#hbtaker smut
take-taker-taken · 6 months
hey there, "first time asker" is back! i'm so glad i that i was able to inspire something last time:).
i recently had another idea: so it would be shawn x taker again (i'm sorry i just love these two so much). this time a little more explicit? so taker is usually very dominant and a big fan of tying shawn up. this time tho, shawn wants to tie him up for a change and taker agrees. but we all know that shawn is the biggest tease known to man(kind sorry i couldn't resist). taker then loses his patience. but we all know that he is somewhat of a supernatural being, so he manages to undo the restraints without shawn noticing. now its time for taker to reverse the roles and have his way with shawn.
again any era you want and if you want to add or remove something go ahead. hope your cold is gone by now :)
Hellooooo, second time asker! Here is your fic - sorry that it took me so long and I hope it hits the spot! Feel free to picture whichever era you most prefer!
Give & Take - Interrupted
Shawn pounces on Taker right after he walks in the door, wrapping his arms around the bigger man’s waist and stretching up for a kiss that very quickly becomes heated.
“Someone’s keen,” he comments when Shawn finally lets him up for air.
“Well, if you will insist on sending me suggestive texts in the middle of the afternoon…” Shawn says with a smile.
“Suggestive? It was a few little pictures, that’s all.” Despite his flippant reply, Taker’s hands slide down to cup Shawn’s pert ass.
“They’re called emojis,” Shawn says, planting a lazy kiss on his lover’s neck. “And it was that special one that you use - as you well know.”
Unseen by the blonde who’s still nuzzling at his throat, Taker smiles. “Yeah, OK - you got me. I’m a bad man.”
Shawn leans back so that he can look Taker in the eye. “Nah. You’re actually very good. But… I don’t suppose…” He trails off and worries at his bottom lip with his teeth.
Even though it’s obvious that Shawn is plotting, the big man takes the bait as he gently lifts his thumb to the blonde’s mouth and frees the lip before it gets hurt. “Don’t suppose that what?” He prompts.
“I was thinking… maybe we could change things up tonight?” He does his best puppy dog eyes when he adds, “And I could be the one to tie you up?”
Taker looks at Shawn for a long minute as though searching for any trace of an attempt at ribbing but all he sees is wide, honest blue eyes. And so he nods.
“Sure, why not?” His cold heart melts a little at the excited smile that appears on Shawn’s face and he can’t help adding, “But I’m not calling you ‘sir’.”
“No. No, that would be weird,” Shawn agrees quickly and then settles into Taker’s arms again happily and makes a soft, contented little sound when Taker leans down and kisses the top of his head.
“Uhh, put your hands up over your head,” Shawn says, eyeing the railings of the headboard and toying with handfuls of rope. Having already had each of his feet bound to the bottom of the bed Taker silently complies, holding loosely on to the rails and Shawn has to take a minute to just drink him in. Sure, he sees his partner naked all the time, but rarely on display like this. Taker is a big guy and the position he’s in right now shows all the definition in his huge arms. Shawn wants to lay down on him with that broad chest as a pillow and sink his teeth into those pecs… and then he realises that he can. Still wearing his jeans, he drapes the length of rope around his neck and crawls on to the bed, straddling Taker’s hips. He leans forward and begins to wind the rope around the bigger man’s wrists - his work isn’t as neat as Taker’s but he’s sure it’ll be just as effective. He wraps and knots it around the railings as best he can and then places his hands on Taker’s chest, splaying his fingers out across the pecs.
“Does it feel OK? Not too tight?” He asks the same thing that Taker always says when their roles are reversed.
The big man raises a dark eyebrow. “It’s fine,” he says. “But then, it’s not like I have regular circulation.”
Shawn gives a small shrug in capitulation and then digs his fingers into Taker’s flesh slightly and wriggles backwards. His gaze leaves the green eyes and roves across the broad chest below him and then he does it - he dips his head and mouths at the big man’s left pec just above the nipple before gently biting down.
Taker lets out a breathy moan the sort of which he’s never heard him make before and Shawn looks up in surprise.
“You like that?” He tries to keep his tone in check and sound more confident than questioning.
“Yeah,” Taker replies, his voice sounding a little strained. “I like it just fine.”
Shawn understands his stoic lover well enough to know that liking something ‘just fine’ actually translates as, ‘give me more of that right now’. He briefly considers making Taker ask him to do it again but decides against it as while that’s exactly the kind of thing the big man would do to him, he has a feeling it would just send his partner retreating into his shell. So instead, he dips back down and bites again - harder this time, to the point of leaving teethmarks. He’s rewarded with another moan and so he begins to devour Taker’s chest like a starving man, licking and biting his way across it.
By the time he sits back up Taker’s eyes are closed, he’s breathing rapidly and his skin is pink and covered with marks. Also, his dick is as hard as a rock, which Shawn notices when his ass bumps against it and he smirks a little.
“Guess you really liked it, huh?”
Taker’s eyes snap open and Shawn startles as he notices that the other man’s pupils are blown so wide, his eyes look nearly black.
“Enough teasing now.” Taker flexes his arms and stares hungrily at the blonde wriggling on his lap. “You got it like that, so now you can take care of it.”
“All in good time,” Shawn replies, with a cheeky wink as he shuffles backwards. He wriggles his jeans and boxers off and then lays down on his stomach between Taker’s legs in order to be properly on a level with ‘it’. He rests his chin on his hands as he takes some time to admire the delectable treat in front of him, while his partner stares impatiently down the line of his body, glaring at the smug blonde.
Shawn reaches out and wraps his hand around the base, guiding the column towards him before sticking his tongue out and licking steadily from root to tip. He presses his tongue hard against the flesh, feeling it track over the thick vein while at the same time feeling Taker’s thighs tense beneath his hand. He’s sure that he hears a creak from the head of the bed.
In a bid to quell any sense of mutiny from above, he takes the spongy head into his mouth and sucks hard which automatically causes the bigger man to thrust upwards, chasing the pressure. Shawn merely moves with him and continues to tease, curling his tongue around to tickle at the frenulum as a muffled growl is heard from above.
“I told you enough teasing,” Taker’s words come from between gritted teeth. “Take it down your throat.”
“I told you all in good time,” Shawn counters, emboldened by the safety of distance. “I wanna play a little first, and then I’ll slide right down on it.”
“I’ll remember this,” Taker grumbles, flexing his fingers.
Shawn dips his head to hide a smile. “I’m counting on that,” he answers and then noses at Taker’s balls before licking and nipping at the sac while he reaches up with his right hand to slowly jack the now weeping erection. This earns a few sharp intakes of breath as his victim struggles to adjust to the new sensation.
“C’mon, baby…” Taker’s voice is soft now, cajoling. “You know you want to take me all the way…”
Shawn’s head pops back up in almost comic fashion but the smirk on his face is predatory. His expression matches his actions as he crawls slowly back up Taker’s body, making sure to let his muscled abs drag against the bigger man’s dick on the way.
Taker closes his eyes against the insanely erotic sight of his lover advancing upon him and presses his lips together to prevent any kind of sound escaping. He knows that he shouldn’t do what he’s currently considering… That is, using his powers in the bedroom, right now… it wouldn’t be in the spirit. On the other hand, Shawn has now reached his chest and has begun to bite and suck on his left nipple while simultaneously pinching his right. Unnggh.
Decision made.
It takes Shawn nearly a full minute to realise that something is… not wrong, exactly - just different. He’s laying atop the big man having transferred his attentions from nipples to neck and he’s happily nuzzling away there when the familiar, huge arms wrap around him and a kiss is pressed to the side of his head. The big hands slide down his back and then cup his ass and squeeze before-
Hang on a second!
He scrambles to an upright position, to find Taker’s hands very much no longer tied and a quick glance behind him confirms that while his legs are still spread, his ankles are also free. Taker at least has the good grace to look a bit sheepish and he shrugs awkwardly.
“I got impatient?” He offers as Shawn folds his arms and pouts down at him. “The worst torture was not being able to touch you…”
Shawn can’t get mad - he’s still feeling a little high from the dose of power that he was given and so he leans down and kisses Taker gently.
“Well, now you can touch all you want.”
Taker raises a hand to hold the back of Shawn’s head as he deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping into the blonde’s mouth as the smaller man whimpers his submission. As soon as he breaks the kiss, he rolls them in one movement so that their positions are reversed and he stares down into bright blue eyes that seem to be begging him to take charge. He pins the slim wrists to the bed and when he feels Shawn push against the hold he tightens his grip and watches with satisfaction as he shudders.
“Wh.. what are you gonna do with me?” Shawn asks, a tremor in his voice that even if it’s only done for effect, goes straight to Taker’s dick.
Taker doesn’t answer at first - just uses his grip on each wrist to push Shawn’s arms out wide and then dares him with a Look to move as he lets go and untangles the rope from the headboard’s rails. He quickly and efficiently completes the ties and then asks Shawn to confirm that nothing is too tight. Comfort established, Taker drifts the tips of his fingers down the blonde’s arms, watching them tense as he reaches that ticklish spot on each armpit before finally replying.
“I’m going to make you beg, boy toy.”
Shawn can’t prevent the low whine that’s a combination of lust and trepidation. Taker smirks at the noise, leans down and proceeds to visit upon Shawn exactly what was done to him. He flicks his tongue over the heaving chest and then sinks his teeth slowly into one perfect pec. He takes time to appreciate how the flesh feels under his bite, increasing the pressure until he’s sure that imprints will be left behind. Shawn’s head thrashes from side to side as the torrent of pain-pleasure is inflicted upon him.
He teases the blonde’s nipples, the very tip of his tongue dancing insistently over the hard little peaks and then turns his attention to Shawn’s neck. He takes a good handful of his lover’s hair and uses it to hold his head back as he kisses and bites his throat. Shawn mewls quietly as he’s devoured, straining at the ropes just to feel the restraint more fully.
“Please,” He gasps out when Taker finally kneels back up, watching him writhe impatiently.
“Please, what?”
Shawn’s dick twitches at the prompt and he swallows before replying, “Please, sir…”
Taker smirks and raises an eyebrow. “Please, sir… what?”
Shawn bunches his hands into fists, knowing that it will make his biceps flex a little. “I want… Can I come, sir?”
Taker laughs quietly and merely shakes his head ‘no’, before shifting forwards and offering his dick up to Shawn’s lips. “Open up, boy toy; let’s put that pretty mouth to good use.”
Shawn’s eyes close as he takes his lover’s erection into his mouth and caresses the underside with his tongue. Taker thrusts gently, letting out a quiet grunt of his own as Shawn’s teeth softly scrape over his flesh. “Look at me,” he commands and his heart swells just a little when the blue eyes flutter open and meet his own. Taker holds on to the top rail of the headboard and slowly fucks Shawn’s mouth for a while - never pushing too far, just enjoying as much as the position allows.
Eventually he withdraws and stands up, making his way to the foot of the bed, trailing his fingertips along Shawn’s torso and down his leg as he goes. He stands and contemplates the gorgeous creature on the bed, all mussed-up hair and whimpers.
“That looks uncomfortable,” Taker says, with a nod towards Shawn’s straining dick. As if performing on cue, a bead of pre-come leaks out of the dark red slit and dribbles down over the head. “Want me to do something with it?”
Shawn nods rapidly. “Yes, sir - please. God, yes!”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” Taker drops forward, catching himself on his hands and then leans over to lick up the drip running down the side of Shawn’s dick. The blonde shouts in surprise and Taker has to clamp his hands down on the smaller man’s legs to prevent him from moving too much. Far from backing off at the extreme reaction, Taker instead captures the weeping head in his mouth and swirls his long tongue around it a couple of times before sucking hard, drawing back off it with a pop.
Shawn’s hips thrust up pathetically despite Taker’s hold and he looks confused that all the bigger man has done is make matters worse. “Wha..?”
“Said I’d do something with it. Not get rid of it.” Shawn looks bereft which just makes Taker smile. “Didn’t I say that I’d remember what you did to me just now?” Somewhat defeated, Shawn nods as he grasps the bars of the headboard. He looks so pitiful that Taker decides to progress things and crosses to the bedside cabinet to retrieve the lube. He very deliberately holds Shawn’s gaze as he squeezes some out on to his hand to warm and then steps up close, tapping the nearest thigh as a signal to bend his knees.
He gently pushes a well-lubed finger into Shawn, working it in and out while the blonde lets out the most adorable breathy little moans.
“Like this part, don’t you?”
“L - like all of it, si-ahh!” Shawn’s response is cut off to a gasp as Taker chooses that moment to add a second finger. “God, that feels so good…” He writhes and pulls against the ropes as Taker seeks out that little bundle of nerves and presses insistently. The pleasurable burn as he’s carefully stretched is all-consuming and he begins to feel as though he’ll come from Taker’s fingers alone.
“You look good all spread out like that,” Taker comments. He twists his hand around and gently scissors his fingers inside Shawn’s grasping heat and the smaller man mewls.
“Please… Fuck me sir, please!”
“You sure you’re ready?”
Shawn nods rapidly in response. “Please!” He says again, thrusting his hips up.
Taker has half a mind to make him wait, but truth be told he’s more than ready himself and so he withdraws his fingers and then slathers more lube on to his dick. As a final tease he bites his way along one of Shawn’s thighs and then kneels on the bed, hooking his hands behind the blonde’s knees. He lines up and then pushes slowly in, gritting his teeth against the squeeze and intense heat until he bottoms out. He takes a few moments to adjust and then draws back, the beginning of a torturously slow fuck.
Shawn stares up at the man above him, relishing the feeling of being completely owned as he’s held in position. Sure, the idea of topping had been fun but nothing can beat this, he’s sure of it.
“Faster…” The words slip out unbidden and result in Taker ceasing to move altogether.
“You giving orders now?” He asks with a raised eyebrow and serious expression.
“N - no, sir. I just… so good…” Shawn bites his bottom lip and does his best to look contrite.
“That’s what I thought,” Taker says and starts to move again. He moves his left hand from behind Shawn’s knee and places it loosely about the smaller man’s throat. “Your job is to lay there and take it. What are you?”
The question takes Shawn by surprise and at first he’s not sure what Taker’s looking for so he blinks, swallows and hopes for the best before replying,
“I’m your boy toy, sir.”
A mildly satisfied smirk turns up the corner of Taker’s mouth and he rewards Shawn with a few rapid thrusts to stab against his prostate before returning to the previous slow pace.
“What else?”
Shawn swallows again, his stomach flip-flopping before he closes his eyes with faux-shame and quietly answers, “A slut, sir.”
Taker gives Shawn’s throat a gentle squeeze. “Whose slut?”
Shawn’s eyes fly open, expression mildly panicked as though he’s desperate not to be misunderstood. “Yours - your slut.”
“Damn right,” Taker mutters and again rewards the admission with more rapid thrusts. “What else?”
Shawn lets out a small whimper as the pace backs off again and then looks Taker right in the eyes as with more intensity he says, “Your whore, sir.”
This time the increased speed is maintained and Taker shifts his hand from the slim throat to Shawn’s chest, plucking hard at his nipples.
“One of these days I’m gonna label you up with those names,” he says darkly. “Get a Sharpie out and spend a while marking ‘em out on you.” Shawn’s chest heaves and Taker knows he’s imagining that act taking place and so he goes on. “We’ll go out for dinner, real civilised, but you and me will both know that under your shirt you’re branded with all those dirty names that you love.”
“Fuck… please, sir. Please let me come?”
“You’ll wait ‘til you’re told, boy toy.” Taker puts his hand back behind Shawn’s knee, using it to anchor him in place for more vigorous treatment. He’s close himself but there’s no way he’s going to admit that so soon.
Beneath him Shawn looks down the line of his body at his dripping cock, the head weeping and red and wonders whether he’s capable of obeying.
Returning vaguely to the evening’s apparent theme Taker adds, “Bet you’d let me fuck you in front of the whole locker room, huh? You’d let everyone know that you’re all mine, to do whatever I want with, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes! God, yes, sir - want everyone to know - know that I’m yours!”
“Good boy.” Taker slows the pace but gives several deep thrusts, aiming them to hit Shawn’s prostate and grunts with satisfaction when his moans of pleasure become shouts. “Might even put a collar on you - nice one with a pretty tag that tells everyone who you belong to.”
Shawn squeezes his eyes shut, a thought fleeting through his brain about whether Taker might let him choose the colour. “Please, sir… please… I don’t know if I can… fuck, please!”
Without missing a beat Taker grabs the lube and gets a dose on to his hand before grasping Shawn’s cock and sliding it up and down. Shawn sobs and clings to the bed rail for dear life as he cries out desperately and Taker can’t help but feel some pity.
“Go ahead, boy toy - come for me.”
With a shout of relief Shawn lets go, his release shooting out in an arc as Taker milks him expertly even when the fluttering of his channel triggers the bigger man’s climax, making his hips stutter and shove hard against the blonde. The two of them are falling together in a bubble of perfect pleasure and as they eventually come down from the peak a silence settles over the room. Breaths slowly return to normal and having slipped out of Shawn, Taker crawls up over him once more and undoes the ties. As soon as his arms are free Shawn wraps them around the broad back and plants a kiss on to Taker’s shoulder.
“Can I choose the colour?”
Taker lifts his head in order to look down at smiling blonde. “Huh?”
“The collar. Can I choose the colour?”
Taker huffs out a laugh and kisses the tip of Shawn’s nose. “Nope - it’ll be black leather. But I’ll let you choose the tag, OK?”
Shawn lets out an honest to goodness giggle and nods happily. “Deal.”
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oitotis · 5 months
i have this prompt that can be used for hbtaker and hookhausen:
jock performs a ritual to summon a demon to impress the hot goth girl/for the lols & ends up with a demon at his service
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Aba! Taker drunk and horny for Shawn. Tell me this isn’t a perfect scenario (especially for Shawn)
I'm just saying, if yall are looking for smut I am not the man. I promise I'm practicing writing it but it's not there yet. But I can do this.
Edit- I started writing this around 9ish. It's currently 1am. I completely lost track of what the original ask is and I'm sorry for that. Not even finished yet either.
Hbtaker- Gin & Lust
The hotel bar was filled with wrestlers, old and young, new and returning. Goldust was actually quite comfortable with it. It was nice to see the youngsters finally relaxed. It was also nice to see people getting along. Goldust was thinking of invited so-
"Has he always been so fucking hot?" Takers voice cuts through his thoughts. Goldust chokes on his drink and kane stares at his brother in confusion. Goldust slowly looks at the man. He knows takers latest changes brought the man some trouble, one of them basically him going through puberty again. The man was human. He can get drunk, not fuck for hours, you know, real human limitations.
Shawn nibbles on his bottom lip. He's been trying to cut back on biting his nails, so he developed another bad habit. "You good?" Kevin asks quietly. "If its the drink we can leave-" "no. Is um..is taker still looking?" Shawn asks quietly. Kevin looks, making it look like he's scanning the whole room to avoid questions. "Yeah, why is it making you uncomfortable?" Kevin asks going to move. Shawn grabs his wrist causing Kevin to look at him. That's when he sees the blush. "Oh.." Kevin mutters. He suddenly smiles. "You still have a crush on the deadman, i get it" Kevin chuckles. "Kevin!" Shawn protests turning his face away. "Awe the boy toy is all shy" Kevin teases. "Whats going on?" Scott asks as he walks over. "Takers practically eye fucking Shawn and shawn likes it" Kevin explains in a sing-song voice. Scott chuckles as shawn hits kevins arm. "Just go over to him" Scott tells him. "Its not that easy. He's with goldust." Shawn whispers. Scott looks at kevin confused. "He told goldust he's gone straight." Kevin explains. "Eh goldust would be jealous, but he'd definitely understand" Scott shrugs.
Goldust then looks towards where the man is looking. "I know your experiencing a lot right now but you better not be on about ric fucking flair" goldust practically gags. Kane winces. "Fuck no, him" Taker snaps. Goldust and kane watch as ric moves to reveal Shawn, smiling bright and wide. "Oh Shawn?" Goldust asks. "Please he's always been hot" goldust huffs. Kane grunts in agreement causing taker to glance at him. "But any chance you had of having a one night stand or picking him up for a quick fuck died with his demons after wrestlemania 12" goldust tells him. "How do you know?" Taker asks. "Because I tried hooking up with him when he came back and he, very politely may I add, told me he's not like that anymore" goldust tells him. Taker tilts his head slightly and watches Shawn. "I reckon I could." Taker mutters. "Who listens to goldust anymore? What do I know?" Goldust huffs leaning back.
Taker takes in the sight of tan skin peaking out from his unbuttoned shirt, those killer black jeans hugging his ass perfectly and whilst part of taker wished Shawn had his long golden locks still, he still found the short hair attractive. He could definitely still pull at it or just hold it.
"Will you just go over to him, I can't deal with this anymore" goldust groans into his hands. "You said he's not like that anymore" Taker shrugs before sipping his beer. "Yes but maybe he'd like to know the 100 different ways you'd fuck him over vinces desk, because I know your brother doesn't and right now? I do not" goldust snaps. Taker chuckles deeply. "I don't even think I have too" Taker states. Goldust looks up as Scott and Kevin have shoved shawn between them and began walking over, clearly mid conversation. "Hey guys" Kevin smiled squeezing shawns shoulder. "Whats up?" Goldust asks. "Nothin much, just didn't want to leave shawn on his own, I've gotta head to the bar and Scotts gotta rescue kid from whatever trouble he's got into" Kevin explains. "Wanna help kane?" Scott asks knowing the little relationship between the two. Kane nods and stands. "Well I want another drink, I'll come with you" goldust states as Scott and kane walk off. "Sure thing" Kevin nods as goldust stands. "Get me another" Taker yawns. "I think you've had enough" goldust scolds. "You know another thing I could do?" Taker smirks. "Samething again? Yeah? Perfect, be back soon. Cmon kevin, I need a gin and tonic." goldust rushes away dragging Kevin behind him.
Shawn stands infront of taker, completely confused. "So, you glad to be back?" Taker asks, resting his bottle against his inner thigh. Shawn doesn't stop his gaze moving to takers spread legs. "Dont make small talk, we both know that's not what your thinking." Shawn tells him. Taker chuckles. "Doesn't mean I don't care how you feel" Taker shrugs. "Goldust told you what I said and now what? Your trying to trick me into some kind of false commitment so you can get your dick wet?" Shawn asks crossing his arms.
Taker hums as he examines Shawn. "So fiesty still. Mm no baby boy, I would not let you go, infact I used to get so angry at the thought of others, especially hart, having their hands over you when I couldn't." Taker informs him. Shawn stares at him. Taker chuckles slightly. "What were you and goldust talking about?" Shawn asks crossing his arms. "The different ways I'd fuck you over vinces desk" Taker answers as if it's a pretty normal thing to say. Shawn bites his lower lip as his face heats up. "Yeah?" Shawn asks quietly. "Yeah..you like the idea of that?" Taker asks tilting his head to the side.
Shawn can't lie. He does. Shawn tilts his head back to chuckle. "Oh what am I doing?" Shawn asks himself bringing his hands up to his face. Taker smirks and raises his hand to shawns hip. Shawn looks at taker. "Tell me you feel nothing for me boy toy and ill drop it" Taker murmurs. Shawn places his hand on takers. "I'd be stupid to say that" Shawn admits. He glances at the beer in takers hand. Then thinks back to goldust telling him he's had enough. "Fuck" Shawn whispers pulling back. Taker stares at him confused. "What? What's wrong?" Taker asks. "Your drunk. This doesn't even matter. I'm so stupid" Shawn whispers holding his head. Taker places the bottle on kanes chair, moving and grabbing shawns hips and pulling him into his lap.
Shawn pouts at the man. "Taker.." "You started training with Jose at age 19. You and marty started wrestling in AWA at 20. Shall I go on?" Taker asks. Shawn stares at him dumbfounded. "You-" taker gets cut off by a kiss from the boy toy. "I get it. I understand" Shawn whispers after pulling back. Taker smirks, moving his hands too shawns back. Shawn feels sudden nerves. Its been atleast five years since he got laid, he has the right to be nervous especially when big evil, the undertaker, has his hands on him.
"Beautiful" Taker mutters pulling Shawn closer. Shawn knows he probably bright red, he can feel his skin heating. Taker leans down and places a kiss on shawns neck. Shawn bites his lip and tilts his head slightly as the bigger man kisses down his neck, nibbling slightly. "T-taker" he sighs. "Mmm, you staying with Kevin?" Taker asks moving his hand to the back of shawns jeans. "Yeah" Shawn whispers leaning back into the bigger man's touch. "Good thing my rooms free." Taker mutters. Shawn let's out a huff as he opens his eyes. "If we make it that far" Shawn tells him. "You have a point...might just have you in the elevator..or right here" Taker smirks looking down at the blonde.
Shawn gasps and pulls back. "Taker! The others will be back-" "oh please, they ain't coming back anytime soon at all baby boy" Taker chuckles. Shawn melts. "Fuck" he whispers. Takers eyes are soft with a sharp hint of lust in them as shawn stares into them. "Been that long huh baby?" Taker asks softly. Shawn just nods and moves closer. Shawn raises himself slightly, pressing his body against takers and cupping takers head in his hands, tilting the bigger man's head back. Taker, buzzed off alcohol and lust and no longer giving a shit, slips one hand up the back of shawns shirt and one down to grope his behind.
A little sigh leaves shawns lips as the big warm hand scratches at his back. "I've dreamt about this day" Shawn admits quietly as he pushes strands of orange hair back. "Mmm" Taker hums as he kisses shawns sternum. Shawn brings a hand up to his mouth the moment taker bites the tan skin. Taker smirks as he feels the muffled moan from the blonde. Shawn moves his free hand to the base of takers skull, his fingers brushing the short hairs as he clenches them. "Bet I could take you right here. Issue is we'd get caught wouldn't we? Wouldn't be able to keep the noise down" Taker starts again. Shawn looks down at him as Taker lifts his head. "Taker" he whines as he drops his hand. Taker smirks, moving his hand down shawns back, brushing over his spine. "What? You like the idea of that? Or is that embarrassing? The idea your friends could walk over and see you like that. The idea that anyone we work with can come back over and see you like that" Taker teases, loving the look of blush on shawns face.
He slips his hand into the back of shawns jeans, he doesn't touch or anything, just rests his hand there. Shawn looks at him with a pout. "Goldust told me you were horny like a teenager. Didn't think that'd make you a massive tease" shawn complains, dropping his head down to rest his against takers. Taker let's out a deep chuckle and adjusts his arms to wrap around the leaner body, giving it a slightly squeeze. "Well, when you've got the boy toy too yourself, it'd be foolish to not rile him up a little" Taker smirks. "Meanie" Shawn mutters moving his face to takers neck, letting his body relax in the bigger man's arms.
Taker glances over shawns shoulder and smirks. Flair had clearly came back to find Shawn and is not impressed by what he sees. Taker doesn't like the look in the mans eyes but instead of saying something he chooses to glare at him. What idiot would move when Shawn michaels is kissing and biting at your neck?
"What floor are you on?" Shawn asks quietly as he nuzzles takers neck. Taker let's out a small sigh. "Third floor" taker answers. "Mmm" Shawn hums before kissing takers neck again. Taker leans back causing the blonde to stop, he adjusts his hold on the mans behind and squeezes. "We should head out. I need to taste you. I need to hear you screaming my name" taker growls. Shawn let's out a breathless chuckle. "Ye-yeah we should" Shawn nods. Taker smirks and pulls Shawn into another kiss. "You gonna walk boy toy or shall I show you how strong I really am?" Taker smirks. "With the amount you've drank? I don't think I'll take the risk" Shawn jokes. Taker rolls his eyes. "Goldust is dramatic. Whatever I did drank has worn off by now." Taker states. "Its the lust drunk instead." Shawn states.
"Your officially goldusts favourite drink" Shawn teases. "Oh yeah?" Taker asks moving his hands to grasp shawns bare hips. "Gin and lust" Shawn smirks. Taker shakes his head. "We need to get going now before I leave you here" Taker lies. "You wouldn't. Not with how hard you were eye fucking me earlier." Shawn scoffs. "Wait till you feel how hard I'll be actually fucking you" Taker smirks. Shawn shakes his head and stands. "And I'm the cringey one? Cmon big guy" Shawn chuckles holding his hand out.
Shawn smiles as the bigger hand slots against his. The bigger fingers wrap around his wrist. "Yeah it's definitely the booze. And the horniness" Taker chuckles. "Well I can atleast solve one of those" Shawn states. "You sure can" Taker smirks slapping shawns ass. Shawn raises an eyebrow at him before pulling him towards the door.
"Finally" Kevin huffs before sipping his beer. "We all knew it'd happen. Just wish it didn't take nearly 7 years for it to happen" goldust scoffs. "Please say they aren't shacking up in our room" Scott groans as a drunk kid leans against him. "What floor is your room?" Goldust asks. "Fifth" "Nah your good, takers room is on the third floor." Goldust states. Kane nods at goldust. The group sit in silence for a bit "Do you still share with taker?" Kevin asks. Kanes eyes widen and he groans, tipping his head back. "Got space in my room buddy." Goldust tells the poor guy. Kane muffles a thanks. "Bet he never shared that info with shawn" Kevin chuckles. "Cute and all, but can we all remember the look on flairs face? That shit was hilarious! I can only imagine what sin he witnessed to have him clutching his perals like that!" Scott laughs. The group all break out into laughter.
The whole situation was stupid. Two men who couldn't admit their feelings, traumatised friends and scarred homophobes.
It's nearly 2am. Why this took me so long? I don't know. Is it on target? I don't know. I'm sorry if this isn't what you pictured. I got distracted and went with it. Feel free to just straight up tell me you pictured something else and I'll gladly rewrite it. (Well write another one. No I have not proof read this. Fight me)
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take-taker-taken · 6 months
Quick excerpt from an Ask I’m working on from my lovely First (Second) Time Asker… nearly there, I promise!
“Wh.. what are you gonna do with me?” Shawn asks, a tremor in his voice that even if it’s only done for effect, goes straight to Taker’s dick.
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take-taker-taken · 6 months
So, hopefully a fic will be landing by the end of this week for one of my (very patient!) askers. With any luck they’ll spot that it’s theirs coming up from this teaser…
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take-taker-taken · 1 year
For those that asked (and those that didn’t), here’s the scene spawned in my head from the GIF…
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Over & Out
“Felt like you were asking for something tonight right after Kennedy tossed you over the rope.” Taker leaves the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and wanders over to sit down on the end of the bed.
Shawn pokes his head back out the bathroom door as he vigorously towels his hair. “What d’you mean?”
Taker raises an eyebrow. “All that crawling around my feet - had a definite… grovelly feeling to it,” he clarifies.
Shawn shrugs with one shoulder. “Well. I was sorry about taking you out like that - genuine mistake on my part,” he says. He walks out into the bedroom gloriously naked and Taker can’t help but admire the smaller man’s muscles bunching under that tanned skin, still damp in places. A rivulet of water runs down his back as he walks past to rummage in his gear bag and Taker imagines lapping it up… his towel begins to tent.
“I hope you’re not thinking about putting any clothes on,” he comments and Shawn looks back over his shoulder with a crooked grin.
“You want me to get cold?”
Taker untwists the edge of the towel and lets it fall away from his lap. “You ain’t gonna get cold boy toy - get over here.”
Shawn drops the tube of hair product back into the bag and saunters over to the big man, stopping in front of him. He notes the burgeoning erection and his tongue darts out over his lips but he doesn’t make a move.
Taker watches Shawn’s gaze and lets out a low, knowing hum. “I knew it. That’s what you wanted the minute you landed at my feet out there, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Shawn’s voice is quiet and Taker hears him swallow. “Yeah, I want it.”
Taker leans back slightly, supporting himself on his arms. “So what are you waiting for? Get on your knees and get to work.”
Shawn loves it when Taker gets all demanding like this, especially after a match when there’s still vague traces of his character hanging about. Ordinarily his response would be some kind of snappy comeback but not now - he just gives a small nod and lowers to his knees as Taker spreads his legs to accommodate him. Shawn kneels between them and runs his hands up the strong thighs as he leans forward and then wraps one around the cock, beginning to stroke and enjoying the feel of it hardening fully. He teases like that for a while, stroking slowly and spreading the beads of wetness over the tip with his thumb.
He sneaks a glance up and sees that Taker’s head has fallen back and his fingers have bunched into the sheets. He gives one more twist of his wrist and then shuffles closer and opens his mouth, huffing a warm breath over the spongy head. That elicits a short moan from above and so he closes his lips over the tip and gives an experimental suck before going to work in earnest. He swirls his tongue around the head and then lifts off to plant wet, open-mouthed kisses down the shaft before working his way back up the other side. This time when he takes the cock back into his mouth, the big man’s hand lands on the back of his head and grips into his hair.
“Enough teasing - suck it, boy toy.” Taker growls, thrusting his hips up slightly. “Show me how bad you want me.”
Shawn moans at the combination of pulling on his scalp and the gruff words and renews his efforts. He slowly pushes down, taking as much as he can into his mouth and down his throat and this time when he looks up Taker is looking right back at him. His own dick is hard by now but he concentrates instead on his partner’s pleasure. He raises up again and teases the crown and frenulum firmly with the tip of his tongue and this earns him another thrust into his throat. He swallows around the delicious obstruction and Taker grunts and gets to his feet without relinquishing his hold on the smaller man.
“Such a good little cocksucker aren’t you, boy toy?” He wraps the blonde hair around his fist and carefully pulls him away, smirking when he actually whines. “Gonna let me fuck that pretty face and cum right down your throat, huh?”
“Uh huh… gimme,” Shawn’s a little out of breath but the lust has taken over and all he wants is Taker’s dick back in his mouth.
The big man happily obliges, pushing back into the warm wetness as he holds Shawn still via the grip on his hair so that he can set his own pace. He starts off with slow thrusts, angling them beautifully to slide into the waiting throat and then as he starts to chase his orgasm he gets rougher, holding the blonde in place awhile to feel the fluttering throat muscles grip his cock.
“Jerk yourself off,” He says, breathing heavily himself now. “Want you to cum with my dick buried in your throat.”
Shawn doesn’t need telling twice and takes a firm hold of his leaking dick and starts stroking, his eyes closing as he succumbs to the sensations wracking his frame. He quickly climbs to the peak, teetering on the edge while he’s held up like a rag doll, getting his face fucked.
“Now… do it… I’m gonna cum down your throat, boy toy…”
Shawn feels the first heavy shot hit the back of his throat and he lets himself fall, spurting over his knees, the carpet and covering his hand as the cum bubbles over. He swallows repeatedly, drinking his lover down and only getting to taste the small amount that hits his tongue. The grip on his hair loosens, both hands moving to his arms and Taker slips from his mouth and steps back towards the bed, drawing Shawn up and with him. They tumble down together, the larger man dropping small, light kisses to the blonde’s mouth as a way to soothe him after the rough treatment.
“All better now?” Shawn’s voice is a little rough and so he grabs a bottle of water from the nightstand, gulping half down before passing it over.
“Much,” Taker answers, finishing up the bottle. “Took a hell of a lot of willpower not to drag you up right there in the arena and start something, y’know.”
Shawn giggles, his shoulders scrunching. “You’re so darn easy, you know that?”
Taker snorts and tosses the empty bottle in the direction of the trash can. “You’re not exactly hard to get yourself, boy toy.”
“And you’re the lucky one that gets to have me,” Shawn says, turning so that he can rest his head on Taker’s chest.
Taker glances down at the blonde and smiles. “The luckiest.”
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take-taker-taken · 1 year
Part two is ready, so here we go!
WARNING - the chapters that comprise this ‘item’ in The List will contain CNC (consensual non-consent). It will mention rape. There will be humiliation. It will involve weapons - this particular part is mostly knife play. The sub will not always be treated / spoken to kindly. If you’re happy to read such things then feel free to continue.
As ever, please read the notes at the end.
The List - CNC - Part Two
You don’t know how long you’ve been in the back of the truck; it’s stopped and started a few times, probably at lights but you’ve absolutely no idea where you might be. You’ve closed your eyes - no point having them open with the material over your face - and you’re surprised at all the small sounds your ears are picking up. At one point, you think you hear Shawn’s voice but then some music comes on and drowns it out.
The covering over your head is really starting to irritate you and so you begin to rub the side of your head against the blanket, wondering if you can work it loose. After a minute or so however you give up, because it seems like it’s held in place around your neck by a drawstring, which would explain why Shawn had been able to tighten it so quickly. Your mind turns to your destination and you try to guess where they might be taking you. It seems doubtful that he’s merely taking you to his house - they’re too good at this and probably won’t want you anywhere that’s familiar. Certainly not to a hotel… not to any place with near neighbours, really. You pull against your bindings but they’re not shifting. You try working your ankles in small movements and it does seem to loosen off a little, but it’s not going to contribute to any escape attempt.
The truck slows, turns and then you’re bounced around a little as it drives over uneven ground at low speed. Your heart rate instantly picks up again because it’s clear that the next part of this scene is coming up. You wonder whether Mark is waiting because you’ve not had any evidence that he’s here with Shawn in the truck and he definitely wasn’t around in the house. The cab door opens and slams shut and then the darkness of the truck bed is removed as he rolls back the cover. You lay completely still and silent and for a few moments nothing at all happens and then you scream in shock as you’re grabbed and pulled along, the blankets easing the way and then Shawn is manhandling you up on to his shoulder again and you squeak some more.
“Knew I should have put a fucking gag on you,” he comments as he settles you on his shoulder - a more difficult task this time due to your tied position. “You move and I’ll let you fall and just drag you through the dirt.” He turns around and begins to walk as he adds, “Maybe I should do that anyway - it’s where whores like you belong.”
“Not a whore,” You’re breathing hard again and words are an effort.
“Yeah, well… we’ll see about that.” He turns abruptly, making you fear for the safety of your head, and you hear a door open - the sound of a basic latch and then his boots walking across a wooden floor. The smell of timber surrounds you and so you figure you must be in some kind of cabin. Your thoughts are interrupted as Shawn starts to lower you down before he lets go and you drop the last foot or so to the floor.
“Got a live one?”
It’s Mark.
“Oh, yeah… walked right in and back out, easy as anything.”
“She give you any trouble?” You hear his heavy footfall across the floor, getting louder as he approaches until the wooden boards beneath you shake slightly.
“Nothin’ that a couple threats didn’t quiet down. All the usual, y’know.. ‘I can give you money’, ‘you don’t have to do this’ stuff.” You’re prodded with a foot and you assume it’s Shawn as he goes on, “Hey, you’ll never guess what she said when I took her out of the truck…” He breaks out into a giggle. “She said… she said, ‘I’m not a whore!’”
Mark laughs and then he’s crouching down and working the knots that bind your legs to your wrists and you can’t help feeling some relief as the discomfort of the tie leaves you. He unwinds the rope from your ankles and then hauls you to your feet.
“She ain’t saying much now,” He comments, keeping a strong grip on the back of your neck. You try to imagine what expression he’s wearing and make a half-hearted attempt to shake free of his hold. To your surprise he lets go and then you’re just stood there between the two of them, still with the damn bag over your head and your hands tied behind your back. There’s a few seconds silence and then he speaks to you. “Well? Now what you gonna do?”
You’re at a complete loss because well - what can you do? Unsure of their exact positions, you turn your head slightly to the left and right in a bid to address them both.
“I… let me go? Please?”
“Ohh, I like the way she says ‘please’,” That’s Shawn again and it seems he’s on your right. “Let’s get her to say that some more.”
You squeak as Mark takes hold of your neck again and then the drawstring is loosened and he pulls the covering from your head. The cool air is welcome and of course it means that you finally get to see them. They’re both in jeans and t-shirts; the sleeves have been cut off Mark’s and he’s got his hair tied back with a black bandana covering the top of his head. Shawn’s hair hangs loose and he’s wearing a heavy silver chain around his neck. You don’t know how they’re doing it but they’re both exuding an air of being complete strangers to you.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Mark says. “We need some entertainment… and you’re it.” He looks across at Shawn and adds, “Shall we?”
“Wh… what do you mean?” You look from one to the other of them as you take a small step back. You don’t get an answer - Shawn just steps behind you and takes hold of your upper arms, causing you instinctively to struggle. You cry out as he laughs and then bites your neck yet again - higher up this time. “Stop, please!”
Shawn just huffs out a laugh and licks across your skin. “Stop? We’re just getting started.”
Mark has crossed to a table under the window and seems to be contemplating something. Your breath catches when he turns around with a hunting knife in his hand. Shawn tightens his grip when he feels you tense up and as Mark starts to slowly walk back over you plant your feet and try to shove back but you’re no match for Shawn’s strength, even as you wrench yourself left and right to try and escape. Mark’s left hand shoots out and he grabs your neck.
“Moving around all over the place when I’m holding this near you?” He says, lifting the knife up so that it’s right in front of your face. “Bad idea.” He holds it so that the tip is pointing directly at you and then grabs your hair to keep your head still. He draws the tip down your neck and you let out a high-pitched whine but don’t dare to speak. “You have any idea how sharp this is?” He continues, turning the blade so that it’s at perfect throat-slitting angle. Your eyes are fixed on his face, wide with fear as the cool metal presses into your skin. “It’d made a real clean cut… you probably wouldn’t even feel it open you up.” Another whimper escapes your lips and he looks at you as he takes it away from your neck. “So with that in mind, don’t you move a single fucking muscle, else you might get hurt.”
He goes to one knee and it would almost look gallant were he not holding a knife that would gut a deer. He grabs a bunch of material at the top of your sweats and then rips the knife through it, the material parting easily to show the pale skin of your thigh beneath. He sets the knife down on the floor and uses his hands to tear the fabric apart further before picking up the blade again and slicing through the waistband. He hacks cleanly through the material on your other leg and then with brute force removes them completely.
“Please…” Your voice is a whisper. “Please don’t do this. Just… if you let me go I, I won’t say anything to anyone - won’t call the police. Please -”
He stands up to tower over you, knife back in his hand and he grabs your hair again, pulling your head back.
“You think I give a fuck about police? They wouldn’t be able to find us anyway.” He puts the blade back at your throat and you close your eyes - this is harder than you thought. The words for your colours scroll through your brain and it helps to calm you; that invisible lifeline… you decide you don’t need it yet, even as he strokes the edge of the metal across your skin as he goes on. “You can scream and cry, you can beg, you can plead with us - go right ahead.” He turns the blade so that once again the very tip is pressing into your neck. “We like that,” He says, dragging the knife gently upwards and gliding it along your jaw before pressing it flat to your cheek, making you bite down on your lip in an unsuccessful bid to suppress a whimper.
“Why me?” You dare to open your eyes and he moves the knife away from your face as in perfect tag team fashion Shawn takes over and gives you a small shake.
“Because you were there, bitch.” He releases one of your arms and puts the hand around your neck, closing it tighter than he has thus far. “There you were out for a run - really caught my eye, so I followed you home. We’ve been looking for a new toy for a few days and there you were - call it fate, huh?”
You go to take a breath and have the frightening realisation that you can’t really get much air in because of his hold on you and you begin to struggle - a futile cause between Mark’s hand in your hair and Shawn’s grip on your throat. The blonde takes hold of your arm again and you gasp in some air, the breath out releasing as a sob as Mark takes a handful of your shirt and sends it the same way as your sweats until you’re stood there in the just the underwear you picked out earlier - it’s a sweet matching set, white with a purple marbling pattern that you only bought a week ago.
“Nice…” Mark takes a step back to appraise you as he twirls the knife in his big hand before slipping it into the back of his jeans. “Did you wear that especially for us?”
“Fuck you,” You snarl at him, figuring that a change of tack is required.
He just smirks. “Later.” He glances above your head and says to Shawn, “Hey, you want a go? Throw her across here.”
In response, Shawn lets go and pushes you forward at the same time as spinning you round. With your wrists still tied behind your back you stagger a bit to regain your footing and then Mark catches you and adopts the same grip on your upper arms, holding you back against him. Shawn steps forward and takes the knife from Mark’s jeans. He stands and contemplates the blade for a few moments and then raises his eyes to look at you coldly. Normally his eyes are bright and they twinkle with fun and amusement but now… there’s nothing. It’s sinister.
He traces the tip of the knife down your sternum and then back up, the metal leaving pink lines in its wake. You’re trying not to breathe too hard and watching his face, but he’s concentrating solely on the blade. He glances up and sees you looking at him.
“He’s a lot nicer than me, y’know.” He presses the blade flat against your throat, forcing your head up. “And I’m still a little pissed about you kicking me when I put you in the truck.” He slides the knife down to your shoulder and works it under the strap of your bra before he turns it to strain against the material. The strap digs into the back of your shoulder until it finally caves to the pressure and the blade slices it clean through. He repeats the action on the other side and looks annoyed when the moulded cups don’t just fall down. With a growl he wrenches them away, revealing your breasts to his gaze and then with determined movements, cuts through the band before pulling the whole torn mess from you and dropping it to the floor.
You turn your head and look off to the side, trying to make out that you couldn’t care less about the fact your clothing has been cut off. Shawn tucks the knife away behind him and grabs your breasts roughly, squeezing them to just the wrong side of uncomfortable. That said, you’re used to a rough ride now and again and privately you know that when your panties come off as they surely must, there won’t be any doubt as to how you’ve felt about things so far. Nevertheless, you do your best to try and get away, twisting left and right.
“Stop it! You’re hurting me!”
In response he takes a strong grip on your nipples and you scream - for effect rather than real objection - only to be ignored as he leans in close. “Keep telling you, bitch… I haven’t even started.”
You’re not quite sure where your next idea comes from and you certainly don’t take the time to think it through - just draw your head back slightly and then spit into his face…
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Goes without saying that knife play can be hella dangerous. Again, I have taken certain liberties within the above and so don’t whatever you do use it as a how to guide. I’m not going to pontificate about the do and do nots of knife play here, because there are plentiful resources on the net if you want to find out more about it. If it’s something you’re curious about then there are ways to keep it safer (note - SAFER - not safe) and that’s to only ever place the non business-side of the knife against skin. Alternatively, another way around it is to let the sub see the knife but then blindfold them and use something else entirely to produce the sensation, such as the side of a credit card. If, as in the fic above, you’re cutting someone’s clothes off with a knife then always makes sure that you are cutting AWAY from them.
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take-taker-taken · 1 year
Just casually throwing this snippet in the direction of @heartbreakertaker and wandering off.
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take-taker-taken · 1 year
Here to ask for some knife play in a future chapter 👉👈 Maybe some consensual non consent (pre-negotiate of course)?
OK - I’d already begun work on this and because of the subject matter, I knew it was going to turn out to be quite long. That means I’ll be splitting it into parts and so here’s part one - it’s a slow burn I’m afraid, but hopefully, it’ll at least whet your appetite.
WARNING - the chapters that comprise this ‘item’ in The List will contain CNC (consensual non-consent). It will mention rape. It will involve weapons. The sub will not always be treated / spoken to kindly. I will do further warning as appropriate as and when updates are posted.
Due to the CNC theme this part is largely centred around negotiation - and please read the notes at the end.
The List - CNC - Part One
You’re out for dinner, tucked away in a quiet corner of the restaurant when you tell him. “There’s something that I’ve been thinking about… I don’t think I marked it as a definite on my list, though.”
He sets his cutlery down and takes a sip of his drink. “Looking to expand your horizons, huh?” He says with a smile. “What’s on your mind?”
You take a deep breath, and then another bite of pasta which you chew slowly as he watches, as though searching your face for clues.
“It was what you said when we did the wax,” You begin quietly. “When you had the knife and you said about kidnapping me off the street.” You take a drink of your own and set the glass back down. “I’d like to try it - really ramp things up.”
He nods and takes his final bite of steak before setting his cutlery down. “OK. It’s easy enough to set that kind of thing up.”
You’re a little surprised at how flippant he sounds over what you’ve just asked for and so probe a little further. “What if I wanted something a bit extreme, though?”
He looks at you as he finishes chewing and then says, “I’d probably work you over with someone else. Give you hell, little girl.”
This piques your interest as it adds a dimension you hadn’t thought about previously. “Who would it be?” You ask, popping another bite into your mouth.
“Probably Shawn,” he answers. “He’s the one you know best, and probably the one I could work with the best.” He reaches across the table and gives your hand a squeeze. “Something heavy like that would need a lot of discussion and negotiation because we’d likely be going into the realm of CNC.”
The server appears then and clears your plates. You pay the bill and adjourn to the bar next door, into a cosy booth where you can cuddle up. Once you’re settled with drinks you hug his huge arm and say,
“What does CNC stand for?”
He kisses the top of your head. “It means consensual non-consent. Something like kidnapping would fall into that by its very nature.” You nod in acknowledgement, your face rubbing against his arm as he continues. “CNC play takes a lot of negotiation - least it should. It can get rough and be a bit of a head fuck.”
“I’ll do a bit of reading up on it,” You say as you pick up your drink.
Subject raised and under consideration, you begin to talk about other things but as promised you do some research over the next few days and it reinforces for you that this is definitely something that you want to explore.
—— A week later ——
“Sure unleashed a monster with that list of yours huh, cutie?” Shawn smiles and leans back in his seat. “We’re gonna cover a lot, here. By the end of the night you’ll probably feel like you’ve had a scene.”
Mark puts his arm around you, pulling you against him. “If you need a break just say the word, OK baby girl?”
“Yup. Chances are I’m going to end up horny just from talking about all this,” you confess and Shawn laughs.
“We’re not going to plan the scene in detail - that would defeat some of the object. This is just to get an idea of what everyone’s feeling and some limits because from what Mark told me, you’ve been imagining something pretty intense?”
You nod and jiggle your leg nervously, reaching over to pick up your wine glass. “He mentioned kidnapping me off the street at knifepoint - I really like the idea of that.”
Shawn grins. “Bag over the head, thrown in the back of a truck kinda thing?” Wide eyed, you nod and he replies, “It can be done but it can also be risky - only needs one person to spot it happening and call the police; next thing they’ve got a BOLO on the truck and you’re looking at a whole bunch of admin.”
“Never thought about that,” You say. “Having the police show up would definitely ruin the scene.”
“To say the least,” Mark says, leaning back and taking you with him. “There are other ways to kidnap, like having you taken from the house - that would probably work better because no one’s going to see anything around here.”
You start to wonder about details like, taking you from the house to where? And who would be taking you, and how? You’re brought back to the moment when Mark shifts, reaches into his jacket pocket and withdraws a piece of paper which he passes to Shawn. “This is her list,” he explains.
“Ohhh the list, huh?” The blonde replies with a smile. He scans down it and then looks at you. “There’s a lot on here that we could work into a scene like this… What do the dashes next to stuff mean?”
“Those are the ones we’ve done,” you reply.
“No face slapping yet?” Shawn comments and then gives you a conspiratorial wink. “The big man thinks you’re made of glass huh, cutie?”
You huff out a laugh. “He didn’t seem to think so the time we ticked being hit with a paddle off the list. I could barely sit the the next day.”
“Which you loved, as I remember.” Mark cuts in. “She can be quite the little pain slut,” He adds, giving your hair a tug.
“How does that work with something like this?” You look from one man to the other.
“How do you mean, baby girl?”
“Well, I’m guessing pain is going to get used in the scene…” You trail off while you wonder how to get your meaning across and both men wait patiently. “If I’m turned on by it, doesn’t that contradict the idea?”
“Not at all,” Mark says. “You’re supposed to enjoy a scene and we can use the fact that you’re getting off on it to our own ends.”
“We’re not giving away all our secrets, cutie.” Shawn chips in with a grin. “You’ve got name calling on here,” he adds, tapping the sheet of paper. “Anything off limits in terms of that?”
You know straight away how to answer that question. “I don’t want to be called stupid or dumb,” you say. “And nothing mean about my appearance.”
He nods and smiles. “No problem, cutie.”
“We use pretty tame name-calling already,” Mark supplies, giving your knee a squeeze. “Mostly she’s my little slut, so it’s pretty affectionate really.”
Your cheeks turn faintly pink at how matter-of-fact Mark sounds as he informs Shawn, but you’re really not prepared for what comes out of the blonde’s mouth next.
“Well if you’re looking to step things up with this scene, it’s not going to be so affectionate.” He says to you. “We’ll see how you do with getting told that you’re a set of holes and a cum dump.”
You exhale and feel heat flood your face as you bite your lip. The words have made your stomach roll over in that really pleasant way and Mark chuckles and gives you a squeeze.
Shawn waves a hand and looks mildly sheepish. “Sorry, cutie - I just wanted to throw that at you and see what happened.”
“Your colours are going to be more important than ever for this one, baby girl. You might not react to things the way you thought you were going to and there won’t be as much checking in as I’d normally do.” Mark takes hold of your chin and turns your face to him. “There are no penalties for using those colours, so if you feel like it for any reason - no matter how small - get ‘em said.”
“I promise,” You reply. “I get that what I’m asking for here is a bigger deal than everything else we’ve done.”
“Good. Now, we already know you want some knife play, and we have your list there to pull other things in.” He pauses and then gives you a smirk. “Get ready to blush some more because we need to talk about the sexual elements in all this. More specifically, what each of us is allowed to do with you so far as that.”
You do indeed blush so hard that your face tingles. “Hadn’t thought about it,” You manage to reply and then out of nowhere an image pops into your head. “Want you both,” You say quickly. “I mean… is that OK?”
“Want us both in what capacity, baby?” His voice is gentle and he gives you a quick kiss on top of your head. “I know you might find this embarrassing but you’re going to have to be explicit, OK?”
You nod and gulp down a couple of large mouthfuls of the wine. “I want… I think I’d want you both to take turns with me,” you say quietly.
“OK, cutie - what about oral?” Shawn’s perfectly relaxed and you marvel for a moment at how calm and matter of fact they are both are. Why can’t you be like that too? God this is all so surreal… Another mouthful of wine and you take a deep breath as you decide that you can be like that.
As if reading your mind, Mark speaks up. “There’s no judgement here, baby girl - we’ve both seen your list now and so we’re not likely to be shocked. Just remember this is all to make sure that this comes off as fun for everybody.”
“I think I’m getting there,” You reply with a small smile and then look at Shawn again. “Yes to oral - with both of you,” You add for Shawn’s benefit. “I - I want to put up a fight and be overpowered… want to be used.”
You see the two men exchange a glance and then Shawn gets up and comes to sit on the other side of you, slipping an arm around your shoulders. “You’re doing great, cutie - and I want to thank you for trusting me enough to let me be a part of what you two have.”
“A lot of the time it feels like something the three of us have - it’s nice.” You say as you shift slightly so that you can rest your head on his shoulder.
“That’s because y’all have me spoiled with the involvement you’ve given me.” He drops a kiss to the top of your head.
“It’s our pleasure,” Mark says. “We both love having you as part of the team, Shawn.”
The blonde grins. “Not getting all sappy on me are ya, big man?”
Mark reaches across you and slaps Shawn lightly across the back of the head. “Let’s stay on task here, OK?”
“Love you, too.” Shawn shifts so that he can look at you more directly and his expression becomes unusually serious. “Cutie, you’ve said you want to be overpowered and used - are we talking rape play, here?” He gives you a small smile. “I have no problem doing it,” He clarifies, “but something like that can be a huge mind fuck.”
“Maybe at first,” You reply nervously, feeling weird at discussing such a topic in the context of play. “I mean… I don’t know…” You close your eyes and try to focus your thoughts. “I think… I’ve kind of imagined it that I end up enjoying it - but is that too clichéd?”
“Doesn’t matter, baby girl.” Mark gives the back of your neck a comforting squeeze. “Ultimately the point is for us all to enjoy the scene. If we do it right then you’ll probably feel scared at times, or overwhelmed - again, that’s why those colours are so important.”
You nod and lean back against the couch - there’s so much whirling around your head and it doesn’t feel like you’ve even scratched the surface with this negotiation. Shawn notices your incoming fatigue and changes tack so that he’s asking you questions with yes or no answers while Mark helps you to elaborate where more clarification is needed.
After another hour or so of discussion, with only a few tangents having got the better of you all, it’s agreed that the groundwork has been laid and expectations are clear.
After all that, now it’s just a waiting game.
You get home from your run, start some laundry and then vacuum downstairs before heading up to shower and change. You pick out some cute matching underwear and then throw on some sweats and a t-shirt and grab the hairdryer. You blow dry your hair with the customary clonking yourself on the head with it once or twice and jumping when the cord dances in your peripheral vision. You set the tool down and then do a final brush through before tying it back - the laundry should be finishing up soon.
Suddenly you’re plunged into darkness and your head is snapped back, a hand covering your mouth firmly over the material as it’s pulled tighter. You don’t have time to scream but you frantically scrabble at your neck, trying to grab the covering and pull it away from your face. Even as your rational mind says, ‘It’s started - this is their abduction’, the bare concept of what’s happening still has you in panic mode and you try to scream and continue to struggle. Whatever’s over your head is rapidly twisted in order to keep it tight and you’re whirled round and shoved face first against the wall, your attacker’s body pressed up close against you.
“Keep the noise down and stop fucking struggling, bitch.”
Even in your panicked state, you recognise the voice as Shawn’s but it’s so different compared to what you’re used to. His voice is deep anyway but he’s gritting the words out, hissing them into your ear through the material, which distorts it further. Knowing for certain that it’s him means that you’ve relaxed by half a degree - just enough to know that you need to play your part. He takes his hand off your mouth but shifts so that his shoulder pins you to the wall just long enough for him to grab one of your arms and twist it up behind your back. You cry out in genuine pain and he eases the hold but you can still feel the threat of it - if he pushes your arm an inch then the pain will come back.
“What do you want?” You ask, your voice strained.
“Shut up,” He grabs your other arm and then finally releases the vicious hold, but only so that he can bind your wrists together. Not with leather cuffs as you might have expected, but it feels like he’s used cable ties.
You try again. “Money… there’s a safe downstairs - I can open it if you -”
“I said, shut up!” He drags you away from the wall and pulls you against his body, one hand settling at your throat and the other around your waist. This means that your tied-together hands are nestled close to his crotch and a thought flits through your head that you can feel denim, so he must be wearing jeans - funny, the things you think about. He squeezes lightly on your neck and you become aware of how hot your face feels with your head trapped inside this bag.
“I don’t want money.” The hand on your waist moves and he openly gropes you, squeezing your breast and then cupping you hard between the legs. “I got everything I came for right here.” You do your best to wriggle out of his hold but he just laughs low and grinds himself against your bound hands. “A little to the left… yeah, that’s it - show me what a good little whore you can be. You might as well get some practice in now.”
You instantly stop moving and clench your hands into fists. The front of the material over your head is damp from your breath and you wonder whether jerking your head back would hurt you, or him. You can’t run… his hand is still resting around your throat - his arm feels bare and you can smell his skin and even his fabric softener, though that might be the material (pillow case?) over your head.
“Aw, you not gonna struggle anymore?” He says in a mocking tone. You swallow and try to shift your hands up a bit so that they’re not pressing against his crotch and then you feel his mouth on your skin, where neck meets shoulder. He bites down gently and it takes a lot of willpower not to let any pleasure show. Instead you try to wriggle away and his hand instantly tightens on your throat.
“You and me are gonna take a little ride.” You feel his lips move against your neck as he speaks. “Keep that mouth shut, got it? We both know there’s nobody around to hear, but if you start up, it’s gonna piss me off and believe me you don’t want that.” He spins you around again and within seconds has thrown you up over his shoulder and you flail at this new level of helplessness. You think you nearly throw him off balance because he staggers just briefly and then barks out, “Fucking stop that or I’ll just toss you down the stairs!” Your brain catches up enough to realise that you really do need to keep still for this part and so you go limp. He takes a moment to adjust his hold and then says, “You move again and I’ll make sure I bash your head off everything I can find on the way out of here.”
You discover that being carried over someone’s shoulder down a flight of stairs, while unable to see, is not the most pleasant of experiences and you can’t stop a couple of genuine whimpers though you know that Shawn’s being careful. He shifts his hold slightly again as he moves down the last step and then the air changes and you realise that he’s carried you right outside so he must have left the door open when he came in.
He comes to a stop and you expect him to set you down again but he doesn’t, though he does start talking again. “Now, I would let you ride shotgun but with that bag over your head… probably not a good idea. So you’re going in the back where no one can see you.” He turns and one of his hands grips the back of your sweatpants. “One, two, hup!”
You realise as you start to move through the air that he’s throwing you into the back of his pick up and you brace yourself but land on something soft - feels like a pile of blankets - so he’s obviously lined the vehicle bed and you lay there on your side. You’re a bit surprised when you hear him follow you in and then he’s wrapping what feels like rope around your ankles. You begin to struggle again, trying to kick out at him.
“Let me go! People are coming over later and they’re expecting me to be home!” You feel one of your feet connect with him and so you draw your leg back again and deliver a second, much more purposeful kick. He curses and grabs your foot, digging his thumb and index finger into a pressure point and you shriek in pain. “Get off me!”
He manhandles you on to your front and spreads himself out, practically laying on top of you. “Pipe down before I start knocking teeth out, you little bitch!” His breath is warm on your skin as he threatens you and then he bites the side of your neck again, much harder than he did back in the house.
You cry out in pain and your first thought is that the bite is going to leave a hell of a mark. The rough treatment so far already has you turned on and you go still because ultimately you do want to be tied up. Shawn pushes himself up and then you feel him shift around so that he’s facing your feet while being astride your thighs. He goes back to work with the rope and you’re actually surprised by his efficiency because in what seems like a short minute he has you secured in a hogtie position.
He climbs off you and you try an experimental pull at the bonds but of course you can’t get out of it. You’re still breathing hard and whimper through clenched teeth as he rocks you on to your side and gropes you again.
“Can’t wait to unwrap all this,” He comments, closing a hand around one of your breasts. “Get hold of these tits properly. If I didn’t have a schedule to keep, I’d take you right here.”
“Please…” You keep your voice quiet, mindful of his earlier threat. “You don’t have to do this.”
He laughs, rolling you abruptly back on to your front before slapping the side of your thigh. “You’re right; I don’t.” He moves away and you hear him climbing down from the truck bed, boots crunching on the gravel. “I don’t,” He says again and you hear a clunk. “I sure want to, though.” He adds as he begins to pull the truck’s tonneau cover into place. “And I can’t wait for the party to get started.” He slides the cover home and you’re plunged into darkness.
Even though the cover muffles the sounds, you still hear him climb into the cab, slam the door and start the engine. Your heart is pounding and your brain is going a mile a minute, only to settle on the thought that it’s warm out and you don’t know how long you’re going to be in here. As if on cue, you feel a breeze and realise that Shawn’s truck must have AC into the back - thank god.
At first you try to keep track of the turns that he’s making in an attempt to figure out where he’s taking you but in your puddle of blankets it’s hard to feel things properly and of course he could be taking all kinds of turns just to disorientate you. Underneath everything else that’s going on, there’s a constant current of arousal - this is actually happening…
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OK - as I’ve done my best to present in the first part of this, CNC is usually considered to be edge play and it can be a major mind fuck. Serious negotiations need to be made for a CNC scene and participants should be ready for it to not go as planned, because you really don’t know how people are going to react to an intense experience.
The flippant little comment Shawn makes about someone seeing a ‘kidnap’ take place? Yeah… really not so flippant. I was once at an event and a couple there who were into edge play recounted a tale about the time they had set up an abduction scene with a third person and it was all going great until the police came knocking. Someone had seen them taking their ‘abductee’ into the venue and called the police. This resulted in the three of them being taken to the police station where they were immediately interviewed separately at great length. Of course, as the scene had been pre-negotiated they were all able to give the same full and accurate account that everything was consensual, what had been planned, etc. If my memory serves me correctly they had also all written an account as well, signed and dated, and sealed in separate envelopes. This helped them massively because the police were (quite rightly) keen to make sure that everyone involved was safe and happy. But yeah… mood killer to say the least.
I’ve taken some liberties with the kidnap. You shouldn’t ever leave someone alone while they’re in bondage, and really not hogtied in the back of a truck. Cramp is a thing, etc. So yeah - please don’t do as I’ve written.
So, yes. Planning is crucial. Ongoing enthusiastic consent from all parties is crucial. Safe words are crucial.
14 notes · View notes
take-taker-taken · 1 year
More smut, as ‘The List’ gets explored… This one features a surprise guest appearance by everyone’s favourite Heartbreak Kid…
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The List - Exhibitionism
“This one might be a little tough to figure out. It’s kind of hard for me to be anonymous and a situation like that could get us a lot of unwanted attention, even at a club.”
You’re cuddling in bed and the subject at hand from your list is ‘exhibitionism / being watched’.
“What exactly did you have in mind?” He continues. “You want people to watch while I play with you? Fuck you?”
You rest your head on his chest. “I’m not sure… I wouldn’t want a big crowd or anything like that. The only time I really thought about it, I imagined just one person and it was kind of like you were showing me off, and you made me come while they watched.”
He hums low and you feel it vibrate in his chest and then he’s flipped you over and is leaning down to kiss you thoroughly. When he lets you up for air you give him a puzzled look and he smirks.
“Just proud of you for saying all that out loud without any whining.” You roll your eyes and slap ineffectually at his arm as you both laugh. He smooches your forehead and then lays back down. “Let me think on it awhile - I’m sure we can come up with something.”
—— Two days later ——
You’re in the shower together when he broaches the subject. He’s just tilted your head back to rinse the suds from your hair when he says,
“Would you want the person watching us to be a stranger?”
You’re confused for a second as to what he’s talking about but you catch up quickly and tilt your head back further still so that you can look at him, albeit upside down.
“I don’t know… if I knew them, I think it would depend who it was, exactly. Does that make sense?”
“It does,” he replies, continuing to rinse your hair.
You turn around and press up close to him, planting a kiss on his chest. “You’ve thought of something, haven’t you?”
“Maybe,” he says teasingly. You wait for him to continue and then pout when he doesn’t say anything more, making him chuckle and then add, “How would you feel if it was Shawn?”
“Wouldn’t he be weirded out by it?” You manage to say and he actually laughs.
“Not hardly, baby girl - he plays the same way we do.”
This revelation has you agog. “Shawn?” You say, trying to process the thought. “As in, Shawn Shawn?”
“Shawn Shawn,” he replies, still smiling. “HBK, the Showstopper. Mr Wrestlemania. Yeah. That Shawn.”
You stand under the running water as you to try to wrap your head around the idea. You know Shawn pretty well and never had any inkling that he might be into kink stuff… mind you, up until very recently you didn’t know it about Mark, either.
“How do you think you’d feel about it being him?” He asks and you snap back to the present, reach back and squeeze water out of your hair.
“I think that’d be OK, yeah. Definitely OK.”
He shuts off the water and steps out of the shower, grabbing a towel he turns back and bundles you up in it before picking up his own. “I’ll call him later; he might want to talk to you, too.”
That thought gives you pause. “Why would he want to talk to me?”
“Because he’s responsible and he might want to make sure you’re not being pressured into anything.”
“OK… but he knows you well enough to be sure you wouldn’t do that, doesn’t he?”
He briskly dries his back and then twists the towel around his waist before fixing you with a level gaze.
“He does, but speaking to you as well means that everyone involved is certain that we’re all good with what’s happening.” You follow him back into the bedroom and flop on to the bed still wrapped in your towel while he pulls some underwear from a drawer. “After all,” he adds with a smirk, “You’re the one that’s gonna be held down and made to come while he watches.”
You feel almost an instant rush of moisture to your core at his words and let out a breathy moan. “Fuck…” you sigh and your hand begins to wander but he walks up and moves it away.
“No time for that, babe - we need to get going,” he says and when you groan in frustration he counters, “Hey, you enjoy a little denial now and again!”
——The next day ——
You hadn’t really expected it all to have been set up to fast and so you feel nervous all morning. You’d both spoken to Shawn together yesterday and then Mark had left you alone and sure enough, Shawn made certain that you definitely wanted what had been discussed. Happy with your enthusiastic consent, the two men then sent you out so that they could formulate a plan for the scene.
He hasn’t said much to you about what was discussed, only that it wouldn’t take place at a hotel but somewhere else that was ‘public but private’ - indoors and safe, of course.
He drives you to a park around lunchtime, you find a secluded spot and have a picnic in the shade and then cuddle together - he can definitely tell that you’re a little nervous. He positions his long legs either side of you so that you can lean back against him and then he proceeds to whisper filth in your ear about what he’d like to do to you until you’re squirming and unspeakably horny. You half expect Shawn to appear at this point but you remember he said the scene would be indoors.
You both return to the truck and you can already feel that your underwear is soaked.
“How you feeling, little girl?”
You look over at him, your face flushed - he knows exactly how turned on you are and he’s loving every second of it, judging by the smirk on his face.
“I need to come, sir…” You say quietly, hoping that he’ll have some pity and at least let you take the edge off. No such luck - he just snorts with laughter.
“Too bad; you’re gonna have to wait. Keep your hands out of your lap.”
You do as he says and with a nod of satisfaction, he pulls the truck out on to the road. You don’t drive for that long when he pulls off the main road, makes a few more turns and then pulls into a parking lot. Ahead of you is what looks at first like a gym and then you realise - Shawn has a wrestling academy and this must be it.
“Let’s go take care of some business,” he says and climbs out of the truck, clearly expecting you to follow. Once outside he grabs your hand and tows you behind him up to the door which he pushes open and leads you through. There’s a large ring at one end and a few guys are in there but you don’t see Shawn. He leads you through a side door and down a hallway and then you come to a door which he gives a halfhearted knock to before pushing it open.
Directly ahead of you Shawn sits behind a desk, which is such an alien idea to you that you almost laugh. He stands up as you approach and flashes that dazzling smile.
“Hey there, big man! Hey cutie,” he adds as he turns to you and gives you a wink. He always calls you that. “I’m told you’ve been playing for a little while now, that right?”
Suddenly feeling shy, you nod and then gasp as a hard smack lands on your sit spot.
“Show some respect, little girl - answer properly.”
You almost panic because you have no idea how to address the blonde. Calling him ‘sir’ doesn’t seem right, somehow… He sees your alarm and his smile softens and he says quietly, “‘Yes, Shawn’ is just fine, cutie. So you’ve been playing a while?”
“Yes, Shawn.” Your voice is barely above a whisper and you hope it was loud enough to be acceptable.
“Still new enough at it to be shy, though - I like that.”
“Oh, she’s not always this shy - she screams the place down when she’s coming.”
You feel yourself blushing and look down at the floor as Shawn chuckles, “I bet that’s beautiful to see.”
“We can show you right now, man. I’ve been winding her tight all morning and I guarantee she’s dripping wet.”
Shawn drops into his chair and leans back. “I’d love to see that.”
He wraps his fist in your hair and raises your blushing face to look at him. “How about it, little girl? You said in the truck that you needed to come… this is your chance. Pay off is that Shawn gets to watch. What d’you think? You wanna show us both what a good little slut you can be?”
You nearly come right there and then from his words and you’re breathing heavily but manage to say, “Yes, sir… green.”
He smiles and kisses you. “Good girl - get that dress off.”
You quickly pull the sundress over your head leaving you in just your underwear and he moves behind you, unhooking your bra before pulling you back against him and holding you on display for Shawn to see. He runs his big hands over your body, tweaking at your nipples until you arch against him with a hungry moan.
“Seems like you enjoy him showing you off, cutie.” The blonde’s voice drifts across and you drop your head forwards to look at him.
“Yes, Shawn.”
God, you’re finding that you really do it enjoy it, too. Your clit throbs and your hand instinctively tries to slide down and relieve the pressure but your wrist is grabbed and with a soft growl he bites down where your neck meets your shoulder.
“No touching. In fact… bend over the desk and stretch your arms across it.” He pushes you down and you reach towards the opposite side.
“Look at me cutie,” Shawn says softly and so you raise your head slightly to meet his gaze and then cry out as you’re spanked hard on each cheek.
“Knew it… she’s dripping.” Without warning he pushes two fingers into your pussy and you lift yourself up off the desk in shocked pleasure.
“Get back down there, slut.” He growls and pushes down between your shoulders. He pumps his fingers slowly in and out a few times and your fingers scrabble at the table top. “You want Shawn to hold on to your wrists? Help you stay down and be a good girl?”
You’re struggling to think straight but yes, you do want that and so you fight through the fog of lust and nod as you look at Shawn. “Please sir… green.”
“C’mere, cutie.” The blonde scoots forward on his chair and reaches out to capture first one hand and then the other before drawing them together and closing his fingers around your wrists. You whimper at the gentle restraint and he smiles, directing his next words up at Mark. “She sure is a responsive little thing.”
“Right? She just loves to please… now let’s see if we can’t make her scream.”
He quickens the pace of his fingers as well as increasing the force and you tense against Shawn’s hold as your moans become louder.
“Fuuuuck… oh, fuck that’s so good! More… please, sir?”
He doesn’t miss a beat, just moves his hand from your shoulder to your hair. “My little slut wants more, huh? You want another finger?”
“Yes sir, please! Need to come, please!” Any nervousness you felt is long gone and all you can feel is warm, delicious pleasure.
He gives a tug on your hair. “I’ll give you more but you know the rules, little girl - you don’t come until I say so.” You moan in response and he withdraws his fingers and uses the hand to give you a couple of sharp smacks on the ass. “You hear me?”
“Yes, sir! I’ll be good! Please, sir!”
He hums in the back of his throat and then shoves three fingers into your soaked pussy and proceeds to pound them in hard. You’re pulling against Shawn’s hold and so he tightens his grip and your head falls forward with a gentle thump on to the desk.
“Told you to look at me, cutie.” His voice warns gently and so you drag your head up again and fix your frantic eyes on his face. “That’s it,” he says approvingly, “You feeling real good?”
You nod and then remember your manners and gasp out, “Yes, Shawn!”
“Such a good little slut,” Mark murmurs from above you. “Hold it now, I’m gonna count you down.” His fingers are jabbing into you with little twisting motions and you’re right on the brink. “Five… four…”
“Oh fuck… please, please, please…” You’re mumbling desperately as you try to keep hold of his voice in your head.
“Three… two… one… come for me little girl, that’s it!” You scream as the wave of pleasure crashes over you and he continues to talk and stroke his fingers in and out. “Little slut, coming all over my hand… Shawn’s watching all of this… he’s been able to hear how wet you are - you’re putting on such a good show for him, little girl.”
He continues to draw out your climax until the smallest aftershocks drift away and you’re just laying, limp on the desk and breathing hard. He gently removes his fingers and then lifts you up with ease to hold you against him.
“We’re not done yet, baby.” You make an exhausted, confused sound as he toys with one of your nipples and then he says, “Your clit hasn’t had any attention yet, has it? I think we should do something about that.”
Shawn smiles and pushes back slightly from the desk to get a better view and then he whistles low. “Jeez, she’s soaked - I can see it from here!”
“Why d’you think I wore black jeans?” He counters with a chuckle and you blush yet again at the way they’re talking about you. Still holding on to you with an arm across your torso, he reaches to the side and pulls an office chair over and then sits down, bundling you into his lap.
“Put your legs up on the armrests, there - you want Shawn to be able to see everything don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.” You whimper as you raise your legs into position, acutely aware of how on show you are now - this is different to before, when all he’d really been able to see was your face.
“Give me a colour, baby.” His deep voice murmurs into your ear as he senses your nervousness again.
You take a moment to look down at yourself, cradled in his lap but with your legs spread wide and then you look up at Shawn who’s staring at you hungrily. You can feel the bulge in Mark’s jeans and figure that Shawn’s probably in the same state - all because of you. Calm washes over you and you tip your head back to claim a small kiss. “Green, sir… please make me come again…”
“Such a good little slut,” he whispers against your lips. “You keep your eyes on Shawn, little girl - if she closes them, tell me.” He directs that last part to the other man.
“You got it,” Shawn replies, a small smirk pulling at his mouth.
He shifts slightly in the chair and then presses his finger gently against your clit, rubbing in small circles. You bite down on your lip as you moan and it takes everything you have not to let your head fall back against his shoulder. The stroking is maddeningly slow and you try to move your hips to increase the pace but he holds you still. After a while he swaps to a quick tapping of his finger firmly against the sensitive button and you pant as you feel yourself climbing higher. One of your hands creeps towards your mound but of course he sees it and slaps it away.
“Get your hands behind your back, girl.” You shift awkwardly and manage to obey, enjoying the mild discomfort of the self-restraint.
“Got some cuffs around here somewhere - just say the word.” Your eyes widen as Shawn speaks and then you emit a loud cry as he returns to rubbing you, more firmly this time.
“Ohhh fuck… please… please!’
“Please what, little girl?” He’s playing you expertly; just the right speed, just the right amount of pressure and you know you can’t hold out much longer.
“Let me come, sir! Please can I come?” You stare at Shawn who’s wearing his trademark smirk - you daren’t even blink in case it counts as closing your eyes.
“Go ahead - come for me,” He replies almost casually and for half a second you can’t quite believe he’s granted permission so easily, but your brain quickly catches up and you scream your release for the second time that day. Knowing how sensitive you get after an orgasm he backs the pressure off as you come but doesn’t stop entirely, moving his fingers to slide either side of your clit instead and slipping back inside for a couple of long thrusts.
“I want another one out of you, little girl.” He says, tweaking at your nipples with his free hand.
Your eyes are still fixed on Shawn’s face and you note how his expression has changed from slightly smug to rapt and he’s certainly not looking into your eyes any more. Mindful of your orders your gaze doesn’t move even though your hips are rolling as Mark coaxes you back up to the peak. His free hand shifts from your breast down between your legs and you’re impaled on his thick fingers while he massages your sensitive clit - you groan at the pleasure-pain sensation and know that it won’t be long.
“Harder… please, sir…” He grants your wish with a hard shove of his fingers inside you as he pinches your clit and it’s that final burst of pressure that tips you over the edge and you can’t help it - your head falls back against him as you cry out, but when you feel his lips press to your temple you know it’s OK and you groan out the rest of your pleasure.
“Such a good girl… what a good little slut for me…” You hear his whispered praises and arch against him, groaning as you become aware of a twinge of pain in your shoulders.
“Careful, baby… lean forward for me, that’s it…” He gently guides your arms from behind you and rubs your shoulders to get rid of the stiffness. You lift your head to see Shawn, leaning back in his chair and smiling.
“Thank you, cutie - that was beautiful to watch.”
You feel yourself blush and realise how silly that is given what’s just taken place, so you bravely smile back. “Thank you, Shawn.”
The blonde gets to his feet, adjusts himself in his jeans none too subtly and then walks around the desk towards the door, clapping his friend on the shoulder as he goes past.
“Take as long as you both need, big man. I’m gonna go take a shower.”
Mark huffs out a laugh and gives you a squeeze. “Thanks for helping out.”
“Anytime, believe me!”
With that he’s gone and you suddenly find yourself turned through ninety degrees and he’s cradling you in his lap.
“How was that, baby? Did you have fun?”
You grin up at him sleepily. “Couldn’t you tell?” You grasp at his shoulders and pull yourself into a more upright position before kissing his lips softly. “Thank you… did you have fun?”
“I never thought I would get such a kick out of showing you off,” He says with a thoughtful expression. “It was a trip… being the one to touch you like that while he just watched.” He chuckles quietly and shakes his head. “The look on his face…”
He kisses the top of your head and then stands up, still cradling you in his arms. He sets you carefully on your feet and helps you back into your dress and sandals before taking your hand again and leading you back through the hallways. You arrive back into the main area to find that the ring is empty and a thought strikes you.
“D’you think they heard?”
“Nah, we were behind a couple of closed doors and they were busy throwing each other all over.” He tugs you towards the main doors as he adds, “Tell ya what, though…”
You press into his side as you move through the door and towards the truck, “Yeah?”
He opens the passenger door and smacks your backside playfully as you climb up. “People are gonna be able to hear us from space later, little girl.”
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take-taker-taken · 3 months
OK, so I get a small amount of ‘likes / notes’ on my fic posts, but rarely get comments or reblogs of same - just for funsies I thought I’d create a poll to explore this a little more.
I’m aware that people might be hesitant to reblog the kind of stuff I write for fear of judgement and that’s perfectly OK; I’m just trying to understand.
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take-taker-taken · 1 year
Well. How did this come about? Well. The long answer is that someone reblogged a random idea and commented about an idea they themselves had and mentioned Taker carrying off Shawn a la King Kong and Fay Wray. And that Shawn was a housekeeper, and… and…
Huh. I’m muddying the waters, aren’t I?
The short answer is that it’s @achillessleepy fault. And I’m delighted by it!
Maid for You
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” The blonde looks back over his shoulder at his boyfriend, who is sprawled on the couch with a glass of bourbon and watching the smaller man’s every move.
Taker smirks and raises his glass in a mock salute before taking another sip. “Well, yeah. That was kinda the point.”
“If people knew how kinky you are -” Shawn begins.
“They wouldn’t be the least bit surprised,” Taker interrupts through a huff of laughter. “And you missed a spot.”
Shawn turns back to the bookshelf with feather duster poised and stretches up, which in turn causes the frilled skirt of the traditional french maid’s outfit to rise up and reveal a tantalising glimpse of tanned ass cheek that has Taker licking his lips. He flutters the duster along a row of books before moving it down and dancing it delicately across a gold-coloured urn.
“Careful with that,” Taker says, shifting his large frame to try and get a better view of the dress hugging the blonde’s hips. “Master of the house won’t be too happy if you damage anything.”
“Then maybe the master of the house should do his own dusting,” Shawn mutters. The low cut dress is scratchy across his chest and back and these ruffled skirts leave nothing to the imagination. Not for the first time, he offers quiet thanks that they both agreed high heels weren’t worth the risk of a twisted or broken ankle.
Sensing imminent mutiny, Taker decides to speed things along. “Why don’t you leave that and come straighten up all the throw pillows?”
Shawn gladly drops the duster on to a chair before turning to face his dark-haired tormentor and his heart does leap a little. In the spirit of the game, Taker has agreed to eschew his usual t-shirt or tank top for a button down shirt, though he still insisted on rolling the sleeves back. It’s a look that (in Shawn’s not-so-humble opinion) agrees with him and makes the blonde want to straddle his lap and slowly unfasten each button and… yeah. He swallows as he feels himself growing hard beneath the dress, coupled with an illicit thrill that the petticoats hide it well and then walks to the couch furthest from his partner and bends over deliberately slowly to retrieve each pillow in turn to plump it up before setting it down again.
The room is covered with a heavy silence… a sexually-charged atmosphere that’s only one tiny spark away from combustion. Finally feeling as though he has the upper hand in this scenario Shawn turns and sashays over to the couch where Taker is sitting, staring at him avidly. He repeats the actions with the pillows furthest away from his boyfriend, hearing him set his glass down heavily on a side table. He steadily moves closer until there’s only one pillow left.
“Can I get that one behind you, please… sir?” He bats his eyelashes and gives a coy smile.
Taker has to swallow a growl of lust at the performance he’s observing and instead leans forward so that Shawn can retrieve the pillow from behind his back. The cute little maid in front of him stays in a semi bent over position as he kneads the material and Taker instantly imagines kneading that tight ass the same way. Shawn reaches over to replace the pillow and that’s when Taker seizes the opportunity and grabs him, bundling him into his lap. Shawn plays his part beautifully, letting out a decidedly unmanly squeak at the sudden manhandling and looking up at Taker with wide blue eyes and a scandalised expression.
“Pretty little thing, aren’t you?” Taker murmurs, snaking a large arm around the slim waist and jerking the blonde in closer to his body.
Shawn continues to gaze up at him all doe-eyed before stammering out, “I… You… you probably shouldn’t be doing this?”
Taker shrugs, his hold on Shawn meaning that the smaller man rises and falls with the movement. “Master of the house, remember? I can do what I want.” He reaches down and gently brushes stray blonde hair out of Shawn’s face before adding, “And what I want to do, is this…” He lifts Shawn’s torso enough that he doesn’t have to bend his head too far in order to plant a kiss right on to those perfect lips.
Seemingly still in character, Shawn freezes for just a second and then that’s it - that’s the spark that ignites the charged atmosphere and he’s scrabbling at Taker with the most appealing, desperate whimpers. Kisses and touches become more and more urgent until Taker’s hand dives beneath the dress in order to fondle the wriggling blonde. It’s then his turn to become frustrated with the outfit and after only a few moments of vexation he growls and stands up with Shawn in his arms.
“Taking you upstairs so we can do this properly,” he mutters and Shawn can do nothing except hold on with a smile as Taker rushes them from the room in a whirl of petticoats.
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take-taker-taken · 5 months
Asks are open again!
I have one final Ask from 2023 to finish up (in case the person who requested gothic reader x Minstry!Taker is reading this - I’m working on it for you 😊) and so have reopened the Ask box and will no doubt in a few weeks be on here with puppy dog eyes, begging people to send stuff.
(Not my photo, but lookit him giggling)
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Random ask but could you write something about spooning with hbtaker?
Not smut or anything, I just think it’s so cute and love the idea of them either unintentionally or deliberately spooning whilst they’re sleeping 🥹
Either one being spooned, no specifics
Hbtaker- Good Old Spoons
Shawn yawns as he wanders into the bedroom. He glances at taker who's sat against the headboard reading whatever book he picked up at the airport.
Part of Shawn wanted to sleep in the guest bedroom, but he didn't want to let taker know he was winning.
Winning what you may ask?
The world's stupidest argument.
Being married to a literal deadman, creates a lot of stupid arguments. Shawn was not happy that taker was thinking about talking to kane and Paul again. He has literally just returned from them killing him. Again. Taker argues that he doesn't want to talk to Paul, he just wants to get the urn so kane can be free. Because kane is under Paul's control and isn't hurting taker on purpose. Shawn, who's been at the end of kanes rage when Paul disappeared, knows this isn't the complete truth. He knows that kane has grown to find some joy in the suffering of others and what brings more suffering than anything? Your own baby brother betraying you.
So it's safe to say Shawn and taker haven't spoke to each other since leaving the arena. Infact, shawn even got a ride to the airport with cena. Which hurt taker, but he understood Shawn.
Shawn winces as he sits on the edge of the bed. His back was killing him after his match with jericho. The kid always wanted to prove he was better than Shawn so would always go over the top.
Taker immediately notices it.
Shawn sighs and rubs his jaw before reaching into the bedside draw and grabbing his heat pad. He hated nights like this, he never enjoyed sleeping straight on his back but he didn't have a choice when he needed to use the pad. Shawn sets it up before laying down.
"Surprised you've joined me." Taker comments. Shawn ignores him, turning his head towards the lamp as he turns it off. Taker knows it was petty, but he also knew he had to, to find out what kind of mood Shawn is in with him. "Night to you too" Taker mutters closing his book and turning his light off.
Shawn ends up rolling onto his side in the middle of the night. His back throbs in pain. He lets out a quiet whimper as he reaches back for his pad in his sleep. Takers ears pick the noise up in his sleep, waking him slightly.
In a sleepy daze, taker works on instinct. It's not the first time he's done this. It wouldn't be the last. No matter what.
He rolls over to face Shawn, grabbing the heat pad and resting it against shawns lower back. Without hesitating, his presses his body against the smaller man's, keeping the pad in place. Shawn sighs and pushes back. Taker is pulled back into sleep quick.
One of takers legs ends up between shawns, his one arm slung over shawns hip, hand rested against shawns stomach. His other arm ends up being used by Shawn as a pillow. The heat pad is snug between shawns lower back and takers pelvis area. Takers head is tilted down, his face rested against shawns hair. Shawn is holding takers arm, holding it for comfort and security. He doesn't let it go, even as takers hand drifts up shawns body to rest against his chest, his heart.
Shawn snuggles closer to the bigger man.
No matter what, shawn will always accept the affection of the bigger man.
Shawn let's out a quiet yawn as his eyes slip open. He's on his side? His back is still being heated?
Shawn looks at takers arm and carefully turns in the bigger man's hold, his back feeling a lot better. Taker doesn't wake. Shawns not shocked. The man was human and then a deadman again, jetlag seems to hit him harder. Shawn carefully removes the heated pad and frowns at the red marks against takers skin. He gently presses his hand against it and watches as taker grumbles before tightening his hold on Shawn. Shawn smiles softly and kisses takers chest before throwing a leg over takers hip and cuddling closer to the bigger man, hiding his face against takers neck.
'This is real love.' Shawn thinks to himself. No matter how angry they are. They always end up like this.
Love spooning.
That came out weird.
I love this.
Love them.
Decided to make it a argument one, I just feel like if they end up spooning whilst in an argument it's even sweeter.
Also taker doing it in a sleep haze out of pure instinct to shawns reaction? Yes please
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sleepy-achilles · 8 months
Ik I don't write smut,
But that doesn't mean I don't have set positions for my ships. Talk of sub and dom and bottom and top stuff below.
Hbtaker- Top Taker and Bottom Shawn. Takers 100% a dom and shawns 100% a pillow princess. He's the perfect sub for takers dom. He can push taker but also bring him back down to earth. Whilst Taker knows exactly what he needs when Shawn doesn't. He knows when to drop Shawn and when to bring him back up. Taker learned very quickly that someone had tainted sex for shawn and put all his effort into fixing that, reassuring Shawn that, yes he's allowed to be loud, lube is a must, yes he can touch and pull at takers hair. They fit. Shawn also taught taker a few things. Also, in a/b/o verse, takers the alpha, shawns the omega.
John- without giving to much away about him upcoming storyline, hes a switch. His partner needs to have control taken from them sometimes whilst john sometimes needs to take control, so they honestly go of whatever the other is needing. John would be a beta or an alpha. The same for his partner.
Deon- they are my juicy couple. My favourite thing to do whilst writing them is not making it clear who tops and who bottoms. The reality is, both boys are switches. But whilst Leon is normally a dom in his relationships with drew the switch is hit. Drew understands Leon better than most, which is why even on top Leon has the more sub role. A service top. Whatever you want to call it. Leon has such a dominating life that when it's just him and drew, he needs to be in that headspace. And well, drew normally takes a back seat, especially when tag teaming with Leon, so he doesn't mind taking that dom headspace when it's him and drew. But he loves being pampered, despite what the fans think, drew loves being on bottom, he has that secret pillow princess in him. He deserves it and with such a willing service top? He'd be stupid to not get it. Drew is 100% an alpha whilst Leon is either a omega or a alpha. Depends what the story angle is that I'm going for.
Cea (kinda like sea, idk I thought their ship name being ocean related would be cute)- cassie doesn't care, she's a pillow princess and she's proud as fuck of it. She's grown up with a male dominated family, she deserves to be treated like the princess she is. Rhea is a stone top. She prefers giving rather than receiving. Cassie doesn't mind, she does feel guilty sometimes but rhea is quick to reassure her that she gets off more on cassies pleasure then she does her own. However, cassie does sometime have to take on a more dominant role, especially with rhea joining the judgement day. Rhea sometimes needs that tension taken off her. She needs to be bossed around, put in her place. It's tough for cassie but rhea will always make sure she receives the right amount of aftercare after. Cassie is an omega and rhea is a Alpha.
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
I need new hbtaker fics
I'm giving up on games because you know, sleep deprived me and video games do not get on, because I seem to get angry easy and well my hate for humanity becomes stronger. Its like a toxic streamer takes over me. Scary.
So I decided to join indie on my bed, terrible idea, it'll make me more tired, but he seems to be sleeping happier now I'm here.
And well want to read fics. But hbtaker only has a small amount of fics and well, I've read them all.
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