#(nothing like a teen stopping all texts and the sinking feeling they are either
I love my job roughly 75% of the time. But sometimes it involves chasing down a teen to pay his $200 phone bill that you foolishly helped him open while going through the stages of grief knowing you’re going to have to figure out that payment yourself because you were naïve and trusted him
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irondad-defensesquad · 4 months
When you see yourself, are you far away?
Also on AO3. Things have felt bleak lately. I'm not in any danger. I just wanted to write these particular feelings down. Might be out of character for this reason. TRIGGER WARNINGS - suicidal thoughts, depression and mentioned character death. DO NOT SHIP TONY AND PETER. P/ROSHIP DNI.
Peter is back here.
He never thought he’d be here again. When was the last time?
As Spider-Man, sometimes he passes by, but he hasn’t stayed.
Peter chose not to bring his suit, knowing Karen would notify Tony, and the man would track him down. Then again, Tony can always track his phone. Peter turned the GPS off, but he doesn’t doubt what Iron Man can do.
As of now, Tony hasn’t found him.
It’s quite foggy today. And empty.
It’s dark, it’s almost like it’s evening. And yet it’s still mid afternoon, last time Peter checked.
He can’t see anything from up there.
Peter, however, hears it.
The water.
It’s somewhere in there.
There’s a storm brewing in the sky, far away from there. It might not even crash to the ground. Regardless, Peter is not afraid of it.
He really wants to know where the water is. To get a closer look. Maybe take a freezing bath, let the waves engulf him, and let the gravity sink him. Let the water embrace his tormented soul.
Except Peter has drowned before, with that failed parachute. It’s not a pleasant sensation. It was chilling and Peter was scared.
But for some reason, all the teen wants to do is to drown again.
He wants to feel alive again.
Peter leans in, still seeing nothing.
The only way he can find out…
He doesn’t sense a soul anywhere near him. No one is going to stop him.
Peter climbs the ledge, standing on it.
All he can hear is the wind and the water down below. His only company.
He gulps.
Why is he still hesitating?
For how long is he going to avoid it?
Well, for one, Peter can hear a car coming fast.
He doesn’t know whether he’s relieved or not.
And then, it stops.
Peter is getting down from the ledge, even though he didn’t receive any orders to do so. It’s not like Tony would force him.
Then, human steps are nearing him.
“Kid?” Tony calls him, sounding rather calm.
Peter doesn’t look at him.
“... How did you even find me?” He’s not surprised.
“May told me you weren’t at school, and you weren’t in your suit, either.”
“So you tracked my phone?”
“Actually, no. Your friend Ted texted me where you might be.”
Heck, even Ned texted Tony? Peter forgot the former had the latter’s personal number.
And now he remembers, the last time he stayed here was with Ned. It was shortly after Uncle Ben died. Peter had considered telling Ned about his powers back then, but chose not to. Either way, his best friend has always been aware of the darkness inside Peter. Whenever the latter disappeared, Ned knew he’d be in this very bridge, contemplating the faraway water.
Peter feels kind of bad for Ned and Aunt May right now, how worried they might have been to let Tony know.
“How long have you been here?” His mentor wonders.
“A while.” Just a couple of hours. Just forever.
“Did something happen?”
Peter shrugs. “I guess I did.”
His venom makes Tony go silent.
Then, the man is joining him, trying to make sense of the view Peter has. They stick there in quietude, in reflection.
“It feels… uncertain, doesn’t it?” Tony tries to describe.
Peter sighs, nodding.
“I know the sun is somewhere in there, but there's so much fog, it doesn’t reach me. And I can’t get myself out of here,” he narrates.
“It’s like… I’m gonna die before the sun ever reaches me again.”
Tony inhales a bit harshly, like something caught up in his throat.
“I don’t think I can fight anymore,” Peter admits, “to get to the sun.”
The water sounds louder, somehow. It’s going to get to Peter before he jumps there himself.
“I don’t know why something always stops me. I’ve come here so many times… and I never tried to see what’s beyond the fog down there,” Peter vents, frustrated. “When I’m Spider-Man, I don’t even think about it. I just leap and I fly. Even when I’m scared, I fly. But now… I can’t fly.”
He’s leaning in again.
Tony is coming closer, but not too much.
Peter shuts his eyes.
“... I’m cold, Mr. Stark,” Peter says with the most intensity he’s felt today.
His mentor hasn’t said a word.
The only thing he does is listen.
And, eventually, a hand slowly grips Peter’s shoulder. Which isn’t meant to stop or trap Peter.
It’s meant to let him know that he’s not alone, nor crazy.
Peter shivers. From the weather? Or the warm, solid touch?
“I’m cold,” he repeats as though it’s unfixable.
“I’ll get you home.”
“It’s even colder there.”
“I meant upstate. And I’ll be there with you.”
Peter won’t open his eyes.
“You can do better than me, Mr. Stark.” You deserve better than me.
“Peter.” Tony squeezes his shoulder a little more.
The other gulps.
“... I know I can’t fix you,” Tony softens, “but you’re not unlovable for that. We can manage something. You don’t have to be alone. You don’t deserve to be.”
Peter opens his eyes again.
He’s… stepping back.
Tony is not pulling him.
Peter is doing it with his free will.
The water is quiet.
Some part of him wants to get it back. He wants to jump and let go of the soothing hand that’s grounding him. But Peter is backing down himself.
And he cries.
He’s so conflicted.
Tony has got him in his arms.
Peter sobs hard, it hurts.
Tony kisses his head as well.
He seems to be wrapping Peter in a hoodie, too. Maybe that’s Tony’s hoodie. It smells like him.
The storm is coming.
With that, Tony guides Peter inside the car.
It’s a quiet drive.
Peter apparently blacks out, because he doesn’t feel the most of the trip upstate. Maybe it’s Tony’s hoodie making him feel safe.
There, he’s lying on Tony’s massive bed. He can hear his mentor calling someone, maybe Aunt May to let her know Peter is here.
This warmth that isn’t necessarily the sun…
It makes Peter cry again.
It makes him feel alive.
He didn’t have to jump into the cold.
Tony lies down with him, caressing Peter’s cheek.
“You’re going to be okay,” Tony whispers.
It hurts so much.
But… Peter will try to believe Tony.
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seijorhi · 3 years
Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you
Me attempting a multi-part fic?? More likely than you think! I wrote this fic because this blog started with Hawks and Dabi and kinda got a bit of traction with soulmate au’s so to me it made sense to post it for my first anniversary. I hope you guys like it! 💕
Touya Todoroki (Dabi) x female reader, Keigo Takami (Hawks) x female reader
TW canonical character ‘death’, a little angst and maybe a slight hint of dub-con (if you squint your eyes a little)
Part I, II
You’re eleven years old when your parents take you by the hand, sit you down on the couch and tell you that your soulmate is dead.
It doesn’t make sense. There’s a hollow ache inside of your chest like something important is gone but you were with Touya only yesterday. You had the rest of your lives together, you were gonna leave with him, start something better…
You feel empty and you can’t understand it. He can’t be dead, that’s not how it works. You find your soulmate and you get to ride off into the sunset. You get to be happy, everyone knows that.
But it doesn’t sink in until you’re kicking and screaming by his grave and Endeavor won’t so much as meet your eye and your parents are pulling you back because there’s no body.
There’s nothing left of Touya Todoroki.
And there’s nothing left of you without him.
They call it the bloom. A simple touch, the first from your soulmate’s hand, and the mark appears on your skin like drops of ink spilled into water. You’ve always thought it beautiful, the delicate black pattern imprinted on your wrist.
You can still remember the heat you’d felt when it happened. Not the burning kind you knew him capable of, but like the warmth of a fire seeping through you. And you remember the way those bright, blue eyes had widened as you’d tripped and fell, taking him with you. His mark was over his heart; Touya always was stupidly smug about that.
You were just kids. Angry and scared and lost, but you had Touya and Touya had you.
(Not that that counted for anything in the end. He still died alone.)
They say it’s rare to find your soulmate before adulthood, but you’d been one of the lucky ones.
The word tastes bitter on your tongue now. It’s not that you disagree exactly – even now, years after his death you’re glad that you had time with him. You would’ve been grateful for a minute, for a mere glance at his face. Two and a half years with your soulmate was a gift, but having him, losing him so young only meant that you had more years of your life to struggle on without him.
And sometimes you catch yourself staring at your mark, lost in thought. Touya was the one with all the plans, you were always just the tag along, happy to go anywhere so long as he was the one leading you. You wonder what he’d think if he could see you now. Not the Hero you’d let yourselves imagine, though you suppose you both knew deep down that was nothing more than a pipe dream for someone like you.
Gazing around your cramped, messy apartment, debating exactly how badly you need this shitty, barely-enough-to-scrape-by job, you can’t imagine he’d be impressed.
God knows your parents are disappointed, but that’s nothing new. The Quirkless daughter of two mid rank heroes – well, the only thing you ever had going for you was being Enji Todoroki’s future daughter in law, and everybody knows how that one ended.
But part of you likes to think that maybe Touya wouldn’t judge you too harshly for it. You’re doing the best you can. You’re surviving, all on your own, that has to count for something, doesn’t it?
There’s a text message awaiting you when you roll over and grab your phone.
Happy Birthday x
Natsuo never forgets. The rest of the Todoroki’s – you ceased to matter to them the day they buried an empty casket for their son. Natsuo’s the only one who bothers to check in on you, make sure that you’re keeping your head above the water. It’s usually just a message here and there, and he calls you on Touya’s birthday. And on the anniversary of his death.
It’s painful for him, but you suppose you’re the only tangible connection he has left of his brother.
You stare at the message for a moment longer, a strange feeling tugging at your heart. Typing out a quick reply, you set your phone down and fall back onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling with a sigh.
Today of all days, you’d honestly rather just roll over and let the hours pass you by, but your boss isn’t that forgiving and as much as you hate to admit it, you need this job.
The hotel’s already abuzz by the time you clock in, your manager’s jaw tight, a frown pinching at his face. As much as you don’t like him, you can’t exactly blame him for the bad mood – in less than three hours, the ballroom will be filled with a media circus and a plethora of pro heroes. Some big promotional event before the hero rankings are announced; you honestly don’t care.
It just means that everybody’s on edge, you’re gonna spend all day stuck in heels, smiling blandly while you serve people who won’t so much as look twice at you.
And then there’s the real reason you’re dreading today. 6’4”, blue eyed, broad shouldered, currently burning holes into you from across the ballroom while you carry around a platter of canapés. The last time you’d seen Enji Todoroki in person was two weeks after the funeral, and he’d ignored you entirely.
That was years ago; you weren’t even in your teens. Half of you had hoped that in his infinite arrogance and the complete lack of care he’d shown since his son’s death he would’ve forgotten about you entirely.
From the way he’s spent the last twenty minutes staring at you while bulldozing past reporters, though, you’re not feeling all that confident.
And for the life of you, you can’t figure out why your presence seems to be disturbing him so much, considering you’re really only there to serve and then fade into the background. It’s not like you’re chasing after him, demanding an autograph much less any kind of acknowledgement – you’re not exactly thrilled to be here either. Things work just fine with the two of you pretending the other doesn’t exist.
Does he think you’ve planned this? Some big ‘fuck you’ to try and mess with what you’re sure will be an announcement of his retainership of the number one position? Even while Touya was still alive, his father didn’t have a place in your life – he was off training his youngest, you barely saw him and you were glad for it.
While he might have hated him, some part of Touya still idolised him, craved his approval, but Enji had never been anything to you but a selfish, unfeeling monster. A bully.
But now he’s staring at you, slack jawed and wide eyed like he’s seen a ghost and it’s harder than you thought it would be to keep that smile plastered across your face knowing he’s watching your every move.
Your cheeks feels hot, and it only gets worse when you realise that Endeavor’s less than subtle behaviour is slowly but surely drawing attention from others in the room. A few curious reporters have shot you odd looks, heads cocked for a moment before dismissing you as just another waitress, hardly headline worthy.
The other heroes are less quick to brush you off. Mirko, current number five, elegantly clasping her glass of champagne in a gloved hand keeps shooting furtive glances between you and Enji, Gang Orca’s beady eyes following you across the floor, a flicker of what you’re fairly sure is concern maring his face.
It’s mortifying. Your smile is stretched and painful, your throat tight and you feel utterly exposed, but there’s nothing you can do. The flame hero doesn’t seem to care about the attention he’s drawing, or that with every passing minute it gets harder and harder for you to maintain that professional, customer service demeanour you need for this job.
And you’re beyond caring if he’s embarrassed to find his firstborn’s soulmate has sunk so low in his absence, you just want him to stop staring so you can finish your shift in peace. But it seems like the flame hero has other plans, because you’re just beginning to seriously weigh up your chances of keeping this job if you just up and walk off right here and now when Enji’s limited patience finally reaches its threshold.
He doesn’t bother offering excuses towards the poor reporter trying to pry an interview out of him, he just abruptly sets his drink down and starts stalking towards you. Rationally, you realise that with all these people here, he can’t make too much of a scene.
It’s just that even the thought of having to talk with him, to look into those blue eyes that are so painfully familiar yet wrong–
You can’t do it.
Not today.
And so you spin on your heel, stomach lurching. The silver tray in your hands stacked high with champagne teeters and falls, crystal glass shattering on the marble floors drawing gasps from the crowd. Endeavor calls out your name but you block him out, desperately weaving your way through the stunned mass of people.
Most of them give you a wide berth, likely due to the oversized hero barrelling after you. He calls your name again, louder this time. It’s not a scream, or a yell – it almost sounds pleading, though you can’t possibly imagine why. Endeavor doesn’t do pleading.
Your cheeks are burning; there’s too many people staring and hot tears begin to prickle at your eyes. A flash of red blurs past your field of vision and you start, a sharp squeak slipping out as a figure lands before you, blocking your exit.
Handsome with bushy eyebrows, dirty blonde hair messily brushed back and golden eyes gleaming; the hero in front of you would be impossible to mistake, even if it weren’t for the sweeping blood red wings sprouting from his back. Hawks, the current number two pro-hero and the only man standing between you and your fumbling escape.
Your body’s slow to catch up with your mind though, and as you try to stop, backpedal and side-step him at once your foot catches on your ankle. It’s instinctive, the way your arms fly up, wildly trying to catch yourself before you fall on your ass.
Just like you suppose it’s instinctive for him to rush forward to do the same.
It happens in a split second, your fingers brushing the skin of his neck just above the collar of his shirt, his hand grasping at your waist to steady you. Beneath his gloved hand a familiar burst of heat warms your skin.
Time slows to a crawl. The ballroom, all the gathered heroes and the press, your co-workers, they all fade into the background as your eyes dart to your fingertips, resting gently on the side of Hawks’ throat. There, a soft, inky black mark begins to unfurl spreading up to his jaw, disappearing below the collar of his turtleneck.
Over the quiet hum of the classical music playing in the background, you hear his breath catch.
He has you dipped, the two of you frozen as if in a dance and for a moment you dare to meet those piercing golden eyes. There’s a clicking sound, a camera shutter you distantly register, but while it makes your heart jump, Hawks pays it no mind.
He stares at you with impossibly wide eyes; open, vulnerable and raw.
And then he blinks, and that glimpse is gone, his grip tightening as he slowly sets you right. He doesn’t let you go, however.
“Hawks,” Enji’s tone is low and gruff, a warning this time.
Tension, thick and crackling with electricity hangs in the air between the three of you, amplified by the crowd of onlookers. All those journalists, chomping at the bit with the realisation of a juicy story playing out right in front of their eyes. Your name’s called out again, not by Endeavor, but by the reporter he’d cut off before – eyeing you now with an eager leer that has you recoiling back into Hawks’ embrace.
It’s enough to jerk the winged hero into action. His mouth finds your ear, his thumb sweeping soothingly along your side as he speaks low enough for only you to hear.
“You wanna leave, baby bird?”
You don’t remember nodding, but you must have, because in the space of a single heartbeat Hawks has you hoisted up in his arms, those powerful wings spreading wide – and you’re flying.
“I don’t think I have a job anymore,” you laugh drily, staring down at the city lights twinkling on the horizon.
Beside you, Hawks snorts in agreement, “Hell of a way to make an exit, though.”
He’s not wrong. You can only imagine what the tabloid headlines will say tomorrow ‘Pro Hero sweeps hotel waitress soulmate off her feet’ ‘Hawks mates for life; Endeavor jealous?’ Even if by some miracle your boss wasn’t intent on firing you on the spot, you’re not sure you can even bear to show your face there again.
It’ll be a pain though, trying to find a new job while your face is plastered across every less than reputable news outlet.
Perched atop the rooftop of Hawks’ hotel, halfway across the city, the wind ruffling gently through your hair, everything feels… surreal almost. It’s your birthday, and instead of crashing through the door of your apartment, exhausted and aching before falling face first onto your bed and not moving for the next few hours, you’re here. With the number two pro hero. Who, incidentally, is your second soulmate.
Having more than one soulmate, it’s not unheard of, just… rare.
And your hand’s entwined with his, his gloves long since discarded, his fleece lined jacket draped over your shoulders. Touya’s mark, long since blossomed across your inner wrist lies starkly between the two of you, unignorable.
“It was his son, wasn’t it?” he asks eventually, breaking the fragile silence as he toys with your fingers. When you nervously risk a glance up, Hawks doesn’t look angry or upset or even that jealous. Those golden eyes study your face with an odd kind of curiosity, but there’s no trace of resentment there. “Touya, the one who died. He was your soulmate.”
It’s not a question, but you find yourself nodding anyway. A part of you’s almost surprised he put it together so quickly, but you guess being a pro hero of that calibre requires a little more than just having a strong quirk.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, because what else can you say?
You can’t possibly imagine how he’s feeling right now, what thoughts are running through his head. You’d accepted a long time ago that while you’d love Touya Todoroki until your dying breath, he was gone; that chance of a fairytale happily ever after going with him. Another soulmate wasn’t something you’d ever considered, much less wasted time longing for.
And yet here you are, another mark inked across your skin and it feels wrong somehow, yet also completely right. Imagining being on the other foot; putting yourself in Hawks’ shoes – a pro hero soulmated to some insignificant, quirkless waitress, and not only that, but finding out she has another soulmate, somebody she loved before you, a ghost of a memory you’ll always be competing against… you honestly don’t know how you’d feel.
“Look at me,” he whispers, calloused fingers coaxing at your chin. Heart thrumming like a hummingbird's you comply, letting out another soft squeak as Hawks takes the hand still entwined with his and lifts it to his neck, right above his mark.
He smiles, nuzzling into the touch as your breath stutters. “You’re mine, aren’t you?” Again, you find yourself nodding without even really being conscious of it. It doesn’t seem to matter to Hawks though, whose smile widens at the sight of it. He leans in closer, his breath fanning across your face as molten pools of honey drink you in. You wonder if he can feel the way your pulse is racing under his touch, mixed emotions warring inside of you as he cups your cheek.
“And I’m yours. That’s all I care about, baby bird.”
He’s drawing you into a kiss before you can even comprehend the words, soft lips moving against yours. Gently at first, but that sweetness gives way to a burning urgency as he pulls you closer, holds you tighter.
Hawks kisses you like your lips hold salvation, and it’s frightening and thrilling and it feels like every nerve in your body is electrified when his teeth catch at your bottom lip and he moans your name.
There’s some part of you that realises that you’re moving too fast – soulmates or not he’s practically a stranger – but as you break for air, panting and breathless and Hawks looks at you with those burning, beautiful eyes; you’re helpless to resist.
“Keigo,” he tells you as he lays you down on his bed, crawling up between your thighs with a gleaming, hungry smirk that’s nothing less than predatory, “Call me Keigo.”
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nctsworld · 4 years
fire alarm
✩ mark x reader | college au | fluff | 1.7k 
SUMMARY ⇾ when your dorm building’s fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night and everyone’s outside, you offer to share your blanket with your shivering, cute neighbour. WARNINGS ⇾ fluff, couple of swear words RATING ⇾ teen+ 
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⇾ gif created by me, please don’t repost or share without credit!
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You started to drift into deep sleep when the sudden blares of the dorm’s fire alarm stirs you awake. 
Your groans are muffled in your pillow, frustrated that this is probably another false alarm like usual. With heavy eyes, you rush to grab your phone and keys, stuff your feet into your shoes, and waddle among the crowd of students, departing the building with your blanket over your shoulders as a make-shift jacket.   
The moment you reach the front of the building where everyone safely coalesces, you glance at your phone as you tug at the ends of your blanket around your chest. 3:08am glows back at you, along with a couple other notifications. You barely get the chance to check them since the blatant chattering of teeth nearby catches your attention instead. 
Your gaze rests on the familiar figure a few steps beside you, rubbing his arms up and down while his legs tremble. Peering around, you realize you’re one of the few who brought more than a jacket for extra warmth during this chill, autumn night. On the other hand, he’s one of the few who hardly had any layers, solely wearing a baggy red t-shirt and a pair of boxers. 
His face swivels side to side, searching the crowd, and it dawns on you that it’s none other than your next door neighbour, Mark. 
His dorm room was to the left of yours. You’ve only interacted with him in passing, regularly acknowledging each other with casual nods and smiles. His sweet smile never failed to make your heart race and to make the corners of your mouth widen further. You didn’t know much about him, except for the fact he played guitar since you occasionally heard him play late at night. 
You always wanted to get to know him, but neither of you shared the same classes nor were you in the same clubs. To make matters worse, the only time you saw one another was when either of you were coming or going.
Perhaps now was the time to finally make a move. 
Lifting your blanket off the pavement, you shuffle your way towards him. As you near him, it clicks in your head that you didn’t initially recognize him because, besides the lack of clothes and the slightly messy hair, he’s wearing glasses to boot. 
“Hey, neighbour.”  
Mark stops his searching and his focus lands on you. The handsome individual steps closer to shorten the space between you, displaying his signature smile. You grip onto your blanket tighter and the weight of your shoulders droop, allowing your face to shyly sink into the sea of fabric covering you. 
The shivering man says your name and replies with a cool, “Hey.” 
“Do you want to share the blanket with me?” 
“Oh, no. It’s okay, I’m all right,” he stammers with a shake of his head, continuing to rub his arms.  
You perk an eyebrow and open one of your arms out, offering him the promise of warmth. 
Beaming, you say, “There’s enough room for another.”
His mouth twists to one side of his face, the gears in his head obviously turning. 
“Are you sure?”       
A hum, nod, and a grin answer his uncertainty. Mark swiftly grasps onto the end of the blanket and wraps himself over his shoulder. Although the heat from the front of your body flees due to the partial sacrifice of your cover, you’re now having an extra source of heat from being right next to Mark, touching shoulder to shoulder. 
“Thanks,” he bobs his head. “I appreciate it. I just bolted out of bed and didn’t think of even bringing a jacket.” 
“That’s okay, that’s why you have me,” you joke, swaying and pressing your shoulder lightly against his. 
Both of you chuckle softly. There’s something else to add to the list of things that are keeping you warm—the prickling rising from your chest to your cheeks. 
You then comment, “I’ve never seen you with glasses before. I almost didn’t recognize you.” 
“Ah, yeah, I wear contacts during the day. Depending on stuff, I sometimes wear my glasses, but not as often.” 
“Well, I think you look good either way.” 
Your eyes practically fall and roll away from your head, cognizant of the words that just escaped your mouth. 
“I mean—” You snap your eyes shut for an extended beat, not wanting to see the look on your next door crush’s face. “You know what, let’s just pretend I didn’t say that out loud.” 
Exhaling a lengthy sigh, you turn to face the opposite direction, now regretting your offer to share your blanket with him. 
Your regret leads you to miss the way his face lights up. 
“Hey, no, thanks for the compliment.” 
Under the blanket, his fingers gingerly graze over yours for a fleeting moment, which causes you to shift your head towards him again. The tips of your noses are almost touching. His twinkling eyes are locked on you, but yours are veering everywhere else except on him. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I think you look good too.” 
With that, your gaze finally lands on Mark.  
You want to continue the conversation, you really do, but you’re at a loss of words and are too busy getting lost in the galaxy of his eyes from up-close. From the way he’s not tearing his eyes away either, a little part of you wonders if he harbours an infatuation with you as well. He couldn’t possibly, right? 
Despite being practically strangers, the silent, intense aura blooms as time passes. Your respective breaths brush against each other’s lips and it’d be so easy to just lean in to meet the other’s—
Suddenly, the tension is cut short as everyone begins to sluggishly amble their way back into the building. 
Although nothing really transpired, you break apart simultaneously like someone caught you two doing something you shouldn’t. Mark lets you have your blanket all to yourself once more and both of you head back side by side in comfortable silence.  
After walking up the flight of stairs, trailing behind all the other residents of the building, you finally reach your respective doors. 
“It was nice to see you,” you say, pulling your keys out and inserting the fitting one into your lock. 
“Yeah, thanks for sharing your blanket with me. I really appreciate it.” 
“Anytime, neighbour,” you glance up at him from your hand. His whole body faces you and his mouth is agape like he’s itching to say something. On second thought, he presses his lips together and feels around his body for his keys. Realization hits him in the face. 
“Shit,” he bangs his forehead against the door, deterring you from entering your home abode. “I forgot my keys inside.” 
Mark turns to you with a scrunched face. Even in a state of frustration, how could someone be so cute? “Sorry to ask, but can I borrow your phone?” 
“Oh, yeah. Of course.” You don’t hesitate to scramble and hand it over to him. 
He mumbles a quick thanks, rubbing the back of his head. When he finishes entering a number to dial-in, he holds the phone against his ear and leans the side of head against his door, still facing you. You stand there awkwardly, eyes wavering between the adorable phone borrower and the handful of people in the hallway trickling back into their dorms. 
After the third unanswered ring, a bold offer impulsively escapes your lips.  
“You know, you can stay at my place overnight if you need to.” 
Oh, no. Shit. Why brain, why?
You don’t register your brazenness until the fifth ring, when Mark’s jaw is hanging and his eyebrows are glued to the ceiling. Okay, maybe you can save the moment by saying it was a joke or—
“Hello?” you overhear a muffled grumble on the other end. 
The shock dissolves away from his face. “Oh, hey. Sorry to wake you, Johnny. It’s Mark…” 
Utter embarrassment. This time, you can’t save yourself from your impetuous words. Millions of possibilities run through your mind, including abandoning your phone for him to keep and then moving to another building. No, moving to another college. Actually, Mars sounds like an even better idea. 
You’re so deep in your overdramatic thoughts, your face in a pinch behind your blanket, that you don’t even realize Mark’s already done with his call. 
“Thanks.” His voice breaks you away from your thoughts, eyelids shooting open. He must’ve stepped closer while you weren’t looking because he’s now in front of you, dangling your device from his fingertips. You gently grasp the phone, jointly holding it with him. 
“And about your offer…” You cringe, ready for him to ignore your existence until the end of time. You officially ruined everything, and nothing has even happened yet. 
“How about we go on a date first?” 
Your head shoots up at his proposition. Did you hear that right? 
“Then, maybe when the fire alarm goes off again next time and I forget my keys, I’ll take you up on it.”
It could be because it’s almost 4am and you’re teetering on sleep, or you’re purely stricken, but all you could do is nod mindlessly and squeak, “Sure.”    
A heartstopping smile rolls over his face. “I was hoping you’d say that. I took the liberty of adding myself to your contacts and sent a text to my phone.” 
Mark releases your phone from his grip and begins to walk backwards towards the stairs, suppressing his desire to stay with you for a little while more. But, it’s late and it’s not like this was the last time he’d see you. You are neighbours after all. 
Waving, he whisper-shouts in the hallway, “I’ll text you back first thing when I can. Have a good night!” 
You subtly wave back, still huddling your blanket over your shoulders. When he disappears from your line of sight, you enter your room and flop onto your bed with a jubilant sigh. 
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Following knocks at his door, a slit-eyed Johnny is welcomed by a vivacious friend. Too vivacious for 4am. 
“Dude, you won’t believe what just happened. Remember that cute neighbour I’ve been telling you about?...” 
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Maybe (and thankfully) there wasn’t an actual fire, but another one was certainly beginning to kindle. 
And neither of you had the intention of extinguishing it any time soon. 
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s1ater · 3 years
hiii i saw that you write cobra kai imagines and i was wondering if you could do a miguel imagine in which the reader is best friends with robby and has developed feelings for him while miguel still likes sam, so the reader and miguel start fake dating and emd up catching feelings for eachother?🥺💞
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failure to plan, part one. miguel diaz x reader
summary 📣: above :)
warnings 🚫: gif not mine, swearing
slater’s note 🗯: also there will be A PART TWO I PROMISE
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“i have a plan.”
you looked up from your textbooks, seeing a very hyper miguel, his hands pressed down onto the table, inches across from you. 
you press your lips into a thin line, narrowing your brows up to the boy, your head slightly quirked to the side, “what’s your plan?”
miguel pulled out the seat in front of you, causing you to begin to close your books and set them to the side, giving him your divided attention. 
“i need to be with same,” he said straight forward, folding his arms against the cold, blue plastic table, “i’m done constantly chasing after her.. wondering whether or not she likes me the way i like her still.” 
he paused giving you time to process his words as he tried to think of what to say next, how to form his words while your lips pressed back into a line. 
you didn’t know miguel that well... well you did but he was more or so an acquaintance than anything else. you had found yourself noticing him a lot more the moment him and robby had began to get along, causing your whole friend group to pull closer together, that being, sam, you, tory, robby, demetri, eli, and miguel. 
he was a funny kid, one you could put a lot of trust into if you needed to. 
“i know you like robby,” he paused, looking down at the table as if he was slightly ashamed for knowing this information, and you yourself were slightly shocked, but you stayed silent, resisting the urge to open your mouth. “i see the way you look at him, i know you like that kid just as much as i like sam.”
robby. that “kid” was your best friend and you had very valid reasons as to why you liked him, one being as to he was there for you since day one. robby didn’t have a lot of trust in people, nor did anyone seem to trust him... but you. 
you had met him at a skating rink where you had just about fallen on your ass if he hadn't swooped in and caught you by the arm, keeping you on your feet and away from falling into a deep pit of hurt and scratches. 
he taught you things, you kept him out of trouble, you kept each other alive and in your well beings. you couldn't have asked for a better friend nor would you ever think about replacing him. 
that’s why it was hard for you to realize that you thought of him more than just a friend. the thought of ruining what you had with for something that might not even be a possibility, that being; him liking you. 
“yeah, okay, so you know that, what about it?” 
“i have a proposition.”
“get to the point.”
you didn’t intend for anything that came out of your mouth to be rude, but the fact that he knew something so personal, something that you wouldn't even tell your mom or girl best friend about made you uncomfortable, on edge. what else did he know? 
it was ridiculous to feel so attacked by miguel diaz because really, the kid was sweet, he had no attentions in being harmful, but you just couldn't stop your mind from caving in on itself. 
“fake date,” he said it straight forward making you curve your head a bit in confusion and in thought, wondering whether or not your heard him right or if you were really going crazy faster than you thought. 
“huh?” “fake dating,” he repeated, “it’s the only way to tell whether or not if i’m wasting my time, but i don’t think i am, i just know she likes me back but i need to push her a bit.” “so you want to make her jealous?” he nodded his head, waiting for you to say something, waiting for you to say ‘yes’. 
“what’s in it for me?” “works both ways.” “yes, but i don’t think robby likes me like that, that’s why i haven’t said anything to him about it-”
“y/n,” he cuts you off, wanting to slow down the oncoming rambling that was about to spill out of your mouth in one big mess, “guy best friends usually like their girl best friends. robby just needs a push as well.” 
it made you bit your lip in thought, eyes racing back on the table top before you. the idea he presented before you was either a really good one... or a really, really bad one. 
“i’ll think about it,” you got up quickly, grabbing all your books before rushing out of the library. 
monday came rather fast, making you think you didn’t have nearly enough time to think about miguel’s proposition. you knew he would probably would want an answer, especially due to the fact that you had ignored all his phone calls and texts. 
hanging out with robby all weekend hadn’t necessarily gave you any clarity either. it was the only thing on your mind as you the two of you went to the skate park and his dad's apartment, and mr. larusso’s home, and the food court, and anywhere and everywhere. the only thing. 
you begun to feel bad because twenty minutes into hanging out he had noticed, giving you hard time about it as time continued on it seemed to have been a repetitive thing. 
“what’s on your mind, kid?” “uh, nothing.”
all you could say was you felt bad. 
you hustled down the hallway, trying your best to maneuver yourself around the teen bodies that filled the hallway like a small box. it was hot and stuffy and you felt your heart all high in your chest as you tried to spot for something familiar, spot robby. 
you continued down the hallway before hitting a clearing a relief hitting you and lightening up on your chest, analyzing your environment before planning out how you’d get to your next class. 
you rounded a corner, five feet away from your physics class before you felt the weight of your body being pulled back in your past tracks. 
and you almost smacked whoever did so before realizing it was miguel, a relief coming over you as you sighed, sinking your shoulders back into a more relaxed position. 
he slightly laughed, letting go of your arm, “relax, it’s just me.”
you rolled your eyes, nodding him off, “what do you want?”
“i want an answer.”
“what?” you almost resisted the urge to play dumb but the words just fell out of your mouth, think it would give you more time to make up your mind. 
“you know what.”
“yeah, i don't know,” you turned around but he grabbed onto your shoulder quickly before flipping you back around. 
“y/n,” he gave you a pointed look that made you even more anxious than you already were.
you bit the inside of your cheek, hoping the answer would just come to you right in that moment, but it didn't. there was just some part of you that just didn't understand, maybe that was what was holding you back due to the lack of clarity on the situation. what did “fake dating” even entail? what would you have to do? and why you? what was so special about you other then the fact that you were just as helpless as he was to getting the person he liked to like him back. 
but so what? there were hundreds of girls like that at your school. 
you exhaled, almost rolling your head down in shame, “you know what, fine, i’ll ‘fake date’ you... but you have to tell me why.”
“what do you mean, why?”
“why me, miguel?” 
he rolled his eyes as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world, “i already told you, we both have people we like-”
“yeah but there’s other people in this school in that exact situation,” you extended out your arm, getting worked up for basically nothing. 
miguel rolled his eyes again before taking a step forward, “we can talk about this later, meet me in the library later.”
and he walked off. 
“hey, can i give you a ride?” 
three o’clock arrived like clock work and after seven classes of hell you walked out of your last one, completely exhausted and ready to go home, but remembered you still had to meet miguel in the library. 
it had been bearing on your mind all day, that you just wished you could forget about it and go home with robby like he offered. 
“no, i can’t,” you mumbled, diverting your body to face robby as the two of you neared the exit of the school.
“why not? got a hot date or something?”
“something like that,” you smiled just as he did. 
“alright, i’ll see you later,” he gave your arm a tight squeeze before walking out the doors, waving as he continued out onto the parking lot. 
“lord, help me.”
“no strings attached, you don’t have to call me at twelve in the morning when your crying nor do i have to call you when i get hurt or some shit,” miguel was straightforward, he pulled out his phone and began reading from a list off of it, like he had had this planned way before even deciding to talk to you about it. “we’re here to make people jealous, not get attached.”
you nodded, trying to process all the things he had said in the past ten minutes about what was to go down with the two of for however how long it would take before either sam or robby broke from underneath the pressure of you two “dating”. 
miguel already had the week planned and you were slightly grateful that he knew what he was doing because you sure as hell didn't. 
“i’ll take you out to the mini golf place so then it’s public, you know? it’ll seem more official and that way people will see us together...” he continued on by saying, “we hold hands, kiss in the hall, and do all the cheesy couple shit.” “thought you were a sucker for that stuff,” you hummed, raising your eyebrows, slightly shocked by him bad mouthing all the “cheesy shit” that couples do, the type of shit you would see him doing in the halls with sam when they were still a thing. 
he rolled his eyes, “whatever, we got a deal?” 
you watched him raise his hand, reaching across the table for your own... and you took it, nodding your head still lost, but content now. 
“we have a deal.”
taglist 🗞:
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@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @torynicholsgf @Skiala45 @write-from-the-heart @mrfeenyisswag
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
For You Became My Lighthouse (Part 2)
Genre: hurt/comfort
Pairing: romantic Prinxiety
Content: argument, crying, a decent dose of awkward but it gets resolved!
Word count: 4.1k
Comment: This is the fourth time I’ve tried to post this--- Part 1 HERE!
Roman, is everything alright?
Roman ran a hand through his hair at the message, checking the time at the top of the screen. It was late, far too late, so it was safe to assume that Logan had heard about the spat from Virgil. He should have been home by now. It was just… impossible to convince himself to actually leave the rehearsal studio. He had a younger acting class tomorrow and was perfecting his lesson plan- even though he already knew it was perfect, and his director had already approved it. Just, anything to keep him from going home.
He’d been a dick. Such was obvious; from the second his finger had hit send, he regretted approximately everything in his life that had led to this moment. That day had been particularly bad, overrun with rehearsals he was either taking part in or directing, and gearing up for tech week of a large production. Who knew trying to block a scene with a flurry of pre-teens could take so much out of you? Rinse and repeat the cycle with two more classes to teach back to back and an achingly long dance rehearsal, add in a desperate and fruitless search for a replacement lead in his upcoming directorial debut, and you’d have what Roman would categorize as a “shit show of a day”. 
All he wanted to do at the end of it was spend some time with his boyfriend, without having to talk about his day, so he’d suggested the most basic date his fried brain could conjur. Then his work desk was unceremoniously reacquainted with his forehead as he smacked it into the wood, letting out a groan that bordered on a yell. Luckily, minutes ago everyone had abandoned the theatre, and he’d been trusted with the keys to lock up from a stagehand. He just had a couple more things to do, and then he could drive home. 
Getting a reply of denial from Virgil was nothing new. In fact, he’d been warned in the transition from reluctant acquaintanceship to inevitable friendship, that he tended to veto ideas if they were sudden, or too daunting, or if he was just feeling shitty. It was something that Roman never considered a deal breaker, and he’d slowly come to much rather enjoy a night of cuddling and watching television than going out anyways. Call it ‘getting old’, call it ‘Virgil’s homebody ways creeping into his psyche’. So usually, getting his plans rejected was no big deal. 
Except for today, when he was well and past his limit of frustration, and things not going to plan. He’d typed out and sent the snarky reply far before he’d thought it out whatsoever, and ranted out complaints that hadn’t ever crossed his mind before, which he immediately regretted. In a moment of shame so great it caused physical nausea, he tossed his phone into one of his desk drawers and slammed it shut. 
It buzzed once, twice, and then went silent. 
Until, of course, it began to go berserk an indecipherable amount of time later, and Roman couldn’t ignore it. Seeing Logan’s text, along with about a million missed calls from him and Patton, broke the fragile sense of calm he’d tried to achieve while working. 
He didn’t want to go home and face his consequences. Childish, yes. Well deserved, also yes, but he was afraid of Virgil’s inevitable anger. If this led to a breakup, a fight that wasn’t recoverable, he’d never forgive himself. 
And now…
Roman, is everything alright?
I can see you’ve read my text message.
I’m at work. 
You’re inconceivably moronic. Get home. Now.
Roman sighed heavily through his nose, clenching his jaw. He began typing out another snarky response- because apparently he never learned- when another text came through.
Virgil was in significant distress last I spoke to him and he has stopped answering me and Patton. Go. Home.
Please. If not for my sake, then for Virgil’s.
Roman barely had the sense to lock the doors of the building in his rush, throwing the spare key back in through the mail slot and booking it to his car. He sent some sort of confirmation that he was going and tossed the phone to his back seat. Virgil hated when he used it while driving.
It was only on the drive back, on unusually empty roads, did he realize it was well past nine. He hadn’t even noticed the time passing by.
Most of the lights in the apartment complex were still on when he pulled into the car park, but their window visible on this side showed only darkness. He wasn’t used to entering a dark apartment.
Their flat was silent, the living room only illuminated by the oven clock and the dim city lights from the balcony. He toed off his shoes as silently as he could, wincing when he kicked their shoe rack, and decided he’d risk turning on the light. When he finally found the switch and flicked it on, he couldn’t help his gasp. 
The room had once been a pristine display, he could tell. A white table cloth adorned their usually bare dining room table and a half burned candle stood as its centrepiece. He approached it in a daze, cautiously resting a hand on the plate of ravioli nearest to him. Cold. Long cold; the pasta was starting to get crusty. 
He picked up the two plates, intent on throwing out the food. It definitely wasn’t safe to eat anymore, and he didn’t feel like warding off an attack of ants in the morning. One of the towels hanging off the oven handle was drenched in what looked like marinara sauce, and it looked like there was some more spilled in the crack between the stove and the counter. That would be fun to clean. 
Both hands full, he opened the cupboard containing the garbage bin with a socked foot, and promptly froze. 
Part of him cringed at the clang the dropped plates made on the counter, but the louder part of him was just repeating a mantra of ‘holy shit, holy shit, holy shit’ and it was considerably out-screaming the other. Hands now shaking, Roman picked up the small box from the sink edge, ignoring the dried, crunchy texture of more tomato sauce on the outside, and opened it. 
It took every ounce of strength for Roman not to collapse to his knees, guilt instantly crushing the air from his lungs, a thousand times heavier than it had been before. An elaborate dinner, a ring… there had been a plan. That’s why Virgil had rejected his offer to go out. 
And he’d been such a dick to him. 
Speaking of which, where was he?
Roman closed the box and set it back where it had been. Their bedroom door was slightly ajar, and the most obvious place Virgil would be, so he padded over and creaked it open just a bit more. The light from the hallway cast a beam onto the bed, illuminating first a mess of hastily thrown clothes; his button up shirt he only used for fancy occasions on top of the pile. 
Virgil’s huddled form was easy to make out, curled away from the door, his only movement being the steady rise and fall of the blanket as he breathed. Figaro lifted his head from where he was settled in the crook of Virgil’s knees and gave Roman an indifferent mrow. 
He couldn’t get into bed with him. There was no scenario where that was the right move. It wasn’t the right time to talk about what had happened, not so late and when they were both riding high on emotions and tiredness, so accidentally waking Virgil was not the way to go. And even if he was sneaky enough to not wake him… a part of him just felt it was wrong. Not when he didn’t know Virgil’s stance on him at the moment.
Or his stance on the relationship.
Well, couch it was. He acknowledged the crumpled weighted blanket and sound blocking headphones- clear aftermath of a bad panic attack- with a quiet curse. Somehow that pit in his stomach got even bigger, making him nauseous as his shame took a physical form. 
He could only pray that they would come back from this. 
Roman’s sleep was fitful, to say the least. At best, he drifted into a state of half-consciousness, where his thoughts could be somewhat quieted down, but the discomfort of the couch and the heavy weight in his heart were still palpable. Inevitably, one of their neighbors would make a noise or the building would make a settling creak or a distant dog would bark, and the state would be broken, leaving Roman wide awake and wracked with guilt once more. He’d never noticed how loud the world was until he wanted nothing more than for the noise to stop. 
The sun was just peaking into the window when their bedroom door widened and Roman flew up, using the back of the couch to steady his sudden sitting position. When their eyes met from across the room, Virgil in his pajamas and face hidden in shadow, a tenseness settled over the room that neither had experienced in their relationship thus far. Virgil froze in the doorway, wavering slightly. It didn’t appear he wanted to be the one to break the silence. 
Roman stood slowly, as though not to spook him.
“Hey,” Virgil whispered with a sniff, and even in that one word Roman could hear the scratchiness of his voice. “I just...uhm,” He cleared his throat, “I just wanted to get some water. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I was already awake. No… no worries.” 
Virgil looked down to his feet. “When did you come back?”
“I think just before ten.”
For an all too long moment, both of them seemed to find interest in every part of the room that wasn’t the other’s eyes. It wasn’t until Roman looked towards the kitchen in his awkwardness did he process what Virgil had come out for. 
“I’ll, um…” He pointed weakly to the kitchen and finally convinced his feet to move, filling up a glass from the sink while making a conscious effort to not look at the dishes or wasted food from the evening before. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stop the way his gaze drifted towards the box sitting next to the tap, and judging by Virgil’s sharp inhale, the look hadn’t been subtle. 
He took the glass back to the other, watching him take it with an uncomfortable, “Thanks.”
Virgil downed the glass in one go, his shaking hands almost causing him to spill. He barely had time to take a breath before Roman had zipped the empty glass back onto the counter.
“Do you want more?” He asked, already refilling the glass.
“No, I’m… it’s okay.” 
Roman placed the full glass on the counter quietly and the two were swallowed by heavy silence once again. The clock ticked impossibly loud as they stood, fidgeting, wanting this moment to be over but not wanting to be the one to start it. 
Virgil took a shuddering breath and wrung his hands together.
Roman stared resolutely at a single water drop making its way down the glass.
This was his fault. He’d started it. It seemed only right that he break the tension that almost suffocated him, so even as his mind screamed for him to shut up and every muscle in his body turned to liquid, he opened his mouth to speak.
“Virgil, I-”
“I’m sorry.”
That effectively stopped Roman in his tracks. All night, he’d crafted a collection of apologies, from eloquent monologues to stumbling pleas for forgiveness, but in not one of his countless scenarios had Virgil apologized. 
“I know… I know I can be a lot to handle, I know, I swear. And I was more outgoing when we first met, because I thought I had something to prove and it always exhausted me and I hated it but then we became… I don’t know, official? And closer and… and more comfortable and I didn’t think I had to do that anymore, I didn’t have to keep pushing myself so far!”
“V, stop-”
“The panic attacks and the anxiety and all that shit are a lot for other people and I know that but I didn’t know it was too much for you, I didn’t know you were tired of that and I can be better, I swear, I swear I can go back to how I was in the beginning, just please don’t leave.”
Virgil let out a choked sob and Roman couldn’t stop himself from rushing forward, intent on holding his stupid, stupid boyfriend until he realized this was in no way his fault, only for Virgil to back up before he could do so.
“I’m- I’m not trying to guilt you, I’m sorry, I just, I love you, and I can be better, I can, just give me a chance, please-”
“Virgil, baby, come here.”
This time when he reached forward, Virgil allowed himself to be pulled into his boyfriend’s chest, basically collapsing against him as soon as Roman’s arms tightened around him. The dam broke moments later and Virgil finally let go of his own hands to grab the back of Roman’s shirt with a sense of urgency.
“Please don’t leave, I’m so sorry,” he begged raspily into Roman’s shoulder.
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” 
Roman hung onto him almost as tightly in return, rocking them back and forth, finally allowing himself to cry. He shoved his face into Virgil’s hair, peppering small kisses and apologies to the crown of his head in between sobs. 
Virgil whined when Roman finally pulled away, but he didn’t go far, cradling his boyfriend’s face in his hands and wiping his tacky cheeks with his thumbs.
“Virgil, I cannot apologize enough for yesterday.”
“What are-” he hiccuped, “What are you talking about? It was my fault.”
“No, no, no no no no no,” Roman whispered, fighting that damn lump in his throat once more. “I had a spectacularly shitty day, and I took it out on you. I was leagues out of line. It wasn’t fair to you and I’m so, so unbelievably sorry.” 
As if the strings were cut on a marionette, all the tenseness dissolved from Virgil’s shoulders and he slumped forward, bumping his head weakly into Roman’s chest. “Can we sit down?”
“Yeah, of course.” Roman clumsily led him to the couch and sat on the adjacent cushion, assuming that if Virgil wanted to talk, he’d want his own space. His assumption was incorrect, however, judging by how Virgil crossed the space almost instantly and buried himself in Roman’s side like a koala. He shifted them both until he was laying on his back, Virgil splayed across him .
“I thought you’d be more upset with me,” He muttered, freeing his hand to run it through Virgil’s hair. His fingers raked through his own tears trapped in the locks and he grimaced.
“I don’t know what I’m feeling right now,” responded Virgil, accompanied by a shuddering breath, “I just need to know that you’re really here. And I need you.”
They were quiet for a moment, watching the sun begin to peek through their window, until Virgil spoke again sardonically.
“If this is a dream, I’m gonna be so pissed.”
Roman snorted despite himself and felt Virgil’s responding half-laugh from where he was tucked against him.  
“I agree. I thought I’d fucked up for good this time.”
A disgruntled meow made Roman crane his neck over the couch, watching Figaro stretch languidly in their bedroom doorway. The cat sidled over to his food bowl and sat pointedly next to it. Feed me. 
“Later, Figaro,” Roman groaned, all too comfortable with Virgil as his blanket. A small part of him was worried that if he moved them at all, the spell would be broken, and they’d lose whatever peace they’d settled into. 
Well, that wouldn’t do at all, not by Figaro’s standards. The cat gave an upset mewl and trotted over to the couch, leaping up with grace and batting Virgil’s legs. It was that pettish action that made Roman realize that Virgil had turned stone still on his lap. Figaro changed his approach to headbutting at his arm in a clear attempt to get pets, but Virgil’s hand stayed still by their sides. 
“What’s going through your head?” Roman murmured. 
“That stuff you said, about me… not contributing to the relationship…” Virgil croaked, and Roman stilled,  “What can I do to-… to fix that? Because I wanna fix it.”
“Baby, no,” Roman whispered, that shame-nausea returning, “I-” He groaned, dropping his head onto the arm of the couch behind him, “I was being an asshole. I didn’t mean that.”
Virgil didn’t budge, still deliberately ignoring Figaro’s futile begging for attention. “Then where did it come from?”
He took a breath deep enough that Virgil rose and fell with his chest, and Roman was struck with the profound urge to pull him closer and never let him go. But that would likely make him feel trapped, and that wasn’t productive. “You remember when I dragged you to that improv show my students put on last year?”
“You introduced me as your boyfriend and we found out the class had placed bets on whether you were gay or not. I don’t know how it wasn’t obvious.”
Roman gasped in mock offense. “Maybe they just were trying not to stereotype!”
“Your phone case is a rainbow-”
“Anyways!” He interrupted, resuming his gentle threading through Virgil’s hair, who snorted but otherwise gave in to the affection. “Remember what happened after?”
It had been a fantastic show, and Roman had been exceedingly proud of his little students, especially since it was his first time ever teaching a class. After the night, when the betting chaos had settled and everyone quickly adopted Virgil as theirs now, they’d pleaded to play a few more improv games before the theatre closed. Seeing as it was their last class, hence the performance in the first place, Roman had acquiesced. But neither of the men had expected for the gang of pre-teens to latch onto Virgil and beg him to play too, despite him having zero theatre experience. 
“Remember what they said?”
“They tried to pack all your lectures into five minutes of information.”
“I don’t lecture, I dazzle.” 
“They thought you were straight.” 
“Only some, and that’s not the point!”
Virgil finally lifted his head, pulling his hands up so he could lay his chin on top of them. He smiled weakly. “Then what is the point?”
“The most important rule of improv is to keep the scene going. No matter what nonsense you have to pull out, just never leave a scene flat.”
There was a quiet moment while the other processed that before, once again, that layer of hurt reappeared on his face. He pushed himself off Roman’s chest in preparation to get up. “So… you’re saying you saw that argument as another scene you had to keep up.”
“No, shit, that came out wrong,” Roman insisted, and Virgil paused suspiciously, “I’m saying, that in a moment of panic, I fell back on bullshitting my way through it! That’s literally what I do for a living!” 
The distrust gave way to resignment and Virgil chewed on his cheek, turning his attention to the window. He sat all the way up on Roman’s legs, leaning back on his shins. “How do I know you’re not bullshitting me right now?” He said. 
“Because,” Roman followed him up, careful not to move his legs and dislodge his boyfriend, “You know I like when the bed is made, and even though you hate making it, you always do when I’m out of the house before you.”
Virgil looked down at his thumb.
“Because you let me choose the music in the car.”
“... you don’t like loud music,” He muttered, picking at the skin around his cuticle.
“You adjust your work schedule to come to every single one of my shows.”
He shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Yeah, but you hate working mornings. You let me rant about all my theatre stuff, even if you don’t get any of it.”
“I’m learning.” A faint smile was breaking through.
“You tell me when there’s spinach in my teeth, or my hair is messy, or if I’m acting like an asshole.”
“Well, that’s easy enough.”
Roman reciprocated the smile at that, taking Virgil’s hands in his own to stop the attack at his nail. “I’ve been watching you better yourself for years, even if it’s been really, really hard.”
“What does that have to do with us?” Virgil asked with a small blush, switching his fidgeting tactic to fiddling with Roman’s fingers. 
“Every time you do something that betters yourself, you help us, Virgil.” He leaned forward slowly, giving Virgil the time to move away if he wanted to, and rested their foreheads together. “Yesterday, I fucked up. Badly. You said you were anxious and I still acted like a dick. I kinda thought you’d hate me.”
“I could never hate you,” Virgil whispered, seemingly before he had a chance to process it, because his blush multiplied tenfold. Roman grinned. 
“Aw, is someone feeling sappy?”
“Shut up, jackass,” He retorted, bonking their heads together ever so gently. 
“I’m so sorry, Virgil,” Roman said after their giggles and blushes had faded, “It won’t happen again, I swear.” 
In lieu of answering, Virgil closed the already scant distance between their lips, and despite Roman using all of his self control to not sigh into it, he found himself doing so anyways. All the tension bled out of his shoulders at once as Virgil pulled away, pressing one more peck to the tip of his nose, and then leaning back with a small smile. 
“So… that means we’re good?”
“We’re good.”
“Thank god,” Roman groaned, flopping back and dropping his arm over his eyes dramatically. He heard Virgil’s quiet snicker before he resumed his job as a blanket. Except this time, instead of nuzzling his head into Roman’s neck, he could feel the distinct edge of a chin digging into his sternum.
The hand lifted from his eyes to see Virgil staring at him, that goofy little smirk on his face. 
“I love you, idiot.”
Well, now they were wearing matching goofy little smirks. 
“I love you too.” 
That seemed to satiate him, because he gave a little nod and laid his head more comfortably on the other’s chest. He could have left the conversation there, content to just let them lay there in peace until the world fell away- or Figaro grew more insistent on being fed- but Roman just couldn’t banish the one persistent thought in the back of his mind. 
“Were you actually going to propose?” He blurted.
Virgil tensed for a moment, and then gave a resigned sigh. “...Yeah.”
“Well,” Roman furrowed his eyebrows, desperately hoping he sounded casual, though his heart was pounding far too loudly to not be heard, “I would have said yes. If you did.”
“Oh?” Virgil lifted his head. “You’re blushing, Princey.” He could hear the smug grin.
“Nooo…” Roman whined. His arm draped once more over his eyes in a weak attempt to hide the redness, but he drew it away only moments later when Virgil didn’t retort. 
The man was staring at him with an odd mix of disappointment and amusement, huffing out a breath as he watched Roman’s eyes.
“This wasn’t how I was planning to propose,” He sighed, “It was supposed to be all perfect, and romantic, and stuff. And the surprise is ruined now.”
“I’m sorry,” whispered Roman, continuing before Virgil could cut him off, “If it’s any consolation, I think a proposal in our pajamas, on the couch, would be very us.”
“You’re not in pajamas.”
“I slept in these clothes, they count as pajamas.”
Virgil snickered. Roman counted five breaths as the other’s face melted from a smile to anxiously knit brows, worrying his lip between his teeth as he looked down at him. It took another three for him to speak.
 “So…uh... will you…?”
Roman’s face split into a grin, “Yes, Virgil. Obviously.” 
Virgil’s expression morphed to match his and he swooped down to kiss him again, though they barely could with how much they were smiling. They both devolved into giggles, happy to just stay wrapped in each other’s arms, until Virgil broke away with a gasp.
“Let me grab the ring!”
“Ring can wait,” Roman argued, tightening his grip around his waist to keep him in place, “I want cuddles.”
And so they did.
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joviewinchester · 4 years
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Hey! So this is a Supernatural My Babysitter’s a Vampire crossover requested by @the-fifth-marauder101 The request wasn’t super specific so I kind of just ran with it. Jack’s a bit younger in this for the sake of the story. And I know that the timeline is off and stuff but like don’t @ me about it please. I know it’s off. Also this is a reader insert because, ya know, that’s literally all I write. Lol, but anyways, I hope you like it, and keep those requests coming!
Another school. Another town. Another day. That’s how it always went. Avoid making friends at all costs. Well, she had Jack at least.
“What are we here for again?” Y/N asked sighing.
“Your dad said something about vampires or werewolves. They don’t know what it is yet. Said something’s off with this one.” Jack replied glancing over at a group of whispering teens.
“What do you think their deal is?” Erica asked eyeing both Y/N and Jack.
“They don’t look like siblings, at the very least not biological ones.” Sarah responded.
“I don’t know, but can I just say, the girl is hot. Like hotter than anyone I’ve ever laid eyes on. Like if I had to choose between her and a young Carrie Fisher, I’d choose her.” Benny said.
“No way. You’re joking right?” Ethan asked.
“No. I never joke about a babe.” Benny said seriously.
“I don’t know. Personally I’d love to sink my teeth into either of them.” Erica smirked.
Y/N looked from the group to Jack in confusion. “Is it just me or do we have a literal fanclub?”
“I wouldn’t call them a fanclub. They’re just…unusually interested.” Jack responded.
“Should we introduce ourselves? Don’t get me wrong. I know we probably won’t stay for very long but…I just…it would be nice to make friends for once, you know?” She asked Jack as she looked at them, or more specifically looked at Benny.
“I mean, how could it hurt right?” They approached the group.
“Dude they’re coming over here.” Benny said while slapping Ethan’s arm.
“Yeah. I know. I can see dude.”
“Hi.” Y/N said shyly.
Jack stepped in at that point. “Hello. My name is Jack and this is my friend Y/N.” He introduced.
“It’s nice to meet you guys. I’m Sarah and this is Ethan, Benny, and Erica.” Sarah smiled.
Benny had a dumbstruck look on his face. “Excuse him. He gets nervous around girls he thinks are pretty.” Ethan said.
Benny looked at him with a glare. “Dude.” He whisper shouted at him. They then had a small slap fight.
“Alright you two are embarrassing yourselves. Hi, as Sarah said, I’m Erica, and I would love to take you under my wing, Y/N was it? Please let me give you a makeover tonight. You have so much potential if we removed the flannel and the old leggings.”
“Sorry. She’s straightforward like that. She doesn’t mean in a rude way or anything she just thinks your pretty and wants to do your makeup.” Sarah said.
“I guess I could come over.” Y/N said nervously. Jack have her a look and lowered his voice.
“Y/N, Dean said to come straight home after school, and that we can’t go out. You can’t. If you leave on my watch, Dean and Cas will, what is it that you say? ‘rip me a new one’” He quoted.
“Who’s Dean?” Ethan asked.
“My dad. He’s just a little bit overprotective, and if you don’t want me to go out without you, then just come with me.” Y/N said.
“So, you two like live together?” Sarah asked.
“Yeah. Our dads work together. It’s a whole thing.” Y/N said.
“Anyways, I’ll talk to him if he’s home and if not I’ll text him and let him know it shouldn’t be a big deal.” She said.
“Great. Sarah you’re coming too right?” Erica asked.
“Actually, I have to babysit Ethan and Jane tonight.”
“No problem we’ll just go over there.”
“Sarah’s your babysitter?” Jack asked.
“No! Well, I mean, yes, but it’s only because my mom doesn’t trust me to babysit my little sister. Benny you’re still coming over to play that new zombie game right?”
“Like I would miss that.”
“Think we have room for another player?” Ethan asked.
“Not if you’re talking about Rory.” Benny complained.
“I’m clearly talking about Jack, Benny.”
Sarah and Erica both rolled their eyes at their antics. “Come on, Y/N. We’ll walk you to class. Honestly, I swear you geeks almost scared her off.” Erica said.
Y/N waved goodbye at Benny, Ethan, and Jack, linking her arms with Erica and Sarah.
The bell then rang. “Do you guys know where Mr. G’s class is?” Jack asked.
“Yeah we have him for first period too. Follow us.” Ethan said.
School seemed to go by like a breeze with their new friends by their sides. Before they knew it, they were all heading out the doors.
“Alright. Jack and I need to head out, but we’ll meet you guys at Ethan’s house later. See ya.” Y/N said. There was a series of byes and Jack and Y/N hopped into the Jeep they had jacked from the bunker.
Erica left shortly after that saying something about how she needed to pack some clothes and makeup for later.
“I should give her a love potion.” Benny said.
“Do you remember how that turned out last time? I still have nightmares.” Ethan shuddered.
“Benny, don’t let this get to your head, but I think you might actually have a chance with her. She stared at you throughout the entirety of biology class. You should just ask her to see a movie with you or something.” Sarah advised.
“Yes. I need to be more like Han Solo. God, she’d be such a pretty Princess Leia.” Benny sighed dreamily.
“Okay lover boy. You wanna stand out here all day? We’re practically the only ones still here. Your grandma is gonna get mad if you make her wait any longer.” Sarah said glancing at the SUV Benny’s grandma sat in.
“Right. See you guys later!” Benny called.
“Bye!” They said in sync.
“I’ll see you later?” Ethan asked.
“Duh. If I want to get paid I don’t really have a choice.” Sarah joked. Ethan waved awkwardly and jogged to his mom’s car.
“Dorks.” She muttered to herself a slight smile on her face.
Y/N and Jack entered the place one of their hunter friends had loaned them and saw Sam researching by himself.
“Hey, Sam! Do you know when dad is gonna be back?” Y/N asked.
“Um…not really, but it probably won’t be for a few hours. He and Cas are interviewing at the moment. Why? Do you need something? Maybe I can help.”
“Well, Jack and I were wondering if we could go over to a friend’s house around seven ish? We’re just hanging out, nothing big.”
Sam looked up from his laptop. “You guys made friends?” He asked.
“Yeah. I know. I know. We probably won’t stay here, but it’s hard avoiding people everywhere we go and they’re really nice.” Y/N explained.
“Y/N, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I think it’s good that you guys are making friends, and I think it’s fine if you go out as long as you’re back by 10:30 or Dean will flip.”
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You’re the best uncle in the world.”
“Do you need any help with research?” Jack asked.
“No. It’s fine. You probably have homework to do.” Sam replied. Jack then headed to his room with his backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Hey, Sam?” Y/N asked sitting across from him.
“Can I talk to you about something?”
“You know that you can tell me anything Y/N.”
“I don’t…I don’t think that I can keep doing this.” She sighed.
“What do you mean?”
“The whole moving towns constantly and the saving people hunting things…I just don’t want to keep moving around. I know that it’s stupid. You’re saving the world. All of you, but I feel like I haven’t even lived. I’ve never really gotten to stop and smell the roses you know?”
“Y/N, it’s not like we can just leave you in a town by yourself. You’re only sixteen, but you’re in luck. We’re going to be here awhile. There are multiple cases in this one town and they all seem different. I don’t know what’s going on here. It’s like a Supernatural beacon.”
“Are you sure you don’t need help with research?” Y/N asked.
“No. You have homework too I’m assuming.”
“I finished all of mine in study hall. I’m available for four hours.”
Sam sighed. “Fine. You can help. I’m just looking through lore right now to try and figure out the first case.”
After about three and a half hours of researching, they both still came up with nothing. Y/N groaned.
“Are you sure there isn’t like more than one type of vampire?” She asked.
“Not according to any hunters I’ve met.” Sam said.
“Well, we didn’t think angels existed at one point and look at Cas. Look at Jack. We got an angel and a nephilim living in our house. Not to mention me. I’m a freak of nature.”
“I don’t know, Y/N. If we haven’t encountered one before, I don’t know why we would now.”
“Whatever. I’m gonna go upstairs and grab a few things, then Jack and I are leaving. I’ll see you later Sammy.”
Sam rolled his eyes at the nickname but told her goodbye nonetheless and went back to his research. Y/N grabbed her small bag that contained hand sanitizer, chapstick, lotion, a first aid kit and a pocket knife and knocked on Jack’s door.
“You ready?” She asked.
“Yeah let’s go before we’re stopped by Dean and Cas getting home.” Jack said.
They drove over to Ethan’s house and everyone else had already arrived. Y/N knocked on the door to see Benny with his mouth full of marshmallows. Y/N gasped in excitement.
“Are you guys seeing who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth?! I bet I can win! I want in on this!” She exclaimed rushing past Jack and in the door.
“What’s the record I’m trying to beat?” Y/N asked Jane.
“It’s unclear. They argue all the time about which got the highest amount and what the highest amount is. I think it’s 176. You don’t need to waste your time here though. You should come play dress up with me and Sarah. I promise it’ll be much more fun.” Jane ranted grabbing her hand.
“Come on Y/N it’ll be way more fun.” Sarah joked. Y/N shrugged.
“You know what? Why not let’s go. You coming, Erica?”
“Playing ‘dress up’ with you is literally the only reason why I’m here. Of course I’m coming.” Erica replied grabbing her bag. They all rushed upstairs leaving the boys behind.
The marshmallows fell out of Benny’s mouth as he was watching Y/N go upstairs. Ethan fist pumped in victory.
“I win!” He yelled through a mouthful of marshmallows.
“Hey! Dude that is so not fair!”
“It’s completely fair! Just don’t get distracted next time and you might win.” Ethan said back smugly.
“Whatever. You guys wanna watch Star Wars or something?” Benny asked.
“I don’t know. Y/N might get mad if we watch it without her.” Jack half joked. Benny looked at him in exasperation.
“She likes Star Wars too?! What’s next?!”
Meanwhile, upstairs Erica had already began using Y/N as a human doll.
“Those dorks are literally not going to know what to do with themselves when they see you.” Erica praised.
“You look really pretty, Y/N. Dare I say, prettier than Debbie Dazzle.” Jane complimented.
“Is that a compliment? What’s a Debbie Dazzle?” Y/N asked Sarah.
“You mean you never had a Debbie Dazzle doll growing up?” Sarah asked. Y/N shook her head no and thought of her childhood.
“We…well, we’ve always moved around a lot, and I matured earlier than most kids. Never really got into that stuff, besides wouldn’t have anyone to play with it with anyways.”
“What about your dad or your mom?” Erica asked while brushing Y/N’s hair.
“My mom?” She asked mostly to herself. It’s not like she could straight up say that her mom was God’s sister. “My mom left us when I was young. I barely remember her.” She said. When she was born she automatically aged up to thirteen, similarly to Jack.
That was the end of that conversation. They didn’t want to pry into her personal life. Even if it felt like they’d known her for years, the truth of it was that they were practically strangers.
“Okay. All done.” Erica smiled. Y/N looked in the mirror Jane had in her room. She was shocked to say the least to see what was staring back at her. For the first time in her life, she felt normal. She felt like a regular teenage girl, not a demi-god who hunted monsters.
“Wow. I look-“
“Beautiful.” Sarah, Erica, and Jane all said at once.
“I was gonna say normal, but yeah.” She laughed.
There were a few seconds of silence then Y/N suddenly jumped out of her seat. “Is that the Star Wars theme song?!” She exclaimed. She started heading downstairs.
“What a cute little nerd.” Erica said.
“Can we go downstairs to get a snack?” Jane asked Sarah.
“Sure but you have to be in bed by 9:00 remember?” “9:30?” “Fine.”
When Y/N got downstairs she plopped on the couch in between Jack and Benny.
Benny glanced at her and did a double take. “Woah. Erica did a really good job…not that you weren’t pretty before. You’re really pretty, either way. I’m so sorry. I’m totally rambling again.”
“Are you done?” She asked jokingly.
“Yeah…well, actually,” she laughed. “So no then?”
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie sometime…with me. I’ll even suffer through the new Dusk if you want.”
“No way are we watching Dusk. Pick me up Friday. We’re watching the new Avengers movie.”
Benny elbowed Ethan. “Dude. Did you hear that?”
“Yes, Benny, congratulations.” Y/N’s phone abruptly began to ring.
“Shoot. I gotta take this.” She got up and walked into the other room.
“Hello?” She asked. “Y/N? Where the hell are you? I told you and Jack to come home and stay home after school. Sam is not your dad. I am. You could’ve at least called and asked.” Dean grumbled.
“And you would’ve told me no and I would’ve been mad and you would’ve been mad and it would just not be fun at all so…”
“Are there boys there?” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Does is matter?”
“Yes. It matters a lot.”
“You don’t know. I could be a lesbian.” She stated.
“Cut the crap, kid. You and Jack need to get your sorry asses home or youre grounded. Both of you.”
Y/N ignored that statement. “Well, I’d love to talk more, but I’m gonna hang up now.”
“Y/N Elaine Winchester I swear to Chuck if you hang up…”
“Calm down. We’ll be home in like twenty minutes. Bye.” She hung up before he could say anything else.
“Jack, we have to go. Dean is flipping out.” She said walking back into the living room.
“Did you just refer to your dad by his first name?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah I did. Because I’m mad. It’s a symbol of defiance…even if he can’t hear it. Anyways, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Y/N, with annoyance, walked into the kitchen and said goodbye to Erica, Sarah, and Jane as well, before leaving with Jack trailing behind her.
Once they got home, they were greeted by all three hunters still sitting at the table researching.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Dean asked in disgust.
“Clothes. Goodnight. Good riddance. Love you partially and all that jazz. I’m going to bed. I have school.” She said running upstairs not letting anyone else get a word in.
The three men sighed. “Were there boys there?” Dean asked Jack seriously as he had Y/N on the phone.
“Yeah. Just two. Y/N has a date Friday.” Jack responded casually.
“She what?!”
“Anyways goodnight. Good riddance. Love you. And all that jazz as Y/N would say. See you tomorrow.” Jack repeated charging up the stairs.
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yaimlight · 3 years
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Rating: mature
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader / Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader (set per relationship)
A/N: part of the Twos Company, Threes A Crowd series but can be read on own. Series masterlist can be found here. This is by far probably one of my favourites. I loved every minute of this and it was so much fun to work on. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Katsuki’s footsteps echoed around the quite halls as he slowly made his way to class. He was early. A hell of a lot earlier than he would normally be but the idiots he called friends had been extra annoying this morning and he had needed to get away from them before he blew something up. So here he was trudging his way through the empty hallways to go crash at his desk. He would have a good solid fifteen to twenty minutes before anyone else turned up so he would be able to get some studying in before anyone disturbed him.
Coming to a stop in front of the class room Katsuki grabbed the handle and yanked the door open, the thing rattling as it slid open. Inside two sets of eyes looked back at him blankly and Katsuki blanched. Aizawa was slumped back in his chair, half in his sleeping bag and his tired eyes focused on Katsuki with a sharp intensity. On his desk sat Y/N, her hands curled around the edge and legs swinging as she leant forward. Her skirt had ridden up slightly and Katsuki could see the top of her thigh, the unblemished skin standing out against the dark wood.
Katsuki snapped his eyes up from where he had been staring at her legs and back up to her face. She was smirking at him knowingly and he could feel the slight blush forming on his cheeks. Scoffing Katsuki stepped into the room, slamming the door closed behind him and made his way over to his desk, refusing to acknowledge the other two people.
He could feel their eyes on him as he dumped his bag onto his desk and dropped into his seat. He could hear her whisper something to the teacher, the low murmur of her voice grating on his nerves. This was weird. Y/N had never shown anything but contempt toward the older man and he the same to her so for them to be talking like that was odd, suspicion even and it made Katsuki feel uncomfortable, like he had walked in on something private that he wasn’t supposed to know about.
Angrily he yanked out his English text book with every intention of studying for the exam tomorrow but he couldn’t tune her out, his ears twitching as his listened to her push off their teachers desk, her booted footsteps heavy as she slowly walked up to her desk. “Morning blasty” she said cheerfully and Katsuki caught a glimpse of her hips swaying as she walked past him. Growling he refused to answer, his grip tightening on his book.
Three week, that’s all it been since the start of the school yeah and she had turned up and she had been grating on his nerves ever since. She had barley interacted with the class, choosing to ignore them and make herself scarce during free time. Some of the stupid extras had tried to befriend her to start with but she had shut them down without a second thought and they had quickly given up.
That would have been fine by him, if he could get half his stupid classmates to leave him alone he would but for some reason that Katsuki couldn’t figure out she had taken an interest in him and they often found themselves alone at the oddest times. He would say it had something to do with her quirk but no one knew what it was. None of them had seen her use it as she never turned up for practical lessons and Aizawa had refused to tell them, telling them to work it out themselves.
At the front of the class Aizawa slid down onto the floor and zipped up the rest of his sleeping bag, falling asleep quickly and leaving the two of them to their own devices. This was fine, he didn’t have to interact with her, could just ignore her like he did every other day. Turning his attention back to his book Katsuki started to read through the last chapter, his mind filling with his schoolwork and drowning everything else out. It worked for a while, the silence welcomed but she shattered it quickly.
Katsuki gritted his teeth as she began to hum, tapping along on her desk to whatever that god awful tune was. He tried to ignore it, grinding his teeth and hunching his shoulders, his grip tightening on his book to the point that he was close to ripping it in two. “Will you shut up” he growled, slamming his book down and spinning in his chair to glare at her. She was leaning on her hand, elbow resting on her desk and staring out of the window. Slowly she turned to face him, smiling widely at him as she folded her arms on top of the desk. He could see her booted feet sticking out form the side, the metal gleaming in the light.
“Aww is little old me distracting the big bad blondie” she tipped her head to the side and pouted, her voice teasing and childlike. He hated it. “Your annoying the hell out of me you little shit so shut the fuck up before I make you” he hissed, snarling at her. He probably shouldn’t be swearing so much, Aizawa likely to reprimand him for it latter but he didn’t care at this moment, too annoyed with the infuriating girl.
Her eyes seemed to flash with excitement, a wide and dangerous smirk splitting across her face. “I’ll hold you to that” she said evenly, her voices holding a dark promise to it. Katsuki swallowed, stuck in Y/Ns intense gaze. He felt like he had just been threatened somehow, like he should be worried for his life and it left him with a feeling of dread deep in his stomach. “Bakubro!”
Katsuki blinked. Y/N was looking out the window again, head resting on her hand and elbows on the table, a bored expression on her face. “There you are man. Can’t believe you ran off like that” Kirishima said happily coming over to Katsuki’s desk and slinging his arm around the blondes shoulder. Normally he would shrug the other boy of and yell at him but Katsuki was stuck, still staring at Y/N in disbelief. Had that just happened or had he imagined the whole thing?
Kirishima moved, leaning forward and blocking Katsuki’s view. “Hey, you okay bro?” He sounded concerned, frowning down at the blonde and his hold tightening on his shoulder. Katsuki jerked back, yanking his shoulder out of the other teens hold and smacked his arm away. “Of course I am shitty hair, why the hell wouldn’t I be?” Katsuki yelled angrily, glaring at the redhead. Bloody idiot, why wouldn’t Katsuki be okay? He was the god dam best in this shitty school and he did not get scared of anything, especially not of mouthy little shits who thought they were so god dammed special because her daddy was some rich fuck.
Kirishima stepped back, laughing as he rubbed at the back of his neck. “That’s cool dude, just wanted to check as you ran off so early”. Katsuki growled, turning back around in his chair and shoved his book back into his bag. The rest of the class had started to file in now, all of them loud and energetic. It didn’t take long for Kaminari, Sero and Ashido to come bouncing over to join Kirishima, the four of them crowding around Katsuki’s desk and chatting loudly about something he really couldn’t care less about. What did they even have to talk about? They literally spent nearly every waking moment together so how did they still have shit to talk about.
Shifting in his seat Katsuki chanced a glance back at Y/N. She was still staring out the window, no one having approached her but why would they? She was even less approachable than him. Sensing his eyes on her, her own flicked up instantly finding his. The sun was streaming in through the window, bathing her in a bright light that gave her an almost other worldly glow. Katsuki was suddenly struck by how beautiful she looked in that moment. She looked sad, lonely even as the rest of the class bustled around and she just keep staring out the window as if she was longing for something beyond the world around them. Katsuki couldn’t help but wonder what it was that had made her so distant and what he could do to make her smile a real genuine smile, just once. He bet she would look even more stunning than she did now.
As if she knew what he was think she broke out into a wide smirk, her eyes seeming to sparkle with knowing. Scowling at her he turned back round, sinking into his seat. Beautiful? Ha, as if. She was nothing to him, just an insignificant background character on his journey to greatness. He didn’t need anything from her, didn’t want anything either and that included a stupid smile. He was Bakugou Katsuki, future number one hero and no one was getting in his way.
“Everyone settle down” Aizawa’s sleep rough voice called from the front of the room and everyone scrambled to their seats. Sighing Katsuki slumped forward, resting his chin on his hand. Aizawa droned on about some hero fight from a few years ago that he wanted them to analyse, asking the class to try and figure out what the villains quirk was. It reminded him of what the class had been trying and failing to do with Y/N throughout the weeks, each one of them chiming in with ideas from teleportation to some form of camouflage but with nothing to go on no one could say for sure. Not that Katsuki cared, because he didn’t. He couldn’t care less about her or whatever useless quirk she had.
That didn’t stop him from stealing glimpses of her whenever he could throughout the morning, only half paying attention to his classes. Every time he looked she was always bent over her text book or papers, doing the work asked of her for once. He didn’t think he had actually ever seen her doing the work before let alone paying attention to the class. It was odd and confusing and Katsuki didn’t like it. He had been so sure about the kind of person she was, especially after that first night but this was out of character and it made him feel like the rug had been yanked out from under him.
When lunch rolled around Ashido attached herself to his arm, dragging him along behind her to the cafeteria and even though he complained the whole time he went willingly. As he was dragged from the room he took one more look at the girl. She had lent forward over her desk, head resting on her folded arms and turned towards the window. He wasn’t the only one watching her though, the half ‘n’ half bastard staring at her with a little frown as Deku jabbered away next to him. Katsuki didn’t like it and he didn’t know why.
Lunch past quickly, Katsuki ignoring his friends in favour of trying to work out what his problem was and stealing glances at the shitty candy cane. He hadn’t seen Todoroki interact with the other girl, not once but then again no one had seen him the five or six times he had spoken to her either so that didn’t mean jack. The thought of them two stumbling across one another in empty hallways and abandoned classrooms, of her pressing against the bastard as she teased and taunted him just like she did with Katsuki had him grinding his teeth and glaring, a heaviness settling in his stomach that he couldn’t begin understand.
“Man I am so pumped for this” Kirishima called happily, punching the air with his fist and smiling like an idiot. “Me to bro. I can not wait to try my new attack out on you” Kaminari jumped up onto the bench in a mock defensive pose, kicking his leg out as if he was about to attack. Groaning Katsuki yanked his own locker open, shoving his school bag and blazer inside. The changing room was buzzing with excitement as they stripped out of their school clothes and tugged on their hero costumes. It was the first time since they had started the new year that Aizawa was letting them actually practice against one another, the last few weeks full of running drills that had been as boring as hell and they were all ready for an actual chance to let lose.
“Get down from there this instant” Glasses voice echoed around the room, dunce face whining as he jumped down and went back to changing into his clothes. Katsuki was smirking, the excitement for what was to coming already getting his blood pumping. Over break he had meet up with shitty hair and the rest of his friends a few times to spar, even Deku once or twice but none of them had really been able to let go of their quirks completely and he was looking forward to really letting go.
“Hay Bakugou! You ready to get your arse kicked?” Katsuki gritted his teeth, snarling as he turned to face Kaminari. “The hell I am loser. I’m going to kick all your arses” he yelled, fists clenched at his side. Like he would lose to anyone. Laughing Kirishima slapped him on the back and Katsuki rolled his shoulder aggressively, grumbling for the other teen to get the hell off of him.
“I wonder if any of the girls have leaned any new moves were their clothes fly off”. Sero smacked the shitty little pervert round the back of the head, knocking the bubble head idiot into his locker. “Stop being such a pervert” Sero glared down at Mineta as he rubbed at his forehead. Deserved the little shit right. If he carried on the way he was Katsuki gave him a month tops once they graduated before he got arrested for sexual harassment.
Wordlessly Katsuki began to tug off his clothes, listening to the idiots behind him ramble on about new moves they had been trying to develop and the ones they knew the girls had been working on. How stupid could these people get? Telling the others their new tactics when they should be keeping it to themselves and using it to surprise their opponents and beat them into dust.
Katsuki tuned them out as the conversation turned into discussing how much hotter the girls had gotten over the break. Instead Katsuki focused on getting changed as quickly as he could so he could get out there already. He had been keyed up all day and he was looking for a reason to get rid of some of his built up frustrations. He could already feel the sweat starting to coat his palms, his skin itching with the need to just let his quirk burst free from his palms. He longed for the familiar crack and boom of the explosions that would spark to life in his hands.
He was halfway through tugging on his trousers when he stilled, his attention snapping back to the rest of the room when he heard her name. “Sure she’s pretty but her attitude kind of tanks that”. Katsuki gritted his teeth, trying not to draw attention to himself as Sato spoke. He hatted he was so interested in what they were say, hanging on with baited breath in case they said something he didn’t already know.
“Maybe that’s her thing, being all distant and mysterious to get us all talking about her. You know being a bit of a bitch to hide a soft gooey centre” Sero said thoughtfully. Katsuki turned as he yanked on his tank top on, glaring at his idiot of a friend. As far as he knew he was the only one in the class who had held any sort of conversation with Y/N since her first day when she had told Deku in no uncertain terms where they could all shove their offer of friendship and he could say that underneath the cold and distance bitchiness was as teasing, infuriating, annoying bitch who seemed to know how to get under Katsuki’s skin and inside his head.
“That’s not an actual thing. Is it?” Kaminari asked, tipping his head to the side and brows drawn in confusion. “I mean it’s what Bakugou dose”. Katsuki did actually growl at that turning his attention to Kirishima. “The hell you saying about me shitty hair” he yelled taking a step forward and pointing an accusing finger at the other teen who just laughed it off.
“I guess we will never know unless one of us actually manages to talk to her”. Sato shrugged as he spoke, turning back to his own locker to get ready for class. Letting out a huff Katsuki turned back to his own locker, pulling out his boots. He thought that would be the end of the conversation, hoped it would anyway. He didn’t want to hear about her anymore, the mere though of the girl irritating him but it seemed the grape haired pervert had other ideas.
“Todoroki’s spoke to her”. The room fell quite, all eyes turning to look at the for mentioned teen. He had frozen, hands halfway through pulling up his zipper. His back was to most of the class but from where Katsuki stood he could see the shock and worry flash across his face.
“What! When?” Kaminari exclaimed loudly, his jacket falling to the floor as he looked franticly between the candy cane and grape boy. Katsuki would like to know that to, would beat it out of the other boy if he didn’t tell him. Mineta smirked, loving the fact that he knew something no one else did. “It’s true. I saw them the other night in the hallway and they looked pretty cosy if you know what I mean”.
Katsuki was going to kill that half ‘n’ half bastard. What the hell right did he have to be sneaking around at night get cosy with his…with his…Shit why the hell was this bothering Katsuki so much? He had no right to Y/N, didn’t want jack shit to do with her in the first place. Let the bastard have her, they would be perfect together with his stoic attitude and her cold indifference. Fists clenching and snarling Katsuki dropped down onto the bench and yanked his boots on. He didn’t care, not one bit so why the hell was he getting so angry?
“Dude you’ve been holding out on us. Come on spill”. Katsuki didn’t look up as Kaminari spoke, glaring at his boots as he laced them up. He didn’t want to be here to hear this shit. “I would hardly call it a conversation, we barley exchanged words” Todoroki said in his normal bland, monotone voice and Katsuki did look up at this, narrowing his eyes at the other boy. Katsuki was calling bullshit and he didn’t understand why half ‘n’ half would lie about it.
“Do you normally let people push their chest against yours and whisper in your ear to exchange a few words” Mineta’s voice droned on and every one stopped once again. Todoroki was blushing, mix matched eyes wide and looking like a deer caught in headlights. Katsuki’s hands began to smoke, black wisps off it escaping between his fingers.
He knew what that felt like, knew the feeling of her hands curling over his shoulders as she stepped into his space, her breasts pushing against his chest as she whispered a teasing comment in his ear, her warm breath sending shivers down his spine. Katsuki clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms as he forced his quirk back down. Anger, envy and resentment crashed into Katsuki, churning round in his stomach and making him feel sick.
“Dude are you banging the new chick?” Kaminari shouted in disbelief and Katsuki saw red. “I don’t think that’s really any of our business” Deku stuttered out, coming to defend the half ‘n’ half bastard who looked like he was about to pass out, all the colour draining from his stupidly angular face.
Growling Katsuki stood back up, shoving his gauntlets on as he did. He slammed his locker shut, the whole thing rattling with the force. “Who gives a shit if he’s getting his dick wet. Just hurry the fuck up and get your arses out there so I can beat them”. Katsuki snarled as he stormed over to the exit that lead onto the training field. His shoulder slamming into the shitty candy cane on the way past, the other teen letting out a grunt of pain.
Katsuki could hear the others still talking behind him, their annoying voices trailing after him. “No fair man, pretty boys like you need to leave us some girls”. “How rude”. “Someone’s extra grumpy today”. “Are you okay Todoroki-kun”. Clenching his jaw Katsuki tried to shove everything down. He didn’t need these shitty feelings. He didn’t have time for them, not if he was going to become the number one hero. What he was going to do was spend the next couple of hours beating his classmates into the dust and Y/N would be nowhere in sight to get under his skin and leave him itchy and wound tight.
He squinted as he stepped out into the sun, turning his head to try and actually see something. The girls were already out, huddled together and whispering amounts themselves. Frowning Katsuki dragged his eyes over them, clocking the nervous looks on some of their faces. That was odd, he hadn’t seen them all that worried in a while and he couldn’t think what would have them so on edge. It didn’t take long to find out though. As he got closer the sun was blocked by the high walls of the stadium they were in. Aizawa stood just a little way off of the group of girls, a clipboard in hand and looking as bored as always as he spoke to Y/N who stood next to him.
Katsuki came to slow stop next the huddle of girls, confused as to what was going on because she wasn’t supposed to be here. Y/N had on the navy and white U.A training outfit, her chunky black boots replaced by black trainers. Her face was turned up towards Aizawa, a serious look about her as she nodded along to whatever their teacher was saying. Why was she hear? She hadn’t come to a single one of these classes since she got here, not once so why the hell was she here now when all Katsuki wanted was her to be as far away from him as possible.
He could hear the rest of the guys approaching, their loud chattering dying down as they came to a stop behind him, finally noticing the girl who had been absent for the past three weeks. “You’re finally all here” Aizawa drawled, his tired eyes dragging across the huddle of students in front of him. “This week we will be looking at how to fight opponent who are completely unknown to you. It has been brought to my attention that after three weeks none of you have managed to work out what Y/Ns quirk is so she has kindly agreed to help with this week’s task”. Katsuki knew he should be thinking about strategies and technics but his mind was stuck. He was finally going to find out what her quirk was.
“You will each face Y/N one at a time with the goal of getting your opponent over the out of bounds lines. If you can work out what her quirk is you will receive top marks for today’s class, if you don’t you will have to run laps after class in full gear” Aizawa had to yell the last bit, the classes chatter getting louder with every second but Katsuki’s eyes were stuck on Y/N as she wordlessly walked out into the middle of the field. Once their she began to stretch, twisting and turning her body a she got ready for the fight coming her way.
It seemed a little unfair, all twenty of them against just her. Sure it was one at a time but it would be gruelling and there was no way she would be able to make it through all of them. That was unless she had some sort of endurance quirk that meant she could out last them all. There had to be something about her and her quirk for Aizawa to think she could stand up to them all but what? What was it that made the older man so sure she could handle that sort of exertion?
“Your names have all been picked out at random to determine in what order you will go. Mineta you will be first, the rest of you take a seat and wait your turn”. The grape haired pervert let out a surprised yelp, practically trembling in his little yellow boots. Grunting Katsuki turned, heading towards the benches that had been lined up a safe distance from the battle arena. The battle area that had been marked out wasn’t that big, probably a little smaller than the one they used for the sports festivals and they were seated close enough to that you could still hear what was being said out on the pitch.
Grunting Katsuki dropped down into the middle of one of the benches, legs splayed wide, his elbows resting on his thighs and heavy gauntlets hanging between them. He didn’t pay much attention to the others but he knew that Sero and Ashido sat on one side of him whilst Kirishima and Kaminari sat on the other side, the four of them talking excitedly over him as they tried to work out what Y/Ns quirk could possibly be. Katsuki just sat there though, watching Mineta as he hesitantly stepped into the starting circle in the middle of the pitch, eyes nervously darting around. “When you’re ready” Aizawa called and the whole class shut up, their attention snapping to the two people in the middle of the field. Katsuki held his breath, waiting to see what she did.
“Hey Mineta-kun” Y/N said all bright and cheerful, smiling down at the grape fucker like they spoke all the time. The pervert stuttered and stumbled over his words and for once looking everywhere but at the girl in front of him. She laughed nervously, rubbing at the back of her neck as a soft pink blush spread across her cheeks. “This is really embarrassing but it’s a lot hotter out here than I thought would you mind if I got rid of this before we started?” She tugged at her jacket as she spoke, looking down at Mineta with a bashful smile. She looked sweet and innocent and Katsuki knew that was utter trash. She was up to something.
Mineta’s attention snapped back to Y/N, a dopy smile on his face as he shook his head. “No that’s fine” he said excitedly, his eyes zeroing in on her chest. She mumbled a quick thanks before her hands went to the zipper. Time seemed to slow as she dragged down the zipper, still smiling sweetly as inch after inch of delicate skin was exposed. Katsuki was transfixed, watching the roll of her shoulders as she tugged the jacket down her arms and exposing the black sports bra she had on underneath. Mineta was practically drawling, eyes fixed on her breasts and Katsuki couldn’t blame him, his own eyes dragging along the outline through the workout top.
Laughing she leant forward, curling one hand over the small teens shoulder, her chest at eye level. Katsuki would swear that he pervert passed out the way his eyes rolled back but he stayed stood, supporting Y/N as she started to tug down her trousers. Someone made a chocked of squeak and Katsuki would put money on it being glasses, his delicate sensibilities being damaged by the amount of skin that was being exposed as the trousers slid over her pert arse and down unblemished thighs. She tugged them over her shoes and throw them behind her to join her abandoned top.
“Holy shit” whispered Kaminari the same time Ashido let out a low whistle. Y/N was stood in nothing but a black sports bra and matching shorts that cling to every curve and ended midway down her thigh. There was so much skin on display, more than was normally on offer when she was in her uniform and Katsuki hungrily drank it all on. Mineta seemed to have forgotten what was supposed to be happening, his hands making little grabby motions towards her and mumbling so much it would but Deku to shame but Y/N hadn’t forgotten.
She tipped her head to the side slightly, her smile twisting and eyes narrowing. Her grip tightened in the collar of his costume then in one quick move she spun round, bringing her leg up and kicking him hard in the stomach. Mineta screamed as he flew through the air, arms flailing as he crashed to the ground face first and outside of the boundary lines. Katsuki started down at the pervert dumbly for a second before dragging his eyes back to the middle of the pitch. She was stood back up, head tipped back and facing the sky but her eyes were fixed on them, a dangerous smirk on her lips. “Oh shit” Kaminari whispered, sounding equal parts amazed and scared.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes at her, snarling slightly. She hadn’t used a quirk, not that he could see anyway, just pure strength. Unless that was her quirk but Katsuki refuses to believe it was that easy. No this was supposed to be hard, a challenge or otherwise Aizawa wouldn’t have set it. She wouldn’t make it that easy to spot what she was doing, trying to mask her quirk by relying on other skills but that wouldn’t be possible for long, not against people like him on half ‘n’ half, and hell half the class had quirks that could beat her down from a distance. Katsuki was excited, skin humming for his chance to get in there with her, to finally be able to wipe that smug smile of her face.
“Hagakure you’re next” Aizawa called and the girl let out a surprised squeak. Katsuki leaned forward, watching the gloves and shoes make their way onto the field. Y/N would have to use her quirk for this fight surly. The invisible girl may not be the best fighter in the class but she had the element of surprise on her side. If it was Katsuki he would let of explosion after explosion, driving the girl back until she had no choice but to step out of the ring.
“Hagakure-kun” Y/N said politely, tipping her head towards the other girl who rushed out a quick hello, a glove moving quickly through the air as she waved. Y/N smiled softly, her eyes slowly dragging from the gloves down to the shoes. “You ready?” Y/N asked seriously, rolling her shoulders and taking a defensive stance. “Sure am” Hagakure said cheerfully as she stripped off her gloves and shoes, throwing them off to the side. It was a good idea, making it almost impossible for Y/N to see where she would be attacking from.
Katsuki tried to follow Hagakure’s movements but from his spot he couldn’t see her footprints. Y/N sighed, relaxing her stance and closed her eyes. “What’s she doing?” Raccoon eyes whispered, leaning into Katsuki. “The hell if I know” he grumbled, scowling at the girl stood motionless in the middle of the field. “Maybe it’s to do with her quirk?” Discount Pikachu might have a point. Maybe it was some sort of enhance hearing, maybe sonar or something like that. It would explain why she was just stood there, leaving herself wide open for an attack.
Suddenly her eyes snapped open, her hand flying out and fingers seeming to curl around nothing. “Ahhh” Hagakure cried out as Y/N jerked her arm forward, stepping to the side and bringing her leg up to deliver a hard kick to what Katsuki assumed was the invisible girls back. A plume of dust rose up from where she staggered forward and for a moment the bottom of Hagakure’s legs were visible as the dust settled. Y/N smirked, kicking at the ground and sending up another dust cloud towards the girl.
What followed was five minutes of what looked like a one person fight as Y/N danced around the arena, ducking and weaving and avoiding every single one of Hagakure’s attacks. Katsuki was transfixed, watching Y/N dance around the other girl’s attacks. Her technique was flawless, a clear level of skill in hand to hand combat that outclassed half the class. She was precise with her movements, anticipating the other girl’s moves and getting hit in after hit, sending the other girl crashing to the dirt time and time again until she was covers in a thin layer of dust and her out line was visible.
Y/N dropped down, kicking her leg out and sweeping Hagakure’s legs out from under her and sent her tumbling face first onto the floor and even Katsuki winced at the sound of her knees smacking onto the floor. Y/N strode forward purposely and grabbed a fistful of the other girl’s hair. Hagakure cried out, her dirt covered hands going up to curl around Y/Ns wrist. She scrambled across the ground, trying not to fall as Y/N dragged her across the pitch and shoved her across the boundary lines.
Everyone was staring at the heap that was Hagakure, her knees bloody and breathing heavily. Wordlessly Y/N turned back and walked back to the middle of the pitch, grabbing the other girl’s gloves and shoes. By the time she got back Hagakure hadn’t moved and no one had gone to help her, everyone still just staring at her. That had been brutal, unnecessarily so but Katsuki assumed that had been the point. Mineta had been a tease and Hagakure had been a warning to all those who were yet to come. Katsuki clenched his fists, already thinking up strategy’s and counter attacks, ways to beat the girl down but he still had no clue what her quirk was and that would be a disadvantage. He would just have to not give her an opening, blast her out of the arena before she got a chance to attack.
Sighing Y/N sank to her knees, gently lifting Hagakure’s leg into her lap. She brushed some of the dust off the other girl’s foot before slipping her trainer back on. Y/N was being so gentle with Hagakure, a complete contrast to the brutal beating she just given the other girl. Katsuki scrunched up his face. What was she doing wasting time like this? The stupid girl could get her own damned self dressed. Katsuki was itching for a chance to fight Y/N and this was just waiting his time.
“You did really well out their Hagakure -kun. Your technique is impressive though I would suggest working on your defence but I would be glad to help you with that if you liked” Y/N said softly, smiling gently up at the other girl as she pulled on her other shoe and laced it up. Katsuki started at her in disbelief. What the hell was going on here? Y/N had spent three weeks avoiding everyone and refusing Katsuki every time he tried get her to spar with him yet here she was, suddenly talking to these extras like she cared about them and offering out her time. What the hell made Hagakure so special that Y/N was willing to train with her and not him?
“I, yeah. That would be great” Y/N smiles warmly at Hagakure’s whispered reply and pushed herself back up onto her feet. Y/N held out her hand for the other girl to take and helped pull her to her feet. “Enhanced hearing” Hagakure rushes out, Y/Ns eyes widen slightly in surprise. Katsuki held his breath, the rest of the class seeming to do the same. Huffing out a small laugh, Y/N turned to look up at Aizawa who had come over to stand next to them. Everyone turned their attention to the teacher, sitting up straighter and waiting to see what he would say. “Good effort though we will need to work on your tactics. Go get your knees sorted and then I want you back here for your laps”. Everyone groaned and Katsuki slumped back in his seat. There went that idea.
“Better luck next time” Y/N called over her shoulder as she went back to the middle of the pitch, smiling widely and waving at them. Katsuki was once again struck by how beautiful she was, the sunlight streaming down on her, knees covered in dirt and cheeks slightly flushed. He wondered if she would still look as beautiful after he had beaten her. “Aoyama, go”. Katsuki groaned annoyed that he was still being made to wait for his chance to knock the smug little shit off her pedestal.
What followed was over an hour of Y/N completely destroying the class. She was polite to all of them, making sure that they were ready and on occasion exchanging a few words about their level of skill but each fight always ended the same. Katsuki tried to keep track of everything so was doing but Y/N adapted and changed her fighting style depending on who she was facing. Aoyama had been easy for her to defeat, taking no more than five minutes but others like glasses and ponytail were harder, taking longer for her to force over the pitch boundary lines but in the end she did, offering each person some form of constructive criticism whilst gushing about their skills.
Each one tried to guess what quirk she had been using, throwing out suggestions like super strength, foresight, teleportation and even mind control but Aizawa shot them all down, Y/N laughing off anyone’s attempts to find out how she had beat them. Katsuki had listened to every suggestion, scoffing at some of the more idiotic ideas but seriously considering others but every time they turned out to be wrong he grew more and more frustrated to the point he was almost convinced that she didn’t even have a quirk and this was just sort of sick joke Aizawa was pulling on them.
Groaning Katsuki narrowed his eyes, watching as she effortlessly dodged Kaminari’s new attack, already starting to move out the way before he had even finished swinging his arm down. “She’s been watching us” Katsuki growled as realisation finally dawned on him. “What do you mean watching us?” Ashido said, sounding a little worried. Katsuki didn’t take his eyes off the pairs as Y/N counters Kaminari’s attack and forced him back towards the boundary lines. “Dunce face has only practiced that attack once since we have been back and that was last week during our endurance training but she knew exactly what was coming and how to avoid it. She wouldn’t know how to do that unless she had been watching us practice”. Katsuki growled the last words, angry that he hadn’t realised it sooner.
Of course she would be observing them, she seemed like the creepy type to lurk in the shadows and watch their practices like a god damned stalker. That meant she had yet another advantage over them, knew more about how they fought whilst they only knew what they had seen today. He had half formed assumptions about her style that she kept knocking down and preventing him from coming up with a solid plan and it was beginning to piss him off.
Y/N slammed her elbow into Kaminari’s chest casing him to stumble back, falling over his feet and crashing to the ground, outside of the boundary lines. “Ow” he whined, rubbing at his chest. Y/N helped pull him up, complimenting his moves and gushing about his quirk, the idiot smiling bashfully. Grunting Katsuki turned away, losing interest in their conversation. Kaminari marked number seventeen leaving just Katsuki, Deku and the half ‘n’ half bastard left and Katsuki was beginning to suspect there hadn’t been anything random about the order they had gone in because what were the chances that the top three in the class would be left till last.
At the moment his best strategy was to just go at her, delivering hit after hit in quick succession and not giving her a chance to counter or dodge, making sure to keep her as far away from him as possible. “Man that sucked” Kaminari whined as he dropped back down into his space, leaning into Kirishima who wrapped an arm around him. “At least you’re lasted longer than Sero did” Ashido leant round Katsuki to pat the other boy on the leg whilst soy sauce let out an indigent ‘hey’. Ashido whipped back round, folding her arms across her chest and levelling the other boy with a hard look. “Well it’s true”. Sero huffed mouth opening to protest but Katsuki cut him off, turning to glare at him. “What idiot gets stuck in their own tape” he barked. Sero frowned, slumping back into his seat. “I told you I don’t know how it happened” he grumbled, clearly sulking. “That just makes it worse dumb arse” Katsuki yelled, only just resisting the urge to smack the other teen round the head. They were in their final year, so close to stepping out into the world as fully fledged heroes and the idiot was still making mistakes that a preschool would do, he was lucky Y/N had just rolled him out of the pitch and not kicked him all the way there like Katsuki would have.
“Alright” Aizawa calls and Katsuki turns to look at the teacher, holding his breath in anticipation. “Todoroki you’re up”. Katsuki groaned, slumping back and tipping his head back to look up at the sky. God damned half ‘n’ half. Why did he get to go first? He probably knew what her quirk was anyway, considering how they had been all over each other, probably had even been sparing together in secret. Katsuki knew that he was probably blowing this all out of proportion, he only had what the perverted little grape had said and Katsuki had been in similar situations with Y/N himself over the last few weeks but he was angry that she had been sneaking around with the shitty candy cane at the same time.
Groaning Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut. No he wasn’t angry she was sneaking around with the other teen, he was angry that she thought she could go around playing games with him, trying to rile him up and get under his skin. Well he wasn’t going to let her. He would go out there a beat her into dust. As much as Katsuki hated to admit it half ‘n’ half was a good fighter, a good opponent and one of the closest to Katsuki’s level. Katsuki would be able to learn a lot from their fight and use it to his advantage. He hoped she kicked his area though, it would be good to see the pompous prat get knocked down a peg or two.
“Well hello handsome”. Katsuki’s head jerked back down as Y/N practically purred her greeting. Distantly he heard Mineta yell ‘I told you so’ but Katsuki was too focused on the other two. Todoroki was scowling at her as he took up his fighting stance, not answering Y/N. She smirked widely, eyes gleaming with what Katsuki thought was excitement and took up her own starting position. “Show me what you’ve got hot stuff”. She winked at half ‘n’ half and the teen actually sneered at her.
He lunged forward, throwing an arm up and sending a sheet of ice barrelling towards Y/N but for once he wasn’t quick enough, the girl dodging just in the nick of time. “You’re going to have to do better than that” she teased, grinning like a mad man. Half ‘n’ half growled at her before launching another attack.
Their fight was fast paced and full on, Todoroki sending up walls of ice and flames. Katsuki was having a hard time following the action, all the ice and Y/Ns quick movements proving difficult to focus on. It was annoying, preventing him from getting a good idea of what her quirk was though Katsuki was sure that she was getting faster, dodging the other teen’s attacks with relative ease. Something that was clearly annoying the candy cane.
She managed to dodge yet another attack, missing both a sheet of ice and wall of flames and finally getting in close to the boy but just as she was about to reach out for him Todoroki threw out his arm. She knocked it out of her way and a sheet of ice shoot up in front of the watching class, blocking them from view. “Fuck” Katsuki cursed, glaring at the thick ice. He couldn’t see anything, not even an outline.
“Hey! Ear Cord” he yelled, leaning around his friends to get the girls attention. She rolled her eyes at him, huffing out an annoyed sight. “It’s Earphone Jack” she grumbled but Katsuki ignored her. He knew what her hero name was, he didn’t need the reminder. “Make yourself useful and tell me what they’re saying” he demanded. She narrowed her eyes at him, looking like she was going to tell him no but the whole class was looking expectantly at her, round face nodding enthusiastically. With a groan she sent here ear cords into the ground and everyone fell silent.
For what seemed like the longest minutes there was nothing. No sound from the other side of the ice, no sound from the waiting class, just Jiro frowning. “Well” Katsuki growled, getting impatient with the lack of information. “Will you shut up” she hissed and Katsuki growled. How dare she talk to him like that. Getting up from his spot Katsuki took a step towards her. “You wonna go you lit...” Katsuki stopped midway through his threat as Jiro’s eyes widened, her mouth hanging open in shock as she blushed a deep read. Quickly she retracted her cords and sunk back in an attempt to hide herself behind ponytail.
“What?” he barked taking another step forward. She had heard something and Katsuki wanted to know what. She made some sort of wired choked of whine, shaking her head quickly. “It was nothing” she rushed out refusing to meet Katsuki’s eyes. Growling he took another step forward until he was in front of her. “Tell me” he growled, looming over the girl, fists clenched and smoking. “Bakugou-kun I really don’t think...” ponytail started to say, wrapping her arms around the other girl and pulling her into her chest but Katsuki cut her off, not even bothering to look at her. “Shut up. Tell me what you heard” his voice was low and menacing as he spoke and he was on the edge of threatening her to talk. He had to know what was going on, had to know what the bastard was doing so he could make sure he didn’t make the same mistakes. It definitely wasn’t because he didn’t like not being able to see what they were doing, not because he was angry that Y/N had called him handsome.
Jiro sighed, he blush still going strong but she seemed ready to talk. “She asked him if his quirk...” she was cut off by a loud bang as something, or more likely someone collided with the wall of ice, cracks creaking as they spread across the sheet. The whole class jumped, a few of the girls and dunce face gasping but not Katsuki. He turned towards the sheet of ice squinting, the dark out line of something just visible as they moved on the other side.
The thud came again, the ice cracking even more. What the hell were they doing? Katsuki could see them moving but couldn’t tell who was who, just vague shapes merging into one another as they moved around one another. Growling he clenched his fists, tempted to blow up the stupid wall just so he could see. He didn’t like not knowing what Y/N was doing with the other teen, not after finding out that they had been sneaking around together behind his back.
Katsuki jerked back at the thought, his eyes widening in surprise. What the fuck was wrong with him? He was acting like some jealous boyfriend and that was not what they were, not even close to it. She was a brat, a pain in his arse who constantly went out of her way to irritate him. He didn’t like her enough to call her an acquaintance let alone his girlfriend. He needed to get it together, start acting like himself and stop worrying about Y/N and the candy cane. It had nothing to do with him and he didn’t care what they were doing, he would beat her all on his own, they’d see.
There was a loud crash, the ice finally breaking as someone was thrown against it yet again. They came tumbling through, rolling across the dirt and coming to a stop just an arm’s length away from the boundary lines. Katsuki looked down at Y/N as she pushed herself up onto her knees. He had hit her, the shitty candy cane the first out of the glass to get her on the ground and that close to the boundary lines. Not possible, no way. She was supposed to beat this joker into the ground and move on. Katsuki was the only one in this class with the skill and power to defeat her, she was only supposed to bend to his will not the half ‘n’ half bastards.
Y/N rubbed a hand over her bloody lip, red smearing across the back of her hand. She let out a small huff of laughter, turning to face Todoroki with a wide smile. He was stood not far off, jumpsuit ripped in a few places and breathing heavily and sweating, clearly the excessive use of both his quirks starting to take its toll, but Y/N hardly had a flush to her skin, wasn’t even breathing that differently than normal. If it wasn’t for the small cut you probably wouldn’t even know she had been fighting for the last twenty minutes.
Pushing herself back onto her feet she glanced back toward the other students, her eyes almost instantly finding Katsuki’s. He felt her eyes dragging over him like a caress, his skin tingling beneath his clothes. She looked at him through hooded eyes and smirked, her tongue poking out to run across her split lip. He swallowed, eyes transfixed on the action hardly even noticing the wink she aimed at him before spinning on her heels and running full force towards Todoroki.
Wordlessly Katsuki shuffled back, dropping down into his seat. “You okay?” Katsuki grunted in reply to Kirishima, his eyes still focused on the couple out on the field. Even though he was watching he didn’t really see the rest of their fight, his mind stuck on the movement of her tongue and the hungry look in her eyes. He felt hot, hotter than normal and he could feel the faint hum of arousal running through his veins. He wanted to see that look again, preferably from above whilst she lead under him. He bet she would look good, even better if she ditched her clothes.
“Holly shit” Kaminari whispered, hand smacking against Katsuki’s chest. “Did you see that?” he said excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat. Blinking a few times to clear his mind, Katsuki slowly looked down at the hand that was gently smacking him in the chest. “Get the hell off me dunce face” Katsuki growled and instantly the other boy was snatching his hand back, laughing nervously. “Sorry man just I can’t believe it ended so suddenly. I really thought Todoroki was going to win”. Katsuki’s head snapped back, eyes wide and searching as Pikachu’s words sunk in.
Half ‘n’ half stood just outside the out of bounds lines, fists clenched and frowning at Y/N who was laughing nervously and very clearly still inside the pitch. When had that happened? How had that happened? How had Katsuki completely missed the entire last part of their match? Y/N lifted her arms above her head, lacing her fingers together and stretched. She moaned loudly, eyes fluttering shut and lips parting slightly. Katsuki’s eyes fell to her naked stomach, watching as her back arched and muscles rippled with the strain. He wondered if that was what she would look like under him, moaning and gasping, arching up for more.
Groaning he slumped forward, hiding his face in his hands. That was why he hadn’t seen how she had gotten the bastard across the boundary line, too absorbed in fantasies that he had no business getting lost in. What was wrong with him? Ever since that first night he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it, about her and it was driving him crazy.
Sure over the years he had thought girls were attractive, hell he though half the girls in the class were pretty hot and he was a healthy teenage boy so he was no stranger to the pleasure his own hand could bring but never had he been so fixated on one girl that he was almost constantly thinking about her to the point he was barley focussing in classes. He had a reputation to uphold, and image to protect and he couldn’t afford to be getting distracted by a pretty smile, firm arse and legs that he wanted wrapped around him as he held her up against a wall whilst he grinded against her.
Growling he gripped at his hair, tugging at the strands. He need to stop this. He was too close to finally becoming a pro to throw all his hard work away for some piece of arse, even if the body attached to said arse happened to be smart, funny and skilled. He just needed to get her out of his system and their fight would hopefully go a long way to fixing that. When he undoubtedly beat her she would scurry off to lick her wounds and he would be left alone.
“Bakugou, let’s go” Aizawa called and Katsuki’s head shot up, looking at his teacher with confusion. Looking rather unimpressed the older man jerked his head towards the filled and Katsuki turned to see what he was talking about. Y/N was stood back in the middle of the pitch, looking at him expectantly. Katsuki frowned, when had the shitty candy cane left the field? Y/N huffed, rolling her eyes as she made a come here motion with both her hands. “Well? You coming or what blondie?” she called and Katsuki jerked back to reality.
Growling Katsuki jerked up and stormed across the field, hands clenched and snarling. Vaguely he was aware of Sero saying ‘this is going to be good’ behind him and the others agreeing with him but he was too focused to let their praise really sink in and boost his already sky high confidence.
He came to a stop in front of her, snarling as he got into position. “Finally decided to join me then. Thought you were going to chicken out” she teased. Katsuki growled, fists clenching as he took a threatening step forward. “Ha! Like hell I would. Your perky arse is mine” he yelled, confident in his ability to finally be the one to push her across the boundary lines.
Y/Ns eyes widened slightly, a look of surprise on her face. It was then when Katsuki realised what he had said, his own eyes widening and a slight blush spreading across his cheeks. She smiled widely, eyes gleaming with amusement. Shit he hadn’t meant to say that, couldn’t understand why he had said it. Now she would know he had been staring at her arse, every time she bent over, when she walked in front of him, hell even when she was just stood still.
“If you want it that bad all you have to do was ask” she winked at him, dragging her tongue over her lips then sucking the edge in between her teeth and biting down on it. Shit he didn’t know where to look, what to say. His mind was stuck somewhere between watching her mouth and imagining her pulling the same face as he gripped her arse tightly and she bounced on top of him. Shit, this wasn’t the time for that. He couldn’t get hard now, not in front of her, not with the whole class there anyway.
As if sensing his embarrassment her smirk fell into a gentle smile. “Oh” she exclaimed, bouncing excitedly on her toes. “Thanks for dinner last night” she said happily, head adorably tilting to the side. Katsuki clenched his jaw, eyes narrowing and growled. “Stop eating my god damned food” he yelled angrily. Ever since that first night she had been sneaking his food out of the fridge. He had only caught her that first time but he knew it was her, Y/N never hiding the fact and making sure he knew how much she enjoyed it.
“But it tastes soooo good and you keep leaving it right there. How’s a girl to resist such temptation?” she looked so sweet, so innocent with bright eyes and an even brighter smile but the way she spoke, her tone low and teasing with just the hint of something darker, more carnal lurking underneath. Katsuki wanted to hear more of it, wanted her to whisper in his ear as she pushed up against him. “God damned suffer for all I care, just keep your thieving hands off my food”. She laughed, waving his angry words off like it was nothing and Katsuki snarled, bearing his teeth at her. “Enough bullshit! Fucking fight me already” he yelled, taking a step forward and palms sparking in his anger.
Huffing her smile fell, levelling him with a bored and unimpressed look. “Fine, have it your way blondie. Just try not to disappoint me”. As soon as she finished talking she lunged for him. Katsuki barley had time to dodge to the side, only just avoiding the punch aimed right at his face. She didn’t give him time to regain his footing, spinning round and coming for him once again.
She was quick, quicker than he had thought and stupidly light on her feet. She kept getting in close, nocking his arms away every time he tried to lift them to get a shot in, sending his explosions in the opposite directions. They dodged and weaved around one another, each one avoiding the others attacks. He wasn’t getting a hit in, couldn’t even get his hands anywhere near her to blast her back, if he didn’t do something soon he would never get an opening.
“Is that all you’ve got? How pathetic”. She sounded angry as she brought a knee up aiming for his stomach, at the same time she threw a punch, aiming for his head. He couldn’t deflect both, had to make a choice and fast. Throwing an arm up he blocked the punch, trying to bring his other arm round to block her leg but her cold fingers wrapping around his arm and holding it still. He grunted as her knee connected with his stomach, feeling like a rock was being shoved into him.
Growling he opened his palm, twisting it towards her and let off a large explosion. She let go of him, jumping back in an attempt to avoid his attack but he had been too close to miss. He smiled in triumph, knowing he had finally got a hit in along her side but the smile fell quickly as he caught sight of her. There was no mark, not even the bright pink flush of her skin getting hot. “What the hell” he whispered, the disbelief clear in his voice. How? How had she avoided his attack like that? Sure it hadn’t been that strong of an attack as he had only wanted to get her out of his space so he could do some real damage but still, there should still have been some sort of evidence of it left behind.
“Now that’s more like it” she yelled, her eyes bright with excitement. Katsuki took a step back, eyes wide as he took in the girl before him. She looked unhinged, smile wide and her hair a mess, just like a mad women and Katsuki felt like he was about to get ripped apart. “Give me everything you’ve got” she laughed as she darted forward, heading straight for him.
Growling Katsuki lifted he hands setting of explosion after explosion in an attempt to keep her back and for the most part it worked, keeping her away from him but he still wasn’t landing any hits, Y/N dodging every single one like they were nothing. She kept barrelling forward not caring about the possible damage that could befall her. As he let of a particularly large explosion his theory was conformed.
In two quick moves she was leaping through his attack, using the ground that was ripped free by the explosion as stepping stones and lunged at him. Katsuki quickly moved to the side, watching as she hit the ground rolling and sprung to her feet. The ends of her hair were singed, smudges of dirt and ash marring her flawless skin but other than that there was no mark of what she had just gone through, quite literally. That had to be it, that had to be her quirk. She could heal, that’s why she didn’t care about getting hurt and that made her dangerous.
She turned, making another dash for him and this time Katsuki didn’t hesitate. She had to have a limit to the healing and he would just have to keep pushing until she couldn’t keep it up any more. “Aghhhh” he cried running straight at her, using his quirk to propel him into the air at the last moment. He sawed above her, using an explosion to change the direction he was facing whilst bringing his other hand round and letting off another explosion at the back of her head. Y/N barley twisted away in time, avoiding the attack but Katsuki could see the way his quirk light up her eyes, the bright glow making them shine and it was stunning.
She swung round, grabbing his arm with cold hands and yanked him forward, using his own momentum to swing herself round and deliver a hard kick to the bottom oh his back. He cried out at the sudden sting of pain that shot up his back, stumbling forward. He quickly righted himself, bring his leg up as he spun round but she was ready for him, arms coming up to block his attack but he used her distraction to his advantage, bringing both hands up and aiming for her face. She leant back, tumbling back and Katsuki thought he had her but her arms went behind her and she swung her legs up, kicking his arms away and only just missing his face as she flipped backwards.
She flipped back a few times, putting some distance between them. When she came to stop she was crouched down low, one leg bent and the other outstretched to the side, a hand flat on the floor to keep her balanced. She was still smirking at him, her eyes dark almost black and despite everything Katsuki could feel his own smirk tugging at his lips. His heart was racing, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin and filling his gloves. He was having fun sparing for the first time in a long time and even though he wanted to win he didn’t want it over with just yet.
Laughing he started to run towards her, hands behind him and as he jumped he pushed himself forward with a few quick explosions. She pushed herself forward, her own laughter loud and echoing as she raced towards him. They met in a clash of fists and the loud booming bang of his quirk going off. They exchanged blows each of them getting in hits as they moved around the pitch. Dust and debris filled the air around them as he let of one explosion after another. Y/N used it to her advantage, using the chunks of ground to give height to her attacks.
Katsuki didn’t know how long they had been at it but he was starting to hurt, every time her punches and kicks made contact feeling like he was being hit by a brick wall and every time he managed to get a physical attack in it felt like he was hitting stone. It reminded him of fighting shitty hair, the way his body would harden and make it feel like his bones were going to crack every time he got a hit in.
Y/N leapt at him, spring boarding off a chunk of pitch that he had just sent flying her way. He lifted his right arm, palm opened wide and with a clear shot at her exposed stomach. It happened quickly, quicker than he could react to, his eyes widening as she sailed through the air. Her hands went to his gauntlet, forcing his hand down towards the ground as he let off his explosion. The attack gave her the momentum she needed and she flipped over his head and twisting in mid-air. Her knees connected with his back and forced him forward. Katsuki went down hard, crashing to the ground with a loud oomph.
She stayed on top of him, her legs on either side off him and sitting on his lower back. She had gotten one of his arms twisted behind his back, hand bent to force his palm against his side. The other hand she had pinned by his head, palm practically pushed against it. He was trapped, no way to use his quirk to get out of her hold without hurting himself.
Growling he turned his head to the side, glaring out across the pitch. It was destroyed, chunks missing in places and the rubble scattered across the entire arena. His class mates stared back at him, some smug and some in shock. Dunce face was leant forward, clinging onto Kirishima with a scared look on his face. His eyes dragged down the line, refusing to make eye contact until he got to Deku and the half ‘n’ half bastard. Deku looked worried, eyes wide and pleading as he clung onto the other teen, leaning forward so much that it looked like he would tumble to the ground. Half ‘n’ half was frowning, staring intently at Katsuki with a little furrow between his brows.
Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw. He didn’t need their pity, didn’t need to see those stupid looks on their faces. Y/N shifted, leaning forward until her lips were next to his ear. Suddenly Katsuki was hyper aware of everywhere she was touching him, her bare arm resting against his outstretched one and her chest pressed tightly against his back and his arm digging into her stomach.
His eyes snapped open, gasping as she dragged her cold tongue along his cheek. “Ummm always so sweet” she moaned into his ear and Katsuki shivered. He should feel disgusted but some when in the last three weeks he had gotten used to it, come to expect it from her and every time they met he would be waiting for it with a mix of excitement and dread. “Get the fuck off me brat” he growled, trying to buck her off him but all it did was get her to press down harder against him. “Shame about the sour attitude” she grumbled.
“Get off” he snarled, trying to yank his arm down and out of her cold grip. She grabbed his chin with her free hand and forced his head to the side so he could look at her. “Make me” she snapped, her grip tightening to the point of being painful. He snarled, red eyes narrowed and full of anger. “You were doing so well but this is just pathetic. I thought you were supposed to be one of the top three, one of the best but it seems I was wrong”. She sounded upset, pouting at him like she had just been denied her favourite toy.
Growling Katsuki snapped at her, jerking his head back slightly to free himself of her cold hands. Seriously, why the hell was she so cold? He was getting goosebumps, his body cooling to the point he wasn’t able to produce sweat and that was not acceptable. “Like hell. I’m the god damned best here and I’m going to be number one”. He watched as a smile spread across her pink lips, the cut that candy cane had given her now completely gone. “Then prove it. Show me how much you want it hero”. Katsuki bristled at the way she said hero, that one word coming across mocking and full of distain.
What was her issue? She was in a school for heroes, a school where she would learn to become one yet Katsuki got the feeling that she didn’t really care all that much for what they were doing here. So why was she even here? Before he could ask she leant forward even more until their faces were just inches from one another. “Come on sparks, give it to me. Don’t hold back, I can take everything you can give me”. Her voice was low, only loud enough for him to hear and dripping with innuendo that had Katsuki’s mind racing with all the other situations she could be whispering those words to him.
What was wrong with him today? Never had he been this distracted before, never been this interested in someone before and at this rate he was going to combust from the need to get his hands on her. “Shut up” he growled, annoyed at his own inability to get her out of his head. He had to focus, had to get her off him so he could blast her across the pitch and be done with this shitty fight.
“I thought you were going to make me”. She laughed at the blush that he could feel spreading across his cheeks as she reminded him of the threat he had made earlier that morning. “How about a little motivation to get your head back in the game hum?” As she spoke she shifted, pressing her crotch against his arse. Katsuki sucked in a breath, once again being made aware of how close they were. He chanced another glance at his friends, their worry gone and replaced with amusement and confusion. They had been here to long, Katsuki not doing anything to get the girl off of him.
“If you win I’ll suck your dick” she whispered. Katsuki’s eyes shot open, eyebrows disappearing into his hairline as he choked on air. He could feel his dick twitch with interest, his breathing picking up and eyes stuck on her mouth as her tongue poked out to run across her lips. “What do you say hero? You beat my arse and I’ll let you own my mouth”. He actually whimpered at her words, already imaging what it would feel like. She hummed, leaning in and Katsuki was sure she was going to kiss him and he held his breath in anticipation of what was to come, forgetting where they were. Instead she turned at the last moment, ducking her head down and licked along his neck, humming as she did so. “I wonder if you’ll taste just as sweet there as you do here” she mumbled against the sensitive spot under his jaw.
Katsuki didn’t thinking, twisting the arm he had behind his back so he could press his palm against her naked thigh. His side stung as he let off a rather large explosion that was risky to use so close to his own body but it accomplished what he had been after.
With a surprised cry the girl jumped back, leaping away from Katsuki with quick agile movements. Katsuki quickly scrambled to his feet and turned on the other girl, charging towards her with an angry cry. He was angry with her for trying to distract him with something he knew he wanted and angry for himself for falling for her dirty tricks because no one would offer that kind of thing out like it was nothing and especially to someone who they didn’t even know.
Kicks and punches were thrown, explosions raining down on them as Katsuki pursued the girl with a single minded determination. His anger spurred him on, driving him to be a little more reckless than he probably should have been but he had stopped caring. He had a single minded determination to beat her and he wouldn’t give up until he was the one standing victorious.
She leapt back as Katsuki let off another attack, the blow grazing her stomach and making the skin flush red for just a few seconds. Laughing she pushed a few stray strands of hair back from where they had stuck to her forehead as she sweated. That struck Katsuki as strange, considering how cold she had been when pressed against him but now she was flushed red, sweat dripping down her brow.
“That one almost hurt but still not quite good enough blondie” she said smiling. Sighing she rolled her shoulders and head, stretching her arms out in front of her. “You know when all this is over I will be stood right here and you will be on your knees”. She said it so matter-of-factly that Katsuki almost believed her but he wouldn’t let that happen. “Like hell you would ever get me on my knees” Katsuki yelled, only realising his mistake when she winked at him. “Oh I don’t know, I can think of a few reasons why you would be”.
To hide his embarrassment Katsuki lunged for her, palms sparking as he grabbed for her. Y/N spun out of his way, effortlessly knocking his hand away as she swung her elbow up and smacked it into his jaw. Katsuki grunted as his head snapped to the side, a pain like an electric shock but ten times worse shot through his jaw and rattled through his teeth.
He twisted his arm, grabbing at her and spun on his feet, throwing her away from him. She went with it, rolling gracefully across the ground and spring to her feet. She didn’t even hesitate, running straight for Katsuki and he did the only thing he could think off. He lifted his arm, palm flat and facing towards her, sparking with his quirk. He waited until she was close to easily change direction, leaping through the air towards him and only then did he pulled the pin out of his gauntlet.
The explosion that ripped from him was large and devastating, ripping the ground to shreds but something wasn’t right. He lost sight of Y/N amongst the smoke and dust but he could have sworn he saw a shadow past by him in a blurry flash and then there was a loud bang from behind him, just seconds after his own shot went off. A burning pain shot through him as he was blasted forward, flying through the air at an alarmingly quick rate.
Using his quirk Katsuki slowed himself down, dropping back down to the ground and landing shakily on his feet. Growling he spun round, glaring back in the direction he had come from. That had been his quirk, his explosion that had sent him hurtling across the pitch but that couldn’t be possible, he had been aiming forward there shouldn’t have been any way for it to have come from behind. He couldn’t wrap his mind round what had happened, how he had ended up so far away from where he had started.
As the smoke and dust cleared he caught sight of Y/N stood motionless in the middle of the field, not a scratch on her. Growling he went to step forward, ready to end this once and for all. He didn’t know what had happened or how she had managed to avoid an attack like that but he wouldn’t let it happen again. “Bakugou that’s enough, take your seat”. Katsuki stopped, confused as to why he was being made to stop when they were both still standing.
Y/Ns shoulders relaxed, a wide and smug smile on her lips as she pointed towards her feet. Frowning Katsuki looked down, sucking in a breath as he saw where he was stood. The boundary line was just in front of him, a smudged mess but still clear as day. Katsuki dropped to his knees, defeated and full of disbelief. How? How had this happened? He hadn’t lost a fight in almost a year, he was the best after all and the best didn’t lose but somehow she had bested him. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“To bad, so sad, better luck next time” Y/N sing songed, shrugging her shoulders as if it was no big deal. Katsuki couldn’t do anything but look at the girl in a daze, struggling to understand how he had lost. “Come on man” Kirishima mumbled, slipping his arm around Katsuki and hauling him to his feet. He grunted as his friend dragged him back to his seat and he dropped down into it with a huff. “That sucks dude but that was one hell of a fight” Sero said, leaning round Ashido to pat him on the back. “Seems that perky arse was harder to get than you thought” Ashido giggled but Katsuki didn’t hear her, his mind still stuck as he went over their fight again and again, trying to work out where he had gone wrong.
“Well if it isn’t the leader of the welcome committee, ready to get your arse handed to you?” At Y/Ns teasing voice Katsuki looked up, finding Deku stood in the middle of the filed looking at her with a frown. He stood tall, head held high with a look of determination about him. “I know what your quirk is” he yelled and everyone seemed to suck in a breath, waiting for the green haired boy to answer.
Y/N laughed gently, running a hand through her hair and Katsuki lent forward as he waited to hear what the nerd had to say. The kid was smart and way to observant for his own good and Katsuki wouldn’t put it past him to have figured it out just like he had. Y/N shrugged, smiling at the green haired boy in amusement. “I knew you would, that’s why I saved you till last”.
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Kinktober Day 10
Homicidal Lui: Period Sex & Breeding
Ughhhhh I wish I could’ve written this & especially the breeding kink better, but it was my first time trying it out & im not too familiar with it yet. Plz feel free to share any advice! ^^
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
You hug the pillow as tightly as you can to your chest and groan
Your stomach feels like a sharp block of cement eroding at your insides
The pain killers have had absolutely no effect, and you envy the simpler times of a few days ago when you didn’t constantly feel that dull throb of pain nestled in your gut
You curl your legs up to your chest and groan again, trying to find a comfortable position that’ll hopefully cut you some slack so you can sleep
Your eyes fall close and you pray for that static numbness of unconsciousness to wash over you
But it never comes
Instead, you hear the front door creak open, followed by the quiet, barely-there footsteps of your boyfriend as he makes his way to your room
The door nudges open, spilling a sliver of pale light onto the bed
You mumble a “yeah” in response, not even bothering to sit up to greet him
“I came over as soon as I could after getting your text. I have chocolate and pain killers…”
Waves of nausea pinch up your throat
“Thanks babe, but the pain killers haven’t been working so far, and I think I’m gonna be sick if you even mention food again”
You hear him set some stuff down on the night stand before the bed dips beneath his weight
His hand is warm and slightly calloused as he presses it against your forehead, before then moving to your chin to tilt your head up to look at him
“I feel like death” you mutter, “Actually, I feel worse than that”
Worry flitters over his features
You’re horribly relieved it‘s Lui who’s with you and not Sully instead, who might’ve just told you to get over it like it’s nothing
“Is there anything I can do?”
“Mmh… I don’t think so. Cuddle with me?”
His soft lips tilt into a small smile, the stitches either side of his cheeks stretching against his skin
“That I can do”
He shuffles over next to you, wrapping his toned arms around you and snuggling you into his chest
It’s only when his leg grazes your sex do you shiver, hips bucking involuntarily as the breath is sucked from your lungs
He freezes
And then he slowly grinds his leg against you, and you can’t help but moan quietly and rock against him
That’s what you need
“You want me to make the pain go away, baby?”
His breath is warm and tantalizing against your neck, his voice suddenly deeper and thicker than it was a few moments ago, and it has your stomach clenching already 
It’s amazing how quickly the throbbing pain diminishes as something else, something much more pleasant starts taking over
But despite that, you hesitate
“I-it’s gonna make a mess”
You nestle deeper into him to hide your blush 
He hums
“Stay here”
And then the warmth of his body disappears as he makes his way down the hall to the bathroom, returning a few minutes later with a towel and a grin on his attractive features
You bite your lip
He gently slips into the covers again, and you scoot over so he can flatten out the towel to let you get comfortable on top of it
“That good?” he asks
“I-I don’t know... are you sure about this? We don’t have to if you don’t want to, I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything...” you reluctantly trail off
He grins, kissing your nose as he straddles your form 
He rocks his hips against yours and you can feel his hardening cock straining the fabric of his pants
It has you sighing, welcoming the bliss coiling in your gut; a proper distraction you so desperately need
“I can assure you I don’t mind at all. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I was grossed out by a bit of period blood?”
“A normal one” you murmur beneath your breath, which has him chuckling
He rolls himself between your legs, and when you tug at the hem of his shirt, he gets the message and slips it off over his head
You don’t have much time to admire his strong, lithe form before he’s grinding down hard and deep into you, and it has you throwing your head back with a pleased gasp dripping from your lips
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful, Princess”
He slowly nudges up the fabric of your shirt up to reveal your tits, and then he leans down and softly takes a nipple between his teeth
“F-fuck~” you breath out a curse as he gently tugs on it, bringing his other hand to toy with the other 
Your sex throbs with need as he blows cool air against them, switching between the two and lavishing your chest with attention
While keeping you distracted, he pulls down the waistband of your pants, dragging your panties along with them
When he tugs his length free however, you can’t help but shut your legs together
He looks up questioningly, with mild concern written on his visage 
And you suddenly can’t find it in yourself to look him in the eyes
“D-don’t look—“
He rolls his eyes, mouth quirking into a smile
“Don’t worry, baby. I told you, it doesn’t bother me. You’re beautiful—my beautiful little angel~”
His lips are at your neck as he mumbles quiet praises, kissing your skin, suckling and nipping and leaving his mark all over
You weave your hands through his dark locks and pull him closer, his body flush against yours as he sinks his teeth into the juncture of your neck
Your back arches, adrenaline pumping through your system
He presses the head of his cock against your warm, slick folds and slowly slides himself in, inch by inch until his pelvis is meeting yours, all the while his mouth is planting kisses all over to keep you distracted
You cringe at the way you can feel blood leaking out around him, but then he rocks into you and he feels so fucking good dragging along your pulsing walls that you suddenly don’t care anymore
“God, you feel so fucking good~” he groans
He tilts your hips up and it makes it all the easier to rut into you like a depraved teen
You don’t both quieting your mewls and whimpers—feeling much too horny to censor yourself
The bed rocks back and forth, creaking under the strain of him pistoning his cock into your sopping, eager little cunt
Your wrap your legs around him as your hands flutter up to grip the pillow beneath your head, your face contorting in pure bliss because it feels like heaven 
“God—f-fuck, that’s right. Take my cock, baby~ Take it like the good girl you are and I’ll—“ he grunts, reeling back to slam into you at full force, “I’ll fill you so fucking full you’ll be dripping with cum for hours”
You squeak, Lui’s usual gentle demeanor all but gone as he rams himself into you again and again
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Gonna be a good little cum dump I can breed over and over again?”
He looks to where your bodies connect, watching blood coat his cock as it disappear in and out of your sloppy sex, and it spurs him on even more
“Y-yes—god, fuck! Lui, d-don’t fucking stop!”
You swear to god, he has you seeing stars
Your nails scratch down his scarred chest, desperate for some kind of grasp, and the pain has him twitching inside your fluttering walls
“F-fuck—I won’t stop, baby. I’ll pump you so fucking good~ Gonna force you to keep in every. Single. Fucking drop of it—“
He punctuates his words with brutal thrusts, and they keep growing faster and harder until all you can do is take his punishing pace, your muscles seizing and lips parting in a choked scream
“You want me to breed you like my personal whore? Hm? Stuff you nice and fucking full?”
“Fuck!~” you scream his name, gasping, “b-breed me—make me yours!~“
His hips rut into you wildly, animalistically, and when his thumb reaches down to jerk at your clit, you’re completely overwhelmed and you cum—hard—your cunt twitching and spasming around him
You can’t keep count of the filthy slew of noises spilling from your mouth, despite knowing your neighbors can most definitely hear you
The way you squeeze around him, trying to milk him for all he’s worth has him coming undone right after you
His cum splutters deep inside you, hips not once faltering as he grinds into your squelching cunt
A few more sloppy thrusts and he finally slows to a stop, panting, though nowhere near as thoroughly fucked as he’s left you
You’re filled to the brim with a mix of blood and cum, and you’re damn thankful he thought of putting that towel beneath you
“You feel better, baby?”
He kisses you all over, asking if you’re alright, if he hurt you or if he was too rough and if you enjoyed yourself
The pain now nearly entirely gone, you wrap your arms around him and tug him down next to you to kiss his forehead
“I do feel better. Thank you so much, baby~”
He smiles and nuzzles you closer into him
You decide you’ll deal with the mess later
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amatchinwater · 3 years
Did a little thing for Day 2 of Stackson Week 2021!
Day 2: Trapped together
Pairing: Stackson
Warnings: underage drinking
Word count: 2709
Rating: teen and up
Ao3 link
Stiles knew it was a bad idea to have a party at Lydia’s lake house in the middle of hurricane lever rain and a goddamn flood warning. What’s even worse is he’s the first person to show up! Lydia herself isn’t even here yet. The banshee was kind enough to tell him where they put the hide-a-key so he could get in and out of the storm. Scott and Isaac aren’t picking up or answering his texts. If they’re not here because they’re too busy fucking and Stiles has to be here soaked and alone, he’s going to kill them.
When Stiles gets in the house, he stomps his shoes on the mat to not track in any mud. Lyds would castrate him for that, so he takes them off just to be safe. Slipping out of his jacket, Stiles hangs it on the hook, careful not to let it drip anywhere other than the little rug underneath it. The house is empty and eerily dark. Then again, why wouldn’t it be? He’s the only fucking one here. Making his way into the kitchen, Stiles’ preturbrance only grows. 
It doesn’t even look like the place is meant to house a party in the next twenty minutes. Nothing is set up. There isn't a single bag of chips or other snacks on the counter. No pizzas and sandwich platters like her birthday. A keg is not beside the island either. Just two bottles of wine with a sticky note that reads-
“Have fun?” 
Oh my god! Stiles jumps and flails, nearly knocking the bottles over on the counter. 
“What kind of fucking game is she playing?” Jackson snatches the note, rereading it before flicking it back towards the island. 
Still clutching his wildly beating heart, Stiles gasps, “could you maybe announce yourself next time?” He collects himself- mostly. “Not all of us have your little wolf senses. You almost gave me a heart attack, you fuck.” 
Jackson snorts and almost playfully bumps him with his shoulder. “Not my fault you left the front door unlocked, Stilinski.” 
Fuck this. “I’m leaving.” Stiles stalks back towards the front door, yanking his jacket off the hook and grabbing his shoes. Whipping the open the door, the teen groans loudly, dropping his head back, “you’ve got to be kidding me!” 
“What are you bitching about now?” The wolf steps beside him and looks outside, his eyes widen drastically. “Holy shit!”
The lake has officially overflown since they’ve shown up and the driveway is at least three inches deep with water. Jackson’s care looks like it’s barely  capable of surviving if it gets too high. Stiles almost cares enough to wonder if they should move it. This fucking storm! Now he’s stuck here with nowhere to go. Yes, he has a jeep, but the road out is no doubt a muddy mess that even Roscoe can’t navigate. 
Closing the door and putting his clothes back where they were, Stiles whines, “why would she pick today to do this?” Thinking about the weather his dad forced him to watch this morning. Most cities were calling in downed power lines and massive branches flying through the streets. 
She knew this storm was coming. So much so that Lydia even reminded him to wear his boots rather than his sneakers. “I guess I better call Scott, tell him not to come. No use in him getting stuck in the woods like this.” Sures, having his best friend here would make this exceptionally better. But Stiles doesn’t want to break up any fights between a stir crazy Jackson and Isaac. Fishing in his pocket, Stiles pulls out his phone and smashes the call button in annoyance. 
“Stiles, hey. I’m sorry I did-” Scott answers on the second ring only to be cut off by Stiles.
“I don’t care if you and Isaac were fucking,” Jackson chuckles at his jab. “Don’t come to Lydia’s. The lake flooded and now Jackson and I can’t leave.” 
“Okay,” Scott draws out the word and if Stiles wasn’t mistaken sounds a little confused. Jackson’s brows knit together at the response too. Okay, so it did sound weird then. “I’m sorry you’re stuck there, dude. But maybe this will be a good thing?”
Is he serious? “How the fuck is it supposed to be a good thing to be stuck in a goddamn house with someone who hates my guts?” Stiles’ hand slaps his thigh in exasperation. Not to mention the asshole in question was hotter than hell fire and makes it incredibly hard to be in the same room with him. Not thinking about that when Jackson can smell his chemosignals. 
“Well,” Scott drawls, “you did say you had a crush on him.” Stiles blanches and goes stalk still, forgetting how to fucking breathe. Jackson snorts beside him. Stiles is going to kill Scott. “Oh my god! He’s right next to you, isn’t he?”
“I hate you so much right now.” Stiles makes a point to stare at the floor and not at the shuffling wolf beside him. “Well, thanks for getting me killed. Great best friend job, truly. See ya probably never, Scotty.” He promptly hangs up before Scott can answer. 
“So,” Jackson purrs and Stiles can’t help but turn and face the wolf. His arms are crossed from where he leans against the wall, one foot propped behind him. Jackson’s face holds that stupid, sexy, douchbag smirk, “you like me?”
He’s not even going to entertain that. Stiles squints at him with his mouth slightly parted. It only makes Jackson chuckle. “I need a drink,” Stiles uses every ounce of self control not to literally run away and back into the kitchen. Sifting through the drawers until he finds the corkscrew, Stiles grabs a bottle. Once the cork is out- that actually had already been opened- Stiles could give fuck all about a glass. He takes a sip directly from the bottle, regretting it at the extensive bitter taste of wolfsbane.
Clearly that one’s for Jackson. He’s courteous enough to slide the wine across the island when Jackson is back in the room. The wolf stares at him as his lips wrap around the mouthpiece and drinks from it, not giving a damn to wipe it after Stiles’ drank first. The other boy just watches before his brain recovers and he opens his own bottle. Setting the cork and opener aside, Stiles grabs the wine and leaves the wolf in the kitchen to go sit in the living room where Lydia keeps the playstation. 
Plopping on the couch, Stiles lets himself sink into the cushion and takes several swigs. Actually rather enjoying the slight burn and the warmth that quickly settles in his belly. He can very easily just sit here and watch tv like Jackson doesn’t even exist. Stiles can go to literally anywhere else to be away from the wolf if need be. He cannot believe that Jackson found out he likes him. 
Fucking Scott.
It takes a few minutes for Jackson to join him. Stiles already has Supernatural playing and has killed a good third of his wine before the wolf is sitting next to him. Like right next to him. One nervous leg bounce and their thighs or knees will touch. Seriously? Lydia has two couches, a chaise lounge, and two armchairs in her living room. So why is he so close?
Scratch that initial thought. There’s like six other rooms in this big ass house that Jackson could’ve gone to. Why here? Stiles drinks more. 
Jackson takes another small sip, looking like he’s barely drank anything from his own bottle before saying, “I have a secret to tell you.” 
He fights the eyeroll only just, “what information could you possibly have that I would care about?” Amber eyes stay glued to the flat screen.
“I don’t hate you, Stiles.”
“Oh?” He asks with mock interest. Even though there’s something tickling at his heart that Jackson didn’t call him ‘idiot’ or ‘Stilinski’. He can’t allow himself to fall for the wolf’s tricks. He won’t let the rug get yanked out from under him. 
“Quite the opposite actually.” 
Stiles snorts and turns to make some smart ass retort. But his ‘yeah right’ gets stuck on his tongue finding Jackson’s face mere inches from his own. He gulps. Clearing his throat, Stiles takes a big sip before putting his bottle on the small table beside him. Too fuzzy and warm to process this, Stiles scooches until he’s pressing against the armrest. 
Jackson also places his bottle on the coffee table before sliding closer. Forcing Stiles to half turn into the couch while the wolf puts an arm on either side of him, completely encasing Stiles. “I like you,” he presses further, “a lot.” Jackson leans in until their noses brush, “tell me if you want me to stop.” 
Blame the wine. Blame his hormones for not wanting him to stop. Hell, blame everyone and everything, Stiles included. But he does have a massive crush on Jackson. Even though he knows damn well that he shouldn’t. The guy’s a prick. He has no problem letting people know that he’s better than them. Making damn sure to flaunt his money too. As if that makes him hotter or something. It doesn’t. 
No, it’s the icy blue eyes that make Stiles want to learn their secrets and harvest the knowledge. The wolf’s stupid jaw that’s perfect and Stiles just wants to bite it. He;s seen Jackson naked numerous times- thank you locker room shower’s forgotten concept of privacy. But god damn, when Jackson smiles- not his asshole smirk, but genuine smile- Stiles’ lungs and knees forget how to function. Despite his actions earlier, the teen is actually pretty happy to be stuck here. 
Only acting as though he hates Jackson because he was simply following the wolf’s lead. His eyes flick to Jackson’s bottle of wine- its contents too hard to see in the dark green glass from this distance- and back to hooded baby blues. There’s only two reasons Stiles can believe that this is actually happening right now.
Jackson’s drunk. Because Stiles doesn’t understand the extent in which wolfsbane affects werewolf's tolerance. Which would mean the ex-kanima has no idea what he’s doing and should go sleep it off. Stiles hopes it’s this because the latter is just too painful. 
Jackson’s fucking with him. Surely he doesn’t have actual feelings for Stiles. Maybe the wolf found out he’s bi and wanted to tease him about it. Although, something tells him that Danny would murder Jackson if he ever found out. Still. This is Stiles. Lowest on the lacrosse totem pole and not the wolf’s best friend. Is Jackson that cruel though?
Beautiful, parted pink lips get closer, so Stiles whispers, “you’re just drunk,” and turns his head away, hoping that’s the case here. Waiting for the joke to play out.
“I’m really not.” Jackson reaches over to grab his drink. There’s maybe three sips missing when he dangles the bottle for proof. “See?” The wolf puts it back, returning with a smirk and a cocked brow, “now will you let me kiss you?” Jackson chuckles, it’s a breathy sound, but doesn’t make to move closer. Leaving it to Stiles.
He’s not falling for that trap. The prove-to-me-you-want-it-so-I-can-kick-you-down trap by making Stiles lean in. “So you’re fucking with me then?” He should’ve known better. 
The other boy looks confused and a little offended. Jackson leans back farther, still sitting close, but no longer in Stiles’ personal space. He actually wants him to come back, but how could he ever tell the wolf that when this is just a game? “Why would I fuck with you about this?” Jackson’s voice is soft and full of so much emotion that Stiles almost believes him. 
“Uh, because that’s what you do?” Stiles gestures wildly like it should have been obvious. “You’ve made it perfectly clear that we’re not even friends. You were literally my bully when we were kids. I don’t- and i-it only got worse when I developed a crush on Lydia. Which I get, she was your girlfr-”
“What’s not why I was a dick.” The wolf cuts him off with a shake of his head. Stiles squints an eye at him, mouth still hanging open from the word that didn’t finish. “I was jealous.” 
“Why the fuck would you be jealous of me?” Stiles scoffs and Jackson ducks his head with a chuckle. “Lydia never even looked at me while you were together.” 
Jackson flashes a bemused grin when he looks back, “I was jealous of Lydia, you idiot.” The name usually bitten out comes with a tone that suggests it’s meant to be a term of endearment. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry that I wasn’t fawning over you like your little fan club, okay? My bad. You’re right, you’re incredibly hot and I should’ve stroked your ego by putting you some fucking pedestal-” Jackson swallows whatever other words and the surprised squeak from Stiles’ lips. He stares bug eyed at the wolf’s closed eyes. Jackson presses closer, his hand cupping the other boy’s cheeks while his tongue slides against Stiles’ bottom lip. Entrance isn’t given, he can’t really, Stiles is too shocked to do so. 
The wolf pulls away, still holding Stiles’ face, “I didn’t care that you thought she was attractive.” Jackson drops a hand and lifts his hips, pulling one of Stiles’ legs until the human gets the massage and- for some fucking reason- lays on the couch. The wolf’s hips immediately settle into the space created and Stiles can feel just how much Jackson wants this. Him. “I wanted to be the one you had a crush on because of the massive one I have on you.”
That’s a lot to process. If Jackson liked him then- “why did you make my life hell?” 
Jackson’s free hand falls to Stiles’ hip, rubbing softly and the other props himself on the armrest behind Stiles’ head. “I didn’t know how to handle the fact that I suddenly like guys. Well, a guy.” The wolf sighs, “Lydia knew and agreed to keep my secret as long as I needed her to. I’m sorry I treated you like that.”
Stiles has never seen him act so soft. Having Derek as an Alpha and a proper back must really be working for Jackson. It makes him charming in a way that his jerk persona never could. Being emotionally balanced and all that. 
“I’m going to ask you one more time. And I’ll know if you’re lying. So don’t do me any favors and don’t hide from me either.” The warning is evident. Don’t say it and not mean it. And don’t mean it but not day it. Otherwise he’ll walk. “Will you please, let me fucking kiss you?” 
Stiles fists his fingers in the wolf’s shirt- half expecting Jackson to snap at wrinkling his expensive clothes- to push him away or pull him closer, the other boy really doesn’t know. Until his arm moves of its own volition and Jackson’s mouth gets drawn to him. 
The wolf chuckles against his lips, “finally.” The hand on his hip grips tighter and the other comes back to his jaw. Jackson tilts his head up to deepen the kiss. Jackson kisses like he wants to swallow Stiles whole. Maybe he does. Maybe Stiles would let him. Panting he pulls away again, and the other teen bites back a whine. “I have one more question and then I promise I’ll shut up.”
The human playfully rolls his eyes, “what is it?”
“Be with me.” Jackson states. Stiles cocks his head to the side with a chuckle, that wasn’t really a question. But his heart skips a beat nonetheless at the implication of the wolf’s words. “Will you be my boyfriend?” 
Stiles is nodding before the request is completely out of Jackson’s beautiful face. “Fuck yeah, dude.” The wolf breathes out a laugh at the ridiculousness. “Now just kiss me. Please?” 
“Whatever you want,” Jackson grins and presses his body in further, claiming Stiles’ lips as his own. 
Stiles is now stupidly happy about this storm locking them in Lydia’s lake house. He got a boyfriend out if. 
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: Head On The Fritz
Rating: Teen and Up (Nothing overtly sexual, violent, etc...)
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
Pairing(s): JotaKak, plus some Hierophant Green & Star Platinum
Summary: The sensation worsens the harder he tries to will it away. It crawls upwards, digging unseen nails into delicate tissue, until it reaches around his heart. It squeezes tight enough to make him suck in a breath. He presses his hand flat over his ribs, eyes a bit wide at first, but they narrow after a moment. It’s an attack from another stand. One that must have snuck up on him, completely unnoticed. 
Notes: PTSD, panic/anxiety attacks; set vaguely in the future
For some reason I keep forgetting to post this here. It's been up on Ao3 for a bit.
Jotaro finds himself staring blankly at the page in front of him. There isn’t much to look at. He’s been at this for the better part of two hours, and all that he has to show for it are two lines of messy handwriting. The words refuse to come together for him, and his thoughts won’t stay long enough for him to arrange them in any kind of sensical order. The whole thing is growing increasingly frustrating.
He tries flipping through his notes. Then the texts he has splayed across his work area. There’s a number of markings in them, along the margins or stuck in place with sticky notes. None of it helps.
He needs something to help him get back to where he needs to be, but he doesn’t know what .
Another several minutes pass. Five, maybe. Twenty, just as likely. Thinking shouldn’t be this damn hard, and his breathing shouldn’t be this shallow.
A bit of fresh air might do him good, he decides and stands with the intention of going out for a walk. His chest feels a little tighter now, but he ignores it. The burning has to be acid build up from not eating enough at lunch. Nothing to be done about it until later.
The sensation worsens the harder he tries to will it away. It crawls upwards, digging unseen nails into delicate tissue, until it reaches around his heart. It squeezes tight enough to make him suck in a breath. He presses his hand flat over his ribs, eyes a bit wide at first, but they narrow after a moment. It’s an attack from another stand. One that must have snuck up on him, completely unnoticed.
And isn’t that just great?
“Good grief,” he mutters under his breath, ignoring how off he sounds.
Star bursts forward with his fists raised, ready to fight, but Jotaro only stands there. His eyes looking around somewhat frantically. Star Platinum’s own eyes shift from one side of the room to the other, up, down, and back again. No one is there, but that doesn’t mean that they’re safe.
“Star,” Jotaro breathes in greeting when he sees how Star Platinum’s eyes lock on him. Sharp, blue eyes fixate on Jotaro’s chest, which does little for his nerves. He hates being ambushed. “See something?”
Star stays quiet for several seconds, frown deepening as he does. “Ora,” he says quietly. With finality.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jotaro sounds snappish. Frantic. He sounds off in his own head, but he doesn’t have time to think about that.
Star grabs him abruptly, causing Jotaro to yank back without thought. He nearly loses his footing entirely, but Star stops and waits. Watches him with those damn eyes.
When Star reaches out this time, his movements are telegraphed. Slow and purposeful in a way that Jotaro doesn’t have to defend against. Star’s strong arms pull Jotaro close and shift him about until Jotaro is tucked into Star’s larger frame. He uses his size to sink them both to the floor without jostling Jotaro unnecessarily.
Jotaro is surprisingly-- and alarmingly -- compliant.
“What- what’s happening?” Jotaro asks. He winces at the sound of his own voice. The words sound slurred.
Star tucks Jotaro’s head under his chin and rubs his hands along Jotaro’s arms. His voice is a gentle murmur that doesn’t stop. The words (or, word, really) don’t register in Jotaro’s mind. He knows they’re reassurances, and he would normally understand them fine, but his brain won’t cooperate. There are black specks dancing across his vision oddly, and the edges seem blurred.
Fuck, he’s going to die.
He knows that voice.
Star tightens around him despite the brief calm that roots itself in his brain.
“Jotaro-- easy, Star. It’s only us, I promise,” Kakyoin holds his hands where the stand can see, allows himself to be examined as if he were a slide on a microscope. When Star’s gaze finally shifts back to Jotaro, Kakyoin decides it’s safe to proceed.
Carefully, he runs his fingers through Jotaro’s hair, brushes some of it back out of his face. His hat must have been knocked off in all the commotion. “See, no one is going to hurt Jotaro,” he glances from Star to his own stand. Hierophant looks oddly nervous from his spot at Kakyoin’s left.
“Hey,” Jotaro barely manages to force enough air out from his lungs in order to speak. He ignores the remark made as if he weren’t there, choosing instead to focus on Kakyoin. Kakyoin looks a bit disheveled but not alarmed. Not tense and ready to fight.
Kakyoin offers him a slightly stiff smile. The worry in his eyes is too apparent. He reads like an open book. “Star called for Hierophant. Do you remember that?”
No? Jotaro blinks up at him. He’s pretty sure he would have noticed Star yelling. He doesn’t know where Kakyoin had been before he came to be standing before him, but Jotaro is pretty sure the answer is ‘too far for Star to reach’.
“That’s okay,” Kakyoin says and moves-- with help from both Star and Hierophant-- to sit on the ground with his legs on either side of Star’s thighs. “Sorry,” he says a bit sheepishly. He doesn’t like taking up the extra space, but crossing his legs is rarely an option that won’t have plenty of consequence.
Jotaro can only shake his head. You shouldn’t have to be down here at all.
“It’s alright, Star,” Kakyoin reassures, running a hand along Star’s calf. He knows Jotaro can feel it, and it might be a little less overwhelming than direct contact. Especially with how thoroughly wrapped in Star Platinum Jotaro is. “We should take a few, deep breaths. I’ll count, okay?”
Jotaro wants to raise an eyebrow at him. Whatever is going on, this isn’t the time for meditation.
“Humor me?”
“Good,” Kakyoin smiles. He takes a moment to breathe in deeply, making a bit of a show out of it. “Now hold,” he says once Jotaro does the same. “One, two, three, four. Good, let that one out. Slowly. And again.”
Jotaro doesn’t think he would have the patience for this if his head weren’t swimming. It helps, somewhat, that Star is actually mimicking Kakyoin. With Jotaro’s back pulled up against Star’s chest, he can feel when his stand inhales. Not that Star needs to breathe, but it helps.
Finally, finally, his vision begins to clear. Various objects have edges again. Colors seem to be more vibrant. His chest doesn’t feel as tight, either, and he feels like he can think again, albeit slowly. He feels exhausted. Like he does after a stressful fight or an all nighter.
Kakyoin reaches to take his hand. Hierophant wraps loosely around their joined fingers. Star won’t give up his hold on Jotaro, but Jotaro doesn’t hate it. It’s nice. All of it is nice. Kakyoin in front of him, with his legs on either side of Star and him. Hierophant curled around them. The more relaxed Jotaro is, the farther the green stand climbs up his arm until it makes a net of itself and allows Jotaro to rest his head.
"The good news is that you weren’t attacked,” Kakyoin says gently. Hierophant has already cleared Jotaro of anything they might have missed. As much as he doesn’t like Jotaro suffering, he’s relieved to know that his assumption had been correct. “The bad news is that I’m pretty sure you had a panic attack.”
Jotaro definitely raises an eyebrow. “I don’t have those.”
Kakyoin hums, having more or less expected that answer. “They can happen to anyone, at any time.”
He half expects Jotaro to argue, but all he gets is a soft, almost defeated, “oh”. It speaks to Jotaro’s exhaustion. Along with the way his eyes slide shut. How long had Jotaro been on the verge of hyperventilation?
Kakyoin moves to get up, planning to help Jotaro to his feet. Hierophant begins to untangle itself from Jotaro, but they both stop when Jotaro’s fingers chase after them.
“Can we stay like this? Just for a few more minutes?”
Kakyoin settles back into his spot easily. “Of course,” he isn’t in any sort of rush, and the position isn’t entirely uncomfortable. He’s more than happy to oblige the request with a warm smile. He plays with Jotaro’s fingers, while the other man’s eyes slide shut.
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Shipped (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Omg your requests are open!! Can you do something about colby and reader dating in secret and she’s always hyping him up on everything and fans just think it’s cause they are best friends. But she posts a post wearing the love for hire letterman on accident and the fans connected it because Kat and Tara have it to so they figure out they are dating and go crazy (in a good way) for them 🥺❤️
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,967
Warnings: Major fluff, Swearing
I harassed Colby into letting me listen to their new music. Let’s just say, when you guys hear this, you’re going to be glad One Direction is on a break. Can’t help but stan L4H!! #numeber1fan
I press "send tweet" before plugging in my phone and taking a quick shower. When I get out of the shower I grab my phone and throw myself onto Colby’s bed. It’s our bed at this point. I spend more time at the trap house than I do my apartment, I might as well move in. I go and read the comments under my tweet. Most of them are good. Some fans want me to leak the boys' music, others are freaking out over mine and Colby’s friendship. Someone makes it a point to mention how cute Colby and I would be as a couple and linked an edit that they made. Someone commented that fans like them, the one that posted the edit, are the problem and the reason why Colby doesn’t have any friends who are girls. There is a whole fight going on under that comment.
I quickly try to defuse the situation between the fans before exiting twitter altogether. I take my towel off of my damp hair and walk back into Colby’s bathroom to detangle it. When I finish doing my hair I grab the first jacket of Colby’s that I see to get warm. Lucky for me, it’s his Love for Hire lettermen jacket. For whatever reason, this jacket is more comfortable than any hoodie I’ve stolen during our entire relationship, maybe it’s because it smells strongly like him. Or maybe it’s because I get to finally live out my high school dream of wearing my boyfriend’s lettermen. Either way, Colby knows that this is my jacket now and he’s going to have to fight me to the death for it back. I don’t know if it’s because I freshly showered and my hair is fluffy, or because my skin is thanking me for not putting makeup on it yet, but something is compelling me to take a selfie in Colby’s bathroom mirror.
I get up on to the counter and try to position myself comfortably. I take a few selfies, while carefully not exposing Colby’s messy counter. I do cute poses with peace signs and my tongue sticking out. I do serious “model” poses with hair looking like I’m in a photoshoot. I take a couple and post them on my Instagram story. I triple check each one before pressing send to make sure they end up on my close friends’ list and not my public story. That would be disastrous. I saw how people were acting in the comments of my tweet supporting Colby when a fan posted an edit wishing we were dating. I can’t imagine how his fan base would react if they knew we really are dating and have been for well over a year.
Well, I can imagine how they would react, I’ve been around Colby long enough to figure out how his fanbase functions. Most of his fans would be supportive. Of the majority, there would be roughly half who constantly would show their support over our relationship. The other half would keep quiet and try not to mention it directly so they don’t “jinx” it. No matter how open Colby is with his fans, there is still so much of his life that he has to keep private from the rest of his fans who wouldn’t be supportive of our relationship. The obsessive ones who think that Colby is a toy and belongs to only them. In all honesty, Colby and I probably would have been together longer if it wasn’t for them. We probably wouldn’t have been friends. There was a period in his life when he wouldn’t make any new female friends because of what his old friends had to go through. Because of that, Colby has always been protective of me.
Even though we’ve been friends since he moved to Los Angles, he only introduced me to his fandom two years ago. Even then, it wasn’t like, boom: “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Colby made sure I was properly acclimated to his side of internet stardom by having me appear in all of his other friends’ videos and photos first before a strand of my hair was placed in one of his videos. And then he said, “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Being a Youtuber myself, I have some experience with fandoms. But nothing could prepare me for his intense fans. For the first couple of months after Colby put me on his channel, I understood why Colby kept so many of girl friends in the dark or why some chose to stop being friends with Colby in general. It’s only a select few fans, but when there are so many comments of harassment and death threats it can get overwhelming.
Those comments died down after a while though. Mostly because I either mute certain words from my comments or I don’t read them. Colby and I try really hard to hide our relationship. If we’re in videos together, we don’t sit too close. We keep our hands to ourselves; even a simple hand on the shoulder can cause a frenzy. We only post our couple pictures on our actual secret Instagram accounts and close friends list. Our friends know not to post anything where we might look too much like a couple. We make it a point to bicker like siblings whenever we do work together. Hell, the reason I still have my apartment is to avoid people finding out we’re dating. If I have my own place, people just think I’m visiting the guys whenever I’m over. And it works, everyone just assumes that we’re really close friends.
“I’m back and I bring food!” Colby yells as he opens the door to the room. I plug my dying phone back into the charger before abandoning it in the bathroom to greet Colby.
“Oh thank God, I was beginning to think you were with your hoes. But then I ran into Sam, Jake, and Corey in the kitchen so I relaxed.” I give Colby a quick kiss and help him with the shopping bags in his hand. I set them on the bed and start going through them.
“I wish, but they were too busy for me. So I went and got us stuff for this weekend.” Colby sets the food down and helps me unload the bags.
“Oh that reminds me, we need to stop by my place after dinner so I can pack my things.” Te whole friend group is renting a log cabin in woods for Thursday to Monday morning for bonding and to get a few collars done. Colby went and got a few road trip snacks without me. Probably because I would get distracted at Target and we would never leave. It’s fine, he remembered to get my favorite snacks.
“Yeah, okay, I figured. We could have gone earlier but I had to let you sleep in after you spent all night watching tiktoks.” Colby walks over to the couch and starts to set up our lunch in front of the tv.
“To be fair, I’m not responsible for the time lost when I’m on the tok. Besides, I learned more dances to teach you!” I take off Colby’s jacket and set it at the foot of the bed before joining Colby on the couch.
“Of course you did. You know how much I love learning a new TikTok dance every day.” Colby jokes before kissing my forehead. He hands me my food and turns on Netflix.
A few minutes into our show, there’s a loud, rapid knock at the door. Annoyed, Colby paused the show and puts his food down.
“What?” Colby asks as he gets up to open the door. Sam stands on the other side, relieved. The last time Sam knocked on the door like that, Colby and I were busy… rearranging furniture.
“Oh Colby, you’re home. But I’m not here for you. Y/N, did you mean to post that on your story?” Colby moves aside to let Sam in.
“Haha, Sammy, I’m not falling for that one. Colby already tried that on me last week.” I go back to eating my food and ignore Sam.
“No, I’m being serious. Katrina said she kept trying to reach you but you’re not answering. Fans are freaking out on twitter.”
“Oh shit!” I quickly put down my food and grab my phone in the bathroom. There are miss calls and texts from Kat, Tara, and Devyn. I unlock my phone and open Instagram to check my story. Sure enough, I accidentally sent one of my selfies to my main story instead of my close friends. The selfie looks harmless enough, except I’m wearing Colby’s jacket and it’s very obvious that I’m in his bathroom. Jake moved in some of the cardboard Colby’s into Colby’s room and one of them faces the mirror, you can kind of see it in the selfie. Most people might think nothing of it, but earlier this week Kat and Tara posted pictures of them wearing Sam and Jake’s jackets. With that association alone, everyone is going to find out.
“I don’t get it, there’s only a selfie on here. Did you already delete it?” Colby yells from the bedroom. I slowly walk out of the bathroom with a confused look on his face.
“Please tell me you’re joking.” I open up my story and check how many people have seen it.
“What, I’m lost… Oh… Oh! Oh, fuck!” Colby finally gets it and does something on his phone.
“‘Oh fuck’ is right. So many people took screenshots that even if I deleted it now, it would be pointless.” I walk to the bed and throw myself facedown, like a teen in a movie after having a shitty day at school.
“And you guys are trending on Twitter,” Sam says. I almost forgot he was still here.
“Dude,” Colby warns.
“Not helpful, I get it. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” Sam leaves the room and I let out a scream as soon as I hear the door close. I feel the spot next to me sink as Colby sits down and starts rubbing my back.
“Hey, Y/N, these aren’t as bad as you think. I’m only seeing positive messaged. Look,” Colby gently pats my back to get my attention.
“Really? Let me see.” I sit up, sniffle, and peek at Colby’s phone as he reads.
“Are you crying?” Colby asks as he wipes my face.
“I immediately got overwhelmed. Let me read the tweets.” I take Colby’s phone scroll through the tweets. He’s right, they’re mostly positive. I haven’t seen a negative tweet yet. That’s the opposite of how I thought this would go. A few people are telling other fans to stop assuming, but even those are calm compared to the fight I saw earlier.
“See, I guess we were stressed all this time for no reason. We can do normal couple things like our friends and not go out of our way to hide everything.”
“That’ll be nice. It was getting exhausting. What do we do now? How do you want to approach this? Live stream? Youtube video?” I look at Colby and he has a big smile on his face.
“Right now, let’s just finish lunch. We can deal with this later. Now, I’m going to take this back. I don’t want you to start crying again.” Colby strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.
“I love you, Colbs,” I say softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
French homework and a Dream - fd!au. ( part 1 / 2)
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay ctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Dream did the fatal mistake of choosing French over Spanish and now they have to suffer the consequences together
next part --->
Lunch break was sacred for Techno, it was that magic moment where he sat at a table alone, in the corner of the cafeteria with a book of his choice to read and block out the chaos of the fellow students. You know what they say: if you can't find peace, create your peace.
With lo-fi music or classical piano in his ears, he would peacefully eat his lunch, recharging his social energy (already consumed in the first half of the day) by not talking nor seeking company. Even though, from time to time, he would get some visitors:
One of his brothers could drop by if they needed to talk to him or they were also already feeling exhausted, Skeppy would also sit with him and try to initiate conversations, in vain since Techno ends up ignoring him unless he needed something important.
All in all, Techno didn’t allow anyone to disturb or interrupt his moment of peace, neither he liked sharing his book or music with anyone…
Well, anyone apart from Dream.
In between the rivalry for the smartest kid and best (nerd) Minecraft pvp-er, the two had started frequenting now and then, maybe studying at the library together or grabbing a bite after school before parting ways, all in all, they found to have a similar love for quiet company and taste in music.
So, to see Dream sit next to Techno, steal one of his earbuds, and tug the book a little closer for him to read as well wasn’t rare, but a treat to see.
“TALK TO ME TECHNO!!!” Skeppy had been trying to get his friend’s eyes off of the book for about five minutes or so, just to get completely denied by an unbothered and concentrated face. “Techno pleaseee!!!! I need attention!” his head fell on the table, “...I can tell” he finally replied while turning the page.
Skeppy groaned and went on bothering him for another five minutes.
Techno sighed, “Can’t you go bother someone else?” Skeppy was about to complain again, but a familiar laugh made the both of them stop and look at the direction it came from, “You’re so needy Skeppy”.
The boy in the green hoodie placed his tray next to Techno’s, leaving his backpack on the seat next to him, “YEAH! And this stupid pig isn’t giving me any attention!!!” after a second of silence they all giggled at Techno being addressed as “Pig”, something that only Skeppy could get away with. Not even Dream could call him that without either a complaint or a casual roast coming from the other teen as a consequence.
“Have you studied for tomorrow’s French test?” He took a bite of… whatever the cafeteria had made that day, he couldn’t really tell since it was so… revolting-looking, but it didn’t taste that bad and Dream was pretty hungry. Skipping breakfast was a habit of his so whatever he could eat at lunch was fine by him, it just needed to fill him up until the end of the day.
“Nah… I can’t remember some of the verbs, let alone when and how to use them” he replied before sipping on some water, “Same… some words are unpronounceable too… “ Dream and Techno both made the grave mistake of choosing French over Spanish as a second language, Techno made a very bad first impression with the teacher and Dream overslept three lessons in a month, let’s say that if they didn’t do good on this test… they could kiss goodbye a good French overall vote at the end of the year.
Skeppy exploded in a loud laugh, banging one of his fists on the table meanwhile holding his stomach, “Sucks to be you!” they sighed in defeat, Skeppy got convinced into choosing Spanish by a friend so he couldn’t relate to their problems since legends told that the Spanish teacher was a very nice person.
“I’ll leave you two to your nerdy problems, later losers!” Dream told him goodbye meanwhile Techno simply waved.
The blonde boy stretched his arms and grabbed both his phone and diary out of the backpack, flipping through it he nudged the other boy lightly, “We only have French for tomorrow… wanna study together?” Techno hummed a reply as the blondie took one of his earbuds, Techno reacted with a question: “Want to study at the library or..?” Dream’s head tilted, “Or what? We don’t have another place to study” Techno furrowed his brows for a second, “Well… no, you’re right”.
The reply made Dream curious, but he limited himself to finishing his meal in silence, enjoying the quiet company until the bell rang.
“It’s already six pm?! We haven’t even finished memorizing this stuff!” Dream groaned in frustration while Techno just dropped his head on the book in front of him, they had been studying for two hours interrupted only by a bathroom break, and they weren’t even half-way done with their homework.
“This will be the only low grade on my paper this year…” the low murmur was muffled by the fact that Techno’s head was still slumped on the books, “Oh come on…”, Dream rubbed out the tiredness from his eyes, “I know that I won’t get anything done once I get back home, my ADHD goes crazy when I’m studying French… it knows I don’t want to study it so it makes me think about everything but that!”, the blonde boy chuckled, “I can never focus when It’s French too…”
Well, that was a slump, both of them knew that going part-ways wasn’t going to work… If they wanted a decent grade they had to have a study partner.
So Techno took a shot in the dark.
“Ok listen, I’ve got a plan:  come sleep over at my place, my desk it’s a bit messy but if I throw everything on the ground we’ll fit, you can’t eat dinner with us because Phil already cooked it and it’s not enough for five people, it’s not enough- but we can go eat somewhere”.
Dream froze in genuine shock: he had never gone to the Pandel house, nor he had ever been invited by Techno anywhere really, he was usually the one that asked him to grab a bite together, Techno only ever asked him to study, and that was already pretty rare. So getting such an out-of-nowhere invitation to eat together AND sleep at his house was… very surprising.
“Uhh… sure, can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?” Techno nodded, “Well then…  should we go eat now so that we have more time to study later?” Techno nodded again and they started packing up their stuff, grabbing books and pencils that scattered on the table while studying.
“McDonald’s?” Dream proposed, “McDonald’s” Techno replied.
Meanwhile, they were crunching on some fries, Techno texted the Pandel chat about Dream sleeping over, Phil agreed almost instantly, telling Techno where he could get some blankets and an additional pillow, the problems were Wilbur and Tommy that didn’t like the idea of having Dream in their house, (because they had a Minecraft server where they and Dream had a bit of a… “difference” of opinions…) but Techno told them to cry about it and closed the chat, reassuring the boy in the green hoodie that he could spend the night with him.
On their way home, Techno had noticed by reading the notifications that the Berry brothers had proposed a last-minute movie night, to which the other Pandel’s agreed, already counting Techno off, so it wasn’t a surprise that they met Wilbur and Tommy leaving when they arrived.
“I’m glad we are leaving, two tryhards together must be a revolting sight” Wilbur adjusted his coat as Tommy tied his laces, “I’m glad you guys are leaving too, we really need to study and my desk is a bit small, we can use the kitchen until you come back” Dream stifled a giggle, the passive-aggressive energy the Pandel had when speaking to each other was very entertaining, Techno turned to him and pointed at the clothes hanger behind the door, “Put your jacket there, oh and don’t forget to take your shoes off, I’ll get you a pair of slippers, Eret’s one should fit you”
He opened the closet to almost disappear in it, “Bye big D! Have fun with TechnoNerd!” Dream cringed at Tommy’s goodbye while Wilbur snickered at it, “Bye… and please don’t call me that ever again”
The front door closed as Techno dropped a pair of dark blue slippers in front of him, he thanked him, grabbed his backpack and followed the pink-haired boy while looking around:
the living room and the kitchen were in the same room, there was also no proper table, not that there was room for it, so he guessed that they ate on the kitchen counter.
There were four doors in the room, the first one on the left before the kitchen, a pig sticker gave Techno’s room away, on the other side of it, next to the couch, there was a door with a big sign spelling “NO BITCHES ALLOWED” with an evil smile scribbled next to it, he guessed that was Tommy’s room.
Not too far away from Tommy’s room, there was another door, but this time nothing was on it, and the fourth door was to the right of that blank door aka on the opposite side of the front door. He guessed one was a room and one was the bathroom, there was a hole next to the fourth door though…
Techno sat on one of the stools and opened his backpack, “As I’ve said, we can stay here until the others come back, if you need the bathroom it’s this one” He pointed at the door directly behind him, door number three… but then…
“Why is there a hole next to that door” Dream pointed at the forth door, Techno smiled briefly, “Uhhh… It’s a long and secret story, but to give you an idea that is Will’s room” He blinked a couple of times to let the information sink in, Techno snapped him out of it by waiving his pen in front of his eyes.
“C’mon nerd, we have work to do.” To which Dream apologized and sat next to him, taking a deep breath before opening the french textbook.
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rqnvindr · 4 years
hcs for fake dating with ushi n semi 🔥
rosie did you just read my mind and find out one of my favorite tropes i-
fake dating with ushijima and semi headcanons
ushijima wakatoshi:
-initially does not understand the concept of fake dating at all, it takes a lot of explaining and convincing to get him to do it
-you told him you wanted him to pretend to be your boyfriend to make your crush jealous and he was like ????
-“(y/n), why don’t you just date the person you’re romantically interested in instead of pretending to date me? this doesn’t make sense.”
-“just trust me toshi, it’ll make them want me, you know?”
-agrees to do it eventually because tendou hops in telling him that it’ll be an ‘exhilarating’ experience 
-“c’monnnn help a friend out. this might be your only chance to get even close to dating (y/n). just go for it, wakatoshi-kun, she might end up liking you back in the end.”
-“you’re right.”
-it starts out small, with ushi walking you to class, hand in hand, and you cheering for him at all of his games
-ushijima is good at hiding the fact that his heart skips a beat whenever he’s with you, in this ‘dating’ situation. he knows that it’s all fake but savors every moment of talking to you and hearing you call his name from the stands
-you start to kick it up a notch when you kiss his cheek in front of your crush, who doesn’t seem to notice and it also makes ushi’s cheeks turn pink
-“i don’t think this is working, (y/n). they don’t seem to care.”
-“they will when we have our first ‘date’ outside of school and post pictures on social media!”
-you take a selfie during the date, which is at an ice cream shop close to the school and it garners lots of attention when you post it on instagram
-ushijima doesn’t really care about the attention though, he’s more concerned about his growing attachment to you. he’s never felt this way about anybody before and doesn’t know what he’s going to do after the contract ends
-one day during lunch, he sees you sulking at you guys’ usual spot, tears threatening to spill
-“what’s wrong?” he asks
-“ushi,” you choke out. “they like someone else.” he goes quiet for a few seconds, his heart sinking at the sight of you sad and also the feeling of moral conflict with his feelings for you
-“i’m sorry (y/n) i-”
-“but, the thing is, i actually think i like you more.” you regret the sudden confession when tension fills the air. “i know this is random but, as our fake dating situation progressed and i got more and more hints that they were disinterested, i realized that you were the one who was truly there for me. i just feel safe with you, wakatoshi, you know.”
-ushijima is shocked that you like him back, when he thought that all this time you truly only had eyes for your crush
-butterflies flutter in your stomach when he smiles softly and blushes slightly. 
-“i’m happy you reciprocate my feelings. i’ll always be here for you (y/n).”
semi eita:
-you loved your friends, but you were tired of them always nagging you to start dating someone
-it wasn’t a concern for you at the beginning of high school, but now you felt like you kind of wanted a teen romance,,,,
-“hey, semisemi,” your best friend hums in response, having gotten used to you calling him the nickname that he originally hated. “what if we,,,pretended to date each other?”
-semi nearly spits out his drink at your suggestion. “you want to, pretend to date me?”
-you tell him about how you wanted to experience high school dating but didn’t really have a crush on anyone so you trusted him to show you without any real strings attached
-that was only half true, because you did think he was kind of cute
-and he’s like alrighty no harm done. he himself has never dated anyone in all 3 years of his high school career and this was his last chance
-semi holds your hand everywhere, opens doors for you, and becomes 10x more protective over you
-“what? i don’t want my pretend girlfriend getting hurt.” he pulls you into his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
-he feels so warm, so real, so very much yours that this doesn’t seem fake for a second, until you remember that it’s going to end after graduation
-semi doesn’t even stop the act when you guys are alone or apart either. he’ll text you, asking if you’ve eaten and will try to brush it off like “i just wanted to give you a reason to smile at your phone.”
-pfft he’s so obvious
-you also notice how he becomes visibly jealous whenever he sees you laughing and talking with another guy
-semi tells you that he has feelings for you very straightforwardly one night as the two of you walk back to your dorms after you came to watch his practice
-“(y/n),” you two stop in your tracks outside the stairs to the dorms. “i-i like you. i have true feelings for you.” he inhales sharply. “i already liked you a lot before we started this contract and never had the guts to tell you before. i’m sorry for leading you on and thinking that there’s no strings attached when i really feel something more.”
-you process everything he just said, sighing in relief
-“i’m actually glad you told me this. because i like you too.” you take his hand into yours.
-“and nothing’s going to change that much because we’ve already been dating for a whole month.” you chuckle. he smiles, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. 
-“yeah. you’re right.”
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modlisznik · 4 years
002. please feed me your stakh/artemy or stakh&artemy thoughts
ok so stakh&artemy because that’s the vibe rn, let’s goooo
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it.
I’m not really shipping them romantically - I’m not against it, there’s definitely ground for some steamy romance (also I’m not immune to that one fic about dumplings), but for now I’m more interested in their friendship. perhaps some hopeless crush when they were still teens and didn’t know what’s going on?
my thoughts:
there’s so much to unpack here - seriously, their relationship is so tragic and messy and tangled in things beyond their control, ahhh, just like in a finest melodrama *cheff’s kiss* I mean, it’s obvious that the reason they’re both so... seething during these first days is that they both care deeply - and feel betrayed; Artemy - because it’s a dreadful think, to realize your friend consider you capable of hurting your own father, responsible for his death, and because this time when Artemy needed help, needed support, when he really could be murdered on the street his best friend turned his back on him. And Stakh - because, well, Artemy not only came back home, but also came back too late.
See, I believe that a lot of the bad blood between them come from the fact that once they were brothers - almost. That is, they were brothers for one another, but not for Isidor, who never really consider Rubin as Artemy’s equal, nor as a student, nor as a family member, despite Rubin wanting to be just that. So I can imagine that a friendly rivalisation between Artemy and Stakh grew into something more vicious and bitter when the latter realized that there are parts of Artemy’s - and Isidor’s - heritage he will never get access to, no matter how hardworking and devoted he is, because with Kin it is always about blood. Was it the moment he started hated the steppe people? he will never become Isidor’s apprentice, he’s just an impostor, Ersher understudy, a spare copy in case of Isidor losing another son. Yet Stakh loved him, and resented him, and he couldn’t hate him - so he turned that hatred towards the Kin and that part of the Kin that was within Artemy
did Artemy know? I think he did; he’s a dumbass sometimes, but other times he’s surprisingly insightful about people and I bet he realized that the way his father is treating his friend is wrong. But Artemy, too, loved his father with the feeling that comes both from his heart and his upbringing; he honoured his father and respected him and was then too immature to openly question Isidor’s actions. was he feeling guilty? ashamed, that he allowed for his father to mistreat his friend? probably
but they both still care, that’s why it hurts so badly, that’s why their fight the night before Tyoma’s departure was so bad. the very fact that Tyoma was leaving was bad enough - it’s a small town from which no one ever leaves, and he was daring to leave, and was leaving his friends behind - but the fact that he was leaving to study medicine in a big city was even worse. but at the same time, Stakh surely knew it was a huge chance for Artemy. How many people could afford that in the Town? And Artemy was gifted, yeah, he deserved that and on some level Stakh probably was happy for his friend. But at the same time, why he deserved that opportunity and Stakh didn't? Artemy already had a future in the Town, a place among his people, something Stakh will never have - why he couldn't be the one to go and learn something different? It's because Artemy will always be the true son of Isidor, and  Stakh will stay here, in this Town where nothing awaits him,for the rest of his life. Trully bound to this land,  like a dog on a leash. And for Artemy, we know that he didn’t really want to go, it was his father’s idea, his wish, and it put Artemy in a situation without a way out - if he’d refuse Isidor’s wish, Stakh would call him a coward and an ungrateful son; if he’d agree, it’d be like admitting that he deserves more than Stakh does. If he'll succeed at the university, Stakh will never forgive him; if h'll fail, Stakh will call him a failure, a wasted chance.
I can imagine Stakh years later, watching Isidor sending a letter after letter with no reply, and sinking deeper and deeper into darkest thoughts. That Artemy doesn't care, that he forgot, now a big city doctor, he considers himself better than his old father from the backend of nowhere. And that Isidor still trusts him more, indifferent to all sacrifices Stakh makes for him
What makes me happy about them:
that after all that ^^^^^ they care!!! And given a little time and dedication, they can mend their friendship, now more mature, despite both of them acting anything but mature. I love how passionate, how real their dialogues feel - full of little jabs - all members of the apple basket gang love to bully their friends, and rightfully so. also they gave us “Rubin is an idiot”, which is the single best line in both Patho games, full stop. you can just taste Tyoma’s frustration here
What makes me sad about them:
it’s that particular brand of disfunctional family dynamics where there’s nothing as obvious as physical violence, but a heavy, suffocating atmosphere of painful truths left unspoken, accusations swallowed up, teeth gritted, little wounds left to fester for too long. and still, they both loved Isidor and each other - it wouldn’t hurt so bad otherwise
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
a personal peet peeve, but I don’t like when Stakh’s bigotry is being explained as a form of internalized racism coming from him also being of mixed heritage. it makes his character look too much like Artemy at the cost of what’s unique about him. idk, I just don’t vibe with it
Things I look for in fanfic:
friendly bickering. healthy-and-unhealthy rivalry. innocent remark erupting into a big fight because they’re both hot-tempered and won’t hold back. Kids shenanigans. heavy conversations at 3 in the morning, when they both realize that their childhood was kind of messed up. more fights
My kinks:
both of them geting therapy and a big bowl of soup
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
as you know, I’m a huge burakhovsky shipper, so Artemy’s already taken... I have a soft spot for Stakh/Andrey, especially during Artemy’s absence; it’s not the healthiest of ship, a lot of unspoken anger here, but I know the writer who can make it work (;* Max, if you’re reading this, ;*)
My happily ever after for them:
Stakh being a grumpy uncle to Murky and Sticky is the ultimate endgame. also Tyoma and Stakh learning from one another. Stakh and Tyoma's bickering that starts with grunts and frustrated huffs and sharp remarks that may seem out of the line to a bystander, and ends either in both of them crying from laughter, or in a mock-fight (which can be a sight to behold)
jesus christ, this is a lot of text
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lostinornes · 3 years
And They Were Roommates
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So I have started rewatching New Girl again, and it has just inspired a world of ideas. So please enjoy. Bucky x Sam x Reader. Minor swearing. Teen + Audience.
The alarm buzzed aggressively, the high-pitched screech ringing through your ears and forcing your body to move in the bed. With a heavy yawn, your arm lazily danced across the bedside table. Finally stopping when it found the source, your fingers gripping the phone and finally stopping the noise. Your eyes squinted towards the glaring screen, a few messages from the previous night waiting to be read greeted you, as well as a missed call from an unknown number and a couple of notifications from tinder. Glancing at the time, it was 7 am. Far too early to reply to your friends, let alone random people who you would most likely end up never replying to again. Your hand dropped the phone onto the sheets, your body taking one final stretch before moving to your feet. Sluggishly you moved across to your drawers, pulling out some underwear for the day. Allowing you to begin your morning adventure to the shared bathroom.
Your hand slapped against the shower, forcing the object to spring to life. You decided to brush your teeth first, allowing the water to warm up before forcing yourself into it. “Bucky! Sam! Bathroom Now!” You shouted, throwing your brush down into the sink. You listened to the noises shuffling around the apartment. A few annoyed grunts, doors slamming and finally muffled “What did you do” being shouted by both men.
“Are you crazy? Its 7am, only crazy people shout at 7am!” Bucky huffed, folding his arms across his body. You could tell he had only recently gone to sleep, his eyes heavy with bags. His lower half was covered in pyjama bottoms and his top in a loosely zipped up hoodie. “Who left hair removal cream, next to the toothpaste! They look the same” You held both of the bottles towards the two men. “I could have lost my teeth” You dramatically hissed towards them both. Their bodies recoiling at your words. “I don’t think it works like that?” Sam questioned with a laugh. He had clearly been up for a while. He was dressed in his training gear, and his water bottle half empty already. “I. Could. Have. Lost. My. Teeth” You stressed the point to the pair of them. Almost willing them to just confess now. “Sam said it helps him go faster” Bucky blurted out. Sam’s hand swiftly smashing itself against the others chest. “Shut up. That’s private” Sam snapped at him, smacking him again. “Plus, Bucky asked me to do his back yesterday. It’s his fault”
“Shut up” Bucky shoved his shoulder into Sam, causing Sam’s body to collide with the door frame. A heavy bang created against his landing. You threw the tube of cream towards the pair, snapping them out of their argument. “Well whoever it was, just clean up after yourselves. Now leave” You pointed your finger towards the door, your eyes watching as the pair shuffled away.
After your shower, you quickly threw together an outfit for the day. You didn’t really have any plans, since it was the weekend. But you liked routine, and wanted to feel like you had some form of structure for the day. You let your feet lead you towards the open plan kitchen living room. The apartment had a large sofa, which could comfortable seat around eight people. A coffee table sat in front, which was regularly used as a foot stool and across from that a TV Bucky had managed to get for free hung on the wall. Just behind the sofa and slightly to the left sat the kitchen. There was a large wooden island in the centre of the area, a few stools tucked neatly underneath it. A fridge stood in the corner by Bucky’s bedroom door. The name tag “Steve” thoughtfully written across the front of the metal object. You grabbed your cereal box from the top shelf and a bowl from the cupboard below. Balancing them both against your chest, as you moved to the island.
You sat quietly chewing away, your finger scrolling down your phone as you shoved more food into your mouth. You let your eyes leave the phone, as you heard the bedroom door click open. “Since I can’t sleep because of you, I am having some of your cereal” Bucky huffed, grabbing the box from the counter and pouring some dry into his mouth. “Wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t spend so much time on your hair care and less time on cleaning up after yourself” You cocked your head towards the sink, piled high with mugs and cups from Bucky’s room. “I’m getting to it” He shrugged back, pouring another mouthful in. “What are your plans today?” “Nothing really. I’ve been asked to go out for drinks tonight, but I’m not too sure” You went back to your phone, your eyes rereading a message from someone on tinder. You didn’t really want anything serious right now, but also you were bored and just wanted some attention. If it came with free drinks surely it wouldn’t be too bad? “Wow, you have a date. Good job” Bucky’s hand slapped against your shoulder. Your lips forming a small “Ow”. Sometimes the man with a metal arm forgot just how strong he was. Bucky and Sam had seen you at your relationship highs and lows. Just like you had with them. When you got dumped Bucky sat and watched the whole of the twilight saga with you. He didn’t even moan about how ridiculous the wolves looked. Whereas Sam taught himself dance routines to try and cheer you up. When Sam got ghosted by the girl he had been talking to for 5 months, you and Bucky took him out and got him so drunk he forgot his own name. There was also the time Bucky decided it was time to date again, only to be catfished. So, you and Sam created a whole new drinking game based in the apartment. A mixture of the floor is lava and nominations. “It’s not a date as such…” You turned your phone to Bucky showing him the persons profile. “Just a couple of drinks” You watched as he snatched the phone from your hand, his finger scrolling through the photos. “Really” He asked, holding a group photo in your face. The photo was a group of six people dressed as farm animals, all downing their drinks. “You must be lonely”
“Jheez thanks Buck” You took the phone back off him, and picked up your bowl. You pushed passed him, dropping your bowl into the sink. “You can clean that as well now” You sung back towards him. His eyes glared towards you, keeping full eye contact as poured more cereal into his mouth.
You decided to go tonight. It was only the bar across the street, if anything too serious happened you could easily run away. Plus, if the worse came to worse, you could just shout out the door and Sam and Bucky would be over there in a second. You didn’t make too much of an effort with your outfit. A pair of jeans and a nice shirt hanging off of your shoulders. Your hair just fell naturally, and your face was lightly dusted in makeup. Just enough to give you that extra boost of confidence. A pair of boots sat on your feet, you had made sure they were comfortable enough for you to be able to run away if you had to. “Look at you” Sam whistled as you opened your bedroom door. His body rested against his door frame. “Who’s the lucky person?” “Just a random tinder date” You shrugged, pulling your door shut behind you. “Wait a second” Sam slipped into his room. The sound of fast movements coming from behind the door, before he returned to his previous position. “Be safe” You fumbled as you caught the object he threw in your direction. A small purple latex square glaring at your face, as Sam started to laugh. “Thanks, I’ll use your bed” You smiled back, shoving the condom into your purse. “I would say don’t wait up… but wait until I text please” He just nodded, firing a thumbs up towards you. The bar was nothing spectacular. It was dimly lit, with booth tables scattered around the floor. There was a large wooden bar which covered the centre of the room. The bathrooms sat on either side of the object. You let your eyes scan around the room for your date, a slight sigh of relief when you realised you were there first. Walking over to the bar, you let your body drop onto a stool. Ordering yourself a drink, as you constantly watched your phone. A slight twinge of excitement shooting up your spine, as you saw a message flash up.
Bionic Man 20:08 pm
Where is my jacket?
You rolled your eyes and ignored the message. Continuing to sip on your drink, as you carried on waiting.
Bionic Man 20:20pm
This date must be amazing if you are ignoring my serious issues.
You were now onto your second drink, still waiting for your date to arrive. You opened up tinder, releasing maybe it was time to message them. But when you opened the app you were greeted with something that caused confusion. The person you had arranged the date with was no longer there. The messages no longer existed and the profile was no longer visible to you. You heart sinking as you realised you had been stood up. You didn’t really want the date. Of course, you didn’t. But it still hurt to not be good enough for someone to want to meet up with. You downed your drink and locked your phone again. Holding the glass up, as you waited for another refill. “Right I am sorry to interrupt” Your head turned towards the man storming towards you. Your eyes meeting Bucky’s. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a tight-fitting dark t-shirt. His hair was slightly slighted and his facial shaped more than it had been recently. “Oh, where is your date? Are they in the bathroom?” “No, just me” You span around dramatically, your hands indicating towards the empty seats either side of you. “What are you so dressed up for?” “Oh well Sam has gone out. So, I decided to go out, you know give this whole meeting new people thing a chance” He stood behind you, looking down on you as you finished another drink. “Do you want a drink? Or do you have to go?”
“Are you buying?” His mouth twisted into a smile, as he moved to the seat next to you. “No, I thought you would buy a drink for the heart broken person” You squeezed your eyes together hoping to push out a few tears, resting your head against his shoulder. Quickly Bucky shoved you away, trying to gain the bartenders attention.
“I don’t buy drinks for sad people” He laughed ordering himself a beer. “This is why you don’t get dates” You huffed, squinting your eyes at him. His mouth releasing a laugh at your reaction. When the bartender returned, he passed your glass back over to him. “My point still stands” You teased back, taking the drink.
“No, I don’t get dates because I spend all my time looking after you” His finger poked into your side, as he took a drink from his beer. “Me” Your hand slapped against your chest in shock. “I think it’s the other way around” “Is that so?” His eyebrow raised, as he shuffled closer to you. His shoulder resting against yours. “Look since I moved in with you, my dating life is non-existent. I thought living with a literal wingman, I would be having a great time!”
“I have been frozen, an assassin and now I’m years older than everyone in this time …and you think you are having a bad time dating?”
“Yes” You replied back, shoving against him. “I do”
“Right, well if that’s how you feel. I am going to leave you to wallow in yourself pity” Bucky took one last long drink from his bottle. His hands rested against the bar, as he began to push himself away. “If you leave me now, you will have to deal with me crying tomorrow. Do you really want that? Do you?”
His hands quickly dropped from the bar, and back to his bottle. A slight smile on his mouth as he held the drink towards you. “It’s still half full you idiot. Now are you buying this round, or are you going to make a war veteran spend all of his money to fill that void in your chest”
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