#he is Real
chantsdemarins · 5 months
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I must say day 1 of my Tom LA delulu adventure was so good. First of all-if you wonder is he really that attractive in real life. He is.
Wonder no more.
So I was lucky enough to sit next to a fellow crazed fan whose off the chain energy was delightfully energizing so much so I found myself hollering at the beginning of the event-in reaction to Tom’s “You all look great” I yelled something like “You do too!!” I can’t even remember what the hell I said. But listen for my delulu voice when you check out the podcast! 😂😂😂😂
Josh Horowitz really is a dear soul and the perfect compliment to Tom’s dare I say renewed “Jaguar Energy”-he seemed plucked from those commercials and plopped into his present self, giving a more refined DILF spy aesthetic which is literally too much. Way too much. 🚨🚨🚨 Josh navigated the excitement with expertise! He asked a lot of questions I know have been on my mind…and it all seemed natural. Lots of talk about his renewal of Jonathan Pine and Night Manager series!! I am so stoked!!
I drove back to my hotel in a complete daze✨✨✨✨✨I was drunk on Tom! 😌😉🥹😅😂😇😍😭😭😭
Part 2 tonight: Loki season 2 episode screening and Tom talk…
@lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @maple-seed @mochie85 @loopsisloops @tallseaweed @muddyorbsblr
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goldenhawk-k · 1 year
The absolute disdain in Jon’s voice when he tells Sasha that the architect Tim’s obsessed with was “Robert Smirk” proves that that man has heard numerous infodumps from Tim about him
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buggymanyeah · 5 months
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Necessary purchase
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kingpippthe2nd · 5 months
I almost forgot to post this. I can now attest that Michael, too, is actually real.
I got to meet him at the stage door, and now I'm forced to add to the choir off: "He is the sweetest and most patient person." I fumbled so much with my pen, almost dropped my book, and barely got a clear word out. But he was so kind.
Officially the best start into a birthday I've ever had.
Oh, and do go see Nye if you have the chance. It's really good.
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river-fisher · 5 days
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not digital art, but definitely art nonetheless
behold! bobby fulbright in his plasteline flesh! I've never made anything like this before but i just wanted something physical from him, so... yeah!
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vinylcent · 1 year
It's crazy that they did a waist reveal before his face.
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kchauu55 · 27 days
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evendash · 7 days
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My heart is like the open highway. Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"! ☽
♬♪♫(rus) ♬♪♫(eng)
⚸{This ain't a song for the broken-hearted. No silent prayer for the faith-departed. I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd. You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud}
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⚸{Эта песня не для разбитого сердца. Не потерявших веру тихая молитва. И я не собираюсь быть лицом в толпе, услышь голос мой, когда я крикну тебе}:
Моя жизнь так быстротечна. И я не собираюсь жить вечно. Я просто хочу жить, пока я жива!
А сердце — скоростная дорога. Я сделаю по-своему только. Я просто хочу жить, пока я жива. Это моя жизнь!
Да, эта песня для тех, кто на своём стояли. Для Томми и Джины, что не отступали.
Завтра становится всё трудней, удача ждёт не всегда, я должна быть сильней: «Стой на своём, когда собьют с пути, не прогибайся, не сломайся, детка, не отступи.»
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hazy-egg · 1 year
You guys aren’t ready for the other images of Matt Virginia that exist.
Like just look
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he’s literally just a guy that is out there somewhere
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He exists as more than just his default pose
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What will be done this information??? who fucking knows but in case you’re wondering there’s pages of his modelling work on shutterstock
I just had to share this new-found knowledge and curse you all with these images <3
(also it was @pianovania​ who sleuthed this so thank them as well for this)
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huggingtentacles · 9 months
I have 111 poise in light load
All it takes is 90 endurance
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enzie-ki · 10 months
I found it.
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it's real
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sugarlime83 · 3 months
Alright Tumblr what do we think of my Jayyyweed pin @saltydkart-reblogs @imjtastic
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xpi3 · 23 days
guysss,,,, LG is real
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m1ntym1st · 25 days
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lushcowboy · 1 year
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congrats on the gender!!!
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lem0nbuug · 10 months
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He is now real!!
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