#he could have been different!! he doesn’t even claim his mother’s heritage save for jokes
pinkfey · 2 years
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shifuaang · 4 years
Why people Say Kataang was one sided? Can You Say a argument prove otherwise, and why zutarians can t accept the reality?
I’m just going to cut and paste directly from the video essay script I wrote about Kataang (that I’ll hopefully finish one day). Apologies for the long response, but I want to hit every point I’ve seen made by the fandom over the years. 
There are many things that Aang brings to Katara’s life that make their relationship balanced and healthy rather than one-sided as people like to claim. It’s quite obvious to most viewers why he would develop feelings for her - Katara is smart, beautiful, talented, generous, and an all around kind and good person. She cares for him and always looks out for his best interests. So what does Aang bring to the table?
Firstly, he offers her unwavering support and validation. If there’s one thing that Katara values and is proud of, it’s her bending and her heritage. Within moments of meeting her, Aang offers to fly Katara to the North Pole so that she can find a master to study under. In The Waterbending Scroll when she is feeling inferior and insecure about her bending, he reassures her and restores her confidence. In The Waterbending Master, he voices his frustration with Pakku not wanting to train Katara and then teaches her what he’s learned in secret because he knows how important mastering bending is to her. He throws all of his energy into helping her when he finds out she’s been masquerading as the Painted Lady knowing how passionate she is about saving the local village. 
Katara is self-sufficient and is the caretaker of the group. While she allows herself to be vulnerable with her emotions, she often relies on herself for support and is a rock for the people closest to her. Aang is the one person who can act as a caretaker for Katara, however, as he isn’t overbearing. Katara doesn’t need someone to be her constant guardian or protector because she is so strong-willed. This is exactly why Aang’s subtle and gentle reassurance is so welcomed by her. 
Secondly, he understands her and empathizes with her. There’s an argument tossed around about how Aang only fell for an idealized version of Katara and doesn’t recognize her flaws, which is a gross mischaracterization on fandom’s part. Aang is there for every mistake Katara makes, every grudge she holds, and every breakdown she has. They disagree about how to approach things on several occasions but always come to a healthy and respectful consensus, even if they don’t see eye to eye. 
A prime example of this would be The Southern Raiders, an episode that Zutara shippers tend to exalt as the epitome of why Zuko and Katara should be together as Zuko supports her on her quest to find her mother’s killer while Aang does not. In actuality this episode proves a better case for Kataang. Aang gently tries to persuade Katara not to do something he fears she will regret. He concedes despite disagreeing with her. He acknowledges that it’s something she has to do to find closure. Even after confronting Yon Rha, Zuko admits to Aang that he was right about what Katara needed and that violence wasn’t the answer. 
(Sidenote: It’s a bit baffling to me that people are alright with Katara stopping Aang from going into the Avatar State and unleashing his anger on the sandbenders who stole Appa, but they can’t understand why Aang would want to stop Katara from unleashing her anger on Yon Rha.)
Katara lost her mother and is the only bender of her tribe at the story’s start. Aang lost his father figure, his entire race, and is the only bender of his tribe as well. To say they have a profound understanding of one another’s pain and anger is almost underselling their connection. This, of course, doesn’t minimize the tragedies and suffering that other characters experience throughout the series, but it’s Aang and Katara who go on a journey of healing and discovery together. (I recommend reading this amazing meta about their relationship here.)
It’s also simply not true that Aang is obsessed or possessive. His crush on Katara gradually and organically develops; he doesn’t start to show romantic feelings towards her until well into season one during The Fortune Teller. When he does seek out her attention in The Warriors of Kyoshi, he admits later in the episode that he was being a jerk and apologizes for his behavior. He lets her go in Bato of the Water Tribe after realizing his mistake and doesn’t attempt to chase after her. He isn’t jealous nor does he try to prevent her obvious crush on Jet. Many argue that his course during The Crossroads of Destiny is selfish in that he isn’t willing to give up Katara to open all of his chakras, but he wouldn’t have left Guru Pathik if he didn’t have a vision of Katara being in danger. At the end of the episode he concludes that he has to relinquish all of his earthly possessions and does successfully enter the Avatar State.
Katara is the first to declare out loud that she loves Aang in a platonic way in the first episode of season two and is outwardly offended by him not wanting to kiss her in The Cave of Two Lovers. She feels deeply saddened by his pain. She is moved by him telling her how profound his feelings are towards her. She is openly affectionate with him. 
All of this could simply mean that Katara cares for Aang like a brother, but luckily we have Sokka to compare and see how monumentally different her relationship is with the two men she’s closest to. 
While it’s true that Katara often treats Aang in a motherly fashion, she does so with everyone in their group of friends and even total strangers. Maternal instinct is deeply embedded in her nature, and Zuko isn’t exempt from this once he becomes part of the Gaang. 
Katara isn’t incredibly affectionate with Sokka. They hug on occasion and will sometimes offer physical comfort to one another, just like Katara and Zuko. She’s very much touchy/feely with Aang, however, kissing him on the cheek, fixing his clothing, dancing with him, and cradling him close. 
She’s also very sarcastic and teasing when it comes to her relationship with her brother. She knows she can poke fun at him and pick fights with him, and once she and Zuko become friends, she treats him in the same manner. Katara becomes offended or even enraged if anyone dares to insult or joke about Aang.
She and Zuko both express their disgust at the idea of being romantically involved, both when the Ember Island Players imply that they had a thing and when June calls them boyfriend and girlfriend. When she hears Sokka point out that Aang is a powerful bender after Aunt Wu’s prediction, she shows no signs of distaste in realizing that Aang could potentially be the man she marries one day.
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love-sapphirerose · 4 years
10 Things That Didn't Age Well In Inuyasha
In today's culture, we are more compassionate when it comes to others. A show as classic as Inuyasha is no exception to a less sensitive world.
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Inuyasha was one of the flagship animes of the 2000s, but, even at the time, people seemed unsure what to make of it at times. It's been rumored that even Cartoon Network could never agree if it was a kid's show or for adults. As the years have gone by, certain aspects of the show seem even more questionable with modern sensibilities.
Today, we're going to look at things in the Inuyasha franchise that might not have aged gracefully, especially to modern viewers. And remember, there might be spoilers for those who haven't finished the series, especially the ending.
10. Kagome's Apathetic Family
Let's say your daughter decides to leave school, run off to a far-off place, live with some complete strangers (including a boy she's interested in), and risk her life in dangerous situations. Most parents wouldn't be too happy about this. Compare this to Kagome's mother and grandfather, who outright encourage Kagome to go off on her adventures.
On one hand, Kagome at least tries to keep up her education, at least at first, and the Japanese school system, according to Tofugu, technically doesn't actually fail students, since more emphasis is placed on entrance exams, so Kagome's truancy wouldn't be as problematic as if she were from another country. Still, you'd think even the school would be suspicious of all of Kagome's ailments.
9. Kagome Giving Up Her Family & Friends
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Despite what was said above, Kagome probably still cares about her family, and her family probably likes her. They might be okay with yokai trying to eat her or evil witches stealing her soul every week, but they at least seem willing to feed her, so there's that.
However, the ending, in which Kagome decides to stay in the Feudal era permanently, means she will never see her old (or...future...technically) family or friends ever again. While true love does expect some sacrifice, it does seem pretty cruel to ask of her and she seems blindly okay with that, especially for a modern girl.
8. Relationship Double-Standards
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One aspect of the Koga/Kagome/Inuyasha love-triangle of sorts that didn't age well is a certain double standard. Whenever Koga shows an interest in Kagome and Inuyasha gets jealous, supporting characters are quick to act like he's being an idiot and sympathize with Kagome for getting mad at him. Compare this to the various times when Kagome also gets mad at Inuyasha for his past relationship with Kikyo, even before she actually had a relationship with Inuyasha herself. Once again, the side characters usually side with her over Inuyasha.
In all fairness, it's not completely unfounded. Most of Kagome's friends don't necessarily think Kagome actually has any interest in Koga and simply brush off Inuyasha's jealousy as petty, whereas Inuyasha and Kikyo's history make up the show's backstory. But Kagome always being sympathetic, and Inuyasha always being treated like an idiot, even before they arguably even became a couple, can seem a little unfair.
7. The Whole Mayfly-December Romance
Age differences aren't always a deal-breaker, but a 200-year-old boy and a teenage girl together bring up a lot of questions. You can argue that Inuyasha is the yokai equivalent of a teenager, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Inuyasha, thanks to his yokai heritage, will age must slower than a mortal, and will likely see Kagome age and rot before his very eyes. His desire to become a full human for Kikyo might even suggest he's partially aware of this issue, but this is never brought up towards the end.
6. Letting Friends Get Away With Murder
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Koga's ordered his wolf pack to kill people, Sesshomaru's probably got centuries worth of blood on his hands, and Kikyo survives by feasting on the souls of dead women. The main cast tends to either forgive or outright overlook this behavior for the sake of friendship, which is kind of unsettling.
Sure, Kikyo never asked to be brought back as a soul-eating clay doll, and it's not clear if she outright kills those souls or just imprisons them, but you'd think there'd be more concern for her victims.
5. All That Nudity
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This was more of an issue in the manga than the anime, where female characters were often drawn with outright exposed breasts. This was the case with both demons, such as Mistress Centipede and the Nothing Woman, and some of the human characters, like Kagome...a human teenager.
And while Kagome's bare breasts are never shown in the anime...bathing scenes are still extremely common.
4. Miroku's Wandering Hand
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Miroku's desire to have a child isn't completely unsympathetic, given that his curse might claim his life before his time, but the way he goes around this, acting like a pervert, didn't exactly age well. The way he gropes and peeks at poor Sango every chance he gets would be something you'd expect from one of the villains of a modern story, not one of the heroes, let alone her love interest.
At the very least, you wouldn't expect modern shows to treats a woman repeatedly being touched inappropriately as a joke.
3. Always Getting Physical
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During a conflict, Sango is usually quick to slap or throw something heavy at Miroku and Kagome is also willing to inflict pain on Inuyasha. This isn't always the case when dealing with romantic interests...Inuyasha isn't above giving Shippo (who may or may not be a child...yokai ages are tricky) a good punch.
Sure, there are some times when this is done in self-defense, especially when Sango's dealing with Miroku, but this happens way too often as a knee-jerk reaction. Even when there's clearly a misunderstanding going on, the characters are a little too eager to beat up their own friends.
2. The Osuwari Command
Thanks to those magical beads around his neck, Kagome can always put Inuyasha in his place by the simple command: "Osuwari," or "Sit Boy!" From a modern perspective, her reliance on this spell can come off as pretty abusive.
In fact, in the third movie, Kagome even tricks Inuyasha into pointing the beads back on after he's finally freed from that. It's kind of disturbing...even if it's arguably not canon.
In all fairness, not every example is the same. There were plenty of times Kagome commanded Inuyasha to sit out of self-defense, by complete accident, and there were even a few times when she probably saved his life by doing it. Still, the few times she says it after an argument or due to a misunderstanding come off as downright abusive.
1. All That Filler
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Even the show's most devoted fans seem willing to admit that the series went on too long than it needed to be, with fans often asking online for lists of episodes without filler, whether it's GameFaq or Reddit.
It's very telling that the original anime ran out of episodes to actually finish the story, only being able to adapt the manga's resolution thanks to the Final Act spin-off.
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darisu-chan · 4 years
Kaien vs Ichigo: A Memories in the Rain Analysis, Part 1
It’s me again, back with my bs lmao
I finally finished the mini arc of Memories in the Rain pt. 2 and, as I’ve been sort of discussing certain stuff that’s happened in Bleach as I re-read the chapters, I decided I needed to talk about MITR as a whole. If you’ve been following my posts, I didn’t really analyze the first part. I saved it to compare it with the second part. I also thought that instead of just saying my thoughts as I have been doing thus far, I’d go the extra mile and truly analyze both parts, specifically comparing Kaien and Ichigo.
So, sometime ago, I wrote this post about how it bothers me how people compare Kaien and Ichigo as being the same, and using that to establish IchiRuki. When, honestly, you don’t need to. Ichigo and Rukia’s relationship stands on its own. In fact, it is so strong that, years after the ending, people keep being fascinated by IR. The LA was centered on their relationship as well. And it’s still the Ichigo and Rukia show, thank you very much.
And though I made some good points in that post, I decided to further explore Kaien and Ichigo, as well as the events of both MITR and how that relates to Ichigo and Rukia.
It’s probably been done many times before, but I’ve never analyzed them in much depth, so here we go.
The first part will soley be about Ichigo and Kaien as individuals. On the second part, I’ll finally explore MITR
1. The Shiba Gene
So, as we all know, Ichigo and Kaien look like each other physically, and in Everything But the Rain we finally found out the reason why: they are cousins. This put a stop to all the “Ichigo is Kaien reborn” theories people liked to come up with back in the day.
Now, in the story, this resemblance was pointed out by Byakuya and even Ukitake, to an extent. Which means Kaien was designed to look like Ichigo on purpose to further draw parallels between them. What I mean to say is that this is a seed that was planted in the readers’ minds, and as such, comparing both guys was done on purpose.
Interestingly enough, neither Kukaku nor Ganju are ever seen to believe Ichigo looks like their older brother.
In EBTR we see Isshin as a young man, and we can see how Isshin, Ichigo and Kaien resemble each other, meaning the Shiba gene is a strong one, and, if Ichigo had actually stayed in SS, that same resemblance could have been used as a way for him to claim that part of his heritage, but I digress.
We are all aware they look like each other because they are family, so we don’t need to go deep into detail in that aspect. Now the true question is, just how similar are they to each other?
Physically speaking, there are a few noticable differences, like hair and eye color. Kaien’s hair is longer and there’s the fact Kaien has very long eyelashes, as Kukaku and Ganju have. He’s also taller.
Although key differences, they are not enough to negate their similarities. Hell, Ichigo does look more similar to Kaien than Ganju, his actual brother.
But there’s something very important that sets them apart: Kaien always carries himself as if he didn’t have a care in the world. When we’ve seen Kaien, he’s always able to smile freely. Sure, he also scowls, gets upset, and the like, but he goes back to smiling. This is something Ichigo hasn’t been able to do since his mother died. Hell, there’s a whole chapter about that (Can’t Smile Don’t Blame). There are very few times in which Ichigo actually smiles, and all of them are short-lived. In fact, whenever he’s tried to give big smiles, they seem off, as seen when he smiled to Orihime back at the beginning of MITR and later on, in the Lost Agent Arc, when he smiled at Yuzu. 
Even when Rukia has a flashback of Kaien while looking at Ichigo, their smiles look very different:
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Ichigo more often than not smiles through his eyes, while Kaien tends to smile with his eyes closed:
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Although brash and arrogant as well, Kaien is also more mature. He can go from joking around to having deep conversations with Rukia. Ichigo, as a teenager, has yet to mature and will become more and more like a grown up as time passes by. At this point in the manga, he really isn’t there yet. Now, this will be important later on.
In short, even though they look very similar, they carry themselves with different auras. Kaien is more of a free-spirit, while Ichigo is a person who seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. 
2. Prodigies
Ichigo, as the MC of a shounen manga, is obviously special. From the very first moment, we know he’s not like everyone else. He’s able to see spirits, which is not the norm. And then Rukia informs us his reiatsu is too powerful for a normal human.
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And as time goes by, as he keeps fighting hollows, he grows exponentially. 
When Urahara trains him, he realizes that, which is why he tells Yoruichi that if there is someone who can achieve bankai in 3 days, is him.
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As the story goes on, we learn that Ichigo is even more special, as he is also part Quincy and Hollow. But he also has very impressive skills when it comes to swordmanship, shunpo, and the like. 
What is more relevant is Ichigo’s ability to grow at a fast rate, always learning from his mistakes. 
And although he was never taught how to be a Shinigami in the traditional way, we can see how he surpassed his peers.
Now, although Kaien is not as special as Ichigo, we learn from Ganju that, for Shinigami standards, Kaien’s very impressive:
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Hisagi, for example, failed the final exam numerous times. Rukia says she barely passed the entrace exam. Finishing the curriculum in two years is a great achievement. And the fact that he made VC in 5 years means a lot. It took Renji, let’s say, around 35 years to be promoted to VC. And Renji was in the special class at the Academy.
People like Ichigo and Kaien are not the norm. They are very skilled and special individuals. Might be because of their genes (it’s never explicitly said, but they might come from a long line of Shinigami), or just because they were gifted with those powers, but the point is these characteristics set them apart as more powerful than the rest.
3. Brash, Rule-breaking, Arrogant
The words above can be used to describe both Ichigo and Kaien, and that’s certainly Byakuya’s opinion of them.
Kaien and his siblings are not like the nobles we know. They’re certainly very different to Byakuya and the Kuchiki Clan, but they also live very differently than Soi Fon, Omaeda, the Shihouin Clan, and so on. They seem to live more like the common folk than like dignified people. Hence, Byakuya seems very against this sort of attitude, at least early on in Bleach. 
Because of being loud, less refined, brash, and with a penchant of rule-breaking, Kaien seems totally different to other nobles. However, I dare say these characteristics extrapolate what Ukitake meant in this scene:
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Not anyone would be able to go against the whole Soul Society, specially if you are a Shinigami.
Byakuya was certainly not going to do any rule-breaking. As we later find out, he had even promised not to break anymore rules and was going to stick to that promise.
Renji, until confronted by Ichigo, had decided not to go against the SS.
Even Ukitake wasn’t about to start a revolution to save Rukia. It took him seeing Ichigo to decide on what to do.
Basically, only Kaien would have been upfront about his own intentions.
And what we know of Kaien is that he was the sort of guy who would break the rules when necessary. That means, that he would do the right thing. Specially when it comes to saving his peers. He even tells Rukia as much:
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He might not have been the most elegant of individuals, but Kaien’s brashness and even arrogance came from the fact he had a good heart.
Now, who does exactly what Kaien would have done?
That’s right.
Here the comparison of Ukitake trying to imagine what Kaien would have done is directly compared and contrasted to Ichigo, as before that scene Ichigo confronted Byakuya.
Now, Ichigo wasn’t raised as a noble. He had no idea he was one until almost the end of Bleach. But he was raised with the idea of protecting other people and of doing what is right.
We have seen him protect other people, even before he became a Shinigami (his friendship with Chad, Keigo and Mizuiru respectively reflects this, as he saved the three of them). 
Ichigo is not the kind of guy who can just do nothing while an injustice is taking place.
Ichigo has been, from the first moment we saw him, brash, rule-breaking and even arrogant, but note that from his introduction, we saw him protecting a little ghost girl. It goes to show that Ichigo would go to extremes to protect others and do what’s right. So, it’s no surprise he jumps at the chance to go to SS to save Rukia, and that he grows stronger and stronger each time to save her, as he cannot let her die. 
However, there’s a key difference.
If Kaien had been alive, he would have saved Rukia as 1) he would’ve probably figured out an execution was too hard a punishment for Rukia’s crime, 2) he told her he would always stand by her as long as they were from the same division, and 3) he wouldn’t let her just die.
But Ichigo’s reasons to save Rukia are much more complicated than that. As I’ve said in other posts, Ichigo is filled with guilt, as Rukia’s in this position because of him, firstly because she saved him by giving him her own powers to protect his family, and secondly, because Rukia got taken away to protect him as he feels he failed to protect her.
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But, even then, it’s not only guilt that fuels him or the fact that he owes Rukia.
There’s the fact that Rukia is an important person to Ichigo regardless. Particularly, she is kind and good. Certainly not the type of person who deserves to die, much less because of a stupid rule.
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Then, there is something else at a deeper level Ichigo doesn’t say out loud
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My point with this is that Kaien and Ichigo are certainly the same type of rule-breaking people and that’s the sort of person needed to pull a stunt like saving Rukia from execution, in such a way that this person would even inspire others to help. Both guys are special in that way. However, in practice their actions come from different places. Certainly there’s a closeness Ichigo shares with Rukia due to circumstances that adds more complexity to his intent to save her and that, may I add, also fuels him to such a degree he refuses to lose. 
Which brings us to...
4. Rukia
The last main common denominator between them is no one else but Rukia, a person they both have inspired in different ways. However, the type of relationship they have with her is different.
Let’s start with Kaien:
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So, their meeting takes place shortly after Rukia was adopted into the Kuchiki Clan and graduated early from the Academy. Ever since, it seems she was judged for both not really being from a noble family and from having been adopted by one. We can say that no one is looking at who Rukia truly is, but they are making assumptions about her at this point. This is isolating to Rukia, who now has to deal with a new identity and a new way of living. She’s now apart from the one person she had known most of her life to that point (Renji) and is feeling out of place.
Then, Kaien swoops in and he treats her like he would treat any other subordinate. He doesn’t treat her like a street rat, a pampered noble or even a pet. And she says it herself that having that normality is exactly what she needed. Rukia didn’t feel comfortable at home with Byakuya, but she could at least feel more at ease in her division, working under Kaien.
Their relationship was that of mentor and mentee. Later on we find out Kaien trained her in swordsmanship and probably other skills. 
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But he also taught her important lessons about life:
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And these are lessons Rukia will carry in her heart the whole series. Protecting others, making others feel welcomed, forming hearts with others. Rukia made hers everything that Kaien taught her. 
He’s very special in her life because Kaien was the first person to make her feel as if she belonged in her division, and even as a Shinigami.
In short, he’s acting like a parental influential, or even being the brother Byakuya failed to be at this point in time. Teaching Rukia and accepting her, so that she could feel she had a place she belonged to.
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And we know that Kaien was the one to make her feel good
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But here we have a power imbalance. Because Kaien is doing the teaching, he’s changing her life, but we don’t know if it’s mutual. We don’t know if Kaien was affected by Rukia’s actions and words. It’s a very unilateral situation.
Furthermore, if we go with the route of Rukia had a crush on Kaien, there’s more power imbalance and impossibilities, as we know that:
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She already couldn’t be the person closest to Kaien, as Miyako existed. 
Rukia recognized Miyako as having great qualities, probably what Kaien even liked about her, and aspired to be like her:
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So, Kaien and Rukia were never in a position of equality for several reasons, starting from the fact Kaien was her vice captain.
This is even exemplified when the find the hollow that killed Miyako:
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Rukia acts like a subordinate, trying to be helpful, and is denied:
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Finally, there’s a key aspect that I will be analyzing with more detail in another post, but Kaien is for Rukia what Masaki is for Ichigo:
The root of her trauma is that she failed to protect Kaien, who was the person who taught her so much and helped her when nobody else did. Rukia feels as if she didn’t do anything to save him from his fate:
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And when Kaien became a hollow, instead of running or trying to help him, Rukia let instinct take in and we know what happens next:
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And the fact she couldn’t save him is worse becase Kaien doesn’t blame her:
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So Rukia ends up in a state of guilt, because she couldn’t save the one person she probably wanted to save the most.
This trauma will continue on for some time until HM, where Rukia comes to terms with what happened. However, that doesn’t change the fact that her relationship remains a one-way street.
Now, as for with Ichigo, they have a different relationship altogether. 
It is true that Rukia was Ichigo’s first teacher when it comes to Shinigami stuff, but it is not as if he never taught Rukia anything.
Their relationship is so special because they’re two sides of the same coin. The fact that one is a Shinigami and the other is a human being makes it so that they end in a relationship of equals. As Ichigo needs to learn how to be a Shinigami, Rukia has to learn how to be a human.
Even when they just tell each other their names, the panel demonstrates this equality
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Even the way they’re both holding the sword symbolizes this equality:
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They’re both holding it and directing it towards Ichigo due to a common goal.
The fact they also call each other by their first names is important. Rukia always used “-dono” to refer to Kaien, a term of respect, while he called her by her last name. Meanwhile, Ichigo and Rukia call each other by their first names, symbolizing they’re close, something that is even pointed out within the story.
They also grow together.
Not only does Rukia teach Ichigo about his powers and her philosophy of saving others, Ichigo keeps surprising her at every turn:
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Ichigo teaches Rukia how to be human, and not in the way of how to appear human or do human things, but how to feel, how to make connections with others
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We always say Rukia changed Ichigo’s world, but he had that same effect in her:
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It was always a mutual thing.
A relationship so different to any other in this manga.
But the best example of how different Kaien and Ichigo’s relationships with Rukia are is the fact that Rukia doesn’t think Ichigo is like Kaien from the get go.
She’s reminded of Kaien twice:
1. When Ichigo’s fighting Grandfisher, and I’ll analyze that part in the next post.
2. When Ichigo finally appears in front of her in SS and reassures her he’s not going to die. He smiles at her and Rukia remembers Kaien’s smile. She closes her eyes due to all the emotions she’s feeling.
My best explanation as to why Rukia thinks of Kaien in that moment is, as I said before, because Kaien was also reassuring in the fact he was not gonna die, yet he did and by her hand. Rukia doesn’t want to cause Ichigo’s death and she already feels guilty about turning him into a Shinigami, Byakuya hurting him, and everything else he’s gone through to try to save her. Rukia doesn’t want Ichigo to be like Kaien and die for her sake, as she believes she’s not worthy of being saved:
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This is yet another thing Ichigo and Rukia have in common, they both feel guilty for having in some way cause harm to the other. 
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Because, above all else, they both want to protect the other.
The thing is, the two actually achieve it: Rukia saves Ichigo’s life in the first chapter and when Byakuya is about to kill him. While Ichigo ends up saving her from execution, making it so their relationship stays equal.
That is the beauty of IchiRuki.
It’s never unilateral, but their feelings parallel each other’s constantly.
They want to save each other and they do.
They learn from one another, and they have faith in one another.
One doesn’t take while the other receive, they both give and receive something in return.
Because, in their eyes, they are equals.
This is the end of this very long post.
The rest of MITR will be analyzed in a later post.
Thanks for reading!
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fanficshiddles · 6 years
I’m still breathing, Chapter 5
Sophie had daily lessons with Loki to improve her technique with using her knife. He also gifted her some of his throwing knives and taught her how to use them to their best effect.
Tony wasn’t sure he was happy with Sophie learning from Loki, but Natasha assured him it would be fine. They all hadn’t failed to notice that she and Loki seemed to have a bond forming. If they weren’t training together, they were in the library or eating in the kitchen.
Sophie was gaining some weight now that she was eating properly. She was admiring her body in the mirror one morning after her shower. She no longer had her ribs sticking out and she was starting to get more of a figure. Her face wasn’t sunken in like it used to be when she first arrived and her skin was glowing a healthy colour.
There was a knock on her door just after she finished getting dressed. It was Natasha and Wanda.
‘We are going into the city for some shopping. Want to come with us?’ Natasha offered.
‘Uhm… I don’t know.’ Sophie said anxiously.
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave the premises. It had been three months. She found it like a safe haven and the thought of leaving to go back into the city was a rather scary thought.
‘You can’t stay cooped up here forever. Come on, it will be fun.’ Wanda smiled.
Sophie bit her lower lip in thought, but she decided that she was right. She couldn’t stay cooped up forever. She nodded in agreement and grabbed a jacket from the wardrobe to put on. They all made their way downstairs to the garage where a car was waiting. It was similar to the one that Natasha had picked her up in. She froze just a few feet from it.
‘Sophie?’ Natasha looked concerned.
‘I… I can’t go, I just remembered I promised Loki I would train with him this morning. I’m sorry.’ Sophie spoke quickly and turned around, rushing back into the building.
Natasha and Wanda looked at one another, knowing full well that she was lying. But they didn’t go after her, not wanting to push her.
Sophie ran back to her room, when she got inside she found she was struggling to breathe. It took her a moment to get it back under control, to focus herself. She wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong with her, she never thought she would have an issue with leaving…
There was another knock on her door that made her jump and pulled her from her worrying thoughts.
‘Who is it?’ She shouted, her voice shaky.
‘It’s only me, poppet. Are you alright?’ Loki called back.
Sophie smiled a little. She really liked her new nickname that he had for her of late. She decided to let him in, save them from just shouting through the door. She was surprised to find that he looked genuinely concerned.
‘May I?’ He asked, motioning in.
‘Sure.’ Sophie nodded and let him in to her room.
‘I just saw a blurry of blue rushing by. What happened?’ He made himself comfy on the edge of her bed.
Sophie sighed. She knew that there was no point not telling Loki. He would also know if she lied and said everything was fine. Because it blatantly wasn’t, even a non-god of lies could see.
She sat down on the bed too as she explained what happened, with her freaking out in the garage.
‘It’s silly. But I feel that this is like my safe place. And I’m scared that if I leave… That I won’t get to come back. That it will have all just been a joke or something and I’ll be back out on the streets again.’ Sophie did her best to hold in her tears, she felt ridiculous, but she couldn’t help it. ‘I can’t end up back on the streets, Loki. I just can’t. Constantly looking over my shoulder thinking I’m going insane with paranoia. Constantly begging for food or money. Trying to sleep in the freezing cold. Getting beat up. Constantly being moved on by the police or harassed when I’m just trying to sleep or find some sort of comfort somewhere.’
Loki so desperately wanted to embrace her, to comfort her. He shuffled closer to her. ‘That will not happen, Sophie. I’ve told you before, you’re part of the family now. We all care about you. Nothing is going to change.’
‘But what if something happens to split the Avengers up. If there’s some sort of, I don’t even know.’ Sophie wiped her eyes, feeling stupid for crying. Especially on front of Loki.
‘Well, if there was, Thor and I would no doubt go back to Asgard. If I was allowed to return. And we would take you with us.’ Loki said as if it was such an obvious option. Sophie looked at him like he had two heads. ‘What?’ He asked at her look.
‘Why would you take me with you?’
‘Why wouldn’t I? I’m fond of you, Sophie. I highly doubt you’d see me taking Widow or Wanda back to Asgard.’ He chuckled. ‘But you and I, we are rather alike. Besides, you’re the only person I know aside from my mother to have such a love for books as I do… You will never end up back on the streets, I give you my word on that.’
‘It’s odd that the god of mischief and lies is more trustworthy and truthful than my own mother was.’ Sophie gave Loki a small smile.
‘Did she ever give you any kind of love?’
‘Nope. Said I was a burden to her. That the only reason she had me was because of the benefits she would get with having a baby.’ Sophie felt her stomach twist as she thought back to the many times she’d been told that.
Loki felt his heart sink for her. ‘My parents adopted me. I am not Thor’s biological brother. My real parents cast me out, left me to die. I was the runt of the litter, so to say. If Odin hadn’t found me I wouldn’t be here today.’
‘I’m sorry.’ Sophie saw the pain in Loki’s eyes when he told her.
‘Nothing to be sorry for. I feel it’s only fair that I share some of my past with you, as you are doing. I know it takes courage to trust someone enough to do so.’
Sophie looked down at the bed between them both. Loki’s hand was there, resting. She so desperately wanted to hold his hand. She wasn’t sure why, but she did. Just to feel someone’s touch.
Loki noticed her looking and it was as if he could read her mind. He turned his hand palm upwards, then just kept still and said nothing. As if she was a wild animal he was trying to gain the trust of. Sophie very slowly moved her hand closer to his and the tip of her fingers touched the side of his hand, but she quickly retracted again.
‘It’s ok, poppet.’ Loki whispered.
She tried again, this time she placed her hand on Loki’s and kept it there. Neither of them did or said anything for a minute, then Loki slowly brought his thumb up and rubbed across the back of her hand. To his delight, she didn’t retract her hand.
The feeling was overwhelming for Sophie, her skin tingled under his touch. Yet, she liked it. A lot.
Loki looked up and saw she had a tear rolling down her cheek. So he took another chance and carefully reached out to wipe it away with his thumb. She closed her eyes at the action and let out a breath. His touch was oddly very comforting.
‘Whenever I tried to get close to someone on the streets, they always ended up double crossing me. Stealing what I had or trying to hurt me. I learned not to trust anyone. But with you, it feels so different. It’s scary how much I feel I can trust you.’ Sophie opened her eyes again and saw Loki looking back at her with so much kindness in his eyes.
‘It doesn’t need to be scary, Sophie. You can trust me. I won’t ever let you down.’ He promised. His thumb was still moving slowly across the back of her hand. ‘I struggled to let people get too close to me too. It didn’t help that growing up I felt like I was in Thor’s shadow. Though it makes sense now when I found out my true heritage, that I was adopted. It’s only been the previous few years that I’ve learned to accept myself for who I am, that I’ve found some peace.’
‘Your true heritage? Are you not Asgardian?’
‘No. I am known as a Jotun. Or a frost giant. As kids in Asgard, we are told stories of the monsters. To fear them. It was difficult coming to terms that I am the monster that kids are told about, I still do not think I am quite there yet.’ He said sadly.
‘You’re not a monster. Even if you had ten tentacles and warts all over you, you’re not a monster. I’ve met true monsters out on the streets. You are not one of them.’
Loki frowned, wanting to ask more. Sophie saw that look and sighed slightly. She took her hand back and placed it in her lap with her other hand. Feeling nervous again.
‘When I was new on the streets, I thought everyone wanted to help. They seemed so kind at first. One man took me to his home. Said I was welcome to stay. I thought my luck had finally started. But he only had one thing in mind… He tried to rape me. I still don’t know how I managed to get away before he hurt me, but I did. I wasn’t even of age at that point. Worse, he was a policeman, supposed to protect people. Stupidly, I let myself get into more trouble a year later. A girl a few years older than me took me to where she stayed, it was under a bridge and sheltered. There were around five of us, kind of like a camp. I again thought my luck was in, being in a group should be safer. But they turned on me. In my sleep they attacked me, injected me with a bunch of crap drugs, I couldn’t get away. They claimed they wanted to check that the new drugs were safe to use. Well, they weren’t. I nearly died from the overdose, was rushed to hospital as luckily for me a passer-by found me unconscious on the ground. Of course at the hospital they didn’t believe me when I told them it was all forced upon. They thought I had just tried to overdose. That’s where all the marks on my arms came from. Then I found Alexa, the girl I told you about when I was 17, I had sworn to myself I wouldn’t ever trust anyone again. But there was something different about her and my gut feeling was right for that one time. Since then, there’s not been anyone I’ve trusted enough… Till you and the others.’
Loki had been listening to her story intently. He couldn’t believe what she’d been through. And he knew that there would still be more to her past, it broke his heart and made him equally angry that people would take advantage of such a young girl on the streets. She had no one and that made her trust people she shouldn’t have. She’d been incredibly vulnerable out there.
‘It’s no wonder you have trust issues, poppet. I am so sorry for what you’ve been through.’
‘It’s not your fault. But, they are the monsters. Not you.’
‘I will be sure to remember that in my darker moments. Thank you.’ Loki smiled. ‘I am amazed with how you survived through all of that trauma along with living on the streets.’
‘Whether it was luck or something else, I don’t know. But, I’m still here. I’m still breathing.’ She shrugged.
‘I never realised how bad it was living on the streets.’ Loki admitted. ‘Then again, Thor and I didn’t realise there was such a thing. But even supposing, to think about the dangers you were in.’
‘There’s a lot of drunks, junkies, thugs, muggers, rapists out there… Then there’s some that are just trying to survive, like myself. But it’s knowing who to trust, as anyone could turn on you when it comes to money or possessions. That’s why I found it was best to just stay on my own. In some of my darker moments I found myself doing things I regret, just to survive. Though I don’t blame the ones that turn to alcohol or drugs, cause let’s face it, being out of your mind for a while is better than living in the real life out there.’
Loki’s mind was reeling with everything that she had just told him. He couldn’t believe it. He was really struggling to come to terms with what she had been through in her short life.
After repeating his words that she had nothing to worry about with being chucked out, he managed to persuade her to go with him to speak to the others about her concerns. That they weren’t as bad as they seemed, making her laugh.
So when Natasha and Wanda returned, a meeting was called. Sophie, with Loki at her side, told everyone why she was so worried about leaving the base. That she was struggling to come to terms that this was her home now.
‘Even if it turns out you don’t have powers that can be brought out, we aren’t going to chuck you out. You’re part of the family now, kid. You know too much of our secrets.’ Tony winked at her, making her laugh.
Natasha then spoke up. ‘And besides, I think Loki would throw a fit if you left. And he can be much worse than Bruce is when angry.’ She grinned.
Loki looked like a deer caught in the headlights. ‘I am not worse than him!’ He grumbled. ‘But yes, I would be most angry if that happened. Not that I would let that happen.’
Sophie blushed a little when she looked at him. But she did feel assured.
‘We won’t pressure you to go out, but know that when you do you will be coming back here when you want. Because this is your home now.’ Steve said with a kind smile.
‘Thank you. All of you.’ Sophie smiled, feeling reassured for once in her life.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
I'm still breathing, Chapter 5
TITLE: I’m still breathing CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 5 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine a mutant has been living on the streets for years, until she is picked up by the Avengers. She’s taken to live with them so they can help her to discover what her powers are. Loki especially, takes an interest in her. The two become very fond of one another as they discover what her power is. RATING: M 
Sophie had daily lessons with Loki to improve her technique with using her knife. He also gifted her some of his throwing knives and taught her how to use them to their best effect.
Tony wasn’t sure he was happy with Sophie learning from Loki, but Natasha assured him it would be fine. They all hadn’t failed to notice that she and Loki seemed to have a bond forming. If they weren’t training together, they were in the library or eating in the kitchen.
Sophie was gaining some weight now that she was eating properly. She was admiring her body in the mirror one morning after her shower. She no longer had her ribs sticking out and she was starting to get more of a figure. Her face wasn’t sunken in like it used to be when she first arrived and her skin was glowing a healthy colour.
There was a knock on her door just after she finished getting dressed. It was Natasha and Wanda.
‘We are going into the city for some shopping. Want to come with us?’ Natasha offered.
‘Uhm… I don’t know.’ Sophie said anxiously.
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave the premises. It had been three months. She found it like a safe haven and the thought of leaving to go back into the city was a rather scary thought.
‘You can’t stay cooped up here forever. Come on, it will be fun.’ Wanda smiled.
Sophie bit her lower lip in thought, but she decided that she was right. She couldn’t stay cooped up forever. She nodded in agreement and grabbed a jacket from the wardrobe to put on. They all made their way downstairs to the garage where a car was waiting. It was similar to the one that Natasha had picked her up in. She froze just a few feet from it.
‘Sophie?’ Natasha looked concerned.
‘I… I can’t go, I just remembered I promised Loki I would train with him this morning. I’m sorry.’ Sophie spoke quickly and turned around, rushing back into the building.
Natasha and Wanda looked at one another, knowing full well that she was lying. But they didn’t go after her, not wanting to push her.
Sophie ran back to her room, when she got inside she found she was struggling to breathe. It took her a moment to get it back under control, to focus herself. She wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong with her, she never thought she would have an issue with leaving…
There was another knock on her door that made her jump and pulled her from her worrying thoughts.
‘Who is it?’ She shouted, her voice shaky.
‘It’s only me, poppet. Are you alright?’ Loki called back.
Sophie smiled a little. She really liked her new nickname that he had for her of late. She decided to let him in, save them from just shouting through the door. She was surprised to find that he looked genuinely concerned.
‘May I?’ He asked, motioning in.
‘Sure.’ Sophie nodded and let him in to her room.
‘I just saw a blurry of blue rushing by. What happened?’ He made himself comfy on the edge of her bed.
Sophie sighed. She knew that there was no point not telling Loki. He would also know if she lied and said everything was fine. Because it blatantly wasn’t, even a non-god of lies could see.
She sat down on the bed too as she explained what happened, with her freaking out in the garage.
‘It’s silly. But I feel that this is like my safe place. And I’m scared that if I leave… That I won’t get to come back. That it will have all just been a joke or something and I’ll be back out on the streets again.’ Sophie did her best to hold in her tears, she felt ridiculous, but she couldn’t help it. ‘I can’t end up back on the streets, Loki. I just can’t. Constantly looking over my shoulder thinking I’m going insane with paranoia. Constantly begging for food or money. Trying to sleep in the freezing cold. Getting beat up. Constantly being moved on by the police or harassed when I’m just trying to sleep or find some sort of comfort somewhere.’
Loki so desperately wanted to embrace her, to comfort her. He shuffled closer to her. ‘That will not happen, Sophie. I’ve told you before, you’re part of the family now. We all care about you. Nothing is going to change.’
‘But what if something happens to split the Avengers up. If there’s some sort of, I don’t even know.’ Sophie wiped her eyes, feeling stupid for crying. Especially on front of Loki.
‘Well, if there was, Thor and I would no doubt go back to Asgard. If I was allowed to return. And we would take you with us.’ Loki said as if it was such an obvious option. Sophie looked at him like he had two heads. ‘What?’ He asked at her look.
‘Why would you take me with you?’
‘Why wouldn’t I? I’m fond of you, Sophie. I highly doubt you’d see me taking Widow or Wanda back to Asgard.’ He chuckled. ‘But you and I, we are rather alike. Besides, you’re the only person I know aside from my mother to have such a love for books as I do… You will never end up back on the streets, I give you my word on that.’
‘It’s odd that the god of mischief and lies is more trustworthy and truthful than my own mother was.’ Sophie gave Loki a small smile.
‘Did she ever give you any kind of love?’
‘Nope. Said I was a burden to her. That the only reason she had me was because of the benefits she would get with having a baby.’ Sophie felt her stomach twist as she thought back to the many times she’d been told that.
Loki felt his heart sink for her. ‘My parents adopted me. I am not Thor’s biological brother. My real parents cast me out, left me to die. I was the runt of the litter, so to say. If Odin hadn’t found me I wouldn’t be here today.’
‘I’m sorry.’ Sophie saw the pain in Loki’s eyes when he told her.
‘Nothing to be sorry for. I feel it’s only fair that I share some of my past with you, as you are doing. I know it takes courage to trust someone enough to do so.’
Sophie looked down at the bed between them both. Loki’s hand was there, resting. She so desperately wanted to hold his hand. She wasn’t sure why, but she did. Just to feel someone’s touch.
Loki noticed her looking and it was as if he could read her mind. He turned his hand palm upwards, then just kept still and said nothing. As if she was a wild animal he was trying to gain the trust of. Sophie very slowly moved her hand closer to his and the tip of her fingers touched the side of his hand, but she quickly retracted again.
‘It’s ok, poppet.’ Loki whispered.
She tried again, this time she placed her hand on Loki’s and kept it there. Neither of them did or said anything for a minute, then Loki slowly brought his thumb up and rubbed across the back of her hand. To his delight, she didn’t retract her hand.
The feeling was overwhelming for Sophie, her skin tingled under his touch. Yet, she liked it. A lot.
Loki looked up and saw she had a tear rolling down her cheek. So he took another chance and carefully reached out to wipe it away with his thumb. She closed her eyes at the action and let out a breath. His touch was oddly very comforting.
‘Whenever I tried to get close to someone on the streets, they always ended up double crossing me. Stealing what I had or trying to hurt me. I learned not to trust anyone. But with you, it feels so different. It’s scary how much I feel I can trust you.’ Sophie opened her eyes again and saw Loki looking back at her with so much kindness in his eyes.
‘It doesn’t need to be scary, Sophie. You can trust me. I won’t ever let you down.’ He promised. His thumb was still moving slowly across the back of her hand. ‘I struggled to let people get too close to me too. It didn’t help that growing up I felt like I was in Thor’s shadow. Though it makes sense now when I found out my true heritage, that I was adopted. It’s only been the previous few years that I’ve learned to accept myself for who I am, that I’ve found some peace.’
‘Your true heritage? Are you not Asgardian?’
‘No. I am known as a Jotun. Or a frost giant. As kids in Asgard, we are told stories of the monsters. To fear them. It was difficult coming to terms that I am the monster that kids are told about, I still do not think I am quite there yet.’ He said sadly.
‘You’re not a monster. Even if you had ten tentacles and warts all over you, you’re not a monster. I’ve met true monsters out on the streets. You are not one of them.’
Loki frowned, wanting to ask more. Sophie saw that look and sighed slightly. She took her hand back and placed it in her lap with her other hand. Feeling nervous again.
‘When I was new on the streets, I thought everyone wanted to help. They seemed so kind at first. One man took me to his home. Said I was welcome to stay. I thought my luck had finally started. But he only had one thing in mind… He tried to rape me. I still don’t know how I managed to get away before he hurt me, but I did. I wasn’t even of age at that point. Worse, he was a policeman, supposed to protect people. Stupidly, I let myself get into more trouble a year later. A girl a few years older than me took me to where she stayed, it was under a bridge and sheltered. There were around five of us, kind of like a camp. I again thought my luck was in, being in a group should be safer. But they turned on me. In my sleep they attacked me, injected me with a bunch of crap drugs, I couldn’t get away. They claimed they wanted to check that the new drugs were safe to use. Well, they weren’t. I nearly died from the overdose, was rushed to hospital as luckily for me a passer-by found me unconscious on the ground. Of course at the hospital they didn’t believe me when I told them it was all forced upon. They thought I had just tried to overdose. That’s where all the marks on my arms came from. Then I found Alexa, the girl I told you about when I was 17, I had sworn to myself I wouldn’t ever trust anyone again. But there was something different about her and my gut feeling was right for that one time. Since then, there’s not been anyone I’ve trusted enough… Till you and the others.’
Loki had been listening to her story intently. He couldn’t believe what she’d been through. And he knew that there would still be more to her past, it broke his heart and made him equally angry that people would take advantage of such a young girl on the streets. She had no one and that made her trust people she shouldn’t have. She’d been incredibly vulnerable out there.
‘It’s no wonder you have trust issues, poppet. I am so sorry for what you’ve been through.’
‘It’s not your fault. But, they are the monsters. Not you.’
‘I will be sure to remember that in my darker moments. Thank you.’ Loki smiled. ‘I am amazed with how you survived through all of that trauma along with living on the streets.’
‘Whether it was luck or something else, I don’t know. But, I’m still here. I’m still breathing.’ She shrugged.
‘I never realised how bad it was living on the streets.’ Loki admitted. ‘Then again, Thor and I didn’t realise there was such a thing. But even supposing, to think about the dangers you were in.’
‘There’s a lot of drunks, junkies, thugs, muggers, rapists out there… Then there’s some that are just trying to survive, like myself. But it’s knowing who to trust, as anyone could turn on you when it comes to money or possessions. That’s why I found it was best to just stay on my own. In some of my darker moments I found myself doing things I regret, just to survive. Though I don’t blame the ones that turn to alcohol or drugs, cause let’s face it, being out of your mind for a while is better than living in the real life out there.’
Loki’s mind was reeling with everything that she had just told him. He couldn’t believe it. He was really struggling to come to terms with what she had been through in her short life.
After repeating his words that she had nothing to worry about with being chucked out, he managed to persuade her to go with him to speak to the others about her concerns. That they weren’t as bad as they seemed, making her laugh.
So when Natasha and Wanda returned, a meeting was called. Sophie, with Loki at her side, told everyone why she was so worried about leaving the base. That she was struggling to come to terms that this was her home now.
‘Even if it turns out you don’t have powers that can be brought out, we aren’t going to chuck you out. You’re part of the family now, kid. You know too much of our secrets.’ Tony winked at her, making her laugh.
Natasha then spoke up. ‘And besides, I think Loki would throw a fit if you left. And he can be much worse than Bruce is when angry.’ She grinned.
Loki looked like a deer caught in the headlights. ‘I am not worse than him!’ He grumbled. ‘But yes, I would be most angry if that happened. Not that I would let that happen.’
Sophie blushed a little when she looked at him. But she did feel assured.
‘We won’t pressure you to go out, but know that when you do you will be coming back here when you want. Because this is your home now.’ Steve said with a kind smile.
‘Thank you. All of you.’ Sophie smiled, feeling reassured for once in her life.
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bellamyblake · 7 years
Bellarke+their story being a legend:
Kara Green is the first one to find something that was actually touched by Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin; she’s fifth generation Green, her great-great-great oh hell...whichever great it is grandpa was one of the original hundred who were sent to the ground; she doesn’t know too much about him, about any of them, and that frustrates her to no end because if there was something she thoroughly enjoyed, it was history;
so when she accidentally finds a book of drawings in a very old unused bunker, she’s fascinated; they are not only beautiful, they tell a story through pictures; she could see kids coming out of something that looked like a dropship; she saw a beautiful girl with a knee brace making bombs and a boy with googles helping her; she found someone who must’ve been her grandpa Monty drinking with the same googly boy, she saw a girl with war paint on her eyes and another one with a sword next to a big guy with tattooes; there were many of a freckly boy with curly hair and a rifle hanging from his shoulder as well as a girl with golden hair standing right next to him; and many many more like that, telling different stories about people that no longer were;
what she knew about Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake was more or less the fairy tale her father told her before bed; they were the leaders of the hundred, they fought together, led together, raged wars, destroyed bad guys,survived a second apocalypse and eventually, many years after that, established a new camp for the remaining delinquents and got married, thus starting a big family (they had seven kids, six of them girls and the youngest one, a boy);
but beyond that, there weren’t any actual records that explained their actions or what kind of leaders and people they were; there was nothing; which for Kara, was a total shame-this was the story of their people and even if they all have been living as a Wonkru for generations now, it still mattered to her; 
so she decided to take the matters into her own hands and find any remaining Griffin-Blake heirs and talk to them about it; they must’ve kept their family history better, they must know the story of their ancestors;
however, despite the fact that they Clarke and Bellamy had many kids, it turned out that finding some of them wouldn’t be as easy as she thought; four out of their seven kids died quite young, one by illness, two in war (it seemed the Griffin-Blakes were excellent leaders and warriors) and one at childbirth and most of them had married into different clans all throughout the Wonkru territory; she managed to find some great-great-oh hell...grandkids, but most of them had assimilated a different culture, some were even hostile to her and told her to go away, because she realized...they were still afraid and wanted to keep their heritage a secret; the legend of the skypeople still terrified some clans and they believed a person from that group brought bad luck;
however, she doesn’t give up; she finds evidence of a gandson of Clarke and Bellamy’s only son Augustus and decides to travel further East, though she couldn’t be sure he’s even alive; life in the East parts was harder, there wasn’t as much game or food and even if he should be in his late twenties maybe even thirties, he still might not be alive;
after two weeks of roaming the woods, she passes out near a river after exhausting all her provisions and barely getting any decent sleep; she thinks how stupid she’s been to come here chasing ghosts, that man is probably not even alive and even if he was, he could be in a completely different place; her last thoughts before she passes out is that she’ll be eaten by the wolves and that she’ll break her poor grandma Hannah’s heart;
however, she wakes up in a cave, a fire burning up next to her and a big man who makes her scream out in fear, skinning a squirrel;
“Easy...” he says, his voice is deep and calming “I’m not going to hurt you!” when the fire lights up his face, she gasps for it looks exactly like the face of Bellamy Blake in the sketchbook she has in her bag “I found you!” she exclaims as she sits up “I can’t believe I found you!”;
he seems taken aback before she explains who she is and what she’s even doing here; he is tense at first, seemingly scared (maybe he led a lonely life?) but after a while, when he realizes she’s just a twenty year old kid in search of ghosts and legends, he relaxes;
his name is Noah Griffin-Blake; his father-Jake Griffin-Blake was the son of Eden Griffin-Blake, who was the only surviving child of Augustus Griffin-Blake, the son of Clarke and Bellamy; so yeah, he is the real deal; moreover, if his looks are any indication, he definitely wasn’t lying to her;
he takes her to his cabin, which is huddled between the mountains; he lived on his own, had a beautiful mare, some goats and chickens as well as some land with stuff he grew himself; he was a loner, always has been; can’t stand the few big cities that were currently thriving throughout Wonkru territory, instead he preferred hunting and trading with the tribes in the nearest village; 
he’s quite beautiful, Kara notices; and he does make inappropriate shitty comments but it seems his heart is big; he loves his dog which looks more like a wolf than an actual puppy to her and he proudly explains that Bellamy started breeding them and there were barely 10 such dogs throughout the country; 
“I need the story” she says after showing him the sketchbook “Do you know it?” he smiles and stands up, bringing a heavy book with black leather covers and putting it down in front of her “But of course I know it”; 
it turns out he has a bigger, more detailed sketchbook as well as a few stories written by none else but Bellamy Blake himself (he had a pretty funny handwriting, all block letters); Noah talks, tells her everything and it’s nothing like the story her dad used to tell her before bed;
for the first time, she sees Bellamy and Clarke not as fictional characters, but rather as people...people who had their flaws and their talents, people who led and made mistakes quite often but also fought to death to save their friends; she finds out they destroyed Mount Weather by killing everyone in it and that Clarke left him after that; she finds out Bellamy often acted out with his heart instead his head and thus made sometimes irrational decisions; their hands were bloody more often than not, but one thing was for sure-their hearts beat for their friends; 
Noah shows her who Monty, her great grandpa is and how he lost his friend Jasper, the boy with the googles, which is a sad story on it’s own; he tells her Monty fell in love with a girl called Harper, she died a year after giving birth to their only child though and then he lived the rest of his life with a man called Miller, who was her other great-grandfather and who she had no idea existed; he was Bellamy’s best friend and the best man on their wedding; 
she finds out about Raven Reyes, the girl with the brace and that she died without leaving kids behind but that she did have a lover, a girl, as far as Noah knows, it was a grounder but he wasn’t sure of the name; she hears all the stories of the hundred and their parents and the way they lived on the Ark and then back down on earth; what breaks her heart most is the stuff Bellamy and Clarke went through, how they were always so damn fucked up by circumstances, some of the stuff they did seemed so impossible now, she can’t imagine the situations they were put in and how they had to make choices; Noah laughs that it took them years to admit they loved each other and it was a running joke in his family that the Griffin-Blake boys just sucked at flirting and getting over themselves when it came to admitting their feelings; “Do you know he used to call her princess? It pissed her off to no end.”/”And is this really him as well?” Kara asks as she points out a sketch of Bellamy with beard and longer hair ”Yes, that’s after he came back to earth. Dad used to say when the Griffin-Blake men were away from their loved ones they grew depression beard”;
they talk and talk and talk and he tells her all about them, but also about his family; he says he doesn’t have any siblings but his father had sisters and they had kids; he hasn’t seen them in years, though, they were living all across the country;  his mother died young and his dad raised him but had a weak heart and left him a few years ago; 
“Do you know how Bellamy and Clarke died?” Kara asks on her third glass of moonshine; he smiles “Like they did everything else of course” she raises her eyebrow “Together. By the end Clarke got sick, they weren’t really sure what exactly was wrong with it but my dad claimed it’s probably something like cancer due to all the radiation she was exposed to. Bellamy remained by her side, refusing to leave her for more than five minutes at a time; staying in bed with her, holding her in his arms and telling her story after story. He was an amazing storyteller.” she nods, she knew that “Anyway, no one really knows what happened with him but they were both found dead in bed early one morning by your grandpa Monty actually. The more romantic people say he died because he refused to live even a minute on earth without her.” Noah shrugs “My dad said his father Eden, told him he probably had a heart attack. His heart grew weaker with the years, because he gave so much of it away, he used to say. I think they just led really stressful lives and with time Bellamy must’ve developed a condition. He was forced to become a father at the age of six, so how his heart took all that and everything after, is a miracle for me.” he adds his own thoughts while she puts down his words in her notebook “It’s a genetic disease, apparently, it goes down on Bellamy’s kids, since my father had a weak heart too, his dad didn’t, but one of his sisters died early in her thirties and her granddad too before that so...” he shrugs and she swallows hard, pushing away the thought of Noah maybe being sick too like that; 
she stays a few more days and they talk almost all the time; she tries to put down everything he says and Noah feels his heart lighter around her; a terrible storm, keeps her there for another week and she has to delay her departure; then when the sky is clear, she finds him working on his farm early one morning and realizes he could definitely use the help and even though she hasn’t worked outside ever in her life and is probably more trouble than help, she stays yet another week; then it is him, coming back from a hunting trip with an arrow through his shoulder and her almost having a heart attack at the sight of bloody him;
a month later she’s still there and she has no intentions of leaving; 
they marry in a year and have their first kid, a daughter nine months later; even though she argues with Noah, who claims they’ll have a bunch of girls before they get a boy like it is in his family, he turns out to be right; of course he is, and ten years later they are granted a son, the seventh kid in their family, a small boy with dark curly hair and a myriad of freckles spread all over his face and back; 
and she’s at peace, for she knows that she was wrong when she thought their history was gone, the legend of Bellamy and Clarke will live for centuries after she’s no longer on earth and the evidence was the crying kid in her hands and Noah’s lips on her forehead; 
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bestfriendforhire · 4 years
Children of BFFH, Entry 83
 Lunch at Best Friend For Hire had been a feast worthy of royalty.  Dinner was… well… I was fairly certain there was even more!  There certainly seemed to be more people too.  Some of them were obviously relatives of my friends.  Others were…
 Someone lifted me into the air and I lost hold of my food!  My plate didn’t spill, floating in the air next to me!  I looked down and realized James had me.  I was sitting on his shoulder.
 He smiled up at me and said, “No need to hide, Layla, especially in the kitchen where someone might bump into you.”  Then his voice grew louder as he addressed the room, saying, “Everyone, meet Layla.  She’s a guest here for the weekend who can make herself difficult for most to see.  Layla, allow me to introduce you to the parents of your friends at very least.”
 I was blushing from embarrassment.  I hadn’t meant to be using my ability, but I was nervous.  Now everyone was obviously seeing me, despite my magic.  Small as I was next to James, I wasn’t so little that I should be getting carried, but he acted as if I was weightless, easily keeping me balanced on his shoulder with one hand as he introduced me to different people.  Uncle Mick’s amusement wasn’t helping at all.
 Somewhere during the introductions, I finally calmed down and did my best to remember names.  Dea’s dad I had seen, but her mom was a surprise to me.  To my surprise, Deyanira had no magic!  I vaguely remembered that being mentioned, but I guess I hadn’t believed it.  She was an attorney though, which was cool.
 The quadruplets’ parents were… something.  Jarod was famous enough that I had heard of him plenty from my parents, but I never expected to meet him.  The guy had made all sorts of things and donated numerous improvements to the city and suburbs.  And… he made my favorite pillow, apparently.  His wives—yes, there really were two—looked exactly alike!  Of course, the others did say both bodies shared a mind or something like that, so was it like one wife then?  I wasn’t really experienced on how that would work, but was anyone outside of them?  We moved on before I could get past my starstruck staring.
 Upon meeting Emma, I realized that Mila and her had something similarish, since Mila had countless bodies.  Emma looked surprisingly young to me, so I had asked if she was one of the ones who didn’t age.  She just laughed and hugged me, claiming that she really was growing older.  Like her daughter, Emma’s hair was dyed, but Emma’s seemed to change color as she moved!
 “Oh!  You’re Layla!” exclaimed a pretty, blonde woman that was easily recognizable as Ella’s mother.  She was barely taller than me, and I could make out images on the glasses she wore.  There was a sort of glow about her.  “I hope you’re having a wonderful time!”
 “I am!  Really!” I assured her, hugging her when James put me down on my own two feet.
 “That’s wonderful!  Isn’t this place amazing?” she asked, staring around.  “Dinner!  We should eat something!”
 As I tried to figure out if she was making some sort of joke, her husband shook my hand and said, “Please, be patient with my wife and daughter.  They can easily forget where they are, as well as other things.”  He smiled affectionately after his wife.
 “Yes, but they make us all happier with their presence.” insisted James, smiling as well.
 Dejon nodded, his smile broadening.  “They really do.”
 I screamed and backed into James.  There were… teeth… A woman who’s mouth had been opened abnormally wide to greet me with monstrous teeth, giggled to herself before saying, “My apologies.  I do love seeing people’s reactions.  I am Cosette, Valeria’s momma.”
 “Are you a…” I started to ask.
 “Vampire, yes.  Don’t worry.  I intend to get Valeria to mastery shapeshifting soon.” she replied, prominent fangs still noticeable in her mouth as she spoke.
 “Momma!” exclaimed Valeria in exasperation.  She grabbed Cosette’s hand and dragged her away from me.
 James, who had bent down to whisper, said, “Yes, Cosette’s always messing with people.”  Then he stood, motioned to the next two, and told me “Here we have Jemal and Maple.”
 “Hi, Layla!  Aspy’s told us a great deal about your adventures.” stated Jemal with a smile.
 Then Maple laughed and said, “Doc too when she can get a word in.”
 “They get their telekinetics from me, and Doc inherited their mother’s psychometry.” explained Jemal.
 “Psychometry?” I asked, not sure what that is.
 “Daphne and I see into the past of whatever we’re touching.” replied Maple.  Glancing at James, she amended “Anything except James, at least.”
 “Like your ability to block people from perceiving you, magic other than my own won’t affect me.” James informed me.  “Raine, would you like to meet Layla?”
 “We already did, at least in game.” replied another Blonde… girl?  She looked like a teenager.
 “You’re Nekopawpaw!?” I exclaimed, putting the two names together with the girl next to me.
 “She doesn’t age either.” stated James as Raine nodded.
 “I was too stunned last time, but I want to thank you!  Hamchopper has served Mom and me really well!  That’s still the most incredible weapon in my tribe!” I insisted.
 “I didn’t have time before, but you should bring the weapon by my shop for some upgrades when you find your way back to Ashengarde City.” she suggested, smiling from under her hair.  She looked up for a moment, and her one visible eye was glowing red.
 “Are you a vampire too?” I asked in surprise, something about her eyes made my heart race.  I felt like the hair on my neck was standing up.
 She laughed.  “No.  I’m a kitty, and a demon.”
 “A what now!?” I exclaimed, trying to make sense of what she said.
 She nodded, saying, “A reasonable reaction.  Many demons really are as bad as you’re picturing, but not all of them.  My mom was a werecat, and I can assume the form of a housecat.”
 “More of a kitten still, really.” insisted James with a grin.
 Raine shrugged.  “Instead of a typical hybrid form of a short, humanoid cat like a normal werecat, my demonic heritage heavily influences that form, making me… hard to look at.  If you’re ever feeling brave, I can show you, but you might have nightmares.”
 “I think I’ll pass.” I told her, not wanting to relate a nightmare with my favorite crafter.  “When you say an upgrade, how much will I…”
 “Not a thing.  I like fixing up my old creations!” she told me with a grin.
 The idea of an even more powerful Hamchopper had me bouncing on my feet in excitement.  “Thank you!” I exclaimed, hugging her.  “I don’t even know… I mean… that weapon has saved me so many times already!  Thank you!”  I couldn’t wait to tell my parents about this.
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razieltwelve · 7 years
My Original Fiction
I’ve been getting some questions lately about whether I write original fiction. I most certainly do write original fiction! 
You can find me over on Amazon as L. G. Estrella. I mostly write humour with a good dose of warmth, action, and fun. If you’re interested, I’d recommend starting with the following:
Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat, and an Elf
Divine Assistance
The Trouble With Werewolves
The Galactic Peace Committee
Below, I’ve included the blurb for each story:
Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat, and an Elf
Two necromancers, a bureaucrat, and an elf – it sounds like the start of a bad joke, only the joke is on Timmy.
Timothy Walter Bolton – better known as Timmy – has spent most of his life as a necromancer. When he isn’t terrorising his enemies, he’s plotting inside his castle, which is built on top of lightless chasms filled with nameless horrors and beings of a generally malevolent and megalomaniacal nature. But after one of his latest creations, a zombie hydra-dragon-bear, tries to eat him, he decides that maybe it’s time to find a new, less dangerous, career.
But that’s easier said than done. He’s a wanted criminal with no shortage of powerful (and crazy) enemies, and he has a bone or two to pick with the Everton Council of Mages.
Hope arrives in the form of a new law. War is coming to Everton, and the Council is desperate. In exchange for providing some help, Timmy might just earn that pardon he’s been looking for. Of course, just because it’s possible to earn a pardon doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy.
To earn his pardon, Timmy is going to have to take down some of Everton’s most dangerous enemies and put together a quirky group of unconventional heroes, most of whom want nothing more than to mangle him and/or the Council in as vicious a way as possible. It’s a good thing that he’s got some help: an obnoxious ten-year-old apprentice who thinks that pink glasses are appropriate for a budding necromancer and a bumbling bureaucrat who may or may not make it through their first real fight without puking his guts up.
Still, Timmy’s never been one to back down from a challenge even if their first recruit is basically the elf version of the bogeyman.
Divine Assistance
When the Supreme Mother and Supreme Father separated Creation from the Void, they also created the gods, beings of incalculable power who wielded cosmic energies far beyond the petty comprehension of mere mortals. The gods were supposed to preside over Creation with unmatched wisdom and knowledge.
Well, that was the idea.
But what is Death – a god of terrible majesty and splendour – supposed to do when his daughter asks for a pony? Is he really supposed to just go out and get a mortal one? Like that’s going to work. It’ll keel over and die in a couple of decades. No, his daughter deserves something better, a pony truly worthy of her divine heritage, which means he’s going to have to get a little bit creative.
And then there’s Bureaucracy. The Supreme Mother and Supreme Father might have given rise to Creation, but Bureaucracy is the one who has to keep everything running smoothly. But that’s easier said than done when there are hundreds of gods and countless mortals to consider – none of whom understand the importance of filing paperwork in triplicate. Luckily, not even gods can escape the awesome power of divine paperwork.
And let’s not forget gods like Mayhem, Mischief, and Rabble. Their names speak for themselves. When the three of them take a holiday in the mortal world at the same time, trouble is right around the corner.
Divine Assistance is a collection of fourteen short stories about the gods and their attempts to manage Creation. There are souls to claim, mortals to woo, and even the occasional city to smite. After all, what’s life without a little divine assistance?
The Trouble With Werewolves
Listen up rookies, I’m going to keep this short, and I’m going to keep this simple. If you’re going to be an agent for the Australian Department of Unusual Events, then you need to know how to deal with werewolves. And werewolves, rookies, are not pleasant creatures to deal with. The average werewolf is seven feet tall and weighs roughly two hundred and fifty kilograms. The average werewolf also wants nothing more than to rip your face off and eat you for dinner.
If you want to beat a werewolf, you can’t afford to fight fair. No, you cheat – you cheat as much as you bloody can. If that means sneaking up on it and putting a silver bullet in the back of its head with a sniper rifle, then that’s what you do. But I’m not going to waste your time by telling you what you already know. I’m not going to tell you about a mission where everything went right. I’m going to tell you about a mission where things went wrong because things always go wrong and learning how to deal with that is the only way you’ll last more than a year or two in the Department.
So pay attention and take notes. It could save your life.
The Galactic Peace Committee
In one universe, humanity conquers the stars. In another universe, humanity is overrun by monsters so evil that their very presence dims the light of the stars. In yet another universe, humanity is drawn into an endless battle for dominion over the galaxy.
This is not one of those universes.
In this universe, humanity is in charge of the Galactic Peace Committee. In theory, the Committee is an unmatched force for good, bringing peace and prosperity to countless worlds and ensuring that conflicts between different races are settled with words and not planet-cracking weaponry or super plagues designed to turn everyone into goo.
In theory.
Jake Smith is a diplomat. He works for the Committee. This is his story – and it goes about as well as you’d expect. In other words, it doesn’t go very well at all. Can Jake survive petty aliens? Sure. He’s a diplomat. It’s all part of the job. What about angry aliens? Probably. He does have a killer robot for a secretary, and he’s not bad with a shock staff. How about a fleet of aliens out for blood? That… that might be a little bit trickier.
The Galactic Peace Committee… keeping peace (sort of) throughout the galaxy.
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zenosanalytic · 7 years
DS9: Season 2 Doldrums
DS9 S2E 5-7(Cardassians, Melora, Rules of Acquisition) are Infuriating.
Their Premises aren’t actually bad:
Cardassians is about Cardassian war-orphans left on Bajor because 1)Cardassian culture takes a “fuck ‘em” approach to anybody unfortunate enough to lose/get separated from their parents and presumably 2)they’re interspecies children; this doesn’t get mentioned in this ep, but I can’t imagine the Cardassians would have taken half-Bajoran kids when they withdrew
Melora is about a scientist from a “low gravity” planet(that idea bugs me because it assumes life-bearing worlds are generally earth-sized, and thus, earth gravity is “standard”, but idk what else you’d call it |:T) assigned to DS9 for a survey mission in the Delta Quadrant.
Rules of Acquisition is about a female Ferengi masquerading as a male to escape the misogyny of Ferengi society and pursue a life in business who happens to be working for Quark when the Nagus brings him a unique opportunity.
And their execution isn’t universally terribly, either, but each has something about it that’s so frustrating/off-putting that it soured whatever was enjoyable about the episodes for me.
Caradassians is probably the best of the bunch. It’s built around this Cardassian boy named Rugal, who was left during the withdrawal and adopted at a very young age(4-6 it seemed like) by Bajoran parents, who raised him as a Bajoran(aside from the obvious Talks about how he looks different and how to deal with people who are mean to him for his heritage, obvsl). In summary, Gul Dukat plots to have him brought to the station to create a diplomatic incident to be used as an excuse to repatriate the boy as a way to embarrass his Cardassian “father”, Kotan Pa’Dar, of the Civilian government, thereby short-circuiting an investigation into crimes committed during the Occupation and discrediting the Civilian government in general. The plot’s very convoluted, but Bashir and Garak get to be sleuths and that’s super-fun to watch. It ends up being the case that Rugal was kidnapped by Gul Dukat from his family’s home after a resistance attack on it(raising the question of what, exactly, Dukat knew of that attack, and if it was carried out by Bajoran resistance at all or simply made to look as such; there’s an implication that Pa’Dar was opposed to the Occupation even when he was part of the colonial government there. Questions never examined further, unfortunately) and placed in a Bajoran orphanage, leaving Pa’Dar to think he had also been killed. Since he wasn’t dead, Pa’Dar leaving without him would be considered abandonment in the eyes of the Cardassian public given how much they care about Family(who, again, don’t give a single shit about all the Cardassian kids with no living relatives willing to claim them they left on Bajor), and that’d end his political career.
What annoys me about it is the transparent insincerity of the Starfleet officers’ concern for Rugal‘s opinion about the whole thing. There’s alot of platitudinizing that what ultimately matters is what Rugal wants, regardless of what the inquiry discovers, but the ep literally ends with a voice-over of Sisko saying his Cardassian “father” is “obvsl the real victim in all this”, and Starfleet handing him over to Pa’Dar with zero input from Rugal. Rugal’s real parents, the Bajorans who raised him, are nowhere to be seen and, iirc, don’t even speak at all in the second half of the ep. The Bajor government has zero input in any of this. So yeah, it’s just really offensive.
The thing is, if this was presented as Sisko just coolly making the politically expedient and strategically correct choice(save the moderate’s career by preventing the case from going public while doubling his debt to you by handing over the son he thought was dead and wanted back) regardless of what Rugal wanted, it wouldn’t bother me as much; It’d be a good early example of the cold-blooded political and strategic savvy Sisko would become known for. What really bugs me is that the sheer duplicitous sanctimony of their protestations to care about what Rugal wants are never presented or treated as such, even as they, in the end, hand him over like a poker chip. Oh, and also there’s this scene about O’Brien’s hatred of Cardassians and Keiko’s wrong-headed awkward do-gooderism ham-fistedly squashed in there that they really didn’t need.
Melora presents Melora’s natural lower-gravity biology as a disability and illness, which right off the bat was annoying. She’s not sick, she’s just from a different density planet from everyone else. Usually she uses a servo-harness and anti-grav chair to get around that won’t work for some McGuffiny reason so they have to put her in a wheelchair instead. But here’s the thing; why wouldn’t she just be in an anti-grav harness? The Fed uses Synthetic gravity Fields, so one could imagine a harness which generates a “filter” field around her, lessening the gravitons she’s exposed to to natural levels for her and thus allowing full mobility. Hell, depending on how Synthetic Grav fields work, I wonder if one could not simply program the central computers to weaken the field as it applies to her or her surroundings, keying the reduction to her comms badge or lifesigns. Or, given that there’s at least one whole planet of Federation members for whom low-grav is natural(and realistically if there’s one there’s gotta be more low grav worlds), why don’t they, IDK, have low-grav-exclusive crews? I mean, they clearly have the tech to not have to segregate like that, but it’s another solution that the writers choose to avoid by just deciding Melora’s species generally has no desire to leave their homeworld(so how’d they become warp-capable, DS9 writers???)
The show does a good job, for it’s time, presenting ableist-induced frustrations(from Bashir modifying her chair without informing her or asking her consent, to Jadzia implying Bashir knows “her condition” better than she does, to Sisko treating her desire to have her agency and opinions respected like those of any officer as essentially ridiculous, to stupid unnecessary frames jutting out every-goddamn-where in the station due to absurd Cardassian architectural tastes in Bulkhead design, to people assuming she must be sheltered and ignorant of galactic cultures because she’s “fragile”, to people babying her for the same reason, to random do-gooders wanting to “fix” her, to ect ect ect). The problem is, almost invariably, the show comes down on the ableists’ side, presenting her objections as unwarranted acts of rudeness meant to keep the world away(again: she grew up in a frigging low-grav culture where EVERYONE IS JUST LIKE HER! YOU GUYS ARE THE WEIRDOS TO HER!!! WHY WOULD SHE HAVE THESE PERSONALITY TRAITS!X4). It even has this weird pixie-dream girl element where she’s super-agile and strong and able to “fly” in low-G(which, if everything on her planet is evolved for low-g, why would they have the muscle mass to fling themselves into the air and stuff as Earth-G people do on the moon? Idk, maybe this makes sense scientifically, but it bugged me), which she teaches Bashir how to do because, of course, he immediately starts hitting on her and she totally goes for it once he proves his “brilliance” by jerkily eviscerating her distancing techniques. So you can see why I disliked it.
Then it ends with the survey being accomplished in a single ep(like, 3 or 4 days at most), which is stupid. And there’s this sub-plot about a partner Quark betrayed seeking revenge, which inevitably ties into the main-plot and I’m meh about that. And, of course, Bashir never mentions this deeply intimate romance, for the sake of which he developed an entirely new “treatment” for gravity intolerance off the discredited theories of an obscure medical researcher -which insultingly locates her physical difficulties in her brain rather than lower-density bones and muscles, a low-grav body plan, and a metabolism, equilibrium, and body-chem adapted for lower-g- ever again. Yeah.
Rules of Acquisition, of course, makes the female Ferengi, Pel, fall in love with Quark. This is the first ep she’s ever been in, and no reason is ever given for why she’d feel this way about him. Everything she does is, of course, driven by her love for him, and not a desire to gain profit, or prove herself, or any other personal ambition. The ep is filled with lines written for Jadzia to say justifying, excusing, or treating as a joke, misogyny.
Just: either get rid of Jadzia’s excuse-making for Ferengis, or make Ferengi misogyny less pervasive, as they do in much later eps with Rom and(to a lesser extent) Quark.
Pel really should have been intro’d earlier and been a recurring character for a time, with her gender being revealed in this ep. I also don’t get why Ferengi women would have such softer, more melodious, non-scratchy, non-nasal voices compared to the men. Having her natural voice BE her Male!Pel voice, or at least very close to it, would have made the point about gender equality far better.
If there was going to be a romance in it that needed to be developed(preferably over many eps); Pel needed to have a reason for being drawn to Quark, even if it was just “I think he’s sexy”. Personally, I’d like it if -behind his sleazy bluster- Quark(and Rom) was actually less misogynistic and creepy towards women than most Ferengi men as a result of his mother(though still with lots of room to grow), and willing to take hits to his business to stand, in evasive ways, for those principles, and that this was at least in-part why Pel found him endearing.
Pel’s primary motivation ought to be that of any Ferengi -making profit to achieve social status and personal power- with any attraction to Quark coming second, though still personally important enough to prevent her from betraying him.
Pel is responsible for nearly every success they achieve in this ep and Quark really needs to be written as less hapless, which is honestly a problem with his characterization in general. In one ep, Quark is dealing hard-nosed and unflinchingly with the worst kinds of galactic scum(though he hates violence and tries to prevent it, which is a consistent characteristic I love for him, and which Shimerman does a wonderful job of both presenting, and presenting Quark’s attempts to hide and feelings of ambivalent pride/shame over it), and the next he’s grovelling and incompetent before the merest aggression and resistance. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be a physical coward(that’s an important bit of his character and it works), he just needs to have a tolerance for menace appropriate to the line of work as a black-market Fixer and Mastermind that he’s chosen for himself. Plus, I don’t really buy that Pel as presented, with her intense dedication to the Rules of Acquisition and business acumen, would find someone as out of his depth as Quark in this ep attractive. Of course she shouldn’t have to, since Quark is SUPPOSED to actually be a good entrepenuer, hampered by his occasionally quixotic bouts of ethical behavior, but the writers just can’t help writing in these “funny” scenes of Quark being useless.
The plot is actually sort of decent for this one, though Rom’s rather immediate jealousy doesn’t make any more sense than the other things which needed long-term building up to work in this ep. Maybe the discovery of her gender could be accomplished some other way? Perhaps have the Nagus screw them at the end of the deal and have Pel throw her lobes in his face out of rage as he’s compligloating at them about their acumen in realizing his true objective and brokering the meet? Or maybe have Quark accidentally discover her gender in this ep, decide to keep it quiet, then have them both present in a later ep for the Dominion negotiations and have the Dominion agents reveal it out-of-hand half-way through, without realizing the difficulties they’ve put her in(maybe as bred merchants, they have an acute sensitivity to biochemistry or something and can just smell that she’s very likely female). I really like that possibility, because it’d put the Nagus in the position of having to keep her on to finish the negotiations, both for her aptitude and the chance that kicking her off would offend the Karemma, and it’d set up an exit for the character that would be a clear step-up for her; maybe the Nagus, to avoid personal embarrassment and because the Karemma connect with her so well during the negotiations, decides to make her his Delta-quadrant-side silent factor, working through Quark; an effective exile that hides the importance of a female to one of his greatest deals, but still leads to huge profits and a notable position of importance for her. This would also give a good reason for her to pop up as a guest character in later episodes.
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