#he asked me about my favourite brands as well and i'm like BRANDS? in this economy????
my Iori, Mio, Arata and Souma headcanons as i'm very normal about the idea of all of them being friends!!
the four of them often hang out in Weekend Garage, usually after STANDOUT and/or Gurney Flap have finished a show, where they have dinner and hot drinks, chat with Ken and play cards. Mio and Souma are particularly good at cards. Arata cheats in half the games by distracting Mio to glance at her cards which makes Iori kick him under the table
Iori and Arata being twins is everything to me. Iori is the older one by a few minutes and she is So Smug about it. she will never stop holding it over him. she calls him her "baby brother" which irritates him quite a bit. she also gets to be slightly taller than him. as a treat </3
Iori keeps her surname private from STANDOUT's fans because she doesn't want people to know she's related to Arata LMAO. some of the Vivid Street residents who are fans of her band often ask her about her resemblance to him but she always gaslights them for fun i mean denies it
the siblings steal each other's microphones all the time. and clothes. and jewellery. and hair products. and eyeliner. and desserts. it is an absolute nightmare for their parents to keep track of whose laundry, shopping and food is whose
Iori, Arata and Souma went to Kamikou, and their year group was the first one to attend the school, since it was constructed so recently. Mio went to Miyajou. Iori was definitely heaps of girls' queer awakenings when she was in highschool. extremely popular due to her style, charming personality and music
Iori was always good with Maths and the various sciences, but did poorly in subjects such as Literature and languages, because she struggled with spelling. Arata was the opposite as he couldn't deal with numbers for the life of him, but had a skill for writing. for this reason, they often swapped their homework- Iori did all of Arata's that involved calculations, and he did her essays. they only found out as adults that Iori's dyslexic and Arata has dyscalculia. currently, Iori's bandmates always help her out with proofreading lyrics
Mio's canon hobby is collecting teddy bears, so i imagine her to be very into the cute aesthetic, very much a Sanrio and Sumikko Gurashi girlie. however, she absolutely adores creepy-cute aesthetics too, so her overall favourite teddy bear brand is Gloomy Bear. Mio likes horror in general. she loves gory movies, she adores creepy RPG games, especially if there's themes of dolls and such
because she's so fond of her teddies, she's learnt how to sew so she can make them clothes and bows. Mio can also bake extremely well and brings homemade snacks when all of them hang out- especially when Souma was in the hospital. saving him from hospital food <3
Mio likes to decorate her bass with cute stickers but tries to be subtle about it because she's conscious about "clashing" with the vibe of the rest of the band. Iori is not having any of that and spoils Mio with every single sticker sheet she ever comes across. eventually, there's barely any visible wood peeking out from beneath the stickers
Souma immediately went "extrovert adopting introvert" mode when he met Mio. the two of them are best friends, and Souma is one of the only people that Mio feels very able to be open and talkative around, because he has such a welcoming and friendly air about him. she introduced him to loads of her favourite media in hopes that he'd have more fun in the hospital, so now there's several manga, anime and games they both love and chat about
Mio and Arata, though, had a rockier start when they first met, because Arata being Arata (ahem, the king of awful first impressions), was blunt and a little rude, which intimidated Mio quite a bit due to her generally anxious personality. however, he then made a bit more of an effort to befriend her as she and Souma are close, discovering that they have some things in common (such as fashion sense. they both own absurd amounts of plaid) and over time, he became pretty fond of her and often jokes that he'd replace Iori with Mio as his sister if he could
Iori loves Souma because he's not nearly as much of an "absolute bitch" as Arata. Iori and Souma like to team up to tease him sometimes, which always has him sulking about the "traitors"
Iori and Arata are relentless about making fun of each other about their relationships with Mio and Souma respectively. Arasouma got together first, and Souma was very encouraging to Mio about confessing her feelings for her bandmate. however, when the twins were alone at home, Arata would be So Fucking Annoying about Mio to Iori. Iomio got together when Mio accidentally walked in on an embarrassed Iori yelling at a smug Arata that she couldn't possibly risk creating tension in her band by expressing her want for a relationship with Mio
Iori and Mio prefer to call their relationship a QPR, as Iori is an aroallo lesbian. Mio is lesbian (and also a demigirl). Arata and Souma's relationship is romantic, Arata being bi ace and Souma being MLM/achillean
Mio and Arata decided to go to uni and end up at the same one. Mio does Art and Design, Arata does Music. Iori did not feel like doing anything more than the compulsory high school and used money for uni to buy a (dodgy and old) pick-up truck instead, which is the friend group's way of getting about. Souma also did not want to continue doing anything academic as his focus upon getting out of hospital is to finally go out, have fun and try to build up his strength for singing again
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thebirdandhersong · 7 months
personally I don't like this ish (pointing to my emotions) and if I could remove one very specific one I am struggling with at the moment, that would be SOOOOOO very convenient and helpful, Lord
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babysdrivers · 9 months
never forget the time i had an interview for jd sports and the guy asked me if i shopped in there often and i said i've never been in there because i couldn't afford anything they sold and he just awkwardly looked at me like ��
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wintabite · 1 month
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late nights w/ riki
GENRE! fluff
NOTES! gn!reader, est relationship, reader and riki r still in school, wc: 230+ for all
SYNPOSIS! just things you'd do instead of sleeping with riki!
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half asleep with your head resting on your boyfriend's shoulder, you felt light pokes on your cheek, many of them. the sudden touches startled you a bit, causing you to slowly become more awake.
"ki?" you mumbled, he took his hand back, shutting the laptop which was playing a movie in front of you two.
"we're going somewhere, get up" he informed, which confused you because it was 12:36 at night. an odd time to be leaving the house.
"okay..?" too tired to question where you were headed, you slowly got up, fixing up your hair and stretching as he led you out of the house.
the walk was short, but once you guys arrived, you knew it should've been obvious. of course he was taking you to a convenience store, he always does, especially at the most questionable hours. hand in hand, you two entered the luminescent building, waving to the visibly bored cashier before making your way to your favourite aisle. the chips, of course. there were always so many options, from doritos to a knock-off version of lays; 'slays'.
"i'm gonna get a drink, be right back" you told him after grabbing your go-to brand. riki was still deciding, he was always picky about what he wanted for the mood he was in, but for you, it was easy.
"noo, don't go" he held onto your hand tighter after you tried to slip it away, not letting you leave.
"it'll be a second!" you tried to reason, but riki didn't plan on separating from you for a second. god this boy was so clingy sometimes.
"my hand will get cold and fall off, you have to stay!" he paused, trying to think of the best way to bribe you "i'll buy you those gummies you like. i hid the last pack on purpose!" he smirked, knowing you couldn't deny those sour-filled strawberry gummies with the cute characters on the packaging. you gave in, and literally did not let go of his hand until you two got back home.
riki wasn't much of a scholar, at all, and maybe you weren't a complete nerd, but you did try to get good grades. you two had a history test coming up, and not wanting to fail like the last time, you planned on studying that friday night. though, riki was dying for you to sleep over, so he invited you with the promise that he'd study with you and quiz you. now, he was more focused on doodling and making little comments instead of memorizing important dates and events.
"love, if you draw one more deranged cat i'm going to throw you out the window" you playfully threatened him, staring down at the page of solely doodles which was illuminated by a little desk lamp. what previously had a few minor notes written now had many.. questionable.. looking cats.
"i don't get it. who is the bald guy? what did he even do?" he switched the topic.
"if i tell you the whole story will you actually listen?" you tilted your head, admiring his pretty face at the same time.
"well, i'll try"
"after, i'll ask you questions about it, if you get them right i'll kiss you!" after saying that, riki paid VERY close attention to each and every detail of the story, getting every question you asked right, earning him several kisses. he didn't mind studying if it would be like that.
straight up, you two will stay up so long just kissing and taking breaks in between to giggle and talk. whether it be on his couch when his parents aren't home, or in the bathroom while there are guests over, you two love to stay up late just kissing.
"wait, i'm not done my story yet!" you pulled away from a long and loving kiss he gave you, since he interrupted you in the middle of a story you were telling, you wanted to get to the good part before you got too distracted by his pillowy lips. "she essentially just called me a rascal, i guess she was trying to offend me?' you continued.
"oh, wow" he mumbled, trying to make it seem as if he were listening to your story, but he really wasn't. you were tired, he was tired, and you were both sitting at the edge of his bed, unable to look away from eachother.
"old people, they really-" before you could finish, riki leaned in again, pressing his lips onto yours, giving you all of his love in a lazy kiss. you couldn't help but give in, the way he held the side of your face and the way he tucked strands of loose hair behind your ear, it drove you crazy. hearing your voice and watching your lonely lips move drove him crazy too. the night was still young, and he had no plans of going to sleep, he craved the feeling of being so closely connected to you, and couldn't get enough of the sweet lingering taste of lipbalm you had applied earlier.
✭ gaming
just you, him, nintendo switches in hand, and a tv. you two were playing mario kart, your character on the right and his on the left side of the large screen. you two were sitting back on the couch, you leaned against him, and you were very concentrated on the game. riki noticed that, and sacrificed driving off of the road to put his hand over your eyes, blocking your vision.
"riki! stop!" you squealed, hitting his hand with the controller, causing him to move it away from your face. he laughed, but you didn't, because you dropped by two places. "i'm not in 2nd anymore! are you serious!" now he was in second place, and close to catching up to first.
"my bad, a ghost moved my hand" he fake apologized.
"yeah and you'll be sleeping on the couch with that ghost instead of with me" you concealed a smirk, staring ahead at the tv as if you said nothing, but he shot his eyes towards you.
"what! i'm sorry! for real!" his eyes darted from the tv, to you, and so on because he still had to somewhat focus on the game.
"nuh uh"
"i'll give second place back to you, baby" he compromised, which sounded like a good idea to you. he stopped moving so you could catch up, replacing him in second place.
"and you have to change into the matching pajamas.." you added to the deal after you caught up, you were wearing the cute set of hello kitty pajamas, and were dying to see your boyfriend in his matching ones. riki knew he didn't have a choice.
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a/n: i love this man saur much sigh
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tayytayy12 · 2 months
𝗦𝗼 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 | 𝗟𝗻𝟰 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
Summary | After a bad brake up, reader soft launches her relationship which her exes friend along with a special song
Warnings | Swearing, previous bad brake up
Faceclaim | Gracie Abrams
Requested | Yes - No
Type | SMAU
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Liked by, Sabrina Carpenter, ChappellRoan and 1,008,007 others
Tagged | @/Kika.cgomez
Yourusername - I’ve been away for a while, but I’m back and here to stay thanks to my favourite girl for making me stop being sad in bed. Love you Kika 💕💕
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User1 - How did Carlos fumble THIS hard?
User2 - She’s literally so beautiful
Yourusername - I LOVE YOUUIOUII
ChappellRoan - Hottie
Yourusername - all you gorgeous
User3 - Chapell would treat her better than Carlos ever would I’ll say it now
Comment liked by Chapell Roan
Lilymhe - Good to see you back beautiful 🫡
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User5 - Okay now that you’re back, MUSIC WHEN BBY?
User6 - Carlos cowering in a corner knowing his time is coming
User7 - he shouldn’t have cheated on her then
User8 - real like hold him accountable
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Liked by, LandoNorris, OliviaRodrigo and 3,998,096 others
Yourusername - You ask, I’ll always deliver 🤍 While I was away I was hard at work, but just for you, but for me. This has been a rough time for me these past few months, so as always I’ve channeled all the emotions I’ve been feeling into writing music, and this is the result of that. My brand new album, ‘Good Riddance’ is out on April 22, and I can’t wait for you to hear her, she’s a work I’m so incredibly proud of. But I will be honest with you, get your tissues ready 🫡 (well except for one song about a very special somebody, I’m not that cruel) I love you 🤍🤍🤍
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User9 - NEW Y/N ERA
User10 - I can feel the sadness through the phone
User12 - It might now even be a guy, it’s probably Kika or Chappel or something
User13 - Real people are so delulu
SabrinaCarpenter - I can’t tell that you devoured
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User13 - All these sad ass sing titles then a random ‘so high school’, you can’t tell me that doesn’t sound like a love song
User14 - so soon after Carlos is icky
LandoNorris - Can’t wait!!
User15 - Is it April 22nd yet?
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Liked by Yourusername, MaxFewtrell and 1,008,291 others
LandoNorris - Back on the podium !!!! All thanks to a certain good luck charm 🤍
User17 - That’s me guys
User18 - The fact that he and mystery girl are in an orangey papaya light is so cute
User20 - A podium with Carlos, and no Carlando pics for the first time ever? What happened 🤍
User22 - My man Carlos was glaring DAGGERS into LN 😭😭
User23 - ‘good luck charm’ brb sobbing
User26 - I need to know who it’s about like right now
User27 - ‘And in a blink of a crinkling eye I'm sinking, our fingers entwined’ I want a relationship written by THE Y/n Y/l/n
User28 - We all do
Text messages
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Liked by, LandoNorris, Kika.cgomez and 2,082,292 others
Tagged | LandoNorris
Yourusername - My one and only, Mr. So high school 🤍
LandoNorris - Cutie
LandoNorris - I love you baby
Yourusername - Squealing
User29 - UM HELLO?
Kika.cgomez - Couple goals fr 🫠
LandoNorris - Thanks Kika (first nice thing she said to me btw)
Kika.cgomez - Was talking about me and Y/n but okay
PierreGasly - Um okay?
Yourusername - Sorry guys, me nd Kika forever
User31 - Carlos’ best friend is moving dirty
User32 - She’s in her revenge era and I’m so here for it
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Liked by, Yourusername, MaxFewtrell and 1,998,997 others
Tagged | Yourusername
LandoNorris - My favourite, most beautiful girl
Yourusername - Crying I love you so much
Kika.cgomez - She is actually shedding tears
LandoNorris- Cutie
MaxFewtrell - Just listened to Y/ns new song, do me a favour mate, never play GTA with me again?
Liked by Yourusername and LandoNorris
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dreamescapeswriting · 10 months
Stray Kids Reaction || Putting Lotion On
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Mature audience only, even though this is not smut it still has some explicit/mature themes, minors DNI
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2023
It had been a while since you and Chan were last intimate, with everything that had been going on at work for you and between his schedules neither of you had made a lot of time for each other until tonight. The two of you had spent the entire day together, gone on the most romantic lunch date and even a nice night in on the sofa nothing could have been better. But it was now that was sticking in Chan's mind, you'd asked him to apply some lotion to your back and his fingers were working magic on your skin as you let out the softest whimpers that were like music to his ears.
"Thank you, baby," you hummed tiredly before rolling over onto your side and snuggling into the sheets, Chan was left a little stunned as he stared at where you had originally been sitting.
"What? You're going to sleep?" His voice cracked slightly as he watched you get comfortable. How could you just go to sleep after turning him on so much with the simple task of putting on lotion,
"Yeah, I have to be up at 4 I have a meeting. Aren't you?" You let out a small giggle, You knew he had to be at work early in the morning and even though his sleep schedule was bad you still had expected him to try and get some sleep.
"No...I-I have a problem." You rolled over a little to face him and he was blushing deeply, you frowned a little at him and he shifted to hide his crotch,
"Chan? Did you think I was asking you to do that so we could..."
"Yes." He answered since you were struggling to find the right way of asking him this question,
"Baby, I- I thought you'd be too tired," You sat up, reaching your hand out and placing it gently on his shoulder as he blushed even more. Was he a pig for just assuming that you'd sleep with him? It had been so long he was practically ready to beg for you,
"I'm never too tired for you," He met your gaze slowly and you smirked at him, leaning closer and gently placing your lips on his neck.
"Well in that case, how about I help you with your "problem"?" You whispered before biting down on his ear softly and dragging him closer to you.
"I've had the most stressful day," you mumbled as you walked into the shared bedroom to see Minho sitting on the bed waiting for you.
"What happened?" He chuckled, his eyes lingering on you as you walked around in nothing but a towel after your long shower. The two of you would do this every day, you'd catch up about work and sit and bitch to one another about everything that had been bothering you.
"One of the interns passed out and smashed their head on the corner counter. I'd rushed him to the hospital but only after getting blood everywhere. Then my boss wanted me to run errands all day," you mumbled before Minho stood up and made his way over to you, smirking at you in the mirror.
"How about I make you feel better?" He suggested with a darkened look in his eyes.
"Yeah? How?" He simply winked at you before reaching for your favourite brand of moisturizer and pulling the towel off your body. 
"Go and sit on the edge of the bed," Your whole body was heated up with the sudden attention but you moved to the edge of the bed, sitting down and letting Minho work his magic on you. 
The whole time his hands gently massaged the moisturizer into your skin you couldn't help but get more and more turned on, your whole body shivering with desire for him. But just as quickly as the touching started it had stopped and you let out a small whine of protest,
"I have to go, I'll see you in the morning though." Minho kissed your cheek and you stared at him,
"We have the Pyjama party ASMR video to shoot tonight...I told you about it." You stared at him completely dumbfounded, you thought his applying lotion was his way of getting you ready to be in the mood and now all of a sudden you were being left high and dry
"But I thought you were...g-getting ready to, you know?" You gestured toward you both and then back to the bed and he chuckled a little.
"You thought I was trying to turn you on? Baby we both know I don't need lotion for that," He winked but you didn't even entertain him with a giggle, you glared at him as he smirked and left you alone promising to make it up to you tomorrow.
When you'd suggested rubbing lotion into Changbin's skin he'd been a little taken aback by the suggestion but he wasn't going to turn it down, even now as you massaged the moisturizer into his skin he was letting out small whimpers and moans. It was turning him on a bunch and he knew you knew what you were doing to him, it had to have been the whole reason you'd suggested this "pamper night" to him in the first place.
"I'm going to go and shower," You told him as you finally finished putting the last lot of lotion into his skin, gently placing a small kiss on his shoulder as he let out a small whine of protest.
"You just spent all that time getting me hard and now you're leaving?" He stared at you as you made your way to the ensuite door, freezing when you heard him asking this.
"I did what?" You giggled a little, looking at him as you began to notice the pitch in the sheets and you bit down on your lip a little.
"Come on, don't tell me you didn't intentionally turn me on. We both know the kind of game you're playing," He winked at you and it felt as though your whole body was on fire. The two of you hadn't been intimate for a while, things had just slowly fizzled out and you'd placed that down to work stress or other complications in life.
"I turned you on?" You whispered a little shocked, all you'd done was apply some lotion to him so that his skin wouldn't begin to go dry or crack in places.
"You didn't mean to?" There was a complete switch up in Changbin's behaviour, the once cocky man was now blushing and whimpering as he tried to explain himself to you.
"I didn't mean I wanted to...I-I just...I thought that was your intention, we don't have to-" He could barely finish his sentence before you kissed him deeply and roughly, practically throwing yourself into his arms as he took your clothes off.
Hyunjin was letting out a small whine as you applied pressure to his thigh, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to ignore the cramping that was happening. All week long he'd been in pain with a sore thigh muscle and you'd been doing everything you could to make him feel better, Tonight seemed to be a little bit different, the cramping wasn't so bad but he was getting majorly turned on whenever you pressed the lotion into his skin.
"Hyunjin?" You giggled as you noticed his shorts beginning to grow tighter with each passing second and he looked down at you with a smirk on his lips.
"Sorry baby, I can't help it when you have your hands on me like this." He let out a small whine and your whole face heated at the sudden thought of him getting turned on just by your touch.
"I'm doing this so you won't be in pain." You reminded him, that the lotion you were applying had some soothing abilities and was supposed to stop muscle aches from the first use,
"I won't be in pain if we have sex though." He teased, running his hands over your shoulders as you slapped his hand away from you,
"You're such a pig," you teased, softly pushing him to sit down on the edge of the bed and work your hands on his thigh again, smirking as he continued to let out small whimpers of your name.
"Let me work my magic and I'll see about giving you what you want afterwards." You teased him.
Jisung had been over the moon with excitement when you'd asked him to put some lotion on your back and arms, he'd started slowly with your arms and as he got to your back he'd begun to try some techniques he'd had done to him during a massage. The whole time he had this giant smile on his face, the thought of getting to make you feel good was making him so happy, not to mention he knew why you'd asked him to do this. The two of you had been too busy with work and your job to make time for being intimate with one another but tonight was your night off and you could finally spend some alone time together.
"There baby, all...done..." He frowned when he heard some soft snores coming from your lips and he moved to the side to see that you were out cold in front of him. How could you have fallen asleep through that? He was doing everything he could to turn you on, just like he thought you'd wanted.
"Babe?" He whispered, softly shaking your arm as you grumbled in protest, squeezing your eyes together as you tried not to blind yourself with the light.
"What?" You mumbled a little annoyed that he'd woken you up after you'd just gotten to sleep but you looked at him to see him blushing brightly.
"Why did you fall asleep?" You laughed a little and sat up on the bed, It was almost 10 at night and you were tired, it was no wonder you'd fallen asleep.
"Because it felt good?" You shifted off the bed and went to hunt for some PJs you could go to sleep in,
"But I thought you'd asked me to do it for you...as a form of foreplay?" You froze in place and slowly turned around to face your boyfriend who appeared to be looking a little confused.
"I-I just needed help with lotion." You giggled a little at the thought of him thinking it was your way of asking for sex, it was adorable.
"But if you're that horny Jisung, I can help," You smirked as you stood in front of him, slowly sinking onto your knees and running your hands up his thighs as he stuttered and stumbled to find the words to say.
The entire time Felix had been pampering you he'd been trying to keep control of himself but it was getting harder and harder with each passing second. His hands were sitting on your hips as he leaned in closer to you, 
"Lixie?" You giggled when you felt his lips on the back of your neck, your whole body shivering at the sudden attention you were getting from him. You'd asked him to put some lotion on you because you'd been feeling a little dry lately but you hadn't expected this,
"What?" He chuckled softly, his hands slowly running down your thighs as you let out a small whine of his name, he knew that your thighs were your weakness.
"What are you doing?" You whispered, your body slowly turning to face him as he winked at you,
"Giving you what you wanted, baby."
"I wanted lotion," You nodded at the bottle that was now discarded next to him and his whole body burnt with embarrassment. 
"You didn't want to have sex?" He stuttered a little and the two of you were now stuttering messes as you stared back at one another, a little shocked at where this had gone. It wasn't as though the two of you had never had sex before but it was still a little embarrassing for you to talk about so openly.
"Well...Y-Yeah but I didn't suggest lotion for it to lead to it." You slowly leaned into Felix and kissed him gently,
"But now you've gotten me in the mood, don't stop." You begged, biting down on his lip gently as he smirked at you. 
You'd been sitting on his lap the whole time as you applied some lotion to his face to "keep his skin hydrated" but Seungmin could see right through you. He knew what you were trying to do and in front of all of the boys? He couldn't believe you were being this adventurous with him tonight. The two of you were spending the night at the dorms and were sitting in the living room with everyone when you suggested the lotion to him,
"Let's go to the bedroom." He whispered to you as you frowned,
"I promised I'd do this for Jeongin," you whispered back to him, Everyone was focusing on the movie that was playing and you didn't want to interrupt them.
"Hell no." He said suddenly and rather loudly causing eyes to fall onto you both as you frowened.
"It's just some lotion-" You tried to speak but he cut you off. There was no way Seungmin was going to let you sit on Jeongin's lap and do the same thing you had just done to him.
"You're not doing to him what you just did to me."
"What did I do to you?" You barely had time to ask when you were suddenly being ground down against Seungmin's crotch and your eyes widened.
"I didn't mean to...I-I thought I was just doing your skincare." You whispered to him as his eyes darkened a little.
"You knew exactly what you were doing." He mumbled as you shook your head at him, there was no way you were going to fuck under the same roof as 7 other men.
"No, and it's not going to happen tonight," you told him before tapping the tip of his nose and getting up from his lap, going to sit beside Jeongin so you could moisturise his face next.
Jeongin watched in fascination as you got all of your supplies ready for the night, your lotions waiting on the vanity for you.
"You want some lotion?" You questioned when you noticed his eyes watching you the whole time. His heart raced as he stared at you, you were standing naked in the bedroom and his mind was racing at all of the things he wanted to do to you. The two of you hadn't had sex in a while since he'd been on tour and tonight would be the first night together in a long time.
"I'd love some." He blushed, stripping down so that he was naked and you smiled to yourself, letting out a small giggle as you began rubbing the lotion into his shoulders. Slowly leading your hands down his arms and chest making sure you got all of his body and that his skin was properly hydrated. As soon as he was done you smiled proudly of yourself and moved away from his body.
"Done. I'm hopping in the shower, do you wanna go and make a hot drink?" You said as you headed to the bathroom, noticing your boyfriend's mouth was just hanging open,
"You're just going to shower after turning me on?" He was blushing, trying to hide his boner with a blanket that was on the bed and you let out a small giggle,
"I turned you on?" You wondered how you'd only applied some cream to his skin it wasn't as though you were doing anything particularly raunchy.
"I thought that was what you were meant to be doing?" He suddenly blushed as he watched you closely,
"No...I was just applying some lotion to you." You studied him for a second before smirking to yourself,
"Come and join me in the shower though,"
"But you just applied lotion." He didn't know why he was suddenly so bothered, he should have jumped at the chance to get in the shower with you.
"I can put more on you after," You smirked grabbing his hand and dragging him into the en-suite with you.
Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @lensfilm @btsiguess-kpop @djeniryuu @backintomykpopphaseagain @choisoorin
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live-laugh-lenney · 2 months
You should so do a fic where the reader has a podcast (like saving grace) and everyone noticed how comparable she and Arthur seem he. He’s a guest (even though she’s like much more extroverted) would be fun🤞❤️
oh, this would be so cute :'))
if there was one thing yn felt comfortable doing, it was waffling.
she just loved to talk. about anything and everything, from what she had read on twitter to what she had heard about online to a brand new documentary that she had taken an interest in when flicking the channels on the television. delving deep into topics that had endless possibilities, spewing off facts that she'd read about online and putting her own thoughts forward in certain aspects that she found interesting and favourable to whoever she was with.
when she came up with the idea of hosting her very own podcast, in the middle of a housewarming party for one of her friends, she was excited to have a platform where she could let her own thoughts be freed yet she was also terrified it wouldn't take off and that she'd make it to a respectful ten episodes before she gave in and decided it wasn't something that the world needed.
when her first episode came out, she had asked james marriott to be her very first guest. one of her best friends, someone she had known for a while, someone who she felt comfortable around and gave her the space to speak freely without making her feel judged. allowing him to promote his new album as well as allowing them to discuss all kinds of musical knowledge from who their favourite bands were and who he would love to open for on a world tour.
and it took off.
earning herself over half a million views in the passing of one day, a lot of youtube subscribers who were offering their own suggestions on the different guests she could have and the more positivity she saw, the more she read, the more excited she was to continue.
she had herself a sweet studio; big beanbags instead of chairs, with a blanket draped over the back of each one and a decorative pillow that was there for added comfort and matched the colour scheme of the whole room, with shelves nailed to the wall full of relatable objects and images that fit her branding - images of her friends, her podcast name in neon lights and a few faux plants that hung low. it was just a simple setup but it felt homely and that was the vibe she had planned from the very beginning.
"good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on when you're checking in. i'm yn and welcome back to the one and only podcast on youtube dot com where we just sit and talk shit for an hour," she grins widely at the camera, cosying back into the beanbag beneath her and crossing her legs, hand holding the microphone to her lips, "today, we're joined the king of 90 day fiancé. it's mister arthur television."
"hello, hi."
he gives the camera a short wave and smiles widely, already having cosied himself down in a similar manner to the way yn was sitting in her beanbag, their shoes (both a sucker for comfort and choosing their air force 1's over any other trainer) kicked off aimlessly onto the rug in the middle of the room and left in a heap, his jacket draped over the back of his seat.
"thank you for having me," he looks in her direction, "this is definitely one of my favourite sets i've ever been on. it feels so homey and wholesome."
"i tried to base it on what my bedroom back home used to look like as a teenager," she giggles softly, looking over her shoulder and flicking on the orb lamp that was placed on a shelf above their heads for a bit of additional lighting to fit the ambience of the room, "i was such a tumblr girl growing up, i think it shows."
"i was gon'a say," he laughs and she rolls her eyes in his direction, "it feels very nice. very comforting. especially with the blankets."
"my nana knitted them for me," yn states, "just for this podcast. she's an avid listener, my number one fan, ."
"no. i'm kidding," yn laughs softly and he looks across to her, "i don't think she really gets the whole podcast thing, to be honest. she's only just started to understand the whole youtube thing, bless her. she's a sweet soul and i love her but she's so innocent when it comes to all things technological."
"you should use that story more," arthur insists and adjusts himself in the seat as he felt himself sliding down into a slouch, "it adds more story to the setup. it's cute."
"i'll tell her you said that. she'll love it," yn giggles, 'but, anyway. you, arthur frederick, are one of my most requested guests to appear on my podcast."
arthur's eyes widened and he can feel the heat covering his cheeks as he looks across to her, microphone still held tight to his lips, hoping it hid the shy smile that grew on his lips.
"seriously. i had people practically spamming me on twitter to get you on here," she explains and looks at the camera, "you're a loved man, aren't you?"
"i guess i am," he admits shyly, "people are also asking me and isaac to get you on the bach and arthur podcast. close second to george."
"we'll have to make that happen," yn grins widely, "the viewers would love that crossover. chaos crew and little ol' me."
"i think you'd fit in perfectly," he says, "at least i'll have someone on there that appreciates my facts and interesting tidbits of information. it gets lost amongst them. they're not so intelligent when it comes to you and i."
she snorts and shakes her head, dropping her eyes down to her lap before she looks back up; he wasn't lying, truth be told. she was no stranger to being in a conversation with him, at parties and at events both of them were attending, that involved exchanged fact after fact after fact with each other, hours passing by as they discussed nature topics and the newest piece of information to do with outer space and all the theories coming from online.
with the hour closing in, she didn't want the conversations to end. and she knew, in the back of her mind, that she needed him back on her podcast for another episode because he understood her. and she understood him. and their talks flowed effortlessly with no need for extra encouragement from those around them in the room.
he was an interesting man and she wanted more.
both personally and for her podcast.
anyone else getting heart eye vibes from the two of them???
yn was in her element for this episode!!
arthur being on this podcast just made my day. we need more of the two of them!!!
the way there was no silence at all this entire episode. conversations flow between these two.
the two of them are the same person, i swear.
without a doubt, arthur is the male version of yn. that's adorable.
its like the universe copied and pasted their personalities into two people of the opposite genders. that's so cute!!
"the podcast episode was a hit thanks to you."
yn surprises him and made him jump as she approached him at the bar, his figure turning from where he was stood with his back to her so he could pull her in for a hug, and she grins up at him before her own arms wrapped around his waist. a sex on the beach cocktail held tight in her hand and she was careful not to spill it down the back of his shirt.
"i was wondering where you were," he says and lets go of her to pick up his beer that had been placed on the bartop, "when you texted me to say you were coming to chris' birthday drinks, i knew i had to come and find you when you arrived."
"looks like i beat you to it," she says and she takes a sip of her drink through the straw, "people loved the two of us together on there."
she nods quickly.
"i'm pretty sure it was the best episode to date. figures wise," she says and he grins widely, looking over her shoulder and seeing a free table in the corner of the room, using his head to indicate for her to look at where he was looking, "i'm gon'a need you to feature again, for sure."
she turns on her heels and wiggles her way through the crowd, the feeling of his hand resting on the base of her back driving her insane as she set her drink down on the table and hopped up on the stool, watching as he did the same.
"i'm not keeping you from chris, am i?"
"no, he's about to hop on the karaoke with isaac," arthur cackles out loud and looks over his shoulder at where his two friends were arguing over the song book, "i'm too sober for that at the moment so I can't think of anything worse right now."
"you're not one of those party poopers, are you?"
"no," he shakes his head, "i just need to be almost blackout drunk in order to belt out my lungs really, really poorly."
"i think i need to get some shots in you then because i really need to see that tonight." xx
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To a Tea 3
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc. 
Part of the Sweet and Spicy AU 
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk. 
18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you. 
Summary:  A demanding customer grows increasingly needy.
Character:  Raymond Smith
The title is a pun, don’t @ me.
Please comment and reblog if it’s not too much. I always love getting to chat about these stories and hearing all your ideas! You all are wonderful and loved. 
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Six days in a row and you’re ready to keel over. Amid your busy schedule, you hadn’t a chance to fill your quickly dwindling cupboards and fridge. So, after a ten-hour shift on your feet, running all around the tables and between tea rooms, you expend the last of your strength on a quick trip to the shop. 
It isn’t too far out of your way. It’s just a half-block away from your stop. You could wait until tomorrow, your day off, but you’re dying for a strawberry shortcake mochi before you tuck into bed. The rest of your night isn’t too unusual; you’ll be happy to fall asleep to an episode of the same old sitcom that you know by rote. 
You yawn over the bask hooked over your elbow. You have your mochi and a few other staples to get you through; eggs, oat milk, and your favourite brand of granola. You rub your forehead as a stitch threatens to imprint itself permanently. Tomorrow you’ll do a proper shop. 
You stop just before the cashier and peruse the discount shelf. Those chocolate-covered gummy worms are deadly. You shouldn’t. 
You reach for the package, eyeing it up, blinking away another yawn. Those will only have you waking up with a sore tummy. 
“You’d be better off with the dark chocolate, or even the peanuts,” someone says. The timbre is dulcet but firm, and strangely familiar. 
You look over at the figure standing around the side of the shelves. You fear you might be hallucinating as you stare at Raymond. He has a square of protein chocolate in hand but sets it back where he got it, making certain it and every other bar is straight. 
“Oh, hi?” You stammer.  
The tea shop is busy and you’re certain you’ve probably crossed paths with at least one customer outside store hours, but never like this. If anything, you both look the other way and carry on. Instead, he’s intent on you, shifting to face you fully as he sets his shoulders, clutching his hands before him. 
“Though I do suppose you’ve already got the ice cream, it hardly matters what else you add to your lot,” he muses. 
You look in your basket then at him. Is he judging you? Mr. Black Tea, plain. You hang the bag back on the hook. As you do, he steps forward and you shuffle back on your heels. He pulls the bag in line with others, rescinding his hand with a flutter of fingers. 
“If you’re in the mind for something sweet, there’s a place near here, it has a sticky toffee pudding more worth the expense,” he suggests. 
You don’t know what to say. You haven’t seen him since he muttered about your apron strings. In the two weeks after, you assumed he might not come back. As particular as he is, you thought you’d gone egregiously over the line. And yet, you’d forgotten about him for all the other bodies passing through the door. 
“Thanks, I’ll look into that,” you say. 
“Mm,” he hums and his eyes flit up and down behind his lenses, “you sound different.” 
“Do I?” You reach to scratch your neck. 
“You look different too.” 
You tilt your head and give a confused grimace, “well, I...” you glance down, “suppose I'm not wearing my apron.” 
“Must be it,” he agrees, “you sound tired.” 
“I guess... yeah,” you take a breath and let it out slowly.  
It’s strange. He’s not a customer here, there is no need to please and yet you feel you must. You poke the tip of your tongue out then hide it behind your lips. 
“Not in a bad way,” he assures you.  
“Right, thanks,” you say in a fracture, “that’s nice, but uh, I... I’m just on my way home.” 
“I know,” he says. 
“...so then I’ll just be--” you point towards the checkout and falter, “what did you say?” 
“Yes, down Trafalgar. I know. It’s late,” he peers over towards the transparent walls along the front of the shop, “these parts aren’t too safe this time of day.” 
“Trafal--“ you begin but can’t finish, “Raymond.” 
He blinks, his expression scarily placid. 
“Details,” he says evenly, “it is best to keep note of them. It is dangerous not to mind them.” He raises a finger, “one might not notice the shadow that walks behind theirs or the window they left open in the kitchen.” 
Your lip trembles as your heart sinks, “have you... have you been following me?” 
“Following... that sounds sinister,” he gives a crooked expression, “no, no, I would consider it... I keep you safe.” 
“Safe. From what, exactly?” 
He narrows his eyes and his lips straighten thoughtfully.  
“Well, from men like me.” 
His words turn your blood to ice. Men like him. What does he mean? 
“I...” you take a step back and he moves with you. You put your hand up to stop him as you still, “Raymond, do not come any closer.” 
“You don’t understand, I wouldn’t hurt you,” he says, “that’s what makes me different. Not like those other men.” 
“I mean it,” you warn him. “If you come any closer, I will make a scene.” 
Your adrenaline courses through you. You’re awake now. The yawns have dissipated and your eyes are wide. 
“Ah, and that’s where I am like the other men,” he shrugs, “it doesn’t matter if I come closer to you right now. Hardly matters. Because I can wait. I have waited. And when I...” he steps towards you and you put the basket between you, his stomach pressing against it, “come closer, you will not even see me coming.” 
You stare at him, horrified. His blue eyes gleam and he reaches to straighten his glasses. He smirks and his brows draw up coyly. He leans in and you lean away. Then suddenly, he backs off and tugs his cuffs straight, then fixes his tie. 
“Don’t forget to close your window,” he says as he spins on his heel, “wouldn’t want some nocturnal creature creeping in.” 
You gape after him as he saunters off. You can’t quiet move as disbelief has you stuck to the spot. It’s all so sudden. So unexpected. How could you ever predict something like this? The uptight man from the tea shop, a stranger really, a face who disappeared for a whole fortnight, and he’s just shaken your entire world into disarray. 
Men like him? You don’t even know who he is. Only his name and how he likes his tea. 
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formulapierre · 8 months
I don't wanna leave just yet | Pierre Gasly
Pairing : Pierre Gasly x Y/N!reader
Prompt : Based off of 'I don't wanna leave just yet' by Thomas Day. Where Pierre suddenly ends your relationship; claiming it was your fault and you have to deal with the fallout.
Warnings: Cheating. I also wrote this in a couple hours so please excuse any grammatical errors. Thanks x
Word Count: 1358
Song: I don't wanna leave just yet - Thomas Day
'The world goes up in flames so fast'
“Y/N,” Pierre says from the kitchen.
“What’s going on P?” You ask, still sitting on the couch. Pierre didn’t sound like himself which concerned you, in the whole almost three years you had been together he had called you by your first name probably a handful of times. You got up and went into the kitchen, knowing that was going to be an important conversation
“I need to be honest with you Y/N; I need to be honest with myself-” He starts to say before you cut him off.
‘What are you saying?” You ask him, very confused by the situation.
“We haven’t been working for a while…and I’ve-” He says pausing, evidently trying to figure out what to say and how to say it.
“-you’ve found someone else…” You say, finishing his sentence for him, tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes, clouding your vision.
And all I want is all I had But it's too late to take it back
“We can fix this…I can fix this,” You say softly.
“No Y/N,” He says, almost pained.
“Please Pierre, there’s no way this is just it,” You argue, his eyes refusing to meet yours.
“It is, I have found someone else. This isn’t just about me and you anymore…well it never was, was it?” He asks and you roll your eyes.
“You’re still insecure about that?” You asks, lost for words that he was still hung up over it. “ I never slept with him, we both told you that. Stop making things up Pierre. There never was, is, or will be anything between Charles and I.” You argue; He had apparently seen proof of you and Charles leaving a party in Ibiza together.
“The photos Y/N!” He argues back.
“Are of some random girl, who also has blonde hair. Its not that fucking uncommon.” You reason for what felt like the millionth time. “So that's it? That's the reason you’re going to use? End three years of us because of some bullshit rumour?” You ask, the tears starting to roll down your cheeks.
And I can't ask of you to give away the last of you But, selfishly, I'm hoping that you stay
“Please don’t go,” You beg as he silently packed his bags.
“I can’t stay here, can I?” He asks bitterly, sticking to his guns.
“You have to believe me, those rumours are just that, rumours,” You say. “You trust me Pierre, there is no reason I’d lie to you. Fuck me, why would Charles lie to you? He is your oldest friend for Christ's sake?!”
“You tell me Y/N? Is it because you’re still seeing each other behind my back?” He asks and you just laugh.
“Are you hearing yourself right now?” You ask incredulously
Let's lock all the doors and crawl in to bed Just another moment so I don't forget
You were sat, side by side in Pierre’s brand new Porsche; a gift He had bought himself when he signed his contract with Alpine. His hand resting on your thigh as you drove along the southern french coastline. The wind running through your hair as you sang the lyrics to your favourite songs.
As the song came to an end Pierre turned the volume down before looking over at you. Your large sunglasses and woven hat keeping the sun out of your face but bright red smile, smiling right back at him.
“Have I told you today how much I love you Cherie?” He asks sweetly, as soft blush covering your face.
“I don’t think you have,” You reply as he brings your hand up to his lips.
“Well we definitely need to change that,” He says, causing you to laugh softly. “I love you Y/N so much it hurts; it feels like I was made to love you. We are perfect for each other and nothing will ever come between us, because I love you,” He says honestly and jokingly; you both had found the notion of true love to be made up, but people around you had always commented on the fact you were perfect for eachother.
“Yeah right,” You reply teasingly.
“Cherie, it pains me that there may even be a little part of you that doesnt think what I said was true,” He says with a laugh as He comes to park at your next stop. A tiny village surrounded by vineyards, known for their white wine
'Cause it's gonna hurt, and I'm scared to death We have to go but I don't wanna leave just yet
How couldn’t he believe you? 
You had even gotten Charles to speak to him about it; Pierre barely listened to him as He spoke. Neither of you making much difference. That had been a few months ago, you had thought you had moved past it considering you hadn’t actually seen charles since the supposed event. But apparently not.
How were you going to be ok without him? He had been your lifeline, your rock for nearly three years. And how could he throw that all away over rumour?
Of all people to not be affected by rumour, you would have thought it was him. His job and the places he worked were full of speculation, gossip and rumour. There were constant rumours about the latest supermodel He had bedded, but you didn’t let that get to you. Why was the other way around any different?
You were lost.
The truth is written on the walls But we'll lay here and watch them fall
You lay in bed, staring at the framed photos on the walls. 
You and Pierre in Rouen,
You and Pierre at the beach in Monaco with Charles and Charlotte,
Christmas last year that you spent with your family,
The selfie you took on your anniversary date,
The road trip you took around the UK when you first got together, wanting to show him all your favourite places.
The photo Esteban had taken of the two of you kissing in the back of Pierre’s garage only a few months ago.
You thought about taking them down so you didn’t have to look at them, not wanting to face what was reality for so long. You cried, remembering each memory associated with each photo, how much it hurt that he wasn’t here, and wasn’t going to walk through the bedroom door and scoop you up into his arms; telling you everything was going to be ok.
And please forgive me for holding on I'm tryna take it in before you're gone
He had forgotten it when he had packed all his stuff up. A linen shirt. Something so basic, but so important at the same time. That was his signature outfit. The one he wore on your yearly Lake Como trip, or when you go to France to see his family, or when he was just lounging around the apartment. You were surprised when He messaged, you knew for a fact He had a handful of other shirts just like it.
But this would be it; you held it close to you. Inhaling the, now, feint smell of his cologne for what would be the last time before you heard your doorbell ring. You folded the shirt, setting it down before answering the door.
“Hey Pierre,” You said opening it to reveal him standing on the other side.
“Just let me have my shirt Y/N, I don’t want this to be any longer than it has to be,” He says and you have to stifle your emotions, just nodding and grabbing the shirt from the table.
“Here,” You say, handing it to him.
“Thanks,” He says quietly before turning away and heading down the hallway. You watched as he walked away from you for the last time.
'Cause it's gonna hurt, and I'm scared to death We have to go but I don't wanna leave just yet
His clothes were gone,
His toothbrush was gone,
The photos were gone,
His smell was gone,
He was gone.
And you? You were lost.
A/N : I might do a few more of these purely text based fics as they are much quicker to write than my Instagram fics and shorter; though I will continue to do them I just want to be posting more regularly for you all. -E x
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the-offside-rule · 6 months
Trent Alexander Arnold (Liverpool) - Jolly
Day 11 of Christmas
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Trent had walked down the stairs with his training back and kitted out in his usual Liverpool attire. He chucked his training bag at the door and walked towards the kitchen to see his girlfriend and her younger half brother Charlie. Charlie's parents both worked early hours and very rarely could bring Charlie to school so Y/n took it among herself to bring the youngest of her family to school instead. And so, every morning at half past six, the doorbell would go off and Y/n's stepdad would drop off Charlie and head to work. It didn't bother either of them much, but their favourite hobby was the Elf on the Shelf and making him do all kinds of mischievous stuff whilst Charlie wasn't there.
Trent walked into the kitchen and looked around confused. No one was there except Charlie eating his toast with a cup of tea in his Liverpool mug. "Well Charlie, how's it going?" Trent asked as he walked past the kid and patted his head. “Uncle Trent, how's it going?” Charlie asked as he stared at his Elf at the table. “Everything's fine. Why?” Trent asked walking over to the teapot. "This stupid Elf." He replied. "He won't stop fucking moving."
"I don't think your sister would appreciate you cursing now, or your mum." Trent said as he poured himself a cup of tea. "I don't care. I don't like this Elf." He mumbled. "What'd he even do?" Trent asked. "Oh my god, he did so much bad stuff!" Y/n's brother began. "He unrolled like five rolls of toilet roll last night, and then he went and broke my favourite lego set! I might have to rebuild it before I go back to mum after school." Charlie sighed. "Where's your sister?" Trent asked. "She's just doing some washing. Then we're going to school." Charlie replied. "Yeah sound."
Y/n had such a long day at work that she simply just fell asleep as soon as she dropped onto her bed and by the time she woke up again, the curtains were closed and she was tucked in. Trent must've come home. She got out of bed and walked downstairs seeing the living room light on. She peeked in and spotted Trent putting plastic pieces of lego onto what looked like a mini Annfield. "Hi?" Trent looked up and smiled. "Well, missus. I've some dinner ready for you whenever you want it." Trent said. "What are you doing up so late?" Y/n asked as she looked around the living room and spotted her boyfriend scanning through instructions. "Just helping Jolly with a lego set." Trent replied. She looked confused. "Jolly? As in Charlie's Elf?" Trent nodded. "Yeah, he broke one today so I helped him rebuild Charlie's one and I'm making him make one for tomorrow."
"You know how my mum feels about gifts before Christmas." Y/n said. "Yeah, but it's fun. And it was kinda my idea to break the lego set last night." Y/n nodded. "I'll write a little letter or something to go it with." Y/n said as she sat down beside him and pulled out a piece of paper. She began writing as Trent sat quietly mumbling to himself. "I don't have this piece." Trent muttered. "It's in the wrong place." Y/n said picking it off the tray and placing it where it was meant to go. Trent simply looked back at his girlfriend and an idea sprung to mind. "Do you wanna just help me with it so we can both go to bed?" Y/n and Trent stayed up for another hour finishing the set before they placed both lego sets on the table with Jolly and his note and headed to bed, only imagining what Charlie was going to say.
The morning after, Y/n had to call into work earlier which meant this was the first time Trent was in charge of morning duty. He eagerly anticipated the doorbell ringing and when he did, he practically opened it immediately. Trent greeted Charlie's dad before letting Charlie in and getting started eith his morning. "How are you today, boss?" Trent asked, taking Charlie's backpack off him. "Pretty good, Trentski. I-" He gasped as he saw the kitchen table. His broken lego set now fixed and a brand new Anfield lego set. "Oh my god! This is unreal!" Charlie squealed as he ran up to it. It was only when he got closer he spotted his Elf with a little note. He opened it and began reading the scribbly writing.
I wanted to say sorry for accidentally breaking your lego yesterday, so I fixed your one and asked Santa to bring you Anfield to say sorry!
"This is sick!" Charlie laughed. "Yeah? Didn't even see it. Must have been magic." Trent said as he plated up breakfast. "Is toast, eggs and bacon alright for you, lad?" Trent asked. "Yeah course." Charlie replied. "Are you dropping me off today? Dad said you were." Charlie asked. "I am indeed, boss. Y/n had to go to work early today." Trent explained. "I don't mind. My friends all wonder what car you drive." Trent chuckled. "Range Rover Sport, but they'll see it today anyway." Trent said as he placed the breakfast and a smaller cup of tea in front of Charlie. "Thanks, Uncle Trent." He didn't know what it was, but he felt his heart strings being played. Maybe it was the fact Charlie had called him Uncle. "No bother, lad."
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sugaredrhubarb · 8 months
Reading with Ru: Aug/Sept Fic Recs
I know I'm certainly in need of some positivity and escapism lately, so I'm gonna try to do semi-regular fic and book recs! Starting with a retroactive what I've been reading from the past couple of months with this account! (I might go back in time and make an all-time rec list later)
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starting with cod because i know most of you go here
Sergeant Squeaks by @charliemwrites - (series of one-shots ghost x reader and price x reader separately) both one of my favourite reader characters and my favourite canon setting depictions of Ghost and Price. their own weird brands of showing love are wonderful; the tension leading to getting together is fantastic, and the sex is super enjoyable.
Ghost Stories by @kneelingshadowsalome - (ghost x medic!reader) I'm repeating myself, but I love Salome's writing. This is where I was first introduced to it, and I think it's really special. Ghost POV as he struggles with developing and then accepting love. felt so real and grounded. angsty and then fluffy, and you can't help but adore the reader as well.
saltwater by @ceilidho - (ghost x reader) It's pretty unlikely any of you don't know Ceil, but on the off chance you haven't given this one a read yet, it really is a must. I lump praise on her pretty regularly, but I don't know anyone who is able to portray their character's emotions as intimately as Ceil. her ghost feels really grounded in all his complexity. there is a common theme in these recs of really enjoyable reader characters, and this is not an exception; the reader feels like a full but still ambiguous character who is vulnerable and strong and really great.
don't leave me locked in your heart by @ohbo-ohno - (ghoap x reader dark!) we all know bo, we all love bo. I always love the way she depicts ghost and soap's dynamic changing and evolving to include the reader. the descent into dark territory in this is really really fun. It's also just hot and well-written! if you haven't read it before, go read it, and then go read all of bo's drabbles and asks on here. genuinely one of my favourite dark but still fun writers. I think she balances it really well.
body electric by @yeyinde and Afterburn by @sprout-fics - (141 + Los Vaqueros x reader) a classic. I've returned to these so many times. sometimes you just want to read dirty, filthy, well done, smut and then warm cozy aftercare. not to wax poetic about pure sex (except that's exactly what one should do), but I think it can be really hard to write group sex like this and still have such insightful and individual glimpses into each character and dynamic, and Lev does it wonderfully. and then it's also hard to find good aftercare fic, and Sprout's feels like literal aftercare for both the reader character and the reader.
other fandoms
tried to curate to themes i think overlap in some of the cod works! and I think most of these can be read fandom blind.
i revisited @winterrose527's fic in August, and even though she already knows how much I love her work, I won't skip a chance to repeat it. Anna writes for asoiaf and is pretty much the queen of Robb Stark/Myrcella Baratheon, but I would say the modern AUs (my favs) can be read almost completely fandom blind. Any contemporary romance enjoyer would love her work. I'm really partial to her kid/single-parent fics. I think it's so hard to get right, and I always adore reading her kid characters and how she approaches love stories when kids are involved. anna's works are always brimming with love and incredible platonic, familiar, parent-child, and romantic relationships (if kid fic isn't your thing she also has a ton of other great fics). personal favs: We Could Be a Little Something, And There They Are, All the Same
Lawless by @goldcranes - (arthur morgan x ofc) age difference, cowboy love story, essentially a romance novel. if goldcranes has no fans, I'm dead. I encourage you to explore her work; very few people write as strongly across multiple fandoms as she does, and each of her works feels like a really strong love story with special characters.
The Odyssey by @sunlightmurdock - (bradley bradshaw x reader) 1980's roman literature prof x virgin student - no need to know top gun. katie's work is another entry in the 'feels like it stands really strongly separately from the source material' category. she has multiple ongoing AU's that I really love, but this one is a favourite. i think she does complex characters really well - their actions always feel intentional, and as flawed as they are, I always love them.
Wouldn't it be Nice by allyoops - (m/f captive A/B/O) if you aren't reading original works smut on ao3 you are missing out and allyoops is a great place to start for noncon, dubcon, age gap, taboo etc. enjoyers. they have a ton of works; usually one shots with lots of really delicious dynamics and different settings and tropes.
An Intoxicating Presence by FormerlyIR - (mob a/b/o haladriel) MOB. A/B/O. HALADRIEL. picks up with Halbrand in prison thanks to undercover FBI agent (and his mate!) Galadriel. does that sound crazy and awesome? well it is. mix it with Gal's internal struggle, the added complication of omegaverse, and overall great writing. really fun and really damn good.
civitas terrena by banalityofweevil - (darklina) angel Alina on an exploration of love in immortality with fallen angel Aleks. honestly, it's just a must-read for enjoyers of writing. incredibly creative with divine (literally and figuratively) imagery. i think one of my comments was on the precision of lulu's diction and I really stand by that.
tinsel into gold by ribbonedhare - (darklina) ddlg and cnc friends, this changed me. it is so warm and soft and my god, is it good. just scrumptious.
Be My Babydoll by KittyDruthers - (darklina) ddlg dollification need I say more
check the reading with ru tag for more!
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sstan-hoe · 1 year
◇ 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ◇
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — vampire!bucky barnes × human!fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — you're his angel and he will love you for eternity, he does everything for you...it's time to return the favour
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — oral (m receiving), throat fucking, Bucky being just hot by making sounds, light praise kink, a bit mean Bucky?
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — reblog, comment/follow | this is my first fic for the June-iverse Event and I'm very excited!!! I really wanted this to be good and hope its not a total flop! I had the words Shop, Angel, Vampire and Rich. I didn't really know what to do with shop so it's just there haha | would have posted earlier but couldn't find the email! stupid spam folder
𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 — Alternate June–iverse | @buckybarnesevents
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You twireld around in your white summer dress with a joyful giggle, it was one of your favourites and made you feel light on your feet.
The warm breeze flowed around you making a cosy feeling spread through your body. A few butterflies crossed your path, dancing along the sunbeams that let the world look healthier.
Bucky sat a little further away, watching you closely. Every move you made had his heart beating – if it could.
Once your gaze met Bucky everything went still, he looked powerful sitting in a black garden armchair. It seemed out of place with the setting of nature around it, but it suited your man’s dark demeanour.
Legs spread wide apart, body leaning back into the armchair as he rested his chin between his thumb and pointer finger. His eyes never left your body, you looked care free as if no one could do a thing to you – they couldn’t, Bucky made sure of it. All his mind could think about was what he did to deserve you.
Being alive for five hundred years and he never came across a woman like you, an angel. He loved calling you, his Angel.
You came and pulled him from the darkness, made the life he lived make sense. With you by his side he didn’t mind living forever, he would love you for eternity and that included if you died and he still had to live.
He tries avoiding that scenario and instead gently guides you into the life of being a vampire. It took him a while to adjust to the thought of turning you, becoming a vampire was a big decision to make and he wasn’t sure if you understood that. This was the reason why he wouldn’t turn you until you were at least twenty-five.
Back to the moment, you had broken Bucky from his thoughts as you skipped over to him, “what do you think?” you asked refereeing to the dress you wore.
“Mhm, I quite like it...easy access,” he purred, hands grasping your waist to draw you into his lap. The cool fingertips of his metal hand grazed your soft skin, a light shudder rolling down your spine.
You swatted his hand away which caused him to grip your chin with his flesh hand, “are you denying me what belongs to me?” he cocked his head to the side as if to challenge you.
“This dress is brand new, and I will not have you make it messy,” you scolded him playfully.
“Remind me, Angel, who bought this dress?” Bucky asked innocently, however his blue eyes betrayed him. You knew exactly how much he loved spending his money on you, most of the time without even asking if you wanted something. He just bought it.
Rolling your eyes, you leaned back against his chest with a smile, “oh, well then I guess, I have to buy my dresses myself in the future…,” you knew how much Bucky disliked it if you bought something with your own money.
His eyes darkened, hands moving to your stomach as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck. “Do that and I will have to punish you,” he whispered tickling you.
You squirmed with a squeak, “stop it!” trying to rip yourself from his grip on you. Bucky chuckled and continued tickling your sides, “I don’t think so, my little Angel,” he smirked teasingly. A wholehearted laugh escaped you at the feeling, squirming in his arms again, “Bucky, please,” you breathed out.
Bucky’s heart grew everytime he heard your angelic voice, his angel. Your laugh, your voice, something he would never get tired of hearing. He stopped and went to caress your clothed covered skin.
As you recovered from the torture of your love, Bucky had snaked his right arm under your knees to pick you up. With a surprised sound you were lifted and carried inside the house.
He walked with you into the bedroom, laying you onto the bed. His hands sneaked underneath your dress, but you sat up and stopped his hands. Confusion was written all over Bucky’s features, wondering if he did something wrong however you excited smile told him otherwise.
You slide towards him and his hand, pushing him back a little so you could stand up and guide him to replace you on the bed. Bucky sat down, hand still resting in yours as you got on your knees in front of him.
Oh, now he knew where this was going. His cock strained against his dress pants, you let go of his hand and moved it to stay on his side.
You trailed your fingers up to his belt which you unbuckled easily, fingertips stroking his covered cock. Bucky hissed at feeling, you barley gave him any fraction and he was already this responsive.
“Today, I want to return the favour and devour you,” voice just above a whisper had his member twitching. It should be a crime how sexy you were to him, a hoarse groan leaving his lips, “mhm, what a good Angel I have…then devour me,” a hint of begging danced at the edge of his voice, covered by the command.
Pulling his briefs down his hard cock sprang against Bucky’s abdomen, the few drops of pre-cum staining the blood-red dress shirt.
Your tongue darted out lick the pre-cum from his mushroom formed tip, the brunette drove his flesh hand into your hair trying to suppress the urge to shove his cock down your throat.
A smile spread across your face at his reaction, you let him take over the reign soon but not yet. Licking a long stripe along his length, you could taste the light saltiness which had you thriving.
The hand in your hair didn’t hinder you in teasing Bucky, your hand wrapped around the base of his cock. Gently stroking up and down, a way to feel every popping vein. One thick vein popped out, practically asking you to lick it.
“Fuck,” Bucky groaned as he felt your tongue on the sensitive vein, hand gripping your roots.
You hissed at the sudden tightness in your hair, but damn did it feel good. You didn’t want Bucky to lose his grip on your hair hence why you closed your mouth over his angry tip.
At first, you gave him a few kitten licks before taking him completely down your throat – or trying to take him. His cock wasn’t particularly long but thick, it was difficult fitting all of it inside your mouth. You couldn’t take him any further down, a gagging noise erupting from your throat in protest.
The feeling of his tip hitting your maw had him moaning and his sounds encouraging you to try and take more of him. Never in your life did something turn you on as much as his noises he made while you gave him pleasure.
It was over for Bucky. He took control over you. His hand spreading over your scalp, gently massaging it before yanking your head back and taking you by surprise in the process.
“Enough of that little Angel, it’s time I take control,” the vampires voice was hoarse, you wouldn’t do anything to disobey him. Firstly, he guided his guided you back up to look into your eyes, they were filled with hunger and the need to be controlled.
This was the last soft eyes you received from Bucky before he had your head shoved down on his cock again. All the way down which tears to spring from your eyes, “fuck, show me those pretty tears,” he let his head fall back in pleasure.
He didn’t let you lift your head, instead he let you choke on his cock. A loud gagging sound ringing through the walls as he rolled his hips up.
The vibrations of your cries sending him closer to his high, “choke on my cock, little Angel,” Bucky purred as he kept his cock pressed against your throat. God, he wished he could stay in the warmth of your mouth forever, buried deep inside.
However, he was near his orgasm, he had to make a decision. Gently he thrusts your head up and down his hardened length. “You’re such a beauty when you suck my cock,” he praised you in a soft tone. Soon his pace picked up and drool escaped your mouth as you couldn’t control it anymore.
“God, I’m coming,” Bucky grunted moving his hips to meet his thrusts. You felt his cock twitch against your tongue, his release would drop over the edge every second.
Even though you were his angel, you could be a little devil especially when it came to teasing him. You hollowed your cheeks around him, a deep groan flowing past Bucky’s lips. As the grip on your head tightened you knew how close he was and what would tip him over.
While he desperately fucked your throat you sucked on the mushroom formed head. Bucky came, all over your tongue. Gasping and groaning as he watched you swallow all of him.
You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped you, his sounds just felt different and had you clenching your thighs pathetically.
“Take it, take all of it Angel,” his metal hand came up to rest against your cheek as he slowly lifted your head from his cock. “Swallow,” was all he said, looking deep into your eyes and without hesitation swallowed the slightly salty yet sweet semen of Bucky.
A drop almost falls from the corner of your mouth, but Bucky swiped it away with his thumb. Laying his digit onto your tongue to give you every last piece of him.
After a delightful moan from you had Bucky thriving with pride. “Did such a good job, Angel,” you sat up onto his lap, his cock hardening again, “but I’m not finished with you...still have to make a mess of this dress I bought.”
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𝑩𝑶𝒀𝑺 𝑻𝑾𝑶 — @smile1318 @wintasssoldier @xcaptain-winterx @georgiapeach30513 @alina02 @jobean12-blog @broadwaybabe18 @waddlenut @buckymcu12 @witchybabel @daemonslittlebitch
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | I do have a taglist however it has conditions that must be followed — you can follow @sstanhoe-updates for updated without anything
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drabblesandimagines · 2 months
Cidolfus x fem reader fluff with either sick day or opposites attract 👻🐕
Also just wanted to say your fics are amazing and I'm basically stalking your account almost every day now. With you being one of the only ones making fluffy content for my favourite boys, please keep going. Lots of love, and you deserve all the followers ❤️.
Thank you, lovely! I hope you enjoy <3 Petal Cidolfus Telamon x female (Branded) reader
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You’re too hot – a particularly odd sensation as you struggle to recall the last time when you’d felt anything but cold. Spending so many nights sleeping in a drafty chocobo barn had left a permanent chill in your bones.
There’d been a heavy storm a day or so ago when you were on the road to the market – your master took shelter in the carriage and had left you shivering outside on the saturated ground, shackled to one of the large wheels for good measure.
You had made it to Northreach somehow, but hardly the picture of a healthy Bearer who would make good coin. A chesty cough, pale skin, unable to keep focus. Your master was in a foul mood – there hadn’t been an ounce of interest in you at the auction and he was loathed to drag you all the way back without anything to show for it. The market had shut for the evening and so he had moved to the outskirts the opposite side of the town – the mothercrystal of Orinflamme shining in the distance, your arms shackled above your head once more on the carriage’s great wheel in the hopes of flogging you to traders making their way in and out of the town in the early evening.
You no longer had the strength to keep your head held up, your mind fuzzy, so it’s not a surprise that you don’t hear the approaching footsteps until a new, deep voice booms from a few metres away.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
“You look like a man who appreciates a good deal.” Your master chuckles. “Got a Bearer for sale.”
There’s a gloriously cool, gloved hand placed upon your forehead for what turns out to be too short a moment before it is removed.
“Oh, petal.” A velvety voice tuts sympathetically at you in a murmur – too low for your master’s ears. “She’s burning up with a fever.”
“These Branded always run hot,” is his scoffed response. “She’s good stock, mind. Only a little bit of stiffness about her.” He grabs a fistful of your hair in a harsh grip and yanks your head up, and you blearily take in the stranger who is crouched in front of you.
He reminds you of a lord the way he is dressed - his shirt somewhat open with a large collar, two sword hilts jutting out from his hip, clean shaven and looking remarkably unimpressed at the sight before him. “And you really think you’re going to be able to sell her in this condition?”
“If you’re not interested, I kindly ask you to fuck off.” He shoves your head forward to emphasise his point as he relinquishes the grip on your hair.
“Now, now, no need to be rude - I didn’t say I wasn’t interested.” The stranger gets back up to his feet. “Why are you selling her?”
“Honestly, I could buy a new Branded that won’t give me any lip for farming work. I’m too old for that.”
“Oh, she’s spirited, is she?”
“That’s a word for it. So, are you interested?”
“Hm.” The man reaches for the gil pouch by his side, as if to check its weight. “What’s the price?”
“10,000 gil.”
He whistles. “For a sick, stubborn Bearer?”
“She’s not sick. And I’m sure a young gentleman like yourself would be able to knock the stubbornness out of her. I paid 15,000 for her originally – it’s a bargain.”
If your head wasn’t pounding, your mouth completely dry, you would’ve had something to say about being described as a bargain… but all your energy is focused on breathing.
“Fine.” The mysterious man agrees, pulling off one of his leather gloves and offering his hand.
Your master grabs hold of it eagerly, beaming. “Pleasure doing busi…” But the sentence is cut off as sparks of lightning crackle in the air, blue bolts shooting from the stranger’s hand and up your master’s arm before sparking all over his body.
Your master grunts, drops to the ground, twitching, eyes wide open in your direction.
He’s alive, breathing, but he won’t be getting up again anytime soon.
The mysterious man puts his glove back on and, using his leather boot, gently rolls your master over. He bends down and grabs a bundle of keys that had been attached to his belt before crouching down in front of you once more. You wonder if you’re next.
You tense as a gentle hand cups your cheek, bracing yourself for pain, but it only tilts your head up to meet his eyes. He smiles – sympathetic and kind. “Hello, petal. Name’s Cid. I’d ask you yours, but something tells me you’re not up for much talking right now. I’m going to get you out of these shackles and we’ll find somewhere comfy to rest up for the night. You’re safe with me – you have my word.”
He removes his hand and you manage to keep your head upright, a little in disbelief as he places the key in the lock of one of the shackles and undoes the mechanism, careful to lay your arm down in your lap before repeating the action with the other.
“There we go. I’m going to pick you up now, petal. You just rest.”
He places an arm around your back, another under your knees and gets to his feet with a slight grunt, mumbling about his own knees. The upward motion seems too much to bear, however, and unconsciousness takes over.
Isabelle raises an eyebrow at the sight of Cid at her door, you cradled against his chest. She puts her hands on her hips and tuts.
“Cid, it’s not bring your own.”
“Not what it looks like.” He lifts you up, causing your head to lull back and reveal the Brand on your cheek. “Petal’s not well. Any chance of a bed for the evening and we’ll be out of your hair after dawn?”
“Of course.” Isabelle steps back, widening the door to permit Cid entry. “What happened?”
“Some git trying to sell her on the outskirts. He’s taking a little nap. Poor thing’s absolutely frozen.”
“Did anyone see?”
Cid shakes his head. “No. I’d be surprised if he even remembers.”
“Girls,” the Dame calls to a couple of the women hanging by the door – Cid isn’t a stranger to partaking in the delights the Veil has to offer, after all. “Prepare a fire in Cid’s usual room. Extra blankets.”
Cid nods in thanks, heading towards the staircase to a room he knows well.
You don’t know what’s real or what is a dream over the next few hours. Fleeting moments of consciousness - a cold compress against your forehead, a rough voice coaxing you to drink something that feels soothing on your throat and warming in your stomach.
You wake up feeling… comfortable? It’s an odd sensation. What would you be on that’s so soft? You open your eyes, confused at the fact that you’re covered in a soft knitted blanket. The room is strange – a bed, a chair and a man standing over the fireplace, rousing the flames higher with a fire poker.
He turns and his eyes widen as he sees you awake and you panic and begin fumbling with the blanket, stuttering out an apology as you try to get up. How did you end up in a bed of all things?
“Easy now,” he holds up his hands in surrender as he takes a cautious step forward. “I meant what I said – you’re safe with me.”
You’ve just managed to disentangle yourself from the blankets, getting up on legs that just about to collapse underneath you. The man is quick to your side, a hand on the small of your back and another around your shoulder, guiding you back down upon the bed.
“Master, I-”
“None of that, petal.” He cuts off your protest. “I am not your master, and, from this day forward, you will never have one again. Pop your legs back up.”
You do so, automatically – an order is an order, no matter how confusing it may be – and he tucks the discarded blanket around you with a satisfied smirk.
“Allow me to introduce myself. Name’s Cid,” he grins, bowing with mock flourish. “May I have the pleasure of yours?”
“I don’t… Where are we?” You ignore his question.
“We’re at The Veil, in Northreach.” The Veil rings a bell in your head and the colour must drain from your cheeks as Cid is quick to try and set your mind at ease. “Not like that - the Dame is a friend of mine, just set us up for the night. You were too ill to travel.”
Cid nods, sitting down heavily in the chair by your bedside. “Mm-hm. You see, I have a place that’s safe for people like you, where we can live on own own terms…”
Your eyes flicker to his Brandless cheek. “We?”
He smiles.
“Here we go, petal.” Cid smiles as he enters the solar, holding the bottle aloft in triumph. “Tarja thinks you’re over the worst of it, but she’d rather you keep up with the tonics for another few days.”
You shuffle upright, aided by the multitude of pillows Cid had set up at the headboard of the bed, and frown at the prospect – the tonics are horribly bitter due to one of the plants that make up its components. “Really? But I’m feeling so much better…” Your protest falls flat at how hoarse your voice remains.
“Ah-ah,” he chides as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed and proceeds to pop the cork out of the bottle, holding it out in offering. “Good girls take their medicine.”
It is a battle you know you won’t win. With a sigh, you take it from his hand, closing your eyes tightly and down the tonic with a grimace. It’s silly, but sometimes you think you’d rather go through having the Brand removed again that drinking another one of these foul things. “Thank you.” Cid plucks the now empty bottle from your hand and places it down on the side, smiling wistfully at you – it still makes your scalp tingle, even after all these years.  
“What’s that smile for?”
“Just a bit of déjà vu, love.” He wraps his fingers around your hand, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. “This reminds me of that first wonderful night we spent together.” “How?” Your brow furrows in confusion, thinking back to the night he'd first kissed you in the solar after a successful mission and a glass or two of wine. He laughs. “Not that one.”
“If you’re thinking of the one at The Veil, we have a very different opinion of what counts as wonderful.”
“How can it not have been wonderful, the night you came into this old man’s life? Only difference is, now I can do this,” he leans in to meet your lips in a chaste kiss, withdrawing quickly with a wink at your pout. “There’ll be more when you’re better.”
“But I am be-”
There’s a frantic knock upon the solar door and Cid turns, keeping your hand held in his.
“Come in.”
The door is flung open by an out of breath Gav, face red with exertion. “It’s… time.” He wheezes, leaning on her knees. “Shiva’s on the… field, like.”
“Right…” Cid nods, and you don’t miss the subtle frown as his eyes flick from Gav to you in thought. You squeeze his fingers in unspoken affirmation. “Are you sure?”
“Go. You don’t know when you’ll get another chance.”
He doesn’t need to hear it again. “Gav, tell Goetz to get ready. We’re heading out.”
“On it!” Gav turns and sprints back down the hall towards the staircase, and you squeeze Cid’s fingers once more to gain his attention.
“You’ll be careful, won’t you?” You ask, timidly. His forearms are mottled with petrification now, no matter how much he tries to hide his discomfort from you.
He smirks, patting your thigh through the blanket. “Don’t you worry about me, love. You just concentrate on making sure you’re fully recovered when I return, hm?”
You nod as he gets to his feet with a final squeeze of your hand. He double-checks the belts that sit ever present at his hip and adjusts his gloves ever so slightly – a nervous habit, but not one he’d ever confess. Once satisfied, Cid leans down and presses a lingering kiss to your forehead.
“Behave. I don’t need to tell you that both Charon and Tarja will have no qualms in dragging you back to bed if they see you wandering around.”
You roll your eyes and nod, knowing it’s true - you had remained spirited - and watch as he walks over to the door. He hesitates a moment, leaning his head against the doorframe as he takes one final look.
“I love you, petal.”
You smile, gripping the blankets in absence of his hand. “I love you too, Cid.” --
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Commissions/Ko-Fi
Comments, follows, likes and reblogs make my day!
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supercriminalbean · 10 months
Shopping Time
Dave Rossi x GN!Reader
Warning: NSFW. Sex mentioned. Sex Toys. Bondaged. Sir kink. Kinda Sugar Daddy vibes. Kinky stuff. No sex nor intermit stuff just flirting and implied things. Dom and sub relationship vibes
Summary: Your partner takes you to a sex shop first time.
Words: 1.7K
A/N: I completely forgot I wrote this, I found it in my drafts I wrote this like two months ago so damn. Um enjoy
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“Woah” Your eyes shoot open at how big the store is as you walk in, surprising you with the amount of people that are inside. A comforting hand is placed on your lower back, helping lead you inside. It was your first ever time inside a sex shop, normally your partner just goes alone and brings back a few things that catches his eyes. 
“If this is too much, you can go wait in the car” Dave leans forward, kissing you on the cheek. 
“No I want to look around” Leaning backwards into his touch, only pulling away once your hand is intertwined with his.
“Okay” He squeezes your hand softly as he leads you further into the store. “I only need a few things today, and if you're a good for me, I might get you a reward” He smiles down at you, knowing you're always his good little doll for him.
“I’ll be good” Smiling back up at him, letting him lead the way.
“I know you will be” He smirks a little as he leads you down the aisle where the ropes and bondage gear all belong. 
“Don't we have some of this stuff already?” Looking up at him confused as he kneels down, so he can get a closer look. 
“We do, but some of our rope now has some wear and tear now, so some new gear will be good, I don’t want to tie you up with old rope and you end up getting rope burn now do I, amore?” Smirking up at you from his knees, he motions for you to join him down there. 
“That makes sense” Smiling softly as you kneel down, joining him. He takes your hand in his and brings it to some of the rope he seems to be studying, he brings the rope in your hand, testing the feeling of it against your skin.
“How does that one feel?” He watches you closely as you slide your hand across it, before quickly pulling your hand off it.
“I um.. It feels scratchy” Rubbing your hand against your other arm to try and get the feeling off it. You have some texture issues, it's something Dave always takes into consideration when he buys you anything. It's why he really wanted to bring you in today, make sure he gets the right one for you.
“Okay, what about the next one?” He gives you an encouraging smile as you move your hand to the next brand beside it, feeling it more carefully.
“It's better, but it feels weird” You keep your hand on as you speak, trying to figure out what you dislike about it.
“Okay that's good so far, what about the other one?” Dave nods, taking down a mental note. You pull your hand off that one and move to touch the other one, but you stop.
“Not that one” A sharp shake of your hand alerts Dave immediately. 
“That's okay, we can skip that one, there's only one left for the ropes, do you think you can touch that one?” Dave softens his tone as he speaks, knowing how your anxiety can also play up along with your sensory processing disorder. 
“Yeah I can” Smiling weakly as you reach out for it, running your fingers over it slowly, before fully gripping it with your palm, a smile spreading across your face.
“Looks like we found the right one huh, sweetheart?” Dave smiles softly, rubbing your back gently as you both stand up. 
“Yeah I like that one” Nodding at him, smiling at just how sweet and understanding your partner is. 
“I'm thinking we get at least 3, I want Black and purple, any suggestion for the third?” He asks as he reaches down and grabs them, placing them in his basket. 
“Can we get red please?” Smiling as you see him reach for it before you even say it properly. He knows black and red is one of your favourite colour combinations.
“Sure can” He intertwined both of your hands once moving, after he put the ropes in the basket. 
“What else do we need?”
“Well I ordered something last week online, which I need to go speak to someone about, so do you think you’ll be okay if I leave you here for a few minutes?” He sighs a little, knowing how much you hate being left alone, but knowing you also hate talking to strangers.
“No that's fine sir, I’m happy to browse by myself for a little while” Smiling happily up at him, actually looking forward to freely looking around.
“Good, thank you tesoro” Dave smiles, kissing you softly before pulling away. “Can you just stay amongst these 3 aisle for me, so I can find you easily”
“Yes sir” Biting your lip lightly as you smile at him, trying to hold back the smile that comes along every time he kisses you in public.
“Buona tesoro, I won’t be long” Squeezing your hand softly before he walks away, leaving you alone. 
Slowly you walk around the aisles, ending up in the aisle that has paddles and whips. Your eyes land on a beautiful black and red pattern paddle, your hand traces along it, feeling how soft and hard the material feels. You can’t help but imagine what it would feel like against your ass. You’ve used these with Dave before, normally when he spanks you he prefers to use his hands, but a few times in the past these have come in handy. Gulping thickly as you think back to those times, remember the pain and pleasure that he can easily apply to your body, and just how badly you crave it. 
“And what have you found Amore?” Dave approaches quietly, coming to stand directly behind you. You jump back a little in fright banging straight into his chest. 
“Oh shoot, you scared me Dave” Quickly turning around to face him, smiling up at him excitedly.
“Sorry darling” Placing his hands on your hips, bringing you closer into him. 
“Did you get what you needed?” Leaning into his touch, enjoying the way he touches you.
“I did, and what have you found while I’ve left you alone?” smirking playfully at you, noticing that shy look flashing on your face.
“N n nothing” Avoiding his eyes as you lie badly to him. 
“Oh come on amore mio, don’t get shy on me” Grinning down at you, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “Also don’t lie, you know my rules, now were we looking at that paddle there huh?” His condescending tone makes you bow your head, giving him a small nod.
“Sorry for lying sir.. I just, yes I was looking at it” Admitting shyly, as he tilts your head back up to him.
“It is pretty, but we already have a paddle that we don’t use too often anyway?” Dave raises his eyebrow as he speaks, wanting to see your response.
“I know” Whining softly, “But we don’t have one that's this pretty, also if we get it, then we have more excuse to use it more, please” Biting your lip, as you pout, look up at him.
He lets out a soft playful groan. “I mean you have been so good for me, I did say you could get a reward if you behaved” A smirk slides onto his face as he sees your face light up.
“We can get it?” Squeaking softly in excitement, “Thank you thank you sir” 
“No problem sweetheart, I can’t wait to spank your ass red with it” A low chuckle escapes his throat as he reaches for it. Your face drops, just realising the amount of danger your ass is about to be in.
“Oh no”
Dave leads you to the aisle with vibrators, his arm securely around your waist.
“Dave, don’t we already have enough vibrators?” Smiling a little as he stops you in front of a certain selection.
“No such thing” He dismisses that thought from you quickly, passing you the basket to hold for a moment. He reaches for two packages of vibrators, before turning to you with a mystery grin.
“So do you want white or green?” 
“Um green, but that was quick?” Tilting your head at his quick decision making.
“Oh I read about these online” He smirks, placing one back on the shelf and the other in the basket. “This will be perfect for us” 
“Um what's so special about this one?” Holding the basket back out for him, watching as he moves the basket to his far hand and takes your in his.
“Well this is controlled by an app on your smartphone, so when you're at home, all alone and desperate for me, I can still make you cum even when I'm across the country” His words make you squeeze your thighs together, a small whimper slips through your lips. 
“That sounds dangerous” Giggling softly as you lean into him.
“Oh It Is” He chuckles deeply, licking his lips. “Especially because you know I’m not going to stop at just one darling” A small growl leaves his lips as he leans down kissing your cheek as he leads you to the counter, where a few other things he had already ordered online were waiting for him. The cashier rings it all up for him, making small talk with Dave. Your eyes almost jump out of your head as you see the final price.
“Dave, that's too much money!” You complain, staring at him in shock.
“Relax bellissimo, how many times do I have to tell you money doesn’t matter?” He laughs softly, wrapping his arm around you as he pays for the gear. 
“I feel bad” You mutter softly as you two walk back to the car, Dave refusing to let you carry any of the bags.
“You shouldn't have to, I love spending my money on you, and especially on things like this” He smirks down at you, which reduces you to a silent puddle of mush, he laughs softly. Reaching the car he opens the door for you.
“Always such a gentleman” Smiling widely as you climb inside.
“Only while in public” He mutters to himself, putting the bags in the back, unable to think about anything else except taking you home.
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 months
So I was listening to “Glue Song” by Beabadoobee, and it just reminded me so much of Arthur! I’ve only ever see people say good things about him when they get a chance to meet him. You also just KNOW he’s someone you couldn’t forget upon meeting. I think a little short fic based off this song would be so cute!!
honestly, every single time this song plays (because it's one of my 'soft' playlists that have songs that belong in a playlist for a rainy weekend afternoon), all i think about is arthur now and i'm really honestly not mad about that... it belongs to him, without a doubt.
being christopher dixon's best friend had it's moments.
there would be many times where he would ask her to accompany him in filming a video for his latest video because he needed another pair of hands on set to stand behind a camera, or help set up for each sessions, or where he would have her running his errands for him because he was falling behind in his ever-so busy schedule of being a youtuber. there had been times when she'd dropped off some lunch for him because he didn't realise his shoot was going to take as long as it had done, buying him groceries because he always forgot to buy bread and milk, bringing umbrellas for the rainier weather so that he and his video guests weren't stricken with a cold every time, just in the background and being there as an involuntary personal assistant - that, quite honestly, she didn't mind.
but being christopher dixon's best friend did have its perks.
the list of opportunities that she had been given was forever growing and she couldn't be any more thankful that he had taken her along on his journey; she had travelled to different countries, been invited to so many exciting events, had the chance to work for different brands and companies and meeting his circle of friends had brought brand new memories and so many new friends into her life that she couldn't dream of being without now.
his roommates had always been here favourites.
george clarke had wit. he was funny and sarcastic, he broke the ice on their first meeting by trying to flirt with her but failing to even get out his pick-up line without cringing first, and he could joke with her over things that she couldn't really joke about with anyone else. but he had a soft spot that made him feel like a big brother, someone that she could always go to if she didn't feel comfortable telling chris.
arthur hill had talent as well as a sense of humour. once she found out that he was an upcoming singer and was releasing his own music into the world, she was hooked because she loved listening to any music that wasn't mainstream. and you bet that she attended every single one of his shows that she was able to attend. being that friend who was supportive in every single thing that he did.
arthur frederick had something about him that she just couldn't ever forget. he was no different to george and arthur and chris on how he acted - boys will be boys - except his personality was somewhat on a different level. he was much softer with her when they spoke one on one, he was interested in her and what her likes and dislikes and her hobbies were before he spoke for himself, he was sweeter and where they could joke, he was always weary about what he could joke with her about.
and she liked that.
she gravitated towards him.
there was just something about him that she wanted to be around, all the time, just because he felt so inviting and warm. and he was on her mind, almost all of the time when she was at home. she would think about what he was doing and whether he was working or sleeping or filming a new video. whether he was on alone or whether one of the boys was with him. whether he was a work with music in the background or a silent man who could only work in the silence with no distractions.
at a friends party, she always waved at him and slowly made her way towards him throughout the evening, saying hello to everyone so she didn't look like she was there for him and only him, making herself a lot more social to not seem rude. at any events that they would both attend, she would always linger around him - she still felt out of place at movie premieres and launch parties and he was just a sense of comfort and someone she knew the most - and he wouldn't mind it in the slightest. at video shoots for any of chris' or george's videos, he would be there by her side... even though she was most comfortable doing a set task that someone had given her for the duration of the filming... he just liked to be near her...
and, of course, chris picks up on them being a little closer than usual.
"i know it's not my place to, you know, comment on relationship stuff and all," and he brings it up at the worst time possible; she would have been fine having it privately, without the nosey ears of one of his three roommates in the room and the other two occupied with whatever they seemed to be doing with their day, "but, you two have become awfully close."
"can't we just be friends, christopher?"
"i mean, look at today. he made you a cup of tea as soon as you came in through the door. he never makes anyone a cup of tea," chris points at the mug in her hand and she shrugs playfully, "i'm not saying it's a bad thing. just-"
"tell your face that then."
"i actually think you're a good fit together. of all the people you could date, i'd say arthur was number one on my list," chris tells her and she rolls her eyes, "what?"
"i didn't realise i had a big brother," she teases him and he scoffs and his cheeks go pink for just a moment, "i appreciate you looking out for me and all but, i think i'm old enough to pick a man to date. me and arthur, we're just friends."
"just friends," he scoffs again, using his fingers to act as quotation marks, "you really aren't fooling anyone."
"you really aren't as slick as you think you're being," george perks up from the dining table, laptop open and notes filling a page on google docs, "might as well just kiss him and get something started."
"no one asked you, george," yn frowns at him and he holds his hands up in defence, "i don't even think he likes me in that way. heck, i don't even know if i like him that way. he's just-"
"he's a different breed," chris states in a matter-of-fact way, like it was obvious that he was something of a special character, "what won you over? the animal obsession? the chess head? how terrible he is at a game of football?"
yn rolls her eyes and sets her mug on the kitchen island and stands from the stool she was sat upon.
"i don't have to stay here and listen to this," she threatens and chris just sits back and smirks at her as she grabs her cardigan and her bag and manoeuvres to the front door of their flat and she takes one last look at him before realising the stupid look upon his face, "what now?"
"you're totally in love with him."
she flips him off with her middle finger and slides her feet into her shoes, reaching for the handle of the front door, "lovely as always to see you boys. i'm going. see you never again."
and she closes the door behind her and leaves the two boys grinning at each other, concealing her own smile as she trots down the hall and towards her own flat down the corridor, knowing she'd probably grace them with her appearance later on that evening - she just felt the need to be dramatic as she left.
"yn left?"
chris and george see arthur standing outside of his bedroom door, a look on his face that was full of disappointment yet almost with a look that seemed to be an attempt to hide the sadness. he'd clearly been asleep; his eyes were sleepy, his hair was a mess and he had a pair of shorts and a jumper that was creased from him being in the same position for at least most of the hour he had disappeared into his bedroom.
"yeah, chris was being a dick," george jokes and chris throws him two fingers as he stood from his stool and stretched out his back, "she left in a hurry."
"is she okay? what did you say?"
'i actually said nothing," chris lies and he shrugs his shoulders, "she just said she had to leave."
"hmm," arthur hums softly, scuffing into the kitchen and reaching for the cup she had left on the counter, "maybe i'll pop around and see if she's okay."
"yeah, she'd probably like that," chris smiles and as arthur occupies himself with washing up her mug and wiping the tea stains from the inside, chris looks over at george and they both roll their eyes - two lovesick puppies pining for each other but neither one knowing where to start, "she'd definitely like a familiar face."
if you read this far then i think i may have gotten a little carried away and actually forgotten what the prompt was all about... but i hope this is good... obviously wanted to do it justice because it's a song so fitting for arthur... let me know what you think and don't be afraid to send in some requests! i'm probably here all afternoon slash evening so come keep me company! xx
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datsleepygirl · 1 year
Telling Law You're Pregnant
I swear, everyone on my Insta feed is posting pregnancy announcements, which gave me this idea of telling our babies that they will be expecting one of their own. Here's an official announcement though : I'm back!!
tw: mentions of pregnancy, a large amount of fluff &lt;3
status : not proofread yet
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we're starting with my favourite doctor, obviously. Just imagine this man with a baby in his hand- 😩
"Well shit." I mentally cursed, pregnancy test in hand. With recent 'events' happening regularly at night, it was just a matter of time that Law will hit the jackpot with me. I glanced at the other 3 tests from different brands I bought just in case. Thank god we were docked during this period of time, which allowed me to slip into pharmacies without the crew noticing after using the 'grocery shopping' card on them. I put a hand on my belly, slowing rubbing it as a small sigh left me.
Am I excited? Of course.
Am I nervous, hell ya.
Me and Law are at a stage where the both of us are stable enough to have a child popping into our lives so suddenly, but how would he feel about it? Is he okay with the idea of having a child so soon? How will he react to the news of a freaking baby coming 10 months later?
I heard the door of our bedroom open for a slight moment, then being shut. I collected the pregnancy tests, shoved them into my pocket and flushed the toilet, pretending nothing had happened.
"Hey, we shouldn't be docking again until 3 months later. You got everything you need?" Law greeted me after I exited the bathroom, hanging his coat and putting his hat on the desk. "I'm good. You done with all your work for the day?" I sat on the bed, looking at him with a hint of uncertainty in my gaze. "Yeah, didn't have much to do besides from a few reports. You okay? You look stressed out." Law took a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around me while planting a kiss to my temple. "Meh, just a bit tired. Can you... lie down with me for a bit?" I requested. Law responded with a smile and shifted us to a lying position. He had one arm under his head with the other one served as my pillow. We both relaxed in each other's presence.
Now's a good time to tell him.
"Hey babe. Have you ever thought about starting a family? Ya know, having a mini you or me running around?" Law chuckled at my question. "With you, the answer is always yes. Remember when I told you that when you ran into my world, I started seeing colours? I started feeling emotions that I've haven't felt in years - love. It's such a beautiful emotion that I wish I could just bottle it up and give it to our child." My heart warmed at the sight of Law's loving smile as he stared at me. I leaned in for a small kiss as I told him to give me his hand. Confused, he complied without asking.
"I'm sure that... this little guy will be happy to hear about that." I put his hand on my belly as I looked back at him with the same loving smile he gave me a moment ago. Law's expression remained as a confused one before it turned into pure shock, causing me to giggle.
"Yes babe, I'm pregnant." As soon as those words came out of my mouth I was pulled into a tight hug, from the man trembling above me.
"Are you crying?"
"Shut up..."
I laughed with a few of my tears escaping from my eyes as well. "You sure?" Law asked me without breaking the hug. "Yeah, I took like, 4 tests from different brands, just to make sure. I was still shocked. I mean, we used condoms. Not that me being pregnant is a bad thing, though." I said as I showed him the tests I took. Holding them in hand, Law got teary eyed once again. "Condoms only work about 97% of the time, but who gives a fuck about that right now?" he put the tests on the dresser beside our bed as he embraced me again. "I love you so much. Thanks for loving me despite all my flaws and me being all moody in the morning. Thinking about you walking around, carrying our child... it's insane to think that someone as amazing as you is carrying my baby with you..." I smiled as I cupped his cheeks in my hands, "If anything, I'm the lucky one. Thanks for giving me such an amazing gift. I just know that you're gonna be an amazing father. I already have a feeling that if this baby is a girl, she'll be a daddy's girl for sure." Law reached down to rub my belly, that same loving smile returning as he did so.
"If that's the case, then I guess there's gonna be one more person calling me daddy from now on. Not that I'm complaining." I hit him playfully on the arm as he shamelessly smirked as his own joke.
"I'll run some tests on you tomorrow, okay? I don't think I'm in the mood to let go of you anytime soon. I'm gonna have you scooped up in my arms the whole night." I snuggled closer, burying my face in his chest as I answered, "Sounds perfect, my baby daddy."
The soft touches on my belly never stopped. Law spoke to our little angel again as his touches lured me into a peaceful slumber.
"See you in 10 months, our little miracle."
okay not gonna lie, I love this :)))) Here's to all you lads out there who waited patiently for new content. I have a whole series of these coming up, so please wait for a bit longer for the rest of our favourite men in line <3
and this ain't a Law fic if I don't tag the OG Law writer in my opinion @sashi-ya thanks for all the encouraging and loving words, I'm so grateful to have met you on this writing journey <3
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