#he gets depressed and lonely and we’ve been having such a good time together
twenyonepilots · 4 months
i feel like this album it's really hitting me how much time has passed. like tyler and josh have grown up, but so have we. ten years ago i'd curl up in my dorm room and feel so alone and put them on and it'd be a little better. now i'm going to concerts and listening parties with my wife🥹
Okay but same! like right in the nostalgia! its crazy that Tyler’s a dad now and Josh is married to Debby and we got to watch them grow up and navigate fame at a pretty young age and all this time has passed and while watching them grow up the clique grew up too like a lot of us fucking made it we clawed and ripped our way out of the darkness and i couldnt be more proud to be a fan of such a community its more than the music its the camaraderie of sticking it out together i cant even describe the feeling of pride and nostalgia that comes with this one it really feels like such a full circle moment…
let me just get a little emotional for a sec when i first started listening to them i was in such a similar situation i felt like i had no one that understood i was so lonely and depressed and had lost the majority of my high school friend group due to my 3 grippy sock vacations my junior year… i just remember feeling completely lost and alone before i found them and started listening to the music and im so glad that i did!
a fews day before i turned 18 i literally met my best friend and wife at a twenty one pilots show!!! i posted on here saying i had tickets to the show but no one to go with and i was nervous because it would be my first time going to a concert alone we ended up meeting up at the show and ive never been to a show alone ever since! when i turned 18 i got tyler’s writing on my ankle, “think” a promise to myself to keep going when times are rough and i never turned back….that tattoo is a decade old and fading now and twenty one pilots have been there for me every step of the way pulling me up and out of that trench and dont even get me started on the family that is the clique! like i met my wife at a twenty one pilots show and we’ve got to witness so much life through their music…so much love!! so many friendships! marriages! and little clique babies! vacations and dinners and parties and weddings and L I F E all because we loved a band. my nephew was born in 2016 and i didnt even get to meet him for a week because while he was being born i was in Michigan in line for emotional roadshow grand rapids and now my nephew is 8 and his f a v o r i t e band in the entire world is twenty one pilots he started drum lessons and when he had his first recital he did Jumpsuit because he wants to be just like Josh when he grows up i know im really on a tangent here but this band means so much its more than a band its more than music its everything i have thats good in my life because i found something to help me hold on
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
Hi! I might have a weird rec request? Is there any larry fic in which Harry or Louis fake dates someone else to end up together? On the idea of “not even the gods above” (lovely fic)? Thanks!!
Hi, anon! I honestly didn't think there would be as many of these as there are so I was just going to find what I could, but then I ended up with ten of them. Whoops! (Also, I looked at all the fics with titles of Not Even the Gods Above and I couldn't find one where there's fake dating? So now I'm super curious which fic you mean...) Happy reading!
-Fake Dating Someone Else Fics-
When The Stars Come Out by BriaMaria / @briannamarguerite
Louis was about to reassure Harry further when Gemma bounded back over to him, slipping a hand around Louis' waist. Harry’s eyes followed the movement. And then that lip gnaw again. Christ. How was he supposed to survive this weekend?
He turned his attention to Gemma as her palm came to rest right above his heart. Laying it on a bit thick, dear. Or at least that’s what he hoped he’d conveyed with the simple tilt of an eyebrow.
In response, she went up on tiptoes and laid a noisy kiss on the hollow beneath his cheekbone. Louis didn’t take his eyes off Harry, who watched the scene play out with a blank expression. Once Gemma dropped back to the ground, Harry shifted away from them, his gaze dropping to his feet.
[Or the one where Louis pretends to be Gemma's boyfriend for her horrid cousin's wedding but fate is a nasty jerk and throws Harry in his way.]
Back From The Edge by sincewewereeighteen
“Guess my eyes are very blue.” “They are.” Harry agrees easily. “You’ve got beautiful eyes.” “You’re drunker than you think.” Louis snorts. “Why’s that?” “We’ve just met and you said I have beautiful eyes. Only people who are in love say that.” He points. “Maybe I am in love with you.” Harry points back, feeling very smart. Yep. Maybe he is drunker than he thought.
Or: the one in which Harry is a closeted actor who needs to do a PR stunt during his break, only he wasn't counting on falling for his beard's best friend. It gets messy.
Take Me Back to Where We Started by amory
Harry and Louis haven't spoken since they broke up four years ago. As boarding school sweethearts they once spent every waking moment together, but now they can hardly stand to be in the same room. When their five year class reunion comes around, both boys decide against their better judgement to return and (hopefully) have a good time.
The only problem is, they're both still hopelessly in love.
Starring Harry as the petty ex, Louis as the new James Bond, Niall as a boy genius and fake boyfriend extraordinaire, and Liam and Zayn as two friends just trying to make it out of this weekend alive.
Let Our Hearts Collide by crinkle-eyed-boo  / @crinkle-eyed-boo
“Liam is in a coma.” “Yeah, we can see that,” the father says, throwing his hands in the air. “God, this is the most depressing Christmas ever,” the blonde sister mutters. “His vital signs are strong,” Dr. Higgins assures them. “Brain waves are good–” “Brain waves?” the mother wails, taking Liam’s hand in hers. “Oh my God!” “How did this happen?” the father demands. “Um, he was pushed from the platform at the subway station,” Harry pipes up. The entire family turns to look at him, confused. Harry shrinks back, wishing he could have just kept his big mouth shut. “Who’s this?” the father asks, pointing at him. “Um, I’m Harry–” he starts. “He’s Liam’s fiancé!” Jade adds helpfully from where she stands by the door. Every jaw in the room drops, including Harry’s. Oh, shit. Shit shit shit. What?
When Harry, a lonely transit worker, saves the life of the handsome commuter he's been secretly pining for, an innocent mistake results in Liam Payne's family believing that Harry is engaged to their son. In the Paynes, Harry finds the big family he's always longed for...and a love he never saw coming.
A While You Were Sleeping AU
All Hearts Come Home For Christmas by PinkSeelie 
“Gemma, who the fuck is that?” Louis hisses as he watches her wave back with a big smile.
Her brows furrow for a second as she looks at Louis. “What? That’s my brother, you dork. Told you he’d pick us up, didn’t I?”
Well fuck. Apparently, Mr. Handsome over there is Gemma’s brother. And Louis is spending a week with him. Pretending to be his sister’s boyfriend. Shit.
(Basically: Gemma brings ‘her boyfriend’, Louis, home for Christmas and her brother is really hot.)
Harry, Did You Know (that your baby boy, is married to his best friend?) by tempolarriefics / @tempolarriefix
10 years ago, Louis and Zayn made a pact that if they weren't married by 30, they'd marry each other. So they do, as best mates do. Enter Harry Styles, who's new to town. He and Louis are immediately drawn to one another. Louis doesn't tell Harry about Zayn, because they're just friends (who are married.) Harry finds out on Christmas Day, Louis/Zayn's "anniversary".
aka a marriage pact AU with a twist
Feeling Hazy (In the Ballroom of my Mind) by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
The doors to the ballroom open and violin music fills Harry’s ears, his skin prickling as he tightens his hold on Liam’s arm. All eyes fall on him as he makes his grand entrance next to Lord Payne, Earl of Wolverhampton. According to the media, they’re the couple of the century, but little do they know they’re not really dating. Harry tugs on his collar, the tightness around his neck almost too much. He’ll never get used to being Prince of Cheshire. Not only are wearing his royal garments a pain in the arse, he also hates all of the attention it garners.
There’s only one person’s attention Harry really wants.
Being of the Jealous Kind by zita17 / @louisandtheaquarian
A-list actor Louis Tomlinson and his partner fashion photographer Harry Styles weather the storm that is Louis’ fake relationship with his costar in the lead up to this year’s Academy Awards.
Featuring a fluffy teenage meet-cute, an angsty wine drunk Harry melting down over pap pics, Louis habitually overusing the word “baby,” and cameos by a vintage Umbro sweatshirt, the peace ring, and one hell of a Larry hug.
Or the justice for To Be So Lonely fic. Based on the lyrics to TBSL and a prompt where “Louis has to fake date some celebrity, while his boyfriend Harry sits at home.”
candle wax and polaroids by orphan_account
"I could think of much worse ways, Harry. I look forward to meeting you when you aren't half naked," Louis teased, and Harry swore Louis glanced down at his bare chest.
Harry blushed, watching Louis shut the bathroom door behind him.
And that's how he met his sister's boyfriend.
or, gemma brings her "boyfriend," louis, home for thanksgiving.
Just To See That Smile by homosociallyyours / @homosociallyyours
It's Coming Out Week at university, and Harry's taken on a lot of responsibilities to make everything run smoothly. Finding his roommate's boyfriend attractive is making that a bit difficult, unfortunately. It might help if he realized that said boyfriend (Louis) is really just there to help said roommate (Liam) figure out if Liam's crush (Zayn) likes him back.
But that would make things too easy.
A fic where a hastily faked relationship and a lot of miscommunication almost ruins a perfectly good dance.
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booklove22 · 1 year
Curse and Mystery Theories (Probably Wrong but Having Fun Anyway)
Just procrastinating instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing....here are some of my thoughts about where the mystery and curse storylines may be going (I recognize I am probably completely wrong).
Where is the Mystery Going?
I think 4x09 is going to kick this story into high gear after its sort of just simmered all season. What we know for sure? They go after the Sin Eater with crossbows! That’s….pretty much the only thing the episode description told us. Thin information here.
However, from the trailer, it looks like we can also assume that Tristan gets shot with an arrow (“You are not going to die tonight!” scene) in 4x09 or maybe 4x10 (the promo photos make it seem like these two episodes will be bleeding together) so these episodes may also be Tristan heavy but not in a romantic way – more in a how he is related to the larger mystery this year
Is he India’s (the most recent corpse) son? I think this is as good a guess as any. And I’ve got a few competing theories that stem from this idea
Theory 1: Tristan is the Latest in a String of Sin Eaters. This theory banks on the idea that there has not been 1 sin eater created in horseshoe bay, but multiple sin eaters – one created every 20 or so years. Tristan is just the most recent/current one. If creating a sin eater requires a human sacrifice, then its possible that each sacrifice (the 8 corpses) were made to create a new sin eater. Like maybe there is a shelf life on the sin eaters. They can only eat so many sins before they die, requiring a new one to be created (and a new sacrifice to do so). Or maybe they just have a roughly 20 year lifespan. Either way… If India was the last corpse/sacrifice, its possible that Tristan is the sin eater “born” from her sacrifice (I’m using “motherhood” in the absolute loosest sense here). For some reason, I don’t like the Tristan as sin eater theory though. Its too easy to make the “other love interest” evil. And I don’t really get why the sin eater would have this alternative human form? Like we’ve seen monster sin-eater and Tristan. But why have these two separate forms?
Theory 2: There have been multiple Sin Eaters – none of whom are Tristan. This theory follows the same logic as above. Where sin-eaters, at some point, die or reach a shelf-life and a new human sacrifice is needed to ensure the creation of a new one. Each of the 8 corpses have served as this sacrifice. India is the most recent sacrifice. Tristan was her human biological son that the Glasses adopted (knowingly or unknowingly).
Theory 3: There has only ever been 1 Sin Eater created in HSB – back in the 1800’s. So why 8 corpses? Maybe the sin-eater can only eat a certain number of sins before it needs a “reset” (human sacrifice) or maybe there are more than 8 corpses and EVERY sin requires a human sacrifice. Perhaps we only know about 8….but there are actually many many more. Nancy said they all “came from the same section of the graveyard” – possible Temperance’s tsunami waters reanimated them, but didn’t reach the other human sacrifices? In this version where every sin requires a sacrifice, I think India was sacrificed by the Glasses or someone else (just some sad depressed lonely girl living on her yacht – no one will miss her, we’ll put her out of her misery). And the Glasses adopted Tristan (knowingly or unknowingly).
So…where does each of these theories take us?
Theory 1: Tristan is the latest in a string of Sin Eaters. And his death by crossbow leaves HSB’s elite without a sin eater. You know what that means? Human sacrifice time and isn’t Nancy just ripe for the picking? The Glasses may even want it to be her because, sin eater or not, they actually cared for Tristan in is human form and blame her for his death (I sort of believe that if Tristan is the sin eater, his human version didn’t know the other version existed. Sort of Jekyll and Hyde style).
Theory 2: There have been multiple Sin Eaters – none of whom are Tristan. While attempting to track and kill the sin eater, the Drew Crew is met with resistance from some of the town sinners– including the Glasses. In the tussle, Tristan is accidentally arrowed, by one of his own parents. Does he die here? Maybe. In some ways, it seems too soon for that. So it’s possible he does die, or maybe he survives, but the Drew Crew uses the opportunity to fake his death. And that’s a sin the Glasses would likely want to forget very quickly. And if the Drew Crew is successful in killing the current sin eater before the Glasses can do so, they’ll need a new sacrifice to create a new one (in the form of Nancy obviously). Which is what I think is happening in the trailer scene with the Glasses.
Theory 3: There has only ever been 1 Sin Eater created in HSB – This is similar to above. Same line of thinking, but if the idea is that each sin requires a human sacrifice, then they’d use Nancy as the sacrifice to forget what they did (or think they did) to Tristan.
Of all of these, I lean most heavily toward Theory 2 because it’s the cleanest. To be clear, I don’t think ALL of this is happening in 4x09. More I think the thread will start in 4x09 and carry over into the remaining episodes of the season.
Where is the Curse going?
I think 4x10 is our magic episode here and it’s really user somanypetals on Twitter who made my brain explode this morning with this idea so credit to her for getting my juices flowing.
4x10: The BALLAD of Lives Forgone
It’s now heavily theorized that Ace is going to get ensnared by a siren’s song (or something like it) – which are ultimately deadly (see: Homer’s The Odyssey).
Ballad = love song or poem and the wordplay ties into a siren song plot
somanypetals theorized (whether she was serious or not) that the only way to break the siren’s spell might be with a true love’s kiss
Good news, his true love is Nancy!
Bad news, kissing Nancy would trigger the curse and does not solve the problem of Ace dying (death by siren or death by love curse).
I think that Ace will be so close to death with the siren, that they’ll have no choice but to trigger the death curse, starting the countdown clock on Ace’s life.
More good news: this means they can kiss, hold hands, bang! Bad news, the emotional gut-punch of Ace’s pending death is going to hover over it.
This is the episode where Ace isn’t in any of the promo images….hmm.
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atths--twice · 2 years
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Chapter Seventeen
Alone, and not wanting to be, Fox decides to leave town.
Saturday afternoon
Fox sighed as he sat down on his couch. He had just returned from dropping off the gifts for everyone at the diner, all of them thankful and appreciative for the items he had chosen. 
Manny and Joe had been especially grateful, thanking him for coming in every day and helping out when he had and always being kind to everyone. Lucy had hugged him, kissing his cheek and wishing him merry Christmas. The others had smiled and thanked him as he left and he had been glad to know he had brought them some happiness. 
Looking around his apartment, at all the happy decorations within it, he suddenly felt incredibly lonely and sad. 
He had gifts under his tree, from Samantha and the one from Dana, but the thought of opening them on his own on Christmas seemed awfully depressing. 
Last year, he had been with Samantha and her family, but this year they were going away with Greg’s parents to their cabin in the mountains, something they did every other year. Samantha had asked if he wanted to join them, but he had declined, believing Dana would be in town, at least a couple more days, and they would be seeing each other. 
Pushing himself off the couch, he picked up his phone just as it beeped and vibrated with a message from Dana. He grinned as he opened it and saw a picture of a train station sign. Glancing at the time, he knew they must have just arrived. 
Three dots appeared and he waited while a message was typed out. 
From Ivy it read, followed by Christmas emojis, happy faces, hearts, and lots of animals. 
He laughed and shook his head as he liked each of the messages. 
Thank you, Ivy. Have fun with your family. 
He sent back many of the same emojis to her, adding trains and snowflakes. When a heart appeared on his message, he smiled and knew that would be all he heard for the time being. 
He sighed, exited his message app and called Samantha. 
“Well, hello there, brother,” she said and he smiled. 
“What’s up?” 
“Is it too late for me to accept your invitation to join you for Christmas?” he asked, looking at his little pile of gifts. 
“Oh! Of course not! Oh yay! The boys will be so excited to see you!” 
“Nina and Dave won’t mind?” he asked, thinking of Greg’s parents. 
“No! You know they love you. They always ask if you’ll be joining us.” 
“Okay,” he said with a smile. 
“Oh, I’m so happy you’ll be here,” she said. “Do you want to fly here and drive with us or… no, that won’t work as we will need space to bring their… gifts, if you catch my meaning.” 
“I do,” he said with a chuckle. “I can fly closer to Nina and Dave’s place and rent a car, or come to yours and still rent a car. I could carry the… gifts, if you wanted, so they don’t accidentally see them.” 
“Oh, that could work. We’ve gone crazy this year and decided to get them dual wheeled modes of transportation,” she said and he laughed again, knowing for certain the boys must be somewhere close by and saying bikes would be catastrophic. 
“Well, that sounds great. As long as you don’t forget the tools like dad did that year.” 
“Oh my god,” she said with a laugh. “Mom was so mad.” 
“Poor guy had to trudge through the snow to the neighbors and beg to borrow them.” 
They both laughed, remembering how their mom had tutted under her breath as their dad had worked to put the toys together, a wooden kitchen set for Samantha and a bike for him, that Santa had “forgotten” to ask the elves to build. 
“Good thing we didn’t ask too many questions,” he said and she laughed again which ended in a deep sigh that he heard as well as felt.
“So,” she said, clearing her throat. “What do you think you’ll do?” 
He decided to fly to Samantha’s and rent a car. After hanging up with her, he booked a flight leaving early the next morning. He sent the itinerary to Samantha and then began to pack for the next week, planning to return the same day as Dana and Ivy.
He set his suitcase and bag of gifts by the door when it was ready and then cleaned out the refrigerator. He took out the trash and washed the dishes, tidying up anything that was out of place so the apartment would be clean when he came home. 
Sitting on the balcony later, warm from his activities, his phone beeped and he picked it up, finding another message from Dana. 
It was a video, Ivy’s smiling face frozen on the screen. He pressed play and many voices began to sing happy birthday while Ivy beamed. A cake with a number six candle burning was set down in front of her by an older woman with short brown hair and a kind smile. 
Ivy’s eyes lit up at the sight of the homemade double layer chocolate cake with brightly colored sprinkles which looked absolutely delicious. She grinned and laughed as the song ended and everyone clapped. 
“Make a wish baby girl,” a man’s voice said and Ivy closed her eyes. 
Once again, like she had on her actual birthday, her lips moved but no sound came out, her wish as long as it was then. 
“Umm, what is she wishing for?” a woman asked quietly and he recognized Melissa’s voice. 
Dana laughed softly and he smiled at the sound, even as it made him miss her. 
“She did it the other day too,” Dana said. “I wonder if it’s the same one.” 
“Whatever it is, I sure hope she gets it,” Melissa said. “Girl has put some serious thought into it.” 
They both laughed quietly and then Ivy blew the candle out, everyone cheering again. 
“That was a long wish, Ivy,” the same man’s voice said and the camera panned over to a jovial looking bald older man. “What did you wish for?” 
“I can’t tell, Grandpa. If I do, it won’t come true,” Ivy said seriously as she took out the candle and licked the bottom of it. 
“Fair enough,” he said, laughing goodnaturedly. “Grandma? Let’s get this girl some cake.” 
The same brown haired woman came back into frame and picked up the cake, kissing Ivy on the top of her head. 
The video stopped there and he sighed, watching it again as he looked at Dana’s family members that he did not know, but looked like nice people. 
Another long wish… she must be really wanting something. 😊  Glad she has a chance to have her birthday before Christmas takes over. Please tell her I said hello and happy birthday again. 
Pressing send, he also added a heart to the video she sent. 
A heart appeared above his message, then three dots popped up, disappeared, and came back once again. He waited, thinking about their goodbye and the look on her face as the train pulled away. He rubbed a hand over his mouth and sighed. 
A slight vibration made him look down and he smiled as he read her message. 
As long as it’s not a pony or something impractical, I think we’re good. 😊
True, he wrote back. The cake looked good, I’m sure she loved it. Goodnight to you, my friend, Dana. 
And to you, my friend 🦊 
He laughed at the emoji adding a heart to the message, just as she did the same to his message. 
He smiled as he drew in a deep breath and rose from the couch. Unplugging the Christmas lights, he went inside. Locking the sliding door and closing the curtains, he unplugged the tree and other lights. 
Lying down in bed later, he set his alarm and fell asleep quickly, dreaming of train whistles and chocolate cake. 
Christmas Eve 
“Hey,” Samantha said, sitting beside him at what was affectionately known as the puzzle table. “You’re over here again?” 
“I’m determined to get this finished,” he said, adding another piece to the jigsaw puzzle and searching for the next shape, as he shooed her hands away. “Unless you’ve come over here planning to help, don’t mess with my system.” 
“I can’t believe you made a puzzle piece system,” she laughed, picking up a piece and looking for where it would fit. 
“Ever since I learned that it’s been sitting here unfinished for two years,” he said, looking at her and shaking his head. “I have been determined to finish it. Two years, Sam.” 
“I never should have told you,” she said, laughing again. 
“Yes, you should have, because look…” He gestured to the puzzle that was nearly complete. “It was half this before. My system works.” 
“Yeah, it does,” she admitted, fitting her piece in and smiling. “You’re so smart.” 
“I know I am,” he said, giving her a look and shrugging with his palms up. She laughed and bumped his shoulder as they continued working on the puzzle. 
“Glad you came?” she asked, glancing at him. 
“Yeah,” he said with a smile, nodding as he added another piece. “It’s been really fun.” 
And it had. 
William and Adam had been overjoyed to see him, not being told he would be arriving, and jumped on him at the door when he rang the bell. 
They had chatted nonstop it seemed from the moment he arrived until they left the next morning. He had been shown everything new and exciting they had gotten or made since the last time they had seen him, which had only been a few months ago. 
He had followed them up to the cabin on his own, his car full of the wrapped and also covered gifts, and Samantha and Greg’s had the luggage and the boys. Nina and Dave had already been there when they arrived, welcoming them all in with hugs and kisses. 
Fox had the guest room/office, which was at the back end of the house. Samantha had fond memories of the room as she had brought the boys in there when they were babies, to nurse and sleep when she herself was exhausted, finding the pullout couch to be very comfortable. 
They had gone skiing, ice skating, had snowball fights, built many snowmen, and gone sledding. It had snowed twice since they arrived, adding to the already large amount on the ground. 
Nights had been spent by the fire watching Christmas movies, playing games, building gingerbread houses, and baking many sweet treats. 
Now it was Christmas Eve. The stockings were hanging on the mantel and cookies and milk had been left for Santa, along with four carrots cut in half, so each reindeer got an equal amount. 
“Because that’s fair,” William had said, giving four carrots to Adam who nodded solemnly beside him. 
“Oh, we know that’s important,” Greg had added, giving Fox a look as he held the plate for them to place the carrots on them. 
The boys were asleep, but every precaution was being taken in case one of them stumbled out of bed, excited to see if Santa had come yet. Greg and Dave were quietly putting the bikes together in the closed off main bedroom, getting them ready for the morning. 
Nina and Samantha had placed all the wrapped gifts under and around the tree, adding new ornaments for the boys to find while Fox had opened a bottle of wine and poured everyone a glass. 
Nina was preparing food for tomorrow’s breakfast and singing softly as she moved around the kitchen. Fox glanced up and looked at her with a smile. 
“You couldn’t have asked for better in laws,” he told Samantha softly and she hummed in response. 
“I know. I’m thankful for them every day. I think mom and dad would have really liked them,” she said, adding another piece to the puzzle. 
“Oh, yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head. “They would take cruises together and dad would buy matching shirts for him and Dave, delivering it to him covertly once they were on board. They would come to dinner dressed the same, just to make mom laugh and then roll her eyes.” 
“God,” Samantha laughed. “I could so see him doing something like that. Something super dumb or punny like, time to get ship faced, or something equally ridiculous. It would be hilarious to see those pictures.” 
“It really would.”
They both laughed again, but then sighed as they thought of what would never be. He placed his hand over hers and squeezed. She nodded, squeezing back gently, no words necessary. 
“Have you heard from Dana?” Samantha asked, letting go of his hand and reaching for another puzzle piece. 
“No,” he said, his stomach dropping slightly. “Not since yesterday actually, and that was just a picture of Ivy standing in the yard as snow was falling.” 
“Haven’t you both been texting pictures? I know you’ve been taking a lot.”
“Yeah,” he said, letting out a sigh. “I know she’s with her family, as am I, and I love the pictures, it just feels… I don’t know. It feels like she… it feels almost distant or something. And I don’t mean our geographical distance.” He attempted a smile, but Samantha did not smile back. 
“What do you mean?” she asked, staring at him with concern. 
“I’m not sure I can adequately explain it, to be honest,” he said, glancing at his phone which lay on the table beside him. 
“Try,” she said quietly and he sighed with a nod. 
“I miss her,” he whispered and Samantha exhaled through her nose, smiling kindly at him. 
“Anyone could see that,” she said, touching his arm. 
“But… I feel like I shouldn’t. Not the way I do. We’re friends and that’s-”
“Fox,” Samantha scoffed lovingly, rubbing his arm and shaking her head. “You’re not just friends.” 
“No, no buts. You’re not. You might not be dating or in a relationship, but you’re not just friends.” 
“No,” he whispered, looking down at his lap. 
“And you have every right to miss her. She’s someone you see every day. Someone you look forward to seeing every day.” 
“Yeah,” he agreed with a nod, glancing at his phone again. “I don’t expect her to be in constant contact with me when she’s gone. I wouldn’t want it as it would take her from her family, but the messages she’s been sending feel different than her usual ones. Like… I don’t know. I can’t…” 
“You can’t find the words, my writer brother?” she asked, smiling softly. “The one who wrote such a beautiful story of the anticipation and arrival of the boys that I wept? That I still cry when I read it to them when they ask to hear it?” 
“You were hormonal,” he said. “That doesn’t count.” 
“Shut up,” she said, pushing at him as she laughed and he smiled. She sighed and he held her gaze for a second and then looked down with a sigh of his own. 
“It just feels different,” he said softly and shook his head. “I don’t know what it is but-”
His phone started to ring, vibrating against the table. They both looked at it and his stomach dropped. 
“Speak of the devil,” Samantha said, seeing Dana’s name on the screen as he picked it up and stared at it, but did not answer, suddenly feeling very nervous. “I’m gonna go see if Nina needs any help.” She stood up quickly and ran her hand across his shoulders as she started to walk away. 
Licking his lips, he swallowed and accepted the call. 
“Hello?” he asked, but did not get a response. “Hello? Dana?” 
A sniffle and then a small sob had him standing to his feet, the chair nearly falling over. 
“Dana? Dana, are you okay?” he said, his heart racing and breathing increasing. 
“I- I…” Another sob and loud sniffling. 
“Dana?” he asked, looking at Samantha where she had frozen in place between him and the kitchen. He shook his head and she walked toward him, her hand reaching out to grasp his, as history felt like it was repeating. 
“Dana, are you okay? Is it Ivy? Is she… God, is she okay? Your parents?” 
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I’m so sorry.” 
Samantha stared at him, her eyes wide and hand gripping his tightly. 
“We’re okay. Everyone’s okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t think... Fox, I’m sorry.” She cried harder and he let out a breath of relief and sagged slightly, Samantha’s other hand pressing to his chest and steadying him. 
“She’s okay,” he whispered and Samantha murmured something he did not catch. “She’s okay. She’s okay.” 
He took a deep breath and let it out, licking his lips again. Squeezing Samantha’s hand, he nodded at her and then turned around to walk downstairs to his bedroom. 
He listened to Dana crying and apologizing as he walked quickly and quietly past the boys door, though he knew they would not hear him with their noise machine playing loudly. 
Closing his bedroom door, he began to pace in the space at the foot of the pullout couch. 
“I’m so sorry. I should have thought,” she said and then blew her nose quietly. 
“Don’t apologize. It’s okay,” he said consolingly, wanting to know what had caused her this pain. “What happened?” 
She sniffled again and let out a breath. 
“I… I opened your suitcase.” She cried again with a whimper and he paused in his walking, feeling confused. 
“I don’t-”
“You bought gifts for my family,” she whispered and he sat down heavily onto the bed, his heart sinking as he feared she was about to tell him off for overstepping their friendship. 
“You don’t have to-”
“I told you my brother might not make it for Christmas…” she said, sniffling and crying softly. “We didn’t think he’d be here, but you got him a gift anyway. You got them all gifts. Fox…” She sniffled again as she whimpered his name. “Why? Why would you…” She cried harder and he felt like his heart was breaking. 
“I just-”
“You don’t even know them,” she continued, her voice full of tears. “You’ve never seen anyone but Missy. Why would you… why would you do something like that for strangers?” 
“Because…” He let out a breath and rubbed a hand across his chin. 
“I’ve never…” She stopped and took a few breaths and he waited, deciding to stop talking and just listen.  
She blew her nose again, sniffled and drew in a deep breath. 
“Jordan and I dated for two years. He came to two family birthdays with me. Two,” she said, sniffling, her voice quavering. “After that, I made excuses for him not being there.” She breathed hard and choked back tears. “He never… never made any attempt to come, but accepted the thanks for the gift I bought when it was mentioned. He never, not once, thought to get any of them a gift. He… he said he didn’t know them, didn’t know what to get.” 
She started crying again and he leaned forward with his head on his hand.
“He… he didn’t even try to get to know them. He… he had no desire. I hated that about him, but I always brushed it aside. I didn’t want…” She whimpered and then must have moved the phone away because she sounded far away as she cried. 
He closed his eyes and took deep breaths to remain calm and let her speak without expressing his disdain for the man who had treated her that way. She blew her nose again and her breathing became closer. 
“He made no effort with my family and they never liked him, which I completely understand. He was my boyfriend and he didn’t care.” She sniffled and let out a breath. “You… you’re my friend… and you… you did more for them… in two months of knowing me, than he ever did… in two years. I can’t…” She cried harder and he wished he was able to reach through the phone and hug her. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you… for their gifts.” 
“You’re welcome,” he whispered back. “If it’s too forward… too much, please don’t-”
“It’s not,” she insisted, letting out a deep breath. 
“It wasn’t my intention to make you cry like this,” he said softly. “I feel terrible that you are.” 
“No,” she breathed. “Please don’t.” 
He sighed and she blew her nose again. 
“I opened your gift,” she whispered and his eyes flew open as his head lifted. “Fox… I can’t believe you did that. Ella’s books…” She started to cry again, but softer this time. “Every one of them… they’re so beautiful. I know what those cost. It was too much.” 
“No,” he said, shaking his head, even though he knew she could not see him. 
“Aside from my parents, and possibly my sister, no one has ever spent that much money on me.” 
“I don’t deserve it.”
“Of course you do.” 
“I’m so sorry for the past few days,” she said and he heard tears in her voice again. 
“Why? What do you mean?” he asked, frowning at the turn in the conversation. 
“I’ve… Jesus…” She exhaled and then inhaled with a loud sniffle. “I was… I didn’t know… no, I did. I just didn’t want to admit it or name it.” 
“I’m sorry. Dana, I don’t know what you’re saying,” he said, feeling very confused. 
“I’m sorry.” She choked out a sob and he waited while she took a few deep breaths. “I’ve been feeling… angry. Well, not angry… but… God. I’ve been short with everyone, including you.” 
“We’ve not spoken much, how could you-”
“Exactly. Exactly that,” she whispered and he closed his eyes as he rubbed his forehead. 
“I’m sorry. I’m not understanding,” he said softly and she let out a stuttering breath. 
“I’ve not been in contact and when I have, it’s only been pictures. Not messages.” 
“You’re busy. I wouldn’t expect, nor want, your time with your family to be taken up by me. I see you every day. They don’t.” 
“God,” she said, taking in sobbing breaths. “You…” 
“I’m gonna… I’m gonna let you talk,” he said, opening his eyes and letting out a sigh. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” 
She cried quietly for a couple of minutes and he waited, again wishing that he could reach through the phone and touch her, help take away her pain. 
She blew her nose a few times and then took a few deep breaths. 
“Charlie, my younger brother,” she began, her voice shaky. “I said he probably wasn’t going to make it. None of us anticipated it. He… he lives in Germany with his girlfriend. They both have… good jobs there and flying home is a lot of time and effort for just a few days.” She sniffled and drew in a deep breath. “They surprised us this morning, showing up as we sat down to eat brunch. We were all so happy to see them and then… oh…” 
She started to cry again and he heard her exhale almost angrily. 
“After we’d said our hellos, he showed us one of the reasons for the visit- a diamond on his girlfriend's left hand and…” She fell silent and he could picture her biting her lip as she was wont to do. “Everyone was screaming, laughing, and hugging them. The kids were… they all wanted to see the ring and hear the story of him asking her and… I… I just stood there, my stomach feeling sick.” 
He took a breath, wondering if maybe she did not like the soon to be sister in law, or if there was another reason she would be feeling trepidatious. 
“Beatrice is a lovely woman. I’ve always liked her, always got on with her, but in that moment, I…” She exhaled and he waited. “I smiled and listened to the story, congratulating them, but I felt so disconnected from it all. From them and my family in general. I excused myself, but no one paid much attention, except my sister who met me at the door and handed me my coat. She didn’t say anything, just opened the door and watched me leave.” 
He frowned, wondering why she was feeling angry and distant from her family. Feeling upset enough to leave the house. 
“I walked a lot. Around the neighborhood and through to another one. I forgot gloves and a hat. I was cold, but I knew I needed to be out and away from them all for a while. I just…” She sighed deeply and then sniffled. “When I came back, I could hear them in the living room and I hurried upstairs to take a bath, needing to unthaw and still take some time away.”
“When I came down, I joined in the conversations, smiling and happy, but I didn’t feel it. I put on a happy facade, but I felt like I would burst into tears every second. My head hurt from not crying and all the jovial activities going on around me. We had dinner and got ready for Santa, leaving out cookies and red bell peppers for the reindeer.” 
“Red bell peppers?” he could not help but ask, forgetting he had said he would stay quiet. 
“They like variety, you know,” she said, tears in her voice again. “Everyone else does carrots, it’s nice to…” She sniffled and he hummed, letting her know he would be quiet again. 
“Ivy has been sleeping on the trundle bed in her cousin’s room and I’ve had the guest room to myself,” she said with another sniffle. “I read to her, put her to bed, and then came in here to have a minute. Your suitcase has been in here all this time and I decided to open it, thinking it was just gifts for me and Ivy. I was going to add them to the ones under the tree and then… then I saw the ones to my family and…” 
She cried again, whimpering and sniffling, blowing her nose before starting all over again. He put his head on his hand, closing his eyes and exhaling a steadying breath. 
“I,” she said, sniffling loudly. “I burst into tears when I saw them, the fucking dam finally breaking.” She laughed bitterly and blew her nose again. “Four days. Four days I’ve been here and I’ve… I’ve felt off. Felt my temper was short at times. I know my sister’s noticed, but she hasn’t said anything. I didn’t know why until I saw your gifts.” 
“Why would they-” he started to ask and then stopped. She sighed and then sniffled, taking a few seconds.  
“When Ivy was almost four,” she said quietly. “She wasn’t feeling well. I kept asking her what was hurting… but she couldn’t pinpoint it. Finally, she touched her eyebrows and… she said “my eyes feel sad, Mommy” and I knew then she meant she had a headache.” 
He smiled at how well Ivy expressed her discomfort, thinking it sounded like a rather perfect way to describe a headache. 
“I gave her some medicine and then we sat on the couch as I rubbed her head. She ended up falling asleep for over an hour and when she woke up, she smiled at me and said that her eyes were happy now. That’s how we gauge problems and levels of pain: do you feel sad or happy?” She gave a short laugh and then sobbed out a breath. “As I held your gifts on my lap and cried, I realized what was wrong with me. Why I had been feeling unlike myself the past few days and especially why Charlie and Beatrice’s news affected me the way it did.” She drew in a shaky breath and paused, his heart aching as she sniffled and she took another breath. 
“I’ve not been myself,” she whispered. “Because my heart has been sad, Fox. It’s been sad, because I miss you.” 
He drew in a deep breath as he sat up straight, opening his eyes and staring at the wall across from him. 
“I miss you. So much,” she said, crying and sniffling. “I didn’t know that’s what it was until I saw your gifts and then your handwriting on the tags of the gifts. It hit me… hard. Your card… my friend, Fox…” She drew in a ragged breath and his heart hammered in his chest. 
“I’ve never had a friend like you before. Someone I look forward to seeing every day. Who makes me laugh. Who helps me. Who thinks of me. Who genuinely likes my daughter.” She started crying again and he let out a deep sigh. “Someone who has been through so much in their own life and wants to make others happy any way they can. Fox…” 
“Dana,” he whispered and she exhaled softly. 
“Could we… would you consider not being friends anymore?” 
“What?” he asked, standing to his feet quickly and breathing hard. 
“I… I don’t want to be friends anymore.” 
“Dana… what are you-”
“I love you,” she said and he nearly dropped the phone. Sitting back down on the bed, he took ragged breaths. 
“You…” he said and she sniffled, tremors still prevalent in her breathing. 
“I love you,” she said again, softer than the first time. “I… I have for a long time, but I… I fought against it. I was stupid, but I was worried and I had to be sure, as it’s not just me it will affect. But I didn’t need to worry as Ivy thinks the absolute world of you. She’s talked about you so much since we’ve been here. She showed everyone the journal you gave her for her birthday, asking for help with her stories, and telling them how much you will like seeing her drawings when we come home.” 
He smiled, thinking of Ivy excitedly filling the pages of her journal. 
“You offered to watch her at the diner for me, Fox, so I knew she was safe.” She sniffled and let out a sigh. “You asked her for her permission before you picked her up when we came to your apartment for dinner. You bought her unicorn ice cream. You’re silly with her, which she absolutely loves as she’s told me many times. You give her attention, letting her have the space she needs to work through her worries and feelings. Fox, how could I not love you when you care for my daughter the way you do, without it being asked or expected?” 
“Dana…” he whispered, tears pricking his eyes as ran a hand across his mouth. 
“I tried to fight it, believing it was too fast to fall so deeply. But I’ve learned an important lesson the last few days as my heart has been sad and I’ve been feeling broken and incomplete.” 
“Dana,” he whispered again, shaking his head. 
“Is it too fast, Fox?” she whispered, suddenly sounding small and unsure.
“No,” he whispered back. “It’s not. And if it is, then we can be fast together.” 
“What? What do you-”
“I love you too,” he whispered and he heard her gasp. 
“You do?” 
“How could I not?” he asked with a smile. “How could I not love someone who laughs at my jokes and enjoys the same books I do? Who brought Christmas to my apartment when she saw it was in need of it? Who likes the cheese on her lasagna exactly like I do? Someone who loves her daughter and wants the very best for her?” He stopped as he listened to her crying softly and he let out a breath. “Someone I have loved for far longer than she might even believe and who I have missed excruciatingly since the day the train pulled away and I was left behind?” 
“How long?” she breathed. 
“Since Rita called in sick and Elvis was crooning away on the jukebox and I helped you refill the sugar containers.” 
“That… that was over a month ago,” she said in disbelief and he chuckled softly. 
“Then it’s not fast,” she whispered. “I just took a while to believe it could happen so quickly and easily.”
“Didn’t you say something recently about getting along well with stubborn things?” he asked, lying back on the bed as he felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders. 
“Yeah,” she said with a laugh, a small tremor still present in her breathing. “I think I did.” 
They both laughed and he sighed happily. 
“I think we should compromise,” he said. 
“What do you mean?” she asked and he could hear lightness returning to her voice. 
“You said you didn’t want to be friends anymore.” 
“Oh!” she said. “That’s not… not what I meant. I was-”
“I know what you meant,” he assured her as he smiled. “Well, I do now, because at first, I was really worried.” She laughed and he smiled again. “So, I’m going to disregard your suggestion to not be friends anymore. Because the people I’ve known in my life, who have the happiest relationships, have always been friends first. It’s the root that matters most. The one off which all others will grow and flourish.” 
“I believe that too,” she whispered and he smiled again. 
“I’m happy to hear it,” he said and she sighed. “But, my friend, Dana… just so we’re completely certain of everything… the next time I see you, would it be alright if I kissed you?” he asked. She let out a tremulous breath and his heart pounded as he waited for her answer.
“Not…” she whispered and he could hear the happiness in her smile. “… not unless I kiss you first, my friend Fox.”  
“Hmm,” he hummed, looking up at the ceiling with a huge smile. “I think I’m gonna like this new friendship arrangement of ours.” 
“Me too,” she said, blowing her nose softly from the tears he knew she was crying, no longer from sadness, but because she was happy. 
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depressingrantblog · 1 year
So, I’m 20 now. It’s been a long two years of not knowing what I’m doing with my life. Right after highschool I started out working at CVS. I’ve been there for 2 years and I’ve got a good chunk of savings for the car I want to buy as soon as I learn how to drive. That is something I’ve been saying I need to do but I haven’t really worked on much because of anxiety about the idea of driving. At this point, I finally finished reading my drivers ed book I got from the SoS. I did the little 10 question test in the back of the book and got all of the questions correct, all I need to do is get a SoS appointment and take the test to get my TIP. The problem is is that I need someone to take me to that but everyone is busy all the time. I’m sure it doesn’t help having to take me back and forth to work. But it’s starting to get really old. And I just feel too old to not be driving. It’s really embarrassing but even my little brother (16) got his license before me. I’m trying not to be salty about it.
In the past two years I took two different semesters at two colleges and never stayed at either. I didn’t really like EMU and WCC was nice but I wanted to decide what I really wanted to do before I spent a bunch of money on it. I partially decided I wanted to do the construction manager program at WCC because one thing I always saw myself doing since I was a child was designing houses. I thought that would be a good start since I’m not smart enough or disciplined enough to get into architecture school. At least I would know how to build houses. But I’m still not sure. I just want to know how to drive and have a car before I go back at least.
The most positive advancement I’ve made was finding a guy. At some point I got so lonely that I got on hinge trying to look for a partner. I briefly talked to a couple guys. But one guy stood out and I immediately picked him. We have so much in common it’s like we’re the same person. I really like him (I think he likes me??). The problem is is that every time we’ve tried to make plans or meet up, they always fall through. At some point I was using so much of my energy to work on the relationship that I was driving myself crazy. So personally I’m taking a break from trying to advance things and leaving up to him or fate.
Right now our relationship is more like friends with the option to be in a relationship. We still occasionally flirt with each other or talk about sex stuff but at this moment it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere. Which I’m not too upset about. I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time since I enjoy talking to him, although I was feeling a bit disappointed a while ago.
I just like him. I really hope he likes me too. It’s really hard online dating vs the real thing. I didn’t intend for it to be thing way but we live 165 miles away from each other and neither of us have a car at the moment. Whenever I would ask him what we are, he would say we shouldn’t define it until we meet, which I completely agree with, it’s just hard now even thinking about meeting since it’s been a whole year. And now we’ve got these romanticized versions of each other and our relationship, it would be hard not to be disappointed.
In the end, all I really want is someone to love me, listen to me, be able to share everything with each other, take care of each other, and have fun together. I just think we’re so similar that we’d be perfect together. I’m just secretly worried that he prefers a different type of girl (like maybe a more unrealistic type). I wouldn’t want him to feel like he’s “settling” for me (and then end up killing me or something).
Lately I feel extremely happy.
I think I’ve discovered which depression I have. It’s Persistent Depressive Disorder. It’s pretty much a lower grade lifelong depression unlike Major Depressive Disorder which is more severe but only lasts for a short amount of time but consistently. PDD is always there; lingering. Even when I’m not feeling depressed I always feel like any small thing can trigger it. One small thing can cause me to overthink, putting me into a depression. Usually, I’d be depressed for about 2 (sometimes 3) weeks out of the month or even every couple of days. This has been going on since I was 12 on and off (8 years) but I remember feeling the same way when I was a kid as well, I’m just not sure if can classify it the same. It’s super exhausting living with PDD, it feels like I can never catch a break and in the worst moments it makes me feel like I’ve never been happy in my entire life; which obviously isn’t true. On really bad days I don’t care about anything. I don’t care about making myself look nice, I don’t care what I eat, as long as I can get energy from it, I don’t care about talking to the people I like or doing the things I like to do. I just wake up and try to endure the day until it’s over with.
I’m pretty sure being depressed for that amount of time straight probably wrecks your body and kills you faster. I’m also pretty sure it’s maternally genetic in my family. That’s why I bought one of those 23&me health tests. It can tell me what percentage I’m likely to get a depressive disorder along with other percentages on my health and genetic diseases. I need to also see my doctor about my depression, I’ve talked to her about it before. Formally I’ve been diagnosed with seasonal depression, which it is true that my depression does get worse during the winter, but the PDD is the major factor.
But I just wanted to report that despite all the depression surges I’ve had recently, I’ve been feeling very happy for the past week. It feels like a weight has been lifted off of me and I can finally breathe. I know it’s temporary but I’m trying to enjoy it. Little things aren’t bothering me and I’m not overthinking. Usually when I am feeling temporarily happy I try to avoid anything that’s gonna me overthink. But right now I’ve even encountered things that would usually trigger overthinking and they don’t bother me. I feel great.
It sounds silly but some of the reasons I am so happy are because I did finish the drivers ed book. I have been stressing myself out about it for the past two years. I was worried that I would read the entire book and miss something extremely important and cause a crash or something. So that’s one weight off my shoulder. Another thing is I was able to get my grandpa to help me put up my new blinds and curtains for my room that I’ve been holding on to since Christmas. I asked my mom to get me them so I could try to make my room look nicer. It’s been stressing me out that they were taking up space in my room. I know it’s completely ridiculous, but I think it’s those two little things being erased from my to-do list that makes me feel so much relief. I’m trying to enjoy this moment so I’m even gonna stress the next things I have to do.
I also wanted to say, I quit self harming 2 years ago (nearly relapsed a few times) and it feels good to have healthier coping mechanisms. I feel more mature. Although I do still need to get treatment for depression, I’m not having any suicidal thoughts, self harm rarely crosses my mind. My coping mechanisms probably could be better. Right now to help me get through a depression, I will listen to music, ignore everything that upsets me, watch tv and movies just trying to keep myself entertained and distracted until it is over. I’ve lived through it so long now that it’s pretty much normal to me. It comes in waves and I almost find a comfort in it. It’s like when you’re sick and you’re trying to relax and let your body heal itself. Even with that, it’s still awful. That’s just the dark, bright-side of it. Hopefully still, I’d like to be able to feel as happy as I do now, all the time.
I just wanted to update this blog with some life updates. Originally, I made it during the pandemic when my depression was at an all-time low. I doubt anyone is ever going to read this, I just wanted to make it for myself. It was actually kind of shocking to see where I was at the last time I posted. So hopefully my next life update will be even better.
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lawscorazon · 2 years
i feel so bad leaving my cat home alone for a couple days ☹️☹️
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rnelodyy · 3 years
/dsmp /rp
I've been rewatching Exile with a group of people from the Flypaw Discord and uhh I think we've figured out the answer to a question that has been plaguing people for a WHILE now... Which is, why does Tommy claim to be alone all the time despite having visitors every day?
Well... his visitors are really fucking mean, whether on accident or on purpose.
On day 1, his only visitor aside from Dream was Techno, who openly mocked him for getting thrown out of his home and watched him and Ghostbur struggle for materials because it amused him.
On day 2, his visitors were Bad, Dream and Sapnap. Bad was kinda nice, but mostly kept his distance cause everyone kept saying fuck words. However, Dream and Sapnap relentlessly mocked Tommy, laughed at him struggling for materials, and the two followed him around the entire time, protecting him from mobs (meaning Tommy couldn't just tell them to fuck off), bullying him, and constantly reminding him that he can never go back home again.
On day 3, his visitors were Fundy and Ranboo. While they were not actively malicious, they did say some stuff that was... unintentionally hurtful. They tell Tommy that the walls are gone, that L'Manburg looks much nicer now, and that Tubbo is doing alright. Innocuous statements on the surface, but Tommy, in his depressed state, took them to mean that Tubbo didn't miss him or care about him, and that L'Manburg was better off without him.
On day 4, his visitors were Dream, Lazar, and Connor (briefly). When Lazar came over, he and Tommy had a sweet moment where Lazar gave Tommy a disc and a fire resistance potion for trying to help him out of the lava. Tommy and Lazar listened to the disc together and put their differences aside... And then Dream came in and made Lazar participate in destroying Tommy's armor. Tommy killed Lazar, pissing Lazar off, and once again creating a rift. Connor joined later on, declaring that he was living in Tommy's house back in the SMP, and when Tommy tried to get him to move out because he wanted to move back after exile, Dream continuously told him that he'd never be going back. Lazar and Connor also both claimed that the server looked much better since Tommy got exiled, and Dream adds that it's because he's not blowing stuff up all the time (which is the most hypocritical thing ive ever heard ghfgds). Dream also shoved him into lava to do a "Tommy rescue", mimicking when Lazar had fallen into lava, forcing Tommy to drink the fire res potion he got from Lazar.
We haven't watched past day 4 of exile yet, but after this comes the beach party, and after that, visits become fewer and further between.
That's not to say that Tommy never had any positive interactions with his visitors, because he did! Bad and Lazar both gave him gifts, and there was quite a bit of banter going on. However, when you've got the kinds of mental health issues Tommy had (depression, PTSD, low self esteem), you tend to become VERY cynical, and only focus on the bad. The good times slip from your memories before the bad ones do, leaving only a horrible impression of the visit behind, and there were plenty of bad times.
Is it any wonder Tommy felt lonely then? Is it a surprise that he believed his visitors were only there for pity or clout? If every time someone visits you they make you feel horrible, why WOULDN'T you feel like nobody cared about you?
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she's insignificant
chapter 9: i missed you.. say it back
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: none
"klaus?" y/n stepped upstairs, hoping he was home. she was worried after he disappeared but was relieved to feel him now. she wandered through the house, looking around for him. she called out as she walked.
finally, she caught sight of him in the bathtub. he looked distressed, eyes blown wide and flickering around in fear. with quicker steps she knelt beside the bath, reaching out and shaking his arm. "klaus?" she called but he didn't seem to hear her.
"klaus?!" she shouted, worried. he shot up, shaking. "hey, hey, are you alright?" she placed her hand gently on his shoulder, speaking softly so as not to startle him. he breathed heavily before staring blankly at her for a moment, eyes teary.
"klaus? what happened to you?" she slowly moved to take his hands, examining them. she frowned at the blood and dirt adorning them. where had he been?
klaus didn't answer her question for a while, instead sobbing quietly, leaning back in the tub. he looked broken, it was the worst she had ever seen her brother in his life. she could practically see his heart torn to shreds in his chest. not wanting to worsen his mood she reached for some soap and a cloth, letting go of his hands for a moment. she moved back to sit beside him. she took his left hand first, softly wiping away the blood and dirt. 
neither of them spoke for a while, both just enjoying the others presence. 
"i was worried" she eventually broke the silence, voice almost a whisper, "i couldn't feel your soul and i thought.. i thought we lost you"  there was a pause, "where did you go?"
klaus frowned, looking up at her now, eyes still glassy with emotion. "i met someone" he slowly begun, "i time travelled, back to 1968 in vietnam.. i fought in a war" he chuckled bitterly, "he was.. beautiful, i loved him- i love him more than myself.. we spent almost a year together before.. " he begun to choke up, eyes filling with fresh tears.
"hey, hey, it's okay" y/n reached a hand up, caressing his hair. she shifted so that she sat on the side of the bath and he could lean his head against her hip while she continued to thoroughly clean his hands. "i'm sure he was lovely. probably sweet and he'd have to be able to keep up with you" she gently teased, poking his wrist. he laughed feebly, nodding against her side.
"he was so sweet. very handsome, he was so supportive.." 
"he sounds perfect for you" y/n smiled sadly, wishing she could have done something to bring him back for klaus.
"he was perfect" klaus sighed shakily, whispering quietly. y/n didn't want him to spiral, he was probably hurting a lot right now. so, she continued talking, anything to help ease his pain. she knew it wasn't much in comparison but she couldn't just let him hurt. 
"i'm sure he would have done well at a family dinner" she joked, hoping to direct the conversation elsewhere. klaus laughed a bit louder, imagining him interacting with their family.
"oh, he'd be so intimidated" she smiled, "you'd all probably scare him off"
y/n gasped in mock offence, "i would not! i'd be very nice, thank you very much!"
"hm, i'm sure you would. i can't say the same for diego and luther though" klaus hummed, much more at ease now.
"what about five? he'd be so grumpy" y/n teased her brother and klaus chuckled too, "that's if he even showed up though" 
"the little gremlin, probably wouldn't even acknowledge us" 
"gremlin?" y/n snorted, "i suppose he always has been, huh? i have to say, he's a lot worse now than he was"
"now?" klaus raised his eyebrows, pulling back to look at her. he thought about it for a moment, "he's not too bad i guess, just doesn't want to ask for our help" 
"we never really talked much so i can't accurately comment on when we were younger but he's definitely a solo rider now" she nodded, 
"what about me?" klaus gave a small grin, 
"what about you?" she hummed, amused.
klaus rested back against her, "how have i changed?"
"you didn't change that much, i suppose" she paused her movements with the wash cloth, thinking about it. "i think you've matured though, you've been through a lot, we all have and we've all done it alone.. i guess that's just made us all grow up a bit more.. depressed then we should've. you're still the same though, you're still funny, you make me laugh, you're still drug obsessed.. you should stop but i know you probably won't.." she gently resumed washing the blood away. "you're familiar, i guess.. i really did miss you, you know?" 
klaus smiled, although it looked a sadder than before. "i know, little sis. i missed you too.. sometimes i wish i had taken you with me when i left but i knew i couldn't.. i'm sorry i left you all alone"
"mm, well.. it's okay, while i was lonely i'm glad you all found your own lives" she shrugged it off, calmly. she dropped his arm now, standing up. "now, come on, the water's probably cold by now" 
"hey.. little sis" klaus made her stop and pause for a moment. "i lied to you.. when we were younger"
"what do you mean?" she frowned,
"about ben.. he was there, he's always been there" klaus looked down, "i should have told you when you asked but i.. i was scared dad would realise i wasn't completely hopeless or some crap like that"
"no, no, i get it.. sort of" she smiled, "i lied to everyone as well"
they shared a soft look, both really having missed each other.
she then turned to wash the cloth in the sink while klaus got out, he pulled the plug and took a towel with him to his room. while she washed the cloth he dried off and got dressed. she looked up as she heard footsteps. using her powers she knew it was five. he stood in the doorway to klaus' room, looking at the bloody hand prints on the bathtub and the red trail that lead to his room.
he slowly walked into the room as klaus pulled a shirt on. he knocked softly,
"you okay?"
"yeah.. just uh long night" klaus shrugged it off, shirt hanging on his arms. noticing that he begun to pull it over his head.
"more than one from the looks of it" five stepped into the room.
y/n wrung out the cloth, seeing as it was no longer red and left it on the side of the sink, folded over. she walked down the hall, grimacing at the trail klaus left.
"don't remember the dog tags" five pointed out as she stepped closer.
"yeah, they belong to a.. friend" klaus waved it off, pulling his shirt down.
"how 'bout that new tattoo?" five was obviously pushing him, wanting answers. 
"you know, i don't totally remember even getting it" klaus shrugged, "like i said, it was a long night"
"what are you questioning him for?" y/n spoke up, leaning against the door. klaus didn't need five picking on him right now. he glanced at her before looking between them.
"he did it.. didn't you?" he asked, smirking.
"what are you talking about?" klaus frowned, taking a seat.
"you know i can recognise the symptoms klaus" five walked further into the room, right up to him.
"symptoms of what?" 
"the jet lag, full body itch, the headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain" five paused, watching as klaus ran his hands down his face. "you gonna tell me about it?"
"your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you. they took me hostage instead" he
"and in return you stole their briefcase" five smirked,
"yeah, i thought there was money in it. or i could pawn it, you know, whatever" klaus looked away, sighing "and then i opened it.." he looked down and five begun pacing.
"and the next thing you knew, you were where? or should i say when?" he paused to look at klaus.
"what difference does it make?" klaus threw a hand up, annoyed.
"what diff-? okay, how long were you gone?" 
"almost a year" klaus sighed.
"a year.." five breathed before leaning in towards him. "do you know what this means?"
"yeah, i'm ten months older now" he joked, 
"no, this isn't any sort of joke, klaus. hazel and chacha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase" five leaned in, pausing his pacing "where is it now?"
"gone, i destroyed it. poof!" klaus made a motion with his hands,
"what the hell were you thinking?" five glared, speaking through gritted teeth,
"what do you care?" klaus annunciated, 
"what do i care?! i needed it, you moron- so i could- i could get back, i could start over!" five begun to yell, getting angry.
"just.." klaus stood, shaking his head. he was done.
"where are you going?" five asked, watching him walk away.
"interrogations over.. just.. leave!" klaus called back, annoyed.
"nice going, five" y/n called, rolling her eyes. five's head snapped towards her.
"nice going? y/n i needed that-" he seethed but she cut him off with a hiss,
"i don't care, that's not an excuse to harass your family. klaus is having a hard time right now and you just barged in here like you own the place, getting angry at him for getting kidnapped!"
"i don't have time-" five scowled, beginning to argue,
"for what, five?! for us? for your family?" y/n took a moment to calm down, glaring at him "you can save the world all you want but remember.. if you ruin your relationships with us, they can't be fixed with a simple equation" 
she was about to leave before five grabbed a piece of paper, sitting down and using his knee to write.
"what are you doing?" she leaned closer to get a good look,
"i have a plan" he simply stood up and walked to his room. what was he up to this time?
she followed along behind him, watching as he begun to write on his walls, having run out of books and paper. she sighed, flopping onto his bed, waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing so that he would finally talk to her.
"ben.. he was there, he's always been there" he was there when she felt him in the room, she knew she wasn't crazy. would he be happy.. proud of her? would he have seen her fighting with her siblings? did he know about her powers and her efforts to find five? did he see all her training with dad and the long days she would study to help their brother? 
she wondered if her father could see it too.. could he see them all fighting? their problems all resurfacing? did he see her possess that assassin.. see what he didn't discover?
ben stood in the doorway, watching as five wrote away on the walls. he walked over to the bed, reaching out to take y/n's hand. he frowned when their skin never made contact, he only phased right through her. 
y/n frowned, sensing someone else. she sat up slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed and concentrating. ben stood in front of her, confused. he bent down to see her face clearly, her eyes were black..
"ben.." she whispered with a smile, her normal e/c eyes returning. the said boy smiled back, at least she knew.
tag list: (if your name is crossed i couldnt tag you) @rxses-and-reverie @lostgreekgod @on-yourmark-99 @bicyhot1 @navs-bhat @midnightmystic @shawkneecaps @baby-bi-bi-bi-yeah @velveticxyyy
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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vroomvroomkachowboi · 3 years
Driver’s License pt.2
fluff, angst, smut: angst
pairing: draco malfoy x reader(fem)
word count: 1k (1073)
summary: draco and y/n dealing with their breakup
warning: cheating, cursing
a/n: I've had quite a few people ask for a part 2. so here it is! so happy that people really enjoyed this. Hope this is good. I’ve been in a spiraling depression recently, so I'm sorry that I'm not as active. But I worked hard, so, and there’s a cute ending.
part 1
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It’s been a month since Y/n had discovered Draco was cheating on her. Draco has tried everything and anything to get her to speak to him again. Multiple letters, many bouquet of flowers, sending chocolates and candy, sending her jewelry, and he even resorted to a singing dwarf. (how Harry gotten one from Ginny)
It was so embarrassing.
It seems that Draco had ended things with Astoria to try to get Y/n back. It started to spread across the Slytherins, but now all Hogwarts students knew about it. She wouldn't be surprised if the professors knew about it as well, even Dumbledore.
Everyone had been coming up to her for weeks, saying things like, “Take him back!” or “Don't give him the time of day!” It was beginning to overwhelm her.
“Hello, my love. How was your day so far?” Draco greeted as Y/n walked into Charms class and sat in her seat. “Fine.” She mumbled, hoping he’d get the message, but he would not give up. “That’s good. Do you have the homework for Defense Against the Dark Arts? I had stayed up doing Charms.” She shook her head. He was going to speak again, when Flitwick came in, telling everyone to sit down and listen up. Thank Merlin.
Draco sat a few seats away from Y/n. All he wanted was for her to take him back. Oh, how he missed his first love. He was determined to get her back, to show her that she can trust him again, and how much he loved her. Astoria was nothing compared to her. He was aware that everyone knew of the situation, he had gotten backlash from his fellow classmates, but that didn’t stop the gestures.
Everyday, Draco would try to start a conversation with Y/n. She was beginning to find this all very annoying. She wanted to get over him but, how could she when he's spoiling her with everything she wished he had gave her during that very lonely month of ignoring her. He was the man she loved for so long, it was hard to give up.
She still remembers the day that Draco asked her out. He was visibly nervous, he shook and stuttered. He rarely talked to her before, but some how gathered up the courage to ask.
3rd year Y/n walked into the Great Hall, when she felt someone grab her arm. “Excuse me, Y/n?” Draco said. At the time, they were about the same height, so she looked directly into his eyes. “Yes?” She replied. He was so lost in her eyes that, he realized that he was still holding her arm. He nervously dropped it and kept his hands to his sides.  “I was wondering if you had the notes for Transfiguration? Could I borrow them please?” She nodded. “Of course. I could give them to you after dinner.” She smiled. Draco blushed deeply, looking at her happy face.
She was about to turn around, but Draco grabbed her arm once again. “Y/n, wait!” She turned around to face him again. He gulped, feeling his heart racing. He let go of her arm again, his left by his side, and the right grabbed the back of his neck. “I was wondering if you’d like to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow? With me?” He stuttered. “I’d love that, Draco.”
As the day went on, she tried her best to ignore Draco. During classes, and dinner, he was constantly breathing down her neck. All the Slytherins went to the common room to get some work done. Y/n sat by the windows, working on some Transfiguration work. It was almost like the hairs on her arm stood up, feeling and knowing the presence of the person behind her.
“What you doing, Y/n?” Draco had asked. “Some transfiguration work, Draco.” She replied, without looking at him. “Well, let me know if you need my help.” He says, and grabs her non-dominant hand and kissed it.
“Draco. Please. We are not dating anymore, please don't do things like that.” She says calmly, but a bit quietly. Draco’s brows furrowed. “I just want to show you that I love you.” She sighed heavily, getting up and grabbing Draco’s arm, and leaving the common room. Y/n found an isolated spot for them to talk alone.
“Draco, please. You’ve been all up on me for a whole month. We’re not together. Just leave me be.” She exclaimed. Draco’s face softened. “I just want to make it up to you. I want you to forgive me.”
“I can’t forgive you, Draco! Don't you get that?!” She exclaimed even louder, finally letting some anger out, “You cheated on me! I love you so much and YOU cheated on ME.” Y/n’s tears stained her face, but she kept going. “We’ve been dating since the 3rd year, I met your parents, I loved you unconditionally, and this is how you repay me!”
“You ignored me for so long, and now that I need you to do that again, you won’t! I can't move on if you won’t leave me alone!” She sobbed. Draco looked guilty and uncomfortable. “I’m sorry. There’s no real reason why I cheated on you. I love you too, I just want you to realize it and forgive me.”
“I can't get back with you, Draco. I can't trust you anymore.” Draco’s eyes watered with that last sentence. “I never want you out of my life, Y/n. You’re too important to me. Please.” He begged.
Y/n grabbed his face and pulled him down. He had gotten so much taller since they started dating. She kissed his cheek, and pulled him into a hug. He hugged her back with no hesitation.
They stood in the halls, hugging each other, feeling each other’s warmth that they both missed so much. “I can’t forgive you, Draco. You know that.”
“I know.”
They both let go of each other, only holding on by their hands. “But I can forget. I think it’s best if we heal alone, and we can be friends.”
Draco smiled sadly. “Okay.”
As the new school year came. Y/n and Draco had finally healed, and became best  friends. They were still as close as they were before, they studied together, they'd have lunch together, they’d have sleepovers. And, they’d also go to Hogsmeade together, like their first date. They also laugh and reminisce, remembering how nervous and young they were, reminiscing their young, unconditional love.
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
Like Caramel For Chocolate- An Omega Bakugou x Alpha f!Reader fic. Part 3.
Part 1- Here
Previous part Here
Next Part Here
Content Warning: Negative headspace, omegaverse, self deprecation, depressive thoughts, pushy parental figures, ambiguous omegaverse reproduction, unhealthy relationships, relationship that could be easily fixed if idiots would use their words and communicate, Shinso/Denki side relationship
Where we left off-
You glanced up at the sound of the door. In came your parents, then the Yokomadas. You did a double take as the final person, the omega you were here to meet, entered the room. They looked equally as startled as your eyes locked.
You slowly walked through the teahouse garden, your electric blond friend oddly silent as he kept pace with you. Your parents and the Yokomadas had allowed the two of you a bit of privacy to talk. So far, neither of you had mustered the courage to break the awkward atmosphere. Neither your parents or the Yokomadas had seemed to pick up on Denki or your mood. If anything, they were thrilled you two already knew each other. With a sigh, you sat on a bench by the koi pond, not looking at the blond as to settled down next to you. After several minutes, he spoke.
“So. What are you doing here?”
You snorted, and gently dumped your shoulder against his.
“Right back at you, Pikachu.”
“I’ll tell you. After you tell me.”
You chuckled humorously, and tilted your head back to look at the sky.
“Would you believe me if I said I was just here to appease my mother?”
Denki considered for a moment before shaking his head.
“No. You’ve been saying no to her for years. So tell me, why are you here.”
You take a deep breath and let it out again slowly through your nose.
“I… I think I wanted to be here. Needed to.” You wrung your hands, throwing a sideways glance at Denki. “I… I want to be mated. Have a family. Have someone who needs me and lets me need them. I used to think Kat… I used to think Bakugou was my person. But I’m not sure anymore, Denks. You know what he’s like and so do I, but I’ve waited for years, and nothing, and I’m so tired, and I’m not even sure he even likes me anymore, and…” You’re stopped by Kaminari gently rubbing your back.
“Breath, Y/n. Come on. Deep breaths.”
You inhaled shakily. You hadn’t even noticed you’d been hyperventilating. Quiet settled again, aside from the sounds of nature and your slowly slowing breathing. After a few moments, you spoke again.
“I’m just so lonely, Denks. I see him every day, and I’m still so goddamn lonely. So I think… I think it’s time to let go.” Your lips twitched slightly upward as you tilt your head to look at him. “Am I terrible?”
Denki huffed out a breath and shook his head. “You? Never.” He sighed, removing his hand from you back as he began picking at the hem of his sleeve. “I wish I could say I didn’t understand. But I do. I’m kinda here for the same reason after all.”
You gave an encouraging hum and reached out, taking his hand in yours and running your thumb over his knuckles. He interlaced your fingers, giving a squeeze before continuing to speak.
“You know how I feel about Shinso, right?”
“I think everyone but Shinso knows how you feel about him.”
Denki snorted. “Yeah. Not surprised. But that’s the problem. I’ve liked him for years. Little bit of a crush but at UA, thought I could play it cool and it would go away; but then the agency paired us together and, well.” Denki gestured with the hand not holding yours. “It was so easy! I’d go boom! And then he’d go pow! Then shoom! It was amazing! He was amazing… And so I tried to get his attention. I tried so damn hard. And you know me.”
You snorted, giving his hand a squeeze. “You’re about as subtle as a brick through a living room window.”
“Exactly!” He shouted, pulling away to stand up and pace. “I flirted. I used all my best pick up lines. I asked him out to the club, and he said yes. But do you know what he said afterward? He said though it wasn’t his usual scene, it was really good being able to hang out with a friend. I… I asked him to spend my heat with me.”
You inhaled sharply. Kaminari looked at you with an expression you hardly recognized. He collapsed onto the bench, leaning heavily against you.
“He said ‘I’m glad you’re that comfortable with me, but it probably would be better for you to ask someone else.’” Denki whispered, sniffling.
“Oh.. Denki.” You wrapped your arms around the blond, squeezing him tightly. Half out of instinct, you tried to pump out soothing pheromones while you gently scented his hair. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing, sweetheart. You’re a wonderful omega!”
That was all it took for Denki to start sobbing heavily in your arms. You squeezed him tightly as tears filled your own eyes. The tears fell when Denki wrapped his arms around you, hugging you just as tightly as you held him. There in the tranquil garden you both huddled together as you finally allowed yourself to cry. Years of hurt and longing fell from your eyes one drop at a time.
You weren’t sure how long it had been when the two of you slowly pulled away from each other. You used your thumbs to wipe Denki’s cheeks. He gave you a halfhearted smile.
“So,” you asked tentatively, “what should we do? They’re going to expect an answer from us about this whole…” You waved a vague hand “Marriage date thing.”
Denki hummed, puffing up his cheeks as he blew out a breath. “God, I don’t know. Certainly wasn’t expecting it be you, you know? No offense.”
You drew back, gasping in mock anger. “Full offense!” You could only hold your expression a few seconds before you started snickering.
Denki grinned his first really grin of the day. “Well excuuuuse me for insulting your alpha sensibilities.”
“You’re excused. For now.”
You both chuckled. Looking out at the pond, you spoke again. “I just wish I had the right answers. And I really wish we had more time.”
Denki furrowed his brow. “Well… Technically, we could.”
“What do you mean?”
Denki bounced on his seat. “Okay. So. Hear me out. We both need time to process, clearly. Also clearly, our families are just not gonna give us that. So… Why don’t we do this?”
“Wait. Wait. We do this?” you asked, both curious and incredulous.
“Yeah! Think about it. One! They mainly want us in relationships they approved of. They set us up, so clearly, they approve. Two! If we say we’d like to try out this match, they obviously aren’t going to set up any more dates; therefore buying us time. And bonus of no annoying randos. Three! We can say we’re going to take the relationship slow because we’ve both been burned before and want to make sure. Four! Four…” Denki trailed off, looking at his feet.
“Four is maybe if we can’t find a love match at least we’re friends who work well together?” You murmured.
Denki nodded, glancing at you with a rueful smirk. “Yeah. Exactly. Vibe on the same wavelength. Hell, we even want similar shit in life.”
“Actual house, few pets, stability…”
Denki nodded again. “Sucks, but would make sense for us to consider it. As much as I fucking hate the ‘You’re not getting any younger’ speech, they are kind right. We can’t waste all our time waiting for things that aren’t gonna happen.”
You shook your head with a chuckle. “God, don’t you hate it when they’re right about shit like that?”
“You have no idea.”
You stood, stretching. “Well, I guess we go tell them, then.”
Denki groaned. “There isn’t enough saki in the world for that conversation.”
“And just so we’re clear, this stays between us for now, right? No one knows but us, our folks, and I guess your cousins.”
“Agreed. I don’t want to think about what anyone would say. Bakugou would kill me!”
You winced. “Unlikely. I doubt he’d care. But if Mina finds out, everyone will know.”
“You’re not kidding. No worries from me, I don't want this getting out any more than you do.”
“So… Engaged, I guess?”
Denki dusted himself off and stood. “Deal. Engaged.” Denki stuck his hand out, and you shook it.
You both turned and started making your way back to the teahouse, taking your time and going the long way to be sure to avoid and of the other patrons. This was fine. A good plan. Nothing could go wrong as long as no one found out.
And there you have part 3! Sorry the wait and thank you all for being patient! If anyone has any questions regarding the fic or how this particular omegaverse operates, please feel free to shoot me an ask. Also, please note that @snuggleyourredpandas is my main account, so it you see a message reply from them, that's me!
TAGLIST- @yzviea, @not-a-pushover, @thelilypieforever, @kumihayu, @aomi04, @ladybakugouu, @one-simp-more, @hakunamatatayqueen, @my-thoughts-are-weird, @left-alone-yuki, @officialtrashbusiness Just a reminder, if you want tagged make sure you have the ability to be tagged turned on; and I'd have to be informed if your blog name changes! Cheers, Darlings!
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shingia · 4 years
Could I request Kuroo, Bokuto, Tsukishima, Sakusa, Miya twins, and Tendou with a reader who used to self harm but was sober for a while, only to relapse after they left bc of a huge argument then please and thanks? Sorry if that’s really intense tho. And thank u for being so nice🙂💞
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ok i reaaally hope this is what you expected. i didn’t know what kind of ending you wanted but i decided that you, my friend, needed comfort, so i gave you comfort because you deserve it ❤️️
i hope reading this will make you feel better! kisses on your nose ❤️️
type : (strong) angst | word count : 4.4K
warnings : mentions of self-harm, depiction of depressive behavior (plz do not read if any of these might trigger something, i want you all to be safe <3)
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⇀ 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨
« fuck you, kuroo. fuck. you. ». those were the last words you had told him. they had hurt, but they were nothing compared to the last words he had told you, the words that kept playing over and over in your head as you slowly felt yourself drift to your old habits again : « i’m done with you ».
was it your fault ? did you push him over the edge ? you had many questions to ask kuroo, but he wasn’t there to answer anymore. so these thoughts were left spiraling in your head as you started to lose balance between love and pain. because his love used to be the cure to your pain. so now what ? what were you supposed to do other than going back to your old habits ? you couldn’t think of any answer.
on monday morning, you woke up thirty minutes earlier because, first of all, you needed some time for the swelling of your eyes to go down, and second of all, you needed to mentally prepare yourself to see kuroo again. it had been two days since your fight, and he had not manifested himself once. it seemed to be well and truly over ; and that thought had been the main cause of the collapsing of your mental strength over the last two days.
during your first period, although you were avoiding his gaze, kuroo couldn’t help but cast glances in your direction. because he knew you better than anyone, and he could only imagine how hurt you were.
but he really started to get suspicious when he noticed you were not raising your hand to correct today’s homework. he had helped you with that last week, and you had told him that you felt confident enough to propose your correction to the class ; which rarely happened. so why weren’t you raising your hand ?
he had a bad feeling about the answer… he didn’t care about giving you quick glances anymore, he just stared at your arms until one of your movements would make your sleeve reveal just a few inches of your skin.
and he was horrified to have his fears confirmed. the cuts that he had so often kissed while holding you in his arms were back. and he knew it was all because of him. and although his first thought was that it was not his job to heal them anymore, he couldn’t bring himself to act unbothered.
he had loved you for long enough to know that you needed him right now. or maybe he still loved you ? it was not clear, but it didn’t matter right now. what mattered was that he needed you to listen to what he wanted to say, even if that was the last thing you accepted to hear from him.
« y/n, we need to talk » he told you once you got out of the classroom. you looked up at him ; his face was unusually austere. he carefully grabbed your shoulder and took you away from everyone else. 
« i can’t… i couldn’t walk out of there pretending like i didn’t see what your arms looked like » he started. « now listen, i know i fucked up, but i still care. and you still matter. whatever our relationship is doesn’t define you and most importantly, these don’t define you » he pointed at your wrists, his brows furrowed with concern. « so please, i’m begging you, keep in mind that i’m always here if you need to talk. always. and if you don’t want to talk to me that’s fine, but in that case, please find someone else. for the sake of everything we've been through together, don't let everything you’ve accomplished go to waste » and he wrapped his arms around you in the strongest hug he had ever given.
⇀ 𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨
it had already been a week. and bokuto had absolutely no idea what to do. call you ? text you ? probably not. what would he even say ? « hi, sorry for slamming the door in your face after screaming at you for fifteen minutes. am i still your boyfriend ? » awful idea.
and while bokuto was pondering every option he had left to get in touch with you, you were left in the darkest place of your mind. and you hadn’t felt like that in a few months. because bokuto used to always be there, his number on speed dial whenever you feared you would relapse. and thanks to his unwavering support, you hadn’t. but was there anything in this world that was truly unwavering ? you really started to doubt it. and now that bokuto had left you, what could carry the pain away ? whatever the answer was, you were in no condition to think rationally about it.
you remembered how he used to celebrate every improvement in your mental health, how strong of a cornerstone he had been for you. and just the fact of not knowing where you guys were at after your fight was enough to make you feel like you were drowning again.
you were overflowing with emotions that you thought you couldn’t control, and apart from holding on tight to bokuto’s chest, you only knew one way to feel better.
you loved him, you really did. but after a week without hearing from him, you started to think that maybe his feelings were not as real as he pretended they were. and how could you not blame him for that ? for letting you down so fast ?
curled up in your bed, tears were streaming down your face ; because you felt weaker than you had promised yourself to be. you were exhausted, in every sense of the word, yet there was still a tiny bit of strength left in your body that made you grab your phone and open your conversation with bokuto. the last message was a bitter pill to swallow : « no problem babe, i’m always here for you ». it was just a week ago but it felt like an eternity had passed. your fingers started slowly typing on the screen and immediately hit sent, knowing that you would second guess your message if you re-read it. « can we talk? », just three words, it was the maximum you could get off of your chest right now.
but bokuto did not answer. for the simple reason that he was too busy catching his breath in front of your door. he frantically knocked, not stopping until you opened it.
« oh my god, are you okay ?! » he exclaimed, patting your entire body like he wanted to make sure you were well and truly there. and once he had made sure of that, he pulled you against his chest like he wasn’t planning on letting you go ever again. « did- did you… » he ventured to ask, not wanting to finish his sentence precisely because he was afraid of your answer. but when he heard you let out a muffled sob against his chest, his fears instantly got replaced by guilt. more than he had ever felt. « you’re alright, i got you. i got you now… » he murmured, his hands stroking your back tenderly. « we’ll get through this together, ok ? we’ll show the world how strong you are. because i know you are. »
⇀ 𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚
yes, sakusa had run away. and he was glad he had. because he knew how hurtful he could be with his words, and he had enough respect not to inflict that to you. but as he made his way back home, doubt started installing in his head. what if he shouldn’t have left you after your fight ? he immediately shook the thought away. no, you were good now. you were better. nothing like who you were when he met you.
and sakusa could be very convincing when he needed to, including with himself. that’s why he didn’t get in touch with you for the next three days, because he thought you just needed some time for yourself.
but when he received a worried text from komori when he got out of the gym after practice, he changed his mind within seconds. « i just saw y/n, something felt off. maybe you should check on them ? ».
sakusa felt a wave of guilt descend upon of him. of course he should. it was his fucking job to offer you his help, even when he thought you didn’t need it. and especially when he knew what you had already been through. he cursed himself all the way to your house, where he could only imagine how lonely you felt. not wanting to waste any more time, he pulled out his phone to call you. and heaved a relieved sigh at the sound of your voice : « hey, are you ok ? like, right now are you doing ok ? » he asked hastily. 
you sat on your bed and rubbed your strained eyes, fiddling with the cloth of your t-shirt. « i- yeah, i’m good… » you lied. « i’m at your door, open up please, i gotta see you » he said before hanging up.
you knew sakusa was not going to take no for an answer. so, after wiping your tears and putting on a long-sleeved hoodie and sweatpants, you went to open the door. 
« hi… » you uttered quietly. sakusa didn’t dare to move. he had been so determined to get to your house, but now that you were standing in front of him, he wasn’t so sure of what he was supposed to do.
you decided to be the first to break the silence,  « i’m okay. and i’m sorr… » « sorry. about everything. » he pre-empted you. seeing you like this made him fear the worst. so he gently grabbed your wrists like he wanted to hold your hands, when in reality he just wanted to confirm his thoughts. and when he saw you stiffen at his touch, he knew he had guessed right. « come here » he whispered before going in for a hug. but you pulled away at the last second. « can we… go to my room ? i- i feel better there » you asked timidly.
he didn’t even answer and simply wrapped his arm around your shoulder before taking you to your bedroom where you immediately curled up on your bed. you didn’t want sakusa to see you like this, but you were in no position to fight back anymore. quietly, he laid beside you and pulled you in a warm embrace, just tight enough to let you know that he got you now. 
when he noticed you were trying to find something to say, to explain yourself, he shushed you with a kiss on your shoulder. « you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to. but i want you to listen to me very carefully : don’t ever think that you’re back to square one now. you’ve dealt with this before, you’ve grown and you can do it again as long as you promise yourself to get back up. and i won’t leave your side. you deserve so much more than what you give yourself, and i’m here to remind you »
⇀ 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚
tsukishima’s pride was important to him, everyone knew it. the only thing he valued as much as his pride was probably you. but during your arguments, the scale always tipped in his pride’s favor, you simply could not compete.
but surprisingly enough, it was you who had told him to go away after getting in the most heated argument you had ever had. and he didn’t have to be told twice : you had shattered his beloved pride, and he was not going to stay here begging for your mercy.
he still loved you, but he also had no problem ignoring you at school. yet for some reason, this argument didn’t sit well with him. well, no arguments ever sat well with him, but today felt different. 
ignoring you was one of the most hurtful things tsukishima could ever do to you. he had helped you through so much, and suddenly becoming a stranger to him was slowly bringing you back down.
« it’s just one time, i won’t relapse » you thought the first time you tried to cope with the pain the way you used to. but you feared it wouldn’t be just one time. you were diving into what you had said goodbye to ; but now that tsukishima was ignoring you, there was no one to stop you from falling, right ? 
well, that would have been true if he hadn’t kept a discreet but attentive eye on you. which is why he knew very well that you had gone back to your old habits. and he needed to do something about it.
but he wasn’t good with words, and he feared that actions would not be enough this time. he needed something more permanent, something that you could keep with you all the time. so he decided to do something he had never done before, and gave it to you as soon as it was done…
receiving a letter from tsukishima was definitely not something you expected. but what was written in it was even less expected.
« i’m not the best at this kind of stuff, but… i really need you to stop being so hard on yourself. i know it’s not something i usually say, but i fell in love with you because i learned to love your imperfections. and you have to start doing the same about yourself. please. and if you need to be held, to be listened to, i’ll be there. but i wanted to write something because i want you to be able to read this as much as you need, as much as you want. i want you to get better, but even more than that, i want you to want to get better. you can do it, i believe in you more than you can think. please come to me if you need it. i love you ».
the tears that streamed down your face had a salty taste, but for the first time in a long time, they tasted like hope as well. and the next time you came face to face with yourself and your thoughts, your eyes found find their way back to the letter, and you knew that there were people that still believed in you, counted on you, loved you. tsukki was just the first one of a long list. (<3)
⇀ 𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐮
he had been there through everything. more than you would have imagined. which is probably why you felt desperately empty ever since he got so angry at you that he left without looking back. but at the time, it simply had not crossed his mind that you would suffer so deeply from his words.
but you did. a lot. and that was the reason you found yourself crying on your bedroom floor, not even able to be mad at anyone but yourself.
still oblivious to the true damage, atsumu thought he could get back to you by pretending like nothing had happened. he often did that because, to him, what was in the past belonged in the past. except that today, and in your situation, it could not work.
« wanna grab something to eat ? » was the first text he sent you. and you didn’t feel like answering, so you didn’t. « are you still mad ? i’m not <3 » was the second one. but you still didn’t feel like answering. maybe it was your fault ? maybe you were overreacting while you were just supposed to play it cool like he did ? but you would have played it cool if you knew how to.
when atsumu decided to go to your house, it was initially to apologize in person. he had not planned on seeing you looking the way you did, which was a heart-wrenching reminder of the dark period of time you had gotten through together. but here he was, standing in front of you, feeling more helpless than ever. he knew too well the look into your eyes, one that he hadn’t seen in a long time. 
he dropped the pack of snacks he was holding in his hands before cupping your cheeks. « oh no, no, no. i fucked up, didn’t i ? i am… so so so sorry. c-can you forgive me ? » he stammered, absolute panic in his eyes as he took you in his arms. why would i have to forgive you ? you thought. i’m the only one to blame. 
but atsumu seemed to also hear the things you didn’t say, and he refused to let you feel guilty for anything. ever so gently, he took your hands in his before placing the softest kisses on your wrists that were still covered by the sleeves of your hoodie. « i probably won’t ever forgive myself for leaving you alone. but promise me you’ll always come to me if you need help, or any kind of support, hugs, kisses… you name it. i’ll be your coping mechanism, and i’ll be the best you’ve ever had »
and he kept holding you for a long time, at least until he felt your breath become steady again. and if you thought atsumu was doting before, prepare yourself to be even more amazed now.
⇀ 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮
fighting with osamu was not frequent, fortunately. but when fights occured, it was bad. really bad. he tended to think that you could endure as much as atsumu when it came to harsh words ; but you couldn’t.
kind of like his brother, samu had a tendency to leave the past behind and pretend like nothing happened when he got in touch with you after a fight. and that’s what he did a week ago, after one of the biggest arguments that you had ever had.
too happy that he seemed to still want to be your boyfriend, you didn’t have the courage to tell him how you had gone back to your old habits during the time you were on bad terms. but as they said, old habits died hard, and your destructive thoughts were still very present even when things seemed to have gotten back to normal.
yet samu was not blind, and he noticed that you were acting a bit more distant since last week, since your fight. but he still thought that your problems could be solved by just keeping on pretending like everything was ok. and eventually, things would turn out ok by themselves, right ?
you were laying on his bed, turned on your side as you scrolled on your phone. usually you would have had an arm swung around him, but you didn’t want to take any risk, so you kept your distances. 
« hey, come closer baby. we’ve barely cuddled today » he told you before lazily wrapping his arm around your waist.
feeling nervous, you swallowed the lump in your throat before putting your phone on the nightstand. « i’m going to sleep, samu », you said, stretching your arm to turn off the light.
but he was quicker than you and gently grabbed your arm, careful not to apply any pressure on it. his eyes widened, he had barely seen your wrist but it had been enough to notice that the scars were recent. he put two and two together and looked at you dead in the eyes ; you looked ashamed, and it broke his heart. « when did y- was it because of me ? » he asked, his voice faintly shaking. you pulled away from his hand and held your arm against you, sinking in the pillow. « no, of course not. it’s nothing » you breathed out, looking away to avoid his gaze. but he was quick to make you face him again, with a slight pressure of his fingertips on your red cheeks. « there’s only one thing that i hate more than seeing you in pain. it’s knowing that i caused this pain. let me help you, y/n. please. you deserve to feel better. i’m sorry i didn’t give you as much love as you gave me. and i’m sorry for behaving like an asshole when you needed me. just… fuck, i just love you ».
tears started prickling the corner of your eyes, but he saw you trying to hold them back. with the most gentle look in his eyes, he proposed to turn off the light if it made you feel better. and you nodded ; you knew that you’d eventually had to have a face-to-face conversation with him. it was the only way to get better. but right now you just wanted to be held without thinking about what he’d see. or wouldn’t see.
so he turned off the light and let yourself get comfortable in bed before wrapping you in his embrace once again. his soft breath against your neck was obviously not enough to make all your pain magically go away, but it let you know that he had your back. and it was all that mattered.
⇀ 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮
« i don’t want to do this anymore, y/n ! » tendou had yelled, making this sentence the peak of your argument. six words, and they were on replay in your minds since four days. you couldn’t believe that almost two years of relationship had ended so abruptly. but you had to face the truth : tendou had enough of you. and obviously you linked that to the turbulent start of your relationship. you knew it hadn’t been easy for him to deal with your self harm when you had just started dating. yet he had managed to make you feel so much better that you had been sober for about a year, all thanks to him. but maybe you hadn’t been grateful enough ? maybe that was why he had decided to end things now ?
the only thing you knew for sure was that he was gone, and you felt like you had lost your anchor.
you had spent the weekend in your dorm, and it had been a painful weekend. so painful that you did not get out of bed on monday morning ; it was just too much to handle. deep down you knew that you were not handling your problems the right way… and escaping reality was not viable.
but little did you know that tendou wanted nothing more than to see you again in the hallways and finally have a heart-to-heart conversation with you. and when he didn’t see you in class, he started to freak out. he knew how it was to feel alone and rejected ; and he started to fear that he had caused you to feel exactly that. so he did not follow his friends to the cafeteria at lunch and headed to your dorm instead, hoping that you’d open the door.
and you did. thank god you did. but panic started bubbling in his chest when his eyes laid on your face.
« alright, come here » he told you with a forced smile before pulling you in his embrace. truthfully, he didn’t feel like smiling, but he knew that the last thing you needed was to think you made him feel bad. when he was with you, his main goal was to cheer you up, he’d deal with himself later. « angel… did you do it again ? » he asked, his tone being the furthest thing from judgmental. you muttered a quiet apology, your face buried in his white uniform jacket. but something lingered on your mind. angel ? it sounded right, but you knew it wasn’t. not anymore. « don’t apologize ! the only person you owe an apology to is yourself » he whispered against your ear. slowly, he put his hands on your waist before bringing you to your bed where he sat right next to you, still refusing to take his hands off of your body.
 « tendou, you don’t have to do this… » you muttered, knowing that you weren’t supposed to be this close anymore. « i’m your ex, you don’t owe me anything ».
he immediately looked down to meet your eyes, an eyebrow raised in confusion. « your ex ? wh- you think i broke up with you ? y/n, when i said that i didn’t want to do this anymore, i was talking about fighting with you ! i’m sorry, i should have texted you these last few days, but i thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me »
a tear rolled down your cheek. tendou’s words sounded like heaven right now. maybe you weren’t alone after all ?
« now, do you need me to get you something ? band-aids ? anything ? » he asked, caressing your hair with his right hand. you nodded your head no and kept your head buried in his neck, like you were waiting for his scent to go to your head. « i know you’ve been through a lot, and i’m proud of you no matter what. but, you know… even though i have enough love for the both of us, i’d really want you to have enough love for yourself » he said and placed a kiss on top of your head, waiting for you to say something. but he sensed that you were not ready yet. and he was ok with that, the last thing he wanted to do was to pressure you. it was going to be a long path, but you had already done it, and you were going to do it again. and he’d be there the whole time.
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ok so if you’ve read until there it probably means that you needed comfort (i hope i have given you enough) : so if you are in this situation yourself, PLEASE don’t be afraid to ask for help, you can and you will get better. i’m rooting for you like saeko roots for karasuno ❤️️
@toworuu (didn’t forget about you ^^)
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nepenthendline · 3 years
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A/N: i cried writing this multiple times, but here’s some sad tsukki crying, I’m not proof-reading this bc if I do i’ll cry again ty
TW: mentions of depression, breakdowns/panic attacks, a crying tsukki and a crying reader
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Can we cancel tonight?
Read the text that lit up your phone from Tsukishima. To be honest you’d been expecting it, but it still sent a pang of worry to your heart. You’d planned to meet up and go for dinner since you hadn’t had much time together due to assignments and classes, not to mention his training, but he had been a little off for a while now so it didn’t surprise you. 
The past week or so he’d been more distant than usual: short responses whenever you spoke to him, rushing home whenever he had to leave the house and you knew he hadn’t been taking the best care of himself due to the dark circles under his eyes. It was like he’d reverted back to the Tsukishima you first met at the start of highschool - detached and guarded. A lot of people just thought he was an ass or that he had a shitty personality, and while that may have been the case at times, you knew why he acted that way. He was protecting himself. It took a while for him to open up to you, but you learned about his struggles, his depression and his worries. Even so, he still tended to bottle his emotions up for as long as possible, but he did improve. Over the years you’d known him you were lucky to watch him bloom; he became more open, more accepting of talking about how he was doing. He’d even come to you first on occasion when he felt himself slipping, and he smiled more. It was a beautiful sight to watch him have fun and be happy for a change, and you couldn’t be more proud. But progress also came with stepbacks, and he wasn’t safe from them. 
What’s on your mind? You replied. You knew what was going on, but if he wanted to tell you himself then that was for the best. The three dots signalled his typing, then disappeared, then reappeared moments later. It was a minute or two before the message came through. 
Don’t feel good 
You stared at your phone for a few seconds, wondering what to do. Part of you wanted to leave him be and see if he could shake this by himself since that’s what he preferred, but you knew this had been going on too long. 
Can I come over? You asked, since the last thing you wanted to do was turn up unannounced and make matters worse. You didn’t expect him to accept your proposal but it was worth a try, so when an ‘ok’ showed up underneath your message you were taken back a little. Things must be bad if he agreed. 
In a rush you grabbed a jacket and your keys, before sliding your shoes on and heading out the door. His apartment wasn’t too far from yours luckily, however even the small journey made your heartbeat thud in your chest. ‘Hang in there’ you thought to yourself like a mantra in your mind, hoping the message would get through to him in some way. 
After climbing various flights of stairs you were faced with his door. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a second, before knocking softly and unlocking the door with your copy of the key. It was eerily quiet when you walked in and the only light that filtered through was the street lamps from the road below. Shutting the door behind you, you called out his name but received no reply. You took slow steps through the hallway, peering your head around each corner in aid to find him. His apartment wasn’t particularly messy, although there were some dishes and clothes laying around that usually had no place there. As the living room and kitchen were empty, you made your way over to his bedroom. 
Your knuckles tapped on the wood as your other hand turned the handle to open the door; the room was just as dark as the rest of the apartment, however this shadow contained your boyfriend sat on his bed that lived in the corner of the room. His knees were bent up close to his chest as his arms rested on top of his knees. One hand was fiddling with his bottom lip as he stared emptily at the wall in front. You walked closer, slowly as not to startle him, and sat next to him on the bed with your legs hanging off the edge. 
Even after the bed dipped under the added weight he didn’t once move or look away. His eyes remained locked on the wall and yours stayed firmly on him. His hair was messier than usual, and his eyes lacked the usual golden glow they radiated behind his glasses. For a man over 6ft tall and that trained almost every day, he looked so small and fragile curled up like this. You had never once thought of Tsukishima as weak, but there was a dull look of fear that was spread across his face that made him look like a lost, lonely child. 
“Hey,” you whispered. His eyes snapped away from the wall and settled on you for a moment, where he nodded briefly and looked away once more. His breathing sped up from before; his shoulders and chest rising faster and harsher than usual. He was trying so hard to keep things together and you were surprised he even could for this long. 
You shuffled forward on the bed to get closer and lifted one hand to brush away the hair that stuck to his slightly damp forehead. Even in the darkness you saw him swallow hard, his throat shaking in response. You gently slid the glasses off his nose, folding them up and placing them on the bedside table. As you turned back to him your eyes locked with his; they were wide, worried, yet so vacant. Your fingers brushed over his cold cheek before you wrapped your arms around his shoulders pulling him close to you; his head instantly found its way into your warm neck. 
There were few seconds of complete still and silence, until a sob broke out from his throat. His whole body shook as you held him, with one hand combing through his hair in an attempt to soothe him somewhat. The room was filled with strangled breaths and whines as he cried, and your neck was already soaked with salty tears. You rocked your joined bodies back and forth a little, going with the motions of his own tremble, and turned your head slightly to press light kisses to his temple. 
Tsukishima was not a crier, at all, but he was human and there was only so long he could bottle things up for. Even so, you couldn’t help but tear up as well at the sound of his anguish. It was heartbreaking to see him like this since he usually seemed so strong, so self-assured. There wasn’t much you could do for him at this point, but just being there to pick up the pieces as he broke was enough. 
It was a while before he began to come down and the only reason he did was probably from exhaustion. His arms had found their way around your waist as he cried, clinging and tugging at your jacket as if to find support, and yours had not left their tight grip around him once. His breathing was still erratic, but his tears had muted down to occasional sniffles. 
You pulled back a little, enough to see his face, and pulled the edge of your sleeve over your hand to wipe away the dampness on his cheeks. A red hue covered his entire swollen face and his eyes were raw with irritation yet, despite the current event, he still managed to look beautiful. The moisture glimmered in his eyes, but it wasn’t the shine you were used to. You dropped your hold on your sleeve and instead cupped his cheek in your hand. Instantly, he closed his eyes and nuzzled into the heat of your skin. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked, still hushed as you spoke however he shook his head and sniffled, raising a hand to wipe at the tear that fell from his eye. You nodded slowly in response, looking down to think for a moment. 
“You can get through this, I know you can,” you started as he stared at you with fluttering eyes and pursed lips, “we’ll do it together, ok? We’ve done it before and we can do it again.” He hesitated for a moment then nodded vigorously as a whimper sounded from his mouth. 
“It’s just… it’s so hard,” his voice broke as he spoke, looking away from you towards the wall. You had to swallow away the lump in your throat as it burned with tears brimming in your own eyes; you had to be the strong one for him, he needed you now. Your thumb brushed across his cheekbone, collecting each tear as it fell and nodded. 
“I know, baby, but you’re doing so well. I’ve got you.” He replied with a ‘thank you’, yet the sound was masked by choked breaths. You pulled him close to your body once again, pressing your cheek firmly against the side of his head and dragged a hand up and down his back. “We’ll figure things out tomorrow. We can look into things to help you, but for now let’s focus on your breathing and getting settled, ok?” He nodded once more against your neck, taking a deep breath after you demonstrated. 
It took a few minutes but he got there eventually. You could feel his heartbeat through the hand on his back, and it had slowed to a somewhat regular speed, and his shoulders drooped from their tense hold. You pulled away, telling him that you’d be back in a moment to get some water and headed to the kitchen. 
Not bothering to turn any lights on, you shuffled through the cabinet to get a glass and held it under the running tap. The rippling of the water filled your eyes, and a few tears rolled down your cheeks as you gasped, quickly reaching up to wipe them away. You sat the glass down on the counter and stared up at the ceiling, clenching your eyes shut as you took one deep breath in. You wiggled your hands by your sides as you let out the air in a huff, trying to distract yourself for a moment. With a sniffle, your hands raised to swiftly rub at your face and let out a small, distressed groan. ‘Not now’, you thought as you picked up the glass again, ‘we can do this later.’ 
You took a final deep breath, mustering up the last bit of strength you had and walked back into the bedroom. He hadn’t moved from his spot, but accepted the glass with a hum of a thanks. He took a few sips as his eyes darted back and forth between you and the darkness of the room. The glass was almost empty as he held it in his hands, brushing his thumb over the rim in thought. 
“You’re just as bad as me sometimes, you know that?” He spoke, looking up at you through his wet lashes. Your brows knitted together for a moment, but it wasn’t long before you understood. You let out a weak laugh, wiping your damp cheek with your hand. You saw the tryings of a smile for the first time on his lips. 
“I said we’d do this together, so I’m just getting in the spirit,” you mused as the odd tear fell, and he chuckled somewhat. One had left the bottom of the glass and seeked out yours, taking it in its grasp and squeezing. 
“It’s gonna be ok,” you whispered, although you’re not too sure if it was to him or yourself. He brought your joint hands and pressed a light kiss on the back, letting his lips linger for a second. 
“It’s gonna be ok.”
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osakaso5 · 3 years
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Haruka Isumi Twelve Hits! Rabbit TV Part 1: Twelve Hits!
Part 2 | Part 3 
Haruka Isumi: "RADIO STATION Twelve Hits"?
Torao Mido: Ah... Isn't that the radio show IDOLiSH7 was on last year?
Minami Natsume: TRIGGER and Re:vale also participated in it.
Toma Inumaru: That's right! And we're gonna be on Twelve Hits! this year!
Torao Mido: Hmm.
Toma Inumaru: Why dont you look more interested!?
Torao Mido: It's not like we haven't done a bunch of radio shows before, right? If anything, you're a little too excited.
Toma Inumaru: Hold on... This is Twelve Hits! we're talking about! The famous radio show practically everyone in Japan’s heard of!
Toma Inumaru: It's been on air ever since we were kids, so you've got to have listened to it at least once, right?
Haruka Isumi: Nope. I like RabbiTube better, anyway.
Torao Mido: Haha, you're such a modern kid. Not that I've listened to it, either.
Toma Inumaru: You've gotta be kidding me!
Minami Natsume: I've listened to it. It's a monthly broadcast that has a new host each time.
Minami Natsume: I even appeared in it once when I was still a child actor.
Toma Inumaru: Seriously, Mina..!? That's awesome..!
Toma Inumaru: I've sent a couple messages to it, but they never got read on air. ...So you've already been on it, huh..!
Minami Natsume: Oh dear. If you open your eyes so wide, they'll fall out.
Minami Natsume: Though I must say, I like being gazed at so intensely that it might result in your loss of sight.
Haruka Isumi: Eek... Don't say scary stuff like that..!
Torao Mido: I see. In other words, this radio show is amazing enough that some people would even sacrifice their precious eyes for it.
Toma Inumaru: ...Ahem. In any case, we've got a really cool job ahead of us!
Toma Inumaru: The shows from last year were a lot of fun, too!
Torao Mido: You listened to them?
Minami Natsume: So, you listened to them.
Haruka Isumi: You did?
Toma Inumaru: S-should I not have..? Why are you all looking at me like that!?
Torao Mido: No reason.
Haruka Isumi: No reason?
Minami Natsume: No reason in particular.
Toma Inumaru: You three always work together perfectly at times like these...
Minami Natsume: I was simply commending you for having a genuine interest in even the hosts   who weren't your friend, Nanase-san, without so much as gathering intel on them.
Torao Mido: Hmph. Nothing we could've done about that. Toma wants to be friends with those guys. Probably because he's not satisfied with us.
Haruka Isumi: Torao, stop sulking like a little kid. He's not gonna understand that you want him to pay more attention to you unless you tell him.
Torao Mido: I'm not sulking. I was just pointing out that he goes on and on about people other than us.
Toma Inumaru: ...I just thought it looked fun, the way they were giving each other requests for the show... I kinda wanted to try it, too...
Toma Inumaru: Listening to them made me think about how fun it'd be to do that with you guys!
Torao Mido: Oh..?
Haruka Isumi: Hmm..?
Minami Natsume: So, you want us to complete requests for you.
Toma Inumaru: That's right! Some of them could get pretty crazy and extreme, but it just seemed like something members of the same group do together!
Haruka Isumi: Yeah... I guess Tenn Kujo seemed pretty happy when he got a request from his little brother.
Toma Inumaru: Yep. So you did listen to it, after all!
Haruka Isumi: Huh? Ah..!
Haruka Isumi: N-no I didn't! I just happened to hear it from a car radio on my way somehwere.
Toma Inumaru: If you already know what the show's like, then that makes things easier! Apparently we'll also get requests from the listeners.
Toma Inumaru: Make sure to come up with good ones!
Minami Natsume: Very well. You'll answer anything, won't you?
Torao Mido: Feels nice to be on the asking end of a relationship for once.
Haruka Isumi: Let's rebel like we always do, even on radio! 
- - - -
Toma Inumaru: Alright, everyone's here. Time to start brainstorming requests for Haru!
Minami Natsume: Yes indeed. I've come up with a request that should fit Isumi-san quite well.
Torao Mido: That's one hell of a smile, Minami. Is your idea really that good?
Minami Natsume: I certainly think so.
Toma Inumaru: I dunno why, but your smile's giving me the heebie-jeebies... You sure it's something that can be broadcasted on radio..?
Minami Natsume: Yes, of course. I'm sure it'll liven up his variety segment nicely.
Haruka Isumi: Variety... Ugh...
Toma Inumaru: Haha, what's with the long face, Haru?
Torao Mido: I know what his problem is. He's clearly feeling lonely because we can't be on the show with him.
Torao Mido: I guess even you've got a cute side, Haruka.
Toma Inumaru: Seriously..!? I guess that makes sense... Haru might work hard as our center, but he's still only a high schooler...
Toma Inumaru: Sorry for not noticing..! Next time, just let us know. We're a team, so we've gotta help each other out!
Haruka Isumi: ...Huh!? I'm NOT feeling lonely! Stop being weird!
Minami Natsume: Is there another reason why you looked so depressed, then?
Haruka Isumi: ...Twelve Hits! is a variety talk show, right? I just don't know what I should talk about.
Minami Natsume: You don't?
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, Tenn Kujo called me the "honor student of variety shows" once, and I don't really get what that means yet.
Haruka Isumi: I guess TV and radio aren't the same thing, but still. I'm the  last member of ŹOOĻ to go, anyway.
Haruka Isumi: Since I'm doing this, I might as well do it right!
Toma Inumaru: Haru..! I didn't think you'd take this so seriously..!
Toma Inumaru: That's great!
Haruka Isumi: Hey..! Quit patting me on the head..!
Torao Mido: Don't think too hard on it. You're the host, so can't you just talk about whatever you like?
Minami Natsume: Agreed. The listeners will be there for you, Isumi-san.
Haruka Isumi: You think so..?
Toma Inumaru: That's right, Haru! Take it easy, pretend you're talking to your friends if you have to.
Toma Inumaru: Like Izumi and Yotsuba! Or... Uh, did you have any other friends, again?
Haruka Isumi: I-I've got plenty! Just the other day, I swapped RabbitChat IDs with a couple of my classmates!
Minami Natsume: Oh my, congratulations.
Haruka Isumi: ...It was mainly so we could stay in touch for our group project, though...
Toma Inumaru: ...Wait, we're getting off topic! Back to the requests!
Toma Inumaru: We can help Haru out, too. Help him practice for variety shows!
Torao Mido: Like how?
Toma Inumaru: Well...
Toma Inumaru: Ah! Ask him to do a little improv skit!
Haruka Isumi: That's too hard! I've never done comedy before!
Toma Inumaru: That's exactly why. Can't give you too low of a hurdle! Besides, a real man can overcome anything!
Minami Natsume: Or a real man can trip over the hurdle and never overcome  his failure, let alone anything else.
Torao Mido: Hmph, don't you worry, someone will pick you right back up. Toma, that is.
Haruka Isumi: If you guys are joking, it's not very funny...
Toma Inumaru: You're not chickening out, are you?
Haruka Isumi: N-no way! ...I could totally do improv!
Toma Inumaru: I believe in you, buddy! You'll get your prompt on the day of the show.
Torao Mido: Haha, you've got guts, kid. In that case, I'll give you a hosting related request, too.
Torao Mido: Why don't you do a bit of bold self-promotion for your audience, and try to pitch ŹOOĻ to them?
Haruka Isumi: What, like a sales pitch for some product..? I've seen those on TV at night...
Toma Inumaru: Yeah, like one of the infomercials for those really sharp knives that can even slice a pumpkin to ribbons!
Haruka Isumi: What!? Knives can do that!?
Toma Inumaru: Pineapples, too.
Haruka Isumi: Holy crap..!
Minami Natsume: Oh my. Perhaps your skit should be about TV shopping?
Torao Mido: ŹOOĻ is a product of sorts, too. And it'll be your job to sell us to the listeners, Haruka.
Torao Mido: Captivate your audience so well that no amount of money will be enough for them to get enough of us. Your words will decide our value.
Torao Mido: What do you think? It's a pretty good talk show excercise.
Haruka Isumi: It's a pain in the ass... All I'd need to do is play them one of our shows. Can I just sing or something?
Torao Mido: If that's what you'd rather practice, then sure, whatever.
Haruka Isumi: ...Fine. I'll try.
Torao Mido: Haha, you're actually being obedient for once.
Haruka Isumi: I'm plenty obedient. And I don't really wanna do it, but we agreed on the "no takebacks" rule, remember?
Haruka Isumi: Plus, I get that you guys are just trying to help me out...
Minami Natsume: Hee hee. In that case, I suppose my request will be something sweet, to reward you for being good.
Haruka Isumi: Sweet?
Minami Natsume: Think of it as the carrot to their stick.
Minami Natsume: You may make a request for the three of us. Us older members should do our duty and spoil you every now and then, especially seeing as how your birthday is coming up.
Haruka Isumi: Huh!? I get to ask you guys for something!? ...Like, anything!?
Minami Natsume: Yes, anything. After all, we have a young heir in our midst.
Torao Mido: Since when am I an heir? Oh, well.
Toma Inumaru: ...So Mina's request was perfectly normal and radio approriate. I dunno why I was so worried...
Minami Natsume: Hee hee. I said it would fit him nicely, did I not?
Haruka Isumi: ...Feels weird. I know the skit and stuff sounded hard, but even they'd be for my own self improvement...
Minami Natsume: I only felt like going easier on you today.
Torao Mido: You'd better be grateful.
Toma Inumaru: Come on, guys..! You could at least admit how much you care about Haru!
Haruka Isumi: Hmm? ...Ehehe!
Haruka Isumi: This feels kinda nice! But still, I can't let you go too easy on me.
Haruka Isumi: I'll shock you with how good my radio hosting will be! 
End of Part 1.
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cryingcow · 3 years
Character Story - Yumi [RGGO]
After a couple weeks of seeing babies, I am back to online classes :D I’ve had half of this done for months, but in the end the motivation I needed to finish this in a week was 1) people still waiting for it, and 2) the fact that there is absolutely no Kansai speak here after how hard doing Minami’s was XD Thank you to @arysthaeniru​, @snuggetfish​, and @integralcalculus​ for voting for Yumi! Sorry for how long it took!
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(Don’t be fooled by the card picture, this does not take place in 2005 :< )
Story: Yumi works at Serena with another hostess and feels inadequate in comparison up until said hostess leaves to join a prostitution ring, at which point she reveals her secret ability.
Notes: 耳が痛いわ or “my ears hurt” - means something like “that’s painfully true” (spiritually, it probably means “haha oof yeah”).
|Kamurocho – 1992.|
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Serena Customer: “Oh? Yumi-chan, you haven’t touched your alcohol. Is it not to your liking?”
Yumi: “No, that’s not it, President. It’s just . . .”
President: “Come to think of it, Yumi-chan isn’t a heavy drinker of alcohol.”
Yumi: “Yeah, well . . .”
President: “Haha, you don’t have to overdo it.”
Yumi: (I shouldn’t cause the customers concern . . . really, I . . .)
{The door opens.}
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Reina: “Oh, Yuu-chan. Welcome back.”
Yuu: “I’m back! Mama, I went shopping!”
Reina: “Thank you. Can you stay to assist Yumi-chan?”
Yuu: “Okay.”
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Yuu: “Good evening, I’m Yuu. May I disturb you?”
President: “Oh, you’re cute! Sit down, sit down!”
Yuu: “Pardon me!”
Reina: “Wait, Yuu-chan. Is this all you bought? Some items are missing.”
Yuu: “Eh, it’s not enough? That’s funny~, I confirmed everything was all there.”
President: “Ahaha! Yuu-chan, are you saying it fell out?”
Yuu: “You know~? I often make mistakes~! Like last time . . .”
Yumi: “. . . President, may I leave my seat for a moment? I’m going to go buy more.”
President: “Yeah sure, sure! I’m having fun with Yuu-chan!”
Yumi: “. . . Well then, excuse me.”
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Yumi: “Alright, that’s everything. I have to get back quickly . . .”
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Drunk Thug: “Oh?! It’s Yumi-chan of Serena!”
Yumi: “Eh?”
Drunk Thug: “We’ve gone drinking a few times before. I feel like this is fate~! We met tonight because of it, so let’s go drinking together!”
Yumi: “I’m sorry, I have to get back to the bar . . .”
Drunk Thug: “Huuh?! Come on!!”
Yumi: “Kyaa?! Don’t pull! It hurts!”
Drunk Thug: “Heh, you’re always so high and mighty. Come to think of it, you never join in when I start drinking. The other hostess with you is Yuu, right? That one was more entertaining.”
Yumi: “. . . !”
Drunk Thug: “That’s it! Starting now, I’ll teach you how to please your customers.”
Yumi: “No, let go!”
Male voice: “Oi, you thug. What are you doing?”
Drunk Thug: “Huh?”
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Yumi: “Shi-Shinji-kun?!”
Shinji: “Yumi-san, are you alright?”
Yumi: “Y-Yup. But, this person . . .”
Drunk Thug: “What do you want?!”
Shinji: “Don’t say bad words. If this is a pick-up, make your move somewhere else.”
Drunk Thug: “This is going to be fun . . . you wanna be messed up?! Apologize, hey!”
Yumi: “Shinji-kun, this is dangerous!”
Shinji: “Yumi-san, please stand back. I’ll deal with him.”
Drunk Thug: “Hah! I’m not scared of some kid! I’ll show you!”
{Shinji beats up the drunk.}
Drunk Thug: “Damn it, I’ll get you for this!”
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Shinji: “Geez . . . I’m relieved you’re okay, Yumi-san.”
Yumi: “Thank you. But why is Shinji-kun here?”
Shinji: “I had something to do in the area and was walking nearby when I heard Yumi-san’s voice, so I came rushing in.”
Yumi: “I see. You really helped me.”
Shinji: “Hehe, it’s not a big deal. Something else might happen, so I’ll escort you to Serena.”
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Yumi: “Thank you for escorting me to the bar. Ah, I know. Let me treat you to a drink as thanks.”
Shinji: “I’d be glad to, but I still have work to do . . . I’ll drop by the bar again some other time.”
Yumi: “I see . . . Yup. That’s alright.”
Shinji: “. . . Yumi-san, is something wrong? You don’t look fine.”
Yumi: “. . . I was thinking about how I’m always just getting help from someone.”
Shinji: “No, that’s not the case! Kiryu-san and Nishikiyama-san say that Yumi-san simply being there for them is soothing.”
Yumi: “Eh . . . ? Really?”
Shinji: “Really! I think the same way! So please stay as you are, Yumi-san.  . . . Oh, I need to get to my Aniki. See ya!”
{Shinji runs off.}
Yumi: (Shinji-kun says that . . . I should stay as I am . . . should I really?)
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Reina: “Oh, Yumi-chan! Welcome back. It’s late, did something happen?”
Yumi: “No, everything’s fine. I just took my time in shopping.”
Yuu’s voice: “Ahaha! That’s right~!”
Reina: “The President and Yuu-chan are enjoying themselves.”
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Yumi: (The President is drinking a lot . . . but he looks like he’s having fun, isn’t he?)
Reina: “Yuu-chan is amazing, even though it’s only been half a year since she became a hostess.”
Yumi: “Yeah, I can’t get the President to drop his reservations that quickly . . .”
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Yuu: “So then, President. Please continue the story you were telling earlier!”
President: “Hahaha! I’m glad I got to know Yuu-chan today!”
Yumi: (Do I even need to be here? With Yuu-chan here, I’m not necessary . . . )
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Yumi: “Good morning.”
Reina: “Oh, Yumi-chan! You’re not with Yuu-chan?”
Yumi: “Eh? She hasn’t come in yet? Shouldn’t she have an early shift today . . .”
Reina: “That’s right. I tried to contact her, but the call wouldn’t go through . . .”
Yumi: “Maybe she’s just late again? I’ll go change clothes for the time being and help out.”
{The phone rings.}
Reina: “Oh, a phone call.  . . . Yes, this is Serena. Ah, Yuu-chan! It’s already time for your shift . . . Eh? Wait a minute! So sudden . . . the call dropped.”
Yumi: “What’s wrong? Was the call from Yuu-chan?”
Reina: “It was . . . Yuu-chan’s quitting from the bar.”
Yumi: “Eh?”
Reina:” That’s all she said before the call cut off.”
Yumi (Why? Even though the President liked her so much.)
Reina: “I wonder what happened all of a sudden . . . I hope it’s nothing.”
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Yumi: “Thank you, please come again.”
Office Worker Customer: “Of course, Yumi-chan. But I’m lonely without Yuu-chan~.”
Yumi: “Fufu, don’t say that.”
{The customer leaves.}
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Reina: “It’s been a week since Yuu-chan quit. It’s lonely because of her sudden disappearance.”
Yumi: “Yup . . . it was a little too sudden. Maybe something happened.”
Reina: “. . . I failed to tell you at the time, but Yuu-chan said this. ‘I quit because I found a place I can make more money’.”
Yumi: “Eh? Serena pays pretty well. More than that . . .”
Reina: “Yup. I’m worried that it’s a dangerous place. I’ve called several times since then, but I couldn’t get in touch with Yuu-chan. I hope she’s alright . . . I worry something fishy is going on. Ah, Yumi-chan, a customer. Welcome~!”
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Regular Customer: “Reina-mama, is Yuu-chan in?”
Reina: “Sorry. Yuu-chan quit a while ago.”
Regular Customer: “Ah, then . . . was the kid in that shop Yuu-chan?”
Reina: “Eh, did you see Yuu-chan somewhere?”
Regular Customer: “Yeah, in the cabaret club I came from, there’s a new hostess who looked like Yuu-chan. Well, I couldn’t see the face clearly because I wasn’t in my seat.”
Reina: “I see, a cabaret club . . . did she look okay?”
Regular Customer: “Hmm, I wonder . . . I’m really worried if that is Yuu-chan.”
Yumi: “. . . Why?”
Regular Customer: “That cabaret club seems to have changed management recently, and the evaluation is not good. Rumor has it they’re forcing girls into recruitment for prostitution.”
Yumi: “Forcing into prostitution . . . ? That’s a crime!”
Reina: “Calm down, Yumi-chan.”
Regular Customer: “It’s just rumors. If you’re worried, would you like to go there? Here’s the club’s business card.”
Reina: “Understood, thank you.”
Yumi: (Recruiting for prostitution . . . If that’s true, is Yuu-chan aware of it . . . ?)
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Yumi: (This is the address on the business card . . . Yuu-chan is in this cabaret club. Someone came out . . . that’s-!)
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Yumi: “Yuu-chan!”
Yuu: “Whoa, Senpai? What are you doing here?”
Yumi: “I was worried about how Yuu-chan was . . . I heard from a customer that you work here.”
Yuu: “Hmm? Is that so?”
Yumi: “. . . Hey, Yuu-chan. Is your current workplace enjoyable?”
Yuu: “. . . It’s fun, I can make a lot of money. See, please take a look. I was able to buy the necklace I wanted right away!”
Yumi: “I see . . . that’s good. I was worried because I heard bad rumors about the club Yuu-chan is working at.”
Yuu: “Don’t worry. Besides, Senpai and I aren’t working together anymore, right?”
Yumi: (Certainly, she’s already quit Serena, so it’s just as Yuu-chan says . . .)
Man’s voice: “Where’s my Yuu?”
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Yumi: “Ah, sorry. I’m just here to see a friend . . .”
Mild-mannered Man: “Is that right. However, Yuu has work after this . . . can you come back some other time?”
Yumi: (. . . This person, I wonder. I can’t put a finger on it, but he makes me uncomfortable . . .)
Mild-mannered Man: “Are you alright?”
Yumi: “. . . Yes. Yuu-chan, sorry for disturbing you from your work.”
Yuu: “. . .”
Mild-mannered Man: “Yuu, what are you standing around for? Hurry up and let’s go.”
Yuu: “. . . Yes sir.”
Yumi: “. . . U-Um!”
Mild-mannered Man: “Something else you want?”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan, she’s not in trouble, is she?”
Mild-mannered Man: “. . . Yeah. Don’t worry. Rest assured. If there’s nothing else, we’ll take our leave.”
{Yuu and the man walk off.}
Yumi: (Yuu-chan looks fine . . . but . . .)
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Yakuza-like Man A: “Oh, it’s a beautiful Nee-chan. If you’re depressed, shall we comfort you?”
Yumi: “I-I’m fine. Excuse me . . . !”
Yakuza-like Man B: “Now, don’t say that. After all our effort?”
Yumi: “Kyaa . . . ! Don’t grab my arm!”
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Kiryu: “Oi, what are you doing?”
Yakuza-like Man A: “Aah? Who are you?”
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Yumi: “Kazuma!”
Kiryu: “Yumi, I’m here to help now.”
Yakuza-like Man B: “Kazuma . . . is this guy Kiryu Kazuma?! The one called the Dragon of Dojima . . . !”
Yakuza-like Man A: “Haw, that’s something. I’ve only heard the rumors, Kiryu-san. It’s a good opportunity. We’ll beat you and be the ones to name you!”
{Kiryu beats up the yakuza. They run away.}
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Kiryu: “Are you injured, Yumi?”
Yumi: “I’m alright. Thank you for your help, Kazuma. For us to meet in such a place . . .”
Kiryu: “There’s something I wanted to check around here. That’s why I was passing by. Those men . . . they’re guys from the Takezuka Family. So that means the rumors are true?”
Yumi: “What do you mean?”
Kiryu: “This area is our territory, but I heard the Takezuka Family is moving in on it. It seems some stores have been crushed because of this situation. They must have been bought off . . .”
Yumi: (. . . If Kazuma’s story is true, then the man with Yuu-chan a while ago . . . I’m not sure . . . but I have to go. Mama and the regulars didn’t know!)
Yumi: “Sorry, Kazuma! I remembered I have a little errand!”
{Yumi runs off.}
Kiryu: “Oi, Yumi?!”
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Yumi: “Haa, haa . . .”
Yumi: (Should be around here . . . ah! There!)
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Yuu: “Um . . .”
Mild-mannered Man: “What? Are you going to say you want to quit now?”
Yuu: “No, I just wanted to finish this as soon as possible.”
Mild-mannered Man: “I see. Then head inside . . .”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan!!”
Yuu: “Senpai? Why are you here?”
Yumi: “That person might be a yakuza. I thought Yuu-chan might be in danger . . .”
Yuu: “. . . I know this person is the captain of the Takezuka Family, we’re here together.”
Yumi: “Eh . . . ?!”
Yuu: “Why doesn’t Senpai come with us? See, Kiryu Kazuma . . . you get along with him well, don’t you?”
Yumi: “That is . . .”
Takezuka Family Captain: “Kiryu? That’s good to hear.  . . . Looks like you can be used.”
{The captain grabs Yumi.}
Takezuka Family Captain: “Would you like to come with us too? Oops, don’t make any noise. See this?”
Yumi: (He has a handgun pointed at me . . . !)
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Takezuka Family Captain: “Now then, why don’t you behave yourself here?”
Yumi: “. . . Trapping us here, what are you planning to do with us?”
Takezuka Family Captain: “You’ll understand soon enough. Oh, you guys, keep an eye on the woman. I’ll come back out in a moment.”
{The captain leaves.}
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Yumi: “Yuu-chan, are you alright?”
Yuu: “Why are you worrying about me more than I am? I’m here for work.”
Yumi: “Work . . . for a yakuza? You don’t even know what that entails.”
Yuu: “So what are you trying to say?”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan . . . ?”
Yuu: “As long as you make money, it doesn’t matter if the other party is a yakuza.”
Yumi: “. . .”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Yo, Nee-chan. You’re free while you’re waiting, right? Come give us a hand.”
Yuu: “I don’t want to. Because it’s not part of my job.”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Heh, saying something so cheeky. You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, do you? You are our product. It’s your job to do what we say.”
Yuu: “If you’re with the Captain, you don’t have to listen to what the underlings say.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “. . . Geez, it seems like there’s a need for you to be educated.”
Yuu: “Wait, ow! Don’t grab my hair!”
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Yumi: “Let go of Yuu-chan!”
{Yumi slaps the yakuza holding Yuu.}
Takezuka Family Member A: “Haw, I’ll admit Nee-chan has courage. But Nee-chan and Yuu are in a bad position now, aren’t they?”
Yumi: “. . . !”
Takezuka Family Member B: “You should give us compensation, yeah?!”
Yumi: (If it comes to that . . . !)
Yumi: “. . . I’m the one who raised my hand. So I’ll be the one to keep you company.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Hehe, so you understand?”
Yumi: (To get out of this situation . . . what can I do . . . Ah! That’s it . . . !)
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Yumi: “Do you guys like alcohol? It seems there’s a lot of liquor lined up over there.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Yeah, I like alcohol. Especially the alcohol I drink with a woman like Nee-chan.”
Yumi: “Then I’ll drink it with you.  . . . If you can get me drunk, I’ll do whatever you like.”
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Yuu: “Senpai, what are you saying?! You can’t hold your liquor at all!”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Oi oi, you can’t drink but you want to compete in a drinking contest with us?”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Well, it’s entertainment before the actual fun. I’ll take you up on that.”
Yumi: “Well then, let’s get started.”
{Yumi and the yakuza down drink after drink.}
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Takezuka Family Member A: “Uugh . . . I can’t drink anymore . . .”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Uughp . . . ! Lo-Losing to a woman at drinking alcohol . . .”
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Yumi: “Are you alright? I’m only just getting started in drinking.”
Yuu: “Whoa . . . so many liquor bottles emptied out.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Wh-What the hell is this . . . weren’t you weak at handling alcohol . . . ?”
Yumi: “Are you already at your limit?”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Shit . . . ! Everything is spinning in front of me . . .”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan, now’s our chance . . . !”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Don’t be silly . . . we won’t let you escape . . . !”
Yumi: (All right . . . ! With such unsteady opponents, I can do something!)
{Yumi beats up the drunk yakuza.}
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Takezuka Family Member A: “O-Ow . . . I’m also feeling sick . . . ! Uuugh!”
Yumi: “Hooray . . . ! Quickly, before it’s too late . . .”
{The yakuza collapse. The door opens as someone comes running in.}
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Kiryu: “Yumi, are you safe?!”
Yumi: “Kazuma?!”
Kiryu: “. . . What’s this, what’s going on?”
Yumi: “Kazuma, why are you here?”
Kiryu: “I was contacted by the Takezuka Family saying they had you in their custody. They called me and said they had the intention of getting rid of you.”
Yumi: “Are you okay?”
Kiryu: “Heh . . . they weren’t a big problem. Even so, it’s good I arrived before they sold you off.”
Yumi: “. . . What does it mean to be sold?”
Kiryu: “These guys weren’t just mediating prostitution. They were selling the women they gathered to overseas organizations.”
Yuu: “. . . I didn’t know that.”
Kiryu: “Even the Dojima Family had trouble getting a lead on it.”
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Yuu: “Was Senpai aware? That they were that kind of a dangerous organization.”
Yumi: “Not at all . . . this is the first I heard of it.”
Yuu: “. . . Aren’t you too fearless? Despite that, you still challenged them at a contest.”
Yumi: “It’s thanks to Yuu-chan.”
Yuu: “. . . Ha?”
Yumi: “I . . . I wasn’t confident in myself. At first I wanted to be someone that can be relied on, so I tried to help Yuu-chan. But when I saw Yuu-chan, that’s when I realized. If you really want to be confident, you need to possess a sufficiently strong will within yourself. That’s why I was able to act like that. Without Yuu-chan, I wouldn’t have had self-confidence.”
Yuu: “. . . In that case, I don’t need to thank you. Ah, but now what should I do? I’m going to lose my job.”
Yumi: “How about you come back to Serena? Mama and the regulars are waiting for Yuu-chan.”
Yuu: “. . . I don’t want to. As if I’ll accept Senpai’s help. If I do, just like with the President the other day, I’m told nothing but stories of Senpai.”
Yumi: “Stories of me . . . ?”
Yuu: “’Yumi-chan cares about my physical condition, right?’ . . . is all the President says. You can drink so much, and yet you don’t drink at the bar because you’re thinking about the customers . . . that’s it, isn’t it? Ultimately, instead of revealing that to customers, you’d rather be a lousy liar.”
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Yumi: “. . . My ears hurt.”
Yuu: “Well, that’s my reason. I wonder if I should go back to the countryside.”
Yumi: “I see . . . it’ll be lonely.”
Yuu: “You won’t be saying stuff like that for long. When I return, I’ll overtake Senpai right away.”
Yumi: “Fufu, then I’ll have to work harder. So that I can fight back when Yuu-chan returns.”
Yumi: (From this moment on, instead of being helped, I will be the one who helps others.)
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mi6-cafe · 3 years
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Now, let’s refresh your memory about the prompt
We have asked our writers to write between 100 and 150 words of an acrostic drabble for NO TIME. (We wanted each paragraph to start with the given letters.)
Now, how to vote?
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Yup, that’s pretty much the method, although the writing of the individual feedback full of love is very much optional. (And yes, we’re reusing this meme from last week.)
Read the drabbles below the line (or on wordpress) and GO VOTE when you’re done!
Title: Little Prick Author: sorion Warnings: none Summary: Just some bondy banter.
Now, that was just rude, Q thought, sipping his tea with his eyes on the computer screen and giving a weak attempt at not looking amused.
Other than the potted plant in the corner, nobody was convinced of said attempt, and neither was Bond at the other end of the satellite connection, and he couldn't even see Q.
The hand gesture Bond waved at the hidden camera was still rude, though less original.
"I can hear you laugh into your tea; don't think I can't," Bond's crystal-clear voice echoed through Q-Branch.
"Mmm," Q hummed in agreement. "I have to get my kicks from somewhere, Bond, and you're usually a reliable source."
Ever the gentleman, Bond conceded with grace. "Alright, you win," he said. "Provided, of course, that you stop laughing for long enough to get me out of here, so I can come home."
Title: White Knight Author: sunaddicted Warnings: none Summary: bratty agents really do get on Bill’s nerves
"Oh, come on!"
Tanner arched an eyebrow at the raised tone of voice 009 was directing at him: he definitely didn't appreciate being talked to in such manner by a bratty agent - how the man was Q's favorite (besides Bond, of course), Bill would never know.
 "I'm not messing around with the line-up just because you want to go to Malaysia." 
M cleared his throat from the entrance of Tanner's office, looking coldly at 009. "Of course you're not. You should go get kitted for your own mission, 009: I believe R is waiting for you in Q-Branch."
Exhaling loudly, 009 pursed his lips and left with a stiff and parting nod - it was absolutely satisfying to watch. "You didn't have to come and save me," Bill pointed out, smiling up at the other  even as M bent down to kiss him. "Thank you, though."
Title: Another Door Opens Author: soufflegirl91 Warnings: None Summary: Eve contemplates a door, and what led her to it
Now or never.
One way or another, things were about to change forever. In a way, everything from the moment she had shot James Bond off that bridge in Turkey had been leading to this.
The door loomed ahead, waiting for her to take the next step. There had been a time when she thought that with that one shot, she had ruined things forever. That any opportunity she had to prove herself in the field, any chance of a career, had crashed into the water with Bond’s body.
Instead, it had merely opened another door for her. Given her a chance to learn things she never would have in the field. The people, the politics. All the little games the field agents never saw.
“M,” her secretary greeted.
Eve nodded back at her, and walked through the door to her new office.
Title: Inside Information Author: starrboned / MrKsan Warnings: content warning: alcohol Summary: Bond is back again and bets are placed.
“No,” Q said over his glass of gin, finishing it off in one swig. “Not doing this again.”
“Or you could stop being such a wet blanket and place your bet already,” Moneypenny said, poking him in the ribs. He swatted at her, scooting closer to Tanner. “We all know Bond will ‘retire’ soon enough.”
“That’s all everyone’s talking about,” Q huffed, staring at his empty glass. “He’s back, he’s off again - it’s a never-ending cycle.” Almost wish he'd stay gone, he didn't say.
“It is,” Tanner sighs, nudging his half-full pint towards Q. “But even Mallory wagered a full six months."
“Mallory did?” Q almost choked on Tanner’s beer. “That’s - that’s unusual of him.”
“Eh, said something about how ‘Bond has something to prove' this time around.“ Tanner grinned. Q felt his cheeks warm under his knowing gaze. "Maybe he has some inside information, huh?"
Title: No Time Like The Present Author: storm_of_sharp_things Warnings: none Summary: Felix had been wondering if it was ever going to happen
“Not that you need to answer, but did you ever sleep with him?” Felix looked up from his glass as MI6’s Chief of Staff dropped into the chair next to him at the bar and quirked an eyebrow. It wasn’t how Felix would’ve started this conversation, but...
“Once,” he admitted. He tossed back the rest of his drink. “You?”
Tanner nodded, his gaze distant. “Once,” he said with a faint smile. “Seemed a good idea at the time.”
“I don’t regret it,” Felix said. Then he shrugged and smirked. “I think we’d have shot each other if we’d really tried to make it work. But I do miss him.”
“Me too.” Tanner paused long enough that Felix wondered if he’d follow through. “Listen, I’ve got some good bourbon back at mine. Want a drink where it’s quieter?”
“Easy answer,” Felix grinned. “Hell yes, thought you’d never ask, let’s go.”
Title: Entanglement Author: Nana-chan Warnings: Summary: In which 007 and Q trade places...
“Now take your clothes off slowly,” said Bond softly. “Goddammit, Q, I said slowly.”
“Oh, do piss off, Bond,” Q hissed, dropping his shirt to the floor while Bond continued to watch him through the CCTV live feed. “Now, help me with the leathers.”
“That actually sounds very sexy, coming from you,” Bond said conversationally, his eyes drifting all over Q’s bare midriff before focusing on the contraption strapped to him.
“I suppose it does, yeah,” replied Q archly. “Never mind my predicament.”
“Mm-hmm,” said Bond, unfazed. “Not enough time. The straps will have to stay for now. I’ll start, then.”
Entanglements such as this were usually Bond’s lot, not his, but what was he to do when someone had attached an IED to his person? At least he’d dispatched his would-be kidnapper. He sighed, relieved, as Bond typed in the code he’d devised to remotely disable the ticking bomb.
Title: Time Well Spent Author: IrishWitch58 / captain-magicalkitty Warnings: None Summary: A conversation over coms.
“Nine bloody days and the target hasn't moved at all.” Q could almost see the exasperated expression. Bond hated the need for surveillance and made his displeasure known.
“Once he does, I'm sure the resulting excitement will more than make up for your current boredom,” Q soothed. He managed to hide his smile from the rest of the branch late shift.
There was a disgusted snort from the coms. “You'll have to do better than that to make this up to me.” The tone was suggestive but only in the general Bond default setting. Q wasn't concerned about anyone overhearing.
“If you're still angling after an exploding pen, dream on.”
“Miser,” Bond accused, fond tone at odds with the statement.
Eventually the target would move and Bond would get the job done. Until then, they enjoyed time spent together, even far apart.
Title: N O T I M E Author: hexiva Warnings: Character death Summary: Bond confronts Blofeld.
No time to think as James rounds the corner, gun in hand, and comes face to face with Blofeld, with Franz. 
Only hatred in Franz’s eyes, he reaches for his gun.
Trigger burning against James’ finger, all he has to do is pull it, end this, end this, but - 
Ivy leaves underfoot, the sky blue above them, and they’re bickering but they’re just children still, not the killers they will become, and Franz laughs as James trips, and he reaches down to offer him a hand - 
Many years ago, they were brothers. Franz knew him before he was 007. He’s the last man left who did. Everyone else is gone, and James is tired of being alone and tired of being a killer.
Every muscle in his body aches with weariness as he lets his gun drop. And he looks Franz in the eyes as Franz pulls the trigger.
Title: A Change of The Story Author: scarytheory Warnings: (a little bit of) sci-fi Summary: She has seen the future. What she’ll do with it is up to her.
No time to waste when she’s got a glimpse of the future. She had seen Bond devastated by loss and full of rage. She had seen Q who was absorbed in his job, bitter and sad. And herself – composed and nice and so, so lonely. Or was it possible to change it? She decided to go to that beach instead of Bond. But before she left, she whispered to him: “You’ve got a secret admirer in the Q branch.” Will it be enough? And the girl on the beach… will she manage to save her? “Tracy!” she screamed as she was trying to get her out of the water.
“I don’t know you.” Not yet.
“Moneypenny, Eve Moneypenny.”
Eve decided that this time she wasn't going to let them be burned by the inevitability. This time, Tracy would live.
Title: Let the Record Show Author: anyawen Warnings: None Summary: They've read the same reports, but have arrived at differing conclusions.
"No, I don't think so," Q disagrees with forced lightness. "Not this time."
"Oh, honey," Eve sighs, not fooled in the least. She reaches across the table to squeeze his hand. "Every time. He always comes back."
"There's no reason for him to come back, not anymore," Q insists. "M is dead, and he's finished the last mission she ever gave him. He can retire now. Live a peaceful life with a beautiful woman. And a beautiful car."
"If you think he'll be happy with a peaceful life, you don't understand him as well as you think," Eve laughs.
"Maybe he doesn't want peaceful," Q allows, "but we've read his file. He doesn't want m— this either, or he wouldn't keep trying to leave."
"Eventually, he will come home. And when he does," Eve says, sitting back and angling to speak to someone over Q's shoulder, "you should tell him."
Title: TO DIE Author: Merc / moon_of_mercury Warnings: This one is depressing. Sorry! Summary: The End.
Never again...
Observing from behind his screen, Q takes in the smoking, crumbling scene of destruction. Police cars with flashing lights and blaring sirens swarm the streets. A familiar silhouette blends in with the by-passers, slipping out of his view around the corner.
This is the last time James Bond holsters his gun, dusts off his suit, and heads for the airport to catch a flight Moneypenny arranged for him.
“It’s done,” Q says into the expectant stillness of the room. It hurts a little, even though he’s relieved. The showdown could have gone so much worse, but this is just as final.
Memories of this mission will haunt him for different reasons than usual. Their blazing victory is a bittersweet consolation.
Everything ends here; even those things that never began.
Title: Mission Goal: Ideas Author: Venstar /1amvengeance Warnings: none Summary: well someone had to think of something.
“Now you're just showing off.” James’s voice drawled against Q’s ear.
“Oh, I'm showing off. Did you have any other ideas? No. Spies should have faster reflexes than asking me to 'Quick hide us!' My time and equipment are very expensive.” Q hissed quietly. They were still on a mission after all.
“That kiss was a far better idea than anything I had in mind. I'm happy to pay your asking price. Are you okay Q, your face has gone all red.”
“I will murder you in your sleep. I will end you. I will scatter your body parts to the farthest corners of the globe as a warning to those that think about blaming me for coming up with all the ideas!”
“Maybe instead of murder, you should think about our target. He’s escaping.”
“Escaping my arse. Someone is going to pay for your lack of ideas.”
Title: Losing and Having Author: solarmorrigan Warnings: None. Summary: Bond reflects and knows he can't have it any other way.
Never in all his life had Bond felt quite this level of terror.
Or – well, no. That wasn’t quite true.
There had been one other time.
In the murky water, watching everything he’d allowed himself to love and depend on slip away into oblivion. The fear had clutched him then, shaken him and wrecked him.
Maybe he should have listened to his own damn self when he’d designated the heart as nothing but a target.
Even so, even knowing this, Bond clutched Q’s hand, eyes locked on his bruised and battered quartermaster who had only just returned to him, and knew it was worth it. The fear of loss was nothing against the euphoria of having.
Title: Dreisamkeit (Or: Bliss comes in threes) Author: Misha / artsytarts / jelly-mish Warnings: Sickly sweet fluff, watch out for cavities Summary: Della, Felix and James are toying with the idea of having a lazy day in.
Nestled between the warm bodies of her boys, Della felt content.
“Occasionally, I’d like to just... stay here. All day.”, she said, letting her fingers brush through their hair in lazy strokes. James tightened his grip around her and made an approving noise.
Then the beeping started. Felix moved, banging his fist on the alarm clock. “Gosh darn it,” he growled. Della pouted in response, until a thought struck her. What if they took a sick day? Food poisoning? Good enough story. She suggested it out loud.
“If you take the blame,” James mumbled sleepily.
“Me? If anyone, it’d be Felix,” Della grinned at her husband's dirty look and carried on: “Remember when you forgot to add water to the pasta? The fumes were noxious.”
Eventually, reluctantly, they broke up their haven of safety and rolled out of bed. Della sighed. There never seemed to be enough time.
Title: Augment Author: oldestcharm Warnings: n/a Summary: Every week Q argues his case and wins. "No," M says, squinting and displeased. "Absolutely not."
"One million," Q attempts with a half-hearted smile, but he knows well enough that it wouldn't work in any other situation. He's not even trying that hard at this point, because he knows he'll win this argument every single time. "It's not that much. I should probably ask ten times that with the amount of shit Bond breaks. Remember last week? I deserve a better budget."
"Then stop supplying him with expensive equipment," M suggests, unsympathetic at best.
"I'll have you know he'll get his hands on it whether I supply it or not," Q says crossly.
"Maybe you aren't doing a good enough job at security."
"Exactly, I need a better budget!" Q insists, eyeing M with a bit of a manic expression as he sets down the tablet in front of him. "Now sign it or deal with the consequences."
Go Vote!
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