#hc x xl
ber-go · 1 year
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Dance with the devil <3 
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love HuaLian and WeiLan because they are both powerful ghost kings who stalk their beloved god, said god being the only person who can control them in any way. Which sucks for everyone else, because when asked to control their feral ghost king, both gods just go “nah, he’s fine” and do not stop any of the bad behaviour everyone was praying they would stop.
Also, both Shen Wei and Hua Cheng have a creepy location where they keep an unhealthy amount of images of their beloved.
I love them.
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dawnbirdwhistle · 1 year
Goodnight with soft 🦋Hualian🌼~ (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
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tgcf-fic · 1 year
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationships: Fēng Xìn/Mù Qíng/Xiè Lián, Fēng Xìn/Xiè Lián, Fēng Xìn/Mù Qíng, Mù Qíng/Xiè Lián, Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián, Fēng Xìn/Huā Chéng/Mù Qíng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Characters: Fēng Xìn, Xiè Lián, Mu Qing, Huā Chéng, brief cameos from other characters - Character
Additional Tags: Getting Together, xianle trio, Xianle Quartet - Freeform, hualian are already together, this is about xianle trio getting together on top of that, pre established hualian, hidden identities, Angst, feng xin is trying his best, mu qing is protective but HAS to be complicated about everything, xie lian is kind of panicking, none of these three know how to communicate effectively, supportive hua cheng
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donghuamuqing · 1 year
Forgive me for i am on my bs again. Mu qing of the kurta clan. Mu qings visible rage, his searing red eyes. Him hunting down the eyes of his mother. His eyes glowing a soft pink when hes finally content. A deep deep red when he feels happy and loved
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leawesomesloth · 6 months
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my third prompt for TGCF Gotcha for Gaza!
Mafia HC x Civilian XL requested by FrozenHamhua on twt.
I made a whole comic… 😅 BUT I'm also no pro so it looks wonky in some parts HAHA Also TGCF Gotcha is over but reminder that MDZS and SVSSS fans are also gonna be hosting their own Gotchas starting in the next few weeks! Volunteer sign-ups are currently open, go sign up if you're an artist or writer who wants to participate for a good cause! MDZS Gotcha for Gaza SVSSS Gotcha 4 Gaza
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Can you do a one shot where male reader feels like hc and xl don’t really need him and starts distancing himself from them. He thinks they are perfect for each other and that he is a nuisance ruining the relationship between them. He takes comfort to a friend who has liked the male reader for a really long time. Hc and xl see this and get jealous. Wondering if the reader doesn’t like them anymore and feels sad. Seeing the reader looking happy in the comfort of someone else.
Creating Space
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Ugh I love angst so much. It hurts so good 😭
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
Some people may say being in the presence of the two strongest and revered people creates a lot of pressure. It's never been a problem for you. You've always enjoyed being in the presence of your two lovers. Xie Lian, a powerful and elegant martial god. While His Cheng is a powerful and suave ghost.
You love them very much.
But you lied, it is kind of pressuring. There's nothing wrong with your lovers of course! It's just that they're so strong and popular on their own. You aren't a very powerful god and you aren't a very powerful ghost. People don't know you. Most times your name is "That's the crown prince's lover, or that's crimson rain's lover"
You could live with this, it's not like you had a desire to be seen by the world. People just tend to forget about you. A lot of people don't like you exist so most of the time they accidentally exclude you from your own relationship. It just seems like an impossible place to reach. What could you do to seem important as well?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng say you do plenty of important things by loving and taking care of them but it doesn't feel like that. You don't really do anything for them either. Neither of them needs protecting. They can protect themselves and each other just fine, and they go out of their way to protect you too.
Xie Lian is kind and keeps you and Hua Cheng calm. Assuring the both of you, and making sure everyone feels loved. The level headed of the three of you. Hua Cheng is very protective, and goes out his way to do things out of devotion or love. You can't do anything to compete.
Your relationship doesn't go as deep with them either. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are just so wrapped up in each other it doesn't seem like there's room for three. They're already perfect by themselves and it doesn't look like they need you at all. You don't have a clue on why they even love you.
You've tried to make yourself more outgoing in the relationship? Trying to help them on missions or, help them with daily activities. You've tried taking over household chores like cleaning or cooking and yet it seems fruitless.
They always tell you that it isn't necessary. Someone else will take care of it. Hua Cheng has other people clean the manor, and Xie Lian would gladly cook by himself. They obviously don't need your help in missions, you'd probably just get in the way more than help.
You don't have a very outgoing presence in bed either. Very often Hua Cheng and Xie Lian do everything for you. Sometimes you try to give them pleasure instead. It doesn't matter if it's something little or big, your lovers shake their heads and say that it's a silly thought. You don't need to do anything they'll do it for you. Your lovers give you pleasure, they give each other pleasure. You want to give them pleasure too though.
These thoughts have been at the back of your mind for a while. That Xie Lian and Hua Cheng don't need you. These thoughts make you a little more clingy, a little more desperate. They haven't changed how they act towards you though. You just don't want to feel useless.
"A-Lian please, let me tag along. All three of us can go on the mission together. Like uh, like a date or something!" You follow Xie Lian around the kitchen, trying to persuade him into changing his mind. It isn't working, it never does.
"A-n, me and San Lang can do it. We won't be long, promise. Just stay here" Xie Lian smiles at you and kisses your head. But you don't want to take this for an answer. You want to help! With something. Anything! It feels awful to just sit around while your lovers do every little thing for you.
You huff softly, watching your lovers get ready without you. "A-Lang you don't agree do you? Please tell A-Lian to let me tag along. I'll make sure not to get in the way!" You try persuading your ghost lover instead, gripping onto his arm to make him look at you.
You already feel humiliated. Begging like a child to join your lovers in something even though you're a grown man. San Lang shakes his head, " Getting in the way isn't our concern baobei. Gege is right we'll take care of it and be back home soon." He kisses your cheek.
You're left in Paradise Manor alone while your lovers leave off somewhere. You should be happy, you feel selfish actually. Anyone would be happy that their lovers do everything for them. Anyone would be happy to be taken care of all the time for the rest of their lives. You just can't...
Soooo you decide instead of sitting at home why not just follow your lovers out! It's not like you would be harming anything, maybe they'd even be delighted to see you. It's a better idea than sitting here doing nothing.
That's exactly what you do, you follow your lovers. With quite a bit of distance and making sure to be careful. You eventually find them, of course not in a good situation. They're busy fighting off wrathful ghosts and you make sure to stay far back. You don't want them to get hurt or anything so you'll just wait over here until they're finished.
That doesn't go well either. One of the ghosts notices you. It strays from the fight without notice from Xie Lian or Hua Cheng. Instead it comes for you, it's not like you're weak! You yelp from the surprise attack from the ghost, but otherwise you easily slay it down. All you were left with was a few deep scratches on your face. Whoo, It nearly got your eye!
You're feeling pretty proud of yourself until a pair of hands are gripping your face, and you notice Hua Cheng looking over your wounds. Even though you have some deep scratches you're smiling anyways. You just killed a ghost! A wrathful one at that!
Before you can exclaim your celebrations Xie Lian is dabbing medicine on your wounds with a furrowed brow. "What are you doing here y/n! We told you to stay home!"
Your smile falls, as your lovers both frown at you. You don't understand you did great! It was only a wound, everyone gets wounds sometimes! "I-I wanted to help" the word mumble from your lips, and Xie Lian finishes dressing your wound.
"How did that fair for you? We were doing just fine without you y/n, but now you're hurt" Xie Lian exclaims, flushed by nervousness and frustration. He had only wanted to keep you safe. He didn't mean to say it like that. It was a slip of the tongue. He hadn't meant it in hostility but you take it as such anyways.
"You two do seem just fine without me" you purse your lips, and back up. You're just upset, obviously Xie Lian would never mean such a thing but right now you can't help but take it as such. You've been suffering with these thoughts for weeks!
You quickly use what powers you do have to make a quick pathway and teleport away. Running away? Classic move but it feels better than sitting in front of your lovers disappointed faces. You just need time to get your feelings together so you decide to visit a friend's place.
You and Mu Qing know each other pretty well and you're great friends! Even though Mu Qing won't admit that. He's actually loved you for a while but you love Xie Lian and Hua Cheng and Mu Qing would never break up your happiness. He's been working on moving on so of course you can still come over and complain to him.
This time you just lie in his arms for a while. You spent some time just getting your thoughts together and stop crying. Then you tell Mu Qing what happened. He calls Hua Cheng stupid and says Xie Lian is oblivious with an eye roll. Mu Qing is actually good at advice and comforting you.
On the other end your lovers are very upset with themselves. Hua Cheng wanted to immediately come find you but Xie Lian told him it was better to give you space. They know you inside and out and Xie Lian knows you need time to get your emotions in order.
After a few hours Hua Cheng decides time is up though and breaks into the heavens again. Just because. Does it count as breaking in if Xie Lian let him in? Nah. They know where you are, unfortunately. They know you're with Mu Qing. Hua Cheng doesn't like that one bit. He's very capable of jumping to the conclusion that Mu Qing is trying to manipulate you while you're vulnerable but Xie Lian assures him otherwise.
Xie Lian makes Hua Cheng wait outside of Mu Qing's palace. Things would only blow off the hinges if Hua Cheng and Mu Qing fought. Xie Lian goes in by himself. He eventually finds you, not like it was hard. He isn't too happy to find you in Mu Qing's arms. Happy and comfortable. He hasn't seen a smile like that on your face in a long time.
Xie Lian ignores the lingering prickles of jealousy and walks into Mu Qing's room without invitation or notice. "A-n t's getting late, let's go home? Please?" He's relieved when you take his hand. Honestly it's nerve-racking. He hadn't meant to say such a harsh thing and then you went to someone else who is obviously much more capable at making you happier than they are.
Xie Lian and you join up with Hua Cheng again. You spend most of the journey back staring at the ground. You're ashamed, you feel like you overreacted. You were being dumb. Maybe they're angry at you and yet all three of you still hold hands. And yet when you get back to Paradise Manor, you all get ready for bed. And yet Xie Lian helps you disrobe and Hua Cheng checks your wounds before you lie down. And yet all three of you end up in the same bed, entangled in each other's limbs. Just like every night.
You all talk about it, words mumbling quietly in the dark room. It's a long conversation of "I'm sorry" and "I love you". You want to talk about your feelings more. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng want to make sure you don't feel left out or they're being distinct. The night ends with kisses and cuddles.
So maybe nothing was really ever wrong, and it would all turn out just fine. Because they've always loved you and you always loved them. Something like this isn't a big enough obstacle to take you away from them.
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higuchisora · 4 months
How I think the main MXTX couples would vibe with each other:
WangXian and HuaLian:
Wei Wuxian being Wei Wuxian is ready to talk the ear off of anyone willing to listen. Xie Lian being Xie Lian is just as willing to listen as Wei Wuxian is to talk. They'd be the gossiping stay-at-home wives/soccer moms that would see each other at the grocery store or their kids' soccer match and end up talking for hours while their husbands stand off to the side like 🧍‍♂️ and do that awkward little Dad Nod of Acknowledgement before refusing to make eye contact for the rest of WWX and XL's conversation. Both of the husbands have little to no opinion about each other's spouses besides "that's my wife's friend".
BingQiu and WangXian:
Similarly, gossiping housewife energy. Though their gossip is definitely more on the drama end "who does x think she is?!" Rather than just chill conversation. On the other hand, I don't think Lan Wangji would like Binghe all that much, unfortunately. Similar 🧍‍♂️ energy but with slight animosity. I can't even explain why, I just feel like Binghe would incur the same level of "shameless!" Comments as Wei Wuxian, except unlike Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji isn't horny for Binghe, and therefore he's never forgiven for it. LWJ reminds SQQ of Liu Qingge, but even more repressed (make of that what you will). LWJ has probably held one (1) conversation with SQQ before, and generally thinks he's respectable, if not someone with poor taste in men.
HuaLian and BingQiu:
Shen Qingqiu is yet another one of the "mean"/snarky friends in Xie Lian's entourage. He's basically just another Mu Qing/Feng Xin. Meanwhile, Binghe HATES Hua Cheng. With a burning passion. Unlike the other couples combos, Shen Qingqiu CANNOT bring Binghe around when he goes to see Xie Lian, because Hua Cheng will undoubtedly be there and he's NOT trying to deal with yet ANOTHER Whole Foods Incident.
Binghe's hatred for Hua Cheng lies solely in the jealousy category, because what the FUCK does he mean he's a demon that didn't have to chase his idol down in order for senpai to finally notice him? The fuck? Xie Lian KNEW from the BEGINNING that Hua Cheng was a ghost, the ghostiest ghost in town even, and he STILL banged him? No world-ending demon sword possessions necessary??? HUH??? This wouldn't even bother him so much if Hua Cheng didn't rub it in his face deliberately. HC is SMUG. I saw a post somewhere about how Hua Cheng and Mobei-Jun can't coexist in the same universe because he'd be too jealous over the fact that MBJ was literally created to be his god's ideal man, and I'd imagine this would be Hua Cheng's way of settling the score.
Similarly to the first, HC and LBH only vaguely recognize the others' spouse as "my wife's friend".
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flowersdiceandlove · 2 months
Writing a xianle quartet soulmate au, and a scene of HC x MQ’s first kiss popped into my head. I already know how I want it to go and it’s not this, but it’s too funny not to write. If anyone wants to use, feel free.
Okay so, post canon, MuLian has already happened and they’ve done the do so MQ’s cultivation is…lacking. Anyway, XL, MQ, and HC are on a night-hunt or whatever it’s called in tgcf and they’re in the middle of a fight and MQ’s spiritual energy that he got from XL who got it from HC runs out.
“XIE LIAN!!” he screams, wide-eyed, as he dodges a massive attack from the enemy.
XL grabs the back of MQ’s robes and hauls him aside yelling, “SAN LANG! Spiritual energy!” Pushing MQ to HC so he can attack the enemy. HC, hearing XL’s call instinctively turns, bends, and presses his lips to the lips of the body that just slammed into him, transferring spiritual energy. It is not uncommon for HC to transfer XL spiritual energy mid fight, after all. It is only after their lips meet that HC realizes his mistake, and they both stand there, frozen, eyes wide, faces pale, and their lips pressed together, staring at each other in mounting horror.
XL quickly lands the finishing blow to the enemy and turns back to his husband and lover and blinks. They are still standing there, stiff and frozen, lips pressed together, and horror on their faces.
After they finally separate, XL has to comfort both of them—who are appalled by the kiss—apologizing for causing the mix up while holding back his laughter and hiding his smiles behind his sleeve.
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redrandomposts · 18 days
guys im a genius(???)
(sentient-robot!hc x mechanic/engineer!xl)
-guoshi teaches xie lian mechanical things, and it all leads to xie lian creating a robot
-at first, he disliked it, and would rather train. however, he fell in love with his biggest project; a robot named hong-er
-the robot is small, powered by spiritual energy; it looks like a ten-year old child, with a bandage wrapped around an eye as xie lian crafted it with a coral pearl and rubies
-(a small soul, hating the world, never having gotten to leave its home, happens upon the coral pearl. it attaches to it, partly for the fact that it's read and partly because it's worth more than his family could ever earn)
-when xie lian completes the robot, pushing in the eye, it's as if he gained life. he has the understanding of a ten year-old, and stuck to his creator
-guoshi attempts to destroy and get rid of the robot after seeing it, but xie lian is firm in keeping him
-("am i a monster?" "no. don't you think that i could never create a monster?" "...but he said that-" "hong-er. you aren't a monster. i swear it.")
-feng xin and mu qing are put off, and warn xie lian against it
-("but even guoshi is weary of it!" "guoshi just doesn't know him! guoshi insisted i didn't let mu qing stay, but i did. hong-er did nothing wrong. i spent days working on him, and now you want me to get rid of him?" "your highness-")
-when xie lian ascends, he takes the robot with him to heaven and keeps him in the palace, because feng xin and mu qing strongly opposed of it. thus, not a single soul except for xie lian (and the robot) knew he was there.
-hong-er utilizing the qi in heaven, is able to grow. xie lian encourages this, and even creates new parts for him.
-time skip!!!
-(hong-er abandons his body in a cave to get his bone ashes, but is later unable to get it after being caught and sold
-hong-er attempts to stop xie-lian from going to the shrine, but is unable to. he becomes a wrath and goes back to get his body and ashes.)
-xie lian doesn't recognize him. because being a wrath gives an influx of energy he didn't previously have, the robot grew into a seventeen-year old from a fourteen year-old in just a moment.
-xie lian dubs him wu ming, and he accepts it gracefully.
-wu ming leaves the body in a hurry to get to dianxia faster, and is only just able to make it to the sword in time. he disperses and collects back into the coral eye that he first grew attached to.
-xie lian never finds out what happened to the robot.
-in mount tonglu, hua cheng often carves statues of dianxia, leaving a place for his robot body. he never carves himself, but often leaves the robot in a spot to simply take in the scene.
-hua cheng keeps the robot body in his manor, laying in bed. the robot still has both eyes, unlike him, and was stuck in the state he had been as wu ming, before his dispersal
-xie lian ascends as a mechanical scrap god - making useless robots out of scrap
-hua cheng, who had to upkeep his body for centuries, is intimate with the knowledge. they get on just fine
-xie lian finds out everything. about how when hua cheng was young, his parents decided to abandon him, how he was tormented by kids and bled out. how his soul found the coral pearl, and how he became the robot. how he was wu ming.
-idk man i don't really stray from canon i really should though
-coral pearl is central respawn point for hua cheng. when he disperses the second time, xie lian hangs the pearl on his necklace, next to the ring, waiting for hua cheng
-feng xin, mu qing, and guoshi all refer to hong-er as "it," while xie lian refers to hong-er as "him." they don't call hua cheng "it," unless they want xie lian on their asses.
-points this can stray from canon: hong-er isn't seperated from xie lian, and is instead destroyed by white no-face after he has a hard time trying to get rid of him; wu ming brings the mechanical body to lang-er bay, and xie lian discovers it after the fight and who wu ming really was; hua cheng, encumbered by the body, is stuck as a robot god of some sort
anyways have a good day my delusions are getting worse
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wangxianficfinder · 2 months
Hi!!! This is for fic finder. I have been searching for this fic and can't seem to find it. It goes like this.
-After the dead of WWX, LWJ (who is injured from the whip) go to Burial Mound and saves A-Yuan. WWX, who become a ghost king (if i'm not mistaken) tie his red ribbon on LWJ wrist to protect him and the ribbon makes LWJ very strong and he healed so fast. And it become a gossip at Cloud Recessess
-There is a scene where the only people LWJ trust with A-Yuan is Lan Jingyi's dad who is a healer
-There this one scene where LWJ been punish to seclusion in Cold Cave(i think?) and there are actually an army coming to attack CR but nobody tell him except Lan Jingyi's dad amd they escape together.
-I think this fic is TGCF X MDZS but I might be wrong.
Thank you in advance😘
Sorry, it's not this one. The fic is multi chapter and the ending is LWJ ascend as a god. The juniors gang actually toddler and I think there are Gusu Lan/Elder Lan Bashing.
Oh, okay, I will add this to a fic finder then 😊
Hello! I think it might be this one?
NOT FOUND! 🧡 The Red Ribbon by Xiao_Hua (M, 21k, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Ghost City, a bit of beefleaf, Immortality, Cultivation Partners, Juniors, XL and HC find a child who happens to be WWX, Fluffy wangxian, WWX is a Supreme Ghost King, First Time, TGCF)
- Mod C
doctorbunsenhoneydew said: I wonder if they're looking for Not Only Gods Are Listening?
FOUND! Not Only Gods Are Listening by a_dancer(Not Rated, 69k, WangXian, HuaLian, Post-Canon TGCF, Fix-It, Post-First Siege of the Burial Mounds, YLLZ WWX, Fix-It of Sorts, Crossover)
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bbreadloveclub · 20 days
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At first, I really thought that this anime really did not deserve the hype it got, but I guess I was just completely unaware of what was going on in the anime at all. After watching it the second time, I was in awe of 1.) The graphics 2.) The beauty of the ending. I really love the relationship build up in the whole of season 1. Season 2 was literally Hua Cheng trying to grab Xie Lian’s attention 24/7. like gege here, gege there, gege let me help you, gege eat this … i love them so much!!
things that got me (╯°□°)╯
The fact that Xie Lian literally said the same phrase as the one he said to San Lang (the one that goes something along the lines of 如果不知为谁而活,那就为我活下去吧) 800 years later, without knowing that the guy he is talking to right now is the same person he saved 800 years ago, still gets me screamingg.
when Xie Lian jumps into the hole to save San Lang, and the concern in his face
hc giving xl the whole armoury😭😭😭
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📃fanart column!!🤎📔
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creds: @crimson-chains @hxllo-hui @seagreenlaurin @zeldacw @sonialiao @yingfernart
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yulen-the-ghost · 4 months
Not everyone likes the idea of Jun Wu x Xie Lian.
After reading the novel, I like to interpret that Jun Wu had an uncorresponded (toxic) love interest for XL.
But after seeing a fanart of Xie Lian cooking for both him and Hua Cheng, I thought of something funny.
HC and JW's feelings are exposed, and now they do a set of challenges and trials to see who is worthy of Xie Lian.
- Food testing
- Art skills
- Cooking skills
- Eating skills
- Housemaid skills (no minions allowed)
And so on.
Xie Lian wanted to stop them, but they are so obsessed and passionate to prove being a better mate than the other, that he falls silent.
They might even have some casual times as buds, when they are tired before they continue fighting each other.
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oshikasa · 1 year
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part 2 of my hualian x xiaoaether outfit swap! i had sm fun with these and changing colors around to fit their personal vibes more
hc cant decide if he likes xl’s outfit or if he wants to get gege a jacket
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lydskisses · 9 months
🌟 PO - Heaven Official’s Blessing x MINIDOLL mochi plush 🌟
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ETA: March 2024
Payment Deadline: While Stocks Last
✅ DM to order:
Characters in the box are 2 XL, 2 HC, 1 LW, 1 SQX.
・Full Box (6 mochi, with 1:66 chance of getting the secret sleepy ver.) SGD$62/set
・Single Blind Box SGD$15.90/ea
・(Limited time price) Two Blind Boxes SGD$25 for 2 boxes.
#heavenofficialsblessing #tianguancifu #tgcf #tgcfmerch #天官赐福 #花城 #谢怜 #墨香铜臭 #mxtx #danmei #danmeimerch
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missveryvery · 11 months
what are your most recent fengqing headcanons 🥺
actually insane that this is a question i can answer instead of going "most recent, why do you think I've made more".
I think of these as more like "theories" or "this would be so cute ;0;" rather than "headcanons" because I like many different types of interpretations of them!! Like some of my thoughts are like "if you read it like this, you can get to here"and some of it is like "i think this is literally what mxtx means here". And some is "HEAR ME OUT, WHAT IF X? WOULDN'T THAT BE SO CUTE?!"
I don't mention it much, but Iike them being sworn brothers, too, and loving each other in a familial way. Which I think is the canon way they feel about one another. Because the big reveal is "they are friends and go on little adventures together all the time!" and there are a couple examples that refers to the three of them obliquely as brothers. I think that's just as sweet and satisfying as them making out and getting married forever
-I do think if one of them dated someone, the other would go insane, like be extremely protective and climbing in through the window in the middle of the date.
FX would lose his mind if MQ was seeing someone! Very loudly give his opinion, fucking FORBID it if it's someone he doesn't approve of (mq: wtf do you mean you "forbid it"?!!), freaking out like "mq has never been in a relationship, he'll get his heart broken" and very like "ARE YOU SURE??!! MQ YOUR CULTIVATION?! ;0;". 50000% mom mode.
MQ would also lose his shit if FX was seeing someone. Also "No. I forbid it." (fq: what do you mean you "forbid it"?!) and threatening the person like "if you break his heart I'll kill you. If you want to break up with him, you come to me and we'll do it in the least painful way possible. sign this contract in blood." mad dogging the person like:
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Both very "WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS?!!" and doing background checks. Ready to throw down at a moments notice, both so in the other's business.
(i think xl would be very involved, too. he seems like he'd be chill but he has this zone of like 'actually, i care a lot and will not be chill about this' that I think this situation would fall into. like when he freaks out if QR says something mean to HC? I think he'd choke someone out for those two.)
-mu qing designed fu yao to be elegant and refined. but once he gets in the shell, he's incapable of not making the :3c face and looking like "fufufufu"
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i've never seen a more bitchass expression on a chibi before. he looks so smarmy, such a little shit. He thinks he looks aloof and refined and doesn't realize Fu Yao looks like a gremlin and supremely punchable.
-all that bullshit i said on that post about how they act when scared. I'm thinking about them hugging onto each other tightly when startled/scared a lot. I feel like in the donghua, we MIGHT see that happen during the chase scene...!!! pray for me.
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