#hbo lovecraft  country
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Day 10 of 31 Days of #horrorcoutour. Lovecraft Country
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heartshapelocket · 7 months
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melaninpov · 1 year
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Lovecraft Country S1E6: Meet Me In Daegu
“Ji-ah there’s nothing you can tell me, that will change the way I feel about you” - Atticus
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michapenas · 2 years
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constructedparadox · 2 years
Those bastards at HBO canceled The Nevers after airing half of its first season damn near two years ago. This is after they killed the second season of Lovecraft Country following its phenomenal first season. They also decided to end Doom Patrol in favor of their thrice reworked "vision" of the DCEU. And now that I think I want to watch The Last of Us, I have nothing but bitterness over other great shows that they abandoned. I'm gonna wait this one out.
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kcyars52 · 11 months
Sep 1
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Lovecraft Country S1E6: Meet Me In Daegu
“Ji-ah there’s nothing you can tell me, that will change the way I feel about you” - Atticus
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luspiel · 2 years
1 episode in and we've already seen one sex scene, a back alley Bj, and a snake for a penis...twice
Me: Was this in the book?
Sister: If it was, then I must have selective amnesia
HBO dragged their greasy little paw prints all over Lovecraft Country
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awitchatdinner · 2 years
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loved this until that end where  Dee killed Christina
Like WTF! Where did that come from? Why is Dee involving herself in the killing of Christina?
That was so FUCKING stupid.
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marantha · 2 years
Lovecraft country is so fucking great 😭😭not one bad actor in sight
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black-pussy-supreme · 11 months
Lovecraft County had some fantastic horror moments. This is one of my favorites. Jurnee gave an Emmy winning performance
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ausetkmt · 2 months
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Nigerian ‘Lovecraft Country’ Writer Tweets Offensive Slur Against African-Americans … HBO Does Nothing. Nigeria photo
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In the African-American community, we have been witnessing a disturbing pattern of Nigerian-origin hateful rhetoric towards American descendants of slavery while burrowing themselves into the very same ecosystem that African-Americans have fought to create to give people of Nigerian-origin the pipeline to pursue opportunities in America.
What is more disturbing is these Nigerian-origin individuals engaged in hatred towards African-Americans appeared to be “sanctioned” by liberals/progressive platforms who are attempting to use black people from the Caribbean and Africa to appear as the “black narrative” in America.
Ihuoma Ofordire, who works on the HBO “Lovecraft Country” series, has revealed in a tweet she was warned by her mother about dating African-American men with the use of a Nigerian-origin slur called “Akata” that has a derogative meaning towards African-American people.
First of all, my reaction to this is probably the same as yours— this is weird and awkward, why would a bunch of Black people in Nigeria come up and devise an ethnic slur called “Akata” towards another group of black people in this world? Then their black Nigerian mothers are telling their Black daughters, not to date First-World African-American men like we some pieces of garbage out here? All of this makes no sense and unwarranted hatred considering how African-Americans actively contributed to the advancement of Black people worldwide in an unselfish and sacrificial manner. One of our Civil Rights heroes, Whitney Young died in Nigeria going over there to support them.
Furthermore, Ihuoma talks about being a proud “Igbo” — we African-Americans were the ones who accommodated the “Igbo” people from Nigeria in the 1970s when the state was massacring Igbos and taking over the Igbo kingdom — they got grisly macabre YouTube videos in case someone wants to forget their history. We African-Americans took Ihuoma people in here in America and the thanks we get is Ihuoma mother telling her about “Akata” and not to date them — that’s the thanks we get from Ihuoma moms and her.
The average African-American person like myself do not even know what is the context of “Akata” because this is something we don’t even expect to even realize a Black-on-Black slur word existed — we always thought of Black people around the world as our common family in the struggle against global white supremacy and oppression.
So why is this Ihuoma Ofordie tweeting out an ethnic slur against her own Black people in this world saying her mother is telling her not to date them? WTF is this BS?
Let me make something clear with anybody from Nigeria using slurs like “Akata” to African-Americans, this kind of hatred and slurs against African-Americans is beneath us and don’t even register on our radar. I can care less about some Nigerian old woman telling her Nigerian daughter not to date an African-American man — that sounds stupid and silly to African-American people that earned our position through blood, sweat, and tears to be the standard-bearer of blackness in this modern world.
I’m not even going to go there with how bad the actions of Nigerian nationals make everybody Black looks in this world — I can write a whole book on that with annotations if I want to go there. When I travel in remote parts of this world, you know what I get asked by people out of caution?
They ask me if I’m Nigerian. I say no, I’m American and they start smiling and talking about Muhammad Ali and James Brown — you Nigerians don’t have nor earned that kind of social capital to go around making up “Akata” slurs towards African-Americans. I’m not going to bring up the Nigerian and South African thing but we African-Americans are very well aware of that whole spat as well.
Furthermore, no one in America is going to protect anybody from the African Diaspora thinking they can come here to America and start disrespecting African-Americans. I don’t care what company, what liberal billionaire or what social media platform or blog platform is out there — African-Americans ain’t scared and we stand up to our oppressors and we don’t play with anybody around here. We fought and sacrificed too much to reach the station we are at today to play with crumb snatchers and bootlickers trying to undermine the legacy of African-American people and calling us names like Akata.
I will be in formal contact with AT&T as well as HBO over this Ihuoma Ofordie and her “Akata” hate tweet as well as other African-Americans who will not tolerate this mess. The sad and perplexing part is African-Americans have to figure out why the hell Nigerians even made up the word “Akata” as if we African-Americans has done something to the people of Nigeria to deserve this kind of hateful sentiment?
The first thing our Black mayors have done in America in the 1970s and 1980s was to create opportunities for Africans to migrate to places like Dallas, DC and more — the hell our African-American people done to Nigeria to be called something like “Akata” or Nigerian mothers telling their daughters don’t date African-American men? I’m very confused about that.
This “Akata” slur doesn’t even make sense to us but African-Americans will not be tolerating any more undermining hate towards us from anyone in the African Diaspora and we will come for any progressive/liberal groups and organizations sponsoring these Africans/Carribeans to feel empowered to come at African-Americans like this.
Listen to GHOGH with Jamarlin Martin | Episode 73: Jamarlin Martin Jamarlin makes the case for why this is a multi-factor rebellion vs. just protests about George Floyd. He discusses the Democratic Party’s sneaky relationship with the police in cities and states under Dem control, and why Joe Biden is a cop and the Steve Jobs of mass incarceration.
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melaninpov · 1 year
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Lovecraft Country S1.E6: Meet Me In Daegu
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tvthemesongs · 1 year
Lovecraft Country intro
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 9 months
My current letter to the HBO Folks.
@stardust-sadie's latest letter, @merryfinches, @poison-into-positivity and so many others inspired me to write my own letter to David Zaslav. This is what was sent, feel free to use any of it if you'd like, I stole some of Stardust-Sadie's commentary with their permission (in their letter).
Email Addresses:
Only emails that worked:
The rest of these are not working at the moment:
[email protected], [email protected], To whom it may concern: attention David Zaslav, [email protected]
To whom it may concern: Attention David Zaslav
I realize you all are probably being swamped at the moment by an influx of responses to your decision to not greenlight Season 3 of Our Flag Means Death, so I appreciate you taking the time to read this if you do. 
I am writing today, much like many of my fellow fans, hoping to provide you with evidence and earnest feedback as to why you should reverse the decision not to renew. I have used HBO Max in the past, but once a show I liked was over, and another one on another network came up that we wanted to watch, we decided to cancel. I was on HBOMax before I knew about Our Flag Means Death, and aside from Doom Patrol and Harley Quinn, we didn't have too many other shows we wanted to watch. After cancelling for many months, I heard of Our Flag Means Death from an artist that drew for other fandoms that I liked. Looking into the fanbase, I quickly found pieces that I felt were definitely up my alley and decided to cancel other networks for a few months to jump back into HBOMax.
Why is this important? I don't watch ads in a lot of places. I block pop ups because they are often very spammy, so I don't get recommendations for shows like most people. I'm a [AGE][GENDER][PROFESSION] and I avoid advertising in most cases. You know where I get my recommendations? Fanbases, casts and crews. The absolute adoration of an artist or writer that I like loving a series will get me to look into and watch that show before any other kind of advertising. Your fanbase is free advertising. THAT BEING SAID -- I'd like to explain to you what meant so much to me about this show.
Not only was I absolutely floored by the quality, and story of Our Flag Means Death, but the thing that kept me wanting more was the messages it portrayed. So rarely is there a show that embodies drama, comedy, and an all encompassing belief in forgiveness and change, and accepting others for who they are. This show gave me a new outlook on life. It helped me to heal parts of myself I didn't realize were hurt. I found love and compassion in the cast, the crew, and the fanbase that I haven't experienced in modern television in a very long time. I became engaged in other max shows because of it (Wellington Paranormal, The Last of Us, His Dark Materials, Lovecraft Country, etc). I'm actively watching shows and content I had previously decided not to worry about because of the influence of Our Flag Means Death. 
For me, as a fan, knowing that Max has content that means so much to me and others, shows that as a company, you're willing to have content that not only sparks the imagination, but fosters kindness, acceptance, and forgiveness no matter what race, gender, sexuality, or financial background you're from. That is the content we, the fans, have been looking for in so many places and have found them lacking. Another great example of this is the Barbie movie that you had a sign language interpreter for. While I am a hearing person, I still watched it because it was fascinating and so incredibly inclusive, and that tells me that you, HBOMax as a company DOES care about inclusivity.
When we waited for the renewal announcement this winter, I purchased Our Flag Means Death merchandise from your store (a mug and a blanket) because I knew I needed something to commemorate this great show no matter what happened. I am one of many fans who did this. Fun, reasonably designed merchandise is something we the fanbase can get behind. 
Our Flag Means Death is a powerhouse in television, and I know that it's only meant to be 3 seasons, so it won't be a cash cow forever, but I can tell you it's brought SO MANY PEOPLE to your platform that would normally just not have joined up. I am on HBO Max right now so that I can watch Our Flag Means Death whenever I want to. You're getting monthly subscription fees from me and so many other people JUST for this show. Your decision to cancel it is actually hurting your numbers, as can be seen in the clear drop in shareholder confidence since the announcement on January 9th.  Attached is a screenshot of the WB Discovery Inc Stock for reference.
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In addition, a colleague of mine said this best so I will quote them here:
"Furthermore, the decision to cancel the show has led to a very prominent and public backlash from the very passionate and vocal fanbase of Our Flag Means Death. Fans have made their displeasure known across all the major social media platforms: X, Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr, YouTube, Facebook, etc etc. This backlash is unlikely to die down in the near future, and is likely to continue to reflect a poor image of HBO Max to subscribers and investors. 
The egregious decision to cancel Our Flag Means Death has also caught the attention of journalists writing for major publications, such as Vanity Fair, The Hollywood Reporter, The Independent, and even more niche internet publications such as Collider. "
All of this is true. As an active member of this fanbase, I am seeing this across all platforms.
I implore you, as a huge consumer of  fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, and lgbtqia content, to please reconsider renewing Our Flag Means Death for its 3rd and final season. We the fans are willing to put our hearts and souls into these letters because this show made an impact on our community that is so immense and cascading that it can't be quantified. I guarantee that a good faith act to do so will not only restore your reputation but open new revenue streams if you continue with this kind of inclusive and heartfelt content.
Thank you for your time,
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st-just · 8 months
I do sometimes wonder if Lovecraft getting singled out as The Racist One and continually deconstructed and critiqued for it was on net just amazing for his legacy. No one out there pitching HBO with Edgar Rice Burroughs Country.
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just-antithings · 5 months
Part of why the "RPF = ew and evil!!" thing amuses me everytime is that the people against it clearly have never thought about what that actually means.
Fictional retellings of/including Real Events constantly win awards inkl. Oscars. Anything that is "based on real events" contains RPF, cause it will fictionalize parts of said events to tell a dramatic story (if not make shit up whole cloth). Every alternate history is by default RPF cause you can't have an alternative path without writing real people make different choices. HBO Chernobyl is RPF. Lovecraft Country is RPF. Green Book is RPF.
One direction kidnapping fics and whatever BTS stans are writing is barely a blip inside the RPF Genre.
yep yep
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