#he foine as hell
sirjacobthomaskiszka · 5 months
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smiley babyyyy
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nc-vb · 1 year
Thinking hard and deep about the paramedic who came to check on me in my emergency room hospital bed bc the unit was super busy while he was waiting for some paper to get signed and sat and talked with me when I thought I was having a heart attack and bc I thought I was having a heart attack I didn’t realize that the flirty jokes he slipped in the conversation weren’t jokes and I’m just a fucking idiot
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mingoosgf · 1 year
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enmuswife3 · 7 months
Maybe its a Blessing in Disguise
Jacob x werewolf!Reader
reader moves from LA to Forks in order to reconnect with her old family friend Bella Swan and meets Jacob.
Reader is slightly Afro Latina coded I haven’t rlly said anything about reader’s hair tho so maybe just Latina, also speaks Spanish and incorporates it into random sentences but only if she knows the other person can understand it, reader wears a black juicy tracksuit and chunky sandals bc I said so Jacob does not know that reader is a werewolf reader and is in a pack ill add more as i write
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I yawned as I drove to my best friend's house after hearing that her pasty-faced boyfriend had broken up with her. “Bells! vine tan pronto como pude!” I said barging into the house and the young girl's room. I walked in and saw her crying in her bed “Okay pause those sheets are so tacky what the hell” I said carefully sitting down and taking her in my arms letting her cry into my velvety tracksuit. “let's get you better amor” i said kissing the top of her head and helping her stand up. I got her into the shower, washed her face, and put her back to bed as it was already 10:00.
I woke her up bright and early and got her into the bathroom to do something to her face and hair you know to bring that Arizonan girl out and honestly, it worked wonderfully. I put on another tracksuit this time it's dark green and I give Bella a matching one “Tan guapa” I complimented her smiling softly seeing her face turn red alright let go I say grabbing my keys “Wait you driving?” Bella asked “yea silly it’s a sports car though so prepárate,” I said stepping outside and unlocking my Dodge Charger and turning it on making the engine rev like crazy. I smiled as I headed towards the school that I recently enrolled in.
I pulled into a parking spot seeing all the different people including some of Bella’s acquaintances that she showed me a picture of. I stepped out of the car looking around seeing her pasty faced ex-boyfriend through my shades looking right at me, I smirked slightly walking over and opening the door for Bella and helping her out. I chuckled seeing her stumble due to me going 30 over the speed limit. She put her arm around my waist covering up my back tattoo i did the same as we walked through the parking lot ignoring the stares. Thankfully i was able to get all of my classes with Bella so we walked to class together.
Time Skip
It was the end of the day and me and Bella were walking outside and to my car just to find a bunch of random people standing around my car “watch this” i snickered as i pressed the automatic on button and watched as the people jumped and yelped by me turning on the car. I open the door and get in and so does Bella i peered into the mirror seeing the Cullens staring at my car “they stare a whole lot” i said raising my eyebrows. I drove out of the parking lot “ hey can you take me to this place my friend wants to hang out” Bella said “sure”.
We made it to this guy named Billy’s house and when you pulled up several shirtless dudes where sitting on the front deck. I got out and immediately smelled like there were other werewolves and i guess they could smell me too because they immediately turned in my direction. “Guys this is y/n l/n” Bella hesitantly introduced me i smiled politely at the boys “well I’m Seth that’s Quill, Embry, and Jacob” the boy said smiling sweetly “n/n wanna come with us to La Push there’s gonna be a bonfire” Bella asked “uh sure i wont stay too long though a bitch needs her sleep or we wont make it to school tomorrow” i laughed “ well I’m gonna go home i need a shower” i sighed pressing the automatic button on my car key turning up the car making the engine rev. I walked to my car “you stayin’ right?” I looked at Bella as i opened the door, she nodded a few times and i got in my car and sped off.
Bella’s POV
I watched as my friend sped away in her car “soo where’s she from? I know she wasn’t born here” Quil asked “Yeah she’s from LA” I responded as I sat down next to Jacob “What’s LA?” Jacob asked with a raised eyebrow “LA stands for Los Angeles it's in California” I said leaning back and pulling out my phone to text y/n the time she can come back and where. Jacob leaned his head to the side to see what I was doing “So this y/n girl…is she single?” Quil asked as he leaned back in his chair licking his lips “Surprisingly yes” I said “Honestly I don’t even know how or why she’s single I guess the boys in California didn’t catch her attention” I shrugged.
“Are you all ready? And do we have everything we need?” Jacob called out as he finished loading the supplies into his truck “Yeah we’re ready” I called out getting into the passenger seat and the other boys got into the back seat. I dialed y/n’s number and waited for her to answer” Hello?” She answered, “Hey we’re on our way to La Push where are you now?” “Umm I’m at a shopping center right now getting Auntie Annie’s” she answered “Oooh get me a pretzel please,” I asked “ está bien I’m about to leave now no estoy muy lejos” “Okay bye” “Peace”. I hung up the phone “Was she speaking Spanish?” Seth asked “yea it’s her first language” I said looking out the window as the trees turned into cliffs and this cliff turned into the beach. It was slightly crowded but I wasn’t bothered by that. The bonfire was set up and I was waiting patiently for y/n to come with my delicious pretzel.
Y/n’s POV
I pulled into the parking lot and looked around before I got out holding Bella’s pretzel and a lemonade in my other hand I walked towards the bonfire which was actual a long distance away so I started sipping on my frosted lemonade. The soft light of the fire grew larger as I neared I scanned for a spot to sit at and slightly tensed up seeing that the only spot open was by that Jacob guy. No I don’t hate him or anything he’s actually very attractive in fact he looks like he was sculpted by a god or something. And ohh don’t get me started on his eyes and the way his brows furrow- that’s enough rambling for one day I thought to myself. I saw Bella get up happily scurrying towards me grabbing the pretzel and taking a bite happily. “Oh um there aren’t anymore seats by me so I guess you’ll have to sit with Jay” Bella said looking around “oh okay” I said sitting down on the bench by the young boy.
Time Skip
Everyone was laughing and enjoying their time Jacob and I grew silent but I could feel his eyes on me. Bella and the 3 other boys were talking and laughing but I kind of just zoned them out by playing a random game on my phone. “So y/n how’s the weather there in California?” Jacob asked as he sat up straight “extremely hot I can say that” I laughed breathlessly “so do you like it over here more?” I grew silent for a moment looking back at Bella and the others joking around “I guess you could say that though I do miss my family” I smiled softly looking back at Jacob. I could see a slight hint of red in his cheeks but I dared not to say anything about it. “Alright y/n I’m ready to go” Bella said getting up “okay” I said getting up “it was nice meeting you all” I said softly walking over to Bella and turning around. “Yeah it was nice meeting you” Seth said as the others nodded in agreement I softly smiled and turned around to see Bella already walking off I smacked my lips jogging after her.
We had finally made it to my car and we got in and I drove away “soo Jacob huh~ think he’s cute?” Bella asked teasingly and laughed when I blushed “I think he’s really into you y/n~” she laughed “I should set you two up” I laughed nervously “I mean I wouldn’t be complaining he is cute” I said as I pulled into the driveway and got out the car. “Oh by the way me and Edward are okay now I guess but I don’t know if we’re back together yet, also prom is Friday night and I think you should come” Bella said as we walked into the house “okay but I don’t trust that pasty-face bastard, and yea we can go to prom can you come dress shopping with me?” I asked “sure”.
“Alright goodnight Bells” I yawned as I walked to my room, I laid down and called my mom as it was only 8:00 where she was “hi momma” I spoke sweetly “hi my sweet baby how is mare you doing?” My mother cooed “ah I’m alright schools pretty nice here and I love the weather” I gushed “that’s good sweetie now have you met anyone? Any boys?” My mother asked slyly. I chuckled nervously “there’s this one boy but when I first met him I got a whiff of that wet dog smell so I think he’s one of us including his friends or should I say pack” I whispered “another pack? Well I’m not surprised. You haven’t come across any of those cold ones have you?” She asked “unfortunately yes, I have and I think Bella has a relation shit with one of them” I sighed “god well if you need any help let out a howl and your siblings will be there in a bling of an eye” “I will momma, I’m going to go to sleep now okay?” “Alright love call me if you need anything alright? Bye now” I hung up the phone and placed it on my nightstand and rolled over to look at the ceiling. I waited for a few minutes just in case then I softly closed my eyes.
I was woken up by my 5:00 alarm and got up with a groan. I quickly got ready and headed downstairs just to see Bella introducing her so called “boyfriend” to Charlie “good morning Charlie!” I say walking up to the chief giving him a big hug somehow he was still taller than me “mornin’” he huffed “y/n this is Edward” Bella said “hi.uh nice to meet you” I said looking him up and down questionably. “It’s nice to meet you too I’m about to take Bella to play baseball ball with my family would you like to join?” The pale-faced man smiled “I’ll go if Bells wants me to” I stated as I turned to the girl raising my eyebrow. “Yeah you should come but take your car so I can have a ride home,” Bella said smiling “Okay. “
“Y/n, I trust that you’ll keep Bella safe and not let any harm come to her correct?” Charlie asked sternly but I could see right through him “She won’t get into any type of danger as long as I’m breathing” I said with a glint in my eyes. “She’s safe with me,” I said holding up my hands and retracted my claws smiling. Charlie nodded and walked off to get ready for work Bella and her boyfriend were already outside I sipped on some water and pressed the button to turn on my car “I’ll follow you guys or you could just tell me the location so I can speed how I’d like to” I said looking at Edward “I think it’d be best if you followed since I don’t know where we’re going” “erm okay I guess” I shrugged walking to my car.
The car ride there was pretty long but I understand what Edward meant by him not even knowing where we were going himself because there were three other cars in front of him at last we finally made it to the destination three women got out of one car and three men came out of theirs I opened my door and got out and walked next to Bella and rested my elbow on her shoulder. “Y/n this is Alice, Rosalie, and Esme” “Hi y/n I’ve seen you in the halls but I was too nervous to come up to you,” Alice said chuckling nervously “I know right? When I first met her she looked like she wanted to fight me but she’s a sweetheart really” Bella smiled “Looks like it” Rosalie said eyeing me up and down. I heard a twig snap and immediately turned my head to see who it was kind of surprising the three women.
After I was introduced to everyone the game had finally begun and I could tell that they were very serious about the game. I stood at one of the bases and looked to my side seeing Bella at another one then all of a sudden she caught the ball and threw it at me and I could see in the corner of my eye Rosalie running towards me using her super speed I caught the ball just before she could slide to the base “you're out.” I said looking down at her. She stood up immediately and let out a growl as if she were trying to scare me I raised my eyebrow tilted my head and watched her stomp away.
“Stop!” Alice yelled everyone walked to her “Someone’s coming”
Yall i was so excited writing this yall do not knowww anywho not rlly proof read i just used Grammarly to correct sum stuff so if it sounds weird it’s that😓🙏
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heeversee · 1 year
Heeversee presents ✨
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Hey dear strawberries 🍓, how you doin?
(translation is: strawberries, good morning)
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I'm here with a filthy ass imagination of Demon Heeseung. Tell me if you like it.
There is no smut in this chapter. The next chapter will contain smut.
Demon Heeseung au.
Chapter 01
"shut up" you push felix away from the cake which you were currently decorating.
"foine do whatever you want but trust me that heeseung guy is very dangerous" he said over and over again the same thing making you irritated.
"I'll be fine lix you don't have to worry" you assure him.
You and felix were best friends since childhood. You both were together almost the entire time, people often called you twins, but after heesung who became your boss things started to change between you and felix. He didn't quite fancied heesung and his concern was okay but now he kept telling he saw something and how heesung was bad.
Heeseung is the CEO of i-land, a big company I would say. He is the ace of the CEOs around Asia. You were working under him for years, almost like his PA.
when you were arranging the files one day which took a lot of time, making you the last one to leave the building. You saw heeseung who was drenched walking to his office. You did have a tiny bit of crush on him like every other woman in the company did, but you knew that lee heeseung was off limits. You hurried into his cabin with a grey fuzzy towel in your hands. "Mr lee can I come in" you knocked. "What is it?" A rough deep voice which did not much sounded like heesung came from the other side.
"I've bought you a towel" standing there for a solid 15 seconds. You heard a few ruffles and the door slightly creaked open "give it" he ordered. You place the towel in his hand, your fingers slightly grazing his. He quickly slams the door shut leaving you confused.
"what the fudge" you whisper and leave the office.
When you stepped out of the building you saw no signs of rain.
While walking back home, your finger tips felt sticky, when you stopped under a street light, you froze seeing blood coating your finger tips.
You knew well that the blood coating your finger tips was from Heeseung and it was not rain he was drenched in it was blood.
That is it. When you decided to leave the job and came to the conclusion that listening to Felix's advice is very much needed and important.
In heeseung's cabin after a few days he noticed that you were absent for continuous 12th day, he knew you very well, he knew that you never took a leave for more than 5 days.
He did not bother to hide his evil smile.
"oh my little dove, you have been making me suffer so much. I should add this thing to the top list while punishing you, how dare you leave me my baby. Just wait for a few more days my little one."
Meanwhile at your house.
You picked the parcel and opened it. You found a letter and something wrapped in matte black paper.
You opened the paper and saw a set of white lingerie with pastel pink bow on it. You were scared and shocked.
You found a blood red card in the box saying.
"Arouse me some more, won't you my little dove? I want this to be a night I won't forget!"
You scream throwing the card away.
What the hell was that.
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I feel bad for lixe baby
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Caught you in 17465478k my bitchess.
I love you all.
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harumscarumcos · 5 months
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I can make Peter-63 cuter I. AN MAKE HIM CUTER—
Anyway I made his skin tone a bit warmer, I Disney-fied him a bit, wanted him to look like a cross between eugene fitzherbert and prince naveen if that makes sense?? (Peter will be fine across dimensions, argue with ya mom). he’s a school teacher cause that’s so important to me!! a substitute, teaches the science class, but also has been given the ability to run the after school photography club for the kids
the ladies at the front office think he a lil foine they be eyeing this man every morning he comes in the building (late as hell but) anywho—
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
*clears throat and offers double chocolate chip cookies to GP Reader* Hello Mrs. Barber, I hope I am not being too forward in asking you these questions like I asked your dear husband last week. What are your favorite parts of your smokeshow husband's body and personality? And do you have any dating & relationship advice for this very introverted but very romance obsessed woman? Thank you so much for your time, you are like the cool aunties I've missed hanging out with.
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Summary: It's Baby Girl's turn (also known as Mrs. Barber) to answer a few burning questions about her relationship with her husband, the infamous Andrew Barber. Written from Reader's POV.
Warnings: Mature Themes, Girl!Dad Andy Barber, Discussions of Fatherhood, Mentions of Oral Sex (Man Rec), Fingering (mentioned), Lloyd Evans-Drysdale, Punishments (mentioned), Spanking (mentioned), Fluff, Cursing, Minors DNI.
A/N: This installment of the A Growing Pains Interview Series also contains a brief reference to my fic, Handsy, where I first introduce Mr. Lloyd Evans-Drysdale. For more insight into Andrew Barber and his Baby Girl, please check out my ongoing Growing Pains Series. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. ___
Hello! Finally, a question for me! I’m super excited, let me tell you. I believe we already know the ground rules with this…and I’ve sent Mr. Barber out of the room so we can all chat freely. I’ll show him this later. Maybe it’ll even earn me a reward. This girl right here has been on her best behavior this past week, which means no punishments!
You even have my promise to keep the hot streak going. Scouts honor, folks.
Let me start by saying that I love my sweet Andy Bear, and I am so unbelievably proud to call him my husband. He is by far the most amazing and brilliant man I’ve ever met. He’s also quite the menace, and I say that with all of the love. Whether we’re talking about his body or his mind, Andrew Barber is a fucking force, you guys. 
But at the end of the day, my man is foine as hell. Andrew is a luscious piece of ass wrapped in one big, well-proportioned package. And speaking of asses, have you seen his? You could bounce a quarter off that butt.
Quick fun fact: I tried it. It worked. So then I kept doing it. I even made a game of it which actually took up the entire day.
Although, the kids kept asking why Mama was “throwing money” at Daddy. So, I just made up some story about Daddy being forgetful and leaving his coins around the house, which meant that I had to try to put it back in his pocket for him.
But I had to be careful, because I didn’t want him to feel bad about being so darn forgetful. Worked like a dream. I mean, our beautiful Barber Babies bought that tale hook, line, and sinker. Even BiBi! She seemed suspicious, but then I caught her offering Andy one of her little wallets just in case he needed it. 
He was so touched by her gesture that he did eventually accept it. And then went out and bought her another one, complete with a matching piggy bank. Well, it was more of a llama bank – which also happens to be her favorite animal. Where he found it, I have no idea.  
Can I just deviate from the physical for a second to talk about what a wonderful father this man is? It’s not always about the big, grand gestures with us. In reality, it’s about the small, more intimate moments. Yes, our house is chaotic at times. We have four children under nine-years-old, so chaos kind of comes with the territory. 
And he handles it spectacularly – even when he fucks up. Now that might sound a bit harsh, but if I’ve learned anything from this whole parenting gig, it’s that you will fuck up sometimes. And we both do it, but he’s a wonderful partner who strives to be the best Dad he can possibly be. 
I love watching him with our children. He’s so protective and encouraging. He reads to them every night, takes them on “camping trips” in the backyard, and coaches pretty much every sport they’re involved in. I don’t quite get the whole camping business – I don’t do nature, or bugs – but apparently the kids do.
And they love that stuff. We don’t stay out all night, but we set up tents and tell stories and enjoy campfire snacks. Everyone stays up well past bedtime and my sweet little A.J., who takes after his father in so many ways, keeps me safe from “dah buggies” by sitting in my lap. See, Andy told him that bugs scared me, so it was up to them to keep me safe. Which is exactly what he does. 
Lord, help me when he grows up. I don’t know if I have it in me to live with two Andrew Barbers. But I guess I’ll just have to keep them, won’t I?
Oh! And in case you didn’t already know, Andy is also amazing company at tea parties. Katrina and Rory threw one the other day. They had me deliver a special, handmade invitation and everything. He picked out a suit, brought cookies from the local bakery, and even sat in a chair that was much too small for his bulky frame to be comfortable. 
But he did it all for his girls without so much as a fuss. 
I snuck a peek and nearly melted on the spot. And when we finally got a moment to ourselves, you can be damn sure that I got down on my knees with the quickness and sucked the soul out of my Big Man’s body. 
He didn’t fully understand why until I explained it to him later, but he also wasn’t complaining either. That man is the most delicious mouthful you could ever imagine. Mr. Barber is, eh, very well endowed. But I’ve also had ages to refine my technique. 
And he is always more than willing to let me practice. It’s actually very kind of him. That man has the patience of a saint – unless I’m deepthroating him. But otherwise his stamina is pretty top notch.
That aside, Andrew Barber is so completely and utterly devoted to me and this amazing little family we’ve built together that sometimes I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. I’ve never been loved so thoroughly or so deeply before. 
If I’m being honest, and I am, it actually used to scare me. And sometimes it still does if I let it. But I also accept my handsome ogre for who he is – the same way he accepts me for who and what I am.
Meaning that I’m a fucking brat, which I am through and through. It’s not my fault. My husband brings it out of me even when I least expect it. It might have something to do with that cocky grin of his, or that arrogant swagger he walks around with from time to time.
It makes me want to wreak havoc in new and inventive ways on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Andy knows this, of course. He claims he knew I was a brat from our very first date. I still have no idea what he means by that, so whatever. I just let him think what he wants. 
But we have fun together. And the things we do, the games we play…
It keeps things spicy. I guess you could say that it’s really Andy’s mind that turns me on. Couple that with his dominant and possessive nature and hot damn! Sometimes it can be a bit much to manage, but this girl doesn’t mind being slung over an impressive man’s broad shoulder every now and again.
I enjoy being manhandled. If it’s with the right man, that is. And Andrew Barber is definitely more than enough man for me. 
Anyway, I think that’s all I’ve got for now. As for your question about advice…hm. I would encourage you to just be yourself. 
But also, and I know this is much easier said than done, try to make yourself step outside your comfort zone. I’m saying go crazy or anything, but it might be worth taking a small risk here and there. Occasionally it’s okay to make the first move – even if you find that idea terrifying. 
With Andrew…I made the first move. Of course he tells it differently, and yes he may have seen me first, but I made the first move. Which was something that I had never done before. And I was so unbelievably nervous. At the time I found it so strange to be drawn to a person like that, especially with someone who possesses such an intimidating aura. 
But being just a little brave is ultimately what led me to the love of my life. Don’t get me wrong. My palms were sweaty and my legs felt kind of like jello, but I just felt like I had to try. 
And to this day, I’m so glad that I did. Because it means that I get to live my own love story. And while it’s not all a bed of roses, because we do have our problems, I do firmly believe that I’ve found my other half. And it’s because we continue to take a chance on one another and the bond that we’ve built every single day. 
Whatever you believe in, things happen for a reason. And when you find your person, you’ll know. They will accept you for who you are and will work hard to love you the way you need to be loved.
Just take a deep breath and have a little faith. Take a chance. Take a risk. But don’t settle for anybody, man or woman, who refuses to see your worth, girlfriend. You’re much too special for that. 
Signing off with love – Mrs. Barber 
P.S. I’ll be your cool Aunty all day long, boo! I’m always here if you need something or if you have more questions. Andy Bear and I screen these things together, but nothing is really off limits with us. And I will always happily take advantage of any opportunity to gush about the love of my life. Even if he is a menace. 
P.S.S. I also forgot to mention that I love Andy’s hands. You know in romance novels where they write about the hero having perfect hands with long, nimble fingers sporting just the right amount of callousness? That’s him. And not only that, but my Big Man’s fingers are absolute magic. Or instruments of torture. Depends on the day, really. 
By the way, my husband has the most delightfully one-sided rivalry with my favorite Hollywood actor, Lloyd Evans-Drysdale. It’s so funny! But the other day, I pulled up this interview where Lloyd cracked this eyebrow-raising joke about “all of his fingering being accurate” and watched it in bed right next to Andy. And then I may or may not have made some comment about how some men ought to be more like him [Lloyd Evans-Drysdale] and maybe take some notes. 
My husband didn’t like that. I got in sooo much trouble for it too. I mean, if you consider being held down, spanked, and then fucked within an inch of my life trouble. 
Completely worth it.
And in case you’re wondering, the answer is yes. All of Andy’s fingering is incredibly accurate in its own right. Even more so than Lloyd’s. And this girl has had more than enough orgasms to back him up. 
Also, Andy would probably also like me to mention that he is, in fact, taller than my movie star crush. And that he’s never had to wear a lace-front wig because his hairline isn’t receding. My sweet man can be a bit of a mental patient, but I do love him...
So, I guess I'll just have to put up with it. For now. Thank goodness he's cute.
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lingle-dingle · 7 months
How tf did Netflix ATLA make the show sexist by, “removing the sexism.”
What is with the Suki/Sokka romance? Why is Suki immediately down for him? Immediately when she started liking him after he got humbled?
Where’s Katara’s feminist rant opening Aang? Like we miss the symbolism of Katara’s fight against sexism and for equality opening the possibility for balance in the world as a whole. Why does Katara kinda suck?
Why did Azula have her hair down for her intro? She’s never shown with her hair down except in the scene where Zuko wakes her up asking why she said he killed the avatar and in the final where she’s losing her cool. A big part of Azula is her being calm, cool, and collected. Never having a hair out of place.
Why is Azula seeming to imply she’s jealous of Zuko and resents her father for keeping her in the Fire Nation? Azula is the golden child and she’s desperately fighting to be anything but Zuko. She can’t be, “like Zuko.”
Where’s the Pippinpaddleopsicopolis scheme?
Why does Appa look like his, “Lost Days,” self all the time? Appa looks fuckin HAGGARD. Appa looks like he’s been on a hell of a meth bender.
Why does Zuko sound like he’s about to cry half of the time? Zuko was a grouchy hothead, not a spoiled brat?
Why is Aang’s staff a dowel rod with a brown cube? Why does he use it to fly like once?
Why did they do Gyatso dirty? He took out like 100 firebenders, he certainly didn’t get doodooed on by 5 unnamed firebenders.
Why are they in Omashu before the Northern Water Tribe?
Why does Zuko still have two eyebrows? That scar side one should be gone.
Why is Teo straight up homicidal? Mood, but gahhdamn.
The effects are pretty good, the fighting is cool, the casting was amazing, the acting could have been better, Cabbage Man slayed as per usu, some of the changes they made really did make sense and work but there were quite a few that just didn’t.
The final product is giving, “Really Good Student Project.”
Jett is FOIN FINE tho so there’s that.
I’m on episode 4 so there’s still more time; perhaps it’ll get better.
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poryphoria · 1 year
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he looks foine as hell in a suit. what more can i say
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texasbama · 6 months
18 20 22 25
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on
I feel like yall sleep on how FOINE Chim is. Yea he’s our short king but he is fine as HELL😩
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
buck’s love life. His romances are like a tyler perry movie. He got the same damn story every time. 22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
One of my favorite things is the May/Eddie friendship and I feel like we forget that happened! Same with Linda!! Eddie was friends with black women(other than Hen duh) and people just sliiiiiid right on past that. 25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Yall learned the word queer baiting and aint shut the fuck up since.
Let’s choose violence (fandom edition)
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skinnyazn · 1 year
So I finally started playing MW2 and here are my thots:
Price: I def underrated him what the hell is his VOICE?!?!? Why he always speaking like he’s trying to get your panties DRENCHED?!?!? Like it’s so gruff and gravely and udghalahdj I’m shook
Gaz: no one in the fandom talks about him as much as they should!!! Sweet Angel baby. Must protecc. Also handsome as hell he’s a pretty boy.
Kate: literally so hot???
Farrah: also never really shown in the fandom (that I look at anyway), but omg I’m in love????? Idk her in the cod lore, but she foine af why she staring at me with those pretty ass eyes sucking in my soul???
(I’ve watched all Soap Ghost cutscenes so I already knew about them, but lowkey bummed there isn’t more of them in the actual game. :( and ghost isn’t as moody silent broody as I make him out to be oops)
N e way I’m half way through I think and those are my initial thots
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theheirsofhell · 7 months
So what's Mr. Hell King foin' on Valentine's Day?
"Oh shit that's today?!" Melech yells as he had completely forgotten about the lovers holiday. Still thinking he had time to plan something. Getting something ready last minute was probably either gonna get gim a very pisses off demon girlfriend, or make him the best boyfriend ever.
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mana-sputachu · 2 years
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Soory (not soory because it’s Jin), but look at Jin’s skin—BOI, drop the routine (watch him say either he don’t or Jun used to force him to do skincare)
also this Jin going in the history books for being this foine…ALEXA—PLAY HISTORY BY EXO 🤍
One does not simply go on battle without looking HOT AS HELL.
Look at those lashes, he can finally share the title of "Hot, Big Tiddied and with pretty long lashes" with Iori.
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I have come sliding into your askbox with an FMK prompt :3
Fuck Marry Kill:
Freddy, Amanda, Gabriel
Also I heard you were making bread so good luck and I hope it's delicious 💜
NOOOOOO HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME LMAO. Can’t believe you’d make me choose!!
Fuck: Amanda Young. She’s so fuckin foine it hurts. And I feel like I’d trust her the most. Whether or not that trust lands me in a Saw trap remains to be seen, but I don't think so. I doubt she’d seduce a trap victim, that’s not her style in the slightest.
Marry: Gabriel May. I will give him all the love and adoration he deserves but never got, I will PROVE to him that he is beautiful and human and loveable 😤😤😤
Kill: Freddy Krueger. He’s died so many times, Hell is basically a revolving door for him at this point. He’ll be fine.
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themagnusbane · 2 years
All of 'Dem Things
It finally hit me that I should probably create a pinned post so my crackpot of a blog is slightly more navigable. So here you go.
Name is Noria. Pronouns are she/her. I use queer as an umbrella term because it best captures my experience as a biromantic graysexual who's attracted to women, non-binary folx, pretty boys, and G-Dragon (who is technically a pretty boy. But my man is his own category. It is what it is).
Currently watching: Between Us, GAP the Series, My School President, Old Fashion Cupcake
Present obsession: Love in the Air, KinnPorsche
All-time obsession: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Modaozushi), One Piece, Sandman comic, Death (as a concept), RPGs, especially Mass Effect and Dragon Age (Yes. BioWare owns my ass. Corporate fucks!).
Show Reviews/Thoughts
Gap the series: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10, Episode 11, Episode 12
Fanfic (in order of most recent):
Never Have I Ever (Love in the Air) one shot.
Prapai finally apologies for the twink he had draped over him in episode 12. All hail the gremlin king: Saifha!!
31 Days of Wei Wuxian (Mo dao zu shi) 1/31.
It's meant to be a collection of one shots and drabbles, based off the 2021 Mayhem November prompts. I will probably get back to this soon)
The Killing Machine (Shadowhunters) 3/12.
Two separate assassin groups, pair up to kill the fucker who's put a price on their heads and on the heads of those they love. Everybody's an assassin. Except for Luke. And everybody's fucking. My ass hasn't updated this in 4 years. I need to rewatch the show if I plan on continuing this. I probably should. I hate leaving this uncompleted).
Woven in my Soul (Shadowhunters) 1/10.
What if the devil employs the services of an angel, to locate his missing prince of hell? Alec's an angel (because of course he is). Magnus's the prince of hell (duh!). And their union is about to be cataclysmic. Or it would be. If I got my head out of my ass and actually continued writing this. Urgh. I really need to rewatch Shadowhunters this holiday, so I can finish up the two fics.
Spotter (Shadowhunters) one shot.
Jace drags Alec to the gym where he meets very buff, very foine Magnus Bane. Magnus is a babe and he knows it. Honestly this is one of my most closest to life fic experiences. Cuz I did become a gym nut for a short period of time, cuz of a crush and what can I say? No knowledge or experience is ever wasted!
31 Days of Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters) 31/31
A collection of ficlets and drabbles celebrating Magnus Bane in all his magnificent glory. And unlike my Wei Wuxian one, this one is actually complete. I really should finish Wei Wuxian's fic though. Urgh!
And So It Begins (Shadowhunters Universe - TDA) one shot
Domestic fluff that has Max Lightwood-Bane asking a ton of questions, nudging his parents into getting him a sibling. Honestly this is more Shadowhunters universe than the TV show, as neither Max nor Rafa made it to the show, but they are in the books.
It's Time to Lose Your Virginity Brother Dearest (Shadowhunters) 9/9
Magnus is a stripper. Alec's having a birthday. There's some plot in there somewhere. This was actually inspired by a prompt from a tumblr mutual who isn't on here anymore, and was a blast to write.
Happy Birthday, Beautiful (Shadowhunters World Inverted) one shot
Takes place in the world inverted shadowhunters universe. Magnus isn't interested in celebrating his birthday. Alec, his boyfriend, and party planner extraordinaire, disagrees. This was my first fic on AO3 after years of lurking. Still holds a special place in my heart, truth be told.
Ficlets and drabbles
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
I agree Aaron Taylor-Johnson is freaken amazing. I’ve been a fan forever and I think he’s such an underrated actor. I’m going to keep this anon because I’m sure I’ll get a lot of backlash, but in MY opinion he would have been a better Harry Potter than Daniel Radcliffe. Not only because I think he’s way better looking but Aaron I think Aaron is a better actor. Could you just imagine?! 🔥🫠
AHHHH first of all, I’m so happy I found someone who’s celebrity crushing on this man as much as me right now (dm me oml!!!)
And second, YES to the underratedness and I may or may not be going on a splurge of watching all of his movies right now (because hello?? That man can act? He actually has range?? And he’s foine as hell??)
And third, as a James Potter lover and being familiarized with the fancasts of the marauders, I see ATJ more fitting to be him than Harry (and do think that looks-wise at least, Dan Rad is more so of who I imagine Harry to be too - tho not acting-wise). Even ATJ, the actor himself, comes off with a lot of confidence and moxy, which gives me more JP energy.
With that being said, your opinion is totally valid, and you’re totally right in that ATJ would make one hell of a hot Harry 🔥🔥 so you do you <3
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