#he has biters now because yeas
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omg-puddingpie · 5 years
Chap. 2
“You never realize how strong you truly are, until being strong is the only choice you have…”
Lyla ventured into the kitchen, patiently waiting for the return of Penelope. She could hear the others walking around, while her younger group carelessly plays in the living room.
Gren emerges from around the corner and wraps his arms around Lyla’s waist. She chuckles, allowing her husband to gently rest his chin upon her shoulders. Even after all their time spent together, Gren never ceased to amaze her.
“So, what’s up with Penelope?” Gren nuzzles his face into Lyla’s neck while speaking. “Typical teenager issues or is it a hectic pile of emotions we dare not to touch with a ten foot pole?”
Lyla giggles. “It’s far worse than that I’m afraid but...it’s my own fault or attempting to push this under the rug for so long. I should have told her years ago….”
“You did what YOU thought was necessary, Lyla...remember this.”
Lyla removes herself from Gren’s grasp, heads to the counter and pours herself a cup of Coffee. Grasping the cup in her hands, she takes a seat, slowly sips from the edge and stares blankly at the wall.
“But was it the RIGHT thing to do, Grendel?”
Gren takes a seat beside Lyla, grabs her hand and lovingly strokes it. This woman before him was stronger than anyone he had the privilege of knowing; she’d been through a lot and the majority of those would remain between her and whatever the afterlife may bring them all. It wasn’t that Lyla was ashamed of the past, for it’s the very thing that created her but more of how those emotions left her: feeble. Over the centuries, Gren learned just how to simply read Lyla’s emotions.
“You did the best you could for those kids, Lyla. Sometimes as parents, we find ourselves questions our actions more and more: Should I have done THIS differently, was that punishment truly needed….did I raise them to be GOOD people?”
“It’s just….her biological father came over multiple times and….I had the opportunity to tell her but….I was terrified, Gren. The THINGS attached to Penelope, plus just WHO Mephisto is and-”
“I don’t think he’ll hurt Penelope in any way. IF there is some grand plan for her in this world, he’s the key to that destination...only he can prepare her for whatever may be waiting in the shadows….” Gren squeezes Lyla’s hand and beams. “.....I did not raise Penelope or her siblings when they were little ankle biters but…..damn it, Lyla: you raised a wonderful bunch of kids in there and if Penelope understood, she’d see through your eyes just WHY it had to be done this way….”
Lyla nods. If Penelope was to sincerely sprout her wings and fly alone, Lyla had to give her the needed push into the open: The open that she’d been attempting to avoid since Penelope’s conception but despite everything, all of this as well worth it in the end. During her talk with Penny, her daughter stated the want to venture out and seek her biological father and all that he could provide.  
“Hand me my phone, Gren...I need to place a call….”
Later that night…..12:45 pm
“Wait, so our dad isn’t YOUR dad too, Penny?”
While the younger children and their parents slept, the quads remained awake and huddled into Penelope’s room, of which she shared with her sister Emily. The order went like this: Katherine, Emily, Junior and finally, Penny. Junior and Emily took after their father’s side and were identical clones to who the man was at one time. Katie looked more like her mother, with a mix of her grandmother but the brains of her grandfather, who was once a proud and devoted Alpha pack leader. Penelope was like her mother, yes but there was always a difference to her that no one could quite put their finger on, that is, until tonight.
Penny sits upon her computer chair, staring at her older siblings. “Guess not but….that explains some things.”
“Really? Like what?”
Penelope eyes Emily. “Remember when we were five years old and you had this obnoxious need to pick on me, no matter what the situation was.”
“Oh yea’....” Emily chortles. “I rememba’ that. I made ya’ cry so many times-”
“AND….” Penny continues her tale. “.....Do you recall one summer, we went to the lake with mom, nana and papa for three weeks and while we played by the river, you felt the need to PUSH me into a puddle nearby, full of muck, twigs and God knows what?!”
“Oh….” The memory seemed to be brought to life through Emily’s eyes. “.....I do…..”
“And you laughed and laughed and while Katie ran to get help, this dark cloud enveloped me and for sometime, YOU said my eyes changed and I looked infuriated?”
Emily attempts to swallow back the lump developing in her throat. She glances over at her brother, who was a witness to that afternoon as well. Emily must have pushed this memory into the back, hoping time would clear this but the more her sister unraveled the past, the more the images became clear, as if she was right back to the location.
Emily was just being a brat and doing things that came with the territory of being a sister; she never meant to hurt Penelope but rather play a giddy prank. At first, Emily  howled uncontrollably at her now muck covered sister, until Junior mumbled something and points. At that moment, faceless figures emerged from the surrounding forest, coming towards the children in groups of black. The little creatures, later called Coal Tars, swarmed around Penelope and darted across the air; they seemed harmless, until a cosmic quantity of them gathered, now bouncing above both Junior and Emily.
Junior speaks in this matter. “I’d never seen you like that and afterwards, when all was said and done, I’d never face you the same. Nana and papa kept saying it was because she had Witch heritage in her and at such a tender age, you’ll believe just about anything to mask your fears and uncertainty.”
At that moment, Emily speaks. “Since that day, I neva’ messed with ya’ again. It was not worth it, ta’ be honest….but afta’ that afternoon, something in ya’ changed.”
Penny shakes her head in agreement. “But after tonight and the talk mom and I had, it makes sense….all of it….”
“But….how is that possible,” said Katie, while she scoots closer to Penny. “....And why would mom allow a client to impregnate her? She said she was always careful with casual hookups before she got married and-”
“We’re here.” Junior chuckles with his answer.
“Yes but a Demon of all things? And not JUST a Demon but the king of time?”
“Where are you getting at, Katie?”
Katie crosses her arms and sighs. “He’s obviously not just some ordinary Demon that has crossed this family’s path. For example, Mr. Chester D’Emon: He’s been a GOOD friend to mom and Grendel for centuries and have assisted them in missions when they use to work for an organization to keep the peace between the mundane, supernatural and beyond. But this guy-your dad, Penny-is royalty. He’s played the field and has been around for a looooong time….and it’s no secret we all now know about our prophecies, right?”
“Psh!” Emily laughs loudly. “Ya’ really believe in that stupid story?! Katie: Out of all of us, ya’ BE the brains and-”
“Don’t pretend like nothing has CHANGED among the four of us, Emily….I’ve noticed the difference between us all. Judging by the stories we’ve been told about our father, you’re identical to him, Emily…..”
“And? Just a coincidence….”
Katie looks at Junior. “And mom said yours would involve Bloody Mary, which you two have been in contact since mom could recall. Ever since she brought us home, the mirror dweller has taken every opportunity to view you. For fuck sakes, man: She use to play pretend and hide-n-seek with you when we were kids!”
Junior remained hushed, for he knew this to be true. Katie continues. “I’ve been following papa and his second in command Malcom for two years now because the world of leadership and government has interested me since I was a young pup. Being responsible and holding a place among the community has always been a dream of mine. Apparently, my prophecy leads me into leadership, so explain THAT one….”
���So where does that leave Penny?”
Katie continues. “I’m not sure if this is true but I overheard mom and Grendel talking one night sometime ago about you, Penny and it involved something called the Black Knight. Might not be anything too dramatic but seeing your biological father is a Demon-king of time, mind you-it seems to fit in nicely with your prophecy. Maybe Black Knight is code word for next in line?”
Penny exhales, removes herself from the chair and heads to her closet. While taking out a suitcase and sliding clothes off of their hangers, she begins to think about what her sister said. Was she next in line for something? Did her father have something planned, considering she was the ONLY one of the quads to have a different father? Was there something bigger mapped out besides this Black Knight title?
“I’ll find out for sure you guys. I’m going to be gone for sometime and….I promise, no matter what this journey means to me or my future, I’ll still be the same bubbly sister you all know and love.”
Katie looks over at the clock; upon noticing how late it was, she figured now was the time to head off into dreamland. While standing and stretching, Katie looks over at Penny; how Katie was desperately wanting that statement to be true but deep down, all of them knew this was a false promise and nothing in this room between them would ever remain the same. Life had a comical way of doing this, too. All Katie could manage to do was crack a crooked smile and glance back at her sister for the last time. She’d welcome the ‘new’ Penelope when the time was right but for now, Katie wanted to relive this moment.
“You sure will be, sis. Have fun on your trip, okay? Make sure to take a TON of pictures for us because I’m slightly jealous you get to go to Japan right now….”
And like that, Katie was gone and heading to her room. Junior quickly follows, now yawning and rubbing his eyes.
“Did I scare you too, Junior?”
“Penny….” He despised this guilty feeling. “.....It’s late, you know? I just want you to know, even with all this mess and unknown lurking in the shadows, we’re STILL family. I hope you find what you’re looking for out there.”
“Thanks Junior…..I’ll miss you….”
The pair embrace for a minute. “I’ll miss you too, sis. Keep us posted, okay?”
“I will Junior….I will….”
Junior exits the room and trails down the hall, until he enters his own room, shuts the door and remains hushed the rest of the night. Penny continues to to fold her clothes, layer them within the suitcase and prepare herself for the trip. This was all in an instant; one minute, her mother is explaining the truth, the family sits together for a meal and before she knew it, a private plane was on its way to pick Penelope up. She’d be alone this time around.
“Well, I’m headin’ ta bed sis.”
“Emily…..you don’t think it’ll be different between us, do you? I mean, sure our lives have different plans but….Katie seemed so sure of herself and-”
“Look, ya’ know ‘ow I feel ‘bout this shit: if it’s true, it’ll ‘appen ta’ us ALL, Penny. If not, we go ‘bout our lives and call it good. But ya’ NOW ‘ave a chance ta’ SEE if it’s true and no matta’ woot ‘appens down ‘ere, just know ya’ got me on your cheerin’ side...ya’ still be the bratty, snot-nosed sista’ with perfect skin I’ve known and loved all my life….”
Penny bites her bottom lip and holds back the urge to cry. “Thank you, Emily….I always
knew you had a heart in there.”
“Ya’ ya’.....” Emily hides herself under the covers. “....Whateva’....”
Any questions, let me know! I’ll be tagging these as #puddingfanfics just so ya’ know. :3 Chap 3. coming soon! Thank you to all the support, likes and reads this gets; it’s been quite sometime that I’ve created fanfiction and it’s been a lot of fun going back to familiar oc’s and introducing new ones or changing some things up!
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nulfaga · 6 years
Okay so what would happen to Orpheus and Gemile in a Martin lives AU?
i was about to sleep but you KNOW i can’t turn my back on an ask like this
basically i have multiple ideas for what happens to orph, i haven’t really bothered settling on one because like, it’s an au, i don’t need to worry so much about it
the way i see it tho, if martin becomes emperor the main options are 
1) orph fucks off and moves to skyrim or something and tries to get over martin
2) Dual Emperors Baby!! (fun but unrealistic, tho orpheus is the son of the eternal champion from arena, and obv he’s the champion of cyrodiil himself.. so.. who knows)
3) orph stays on as the head of the royal guard, basically he and martin are still lovers but they have to keep it a secret...i wrote something for this a loooooong while ago lemme find it
Viella Silvid is a lovely woman. A noble. Forty, give or take. Her black hair is cut short and practical, and her mouth twists when she grins because of a deep pale scar that runs like molten wax along her cheek.She is a lovely woman, and a good friend, and Orpheus tries hard not to hate her as he watches her smear red paint onto her lips with the tip of her finger."Do I look like an empress yet?" Viella frowns at Orpheus' reflection in the mirror. A loose curl falls into her face."Absolutely," he assures her.*Swathed in robes, reds and blues that make his skin look like gold, dark hair brushed into glossy waves, Martin looks like an emperor. At times like these (coronations, public events, and now his wedding), Brother Martin—Martin Orim; farmer's boy; nail-biter—disappears. Martin Septim is a man brighter than the sun.Especially now, at the moment he kisses Viella. The room applauds and Orpheus, crushed with a fresh self-consciousness, follows suit, smiling hard. He thinks of the sword on his belt. His gilded armor. Captain of the emperor's honor guard, Champion of Cyrodiil, and suddenly a concubine. Secret piece-on-the-side. Baurus pats him briefly on the shoulder, a dull metal-on-metal sound no one hears above the cheering and shrieking as the couple are declared man and wife under the eyes of Akatosh. The crowd laughs gently at something or other. Orpheus only sees backs of heads from his spot behind the throne.*"So where's Vi?""With her wife, I expect. Divines." Martin unbuttons his heavy fur cloak, sinking onto the magnificent four-poster bed. All blue and gold. "Is this going to be the rest of our lives? One great stage play?""Well." Orpheus starts to untangle the band of tiny golden leaves from Martin's hair. "You have a wife. An Empress. You're in it now." He stills his hands for a minute and Martin turns toward him. "Martin, listen, my offer's still open. I can leave quietly. It'd make this a little less complicated. . .""Don't. Gods in Aetherius, please don't." Martin grabs his wrist, eases Orpheus' hand onto his shoulder, tangles their fingers. "I couldn't live like that. Pretending everything's all fine and good, and—apart from you.""It's not my first choice either, Dragonborn." Orpheus lets out a sigh; draws it out. "Let's just have this talk some other time." He finishes with the laurels and lays them gently on the end table."It is my wedding night." Martin's lip quirks. He puts a hand on Orpheus' thigh."That it is."
excuse the shit writing lol. but yea. that, i guess. like it’s not a bad ending? viella is in on it and she has a secret wife too lmfao so you know... but still it’s not ideal, and orph never forgets watching martin kiss viella, both of them dressed in their finest robes, the room applauding...i think after a few years he just can’t fucking stick it anymore and leaves anyway so. yay :(
my favorite martin lives au is one where dagon just never Pulls That Shit and martin and orph live out their days on a farm in south colovia. i have something on that too hold on 
A recurring dream:
He lives. You somehow land in a time and a place where no one knows Martin by any other name than his adoptive father's, and the skies never break apart for the Prince of Destruction or his lackeys.
The Third Era will last five-hundred years. In that time you will meet Martin Orim and you will move in together and cook dinner for one another and the world will not need saving.
You will watch his strong brown hands dig tiny carrots and potatoes from the earth, scarcely believing your luck.
On your fiftieth birthday, he will shyly unveil the patch of pink orchids he's been trying to coax into bloom for you, and you will laugh and think of when you used to dye your hair that color with a paste of crushed beetles. Because you were afraid of being thirty.
In time you will be old men and then dead and happy, buried side by side beneath the warm Colovian soil, not to be bothered by Akatosh or anyone.
and since this is my self-indulgent everything’s ok au, uriel dies of terminal bitch-itis in like, 4e 435 or something, and one of his dumb sons takes over. whatever. orph and martin get together, orph brings him back to anvil to meet his dad, talin aka the eternal champ, and talin, having grown up with gemile and seen martin as a baby, writes a letter to her like “holy fucking shit gem i think our sons are engaged”
and gem packs her shit and heads for anvil with her husband; no one is going to enforce her banishment from cyrodiil with uriel dead anyway. she and martin meet at last after a literal half century and get to know each other all over again. she’s fond of orph too =)
so eventually orph & mart get married & gem’s whole crew who knew her when she first had the baby are there... including j’hani which is a very weird dynamic (like “hey ‘kiddo’, i was married to your mother for 40 years until the memory of you drove a wedge between us. how’s it hangin”) but on the whole it’s a happy occasion! nene even shows up with lucien, although she doesn’t feel the need to explain that she and her bf are speakers for the dark brotherhood.
gem’s mom shows up too, and her youngest sister lavinia, and even her older brother tatianus (who is a vampire, so they hold the wedding at night. it’s nice. there are paper lamps around and candles on all the tables.)
so all in all that’s just the best case scenario for everyone
but for the other 3 non-ideal endings, in all of them gem would find out that her son is alive and go looking for him (since it’s pretty hard to keep the fact that the cyrodilic empire has a new emperor from spreading through the provinces lmao). she stays on for a short while as the imperial queen mother, while she and martin reconnect, but it’s not really the life for her. she eventually moves back to morrowind with her husband so they can go back to their lil alchemy shop. she refuses any of the lavish gifts martin sends her way, and she always says the same thing; a letter from her son is worth more to her than all the gold in cyrodiil. in the “dual emperors” end, she takes orph under her wing as her son-in-law lol, in the “orph fucks off” end that’s not really an issue. in the “orph stays on as the head of the guard” shes totally in on the fact that theyre like, in love..she stays with them the longest in this one until orph decides he’s had enough and leaves the court; gem moves back to morrowind shortly after as well
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zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 2 Side Mission 9: Zombies, Row!
Four days after the run to the compound Charlotte stepped out of the coms shack for the first time in days.  A snow storm had nearly shut down all missions until yesturday but the snow and ice made it too difficult to run and get supplies.  Now the snow had all but left by now and Abel was beginning to wake back up.  
Just in time too considering they had planned to have an event with New Canton which Charlotte had been roped into.  She looked over seeing Sam talking to Jamie who had come in this morning.  She walked over to them wrapping an arm around Sam's waist.
"Hey Sam.  Jamie.  What's up?"  She asked as Sam leaned into her smiling.  
"Just getting our team together."  Sam said happily as Jamie didn't look so enthused.
"Team? What team?"  Charlotte questioned.
"Rowing." Jamie said not looking too pleased.
Charlotte looked confused and continued to be confused all the way to the lake where she met back up with Phil Cheeseman, the one who took over for Nadia for a while, and his co-host Zoe Crick, a blonde haired woman with a deep brown skin tone.  Zoe seemed very flat on the surface but then again she was used to Jack and Eugene's brand of comedy.
Soon Jamie, Charlotte and Sam were put into a row boat while near by Nadia sat in one with two female runners from New Canton.  They rowed over to the starting area just as Phil and Zoe came over the intercom that had been set up by the lake.
"Hello, ci-ti-zens!"  Phil said with a happy sigh.  "With the recent weather, it's great to be out again, isn't it?  For those of you listening in at home, we're about to start the first annual Abel/New Canton boat race!"
"And for those of you watching from the shore, how about a big cheer for our competitors!  Representing Abel, we've got Charlotte DeLoius and Jamie Skeet, with Sam Yao as their cox.  Rowing in a neat little boat called Bloody Mary."  Zoe said in a just barely excited tone. "And for New Canton, we've got Runners Sixty-three and Seventy with Nadia Al Hanaki riding.  They've called their... what is that? They've called it Eat Shit and Die, but I think we can skip that."
Jamie, who was seated in front of Charlotte facing Sam in front of them, looks at Sam.  "Why am I here again?"
"Because Abel are dirty rotten cheats who brought in a ringer!"  Nadia shouted with a laugh.
"Hey!" Sam said with a grin.  "Hey, that's not fair, Jamie's totally one of us!"
"No, I ain't!"  Jamie said quickly.
Sam put his finger to his lips.  "Shh, think of all the Curly Wurl's that we're going to give your kids in return for doing this." He says grinning.
"Bribing kids with chocolate?"  Nadia yells.  "That's a new low even for you, Sam!"  She says with a laugh.
"Okay, guys, row up to the start line."  Phil said as Sam looked at them with a smile.
"Come on, team!  A-one, a-two, a-one, a-two!"  He said as Jamie scoffs.  
"Don't need you to tell me how to row!"  He snapped.
"I'm keep you and Runner Five in time!  Come on a-one, a-two, a-one - oh, come on, put your backs into it!"  Sam said as Charlotte gave him a look over Jamie's shoulder.
"Relax Sam we're just getting to the starting line."  She said as Jamie looked back at her.
"A little over his head ain't he?"  He said.
"Now remember, it's the taking part that matters."  Zoe said.
Nadia looks over at them.  "But we're totally going to crush you!"
"On your marks!"  Zoe said as Charlotte and Jamie got their paddles ready.
"Get set!"  Phil said.
"And go!"  Zoe shouted as both Nadia's and Sam's boat take off through the water.  Charlotte and and Jamie rowed fast as Sam sat in front of them steering the boat.  They rowed for several minutes before Zoe spoke again.  "The finish line's in sight, now, and it's a nail-biter!"
"Come on, girls!  Wind one, wind two, wind three-"  Nadia shouted as the girls in her boat rowed.
"New Canton ahead by a hair."  Phil said quickly.
"Pull, girls!  Up one on the drive, down one on the slide!"  Nadia followed up.
"What she said." Sam said.
Charlotte looked over at him confused.  "I don't even know what that means."  She called out as they continued to row.
"It means -  aw, who cares.  Are you going to let them beat you?" Sam asked.
Jamie snorted.  "Yeah, looks like."
"Come on!  Where's your fighting spirit?"
"I'm saving it for the zoms!"  Jamie snapped.
"I left it in my other pants."  Charlotte said as Sam rolled his eyes.
"Ha ha ha... funny."  Sam said.
"You can take my oar if you don't like the way I'm doing it."  Jamie said suddenly.  "What do you think, Charlotte?  It's Sam's turn to do the hard work, isn't it?"  He said as he stopped rowing leaving Charlotte still going before him and Sam seemed to scuffle as Jamie tried to move Sam.  "Come on, get out of the way!"
"Ugh, you - you-"  Sam said quickly as he moved akwardly around Jamie.
"Move! Come on!"  Jamie said as Sam looked at her.
"Uh... Char, keep going while we, um, sort this out."  He said as Charlotte rolled her eyes.
"So just keep doing what I always do."  She said as she continued to row.
After a few minutes Sam was now holding the two oars rowing right along with Charlotte.  After a moment Zoe spoke up.  "And with less than fifty yards to go, there appears to be some kind of mutiny in the Abel boat."
"You are not joking."  Charlotte said.
"Uh, Zoe?"  Phil said slowly.  "I hate to alarm anyone, but are those zombies shambling in from the left?"
Charlotte, Sam, and Jamie looked over seeing a large group of zombies heading for the crowd.  "Bloody hell.  There's like fifty of them. Everyone head back to Abel in an orderly fashion."  She said quickly as people screamed running along the shore line heading back towards Abel.
"Or, you know, run and don't panic."  Phil said.
"Hey, what about us?"  Sam shouted looking paniced.
"Have you got any noisemakers?"  Zoe questioned.
Charlotte stopped rowing reaching back into her pack and pulled out a noisemaker.  "Yea I got one."
"Good old Char, always prepared."  Sam said sighing happily.
"Then keep rowing, and try to lure these zoms away from the crowd." Zoe said as Charlotte turned on the noisemaker in her lap before going back to rowing with Sam.
After a while of rowing Sam was beginning to pant heavily from the exsertion.  "Wow, rowing really... is very... tiring..." He said inbetween pants.
"Put your back into it, man!  One, two!  One, two!  Look at Charlotte!" Jamie said as Sam laughs mockingly.
"Oh yea, very funny."  He said as Nadia's boat rowed next to them.
"Well, I'm enjoying it!"  She called.
"And the zoms?"  Sam asked as Charlotte looked over towards the shore looking for them.
"Looks like they're falling back."  She said as they continued to row.
"Yeah, we're doing okay."  Jamie said looking ahead of him.  "None up ahead.  A bit further, and we can..."  He paused for a moment.  "Oh my word..."
"What can you see?"  Nadia called before looking towards where Jamie was looking.  Her face paled suddenly.  "Oh..."
Sam groaned before humming happily.  "Oh, that's - rowing's getting a bit easier.  I must be getting the hang of it."
"Make for the shore, quick!  All of you!"  Nadia shouted as Charlotte looked over fast.
"What's wrong?"  She called as Sam started to turn.
"Don't turn around!"  Both Jamie and Nadia shouted making Sam turn back.
"Just row.  Steering's my job."  Jamie said as the two of them continued to row.
"What's the problem?"  Sam asked confused.
"There's rapids up ahead.  I can see the white water.  Storm must have swelled the river.  I'm trying to get to the bank, but the current's too strong!"  Jamie said as he pushed the rutter trying to steer them away.  "Char, Sam, pull hard on your left oars."  He said as Charlotte started rowing hard on the left side while Sam used his right.  "No, you idiot, your left!"
"Oh God, sorry!"  Sam said as he changed oars trying to steer them the best they could.
"Harder!" Jamie shouted as the current began to pick up around them.
"We're pulling as hard as we can!"  Charlotte shouted.
A sudden crash was heard as Nadia cried out.  "Oh no, my rudder just snapped!"
"Hold on tight, we're going over!"  Jamie shouted as Charlotte turned seeing the deep rapids coming up fast.
"Oh no, this isn't good!"  Sam shouted as the boat went over the rapid tossing them around hard as Jamie tried to steer them the best he could as Charlotte and Sam held onto the boat trying to keep it from toppling over.
"There's a bloody great rock straight ahead!"  Nadia shouted.  "I can't-  I can't get us round!"  She screamed suddenly as their boat hit the rock shattering the boat sending all three girls sprawling into the fast moving water.
"Nadia!" Charlotte shouted as water splashed over them as they finally splashed into calmer waters.  She shook out her hair fast wiping her face looking around fast.  "Nadia!  Nadia!"  She shouted looking around franticly.
"What happened?"  Sam asked quickly.
"The boat broke up.  They all fell in."  Charlotte said quickly.
"Are they alright?"  Sam asked.
Jamie looked around.  "Looks like the rowers are swimming to the bank. They're ok."
"And Nadia?"  Sam asked as Charlotte continued to scan the water.
"Wait... I see her!  There!"  Charlotte points towards a dark mass floating in the water.  "We have to get to her now!  The water is cold enough to freeze her to death."  She said as Sam and her began to row again.  Soon they came up alongside the mass as Charlotte wraps her arms around Nadia feeling the cold shock on her arms.  "Sam help pull me up!"  She said as Sam wrapped his arms around Charlotte helpping her to heave Nadia into the boat bringing in a good amount of water.  "Got her..."  She said gently wiping the soaked curls from Nadia's face revealing a large cut on her forehead along with a large bump that formed.
"Is she?"  Sam asked as Jamie moved over checking under her nose.
"She's breathing.  She's alright.  That is one enormous bump and cut on her head, though.  It's the size of a Cadbury Creme Egg!  We need to get her to the doctor, check her out."  Jamie said as he sat back.
Charlotte gently manuvered Nadia so she laid across the boat between Sam and her seats.  "Where are we anyway?"  She asked looking around.
"Yogenthorpe Lake.  I reconize that island in the middle.  You know, the one shaped like a four-leafed clover?"  Jame said pointing towards the island.
"Oh yea!  It's... it's actually quite pretty here, isn't it?  I mean, now that whole 'chased by a surprise horde of undead, tumbling over rapids, rowing for our lives bit is over."  Sam said as the two of them slowly rowed through the water.  "There are lovely tall rushed blowing int he wind.  And water lilies.  And look, an actually frog hopping between the water lilies.  I thought that only happened in cartoons."
Charlotte looked around seeing all of what Sam described before seeing something along the shore line.  "And also some lovely pictureque zombies."  She said.
"Oh, tell me it ain't true!  They caught up with us?"  Jamie asked looking over.
"No, no, I think these might be new ones."  Sam said.  "They're wearing long green waders and they've got pond scum in their hair.  I guess they used to be anglers."
"Do you want me to turn around and steer us into the rock?"  Jamie asked.
"No. We should keep going.  They're walking into the lake."  Sam said as Charlotte saw the zombies going beneath the water. "They're... I think they're following us underwater!  That's very, very, very creepy."
"I suppose they don't need to breathe."  Jamie said as the bubbles come closer to them.
"They're moving really quite quickly."  Charlotte said.
"Then you and Sam are going to have to-"  Jamie started before Sam called out after him.
"Row! I know!  By the way my hands are developing some really bad blisters..."
"Just keep rowing!"  Jamie said quickly.
They rowed hard away from the aquadic zombies that continued to follow them.  Soon Nadia began to stir groaning deeply.  "Oh, ow, my head..."  She whined touching her head.
"Good morning princess.  Welcome back to the land of the living." Charlotte said looking down at her.
Nadia sat up the best she could groaning softly.  "What happened?  Why am I soaking wet?  Ugh and freezing?"  She said shivering.
"You fell into the river, innit"  Jamie said as Nadia looks over at him slowly.  
"I did?"  She questioned.
"Don't you remember?"  Sam asked.  "You were just about to wi-" He stopped himself suddenly before speaking again. "to lose that boat race, and then it all went a bit pear-shaped.  We went over some rapids, and uh, you fell in."
Nadia thinks for a moment before gasping.  "What happened to my girls? Are they hurt?  Are they dead?"  She asked fast looking at Charlotte sending her wet curls flying around her face.
"They're okay.  They swam to shore but you really got a knock on the head.  We need to get you to Abel so they can make sure your brains aren't scrambled."  Charlotte said.
Nadia nods deflating considerably.  "Ok... so last question... why are Sam and you rowing us out into the middle of an enormous lake?"
"Because an army of underwater zombies are chasing after us, and my hands have got really really bad blisters!"  Sam said panting heavily.
Nadia looked at the back of his head.  "We're rowing into the middle of the lake because of your blisters?"
"No, I just wanted to moan about them, and Jamie isn't very sympathetic." Sam said panting softly.  "The army of underwater zombies are a bit of a problem, though."
Nadia looks around.  "Wait.  I recognize that island!  This is Yogenthorpe Lake."  She said quickly.
"We have already figured that out."  Charlotte said.
"There used to be a territorial army base on that island."  Nadia said. "We never sent any runners over there because of all the aquatic zoms, but if we're lucky, there might be weapons."
"Weapons? Weapons do sound like quite a good idea at the moment."  Sam said.
Nadia looked at Charlotte.  "Charlotte, can you and Sam get in closer to shore?  Me and Jamie can jump off and raid the base while you distract the zoms."
"Distract them?"  Sam asked still panting.  "With what, my startling good looks?"
"Oh, just row around!  They seem to be attracted by the oars.  Probably look like limbs or something.  Best not to think about that too hard. Ready Jamie?"  Nadia said.
"Yeah, raring to go."  Jamie said as Charlotte and Sam rowed closer as Nadia and Jamie jumpped into the water, which was waist high to them.
"Let's go!" Nadia said as they headed for the shore quickly.
"Well I guess we better start rowing..."  Charlotte said as they started to row away from the shore to keep the zombies away from the island.
Sam pants heavily as he continues to pull the oars.  "God I am never leaving the coms shack ever ever again."
Charlotte laughs.  "Come on Sam this is good for you.  You need some better upper body strength."
"What? I thought I was pretty strong."  Sam panted heavily.
"Not physically but a little work is never a bad thing."  She said as Sam looked back at her.
"Is this about last night?"  Sam asked.
Charlotte sighed heavily.  "No it's not.  All I'm saying is that you do very little physical activity so it's good for you to get some excersize."
Sam went silent for a bit.  "I am sorry for last night."  He said after a while.
"Sam I told you that it's ok.  Sometimes strength just leaves you all at once."  Charlotte reassured softly.
"I fell on top of you and squished you."  Sam said sounding upset.
Charlotte shook her head pulling in her oars wrapping her arms around him tight.  "Hey listen to me very carefully Sam Yao... You listening?"  She asked.
Sam stopped rowing looking back at her.  "Yes I'm listening."
"I like you just the way you are.  I can handle your weight with no problem.  I love you Sam.  Short of you shooting me I don't think you can hurt me."  Charlotte said kissing his sweaty neck.
Sam sighs softly resting his hands on top of hers.  "Thanks Char... I needed to heart that."
Charlotte smiles giving him a squeeze before sitting back up.  "Alright Sam, back to rowing."
Sam let out a whine.  "Ah such a slave driver..."
"Come on boy work those arms."  Charlotte said as Sam laughed slightly before pausing.
"Hey... do you see that, Char?"  He points towards some ripples in the water.  "I think the zoms are getting really close.  I mean, you know, within grabbing distance close.  I will say my hands are about ready to drop off.  How come Jamie and Nadia get to go for a nice run and we're stuck pulling the oars in zombie-infested waters?  I did sign up to be a cox.  A cox!  Not a rower.  I'm supposed to be the brains of this operation."
"There was a mutiny and Nadia didn't exactly give us a choice on who would go inside."  Charlotte said as she looked over seeing Jamie and Nadia running towards the shore.  "They're back."  They started to row back.
"Over here, guys!"  Nadia called.
"At last!"  Sam said as they rowed close to the shore.  "Did you get the weapons?"
Jamie grins and drops his arm full of weapons into the boat behind Charlotte where it was dry.  "We got them.  Guns, ammo, the works."  He got back into the boat as Nadia followed putting the boxes of ammo into the boat before climbing in with.
"Are those-?"  Charlotte questioned seeing her holding two bulbs in her hand.
"Yeah. Two frag grenades.  Move over and Keep going."  Nadia said taking up the spot just behind Charlotte so she could hold on the weapons.
"Ugh, is it possible to die of rowing?"  Sam whines softly as Jamie laughs softly.
"Go on, give us the oars then.  I'll take over."  He said switching places with Same who blew on his bright red hands.
"Oh, thanks."  Sam looks over the side breathing deeply.  "I uh, think I can see the zoms.  They're right underneath us.  They look kind of like wavy gray seaweed.  With arms and legs and lots of teeth."
"Char, can you and Jamie put a few feet between us and them, just for a minute?"  Nadia asked as Jamie and Charlotte nodded rowing away from the zombies as quickly as they could.  "Yeah, that's great, guys."
Charlotte looked back seeing her setting down one of the grenades,  "Um, Nadia, what are you doing with that grenade?"
"Well, when my granddad was in 'Nam, he used to-"  Nadia started before Sam looked over.
"Your granddad was in Vietnam?"  He questioned.
Nadia held up her hand.  "Long story.  Anyway, they used to fish using grenades, so I thought - "  She said pulling the pin tossing it into the water.  "Fire in the hole!"  She leaned down as Charlotte, Jamie, and Sam all ducked in the boat as the explosion went off sending large waves towards them nearly sending them into the water.
"Careful!" Sam shouted as he leaned on the opposite side of the boat to keep it steady.  "You nearly capsized us!"
"That was brutal!"  Jamie shouted happily as they all sat up.  "Look at that!"
Charlotte looked over seeing that the zombie blobs in the water was now a swirling mash of body parts.  "It's like zombie soup."
Nadia grinned.  "And that is how you clear out an army of underwater zoms.  Alright guys.  Great job on the oars.  Now it's time to row us home.  Just watch out for all the floating eyeballs."  She said as Charlotte and Jamie started to row back towards the shore.
Once back at Abel they distrubted the weapons that Nadia and Jamie hadn't taken to New Canton when an alarm suddenly started blaring making Charlotte look up.  "What is that?"
"Attention all Abel residents.  There has been an containment breach.  I repeat there has been an containment breach.  Please evacuate to New Canton immediately."  Janine's voice rings out Charlotte and Sam looked at each other.  
"You go handle the gate.  I'll help round everyone up."  Charlotte said as Sam nodded running towards the gate controls while Charlotte, Sara, and Jody started to evacuate everyone as fast as possible. "Simon! Evan!"  Charlotte shouted as Simon and Evan ran over.  "We need to send some runners with the residents to get them to New Canton safely."  She said.
"I'll go with the first group.  It's going to be difficult moving everyone all at once."  Evan said.
"It will but we need to get it done.  Go now."  Charlotte said as Evan turned running towards the first group of people being led out of Abel.  "Simon you go with the next one.  I'll have Jack and Eugene contact Nadia to have New Canton Runners meet up with you half way."  Simon nodded running towards the gate while Jody was helpping to round up the children.  Charlotte ran towards the coms shack as Eugene was putting on his prosthetic leg.  "Eugene contact New Canton and have them send out Runners to meet us."
"Got it."  Eugene said pulling on his headset.  
Charlotte quickly went back to work getting everyone evacuated from Abel.  The groups were met at the halfway point to New Canton and over the next several hours every Abel resident from the oldest to the youngest was evacuated and brought into New Canton.
<  58   >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
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hannahindie · 7 years
At the End of All Things: Chapter 2
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester x Amelia Richardson
Word Count: 1,780
Warnings: Amelia. That’s literally the only warning there is. Because she is the literal worst and writing her made me angry, so just prepare yourselves for that.
A/N: This is an AU/Crossover between Supernatural and Walking Dead. I’ve brought some characters back from the dead since it is an AU, and it’s going to be chock full of ships. I’ve always wondered how the Winchesters would make it in a world full of walkers, and what Rick’s crew would think of them, so this is my take on it. If you would like to catch up on Chapter 1, you can do so here!
Thanks to two of my favorite people in the world for beta’ing this for me! You two help make my words way better than I could dream of them being.
@trexrambling- “Come on, Sammy. Even you don't like her.” @pinknerdpanda- “ Ugh! I just hate her.”
As always, tags are at the bottom, and if you’d like to be added or don’t see yourself, please let me know! If you do not like The Walking Dead, AUs, or crossovers, please let me know and I can remove you from future tags. Any feedback is welcome. :)
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Westgate: Columbus, OH
Dean leaned against the trunk of the Impala and looked over the little town they'd managed to build up over the past few years. It had been six years since Zach had zapped him into the future and shown him what their destiny was. Six years since Dean had said ‘screw you’ to destiny and told Sam that they may be each other's weaknesses, but they were stronger together. That one decision had changed the course of not just their lives, but of every single person they had with them now.
Dean had known the consequences of their actions if they had stayed on their original path; Jo, Ellen, Bobby...all of them would be gone. Sam would have said yes, and Dean would have died along with the rest of their slowly shrinking group of friends. But here they were, their family mostly intact, although maybe a little worse for wear.
Cas had still fallen victim to his dwindling grace and had consequently succumbed to popping whatever pills he could find and having orgies, but the angel seemed happy. Happier than Dean had ever seen him, if he was being honest. The end of the world should have spelled out the end of them, and somehow it had marked a beginning that none of them could have dreamed of having.
He smiled as he watched Chuck walk across the road, his eyes on the clipboard in his hand and muttering quietly to himself. Dean’s eyes traveled to the house across the street from his, where Cas was sitting on the porch surrounded by several women, the sound of laughter floating across the empty street. Cas looked up and met Dean’s gaze and smiled, then waved and went back to talking to the women currently sitting around his feet. Further down, he could see Jo walking with Ellen, and Dean couldn’t help but chuckle at the little bit of a waddle she had already started to develop due to her growing stomach.
“Sure you want to do this?”
Dean looked over to see Sam walking into the garage. He caught the lukewarm beer Sam tossed to him, cracked the seal, then grimaced as he took the first swig.
“At this point, anything would be better than this beer. Where’ve you been hiding this?”
“Ash made it in his shed. Didn’t have time to refrigerate it yet.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “Not gonna lie to you, Sammy, I don’t think Ash needs to worry about wasting electricity on that. That...that was awful.”
Sam shrugged as he took another sip, “Yea, it is. I thought you might be of the opinion that terrible beer is better than no beer, though.”
Dean smirked, “You aren’t wrong.” He braced himself and took another sip, “Wow, no, that’s really terrible. For the first time in my life, I think I might prefer no beer.” He looked down at the plain brown bottle and rubbed his thumb over where the label would be. “I’m sure, Sam. Not sure about everyone going with us, but I don’t think we have much of a choice in the matter. Not that I’d ever admit it to his face, but I’m pretty sure Bobby could still kick my ass.”
Sam nodded, “Yea...but I think I might be more scared of Ellen.”
Dean laughed, “That’s a fair point.” He glanced at Sam from the corner of his eye, “What about Amelia? Is she going to stay here with the others?”
Sam took a long drag from his beer and smacked his lips together. Dean couldn’t tell if his brother’s eyes were narrowed because the beer was so bad, or because he was contemplating how he should answer. “The short answer, for now, is no. She’s planning on going.”
“I know. It’s a bad idea, and I tried to explain that to her. She says she’s ready, that she can handle it.”
“Has she been training?” Dean asked as he walked over and sat his beer on the workbench.
Sam rolled his eyes, “You could call it that. She’s going to training, but it doesn’t matter if she could nail every move. She’s reckless, she has an attitude...” Sam sighed, and Dean allowed his brother a moment to collect his thoughts. “I’m not being fair to her. She feels like an outsider, and she kind of is. The rest of us have been through so much together, even before all of this, and I don’t think she understands that. I just...I don’t know that she could protect herself, much less everyone else.”
“Sam, you need to talk to her again. We need people to stay here anyway...maybe if she realizes that’s important, she’ll stay. And when you do it, try not to make that face you always make when you think you're right and the other person is wrong. It doesn’t help.”
“What face are you talking about?” Sam questioned as he dumped out the rest of his beer and tossed the empty bottle in the trash.
“That face, the one you’re making right now,” Dean emphasized with his pointer finger. “You mean well, but you sound a little condescending when you’re trying to convince someone your plan is the better one. So just...don’t, okay? I don’t know how to tell you how not to do that, but just try, man.” He clapped Sam on the shoulder, “Good luck. You’ve got about twelve hours to convince her.”
“And if I can’t?”
Dean shrugged, “She comes with us, and she’ll learn to do her part. Everyone has to pull their weight, even baby Winchester.” Dean winked as he pulled the garage door shut, and Sam gave him a tight lipped smile.
“Yea, you’re right. It’ll be fine. I’ll see what I can do.”
Sam walked off, his hands shoved in his pockets, and Dean sighed. Sam was going to need all the luck he could get.
“I am going!” Amelia hissed, her hands on her hips. Sam leaned against their kitchen counter, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. He had thought he had the conversation planned out well enough that he could avoid the argument that was probably inevitable, but as soon as he said ‘Amelia, we need to talk’, she had interrupted him and not quit talking. She had finally stopped and now waited expectantly for his response. He stared at her for a long moment as he carefully considered what he should say, Dean’s warning of keeping his face in check echoing in his mind.
He sighed, “Amelia, I understand why you want to go. You want to be helpful and contribute, but the best way to do that is to stay here. We need people to stay behind and keep this place running until we get back. Risa and Jane are staying behind, so is Kevin-”
“I don’t give a shit who is staying behind. We’ve gone this long without anything going wrong, why do I need to stay behind and protect it? This place is the most fortified camp in the tri-state area. I’m assuming Jo is going, despite the fact that she’s five months pregnant? But I guess that’s because her husband wants her around.”
Sam looked at her in surprise, “That’s the exact reason why we need people to stay! Eventually, someone is going to find this place. They’re going to want to take it. We need people to make sure that doesn’t happen, and that those that can’t travel stay safe. And Jo going is between Jo and Dean, it's not our business. What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You’re leaving me! You want me to stay here because you don’t want me to go with you. I’m just some girl you saved because you had to, and now you’re with me because who else are we supposed to have? Quit being a chicken shit and just tell me that’s what’s going on, but quit trying to talk me out of going and giving me bullshit reasons! ” She looked up at Sam, her lip quivering and her eyes brimming with tears, and Sam’s resolve broke.
Sam couldn’t deny what she said was at least partially true. He remembered the day he had found her, surrounded by the dead and alone, half-heartedly swinging a machete and sobbing. He had known he couldn’t let her die, and he had somehow managed to kill every single biter before she had been torn apart. She had looked at him with a shine in her eyes ever since, like she was looking at her very own knight in shining armor. He had tried to ignore it, but their camp had still been small then, and being in such a confined space it had been hard to stay away from her. Over time he had grown a fondness for her, and although he was sure that it didn’t match how she felt about him, he’d decided that it had been enough for both of them. Dean had been right; it was more a relationship of convenience, but Sam did love her in his own way, and it occurred to him that he didn’t always show it.
He sighed and held out his arms, “C’mere, I’m sorry, Amelia. You know that’s not true.” She fell into him, and he could feel her shoulders shake as she cried against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and tucked her head under his chin, “I’m sorry, babe, you don’t have to stay. I just...I trust you to take care of our home. If you want to come with us, you can. Okay?” He gently moved her out to arm’s length and looked her in the eyes, “But you have to be ready for anything. It’s not going to be an easy trip, it’s going to be dangerous, and you have to be ready to fight for everyone not just yourself. You know? It’s not just about the two of us. It’s about our family.”
Amelia nodded and wiped her tears away with the back of her hand, “I know, I understand. I can do it, Sam. I can.”
Sam smiled at her gently and brushed a few rogue strands of hair behind her ear, “That’s my girl. We’re leaving tomorrow, so get packed up, okay? Keep it light, just the important things.” She nodded and left the room, and Sam collapsed heavily into one of the kitchen chairs.
That went about as well as he had expected. He ran a hand across his tired eyes and wondered if he was going to regret his choice to let her go.
Read Chapter 3 HERE.
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At The End Of All Things: @jellersquad @babeonthebike
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