#he kills too many people for me to hold thay sympathy for long
victorian-vampir · 1 year
Jekyll and Hyde is not about a DID system (it's about duality of mankind and repression)
Grizabella was not shunned from the jellicle cats because she was a sex worker (We don't know why she was shunned because it's not important. Also she's a cat, how the fuck is she a sex worker when she's a cat. Promiscuity is not an issue for the clan regardless.)
Victor Frankenstein is not at fault for his monster leaving. (He stood in his back garden for six hours waiting for the sun to rise before going for a walk. When he got back to his house the monster had left)
There are multiple interpretations of text and stories. However there's also times where the text blatantly spells out what it's try to say. Or it doesn't. And you end up with a cat who maybe did sex work and I have no idea how.
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Tylenol and Tequila Part 4
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
A/N: Sorry that this is so short and that it took me forever to write, uni and work have been ripping me a new one. But I really hope you enjoy this fic!
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Sylvie was one of the nicest, sweetest, gentlest people Emily and Stella had ever met, so it was a little shocking when she returned to the ambo after treating a patient looking like she was about to go on a homicidal rampage. “Uh, you okay Brett?”
 “Oh, I am fine. I am very, very fine, but when we get back to the house, our dear captain, won’t be.” 
 The other two women just looked at each other, shrugged, and walked away. 
 They’d never seen her like this and made the smart decision to stay as far away from her crosshairs as possible. Even Boden was staying out of her way. Everyone was avoiding her gaze and literally jumping out of her way. Even Tuesday seemed to sense that something was wrong, sticking close to Ritter. While everyone saw this coming, the only ones who knew what set it off were those on truck 81 and ambulance 61. Boden took one look at the trail of fumes his PIC had left behind on her way to go yell at her captain and turned to look at the shocked companies in the doorway. “Exactly what happened on that call?”
 It was a minor traffic accident, but the SUV that crashed into the van pushed it against the brick wall of a hardware store and crumpled the other two doors shut. The SUV driver had called 911 several minutes ago when his breaks stopped working. He was trying to slow down but couldn’t, the only thing that was able to stop him was unfortunately the van. He ran to meet them before they’d even stopped their rigs. “I tried to stop! I tried to slow down! But even with my foot slammed on the breaks it never went below 50! I’m so sorry, please help them!” Matt’s eyes flicked over to Sylvie who had her attention on the driver and the long lacerations on his arms before he began his job, giving orders and making sure that they got everyone out of the car safe and sound. And they did. A mother and two kids, all with some minor whiplash and only the mother had any scrapes but even those were superficial. Still, they were all sent to MED just to be on the safe side. It wasn’t until he was able to focus solely on Sylvie again that the SUV driver got ‘violent’. Sylvie had noticed glass in his many cuts so she and Foster had gotten to work removing as much of it as possible. Sylvie was carefully removing a medium-sized piece with tweezers when he jerked that arm, almost hitting Sylvie in the face, yelling out in pain. “Okay, this piece is definitely hooked on something-”
 “HEY!” Sylvie, Foster, Truck 81, and the tearful SUV driver snapped their shocked gazes towards him. “You do NOT get to assault my paramedic... s! Do I need to restrain you?”
 “Matt! He was in serious pain, didn’t even hit me, and his arm flail was so not intentional! Calm. Down.” Casey was still heaving like a raging bull so Sylvie put her equipment on his legs and ignored Matt and his tenth overprotective display from that week alone. “Foster help me load him up and then get behind the wheel, we’re taking him to MED.”
 “Syl-” One murderous glare from Sylvie left Matt deflating, hanging his head ever so slightly. The SUV driver started to whimper as he was loaded into the ambulance. “Don’t worry, we’re heading to the hospital, they’ll take out all of the glass we couldn’t get and make sure that there’s nothing else wrong, okay? Just take a deep breath.”
 “Okay, so Casey had another overprotective fit, how many times is that this week?”
 “Ten, and it’s only the beginning of our second shift, Capp.”
 “I am so glad that I’m not in your place because that would just be annoying.”
 “... Thank you for your sincere sympathies, Capp. So, so much.”
 “You’re welcome!”
 “What the hell is your problem, Mattew Casey?!” He sighed, relieved that she was here, safe, with him. Even if it was so she could yell at him. “It was no-”
 “If you say ‘nothing’ I am going to lose. It. Because it is most definitely not ‘nothing’. You have been demeaning me and Foster, but especially me, for weeks. Do you think I’m incapable of doing my job? Do you not trust me or something?”
 “What? You’re amazing at your job Sylvie, and you should know by now that I trust you with my life.”
 “Then why have you been acting like I’m a porcelain doll? It’s incredibly insulting and so, so humiliating. First, you wouldn’t let me anywhere near any of our fire scenes, even if it’s to get a patient or to check on one of you! You insist that anyone needing care must be taken to me without me moving closer which could cost us valuable time one day. Second, you need reports every thirty seconds that we’re not at the firehouse or the same scene as you. Then, you bite anyone’s head off if they’re doing something even mildly annoying or inconvenient. Like when you made Gallo make pad Thai last week instead of the fettuccine alfredo he’d not only been planning but had already started making. Or like at the Cutler fire, you freaked out and forcefully moved our gurney behind the rig and would lose it every time we tried to move closer to get to patients faster. Or like today, that poor man had glass hooked around a section of vein, it was so painful for him when I tried to remove it, he didn’t mean to jerk his arm like that, he didn’t mean to almost hit me, you did not need to yell at him like that. You scared him in an already terrifying situation. He spent the entire ride over apologizing to me. You have never treated me like this before, Matt, what is going on?”
 “I almost got you killed.” His voice cracked, and despite how quiet he said it, Sylvie heard him. “What? No you-”
 “At the Arnow fire. I shouldn’t have called you in. It wasn’t safe. It wasn’t safe. How can you even look at me after that? It’s my job to keep you safe. I have to keep you safe, Sylvie. The world needs you, the house needs you, I need you.”
 “Oh, Matt.” It was such a strange and sorrowful sight, to see Matt come completely undone and collapse into her arms. “Have you been holding onto this since the fire?”
 “Since I saw you in your hospital bed after Joe told you about Otis. It was- is my job to keep you safe. You have to be safe, Sylvie. I don’t want to think about my life would be like without you. You have no idea how much you matter to me.”
 “Matt... You mean a lot to me too. But you can’t keep all this bottled up. I- I’ve been seeing a department therapist since the fire. It’s been so helpful and relieving. I’d like it if you would come with me. We can get something to eat after, just decompress, the two of us.”
 “Okay. I can see your point about- about how I’ve been acting. I’ll make an appointment, go the same day as you. But, I’d go to that diner you like, as strange as it might seem, it’s really uplifting for me to watch you get excited about their chocolate pancakes.”
 Trying to contain her blush and reminding herself she was supposed to be upset with him despite his wet cheeks and red-rimmed eyes, she gave a soft smile. “That sounds great.”
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