#he is an exhausting one for my hyperfixation because he feels a little too much for me
redstrewn · 1 year
I think the funniest thing is i have a feeling leander wont even end up being my favorite
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bratzforchris · 6 months
Ways to Say "I Love You", C. Sturniolo
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Summary: Five times you knew Chris better than himself, and the one time you didn't<3
Pairing: Chris x feminine reader
Warnings: Mentions of drinking/hangover (y'all i know he's techinally not of legal drinking age in the USA. this is fiction)
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: I genuinely need this man in my life so bad actually. Anyways, enjoy some tooth rotting fluff. XOXO<3
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“Bruh,” Chris groaned, leaning his head back against the couch cushions. “I feel like shit and I don’t even know why.”
You looked up from your phone, eyeing your boyfriend up and down. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” he whined, rolling off the couch dramatically. “My head hurts and I’m tired.”
You sat up from the gray couch, standing over Chris, who was sprawled on the floor, pouting and whining. You definitely felt bad for him, but at the same time, you knew Chris tended to over dramatize the smallest, most random things. “Do you have a fever?” 
Chris shook his head, rolling from his back to his stomach, but not getting off the floor. “I don’t feel sick, but I just feel like horse shit and I don’t know why.”
You observed him for a moment, before an idea dawned on you. Having ADHD, Chris tended to forget to eat and drink, so hyperfixated on something or too many thoughts in his head blocking the reminders to fuel his body. He was medicated for it, which both helped and hurt. Sometimes, he would be able to focus enough to remember his meals, but other times, the meds would dissipate his hunger cues. “When was the last time you had something to eat or drink?”
“Hmmm,” Chris’s blue eyes looked thoughtful for a moment before he shrugged. “Dunno. Which is weird because I’ve usually had like, six Pepsis by now, but we’re out and Matt didn’t go to the grocery store yesterday, so…I don’t know.”
You shook your head with a soft chuckle, helping your boyfriend up off the floor. “I think that might be the problem, sweetheart. Is there something you want to eat?”
“Do we have chicken nuggets?” Chris asked you, picking up one of the stim toys he had left on the floor last night as he followed you into the kitchen. “That reminds me, isn’t it weird that chickens can’t fly? Like…are they even real birds?” he asked you. 
“I dunno, hun. Google it.” You told him gently, pulling the bag of chicken nuggets out of the freezer.” 
“Do you think chickens are sad that they can’t fly? Like do they look at cardinals and go ‘Damn, why can he fly but not me’?” he hummed, flicking at the toy. 
Chris was wrapped up in his own little world as you made his lunch. He didn’t even get the chance to Google his chicken question before he was distracted by a Spotify notification, which led to him loudly singing a Lil Skies song, dancing around the kitchen. As much as you hated how difficult ADHD could be for him, Chris had one of the best personalities you had ever met; he was bubbly and outgoing, always the life of the party and always willing to cheer you up. You quickly plated his nuggets, along with some other random foods that you knew he would love, before sliding the plate across the island too. 
“See if that makes you feel better.” You explained with a soft smile. 
You watched as Chris downed the food, along with a Gatorade you had given him, only to see a smile dawn on his face. 
“I feel better now,” Chris mumbled shyly after a while. “Thank you. You’re the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. You literally always know me better than myself, it’s kinda weird.”
“Why is it weird?” You asked with a snort. 
“Cause it’s like you’re magical or something. Which it would be really cool if you were.”
You smiled, kissing Chris’s soft brown hair. “I love you too, hun.”
Tour life was difficult. No one would deny that. As much as the triplets were absolutely loving the Versus tour and all the antics they were getting to do, as well as meeting fans, they had to admit that it was exhausting. Not only were they running on an extremely tight schedule, it was wearing on Chris the most, simply because he was getting next to no alone time with you. It wasn’t that he simply wanted the alone time for sexual reasons, rather, you were the only person that could calm his mind, letting him just be. 
“Baby,” You hummed, softly stroking the brunette’s face. It was still dark out, just past six am, but you had a surprise for him, and you knew Chris would later complain about his sleeping in if he found the missed opportunity. “Wake up, honey.”
Chris wriggled beneath the blankets, sleepily blinking his blue eyes. He was freezing and it was dark out; way too early to be awake. “Too early.” he groaned in his morning voice, rolling over to face the wall with the blanket bunched around his shoulders. 
“I have a surprise for you.” You said, a bit more excitement in your voice as you shook him harder. 
The word ‘surprise’ immediately woke the boy up as he rolled to face you. You were already dressed in one of his hoodies and a pair of leggings, eager to get on with your plan. You were practically bouncing up and down like an excited little kid, hoping Chris would love what you had come up with as much as you did. 
“Why the fuck are you awake? It’s dark out,” he moaned. “Come cuddle me instead.”
You snorted at your boyfriend’s dramatics, quietly pulling back his blanket so as not to disturb Matt and Nick. “Get dressed, you big goof. We’re leaving in ten.”
As much as he wanted to argue and go back to sleep, Chris couldn’t deny that he wanted to understand what had caused the giddiness in your aura. He quickly pulled on his favorite hoodie and sweatpants, cramming his messy hair under a snapback as he followed you down the bus steps and out onto the quiet, dark sidewalk. He didn't know where the bus had stopped during the night. Philly maybe? But he didn’t get time to think about that as you simply nodded to one of the members of the triplets security and then took his hand, dragging him down the sidewalk. 
“Where are we going? I miss my blanket.” Chris pouted. 
“Me too,” You nodded, trying your hardest not to disclose the surprise. “But I do have something that’ll make you feel better.”
Chris didn’t know where you were going at this point, but he followed you anyway. He would’ve followed in any life, had someone asked him the question. You two continued to walk for a few more blocks until you stopped in front of a brightly lit diner, its neon signs illuminating the darkness of the street. 
“Pancakes?” Your boyfriend asked, perking up as the smell of bacon drifted from the restaurant. “Goddamn, I knew I made the right choice dating you.”
“I am pretty amazing,” You giggled, flipping your hair over your shoulder. “Let’s eat.”
You stepped into the diner together, immediately being sat at a booth and having your order taken. You and Chris both ordered an immense amount of breakfast food, quite tired of the protein shakes and cereal that came with bus life. 
“How did you, um, find this place?” Chris asked bashfully, stirring his straw around his Pepsi. 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. “I was just looking for things for us to do alone and it came up,” You hummed. “I love Matt and Nick, I really do, but I also like to have one-on-one time with you, and I could kind of tell you needed some, too.”
“How do you always manage to know exactly what I need when I need it?” he asked with a chuckle, brushing his hand over your knuckles. 
You smiled, a blush dotting your cheeks as your waitress came over with a tray full of all the food you had ordered. “I just do.”
“Baby,” Chris whined, sprawling out across your shared queen sized bed. “Don’t leave me. I don’t need food, nor do I want it.”
“But you do.” You said pointedly, looking him up and down as you slipped on your Uggs. 
“Nuh uh,” he fought back, smashing his face against a pillow. “You’re making me feel sick by not laying with me.”
“I’m not making you feel sick. Your choices are making you feel sick. No one told you to drink as much as you did.” You chastised gently, crossing the room to kiss his forehead. 
You and Chris, as well as his brothers, had gone out last night with a large group of friends, to include Johnnie and Jake, Tara, Larray, and Sam and Colby. Things had gotten a little…out of hand, leaving you with a very hungover Chris, who was making miserable noises as he clutched his stomach. 
“You’re not even laying with me,” Your boyfriend pouted. “My head and tummy hurt and I wanna be cuddled and you’re being mean.”
“You’re so grumpy when you’re hungover,” You snorted, kissing his forehead again. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
Chris whimpered again as you propped him up with several pillows, tucking him in and making sure he had water and a bucket nearby. You had opted to get him IHOP, figuring a good amount of carbs would ease the symptoms he was currently experiencing as a consequence of overindulging in alcohol. The time between you leaving the triplets house, picking up food, and returning home was less than forty five minutes total, but it felt like an eternity to your hungover boyfriend who simply wanted cuddles and for his headache and nausea to go away. 
You entered the bedroom, takeout bag in hand. “I’m back. Nothing to cure a hangover like a big, greasy breakfast,” You smiled, settling onto the bed and pulling out plastic containers of food. “Once you eat, you can take some ibuprofen for your headache.”
“I’m not hungry.” Chris whispered softly, feeling too unsettled to eat. 
“You know your tummy will feel better once you eat.” You cooed, stroking his stomach over the comforter. 
“Nuh uh.” he groaned, snuggling further into his pillow and blanket.  
“It will and you know it. You know you can’t drink that much, hun. I dunno what you expected to happen.” You explained softly, pushing some hair out of his face gently. 
As much as he wanted to continue to whine and be difficult, Chris had to admit you were right. A good breakfast and some sleep sounded really, really good right about now. He softly sat up, taking a sip of the Gatorade you had left on his bedside table last night. “Mkay…I’ll try to eat, I guess.”
You didn’t say much as you two began to eat your breakfast. You knew Chris probably had a raging hangover headache right about now, and you didn’t want to make it any worse. Once your boyfriend had had enough to eat and taken the pain relievers, he curled up into your side, placing your hand on his stomach. 
“...you were right,” he admitted quietly, always hating to be wrong. “Now I need belly rubs and sleep.” 
“So demanding,” You fake huffed, kissing his forehead. “Get some rest, hun. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Chris Sturniolo was not the type to let anyone know he was upset. Sure, he would jokingly whine and complain about things when he felt like being irritating to his brothers, but he would never actually let anyone see when his feelings were hurt. You knew this about him, and after a little over a year together, you knew the signs that he was feeling this way as well.
The four of you were currently sitting in Matt’s car in a random parking lot, filming a car video. You opted to sit in the back and mostly listen with an amused look. After all, this was the triplets video, not yours. They hadn’t really planned a topic for today either, which ever bubbly Chris took to his advantage. 
“I need to pee,” he stated to no one in particular. “I got a new water bottle and so now I’ve been motivated to stay hydrated so I need to pee.”
“Why did you say water bottle like that?” Matt snorted. 
The boys continued back and forth with their bickering for a while, mostly making fun of the way Chris had said the word. You simply sat and laughed, enjoying all the weird conversations that came up, that is until Nick harshly interrupted Chris. 
“Do you ever shut up?” he asked. “Like genuinely, do you ever shut your mouth?”
“I do sometimes.” Chris protested. 
“Nuh uh,” Matt interjected. “You couldn’t go five minutes without talking. I bet on it. You’re one of those people on the list Nick was talking about. The one who could benefit from being quiet.”
“Fine. Time starts now.” Chris ‘locked’ his lips and pretended to throw away the key. 
You knew he was just going along with the video, but you could tell by the slump of your boyfriend’s shoulders and the way he had his forehead resting against the cool window that the comments had hurt him more than he let on. Nick and Matt continued to talk for a few minutes, before landing on a topic that immediately sparked Chris’s mind. He quickly decided to speak up, forgetting about their ‘challenge’. 
“You can’t do it,” Matt laughed, a triumphant look on his face. “Chris can’t stop yapping…wait, that should be the title of this video.”
Nick laughed and fist bumped his middle triplet, but you found the joke far from funny. Chris had slowly curled into himself throughout the duration of the video, speaking less and less. He was still appearing to be smiling and having a good time, but his overall demeanor had shifted, and you could tell his brothers’ teasing was getting to him. 
“We should get home. It’s getting late…” You mumbled softly once the car had quieted down. 
Chris turned around in his seat, giving you a thankful smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Matt nodded at your statement, turning the key in the ignition and beginning the short drive back to your shared LA home. Everyone was quiet, which was a rare occurrence in this car. You would’ve thought that Matt and Nick would’ve noticed Chris’s unusual silence, but somehow they didn’t. Your boyfriend lingered to get out as his brothers clomped inside the house, laughing about a random joke. 
“You okay, hun?” You asked, climbing from the backseat to the driver’s seat, resting your hand on his arm. 
“‘M fine.” Chris mumbled, leaning his head  against the window. 
“You don’t act very fine.” You whispered gently, running your fingers through the soft, brown curls at the nape of his neck. 
“Do you think I talk too much?” Chris whispered quietly, turning towards you. 
Under the bright light of the garage, you could see unshed tears welling in his lash line, threatening to spill. That’s how you knew Chris was upset. He almost never cried, unless he was really and truly upset. 
“Honey,” You said sadly, running your thumb across his cheek. “Of course not, bubba. I love listening to you talk.”
“Well Matt and Nick sure don’t.” he huffed grumpily, but a sniffle made its way out.
“Yeah…I was going to talk to them about that, actually. They were kinda being dickheads to you tonight.” You whispered, always hating conflict between the triplets. 
“They were right,” Chris groaned, burying his head in his hands. “I can’t shut my fucking mouth and everyone thinks it’s annoying!”
“Sweetheart,” You cooed, pulling him into a hug across the console. “I don’t, and I say that with every promise in me. I love listening to you talk, Chris. Your voice is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard and I learn so much from you every day.”
“Really?” he sniffled, a tear rolling down his cheek.
“Really, hun,” You smiled, softly brushing it away. “I love you.”
Chris smiled, giving you a soft peck on the lips. “You always just know, don’t you? You always know when I’m sick or tired or when something’s wrong. God, I love you.”
You had always loved music, ever since you were little. Something about how a simple arrangement of notes could make a person feel so many emotions captivated you. It was like a language that you didn't have to learn to understand. By the time you were eleven, you’d been playing guitar and ukulele, and that later expanded to piano and bass. Music was absolutely your therapy, and you took every opportunity you had to practice your craft. 
You were sitting on the floor of your and Chris’s shared bedroom, strumming softly on your acoustic guitar. For once, the house was quiet because the boys were out filming a video, so you took the time to practice one of the new songs you had been working on lately. Being a music major allowed you very little time for your separate projects, so you would take whatever chance you could get. 
The silence didn’t last long, though. Just as you were playing an Em chord, Chris burst into the room, flopping on the bed. “Hey mamas, how was your day?”
You playfully rolled your eyes, but continued to strum your guitar. “It was wonderful…until I was so rudely interrupted.”
“You know you love me,” Chris teased, rolling onto his stomach and propping his chin in his hands. “Play me a song.”
“God, you are so demanding,” You chuckled. “What’s next? An autograph?”
“Mhm. On my boobs.” Your boyfriend smiled.
You shook your head with a laugh, throwing a guitar pick at him. “You’re insane.”
You didn’t waste any more in Chris’s antics, though. You fulfilled your boyfriend’s request, quietly beginning to play Falling like the Stars and singing along. Chris said nothing more, cherishing the sound of your voice. He loved hearing you sing and play guitar. It soothed him, allowing him to see the passionate parts of you that only came out in your music. He wished that he could do the things that you did, but he had just never taken the time to learn an instrument. 
You looked up at your boyfriend on the bed after you finished the song, smiling softly. You watched Chris for a moment, observing his body language and the way he was looking at you. “Do you…want to learn?” You asked him quietly, a blush dotting your cheeks.
“You’d teach me?” Chris’s cheeks and ears grew pink as he looked at you shyly. 
“I’d love to.” You nodded with a smile. 
Your boyfriend clambered off the bed, sitting down next to you on the rug. You softly began to explain the different parts of an acoustic guitar and how to hold it, before moving onto chords and strumming. Chris had always been a fast learner when he put effort in, and right now was no different. Within the hour, he was already playing slow, soft songs. The chords were still vibrating and it took him quite a while to change them, but it was a song nonetheless. 
“I’m not as good at it as you are.” he pouted after a moment, setting your guitar aside gently. 
“Well I have been playing for ten years, bub.” You chuckled gently, kissing his face. 
Chris wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and kissing you back deeply. He loved you with all his heart, and you taking the time out of your day to share your passions with him only made him love you more. As the kiss grew heavier, Chris fell back onto the floor, still holding you as he giggled. 
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar, you know that?” he asked, pecking your forehead. 
“I could tell.” You smiled. 
“You always can.”
“It’s such a nice day out today.” You hummed, soaking in the sun as you laid on your towel. 
Chris fidgeted beside you anxiously, but made an acknowledgement towards you statement so as to ‘throw you off his scent’. He had been planning this surprise for months now and he was currently using every muscle in his body to keep his mouth shut so as not to spoil it.
You two were basking in the sun on the beach in Santa Barbara, towels laid out. You had noticed Chris had been unusually quiet all day, but didn’t really think much of it. The beach usually kept him in his own little world, too distracted by the roar of the ocean and the sand between his feet to notice anyone else. You both had always loved the beach, and moving to the LA area after living in Boston your whole life had been a welcomed change. You practically went to the beach every weekend, but today Chris had led you to a new spot he had found. It was rather secluded, but you loved it all the same. It made things more intimate between the two of you. 
“You’re quiet today,” You said after a while, rolling over and propping yourself up on your shoulder. You looked Chris over from head-to-toe, admiring the tiny features about him like the way his curls had grown more pronounced with the salt air and the birthmark on his back. “Beach getting you relaxed?”
“I, uh, yeah. You could say that,” Your boyfriend tried to smile sheepishly, looking you over. Your lavender bikini hugged you just right, making him even more nervous. If he fucked this up while you looked so gorgeous, he would never forgive himself. “Wanna take a walk?”
You smiled, sitting up quickly and beginning to gather your towel. “Sure!”
“No!” Chris said a bit too hastily. “I mean, you don’t need to bring your towel…I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“You can’t just leave your stuff on the beach, Chris.” You giggled. 
“It’s not like anyone’s gonna steal it. Just–trust me, please?” he asked, giving you those blue puppy eyes you could never resist. 
“I guess so,” you fake huffed, taking his hand in your own. “C’mon, let’s walk before the sun sets on us, silly.”
Chris smiled, taking your hand in his own and starting the trek down the beach. The ocean was calling him as you two strolled westward towards the sunset, but that would have to wait. At least until he had finished his plan. The silence between you was comfortable like always, but this time it thrummed with passionate energy. Chris was pretty sure you had no idea what he was  planning, but then again, you knew him like the back of your hand.
“This beach is so quiet. It’s nice when it’s just us,” You smiled. “How did you find this place?”
“Oh, y’know, doing what I do best. Poking around.” Your boyfriend laughed nervously as you came to a beautiful expanse of rock along the beach. 
You immediately ran towards the beauty, smiling up at the wonder of nature. “This is gorgeous.”
Chris took the opportunity of you having your back turned to feel in the pocket of his swim trunks for the tiny box that he had been hiding from you for over a month now. He would admit that he had definitely had a bit of a struggle keeping the secret from you, but it was worth it to see you now, on this gorgeous beach, looking even more beautiful than the view around you. The brunette turned his head to where Nick was hiding out of sight, holding his camera. As much as he wanted the two of you to be alone for this, he wanted the pictures infinitely more. He couldn’t wait to tell his kids about what would be the best day of his life one day, that is, if you said yes. 
He took a deep breath, pulling the box out of his pocket and then tapping you on the shoulder. “I have a question for you, ma.”
By the time you had turned around, Chris was on one knew, holding a tiny, velvet box that held a gorgeous, heart-shaped, diamond ring. “Oh my god…” You whispered, hand flying to your mouth as tears welled in your eyes.
“You are my best friend, baby. I’ve loved you ever since I saw you that day in ninth grade algebra class. Finding out you felt the same way about me was probably the best day of my life. You always listen to every crazy, stupid, and dumb idea I have and I love you for it. You know me better than I know myself. I love loving you; you are my first, last, and only love. Will you marry me, Y/N?”
“Oh my god, yes!” You squealed, throwing yourself into his arms as Chris slid the ring onto your finger.
Chris sniffled as he spun you around, hugging you tightly and kissing you. “This is why I’ve been acting weird today,” he chuckled and blushed. “I was worried you’d find out. You know literally everything.”
“Not everything,” You smiled, showing him the diamond. “You kept the secret so well. Who all knows?”
“Well,” Chris admitted shyly as Nick stepped out from his hiding spot. “Nick knows, obviously, because I needed his help capturing the moment. Matt knows too. Other than that, no one else.”
“You’re amazing, Chris,” You whispered, kissing him again. “I’ve wanted to marry you since I was fifteen years old, you know that?”
“I love you so much, ma. Always have and always will.” 
As Nick continued to snap photos of the two of you in front of the sunset on the beach, you couldn’t help but to feel your heart swell. You hadn’t known what was going on with Chris this time, but for once, you didn’t even mind. 
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
♡ scenarios | dating negan
♡ fandoms; The Walking Dead
♡ characters; Negan Smith
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; explicit sexual content
♡ notes; in case anyone forgot i’m technically not a dedicated slasher blog
i put this in sections so i didn’t have to make more than one post lol . also these take place while he’s still the ruler of the saviors. i’ve been obsessed since his first episode oh my god that’s eight years of hyperfixation so that’s usually where my brain goes plot- wise
i’m thinking Billy Butcher is up next? lmk who else we wanna see, Garcia Flynn from Timeless is probably too niche? but i love him so so much
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I. Kisses/PDA
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> negan is an affectionate person
> with his wives it’s just for show- they’re hot, and he wants all his followers jealous of his lifestyle
> but with you, it’s different
> his wives don’t like him, per-se. he’s convenient to be married to and easy on the eyes, but they’re cold to him
> and he knows why, he doesn’t really give a shit. especially now that he has you.
> you may not be his spouse- you’re sure as fuck not letting him call you that without a ring- but he’s even more physical with you
> standing by him? hand on your back. sitting? you’re on his lap. look cold? he gives you his jacket and keeps you tucked under his arm
> “i just like takin’ care of you darlin’”
> and he loves kissing you in front of others- from little pecks to long, lingering kisses that makes other people look away
> he seems possessive, and he doesn’t mind people pointing it out
> it’s not that he doesn’t trust you- it’s never that
> he trusts most of his men too…maybe not simon. because simon loves staring at your ass
> but he’s proud. he’s proud you’re his, and he’s yours, and that he gets to show you off
> and like hell he ever lets anyone forget it
> alone he acts like keeping his hands off you is impossible
> he smacks your ass any time you lean over, pulls you into big bear hugs from behind and randomly pick you up
> he doesn’t ever want you to doubt his feelings for you, and physically is the easiest way for him to show it
> he’s very sexual, big shocker
> but his favorite kisses are sleepy kisses
> you wait late into the night when he’s due home from terrorizing his territories
> some part of you is afraid one day he won’t come home- so you always wait
> you’ll be exhausted, rubbing your eyes and yawning and usually wrapped up in a blanket
> but no matter how long he takes directing his men and double checking inventory and dealing with the dead
> “hey there, baby doll”
> you always run straight into his arms and bury your face in his chest. he’ll laugh and pick you up, kissing you gently before he carries you to bed
> most times he falls asleep on top of the covers with you, eager for the morning when he can make it up to you for being gone so long
II. Sharing a bed
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> negan isn’t used to sharing a bed anymore
> the wives have their own rooms just down the hall, and so do you
> no reason for him not to give you at least a little space
> and having a room is the height of luxury in the sanctuary anyways. it’s a perk of dating the boss
> but you don’t know how to tell him you do want to share a bed, even though you’re barely apart when you’re awake
> so you just…don’t. you assume it’s a boundary he wants to keep and don’t mention it
> until the night terrors start up again
> you’ve seen a lot of people die a lot of different ways. most of them people you cared a lot about
> the memories always seem to come back in your dreams no matter how far back you push them
> when you’re woken up by one in the middle of a harsh storm, it’s just a bit too much
> you just can’t stop crying, and it’s loud and you need held. you need him.
> you creep as quietly as you can down the hall, and you hesitate at the door until the thunder crashes again
> when you stumble in he sits up fast with a knife in his fist
> then he gives a slightly annoyed sigh in recognition, relaxing
> “the hell are you doing?”
> “i just- um-“
> you can tell he notices the wobble in your voice and opens his arms up without another smart remark
> “hey, hey, i’ve gotcha..”
> he doesn’t ask questions- you don’t cry for nothing. and he gets nightmares too
> falling asleep in his arms feels natural…so natural it becomes a habit
> and he sleeps better with you too, curled around you and holding you so tight you think he might be worried you’ll disappear
> it’s less than a week before you stop using your bed altogether
III. Let’s get kinky
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> he’s happy in pretty much any dominant role, whatever you call him is good enough for him- daddy, sir, master, etc
> and he likes when you call him whatever it is in front of his men
> the only chance of getting your dick/strap in him is if he power bottoms. but 95 percent of the time? you’re receiving and it’s big
> he likes being risky. he’ll take you out to visit settlements just to have an excuse to stop and fuck you in the car
> or even in a house there, just a room over from his men and gagging you with his fingers so you don’t get caught
> not that he’ll care if they catch you anyways
> he has a nice big office- half of the reason he uses it is so he can have you on his lap as a cockwarmer while he reads or looks over inventory numbers
> the other half is so you can suck his dick under the desk while he talks to simon or dwight
> (simon is a raging pervert so he definitely knows, too)
> he loves fucking your face, watching you get all teary eyed and drooling all over yourself from taking his massive cock
> “oh look at the fuckin’ mess you’re making!”
> he’s generous though- he loves reciprocating oral
> and he loves overstimulating you too- whether that’s by edging you for hours or just making you cum again and again and again
> he loves taking you from behind, pushing your face into the mattress and gripping your hips so hard they bruise
> but he also loves when you ride him slow, gasping quietly as he watches you fall apart completely for him
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lydscare · 1 year
ponyboy curtis dating/relationship headcanons
warnings/notes: ponyboy is a softie; no warnings 🙌 (pony is a little insecure, though)
a/n: yooo 😃, it’s been a hot minute; sorry school drama is being a b*tch right now and has been exhausting me from writing 😭 [why do guys gotta be so immature!?] anyways, “the outsiders” hyperfixation kicked in and made me write this, enjoy!!
reader is gender-neutral / my masterlist 
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he’s a sweetie :))
he likes to calls you sunshine or hun
he LOVES taking you to watch sunsets. (he was probably watching one with you when he realized that he was in love with you–)
discussions with him can be so funny when taken out of context. they can go from goofy not too serious questions to an entire exsistensial crisis about the universe
“do crabs think we walk sideways?”
he is the first to say “i love you”
being close to him allows you to get to know his witty (and kinda smartass) side. 
he also loves being able to make you laugh with any of his sarcastic remarks
“if mr. ray gives us another homework assignment i’m to go to dally for some help.”
*yn laughing*
*ponyboy trying to hide the proudest smile on his face :))*
pony loves, loves the sound of your laugh too
it’s just comforting to him :’)
i also think that after ponyboy comes out of his shell more that he’d 100% be the type to gossip (and never get caught) mainly stuff that he heard from two-bit, dally and johnny tho/tbh
y’all can communicate with no words, (it’s honestly sometimes pretty creepy); y’know through you eyes and facial  expressions and whatnot
he learns to read you really well. your body language and everything, so he’ll know that if you’re uncomfortable and he’ll try to get you out of whatever situation as soon as possible
he gets jealous a bit (he’s a little more insecure though) but he tends to wallow quietly in loathing, giving them the stink eye and what not
you go to his track meetings, just sitting on a bench nearby. he’s so happy that you’re there and supporting him :’)
if you cheer him on loudly tho, he will sink into the floor. out of embarrassment or just being overwhelmed by your love and support, who knows? 
if you guys are walking to his house later at night (or anytime, really) and a soc car drives up next to you guys, he’ll block you from their view so you hopefully won’t get catcalled. (in general he walks on the side of the street near the curb) 
if the group of socs does catcall you from their car or make you uncomfy he’ll tell them to shove off (protective boy fr fr)
also likes to kiss you all over your face
forehead kisses <3
passing notes in class
i don’t know why but i kinda feel like he’s insecure about his smile, so please reassure him that you love him whole :’)
he’s a great listener
ends up stealing a lot of you pencils because he’s always losing them 😭
sketches u <3
random deep talks at 3 in the morning 
recommending books and movies to each other
while he reads a book you recommend to him he writes little annotations of what he thought of the book (you do this for him also) 
has defiantely drawen both of your initials in a heart 
draws on your hands, lets you draw on his
he feels happy seeing you walk around with his little drawings on your hand 🥹
people honestly think that you guys are just really close friends; which is a  fair assumption, there isn’t too much pda with him/you probably don’t do anything too sterotypically couplely in public
he’s 14 (anyone who’s 17+ and reading this, 😐 wtf–) and you’re proably the first relationship he’s ever been in, so he kinda is trying to see how it goes + is always a bit afraid he might be overstepping (at least early on in the relationship)
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pt.2 here cuz apparently i went over the word limit :'))
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stopaskinf · 5 months
“Boy I’m trying to catch myself, but I’m out of control”
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Songs Ateez boys remind me of:
Summary:^ title explains it all
Genre: fluff, Ateez x fem reader
CW: Cursing in some of the songs, sexual themes in some songs
Word Count: I dead couldn’t bother 🙂‍↕️
A/N: Exhaustion has hit me like no other🙃🙃
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🐿️I’ll Kill You- Summer Walker
🐿️Shameless- Camila Cabello
🐿️Woman- Harry Styles
This man is insane. I feel like Hongjoong’s love is incredibly intense. He doesn’t let people in, so the ones he does? They’re staying. He’s also shown himself as possessive, jealous, and lowkey obsessive. He’d keep you chained if he didn’t understand the importance of autonomy.
Additional songs: Rattlesnake- Tsar B
��️Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
⭐️Insanely Jealous of You - The Soft Boys
🐰Boyfriend- Dove Cameron
🐰Slumber Party- Ashnikko
🐰If I was your Girlfriend- Prince
Ok, so Seonghwa is not beating the lesbian protector allegations. Seonghwa’s love feels magical. Most of these are WlW songs because Seonghwa feels like the type to know women intimately. He feels almost maternal in the way he loves you. You’re not sure if it’s on purpose or not.
Additional songs: Virgo- Stwo
⭐️Hidden Place- Bjork
🐶Dream Boy - waterparks
🐶Blueberry Eyes- Max
🐶Want You in my Room- Carly Rae Jepsen
Yunho is quite literally a golden retriever boyfriend. He’s the dream boy you make up when you think of a man you’d want. He’s the boy next door who you’ve known since you were kids playing house. He’s nice, sweet, caring, and he loves you wholeheartedly.
Additional song: Next Door- Amelia moore
🍃Cloud 9- Beach bunny
🍃Dream Boy- Beach bunny
🍃Please Like Me- ASH
Yeosang is such a little guy. When Yeosang is in love he’s lowkey a simp. He wants to impress you. He wants you to compliment him and make him feel pretty, even if it embarrasses him. Although, as much as he wants to be babied, he’s nervous. He feels the need to prove himself even when you guys get together. You always let him know you appreciate his efforts.
Additional songs: Venus as a Boy- Bjork
⭐️Come to me- Bjork
🐣Aphrodite- Rini
🐣Come See Me- Teenear
🐣I Miss You- Bjork
Mingi is a clingy bastard. We’ve all seen the way he acts with Yunho. He acts that way with you, but 10x worse. He feels a tad bit like a hopeless romantic to me. I feel like he’s the type to think he manifested you because you’re exactly his ideal. This man worships you.
🐱Water- Kehlani
🐱Too Much- Carly Rae Jepsen
🐱Kiss Me through the Phone- Soujia boy
San was a little hard to choose for. The thing about San’s love is that he’s no doubt devoted, but he’s also chaotic. Not so much as Wooyoung, but he can be a handful. His intensity and clinginess almost rival Mingi. Very much the type to throw himself into your personal space because he misses you. He wouldn’t die without you, but his life would be far, far worse.
Additional songs: Cheating with You- The correspondents
⭐️Don’t Bother Me- the Beatles
😜Violently Happy- Bjork
😜Deja Vu- Beyonce
😜Drunk in Love- Beyonce
Lord, this man. Wooyoung is as chaotic and complimentary in love as he is in everyday life. You’ve adopted an unruly child who loves you unconditionally. He’s another one where his love borders on obsession. Well, more of a hyperfixation. There will never be a moment where he shuts up about you. Everyone who knows Wooyoung knows about you at this point.
Additional song: Kiss- Prince
🧸Pagan Poetry- Bjork
🧸No Drug like me- Carly rae jepsen
🧸And I love Her- The Beatles
Jongho next to maybe Hongjoong or Seonghwa has the most intense feel. When Jongho is in love, it’s quiet, but he has so much inner turmoil. Another who feels it is hard to let people in. So, when he does, he kinda freaks out at the depth of his own emotions. However, that doesn’t deter him, if anything it emboldens him.
Additional song: When I’m 64- the Beatles
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7ndipity · 1 year
Disneyland trips
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: what a trip to Disneyland would be like with them.
Warnings: brief mention of sickness
A/N: Full disclosure, I've never actually been to any of the parks, so this is all based off what I know from vlogs. This is just me indulging one of mine and @this-must-be-my-tardis current hyperfixations.
Requests are open
Jin: Welcome to season 2 of Eat Jin! Fr tho, y'all would be one of those couples that visit every month for a different challenge, like trying/ranking all the different churros or smth. Matching ears, because this man is into couple outfits, idc what anyone says. Goes on a few rides, but screams the whole time and says "no more!" after each one(immediately turns around and gets in line for another one)
Yoongi: Knows all these random facts about the park. Like, did you know that the wedding ring stuck in the concrete outside the Huanted Mansion was originally just part of a pavilion post? Or that they use vegetable oil to grease the trolly tracks on Main Street so it won't leave residue on you shoes? Well, now you do! Actually laughs at the jokes on the jungle cruise, but will vehemently deny it unless you catch it on film.
Hobi: Night time visit because ((vibes)). So many mini photo shoots. Another that's into matching couple ears. Spends ages in Toontown going through the character houses. Gets motion sick after like two rides, and then just want to go to the gift shops and get dole whip. Might legit reuse the popcorn bag/bucket as a regular bag for a bit afterwards(acorn bags 2, disney boogaloo)
Namjoon: A bit embarrassed by the ears, but he'll wear them if it makes you happy. Another fan of going at night because it's a little calmer and y'all can take your time and just wander around. Has a surprising amount of fun on the rides in Fantasyland and even tries his hand at the sword in the stone, insisting he felt it wiggle(pls get him away from there before he breaks it).
Jimin: You might think he would be chill and more go-with-the-flow about your plans for the day, but no, he's got it all mapped out and is determined to do as much as possible. Like y'all are there from gates open to gates close. You work your way though the whole park, from one land to another. By the end of the day, you're both so exhausted you almost fall asleep during the fireworks show, but it was totally worth it.
Taehyung: Lowkey would be into disney-bounding(probably as someone like prince Naveen, so he can keep his aesthetic) but if you don't watch out, he's gonna get too immersed and start talking like the characters. Makes you go on the teacups with him, cause he thinks it'll be cute, but ends up getting motion sick. Soo excited to meet some of the cast members and get pictures. Is just a giant kid having the time of his life.
Jungkook: if you're not into rides, I'm so sorry, because he has to go on Every. Single. Ride. The Matterhorn, Huanted Mansion, Space Mountain(twice), even the Storybook Boat! He's skipping through the whole park, churro in one hand and pulling you along with the other. You're gonna feel so sick, but he's having such a good time, you almost don't have the heart to tell him you need a break. Almost.
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bellamyblakru · 19 days
@its-hyperfixation i am so fucking sorry its so late😭today was the first day i tested negative!!! and with that good news, i wrote you a tiny oneshot in honor of our wedding anniversary. i love you so so so so so much. and im continuously proud of everything you do. im beyond grateful to have you in my life, and i hope i can keep you in it for absolutely ever. thank you for sticking by my side for so long😭🩷i will stay there for as long as you’ll have me!!!! i love you my love, my arthur to my merlin, my rowan to my aelin, my f1 to my kpop🥺🩷one day!!!
do not feel sorry (it’s just like a yawn when it is not enough)
Merlin was trying—really, he was, but after five nights in a row of the same fucking nightmare, sleep was almost as nonexistent as his appetite at this point.
But he was fine.
He told Gaius that he was fine after he tripped and fell over the desk that’s been in that same spot for over five years, he told Gwen he was fine after stumbling into her during their morning walks, he told Lance and Gwaine he was fine when he managed to avoid having lunch with them four days in a row.
Did they believe him? That didn’t really matter, nor did he try to look too closely at their suspicious eyes following him everywhere he went.
Arthur pretended not to see Merlin drop all the laundry the third time in a row, or when he spilled all the dishes three inches away from the table, or when he slipped on the floors he just cleaned and fell directly into the king’s arms. Arthur had simply righted Merlin back up and went on his way. It was actually quite out of character—so much so that each time Merlin fumbled, he stayed completely still, waiting for the yells of annoyance that weirdly never came.
By the sixth day of mistakes, Merlin had enough.
“Are you okay?”
Arthur peered up from his lunch, looking first at the dirty laundry spread out on the floor then at the frustrated, and rather exhausted, Merlin whose hands were firmly on his hips out of frustration.
Merlin rolled his eyes, “Yes, you. Who else would I be asking?”
“I’m fine,” Arthur chose to ignore the jabs for now, focusing on Merlin’s face as it morphed back and forth between confusion and tiredness.
“Are you sure?”
Arthur stood up, stretched, came around his desk, and then leaned against it to have a better look at his servant.
Merlin narrowed his eyes, but it truly did seem his king was feeling alright. He figured he might as well talk about what was wrong here.
“Well,” Merlin started, unsure yet loud enough that he could hear, “you haven’t been yelling at me.”
Surprisingly, Arthur let out a loud chuckle, the noise making Merlin’s eyes widen in even more confusion.
“What’s so funny about that?” Merlin crossed his arms defiantly, kicking some pretend dust on the ground to avoid looking back up. “It’s true.”
“Ah, Merlin,” Arthur laughed a little more. “Is that the only thing you wanted to talk about?”
Merlin would be lying if he said he knew that his king meant—and with the lack of everything lately, he was sure it was affecting what he could have missed.
“I think so?”
Sighing, Arthur walked towards Merlin, and then suddenly guided them both to the edge of his giant bed. Merlin let him—out of confusion and mostly because of the fact that he couldn’t fight him off even if he wanted to.
“Morgana and Gwen told me I had to be patient with you, but, honestly, with the way you’re going, I think you would kill youself before saying anything to me.”
Merlin tilted his head, “With the way I’m going?”
“Dumbass,” Arthur gently flicked his servant’s forehead. “Do you even know that you look like a walking carcass?”
“Do I?” Merlin looked down at himself, moving his fingers back and forth. “I think I look normal.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem,” Arthur sighed again, rubbing his own forehead in frustration. “Merlin-,” he looked the warlock directly in the eyes, the motion freezing Merlin more than anything could, “-what’s wrong? Why aren’t you getting sleep?”
As if that was all it took, Merlin immediately slouched, his eyes watering up at the question, and he tried to cover it up with his hands holding his hands. But it was too late, Arthur had already seen it, lightly forcing Merlin’s hands away to rub the tears off himself. The featherlight action was so tender that Merlin felt like he was barely even there.
Was this actually his Arthur? His Arthur, the one that gets annoyed too easily? Mad quickly? Kills for a living? Was he always this soft?
“Merlin,” another tear wiped away, “please tell me what’s been going on. I can’t help you if you don’t let me in.”
That was the point, wasn’t it? Merlin never wanted to let people in, to see the world as burnt and empty as he sometimes saw it, to see the world as broken and shattered and lost as he did.
And when Arthur only looked back at him with so much concern and attention, Merlin felt he had no other choice but to tell the truth.
“I…been having nightmares.”
“Do you want to talk about them?”
Merlin hesitated. Did he want to? No. Should he? He remembered his mother once telling him that burdens are better lifted when they were shared by the shoulders of the people we loved, and suddenly, he didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore.
His head fell to his king’s shoulder, “It’s always the same. I’m on the pyre. You’re on the one in front of me. But,” Merlin shook his head into Arthur, the king responding with kind reassurances and soft motions on the warlock’s back. “But I never burn—it’s you. I watch you burn and burn and burn, and I can never get to you in time. One night, I would get mere inches away before it exploded, while the other I would be too tightly bound myself to even get an inch closer—but every night I never make it to you. I can never save you.”
By the end, Merlin’s cries were being completely absorbed by Arthur’s newly cleaned red tunic, but the king didn’t complain nor move, only holding the warlock closer to him.
“When I try to eat, I can only taste soot. When I blink too long, I see your face staring at me through the flames. When I walk, I see you getting further away from me. I’m so tired, Arthur…”
Merlin’s voice quieted as he continued, his wet eyes blinking slowly on Arthur’s shoulder.
Arthur took Merlin’s face between his hands, gently lifting the servant to face him, before whispering, “You’re safe here, Merlin. You can sleep here—I’ll keep us both safe, okay? No one can get in here and take me away.”
Merlin drowsily nodded, his face covered in snot and tears and a sadness that Arthur hated to see more than he could even admit.
Slowly, Arthur moved them both to lay on his bed, Merlin tucked safely in his side, the warlock’s legs wrapped around the king’s torso as if to make sure the man wouldn’t move a muscle as he slept. And even though Arthur wasn’t originally tired, being wrapped up in someone he loved so completely drew him right into a peaceful sleep (and not that he will mention it, but these past few days watching Merlin was ruining his own sleep schedule, too.).
By the time Merlin woke up, it was early daylight. He barely opened his eyes, opting to slowly rubbing the person’s back that he held in his arms.
His eyes flew open and his body stiffened once he remembered he doesn’t sleep with anyone, but he only found a softly smiling, already awake Arthur looking at him with so much love that Merlin’s fully melted back into him.
Was this heaven? Merlin would have to say it was at least it’s his perfect heaven.
“How are you feeling?” Arthur asked, his voice still a bit raspy from sleep.
Merlin didn’t avoid the usual urge to move Arthur’s hair out of his face, “Better. You?”
Humming his “good,” Arthur basically purred into Merlin’s hand, making the warlock giggle, moving to play with the king’s hair instead.
After a few seconds of peaceful silence, Merlin felt the guilt gnaw at his heart enough to stop and look at the king in his arms.
“I’m sorry if I made you worry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Arthur huffed, moving Merlin’s hand back to their place in his hair. “You made everyone worry, you dingus. I was yelled at to give you space by multiple people—but it turns out I have very little patience for such things.”
Merlin laughed lightly—that was more like the king than anything else that has happened lately.
“Merlin,” Arthur smiled, making sure the servant was looking at him. “You are not alone anymore. I know you had to be for so long, but you’re not anymore. Not as long as I’m around. I know how much shit you carry—please let me help you hold it all. I have broad shoulders, I can carry more than your scrawny little things.”
Again, Merlin puffed out a laugh, but he stopped in favor of holding Arthur’s face, holding the golden king so gingerly as though he was made out of porcelain.
“If I burn, you burn?”
Arthur took Merlin’s hand from his face and kissed his palm—“Wherever you go, I go. And if it be to death, let it be. I go willingly. No fires can stop our future. We will always find our way around the scorched edges.”
“Together, huh?” Merlin whispered, still in a bit of a disbelief that this was real, that Arthur had accepted him so completely that they could do this as one.
“Hmmhmm, but before that,” Arthur jumped up randomly, surprising Merlin as the king’s hand reached out for him. “Let’s get breakfast.”
Giggling, Merlin gratefully grabbed the offered hand, his starving stomach roaring as if in answer.
It wasn’t going to be easy or perfect or without pain, but his dream was wrong. He knew that now.
If Arthur was on the pyre, Merlin was always going to reach him—no one, nothing, could ever stop him otherwise.
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hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
Double Trouble
On the twelfth day of Tropemas, hyperfixated-gvf gave to me:
A Danny x Reader x Josh Tropemas ending!
Christmas Song Pairing: “I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm" by Dean Martin
Trope: Cuddle For Warmth
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Reader x Josh Kiszka
Warnings: Language, smut, threesome, Josh x Danny content
Words: 4.8k
Author's Note: Well, we stuck to the schedule much better than we did last year, so I count it a win. I feel like I cheated Danny gals out of a solo fic, so I have a second version of cuddle for warmth that I might one day release, who knows. There also might be a little treat for any of my other Sam/Danny pairing lovers out there -- stay tuned.
Most of all, I know there has been a few Josh x Danny x Reader fics written recently, and you should all definitely go check out @streamingcolors-gvf and @tripthelightfandomtastic because they both have some things. I swear this was one of the first fics I wrote for Tropemas and am not in any way trying to ride the waves of their glory (I would drown, their content is too good and almost intimidated me out of posting this but 🤷‍♀️) so I hope you all enjoy the last (official) Tropemas fic!
Cheers to another successful year of Tropemas! 🥂
“I told you guys this motel was sketchy as fuck,” you said into total darkness, the already-spotty lamp having shorted out and left you with nothing but the howl of the wind outside that was whistling in from some crack in the window. Not that the boys had really any say in where you’d had to pull off for the night. It was more just to share your misery, since it loves company and all that.
But that wind — you could feel it in your bones. The old heating unit underneath the shitty caulking job stood no chance at combating the chill of the room, and the fact that the sheets on this pull-out couch bed were threadbare and withheld no fucking body heat at all had you shivering in your pajamas. If there were ever a time you wished you’d listened to your friends when they told you that nice, fluffy, matching PJ sets were the best, it was now. But you ran hot when you slept – not that it mattered when it was -15 degrees outside and a balmy 5 inside.
“I wonder if Jake and Sam have it any better,” Josh said softly from the bed. When flipping coins, you’d unfortunately come up with tails, meaning that the master suite would not be yours for the night when you were forced to pull the van into a horror-movie motel to avoid killing all five of you on black ice. You were so close to the cabin the boys had booked, too – so close – but the ice storm had rolled in just as the sun went down, and you, along with several other drivers, apparently, had to make due with the rooms available at Cockroach Central. 
Jake and Sam in the single Queen, and you, Josh, and Danny in this crappy ‘Queen sized with a pull out couch’ icebox.
“I doubt it,” Danny sighed, voice deep with interrupted sleep.
You weren’t surprised that he’d found the ability to sleep, even with the ice hitting the windowpane and your breath crystallizing in the air; he always had that ability, Danny. But as another gust of icy wind shook the windows, and you felt the subsequent cool air permeate your already-cold cocoon, you let out a barely audible whimper-groan.
You didn’t think it was loud enough for the boys to hear, but apparently you were underestimating how small the room was. “Are you okay, Y/N?”
The next noise that came out of your mouth was frustrated, and it wasn’t directed at Josh for asking, but you’d taken the last shift driving and you were exhausted, except now it didn’t seem as if you’d be getting any sleep at all. “I’m freezing,” you admitted, and you heard immediate shuffling from the bed.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Danny asked from above. “Come over here and get warm, dummy.”
But you hesitated. You knew that the boys would give you the shirt off their back if you asked for it, but you didn’t want them to sacrifice their own comfort and sleep for you – it was one night, after all, and they had been cooped up in the van just as long as you had. “I mean…is there even room up there?” you asked, still sorely tempted to join them, despite your pause. “I don’t want to kick you guys out of bed.”
“We’ll make it work,” came Josh’s voice next. “We grew up shoving as many people in a bed as we could, Y/N, come on.”
And, well, twist your arm. You pushed your thin blankets off and scurried over to the bigger bed, which had a mattress that retained heat and two other bodies to contribute to the task of keeping you warm. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned blissfully, teeth still chattering as you settled into the space between them that they made, citing ‘maximum warmth’ when you’d told them you’d be fine taking the edge. “If I’d known you guys were living space heaters, we’d have been sharing a bed from the start.” 
Josh’s hand crept over your hip from where he’d instantly wound himself around you under the blankets. The cuddling wasn’t new — Josh was a tactile person on his worst days, and a cuddle buddy was a cuddle buddy. But the way he was vigorously rubbing his hand up and down your body was ruffling your sleep shirt, Danny, on just the other side of you, was going to be pressed against exposed skin if he didn’t stop soon.  “Shit, Y/N– even your pajamas are cold.”
“I know,” you sighed, smacking your lips together in contentment. If you’d been a cat, it would’ve been a purr as you began to feel your feet again. “I’ve been shivering in them since we got here.”
Not to be left out, Danny crossed one big hand over Josh’s arm to feel for himself, and your breath stuttered a bit. It wasn’t as if you were immune to their talent and good spirits, and you had eyes — you knew your friends were an attractive bunch. But you never let your fantasies run too amuck; you were an avid sleep talker, and you’d never recover if something slipped out while your dreams took you places you dared not think about during the day.
Places like here, plastered against both Josh and Danny while they warmed you up. Perhaps not in the way you wanted in your limited fantasies, but you were nevertheless in bed with them, their hands all over your body. You hummed at the contact, shifting your shoulders to shake some of the energy they brought with their touch off.
“Why’d you wait so long to tell us you were cold?” Danny asked, lips so close to your ear he barely had to murmur for you to hear. That distance was soon made even scarcer, as Danny tugged Josh closer on your other side so that you were all three a mess of tangled limbs, cuddling to keep every ounce of warmth between you.
You shrugged with the space you did have, and tried to turn on your side towards Danny, your ass already becoming numb. You were a side sleeper, anyways, so you’d end up in that position regardless. The two men adjusted with you, Josh pushing forward to melt against your back while Danny pushed back and let you get comfortable before assuming his position again, nearly brushing your nose with his. 
At this point, you were glad the lights had shorted out, because at least there was a chance Danny didn’t notice either your blush or your surprise that he’d rebounded back in so close. You had no choice but to ball up your hands and let them rest against his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths from the front, and Josh’s from your back. 
“Um…I told you. I didn’t know if there would be enough space.”
Josh chuckled against the back of your neck, making you shiver – but this time, not from the cold. “Well, here’s your proof. There’s always room for you, Y/N.”
“Good to know,” you squeaked, growing embarrassed at how much just the simple pressure of their bodies against yours was making you wet. You knew you couldn’t blame yourself – it’d been a few days since you were alone enough to get yourself off, and this was the first time you’d been in an actual bed since you’d left for this spontaneous cabin getaway with the boys. And when you were in a bed, your body demanded orgasms; it was something of a Pavlovian response at this point.
Now you’d be tired and horny in the morning, but at least you wouldn’t be cold. Although you were beginning to question which was worse.
Danny’s lips quirked up, and you squeezed your eyes shut. He’d most certainly heard the change in pitch of your voice, and you felt a chuckle rumble shake his chest and escape as a breath through his nose. “That was cute,” he breathed. “Is there something the matter?”
Josh’s hips shifted back, and his lips were at your ear, next. “He’s right. I can feel your heartbeat from your back, Y/N. What’s going on?” His words had turned sultry in a matter of seconds, and your face burned, feeling a little foolish for thinking that they wouldn’t be able to feel what they were doing to you in their proximity. 
Although, the response other than a serious ribbing from the both of them was unexpected. You’d have expected them to make fun of you, not do…whatever this was. Unless this was their way of teasing you (not in the good way). “Fuck you guys,” you mumbled. It was a cruel joke either way, and you were beginning to wish that you’d just layered up and stayed in that stupid pull-out bed.
Danny caught your chin with the knuckle of his pointer finger, and tipped your face up to his. “Oh yeah? Is that what you want?”
Every function screeched to a halt, and you couldn’t find the words to answer. 
They were serious? This wasn’t a joke? They wanted to fuck you – together, in the same bed – just because they’d felt your heartrate pick up a bit and your breathing become uneven?
Josh rolled his hips into you again, and you were suddenly made aware that he was hard in his flannel pants. Hard and warm against your ass, in such a good way that you couldn’t help but press back into him. You were rewarded with a small groan and the feeling of his fingers tightening on your hips. “Shit, Y/N. Don’t do that unless you’re gonna answer Danny.”
“Yes? Like, a question? Or, ‘yes,’ for sure?”
The situation was evolving very quickly, but you must have been hornier than you imagined you’d be, because it was difficult to find reasons to decline their generous offer. “For sure,” you said, tucking your lip between your teeth as you waited on baited breath to find out what that answer would bring.
Like racehorses let out of the gate, the response was whip-quick, and you gasped as that lip you’d held captive was dragged from its place by Danny’s mouth, and Josh groaned, “Oh thank god,” before tugging your hips back into his erection. “You’ve got us wrapped around your finger, Y/N, you had to have known what your little noises would do to us.”
“Little noises?” you gasped out, hand reaching up to tangle in Danny’s wild curls as he began to nip across your jaw. “You mean…normal ones?”
Danny pulled back, and his absence was missed, but the sight of him shucking his shirt off was a welcome one. “Caught,” he said with a smirk. “It’s just you. You drive us crazy, no matter what you do or where you do it.”
The sentiment was cheesy at best, but you chose to disregard that fact in favor of letting Josh drag your own shirt off your body, too. “Yes, yes,” he said impatiently, fingers crawling over your bare skin, stopped only by the sports bra you wore, “we’ve been thirsting over you, sweet thing. I’ve thought about this beautiful body of yours so many times. In the still of the night,” he whispered, slipping under the flimsy material covering your breasts, “when I can’t help myself. Like right now.” 
You let a small noise slip out as he softly rubbed his thumb over your nipple. It wasn’t enough for them, though, and Danny quickly nudged Josh’s hand. “Let us see you. Josh wasn’t the only one thinking dirty, filthy thoughts when it came to you,” Danny said, laid back down so that the blankets were once again keeping the rising heat in.
Your sports bra came off, and you wriggled out of your pants, as well, knowing that they would be one of the next items on the list, and then you were naked. Naked, and Danny was naked, too, and when you settled back in, you realized that Josh’s cock was now hard and hot and leaking against your ass, meaning that he rounded the company out, and it was officially a threesome.
Josh backed up, though, so that Danny could put you on your back and trail kisses down your throat until he reached your breasts. You mewled when he took your nipple into his mouth, and it seemed that broke Josh, as he put a hand on the base of his dick and squeezed. Your noises must have actually done it for him. “Mmmm, Danny,” you sighed, foot sliding up the mattress in pleasure. Danny shifted so that he was straddling your thigh, and he ground down once, his cock twitching against your skin.
“You’re so soft,” he murmured against your skin. “Are you soft everywhere, I wonder?”
His words were the only warning you got before his fingers slipped between your lips and spread your wetness across your pussy. “Oh, yeah,” he groaned. “Soft and so fucking wet. Josh, feel how wet our girl is.”
Josh didn’t need any more prompting, and he joined Danny between your thighs, his fingers side-by-side with Danny’s thicker, coarser ones. Your whimper and squirms were met with an intensified touch – Josh took the plunge and dipped a singular digit into your entrance, and you felt as though you’d combust if things didn’t progress soon. 
“Soft and wet,” Josh agreed, his finger pressing forward and pulling back gently. “Finally get to feel you, Y/N. How do you like to play, sweet thing?”
Danny hummed, still mouthing over your stomach. “Did you like it when we played with your pretty little tits? Or do you like Josh’s finger inside you better?”
You were becoming frustrated with their sudden slow-down after taking advantage of the whole bed situation so quickly. “I like them both– I just need more,” you whined, your pussy clenching around Josh’s finger as you tried to fuck yourself faster. “Come on, guys, I know you can do better.” You switched tactics on them, goading instead of whining, and Danny chuckled against your skin.
“More?” he asked, looking at Josh. “What do you think, Josh– wanna fill her up a bit? Add a couple of fingers?”
Josh answered in action, fitting a second finger in beside the first and upping the speed, angling his fingertips to run along your walls until he found that sweet spot inside of you. You gasped and bucked your hips, but Danny held you down gently.
“Shit– right there, Josh!” you affirmed, stilling so that he could focus on that spot.
The lights suddenly flickered back on, and everything paused as you took in the now lit-up scene with blown-pupil eyes. You all three blinked at each other, drinking in the finer details. Finally, Danny’s lips quirked up in a smirk and he pressed a kiss to your hip while Josh continued fingering you.
Josh’s next words weren’t directed at you; he’d heard you, and he wasn’t budging on his positioning, but instead, he met Danny’s eyes and smiled, which you barely caught with your eyes fluttering shut as they were. “Better, she says,” he scoffed, gently mocking your nettling. “If there’s anything I’ve learned about better, it’s that fingers are always better with a mouth. Daniel, care to assist since you’re already down there?”
“More than happy to,” Danny said with a shark-like grin, and your lips trembled with a moan as you watched him converge with Josh’s fingers, then felt his tongue envelope your clit, rolling pressure and darting around in circles like a pro.
This man knew what he was fucking doing.
“Hot fuck, you guys,” you keened, their combined efforts quickly uncovering your growing orgasm. “Have you– ahh– you done this before?” you asked shakily, vacillating between closing your eyes to take in the sensations and watching them both work between your legs.
Josh and Danny shared an amused glance, and you realized that the question wasn’t as pointed as you meant it to be – you’d be the first to claim that you weren’t in the state of mind to care, but you also found it in you to roll your eyes when Josh said, “Yeah, a couple of times,” for the both of them, since Danny’s mouth was occupied, his lips suctioned around you.
“I meant together.”
Josh chuckled and then pinched his pinky and thumb together so that he could bind his middle three and slowly delve them into you underneath where Danny was. “No. But we did talk about it when we got drunk together once. Only once,” he assured quickly, “we didn’t, like, plan this all out beforehand. The opportunity presented itself, though, and you seemed into it…”
You let out a breathy laugh. “Seemed?”
“Touché,” he said, three knuckles deep into your wet core and building a steady rhythm that pushed you higher and higher.
Danny’s contributions were exacerbated when he grasped the undersides of your thighs and pressed his face into you as hard as he could while still trying to avoid taking away Josh’s ability to finger you. 
“Ah– ah,” you croaked, back arching as the coil grew tighter. “Guys, I’m gonna– fuck me, I’m right there; I’m gonna cum, just keep going!”
“No need to tell us twice, sweet thing,” Josh cooed. “Come on, now, let go. You can cum pretty all over my fingers, all over Danny’s mouth. Show us how you do it. God, you look so beautiful,” he babbled, fingers working faster inside of you as you cried out once more and fell off the edge of the cliff.
You fisted the sheets with one hand, and with the other, you pushed Danny’s head away, spasming with overstimulation as he kept sucking you up even as you came down. “Danny– that’s a lot,” you gasped, hips twitching from the force of the orgasm. 
He listened, and pulled away just as Josh withdrew his soaked fingers, rubbing them together and then spreading them apart, where they webbed with your release. As Josh brought them towards his face, Danny caught him by the wrist and beat him to the punchline, his lips – still glistening with your cum as well – wrapping around Josh’s digits and sucking them clean.
A shock of arousal shot through you at the sight, and you were liable to fall apart and never be put back together again when Danny popped the fingers out of his mouth and was immediately pulled into a searching kiss afterwards. Josh’s hands remained firm, one on the side of Danny’s neck, and the other tangling with Danny’s at his side. He was smirking when he pulled away, and the side-eye he sent your way told you that he was aware of what he was doing to you, how he was playing you.
Like a damn fiddle.
“You taste like an angel,” Danny remarked, turning his attention back to you. “Doesn’t even matter where I get you from.”
“Come here,” you huffed, guiding him into another kiss, this time pushing your tongue into his mouth, as if you could taste the remnants of all three of you together. You could feel the tip of his cock catching your tummy every so often, though, in the hovering position he was in, and the desire you had to be dicked down by these men returned in full force. “Fuck me, Danny,” you breathed against his lips. “I want you inside me. Please.”
“Shit,” he cursed gently, lowering himself so that he was covering every inch of you from head to toe. You were totally encompassed in him, so you wrapped your legs around his waist to lock him in. 
Josh looked on, slowly stroking his own cock to find relief. “Go on, Dan,” he encouraged. “Give it to her like she’s asking.”
“Begging,” Danny corrected, running his thick head through the result of their sloppy-wet work. “I’ll fuck you so good,” he promised, lining up with your entrance. “Get you to cum again for us so that I can see this time. I can’t just miss out on feeling you clench around some part of me.”
You popped your hips up, trying to get him to slide into you (it would have been easy enough with how wet you were from your last orgasm). “I’ll cum for you,” you keened impatiently, “but I need you to actually fuck me first.”
Josh snorted. “Still a little spitfire even with a dick in you, aren’t you?”
You were about to retort that there wasn’t a dick in you yet, when Danny finally pushed past the initial resistance that served as a reminder that you really hadn’t taken much more than your fingers and a small vibrator recently. He was substantially bigger than yours or Josh’s fingers, even three of them.
“Yeah,” he hissed, throwing his head back as he eased in. “Open up for me, angel; let me in that pretty, pink heaven.”
Josh laid down beside you, plastered to the length of your body as you wrapped your legs around Danny’s waist and encouraged him to start moving. The hand that wasn’t still stroking himself snaked up your body to pinch and play with your nipples as your breasts jiggled in time with each new punch of Danny’s hips to yours. 
You could smell Josh, so close to you, even beyond the scent of sex that was slowly permeating the air around you. “Danny fucks like a god,” you whimpered to no one in particular, barely holding onto your sanity as you were filled to the brim time and time again.
Danny’s grip on your hips tightened at your praise, and your attention was yanked back to the man currently rearranging your guts in the middle of the night in a crappy motel while one of his best friends waited his turn. “Say it to my face.”
You met his heavy-lidded gaze, and reached up to him. He leaned into your palm, and you smiled at him. “You are crazy good at lighting me up, Daniel Wagner.”
“Warm her up, make her burn, ” Josh murmured, leaning over to replace his fingers with his tongue.
With the warm, wet swirl around your nipples and Danny’s hand making its way to press down on your lower stomach, changing up the angle that he hit inside you, you were more than close to your second orgasm. “Feel that, Y/N?” Danny huffed, slowing to grab your hand and push it to where he’d been a moment earlier. “Feel how fucking deep I am?” 
Maybe it was because you wanted to feel him, or perhaps you weren’t imaging it at all, but you could have sworn that each time Danny’s hips smacked into yours and he sheathed himself balls-deep, you felt him nudge the heel of your hand where it impressed into your stomach. Regardless of whether you could with that hand, though, you could certainly feel him in other ways, so you whined and nodded, focused on the sensations.
“God, you take me so well, Angel. Wanna live here,” he whimpered, hips stuttering as he joined you on the precipice.
“In a shitty motel?” Josh joked, re-inserting himself into the situation. “Or so far up Y/N’s cunt she’s gonna have a hard time thinking about anything else for the rest of the trip?” 
Danny panted, hot and loud, and grunted as he embodied his livelihood: rhythm, reliability, and consistency in each slide into you bringing you both closer and closer to the edge. “The second one.”
Josh nodded, slipping his fingers down to circle your clit, obviously reaching the end of his patience and no longer willing to wait his turn . “That’s what I thought. Can’t blame either of you, really,” he sighed, pushing himself up on one arm to kiss whatever breath Danny had left in his lungs away.
Even then, Danny didn’t falter, and his steady thrusts soon paid off. You both gave into the pressure, and Danny yipped out his orgasm against Josh’s lips, topping it off with a deep groan as he emptied himself into you, shallowly pumping himself through it before he collapsed onto his forearms, lips brushing yours as he caught his breath.
“Are you ready to take Josh?” he whispered, pressing a sweet kiss to your mouth before you could answer.
“Before that, actually,” Josh interjected, moving in closer and encasing you in their body heat again now that the chill was creeping back in and cooling your sweat quickly, “I’m gonna need you to move off our sweet Y/N, here. There’s something else I’d like to do before I get to follow in Big Dick Dan’s footsteps.”
His hand was running up and down Danny’s bare back, and you felt the rumble of laughter rise from Danny’s chest, so there was no surprise when a laugh that was a little too loud escaped his face, now crinkled up in joy. “I swear they don’t call me that. I’ve never heard that nickname in my life,” he giggled, and Josh pursed his lips exaggeratedly from beside you.
“Not to your face, maybe.”
Danny did as Josh asked, though, and gingerly pulled himself out of you, sighing as he finally rested his entire weight on the bed at your side. Josh quickly took his place, eyes roving over your lower half and then meeting yours once he apparently found what he was looking for.
Making his way down your body, he wet his lips. “Let’s see if you still taste as Danny has so lovingly named you, Angel,” Josh said, lowering himself to fit in between your thighs. He wasted no time in spreading you apart and lapping you up with the flat of his tongue, catching the slow drip of Danny’s cum as it leaked out of you.
The gasp that flew out of your mouth sounded offended, almost, and Danny’s fingertips dug into the skin of your arm, where he’d been caressing a few seconds earlier. 
“Fuuuuck,” Danny rumbled, low and long. “How’s his mouth feel, Angel? Is it as good as it always looks onstage?”
You moaned with your lips sealed shut, pushing your hips into Josh’s mouth. “Better,” you sighed, eyes fluttering closed. You stayed like that, with Danny reaching up to stroke your nipples and kiss your neck while Josh ate you out enthusiastically, slurping and sucking until he had his fill and came up for breath.
He looked slightly crazed, pawing desperately at your thighs while he rocked his hips, cock catching the sheets in a way that must have been driving him insane.
“Come on, Josh,” Danny cooed, pulling your leg over so that you were laying on your side, spread for Josh since Danny hooked you in his elbow. “You’ve gotta be so hard. Give it to her. She’s got another one in her, right, Y/N?”
You bit down into Danny’s shoulder as you nodded, then met Josh’s gaze. “Come on, Josh, come and take me higher. Get us in the fast lane.”
Josh positioned himself behind you, cuddling as you had been at the beginning of the night, but now you were much warmer, and much more fatigued. As he shakily guided himself to your entrance, slicking up the tip of his dick with what he’d left behind, he pushed in slowly and said, “You have us for the entire night, angel, no need to rush.”
“Yeah,” Danny hummed against your open lips, spread in the ecstasy of being stretched once more, “no need to rush at all. We need to keep you warm all night.”
Jake and Sam were already waiting for you in the lobby when Josh and Danny had managed to drag themselves out of bed. Considering they hadn’t been the ones fucked half to death until the sky began to lighten, you were unsympathetic to their whines about being tired, and were quite proud that you managed to walk all by yourself without the assistance of a wheelchair.
Sam caught sight of you first and waved you over, looking restless and jumpy and ready to leave. “This motel sucks. The coffee is cold and I’m pretty sure from last year, so I’d skip it,” he huffed.
Sam wasn’t a huge coffee drinker, so the fact that he’d been desperate enough to try coffee from the ancient-looking carafe was a surefire sign that he hadn’t slept well either.
For entirely different reasons than you, Danny, and Josh, but he didn’t need to know that.
“You seem a little grumpy,” you smirked. You saw recognition on his face and turned to see Danny and Josh finally stepping out of the stairwell, since the elevators didn’t work. 
“Yeah, because I couldn’t fucking sleep when it was in the negative inside the room. Were you guys freezing last night like Jake and I were?”
You doubted the others would need much convincing to stop for breakfast and coffee, so you just shrugged your bag over your shoulder, shook your head innocently, and smiled. “Nope,” you said lightly. “I was toasty all night long.”
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spilledmilkfkdies · 5 months
Hi :D
i suddenly hyperfixated heavily on wizards of the black circle, and there's absolutely no content(like there's maybe like a few fics and their tumblr tag is just full of posts by the same three people)
what would the wizards do or how would they like rest, cause we see that they clearly get exhausted and worn down a little by the fighting and using their magic
like would duman need to rest longer cause we see him using his powers like constantly(i personally think he takes a lot of naps, actually most of them would consider how old they could just taking group grandpa naps lol)
Am I not one of those three people anymore- Gotta step up my game fr dang
I think generally resting is a pretty straightforward thing. We even see Gantlos taking a nap, which I personally find absolutely delightful. It's very important to me. Get those hours in grandpa!! They're clearly not above sleeping and GOOD, they shouldn't be.
But depending on the point in time, the way they went about things probably did change over time? To me there's like 3 major points for them: Their start -> prime -> downfall.
Like in the early days it was probably a rare sight for them to all sleep at the same time, same goes during their downfall. Plus depending on their personal experience and skill levels they may all have needed a different amount of rest after using their magic excessively or even recklessly, so yeah. As a whole they kinda had this BOOM ATTACK lay low and don't use your magic, then ATTACK AGAIN and hide- Repeat cycle, something like that going on.
Then their prime rolled around and they just. Didn't really need to lay low between attacks anymore. They still slept! Sort of! But when they started feeling low on magical energy they could tap into the Black Circle (the object), which now stored a bunch of absorbed magic, take a quick sniff and be replenished. At most it'd take a meditation maybe, but it wasn't something they needed to take a big break for anymore. Imagine being a Terrestrial fairy. You've gotten used to the wizards disappearing after bigger attacks and suddenly those breaks get shorter and shorter until eventually there no longer are breaks. Me personally, I would give up.
Eventually their downfall rolls around, which brought back both the sleeping in shifts, as mentioned, as well as the ATTACK and lay low approach. But now it's embarrassing because they're cocky and supposed to be above that at their grown, experienced age. They're not stupid enough to inhale their whole magic supply in a panic, but that doesn't leave them with a lot of different options beside the reliable breaks.
HOWEVER!! Back in the day they somewhat had the advantage of going from minor inconvenience to genuine threat, right- Meanwhile during S4 they already ARE a threat, just disappearing like they used to doesn't quite work the same anymore. They don't have the energy to sustain their reputation, and the reputation is too much for their enemy to let their guard down while the wizards try to lay low. Just things to think about. I know I think.
Something else I think about!! Is Duman specifically!! And nobody was surprised sksjdhfj. I'd like to think his magic is on the majority of the time, that's just how he works. His transformations are quick and frequent, as we know, having it on just helps that work properly. Now I have considered!! Hibernation. At times. At least a form of it.
Back in the day there were genuine times he was out of the running for a while just not to strain his magic more than it could handle. Of course he wasn't as GREEDY with it as modern day Duman, so it didn't happen often, but it did happen. Very inconvenient!! Ogron despised his ass frfr. Jk but. It stopped being a necessary thing during their prime too, because of their shared supply- Probably should've returned during their downfall though. But it didn't. So.
I could really yap on about the hibernation thing tbh, I keep breakdancing on the fence whether I really wanna use it, but the concept has given me THOUGHTS and the wizard server refuses to humor me!!!!! No they do just the last time I brought it up with them I didn't have a lot to say yet jdkdj- Either way I could probably just. Use it sometimes, depending on what I'm doing. What else is new right.
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A dumb first-world-problems ramble from an exhausted autistic chick
I know I don't normally make original posts on Tumblr much, but I just need to vent somewhere I can't be followed. The individual in question doesn't have a Tumblr, as far as I'm aware. I feel like an ass about vague-posting, but my patience has been running thin for a while now. And they're not really a bad person, but I can't exactly confront them about this without things escalating into a fight. And I know this is my general account & not my new 14-exclusive account, but I just need to release some steam.
You ever get those moods where, in spite of your best efforts to tune people out & ignore the bullshit, it can be really hard to keep loving your special interests/hyperfixations? Like, it's one thing when it's coming from random strangers you don't know on the internet. But it's another thing entirely when it's coming from the people you consider close friends.
Specifics under the cut, because it's a doozy:
Shit like this has happened to me before. That's how I fell out of love with old hyperfixations like Steam-Powered Giraffe & the Gregory Horror Show, & even Pokemon for a bit before the siren songs of ScarVi & Legends: Arceus lured me back in. People I considered close teasing me about super niche stuff (in regards to the former two) & saying my taste was garbage or that I was a sheep & a shill (the latter.) And you'd think that, "Huh, maybe if I happen to hyperfixate on something mainstream, I won't run into this issue again, huh?"
Well, imagine finding someone in FFXIV to geek out over some of the more obscure & niche questlines with. Of course, I adore the MSQ! If I didn't, I wouldn't be playing this game!
But it is BEYOND frustrating for me to want to be able to enjoy this game while simultaneously acknowledging its flaws & areas it needs to grow without constantly having the mainstream parts of this thing that I love being trashed by this person I befriended.
My mainstream favs being constantly misinterpreted & treated like garbage? The favs of my other friends getting this same treatment? Having the AUDACITY to try & defend them only to be met with such (paraphrased) lines like, "Then perhaps it's just due to JRPGs being so dogshit at writing. Padding out their stories with such convoluted, needless fluff that means either I'm too stupid to understand or I can see right through the bullshit they're trying to hide through their tangled mess." Surgically nitpicking other Final Fantasy properties I bring up out of my excitement for a Gilgamesh cameo while also bashing Keith Szarabajka's voice work because he isn't the guy who voiced him in ARR? Constantly assuming the worst out of all the writers/localizers & even wishing them IRL harm for doing something with the writing you don't like? Demonizing Naoki Yoshida like he's a monolith responsible for personally slighting you every time you don't like something in the story? Hell, they've stated on numerous occasions how much they outright LOATHE the MSQ and all the main characters! Only the side characters seem to escape their ire.
Half of the time, I can't even talk with this person about the niche things we both share without them inevitably bringing up something to complain about. And I just keep telling myself to not engage, ignore it, & walk away.
But this Twitter QRT has just been the final fucking straw.
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So, me just wanting to enjoy this game in spite of its shortcomings makes me a simp for a cliche & unoriginal pile of slop.
Me being both excited & nervous for the upcoming expac makes me a simp.
How the fuck dare I enjoy myself. How the fuck dare I not be miserable & let the shortcomings I have overtake my genuine love of this little thing that brings me joy & helped me make so many new friends.
I just keep wondering why this person even keeps playing if it's only the small bits of side content that bring them any amount of joy? And I can't even ask that because it's rude of me. I can't ask them to tone down the constant harping or being more decisive about picking their battles because, "I'd be telling them to suppress themselves, cutting themselves into pieces to try & not be a nuisance."
The thing is that this person isn't stupid. They're not even a bad person. And I do happen to agree with a lot of their points when they aren't being so outright hostile. They just have social struggles & autism like I do, but in the opposite direction. I'm a meek, heavy masker who represses herself out of wanting to not pick or escalate fights (growing up used to having my words habitually twisted by bullies & authority figures, being a chronic mediator amongst past friend groups leaving me with compassion fatigue), while they've taken the opposite approach & are very bold & outspoken with their opinions to the point of jumping the gun with unintended aggression. As well as the aforementioned, "immediately assuming the absolute worst about of everyone involved in this property."
I don't know.
I'm just so tired of having the little things I like be constantly shat on by people whom I'm close to. It makes ME feel like I'm the idiot with no media literacy for finding joy in these things. That I've been gaslighting myself into thinking that the things I like are actually good or hold any modicum of value. It's been 26 years, & I haven't learned to tune out all the bullshit around me. I'm still so sensitive after all this time.
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mariska · 4 months
OH omg the other thing too about. rewatching the entirety of ATLA this month as someone who was a huge fan of it in my childhood as the episodes originally aired. is that watching it now, age 27, approx. 20-ish years later. was recognizing pretty much immediately on episode 1 that Aang is so incredibly adhd coded (i have no idea if that was intentional or not by the writers/creators pls do not quote me on that statement lol) and it now makes such clear perfect sense to me as an adult why i always loved him as a character and as one of the main characters in the show as a kid.
cus like. i have always been a huge lesbian, obviously, even though it took me a lil while to realize that in young adulthood, so as a kid my All Time Fav avatar characters were the girls. and very rarely did i like. truly genuinely care and admire and hyperfixate on boy protags of media i loved as a kid, but being unknowingly at the time an adhd autistic kid and struggling to just get through daily life in school and stuff in a way that was at all similar to my peers, i absolutely loved Aang as a character the same amount as i did for like Katara and Toph and Ty Lee and Azula and Suki and etc etc. and it really is a strange surreal and comforting kind of feeling to rewatch his whole hero's journey now in the later half of my 20's and see my 7/8-to-11 year old self in like So So Much Of His Whole Personality And Actions.
like OF COURSE he was such a big comfort character to me back then, i was coming home from school absolutely exhausted from masking and misunderstanding lessons that were not being taught to me in ways i could properly learn and comprehend and incredibly anxious and stressed from the physical and emotional toll of it all, completely unable to even verbally communicate any of those feelings properly to my moms or other adults in my life because i had no real words or terms to describe it with then, but knowing a new avatar episode was gonna be on tv later and always feeling like everything might be ok cus those guys are my friends and i feel so happy when i see them again and that little boy acts just like me and he's not a failure or a freak or anything awful, he's a hero and a leader and a good person and his friends love him for who he is even though he doesn't have the strongest attention span sometimes and struggles to learn the things he needs to learn in life and would rather spend time having fun with the people he cares about than carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. and he is still celebrated for all of that. which is like. all i wanted back then. to be loved and appreciated and respected and celebrated not despite of my neurodivergence and differences, but because of them, because it made me unique and it shaped who i was and why i did everything the way i did it and how i viewed the world around me.
like. idk if any of that makes proper sense typed out lmao it sounds more clear in my head but. yknow??? idk. theres just something abt watching media that originally meant Everything to me during a time in my life when i had no proper words to help me understand why i felt so incredibly different and strange and Bad as opposed to the other ppl my age around me and feeling the same connection to that character and his story and his personality at 27 yrs old as i did at 7 yrs old. some of those episodes really left me feeling like i went back in a time machine to give my kid-self a big hug. the little mini arc in the 3rd season with Aang going to that fire nation school while they're all undercover was like ESPECIALLY Hitting Me Like A Big Ass Truck, that was like a barely even fictional re-telling of my never fully finished public school experience it was really wild watching it again now so many yrs later. i think Aang is really one of my favorite media protagonists of all time. 🥺
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
maya! I hope you’re doing well!
i’ve been on a one piece kick lately and am literally obsessed lol. i was wondering if i could request a hurt/comfort one shot with trafalgar law. maybe reader is overly sensitive and takes something he says to heart? he’s not really the type to dwindle on things like that. So I def feel like he’d just not understand why reader is being so sensitive over something so trivial.
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Warnings : a couple of curses, Law is kinda unintentionally mean and clumsy at love, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : hurt/comfort, fluff!
Word count : 1.6K words
Additional notes : THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING FOR ONE PIECE HOLY SHIT😭😭 I’m doing quite well, thank you 🥰 I’m literally hyperfixating on the show rn and no one ever requests for it 💔 Law might be a little ooc because I personally believe he’s on the autistic spectrum, and it makes perfect sense with this request. I absolutely adored writing this, please feel free to request at any time for more characters if you’d like! Hope you enjoy this 💗💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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Rubbing their temple with pure exhaustion from the draining one-sided argument they were currently having, they sighed deeply, closing their eyes for a moment. “Listen, Law, just… all I’m asking for is some of your time.”
Their boyfriend clicked his pen twice, setting it down on the desk as he heaved out heavily. “And I’m telling you that I’m busy and don’t have time to spare. That’s all.”
“Time to spare?” they echoed incredulously, eyes widening with disbelief. “You’re making it sound like I’m an extra that you might or might not make time for… not, I don’t know, maybe your partner?”
With a small wave of his hand, he gestured to the pile of papers in front of him, scribbled with his black ink. “I’m a doctor. I need to be up-to-date. You know that.”
A frustrated expression made its way on their face. “I’m not stopping you from doing your job. I just don’t think it’s normal for you to set our relationship as your last priority.”
“Never said it was.”
With a pointed look, they said, “You’ve implied it plenty enough with your actions. I’ve barely seen you this past week.”
Law only shook his head. He wasn’t particularly impatient, per se, he just simply disliked the interruption. It wasn’t easy to focus again once his train of thought was interrupted, and this discussion had dragged on for too long. Already he’d begun to forget where he’d been on the latest research paper he’d managed to get his hands on.
Before more thoughts could slip his mind, he turned back to his desk, crossing his leg as he picked his pen back up. He needed to wrap this up and set a later date for this discussion. “I have important shit to do right now. We’ll talk later tonight.”
Law had already long turned his attention back to his work before he could spot the horrified expression on their face, stunned by how off-handed his comment was and how uncaring he seemed to be of the effect of his words. The callousness behind them would’ve probably hurt less had they been intentional, but the fact that he had no idea how deep they cut only drove the knife in even further than their implication did.
He hadn’t even stayed around long enough to see the consequences of his actions in the form of their reaction, only turning back to what he deemed his priority at the moment. Nothing remained for them to do but to leave the room before their tears began to fall. It felt far too humiliating to do that with his back turned to them and hunched over his desk once more.
By the time Law had turned in for the night and got into their shared bedroom, they’d already been tucked in and fast asleep with their back facing him and a troubled look on their still face. Ruffling his hair awkwardly, he frowned a little. Hadn’t they wanted to talk about things earlier? It made no sense for them to not stay up for a little while when they had seemed so concerned that afternoon.
He didn’t dwell on it for long, instead slipping off his shirt and settling in for the night beside them. He’d get to the bottom of things later, when they’re both awake and free. Right now, he was positively knackered and could do with a proper rest—or as much as he could.
The following day had been twice as confusing as the note the night had ended on. Having woken up before them as he always did, he’d expected them to have breakfast in his quarters as they’d gotten used to, but he’d instead found himself dining on his own. Though he’d scowled at that, he’d brushed it off soon as he busied himself with finishing up some notes he had to write. It was always better to pen things down when he was focused.
Come lunchtime when he was finally finished up with his work, he’d found them leaning against the submarine’s rails, taking in the fresh saltwater air and sunshine while it lasted. With the intention of lingering outside, he’d walked up to them to perhaps strike up the conversation once more, but they’d promptly ignored him and stepped back inside. In all honesty, it left him a bit irritated; he clearly had no idea what was going on.
Weren’t they always the one insistent on communicating everything? More often than not he found himself having difficulty with that, and yet he’d always done his best to express himself and his emotions (to the best of his abilities, that is—which often were none). So what was this evasion of him about?
With these thoughts in mind, he followed them back into their shared room, where they lounged on a chair, book in hand and completely ignoring his presence in the room.
“Shouldn’t we be talking about what you had to say yesterday?” he asked, brow arched as their jaw tightened in response.
“What do you want me to say?” they spoke in a low and controlled voice, “You’ve already expressed how you feel about that matter.”
Law frowned as he walked up to them. “I haven’t said anything. I just told you we’d discuss it later.”
“After you’d reminded me that our relationship wasn’t important enough,” they snapped, finally setting their book down, “”I have important shit to do.” Really, Law? Is that how little you regard us?”
His expression only grew more confused at that. “What’s that got to do with anything? I was simply working and didn’t want to get distracted at the time.”
“The way you worded it, Law, that’s what fucking hurt,” they ground their teeth, eyes shimmering with what seemed to be unshed tears as they stood up and glared at him, “There was the implication that any issue concerning us and our relationship itself wasn’t important enough for you to prioritize. You deny that being the truth, but your actions clearly speak louder than your words.”
Law was still none the wiser after they’d ranted. It wasn’t that he was particularly invalidating how they felt, but he truly didn’t understand how they’d come up with this conclusion after one single sentence he’d said. Perhaps the core of the problem being their request for more time spent together was the cause for this, but he failed to understand how his words had upset them.
To him, no matter how he’d worded it, he’d only meant that he’d needed to finish up some readings before he could give them his full attention. In all honesty, it felt a little too trivial for him to get.
However, the way they looked up at him with tears that threatened to spill over their lashes and a deeply wounded look in their eyes, he had to swallow that unnecessary commentary down. Despite everything, he hated seeing them so distraught, awkward as he felt when he knew little to nothing of how to properly comfort someone else. It was a brand new experience; learning how to love and be loved, and he’d come to realize how fragile of a thing that was.
Regardless of how he would’ve personally felt in their shoes, he forced himself to remember that not everyone reacts the same way to everything, and that emotional triggers are different from one person to the next. Besides, hadn’t he fallen for the way his lover always seemed to wear their heart on their sleeves? Hadn’t he thought it quite endearing that they were sensitive to their emotions and his as well? It wasn’t his place to dictate how they felt about things.
And so, with a slightly heavier heart than when he first stepped into the room, Law found himself gently taking off his hat and plopping it ontop of their head. It was far larger on them, and drooped in front of their eyes, but perhaps it was better that way. He’d rather not meet their eyes when he was feeling this sheepish and embarrassed by his actions.
“Sorry,” he gruffly apologized, patting their head, feeling a tug in his chest as they almost instantly sniffled in reaction to the small gesture, as though all they’d wanted was for him to recognize that he’d hurt their feelings. “Was just swamped over with work. I didn’t mean it like that.”
They sighed a little, sniffling twice afterwards. “I know, it just hurt.”
“Sorry,” he repeated, this time with a little more meaning and his heart pounding furiously for some reason. “I’ll make it up to you. Let’s sit and discuss how to better spend time together.”
Briefly, they glanced to the side, a trace of hesitance on their features. “I don’t want to be demanding—“
Huffing a little with exasperation, he pulled them into his chest. The embrace was a little stiff, even he had to admit, but he hoped that the message came across loud and clear. Their head nestled into his chest, and the comforting warmth had him inhaling shakily as he took his hat off them before he spoke again. “You’re not. You’re asking for the bare minimum.” His hand was gentle as his fingers brushed through their hair; the one affectionate gesture that came naturally to him. “Sit down with me. Help me fix up a better schedule.”
Pulling back from his hug, they clumsily wiped at their eyes, removing all traces of tears from them as they took a seat on the bed. “Better fit in six hours of sleep too.”
Without meeting their eyes, their boyfriend hummed as he sidled in beside them. “We’ll see about that.”
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @finch-ya @wifeofkyojuro @livwritesfics
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aidansloth · 2 years
part 2 of
Gareth Emerson's Headcanons (Romantic): because I'm still hyperfixating
please just hold his cheeks with both of your hands and kiss him sweetly
loves it if you decide to wear cherry chapstick (or any sort of lipstick that's cherry flavoured)
would hold your bags when you go shopping like the gentleman he is
he makes you flower crowns because he loves you
he doesn't get jealous easily, well kind of but not in an overly possessive way
if someone's flirting with you he trusts you'll take care of it (still wraps an arm around you if he's close) but steps in immediately if he sees you uncomfortable
no one makes you uncomfortable, no one.
he'll kindly tell the person to fuck off and he they don't get the message the anger issues kick in
Eddie has to keep him from killing someone
afterwards apologizes for being too aggressive or if he made you uncomfortable and hopes you aren't scared of him now
he calls you sugar normally but honey in private (he loves calling you that because it feels domestic to him)
when you're sad or he's comforting you though he's calling you princess
"Everything's gonna be alright princess, yeah? I've got you."
imagine surprising him at his house to take him out and when you knock one of his little sisters open the door while giggling and drag you inside to their room
all you can see is a now flustered Gareth, with his hair in pigtails (cute little hairbands with beads), badly put-on make-up (the usual overly bright eyeshadow and red lipstick) and pretty colourful necklaces on him
because yes he lets his sisters do makeovers on him but you were never supposed to see that
he's now a flustered mess while his sisters are giggling and you're refraining from laughing yourself
but in the end when his sisters are gone you kiss him
because he still is a pretty pretty boy<3
he does let you do his make-up, but properly done make-up
changing the subject, he loves teasing you
and listening to you talking
about anything
your passions, your day, that lizard you found in the toilet, anything
he loves more than anything when you start to get lost in your story, you're just rambling and moving your hands, pacing too and he just looks at you and
"God you're adorable."
i would die on the spot
with a chuckle afterwards
I think he would be really good at explaining, he often helps his sisters with homework
there you have it, your personal tutor
this isn't really a romantic headcanon, just a headcanon I came up with and need to share
I said in earlier posts that I think him, his sisters and his mom moved away (to Hawkins) from his abusive dad when he was like 12(??)
so of course when they moved they didn't have that much money, so they were kind of poor
they're not anymore but he still has some of his old habits, like constantly being worried about money even if they have it, saving any leftover food for the next day even if it's half a slice of pizza, etc.
he also has a part-time job, something like at a diner or record store
him having to deal with karens is my new favourite thing
he then comes back to you after his shift and just bear hugs you (he's exhausted ok, the karens do that)
I feel like he would want to read but can't a lot because of his short attention span
But he loves it if you read to him
Because he loves your voice
And he can play with your hands/hair while you read
is the type to think of his and your future children's names in advance
you don't want kids?
cool, then be ready to have 100 different pets
he can braid hair really well because he does his sisters so he does yours too
"Can I braid your hair honey? Please?"
he feels like he's taking care of you like that
i love him<33
he falls in love you the moment he sees you interact with his sisters
literally on his knees for you
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maybe-your-left · 2 years
Will You?
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Welcome to the content dump, where I'm clearing out my WIP folder from my YEAR of writing fanfic... so be ready for a bunch of random posts that don't fit together and have no central plot other than me wanting to write a one-shot that was so specific I had to just get it out.
Supreme Leader garbage, order up.
TW/CW: mild NSFW, mention of injury, lite-angst, fluff is there too, this is sappy shit, established relationship, Kylo doesn't enjoy telling people his personal information, female reader insert, swearing.
Here is the Mega Masterlist, the Kylo Ren Masterlist, and the Supreme Leader Masterlist (this is currently my hyperfixation) :)
“Hey…could you come down to the medbay for a little bit? We’re having a situation.” 
You sat up in bed, tablet squished between your shoulder and ear. “Yeah what’s going on?” 
A sigh, “Look, just come down and I’ll fill you in when you get here.” 
Hanging up, you rolled off the bed. Walking to your closet, pushing past all of Kylos robes to find your clothes. You made a mental note to have a droid come down and remove all his stuff. Since you kicked him out yesterday evening, you weren’t expecting him to come back. You threw on some black leggings, boots, and a long-sleeve black shirt. Ruffling your hair so it didn’t look like you had just laid in bed and cried for 14 hours. 
When you arrived at the bay everyone was scattered around. Nurses and doctors shuffling patients all over the place. You made it to the front desk, patiently waiting for Kate and Christopher. Your old coworker, and an ex-boyfriend. It had been about 6 months since you ‘resigned’ from working, which was all Kylos doing. He didn’t like you not being available for him 24/7. 
Kate turned to you, a thick file in her hands. She looked exhausted, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she looked at you. Chris was no better, glaring at you while he had his arms crossed. Both of them looked very pissed off at you. 
“Look,” Kate sighed, rubbing her temples with her free hand, “I’m going to be blunt, and I need you to answer honestly. Are you dating the Supreme Leader?” 
Your eyes widened, mouth gaping as you tried to think of a response. Kylo had never called you his girlfriend, he referred to you as his ‘cum bucket’ ‘little girl’ or even the occasional ‘princess’ if he was feeling nice. He definitely didn’t want people knowing he was fucking you daily. Saying that he didn’t want to put you in danger, but he barely gave you affection that wasn’t a ploy to get inside you. You swallowed, crossing your arms defensively, “No. I’m not dating, or have ever dated the Supreme Leader.” 
“Okay,” she groaned, “Well I need you to come with us.” 
You trailed down the hallway, everyone staring at you as you followed. Mostly faces of pity, and fear, especially the closer you got to the issue. Kate paused in front of the doorway, turning to you again. 
“So here’s the issue,” She stared you down, “The Supreme Leader was admitted this morning, after collapsing on the bridge. He was brought in kicking and screaming while bleeding profusely from a wound on his side. He also sustained a significant amount of damage from his fall and a recent combat he returned from yesterday evening.” 
You nodded along, waiting to see where you came into this. 
Chris cleared his throat, “They also believe he broke his knee, but he won’t let anyone touch him. He’s attacked three medics and keeps ripping out his IV.” 
“And,” Kate mumbled, “He also threatened to kill Chris, because ‘he was the reason you dumped him’.” 
“When he came in he was begging for someone to go get you, and began to get violent when we told him unless you were his emergency contact we couldn’t involve an ex-medic.” 
Suddenly the door slid open, revealing a very angry Kylo Ren. His chest was rising and falling in shallow bursts, face red and sweaty. Blood seeping through his armor, he immediately hissed at the two medics. “If you even so much as touch me I will rip off your limbs one by one-.” 
“Kylo Ren!” You shouted, moving around Kate and Chris. Standing directly in front of him, scowling up to his face. “Is that how you fucking talk to people? Hmm?” 
His eyes immediately dilated, taking in a short wet breath. Shoulders dropping in defeat, “No.” He wiped his nose, sniffling away small tears that slipped through. “I didn’t think you’d come.” 
“Well,” you shrugged, “I didn’t know you were so injured. Now get back in that bed and let them help you.” 
Kylos hand reached out, attempting to grab your wrist. But you ripped away from him, walking into the room. Standing directly next to the bed, face neutral as he watched you avoid him. 
“Come here,” you growled through your teeth. 
He slowly limped over to you, his own face now holding a scowl. Sitting down loudly next to you, his eyes not leaving your face. You looked over at your friends, who were still out in the hallway, “So, we aren’t dating. We never have-.” 
Kylo butt in, “Yes we are.” 
“No, we aren’t,” you groaned, “You have specifically told me that under no circumstance am I to tell people that we were sleeping together.” 
He clicked his tongue, “Well I’m not the one who kicked me out of our shared chambers...” 
“Oh my god, I’m not doing this right now with you. Let’s get you out of your robes so they can assess you.” 
Kylo glanced at the others, glaring at them, “Get out.” 
Once they left the room he stood again, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you to the bed. “We are dating or were until yesterday. Just because I never said it doesn’t mean you weren’t my lover.” 
You groaned, “I know I was your lover, but you never said I was your girlfriend! You’ve always said the opposite of that!” 
He leaned back, chewing his cheek as he thought. “Well, will you?” 
“Will I what?” 
“Be that.” 
“Kylo, use your words,” you rubbed your face in frustration. 
He looked down at the ground, mumbling as he spoke. “Be my girlfriend or partner, or lover, or whatever the fuck will make you happy.” 
Your eyebrows shot up, reaching for his face so he would look at you. “If I say yes will you let them reset your knee and stitch you up?” 
“As long as you take care of me,” he whispered. 
“You do realize that you have to do boyfriend things like give me affection if we are going to actually date.” 
He rolled his eyes, “I already give you affection.” 
You shook your head, “Sticking your dick in me isn’t the affection I’m talking about.” 
Kylo leaned back on the cot, eyes wandering over your figure as he hummed at your accusations. Pawing at the hem of your shirt, “I tried to come back last night, but you deleted my pin for the door.” 
“I did do that.” 
“I couldn’t sleep without you,” he whispered into your neck, placing a light kiss as he tried working your top off. “I missed laying next to you.” 
“Oh yeah?” you smiled, nuzzling into his neck. Even though he was sweaty and gross, you wanted to be close to him. You really did enjoy being with him, even when he insisted that you weren’t together, he would still give you moments of pure devotion. Kylo began pushing you down on the bed, caging you with his frame. “I know what you’re doing, Supreme Leader.” 
“Mmm,” he mumbled, maneuvering your legs so they were wrapped around his waist. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You began to push him off, giving him soft kisses as you leaned forward. His lips wrapped around your earlobe, lightly sucking on the skin as he tried to push you back down. You groaned, squeezing your legs into his ribs. Causing him to jolt up with a hiss in pain. 
“Sorry,” you cringed, “We really need to get you stitched up.” 
Kylo whined, pressing his forehead into your chest, “Can’t you just do it from home?” 
You sighed, pushing his shoulders so he would maneuver against the bed. Ignoring when he winced in pain, his ribs were probably hurting. Kylo collapsed, whimpering as you began to undress him. Ripping his boots off first, pulling apart his tunic, you tried to stop yourself from gagging. He was soaked in blood, each article clinging to him. 
There was a knock at the door, you mumbled a ‘come in’ even though Kylo hissed. Kate handed you some scissors to cut off his underclothes. Along with ripping down his pants, “Don’t bend your knee,” you whispered, pinning the limb down since he tried to shimmy away. 
After you undressed him, you held out a black scrub gown for him to wear, "Arms up."
You scowled, earning one matching back at you while Kate groaned in the corner. Typing away on the computer to ready him for an x-ray and eventual surgery.
"Come on," you held it up again, "You can't just be naked while they operate on you, so you need to wear this."
"They aren't going to operate on me."
Kylo raised his brows at you, pouting like a child in just his briefs and smeared in blood and bruises. God, he looked terrible, but the attitude was worse. You couldn't let him win this, "Yes, they are." you motioned to his fucked up knee cap, pushed in the wrong direction.
How did he even walk on that, and how didn't you notice it last night?
"Look at your leg, Kylo," you sighed, grasping his wrist that he tried to keep away from you. Struggling away in the process of threading his arms through the holes and pushing his chest towards his legs to tie in the back.
"Stop moving me, you're a very mean nurse."
You smiled, "Well, I'm not your nurse, I'm just your mean girlfriend."
TAGLIST 2022 FORM: @finn-ray-nal-beads @thepalaceofmelanie @moonyscardigans @ghoulian13 @botnasty @xxgarden @pop-rocks-and-skittles @historyandfandoms50 @doggycompiex @daydreamsofren @millenialcatlady @ladyjade83 @mariesackler @eagerforhoney @celes @emi11ie @caillea @uncle-eggy @loganluckylover @emeritusemeritus @cornmousequeen @shesakillerkween @insufferablelust @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @zimmermansbrat
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arminsleftnut · 3 years
hi!! i’m so excited to see a blog that writes for death note, it’s become a recent hyperfixation of mine and i can’t find any good fics!!! 💗💗💗💗
could you provide some nsfw content for L? any is fine really, hc’s or a full drabble if you’d like!! i’m desperate for L content lol 💗💗
YES oh my god of course 💗💗 deathnote is one of mine too (i rewatch it like once a week) n L is my major comfort character. i did a kinda cross between a drabble and headcanons for this! I hope it’s what you were looking for <333
CONTENT WARNING: smut (MDNI, 18+), female-bodied reader (gender-neutral pronouns), fingering, begging, mild pain kink, overstimulation, L being .. himself and also mildly obsessive, voyeurism (read: L is a creep misa was right), slightest bit of dubcon if you squint, masturbation, pillow humping, dom!L and yes i will die on this hill, sub!reader, L is actually a little mean in this one, dacryphilia, thigh slapping, fluff at the end if you squint, let me know if i need to add more!
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being physically intimate with L was something you never really considered when you first got together. you weren’t even sure sex was something that was on his radar; he had so many other things to think about, and physical pleasure seemed like something he didn’t pay any mind to.
and you were right— for the most part. it’s not something L ever stops to consider. it’s not that he’s necessarily disinterested, it’s just never been a priority. he usually just takes care of himself when the urge arises.
with you here, though, it’s different. he’s not alone anymore, and your own desires are something he assumes he needs to factor in, and as many times as you assure him that it’s completely okay if he doesn’t want to have sex, that you can take care of it yourself and it’s a nonissue, he’s still . . . curious.
he’s seen you before on the monitors; those times late at night when everyone else has gone to bed and you forget there’s cameras everywhere, that he can see everything you do. he watches you as you’re spread out on the shared bed he rarely sleeps in, slipping your fingers in and out of your little cunt, your mewls and soft whines carrying through the speakers and shooting straight to his cock. he wonders if it’s wrong to watch you like this, but even as he ponders if misa amane was correct, that he is a pervert, he still doesn’t tear his gaze away from the screen. there is the possibility you hadn’t forgotten about the cameras at all. perhaps you wanted him to see.
he doesn’t say anything, less to save you any possible embarrassment and more because he’s found that a subject is least genuine when they know they’re being observed. it’s human nature, he knows, to alter yourself beneath the lens of others, to hide, and he doesn’t want that. this is a side of you he hadn’t considered might exist— an obvious oversight, and one he aims to correct.
that was how L always was. he loves you, yes, you can say that confidently. but as quiet and soft-handed a man as he is, his love is not simple, nor is it gentle. like him, it’s invasive and relentless. it’s not uncommon for you to feel somewhat neglected, or that perhaps he forgets about you altogether, but he never does. in fact, it’s quite the opposite. you are just as much a fixation, a complex puzzle to be torn apart and examined as any case, and rarely does a minute go by in which he doesn’t think of you. it’s perhaps not as romantic as you might like, with his owlish gaze pinned on you whether through a monitor or when you’re sitting next to him, picking apart every detail, but you can’t say he doesn’t pay attention to you. sometimes, you think he pays too much.
when he finally touches you, it’s no different.
he watched for weeks before he broached the idea. the hours you spent trying to satisfy yourself, with your hand between your legs or rutting desperately against a pillow— yet you never seemed truly satisfied. it was obvious in your expression, face screwed up cutely in obvious distress, frustrated tears welling in your eyes and streaking prettily down your flushed cheeks. you could only ever take two of your own fingers, he noticed; you’d tried more a few times, seeming to find your own two small ones dissatisfactory, but you could never quite make it, leaving you in a painful limbo that always has you in a particularly sour mood the next time he speaks with you.
the more he watched, the more he realized how truly unsatisfied you were. one night, you spent thirty minutes rocking against your pillow, and despite the wetness that darkened your pretty panties, you eventually gave up, tossing the ruined pillow away from you with a small, frustrated shriek. he wondered why; and more still, why he suddenly found his own hand unsatisfying, and why he could only curve his own thoughts with ones of you on the monitor, spread out prettily.
it was horribly distracting, really. and with anything else, L had to make sense of it.
in the end, he ends up with more questions than answers.
it’s not his fault, really. it’s yours. you’re so fascinating to study, and so eager to let him learn. you’d been so utterly pliant as he pried your thighs apart, stuttering out reassurances that he didn’t have to do this, asking over and over if he was sure. he doesn’t bother to tell you that this wasn’t for you— he wouldn’t be able to think properly until he’d gotten his answers.
there’s none of the awkward hesitation you might’ve expected, no unsure fumbling of hands or knocking teeth. no, L is sure of this as he is anything else he studies, tearing it apart as he sees fit until he’s satisfied with the conclusion. you’re no different, and he’s just as relentless as he always is.
there’s a certain desperate edge to it when he touches you, like he’s trying to tear everything from you by force. he watches you squirm beneath him, mewling and pleading incoherently as the walls of your pretty cunt spasm around his fingers for what feels like the thousandth time (it would seem you can, in fact, take three), and the only thing he can think of is how many more you’ll be able to give him. surely this isn’t your breaking point? no, he knows better, that can’t possibly be it. you can take more, and he tells you so, deafened to your mindless babbling and choked sobs as you try to push him away.
it’s strange that you do that. you get so upset when he actually does pull away:
he has to pin your hands down eventually; clawing at him the way you are is only a hindrance, and it reduces his overall effectiveness significantly. fortunately, you seem to learn quickly, responding especially well to a sharp slap to your inner thigh. (he isn’t sure if it’s a carrot or a stick, given the way you clench around his fingers when he does it. regardless, it works, so he does it again).
it really only occurs to him to stop when your body seizes again, this time falling entirely limp, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. he might’ve worried, but your eyes flutter open only a few seconds later, and it’s then that he considers that you might be rather exhausted.
“are you alright?” his voice is quiet, hoarser than normal, and uncharacteristically gentle. he cocks his head at you, the puppy-like gesture such a stark contrast to the delightful hell he was inflicting on you only moments before that you can’t help but giggle tiredly.
at your assurance that you aren’t on the verge of collapse, not anymore at least, he takes time to clean you up, his touch feather-light and familiar in its softness. he lets you cling to him, winding his awkwardly long body around you in a sort of cradle, tucking your head beneath his chin.
he counts the minutes until you fall asleep, measuring your breaths against his own. as much as he enjoys tearing you apart to see what’s inside, there’s a strange satisfaction in putting you back together again.
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this is my first published smut i apologize in advance.
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ladyartemesia · 4 years
Since I'm in love with your writings and your taste in reading too. I know that your favorite is Brother's best friend or Best friend's brother, I would like for you to recommend me some of them please ❤️❤️🙏
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꧁Brother’s Best Friend꧂
Clandestine by @junghelioseok is fantastic. Jeon Jungkook is the best friend of the reader’s slightly younger brother. He’s sexy and charismatic and DEFINITELY knows what he wants. The growth of his (clandestine) connection with the reader is utterly delicious. This one made me laugh and swoon.
Guarded by @xjoonchildx is basically legendary in my book. The lady in this story is not only Hoseok’s best friend’s sister—she is also his BOSS’s sister and by boss I mean mafia. This is the first installment in Ana’s amazing Rap Line Mafia Universe and it delivers on every level. Hoseok is tasked with protecting the boss’s sister after she is being threatened by sinister forces unknown and sparks fly.
Plums and Melons by @winetae is THAT FIC. The fic I just daydream about sometimes. It’s a fic about two people caught hard in eachother’s gravity. It’s so sexy and cerebral and the main characters are so hot. Jimin is just a guy trying to live his life, but whatever is brewing between him and his best friend’s sister is driving him insane. He wants to be a good guy, but she just isn’t playing fair.
Are You Sure? by @cutechim is such a swoon-worthy and touching piece of wonderful. I tell you I was MOVED. This is beautiful and emotional and EXTREMELY satisfying. Taehyung’s best friend has a sister who he has always secretly adored. When she comes to him and asks for some intimate experience, he isn’t strong enough to say no—not when she’s everything he ever wanted.
Drivers License and Detour by @gyukult is sweet and tender and just a fantastic coming of age story. The reader has been in love with her brother’s best friend, Park Jimin, for almost all of her youth... but what is going on in his head?It’s a tender story that really warms the heart. AND I am happy there is more coming. I would read about these two all day. She published the second part and oh my gosh it’s so incredibly perfect I could scream. This was just such a beautiful journey every step of the way.
Milestone by @1kook is probably one of the first brother’s best friend BTS fics I read and it is amazing. I adore it so much. Because Jungkook is your brother’s best friend he is there for every milestone in your life. But you’ve both grown up now and neither of you are kids anymore. It’s hot. Like really hot. Dialogue and set up are so sharp and fast paced I really loved every second.
Young God by @njssi is scorching hot smut with complicated feelings and warm revelations. You think it’s going somewhere and then it goes somewhere else and honestly it is so awesome the whole time. Jungkook was always your brother’s sweet little friend, but he’s returned determined to show you that he is all grown up.
Tease by @caiuscassiuss floored me. I loved it so much! I spent the whole story just squealing happily about everything. This story has it all. It’s scorching hot. It’s enemies-to-lovers. It’s Taehyung. Jungkook’s sister and Kim Taehyung do not get along AT all—so she decides to bring him to his knees by making him desperate for her. It’s a wild and completely awesome ride.
Wasabi by @ironicarmy is a classic. Hobi is a bad boy that Namjoon vehemently refuses to let near his precious baby sister. But love is too strong a force and soon Hobi and the clever object of his desire decide that some things are worth fighting for. It’s a really sweet story of facing challenges and relying on the people you love. Warm and fuzzy feelings abound, but it’s also super hot.
Forbidden by @btssmutgalore is a masterwork blueprint for this trope. Hobi is a carefree player who falls brutally for Taehyung’s sister. They two of them eventually give in to a VERY steamy series of secret encounters and feelings get very involved. This is hot, suspenseful, and emotionally satisfying. Excellent characterizations as well.
Prohibido by @personasintro is an office AU with a twist. Namjoon is not only her brother’s best friend, he is also her boss and the two of them have incredible chemistry. Watching them pretend that they’re not insanely attracted to each other is so endearing and hot. Reader is convinced her feelings are one-sided. It’s lovely and fun. Definitely a slow burn, but worth it.
Strawberry Kisses by @kimnjss is a fic that I devoured in one sitting and then re-read again immediately. Jeon Jungkook is a player who matches with a girl on a dating app and has no idea she is the sister of his revered mentor and close friend, Min Yoongi. I laughed. I cried. I GASPED OUT LOUD a bunch. It was a whole thing. This is a hybrid social media/written AU and it’s pretty much perfect.
Tempestuous by @ppersonna is so special to me because it was written at the very beginning of my friendship with Lindy. She was looking for requests and I was quick to request my favorite trope. Lindy is bae now and this fic she wrote is marvelous. You are forced to spend the weekend in the same house with your sexy arch-rival Taehyung who just so happens to be your brother’s best friend. Naturally snarky hotness ensues.
Off Limits @floralseokjin is basically a famous entry when it comes to this trope. It’s a Jin fic and Miss Jordan writes EXQUISITE Jin characterizations. There is a hint of mistaken (or unknown) identity in this one which makes it even more fun. Sparks fly between you and a devilishly charming Kim Seokjin at a party. You don’t find out until later who he really is—and why he’s off limits.
And finally I’ll recommend my own Brother’s Best Friend fic All I Want for Christmas is You featuring a charming Taehyung who falls for Jimin’s sister. Jimin basically blackmails his best friend into escorting his sister to several holiday galas. Tae and Jimin’s sister have never gotten along, but they soon discover (through multiple pranks and mishaps) that love (and desire) are out of their control.
Not Your Fairytale by @yeojaa is incredibly sweet and tender. Erin really does emotion so well and her Yoongi characterization is honestly so nuanced and brilliant. This story is about a girl who had her heart broken and instead of canceling the cake tasting she scheduled with her philandering ex-fiancé, she wrangles the tsundere best friend of her brother to pretend to be him.
Brother’s Best Friend by @bts-hyperfixation is a short and sweet moment between two people who have been fighting their attraction for each other. It is so hot and delicious I tell you. You’re in trouble and the person you call is probably the person you shouldn’t—but you aren’t the only one willing to take a risk tonight.
Off Limits by @kaddiiction will break your heart and put it back together again. This one was recommended to me by a reader and I cannot thank them enough. It is fantastic. Jimin is a player but he crosses the line when he begins a liaison with his best friend’s sister. Still there is far more to this situation—and Jimin—than meets the eye.
꧁Best Friend’s Brother꧂
Orectic by @gimmesumsuga is one of my favorite fics of all time. It is a hybrid fic where the reader is a cat hybrid and Hoseok is the brother of her best friend who comes to stay with her while her bestie is away... It is so tender yet SO HOT. I’m telling you I cannot even keep count of how many times I have read it.
Theophany by @ilikemesometaetaes was a JOURNEY. It made me so emotional. Like the story centers around art a lot, but let me tell you, this fic IS art. Jimin is just the man of my whole dreams in this piece as the brother of a former best friend with an irresistible allure. It is a coming of age story with the most beautiful twist. AND THE LOVE SCENE—oh my gosh I screamed it was so good. This story is just so so good.
Run by @neonlights92 is Jungkook’s story in the mafia universe I am COMPLETELY OBSESSED WITH. You don’t have to read the whole series to understand it (BUT YOU SHOULD). This is best friend’s brother meets arranged marriage and honestly it’s fantastic. Jungkook doesn’t do love and affection and being forced into an arranged marriage with his sister’s friend who has always had a crush on him is just a blow to his freedom... or is she? GAH! This story—like all the stories in this universe—is superb.
The Magic to Happiness by @readyplayerhobi is a best friend’s brother meets teachers AU meets Hogwarts AU. Now... all of those are top tier tropes so finding them together is like winning the lottery. Hobi was once just a skinny kid who had obvious heart eyes for you (his sister’s best friend) but now he’s tall and confident and really attractive. The magic of this story is evident in every word of the sweet relationship that blooms between these two.
Problem with You by @monvante is so sweet and kind of hilarious. I giggled so much! Jungkook is your best friend’s brother and he is kind of too perfect and too handsome and he’s always around and you hate him and he hates you... Right? When you cross paths with the infuriating Jeon Jungkook at your best friend’s wedding, you discover that you may have been wrong about a great many things.
Show Me Yours and I’ll Show You Mine by @ktheist is so so SO fabulous. I was obsessed with this (now complete) series from the very first installment. You and Tae are besties who have know each other since you were little kids, but lately Tae’s older brother Jin has been lookin mighty fine. Just how far can you push him till he breaks. And if he breaks.... what then?
This list is BY NO MEANS exhaustive. I just used it to compile some of my FAVORITES in this particular trope.
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