#he just looks gayer in the top photo
angelfirewalker · 2 months
Before my passion became all about Good Omens and a certain Demon , I had other interests...lol.
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As a David Bowie and Kate Bush admirer , I was led down the path toward Lindsay Kemp, their mentor.... Lindsay is one of the reasons so much happened in the 70s creatively, as Bowie once said, none of this would of this would of been possible without Kemp.
And Lindsay Kemp really was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on Nitrous Oxide. He is part of Queer Theatrical History.
Once Upon a Time......
The first time I actually saw Lindsay Kemp in the flesh was at The World David Bowie Convention at a massive hotel complex in Hammersmith. I went with a friend who was a massive Bowie freak and as I liked adventures, it wasn't really my type of thing, was never good in big crowds but it was one of best decisions I ever made. It was over a weekend, and I spotted that Lindsay was being interviewed. His interview was very, very popular. There were no seats left, so I sat on the floor.
A photo I found years later. and I am not in it...lol
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I knew about Lindsay from both David Bowie and Kate Bush. But at Art School I had been guided towards Textile Design & Print and not done Theatre Design as I originally had wanted to at 16 in my first year at Art School. Natasha Korniloff taught there and she was another part of Kemp co/ Bowie history. I later went back and did the Advanced Theatre course and got taught by her.
Lindsay with Kate Bush, 1993, Natasha Korniloff and David Bowie 1979/80. Lindsay and David Bowie 1970s.
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(The Textile design was not wasted, I needed it for the printing of the Kimonos in Onnagata).
I was spellbound and mesmerised by Lindsay, he was effervescent ... my friend had gone to watch some Bowie video / film. Lindsay had captivated me, and I picked up flyers for the shows at Sadlers Wells later that month. I booked for Dream and the 2nd shows of Façade and Nijinsky.
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Still have the ticket..
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I saw Dream from the back row of the gods.. cheap seats.. they looked like tiny fairies from up there. I was a student with no grant, so my cleaning job paid for everything , including paints and paper. DREAM was AMAZING..... like a moving masterpiece painting.
Photos of Kemp Co, A Midsummer Nights Dream.
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The programme.
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They looked like tiny fairies from where I sat.... I was hooked, so much so my design work the next day changed over night. We were doing landscapes in Textiles... suddenly mine was Dream inspired... the tutor was like what happened to you?.. I told him I had seen Lindsay and co the night before...' that explains it!' he said. I saw Façade and Nijinsky the following week from the stalls. I was in LOVE.. I had come home.. Yes. that old cliché Lindsay Kemp had changed my life. ☺...most people say that.
But my passion grew and grew and years later, after my path ended up in theatre. After on Talk Lindsay did with David Haughton at the Baylis studio theatre at Sadlers Wells in 1989, I got very brave and offered my skills to help. I was working at a Costumiers in London for 2 years. I was a very shy, timid person (well I still am, I wear a mask/ put on a facade / act to deal with situations ). So, offering to help out was a massive deal.. I spoke to David Haughton (Associate Director / Performer ), I was far too nervous to approach Lindsay and I babbled so much that I made absolutely no sense whatever..... David H made me take a deep breath and repeat everything I had just said.
That was the day I first stepped into a Kemp Company world. And as you say, the rest is history.
If you are interested in learning more about The Lindsay Kemp Company, there is a link in my very 1st post. I am now a bit of a Kemp Co archivist, and there is a wonderful selection of photos about all the shows over the years.
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Top Left, Me with Lindsay and his Mum Marie, Roma, Italy 1990, Top Right - Lindsay and I in Yolanda Sonnabends studio. London 1992. Bottom Left, Lindsay and Me, Worthing 2014. Bottom Right Me, Lindsay and Francọis Testory backstage during Flowers in Trieste Italy 1992.
I will write more about my life in the Kemp company another time.
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I love how the first time my performance in the Kemp Co matches David Bowie's in the Kemp Co... I love things like that.♡ 35 years in between though.
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sidleyparkhermit · 1 year
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I posted 1,361 times in 2022
That's 671 more posts than 2021!
292 posts created (21%)
1,069 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,100 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#bcs - 264 posts
#better call saul - 251 posts
#bcs spoilers - 162 posts
#wheel of time - 65 posts
#howard hamlin - 53 posts
#wot on prime - 50 posts
#omitb - 50 posts
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#only murders in the building - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the one thing metastasis were cowards for though is that when saul brings up shanking they didn’t have walter look @ jose like ‘are we sure’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Gus has a lost love that defined what humanity he ever had and stands at the center of his renunciation thereof. Lalo has an eight foot vertical leap
117 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Charles booping Oliver on the nose while singing in the kitchen was somehow gayer than them actually holding hands in front of Charles’s ex-kinda-stepdaughter
161 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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Something very beautiful about Patrick visiting the set when they filmed that scene on the beach 😭
[Photo by Marshall Adams]
165 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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Learning from the Wheel of Time RPG wiki entry that Robert Jordan used to run D&D games for his stepson and other neighborhood kids -- presumably in the 1980s, ish -- makes everything make so much sense. It's wild to me that no one mentions this.
Anyway here's the Edmond's Field Five as an old-school D&D party:
Egwene: wizard
Nyneave: cleric
Mat: rogue who consistently makes the worst possible choices and insists it's just what rogues do
Perrin: big strong fighter who never seems to want to do any fighting
Rand: another wizard, but with a super fucked up backstory
Moiraine: aloof NPC who herds cats and withholds important information
Thom: more down-to-earth NPC who dispenses lore and occasionally averts TPKs
and of course
Ta'veren: how you all meet
See the full post
220 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Do they have... cats and dogs in Randland? I mean, they have wolves. Please tell me they have cats and dogs and I can just use the idiom "it was raining cats and dogs."
235 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Have you seen the new BTS photos/ video clips of DT in Camden for the doctor who special? I feel like he’s channeling half way between Ten and Crowley and I’m living for it. That man is beyond gorgeous and somehow just keeps getting better looking with age.
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Anon #1: Oh yes, I have seen the pictures and video of David filming the DW special. And I agree with both you and Anon #2: David is truly aging like fine wine and looks absolutely gorgeous. A few of my favorite pics, so we have a visual:
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First, let me just say: Those trousers. Or, more specifically, HIS HIPS IN THEM. I truly have never seen anyone wear clothes the way David wears clothes. The fit and the style feel as though they’ve been tailored to his body (in this case they most likely have, thanks to the DW costume department). But it’s the very fact that he is wearing the clothes rather than the clothes wearing him that makes all the difference. And while I’ve never been the biggest fan of plaid, it absolutely works on David in every conceivable way.
The third picture I love because I feel like he’s channeling a bit of Alec Hardy, if Alec Hardy shaved and moonlighted as a chaotic bisexual Time Lord traveling through time and space. The overcoat, the blazer, the tie, the hair...everything is just so good and put together. Lovely.
And Anon #1, I totally agree with your observation that David looks somewhere halfway between Ten and Crowley. He was even giving that mischievous Crowley grin in one of the pictures I came across, so of course I had to put them side by side:
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All I can say is that if the outfit and sunglasses are anything to go by, I really hope this means the Tenth Doctor will be exponentially gayer than the first time around. The tight trousers are already doing 80% of the work, and I know our darling David can more than take care of the rest. Bless.
(Also, Anon #2, when your message initially came in, all the preview showed was “David in his new 10 get up looking like a top..” and I was immediately ready to write that there is nothing on this man that looks like a top. After looking at the above pictures...I stand by my statement. Hahah.)
Ah, good times. Fingers crossed we’ll get some more delicious Doctor Who BTS shots in the coming months. Thank you both for writing in! x
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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Hello, here are my ridiculously saccharine and self-indulgent head-canons about Pyro and Avalanche getting married in Vegas that no one asked for:
Avalanche casually broaches the topic, like,” Hey man, what do you think of getting hitched?  Everyone’s doing it nowadays.”  And Pyro is just aghast, because NO, that is NOT how you propose, Dominic!  Get down on one knee and offer me a ring during a thunderstorm on a cliff over-looking the sea, damn it!
Avalanche is wearing the most basic suit imaginable, but considers it a great act of love to “dress up.”  “Look, man, I put on a tie for you.  Just for you!”  Pyro is wearing something over-the-top flashy, like a red tux with gold trim.  They are both extremely tacky. 
They argue over who gets to hold the bouquet, which Blob helpfully snatched from another nearby wedding.  Avalanche says that he should get it because he’s into gardening and he likes flowers, Pyro says he should get it because he’s “the pretty one.”  Blob finally runs off and grabs more flowers so they can both hold something during the ceremony.
Both rings were stolen by Pyro during one of the Marauder’s raids.  Avalanche considers this to be very romantic.
They are absolutely plastered throughout the entire ceremony, like falling down drunk, to such an extent that the officiant pauses the vows and asks if they actually want to go through with this, or maybe sleep it off first.  Toad explains that yes, they do actually want to get married, they just had to get really smashed to have the courage to do it.
They treat the whole thing like a joke through the entire ceremony, but when the officiant gets to the “You may now kiss” part, they have a genuine, sincere moment where they look each other in the eyes and say “I love you,” and truly mean it.  And then the moment passes and they are back to cracking jokes again.  “You love me?  Ha ha, that’s gay!”  “Well, you married me, that’s even gayer!”
Blob takes blurry, badly framed photos of the whole ceremony, and posts it all on Facebook.  Rather than having a proper reception, they just wander around and crash other people’s receptions, taking all the food and booze that they can.
Everyone gets kicked out of the casino within a few hours - Phantazia and Toad for a card-counting scam that nets them a few hundred thousand dollars, Blob for testing the limits of the “All you can eat” buffet, and Pyro and Avalanche for trying to have sex in one of the fountains.  
This, of course, is the Brotherhood actually trying to be on their best behavior so they don’t get thrown off Krakoa.  If this had happened during their actual Brotherhood days, they probably would have kidnapped the officiant and forced him to perform the ceremony (but also paid him really well, like just tossed him a big bag full of money because he “did a good job and made it real classy.”).  Then they would have robbed a few nearby casinos, but not the one where they got married, because that would be “disrespectful.”   
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gallaghercest · 5 years
REPOST: Evidence #1 - Noel’s Sexuality
Hello! So, I’m reposting this 2017 post because Tumblr deleted it.
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Good evening, class! It’s been a long time but I’m back. It took so long because I needed plenty of time to arrange everything correctly, because tonight we’ll have a long post. And I’m back with such a polemic subject to talk about. That’s right: Noel Gallagher’s sexuality. Pretty much a taboo in the whole fandom.
I actually realised this should have been my first post here, since it’s focused much more on the 80s, but, well, it’s all said and done now, so just pretend you read this post first, ok?
Before starting I know that there will probably be someone/some people who will go “but jULIA YOU CAN’T TALK ABOUT THIS, IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, IT’S TOO PERSONAL, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT NOEL AND HIS GAYNESS AA A A A A A A”
And I’ll tell you what, kids: I’d rather walk I HAVE the right to talk about this, I’m his fan, I have the evidences, I’ve done researches, essays, everything you can imagine, and my conclusion is: it’s not my fault if he prefers to stay inside the closet LG x
So, take your seats and here we go!
Disclaimer: this is a bunch of evidences I made by myself, based in conversations I had with my friends and months of analysis, suffering, nights of insomnia and tears. Don’t know if everything is veridical, but at least, it’s a way that I found to “light” up our way and try to find some proper fucking answers to this stuff.
Well, I bet lots of you have already wondered (at least once in your lifetimes) about Noel’s sexuality, because, honestly, it’s something really confusing if you stop to think about it. The guy fucking hooked up with his brother, that’s already a good point to start. But I’ll try to list all the evidences on a chronological order.
1-) This Charming Man
This one is more like a deduction but ok. Yes, the famous Smiths’ song always had an important role on Noel’s life. It was the first song he learned to play on guitar. It was his main inspiration to become a musician as soon he saw The Smiths playing it on Top Of The Pops in 1983.
But, a 16 year old Noel who hated school and all type of book obviously didn’t understand the references and the lyrics meaning of any song as a 21 year old Noel could.
There’s a quote from Noel, which I think it’s from the NGHFB era already – but it might be from the late Oasis years, who knows – which I couldn’t find now, but I promise I’ll try my best to find it. If you know it, you can send it to me, too. The point is that, basically, Noel was asked by the interviewer why would he play the same fucking songs in every single gig.
Noel answered that, when he attended his first Smiths’ gig, which I’m sure it was in late 80s, he wanted them to play This Charming Man SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, and they had played it on their last gig, or on the last week’s gig, something like this, so Noel was really hopeful about it. The point is: they didn’t play it on the gig that Noel attended, and he got pretty much traumatised over that. So, he claims he plays the same songs every single gig because of that happening.
But, now, I ask you: As I said, this song was always important to him. But, as he grew old, he might have understood the lyrics more – This Charming Man’s lyrics clearly talks about homosexuality and an affair between a guy from working class and a guy from an upper class, you can read more about it on Genius, I guess. And now that he was older, maybe he identified more with the song in general.
He said once that as soon as he heard This Charming Man, everything made sense, even though he didn’t know any literature references and stuff like that – so he admitted that he didn’t get the lyrics at first. And this is important because I’m not telling you he had homosexual tendencies since he was born, it came after years and years.
2-) “Effeminate Phase” AKA Manchester Mauler
In the Definitely Maybe DVD, when talking about the “Give me gin and tonic” bit from Supersonic with Mark Coyle (11:30), Noel mentions that he must have been going through one of his – ONE OF, IT MEANS HE HAD LOTS OF – ‘effeminate phases’ to be drinking gin and tonic at that time.
He even joked once in an interview with Zane Lowe that when Peggy asked him why did he kept in his room 24/7 playing guitar, he answered, joking, “because I’m gay” :’))))))))))))
And now, the thing that I guess it’s the most iconic thing about Noel’s sexuality: if you search on Google “Is Noel Gallagher gay?” you will find an anonymous answer (that actually was answered by The WikiAnswers Community™), which goes:
“Definitely! He’s known as the Manchester Mauler. A refrerence to his brutal homosexual appetite durring his youth in Manchester, England.”
And in case you’re wondering “what the fuck does Mauler mean?”, Urban Dictionary will help you:
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(I censored it because maybe Tumblr would block it again if I didn’t)
Let me tell you: this is my favourite piece of information of the entire Oasis history. It doesn’t come from any reliable source but the point is: I don’t doubt it. It’s the truth to me.
3-) Clint Boon
This is probably the most important evidence – so important that it’s why I’ve chosen it to illustrate the post. Noel’s years as a roadie were, obviously, wild.
Everything started when he auditioned to be the new singer of Inspiral Carpets. As we all know, he wasn’t accepted, but he was asked to be a roadie, in case he was interested. I don’t want to be pretentious but I have lots of friends who think that the job was only offered to him because Clint was already interested, BUT ANYWAY.
It’s common to see lots of photos of Clint and Noel together, we all know. And very suspicious photos, in fact. Some of them are not even with Clint, for example. The one where Noel is almost kissing a guy with a hand on his **** is actually Graham. And you can tell it because Graham’s hair was shorter than Clint’s (it’s the third photo of the collage above)
Noel was already asked by this photo on an interview and he was BOLD ENOUGH to deny the kiss:
“Interviewer: There’s a quite famous photo of you snogging Clint [Boon] from The lnspiral Carpets.
Noel: Oh no, that was Graham [Lambert, Inspirals guitarist]. Yeah. We weren’t actually kissing, though.
I: It looked like you were.
N: Yeah, yeah, it did look like it. But I can assure you.”
Anyway, the point is, we know Noel can assure they weren’t kissing because the only guy he would kiss was Clint. Ok, seriously now: we know that Noel used to take suspicious photos with his friends, while they drank and did drugs.
You can even see Noel shotgunning – the act of blowing weed or simply cigarette’s smoke on another person’s, usually your partner’s, mouth, and maybe even kissing – on the 4th and 5th photo from the beginning of the post. Notice that both photos were taken at the same night (their clothes are the same) and with the same guy.
Ah, and we have the matching haircuts as well. Thing we saw happening to Liam and Noel too (1997, 1999…)
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(please don’t ever let this photo die)
Well. My point here is not the photos, not even the haircuts at all. It’s Clint. The amount of photos/footage we have of Noel with Clint is much more significant than the ones we have with the rest of the band. For example, Noel’s not seen in bed with any other member than Clint.
Actually, I have more things to talk of Clint, but I’ll leave it to another post.
And more: on the book “Carpet Burns: Life with Inspiral Carpets”, by Tom Hingley, the lead singer, contains a quote where Clint claims that Noel taught him another use for the airplane tables (thanks, Mat, for the useful info!). Another use. If you know what I mean.
But the most extraordinary thing is that, coincidence or not, there’s a Inspiral’s song, called Dragging me Down, written by Clint, released on 1992 – when Noel was already gone and in Oasis –, that strangely makes references to planes, travels, sky and flying. Behold:
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Now, it’s up to you to patch things together.
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4-) Random Noel’s quotes through the years
This one is probably the more common and easy-to-find evidence. I’ll just give the examples I recall now, but if you have more in mind, feel free to share it so I can add it to this post!
I don’t know what happened to Noel in the ‘Russell Brand 6Music show’ on 2006, because somehow he said a lot of things there.
Noel insisted that if he was gay, he’d be the biggest gay in the world, saying “I would be gayer than Freddie Mercury”, and then, Russell suggested that the 3AM girls might be interested in Noel suddenly getting in touch with his gay side, to which Noel replied:
“In a manner of speaking, I may have done already.”
And there’s that one from 1 Leicester Square, also being interviewed by Russell Brand, where they even talk a little about Noel’s years as a roadie, and Noel later says he was “very in touch” with his “effeminate side” (again!) and that Noel was a girl’s name¿? Russell says Liam has a “sexualised arrogance” and I confess I’m really like ?¿?¿where did you get it, son?¿?¿? because I really do think it’s something Noel thinks at the deep heart, not something Russell Brand could say, actually.
And again, there’s another quote, from another Russell Brand BBC2 show from 29th July 2008: “I like a few women but I like men an awful lot more.” He even continues and say “I call myself straight, but I’m GAY!”. “If I went to call myself bisexual, it would be equally, if not more misleaded (?), I’m not undecided or bi-curious either” Then, Noel asks “Matt, can you come up with a new word for people who are mostly straight but a little gay or mostly gay but a little straight?” and Russell comes up with the brilliant answer: “Oasis.”
It actually surprises and triggers me how nearly every time Noel and Russell meet, they end up talking about that subject… really weird, innit? Does Russell know of something? We might never know… *suspense intensifies*
And, now, going out of the Russell Brand show, we have the beautiful quote of Noel for a German TV interview on February 2009, which I’ll give me the luxury to copy down here:
“Q: So tonight you’re on stage with your brother.
N: Unfortunately, yes.
Q: Unfortunately. You don’t like each other very much.
N: No.
Q: Is there anything you like about your brother? Anything?
N. There’s lots of things I like about his personality, but he doesn’t like me.
Q: Do you know why?
N: Uuuhm…
Q: Have you ever talked to him about it?
N: I don’t know. You’d have to speak to him. But I know he doesn’t like me. He insults me all the time.
Q: But you like him.
N: There’s certain aspects of him that I like.
Q: What kind of aspects?
N: He wears crazy shoes.
Q: Ah. Anything else?
N: He has crazy hair.
Q: And what’s that got to do with his personality?
N: They’re just things I find attractive in men.”
6-) This.
Ok, now I have two destinations: either people will kill me or support me. I don’t want to, I don’t know, ruin Noel’s perfect-marriage-husband reputation or whatsoever; actually, I don’t want to ruin Noel’s marriage lolololol but the point is: it’s in the internet, so it’s free, right? And my job here is exposing. So, that’s what I’m gonna do.
Well, one day I was doing my daily research with my friends, seeking for evidences of Noel’s bisexuality, and I bumped up into this:
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But then I thought, “c'mon, the guy (who I censored the username for legal reasons) could be tripping”, but then me and my big-stalker-KGB-ass did a research on the lad’s profile, and, in the same weekend he tweeted that, he really was at Glasto, in 2014:
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And the point is that, Noel wasn’t playing Glastonbury then, but he ATTENDED Glastonbury; he was at backstage, as you can see here:
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Maybe the guy is crazy? Yes! Do I think he is actually crazy? No! Simply because, as I said, I don’t doubt anything, I know Noel and his capacity. The only difference between Noel and Liam is that Noel is a perfect secrefreak.
7-) Oasis fans are noticing it
If you think I made up all this bullshit, think again. It’s more and more common you see, not only the more dedicated fan accounts talking about it, but more grown-up fans talking about it too – I mean: it’s common to see not only the fan girls talking of it, but 30 year old blokes talking too. So, something must be quite right in all of this, right?
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That’s it, guys, thank you so much for reading, I really consider this post my ultimate masterpiece, so I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to reblog, it helps me a lot, send a message or whatever, I’ll love to read it, see you on the next post!
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jawnjendes · 5 years
shawn meets... | bella
SUMMARY: in the life of a rockstar, shawn mendes comes across some unique people. sometimes, things stray from the norm. (AU, shawn x every one of my oc’s)
AN: hiiii this is somewhat of a continuation of my last series, goth gf. you dont HAVE to read it to know what's happening here, but there will be references to it every so often. if you've been here since the goth gf days then, hi. i appreciate you. enjoy this shit. let me know ur thots.
****let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
bella's origin story | bella's playlist | masterlist
It felt awfully strange to be in Annalise's hometown, knowing she wouldn't be going home right away. The residential part of North Hollywood where her parents lived still felt like it was a million miles away. The glamorous Lyft Lux was going through the equally glamorous parts of the city, and it was almost mundane despite the fact that she had been away for over a year.
Shawn and his younger sister, Aaliyah, were frequently pointing out the exciting things they had only seen in photos and movies: the Chinese Theater, the Walk of Fame, the Hollywood sign. They were bundles of energy and excitement. Annalise was only jittery because she never fully processed that she lives in the same city as her favorite YouTuber, Bella Santiago.
Over a month ago, Bella discovered the Shawn Mendes profile on Spotify, causing her to give him a shoutout on Twitter. Then, just after the release of his newest EP, In My Blood, Bella messaged Shawn, offering to fly him out to LA, put him in a hotel and make a video with her. Shawn immediately jumped at the chance, but he couldn't go without bringing two of the biggest Bella stans he knew, Annalise and Aaliyah. The only reason why it took until the New Year for this to happen was simple: exams and Christmas.
When the semester ended, Annalise spent the holidays and her 22nd birthday with Shawn's family in Pickering, much to her own family's disdain. It was different, celebrating Christmas on the morning of the 25th, rather than the 24th. It was also different not eating tamales or pozole like she did with her family. It totally wasn't annoying when Shawn blasted that god awful Taylor Swift song on the morning of Annalise's birthday. She totally didn't miss her family either.
She had to promise her parents that she would stay in LA for the duration of the holiday break in return for missing all the important holidays. It wasn't a hard decision to make, but it was going to be hard letting Shawn go. Annalise only hoped that there would be time for him to meet her extended family during this trip. From what she understood, as soon as Bella was done with him, Shawn and Aaliyah were getting on a plane straight back to Toronto.
As it turns out, Bella Santiago is insanely generous. She reserved the three of them a deluxe suite at the Marriott. They had a view of the city, a massive king size bed, and a pull out sofa bed. Everything was spotless, and luxurious.
"She didn't have to go this hard," Aaliyah pointed out as she tossed her suitcase to the side.
"What, would you rather sleep on the floor?" Shawn teased. "And pick that up and move it so it's out of the way!"
She rolled her eyes as she did what he said.
Annalise made herself comfortable on top of the white sheets. While all of this was exciting, she was fucking exhausted. It felt like it was much later in the day, having gotten up at seven. The time change made it feel like it was well in the afternoon, but it was barely eleven.
"How's your tummy?" Shawn asked from the window. He had his phone out and was taking photos of the view.
"Much better," she replied.
Against her better judgment, Annalise had a coffee during the five hour flight, and it did not agree with her. She made good friends with a barf bag… or three. All the caffeine must have left her system if she was feeling better now.
"What time do we meet Bella?" asked Aaliyah, padding over to stand by her brother.
"Three o'clock," Shawn replied. "In the ballroom downstairs."
That prompted all three of them to take a death nap for the time being. It only lasted about three hours, and when their alarms went off, none of them felt any more rested.
Annalise was the first one to actually get up and get ready. For once, she was intimidated by who she was going to be standing in front of today. She had to look her best, even if it was in all black.
It didn't take long for Aaliyah to follow suit. Soon enough, both girls were sitting in front of the window, using the California sun for their light as they did their makeup.
The funny thing is, as much as they cared about looking their best, neither of them were going to be in Bella's video. She only wanted Shawn, who was still lying in bed half an hour before the scheduled meet up.
"What are you gonna wear?" Annalise asked her boyfriend.
"I don't know," he replied, his voice muffled by the pillow. "Will she even care about what I'm wearing?"
"You're gonna be on her channel," Aaliyah said, looking up from her handheld mirror, "which has millions of viewers, including some of my friends who will never let me hear the end of it if they see my brother looking like a clown in front of the queen!"
Shawn grinned and got up. "I'll go like this, what do you think?" He held his arms out, showcasing his plaid pajama bottoms and a Nike hoodie. He also only had one sock on.
"You'll be dead before you step out of the room like that," Ann darkly added.
“Thanks Satan.” He chuckled.
Shawn was only pretending to be calm. Inside, he was shaking and his insides were heavy. He didn't even think about Bella's subscriber count until Aaliyah pointed it out. He really wanted Bella to like him too. She seemed like such a sweetheart from her videos, Shawn hoped that wasn't just a persona.
He had spent most of the flight watching her videos (when Ann wasn’t puking up her caffeine, of course.) He made it through a few tutorials, learning a lot about not only makeup, but Bella herself. She suffers from several anxiety disorders and constantly works to better herself. She left her parents when she came out to them as bisexual, and she hasn't spoke to them or her extended family in years. She recently got out of a relationship with another YouTuber named Ethan Nestor, which was part of the reason why she spent half of 2019 in her hometown of Palm Springs. This woman has some thick skin, there was no denying that.
One of the best things that Shawn learned about Bella was that she had a butterfly tattoo on her left arm. In another video, she talked about how her viewers drew butterflies on their arms in support of her when she was down. She got it tattooed for them, and the colors of the wings were the same as the bisexual pride flag. Shawn looked at his own butterfly tattoo differently now.
The other best thing he learned was how talented of a singer Bella was. She had covers on her channel, and Shawn watched every single one. Bella had such a rich, beautiful voice, and it looked so easy for her to hit any high note. She sang Love on the Brain without any strain on her face. She sang a gayer version of You Belong with Me, and played guitar with it. She sang with Markiplier as the opening act when they were on a comedy show tour in 2018.
Shawn couldn't wait to sing with her, though he was intimidated. He thought he was a good singer, but put him next to someone with Ariana Grande levels of talent? The nerves were never ending.
It was ten til three when everyone was ready. Their only predicament was to go down to the ballroom early or not.
“Did she text you?” Aaliyah asked, clearly antsy. “Is she on her way or anything?”
Shawn shook his head. He had changed into a white tee, black jeans and a denim jacket, which the two girls approved of. “Should I message her? Or… her manager? She’s the one who made all these arrangements.”
“Hey, she might not even be here on time,” Ann said. “YouTubers are like celebrities. They run on their own schedules just because they can.”
“Bella wouldn’t do that, would she?” Aaliyah said in disbelief.
“Only one way to find out.”
And to the ballroom they went. The space was huge, clearly meant for a party. There were sheer white curtains hanging from the huge windows, and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. In the far corner of the room, tables and chairs were folded and leaning against the wall. Shawn, Aaliyah, and Ann looked around the room, all silently nervous and excited. Only a few minutes into it, they heard female voices just outside the room.
“But we’re always early! I knew I should have driven myself!”
“It’s two fifty-nine! Relax, they’re probably not even here yet!”
“Huh, I’ll be damned,” Ann mumbled, looking at her phone to verify the time.
The owners of the other two voices entered the room, carrying expensive-looking camera equipment and studio lights. They were followed by a bellhop, who was carrying a keyboard in a case. One woman was short and curvy, brown and freckled. Her short black hair was curly and glossed down, and she was wearing a bright red pantsuit.
The other woman was long and lean, decked out in a white long sleeve crop top, a black skirt, and knee high boots. Her iconic bright pink hair made a comeback, that wasn’t in her latest video. Her kind face looked airbrushed and flawless, although her brown eyes looked alarmed, like she was caught in headlights.
The first person to break the silence was the woman in red, already establishing her power. “Hello!” She held her hand out to Shawn. “I’m Sonji, I’m Bella’s manager. I believe we spoke on the phone. And on Twitter.”
“Yeah, yeah we did,” he said as they shook hands. “Uh, this Aaliyah and Ann, my sister and my girlfriend.”
“Hi, ladies!” Sonji greeted, shaking their hands as well. “So lovely to meet you! God, you’re all so pretty!”
Both girls mumbled shy thank you’s.
“Okay, so my handsome friend here and myself are going to set things up for the video,” Sonji explained. “In the meantime-” She looked at her silent client. “-Baller, come talk to your little protégé.”
Then, Sonji led the bellhop further into the room, over by the windows.
Bella still had a bag slung over her shoulder and a massive studio light stand in her hands. She was clutching it to her chest, a very performative and awkward smile etched on her bright pink lips.
“Hi!” she said after one very long second. “Uh - lemme -” She set down the giant lights and removed the bag from her shoulder. Then she stood up straight and smoothed out her hair. “Hi! Uh, I said that already!”
“I’ll say it again! Hi!” Shawn greeted, smiling politely.
Bella looked at him and opened her arms for a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
It might be weird to put it this way, but she smelled pretty. Whatever perfume she was wearing was probably more expensive than the flight over here. Shawn hugged her around her shoulders, inadvertently touching her surprisingly soft hair. You could just tell that she didn’t spare a single penny when it came to caring for herself.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to be so tall!” she said, looking up at Shawn. “For once, I’m not the tallest person in the room!”
She couldn’t have been taller than Ann, who was five foot five inches and felt very short most of the time.
“And this is the sister and the girlfriend?” Bella said, turning to the other two girls. She went to hug Aaliyah, who was more than delighted by the gesture.
Bella leaned back and took her hand. “I love your nails! Love the shape and color!” She ran her thumb over the white acrylics. “So cute!”
“Aw, thank you!” Aaliyah was beaming.
Then, Bella turned to hug Ann. It’s important to point out that in most situations, Annalise Flores is stone faced, calm, and collected. Today, however, Ann had wide eyes, like she was face the good Lord herself… like she was going to drop down on one knee and propose to Bella.
Shawn wouldn’t blame her.
“Me encanta su delineador!” Bella told her, gently cupping her face.
“En serio?” Ann softly asked.
“Yes, que linda! Those inner wings are to die for! What do you use?”
“Um.. uh, I think it’s NYX? I don’t know the exact one, but it’s definitely NYX!” Ann chuckled nervously.
“Well, it looks amazing!”
Ann looked like she was going to faint with that euphoric dazed look on her face. Thankfully, she stayed on both feet because Sonji grabbed their attention. She managed to sneak by Bella, take the lights and bag, and set them all up by the window. She also set up the keyboard, camera and two chairs. There were three other chairs behind the camera as well. Sonji was incredibly fast.
“We are all ready to go!” she said to the others.
“Shall we?” Bella gestured for the other three to go first.
Shawn, Ann, and Aaliyah went over to the set up, excitement only increasing from here.
"Were you two going to be in the video too?" Sonji asked the two girls.
They both shook their heads.
"Nervous? Don't blame you, the Internet is brutal."
That didn't help Shawn's bundle of nerves. He took a silent deep breath as he went for his guitar case while Bella sat in front of her keyboard. The Internet is brutal, and Shawn's own minuscule corner of it was safe solely because of the size. The fans he tweeted every so often were seemingly normal, and no one was overly critical about him or his music. More exposure means more space for criticism and plain old hate.
Bella had over five million subscribers, and at least forty thousand of them took an interest in Shawn over the last month and a half. It was a lot of new people to make a good impression to. He took another deep breath and removed the guitar from its case. There's no going back now.
"So, I don't want this to be a structured, planned out video," Bella explained when Shawn took the empty chair next to her. "I just want us to talk so my viewers can get to know you, and we'll sing whatever comes to mind."
"Sounds good," Shawn said, not really hearing himself.
"Now everybody - and I mean everybody - take in a deep breath."
The room was silent except for the sounds of everyone inhaling through their noses. Aaliyah and Ann still looked excited as they followed Bella's instruction. Sonji followed as well, like she had done this a thousand times.
"And exhale," Bella breathed out, and the others repeated. "Good. Get those nerves out, breathe away the anxiety. This is fun, we're having fun."
Shawn felt a little better, knowing she was just as nervous, if not more. Throughout all of Bella's mental health videos that he watched on the plane, none of them seemed to touch on how severe her own case was.
Finally, Bella addressed the camera, her soft voice suddenly projected. "Hey, it's Bella! Welcome back to my channel! Today, I'm here with a very special guest! Some of you saw me tweet a while ago…"
Oh god, what the fuck was Shawn going to say? He looked over at Ann, who smiled reassuringly and silently did the motions for deep breathing. Stay calm. You're a strong guy.
"So how long have you been making music?" Bella asked him as she mindlessly pressed keys on her keyboard.
Shawn recalled as best he could. "Uh, I sang covers when I was fifteen. Didn't make my own music until a few years later."
"Nice! Are you in school, or work or something?"
"Yeah, I'm in college. I'm majoring in music and botany."
"Oh, you like plants?"
Shawn was mildly impressed. Most people had to ask what botany is, and he would have to explain for the thousandth time. Then, he would be told to drop the music major because it's easier to find a job in plant science.
"Flowers," he clarified. "I work in a flower shop."
"That's so cool!"
The conversation got easier as time went on. Sometimes Aaliyah or Ann would chime in if they felt that Shawn was getting too confident. Bella giggled every so often, which made everyone in the room adore her even more.
Shawn was about ready to propose when Bella started playing Mercy on her keyboard and humming the beginning. He stared at her in shock for a few seconds before he played along on guitar. Hopefully that didn't look too embarrassing on camera. He listened to her voice for a moment before singing with her in the chorus.
He had plenty of questions for Bella after they went through that song. "Where did you get a voice like that?"
"I could carry a tune as a kid," she explained, "so I was put into singing classes to hone it. Then I did church choir, school choir… I just never really stopped singing." She paused and then chuckled nervously. "This is gonna sound pretentious, but I think I got this voice for a reason. Meaning, I have this platform and all these followers. I think I'm meant to use my voice for good. Help people in whatever way I can."
Shawn smiled. "That's beautiful. I see that in your videos. I kinda went on a binge on the plane."
Bella grinned.
"One thing that stood out to me…" Shawn hesitated, minding the camera and the future viewers of this video. "You are so unapologetically bisexual. You always make the point to the person you needed as a kid, because there is still so little bi representation in the media. And you decided, if no one's going to do it, then you'll do it yourself, and I think that's incredible."
"Yeah, I didn't have anyone telling me it's okay to feel what I feel, and I don't want anyone to go through what I went through as a teen."
Shawn nodded, glancing over at Ann once. He had talked about touching on this particular topic with her, and he was starting to have his own shred of doubt.
But, he learned from his girlfriend. Fuck it.
"I wish I had someone like you as a teenager," he said to Bella, strumming his guitar. "I mean, when I came out to my family, I was lucky. They were loving and accepting, but I still couldn't find anyone out there who was like me, in real life or in the media. I really wish I had found your videos sooner."
Bella was beaming. "I knew I liked you."
The two of them went back and forth between talking and singing. They compared butterfly tattoos, and then Bella was asking him about his other tats. Shawn learned a couple of Little Mix songs too, which led him to discover where his girlfriend got that fixation from. He was mostly amazed at how Bella was able to belt out song after song like it was nothing. Like she was meant for this. Why did she choose to be a makeup artist?
"Have you ever been offered a record deal?" Shawn asked. "Or thought about making your own music?"
"Mm, yes and yes," she said. "But singing is more of a hobby. I can't see myself delving into the music industry at all. Makeup is where it's at for me. Makeup got me through some of the hardest times in my life."
Shawn wouldn't say no to a record deal. He'd move to Los Angeles tomorrow if he could. He would do just about anything to play music full time. He glanced over at Ann again, who winked with a smile.
next chapter
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @justordinaryjen @chillingbythesea @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsunflower @someoneunimportantxx
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Speech Impediment - Chapter 1
Sympathetic Deceit Week- Day 4: DLAMP
Ships: Logicality, pining-Prinxiety, platonic DLAMP
Summary: Deceit has gone through much of his life alone and being called a liar, all because of something he can’t help, but once he makes it to college he gets adopted as the little brother and son of a very strange group of friends without his permission. Going from life long outcast to being in a circle of friends is a little overwhelming, and not short of bizarre.
AO3 - Here
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Dexter had always been seen as strange to those around him at school, in public, and even at home. Maybe it was due to his unnaturally golden eyes or his, as some might say, creepy fascination with snakes, he never knew the reason. Well whatever it was, it was the reason why Dexter was always left behind by the other kids. It wasn’t too troublesome for him though, Dexter liked the solitude and quite. Often times he’d spend hours upon hours alone in the library reading about murder and supernatural mysteries. During class he’d stick to his seat either reading a novel, or playing with his magic trick cards. Magic was one of the few things Dexter was ever good at, even though it wasn’t really a skill.
When he was about nine years old, Dexter grew a habit that still sticks with him even ten years later. He became a compulsive liar. It wasn’t as if he purposefully bent the truth to take advantage of others, it was more like a speech impediment. He would say the opposite of what he meant without meaning to, in fact it would take much more energy to speak ‘normally’ then it was to say it backwards. His parents took him to speech therapy and mental health therapy, but nothing worked, so his parents and teachers just learned to accommodate for him. The other students, not understanding his situation, took to calling him Deceit, a name Dexter did not mind. They poked fun and teased, but it was never anything serious, and Dexter never let it get to him.
This was how Dexter went through the entirety of elementary, middle, and even high school. Now he was standing in front his new University, nineteen years old, his mind set on becoming a novelist, and expecting nothing different. There were maybe hundreds, if not thousands, of other students around him lazing about in the grass and courtyard, almost all in their own little circles of close friends, none of them noticing Dexter. 
Not minding the lack of acknowledgement, Dexter continued though the campus and walked to one of the several boys’ dorms. Getting his key and room number he then headed to the stairs, never being a fan of elevators, and made his way for the third floor. Once there Dexter searched for his room number. 200. 201. 202. Ah, there it was, dorm room number 203. Dexter took out the small key he was given by the old man at the attendance desk and slipped it into the lock and opened the door. 
The room was empty, but on the left side there were partially unpacked suitcases and colorful pictures tacked to the wall. Dexter walked over to look at them and saw different photos of the same four guys. Two of them had glasses, one looking strict and stoic like a robot, and the other looking goofy and wild, another looked extremely emo, and the last looked like a prep. Under one of the pictures were words written in red sharpie saying: We’re famILY. Dexter smiled slightly at the picture and moved to what he assumed was his side of the room to unpack.
About an hour and a half of calm passed in near silence, save for the rowdy boys across the hall, and Dexter was nearly done. Half of the closet was filled with his coats and jackets; his dresser was organized by garment in both alphabetical and spectral order; and his bookshelf that he had shipped in ahead of time had been organized with all of his favorite books based on genre and height of the book. As of now he was setting up his snake’s, little Dee Dee, terrarium on top of his dresser.
Eventually a loud group of voices appeared in the hallway, but Dexter ignored them, thinking it was just more rowdy neighbors. But soon the sound of the door being unlock startled him into realizing that it was in fact his roomate who had at last arrived, and most likely his friends as well. Not ready or prepared to speak with anyone yet Dexter did the only thing he could think off. Run into the closet and hide in a dark and enclosed area like a snake. A mere second later, in walked there very same four people from the photos, talking loudly. Well, so much for his peace.
“Hey Patton, looks like you’re new roomate is here!” One enthusiastic and regal voice said.
“I wonder where he is.” Another, robotic, voice pondered.
“Bro, you can’t just assume it’s a guy.” A very sarcastic voice spoke.
“I can’t assume anything else either, we don’t know who Patton’s roomate is yet.” The robotic voice responded. “When they’re here they can notify us of their identification.”
Dexter thought this was the perfect time to pop out from his hiding place. Well no he didn't, but he was getting cramped and it would be even more embarrassing if they discovered him on their own.
“I’m not a guy.” He stated as he stepped out of the closet, earning him a chorus of screams. All four of them instantly turned to face him in surprise. The emo one sitting on ‘Patton’s’ bed, the prep sitting next to him, the robot standing near his bookshelf, and the goofy one standing in the center.
“What the fuck was that?” The emo one said, holding a hand over his chest, obviously more shaken up then the rest.
“Sorry.” Dexter apologized. “I wasn’t nervous when you all arrived.”
“Um, okay...” Said the emo.
“What’s you’re name kiddo?” The goofy glasses guy asked.
“It isn’t Dexter, but I don’t prefer Deceit.” He responded, cringing inwardly when he realized that he did it again, watching as the confusion grew on their faces. Really not wanting to come off as rude or weird, Dexter hastily followed up with an explanation. “Sorry, I don’t have a speech impediment where I don’t say the opposite of what I mean.”
For a good three heartbeats no one said anything, but instead just stared at him awkwardly. Dexter would love nothing more than for a meteor to fall to the earth and hit him right now, or maybe the floor would give out beneath him, anything to end this mess. However, as he was contemplating the quickest away to escape the dorm by means of a quick death, the one in the middle smiled brightly like a radiant sun, not at all put off by him.
“So it’s like opposite day on repeat? Wow! I’ve never heard of that before.” He said brightly.
“Yes, I’ve never heard of that speech disorder before either.” Said the robotic one skeptically.
“Uh, well it is very common.” Dexter told him.
“So Dexter-”
“-let me introduce myself and my friends. I’m Patton Sanders, the dad of the group. That’s my boyfriend Logan, the mom-”
“I am not the mom.”
“The one in the hoodie is our love child, Virgil-”
“Don’t call him that.”
“-and that’s our dramatic son Roman.”Patton finished, practically jumping up and down in his spot, filled with excitement.
Dexter didn’t know exactly how to respond to their introduction. What do you say back to a group of friends who label each other as different rolls of an immediate family. He didn’t know if it was endearing or creepy. Maybe a sniper would have been a faster option.
Logan, noticing his discomfort, let out a heavy sigh and rested a heavy hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “Pat, I think you came off a bit too strong again.” He said in a soft, but lecturing tone. Patton was able to calm down slightly, but stilled rocked back and forth on his feet. “I apologize, I’m Logan Winchester, a physics major, Patton here is an art major.
“Virgil Black, majoring in music theory.” The emo joined in next, still sitting in a ball on the bed, curled like a cat.
“And I am Roman Sanchez, actor, singer, and future Disney prince.” The preppy looking one then finished the introductions.
Once again, Dexter didn’t how to respond to them. He already told them his name so what else could he say? His major was probably a normal human response, but they’d probably ask if they could read any of his work, and he’d just as soon drive a bus into the ocean then show them his horror stories. So, maybe he could ask a question and... Wait, how long has he been standing there not saying anything? Oh shit they probably think he’s a socially inept introvert, well he was but oh no their staring- say something! Anything!
“Are you all gay?” What the fuck was that?
“Bi actually.” Both Logan and Patton answered at the same time.
“I’m pan, Roman is the only gay one.” Virgil shared.
“Gayer than a unicorn eating skittles on a rainbow~” Roman then sang, resting his head on Virgil’s side giving the small, cat-like emo a seductive wink, to which he was promptly shoved off.
“How about you kiddo?” Patton asked, taking a seat on the floor and resting his back against his bed frame. Logan followed close behind and sat next to him, crossing his legs.
“I’m not asexual.”
The smile Patton had been wearing the entire time began to grow impossibly large until Dexter was sure that his cheeks would rip wide open. With absolutely no warning, the dad friend bounced up off the ground and bounded over and enveloped him in a bear hug, scaring no one except Dexter.
“That settles it, you’re now my son!” He cheered and spun them around in a small circle. The others looked on like this was nothing new, perhaps this was how all of them met Patton, but Dexter could have sworn he’d turn into a puddle of blushing, stuttering gibberish. To say that he was caught off guard and confused would be the single most largest understatement of Dexter’s whole lonely life.
“I-i’m y-y-you-your so- wha- huh???”
Little did he know that this big bunch of weirdos would be the best thing to ever happen to him.
Well here's my contribution to this week. Chapter 2 will be out on Day 7.
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critrolesketch · 6 years
Jess’s adventures at Gen Con 2018: Friday
These next few posts will be my reflections and re-tellings of the events that occurred at Gen Con 2018 this past weekend. If I don’t tag you, but you think you were present and/or your name was mentioned, let me know and I’ll properly tag you. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and catch my stupid adventures under the break.
I’m hung over, I’m up after five hours of sleep, and I’m cosplaying modern Beauregard. I thought that I was going to be late for a panel but I ended up being mistaken and was first in line to one that started at 12pm. Drunk Jess had thought it started at 10 am. 
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I decided to embrace it and play up my grumpy Beauregard bit. Met several people in line who were Shield of Tomorrow and Wednesday Club fans as well as a few Beauregards. Every time I met a Beauregard I’d greet them as a lesbian and had a pretty good time doing that. 
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When I spotted a Yasha cosplayer enter the line, I rounded up the other Beaus, shouting “Let’s Go Lesbians!” I did that for the rest of the con every time I herded around Beauregard cosplayers.
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I also made some critters cry when I ran into the cosplayer playing someone who just picked up Molly’s coat on the side of the road. She let me borrow it for sad pictures.
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We got some good pictures, I think. For the G&S panel, I sat right behind Gina, Sam, B. Dave, and Xander (all Geek and Sundry personalities for the more Critically Rolled inclined). They were all happy to see me and it was pretty fun to chat with them and watch their over-the-top reactions to all of the G&S announcements. We all stayed behind for a bit in order to talk to one another. I gave Sam the lesbian space whales I sketched on my flight over while talking to Xander. I finally snapped a picture of Eric and I as well.
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Oh and @dainesanddaffodils​ was there too I guess.
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We then all went over to see Matt Key at the Crit Role booth and greet him (Lets Go Lesbians made it’s very silly return) and we separated to do various tasks before the SOT and Wednesday Club meet up. 
At the meet-up, I chatted with the entire SOT cast, sat right next to Eric and Gina, got a lot of pictures with everyone, and in general had a lot of fun. 
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Amy showed up later as well and we snapped some selfies.
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(The sun burn has set in)
When we all got up to take a group photo and were trying to get ourselves organized, I started trying to get a Beauregard cosplayer to stand by me and Amy, who was in front of me, said this:
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After this I met up with Steve to head over early to the Crit Role live show. I found a Yasha and Miss Sunflower again so shenanigans happened as we waited.
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We met a few other people in line and a few friends, but eventually we got to our seats in the front row, dead center. I was wearing my “Could Be Gayer” tank because A. It was hot and B. I was still technically cosplaying Beau. For the live Q&A, the cast came out and I was very much displaying my shirt for Tal to see, who had direct line of sight on me. He gave me a wave and smile. Sad I couldn’t follow up with a conversation with him later at the con, but he happily acknowledged and recognized me, which is really all the situation allowed for.
Halfway through the panel I caught Tal looking at me and we engaged in a staring contest. My contacts were being pretty buggy but I pushed through and won that little game. You hear that @executivegoth ? I won, even if it was unclear whether you were challenging me or were staring at the monitor in front of me really intensely.
As the night progressed and general admittance started, I had two moments where I rallied the crowd to sing. The first was when a friend started belting the D&D beyond song and I upped the ante by joining in with my voice that tends to project. 
Then another person came up to @tieflingofcolor and I as we were talking to tell us she planned to get the crowd singing Travis a happy birthday. She wasn’t able to project very loudly and I ended up stepping in to manage the crowd. Pulled a muscle in my side doing so, but we got it done. 
The show started and it was pretty great. Lots of fun and lots of lesbian action. I had my feet up on the railing in front most of the evening like a true gay that can’t sit normally. 
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Taliesin stop looking at me.
OH Steve successfully handed a full set of our @searchpartydnd tarot cards to Matthew Mercer. I didn’t expect Matt to stop or even be as interested as he was. That man never ceases to amaze with his genuine love for what the community produces as a result of his creation. I hope he enjoys them and finds some inspiration in them.
After the show, it was pretty late but the Search Party had the munchies. We ended walking to the center of town for a cheaper Uber and then bummed around a Steak and Shake for an hour before crashing.
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@gatherthewords Sorry, I’ll take down this picture upon your request. 
To be continued...
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3
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nagittos · 7 years
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Thank you to all who participated! The survey was conducted a month after New Danganronpa V3′s western release and managed to compile some interesting results, so I hope you enjoy looking at the graphics, and I’d love to hear your thoughts and reactions! **click photos to enlarge**
If you’re interested, I conducted a survey in the past for the previous games as well. The results are HERE.
more stats
location: 0.1% Africa | 6% Asia |  4.6% Australia | 25.4% Europe | 59% North America | 4.9% South America
age: 11.7% ages 11-15 | 56.4% ages 16-20 | 25.3% ages 21-25 | 5.2% ages 26-30 |  1.5% ages 31+
been in the fandom for: 17.2% 0-1 years | 29% 1-2 years | 20.6% 2-3 years | 16.8% 3-4 years | 11.7% 4-5 years | 5% 5+ years
ending: 71.7% liked it | 28.3% disliked it
language: 25.6% Japanese | 61.1% English | 13.3% Both
seesaw or toilet paper: 66.3% seesaw | 33.7% toilet paper
100% of your faves are dead
in another survey i ran before ndrv3 came out, the characters were ranked 1. akamatsu kaede 2. kiibo 3. ouma kokichi 4. amami rantarou 5. harukawa maki 6. saihara shuuichi 7. yumeno himiko 8. iruma miu 9. yonaga angie 10. gokuhara gonta 11. kirumi toujou 12. shirogane tsumugi 13. shinguuji korekiyo 14. momota kaito 14. chabashira tenko 16. hoshi ryouma
chapter 1 and the characters involved were way more popular in this game than in either of the previous two games
on the other hand, chapter 2 and the characters were involved were clearly the least favorite 
this is the first time that chapter 6 was not in the top 3
just like komaeda from the last poll, even though iruma placed highly in favorite girl, favorite overall character, favorite talent, etc. she was not chosen in the top 5 for ‘people you wanted to survive’
amami is the first character to show up twice in one graphic due to his two talents though one of his talents was useless
some comments people left
ultimate survivor my ass
why can’t we vote monotaro best boi
why did he have to be a siscon psycho
i was so prepared to like him but nope, turns out he’s ultimate incest
it’s not incest if they’re dead
is it just me or are the games getting gayer
humanity is beautiful, and so are seesaws
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alphacrone · 7 years
country singer bitty accidentally writes a hit about nhl player jack
Based on this post about the inspiration for Dolly Parton’s Jolene, which is somehow even gayer than the song itself. Bless you, Dolly.
It had started out so innocently.
Bitty had been tired after hours of this meet n’ greet, and when that tall drink of water walked up to get his autograph, Bitty couldn’t help the words that tumbled out of his mouth.
“Gosh, well aren’t you the most handsome fella I’ve ever seen,” he said, reached for the outstretched CD--CD! Who even bought CDs anymore?--and readied his Sharpie. “What’s your name, hun?”
“Uh, Jack,” the man said, pretty eyes going wide. If he’d been more awake, Bitty might’ve felt bad for making a fan uncomfortable. But if this Jack really were a fan, then he certainly wouldn’t have a problem with another man complimenting him. And besides, he was handsome, with his wide shoulders and high cheekbones and eyes as blue as the summer sky.
“Jack,” Bitty repeated, signing the CD with little flourish. “Jack. That’s a nice name. Jack. Jack. That sounds like it should be a song, like a good, ol’ fashioned folk song or something. Blue-eyed Jack. Jack with the blue eyes.” He chuckled at his own Beyoncé joke, fatigue weighing heavily on his shoulders. “Here you go,” he said, handing Jack the autographed CD case and smiling widely at him. “Have a great day, Blue-Eyed Jack.”
“Thanks,” Jack said, giving him a shy grin. “You, too.”
Bitty sighed as he turned and left, watching a little too intently as he walked away. So it wasn’t just his face that was beautiful. Bitty would leave that out of the song.
The next fan stepped up, a preteen girl with a bad case of brace-face, and Bitty greeted her with a tired smile, all thought of Jack gone from his mind.
  Despite his fatigue, Bitty couldn’t sleep that night. He rarely could on roadies. It wasn’t the proximity to his band that was the problem--Bitty found the sounds of Chowder snoring to be comforting--but more the act of travelling that made Bitty antsy. He kept a small, potted fern next to his bed, hoping that it would make him feel rooted, but it rarely worked. With a sigh, Bitty pulled out his phone and scrolled through Instagram, hoping the ridiculous myriad of selfies from his guitarist, Ransom, would lull him to sleep.
When he enlarged the first photo on Ransom’s page, however, Bitty nearly dropped his phone. There, squeezed between Ransom and Chowder, was Blue-Eyed Jack. He looked even more handsome in this photo, eyes brought out by whatever filter Ransom had used. Met this mofo today, the caption read. #gofalcs #providencefalconers #zimmboni #bittyandthebiscuits
“Falconers,” Bitty murmured to himself. That was the hockey team his band loved, the one whose games he watched from time-to-time. The only player he could name was Alexei Mashkov, however, because of the shrine to him the boys had built over Ransom’s bunk. He wondered if Blue-Eyed Jack was one of Mashkov’s teammates.
Jack, Bitty thought, closing his eyes against the glare of the phone. Blue-Eyed Jack, don’t walk away. Blue-Eyed Jack, I’m here to stay. Lovely boy, can’t you see? Blue-Eyed Jack, come back to me.
“Oh.” Bitty sat up straight, smacking his head against the bunk. “OW.”
“Mmgh-” The bed above him rustled as Ransom woke. “You okay, Bits?”
“Hit my head,” Bitty whispered. “Thought of a song.”
“Cool,” Ransom muttered, clearly still mostly asleep. “Have fun.”
Bitty didn’t respond; he’d already pulled open his Google Docs app and was jotting down everything he could think of, brain whirring away, jumbled up with thoughts of pretty eyes and shy smiles.
  Bitty and Ransom wrote the song in a week. By the time their roadie was over and they were back in L.A., the entire band knew Blue-Eyed Jack and their manager, Lardo, got them into the recording studio as soon as she could.
The song was a bigger hit than Bitty ever could’ve imagined. Though he was out--and one of the first publicly gay country singers to not be dropped by his label--Bitty rarely sung directly about men and being attracted to them. It seemed risky, in the past; fans might not care what he did in his personal life, but that was a far cry from listening to two minute and forty-three seconds of a man loving other men.
Blue-Eyed Jack met plenty of resistance, of course, but the support was what totally overwhelmed Bitty. He cried every day that the song stayed at the top of the charts, and was met with merciless chirping from his bandmates. At the end of the day, though, they’d all pull him into a big group hug and let him cry with happiness.
“Dolly Parton’s been tweeting about you,” Ransom said one day, a few weeks after the single had been released. “Dude, I think she wants to duet with you. Dude. Dude.”
“I think I’ve died,” Bitty said, flopping back dramatically on the couch, head landing in Ransom’s lap. “Am I dead? I feel dead.”
Ransom looked up from his phone. “Very possible. Let’s write a song about it for the CD.”
And, yes, their label was now working towards a brand-new album, to feature and be named after Blue-Eyed Jack.
“M-kay,” Bitty hummed, closing his eyes as he thought about a fun twist on death for the next song. The support of fans has slain me dead, tell Dolly to sing at my funeral-
“How’d you even come up with Blue?” Ransom asked, tossing his notebook onto the coffee table. “It’s simple but, like, genius.”
“Oh, ha,” Bitty said, rubbing at his eyes. “You remember that stop in Boston? Where we met with fans for hours before the concert? I met the most beautiful man in the world, there, named Jack, and I was so tired I told him I’d write a song about him, he was just so pretty.”
“El-oh-el, Bits,” Ransom said with a snort. “He was really that pretty?”
“You should know,” Bitty retorted. “You met him, too. On your Insta.”
“Wait…” Ransom scrolled through his phone again, brow furrowing. “Are you talking about Jack Zimmermann?”
“He’s in the pic with you and Chowder,” Bitty said with a shrug. “Hashtags about the Falcs.”
Bitty sat up, a little taken aback. “He’s gay?”
“Not the point, Bits,” Ransom hissed, grabbing Bitty’s shoulders. “He’s Bad Bob’s son. He’s magical.”
Bitty shrugged, wondering if Chowder and Dex would have the same reaction. “He’s also very pretty.”
“I’m tweeting about this,” Ransom said, scurrying to the door. “I’m tweeting this. This is epic. This is- I don’t even know what this is.” “Rans!” Bitty lept up, chasing him out of the room. “What’re you doing? Stop that!”
Bitty felt his phone buzz, knowing it was a Twitter notification without having to look.
Justin Oluransi @canadianbiscuit
Apparently @omgittybitty wrote Blue-Eyed Jack about @jlzimmermann1 and didn’t realize it???? EVERYONE SHAME BITTY W ME #shame
“You’re such a dick!” Bitty shouted as Ransom high-tailed it up the stairs to Dex’s and Chowder’s bedrooms. “I swear to Jesus I’m gonna replace you! Just you watch, you traitor!”
All he got in response was Ransom’s laughter and indignant shrieks from Dex and Chowder in response to the tweet. Bitty sighed and stalked off to the kitchen to bake, knowing already that he would be donating the pies that came out of this to the lovely couple nextdoor.
  The tweet went viral.
Ransom was banned from pie for weeks.
  They ended up on the east coast again to promote the new album before its release. Bitty had eventually forgiven Ransom, and the hockey community as a whole seemed to find the event more funny than offensive. The Falcs had replied to the tweet excitedly and Alexei Mashkov had followed them all on various social media platforms -- as did his teammates Birkholtz, Nurse, and Knight -- much to the excitement of the band.
Bitty told the story over and over again in different interviews that week as they bounced around TV studios, radio shows, and promotional events. He was starting to grow tired of talking about Jack Zimmermann--there were several songs on the album he was really excited about, but no one cared about that when they could chirp Bitty for his crush on a stupid hockey player.
They had a night off after an event in Boston, and Bitty was looking forward to finding some nice restaurant and turning in early, but the boys kidnapped him and pulled him into an Uber before he could protest.
“We’ve got plans, Bits,” Ransom said, slinging an arm around his shoulder. “You’re gonna love ‘em. Promise.”
“You’re still on thin ice, Justin,” Bitty sniped. “Watch yourself.”
The boys and Lardo just laughed and they rode away from the city, through some truly impressive traffic, until they hit 95. Then they were cruising, making smalltalk with the driver and chirping each other like little kids.
It wasn’t until Bitty noticed the signs on the side of the road that he realized just where they were heading. “Providence?” He asked, eyes narrowing. “Is this some sort of joke?”
“No joke,” Chowder said simply. “They’re playing the Flyers tonight. We’ve got tickets!”
“Really great tickets,” Dex added. “Lardo got in contact with their PR people-”
“Who’ve been loving the publicity from Rans’ tweet,” Lardo added.
“-and they sent us seats right up on the glass. It’s gonna be wicked ‘swawesome.”
‘Ugh, I hate you all,” Bitty said, crossing his arms. “The internet’s gonna eat this up and make my life miserable.” “Yep!” Ransom agreed. “Also, we’ve got passes to meet the team after.”
“Driver,” Bitty said, leaning over the console. “Driver please unlock the door and let me throw myself from the vehicle, thank you.”
Sadly, the driver just laughed, and Bitty resigned himself to his fate.
  Admittedly, the game was great. Even if the announcer did introduce Zimmermann as “Our very own Blue-Eyed Jack,” much to Bitty’s chagrin. But now, as they waited in a back room to meet the team, Bitty wondered if he still had time to escape. Ransom’s arm around his shoulder was tighter than he’d like, and meant running probably wouldn’t be an option.
“Holy crap, dudes!”
A very large man--Birkholtz--burst into the room, grinning at them all. “If it isn’t the band that made Zimmer-dick legendary!”
“That’s us!” Ransom said cheerfully. Bitty fought the urge to hide his face in his hands.
Behind Birkholtz came Nurse, Knight, and Mashkov, all greeting them exuberantly. Mashkov pulled Bitty into a tight hug, lifting him straight off his feet.
“Jay-Zed’s on his way,” Knight said easily, shaking hands with Lardo and Dex. “He’s been itchin’ meet you guys again since the song came out.”
“Oh, Lord,” Bitty whispered. “So he doesn’t hate it?”
Knight and Nurse exchanged an incredulous look. “Hate it? Dude,” Nurse laughed. “He loves it.”
“Oh.” Bitty felt his cheeks flush. “Well. That’s good.”
“You guys wanna get drinks once Zimmboni gets here?” Mashkov asked.
“Yes!” Ransom and Chowder shouted at the same time. Dex shrugged and nodded, trying to look cool. Bitty just sighed.
“What about me?”
Bitty felt his heart skip a beat. There, in the doorway, stood Jack Zimmermann, his eyes as blue as ever and his cheeks pink from the game. Lord, if Bitty hadn’t already written a song dedicated to this man’s beauty, he’d be writing one right now.
“Oh,” Jack said, a small smile blooming on his face. “Hi, again.”
“Hi,” Bitty said, forgetting basic human language as he drank in the sight of post-game Jack, freshly showered and glowing.
“Alright, we’ll meet you guys at the exit,” Birkholtz said, ushering the others from the room. “Have fun, use protec-”
He was cut off by Knight, who all but shoved him out the door, winking at Jack.
Then they were alone and Bitty thought he might pass out.
“So, um.” Bitty scratched at his neck. “I hear you like the song?”
Jack nodded, eyes cast down at his shoes. “I do. A lot. You really...wrote it about me?”
Bitty nodded quickly, not trusting his voice. Jack looked pleased, and the light of it in his eyes made them look even bluer and prettier.
“The guys mentioned getting drinks right now,” Jack said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “But, uh, I could really go for some food right now. Euh, dinner. With you? Tonight? Now?”
Bitty chewed on his bottom lip, nodding with every word Jack added. “I’d like that,” he said.
“Great.” Jack just smiled at him for a moment, then seemed to remember he needed to say something else. “I know a great Italian place not far from my apartment…”
Bitty felt his body burning at the implication, and nodded again. “That sounds perfect.”
“Perfect,” Jack repeated, and he held out his hand. Bitty took it and let Jack lead him from the room. They were almost at the parking garage where Jack’s car was kept when Jack paused with a wicked grin and asked, “So, you really think my face is that pretty, eh?”
Bitty pouted. “You keep up that chirping and you’re eating alone, mister. Teasing’s reserved for the third date.”
Jack laughed and kept walking, squeezing Bitty’s hand. “Guess I’ll have to wait until then.”
Bitty nodded, unable to hide his smile. “Guess you will.”
[My writing tag]
[OMGCP Country Singer AU]
[My online novel, The Discourt Knife]
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glaceontea · 7 years
Cheerleader - pt.6
bc i was told by a certain someone (thanks lisa) to include more royality friendship lol
well, this isn’t going to last long- i mean what this chapter is them getting their hair dyed and more. have fun.
Tagged: @starlight-sanders, @sanspie122, @80s-addict, @watch-me-introvert, @princeyandanxiety, @imin-loveanon, @the-real-numba-one, @gaysonofjafar, @gotta-love-dem-sides, @just-a-random-word​ (if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list, just ask!)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex/sex appeal?, homophobia :(
Ships: Logicality and Prinxiety, hinted Royality??
Previous Part | Masterpost | Next Part
"Okay girls! And you two! Go have a break!" The coach yelled. Roman and Patton walked over to where their water bottles sat. At that exact moment, Roman was struck with, what he thought to be, the best idea of his life.
"Patton, I just had an awesome idea," Roman began. Patton looked up from his phone, curious as to what the idea was that his friend had conjured up. "Let's go get our hair dyed!" Patton grinned at him, already thinking of the colours he could wear on his head.
"Why?" He asked. Patton already knew he wasn't going to deny Roman's request, but curiosity got the better of him. Maybe Logan was rubbing off on him.
"To be gayer," Roman answered, making Patton laugh. Of course. "I mean, we already look hot, and it has gay flair, so..." Patton rolled his eyes, taking a seat and looking up at Roman. "Also, it would increase your sex appeal," Roman stated, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Logan's asexual," Patton deadpanned, causing Roman to blush and apologise. "Besides, I don't think me having blue hair would make me sexy." Roman looked Patton up and down with a smirk.
"I don't think you need to increase your sex appeal, it's already way up there, but it would definitely work," he stated with a wink. "Also, you're getting blue?" Roman asked, surprised he'd already decided. Patton shrugged, desperately trying to hide his blush.
"I don't know, maybe?" He squeaked.
"Alright ladies! And you two! Break's over!" The coach yelled, and both of the boys began to make their way onto the court.
"We'll go this afternoon," Roman decided. Patton nodded, a small smile on his face.
"I think I'm going to get my hair dyed turquoise. It's one of Logan's favourite colours and it just looks good, you know?" Roman nodded in agreement as they walked towards the hairdressers.
"Honestly, I think it'd make you look even cuter than you already do." Patton ducked his head and blushed again, gosh darn it as Roman pulled him into a side-hug and continued walking down the path."I'm going to get this pinkish-red colour. It's technically flamingo pink actually, it's a great colour." Patton looked up the colour 'flamingo pink' on his phone as Roman continued talking, releasing the boy from his grasp. "Yeah, I'm getting it because Virgil thinks I look good in pink and I think I look good in pink and everyone thinks I look good in pink." Patton laughed, agreeing with the statement as he slid his phone into his pocket, the pair entering the hairdressing salon.
Roman quickly told the receptionist what they wanted and the pair sat down on the couch in the waiting room. "Obligatory selfie because you're fucking adorable and so am I." Patton felt his face heat up lightly as Roman pulled out his phone, taking the selfie and uploading it to Instagram, adding the caption 'getting our hair dyed! xx'.
"Patton?" A lady asked. Patton stood up, making his way over to one of the many seats in the salon. They went through the usual wave of questions a began the colouring, as Roman was called up to do the same.
Roman continuously posted pictures of himself and Patton to his story throughout the nearly two-hour process, making Patton protest every time he noticed his fellow cheerleader was filming.
Soon after Patton's hair had been dyed, his phone buzzed in his pocket, showing a text from Logan.
Nerd boi™: You're getting your hair dyed? What? Why? WHY WASN'T I TOLD?!
Patton simply responded with an image of himself and his freshly-dyed turquoise hair. Logan freaked out, talking about how pretty of a colour it was and how he couldn't wait to play with it and run his hands through it, making Patton smile like a lovesick fool.
"You look fabulous, Patton! An amazing colour choice indeed!" Patton looked up from his phone and gasped, grinning at the now pink-haired Princey.
"That is such a good shade of pink. But now I want ice-cream. Can we get ice-cream?" Patton asked, standing up and paying at the counter as he batted his eyelashes at the other.
"This is turning into a bit of a date of sorts, isn't it? A platonic date. I can't believe we haven't done this before!" Roman laughed and linked their arms as they walked out of the salon, beginning to skip down the street.
"Look, you're awesome Roman, but stop embarrassing me. Please." Roman simply shook his head in protest but unlinked their arms, skipping ahead further. He turned around and skipped backwards, making Patton giggle at the boy's antics.
Soon, the two arrived at a local ice-cream parlour. Roman ordered his ice-cream, then Patton ordered his own, and both sat down to eat outside. The parlour had a vintage feel to it, the general theme being pastel pink and white.
"So, you finally went on a date with Virgil, huh?" Patton asked, leaning his elbow on the table and placing his chin in the palm of his hand. Roman blushed bright red, trying to hide his face behind his phone.
"Yeah, we're sort of boyfriends now. No biggie." Patton gasped.
"No way! It's such a big deal, Roman, you talk about him non-stop! What's it like dating a bad boy?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"He's not actually like that, he just sort of... pretends? Claims he has a reputation to uphold, but he is actually the sweetest person on the planet. I figured out that I can make him blush really easily, he's so fucking adorable. He tries to act really edgy all the time, I love it." Patton grinned.
"Awe! Dating him sounds awesome! Logan's kind of the same, but he's a massive flirter. He says he has no emotions, but he has a lot of love. He's so sweet, he texts me every morning to make sure I slept well, and every evening to say goodnight. He's a dork."
"Oh, well Virgil sends me photos of things that remind me of him." Patton raised an eyebrow. "They're usually just photos of things like garbage bags, or bins, or trucks, but still!" Roman squeaked, making Patton laugh. "We should start heading back to school, we've got to perform tonight, remember?" Patton jumped up immediately, grinning from ear to ear.
"I'm so excited! Virgil's coming, right?" Roman nodded as the pair wandered down the street again, heading back to school to get ready for the game. "Wait, are you not playing?" Roman shook his head.
"No, the younger team's playing. They're not as good as my team, obviously, but it's still an entertaining game."
"Here, boys, your outfits. Nice hair, by the way." Patton and Roman grinned at each other, taking the cheerleading outfits from their coach. Black and white, the skirt was relatively short (no shorter than what either would normally wear, however), and the top was cut into a v-neck.
"Okay girls, and you two, this is the first game of the football season, and I know you're going to smash it. Roman, good luck to you, I'm sure you'll be amazing. Now, quickly warm up and stretch and do what you need to do, we're on in 10." The pair left to get changed.
"You nervous?" Patton asked as he stretched his legs out, looking up at his friend as Roman checked himself out in the mirror.
"Yes. This means a lot to me, if I stuff it up I would be teased for being bad at something. I can't have that. It would suck." Patton brushed his turquoise hair out of his face, and made a face of concern. "Don't worry about it. I know I'm good at this. I've been told by you guys so much." Patton smiled up at him.
"Everyone will love you as much as I- we do soon." Roman beamed and grabbed Patton's hand, dragging a blushing Patton off.
"Okay girls, we're doing routine two tonight." Most of the cheerleaders began doing little moves to go over that particular routine. "Roman, you're a flyer for that routine, are you sure you're good to do it?" Roman nodded at his coach in response.
"Yeah, it's all good." He sent a small smile to Patton, who grinned at him in return.
"On you go girls, good luck!" Coach whispered excitedly. The cheerleaders ran onto the field, waving at the crowd and, well, cheering, as they took their positions.
The squad performed the routine almost perfectly, Roman didn't mess up a single move (as per usual) and the crowd cheered like crazy, especially when Roman was up in the air. Patton couldn't blame them, he was incredible up there.
A couple of times the boys caught their boyfriends' eyes in the crowd, noticing how they were freaking out at their performance.
The cheerleaders left the field to cool down after the routine was performed. Patton's eyes were sparkling and Roman smiled at the boy's pure excitement as they entered the locker rooms once more. Roman grabbed a towel from his locker to dry the small layer of sweat that had accumulated on his skin.
"Come on girls, you've got to encourage the audience! In line and on the field, now!" The coach instructed. Roman and Patton rushed out of the locker rooms, tagging onto the end of the line. The cheerleaders began circling the field, ducking down at the appropriate moments (to allow fans to watch the game) and hyping up the audience during the game. Roman loved the attention, until some of that attention became negative.
"Fucking faggots! Fuck off!" A man shouted from the stands, along with a string of curse words and slurs. Roman glared in the direction of the voice, then glanced at Patton, who seemed thoroughly distressed. The boy tried to keep his smile up, but he was visibly shaking. Roman grabbed his hand and marched on, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Don't worry about it, he's a dickhead." Patton nodded, tears pricking at his eyes.
"You okay?" Roman asked Patton once they got back to the locker rooms. While Patton had continued encouraging the crowd, Roman could tell something was off.
"Yeah," Patton replied quietly, packing his gear into his bag.
"What that guy said... don't let it put you off. You're allowed to do what you want to, and there's nothing wrong with being gay. You know that," Roman comforted, trying his best to reassure his friend.
"It's not about that," Patton murmured. Roman turned around from his locker and looked at him, noticing how badly his hands were shaking. His breathing was off, the sharp intakes and shaky exhales echoing through the room, making Roman wonder why he didn't hear it before. He felt concern bubble in his chest for the uncharacteristically anxious boy. "I- I need to talk to you, Ro."
"What's up?" Roman asked, leaping over the wooden benches in the middle of the room and sitting next to the other's bag. Patton looked at him, pushing his glasses back up onto his face with shaky hands. Patton inhaled deeply, steeling himself.
"Roman... I-" Patton gulped, looking anywhere but at Roman, "I think I have a crush on you."
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riyuyami · 7 years
I honestly wasn't expecting so much love and interest for this au! :o But thank you everyone!
Here's chapter two!
Sweet Home Domino
Chapter Two
After Atemu was finally able to snap out of his moment of blank, he and Yugi grabbed his luggage from the car and headed into the house.
The inside was rather large, but cluttered with bookshelves and decorations everywhere. Lots of historical and science scattered about the place, and it smelled like pasta sauce inside. Hm, must be a pasta dish for lunch.
“Come on, I'll show you my room! That's where you'll be staying.” Yugi smiled at him, heading for the staircase. Atemu gulped, nodding as he felt his cheek heat up again, wonder how long it would take before he was forever blushing cause of this guy he just met five minutes ago.
Quietly, Atemu followed Yugi up the stairs, passing by some doors until they came to a room at the end of the hall. “Here's my room.” Yugi opened the door, letting his guest in first.
It was a big room, but with little space due to all the stuff inside. The bed was large, a queen, there were two bookshelves, one filled with games and objects, the other had books, DVDs, and video games. There was a TV in a corner, with several game consuls, well... he continues to capture Atemu's heart with every little thing.
The walls had framed photos, and lots of posters for movies and Duel Monsters.
Atemu turned, looking at Yugi, blushing deeply. “You... like Duel Monsters?”
Yugi's cheeks turned pink and he laughed. “Uhh... yeah, I'm a big fan of games. I mean, my name is associated to games in Japanese, haha... but Duel Monsters is my favorite. I guess you like it?”
“Yeah! I enter local and state tournaments back in Washington!” Atemu grinned. “We should play some time, I brought some of my decks with me.”
“That's awesome.” Yugi looked so excited, oooh... he has such a cute smile when he's excited.
Fuck, shit, damnit, this crush just started and already it's getting out of control!
He's gonna have to talk to someone about this...
“Boys! Lunch is on!” Arthur yelled up the stairs and the two made their way down.
In the kitchen, Atemu found the last of the house members. At the stove, setting a hot pan down on top of it after pulling it from a stove, was a young girl. Her long, blond hair was pulled back in a tight set of pigtails, and she turned to look at him with calculating green eyes behind a set of glasses.
The girl, Rebecca, looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “Ah, this must be Atemu Muran.” She said, in a way that made Atemu feel like she was insulting him.
“Yes, and you must be Rebecca Hawkins.”
“The one and only.” She looked smug. “I hope you like baked chicken Alfredo, since that's what I made for lunch!”
“You'll like it.” Yugi leaned over, whispering to the smaller of the two boys. “Rebecca is a really good cook.” He winked, before walking to the table.
Atemu blinked a few times, before inhaling deeply, tensing up. This boy was gonna fucking kill him before the day was done, he swore to God.
Quietly, Atemu took a seat, deciding not to sit next to Yugi, but next to Sugoroku, who smiled at him as Rebecca started serving the pasta. “So, Atemu, your uncle was just telling us that you just graduated high school.”
“Yeah, finally done with high school, and I'm happy for that. I'm already set up to attend college in Washington in August.”
“What are you going to major in?” Rebecca asked as she sat down.
Atemu gave a shrug. “I was looking into a history major or something, maybe see what I can do with that. Or pick up an archaeology degree.”
“Those sound like good majors.” Yugi turned, smiling at him. “I'm thinking about doing a business and design degree, I want to make games!”
“I-I bet you could make some really cool games, Yugi.” Atemu blushed, looking down at his plate, hearing a happy thank you from Yugi, but he didn't see the sharp look he got from Rebecca. “So, uh, did you just graduate as well? You look about my age.”
Yugi gave a nod, before taking a bite of his food. “Yeah, just this past Friday. I graduated as valedictorian, which was shocking cause I did so bad when I started high school. But I improved myself and rose to the top!”
“With my help.” Rebecca huffed. “I had to set you straight, Yugi! All those terrible grade, uhg, how embarrassing! You needed to get your head out of the clouds and back into your books. And not study with your friends.”
The orchid-eyed boy rolled his eyes. “I know, I know, but Joey was the one who always found some way to distract us, so don't blame me.”
“He's your best friend.”
“He's a great friend.” Yugi chuckled. “Oh, Atemu! When we get the chance, I'll have to introduce you to my friends, they'll love to meet you!”
The addressed boy looked up, blinking. “Y-your friends?” Oh, he didn't do well meeting new people, hell, he almost fainted when he spotted Yugi, how would he be around his friends? He'd probably end up making a total ass out of himself somehow. “I'd... love to meet them...!”
Well, might as well be nice and go along with this, don't want to come off as jerk, yeah?
Yugi grinned. “Awesome, I'll have to find a good day for us all to meet up! Oooh, maybe we can go swimming, it's gonna start warming up this week.”
“Which is good, since there are still clumps of icy snow off the sides of the roads here.” Siamun spoke up. “Saw some on the way to and from Billings today.”
The conversation went into the weather in the state, and Atemu took this as a chance to text his friends.
To Sage's Stone
Mana! Help! I'm having
a problem!
From Sage's Stone
Whats the problem bby
To Sage's Stone
Boys are hot and I'm
gayer than I originally
From Sage's Stone
Well no shit
To Sage's Stone
Mana, I need help,
I'm gonna be spending
all summer with a really
cute boy!
From Sage's Stone
How is this a problem
To Sage's Stone
Well, first off, he's
hot as hell. Second, he's, like,
my dream guy and everything
I'd ever wanna be
From Sage's Stone
Pic or ur lying
To Sage's Stone
I can't just take a picture!
We're eating lunch with the
other people here!
“Who are you texting, Atemu?”
Atemu jumped and shoved his phone into his pocket, looking over at Sugoroku. “O-oh! Just m-my friend, Mana. I was giving her updates about my trip. S-she wanted to now how things were going, yeah, you know, that stuff.”
“Ah, I get it.” He chuckled, returning to his food. Atemu let out a small sigh, looking at his phone to see a new message from Mana.
From Sage's Stone
Send 1 l8r <|;3
He rolled his eyes, putting his phone away, he'd deal with her later. He might have to talk to some of his other friends later, hopefully when he can get on his computer. Maybe they could be of more help, hopefully.
Well... maybe not Marik or Bakura, those guys are dicks. And Mahado is a stick in the mud, same with Rishid. Ishizu and Mai might be helpful, same with Jaden, Yusei is too much like Mahado though. Seto... okay, he's probably the worse one to talk to.
So it's down to Ishizu, Mai, and Jaden.
He'll bother them later, right now he needed to just... figure out what the hell he was gonna be doing to survive this summer.
“Hey, Atemu, want to help me do the dishes?” Yugi asked as he stood up with his dirty dishes.
Atemu just nodded, his face turning a bright red once more. Okay, more like he needed to survive today, he expected his death would be from blushing.
Uhg, this is like something out of a bad anime...
Sorry it's short, I'm still trying to figure everything out for this story.
I am open to suggestions and ideas! Just send me a message!
Mana's little <|;3 is a witch face she made, I figured she'd be the kinda person to do that.
Next chapter: Atemu attempts to survive the first night
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moredickpics-blog · 5 years
Future Sex: Pornographic Trolling is the Ultimate Trolling
If your ex hates you, Hunter Moore is ready and willing to ruin your life.
With his website “Is Anyone Up?”, he’s become the Larry Flint of revenge pornography, inviting spurned lovers to send over any nude photos of exes, and publishing them, along with personal information and a Facebook profile page screenshot, on his site. Cue a cover story in the Village Voice (in which he ruminates on the traffic he’d get by driving people to suicide), and hundreds of internet trolls, who will savagely berate your ex on their breasts or body or penis size. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of posts on the site are of women.
The web is filled with useful things: information, opinions, memes, social networks, video, pornography. But on top of all the sharing, educating, creating, and masturbating, the Internet has had another defining purpose almost from its inception: trolling.
Trolls are everywhere, from the top-voted comment on YouTube (the elegant and thoughtful variation on “this is gayer than gay porn”) to my personal Facebook profile. I can post anything, from a picture of my trip to the Bronx Zoo to an update on my vacation, and, invariably, at least one comment drips with sarcasm and mocks the picture and/or its subject (most often me). And that’s from some of my best friends. Sure, I probably have more trolls in my friend circle than the average person. I often write about technology and have a disproportionate number of computer programmers (the worst trolls) as online friends. And I troll right back, at the risk of undercutting sincere and genuine moments, or whatever that means on Facebook.
A sampling of the comments on Is Anyone Up? Yeah, people aren’t too nice
It’s obvious that the internet is a kind of incubator for the worst aspects of humanity. Under the cover of an anonymous handle, we can, and do, say the worst things imaginable; we mock and humiliate strangers with impunity. The internet is also a well-known safe space for pornography. Hunter Moore’s evil stroke of genius was in combining the two. Adding personal information is the not-so-secret sauce. Suddenly, you’re not just insulting some random stranger. You’re insulting a stranger whose last name and cell phone number you now know. You can see her Facebook profile. You can see where she goes to college and who her sister is and what nu metal band she’s into.
Trolling can take many forms, some simply annoying and harmless, but the trolling that takes place on Moore’s site is more closely related to cyber-bullying. You can view the site, and the anonymous comments on the “revenge porn,” at your own risk. Suffice it to say, there aren’t many words of encouragement or flattery up there, though there’s a lot of commentary on women’s bodies, women’s “busted” faces, and overwhelming repetition of the phrase, “paper bag her head” (you know, so you can have sex with a woman without having to look at her “busted” face). Though trolling and cyber-bullying aren’t exclusive to women and their bodies—there’s ample racist and homophobic troll content online—Moore’s site tends to stick to the trope of shaming women (and a few men) for their provocative photos.
What’s especially sinister is the specificity of the targets. For some people, the idea of actually insulting a real person, of actually ruining his or her life (for some period of time) is the enticement. The internet provides a medium in which rapid consumption results in rapid desensitization. So, we keep upping the ante, looking for another envelope to push. Pornography gets more violent. Trolling gets more violent. The violent intrusion into an ordinary person’s private sexual sphere gets so transgressive that it’s practically inhuman.
But to Hunter Moore and anyone else running a site that draws trolls, it’s also money. Moore tells the Voice that if someone killed themselves as a result of appearing on isanyoneup.com, the hate he would receive would be overwhelming. But hate, like any attention, can be monetized on the internet: “The more traffic I’d have that day, I’m going to get paid for. So if someone fucking killed themselves? Do you know how much hate I’d get? All the Googling, all the redirects, all, like, the press…”
It’s reductive to say that trolling comes out of a desire to assuage feelings of poor self-esteem by battering down a stranger under the protection of anonymity. But that doesn’t make that statement untrue. It’s a desire to expose someone for being something other than what they portray themselves as. It’s an outlet for the violence that many people corral within themselves. And when our culture defines sexual intimacy and provocative, sexualized images as the most personal of all aspects of a person – when, often, the worst way to insult a woman is to call her a slut – then we may have reached new terrain in personal brutality.
And yet, revenge porn might also be more of a throwback than it first appears. Often, someone will upload some content to the internet, maybe on youtube, and trolls will accuse the person of being gay or ugly or use any number of insults. On isanyoneup.com, the photographs, and the trolling that they inspire, are framed as a kind of punishment – for being promiscuous, or for being sexual at all. Because they cheated or because their ex is disgruntled or because they were naive enough to trust someone with explicit sexual images of themselves, these “whores” and “sluts” are getting what they deserve. And because the site is mostly populated with women, and our ideas of women still follow a sexual binary of “good” or “bad,” Moore’s site is, in a way, old fashioned. It’s a perverse way of reinforcing Victorian ideas about women’s propriety. Don’t be bad girls, girls. You don’t want to end up on naked on the Internet.
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
Lil Nas X Drops 'Panini' Video + Kevin Hart Dragged (And Defended) Over His Comments To The Rapper About Him Coming Out
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After performing the song in a similar look at the MTV VMAs recently, Lil Nas X just dropped the official video to his newest single "Panini." Go inside his futuristic world and find out why Kevin Hart is being criticized as he recovers from his accident.
Set in a futuristic world of flying cars and hologram billboards, X tapped Disney actress Skai Jackson to star in the vid, showing her in an attempt to escape Lil Nas X as he pops up everywhere she goes, trying to win her over as a fan. Ha. By the way, the treatment idea for the visual came directly from X himself and was brought to life and directed by special effects artist, musician and YouTuber Mike Diva.
Lil Nas X previously revealed that “Panini” is a song about a fan who loves you in the early stages of your career for the cool factor of knowing about something before it becomes mainstream, and that fan feeling like they’ve outgrown you when the rest of the world catches on. Sounds about typical.
And if you're trying to watch it in school, X has got you covered:
if u wanna see panini and u at school act like ur stomach hurting and ask to go to the bathroom
— nope (@LilNasX) September 5, 2019
Peep the blacklight, neon filled video below:
  The video comes out on the heels of Lil Nas X's appearance on Lebron James' HBO show, "The Shop."  In last night's season premiere, things got heated when the rapper, Kevin Hart, Charlamagne tha God, and other guests began a question about homosexuality.
.@lilnasx speaks the truth about his choice to come out while at the top. More of The Shop on @HBO now! pic.twitter.com/wETNaPUU5t
— UNINTERRUPTED (@uninterrupted) September 4, 2019
In the 1 minute clip taken from the full premiere episode, Kevin interrupts Lil Nas X's response, saying "So what?!", when the host asks the rapper about choosing to "come out" while he's at a peak in his career.
Some folks thought it came off as dismissive and silencing, especially when Kevin felt the wrath of the LGBT community and allies himself recently in his career due to comments he made about not wanting his son to be gay. The comedian made it seem like X coming out wasn't a big deal, but, isn't it? Even if it's a big deal in a positive way?
Others believed he wasn't being dismissive, and that he was simply saying it shouldn't be a big deal that someone came out.  They believe he was actually supporting Lil Nas X in his own way. X had a response to that though when he finished his explanation. He said he's actually solidifying the fact that it's not a big deal if he makes this reveal at the top of his career and it doesn't affect his career, instead of waiting to use it as a publicity stunt.
Check out the debate below:
Kevin Hart got me tight the entire interview, but I think he was trying to say that being gay shouldn’t be a big deal to Nas. Even tho for someone like Lil Nas and everything he’s done, being gay is definitely a big deal, and that’s obv what Lil Nas was trying to explain
— Joshua Bautista (@joshb3600) September 5, 2019
This Kevin Hart shit pisses me off, that whole interview pisses me off, I can’t stand when straight people ask why it’s a big deal to come out and then say no one cares if people are gay. Fuck you if you think that. Open your eyes.
— soph (@itsmrstealyour_) September 5, 2019
That Lil Nas X/Kevin Hart clip is a prime reason Black gay men hate going to the barbershop. It’s often a space for (straight) Black men to bash Black women and Black LGBTQ people with very few people challenging that toxic environment.
— Preston Mitchum (@PrestonMitchum) September 4, 2019
If Kevin Hart is still in the hospital, I hope his nurse is gayer than Billy Porter in June.
— Saeed Jones (@theferocity) September 4, 2019
the stupidity of kevin hart telling lil nas x that the world doesn’t care if people are gay anymore. what world are you living in??????
— renee (@chalametsqueen) September 5, 2019
Wow Kevin hart really has the nerve to say “so what” to a famous young black man for coming out, when half his jokes are about slapping his son for “acting gay” LMAO wow
— the qing of queens (@emoilia) September 5, 2019
i can understand where things could be taken out of context but Kevin Hart has literally said he would beat his kid if they were gay-so that’s all i really needed to know about him to form an opinion on him and think that he’s out of line on any queer issues.
— payne (@payneywayney7) September 5, 2019
Others say the people who are criticizing simply didn't watch the full episode:
Twitter: Kevin Hart is homophobic look at how he gaslight lil nas x Reality: #TheShopHBO pic.twitter.com/hqJRPqnMc7
— Zan (@GodZanMarino) September 5, 2019
Kevin Hart could have been quiet as a mouse on that Barbershop episode with @LilNasX and folks would have still been upset on some “his silence speaks volumes...he’s so homophobic” type shit.
This outrage/easily offended culture is lame af.
— joshtooclutch (@JoshTooClutch) September 5, 2019
Y’all asses ain’t even watch the full interview of the Kevin Hart and lil nasx shit y’all annoying “Kevin Hart homophobic” man ain’t no damn homophobic. When he said that joke bout his son being gay niggas thought that was the funniest shit. now it’s not y’all wild
— SKINNY (@senorskinny) September 5, 2019
I definitely think y’all taking Kevin hart saying “so what ; he’s gay who cares” the wrong way lol.....
Calling his accident karma is foul regardless
— Durrell (@DGIBBS89) September 5, 2019
Literally the only time homophobia crosses my mind, is when I'm on Twitter defending straight black men against charges of it.
Black men have too much on our plates to be worried about who other people are fucking - THAT'S what Kevin Hart was saying to Nas X.
— BeeMoe Siddy (@DubAnders) September 5, 2019
  Photos: Columbia/Kevin's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/09/05/lil-nas-x-drops-panini-video-kevin-hart-dragged-and-defended-over-his-comments-to-the-rap
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njawaidofficial · 6 years
Important Update: These Are Officially The Gayest Olympics Ever, Deal With It
Important Update: These Are Officially The Gayest Olympics Ever, Deal With It
We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re going for the gold.
There are few things LGBTQ people enjoy more in life than listening to Carly Rae Jepsen, not wearing cargo shorts, and causing cataclysmic weather events.
But I’m here to tell you that all of those pale in comparison to (surprise, surprise) how gays take over the Olympics. Yep, the Olympics are very, very homo!
It’s been that way since the beginning. A bunch of men competing in the nude in Ancient Greece? Let’s just say that falls pretty clearly on one side of the Kinsey Scale.
If a h*t*ro tried to pull off this outfit they’d end up in the ER, but Johnny Weir makes it look flawless! Again, gay gay gay!
Elsa / Getty Images
Listen, I could go on all day. And while the Olympics have always been pretty darn gay (sorry if that gets your knickers in a knot, but that’s the truth!), according to my highly scientific research, these games hold the distinction as being the gayest games (or should I say GAYMES) in history!
Here’s the deal…it’s 20gayteen, and heterosexuality has officially NOT been renewed for another season.
Let’s start from the top (pun intended) shall we?!? There have ALWAYS been gay athletes in the Olympics, that much is true. But the 2018 Olympics are STACKED with more LGBTQ excellence than Rupaul can shake a wig at.
You know the main players. For starters, we’ve got Adam Rippon, figure skater and the first openly gay man to qualify for Team USA at the Winter Games.
Instagram: @adaripp
Let’s just say Adam is not here for ANYONE’S straight nonsense.
Twitter: @adaripp
Twitter: @Adaripp
And he expertly articulates how queer athletes are just *slightly* better than their straight counterparts.
Twitter: @Adaripp
You ALSO are probably familiar with Adam’s Team USA teammate and fellow out Olympian, Gus Kenworthy. Gus nabbed a silver medal in Sochi and is back for more in 2018.
Again, Gus is here to clock the hetero out of these Gaymes. His proficiency as a thirst trapper is unparalleled. *Kisses fingers like an Italian chef.*
But Gus isn’t just some snack on a pair of skis. He’s also here to stand up for the rights of LGBTQ people EVERYWHERE. We love queens supporting queens.
Twitter: @guskenworthy
Together, Adam and Gus have been a two-man Hurrigayne at the Olympics. Whether it’s staging epic photo shoots at the Opening Ceremony…
Instagram: @guskenworthy
…cheering each other on at their events…
Instagram: @guskenworthy
…(Seriously, how cute is this?! We’re only here to love and support our LGBTQ brothers and sisters in 2018)…
Instagram: @guskenworthy
Adam Pretty / Getty Images
…serving face…
Instagram: @adaripp
…(*screams PRUNE*)…
Instagram: @adaripp
…or even just inspiring other LGBTQ people, Adam and Gus have helped make these Olympics as glittery and gay as possible.
Twitter: @Adaripp
Just ask Mike Pence, who’s felt the full homosexual fury of the two athletes.
Carl Court / Getty Images
Adam has reportedly turned down meeting the Vice President not once, but TWICE, because of Pence’s controversial history with LGBTQ rights.
Chris Graythen / Getty Images
Adam 1, Mike Pence 0.
Twitter: @Adaripp
But it gets better! Pence was in attendance at the Opening Ceremony last week, cheering on Team USA.
Matthias Hangst / Getty Images
First of all, considering his track record with LGBTQ rights, the thought of Pence having to stand and cheer for MULTIPLE gay athletes should warm even the coldest of hearts.
Twitter: @guskenworthy
And to make things even BETTER, Gus captioned his picture with Adam from the ceremony with this amazing paragraph, and closed it out with a scorching zinger directed at Pence.
Twitter: @Adaripp
But the Gaymes are so much gayer than just Adam and Gus. There are more out athletes competing at this year’s gaymes than ANY Winter Olympics before, like Swedish hockey player Emilia Andersson Ramboldt, Australian snowboarder Belle Brockhoff, and Canadian figure skater Eric Radford.
Robert Cianflone / Getty Images
And Gus and Adam are in good company on Team USA. Speed skater Brittany Bowe is openly dating Dutch speed skater Manon Kamminga. That has got to be the fastest relationship on ice!
Afp Contributor / AFP / Getty Images
Seriously, how cute are Brittany and her girlfriend?!
*Cries tears of joy in gay.*
It’s just so…pure.
And lit’rally one of the best winter athletes ALIVE is on Team LGBTQ too. Speed skater Ireen Wüst of the Netherlands just captured her 10TH OLYMPIC MEDAL.
Afp Contributor / AFP / Getty Images
Sorry, str8s, but Irene is the MOST SUCCESSFUL DUTCH OLYMPIAN EVER. No one is even close!!!! Queer excellence at its FINEST!
Afp Contributor / AFP / Getty Images
But it’s not just the athletes making 2018 the gayest Olympics ever. Canada House is doubling as a Pride House for the second time ever.
Lars Baron / Getty Images
Seriously, let’s have a quick earnest moment, because what you see when you enter the Canada House is pretty damn cool.
Within these walls where those with Olympic hearts come to gather, you are welcomed, accepted, and respected.
This is your house no matter who you are or where you come from.
You are at home, regardless of your sex, sexual orientation, race, marital or family status, gender identity or expression, sex characteristics, creed, age, color, disability, political, or religious belief.
All that we ask is that you be respectful of all Olympic competitors, make some noise, and cheer loudest for the ones wearing the red and white maple leaf!
Be proud. Be you. Be Olympic.
Twitter: @Devin_Heroux
In fact, these Olympics are SO gay, they’ve got Fox News so SHOOK TO THE CORE that the organization POSTED and then DELETED an editorial criticizing Team USA for being “darker, gayer, different.”
The editorial stated, “Unless it’s changed overnight, the motto of the Olympics, since 1894, has been “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” It appears the U.S. Olympic Committee would like to change that to ‘Darker, Gayer, Different.’ If your goal is to win medals, that won’t work.”
But don’t worry, that was deleted faster than you can say “eleganza.” And you KNOW you’re doing something right when you have ALL the haters shook.
Just ask Adam! He knows 😉
Instagram: @adaripp
Anyways, there you have it: THE GAYEST GAYMES EVER. We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re winning medals. Deal with it!
Twitter: @guskenworthy
Click here for more Pyeongchang Winter Olympics content!
Charlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed
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