#he is the oni-chan ever!!!!
iooiu · 4 months
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it's not chosover until i SAY it's chosover
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nkogneatho · 9 months
choso having oni-chan syndrome is the greatest thing ever happened in jjk. like you see man so scary who can perform blood manipulation, that you're about to shit your pants but then suddenly he is a delulu cat who just wants to be called onichan
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spacebaby1 · 4 months
(Ft: Baby Yuji )
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"Dad?" You called entering the house, no answer you called again and went to check the living room, his room and the kitchen. You saw a note of the fridge "will be back home later + order something for dinner." Not taking another minute, you rushed upstairs to your room, throwing your bag on the room floor, and you grabbed your suitcase out of the closet and started packing everything.
Your phone blinked, it was your brother. Jin. You ignored the text and hurried packing with shaky hands but managed to pack most of the things you needed from your room.
Standing by the bus stop you waited while fidgeting with your hands. You phone rang making you flinch, it was your older brother calling, "hello?" He spoke when you answered.
"Hey, Oni-chan. How are you?"
"I'm fine. Kaori and I were wondering if you'd like to visit today? I know we came back a week ago from the honeymoon and we're still unpacking but it would be nice to have you around."
"I-I don't think I can today, I need to study for this math test, Sorry Oni-chan."
He chuckled, "ah, no worries then. You focus on your studies okay? I'll see you soon. Bye bye."
The was the last call you ever had with your brother. Taking the card out of the phone you threw it in the trash as the bus arrived and you hoped on never returning back.
It's been four years since then, and now you stood with eye wide, looking down at the phone screen. An unknown text that is informing you that both your brother and his wife were in an accident. They didn't make it. Tears blurred your vision as you tried to blink the tears away, reading the text and the funeral location.
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Do you think Lila had real feelings for Adrien (even if based on shallow reasons) or she only wanted to date him to bolster her fame and reputation ? Some people pointed out that in Oni-Chan Lila told the akumatized Kagami that she can't give up on pursuing Adrien cause she's in love with him and her lying detector horn didn't grow after saying that, implying that she was saying the truth about her feelings for him. In Protection she implied again to Kagami that Adrien choosing Marinette over her also hurt her deeply cause she was in love with him, but that could've been just a trick to keep manipulating Kagami by relating to her situation.
In any way this doesn't seem to go in hand with Lila's S5 portrayal where she's presented as a literal psychopath who switches identities and whole families whenever it's convenient to her, which obviously implies that Lila can't feel real emotions to other people if she can so easily jump from a "mom" to another one. So I'm feeling a bit confused if Adrien was also meant to be another pawn in Lila's schemes (whatever they are) or was a genuine connection on her end (even if a twisted one).
I looked at the Oni-Chan transcript because I didn't remember Lila ever saying that and:
Oni-Chan: I forbid you to go anywhere near Adrien. (slices car with bokken) Give up on him and I will spare you. Lila: Adrien? I don't know anyone named Adrien. Oni-Chan: Don't lie to me! Lila: I'm really sorry, but I always get what I want. It's not my fault.
Unless this exchange is wildly different in French or one of the other translations, I think it's a stretch to call this a love confession. Wanting Adrien and being in love with Adrien are not necessarily the same thing. In the context of this episode, I'd actually go so far as to call them wildly different things.
Nothing about this episode makes it feel like Lila is in love with Adrien. She doesn't care about him at all. She cares about what she can get from him. She manipulates her way into his house, kisses him without his consent, and never once tries to score a date. It's all about hurting others (thus her forcing a kiss and sending it out to all of her contacts*), gaining access to Adrien's father, and gaining information on Adrien, thus her invading his privacy by snooping around his room via moments like this:
Lila: Ah, is this your mom? You look so much like her. I look a lot like my mom too you know. Isn't it just crazy how much you and I have in common? (opens one of Adrien's drawers and is disgusted to find Plagg's stash of Camembert)
Seriously, what was she looking for here? Why did she sneak into Adrien's house? This episode is so weird.
So, no, I would not say that Lila was in love with Adrien. There's really not a scrap of evidence that points to that read. She's just the kind of person who will do or say whatever she needs to in order to gain power and/or social clout. The exchange with Kagami in Protection was absolutely supposed to read like manipulation and not a true confession:
Lila: It's not your fault that Marinette hates me for no reason. Just go. (Kagami nods and stands up from the bench) I admire you so much, you know? I don't know how you do it. (giggles) I, too, was in love with the boy once. When he didn't want to see me anymore, I was in pain for so long I couldn't get him out of my head. But you managed to turn your love for Adrien into a friendship. You even helped Marinette get closer to him. If it hadn't been for your big heart, none of what's happening today would be happening today.
One of the many problems with Lila's character is that she never gives us a single true emotion other than rage when her plans fail. She lies left and right, making it impossible to believe a single thing that she says whenever anyone else is on screen.
Because of that, you really can't look at any bit of dialogue and say, "She was being honest here!" because there's nothing in the text to actually back that read. It could turn out that some of her "lies" weren't actually lies - for example, maybe she does look like her mom? - but that wouldn't be a clever twist. It would just be a moment of, "Wait, what, that one was real?"
The reason all of this is a problem is that Lila is now our big bad, but we know absolutely nothing about her even though she's been here since season one. What is her motivation? Outside of her anger that Ladybug outed one of her lies, who knows! Why did she come to Paris? Who knows! How did she trick all these women into thinking that they're her mother? Not a clue and that's a problem.
Generally speaking, the point of introducing a character multiple seasons before they assume their big role is so that you can set them up for that role. Instead, Lila was set up to be nothing more than a petty school bully. You can see this by reading fanfics that feature her. No one looked at canon and said, "Yeah, this is a master manipulator who has multiple moms." There are multiple fics where Lila loses just because someone goes and talks to her mom! And if no one is looking at canon and seeing the potential for Lila to be the master manipulator that the show is now painting her as? Then the potential probably wasn't there. The writers are just shoehorning it in at the last second, completely changing who Lila was written to be.
*The kiss from Oni-Chan is a perfect example of this. Lila steals a kiss and then sends it to all of her contacts in the same episode where she tells Nino:
Lila: He might think I've got a crush on him, just like all those other girls who are constantly hanging all over him.
She's so lucky that the show just forgot about this episode once it was over. In a show where the events of one episode are allowed to effect another, this would absolutely lead to Nino finding out about the photo and asking questions. I think everyone who got that photo would be asking questions, actually. Like wtf was that about Lila? Are you and Adrien dating? And if she claims it's a secret relationship, then anyone with a brain would ask why she sent the photo to so many people. This is just not the way that you write a manipulative character. A true manipulator would take the photo and hide it away for a later date.
EDIT: I apparently didn't read far enough into this script and the ask was about a different moment! Doesn't change my general opinion of Lila's feelings, but my logic is different, so here you go! Sorry about that!
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nixthelapin · 4 months
Something I’m realizing is that, if I were in the miraculous world in Marinette’s class, I would probably believe at least some of Lila’s lies because I wouldn’t really have proof most of the time, and if I did I probably would’ve been too shy to bring it up and be called petty (unless I had a personal stake in it), and I also don’t want to be that person who disbelieves people, so why not just go along with it right?
However- what I do know is… I would have hated her.
Could I accept her outlandish tales? Sure. Would it be obvious to me that she’s just being an attention seeker who likes to make everything about herself? Who constantly makes excuses to have others do everything for her? Absolutely.
Because I’ve met plenty of people who only like to talk about things that they do or cool stuff they’ve done, and even if the events were true, I couldn’t stand being around them! I also bace an aunt who would always have some excuse so she wouldn’t have to do any work, she somehow convinced her mom to let her live at home at 50 and unemployed bc she refused to look for a job, and would also literally pretend to be disabled to get benefits from places (this was usually at theme parks). Oh and she also stole a few thousand $ after my grandma died (she was supposed to split it with my dad). Then if my dad ever got mad at her, she’d cry to their extended family and make him out to be the bad guy (and a lot of them would believe her because she was a darling of the family).
I think it would’ve been interesting to have a character like that interact with Lila. Someone who doesn’t necessarily think she’s lying (maybe just exaggerating a little, but who doesn’t, right?), but is really just annoyed by her attitude and how she treats the class. And you could have a manipulation moment where Lila confronts them like “Did I do something to upset you? I’m really sorry, oh I’m no good at making friends,” etc. and tries to put them in an awkward situation bc they don’t technically have anything concrete, but how can you just say “I just don’t like you” to their face when.. they haven’t technically done anything wrong?? (I know some sassy people will be fine with saying that to her face, but this creates more tension I think bc it shows Lila’s manipulations working in a different way beyond “leading sheeple”). It adds a new dynamic that isn’t like the rest of the class, but also not like Marinette.
And I know Adrien doesn’t follow her lies but isn’t antagonistic about it (at least until way later), but he is still aware that she’s lying, and even maliciously (in Oni-Chan, she tries to keep Chat away so Ladybug can be hurt by the Akuma). And Adrien was basically a doormat until she almost got Marinette expelled, which says more about him than Lila, because Lila’s lies haven’t worked on him since he found out she lied about Volpina. Though he was uncomfortable from the start (with her basically feeling him up, ew), but I think it’d be cool to have someone be uncomfortable but not as the object of her attention. Just for a bit more variety I guess.
Anything to make it so that not everyone is just a brainless follower around her.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Out of control 2
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Warnings: Yandere
Words: 3k
paring: step-brother Gojo x sister reader
An: I read about such a relationship. And by law, relationships where people are not related by blood are not prohibited. So if yn has a different father and mother than Satoru, and only her mother married his father. They have nothing in common. Such a thing is like strangers to each other, and since they do not have the same genes, such a relationship is not prohibited.
I was asked to write this a while ago on Wattpad. @getosbigballsack, Sorry for reusing this idea😅
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You ate your cereal at the table, happily flipping through the sweet, crunchy bits.
You recently returned from school from an extracurricular activity your parents enrolled you in, and your brother returned from his job.
He worked and went to college.
He took the job only to start making money as soon as possible to provide you with a home. A house without your parents. Without someone constantly trying to control you somehow.
To be honest, he preferred it when his Father didn't give a shit about him and didn't spend time at home. Since his old father preferred to run around all day and fuck your mother, he doesn't forbid him. However, your mother still tried to somehow influence your life. Is it because you're still underage? Ever since you arrived at their house, you've been a little afraid to interact with him or his father. However, now your closest person is your oni-chan. Happiness washed over your mother when you found yourself in a new family. But other than that, she knew you'd find it hard to live with people who had nothing to do with you. You come from completely different families. You had a different father. You're not Satoru's sister.
You were supposed to feel happy when you got a room in such a big house. In such a rich house. And you were happy. Your life was about to change dramatically. To move to Tokyo, live in a different house, and live like a very rich family. But you didn't feel anything interesting about looking like everyone else at your school. You didn't care that with your pocket money from your "father" you could go to the most expensive stores in the area and buy designer clothes that others at your school had.
You've stood out enough already. You didn't need school fashion to control you.
You fell in love with your brother, and no one could influence that.
Some girls in your class still think they might have a chance of getting your brother as a boyfriend. They want an older guy who can drive them to the shops, pay for them, and still look good.
When your brother found out, he only said one thing. "I love only you."
You believed him in all this because he truly loved you.
As he pulled his heated tortilla out of the microwave as he passed you, he leaned in to place a kiss on your head.
He placed a plate of his warm food on the table and sat next to you. Reaching for the juice to pour it into the glass he has prepared for you.
"Do you like it?" he asked, watching your jaw move as you munched on the crisps.
"Mmm." You muttered taking another spoonful to your mouth.
"I knew you'd like it. I couldn't find your favourites, so I took these." He smiled and ran his hand through your hair.
You swallowed your food to tell him something.
"You didn't have to buy it." you hummed giving him easier access to stroke your head.
"Don't you like it?" he asked coldly. His smile disappeared for a moment. And in that moment you remembered the existence of his dark side.
But you also love this site. After all, it's part of him.
"I like it! I really like it! But you didn't have to go to all that trouble to get it, nii-chan." You tried to calm him down.
"Trouble? It wasn't trouble for me. Cheering up my little Imoto is something I love to do. So don't think I didn't enjoy it. Besides, I had to buy us some dinner. After all, the old ones are not at home as always." He laughed.
It's kind of sad that his father spends most of his time at his company, and your mother is there with him. Or they go out together. What you don't understand is that they could take you out for the evening as well, but they don't.
Perhaps they both see that you only have the best time with your brother?
"They should be back soon. Do you think they'll be in the mood to sit here with us?" You asked, and your innocence only made his heart beat faster and harder.
You thought so innocently. You were curious whether your parents - ruthless money demons - would want to spend time with you.
Even if Satoru is considered a demon.
Womanizer? The infamous male whore?
He's not like that. Especially because in his heart there is only you. And if he hurt you, he wouldn't even feel the need to live here.
His life would then become empty. And nothing would ever be like before.
He lives to protect you and care for you.
He is in the world only for you.
And now he was just wondering, how had he been able to smile in his life years before he met you?
"How was it at work? Aren't you overwork yourself?" You asked him calmly.
You watched as he popped a mountain of tortilla into his mouth, and bit off a good chunk.
His mouth has always been bigger than yours...
"Hmm?" He grunted, enjoying the taste, but it was also a request for you to explain it more.
You asked so suddenly...
"You go to college, you drive me to school to bring me home later, you take a job. Plus, you're still spending time with me. Isn't that too much?"
"What do you mean by that?" he asked as he put down his food.
"Aren't you tired of doing so much?"
He sighed slowly, and put his elbows on the table. And suddenly he smiled.
"You know I'll do anything to give you the best life, right?"
You nodded. Then he looked at you. His blue eyes so beautiful and happy. You wondered if he had his mother's eyes. Especially since his father doesn't look as good as he does. You never met his mother, and you never will.
"I do it for you. I attend the best college because my father got me a place there. However, it will end soon. I am working to start earning money as soon as possible. To buy a house. For you. For me. So that we can live together without any obstacles."
What he was saying was really a dream... Will your mother even let you go with him?
If he was your real brother, she'd probably allow it.
However, he is a stranger to you who plays your brother.
You're not related at all. You don't even have the same last name.
Your mother has two last names, but for your "good" she decided that even after she took her new husband's last name, you'd stick with your father's last name.
So you are still (l/n).
Would you like to have the same name as Satoru...
But then everyone would want to separate you.
You couldn't be that close because everyone would think you were in an incestuous relationship.
it is not.
You two have nothing in common. Except that your parents are together.
Therefore, you don't have to worry about anything being illegal. He is only two years older than you.
You two could be a couple without any obstacles.
That's the only reason you're glad you two aren't real siblings. Because you can be as close as other siblings can't be.
"Do you think they'll let me?" You asked softly, playing with the flakes floating in the milk.
"Can they forbid you if you grow up?"
"I'm not an adult yet, Toru..."
"Not yet. But you will. My sweet Imoto will grow up someday. And you can do what you want."
"Can I be with you?"
His eyes widened slightly, there were two options for what you said. One thing is whether you can be with him as a sister. And the second is whether you can be with him even closer.
These two options were great for him. But honestly, he preferred the latter.
Cutting off from your parents will be the easiest.
"If you want, little one." He said with a small smile. "Now eat. Everything is to disappear from your bowl."
"That's right, oni-chan." You laughed.
When he sees your smile, it's like it's the only reason for him to live.
It took a good couple of minutes before he came to his senses from looking at you.
"Aren't you eating?" You asked cutely, seeing that his food was on the plate and not in his hands or in his mouth.
"Oh yeah. I just stared. Because you look so cute."
You smiled with a slight blush.
You're used to such compliments from your brother.
Sometimes you wonder if you can call him brother.
By law, you can be in a relationship with him. You don't have the same blood. You don't have the same parents. You are almost strangers to each other. It's just that your parents are married.
However, you have been talking to Him as a brother for several years. But you know that he, as your brother, can't do more for you. That's why you'd rather stop talking to Him like that. And maybe it would turn out that he would like you as something more?
He has told you many times that you can talk to him however you want. So if you talk to him now, maybe he'll clear your doubts?
Maybe he would directly tell you if he would like you as something more or if he just wants to stay with you as his little sister? Because he has a right to have a girlfriend and his own life.
Even if it hurt you, you can't be angry with him.
You love him.
And now he was thinking about something else.
He would like to have you forever.
And as your brother, when you mix together, he won't be able to stop you from looking at other guys.
He would like you to be only his. But he knew that someday you'd be hungry for romantic love from someone. Would you like to have a boyfriend. And you don't have it yet.
Admittedly, he gives you the same thing your boyfriend would give you.
But he didn't know if you would let him closer than he is now. Surely you would let him do something. However, whether you want him or someone else...
He had to keep you for him. He would never let any other man touch you. For someone else to touch you.
Only him.
You are HIS.
And he could repeat it endlessly. Again and again.
You wouldn't have the courage to ask him if he wanted you more than that.
However, he is open to you.
Such questions would be at the beginning of the day.
Questions about your love.
He took another big bite of his food.
And when he swallowed, he looked at the wooden table next to his plate.
Ask or not?
You have to ask.
That's not why he's been telling himself for years that you belong to him.
He didn't show everyone that you belonged to him.
"I have a question for you." He said suddenly, and pushed the plate of his food away.
"Hm? What is this, nii-chan?"
Nii-chan... You say that to him. That's so sweet. But if you called him Toru all the time, or baby, it would be even better.
"You want to live with me forever?"
He was still looking at the table.
"I want so much." you said calmly.
You couldn't read anything from his face.
"We will live together and we will live together." He smiled at you, closing one eye to add to his charm.
You smiled hard.
That was the smile he wanted to see.
A smile that belongs to him.
He will be with you forever.
"But there is one condition for this to happen." he said showing one finger of his hand.
You looked at him innocently. You didn't know what to expect. It was so sweet.
"There is only one condition you must meet for this to happen. Imoto-chan."
"What is this?"
His smile widened. You really wanted to know what to do to make it happen.
You really are perfect.
You waited patiently for him to say it.
"When you grow up, let's get married."
That way you'll be his forever.
No one can forbid you.
You're not really siblings.
You sat on his lap for the rest of your dinner. In one chair, with his hand around your waist.
Your answer didn't shock him at all.
When you mix together, you'll have his name.
And a ring on your finger.
Even if someone may not like it. You're not doing anything wrong.
His lips were suddenly placed on the side of your neck.
His tiny kiss tickled you.
You started to giggle lightly.
"Toru. Stop. It tickles." You said wrapping your head around his.
"I love you." He said to your skin. And his voice clearly showed that he was smiling.
And suddenly two people appeared near you.
"Satoru? What's going on here?"
You quickly turned your head to the side to see the surprised faces of your mother and Satoru's father.
However, he paid no attention.
His head was still on your shoulder as he held you close to his body.
"Satoru." His father said firmly.
Only then did he look back at them.
He gave them a cold look. If looks could kill, they'd be dead a few times already. However, you can only die once.
When they didn't say anything, he went back to resting his head on your shoulder.
"Satoru, what are you doing here? With (y/n)." He said stepping closer.
"Can't I hug her?" he muttered a bit hostilely. Sometimes his head blocked your view, so you gave up looking in that direction.
"But it -"
"You forbid us to even hug. What about something else. Do you think this is our dream? You wanted to make us happy, didn't you?" He cut him off.
His head on your shoulder didn't move.
"I just want to talk about what's going on here right now. Is the way you two sit a normal position for siblings?"
"We are not siblings. We have nothing in common. We don't even have the same last name. We have nothing that connects us."
He didn't know what to answer to that.
"Do you think I would let her go? You wanted to send her to boarding school."
Why don't you know about it.
"Satoru, it's not like that–." your mother started but he interrupted her.
"I'm talking to my father. You are guilty of agreeing to everything."
"Son, it's only for your own good. You're an adult, you'll graduate. You'll start working, even in my company. At your age, I already had an arranged marriage with your mother. you should-"
"Should I look for a wife?" he asked mockingly. "Why should I look when I've already found one?"
You felt his grip on you tighten.
"You could have prevented it. If you had given her the same last name as mine, this wouldn't have happened. But you didn't want to make such big changes..."
"Satoru –."
"We're moving out in a few days. To the house you bought me, and on my birthday you signed it in my name."
"(y/n)!" your mother screamed.
You looked at her.
If you have anything to say, it's that she can't take care of you. And she makes sure that her next husband doesn't leave her. That's why he doesn't leave Satoru's father a step. And still supports his words. Even if your Father died. Money, power. She loves that about Satoru's father. And they met together so suddenly. Do you believe they fell in love? But will it last...?
Your Satoru didn't want you to say anything.
He will take care of everything.
You didn't say anything. Even though you wanted so badly to get her all those years she left you to be with your stepfather.
You could be grateful for that. Because because she left you at home, Satoru started taking care of you.
"Are you moving out? (y/n)! I am your mother! You are 16 years old! You can't live apart!"
"You can tell she lives with her brother. Or you can say that she lives with her older boyfriend. Or even with your fiancé. I do not care. I just take her with me. You could have prevented it until I started getting involved with my little sister. But now... It's impossible. You can accept it or not. I don't care either. You cannot control us. And you can't forbid me to have it. Besides, for you guys, it'll stay in the family. We will not bring any other people into the family."
Suddenly he stood up taking you in his arms.
"You didn't give her my last name so I'll give it to her." He said as he walked past them as you held onto his neck and he slowly started up the stairs.
"O-Oni-chan..." you moaned as he set you down on his bed, hovering over you with a small smile.
"Satoru. Call me Satoru now." he said, suddenly bringing his lips to yours.
"We're moving out. You see, we'll live together."
"When will I have your last name?" you asked, playing with his hair.
"When you're grown up. The moment you want it. Because you are mine. And for you, everything will become possible. I'll take the stars down for you. I will fulfill your every wish."
And your desire was to live happily with him. Only you.
You pressed him against your neck, causing him to lie on top of you.
And hugging him tight, you wanted to be with him forever. Always only with him.
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neohyxn · 2 years
skz recommendations
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STRAY KIDS [ot8 or multiple members!]
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don't tell ! by @yoongisleftearring
synopsis: things are a bit too normal now, what would happen if you were to hypothetically be the cause of two of the school's most powerful beings' problems while also being hopelessly in love with one of them // OR // in which after witnessing something you shouldn't have, a particularly intimidating Oni forces you to keep his secret only to tangle you up in their mess
pairing: oni!seungmin x werewolf!f!reader x siren!hyunjin
genre: smau, supernatural au, crack, fluff, slight angst, violence, mature themes, cursing, poly au, mxm
status: ongoing!
warnings: cursing, violence, mxm, sexual themes
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skz pack! universe by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy
synopsis: a synopsis isn't given because their isn't a specific plot, there's just a story line and different fics within it, if that makes sense. i'd suggest reading the prequel series first, because it gives you the stories of how they all met !
pairing: skz x reader [i believe its a female reader, as feminine genitalia are mentioned]
genre: a/b/o universe, wolf au [i think], fluff, crack, angst, smut
status: ongoing!
warnings: cursing, violence, mxm, sexual themes
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coming soon...
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blood & water by @yoongisleftearring
synopsis: in which you are thrown into the magical world of Creon alone, without knowing that you could be the one to tear it apart. // OR // it was prophesized that the child of the two of Creon's mightiest heroes will hold the power of the gods and bring upon us the end of the universe as we know it and you are the ticking time bomb that he can't seem to leave alone.
pairing: witch!lee know x f!reader
genre: smau, supernatural au, crack, fluff, slight angst, violence, mature themes, cursing
status: completed!
warnings: cursing, bad parental figures, violence, mentions of death
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coming soon...
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coming soon...
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synopsis: han jisung has been in love with min y/n, younger sister of min yoongi and maknae of the girl group blackpink ever since her debut days and sees his chance when he finds out that one of his best friends is friends with her
pairing: idol!han jisung x fem!idol!reader
genre: social media au, idol au, fluff, angst, crack, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers
status: ongoing!
warning: swearing, dark humour
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coming soon...
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synopsis: you run away from all your problems— rejection in the eighth grade, confrontation in all its forms, that one overly friendly coworker from your summer job— it’s almost second nature. unfortunately for you, the universe has ensured that kim seungmin will be the one problem you can’t run from. // OR // you really hate kim seungmin, but you don’t have to tell him that— the universe has its own special way of letting him know.
pairing: kim seungmin x f!reader
genre: soulmate au, smau, fluff, crack, more to be added
status: ongoing!
warnings: none given, however i'd recommend reading star lost [first jeongin fic i recommended]
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synopsis: everyone has a unique link to their soulmate, you have the pleasure of knowing whenever your soulmate is lying in the form of tall tales inked across your skin. you don’t expect to find them soon, and especially not in the middle of your nine am lecture explaining why he has no homework
pairing: yang jeongin x f!reader
genre: soulmate au, smau, fluff, crack, light angst sometimes
status: completed!
warnings: none given
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samutoru · 7 months
my love is mine all mine — 0.3 : this side of me
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pairing : akutagawa x afab!reader | warnings : none
a/n - this story is HEAVILY based off of horimiya ! if this makes you uncomfortable, please DO NOT read this smau :) also in this smau, reader goes by Y/n Nakajima!
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chapter below the cut ! | taglist is OPEN !
So we feel the same? I guess that makes the two of us? You placed the glasses of tea onto the table infront of Atsushi and Akutagawa, but Akutagawa started to speak again. "It kinda feels like 'This time is just for me' That's the type of feeling that I get," He said as he smiled.
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akutagawa left half of his body fall off the couch, "i'm never going to another sale event....." akutagawa complained.
"yeah but you went and brought 3 cartons! that's incredible actually, i was only expecting you to bring one," You giggled as you watched Akutagawa gather himself and sit on the floor with you and Atsushi.
"oh by the way—" akutagawa paused, "uh w-well— i ran into someone by accident—" he continued, as he looked at you nervously.
"huh?! who did you run into??" You asked desperate for an answer. your hands were on your table, leaning in forward waiting for him to tell you.
"that girl you always hangout with— yosano..? i don't know her name, she has short hair and has a butterfly hairclip in her hair,'" he answered.
"are you sure it was yosano? wait— and you met her looking like that??" you asked as you stared at him begging for an answer.
"Yeah but we didn't talk or anything," Akutagawa explained as he chuckled before patting Atsushi's head and leaned back to fix his button up shirt.
what the hell am i thinking?
"for some reason," you paused letting out a sigh,
" i don't want anyone else but me to see this side of you," you continued feeling that wave of relief as soon as you told him.
"sorry! it's nothing really, it's nothing," you exclaimed as you tried to brush if off as nothing. "forget i said anything"
"i'll make us some barely tea" You said as you got up, feeling his pair of eyes follow you to the kitchen.
"aren't you going to eat oni-chan?"
you opened up the fridge to see if you still had any barley tea left, then pouring into into 3 glasses "uh– nakajima-san"
you turned around to akutagawa calling out your name by surprise, "i— feel the same way. when your dressed like that, when your cooking, when you get all loud and when you're angry as well,"
"actually, even the way you wear your hair at home, and uh— i'm kinda into the whole thing you got going on here at home,"
your face flushed pink, "ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!" You yelled, throwing the nearest pillow at him.
He caught the pillow and chuckled before he could even continue "I don't know, I feel like I wouldn't want anyone to see you this way as well, or to put it— i don't want to share this side of you with anyone else as well."
So we feel the same? I guess that makes the two of us?
You placed the glasses of tea onto the table infront of Atsushi and Akutagawa, but Akutagawa started to speak again. "It kinda feels like 'This time is just for me' That's the type of feeling that I get," He said as he smiled.
"That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard!" You joked as you sat back down onto the floor across from Akutagawa.
You grabbed Atsushi notebook and wrote "Akutagawa is dumb!" repeatedly on it."Y'know your dumb! dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb dumb!" You spat as you continued writing the same thing over and over again.
"Once Onee-Chan calls you dumb, she won't stop!"
everyone else has a side that they don't want to show to anyone ever, we may have stumbled to eachothers side by chance but—
He leaned his face on one hand and continued again,"Yeah don't get me wrong but, I'm not saying that I don't like this side of you are at school but I think this side of you is more cute,"
"you know what I'm just gonna let you say whatever you want you dummy"
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yoongisleftearring · 2 years
part twenty-five: femme fatale
D O N ’ T T E L L !
pairing: Oni!Seungmin x Werewolf!reader x Siren!Hyunjin
-> in which after witnessing something you shouldn’t have, a particularly intimidating Oni forces you to keep his secret only to tangle you up in their mess
word count: 2.7k
a/n: we have made it!! i had so much fun writing this chapter i hope you all enjoy <3
warnings: cursing, suggestive, mature themes, basically the closest thing to smut so...
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Taglist:@channieboyo @randomness7198 @tangerminie @rubberduckieyourtheone @sugarrush-blush @tfkp0p @putmetogetheragain13 @imtoooyoungforthisshit @zoe8stay @slut-for-dabi @moon-gyus @wondering-out-loud @lonewolfjinji @midsoulz @simeonswhore @icouldntcareless22 @smollquokka @aestheticsluut @r0w3n4sstuff @nxahlxl @imtoanonymousforyou
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Jeongin was sick of it. 
He was so tired of all the tip-toeing and hesitancy. Every relationship that had developed within his friend group felt like it had to be some twisted mess with unnecessary drama. Why was it never easy? Well, maybe not Jisung and Changbin. They just seemed to happen, and no one is sure how they did, considering how different the two are.
Seungmin just had to go and overlogicalise everything. The man doesn't have an off button.
Nevertheless, Jeongin had to find a solution. And, through some careful meddling, he had done it.
Or, nearly, at least. 
Just one last step.
"Yang Jeongin!" you howled from your bedroom, the door flying open a second later to reveal you wearing the dress he had bought. He whistled. "Shut the fuck up," you rolled your eyes, stepping out of your room fully to look into the full-length mirror that lay against a wall in the hallway of your dorm. "Who do you think I am? A femme fatale?" 
"Tonight. You are. And you're on a mission," he replies.
"Jeongin," you groaned. "This is real life, not a movie, and I need you to tell me if this is too much."
"Trust me, it's not," he assured. "You look amazing, and when they see you-" he lets out a low whistle while he swipes imaginary sweat from his forehead. "Let's just say this plan will have a very high chance of succeeding."
You huffed out a breath at your friend's words, glancing at him in the reflection of the mirror and then back to your form. You had to admit, you looked great. And you felt confident. But even that confidence was slightly numbed by the anxiety of facing the two men at the centre of your scheme.
You could never have expected this; how could you? Last year, the names Kim Seungmin and Hwang Hyunjin were just that; names. Although you had a considerable one-sided history with the latter name, still, you didn't actually know them. Catching feelings for Hyunjin or, rather, building on your already existing feelings for him wasn't much of a surprise to you. You had always admired him, and getting to know him just solidified that admiration. It felt natural, really. 
But catching feelings for Kim Seungmin? Yeah, that was a surprise. You hadn't known much about the man before you knew too much. He tended to keep to himself, but Chan would mention how he was a loyal friend. Loyalty and reliability meant a lot to you, naturally. And Seungmin radiated warmth, and even though he was extremely hard-headed in the beginning, you appreciated how far he was willing to go to protect his relationship. It was strange. You felt like the feelings hit you all at once, even though Jeongin would argue that he had seen this coming from a mile away, and maybe he had a point; maybe you were so scared of the newness and complexity of the relationship that you had unintentionally suppressed your feelings, hoping not to become a complication for your new-found friends.
But now it was too late. You realised, and you had a feeling you weren't the only one.
Things couldn't be the same. And if this were to go wrong and the ever-so-confident Yang Jeongin happened to be incorrect, then you would take the blow with dignity and pride. That would be what a normal person would do. Though, you had a feeling that a situation like that would end up with you running away with your hopefully metaphorical tail between your legs, blocking the two men on every social media platform and spending the rest of your living days in your dorm room.
With one last spray of perfume, you called out to Jeongin to tell him that you were ready to leave, ending his constant whining about how he would be late to his own party.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Hyunjin watched as his boyfriend furiously ripped through his wardrobe, trying to find the perfect shirt.
"Since when do you care how you look?" Hyunjin chuckles. Seungmin turns to shoot the man a glare before he goes back to rummaging. 
"I always care," he retorts. "But I don't often frequent parties, and my wardrobe is a reflection of that." Hyunjin lets out a laugh at that. "Help me," Seungmin groans.
"Here," Hyunjin quickly locates a shirt for the man, throwing it in his direction. "Wear that."
"This?" Seungmin holds up the light material, inspecting it. It was a sheer black shirt he had only seen Hyunjin wear maybe once.
"Is there a problem?" Hyunjin raises an eyebrow at him.
"Just this?"
"You could wear a vest or nothing," he shrugs, a small teasing smile on his face.
Sengmin mumbles something incoherent under his breath, and Hyunjin lets out a chuckle as the man goes back to searching, this time for a vest to put under the revealing garment.
"You're more nervous than usual, Seungmo," Hyunjin comments.
"No, I'm not."
"Could it have something to do with a certain someone attending the party tonight?"
"What are you insinuating?" 
"Oh, nothing," he smiles, opening his phone and turning his attention to it. "Just, if something funny were to happen, make sure to include me in the joke."
Seungmin knew Hyunjin well, well enough to know that there was a secondary motive behind his words, and Seungmin wasn't sure if he could deal with the consequences.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
"Oh, fuck." Hyunjin stared down at his phone. His boyfriend was in the bathroom and decided to scroll through Twitter to pass the time. Now, he regretted that decision.
Jeongin had posted a picture. Of you. 
Your face was obscured from view, so he had no choice but to focus on the lines of your body. You looked good. Infuriatingly good. The simple black dress complimented your figure, but the chain wrapped around your thigh was what drove him wild. 
Hyunjin gulped. The nerves were starting to hit him now. It felt real all of a sudden.
How had this even happened? You found out about him and his boyfriend by mistake, and then a rather questionable series of events led to Seungmin spending extended amounts of time with you. Hyunjin would be lying if he said he hadn't gotten at least a little bit jealous of how much his boyfriend was focusing on you, so he said it. He wanted to be included. He wanted to see what all the fuss was about. He watched as Seungmin slowly started to fall for you. It was the little things that he would pick up on, things that would remind him of when he and Seungmin first got together. It should have bothered him. It would bother any normal person. But, he guessed, nobody here was normal. He found it amusing. He found it cute how oblivious Seungmin was to his own feelings when they were so clear to him. He liked it. And he grew to like you too. He had always been attracted to you. He had eyes, after all. But it was after those tweets were reposted that he knew. After he read how you actually got him. How you defended him without even truly knowing him. 
He wished he knew you before, but then maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened. But now, he needed you. 
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You stood in the surprisingly spacious living room; that's the reason they have parties here. Their dorm is huge.
Chan rambled on about how he had been scouting out places for a possible den for the pack, and you probably should have been listening, but you couldn't. Not when you were this nervous. 
"You're boring her," Lee Minho interrupts, earning a glare from the wolf. Minho's arm was wrapped around his girlfriend's waist, and you wondered if they were here this whole time.
"I'm literally talking about our futures," Chan deadpanned.
"Exactly," he retorted. "Boring." Chan all but gives up, offering you a shrug. 
"Ah, look who's here," Chan speaks again, motioning to the door with a smile. You know it's them before you see them, and your heart rate spikes. You turn to look at them as they walk through the door, being welcomed by Jeongin, who sends you a wink as he hugs Hyunjin. 
The two men meet your eye as soon as they turn to scan the room. They start making their way over to you, and you need to calm your heart which is beating erratically. 
The plan. Femme fatale. 
Your nervous expression is replaced by one of confidence, a small smile dancing on your red-coated lips.
"Hey." Hyunjin leads, leaning in to hug you, and you can't help but notice how good he smells. He pulls away, and you can't help but feel a tension pull between you as he does so. The look in his eyes is heavy, and you don't have the head to decipher it right now. Seungmin is next, following Hyunjin's lead and pulling you carefully into his arms. He smells divine too. They must share an aftershave, you notice. He mumbles a small 'hi' into your hair before he pulls away, staying by your side.
"So, the two lovebirds are back talking?" Minho questions.
"We-" Seungmin falters, confused by the question before he remembers. "We- Yes! That- that was nothing. We're all good. Great." Hyunjin feels himself grimace at the man's definitely inconspicuous response. 
"I think we could use a drink," Hyunjin speaks as he links arms with Seungmin. "Y/n, you know this place better than we do," Hyunjin motioned towards the kitchen, and your eyes widened. You swiftly nodded, ready to take a quick escape. The three of you moved quickly towards the kitchen, Hyunjin letting go of his hold on Seungmin so he could lead the pack.
"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast. You can't break tradition," Jisung called out, pointing up to the small plant atop the doorframe Hyunjin had just slipped through. 
"Mistletoe? It's not Christmas," Seungmin argued.
"Yeah, well. Someone had to liven the place up a bit," he explained. "I was hoping for a bit more drama than a couple, but you'll have to do for now. Now kiss."
"Oh," you chuckle, looking around to see your friends as well as a few random onlookers waiting for your reaction. "I'm sure Chan doesn't want to see that. I'm basically like his daughter." Jisung turns to Chan who seems uncomfortable with the sudden spotlight being drawn on him.
"I'm not a prude," Chan replies, slightly offended. Well shit. You really thought that would work.
"Look, you're literally dating. Just kiss so we can move on." Fuck you, Han Jisung. 
You're at a loss, and if you know anything about Han Jisung, that evil little mole rat won't rest until he's got what he wants. You look at Seungmin, who looks back at you with wide eyes, and your gaze snaps to Hyunjin, who stands not even a foot away on the other side of the door, eyes trained on the both of you, face void of emotion.
Well, this is what you're here for, right? Fuck it.
You grab the collar of the shirt Seungmin is wearing and drag him closer to your face. His eyes widen even further, and you can't help but think how cute he looks at this moment. You push your lips on his without hesitation because you thought that if you did, you would chicken out. 
Your lips met his plush ones, and you lifted one of your hands into his hair, pulling on the strands. That seemed to snap him from his shocked state, his lips working against yours. You could feel Hyunjin's gaze burning into the two of you, and you pulled away. You smirk as you see the red lipstick that is now smudged across his mouth. He doesn't say a word as you let go of the grip you had on him and take a step back. You hear Jisung let out a sound of compliance before walking away, but all you can focus on is the look in Hyunjin's eyes. He looked furious as he looked between the two of you, stepped toward you and grabbed Seungmin's face, wiping the red from his lips with the sleeve of his silk shirt. The deep red colour stained the white of his shirt, but he didn't seem to care. 
Nobody was paying attention to whatever the three of you were doing now.
Hyunjin turned his back, looking over his shoulder to tell you both to follow him. He walked through into Jeongin's room, letting you both through the door before closing it.
"Look, I'm sor-" you began, only to be interrupted by the furious siren.
"You. Shut the fuck up," he growls as he steps closer to you. All that was going through your head was:
What the fuck.
"You come here wearing that. And then you kiss my boyfriend right in front of me," Hyunjin pants, his breathing becoming increasingly ragged the closer he comes to you. Seungmin watched his boyfriend's every move with bated breath, waiting to see what would happen. He doesn't think he's ever seen his boyfriend like this before. 
"Well, when you put it like that-" you replied as you stared into Hyunjin's dark irises. Something in them egged you on, made you want to push, to give in finally. "What if I levelled the playing field?" you say, your fingers trailing up the length of his arm, dancing across his chest to rest upon his collarbone exposed by his shirt that he hadn't managed to button up very far. Hyunjin just watched you, letting you tell him what to do next, giving you the control to decide what would happen tonight. "That's what you wanted, right? Why else would you drag us into the closest bedroom?" Hyunjin's face held little to no emotion, but his eyes danced; he was enjoying this. You glanced down at his full lips, which were so close to your own. He was all you could see, all you could smell, and you couldn't resist any further. You closed the gap between your lips, and Hyunjin responded immediately, kissing you with desperation and hunger. One of his hands travelled to your cheek while the other slipped down the small of your back, forcefully grabbing your ass through the fabric of your dress. You heard a quiet moan beside you, making you pull from Hyunjin to look to your side. Seungmin stood, his eyes almost black as he stared at the two of you. No words were exchanged as Seungmin stepped closer, not hesitating to put his lips on yours. Hyunjin still held you. His lips travelled from your jaw to your neck, biting and sucking on the tender skin as he watched the two of you. It was addictive.
The sound of the door handle managed to evade your senses, but the small panicked squeak didn't. You broke away from Seungmin, looking between the two men to the now-opened door. Lee Felix stood with wide eyes, trying to comprehend the scene before him. Seungmin's lips swollen, his hair messy, and Hyunjin, with his lips still attached to your skin, shirt now almost falling off his shoulders . With red stains across your mouth, the blotches of colour leading down to where Hyunjin's face was buried, you panted, staring back at the fairy.
"I'm- I- I'm gonna go. Go-good luck," he grimaced before swiftly shutting the door behind him. You watched where the man had just disappeared from, your gaze then sweeping back to the two men, you let out a muted chuckle, and the two men followed. 
"Oh my god," you laughed breathily. Seungmin shook his head, a small smile on his face. He turned to his boyfriend.
"Hyunjin, lock the door," he spoke, his voice low as his small smile slowly faded as he looked back at you. Hyunjin wore an amused smirk as he quickly moved to turn the lock on the door.
"Now, where were we?"
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
"Jisung, have you seen y/n around? I swear if she left, I'll kill her," Jeongin shouted over the booming music.
"I dunno, haven't seen her since she went into your room with Seungmin and Jinnie," he shrugged in response.
"Ah, okay. Thanks," he replied. Then stopped.  "They went into my room?"
"Uh, yeah? Last I saw."
"Oh, my god," he cried. "I'll fucking kill all of them."
"If you need help, I got you," Jisung offered. Jeongin gave no reaction to the man, walking away with a look of pure disgust plastered on his face. 
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sandwitchstories · 2 months
Th Queen of Hearts- Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader WIP
Another new WIP tease by Witch? Yup, it sure is! I know I have more WIPS going than anyone ever should, but I just can't help it. I have severe ADHD and an overly active imagination!
This scene snippet comes from one of my multi chapter fics I am working on. This one is called 'The Queen of Hearts." I dreamed about this scene so I had to write it out as soon as I woke up before I could forget it lol.
A Little big of background for this scene: This is a modern era AU. It is a Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N story. Y/N is the adopted daughter of Yoriichi Tsugikuni. The Tsugikuni family are the 2nd most powerful family in the organization, directly under the Ubuyashiki family. In this story there are 3 Tsugikuni brothers. Kokushibo is the eldest, Yoriichi and Michikatsu are still twins. Shinobu, and Kanae are the daughers of Tamayo/Kokushibo. Muichiro/Yuichiro are the sons of Michikatsu. The Demon Slayer Corps operate out of a multi level underground facility with living quarters and more. If you prefer to read on AO3, click here ! Let me know what you think and if you would like to be tagged when I post! Likes, shares and comments are always welcome! My inbox is always open as well! Don't be shy! :)
Divider by @horangipilled
Updated to include more of the scene: WC: 1700+
CW: violence (this is a snippet of one of the major fights), language, angst
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Y/N burst through the front door of the Rengoku residence in the Hive with no knock, no warning. The alarms began to sound in the background. She had to get them out of there and fast. Not only were Ruka and Senjuro important to her, it was her duty to her beloved to make sure his family was safe. She needed them to evacuate with the others, needed to know they were far away from this battle. She was needed in the main fight which meant no one would here to protect them.
Kyojuro and Shinjuro were on a mission with her father, Yoriichi, her Uncle Kokushibo, and several of the other Hashira. The bastard Betrayer had waited patiently for the perfect time to strike. He used his insider knowledge to the advantage of their enemies and was willingly... happily spilling the blood of his unsuspecting former allies.
“Oni-chan!” Senjuro called, startled, running towards Y/N. “Listen to me, Senjuro,” she said, grabbing his shoulders and kneeling quickly. “You and your mother need to use the secret passage to get out of here. Kanae, Shinobu and the others are working on evacuating the other families. Do you remember the way we sometimes sneak out to stargaze when your brother is away?” He nodded, his big eyes even larger than normal and wide with fear. “Y-Yes.”
“Good. Get your mother and take that route. Not even my cousins know it. Your brother and I found that tunnel on accident as children, it is the safest route. You must go, immediately. When you get out of the Hive, call your brother. They have jammed our signals inside.”
“But Oni-chan-”
“No buts, Senjuro.”
“What on earth is going on?” Ruka asked as she came into the room drying her hands on a towel. 
Y/N gave Senjuro a tight hug before standing and turning to face his mother, delivering the grave news herself to the woman who was like a mother to her, and someday would be her mother in law. If she lived through this night. 
“Michikatsu has attacked with Muzan’s support,” Y/N told her, feeling the horror in her heart reflected on Ruka’s face. “Senjuro and you need to leave immediately. You will go through Kyojuro and my secret passage. Please, Ruka, do not argue. Losing the 2 of you would devastate me, my father, Kyojuro and Shinjuro please so many others.” 
Y/N moved to pull Ruka into a tight hug which the woman immediately returned without hesitation like she always had.  Y/N  pulled back and placed her hands on the older woman’s shoulders. “The Ubuyashikis have already been evacuated, with Shinobu, Gyomei, and several other corps members as their protection. I have given Mitsuri and Obanai directions to where the tunnel comes out and they will meet you there with Tamayo, the twins and the other young ones. They will help get you to one of the safe houses and stay as protection. He should have no reason to go after you all, but we need to know you are safe.”
“You are separating your family from each other? What about Kanae? And who will stay to fight with you?”
Y/N appreciated Ruka’s concern but she could hear the battle raging on the other side of that door. She answered the questions as quickly and thoroughly as she could given the situation. “Kuwajima, Urokodaki, Masachika, Kanae, the Uzuii ladies and I will stay to fight along with the Slayers. Separating our family is the best strategy. At least one of us Tsugikuni girls and those twins have to survive. As the youngest female child, she will have the least value to Michikatsu. He is least likely to chase her. Additionally, Shinobu is a skilled swordswoman in her own right and will also assist with the protection of the Master and his family. Please, go. Hurry. Call Kyojuro once you are out of the Hive and enroute to the safe house.”
“Be careful, " Ruka said, her face settling into it's familiar calm.
Y/N gave them both a smile, taking them in one more time. Just in case this was the last time she saw them or they saw her. “Get going. I love you both. I will see you soon!”
And with that she raced from their residence and joined the fray outside. She was the daughter of the man who was considered to be the greatest swordsman to ever live. He had trained her personally. Trained her in the art of swords and in what it means to be a Tsugikuniin the Hive. They were the 2nd most important family in the colony and the history of the Hive and the Corps. The Ubuyashiki were not only the face of the organization, they were the founding family and the heart of it all. Every single person here was sworn allegiance to them. The Tsugikuni family handled the business portion and the overseeing of the Corps members - training, discipline, instructions, and more. 
Y/N knew that now was when she needed to step up and be a leader. Be the person that inspired and directed the slayers. As long as the Ubuyashiki kids and Amane escaped… As long as the Ubuyashiki family live on, there was hope for the Hive and its Corps. She had no wish to die, but she would not die lying down. She would fight until her last breath. She was the daughter of Yoriichi Tsugikuni after all. 
Y/N took out the demon scum and defectors as she went. She had bigger fish to fry and that meant she was not above shoving them over the guardrails  to crash into the floor many stories below, splattering their worthless remains on the floor. 
She saw Kanae being overwhelmed and ran to help. Her cousin was an amazing swordswoman, but even they could get in bad situations. Her heart was racing but she worked to keep her calm. Her cousin and her people needed her calm. 
Suddenly she felt an incredibly powerful presence behind her and her long hair was grabbed in a tight fist, yanking her back harshly enough to make her grunt. She refused to cry out. She would not give this bastard betrayer the satisfaction. 
“Well, well, well. If it is not the little princess I was looking for,” Michikatsu’s voice reached her ears. She could hear the smirk in his voice and it bothered her on a soul deep level.
“Uncle Katsu, what is the meaning of this?” She asked, straining against his grip.
He ripped her sword from her hand, seemingly breaking several of her fingers in the process and began to walk, not bothering to stop or slow down when she tripped and fell to her knees. He dragged her with him, ignoring the feel of her nails digging into his flesh and clawing at them. His fist was knotted in her long hair close to her scalp intentionally so she was unable to just cut her hair to free herself. 
“I am taking what should have been mine from the start. You and the others are in my way.”
“And your twins?” Y/N mentioned his 14 year old boys, her baby cousins almost 6 years younger than her. “What about Muichiro and Yuichiro’s future? Their lives?”
He let out a sadistic laugh. “If they die, it is of no consequence to me. I am a demon now, I do not fear a mortal death.”
“And Hitori?” Y/N mentioned his wife.
“I killed her already. She no longer had a purpose.”
Y/N saw red and started fighting against her uncle even harder. He yanked her to her knees with the hand still fisted in her hair and slapped her across the face. She glared into his eyes, a menacing looking behind her own glare.
“I cannot wait for my sword to taste your blood, you fucking bastard!”
“Such language just proves you are not suitable to be an heir,” Michikatsu sneered, bending down and getting into her face. “You shouldn’t be an heir anyways. You are just a piece of trash my brother adopted out of pity and a misplaced sense of duty from your pathetic mother begging him with her last words. No one ever wanted you or would have chosen you.”
Y/N’s hand was able to grip the hidden Nichirin switchblade she kept in her boot for emergencies. She would not go down without a fight, she repeated to herself. She would not let his poisonous words into her heart nor allow them to influence her in any. 
“You are wrong! While my father may not have chosen to end up with me that fateful night 15 years ago, he chose to keep me and raise me and love me” 
She moved quickly, shoving her knife up into his jugular. She knew it wouldn’t be enough to kill him, but she hoped it would be enough to break his hold. 
Such was not her luck as he yanked the blade free, sputtering as he tossed it, his blood falling on both of them, before he instantly closed the wound. If the 6 eyes decorating his face, with Number One engraved in his  middle eyes, were not enough to show her the truth of his betrayal, being able to heal his wounds cemented in her mind that he was in fact now a demon. 
Michikatsu’s nails grew into sharp talons, drawing his hand back to swipe down. He glared down at her with a menacing look on his face and a purely sadistic smile that reflected in his eyes. “I don’t need you alive to show the corps you have fallen. I wanted to kill you while those idiots who adore you watched, but I can easily change my plans into displaying your dead, worthless body. Maybe even just your decapitated head."
Before he could reach her with the killing blow, a blast from a shotgun rang out. The person behind the gun having expert enough aim to shoot through both of her uncle’s wrists with one shot. Her uncle’s hands separated from his body, giving Y/N the chance to scuttle backwards, yanking his severed hand from her hair. She looked up, seeing Genya standing several levels above aiming over the guard railing.
“Get out of here,  Y/N!!” He yelled, fear etched into his face before he disappeared, rejoining the fray.
She appreciated his assistance, but she would not back down from this fight. She found her discarded sword not far from where they stood,  getting to her feet and assuming the stance her father and Kyojuro had taught her, sucking in air and entering what athletes called the zone, Total Concentration. 
Y/N steeled her spine and narrowed her eyes. She held her head high as she faced her uncle who now assumed a similar stance with his own blade drawn. He was as legendary of a swordsmen as her father was, but she refused to let that intimidate her.  She refused to let him intimidate her.
Her loved ones had called her Princess since she was little, a term of endearment she had never even once minded. Today, she held it even closer to her heart. Through the blazing fires of betrayal, like a phoenix rising, she was renewed.  As of today, a queen was born. 
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2n2n · 11 months
searching for a reason...
...I really love this phrase for the ch100 image spread. It encompasses so much...
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what reason is there to stay with someone?
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why should Tsukasa live, if Amane doesn't love him, doesn't want him there?
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how do we find a reason to do anything?
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.... Tsukasa and Nene would like Amane to tell them what he wants. Make a decision. Give them a reason to stay with him.
And Amane.... what reason does he have, to stay with Tsukasa, or Nene? To cling to them?
of course, with Nene-chan... there is no reason to stay by her side. He is a dead-end.
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I wonder why Amane fought so hard to freeze time, in the past?
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maybe a similar motivation to Picture Perfect, locking Nene-chan inside of an eternal dream.
Is there a purpose for a boy to stay with his twin brother, forever? Isn't it something you grow out of? What reason do two brothers have, to not grow apart? In school, you have a prescriptive reason to stay in each other's company. As children, you don't need anything like a reason. You don't have to ask your brother to stay; he will be there, in your home, with you, of course. He's simply 'there', you're simply 'there', so, you're together. Like normal classmates even, you don't need any designation. You'll see eachother regularly.
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What reason is there, to tirelessly work to stop time?
How do you keep someone just where you can see them, forever and ever, without telling them why?
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There is a thing in a lot of AidaIro stories....
something like a ticking clock-- a time when characters expect inevitable separation. They often accept it, belly-up to fate's design. Something like, "Oh well", "that's just the way it is" "I don't have a place to ask for anything more".
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In Fox-Masked Guardian Spirit, the entangled souls are on a perpetual timer, resetting at tragedy just before the living child reaches the age of 8.
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Cult and Lily's separate curses place a timer on their bond; inevitably, Lily's seal will vanish, and she will no longer be bound to duty in the church.
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even the twins in AidaIro's Narisokonai Snow White face inevitable separation-- the date Estelio is meant to move into the royal castle with Princess Neige, leaving Rasphard behind in their family's estate. A reality Rasphard accepts, tumultuously-- his brother has a different fate than himself. He is the unfortunate twin with a lonely fate, a life without happiness.
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There is often a struggle... "how do I remain in your life?" a pining. Estelio longs to know his brother, Saza loves Yuki, Cult adores Lily.
Even in Nikka Killey! ... what reason does a useless familiar have to stay beside his master, if he can't do anything for her?
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in many ways, ah.. I think Nika Killey! is the simplest version of this struggle-- reduced to a talented, capable girl set for exams, and her troublesome familiar... there's no looming ah, murder-suicide, poisoning, traditions, obligations, rules, punishments, here. Just two people-- one who simply doesn't offer the other any use. Use! Use!!!!
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there is only one 'reason'!
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With Nene-chan, Amane can't do anything for her. All of the things she lists in Picture Perfect-- getting married, going to college-- he can't do any of that, as a Ghost! What reason is there to stay with him? Nene-chan can say it so plainly: I love you! That is the reason. It suffices in Nika Killey!, MDLD.
Going back to JSHK, there's much in common between Amane and Hakubo, as I've said before! Poor clueless Hakubo didn't have a reason to save Sumire. As an Oni slave demeaned by humans, he was convinced love was not something he could offer to Sumire, even if he wanted to. She didn't ask him to save her, she didn't give him a reason. To come up with a reason all on his own... was impossible for a slave, accustomed only to performing duty. He had never had a reason to do anything, before. He simply followed commands. He had no wishes or desires of his own!
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AidaIro characters often betray tradition or concepts of right and wrong, to secure what they love. Nevermind if it destroys your future ... nevermind if I can only doom you, nevermind if you can't do anything useful, if we can't become anything. I'll have you, anyway, because I want to love you.
I wonder what one can offer to their brother?
The expectation is to grow up, pursue separate education and careers, eventually, right? Get married to someone else... that sort of thing. Isn't it childish to stay attached? Like remaining with your childhood best friend forever, or something, playing games. Immature! What reason can one give to parents? What if the other person has prospects? Like Lily, Killey, Estelio, Nene, Yuki (.... well, deceptively, to their counterparts. Most of those people are destined for agonies if the person they long for doesn't hurry up, reach out and grab them.... it is so fun in AidaIro narratives like that hehe)
If I think about AidaIro's plots... I wonder what Amane went through. Amane lost his brother once, as a child. After middle school, will they really attend the same High School? How long is Tsukasa destined to live, in this cursed life? Do their parents approve of their son's attachments? What do they want for Tsukasa, or Amane, individually?
Amane seemed to resent the bright and limitless future presented by the moon landing.
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Amane had a reason to reject that prosperity.
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What did Amane want to be? Where did he want to go?
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He killed his brother and himself....
to create what future? or.. to prevent what future?
He created a reality Tsukasa could not leave him, marked as his possession. I think Amane made the decision Tsukasa asked of him.... he seems pretty happy about that decision. You decided to stay with Tsukasa, didn't you? Into oblivion.
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Amane had to decide what he wanted .... he decided something, for sure! But... for what reason? I wonder if even Amane really knows, or if he's as clueless as Hakubo after he slaughtered the village that tormented Sumire ....
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I hope you'll tell us that reason some day, Amane....
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Right right right! Also I accidently deleted someone's request for oshi no ko... I think they wanted to do one together with me hehe...
Sorry buddy pls send me another ask... I'm so clumsy! Teehee
Anyway, I'll write one as a sorry
Soooo watch Oshi no ko the new anime
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Soooooo warning spoilers alert as always I saay!!!
Btw way have I ever told i aquamarine, and midnight blue are my fav colours geeeheee u know why I love him!
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Ai always had to be cheerful around them. Aquamarine Hoshino, looked at his own childish form as he had been reborn as her child. He enjoyed it to such a great extent but then again, he had so many troubles with it despite his mentality being of an adult more older than Ai.
He watched his twin sister Ruby, the clingy otaku, who's more creepier than himself. Her side eyes showed rivalry and she had more affection as a girl. Not like Aqua desired any...
He began watching the room and rolling over like any baby, but then Ai lifted him up.
"Aww, my little Aqua is more grown up than me!!! Riiiight?" She teasingly giggled now spinning him around. He didn't find much thrill in it but then again her smile was alluring.
Ruby was alseep, so they were alone this time. Seeing how she was petting him and cuddling him, he felt anxious and had concerns for his mental rights. This could be harassment for his part, but in appearance is a motherly love.
Gaaah! God, why did you make me have memories now of all time! Aqua huffed now.
Ai pouted. "Are you upset, baby?"
Aqua widened his eyes realising a mistake he made, shaking his head he gave a smile and a grin that was childish enough.
"Aww so adorable, thats my Aqua, cuter than most boys!"
He blushed but then jumped at the tingling touch at his sides.
"Oh... ohh?" She teased more."Are we ticklish?"
It's strange how Gorou was actually ticklish in his previous life but somehow assumed he grew out of it, but it's been a while since he's been tickled like this.
He curled to her side to escape the touch, unintentionally being a child for his appearance.
"Well, Ruby has her laughter and bubbly joy despite not being ticklish, but I guess it's luck that you..." she poked his belly again "happened to be sensitive... rwaaar! Tickle monster's attack!"
Mostly, Aqua's squeals and laughter made Ruby open her eyes from her nap. Speaking of Ruby, Aqua was bewildered that someone of her personality was not in the slightest ticklish!
"Mahaha... hahaha, maa..." he was embarrassed by that unwilling sound he said to call her. She was more joyed by it and buried her nose into his belly again "kawaiii (cutee) kawaiii needed Aquaaaa chaan!"
Aqua noticed how Ruby was snickering at him but then Ai picked her up too who was clueless to why she wasn't ticklish.
Disappointed by that Ai's purple eyes glimmering softly "Aaah seems Aqua inherited Ruby's ticklishness as well... which is why he's this sensitive"
"Oh, I'm gonna enjoy that, oni chan!" Ruby giggled making Aqua uneasy as he was constantly being picked on by his little sister from then on.
At least he made Ai smile...
That's what's worth of all this humiliation.
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Adrien should have gone feral on Lila in Oni-Chan. Like this quote: “ He smiled. "I'm still your friend, I'll always be there if you need me. But..." Adrien leaned too close and pierced Lila with a seething glare that was eerily identical to Gabriel Agreste's trademark scowl. For a moment, she actually believed she was standing before the man, not his son. "Don't you ever fucking dare hurt the people I love again." His smile returned. "See ya later!"”
Adrien being intimidating is my fucking jam
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demon-blood-youths · 9 months
Demons of Oda - Pre-Battle || Drabble
Hi everyone! This is a drabble for my rp partner and friend,
Not to get confused with the Sengoku! AU. Demons of Oda is a demonblood youth fraction in Nagoya, Japan.
Here are the actors:
My OC ( Taz Hellion and Kinie Ger )
Supporting Characters ( Miko Yotsuya and Yuria Niguredou from the anime/manga Mieruko-Chan )
Other OCs ( Demons of Oda - Hayato Itachi , Iku Takiyasha, Mundo Namazu )
Name Mentions and Canon Characters:
JJK Cast canon muses rped by Peahen-mun ( Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Ryomen Sukuna and Gojo Saturo )
---- Warning -----
Violence ( dismemberment, blood, cursing )
Incorrect Grammar.
Spelling errors and typos.
A VERY LONG drabble...
---- Summary -----
Taz is on a training mission to clear out some low grade 3 curses with Yuria and Miko. She and the girls are going to do this for training in the city before hitting the cafe for lunch. However, they came across a group that ended in a bloody fight. Would Taz and her friends get out of this? Read to find out.
Taz is on a mission. Gojo-sensei told her this mission is a little different. It's mostly clearing out grade 4 curses mostly flyheads as a sign of training. Taz nods her head happily. She heard from Gojo that her friends; Yuji, Megumi, Nobara and Daichi are on a mission meantime. Taz nods, happy to take Miko and Yuria. After all, they were given their cursed tools to put it into good use.
So far, the training mission went smoothly as possible as Miko had her shikigami badger, Anaconda tackling them and eating them while Yuria practice her barrier techniques to trap them. So far, they're doing good. And now they're taking a short break.
"Wow. That was something." Yuria lets out a whew while Miko sips on her iced tea. Taz nods, "Yep! It's good to practice in the field once in the while. But those grades are...just training. Not the real thing." Taz informs them. Taking a page of Megumi's notebook, she has to be blunt and truthful about it. Megumi is nice but is serious about jujtusu sorcery.
"Yes. We had that full experience of that." Miko said. She remembers when 'God of the Mountain' sent cursed spirits after her family in order to get her soul. She can't ignore ever again. She needs to become strong for herself and her family.
"Yeah. Daichi did said that jujutsu sorcerer is serious business. She managed to understand the basics while raising her cursed energy. Daichi and everyone at the school really help.
"Still...I can't get used to Maki's training regiment. It's so brutal." Yuria sighed.
"But it was good." Miko smiled. Taz laughs, "Maki's training is good. She gives me pointers along with my big brother, Yuji."
"I gotta ask, Taz. Um...if it's alright to ask." Yuria begins.
"Sure what is it?"
"Why do you call Yuji, big brother?" Yuria asked curiously. Taz blink and thinks, "Because he reminds me of my older brother, that's why!" She smiled.
"Oh." Yuria wonders if Taz can ask.
"I haven't seen him in awhile. So Itadori reminds me of him when he left on a journey." Said Taz.
"Left?" Miko thought. Yuria nods. "Got it. That makes sense. Is it because of his personality?"
"Uh-huh, that's right. And also his smile reminds me of him!" Said Taz. Miko and Kisho understood. Miko smiles, "I think I get it. If I see someone who reminds me of my little brother. I would call him my little brother as well." Miko smiled.
"You know...Itadori and Megumi are super strong! I would call them big brothers too!" Yuria said which got everyone laughing.
"Hey you three!"
Taz's nose picks up a scent. She turns around to see a group of teen boys coming over. Yuria and Miko were tense as they see a handful of boys wearing bottom oni face masks. What the? Are they in a gang, they clutch their bags tightly to their waist. In the front of this gang, there stands a brown-orange haired teenage boy with a cocky grin looks at them. His hair is tied in a ponytail. He had that look that screams 'troublemaker' and 'bully'. If Sukuna is here, he would describe this person as a 'punk.' He has a snake bite pericing on the bottom lobe of his left ear.
"Sorry to bother you three, but me and my boys are going to arcade and I was wondering if you three want to come."
"Um..." Yuria hestiated.
"No worries! It's fine. It's just a friendly hangout." Said the man.
"Sorry. We don't have time..." Yuria speaks.
"Don't have time?" The guy can't believe what he's hearing. "Like been out like this? You guys skip school or something."
"We have permission from our teacher." Said Taz. The other looks over to Taz. He raised a brow at Taz and sees the three marks. "Are you..some kind of gyaru or something." Then he takes a whiff of her and her friends.
"Oh." The male blinks.
"Anyway...we have to be on our way." Taz said. But before they leave, one of the group blocks their way.
"Come on. We don't bite." He said, showing his sharp teeth.
"We're sorry. We're not interested. We have to go." Taz said firmly and clear as possible. Then the other got in her space, making her put her guard up.
"Come on. I know that you know..."
'Pup. This one is a not human.' Kinie growls in her mind.
'I know, Kinie.' Taz answered.
'That we are both aren't like the ones around us." The one grinned. Taz had that look. "And that's why..."
"Taz....let's go." Miko tugged on her arm. Right now, Miko and Yuria said.
"Whose your fraction?" Asked.
"I can't tell you. Excuse us, we have to go." She said firmly and clearly. doesn't want to bring trouble to anyone. The last thing she wanted was a fight. Especially with another fellow demonblood youth. The DBT didn't come across any other fraction like the ones in America. Until now. Taz came across this group.
It almost reminds her of the Lupins group. Except, they stay on their turf. She had never seen this group before in Tokyo. Where did they come from?
The redhead male laughed, "Ha! Seriously? You know, we're going to take over this territory soon so tell your fraction that they can get the hell out or serve us!"
Taz narrows her eyes. Then one of the men goes to grab Miko's wrist to which Yuria slaps the one across the face. "Don't touch us!"
This is bad!
"Wow. I like it when they're feisty." Said the leader as everyone laughed. Kinie seeing this through Taz's eyes is getting ticked off by these pests. Taz's lip became thin and then she quickly tripped the ones blocking the way and took each wrist of Miko and Yuria, dragging them away from the group.
"RUN!" Taz yelled. Miko and Yuria didn't need to be told twice as they are now running. Thanks to the training, they got from Maki. They managed to catch up with Taz. Taz makes sure not to leave them behind.
However after a few turns and one block...
The redhead is in their path. "I forgot to introduce myself. The name is Hayato Itachi." He laughed Taz became tense as she had the two girls behind her.
"Taz..." Miko begins. When Hayato approached, Taz was quick, she sliced Hayato's open palm, and blood spilled out. "I'm serious. Leave us alone."
To which Hayato grins, "Heh. Alright, but how about we play a game. A game of tag? If I win, you get to spend time with me and my boys and if you win, I leave you alone. How is that sound?"
'This annoying-'
"Fine. I will accept. However, you will be the one chasing me as I am the quickest of my group to make this fair." Taz said. Right now, she needs to stay calm. Megumi always tells her to stay calm if things get dangerous so she needs to play it cool and smart.
"Alright then. You and me! Then the boys get the girls. It's only fair, right?" Hayato grins as Hayato's crew catches up.
Taz looks to Yuria and Miko who are now worried. Learning from Yuji, she makes sure to give her best smile to tell them it's okay. "It's okay. Make sure to run as fast as you can, okay! You can do this. Don't worry! I will make it back." She smiles.
Miko sees this and tightens her fist, she nods, "Right."
"Okay, guys!" Hayato tells them. "We're playing a game of tag. Right now, this gyaru here and I are going to be doing it. You just need to catch these two." He points to Miko and Yuria.
The boys nodded to their leader.
"Good! Don't let me down!" Hayato smiled. Then Taz and Hayato disappeared in a blink of an eye. Miko and Yuria took the signal to start running. The chase has begun.
"Wow! You're quick!" Hayato laughed as he kept on chasing Taz. Hayato looks to be gliding as if he is riding the wind. Taz makes sure to go faster and faster. Every time, Taz turns a sharp corner. He managed to catch up. She needs to do something about it. Noabra tells her if things get tough, you gotta trick them!
"Huh?" Hayato blinked.
"I'm going to kick your ass!" Taz proclaimed. Hayato raised a brow, "Haha?! What the hell you say? What makes you think you can beat me? Because of that stupid knife?" He asked but as he raised his palm and looked at it. His palm is yet to be healed. He narrows his eyes. Huh?
'That's why." Taz points. This got Hayato to sneer a bit. "Really? Then let's play!"
And thus, the game of tag became a battle. Soon, several slashes have appeared on streets, sidewalks, and houses. Taz is still running away, entering a construction site.
"Huh?! What's wrong?! Didn't you say you're going to kick my ass?! What's with all that talk, you little brat!" Hayato said as he cut through the building. Taz is still running.
Hayato keeps swinging his sickle but keeps on missing the girl. She is jumping everywhere, using the poles, walls, and trees as launchpads. She enters a building this time, an abandoned one. Hayato chuckles but he gets whiplash as he gets sucker punched in the face. He bounced across the floor and crashed. He was taken by surprise then he looked to see some kind of shadow creature.
Then he got kicked in the face, sending him against the wall. What the? Another shadow creature. He looks to Taz who holds her knife up while having one hand free. Her amber eyes glow golden under the dark.
"Are these things yours?" Hayato questioned.
'For now, I will lend you some of my power. Make sure to beat this pest whatever you can, pup." Said Kinie telepathically.
Hayato growls as he lunges at Taz but the shadowy beastmen pin the demon down with their sticks. What the hell are those? Hayato thought. It hurts like they stabbed him as he got pinned down. Are they carrying spears? What kind of power does this girl have?!
"Are you ready to give up." Taz said with eyes glowed. Hayato growls now and then he lets out a fierce roar, blowing Taz away. The power sent her flying but one of the kinfolk catches her and puts her back on her feet.
"Thank you." Taz said before seeing a kinfolk thrown at her direction. She ducks as the two kinfolk collide with each other.
"Little brat! You think I will give up after doing this to me?! You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Hayato laughs as he goes after Taz by swinging his sickle. She quickly dodges the teenager. It's speed against speed. The problem is that Hayato has more strength than she does and his weapon has more range than her knife. So she needs to make things even. Maki did say that to make things fair, you have to be unfair to win. There is no such thing as a fair fight, only an honorable one if you want to level the playing field.
Her kinfolk recover as they are now ganging up on Hayato. Hayato goes to slash them, some of them take the hit but it goes past them. What the fuck? Then a shadowy fist hits him on the side of his face. "What the hell did it pass through?! What are these, ghosts or some shit?" Then Hayato got punched in the face by both before he got slashed by Taz on the chest.
'Not true. It did hurt my kinfolk but they can easily heal quickly.' Kinie chuckled, seeing Hayato struggling as he is getting beat up by the kinfolk. Serve that dumb fool, right!
Hayato coughs as he staggers. His ponytail is now loose. His orange-brown hair is now loose. What the fuck?!
He thought this girl was weak because she was running around. Did...she lead him here?! Then those shadows of hers are pummeling him while she keeps swinging her knife around. I got hit and cut. This is so annoying!
"Time to get serious," Hayato said, grinning demonically now.
'Huh?' Something has changed. Something is happening.
'Pup. Get ready. He's about to do something.' Kinie speaks.
Taz sees Hayato transform. He grew an orange-brown coat on the top and beige under with dark markings on his face. He grew in size as his neck became long. He doesn't look like a wolf as his ears are short and has whiskers with a long tail. He looks like...
'A rodent. A squirrel?' KInie growled.
Ferret. Taz thought. But the correct one is weasel.
Regardless, Hayato isn't cute in that form as he looks pretty demonic. He has red eyes, sharp teeth as he has overbite with two fangs, and curved claws that look like sickles.
"Little shit!' Hayato laughed, now tossing the sickle behind him. "Bet you don't have a form like that! That's what you get for protecting some weak humans!"
Taz grips the knife tightly as she frowns. As long as they're in the clear and with people getting caught in the crossfire. It's fine. As long as Miko and Yuria are out of here and are safe, it's fine!
"I call this werebeast from; the Kamaitachi!" Hayato swipes his claws at the air towards the side and right away, a powerful gust of wind and several trees are cut down. "See that?! Even your shadow dolls won't get near me. So what are you going to do about it?!" The weasel laughed.
Taz didn't falter. She is nervous but she didn't do all this training for nothing! Also...this place isn't safe. If his claws can do that, she needs to run again.
'Let's show him what we're capable of." Kinie growled as two more kinfolk appeared. "Whatever I can do to beat you." Taz answered making Hayato sneer.
"Alright then!"
Then Hayato lunges at her. Taz quickly dodges. Hayato swipes his claws at her but one of her kinfolk pull her out of the way as the wind slashes missed her.
The battle is still ongoing.
---- Meanwhile ----
The two girls, Miko and Yuria are now hiding behind a vending machine as they can hear the sounds of the men trying their best to look for them but they haven't yet.
"Can you go to Jujutsu High by yourself?" Yuria asked seriously. Miko widen her eyes, "What?"
"You're the one with the best chance in escaping and getting to the school, letting our classmates know what's going on." Yuria said. Miko blinked. "B-but..."
"With your shikigami, you can have him ride you back to town. I will just slow you down. That way, we can split up since those guys are just easy to run away from. I will buy you some time, okay? We just need to split up." Said Miko.
Miko grips her skirt as her badger comforts her. "Alright, let's do it. Knowing Taz, she will be okay! If we spilt up, I can get help while you distract those guys."
Yuria grins, "That's right! Together, we can do this-"
"So you're the ones that Hayato wants?"
A voice is heard. They look up to see a teenage boy with white hair with a goth look. They both froze seeing the other. Miko breathes. His cursed energy....
"Tch. Guess I have to stop him from doing something stupid, again. Look, let's talk this out and-" Yuria swing her staff, hitting the man on the top of his head. He staggered and Yuria screamed, "Miko! RUN!"
And so Miko did.
This leaves Yuria to deal with this guy. The goth teen hisses, rubbing his head. "Tch."
"Listen here you jerk! I won't let you get any of us, you heard?!" Yuria yelled. The goth looks bored by this. "That right? Sorry about this but it's going to get scary." The goth snaps his fingers and right away, a figure overshadows Yuria whose eyes widen in terror.
----- Taz and Hayato ------
Taz is moving across the property, creating distance between her and Hayato in his demon form. Hayato kept on slashing, huge gashes appeared on the walls and a few columns were cut. Taz's uniform has tears and some blood spilled. She is bleeding from her shoulder. A cut across the leggings. Hayato laughs as he gets one of her kinfolk in its grip. He crushes its head, killing it. Taz has one kinfolk remaining. She needs a plan. A good one.
Then an idea hits her. Maybe she can use that. Yes. That can work, right. She has been training this one for a while. So it's time to put this to the test.
"Smash," Taz commanded her kinfolk to smash into a wall. She enters a hole as smoke fills the floor. Hayato snorts.
Inside the hole is a dark room. Hayato steps into that room.
"What? You think...you can lose me in the dark. Weasels like me can see in the dark, gyaru." And then there she is. She is kneeling while having her knife ready. Hayato laughs as he keeps going. Then he raises his claw but then...he steps on something on his feet. Huh? He looks to see several pieces of paper with some incantations.
Daichi. No Kisho...
---- Flashback ------
"Kisho. Can I borrow your papers for the barrier training?"
"Hm? What for?" Kisho said, blinking. Eito on his shoulder chirps. Both are curious about the request.
"Well...I heard from Maki that she has been using them as traps. Not the paper but the cursed charms."
"Huh? That's what she has been using for?" Kisho is surprised by this.
"Yep! She said it's very useful when slowing down curses!" Taz smiled. Hearing this, Kisho is flushed, "Is that so?" Kisho looks to the side as his cheeks are flushed pink, "I'm glad that the remains of the cursed charms are put to good use." Kisho said. Eito chirps happily while Taz giggles.
"That's why I want to use them."
"If you say so, why not! I hope my work can help you a lot!" Kisho smiled, patting her on the shoulder.
"Thank you very much." Taz smiles.
Not only that. She quickly puts the knife on her hoslter and makes a sign with her hands. She presses her wrists together with her hands open but opposite from each other. Both hands look be open mouths with her digits bent slightly almost like teeth.
----- Flashback -----
"Hand signs?"
"Yes, with mine. I have to create shadow puppets using my hands to summon my shikigami." Said Megumi. "But I'm not the only one, there's one from Kyoto sister school who has to clap his hands to switch places with another. Gojo has to use his finger to summon one of his techniques. Same thing with Nobara, she has to snap her fingers to activate Hairpin."
"Ooh..." Taz said. "I think I want to do something like that." Taz smiles while watching Yuria and Miko continue their barrier technique training. They're getting better.
"I think you will, Taz. Knowing you, you just found a way right?"
"Right. I did, Fushiguro." Taz thought. That I did.
"Trap." Taz said then a glow was seen Hayato became confused as the yellow glow blinded him. "What the hell?" He raised his arms to cover his eyes. The moment he steps on the paper, he activates a booby trap.
What Taz made is....
---- Flashback ----
"Taz. Are you making a barrier?" Nobara asked. Taz blinks, "Yeah. I'm doing something different. But I was thinking of a barrier that traps curses in place since they can be pretty fast. So I want to help as much as I can."
"Well....I see you're doing hand signs. Are you trying to make a beartrap?"
"That's what your hand signs remind me of." Nobara said with a smile.
"Really?" Taz blinked. She never thought of it.
"Yep! But if you ask me, I can teach you how to activate it. You just need a catchy word followed by closing your hands together." Noabra grinned. "For now, let's take a break. I found this great clothing. Look at the clothes they have." Nobara shows the outfits that they're selling on her phone.
"Oh!" Taz said, looking interested with a smile.
"Yep. I got these cool snapshots of these outfits." Nobara said. Then Taz pauses. Nobara blinked, "Taz. You okay."
"I think I got it. I think I got the perfect word!" Taz smiled.
"Snapshot!" She clasped her fingers together and the beartrap snaps shut, trapping Hayato. The painful jaws that put Hayato in place makes the demon gasp. He is trying to push the jaws away but it's hard. He can't get out of it. He growls.
"You little...shit!!" His red eyes glow with fury. Then another glow is seen. This is the first step, the second step is an explosion.
An explosion came about and smoke fills the area. Hayato is now staggered as he is in smoke. His world became spinning as his fur was burnt and he coughed up smoke, receiving a lot of damage. Now for the third part.
Hayato widens his eyes at the kinfolk now staring him down as it raises its fist. "Huh?!" He sweatdropped.
---- Flashback -----
"Wow...big brother Yuji is so strong," Taz said, watching him spar with Panada. Both are heavy hitters if her friends watch them fight. Remembering his moves and all. Seeing him is so awesome especially when he fights. She hopes to be as strong as him someday.
"Kinfolk. Itadori Barrage!"
And that's what kinfolk did as commanded. A fury of punches came at Hayato's way. The demon felt all of them. Each hurt worse than the last. A knuckle at the throat, one in the gut, one across the face, at the temple, at the ribs, and everything.
Hayato is now on the ropes. His back hits the wall as he is getting a relentless beatdown. All his senses are ringing. He can taste the blood and bile in his mouth. The kinfolk didn't let up until Hayato is down. Hayato tries to counter but kinfolk wraps a arm around Hayato's wrist where his claws won't touch. It punches the weasel at the cheek. A tooth came out of Hayato's mouth.
And now take a page out of Sukuna's playbook. The kinfolk let go of Hayato.The kinfolk slashes the weasel demon across the chest and then brings two fists together, slamming him down against the ground. Hayato coughs as he connects with the ground harshly. He twitches.
Taz panted as the kinfolk came back to her side. She did. The plan worked. She did it. She brought Hayato down.
'Not bad.' Kinie commented in her head. She is impressed at how the pup managed to bring down someone twice her size. Then a growl is heard.
"But it's not over yet.' Kinie warned her. Hayato is getting back. He is wounded. There was damage on his back and shoulders. A slash across the chest and some internal injuries that are going to take time to heal.
"You! Goddamnit! There's no way I would be taken down like this!" Hayato growls now. He is now moving slowly. He never got beaten like this! What the hell! She does belong to a fraction. Whatever it is. He won't let this last.
"HAhahahaha! You really got me there but I won't be beaten by a trick like that!"
'Pup. Get ready!' Kinie tells Taz. However, the demons did not move. She can barely move. She tries to jump but she is stuck and so is her kinfolk.
"What the hell?!" Hayato growled as he is in the same boat as her. What's trapping them?! She sees what's trapping her feet. Mud?!
Then a sheer force slams Taz against the ground hard. She coughs as she can taste the mud in her mouth. She then sees the kinfolk smashed as well by another skeletal hand.
"Damn it, Iku! Who told you to get in my way?!" Hayato shouted.
"Seriously." Said the teen Iku. The teen named Iku wears a choker, spiked bracelets, and a piercing. He has a gothic style to it.
"We're trying to stop the fight!" Said another teen.
"Who asked you, Moudo?!" Hayato barked at a timid boy with squinted eyes whose hair is slick with two long twirled strands over his forehead. He wears a button-sleeved shirt where underneath is a tee with a fish on it. He is hiding behind Iku.
Taz sees this and she sees what's holding her down. A large skeleton pins her down with its hand. Is that person controlling it? The skeleton is big and only it's upper half appears.
"You probably be dead if I didn't butt in, Dumbass." Iku answered.
"Who the hell are you calling a dumbass!" Hayato yelled.
"You are! You're going around picking a fight with some demon having no idea which fraction she belongs to." Iku glares.
'Ha! Seriously, Iku?" Hayato scoffs. "That demon brat over there is with humans! I highly doubt she has a fraction. If she did, they could of shown up by now!"
"You know we have humans in our ranks?" Iku said, making a face. "Besides I hear from the guys that you're starting shit again by picking up some girls. Then you caught a whiff of her and she was kicking your ass." Iku explained. Hayato glowers.
"Screw you both! I don't give a shit!" Hayato said. "Anyway! Let me finish this fight because I know I didn't get my ass kick!" He growled through his fangs as his whiskers twitched.
"Tarohito wants to talk to you." Said Iku which shut Hayato up. "That's what I heard from him." He tells him. Hayato grits his teeth in his were form. Iku stands his ground, "And you know Tarohito isn't the kind of guy that waits around when you're messing around."
"Goddamnit! Fine! But I need to-"
"What if that girl belongs to Shinseina Hogo?" Iku tells him which makes Hayato grumble and Moudo whimpers, hearing the name. "If she belongs to them, I doubt Fuji-Hime would love to hear that one of their own got harassed and hurt."
Then Taz starts to struggle to which Iku looks over to her, "Forget it. If you try to move, I won't guarantee your friend here." Iku has Yuria by the arm.
"Y-yuria..." Taz said. Yuria apologizes, "I'm sorry! We spilt up. B-but...Miko...she got away! I help by distracting them!" Yuria said.
No, that's good to hear. As long as Miko got back, that's fine. Iku narrows his eyes at this, "Just do what we said and no one gets hurt. I make sure she gets home safe." Iku said. Taz growls. She was there. So close to beating Hayato but with Yuria here, she has no choice. She can't let Yuria get hurt!
And so, Taz relaxes.
'Pup! What are you doing? Let's summon a kinfolk-"
'I can't let Yuria get hurt! I don't know what they're capable of. I can't underestimate them.' Taz tells Kinie in her mind. At the same time, Taz tells him. "I will stand down. Please don't hurt her."
"Good." Iku looks to Yuria now. "Don't worry, we won't kill her. We just need to get her away from us." And how? Iku snaps his fingers and the skeleton lifts Taz off the muddy ground. Then suddenly, the skeleton threw her across the town making Yuria scream as she struggles to get out of Iku's hold. But his grip is like iron.
"WHAT THE HELL?! TAZ!" Yuria screams, "LET ME GO!" She hits Iku on the arm. Iku sighs, "Relax. Since she's a demon, she'll live." Iku shrugged, now dragging her away with Hayato following behind him, grumbling, rubbing his arms.
Taz's world was spinning before she landed hard on the ground. She heard a crack from her back and she was in the ground. Her eyes were half-lidded as she was sprawled against the ground.
"Ugh...I got to get back.'
'Pup! Don't worry! I will get you back!' Kinie yelled. A kinfolk is conjured and takes Taz in her arms. It runs through the forest, trying to make its way to the campus. Soon, Miko arrives at the campus and sees Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Kisho, gasping as she got off her shikigami badger with tears in her eyes, telling them the situation.
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nothingtherefornow · 2 years
Miraculous is getting darker with how truly insane and messed up Lila is
I already talked in a previous post about how more dangerous and demented than we thought Lila is thanks to a leak of episode 12 that I recently discovered, but seeing an animated preview of that very scene I talked about was even more striking and impactfull.
Okay so ... from the Gloob trailer of the season 5 episode 12 Perfection, it's very official now that Lila is a deranged psycho.
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The girl not only seems to have tons of photos of Marinette with her family and her friends, but we can clearly see that all these photos were probably taken remotely without the consent of Marinette and her loved ones, either by Lila herself or by someone she will have paid to do this.
And as if it wasn't creepy enough, it's was even more disturbing to discover that Lila cut Marinette's face from all those photos
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THIS, people, is what the actions and behavior of a stalker really looks like (while any photos of Adrien that Marinette owns are either from Magazine or photos Adrien consented to)
I can't deny that discovering this about Lila's character scared me, even if there was already signs in previous seasons that Lila could be a psycopath (or a sociopath if this term corresponds better to her medically speaking) :
Lila's hatred towards Ladybug has always been out of proportion, even though the heroine ruined Lila's chances with Adrien she still apologized, but in Heroes's day part 1 listening to the heroine's praises and Gabriel insulting Volpina were enough to make Lila explode in rage
in Chameleon Lila willingly got herself akumatized just because Marinette and Adrien offended her, and she sent a an icy, hate-laden stare towards Ladybug after the heroin proposed her friendship to Lila. Not only that but Lila went back on her deal to let Marinette decide to be against or with her the moment Adrien showed that he was interrested in Marinette than Lila
in Oni-chan, Lila tried to manipulate the situation so she could to "get rid" of Ladybug
Not only Lila was cruel enough to get Marinette expelled from school even after Marinette chose to leave her alone, but her satisfied smile when seeing Scarlet Moth was back was also very disturbing
At the end of season 4 and beginning of season 5, Lila smirked when seeing Nathalie in pain and coughing
All those behaviors and actions should have been alarming enough
But to quote a fan comment on Youtube : "At this point saying that Lila doesn't like Marinette is an understatement, she's at psycopath plotting a murder level obsessed because since when does a sane person do something this disturbing toward somoene they dislike ? "
That person's comment also added that while Miraculous is supposed to be a kid's show, it is currently turning into shades of dark. I personally always thought Cat Blanc was the biggest sign that the show would get darker and darker but even I didn't expect to see such a creepy thing with Lila from Miraculous 0_0
As it was explained in the youtube comment I mentionned, Lila's actions in this trailer exceeds just wanting to steal Marinette's friends and make her miserable : "if anything it's like she want to steal Marinette's life by erasing her from it. You cannot tell me that this is just because Marinette called her out on her lies." For real she even cut the photo of Marinette with her parents, she feels so much hate that she feel the need to also involve Marinette's family and not just her friends O_O
And for all we know Lila may have a list of past victims she bullied and harassed because she gets some sick pleasure from annihilating those who challenge her
We already knew Gabriel to be crazy, but Lila is really on another level. And with those two having a hate-obsession with Ladybug for Gabriel and Marinette for Lila, I'm more scared than ever for our heroin T_T
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nerd-chocolate · 2 years
The Ballad of Sara Berry au Rewrite!:
So does anyone remember “The Ballad of Sara Berry” au post I did back on Oct 7, 2022? Well surprised I’m rewriting it because I want to and have been listening to the song on repeat a bunch of times. It's really good! And this time I’m not making Sara Berry or at least the person who is bad so like Chloé or Lila since Sara Berry just went insane due to the pressure that her father was putting her and before you ask no I’m not making Lila or Chloé Julie Jenkins since they don’t fit the character. So now that is out of the way let’s begin! @artzychic27 characters are in this au as well.
This time, I decided that Marinette will be Sara Berry and Mireille will be Julie Jenkins for the rewrite au. And here is the reason why that is.
For Marinette, I thought about it more and more than realized that it would make sense for her to be Sara Berry. Just like Sara, she can be very obsessed with the things she wants like for example, wanting to date Adrien. Ever since season one, Marinette has shown to be a careful planner and she can (if she wants to) track people's schedules for her benefit and use it to her advantage like in Gigantitan. And Marinette would steal others’ things without a second thought. If it means getting what she wants, check that out in CopyCat and Oni-Chan for that knowledge. Also, Marinette would do anything to take out the competition since in multiple episodes, she is shown doing that even siding with Chloé in one of them also in different circumstances, she probably would kill someone for Adrien. And lastly, Marinette would think prom night was like a fairytale for her since she would want to be the perfect night with her and Adrien dancing under a spotlight while everyone watches her winning prom queen and everyone celebrates that she won. Point is, she would fit the role of Sara Berry including going fucking insane.
As for Mireille, I think before Julie Jenkins lost her leg in that wreck, she was probably in the background most of the time and was forgotten by most of her classmates which are pretty sad if you think about it. You only get noticed by your classmates after something tragic happened to you like losing one of your limbs, poor Julie she deserves better but anyway. Mireille in the canon was in the background and never in the fourth front even after becoming one of the weather girls aside from Aurore. Some of the fandoms don’t acknowledge her except if they want to make her a rival to Marinette like in that one comic. This led me to think that the writers would make her a rival to Mari if they wanted to, which is also pretty tragic when you think about it. But the reason I pick Mireille is that she is really easy to make a rival but not one that isn’t aware of it until well you know but I’ll get to that when I get to the plot section. In other words, I don't have that much to say here for this one. Mireille fits Julie well.
As for the victims of the prom massacre like the post I originally made, they are the narrators of this story and tell the audience what happened. When they’re first introduced they are seen as nothing but spirits with theater masks, ones that are very expressive with a little of how they died like getting cut into pieces or getting poisoned. They are probably wearing fairy tale-themed homecoming clothes like a prince and princess would wear for their coronation since they are getting nominated for homecoming queen and king. I will go in order of how they died, what were their reasons for wanting to be queen and king, and bolding who are the main narrators of this tale.
Mylène Haprèle - She wanted to bring more confidence in herself and thought the queen would be a great opportunity for that and even if she loses, she’ll spend time with Ivan and listen to him when he and the Kitty Section play some music, so bonus!
Rose Lavillant - She thought being homecoming queen would be pretty fun to do and thought having a spotlight dance with Juleka would be so romantic. And even if she doesn’t win, she still dances with Juleka and is going to have the best night ever with her friends.
Nathaniel Kurtzberg - Marc was the one to convince him, he would make an amazing homecoming king and that he would be at Nath’s side no matter if he won or lost. Also, Nath would love to try a crown on for a change.
Jean Duparc - He would show everyone that he can pull wearing a crown, especially people that said he can’t. And he doesn’t care if he is prom queen or king, he is just having a blast tonight.
Ismael Prisk - He wants some gender confidence in himself especially if he wins homecoming king. And he gets pissed off his mom at the end so that makes it even better.
Cosette Bellamy - Zoé convinced them that she would be an amazing homecoming queen and even said that she would be like a knight to them even if Cosette didn't win. Cosette loves the idea of Zoé being its knight and making at least its dad proud of it if it wins.
The last two characters I want to talk about are Adrien and Mrs.Bustier and what their roles are in this au, these roles are important to the story so this will be quick.
Adrien is Marinette’s boyfriend in this au and does break up with her for a reason. His relationship with Mari was okay at first even though there are some issues like how Marinette interrupts him sometimes in conversations and she makes it about her sometimes even if it is completely different but it wasn't a big issue for him to get concerned about. But when Homecoming came around, Marinette became obsessed with it. She expects Adrien to be homecoming king with her but Adrien doesn’t want to be the homecoming king nominee and tries to tell Marinette that but she doesn’t listen to him so he doesn’t say anything. Luka comforts Adrien when Marinette is too busy for him or isn’t using him to help with her campaign and Adrien grows to have feelings for him with each passing day. Luka does as well but doesn’t want to tell Adrien since he doesn’t interfere with his relationship with Marinette and doesn't want to cause Adrien more stress by creating conflict and drama between him and Marinette so he tries to be a good friend to him despite his feelings for Adrien. One day, Adrien took some of Luka’s and Nino’s advice and told Marinette he doesn’t want to be homecoming king and that they could talk about something else for a change but Marinette just gets mad at him and snaps. Marinette told him that he is being selfish and isn’t thinking about what she wanted, and she wishes he was more obedient to her. That makes Adrien realize that his relationship with Marinette isn’t healthy and told her he was breaking up with her but Marinette is too caught up to listen to what he says and thinks they are still dating. Some time passed and it was five more days before homecoming, Luka asked Adrien for his date for homecoming and Adrien said yes! Also, both he and Luka survive, and after some time passes after the homecoming massacre, Luka asks Adrien if he wants his boyfriend and Adrien says yes.
As for Mrs.Bustier, she is Sara’s father but is a teacher to Marinette in this au. She puts a lot of pressure on Marinette to be homecoming queen so she can set a good example to her classmates and if she doesn’t win, her whole family would be disappointed in her and Marinette took that to heart. So she is the same as the canon but her actions have consequences to them.
Now that I got to explain all the characters that I needed to, I finally tell you about the plot and what happens in it! Let’s begin, shall we?
The Plot:
The 1st Act:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was considered a good role model for the students to strive to be. She was popular, had a supermodel boyfriend, was head of the student council and homecoming committee, and her parents had the best bakery in Paris. Mrs.Bustier says Mari was like a real-life superhero to the whole school and Marinette took that to heart. When Mireille Caquet lost her leg in a wreck, Marinette felt sympathy for her and gave her a sympathetic smile to her when she saw her.
When homecoming nominees were announced, Marinette was static especially when she saw her name on top of the list but was a bit surprised that Mireille’s name was below hers. Marinette heard from a couple of the students that Aurore signed Mireille up to be the homecoming nominee and thought she might win it. Marinette knew that they were only voting for her out of pity so didn’t think much of it at first. When class was over for the day, Mrs.Bustier asked Mari to stay for a bit so they could talk. Mrs.Bustier told Mari that need to be homecoming queen not only because it was Marinette's dream to be one but also to set a good example for her classmates since being homecoming queen is a big deal after all. The last thing Mrs.Bustier told her is she doesn’t want to disappoint her dad and mom, Marinette took those words to heart and after she left, started to get to work immediately on her campaign with the help of the girl squad even if they already wanted to help some of the other nominees but Marinette didn’t hear them and was focused on being homecoming queen.
The 2nd Act:
As weeks go by Marinette tries her hardest to make sure people voted for her by either giving them baked goods, handing out pins, or making a lot of posters, I mean a lot. But Mireille’s numbers were getting much bigger that they surpassed Marinette’s. Marinette was furious and even more determined & desperate to win. She brushes her friends, her boyfriend, the student council, her parents, and everything behind but she keeps imagining Mireille wearing that crown and she hates it. The more votes Mireille, the crazier and angrier Marinette got. She fought with Mylène and Rose a few days ago, when they told her that they were planning to be homecoming queen and wanted to focus on their campaign and thought Mari knew since their names were on the list of homecoming nominees but Marinette didn’t listen, and blew up on them, losing them as friends a long aside Juleka and Alix, with Juleka flipping her the bird for yelling at Rose for reason that isn’t a big deal. The whole thing was caught on camera and was on the internet to see which made people not vote for her and take back their votes.
When Marinette saw Ismael in the hallway, she asked him why he was trying to be the homecoming king. Ismael told her the reason, Marinette didn’t care and said him just wearing a tuxedo would make his mom pissed. Ismael felt offended by that since Mari just assumed he was just doing it to piss his mom and while that is true, he was doing it for other reasons. So he told her off and walked away. Marinette was mad that she couldn’t convince him to stop being homecoming king so her boyfriend could be king.
A few days later, she harassed Cosette about being queen, telling them that they should just quit since they just ended up being a disappointment to their parents either way. Cosette got away from her and told her that it not quitting whether or not Marinette liked it and she could fuck off for its cares. As Cosette walked away from her, Zoé came up to Marinette and slapped or punched her in the face and just glared at her as she walked away from her as well. What Marinette didn’t know was that Simon was filming it and it was uploaded on the internet which made even more people take back their votes for her and made them hate her guts even more.
Lastly, she demanded that Jean and Nath drop out of the competition or else, which Adrien sees and told her off for just trying to make them drop out of the competition. Marinette just glares at him and walks away, Adrien apologizes to the two for having Marinette been acting lately and understands they were mad at her. Jean told him, he doesn’t need to say sorry since he stood up for them, and Nath thanked him and then told him that Mari was acting like a homecoming-obsessed nut job and that Adrien might want to consider his relationship with her, which Adrien thought about for a while now.
Marinette’s parents have been concerned about their daughter lately since they heard what has been happening at school. They try to tell her that she may need to stop being homecoming and cheer up in the process but Marinette doesn’t listen to them since Mrs.Bustier’s words are still lingering in her head, so she tells them that she is dropping out, in reality, isn’t and just brushes them off.
Marinette ends up dumping Alya as a friend when they get into a fight, Alya says that homecoming isn’t everything and it is not going to be important in the long run. Marinette yells at her and tells her if she is not going to support, she could just leave which she points to the trapdoor. Alya, seeing that Marinette isn’t willing to listen, ends up leaving with a look of sadness in her eyes. When Alya left, Marinette looked at the mirror right quickly and upon seeing her reflection felt regret for all things she did so far and tried to text Adrien about what just happened but Adrien could only text that I’m sorry for taking someone else to homecoming and I’m no longer a nominee. Marinette ends up thinking he is taking Mireille (who no longer runs for homecoming queen but Mari doesn’t know that) to homecoming and ends up getting mad with a hint of sadness and throwing her phone against the wall.
Mireille throughout this, never really wanted to be homecoming queen and hated the attention she was getting since she just wanted to be left alone. Her friends see this and ask if she wants to be queen, she struggles at first to tell them at first but ends up telling them the truth. Aurore apologized for the unexpected pressure on Mireille to be homecoming queen since she just wanted to boost her confidence and make her feel better after Mireille lost her leg. Mireille understands where Aurore was coming from and says her comfort would be enough for her. So the two made up and Mireille asked Mr.Damocles if she could drop out of being homecoming queen with the help from Ms.Mendeleiev, which Mr.Damocles ends up helping her with. Mireille ends up helping her friends with their homecoming plans and just getting ready to go to homecoming with Aurore as her date.
The 3rd Act:
The next day at school and the day of the homecoming, Marinette went up to Mrs.Bustier asking for some advice. All Mrs.Bustier said is that why isn’t taking this seriously, there is no future for failures at prom, and she should try harder to be homecoming queen. Marinette just ends up getting mad and running out of school with her collecting some of the other nominee’s posters along the way and just ended up bunking with her. She punched the mirror in anger and stomped on her phone. She cried the moment she snapped and just ended up getting ready with a crazy smile and look in her eye. Marinette looked at the poster of the nominees and realized she needs to take out the competition so she can win. Putting on her homecoming dress, putting on her very messy makeup, getting a duffel bag, and putting the things she needs to ‘talk’ to the other nominees for them to get out of the competition goes to Le Grand Paris where homecoming was held.
When her parents got home, they went up to her room to check on her but as soon as they opened her trapdoor, they saw her room was wrecked. They walked in to see her mirror shattered completely and her phone destroyed. They look around the room then Sabine spots something underneath her daughter’s bed and goes to see what she looks like she saw a ghost. Tom saw the look in her eyes and went to see what she saw. He goes to his wife and checks if she is okay and what she saw. Tom felt horror when he saw the posters of kids that had their eyes crossed off and they all had the same word written on them, saying, traitor. The two cried for a moment before realizing they needed to get to the prom now before it was too late.
When Marinette arrived at the hotel, she went to see Mylène who was near the punch bowl so they ‘talked’ for a bit. She went to say sorry to Myléne for getting mad at her while adding some poison to her drink. Myléne told her that she isn’t ready to forgive yet but appreciated it, Mari said it was fine and walked away from her. Mylène is a bit confused and then goes to drink her punch but then starts to feel bad and coughs up blood. Ivan and some of the other students went to go check up on her, only to find out she died.
While that was happening, Marinette went to the stage to see Rose finishing getting her requirements packed up. While Rose is distracted, Marinette cuts one of the ropes holding one spotlight above Rose’s head which smashes against her head instantly killing her. Marinette left the stage before anyone saw her. Juleka goes up to the stage and cries over her girlfriend’s dead body while Luka comforts her.
While everyone is freaking out about the two unexpected deaths, Marinette stole Reshma, Marc, Zoé, Tomassion, and Aurore's phones to make it easier to find and lure in her other victims as well.
Marinette discovers that Nath is near one of the rooms and goes to find him. Meanwhile, the teachers are evacuating the students, Marc, Zoé, Tomassion, Aurore, and Reshma with the help of Juleka and Ivan go to find the other students that don’t know what is happening. Marc tries to text Nath but can’t find his phone and starts to panic, Aurore calms him down and tells him that it is okay and they find him and the others.
Nath spots Marinette with a hammer and seeing that her dress has some blood on it, realizes that he should run for his life. So he did but Mari jumped on him and before she could bludgeon his brains, he said oh shit before he died of the hammer strike on his head. Marinette texts Jean under the assumption of Austin T that he is in the kitchen and badly hurt. Making Jean believe he needs his help and making it easier for Marinette to find and kill him.
When they got to the place where Nath was, they saw his skull being cracked open by something and someone. Marc is completely heartbroken to see his bountonnière dead on the floor and just holds him close to mourning him. While the others mourn their dead friend and comfort, Marc, and Austin spots a note on the floor and picks it up. He opens it and then immediately has a shock of horror with a mix of disgust on his face. When Zoé asks what's wrong, he tells her and the others that Marinette is the one behind this and who is her next target. Marc and Juleka want revenge for their respective lovers after hearing that. They went to find Marinette and stop her so the rest of their respective S.Os wouldn’t die.
Meanwhile, Jean got to the kitchen to find his boyfriend but couldn’t find him. He realized that someone might have Austin’s phone and went to find him somewhere. But Marinette stops him by slaying him in the stomach with a scalpel, making a huge scar. When Jean collapsed on the floor, she started cutting him, opening and tearing his organs, and marinating them in jars. Ismael, trying to find his friends since he got separated from them by accident, opens the door to find Marinette standing over Jean's corpse. Ismael screams for others to find them and try to get a weapon to attack her with but Marinette knocks him out with chloroform and drags him and gets a chair then heads to the pool.
The others heard Ismael’s scream and followed it to the kitchen where they spotted Jean’s corpse with his belly area open and a look of terror on his face. Austin, seeing his boyfriend’s corpse, sobs and says he should've died instead of Jean. Seeing Austin in a depressed state, Ivan took him to where the rest of the students and staff are currently while the others are still going to find Marinette and stop her.
Meanwhile, Ismael is woken up by Marinette hoarily smiling at him. He tries to get up but he can't, and sees the restraints on his legs, hands, and mouth. Marinette tells him this is what you get for messing with my chances of winning, pushes him into the pool, and uses a remote for the automatic pool cover, leaving him for dead and killing him.
The others agree that splitting up would help them find the others quicker. Marc, Zoé, and Aurore go to find Mireille and Cosette while Juleka and Reshma go to find Ismael. Reshma & Juleka follow the bloody footprints up to the pool and when they get up there, Reshma finds Ismael’s bracelet and knows he must bethere. Juleka realizes that the pool has been covered and picks up a remote to it and uncovers the pool. The two girls look at the pool and see Ismael down there tied up and gagged. Reshma jumps in the pool and swims down to go save Ismael but when she makes it back and puts Ismael on the side of the pool, she tries everything to bring him back but Juleka tells her that he is gone since she checked his pulse and it is no longer moving. Juleka comforts Reshma and tells her that they can still stop Mari from their dead friends. Reshma agreed with her and before leaving they both grabbed weapons to beat up Marinette with.
Mireille and Cosette are hiding in Chloé’s closet from Marinette since she is trying to kill them. Mireille called the police a few minutes ago and she can only hope that comes here very soon. Cosette realizes she needs to fight Marinette so she and Mireille can be saved. So they told Mireille that they were going to fight Mari and they promised to make it back. Mireille knows that they can’t talk it out of it, trust it, and keeps hiding in the closet. Cosette gets a bat or something before heading off to fight Marinette. Mari tries to lure Mireille and Cosette out by using their respective lover’s phones but it doesn’t work. Cosette pulls a sneak attack on Marinette and hits her with a bat and eventually gets themself a knife from Marinette’s bag to get a better advantage and has a good chance of surviving at first. But then Marinette slays its chest halfway open leading to Cosette dropping the knife leaving them powerless. Mireille hears Cosette’s screams of fear and cries before it goes completely silent. Mireille goes to peek at what happens but only for Marinette to knock her out with some chloroform.
The other three made it to Chloé room and opened it to find Mari and hopefully Cosette & Mireille as well. Both Aurore and Marc searched the room but couldn’t find anything. When they go to check on Zoé, only to see her and a torn-up Cosette with her. Go to check up on Zoé, only to see that she is holding her deceased girlfriend's head that says A wannabe on their forehead. And as for Cosette’s body, its arms were torn apart from the body, and her elbows were not attached to it and hands. Their legs were detached from it as well and their feet weren’t attached to it anymore. Lastly, their upper torso was cut apart from the bottom half where the blouse was with the two pieces they were wearing. Aurore felt like throwing up from seeing her friend like this and so did Marc. But Marc saw Marinette’s footprints were leading somewhere else and followed them with Aurore following him as well. Before Zoé follows suit, she says sorry that she couldn’t protect it and be its knight like Cosette expected her to be, before gently putting Cosette’s head on the ground and going to help the others.
The gang met up at the same time and started to plan their attack on their so-called friend. They ended up finding Marinette where the dance was being held up and where the crown was.
Marinette tied up Mireille and covered her mouth before waking her up. Mireille is scared of what is going to happen to her but sees Marinette getting the crown she always wanted. Marinette grabs the scepter and puts the sash on her, doing a little dance before saying she is the queen. What Marinette sees is that everyone is celebrating her coronation and she is smiling while having the dead victims behind her and just bowing to her like she is royalty. While Mari is distracted, Aurore unties Mireille and gets her to safety. Marc, Juleka, Reshma, and Zoé attack her and make sure she doesn’t attack them. With Marc stabbing the side of her body, Reshma holding her hands together, Juleka doing the same thing but with her feet, and Zoé putting her in a headlock so Mari doesn’t try to stop Aurore and Mireille from escaping.
The police arrived and told the kids they got the rest covered. They let go and when Marinette tried to escape, an officer grabbed her before she had the chance and took her crown. Marinette is just kicking and screaming and telling them to let go of her, she is the queen of high school land but Marc told her it is only in her head and flips her off before Marinette was taken away.
The ending:
In the end, Marinette is an asylum for the rest of her life, the whole school especially the S.Os are in therapy to deal with the loss, Mrs. Bustier not only gets slapped by Mrs.Mendeleiev, but gets sued by the parents of the dead kids and Marinette’s parents, and gets fired. While the ghost kids haunt her and Marinette for the rest of their lives and see their loved ones whenever they get the chance.
Some final notes:
I wanted to add what were the dead kids clothes inspired by for the homecoming.
Mylène - Snow White
Rose - Sleeping Beauty
Nathaniel - Rapunzel
Jean - The little mermaid
Ismael - The Frog prince or Cinderella
Cosette - Belle from Beauty & The Beast.
Well that all I want to add before leave. Have a good read everyone and hope you enjoy my rewrite!
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