#he just lifts him up
everysongineverykey · 10 months
as part of the getting-worse-before-it-gets-better portion of aziraphale and crowley's season 3 relationship arc we NEED a desperate "i love you" from aziraphale met with a hissed, spiteful, and quickly regretted "i forgive you" from crowley
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cynomain69 · 17 days
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i cant believe sethos is debuting on a haitham banner!!
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keynb · 1 year
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Mer!Mike and Aquarist!Will for pride month cuz I didn't do mermay lol (also a lil hint of buff byers cuz I can't help myself. Do you know how heavy a person is when they're wet? And with a huge fucking tail??)
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saetoru · 1 year
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al-haitham’s the kind of guy who tilts his head slightly for a kiss before you even lean in to give him one. he just knows it’s coming. expects it. trusts it’ll happen.
he’s yawning when he sits at the table for breakfast, hair slightly disheveled from sleep. he sits down and when you place the mug of coffee in front of him, his head angles a little for that kiss you place on his cheek.
he’s drowned in endless paperwork at the akademiya when you stop by to visit, chuckling when he gives you that look of despair at the all the work he has to do. you don’t even manage to walk up to him fully before he’s leaning in and waiting for the kiss to the top of his head.
he’s shirtless in the bathroom, brushing his teeth at night when you walk in to brush yours too, bumping hips with his as you giggle. you don’t even have to turn before he’s tilting his head so he’s exposed and ready for that gentle peck you leave at his jaw.
“have you ever noticed how demanding you are for these,” you chuckle one day, pressing a kiss to his cheek to prove your point.
he grunts, leaning in and burying his head into your neck as you greet him at the door after a long day. “what makes you say that,” he mumbles.
“you’re ready for one before i’ve even come close,” you grin, “what if one day i don’t kiss you?”
“you’d stop kissing me?” he asks, squeezing your hips as he nuzzles into your neck. something tells you he already knows your answer.
and he’s warm. he’s close. he’s here and he’s everything all at once. he’s all you need and everything you’ve ever wanted. he’s the messy hair of your mornings and the pouty lips of your afternoons and that shirtless back of every night. he meets you halfway—maybe even takes the first step so you don’t have to.
he leans in for that kiss before you do. because he needs you, wants you, loves you—and he never lets you forget it. so you turn your head, press your lips against the side of his head and run your fingers through his hair as he sighs in content.
“no,” you hum, falling in love all over again, “no i’d never stop kissing you.”
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The funniest thing about Jason slander, for me, is that it's so fucking contradictory, people would hate on Jason for being "too perfect" "too flawless" "too gary stu-esque" and that he's too boringly good and then will proceed to hate on him by nitpicking his already existing flaws that they claimed he never had (like being mistrustful towards Nico, "leading Reyna on by dating Piper", being too "serious and cold" )
Like mf, didn't you just say you wished Jason was flawed?? So now why r you yapping about what a "terrible sadistic egomaniac" person he is for thinking he can defeat Percy in a silly duel??? Lmao
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC Phantom Punk: Bat Punk
Decided to bring my Punk Danny AU back since all the Spider Punk stuff I’ve been seeing lately has got me ~inspired~ 
The Original Phantom Punk DC crossover Post
Just Punk Danny doing his thing, hanging out, maybe jamming with some folk in a random punk house, when, like it usually does in Gotham, shit happens.
Some thugs show up trying to intimidate and threaten the punks that live there. They’re trying to scare ‘em off, make ‘em sell as part of some scheme to demolish the whole block and put up shitty expensive housing. 
Now, there’s two things Danny knows: Landlords are bastards, and you got to protect your community
Now he could deal with some thugs in and out of Phantom form, but he just got off the GIW radar and beating hired thugs from a crime family brings the wrong kind of attention to his personal life
His solution?
He puts on a cheap Batman Halloween mask someone had lying around and proceeds to beat the hell out of their kneecaps with a bat decked out in denim covered in spikes and patches
As it turns out, it’s not just a one time thing...
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some hasty Laughingstock ft. butterfly!Howdy for your mild enjoyment...
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fairyofshampgyu · 6 months
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A bit random but can’t stop thinking of tying beomie up with pretty pink silk bow ribbons <33 sjdjfuhh%%>€)£€%% tying up his dainty wrists with a bow, maybe one gagged around his mouth too or tying his legs to the bed just bondage with gyu and ribbons tied tight enough to leave pretty marks on his pretty body🎀 🎀 he’s such a pretty boy all tied up just having to take whatever you do to him, all yours to use as you please, whimpering and moaning softly underneath you but can’t move, your pretty doll <33
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hamletshoeratio · 5 months
"I want x spinoff, I want a book about y"
I want to meet the woman who had not one but TWO kids with Hermes. Two kids so close in age and are so alike people just assume that they're twins, two kids who are chaos personified, who singlehandedly run the camp shop, who are in charge of the biggest cabin at camp and look after their equally chaotic gremlin siblings plus every unclaimed kid at camp like Lou Ellen a daughter of Hecate and another being of chaos who learnt it all from them, and who take every opportunity to fuck shit up, to prank their camp mates or to steal shit. Their last name, which they get from their mama? Stoll by the way. Neither child notices the pun.
I want to meet Mama Stoll, who saw the chaos, who saw the bullshit Hermes brought into her life the first go around and said tonight's the night let's do it again. She is either the world's greatest cat burglar who enticed the god of Thieves or the messenger god was enchanted by the best god dam delivery woman on the planet. There's no in-between. It was just a bonus that her surname was the perfect pun. Her and Hermes laugh about it. In my head, it's all canon. Regardless, she unleashed two agents of unlimited chaos onto an unsuspecting world, and I love her for it. I take my hat off to her, I kneel before her.
Oh, and the oldest kid, Travis? He's dating a girl called Katie, who is the daughter of Demeter. Her last name? Gardner. Fucking Gardner. She has a sister called Miranda Gardiner, by the way. Mama Stoll finds it hilarious. Her sons still don't get the pun, but at least she gets on with her future daughter in law like a house on fire.
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shizunitis · 7 days
personally i understand why shen qingqiu immediately and without hesitation jumped at the chance to fight airplane. shizun needed a chew toy! his gums were itchy!
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theflippinvoid · 5 months
When birds learn to fly, they instinctively spread their wings every time they fall. It started from a short fall, like the nest to the branch it settles. And then to a slightly lower branch. It helps smooth the fall and stop them from immediately die from face planting to the ground so hard. And then they will try to flap their wings, further slowing down their fall. And then, as the wings gain more strength, they will stop falling and start flying. Wings finally strong enough to push the air around and lift them up
Phil is a grown bird, he had flown before. He already knows how it feels when his wings successfully catch the winds and allows him to glide down to the ground. He knows how it feels when his muscles are strong enough to do a big swoop, strong enough to flap and lift his body up in the air.
I wonder what crossed Phil's mind when he fell down that wall. I wonder if he tried to flap the wings, but then he felt how his wings still weren't able to catch any wind, the air slipping through the broken feathers. That the muscles aren't as strong as before, they haven't gained the full strength after weeks of disuse. That even spreading the wings mid-fall took extra effort, and that it didn't even slow his descent
I wonder what he was thinking right before he fell into the lake. What he felt right before losing consciousness
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deus-and-the-machina · 5 months
I miss...giorno giovanna.
im thinking a lot about his complex role as a healer. his stand isn't meant to heal, he essentially brute forces it, which fits for the kind of person he is vs Josuke. furthermore, giorno is very self sacrificing in a very literal sense. he loses multiple body parts over the course of part 5 and just has to remake them. there's a ship of Theseus paradox here though I dont think THAT much of him was remade.
after the white album fight, mista tells him that their victory will be all of them surviving together as giorno once again tries to sacrifice himself. he takes this to heart, but soon afterwards its proven that this cannot always happen. His healing isn't enough. he can only give Bruno a little more time. and his reaction when bruno tells him this says everything.
Keeping everyone alive is his role, and he spends the early days of the part being given shit for being a newcomer, so having a solidified sense of usefulness only to have it swiped away so quickly when his stand cannot save his comrades is rough.
golden experience requiem is interesting in this context because its main purpose is protecting him from any and all harm. giorno has again, spent the entire part going through jojo typical levels of body horror, gore, etc, with the added benefit that he can remake limbs and chunks of flesh so they can do a lot worse to the part 5 cast and have them live. so in one sense, GER is a reward of sorts. he endured all that and his reward is never getting hurt again.
But at the same time, it's cruel irony that even with one of the most powerful stands in the world, its capabilities are on protecting him and no other. im sure that his enhanced capabilities make it easier of course, but the idea that he could still be too late will forever remain. whug.
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
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Context: Transporter Accident Species Swap Kathryn. C'mon. Patreon | Ko-fi
Episode where Janeway and Tuvok have their species swapped by an accident or entity and while everyone's figuring out how to undo it they expect Tuvok to be the one acting different but he's generally the same* meanwhile Janeway's newly Vulcan brain is terrorizing her with nightmares and violence 24/7. *He has trouble with his human body more than any emotions. Like, he keeps burning himself on things he'd normally touch without thinking. He can't stay up and stay focused as long as he normally would (two days straight) and he isn't as strong as he was before. Anyway, Janeway's sort of suffering with both. She has telepathic abilities that would be normal for a Vulcan of her age and this along with the intrusive thoughts and overwhelming emotion are...a lot. Tuvok: Have you tried meditating? Janeway: I'll rip your throat out. Sorry. Sorry. I've tried. Tuvok: Allow me to assist you. Janeway and Tuvok have a conversation about how she's not a bad person and Tuvok has to struggle with and control these sorts of intrusive, violent thoughts all the time. What makes someone a bad person? To what extent are someone's thoughts 'them'? What does a 'true self' mean? Basically Tuvok's like "These Human emotions have literally nothing on me" meanwhile Janeway's getting the shit kicked out of her - DAMN! These Vulcan emotions have hands! They also retain their personalities because they're still the same people. Janeway doesn't suddenly become stoic & logical and Tuvok doesn't suddenly become more outgoing. Tuvok also does not immediately turn into 100-year-old dust because it's a star trek episode and certain things are handwaved. In the end Janeway's like "Well that was absolute hell but in some ways it was interesting to get an up close and personal look into the Vulcan mind and I feel closer to my good friend Tuvok!" whereas Tuvok learned that he actually likes rum raisin ice cream. The B plot of this episode is that there's a certain light that keeps flickering in sickbay and everyone keeps passing off the task of fixing it so eventually the doc tries to fix it himself but he ends up causing a black out (which effects the A plot) and at the very end of the episode Harry's like "THERE. It's fixed."
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cha3x · 4 months
these are the same category of käärijä
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bonefall · 4 months
You could play with the dirty part of the canon description by having Slash and his people roll in mud to hide their scent.
Parts of the Code labelling using weapons/traps as dishonorable could have started as agreements made that Slash's people wouldn't keep using their old tactics, maybe forced on Thunder's Clan to keep them from becoming too powerful, if they DID fuse.
I'm more liable to just remove the "dirty" thing entirely honestly; I just think it's so shitty I'd like to nuke it from orbit, you get me? Every single time they want you to hate someone, they make them fat and/or stinky. I'd rather just put that kind of rhetoric in the mouths of cats like Clear Sky and The Wind Runner, a lie to demonize their enemies, not really based on truth.
I think I might take the trap stuff though; that actually fits in nicely with how ThunderClan's the only one that uses spears. I won't have it be code yet, though, that's going to come a lot later. First two commandments of the code are Borders + Mercy, followed by Law 3 when Riverstar dies in some decades.
Also gonna need a name for Slash's new group. Hey, maybe THESE guys can be called Warriors, actually. Warriors of the Forest, like what the first arc used to be called before it was renamed TPB.
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tallytals · 1 year
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i don’t even have anything to say just look at him
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