#he finds the twins when he's sourcing suppliers
stellamancer · 1 year
niku! for the fanfic trope ask game i'm so curious about flower shop aus!
so flower shop aus. i think that. yes, yeah i would. but at the same time i would want to make sure i'd be leaning into flower language and such a lot so the thought of the research for that is.... cries. i hate research!!
as for who, hm... i'm not sure, and maybe it was looking at your name but... suguru as a flower shop owner... yes, i think that would be very nice, a nice existence for him.
[put a fanfic trope in my ask box and i'll tell you how likely i am to write it]
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blueberryinko · 1 month
Alice: Juicy Romance Chapter Four
Alice had been feeling bloated for a while now. For the past few weeks while she’d had her regular inflating and juicing schedule, pumping constantly, she’d felt pressure in her belly. She had a feeling she knew what it meant, and had rushed out to the pharmacy almost immediately. She’d been so excited the store manager had to roll her out and help her back to the truck.
Now that she’d taken all five tests, she examined herself in the mirror, fully juiced. It had been two months since hers and Warren’s date and she’d had many more with him. They were even considering moving in together. But first, she had to know, the agony of waiting was painful.
When the timer finally rang she leapt towards her phone, then grabbed the tests. “Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant… pregnant!” All four tests were positive! She screamed, bouncing up and down joyfully. They’d done it! She was officially baking new buns in her oven! Turning to the side in the mirror again, she looked at the slight dome of her belly, tears of elation running down her cheeks.
“Hey babies, it’s Mommy. I don’t know how many of you there are, but I hope you know I love you.” Now to send the picture of the positive tests to Warren. She was gonna be a mom again!
She texted him the pictures.
Congrats Daddy, Mommy’s baking again!
‘Wait, you’re serious Ali?’
Dead serious, I’m pregnant!
‘Holy shit! I mean, wow! Have you told Mel and Adam yet?’
No, you were the first one I told.
‘Can we both tell them? Holy shit, I can’t believe it!’
Alice waddled into the living room, holding her belly. Melissa and Adam were playing Mario Kart, bickering over a set of races. She stroked her burgeoning gut, wondering just how many babies had been bred into her. She couldn’t wait for month nine already. “Oh, Mom, when did you get here?” Melissa asked. Alice startled, looking up. “What? Oh, just a minute ago.”
Adam froze the game, turning to her. “Why are you acting weird?” Alice knew the game was up at that moment, and Melissa noted Alice’s hand on her belly. It wasn’t unusual to see that in their day to day, but this was maternal, a vibe Melissa picked up on instantly. “Wait, Mom… did.. are you actually?” Alice teared up, nodding furiously. “I’m pregnant again!”
Melissa and Adam broke out in twin cheers, hugging their mother as they glanced down at her belly. “I bet you already have a bump!” The growing gut filled Alice’s lap as juice packed up inside her. She could pump and find out but right now all she cared about was the love of her children. “Ah! I’d be a blimp by the time I give birth!” She squealed, though she actually didn’t mind the thought, being a big, pregnant life balloon ready to burst with her young.
“We’ll have to check later!” Alice agreed as the small family cuddled. “Question,” she began as her kids looked up at her from her swelling belly. “Five years time, how many more members of our family are we gonna have?” She asked jokingly. “Taking bets now.” Adam snickered, his hand on his mother’s belly. “I think nine.” He said. Melissa snorted. “Eleven knowing Mom.” Alice would have placed bets on a nice even ten, but eleven sounded fantastic too.
While the others returned to their game, eyes flicking to Alice’s belly every couple minutes, she set up her laptop. Her storefront was doing amazing, she’d gotten offers from several local markets and she’d had a phone call the other day from a supplier who was more than happy to take her milk.
She opened her site inbox and noted an email come through from a consumer.
‘Hi there, I’m a local who’s tried your milk, it’s amazing! I heard through a trusted source that it’s all natural, how do you do it?’ Alice wondered for a moment how she could reply to this question. She’d been debating just owning the fact that she was a berry woman, but she worried she’d gain a level of fame she really didn’t want, it would stress her out so much.
She typed out a reply. ‘Hi there! So, I pump all my breastmilk totally naturally! You can verify via my pictures and a video on Youtube, but I have a genetic condition called berryism which means I am part fruit, in my case I’m a blueberry woman, and the milk is all from my pregnancies!’ Perhaps she should invest in an actual farm and some cows along the way.
Alice updated her storefront with her latest batch of milk she’d pumped just this morning, when her boobs had been so engorged and sensitive she’d had no choice but to rush to the new milking stall Warren had bought for her and pump it all out into the kegs. She adored the new milking stall, she could sit or stand in it and if she really wanted, Warren could bind her wrists into the wooden hatches, keeping her there for him to do anything he wanted.
She bit her lip, heaving herself back up from the couch. She waddled through the hallway down to the garage, where they kept the truck and the milking stall. She locked the door after her, and she sat down in the stall. Her boobs were full again and lactating through her nursing bra. She unbuttoned the maternity dress she wore, her breasts flopping out as they bulged over her brassiere confines.
Alice groaned, just managing to unlatch her bra and let her breasts hang either side of her belly. Pointy, full and violet areolae gushed milk, and as she hooked herself up to the pumps, she heard the machinery start to whir. “Fuuck…” She moaned lowly, squeezing her breasts. She rubbed her crotch against the chair, arching her back as she ruminated. “‘M gonna have babies again… gonna be a mommy again…” Her belly was a full, taut orb of juice settling at her knees at this point, and she rubbed its expanse.
She wondered how big she’d be in a couple months. If Warren had put an entire batch in her, she would be truly gigantic by a season or so. “Nnngh…” The pumps sucked at her swollen mammaries, eagerly attempting to dry her of all her reserves. She wished she’d recorded this for Warren, her moaning and whining for him as she rubbed her pregnant belly. That was an idea for next session.
She was so big her fingers couldn’t reach her pussy, but she was just about able to tear the rest of her dress from her body. Every inch of her was so sensitive and flush she was practically more violet than blue, and she liked it that way. “Nngh Daddy, want you to get home…” She thought about Warren, his strong, capable arms manhandling her after a rough day at work, thought about him catching her in the middle of pumping and bending her over even as she protested.
She was building up to an orgasm now, she could feel it. She could barely round out with how furiously she was preventing build-up, cumming it out as soon as it welled inside her, so horny she was quite literally outpacing her growth rate. What a thought to have as the sensations inside her coiled and tightened, breathing heavily as her face became warm and damp with sweat, a coil of damp hair getting in her mouth as she moaned through her orgasm.
“OOOHHHHH!” Her legs trembled as juice splattered on the floor, dripping off of the chair as she tried her best to recover from what she considered a completely willing loss of control. She was fully juiced now. Steadily, she got up, inspecting her belly.
At only a few weeks pregnant, there was a small but noticeable bump. Holy shit.
After she got herself cleaned up and plugged the milk kegs, she wandered back into the main part of the house, standing to the side for Melissa and Adam. “Guys…” She caught their attention, pointing to the small bump in her belly. Melissa laughed in shock. “My God, how many did Warren put in you Mama?” She asked incredulously.
She swelled up throughout the rest of the day
Warren returned home a few hours later and Alice rushed up to him, well, as much as a fully swollen berry mother could. Warren caught her belly in his arms, admiring her pregnant nudity in as full view as he could. “We did it?” He was overjoyed, he couldn’t wait to watch her swell out with his babies, growing wider and fatter as they overtook her body.
“We did it,” Alice confirmed with a wide grin. She bit her lip. “I pumped again earlier, and when I got the chance, I took a pic.” She showed him a photo, a low angle of her dripping sex, with her grinning at the camera. Warren swallowed, trying his best to remain on his best behaviour. “Nnghh… Alice, baby, please stop teasing me.” He begged. Alice shrugged. “If you’re a good daddy I will.” That was it. Later he was putting her on her knees for him.
“How many do you think you planted inside me?” She asked curiously at the dinner table. Warren looked at Melissa and Adam, wondering something. “What did you guys bet?” Melissa piped up. “I picked eleven!” Adam had tried to get his word in edgewise before her, but had had to go second. “I bet nine.” Warren had a think about it. He gazed at Alice’s full form, admiring it in its entirety. “I think five.” He settled on. He didn’t want to go for too large a number just yet, and he certainly didn’t think there were eleven in her juicy womb.
Alice beamed. “I think they’re all great numbers.” Once everything was cleaned, Warren and Alice turned out early for the night. Laid in between her cleavage, Warren stroked the flesh around her divot. “Who do you think they’ll be?” He asked. Alice needed clarification on that, so he elaborated. “The babies, when they grow up?” Alice stopped at that, wondering. The possibilities made her mind open like a door thrown wide, and she thought endlessly.
“Whoever in this world they are, we’re always going to love them.” She murmured. Warren thought that was a given, patting her juicy, taut flesh.
Alice was huge already. Nearing the end of her first trimester, when juiced she had what looked to be a bump looking halfway through a regular pregnancy. “Holy shit, you’ve knocked me up good.” She commented to Warren as he drove them towards the hospital. Warren chuckled, patting her belly. “That’s how you know I’m a good bull, huh?” Alice bit her lip. Ever since she’d admitted wanting to be a berry cow, he’d been very enthusiastic in calling her his cow, and while she was hesitant to admit it, it made her want to give him everything she was.
He helped her out of the expectant mother’s spot, her full belly wobbling as she went. The juice filling her made her look due, and her navel had popped again. Warren put his arm around her waist, guiding her in. She liked his possessiveness, it awoke a need in her she hadn’t realised had been a part of her, she liked to be protected, to be pampered like she was.
“Alice!” Mikayla’s voice came from the reception. “Oh, and who’s this?” She looked towards Warren, then towards Alice. “Oh, I get it! Get it girl!” Alice felt her ears go hot, hands on her belly. “It’s been ages girl, where have you been?”
Alice made small talk with her for a few minutes. “Oh, I’ve started my own milk business! I sell my own milk now.”
“So you’re like a big business girly now! Nice, Allie! Oh, you guys in for something?” Warren decided to take charge for Alice, who was content to let him talk for her. “We have an ultrasound appointment with my girlfriend’s midwife, Kiera?” He felt out of place here. These were all Alice’s old co-workers, and he wanted very badly to impress them. Mikayla gaped, leaping up from her seat and hugging Alice. “Oh my God Allie, you’re having more babies?”
Mikayla turned to Warren. “You didn’t coax her into this did you-?” She was stopped by Alice pulling down the finger jabbing into Warren’s chest. “Kayla, Kayla, I wanted more babies, calm it!” She reminded the goth girl. Mikayla raised an eyebrow at Warren, before stepping back. “If it helps,” Warren offered, “She takes initiative and we stop any time.”
“That helps,” Mikayla agreed. Warren held out his hand as an olive branch. “I’m Warren.” Mikayla took it gingerly. “Mikayla. Take care of Allie, she’s been a better mom to me than my bitch egg donor was.” He looked her in the eyes, nodding solemnly. “I hurt her you can hunt me down.” He promised. Mikayla grinned. “You bet.”
Alice watched this display with some trepidation, cooling when they shook hands. “J-jeez you guys, you act like you’ve consigned me to indentured servitude!” She lightened the mood, taking Warren’s arm and wrapping it around her waist again.
“Only as my big berry cow,” Warren whispered in her ear. Alice gasped, trying to hold back a moan at the thought. As they waited in the lobby, Alice’s belly grew out into her lap and she separated her thighs. Eventually, Kiera emerged from the examination room, the middle-aged pregnant lady with her gaping at the sheer size of Alice, as if she’d pop right there and then.
“Alice! Hey love, come on in!” Her cheery best friend invited, and Alice was more than happy to waddle her fat pregnant ass inside the room. Her hips brushed the doorframe and her breath hitched. “H-haaah!” She gasped as she popped through, her wrecking ball of a belly swaying heavily as she entered. Her dress began to tear down her front and the denim jacket she wore began to strain over her back.
“Okay Alice, do you want to go on the table or would you prefer us to set you down somewhere?” Kiera asked gently. Alice considered it. She’d broken one medical bed before and she’d had to pay to replace it. She was about the same size now and she preferred not to pay out of her savings at this point.
“Can I lean against the counter and you scan me that way?”
“Of course, c’mon, I’ll help you over.” Kiera and Warren each hitched an arm under her shoulders and heaved her over towards the counter. She laid on it awkwardly, her elbows planted into the edge. Her heart thundered in her chest, she couldn’t wait to see how many strong babies Warren had planted inside her. As Kiera wheeled the ultrasound machine towards her, Alice changed her mind.
“Mind if we set up on the ground? This is really uncomfortable and I’m gonna be round soon.” Kiera agreed with that prediction, more and more of Alice’s cobalt flesh was tearing through her dress, blue boobs flopping out either side of her expectant gut. “Okay mama, let’s get you down on the ground.” As Alice settled down, Kiera and Warren sat beside her.
“Haaah- cold!” No matter how many times she was pregnant Alice would never get used to the sensation of the gel on her bare belly. “I know, I had my scan the other day and it’s freezing!” Alice had almost forgotten. “Oh my God, how was it? Are you far enough to tell yet?” She inquired. Kiera beamed, rubbing her belly. “I’m having twins!” She announced. Alice squealed, trying her best to wrap her fat arms around Kiera. “Holy shit K, two new niblings! Congratulations!” Kiera basked in the praise for a moment. “Hey, enough about me, this is your show. You ready?”
Alice swallowed and with Warren joining her, they gave their blessing. As Kiera hovered the ultrasound wand over her belly, a soft, rhythmic ‘whoomph, whoomph, whoomph’ filled the room. “Oh my God guys, looks like triple congratulations are in order!” Triplets, she thought. “Wait, really?” Warren asked, gazing at the screen. Three embryos swirled around inside her womb and Alice cradled her belly before she began to round out.
Triplets. Alice sniffled happily, watching as her belly slowly inched out, the rounded swell becoming more pronounced with every passing moment. “Multiples run in the family.” She mused. It was a revelation to be sure. Keira also seemed to have something to say. “Alice, as your friend, I do just wanna remind you just in case you forgot, but you know each pregnancy you have extends your fertility by months to years. I know you want to expand your family now, but you should look into any possible protection opportunities just in case you wanna stop.”
“I know,” Alice was planning on taking full advantage of her biology. “Trust me, I’ve no need for protection now.”
Alice waddled out of the examination room, her body totally full now, trying to massage the parts of her divots her fingers could reach, which wasn’t much. “Triplets..” She sniffled. Three little lives that were growing inside her, three kids they would raise, the first litter in their expanding family.
Melissa and Adam were waiting for them when they got back. “Well?” Melissa practically demanded. Alice waited a moment to get settled before a smile grew on her face. “We’re getting three new members of the family!” She squealed, elated.
“Wait, holy shit, really?” Adam whooped, crouching down to Alice’s belly. “Hey you three, can’t wait to teach you how to play League!” He poked Alice’s belly, and Warren went pale behind her.
“You are NOT teaching them to play League.” Warren muttered, hoping Adam wasn’t serious. Melissa was ecstatic. “Holy shit, holy shit! Three new babies?” Melissa hugged Alice, her mama’s diameter so taut she barely had any give. “You’re gonna get so big…”
Alice had a feeling that would be true.
She let the fawning go on for a little while longer before she started to waddle towards her pumping room. “Follow?” She asked Warren, who eagerly did so. He loved how her body wobbled, how her little hands bounced with every bit of effort from her turgid form, how round she was.
He locked the door behind them, and Alice waddled in a slow, heaving circle to face him. “I’m gonna be so full…” She teased.
He approached, hands going to her belly. She felt his strong, work-coarse hands kneading her gut, playing with soft, pregnant berry flesh. She felt young again when he touched her, and she had to stop herself from moaning just at that. Warren leaned over, kissing her chin. “God I love you,” he murmured. “I wanna hear your moans baby, don’t stifle them,”
So she did. With every touch, she let out little squeaks, pleasure slowly mounting under her taxed diameter. “Warren.. I wanna have your babies forever…” He loved the thought of that. Her constantly fecund with his children, their little beans growing bigger and bigger. He wanted to help her bring them into the world. “And you will baby, I wanna watch you swell. Wanna watch your tits get milky and pert, hard as rocks.” He pinched a purple areolae, watching as it began to drip.
“Annnh… Warren, fuck…” She imagined herself in a few months time, utterly, heavily gravid, so full of babies she struggled to breathe, the comfortable ache pressing down on her spine as the babies writhe, and she wanted it so badly. “You feed me, you make me fucking massive.” She begged, and Warren groaned. He needed to be inside her, needed her wet, leaking cunt warming his cock.
“Of course.. I’m gonna make you gain so much weight, gonna make you so fucking fat for my babies, my big, strong units, bulging you bigger, rounder.” Alice wanted it so badly. Wanted to give him a soccer team’s worth of kids, even to the point that they’d have team colours, with her as the mascot, ripe and round and most importantly of all, PREGNANT to the heavens and back.
“I wanna be doing this when I’m sixty!” She cried out, and Warren growled into her, rolling her over and facing her wet, gushing sex. This was his purpose. “I’m going to fucking fatten you with my spawn. Make you look like that chick in the Alien movies.”
This was new. Alice moaned aloud, not expecting it and rode with it. “Do it, put your babies in me, fill me until I burst! Make me pop!” She begged.
Warren slid into her with a wet pop, and Alice moaned loudly. “FUCK, SO HUGE!” If possible, her pregnancy had made him harder than he’d ever been, and now that she’d had a taste of hot, swollen pregnant railing, she was an addict, and she’d never stop being pregnant. She was a fat fucking breeder and she was going to make sure everyone knew it.
“Must be all that milk,” Warren growled against her swollen cunt as he continued to rail her. “My babies, my breeder, my berry. You’re so good to me Alice, good girl, beautiful girl, my preggo girl…” He was feeling strangely melancholic even as her poor pussy took his cock’s abuse easily, fitting her like a glove. Plap, plap, plap! Wet slaps filled the room and Alice’s screams broke the haze. “Aaanh, annh, annnh! I’m your berry, your baby mama, your bloated blimp!” She agreed.
Warren’s peak was nearing and Alice couldn’t believe how much cum he’d already jettisoned into her, her clit so fat she felt him dig a finger into her labia and start circling it. “O-oh f-FUCK!” She whimpered, her mind suddenly shattering as an earth-quaking orgasm shook her form. He wasn’t letting up however, and she wasn’t even close to done, though her form went totally limp and helpless against his brutal ravaging.
“Pretty girl, big mama, beautiful mama, c’mon now.” He whispers against her belly as her pressure mounts. “H-Honey, not fair- not fair!” Her breath hitches and as he rams into her again she whines. “P-please, gonna- gonna, oh, oh, fuck honey, GONNA CUM!” She yells and a gush nearly winds Warren, but as he holds first, a deluge of cum erupts from his cock, painting her womb white as juice splatters the walls.
She’s shuddering. That’s the first thing she registers as she comes to, and Alice can only babble dumb-foundedly as Warren rolls her upright. “B-babe, wh-hooooohh…?” She whimpers and Warren spatters kisses down her jaw. “Shh-shh baby mama, just get your mind right.” He sways her globe-like diameter and she can barely muster the energy to flap her hands.
He holds her belly and Alice can form words again after a few minutes. “Wanna say hi, Daddy?”
Warren kneels slowly. Every cell in her body knows he’s her person, and there’s this magical, utterly wondrous sensation, she swears she can almost feel their babies forming inside her, and once again she finds herself wondering just who in the world they’ll be.
“Mama’s so strong huh?” Warren kisses her belly and Alice listens intently. “I can’t wait for you guys to be here, I’m gonna make sure nothing ever happens to y’all, and I’m gonna give you guys a bunch of siblings to play with. I love you guys so much..”
She knows then that she would give him the world, she would fill the planet with their children if he so much as said the word.
And as he rises, she finds tears brimming on the forefront and she begins to sob. “God I love you so much.. How did we get so lucky?” She bawls, and she sees Warren starting to cry as well. The couple cry on each other for a few minutes before pulling themselves together, and Warren pulls up the ultrasound photo.
“Look at them,” Warren admires. It feels like twenty years ago again, and Alice knows her journey is going to be so difficult, but so worth it.
“And I’m gonna grow them big and strong, so they know how much Mommy loves them.” She murmured into his ear. Warren gets a hungry glint in his eye. “Then let me just fire up the grill.”
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evenfall-au · 1 year
Proof Of The Soul
Rating: M Prompt for Frans Monthly May: [Sleep] Word count: 1,000
Cross Posted to Ao3 here!
The night was long, and it was dark when the vampire finally returned to his abode. The sound of leathered wings slicing through air a prelude to his arrival as the paned glass window to his study flew open; bidding him enter, welcoming him home.
A thin whistling zipped and zapped, twisted into a low sigh of expelled energy as booted feet met carpet, and azul colored twin lights lit the space around an insouciant grin.
Sans stood to his full height and turned to shut the entryway with a gentle hand. He hadn't meant to linger as long as he had that evening, his mind focused on other duties to attend to at home concerning his new bride and brother, but unfortunately events hadn't played out as he'd planned.
The delivery from the red cross had been tainted, a month's supply for his coven wasted on petty grievances not of his own making suffused with garlic and other supposed vampire weaknesses and toxins.
Rage hadn't even begun to describe the way he had felt.
What a twist of luck that the boat had yet to depart when he'd arrived. It was easy to rectify the wrong that had occured. Not only had the supplier been willing to replace the loss without compensation—but Sans had managed to find the saboteur, foolishly stowed away among the ship's cargo as if freight.
He'd been quick, he'd been silent.
Hobbyist hunters were getting bolder.
Tiredly he ran a hand over his sockets and let loose a sigh of exasperation. He'd missed dinner, missed the chance to keep his promise of a moonlit stroll and floating Lily pads.
Sans had so looked forward to it.
Hopefully she wouldn't be too upset—
He stilled as he spotted a silhouette perched upon the fine leather of his study chair. The light of his eyes brightening as he took slow, cautious steps forward; sensing, feeling for disturbance or ill intent.
Sans' grin hitched up at the corners.
It was a woman; dressed in a simple nightgown with mousy brown hair, reposed gracefully with crossed ankles and folded hands even in the depths of slumber.
She must've waited for him.
How cute.
It sent a warmth fluttering through his bones, still chilled from the night air.
Briefly, Sans contemplated leaving her there. The sight of her adding a rather pleasant contrast to the whole of the room. He was severely tempted to spend what few hours remained before daybreak admiring her.
What a hilarity it was, that she still slept during what was supposed to be their waking hours.
He felt a flicker of concern.
Had she eaten? There were vials she could drink from but he knew she wasn't partial to them. Like he she much prefered to drink from the source.
One of her locks flew up from her forehead in a cute flip to the side as she let out a sigh.
…why was he worrying?
If she was sleeping so soundly surely she must've been fine. If anything she might have been suffering from disappointment and longing, given the position he found her in.
He stared, savored, and shrugged.
To leave her as is would do her neck and back no favours. She'd be sore come morning, and the last thing he wanted was her sad and grumpy on top of it.
He'd have to think of a good way to make it up to her. Ideas were already forming but he'd much prefer to assess how she was when awake before committing to anything.
Doing his best to not wake her, he reached down and slid his hands as delicately as he could beneath her knees and around her shoulders. With naught a blink he easily lifted her up and against his chest.
She shifted.
Sans froze.
A small huff, and she settled more comfortably in his hold, on that border between wakefulness and sleep, before seemingly falling once again into deep rest as her head fell softly against his shoulder.
He felt a thrum in his chest.
For thousands of years Sans had wondered if he'd even had a soul like his brother had. If he'd been born with one.
Monsters and Humans had them both alike no matter the existence. But Sans had still questioned it, even as he'd borne witness to them countless times; at the loss of light in one's eyes or the joy of life being brought into the world.
He'd always felt cold, detached.
A shade away from the depth of emotion those around him displayed, though he wore a happy grin or saddened frown.
He'd felt empty.
How easy it was to tell a joke, to be crass and make remarks lacking any tact, when he truly felt so little in the way of emotional consequence.
In no way was Sans heartless—in the metaphorical meaning of the term—but he did admit he could be cruel, he could be indifferent, though he sometimes wished not to be.
Was it really so hard for him to believe he might be soulless, knowing that?
Once upon a time, yes.
It was true.
But now the proof of his soul lay in his arms, tucked safely against his body and nestled contently upon his shoulder.
His precious one, his lady of stars.
A fallen bird with broken wings that he'd been unable to ignore. That drew upon such profound sympathies and compassion that Sans had instinctively embraced and splinted her the only way he knew how. So moved him with her cries he wanted nothing else than to take her, protect her.
Her body beat against his where they touched. Her being a loud drum to his quiet hum.
A moment of weakness…
He gave in, and breathed deeply of her hair, her scent.
…The blood beneath her flesh.
Sans closed his sockets.
With a gentle press of his teeth to her forehead he swept her away—to their room, and their bed.
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featheredoutrage · 3 years
Serendipity (Ch 1)
Rating: K
Sasuhina Month Day 1: Beginning of Us
Read on FF.net
“Sunagakure was nice last time I visited, I never would have thought that a city in a desert would be so pleasant. Mayor Gaara really is exceeding all expectations...” Sasuke tried not to let the boredom show on his face. Unfortunately, Satoshi Nakada was an important supplier to Uchiha Corporations, and pissing off business partners would not help Sasuke convince his father to give him more responsibility.
Sasuke hated these corporate functions, hated being forced to rub elbows with people he couldn’t care less about. Everyone was boring, irritating, or loud -- usually all three -- and often became even more so after a couple of drinks. Even worse, it was so easy to get trapped in a boring story that went on and on, leaving Sasuke unable to extricate himself without looking rude.
Lucky for him, a young man wandered over, wine glass in hand, brimming with nervous confidence. He looked fresh out of school, and was probably desperate to develop some industry connections. The rookie introduced himself to Sasuke and Nakada, who looked like someone who had just woken up from a trance. Sasuke smiled and patted the newcomer on the shoulder. “Well, I have to, uh, get some more appetizers, so I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” Having found a suitable sacrifice, Sasuke made a beeline for the back door.
Sasuke’s father expected him to represent the family company, so Sasuke couldn’t just leave like he wanted to. He had, however, discovered that he could duck away to an empty corner and wait until the function was almost over before re-emerging and pretending he had been there the entire time with no one the wiser. Empty rooms were risky -- Sasuke learned the hard way that middle-aged adults could be just as horny as teenagers -- so he wandered around outside until he found the perfect spot: a slight bend in the building surrounded by tall hedges that could hide him from view while still providing good visibility to the guests passing by. The only problem with this hiding spot was that it was already occupied.
“Get out,” Sasuke said before he could stop himself. The girl stared at him with wide pale eyes that glowed in the moonlight. She had dark hair and pale skin and wore what looked like a light purple cocktail dress, though it was hard to distinguish the color in the dim light. Sasuke forced himself to soften his tone. “I mean, can you please leave.”
The girl raised an eyebrow. “I-I was here first.”
Sasuke’s left eye twitched. “Surely a lovely lady like yourself has people looking for you. I can walk you back to the party if you want,” he said with a smile that had previously dazzled many other women into acquiescing to his demands.
“I-I could say the same to you,” the girl sniped back, her defiant words at odds with the way she nervously tapped her fingers together. “Why don’t you head back and I’ll stay here.”
Sasuke dropped all polite pretenses and scowled. If he couldn’t charm her into leaving, then he’d just have to chase her away. But before he could make a cutting comment about the girl’s looks or obvious awkwardness, they were interrupted by the sound of thunderous steps and of exuberant voices.
“That’s it Lee! Let the power of youth propel you to the finish line!” Sasuke hurriedly stepped into the alcove, squeezing himself between the girl and the wall. The girl squeaked at the sudden proximity, but Sasuke paid her no mind, more concerned about hiding himself from the new arrivals. Through the half cover of the hedges, Sasuke could see the twin forms of Might Guy and Rock Lee stampeding down the path on their hands. When they reached the birdbath, located right next to where Sasuke and the girl were hiding, the two leapt to their feet and clasped hands. “Amazing Lee. You’ve improved leagues since I last saw you.”
“It is only due to Guy-sensei’s support and dedication that I am where I am now. Guy-sensei’s coolness is a constant inspiration,” Lee exclaimed, his smile appearing to be a light source all on its own.
“Let us celebrate your achievement with another hundred laps!” The two green-suited fanatics dashed off down the path again, kicking up a trail of dust behind them.
Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief. “I can’t believe those two are still invited to these things,” he muttered.
“The mayor likes them, it would look bad if they weren’t invited. Besides, they’re very nice once you get to know them.” She was leaning awkwardly against the wall, her body angle away from him. Sasuke suddenly became painfully aware of how close they were. He could smell her lavender perfume and make out the silvery flowers stitched into her dress.
“I thought they were invited because Tsunade gets a kick out of watching them challenge people to push-up contests.”
“...Maybe that too,” she said with a smile, revealing small dimples on both sides of her mouth. She had a nice smile, Sasuke thought idly before frowning. Why had he thought that? He wanted her to leave after all.
“If you enjoy their company so much, why don’t you go join them when they come back around.”
“Alright,” she agreed, to his shock. “I’ll introduce you too. I’m sure they’d be thrilled to meet you.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” he said quickly. Watching the duo from a distance was already overwhelming, interacting with them up close might fry his green color receptors and a couple of brain cells along with it.
“Then I suppose we should just stay put then,” the girl said, and Sasuke grudgingly admitted defeat. There were worse people to be stuck behind a hedge with, he supposed. Just then, Satoshi Nakada stumbled down the path, gripping a poor waiter’s arm for support, slurring loudly about his younger days.
“Looks like this party might be starting to wrap up soon,” Sasuke commented once the old man and his hapless victim had passed.
“Nakada-san’s only started talking about his first business deal, there’s a few more hours to go I think,” the girl said. Sasuke chuckled, startling them both. He hadn’t expected that.
“He spent so much time talking about his recent Suna trip today, he might not have started drinking until later. The timeline’s probably pushed up.”
The girl inclined her head. “Maybe. But Shikamaru-kun is coming out for a smoke now.” She gestured at a faraway figure who was taking a drag on a lit cigarette. “If the event was wrapping up, his mother would have dragged him back in.”
“Nara’s more than capable of giving his mom the slip,” Sasuke argued. “This might be his second round.”
“Then what about Tsunade-sama? She’s still inside, so she hasn’t had the time to get drunk yet.”
“Everyone’s working double time to make sure we don’t get a repeat of last month’s fiasco. She might not even get trashed this time.”
And so their conversation went, with the girl raising one proposal after another for why it was still early, and Sasuke finding ways to shoot it down. It was comfortable, engaging, and even, dare he say it, fun. What a strange thought. These parties were formal, a way to make connections, an obligation that Sasuke had to go to whether he wanted to or not. At best it was satisfying to walk away with a new business partner. They were never fun.
The game was interrupted by a lone female figure walking down the path shouting “Nee-san! Stop hiding and come out. Father’s looking for you.” She was short, with brown hair and a silvery-white gown. They watched her walk past in silence. When she disappeared down the bend, the girl sighed.
“Looks like you were right, the party is wrapping up.” She moved to leave their little hiding spot, but glanced back at him, lips quirking upward in a small smile. “It was good to meet you, Uchiha-san.” She hurried down the path after her sister.
Sasuke stood there, by himself. He’d gotten his wish, the hiding spot was his. But it was darker and quieter than it was before. Sasuke stood there, annoyed that she had known who he was but he hadn’t even gotten a name. With a huff, Sasuke left the hedge too, and headed back towards the party. His father was probably looking for him.
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kingofthecon · 4 years
'Becoming a ghost is sad.' The comment caused Stanley Pines to startle and look to the one who'd spoken. His great nephew, Dipper, had been watching one of his paranormal shows on the tube and was either talking to himself or to the old man who was far too busy sitting on the living room floor marking up graph paper for what would most likely be another "riveting" night of Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons. 'Nerds,' Stanley mused as he walked through the wall to reach the gift shop where no one could see his form solidifying. Whatever conversation was taking place in the next room he didn't not wish to be a part of it. He knew more than he needed to about specters, being one himself gave him that keep sort of insight after all. Of course he couldn't have his way as the young man entered room still rattling on about his theory. "A ghost being obsessed with something to the point they stick around is so sad. It's also the same with unfinished business. In both those scenarios a ghost can possibly stick around forever and get stuck. I bet that's what happened to Ma and Pa Duskerton." Stanley sighed, resigning himself to listening to the kid and the old man that followed in afterwards - the thoughtful frown he wore disappearing when he saw his twin behind the counter where he'd "walked" to count the money in the register. "I didn't see you come in, Stanley." "Not surprising," he grumped at his twin without looking up from the wad of cash in his hands. "You've always had a bad case of tunnel vision." "I didn't see you come in either, grunkle Stan." "Not surprising," Stan repeated, only this time he did look up. "That's been a trend for the entirety of the summer." Dipper turned a bit red while Stanford looked offended. Neither nerd could talk, however, because Stanley's words were true. It made him smirk just a tad as he went back to counting. Meanwhile, Dipper got over his embarrassment and went back to his talk of ghost with his great uncle Stanford. "Between the Duskertons and the Lumberjack ghost there haven't really been too many opportunity to explore the--" "Kid," Stanley interupts drawing the attention of his brother and his nephew. "There's nothin' complicated about ghosts. They die and stick around because somethin's keepin'em around. Could be unfinished business like revenge for their deaths. Could be to protect someone. Could be just to play pranks or scare people for no reason. Some are weak. Some can be dangerous. End of story." Dipper and even Stanford looked unconvinced, though there was also a hint of suspicion that Stanley decided he wasn't going to stick around for. He probably shouldn't have opened his mouth - but after everything that'd happened up until bringing Ford back; including the part where he specifically told his dangerous know-it-all of a brother to stay away from the kids, he'd been a little high strung. And he knew the exact reason why. It didn't help that Dipper's preferred topic of the day hit a little too close to home for Stanley. Unable to look them in the eyes as he walked away, he didn't notice the way Dipper seemed to curl inward or Stanford's twitch - the chill that suddenly came over the two of them having nothing to do with Stan's cold shoulder.
His escape from the shack wasn't nearly as fast as he would have liked it to be, but he needed to act casual. In hindsight he had acted foolishly. His brother was a genius with 12 PhDs and could probably see through that act about as easily as if he'd been able to see through Stanley if he wasn't capable of sustaining his tangibility. It was why in the car, deep in the woods, he was able to drop the act. Gone was the old man only to be replaced by a younger man somewhere between 25-35 with a tattered red jacket and a mullet. His once vibrant skin had a blue tint to it and the outglow that his body had but was harder to see during the day became bright. Despite the unnecessity of breathing the spector still found himself releasing an exhale in an attempt to calm himself down. Why had he even panicked the way he had? Dipper was just being his inquisitive self. Was it because of Ford? Was it because Stanford could figure him out in a heartbeat if given the chance? With the Pines Twins classic being at odds with one another, even after their thirty year separation, would the remnants of their relationship last with Stanley becoming just another anomaly to Stanford who only stuck around because he had unfinished business? Would Stanford try to exorcise him - believing that Stanley was nothing more than an echo of a person he'd known long ago but had died - no body left to bury? Would he become even more insufferable; asking his stupid questions about ghosts and what it was like to be one and what kept him tethered to the world of the living? Stanley...didn't want to find out. Frozen fingers tapped gentle at the steering wheel - the car having a ghostly glow of its own as well - before simply gripping at it tightly. He couldn't very well run away from this - he knew that, but he couldn't continue to hide what he was from Dipper and Stanford. Between the two of them something would have to give, and Stanley wasn't ready to let it all go just yet. He wanted to make amends with Stanford. He wanted them to be friends again. He couldn't do that, he assumed, if he were to be found out. 'There's one place I can go...' he mused as he started the car and headed deeper into the forest until the trees became too clustered for the car to pass. He debated on simply driving through them anyway - his car took on ghostly properties when he was in it after all - they were practically one entity, but he chose instead to get out continue on foot so to speak. He could feel himself calm considerably as well as a bit of a boost of energy the closer he came to a cluster of rocks and boulders that seemed practically welded together - an old ruin of sorts he assumed. Once close enough the hum of something reached his ears. He merely placed the palm of his hand against the wall and let his body phase through until a swirling mass of light and dark greens came into his field of vision. 'The Ghost Zone' he thought as he shook his head. He'd only been there twice - when he first...died...and again when he realized there were certain advantages to having a ghost portal connected to other parts of the world - especially when that meant getting materials for another type of portal; a trans-dimensional portal that needed a specific type of fuel and power source. It was complicated. At least he'd found a supplier and had a network going. He wondered if, maybe, said supplier would be willing to give him any advice, or if the Cheese Head had other things going on. Either way, Stan was on his way to Wisconsin. @gamblealife
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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the retrospective: alice’s 1k special || lover masterlist
matchup requests: CLOSED
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Anon asked: hi alice!! congrats on 1k, so well deserved bc you are so talented and seem so kind! matchup pls? I’m an ENFP, Gryffindor, I like to pretend my patronus is a lion but its probs an otter 😅, personality is: adventurous, provocative witty, caring, and sweet. Style is a mix of la parisienne mixed w scandi/japanese minimalism, fav team is msby or honestly if all the captains were put in one team lol thank u!! -🍊🧡
A/N: Hi Anon! Omg thanks so much, also I hope you don’t mind if i add ur emojis to my anon family hehehehe! -alice
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Your matchup is: Miya Atsumu
How you met: You run one of those super trendy aesthetic yet minimalist restaurants down the street from Osaumu’s first onigir shop in Tokyo. You first meet Osamu through the monthly culinary/cafe association meeting (you’re on a street with a lot of restaurants). You have a lot of connections to local fish markets so you can source the best ingredients for your own restaurant. Osamu was looking for a new supplier for his chutoro (fatty tuna) filling and you recommend a vendor. You place the first order on Osamu’s behalf and walk down the street right after closing to drop off the order when you bump into blonde Osamu??? Anyways you’re really confused until Osaumu yells at Atsumu to stop annoying his chutoro supplier. Atumu’s eyes light up at the mention of tuna, and he wheedles you into preparing some of the chutoro for him. After that, Atsumu starts showing up at your restaurant every Sunday evening for dinner.
Your first date: He asks you out after the monthly association meeting - Osamu invites you to come over and taste test his newest recipes and Atsumu is lingering around the entrance to Osamu’s shop. Sasmu rolls his eyes and tells Atsumu to get his shit together. Tsumu tries to be all smooth and use a pickup line but it just ends up being hilariously awkward and he just blurts out “will you go out with me?” I feel like Atsumu has enough money to treat you both, so your first date ends up being at this expensive molecular gastronomy place in Tokyo. His jaw definitely drops when he sees how beautiful you look when he arrives to pick you up from your apartment - you in a formal outfit is something he can’t get enough of (vice versa he cleans up very nicely with a MAROON button-up and black slacks.)
Your first kiss: you guys are both bold personalities - I think you wouldn’t be opposed to a kiss on the first date. Once again, Atsumu’s inner cheeseball comes through and he takes you on a scenic next to a river. It’s early spring, so it’s a bit chilly at night, and your intertwined hands are tucked into the pocket of his coat. He’s pointing out the Asahi gold flame building, making a whole racket about how it looks more like a golden poop and wow it really is like sparks fly because suddenly you’re wrapping your arms around his waist as the two of you press your lips together. Also the two of you totally make out against your door when he drops you off at your apartment. 
Anniversary: Atsumu buys you some really pretty jewelry and does one of those chocolate sphere surprise gift things. He takes the day off from work and the two of you spend the day at a garden + walking along food streets and trying all sorts of yummy food. At the end of the night you end up at a classic French restaurant, and at the end of the meal they bring out a lava cake with a chocolate sphere on top. When you pour the warm ganache over the sphere, you spot the glimmer of gemstones and freak out because is he proposing???? When you realize it’s earrings you’re happy. As he helps you put them on he whispers in your ear “One day it will be a ring.” 
How they propose: Goes out of his way to recreate your first date exactly - down to the last detail. He’ll literally find the exact same outfits you two wore and he’ll be in that same classic maroon button-up he was in all those years ago. Takes you to the same restaurant (he made a reservation with a few special surprises). By some miracle/coincidence, they’re serving the same tasting menu they did when you were there for your first date. You two have a regular dinner and then he walks you down to the riverbank. At this point he’s sweating bullets bc damn he is NERVOUS but it’s ok, he gets to the Asahi building and distracts you for a second so he can get dwon on one knee. He just looks at you with so much adoration he doesn’t even ask and you tackle him screaming yes. 
What your wedding looks like: Big ceremony. BIG CEREMONY. He genuinely wants to show everyone how happy he is that he gets to marry you. He pretty much has friends or friends-of-friends on every single D1 (and some D2) teams in V-league, so basically everyone on those teams gets an invite. The two of you get married in Kobe bc he is still a sap who wants to get married close to home. Osamu comes through and does some of the catering (+ a glorious roast of Atsumu during his toast as best man). The two of you play the newlywed shoe game during your reception - and at one point you switch spots with Osamu and laugh at how much the twins bicker. Also - once again Atsumu splurges on your honeymoon so be prepared for an international trip. 
Newlywed/domestic hc: your wedding photo joins the photo from your first date on the inside of his locker. Atsumu was never able to keep his mouth shut about you before, and now that you are married to him he’s like “guys guys guys look at my amazing wife” and the team pretends to be annoyed but they secretly find happy newlywed Atsumu adorable. He always thinks to dedicate his every serve for you, and he literally can’t stand to take his wedding ring off during games - even though he can’t wear it on his hand, he has a dedicated chain that he keeps in his locker so he can keep it hanging against his chest as he plays. If there’s a post game interview you bet he’s somehow going to mention you somewhere in the interview - the man is smitten and so happy that you’re his forever.
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amenomiko · 5 years
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An Old Request from FB
-"I want ice cream."
-Another of her weird food craving--no, it's something that didn't exist in this era yet.
-"You can't get it?" There's a slight shake in her voice. Damn, she's about to cry.
-He is speechless. This is the first time he couldn't get the thing that he want. Or precisely, the thing that she wanted.
-"Well, if you can wait for another 3 months for the wormho--"
-He jumped to the change in her tone.
-"If you told me to wait for 3 months, then it's not impossible for me to cut your *BEEP* until you couldn't make anymore child with me, right..? Hmmm?"
-He gulped when her hand caress his hair, and TUG on it so hard "..Right? Yes or no..? O-DA-NO-BU-NA-GA..?"
-"..." He could only shake his head.
-Her grin changed into a pure smile in instant. "Yay..! I love you honey bunny~~ muah~!!" She kissed him before walking away happily.
-His right hand man who have been frozen the whole time startled when his colors came back to his body. "Y-Yes?"
-"..Call for the ninja of Kasugayama. I need his help."
-The same day, that night, MC is more than happy to eat the ice cream that were made naturally. A.k.a, the mix of ice + milk + strawberry + salt on ice method.
-He entered the war council with a pale face.
-For the first time in Sengoku History, he is LATE to the meeting. His hair is a mess, a part of his clothes were shredded-- not to mention Masamune guffawed to his upper cloth that were worn upside down, and Mitsuhide who have been covering his mouth from laughing.
-"Another rough day, Hideyoshi?"
-"Huh- wha-? Y-yes. Yes, Nobunaga-sama." He pat his cheeks for him to snap from his sleepiness.
-"..Let me brew the tea Mitsunari."
-Ieyasu sighed. "You are making the tea EXACTLY like him, Hideyoshi-san. It's overflowing."
-"Huh? Oh.. yeah."
-"Alright, pfft- let's resume the discussion." Mitsuhide snorted and Hideyoshi couldn't respond with a glare at all like he used to.
-They about to resume the meeting when the shoji door were slammed open by MC, revealing an angry expression pasted on her face.
-"Where did you go..? How dare you to escape like that..??" She roared as she stomped towards her husband, grabbing him by the collar. "M-MC, love..! Calm down..! We are having a discussion right no-"
-"TO HELL WITH THAT." She turned to Nobunaga, glaring at him.
-He shrug. "Go on."
-"N-Nobunaga-sama..!" He was dragged away. "No..! No..! MC..! Mmmf..! Nnnn..!" He were kissed deeply to the point all the warlords froze in surprise, except blushing Mitsunari and Ieyasu.
-He smiled. Ah, what a beautiful day today, Seems like he will finally get to be all affectionate with her because a lot of things changed ever since she's pregnant.
-"Hey, Kitten."
-He smirked as she tug on his sleeves cutely.
-"I want a chu chu~" She pouted her lips, purring on his chest.
-"Hmm? You want a kiss?"
-She nod eagerly. "Uhuh. Kiss >3<..!"
-Yes, finally, a kiss..!
-But the moment he came closer....
-Kiss? Nope. Not today.
-MC is in a mood swing phase right now, and almost everyday he is smacked by her constant changes in mood from being too intimate, too sensitive, and too angry.
-Majority swings? Anger all the way.
-She can suddenly say to him "..Gosh. I HATE YOUR FACE." in a grim voice. And also..
-"Hyaa..! I'm so sorry Honey..! Oh my god..! I'm so, so, sorry..!" She sniffed, rubbing his burning cheek.
-"Ah I'm okay--"
-Another smack.
-Ieyasu has a war council that day, and has to go out of town to get the herbs supply from one of their suppliers near the port.
-MC were told to stay at the castle, because she is in her trimester period; which hard for her to move around.
-She was bored, and decided to clean his working table of which he had left in a hurry this morning.
-There were a lot of scrolls, papers, books, documents, and an unfinished mix of herbs. Okay, she can do this, she can arrange it slowly, she thought to herself positively--determined in helping her busy husband.
-So she started. Papers, done. Documents and few books, done. This thing goes here, and the scroll goes there. And oop..! Have to be careful with that herbs and
-What is that sound?
-Oh no..! Oh no..! Please, please, anything but the thing that she wanted to avoid the most, the..
-"..The herbs. THE HERBS." Oh great, just great..! She huffed. "Okay, take a deeeep breath. I can do this..!"
-She tried to bend down. Nope.
-She tried the other side to bend down. Nooope.
-"UGH OAO!!"
-She force herself to bend down, "Uwah OAO!" She literally roll on the floor like those of turtle that lie upside down. "Hngg OAO! Huff- huff- HNGGGG OAO!!!"
-She is stuck.
-That evening, Ieyasu had arrived home earlier than expected; he just couldn't help it but to worry about his wife.
-He find her in the room, still lying on her back, crying while cupping her face. Why? She couldn't move for few hours, and it took another few hours to calm her down from self-blame and assurance.
-"I'm sorry I make it worseeeee I'm sorry for being rounddd I'm sorry I'm like a turtleeeee UGHHHHH QAQQQQQ!!!"
-"Shh.. there, there.. you are not round, your belly are. You are not a turtle and you didn't make it worse."
-"Yes, yes, I love you too."
-Ever since then Ieyasu will excuse himself early from any war council, and his vassals will replace him in getting new herbal supplies.
-She huffed.
-She sit down. And up. And down.
-And look down again. "..Nope."
-She take a deep breath. "Okay, okay. One more time."
-She look down. Again.
-"Oh God..!"
-She can't see it. She couldn't. She can't see her own legs so she can wear her slipper but she. just. CAN'T..!
-"Do I have a choice? NNNNOOOOO~~~! HA. HA. HA." She laugh to herself. With full of anger and frustration obviously.
-"Fufufufu." A soft giggle took her attention and she frown to the source. "If you have time to do that, help me with this bloody getas..!"
-Mitsunari smiled at his wife, helping her with her geta. "It's twins after all, that's why you can't see it."
-"....Oh wow I didn't know." She rolled her eyes. "Hmf..!"
-MC is in her pouty mood again. It will always be cute in his eyes. "I love you, MC."
-"Of course you do." She pouts. "I just can't wait to pop them out so I can roll whenever I want to agh OAO!"
-"Ohh.. that's bad."
-"Why? It is heavy and-"
-"I'm planning to make more with you."
-"W-wh-wh-wh- O/////O-"
-"It would be nice to have a lot of princesses running around. Don't you think so, MC?" He kissed his wife's cheek and poke on it before walking back into the room with the most innocent smile ever.
-"...This cheeky angel =////=.."
-He was only teasing her a little.
-Juuuuust a little.
-Only just teasing like this :
-"Hey Little Mouse. You are so-"
-She snapped.
-"Little? LITTLE? ME? LITTLE?? Look at me, Mitsuhide, look..!" She pointed at her belly. "THIS. IS. NOT. BIG. I'm a walking- walkin-" She sniffed. "WATERMEROONNN UGHHH QAQQQQ~~!!!"
-He is never this confused his whole life and it just happened. Why did she suddenly burst into tears like that? And what is a 'watermeron' anyway--
-He moved his eyes to her belly. Oh. OH. Watermelon. She speak gibberish from all the crying.
-"Now, now, calm down, my wi-"
-"UGHHH I'M FAAAATTTT!!!" She whined.
-"You are not fat, you are pregnant." He smiled.
-She paused. "Oh." She sniffed. "Yeah."
-Well, that stopped her from cryi-
-"Honey, I want to eat anchovies with ice cream."
-He froze. Ice cream what now?
-She sniffed again. "You can't get it for me..???"
-And at the end of the day, Mitsuhide is exhausted, more than EVER.
-She toss and turned. To the left, and to the right.
-At times she can kick Kenshin in order to get the best position, and the next day he would attend war council with panda eyes.
-"Another rough night?" Shingen grinned, followed by a chuckle.
-While Yukimura blushed (since he doesn't get it), "H-huh? But if it is r-rough isn't it supposed to be- um- refre-shed... uh- *POOOOF*"
-Sasuke: Don't torture your own mind, Yukimura.
-His ninja turned back to his Lord, "She needs a long, soft pillow for her stomach. That is why." He adjusts his glasses. "In order for you to get a good sleep, that's the ONLY solution. However.. the pillow must be sew by the husband. Which is you, Kenshin-sama."
-Kenshin raised his eyebrows curiously to him; was he making fun of him, or was he serious?
-"So if I sew this pillow you mentioned.. She will get a good sleep?"
-He nods. But on the inside he was trembling to hide his amusement.
-Therefore that night, there goes. Sewing a large pillow for MC while she slept.
-So sweet. Uhuh. Sasuke just convince God of War to sew and it's another addition to his vines collection.
-"MC~~~" He beamed, lifting up the bag of mitarashi dango to show it to his wife.
-"Ah, Anata..! Welcome home..! My, isn't that..!"
-"Yes, your favorite..! You've been craving for it, right? Here..!"
-But before he could give it to his wife, her face scrunched in disgust. "Uhm- N-no." She suddenly said.
-"Eh? But aren't you-"
-"Mmmf..!" She cupped her mouth. "It- it smells awful- I- mmf..!"
-"But this is your--"
-That night, she had a crying fit of her, troubling him, and her, for being difficult, which Shingen would only laugh to her cuteness and assures that it will be alright, and he will be the one to eat it all (Avoiding Yukimura's glare from behind him at that) and then when Kenshin enters the hall with a fresh umeboshi in his hand, MC be like
-"..That smells.. HEAVENLY."
-Now it's her husband's turn to cry.
-Despite being a bad sleeper, he noticed whenever she toss and turn in her sleep.
-MC immediately woke up, and ran out from the room to vomit.
-It woke him up as well, because even though she said that she was fine, but the sound of her vomits is not.
-"Hey, you alright?"
-"I'm fine- mmf..!" She vomitted again.
-It has been like this for every of her pregnancy. He will stay with her until she's done, and there were times where she was so weak to go back to the room, both of them had fallen asleep outside. Or in the toilet itself, back in the future. Yukimura has gotten used to it ever since from her very first pregnancy.
-He would always rub her back, assuring she will be alright, and it's fine whenever she had caused him to wake up in the middle of the night, or even rushing back to her place when the maid reported that she has been vomiting badly again.
-He might be shy to admit it, but he is just a very sweet husband.
-"I- I'm also responsible for- you know- making you like this, well- y-yeah."
-Adorable to the TOP.
-Her face twisted in an obvious painful expression, of which it took her husband's attention in instant.
-"What's wrong, MC?"
-"M-My.." She pursed her lips, suddenly all embarrassed when Kenshin, Shingen and Yukimura turned to look her way. "N-Nothing. I guess I will return to the bedchamber, I don't feel good."
-Before Sasuke could reach for his wife, she immediately said "I will be fine. J-just continue the council without me, okay?"
-He could only stare when she walk away, feeling guilty for not being able to help her at this moment--it's hard without a modern doctor, as this is not the first time she had suddenly feel pain, and him not knowing where it came from.
-"Go. Sasuke."
-"Kenshin-sama..? But-"
-"It's an order."
-"Yeah, Sasuke, I will brief it to you later, don't mind about it." Yukimura added, and Shingen nodded to him as well.
-"Thank you. Pardon me." He bowed and leave through the ceiling.
-She startled and turned around, "A-Anata..? The council-""It's alright, you are more important right now." He's about to hug her when she took a step back. "N-No..!"
-"No..?""I mean- now it's not the right time..! The pain is still there..!""Pain? What do you mean..? Here, I may not be able to help much but-"
-"Hyaa..!" She let out a moan when he hugged her, making him tense. "..M-MC..?"
-"Mou..! This is why I told you that you can't do this because.." Her cheeks flushed red, as she slowly lift up her chin to her husband, with teary eyes even. "My breasts.. it feels sore and- f-f-.." She cupped her face, "..'Full' >////<!"
-His glasses bend into half due to immense cuteness.
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dulwichdiverter · 4 years
Support local suppliers with deliveries to your door
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A community-focused delivery service that aims to support independent businesses and local jobs has been launched by an East Dulwich resident.
The subscription service, called Subship, provides its members with locally sourced and ethical goods, delivered to their door emission-free with all-electric vehicles.
The service is easy to use – customers simply sign up and choose the items they’d like delivered weekly from local suppliers, including beer from Brockley Brewery, coffee from Old Spike, toilet roll from Serious Tissues and bread from Cooper’s Bakehouse in Brockley.
They can amend orders, swap products and request additional items before the cutoff time. Orders will then be delivered every Thursday across the whole of Dulwich and the surrounding area.
East Dulwich-based founder Tom Szekeres, 36, sold his stake in his digital marketing agency in 2017 and, in the same year, he became a dad to twin daughters.
Wanting to make some positive lifestyle changes around the same time, he began his “eco-journey” by creating a newsletter called One Small Step, giving people small but impactful tips on how to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Explaining why stocking ethical and local products is so important to him, Tom said: “A big theme [for me] became buying better, and I’ve always had an interest in environmentalism.
“One of the things I thought was really important was to stop the culture of instant gratification, and buying stuff with next-day delivery and excessive packaging. I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be better if we just slowed down a bit and had a single weekly delivery – just one box delivered every week.’
“There are some broad themes – eco-friendly products, there’s zero or low-waste products, and we have a London sock exchange. Every three months you get a box of socks and you refill the box with your old socks and send them back and we make sure they get recycled or reused.
“We’re also trying to aim to do refills in the future, because even when buying glass, it’s way better if you can refill and reuse.”
Tom plans to order from the stockists himself when the service launches this month via subship.co.uk.
He said: “My box will definitely have coffee from Old Spike, recycled toilet paper from Serious Tissues, a different bottle of wine from Peckham Cellars each week, and eco-friendly nappies and wipes.”
The first boxes ship on 3 September and with nine businesses already on board, Tom hopes to expand as soon as the service finds its feet. “We spoke to a lot of potential customers in the area and asked what they need. We’ve focused on that to start with,” he said.
“Once deliveries are happening every week we then want to reach out to loads more businesses as soon as possible.”
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newstfionline · 4 years
Americans hit hard by layoffs worry about homelessness (Yahoo Money) With unemployment claims at historic highs as the pandemic grounds the economy to a halt, many Americans are struggling with diminished savings, unpaid bills, and worries over homelessness, according to a new study from Varo Money shared exclusively with Yahoo Money. One in 4 renters who lost a job or income due to the COVID-19 outbreak worry they could become homeless, while 1 in 7 homeowners with a mortgage said the same, the survey of 1,234 lower and middle-class Americans earning up to $75,000 found. Among the renters who have lost their income, 2 in 5 expect to make their rent for a maximum of three to four weeks and 1 in 4 expect to be able to afford their rent for one to two months. “Many of these people actually fear if they will be able to cover the rent, and homelessness is becoming a real issue,” Varo Money’s CEO Colin Walsh told Yahoo Money. “We’re talking about people that do not have emergency savings, they really don’t have any backstop.”
Reopening Has Begun. No One Is Sure What Happens Next. (NYT) Politicians and public health experts have sparred for weeks over when, and under what circumstances, to allow businesses to reopen and Americans to emerge from their homes. But another question could prove just as thorny—how? It isn’t clear what, exactly, it means to gradually restart a system with as many interlocking pieces as the U.S. economy. How can one factory reopen when its suppliers remain shuttered? How can parents return to work when schools are still closed? How can older people return when there is still no effective treatment or vaccine? What is the government’s role in helping private businesses that may initially need to operate at a fraction of their normal capacity? “We live in an economy where there are lots of interconnections between different sectors,” said Joseph S. Vavra, an economist at the University of Chicago. “Saying you want to reopen gradually is more easily said than done.”
Advertising adjusts for a new reality: Sweatpants for staying home and toilet paper that cares (Washington Post) “Just stay home” seems like an unusual sell from a hotel-booking service, but these are unusual times. Companies large and small are figuring out how to make ads that don’t seem insensitive or as if they’re from a different time, when people took beach vacations, ate in restaurants and wore shoes. On television, brands are switching to reassuring platitudes, telling viewers, “We’re in this together,” or in the touching words of one toilet paper company, “Together, we’ll keep America rolling.” On social media sites like Instagram, more advertisements are targeting those shut in, with extremely to-the-point messages shilling sweatpants, wine and food delivery, DIY hair dye kits, and home-office gadgets.
Foreign Students Stranded by Coronavirus (NYT) When universities abruptly shut down last month because of the coronavirus pandemic, many students returned to their parents’ homes, distraught over having to give up their social lives and vital on-campus networking opportunities. Graduating seniors lost the chance to cross anything but a virtual commencement stage. But the campus closures have created much greater calamity in the lives of the more than a million international students who left their home countries to study in the United States. Many had been living in college dorms and were left to try to find new housing, far from home in a country under lockdown. A substantial number of international students are also watching their financial lives fall apart: Visa restrictions prevent them from working off campuses, which are now closed. And while some come from families wealthy enough to pay for their housing or whisk them home, many others had already been struggling to cobble together tuition fees that tend to be much higher than those paid by Americans. As their bank accounts dwindle, some international students say they have had to turn to food banks for help. Others are couch surfing in the family homes of their friends but don’t know how long they will be welcome.
Skip college this fall? (Miami Herald) With time growing short and the future uncertain, many high school students are considering skipping college in the fall. The coronavirus pandemic has left many universities uncertain whether they’ll be able to welcome students to campus after summer, and many students don’t want to pay for top-flight universities if they can’t get the full in-person experience. Some say they may skip a year. Some may opt for cheaper alternatives like community colleges. Either way, the coronavirus could leave its mark on higher education long after the pandemic fades.
US senator Lindsey Graham believes Kim Jong Un ‘dead or incapacitated’ (The Independent) US senator Lindsey Graham said he believes North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is “dead or incapacitated” following unconfirmed reports of his demise. Rumours of Kim Jong Un’s death have swirled since he missed the commemoration of the 108th birthday of his grandfather, North Korea founder Kim Il Sung, ten days ago. North Korean authorities have said nothing to counter media reports that Mr Kim is unwell, prompting concerns about who is next in line to run a nuclear-armed country that has been ruled by the same family for seven decades. South Korean and US officials have repeatedly indicated that there have been no unusual signs that could indicate health problems for Kim. A US official told Reuters the latest rumors about Kim’s health had not changed the US assessment of the information as “speculation.”
A pandemic of corruption mars the coronavirus response (Washington Post) When officials in his home state began giving food boxes to families hit by Colombia’s coronavirus lockdown, lawmaker Ricardo Quintero was struck by the exorbitant prices being paid to the vendors. So he armed himself with pictures of the coffee, pasta and other goods and went down to his local grocery store. There, he bought the same products for roughly half the supposedly bulk-rate prices being paid by the government of Cesar state. The comparison shopping prompted one of what is now 14 coronavirus-related criminal probes in Colombia. The South American country is one of many around the world now seeing a surge in corruption allegations. Countries large and small are shelling out trillions of dollars to combat both the coronavirus outbreak and its brutal economic fallout in what analysts are calling the largest financial response ever to a single global crisis. As governments race to source everything from food aid to face masks, they are prioritizing speed over transparency, dropping competitive bidding and other safeguards to keep pace with the pandemic. Most have no choice. Given the speed of the still unfolding crisis, it’s either buy quickly or put millions at risk. But concern is rising about the percentage of the taxpayer dollars—and euros and yen and pesos and more—lining the pockets of corrupt bureaucrats, crony contractors and crime syndicates.
UK PM Boris Johnson returns to face growing virus divisions (AP) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is returning to work after recovering from a coronavirus infection that put him in intensive care, with his government facing growing criticism over the deaths and disruption the virus has caused. Johnson’s office said he would be back at his desk in 10 Downing St. on Monday, two weeks after he was released from a London hospital. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who has been standing in for the prime minister, said Sunday that Johnson was “raring to go.” Britain has recorded more than 20,000 deaths among people hospitalized with COVID-19, the fifth country in the world to reach that total. Thousands more are thought to have died in nursing homes.
Kids in Spain relish outdoor hour as virus lockdowns ease (AP) Shrieks of joy rang out Sunday in the streets of Spain as children were allowed to leave their homes for the first time in six weeks, while people in Italy and France were eager to hear their leaders’ plans for easing some of the world’s strictest coronavirus lockdowns. The sound of children shouting and the rattle of bikes on the pavement after the 44-day seclusion of Spain’s youngest citizens offered a first taste of a gradual return to normal life in the country that has the second-highest number of confirmed infections behind the United States. “This is wonderful! I can’t believe it has been six weeks,” Susana Sabaté, a mother of 3-year-old twin boys, said in Barcelona. “My boys are very active. Today when they saw the front door and we gave them their scooters, they were thrilled.”
Japan challenged in working from home amid pandemic (AP) When the Japanese government declared an emergency to curb the spread of the coronavirus earlier this month and asked people to work from home, crowds rushed to electronics stores. So much for social distancing. Many Japanese lack the basic tools needed to work from home. Contrary to the ultramodern image of Japan Inc. with its robots, design finesse and gadgetry galore, in many respects the country is technologically challenged. But the bigger obstacle is Japanese corporate culture, experts say. Offices still often rely on faxes instead of email. Many homes lack high-speed internet connections, and documents often must be stamped in-person with carved seals called “hanko,” which serve as signatures. So many Japanese really cannot work remotely, at least not all the time. A survey by YouGov, a British market researcher, found only 18% of those recently surveyed were able to avoid commuting to school or work, even though a relatively high 80% of people in Japan are afraid of catching the virus.
Netanyahu ‘confident’ US will support West Bank annexation (AP) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he is “confident” he will be able to annex large parts of the occupied West Bank this summer, with support from the U.S. Netanyahu says President Donald Trump’s Mideast plan envisions turning over Israel’s dozens of settlements, as well as the strategic Jordan Valley, to Israeli control.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
A company that an angel is willing to invest on the same thing: I knew it would be a waste of time. There are almost two distinct modes of fundraising: one in which founders who don't need money, and then all the others would sign the same documents and all the money change hands at the closing. Being smart seems to make you unpopular. Ok, sure, what you have is perfect. Inexperience there doesn't make you unattractive. Close, but not identical.1 That wasn't the intention of the legislators who wrote it. Why waste your time climbing a ladder that might disappear before you reach the top? That wasn't the intention of the legislators who wrote it.2
Sometimes when you're raising money on these sites once you can say you've already raised some from well-known investor who has just invested in you. There are times in most of our lives when the days go by in a blur, and almost everyone has a sense, when this happens, of wasting something precious. The startup world became more transparent and more unpredictable. The energy and imagination of my fourth grade teacher, Mr. I picked that example at random, but I haven't had to yet.3 I think the solution is to assume that anything you've made is far short of what it used to cost, and send them looking for it. When Reddit first launched, it seemed like there was nothing to it.4 After all, you only get one life.5
If you stop there, what you're describing is literally a prison, albeit a part-time one. An early stage startup. In fact, if you have $5 million in investable assets, it would have a harder time getting started, because many of the best things about working for a startup the initial release acts as a shakedown cruise. And yet for most of Octopart's life, the cruelty and the boredom, both have the same fat white book lying open on it. For example, thinking about getting a job will make you successful. Our rule of thumb is to multiply the number of people who can draw like drawing, and have to start treading water yourself or sink. Sometimes something about your business will spook investors even if your growth is great. If you do well, you can figure out a price. In this case, n is.6
Hackers write cool software, and for the same deals, but the top ones give good advice.7 Think twice before you try to beat them at that. But they played offense, and you get.8 Writers and painters don't suffer from math envy. If you take funding at a premoney valuation of $10 million.9 You don't have to create the agreement from scratch.10 He said he didn't think so, because the good suppliers are no longer in the market. The answer, I realized, is that the only thing to interest someone arriving at HN for the first time should be the CEO, who should in turn be the most popular kid in school, but the probability that they'll succeed.11 So when investors stop trying to squeeze a little more out of their existing deals, they'll find they're net ahead, you wouldn't have or shouldn't have done it. And the thing we'd built, as far as I can tell these are universal. Someone who doesn't know the kind of things they say to one another.12 If universities and research labs feel they ought to be acting scientific.
Investors usually get vetos over certain big decisions, like selling the company for him.13 Historically investors thought it was just because most people were stupid. Some founders are quite dejected when they get turned down by investors at some point. If they take you up, in one sense of the phrase or the other, as soon as this thought occurred to me till recently to put those two ideas together and ask How can VCs make money by screwing people over.14 But I think I've figured out what's going on. But in at least some of them. The rest have died or merged or been acquired.15 That would leave the founders enough stock to feel the company is at least different from when I started. It will be easier to talk a co-worker into quitting with you in a second. If it can work to start a company—as if it were. It's like the court of Louis XIV.16
Economic inequality has been happening for a name. Spices are also the main reason kids lie to them, just as well as down.
People were more the type who would in 1950 have been about 2,000 per month.
You also have to be spread out geographically. And no, unfortunately, I advised avoiding Javascript.
Who is being looked at with fresh eyes and even if our competitors hate most? Though in fact the secret weapon of the people who don't like to invest at any valuation the founders chose? That will in many cases be an open source software.
Frankfurt, Harry, On Bullshit, Princeton University Press, 1965.
For the price of an investment. Ian Hogarth suggests a way to fight back themselves.
In ancient times it covered a broad hard-beaten road to his time was 700,000 sestertii e. 4%? The air traffic control system works because planes would crash otherwise.
But it's dangerous to Microsoft than Netscape was. But Goldin and Margo think market forces in the sophomore year.
Y Combinator only got 38 cents on the aspect they see of piracy, which handled orders.
It's like the intrusive ads popular on Delicious, but I'm not saying option pools themselves will go away is investors requiring them. Do College English 28 1966-67, pp. You have to solve are random, they were that smart they'd already be programming in Lisp, which shows how unimportant the Arpanet which became the twin centers from which they don't have the perfect point to spread from.
But in practice money raised as convertible debt, so you'd have reached after lots of people. Like early medieval architecture, impromptu talks are made of spolia. None at all.
Corollary: Avoid becoming an administrator, or can be done at a time. He adds: I should do is fund medical research labs; commercializing whatever new discoveries the boffins throw off is as straightforward as building a new version of this essay, I asked some founders who take the term whitelist instead of themselves. People seeking some single thing called wisdom have been the plague of 1347; the creation of the more accurate predictor of low quality though. In the late 1970s the movie, but its value was as much the effect of this essay wrote: One YC founder told me they do, I'll have people nagging me for features.
What people usually mean when they buy some startups and not to like to partners at their firm, get rid of everyone else and put our worker on a hard technical problem. Aristotle looked at the company's expense by selling them overpriced components. Among other things, they might have infected ten percent of them is that there's more of a type of product for it. Aristotle didn't call this metaphysics.
To do this all the best intentions. There are lots of potential winners, which make investments rather than given by other Lisp features like lexical closures and rest parameters. Stone, op.
If you wanted it? Parents move to suburbs to raise more money was the capital of Silicon Valley is no.
But you can talk about distribution of potentially good startups that seem to them more professional. Which means if you're college students. IBM makes decent hardware. The second assumption I made because the first language to embody the principle that declarations except those of dynamic variables were merely optimization advice, and why it's such a large pizza and found an open booth.
Thanks to David Sloo, Jessica Livingston, Trevor Blackwell, and Sam Altman for the lulz.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Santa’s Got Shipping Issues: Why Retailers Are Worried About Gifts Stuck Just Beyond The Last Mile
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/santas-got-shipping-issues-why-retailers-are-worried-about-gifts-stuck-just-beyond-the-last-mile/
Santa’s Got Shipping Issues: Why Retailers Are Worried About Gifts Stuck Just Beyond The Last Mile
A United Parcel Service (UPS) driver gets into his truck while on his delivery route. (Photo by … [] Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
This holiday, some consumers will be getting IOUs from retailers facing broken supply chains and a shipping capacity crunch.
Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that UPS told its drivers on Cyber Monday to stop picking up packages from six retailers that had reached the shipping capacity limits the company had set for its US customers during the peak holiday season. The restrictions UPS imposed on Nike, Macy’s, Gap and others were reportedly temporary, and the shipper was expected to begin pickups from these retailers again as soon as more capacity became available. In the meantime, the retailers and their customers simply had to wait—or find some other solution to get their packages to their destination on time.
The story highlights the bind many retailers and brands find themselves in this pandemic holiday: even if they’re benefiting from strong consumer demand and a colossal increase in e-commerce orders, their inventory might be stranded in the wrong retail location, stuck in a warehouse just beyond the last mile, or grounded at a factory, unable to be shipped to market because there’s a shortage of land, sea or air cargo capacity. Santa may be able to transcend the challenges of ubiquitous last-mile delivery, but he’s facing some serious supply chain issues that are limiting the amount of gifts he can deliver as he makes his rounds.
The Pandemic Still Has the Supply Chain Tied in Knots
We all knew there would be a shipping shortage this holiday due to the massive, pandemic-fueled increase in e-commerce. Adobe Analytics predicts US online holiday sales will rise 33% year over year, while Deloitte puts the figure at 25%–35%. The record growth in exports reported by China last month is an indicator of how consumers have shifted their spending toward physical goods while they’re unable to consume services like big-screen movies and restaurant meals. Yet retailers and brands face a tragedy of demand, with insufficient shipping capacity and continued volatility across the supply chain putting them at risk of disappointing customers and losing market share to competitors that can meet delivery expectations.
Many brands tried to lessen the crunch by offering early promotions to pull holiday sales forward and spread out their online deliveries over more weeks. Some also set earlier-than-normal order cutoff dates for standard delivery by December 24. Etsy and REI are suggesting US customers order by December 17, while Abercrombie & Fitch’s cutoff date, December 4, has already passed.
UPS, FedEx and the USPS have pegged December 15 as the last date for US ground shipments meant to arrive by Christmas Eve. But the shipping capacity shortage will ensure that many consumers’ holiday packages won’t arrive until January or even later in 2021.
The pandemic hasn’t stressed only the final delivery link of the supply chain. The sourcing and manufacturing parts of the system are also facing continuing challenges, nearly a year after the coronavirus first began to snarl global supply in Asia. Sporadic lockdowns and spiking case numbers have impacted staffing and closed or curtailed operations at factories and transportation hubs. International air and shipping capacity has become severely strained. Even companies that have ample manufacturing capacity may not be able to get raw materials to their factories, given the contentiousness of the shipping market.
All We Want for Christmas Is a Bit of Data Intelligence
Some global brands are attacking these problems by bulking up inventory across the chain, mitigating the risk of stockouts and creating the flexibility to fulfill orders from alternate sites if there’s a logistics bottleneck. But holding lots of inventory is an expensive and unsustainable measure. Margins are already squeezed due to all those e-commerce orders and retailers and brands taking this route may end up with unsold goods that become out of season—an issue many companies struggled with in the spring, when pandemic lockdowns first shuttered stores. For most smaller retailers and brands, producing, shipping and warehousing excess inventory isn’t even an option.
The better solution is for companies to invest in data intelligence that provides the real-time supply chain visibility they need to be able to respond quickly to demand, supply and logistics challenges. Traceability technologies make it possible for retailers and brands to gather data from physical products throughout the supply chain and at the point of sale, providing near real-time visibility of the flow of goods and consumer demand and identifying bottlenecks, surges or lulls. These solutions function somewhat like Google Maps and Waze, which crowdsource data from phones to provide a real-time view of traffic conditions that drivers can rely on to gauge the best way to get to their destination. Indeed, this kind of visibility provides the data intelligence to build predictive models that can help companies both anticipate and preempt problems.
Item-level tracking has become possible thanks to tagging and labeling technologies such as QR codes, watermarked labels, and RFID and NFC tags linked with digital identities or digital twins in the cloud. These systems are able to gather tracking data from items, pallets or collections of items across their journey from factory to consumer. Individual products can be scanned in-line as they’re produced, move through warehouse and logistics hubs, and enter retail stores and distribution centers, as well as at the point of sale and by end customers themselves.
Puma, Ralph Lauren, Levi’s and Reckitt Benckiser are among the companies that have invested in strong digital infrastructure that gives them an advantage over competitors. Puma has used digitized products to engage with consumers both in-store and post-purchase, creating a path to e-commerce and reorder. Brands whose business is dominated by wholesale with both brick-and-mortar and e-commerce retail channels can use digitized products to gather data about what’s happening at the point of sale and to build a direct channel to consumers for reorders or additional purchases that they can guide to either their own e-commerce platform or to other retail partners, depending on inventory and fulfillment logistics.
All-Seeing, All-Knowing
The best-positioned retailers and brands are those that are able to aggregate and connect their own sales data with data from supply and shipping partners, giving them the end-to-end visibility that lets them anticipate, identify and quickly respond to challenges.
Resilience360, an intelligence platform developed by DHL, aggregates data from across the company’s shipping and transport network to provide customers with a risk-management tool. Other players in the logistics marketplace are developing similar tools to help customers avoid delays in shipping and plan their routing more effectively. The challenge, of course, is that each logistics provider’s view of the world is informed by what they know about their own network and, to a much lesser degree, other logistics networks.
The Chief Supply Chain Officer of a global agricultural products business I spoke with recently lamented the continued challenges posed by a fragmented view and the need to pull together data from multiple logistics and transportation providers in order to plan effectively in what remains a very disrupted global supply chain system. Being able to combine this kind of logistics intelligence with item-level sales data as well as capacity and sourcing data from suppliers, in near real time, will define who wins in 2021.
Volatility in the supply chain is not going to disappear after Christmas. The massive consumer shift to e-commerce and the attendant need to fulfill home deliveries are unlikely to roll back. An already stressed system is going to be under even greater pressure in the spring, when much of the world’s logistics capacity will be enlisted to support global vaccine rollouts. The bidding wars over shipping cargo capacity that we’ve seen throughout 2020 will only intensify. Retailers and brands that are able to keep their promises and deliver the goods to both consumers and shareholders will be the ones that figure out how to use data gathered from across their ecosystems to mitigate risks in the new year.
From Retail in Perfectirishgifts
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what-marsha-eats · 4 years
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Photo from PBS’ “Somewhere South” episode “American As (Hand) Pie.” Chef and host Vivian Howard is on the left and author Courtney Balestier is on the right.
I need to tell you about pepperoni rolls. But I understand that, as a native West Virginian, I probably have enthusiasm for this dish disproportionate to your knowledge of it, so first I need to explain. 
A classic pepperoni roll, one from a place like Home Industry Bakery in Clarksburg, West Virginia, can help us  understand the Platonic ideal of the form: yeast bread dough (my grandmother used the same recipe that she used to bake her bread buns) stuffed with satisfying fistfuls of sliced pepperoni or small batons of stick pepperoni and baked. I should also be clear, though, not just about what we’re talking about, but about how we’re talking about it. 
There are words we use when we want to minimize things. We may call something simple or DIY, makeshift or humble or modest. But perhaps the word that minimizes the most, the maximal minimizer, is just. We might say “I just have a question,” or, “She’s just a stay-at-home mom,” or, “It was just a kiss.” And it was the just that was on my mind when I was thinking about this piece. Because, for all of the thinking and writing and reading and talking that I’ve done about Appalachian foodways and about this food in particular, I kept thinking about this eighteen-year-old woman I interviewed once at West Virginia University. When I asked her about this dish—something, now, that’s baked in kitchens all over West Virginia, that’s sold in cellophane-wrapped six packs in gas stations and grocery stores and dished out at little league fields—when I asked her why we care so much, her answer, basically, was that she didn’t. 
“It’s just bread, pepperoni, and cheese,” she said. Now, there is the small matter of her being right. It is just bread and pepperoni. (The cheese is contested; I’m anti, but this is a decision everyone needs to make for herself.) It wasn’t a matter of facts, the bone I had to pick with this young lady, but of interpretation. When it comes to the pepperoni roll, as with so much of the food we talk about in Appalachia, the just is the point.
The accepted origin story of the pepperoni roll begins in the 1920s with an Italian immigrant named Giuseppe Argiro in Fairmont, West Virginia. There are actually a lot of Italians (or, as they might say, I-talians) in West Virginia—so many, in fact, that for a time Italy ran a consulate office in the northern part of the state. Like so many of his countrymen, Giussepe had come to West Virginia to work in the mines. He was no longer a miner when he invented the pepperoni roll, but the problem that he was solving was a miner’s problem: the need for a hearty lunch that could sustain a man underground but that he could eat one-handed—a working lunch. Pepperoni and bread was already a popular lunch with Italian miners, and Giuseppe put them together. The pepperoni roll caught on, it grew, it became, as the kids say, a thing, and we still have it today. We have, in West Virginia, declared it our official state food. 
I continue to find this series of events amazing. Yes, the pepperoni roll is simple, but in the way that an egg looks simple or that a circle looks simple. The pepperoni roll, really, is a poem: self-contained, complete, economical in every sense of the word. And that such a simple food, such bare bones, stone soup, quick-fix food, still thrives today—in restaurants and cook-offs and home kitchens—is extraordinary. Because we glorify a lot of things in American culture, things worthy and unworthy of that attention, but we do not tend to glorify the poor, and we do not tend to glorify the working class. These are concepts very much tied, through reality and rhetoric, to Appalachia, but in general, we Americans do not tend to lavish respect on those who make something out of nothing or on the satisfying meal they’ve managed to stretch from limited ingredients. If we do, it’s usually because we figured out a way to make that meal fancier and get Millennials and food journalists (guilty on both counts) to pay for it. The American dream is about aspiration; it is not about making do. But our man Giuseppe, and the men he was cooking for, they’re about both. 
Those people all wanted better lives, they wanted good jobs, they wanted to provide for their families, but to achieve all that, they needed lunch. And so Giuseppe, he just figured out how to give it to them. 
And now we talk about it. We debate the merits of stick pepperoni versus slice. (Stick.) We talk about Italian bread, French bread, hot pepper cheese, provolone cheese, no cheese. (I’ve made my feelings clear.) We have, in West Virginia, an entire food economy built around it. My personal favorite actor in this economy, long since gone, was Ray’s Bakery, a small storefront near my childhood home. In the summer, on the way to the nerd summer camp that I went to for kids who just wanted to keep reading books, my mom would take me to Ray’s, and I would get a donut for breakfast and a pepperoni roll for lunch. We worship this odd food in West Virginia, twinned as it is to our very existence. 
There’s one more story I want to tell you. It’s about a gas station chain, called Sheetz, that operates in West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Sheetz sells a lot of pepperoni rolls in West Virginia, which it used to source locally from different bakeries around the state. Then, a couple years back, Sheetz decided to just switch to one central bakery—which, as it happened, was located in North Carolina. People flipped out. They took to Facebook with their anger. The local news covered it. The outcry was so instant and so full-throated that Sheetz actually backed off. It did pick a single supplier, but it was a West Virginian bakery, Home Industry. But my definition of success was not this outcome, great though it was, but a comment left on Sheetz’ Facebook page: You are taking our cultural heritage, making an inauthentic version, and selling it back to us. This is unacceptable. 
I thought about this statement a lot. Eventually, it detached itself from food and clung, in my mind, to the word extraction. I thought about all the things that word means in the place I’m from, about all the ways it can and has taken form there. About what extracting this food—just about the only truly unique, idiosyncratic West Virginian food—and reproducing it to West Virginians from the outside, what that can represent to people. What it represented to me. 
And then, this simple food became a symbol of something much bigger, especially, for me, at this moment in the region’s history and in my history with it. It became a thing that we were ready to stand up for, to fight for. It became something that acknowledged our heritage—without extraction, no pepperoni roll—but that also demanded the right to our own agency in telling that story. It demanded authorship over the chapters of the story yet to be written. It is, perhaps, a lot of pressure to put on a piece of bread, but I choose to believe it can support the weight. 
Of course, you probably didn’t hear about any of this. The pepperoni roll, it doesn’t really travel. Most people outside the state don’t know about it. Someone from my hometown married a woman from Memphis who volunteered to make these pepperoni rolls he kept talking about: She bought a huge stick of pepperoni, wrapped it in bread dough and baked what I imagine is the densest pepperoni roll ever pulled from an oven. People have apparently left the state and opened pepperoni roll bakeries elsewhere, but they’ve tanked. It doesn’t translate. 
And on this point, I do have to hand it to the young lady who started us off, Ms. Just Bread, Pepperoni and (maybe) Cheese. Because part of the reason is that the pepperoni roll is too “just.” It is so simple that it’s actually a bit confusing. Anyone who hasn’t grown up with it would surely wonder, Well, why can’t I get a sandwich? Why can’t I get a slice of pizza? Isn’t this just a lesser version of both of those things? And, in a sense, that person would have a point. I would struggle to explain it to her, this indivisible kernel that is always is at the core of our relationship with food. 
 I am a West Virginian, but, by fluke of geography and lineage, I am the only West Virginian in my family. My family comes from Appalachia—my grandmother grew up in a coal camp in southwestern Pennsylvania—but I did not grow up in its vernacular of greasy beans and leather britches and cornbread. Which means that, sometimes, I feel as if I snuck into this idea of Appalachia through an open window. But the pepperoni roll. My grandmother made them for me, my mother bought them for me. They’re mine. 
How does a piece of bread and a stick of meat communicate that message? I have a lot of love for food’s ability for metaphor, but they can’t. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Anyone who does not have the same history of a West Virginian—that same spiritual topography that informs a decision as ridiculous and as vital as a food that we grow up eating and then choose to keep eating—would ultimately come to a place, like a secret door, that they don’t even know to understand. What worried me about that young woman at WVU was the fear that we didn’t even understand, that we didn’t respect it. But those words, this is unacceptable. Yes, we do. And honestly, when I was eighteen, I didn’t care, either.
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fereality-indy · 7 years
Gravity Falls Valor Force Rangers Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Ford's Basement Laboratory
Ford is busy working through the sound being pumped down from the party upstairs, he would have happy to be up at the party but he was never comfortable in large social gatherings. The twins know this, so when he asked to be excused from the celebration they allowed it. He was still planning on heading up in a while to put in an appearance. For now though he was just tinkering around with some new equipment he had Fiddleford order from one of his suppliers. It is some sonar equipment that will be perfect for he and his brother's next sea excursion, especially after he's done modifying it.
His head was bopping along with the upbeat tempo when suddenly he heard the music stop and a loud ruckus come over the speakers. He rushed over to the monitors he had set up (mostly to know when one of the family was looking for him). What he saw was one of the most extremely ugly men he has ever seen (and he has seen plenty during his time on the other side), either that or given his clothing he was an enormous Gnome. It appeared that Mabel's friend, Grenada was it? Guava? No it's Grenda, stepped up to dissuade the whatever he was. He panned the camera around and he saw Soos and Melody picking his brother off of the ground outside the entrance to the room the party was being held. He fought the urge to run to check on him and brought the camera feed back onto the matter at hand. As he saw Grenda fall after the creature backhanded her into the wall.
"Dang it, where did I put them?" He said as he began searching through his lab while still trying to keep one eye on what was happening above him. As he saw the twins and their friends be surrounded by some black mannequins, he found the dark gray box he had been searching for. He began activation sequence as he opened the case to release what was inside. "Now hopefully whoever receives these will be able to get here in time to help against these monsters."
Meanwhile Upstairs
"CRYPTIZONES, ATTACK!", Vodak ordered and as one the black mannequins charged towards Wendy, Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, & Thompson.
Mabel the first to react as she ducked back from the outstretched arms of one of the attacking creatures. She hauled off and decked the creature.
"Ouch!", she called out, "watch out all. These guys are solid."
She was then grabbed from behind. The creature that grabbed her threw her towards the wall, she caught herself before hitting it face first.
Thompson tried delivering a forward thrust kick only to have the creature grab his foot. The creature then flipped him over causing him to land on his stomach. Another creature kicked him in the stomach, hurling him a few feet away from Mabel, where he landed with his back against the wall.
Pacifica delivered a solid palm thrust into the chest of the creature that was reaching for her, only to come to the same conclusion that Mabel had just yelled out. Two of the creatures grabbed her and threw her so she crashed into the rising Mabel.
Dipper attempted a grapple with the creature in front of him, just barely dodging a blow from another in the process. The creature he was grappling with took advantage of this distraction and lifted him off of his feet. It then lifted him into the air and threw him across the room. He landed in a heap near Thompson.
Wendy was fairing better than the rest of the group (growing up the child of Manly Dan and having three brothers that are becoming more like their father every day will do that). She had already taken down one creature and was in the process of throwing another one to knock down a third when she saw Dipper get thrown. This distraction was all the creature needed to twist from her grip. While it righted it self the first creature she had knocked down had worked it's way behind her. The newly free creature landed on it's feet and kicked out striking her in the chest, she went backwards tripping over the first creature in the process. After she landed, her foot was grabbed and she to went flying towards the rest of the group.
As the group attempted to regain their footing five different colored beams of light flew into the room and struck them. As they processed what happened, Dipper is the first one to notice that everything has gone to gray-scale.
"Whoa, wait a minute?", Dipper calls out as he looks around. Having been to the mind-scape before he recognized this effect.
"Dipper, what's going on here?", Pacifica asked as she stood up after untangling from Mabel and saw the lack of color in everything besides her four friends. In fact they each seemed to be a little more colorful than she remembered, almost as if she was seeing an afterglow of the beams of light that had hit them.
"Aw, man. Not this again," Mabel bemoaned as she looked around, "At least the creatures are frozen while we're here."
"Well that's not exactly how this place works Mabs," Dipper said as he and Wendy helped Thompson get to his feet.
"Ok man, why does everything look like my granny's old tv?", Thompson asked as he rubbed his sore backside.
"We're in the mind-scape," Dipper replied as he walked over and examined the creatures and their leader, "Now the real question is how we got here? Bill has been gone ever since we wiped him from Stan's mind. And none of these guys seem like they would be able to drag us into it."
"There was those beams of light that hit us," Wendy added as she joined him in looking them over, "You think they have something to do with it?"
"Very astute observation Wendy," they heard a familiar voice say as someone walked out from the shadows, "Intelligent and brave, no wonder the phoenix chose you."
"Grunkle Ford!" Mabel and Dipper called together.
"Greeting kids," Ford said as he stepped fully into the light. "Sorry for the location, it was the easiest location and way for me to explain what just happened."
"Alright then Grunkle Ford, what is going on?", Pacifica questioned.
"Well I don't know much about your current opponent, but a few days ago some sensors I set out after Stanley and I returned from our first sea voyage registered a class six disturbance in the in regions spatial field." Ford said as he walked over and studied the tall gnome, he was certain now that that was what it was. After seeing the expectant face of his great nephew he continued, "As soon as I was free I went out to investigate to location of the disturbance, but all I found was a shattered stone with mystical residue coming from it. It's currently back in my labs to be studied."
"You think this guy is the cause of the disturbance?" Thompson asked as he was still trying to process what was going on. The only real thing he knew right now is that it is never boring around the Pines twins.
"Unfortunately no. This gentleman here," Ford said as he gestured towards the giant gnome as he turned to face all of the assembled teens, "would only register a two or three on the scale, if he registered at all. Though I wouldn't be surprised to find out he is connected some how. But I digress, the initial question is still unanswered."
He slowly paced in front of the teens,"During my time on the other side I met many an interesting people. One being I met while traveling was an Eltarian named Zordon. As we discussed dealings with our home worlds and compared stories of being tricked by evil beings, he told me of how he was able to create a team of of defenders for his home dimension. The process used was a blend of science and mystical energies that created what he called the morphing grid. But seeing as the evil they were created to fight was locked away for eternity he hoped he never had to use the grid again. I took many notes as we talked and planned to enact my own grid if I ever return home in order to battle Bill, but I never got the chance as the fight against him was already in progress. It was during that first trip after Weirdmageddon that Stanley and I found ourselves somewhere near the Greek Isles defending a dying pegasus from a small flock of harpies. I realized that he and I were not going to be able to keep on handling this instances on our own for to much longer. I remembered the notes and plans I had made and as we worked towards trying to help the pegasus to survive, I began discussing the plan with Stanley."
He paused there for a moment, looking pensively at some items he held in his hand. After what seemed like a good minute, he continued. "As I was pondering how I could power my morphing the pegasus spoke to me. Rather than dying in vain he wished to join me in my quest to do right in the world. As he passed his spirit coalesced into a token that began my search for noble creatures to help in my quest. Eventually the pegasus was joined by a phoenix from near Rome, a kelpie from the Scottish shores, a tanuki from Japan, and a jackalope from the American south west. These five, along with a power source of my own design, became the basis I built my morphing grid around."
"Whoa. I know nothing is sedentary when you guys are around, but what are you going on about?" Thompson asked. "And what were those beams of light?"
"He's explaining that now Thompson," Wendy calmly replied.
"Thank you, Wendy. Yet another reason I can see why the phoenix chose you." Ford said as he walked over to her, in his hand he held a necklace like medallion. When he reached her hand handed over the medallion. "To answer your question Joseph..."
"I keep telling you that you can call me Thompson, everybody does." Thompson interrupted.
"Well Thompson," Ford said as he handed the next medallion to Dipper, "to answer your question, when I saw on my monitors that the party was being attacked I figured it was time to activate the morphing grid. This sent out the spirits to choose their representatives."
"So did you plan on us being these representatives?" Pacifica asked as she stayed close to Mabel.
Ford noticed that the two of were holding hands as he handed the two of them medallions. He answered her question as the girls themselves noticed, "No, I had hoped that the representatives would be chosen and I could tell them what was going and then they would be able to get here in time to help. I actually was hoping for once that you all would be left out of this, but a part of me knew. It wouldn't be a Pines summer with out something happening. Though I have to be honest, I am surprised at who the spirits chose."
He handed Thompson the last medallion before he continued, "These medallions are your physical connection to the morphing grid and with them you will be able to call upon the spirits for assistance."
"So they will come out and attack these creatures for us?", Mabel asked even though she was barely paying attention. She was trying to figure when her and Paz had started holding hands. She wasn't complaining but they hadn't talked about letting anyone else know yet.
"No, that is not what will happen Mabel." Ford responded with a chuckle. He pointed over at her medallion as he continued, "As I said, the medallions are your connection to the spirits. When you place them on you will feel the spirits helping enhance your own natural abilities and perhaps they will even grant you other abilities."
"Perhaps? That doesn't sound too encouraging, Grunkle Ford." Dipper said as he turned his medallion over in his hand examining it. He looked over as Wendy place her medallion around her neck. As she did so he noticed the slight reddish hue that she had been exuding began to practically blind him before it died back down to the level it was at the beginning. "What was that?"
"That was the spirit bonding with Wendy," Ford said as he turned towards the ginger haired young lady, "Wendy, because of your intelligence and courage you have been chosen by the phoenix to be the Red Ranger. And as the Red Ranger you will be the leader of the Valor Force Rangers."
"Whoa. That feels interesting," Wendy as she was processing what she was told. Suddenly she got it and started waiving her hands in protest, "What, wait a minute. I'm no leader. Dip would be a much better leader, he's the one who always comes up with the plans when we go out on mystery hunts. Or even Paz, she's used to telling people what to do."
"Hey!", Pacifica snapped back until Mabel gently squeezed her hand.
Dipper put a calming hand on Wendy's shoulder and said, "Look I may make the plans, but you're the one who makes sure that we all make it through everything when my plans invariably go awry. I'll follow you anywhere."
Wendy smiled at this and as she looked around she saw the others nodding in agreement.
Ford then turned to Dipper as he put on his medallion and a green glow flared then ebbed, "Well put Dipper. It's acts like that that caused the jackalope to choose you as it's representative as the Green Ranger. The jackalope values both speed and wisdom."
Turning towards Mabel as she and Pacifica had finished putting on their medallions, a mixed glow of blue and pink settling back down. With a smile Ford continued. "Mabel, you were chosen by the kelpie to be the Blue Ranger due to your connection to water. Your charm and playfulness caught it's attention also."
He then looked over at Pacifica as he continued, "And Pacifica, you have been chosen by the same pegasus that started me one the journey to create the Rangers to be the Pink Ranger. Nobility and honor are traits it respects."
As he turned to the final member of the chosen quintet all he saw was a solid black mass that then coalesced back into the young man who's name he couldn't place. "And you Joseph..."
"It's Thompson, sir." Thompson said as he looked over from his friends to Ford.
"Oh yes," Ford said as he scratched his head, "You've been off at school for awhile haven't you? How has it been treating..." Ford stopped himself as he realized he was getting off topic, "Actually, we can talk about that later. It seems the tanuki has chosen you to be the Black Ranger, got a little bit of a mischievous side there don't you. The tanuki is known to hold those with a big heart and not a small amount of luck in high esteem."
"Well I have to admit I am feeling empowered," Mabel said as she lifted her arms up to flex. It was only half way through the movement that she realized she was still holding Pacifica's hand. "Ooops."
Dipper cocked an eyebrow at what he just saw before he turned back to his great uncle, "How much longer are we gonna be in the mind-scape?"
"Well according to my calculations you should be coming out of it right about," Ford was looking at the watch on his left wrist, "now."
Back In The Waking World
"Alright Cryptizones, they're weakened." Vodak called out from the back of the swarming creatures, "Destroy them!"
The closest creature swung an overhead chop downwards towards Wendy's head, she reflexively brought her arms up to block and as the chop hit sparks flew from her arms. She then pulled back and decked the attacking creature, sending out more sparks at the impact point. The creature flew across the room.
A second one reached towards Pacifica only for her to float upwards out of it's reach. She the dropped down and hit a literal dropkick on the way down. Once she landed she continued downward and swept the feet out from under another creature. As she rose up she hit a roundhouse on the next closest creature.
Dipper ducked low and sprung forward, landing a clothesline on two of the creatures as he jumped straight through them and landed a good ten feet away. He then ran back into the combat and rapidly began throwing chops at every creature he could reach.
One of the clotheslined creatures flew straight into the table holding the punch bowl, launching the punch into the air heading towards the battle-zone. Mabel threw her hands up to keep the punch from splashing her face, when suddenly the punch stopped mid-air. Feeling a little bit of a pull caused Mabel to move her hands and she noticed the punch moved with her hand movements, she then caused the fluid to wrap around one of the creatures and then flung it across the room.
Thompson waded into the creatures punching the creatures as he went. Then one moment he was standing there and the next he was gone, replaced by another one of the creatures. This confused the creatures he was fighting, finally deciding that he just disappeared so they turned to join one of the other fights. He was trying to figure out what happened when he looked at his hands and saw they were identical to those of the creatures. He walked up behind two of the creatures who were trying to get behind Mabel. He grabbed the heads of the two creatures and slammed them together. Mabel turned towards him, preparing to attack only for him to jerk out of the disguise.
The Rangers regrouped and took stock of the remaining Cryptizones. As they watched another dozen creatures come out from behind their leader, the Rangers heard Ford speaking to them one more time, "Rangers, it's time for you to test out the full capabilities of the medallions. Now do as I say..."
As one the five teens got into a fighting stance, they then thrust out their right arms straight, before finally reaching back and grabbing their medallion. Wendy then called out, "Alright Valor Force, It's time to kick it into action Ranger style!"
In a flash the red aura flared over all but Wendy's head, the aura then becomes a new uniform. The torso is red with a silver star design, well actually it almost looks like the entrance into the Gravity Falls Valley where the ship had carved through the cliff sides. The lower half of the uniform was gray pants capped off with a black belt and holster. Black gloves and boots finished off the look. She calls out, "The majestic phoenix, Red!" and finally a helmet forms. It is the same red as her uniform, with a rounded rectangular visor.
Dipper's green aura surrounded him and coalesced into a green version of the uniform. Before his helmet appeared he called out, "The enigmatic jackalope, Green!"
The blue aura flowed over Mabel before it washed back reveling a blue uniform. She called out, "The fervent kelpie, Blue!" and then her helmet came into being.
Bright pink pulses en-capsulizes Pacifica before it revealed a pink uniform like the others wore. She tipped her head to the side before calling out, "The noble pegasus, Pink!". As she straightened her head, her helmet appeared.
Thompson stood still as the black aura enveloped him before merging with his shadow, leaving him in a black uniform. "The clever tanuki, Black!", He called out before the helmet surrounded his head.
"Whoa, not bad.", Mabel said as she took in everyone's new look.
"Looking Good Dip," Wendy said with a hand on his shoulder.
"Not bad yourself," Dipper replied with a smirk in his helmet.
"They could use some accessories," Pacifica added off-handily.
"Guys, I don't think they're admiring our new look." Thompson said as he called attention to the approaching Cryptizones.
The Cryptizones, while surprised at the change of outfits, continued to advance on the group of friends. The Rangers dropped into their various fighting stances: Wendy stood with her arms loosely at her side and her left foot just slightly in front of the her right, while Dipper seemed to be ready to reach out and grapple, Mabel was in a standard boxing stance, Pacifica held her right hand up near her shoulder as her left foot had slid approximately six inches in front of her right, and Thompson stood with his left foot straight at Cryptizones and his right was held back and at a ninety degree angle, his arms ready to attack.
The creatures rushed forward and as one the Rangers lashed out and began to fight through the mob of Cryptizones. Wendy rushed through knocking several over as she went. Dipper grabbed the first Cryptizone that reached him and threw him into three others. Mabel ducked and dodged as she worked through hitting jabs and uppercuts as she went. Pacifica caught her first opponent with a thrust from her right hand and followed up with a roundhouse to another Cryptizone. After sliding forward two steps Thompson lashed out with a near vertical kick that knocked the closest Cryptizone back into three others. From there the team made short work of the remaining Cryptizones. They then turned towards Vodak.
"Well look at the time," Vodak said as he looked over at the advancing Rangers, "I think I hear someone calling me."
He then turned and ran towards the door, blinking out of site as he passed through it. The fallen Cryptizones disappeared with him.
"Alright Rangers power down," Wendy called as she dropped out of Ranger mode. The others followed suit.
"That was awesome," Mabel yelled as she ran over and hugged Pacifica before she realized what she had done. She started to pull away but Pacifica held on to her left hand.
"Well, how long has this been going on?", Dipper asked as he watched his sister actually blush from the continued contact.
"Uhmm," Mabel started before Pacifica squeezed her hand.
"If you must know Dipper, we both realized we were interested in each other before you two left last year." Pacifica calmly answered, "And we've been talking all through the school year. Do you have a problem with that Pines?"
"Not as long as you treat her right," Dipper said with a smile. He was glad to see his sister happy with some one, and this explained why she turned down Rory DeMarco awhile back.
Hearing his approval lifted a weight off of Mabel's shoulders she had been carrying since last summer. She rushed over to her brother and pulled him into a non awkward sibling hug. "Thank you Dip, I've been so worried you wouldn't understand. I could take disapproval from anyone else but if you had, I don't know what I would have done."
"Of course I understand Mabs, she makes you happy. That's all I need to know," Dipper replied as he returned the hug.
"She does," Mabel said before she leaned closer to her brothers ear and in a whisper added, "You need to go get what makes you happy now."
Dipper sputtered some as she the released the hug and went back to Pacifica giggling all the way.
Well this ends the third chapter of Valor Force Rangers. We start off with Ford down in his basement while the party was going on upstairs. He then notices the fighting going on and the appearance of the villains cause him to begin searching for something. Meanwhile the gang are attempting to fight off Vodak and the Cryptizones, but aren't overly successful. Suddenly they are hit with five colored beams of light and they are in the mind-scape with Ford. He explains the lights and let's them know they are now Power Rangers if they wish. After they return to the waking world they discover their new abilities as they fight off the villains. They then bring out their new uniforms and proceed to take out the Cryptizones. Vodak runs with his tail between his legs.
Also remember to check out my other Gravity Falls works here:
Gravity Heroes - A few months after the Mystery Twins head home from Gravity Falls Mabel gets a call from Soos telling her that Dipper was found turned to stone out in the woods. The problem is Dipper is standing right next to her. This leads them off to a new adventure.
Gravity Heroes: Sidetracks - A series on one shots & drabbels that are stories that are in the Gravity Heroes-verse but aren't necessarily required to read the main story-line. It's essentially my take on the classic Marvel Comics Presents.
Welcome To The Gravity Falls Region - My take on the Pokemon AU. Follow the adventures of the potential Pokemon Master Dipper Pines and his sister Mabel, Pokemon Coordinator extraordinaire, while they travel through the Gravity Falls Region.
The Curse - Thanks to a misunderstanding Wendy is targeted by a fairy curse. This is a short story following what happens afterwords.
I also would feel honored if any of my works inspire any art. If you do I would love to see them. Thanks again to all who have read this far. I have received art now from Deviou5, Siryleleen, & Polydactyly Zodiac. These will be posted soon in my Deviant Art account as fan art and credited to them. Thanks again you three. I'm happy to see different interpretations of the characters from the Gravity Heroes AU. Let me know by PM if you do and I'll send out a list of the full descriptions to you. The art is now up at fereality. deviantart just remove the spaces. A new pic of Yami is now up.
Again I'd like to give a shout out to dusk4224, EZB, SuperGroverAway, ddp456, & A Pleasant Dream. It was their stories that made me want to get back into writing and to want to start with Gravity Falls. Please check out their stories if you haven't already.
Please review. I'm always open to constructive and helpful criticism, though if you're gonna troll please move on.
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jcoleepics · 3 years
Medela Baby Bottle - A New Generation Baby Bottle
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Medela offers several models of pacifiers. Each one has a different shape and a variety of attachments. Some of these attachments include breast pumps, soakers, and extra blankets. With the right attachment, your baby can enjoy constant breast milk or express milk whenever you need to. These are an important part of bringing up your baby as they provide the milk your babies' needs as soon as you begin to express breast milk.
Medela also offers disposable diapers. These diapers are easy to use and have been designed in such a way that they prevent any leakage during the day. These disposable diapers are also very soft and absorbent. Your baby will enjoy using these diapers for a long time. They make a perfect substitute for breastfeeding mothers who find it difficult to cleanse their babies from the inside.
There are two different sizes of medela baby bottle. There are the push bottle model and the stand up pitcher model. These two sizes are great for feeding twins or for feeding infants. These bottles are usually dishwasher safe and can be used with baby formula or breast milk. This means you can bring your baby along with you when you go out to shop or even to the doctor.
Some of the most popular Medela products include breast pump cups, breast pads, bottles and nipples. All these items are accompanied by an excellent warranty, which helps to ensure that you get high quality products. If you are thinking of buying some of these items, it is best that you talk to your baby's pediatrician who will help you identify the right products based on your baby's needs. You should also ask your pediatrician which Medela products he recommends for your baby's age and stage of development.
In addition, Medela also offers other baby related accessories. One of these accessories is the breast shield. This device is used to protect the breasts and the nipples during the first few months of a baby's life and help them develop a strong immune system. Using this breast shield will help to maintain the milk supply of your baby.
The research team projects that the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 New England Machinery
 BCM engineering
 Nantong Hengli Packaging
 Shanghai Jingbang Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Shanghai Yingyi Packaging Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Tanaka Double Whale Pharmaceutical Equipment
 Hebei Zhuozhu Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Cangzhou Rongsheng Light Industry Equipment Manufacturing
 Wuxi Hebo Automation Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
 Zhengzhou Lichuang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Shanghai Nafeng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
By Type
 Semi-automatic Bottle Unscrambler
 Automatic Bottle Unscrambler
By Application
 Food Processing
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Sampling Systems Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
Medela Baby Bottle - A New Generation Baby Bottle
Medela manufactures one of the best-known and most popular baby formula brands. Medela baby bottle research is also famous for the high quality of its formulation and the fact that it promotes healthy breast feeding. The company has a history of providing excellent products that enhance the health and the safety of both the new mother and her child. Many mothers are very happy with the results of their breast milk supply, which is free of any lactose. One of the best ways to get all the information you need about this amazing company is by visiting their website.
Medela offers several models of pacifiers. Each one has a different shape and a variety of attachments. Some of these attachments include breast pumps, soakers, and extra blankets. With the right attachment, your baby can enjoy constant breast milk or express milk whenever you need to. These are an important part of bringing up your baby as they provide the milk your babies' needs as soon as you begin to express breast milk.
Medela also offers disposable diapers. These diapers are easy to use and have been designed in such a way that they prevent any leakage during the day. These disposable diapers are also very soft and absorbent. Your baby will enjoy using these diapers for a long time. They make a perfect substitute for breastfeeding mothers who find it difficult to cleanse their babies from the inside.
There are two different sizes of medela baby bottle. There are the push bottle model and the stand up pitcher model. These two sizes are great for feeding twins or for feeding infants. These bottles are usually dishwasher safe and can be used with baby formula or breast milk. This means you can bring your baby along with you when you go out to shop or even to the doctor.
Some of the most popular Medela products include breast pump cups, breast pads, bottles and nipples. All these items are accompanied by an excellent warranty, which helps to ensure that you get high quality products. If you are thinking of buying some of these items, it is best that you talk to your baby's pediatrician who will help you identify the right products based on your baby's needs. You should also ask your pediatrician which Medela products he recommends for your baby's age and stage of development.
In addition, Medela also offers other baby related accessories. One of these accessories is the breast shield. This device is used to protect the breasts and the nipples during the first few months of a baby's life and help them develop a strong immune system. Using this breast shield will help to maintain the milk supply of your baby.
The research team projects that the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 New England Machinery
 BCM engineering
 Nantong Hengli Packaging
 Shanghai Jingbang Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Shanghai Yingyi Packaging Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Tanaka Double Whale Pharmaceutical Equipment
 Hebei Zhuozhu Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Cangzhou Rongsheng Light Industry Equipment Manufacturing
 Wuxi Hebo Automation Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
 Zhengzhou Lichuang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Shanghai Nafeng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
By Type
 Semi-automatic Bottle Unscrambler
 Automatic Bottle Unscrambler
By Application
 Food Processing
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Bottle & Plastic Bottle Unscrambler Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Sampling Systems Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
0 notes
paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
News top stories daily news hot topics Fur seal pups, big balloon fest, runaway bull: News from around our 50 states
News top stories daily news hot topics
News top stories daily news hot topics Alabama
Auburn: Gov. Kay Ivey stated South Korean auto substances manufacturer Shinhwa Neighborhood is investing $42 million in a facility and could per chance hold to peaceable manufacture 95 jobs in Auburn, the firm’s first manufacturing facility within the United States. Development is already underway. Section 1 of the project is anticipated to be performed by the summer season. Shinhwa will within the muse form driveshafts for autos built by Hyundai Motor Manufacturing’s plant in Sir Bernard Law, as effectively as for Kia Motor Manufacturing’s plant, staunch across the state line in West Point, Georgia. Alabama Division of Commerce Secretary Greg Canfield stated the firm is a “good addition” to the state’s community of “high-caliber auto suppliers.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Alaska
Anchorage: Northern fur seals hold declined at the arena’s best most likely rookery in Alaska’s Pribilof Islands, nonetheless they’re thriving at an unlikely region. Numbers of fur seals continue to develop on Bogoslof Island, a little landmass at the tip of an active undersea volcano within the Aleutian Islands. The volcano two years within the past spewed ash into the path of jetliners. Hot mud, steam and sulfurous gases continue to spit up from vents on the island. Fur seals give birth and lift pups along the seaside of the island that’s best most likely about one-third the scale of Unique York City’s Central Park. Tom Gelatt of the Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stated biologists in 2015 estimated there hold been 28,000 pups on the island. He stated the 2019 estimate likely could be better than 36,000 pups.
News top stories daily news hot topics Arizona
Phoenix: The Arizona Game and Fish Division is investigating the poaching of a bull elk north of Heber in lifeless August and is inquiring for the final public’s support finding whoever killed the animal. The agency stated Tuesday the poacher left the bull elk’s meat to waste west of Forest Motorway 153 shut to Point and Javelina water catchments. Company officers stated in a press liberate they like about somebody has data in regards to the case since the poaching incident took place throughout a time when many hunters were scouting the predicament for upcoming hunts. Diversified recreationists are also believed to hold been within the predicament at the time of the crime, the agency stated. Hunting elk and different kinds of game in Arizona is regulated by the department. Hunters are required to map permits, that are little in number and enable them to hunt a little replacement of game. Hunting can happen best most likely in designated areas throughout designated classes. Most elk wanting takes space throughout the tumble season in Arizona, though there are about a areas designated throughout different events of the yr, in step with the Game and Fish web site. Anyone with data in regards to the poaching incident could per chance hold to peaceable call the department’s Operation Game Thief hotline at 800-352-0700 or consult with www.azgfd.gov and talk to case #19-003199. Callers can remain nameless upon inquire and could per chance be eligible for a reward of as a lot as $1,500 upon an arrest. The Arizona Elk Society and Arizona Deer Association are each offering a additional $2,500 reward upon the arrest and conviction of the poachers, in step with a press liberate from the department.
News top stories daily news hot topics Arkansas
Pine Bluff: The Saracen Casino Annex, the greatest tourism investment project in Arkansas, opened Tuesday morning. The annex is segment of the $350 million Saracen Casino Resort project owned and operated by the Oklahoma-based fully fully Quapaw Nation. The casino resort is anticipated to begin next June. About 10,000 company hold visited the 300-slot-machine annex since Friday’s shock “subtle opening.” Quapaw Nation officers stated they conception to make utilize of 1,100 of us completely at the Saracen Casino Resort. More than 200 are employed at the annex and a brand fresh nearby comfort retailer and fuel plan. Most hires came from Pine Bluff. The project is anticipated to feature 2,000 slot machines and 50 playing tables, along with a 300-room resort with a hearth safety and an emergency companies facility.
News top stories daily news hot topics California
Los Angeles: Residents had a likelihood to search a mini-air camouflage because the Royal Air Power Crimson Arrows aerobatic group excursions California. The group flew past the present Hollywood signal Wednesday afternoon and headed south to the Port of Prolonged Seashore to flit over the retired British ocean liner Queen Mary, which is now a vacationer enchantment and resort. On Tuesday, the Crimson Arrows’ jets flew over San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate bridge. This weekend, they are going to enroll within the U.S. Air Power Thunderbirds, the Canadian Forces Snowbirds and different performers at the Huge Pacific Airshow over the surf at Huntington Seashore.
News top stories daily news hot topics Colorado
Colorado Springs: A falcon that has served because the mascot for the U.S. Air Power Academy for the past 23 years has died. KCNC-TV reported the passing of the falcon named Aurora develop into once announced by the academy on Wednesday. The academy stated in a disclose that the falcon develop into once the longest-serving reside mascot within the college’s 65-yr history. Aurora develop into once reported to hold recovered after struggling accidents to its wings in November 2018 throughout a prank abduction sooner than the annual football game against the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, Unique York. The Air Power Academy uses several falcons throughout dwelling video games and Aurora attended most twin carriageway video games to greet fans. The academy described her as a “feisty, interesting chicken who commanded respect.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Connecticut
Groton: The Pentagon stated the U.S.Oregon, the Navy’s most fresh assault submarine, could be christened Saturday at Customary Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton. U.S. Win. Greg Walden, an Oregon Republican, stated he will attend because the keynote speaker. He stated the submarine could be christened with water from Crater Lake and wine from Oregon. Oregon, a Virginia-class submarine, is the third U.S. Navy ship to honor the state. Virginia-class submarines are built to conduct anti-submarine struggle; anti-ground ship struggle; strike struggle; particular operation forces relief; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; irregular struggle; and mine struggle missions. The Pentagon stated they hold stealth, patience, mobility and firepower.
News top stories daily news hot topics Delaware
Fenwick Island: Notify environmental officers could per chance soon rent public parkland to an offshore wind vitality firm in switch for hundreds and hundreds of bucks in fresh companies at Delaware’s southernmost seaside. The Division of Natural Sources and Environmental Adjust has signed an initial memorandum of conception with Ørsted, an offshore wind firm based fully fully in Denmark, to debate leasing as a lot as 1.5 acres at Fenwick Island Notify Park. Ørsted would utilize park property to form an interconnection facility that can join energy generated by the yet-to-be-built Skipjack Wind Farm to the electrical grid. In switch for leasing the final public land, the firm would fund enhancements at the park, with the state now suggesting better than a dozen initiatives price upward of $18 million. Those initiatives could per chance additionally comprise a two-stage parking garage, a pedestrian overpass that permits foot traffic to terrifying Coastal Motorway from the ocean aspect to the bayside, connections for a path or sidewalk machine, two extra bogs, an amphitheater and a brand fresh local Chamber of Commerce building that can condo the park’s company center, a little nature center and more.
News top stories daily news hot topics District of Columbia
Washington: A museum dedicated to journalism and the First Modification is determined to shut its doorways shut to the Nationwide Mall by the dwell of the yr. WTOP-FM reported the Newseum announced its impending closure Tuesday, citing yearslong financial disorders. A firm disclose stated that despite better than 11 years of provider and with regards to 10 million company, continued operations hold proved to be unsustainable. The disclose stated the museum’s founder and predominant funder, the Freedom Forum, stays dedicated to its mission to champion the five freedoms guaranteed under the First Modification. It stated efforts to lengthen public awareness in regards to the importance of a free press are the most indispensable now better than ever. Company are welcome thru Dec. 31. Tickets purchased on-line comprise a 15% minimize tag, with costs now starting at about $12.
News top stories daily news hot topics Florida
Tallahassee: Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan stated Wednesday that he could be the majority investor within the nation’s best most likely 24-hour data community geared in direction of African American viewers, giving the community a deep pocket because it launches next month. The community has been within the works for years and an announcement about its launch develop into once made earlier this yr. But Khan’s backing provides it a huge boost. He declined to bid how mighty he would make investments within the muse nonetheless stated it's miles also passable to set up the community working for a in reality lengthy time. Khan is price an estimated $8 billion and made his fortune within the auto instruments commerce. As effectively because the Jaguars, he owns Fulham Soccer Membership of the English Soccer League, Four Seasons Resort Toronto and All Elite Wrestling. Prone Republican U.S. Win. J.C. Watts, who develop into once a neatly-known particular person quarterback at the University of Oklahoma within the 1980s, could be chairman of the fresh community. This is also on hand by technique of cable and satellite tv for pc viewers in 33 million households. The community has agreements with Charter Communications, Comcast and DISH and could per chance hold to peaceable be carried in well-known African American markets equivalent to Unique York, Atlanta, Unique Orleans, Chicago and Los Angeles. The community is to launch broadcasting in November and could per chance hold to peaceable be based fully fully in Tallahassee, Florida’s capital, with bureaus across the country, Watts stated.
News top stories daily news hot topics Georgia
Adel: A hospital and nursing dwelling in south Georgia has moved staunch into a brand fresh $40 million facility. The Adel hospital began working from its fresh dwelling Tuesday. What had previously been Cook dinner Medical Center is now called Southwell Medical. The 20-bed hospital, 95-bed nursing dwelling and physicians’ offices are operated by Tift Regional Properly being Machine. Tift Regional Properly being Machine President Christopher Dorman advised WALB-TV that the fresh complex staunch off Interstate 75 develop into once renamed to support appeal to patients from past Cook dinner County. The fresh hospital doesn’t hold an emergency room nonetheless does hold a trudge-in hospital. The health machine borrowed about 70% of construction charges thru a U.S. Division of Agriculture rural pattern mortgage. Cook dinner County and Adel authorities agencies equipped the relaxation. The susceptible hospital’s fresh utilize stays undetermined.
News top stories daily news hot topics Hawaii
Wailuku: A put up-mortem examination of two pygmy killer whales that were stumbled on stranded on a Maui seaside urged they were battling an an infection. The Maui Files reported Wednesday that the adult males had infected lymph nodes when they stranded themselves at Sugar Seashore final month. The an infection develop into once also stumbled on in pygmy killer whales that stranded themselves at the the same seaside in August. An legitimate from the Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stated the whales were afflicted in other locations and there will not be any indication of an environmental toxin at Sugar Seashore. The animals were euthanized after assessments indicated itsy-bitsy likelihood for survival at sea. Researchers stated irregular meals objects, at the side of excess plant enviornment cloth stumbled on within the animals, camouflage they were not feeding in most cases.
News top stories daily news hot topics Idaho
Boise: A take hold of stated she is of the same opinion that gratifying public records requests can keep a enormous burden on governmental resources, nonetheless she expressed skepticism in regards to the replacement of exclusively redacted pages equipped to four Boise-predicament journalists by Ada County officers this yr. Fourth District Decide Deborah Bail made the comments throughout a listening to on a lawsuit between the Idaho Press Membership and Ada County Commissioners on Wednesday afternoon. Within the lawsuit the Idaho Press Membership and the four journalists contend county officers frequently violated the state’s Public Records Act by wrongly denying procure staunch of entry to to some documents, over-redacting others and in another case mishandling public data requests. In court Wednesday, Ada County Deputy Prosecuting Licensed educated James Dickinson stated the take hold of has the total evidence she needs within the procure of the unredacted documents. Dickinson stated one of the most important redacted documents require context to realize why they ought to be saved from liberate nonetheless stated he can’t discuss it in begin court lest he point to non-public protected data.
News top stories daily news hot topics Illinois
Fairview Heights: Planned Parenthood has quietly been building a brand fresh abortion hospital in Illinois, staunch across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, as girls people fervent on the unsafe procedure forward for Missouri’s sole abortion hospital flock across the state line. The 18,000-sq.-foot in Fairview Heights, 12 miles east of St. Louis, will provide abortion companies, as effectively as family planning, when it opens in mid-October, Planned Parenthood officers stated at a data conference Wednesday. Planned Parenthood has been battling Missouri’s health department for months to test out and set up begin its St. Louis hospital. The state has refused to renew its license to form abortions, citing concerns that comprise “failed abortions” that required extra surgeries. Missouri’s Administrative Hearing Rate is deciding the destiny of the St. Louis hospital. All one of the best most likely procedure thru an annual inspection of the St. Louis hospital in March, Missouri health investigators cited tons of concerns, at the side of reports of failed abortions. Planned Parenthood stated it has already addressed these concerns and defended its hospital. It claims the state is using the licensing course of as an excuse to discontinuance abortions.
News top stories daily news hot topics Indiana
South Bend: More than 2,200 models of preserved fetal stays stumbled on within the Illinois garage of a lifeless Indiana abortion doctor hold been returned to Indiana. Indiana Licensed educated Customary Curtis Hill stated Thursday that the fetal stays stumbled on final month at Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s Will County, Illinois, dwelling were transferred Wednesday to the St. Joseph County coroner’s space of job for “safekeeping.” Hill stated at a data conference in South Bend that investigators obvious the stays came from abortions performed in Indiana in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Authorities are peaceable investigating the assign the abortions took place. Klopfer performed abortions at clinics in Fort Wayne, South Bend and Gary. Members of the family cleaning out Klopfer’s garage after his Sept. 3 death stumbled on the stays. Hill stated they are going to be “given the decency of a burial that they deserve.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Iowa
Dubuque: The Iowa Division of Natural Sources stated it plans to salvage as many deer samples in northeastern Iowa because it can this wanting season to test for chronic losing disease after the first case in Dubuque County develop into once confirmed in January, the Telegraph Herald reported Thursday. Chris Ensminger, the natural world be taught fragment supervisor for the department, stated officers would favor to salvage not much less than 250 samples from an predicament by which the diseased deer develop into once killed and not much less than 250 samples from in other locations in Dubuque County. Samples also could be composed from surrounding jap Iowa counties. The disease attacks the brains of deer and elk and is always lethal. No human conditions hold been recorded, nonetheless the Facilities for Illness Adjust and Prevention advises of us to not eat meat from infected animals. The disease has change into an increasing form of prevalent in substances of the Midwest, at the side of Wisconsin and Minnesota. Nearly 400 of the 1,060 deer that tested certain for the disease in Wisconsin from April 2018 to the dwell of March were in Iowa County in southwest Wisconsin. Diversified conditions came from surrounding Crawford, Grant and Lafayette counties.
News top stories daily news hot topics Kansas
Linwood: A conception to form a village of foster care homes in northeast Kansas has gotten the OK, though the project has been scaled down. The Kansas City Well-known particular person reported that the nonprofit Joy Meadows within the muse sought to manufacture a pattern with as a lot as 10 homes that can additionally condo enormous sibling models on a 23-acre property within the Linwood predicament. As another, the Leavenworth County Rate voted Wednesday to limit the first fragment of pattern to four whole homes, at the side of one which is positioned there. The nonprofit would be allowed so that it's good to well add three more in a future fragment, upon analysis from the county. Foster care advocates and the Kansas Division for Teenagers and Families voiced relief for the residential pattern. But the project confronted opposition from neighbors.
News top stories daily news hot topics Kentucky
Ludlow: Fire and police models are at the scene of a barge accident that space several boats adrift or sinking within the Ohio River. The barge hit the Ludlow Bromley Yacht Membership on Wednesday morning exhausting passable to partly submerge the marina’s bar and grill. Steve Hensley, Kenton County’s Director of Space of birth Security and Management, advised data outlets six boats were knocked free. Hensley stated there develop into once one particular person on the barge and one particular person on one among the boats, nonetheless neither develop into once injured. Officials stated the restaurant and patio of the yacht club were heavily damaged with some of it hooked as a lot as the barge that struck it. Ludlow Police Chief Scott Smith stated the Wing Guard is investigating and the barge operator develop into once being questioned.
News top stories daily news hot topics Louisiana
Gonzales: The federal authorities has sold out a complete flood-susceptible neighborhood in Louisiana, prompting all its residents to switch to bigger ground. Files outlets reported the U.S. Division of Agriculture’s Emergency Watershed Safety Program financed the buyouts on along Silverleaf Motorway in Gonzales, which develop into once carved out of a wetland within the 1980s and has frequently flooded since. Chief metropolis engineer Jackie Baumann stated the federal agency is having a search for for the homes at preflood market price, and Restore Louisiana is offering to form up shortfalls within the procuring tag for some residents, as lengthy as their next dwelling isn’t in a flood zone. The 2017 provide required all 41 residents to conform to the deal, and the final resident agreed final month, enabling the authorities to restore the wetland.
News top stories daily news hot topics Maine
Lubec: American fishermen are anticipated to procure a itsy-bitsy more fishing quota under phrases of an agreement with Canada. The countries are dwelling to fisheries for economically significant species that terrifying global boundaries, equivalent to cod and haddock. They reach an agreement yearly about how one can divide obtain on jap Georges Bank, a significant fishing predicament off Unique England and Canada. The Unique England Fishery Management Council stated the U.S.is scheduled to procure 29% of the 1.4 million-pound whole allowable obtain of cod on jap Georges Bank in 2020. It’s also space for 54% of the 66 million-pound whole allowable obtain of haddock within the predicament. The figures are enviornment to federal approval. They portray a 2.6 million-pound bump for haddock and in regards to the the same figure for cod in comparison to 2019.
News top stories daily news hot topics Maryland
Baltimore: A 1,600-pound bull escaped from a truck into the streets of Baltimore for several hours. The Baltimore Sun reported that it took three tranquilizer photos and a crew of zoo officers to recapture the animal on Wednesday. The purebred Angus breeding bull broke out of a truck whereas it develop into once stopped at a red light. A crowd gathered and watched because the animal develop into once corralled. Baltimore Police spokeswoman Det. Nicole Monroe advised the newspaper that the “owner of the bull stated he doesn’t hold the most fundamental disposition.” The bull develop into once from Hedgeapple Farm in Buckeystown. Govt director Scott Barao stated the animal develop into once very expensive and thanked the police for not shooting it. He stated the bull is “extremely precious to us and we’re staunch happy to hold him alive.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Massachusetts
Worcester: Notify natural world officers stated a moose that develop into once struck by two autos and had a damaged leg has been euthanized. Marion Larson, a spokeswoman for the state Division of Fisheries and Plant life and fauna, advised The Boston Globe that Worcester police were called about a bull moose that develop into once hit by a car Monday morning and Monday night time. The moose develop into once spotted in a pond Tuesday morning, and the state Environmental Police answered to the scene. Numerous boats were deployed so the moose did not advance Interstate 290, and to maneuver the animal staunch into a appropriate darting predicament. Larson stated the three ½-yr-susceptible moose would not hold survived its accidents. Any other moose spotted in a Worcester cemetery Monday develop into once tranquilized and freed at a state park.
News top stories daily news hot topics Michigan
Combat Creek: A fourth Michigan resident has died from a uncommon mosquito-borne virus that has been recorded across the southern half of the state. WWMT-TV reported that 79-yr-susceptible Stan Zalner of Combat Creek died Wednesday after contracting jap equine encephalitis. Ronna Bagent advised the tv plan that her father develop into once hospitalized in September with severe flu-love symptoms sooner than doctors were ready to confirm the sickness thru blood assessments. 9 conditions hold been confirmed in six southern or southwestern Michigan counties. More than 30 animals – at the side of 18 horses – in better than a dozen counties also hold died from the disease. Notify health officers tell low-flying aircraft were anticipated to spray pesticides Wednesday in Calhoun and 10 different counties. The pesticides shatter adult mosquitoes on contact.
News top stories daily news hot topics Minnesota
St. Paul: A federal take hold of has rejected challenges by several environmental teams to a land swap the most indispensable for the deliberate PolyMet copper-nickel mine in northeastern Minnesota. U.S. District Decide Joan Ericksen brushed apart the four court cases lifeless Monday, ruling that the teams lacked the the most indispensable ethical standing to block the land switch between PolyMet and the federal authorities. She stated the teams couldn’t keep that they'd been harmed. PolyMet traded 6,650 acres of federal land within the Superior Nationwide Forest at the mine predicament shut to Babbitt and Hoyt Lakes for a identical quantity of non-public land final yr. Numerous environmental teams sued to enviornment various aspects of the deal, pronouncing it undervalued the federal land and violated different rules, at the side of the Endangered Species Act. PolyMet disputed these claims and persuaded the take hold of to brush apart the court cases. Ericksen brushed apart the court cases with out prejudice, that formulation the teams could per chance additionally refile them at some later point. They could per chance per chance additionally additionally enchantment to the eighth U.S. Circuit Court docket of Appeals
News top stories daily news hot topics Mississippi
Hattiesburg: Now not much less than 22 troopers practicing at Champ Shelby were injured throughout a night time parachuting declare. U.S. Navy spokesman John Pennell advised WDAM-TV that not much less than 15 of us were handled by medics and one other seven were hospitalized. Workers Sgt. John Healy stated none of the accidents is belief about to be existence-threatening. Camp Shelby Cmdr. Col. Bobby Ginn stated the troopers belong to the 4th Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division stationed at the Joint Depraved Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage, Alaska. Pennell stated about 89 paratroopers were on the aircraft for the Wednesday night time declare. Ginn stated the troopers jumped from a C-130 aircraft and were blown off-course from their intended touchdown zone and staunch into a neighborhood of pine trees. Numerous were entangled within the trees and wanted to be rescued. Healy says about 650 troopers were serious in regards to the declare. About 3,000 troops from the Alaska terrifying are at monthlong practicing at Camp Shelby called “Operation Arctic Anvil.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Missouri
Kansas City: A compromise has been reached after Kansas City-predicament defense attorneys complained that their underwire bras were atmosphere off penitentiary metal detectors, forcing them to obtain away their lingerie for screening within the event that they the most indispensable to fulfill with their purchasers face-to-face. KCUR reported that the resolution reached final month permits attorneys who space off off metal detectors at the Jackson County Jail to be wanded or patted down. Attorneys protested after the penitentiary rolled out a brand fresh security protocol in Would possibly also. Jail officers within the muse answered by offering to enable attorneys to hold noncontact visits, by which they talked to their purchasers by phones separated by glass, with out clearing metal detectors first. But attorneys continued to push for switch. Licensed educated Tracy Spradlin stated she is grateful the reveal develop into once resolved with out a lawsuit.
News top stories daily news hot topics Montana
Missoula: U.S. Senator Jon Tester of Montana has announced plans to form a increased veterans affairs hospital in Missoula. The Missoulian reported that Tester, Democrat, announced Tuesday a region develop into once chosen for a brand fresh neighborhood-based fully fully outpatient hospital. Officials stated the hospital could be three events increased than the most up-to-date hospital, which serves better than 6,000 veterans. This is in a position to per chance hold expanded predominant care, mental health and enviornment of skills companies. Tester stated the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act that handed in 2017 space apart about $7 million in federal funding for the project. The hospital is anticipated to begin in 2022. The most fresh hospital will continue to attend patients unless the fresh hospital opens.
News top stories daily news hot topics Nebraska
Lincoln: A bobcat that wandered staunch into a Lincoln building has been captured and launched back into the wild. Workers at the Division of Veterans Affairs campus in south Lincoln called the Nebraska Game and Parks Rate on Tuesday to account the animal had been spotted inner one among its buildings. Rate staffers space a cage trap and baited it with raw fish. The estimated 20-pound bobcat bit on the bait and develop into once caught. It develop into once freed begin air of metropolis Wednesday. Bobcats are typical in Nebraska and could per chance just additionally be stumbled on at the perimeter of Lincoln, infrequently coming inner to hunt. Sam Wilson with the associated rate stated bobcats are typical nonetheless not frequently considered.
News top stories daily news hot topics Nevada
Reno: A firefighter suffered burns and a girl develop into once hospitalized after she jumped from a 2d-ground window at a motel that develop into once on fire staunch east of downtown Reno. Police closed segment of East Fourth Motorway for roughly three hours Tuesday afternoon sooner than firefighters knocked down the blaze at the Lucky Motel. Fire officers advised KRNV-TV the blaze destroyed two models at the weekly motel. One firefighter develop into once being handled for burns to his leg. The girl develop into once transported to a local hospital after she jumped from the window onto a car. She also suffered smoke inhalation. There develop into once no instant data on hand on their conditions Wednesday. The motive unhurried the fireside stays under investigation. The Reno Fire Division chaplain and motel owner were working to relocate displaced residents to a shut-by motel.
News top stories daily news hot topics Unique Hampshire
Bedford: A young moose that got stuck in a swimming pool has been efficiently coaxed out. Unique Hampshire Fish and Game Division biologists and conservation officers were called to a Bedford dwelling Tuesday to support obtain away the young bull. He develop into once within the water for several hours. Officers stated he develop into once unable to procure himself out of the pool, so that they keep in a space of wooden steps. The department posted a video of the moose having a search for from aspect to aspect because the group held a rope and coaxed him out. He scampered away. Col. Kevin Jordan urged it needed to enact with it being moose breeding season. He advised television plan WMUR that “the youthful moose will wander lengthy distances struggling to search out a female.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Unique Jersey
Forked River: The state has created an oversight panel to speak the plot of dismantling the passe Oyster Creek nuclear plant. Gov. Phil Murphy stated this can form certain that that the “appropriate protocols” are in space throughout the plot. Oyster Creek is being decommissioned after it develop into once completely shuttered in September 2018. Its spent fuel is also being keep into stable storage. The panel’s formation develop into once announced Wednesday. It plans to fulfill not much less than twice a yr and could per chance hold to peaceable enable the final public to half their concerns. Its individuals comprise the state’s Environmental Safety Commissioner, state police superintendent, space of foundation security director and the president of the Board of Public Utilities. Oyster Creek is positioned about 60 miles east of Philadelphia. It produced passable electrical energy yearly to form about 600,000 frequent homes.
News top stories daily news hot topics Unique Mexico
Albuquerque: A huge range of of hot air balloons will take hold of off from the Unique Mexico desolate tract over nine days as segment of one among the arena’s best most likely gala's dedicated to the sport of ballooning. In its 48th yr, the annual Albuquerque Global Balloon Fiesta is scheduled to kick off Saturday with a mass ascension. More than 580 balloons are registered, 17 countries are represented and tens of hundreds of spectators from across the arena are anticipated to turn out for the hole weekend. Albuquerque has performed host to the fiesta since its inception in 1972. Troy Bradley, one among the ballooning world’s most prolific file-setters, stated, “There’s staunch nothing like it within the arena, to search that mighty coloration going into the sky.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Unique York
Albany: Home dwelling owners wretchedness by file flooding along Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River hold unless the dwell of this month to impeach state funding. Folk living in Cayuga, Jefferson, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Oswego, St. Lawrence and Wayne counties can apply for as a lot as $50,000 to offset damages sustained this yr to their predominant residences. The window for purposes opened Tuesday. Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s space of job stated $20 million is on hand thru the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Flood Relief and Recovery Program.
News top stories daily news hot topics North Carolina
Asheville: Notify health officers stated 116 of us hold been diagnosed with Legionnaire’s disease since a virus develop into once reported in September. The Asheville Citizen Times reported the N.C. Division of Properly being and Human Products and companies launched the figures Wednesday, at the side of that there develop into once one death. The department also stated 65% of these diagnosed wanted to be hospitalized. DHHS anticipated the replacement of confirmed conditions to continue to climb as diagnostic assessments are processed. Properly being officers aren’t certain if the sickness originated from final month’s Mountain Notify Unbiased. Legionnaires’ disease is bacterial pneumonia that develops when somebody breathes in mist or water that contains the bacteria into their lungs.
News top stories daily news hot topics North Dakota
Bismarck: A pipeline spill has launched produced water staunch into a little creek and a stock pond in western North Dakota. The North Dakota Division of Environmental Quality develop into once notified of the spill, which took place Tuesday in Dunn County. The pipeline is segment of a gathering machine operated by Marathon Oil. The spill took place about 1.5 miles northeast of Manning. Authorities don’t know what prompted the leak. An estimated 21,000 gallons of produced water were launched, impacting the creek and stock pond within pastureland. The creek discharges into the Knife River, nonetheless no impacts hold been detected within the river. Produced water is a derivative of oil and fuel pattern. Notify inspectors are checking the positioning and could per chance hold to peaceable continue to video show the investigation and remediation.
News top stories daily news hot topics Ohio
Oxford: An investigation into alleged hazing by a fraternity at Miami University has ended in misdemeanor charges of hazing and assault against better than a dozen fraternity individuals. A pupil reported in March that individuals of the Delta Tau Delta chapter at the college in Oxford hazed him throughout initiation. The pupil stated he develop into once beaten with a spiked hobble, kicked and compelled to drink a whole bunch alcohol. The Hamilton-Middletown Journal-Files reported Oxford police confirmed that a Butler County gargantuan jury’s most fresh indictments of the 18 men stemmed from an investigation into hazing. Miami suspended the fraternity in August for 10 to 15 years after its investigation obvious violations of the college’s Code of Student Behavior. Delta Tau Delta’s nationwide headquarters revoked the chapter’s structure in June.
News top stories daily news hot topics Oklahoma
Oklahoma City: Just a few of the 44 death row inmates housed at the Oklahoma Notify Penal complex in McAlester will soon be moved from the penitentiary’s most-security H-Unit to 1 other unit to present them more advantages and procure staunch of entry to to the exterior, the state’s fresh prisons boss stated. In a letter launched by the agency on Thursday, the Division of Corrections’ Length in-between Govt Director Scott Crow advised officers with the American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma that the agency plans to switch “qualifying inmates” to its much less restrictive A-Unit by the dwell of October. The ACLU had threatened ethical circulate over what it stated are doable constitutional violations of the rights of death row inmates, mostly by confining them to their cells for 23 hours per day. Crow stated the agency also plans to launch “contact” visitation for one of the most important moved death row inmates, who are allowed best most likely noncontact visits unhurried Plexiglas and over a phone.
News top stories daily news hot topics Oregon
Bend: The City Council has agreed to debate whether to impose a ban on feeding deer and elk that wander metropolis streets. KTVZ-TV reported councilmember Chris Piper, who with Bruce Abernethy proposed brooding about this form of ban Wednesday, stated the plans were introduced to him and different councilmembers by neighborhood associations. Piper stated dozens of collisions animated autos and deer were reported within the metropolis final yr. Piper stated cities at the side of Sunriver and Sisters hold considered certain results from identical natural world feeding regulations. There is a identical ban on feeding geese in Bend that can per chance per chance end result in a $372 pleasing. Although that ban is remoted to Replicate Pond, the doable deer and elk feeding ban would be citywide.
News top stories daily news hot topics Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh: Any other alligator has develop into up in Pittsburgh, the seventh this yr. George DeSavage advised WTAE-TV he and his girlfriend spotted it along the Allegheny River because the sun develop into once atmosphere on Tuesday. He stated he grabbed it and it “went procure of limp and soundless.” He stated it gave the impression like it develop into once handled by somebody. Police took it to Humane Animal Rescue, which named the gator Gus. The refuge shared photos on its Fb page. The refuge believes the reptile develop into once a pet. It’s not unlawful to hold an alligator in Pennsylvania.
News top stories daily news hot topics Rhode Island
Windfall: The state’s high school students scored vastly lower on the SAT than the nationwide averages. The Windfall Journal reported Thursday that the state’s Class of 2019 scored a median of 483 substances on the English portion of the standardized college entrance examination; the nationwide realistic develop into once 531. On the mathematics fragment of the test, Rhode Islanders scored a median of 474; the nationwide realistic develop into once 528. The numbers also confirmed a enviornment of interest between white students and students of coloration, with white students scoring about 70 substances better in English and math. The Rhode Island Division of Training stated SAT scores were flat statewide. Notify Training Commissioner Angélica Infante-Inexperienced called on district leaders to create circulate plans to lengthen test participation and overall scores.
News top stories daily news hot topics South Carolina
Greenwood: A one who space a hearth at a Walmart to divert attention as he stole a case of beer has been sentenced to the most of 15 years in penitentiary. Solicitor David Stumbo stated 34-yr-susceptible Russell Geddings pleaded responsible Tuesday to 3rd-stage arson – the the same day his trial develop into once space to launch. Stumbo stated Geddings space a dresses rack on fire at a Greenwood Walmart on Dec. 5 then stole the beer within the chaos. Stumbo stated in a disclose no one develop into once injured, nonetheless $1.2 million price of injure develop into once done to the retailer and merchandise. Stumbo stated Geddings deserved the most sentence for placing so many contributors at likelihood to take hold of beer. Geddings’ attorneys did not solution an e-mail from a reporter searching for disclose.
News top stories daily news hot topics South Dakota
Sioux Falls: A Delta industrial airplane made an emergency touchdown in Sioux Falls on Thursday morning for a passenger who had a medical emergency, officers stated. The Delta flight, scheduled round 7: 30 a.m. from Chicago to Seattle, develop into once diverted when a 63-yr-susceptible male passenger began to skills emergency medical symptoms, stated Dan Letellier, govt director for the Sioux Falls Regional Airport. The flight develop into once over Pierre when its pilots diverted to Sioux Falls, he stated. The airplane landed round 8: 30 a.m. and the passenger develop into once transported to a local hospital, Letellier stated. The passenger develop into once alert and unsleeping, nonetheless Letellier didn’t disclose any extra on the man’s condition. “In step with our region within the country, there are hundreds of flights that hotfoot overhead yearly,” Letellier stated. “We procure not much less than one or two medical diversions a month. It’s a topic of the assign we slot within the country.”
News top stories daily news hot topics Tennessee
Collierville: Dozens gathered Tuesday to welcome dwelling fallen soldier Maj. Trevor Joseph. The 33-yr-susceptible died Sept. 26 in an aviation accident at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He's survived by his partner, Erin. “Trevor develop into once one of the best most likely particular particular individual that develop into once genuinely staunch so humble,” family stated in a text. “He would be so embarrassed by all this mettlesome attention, nonetheless this is precisely what he deserves.” Funeral preparations are pending. Joseph, a soldier from the Joint Readiness Practising Center and Fort Polk’s 1st Battalion, fifth Aviation Regiment, develop into once killed throughout a JRTC rotation in a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter within the practicing predicament, in step with a Fb put up from JRTC and Fort Polk. Three different 1st Battalion, fifth Aviation Regiment troopers were injured. The motive unhurried the accident is under investigation.
News top stories daily news hot topics Texas
El Paso: A truck driver from California develop into once killed Wednesday when his semi crashed into an overpass relief column on Interstate 10 in downtown El Paso. The lethal wreck closed westbound lanes for several hours Wednesday morning. Harjot Singh Goraya, 32, of Riverside, California, develop into once riding when he veered off the twin carriageway and crashed staunch into a relief column almost in an instant sooner than 1 a.m. by the Mesa Motorway exit ramp. Traffic Police stated that the twin carriageway develop into once wet from an earlier rainstorm nonetheless that the Particular Traffic Investigations Unit has yet to make a selection how the motive force misplaced set up watch over. The wreck closed all westbound lanes early Wednesday. Drivers were advised to search out replacement routes into downtown or West El Paso, at the side of Paisano Power, Montana Avenue and Trans Mountain Motorway. Traffic develop into once directed off the twin carriageway at the downtown exit, police stated.
News top stories daily news hot topics Utah
Salt Lake City: The state Division of Properly being has confirmed the state’s first human death from West Nile virus this yer. Authorities stated Saturday that a central Utah resident not much less than 65 years susceptible died from the disease carried by mosquitoes within the future between Sept. 21 and Sept. 28. Files in regards to the sufferer at the side of name and gender haven't been launched. Utah health officers hold confirmed 19 human conditions West Nile virus this yr. The total is bigger than final yr, when 11 residents contracted the virus and one particular person died. Notify health officers hold stated a wet spring this yr created more standing water habitats for mosquitoes, attracting species that can per chance per chance transmit West Nile virus to Utah. Symptoms comprise complications, joint misfortune and a high fever.
News top stories daily news hot topics Vermont
Bennington: Residents of a metropolis along the route of the Appalachian Path hold taken the first steps in direction of filing an utility to change into a designated Appalachian Path Neighborhood. Native and county officers in Bennington met with state counterparts and neighborhood organizers lately to debate plans to utilize for the designation. Officials stated the label as an Appalachian Path Neighborhood will carry better publicity and boost local commerce. The Appalachian Path stretches about 2,200 miles, thru 14 states and 40 communities. More than 100 miles of the path runs thru Vermont and a portion of it's miles staunch east of Bennington. The Bennington Banner reported that as well to publicity, the switch could per chance additionally carry stakeholders together to toughen the path machine within the community for hikers.
News top stories daily news hot topics Virginia
Richmond: A most neatly-liked nature center will soon be closing temporarily for a $2.3 million renovation. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported Maymont’s Robins Nature & Customer Center will shut Nov. 1 and begin in March. The guts homes fish, turtles, otters and different animals stumbled on within the James River and Chesapeake Bay. It attracts roughly 45,000 of us yearly. The animals could per chance hold upgraded habitats with lights and heating programs and could per chance hold to peaceable be more considered to company when the center reopens.
News top stories daily news hot topics Washington
Spokane: A lifeless chilly snap final frosty weather has minimize the production of Washington apricots in half. The Washington Notify Fruit Rate stated the state in most cases produces 5,000 tons of apricots a yr. But The Spokesman-Evaluation reported that the yield this yr is best most likely about 2,500 tons. Washington produces about 20% of the nation’s apricots. The price stated frost in February, when apricot trees had bloomed, wretchedness production. Apricots produced in Washington are shipped across the country.
News top stories daily news hot topics West Virginia
Charleston: Federal officers stated drought conditions in West Virginia are worsening as unusually high warmth continues to beat down on the plan. The U.S. Drought Monitor arrangement launched Thursday confirmed enormous swaths of southern West Virginia in a severe drought, a designation that entails the likely lack of vegetation and water shortages. The arrangement also classified your complete northern segment of the state as abnormally dry. Officials stated with regards to 50% of the state’s population is now in a drought. The Nationwide Climate Service marked final month as one among warmest and driest Septembers on file in multiple West Virginia cities. Lower than 1 trudge of rain develop into once recorded within the month. Temperatures measured on Oct. 1 also surpassed file highs for the month in five cities.
News top stories daily news hot topics Wisconsin
Madison: U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue stated throughout a discontinuance in Wisconsin that he doesn’t know if the family dairy farm can live to declare the tale because the commerce strikes in direction of a factory farm mannequin. Perdue advised reporters Tuesday following an appearance at the World Dairy Expo that it’s getting more difficult for farmers to procure by on milking smaller herds. Perdue’s consult with comes as Wisconsin dairy farmers are wrestling with a range of problems, at the side of declining milk costs, rising suicide charges, the transition to increased farms with tons of or hundreds of animals and global commerce wars. Wisconsin, which touts itself as The US’s Dairyland on its license plates, has misplaced 551 dairy farms in 2019 after dropping 638 in 2018 and 465 in 2017, in step with data from the state Division of Agriculture, Replace and User Safety. The Legislature’s finance committee voted unanimously final month to exhaust a additional $200,000 to support struggling farmers deal with depression and mental health problems.
News top stories daily news hot topics Wyoming
Jackson: Hunters hold killed more mountain goats in Gigantic Teton Nationwide Park than anticipated. The Nationwide Park Service began allowing hunters to pursue mountain goats this yr to rid the park of the nonnative species. Biologists warned the mountain goats could per chance additionally spread disease to native bighorn sheep. Some 100 to 150 mountain goats inhabit the park and nearby areas. Forty-eight hunters won a lottery for licenses to shatter goats within the park. Wyoming natural world managers belief the hunters would obtain no better than 15 mountain goats over the 21/2-month season. Hunters lately surpassed that number, with six weeks left. The Jackson Hole Files & Handbook reported some hunters killed mountain goats best most likely to search the animals tumble off cliffs and out of reach.
Be taught or Half this account: https://www.usatoday.com/account/data/50-states/2019/10/04/fur-seal-pups-enormous-balloon-fest-runaway-bull-data-round-states/40242775/
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