#child chucky
marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
Okay, can I just say that it’s so clever that the Chucky franchise has come full circle? In Child’s Play 1, Charles Lee Ray gets shot and has to transfer his soul into a small red-headed doll in order to survive. He then went on a series of adventures as a doll (deadly ones, but fun to watch). And in Season 2 of his television show, we watch his child Glen get shot and then they have to transfer their soul into a small red-headed doll in order to survive. By the end of the Season GG is all ready to set out for adventures of their own. If the writers over at the series are smart, they’ll realise the ample opportunities they now have to possibly create a spin-off (even if it’s comic books) of lil Ray Junior making their way in the world as a 3 foot plastic children’s toy, just like their old man.
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kettlequills · 1 year
oh so when BARBIE wants to stop being a doll and interact with the real world as a real person, it's fine and fun and great, but when I, charles "chucky" lee ray,
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nackrosor · 1 year
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classichorrorblog · 4 months
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Child's Play (1988)
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countesschocula · 2 months
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Reader Beware - You're in for a Scare!
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madpatti · 9 months
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Some slasher art I did in 2023 :)
Hope yall have a nice new year❤️
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samdieliro · 8 months
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bitterlemonade-1 · 2 months
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Stu and Billy meet Chucky
Tbh this was a fast little doodle
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selenevassos · 11 months
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imauthicktic · 2 months
Slashers incorrect quotes
Y/N: *hands Ghostface a heart shaped box* will you be mine?
Ghostface, takes box and opens it to find a knife inside: I aint complainin', sweet cheeks, but I thought this was a proposal
Y/N: actually, this is a blood oath
Ghostface: understood, go ahead
Baby Firefly: *crying while Y/N comforts them*
Baby Firefly: *back to normal* sorry I was vulnerable with you. Do you still think I'm hot?
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Y/N, Chucky, and Tiffany Valentine playing two truths and one lie
Tiffany: *talking to Chucky* You're tackey and cheap. Plus, I hate you.
Chucky: Ha! nice try! all of those are a lie!
Chucky whispering to Y/N: she was lying, right?
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Y/N: why are you following me?
Billy: because we're dating now
Y/N: okay... what about Stu?
Billy: we're a package deal
Stu: buy one idiot, get one free
Y/N: *gasps* I love BOGOS!!!
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
Hey everyone, it’s been a couple of days, but I wanted to say that I’m doing okay. I’ve decided to start writing Chucky fics again, and there’s no better place to start than a piece in honour of Chucky’s 65th birthday. It’s kinda angsty, but I like it, and I’ve decided to lean into the Peter Pan metaphor because I recently watched the new Peter Pan and Wendy movie and now I can’t stop comparing Chucky and Peter Pan. Expect more fics soon, and remember that I’ve uploaded all 18 parts (so far) of my Chucky possessing a human body at the end of Seed au to Wattpad so that they’re all in one place. Thank you to everyone who was so kind to me over the last few days, I’m so glad that I’ve made so many amazing friends on Tumblr, and I hope you enjoy this fic :). 
Peter Pan will never grow up. In every retelling (excluding the film Hook) the boy remains a child forever. When Charles Lee Ray was a child himself, he had greatly admired Peter Pan. He’d forced his parents to read him the novel, he’d made his mother stay up and sew a Peter Pan costume until her eyes blurred. He’d even proclaimed that he too would never grow up.
A few years went by, and that boy was now a teenager - fed up with the world and weary of life’s deceptions. He had his own little troupe of Lost Boys, and he had no mother or father. He even cut off a man’s hand as part of a ‘game’. In many respects, Charles was Peter Pan trapped in a world gone awry, and Neverland was out of his grasp.
More years passed, and that teenager was a man. He hadn’t thought about Peter Pan in years, since he had much more important things to worry about such as how he was going to hide and continue his murders. If he ever did think about his favourite childhood novel, he’d scoff about how childish he was being and then move on.
Of course, when Chucky was 31, life as he knew it came to an end. He thought briefly about Peter Pan when the prospects of possessing Andy Barclay were discussed. If the possession was successful he would be six years old again - a child. As this possibility entered his head he began to remember his first childhood, filled with memories of Peter Pan. Of course that possession plan fell through, but the thoughts of the boy who wouldn’t grow up never truly went away.
The nights were cold and lonely as a doll, Chucky never got to experience the warmth of a human body beside him anymore. He never got to feel the softness of a girl’s skin as her arms wrapped around him. So instead of wallowing in pity and self-loathing at what his life had become, he’d lie awake and stare down at his hands - a child’s hands, for the doll he was inside had been modelled after a child aged about five - and realised that his childhood desire to never grow up had come true in a way he’d never imagined possible.
Peter Pan got to choose remaining small forever, he could become an adult whenever he liked. Chucky on the other hand had made a drastic choice out of pure desperation and could never choose to go back to his old self. In a way he resented his children from all those years ago, because the mix of human and doll DNA meant that they got to grow up. Chucky would never have that chance, he couldn’t even have a drink of alcohol without his tiny body becoming overwhelmed and making him vomit it back up.
And today it was his birthday. There wasn’t much to think about most days besides ways to murder victims and how much he wanted revenge against Andy Barclay along with a few other people, so Chucky counted the days until the next special occasion. Christmas, New Year, and… birthdays. He was born in May, a month symbolic of new life, as ironic as that is. This year he was… how old was he now? Oh, that’s right. He was 65. 
In five years he would be 70. If he were human he’d be an old man by now, with failing organs, a back he never ceases complaining about and half-blind eyes. His hair would be white, or, Damballa willing, silver, because that colour had always seemed cool. Maybe he would have grown a beard over time, that was always one of his goals. But alas, because of a stupid decision he’d made in 1988, Chucky was restricted to a realm of ‘would haves’ and ‘maybes’.
Still, there was no time to be upset. After all, time’s arrow neither stands still nor reverses, it merely marches forward. With this in mind, Chucky roused himself from his melancholy thoughts and decided to complete one of his newly founded traditions. 
For the past ten or so years, Chucky had made a point of celebrating his birthday in his own special way. Of course, he’d prefer to celebrate his special day with company, but since he had barely any friends or loved ones, he had to forge his own traditions to celebrate each passing year. What he settled on (after much trial and error) was stealing a cupcake from whatever bakery or store he was closest to and using a match (for once not with the intention of setting someone on fire) to light a sad, solitary candle that he’d then poke through the top layer of icing with a frustrated grunt.
This year was no different, and as he went to blow out the candle, lit by the meagre light of the barn he was currently holed up in, he softly sang himself ‘Happy Birthday’. When the candle was extinguished, he demolished the cupcake in a few quick bites and sat back to digest, noting that this year’s cupcake was much better than the ones he’d had the last few years so he should definitely stay near here again this time next year.
This year, Chucky decided that his birthday present to himself would be a proper night of sleep for once. With this in mind, he lay down on a bed he’d haphazardly constructed out of old crates covered with a ratty old blanket and closed his eyes, drifting off to dreams of the life he’d never get to live.
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jestinjoculators · 3 months
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I'm really excited for Halloween, to the point the slasher parasite is crawling back into my brain! In June! Which is also gay month, so I thought it'd be nice if a certain little guy had something to say to the lgbt community :)
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exdeputysonso · 5 months
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Brad Dourif as Charles Lee Ray | CHUCKY 3.07 There Will Be Blood
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batterycityghoul · 4 months
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So, you can't do a slasher movie as a TV series. Well, think about it. You know, girl and her friends arrive at the dance, the camp, the deserted town, whatever. Killer takes them out one by one. Ninety minutes later, the sun comes up as Survivor Girl's sitting in the back of the ambulance watching her friends' bodies being wheeled past. Slasher movies burn bright and fast. TV needs to stretch things out. You know, by the time the first body's found, it's only a matter of time before the bloodbath commences. -- Noah Foster (Scream the TV Series)
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cardboardacid · 1 year
scariest horror movie you watched as a kid — i’m talking young kid. like less than 10 yrs old or somn
(mostly curious of answers from people born from around 1995-2005)
If you don’t see yours, please leave it in tags!
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samdieliro · 5 months
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