#he gives me... medieval dragon art vibes
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mods asleep post dragon Wally
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zonnemaagd · 5 months
Where the Sea Ends - Wip Intro
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Over the last century the tides have grown violent, and each day they climb higher and higher. Seo, a dune nimf from the northern isles has watched the sea swallow her home. Her Mistress, Ikuzand of the Grey Order, was destined to stop the flood, but just as the waves began to touch the beach of her home did she pass away in the night. Distressed, Seo travels to the capital of Hoogdam, hoping to find a way to bring her Mistress back to the world of the living. Little does she know that the quest she is about to embark on will take her beyond our world and put her face to face with the gods.
Genre: NA Fantasy
Expected Wordcount: ~80k
Hello! I am excited to share the first few tidbits from the project I have been working on the last two months. As I progressed through my academic specialisation in Japanese literature I realised just how little I knew about the literature of my own country. Not just literature, actually, but folklore and myths are almost completely unknown to me. This project is an attempt to rectify that in the hope that I can inspire other Dutchies to be proud of their culture and arts.
It will be a 'classic' fantasy story, filled with spell tomes, hard magic systems and knights. However, I will draw as much as I can from medieval and earlier Dutch folklore and history. I won't give too many details about plot/characters as they are still up to change. The core of Sen, a stoic and disillusioned mage with a sweet tooth, Pip, a young and ambitious archer and Karel, royal knight turned himbo barbarian will probably stay the same. Still, I hope you enjoy my research project turned wip as much as I do! Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist <3
Much love,
Here's some excerpts to grasp the *vibes*
The tree that marked Ikuzan’s grave stands before me. Its grey leaves hang above me, their edged gilded by the sun. The tree has grown over the gravestone, roots entangling the stone, removing any indicator of who lies below. The size of the tree surprises me. Has it truly been so long since I last visited that Ikuzan’s soul had blossomed into this large a tree? “So long, Miss,” I mutter under my breath. My hand rests on my staff. The faint hope that Ikuzan has hidden a secret near her grave, something that would solve everything, lingers in the back of my mind. But my staff stands lifeless, and the branches waving in the wind as if beckoning us to leave.
“Pip, now!” I shout, ducking behind a nearby cart. The dragon roars as it jumps off from the tower, breaking off the roof and sending hundreds of bricks to the ground. Pip steps into the alley, arrow nooked. “Zerikan feek,” I say, drawing on as much of my mana as I can. As soon as I finish speaking my spell the arrowhead of Pip’s arrow lights up in purple flames, and before the flames can spread to Pip’s bow does he shoot. The arrow flies through the air, splitting the curtain of smoke that has risen from the burning city around us. With a loud bang the arrow hits the dragon in her chest. A second explosion follows with such strength all the smoke is blown away. My hands reach for my ears, a loud and high pitched noise overwhelms my senses. Even the dragon's weeping as it falls down is barely audible. Silent to me, but as loud as a star, the dragon crashes into the church and vanishes through the roof. But a single arrow will not slay a dragon, I know that much. “CHAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!” Karel runs past us, axe in hand. Not much remains of the top of his leather armour, showing a conspicuous amount of skin. I am never sure whether it is the blade of foes, or Karel himself that causes his armour to wear out so quickly. One thing I do know, however, is that that dragon isn't long for this world.
Taglist: @peepos-prose
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
answering your asks in one big post because you sent so many of them (update: added 2 more that just got sent)
hi guys. what the fuck
in plain text so i don't have to type out a million image IDs
Anonymous asked: "I am obsessed with your metal beasts and lore!! The designs are *chef's kiss* gorgeous and inspired and if you were to ever make print versions of the kinda diagram-like side view pieces of them I'd slap that stuff all over my walls ❤️❤️"
Answer: I'd have to pretty them up a LOT to get them print ready. But I think it would be cool to do a blueprint style version kind of like old diagrams of machinery with additional embellishments
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like this (source)
Anonymous asked: "have you ever posted any art of the dragons you've mentioned before? im really curious ab them"
Answer: I've posted sketches. I have trouble drawing diagrams because I am STILL torn between radial and bilateral symmetry... i know it should be radial but in my heart I prefer bilateral. So I'm thinking maybe it is radial but with a pseudo-bilateral look. It's definitely on my to-draw list
Anonymous asked: "just wanna pop in and say i love all your worldbuilding its so creative and fun, but as a dragon lover i ESPECIALLY adore your weird and funky dragons. i think its so cool when people push the boundaries on what a dragon can be (that versatility is a big part of their appeal to me in the first place) and your take is one of the most fun ive seen in a while"
Answer: as a marine biologist, I-
the dragons came after the beasts. I wanted to give them a reason for existing and 'knights fighting dragons' evokes such a great retro fantasy vibe that i loved it. The reason Pantera is a leopard (and not any other kind of big cat) is because in medieval bestiaries, leopards were said to fight dragons using their 'sweet breath'. You can see where I went with it. But dragons in these bestiaries have such variable appearances and can be virtually anything, like you said they're so versatile. For the people in this setting, the most they ever really see of dragons are the legs, tendrils, and the massive beak (which is mineralised like the pen of a squid). It's a creature really too big to comprehend, so they depict it in their diagrams as a bird-headed creature with wings and a back end made of serpents. but you can always tell in these illustrations whether the artist has actually seen a dragon in person.. because they won't draw it like this:
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@our-tiny-hotel asked: "where did you get the idea/inspiration for these stories?"
Answer: for mez, i like zoids, retro fantasy, speculative biology, and stories which explore themes of religion and its role in highly gendered systems of oppression (lbr it is fantasy catholicism. that's right... this is also a story about gender)
for inver: fairies man
Anonymous asked: "is nosewyse a dog? i cant find anything about it on your blog"
Answer: You can find Nosewyse here. He's the smallest Holy Beast and by far the most pathetic
@raskies456 asked: "Re: your tags on the Taurus art, how DO the smiths manufacture such massive single plates of metal?"
Answer: I'm going to draw some diagrams to explain but basically the theocratic empire sits on a massive wealth of iron ore so there's no shortage of it. Smiths can manipulate metallic elements using the dialogue tattoos on their palms - Mercury and Mars are the titles for enginesmiths and armoursmiths respectively. Enginesmiths use mercury because it doesn't interact with incandescent dragonsblood, and it's a liquid metal which in alchemical theory is Pure and extremely close to gold (free of sin u might say). The quicksilver is used to manipulate the insides of a working engine without having to physically touch it. Armoursmiths work on iron, but here's the issue: solid metal won't budge. It needs to be softened or liquid for the dialogues to have any effect. So the armoursmith teams are blacksmiths who heat up these mass amounts of iron using dragonsblood furnaces until the iron is malleable, and then in teams of 50 or more they slowly and painstakingly stretch and shape it into the desired form. that's how they make armour plating for Holy Beasts. The use of dialogue tattoos isn't like psychic telekinesis, but more like playing an instrument where the position of each finger has to be perfectly accurate in 3D space to produce the desired effect. it's a very physical job and incredibly skilled. Taurus's barge took decades to construct and thousands of workers.
Anonymous asked: "are you ever going to publish the book are you are writing"
Answer: maybe. the idea of traditional publishing doesn't appeal to me. might just be a "buy this pdf on itch.io" sort of deal
Anonymous asked: "Hi, im new here. I hope this isn't rude, but from what i can tell the gist here is that medieval people dug up what i can only assume are the still-living skeletons of otherworldly beings or perhaps demons and went "Wouldn't it be cool if we put flamethrowers in these guys and rode them to war" and then they do that thanks to jellyfish ooze from giant violent sky jellyfish?"
Answer: I can neither confirm nor deny (yes but also nooot quite ;))
Anonymous asked: "Jowd you learn how to draw machines? Is it hard to draw all the Bits on those mechazords in the correct place when theyre like jumping and run ing and shit?"
Answer: I learned a lot from building zoids, putting them together, watching them move etc etc. At the same time, it's also sort of basic anatomy too? Your hinged elbow joint is a mechanism and if you just made the same joint in metal it would work the same way. But ALSO when i draw them, I follow the ref sheets for big parts but mostly bullshit the details because who give a shit at the end of the day if I put a screw wrong, no one's going to care
Anonymous asked: "Idk if this helps you at all but on r/zoids on the Dreaded Reddit people talk about 3d printed zoids so maybe you can get your zoids that way"
Answer: I am a member of r/zoids lol... that sounds really cool though. I've never seen a 3D printer in real life before tho. But I can't be out here getting more zoids when I have had my HMM command wolf half-constructed for literally over a year because I keep procrastinating on it
Anonymous asked: "A lot of libraries have 3d printers and some people will like. Hire theirs out so people can print stuff"
Answer: Not in Ireland they don't
Anonymous asked: "Is it illegal to make beaft ocs".
Answer: I'm not a cop and my main stance is: do what you want, I can't stop you. If you would like to design a mech animal using medieval bestiary aesthetics - go for it, it's fun. However, why does it have to play by my setting rules? Wouldn't you prefer to make something wholly belonging to yourself? You can invent a million new ways to use this sort of mech design in a story with a whole new setting, all yours. It just won't be one of mine or in my setting.
Anyway you couldn't make a beaft oc in my setting anyway because you don't even know what they are or how they work
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chelzone · 11 months
big chel's big summergamefest reactions
new prince of persia: looks like a mobile game with fartnite graphics, bored
new mortal kombat: looks dreadful and way too slow at times
path of exile 2: not for me
mecha ryu and guile vs dinosaurs: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LET'S GO
nic cage debby daylight trailer: still funny, also wild to see how diff he looks compared to his game equivalent
witcher tv show: i dont care
witchfire: ?????? (genuinely kinda headscratching at this)
crossfire sierra squad: man i dont give a shit about VR games anymore this is lame
remnant 2: not for me
sonic superstars: looks cute. never really been into the 2D sonic games personally tho, sowwy ;w;
honkai starrail: a Polite thing for me to say is Not For Me but also i hate anime games like these LMAO
lies of P: conceptually and visually really cool but bit of a letdown to not see any gameplay ;o(
Sandland: genuinely looks REALLY FUCKING AWESOME and goddamn toriyama's style translates wonderfully ot this
throne and liberty: anything worked on by amazon games is an immediate stinker in my mind
warhaven: boring
party animals: back in like high school i liked watchin folks play gangbeasts and the like but these days its very much not for me, i feel too old for that stuff and im only 25 dfghfhgf
crash team rumble: i loved the new crash stuff both the 4th game and the remakes but this looks ???? and really bad dfgdf
alan wake 2: i liked the first one a lot even if folk's didnt. never played american nightmare or saw the control-related DLC. this one could be interesting if theyre goin further into the twin peaks vibe??
new warhammer: the series in general is not for me hyuuuu
yes your grace DLC: i really really despite the game art style of these 32-bit adjacent aprooximations on realistic backgrounds sorry AUGH
john carpenter's toxic commando: looks like shit!
baldur's gate 3: i know nothing of this series, also where's the gameplay????
spider-man 2: i wanna play the modern spiderman games at some point, the pre-marvelified version of the ps4 one looked amazing. also the miles morales one i wanna play sometime toooo
palworld: pokemon with guns is incredibly funny especially since they can get away with it this long, in no world am i playing this tho dfgdfgfd
black desert DLC: probably one of the mmos i care about the least. we really peaked with oldschools runescape and wow
LOTR return to moria: DWARF FORTRESS 3D CONFIRMED #REAL (could be good genuinely?? its not the gollum team thankfully LMAO)
FF7 evercrisis: what? huh? why (my phone cant run this shit and i dont like mobile games anymore)
banishers: games dont even feel real anymore man, sad, whatever
like a dragon gaiden the man who erased his name: a mouthful of a title but this new yakuza game looks fucking SICK!! I LOVE IT!!!
under the waves: could be something interesting?? kinda soma-adjacent vibes sooorta.. also happy world ocean day i guess fgfhf
cod warzone shit: who cares
porsche xbox: sick pride flag bro
faefarm: Not For Me
marvel snap: zzzzzz / prozd chasing that bag i see, more power to u i guess
king arthur legens rise: shit
wayfinder: shit
unreal editor for fartnite: There's Nothing Nice For Me To Say
stellaris nexus: i hear people say its good, im probably too dumb to play it
space trash scavenger: cool ps4 tech demo
star trek infinite: do NOT tell mike or rich about this game (civilization-type game maybe?????)
twisted metal tv show: where da cars
lysfanga: not for me, part 4599504
immortals of aveum: is medieval era the current trend?? robot knights too???? im seein too much of these
fartnite wilds: man,,,
ff7 remake pt 2: kinda didnt care for the first part, not for me i guess. also andrew tate off the shits
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Animaniacs Reboot Episode 2
Welcome back to my ramblings about this incredible reboot!! I love this show so much but I wanted to just enjoy it my first time around. So without any further rambling let’s get right to it!!
-The doctor’s name is hypocrites and I love that!! I’ve had way too many bad doctors over the course of my life and to me that line was gold both in delivery and in word usage. 
-The tropical version of the opening!!
-Dot calling the shots and telling them what to do is one of my favorite things. I love a bossy version of my favorite best girl. 
“I don’t know what she said but this tastes like soap.” My baby I love you so much!! 
-”It’s funny cause they’re wet and they don’t want to be.” A lot of the time Ralph’s lines get a genuine laugh out of me and that was one of my favorites. 
-”I’ll show you a sick burn!!” You go girl, I’ve always been a stan for “feral\angry Dot and this sketch gives me everything that I wanted from her. Also the cartoony bonk sound effect that happens to Wakko baby are you okay?
-”Forget work life balance, time to lean in!!” The octopus in Yakko’s mouth forcing it into a smile- I love him so much. 
-”Yeah and set up a power lunch with Aries cause this means war!!” I love the little nods to Greek Mythology in this sketch!! As somebody with a best friend that is as she puts it a massive greek freak she would love this sketch and after there’s a vaccine I really want to show it to her. 
-”A gradual series of monsters that strip him down one mental and emotional layer at a time?” Dot with a feral smirk is everything that I need in my life. I love how Yakko encourages this side of her though something that most people would be all that’s not very ladylike he seems genuinely happy about. 
-The fact that a monster comes with a boy band-Dot I love you so much
-I legitimately love the fact that Oydsius thinks that everything is kind of a game. Like him thinking that the underworld is based of a show that he loves. It shows his cockiness. 
-“Doesn’t he understand Hades is timeless it’s eternal suffering!!” I love Wakko so much in this segment, love Wakko in general but he’s especially adorable here. 
-”Don’t worry I’ve got one more trick up my toga” 
-I don’t know who’s voicing the Trump cyclops I have a feeling in my soul that it’s Moe though he’s one of their best boys for voice impressions. 
Pinky and the Brain time
-This was one of my favorite segments with the new Pinky and The Brain. I still stan this baller opening theme it’s amazing!! They obviously worked really hard on it. 
-I thought at first that Egbert was voiced by one of my heroes Corey Burton but I was wrong as I found on a different episode. 
-Mouse Kabobs that is so freaking dark. 
-He trains a dragon with treats I can’t-
-”You’re a father?! Egad you look great for someone who’s had kids!!” “Stop heckling my fantasy” “Aye I was watching that!!” 
-”Yay Minstrels!!” “Ugh Minstrels” I love the relationship between these two and how different they are. 
-”Come Pinky perhaps we should hold auditions for the next Edgwind.” 
“Certainly not me why you’d be hard-pressed to find a bigger  supporter of the arts than Sir Brain of Art...isa?” “But you hate the arts Brain you always say that the Renaissance is French for bull-” LET PINKY CURSE PLEASE I LOVE HIM
-I love that the fierce Benedict thinks is the sexy kind of fierce. 
-”I don’t want your tears I want your fury!!” I LOVE BENEDICT SO MUCH HE IS BABEY
-”Your majesty I the Brain will slay this dragon only in the case of your kingdom.” Does anybody ever get classic Grinch vibes from Brain sometimes or is it just me. 
-Also Pinky with his little drum set
-I literally knew people like him in drama class the peak of over dramatic 
-”Knowing you Pinky is it’s own kind of medieval torture.” BRAIN I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU SOMETIMES 
-Him hitting Pinky over the head with the drum set and the ending being a medieval style of their opening theme.  The little things in this show. 
Dot’s Song
-”We’re celebrating something woman should have had long ago.” Dot you freaking tell the people-I love her so much
-”No animation without representation!!” I love this new Dot so much I know some people had problems with her but she needed to be updated in order to fit the new audience just being cute wouldn’t fly anymore. I relate more with this new version of her character. 
-Wakko and Yakko playing cards in the bathtub was @hc-175 right this entire time?!
-”I think I speak for everyone when I say God help us” “I’m Dot Warner and I approve this message.” I love her so much!! Tress still killing it 22 years later as one of my childhood favorite characters of the female variety 
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Anime recs (some of my personal faves, not the public opinion, obviously):
About sports:
-Haikyuu (I am caught all the way up to season 4 and I have never been more passionate about volleyball in my life, not even when I played it)
-Run the Wind (it's about running but also...friendship? and motivation to follow your dreams?? I mostly just recall relating to some of the lazier characters and sensing the brotherhood vibes. It feels slow at first, but if you get invested you realize that you've binged the whole thing.)
-Free! & Free! Eternal Summer (you wanna get emotional attached to a bunch of teenage swimmers? I don't know why all these sports animes are about guy groups, but here's one about some divas -I mean swimmers. Quite the lil quaint group of nuggets, I gotta tell ya.)
About magic/supernatural
-Sailor Moon (need I say more? She's our queen and we are never too old to watch her steadily turn from crybaby to warrior of the people. If you know, you know. FIGHTING EVEIL BY MOONLIGHT-!!)
-Avatar: the Last Airbender (technically counts as an anime. Holds my entire childhood, every personality trait I have...for sure came from characters in this show. Iconic. Never loses its charms. Lots of magical realism that is centered on the natural elements of the planet, some spiritualism too. Appa is reason enough to watch this show.)
-Legend of Korra (technically a sequel storyline to Avatar: the Last Airbender, but...it's SO DIFFE R E NT. I was at first put off by my lack of OG characters, but there are so many references embedded in there, and you get to meet everybody's kids and grandkids. Also Korra? The embodiment of female pride and power, nothing will forsake her for long. Kinda STRESSFUL how many obstacles the writers create in a single season...let alone 4.)
-Inuyasha (on oldie but a goodie. Technically the first anime I ever saw...*sigh* ah youth...Anyway, it'sset in feudal Japan, but there's time travel so you won't feel too out of place. There are of course demons and magical priestesses and demon hunters and cranky, frankly exhausted, old women. Has a quality plot line and great characters. There is a new sequel show airing about the future of the characters and their bloodlines, I've only seen an episode or two but the nostalgia alone made me want to weep.)
-Fairy Tail (a CLASSIC. It has magic and dragons and FAERIES and found family and is so loveably chaotic, also: hype af fight scenes)
-Soul Eater (another chaotic group of teens that fight impossible battles, the intro music always hits hard for nO rEASON, a little more blood and angst but not like not enough to cancel out the immense joy/annoyance that is Excalibur)
-Noragami (a new take on the concept of how gods are created, sad boi hours have started, wholesome main characters, the graphics are beautiful, some of the monsters can be a tad creepy - but I'm a wimp so it could just be me)
-Bungou Stray Dogs (I HAVE ADOPTED ATSUSHI. HE IS MY SON NOW, THANK YOU FOR COMING. The art style is one I enjoy, very crisp lines and a good variation in character designs. The protagonist is named Atsushi and he is a golden child who must be protected yet allowed to flourish at all times. There is detective work, some great fights, lots of random character flaws, OH and honey the story line is TWISTY!!)
-My Hero Academia/Boko no Hero Academia (this is the show where my broccoli son goes THROUGH IT literally the WHOLE TIME. A great story of the underdog, and the variety of characters and powers are...*chef's kiss*, makes me want to lowkey live in this universe but the amount of villians... gurl it'stoo much for my weak heart smh)
- Cannon Busters (okay, so I know people have mixed opinions on this one. Lemme say this: the intro and outro SLAP, point blank periodtt. The characters are diverse in color and abilities, it's like wild west meets technofuture meets medieval magic war times. The plotline is very all over the place, but hey it's the journey right. If you don't love SAM and Casey by the end of episode 1 you're doing it wrong.)
-BNA: Brand New Animal (the art style is so freaking cool yet cute we luv to see it. The world building is pretty good, basically it'slike Zootopia, but there are way more issues with this island o animals that have a human form half the time. Our main character is determined and just a tad naive, there is a wolf man with a pet crow and we're all okay with that)
-Sirius the Jaegar (straight up, I have no idea how my sister and I binged the whole show in like 2 days, but we did. Great fight scenes, the is blood but... that's because there are vampire-esque creatures also. The main character's childhood got done dirty, but go off on your origin story I guess.)
About slice of life:
- My Little Monster/Tonari no Kaibustu-kun (a wholesome high school romance with oddballs left and right, but you just wanna root for 'em y'know? A good wind down show. There's a chicken in it.)
- (Kaichou wa) Maid-Sama (an unconventional and lowkey erratic main heroine, the love interest seems weird but you'll adore him by the end, just simple high school shenanigans with ridiculously dramatic conflicts)
Phew, that was kinda long 😓 but those are just some animes that I have watched thoroughly off the top off my head to give you a good variety of options. Let me know if you already have seem any of these. Hope this helps you fight off boredom and repetition. Please tell me your faves, I love hearing about new shows!! 🤩 (And btw, my sleep patterns wrecked, I've been going to sleep at like 3AM 😅 Hahaha, send help.)
love love LOVE THIS!! Thank you for sharing babe ❤️❤️❤️ i actually haven’t watched that much anime so i’m glad to get a rundown on some good recs!
also!! i feel u!! team no sleep ftw
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ozis-paradise · 4 years
ØZI FOR FLAUNT MAGAZINE – published August 27, 2020
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ØZI is a rising star who’s ready to break through to the US market. Gaining a tremendous amount of momentum in Asia, winning Best New Artist of the Year at the Golden Melody Awards and Chinese CMA Awards, the Taiwanese-American singer, songwriter, producer, and director likes to push boundaries and experiment with different genres of art— from his visuals to his music to his everyday life.
According to ØZI, Chinese music (unlike Korean K-pop) isn’t really heard on the planet. Having performed with the likes of Jay Park and Tiffany Young of the legendary K-pop group Girls’ Generation, he states, “I'm trying to put Chinese music on the map. Not just Chinese, I'm trying to put this whole entire culture on the map by any means. People listen to K-pop or American hip-hop—me being on this side of the world, being raised in Taipei, there's a lot to offer. But people have to hear it.”
Now, he returns with his newest single and visual for “LAVA!” His music is the perfect blend of Asian and American culture, fusing influences from his roots in Taiwan with the hip-hop we all know and love. Additionally, he’s had the pleasure of working with notable fashion brands from Burberry to Valentino to Fendi—the latter of which caught the attention of Nicki Minaj.
Flaunt caught up with ØZI via FaceTime who was located in Taipei, discussing everything from his upbringing in music, “B.O.” going viral,” Nicki shouting him out on the Gram, and his own label Forbidden Paradise.
 “B.O.” has over 11 million views on Youtube alone, what did that do for your career?
A lot actually, that’s the song that got me the Taiwanese Grammys. I wrote that song 3 years ago. I was an underground rapper out here, producing my album. That song wasn’t something I thought would hit. I put it in with hopes of it doing good, but didn't think too much about it. I shot it with 9m88, she's a very good friend of mine and a great jazz musician. I said "hey, you'll sound amazing on this record!" She hopped on it. I shot the music video in L.A., came back. I dropped it and it took off. It caught me off guard. During that time, I had some sort of buzz underground. 2 or 3 songs had hit before “B.O.” so I had a little bit of noise, but that song really took me to a different level. That song brought me mainstream. I got nominated for Golden Melody, which is the Taiwanese Grammys. I got Best New Artist, that changed my career. 
 Being from Taipei, what was the household like growing up?
I'm a third culture kid. My parents don't know how to speak English at all. I went to an international school. This is a common thing for international school kids: I go to school speaking only English, then I come home watching Chinese TV and talking in Chinese. Taipei is a small place so everybody knows each other. I go back and forth because I was born in L.A., in Pasadena. Every summer and winter, I’d go back to visit my godparents. But we sold our house in Pasadena.
When did music come into play?
I was born in it. My parents are both in the entertainment industry. My mom’s a pop diva, artist, singer-songwriter in Taiwan. My dad’s a photographer, he did photoshoots for all the fashion magazines from 10 to 30 years ago. He retired. All my life, I was a part of this. I played classical piano since I was 4, I'm sure all the Asian kids can relate. [laughs] I had a rock band when I was 7, which is interesting because my mom’s like "aye, you should start a rock band with your first grade classmates." In middle school, I started really listening to music. It started with 50 Cent’s “Disco Inferno," I thought "what the fuck is this?!" I was 11, then it went to Eminem. Started with Marshall Mathers LP, went back to the Slim Shady LP, then to Encore. I also fell in love with Linkin Park. 
You just released your new visual for “LAVA!” Who or what inspired this one?
I started collaborating with Transparent Arts (Far East Movement). I met them last year, started working in July. I went to L.A., they arranged me with a couple of producers. One of them I particularly fucked with was Ian Thomas, he's done songs with Bryson Tiller. That’s the first song we worked on. I'm putting it on my album but that whole project got delayed because of COVID. It’s a feel-good, summer track like “aye, I vibe with this."
How’s it feel to have a co-sign from Nicki Minaj?
That's hard. That's the biggest thing to ever happen to me. [laughs] I had a photoshoot and tagged Fendi. Nicki had a collab, a capsule thing with Fendi. I do a lot of fashion stuff, that was one of my gigs. I didn't think too much of it. I went to an event, took photos and did some press. Afterward, I woke up to Nick Minaj putting me on her feed. So surreal, she’s like “big shouts to OZI in Taiwan, wassup?”
You have your own hip-hop label named Forbidden Paradise, what’s the significance in the name?
We started it 3 years ago with my colleagues Razor and MCKY, they're OGs producers in hip-hop and pop. We all saw how Mandarin pop music is so stagnant, we wanted to change that and bring something fresh to the game. R&B and hip hop wasn't big in Asia at all. Mandarin pop was all slow songs, we weren’t fucking with that. We had to do something. The world’s been listening to hip-hop for the longest time. At that time, Drake popped. The 3 of us are gamers, so we're really into medieval times and dragons. We like anything super poetic and epic, Forbidden Paradise came from that. The classic Adam and Eve story, we're the forbidden fruit. We're here to give the rest of the world the apple, particularly in Taiwan. After you’re introduced to our culture, you gain wisdom. We’re opening the Forbidden Paradise for you guys to listen.
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tammyhybrid21 · 4 years
On Villain Impact
SO, Guess who just rewatched UP so that I could further expand on the tea brought up in the post that ask prompted! I mean, and some general comparison moments... with plot and tone and the possible inspirations... BUT--
We're not here to explore Paradise Falls today!
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So let's take this in parts so I can give each villain(and one bonus) their dues. Starting with the Pixar villain who first traumatized me in 2009.
Charles Muntz
Sooo first of all, this guy is terrifying.
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Like, out of all the villains I'm here to talk about, Muntz has reached that point that there's just... something wrong and broken by the time he actually shows up on screen in his movie. Well, not his movie but-- By the time we meet him, isolation has done a number along with his single minded focus on his goal.
Muntz is... not in a good state of mind AT ALL.
I kind of want to take it back for a moment to what triggered this. Because here's the tea-- As we see, throughout the movie with Russel and Kevin, Muntz's find was real. Birb still around even. That skeleton he displayed-- and yet--
They decried it as fake. Something he fabricated. Which hello, here's some of my related tea-- Again, this is basically that whole-- issue of if it doesn't fit with known facts, along with some of the other issues regarding the palaeontology community in general that is-- not quite the same, but--
I have many, many dinosaur issues and some of them come from how long it took people to accept feathered dinosaurs, to the fact that there has been multiple cases of evidence that dinosaurs went extinct much more recently than what we're taught in schools(middle ages, medieval art and designs and just argh--), that are just-- REJECTED. Which even included a report about still images, art and designs that are very dinosaur in nature. Or hell, the comparison of dragon legends to how dinosaur skulls and appearances are--
Not to mention there have been and are still fiascos about dinosaur bones and the whole marrow and blood cells discovered in them. Which instead of maybe assuming that means they're younger than previously assumed they're assuming that means that decay rates are off, which... yeah sure. I don't really have a degree on that, but it sounds wrong when decay has more clear and obvious examples that have been more clearly witnessed, studied-- I mean there's a whole STUDY on decay--
Anyway-- Fossils and bones have-- such a HUGE mess. From exhibits going missing, discoveries passed over time and time again because is "doesn't fit" what was previously know, there's a whole documentary that's one guy trying to explain how there's evidence of specific species actually just being sexual dimorphism and differences in age of just one species and being mocked by the rest of the community for that view--
You know fascinating stuff--
Among other things, like I remember so clearly a documentary that used to be around where they talked about a dig site where there were modern animals preserved with animals from so, so long ago-- along with trying to explain how the very existence of Dinosaur bones and fossils proved that the Great Worldwide Flood happened.
Which-- honestly on the flood, just look at how pretty much every culture has a Great Flood story and that's already proven that something happened. WHICH is all beside the point--
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But this-- THIS--
Do you know how much this happens, happened, and still probably will happen in the future?! I mean shit-- people thought the KANGAROO was FAKE NEWS once upon a time. Among-- many other of Australia's animals... also like-- think about weird animals from your own country and imagine in the olden days, sure people could travel, but that didn't mean everyone would or could and just--
How many animals sound fake but then you see them?!
In any case, there's just a very subtle background flow to this movie in that ultimately, the TRUE villains hidden in the story are the Archaeology & Palaeontology communities. Scientists.
Which yeah, deviation from the main point of this post, so now that we have that background detail and rant. What impact does Muntz have as a villain. Well... very clearly he's terrifying. Like, I don't think I can overstate how much I was FREAKED OUT as a baby 11 year old seeing this movie for the first time, with exaggerated memories of fire and trauma and all-- and just-- Muntz is a Pixar villain.
Which yeah--
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I don't actually really have to say much in regards to how he lingers and his presence is felt all through how the movie unfolds. Even from before this reveal-- there's that sense of wrongness when you're paying attention and you just think about how the dogs act.
And well-- there's something to be stated about this scene... and how it serves as a good lead in to the next villain I would like to talk about-- But for now...
Muntz' degeneration here is subtle. Traitors, liars, people after his discovery... and some serious isolation induced paranoia.
But the heart of his motivation is that long, long ago disgrace. It's been YEARS, of hunting and trying to find the one thing. Carl's entire lifetime from childhood. His entire goal-- and what a hell of a broken pedestal that creates... but arguably, he's from a somewhat tragic perspective when you actually think how fundamentally broken he's fallen when examining the facts.
From a lauded explorer-- adventurer... to this.
Fearing and calling anyone he meets liars.
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Max Mordon
Soooo before anyone says that was an abrupt-- I think that this is the PERFECT place to transition over. Because the one immediately there is... some DRASTIC contrasts between these two, despite well. Some small similar vibes to generals.
Like seriously...
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Not precisely the same... but like-- Brown hair, blue eyes... and the general frame of his hair style. Max just missed some of the points and has no moustache or anything. BUT--
Max is also in direct contrast in regards to motivations. At least to the prior villain of Muntz. BUT-- Max is kind of literally the kind of people that Muntz was paranoid about. Which isn't really played for subtly in the movie, which is unfortunate, but to be fair that's a hard thing to play subtle and with all the tropes we've been exposed to nowadays-- BUT--
Max basically fell into the trap of, pedestal to break, along with what I kind of call Scooby logic, in how his presentation gave him away as a villain. And also all the older mentor characters disapproving of him.
Basically he was doomed from the framing.
Which-- isn't really the movie's fault, and in the end I would argue it actually plays to his favour to be so obvious.
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Sooo I can also actually focus on other things instead of the fact we all know! Like how THERE'S just... so, so much I could say about Tad's reactions to Max throughout the movie. But that will probably take away from the focus of this rant/analysis. BUT-- Yeah, Max is set up as pretty obviously trouble to EVERYONE but the main characters.
Which... I do have opinions for another rant about how Sara would have in any other context probably noticed his fake sooner-- but Max is... "media circus" and archaeology... and more really his pursuit is-- really, really straight forwards in the context of the movie and even the greater scope.
Max is after immortality, power, and prestige. Puts great pride on his title and claim to be the "Greatest explorer". And much unlike Muntz there is no sign of ANYTHING tragic or forgiving in his background. He wasn't screwed over by the system, rather he's here using the system to screw others other.
Max is savvy as anything.
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Like-- I don't think people will quite understand my glee at how RUTHLESS this is. But in a similar vein to Muntz, Max isn't letting anything stand in the way of his goals. Not here-- directing the Odysseus to get rid of Freddy and Tad despite them ostensibly being "no threat", which yeah... not completely for Tad as later that comes back around-- BUT-- Max is just... SAVVY in that sense that he's not taking risks.
BUT then we also get him showing he's... really not as expert as he plays himself. Which sure, the Professor has studied for years, but still-- there's a kind of logic that's just-- well, in the Quipu room and even before entering the ruins... He's just-- not studied enough, or observing enough. Not without blind spots.
I also want to for a moment just take a moment to have an aside on this:
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I also don't know if this is something that people would notice. But-- when it comes to this moment, Max turns the tables... really quickly. Which half of that is just Mummy being kind of naïve himself here in this moment, like-- of all the decisions... but the other half is SOMETHING clicked in Max's mind on this--
But mostly I want to focus on that expression. He's so damn smug-- like he's got a plan, smug and smooth, ready to try and steal the advantage... and I have... opinions on other nuances that might be hiding in that smile. But-- well, it's just not something that can easily be covered all in this--
It's these two SIDES. And his clear motivation, that actually makes Max a really, really strong and interesting villain to speculate and think about. ALSO-- On the topic of my prior rant...
Max DEFINITELY is the kind of person who probably-- had the movie not unfolded as it did, just be likely to think Mummy was just "another discovery" and tool to use to boost his own reputation.
But as we all know-- ultimately it all came back down on him and backfired.
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Jack Rackham
Is honestly the most bland and kind of... confusing almost part of The Secret of King Midas. Like, I almost get him, but then compared to Max, there's just... Nothing to really work with in terms of fanfiction for missing scenes, alternative takes on the universe and story-- and even for his basic motivation it feels like something is... missing or unexplained. Not quite paid off properly.
But then, a lot of things in the sequel kind of pan out in a weird way that I have... much to grumble on.
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"So cute, the power of Midas goes way beyond wealth my dear"
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"Midas' power, is the power of the GODS! The power to Rule the World!"
Aaaand then this feels like it doesn't actually get a proper explanation or framing or anything to explain what that even MEANS. It's kind of nebulous to how things pan out and unfold. Also, just in general for movie 2, we didn't see enough of Rackham for him to make a proper impact or landing...
Like, for all the world aside the romance subplot, Rackham's presence in this movie is the MOST FORCED THING. He just feels... incomplete, or like something is missing. And then worse, obligatory. With next to no impact aside a few expressions that only lead to more internal confusion and screaming because WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN?! What was meant to be going on here?
And that stupid, stupid line--
Makes me wonder if there was some other factor supposed to be at play with the collar. Since honestly-- Just the touch of gold doesn't really speak highly to "the power of the gods".
Rackham... in comparison to Max is just-- so empty.
And again...
The last thing that just drives my confusion(along with a conspiracy based on framing, set pieces and other things) is this expression, and specifically who it's aimed at.
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Bonus Tiffany & The Archaeological Community
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Hot take but-- Movie 2's villain should have been Tiff. Well, halfway anyway... And I have... already mostly ranted on the topic-- But not really enough to truly kind of get over my TRUE frustration. Which has now combined into how nebulous and almost... overloaded movie 2 feels the more I rewatch the rest of it.
If there is one rule that we see time and time again when discoveries are made that challenge things. THEY ARE NOT ACCEPTED. People just like to think, to believe that we know the most about the past already. That there's a strict timeline to everything that happened. And if mythology and stories come into it-- Just for crying out loud--
The issue persists.
People denying anything that challenges the view already established. Up to and including the mishandling of archaeological digs and finds. Destruction of artefacts and we all know that the ones who get the brunt of it are the younger folks, those who're out of the "default" and well... ladies.
Which yeah-- not really surprising because sexism still stands and rings strong... but here...
DESPITE THE PAPYRUS BEING FOUND-- We didn't actually get to see the end result of that... And how it was taken beyond a giant presentation. There would have been authenticators-- people going over every INCH of that thing and then more-- so, so many people who would STILL call it fake.
Since we all know! Magic isn't real, myths didn't happen. So this must be some exaggerated story as well right?
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WHICH ALSO-- Arguably this whole angle, the potential of the plot being just-- Driven by this-- It's more in line with the motives that are set up for Tiffany. The BIGGEST DISCOVERY in recent history. And also again, I can talk about some incomplete arcs, because this actually gives EVERYONE that little bit more room to breath.
Also serves as a bit more of a move on from movie 1 for Tadeo, first his hero(Max), wasn't all he appeared, and now-- the villain is okay, not exactly defined so much, more abstract in the community decrying the evidence. Denying-- Quite likely mishandling the papyrus since it can't really be what it claims.
Actually make the papyrus relevant, along with Sara's journal of notes on the project for more than one scene... and POSSIBLY EXPLAIN THAT LINE FROM RACKHAM.
Power of the Gods... and the mystery of Sara's kind of echo/response line to it.
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“There are too many signs that the power of Midas shouldn’t be trifled with, I’m just saying that maybe the collar shouldn’t see the daylight”
We could have even still had that climax, just with some alterations, and let Tiffany come full circle in the theming. Set up and payoff, with even the legend being mirrored. But anyway... yeah.
Just in general, the villains most effective here are the ones who give us more than just that surface level empty sense. That have presence that's felt and echoes throughout the whole MOVIE and story. Which is definitely Muntz and Max, without them something is fundamentally lost.
Meanwhile Rackham is there, but he feels obligatory, without a proper explanation and if you removed him--
Tiffany could have become a mirror to Muntz in a similar way to Max-- BUT also much closer. She's set up PERFECTLY for it as well. Her adoration and eagerness, that bright hope yet. And it would be so easy to still have the main beats be the same-- Without much of an issue of the plot push either.
Rackham's sense of presence in the movie is so... dismal anyway--
And as for that climax. Well, you have to prove every aspect right?
BUT then it wouldn't make sense for Tadeo to make any kind of sacrifice there. To come full circle, it would need to be Tiffany. And the collar ACTUALLY could be sacrificed like in the legend and Tad first assumed.
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spearxwind · 4 years
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OOF... i dont even have a theme for the major extinction characters sjlklfdhk. i dont.. i dont have most minor characters planned out even 
I WILL GIVE YOU HOWEVER, a song that’s been inspiring me for certain worldbuilding things (though i cant say much bc idk if itll end up showing in the story at all but you can have it!) 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XciV8HuNQLw  [it’s realm breaker, by mechina]
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Oh man, im influenced by a bunch of art and comics but i couldnt pin down specific inspirations for those haha
as for the more broad sense, i also have a bunch of things! significantly, physics and space. it might not look like it but i think a lot about the logistics of things and whatever rules would exist in my universes etc. it does suck sometimes bc it prevents me from doing things just for the hell of it, but i love applying knowledge to things. and space has always been something really close to me, my dad’s an astrophysicist so ive been exposed to all sorts of cool knowledge about it since i was a wee bab 
i also really really love metaphors and symbolism, but rather than take inspiration from things i just use my own personal symbolism x) i put a lot of myself in what i do. which.. i guess could be said for many artists too so its not too special haha
and also as with many other artists, i AM fueled by spite significantly. specifically 1. for the people who once thought or who still think id never be good to do art, or that id never get better at what i do. 2. for people who draw wings wrong (especially professional people? what’s wrong with you. im begging you to look at a bird) 3. for people and companies that make terrible designs with terrible decisions (they fuel me to do better than them) 4. for people who believe that the only way to be good at art and design is to make overly complex and visually charged, detailed designs with many colors/hues (all my ocs are fairly simple and have the most limited colors kffhk) 
im sure there’s a lot more but ive spent a lot of time writing this out already and i cant really think of anything else so i hope this is a good enough answer!! 
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god i do NOT have enough knowledge for this but what the fuck was up with the volturi lol. like fuckin, vampire goth club over there did nothing to change over hundreds of years, all of them still stuck in their medieval ways. i remember a plot point that was touched upon was that they had a specific person lure in a bunch of lost tourists through the sewer entrance so that the volturi could drink them and like ?? bro. how is this not investigated at any point, ever. like a shit ton of tourists just disappear ??? all the time?? and no one gives a fuck?? no investigation?? what do they do with the bodies?????
also, they were willing to blast the carlisle family into fucking orbit over Turning A Child (tm) into a vampire, but they had absolutely no qualms about vampire wars/soldiers where a lot of people were irresponsibly turned into neophytes for their strength (like jasper) or people who turned others just for the fuck of it or bc theyd have sickass powers (like benjamin. that was the sole reason for benjamin being turned. bc the dude could feel that benj would have cool powers and he absolutely did... he was a fucking avatar. controller of the elements. and he did absolutely jack shit in the books. im still so mad) 
but yeah anyway the volturi are big hypocrites. got nothing to say about their lifestyle and aesthetic tho bc italians just be like that
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his horns and the spikes on his forearms and tail are rly solid and rly pointy so theyre about as dangerous as a solid, pointy big thing can be
the spikes on his neck and back are a lot softer though. theyre flat scales and are probably bendy, but still sturdy. they don’t have edges or anything so you wont be sliced up if you touch them but touching them is probably not too comfortable
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alex would probably be a crocodile tbh! it’s one of the things i based his dragon form off of for the latest iteration, and i just think it fits him a lot (also its funny that crocodiles are water creatures but alex has a Big Dislike of water)
also i literally cannot see adri as anything other than a snake sklhfsdk. its what he is!! this is like asking someone’s favorite color but not letting them choose their actual favorite. do you want me to lie? do you want me to say something not true??
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Honestly i always loved deer but refused to acknowledge it, especially to myself, and much less thought about having one as a sona bc “prey animals are lame” was rly prevalent in my circles for the longest time. everyone was a dragon or a wolf etc bc they wanted to be cool and so did i but i never vibed with it it took me a rly long time to just accept that i rly liked deer haha and i think what made me decide on it in the end was ‘well i can make a deer more monstery if i wanted to, i have that power’ and so i did  then later i tied the whole ‘wrong deer’ aesthetic to my own personal symbolism of always being picked on by many until i got sick of it and learned to stand up for myself. my sona is something that’s not for people to prey on anymore, and so am i c:
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honestly? ive never thought about it. im not too knowledgeable about dnd still so i dont think id be able to do them justice
ive thought about making dnd encounters based off of my ocs thought (like, how their powers would work turn/mechanic wise) but if i ever did i dont think id use them or talk about them :’) 
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jkdg gosh thats so sweet thank you sm!! im so happy you enjoy my stuff :’DDDD 
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WELL, in no particular order: 
1. several glass bottles 2. bei’s pet golem sierra (they got her back though) 3. a knife or two probably 4. an air conditioning remote 5. do sewer rats count? sewer rats. besides all the other rats i mean 6. homeless man who tried to rob his store at gunpoint 7. the gun  8. drank a bottle of cyanide once 9. a motorcycle (as collateral damage) 10. tbh he will eat any creature he finds while walking around that’s small enough to fit in his mouth and no one can rly stop him
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DISGOSTING!!! not even bc of the flavor i rly dont care abt that but bc like... warm pineapple... that’s the real crime 
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oh my gosh that’d be an honor tbh!! I’m not sure if i’d be a big help since i might be tied with school stuff at the time, but id definitely love to try!! ty!! 
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
Day 2
I feel like this was the most intense day because it was the day we went to explore the town center and I really cant describe every shop we went into.
The main street is lined with like older stone buildings, some painted vibrant colors and some just old stone. Something about the aesthetic of the town is very fairy-like and full of art everywhere. There were alleyways with murals of forests, the goddess, planets, mandalas, animals, mushrooms etc. Everywhere you looked there was art painted on to something and statues of gnomes, mushrooms, fairies and the goddess. If it wasn't colorful, then it was old stone and medieval-ish. Its a really small town so there was just one street of lots of shops but it was nothing but back to back magical stores some with specialty focus like a magic book store, a magic herb and aromatherapy store, a magic tool emporium store, a magic crystal store, a robe and cloak shop etc.
There was this BEAUTIFUL crystal shop with BIG fairy energy I went into. The shop owner was very fairy-like herself. Actually a lot of people in the town either had strong crone shamanic vibes or fairy vibes. There were so many magical old ladies in shawls, cloaks and sweaters of different vibrant colors with sparkling hair tinsel laced between their silver locks that would be tinted different pastel colors cause they no longer needed to bleach their hair. A lot of people wore hair tinsel actually and had lots of sparkly piercings and crystal jewelry. There were a lot of shoulder-cats, pentagrams, wooden STAFFS some with crystals on the top. It was the first magical town I've been to where people were just unapologetic about being a witch or pagan. I mostly loved all of the older women there who had such intense energy and were just free to be themselves.
Anyway back to the crystal shop (Named Elestial by the way) which I am sure throughout the week I dumped an embarrassing amount of money on, they color coordinated their crystal collection in a beautiful way that my libra self couldn't handle. I got so much stuff and some crystal planchette for my ouija board since my friend that's a medium suggested it could help use it since usual planchettes can be hard for the spirit to move. I got a smokey quartz one since it's protective but further in the week I got a cotton amethyst one that looks beautifully ghostly from another store. There was this gorgeous herb, candle and aromatherapy shop we went to called Starchild. You can smell it down the street and I took pictures I will post cause describing it won't do justice. They played the most FIRE sound tracks you'd imagine hearing if you went to a forest rave. They had oils for every sabbat, zodiac sign, druid tree, plant you could imagine. Their stuff smelled incredible. They had massage oils for every purpose even sexy ones that were like called things like Exctasy (that had st. johns wort in it) or Love Potion No. 9 which had herbs in it that I never heard of, except like Damiana of course lol. They had these INCREDIBLE hand made candles that literally looks like something out of a fanatasy movie. I bought many. They had candles for zodiac signs and planets too. Just imagine candles of many shapes, sizes, textures (I got frothy candles that look like some goblin shit lol) colors. They had a huge library wall of jars filled with herbs you could buy by the ounce. Also a wall of books on herbs and green magic as well. I'd highly recommend that shop!
(Not much more to read but I’d thought to add a read more out of consideration for people scrolling)
We went through this goddess corridor which has a walk way with crystals embedded into the walls of the corridor. There was a goddess temple which is free to go in and you can ask the priestess to smoke cleanse the hell out of you in her dark chamber. There was a MASSIVE tapestry dedicated to the goddess of Avalon which is the local goddess they honor as she is the personification of the land which Glastonbury resides on. In that courtyard there is a huge statue of a dragon outside of the library of avalon which I wasn't able to visit unfortunately.
We went to the Green Man shop which was owned by a really sweet pagan woman who told me all about her house she lives nearby where she can watch the barn owls swoop over the fields in the summer and family of deers in the winter that come to her window 😭 I got so much stuff in that shop. First of all its so cute inside like everything is green with ivy garland hanging from the ceiling so you feel like you're inside a bigass bush. And its very earth-witchy like I got a pentagram with a stag on it, a black notebook with a silver pentagram on it, tons of cards with beautiful pagan art like one with golden leaf with a crowned owl (probably stolas lol) and a few yule cards. They also sold lots of cauldrons and incense. Everything was SO CHEAP. Also every shop had an insane amount of rainbow-color coordinated walls of incense sticks. I never ran out of insense sticks.
Other shops that were note worthy that I visited throughout the week was this beautiful home store that sold indian furniture that was SO CHEAP and of INCREDIBLE quality. The nature of the community was so supportive of one another and not greedy that they don't see the point of upselling their stuff though they have incredible things to give out. The town and community is so small we kept seeing the same people over and over so I guess its also wise to not fuck people over lol. Anyway this store is beautiful when you pass it at night all the lanterns are lit up and it adds to the beauty of the main street.
There was also this CAMPY fucking witch shop called the wonky broomstick in this old building towards the end of the street that sold like spooky bar soups, had a huge smoke machine cauldron in it and sold silly incense like Pixies Dance (I bought it) Dragons Breath (I also bought it) Mermaid's Blessing (you already know..) and tons of other campy things like colorful grimoire journals and candies inside of cauldron pots. It was perpetual halloween in there and also had some harry potter merchandise. I think the English economy really benefitted from the harry potter years lol but you can tell though some tourist shops were still trying to market with it, its starting to die out. There's also this really great bookstore thats next to the haunted tavern which sold really great books on magic and spirituality for super cheap. I got a book about healing yourself when no one else can lol. 😢
After the shops we walked up to the Tor which was SO BEAUTIFUL like I was ASTOUNDED by the walk itself and how beautiful the countryside is. I felt like I was on some hobbit adventure as we walked through open fields with cows grazing around us or horses nearby (thankfully behind a fence cause they can sometimes have no chill) coming up for a pat, and the hills curved in a way that you can see forests rolling around you and the tor high up in the distance. I felt like I needed a cloak. There was a man nearby hiking with his puppy near us that spooked the cows around us so he had to carry his naughty puppy lol.
While climbing the hill I got this insane realization that I have been dreaming about the Tor and glastonbury for years. Its one of the towns along with London that I've been having dreams about since I was 15. Glastonbury came about later though like I was having dreams about it when I was probably 20?? I remember thinking of it as a sweet and peaceful escape and I remember the town my dream world cooked up being really small and in a way underdeveloped from the cities I was used to. I think if I were to live there I would be happy but be a bit isolated cause that’s what my dreams showed me. I have so many dreams of me climbing up on the steep hill of the tor and looking at the patchwork quilts of towns around me. When I was up there it was like something CLICKED like a place I kept visiting and didn't know what it meant, finally meant something. There's a town nearby in my dreams thats still very spiritual and earthy but a bit more down to earth and Expensive and snooty that I remember I was trying to find a way to move into. It has a lot of big houses and beautiful alleyways and cobbled streets so maybe I need to look at the towns around there and figure it out. I have a feeling its not Bristol though I feel like I need to check that place out too. (Actually it could be Bristol?) I just know now that the dreams I had are about real places I need to see and I thought those dreams were just fantastical since they were beautiful towns with magical people and castles But those beautiful towns with castles and magical people actually exist in real life.
The tor itself was beautiful. We took a lot of pictures and stared at the scenery. I felt like I was in my element cause I love air. There were birds all around us. We watched the sun set burn behind the clouds as we walked down the steeper way.
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toopliss-chewtoy · 7 years
Hard Coded Ch. 4
Been too long again, I hope people are still looking forward to these x”D This chapter pretty much marks the half-way point of the fic! Lots of fluff and good vibes to make up for the last chapter. Art by @lucidorange.  - J. [Read from the start] Size: 3968 words Warnings: Author chose not to show warnings - some apply! Also on AO3
Chapter 4
Hiccup didn’t like to admit it… but he was getting pretty nervous over nothing. Again. He checked his watch for the millionth time in then minutes. It was 11:45. Jack would be there in fifteen minutes. He paced his room. This was ridiciulous. They were just going to hang out together, probably at Jack’s place or something.
It wasn’t like he was going on a date or anything.
With a frustrated sigh, he sat down on his bed, only to get up again a second later to resume his restless pacing around the room.
Frig fragging frigglesticks. This was stupid. 
He checked himself again in the mirror. A dark green T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and simple sneakers were his choice of wardrobe today. Picking it had taken him only half an hour - something that only seemed to happen when he was doing something with Jack. It apparently put him into over-think-everything modus, and he was driving himself nuts.
He literally jumped when the doorbell rang and he almost beat Gobber to the door.
“Haymish, the lad’s back,” Gobber said with a scowl at Jack, who did his best to avoid Gobber’s stern stare. Hiccup doubted they’d ever get along after that little break-in stunt. Not that it mattered; Jack wasn’t here for Gobber’s luscious beard.
“Hi… Haymish,” he said with a self-satisfied smirk.
“Don’t you dare, snowflake.”
Jack raised his hands defensively and laughed. “All right, all right. Are you ready to go?”
“Do I uh… need to bring anything?”
“Good spirits and maybe an appetite?”
“Bring him back before curfew,” Gobber interjected. Hiccup blushed and told him to shut it, because he didn’t have a curfew. He also said not to wait on him for dinner and herded Jack out the door before the mustachioed man could embarrass him any further.
They got in Jacks’ old Mustang and took off. At first Hiccup expected them to just go to Jack’s place, but they soon deviated from that route.
“So… where are we going?”
Jack just grinned mischievously. “You’ll see!” Hiccup rolled his eyes, but at the same time his heart fluttered. That smile should be illegal. A weapon of mass seduction on that scale might actually be prohibited by the Geneva treaty.
Hiccup didn’t realize their destination until Jack parked the car and turned off the engine, looking at him expectantly. Sure, he’d seen the signs advertising ‘Knighthood’, a medieval themed fair, but he’d never dreamed that was where they were going. Even when Jack parked the car, he still didn’t quite dare give in to the hopeful excitement.
“Figured it out by now or should I spell it out?” Jack teased.
Hiccup just stared in disbelief. “Really?!”
“Yes? Unless I’ve grossly misread about 100 consecutive signs.”
Relief washed over Jack. He’d guessed Hiccup would love this, but he hadn’t quite been sure. Seeing Hiccup light up like that was the most gorgeous and honest confirmation Jack could have gotten.
Of course he wouldn’t tell the brunet this had been a gamble, and that he had a Plan B, C and D into place. Instead he just put on a smug smile.
“I knew you’d like it!”
“But ehm… I didn’t know you liked medieval stuff as well?” Hiccup said. He was still working under the assumption that this was definitely not a date, and thus it would make no sense to go to something only he was into.
“Are you kidding me? Knights with huge swords and, if the flyer is to be believed, Celtic music! What is there not to like?” Jack said as they got out.
A cheerful tune on a lute welcomed them as they walked across the gassland-turned-parking-lot, heading for the entrance. At a big wooden gate flanked by two watch-towers, two knights in full plate-armour were standing guard. Above the heavy-looking doors was a banner with “Welcome to Nighthood” on it. Hiccup almost started skipping. His enthusiasm was adorable and a bit contagious. Jack’s heart skipped right along with the other’s springy steps.
They spent the entire afternoon roaming the fair. Line after line of tents in all shapes and sizes filled the usually boring, empty fields. There was a grill, flooding the fair with the distinct smell of charcoal fire and seasoned chicken. There were also grilled chestnuts, baked ham, and sweet potatoes, just to name a few of the culinary highlights. All drinks were served in baked clay mugs to add to the atmosphere. You were supposed to return them after use, but Jack made one ‘disappear’ into his bag for Hiccup.
Of course there was no lack of entertainment either. Jugglers and acrobats moved through the crowd and the boys witnessed some good ol’ jousting. Not the obviously fake show-kind either. Nothing but full-force jousting, smashing lances to tinder against thick metal shields.
Jack was especially impressed by the live music - all on traditional and historically accurate instruments; or so someone told him. His knowledge on antique instruments was nonexistent, so he took the woman’s word for it. He was particularly impressed by the lute player. He’d never seen someone go daft on a lute before in what was a seriously bad-ass lute-solo. He’d clapped till his hands were sore.
All the while Hiccup was enjoying himself with an enthusiasm usually only rivaled by ten-year-olds on Christmas eve after having too much sugar. Jack used his phone to take tons of pictures of giddy teen, as well as some selfies with both of them.
And then there was the smithy.
“Jack… are you sure this is a good idea?”
The white-haired teen pressed his phone in Hiccup’s hands.
“Of course! It’ll be totally bad-ass!” He grabbed the absolutely massive sword with two hands. “You ready for the photo?”
Hiccup readied the camera and nodded. Jack made a valiant effort to lift the huge slab of metal, much to the amusement of the blacksmith that was standing next to him. He heaved and puffed and pulled, and managed to lift the sword just a few inches before his arms gave in and the thing hit the ground with a deafening ‘clang’.
“Maybe you’ll want to take a picture with this instead.” The blacksmith offered him a tiny little dagger. Hiccup roared with laughter and took another photo of a blushing and pouting Jack with the wee little knife before he could hand it back to the blacksmith.
“I’m so getting back at you for that.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you bit off more than you could chew!”
“Who makes a sword that big? I thought it was a light prop or something!”
“You should have seen your face when he gave the dagger!” Hiccup giggled. “Man those are great pictures.”
“I’m so gonna delete those.”
“Too late, I already send them to myself while I had your phone!”
“You devious little-”
Hiccup jumped out of reach and skipped ahead, laughing back at Jack over his shoulder.
In between more taunts and photos with knights, they talked about pretty much anything. Hiccup asked a bit more about Jack’s family, who refrained from asking the same questions to Hiccup, knowing that ‘family’ would be a slippery slope. Hiccup didn’t miss that fact, but he didn’t mind at all; he was more than happy to discuss the cheerful things in life, such as his blacksmith uncle back in Norway. That caught Jack’s attention all right, especially when he mentioned said uncle was specialized in medieval weaponry.
It didn’t feel like useless chatter for a second. The white-haired boy was really trying to gt to know him. All the nerves he’d felt earlier that morning had disappeared to the back of his mind, pushed out of the way by the marvelous atmosphere here.
If you’d told him two weeks ago that he’d be hanging out with the Jack Frost at Knighthood, he would have called you insane. And if you’d told him talking with Jack was this easy and natural, he would have sent you off to an asylum in an instant.Yet here he was, happier than ever.
“You know,” Jack said with his mouth half full with bread-on-a-stick. “I think we’ve walked around the full thing twice now.”
“Yeah. I doubt there are any acrobats we don’t have a photo of yet.”
“Or any page. Or knight. Or dragon.”
“That dragon was awesome though.”
“Fucking furry.”
“Shut up. I guess we should go home then?”
“We’ve literally seen it all twice, so home sounds good.”
“Or maybe you could try lifting that sword again?”
“Fuck you. You’re not gonna let that go, are you?”
Hiccup laughed. “Nope. Never.”
A short walk later, Hiccup settled into the warm, leather chair of Jack’s orange pride. He sighed contently.
“Thanks,” he said. “I haven’t had this much fun since… since…” He stopped that train of thought right there and rephrased. “Since I don’t know. A long time anyway. So thank you.”
The suddenly very serious tone took Jack by surprise.
“You’re welcome,” he answered sincerely giving Hiccup a warm smile.
They were quiet for a little bit, both wondering what to say next. Jack tried to figure out what the other was thinking, while Hiccup didn’t really know what he was even feeling right now. But the moment passed, Hiccup buckled in, and Jack started the car.
They drove home to the tunes of the new CD Jack’d bought at the fair. The one with that awesome lute-player. Hell, there was a lute-version of Iron Maiden’s Phantom of the Opera! Needless to say, Jack was very pleased with his purchase and he hummed along to the ‘medieval metal’.
Hiccup was in a completely different world. He barely heard the music and just stared out of the window without seeing anything. He’d almost slipped up back there. He’d almost said ‘since I went with my mom’. That would have been a mood-killer for sure. And now mixed feelings were warring for his attention. On one hand, he still felt happy and elated, like he’d felt for most of the day. The fair had been great and he’d spend a wonderful day with Jack. But on the other hand he felt incredibly guilty. In some irrational way, it felt unfair towards his mother.And somehow his dad too.
Was that weird? It felt weird.
The result was an aura of doom and gloom and Jack did not deserve that. Especially not after a day like this. Hiccup got angry at himself for feeling so sad when he’d been so happy only moments ago, which then made him feel even more guilty, and beneath it all was a large dose of overall sadness, simply from missing his mom.
He casually looked ahead. Two bright headlights of an oncoming truck took him by surprise. He startled and a strong fear took hold of him, sending his entire body in a full-on state of panic. He screamed.
What if they crashed? Just like last time? It was a ridiculous thought, but that did little to calm his racing heart.
Please. Not again. Please, make it stop!
He closed his eyes and bit his lip, willing the tears to stay away. He didn’t want to break down again in front of Jack. He sucked in a ragged breath and tried to hold it, but if felt like he was suffocating.
I’m not some wreck Jack needs to take care of, goddamn it! Calm down!
He didn’t even notice they were no longer on the highway until Jack turned off the engine. Instead they were at on a parking lot at the edge of a forest. Hiccup looked to his left and saw two piercing, blue eyes staring at him. He tried to ask why they’d stopped, but his voice faltered. Those eyes that usually carried the hint of a smile were dead serious, even a bit sad. Hiccup felt as if they were looking right at his soul, straight through his sad excuse of a fake smile.
Despite Hiccup’s best efforts, he started to cry.
Without a word, Jack leaned forward across the middle console and pulled him into a hug. He put his arms around him as best he could in their awkward position, and Hiccup clung to Jack’s shirt, embarrassed to be crying again but unable to help it. Tears streamed down his face and his breathing came in irregular gasps. His whole body trembled, trying to stay upright in a violent torrent of emotions.
He tried to focus on Jack’s soothing voice, the hum in Jack’s chest when he talked. He felt his hand rubbing across his back in slow circles. It didn’t even matter what Jack said. As long as he was there, talking.
Eventually, the brunet started to calm down again. He took a few deep breaths in time with Jack, and then disentangled himself to wipe at his tears.
“Sorry… about that,” he mumbled, his gaze fixed on his lap.
“You missed her.” It wasn’t a question. Jack had stated it very matter of fact-like. The other nodded, still avoiding eye contact.
“Hold on.” Jack got out of the car, fetched something from the trunk, and opened the passenger door. He held out his hand and nodded with his head to the forest. He had a guitar-case strapped to his back.
“Come on. We’ll go for a walk.”
“I… I’m fine now.” The moment Hiccup said it, he knew that wasn’t quite the truth. And so did Jack.
“I insist. Trust me.”
Hiccup took his hand, and jack helped him get out. He intertwined their fingers and headed into the forest. No words were exchanged. Just a reassuring squeeze and the calm of the forest.
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They didn’t have to walk far to reach a clearing. In the center were two big logs and a ring of stones, creating the perfect spot for a campfire. There was even a basket with wood, covered by plastic. In no-time, Jack had a fire going; he’d obviously known this was here. He then rummaged in the guitar-case and presented Hiccup with a bag of marshmallows.
Slightly incredulous, Hiccup accepted the plastic bag. He scoured the ground for two thin sticks and put the marshmallows on the, then handed one back to Jack.
They sat, watching the fire and roasting their fluffy blobs of sugary goodness, while the sun sneaked steadily towards the horizon. The clouds were painted orange and pink, while marshmallows slowly turned brown.
“Why?” Hiccup asked.
“Because I wasn’t going to continue driving while you were…”  Jack interrupted himself, not quite sure how to finish that sentence. “You screamed at an oncoming truck. You never told me the details of your accident, but I could guess. You were having a great time today, but on the way back, you were thinking of something else entirely.”
“There is nothing to be sorry for.” Jack tried to look the other teen in the eyes. “Listen. You don’t need to apologize for anything. Really.”
Hiccup was starting to tear up again and Jack put an arm around him.
“If anyone should apologize, it’s me. I could have taken you somewhere else. I could have taken you here. This was my plan B if you didn’t like Knighthood.”
“Your plan B isn’t even in the same ballpark as plan A. No offense.” Hiccup swallowed hard and put his head on Jack’s shoulder. “I… it…”
“You don’t have to explain,” Jack said softly. They lapsed into silence, eating their first round of roasted marshmallows as they were done. The sticks were reloaded, and the roast-process started all over again.
“You know…” Jack started. “…after my sister, I was terrified of ice-skating. And I hated lakes. I wouldn’t go anywhere near them, especially not the one where she fell in.”
Hiccup felt Jack shift besides him.
“Next winter, I didn’t touch my ice-skates once. There was a 50/50 chance I’d burst into tears when someone even mentioned ice. Every time I’d just think of how it was my fault again, and I would miss her. My newfound fear of lakes must have driven my parents nuts, but they didn’t say anything at first. Then they gently tried to help me get over it, and that only made it worse. I threatened to drive the family apart at a time we needed each other more than ever.” He fell silent for a moment and Hiccup put his arm around his waist, still keeping his head on his shoulder.
“Then came my uncle, Aster. He took me for a ride on his motorcycle; I can’t even remember where he said we were going. But before I knew it,I was at a lake. Not the same one where, you know… A different one. The entire thing was frozen over and there were coloured lights and flags and a hot-chocolate stand with countless children swarming about. The whole shebam. There was even a place to rent ice-skates. It was such a nice spot… but you can imagine that didn’t quite register with me. I was only thinking about Olivia.
“I was terrified. Frozen in place. How on earth could I go and have fun while my sister… couldn’t? It was unfair. It felt like cheating. And my uncle, he just knelt in front of me and hugged me tight. It was cold and I was crying and it sorta hurt my cheeks and he just held me. And then he said something I’ll never forget. He said: ‘Olivia would want you to go skating.’ For an instant I was furious, because how could he say that? But at the same time, I knew he was right. She’d always been so fond of the ice, how could I give up on skating because of her? She’d be so mad.”  Jack laughed. “Imagine that little frown. She’d call me an idiot brother.
“So I put on the skates and started skating again. And you know what? It was actually fun. We had hot chocolate and we took the scenic route home with his bike. He treated me to dinner and didn’t stop the positive attention till I was smiling again.
“How he talked of Olivia - with a touch of sadness but mostly with joy and a smile on his face - opened my eyes. Remembering her brought him joy instead of sadness. I learned how to be happy that day, despite the painful loss.”
“Is that why you brought the marshmallows and took me to the fair? To turn it into a positive experience?” Jack couldn’t have planned this like that, right?
“Ehm… no. I just thought you’d really like the fair. I didn’t realize what that might trigger until we were on our way home. I’m very glad I brought marshmallows though.”
“So am I. Did you ever return to that lake?” hiccup was already cursing himself for even asking, but Jack didn’t even tense. He simply answered.
“Not for another year. I skated around on it once, in honour of her. Never skated there since, but I still visit now and again.” He considered for a moment, and then added: “I make it sound easy. It wasn’t. I stood at the edge, skates in hand, for over an hour. But she deserved one more lap. When I was skating… I don’t know. It sounds stupid, but I like to imagine she was there with me, laughing.”  He gave hiccup a wry smile and hugged him tighter.
“It never goes away, does it.”
“No.” Jack could have added some cliches like ‘you learn to live with it’, but he hated those lines. He’d heard enough of those to deeply dislike them.
He stared at the sticks in their hands. “Hiccup?”
“Our marshmallows have fallen off.”
Together they stared into the flames. They were already impossible to spot. Completely burnt down. It wasn’t even that funny, but still they laughed as if it was the most hilarious joke ever; it was just so out of line with the rest of their evening. Hiccup felt remarkably better now, and they both wanted to move to more light-hearted marshmallow-level topics. They started by putting new ones on their sticks, this time keeping a close eye on them so they wouldn’t fall victim to the flames again.
Hiccup hesitated when Jack pulled over in front of his house. Blushing, he bent over the middle console to hug the other teen. Jack was happy to oblige and hugged back, rubbing the other’s back.
“Thank you for showing me it’s okay to be happy.”
Then he was off, waving briefly when he got to the front door, right before he disappeared inside.
Next Monday was art-class again. The last time Jack would be modeling, in fact. Not that Hiccup was in any kind of hurry; his painting was practically finished. He leisurely dotted the I’s and crossed the t’s, and he was already done putting his brushes away when the bell rang. The rest had been a bit slower and were just beginning to clean up.
Jack came over right away to look at the brunet’s painting.
“That. Is. Awesome,” he said. “You’re so good!”
“And it’s yours, if you still want it of course.”
“Are you kidding me? Of course I want it, how could I not want it?!”
Hiccup laughed. “All right, but it still needs to dry. Won’t be ready for transport for another hour or two, three.”
“You’re the best!” Jack hugged him tight and, as he was taller and stronger, managed to lift Hiccup off the ground a bit. Hiccup’s face instantly did a convincing imitation of a red buoy.
Jack grinned and almost kissed him on the cheek, but he was pretty sure Hiccup would literally die of shame if he did that. Besides, he hadn’t really made it clear that he like liked him. Seeing how clueless this boy was, he’d probably have to spell it out loud and clear before he would catch on…
“If we have to wait for it to dry anyway, how about we go for coffee or something? You’re done now, right?”
Hiccup was about to say ‘sure’ when his brain screamed the word DATE at him, and he blushed even harder. He couldn’t look Jack in the eyes anymore, who was starting to wonder if he’d done something wrong.
Hiccup mumbled something unintelligible.
“You mean li-” The rest was lost to Jack.
“Still can’t hear you.”
“I said, ‘like a d-date?’” Hiccup was staring at his hands very intently now, feeling like a total idiot for saying it like that. Immediately he came up with 1000 better ways to phrase this uncertainty and sound totally smooth when doing so. But he’d already ruined his chance by sounding as smooth as crunchy peanut butter.
Jack was joining the blush-fest, however. He barely held back the ‘yeah duh, doofus!’ that popped in his head. Instead he was a little bit kinder.
“I’d like that?” It wasn’t supposed to be a question, but that’s how it sounded anyway.
Jack gave in to the impulse and kissed the freckled forehead. “Yes, really.”
This initiated an ‘awwwwww’ from the teacher, who was still there, sitting behind her desk. Jack looked at her surprised, while Hiccup had a distinctly ‘caught’ look. The colourful woman giggled.
“Go on,” she urged, happily gesturing. “I’ll wrap this up when it’s dry, you can pick it up tomorrow. You just look so cute together, and-” They both fled before she could make it any more awkward.
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sarahjart · 6 years
10 Interesting Images...
Part One of start of term homework- 6th September 2018
The following images are ones that represent themes and visual elements that interest me artistically and inspire me to create. They are listed in no particular order. 
1.) Boris Becker- River Valley Motor Lodge (1994)
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This image was taken by Boris Becker, a student of the famous photographer of urban American landscapes, Stephen Shore. It depicts the roadside sign and pool of River Valley Motor Lodge in Needles, California 1994.
I am fascinated by the evolution of the urban space, vernacular typography and Americana, and so this image really attracts me artistically. The bright colours of the sign clash beautifully with the overcast sky and run-down vibe of the motel, creating a slightly melancholic atmosphere. I am very interested in the design of signage, particularly the use of these linked with the history of entertainment and leisure businesses such as hotels, shopping center and theme parks. I find the idea of these places, dedicated to good times, being shut down and abandoned- their signs the last echo of the past, absolutely fascinating. The delicate decay evident in this image- drooping sun shade, cheap plastic chairs and stained concrete reminds me of this romantic abandonment. The composition of the image leads the viewer’s eye downwards from the original shock of the bright sign, towards the single swimmer sat at the side and then to the blue of the water. Only then, once looking closely, do you notice how close the pool is to the road and the unchecked undergrowth on the opposite verge. These details add an odd sort of charm, reminding me of budget seaside holidays. Stephan Shore’s work often captures these feelings, and Becker has mastered his techniques in the taking of this photograph.  
Phaidon. 2018. Stephen Shore in Düsseldorf. [ONLINE] Available at: http://uk.phaidon.com/agenda/photography/picture-galleries/2010/september/03/stephen-shore-in-dusseldorf/. [Accessed 1 September 2018].
2.) Beth Caverner Stichter- The Question that Devours (2012)
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Beth Caverner Stichter creates large clay sculptures of animals, depicting their struggles to survive as well as deeper human questions symbolically. She sculpts in a way that the creatures seem to have almost sprung from the material itself, leaving marks that accentuate the power in the animal's movement. They are often painted in neutral monochromes which further focus the viewer on the form and life in the piece. The Question that Devours is sculpted over solid pipe armature and weighs 600lbs  
I am drawn her work, and this sculpture in particular, because of my love for the fluidity of the pose, and the representation of the predator/prey relationship both literally and symbolically. I am absolutely fascinated by the texture of the clay, especially the imitation of the wolf’s fur and the careful way it has been painted to emphasize depth and curves. The lunging position of the wolf and the frozen, curled fright of the rabbit convey so much emotion without needing facial expression. Together they form a question mark asking the viewer to address their own looming predators. Each viewer can take something different away from the meaning of the piece. This complex impression combined with the sheer visual impact of the sculpture makes it one of my favourite artworks.  
Beth Caverner- Portfolio. 2012. Making of The Question That Devours. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.followtheblackrabbit.com/gallery/the-question/. [Accessed 1 September 2018].
3.) Sara Kipin- Catch and Release
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Catch and Release is a digital painting by illustrator Sara Kiplin. What drew me most to this image is the amazing use of colour and contrast. Kiplin uses the digital medium to its full potential by employing bright, even, flat areas of colour punctuated by details added on another layer. This creates a ‘poster’ style painting which is very affective when viewed online and printed in large formats. I consume at lot of fantasy and science fiction media and find it to be one of my biggest sources of inspiration and motivation artistically. I often find myself drawn to artwork with fantastical elements, which is in part why I enjoy this illustration so much.  
Although the image is visually complicated, Kiplin’s use of colour keeps the viewer unconfused. The eye is immediately drawn to the merman caught in the net. He stands out above the dark reds and blues of the scene around him in his pale yellow- seeming otherworldly to even the fish he has been caught with. The expressions of the fishermen range from interested confusion to frustration and anger. The central fisherman who reaches out to the merman is difficult to read- but we can be sure that he does not seem shocked by his catch, which makes me think that perhaps this is a regular annoyance. I think that this illustration is very successful in creating a narrative basis for the viewer to continue- keeping the painting interesting and engaging despite its relative simplicity at first glance.  
Sara Kipin. 2018. Sara Kipin. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.sarakipin.com/. [Accessed 03 September 2018].
4.) Unknown Photographer- Hoisting the Elephant (1930s)
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This image was taken by an unknown photographer in the 1930s. It depicts a circus elephant being hoisted onto a ship for transport. I discovered this photo while collecting images for my Foundation Diploma final project, in which I was researching the history of animal use for entertainment.  
I find this image interesting because of how unique and ‘of its time’ it is. The composition makes the unusual scene immediately eye catching- the negative space behind the elephant makes the animal the sole focus, before leading the eye down to the more cluttered dockside and workers watching the action. The awkward, unnatural position and situation the elephant finds itself in is in a modern sense quite unbelievable. I find this quite ordinary transportation practice of the time shocking and cruel, and at the same time am fascinated by the logistics of it. It shows the dark side of this kind of entertainment industry as well as what running a circus looked like in a practical sense back in 1930.  
I find snapshots of the inner workings of entertainment businesses very interesting, especially how drastically public opinion and attitudes have changed towards animal use and handling. I also enjoy the number of fantastical narratives you could come up with to accompany this strange, cruel image.
Flickr. 2018. Glass Slide Fairground Images 1930. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/twm_news/sets/72157627692102509/. [Accessed 03 September 2018].
5.) JustJacksArt- Toothless
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Dragons were the subject that got me into art and illustration in a serious way. Something about the hybrid form of lizard and bat visually really inspires me and was what I drew nearly exclusively when I was younger. I have always especially been fascinated by wings, both bird and bat- how they interact with the body, folding and curving as well as providing the ability to make dramatic poses. 
This illustration by Tumblr fan-artist JackTheVulture is of the Dreamworks character ‘Toothless’ from the How to Train your Dragon animated film franchise. Toothless’s design was built around the movement and behaviour of cats, mixed with the sinuous nature of lizards and snakes. This gives him real agility and poise when viewed from an animation standpoint; I think this illustration does a great job of capturing those points in his ‘s’ shaped pose and alert expression. The lack of a background and simple dark colour choice makes the viewer consider the dragons silhouette as the single focus. This reminds me of iconic dragon design motifs throughout history on medieval military banners, pub signs, packaging and architecture which often make use of this shape.  I love the idea of cramming the creatures form into a small space (on a rectangular sign or as a wall bracket for example) while still retaining that iconic, recognisable silhouette. 
I am drawn to movement in the illustration and artworks that inspire me. Animation is something I would really like to explore in relation to this. 
Tumblr. 2018. Tumblr. [ONLINE] Available at: https://jackthevulture.tumblr.com/post/130933612483/quick-toothless-doodle. [Accessed 04 September 2018].
6.) Slinkachu- ‘They’re not pets, Susan’
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Slinkachu is an installation street artist who creates tiny scenes using model railway miniatures across the city of London. This piece was created for his book Little People in the City. Slinkachu creates the scene, photographs it and then walks away- some of his artwork is discovered by lucky people with a high attention to detail, but most is destroyed accidently by city life. ‘They’re not pets, Susan’ was installed at Primrose Hill, London in 2007.  
I absolutely love the entire concept of Little People in the City  because I find great joy in small details. I think the idea of a city filled with tiny, secret artworks- little people going through their lives unnoticed by most, mirroring the big world around them, utterly wonderful. This piece is one of my favourites because of the humor and dramaticism of the scene. The bee, so large compared to the figures that it seems a beast not an insect, lies dead, shot by a father protecting his daughter. The action seems simple until you read the title given to the artwork, which suggests a reflection of real people’s obsessions with containing wild, potentially dangerous animals as pets. The fact that the young daughter was the one perhaps trying to tame the bumble bee, suggests it is human nature to try and control the natural world in this way. The irony is that nature is bigger than us all- we are only tiny specs on the pavement to be stepped on or washed away.  
Slinkachu. 2018. Slinkachu. [ONLINE] Available at: https://slinkachu.com/. [Accessed 03 September 2018].
7.) Pam Wishbow- Eating Crow
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Pam Wishbow is an illustrator from Seattle. She creates lino prints, screen prints and enamel pins. Printmaking gives her images a unique edge, she uses the limitations of the medium, a limited number of colours and misalignments of layers, and integrates them into her unusual style which matches their ‘woodland’ themes. I think the use of a limited colour palette is a underrated tool- it makes Wishbow’s prints eye-catching and cohesive. 
Eating Crow is one of my favourite pieces by Wishbow, firstly because of the style of the figure. The combination of hard angles, for example the knee, elbow and bum, with the soft curves of the back, shoulders and head,  echo the outer orange shape and are very effective. The amount of detail in the woman’s surroundings allows the viewer to discover more the longer they look which is always rewarding. I think the layered effect of the colours due to the nature of lino printing as a medium, gives the piece a ‘hand-rendered’ charm which compliments the forest setting of the subject. The choice of the complementary colours orange and blue is a bold decision which further emphasizes the negative space of the figure, drawing the eye downward from the woman’s head to skull at her feet. The base orange colour encapsulates the piece in an almost-oval, containing the detail and making it easier to digest.
I am very inspired by the host of important and thoughtful creative decisions going on in this print. I think there a lot of valuable lessons that I could learn from viewing Wishbow’s prints at the same time as enjoying her style.
Pam Wishbow Illustration. 2018. Pam Wishbow Illustration. [ONLINE] Available at: https://pamwishbow.com/. [Accessed 04 September 2018].
8.) Rembrandt- The Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1633)
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The Storm on the Sea of Galilee, Rembrandt’s one and only seascape, depicts the miracle of Jesus calming the storm on the sea of Galilee, as written in the New Testament of the Bible (Mark, Chapter Four). It was famously stolen in March 1990, during what is considered the biggest art theft in US history, never to be seen again.
What I love most about this painting is the realism of a moment frozen in time Rembrandt has managed to capture. The storm tossed ship lurches on the peak of a breaking wave, sails sodden and rigging snapping loose against the canvas, the clouds overhead miraculously break into bright sunshine, warming the faces of the salt-sprayed disciples who fight against the might of the waves. The focus of the painting sits on the bright front of the wave as the sun hits it, allowing the eye to travel across the painting from left to right. Jesus sits in the rear of the boat, a faint glow around his head, and is one of the last subjects to be noticed in the shadow of the mast. Somehow this makes his miracle of calming the storm greater in the quiet humility of it. He does not stand at the prow, commanding nature the water like Moses, but huddles in the back surrounded by worried disciples. 
Boats and seascapes are some of my favourite subjects in all creative media- film, art and literature. There is something about a small wooden ship, a lifeboat for the crew, at the mercy of the power of the ocean that really interests me. I am also very interested in the mystery that surrounds the theft of this gorgeous painting, where is it now? how has it never resurfaced? 
ISGM. 2018. Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee | Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.gardnermuseum.org/experience/collection/10953. [Accessed 04 September 2018].
9.) Bryan & Wendy Froud- Labyrinth Nibbler
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The puppet above was one of many used in the 1986 musical fantasy film Labyrinth directed by Jim Henson. In Labyrinth, most of the central characters are beautifully crafted puppets. Jim Henson’s Creature Shop is famous for creating the puppets for The Muppets, Sesame Street, Where the Wild Things Are and he most complex and ambitious puppetry feature length film ever, The Dark Crystal. Bryan Froud one of the head artists responsible for the creation of Labyrinth’s puppets, had a background in the ‘muppetry’ techniques, and his wife Wendy was responsible for Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back. Together they and their team crafted hundreds of ornate, fantastical characters for the Henson’s film. 
I am extremely passionate about hand animation (puppets or stop motion), prop creation, and conceptual design for film. The puppets and animatronics designed and made for Labyrinth are some of my favourites due to the sheer attention to detail in the textures of their clothing and faces. The Nibbler (a type of troll) in the image above, is one of three. These creatures have a small role in the film but are my favourites because of how small and strangely cute their design is. I adore how real the creature feels due to the wear present on the armour and the shabbiness of his red sleeves.
 This type of puppet is something I would love to learn how to create, as well as understand the performance and anamatronics required to bring them to life. 
Owen Williams. 2018. Labyrinth: the behind-the-scenes history – Empire. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/labyrinth-movie-history/. [Accessed 04 September 2018].
10.) NotMusa- Where u Goin? 
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NotMusa is an anonymous artist who draws their original characters Ian and Donovan digitally, using Paint Tool SAI. The above image is of Ian, Musa’s primary character. 
Musa’s style is gloriously rough around the edges. While painting and drawing digitally can often make artwork too-clean and too-smooth, Musa managed to maintain that hand-rendered sketchiness in their work, which I greatly admire.I often struggle with overworking illustrations, and find Musa’s artwork to be inspirational because of how its roughness is not a limitation but a merit.  
I am very interested in character design in illustration, and think that Musa’s Ian is a good example of a well designed character. With one glance you can tell he is tired, grubby and an addict. His clothing suggests a rough life, possible homelessness, which is echoed by the props around him. You can also tell he is creative from the inclusion of the guitar. His large eyes and variation of tone allow the piece to be very expressive. Being able to infer all this in a quick look at a single illustration shows how effective his design is. 
I was intrigued to see and understand more about the character, which drew me into Musa’s artwork. Like Pam Wishbow’s illustration, Musa utilises the addition background shapes to bring their artwork together, as well as make it stand out as a silhouette which catches the eye. 
Tumblr. 2018. Tumblr. [ONLINE] Available at: http://notmusa.tumblr.com/tagged/sketches. [Accessed 04 September 2018].
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Guide to Ljubljana, Slovenia – The Old, Alternative and Green Capital of Europe
My trip to Ljubljana was a combination of a #EuroCityTrip project to highlight the city as a ‘cool neighbour’ to Austria’s second largest city of Graz in partnership with both city tourism offices. Perfect as part of a multi-country city hopping trip, you’ll be surprised how much they have in common being so close to one another.
Slovenia’s capital of Ljubljana is all the pretty things you hear about.
Except Ljubljana is more than the sum of its charming Old Town status that many do not look beyond, thereby setting a course in time for overcrowding as well as missing out on the young, artistic minds that have come to also shape the city.
Ljubljana is a mix of the old and charming, dominated by the architectural visions of the father of design, Plečnik; the hip cultural and art scene alive in alternative neighbourhoods and the student influence; and with access to relaxation and adventure in the surrounding countryside, where 70% of Slovenia’s population reside.
It’s a small capital city combining all means of exploration and interests in one. Being located in the centre of Slovenia means having a pivotal point to explore all corners of the country easily, which can be easily done via day trips. And that’s before you start thinking of your ‘Euro City Trip’ further, and how you are easily connected and in good distance to neighbouring Italy and Croatia, as well as Austria and Ljubljana’s ‘sister city’ and cool neighbour of Graz (which was the city hopping route I took).
Ljubljana has a ‘small town feel’ but with big European capital vibes, which is what you can expect from a capital that is nestled between central Europe and the Mediterranean.
My four days there was a perfect introduction to the variation of European capitals in central Europe and to my first foray into Slovenia. Here’s my guide to Ljubljana and its multi-faceted layers for all kinds of curious traveller. Living in Austria, I certainly have no excuses to not return…
Ljubljana Charm: The Old Town
Like any visitor, the Old Town was top of my list to explore. Like most former medieval strongholds, it’s compact yet full of a long, historical timeline of architectural styles and charms. In Ljubljana, this means endless cobblestone conveyor belts of streets that present numerous bridges, intricate townhouse facades, palaces, fountains, statues, monuments, churches and squares (of which Trg Republike next to the Slovenian parliament building is the largest).
Place all of that within the Mediterranean atmosphere of streets lined with tables, humming outdoor markets, a slew of coffee shops and those revelling in wine tasting and locals casually wheeling past pastel boulevards on their bicycles, and you’ve got yourself a very attractive city.
A city that has preserved a huge timelines of historical changes, which is what cultural geeks like me get really excited about.
There are still remains of the Roman city of Emona in the serene, green-filled outer city suburb of Trnovo – one of the oldest areas of the city, built outside of the city medieval walls, that used to be home to the fisherman.
Then you have the remnants of the medieval days including the 15th century old town hall on Mestni trg and when you stroll Vegova Ulica Street to follow the course of the former medieval town wall, where a tower still stands at the end of the street.
Renaissance era and Baroque (the latter designs found mostly in Stari trg, the oldest part of the city) fill the town, as they do in most European cities, providing the kind of charming city campus we all love to experience in variation across the continent. In Ljubljana, the more quirky Art Nouveau structures from the early 20th century can be found in the area between the old city and railway station.
The Dragon’s Bridge, adorned with giant emerald green dragon figures is the city’s first Art Nouveau creation made in 1901.
Then of course, there is the design works of Plečnik – Ljubljana’s famous architect and urban designer.
Ljubljana’s Modern Architectural Legacy: Jože Plečnik’s Urban Design
In Vienna, I live just minutes from some structures designed by the Slovenian father of design. He left his visionary marks in many parts of Europe (having studied in Graz, Vienna and later becoming the Chief Architect in charge of Prague castle renovation), but he transformed his hometown of Ljubljana in the period between the two world wars (the era referred to as ‘Plečnik’s Ljubljana’).
All his works in Ljubljana were created in less than 20 years and his constructions here are rated some of the most prominent works of European art of the 20th Century. You likely stumble or stroll upon them without realising but the main design works include:
The Cobbler’s Bridge (connecting Mestini trg to Stari trg) designed to be a ‘square’ above the water.
The Triple Bridge (where two bridges were added to an original stone bridge) and the Butcher’s bridge (to create more space in the central market’s colonnade for trading) which you can spot by the love locks and opaque floor.
There’s also the Žale Cemetery, the promenade in Tivoli Park (Ljubljana’s largest) and the National and University Library.
I visited the NUK Café in the library to take part in an honourary Plečnik tradition – for tea, just as it was made for him by his housekeeper, in a strainer cup just like the one he used, and served with a honey biscuit (Plečnik loved honey) – before heading to his house (Karunova 4-6) in Trnovo that is now a permanent exhibition and has been left the exact same way since his death in 1957.
You can grab a map of Plečnik’s 39 works in Ljubljana from the Tourism Information centre and go on a self-guided walk.
Modern Slovenian Cuisine in Old Ljubljana. Reinventing Tradition
Not only is it about the architecture, but Ljubljana thrives on the atmosphere that comes from the food and drink scene that mixes traditional with the modern in a city where young local chefs and international kitchen wizards are the force behind the reinvention.
We had lunch in Atelji, cooked up by one of Ljubljana’s award-winning chefs. Other recommendations include healthy menu of Mala Terasa Bistro in the Skyscraper Nebotičnik for food with a view, and to sample the international influence of Slovenian cuisine check out the Japanese chef influence at Bazilika and the middle-eastern feasts at Abi Falafel.
However, to get a real taste for how vast the option are in Ljubljana, the Open Kitchen Market should be top of your list. Every Friday the best chefs and city eateries come together, each with their own stall for locals and visitors to enjoy dishes on the spot. All washed down with fines wines, a good crowd and some music pumping in the background. It’s crowded, but for good reason.
Ljubljana Castle: The Symbol of the City
If there was ever a breakfast so wonderfully presented 376 metres on the hill, it is at the restaurant Gostilna na Gradu at Ljubljana castle and a great way to begin the exploration up here. In showcasing traditional eats and local ingredients, this breakfast serving is a part of a project established in 2015 giving hoteliers and restaurants the chance to bring farm to table.
The site of a former fortress, military warehouse, army barracks, prison and even apartments is worth strolling, especially for the panorama views and walks along the old ramparts and towers.
It’s a complex catalogue of Ljubljana’s past – whose early beginnings in the early 1100’s are recorded before being turned into a stone fortress in the 13th century, where it came under the estate of the Habsburgs in 1335 who demolished it and rebuilt it as new. It was ‘repurchased’ in 1905 by the then major of Ljubljana from Austro-Hungarian authorities.
The castle is now the core symbol of the city and the most visited tourist attraction, complete with interactive exhibitions on Slovene and Ljubljana history. There’s even stones with fossils dating back 310 million years! So take the one-minute funicular ride up, whether for breakfast, the city views or to enjoy one of the many social and cultural events like theatre shows, open-air cinema screenings, ‘Castle Summer Nights’ concerts and major annual events, including the Pink Week Ball that I attended.
Modern, Gritty Ljubljana – The Alternative Arts Scene
I’m always seeking out the ‘other side’ to these pretty pastel old cities, and of course in Ljubljana, artists have found their space for expression.
While small murals can be found in the old town, like the images above, you’ll know when you’ve crossed into the more gritty neighbourhoods.These corners of the city are home to street art, sculpture art, and artist galleries and studios that are home to an underground music scene of alternative bars and clubs at night. I couldn’t imagine Ljubljana without this contrast, since it’s such a striking and fascinating difference to the Old Town.
Metelkova (which is a site of an abandoned barracks, turned urban squat, turned artists studios) is therefore the place to be to experience new Ljubljana, whose injection of cool partly comes from its 60,000 students.
In the day time, I loved photographing the eclectic mix of art, from wall mosaics to giant sculptures (including a horror-house looking façade of giant sperm), and at night I ventured out to revel with the cool kids and students of the city as they party in these clubs and gather in droves on these very streets. I got a good feel for the real Ljubljana as it stands today – young, vibrant and outrageously artistic.
The hostel on site, should you want to base yourself here, is a former prison where all rooms are former cells and made to still look like them (but with more comfortable touches!).
I was told there wasn’t a lot to see at the Rog Factory, which is a short walk away from Metelkova, but I disagree. Should the door to the site be open, it’s well worth a wander. One room was an ariel silk practice area, others artists were working away in their small studios and the courtyard was filled with junk art, murals and even a robot sculpture made of metal. It’s a fascinating, reformed space where anything goes.
Green Ljubljana – Adventures in City Nature
Ljubljana is described as a “small capital with a green soul”, which means there’s plenty more to visually feast on than the gorgeous old town architecture. Central Slovenia is a blanket of nature filled with lakes, hills and mountains. Look out for my next post where I will be exploring all the hiking, biking and countryside fun in and around Ljubljana, which you can easily combine with a trip to the city.
The heart of Slovenia and a lesser-known darling of central Europe, Ljubljana will charm you with its old town, but surprise you with how much more it has to offer. It might just be time to re-think your European city-hopping route.
Things to Know:
How to Get to Ljubljana and Around
Well connected by rail, European buses like Flix and by plane, the Slovenian company GoOpti also operates car transfers between neighbouring cities and neighbouring country airports in Germany, Austria, Croatia and Italy. We took the GoOpti transfer from Graz to Ljubljana and I also took it back to Vienna from Ljubljana, where you share a car with other travellers booked on the same journey or route. You are reminded about your journey via text both 24 hours before and when your vehicle has arrived.
Attractions in Ljubljana
The Ljubljana card is an all-inclusive card giving you access to over 20 major attractions and museums, travel on the city buses, a guided city tour and 24-hour Internet access. You can save 10% by booking online.
24 hours: €27
48 hours: €34
72 hours: €39
Where to Stay in Ljubljana
I stayed in Hotel Gallaria, a part of the Old Town and on its quiet fringes.  It sits on the corner of some restaurants and coffee shops (which are open until late!), and is a five minute walk to the very centre of the old town where the action is.
The former prison turned design hostel in the alternative area of Metlekova is called Celica Art Hostel, with 20 unique cell rooms to choose from. It’s five minutes walk from the main train station and 10 to the very heart of town.
For those looking for luxury, the 4 star Grand Union Hotel, just metres from Preseren Square and the Triple Bridge. From the early 20th century, it is the oldest in the city, built during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. It is considered to be one of the most significant Art Nouveau architectural structures in central Europe.
Getting Around Ljubljana
In the Old Town, which is a vehicle free zone, a free shuttle bus/buggy system exists where you can get from one end of the Old Town to another quickly. It’s super handy at times, although the joy is in walking.
If you want to use the bus (without a Ljubljana card), you will need to purchase an ‘Urbana’ card from a newspaper stand. It costs €2. Each bus tickets cost €1.20 and is valid for 90 minutes.
Bikes are everywhere in Ljubljana, to the point where you’ll feel like you are in Amsterdam. Should you wish to join the city cyclists, bicycles can be hired in summer and autumn from the Slovenian Tourist Information Centre on Krekov trg 10, for €2 for 2 hours and €8 for two hours or more. You can also use the Bicike(LJ) hire network with 36 docking stations around the city. The first hour is free and every additional hour is €1. You have to register online first.
Ljubljana City Tours and Excursions in Slovenia
There’s a whole host of city tours and day excursions, from culinary and cultural walks, to beer and bicycle tours, as well as day trips to many parts of Slovenia and neighbouring countries such as Italy. All can be booked from the Tourism Office in the heart of the Old Town on Stritarjeva ulica (street). Slovenia is so small, it is said you can visit any point of the country in a day.
What time of the Year is Best to Visit Ljubljana?
Ljubljana is considered to have a ‘continental climate’ making it both a winter haven, given the rolling green that surrounds it, and with beautiful Mediterranean climate in the summer months
  The post Guide to Ljubljana, Slovenia – The Old, Alternative and Green Capital of Europe appeared first on Borders Of Adventure.
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2vo4jsE
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sartle-blog · 7 years
Who Wore it Better? Game of Thrones vs Art History
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Guide to Ljubljana, Slovenia – The Old, Alternative and Green Capital of Europe
My trip to Ljubljana was a combination of a #EuroCityTrip project to highlight the city as a ‘cool neighbour’ to Austria’s second largest city of Graz in partnership with both city tourism offices. Perfect as part of a multi-country city hopping trip, you’ll be surprised how much they have in common being so close to one another.
Slovenia’s capital of Ljubljana is all the pretty things you hear about.
Except Ljubljana is more than the sum of its charming Old Town status that many do not look beyond, thereby setting a course in time for overcrowding as well as missing out on the young, artistic minds that have come to also shape the city.
Ljubljana is a mix of the old and charming, dominated by the architectural visions of the father of design, Plečnik; the hip cultural and art scene alive in alternative neighbourhoods and the student influence; and with access to relaxation and adventure in the surrounding countryside, where 70% of Slovenia’s population reside.
It’s a small capital city combining all means of exploration and interests in one. Being located in the centre of Slovenia means having a pivotal point to explore all corners of the country easily, which can be easily done via day trips. And that’s before you start thinking of your ‘Euro City Trip’ further, and how you are easily connected and in good distance to neighbouring Italy and Croatia, as well as Austria and Ljubljana’s ‘sister city’ and cool neighbour of Graz (which was the city hopping route I took).
Ljubljana has a ‘small town feel’ but with big European capital vibes, which is what you can expect from a capital that is nestled between central Europe and the Mediterranean.
My four days there was a perfect introduction to the variation of European capitals in central Europe and to my first foray into Slovenia. Here’s my guide to Ljubljana and its multi-faceted layers for all kinds of curious traveller. Living in Austria, I certainly have no excuses to not return…
Ljubljana Charm: The Old Town
Like any visitor, the Old Town was top of my list to explore. Like most former medieval strongholds, it’s compact yet full of a long, historical timeline of architectural styles and charms. In Ljubljana, this means endless cobblestone conveyor belts of streets that present numerous bridges, intricate townhouse facades, palaces, fountains, statues, monuments, churches and squares (of which Trg Republike next to the Slovenian parliament building is the largest).
Place all of that within the Mediterranean atmosphere of streets lined with tables, humming outdoor markets, a slew of coffee shops and those revelling in wine tasting and locals casually wheeling past pastel boulevards on their bicycles, and you’ve got yourself a very attractive city.
A city that has preserved a huge timelines of historical changes, which is what cultural geeks like me get really excited about.
There are still remains of the Roman city of Emona in the serene, green-filled outer city suburb of Trnovo – one of the oldest areas of the city, built outside of the city medieval walls, that used to be home to the fisherman.
Then you have the remnants of the medieval days including the 15th century old town hall on Mestni trg and when you stroll Vegova Ulica Street to follow the course of the former medieval town wall, where a tower still stands at the end of the street.
Renaissance era and Baroque (the latter designs found mostly in Stari trg, the oldest part of the city) fill the town, as they do in most European cities, providing the kind of charming city campus we all love to experience in variation across the continent. In Ljubljana, the more quirky Art Nouveau structures from the early 20th century can be found in the area between the old city and railway station.
The Dragon’s Bridge, adorned with giant emerald green dragon figures is the city’s first Art Nouveau creation made in 1901.
Then of course, there is the design works of Plečnik – Ljubljana’s famous architect and urban designer.
Ljubljana’s Modern Architectural Legacy: Jože Plečnik’s Urban Design
In Vienna, I live just minutes from some structures designed by the Slovenian father of design. He left his visionary marks in many parts of Europe (having studied in Graz, Vienna and later becoming the Chief Architect in charge of Prague castle renovation), but he transformed his hometown of Ljubljana in the period between the two world wars (the era referred to as ‘Plečnik’s Ljubljana’).
All his works in Ljubljana were created in less than 20 years and his constructions here are rated some of the most prominent works of European art of the 20th Century. You likely stumble or stroll upon them without realising but the main design works include:
The Cobbler’s Bridge (connecting Mestini trg to Stari trg) designed to be a ‘square’ above the water.
The Triple Bridge (where two bridges were added to an original stone bridge) and the Butcher’s bridge (to create more space in the central market’s colonnade for trading) which you can spot by the love locks and opaque floor.
There’s also the Žale Cemetery, the promenade in Tivoli Park (Ljubljana’s largest) and the National and University Library.
I visited the NUK Café in the library to take part in an honourary Plečnik tradition – for tea, just as it was made for him by his housekeeper, in a strainer cup just like the one he used, and served with a honey biscuit (Plečnik loved honey) – before heading to his house (Karunova 4-6) in Trnovo that is now a permanent exhibition and has been left the exact same way since his death in 1957.
You can grab a map of Plečnik’s 39 works in Ljubljana from the Tourism Information centre and go on a self-guided walk.
Modern Slovenian Cuisine in Old Ljubljana. Reinventing Tradition
Not only is it about the architecture, but Ljubljana thrives on the atmosphere that comes from the food and drink scene that mixes traditional with the modern in a city where young local chefs and international kitchen wizards are the force behind the reinvention.
We had lunch in Atelji, cooked up by one of Ljubljana’s award-winning chefs. Other recommendations include healthy menu of Mala Terasa Bistro in the Skyscraper Nebotičnik for food with a view, and to sample the international influence of Slovenian cuisine check out the Japanese chef influence at Bazilika and the middle-eastern feasts at Abi Falafel.
However, to get a real taste for how vast the option are in Ljubljana, the Open Kitchen Market should be top of your list. Every Friday the best chefs and city eateries come together, each with their own stall for locals and visitors to enjoy dishes on the spot. All washed down with fines wines, a good crowd and some music pumping in the background. It’s crowded, but for good reason.
Ljubljana Castle: The Symbol of the City
If there was ever a breakfast so wonderfully presented 376 metres on the hill, it is at the restaurant Gostilna na Gradu at Ljubljana castle and a great way to begin the exploration up here. In showcasing traditional eats and local ingredients, this breakfast serving is a part of a project established in 2015 giving hoteliers and restaurants the chance to bring farm to table.
The site of a former fortress, military warehouse, army barracks, prison and even apartments is worth strolling, especially for the panorama views and walks along the old ramparts and towers.
It’s a complex catalogue of Ljubljana’s past – whose early beginnings in the early 1100’s are recorded before being turned into a stone fortress in the 13th century, where it came under the estate of the Habsburgs in 1335 who demolished it and rebuilt it as new. It was ‘repurchased’ in 1905 by the then major of Ljubljana from Austro-Hungarian authorities.
The castle is now the core symbol of the city and the most visited tourist attraction, complete with interactive exhibitions on Slovene and Ljubljana history. There’s even stones with fossils dating back 310 million years! So take the one-minute funicular ride up, whether for breakfast, the city views or to enjoy one of the many social and cultural events like theatre shows, open-air cinema screenings, ‘Castle Summer Nights’ concerts and major annual events, including the Pink Week Ball that I attended.
Modern, Gritty Ljubljana – The Alternative Arts Scene
I’m always seeking out the ‘other side’ to these pretty pastel old cities, and of course in Ljubljana, artists have found their space for expression.
While small murals can be found in the old town, like the images above, you’ll know when you’ve crossed into the more gritty neighbourhoods.These corners of the city are home to street art, sculpture art, and artist galleries and studios that are home to an underground music scene of alternative bars and clubs at night. I couldn’t imagine Ljubljana without this contrast, since it’s such a striking and fascinating difference to the Old Town.
Metelkova (which is a site of an abandoned barracks, turned urban squat, turned artists studios) is therefore the place to be to experience new Ljubljana, whose injection of cool partly comes from its 60,000 students.
In the day time, I loved photographing the eclectic mix of art, from wall mosaics to giant sculptures (including a horror-house looking façade of giant sperm), and at night I ventured out to revel with the cool kids and students of the city as they party in these clubs and gather in droves on these very streets. I got a good feel for the real Ljubljana as it stands today – young, vibrant and outrageously artistic.
The hostel on site, should you want to base yourself here, is a former prison where all rooms are former cells and made to still look like them (but with more comfortable touches!).
I was told there wasn’t a lot to see at the Rog Factory, which is a short walk away from Metelkova, but I disagree. Should the door to the site be open, it’s well worth a wander. One room was an ariel silk practice area, others artists were working away in their small studios and the courtyard was filled with junk art, murals and even a robot sculpture made of metal. It’s a fascinating, reformed space where anything goes.
Green Ljubljana – Adventures in City Nature
Ljubljana is described as a “small capital with a green soul”, which means there’s plenty more to visually feast on than the gorgeous old town architecture. Central Slovenia is a blanket of nature filled with lakes, hills and mountains. Look out for my next post where I will be exploring all the hiking, biking and countryside fun in and around Ljubljana, which you can easily combine with a trip to the city.
The heart of Slovenia and a lesser-known darling of central Europe, Ljubljana will charm you with its old town, but surprise you with how much more it has to offer. It might just be time to re-think your European city-hopping route.
Things to Know:
How to Get to Ljubljana and Around
Well connected by rail, European buses like Flix and by plane, the Slovenian company GoOpti also operates car transfers between neighbouring cities and neighbouring country airports in Germany, Austria, Croatia and Italy. We took the GoOpti transfer from Graz to Ljubljana and I also took it back to Vienna from Ljubljana, where you share a car with other travellers booked on the same journey or route. You are reminded about your journey via text both 24 hours before and when your vehicle has arrived.
Attractions in Ljubljana
The Ljubljana card is an all-inclusive card giving you access to over 20 major attractions and museums, travel on the city buses, a guided city tour and 24-hour Internet access. You can save 10% by booking online.
24 hours: €27
48 hours: €34
72 hours: €39
Where to Stay in Ljubljana
I stayed in Hotel Gallaria, a part of the Old Town and on its quiet fringes.  It sits on the corner of some restaurants and coffee shops (which are open until late!), and is a five minute walk to the very centre of the old town where the action is.
The former prison turned design hostel in the alternative area of Metlekova is called Celica Art Hostel, with 20 unique cell rooms to choose from. It’s five minutes walk from the main train station and 10 to the very heart of town.
For those looking for luxury, the 4 star Grand Union Hotel, just metres from Preseren Square and the Triple Bridge. From the early 20th century, it is the oldest in the city, built during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. It is considered to be one of the most significant Art Nouveau architectural structures in central Europe.
Getting Around Ljubljana
In the Old Town, which is a vehicle free zone, a free shuttle bus/buggy system exists where you can get from one end of the Old Town to another quickly. It’s super handy at times, although the joy is in walking.
If you want to use the bus (without a Ljubljana card), you will need to purchase an ‘Urbana’ card from a newspaper stand. It costs €2. Each bus tickets cost €1.20 and is valid for 90 minutes.
Bikes are everywhere in Ljubljana, to the point where you’ll feel like you are in Amsterdam. Should you wish to join the city cyclists, bicycles can be hired in summer and autumn from the Slovenian Tourist Information Centre on Krekov trg 10, for €2 for 2 hours and €8 for two hours or more. You can also use the Bicike(LJ) hire network with 36 docking stations around the city. The first hour is free and every additional hour is €1. You have to register online first.
Ljubljana City Tours and Excursions in Slovenia
There’s a whole host of city tours and day excursions, from culinary and cultural walks, to beer and bicycle tours, as well as day trips to many parts of Slovenia and neighbouring countries such as Italy. All can be booked from the Tourism Office in the heart of the Old Town on Stritarjeva ulica (street). Slovenia is so small, it is said you can visit any point of the country in a day.
What time of the Year is Best to Visit Ljubljana?
Ljubljana is considered to have a ‘continental climate’ making it both a winter haven, given the rolling green that surrounds it, and with beautiful Mediterranean climate in the summer months
  The post Guide to Ljubljana, Slovenia – The Old, Alternative and Green Capital of Europe appeared first on Borders Of Adventure.
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2fZlIFZ
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