#hayley kiyoko twitter pack
fknperfecticons · 6 years
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saturnplan · 4 years
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harry styles + hayley kiyoko
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thxgreywaren · 5 years
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Hayley Kiyoko Packs (request)
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╰┈ ೃ Credits twitter: @thxgreywaren
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91slayouts · 6 years
could you please do a hayley kiyoko + louis tomlinson layout please :)
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Hayley Kiyoko + Louis Tomlinson
— give credits to tomlinsvinyi on twitter if use
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xpacksssx · 6 years
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"What I Need" headers (Kehlani + Halyley Kiyoko) 🏳️‍🌈 Like or reblog 🏳️‍🌈
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iconicpack · 6 years
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Hayley Kiyoko retro 80s packs!
Headers aren’t mine
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iforgothowtobelieve · 6 years
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Hayley Kiyoko layouts.
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⁏ ↷ Credits to @idgafdob on Twitter.
Wait five seconds for better quality.
Collage headers aren’t mine, I just added the psd.
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newrulesedits · 7 years
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•˚.✽ ⊰ Stefanie Scott twitter packs.
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Credits to @newrulesedits on Twitter.
Note: If you use them and don’t give credits this Tumblr will be closed. It’s frustrating to see people using the edits without giving credits, attributing them to themselves.
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withoutpsd · 7 years
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usersaction · 7 years
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icons: icnss
the headers are not mine
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fknperfecticons · 7 years
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9w1ft · 6 years
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it’s been about a month now since TSL shut down. i’ve been thinking of how best to summarize my thoughts on the odd things that happened to me there and i’ve decided it’s best to split my thoughts up into a few posts. this is my first!
so, for starters! drumroll pleaaaaaase 🥁 i would like to clear the air.. i am very excited to say that i have properly identified and spoken to the real KalindaKing!
you may or may have noticed before the app shut down, but KalindaKing actually @‘d me in one of her final posts on the app, saying she had seen my theory but that sadly she is an only child.
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unfortunately, yes, KalindaKing was not Kimby Kloss. i uhh, take it she herself confirmed it for me recently!
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actually, about a month after posting my theory, a mutual of mine tipped me off to a social media post that seemed to be from someone who might be KalindaKing (the gist of the post was, to paraphrase, i saw a theory that i’m karlie’s sister. i wish!), and i had been keeping tabs on it for some time. the post did not get any traction (no likes, no shares) so there was no way to verify if it was related, but doing some digging and cross-referencing photos and whatnot i was left plenty suspicious.
So about 3 months went by after i had my lede on who it could be, and then 48 hours away from app shutdown KalindaKing @‘d me on TSL... so i decided to take the jump and direct message the suspicious person on social media. and, we had a match! it was her!
Can i just say she is just as delightful as she was on TSL? it was an honor to chat with her. turns out she is an active moderator under the same username on another app by the same company.
actually, 😂 the KK part is really a funny coincidence.. see, the moderator who went by the username KalindaKing on TSL originally created that username for herself because she is a moderator on the Kim Kardashian Hollywood app under the same username (she gave me permission to say that), and, alliteration, so go figure! it would appear i exquisitely took my conjectures a twist too far.
this moderator is a professional, so she did not disclose that much to me, but I was able to learn that the ‘TheSwiftLife’ account was the responsibility of her and someone else. She mentioned that Social (ie twitter/fb) was run by her. Someone else was helping out on the TSL app, ie, that account that gave out those persnickety taymoji gifts on the app. 🤨
for those of you who followed my theory closely, this newly confirmed information has likely allowed you to come to the same heartening conclusion that i did: this means that the “message to taylor” function on the app is in all likelihood indeed something that only taylor can see, or, isn’t accessible to just any glu employee. yes, those personal private messages to her were in fact kept private 🥰. that is to say, leading up to my big guess post, i had disclosed the content of my guess (that kimby was KalindaKing) using this function, asking for the go ahead here on tumblr. my theory is whoever the someone is that was helping out with the TheSwiftLife account did not have access to my secret messages, and that’s where the miscommunication between me and them occurred. oops...
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if you are new here, you are probably wondering how sound this logic could be. it would also seem to be completely possible that the TheSwiftLife account simply didn't know i existed / had never read anything from me / had never interacted with me through the app.
to that i say:
i now have proof that at least one moderator from the app read my theory back in October 2018
i now have proof that the same moderator @‘d me in response to the theory 48 hours before the app closed on February 1st, despite having know about it for three months.. so i take it that it merited addressing
let me walk you through a sampler of five ‘interactions’ that occurred with me and TheSwiftLife between August and October of last year:
interaction one: 8/1 Puzzle Heart..
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after showcasing some interest in the taymoji gifts and crafting my theory of what they meant, i had seen a through line in terms of the overall message being conveyed but was unsure of any of this was real. i posted here on tumblr for the taymoji gods to send me sign, and the TheSwiftLife account gave out a puzzle heart with the flavor text “put the pieces together” the chances of that taymoji being picked to be given out are, i would say, 1/128 chances. the gift giving was mainly from within a pool of the 64 song-based taymoji packs and always of one of the two rare taymoji from either pack, so, 64x2=128
interaction two, 8/29 Rabbit...
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following a week of ttb using the emoji rabbit to welcome some anons into the kaylor fandom, TheSwiftLife gave out a rabbit with the flavor text “Fell down the rabbit hole...”
interaction three: 9/12 Pixels..
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things felt surreal following the rabbit... so i asked TSL here on tumblr to show me a sign that proved they knew me and saw me. i said there was one taymoji out of them all (of which there are 653) that represented me. i had hoped for the pixel art heart taymoji, as it says in my profile here that i am a pixel artist... i assumed if TSL wanted to respond to my request, they’d poke around my blog and make that connection. 13 days after i made the post, they gave out that exact one. in response, i mentioned what a lovely birthday present this was, as it was coming 13 days before my birthday (i’m born on 9/25)
interaction four: 9/21 Balloons...
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between the pixel heart and this next gift, i came to the conclusion that kimby could be spearheading the TheSwiftLife account (given an interaction between this blog and kimby’s instagram stories involving a yacht company), and, as i love cheesy things, i made the extra (flawed) assumption that, given KalindaKing appeared to be a pen name, it would be super duper ingenious if the KK stood for Kimby Kloss. i sent this prediction in the “secret message for taylor” function on TSL, assuming (incorrectly) whoever was on the other side could read it, and posted here on tumblr simply that “i know who you’ve been, and i take it you want me to share?” The next gift that TheSwiftLife gave out were a set of red balloons from the Mine pack, with the caption “Speak now if it’s your birthday this month”
interaction five: 10/1 Umbrella...
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even so, i was very hesitant to go through with pushing my theory. it felt, again, unreal. so, i put up one more test... i asked here on tumblr something in the form of a riddle. I decided to phrase a request for them to give a taymoji in the form of a question. knowing the full range of taymoji possibilities, i picked the flavor text of a taymoji that had never been given out, and a double-rare one (which weren’t given out often) the umbrella, and put out my question: do you have my back even if it rains down on me? and the next gift given out was the very umbrella i expected, which has the flavor text “Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered!”
this span of time in particular (not limited to, but especially) is why i have a hard time not believing kaylor is real. why would taylor’s team let any of this fly, that is, why would they allow a bubbly and vocal kaylor experience this if kaylor wasn’t true?
i encourage everyone to look through my blog archive from August to October to see how it played out! it won’t take that long and i think it’s more interesting than just this post. it’s a sweet slice of time... happening before the political post, and then, the ‘wedding’ thing.
and: if you are to believe that this is all just coincidence, then you have to logically assume that every of the above interactions happened at random, with TheSwiftLife drawing from a catalog of over 100 possible choices each time, and accidentally giving something relevant each time. i am not even going to cover the many many other strange alignments between what i post on here and what kimby posts on instagram. the probability of these taymoji is enough.
even taking out of account the probability of the timing of each, and just looking at it like a kid’s math problem, it’s quite a rare outcome.
what is the probability of insinuating 5 specific symbols and drawing those 5 specific symbols out of 5 bags with 128 different symbols inside each, one after the other? 1/128 x 1/128 x 1/128 x 1/128 x 1/128 = 1/34,359,738,368
a one in 34 billion chance of it happening if it happened randomly.
you only think 3 out of the 5 coincidences above are legit? well that still an over one in two million chance. only believe in one of them? still just an 0.8% chance.
and i picked these five interactions because they hilight five times where there really couldn’t have been multiple “applicable” taymoji responses. i tried to cut out that grey zone for you, because there’s plenty of grey examples to pick from. i suppose with the balloons, they could have picked any birthday-looking taymoji and accompanied the gift with the same caption.. but in that case, it means you have to calculate the chances of them writing the birthday messaging after what happened with the pixel heart... and i don’t know how to calculate that...
i’m not even talking about how some of the taymoji given out twice coincided with celebrity appearances in the world of kaylor. i don’t know how to calculate the probability of karlie saying she’ll go to a taylor concert before a marching band hat is given out, and then her appearing at nashville the day after the marching band hat was given out again. or the paul mccartney coincidence, or the hayley kiyoko coincidence, just to name a few of the most straightforward. i’m not even gonna mention all that business about the app notifications freaking out on my phone (for which i have an excel spreadsheet up my sleeve for later should i decide to nerd out that much)
i don’t even need to touch that.
some epic sh*t was positively afoot, my darlings.
but i digress. pending, you know, ‘proof’, we have no surefire way to know about the who (or who all behind it) all of this is, but, i don’t think we need to be sure of that for the time being (uwu*). i just want to re establish that while KalindaKing was a glorious misfire, the mystery of the app still very much remains.
in my upcoming post (i need to buy myself some eyedrops or something because my eyes are redder than that st. louis park sculpture right now), i would like to rewind for a sec and set the question of who aside and refocus solely on what we learned from the gifts and what we can possibly take away from the experience as a whole.
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for now, this is me saying, kimby, oops! sorry i thought you were KalindaKing and sorry for not triple checking with you. my double check was not enough. but i’m glad i took the plunge, because, better an oops than a what if, right? and i hope, at least you got a good laugh out of it! and also thank you lovely sisters ☺️ for you know, clearing the way for me to make this post. at least, that’s what it looked like to me. 📯🕊
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badhxbit · 8 years
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[ alessia cara + hayley kiyoko + troye sivan ]
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swaymarkhugs · 6 years
ANNNNNND to keep you occupied, all of the even numbers 😘
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Definitely more shy, but I can force myself to be outgoing if I need to be.4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so! I hope so, anyway. 6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
My girlfriend. :) People who are genuinely kind, honest, and down-to-earth. It also doesn’t hurt if they’re smart. (Kayla fits all of those). 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
The Boston Bruins (I miss them), my father (he had a skin biopsy and is notoriously pathetic at the doctor’s office), and my gastroenterologist (I’m looking at flights home from school and need to move my appointment)10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My girlfriend. 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
1) Happy Now - Zedd
2) Inside Out - The Chainsmokers
3) Lonely Together - Avicii & Rita Ora
4) Born to Be Yours - Kygo & Imagine Dragons
5) Curious - Hayley Kiyoko
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yes. Because I’ve had both. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Absolutely. 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Yeah…they never knew I had a crush on them, so yeah. 20. Do you like your neighbors?
Most of them, yeah!22. Where would you like to travel?
I’d like to go back to some of my favorite spots (Tel Aviv, Vienna, Nuremberg, Paris) as well as go somewhere new (Maldives, Dublin, and so many others that I can’t think of at the moment).24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Eating, and talking to my girlfriend before bedtime. 26. What do you do when you wake up?
Check messages and social media. 28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My girlfriend and my best friends.30. Do you ever want to get married?
Yes! :)32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I refuse to answer this one publicly. ;)34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Yes. Dressage, skiing, and dance. I used to do all 3 more actively, but rare disease life makes that really hard. 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Yep. 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
I’m dating her. She’s sweet, smart, talented, and so, so kind. And she’s pretty damn gorgeous ;) 40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’m living it. Went to college, going to grad school for my master’s getting my doctorate, and then hopefully doing what I want to do (being a practicing forensic psychologist).42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m writing, concentrating on something really difficult, or unconscious. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Space? If my body could handle the lack of atmosphere. 46. What are you paranoid about?
That a fire alarm is going to go off at any moment, and that I’m not good enough for anything or anyone…I have major imposter syndrome. 48. Have you ever been drunk?
I have indeed. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
I haven’t been able to wear anything with sleeves in months, so I honestly don’t remember. Pink, maybe?52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I had a normal immune system. Then I could conceivably and safely change other things, like my musculature.54. Favourite store?Oh GOD I tend to hate shopping. I guess anything online? Also, anything relating to equestrian gear. 56. Favourite colour?
Purple58. Last thing you ate?
A peach.60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yes! Dressage. 62. Been arrested? For what?
Thankfully, no. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Supposedly, one of my friends kissed me in preschool. I don’t remember it all that well. 
My first meaningful kiss (I’ve had a lot of meaningless ones) was with my girlfriend, and it was actually at Mass General. She met me at the hospital to come with me to one of my appointments, and I ran up to her and kissed her.66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No…I like them all equally.68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr. 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Alison, Emily, Hannah, Jen, Kayla72. What colour are your towels?
They’re all some form of grey/beige
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
One, but said pillow is propped up on a wedge so I don’t accidentally aspirate.74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I don’t know, but I have a lot. 76. What colour is your underwear?
Purple78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Anything involving chocolate, peanut butter, and/or caramel. My favorite in terms of Ben & Jerry’s is Tonight Dough. 80. What colour pants?
I’m currently wearing black shorts. 82. Favourite movie?
Miracle, Top Gun, Moana, and Wonder Woman…I can’t choose just one.84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 Jump Street. But I love Mean Girls, too.86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory. She’s very relatable, and very quotable. 88. Last person you talked to today?
Physically, my mom. Via text, Kayla. 90. Name a person you love?
Kayla. 92. In a fight with someone?
Nope.94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
I have absolutely no clue.96. Favourite actress?
Gal Gadot, Lupita Nyong’o, Octavia Spencer, Emma Watson98. Do you tan a lot?
I tan easily, I don’t know about a lot…100. How are you feeling?
Tired, warm, and like my stomach needs to quit its current rebellion.102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Ohhh this is a loaded question. My anxiety says yes, but my anxiety says yes to regretting things all the time.104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Sometimes I miss people I used to be friends with, and people I’m still friends with but never see. Other times, no. 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I don’t know. Maybe?108. What should you be doing?
Packing for going to grad school. 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My girlfriend.114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
I have indeed.116. Are you listening to music right now?
No, but I’m watching House Hunters Renovation while I do this and do work.118. Do you like Chinese food?
I do. 120. Are you afraid of the dark?
I’m not afraid of it, per se, but I don’t like being in pitch blackness. 122. Is cheating ever okay?
No.124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yeah!126. Are you currently bored?
Nope. Currently well occupied.128. Would you change your name?
I used to want to, but I like my name now, so I think I’ll keep it.130. Do you like subway?
I do.132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My girlfriend.134. Can you count to one million?
Can I? Yes. Do I want to? No.136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed.138. Curly or Straight hair?
I have a little bit of both. My hair defies logic, but I like it the way it is.140. Summer or Winter?
Uhh, neither. I hate extreme temperatures. I can handle Winter better, but I like Fall the best.142. Favourite month?
April. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate.146. Was today a good day?
Yeah!148. What’s your favourite quote?
She believed she could so she did. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
Her words made me gloomy. 
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@pandabigleux tagged me, thanks ♥
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
• Nickname(s): Lulu, Lou
• Gender: Demigirl
• Sign: Aquarius
• Height: 165 (5,41339 at least that what google told me)
• Time: 11:05 p.m.
• Fav band(s): The Killers, Abba, Imagine Dragons, The Black Keys, Hamilton (it’s a musical but still), The Cranberries, The Corrs, Bon Iver
• Fav solo artist(s): Troy Sivan, Halsey, Hayley Kiyoko, Francis and the Lights, Ruu Campbell, camila cabello 
• Song stuck in my head: songs from Ram-Lee and bajirao mastani
• Last movie I saw: La Princesse de Montpensier I think ?
• Last show I watched: Mako: Island of Secrets
• When did I create this blog: in February 2015
• What do I post: books edits, stuff about my mental health, meme, lgbt+ related content, CUTE ANIMALS
• Last thing I googled: “cm in feets” but before that I think it was one of the band’s name to be sure
• Do I have any other blogs: yes. So, I have one that I don’t use often but it’s more art related/aesthetic pics, a studyblr one and one where I post all the edit/moodboard/fanfiction I created
• Do I get asks: Yes but from like two people I think ? Because we’re friends 
• Why did I choose my url: because I have a thing for the moon and I already used that url on another website. In english it means “under the sign of the moon”. Why ? I don’t know
• Following: 382
• Followed by: 103
• Average hours of sleep: joker ?
• Lucky number: 6
• Instruments: my high pitched voice 
• What I am wearing: a black t-shirt with a big white flower on it and blue jeans
• Dream trip: India, Iceland, countries in south america and probably countries in north Africa (but I don’t know which ones yet)
• Fav food: cheese ? I think ? I don’t know
• Nationality: French
• Fav song: Anything that I listen to non stop
• Last book I read: I finished The Lightning-struck heart by T.J Klune after reading it for two months, but the last book I read in one sitting was The Witch Sea by Sarah Diemer. (now I read mostly fanfiction)
• Currently reading: euh I’m reading Die Geschichte von Herrn Sommer by Patrick Süskind but I can’t remember when I started this
• Top 3 universes I wanna join:
Six of Crows 
AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER ! (let me be a waterbender or firebender)
Psy Changeling (to be in a pack or as a human)
I tag: @seule-sur-la-mer-immense , @sprolden, @frenchslytherin, @kstudiys, @heyimreese, @not-ur-valentine (I really need to answer to your dm, I’m sorry T-T), @anjuliewrites (because we’re mutual on twitter), @yumeimusik and @chocolatecookys
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turkiyeecom · 5 years
Taylor Swift's 'You Need To Calm Down' Video Is Full Of Easter Eggs — Let's Break Them All Down
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YouTube/Taylor Swift As promised, Taylor Swift dropped the highly anticipated music video for her bright and pride-filled new single, "You Need To Calm Down," this morning (June 17) on Good Morning America. Quickly since its release last week — and at just the right time given that it's Pride Month — the song has already become an LGBTQ+ anthem. Packaged in a box that's perfectly pop, the song takes aim at haters and homophobes while spreading a digestible message that's important for all to hear: We support and love the LGBTQ+ community, and we reject those who don't. Unsurprisingly, the new video is just as direct as the song itself, and Swift even rallied together some very familiar faces to help drive home the single's message of love and acceptance. Ellen DeGeneres, Adam Lambert, Ryan Reynolds, Laverne Cox, Ciara, the cast of Queer Eye, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Hayley Kiyoko, RuPaul, and several others were called in to be a part of the star-studded video. Even Katy Perry, who was engaged in a longtime feud with Swift, made a cameo, further proving Taylor's point that it's much easier to spread love rather than hate. But even though the video's main message is clear, we all know that there's typically way more to a Taylor Swift music video than what's on the surface. Take the "ME!" video, for example. Just about everything that was packed into that roughly four-minute video alluded to something else fans could expect from her upcoming seventh studio album, which we now know will be titled Lover. And while Swifties did an excellent job dissecting each and every Easter egg their queen left for them when the video was released, they're also well-aware that making these small discoveries is part of what makes being a fan so fun. That said, it should come as no surprise that the "You Need To Calm Down" video came full of even more clues for diehard Swifties to uncover. Fortunately, we've made the process a bit easier for you by taking the magnifying glass out ourselves and combing through all the wildest fan theories on social media. Here's what we found. A reference to Cher For many Swifties, the framed quote that says, "Mom, I am a rich man," was one of the first Easter eggs to jump out at them upon watching for the first time. However, it's important to note that these particular words were never said by Taylor herself. In fact, the quote comes from a 1996 interview with Cher, and it was actually the pop icon's response when her mother suggested that she should settle down and marry a rich man. (Yeah, right!) While the framed quote definitely makes a statement, it's unclear at the moment just how it will link back to Lover. Knowing Taylor and her attention to detail, though, it'll all make sense eventually — likely when the album drops on August 23. A not-so-subtle hint at track 5 Another more obvious clue came when Hayley Kiyoko shot a bow right into a target labeled "5." As all true Taylor stans know, the fifth tracks on Tay's previous albums have been some of the most heartbreaking, including "Cold As You," "Dear John," "All Too Well," and many other tearjerkers. This could only mean one thing: Track 5 is going to be an emotional one, and are we ready for it? Probably not. It also shouldn't be overlooked that Hayley is the one to shoot the arrow here. More likely than not, this could mean that track 5 on Lover is a collaboration, which is something fans have been dreaming about ever since they performed "Curious" together on the Reputation tour. Not to mention, Swift has been hinting at track 5 for a while now. Ellen's tattoo One of the harsh realities of being a Taylor Swift fan is that most of the time, things only make sense in hindsight — like her recent interview on Ellen, for example, where Taylor jokingly asked if the talk show host would like to be featured in one of her upcoming music videos. Turns out, that was another hint. Ellen appeared in "You Need To Calm Down" getting a tattoo by none other than Adam Lambert. The tattoo, which says "Cruel Summer," could literally mean anything, but Twitter's best guess is that it's the title of one of the songs on the upcoming album, and possibly her next single. On the other hand, it's worth noting that Kanye West has an album of the same name, and given their history, this could just be shade. A 13-hour watch We all know that watches only go up to the number 12, but when Taylor peers down at her watch in this scene, we see that the numbers go all the way to 13. This, of course, is an ode to the pop star's favorite number, and it's definitely not the only time she references it in the video. It's actually shocking how many ways she's found to throw 13s all over the place. Ryan Reynolds painting the Stonewall Inn If you thought perhaps there was an Easter egg hidden in the brief scene where Ryan Reynolds was painting on a canvas, you'd be correct. Upon closer inspection, the actor is actually painting the Stonewall Inn — the site of the 1969 riots that started the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Taylor also performed at the New York City landmark on Friday night in a display of solidarity. The red dice as a possible album countdown Did you notice those red dice in the music video? According to some fans, the numbers on the dice add up to the number of days left until Lover's release. The problem? Fans are coming up with a few different numbers, and for many, the mathematics are simply not checking out. (For what it's worth, Lover is still 67 days away.) The hair, the stars, the necklace In this scene alone, there's a lot to unpack, so let's start with the hair. Not only is Swift rocking the rainbow hair of our dreams in this portion of the video, but many fans were quick to point out that colors match the bisexual flag. Of course, we love an inclusive queen, and we also love her commitment to continuing her "13" motif as the video progresses. If you look closely, you'll notice that the number is on her necklace, and there are also 13 stars on her shirt. She's nothing if not detail-oriented. A mailbox exclusively for love letters Clearly, love is a major theme throughout this music video, so the filled-to-the-brim mailbox that says "love letters only" could very well just be an on-theme detail rather than a full-blown Easter egg. However, fans think there's a chance this could be another hint, and while the future Lover connection still remains to be seen, it's possible that she'll squeeze something about love letters and mailboxes into the lyrics somewhere. After all, that's kind of what she's known for. A bottle of pink champagne You're going to want to hold on tight, Swifties, because this Easter egg has the possibility to turn into the pop collaboration of the century. After all, Ariana Grande just so happens to have a song called "Pink Champagne," which is why some fans are utterly convinced that a duet is on the way. But not so fast — other theories suggest that "Pink Champagne" will merely be a title of one of the songs on the album, and not necessarily a collaboration at all. Still, we're going to roll with this Ari collab theory while we can because, wow, that would be epic. The familiar teacups There's no denying that the teacups used by Taylor, Todrick, and the cast of Queer Eye seemlessly fit the aesthetic of the video, but is there more to it than just that? On Twitter, many Swifties have speculated a connection between the teacups and one of Swift's favorite sitcoms Friends, since Phoebe used what appeared to be the same teacup on the show. Sure, it's possible that Taylor and Phoebe could just have similar taste in fine china, but let's not forget the Friends pins that Swift was wearing in her May cover of EW. Katy Perry's cheeseburger costume Ready for a case of the chicken or the egg? If you moved past the shock of Taylor and Katy putting their rocky past behind them, you may have noticed this isn't the first time the "Never Really Over" singer has dressed up as a cheeseburger. In May, Perry also wore a burger costume to the Met Gala — but was this outfit a subtle (if outlandish) preview for the "You Need to Calm Down" music video, or was it the inspiration for what ultimately inspired their looks for the epic scene? Hmm... The homophobic protesters The "ME!" singer made another reference to her favorite number in the shot with the aerial view of the protesters. If you count the amount of people protesting, it comes out to 13. Again, this could just be another opportunity to stay consistent with the use of her favorite number, or perhaps it's an even bigger nudge toward track 13 on the album. The reference to an anti-LGBTQ+ senator At first glance, the misspellings in the homophobic signs held by protesters might seem like a statement against their uneducated and ignorant views toward the LGBTQ+ community. And while that's certainly part of it, we'd like to turn your attention to one particular sign, which says, "Get A Brain Morans!" While staying on track with the spelling errors, this sign also seemingly calls out Kansas senator Jerry Moran, who's taken an anti-LGBTQ+ stance throughout his career in politics. Music Taylor Swift Read More Read the full article
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