#he is my son your honor and he’s never done a thing wrong a day in his life
peripatetic-rowan · 1 year
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Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII
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somelazyassartist · 9 months
To go with my last post about Thistle acting capital-W Weird™ around Laios, it really does make perfect sense when you think about their history from Thistle's perspective instead of through Laios' like we actually see.
Imagine being Thistle, and you're like, I don't know, 14, and you're the royal court jester and adoptive son of your King. And you just got a baby brother and you're so excited about it. It is, without doubt, the happiest day of your life so far. While you're celebrating a few of your family's servants and guards come in to help. One seems somewhat confused about the situation but you probably assume he's just a new hire, it makes sense to bring in added security when there's a new prince around. You don't see this knight again anytime afterwards, but you're not exactly in charge of hiring or firing guards, so it's not really any of your business where he wandered off to.
You are Thistle, and you're now probably around 40 or so, still rather young for an Elf but a fine young man nonetheless. You're all dressed up to the nines and eager to perform your newest flute composition in honor of your little brother's wedding, and you're so, so proud of how far he's come. You helped your father raise him well. And just as the ceremony's about to kick up, and the people are starting to get drunk and make merry and dance, the King, your father, collapses. Poison, assassination, you hear people cry out. But as you run towards him you slam right into one of your guards- and have the extremely fleeting thought of "WAS that one of our guards? I haven't seen them around but they seem so familiar somehow"- but as soon as the thought occurs you're snapped right back into the present, and the fact that your father was murdered right in front of your eyes, and that you couldn't do a thing to stop it.
It's been a small time now, enough that you've had time to lay your King to rest, and to prepare your brother for the throne. It's his coronation day. You should be happy- you are PROUD, of course, of how far your little brother has come- but it is not the joyous day that you would have hoped for, and instead one of mourning for you. And looking around the room as the Kingdom's crown changes bearers, you see a guard, rather out of place. And this time, you have time to process why he feels so strange here. You've seen this man before. You KNOW you've seen this man before. This is the man who you have seen exclusively on the best day of your life and the worst, with no trace of him elsewhere in your life, and he is here, now, again. And for one who is clearly a Tallman, he hasn't aged a single day. There is something wrong with him, and with you, and you feel that if you keep crossing paths it will only end in disaster for you. So you try to kill him. And he disappears, right in front of your eyes. You don't see him around after this. You pray you never will again.
You are now The Mad Sorcerer- no longer, even, the false name given to you by your King. Only the title used by those who want to kill you remains in people's minds. It's been so long now. You can't even count how many years it's been, but you know your life has reached centuries upon centuries past what you were meant to live. And so has everyone you've ever cared about. In these years you have done everything you can to preserve the last bit of what you can call home, trapping yourself and your entire kingdom in an oasis of immortality. So what if the people may grow to resent you? You're protecting them. It's not your fault people may mistake your kindness for cruelty. Though many adventuring parties have tried, none have gotten through your defenses, so as long as you keep focused on your goal things will be fine. Except for this last week or so, where one particularly troublesome party has been making their way further than most would dare venture. And you swear on your Kingdom's throne, if this party includes who you think it includes, you are going to have a fucking aneurysm.
You are the Lord of this Dungeon, and unfortunately for you, your house has just been broken into. Even more unfortunately for you, you know exactly who did it. When you step through your front door, everything is unsettlingly clean. You wonder why in the world the man following you for your entire life would take the time to tidy your house if he's here to psychologically torture you. And then a thought hits you like a punch to the gut, and you rush upstairs, and you see all of your diaries taken out of their hiding spots. And you know that if they took a look through them they would find roughly 200 pages of glittery pink gel pen writing out repeatedly,
✨ This motherfucker again ✨
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topazy · 3 months
Little dark age
Paring: Rick Grimes × reader
Warning: Swearing, violence
Chapter: 1.03
You look up as Morales walks over to the campfire with a large number of fish. He beams, “Tonight we dine like kings.”
“Whoa,” you say, looking over at Andrea and Amy, who had spent most of the afternoon fishing. “You weren’t kidding, Andrea, when you said you could fish.”
Amy smiles and says, “We have our dad to thank for that. And Dale, he let us borrow his stuff.”
While the others continue to praise the blondes for the amount of food they brought into camp, Morales holds up one of the lines, “Do you want to do the honors or should I?”
You scoff playfully, “I’ll clean them if you cook.”
“Deal,” he says, tossing you three of the fish before placing the rest into a cooler for the time being.
Noticing you pull out your pocket knife, Carl runs off excitedly. “Sammi, can you teach me how to gut a fish?”
“Sure thing, rugrat, as long as it’s okay with your mom?” You make eye contact with Lori for the first time since you overheard her and Shane arguing.
“You’ll get no complaints from me.”
He watches, almost hypnotized, as you explain where to insert the knife. “Can I do it?”
“No, not yet anyway.”
He pours up at you, “Why not?”
“Because I need to be sure you know what you’re doing. I don’t want your mom or dad hunting me down because you’ve lost a finger,” you laugh. “Tell you what? I’ll do the first two, then you can do the last one, okay?”
He nods. True to your word, you gut the first two fish, then help guide Carl while he does the third one. “That’s it, kid. Take it nice and slow so you don’t cut yourself or me.”
Lori watches her son and smiles when he proudly shows off what he’s doing. You notice Dale walking over to join the rest of the camp with a concerned look on his face. “Something wrong, Dale?”
“I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I think we may have a bit of a problem.”
You stay behind in camp to finish preparing the fish, while the others go and investigate what’s wrong with one of the men in your small group of survivors who was apparently acting differently than normal. Jim had been digging holes in the ground nonstop since sunrise; personally, you didn’t think that was much cause for concern.
Sensing someone behind you, look back and see Lori. “I thought you’d gone with the others.”
“I wanted to say thank you for what you did with Carl; it’s been hard on him with Rick coming back and leaving again, and you’ve taught him a lot. It takes his mind off things.”
You shrug. “I don’t mind; he’s a sweet kid.”
An awkwardness lingers between the two of you. She clears her throat. “The other day...”
“Look, Lori, I’m going to tell you what I told Shane. I don’t want to know anything.”
Her voice begins to crack. “I thought my husband was dead. Otherwise, I never would have done what I’ve done.”
You found it ironic how similar she and Shane sounded to one another. “It’s not my business or my place to judge.”
She sits down across the campfire from you and picks up a cutting board that has a couple of vegetables on it while struggling to hold back tears of what you presume were guilt.
Hearing the panic in Shane’s voice, you let the fish down and started to run up the small hill. “What’s going on?”
“Jim’s gone batshit crazy.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let out a deep sigh. You couldn’t wait for your shift on watch to end so you could get some sleep. It was still daylight, but you could feel the shaft of a migraine coming on. It didn’t help that Carol wasn’t talking to you; you weren’t sure if it was because of the faint slap-shaped bruise on your face or because you helped clean Shane’s hand after he beat her husband.
Dale sits down beside you on top of the RV. “Jim says he can’t remember why he started digging those holes.”
“Sunstroke can make people do peculiar things. As long as he stays in the shade and keeps drinking water, he should be fine soon.”
You had removed the extra layers of clothing Jim didn’t need, then tried to cool his sunburnt skin down with water before ordering him to drink plenty of it. But since he tried to attack Shane, the former cop tied Jim to a tree as a precaution, so now you would all take turns cooling Jim down and making sure he drank plenty of fluid.
“I suppose you’ve probably seen worse than someone going a little coocoo in the heat.”
“Yeah,” you say, pulling your knees up closer to your chest. Seeing Jim act the way he did definitely reminds you of the men in your platoon suffering from combat stress.
“I’m sure you're all too familiar with dealing with heatstroke; I imagine a lot of soldiers got it.”
“Honestly, I try not to think about my time in the army, Dale.”
Groggily, you rub at your eyes and yawn; you had only just woken from your nap, which thankfully seems to have helped your oncoming headache. It was now nighttime, and I needed to check on Jim. Lost in your own thoughts, you’re completely startled when someone grabs your ankle.
“You stupid bitch.”
“Ed, let go of me, or I’ll scream!”
You didn’t notice Ed was leaning out of his tent smoking when he started walking by; his face was swollen and bruised. He scoffs, “And risk bringing every walker nearby with it?”
“I’m only going to say it one more time. Let fucking go of me, or I will scream for Shane, and he will kill you this time.”
His grip tightens on your ankle, but you pull your handgun from its holster and hit him in the face, causing blood to pool from his nose. “Carol and Sophia would be better off without you.”
You quickly turn to leave and nearly walk directly into a walker. Jumping out of the way, the walker falls to the ground directly in front of Ed. He begs for help, but you’re frozen and do nothing. Seconds later, the realization of what’s happening sinks in, and you pick up a rock and bash the walker's skull. His blood attracts the smell of more walkers, so you run from the tents back towards the RV, where everyone else would be gathered.
Your stomach drops as you hear screams.
The main part of the camp was in complete chaos; there were walkers everywhere. “Get the kids into the RV now!”
“Mom! Dad!”
You see Eliza Morales' daughter standing away from the rest of the group. You run and snatch her up just before a walker bites her. Using a wooden bat, you try to hit as many as you can; you don’t have many bullets left, and the noise is only attracting more of them.
“Get down!”
Holding Eliza, you duck down, and Rick shoots a walker with his shotgun that was coming up behind you. “Shh, shh, shh, don’t look, okay? Keep your eyes closed.”
The young girl closes her eyes as you carry her back to her parents. When you reach them, you see Andrea sobbing over Amy’s body.
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year
The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law
Step 3: Never, Ever, Let Him See You Cry
(Part 1 and Part 2)
Maverick: ...and the doctor says it's a miracle he survived at all. Jesus, it should've been me. The Darkstar was my project, I was the test pilot for all the earlier models, but I wanted him there with me, and I wanted to show that I trusted him.
Iceman: He chose this life, he knew the risks. We have to accept that Mav... But damnit it's easier said than done.
Hangman: *Shouts getting louder as he approaches* Rooster! ROOSTER! *Stops in the doorway, out of breath, still in a flight suit* Oh, Bradley... *Walks to his bedside* What.. Is he... Will he be okay?
Maverick: It's hard to say. The doctors say they've done all they can do, at this point it's largely psychological. If the spirit is willing he'll wake up within the next few days and he'll survive, get better and live out his life. But if he doesn't wake up then his body will start to shut down and eventually... They say the odds are 50/50, but I don't know.
Iceman: The thing is, even if he wakes up the doctors are sure he'll never walk again. Everything he's ever wanted, gone just like that, his career as a pilot, the navy, his engagement. How could he possibly want to wake up to all that?
Hangman: Engagement? What, you think he won't want me anymore just because he can't walk? Well tough luck Bradshaw because I ain't goin' nowhere! You tried to get out of this before during the uranium mission and I put a stop to it then too. You're never getting rid of me Bradshaw! Even if I have to steal your wheelchair and tie you to the bed! *Wipes the first tears from his eyes*
Hangman: Speaking of beds, remember we were looking at houses and I wanted that 5th floor walkup because you could see the ocean, but you wanted that 1-story bungalow because it had a yard? Well I guess you went and made that decision for me, you sneaky son of a bitch! But if you wake up, I'll forgive you. I'll even build you a ramp to the front door, and a deck out back so you can sit and enjoy that backyard you wanted so much. Course, I'll have to learn about carpentry and power tools first, but how hard can it be?
Hangman: Hmm... What else can I bribe you with? Ooh, if you wake up we'll have a fun new role playing opportunity. We can pretend we're in Coming Home and you'll be Jon Voight and I'll be Jane Fonda. Unless you wanted to try it the other way, but I don't know how well that will work... *Choked sob*
Hangman: I'm runnin' out of things to say here, Bradley. I guess the real reason you need to wake up is that I love you. I love those hick shirts you wear and the way you always have them buttoned wrong. Look like a giraffe, and I love you. I love how you can only play three songs on the piano, one of which is chopsticks, but whenever you see one you swagger over to it like you're Mozart, and I love the way you blush right up over your ears. I love you because you don't know how to kiss, always shoving your tongue down my throat like you have to map every inch of it because this might be your last chance. You jerk!
Hangman: I love you. Please wake up. I love the life we've had together, but I'm a selfish prick who wants more. Please wake up. I'll love the future life we'll make together and I promise I'll do everything I can to make you love it too... Please wake up Bradley... Please... I love you... Plea... *Breaks down in tears*
Iceman: Jake, my bubbe, when she was married back in Poland she wore a lace veil she'd commissioned from the finest lacemaker in Paris. When the war came and they had to sell everything they had to raise the funds to get out of the country, it was the only thing she kept from her old life. When her son got married, she gave it to my mother to wear as a welcome-to-the-family present. For our wedding, Maverick wore it wrapped around his arm. When you and Bradley get married, I'd like you to wear it.
Hangman: Thank you sir, I'd be honored.
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purpleheartskies · 3 months
Happy Father's Day!... but not to Robby's "father", Johnny Lawrence. He doesn't deserve the honor of that title: "father" or "dad".
You know, in s5e9, Johnny told Chozen,
"My whole life was haunted by one stupid kick. I thought if I could go back in time, do things different, dodge it, block it, my life would be fixed. The kick wasn't the problem. I had to stop focusing on what was behind. Start looking at what was in front of me." [points at Carmen]
Johnny made this decision in s3e10, when he left Robby behind with Kreese and did nothing to make things right with Robby. Robby was in Cobra Kai with Johnny's abuser who had strangled him twice, and Johnny made no attempts to convince Robby to leave Cobra Kai. Instead, Johnny just got impotent over Miguel hanging out with Daniel and was making his favorite dinner to coax him back to him. (Johnny trying to convince Robby in s4e4 doesn't count because Robby is the one who came to him for that conversation, and Johnny didn't even care to really listen to what Robby was saying to him.)
In contrast to Johnny, in s5e9, Robby went to Cobra Kai and took a stand against freaking Silver to make things right with Tory and Kenny:
"I came here to apologize. I let you down. Turned my back on you. I didn't understand at the time but I realize I was wrong. I shouldn't have just left. I should have taken you all with me. Everything you're taught here is bullshit. There is pain in this dojo and it's built upon fear, because this man is not your sensei, he is your enemy. But it's not too late. You're not past the point of no return. And I promise, there's still another way."
Wouldn't it have been amazing if Johnny had done this for Robby when Robby was in Cobra Kai? But, no. Johnny didn't do this. He had decided to "stop focusing on what was behind. Start looking at what was in front of [him]." s5 was even worse for Johnny and Robby and was sad, sad proof that Johnny isn't worthy of being a father/dad to anyone. Silver spoke truth: Johnny will screw up another kid.
In s4e4, Johnny dismissed Robby when Robby told him:
"For as long as I can remember, I've been afraid... afraid that I'm gonna end up like you. But that's not gonna be my fear anymore... because I am better than you."
Johnny once told Miguel that he can be better than Johnny, but Johnny freaking turned Robby away when Robby said that he is better than Johnny. In s5e9, Robby proved once again that he is better than Johnny. Hell, even Dom in Fast X, a ridiculous character in a ridiculous, over-the-top movie franchise with bad writing and retcons galore, has the right idea about fatherhood. Dom said about his son: "Pass it down. Each generation, better than the last... That's fatherhood." and "You will be better than me." Johnny never passed down anything to Robby, other than the generational trauma. Johnny never cared or thought to teach Robby anything. Instead, Johnny replaced Robby with a "second chance" and passed down his legacy to that "second chance". Johnny has been choosing that "second chance" over Robby ever since. In s5, Johnny encouraged that "second chance" to use that legacy against Robby (apartment fight). Johnny's also getting ready for his "third chance", all while continuing to neglect and abuse Robby so that Johnny can feel better about his failures with Robby.
One question for s6 is "Will Johnny ever put his "real" son above his own ego for good?"
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fancyfeathers · 28 days
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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The day Albert is arrested is the same day Andrei becomes the new Earl Moriarty. The night of William’s death and the manor is set ablaze by Albert, all the children and the darlings of William, Louis, and Albert get out when they are told to and gave to watch the life they knew burn up into ashes, but when Albert comes out to make sure they all are okay before having them taken to somewhere safe until the chaos is over, they are gone. Eloise and Andrei predicted this may happen with this last plan, so they packed suitcases in the garden shed so that when it was time to watch the flames rise they could run and not look back but no one knew where they went and Albert feared that his darling and family may have perished in the fire.
So when Albert stands in Mycroft’s office before he is to be imprisoned he asks Mycroft to look for his children and before Mycroft can even respond a new set of footsteps enters the room. Both Albert Mycroft look to see Andrei, dressed in fine clothes like an adult, clearly no longer a child. Albert immediately asks his eldest where are his sisters and cousins and Andrei tells him that they were staying with the young gentleman Eloise had been courting, but not like it mattered because none of them could sleep.
“I suppose as you know with your father’s arrest you shall become the new Earl Moriarty, and the Moriartys shall be treated the same it does the Holmes- as families who must shoulder the weight of sins and crimes-“
“No, I refuse to let that be the case.”
Andrei had never interrupted anyone before, let alone Mycroft. Andrei was livid at Mycroft’s statement and Albert was shocked that his sone would speak in such a way.
“When Eloise was six she had tried to stop her father and then Madeline as well, I eventually realized as well what was going on and so did Marguerite and Hyacinth. We know what they did to our mothers and it disgusts me, but we tried to stop them from damning themselves anyway because we believed that no one deserves to die. We lost our childhoods because of their obsession, possession, and a false sense of justice, so if you think I shall let myself or my current or future in bear the weight of their sins, you are sorely mistaken because none of us will do such a thing.”
“What has gotten into you, Andrei-“
“Lord Moriarty.”
“Excuse me?”
“Lord Moriarty, that is my title, father. The one I received today when your crimes have been brought before the crown. I am Lord Andrei Nicholas Moriarty from this day on, do lean to respect that seeing as you were not able to respect mother for all the years you were married- no… married is the wrong term, held her captive is a better description, do you not think?”
Albert is clearly taken aback by his son’s new behavior and just watches as he looks back at Mycroft again.
“I simply came here to tell you that none of my kin who caused the crimes against this nation shall bear the weight of what has happened. I vow to you that I shall not let these sins stain my name any further, I will work to restore my family’s honor by moving forward by giving us all a new start. If one should try to drag us down with what our fathers have done then I shall make sure personally that their plans will fail and defend those I consider my family till my dying breath, and no I do not consider my father family any longer, he is as dead to me as my uncle who died in that river last night. Now if you would excuse me, I have other things I need to tend to.”
Andrei leaves and Mycroft and Albert just sit there in the silence left behind. Then that was the last time Albert heard from Andrei for years, any of his children for that matter. Mycroft would write to Albert in his captivity and tell him of what he had heard his children and nieces were up to…
Eloise had become a well respected detective much like Sherlock Holmes and even took on a case all the way in the city of Venice, Italy, during their famous Carnival of Venice. Also hearing she is to become a Duchess when she married her betrothed who has recently become a Duke in his own father’s retirement.
Madeline he heard was now a professional fencer and had also begun teaching at a women’s university, becoming a professor just like her father, though Madeline taught science and not mathematics.
Marguerite was traveling Europe with her mother, Albert’s darling, even getting to meet many famous and noble people throughout the nations they have seen, getting to have tea with the Grand Duchess of Russia when visiting Moscow.
Hyacinth’s life was much the same due to her condition, living with Andrei in their townhouse in Mayfair, though since she was becoming of age she had received many new suitors who had which never been allowed before due to the overprotectiveness of her father and uncles. And apparently she rather fancied this one future Marquess.
Then there was Andrei, he was told about Andrei the most. Mycroft sent him clips of newspaper articles that were about him, the new bill he helped to have passed, the new charity he was funding, the opera house he had rebuilt. Andrei never cared for the public opinion, he just cared about doing the right thing and punishing the wrong. Andrei kept his word in rebuilding his name, people saw him as strong for overcoming all the hardships in his life. It was like Whitley all over again, but unlike Whitley, Andrei never lost hope even in the darkest of times and learned how to properly protect the people he loves.
The one thing that Mycroft does not tell Albert is what he does not know. Andrei, Eloise, and Eloise’s Fiancé, Nathaniel Briar, are beginning to form a network, an organization dedicated to stamping out illegal acts in the underworld that may affect the current society, refusing to let anything like what happened before happen again (sort of like the Aristocrats of Evil from Black Butler). Now while Mycroft and the MI6 may not be aware of this organization yet, they will be because of the threat it may pose to the MI6 soon enough.
(Also I did some post timeskip sketches of Andrei and Marguerite. I didn’t do too much with Andrei from his previous design besides giving him a green carnation on his left lapel. Then Marguerite I gave her less modest clothing for the time because she is either at the beach in France on her travels with her mother or coming back from a sniper job after being recruited into the organization that Andrei is making and all those heavy petticoats and hard to breath and stiff blouses makes it hard to shoot.)
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bowuigifire · 11 months
SUMMARY: Luigi found himself in a strange alien world, alone and terrified. But perhaps this place isn't so bad?
Chapter 13:
The next morning was as awkward as the previous ones. Luigi found himself spending more time in the room he was sharing with Mario rather than outside, wrapped in his blanket and missing the heat from the Koopa Kingdom. He was brooding. No. He was sulking.
Sadly, Mario, seemed to prefer the princess's company. He didn't blame his brother for leaving him alone but it still hurt. Deeply.
And just like many times before, his mind was kept going back to his time with King Bowser. It made him flustered. Confused. Lonely. He wanted to know how was the giant koopa doing. Was he healed? Was he thinking about him? How about Junior. Did the little boy miss him too? Luigi blinked away the tears gathered in his eyes with the palm of his hand, unsure why he was crying. He's fine, isn't he? He's not sad. He's not hurt. He's... He doesn't know.
He cuddled closer under his blanket, legs against his chest, hugging himself.
'Soon. It should be done by tomorrow.' Kamek thought determinedly despite the soreness in his bones and the tiredness in his eyes. In his age, not sleeping for a whole day is detrimental.
Whipping the sweat from his forehead, the old magikoopa took a step back to look at what he created. It was rushed and it would probably not work more than once. 'It should do.' He kept thinking to reassure himself. 'It has to be enough. For my son. For my family.' He added in the last second.
Peach stared at the human in red, her mind going in circles. She was, in the end, unable to rest during the previous night. How to make Mario's brother see what's right in front of them? Bowser is not a good guy. He's a monster, someone who tried multiple times to marry her. He didn't start by kidnapping her, of course. Indeed, initially all he did was send letter after letter. After letter. In all of them he asked her the same thing in different words:
<<"I saw you during one of my travels. Princess Peach, I have to admit I admire your strength and your beauty. Your eyes shine like no other jewel..."
"Today I couldn't think about anything else but you, Princess Peach. The way you beat those boos? Just amazing! Did you know I punished the Boos after what they did to you and your people? I hope everyone's alright..."
"As I turn and turn on my bed, I keep going back to the first time you talked to me. It was during your coronation, remember? I was invited as the King of the Koopas. You smiled at me. I wanted to ask you for help..."
"Would you do the honor to marry me, Princess Peach? I know it seems rushed. We can talk properly after our next meeting. I will explain everything to you..."
"Peach, I wish to marry you. It's an emergency. Reply as soon as you're able..."
"Did I do something wrong? You didn't reply to any of my letters. Have you not been receiving them? If so, I will make sure this time you do..."
"I don't know what else to do, Peaches. I haven't seen you after your coronation unless it's from afar or in a mandatory meeting with all the royals. I never seem to catch you alone long enough to talk to you. My letters remain unanswered and the others keep ignoring every word I say...">>
He kept insisting on meeting and marrying. There would be no wedding if she can avoid it. Luigi must see that too.
However, things got worse when he started to try to meet her in person. With smiles too wide, showing off his giant fangs. With red piercing eyes glued to her. She shuddered, the hair in the back of her neck standing up. She hated having his full attention. That was until... Until Luigi and Mario appeared. One second he's in front of her and the next he was under the lava. Maybe less than a second. She couldn’t tell. And that's were her predicament lied on.
"Princess Daisy, this is Mario. Mario, this is Princess Daisy from Sarasaland." She introduced them. Watching Mario greet her, she then turned to Daisy. "Is there a reason you're here, Princess Daisy?"
"Oh, none of that 'princess stuff'. Too stiff. Too cold." Reprimanded her old friend, scowling at Peach in mock anger. The blonde couldn't help but smile, if only a little, some of the stress from these last days leaving her shoulders.
"I'm sorry. I haven't seen you in such a long time." She excused her lack of familiarity with Daisy, blaming it on her duties as Princess. Mainly anything to do with Bowser. She stepped closer to the other, her arms stretched out and inviting. With a wide smile, the brunette closed their distance in a small jump, accepting the warm hug. Just like when they were kids. She hugged her tightly before letting go and promptly looking inquisitively at the human in red. Peach could already imagine all the questions her fellow princess had. It's not everyday they have other humans in their world.
"Mario, right?" He nodded hesitantly. "You are a human!" She exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands with enthusiasm. Mario stole a quick glance at Peach, a bit confused. Understandably.
"Peach haven't told you Humans are very rare here, have she?" She sounded amused. He shrugged helplessly. She didn't explain. He just assumed...
"So, why are humans rare?"
His question simply got a secret smile on her lips. Odd, he thought. Surely, there's no reason to keep it a secret, not when she just mentioned it nonchalantly.
Peach rolled her eyes, something she wouldn't have done in the presence of her Toads or other royals. "Stop it, Daisy. It's because of the green pipe." She explained the last part to Mario, turning in his direction. "There's only one, to our knowledge, connected to the human realm. Which appears and disappears at random. No one has found out any pattern. Yet." Her brows furrowed in thought. The mystery of her origins has always intrigued her.
"Do you think we were sent here for a reason?" He wondered aloud, getting their full attention.
"It's a possibility." Peach couldn't deny it.
"We?" Daisy questioned, certain he wasn't referring to Peach or her.
"Ah. Yes, my brother, Luigi. We kinda got separated and... Well, what matters is that we are together again." He hastily explained. He wasn't sure how much the other princess knows about what happened with Bowser. Did Peach tell her? Would it be okay sharing said information with a stranger (to him) without Luigi's consent? He was still adamant his little brother had a good reason to believe King Bowser is a good person. Koopa, he corrected himself. He saved his brother's life, after all. Someone evil wouldn't do that... would they?
"I'd like to meet your brother." Daisy grinned. "After all, he's pretty famous after the stunt he pulled off. Although I was unaware it was your brother. Or another human, by that matter." She discreetly looked at Peach, who seemed to have realised what her friend was thinking.
"Not now, Daisy. Luigi is... not in his best state of mind." She warned the princess of Sarasaland, wincing at what Daisy did when they first met. They were kids so that could be excused. Not so much now. Her friend simply shrugged her shoulders, clearly not deterred by her words.
"My fratellino is doing better." Mario interrupted their conversation, annoyed at the lack of acknowledgement he was receiving. They were talking about his brother as if he wasn't there.
Peach quickly realised her miskate, feeling guilty. "I apologise, Mario. It wasn't my intention." She shot a warning glare at Daisy when she saw her about to open her mouth. To say something insensitive, no doubts. She knows her well.
"Yeah. That. Apologies." She uttered. "Anyway. Come on, Peach. Tell me what really happened. All I heard were rumours, not the whole thing." Daisy was as persistent as she remembers her to be. With another quick glance at Mario, who nodded at her in permission, she stirred them towards the Garden to talk more comfortably. And privately. There was so much she needed to tell her friend.
Luigi heard some noises outside, disrupting his daydreaming. His eyes opened slowly, half asleep. Getting out of the bed with some difficulties, Luigi approached the door while listening tiny feets running around. He was still in his pajamas.
There were even more voices now.
After so many days in his head, he felt he needed some fresh air and this felt like the best opportunity to do so. So, with some trepidation, he opened slightly the door, peaking outside at the Toads a few meters from his room. There were around five of them and they seemed unaware of his presence.
"Did you hear? Princess Diasy came to visit Princess Peach." One of them exclaimed loudly.
"I know! I was there when it happened. That's why I'm here. Quick, tell everyone else. We need to hurry and get everything ready." The other Toad said in a hurry, his tiny feet running in the same spot. They were very energetic because of this Princess Daisy.
Another Principessa, thought Luigi. Curiosity was soon replacing his nervousness, as he opened completely the door to find the Toads already left. Uh. His eyes opened wide when an idea formed in his head. There were no guarantees it would work. Unfortunately, he didn't know the castle well enough and he didn't know how to get to Bowser's. But Princess Daisy might. For that, he needed to get to know her. Feeling the shame rising inside him at the idea of using an innocent to get what he wants, he tried to shove it deep inside of him. It was a necessary evil. They'll understand. He winced internally. That's not true, they won't understand. But first, he needs to be presentable. With that in mind, Luigi went back inside and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up. He didn't really have a chance of clothing beyond his own overalls. Luckily for him, those were still clean enough to use for another day.
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ill-skillsgard · 1 year
What’s your favorite movie/show from a each of the Skarsgards?
Ouuu, well some of these might be obvious, but I'll try not to write a novel about how much I love the Skarsgards in almost everything! Let us start with the king. Our beautiful, perfect, hilarious and talented Bill... AKA the man of my dreams. AKA Horror Daddy. AKA the most gorgeous man who has or ever will exist. This is such a hard choice, but I have to credit his role as Pennywise as what introduced him to me, or rather, what got me HOOKED. Bill cemented himself in the horror genre as a God with this role. Not only that, but both chapters of the film are some of the best horror that has ever been done, period. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for IT. Honorable mentions goes to Villains because Mickey was sooo devastatingly charming and Bill was made for the role. I'd say Castle Rock too but then I might as well list everything he has ever done both big and small because I just love him in everything, always.
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Now, onto my sweet baby Valter. Historically, I have rejected anyone's negative opinions about my BEAUTIFUL BOY and will continue to do so until the day I die. Okay, he's a bit of a brat, he's not as well-known as his father or brothers, but he is my 2nd favourite Skarsgard (sometimes in my brain he is number 1.) Valter Odd Skarsgard has this voice that narrates my fantasies, and lips I dream of often. So tall, mmph. So gorgeous! That smile, oh my GOD. My underrated man.
Valter dropped a nuke on me with his role as Faust in Lords of Chaos. This movie means more to me than the fact that Valter is in it. The story itself and the period of metal music in Scandinavia has always been on my radar, and then Valter shows up as my ACTUAL type and ruins me. Do I think Faust is a good guy? No. Do I think that Valter with long black hair, a leather jacket and a bullet belt is the most attractive thing on the face of the earth? Yes. Great film, directed by the legendary Jonas Akerlund... What could be better?
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Now, when it comes to Gustaf Skarsgard, I feel like I cannot choose between Merlin and Floki. Both have such chaotic energy. Both were so well-played. Then there's the short film he did with his father, directed by Bill and Landon Liboiron. HE IS A SHAPESHIFTER. So talented. So handsome. Ugh, just ridiculously gifted in the art of acting. But I have to give it to Merlin because I have never wanted to be on an alcoholic wizard before. Would I rewatch Cursed over Vikings? I don't know. Would I watch a standalone series of Merlin? YES. Would I watch a standalone series about Floki? ALSO YEAH. Tough decisions here. Ahhh, give me that silly wizard man. I want him! Cursed was great and they were wrong to cancel it!
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Then of course, there's Alexander. A Golden God. As talented as he is attractive. This one is very hard because he's been in a lot of really good shows and films that I love. I wanted to pick his role in Zoolander because I think it's one of the best comedy bits I have ever seen (ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCINOS) but I can't do him like that. I think I would have to go with Randall Flagg in The Stand, not only because it's another Stephen King adaptation with another Skarsgard, but because he annhilated that role and looked so damn good doing it. And also BEARD (idc if it's fake, he looks great.)
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Now, Papa Skars is a TOUGH one to pick, but I have to go with Dune. Idk if it's because of Stellan that his boys can play evil pricks so well, but the Baron is like next level shit. He is so talented. I went over half my life not even realizing he's been in so many movies I've watched. But in recent times, since the Skarsgards have been on my radar, Dune knocked it outtttt and Stellan was a huge part of that. Thank you Papa Skars, for helping create your beautiful sons and unleashing them upon the world.
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This could have been a lot shorter but oh well. My mens deserve all the shout outs. Thanks for asking! ❤️
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elegantwoes · 1 year
'Her brother had thought it was the khal’s way of apologizing for the wrong Dany had done him. She had begged Ser Jorah not to tell him the truth, lest he be shamed. The knight had replied that the king could well do with a bit of shame … yet he had done as she bid'
I have to commend Dany and her attempt to diffuse the situation. I miss this trait in the upcoming books, though.
'Viserys gazed at it with boredom in his eyes. “How long must we linger amidst these ruins before Drogo gives me my army? I grow tired of waiting.'
Good lord Viserys sounds like a petulant child here. He should have stayed in Pentos with Illyrio.
'Yes, Khaleesi, but … the Dothraki look on these things differently than we do in the west. I have told him as much, as Illyrio told him, but your brother does not listen. The horselords are no traders. Viserys thinks he sold you, and now he wants his price. Yet Khal Drogo would say he had you as a gift. He will give Viserys a gift in return, yes … in his own time. You do not demand a gift, not of a khal. You do not demand anything of a khal.'
It’s interesting what is stated here. Jorah, and by extension Illyrio, have warned Viserys he will come to regret never adapting more to the Dothraki culture. How his lack of respect for them let to his undoing. It makes me think. Since Viserys is a foreshadowing for Dany, it’s highly likely she will make similar mistakes in Westeros, because just like Viserys, she will refuse to adapt to it’s customs. And that will lead to her doom.
'What … what if it were not Viserys?” she asked. “If it were someone else who led them? Someone stronger? Could the Dothraki truly conquer the Seven Kingdoms?'
Oh look the wheels in Dany’s head are turning. She’s ready to usurp Viserys. Typical Targaryen behavior.
'He took from me all I loved, for the sake of a few lice-ridden poachers and his precious honor,” Ser Jorah said bitterly. From his tone, she could tell the loss still pained him. He changed the subject quickly. '
You sold them as slaves, Jorah, and that’s against the law. What should Ned have done. Celebrated you crimes?
'The Dothraki do not build. A thousand years ago, to make a house, they would dig a hole in the earth and cover it with a woven grass roof. The buildings you see were made by slaves brought here from lands they’ve plundered, and they built each after the fashion of their own peoples.'
A rather ominous line to associate with the Dothraki. It should be noted that Dany is embracing the Dothraki way swimmingly. Not a good look by the way.
'yet Vaes Dothrak is large enough to house every man of every khalasar, should all the khals return to the Mother at once. The crones have prophesied that one day that will come to pass, and so Vaes Dothrak must be ready to embrace all its children.'
A foreshadow for TWOW and how Dany will take over most of the Khalasar with the help of Drogon? I say yes.
'In some khalasars, Jhiqui said, the bloodriders shared the khal’s wine, his tent, and even his wives, though never his horses. A man’s mount was his own.'
Good lord what is this? GRRM racism jumped out when he wrote this.
'When her son sat the Iron Throne, she would see that he had bloodriders of his own to protect him against treachery in his Kingsguard.'
It’s interesting how Dany is never accused of usurping for these thoughts.
'It caught him full in the face. Viserys let go of her. Blood ran down his cheek where the edge of one of the medallions had sliced it open. “You are the one who forgets himself,” Dany said to him. “Didn’t you learn anything that day in the grass? Leave me now, before I summon my khas to drag you out. And pray that Khal Drogo does not hear of this, or he will cut open your belly and feed you your own entrails.'
Its good to see Dany stand up to her abuser. Well done, Dany. Definitely the highlight of the chapter.
The next chapter we are with our future kindhearted king: Bran.
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solunest · 2 years
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"...and create in me a heavenly body."
I finally made semi-fledged character designs for the main peeps of 'The Heavenly Body' Case File in Question! It's the finished version of the doodle and aaaa
I also wanna talk a bit about the characters and stuff before I finish up Chapter 4 of this fanfic, since it's coming to a close. Aaaaaand to perhaps drop some hints about what could possibly come, for those of y'all wanting to guess how this goes down.
Word vomit, so aaaaa, under the cut-
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[Eclipse, the Honored Police Chief] The evidently socially awkward prototype animatronic who towers around 9'5" tall, struggles to get through some doorways and some conversations, specifically from a detective that he accidentally managed to befriend three years ago. He's an auto-repurposed celestial animatronic that earned a spot in the police force when he was paving a new way of life for himself and his family. While some things didn't happen the way he wanted it to, he intends to spend the rest of his life atoning for all the poor decisions he's made.
[Sun, the Sadistic Mafia Boss] The flamboyant and childish-facading celestial animatronic, standing about 8~ foot tall, loves teasing and talking down condescendingly about people. Was a former childcare animatronic, along with his family, until an incident happened where his family had to survive on the streets. One day, it was just him and his younger brother and he now bears a seething hatred for the naturally exalted humans who once called his kind a sort of slave. He plans to take over the city that forsaken them, not letting anything, human or animatronic, stop him.
[Moon, the Sinister Mafia Boss] The more level-headed, but torture-happy celestial animatronic, around the same height as his second brother. Is the youngest of his family, however, bears the aura of someone with high authority. Swore to protect his remaining brother with his life, while also keeping him in check. Though, he also needs to let his tendencies out every now and then, letting them loose on those who have wronged them. Is convinced that what they're doing is correct.
[Y/N, the Mysterious Rookie Detective] A detective who magically appeared in the force one day and was hired due to the incompetence of the other officers. Was a diligent worker who got things done on time, so they were favored to stay. Doesn't speak much, and if they do, they're short, clipped sentences with a blank face and vague gestures. Humans and animatronics alike cannot detect them approaching for some reason, and their isolated self allows plenty of rumors to swirl about them. They bear two guns that they never seem to remove. Gained an odd friendship with their police chief and the attention of two unruly celestial animatronics.
Eclipse's Thoughts on the Others Sun; What he thinks of me is my own fault. I miss him. Moon; The hope I have with him shouldn't be fed. I miss him. Y/N; I should only look at them as a friend or a close confidant.
Sun's Thoughts on the Others Eclipse; Betrayal. How dare he. You don't deserve to live. Moon; The only one I have left. Please don't leave me. Y/N; You're just like me, I know it. Stay away from him.
Moon's Thoughts on the Others Eclipse; Why? I know you'll never answer, but it plagues my mind. Sun; I'm watching my brother fall apart before my very eyes. Y/N; How can I not sense you? Where's the light in your eyes?
Y/N's Thoughts on the Others Eclipse; He's changing. My body reacts to him. I've yet to know why. Sun; Annoying. Dances around the subject too much. Moon; Annoying. Underestimates not even in a smart way.
Other notable characters; Mayor Freddy Fazbear; The city mayor, kind and loving, advocator of the union of animatronics and humans. Foxy; An old friend of Freddy and a good acquaintance of yours. Gregory Fazbear; The adopted son of the mayor with a dire secret. Knows answers that you will need that you may never think to look. Michael Afton; The Afton mafia boss, trying to solve a mystery and assert his dominance where he doesn't need. Music Man; Eyes and ears of the city that only helps those who've intrigued him. Never sticks to one side.
Iiiiiiif you have any questions and the like, don't hesitate to shoot em my direction!
I have a fluffy fic coming soon after this one, but for now, if you can't handle crushin feels, this fic ain't for you, chief-
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Part three of messy breakup
Eddie Munson x gn!reader 
Read part one and part two first 
Eddie is still at war with himself over these feelings he has for you. Honestly he has never felt this way before and it’s freaking him out. He wants to talk to someone about this but the person he goes to with this kind of thing is you and well he can’t talk to you about you! 
So he goes to the only other person he can think of...Wayne. 
Wayne wasn’t expecting to see Eddie up and pacing when he got home early in the morning after his shift. “Son? Is everything okay, it’s nearly three in the morning.” Wayne looks around the trailer and realizes that you weren’t staying the night. “Where’s Y/N? Did something happen?” Eddie looks over at Wayne and Wayne is concerned by the look in his boys eyes. 
“Wayne I don’t understand this feeling I’ve been having. My stomach feeling like it’s in knots every time Y/N is around me or even when I just think of them. My heart starts racing and it goes so fast it feels like I’m about to have a panic attack but I never do, my hands start sweating and I get concerned about how I look or smell and Wayne I’ve never felt this way before and it’s really starting to freak me out.” Wayne looks at Eddie with a pitiful smile and Eddie rolls his eyes seeing it. “Don’t look at me like that you old man this is serious! I think something is like seriously wrong” 
Wayne gives Eddie a playful glare. “Son, are you really that dumb? Nothing is wrong with you boy.” Eddie looks at Wayne with his big brown eyes. “Then why am I feeling this way Wayne?” 
Oh this boy is really clueless...
“Son... you’re in love.” Eddie’s eyes widen. Holy shit he’s right.
After Eddie’s conversation with Wayne he realizes what he needs to do. The next day when you come over he is going to show you how you make him feel...some how. 
You came over to the trailer before either one of the Munson’s were home to clean up and prepare dinner for them. Both of them were at work so you had a few hours to get things done before they were to come home. You started by playing music and cleaning the living area and kitchen. After the dishes were done and everything was back in their correct location you went to start on Eddie’s room. 
You made his bed and collected his dirty laundry when you found his D&D notebook open on his table. You didn’t think anything of it, so you walk over and go to close it before putting it on top of his bed so he can see it when he gets home but something catches your eye. 
There was a new drawing in there that she has never seen before. Taking a closer look at it you see that it’s an elf prince(ss) that looks extremely like you. Flipping through the plans he had written out you see that the club will need to save the new character and whoever saves them first wins the heart of the prince(ss). In parenthesis Eddie made a small note, (No one can truly save them but me). Y/N smiles at the note. 
“What are you doing here so soon?” Hearing Eddie’s voice makes you jump and drop the notebook. Eddie figured you didn’t hear him come in due to the music playing so loudly but he didn’t mean to scare you. “Oh shit sorry sweetheart” he leans down and picks up what you dropped before noticing that it was his notebook and when he does notice his eyes widen. “You weren’t suppose to see that!” He starts to panic “I know it’s probably weird for me to have a drawing of a D&D character that looks so much like you” you try to cut him off “Eddie honey-” but there is no use as he keeps rambling. “but I won’t use it if you aren’t comfortable with it and I-” “Eddie!” He finally stops his ramble and his eyes snaps back up to you with a dark blush across his face. 
You give him a soft, kind smile. “Sweets, you have no reason to apologize truly I’m honored you would make me into a character.” 
After hearing your reassurance Eddie starts contemplating on if he should confess. He decides that he needs to, this seems to be the perfect time. 
“Y/N...there is a reason I drew it to be like you. And before you cut me off I want you to just listen. I...I think I love you. At least Wayne tells me that’s what I’m feeling. All I know is whenever I’m around you my stomach turns into knots, and my hands get sweaty and it gets hard to focus on anything but you but this feeling doesn’t leave when you leave it stays. I go to bed and I think of you and I wake up thinking of you. I can’t focus on anything without you coming to mind and I have never felt this way. Not with Chrissy, not with anyone I’ve been with before and it’s really scaring me. I can’t lose you.” 
Listening to everything Eddie has to say makes tears form in your eyes. You never thought Eddie would return your feelings especially after the whole messy breakup with Chrissy...”Eddie..” You’re at a lost for words which really worries Eddie. 
Did I mess this up? 
Before Eddie can try to back track you walk over to him and pull him into a deep kiss. Pulling away you rest your forehead against his. He is now the one at a lost of words. “Eddie I think I love you too.”  Eddie breaks into a huge smile before kissing you deeply on more time. 
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I really hope you all enjoyed this little series! If you did please consider liking, reblogging, and commenting. 
Also if you like my work please consider following me <3 
Taglist: @sinczir @lokiofasgard616 @harrys-tittie @saramelaniemoon​
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channwie · 8 months
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004 — sins of pride.
“Byakuya Kuchiki, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
“Release her from your grasp.”
“Lady Kuchiki can choose for herself.” Aizen smirks, and Byakuya’s fist collides with the wall, the sound echoing throughout the Central Underground Prison’s lowest level.
“Don’t you dare speak the name I gave her.”
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“You let Byakuya into Muken?” Your voice booms in the assembly hall, having barged in on the Captain’s meeting currently taking place in the First Division’s barracks.
“Lady Kuchiki—!” Soi Fon steps forward, eyes wide and almost bewildered at your outburst. “This is neither the time nor place—”
“No!” You step forward, Byakuya’s silver-white scarf gripped in your hand, the fabric draped loosely over your arm. “You all gave my husband clearance to visit that monster.”
“(Name.)” Hitsugaya reaches out an arm to stop you in your tracks, and you shove his arm away, tears stinging at your lashes. “This is very well the time and place!”
The Captains of the Gotei Thirteen are rendered silent, the sound of a wooden staff colliding with the floor beneath them rattles their entire being.
“Lady Kuchiki.” Captain Commander Yamamoto addresses you from his chair, like you're some disobedient child and if possible, your blood boils just a bit hotter.
“Why did you send him?” You scream. The Captains you’ve fought with, dined with, made friends with, can do nothing but turn their heads and be resigned to shameful silence. “Why him? Why?!”
They all remain silent.
And deep down, you should’ve known better than to expect much, if anything at all, from them.
You know Byakuya. You’ve known him since you were a child. He goes where his duty calls him, where justice is needed, he always goes without question and you have never doubted his ability to hold his own. Not once.
But hours ago when you woke up to an empty bed, Senbonzakura sheathed atop the crumpled sheets where he would’ve laid, you knew in your soul, that something was wrong.
It didn’t take plenty to figure out where he had gone.
“Captain Kuchiki came to me—”
“Yama-jii, I swear I’ll—”
“Listen to yourself!” Shinji shakes his head. He’s known you long enough to know how you get in situations like these.
That stakes of life and death mean nothing once you’ve found something truly worth fighting for. “Is this what Kuchiki would want you to do?”
You pause, sucking in a sharp breath, your gaze still pointed at where Yamamoto is seated. The urge to rip through everyone around you is too much.
As you stand here, swear this to me— I need you to swear it—
“You’re all pathetic.”
“Byakuya Kuchiki came to me and requested this.” Yamamoto leans back in his chair, frown deep and brows knitted, gaze downcast. “He asked my permission and I could not deny him.”
Hitsugaya sees the change in your gaze before the rest of them do. Rage filled eyes morphing into a look of utter betrayal, and he steps forward again, reaching for your arm again, a little too late.
“You son of a bitch!” The Captains flinch, and you’ve had enough of this, not an ounce of apology left in your veins.
Have you not given enough?
Have you not done everything that was asked of you?
Maybe not. You were never the perfect cog in the system that was the Gotei Thirteen, nor Seireitei.
But Byakuya was.
You watched him sacrifice himself day after day — ever since he was just a boy. Things you’ve never cared for such as duty, and honor and recognition by peers — he gave his all for those things.
For his pride. You’ll be damned if you let him sacrifice another.
Before you can step far enough to continue your array of insults, a hand is dragging you aside, “That’s enough.” Toshiro pulls and you squirm against his grip, but in this state you’re no match for the reiatsu of a captain, let alone twelve of them.
“Shut up.”
You freeze, and he tugs you out into the vacant hallway. The moment he releases your arm, you turn abruptly, teeth bared and eyes narrowed, ready to give him a piece of your mind as well, because how dare he—
“Where’s your honor?” He asks, piercing turquoise eyes staring straight at you, face stoic as if he isnt really looking at you right now, but at something inside you, something out of your reach.
Toshiro, of all the captains you’ve become acquainted with has always been closest to you.
He’s a child – at least in stature and attitude, but he’d grown on you the moment you met him.
He looks up at you and you feel a tinge of shame trickle up your spine — he, who idolized you, saw you as the marker for his motivation — he, who wanted to not just be as physically strong as you were, but to have a heart like yours.
“Or did Aizen Sosuke take that from you too?”
There are unshed tears in your eyes, your back straight. “I’ve fought, and fought, I’ve always—” Your voice comes out, a semblance of the strength you’ve accumulated all this time. “So why? Why couldn’t I fight this too?”
Why had they sent Byakuya to fight on your behalf?
Why aren’t you strong enough?
Have you just gotten weaker since that day?
“Because it isn’t your fight!”
You still, and for a second you believe you’re hearing doubles. Aizen Sosuke is your fight. It has been your fight since you entered the academy — since the day he sat beside you and asked your name.
It was still your fight that day in Karakura after you left Squad Zero, plagued by nightmares of Kyoka Suigetsu manipulating your memories. And it remained your fight after he cut you open, stabbing his zanpakuto through your chest, depleting your reiatsu.
So how? How is this not your battle?
There are different types of fights, (Name).
No, a fight is a fight — whoever wins gets to live, Bya.
You either fight to protect yourself, to protect others—
Idiot, it doesn’t count, the second one is all of our duties as part of the Gotei.
—Or, you fight to protect your pride.
“This has been Captain Kuchiki’s fight since the day you came back.” Toshiro speaks, almost pained, as if he knows something you don’t. “Whatever happens tonight in Muken—”
You don’t want to hear him say this.
“Kuchiki would’ve fought to protect his pride.”
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“Has she told you?” Aizen leans back, a single brown eye trailing across Byakuya’s features. “About the dreams?” He can’t help how the corner of his mouth twitches when Byakuya’s eyes glint with distaste.
“Remove Kyoka Suigetsu from it’s hiding place.” Byakuya says, he’s not one to be taunted, nor is he quick to anger. He’s been with the likes of Aizen before, he wants no part of his games.
“Is that any way to refer to your wife, Kuchiki?”
Byakuya squeezes his eyes shut, composing himself for a moment.
“You’ll do well to remember whose wife she is.” Byakuya slate gray eyes narrow, a pale index finger tracing along the holster of where Senbonzakura would be. He’s left it to you, to protect you in his stead while he deals with this scum. “Remove your zanpakuto, I will not ask again.”
“From the mouth of the man who took her from me!” Aizen’s voice bellows through his cell and down the vacant corridor. “Even now, you can’t see it — how could you? You’ve never experienced power the way we have.”
“Enslavement.” Byakuya growls, “Enslavement that you call power — power you subjected her to by force.”
“Kuchiki, you dare—”
“I should thank you for that, Aizen.” Byakuya almost smiles, “It made our wedding night all the sweeter.”
Aizen clicks his tongue, a dark chuckle leaving his lips.
Maybe, if he closes his eyes he can still see you, standing at that altar.
If he really wants to, maybe he can see your face as clear as he did the first time, in your weddding dress, older than he’d seen you the last time — before he made Kyoka Suigetsu alter his memory of it, until it became nothing.
“You’re going to die tomorrow, Byakuya Kuchiki.”
“Sleep soundly in my absence, Aizen Sosuke.”
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You’ve been trying to dream for hours, slumped on the floor of Byakuya’s study, back pressed against his absurdly tall bookshelf.
Aizen won’t let you reach him.
Byakuya hasn’t come back to the manor.
If helpless was a person, it would be you in this very moment.
Your zanpakuto is hidden away in the drawer of Byakuya’s desk, and you’re tempted to retrieve it. Tempted to go to Muken yourself and finish things the way you should’ve all those years ago.
It isn’t your fight.
You’re exasperated, hands reaching down to loosen the knot of your shihakusho, suddenly feeling too warm.
Byakuya will come back. You’re sure of it. He’s strong, at least, stronger than you.
I’m only consenting to learn from you because you’re stronger—
You think I’m stronger than you?
I never said that, do not twist my words.
You really have a way with girls, don’t you, Bya?
Never call me that again.
A smile twitches at the corner of your lips.
Then a buzz on the hardwood of Byakuya’s desk, your eyes darting over to the find the source of the sound. Your cellphone — the one you gifted yourself through the HR Department, lights up in the dim room.
1 new voicemail.
From : Urahara Kisuke.
You don’t think twice before you click play.
“We were wrong about the soul partition theory— (Name), I need you to listen to me very carefully. I know what Aizen Sosuke meant when he said you two are connected. He hasn’t split his soul at all — not like we thought before. He’s severed a fragment of it, a part of his zanpakuto — he’s hidden it. And I’m afraid to say —”
Your blood runs cold.
“He’s hidden it inside you. Aizen Sosuke has merged a segment of his zanpakuto with you. Kyoka Suigetsu — is inside you. It's been there all this time.”
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666writingcafe · 11 months
No Talking
Satisfied with the amount of sun I got, I decide to head back to my room at the resort I'm staying at and chill in bed. Once I'm settled, I open my people-watching app back up.
Everyone is currently standing in my parlor, which means that they managed to get to the third level more or less in one piece. There are now three Little D's: Levi, Mammon, and a green one that I believe to be Satan. Solomon looks amused, Beel and Belphie seem bored, Asmo's off in la-la land, and Lucifer just appears tired.
You doing alright, MC?
No response. I wonder...
You and I can still talk. As long as you don't open your mouth, you'll be fine.
Good. I wasn't sure.
Well, I made the rules, so I can alter them as I see fit. Plus, I like talking to you. You seem pretty cool.
You may not like me after this. There's something that I want to ask you.
I'm a little taken aback by MC's statement, but then I realize that they must have put the pieces together.
What's your question?
Are you the reaper that Lucifer dated?
I didn't realize he mentioned me to them. Once he settled into his role as Diavolo's bi--I mean, right hand man--he didn't want anyone to know about me. He felt like I would ruin his reputation. So the fact that MC knows...does that mean what I think it means?
Did your relationship start before or after you met Solomon?
Not how I thought they would respond. At all. I want to see where this is going.
So, that's why Lucifer and Solomon don't get along.
What do you mean?
Before we left to visit your cave, Solomon mentioned that he found you attractive, and Lucifer had a real nasty look on his face. I figured something happened between the three of you to warrant that look, like maybe Solomon was trying to steal you away from Lucifer while you two were dating.
MC's message causes me to drop my tablet. Thankfully, it lands on the bed, so no damage is done to it. That's not the important thing, though.
How in the world do they know so much? Do they spend their time keeping tabs on everybody?
You scare me.
I'm sorry.
That may not be a bad thing. It takes a lot to scare me.
So, should I be honored?
Don't get cocky.
This place is like a palace.
My screen shows everyone walking silently in one of the many corridors in my home.
Thanks. I based this building off a human world castle.
I'd like to have a home like this.
That can be arranged.
By the time I realize the implications of what I just typed, I've already sent the message.
What is wrong with me? Why am I flirting with this human? Granted, they're not behaving like a typical human, but still. They'll die a lot sooner than I will. There's no way it would work.
What was Lucifer like when you dated him?
Of course. They're continuing our earlier conversation.
We met shortly after he fell, so he was still pretty angry. He wanted to rebel against anything and anyone. The two of us got into a lot of trouble together.
That makes sense. I wonder if that's why he's so hard on his brothers sometimes.
Oh, probably. We pulled some serious hijinks back in the day. Honestly should have been arrested, but that's not the point. As our relationship progressed, Diavolo demanded more and more of Lucifer's time, and before I knew it he was so far up the prince's ass that he wouldn't dare do anything to upset him.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.
Never mind. I was trying to be funny.
The other way around would be...
No way. Seriously? Mr. Avatar of Pride submitting that much? Impossible.
"You know, I've been thinking." Great. The green Little D--I mean, Satan--talking. "Do Mammon, Levi, and I have to continue following the rules? We've already been penalized."
Son of a bitch. He's too smart for his own good.
"He's right!" Mammon exclaims. "The three of us get to talk all we want! Just watch us!"
Does he always act like this?
How annoying.
The only way I can get him to behave is to fluster him.
"Hey, quick question: does this door lead to the next level?" Levi asks. MC must have turned their head to look at it, for a black door appears on my screen.
That's my closet.
What kind of stuff do you have in there?
I have some designer clothes as well as things I've thrifted. Why?
My question gets answered immediately as someone opens my closet door and screams gleefully.
"I don't believe it! Just look at all these clothes!" So, Asmo's really into fashion. Got it. "There's so much stuff here I like!"
Is he seriously rummaging through my clothes?! What a pervert!
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smurphyse · 2 years
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~ Smurph <3
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Out Of The Cold - August Lione, King of Mydenya, is in love with his dead wife. Admittedly lonely and touch starved, he reluctantly marries Lyca Ingemar to stifle the requests of his advisors and to have an heir or two. He begins to fall for his new wife while she treats their marriage as one of duty and convenience, wishing she was at her cottage in the woods instead of with him.
As war looms and Lyca's past comes to light, can her and August's budding relationship survive the revelations coming out of the cold?
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Over Your Shoulder - A familiar face from Spencer's past joins the BAU, his ex-girlfriend Jasper Donnelly, who left him fourteen years, two months, and fifteen days ago. A slow-burn love story in which Jasper and Spencer figure out who they are together and apart, and whether or not the horrific things they'd done and been through over the years are enough to keep them together... or destroy them. [Smut] [Long Lost Love AU] [Angst with Happy Ending]
Operation: Sand Leopard - A year after leaving the BAU, Spencer Reid is restless and struggling to adjust to civilian life. Not finding any fulfillment or respite in it, he decides to take a position with Homeland. On assignment he meets you, a former Master Gunnery Sergeant with the USMC, struggling to find a drug trafficker and terrorist on one of the most dangerous bases in the world- Balad Air Base in Iraq... aka Bombaconda. [Eventual Smut] [Angst with Happy Ending]
Room 405 - You looked forward to Room 405 each week. Sitting at work, you would pout to yourself and lightly drag your pen up and down your thighs, thinking of all the wondrous things you two got up to in that hotel room. Chains, whips, spankings, anything could happen on Friday nights, 7 pm in Room 405. [PWP - Dom!Spencer] [Angst with Happy Ending]
A Devastating Affair - When the Reader ends her affair with Spencer, they both spiral and start playing a toxic game of emotional chicken. [Toxic Relationship]
Bunny and the Beast - When Reader's neighbor Spencer decides he just can't sit and watch her being all pretty by herself, they begin a toxic game of cat-and-mouse. [Dubious Consent/Toxic Relationship]
Mutual Irritation - A year after prison, a jaded Spencer Reid takes on a special assignment at Emily's request... to babysit Finn Doyle's ex-girlfriend while the BAU hunts for him. He doesn't want to do it, nor does he want to be solely responsible for her safety. When the two meet, they don't get along, but over time they find they quite enjoy one another... even with the threat of a jealous Irish Arms Dealer hanging over their heads. [Angst with Happy Ending] [Jaded!Spencer Reid]
The Arrangement - After Loki's lost bet with Thor, D.B. Cooper causes chaos on Midgard, and a war with Vanaheim rises in the East, so Odin proposes a wager of his own to his youngest son: An arranged marriage, one for the public. If the terms of the deal are honored for twenty years, Loki will be let out of the union and free from Odin's intervention or wrath ever again. Loki thinks this bet will be an easy win, but our boy is very wrong. His new wife has an agenda of her own, and Loki is determined to figure out what it is. Loki quickly finds himself out of his depth, unprepared for husbandry or fatherhood, and learns that marriages -arranged or not- are hard work. [Pre!Avengers Loki] [Arranged Marriage AU]
Death From Above - Tim has a bad day. His girlfriend dumps him, he punches an FBI Agent, and they're getting a new girl in the office. He hooks up with a mysterious woman from a local joint, only to find out that she's their new co-worker. As Helen O'Malley settles more in Harlan County, her past comes back knocking, and it will send the whole office into an epic shitstorm that they may not recover from. [Tim Gutterson, Justified]
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I Want You - Reader makes Spencer jealous enough to act after he refuses to make a move [Smut]
Touch - Spencer and the Reader are forced to room together six months after their breakup, and when she wakes to him spooning her, she freaks out a bit [Ambiguous Ending, Angst]
No Funny Business - Forced to bunk with Luke and the Reader, Spencer finds himself a bit in over his head when he gropes the reader in her sleep [Threesome, Married!LukexReader and Spencer]
Inkpot Gods - After giving birth to their son, Reader has complications during delivery. The doctors tell Spencer she might not wake up, and he has to prepare for a life without her for the sake of their son. Since he's not great with talking about his feelings except with her, Spencer decides to write a letter to nobody to work through his emotions. [Angst with Happy Ending]
Closet Confessions - A late night at the office leads to Spencer and Reader getting stuck in the supply closet. [GN!Reader]
A Real Father's Love - Spencer proves how much he wants to spend time with Reader's son, and it... sets something primal loose inside her. [Breeding Kink]
The View From Here - Reader locks herself out of her apartment when she comes home drunk, and her handsome neighbor comes to the rescue.
Drunk on You - Spencer's nervous about never having had sex, but he wants to lose his virginity to you [First Times, P*ssy Drunk Spencer]
Southern Belle - Loki is dating a young woman who is a fantastic cook and one day he realizes his pants are a tad tight. He’s gained some weight!
Fruit of the Flower - Loki helps Thor retrieve some magical plant and Loki gets too close when it blooms.
You're Not Them - Our dear reader has entered The Void! And she can't find Loki... but he finds her. The catch? It's not *her* Loki.
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snowsandstones · 2 years
I want to headcanon that deep down Ned hoped that one day it would be safe for the truth to be out and that he could betroth them:
My Joff and your Sansa shall join our houses, as Lyanna and I might once have done." This offer did surprise him. "Sansa is only eleven.
"He offers his own son in marriage to our daughter, what else would you call that? Sansa might someday be queen. Her sons could rule from the Wall to the mountains of Dorne. What is so wrong with that?" “Gods, Catelyn, Sansa is only eleven," Ned said. "And Joffrey … Joffrey is …" She finished for him. "… crown prince, and heir to the Iron Throne. And I was only twelve when my father promised me to your brother Brandon."
How can you be so damnably cruel, Catelyn? He is only a boy. He—” His fury was on him. He might have said more, and worse, but Maester Luwin cut in. “Another solution presents itself,” he said, his voice quiet. “Your brother Benjen came to me about Jon a few days ago. It seems the boy aspires to take the black.” Ned looked shocked. “He asked to join the Night’s Watch?”
Maester Luwin said, “There is great honor in service on the Wall, my lord.” “And even a bastard may rise high in the Night’s Watch,” Ned reflected. Still, his voice was troubled. “Jon is so young. If he asked this when he was a man grown, that would be one thing, but a boy of fourteen…”
Ned turned away from them to gaze out the window, his long face silent and thoughtful. Finally he sighed, and turned back. “Very well,” he said to Maester Luwin. “I suppose it is for the best.
But even when Robert was out of the way he never got a chance to talk to them again :(
Someday, when Sansa was grown, he would have to tell her how she had made it all come clear for him.
The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, and a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him…
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tavina-writes · 1 year
saw that @woobifiedvillain did this and invited anyone who saw it to do a "five comfort characters, five tags" game so!
Here are five favorite comfort characters of mine:
Huang Yaoshi from Legend of the Condor Heroes as I've often said, this man is the original blorbo, the template from which all other blorbos of mine are minted, pathetic, insane, good at everything, og wuxia dilf. I am not sane about him. I am always rotating his crimes in my mind. I am always a HYS apologist.
Nie Huaisang from The Untamed my newest and currently shiniest blorbo! I love him your honor. I firmly believe that he could've done more crimes. I want to shake him until his head falls off.
Uchiha Madara from Naruto I just think he's neat! I've spent like six years writing fic about my sepia ninja blorbo. I think he's fantastic. Go deranged evil sad man who loved your younger brother so much you went insane about it!
Fuca Rongyin from Yanxi Palace I know, I know, I've spent the past day or so screaming about Wei Yingluo from Yanxi Palace, and while Yingluo is ultimate girlboss energy, Empress Fuca holds my WHOLE heart. The way she says "I've never purposefully hurt anyone, or done one wrong thing in my life, why did heaven kill my son," as she just BREAKS under the weight of everything she's carrying BREAKS ME. The way she tried to not cause trouble, to fit herself into ever smaller spaces, the way her society pressured her into becoming someone who was defined by her responsibilities, the way her husband loves her but doesn't know where she's gone AUUUUUGH.
Sheng Rulan from The Story of Minglan YES! I love Minglan! Minglan is a character I love SO MUCH, but of the Sheng Sisters, the one I love most is Rulan. Slightly spoiled, generous, good hearted, determined, and so clear on what she can expect to have in this society! Rulan actually makes the most prudent marriage of all four of the Sheng Sisters, and is the most clear eyed of them about it. I just! Rulan! Sheng Rulan my beloved, you deserve the whole world.
Tagging @jubeelee, @im-sublimey, @fortune-maiden and whoever else sees this and wants to participate!
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