#he could not make a password for his iCloud
I love my job roughly 75% of the time. But sometimes it involves chasing down a teen to pay his $200 phone bill that you foolishly helped him open while going through the stages of grief knowing you’re going to have to figure out that payment yourself because you were naïve and trusted him
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37q · 2 years
so yall know i gotta lor sis righ. well. fuck dude. those obligations from earlier. part rant part support seeking skip to the very end for that second part
context. 17 y/o not in school, homeless, lowkey estranged from her parents. father is unemployed and lying abt it, abusive and his ego is constantly reacting to his material precaritys impact on his manhood, sits at my old shop all day doing nothing. mom, actually employed, covering for dad, also used to work at my old shop before being fired for stealing a stack of cash, getting worse w her precarity and also sits at the shop a lot a lot. no idea where her lor bro sleeps. no idea how old he is too, could be 12 in an 8 year olds body for all i kno
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so i pick her up at 1030, we go to the mall and check the ubreakifix type place and they dont work on iphone 8s. bet. we have a spare XR she bought off her big bro. missing sim tray, got a free replacement from the shop. go to the apple store, the XR is permalocked unless factory reset from the icloud acct tethered to the device (truly dystopian imo), schedule genius bar appt for tmrw at 11. take her back to her friends house, the one i hired a month before i left so she could have a comrade and a place to stay nearish work that isnt her moms (although they were kicked out of their motel right when i hired steven i think. so, unhappy coincidence?).
sis works then so i drop her off at work at 9 and take her phone w me. go home come back to the mall. genius at the bar says its busted, whatever. not like i been sayin that. its missing like the bottom 1/5 of the backing like straight up exposed circuitry and she leans it on its bottom edge on whatever flat surface she can find at her perpetually wet food service job. refurbished options more expensive than the cheap 'new' products, not saying much tho. deliver busted phone and info to her -- her mom and dad are there ofc -- go home. later pick her up that night (last night) and drive her to her gfs in the heights. oh also dropping steven and their mutual friend off at stevens on the way. whatever its like literally en route its actually kinda perfect every time.
apparently im picking her up this morning. Okay. oh yeah shes locked out of her paycard account. she locks the card when shes at 0 in case she gets an auto withdrawal thatll overdraft her. she got paid today so she was gonna unlock it but how did she access her acct previously? thumbprint. no password memory whatsoever. pretty fair, id say? she texted me asking for the last 4 of her SSN this morning. nobody picked up her call to the bank(?) until she called them in the car with me. the form required to change login credentials when u dont have account access required those digits and a form of photo id. no ability to access it from her ADP because the pw changed at some point but it still took her print.
reminder. shes homeless and out of school. she has a birth certificate but thats where my certainty of her documentation ends. ive run into this before where i wanted to start a real bank acct for her but they require legally viable photo id and even non driver state ids require 1. proof of permanent residence (X) and 2. proof of enrollment in school for minors (X) at the MVA.
so anyways weve kinda hit a wall with the limitations her unsupportive parents / guardians have provided! its taking up a large portion of my emotional, mental, physical, and temporal space in life right now so i wanted to make a post about it. my little bandaid desire is to at least set her up with a new phone which i estimate would be $200 minimum for actual 'verified third party vendors of used phones' but ugh i didnt budget for this.
oh the support seeking! if you know me and wanna ease the load on my sisters shoulders a but, id be grateful for some help raising funds for a new phone! ill include some $ links. if were unacquainted but youre reading this anyway and have a spare $5 wed love the support! thanks for reading :)
cashapp: $rmwperfect | venmo: @rmwperfect | paypal: @37q
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
The Run In
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Word Count: 4692
Pairing: Misha x Reader 
Characters: Reader, Misha, Diego (OG Character), Xander (OG Character), Divorce Lawyer, Police Receptionist, George (OG Character), Female Officer, and Male Officer
Summary: The Reader gets away from her abusive husband. After bumping into a stranger, the Reader forms a friendship with him which the Readers soon-to-be ex-Husband finds out about. 
Disclaimer: Language, Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Domestic Violence, Mentions of degradation, Blood, Implied Smut
Disclaimer 2: This work of fiction contains Domestic Violence. If you have been a victim of DV please read at your own discretion. If you are in a DV situation please call 1-800-799-7233, of you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 22522. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. If you are in an emergency, call 911. There are also DV/IPV programs and shelters in your area who can help you. 
Disclaimer 3: Any of the shorts that are hot and steamy, I want to put out there that it's in no way disrespectful towards Vicki at all. I love her to death and respect that marriage between her and Misha. So when reading those shorts, know that it all takes place in an alternate world where they aren't married at all.
A/N: Sorry this is late. I have been hitting some sort of writing block. I have the words in my head but for some reason I can’t get them out. 
A/N 2: Tag your anyone who loves Misha! 
*18+ Content. Anyone younger than 18 will need to move along. I do not want to risk my account being deleted. 
**Please DO NOT copy and paste my work anywhere WITHOUT my permission and WITHOUT giving me the proper credit. I work way too hard on my work and don’t want it to get stolen.
***This work is also posted on Instagram, Wattpad, and AO3. Go show it some love over there.
****Please follow me on my other accounts Instagram, Wattpad, Twitter, and AO3
*****DMs are CLOSED for REQUESTS. I gotta finish up my other two projects. 
Forever Tags: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @hobby27​ @440mxs-wife​ 
I sit alone in the apartment, huddled on the couch. The fight had been bad this time. I mean, all fights with Diego were bad but, this one in particular had been pretty bad. I look around the trashed apartment and try not to replay the events that took place almost an hour before. The television was busted, a couple chairs had been thrown over, the mirror my mother had salvaged and repurposed for me was destroyed, glass was everywhere, and my grandmothers clock she passed down to me was busted up.
I don't know how I got here.
I don't know how I let it get so bad.
I slowly get up off the couch and watch my step all the way to the bathroom. I flip the light on and there, glowing bright red, on my face is the handprint of my husband. The throwing of things has been going on for a couple years. Hitting is new and Diego never hit me until recently. I should have left him months ago. Maybe even years ago.
After that first hit.
It was after a Christmas party at his office. We got into a fight about me talking to his co workers and about the dress I wore. He said he had been embarrassed by it all. I'm the stand you ground type of woman who snaps back. The moment I had snapped back, was the moment Diego hit me. Diego has been surprised so he left for the evening. I should have just packed and left. I didn't, I waited an apology that never really came and when it did, I knew he didn't mean it.
Tonight, it was about the fact I went out with a few friends and forgot about dinner for Diego. When I came home with take out, he lost it. Called me every name in the book. Threw things and hit me and left.
I slowly touch the already welting mark. I suck in a sharp breath when my cool hand touches the raw skin. It stings so bad that even my tears make it sting. I look at myself again in the mirror. "How pathetic," I whisper to myself. "How pathetic of you to have stayed this long over a boy that can't handle his anger. That's going to change."
I walk out of the bathroom to the room Diego and I share together. I head straight towards the closet and pull out a duffle back and begin to fill with the important things. Clothes. Some shoes. Bathroom and shower necessities. I swap out purses, leaving both my car keys and phone in my old one. I can't risk having Diego try looking for me. I log into my bank account and change every security question and answer. I close my eyes. I never thought I would need to do this yet here I am.
I look around the apartment one last time. My eyes land on the photo from our wedding day. I grab it and rip the picture from the frame. I take a lighter and set it ablaze in the kitchen sink with a few other photos. Taking a deep breath, I finally make my exist from the apartment.
I walk to the nearest bus stop and wait for the bus to show up. Even in the dark it's difficult to hide my swollen face from the world. So I keep it down and tucked behind the collar of my coat. When the bus finally shows up, I get on it and pay my fair. I go sit in the back and ride it all the way to where I need to get off. The ride is quiet. A few people stare at me when they catch sight of my face. I turn away from them and keep my face hidden away. I stare at my bags and think, this is all I have now. A few clothes, money, these bags, a few personal items, etc.
The bus stops and I quickly grab my bags and get off. I turn this way and that looking for the building I need to go into. I spot it, It's hidden behind some trees and another bus stop across the street. I make my way across the street and into the police station.
There is a lady sitting at the front desk. It looks like she's packing up to go home. She gives me a friendly smile and sets her bag aside.
"What can I do for you?" She asks. I see her zero in on the mark on my face and the look in her eyes looks like she's about to cry. "I think I know what papers you need." She turns and leaves the area and returns with a few papers in her hands. She slowly hands me the papers and a pen. "Do you need a safe place to fill these out? Theres a room I can take you to."
I nod, I want to cover as much of my trail and steps as I can. Diego is a smart man. He will soon learn I left him and will soon come looking for me. The lady walks me to a room with a table. She tells me that she won't close the door because some people in my situation get triggered. She walks to the officer that is sitting at a desk across the way and tells him something while pointing to me. The officer looks at me and then nods to the woman.
I look down at the Order of Protection and Restraining Order papers and take a deep breath. When I start to fill the paper out, I notice that I am still wearing my wedding ring and band. I take them off and set them in my bag. As I finish my paper work, I slowly get up and walk out of the room. The officer sees me and slowly approaches me.
"I can take care of this for you," He says reaching for the paper. "Now how about we get some ice for that mark and have a look to make sure it isn't more than raw skin." The officer sits me down and leaves. When he comes back he has a small ice pack and places it on my face. The cool pack feels so nice.
"I have a question," I say as the officer pulls out a first aid box and starts to look at my face.
"Yeah?" he responds.
"Is there a way to put in your system that I am not a missing person but on the run from my husband?" I flinch when the officer wipes my face with the alcohol wipe.
"Sorry," He starts to apply an antibiotic to my face. "If or when your husband comes to us looking for you, our system will actually show that these orders are on him. What will happen is that they will take your information and tell him he has two days until you are declared missing. In that time frame he would have been served with the restraining order." The officer puts a large band aid over my face.
"Good," I say.
"How long?" the officer asks.
"Long enough to finally say fuck it and leave his ass."
A few days pass. I'm staying at a hotel and paying by the day. I purchased a brand new phone and got a new number. I called my parents and told them what was going on. They were mad and sadden by the situation but are happy that I got out when could. I got word from my officer friend that the restraining order was delivered but he said that Diego didn't look happy.
A week passes and I am still staying at the hotel. Not many apartments won't rent to me until I'm legally separated from Diego. I meet with a lawyer to have divorce papers drawn up and served to him but according to her, once the papers were signed, it would take a few months for them to be filed.
"Now all we need to do is get you two in here to sing these?" the lady says.
"About that," I fold my hands. "I have a protection order and restraining order on him."
The lawyer nodded her head. "I see. Well, I will have someone deliver to him and see if he will sign them. Just be prepared," She reaches for my hand and takes it in hers. "Some men like him, they will stall this as much as they can to get you to meet in person."
I nod. "I understand, in that case, if I have to meet him, I will have someone I trust with me."
As predicted, a week later, the lawyer calls me ups and tells me that Diego refuses to sign. Says I'm having a mental breakdown and needs to just come home so we can work it out. The lawyer also mentions that Diego had said that I'm lying about him throwing things that it's all me and that he only hit me in self defense because according to him, I slapped him before he slapped me.
I sit back in my hotel room in hot anger. I can feel the steam of my anger coming off my skin. I'm angry he won't sign the papers. I'm angry he started to make up shit about me. But jokes on him, I kept a private album on my iCloud of all the times he hit me. It my friends idea, she encouraged me to document it all somewhere where he doesn't know the password to. She passed away about a year ago from getting hit by a drunk driver.
"I'm going to need a printer," I say looking at the countless pictures of abuse.
The next day I go out and purchase a decently priced printer. And a decent laptop since everything was on my phone. As i'm walking down the street back to my hotel, with my things, I find myself falling onto hands and knees. The printer box rolled a few feet from me. I hope it isn't damaged, I think slowly sitting back on my knees and just staring at it.
"Oh my goodness," a voice says. "I am so sorry."
I look up to see a man with a ragged hair, black sunglasses, a black t-shirt with a jean jacket over it, and dark skinny jeans reaching down to help me up to my feet. I take his hand and slowly get to my feet. I notice the scruff framing the rest of his face. The sun shines perfectly behind him and I can't help but feel drawn to him.
"I should have watched where I was going and make sure there wasn't a beautiful woman carrying a large object," the man says turning to pick up my printer. "Doesn't look damaged from the outside."
I smile and feel my face burning. I'm sure it's bright red. "It's okay, I should have called an Uber instead of walking three blocks. I'm sorry about your coffee." I gesture to the fallen cup and spilled contents on the sidewalk. "Let me buy a new one."
The man laughs and waves a free hand. "No need to waste your money on my accident."
"What can I do?" I ask after I made sure my laptop box was fine.
"How about you let me help you with this so another person doesn't run into you?"
Taking a deep breath, I accept the strangers offer.  We walk the last block talking about the city. When we get to the hotel, this man offers to carry the printer all the way up to the room. Didn't even question if I was living there.
"Thank you for doing this," I tell him as he sets the box on the small table.
"Anything," he smiles. "And when you are ready to search for apartments I know of a few good ones."
I give a small smile. I guess it's obvious that I was living in the hotel. "Thanks," I watch as he walks himself to the door. "I did never get your name." I call after him.
"Misha," he smiles. "Collins."
A month goes by and I am no longer looking like a crazy person after submitting all my pictures to my lawyer. Still Diego refuses to sign the papers unless he can meet with me alone. Of course I say "fuck no."
"If you want to be rid of him forever, then you have to compromise," my lawyer tells me.So I makes plans for the inevitable. But I have my officer buddy tagging along with me to the meeting.
I stare at the divorce papers and I am praying Diego will sign them at our meeting. But I doubt it. Ever since I left him, I started to see the red flags. Even friends that I still have and that haven't been manipulated by Diego, have told me they saw the way he treated me and spoke to me.
I need fresh air.
I get out of the hotel and walk to the the nearest park. It has a lake right in the middle of it. I rest my arms on the railing and then drop my head on my arms. This is more stressful than when I planned a wedding with Diego. I'm closing a door on almost seven years of marriage.
Diego was never like this. Even when we dated for five years. He was always so sweet, so kind, understanding, etc. He would buy me flowers for no reason. My apartment would be covered in them and I would tell him that I would donate some to nursing homes just to make room. I don't know what snapped in Diego to make him the way he was now.
Sighing I look up and stare at the lake. There is a small flock of ducks swimming passed me. Their color feathers shine in the afternoon. It puts a smile on my face. Something that is hard for me to do lately with everything going on.
"I was wondering when that smile would come," a familiar voice makes me turn to my left. There, a few feet away from me, Misha stands. I haven't seen or spoken to him since he left my hotel after giving me his number.
A number I never called or texted.
I had too google him to see if I could find anything on him. Well, I found a crap ton on him. An actor who did a crap ton of good. He is loved by millions.
"How long have you been standing there?" I ask. Another smile creeping onto my face.
"Not long," he says walking closer to me. "Just long enough to see that frown turn upside down." He gives a small smile. "Are you still at that hotel?"
I chuckle. "I am, I haven't had the time to look at apartments. I've been preoccupied trying to get my soon to be ex-husband to sign divorce papers."
Misha leans up on the railing along side me and looks at the ducks. "Maybe he's holding out to want to try and work things out with you?"
I laugh. "No, he's abusive and isn't having it with me being in control of myself now. The night I left him, it was really bad. It took a while for the mark he left on me to go away. Then he tried to convince my lawyer that I was having a mental breakdown."
"I'm sorry," Misha pulls back from the railing and pulls out his wallet and shows me a penny. "Here's to him signing the papers so you can officially be free of him." He tosses the penny into the water. "Are you doing anything, tomorrow?" He asks.
"Besides meeting Diego to get him to sign papers? No." I answer twiddling my thumbs.
"How about after you meet with him, I take you to look at apartments?" He leans towards me with a smile. "I can get you a really good deal. I'll even drive, so we don't have to walk."
"He's late," Xander says stirring his now cold coffee. Xander is the officer that helped me the night after  I left Diego. Xander was also the one who helped set me up at the hotel I'm staying at. Xander's wife, was a domestic violence victim and he was the officer that pulled his ex husband off her. They didn't get hook up until a year later when they ran into each other. They have been married for almost ten years with two kids.
"Just give it a few minutes," I say contemplating buying another coffee eying the divorce papers on the table.
Five minutes later, Diego waltz into the Starbucks and spots us. A smile spreads across his face when he sees me. Then it instantly fades when he sees Xander. He crosses the little shop in a few short strides. His black shoes squeaking from the rain outside.
"So," he sits down and crosses his arms. "Is this who you left me for? Some wanna a be body builder."
Xander smirks. "No, I'm actually a police officer. Since YN here has a few orders drawn up on you it's best that she have the right protection. Even in a public place." I notice that as Xander leans over he has his badge in his hands.
Diego looks over to me. "Can' you stop being so dramatic about this? So that we can just do this alone"
"Not ever going to happen," I say firmly. "And I'm not dramatic. Not about you hitting me."
The look in Diego's eye's grows dark but he puts on a fake smile. "I would never hurt you," He looks around as a few people over heard what I said. "I can't believe you're still on that."
"Look," Xander leans back and pushes the papers towards Diego. "All YN needs you to do is sign these. This game you're trying to play, just keeps hurting her."
Diego stares at Xander. "I don't think I will." He pushes the papers back and starts to get up. "Until next time."
"You're just going string this along aren't you?" I stood up so fast that Xander's coffee spilled. "I don't want to be married to you anymore. I stopped wanting that when you threw the first book and kicked a hole in the wall. I stopped when you hit me. I just let it go on for so long that I forgot how to not walk on eggshells. You don't own me. I don't love you. So sign the fucking papers."
Diego stares at me. I hadn't realized, but I pretty much yelled. I gather my bag and make my way out. Xander follows me.
"Hey," He hands me the papers. "Do you need me tot drive you back?"
"No, a friend is picking me up," I pull my phone out and text Misha. "He should be meeting me in a few minutes. He's taking me to look at apartments."
Another month goes by and I'm moved into my new apartment. All thanks to Misha and his ways of persuasion. I got the first six months half off. It was a nice little one bedroom apartment with a little den. Misha even convinced me to let him buy the furniture sets I had my eye one in a catalog.
"I'm just use to working hard for stuff like this," I say when the last of the movers move the stuff in. "I literally don't know how to thank you. Even just saying 'thank you' doesn't seem to be enough."
Misha laughs. The laugh takes up his entire body. "Just a simple thank you would be enough. Unless you want me to come up with a way to convince you to let me take you out to dinner. As friends of course."
I feel my cheeks start to burn. This dude is smooth. "Okay, dinner, as friends, it is."
Misha smiles big. "Awesome, now lets get this place looking as good as you."
For the next two days, Misha is over helping me settle down in my apartment. Whenever he leaves for food or whatnot, he always comes back with something to add to the place. I didn't even argue once.
The time I spent with Misha, he always hyped me up for stuff, he said things how it was and never ever sugar coated things, he held doors open, and gave me words of encouragement whenever I told him that Diego, again, refused to sign papers over.
Diego not signing papers was frustrating. The more time I spent with or talking to Misha, the more my feelings for him grew. But I was still tied to the asshole of a man who knew what he was doing. He knew of my interactions with Misha, he always brought it up but I would shut it down.
"He's just using you for public gain," Diego would tell me. But I knew Misha pretty well at this point. Things I've read on Twitter about him, Misha would never use someone like that.
Each meeting I had with Diego, I started to see him for who he really was. I don't even know how I fell in love with him. He's even gotten his parents convinced that I'm a lunatic. His mom would text me calling me all sorts of names and telling me that I should be the one paying for Diegos therapy sessions. She would also tell me that she knew I was trouble when he brought me home to meet them. His father wanted me to pay back every dime he had spent on mine and Diegos wedding or he would get a lawyer involved. He would even send disturbing texts saying that he's got people watching me and that I should be be careful.
I won't lie, that scared the shit out of me.
That last one pissed Misha off. I have never seen him go off about someone before. After that text, I went out and put restraining orders on Diegos parents and Misha convinced me to have someone look after me while he was gone for his show. I agreed and my new 'bodyguard' went with me everywhere and made sure I got home safe. Misha even hired a security company to set up an alarm system at my apartment.
If I didn't know better, Misha was or has developed some kind of feelings for me.
A year after I made my escape from Diego, I finally have my own car. Paid for all on my own. So no more walking. I park my car in my apartment parking spot and pull out my phone. I see the text from Misha, it's from an hour ago. His flight is delayed and that he would see me at some point tomorrow.
"Bummer," I lay back and watch as George, the bodyguard, pull his car into the parking spot behind me. I unbuckle and get out and watch as George do the same. Before I could get a word out, I see two police cars come up and two officers run passed me.
I slowly turn around and watch them run up to my level. My heart beats fast and I follow them. George, of course follows as well. I skip the steps two at a time and watch as one officer kicks my down. I hear yelling and banging around. Suddenly, George has both his hand on my shoulder and pulling me back as an officer finally come out.
With Diego in handcuffs. His nose is bleeding and a bruise is already forming on his face.
I pull away from George and run into my apartment. There standing in the middle of the room was the other officer talking to Misha. Misha has a busted lip and small gash on the side of his head. I notice that the glass bowl that Misha got me was in pieces and the coffee table was destroyed.
Misha sees me and I rush over to him. "Oh my gosh," I take hold of his face. "Are you okay?"
"Are you the lady who lives here?" the officer asks.
"Yes, and this is my friend," I don't my eyes off Misha.
"And the gentleman we arrested?"
"That's no gentleman," my voice is hard. "That is my abusive soon-to-be ex-husband. He has a restraining order on him."
The officer puts her note pad away. "That will explain a lot. We will contact you if we need anything else." With that, the officer left.
"Everything is all good?" Georges voice makes me turn around.
"Everything is good, George," Misha says. "You can go."
After George leaves I turn back to Misha. "You said you're flight had been delayed. What happened?"
Misha leads us to the couch and we sit down. "I only said that so I can surprise you. I hadn't been here for even an hour before he broke in. He wanted to know where you were and I wouldn't tell him. I guess a neighbor called 911 due to the yelling and stuff. Officer saw my stuff and I said my friend lives here and is letting me stay with her."
I nod my head. "I'm just happy you're okay. I don't know how Diego found me."
"It doesn't matter," Misha takes my hand. "He will answer for it in court.
And Misha was right. A week after everything went down, Diego was charged with breaking and entering, assault, and basically breaking the restraining order by stalking. I sat in during the hearing with Misha. Diego's parents tried to fight the five year sentence but the Judge said that if they said anything else before court ended he would double it without parole.
A few weeks after that, I am getting dinner ready when Misha shows up. He had been showing up a lot lately. I don't mind it at all, Misha makes me feel sane and safe.
"Hey," Misha says setting his coat on the couch. "I see that new coffee table came."
"It did, thanks to you," I say pulling a second plate down. I've learned to make a bit extra whenever Misha came over. "Also, I have some good news." I point to the orange envelope on the table. Misha looks at it and then back at me.
"Did," he starts to say.
"He sign it?" I finish his question. "Yeah, he called saying he will sign it. So I dropped by and had them take the paper to him to sign. I wasn't going to see him. They brought it back all signed. I am mailing in the morning."
"That's amazing, YN," Misha comes up to me and hugs me.
"Well, let's celebrate with dinner."
After dinner, after we clean up, we are sitting on the couch. Talking about whatever came to mind. We are talking about things we are still embarrassed by when Misha takes my hand.
"YN," He says softly. "I want to tell you something."
"Sure," I put my free hand on over his.
"I...I really care about you and I am glad that it was me here and not you when Diego broke in," Mishas voice is soft still. "I honestly don't know what I would do if you were here and he hurt you. All I ever wanted was for you to be safe."
"And I am," I slowly rub his hand with my thumb.
We stare at each other for what feels like forever when Misha pulls his hands from mine and put them on my face. His eyes look search mine for permission but I lean closer to him and brush my lips over his. He closes his eyes and I feel the shiver run through his body.
His gentle grip on my face forces my face back to his where his lips wait. They're smooth and there's a lot of passion behind his kiss. My hands run up to his collar as I move closer to him. The kiss deeps and Mishas hands trail down my sides to my hips where he pulls me onto his lap. It makes it easier for my tongue to push pass his lips and into his mouth.
Without breaking the kiss and with a low growl, Misha stands up, both arms supporting me as he walks us to the bedroom. Kicking the door shut.
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xsmilexb4uxdiex · 4 years
Last night, I lost access to 2 years worth of photos on my iPhone 7.
Yesterday afternoon, I had the urge to change all my passwords and use a password manager given the rise of hacked accounts lately. I also felt inspired to update my iPhone because it’s been a while since I’ve done it. 
The update took nearly 5 fuckin hours and didn’t even complete. So I decided to restart that mother fucker but it ended up making the situation worse. It went into recovery mode. I tried to exit out of recovery mode using a third-party application, but that ended up destroying my iPhone even more...it wouldn’t turn on after that. 
I am writing this post as replacement of photos I had on my iPhone so that I can look back if I ever want to. I don’t have anything else to do so might as well. 
1. The first set of photos I remember are from Danny’s house. It was the first holiday party hosted at Danny’s house. Our entire family, included extended, was there. Dad’s side. Mom’s side. The photos I remember most clearly are the backyard photos. We took photos at the edge of the backyard, where the ground level was higher. I remember taking photos of us as we finished taking the photos and everyone was heading back to what they were doing. It basically a photo of everyone’s back. I remember Oscar’s gray sweater distinctly.  I also took candid photos of family members throughout the house. I don’t remember who in particular, but I do know everyone was smiling. I remember the feeling quite well, so that’s gotta mean something.
2. The second set of photos I remember are from my freshman year take Tahoe trip. I remember taking of photos of the cabin. I remember taking photos of the set of movies on the table. The same set of movies we all voted on. I don’t think we ended up watching a movie that night. I also remember the couch that I slept on. The beds were taken. I also remember taking photos of friends walking up to Lake Tahoe. I specifically remember Telis walking up to the lake. I also remember photos of us near the mountain side. The mountain where if you went to the peak, you could be able to see Nevada and a desert on the other side. 
3. I also remember photos from the cooking competition I did with Kevin. That was an unexpected thrill. We cooked porkchops, with risotto, green and red peppers, and some mushrooms. I don’t know how we won but our dish was clean. 
4. I remember that video of me and Callum doing push ups in the Arroyo lounge. That funny as fuck. One of my first interactions with him. 
5. I also remember that selfie I took with Ina. She might have been my first crush at Stanford to be honest. We got along so well but didn’t have classes together. She was in pre-med and I was in CS. We talked less when I started pledging for AKPsi. Sigh. 
6. I remember those photos with the llamas. I still have those on Google Drive actually. 
7. I remember that photo of Eduardo building his first PC. 
8. I remember that photo of Ryan Tran turning back. We were at the basketball game. I remember that photo of Ryan’s hair. It was weird because he wore his headsets all the time. I also remember how went to Jonathans all the time to finish up the pset and ate so much food. Fun times. 
9. I remember that video of Saketh saying that he won’t have his room be that messy next quarter. Weird video to be honest. 
10. I also remember that weird photo we took outside of Ramen Nagi. I remember Alex and Jake being there. Not sure who else, but it was very awkward. 
11. I took photos of SF and what not. I probably had Scavenger Hunt videos. 
12. I do remember those sunrise photos that I had. Good times. With Kim and Alex.
13. I also remember that photo on the way to the Big Game. It was in Collin’s car and I remember taking that photo on the bridge. It was fucking rainy. 
14. I also remember that selfie I took with Jake inside the library. I was applying to those financial services internships. Fuck those. 
15. I also remember the photos of Mateo fucking drunk. Funiiest shit ever. 
16. I had that video of Nina playing Minecraft. Nina. Sigh. 
17. I also remember that photo of the running tradition in freshman year. Haha that was funny and fun. 
18. I also remember that photo when I was TV. I was at the basketball game and they were showing the audience. I was in the front row. It was pretty cool. I remember Pierce being there. 
19. I remember the photos with Julian and Kevin all dressed up. I took one with Ina too. Haha Julian looked hilarious there. 
20. Most importantly, I had those videos of moving into Stanford. I remember watching a particular video that made me cry a lot. It was me, my dad, my mom, and my brother on the Golden Gate bridge. It was just like the movies. 
Sadly, I don’t remember much else. 
As I’m writing this post, I recall that most of the photos on my iPhone are from friends sharing their iCloud albums. So it is likely that a lot of the sophomore year photos will be saved. 
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goldust74-blog · 4 years
Well, no it was nothing like that. He didn't leave. He plays mimdgames ...almost like gaslighting. Not sure he knows he does it. Soo, I got a new phone. I got the Samsung Galaxy S21 5G and i love it. Glas to be back with Samsung. Since the 6 edge I switched to the Google Pixel I've had 2,3,3a and 4a 5g. It was time to move back to Samsung. The I phone liked to give me a nervous breakdown. It tried to destroy my sanity for real. I could t figure out if somebody else was logged into my icloud someplace else cause there would be messages that I did not write to people in my phone and I would notice them when I would respond. But then the TV started doing it...I started changing all my settings and passwords and then I swore I was the star of a reality show for some other planet or somehting, only I could t ever find the show or where it aired but it felt like I was on Punked or maybe Even Candid Camera. Then it dawned on me maybe I'm paranoid like everyone I saying but I'd never even had that tendency. I mean , I'd heard voices before but hell I thought everybody did. It was usually people who's voice I knew and recognized but even though they were nowhere around. Funny how the brain can make up such false shit as if it subconsciously has a mind of its own. I swore the neighbors in my duplex stole my wifi and I changed my password to include the word "neighbors" after that it was changed and I never could lig into that account again. My cable and internet. And God forbid the Google devices such as Google home and home hub and nest. Do you know if you say ok Google make call if they do that from one that you've been logged into it will call your people in your contacts but it will show up YOUR NUMBER. it will even call you...Imagine in the midst of a paranoid psychotic episode having lost touch with reality but seeing plain as day your own name and number calling you...but it was happening right in front of my very eyes. I told my doctor about it. I told my boyfriend who lives with me and he wouldn't believe me. I tried telling me mom she was too old to understand. My children thought I was nuts. Mind you, this only would happen when my boyfriend would leave the house. He refuse sto hear me even mention the TV calling my name, etc. It scared him to think his girl was that throwed the fuck off. But these things were just as real as the sky was blue. Then I would hear the neighbors outside laughing and it was obvious they were laughing at the fact that they were making me question my own sanity. The shit got deep. I even told my landlord about it. And I know how crazy it sounds but the shit really was happening and if somebody was doing it to me it was the cruelest, coldest most calculated and cold thing a person could do to somebody. What had I done to deserve it.? It got bad it got real bad before it went away. Why did it go away? They either grew a heart or they hell, idk but it stopped. Was I really delusional? Psychotic, schizophrenic? I stoll don't think these happenings were part of that although I am diagnosed as svhizoaffective . But even my psychiatrist knew I wasn't making the shit up. I think the neighbors got a hold of one of my Google devices or I had a phone stolen or lost before.. Back to my point about I phones, this shit didn't start until I switched from Pixel to I phone 10...I was crumbling and I was crumbling fast. No drugs , no meds either, but I'm telling yall the shit was real!
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twiddlebirdlet · 4 years
I haven’t seen this theory posted yet so here’s a thought. I had an iPhone 6 before I upgraded recently. You don’t need a passcode on any iPhone unless you want one. Even if he did, it only had four numbers potentially. There was no Face ID or fingerprint thing to protect the phone. No one would need his IG password if he has the app on his phone. What if a friend thought it would be funny and uploaded the video from his phone. I’m not trying to pinpoint a friend but it’s possible.
The only hack for this that I see possible would be if his phone were taken control of. That way the hacker would have access to his iCloud gallery to put a dick pic into, and download the cameo video from Scott, and then screen record it, after which they’d edit it just so it ends on the dick pic in the gallery.
After they screen recorded it, then upload it to Instagram for the world to see.
Other than that, a hack without having possession of the phone is harder to explain. There are videos in that gallery that we haven’t seen that are clearly taken in his house. I can’t explain the presence of those videos outside of someone having access to his iCloud photos.
Now, that’s not impossible, but that doesn’t explain how the video got on his Instagram. The odds are so so against the hacker having access to both, so Chris would have had to upload the video himself. Which makes the hack theory really really weird.
The only hack that makes sense to me is someone actually physically possessing his phone. If anyone has any other ideas on how a hack could have been performed, I’m open to them.
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The DJ
Previous Chapter  Chapter Two
Butterflies dance around your stomach as you entered the hair and makeup trailer, you were bare and fresh faced; arriving early as to not attract attention. You knew once you stepped into the trailer you were in a safe zone, the non disclosure agreement acting as a barrier to the outside world protecting your privacy. The woman standing before you were both around your age, they both had their hair tied up and out of their face but both had their makeup done to the nines. They had folders in their arms, a list of requirements for your hair and makeup on specific days to adhere to.
 Introductions were quick, no time to spare as you wanted your makeup done quickly. The silence was tense and thick; Mila, the makeup artist, worked to cover the bruises on your face while curls were applied to your long hair. Your makeup looked natural, but you knew the layers that had gone into covering the marks. Nate had been careful in the last week, not adding further bruising to your face before filming, instead adding fear “Talk to him, I’ll find out.” You didn’t have to question who ‘he’ was. Richard had been a source of anger for Nate since the car park.  
 “Here, your outfit is in the dressing room.” Indie told you, sticking a final pin in your hair to hold the curls until they were set. You slid the white top on and skirt, before emerging out of the dressing room to the sad faces of Mila and Indie. Keeping professional Mila simply lift your arm to see what bruising around your ribs needed hiding while seeing various hand and finger print shaped bruising on your arms that needed attending to.
 “Had a good fall last week.” You weren’t even sure why you bothered lying, no one with half a brain cell would believe you.
 “Sorry, I’m early. I…” The reflection in the mirror before you showed the one man you were hoping to not see for a while yet. You dropped your arm quickly, covering your rib cage as fast as possible. “Sorry Ladies, could you give Ev and I a minute?” They looked to you for confirmation, you gave a quick nod and sat yourself down in the makeup chair. Putting their tools down on the bench, the two left mentioning having a coffee and breakfast break.
 “Richard, I don’t want to talk about it.”
 “Ev, it’s clear what’s going on. Love, I’m worried about ye. You aren’t you anymore.”
 “How do you even know who I am anymore, Richard?” You shot back, spinning the chair around to face him.
 Sighing he removed his cap and sunglasses, tossing them on the nearest makeup station. “How long has this been happening?”
 “I said I don’t want to talk about it Richard, please I can’t.” Begging your old friend, he saw you were serious. Tears had formed in your eyes, you felt them betray you as tears escaped rolling down your cheeks. It shattered Richard to see you like this. Richard had often wondered why you dropped off the radar, you turned down films, you stopped responding to messages; he had been more than disappointed when you pulled out of Cinderella last minute. But it made sense now, in the most twisted devastating way.
 “Is he here?”
 “Good, I’d fucking kill him if he was-”
 “Oh just stop.” Groaning you slid a light cardigan on, picking up your sunglasses and cigarette packet up before heading outside. Outside you found a bench to sit on, shielded from the warm sun by a large oak tree you lit a cigarette taking in a draw and holding your breath before letting it out. “You aren’t going to drop this, are you?”
 “No.” The voice behind you confirmed.
 “About five years… it’s been happening for about five years.” The first incident happened after a small argument, he had been late to dinner and arrived drunk, humiliating you in front of a director you had been trying to impress to feature in his upcoming series. Even though Nate was famous for his own directing, you were furious he had tanked your opportunity. You arrived at your apartment, telling him you didn’t want him to come in; he shoved you into the wall, told you in a hiss “You don’t tell me what I can and can’t do.” before letting himself into your apartment. You had been stunned and stood at the front door thinking there was no way you were going to stay with him, an apology came the next day followed by his usual “Sorry.. but…” where he would tell you why what he had done was your fault.
 Richard sat down beside you, holding your hand in his and kissing your knuckles gently before lowering your hands to his lap. Soothingly he ran his thumb over yours, he could see the bruising on your wrist was faded from when he saw you last.
 “If I can help you leave, will you?”
 “It’s not that simple.”
 “I can help make it that simple, Ev. I can get your things, I can take you to the police-”
 “You think I haven’t thought about leaving, Richard? I’d never get work again-”
 “Is that what he told you? Love he is manipulating you into staying.” Part of you knew that Nate had been manipulating you into staying, but that fear, that small voice told you he was right. Nate was twelve years your senior, a well established Director and worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. He was vocally loud in supporting womens rights in Hollywood, directed films about equality; he was the voice against toxic masculinity. But it was false, a front. No one knew the real Nate, and you weren’t sure anyone would believe you. You had no proof, no photos - he had your phone password, email, iCloud; nowhere to hide the photos even if you dared to take them.
 “Do you remember when we first met Richard?”
 Richard smiled, nodding, “I do.”
 “I miss who I was. I miss not being scared.” You pulled your sunglasses off, putting them down beside you to wipe stray tears away. You hadn’t called your family in months, you hadn’t had an ounce of privacy in years, dignity gone, your career was all but ruined. The fun times filming Game of Thrones felt a lifetime ago.
 “You don’t have to be scared here with me, Ev.” Running his hand over your cheek you looked to him, his eyes bored into yours and you knew he was serious. The stern look on his face was soft at the same time, pure sincerity coming from his words. The warmth of his hand was comforting against your cheek, you leaned into it kissing his exposed palm. An involuntary shiver passed through his body, Ev had been his first crush and it had been painful to see her leave his life. Feeling her against his skin once again felt right, felt like fate was bringing them back together.
 You felt it as you looked into his eyes, the sweet lust that filled his bright eyes. You knew he had felt something for you all those years ago but the timing wasn’t right, Nate had just walked into your life; he made the move before Richard did. The voice in the back of your mind told you Richard just wasn’t ready, he was a young actor wanting to work on his career instead of settling down.
”Excuse me, Everly?” Behind Richard you could see the ladies had returned from their break, a large coffee in hand for you was brought back. “We have a fair bit of work to cover - I mean we should get back.”
 “I’ll be there in two seconds.”
 As you stood, he rose with you holding your hand softly, “Just think on it Ev, please. I’m here for you.”
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margoshansons · 5 years
The Killing Kind (7/?)
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Part Seven: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06.
Summary: Instead of calling a drone to eliminate Brad, Peter simply had Y/N do his dirty work for him.
Warning: Mild swearing (does taking Jesus’ name in vain count?), maybe some miswritten hacking skills.
Notes: I am not a tech person, so this is kind of out of my league, but I tried my hardest to make it seem realistic. 
She didn’t know how, but Peter was to blame for this. When Harrington told them that they had made the last minute upgrade to Prague, that was the first thought that popped into (Y/N)’s mind. 
She approached the young superhero, crossing her arms as she leaned in, “Did you just hijack our summer vacation?”
Peter turned to her, apologetic, “Not on purpose, uh, Nick Fury really needs me to help out with these Elemental situations--”
“And let me guess,” Y/N cut off, “The next one’s in Prague?”
Peter nodded his head sheepishly before grasping his suitcase, “I’m sorry?” was all he could muster up before the two of them followed the rest of the class onto the bus. Y/N shook her head before settling down next to MJ, the two girls tuning out the world as the European countryside passed them by. 
Y/N gazed out the window, allowing the exhaustion from yesterday to settle over her, allowing her to slowly, gently, give in to the wave, closing her eyes as the green field passed her by. 
When she woke up, she knew she wasn’t in Prague. As if the strange behavior of the bus driver could’ve helped alleviate the situation. 
It was a bathroom stop, a chance to stretch their legs before continuing the bus ride for the next few hours. 
MJ had disappeared, and as far as Y/N could tell, so had Peter. A yawn escaped her mouth, alerting the girl to her newly revived state. Her eyes caught movement near the Men’s restroom, watching as Brad opened the door ever so slightly. She heard a scuffle of voices as he walked in, and as she crept closer, she could hear the unmistakable voice of Peter protesting something. 
By the time they had loaded back onto the bus, Y/N had no doubt that something awful was about to go down if the way Peter was shaking was any indication. 
After making sure MJ was asleep once again, she moved over to join Peter in the front seat. 
“Hey” She offered, “Is everything okay? You seem a little...on edge”
Peter shared a worried look with Y/N, stumbling over his words. “Brad, he um...he has....”
“Jesus, spit it out Peter,” She asked exasperated with his nerves. 
He leaned down, whispering the secret, “Brad has an embarrassing picture of me doing something that I definitely didn’t do but looks like I did, and now--”
“Say no more” she cut him off, pulling her laptop out of her bag, connecting it to the bus wifi. “It’s on his phone right?”
Peter nodded. 
“iPhone or Android?” She asked, pulling up the program her father downloaded several years ago.
Peter placed his new glasses on his face, turning to look at Brad, eyes scanning the kid. “Um, iPhone, I think.”
“Great” Y/N began to type away in Linux, programming the necessary functions, “I need his Apple ID and password.”
Peter nodded, “EDITH,” He whispered, “I need to access Brad Davis’ Apple ID information”
Y/N paused, in awe of the glasses, “Those are Stark’s glasses” She whispered, jaw open. “That gave him access to half of the world’s private information, those are a work of technical genius!” She rambled on, current task forgotten. 
Peter turned back to her, too distracted by his own hormonal problems to recognize the amount of work that went into the glasses staining his face. “Huh, oh yeah, it’s pretty cool. Mr. Stark left them to me.”
Y/N tried to ignore the irritation spinning in the pit of her stomach at the thought of a kid younger than her being left something so important. “He created the world’s most technically advanced AI, and he just...gave it to you? No explanation needed?”
Peter nodded, absentmindedly watching Brad in hopes of gaining information. 
She laughed mirthlessly, holding back her anger at the thought of Peter having so much power. He was a child, not even a full adult, and he had one of the most powerful AIs at his disposal. 
“Okay, I got it!” Peter announced, turning back around to face the front of the bus, “his email is bdavisbasketball@icloud,”
She began to input the information into the program, coding around it. “Password?”
Peter glanced back at the hidden screens in front of him, “bradsthebest, all lowercase, no spaces”
Y/N shook her head, disappointed in her peers for choosing such an easily hackable password. Even without the highly advanced program, she’d be able to hack his phone in a nanosecond. 
“Alright, I have access” Y/N smiled inwardly, feeling like a character in a heist movie, “You said it was a picture right?” 
Peter faced her, pulling the glasses off and leaning in. “Yeah, it would be among his recents”
“I know how phones work Peter.” Y/N snapped back, mostly as a joke, but she knew some of the irritation was real, that she really was upset with Peter’s use of EDITH. Or at least, she knew that was part of the reason for most of her irritation, the other part was because she could feel his breath on her neck, his arm hovering over her head, torsos practically touching. It drove her crazy. She could almost smell the body wash he had no doubt used that morning after last night’s events, mint radiating off his frame. 
“There it is!” Peter shook her out of her thoughts, and Y/N hoped he didn’t notice the amount of blood rushing to her cheeks. She clicked on the picture, deleting it from Brad’s phone for good before closing the program and shutting her computer. 
Peter collapsed against the bus seat, a sigh of relief emanating from the two teenagers for completely separate reasons. 
“Thanks” Peter’s gaze met hers, shoulder’s relaxing.
“No problem” Y/N smiled tightly, a jealous knot forming in her stomach at the sight of the glasses in Peter’s hands. She hated feeling like this. Like her dad. 
“You can try them sometime if you want” Peter offered, handing the pair of spectacles over to the student. “You, uh, you probably know more about them than I do anyway.”
Y/N’s awed gaze fell to the AI in her friend’s hand. All that power...and he was just giving it away. “You should keep them” She swallowed, her stomach growing tight, “If I need them I’ll ask.”
Peter nodded, tucking the glasses back into his backpack before drifting off for the rest of the trip.
Thanks for the love!
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jksmoongf · 5 years
Kissing Fire [pt. 9]
Pairing: Jungkook x reader x girlfriend (oc) Genre: cheater!AU, angst, smut Wordcount: 9.1k Warning: smut, lies, heartbreak and more lies and maybe fluff if you squint
Summary: It always feels like there is only one person in the world to love. And then you find somebody else.
a/n: I don’t condone cheating on your s.o., so please don’t read if you have a problem with this! (also I’m not saying this is something Jungkook would actually do!) Warning chapter 9: smut (( oral (kinda? / male receiving), some good old tiddie fucking, classic unprotected vaginal sex, profanities), a shit-ton of crying, fluff (if you squint really really hard)
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The early signs of what had looked like harbingers of spring on the cold winter day had diminished into nothingness; the sun was hiding behind a thick blanket of clouds which were getting darker in the distance. Yina wrapped her blush pink coat tighter around her body as she made her way through the small side streets of Gangnam. The music from her headphones was drowning out the outside world and her thoughts; she couldn’t let herself think and fall into a black hole when her body was about to succumb to the tightness spreading in her chest. Yet, a small spark of hope was still glimmering in her heart that maybe she just misunderstood and he had been talking to his older cousin. Yina knew it was delusional and irrational to hold on to that thought but it was all that kept her from breaking down. She had to keep it together; she was not going to cry in public making people feel bad for her or pity her; leaving them to wonder what had happened to her. Her feet carried her to one of the cafés nearby, it was a popular spot because of its cute aesthetics a lot of people came here to take pictures for their Instagram. Her voice was shaking when she ordered a big mug of plum tea. While she was waiting at the counter; she looked around trying to find a table that would give her some privacy but the only two tables that she deemed suitable were occupied by a teenage couple playing tonsil tennis and a group of girls her age just chatting away. Then she spotted a table close to the back of the big cafe that would suffice; surrounded by businessmen working on their laptops, two older women in their thirties with their babies and a few students who seemed to be buried neck-deep in their books. Clumsily she grabbed the mug, thanking the barista over and over again before hurrying to her designated table, when her foot got caught on the strap of a backpack on the floor, almost making her spill the steaming hot contents of her mug not only over herself but also the guy’s laptop. “You have to be careful. Is everything okay?” The guy flashed a smile at her; her face burning red in embarrassment as she bowed a little. “Yes, I’m sorry.” “Oh, don’t apologize. Nothing happened.” He waved his hands, directing his attention back to the computer screen. With a sigh, she dropped her bag on the table, setting the cup down. Originally she had planned to sit on the other side but she couldn’t bear the thought of having to look at the guy the whole time she was here when she had embarrassed herself in front of him. Draping her coat over the empty chair next to her, she finally sat down. Carefully she swirled the little tea steeper around, the small clink of her bracelet on the table made her stomach churn. Her fingers traced the delicate links of the gold band around her wrist; a gift from Jungkook for their 100th day anniversary. She remembered that day so clearly; how upset she had been that he had to film all day when it was such an important day in their relationship but he picked her up at midnight and took her to Han River. They walked for a long time in the warm summer night before he gave her the bracelet and promised her things, she now knew he wouldn’t be able to keep. Sinking her teeth into her lip tint coated bottom lip, she blinked ferociously to keep the tears at bay for now. She had no real proof, maybe she really just misunderstood because he had been acting strange. He would never do that to her; Jungkook was a good guy, he was so loving, kind and loyal that Yina was sure she was wrong about this - she just had to be. After unzipping her bag, she pulled out her laptop, setting it down in front of her. A small giggle escaping her lips when she saw the name of the free Wifi provided by the cafe, dejabrew - she had always been a sucker for a good pun. Her fingers rested on the keyboard; how was she going to do this without Jungkook finding out? He would be so mad if he found out she was snooping around, breaking his trust in her. Yina felt like a cartoon character with an angel on one shoulder, telling her to trust her boyfriend and a demon on the other pushing her to go looking for the answers she needed. Shaking her head, as if to make the little invisible creatures disappear, she typed the website into the search bar. If she was wrong and Jungkook found out about it she would have to lie to him but she was willing to risk it. Quickly she put in his login details on iCloud, her whole body shaking when her index finger tapped on the trackpad to sign in. Luckily he had not changed his password in the last few months after using her laptop to set up his new phone; she knew it would come in handy that he stored all of his photos on here. She closed her eyes as the new screen loaded, taking its sweet time downloading the copious amounts of pictures her boyfriend had taken. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Selfies, pictures of the sky and from traveling, videos of himself eating, pictures and clips with his older brothers and some staff members and pictures with her; when he still cared enough to actually take pictures with her or of her for that matter. It made her feel queasy to look back on those photos when they were happy; Jungkook was so sweet and handsome, truly a loving boyfriend that she could see herself marrying. Maybe it had been all in her head when she spotted the pictures he had edited for y/n; only recognizing them because -out of courtesy-, she followed the tramp on Instagram. She enlarged the picture, her eyes scanning every inch of her - yes she was pretty and she seemed nice enough to keep her around but just seeing her face left a bitter taste in Yina’s mouth. Ever since that girl had come into their friend group, everything had changed - all the dynamics were so messed up now, making her wish that she had never moved to Seoul in the first place. She wanted to slap herself for thinking that Jungkook would actually betray her like that when her eyes darted to a folder in the menu on the left labeled as private. Furrowing her brows, she didn’t hesitate to click on it, shifting in her spot as the pictures loaded one by one. A smug smiling pulling at the corners of her mouth when she saw the countless shirtless pictures of him. She knew he was proud of his body, he had worked so hard to shape it that way and he looked like one of those marble statues from ancient times. Sucking in a sharp breath through her teeth, her eyes darted to the small pictures of his hand down his sweatpants, his erection prominently visible through the fabric. He had never sent her one of those pictures, which she was thankful for. He knew she liked the real thing more than raunchy pictures, especially when she thought that all penises looked like slugs that she wouldn’t even want in her mouth if it was up solely up to her. The new set of pictures was pretty much a repetition of the older ones but a picture that seemed to be all black caught her attention. Without giving herself time to contemplate whether she really wanted to see it or not, she clicked on it; her mouth falling open when she saw her in his arms, her lips pressed to his cheek while he had a bright smile on his face. Her stomach was doing somersaults, any sign of color vanishing from her face. The photo was taken four months ago and he looked so happy, happier than she had seen him in a long time when he was with her. Quickly she closed the picture, not being able to handle looking at it any longer; everything around her seemed to be spinning in circles. A part of her wanted to just log out of his account and forget that she ever saw it but the other part that wanted to know more won the battle inside her head. She didn't have to scroll further down to find similar pictures of them; hugging and holding hands. Cautiously she zoomed in on a picture, she rolled her eyes; it was one of those popular couples pictures. She could only see a part of Jungkook’s arm, he was holding her hand but she was facing the camera, laughing, the wind blowing in her hair by the river. If anger and hurt weren’t chipping away at her heart, she would have liked the picture but it just made her want to scratch the y/n's eyes out. She was torturing herself; skipping through all the photos of them kissing; kissing in his bed, his studio, the elevator, the practice room. It was making her sick to her stomach but she couldn’t stop, she needed more evidence. Not bothering to look at the nudes of the girl that had ruined her relationship, she kept scrolling until she saw the small play button down at the bottom where the most recent files were. She scurried to get her headphones from her coat pocket, plugging them into her laptop before turning it more to the wall so nobody around her would be able to see what was happening on the screen. Yina held her breath when she hit play, recognizing the tiny bit of fabric from the skirt she hated so much. Her brows furrowed as she watched Jungkook’s mouth go to town between y/n’s legs. Fingers wrapping around the tabletop when the realization began to sink in that this had been filmed the same day they had disappeared to pick out pictures to edit. Her leg was bobbing up and down rapidly; she had kissed him when they came back - “Ahh noona! Noona this hurts.” His whiny voice interrupted her train of thought, making her x’ed-out of the video quickly. With shaking hands, she reached for her tea in hopes that it would calm down her upset stomach. The thought of him kissing her after eating out another girl was sickening, her heart convulsing uncomfortably.  She closed her eyes for a moment to take deep breaths before she moved on to the next video, regretting it as soon as moans were ringing loudly in her ears - Jungkook was making noises she had never heard from him before. The contents of her stomach trying to force its way into her mouth; eyes swimming in tears as she watched her boyfriend pleasure another girl so shamelessly without protection when he always made it a point to use it with her. Unmindfully she ripped the headphones from her ears, slamming the laptop shut, if she had to look at them fucking for another second she would throw up all over the table. Burying her face in her hands, Yina finally let out a sob from deep within her chest. She should have seen this coming; all the signs were there right in front of her. He had started to push her away, he had been so cold and distant that every other girl would have known something was wrong - that someone else had driven a wedge in between them. But she had been blind to it all, the rose-colored glasses hindering her from seeing what was actually happening. He never wanted to sleep with her anymore, when just months ago he couldn’t keep his hands off her, because he was getting it somewhere else. The sour taste of bile coated her tongue; as the torturous images replayed in her head over and over again without any sign of stopping. Hot tears were streaming down her cheeks, the stinging pain in her chest making it almost impossible for her to breathe. They made her look like a fool in front of everyone; she was sure all of them knew and she was the only one left in the dark. She felt so stupid, she should have known that Jungkook was cheating on her with that countryside bimbo that Taehyung brought along. “Is everything okay?” One of the older women stood by her table, her child propped up on her hip, concern plastered all over her aging features. “Yeah, yes everything’s fine.” Yina smiled, using the back of her hand to wipe away the tears as the woman handed her a paper napkin. “Thank you.” She bowed her head, tears falling from her eyes, staining her skirt as she closed them. “Don’t let anything get you down, you’re too young and pretty to cry.” But she wasn’t too young nor too pretty to have her heart broken into a million pieces by a stupid boy but still, the lady’s words struck a nerve; unraveling a wave determination inside her. She wouldn’t let Jungkook and y/n walk all over her; nor would she let them make a fool out of her in front of their friends. With a weak smile she thanked the woman again before reaching for her phone to text her friend Yuri; the only person she could always count on to have her back and the only one she would find some comfort in now that she had all the confirmation she needed. * 
Jungkook was sitting on the couch in the motel room, kneading his bottom lip with his fingers. He had picked up y/n from work after recording all afternoon to spend some time with her before everything was going to change. This room wasn’t as cozy as the last one but they weren’t even staying the night, just a few hours to be alone. Wondering if his heart rate was ever going to slow down, he began to feel anxious as he listened to the running water of the shower. He had missed the perfect chance to break up with Yina but after she gave him his favorite cookies he couldn’t bear the thought of hurting her when she had been so sweet to get them for him. It was a vicious cycle of him being too weak to go through with it, although he had promised Ha-na he would finally do it. She was right, Yina deserved to find out from him. It was his fault; he let himself fall out of love with her and now he had to be a man and be honest with her and tomorrow would be the day. Maybe it wasn’t just the fear of hurting her that paralyzed him for the past months; the fear of his older brothers getting mad at him playing a much bigger role than he liked to admit. They would find out eventually, but Jungkook had to cling to the small chance that they would just accept him being with y/n - especially Taehyung. He was sure the older one would so happy to see them together. But for some reason, this moment felt like his last night on earth. She got out of the shower, wrapping the worn down hotel towel around her body. Jungkook always had a habit of picking her up from work when she was sweaty and smelled like Korean barbecue. Usually, while she was in the shower, he would play music and she could faintly listen to him sing but tonight he was quiet. On the way to the hotel, he had told her bits and pieces of his conversation with Jimin and Ha-na, she knew he was worried - his big brown eyes drooping in sadness whenever he spoke. They weren’t going to tell anyone so she didn’t quite understand why he was so distraught. After drying off her hair a little with a smaller towel, she opened the door to find Jungkook exactly where she had left him fifteen minutes ago; on the sofa deep in thought. The floor creaked underneath her feet as she made her way over to him, sitting down on the cheap faux leather loveseat. She couldn’t help but admire his face, and although his eyes looked sad, they were still filled with all the stars in the galaxy. His bottom lip jutted out into a small pout as he absentmindedly picked on the peach fuzz of his right cheek, staring at the stained carpet. “Hey.” She mumbled against his ear, softly pressing her lips to his cartilage making him flinch from the unexpected peck. “Were you daydreaming?” He hummed, not wanting to make her heart any heavier than it already was. She ran her hand through his dark locks, peppering kisses light as feathers down his neck, feeling his body tense up. Pulling away, she eyed him carefully; wondering why he looked so burdened when everything was okay according to him. “What’s wrong, baby?” Jungkook shook his head; pressing his lips together into a tight line. “Nothing.” Not so elegantly she climbed onto his lap, legs dangling off the side, cupping his cheeks with both of her hands. “Kookie, I know you better than I know myself and I can tell something is bothering you. Please tell me what’s wrong so you don’t have to suffer in silence.” Deep down she knew that the conversation weighed heavy on his mind but a part of her was certain that he didn’t tell her everything that had been said in the room earlier that day. “It’s really nothing. I’m fine, noona.” The smile on his face didn’t reach his eyes like it normally did; making them sparkle like fireworks in the night sky and it worried her. He leaned forward, his lips ghosting over her clavicle as he inhaled the clean scent of her skin, trying to regain the usual feeling of home whenever he was with her, wanting to feel safe so badly. Forehead resting against her shoulder, his fingers sunk deeper into the towel around her waist as if she would just get up and leave him if he didn’t hold on to her as tightly as he could. He needed to feel okay; he didn’t want to feel this way when she was around - she was his happy place. Gently she ran her nails down the back of his neck, drawing indecipherable patterns on his golden skin, the short hair tickling her fingertips. “Noona…” His voice was small when he finally spoke after a while. “I-I-…” He sat up, his dark eyes diving into hers. “I’m scared..” It was nothing but a whisper; she knew it had taken everything out of him to admit what she had known all along. “So scared that I’ll lose you..” Tilting her head a little, she sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “This could be our last night together, so you better make it count, Jeon.” She mused, a smug smile playing on her lips - a desperate attempt to lighten the mood that was about to crush both of them. “Don’t talk like that, please.” He whined, throwing his head back but she used her arms to move it back to where she could gently press small pecks onto his slightly chapped lips. This time he kissed her back; feverishly his tongue darted into her mouth, catching her off guard as it started a play fight with hers. The rough skin of his hands felt warm against her thighs as they slowly rubbed them up and down before taking back their place on her waist, pulling her tighter to his chest. As if her mouth was uncharted territory, his tongue tried to get a taste of what he had been missing for what seemed like an eternity. She pulled away, resting her forehead against his. “I love you, I’ll always be here, Kookie. No matter what happens, okay?” His lips ghosted over hers, feeling the smile tugging on them she harshly reconnected them - every second she didn’t spend kissing him was a waste of time. The urge to feel him grew inside of her, spreading slowly through her body. With restless fingers she began tugging at his shirt while he sucked on her bottom lip, making it throb from the blood rushing to it. But Jungkook wasn’t ready to break the kiss, not wanting to be separated from the lips that made him forget every bad thing that had happened that day. Capitulating when his tongue slowly licked back into her mouth to massage hers, her hand disappeared under his shirt. Feeling his soft, warm skin as she delicately brushed over his toned stomach, eliciting a small sigh from the doe-eyed boy. Dragging her nails further down his abdomen until she hit the much-hated belt buckle, which denied her entrance for the time being. Opening her eyes, her gaze rested on his long eyelashes brushing against his skin; he was lost in the moment of feeling her lips on his like it was the last time. An overwhelming feeling of love for the boy in front of her made her eyes tear up; he was everything to her, her whole world. She pulled away, Jungkook’s eyes fluttering open instantly as her warmth left him. “Why did you stop?” His lips were swollen, already moving to form a pout yet again, like a child who didn’t get all the chocolate that he wanted to eat before dinner. But he got no answer, her fingers reached for his shirt tugging it over his head, giving herself a brief moment to bathe in the glory that was Jungkook. With hooded eyes he watched as she slid down his lap, kneeling on the sofa next to him, fingers busy with unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans. Rather impatiently she tugged them down his thighs, letting them pool at his ankles. Sitting back on her heels, she untied the towel from around her body. Jungkook gulped down the salvia that collected in his mouth as his dark brown eyes wandered over the soft flesh, lingering on the triangle between her legs. She leaned forward, leaving a trail of burning hot open-mouthed kisses down his neck to his chest, steadying herself on his thighs as she made her way further down. His mind must have been preoccupied; usually, his dick would be hard as a rock after making out but not this time. Pushing aside the worries and insecurities that started to fog up her brain; she adjusted herself to pepper little pecks on his femur, feeling his muscles tense up the closer she got to her destination. When suddenly his hand got in the way, covering up his member. “Noona, please don’t…” Embarrassment swayed in his voice. “Why not? I want to feel you get hard in my mouth.” Her fingers wrapped around his rough hand, gently moving it out of the way. Jungkook sucked in a breath through gritted teeth as he watched her lips ghost over the soft flesh before taking it in her mouth. He let his head fall back, breathy sighs escaping his lips blending seamlessly with the sucking noises bouncing off the walls. Her tongue gingerly played with his slowly hardening dick, his fingers woven in her slightly damp hair as she sucked like her life depended on it. “Baby…” He whined, his chest heaving up and down as she cupped his balls, massaging them. With a juicy plop, she pulled her head back to give the reddened head tiny kitten licks, lapping up the first drops of precum. “Fuck, y/n..feels g-good.” He choked out while she sank her mouth further down his length again, the confinement of her throat tightening when she swallowed around him, his nails digging into her scalp. “Kook, ouch.” She pulled away, his saliva coated erection slapping against his stomach breaking the string of spit that connected him to her mouth. “I’m sorry, noona.” Gently patting her head to ease the pain he had caused her, looking down, his gaze glued to the mounds of her breasts pressed against his thigh. 
Sneakily his fingertips danced from her neck over her throat and further down until they reached the soft round flesh. He swallowed the water that gathered in his mouth, eyes darting between his cock and the valley of her breasts that looked so inviting. “Noona…can I-I…” She didn't wait for him to word his desire, but simply adjusted her body in a way that would accommodate his throbbing member; propping her arm up next to his other thigh to give her some leverage as she pulled her upper body up, leaning against his torso, her right boob pressed against his lower stomach. Eagerly she reached for his dick, sliding it between her breasts, only to cup the right one with her left arm to make it as tight as it needed to be for Jungkook’s pleasure. He exhaled shakily in anticipation resting his hand on her back when she smiled up at him. “Kiss.” She demanded, puckering her lips and he happily obliged, leaning down to place a chaste kiss on them. “More.” Letting out a chuckle, he kissed her harder, teeth grazing her bottom lip when without warning she started moving. Jungkook moaned into her mouth, the soft, squishy flesh of her breasts forcing more precum to spill. 
Looking down at the angry reddened tip that was ejaculating from in between her bosom with every bob. She lowered her head, kissing it every chance she got. Before holding still to run the back of her tongue over the exposed part of the shaft, trying to savor the sweet saltiness as much as she could, coating her tastebuds in it. “Fuck, noona…please don’t. I’ll cum.” He whimpered, legs squirming against the fake leather, his toes curling when she started rocking back and forth, sucking harshly on the tip. Wrapping his hand around her hair, he abruptly pulled her head back.  “You’re weak.” She giggled, pushing herself up.  “For you, yes.” His chest was rising and falling quickly; he took deep breaths trying to calm the whirlwind inside of him that had almost pushed him over the edge far too soon for his liking. 
“Do you want to make out for a bit so you can calm down?” He shook his head, both of his hands grabbing her hips as she straddled him, wiggling her hips. A gasp fell from his mouth when he slid with ease through her folds, coating it in her sweet juices. He tried hard to think of every unsexy thing he had ever seen; Jin hyung in his funny glasses on stage, the time he had thrown up from drinking too much with Jimin, Hobi scolding him when he messed up during practice, desperately needing a distraction from her rubbing her clit on his sensitive head. Up until this point Jungkook had been sure that his dick couldn’t get any harder than this, alas he was wrong - the protruding vein throbbing dangerously as her slick folds embraced him. Her swollen lips were so close to his ear that they drowned out every thought in his head; she was moaning so deliciously that he was about to erupt like a volcano. She was really testing him today; how was he supposed to hold back and wait for her to get off first? When suddenly her movements stopped and she lifted herself up, knees digging into the sofa as she reaching around from behind to grab his cock by the base, holding it in place to lower herself down yet again. Both moaning loudly as the tip forced its way through the small hole, stretching it until it swallowed his entire length.  She held on tightly to his shoulder, Jungkook’s fingers squeezing her still bruised ass- making sure to leave marks behind. He tried to help her find a steady rhythm when she started bouncing up and down slowly, giving herself time to adjust to him being inside her from this angle. Jungkook was about to lose his mind, feeling like he was at her mercy; her boobs swaying right in front of his face. He couldn’t stand to just look at them any longer- he knew it wasn’t quite as sensual as when she was sprawled out on his bed and he could take his sweet time worshipping every inch of her. Quickly his tongue darted out, toying with the hard bud before sucking it into his mouth. She cried out; his ministrations making her head fall back when he gently sunk his teeth in to increase the pressure. “Jungkook-ah..” She mewled, nails scratching his skin; her walls tightening around him, working hard on getting him to explode. He bucked his hips up, meeting her halfway, eliciting another cry from her. Mesmerized by the way she sounded and moved, just using him to get herself off on his dick, had his head in the clouds. Leaving him to wonder, how he got so lucky that she chose him to be hers. She sank down on him, taking him all the way, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders to bury her face in the crook of his neck. Hot breath fanning against his sweat glisten skin, she was grinding her hips back and forth; making him hit the right spot over and over again, her clit rubbing against his skin right above the base of his cock. His hands danced up and down her back, trying to hold back a little while longer; his cock rubbing against the hidden rough patch of skin inside of her. 
She lifted her head up, resting her forehead against Jungkook’s, sweat slowly dripping down his temples when her weight shifted and she started bobbing up and down his cock again quicker than before. Never breaking eye contact, Jungkook felt the knot in his stomach pulling itself together, ready to burst into a million pieces at any second. Ravishing the feeling of her body so close to his, he pulled her even closer to him; her breasts pressed to his chest. 
“I love you..” He panted, her velvet walls convulsing around him rapidly. “God, I love you so, so much, baby.” She smiled, masking the fact that her walls were squeezing him extra tight on purpose. “I love y-“ Cutting her off, he locked his arms around her back; holding her still - hips thrusting inside her without mercy, chasing his own high. “Oh god! Right there, baby. Fuck.” She whined, choking on air when her legs began to shake; she was really close to coming undone. “Don’t close your eyes.” He grunted, still relentlessly fucking her as deep and fast as he could, her arousal dripping down his length. 
Blinding lights flashed before her eyes when her high finally washed over her like a tsunami, needy moans echoing from the walls; clinging to her lover for support while he helped her ride it out until the waves subsided. The almost unbearable tightness of her orgasm pushed Jungkook over the edge; painting her walls as white as snow. His thrusts were getting sloppy, mumbling profanities against her lips before he let his head fall back, his body going limp from the exhausting sprint. He felt her soft lips on his; the kiss was innocent like it was the first time many moons ago; she brushed his bangs from his face. “Hmm, you look so pretty right after you cum.” She smiled; Jungkook felt the heat rushing to his face, quickly closing his eyes to escape the situation that had his ears burning up. “Noona, I told you not to say those things.” He whined, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to spread on his face. “Fine, I’ll never say something like that again.” After a quick peck to the column of his throat, she tried to get up but he pulled her back, his arm securely around her back. “No! Don’t stop, please.” Jungkook brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, reconnecting their lips for a second. She chuckled, playfully hitting his chest. “I knew it, you do like it.” She poked his sides, making him giggle and squirm underneath her. “Maybe.” He shrugged trying to keep his composure, peppering small kisses on her cheek when a rumbling noise between their bodies startled both of them. “Are you hungry?” He crooked an eyebrow, eyeing her intently. “Yeah.” Puckering her lips together like a fish, she gently patted her stomach. “Starving, actually.” “Me too.” He confessed, mimicking her lips from before. “God, if you weren’t so cute, you would be really annoying.” Jungkook smiled, bunny teeth on full display. “But lucky for me you, you do think I’m cute.” “The cutest.” She added, softly squishing both his cheeks between her hands, pressing her lips to the tip of his nose. “I love you.” “I love you too, y/n.” Biting down on her lip in order to hide how giddy it still made her feel on the inside when he said her name; it danced so beautifully off his tongue. “How about I’ll go get us some food while you get cleaned up and maybe you can pick out a movie?” “Sounds perfect.” Fishing his t-shirt off the back of the couch, she quickly pulled it over her head; Jungkook loved how it hugged her body in all the right places; she looked so cute with cum smeared on her thighs as she walked to the bathroom. Quickly he got dressed; zipping his hoodie all the way, it would be too cold outside without the warming underlayer of his shirt. After slipping on his shoes by the door, he peeked into the bathroom watching her clean herself up with a washcloth. “I won’t be long, baby.” “Okay.” She mumbled, pulling the baby pink panties up her legs before combing through her now semi-dry hair with her fingers. It always struck her as odd that, although Jungkook had just left, she missed him already. She pulled his shirt up to her nose; the usual smell of his fabric softener mixed with his perfume never failed to make her feel happy and calm. She walked back into the room; it really wasn’t the nicest hotel they had been to but their options were limited tonight. She picked up the remote from the desk next to the bed to go through the movie catalog when suddenly a knock on the door startled her. Was he back already? “I’m coming.” She called, her eyes darting to his phone that he had forgotten to take with him - quickly she picked it up on her way to the door. “Next time take your ph-“ She started lecturing the second she pulled the door open to the dimly lit corridor but it wasn’t Jungkook standing in front of her. “Y-Yina?” Muttering more to herself than to the girl in front of her. Eyes wide in shock and like a fish out of water, she opened and closed her mouth, trying to understand what was happening - desperately looking for a lie that would explain why she was wearing Jungkook’s shirt and nothing else. “Can I come in? Thanks.” Yina pushed past her into the room, a short sturdy girl in a leather jacket following her. The shorter one made eye contact with her for a millisecond and she swore that if looks could kill, she would be lying on this dirty hotel carpet taking her last breaths. She swallowed hard, closing the door behind her to rest her back against it; denial making her head spin, this had to be a bad dream. “Y/n, don’t just stand there.” Yina’s voice was as cold as ice, her skin crawling from the way she said her name - only fueling the hate she had for it; it just wasn’t the same compared to when Jungkook said it so sweet and soft with his saccharine voice of an angel. Her legs felt heavy as she dragged them down the short hallway into the main room. Yina and her friend were looking around, she couldn’t help but stare at the spot on the couch where only a few minutes ago she had made love to Yina’s boyfriend. As if this wasn’t bad enough, small drops of his cum stained the sofa; there was no way for her to wipe them off without the two girls noticing. Her nails dug into her left forearm, waiting for the younger girl to finally speak when she turned around to face her, it was like a handful of ice cubes was gliding down her esophagus and forming a big clump in her stomach. “What’s wrong y/n? You look surprised!” The light-hearted tone in her voice did not augur well - nausea draining her mouth of any moisture. She had to find a way to get out this situation; she was so accustomed to lying that usually it was fairly easy by now to come up with believable lies concerning Jungkook but no lie was going to explain away all the evidence in this cheap hotel room. In her head Jungkook had always been the one to finally end things with Yina, not once did a scenario involving her having to face her all alone occur in her mind . “Yina, I-…i-it’s not what it l-looks like.” Her tongue had trouble forming the words - usually, she was good at thinking on her feet, always a witty remark on the tip of her tongue but it was like her brain was slowing down, clogged up with fear and the sheer terror of how this was going to play out. Yina turned to her friend. “Can you believe that she’s still trying to lie to me?” Before the girl could say anything, she took a step forward. “I’m not.” She burst out desperately hoping the two girls would just give up and leave. 
“Y/n…y/n…y/n… cut the bullshit! I know you have been sleeping with my boyfriend.” Yina’s eyes flickered in disgust as she contemptuously looked her up and down. “Do yourself a favor and stop denying it.” “I’m not denying anything, just let me explain.” The words had already left her mouth when she realized what she had said. There was no way to tell her without making her feel worse than she already did. “Explain to me what exactly? I don’t want to know which dirty tricks you played on him to get him to cheat on me.” She let out a frustrated whine, running her fingers through her hair.  “I didn’t trick him into anything. We didn’t plan this, we didn’t want to hurt you.” 
Yina huffed under her breath, feeling her body shake; anger and the overwhelming disappointment making her want to hurt y/n, forcing her to suffer the pain she was feeling but her cracked heart experienced an odd sensation of pity for the girl in front of her. She looked so small and defeated, eyes swimming in tears as she fixated her gaze on the ground, her arms wrapped around her waist as if she was trying to comfort herself for being a home-wrecker. So she closed her eyes, she had to stay in control - they hurt her, they made her look like a complete and utter fool. She wasn’t going to break, even though y/n looked like she was about to crack from the tension in the small room. “For how long?” Her voice was straining when she attempted to speak, swallowing the lump in her throat. “Almost seven months…” A cold sting in her chest made her gasp at her words. Y/n’s lips were trembling, Yina was unsure if the girl had one ounce of decency left in her body that made her feel bad for what she did or if she was just upset that her dirty secret wasn’t so secret anymore. “Oh stop crying! You’re the fucking slut who slept with Jungkook.” Yuri snapped, her small hand wrapping tightly around her best friends wrist for support and encouragement to keep the interrogation going. 
“Did…did you know he had a girlfriend?” Yina wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to ask but maybe it would be easier for her to handle if it had been an accident that turned into a friends with benefits situation. The movement of y/n’s head was almost unnoticeable if one blinked. “I’m so sorry, Yina... I knew he had a girlfriend. I knew he was taken but I made a move anyway.” Her words knocked the air out of her lungs and she stumbled a few steps back, knees feeling so weak that she had to lean against the desk for support. “I’m sorry, I felt awful but I just…I-I liked him so much. I know it was wrong but I couldn’t control myself…I’m sorry. I really tried to stop myself but I just gave in.” “Stop saying you’re sorry! You’re not! If you were you wouldn’t have done that, you are a vile person and I hope you rot in hell for this.” Yina sneered; her constant sorry’s weren’t good enough, they wouldn’t glue the pieces of her heart back together, they wouldn’t make it hurt any less or make it any better that she hooked up with the love of her life. “How could you sleep with him when you knew he was with me? Do you have no conscience? From the moment I met you, I knew you were going to cause trouble. You ruined everything!”  “How do you think felt all this time?” Y/n sniffled, her voice overflowing with hurt and desperation.  “I don’t care how you felt! Jungkook was still my boyfriend and not yours to take!” 
The unexpected knock echoed loudly in her ears and Jungkook’s muffled voice could be heard through the wooden door. “Noona, open the door! The food is getting cold.” No one made a move; afraid of what would happen when Jungkook entered the room.  “Kook, don’t come in!”  Y/n called out to him, wanting to protect him from having to face this situation when Yuri turned around to open the door for him, a smug grin on her face.
“Yuri? What the-“ It took him a moment to realize what was going on - connecting the puzzle pieces, he rushed inside, now standing between both of his girlfriends like a manmade statue, petrified as fear washed over him. Yina’s lips were tightly pressed together into a thin line, her hands shaking as she held on to the table. She just kept staring at the doe-eyed boy, the plastic bag rustling from his shake-ridden hands as his big eyes darted between them, both teary-eyed as they waited for him to come to his senses. Yina couldn’t take her eyes off Jungkook; a part of her wondered why she felt so bad for him - he looked so fragile and confused like a child that had lost his mother in a crowd. He was the one who broke her - she could feel all the broken pieces of her heart floating inside her. She knew that anger and resentment should be the only things she should be feeling but at this very moment, she wasn’t. Maybe a part of her knew that it had never been his intention to hurt her like he did; he was a good person, the sweetest and kindest man any girl could hope for. He just made a terrible mistake, or maybe he was scared that breaking her heart would break his too and that made him betray her. An odd sense of sadness seemed to spread from her chest through her body, forcing fresh tears to spill from her eyes. She felt sad for him; he looked pathetic as his eyes once again darted from her to the girl that robbed him of his innocence, who turned him into cheating liar that could not be trusted. 
He looked at y/n - she was crying, grabby hands trying to wipe away the tears as they made their way down her cheeks uncontrollably. With two long strides, he was standing in front of her, hands resting on her shoulders. “Is everything okay? Did they hurt you?” His head snapped around when she didn’t reply, glaring at the other two girls across the room - Yuri had her arm around Yina’s shoulders, comforting her best friend as she had to watch him care more about another girl rather than herself- his girlfriend - the one he had promised to be with forever all those nights when he was on the verge of falling into a deep slumber. “What did you do to her?” He tried to wrap his arms around y/n, wanting to hold her so badly, needing her to know that he was there for her and would never let her go. Seeing her cry made his heart contract painfully like a supernatural force was poking it with a thousand needles all at once but her hands pressed firmly into his pecs, pushing him away from her to keep the distance between their bodies. “We were just talking,” Yuri spoke up, her voice drenched in condescension. “You know, trying to figure out why you would cheat on Yina with that …” She made a rude gesture towards y/n when Yina pushed herself off the table, taking a few wobbly steps towards to the middle of the room as did Jungkook - he had to face her, there was no going back this time. Never had he imagined that this was how it was going to end, not in front of Yina’s best friend and certainly not in front of y/n. His plan had been to take her to a park with strangers around which would ensure Yina wasn’t going to cause a scene but here he was; in a cheap motel room facing the harsh reality of his actions. His head automatically tilted to the side for a second as he looked at his girlfriend; his heart wrenched as her peach colored sweater stained with big teardrops. He didn’t want to hurt her but he had to, he had to be honest with her one last time. “I just want to know why Jungkook…” He inhaled deeply a few times, trying to get as much oxygen as possible to his brain as it was too numb to work properly, thoughts stumbling and tripping over one another in chaos. “I-It just happened.” “Things like that don’t just happen.” She choked out, her brows knitted together in a stern manner. “What did I ever do to you that made you betray me like that?” Sucking the inside flesh of his cheek in between his teeth, he tried looking for a way to let her down with minimal damage. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” “Then why did you sleep with her behind my back for 7 months? I feel so stupid and humiliated. I must have done something that made you run into her arms.” Jungkook’s breathing was shallow, his palms were getting sweaty. He couldn’t find the words to say it; and once he did say it out loud he knew he would break her, unsure if she would ever be able to trust anyone again. “Is there any way we can fix this?” Her words sent a shooting pain down straight to his core at her sudden change of mind. He had no desire to fix their relationship when he had fallen for someone else so he stayed quiet. Adamantly Yina shook her head, fingertips pressed against her mouth. 
“Jungkook-ah, no…no please, tell me it’s just sex…please…” She whimpered. “Please say you’re not in love with her…” Not once before had he ever heard her beg; she sounded so desperate, clinging onto the small thread of hope that he had just wanted some fun on the side. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip, leaving a shallow tear in the soft flesh. “I-I do - did love you.” His voice was nothing but a whisper; it was too painful to say those things to her. “It’s just… I love y/n more.”  The silence in the room was deafening; Yina stared at him in shock, big tears rapidly spilling. “I’m sorry, I really I am. I never wanted to hurt you but I just fell in love with her. She’s not just a hookup, she is my soulmate.” 
Her pupils darted to the frightened piece of misery that was hiding behind Jungkook. How could he love this girl more than he loved her? She had given him everything from changing her work schedule around to accommodate his to going to his shows to cheer for him and this was how he repaid her unconditional love for him by he ramming a knife in her back first chance he got. Jungkook blinked quickly; his mind too busy to realize what was happening when Yina lifted her arm. His eyes falling shut, expecting to feel her palm colliding with his cheek. He deserved it - ready to endure every hit she would throw at him, he broke her, it was the least he could do to maybe lessen the pain that was tearing at her from his betrayal. “No!” Immediately he opened his eyes as the sound of a whimpered outcry reached his ears, quickly followed by a hand harshly coming down on skin that wasn’t his. Y/n stood in front of him, holding her cheek. “Don’t hurt him, you should be hurting me. It’s all my fault! I fell in love with him even though I knew he had a girlfriend so go ahead and hit me all you want.” Her body was trembling, trying to protect him from harm. A whisper of her name left his lips, reaching out his arms to embrace her.  In utter disbelief Yina stared at them, eyes resting on the matching bracelets around their wrists; he had quickly spun y/n around to hug her tightly against his chest where she sobbed quietly into his hoodie. She had seen the bracelet before, only now realizing that even back then he had lied straight to her face. Telling her that it had been Taehyung’s and he was just testing it to see if it was right for them and like a fool she had believed everything he said because her Jungkookie would never lie to her. Hating herself for falling for his lies; it had been so obvious - they were hiding in plain sight relying on everyone around them to be too oblivious to see the truth. “Yina, fight for him! He’s your boyfriend!” Yuri pleaded, not able to understand why her best friend didn’t even try to get him to stay with her. “Not anymore. I don’t want him.” She whispered, much too proud after being humiliated beyond repair by the one person she loved more than anything that the universe had to offer. She wouldn’t fight a battle she knew she was going to lose; she had lost him months ago without realizing and now it was too late. “I never want to see him again.” Yuri’s faced softened, reaching for her best friend’s hand as she slowly led her to the door. Jungkook’s arms loosened around her, his hands gently cupping her face. “Are you okay, baby?” He mumbled, lips ghosting over her forehead trying to reassure her that he would never leave her, that she could still feel safe with him. “I don’t know. My head is just kinda empty right now.”  Carefully his fingers brushed a strand of hair from her face that was sticking to her skin from all the tears she had cried that night. “Let me see your cheek.” Turning her head, she let him examine the left side of her face. Softly he brushed the pad of his thumb over her cheek before pressing pecks light as feathers on the reddened skin. She flinched, pulling away quickly. 
“I’m sorry.” He hung his head, finally letting the guilt consume him. He was to blame that Yina struck her when it should have been him. He was the one who had been cheating and lying, not her - he made her his accomplice, dragging her through the mud with him when he had been too selfish to finally go through with the breakup.  “No, it’s okay, Kookie. It’s just a little sore, don’t worry.” Tiredly she smiled up at him but he could see the sorrows behind the dark orbs, wanting nothing more than to take all the pain away from her and carry it for her.  She deserved to be happy now that they were finally able to be together. “Do you want to eat something?” He let go of her, scurrying to pick up the bag of food on the floor. “It’s not hot anymore but it will do. I’m sure you will feel better after. I got you your favorite that will cheer you up, noona!” Jungkook was trying hard to show her that he cared, maybe a little too hard but he could feel the fear of her wanting to leave him after tonight creeping up on him. Harshly she sucked in a breath and he could tell she was about to burst into tears again. “I don’t feel like eating.” Sitting down at the foot of the bed, she covered her face with her hands. “Can you drive me home, please? I-I just want to be alone for a bit to process all of this.” Jungkook nodded and hummed a yes, despite screaming on the inside. He didn’t want to leave her alone, he wanted to stay with her and hold her until she felt better - completely ignoring how emotionally drained he felt himself. He was certain that they both would feel better as soon as they left this place that felt so suffocatingly small now after everything that went down. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to voice his concern; he would give her the time she needed, although the thought of being apart from her was eating him up inside.  The tables had turned, now it was his turn to hold on to the small thread of hope that was stretched too thin but he wouldn’t let fear consume him just yet - he would make enough time for it later when he was in his bed, all alone. 
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Without You
chapter sixteen
**present day**
ivy’s pov
playing with my fingers as i sat in front of mark, i placed my hands in my lap.
“i can tell that something is bothering you.” he voiced.
i slightly sighed and bit my bottom lip.
i couldn’t just come out and say it. i was too scared.
i didn't want to break anyone's heart. but i didn’t want mine to be broken either.
i was stuck. between two men. two great men.
mark reached down to hold my hands and squeezed them tightly.
“just say it.” he whispered.
i looked up at him, with sadness in my eyes.
“i’ve never been in this type of situation before.” i whispered back. “i never thought that i would actually like someone this much.”
he smiled, thinking it was him.
but it was johnny.
i gazed down at his busted lip.
“what happened?” i questioned him. “tell me the truth. i know johnny didn’t do that to you.”
running my thumb across his bottom lip, i felt the roughness of his scab. mark tilted his head a bit, glancing down at my lips too- before closing his eyes.
“at the party..” he started. “i got really drunk. there was this guy there, who kept taking shit.”
i furrowed my brows.
“what was he saying?”
mark shook his head.
“that doesn’t matter, ivy.” he released my hands, running his palms down his face.
“he was getting ready to leave and i followed him- we fought in the front of the house and that’s it.”
i thought for a minute.
“why did you fight him, mark?”
he was becoming frustrated with my prying.
“because, i have all this built up anger. i just needed to release it. i have anger issues.” he groaned in an honest tone.
my stomach was turning in knots. i never thought that he would be the one with the anger problem.
“is that why you and johnny...”
“yes.” he interrupted. “he’s always so hostile with me. that night, i seen an outlet and i took it.”
my chest was starting to become heavy.
“so you only fought him because you were just angry? not because of how you felt about me?”
he immediately shook his head, snaking his hand to the back of my neck.
‘that’s not what i meant.” he whispered as he nudged his nose against mine.
“i’m very attracted to you- but that night, i was just angry. look for a fight with anyone who would accept the invitation. and he bought into my anger.”
mark leaned in for a kiss, but i turned away.
his expression on his face changed.
“you're lying.” i said standing up.
he didn’t like me. he just wanted me because johnny wanted me. he wanted to make johnny upset, just by being around me.
“you used me for an anger outlet.” i said hugging myself.
mark furrowed his brows and stood up with me.
“that’s not what happened at all, ivy. don’t do that.” 
reaching for my hand, he started to come closer to me.
i held out my arm, keeping my distance as i walked backwards towards the door.
i felt slightly numb. like this was the first time that my heart had ever been broken.
it wasn't, but that’s not the point.
“please. just stay away from me.” i whispered as i walked out the door.
jaehyun’s pov
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after practice, i decided to go to the basketball court. just to think a little.
as i dribbled the ball through my legs, the only thing that kept running through my mind was alonna’s picture.
she must've sent it to him. there was no other way that he would have got that picture.
but, why would she do it? after everything he put her through. maybe she really did still love him.
taking my frustration out on the court, i did a few layups before i noticed my phone going off.
i tilted my head as i approached the bench.
alonna was calling.
i hesitated to answer the phone.
*ring. ring ring.*
it kept ringing and all i could do was stare at the screen.
her caller ID was a picture of us, smiling like we were happy, at least, i thought we were.
the call ended, popping up with a missed called.
i sighed, taking a seat on the bench and closing my eyes.
the phone rang again.
this time, i answered.
“jae!” i heard her yelp through the other end.
“why are you ignoring me?” she cried.
“i’m not ignoring you, alonna. i’m at the park- trying to play basketball.” i said softly.
“i’ve called you 10 times already.. i need to see you. which park are you at?” she asked.
“can we please just wait until tomorrow..” i leaned my head back, looking up at the moon.
“this cant wait. please, jae... if you love me, you’ll hear my side..” alonna pleaded.
i hated the tone of her voice when she did that. made me feel so terrible.
i exhaled loudly, shaking my head.
“sunridge park..” i finally announced.
alonna quickly hung the phone.
alonna’s pov
hopping out of the uber, i thanked the driver- running over to the basketball court.
coming over the hill, i seen jae by himself- throwing the ball inside the hoop.
i was nervous about this conversation.
i just needed to know what was said.
“jae..” i called out for him as i approached the court.
he ignored me, picking up the ball as it bounce on the black asphalt.
i folded my arms around my chest, stepping onto the court and under the lamp-post.
“can you stop ignoring me please...” i whined as i made my way over to the large pole that held up the hoop.
jae slightly lifted himself off the ground, making the jump shot.
i quickly caught the ball before it made it to the ground.
he looked over at me, breathing heavily.
he stared at me for a moment before making his way over to me, reaching his hand out for the ball.
i slipped the ball behind my back, hiding it from him.
“not until you talk to me.” i whispered. 
i was fighting back tears as he stared down at me.
“what do you want me to say?” he finally spoke.
“i know you spoke to tae.. what happened?” i asked.
jaehyun rolled his eyes and reached for the ball again.
i smacked my lips, throwing the stupid basketball to the other side of the court.
“fucking tell me what happened! what did he say to you, to make you mad at me?!” i yelled.
his face was calm. he didn't move a muscle.
“i think that’s the first time you’ve yelled at me like that.” his tone was deep and raspy. almost like he was about to cry.
“communicate like the grown man that you claim to be.” i shouting, pushing his chest back. 
shutting his eyes, he stepped back a little- losing his balance.
jaehyun’s pov
i glued my eyes down to the floor. i wasn’t too sure on how to express these emotions. this was our first serious fight and i was terrified of the outcome.
i nodded my head.
“alright. let’s communicate then.” i started. “how did he get it..” 
“get what?” she asked in a confused tone.
my anger was starting to boil in my throat. and seconds later, i found myself spilling over.
“how the fuck did he get the picture, alonna?” i shouted, breathing a little heavy.
alonna didn’t flinch at all. she stood in front of me with her arms crossed.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about jaehyun.”
i breathed a laugh, waving her off and walking to the bench.
“stop playing dumb with me. you know what the hell im talking about.”
i was starting to see black. my eyes were clouded with frustration. i knew she was lying to me.
as i sat down, lowering my head- i cupped the back of my neck.
alonna slowly made her way over to me, kneeling down in front of me.
“babe, i honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”
her attitude switched once she noticed that i meant business.
i wasn't going to play this game with her.
i shut my eyes, trying to calm myself down.
alonna placed both hands on my thighs, tilting her head to meet eyes with me.
“i don’t know what he told you- but i haven’t spoke to him since the night of johnny’s party.” she admitted. “i told you what he said to me in the pool house. he said, from his own mouth, that he hurt me on purpose. why would i need to speak to him after that, jae?”
cupping my chin, she lifted my head.
“i would never do anything to hurt you. he’s just trying to get in your head.” she whispered.
“he has the picture that you sent me..” i voiced hoarsely.
alonna chuckled then sat on the ground with her hands in her lap.
“i can’t believe he would go this far...just to hurt me.” she mumbled.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
she sighed and ran her fingers through her long hair.
“he has access to my icloud. he must have signed in with my password and went through my shit..” she admitted.
i shook my head, clasping my hands together.
“why does he have access to your icloud, alonna?” 
she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.
“because, he wanted to make sure that i wasn’t seeing someone else, while i was with him..”
as she looked off to the side, a tear ran down her face.
now, i was starting to feel stupid.
“he sees that someone actually cares about me, and he just wants to ruin it all..”
alonna shut her eyes and hugged herself.
swallowing my pride, i fell to my knees- wrapping my arms around her.
“i should have just listened to johnny.. i’m so fucking sorry, babe.”
she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged back.
she softly laughed in my ear and shook her head.
“johnny? what did he say?”
placing small kisses on her neck, i mumbled against her skin.
“that you would never do anything like that, and that i was stupid for even thinking it was true.”
she pulled back, looking up at me- with sad eyes.
“he really said that...?” she questioned.
i nodded.
“now i feel bad for being mean to him.. he was on my side..”
johnny’s pov
i tossed the blanket from over my head and furrowed my brows.
“who the hell is it?” i groaned as the knock on the door continued.
no answer.
“i swear to god if its the cleaning people...” i mumbled. “the do not disturb sign is on the door!”
throwing my feet into my house slippers, i looked over at the clock.
“it’s 2am!” i shouted.
i rubbed my bare stomach, dragging myself down the stairs.
my pajama pants just barely clung to my hips, but honestly, i didn’t care. like i said, it was 2am. whoever was at this door was about to get a mouth full.
rolling my eyes, i swung back the door.
“what the hell do you-... ivy?” i said blinking quickly.
this had to be a dream. ivy was not standing in front of me.
rubbing my eyes, i blinked a few more times.
she was still in my doorway, dressed in an oversized hoodie and leggings.
“i’m sorry.. i didn’t even think you were going to be here- let alone be sleeping..”
i messily ruffled my hair, trying to fix it.
“i’m sorry..” she repeated, waving her hands in front of herself.
backing away from the door, she began to walk away.
i shook my head, stepping out of the doorway and reaching for her hand.
“don’t.” i whispered. “please, come in.”
i took her hand, pulling her inside the room and shut the door behind her.
she awkwardly stood in front of me, pulling her sleeves over her hands.
“would you like something to drink?” i asked, pointing towards the kitchen as i walked in that direction.
ivy shook her head and bit her bottom lip.
swallowing hard, i pushed down my emotions.
all i really wanted to do, was pick her up and kiss her.
i was excited that she was here. did that mean that she accepted my apology?
ivy followed behind me, sitting herself down in one of the chairs.
i laughed as she ran her sleeve against the counter in front of her.
“you might wanna get up.”
ivy slightly smiled. “why?” she answered back in a soft tone.
“your sister and jae had sex on that chair.” i said popping open a redbull.
ivy pretended to vomit as she stood up, quickly.
i shook my head and leaned against the fridge.
she frantically wiped off her butt and groaned.
“so gross.” she mumbled.
i stared at her for a moment, taking her features in.
she looked back at me, biting her lip once again.
the room filled with silence.
there was so much tension in the air, i felt like she was feeling exactly what i was feeling.
“why are you here, ivy?” i said cutting to the chase.
she shrugged her shoulder and sighed.
“i was trying to figure out a way to apologize to you- without looking stupid.” she laughed.
i watched as she walked closer to me, standing on the other side of the counter.
“i went to see mark.” she started. “on the way there, i was practice for how i was going to tell him, that i just couldn’t-” ivy glanced down at her feet.
“well, whatever you wanna call it.. i couldn’t do it anymore.”
i could tell she was slightly panicking, from her body language.
“because, after you left from the restaurant.. i couldn't stop thinking about you.” she mumbled quietly.
i smiled at her words. i knew this was taking a lot out of her to admit to the way she was feeling.
“then after, i talked to alonna about everything. she really made things- more clear, if you will.”
ivy shut her eyes, lowering her head.
i gently set my can on the counter, licking my lips and moving in front of her.
“i guess, all im trying to say is that..” she lifted her head, opening her eyes.
inhaling sharply, she placed her palms on the counter behind her, to lean back a little.
i slowly snaked my arms around her waist, pulling her against my chest.
“you’re saying that you want me?” i grinned.
ivy’s eyes were screaming of lust. i watched as her chest began to quickly rise and fall.
“i wanna hear you say it.” i whispered.
lowering my head to her neck, i breathed against her skin.
she smelled so good.
moving her hands around me, she clutched at the waistband of my pants, tilting her head to give more access to her neck.
placing soft kisses against her neck, i felt her body shiver. 
her breathing hitched in her throat as i gently sank my teeth into skin.
“tell me that you want me, just as bad as i want you- ivy.” i groaned.
as she ran her hands up my back, she sank her fingernails into my skin.
“i want you, johnny.” she breathed.
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fanf1cshawn · 5 years
broken promises
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sooo uh hey everyone! this imagine was inspired by a prompt i saw on a post that i reblogged and it’s my first time doing angst soooo i hope ya’ll like it. ~
4 - “why can’t you look at me?”
warnings: swearing and sexual connotations.
it all started from coming home late from the studio. always coming home at the double digits of the night. he always reasoned with you that he wanted the album to be perfect, so you let it slip the first few times.
then it turned into coming home at midnight. he came home exhausted majority of the time, you unable to wait for him to come home. the dinners you made were always left untouched, or worse, you saw it dumped inside the trash.
you came home from work a bit later today, since there were tons of things to do. you inserted the key into the keyhole, wishing that if you opened the door your boyfriend would be right there, waiting for you.
the door slowly opened and you must have been so tired that you didn’t even hear the low mumbling of your boyfriend in his office. you were a bit disappointed that he wasn’t there to welcome you with a warm hug, but you didn’t mind since it was rare for him to come home earlier than you anyways.
you quickly kick off your heels, sprinting to the office as fast as you can. he was on the phone with someone, but you couldn't make out who he was talking to.
“hey.” you leaned against the doorframe, getting no response. maybe your voice was too quiet for him to hear. you come closer and put your hands on his shoulders, feeling him tense up. he quickly turned around, surprised to see you. his body calmed down and he sighed in relief. he ended the phone call and stood up to wrap you in his arms.
“yo, y/n. didn’t notice you were already home.” it felt... weird. something was up. he gave you a crooked smile and sat right back down on his office chair.
“have you eaten yet?” you ask, so you could make dinner just in case he was hungry.
“uh, yeah. i ate out with the guys today, hope you don’t mind.” he rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling lowly.
“oh. yeah, that’s alright bub.” you reply softly, feeling your heart sink.
“i’ll be in the kitchen if you need something.” you said, thinking that it was going to be another night of eating alone again, even with him being home. you head out to kitchen, heating up the meal you made the you made for shawn the other day, since you knew that he was never going to eat it anyways.
the sound of the microwave heating the food was the only thing heard, ‘til you heard heavy footsteps approach the front door.
“shawn?” you raise your brows, surprised to see him leave again.
“i’ll be heading out for a bit, is that okay with you?” he was rushing to put on his boots, as if he someone was waiting for him.
“but didn’t you just say that you ate out with the guys earlier?” you question. the guys haven’t hung out this much in the past few days, since the guys usually came over if they wanted to hang out.
“last minute plans, they wanna go out clubbing.” he laughs. it sounded convincing, but the thought of him hiding something from you popped up in your head. you shrugged the idea off and sighed. he would never do that to you, he promised.
“uh, sure. have fun!” he took a quick glance at his phone and left without saying goodbye.
that was the last straw.
the moment your food was finished heating, you swallowed your food quickly and searched for shawn’s macbook in his office. the past few weeks you couldn’t help but notice how he was always waiting for a certain message on his phone, making his hand glued to the device.
you opened the macbook and typed in his password, since you always tell each other passwords and codes. icloud syncs on every apple device he owns, and the mac was one of them.
you click on the imessage icon and there you saw everything. the last thing you wanted to see ever from that device. you didn’t know how to feel. shocked, sad, heartbroken?
you scroll through the messages between him and a girl named allison. your jaw drops and your heart sinks for every single word you read from their most recent conversation.
a: are you leaving soon?
: i’m wearing your favorite pair tonight, can’t wait to see you later. 😉
s: fuck babe, i’ll leave as soon as i can. trying to escape from my girlfriend haha
a: lmao why are you still with her anyways, i thought she wasn’t good enough?
s: ‘cause she thinks i still care about her and it’s hard to tell her that i really don’t.
: besides, keeping you a secret is more fun anyways. that way we can do more stuff together. more thrilling than being in the public eye you know?
a: true tho. anyways, see you soon!
you scoff. why haven’t you thought of doing this before? why only now?
although you shouldn’t read the conversations of other people without their knowledge, you didn’t feel bad for reading theirs. not even a single bit.
your grew more pissed when you read through their conversation, finding out that it’s been going on for about 3 months.
you take photos of the convo on your phone to post them on twitter.
tweet by you:
hey @ShawnMendes, hope you have a lot of fun with the guys tonight!
(insert photos of convo)
your finger was on top of the tweet button, but you stopped yourself for a second. should i really do this? you chew on your bottom lip and shrugged. i should.
you press tweet and the tweet spread like wildfire. in just a few minutes, there were already headlines all around social media: Canadian Pop-star Shawn Mendes caught cheating on current girlfriend Y/N, caught by the girlfriend herself!
you go around twitter and saw that Shawn Mendes was trending on twitter and that they even made him a hashtag called #ShawnMendesIsCancelledParty. you laugh as you imagine your now ex-boyfriend’s face, reading the numerous articles and tweets.
you start packing a bag full of clothes when you hear your phone blow off with hundreds of notifications. notifications turned into phonecalls end you exactly knew who was calling you. you never picked up, so you just went on with packing more and more stuff.
you zip up the huge bag and walk into the living room, placing it beside the couch. you decided to wait for shawn to hear his nonsense explanations and what not. the sound of the keys was the only thing heard and when the door swung open there he stood, frozen and pale like he had just seen a ghost in the living room. his eyes were glued to random things in the room, as he kept fidgeting with the end of his shirt.
“so, how did it go? did you finish because of how tight brian was?” you stood up slowly, grabbing the handle of the bag. the sarcasm in your voice ringing in his ears.
“i said, how did it go?” a stern tone left your lips and you started approaching him. you eyed him up and down and to him, your eyes felt like daggers stabbing through him. he didn’t know what to say at that moment, didn’t know what dumb explanation to give you. the words were scrambled in his mind and he couldn’t make up anything.
“i-i swear i didn’t mean it. i was about to break up with her anyways.” he mutters out, voice low that you almost didn’t hear a single thing he said. you laugh loudly, clapping your hands in amusement.
“look at me, shawn.” he didn’t look.
“look at me, shawn.” you repeated, but louder. still, he didn’t move a single bit. he was still eyeing something in the kitchen, except for you.
“why can’t you look at me?!” you screamed, grabbing his chin and turning it for him to finally face you. his eyes were full of misery and the corner of his lips were low.
“after the past three years, shawn, three fucking years.” the tears were about to brim your eyes but you did your best to hold it in.
“i have genuinely loved and cared for you but all you do in return... is cheat? what about that promise you made me three years ago when you asked me to be your girlfriend, huh? you said that you’ll love me and do your best not to hurt me... and you still cheated.” you breathe heavily as you start to feel your throat hurt from holding back all the tears.
“turns out promises are just promises. made to never fulfill.” you brought your hand right across his left cheek, the sound of your hand hitting his face ringing in the room. you left, pushing him aside harshly, sprinting to the elevator as fast as you can.
shawn didn’t run. he couldn’t bring himself to do it. he slammed the door shut and was quiet for a few moments.
he realized how dumb he was for doing such a thing, and he regretted everything. your words ran through his mind over and over again, and you were right. you were always right.
shawn’s tears were streaming down his face and he leaned on the door, sliding down slowly. his long fingers ran through his hair and he tried to catch his breath.
he remembered how tight he held your hands and how he looked deeply into your eyes with love three years ago.
he cried even more because he knew he was stupid, and because of his stupidity, it caused you, the greatest treasure of his life, to leave him all alone.
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domoniqueistheone · 5 years
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I have always believed in there’s a silver lining and a lesson to be learned. I’ve never understood why people make countless trips to the grocery store weekly. I go monthly then, once a week for a few perishable things and maybe some restocking items. Also included are any other errands in an efficient pattern avoiding traffic hours. I was a finely tuned machine. Well trained submissive with three children I raised and my job was to raise them to leave that nest and be independent thinking adults who could survive on their own. Everything I did revolved around the schedule of their education and any athletic training they chose. I never forced my beliefs or opinions on them. Rather if asked, how I felt about things and discussed with them what theirs were. There were no right or wrong answers. That’s harmful to the growing mind of a child.Its brainwashing. Gives them feelings of inadequacy, low self esteem, doubts about who they are, constantly looking for approval instead of trusting and believing in themselves and their own natural instincts.
I discovered yesterday quite by accident that my beautiful, loving son James who, a couple of weeks before my arrest (which I have the factual documentation and evidence that I was not involved with the crime) told me of abuse that had taken place at the hands of his adoptive father along with other information. We were interrupted and never spoke about it again. He left me an email address that I found yesterday. 5 months after his suicide and after his adoptive father confiscated his Apple computer and 4.5 months after Apple assured me it could not be hacked. January 10, 2020 My Apple ID, iCloud, passwords, keychain FUCK EVERYTHING WAS HACKED via my son’s having my information.
Audio recordings of my husband threatening me, lying to me, showing him self as he truly is. The man behind closed doors that only I am lucky to see. The man who dressed as a sissy and raped me in my sleep while under the cover of dark. Then thanked me in the morning for a good time. If you don’t fight and pretend to be asleep it’s over with much faster. Doesn’t break his fantasy or consintration. He’s still “The Strong Sissy” with his light foundation, 4 shades too light! Being a professional makeup artist and bisexual woman, I told him that we could have had fun with that! But, he’s a coward. It’s not exactly thrilling to teach someone how to dominate you in proper form.
Having been an actual legitimately paid professional Dominitrix in my early 20’s in San Francisco it helped pay the rent. I don’t judge. I had the attire from my stage clothes. Speaking of... He kept all (5 !) jeweled anal plugs a vintage cat of 9 tails I’d purchased in the Castro in 82, a collar and leash NIB, encrusted with sparkling rhinestones and an assortment of toys but, the wax warming tray that was in the drawer showed up in with a bunch of garage stuff. Made no sense. ASSHOLE! He didn’t even pay for any of it. My dvds gone.
Two years of text messages between he and I magically disappeared. Evidence gone. Guess what mother fucker? I’m so much faster than you. You just make me work harder. That’s all you have ever done is waste my time.
Hey Lawn Boy! GOOD LUCK 👍
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prcttylittlebirds · 5 years
status closed for: @dearsmelancholy​
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the past few weeks have been particularly rough for gabriel. after having his privacy invaded when his icloud hard drive had been hacked and leaked at random, gabe had done everything he  could to up his security. changing his password on every device he owned seemed to be working just fine, but still someone was not satisified. much to his surprise, that someone had turned out to be his now ex-girlfriend. once he learned that she had been the one leaking his most intimate recordings he broke up with her immediately. just when he thought everything was under control, she returned, only to break into his home and kidnap him. luckily venus had been keeping an eye on him. if it weren’t for her he wouldn’t be laying safely in his bed right now. the last encounter gabriel had with his ex was another unexpected event. as if kidnapping him wasn’t traumatizing enough. once she made bail, she carefully mapped out her plans to kill gabriel. it would’ve worked out, had venus not been a step ahead of her, ultimately killing her before she had the chance to end gabriel’s life.  the downside to being saved, is the reoccurring nightmares that leave him unable to sleep through the night. this is the third time tonight that he’s shot up out of breath, gasping for air. his heart is beating so fast that it feels like it may implode any minute now. gabe’s used to the terrifying memory of his near-death experience coming back in pieces to haunt him, but it doesn’t make him feel any better. knowing that every time he closes his eyes he’ll have to relive that moment again has only made him more paranoid. he clutches his chest with one of his hands and wipes his damp forehead with the other as he quickly turns on the lamp located beside his bed. “venus?!” he calls, remembering he had asked her to stay with him tonight after he had woken up the second time. “venus, are you still here?” his voice doesn’t sound like his own. it’s broken and panicky as his eyes scan the room. no one’s there... you’re fine. she’s dead. he inwardly attempts to calm himself down, but nothing seems to make him feel at ease except for venus, as of late.
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daveg65 · 3 years
190 - iCloud Is Not Big Enough For Free - With Guest Guy Serle and Jeff Gamet
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave and he is joined by Guy Serle and Jeff Gamet. iCloud+ has many great features including Files, photos, family sharing, but its not big enough for free. TestFlight gives iOS app developers options for beta testing an app before its release, we review this. The Apple Support app now provides estimated costs for basics like battery replacement, screens and more right in the app. Tip on resetting settings including network settings in iOS plus more. 
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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T-Mobile is making it easier for even more people to get 5G Home Internet service - PhoneArena
Apple Support app updated to show estimated repair costs
Beta this week. iOS15.4 Beta 3 was released. Apple Seeds Third Public Betas of iOS 15.4 and iPadOS 15.4 With Universal Control, Face ID With Mask Support and More - MacRumors
Apple Seeds Third Beta of watchOS 8.5 to Developers - MacRumors
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21 Exciting iOS 15.4 Features for iPhone You Won't Want to Miss
TestFlight have you tried an app before it hits the iOS App Store? We review what it takes to “beta test” and app. Try Upcoming Apps, Features, and IAPs on Your iPhone for Free — Before They Hit the App Store « iOS & iPhone
iCloud+ what is it and why would you want to use it. We review many of the key features including photos, files, privacy and more. Also alternate backup you can use iMazing. 
How to Reset Network Settings on iPhone
Our Host
David Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV.
Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/daveg65 and find and follow him on Twitter @daveg65.
About our Guest
Guy Serle Is the host of the MyMac Podcast email [email protected] @MacParrot and @VertShark on Twitter Vertshark.com,  Vertshark on YouTube, Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet and YouTube https://youtube.com/jgamet
About our Co-Host
Warren Sklar @Wsklar is an IT Consultant and moderator of the Mac To The Future FaceBook Group with over 3000 members talking about all things Apple. Request to join this group to be among people who love Apple.
Here is our latest Episode!
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kaimiiru-creations · 6 years
Title: Bird Yellow Ch2
Ch1: https://kaimiiru-creations.tumblr.com/post/174267595648/title-bird-yellow-ch1-ch2-in-progress-premise
Next chapter: https://kaimiiru-creations.tumblr.com/post/174618710028/title-bird-yellow-ch3
Premise: Arthur struggles to adapt to the bird club.
Time taken: 6 hours ._.’
A/N: I’m really enjoying this fanfic, it’s quickly taken a ‘life’ of its own!
Characters: Eishi, Arthur, Rei, Takayama, Kamoda Umino, Naoyuki
“Blah” Normal
“Blah” Normal Tweet/ Silentwing
“Blah” Loud Tweet/ Silentwing
“>Blah<” Death Tweet/ Bellwether
Eishi was texting the Bird Club’s advisor on the way to Kamoda’s house, Rei keeping a lookout as he did so.
We found another birdman. Thought I’d let you know. ~Black
There was a number of reasons why he didn’t mention it was Arthur; mostly because Eishi had a sneaking suspicion that even his texts were being watched by Eden. Eishi stared at his phone for a few moments, before going to put it in his pocket when it rang.
“Hey.” Eishi answered it.
“Hey, Eishi. What will you do with him? Hide him?”
“We don’t know yet. I’m on my way to question him.”
There was a pause. “Eishi… could you and your friends come to a house I indicate tonight?”
“...” Eishi looked to Rei, who was listening in. Rei shrugged and smiled in a ‘why not?’ manner. Naoyuki had long ago proven that he was trustworthy; it was really a matter of courtesy to make sure this was okay with the president of the bird club. “Sure. We’ll bring the new guy too.” Eishi said.
“Great, I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yeah.” Eishi disconnected the call.
When they arrived at Kamoda’s house, they found Arthur fresh out of the shower, clothed, laying on the couch, and eating piles of japanese snacks. The TV was on, but on a low volume.
“Wow, are there any more flavors?! Green tea still kinda tastes gross though.” He tweeted enthusiastically.
“Dude, I’m blowing through my allowance, I can’t get you any more snacks.” Kamoda whined.
“You can just take it! They’ll never catch you! Here, I can he-”
“A thieving freeloader as ever, I see.” Eishi said, making Arthur freeze and turn to him with the most sheepish of smiles.
“Oh go easy on him Eishi, he’s never had these snacks before!” Kamoda said.
“I see.” Eishi took the bag of half-empty nori crackers from Arthur’s hand like it was resting on the table and grabbed a handful. Arthur looked somewhat flabbergasted, but soon pouted and sulked as Eishi knelt at the table and sat down.
“Umino’s not here yet?” Rei asked, sitting on the arm of the couch and turning off the TV with the remote.
“I’m sorry!” Umino shouted from the front porch, “My bike and I got caught in traffic!”
“It’s fine...” Eishi said, “Hey Takayama, where are y-”
“I’m here.” Takayama walked out from the kitchen, water bottle in hand. He gave Arthur a confused glance as he stared at the water bottle almost in fear, and tossed it to him. Arthur caught it, looking equally as perplexed. Eishi wondered about the odd interaction, but Umino ran in before he could ask.
“Hey guys!” Umino quickly put her bag on the floor and sat across from Eishi at the coffee table. Everyone returned her greetings. Arthur finally sat up, folding his bare feet cross-legged. Kamoda sat next to Arthur and gave him a friendly grin, which he returned somewhat, if a bit nervously. Takayama seemed content to lean against the wall.
Rei introduced them all to Arthur, whom frowned and nodded, sounding out the names with his mouth.
“I have some questions to ask you, Phoenix.” Eishi said, pulling out a notebook with the title ‘novel notes’, “You are willing to answer them, right?”
“Depends on the questions.” Arthur said defensively.
“I’m not telling you to spill your deepest darkest secrets.” Eishi said as he scribbled notes on his behavior, “We just want to know your intentions.”
“I…” Arthur suddenly seemed unsure of himself.
“You do want to stay with us, right?” Rei asked gently.
“Yes.” Arthur nodded.
“That’s a good place to start.” Eishi leaned back and glanced at the clock in the room, “In about an hour we’re going to the sky terrace, and then we’ll officially induct you into our bird club. But!” He looked at the hopeful Arthur, “That means you have to follow some ground rules, especially you. As I said before, Eden has their eyes on us. Not to mention everyone in the world knows your face.”
“Does that mean I can’t go out…?” Arthur asked, slumping in his seat.
“Nah, nothing a little makeup and a haircut can’t fix!” Rei said, waving his hand.
“A facemask, too!” Kamoda added.
“Oh, I have an idea! We can have him mute and mysterious!” Umino chimed in.
“The masked silent freeloader, amazing.” Eishi muttered.
“I... don’t want to take from you guys. I can find some other place if you don’t want me here…” Arthur said, his gaze lowering. Eishi shared some glances with everyone. Although no words were exchanged, he knew what they had agreed to as a reply.
“You have wings, so you’re already one of us.” Eishi said simply, making Arthur look up, “You aren’t the worst case. The last one Takayama turned was an assassin from Eden that tried to kill us.” Takayama nodded when Arthur gave him a perplexed look.
“Eden… they tried to kill you guys. Even though you’re heroes...” Arthur suddenly bristled with rage, his eyes turning red. His voice came out as a low growl, his bright aura filling the room, “>EDEN…!<”
For the first time, Eishi felt the effects of another bellwether; Arthur’s sudden rage barely hiding a deep, deep despair. His flock wasn’t doing so swell under those heavy emotions that nearly felt as if they were their own; Umino was struggling to breathe, Rei looked shocked, Kamoda looked close to tears, and Takayama had more of a guarded expression than usual.
Indignation creep up within Eishi; this was HIS friends and even then he didn’t want HIS own emotions to even spill out and effect them to this extent! But, he had to calm down Arthur. Arthur, who seemed to be glassy eyed, curled into a ball, his mind racing over events he desperately was trying to shove down. Attacking him would make this worse. Eishi felt his own power rise up to meet with Arthur’s in a manner of self-defense, and he was able to move and speak.
“>You’re safe here. We will protect you.<” He spoke lowly, but besides Arthur jerking as their auras mixed he just wouldn’t calm down. Eishi frowned in a barely controlled mix of panic and frustration, and reached out to touch his hand.
He was bombarded with emotions, and images that Arthur was quickly pulling back before he could make out. In response, Eishi gritted his teeth and reached into himself. He shoved his own images of the bird club having fun and bonding upon Arthur, along with the comfort and peace of being together as a flock and getting through many challenges. Arthur retreated from him, leaning unknowingly against a frozen Kamoda, but Eishi slid forward to keep the contact. Eventually, Arthur grasped his hand in a powerful, shaky grip. Eishi did his best not to show pain.
“>But what if I’m not enough...?<” Arthur’s voice was a whisper but his emotions screamed. Eishi had gotten through to him, but Eishi didn’t know how long that would last.
“>Even if you think that, you have to keep going.<” Eishi replied, trembling with him but his voice remaining steady, “>The world is cruel and uncaring, but we can change our very fates if we work together. You’re not alone.<” He squeezed Arthur’s hand back and waited. He felt Arthur’s grip loosen.
“>... You’ll really accept me? Even if I’m a fuck up?<” Arthur was looking at him now, snot and tears all over his face. His anger had broken, and now there was only a sadness as deep as the ocean.
“>I already answered that question, Phoenix. We said yes.<” Eishi said resolutely, his throat tightening. Through the tingling on his back he felt Arthur examine him, in both his wings and their now combined aura. He still found that sensation unpleasant.
Arthur seemed to calm, his bellwether ability deactivating and making the bird club give out a collective sigh of relief as most of them tried not to crumble to the floor. Eishi took back his hand and wiped his face on his sleeve. “I’m sorry for bursting out like that…” Arthur mumbled. With a glance at the rest of the bird club, Eishi realized most of them were crying, except Takayama.
“Hey, it’s cool, Eishi awakened in a similar way!” Kamoda said, and grabbed a handkerchief to blow his nose loudly.
“‘I’ll kill them all!!!’ I think were his words!” Rei chuckled.
“Hey! Shut up about that!” Eishi shouted, his face turning red.
“Arthur really turned on the waterworks, huh?” Umino laughed. Rei translated for a confused Arthur, who blushed, hiccuped, and made a strange distressed noise in his throat.
Takayama ended up leaving the room.
“Hey, Takayama, you’re crying too?!” Rei exclaimed.
“Takayamaaa! Come back! Not fair that you get to hide your crying face!” Kamoda shouted. Eishi took his phone out and snapped pictures of Kamoda, Arthur, and Rei in a speedy fashion.
“What are you doing, Eishi?” Umino asked, perplexed.
“... Blackmail.” Eishi replied, in which Rei pretty much tackled him to get at his phone. He stubbornly hugged his phone to his chest and curled into a defensive ball.
“Kamoda, Arthur, help!”
“Why?” Kamoda asked, picking his nose uncaringly.
“My di-gnity is at stake!” Rei’s voice broke. Arthur let out an uneven breath, before bursting into loud laughter. It was contagious, as Kamoda and Umino soon joined him while Rei protested. Eishi managed to keep a straight face as Rei finally pried his phone from his hands to delete the pictures, only to realize that Eishi had backed up the pictures to several icloud folders that each needed separate passwords to get into. Rei let out a yell of anger and playfully shook him. Eishi didn’t hide his smirk then.
Takayama walked in with a smile and a box of tissues, which everyone grabbed and wiped at their faces. “It’s time to go visit our advisor, isn’t it?” He commented.
There was a slightly horrified pause and a chorus of “Oh, right!” from Kamoda, Umino and Rei as everyone glanced at the clock nearby. Eishi snatched his phone back from Rei and texted Naoyuki that they may be a bit late.
“Kamoda, give Arthur a mask, a hat, and sunglasses.” Eishi said, standing up. Kamoda nodded and trotted out of the room.
“What a cliche disguise.” Rei snickered. Eishi rolled his eyes.
“It’ll have to work, though!” Umino piped up.
“I could wear a ski mask!” Arthur suggested.
“That’s even more suspicious.” Eishi deadpanned.
“Back!” Kamoda handed the items over. Arthur put them on and everyone had to try really hard not to laugh.
“He’s like a celebrity that’s in disguise.” Umino said.
“He is, isn’t he?” Rei grinned.
“Sky terrace let’s go!” Eishi barked impatiently, walking out of the room. Everyone glanced to one another before following him outside to the barely visible sunset.
When they had arrived on the helipad of Rei’s suite, it was completely night out.
“Welcome to the top secret meeting place of the bird club, Arthur!” Rei announced, “We’d have an official induction but we have to-”
“I told Naoyuki we’d be a little late. We can spare some time.” Eishi spoke up.
“Well, first of all we have to transform!” Rei went on. Arthur nodded and whipped off his shirt like it was crawling with fleas- “WAIT WAIT WAIT-” Arthur froze like a deer in the headlights. “Please keep in mind that there is a lady here!”
“Oh. My flock didn’t mind being naked in front of one another.” Arthur said, perplexed as Umino’s face turned red.
“I’ll go wait insideknockwhenyou’redone!” Umino spoke quickly, running back in.
“Well, that’s not how it works in the bird club.” Eishi said. Arthur nodded so seriously that Kamoda had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing as he undressed.
Rei gave Kamoda a look as if he was looking at a cockroach.
“Shut up Rei! Any healthy man would react like th-”
“I worry about the future of all men around, then.” Rei sighed as he unbuttoned his pants. Eishi rolled his eyes and took off his clothes to transform.
Arthur seemed much more… bouncy in his birdman form, looking rather relieved to be out of his disguise. Rei went to knock on the door and out came a transformed Umino with a curious gaze.
“OFFICIAL INDUCTION BEGIN!” Rei announced, hands on his hips as the bird club automatically made a circle. Arthur was in the circle as well, bouncing with some occasional ‘clicks’ of his talons.
“... What the hell even is the official induct-” Eishi began,
“The fog clears to a magnificent radius! I’m the one who sees all,” Rei posed, his arms outstretched to his sides and his wings half-folded as if he were a god gracing everyone with his presence, “Bird White!!”
“Chocolate rain drips the stars and cotton candy cushions your feet!” Umino jumped right in, spreading her wings up and cupping her face in her hands like a shoujo character, “The world would be bitter without me, Bird Blue!” Rei enthusiastically translated for her. Arthur whistled.
“Darkness will never claim the immortal warrior of the heavens!” Kamoda shouted, half-kneeling and lifting pointing an imaginary sword to the sky, “Here I am, BIRD GREEN!”
“The too-normal japanese boy with wings who has a terrible personality!” Rei gestured to Eishi, who puffed up and and fluttered a step back like a frightened bird, “He’s the bird club’s twitter feed, Bird Black!”
There was a pause as Rei, Kamoda, Umino, and even Arthur snickered at Eishi’s flustered face and gaping mouth.
“I’m just Re-” Takayama started to say, his arms crossed.
“The watcher! The guardian! He appears at the darkest hour!” Rei declared, ignoring him, “It’s light of the new moon, Bird Red!”
“It’s no use, Takayama, we’re going to dragged in anyway.” Eishi grumbled. Takayama nodded in sagely understanding. And then, everyone looked to Arthur almost expectantly. Arthur looked to each of them and then seemed to realize something.
“Igniting the crumbling world with flames of hope! He’s reborn from the ashes of his mistakes and into a new era of peace!” Arthur shouted with all his heart, getting into a battle stance, giving a few punches that were so powerful they actually caused ripples in the air, and flaring out his wings, “They call for you, BIRD YELLOW!”
Everyone was speechless for a moment at the strength of his emotions in his voice.
“That was awesome!” Kamoda shouted, giving a playful shove to Arthur, who took a step and smiled in a somewhat flustered fashion.
“It seriously was!” Umino squealed, jumping a few feet in the air with loud clacks of her talons.
“Good work!” Rei said with a big grin. Eishi did feel a bit depressed he was so terrible at this game, but seeing the four of them rile each other up and screech and jump around did make him smile. He gave a glance at Takayama, who seemed rather peaceful watching them but there was something in his somewhat gaze that made him… sense something was up.
Before Eishi could ask, Kamoda got shoved into him and they both fell over with a yell.
“Ugh… should’ve been mindful of the roughhousing zone.” Eishi muttered.
“Sorry Eishi!” Kamoda picked him up to place him onto his feet. Eishi felt annoyed at being manhandled, but tolerated it.
“>Let’s fly.<” Eishi said, taking a running start and hurling himself off the skyscraper for an easy takeoff. Everyone else’s wings thundered behind as they leapt after him into the dark sky.
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daniloqp · 3 years
Apple’s privacy mythology doesn’t match reality
Apple’s privacy mythology doesn’t match reality
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In 2021, Apple has become the world’s superhero of privacy. His leadership he insists “Privacy has been central to our work … from the beginning” and that is a “fundamental human right “. It’s new advertising it even boasts that privacy and the iPhone are the same things. Last spring, the release of a software update (iOS 14.5) that allows users to say no to apps that monitor their Internet activity proved something important: people choose privacy when they don’t have to fight for control of your information. Now, only 25 percent of users consented, but before that, almost 75% consented by default so that their information would feed targeted advertising. As Apple plans to add more privacy protections to iOS15, that will be released next month, continues to mark itself as a potentially capable force slowing down downward growth on Facebook, an example of surveillance capitalism. Unfortunately, Apple’s promises of privacy don’t show the full picture.
The company’s most alarming privacy flaw may also be one of its most profitable: iCloud. For years, the cloud-based storage service has consolidated even more hundreds of millions of Apple customers into its ecosystem, an Internet-enabled hard drive extension designed to effortlessly download photos, movies, and more. files on your invisible backup drive. Unfortunately, iCloud makes it easier for all files to be accessed by the police.
In the past, Apple has been firm that it will not weaken the security of its own devices to build in a back door. But with old devices, the door is already built. According to Apple’s law enforcement manual, Anyone with iOS 7 or earlier is unlucky if it falls under the watchful eye of the police or the ICE. With a simple warranty, Apple will unlock a phone. This may sound like the course of Silicon Valley, but most tech giant CEOs have not previously proclaimed that safeguards for their devices jeopardize “the data security of hundreds of millions of law-abiding people.” by establishing a dangerous precedent that threatens everyone’s civil libertiesThis service is available due to security vulnerabilities that will eventually be addressed in later operating systems.
Since 2015, Apple has drawn the FBI and the Justice Department ira for each new round of security enhancements creating a device too secure for even Apple to break. But the little dirty secret with almost all of Apple’s promises of privacy is that there’s been a back door all along. Whether it’s iPhone data from Apple’s latest devices or iMessage data that the company has consistently advocated “End-to-end encryption”, all of this data is vulnerable when using iCloud.
Apple’s simple design option to keep iCloud encryption keys created complex consequences. They don’t do it with your iPhone (despite government requests). They don’t with iMessage. Some advantages of making an exception for iCloud are clear. If Apple didn’t have the keys, account users who forgot their password would have no luck. A truly secure cloud storage would mean that the company itself would not be better able than a random attacker to reset your password. Still, retaining that power allows them to exercise the terrifying ability to deliver the entire backup of iCloud when asked.
ICloud data goes beyond photos and files and includes location data, such as “find my phone” or AirTags, Apple’s controversial new tracking devices. With a single court order, all of your Apple devices could backfire on you and make an armed surveillance system. Apple could fix it, of course. Many companies have secure platforms for file sharing. The Swiss firm Treasure offers true “end-to-end encryption” for your cloud service. Tresorit users also see files uploaded in real time to the cloud, synced across multiple devices. The difference is that users, not Treasury, keep the encryption keys. This means that if users forget their password, they also lose the files. But as long as providers have the power to recover or change passwords, they have the power to deliver that information to the police.
The threat only grows. Under a new set of content moderation tools, Apple will scan loads of iCloud and iMessage communications to find suspicious child sexual abuse materials. While the company did an exclusive search pictures uploaded to iCloud on suspicion of CSAM, the new tools can now convert any photos and text you’ve sent or received against you. Frustrating CSAM is a noble goal, but the consequences can be disastrous for defendants mistakenly when AI fails. But even when the software works the way it was intended, it could be deadly. As Harvard Law School instructor Kendra Albert pointed out on Twitter “Functions will cause strange children to be kicked out of the house, beaten or worse.” Software released in the name of “child safety” could be a deadly threat to LGBTQ + children targeting homophobic and transphobic parents. Just as creepy, the tools used to track CSAM today can be easily trained to mark political and religious content tomorrow.
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