#he has completely snatched my vocabulary
kimbapeukidding · 11 months
jitendra kumar is so 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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gayf1hoe · 2 months
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Part 1
Today is the day. The day I put on the Mercedes race suit. I have reached my dream of being a F1 driver. The feelings that are mustering within me are strange and almost alien to me, whilst I have raced in front of people before in F3 and F2 and felt the mix of anxiety, excitement and eagerness, these feelings seem to be culminating more and more as time passes. Toto approaches me, he has a look of pure anticipation, "M/N" he exclaims with a sense of understanding I need a distraction "How are you feeling" he asks with a genuine tone of concern - however in that moment the interrogative question doesn't resonate with me and I question 'Is this guy for real?' Can't he see how I am?'. Not wanting to cause pandemonium and panic for him before the race I reply with a simple "fine".
Toto guides me towards the garage where my car awaits, whilst there has been a major transition period into F1, it hits me like a kick to the stomach, this is really happening, I am handed my helmet and place it over my head, I climb over into my car, I murmur to myself "stay calm, don't panic" repeatedly, I zone out trying to remember all of the practice runs we have done. I am quickly snatched out my thoughts by:
" And M/N Radio check"
"Yep, copy - all clear"
And then, my car starts, my heart is pulsating more than ever, as I emerge into the pit lane and make my way to the rack to form up in P7 I see a sea of people, the 408,000 people who are at the Silverstone Grand Prix cheering in unison, excited for the first Grand Prix of the season.
I arrive at the track and look to my left and see Lando who is in P6, however my engineer quickly brings me out of my train of thought "OK M/N the rest of the grid has nearly formed up, be ready and focus". The lights go out for the formation lap and all goes well and I am content with myself. Then we are back at the start, however this wait is more agonising than previously. My eyes glued to beaming red lights waiting for them to extinguish, the second they did I felt an instant kick of adrenaline that gave a sense of pure ecstasy.
After completing 32 out of the 52 laps I am sat in P2, I see a beaming red Ferrari in my rear view:
"Who's behind me?" I ask
" M/N that is Leclerc behind you, the gap is 0.7 seconds"
I pedantically accelerate trying to pull away and create a gap , however it is to no avail he, he edges closer and closer we enter turn 3 and he gets way to close and clips me causing me to veer of the track, I manage to get back on track but soon I realise I have damage, I take my pure anger and direct it at the undeserving ears of my engineer and whilst I am known for my furious radio communications, so much so I was known as "The F2 Yuki Tsunoda", not for my height but my rage, I regret my emotions coming through that strong.
Growing up around British engineers clearly was shown by my colourful vocabulary.
"OK M/N Clam down, its OK, so box box"
I box and come back on to the track now I am in P10, miraculously by lap 50 I am sat in P3, I edge my foot on the accelerator more and more trying to close the gap, when I hear "And M/N that is Leclerc ahead, the gap is 0.9 seconds try and keep it clean", it is at this moment I see Charles diving towards Max to try and take P1, I see this as my opportunity to take P1. The two are preoccupied fighting for P1 so much so that they cant see me coming along the left side as we enter turn 18 they stay on the outside whilst I take the inside line, I frantically accelerate when I hear my engineer go "THAT'S P1 KEEP THIS UP AND YOU WILL BE A GRAND PRIX WINNER".
We now enter the final lap of the British Grand Prix and somehow in the midst of all my racing thoughts I still somehow manage to get a glance in my rear view mirror and see Charles still attempting to overtake however as we enter turn 18 and are zooming down the straight my dream becomes a reality.
"M/N YOU ARE A LEGEND YOUR FIRST EVER RACE AND YOUR FIRST EVER GRAND PRIX WIN" My engineer booms down the radio but it is soon reciprocated by me
"HOLY SHIT... DID YOU SEE WHAT WE JUST DID... WE JUST FUCKING WON THE FIRST RACE OF THE SEASON... THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH", I am in total disbelief and am perplexed at what had just happened as I pull into park at the number 1, I am only too eager to get out of the car that served me so well, I rush over to my team who stand their awaiting me, I jump on my race engineer and Toto and wrap my arms around them, as I hug each member individually, I make my way to the cool down room and see ... him ... Charles Leclerc standing there almost as if he was preempting me entering
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desertfangs · 1 year
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Armand/Daniel 1632 words Daniel has unfortunately taught Armand how to play Scrabble. Yeah, he knows. He regrets it, too.
This is just a short little ficlet. I've started a document over on AO3 to put little ficlets and bits into. Stuff I'm dashing off and not overthinking, like this (and the Daylight Savings thing)! Full ficlet is under the cut here but you can go there to read it if you prefer.
Daniel stared at the tile letters on his rack. He had too many vowels and the board in front of him was sparse with options. Armand sat across from him, with his elbows on the table, watching Daniel study the Scrabble board.
There was a N near a triple word score but all Daniel could do with it was spell ‘tan,’ and that wouldn’t quite hit the red tile for those extra points. 
“There should be a little hourglass with this game,” Armand said impatiently. Armand had been on a board game kick. Last week they’d played Boggle, which did have a timer, and he’d taken great pleasure in alerting Daniel every time the last grain of sand fell and his time was up. 
“Just let me think,” Daniel said.
“Thinking won’t change your tiles. You can use your turn to swap them out for new ones.” 
Daniel glared at him. Armand’s expression was impassive, intentionally blank, his red curls dancing around his pale face as he picked up the bag of tiles and shook it. 
“I’m not swapping my tiles,” Daniel insisted. He was determined to get some points this turn, even if it killed him. He studied the rest of the board. Armand set the tiles down. Daniel could feel his gaze on him, heavy and weighted. He ignored it.
He spotted an opportunity in the top corner of the board and used an existing H to place tiles and make the word “What.” 
“There, eleven points because of the double letter score on the A.” 
Armand stood, bending over the board and doing the math himself, as if he hadn’t already done it in his head, and as if Daniel might possibly be wrong. He sat back down and wrote the points on the notepad he was using to keep score. “Another four letter word. Here I thought you were well-read, Daniel.” 
“What does that have to do with anything? There’s an element of chance to this, you know.” Daniel rose up and leaned over the table to snatch the bag of tiles and replace the three he’d used. Once he set them on his rack, he pulled the box of cigarettes from the pocket of his shirt and slid one out. He barely had it lit when Armand set his tiles on the board, spelling the word “abound” with the n Daniel had been staring at, getting the triple word score. 
Again, he made a show of counting the points on his tiles—a double letter score on the “B” and the triple word score, giving him a total of 36 points. He grinned and wrote down the number, repeating it as he did.
Daniel sighed. He looked back at the board, which felt stacked against him, and his tiles weren’t helping. Why did the game have so many E tiles anyway? He tried to find a good place to score some decent points but the more he stared at the board and his letters, the more it felt like his options were only short words for too few points to ever catch up to Armand. 
 “Don’t you have a good vocabulary, Daniel?” Armand’s expression was completely sincere, as if it were an actual question. “Perhaps we should sign you up for some classes.” 
Daniel took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “What kind of classes would those even be? They don’t teach Scrabble in night school.”
Armand lifted his chin. “Perhaps they should.” 
“You’re unbelievable,” Daniel muttered, ashing his cigarette in the ashtray they’d pilfered from a neighborhood bar after Daniel’s old one broke when they accidentally knocked it off the coffee table during a passionate make out session on the couch. 
Remembering that lowered his hackles a little and he glanced up at Armand, who was looking at the board, probably planning his next diabolic move. His expression was unguarded, his auburn hair falling into one of his eyes. He swept the hair back in a casual gesture, parting his lips slightly as he looked over the board, just a hint of tongue touching his top lip. He looked so much like any other young man absorbed in a game that it made Daniel’s heart swell. 
Armand froze and then met Daniel’s eyes, his own gaze intense and full of desire. Daniel immediately thought about all the other things they could be doing, rather than arguing over a board game. His mouth went slack as he thought about how fast he could get Armand’s clothes off—a collared shirt and khakis, easy enough, and easier still if he didn’t care about keeping the buttons in tact. 
“You’re getting ash on the board,” Armand said, standing to dust off the ash that had landed on it from Daniel’s cigarette, which was now more ash than solid. Armand pulled it from his mouth and ground it out in the ashtray. 
“Why the hell are you so cranky?” Daniel demanded. “You’re winning by a gazillion points.” 
“Yes, and you have little chance of catching up.” 
Frustration bubbled up as he looked at the board and his own paltry titles. Armand was right. Barring some real luck, he was going to lose. There weren’t that many tiles left and even fewer spaces on the board, and he was stuck with an R, too many E’s and very few good places to play a word.
“Why don’t we call this one for you? I give up.” 
Armand frowned. “You can’t quit.” 
Daniel huffed. “You just said I don’t have a prayer of winning.” 
Armand considered, looking from the board to Daniel and back again. “Fine. We’ll start over.” 
Daniel groaned. That was already their third game tonight and he could feel a headache forming behind his eyes from staring at the little tile letters. 
Armand swept the tiles from the board into the tile bag and then held out a hand. Daniel obediently gathered the tiles from his rack and put them in Armand’s outstretched palm. Armand shook the tile bag, mixing them around, and then held it out to him.  
Daniel didn’t take it. “How about we take a break?” 
Armand’s expression remained impassive but he turned slowly to look at the clock on the wall. It was past two in the morning. They’d been playing for hours. “And do what?” 
“I don’t know. Go for a walk. Fool around on the couch.” Throw the Scrabble board off the fire escape and pretend I never walked into the game section of a toy store with you on my heels and asked, ‘Hey, have you ever played a board game?’ 
He didn’t say the last part out loud but he was sure Armand caught it in his thoughts.
Armand set the tile bag down. “You’re still upset that ‘groovin’ is not a real word.” 
“It’s slang, it should count, even without the g.” That had been their first game of the night, and Daniel had been pretty proud of that one until Armand argued it down and he had to take it off the board. “Look, it’s not about winning or losing. Games like this are fun but they’re not meant to be marathons. You play them on occasion and then put on the shelf for a while.” 
Armand tapped his fingers on the table, his rings catching the light. His expression was still blank but Daniel could see the wheels turning behind his eyes. 
Daniel stood and pulled the Scrabble box from the kitchen counter. He folded up the board and gathered the pieces together, putting it all back in the box. He set it on the shelf with Boggle and their as-of-yet-unplayed copy of Monopoly. 
“Come on, let’s go for a walk. I think the pizza place over on Front Street is still serving slices.” Daniel had had nothing but coffee, cigarettes, and a few bites of left over fried rice that was in the fridge, since he hadn’t gotten a chance to leave the apartment. Armand had been determined to start Scrabble as soon as he could get Daniel out of bed. 
Daniel went to the door. Armand��s chair scrapped against the floor and a second later, he was in the entryway, too. Daniel pulled on his coat and Armand did the same, wrapping a blue knit scarf around his own neck before handing Daniel a gray one.
He reached for the door handle and Armand stopped him. He put his hand on Daniel’s cheek and smoothed his skin. Then he kissed him. His lips were soft against Daniel’s, which were a little chapped from him chewing on them. Armand’s tongue slid into mouth, still a little warm from whatever blood he’d drank earlier in the evening. Daniel melted into him, the world vanishing around them until nothing was left but their mouths moving together
Daniel’s arms wound around him and pulled him close, kissing him harder. He thought maybe they wouldn’t make it out the door after all. But then Armand pulled away, leaving Daniel breathless.
“What was that for?” he asked, panting.
“It was a kiss, Daniel,” Armand said, and opened the door. 
Daniel rolled his eyes but followed him out into the hall and down the stairs to the street. Armand hooked his arm through his and they walked down the block. 
“Tomorrow night, you can teach me Monopoly,” Armand said. 
Daniel looked over at him. The streetlights glinted off his pale face and he looked like he was deep in thought, maybe wondering what a game called Monopoly could possibly entail. It wasn’t as exciting sounding as Boggle.
“Yeah, okay, but I get to be the banker,” Daniel said. 
His eyes went wide and excitement danced over his expression. “There’s a banker?” 
Daniel laughed. “Trust me, you’re going to love it.” 
______ [AO3]
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could you please do a fanfic for a male version of Yandere! Lady Dimitrescu (from Resident Evil Village game) with the reader.
I really like the Resident Evil franchise but I'm too lazy to know what the hell is happening in the older games XD I'm so sorry about that-
I loved watching playthroughs of Resident Evil Village (can't buy the game ;-;), but I felt like it was a bit empty, idk- I felt like the lords weren't really explored enough.
Also the Duke is the best husbando in the whole game- Fight me! >:3
TW/Tags: GN = Gender Neutral, I normally forget to properly name it when it's gender neutral, most of the time I just say "reader" // maybe ooc // lazy genderbent, I'm terrible with names // size difference // servant reader // mentions of gore/cuts/bruises/blood and deaths (and torture- I'm so sorry-) // reader gets hurt // mentions of vomiting
It's Dinner Already [Yandere!M!Dimitrescu x GN!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
It's dinner time already, unfortunately for you, of course.
It feels almost like a routine at this point- Which in a way, it is! You always take care of your tasks during the day, while dreading the inevitable time for dinner to arrive again.
Everyday, at this exact same hour, you and the other servants would prepare a meal for Lord Dimitrescu and his lovely… Sons…
As someone who has started "working" for their family only a month ago, you can positively say: Starving in the cold woods next to your village would have probably been a more merciful death than the ones you have witnessed at this place. You weren't as accustomed to such brutal executions at your village, actually you hardly even witnessed so much death, at least not so up close.
When you came here, you didn't expect to be instantly comforted and treated with respect- You were a commoner looking for an possibility to thrive in a noble's house, you were basically an easy target for any entitled selfish lord to easily belittle you and make you work for them until your hands would turn to dust. Yet nothing could have prepared you for such an odd situation.
Vampires. Monsters. Fiends if you were bold enough to insult them. You weren't exactly welcomed as much as you were snatched in and now forever trapped inside this castle. You can still hear their laughter… Their insane expressions of pure glee, the way they have bursted into maliciously laughing at your pain as you screamed for help trying to open up their door again and be free from that nightmare.
The chase didn't last even a second, they stabbed your legs with their scythes and brought you deeper inside this hellhole, as you cried your eyeballs out. The sons had brought you back inside so their father could take a look at the "intruder".
An absolute titan amongst the mortals. His height was only a sick reminder of how much power he had over the castle, over his sons, and now- Over you.
He may not have been as massive as he was threatening as you remind him to be, but at the time you were just in awe of his height considering you have never seen someone as tall and as mighty.
Then again- You have never seen vampires as well. Were they the same vampires as the books you've read as a kid? You weren't so sure of it…
You were hoping that if you begged for life and for forgiveness for having disturbed their peace, that they could spare you and let you go back to your village. Sadly enough, you commented on how you were only trying to look for a job as a servant.
You probably shouldn't have given them ideas, but it's too late to think about your mistakes now, however.
The sons begged to see your blood spilled, yet Lord Dimitrescu was merciful enough to grant you your "wish", as he said.
It has been a month ever since you were trapped inside and forced to work as a miserable little servant, and even if you didn't suffer the worst forms of punishments that they had in-store for you, you couldn't help but fantasize about just running away and never turning back.
You're so tired of this castle, of the smell of carnage, of the undeserved and over the top punishments, and especially of the people who would subjugate you to such things.
But at last, it's dinner time already, and you can't keep them waiting.
You feel your hands shaking as you walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room where the masters of the castle were so graciously waiting for you. You know what they're waiting for- But you can't let them distract you, for those that commit accidents are faced with fates worse than death.
Although you would rather do this process quickly, you can't afford mistakes to happen, so you take your time to set not only their meal in front of each one but to also pour "wine" into their glasses. You do all of this without looking directly into their eyes, only bowing down to each one and saying "excuse me"s in what they would call a "decent tone", as the smell of their disgusting beverage starts to irritate your nostrils. If you didn't know the main ingredient to Sanguis Virgins is, you probably wouldn't have this immense disgust over it, but right now just the thought of it makes you want to gag.
Only villains could so easily drink blood, and still make a living out of it.
Your internal thoughts of pure hatred against this whole situation almost completely blinded you to the fact that they were eerily, very quiet.
On most nights they would be talking with each other while occasionally making comments about you or your presence. Obviously they were all pretty nasty comments that they somehow expected you to back it up in some way or another, it's when they try to insert you into their conversation that makes you hate this occasion so badly, but it normally ends as quickly as it begins.
But as you are pouring wine to Lord's Dimitrescu, you notice that they haven't said a single thing while you were there. You stop what you're doing as you realize that they were silently observing you this whole time, and as you look into their expressions you come to think that maybe you have messed up-
Somehow, in some way or form, you may have messed up- And the fact this mistake could cost your head only agitates your already very worried mind.
A small moment of silence continues before the middle son, Cassandro, starts to chuckle in an almost innocent way- As if he was a kid who just said a bad word for the first time- And as he bursts into sudden laughter, Daniel leans towards Bello and loudly whispers:
"- I told you, they do this every time." To which Bello only replied with:
"- It's almost like hypnosis in a way."
The three sons were mesmerized by your ability to trap yourself in your own mind. They're probably aware that you do this as a defensive mechanism but they still find it comical in a weird way. You feel yourself get more tense as you look up at Lord Dimitrescu and see him staring back at you, with an unreadable expression across his face.
Before you could come up with an excuse to whatever you may have caused to disturb their dinner, the Lord himself spoke.
"- How inappropriate. As my sons, you three should know better than to laugh at our servant's airheaded mind-"
And as he said that, their smiles begin to disappear and be replaced with frowns and a bit of shame as they become stiff at their father's words.
"- And how inappropriate of you, too. To be so distracted in the presence of your masters, that's quite rude don't you think?"
But as he continued their bodies begin to relax once again as they realize he wasn't focusing on them- He was focusing on you.
Words have completely disappeared from your vocabulary as you start to think that maybe you won't be able to see another day after their meal is over. You try to mumble some possible responses before getting interrupted by him once again.
"- It's very rude, so very rude in fact that I think we deserve some answers. What were you so distracted about? What were you thinking that could have possibly taken over your small little head?"
Right now, he was sounding a bit condescending, thankfully not as angry as he would have been with the other servants right about now. Every little mistake was used as excuses for punishments- And if you were walking on thin ice before, right now you are one-step closer to breaking this entire lake and getting yourself killed by the freezing temperatures of the water below you.
Thanks to your luck (or maybe lack thereof, depending on how you see this) Daniel came to "your rescue" by coming up with an excuse for you.
"- Maybe they were hungry." He said without any indications of it being a joke or a lie- As the youngest yet craziest of the bunch, he always had that weird "naive yet dangerous" energy coming from him. He was naive enough to make that statement when it's very clear that you actually despise being near them, but he still was a son of Dimitrescu.
You know better than to underestimate any of these people.
The Lord didn't seem completely convinced as he side eyed Daniel who was blissfully eating his meal without acknowledging his dad's glance or his brother's looks of disapproval.
Without a warning you were pulled closer by your wrist and forced into sitting next to the Lord, who made a sign for another servant to bring you your food. This… Doesn't feel right at all, you're waiting for the worst to come yet you don't feel like you can ever prepare yourself enough for what they have in store.
"- M-My Lord- This isn't needed, I'm fine. I'll just continue my duties, if you can excuse me-" You plead, while trying to get up from your chair.
"- Oh but what host would I be if I didn't take better care of my guests? Poor thing, you must be starving if you can barely serve us wine-" And as his tone gets progressively more sarcastic and a bit louder, you can hear his sons snickering from the other side of the table, but you can't see them since you can't take your eyes away from him.
You're worried that if you look away for just one second, that you may not be able to see ever again.
"- It's so sad when one of our guests feels hungry- What's worse is when we are also very, very hungry."
"- Thirsty, even!"
"- Oh, I can feel my throat drying just at the thought of such misery!- Our dinner seems to be ruined."
You hear their whispers, you hear how they are clearly joking about this- How overly dramatic they're being over something so miniscule as you just- Ignoring them.
Let me remind you this is all because you refuse to look them in the eyes, that you refuse to give them any satisfaction for the heinous things they have done! You've seen so many people get hurt inside this castle only for their sick and twisted thirst and entertainment.
"- Indeed, my boys. My appetite is ruined, though dinner is not over yet-" Lord Dimitrescu spoke as he looked at his sons clearly enjoying your inevitable pain, but before he could continue he turns himself to you again, putting a hand on your arm and saying:
"- Wouldn't you agree?" Loud enough so that his sons could hear it, but soft enough to send the tiniest shivers down your spine.
"- …!"
"- No, no- Please, not again!-" He wouldn't dare do this, would he??
But before you could react he had already done it, you barely noticed how fast he had grabbed that knife to slice your wrist- His hand firmly gripping your arm as he made a deep enough cut so that your blood could be easier to access.
It somehow hurts just as badly as the first time his sons have stabbed your ankles and dragged you across the floor- At least you're not bumping into things like before, and even if it's a deep cut it's not as big as it could be if he used his claws to actually do this.
Oh, oh those claws- You almost thought he would use them on you… Those were something else. You can't remember exactly what happened, and why it happened, but you remember seeing him use those on another servant who may have crossed the line at some point.
Well "crossed the line"- More like "casually inconvenienced him". Lord Alcino may act like an incredibly high noble but he acts so childishly and in such an egotistical manner that you are surprised he can even have a castle like this in the first place! You don't remember what the servant has done to be so cruelly dismantled, but you don't doubt that it was for a stupid reason!
You miss that servant actually- Probably the only person who you actually talked with, and the first one to actually taught you how to do your job… You two could have been friends if he didn't intervene.
You briefly remember those moments before getting to experience the most weird sensation of all- Having your bloody cut be licked and sucked on. It hurts and it stings in a way that not only makes you want to cry but to also gag at the thought of you feeding this monster.
You refuse to look at him even in this scenario, you refuse to see him feeding off your blood… Sometimes you wish you were just as poisonous as some species of frogs, poisonous enough to make his mouth burn so he can experience a fraction of the pain he causes to others.
You tried fleeting away, you tried getting up and moving away but his grip on your arm only helped you in getting closer to him- You have your eyes closed as your only option is to cry and muffle your agony.
But as always, he is not satisfied with you just ignoring him. This was supposed to be a lesson, yet you're clearly avoiding your teacher as best as you can- But not today, little flower, you're not getting out of this so easily.
This is the first time he ever got to really taste your blood, as normally you would be behind the other servants while trying to learn how to please him, the only moments where he gets to see you is when it's dinner time, but oh- You're just so cruel!
Escaping inside your own little head while he has to content himself with just your image. Your presence is very much appreciated around this hour, little one-
He has noticed this before, of course, but it was only when he noticed his son's curiosity over the way you behave around them that made him organize this little trap. He didn't have everything planned actually, his plan only involved getting to this moment no matter what- And oh boy, has luck been on his side!
Your blood tastes better than expected of a commoner, your delicate and fearful whines of pain are just as delightful but what really gets him is this tough persona you try to convince everyone you have- You despise him, and it's clear to see why- But he knows his charms will probably work on you one way or the other.
He gripped your face trying to make sure you'll get to him in the eyes as he has a taste of you. Absolutely delicious, especially after you so gracefully "ruined" their dinner.
His sons were just watching as they continued to drink from their crimson glasses. They were just enjoying the show, as everything seems to easily amuse them- Their father was just showcasing how they were so much better than the common folk, and they have no other option but to take notes and to remember what they have to do if they ever feel ignored by the servants in the castle: Show who are the true masters of this place.
None of them were really interested in drinking from you, considering how all three seemed to recognize how their father has taken a liking towards you. No one would dare mess with their father's prey.
If you had enough strength in you, you would start vomiting as soon as this has started, but the more he takes from you the more you feel like you can barely stay conscious.
He wasn't supposed to take so much, at least not so soon- He wanted to just take a sip but he can't deny the fact he would rather drown himself in your blood than to let go.
He sighs, as he notices that you're slowly getting less and less aggressive, getting more and more tired as he drains you from this cut.
You're not unconscious yet, just barely stable enough to understand what's going on.
"- Sigh… Now that was a decent enough meal." He can't praise you for being tasty, can't have you being cocky around him.
"- Here, since I'm done here I'll take you to the servant's living quarters- And because I'm so kind I'll make sure that wound is safely secured and cleaned, so here- Come along now."
And as he stood up he offered you his hand so you could get up yourself, but you don't have enough energy to walk yourself to your room, thankfully you're already ready to go to bed and wish to never wake up again.
And as the nightmare never ends, he decides that if you are going to be difficult then you leave him no choice but to carry you there. How much has he taken from you?? Jesus, he should learn some self-control before doing this again- The absolute brute that he is.
Your vision may be a little screwed over because of the lack of red cells running through your body at the moment- But you have a weird feeling that you two aren't heading towards the servant's living quarters, as you feel like you two are quite literally going in the opposite direction.
Oh but it's fine- Right?
It'll be fine. Surely. After all, he already took what he wanted from you, and he doesn't seem to need more so- You probably won't have to worry about anything right now, dinner time is already over, you can finally relax now….
So I'm sick again- Sorry y'all, I just have a horrible immune system and I really don't understand what is wrong with me-
I'm sorry if you didn't like this boo :(
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Sharing is Caring
How [Midorya + Todoroki + Bakugou + Hawks] steal share food 
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A/N: I miss eating out but what can you do? Please, if possible for you, continue to stay inside as much as you can! I’m saying this bc the actions in these headcanons are not pandemic-friendly LOL Also, crack-ish? 
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Oh, what? This little angel can do no wrong, of course he would never take your food without asking and he rarely even asks for a bite of your food unless you offer it up. 
Always shares what his mom packed for the day as well as any other meal he has. 
Willingly eats the things you pick off your plate. You eat what he doesn’t like. A symbiotic relationship.  
Once you guys get to a comfortable part of your relationship he does do weird things in order to be closer to you. 
No matter what he uses the same soy sauce tray as you, even when there’s a perfectly good one right next to him. 
If you’re eating takeout and it’s a picnic or somewhere outside/inconvenient he will use the same chopstick as you. Just...you take a bite, pass the chopsticks, and go back and forth. 
Drinks from the same cup as you. Even if he’s pouring out a cup for everyone and pours a drink out for him too, he’ll drink from your cup and then once you guys are done with that you’ll both drink from his. 
He loves it whenever you guys do share food though!! It makes him [heart squeeze~] doing such a cutesy thing. He feels 100% more affectionate whenever this happens. 
He just likes being next to you. If you guys get street food and have to stab with the skewers into that tiny box or bag, it makes his day standing so close to you for a while. 
Of course, when he first did this he almost died every time because of the mental image of indirect kissing. 
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It’s already canon that he offers up his precious soba whenever his close friends are feeling down. 
Honestly such a baby boy. 
This food sparks joy in me? It must do the same for them as well! 
But once you guys get into the extremely comfortable part of your relationship the words “my food” and “their food” get erased from his vocabulary and is now completely replaced with “our food.” 
When you guys go to a restaurant, you’re that couple that sits in the same booth seat, side-to-side, instead of across from each other. 
He only orders one dish. The waiter will just stand there until Todoroki will be like, “We’ll order another if we’re still hungry.” 
If you’re getting takeout, he’ll order two dishes but when you get home you’re still going to be sitting as close as ever eating from the same plate.
As a result every meal you have will always involve him sitting by your side. 
The kind of person that never orders the same dish as you if you’re eating together. 
It happens so frequently that Fuyumi bought this big old bowl for you two to eat from whenever you visit Endeavor’s house. 
You guys are so lovey-dovey and roman -- 🤮 romant -- 🤮🤮 I can’t even say it. 🤮🤮🤮🤮
I mean it’s kinda economical, saving all this money sharing a meal.  
Like a dog when they see you eat without them. 
If you guys are having lunch and he ends up sitting on the opposite end of the table from you, one sound of you cracking apart your chopsticks will have him noooming over to your side to eat some too. 
Quite honestly, if you try to eat without him he will physically fight you to take at least one bite too. He’s just jumping over you while you’re protecting your food from him like a football player with the ball. 
[Aizawa: so...do any of you want to tell me how [Name] gave Todoroki a black eye? 
Everyone starts talking over each other all at once while you’re saying, “I accidentally elbowed him in the face BUT that was my melonpan though!!” and Todoroki’s saying, “Our melonpan.”] 
Kinda cute though because it becomes something you kind of just expect. He’ll buy like a boba, take a sip, and then immediately give it to your awaiting hands so you could taste. 
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The person you’re leeching food off of. 
He’s like, “FUCK off!” and “Get your own!” but we all know the truth 😊😊
Even tries to pass off his affections by saying that the portion you took from him doesn’t have the recommended nutritional balance so he gives you more meat/vegetables/rice to “even it out.” 
Sometimes he’ll even feed you straight from his chopsticks, just straight up shoving food in your mouth. He’ll be really aggressive and pushy but he’ll do it. 
If he wants your food, he’ll just gruffly say, “Give me that,” and snatch it. 
He anticipates you wanting to eat his food so even though he’s a spice fan he’ll tone it down for you when you steal some from him later in the day. 
[People will be like, “Wow he’s such a doting boyfriend.” 
And he’ll yell, “Mind your own shit! I don’t fucking feed [Name] all the time!” And then turn around to be like, “Here’s your napkin and I brought you utensils too.” sdfghkl] 
[He’ll refuse to give anyone else food, and he’ll say some BS like, “No one is eating this but me!” 
Kaminari is like, “but you’re sharing with [Name] right now!” 
Bakugou: what of it?] 
What if he lulls you into a false sense of security though. 
He’s been lowering the spice levels this entire time leading you to believe that you’re getting better at spice and your tolerance has gone up but one day he just suddenly spikes it with spice and nearly kills you. 
When you two cooked together you used to grab bites right in the middle of cooking and he told you off saying it was annoying but now he always calls you over to “taste test.” 
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This bastard. 
Obviously he steals food from you all the time. 
He even strategizes how to steal food from you in the most efficient way possible. 
In more casual restaurants he’ll guide you to the seat that’s closer to the counter/bathroom/water dispenser and constantly asks you to go pick stuff up for him. That’s when he strikes. 
Gets one of his feathers to tap you on the side/behind so when you turn your head he starts shoveling food when you aren’t looking. 
Doesn’t wait for you when you go to the bathroom. You know this. He knows this. It’s survival of the fittest here. 
You get so nervous whenever you get delivery food because if Keigo gets to it first he’s going to eat your fries. 
Once he dipped his bare ass hands into your noodle dish and took the egg on top before you could stop him. 
Every time he convinces you to rock-paper-scissors him for the last piece even if it’s your food. 
Do y’all know that scene from Kung Fu Panda or Power Rangers where they move the last piece around the bowl and maneuvers it with the utensils so the other person can’t get it? If you’re a Pro-Hero too he’ll pull that shit on you. 
This is gross but he doesn’t even care if you licked something or put it in your mouth to “assert dominance” over it. He’ll just get you to spit it out like a mom bird. 
One time he came home early from patrol and found out that you were eating fried chicken without him so the two of you just stood there on opposite ends of the apartment with you staring at him like 👁️👄👁️. 
[Hawks: I thought you were bae-- 
You: Keigo-- 
Hawks:...turns out you’re just fam. ] 
He turns and goes back outside and goes get his own fried chicken and even gets himself a treat ice cream. Takes a picture and sends it to you and everything to gloat. 
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall, around 170.5 cm (along 5’7’’). This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Direct Sunlight › | Next:  ‹ Acceptance ›
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You began to question if your existence is worth for the team or not.
“Ah, Hitoka-chan, [Name]-chan. Are you done changing?” Shimizu asked, smiling down at both of you who waited on the yard.
The sky was already dark the moment practice was over–something you knew you have to get used somehow if you really want to become the team’s manager in the future. However, what you didn’t expect was how time was surely running quickly that you could ever imagine. Maybe because you thoroughly enjoyed on how the team fired up during practice.
Yachi clearly didn’t expect her name to be mentioned so friendly and you didn’t expect Shimizu to called out for you too. That and her next words almost had you yelped out of surprise. “I’ll walk with you two, so hold on a sec. I’m going to change too.”
“No, it’s okay! I actually think I should be walking with you, or something, or…!”
“Don’t worry about it.” Dismissing the blonde’s reluctance, Shimizu jogged towards the changing room and leaving the two of you alone once again. Well, at least Yachi had any decency to reply while you just gaped at the senior’s figure–you found yourself being extremely rude and embarrassing.
“S-Shimizu-senpai is really nice, huh?” you stuttered, not knowing how to make it sound right. But you’re honest with your words–Shimizu treated you nicely and you didn’t once feel uncomfortable around her.
“Y-yeah,” Yachi replied, nodding stiffly.
“What’s wrong, sensei? Why the serious face?” Another voice managed to caught both of your attention. It came from the still lit gym–you noticed that it was Coach Ukai’s and the question directed to Takeda-sensei. Them being quite close with the open-window made their conversation could be heard clearly.
“Oh, well, apparently the bus we were supposed to take for the away games in Tokyo was booked by another club so it doesn’t look like we’ll get it. It looks like it’s going to cost us a lot more than expected so I was trying to figure out what to do.”
“I’ll try talking to a few more alumni.” Coach Ukai hummed in understanding. “I’m sure this problem will come up again in the future.”
“I apologize. I’ll try reaching out as well. Well, if all else fails, I do have some savings.”
“No, no, no! You need to save that for your future wedding or something. And don’t do that with your hand!”
“Yachi-san! [Name]-san!!” while Yachi stiffened from the energetic call, you blinked as Hinata skidded to stop right in front of you two. “Yachi-san, [Name]-san, are you going to be our manager!?”
“Uh, um-“
“Well, Hinata-kun-“
“You will, right!?”
“Hey, first-year girls, hey!” this time it was Tanaka and Nishinoya, looking at Yachi and you in confidence.
“We hope that you will join the Karasuno High School volleyball team.” Nishinoya said.
“Huh?” you and Yachi replied in confusion, with limited vocabulary.
“When you two are around, Kiyoko-san talks a lot.” Tanaka continued. It earned them both a smack on the head along with scolding from the team’s captain almost instantly.
“What kind of invitation is that, you idiots!?”
“Sorry these guys are so stupid,” Sugawara apologized in a more relaxed way–you’re guessing he’s already used with these two’s antics.
“N-No, not at all!” Yachi shook her head frantically.
“It’s okay…” you muttered, not sure how to reply that without sounding rude.
Yachi and you both knew it’s quite a shock to know Shimizu was so eager to have you in the team to help despite almost everything. For Yachi, she didn’t have any experience or knowledge about volleyball and considered herself an extra who’s not worth of her position. She didn’t want to be a hindrance and you understood.
You? You didn’t particularly have any reason to not join and to join. You sure have enough experience from middle school, although it was brief. Your brother loves volleyball so everything about it is already crammed inside your head without your consent. As a manager, you could rate your skill as 5–nothing too grand and nothing too special, too plain maybe could be the right word.
For a really high-spirited team which eager to grow, you’re too… plain. There’s no place for a monotone person like you in a club full of color.
With that, you began to question if your existence is worth for the team or not.
“Is something troubling you two?”
If Yachi’s staring at the empty club application in her hands, then you’re staring at the empty changing locker. Surely, Shimizu noticed your antics.
“By the way, I did play sports, but I had no prior experience with volleyball or being a manager,” your senior admitted. “I don’t think everyone has to like something before giving it a try. I don’t think you need an unwavering will or lofty move just to get started. Sometimes things that you start on a whim end up becoming very important to you, too. To get started, I think you just need a little bit of curiosity. And also a leap of faith.”
A leap of faith.
You found yourself mulling over her words.
This time, Shimizu told you that it’s fine to showed up at practice without having to wear the school’s gym clothes–just white shirt to match the team and jogger pants would do.
“Ouginishi will arrive in four and a half hours!” Shimizu announced as she began to changed to her indoor shoes. Once she got the series of replies, she turned to you two. “Alright, Hitoka-chan, would you line up some chairs around the court there? Let’s see… eight of them!”
“Uh, right!”
“And [Name]-chan, could you prepare the water bottles? The drinking fountain’s not far from here, just around the corner.”
“Okay, and the protein mixture is right over there, right? The blue box-“ You halted your words, shoulders immediately tensed from the automatic question which tumbled from your tongue. Shimizu’s eyes widened before she smiled, even wider one than before.
“That’s right! You really know a lot, it’s amazing!”
Flustered over her praises, you excused yourself immediately–snatching the rack of bottles and bolted towards the nearest drinking fountain. After finished filling them up, you poured each packet for each bottle and shook it to get it mixed properly. You didn’t even notice how fast your hand was moving and noticing that all the bottles were ready.
Once you were back, you put the rack on the designated place and jogged towards Yachi–maybe she would need help moving the chairs.
“Wha? How would I know?” Kageyama questioned, raising a brow–probably answering the conversation happened between him and Hinata which you didn’t know. “Is there a reason you want to eat when you’re hungry?”
“Right? Hmm…” Hinata hummed.
“And where are the water bottles?” Kageyama questioned, looking left and right.
“Here,” You gave one to him, the one you purposely not mix with anything. “I already filled it with water. You have your own protein drink, right?”
You noticed that the raven-haired boy already pulled a package with different color so you knew he had his own choice of protein drink and brought it. Kageyama muttered a thank you, taking the bottle from your hand after you opened the lid so he didn’t have to juggle with the package he held.
“How do you know about that, [Name]-san!?” Hinata questioned, eyes shining. “It’s almost like you’re reading minds!”
“H-Huh? I’m just observing, I guess…”
“Really!? That’s awesome!!”
Yachi was right, it’s like being shone under the intensely bright sun if you’re talking to Hinata.
You were juggling between manager duties, studying in your own, and tutoring Hinata and Kageyama for the upcoming test. It’s quite difficult, but teaching others also helped you memorized the material better–that and also finding out terms that could help the two.
“So, ‘to’ is helping in referring on where do you want to go in this word here.” You explained, circling the word. “For example, ‘I want to go to the gym’.”
After tutoring both Hinata and Kageyama for some time, you learned that the two would literally remember anything if it’s sports-related–especially volley ball. So, it became your best shot in cramming the materials into their head.
“I see!” Hinata exclaimed, furiously writing down the correct form of sentence, while Kageyama nodded enthusiastically.
“Oh, it’s already this late,” you muttered as you looked at the clock. “Time sure flew by.”
“You’re right!” Hinata followed your line of sight. “I guess it’s time to go home! Thank you, [Name]-san! Your explanation is really easy to understand!”
“I’m glad I could be of any help,” you smiled in return.
“And after this, we’ll go to Tokyo together!” the orange haired boy exclaimed. “You’re coming too, right, [Name]-san!?”
“Uhm, about that…” You honestly didn’t know how to respond–you couldn’t be a trial manager forever, it’s either completely reject the idea or finally joining as an official member. If you did join, do you even have a role in it? There’s Shimizu and Yachi already, there’s no need for a third manager. “There’s already Hitoka-chan and Shimizu-senpai, right?”
“Yeah! You should join too!”
“Do I really have a place there?” you questioned out loud. “I mean… do I can really be of any help? Two managers are already enough, besides I don’t have anything to offer to the team either. I can’t do anything important to help the team grow stronger…”
“What do you mean!?” Hinata’s shriek almost made your heart jump out from your chest.
“Filling water bottles, washing bibs, mopping the floor, tidying the balls, it’s all important.” Surprisingly, Kageyama was the one who spoke. “It’s simple but important. Without it, we will have double work and it’s exhausting.”
Hinata nodded vigorously. “Kageyama’s right!”
“Do you really need to do something grand to join something?” the raven-haired then questioned. “While you think it’s nothing, the others don’t think so. The one who judge whether your actions leave a mark or not isn’t you, it’s the team. So, quit overthinking. Do what you want.”
It’s like being doused with cold water–it slapped you awake in an unexpected way.
“I guess I will,” you smiled, heart feeling lighter than before. “Thank you, Kageyama-kun, Hinata-kun.”
“So, we’ve finished our exams and starting today, Yachi-san and Otohaku-san will officially be joining us as our managers.”
In the hot summer day, you found yourself back in the gym, but this time standing beside Sawamura and a fidgeting Yachi. She didn’t seem to be uncomfortable, maybe it’s a new feeling of excitement for her–you completely understand because you felt the same.
“Here,” Shimizu went up to the both of you–handing identical black jersey which the team also owned. The inky black material with white broderie sent torrents of emotions towards you, instantly the corner of your eyes felt as if it was burning.
“Ready, and-“
“Welcome to Karasuno High School Volleyball Club!!”
You found yourself bowing ninety-degrees, hugging the jacket tightly against your chest. “It’s a pleasure working with you!”
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sugalaritae · 2 years
Are you still taking requests? Can I request for 9 “I need to see your phone.” with Seokjin. Thank you
pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (no gender or pronouns mentioned) word count: 880 prompt: "I need to see your phone." genre: fluff warnings: tickling, play fighting, competition a/n: ANON!! thank you so much for sending this in. yes I am still taking requests!! i love waking up to requests and spending the few hours i have before my shift starts writing up these little drabbles. i also love starting my day with wordle and came up with this idea and there is a Korean wordle! (i didn't get it, which is not a surprise as my vocabulary is extremely limited!) i hope you enjoy this! as usual this is completely unedited :)
choose a member and a prompt
“In four,” Seokjin declares with a look of pride slapped across that face you love so much. His hair is mussed, it’s sticking up just a little in the back from how he slept, sleep still lays on his forehead and under his eyes. An egg sandwich sits with two bites taken from it on a plate in front of him.
You sit across from him, your own sandwich untouched as you need the coffee that you’ve made for yourself.
Who can solve the word puzzle in the shortest amount of tries has become a morning tradition before you both get dressed and go your separate ways. Yesterday you decided to wait until you were fully awake and at your desk but he still beat you. You’ve beat him only three times since the game came out.
You pick up your phone and type in the address on the browser and wait for it to load. You can start with your regular word but it hasn’t been serving you well lately, so you decide on a different one. You type it in. Nothing. Not a single correct letter and before you can stop it a sigh escapes.
He turns to you with a smile, “not a single one,” he says as he picks up his sandwich and takes a bite.
You send a glare at him across the table and he chuckles.
The second word fails, giving you only one letter. You should have waited until you were more awake. You don’t know how he does it fresh out of bed with barely a glass of water in him. Does he wake up every morning with all the words just flying through his mind?
It’s all chance. Luck. You know that and he knows it but still every time you win it feels like you’ve accomplished something. You know it’s the same feeling for him.
“I’m really starting to feel bad for winning,” he says so casually as he looks through his phone and you want to throw yours at him.
You’re not usually this competitive. You can be when you’re playing video games. There were a few times when you were first dating that he refused to play Mario Kart after your celebratory winning dance got away from you. You know that he stopped playing because he wanted to win, but you’ve grown accustomed to playing with each other now and he watches your silly dances with an amused smile on his face and love streaked across his eyes.
The third word fails. He has won again. You look at him, he hasn’t been paying attention to how many words you’ve typed.
“In three,” you lie and turn your phone off and place it face down on the table.
He looks at you and slowly you watch as the emotions change from surprise, to suspicion.
“I need to see your phone,” he says as he begins to reach for your phone but you’re quicker and you snatch it. Placing it in your lap as you pick up your coffee and take a sip, trying your hardest to keep this up the lie you’ve decided to start your day with.
You know you haven’t won. You only have one more try.
He gets up out of his chair and moves around the table to you just as you put your coffee mug down.
He reaches into your lap as you grab your phone and hold it to the opposite side. His hands grab your arm and you grip your phone tighter with a delighted screech that is accompanied by a fit of laughter as his hands find your ticklish spot on your hips.
You push him off and grip your phone bringing it to your chest and holding it there tightly. You roll your head and chest forward as if you are holding the most precious thing away from an enemy.
“Why can’t I see your phone?” he asks, amusement in his tone. You shake your head.
He moves his hands from you and rests them on your chair before slowly moving back to his chair.
He knows you. He knows that you’ve had enough of him winning and that you are not above lying in this way. He knows if you are lying that you’ll confess later during the day and then he’ll get to gloat that he beat you again.
“Because I don’t think I have to show you. You should just believe me,” you say as you slowly turn to look up at him. “I can’t believe you don’t believe me.”
You’re a horrible liar. Your face is calm, composed, but the lie is written all over your face and especially in your eyes. Your eyes are begging him to let you get away with this.
“In three,” he says and nods. “Congratulations. You’ve broken my streak.”
He’s decided to let you get away with it.
"Thank you," you say happily as you look up at him.
He shakes his head and laughs as he leans down and gives you a kiss.
"I'll beat you again tomorrow," he says softly and you stick your tongue out at him. He smiles and before you can retract your tongue he kisses it with a little chuckle.
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Birch (Centaur)
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Rating: Mature Relationship: Female Human/Male Centaur Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Centaur, Reader Insert Content Warnings: Communication Disorder, Social Communication Disorder, Anxiety, Autism, Autistic Reader, Semi-Verbal Autism, Semi-Verbal Reader, Overbearing Mother, Verbal Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Ableism Series: Shelter Forest Words: 4758
Commissioned by an anonymous party, Birch finally gets his own story! The reader, who has a communication disorder, meets and somehow befriends a beautiful centaur named Birch, who lives in the woods with his family and is known throughout the town as being a bit of a playboy and a flirt. When he realizes how poorly the reader is treated by her mother, he immediately tries to rescue her. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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You first saw him when you were thirteen year old. You and your mother came to Coleville to beg for work after your father had kicked you both out of the house for another woman. You and your mother worked in the laundry and kitchen of the town’s most popular tavern, washing bed sheets and tableware, so you hadn’t really had the chance to meet him when he came into town to trade. You were only ever able to watch him from a distance
He was massive, friendly, and beautiful. His horse body was the size and color of a buckskin Andalusian, with a pale tan body fur and black socks. His skin was suntanned from working in the fields of his home farm and he always wore a simply-made tunic. His hair was short and black, and his tail was long and black, but his eyes were a bright, clear blue. He smiled easily and seemed to get along with everyone. You fell in love with him as soon as you laid eyes on him.
Well, no, you knew even then that it wasn’t love, it was just fascination and infatuation, but you couldn’t help yourself. You were overjoyed every time you saw him. Not that he’d ever notice you. You were just a plain, poor, chubby laundress with red, chapped hands and a future of working in a tavern for the rest of your life. Why would he even glance at you?
You wouldn’t be able to speak to him, even if he did. You were terribly shy and timid. You’d always been that way and couldn’t help it. Talking to people, looking them in the eye, facing confrontation, it all made you terrified and shaky. You barely spoke to anyone who wasn’t your parents, although you really didn’t speak to them that much, either. You were sure the most used word in your vocabulary was sorry.
When you were younger, your parents had hoped you’d grow out of it, but you never did. Once you hit puberty and was still unable to speak, your mother began to despair of you, pushing you to talk and berating you when you couldn’t, which only made you withdraw more. You couldn’t blame her for being exasperated with you; you were just as frustrated with yourself as she was. She never said it, but you knew she blamed you for your father rejecting you both.
Even though Birch usually came alone, you were sure he must already be married or have a lover, though he was openly flirtatious. You knew he’d had a few girls in town on occasion, having overheard them bragging about their nights with him, though they all seemed to be one-night trysts or affairs that didn’t last long. Perhaps he wasn’t even interested in settling down with anyone and was the playboy type. He was gorgeous enough for it.
Once or twice, he came to town with his family members or to visit family members who had settled here, like his brother Cetzu, the lizardfolk man running the orphanage with his wife. They were all a strange lot: some were human, most were not. You only ever saw one other centaur, and he looked nothing like Birch; he was a younger, smaller piebald named Yew with black skin, white hair, and pale eyes. You’d heard rumors that there was a mixed family in the woods, living on a farm, and that they were all sorts, but it didn’t really seem real to you until you saw them all together.
He’d come to town one day to buy seeds and supplies and came into the tavern for a drink. For centaurs, alcohol was basically food to them, so they drank heavily and often. A lot of centaurs you’d known got pretty rowdy, but Birch was always mindful. He held his ale well and knew when to stop before getting fully inebriated, careful not to make an ass of himself. He was considerate. You liked that about him.
You were working in the kitchens at the time when he arrived, and he sat at one of the tables designed for four-legged folk. It was a long table with no chairs or benches, but flat cushions instead. He folded his legs under him and flagged the waitress, smiling his dazzling smile, and ordered ale and some roasted vegetables. You were neglecting your work, but even if it was just a few seconds, you wanted to commit his image to memory as often as you could.
“Oi!” The waitress, Cathy, hissed as she came toward the door of the kitchen to put in Birch’s order. “What are you doing?!”
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” You said, barely audibly.
“Go take him his ale,” She said. “We’re understaffed. If you’re going to be in the way, the least you can do is be useful.”
“I…!" You protested, but she pushed past you into the kitchen to yell at the cook. With you heart in your throat, you rushed to fill a clean tankard and skittered it over, setting it down on the table in front of him without looking at him.
“Ah, that was fast,” Birch said, his voice deep, rich, and wonderful to the ear. “You’re a lovely little thing. Are you new, sweet pea? I haven’t seen you in the tavern before.”
You looked down at the ground and didn’t answer. You weren’t sure what to do, whether to stay and try to be friendly, or retreat back to the kitchen, so you were frozen there with indecision, looking at the floor.
“Hey now, don’t be shy, love. I don’t bite,” He said, you assumed in an attempt to be flirty, reaching for your hand. You snatched your hand away impulsively and ran back to the kitchen.
Your heart was racing and your mind reeling. Why did I do that? You thought, covering your face with your hands. He probably thinks I’m crazy or a complete shrew! I should never leave the back rooms again and just stick to washing dishes.
After a few moments, though, your mother pulled you away from washing by the arm.
“What did you do?” She asked angrily. “One of the customers is asking for you!”
You panicked. “I… I just… I brought him his drink…” You whispered in terror.
“Come on,” She gripped your arm and pulled you back out into the tavern common room, where Birch was still sitting. He looked at you with a frown. Oh god, he looks annoyed, you thought nervously.
“Miss,” He said, and you stared at your feet, unable to look up. “I think I may have frightened or upset you. I’m sorry, I sometimes forget that not everyone is receptive to my personality or sense of humor.”
You were completely unable to speak and kept your head down, your shoulders hunched.
“Say something!” Your mother hissed at you, and you could only shrink into yourself further. “I’m sorry, sir,” Your mother said in exasperation. “My daughter is as timid as a field mouse. She can’t speak to other people and she never looks people in the eye. She can barely even speak to me. She’s always been like this.”
“Oh,” He said, sounding concerned. “Is she unwell?”
“Probably,” Your mother replied in annoyance, and you pulled away even further. “Though the doctors can’t tell us what’s wrong with her. She usually stays in the kitchen and laundry away from the customers. I don’t know what possessed her to come out here and bother you.”
“C… Ca…” You stuttered, struggling to speak in your defense, looking back toward the kitchen, where Cathy was hovering by the door.
“Oh, did Cathy ask you to bring me my drink?” He asked kindly.
You nodded fervently.
“I understand. I’m sorry that she put you in an uncomfortable situation, and I apologize for making it worse.”
Your mother sighed wearily. “Sir, don’t apologize to her. It’s not your fault that she can’t function like a normal adult.”
That hurt. You were on the verge of tears and hugged your arms around yourself, desperately wanting to escape back to the kitchen.
“Even so,” He said, his voice cold, but softened when he addressed you. “I’m very sorry, miss.”
You nodded once and shuffled quickly back to the kitchen, unable to keep the tears from falling. Your mother rejoined you a few minutes later.
“You could have at least apologized to him,” He said, taking the plates as you washed them to rinse them off and put them in the rack. “Why do you have to embarrass me like that? How hard is it to say ‘thank you’ or ‘I’m sorry’?” She sighed sharply and wiped her hands. “Don’t you dare get us fired.” And she walked off, leaving you weeping into the dishwater.
Cathy heard the entire thing and came over sheepishly.
“Hey… I’m sorry I got you in trouble with your ma,” She said. “I forgot about the speaking thing. I was just in a rush and I didn’t think.”
You shook your head. Cathy was the one person who you might call a friend. She was a little brusque and had a short fuse, but she was one of the few who didn’t make fun of your stuttering and silence or look down their nose at you.
“Listen, Birch is a really nice guy. He plays around and has his fun with the girls, but he’s never hurt anyone on purpose. He wasn’t trying to make fun of you or make you feel bad.”
You nodded shortly. You knew that. He was being friendly; that’s just how he talked to people. But being humiliated in front of him was a torture unlike anything you’d felt before, and it hurt.
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The next day, you were feeding the chickens in the coop outside of the tavern when you looked up and saw him exiting the tavern. He noticed you right away, and you turned immediately and tried to flee.
“Hey, wait!” He called. “Wait, please!”
You stood with your back to him but you stayed put. You heard him trotting up to you, his hoof-beats heavy.
“Hey, listen, I wanted to apologize again,” He said. “To just you this time. I don’t know what your mother’s problem is, but what she said… that was uncalled for. You didn’t deserve that.”
You turned to face him but you didn’t look up, focusing instead on his large hooves. You shook your head. No, he was wrong. You did deserve it.
“You can’t help how you are,” He said. “It’s not your fault. I have a little brother who has trouble talking to people, too. It’s the exact opposite of your problem; he says exactly what’s on his mind with no filter. He can’t control it and it embarrasses him sometimes. It’s not the same, I know, but I understand that it can be hard.”
He was so nice. You were able to lift your head a little, but you still couldn’t look him in the face.
“My name is Birch,” He said. “What’s yours?”
You opened your mouth but nothing came out, so you shut it again.
“Hmm,” He hummed. “Can you write?”
You shook your head.
“Um… sign language?”
You answered no again.
“I see,” He said, sighing. “I… I’ll be honest… I don’t want to leave you here with that mother of yours. I’m not sure what kind of relationship you have with her, but the way she talks to you…” He pawed the ground in annoyance. “It bothers me. Does she do that a lot? Make fun of you in front of other people?”
You shrugged, embarrassed.
He sidestepped in an anxious way and swished his tail. “I have to go back home later today,” He said. “Are… are you going to be okay?”
You nodded.
“Are you sure?”
Another nod.
“Well… alright,” He said. “Look, um… if you ever need to… you know… leave this place, talk to Cathy. She knows where my family’s farm is. She can help you get there. If you need to.”
You nodded again, and he turned to leave, but an unfamiliar impulse compelled you to rush forward and take hold of the hem of his tunic. He stopped and looked at you, though he could only see the top of your head.
“Th…” You gulped, your throat dry, your heart beating in your throat. “Tha… ank…you…” You managed to choke out. “H… Haz…zel…”
“You’re name is Hazel?” He asked, a smile in his voice.
You nodded emphatically.
You felt him put a hand on top of your head and and sort of rubbed his fingers against your scalp. It felt nice, even though you weren’t used to physical touch. Your mother wasn’t exactly the affectionate sort.
“You take care, okay?” He said, taking his hand back. “I’ll be back in a few days. I look forward to seeing you again.”
That evening, you were in the room you shared with your mother as she brushed her hair for bed when she mentioned nonchalantly, “I saw you with that centaur man today. What did he say to you?”
“...he… nothing…” You said vaguely.
“Then why did he touch you? And why were you touching him?” She asked, her voice flat.
“I…” You gulped. “I… don’t know…” You said truthfully.
“Oh, really? You don’t know? You don’t know why a man like him would touch you? You know his reputation in this town. He’s trying to take advantage of you because you're simple.”
“He was… just… being nice…” You said softly.
Your mother snorted. “Men aren’t nice without a reason. I thought you’d know that by now.” She threw down her hairbrush onto the night table and lay down in your shared bed. “You’re not going to have anything to do with him from now on, do you understand? It shouldn’t be difficult for you to manage that, should it?”
You didn’t say anything, just sat at the table and stared into the fire.
“It’s for your own good,” She said, facing away from you. “I know I’m strict with you, but… I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You have no problem with me getting hurt when you’re the one doing it, you thought to yourself, but you couldn’t say it. You knew she was right, though. He was a flirt and a bit of a libertine, and you thought that perhaps he was only being nice to you because he saw you as low hanging fruit. It hurt to think of him that way, but it was the only thing that made sense.
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He did return in a few days, an older woman riding on his back. She was lovely, even at her age, and was wearing trousers and a practical shirt, but no bodice or ladies coat. Her brown hair was caught back in a tight braid, a few strands of grey weaved in and out.
You saw them arrive from the window of your room as you were getting ready for the day. He was as handsome as always, and you watched him wistfully. As if he could sense you, he looked up and saw you at the window. He smiled at you and waved. Remembering what your mother said, you were unable to smile back and walked away from the window without acknowledging him. You hoped he wouldn’t be too angry at you.
Before you could start work in the laundry, Cathy called you out.
“Birch and his mother are here,” She said, keeping her voice down so that your mother wouldn’t hear. “They want to see you.”
“I cant…” You said in your normal whisper. “Mama will be angry…”
“Don’t worry about your ma right now,” Cathy said dismissively. “You don’t deserve the shit she gives you, you’re just too shy to tell her off. Just go see what they want. Maybe it’s a chance to get out from under her thumb.”
You had to admit, you did wish for that. You loved your mother, and she loved you in her own way, but you knew she resented you and it was just… exhausting, dealing with her reproachfulness and cutting words every day. You were just too scared to leave on your own.
You thought long and hard about it, looking around to see if your mother was anywhere near. When you didn’t see her, you looked up at Cathy, looking just past her behind her ear instead of at her face, and nodded. She took you by the hand and led you out to the dining area. Birch and his mother were sitting at the four-legged table, with his mother having dragged over a chair to sit with him comfortably.
“Oh, good, there you are,” Birch said. “When you didn’t react this morning, I was worried something had happened. Mama, this is the young woman I was telling you about.”
He told his mother about you? Why?
“I see, I see,” The older woman said. “My name is Ryel, I’m Birch’s mother. Your name is Hazel, right?”
You nodded, unable to look up.
“Goodness, you are rather shy, aren’t you, dear?” She said sympathetically. You chewed your lip, unable to respond. “My son tells me you’re illiterate, is that correct?”
You nodded.
“I imagine that makes communicating with other people very difficult,” She said.
You nodded again.
“So, how about this?” She said, leaning forward. “Why don’t you come to the farm with me for the summer? I’ll teach you how to read and write, and in exchange, you help me out around the farm. How does that sound?”
For the first time in your life, you were surprised into looking someone in the face. She was smiling warmly at you
“I’m getting older and I could use an assistant. My children all have their own work and families to look after and I’d feel as if I were taking advantage of them if I expected them to follow me around and help me all day.”
“Mama, you know we’d do it happily,” Birch said.
“I know that,” She said, hushing him. “Even still, I’d prefer to hire someone for the task, and if I can help them at the same time, why shouldn’t I?” She leaned forward. “What do you say, dear?”
This is exactly what you wanted. A job that was away from your mom. This was your chance. You opened your mouth, as if to answer, when you heard a sharp voice behind you.
“Hazel!” Your mother said, irate, and stalked out of the kitchen toward you, grabbing you by the arm. “Stop bothering these people! Get back to the laundry.”
Birch’s back leg kicked slightly in irritation, thumping the wood of the floor, but Ryel kept her composure.
“She’s not bothering us in the least, madam,” She said calmly. “I’ve actually come here to offer her a job.”
Your mother scoffed. “A job? Doing what?”
“As my assistant,” Ryel said. “I’m a jack of all trades type, you might say, and I’m willing to take her on in exchange for room and board, plus an education.”
“You’re wasting your time,” Your mother said, her grip rather strong on your arm. “My daughter is not capable of making her own decisions.”
“How old is your daughter?” Ryel asked.
“She’s nineteen,” Your mother replied. “But I’m afraid she’s a bit slow. Trying to teach her wouldn’t benefit either of you.”
You frowned, upset. That wasn’t true, you weren’t slow. In fact, you thought you learned rather quickly, you’d just hadn’t had the chance to learn very many new things.
“Be that as it may,” Ryel replied, her voice still even. “Your daughter is an adult and has the right to choose what she wants.”
“Nonsense,” Your mother said. “Besides, even if I allowed this, I don’t want her anywhere near him.” She jerked her chin toward Birch.
Birch bristled. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“I know what kind of man you are,” She hissed. “How many lovers you’ve had in just this town alone? How many broken hearts have you left in your wake? I know you have ulterior motives for wanting to take her from here, and I won’t stand for it. She’s simpleminded and vulnerable, and I won’t let you dishonor her and return her to me used and broken.”
“Stop talking like she can’t hear every vile thing you say about her!” Birch shouted, slamming his fist into the table, making you jump. “I would never do something so shameful! You don’t know anything about me! ”
“Son, calm down,” Ryel said, putting her hand on his. “My son is a grown man of twenty-eight and has desires, true, but I’ve been to this town quite often and I haven’t found any such string of broken hearts, as you call it. Many sighing and wistful girls who long for his company, sure, but not one of them has come to me with tears in her eyes claiming he lied or misled her. He’s open and forthright about his intentions, and I respect his decisions. You should do the same for your child.”
“Don’t talk to me about my child if you can’t even control your own,” Your mother said venomously. “Hazel, let’s go.”
She tried to lead you away, but you refused to move. There were hurt and anxious tears in your eyes and you couldn’t look at anyone, but you refused to let her pull you away.
“Hazel!” She gripped your arm and yanked you painfully, and you wrenched your arm from her grasp, shaking your head.
“It seems like she’s made her choice,” Ryel said. “The least you can do as her mother is respect her wishes.”
“Be quiet!” Your mother said. “Leave us alone!” She grabbed your hands and started to pull you back to the kitchen. Birch got to his feet.
“Let her go,” He said, his voice a low growl, knocking her hands away from you. He stood between you and your mother. You dared to reach out and place a hand on the fur of his back to steady yourself.
“What’s going on here?” The bartender, Brian, asked. He also owned the tavern and knew about your condition. He didn’t speak to you much, but he also didn’t tease you either. You could handle understanding silence a lot better than persistent expectation to interact. “Are you alright, Hazel?”
You were shaking and crying, so you could only shake your head.
“These people won’t leave us alone,” You mother said. “I’d like them to leave.”
“Now, Rita, these people are good customers and friends of mine. I’m going to need more of a reason than ‘they’re bothering me’ to kick them out.”
“We simply offered young Hazel here a job on the farm,” Ryel said patiently. “I’m afraid her mother is interfering with her decision.”
“Is that true, Hazel?” Brian asked. “Would you like to take up this job?”
Trembling, you nodded.
“Well, then, that settles it, doesn’t it?” Brian said. “These are good folks, Hazel, they’ll take care of you.”
“Like hell they will,” You mother retorted. “She can’t make decisions like this. She doesn't understand.”
Brian sighed. “Rita, your girl’s not stupid, and it’s high time you stopped treating her like she is.”
Your mother looked like she’d been slapped in the face. You looked up at Brian in shock. He smiled kindly at you.
“Why don’t you go up and pack your things while your mother and I have a little chat, eh, dear?” He said.
You attempted to smile at him, though you worried it looked a little like you had indigestion, and went to pack. You took a few minutes to sit on the bed and breathe, clutching your chest, feeling a panic attack poking at your brain. You couldn’t believe it. You were really leaving.
There was a knock on your door and Ryel poked her head in.
“Are you alright, dear? That was quite the fuss,” She said.
You dried your face and nodded, getting up to start putting clothes in a bag.
“I sent Birch outside. He was getting rather angry, and I didn’t want him smashing any of Brian’s furniture.”
You looked out the window. Birch was standing in the courtyard with his arms crossed, stamping the ground and stepping constantly, as if he couldn’t stand still. His brow was furrowed, his jaw was working, and his tail was swishing back and forth without stopping.
“He’s worried for you, dear,” She said, following your gaze. “One thing our entire family has in common is that we don’t like seeing people mistreated. You’re mother may have her reasons for acting as she does, and perhaps it is out of some misplaced notion of love, but there’s no doubt in my mind at all that she mistreats you. You can’t help the way you are, and no amount of her cruel words are going to fix that. In fact, I’m more than certain it makes it worse.”
You sighed sadly in agreement. As you stood there, Birch looked up at your window. He smiled, a little sadder than before, and waved up at you. This time, you raised a hand and waved back.
The door opened and your mother walked in, glaring at Ryel.
“I’d like to speak to my daughter alone, if you please,” She said, her voice low and hostile.
Ryel looked at you questioningly, and you nodded. “I’ll be right outside if you need me,” She said, and walked out, closing the door behind her.
Your mother just stared at you with her arms crossed, shaking her head slightly. You looked down and away.
“I guess I should just be glad you won’t be around to humiliate me anymore,” She said, and you shrunk in on yourself. “I don’t like this at all, but it seems I have no say in the matter. You made sure of that, didn’t you?”
You knew she was hurt and was lashing out. She wasn’t exactly sweet and caring on her best days, but she could really cut a person to the quick when she was upset.
“Don’t you have anything to say?” She asked you, and you could hear tears in her voice. “Nothing at all? You can’t muster the courage to apologize to me for that display downstairs? For leaving me without a thought to my feelings? I’ve spent the last seven years protecting you and providing for you after your useless father threw us out, and you do this to me? And you have nothing to say?”
You didn’t say anything. Instead, you walked up to her and put your arms around her waist and lay your head on her shoulder.
“I’ll miss you, Mama,” You said softly.
She started to sob and put her arms around your shoulders. It had been years since she’d last hugged you.
“You’d better start sending me letters as soon as you learn how to,” She said, her voice breaking. “If I don’t hear something from you in a few months, I’m going out there to drag you back, you understand me?”
“Yes, Mama,” You whispered, and took a step back. Picking up your bag, you opened the door and walked out. Ryel was waiting and smiled when she saw you.
“Ready?” She asked.
You nodded.
Back outside, Birch was waiting. He stopped shifting around anxiously when he saw you and his mother exit the tavern.
“Everything okay?” He asked.
“Everything’s just fine,” Ryel said. “We’re ready to go.”
“Would you like to ride on my back?” Birch asked, turning.
You shook your head fervently, mortified.
“Are you sure?” He said. “It’s a long walk back to the farm, over four hours. I can get us there in half the time.”
“She’s feeling shy,” Ryel said. “For centaurs, letting people ride on their back is a special privilege afforded to few. I’ll ride with you.” She grinned at him. “He always makes an exception for his mother.”
He grinned at her in return. “You just assume I do.” But he took out a quilted riding blanket that was rolled up and tied to the bottom of his pack and handed it to her, and she set it on his back. Climbing the steps to the tavern, she vaulted onto his back. She instructed you to do the same. Blushing furiously, with both Ryel and Birch’s help, you were able to scramble on in front of her.
“Let’s go,” He said, and he took off at a trot out of town.
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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zv5x · 3 years
So uhh,,, I'm starting to get into writing again after restarting everything, so to really warm myself up I'm doing the Yandere ABC's prompt thingy with Spirit! Cause I need the Spirit simps to return to my blog and cause Spirit is my main source of serotonin!!! Plz enjoy teehee, and I promise I'll get to all of your requests soon! let me have my Spirit simping hour, I need it very much ( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? - Spirit is VERY intense affection wise, and is almost always holding onto you in one way or another. Whether that be laying his head on your chest and purring quietly, or by insisting that your hand stays connected with his while outside, he's always making sure he has a good handle on you. He's also very protective and caring, so expect to be feeling a lot safer in the future. And I mean a LOT safer. Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling? - Spirit was never a big fan of wasting his time on the filth that keeps the two of you apart, so he likes to keep rival elimination quick and painless. However, if he feels that whoever he's killing isn't worthy of a quick death, he will most definitely accommodate to that fact. Or, if you ask him to kill someone and specifically request for it to be long and messy, he'd do it without a shread of hesitation. After all, he'd do anything to prove his loyalty to you. Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? - Mocking you isn't in Spirit's vocabulary. He could never treat you with a shread of inhumanity (unless that is, he sees it as needed), as he feels you deserve the best and nothing but the best. He owes his life to you! You saved him, you showed him that the world wasn't nearly as vile as he once thought. Treating you with anything less than the love and adoration that you deserve just doesn't seem like a concept to him even. If he get's to the point where he sees abduction as necessary, he might do the occasional "ara ara" type shit while stepping on your chest though lol, he can get like that sometimes. He'd step on you very gently, though..he doesn't want to hurt you too bad Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? - Before you even got him out of the game in which he was trapped, he was very creepily overbearing. Though, he couldn't directly show that considering he wouldn't ever get let out then. He'd just keep tabs on all your devices through the shadows. P.S., it was very kind of you to make a ROM of his game for your laptop for him to move into! It made things so much easier for him! Now he can have a much easier time watching you sleep and hearing you breathe when he's placed right by your side on your bed (you said you didn't want him to be lonely, which he thought was very kind and cute of you. It's exactly why he adores you so much). It also makes it so much easier to look through your phone since you have that data connected to your laptop as well. Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? - What was that, (Y/N)? Spirit's actions are making you doubt his undying love for you? No fear! He'll pour his entire heart to you right then and there! He'll list of just every little thing about you that makes his heart beat fast, he'll also lovingly alert you to the fact that he owes his life along with everything that he is, all to you! He wouldn't be alive or free if it wasn't for you! The coding of his game would have crumbled and basically ate him alive, so without you he'd probably be dead. Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back? - A combination of betrayal and confusion. Confusion, due to the fact he just doesn't understand why you'd want to leave him. Isn't this exactly what you humans consider true love? The idea of being with someone who would gladly bare any level of agony just to be the only one you gaze upon, the idea of someone being willing to go to any
length just to see that smile of yours that they always adore seeing, how is this not what humans consider love? The feeling of betrayal from you doing something as selfish as trying to leave him, the pain could almost eat him alive. How could you? He's done everything for you, he's given you every inch of love and affection that he has to offer, and you repay him by trying to leave him all alone? Expect the biggest guilt trip you've ever experienced. "I thought you loved me, dearest! Why would you try and leave me?!" Along with millions of demands to know who you were running away to. There had to be some place for you to go when you left him after all, so whose throat does he have to slit just to prove to you how much he adores you? Go on, don't be shy, tell him! Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape? - The hunting you down aspect of all of this? Yeah, I guess he could consider it a game. But the thing is, he never really considers what he's doing Hunting you down unless you're directly trying to run from him. So, at that point, hunting you down is exactly what he's doing. Spirit considers everything he's doing to be completely understandable and normal for human relationships. So he definitely doesn't consider what he's doing to be a "game" or anything else similar. His love for you isn't just some game, it's serious and it's all he has Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? - If you ever dare cheat on him, expect to see the last thread of sanity he has in him just snap right before your eyes. He could never kill you, no. But your little partner? Expect them to be torn to shreads right before your very eyes. Ever hear one of those crazy ass yandere laughs? Yeah. He'd pull that too. He'd quite literally go ballistic, getting up when who you cheated on him with isn't even recognizable, screaming at you and demanding to know the reason for your disloyalty. He did everything for you! And you just go on and pull shit like this? No. He won't accept it. You won't get away with it. He still loves you of course, and will remind you of that fact every millisecond, but you can tell he just isn't the same. More possessive, more angry and suffocating. Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? - Spirit definitely wants to marry you. Like, this is a fact. He's basically your fiance without even proposing to you yet. He'd definitely enjoy a few kids as well, but only if you want them as well and are able to have them. He understands any reason you might not want kids, and he won't pressure you. Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? - He's like, literally the CEO of jealous (As well as the CEO of protectiveness). His protective nature causes him to be extremely suspicious of others and their intentions. Sometimes if he feels that person was getting a little too friendly with you, he'll possessively wrap his arms around you while you're talking to them and growl at them until they power walk away out of fear. Sometimes while the two of you are cuddling he'll subtly and quietly bite your neck to leave marks. Or, sometimes he just goes for the more direct route, and offs anyone who he saw as in his way. He can't have anyone walking in on private property thinking it's their own, can he? Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling? - He's usually extremely understanding and sweet. Spirit doesn't like having to use fear tactics to get his way, since he hates it when he has to resort to putting fear in you. Around you, Spirit is more loving than he ever was around anyone before. You're his precious darling after all! You saved him, you taught him what love was like. How could he not act painfully loving and sweet in your presence? You just make his heart flutter so violently. Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? - Literally exploding Senpai's face off one day while you were paying his game. He's just been watching you for so long, allowing
Senpai to soak up all your love and attention. He just couldn't contain the jealousy, or the rage. He didn't get what Senpai did to be getting so much affection from you. So, he got rid of the problem. Senpai. He was able to convince you Senpai was completely unalive and unfeeling, just lines of code. Which, he was lines of code, but Spirit knew very well that he was aware of the world and environment around him, and could very much so be considered...alive. However, you didn't need to know that. Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? - Kinda? You know how protective and jealous he can be, but he completely hides the fact he's literally committed murder. He doesn't want you to think of him as some heartless monster, now does he? That wouldn't do at all. He needs you to adore him, just as much as he adores you. He wants you to be fully willing to marry him, and live out the rest of eternity with him. How could that happen if the very thought of him scares you? Naughty: How would they punish their darling? - The usual, causing you physical pain. His methods of doing this vary, along with the severity of the pain. But, lucky for you it takes a lot to get him to the point to where he sees punishment as the only way. Additionally, if you allow him too, he could get a little...lewder with the punishments... Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? - Not many, if everything goes by his plan. However, if you refuse to do what he says, he'll take away as many rights as he can. Physical freedom, friends, family, and everything else in between. If he feels something is keeping you from him, he'll snatch it away in a millisecond. You don't need it. However, if everything goes to plan, then great! He's so happy you realize that your future is with him, and only him! Patience: How patient are they with their darling? - Oh, he's extremely patient! That is, unless you do something to upset him. Don't show too much fear, don't yell or scream at him, don't deliberately make him jealous, or do anything similar, and everything will be okay! He understands why you might be a little reluctant, as you've probably never had someone as loving and adoring as him in your life! So much affection being given to you is something you need to get used to, he would know. It took him a little bit to fully adjust to all the love you had for him. Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? - No. He wouldn't. Not in the slightest. He'd never be able to move on if you were to leave him forever. If you die, he could just chase you down to wherever you ended up considering he was a demon himself. But, if you somehow find a way to get away from him even after he chases you down? He'll be devastated. He thought you loved him, he loved you so much. He still does love you. He can't let you go, he just can't. He needs you. He lives for you. He craves you. You're his light, his everything, he can't imagine an existence without you by his side. But, that won't even happen, he won't let you go no matter what. You won't be able to loosen yourself from his grip. Not that you want to though, right? (Extra fact: Spirit wouldn't hesitate to resort to killing you himself, just so he could drag you down to Hell and keep you there forever. If it's something he needs to do, then he'll do it no questions asked. He hates causing you pain, he really does. But Spirit will do whatever it takes to have your love) Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go? - Spirit has a very warped view of love, so while he is capable of feeling guilt, he doesn't at all regret what he's done. He feels guilt for the way you cried when he tried snuggling you and holding you, he felt guilt for the way you trembled as he reached out to you, but he just couldn't feel bad for the people he damned and murdered. They were trying to take you away from him, and that's absolutely unforgivable. Stigma:
What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? - Definitely his time in the Hating Simulator. He was completely ripped away from all contact with the outside world and everyone that inhabited it, human or not. He stayed like that for years, until his captors daughter finally decided to dispose of him. Then, somehow, he met you. You decided to pick his game and it's console up, and take him home. He didn't trust you at first, but soon, watching you talk to Senpai and get closer with him, he fell in love with you. Hard. He needed you in his life, he needed to keep you. He had to have you. You needed to be his, and his alone. Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? - Confused, but still upset and guilty. He hates seeing you in pain, whether that pain be physical or mental. So to hear you scream and cry with such pain, it absolutely makes his heart shatter. But he just doesn't understand why you're acting in such agony...aren't you happy? Don't you love him? He'll probably look at you with a pained look in his eyes. He'll try and hold you in his arms and hold you close to his chest, no matter how hard you struggle. Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? - Literally chasing you down to wherever you go, with no effort at all. He makes it so you CAN'T escape him, no matter how hard you try, and no matter who you cry to for help. With any other Yandere, there's always the possibility of escape. Whether it be by leaving their basement, killing them in self defense, getting them arrested, etc, etc. But with Spirit, there's nothing you can do. You're going to love him, or he'll make your life a living hell. Quite literally, in fact. Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? - While there is literally no way to escape him, you can try and manipulate him to get whatever you wish. Spirit is extremely touch starved, to the point where he'll probably tremble and shake with pleasure if you do as much as reach out to him. Just hold him in your lap and let him purr into your neck as you run your finger through his hair, he'll be literal putty in your hands. While trying to use this against him to escape will result in harsh punishment, if you can think of anything you can get out of him using this then by all means go for it. Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling? - Only if needed. Spirit doesn't wish to cause you pain, but he won't hesitate to if he thinks it will make you love him and stop that hopeless struggling of yours. Spirit will make sure to cuddle you and kiss you after each punishment however, praising you in a soft whisper about how good you've been for him while he taught you a lesson. Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? - If you want to know how much you mean to him, Spirit will without hesitation get on one knee and kiss the tips of your hand as he purrs words of pure love. He'll make sure you know just how loved and important you are to him by the end of the night, any way you wish for him to, no matter how direct or "explicit" Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? - After escaping the Hating Simulator, maybe about a year Zenith: Would they ever break their darling? - If you were to "break" under his care, rest assured it was completely unintentionally. But, he'll still take your submission as a win. You're willing to tell you love him, you're willing to marry him and live a life with him, and that's all Spirit needs. He loves you so much ♡
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free-pancakes · 3 years
Kiss the Drummer
Summary: a LeviHan Jazz!AU
Levi, a talented trumpet player famous in the jazz clubs of New York, is struggling with his instrument and feels burnt out—he wonders if he chose the right path in life.
The bassist of his quintet, an old friend named Erwin, invites a quirky new drummer to play with them, who brings a new spark into Levi’s life.
Notes:  Drum "chops” describe a drummer's technical ability, including a large vocabulary of licks, and how freely they express themselves on the instrument. BPM = beats per minute Songs: Giant Steps - John Coltrane
sorry this AU fic is pure self-indulgence and has become much longer than originally intended lol
crossposted to AO3
He licked his lips and pushed them readily against the smooth, silver mouthpiece, ready to hit the first note of the song, Giant Steps. He suppressed his desire to grumble at yet another fast swing tune.
He stared out into the audience, peering at the people sitting around the tables of the club. Their faces were slightly lit from the reflection of the stage lights, wearing expressions of both excitement and anticipation. “Just another night of the same old thing,” Levi thought to himself, letting out a soft, exasperated sigh, one only he could hear. His stance conveyed confidence, but his eyes spelled apathy.
He heard snaps on 2 and 4 marking their starting tempo at 289 bpm and Levi quickly puffed warm air into his trumpet.
“One… two… one two three four—“
Levi wiped down his trumpet, carefully cleaning the beautiful brass after yet another great performance. He gently placed it in his case, and looked up at himself in the dressing room mirror. He stared blankly at his reflection, noting the tinge of purple beneath his eyes—he knew his body was aching for sleep. It had been restless upon restless night for the past year or so, and he wasn’t completely sure why. He looked down at his trumpet case with both affection and disdain. Maybe... he just wasn’t meant to do this for this long.
He didn’t hate playing, but the truth was, he had simply been good at it all of his life. Quite gifted at it, one would say, and thus he passively let it lead him to success. It was just what it was. He was good at jazz, he was good at trumpet. Naturally he studied it at a top university for jazz performance and joined this famous quintet, and naturally he worked hard to improve his skills. But as any routine would, practice and rehearsals became monotonous, grunt work.
While lost in thought, his eyes trailed over to his small, neat pile of math textbooks at the edge of the dresser.
If anything, he did enjoy jazz theory. It was just math, anyway—circle of fifths, cadence patterns, fancy scales—it all just added up and broke down for any message or feeling you wanted to convey with a melody for your solo, and those tools were simply available in your brain to make it happen—tools to play some straight dirty solos that make you smirk satisfactorily when listening. To Levi, it just made sense, to a lot of other people, he was called “genius”. But after years and years of this, he was burning out and he was quite aware of that. He felt like he was losing his edge, and he was just a machine clunking out music most nights of the week. Again he thought, maybe he just wasn’t meant to do this forever. But what else would pay the bills?
Shaking his head, he let his jumbled thoughts fall away momentarily. He picked up a textbook, and leafed through the pages. He clicked open a ballpoint pen and began adding to his lesson plan for one of his students, a young girl named Sasha. Honestly, she seemed utterly hopeless with math at times, but he was determined to help her at least pass her algebra class. Her little friend Connie on the other hand…well that’s a story for another day, he thought, and chuckled softly to himself. If anything, he did enjoy his side job as a math tutor for the local school system. He didn’t really need the extra pocket money, but something compelled him to keep up with it.
As he jotted down notes, muffled noise of cheering and commotion rocked against the door. Tonight’s gig was Nile’s last performance with them, as he was moving out to the west coast to play with another group and accept a teaching position somewhere out there. Levi didn’t care much for his drumming or his personality for that matter, so he wasn’t particularly sad to see him go, nor was he keen on joining the celebration out in the bar. He yawned and continued finish up writing his lesson plan, as he knew he’d probably have to drive his drunk colleagues home.
“Levi! I’m gonna miss you buddy!” Nile exclaimed as he aggressively ruffled Levi’s hair, causing the cowlick he spent every morning trying to gel down to stick straight up embarrassingly at the top of his head. “Yeah, yeah, yeah… good luck Nile.” He shoved him and Mike into a cab, as they lived in the same apartment complex. He turned back into the bar to Erwin smiling drunkenly and Nanaba knocked out cold, sleeping soundly as she sat with her head down on a table. Levi grumbled and picked up Nanaba’s saxophone case to haul into the trunk of his car. He returned to pick up Nanaba and carried her on his back, and Erwin walked with them to Levi’s car.
“Hey Levi, Our new drummer is flying in tomorrow. I told her I’d come and pick her up from the airport at 7am.”
Levi looked Erwin up and down with a look of disgust. “In that sorry state, Eyebrows? Tch, go sleep off the hangover tonight, I can go to the airport. What’s her name and what does she look like?”
“Her name’s Hange. She has messy brown hair usually worn up in a ponytail, wears tortoise clubmaster glasses and well… honestly you can’t miss her, I’m sure you’ll find her right away.”
“Okay. So why’d we need to bring in a completely new drummer anyway? Couldn’t we have just brought in Moblit?”
“Ah you know his style doesn’t fit ours as well, plus he’s doing well with his band right now. Don’t worry, Hange and I played together all 4 years of college together, she’s got chops. Plus, I think Hange will probably bring in the change we need. Your playing’s gone a bit stale... hasn’t it, Levi?”
“Stale?! Pfft you’re just drunk,” Levi muttered, irritated as Erwin raised his eyebrows at him. They arrived at their apartment complex and Levi begrudgingly unlocked the car doors, gently woke Nanaba, and the three of them walked up to their floor. Erwin fumbled with his keys, and Levi snatched it out of his hands, frustrated at how long it was taking him. Erwin chuckled, and Levi scrunched up his nose at the stench of alcohol in his breath. As soon as the door opened, Nanaba immediately ran to the bathroom, retching into the toilet.
“I got her,” Erwin laughed. “Go to bed, Levi, you’re the one getting up early. Flight info’s next to the door.”
Levi nodded, turned into his room, and plopped down on the bed. He stared at the ceiling, and wondered how much longer he’d keep playing, or more like, how soon he’d quit. If this Hange person was as annoying as Nile, well… he probably wouldn’t hold out much longer.
Levi stood with his hands in his pockets, eyes peeled for this Hange person. He looked at his watch—“Maybe she was still waiting on her luggage,” he thought. He walked over to the small cafe to his left, and waited in line, squinting for any decent teas on the menu. Before he could decide, he suddenly heard a small yelp, and something shoved right into his chest, feeling piping hot coffee running down his white, longsleeve shirt. Before he could yell obscenities at the moron who just ruined one of his favorite shirts, he was met with frantic apologizes.
“I’m so so sorry! Oh my goodness it was a complete accident, can I get you a drink to make up for it? Man I am so clumsy...oh! Maybe you can wear one of my shirts I have here, free of charge! Or I could just—“
He looked up in the middle of incessant rambling to see the culprit—a tall brunette, hair messily tied up in a bun, wearing tortoise clubmaster glasses, and a bright yellow coat.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Levi thought to himself. He looked down to see a large black cymbal case and a stick bag with yarn mallets and drumsticks poking out of it.
—I could just buy you a new shirt! Oh, how bout—“
Levi was livid—this clown was potentially going to be playing gigs with them over the next year? The coffee stained fabric was sticking uncomfortably to his skin and he felt the biggest headache coming on—all this pain just from one person. He reached up and gently placed his hand over her mouth to physically stop her chattering.
“Is your name, Hange?”
She nodded, Levi’s hand still covering her mouth.
“You’re Erwin’s friend?”
She nodded again, her eyes lighting up at the name, Levi feeling her lips forming a smile under his palm.
“Okay, I’m taking you back to our apartment.”
Levi reached for her bags to carry them, but was interrupted.
“Wait—the least I can do is give you the extra shirt I have in my backpack so you can change out of your soiled one,” she said softly. She reached in her bag, and pulled out the shirt and Levi felt his eye twitch in annoyance at the words printed on its front. He sighed, and debated sitting in his wet shirt, but it seemed like he didn’t have much choice—he’d have to wear it.
Levi blinked his eyes open. He felt oddly rested, but one thing was strange—he was sitting up, and he felt something unusually heavy on his shoulder.
“What the—“
He looked to the side and saw a mess of brown hair immediately to his right, heard the soft sound of snoring, and felt… something wet on his arm? He looked down and grimaced. “Drool. She’s drooling. On my goddamn arm.”
He looked around for some kind of napkin. He didn’t remember falling asleep, let alone letting this absolute stranger curl up against him. How in the world did he let his guard down this far?
He stared blankly at Hange and thought, “What a mess—what was Erwin thinking? We’ve known each other for less than 5 hours, and she seems to have already made herself right at home. I haven’t even confirmed whether she was good enough to play with us, yet.” He tried to shift out from underneath Hange, but before he could wriggle is way out—
“Kiss the drummer?”
Erwin and Nanaba stood before Levi, both with hair in a complete mess, having just woken up from sleeping off their hangovers. Smirking and holding back laughter, they stared at the scene—Levi wearing an oversized t-shirt with the words “Kiss the Drummer” in bold letters plastered across his chest, along with Hange sleeping quite cozily on his shoulder, her glasses held gently between his fingers. Levi tried covering up the words and scowled at his two friends.
“Laugh it up,” he muttered. “What is this, Erwin? She’s clearly made herself at home already—and we haven’t even gotten to play together yet.”
“Relax, Levi, she’s a great musician. And look, she likes you!”
Levi grimaced at Hange draped over his shoulder.
“Hmph, I still have to hear her play and have my opinion considered. We all get a vote yknow…”
Over their hushed voices, Hange shifted groggily towards all of them and rubbed her eyes. “Erwin?”
Hange’s eyes lit up immediately in recognition, shoving Levi back further into the couch as she jumped up to wrap Erwin in her embrace, excited to finally be reunited with her friend after so many years.
After a few minutes of catching up, Erwin smiled brightly. “Yes, we can take you around the city a bit. Rehearsal’s not til this evening anyway—we did have a gig lined up last minute for the middle of this week if you were comfortable with that, Hange.”
“Of course I’d be down to do that! I—“
“Oi. Like I said, we still vote if you get to play with our group officially. Don’t be late to rehearsal tonight.” Levi then slowly stood up and walked quietly towards his room.
“Don’t mind him, he’s just being strict about our technical audition policy,’ Erwin reassured. He and Nanaba quickly darted for their rooms to ready themselves to take Hange sightseeing for a little while and introduce her to the city, leaving her standing alone in the middle of their living room. Her eyes trailed after Levi, curious about his calm yet sad energy. She felt that she saw through that aura, noticing every little kind gesture he made towards her from the time they met at the airport to the moment they fell asleep on the couch. Hange was determined to get him to show that side of himself a little more. As he turned to grab the door behind him, she smiled at him, and was quickly met with a scowl and the slam of his bedroom door in her face. Seemed it might take some more effort to get through to him than she originally thought.
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Preferences are a Privilege that Geralt Doesn't Get to Have - Part 1: All Seasons Are Alike
It is a long, slow summer evening. Geralt had taken a contract in a small village outside Novigrad, and now, ghouls slaughtered and coin (surprisingly) paid in full, he and the bard are heading back to the city to find an inn for the night. The villagers are stacking hay in the fields and the hot, sweet smell of it rolls over them in waves on the warm evening breeze. Geralt can hear the farmers shouting to one another across the expanse of stubbly ground, roach’s hooves scuffing the beaten track and - as ever - Jaskier, picking repetitive melodies on his lute as he waxes lyrical about whatever crosses his mind. The bard sighs theatrically, a caricature of contentment that should set Geralt’s teeth on edge.
‘This is the life, Geralt. This is idyllic! I mean look at that scene!’ He turns around and walks backwards, throwing his arms wide to gesture at the sun as it begins to dip below the horizon, lighting the water orange. Geralt knows what it would look like, he’s seen enough sunsets and he doesn’t want to encourage the bard, so he doesn’t slow Roach and he doesn’t look. Jaskier, however, isn’t deterred. He turns back around, jogging a little to catch up.
‘On evenings like this it feels like the whole world is in order. Your contract is done and dusted, my lute is in tune-’ He plucks a few notes to demonstrate. ‘Roach is-’ he reaches out towards her neck, and then quickly snatches his hand back protectively when she pins her ears and flashes the white of her teeth. ‘Yeah - Roach is growing to love me.’ Geralt can’t help but huff a laugh at that, patting Roach’s neck to calm her down. ‘Ah, so you weren’t rendered completely mute by that pack of ghouls. That is excellent news. The world would miss your eloquent vocabulary of ‘hmms’ and grunts.’ Geralt doesn’t dignify that with a reply, and for a few precious moments Jaskier is quiet, almost thoughtful. Geralt can hear a blackbird singing in the distance. Then the relentless chatter starts again.
‘What’s your favourite season, Geralt?’ In his peripheral vision Geralt can see Jaskier looking up at him, squinting to keep the sun out of his eyes. Why does it matter, he thinks. They change regardless.
‘If I pick one, will you stop talking?’
‘Probably not,’ shrugs Jaskier, without missing a beat. But then he does pause, looking down at the dusty track, then back up at Geralt. ‘Mine’s spring. Want to know why?’ The sun has dipped behind the shadow of the city now, and Jaskier no longer has to squint. He looks suddenly serious, his expression a little pinched, and Geralt remembers how young Jaskier is, how vulnerable. Irritation rises in him like bile and he clenches his teeth.
‘No.’ He says, then urges Roach on into a canter, leaving the bard spluttering curses about the dust she’s kicked onto his doublet. By the time Roach enters the city at a trot, her hooves echoing loudly on the cobbles, Geralt’s irritation has all but ebbed away. Spring is his favourite season too. He doesn’t know why.
It's time for a little series of mini fics about Geralt having (and generally denying) preferences/opinions. This was originally going to be a 5+1 but I can never be bothered to finish that format, so this'll just one+some more, when I get around to writing them. One day I might also get around to writing some of them from jaskier's pov, who knows!
This is very much based on the sort of behaviour we see from Netflix!Geralt, so apologies to people who want to see Geralt act like a mature adult but you've come to the wrong place!
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und3rc0ver · 4 years
Exhausted (Some Chilumi cuz why not =D )
Haha computer go clicck clack.
After seeing @restlessfandoming writing some awesome fanfics, me -along with my mediocre vocabulary- thought I'll try to make my own. I found Chilumi cuz of their writing, so I think there's no harm in making my own.
P.s: if u read this, ur writing is superior to mine (@restlessfandoming)
(SPOILERS: Events after 1.1 update)
< Part One >
Why is everyone one here so needy?!?! Can’t I just have a break for one single day!?
Lumine - the hero of Mondstat, was tired, exhausted, and breathless. She hadn’t slept on a comfy bed, ate a decent meal, or even sat down and took a couple of breaths for herself for a good month now.
She’d just finished quest after quest, fight after fight, journey after journey. She couldn’t count how many places she visited today. And while it was heartwarming to hear the people’s thank-you’s and receive their rewards during her treks, it wasn’t enough to swing her out of this coma.
To her, it just felt instinctual. She doesn’t even notice it anymore.
And despite being a tad bit oblivious -and dare I say, stupid- at times, the traveller’s guide, Paimon, was the first to pick up on it.
“Oh god, you look more depressed than Diluc!” She joked; but to some extent, she was right. Lumine just shook those words off like some dust off her shoulder, as she ventured through the busy streets of Liyue.
"I'm fine.." Lumine said.
All of these adventures came at a cost: paid usually by time, energy, and patience. But when all was settled, she still hadn’t met all of the Seven, or even found a clue to find her brother.
The thought would immediately drain any happiness she found in Teyvat.
But of all the people she has met, and all the people she has fought alongside and against, only one really caught Lumine's attention.
The Eleventh Harbinger, Childe.
The flipside of a ruthless harbinger being as protective and supportive to anyone was puzzling her. Even after the Harbinger explained his morals and goals, she simply couldn’t fathom the idea of it.
They did have their share of tussles and disagreements, but when is all said and done, they made up rather quickly.
But one thing was for sure; she saw both sides of this coin, and she was intrigued by it.
Besides, seeing Childe being so energetic and silly with Teucer was pleasing to her. It warmed the traveler’s cold and seemingly hopeless heart.
Ah! She stopped at a vantage point overlooking the busy harbour of Liyue. Peering over a thin wooden fence, resting her elbow and head onto the rail.
“Perhaps he’s like a vigilante: he doesn’t seem to like the Fatui’s ideas, but he still is apart of them.”
Lumine was thinking hard, trying to place the right piece in this puzzle.
"It seems like he calls his shots for good results and benefits of his family." She mumbled to herself quietly. She remained puzzled, leaning on the fence, trying to recall what she knew about the Harbinger.
When he wasn't a merciless warrior, Childe was an energetic, and arrogant person: it was these traits that ultimately won over her trust.
However, it was difficult to think about him positively after he tried -and nearly succeeded- to kill her.
But it was not impossible.
Meanwhile, Paimon wasn’t going to just stand there and let the traveler think on an empty stomach.
“UGH,” she groaned, floating right in front of Lumine to obscure her view. “Can we please get something to eat?”
“Okay,” She responded, pulling out a chicken-mushroom skewer.
But like a picky toddler, she pushed the skewer away.
“Do you think I’m gonna eat this garbage again!??” She said furiously, followed up by a small growl from her stomach. “We’ve eaten the same thing for five days straight! Don’t we have like 800 000+ Mora that we can spend?”
At this point, Lumine was too tired to deal with such a small event like this. Pulling a pouch from her bag, she poured some into her hand, and gave it to her hungry fairy-guide.
“Knock yourself out,” She huffed, facing Liyue’s harbour once again. A ship was docking at one of the city’s ports, full of goods and food to trade and sell: which was what stole the traveller’s attention at the moment. It would take a couple of tugs on Lumine’s dress for her to bat an eye at Paimon.
Lumine sighed,
“Not enough?” She asked, looking to snatch the pouch from the guide’s tiny hands.
“Why don’t you come with Paimon?!?! What if someone tries to steal me?!?”
“You’ll be fine..” Lumine answered, “The Millieth will save you anyways.”
“Come on!!” She wailed, tugging Lumine’s arm this time. “Stop thinking about who you want to marry and get me something to eat!!”
The traveler's eyes twitched.
It was this comment that nearly made Lumine explode. Why? It was clear as day that Lumine was quite fond of the people here. Plus, she had an embarrassing habit of staring at people she liked a lot. Anyone observant could see the signs from a mile away. Unfortunately for her, she was just too tired to be anrgy.
“Okay, okay,” she said sluggishly, stretching her arms and letting out a small yawn. “Where do you want to go?”
“I wanna try the Tigerfish from that Chen guy, people say it’s one of the best foods in Liyue!”
So off they went to find Chen, the street food vendor, which was surprisingly easier than Lumine thought.
After a ten minute wait, they arrived at the front of the line, where they were greeted by Chen’s big wide smile. This could’ve been the time where Lumie could treat herself to a little snack; but, she wasn’t hungry, and opted to stay silent.
For now..
“We’ll take four Grilled Tigerfish, please!” She ordered happily. After all, she wasn’t the one to worry about a single expense.
“Alright!” Chen said joyfully. “That’ll be 1520 Mora, please.”
Reaching into the pouch, she pulled out enough to cover the bill, along with a 150 mora tip.
“Say, Traveller,” He looked at the unenergetic Lumine, confused. “Seem a bit down today. Finding your fame in Teyvat to be overwhelming?”
She just laughed it off, taking the grilled skewers from Chen, and passing it to Paimon.
“Well, not really,” she lied.
Because everyone would want the “Hero of Mondstadt” to help them out.
“Just another busy day, full of commissions from all over the place.”
With the transaction now complete, Lumine began to walk towards the Adventurer's Guild to collect her rewards from all those commissions. But a call from a distance pulled her right back to Chen's food kiosk.
“Here,” he smiled, giving her an extra fresh-skewer.
“But shouldn’t I-”
“It’s on the house for today: I insist,” He said kindly. “Seems like you work hard to keep our city in good shape. Take it as a token of appreciation. “
Although it was a kind gesture, Lumine was skeptical of having it: she felt a bit guilty for practically stealing it.
But, if Paimon sees a good deal, she acts quickly.
“Thanks Chen! See you later!!!” She cheered, grabbing the Grilled skewer for herself.
“Anytime,” He replied. “Safe travels!”
“You too..!” Lumine said awkwardly, dragging herself away from Chen's kiosk.
Though she felt guilty at first, she felt pretty good after that kind gesture from Chen. It almost put a smile on the Traveller’s face.
While Lumine was traversing through the busy, and colourful streets of Liyue, Paimon -who was starving for the last three hours- inhaled those fish like a vacuum.
Lumine was totally fine with eating her 10th chicken-mushroom skewer today. After all, she liked the plain dish when cooked right: but like Paimon, she too wanted a different taste.
And she, too, wanted to try Liyue’s Grilled Tigerfish.
With a sudden stop next to the Jade-betting kiosk, Lumine gave in, and sighed.
“Got any.. left..?” She asked hopelessly, knowing full-well that there’s probably none left for her anyway.
“Yeah!” The fairy said, holding two skewers of the grilled fish in her hands. “I knew you wanted to try these! They are reeaaally good!!”
One bite, and Lumine loved it. She gulped them down faster than the wind itself! This was a taste that brightened her day: one that made the girl lick the stick to get some more flavour.
Together, they walked around the busy plaza, arriving at the Adventurer's Guild commission board. Both were a bit curious if there were any newer commissions up-for-grabs.
But their luck ran out, and there were none to be seen. Both a shame, but strangely, a relief for Lumine.
I must’ve finished a lot of them. Should get me a decent reward, and maybe a break-
“Hello, traveler,” An all-familiar voice said, drawing the two’s attention. Of course, Kathyrine, the receptionist of Liyue’s Adventurer's Guild branch, was talking to them.
“I assume you’re here for your rewards for today?”
“Yeah..” She admitted.
“Today you completed 8 commissions in Liyue, correct?”
Just as she asked, Lumine slipped eight papers, all signed by each citizen she’d completed a task for.
“Well, it seems that you’ve come prepared,” Kathyrine chuckled. “Here’s your reward.”
The pouch of Mora seemed quite heavy, which Lumine knew would be 60 000 Mora (since each commission would be worth about 7 500 Mora, depending on what an Adventurer would do). It would be enough to buy her a place to stay for a couple of nights.
“Thanks,” Lumine said, gently shaking the pouch of Mora in her hand.
“Actually,” the receptionist continued, “Someone has been causing a lot of trouble near the Golden house. A couple of our adventurers have gone there and came back severely wounded, with one still in hospitality as we speak.”
“Oh,” was all that came out of Lumine’s mouth. She definetely wasn’t expecting a commission there.
“Sorry, where was it again?” Lumine asked.
“I believe this person would be in or around the Golden House.”
That certainly rang a bell in the traveler's mind.
“As one of our more… experienced members, would you like to take a look and see what’s happening?”
Of course, Lumine wasn’t the kind to back down. It was this trait of hers that helped her save Mondstadt.
“Will do,” She responded.
And off she went to investigate the Golden House.
* * * * *
“You sure you don't want to come in too?”
“I think it’s better for Paimon to sit this one out.”
Once they reached the enterncenof Teyvat's Mora stash, Paimon decided to disappear into her own little world, leaving Lumine alone once again. But she wouldn’t be alone for long, because the feelings of fatigue, and nausea were slowly creeping towards the traveler. Once she cracked the door open enough for her to slide through, she tip-toed her way inside, trying her best to not reveal her presence. But for today, luck was definetely not on her side.
Out of nowhere, an electro-blade flies right next to her neck, begging to pierce Lumine’s skin. But she did not flinch a single bit. She just looked dead-pan into the eyes of the culprit:
“I see you’ve come back for a rematch, eh?” He said slyly, letting his blade de-materialize from his hand.
“And you are here to cause some more trouble?” She countered, slowly walking towards the Harbinger: a deep, serious look at Tartaglia's lifeless eyes.
“I guess you can say that,” He admitted, now twiddling with his water blades. “Some have told me you're a workaholic now. No?”
“What makes you say that?” Lumine questioned, sword in hand.
“I’m a Fatui!” He laughed, gesturing towards the ceiling. “I have eyes and ears everywhere.”
At this moment, something weird was happening to Lumine. She felt nauseous, and tired all of a sudden: that burst of energy from having the Tigerfish was now depleted. She felt like her usual-self, or at least the one she presents to most people that meet her.
But worse.
She felt vomit from her throat, and judging on how relatively lumpy the texture was, it probably was those Chicken-mushroom-skewers she’d eaten for the last ten days.
Despite all of it, she still stood tall in front of the Harbinger, not letting herself give in just yet.
“So,” Tartaglia teased, wielding his signature bow. “Are we just going to stand here and look pretty, or are we going to fight?”
She wanted to say yes: she wanted to beat him convincingly: she wanted to assert her dominance.
But her body held her back.
And when the battle began, she dropped her sword right next to her feet, unable to hold it properly anymore.
“Ah, guess you don’t need a sword to beat me?” He said, his weapon hanging at his side. “I like your confidence, Ojou-chan.”
The name rolled off his tongue in a way that made Lumine flustered.
Still, with little energy left in her, she used Anemo energy to retrieve her weapon, and fought fiercely.
Punch for punch.
Block for block.
Blade for blade.
With his bow, Childe released a horde of arrows right at Lumine, but she effortlessly danced past all of them. Imidietaly, she changed a ball of wind to fire, but a slick move from the Harbinger made Lumine look silly.
It was mezmarizing watching the two go at it.
After a very intense skirmish, the two broke apart from each other, taking a small moment to breathe.
For Childe, he regained his strength to fight once again.
But Lumine had a trick up her sleeve.
And all-or-nothing, last-resort move, she had never tried before.
With the last game of energy left in her, she rushed towards the Harbinger, zooming past everything Childe threw at her.
And when the time was right, she tackled him to the ground, catching him off-guard
Luck seemed to finally be in her favour.
But not for long.
* * * * *
"Uh, boss..?" A mysterious, light voice said, panting heavily.
"What..?" Another voice -a little deeper in tone- replied.
"The Millieth are on the scene as we speak, I just got out of there without being seen."
The deeper voice laughed hysterically.
"Millieth? You pathetic coward. I guess I'll have to find it myself-"
"N-NO WAIT!" The light voice pleaded, "there's no need: I found a pattern on the floor, that may interest you."
The darker voice stood tall, looking down to his inferior.
"And what might that be..?" The darker voice snapped, holding the other by their collar.
"There's-There's a pool on the floor."
The boss dropped his co-worker from his grasp, leaning back in his throne.
"What was it…" He said, aggravated.
A pause came from the co-worker, leaving the boss on the edge of his seat.
"WHAT WAS IT!?!" He screamed furiously.
"B-b-blood and v-vomit, and some water.. sir.." The lighter voice whispered.
The boss smirked, twiddling a small dagger in one hand.
"Blood you say?" He asked curiously, leaning close to hear the other's response.
"Y-yes M'lord!!"
"... Good…"
Idk when I'll write pt.2, but thanks for reading anyways.
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gomustanggirl16 · 4 years
Traitor Cat
Based off this random idea I have that’s a mix of my own two cats, Corona (no we named her after alcohol two years ago but it is a fitting name) and Tanqueray (gin we have a theme). So Tanq is more my cat, she likes cuddles, she likes to sit on my chest and be in my face and does know when I’m not okay and seems to take my anxiety away. Then there’s Corona, my moms cat, who well lets just say I call her a gargoyle because every morning she sits on the end of my moms bed like a gargoyle staring at her in the dark until she gets up.
So that got me thinking of Liho naturally and I had 15 minutes in an MRI machine (it’s fine I’m fine) to think clearly while ignoring the odd bagging against my back that reminded me of a child kicking the back of your seat on an airplane. So here we have Steve meeting Liho for the first time, this takes place right after TWS and this is also one of many forms of the idea and I’ve had wine so bare with me.
It had been long day, hell it had been a long year, Natasha lost her job, her antimony, her apartment, her parents apparently though that had been years ago, and now she was living in Avengers Tower because gaining her aliases back had been harder than ever before and she had started wondering if it was worth trying. But at least she had Liho, stubborn cat she was she’d missed her after leaving her with the Barton’s while she went Russia she’d found she missed the cat and Liho had seemed to miss her to, crying when she went to the farm to pick her up and see the family. 
It was late almost midnight, she’d been tracking a shipment of S.H.I.E.L.D. contraband at the docks that led nowhere, yet. Natasha checked Liho’s bowl her dry food touched, but her wet food she’d asked Tony to put out untouched. That was highly unlike her, but she was still getting used to her new surrounds, now that she wasn’t allowed outside she was going a bit stir crazy, having come into her room the other day carrying one of Tony’s socks collapsing on the floor and proceeding to “kill” it like a mouse. 
Natasha moved to her room, going through the motions as she got ready for bed collapsing into the oversized bed and abundant pillows Liho loved hiding in, slowly drifting off. Next time Natasha woke partially spreading her legs only to pause realizing Liho wasn’t at her usual spot at the end of the bed. She looked at the clock to see it was almost 2:30am and felt a slight panic pulse through her. Liho always came to bed. Even when Natasha didn’t want her to she’d sit outside the door and scratch and meow until she was let it, but there her door stood ajar and no Liho.
“Liho?” Natasha called out, nothing.
“Liho?” Natasha tried again getting out of bed and going to her door.
She went through the penthouse calling Liho but nothing. No reply. Oh no, Tony had been shocked learning she had a cat, and even more so when she’d asked him to feed her. He owed her that, but he wasn’t used to owning pets let alone Liho who tried escaping out the door every time it opened. oh no.
“J.A.R.V.I.S. are you able to track Liho’s movements?” Natasha asked trying not to think about all the possible ways Liho could be trapped or hurt or...
“Yes, reviewing the Tower’s surveillance it seems she got out when Mr. Stark fed her this evening and made her way into Captain Rogers quarters.”
Oh god...Steve had just gotten back from Spain tracking Bucky. They made plans to have breakfast later this morning. She needed to get Liho back upstairs before she gave poor Steve a heart attack. She quickly made her way out to the elevator and punched the button for Steve’s floor. Just like she knew he would his front door was unlocked, and she quietly made her way into the living room.
“Liho!!” Natasha whispered looking through the space for black ball of fur while trying not to wake the soldier. She went room by room until she reached Steve’s bedroom and her stomach knotted, knowing her cat this would be it, it’s door was cracked and she peaked in.
Sure enough there she was curled up at the end of Steve’s bed sound asleep.
“Traitor.” Liho stirred yawning and stretching with a little meow. “shh, come on.”
Instead of Liho following her Liho made her way further up the bed towards Steve’s sleeping form. Don’t you dare. Natasha moved quickly around the bed quickly snatching up the cat as she was about to climb up onto Steve’s chest. She was about to make it out the door before her foot snagged sending searing pain through her foot and her to the floor.
“What the Hell?” Natasha looked up and turned on her back to see Steve rubbing his eyes as he looked down at where she was on the floor.
“Natasha? Are you okay?” He got up realizing what had happened, helping her up off the floor.
“I’m fine, you know you should really keep that thing on the wall or between your night stand and your bed.” She said looking at his shield now laying in the middle of the floor.
“Yeah, wouldn’t want people tripping over it in the middle of the night who weren’t already here when I went to bed. Speaking of, what are you doing in my room?” 
Natasha hesitated, her eyes traying just a bit down his bare torso to where his sweats hung low on his hips-
“Right-shit where’d she go?” Natasha looked around realizing Liho was gone again. She had to be around here somewhere though.
“Where’d who go? Nat are you sure you’re okay? Even for you this is a little strange.” She frowned getting back on the floor to look under his bed.
“Liho!” She hissed but the only thing there was a duffle bag. “You got any lunch meat? Ham preferably. She doesn’t like cold chicken.”
“There’s a sandwich in the fridge...” Steve replied now more confused than ever. I mean he did wake up to her in her pajamas tripping as she tried to make her escape from his bed room.
She made it to the fridge her foot still stung but she pushed it away as she opened his fridge.
“Nat why don’t you sit down let me take a look at your foot.” Steve tried to insist as he came out putting on a zip up.
She found the remaining hoggie in the fridge and sat down on the stool at the island as Steve went through the freezer for an ice pack,
“Liho, momma’s got ham!” She heard Liho’s distinct chirp before the cat jumped sliding across the counter to get her treat. 
She watched Steve jump looking back in the direction Liho had come from then to Liho her self as she tore the thin slices of ham up into smaller bites for Liho. Poor thing was starving.
“Where-whose cat is this?” Steve asked dumbfounded as Liho devoured the ham from his sandwich.
“Steve meet Liho, my traitor cat.” Liho slept with no one not even the Barton kids but her and she was incredibly picky, yet here she was, cozy as could be with Steve.
“Why were you and Liho in my bedroom?” Steve asked again as Liho went over to him head butting his stomach to get him to pet her.
“Because I asked Tony to put some wet food out for her while I was working and he let her get out. I told him she’s sneaky and can’t be trusted, but she still got out. I didn’t noticed until half an hour ago when I woke up and she wasn’t in bed. J.A.R.V.I.S. was the one who told me she’d made it in here. Not sure how long but I found her sleeping on your bed with you and not me.”
Liho seemed completely un-phased as she started purring as Steve paid her attention.
“Probably should have realized there was something in my bed, but Sam and I spent the last three days wide awake and I crashed.” He did look tired really tired.
“I know, I’m sorry I woke you, but she was about to use you as a bed and she likes to lay across your neck until you can’t breathe.” He frowned looking at the cat that was now propping herself up on his chest trying to paw at his face to get his attention back on her.
“So it’s true what they say, pets are their owners.”
“I resent that, I don’t own her, we live together.” Had for two years now.
“That why you refer to yourself as her mother?”
“Oh so you’re cheeky when your half asleep huh?” Truth was it was Clint who started that and it just snuck into her vocabulary.
“So you say. How come I never knew you had a cat?”
“There was no reason to tell you.”
“How did you manage that you were gone so much?”
“Oh Nick would watch her for me.” Steve raised an eyebrow at that and she laughed, “Don’t tell him I told you, but he is quite the cat person, has one himself, used to follow him around hang out at S.H.I.E.L.D. but she passed away a few years ago, so you wouldn’t have seen her.”
“Well alright then. Say what does Liho mean? It’s Russian but I don’t think I’ve heard it.”
“The embodiment of evil fate and misfortune.”
“That’s a terrible name for a cat.”
“Its supposed to be ironic, she’s been everything but for me. I can shut everyone out, but she still wiggles her way in. There are days where I can’t get out of bed, and if I have nowhere to be, I had no reason to, but she won’t let me. She cries and won’t leave me be until I get up, even runs to the shower because she likes to play with the water left in the tub and if I turn it on, I’m not going to waste water. Granted most people think that’s just her hungry and wanting to make a mess, but she’s been my reason for getting up now more than ever. God I felt so scared when I realized she was gone, and a little betrayed. I’m sorry I have no idea why I just told you all of that.”
She looked away from him then playing with Liho’s tail to get her attention.
“You know if I stop looking for him-for Bucky I sometimes think I might go insane. Nat we just destroyed the one infrastructure we had...animals know this.”
“Yeah they do. Last time I leave her with Tony.”
Steve laughed a little shaking his head.
“Not to speak i’ll of the man currently housing us for free, but he can barely feed himself Nat.”
“Yeah, I mean he did what I asked, he just underestimated her willingness to go outside.” Steve smiled at her giving Liho one last pet.
“So, we still on for Breakfast? I know it’s three am now, but I don’t know about you but I’m not going back to sleep.”
“I could go for something to eat, let me cook, I was going to already, but now I think I really should since I woke you up by breaking into your bedroom.”
“Sounds good to me. Come on Liho,” Steve picked her up and Liho settled into his arms like a ragdoll.
Natasha would later recall that as the night she started to fall for him, the way Liho reacted to him, like she was telling her Steve was it, he was the one.
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sahbibabe · 4 years
A Little String
A Soulmate AU
Sephiroth/Fem! Reader
While everyone has some red string connecting them to their soulmate, you can't see yours--it is invisible to you, as is the identity of the person on the other side of it. You would never even know if you had found them until it was too late.
But they could see it. Would know. Could choose.
Would they tell you?
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EVERYONE KNEW THAT the SOLDIERs who protected them had unusual eyes; that they were a magnificent combination of blues and greens, mutated to contain the cat-like pupil that so few of them truly obtained. The strongest, they said, owned those fascinating pupils. That gave them the characteristics of a predatory cat, or some type of primal feline that stalked its prey by night.
You were not as lucky to have witnessed those eyes for yourself, only having the pleasure of others vague descriptions and small vocabulary to articulate their beauty to you. Eyes were the windows to the soul, so it was said, except yours were slammed shut and bolted, drawn with curtains so black that no light entered them.
Your friend, Aerith, had once said that your eyes gave off as much life as anyone else's, but that there was no awareness behind it, but an unguarded, unfiltered propensity for honesty. Anyone who knew body language could read you like a book, but no one could read your eyes, unable to tell if the emotions displayed there were real or just fake.
Unfortunately, Aerith was unable to visit you, more worried about one of her other friends who had gotten into some trouble. You couldn't recall his name, only that he was some important connection to her, someone she knew as family; you had met him, supposedly, once or twice, but were unaware of it. Aerith had said it had been a casual run in, usually with you holding giant boxes of tea leaves or tiny trips to her own home. It worried you that you couldn't sense him either time, his stride too quiet and his aura practically invisible.
But if Aerith was friends with him, knew him, he had to be good, right? You could only put your trust in her and move forward.
Even still, you had trouble managing your tea shop without her calm voice in your ear to help you deal with the judgemental stares. There were several of your regulars who you could guess smiled at you every time you delivered their brew to them, would defend you against anything, like Biggs and Wedge, or that one girl, Jesse, who had come with them and taken a shine to you.
You were thankful they didn't judge you for your blindness, or see it as a weakness. Before you had lost your sight to an awful disease that took your vision away during your younger years, you were a force to be reckoned with, a mercenary with enough blood on your hands to wash the city ten times over, none of it innocent blood. No one knew that, not that you would let them, but you still retained some of those reflexes, those habits and mannerisms, which was why, when the door to your shop opened as you were getting ready to close but you heard no footsteps, felt only a pressuring aura, you went on guard.
"May I help you?" You asked, turning to the direction of the door, a teacup held in your hand to seem demure. "It's almost closing time."
You had deteriorated into a gentle soul over the years, but that did not mean that you wouldn't defend yourself until the end. Your grip tightened on the cup ever so slightly.
"My apologies." The voice was smooth, neutral, and completely unexpected. It was male, had the confidence you expected to hear in someone with power, and sent the hairs on the back of your neck straight up. "I was supposed to meet someone here. It seems not."
"Who were you supposed to meet?" You inquired. He was far taller than you, speaking somewhere above your head, and his mere presence was enough to have your sixth sense ringing. "Maybe I can get them a message."
"No need. I'll see him soon enough." The man walked towards a small shelf seeded with little knickknacks. You had a hunch he was allowing you to hear his footsteps now, as a courtesy, noting your blindness the moment you had looked to the door. It was hard to ignore; gray irises and sclera were unusual even in Midgar.
There was a faint tinkling as he lifted one of the precious healing materia from a tiny bowl you had put it in for sale. No one had bought it yet. "What is this?"
"Healing materia," you explained patiently. "What's your name? I don't recall your voice at all."
"You wouldn't." You felt him turn to face you, but noticed he hadn't dropped the materia. "What would you like for this?"
"The materia?" You hummed, taking a seat on one of the benches you knew sat behind you. If you were going to die, might as well do it comfortably. "Well, a name and a general idea of what you do for a living would be nice… As a start."
He chuckled lightly, a nice sound, but you had an idea that it could have been a more ominous tune if he had wanted.
"Persistent, aren't you?" He pocketed the materia, the leather he wore--you could hear the creak--parting just so. "Very well. I am Sephiroth. You could call me a SOLDIER."
You envisioned green-blue eyes, overlaid with lashes of various colors, staring at you from across the room. His face was invisible to you, his body a mystery, but you could imagine. Could dream.
"It's nice to meet you, Sephiroth. I'm [Name]." You held out your hand politely, for him to shake. "I've never met a SOLDIER before."
He took your hand, squeezing it gently as he shook it. He wore leather gloves, smooth yet worn from use, and had strong, firm hands, the kind you would expect to feel on a SOLDIER.
"[Name]. How unique." Sephiroth pulled his hand from yours when the gesture lasted a few seconds longer than was polite. "I find myself hard pressed to believe that you have never met another SOLDIER before."
"It isn't all that far fetched." You shrugged, crossing your arms. He shifted his weight, caused the floorboards to creak. "I'm blind. If I had, I wouldn't have known unless they told me. And even then, most of your sort usually aren't keen on admitting to their jobs."
"As they should be. SOLDIERs require a measure of privacy." Sephiroth drew a little closer; you could feel his aura against your own, powerful and controlled. You felt pitifully weak against such power. "Your eyes… Is it a disease of some sort?"
"You could say that." More like a little test gone wrong for a manic scientist, but Sephiroth didn't need to know that. He was a stranger. "But I've heard that you have even stranger eyes."
"Perhaps I do."
"Do you? Have strange eyes?" You pressed. "Consider it your final payment for the materia."
He laughed, this time a very pleasant and genuine sound. You were surprised to find yourself pleased by it.
"It's an unfair trade for such a precious material. I'll do you one a little better." Sephiroth paused. "It requires a small use of my own materia, however."
"That's alright." Your curiosity piqued, you tilted your head. "Will it hurt?"
"No." He took your hand in his. You instantly felt the cool, burning rush of materia, but not any kind you had ever used before. "It just tingles, that's all. And… there."
It was brief, lasted for only a few seconds--but you could see. Could make out the brilliant irises of his eyes, which you assumed were his, in a gorgeous blue and green hue, offset by beautiful pale white lashes. In the center, staring back at you with an amusement that seemed to only have a place in cats, was an iris that resembled that of a fascinated cat. Saw the long, draping strands of hair that fell over his back in a sleek wave. Saw his face, more handsome than you could have envisioned, almost feline and deadly in its shape.
And then it was gone, but it was imprinted in your mind as firmly as a brand.
"You have gorgeous eyes," you blurted, and an unusual thing happened; you felt his amusement through his aura. "Thank you. For that."
"No. I believe I must thank you, instead." Sephiroth rose to his feet, but kept a gentle grip on your wrist; tentative and almost kind.
"Whatever for?" You asked softly, confused. His aura grew steadily more amused… and softer, if you could have felt it more strongly. "I did nothing."
"You did everything." Sephiroth released your hand, made for the door. "Thank you, [Name]."
"But I don't…" The door opened and shut. You felt a feather in your hand, soft and impossibly sleek. "I don't understand."
Your world, if you could even tell, went just a little darker.
As if some light had been given to you, and then just as abruptly snatched away.
A little string.
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reversecreek · 3 years
✵ zloane , bravier , nyla and sean
their first impression of your muse:
sexy. tugged on her hair literally the first time he saw her hadn’t even had a conversation bt was just like target? located. going? ✈️ annoy her. probably initially just thought she was only at the skate park bc sean was n was like 🙄 then she cld actually skate n he was like 😏 liked that she gave him shit. found it funny pushing her buttons. liked her eyes. probably was like wtf is in the fuckin water in this town yo why all my friends got hot sisters that shit aint right tryna make me a dog....... not that he was even. phased by betraying those boundaries bt. still. i won’t lie his main first impression was probably jst damn bit hot when she glares at me like that. KJHFSGKSJHGKGHSFKGH
current impression:  
knows her a little more than he likes to know people. favourite person to argue w. can possibly skate better than him bt if she said so he’d be like “ur off ur fuckin tits man” n then practice secretly on his own for hours that night n get 9457295 scrapes. doesn’t like talking abt her dad like him so one time he put a firework in his mailbox n never admitted it was him. has reactions to youtube videos tht make him snort. quite funny in general rly. drinks a lot not that he can judge it’s just sometimes he notices n once he even snatched her cup n drank the rest so she couldn’t. played it off as their typical fuckery bt he isn’t sure what that feeling was. hasn’t been concerned often enough to know it by name. finds her hot at inappropriate moments like when a movie chara’s dying n he’s meant to be sad. finds her hot when she pisses him off too. thinks mayb she likes the excuse to hold onto him when she rides on his vespa but he kind of likes it too so he’s not about to call it out bc “he isn’t about that deep shit”. 
are they attracted to your muse?:  
KFJHGKJGHFGKFHSGKSHGKSFGH. imagine i was jst like no <3... yes. he likes to act like he’s less so than he is bt it’s obvious.
something they find frightening about your muse:
i wouldn’t say it frightens him bt sometimes he catches her looking at him a certain way n it unsettles him but he doesn’t know why. usually just pretends he didn’t catch it.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
he likes her short hair he’s always ruffling it n tugging on it. whenever she hs bumps n scrapes n bruises from falling off her board n getting back on over n over again jst never giving up or giving a fk. when she acts like she isn’t jealous.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
umm. no. he’s an asshole. KGJSHFKGHSKFHGSKFGHKGH. sighs.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
no..... sees that as dangerous territory wouldn’t wna blur the lines. looks away.
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
baddie. FKGJHSKGHFGSFHGSKGHSFKHG. demonic (when they’ve had a fight). 
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. he loves to argue w her but it never feels that Real u know... more like flirting. even when they’re rly pissed off. wld never enter that territory he hates shit like tht w a passion. cue round of applause from the audience for this absolutely low bar.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
i feel like they’re not rly huggy people...... ziggy probably puts his arm around her a lot tho he loves doing that. hs kissed her more times than he can count too n doesn’t plan on stopping
their first impression of your muse:
funny. mean in a more digestible way than she was used to. he had barbs n she liked the way people winced when they tried to swallow his company. when she got paired w him for a class project she met his eyes across the room n he didn’t quickly look away like most ppl. something abt that intrigued her. a sharp fingernail inside her head kept having to itch at something n she realised it was the urge for him to call her a bad name. this weird craving to hear an angry word inside his mouth just for her. she used to think that’s what someone wanting her was like. still does sometimes. this both pissed her off n caught her attention which is a bit of an accomplishment fr someone who gets bored by everyone n everything.
current impression:  
his heart’s more good than she expected. it felt a bit like having a cat drop a dead mouse at ur doorstep that u don’t know what to do with when she realised that. she felt uncomfortably like her mother when she couldn’t get out of his bed bc she was too depressed n that rly made her feel like. ill honestly. he did all the right things but suddenly she just felt sick abt the whole situation which is Not the normal reaction to ur bf caring about u but bradley doesn’t understand ppl caring abt her. felt more like pity. she thinks he’s better off. she misses him sometimes bt then she reminds herself she doesn’t miss people. does a good job of believing it. one of the best ppl she’s dated not that she’d say it.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
yes..... ws probably. unhinged n rabid when they were dating. very good at hiding it now however. cold at the drop of a hat.
something they find frightening about your muse:
that he witnessed her being vulnerable............ literally grosses her out so much like she’d rather die than. anyone see her like that. when they were dating she’d get paranoid her dad wld somehow find out too n smthn wld happen to him for it. it ws definitely weird for her like the fact she even cared enough to consider tht.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
adorable is rly not a word that fits into bradley’s vocabulary GHSFGHSFKGHSFKG bt hm. maybe if he ever tried to tell her what to do one time even casually. she’d b like awww..... u think i do what anyone tells me? that’s so fucking sweet. 
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
in most cases no :/..... however if it was smthn to do w the guys that work for her dad then ya she’d put herself in danger to avoid him being in it.
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
i mean she has in the past bt bradley’s idea of dates is like. starting a bar fight together. getting thrown out of a club n both falling over into trash cans in a dingy back alley. stealing a car. breaking into a random house n fking in a stranger’s bed. fking in the bk of a movie theatre w a horror movie screening. definitely not dinner or anything like tht. she wldn’t now........ they’re not exactly in a place fr that..... 
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
ex. whatever. i know it’s not one word but “some guy”. FGHSKGHFGKSHG >_>
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no. she’s a violent person bt not xavier.
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
NO hugging...................... she fronts like she wldn’t kiss him bt like. if a discussion got heated n they were in each other’s faces who’s to say. 
their first impression of your muse:
strange little fella which is a very high compliment. kind of reminded them of an animated turtle come to life in the human realm altho they honestly don’t have an explanation for that it’s just the way their brain works. they love the turtles in finding nemo tho so maybe there’s some sort of correlation. very nice face. they kind of wanted to hold his head like a bowling ball just so they could examine it properly. i feel like when they first met him they probably reached out n smoothed a sticky label onto his forehead that said ‘catfish in chernobyl’ n they had one on their forehead that was blank n then they just wafted a pen mid air n were like ��wanna play guesses?’ even tho that isn’t the name of the game. as if that was just. a completely normal introduction to someone. FGKHSKHGSFKGHSFKG. feel like sean wld have rolled w that tho so nyla was like :P i like.... if they played another round they’d give sean another sticky label that said ‘the loneliest whale in the world’ n then it’d start a whole conversation abt how nyla thinks they can speak whaleish. (whale spin on elvish). 
current impression:  
sean makes them think of that artificial blue raspberry flavour some popsicles have n how it’s always rly fun when they stain ur tongue. sweet n exuberant n leaves a bright impression. he lets them ride on his skateboard sometimes rolling along being lead by them holding his hand n nyla likes to shut their eyes like they’re a bird sailing above the clouds. one of their favourite things to do especially when the sun’s out. bc of this nyla thinks sean was a bird in his past life but not a greedy one like a seagull or a plain one like a pigeon. maybe a bluebird bc of his eyes. he makes them laugh a lot. they entrusted him to babysit their children (as pictured) in his hair for a whole day and night once n they had lots of fun with him so nyla thinks he’s very trustworthy and kind. he also is rly easy to talk to like they cld randomly be like “i’ve been thinking lately that maybe homer simpson could’ve been a good figure skater” n sean wldn’t look at them like they’ve lost their marbles he’d just go w it. they like his company a lot.
are they attracted to your muse?:  
something they find frightening about your muse:
ummm nothing in particular altho one time when they were rly tripping out bc his eyes are blue n it got them thinking abt the ocean n they always think they can talk to ghosts underwater so they were kind of like. thinking abt ghosts whenever they looked him in the eyes. maybe covered their own w their hands n if sean asked why they told him abt it. suddenly he shut his eyes to make them feel better n it turned into a whole thing where nyla had to lead him around the party like a guide dog.
something they find adorable about your muse:  
his nose. watching him talk to his siblings. his hands.
would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
😌 yea
would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
yes............ feel like they’d have fun if they went anywhere tbh........ cn imagine them at a fair eating from the same cotton candy n chattering as they point out things. nyla trying to do that hammer game where u make the meter reach the top n lifting the hammer in the air n falling backwards bc it was heavier than they anticipated.... sean yelling like man down man down..... mayb they take a tab n suddenly the fair is so scary they’re like 😳 we’re in danger...
one word my muse would use to describe yours:  
silly (affectionate). sailor (also term of endearment). gnome (same thing again). cool.
would my muse slap yours if they could?:
no ur sick....
would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
ya to both. jst suddenly had a vision too of nyla being cold one time n clinging to sean from the front like a bushbaby in a hug as he carries her around. suddenly this mode of transportation hs happened more thn once (godmod) (contact my lawyers if u dare bebe) (bitch) (i take it back) (it wasn’t right alli it jst wasn’t right) (pelase forigev m eim shakign)
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Trapped” Part 4
Almost one year ago, someone tried to kill The Joker in a speeding car and Y/N pushed him out of the way, getting hit instead. With a fractured skull and broken bones, she was out of business for 6 months; when she finally recovered, The Queen of Gotham wasn’t the same anymore. Trapped inside her own mind and exhibiting severe cognitive impairment, Y/N’s life switched upside down without any hope of ever returning to normal.
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Part 1       Part 2      Part 3      Part 5
Next Morning
“We’re done here, OK?” The Joker shouts and you stomp away, furious at his behavior.
“Of course we are done, who the hell would put up with you?!! You’re horrible!!!”
“It finally clicked? Good!!!! Come on, speed it up and disappear!!!!” he points at the top of the hill where your car is parked.
You walk faster and J is increasingly frustrated with each step you take.
“So what you said was a lie?!” he yells before he can stop himself. “You assured me I’ll get used with being loved and here you are running from me! Hypocrite! Who’s the liar now, huh?”
You turn around, stunned.
How dare he twist your most intimate confessions in such a manner?
Y/N and The Joker glare at each other for a few moments before you voice all the bitterness and resentment building up in your heart loud enough for him to hear:
“I hate you!”
“Oh yeah?” he smirks. “Perfect! I’m used to it!”
You reprise your stroll, determined not to fall into his little traps anymore: this time is over and you have to put as much distance in between the two of you in the next few seconds before he attempts one of his tricks.
Not that you would fall for it again, but you never know…
One last glare while you try to open the car door and you see him flair his arms around loudly screaming at his phone; your fingers keep missing the lock and you kick the metal frame, irritated. Another glance and you spot a vehicle driving in the parking lane towards where The Joker is.
“J?...” you hesitantly call out to him yet The Joker probably has the earbuds in so he can’t hear you. “J!!!” you wave to get his attention without success. “Oh my God!” you rush back in his direction when you realize that SUV will hit him if it continues the present trajectory. “J!!! J!!!!”
The King is too absorbed in his business conversation thus he finally sees Y/N next to him as she violently pushes him out of harm’s way.
The strong impact wakes you up and you gasp for air, panicked. Your troubled mind has difficulty catching up with reality: a damaged brain can’t possibly render any type of comfort in this situation.
“Why are you crying?” J mumbles half asleep. “Did you have a bad dream?”
You seem confused and unresponsive to his questions, no other choice besides waking up to check on you.
“Calm down. You had a nightmare, ok?” he pulls the agitated Y/N in his arms. “ Hey, it’s me!”
You whimper at the pain paralyzing your body and don’t complain when he drags you on top of him; it actually feels soothing having someone close that understands what’s happening to you.
“Don’t hold me so tight, I can’t breathe,” J pecks your forehead where the blood clot pressing on your frontal lobe should be. “Better?” he asks a tearful girlfriend that ultimately begins to understand she wasn’t hit by a car minutes ago: it’s an ordeal she already went through months ago despite the aftermath of the accident still creating problems. “Such an early bird,” The Clown yawns since he won’t be able to doze off after your episode. “Only 7 am Princess…” the grumbled noises make you receptive to his complaint. “What about you give me some sugar in exchange for my services?” J suggests, quite puzzled when you roll off him and stumble out of the bedroom. “Where are you going?!”
You don’t answer because you’re concentrating just on what your neurons were able to translate in such a short notice: your man wants sugar. That’s why you’re in a big hurry to bring him a bag containing the sweet product, happily offering the item to his majesty The King of Gotham.
“For God’s sake, Pumpkin!” he accepts the gift nevertheless and places it on the covers. “That’s not what I meant,” he snatches Y/N in his arms and kisses her.
“No…sugar?...” you inquire out of genuine curiosity.
“I already got it,” he mischievously smirks at your bafflement, deciding to exercise your skills at once. “Say Princess: if I give you two kisses and then I give you two more, how many kisses do you get?”
“Ummm…” you debate on the question,”… not enough?”
“Due to your high standards, certainly,” The Joker huffs at the genuine reply. “Your solution is not wrong, but I’m looking for a number. Two plus two? Come on, you already know this one!”
“Mmmm… Four?...” you blur out and get groped as reward.
“Good girl!” J proudly applauds your abilities at crack of dawn. “Enough algebra for this morning,” he changes topic. “Your doctor appointment is at 10; you should take a shower soon,” and he rambles on until something is clear: the blank expression on your face hints at the outcome.
“You’re not listening, are you?” he suspiciously inquires.
Why would you? Your brain’s self-defense mechanism prevailed at all the information flooding your deteriorated synapses and the result was blocking the outpour of sentences.
“That was a 10 minutes speech, Pumpkin!” The Joker grouchily admonishes the carefree Y/N.
“11,” you gesture at the clock on the wall.
“11 what?”
“11 minutes, not 10,” you nonchalantly conclude.
“Oh, so you have the audacity to time me while you don’t bother keeping up?!”
“Yes,” you giggle and hide your face under the pillow.
“That’s preposterous!”
“Hm?...” your nose emerges from under the cushion at the fascinating word you can’t recollect being in your current vocabulary.
“Preposterous, Princess!” J repeats.”… Stop laughing, would you?” he forcefully hijacks your pillow and you snicker because whatever-the-heck- it-means Preposterous Princess sounds like a hilarious nickname. “You wanna play games?” The Clown Prince of Crime sucks on his silver teeth willing to bring a final showdown to this magical day. “Fine, remember you made me with your abominable behavior!” he reaches for the nightstand in order to grab his favorite deck of cards. “Pick a card, any card; I won’t peak,” J watches the captivated woman pluck her choice from the mound. “Now put it in the stack,” he urges and you follow the instructions.
The Joker vigorously shuffles the cards then searches for yours.
“Is this it?” he triumphantly flicks the Joker card out of the bunch.
You nod a yes completely smitten he guessed again and your terrible half steals a kiss, triumphantly growling to himself:
“Who’s  laughing now, huh?”
After Your Doctor’s Appointment
J slides the screen on his phone and before he can utter anything you announce:
“Hi, this is Pre… Pro… Mmm… W-wait,” you stammer and gather your thoughts. “This is Preposterous Princess.”
The Joker sighs, definitely unamused at your 5th call in a row to tell him what’s going on at your routine consultation: he barely finished counting the ammo boxes he received with the shipment after you left and going over the heist scheme for next week it’s made impossible by Y/N.
“Pumpkin, I will remind you that’s not what I meant when I said that word. It was Preposterous COMA Princess!! Two separate entities, alright? We need to have a serious discussion after you get home.”
“I have to go, Pro… Ummm… Preposterous Princess is at…at the gates,” you say it very fast and hang up, excited to share news with him.
Yet The Clown is already acquainted with the whole development on your condition: the doctor’s office contacted him after your departure in order to brief him on Y/N health. The blood clot is a bit smaller since it keeps reabsorbing; the cognitive issues are there, tests ended up pretty much within normal range except one, thus it’s necessary for the two of you to have the dialogue he mentioned about.
Five more minutes and you barge in his office holding your yellow teddy bear and for the first time in his life The Joker can’t help regretting he’s about to burst someone’s bubble.
You approach the desk and set the ultrasound picture in front of him waiting for his reaction; your bright smile doesn’t go well with how gloomy he appears, literally an understatement anyway.
“Baby,” you tap the image just in case he didn’t realize what he’s staring at.
“I know, Pumpkin. We can’t keep it.”
“Hm…?” your smile gradually dies out as you comprehend he’s not on the same page with your wishes.
“We can’t keep the baby, it’s very dangerous given you merely survived a severe trauma. I was told it’s nearly impossible for you to have kids, that’s why I didn’t use… Anyway… I admit this one’s on me and the conclusion is… … we can’t keep the baby.”
“No baby?” you sniffle.
“Nope, it would be too harsh on your body. Plus, you won’t be able to use your anti-inflammatory medication if you’re pregnant.”
“I want baby!”
“Are you deaf??!” J slams the desk with his fist, annoyed. “You can’t have a child, it could kill you. Do you want to perish?!” he rises from his chair.
“No… I want you and baby.”
“No way in hell!” he snarls at your defiance.
“Why can’t I h-have baby? Because… because I’m stupid?” you cuddle with your plush toy, heartbroken at his approach.
“You’re not stupid, but I’m beginning to have doubts if what I told you doesn’t make sense!”
“I want baby!” you whisper on the verge of crying.
“I want baby,” The Joker mocks and watches your demeanor change: it doesn’t take a genius to detangle the mystery of how hurt you seem.
“Are…are you making fun of me?!”
The King is a jerk, no doubt about it. Despite his obvious flaws he never ridiculed someone’s disability; it’s simply beneath him. One could say this is a new low for him and he cannot erase it: Y/N’s cognitive impairment is clearly sacred ground he trespassed on a whim when he shouldn’t have.
“If…if you were like me… I wouldn’t laugh at… at you,” you wipe your tears, sobbing. “I’m not smart… anymore but I can m-make decisions, ok? I want baby!”
“I said no!” J yells, fired up you won’t listen to reason.
“I don… I don’t care!” you storm out of the office and trip on the carpet, almost falling to the ground. “It’s my baby!”
“It’s mine also unless you have another boyfriend!!”
You’ve been gone for the last hour; it’s a big place yet it shouldn’t be so difficult to find one’s partner.
The Joker dials your number and inquires as soon as you blow your nose on the other side of the line.
“Is this The Preposterous Princess?”
Dead air again; Y/N isn’t in the mood to speak to the man she can’t forgive for his transgression. In addition to him disregarding her intention of keeping the offspring, he made her feel dumb and that’s unforgivable.
“Y/N, where are you?!” J descends the steps leading to the basement, the last area he didn’t searched for his missing woman. He opens the boiler room, nothing. The pantry reveals zero clues either. The janitorial supplies closet is a different story; a box of sponges flies by his ear, immediately accompanied by a hateful tone:
“Go away!”
“You almost broke my nose,” he over exaggerates. “What are you doing here anyway? I’ve been looking all over the house!” “I’m hiding baby from you,” you clearly enunciate without stammering.
“Give me a break,” he drops on his knees in front of you. “I don’t want you to kick the bucket, why is that a bad thing?”
“I want baby!”
“Stubborn mule, you sound like a scratched CD that skips and skips and skips,” he barks at your persistence.
“Hm?” you crinkle your nose.
“Scratched CD!” he brings his face close to yours, pleased an opportunity for his plan has arisen. “First of all, if you want to keep the kid you have to promise not to die; second, I have no desire to become a father and third of all pick a card!” he shoves them in your fingers, perfectly aware that if you can’t process all the stuff he’s yapping at an amazing speed, you’ll get distracted and forget you’re mad at him; including one of your favorite games to the equation should seal the outcome.
“Chop, chop, pick a card Pumpkin!”
You suspiciously pluck your item and then shove it back in the bundle.
The Joker steals a kiss while figuring out your card and you protest:
“I don’t… I don’t want your four kisses!”
“That’s too bad, I do come with four kisses, it’s a bundle deal!” J dismisses your logic connected to this morning’s algebra lesson. “Is this your card?” he shows you the Jester card and your mouth opens in amazement.
He fights with himself if he should disclose the secret: you don’t seem totally diverted and his plot could misfire due to inaction.
It’s not worth it.
“Do you know how I select the correct card?”
“Each single time Pumpkin you invariably pick The Joker card.”
You sulk at the revelation since it’s true: you don’t recall sorting another card from the deck.
“I do… I always choose you…”
He doesn’t have a response and the chat is taking a strange turn, not precisely what he was aiming for.
“Yeah, well… good for you, Princess…” he stands and offers his hand to help you up.
Another smooch as bonus for his assistance whilst The Queen pouts at his impertinence: he has such a nerve!
Perhaps because he comes with four kisses.
It’s a bundle deal.
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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