#he gets why he looks like that bc he's ugly
d3stinyist1red ยท 2 days
สแด€ษดแด…แด‡ส€แด‡ แดแด€า“ษชแด€ ส™แดss x ส€แด‡แด€แด…แด‡ส€
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yan mafia boss who you work under, with him being your boss and your his right hand woman
yan mafia boss who treats you like you own him, following with whatever you say
yan mafia boss who doesnt like any medics touching him, wanting you to be one treating him
The medic was standing in front of him, clearly fearful for her life bc the man in front of her could kill her if she did the slight mistake. She tried to pat and help the wounds of the Mafia boss who smacked her hand away and huffed.
"Bring me my n/n, now." He said glaring at her as she quickly nodded, basically running to you. She told you about how he refused to let her help and touch him as you sighed. You rubbed your temple before nodding and smiling at her.
"Don't worry, Ill deal with him." You said politely, nodding at her before walking past her, going to the room where he was at. You opened the door and you saw the way his eyes lit up, and a grin landed on his usually nonchalant face. "Love!" He said, as you walked up to him.
"Why are always acting so stubborn to the medics? You know that they're there to help you, idiot." You said clearly irritated, making him pout and tilt his head. "But, I want you to help me!!...and have your hands all over my body..." He whined, grabbing your hand and resting it on his cheek, looking up at you with hearts in his eyes.
yan mafia boss who has to always be in constant contact with you
where are uuuuu
no reply?
Have other hoes?
YOU DO DONT YOU?!!!?!?!!?
i hate u.
You getting blocked.
dont talk to me. I know you hate me.
Okay, im going to kill my self.
This is (yans name, yall could make sum up) cat, he just shot himself
do you love him
baby you know that was all a prank
i love u
pls let me eat ur ass
i wanna slurp ur kitty so good that the only thing i could taste is u mami
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(seen 1 min ago)
ur rlly gonna leave me on seen?
ur lucky i dont come and cream all over ur face rn
pls touch me
yan mafia boss who has his bodyguards protect you no matter where you go
"Okat sigma 1, hawk tuah, ohio go protect n/n, you better fucking protect her with your life, ya hear?!" He said to his bodygaurds aggressively, scowling them down as they shook in fear,....i think one of them peed their pants...erm!
yan mafia boss who is madly jealous, putting a bullet into anyone's head he sees as threat for your love.
yan mafia boss who when you arent around, he struggles to sleep. He tosses and turns, his mind racing with scenarios about what they might be doing or who theyโ€™re with. "is she with that ugly bitch from work again?! Is she with one of my bodyguards?! Is she cheating on me?!" He hiccuped through his sobs, biting on his nails, hair all messy from tossing and turning throughout his sleep
He often wakes up in a cold sweat, feeling empty without them next to him. If you spends the night somewhere else, he'll start spamming you on everything even roblox.. If you dont answer within 5 mins, he immediately sends his men to try to find you, and paces around his house, restless waiting for your reply. bruh u were js buying sum takis...
yan mafia boss who is your boss who favors you a little too much!!! <333
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vitalverstappen ยท 24 hours
Just Pretend - L. Norris
summary: a terrible night out in London may end up with you meeting someone new
pairing: Lando Norris x reader
warnings: drinking, a creepy guy flirting at the bar (not Lando), swearing
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i was going to post something completely different today but bc Lando won yesterday, i GUESS i'll post this against my will
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The club was the last place you wanted to be tonight. Going out was never your thing. If you were going to drink, youโ€™d rather have a glass of wine on your couch than be in a stuffy club with sweaty, smelly bodies.ย 
And yet, you found yourself out in a club in London. Your friend group decided to take a vacation out exploring the cities of Europe - cafes by day and the clubs by night. The sticky floors and loud music was overwhelming.ย 
It didnโ€™t help that some guy was trying to talk to you. In hindsight, you shouldnโ€™t have gone up to the bar alone. It was supposed to be quick, simply getting yourself a new drink and then returning to your friend group.ย 
โ€œSo whatโ€™s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?โ€ The man askedย 
โ€œGoing back to meet up with my friends, actuallyโ€ You answered as you grabbed your drink from the bartender. You sidestepped to the left to avoid the guy, but he followed, blocking you from leaving.
A smirk danced across his face as you looked at him. โ€œOh come on, you donโ€™t wanna stay for a chat?โ€ย 
โ€œNo, not reallyโ€ You replied, your voice lacking any interest in the guy. He wasnโ€™t ugly, just nowhere near your type, โ€œLook, I need to get goingโ€ย 
โ€œWhy donโ€™t I come with you? Make sure you get to your friends safelyโ€ He suggested. Shit.
โ€œNo, thatโ€™s okay. I donโ€™t thinkโ€ฆโ€ย 
Panic filled your mind as you tried to think of an excuse to get this guy to go away. Your eyes scanned the room for any signs of your friends looking for you. They all were in a circle, dancing to the music blasting through the speakers. It took a second glance around the bar to find an escape route.
On the other side of the bar stood a guy around your age who looked nice enough. His hair was a curly mop that sat on top of his head and his smile shined brighter than anything else dim light. You made eye contact with the boy, to which you responded with a distressed look. His eyebrows furrowed as his eyes darted between you and the creep that was standing with you.ย 
โ€œ...I donโ€™t think my boyfriend would appreciate thatโ€ You finally answeredย 
The man you were still stuck with scoffed โ€œBoyfriend? I donโ€™t see him anywhereโ€ย 
โ€œHeโ€™s over thereโ€ You said, motioning in the general direction that the curly headed boy was in.ย 
Before the creep could say anything, you were able to push past him. You could feel his eyes piercing through you as you made your way through the crowd. As much as you wanted to go straight to your friends, you knew if you did, the guy would keep pestering you.ย 
As soon as you walked up to the curly headed boy, you rambled, โ€œLook thereโ€™s this creepy guy whoโ€™s been bothering me all night and I have no idea where my friends are and Iโ€™m tired and I just wanna go home. I really would appreciate it if you helped me out and pretended to be my boyfriend and hopefully get the guy off of my dick.โ€ The words came out of your mouth faster than you thought was humanly possible.ย 
Apparently, the guy thought so too. The lights were on, but no one was home as he yelled โ€œWhat?!โ€ย 
You sighed before leaning over to him, your mouth only a few inches from his ear. โ€œJust pretend youโ€™re my boyfriend for a minute!โ€ You yelled over the musicย 
The boy looked you up and down before shrugging and placing his arm around your waist. โ€œYeah, sure, which guy is it?โ€ย 
A thankful smile was plastered on your lips as you yelled back a thank you before motioning to the guy from before โ€œThe weirdo standing at the bar all by himselfโ€
The curly headed boy nodded as he made eye contact with the guy at the bar. He watched for a few moments as you danced with the boy, letting the music take over temporarily. The smell of his cologne took over. It was expensive, notes of leather, but also lavender filled your senses. It was a scent you could get used to.ย 
Once you were sure that creepy guy was gone, you relaxed.ย 
โ€œThank you again. I donโ€™t know what I wouldโ€™ve done without you.โ€ You saidย 
The boy shrugged โ€œItโ€™s nothing really. Iโ€™m just surprised youโ€™re here aloneโ€ย 
A laugh escaped your lips โ€œI wasnโ€™t when I first showed up. I was here with some friends, but honestly I have no idea where they went.โ€ย 
โ€œSome friends they areโ€ The guy said โ€œYou wanna hang with me and my crew?โ€ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t see why notโ€ You shruggedย 
As the boy, who you quickly learned was named Lando, led you to his friends, the two of you introduced yourselves. He told you he was a racing driver for a team you had never heard of, and that he travels a lot for work.ย 
โ€œSo youโ€™ve never heard of Formula 1?โ€ He asked, confusedย 
You shook your head, โ€œNo. Honestly, Iโ€™m not really into racingโ€ย 
โ€œWell maybe Iโ€™ll have to teach you about itโ€ He suggested as he pulled you in tighter, almost as if he was proud he had you. โ€œSo do you come around here often?โ€ย 
You shook your head โ€œHonestly, Iโ€™ve never beenโ€
โ€œReally? Why are you here then?โ€ He asked, his eyebrows furrowed just like they were minutes prior
You didnโ€™t know if it was the alcohol in your system, or if Lando was that easy to talk to, but you explained the trip that your friend group was going on. His eyes were focused on you as you told him each city that your group was supposed to be going to.
โ€œWell, if you need a tour guide around the UK, let me know. Iโ€™d love to show you my stomping groundsโ€ He offered
A smirk danced across your face as you took out your phone โ€œI might have to take your offer, though Iโ€™m gonna need your number firstโ€ย 
โ€œThat would helpโ€ Lando chuckled as he took your phone, putting in his number. He then led you to a group of men and what seemed to be their significant others.ย 
โ€œThere you are Norris! We thought we lost you!โ€ One of his friends said as the two of you walked upย 
โ€œNah, just grabbing a drink, and saving someone from a creepโ€ He said โ€œThis is y/nโ€ย 
Lando went down the line of his friends and their significant others. From what you could remember, there was Charles and Alexandra, Pierre and Kika, George and Carmen, and Oscar and Lily.
โ€œSo you trusted him to save you?โ€ The girl you remembered as Kika asked, a playful smile on her lipsย 
โ€œYeah, it was a last resort kind of a thingโ€ You joked backย 
Suddenly, going out to the club didnโ€™t seem so bad. The rest of the night was spent getting to know Lando and his friends, drinks and laughs overflowing. Now that the weirdo from earlier was long gone, you let the alcohol finally hit you. The rest of the group was also fairly drunk, shown through the giggles over nothing.ย 
Whether the two of you were dancing, grabbing another round, or just talking, you and Lando were inseparable. Whatever connection you had with Lando, you knew he could feel it too. He had to be touching you somehow the entire night, if it was the brush of his fingers against yours, or your body pressed up against his.ย 
The club slowly emptied as the night drew to a close, though neither of you wanted it to end. Landoโ€™s friends were all long gone by the time the two of you left, but neither of you cared. He insisted on walking you to your hotel, ensuring that you made it back safe.ย 
โ€œIf you had told me this morning that Iโ€™d be helping a girl escape some freak, and that it would lead to one of the best nights I had in a while, I would not have believed youโ€ Lando laughedย 
โ€œNeither would Iโ€ You agreed, a smile on your face โ€œBut I had the most amazing timeโ€
You said your goodbyes, promising that this wouldnโ€™t be the last time you saw each other. He had said heโ€™d show you around London after all. Lando watched as you disappeared through the hotel lobby door, neither of you able to shake the feeling that it was the start of something beautiful.
โ€œThanks guys for leaving me, I really appreciated itโ€ You said as you walked through the door to the suite you shared with your friends.ย 
All of the girls were gathered in the main room, debriefing their night. As you announced your arrival, jaws dropped and eyes widened. A chorus of โ€œI'm sorryโ€™sโ€ and โ€œWe tried textingโ€ filled the room. You could only smile.ย 
โ€œI actually had a great time. Youโ€™ll never believe how it wentโ€ You said as you sat yourself down on the carpet, ready to retell the last few hours.
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nevermorgue ยท 2 days
Hayley! I hope you're well! I come into your inbox to ask about your thoughts and opinions on each spectre, and your favorite ones! Love your blog! :D
HIIII!! Iโ€™m so fantastic thank YOU for coming in here. I love your art and your rambles.
My favorite spectres currently are Willโ€™s and Dukeโ€™s. But I really love them all. Iโ€™ll go into the opinions now
Annabelโ€™s Lady in White - I think sheโ€™s beautiful. I love her abilities and the whole bride thing she has going on. I at first wished her dress was more detailed but itโ€™s fine to grow on me. I love the petals, and the hole in her chest is agonizing. Such a pretty spectre. kiss of death is just sooooo. idk her abilities are definitely one of my top favorites.
Morellaโ€™s Guardian Spirit - Plain-ish compared to the others, but still fantastic. I feel like her and Annabel are slept on because of how early they were revealed. I love how long her hair gets and the whole celtic vibe. and that sheโ€™s mainly defense with the healing and stuff! itโ€™s very unique and it says sooo much about her past. if it were me iโ€™d make her look a little less human wirh maybe more glowing or something but sheโ€™s still fabulous :)
Plutoโ€™s Cryptid - im so so so interested in this because apparently domesticated cryptids are super rare? I wanna know more about the other cryptids poppet mentioned so badly. its so fucked that he has a collar too!!! he wanted to escape society but even in death it's like he's bound by the neck. I'm dying for info on that dumb coat too. He's so silly looking. I really wanna see his other abilities. I'll have a stronger opinion when that comes. Ada's Banshee
- I am dying to know what "Mark of the Grave" is so bad. And I love her confusing ass torso. Is she a shadow. is it a dress. I want to know. also LOVE how her limbs being detachable/having the stitch marks implies she was chopped up and buried like that. and her hat. thats a very "southern belle lady" sort of hat. she gets to be the lady she always wanted, just ugly and hideous!! love her and i love her spectre. "fear itself" is one of my favorite abilities and i hope she utilizes it more cough cough on will-
Prospero's Shadow Man - i am dying to know if he can take the mask off. imagine he's like. a sickly corpse looking kind of thing. like himself but rotting or weak as hell. i LOVE his abilities i just wish he had more detaaaailing. hes so cool and handsome though. i also think its super weird/cool how he has to activate his abilities with the stopwatch. i havent seen any other spectres have a "trigger point" like that. would he be rendered useless without it? Montresor's Dybbuk - nipple rings. sorry anyways - i love the chains. because it's not like he's using them, he's the one chained. and the whole. goat legs thing. bc goats are associated with the devil for some reason. I wonder why that is. idk i just love the whole demon thing. because he's been seen as such since like. his birth. and he cant even escape it in death. love it love his shit. his ability to force his way into peoples' memories is CRAZY too i cannot WAIT to see more of that. Eulalie's Chimera - SOOOO pretty. So aesthetically pleasing. I love how she can make stuff with her dreams!!! and the fact that its implied she can yank malevolent spectres back into their regular forms is soooo cool. and just the fact that she can neutralize other spectres in general is such a unique power. shes like defense similar to morella, just in a different way minus healing. i love her. i really dont dislike any spectre i just love them all. Berenice's Strigoi - I will forever be mad that her teeth count as an ability but WHATEVER. She's still badass. I can only imagine how it must feel to basically lose your hands. I'm really excited to see what "Bloodlust" as an ability does. like there are so many cool spectre abilities we havent seen in action yet. The bite that makes you drunk will forever be iconic too. I love her look and i love how her whole outfit is directly correlated to her time period. also love how like each mouth on her is like. its own being. she cant control it. Duke's Poltergeist - I need to like control myself because I will yap nonstop about this one. The NEONS the colors are just fantastic and I LOOOOVE HIS EYES. THE EYES. all of his abilities fuck so hard and i love how like. his "hypnosis" isnt really like full hypnosis its more like a very powerful suggestion? and he couldnt even figure out how to get ada out of it? like he didnt TELL her to use her ability on montresor, he just kinda planted the idea in her head. i also noticed that one of his abilities IS levitation despite us seeing other spectres float on multiple occasion. so the key difference here is the telekinesis portion of the power. just thought that was silly. love him. i love duke. he's my 2nd fave. Will's Doppelganger - i physically have to stop myself from writing a page's worth of bs here. He has DIRT IN HIS JOINTS. like he's DIRTY. like buried and forgotten!! and if he's dust bowl era like so many of us think, perhaps its that same dust. he was left buried in it...forgotten. unidentified. And and and he's SO OP. everyone IC is underestimating how he has one of the most powerful spectres. He was able to almost fool the misfits as duke, he honestly did a fantastic job. He has to memorize so much. like its genuinely impressive. and then his ribbons. notice how they wrap around HIM before/during use. like he's fucking tangled in in them too, not just his victims. i dont think he's ever been free. he's never not been wrapped up in someone else's shit. he's never been "william". i- i need to stop. hes the best. best spectre- and i pray that the characters realize how much POWER he really has.
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sluckythewizard ยท 2 months
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'I wont cry for you, I wont crucify the things you do. I wont cry for you, see, when you're gone, I'll still be BLOODY MARY'
#cw blood#SUUUPER SCUFFED LIL WIP THATS BEEN RRRROTTING IN MY FOLDER. OUT!! GET OUT!!!#its almos 2 am and imm gettin high as hrothgar. spruced this up within an hour so i could be shared n eaten#its SUPPOsed to be part ofa bigger doodly page so ofc theres the chance this changes between now n then#fuuuuck shoulda made her dress sparkly. fuckit ill fix it laterrrrr. i havnt posted art in YWEARRS i needed to post something#also i uh. well you see i started losing followers on twitter bc im sooo inactive and i KNOW that shouldnt matter like it should be whateve#but. you see. i lkike when number go up and when it go down i get MMMADDD.we all get our dopamine from somewhere#ANYWAY so i actually havnt touched the suckening in so long. been workin on oc stuff.BUT WELL. ARTHUR AND MARY. STILL MAKE ME WEEP#THEYRE SO CUTE N TRAGIC...whadda fuck is it with grizzly n charlie characters being so in love and so doomed#kian and becky then arthur and his various exes like CMAHn.stop doing this to me#from what i remember of the episode.she seemed so.tired.disconnected.like she had been wandering a dream#and yet she seemed so positive.reasonably concerned and yet.content.she warmed up to arthur as soon as she recognized him#she speaks so gently and so sweetly and she keeps the conversation so light.even though shes dead and shes gone and she#is doomed to wander an odd limbo for the rest of time.and yet she seemed so at peace.i can see why arthur liked her.what happened?#what caused them to separate?arthur seems so jaded and so tired.marys company seems like such a gentle place to rest.#how did he squander such a blessing?was it a blessing?OHH what i would give to crack open their minds and peer inside.#yknow wat im runnign out of room i think so ill add a last thought here at the bottom of my tags. I AM MORE CORRECT ABT ARHTURS UGLY LOOK#I WANT THAT MAN TO BE BEASTLY AND GROSS AND STRANGE AND SCARY AND EEWWW I SEE THINGS SQUIRMING IN THE DARK.ther are bugs#LETTING HIM HAVE HOT HOT ABBS AND STUFF WAS A COP OUUTTTT LET HIS WHOLE FORM BE DISTORTED OR UR NOT A FUCKING 0 APPEARANCE BITCH#THE BONES SHIFTED BENEATH AS IF TRYING TO HATCH. MANY OTHER THINGS HATCHED ASWELL. THE DEAD IMMORTAL FLESH SOURED#TOO GRAND TO ROT BUT TOO CORRUPTED TO KEEP CLASSIC FORM. MMMONSTER MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER#oka y im not going to bed but im gonna go. uh. do miore drugs or something. maybe ill work on more jrwi stuff. or oc stuff.#i hope ur day goes swimmingly thankyou for reading my tags i love you so so so so so much
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sunsetsandsunshine ยท 2 months
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So proud of you for powering through your requests and wips of your own!!! You did SUCH A FANTASTIC JOB AT BY THE WAY!!!! oh my gosh!! Your creativity inspires me A HECK OF A LOT EMERY! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
I thought I'd might as well send you a request! (No pressure, and absolutely no need for a rush!)
Maybe something that is Halloween themed for rottmnt? Maybe they're decorating for Halloween and Mikey or Leo seems to have a disagreement with certain decorations that the rest of the Hamato brothers seem to have no problems with? Resulting in normal brother banter, but it soon turns into one of them declaring a "tickle fight"?
One of them could be like "how about we settle this with a tickle fight!" and since Mikey or Leo is the only one who has a disagreement with the decor, one of them just get ganged up on, and eventually it rules out to them loosing since it's literally a 1v3? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I don't know! I just thought of it, but of course no pressure in writing it if it's too confusing! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
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โ€œMove it to the left! Noโ€ฆyourย otherย left! โ€ฆDonnie, I just said yourย other left!!!โ€ Raph yelled.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t haveย 'an other left!'ย Are you trying to tell me that you want me to use myย rightย hand?!โ€ Donnie asked, irritation abundantly clear in his tone.ย 
โ€œNO!ย Iย KNOWย WHAT I SAID!!! WHAT Iย WANTย YOU TO DO IS USE YOURย OTHER LEFT!!โ€ Raphael basically screamed.
โ€œI. DONโ€™T. KNOW. WHAT. THAT.ย MEANS!!!โ€ Donatello screeched back.ย 
โ€œOh for crying outโ€”โ€œ The eldest sighed, โ€œGive it here.โ€ The taller turtle snatched the Coraline themed paper cut outโ€™s from his younger brother, getting tape and sticking them to the wall.ย 
Raph stepped out a bit, looking at where he had placed the paper cut outโ€™s before letting out a huff of satisfation, putting his hands on his hips, โ€œSee?ย Now was that so hard?โ€ย 
The purple banded turtleโ€™s eye twitched slightly, turning to his older brother and giving him a quickly glare as he put the excess decorations away, โ€œYou used yourย right handย to place that decoration,ย dumbass.โ€ย 
The eldest blinked in confusion at his brotherโ€™s statement, doing an L-shape with both of his fingers as a small embarrassed blush appeared on his cheeks, โ€œI see...โ€ย 
The young scientist rolled his eyes fondly, shaking his head as he threw away the remainder of the paper, โ€œYou seeโ€”โ€
โ€œI aham stopping youย rightย there.ย Please dohonโ€™t Dhar Man lihife lesson me right nowโ€ฆโ€
โ€œYou seeโ€ฆโ€ The softshell continued, his grin widening as he heard a loud groan come from his older brother, โ€œYou shouldย alwaysย listen to your immediate younger brother because he is justย soย intelligent and justย soย far beyond the usual intellect of the average fifteen year old.โ€ย 
The red banded turtle nodded his head, trying his best not to laugh at his brotherโ€™s silly anticโ€™s.ย 
It was currently October and there wasย lotsย of spookiness in the air. Although it was literally just theย 1stย dayย of October, there was still freshly new spookiness in the atmosphere.
More or less, anyway...
The turtle teenโ€™s were setting their lair to be aโ€ฆsort ofย Halloweenย themed aesthetic.ย 
Did their Dad know they were basically re-decorating the whole lair? No. But heโ€™ll just have to deal with it.ย 
Last yearย they did The Nightmare before Christmas.
The year beforeย thatย they did the Corpse Brideโ€ฆ
โ€ฆAnd, wellโ€ฆyou get the idea. The rat man should be used to this routine by now.
The two eldest turtleโ€™s looked at each other for a minute before bursting out into small laughs, chuckling at each otherโ€™s ridiculousness, โ€œOkahayโ€ฆremind me tohoย neverย doho ahanother Dhar Mann impression.โ€ Donnie giggled out.ย 
โ€œAhalright, Dhahar Mann fam.โ€ The eldest snickered as the two youngest turtleโ€™s entered the living room.ย 
โ€œEw.ย Why did we choose Coraline as this yearโ€™s Halloween theme again?โ€ Leo muttered, squinting at the choice of decorations in a disgusted manner, โ€œI meanโ€ฆthe blue hair and pronouns girl?ย Loveย that.ย But canโ€™t we just save that one for Pride month or something?โ€ย 
Raphael put a hand over his mouth, turning around and trying not to laugh as Donnie and Mikey looked at the red eared slider in confusion.ย 
โ€œThatโ€™s Coraline, you idiot.โ€ The box turtle muttered out.
โ€œWaitโ€ฆTHATโ€™Sย Coraline?! What about the lady with the spider arms and looks like Jim Carrey from The Mask?โ€
Raphael loudly wheezed in the background at his brotherโ€™s genuine confusion, clutching his side and holding onto the kitchen counter for dear life as he laughed.
โ€œThatโ€™sโ€ฆThatโ€™s her Mom, man.โ€ Mikey said.ย 
The slider blinked in awe before letting out a long sigh, โ€œWhateverโ€ฆโ€
The blue banded turtle went to the wall, taking off some of the Coraline cut outโ€™s that Mikey put up and replaced them with Charlie Brown ones.ย 
โ€œCharlie Brown?ย Really?โ€ Donnie deadpanned as he crossed his arms.
โ€œYes!โ€ Leo said, โ€œItโ€™s the Great Pumpkin! He rises out of the pumpkin patchโ€”โ€œ
โ€œWeโ€™re familiar with the tale, Nardo.โ€ The second oldest interrupted, โ€œButโ€ฆjust why? You seriously want to put up an imaginary pumpkin over Coralineโ€ฆ?โ€
โ€œYes.ย Yes I do.โ€ย 
The scientist just rolled his eyes, going over to help Raph who was currently dying of laughter on the floor, โ€œYou do you brother of mine.โ€
โ€œOho I beg to differ.โ€ Michelangelo seethed, going up to his immediate older brother, โ€œI worked hard on those Coraline paper cut outs! You canโ€™t justโ€ฆreplaceย themย with some pumpkin from the 1960โ€™s!โ€
Leonardo looked at his youngest brother up and down, โ€œโ€ฆYou bought these from the dollar store and just dumped glitter on it.โ€ย 
Leo hummed in acknowledgment, trying to take off more of the decorations but was basically jumped by Mikey to the floor. The two youngest playfully fought with each otherโ€™s arms, both of them trying to get the upper hand in the play-fight. โ€œHehey heHEY!ย Gehehetย ohoffย of me yohou overgrown frog!โ€ Leo giggled out.ย 
โ€œOh dohonโ€™tย even,ย Leheheon. When yohou wear glahasses yohou look lihike that oddly proportioned 'brohother' of ours thahatโ€™s aha disgrace to ahall turtle-kind.โ€ The box turtle said smugly.ย 
โ€œOho youโ€™re done. Done.โ€ Leo growled, trying to get the upper hand but was pinned down by the youngest pretty quickly on the ground. The orange banded turtle grinned in triumph, brutally attacking the other by tickling his underarms.
Leo let out a loud squawk in surprise, pushing at his brotherโ€™s wrists as he clamped his mouth shut. He shook his head back and forth, trying his absoluteย bestย not to satisfy the youngest in his attack.ย 
Donโ€™t laugh. Donโ€™t laugh. Donโ€™t laugh. Donโ€™t laugh.ย Donโ€™t. fucking. laugh.ย 
โ€œWoah.ย We left for, like,ย 5 minutes tops.ย What happened?โ€ The purple banded turtle asked as him and the eldest walked into the scene up-roaring in front of them.ย 
โ€œLeo said my Coraline paper cut outs were cheap and ugly!โ€ The youngest dramatically whined, wiping away a tear before skittering his fingers along the sliderโ€™s ribs.ย 
Okay, wellย first of all:ย Leoย neverย said that. Did they look cheap?ย Yes.ย Did he think that the DIY decorations looked cheap?ย Ohoย absolutely.ย 
But the fact of the matter was he never said itย out loud!ย Heย thoughtย it but he neverย saidย it.
โ€œDamnโ€ฆhe hasnโ€™t started laughing yet? He would usually be squirming like aย drunkย mermaidย right about now.โ€ Raphael mused, poking Leo in the side repeatedly as the second youngest closed his eyes shut. โ€œWe know you wanna laugh, Leo~!โ€ The eldest sing-songed.ย 
The second youngest let out a soft snort, continuing to shake his head as his legs kicked behind Mikey. Donatello raised an unamused brow, sitting down and lightly grabbing the sliderโ€™s right ankle as he tickled his heel.
โ€œPFFTAHAHโ€” *snort*ย dahAHAMMIT!โ€ Leo screeched as he finally let out a laugh whilst stomping his free foot on the floor. The three teens tormenting their brother smiled at the long overdue flood of giggles and snorts that was escaping the sliderโ€™s mouth.
โ€œThere it is~!โ€ Raph cooed softly, tickling under Leoโ€™s chin as the second youngest blushed slightly at the tease. โ€œGOHO *snort* AWAHAHAY YOHOU AHASSโ€” *snort*!!โ€ย 
โ€œGASP! Oh no you didย not.ย Cussing us out now? C'mon, Nardoโ€ฆyou know better than that~!โ€ The second oldest mused, using his spider arms to hold the blue banded turtleโ€™s ankles in place as he tickled all over his feet. Leonardo laugh raised an octave at the sudden action, squirming underneath the youngest more frantically.ย 
The blue banded teen snorted loudly, his hands flapping on the floor which absolutleyย meltedย the otherโ€™s hearts, โ€œGUHUHUYS S-STAHAP! IHIHITโ€” *snort*ย EHEHEHAH!!!ย IHIT TIHIโ€” *snort*!!โ€ย 
โ€œAweโ€ฆitย tickles?ย Is that what youโ€™re trying to say~?โ€ Mikey asked mischeivously, pinching Leoโ€™s hips mercilessly. Raphael grinned, holding the sliderโ€™s arms up as he tickled his stomach and sides. โ€œDoes iiiiitโ€ฆtickleย here?ย Orrrrโ€ฆwhat aboutย here? Here?ย Andย heeeere~?โ€ The eldest asked as he unpredictably switched from tickling the blue banded teenโ€™s stomach to his sides, definitely making sure to leave the leader in blue in stitches.
โ€œY'know, Leeโ€ฆyou could get out of this situation more easily if you just apologized.โ€ The young scientist commented.
โ€œFAHAHโ€” *snort* FOHOR WHAHAโ€” *snort* WHAHAT?!โ€ Leonardo asked through his laughs.
โ€œWhat do you meanย 'fohor whahat?'ย For insulting Mikeyโ€™s precious art and calling it cheap!โ€ Donatello said as if the answer shouldโ€™ve been obvious.ย 
All the other turtleโ€™s gasped dramatically, ceasing their attack momentarily as the box turtle glared at his brother playfully, โ€œOho Iโ€™m sorryโ€ฆI didnโ€™t quite hear you.ย Whatย did you just call me?โ€
The lime-green eyed teenโ€™s heart dropped at the fake sweet tone his younger brother was speaking in, he hugged his middles as more frantic giggles poured from out of his mouth, โ€œN-Nohoโ€” *snort* NOHO! Ihiโ€” *snort* I-Ihi dihidnโ€™t meeheean IHIT! M-MIHIKEY WAHAHAIT!โ€
โ€œAndย now youโ€™re laughing at me.ย You must think this isย funny,ย huh?โ€ The orange banded turtle asked as he effortlessly pushed Leoโ€™s hands aside as Raph casually held them up again. The eldest used one hand to hold Leoโ€™s wrists together but wiggled his free hand near the second youngestโ€™s neck.ย 
The blue cladded teenโ€™s eyed widened, silently praying toย Godย that he wouldnโ€™t go to the golden gates early because of what was about to happen to him.ย 
Donnie hovered his hands over Leoโ€™s knees as Mikeyโ€™s hands innocently and gently traced over his immediate older brotherโ€™s sides. The lime-green eyed mutant gulped, glaring at Mikey as the youngest happily glared back.ย 
โ€œAnything you wanna say to me, Leon? Anything in particular?โ€ The box turtle asked.ย 
โ€œF-Fuhuhuck. yohou.โ€ Leo giggled through gritted teeth.
After that extremely rude remark, the brotherโ€™s wasted no time tickling the second youngest into oblivion. Donnie tickled underneath his knees, Mikey scribbled his nails against the sliderโ€™s sides as he blew raspberries on his stomach, and finally, Raph tickled his neck as he held up his arms.
A pretty smart tactic if you ask me. A mean one? Ohย 100%,ย but at least it was effective.ย 
Leonardo let out a screechy vulture-like scream before falling into loud bubbly cackles. The slider shook his head back and forth once more, squirming as best he could in the position he was in.ย 
โ€œAweโ€ฆโ€ Raphael chuckled out, letting go of his brotherโ€™s wrists to let him flap his hands happily on Michelangeloโ€™s arms.ย 
โ€œSTAHAHAP!! PLEHEHEASE *snort* IHIHITโ€™S *snort* TOOHOOโ€” *snort* NAHAHAH!!!โ€
โ€œBuhut Ihi want my apology!โ€ Mikey giggled.ย 
โ€œMIHIKAHAโ€” *snort*!!! SHUHUT IHIHIT!!!โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t youย dareย disobey me, Coraline~!โ€ Raph snickered, using both of his hands to tickle the crooks of the second youngestโ€™s neck. Leoโ€™s adorable laughter became wheezy as happy tears slowly started appearing in his eyes, โ€œDAHAHAHโ€” *snort* RAHAHโ€” *snort* PLAHAHA *snort*ย EEEEEE!!!โ€
โ€œIHIHIโ€™M SAHARRY! IHIโ€™M SAHAโ€” *snort*! GUHUHUYS!!!โ€ The slider snorted as he scrunched up his shoulders.ย 
Mikey hummed in thought, blowing a raspberry on his immediate older brotherโ€™s ribs, โ€œAre you apologizing for insulting my crafts or are you apologizing for cussing us out?โ€
โ€œBAHAHโ€” *snort* BOHOTH!ย BOHOHOTH!!!ย PLAHAโ€” *snort* GUHUYS!!โ€
โ€œOkahay okayโ€ฆโ€ Michelangelo giggled, gesturing for his older brotherโ€™s to stop. The red eared slider mutant layed limp on the floor, curling in on himself as his brotherโ€™s sat next to him. The art loving turtle wrapped his brother in a tight hug which the second youngest couldnโ€™t help but melt in through his tired giggles.
โ€œAre you guys alright?! I heard screaming.โ€ April quickly said as she walked into the lair, carrying a grocery bag full of candies and treats. The mutants almost immediately perked up at the sound of their sisterโ€™s arrival, going over and attacking her in huge bear hug.
The small human giggled at the gesture, hugging her brotherโ€™s back. โ€œIโ€™ll take that as aย 'weโ€™re fine and not dying a gruesome death.'โ€ She concluded as she got out of the hug to put the candy bag down on the kitchen counter. โ€œI meanโ€ฆwhy was there screaming, though? I honestly thought you all were getting brutally murderedโ€ฆโ€
Donnie raised a brow, looking over at his twin, โ€œWanna give April the inside scoop of what went down, Nardo?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m good.โ€ The red eared slider said as he stuck a tongue out at his older twin, which the purple banded turtle hadย no problemย copying back.
โ€œLeo said my decorations were cheap and ugly.โ€ The youngest said with dramatic flair, pointing at his Coraline cut-outโ€™s. Aprilโ€™s eyed widened in shock, biting down her lip as he nodded, looking away from her youngest brotherโ€™s creation. โ€œIt looksย great,ย Mike.โ€ She giggled out, going to the kitchen counter to take out the candy as she was happily followed by Raphael.
โ€œWoahย woah!!!ย Getย backย here! Iย heardย that laugh, Riri!โ€ The orange banded turtle screeched, following along the elder siblings to the kitchen as he was followed by the middle siblings.
In all honestyโ€ฆperhaps the Coraline themed Halloween decor wasnโ€™t theย worstย ideaโ€™s Leoโ€™s brotherโ€™s have had.ย 
Leonardo could always make a Great Pumpkin Halloween theme next year.
But that did not stop the leader in blue from sticking the pumpkin sticker he had on his pouch on the youngestโ€™s shell without anyone noticing.
Well, besides Donnieโ€” who chuckled lighlty at the gesture as the two twins made their way to the kitchen.
(๐™ฟ.๐š‚.: ๐™ธ๐š ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐šŽ๐š—๐š“๐š˜๐šข๐šŽ๐š ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š๐š’๐šŒ, ๐š™๐š•๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šœ๐šŽ ๐š›๐šŽ๐š‹๐š•๐š˜๐š!!!)
#Rottmnt tickle#Rottmnt tickle fic#Rottmnt tickle fanfiction#Lee!Leo#Ler!Raph#Ler!Donnie#Ler!Mikey#All jokes aside this did help me get in the mood for Tickletober ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘ป#Which I DO plan on doing ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿพโœจ#Donnie is apart of the Dhar Mann fam guys cmon itโ€™s literally canon#Also Leo loving Charlie Brown is also canon bc why not ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’—???#Itโ€™s totally not bc anytime I write Leo I 100% projectโ€ฆ#Whaaaaat ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿซก๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซโ€ฆ? ME??? Oho I would N E V E R#We need more fics of Don and Raph just hanging out man ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”#They are sososo silly AND underrated as a duo#Nickelodeon when I catch you Nickelodeon ๐Ÿคบ๐Ÿคบ๐Ÿคบ#Also you guys know Franklin right?????!!!!#That ugly ass turtle that looks like heโ€™s been taking coke since birth#I hate him#Like Iโ€™m being so deadass you all donโ€™t understand#Turtle my ass that thing is an armadillo ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿพ#Not to insult Arthur by saying that ily Arthur Iโ€™m just saying ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ#Maybe when I get more comfy with posting my art on here I could draw my concept of the lair in the Coraline decor ๐Ÿค”โ€ฆ#Idk just a thought ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿพ#I fought through war zones to post this fic AHHHHH#Tumblr is being a glitchy glitch but ur girl got it ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ#Hope you like this Saturn ๐Ÿฅน#If you donโ€™t I will cry and that IS a threat#โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก
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tagerrkix ยท 1 year
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hauntingblue ยท 1 month
Oh now the villagers know..... and arlong burned the town to punish her..... for some reason
#WHY DID THEY PUT THE VILLAGE GOING AFTER ARLONG AFTER NAMI HURTS HERSELF???? HUH???#also the concept of money being important is lost... arlong wants money too thats why he does certain things... and it contrasts#with namis want for money which is for survival.... but alas...#i wont let you do that ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ AHDKAHSKSJKQ#nami doesnt decide what people do thats why she was stabbing herself... and why she controls herself... literally let herself be taken....#also nami just being there to do fuck all cause she isn't fighting..... and that is alright do they know that.....#johnny and josuke....... miss you.... also luffy not wanting a cook on his crew ever since they ran out of food akdjsksj#why did they focus on the fishman racism is what i dont understand. whats the point. this story is not about that.... we get that later lmao#'everyone should be free to live as they choose' SHUT UUUUUUUP!!!!#like he didnt get nami as a slave bc shes a human.... and hes not playing by human rules he found a loophole in their pact ajdhaksjs#and the could you use her so effectively doesnt hit without luffy saying he doesnt know how to do anything and all that....#luffy should be saying like 50% of what he says.... he says fuck all all the time#and why does sanji care about luffy literally what did he do for him....#usopp gets fuck all.... he literally cries and throws up on this fight... why did they skip thag#'zeff was mean to you... boohoo' TELL HIM ZORO!!!!#sanji fueled by love for nami yeah.... but he looks so ridiculous fighting with that suit ajdhakshsjs#also such a shame he hasnt been crushed dramatically.... how would usopp now if he is alright or not#no sun shining behind luffy as he comes out of the rubble like he is the second comong of jesus christ.... 0 stars#the fact that it took them nothing to beat them is kinda shit. like zoro gets wrecked and sanji nearly drowns... luffy gets also wrecked...#and no usopp songs back to back til sunrise.... tragic#usopp getting rewarded for what... he wasnt even scared#YEAH GARP PUNCH HIM!!!! COME ON!!! WHO DARES DISOBEY YOU???!!!#'i dont want to fight you grandpa' BOOOOOO TOMATO TOMATOOOOO#'you're on your own now....' HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THATS THE POINT!! AND YOU DIDNT FUCKING HELP WITH THAT!!!! we are just saying things now....#'i know what it means to fight for your family' whejdja??? whats that supposed to mean??? did bellemere not fight?? she literally did???#*melania trump hello???* whats this about... namis story is not about fighting for your family her mother literally dies for that ajdhajab#and why did they put a tattoo on top of the other in the manga she gets a scar from removing the arlong one and then gets the other one.....#luffy hugging koby.... he didnt hug nami then for what???#do you guys think they will cast someone really ugly as dragon...#watching opla
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jrueships ยท 26 days
Bought one of my lil nephew giannis shoes for his birthday bcs he loves giannis and these are some of the ugliest fucking things I have ever laid my eyes on in my life. anyways it's his bday today so i gave them to him. but they are so ugly. he loves them
#i am not a sneakerhead#i wish i could be . finacially i can be. but mentally i cannot#i am not a car guy either. i could. but i cant mentally#bcs the only time id get smthing pretty is to look at it. and keep it safe#and then id want to km$ for not using smthing thats intended to be used bcs i hate wasted potential#once i got these rlly nice shoes#ive worn them once when i was trying them on#and i hate myself every day for doing that but also i just cant get them dirty#BUT I HATE THAT#some ppl can do that. they get a million things and only use it once and yea i COULD but psychologically i just CANT#im friends with a lot of sneakerheads and chain wearers and while i cant mentally make myself one#i can understand why they can#like ppl always wanna excuse not helping ppl by pointing at the stuff they already have#like oh u can buy urself a chain but cant buy ur momma and u a nicer place to live#like ok so credit scores are not existent then. especially when ppl use that phrase against ppl growing into crime like#yes they are making money now but is it good clean money? no. thats not gonna go into smthing long term n hefty like a house#chains are a rlly big thing bcs sometimes some jewelers just dont ask questions. hence bmf's jeweler getting roped into their crime schemes#any business can be like that btw. like michael jacksons doctor getting paid to kill him. the difficulty lvl just changes#and also. random ppl make fun of the stuff they can see or hear right in front of them#random ppl can and will make u feel bad abt any little thing they know or see the best bcs theyre assholes like that#u wear shoes all the time everywhere. thats more and more eyes noticing how old/dirty ur shoes are#or ur cars old n busted or ur phones a fucking android like it doesnt matter. the more ppl can see. the more theyll know#the more sensitive u get abt whats actually small to u at the start but big 2 them n then it gets big 2 u#anyways yea so like. i get it. i dont do it but i can see why others do#anyways yea these shoes are so ugly lol like i dont buy merch of my favs unless the style matches mine personally#he just liked them bcs they were giannis tbh n then i pointed out they were modeled after 1 of the jerseys#which made he rlly want them a while back so i surprised him today#but yea these things are ugly lol im glad he likes them but ew LMFAO
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nashvillethotchicken ยท 7 months
Louis when Santiago try to holla at him
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woolydemon ยท 8 months
i am so apathetic to popular male transformers characters, but i have a simple trick to make me care abt them: i turn them into robot women then i suddenly start seeing their appeal
#grimlock would be so awesome as a butch woman. DO YOU HEAR ME DOES ANYBODY HEAR ME HELLOOOO#also crazy in depth conversation i had abt this made me think abt why i get rlly. apathetic abt popular tf characters#esp when i realize all the popular characters im Whatever abt are all men#but i always have interest in the female ones and also the niche little weird guys#you are looking at rare scrounge fan. rare wheelie fan. and Number 1 Fan of Blurr*#*when hes a dorky weird anxious guy. yknow the ones ppl dont care abt bc hes โ€œannoyingโ€ and โ€œuglyโ€#i dont give as much of a shit abt the handsome cocky racer blurrs#i realize. because tf fandom has a weird thing abt only caring abt how attractive a character is#and tends to gravitate to male characters for that aspect#like lets be real here. there is such a high priority in this fandom for what characters look best in porn. im right.#and ppl love the yaoi robots for that.#and i. am on the aroace spectrum. and do not find as much attraction in men (though i do sometimes. just less so)#so this doesnt appeal to me#so i find myself so incredibly apathetic or a hater to a lot of the tf fandom bc of this#in turn i do not care so much for the popular characters or straight up see them as red flags (admittedly im a bit irrational for this tho)#a lot of times i get a feeling like โ€œok whats so special abt this guy. its just another conventionally attractive man" it feels boring to m#so that might explain why i become more interested in these characters if they arent men#this is all being said from a nonbinary person that leans more transmasc btw. just noting that.#rando thoughtz
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fragiledate ยท 11 months
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cringetober day 27: babygirl pose(s)
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ocdhuacheng ยท 4 months
Mithrun baby donโ€™t listen to all the losers calling you ugly ur cute as hell
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mako-island-moon-pool ยท 4 months
Personally of the belief that live action fans who go onto animanga posts uninvited like 'I DESPERATELY NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT I THINK THE ART STYLE IS UGLY EVEN THO THIS OPINION IS IRRELEVANT TO THE POST' should be hit with a big rock. We already moved past this ten years ago, get with it or get lost. Swallow the hunger inside of you that demands everything be palatable to you. Maybe you could stand to be a little uncomfortable for a while
#Keep ur trashy comments to yourself#It's not even ugly! It's just not the conventional anime style so you deem it ugly. That's so fucking sad of you#You're the type of person who sees a piece of art and is like OMG WERE THEY ON DRUGS?!?!?!?!?!#Idk I think the art style is very fitting for the gigantic world Oda has built#People are allowed to be ''ugly'' because not all of us were born to be models. Shock and horror I know#(this is NOT aimed at the ppl who critque the way Oda draws women (to a degree...) bc I agree he could've done the same for women as he doe#The men by giving them way more diverse features and body shapes)#No this is aimed at the ppl who think the style as a whole is ugly and demean it bc it doesn't suit their tastes#Meanwhile their taste is the most conventional cookie cutter bland pretty boy/girl bullshit out there#(I say to a degree up there bc I think ppl go way too far with the criticisms like the one person who posted the Charlotte family identical#Sisters and went LOOK HOW SIMILAR THESE WOMEN ARE ODA SUCKS when they were MEANT to look similar)#^ yes that is an actual post I saw in like 2018 or 2019 when WCI was reaching its end in the anime and it made me die laughing#There are dozens of other examples you could've given but no. You intentionally chose the triplets (quintuplets? It's been a hot minute)#Rebecca and Nami and Vivi and Shirahoshi all having the exact same face with different hair? No I will use the identical twins as proof#What a unique way to undermine your own argument bc I was with you up until that#Anyway yeah the more I think abt the more I think the live action sucks actually for getting rid of Sanji's eyebrows bc they'd 'look bad'#Who cares? It's part of his design. You are cutting off parts of his character. Same w/ Usopp's nose.#Who fucking cares if it would have looked 'bad' or 'ugly'? Is that all you guys really care about? Keeping up appearances???#I'm so sick of the shit I like getting 'remade' to appeal to people who will never actually appreciate why stuff looks the way it does#It's so shallow I hate it#<- yes I'm still bitter about what they did to my boy WW in the three guns reboot iykyk#And Livio and Razlo for that matter. What the FUCK was that about#Idk maybe it's cuz it's something I recognized in myself and attempted to squash so it's frustrating seeing other ppl do it#And again obvs Oda isn't perfect w/ this either as he draws evil women as fat old hags and his protags as skinny and beautiful#Or how he thinks not following ur dreams will make u ugly and fat and following ur dreams will make u conventionally attractive#I get it. Storytelling method. But u can do better. Use colorschemes instead of physical attributes or something like Veneer does
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lockedtowers ยท 7 months
seeing ppl in the tags super used to the j/apperwock(y) in b/urton's alice and then getting mad at how 'ugly' the s/yfy version is is absolutely hilarious to me bc the s/yfy version is literally just lifted from the original illustrations
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dravencore ยท 1 year
Bc I'm self indulgent and I wanna know... Milly and Knives for the blorbo game
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not a lot here unfortunately, because a lot of these spaces are way too unhinged/aggressive. my deep love for milly is calm and peaceful like a lake.
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majoringinsarcasm ยท 1 year
Yโ€™all what the Fuck did I just watch. I saw like three spoiler pictures and decided not to watch right away bc I needed to be mentally prepared for that kinda stuff and that was just NASTY!! Like the episode was good I donโ€™t mean nasty as in bad I mean Iโ€™m emotionally ripped up but also when CC Did That, all of it but especially with Neo I was just like. Nah no nope that was Not It that was. That was freaky. Not in a the writers did it bad way I mean that was done so well bc Iโ€™m feeling the emotions they wanted which is upset and disgust that was GROSS
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