#he is always anywhere but galar
sharkboywrites · 1 year
Hi I hope I'm not bothering you but I was wondering if you can do a male reader who sees hop and leon has brothers and even gets treated like one by hop and leon (I hope what I wrote makes sense if not sorry)
Hop And Leon With a Younger Brother Figure
A/N: I was writing this and then my computer died so now I have to start over, oh well
male reader, platonic, reader is written as the protagonist of the game
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With the two of them already being biological brothers, you fit right in!
Living right next to them, it was inevitable that the three of you would be seeing each other basically every day
It's likely that you met Hop first with his shenanigans and all
It's established in the game that Leon isn't really around all the time because of his status as the Galar champion
This however doesn't mean that you never see him, in fact it's the opposite
He's always making an effort to go see his two little brothers
The three of you battle all of the time, mostly with Leon winning because y'know he's the literal champion
Sleepovers! So many sleepovers
Hop is the type of guy to try and stay up all night with you and then pass out at about ten
You basically live at their house now
They're mom is always so happy to see you and treats you just like another kid
You're welcome at family dinners and cookouts, and even see family who are visiting from far away which they promptly introduce you to as "basically another brother"
Living so close makes it so easy for the three of you to spend time together
If Leon is going anywhere cool because of his job he won't hesitate to bring the two of you along
So basically you get to travel all around Galar to cool places because of the "important big brother" thing
If you're having troubles at home then the two of them are always there to let you stay with them
Albeit even if they're not the best at comforting
If you're ever upset they'll try to distract you by playing video games or having pokemon battles
Hop will drag you out to the wild area to try and catch cool pokemon
You may even end up camping out there all night because he got so caught up in it
Being with brothers with them will probably end up with you caught in their shenanigans, but it always ends up being a good time
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Trying to get more requests done I've just got big stuff going on with the start of summer/end of the school year, ty for reading and have a nice day
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r0-boat · 1 year
Dating headcanons for Kabu, Raihan, and Piers please?
Dating Headcannons for Kabu, Raihan, Piers
Cut for length
Extremely traditional, he has the entire date planned out has a whole list of things to do and places to eat, and things to see.( more often than not already has a reservation planned)
No matter if it's your first second third or 600th the date he'll always feel nervous to take you out somewhere.
You never expected Kabu to be so romantic, he just wants to make sure you're having a good time.
Kabu's idea of a date is just as traditional a fancy dinner or somewhere quiet and go home.
The gym leader does admit that it has been sometime since he's taken someone out, and he wouldn't be surprised if dating has changed in recent years, so he would be open to anything if you decide to change it. But his first instincts will always be take you out to dinner.
Now he doesn't mind taking you places to have fun it will just take him a while to let loose a little bit. He'd much rather take it slow.
During the actual date, Kabu won't take his eyes off you; you have his full attention.
Kabu prefers taking it slow he is not interested in flings when he is with someone he is in for the long haul. He wishes for a partner to stay by his side.
Kabu says is not a jealous man but you can't help but notice his eyes seemed to Twitch when someone gets a little buddy with you.
Raihan thrives off dates while a dinner is considered for him, it isn't his go-to.
Like the extroverted battery he is he will drag you to any place he thinks is fun and wants to bring you to. Every attraction in Galar are you two have gone to at least twice. And precious thumb drives are filled with pictures and videos of every date. The ones he posts on his social media are not even 1% of the ones he has.
Raihan is less of a list and plan guy and more of a follow your heart.
If going out isn't really your thing or going anywhere where there's a lot of people he'll try to meet in the middle because a date is successful when two people are having fun.
As much as I do see Raihan being the more extroverted going out and doing things kind of boyfriend I do think he is rather flexible with Partners who don't really want to go out.
Raihan is extremely perceptive of other people, and we'll take note of your likes and dislikes, to be completely honest he is the happiest when you're happy.
Raihan is a self-proclaimed Master at dating spots; like I said, he is highly perceptive of the people he is dating. He'll pick a place that he knows you'll like, and he'll pick up on your habits pretty quickly. He'll know when you are or not having fun.
Raihan is a very doting boyfriend anyone would be lucky to be with him.
I also see him as quite the gift-giver as well, he puts a lot of thought into every gift he gives you, ( sometimes he has Dragon brain and gives you a Shiny rock or nick nack he randomly saw and made him think of you)
Eh, to be completely honest Piers doesn't care one way or the other; if going on dates means a lot to you, then sure, he'll do it to make you happy. But Piers can spend time with you in any way he wants to without any of that fancy stuff.
A guy like him, oblivious and doesn't know what romance even is, would be very in trouble on a first date, lucky for him, his sister has his back whether he wants help or not. What kind of sister would she be if she let her brother crash and burn? And Raihan can supply good spots in Galar that have good reviews and are good dating spots
Piers classifies anything as a date, even if it's just you, too, having a lazy Sunday on the couch.
Peirs ideal date if you were to ask him he, would probably say being at home with his partner eating pizza and watching The Great Galar Bake Off.
But once in a blue moon, Piers will knock you out of the park with something you never expect from him. Taking you outside of the town and watching the Stars or Have you listen to a short song he wrote about you. You have no idea where is this comes from because usually, your Piers has no romantic bone in his body.
If you would like to take him out somewhere, sure, he'll bite. He doesn't mind either way.
Piers has a tendency to be a little protective over people he really likes.
Maybe even a little bit possessive over you specifically.
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lillunna · 11 months
Posed -Raihan x fem reader- pokemon CH1
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Note: I decided to go with the head cannon that Nessa and Raihan are cousins and all characters are around 21, except hop and gloria they are around 17/18
Word count:1658
Warnings: drinking mentioned Stalking? (if you squint)
*Check out the chapter before this marked teaser for a better understanding of this chapter, the teaser just gives background.*
Synopsis: Being a pokemon contest idol wasn't easy, it's even harder when you've been an idol since your childhood. Being raised in the Hoenn region and being forced to travel around to participate in contests made it impossible to make any friends since you never stayed anywhere long enough, this all changed in the Kalos region. After making a name there and finally separating your name away from your overbearing parent you decided to move to the Galar region looking for a different life but of course rumors follow and the internet is cruel 
Chapter 1: Gossip is old news
My morning photoshoot went well, luckily leaving me with extra time to enjoy the Hano Grand Resort till my final photoshoot of the night. Hopefully I'll have some left over time to enjoy the Alola region for the few days left in this beautiful island, maybe even catch some new pokemon. After saying my goodbyes to the other models and crew, a girl grabs my attention by calling out my name, “Well if it isn't my favorite pretty girl” I turn to see none other than the gorgeous Galar model Nessa. “Nessa, it's been ages! Are we set for a photoshoot tonight?” 
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After catching up with the famed model and finished our last photoshoot for the night we agreed to get dinner and catch up more in the restaurant of the Hano Grand Resort. “I’ve decided to move to the Galar region actually, im looking for a change and hopefully a better life, the Kalos region is nice but is just a never ending life of fashion, and of course as you know my mother still lives there and I’d much rather be as far away from that woman as possible.” I explain to Nessa who is as excited as a yamper upon hearing the news of me moving to her home region. “Have you already found a place?” I nod showing her the location and pictures revealing a cute and comfy cottage on the outskirts of Wedgehurst. “Ah that's not so far from Sonias, I’ll introduce you two when you move. maybe I can even set you up with someone when you move.” Nessa laughs as she makes this joke knowing I don’t focus on relationships, always thinking about my pokemon or work.
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 After a few drinks and laughter later we decided to call it a night but just to my luck Nessa was never the best at holding her alcohol, leading the drunken girl to her room which luckily was just down the hall from me since the modeling agency had booked them for us all in advance. As I walk up to her door and drag the card from her handbag and help her change out of her dress and heels and place her on her side and put a glass of water and ibuprofen on the bedside table, “You know Y/N I feel like you’d like my cousin he’s a nice guy” Nessa slurs out right before passing out I giggle at the girls interesting commentary and turn the lights off and head to my room. As I walk out of the room and down the hall I run into a tall man wearing a dress shirt “I’m sorry miss im in a bit of a rush” and leaves before I could even apologize, I watch the man walk away. I turn my head to the sound of several camera snaps, dismissing the sound knowing this resort is filled with models for this event and paparazzi is inevitable whether I like it or not. 
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Waking up early was a given sinceI had more shoots in the afternoon and an interview at 10 AM but at the time my phone was blasting I can’t help but think it’s much too early, ignoring the constant buzzing was almost impossible. I grab my phone to see my PokeGram being tagged in a post from the Galar Gossip gram, at first I think they must have been posting about Nessa and I drinking together last night but then I see the picture and see the man I ran into last night. The caption saying the Dragon Gym leader Raihan and I are dating, the post even calls itself out stating that the two of us have never interacted. After quickly finishing getting ready for my interview that was still two hours away, I make my way over to Nessa’s room to try and get an understanding why I’d be suddenly paired with her colleague.  
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As I go to knock on Nessa’s room, the door suddenly opens to reveal the very man I'm rumored to date. Before I can process what's happening the male looks around and drags me into the room where I see a very amused Nessa watching the scene in front of her, “I was just about to call you, I need to introduce you to as you've probably heard of your rumored boyfriend and my cousin, Raihan.” Nessa immediately starts laughing at my dumbstruck face, I hear the male besides me sigh as he scratches the back of his neck. “Y/N right? Nessa told me a bit about you sorry about this whole mess, I should have found it a bit suspicious when I received an anonymous text about Nessa being black out drunk in the hall. Thanks for getting her back here last night.” he reaches out to shake my hand. “It wasn’t a problem, definitely wouldn’t be the first time, though knowing that someone planned this makes me curious what would a gossip blog get out of starting such a rumor. I mean most people by now know that while short my love life has always been transparent.” I state as I go to sit down next to nessa. “Exactly why choose Y/N out of all models she's basically untouchable, everyone knows creating false rumors about her will lead you to get blacklisted from any big social events.” As the conversation continues my alarm informs me that I have 30 minutes before my interview. “Sorry Nessa I’ve got my last interview in 30 and my last photoshoot after and I still have to get Gara ready, I can probably set the story straight about this whole rumor situation.”  At the mention of Gara’s name my Garchomp comes out of its pokeball curious and noisy as always, I see Raihan immediately intrigued and pull out a pokepuff and hand it to the ever food motivated Gara. “A dragon type? I never would have taken you for a dragon type of girl” Raihan says showing full interest in me. After saying goodbye to the two I head to my interview on the way to the location provided in Konikoni city, I see a woman with purple hair holding what looks to be a shiny alolan Vulpix and a young blonde haired boy. The woman immediately notices my presence and calls out to me, “Excuse me miss i'm sorry to bother you but would you happen to have anything to heal this pokemon she’s in critical condition and we can’t bring her to the poke center out of fear that moving her will cause more damage.” I immediately pull anything that can help the small pokemon out, the woman introduces herself as Wicke and she voluntarily introduces the young boy as Gladion. Once the vulpix starts to wake she curls into my lap, the sight saddens me thinking of the ninetails I used to do competitions with that my mother retired stating that she was “getting aggressive” which was a total lie the ninetails only ever defended me from her abuse. “I think she likes you, she’d definitely be safer with you than anywhere else.” Wicke said, handing me a premier ball to catch the small fox-like creature, before I could ask the Vulpix if it wanted to come with the pokemon nudged its head clicking against the ball to catch itself. The two said their goodbyes and left as I rushed off to go to my interview now with a new friend in my team.
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“Now Miss.Y/N on your social media you posted that you’d be taking a break from modeling and pokemon contests?” The interview processed exactly as I thought it would, I sat across the interviewer with a very comfortable Lila on my lap. “Yes, after this trip I’ll be moving to the Galar region and working on myself for some time, of course I’ll get back into the modeling scene in Galar after some time to adjust.” At the mention of the Galar I see the reporter sit up in interest. “So does this move to Galar have anything to do with Galar Gossips' post about you and Gym leader Raihan allegedly dating?” Even if I expected this question, it still shocks me to hear it out loud. “Sadly I’ve only met Raihan recently though I believe he is a fine gentleman. We don't know each other, other than our mutual connection with Nessa. Maybe if fans really want it we could do some collabs but other than that Raihan and I have no history. The picture of us that the Gossip post posted was simply a picture of Raihan in a rush and accidentally running into me” After finishing the interview up and heading to my final shoot, immediately after I get on a plane heading to my new home in the Galar region.
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bellafragolina · 1 year
The proper ask!
Alolan Champion reader that's a Fairy type specialist with Piers? I was thinking they could meet at a music festival and maybe catch eyes during the Champion matches in the stands? I just really think it'd be cute, like an opposites attract power couple.
oooh!! opposites attract! power couple!! good dynamic!!
You two are the talking point of all of Galar. Celebrity gossip? Y’all are there. Talk shows? You. Magazines? You, you, and you. The whole region is obsessed with your relationship with Piers. It’s a one and a million story! A foreign champion, one specializing in fairy type Pokémon, comes and makes the rockstar emo hearth-throb fall for them? The media is going wild! They are always following around whenever you and Piers meet, which gets annoying quick. Luckily, your Pokémon are good at protecting you both from unwanted company.
Y’all are the definition of a power couple. You cover each other’s bases, picking up where the other lacks. You’re quick and Piers is slow. You layer the damage until he comes in with the final, heavy blow. It’s a pairing others wish they could make with someone. Anywhere you go, if you’re battling together, you’re number one. No one can beat you, and it makes everyone roar for another All Stars game with you and Piers involved as a team.
Piers loves you very much. The long distance thing isn't ideal, but you're both busy people, so it is unavoidable. But it makes the times when you're together all the more memorable and special. He always tries to take you somewhere fun whenever you come to Galar. Your favorite place, obviously, is Ballonlea, so Piers always takes you there. In return, you introduce Piers to your dark type specialist, Nanu. The pair get along in that chill, not really talking way while they both pet Nanu's cats. It's an interesting sight.
Piers likes to write you songs. However, his reference of fairies in his songs is different from the fairies you know and love. His are tricksters, stealing away people and tricking them into bad deals. Yours are magical creatures, less malevolent. The first time he sings you one of these songs leads to a very long conversation about folk tales and fairies. But Piers' reference makes sense, in the end. After all, all it took was you whispering his name for him to fall in love
this was fun! i think nanu and piers would smoke weed together and chill with the cats
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galar-rules · 2 years
Hi! Could I get anything you’re comfortable with for Gordie with a hyperfeminine S/O? Thanks!!
Gordie x Hyperfemenine S/O ! !
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Written by: Mod Piers
Pairing: Gordie x GN!Reader
Warnings: Reader's Hyperfemenine, their gender however, is not specified
Word count: 237 words (Bullet Points)
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Loves anything you wear
He knows how long it takes to get ready, his hair ain’t done in a second lmao, so he doesn’t pressure you
He loves spending nights with you just doing each other's skincare routines
Lets you apply makeup on him and will go out with it
Loves having you paint his nails
Doesn’t matter what colors you choose, he’ll wear it proudly
Loves having you help dye his highlights
If you dye your hair, he’ll help you as well!
Buys anything he knows you’d like anytime he sees it
If you ask for something or tell him about something you saw you like, expect to get it as a gift
If you also dress your pokemon (with their consent of course) he’ll also buy stuff for them
If you have a favorite color that you like getting your stuff in, he’ll buy stuff in that color
His mom loves your fashion and always invites you to go shopping with her
His sister admires you and his younger brothers think you’re a princess
Will immediately set someone in their place if they say anything that upsets you.
Be it about how you look, act, or dress, he ain’t letting no one bring you down.
His fan club will not let anyone be rude to you and will even kick out members who talk bad about you.
His fan club created a fan club for you lol
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© all rights are reserved to @galar-rules. Do not steal, modify, copy, and/or repost our works anywhere.
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miraiconnection · 1 year
"We're never going to find him now, Sprigatito."
Liko frowned, pulling the cat Pokemon into her arms so she wouldn't lose track of it, too. Friede had let her and Roy go on ahead into Motostoke, but Roy must have run off while Liko was distracted by one of the shops, and now she couldn't find him anywhere. It didn't help that there was a large crowd of people gathering near the city's stadium...
"Maybe he went there," Liko muttered to herself. She squeezed herself into the middle of the crowd, eventually making her way into the building, but it was no use. There were just too many people, even if Roy was there she couldn't see him.
She gave a small, defeated sigh, but let the flow of the crowd push her further on until she found herself sitting in the audience of one of Galar's exhibition matches. She'd always thought Paldea's Gym battles were a spectacle, but even the ones she'd gotten to see up close when she was little were nothing like this. The battlefield was huge, and the cheering of the crowd was almost deafening at times, but at some point Liko got so drawn into the battle that she hardly noticed it anymore.
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"The way that Pikachu moves... It's so strong, it reminds me of Cap." She was speaking to herself, but she heard her Sprigatito meow in agreement. She hadn't been paying much attention when the announcer introduced the trainers; one of them was one of Galar's Gym Leaders, but she was pretty sure she'd heard the word 'Kanto' used in reference to the Pikachu's trainer.
Liko once again let the flow of the crowd direct her outside once the battle was over. She wasn't really paying attention to where she was going anymore, now lost in thought. She'd never seen a battle like that before, and it was only an exhibition match. She couldn't imagine ever being strong enough to battle in one of Galar's stadiums like that.
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spikemuthtoothfairy · 2 years
From the PWT Committee, you receive a sash bearing the colors and markings of your home region. On the shoulder, the familiar symbol of the Pokemon League, and a patch representing your competitive bracket.
But pinned into the sash is also a small polished stone that shimmers between teal, blue, and purple, all around a shape at the center that appears to be a twisted double helix. 
A Mega Stone. 
This is part of your uniform. A letter of assurance from the League states that you’ll be able to use this in the confines of the Stadium, that the Mega Stone is a tool that will allow you to Mega Evolve any of your Pokemon…
Only in Saffron Stadium. 
The choice belongs to you. Choose wisely.
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James turned the sash over in his hands. He can’t deny the quality at all. Its a beautiful sash - he’s surprised they even specified Alto’s colours instead of lumping them in with Johto as a lot of things did.
But somehow it just feels wrong. 
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Its a feeling in the pit of his stomach that he can’t quite explain. James has always lived by going with his gut; its practically a neccesity with the types he raises. You can’t really second guess yourself.
He trails his thumb over the Mega Stone pinned to the sash and realises suddenly that’s why he’s so uneasy. He has his own keystone embeded in his glasses and both Altair and Millie have Mega Stones of their own. He’s familiar with what they feel like, both physically and otherwise.
This stone gives him nothing at all. Its a blank slate. Perfectly cut and inlaid with no imperfections. It makes his skin crawl.
James lets his eyes skim over the letter again. From across the room Altair silently shifts his gaze.
A letter of assurance from the League states that you’ll be able to use this in the confines of the Stadium, that the Mega Stone is a tool that will allow you to Mega Evolve any of your Pokemon…
Only in Saffron Stadium.
He’s reminded of Dynamaxing back in Galar and his jaw sets just a little. Its the same sort of thing Rose would have made, no doubt. Something flashy and sensational to draw the masses, regardless of the potential impact.
Which is why this shouldn’t be possible. These stones don’t work like that. They require a bond, they require time and effort and energy. You can’t just push Mega Evolution onto a member of your team, no matter how good you think your bond is. As overblown as some of the information surrounding Mega Evolution was, Pokemon could lose control when exposed to such raw power for the first time. You needed to work at it.
So this? It was risky and stupid and disrespectful. Lord knows what Serena will think, when she sees this live and realises what they’re doing. James can feel his blood boiling now, and he hasn’t made Mega Evolution his passion.
He’ll go see a rep and return the stone. He doesn’t want to be anywhere near it. Silph reminds him far too much of Macro Cosmos for their own good, and James wants no part of whatever the fuck they’re playing with regarding these stones.
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ranger-rai · 1 year
(@works-of-magic) Fossil asks, if you don't mind! I imagine you must have some STORIES, as a ranger! - Claw - What is the worst injury you have sustained because of a Pokemon? Has it healed? - Armor - Do you participate in Pokemon battles? Do you have a favorite story from a Pokemon battle? (I'm going to say battling on the job counts, because if you have to battle wild Pokemon, I'm curious how that goes!) - Sail - If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Where would you not want to go?
Claw -
Because of a pokemon? Well I have gotten a couple cracked ribs that have healed from an aggressive Drapion.
A sprained wrist once from trying to calm some trainers and their newly caught pokemon, resulting in me getting ragdolled by a Very spicy Probopass.
But the one that has lasted the longest is the big scar on my face made by my own partner, Bliss (beedrill) unfortunately I couldn't save her from those nasty trainers and she evolved into a very angry beedrill, attempting to really mess up those trainers, I stepped in and got a nice gash to my face. She always feels guilty about it but it's a reminder for me to always do my best and help everyone I can. It's more of our bond than a bad memory.
Armor -
Well yes I do need to battle occasionally for my job, but only about 1/3 of my full team is really made for battling.
Bliss(beedrill) Kuriboh(nuzleaf) Runt(Dusk lycanroc) and sometimes Pyre(Houndoom that lives in Johto) and on rare occasions Sylvester(aggron)
Sylvester, Skip(porygon), Rita(purrloin) and The Duke (Kingler that's not officially mine) aren't really battlers in the traditional sense.
Sometimes we might battle younger trainers and offer them advice but we don't do intense battles unless needed.
We did have a serious battle when we fought off poachers who were trying to hurt Victini. That was the hardest we had ever been pushed.
We had a pretty heated battle against some gym trainers who were being a little less than delicate with nature. These guys were set to work at the Pastoria City Gym, and to train, they decided to just go wild style, battling in the forest, but they had no respect for the pokemon or aurrounding areas They were pretty tough with some bulky and strong mon, but Kuriboh came through and showed them that little guys have some serious power, too!
We reported them to Wake, and he suspended them until they did community service, cleaning the areas they messed up and helping restore some habitats. I think half of them resigned after, but the few that stayed are pretty good now.
Sail -
It's been a long time but I really want to visit Johto again. I made a lot of friends out there, and I've been so busy that I haven't been able to see them.
I also would love to just visit Alola for fun. It's always work so I never get to take too much of it in.
Also The girls of team Wild Dragoon have been talking up their home regions, so Galar seems nice when you know the right places and Kalos always seemed a bit too "snooty" to me, but I'd gladly visit now.
I dont really have any desire to go back to Unova anytime soon, it's always so loud there and compact. My only reason for wanting to go is to check up on Victini.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Gonna talk about Carol's IoA arc in depth a bit.
After the Darkest Day,the Galar trio all became friends again( I mean they made up a good while ago, but I digress). However, that doesn't exactly mean things are peachy keen. The trust between them, Hop and Naomi has been slowly repairing. They themselves constantly remind themselves that they really Fucked Up. However in this constant internal reminder, Carol began acting.....distant. They would still hang out with Naomi and Hop, of course, but they aren't as plucky and snarky as they usually are. Anytime they start to joke around they immediately back pedal to bashfully continuing the conversation. At worst, they aren't even at their own house. Usually, that's the normal, but they always seem to be avoiding Naomi and Hop. They are either with Raihan or Bede.
Carol understands what they did during the gym challenge was wrong, and are sorry for it. They also understand that Naomi and Hop don't fully trust them like they used to. But in that is a fear of messing up again. Saying the wrong thing, pushing the wrong buttons- they don't want to risk it. So they just try to distance themselves a bit. They don't mean to avoid Hop and Naomi,they just....want to give them some space.
Obviously this isn't gonna get anyone anywhere,so Raihan, Sonia and Leon form a plan. Give the Galar trio a change of scenery for one. Leon and Raihan will offer Naomi and Carol a trip to the Isle of Armor. For Leon, he pitches how he used to train there and thus would be a great experience for Naomi. For Carol, Raihan is a bit more direct. He tells them that he's worried for their mental health and thinks that the Isle of Armor would be good for them. Both to clear their mind and to reflect. Sonia simply tells Hop to go to the Isle of Armor to study the wild life there, as part of his training. Hop already knows that Naomi is going to IoA. Neither of Hop or Naomi knows that Carol is coming along until the last minute ( Naomi, probably at the station, and Hop when he arrives).
Naomi takes on the Tower of Water and Carol takes on the Tower of Darkness. Hop is here to do research, but the real purpose of the trip is for the kids to properly communicate after everything, and reflect upon themselves as well.
Also the twins ( my twins, Alexis and Elliot) are also there! Alexis probably has some wise words for Carol as someone who spent years thinking distancing himself and avoiding talking about it was the best solution. Elliot's here for fun lol ( and some wise words for Hop and Naomi). How did they get here? Alexis is dating Leon, they get special privileges lmao.
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Persona Black and White (featuring Black 2 and White 2)
Aka persona AU for black and white + 2 because I thought of this on a whim and thought it would be neat.
So basically in this AU you take out the Pokémon and turn it into a normal modern AU. But wait! Secretly it’s not! And in fact theres a whole secret world hidden beneath beneath the country’s subway system where beings known as shadows and, more interestingly, personas lie.
Hilbert Griffin’s a foreign exchange student from the Galar region, taken under the care of Professor Aurea Juniper, a teacher at his new school. From there, he hears mummering about another world underneath the subway system, to which he’s dragged along by his brand new acquaintance, Hilda Rhodes. It is down beneath the deep depths of this subway system that Hilbert discovers the world is not just as it seems, and will be making a whole lot of difference in many peoples lives.
SO. Persona AU. Still ironing out the story. But I’ve kind of got the world ironed out.
First off: for this please imagine Unova has a very good subway system that can take you to and from anywhere on the map.
Second off: this is technically a modern AU, but everything is basically the same. Black and White kind of has the plus side of everyone having additional occupations outside of being gym leaders so everyone would just be kind of doing the same thing they always did, just without pokemon related occupations.
Pokemon DO exist in this AU, but they don’t exist outside of the other world in the subway system. Rather, they’re the replacements for shadows and personas. The persona users and their “personas” are as follows:
Hilbert Griffin - Agi (weak to bufu) (Emboar (has power of the wildcard though, meaning he can catch additional persona(pokemon) and add to his roster))
Hilda Rhodes - Zio (weak to garu) (Elektross)
Cheren Schwartz - Bufu (weak to agi) (Samurott)
Bianca Alba - Garu (weak to zio) (Serperior)
Nate Colbert - Mudo (weak to hama) (Hydreigon)
Rosa Bell - Hama (weak to mudo) (Haxorus)
Hugh Edgar - Navigator (Gothitelle)
N is a persona user as well, but he’s not in the main party and acts on his own. He has no signature persona himself, as he too has the power of the wildcard. Which he embraces moreso than Hilbert. (Do not ask me about N’s character arc I am still figuring out how to keep him the same character in this world.)
Everyone’s pokemon aren’t final stage though, and start out as their basic forms. They would unlock their second stage at SL5 or SL10. Then final forms would either be SL10 or SL10+. (If it’s SL10 they’ll get megas (ignore how none of these pokemon actually have megas)).
Speaking of social links, Hilbert will have a social link with every rival, gym leader, Alder, and Professor Juniper. Their arcana assignment is as such:
The Fool - Hilbert
The Fool… 2! - N
The Magician - Hilda
The High Priestess - Elesa
The Empress - Professor Juniper
The Emperor - Drayden
The Hierophant - Burgh
The Lovers - The triplets (Chili, Cress, Cilan)
The Chariot - Skyla
Strength - Nate
The Hermit - Bianca
Wheel of Fortune - Lenora
Justice - Hugh
The Hanged Man - Roxie
Death - Brycen
Temperance - Marlon
The Devil - Clay
The Tower - Alder
The Star - Rosa
The Moon - Cheren
The Sun - Iris
These could be subjected to change the more I think about link plots, but for now this is what I’m going with.
I’ll probably update information about this AU when I have more to offer. Mainly social link and additional plot details. But the idea of this AU is to basically turn black and white into a persona story. For now, here’s some additional notes, ideas, etc:
N and Hilbert are both considered the fool. I don’t think in this AU, if it were to be a game, you wouldn’t pursue a link with N ala the rest of them and instead it progresses via story. Moreover having both Hilbert and N be the fool furthers them mirroring each other, and I think them both being fools would add to the lore about the legendary dragons. (Also I wanted to incorporate Juniper and all the gym leaders and couldn’t think of kicking one out)
Grimsley runs this universe’s version of Tanaka’s Amazing Commodities.
The Subway Masters act as Velvet Room Attendants
I’d like to somehow incorporate Yancy, Curtis, and the other E4 into the game. I’m SUPER dedicated on making persona awakenings a thing in this AU because when they happen they’re super hype, however I’m also playing with the idea of the being the focus of the various dungeons in the AU’s metaverse.
Hilbert is the new guy in town while Hilda, Cheren, and Bianca are childhood friends they’re all high schoolers. Nate, Rosa, and Hugh live on a different side of the region and attend middle school in their last year. Normally they wouldn’t meet since they live in completely different areas but wow the subway system is super expanded in this universe wowie.
Idk if I need to stress this or not (I should not) but the triplet’s social link would focus on their relationship as a family. It is not romantic it should not be romantic and if you perceive it as romantic I will steal your bones.
Ghetsis is also going to play a roll most definitely, along with the Seven Sages (hopefully), so look forward to that. Hopefully. I was playing with the idea of turning N into the jester because that’s kind of like the fool but fake? But at the same time… N should actually be the fool. So maybe I could turn Ghetsis into the hunger.
Shipping is absolutely not the focus of this AU I promise but shiroshipping and kuroshipping would at the very least be danced around.
I still have judgement and the world to work with but I figured that would just be like. Plot stuff. Like it is in every persona game. Not an actual slink. Again I’ll figure it out.
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kokorowoutsu · 1 year
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Today was a day Ashe opted to leave her new friend to rest and instead she went to check on Leon who was once again training... or so she thought. Instead, she found him sitting alone near the lagoons. She saw her lover every day -- she always made an effort to make sure he knew he wasn’t alone, but today he had gotten up before dawn and had just... well, it had worried her, and so here she was. “... Leon?” He looked over his shoulder and offered a smile as usual. “Hmm? What’s the matter, love?” 
She approached him slowly, moving to take a seat and look over at him. “-- Nothing on my end. Actually, I feel a lot better then I have in days.” “That’s good to hear--” “-- But what about you?” That caught Leon off-guard for a few moments but he offered a sad smile. “Well... i’d be lying if I said I was fine.” He admits. “... Losing a pokemon...” He looks skyward, sighing softly. “... I should be prepared for it, but I suppose i’m not. It feels like the day I found out my father passed away, really... but it hits a bit harder.” 
Ashe scoots closer moves her head to rest against his. “... I feel like my world shattered the day my Nana passed away. It’s... not the same, but I understand.” Leon offered a soft sigh, his smile fading but the warmth still there as he closed his eyes, leaning his head against hers now. “Death isn’t the end. I’ll see him again, just as I will my father.” Ashe offered a wistful smile. “Mm.” Reaching her hand for his, she holds his hand tightly in reassurance. “Take what time you need, okay? I don’t feel right going anywhere without anyone.”
She didn’t need to say what the reason was -- the Moon Festival had brought up a lot of feelings to the surface, and Leon understood that. “Not even a brief trip to Galar?” Ashe pulled back a moment to look at him, and she offered a small smile. “-- I can’t say no to that. When do we leave?” “-- Soon. I’m still training Vivian--” “Vivian?” “-- Ah...” He gets to his feet then, gently helping her to her own. “It’s better if I show you...”
And what he had to show was a Gyarados of all things, shiny at that, peacefully resting with Saoirse as if in meditation. It only took a single look and a shrug from Leon with his usual smile for him to launch into a quiet spiel that occupied her day.
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awn-moo · 1 year
Love Ball - Is there anyone you care deeply for? It can be romantic, platonic, or familial love.
Finishing up for the night, so one more ask!
There are plenty of people I deeply care for. Narrowing it down to one would be a dishonor to everyone else. But, to keep things simple, I'll only list a few.
First off, I have Lux. He's been my "rival" for ever. Really, we've just been friends since childhood. We didn't set out on our journeys together, as I was later to the game than him. I think of him as my platonic soulmate. We've been through so much together, it'd be like losing part of myself if I lost him. I nearly did lose him though, as we had done what's stereotypical for rivals. But he's still my closest friend and I only wish him the best going forward <3
Next is Arla. She's mostly an online friend, as she's from Galar, but we funnily enough met while I was in Kalos. She was in Kalos for something and we just happened to start talking. She's one of my best friends and the time I spend with her is always so fun. She's actually running a flying type gym in Galar, so maybe I'll visit sometime.
Now, he may be a newer friend, but I feel like we've been friends for much longer, it's Curt! I just happened to approach the first Depot Agent I could find and that was him. What turned into asking about the battle subway turned into a whole conversation where I actually missed the train. And, I'm so glad he's helping out with Urbex Adventures. He's actually just got a copy of what I've edited so far to peer review it. But, it feels so natural talking to him. I, I feel this way about so few people, that it's nice to feel it again. I love him deeply and he's doing so much for me, even when he doesn't have to or need to. Just, I could go on for a while.
And to try and keep it shorter, one more. I don't really interact with him aside from conversations after our battles, and just recently for Urbex Adventures, but Ingo? I get nervous talking to him, and, I feel like a kid with a crush. I also have this sort of admiration too. Like, the way he expresses his emotions through his words and small shine in his eyes. When we talk about our battles, I see his eyes light up and smile. He, really loves his pokemon, battling, and making sure everyone has a good time on the subway. And, arc I'm getting flushed just typing this all out...
I, ah, don't want to bore you with my silly crush that probably won't go anywhere. So, goodnight!
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scarletkilometers · 2 years
Seven Snippet Sunday
it’s monday afternoon but I wouldn’t worry about that. tagged by @bumblerhizal-art, tagging @guzmascanary, @cryptidpiers, & anyone else who wants to do this. taken from various in-progress pokemon fics
1) I Just Wanted To Illustrate A Headcanon About Possession And Delayed Amnesia And Now I’m Researching Folk Medicine, How Did I End Up Here
You turn your attention to the hearth where you’ve left a soup broth bubbling for your guest; kelp and dried fish, something simple and nourishing that he should be able to keep down even if his stomach isn’t cooperating. You leave it be and go about preparing an herbal tea to soothe his fever as well as any pain he might be in. Lady Sneasler sniffs the curling steam and recoils, giving you an offended look that can most politely be interpreted as You're not seriously feeding him that, are you?
"Oh, pardon me, I didn't realize you’d become an expert in herbal remedies. I've seen you eat Stunky carrion, My Lady, don't go acting like you have some kind of refined palate." Lady Sneasler gives a mollified sniff and stations herself at the head of the stranger’s cot.
2) Fun Times With Outsider POVs
You're about 6 inches from the door when someone calls out "Excuse me!" You turn to see a shy-looking girl jump up from the bench and follow you to the door. Your immediate impression of this girl is paaale, from her flax-colored hair to her all-white outfit to her suspiciously pristine shoes. 
"You were able to beat the gym leader, right?" She points at the Cerulean gym badge pinned to the strap of your bag. "That means you're strong, right?" 
"Sure, I guess so." You shrug. It's only your second badge so far, but if she wants to flatter you, you're not going to stop her.
"Then would you mind having a battle with me? I need more practice." The girl enunciates very carefully, and speaks with a noticeable accent. Probably foreign, then. 
3) Lunch Time With Selene And The Champion Of Alola
"It's some bullshit that Goli can't learn U-Turn, though," he grumbles. "Fuckin' obscene is what it is." 
"You gonna do League Regulation about it?" You half-tease. You take the basket and start helping yourself to the fried squash. "You're the law until I feel like taking my title back, and all. 'Can he get all the paperwork processed before being ultimately dethroned?' Think of the new layer of challenge that would add--"
"Shaddup, brat." He yanks the basket away and starts rooting around for any onion pieces you've left behind. "Pretty sure it don't work like that. You can't exactly regulate a Goldeen into bein' able to use Fire Punch, you dig?" 
"You can if you're not a weenie!" Guzma beans a piece of eggplant off your forehead. "Fi-i-i-ine, but does Kukui know you know that?" 
There is a moment of thoughtful silence before a wicked grin spreads across his face. "I think I'm gonna have to give the Professor a call after this."
4) The Existential Implications of Parasect
There might be Parasect in Galar somewhere, but if there are, they wouldn’t be anywhere near Spikemuth. So this is the first chance you’ve ever had to get familiar with one. You're struck suddenly by its eyes; what you’d taken from a distance to be cataracts is actually a film of fuzzy, fibrous growth that completely covers the creature’s eyestalks. managing the family grocery budget and making sure there was always good food in the house, recoils in horror. Mold! That’s mold, you idiot! You shut it right up. It’s not a strawberry that’s gone past its sell-by date, it’s a pokemon, and it belongs to your very good friend. Even if it is a creepy little thing.
“Cute, ain’t he?” Guzma sighs, touching his cheek to yours. 
5) Real Cahoots Will Change Your Life
It is far from a secret that the two of you came from another time and place, but there are many aspects of that experience that you simply do not refer to in mixed company. In some cases your shared status as outsiders allows others to overlook social missteps, and in others, it is an excuse to look at them twice as hard. There are feelings you don't acknowledge, opinions you do not voice, because doing so in mixed company would serve no purpose but to emphasize that you are not truly one of them. The atmosphere it creates is as oppressive as a hand on your throat. And for the two of you, strangers in a strange land, mixed company is thus far the only kind you've had. 
That, you suppose, is why you said yes. It is a kind of loneliness that cuts straight to the bone, and persists even as you find yourself surrounded by people.
6) I’m Pretty Sure This Is How Everyone Reacts To Seeing Leon For The First Time
The guy’s about Kukui’s height with a pretty similar build, but where Kukui is attractive in a relatively ordinary way, this guy is—there’s no other word for it—boy band pretty, with miles of shiny purple hair and absurdly sparkly gold eyes. He looks like a Disney princess and he’s wearing lime green running shorts and an awful tacky souvenir tee-shirt that reads Hulbury Aquarium over its stretched-out decal in giant orange letters. What the fucking fuck.
You know you’ve been staring too long when he clears his throat and asks “Are you alright?” His brows are creased slightly with concern. Fuck, those eyes. How are they so expressive? You force your jaw shut and try to come up with something non-obnoxious to say.
“Yeah, m’fine.” You are not fine, you’ve got twigs in your hair, dirt all down your front—that shirt was white, fuck your hot life—the pokemon you wanted to catch is long gone, and you’re apparently too brain-scrambled to manage complete sentences in the presence of the most stupidly pretty person you’ve seen in the last ever. Fuck this trip, you’re going home.
7) Cyrus Goes to Space & is Only 75% as Much of an Asshole
It’s night when you finally arrive on the island of Melemele, which suits you both just fine. After so long in the dark and gloom of the Ultra Beasts’s domains, the daylight of this world is like a sawblade to the eyes. While you have every intention of fulfilling your promise of delivering your companion back to his team, it quickly becomes apparent that neither of you are in any condition to do so. You’ve both been away from this world for weeks and you need to readjust, to light, to noise, to being in a world with people in it. Guzma is faring much worse than you in that regard. Even the minimal amount of human contact he had to endure on the voyage left him overwhelmed and glassy-eyed. You have no idea how long he had been in those dark, smothering caves prior to your arrival; you never asked.
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blue-maiden4 · 2 years
Is my first post of the year a character sheet for my OC Julieta? Yes.
Not like I care since I've wanted to do this thing for a while.
Anyways, I'll be putting more info about here below and under the cut.
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Julieta does like pokemon battles, in fact she has the potential of being great trainer, but she sometimes has doubts about her skills.
The reasons why her and her mom moved to Paldea were the death of her father 9 years ago and the fact Julieta isolated herself after his passing which means she was having a harder time making new friends as she grew up (and she didn't exactly had many friends before the incident). Also, the two just weren't happy living in Galar anymore ever since Julieta's dad passed away.
Yes, Julieta does speak Galarian and Paldean (English and Spanish). Before moving to Paldea, her mother was teaching her the language so she wouldn't have any complications in the future.
Julieta is usually a calm and kind person, but if you make her really angry she won't hesitate to throw some hands and resort to violence. (She was so close to kicking Arven's ass on their first meeting at the lighthouse because he was being a big jerk).
Can be emotional person at times. Don't watch sad movies with her unless you're prepared to comfort her cause she will be crying for an hour.
Ironically, when her father passed away she did her best to hide her emotions and it eventually became a skill of hers (not a really good skill to have tbh, but hey at least she learns in the future that she doesn't need to pretend she's fine or keep everything to herself 👍).
She loves reading and is a big history nerd. So you bet Ms. Raifort's class is among her favorites.
Her second favorite class is Art class.
Mr. Hassel is her favorite teacher of the academy.
Her cooking skills don't exist, she's just incredibly bad at it. Arven sometimes wonders how the heck she's managed to survived so far. (She can cook very few things that aren't extremely complex though).
Even if she can't cook, she loves food. So expect her to make a stop at the restaurants of each town she visits.
Can be very protective of the people she cares about.
She's had some crushes in the past before and they rarely lasted long or just never got anywhere (poor girl was always afraid to confess due to fear of rejection, and her lack of confidence and probably low self-esteem doesn't help her case), so when this girl realizes she's in love she's going to panic and will not know what to fucking do about it.
Remember the whole thing of her isolating from other people after her dad died being the reason she had a hard time making friends? WELL THAT WAS A LIE. The main reason of her lack of friends was that she was being bullied for her looks and for being a bit of a history nerd. And no, her mother doesn't know about this, the last thing Julieta wanted was to worry her mom.
Speaking of bullying: this is also the reason she has/had low self-esteem and little confidence in herself. (This doesn't mean she won't kick your ass if you make her angry or hurt her friends though).
Don't worry, nowadays her lack of confidence ain't that bad and her self esteem isn't on the floor (thanks to her godmother's encouragement and kind words). But she's still working on it, so every once in a while she has some self-doubts.
She LOVES to dance, it was actually one of her hobbies and it still is, she even dreamed of performing in front of a huge crowd of people. Unfortunately that wish dies down after her dad's passing, she just didn't wanted to fulfill her dream knowing her father wouldn't be there to see it. But she still keeps dancing, mostly in private and when no one is around, let's just say she's become a bit shy about it as the years went by.
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skyhawkstragedy · 2 years
Also since I’m in Europe during finale night and not coming back to finish the drawings until well into October, imma give a rundown of what this season would look like as part of the Pokémon lore
All of them trained to be gym leaders but then there’s a special announcement that five of them will enter the League as the Elite Four and champion. (They end up being this season’s F5)
Paloma: Trained to be a gym leader but couldn’t find the right specialty since she seemed to be frantic with all of them 🙃 One day, she simply… disappeared. Some say she’s trying to break the simulation at the highest mountain.
Pooch: A Normal-type gym leader with a special but not so secret crush on Rock-type gym leader Joseph.
Ameerah: A Bug-type gym leader whose main motivation for choosing the type she has is that she wants to teach people to make the most out of the Pokémon they have.
Nicole & Daniel: Two hopefuls who mostly completed their training as Fighting and Poison type specialists respectively, but later defected and formed the sinister Team Old School. This team was meant to dismantle the changing status quo and ruin the reputations of the rest of the gym leaders.
Indy: A flowy Grass-type specialist who’s there for the vibes mostly. She has a passion for fashion and likes to give her quips on everything.
Jasmine: A Water-type gym leader who, similar to many before her, is ditzy and gives a lot of one-liners. She’s originally from the country which explains her quotes, and she loves food. Especially muffins.
Joseph: A Rock-type specialist who loves to work out and has more Pokémon than shirts. He’s seen by most as the eye candy of the hopefuls. He’s a chill individual who likes to float in the middle as to make himself believe that he can still improve further.
Kyle: A Ghost-type specialist with a love/envy relationship with Joseph. Similar to Valerie from Kalos, he’s a top influencer, mostly known as the thirst trap. He’s a tryhard, and he will do anything he can to make sure he comes out on top.
Also he’s in a situation ship with Alyssa but secretly he’s fighting for Taylor’s affection along with Joseph and Monte. I’m sorry I don’t make the rules 💅
Terrance: The old hag. A Ground-type specialist who acts like he’s too old for this shit. Why is he lumped in with a bunch of young people? Why is he the odd one out? This made him a bit bitter towards everyone.
Michael: A Fire-type specialist who can’t go anywhere without his precious Litten by his side. He’s known to be one of the most vicious competitors among the hopefuls. He sees Taylor as one of his best friends. Separately they may be Fire & Ice, but together they’re Sugar & Spice.
Alyssa: A ditzy, hopeless romantic. This Electric-type specialist aims to create sparks and find that special someone she can share them with. She believes that special someone is Kyle. He’s… way too much, but she’s into that for some reason.
Brittany: A Psychic-type specialist who has a knack for hypnotherapy. It’s kind of like a hobby to her. She’s a bit older than most of the hopefuls but that doesn’t stop her from conversing with them so she feels like she’s one with the pack.
Monte: A wild Steel-type specialist who wants to believe he’s the Jack of all trades. He works out frequently like Joseph and works on his internet following like Kyle. He’s Raihan from Galar with more facial hair.
Turner: Early into his training he chose the Dark type as a means to keep the balance. He thinks Dark type Pokémon are underutilized and he doesn’t want them or other hopefuls like him to fade into obscurity while stronger, more powerful types manage to steamroll. He’s sneaky, sleuthy, and a bit of a trickster. Jasmine will tell you all about that last bit.
Taylor: She’s the leading lady. The star of the show. Choosing Ice-type because it fit her last name, she wants to show the beauty of battling and that first impressions are always deceiving. She’s a pageant queen, first and foremost, and she carries herself with composure and poise, even at her most dire moments.
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frogpantsthebloodgod · 6 months
fuck it im posting my ocs (pics for those i have pics for) (dnd ocs first, then monster hunter, then pokemon)
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Aria: fallen scourge aasimar of my dnd pirare universe. She and her gf overthrew the corrupt government that was rapidly expanding their corporate empire through the islands. Shes got some trauma and trust issues :)
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Carisa: extremely mentally ill tiefling pirate with religious trauma! She led an entire pirate fleet against said aforementioned corrupt government. She’s the current Dread Pirate Roberts in my universe. Shes got a rapier that kills people all the way dead. Just a little bit based on catra.
Ruvaen Blackwater: a middle aged depressed divination wizard. Hes got a child that was kidnapped by some big bad group. He learned divination in order to find his only living blood family left (his mom died in childbirth, his dad is dead, his wife was killed). Hes got issues man idk what else to say.
Anthem Dragonforce: an anarchist drifter bard that’s actually a necromancer but casts spells through music. Hes part of a band that performs anywhere.
uhh now monster hunter ocs i guess
Reya Kuroda of the Hammerhead clan: shes cool, really strong and like 6’2”. Shes married to Kuroda Sukey, but ill talk about her later. Shes destroyed many monsters with her various assortment of weapons, mostly made up of hammers and greatswords.
Kuroda Sukey: aka the Star Slicer. Mentored under The Huntsman, the old master of the Long Sword. Married to Reya Kuroda. She treats hunting more as an important ritual rather than sport. Always approaches a monster with the intent of slaying it. Nicknamed the Immortal Samurai for how little times shes been knocked unconscious on hunts.
ok now pokemon OCs (hahahaha im not done with you yet pls read all of this im so tired rn)
Artemis: yes that artemis, the greek goddess one. Cast down to earth to take part in the island challenge as punishment for something. In the future she marries Lillie because reasons.
Morrigen: overall champion of alola and the ghost type specialist of the Champion Challenge in the Southside region. Wife of Jaundice, and haver of a homophobic mother. Guitarist and owner of a Shady House style mansion. The two team skull grunts in the pokemon centre in po town live there free of charge because they were so nice.
Jaundice: british champion of galar, and poison type specialist champion of the Champion Challenge in the Southside region. Chubby bassist and owner of the non-homophobic mother. Chill friend of marnie and supportive of her takeover of spikemuth.
Ditto #6: “10” year old “hispanic girl” that saved alola from lightlessness, then allied with necrozma to become the temporary champion. Canonically speaks through sign languge. Its pretty cool ngl.
Tahiti: this fucker is a hoenian gremlin. Literally a 14 year old marijuana user, she named her whole team after a different kind of drug. She wears solid black sunglasses because of the eyes thingy that happens to high people. Doesn’t actually care about either evil team, they just have funny words. Also they are fully convinced maxie is secretly transfem. And that archie is a pirate bisexual. Would beat steven in a pokemon battle then once hes realized he lost his champion title, shed reveal that shes been high this whole time.
if youve made it here, congrats. You get nothing but a 👍. I will probably make more of these idk. Im tired rn
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