless fabric pools at your feet. Looking back at your captor’s sadistic smirk, your bloodshot eyes widen with realization. You were observant, he didn’t need to spell out what his intentions were. 
Almost immediately, Dio parts your legs with his knee and runs his fingers along your slit, examining it’s beauty before he decimates it with his cock. Squirming, you tried to push yourself up from the desk. As weak as you were, you had to try! Even though you knew Dio had more than enough strength to overpower you. As if he read your mind, he takes both of your wrists in his strong grip and pins them against your back. 
“Careful dear, you wouldn’t want me to break your arms, would you?” You stopped your struggling and stilled. It was best to get it over with and maybe if you comply, he won’t be as harsh with you, right? Just let him do what he’s going to do and don’t make it worse for yourself. “That’s better!” He smiles. “Lay there and trust your Lord Dio. Don’t worry about a single thing.” Don’t worry? How can you not? But, you did as he said and Dio goes back to running his fingers along your pussy, this time his index flicking against your clit. 
Biting your bottom lip, you shut your eyes tight. Be strong….be strong…. You chanted, but the small shocks of having your clip played with after being in turmoil for so long, it was difficult to not give yourself over for anything that can make you feel a moment of blissful ignorance. You were convinced that either Dio was a mindreader, or you were just so painfully obvious, but he stops his ministrations with your heat and leans in closer, he carelessly grinds his clothed hardened cock against you. He was quite proportioned. 
“Let’s enjoy ourselves, hmmm?” You shuddered at his words (and sizable bulge), a small whimper escaping you. Pleased with your sudden turn around, Dio leans back and without missing a beat, undoes his pants, allowing his cock weeping of precum to spring free. You swallow down a moan when his cock rubs against your clit, teasing your lips. Your cunt quickly became sloppy, as you were beginning to come around and throw caution to the wind. Dio must’ve noticed, because chuckles and mutters. “Don’t hide your cute noises from me now.”
With his cock soaked with your juices, he thrusts in and you do as he says, allowing a hoarse moan erupt from your throat that’s muffled by your face against the desk. This wasn’t going to do, not for Dio. While thrusting at a brutal pace, he yanks your hair back and lifts your head so he can listen to your lustful melodies more clearly. While you pant like a bitch in heat whenever he hits that spot to make you see stars, Dio releases your wrists in favor of gripping your hip tightly, leaving bruises. 
Gasping, you didn’t move your wrists for fear of your lord stopping or worse. Pleased by your obedience, Dio’s pace quickens, just for him to slow down to a tortuous pace. Flustered you cry “W-Why? Please….please….m-more!” You try to turn your head, but his strong grip keeps you in place. What a wonderful development! Definitely a change in the right direction from how you rejected him a few moments ago. But, Dio wasn’t quite satisfied yet. He wanted your everything, not only your spur-of-the-moment submission. He’s Dio Brando, Lord Dio to his brood. He doesn’t settle for less than satisfactory.
With a grin, Dio knew just how he would achieve this. “You beg so pretty darling, I see you’re finally coming to understand who owns you. But begging isn’t enough.” When he started moving again, this time his cock kissing your cervix, your mouth hung agape in a silent scream. Your thoughts thoroughly scrambled with nothing but the pleasure that Dio was offering you. Hell, you weren’t even coherent when your position changed to you being on your back with your legs spread wide and exposed, only for Dio. 
He picks up his pace, your cunt constricting around him as he pounds into your sore pussy, his hand now free from your hair pressed down your abdomen. He felt the slight belly bulge from him delving into your sweet cunt, simply delicious. “Darling-” He said too sweetly. “- You’re absolutely stunning so full of my cock, but I have a wonderful idea. I didn’t appreciate your attitude this evening, but I know how we can fix that!” You were too fucked out to comprehend his words, but nodded like the dumb slut you were. His dumb slut. “I’m going to breed this pussy of yours, fill you up with my cum, and you’re going to take everything I give you. Wouldn’t that be great? You grow big and round while your breasts are full with leaking milk.” He pauses as his hips sputter, his cock pulsating with the vision of you growling his children within your womb. 
“Yes..I think motherhood will suit you well. Forever my ___.” 
Whimpering, you nod in agreement. Whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t stop. You were so very close! You mumble a breathy fuck when Dio pushes your legs up to your shoulders, diving in much deeper than before. Chanting strings of curses under his breath, Dio’s hand on your stomach drifts down to vigorously rub your sensitive nub and in almost no time at all you cum around his member, your juices rushing out to soak the desk and his cock. 
“Oh god...oh god...oh god..” you chanted, making Dio’s ego inflate more if that were possible. Smirking, he lets you ride out your orgasm, before picking up the pace yet again, this time losing control of himself for once. Brutally he fucks you, his cockhead slamming against your cervix, as your pulsing walls from your aftershocks urges his throbbing shaft, begging to milk it. After a few final thrusts, Dio stills and his cock paints your womb with his seed. 
He wasn’t done yet. Chuckling at your fucked out expression, it was so much like Dio to push for more. He wanted to mark you, make everyone but mostly yourself to know who you belong to. Your chest will do and his mark will be on full display. Using the nail on his index finger, Dio carves his name into your chest, pebbles of blood dripping down your sweaty and spent body after each scrape was made. When he is done, he admires his work, his name etched into your skin almost makes his cock spring back to life. What was he kidding, he could go a few more rounds anyway. But first, he leans in and laps up the blood, waste not want not right?
“There you are, how stunning. Darling, I wish you could see yourself right now.” Your eyes grew heavy, you were so exhausted and ready for a nap. Dio picks you up and doesn’t bother to cover you with your shredded rags. “No, no, don’t pass out now. We have a long night ahead of us.”
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