#hazin hotel husk
er-sansan · 7 months
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Angle: I will let your wings flutter for me
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deadghosy · 7 months
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You are like thumb size-
Like you are an absolute cutie pootie! Even Alastor agrees, in private of course. You are like a mysterious creature that appeared in the hotel one day and said.
“This ma home now losers!”
Charlie was hypnotized by your cuteness, even vaggie oddly as she tickles you under your chin as you giggle with a squeak.
Husk lets you sit by the bar as you eat these small pieces of chips he got for you so you can have something to eat while he watches over you and cleans glasses.
Angel lets you in his chest fluff like a pocket as you snicker with a gremlin ass smile. You always bite him for the fun of it which makes him put you in air jail.
When Lucifer met you, you better believed he came and kidnapped you out the hotel every second he got.
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He fell in love with you the minute he had his eyes on you from charlie’s shoulder. He held you so carefully like a baby as he didn’t want you to be scared of him as you are so small and he is bigger than you.
Like I said, he definitely “kidnaps” you from the hotel so he can make you a small house. Like a doll house with small duck toys your size but he probably just makes a normal size duck car so you can drive around his palace or the hotel.
“Look at their tiny car sweetie!” He says showing Charlie a video of you driving your car with small black shades.
He definitely cries at your cuteness as he curls up in a ball as you eat peacefully in front of him as he made you your favorite meal.
He would have you in his pocket but he definitely makes small outfits for you so you can be a mini him. He would also definitely have a picture of you in his wallet.
“Oh this picture? It’s my sweet baby!” He says with a pride smile as he shows it off
Just like her father she cries at your cuteness as you are just the sweetest thing ever she ever had around the hotel as you just chill in her room with razzle and dazzle.
You ride razzle and dazzle on their back as you wanted to see Charlie who is doing trust exercises. You join kinda as Charlie makes you sit on her shoulder as you wiggle your cute little bobble around.
Charlie makes sure you are groomed, feed, and socialize around the peers of the hotel. She’s glad VAGGIE likes you also which makes her even happier
Charlie kinda brings you around a lot as she doesn’t trust you alone much in the hotel as there’s a lot things that can kill you in the hotel.
“Sweetie, it’s time for bath time!” Charlie says she gets a toy bathtub with bubbles and water for you as you squeak happily.
And when you sleep with Charlie and vaggie, Charlie literally wakes up at night with red eyes concerned if you are alive or not because she is scared she might have rolled over on you.
“Okay remember the rules, no leaving this room no matter what. Don’t go into the big scary man’s room. And last rule, don’t ever eat sweets. You are banned from last time.” Vaggie says before scratching you under your chin as she leaves the room. You pout with a soft squeak.
Vaggie is very overprotective of you because of your sweet and small creature frame as it’s unbelievably cute. She literally asked Lucifer once and carmilla to make you a small weapon so you can protect yourself if she can’t
You left the room one time because you were bored and missed vaggie with her girlfriend as you wanted company. You wanted to socialize as you didn’t think it was bad to talk to the other residents in the hotel. VAGGIE found out and grounded you as if you were a child!
She doesn’t want a heart attack late at night so she would consider to have you a tiny bed on the night stand beside Charlie and her bed. She doesn’t have time to worry about you getting squashed but she doesn’t want you to die as you brought happiness to the hotel.
“Good night cutie….”
You use to shake at the grin Alastor had. Vaggie told you stories about Alastor as you squeak with tears in your eyes. And oddly Alastor turned away gripping his cold heart as he couldn’t stand you crying.
He turned around and picked you up softly in his hand as you sniffle. You noticed he wasn’t hurting you so you squeak rubbing your chubby cheek on your thumb.
“Please smile little one, you aren’t dressed without one!”
And at the point, Alastor know to protect you. He would bring you around with him when Charlie didn’t have time to watch you. Which he gladly did for her as he would bring you around pentagram city and even bring you to meet Rosie who absolutely adores you too.
He even has his demon minions play with you as you squeak chasing them with your stubby legs. The shadows love you too! Even Alastor shadows who would pick play with you as you squeak happily feeling the shadow by you.
“Play nice..don’t wanna get scolded by the mean one again.” He says smiling at you chasing his shadows in the living room. He is definitely talking about VAGGIE who is surely scared for you to be around Alastor.
“OW DONT BITE MY FLUFF HON!” Angel yells digging in his chest fluff to take you out as you mistook it for cotton candy as you nom on his fluff with a derpy face. You got banned from his chest fluff for a month before you would behave yourself and not eat his chest fluff thinking it’s cotton candy.
Angel loves for you to wear pink like him as he thinks it would be cute. He would definitely act like a rich “auntie” to you as he would make you wear pink shades with him and he would ask Lucifer to make you a pink hot car.
But he definitely has those toy car remote controllers to make it seem you are actually driving but aren’t as you squeak feeling like a hot girl/boy/person
“VROOM VROOOM!” Angel says making car noises as you squeak happily at this moment as Charlie records this happily.
You sleep on Angel’s chest fluff or ride fat nuggets like a steady horses as you squeak while fat nuggets oink. Angel likes to record you acting like a cow boy as it’s just adorable moment
“You’re the best thing a spider could have cutie pie.”
This grumpy cat actually is less grumpy with you. He views as you as a little kid. He might not know what you are it he ain’t serving you beer at all. Your body might not handle it at all.
“Sorry kid, but that’s for adults.” He says pushing your squishy and chubby body away from the beer bottle he held. You opted with a mean squeak and a “hey!” As he smirk at your mad face which is terrible cute with puffed out cheeks. But you just drink water what he gives you as he cleans glasses watching you softly as his eyes dilate before he grumbles looking away.
You and husk are seen chilling at the bar every night even if it’s after your suppose “bed time” which was annoying to you but Charlie sen how cranky you were before you even had a such called “bed time”
“Aren’t you suppose to be in bed brat?” “……no….” “I’m telling Charlie.” “NOOO!” *mad squeaks*
Husk has a habit of poking your chubby cheeks as you eat as it annoys you. Husk just smirks as you try to bite his finger which obviously fails as you are quite slow since you are eating. But if you aren’t eating, then husk better pray for his fingers as husk accidentally let his guard down and you bit the shit out of his pointer finger which make him scream with a groan holding his pointer finger as you huff.
“Fine kid…I’m sorry for annoying you. But you must admit you are annoying to me sometimes even if you don’t see it.” He says softly as he pokes your sleeping figure by his bar.
“Ah I see! You like to spend time with me!” He says happily having you in his hands as the egg boiz watch you with star in their eyes at your small frame. You are adorable and such a weird little thing as the egg boiz made a rule to protect from a lot of things.
You nap with the egg boiz and the snake demon as Pentious would have you warm if you say you are cold. He also makes small cookies, well if he can even as he loves to bake for you.
Vaggie tells him how you are banned from sweeties but he secretly sneaks you some if you pout at him with your soft cute little squeak and “please.” HE CANT REIST IT!
He definitely brags about how he could’ve been an overlord but saw the light to redeem himself as he sees potential in you and himself. Well he does t even know if you are a sinner or not. But he want to know how to redeem with you beside him.
He would love watching movies with you as you are in the popcorn bucket but he always look to make sure you aren’t the next popcorn he grabs or he would throw up in disgust from himself and for you health
“You are so adorable it hurts me to see you cry…” he says patting your head as you pout with teary eyes after you accidentally hit it against a wall
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lythecreatorart · 7 months
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In my opinion, Angel is very lucky man-
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multi-fandom-imagine · 7 months
tossing you another overlord husk request for the heck of it.
he meets a sad reader during a party at the casino and finds out a overlord that owns her soul is treating them bad, so he wins her soul and treats her with the respect she deserves.
A/n: Excellent
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It was going to be the most talked about party of the year, only the top of the top were invited. Husk let his gaze roam across the room until it finally landed on you.
'Breath taking'
That was the first thought that ran across his mind, he could see why so many people were flocking towards you....why did that piss him off so much?
Shaking his head, he made his way towards you but the closer he got to you, was that he could clearly see how miserable you looked. Running his tongue over his fangs, he glared at the people still around you.
That made everyone bolt, your gaze slowly meeting his until you quickly looked to the ground as you took a deep breath in. "Can I help you with something,Sir."
Oh, he liked the way you called him Sir. What a sweet little voice you have. "Why are you all alone looking miserable baby?"
Before you could even answer, a golden collar appeared around your neck yanking you back into a solid chest.
"How about you stay the fuck away from my property"
Biting back a snarl, Husk could see the fear forming in your eyes. You didn't deserve that, you deserved to be treated like a Queen. "How about a little game, nothin too serious. A soul for a soul, you put your girl and i'll put up one of mine." Leaning forward, Husk gave the Overlord a large grin. "What do ya say? Do we have a deal?"
You could feel the weight of the collar, his collar slipping from your neck as the Overlord that owned your soul was dragged kicking and screaming from the casino but yet who's to say he wouldn't be worse?
Casting a weary glance at Overlord, you watched him light a cigar. "What now? What are you going to do to me?"
Blowing out a puff of smoke, Husk placed his claw gently under your chin as he made you look him in the eyes. "Baby, you're going to be treated like royalty."
You thought it would be a lie, that it was something he'd just say to make you fall in line but he kept his word. You had freedom, you felt like you could actually breathe. You weren't afraid anymore.
He treated you with respect. He set you free, you had your soul back.
Maybe that's why you fell in love with him, you know it was a silly notion to tell him but you felt like you had to after all he had done for you. It was easy since it was just 3 simple words.
"I love you."
You saw it in his eyes though, a moment of weakness. He was scared, like it wasn't real because why would someone like you ever fall for someone like him.
Though it did not take long for that smirk to come back on his face. His arm wrapping around your waist drawing you in close. He might have had that arrogant smirk on his face but it was his eyes that gave it way, gave his true feelings away.
"Isn't that a funny little thing. Looks like I love you too, I think you must realize it now, we gotta get married."
"How could I ever say no to the man that saved my life?"
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fatherth0t · 6 months
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kittlekatsart · 7 months
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*Adam runnin out of the bath room screaming*
Adam : There is a monster in the bath room
Lucifer: Did you saw your own reflection again?
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avilthings · 6 months
Spring Shedding
Plot: Poor Husk isn’t the best at handling shedding season
Pairing: Husk x gn!reader
Length: 1.3K
Type: SFW ~ Fluff
Editing credit: To the lovely @irkimatsu who always cleans up my work🫶
It’s been two days since you’ve seen Husk at the bar. You’ve been staying at the hotel long enough to know that not seeing Husk at the bar is unusual. He’s usually always there sipping on a bottle of cheap booze.
The hotel has been rather quiet this past little bit with Charlie and Vaggie busy coming up with plans at Lucifer’s estate and Angel working many hours. For as odd as it was seeing the hotel so quiet you actually enjoyed it. It was a nice change of pace from the usual chaos. However, you were now quite curious about where Husk has been these last two days.
“Oh good, Niffty! Wait… what is that?” You point to the clump of fur in her hand lowkey disturbed.
“For my collection!” Niffty grins before scurrying away.
“Wait, I was going to ask if you’ve seen Alastor!” You try calling out, but Niffty is already gone.
“You needed something?”
You jump as Alastor appears from shadows behind you. “Jesus Christ Al! Don’t sneak up on people!”
“Hmph, I simply heard my name and answered, dear. Is that so wrong?”
“It is when you almost send people into cardiac arrest!” You sigh before getting back to the topic at hand. “Listen, I was just going to ask if you’ve seen Husk. It’s unusual to not see him at the bar.”
“Ah yes~ Husker was getting rather frustrated with the amount of fur getting into his drinks.”
“Wait, fur…? Niffty had a clump of fur in her hands not too long ago…” You recall your interaction with her.
“Yes, poor Niffty has been working overtime with the amount of fur Husker has been leaving all over the hotel.” Alastor says, sympathizing with Niffty. Whether it was genuine or not, you’ll never know. “It is shedding season after all!” Alastor states matter of factly before heading off.
‘Shedding season…’ you think to yourself, processing Alastor words.
*knock knock*
“Husk? You in there?”
“Go away, I’m not in the mood.”
Not wanting to push, you leave, wanting to think of a better way to approach this issue.
While alive, you had many animals and worked in the field of taking care of them. You were very good at managing fur, from double coats to long and short coats. You knew you could help Husk because of this, and wanted to help him since he’s helped you before, even if it was just lending an ear.
That’s when you got a plan…
*knock knock*
“I thought I told you to fucking go away earlier!” Husk snapped.
“You did, and I listened. Now it’s later… plus, I brought some rather expensive alcohol this time.” You smirk from behind the door knowing Husk’s ears probably perked up at that.
Not too long after that comment, the door opens slightly. Husk doesn’t seem to want to come out though, and is mostly hidden behind the door.
“If you’re going to have some of my expensive whiskey, we’re going to enjoy it together,” you emphasize. Husk grumbles, but finally lets you in.
“Don’t say a word!” he warns. You knew instantly he was referring to both the way he looked and the state of his room. Husk had chunks of fur falling out as well as a few bald spots from where he probably pulled the fur out. The room was no better, with fur and the occasional feathers everywhere.
You take the whiskey and glasses out of the small bag you had before setting them down on a nearby coffee table. Husk instantly pours himself a glass.
“Ah~ been awhile since I had the good shit.” Husk says, sitting back into a comfy chair.
“It’s not the only thing I have in my bag…”
“Hm?” Husk grunts, almost curious, but also in a way that says ‘I don’t give a fuck unless it’s more alcohol.’ You empty the bag and three brushes fall out.
“NO!” Husk says as soon as he sees the brushes, knowing exactly what you wanted to do.
“Hear me out, okay?. In my life, I worked a lot with different types of fur coats. I understand how to properly groom and take care of them, it’s what I did for a living. I know you don’t want help, but I can see how much this is bothering you. You’re always there for everyone else listening to their problems and even lending advice at times. Let me return the favour and be there for you.”
After a long sip of his (your) whiskey, he gets up and sits on the floor by you and the coffee table.
“This stays between us, got it?”
Your face lights up at this. “It will, I promise. Now, what’s the area causing you the most trouble?”
“My back and torso have the thickest amount of hair, but I don’t want you touching my wings or tail,” Husk says as he turns around, allowing you access to his back.
“I won’t. I have a curry comb which I’ll use to get the already loose fur out, then a special deshedding comb which will be the main brush I use, and finally a slicker brush to help the coat look nice and sleek after.” You let Husk know your process so he’s not startled by what you’re doing or confused as to why you’e doing it.
“As long as I get to keep drinking this whiskey, knock yourself out,” Husk comments, not seeming to care much.
You begin by getting a feel for his fur to understand the type of coat he has. Once you have a plan of what to do, you start working. You’re careful not to touch or go near his wings as you work away.
It’s been an hour now, and you’ve finally finished his back. The amount of fur that came out was almost startling. Both you and Husk hadn’t noticed but at some point while grooming his back he had started purring.
“I’m going to move to your chest now. Can you turn around?”
Husk complies, moving to face you. Seeing him this close knowing you would be touching his chest was enough to dust your cheeks a light pink. Thankfully, Husk didn’t seem to notice, as he was mostly interested in the alcohol.
“I’m going to start.”
It wasn’t until you touched his chest that you felt the vibrations of him purring. It was a low purr, which is why you hadn’t noticed it earlier. Now that you were aware of it, it became clear as day. Best not to comment on it, though, you figured.
As you worked through Husk’s chest fur, you soon realized how thick this particular area was and how long it would take. Husk had already finished off the bottle of whiskey and you still had a ways to go.
“This area is going to take a while. Sorry! It’s just very thick and where most of your shedding is coming from,” you warned, quietly a little worried he’d get mad or ask you to stop. Instead, he did something you never would’ve expected.
Husk lay his head in your lap, getting comfortable before closing his eyes.
“I’m tired… and out of booze. Just keep doing your thing.”
With that said, you keep working on his chest fur, making sure to be careful around bald spots. You can feel the vibrations of Husk’s purring through your lap; he seems to really enjoy this.
After an hour and a half, fur everywhere and your legs numb, you finished. Husk’s coat was looking better than ever as he now slept in your lap, still purring quietly. You couldn’t help but reach down and lightly rub his ears, causing him to wake up.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s fine,” Husk says as he sits up.
Husk starts to feel his fur, almost amazed at how soft it felt. “My fur has never felt like this. It’s amazingly soft.”
“Told you I knew what I was doing,” you giggle as you watch Husk pet his own chest.
“Thank you for this.” Husk said, a bit quieter than his usual tone.
“You’re welcome. I’m really happy to have helped you.” You smile.
“Know anything about wings?”
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pennyisacoin · 4 months
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I'M STILL ALIVE I SWEAR!!!! Been working on finishing that Angel animatic and I give you a singular frame of husker dust :3
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yellow-dino · 5 months
When you decide to journal and you write more than a page worth of things for husk and how he’s way too underrated and deserves attention and love and to be free from alastor and how he’s my comfort character and how he belongs with angel
Ah, I love husk
i need someone who will be a loser with me
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gothicgender · 6 months
Tell me more - Huskerdust
Fandom : Hazbin Hotel
Type : one-shot
Genre : romantic, suggestive, friends to lovers
Warnings : gay characters, lgbtq materials, canon x canon, curse words, suggestive and/or sexual comments.
Summary : Angel Dust is the usual flirty person with Husk and flirts with him, but what if Husk decides to flirt back ?
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Title: Unexpected Flirtations
In the chaotic streets of Hell, where debauchery and mayhem reign supreme, the Hazbin Hotel stood as a beacon of questionable refuge. Inside its walls, Angel Dust, the flamboyant spider demon, lounged lazily on a plush couch, clad in his usual flashy attire. Husk, the grumpy feline bartender, leaned against the counter, wiping a glass with a cloth.
Angel Dust, always on the lookout for a good time, sauntered over to Husk, a sly grin curling on his lips. "Hey there, handsome," he purred, batting his eyelashes. "Care to join me for a little… entertainment?"
Husk rolled his eyes, accustomed to Angel's shameless advances. "Go and fuck yourself" he replied, his tone gruff.
But Angel Dust was undeterred. "Aw, come on, kitten. Don't be like that," he teased, leaning in closer. "I promise I'll make it worth your while."
''If you are going to flirt with me, atleast do it right'' said Husk, eyes narrowed at the spider in front of him while pouring him a drink and passing it to him.
''Oh yea ? If you are so good at flirting then why won't you show me how it's done ?'' Angel dares the cat demon, leaning closer to him.
''Do you have a mirror in your pants ? Because I can see myself in them'' Unexpectedly, Husk flirts back voice low and husky, sending a shiver down Angel's spine.
Angel Dust blinked in surprise, taken aback by Husk's sudden change in demeanor. Could it be that the grumpy bartender was actually flirting back? His heart skipped a beat at the thought.
''Fuck, Tell me more...''
Gathering his composure, Angel flashed a coy smile with redder cheeks.
''Nice suit...can I talk you out of it ?'' Husk continued, his full attention now on the submissive demon in front of him.
Angel Dust chuckled, a rare sign of actual emotion in his laughter. "Sounds intriguing, pussycat" he admitted, setting down the glass and meeting Husk's gaze with a newfound interest. "I might just take you up on that offer. Don't fucking stop" Angel continued seeming to get addicted to this side of the winged cat.
As the tension between them crackled with anticipation, Angel Dust felt a rush of excitement coursing through his veins. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to Husk than met the eye. And as they bantered back and forth, flirting shamelessly in the dimly lit confines of the Hazbin Hotel, Angel Dust couldn't help but fall a little more in love with the grumpy bartender who had unexpectedly stolen his heart.
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I actually wrote a lot for this one.
I think I like how this turned out and I hope you will like it too. I really need to see them happy and get married and live happily togheter. I want to see some fluff of them soooooo bad.
I hope you enjoyed this because I certainly enjoyed writing this one-shot.
Thank you for reading, darling.
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teddie-bear420 · 8 months
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Husk and nifty, the silliest unpaid workers
So I made them green for more color diversity in the cast and also to compliment alastors red ass
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So What A Soul Can Accomplish is the first fic I've ever written and though it is super angsty at times, Luci and Al both do genuinely like (looooooove) each other.
I'm 120K into the fic and still going strong (one chapter per day!) so tell me why I have this nagging urge to start a whole-ass other fic where Alastor is pure devious malevolence? I can just picture him tip-toeing behind everyone, secretly causing mass chaos, and then popping out of his shadow in the aftermath like: "Oh nooOooOOOOooo... what ever could have happened here? How tragic!" Super bonus if everyone in the hotel is super happy to see Al, like: "Oh Al, I'm so glad you're okay! We were so worried about you."
Then, obviously, Al just smiles like a cheshire cat.
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In this version, Al would still get himself into relationships (both romantic and friendships) but they would truly all be grand manipulations. I still say that the characterizations where Al doesn't understand emotions at all and has to go ask Rosie what he's feeling make no sense to me. He's an Overlord who talks people out of their literal souls, IMHO he HAS to have very high emotional intelligence to know exactly when to swoop in on someone and what to say to manipulate them.
I would SO run with this skill if I made a 'truly evil Alastor' fic.
Anywho, I'm not sure it would be a fulfilling read because despite putting Al into relationships (Luci as the current victim, Vox and maaaaybe Husk as previous victims), I would NOT have him accidentally catch real feelings. If I wrote the fic, I would have his plan actually play out and let him "win". BUT BUT BUT It would be HILLARIOUS to follow Al-the-chaos-gremlin and his antics because in this version he looOoOoOOoves causing chaos and is utterly giddy everytime a plan comes to fruition.
Ah, the author's insatiable urge to create absolute chaos.
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lythecreatorart · 7 months
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Huskerdust doodles
The bottom right have my HEARTS
Angel is so easily for me to draw and then there’s Husk-
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mentally-retired · 8 months
i just finished some edits on what i think the hazbin characters would like like when they were alive
(click for better quality)
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fatherth0t · 7 months
Small wip of something I may or may not finish. Been wanting to try animatics for a while :D
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