#he literally just sniffed her n hypnotized her
kwop-kilawtley · 2 years
Hey Bella. Perhaps all of the catastrophic events happening around you when you involve yourself with Edward is a SIGN.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
if ur requests are open could you do jason todd w brother reader whos like a baby baby, super young and the batfam is suprised he likes jason the most and jason gets really emotional when his first word is 'jay'
This is the most adorable thing I have read in a while. If a baby said my name as their first word, I would have lost any emotional self control l have.
Summary: Jason adores his literal baby brother and nearly loses his mind when he hears (Y/N)'s first word.
Warnings: fluff, just pure fluff, emotional Jason.
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When (Y/N) first came, Jason thought that he wouldn't like him. He never liked babies, he thought that they were annoying and loud. But it seems like babies seem to have a power to tell who doesn't like him and make it their mission to make that person like them.
(Y/N) came because his mother didn't want him and the mother gave up her parental rights. Bruce was happy that she did that, knowing that she wouldn't care for him.
The boy won hearts of all the residents, even Damian. But he loved Jason the most. Bruce couldn't figure out why for the life of him (Y/N) liked Jason.
But he didn't mind, but Jason some times acted like a father. A single sound that comes from (Y/N), he is there. And that's why when (Y/N) was sleeping in the living room in Bruce's arms, when he started whining, clearly waking up, Jason popped his head in.
" He is waking up, don't worry. " Bruce calmed down Jason, who walked up.
(Y/N) opened his eyes and started squirming. Jason took him from Bruce, letting (Y/N) cup his face with his hands.
" Hey to you too, little bird. Did you have a good nap? " Jason asked the baby, watching him babble in response.
" Good? That's nice to hear. "
Jason left the living room, making Bruce watch in wonder once more. Jason walked outside, into the soft sun. (Y/N) also like Titus and he knew where the Doberman would be. He saw Damian getting back from his walk and Titus happily walking up to (Y/N) and Jason.
Jason knelt down, watching Titus slow down. Titus gently sniffed (Y/N)'s hands and gave them a nudge. Titus was always soft and careful with (Y/N).
And he was very protective of (Y/N). He was also sensitive to were (Y/N) was and he was vigilant whenever he was in the room with the baby.
" I know, you love him. " Jason said to the dog, petting him too. " Good boy. "
Jason stood up, allowing Damian to say his hellos.
" Did he sleep? " Damian asked Jason, giving (Y/N) a finger to hold.
" Yes, in Bruce's arms. "
Damian nodded, cooing at the baby. (Y/N) made happy noised and reached out for Damian. Damian took (Y/N) into his arms, swaying him in his arms. (Y/N) giggled and was happy to be swayed.
" He is such a happy baby. And easy one to. " Jason commented.
" You really think so Todd? I remember you not liking our youngest brother. "
" Well, he changed my mind, okay. Babies can be cool if they want. "
" I thought that (Y/N) was the only baby that was cool. " Damian said, giving (Y/N) a kiss on the side of his head.
" Well, he is the coolest baby in the world. Other are less cool. " Jason explained, offering to take (Y/N) back.
" Sometimes I feel like you are his father rather than Bruce. " Damian commented, watching (Y/N) settle in Jason's arms and watching Jason being careful with (Y/N).
" (Y/N) is one of the best things to happens to us. " Damian said, making Jason nod. Damian wasn't wrong.
" I know. This baby is the light of this family. " Jason said.
" Come on little bird, lets see the others. " Jason said, swaying (Y/N), making him giggle.
" I know, I know. "
It was dinner and the family was enjoying a family time on the couch, watching a cartoon. (Y/N) was sitting in Jason's lap, watching the Incredibles, watching as if he was hypnotized.
Jason was eating his snacks, also watching this cartoon. He didn't know how (Y/N) could watch this particular cartoon on repeat. It made Jason wonder how baby's brain works. (Y/N) was just babbling, gesturing with his arms.
Jason watched in amusement. His baby brother was so funny. And it was still weird to say that.
" Jay. "
Everyone heads whipped to (Y/N) and Jason froze up. What? Everyone got closer to the baby.
" What was that (Y/N)? " Damian asked, trying to understand the word.
Jason was still frozen, but he felt tears in his eyes. He sniffed as he waited for the word to repeat. What they didn't notice was Alfred recording this moment.
" Jay. "
Jason sniffed, trying not to cry. Everyone watched him, trying to keep his composure.
" Just let it go Jay. " Bruce said, taking (Y/N) into his arms, allowing him to lean forward and to bury his face into his hands. He allowed himself to cry, but those were tears of happiness and joy.
" Oh (Y/N), you are going to put me in a grave. " Jason said, leaning back, a smile on his face, despite the tears.
" Are you jealous old man? " Jason asked, seeing Bruce's facial expression.
" I'm not. I can consider myself lucky that he didn't call you dad. " Bruce joked, tickling the little bird. (Y/N) shrieked in laughter.
" Also, I think a little bat is more appropriate for him. "
Jason huffed at the nickname, moving to take his brother into his arms.
" Give me my brother. " Jason said, taking (Y/N) from Bruce. He made sure to give (Y/N) a kiss on his head.
" Good job sweetheart. " Jason praised his brother, making his brother babble once more.
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peachjaem00 · 4 years
Warnings: swearing
[12:57 pm] You entered the flower shop, your presence being announced by a little bell that sounds every time someone opens the door. An overwhelming feeling filling you while you admire all the pretty flowers that surround you; but the feeling grows even more when you see the guy working there. 
He's by the register, you can see he's trying to kill time by reading a book, his hair blocking his eyesight but he immediately fixes it and you can feel your heart racing. Is this what love at first sight is? Is this how you feel when you get hit by Cupid's arrow? You didn't know what was happening, you only know that your heart is beating in a very concerning way, that your hands are starting to sweat and that your cheeks must be brighter than the color red.  When the cute guy finally looked at you, everything intensified and when he smiled at you, your legs almost gave up on you. 
“Hello and welcome, what can I help you with?” You were too busy trying to calm yourself down that you didn't realise he left his position at the register and now was standing in front of you, he was even prettier up close. 
“Umm… I'm looking for some flowers.” Of course you´re looking for flowers, what else would you be doing here you dumbass. “I mean obviously.” You let out a nervous laughter and he smiles. “My best friend got the job that she wanted and I want to give her a little something but I don't know what exactly.” 
“I think I have the perfect bouquet for you.” He leaves your side and starts looking for something around the shop. 
You watched and admired him in silence. His hair looked soft and it showed that he was letting it grow and you really hoped he didn't cut it because he looks really good; he had pretty hands and you noticed little scratches in them, maybe from the thorns of some flowers; his eyes were so captivating and his lips had you hypnotized, oh how you wish to kiss those pretty lips of his. 
“Here you go.” He hands you a bouquet full of yellow flowers and some other plants to decorate it.
“Oh my god this is perfect, how are they called?” You ask while sniffing the flowers, which smelled amazing. 
“They´re yellow poppies, they represent health and success, thought they were fitting for the occasion.” 
“Thank you very much…” Your eyes scanning him to see if he had a name tag, which he did. “Yuta, what a pretty name.” You realized what you said and immediately started panicking. 
“Not as pretty as you.” His voice was a little bit shy and you noticed the blush in his cheeks making yours even redder. “Can I ask for your name?” 
“Um sure, I´m y/n.” His smile was so beautiful, you couldn't stop admiring it. “Thank you for helping me, how much do I owe?” 
“Oh right, follow me.” He snaps out of his thoughts and guides you to the register. 
He scans the price tag of the bouquet and you pay him. You were a little bit sad since you did´t want to go, but your friends were waiting and to be honest you were pretty excited to go out with them, but you also wanted to stay with the pretty boy that stole your heart. 
“Well, thanks again, see you around, I hope.” You let out and gave him a little wave and a smile. 
“Wait, before you go, can I ask you something?” His cheeks turn red again making your heart race once again. 
“Can I maybe ask you for your number? It's just that you´re really pretty and you seem very nice and I wanted to take you out, maybe for some dinner or to a cafe.” You were caught completely off guard, both your eyes and mouth open in pure disbelief. “Or not, I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, I know it´s kind of random and we´re literal strangers and…”
“I would love to.” You said before he gets the wrong idea. “Here.” You handed him your phone so he could save his number and when he gave it back you sent him a text so he could save yours. 
“Okay great.” And if his smile was pretty now it was on another level, it was glowing. “It's nice meeting you, I´ll text later okay?”
“Okay great, bye.” You gave him another smile and finally left the store. 
You really hope to see him again soon even though he makes your heart race and your cheeks burn.
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rinas-ninjas · 4 years
Make a fic of that Kai heartache by saving Lloyd from Skales!I'm sorry, my english is bad !!!
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Your English is great! And I finally got the snippet written - @primordialgoddess96 I combined your ask here!
Lloyd didn’t even know what happened.
He had – he had been stupid.
Kai had told him they could hit the arcade, but he kept detouring. First there was a mugging to be stopped, which Lloyd couldn’t even help with. Then he apparently had to stop by some stupid jewelry store for Nya’s birthday.
He got impatient.
And a little mad.
He ran off.
He’d run blindly through the streets, uncaring of who he ran into – or over.
And then he’d run smack into a scaled torso.
He recognized Skales, of course. One doesn’t forget the face of someone who threatened to hypnotize you, who kept you in a literal cage.
It made his blood run cold.
If Skales said anything, Lloyd didn’t hear it over the pulsing blood in his ears. Time skipped – one minute he was on the ground, hands scraped from catching himself on the pavement – and the next, all he could see was the glinting of sun on iron.
Skales had a lance.
A sharp one.
Lloyd’s breath caught in his throat.
No – no he was supposed to fight his dad, he wasn’t – he wasn’t supposed to die from a random serpentine, he didn’t want to die, he just – he’d just wanted to go to the arcade, he was sorry, please –
And then a red blur.
It didn’t click in his brain at first.
Kai’s hands were spread out to the side, casting a wide shadow over Lloyd’s face. Something hit his cheek, at the same moment a flash of metal swept across Kai. Fire exploded at Skales, sending the snake hissing away down the alley.
Time suddenly leapt back to full speed, and Lloyd blinked.
Then he screamed.
Kai sank to his knees with a painful sounding crack, and Lloyd caught a curse under the red ninja’s breath. “It’s okay, I’m okay,” Kai flopped onto his back and inched to sit up against a dumpster.
Lloyd scrabbled over to him, eyes glued to where Kai’s hand clamped over his torso. “Why did you do that?!” His voice was thick with tears as he squished in next to him.
Kai’s face turned up in a sloppy grin. “I’s my job,”
Lloyd shivered. Kai’s words were slurring together. “I-it’s st-stupid.” His face flushed with the tears rolling down his cheeks. “I th-thought you had n-ninja training!” Kai wasn’t supposed to get hurt, Kai was the red ninja – Kai had pulled him out of a volcano!
Kai hissed and pushed down on his side. “Sh-stuff happens, Shortstack.” His left hand clumsily pawed at the pocket on his belt. “Here,” Lloyd looked up at the shallow sound of his voice. Kai offered him a phone, and Lloyd took it with shaking hands. “Call Cole,” Kai hissed through his teeth.
Lloyd shakily opened the phone. Cole’s contact was first on Kai’s list, and Lloyd jammed his finger to the call symbol.
Cole had barely answered before Lloyd was babbling into the phone.
“Cole, we need help, Kai – Kai, Cole he,”
“Whoa! Slow down Beansprout, what’s going on?”
Lloyd sniffed and stared at the red staining Kai’s hands. “We need help, Cole.”
Cole’s calm voice echoed through the phone. “Lloyd, it’s okay, I’m here. Where are you?”
Lloyd looked around wildly for any landmark, eyes falling on a familiar silhouette across the street.
“W-we’re by Chen’s. Cole, hurry, Kai, he’s,”
“I know, buddy. We’re already on our way. Zane’s gonna walk you through some stuff, okay?”
Lloyd nodded into the phone.
Zane’s clear voice rang in his ear. “Lloyd, are you unharmed?”
Behind him, Kai coughed, and red splattered on his hand.
“I-I’m fine, Zane, it’s Kai,” Lloyd was babbling again, the tears returning.
Zane’s voice was calm over the phone. “I know, Lloyd. Where is he bleeding?”
“Z-zane, he needs you, please,”
“We are on our way, Lloyd, we just need him awake when we arrive. Can you put pressure on it?”
Lloyd stared at where Kai’s hands were clamped on his side.
It was so red.
It wasn’t – there was no way.
“I know you are scared, Lloyd. But right now, Kai needs you. Put the phone on speaker.”
“O-okay.” Lloyd complied, setting the phone on the pavement.
“Kai, where were you hit?”
Kai’s smile turned up again. “H-hey, Zane. I ah, I got hit.”
“I am aware - Lloyd, put pressure on his wound.” Lloyd shoved his hands onto Kai’s side. Kai hissed and jerked, mumbling another curse. Zane’s voice tinged with exasperation. “Language, Kai.”
Kai mumbled another comment free of “decoration”.
“Zane, it,” Lloyd’s voice trembled. “Zane, there’s a lotta,”
“I’m good,” Kai panted. “We’re good. I’m just,” Lloyd stared in him in horror as Kai’s eyelids drooped.
“What is wrong, Lloyd?”
“Zane, he looks really pale – Kai, wait, no!” Kai’s eyes rolled up in his head, and Lloyd scrambled to keep him sitting up and somehow keep his hands pressed to his wound. “Kai! Kai – wake up!” He was practically screaming, tears returning in full force. “Kai!”
“Lloyd, what happened?”
“Zane, he won’t – he won’t wake up, I don’t know, please, get here!”
“We are almost there, Lloyd, just keep applying pressure.”
The Bounty’s engines sounded above him, and Lloyd sobbed. Cole’s sturdy feet landed just beyond them, and Nya’s followed. Cole bent down and scooped up Kai, one hand clamped firmly where Lloyd’s were.
“Lloyd? Lloyd, look at me,” Nya kneeled in front of him, hands on his shoulders. “Lloyd?”
Lloyd’s eyes followed Cole and Kai as they were lifted into the Bounty.
He tore his eyes away to look at Nya. Her gray eyes stared into his red ones. “Hey. You did good, okay? Kai’s gonna be okay.”
Lloyd sniffed.
“He’s gonna be okay, alright? Can you say that?”
Lloyd hiccupped. “I,”
“He’s gonna be okay.”
He nodded. “H-he’s gonna be okay.”
“Good.” Nya wrapped her arms around him, and Lloyd crumpled. “Shh,” she whispered into his hair. Lloyd sobbed, overwhelmed. “You did good, he’s okay,” Nya lifted the ten-year-old into her arms with a huff. “He’s gonna be okay.”
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe where V gets to ask the riddles. 🖤
~ @acieoj and @heaven-on-a-landslide , thank you for always supporting me. 🖤
~ These are two of my game screenshots. I hope you like them. 🖤
~ Enjoy! 🖤
"You can do this, (Y/N). Just remember what I said and you'll be fine."
Patty's words rang into your head as you descended the staircase. It's not like you don't want to stay with the others, no.
It's just that - let's face it: you may be taught how to dance and have a perfect posture but, no one ever taught you how to conduct yourself in an event like this. You were totally clueless. And so as not to embarrass yourself, you woke up earlier than the others that Friday morning, went to a friend's house, and sought her advice regarding events such as this.
Yes, Patty Lowell may be jealous of you for a while for being hired as Dante's assistant but, that all changed with a little bit of explanation and a lot of girl - bonding moments with her, that was, after your missions with the Devil Hunter or during your off days. The girl may only be seventeen, turning a year older two weeks from now, but she sure knew her stuff, being a girl who always got invited to parties.
And so, you decided to trust her for this.
And, as you scanned the area, making sure that no one's paying attention, you took some steps forward, careful not to stumble on your stilettoes.
Your head held high, your posture as perfect as it can be, you were prepared for the challenge ahead. Everything will go according to your plan. The entity didn't show you anything bad that might happen, what could go wrong?
You suddenly felt eyes directed towards your being, making the hairs on your nape stand. Your (E/C) eyes widened a bit. You looked down to your left and saw, leaning on one of the walls, the man who almost landed on top of you that Thursday afternoon. The man with the markings on his skin.
The man in your visions.
It was none other than V, himself. And boy, did he take your breath away. First time you saw him, he was wearing a long black leather vest, a pair of dark cargo pants, and, well, a very unflattering pair of sandals.
But, now,...
As soon as he noticed that you finally turned to look at him, V's eyes slightly widened, then returned to normal. He noticed the same reaction on you, as if you were definitely expecting him to be there. He saw how you looked at him, like his presence awed you, and it honestly made him flattered, especially when he saw you blush a little bit, then looked away.
Ah, and so the girl finally gave up her game of hide and seek! V thought.
How could you not blush? Here was the man who had been plaguing you with both romantic and erotic visions for ten years straight. Yes, he may look a bit different in them but, that definitely was him, no doubt about it.
And, oh, what a wonderful time to be plagued by those sinful thoughts! Your plan was already falling apart! You were slowly losing focus.
When you looked back at him, you saw that he was still looking at you. He was even smiling at you as he made his way towards you, head slightly tilted to the side in amusement.
This is it! You thought as you prepared to meet him. There's no going back -
"Hey, beautiful!"
Somehow, you failed to notice, even with your ability to see into the future, the Devil Hunter who made his way towards you without you noticing due to your mind's preoccupation with thoughts of V.
You were quickly swept to your feet as the tall and devilishly handsome Dante, who looked even more devilishly handsome with his black formal wear and white shirt that exposed his broad and muscular chest, held your tiny waist with both hands and effortlessly brought you closer to him. So dangerously close, that there's actually no space left between the two of you, at all.
Griffon materialized and went directly to V's waiting left arm, sensing his master's uneasiness due to the sudden turn of events.
"It's Dante!" Griffon whispered to V. "Who knew that chit had an interesting relationship with him?"
V's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he saw Dante flirt with you. "Looks like I'm going to get my hands full as of the moment."
"What are we gonna do?"
He smiled confidently, as if he knew from the start that he's going to win against Dante. "I will,... think of something."
"You smell nice, as always." Dante whispered, his lips close to your ear, making you shiver. "Like an excellent vintage."
"Thanks but," you answered, getting creeped out by the Devil Hunter's behavior. You placed your hands against his chest to put some decent space between you. "... I thought you don't want to see me?"
But, your actions only fueled Dante's motivation to crush you against him even further. "Nah, that was three weeks ago!" He answered, his boyish smile both endearing and frightening.
Finally, you realized: he smelled of booze. He was intoxicated! But, a half Demon like him should have a high tolerance to things such as liquor. Which meant,...
How long has he been like this?! Was it since - ?
"Okay, Dante, you're drunk, and you need to take a rest - " you quickly spoke, getting more and more nervous as he got even more interested in your scent, actually burying his face to the most sensitive part of your neck and sniffing you, not caring in the least to the people around you.
"Who? Me? Drunk?" Dante said in a louder voice, then laughed, his hands now exploring your back, sending mixed sensations of both fear and heat all throughout your small body. "Not in the slightest!"
All of a sudden, you saw how Dante's eyes turn from icy blue to blood red without so much as a hint.
You gasped in utter fright: he was losing his mind over you, and you're afraid that he might take you forcefully if you don't do anything to divert his attention.
How come nobody's seeing this?! You thought as you looked around and noticed that the guests were busy doing their own business. And Nico and Kyrie's boyfriend? Well, they're both busy arguing with each other on the other side of the room!
"Now, don't be scared. Nobody's gonna see us." Dante literally growled. His voice was also changing very rapidly. "How about we go somewhere else and - ?"
Somebody, anyone, you thought helplessly. Help!
As if by a miracle, the head of a metal cane landed forcefully on Dante's right shoulder, enough to stop him from disgracing you even further. You both looked behind him and saw none other than V, himself, whose eyes were steadily trained on a hard - bound book, his right hand gripping the cane as tight as he could.
"While the lily white shall in love delight, nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright."
V quoted, not taking his eyes off the book. And when he finally looked up, putting the book away, he gave Dante a threatening kind of smirk. "It has been quite a while, Dante."
"V?" Dante muttered, slightly losing his grip on you. "What are you - ?"
"Now, a little bird has whispered,... something,... intriguing,... to me." the tattooed man playfully said, not letting Dante finish. "I've heard you are fond of riddles as I' am, no?"
"What are you even - ?!"
Dante's eyes were returning to normal, and his voice was reverting back to how it should be. And, what's more, he unknowingly let go of you.
You felt something tug at your shoulder. You turned and saw Griffon flying at the level of your eye.
"This way, sweet pea." the bird whispered to you, gesturing for you to follow him.
V smiled as he noticed you and the demonic bird going to the other side of the room, unnoticed by Dante. He went on with his facade.
"Now, there is a mirror in the middle of the room and three people who are looking at it: a warrior, a prince, and a bard." V said, smirking as he made his own riddle on the go just to distract Dante. "So, the question is: what do you think this Wrath of the Gods is?"
Dante just stared at V, mouth agape and eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment.
"I don't even know what kind of riddle you're blabbering about." Dante said to him. "Who are you, my brother?"
V chuckled good - naturedly. Somehow, through his brother's drunken state of mind, Dante still managed to see through him.
Oh, how on point he was with what he just said,...
V grasped his cane with both hands and nodded. Obviously, his brother has entirely forgotten all about the invitation and the riddle it brought. "My apologies." he said, turning away while playfully twirling his cane before tapping it on the ground. "I will let you be."
Just like that, V has won against Dante. He didn't even realize that you weren't there beside him anymore.
And now, to look for his quarry,...
He found you there behind a pillar on the right side of the room listening to Griffon's quips. He made his way there as quietly as he could and stopped just behind you.
"It's alright, he's confused beyond his own wits." You heard V softly whisper on your ear, sending shivers down your back to the pit of your stomach.
You turned and looked up at him, trying to suppress your tears at what just happened, and fought the urge to hug him. "I don't know how to thank you."
He smiled at you, but this time, it held none of the threat he showed to Dante earlier. It was gentle and comforting.
"Come with me." He requested, gesturing towards the refreshments table with a little tilt of his head.
And so, you followed him. You really wanted to convey your gratitude towards him for saving you earlier, but you couldn't bring yourself to say the words. His very presence seemed to overwhelm you but, not in an awful way. You knew he had total control over you right then, you just didn't know how or when it exactly happened.
And, as if to add more to your confusion and conflicting emotions towards the man, you noticed how his crisp, jet black tail coat hugged his slender torso. His equally dark pair of fitted pants also did a good job of emphasizing his height, about six feet and a few inches. The way he walked while holding his cane on his right hand was, indeed, very hypnotic, that your eyes were drawn to his every movement.
Yes, you may find Dante attractive before his drunken fiasco earlier but, it was nothing compared to how you thought and felt of V now.
And you simply blushed at the initial thought of it.
V looked behind him to check if you were still following him. And when he noticed the flush on your cheeks and how you look up at him, your long and heavy lashes making your eyes look endearingly languid, he had enough reason to look at your well - defined curves, the graceful movement of your hips that was further emphasized by your fitting white dress, and that lovely way your generous chest rise and fall with each breath you take. He had to look away for a while to not get himself excited over you. He was no teenager, and he must not conduct himself as one in front of you.
He stopped in front of the table, picked a glass of water, and offered it to you.
You shook your head. "I'm good, thanks." You smiled at him.
"Are you sure? You do look like you need it."
"I'm sure."
"Then, how about,... " V put the glass of water down and took a glass of champagne. " ... something a bit stronger?" his voice sounded really playful.
You shook your head once more, not wanting to offend -
"On second thought,... "
And just like what happened with the pizza box last Thursday, you threw all pretense aside and quickly took the glass of champagne from V's hand. You gulped the whole thing in one go in front of him, making him smile in amusement. After that, you took a seat in one of the chairs.
V looked down at you, his very person as imposing as hell and as attractive as heaven. But, you don't care. Your plan of a perfect evening was ruined, thanks to Dante, and you wanted to indulge yourself to forget all about it.
"You want another glass?" V graciously offered.
You nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, please."
"As you wish, my lady." V said with a mischievous grin, turning to get another one.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
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“You can do this, (Y/N). Just remember what I said and you’ll be fine.”
Patty’s words rang into your head as you descended the staircase. It’s not like you don’t want to stay with the others, no.
It’s just that - let’s face it: you may be taught how to dance and have a perfect posture but, no one ever taught you how to conduct yourself in an event like this. You were totally clueless. And so as not to embarrass yourself, you woke up earlier than the others that Friday morning, went to a friend’s house, and sought her advice regarding events such as this.
Yes, Patty Lowell may be jealous of you for a while for being hired as Dante’s assistant but, that all changed with a little bit of explanation and a lot of girl - bonding moments with her, that was, after your missions with the Devil Hunter or during your off days. The girl may only be seventeen, turning a year older two weeks from now, but she sure knew her stuff, being a girl who always got invited to parties.
And so, you decided to trust her for this.
And, as you scanned the area, making sure that no one’s paying attention, you took some steps forward, careful not to stumble on your stilettoes.
Your head held high, your posture as perfect as it can be, you were prepared for the challenge ahead. Everything will go according to your plan. The entity didn’t show you anything bad that might happen, what could go wrong?
You suddenly felt eyes directed towards your being, making the hairs on your nape stand. Your (E/C) eyes widened a bit. You looked down to your left and saw, leaning on one of the walls, the man who almost landed on top of you that Thursday afternoon. The man with the markings on his skin.
The man in your visions.
It was none other than V, himself. And boy, did he take your breath away. First time you saw him, he was wearing a long black leather vest, a pair of dark cargo pants, and, well, a very unflattering pair of sandals.
But, now,…
As soon as he noticed that you finally turned to look at him, V’s eyes slightly widened, then returned to normal. He noticed the same reaction on you, as if you were definitely expecting him to be there. He saw how you looked at him, like his presence awed you, and it honestly made him flattered, especially when he saw you blush a little bit, then looked away.
Ah, and so the girl finally gave up her game of hide and seek! V thought.
How could you not blush? Here was the man who had been plaguing you with both romantic and erotic visions for ten years straight. Yes, he may look a bit different in them but, that definitely was him, no doubt about it.
And, oh, what a wonderful time to be plagued by those sinful thoughts! Your plan was already falling apart! You were slowly losing focus.
When you looked back at him, you saw that he was still looking at you. He was even smiling at you as he made his way towards you, head slightly tilted to the side in amusement.
This is it! You thought as you prepared to meet him. There’s no going back -
“Hey, beautiful!”
Somehow, you failed to notice, even with your ability to see into the future, the Devil Hunter who made his way towards you without you noticing due to your mind’s preoccupation with thoughts of V.
You were quickly swept to your feet as the tall and devilishly handsome Dante, who looked even more devilishly handsome with his black formal wear and white shirt that exposed his broad and muscular chest, held your tiny waist with both hands and effortlessly brought you closer to him. So dangerously close, that there’s actually no space left between the two of you, at all.
Griffon materialized and went directly to V’s waiting left arm, sensing his master’s uneasiness due to the sudden turn of events.
“It’s Dante!” Griffon whispered to V. “Who knew that chit had an interesting relationship with him?”
V’s eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he saw Dante flirt with you. “Looks like I’m going to get my hands full as of the moment.”
“What are we gonna do?”
He smiled confidently, as if he knew from the start that he’s going to win against Dante. “I will,… think of something.”
“You smell nice, as always.” Dante whispered, his lips close to your ear, making you shiver. “Like an excellent vintage.”
“Thanks but,” you answered, getting creeped out by the Devil Hunter’s behavior. You placed your hands against his chest to put some decent space between you. “… I thought you don’t want to see me?”
But, your actions only fueled Dante’s motivation to crush you against him even further. “Nah, that was three weeks ago!” He answered, his boyish smile both endearing and frightening.
Finally, you realized: he smelled of booze. He was intoxicated! But, a half Demon like him should have a high tolerance to things such as liquor. Which meant,…
How long has he been like this?! Was it since - ?
“Okay, Dante, you’re drunk, and you need to take a rest - ” you quickly spoke, getting more and more nervous as he got even more interested in your scent, actually burying his face to the most sensitive part of your neck and sniffing you, not caring in the least to the people around you.
“Who? Me? Drunk?” Dante said in a louder voice, then laughed, his hands now exploring your back, sending mixed sensations of both fear and heat all throughout your small body. “Not in the slightest!”
All of a sudden, you saw how Dante’s eyes turn from icy blue to blood red without so much as a hint.
You gasped in utter fright: he was losing his mind over you, and you’re afraid that he might take you forcefully if you don’t do anything to divert his attention.
How come nobody’s seeing this?! You thought as you looked around and noticed that the guests were busy doing their own business. And Nico and Kyrie’s boyfriend? Well, they’re both busy arguing with each other on the other side of the room!
“Now, don’t be scared. Nobody’s gonna see us.” Dante literally growled. His voice was also changing very rapidly. “How about we go somewhere else and - ?”
Somebody, anyone, you thought helplessly. Help!
As if by a miracle, the head of a metal cane landed forcefully on Dante’s right shoulder, enough to stop him from disgracing you even further. You both looked behind him and saw none other than V, himself, whose eyes were steadily trained on a hard - bound book, his right hand gripping the cane as tight as he could.
“While the lily white shall in love delight, nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright.”
V quoted, not taking his eyes off the book. And when he finally looked up, putting the book away, he gave Dante a threatening kind of smirk. “It has been quite a while, Dante.”
“V?” Dante muttered, slightly losing his grip on you. “What are you - ?”
“Now, a little bird has whispered,… something,… intriguing,… to me.” the tattooed man playfully said, not letting Dante finish. “I’ve heard you are fond of riddles as I’ am, no?”
“What are you even - ?!”
Dante’s eyes were returning to normal, and his voice was reverting back to how it should be. And, what’s more, he unknowingly let go of you.
You felt something tug at your shoulder. You turned and saw Griffon flying at the level of your eye.
“This way, sweet pea.” the bird whispered to you, gesturing for you to follow him.
V smiled as he noticed you and the demonic bird going to the other side of the room, unnoticed by Dante. He went on with his facade.
“Now, there is a mirror in the middle of the room and three people who are looking at it: a warrior, a prince, and a bard.” V said, smirking as he made his own riddle on the go just to distract Dante. “So, the question is: what do you think this Wrath of the Gods is?”
Dante just stared at V, mouth agape and eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment.
“I don’t even know what kind of riddle you’re blabbering about.” Dante said to him. “Who are you, my brother?”
V chuckled good - naturedly. Somehow, through his brother’s drunken state of mind, Dante still managed to see through him.
Oh, how on point he was with what he just said,…
V grasped his cane with both hands and nodded. Obviously, his brother has entirely forgotten all about the invitation and the riddle it brought. “My apologies.” he said, turning away while playfully twirling his cane before tapping it on the ground. “I will let you be.”
Just like that, V has won against Dante. He didn’t even realize that you weren’t there beside him anymore.
And now, to look for his quarry,…
He found you there behind a pillar on the right side of the room listening to Griffon’s quips. He made his way there as quietly as he could and stopped just behind you.
“It’s alright, he’s confused beyond his own wits.” You heard V softly whisper on your ear, sending shivers down your back to the pit of your stomach.
You turned and looked up at him, trying to suppress your tears at what just happened, and fought the urge to hug him. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
He smiled at you, but this time, it held none of the threat he showed to Dante earlier. It was gentle and comforting.
“Come with me.” He requested, gesturing towards the refreshments table with a little tilt of his head.
And so, you followed him. You really wanted to convey your gratitude towards him for saving you earlier, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say the words. His very presence seemed to overwhelm you but, not in an awful way. You knew he had total control over you right then, you just didn’t know how or when it exactly happened.
And, as if to add more to your confusion and conflicting emotions towards the man, you noticed how his crisp, jet black tail coat hugged his slender torso. His equally dark pair of fitted pants also did a good job of emphasizing his height, about six feet and a few inches. The way he walked while holding his cane on his right hand was, indeed, very hypnotic, that your eyes were drawn to his every movement.
Yes, you may find Dante attractive before his drunken fiasco earlier but, it was nothing compared to how you thought and felt of V now.
And you simply blushed at the initial thought of it.
V looked behind him to check if you were still following him. And when he noticed the flush on your cheeks and how you look up at him, your long and heavy lashes making your eyes look endearingly languid, he had enough reason to look at your well - defined curves, the graceful movement of your hips that was further emphasized by your fitting white dress, and that lovely way your generous chest rise and fall with each breath you take. He had to look away for a while to not get himself excited over you. He was no teenager, and he must not conduct himself as one in front of you.
He stopped in front of the table, picked a glass of water, and offered it to you.
You shook your head. “I’m good, thanks.” You smiled at him.
“Are you sure? You do look like you need it.”
“I’m sure.”
“Then, how about,… ” V put the glass of water down and took a glass of champagne. “ … something a bit stronger?” his voice sounded really playful.
You shook your head once more, not wanting to offend -
“On second thought,… ”
And just like what happened with the pizza box last Thursday, you threw all pretense aside and quickly took the glass of champagne from V’s hand. You gulped the whole thing in one go in front of him, making him smile in amusement. After that, you took a seat in one of the chairs.
V looked down at you, his very person as imposing as hell and as attractive as heaven. But, you don’t care. Your plan of a perfect evening was ruined, thanks to Dante, and you wanted to indulge yourself to forget all about it.
“You want another glass?” V graciously offered.
You nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, please.”
“As you wish, my lady.” V said with a mischievous grin, turning to get another one.
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panic-angel3314 · 6 years
Once, Twice, Three Times Blessed- The Shield x Reader- Part Two/?
Parings: Alpha!Roman x Alpha!Dean x Eventual Alpha!Seth x Eventual Omega!Luna(OC)
A/N: So the idea that sparked this was literally me wanting to cuddle the fuck out of each of these men and just I am greedy and fuck and just want all of them to my self lol, my wrestling babes no I would definitely share :p As always thank you to my eternal inspirations these babes are my literal driving force: @theworldiscolorful , @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury , @noscetiipsum  , @monsteramongmen-tamer , @empress-with-the-crown  and many more I love you all so very much <3
A/N 2: Okay so, I know I’ve been teasing this forever and I swear I haven’t given up on it. I just like to write and edit in layers because I feel like it adds more detail and idk maybe it’s still shitty writing anyway. I really hope this was worth the wait for that who asked and continued to encourage me to continue with the Series. I’d like to note that the Moon Goddess(Selene)will be played by Kate Beckinsale from the Underworld series because she’s bae and hot as hell. And then I have chosen Jason Momoa to play Erebus her first Alpha mate. Which will make sense in later chapters. I really wanted this chapter to have more smut but that’s the part I’m stuck on at the moment and I thought the ending of this part was a good place to stop.
Warnings: m/m, m/f, ABO Dynamics and all including Knotting, NSFW, 18+ Only please, Smut, Unprotected Sex (No glove no love y'all c'mon), Fluff, Maybe Angst? But not much, Cursing and I’ll add later when the grittier parts come up.
Summary: Luna has been told all her life how special she was. Her crazy prophecy spewing grandmother mother even said the Moon Goddess would bless her with not one but three true mates. What happens when she finds those mates but they’re already in a pack together? Will they let her in? Will she join the pack? And what interest does a certain Bayou pack lurking around the shadows take on her? Will love prevail or will evil intention of another pack come to fruition? Find out in this story about love, prophecies and the rising of one pack above another….
Word Count: 9k+, Sorry guys I don’t know what a short chapter is :P
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Tagging All My Beautiful Babes: @theworldiscolorful | @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury | @monsteramongmen-tamer | @inxcogitationibus| @panda-girl1999 | @empress-with-the-crown | @meremaidqueen | @glowrioustrash | @eshia16 | @just-one-string-in-a-silent-sea | @loki-kaz2y5 | @wwedeanambrose | @crossfit-princess-sethie-boo | @foreverwwefan | @unforgottenheros | @lunatic-svillain | @viperslunatic |  @silver-pool-of-light  | @sillyavengersonfashion | @onemorefanblog | @balor-is-bae2  | @wrestling-fics | 
All tags are welcome, I’ll be posting soon so I can get an official taglist and I am truly sorry if I missed anyone.
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Whimpering and answering growls had caused the Lunatic to wake up from his restful slumber. Thing was, the growls were not his own, in fact, it was the very familiar growls of his mate’s Seth. Peering up from sleep riddled eyes, Dean caught sight of his Little Omega and Alpha mate in quite the compromising position, which had his own Little Lunatic that was standing to attention, throbbing in his sweatpants with unbridled want. Dean watched in awe as his pup mate, Seth, held tight to their Little Omega by her curvy hips, his nose buried deep in her scent glands, as they both unconsciously rutted up against one another, creating a mixture of scents that had Dean’s mouthwatering.
Dean’s inner wolf was howling with delight as the human side was so entranced by the scene before him. So hypnotized, that he didn’t even notice himself still tangled together with Luna until her pulsing heat brushed against his sensitive member that was still very much awake.
Dean continued to observe his mates as his Little Kitten subconsciously began to ground tantalizing circles with her ass against Seth’s not so ‘little architect’. Every backstroke was met with an equally torturous front stroke causing her hot wet heat to create a delicious friction on his own thigh, still very much entwined with hers, driving the Lunatic and his wolf insane.
...Will you calm the fuck down not everyone wants ‘The Lunatic Special’ this early in the morning...
.... Jesus alright but our mates have other needs besides sex, just give me a fucking minute...
Scrubbing his hands through his messy curls and down beard splattered cheeks, again Dean was hit with the intense smell of his mates’ arousal, but that wasn’t all... was that bacon he smelt?
Only food could bring the Lunatic out of such a hot intense bubble of arousal his mates had created, leading to his next question.
Dean surveyed their suite, careful not to jostle his blissfully unaware mates, finding his Alpha nowhere in sight. Instead of panicking, Dean gently nudged Roman through their bond link so that he didn’t scare the beejeezus out of his Alpha this early in the morning. Dean felt the answering warmth Ro sent his way saying he’d be in the room in just a minute, with breakfast in tow.
“Try to wake up Babygirl and Baby boy. They need to eat before we have a serious talk about everything.”
Dean looked down at his mates and then his own hard-on, inwardly groaning before answering his Alpha,
“I’ll try Ro, but you should see them right now, fuck I just want to join them.”
“Join them?” Roman questioned, only this time out loud as he walked through the suite door coming upon the very arousing sight of all three of his mates in his bed, two of them very preoccupied with one another while other watched on in adoration. Notes of lavender, pinewood, and just hint of leather created an odd but pleasurable scent that was home for Roman and his wolf, causing him to stirring in want of his mates.
... MATES... CLAIM... HOME... PACK... OURS...
The pleased rumble that made its way from deep within his chest had Dean frozen in his spot, while Luna and Seth ceased their actions, soon joining the waking world.
Dean, completely ignoring his wanting cock, placed a quick but loving kiss to his Kitten’s flushed cheek, and gently untangled himself from her. Hopping up, he grabbed the breakfast tray from Roman, planting an equally chaste kiss to his Alpha’s plush lips. Roman, on the other hand, was still dazed by the sight before him. Though his two youngest mates were now awake, neither one of them seemed to want to move from their spot.
Luna’s wolf whimpered at the thought of separating from Seth... WANT MATE... SMELLS LIKE HOME... WANT TO BE CLAIMED...
... Down girl, first, you need to talk about stuff before you just hump someone in their sleep...
.... You need to calm down girl. I can’t think when you’re all riled up...
“M’ sorry Princess. Didn’t mean to come on so strong. But being near you just really has my wolf excited, me too if it wasn’t obvious.” Seth spoke through his growly morning voice. Luna blushed furiously at his little innuendo, too embarrassed to move and Seth too needy to let his omega go just yet kept the mates in place.
Sniffing the air, Roman could instantly tell each mate was on the cusp of a full-blown heat/rut wave, the sweet and heady smell had the animal inside chomping at the bit to be set free. As much as he’d love to sate each one of his mates’ needs in every way, the human part of his brain won out. Quickly the Big Dog strode towards the ensuite bathroom to grab some temporary suppressants for his two mates.
.... That’s not how this works Big Dog... we are more than just our animal and you need to calm down and let me take the reins, I don’t want to scare our Babygirl...
Roman made a promise to himself that they would talk about the soulmate/mate ship bond before anything would proceed further. While the animals within them all knew just who they belonged too and what they wanted, the human side needed to make the conscious decision for itself. Roman never wanted any of his mates to be a slave to the animal side, himself included, and he’d be damned before he’d force anyone to bond with him unwillingly. However, in the very deepest recesses of Roman’s mind, he feared that once her heat wore off, Luna would want nothing to do with the Shield boys.
Shaking off his negative thoughts, Roman walked back into the room presenting both Luna and Seth their perspective medication.
Already each of them was sat up and while Seth was cuddled into Dean side eating the breakfast that was being fed to him; Luna was on the other side of the bed cuddled back into Roman’s jacket with a very shy and embarrassed look on her face.
It broke Roman’s heart to see her like that, so unsure of her place. That being said, carefully he gave Seth his meds quickly kissing his over-eager pup mate, receiving a happy rumble from him. Roman then walked toward his Babygirl, gently placing her on his lap ignoring her weak protests and scenting her until his wolf was satisfied she smelt like safe and home.
“Easy Ro, she’s still really embarrassed about nearly humping Seth and me to completion in her sleep.” Dean quickly told his Alpha through their bond link.
All Dean received was an answering wink before Ro gently placed his hand underneath Luna’s chin, causing her to shiver in pleasure at the way his touch was cooling the heat within her body. His scent alone had her insides melting.
“Here Babygirl, take this, it’ll help sate the heat for a bit. I really want to talk to you about everything before we go any further.”
The only answer he received, though, was a timid nod and a soft thank you as she washed down the pill with the orange juice that was given to her.
“Babygirl, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I think we can all agree that heat and ruts can make us do some really weird things, especially when our mates are also cycling with us.”
“Yeah Kitten you should’ve seen The Big Dog and me last month, I’m pretty sure the tech guy who walked in on us was scarred for life. Plus, you’ll never hear me complain about being woken up to such a beautiful sight like this morning.” Dean chuckled gruffly, trying to ease his Kitten’s wariness. It made his heart skip a beat when he caught the little giggle slipping from her supple lips, lips he couldn’t wait to taste, bite, lick and explore.
Seth could smell the change in Dean’s chemosignals, the lust and arousal pouring out of his mate had Seth dropping the bacon in hands and with more force than intended, smashing his lips to Dean’s in a desperate kiss that was literally all tongue and teeth.
Luna watched the scene unfold and couldn’t help squirming in her Alpha’s hold, burying her face into his scent glands, and whimpering with the new wave of arousal permitting the air. Though the overwhelming need of knot was placated, the overall want was still at the forefront of both Luna and Seth’s mind.
... Easy Big Dog, talk first, mate later...
Releasing a very powerful rumble, Roman caught the attention of all three mates. Unfortunately, the three pairs of lust glazed eyes staring back did not help the situation in his nether regions. Lucky for them, Roman took his job as Pack Alpha very seriously and while he wanted nothing more than to dominate and claim all three of his mates, sating all their needs. Ro knew better than to succumb to his primal desires. Particularly with something so important on the line: the matter being whether or not Luna will fully accept the mateship of all three Alphas.
“Baby boy you need to calm down over there. We can’t be getting everyone excited. We still have some very important things to discuss.” He reprimanded while stroking his little omega’s hair, attempting to calm her a bit. The Alpha tone Roman used, though, did not help the continual wetness seeping into Luna’s black lace panties causing her to squirm uncomfortably.
Turing his attention back to the little omega in his arms, Roman gently removed her head from its place in the crook of his neck so that they were now eye to eye.
“Listen Babygirl, I know this is a lot to take in. Primarily having three Alpha mates to consider. But, we can all say with certainty we want you as our omega. And we’d be honored to help you through your heat cycle if you so choose to accept our courtship.”
The moment the words left Roman’s mouth each mate waited with bated breath. Luna, on the other hand, bore into the Alpha’s soft grey eyes finding nothing but sincerity and truth in them. She thought she’d be more nervous about this moment but in a way, she had been groomed by her grandmother for this for most of her life. And already each Shield member had cemented their special place in her heart, thus making the decision a no-brainer.
Even though her career had become her main focus as of late, all she ever dreamt about was finding her three mates that were promised to her. It wasn’t their fault over the years she had begun to lose hope.
After quickly weighing all her options Luna finally spoke up, “I’ve been waiting for you, all of you for so many moons I was beginning to think I’d never find Y'all, but now that I finally have…. I- I don’t think there is a chance in hell I could let any of you slip away. Last night … just felt right, being surrounded by all of you, I-I finally felt like I belonged. Like I found my…. home.”
Home, something each of the Shield men had been searching for, for most of their lives not knowing it wasn’t just anyone place or even person for that matter. But now that they’ve found their little moon, they can honestly say they’ve found their true home.
Both Seth and Dean’s wolves were over the moon with excitement. Scrambling from their spots on the bed, after carefully setting breakfast aside, Seth and Dean both pounced on their Alpha and Omega. Kisses were placed all over each of the couple’s faces, spilling little ‘thank yous’ between each one. The hearty laughs and harmonious giggles had each Shield mates’ heart soaring in a happiness none of them could comprehend.
Had they done it? Had they finally found their missing piece? And would they be able to cement that piece before an unknown entity could strip it away from them, possibly forever?
All these questions lie in the deepest of places in each Alpha’s mind, especially with the Wyatt threat lurking. But now was not the time for that, now was a time for celebration and consummation of the bond between all members of the Shield pack.
“Alright, Alright, easy you two. We only have a small window before Seth and Babygirl go into full-blown heat again and I’d like for us all to eat a little something before the ‘festivities’ begin.”
Oh Roman, ever the caring Alpha, funny enough it was Luna’s stomach growling that answered the Alpha’s statement.
Looking towards his Babygirl, Roman couldn’t stop the dazzling smile that adorned his face, never before had he felt so full of love and happiness. Who knew this whole time all they were missing was her, their little moon goddess?
“I think it’s time we got you something to eat. Sound good Babygirl? I made you your favorite.” Luna looked to her Alpha, curious as to what he had cooked and how he knew what her favorite was. Gliding his thumb across her soft cheek as he held her sweet face in his hands, Roman answered her unasked question, “A little birdie told me of your weakness for waffles and crispy bacon.”
Squealing in delight, Luna thanked her Alpha with a kiss on his cheek and then proceeded to make grabby hands towards her Lunatic, indicating she wanted the breakfast he had set on the bedside table.
Chuckling at her childlike actions, Dean quickly grabbed the set-aside breakfast. But, before he presented it to her, Roman carefully adjusted both himself and Luna. Resting his back against the headboard in the middle of the giant bed, Roman moved Luna so that she was sitting in between his outstretched legs, her back resting comfortably against his strong broad chest. Luna began wiggling in delight at the warmth and comfort her Alpha provided as well as the prospect of waffles and bacon, her absolute favorite. Enamored by all the little interactions between his two mates and the cute little mannerisms of his Kitten, Dean began to sport his own dimply smile across his rugged face.
After setting the breakfast tray in the middle of his mates, Dean sat by Roman’s left side while Seth flanked his right.
Ro watched as all three mates happily dug into the breakfast he had provided. The Alpha in him swelling with pride at providing for the pack. Happy purrs could be heard between bites as each mate ate more than their fair share.
Luna, noticing their Alpha not partaking in the food provided, leaned back against his tattooed shoulder, presenting him with a very hearty slice of bacon.
Roman would have been quick to refuse if it wasn’t for those bright grey-blue puppy dog eyes staring back at him, causing his heart to ache in need to please his Omega. So, playfully Roman leaned towards his Omega’s outstretched hand, his own hands still firmly placed on her curvy hips as his thumbs were rubbing calming circles on each love handle. He ate from her hand growling every now and then when she’d pull the food away from his open mouth. Shrieking and laughing as he’d jokingly snap at her fingers, licking them like a dog when she’d get close enough, then leaving little kisses anywhere he could reach.
Finally, he had finished the piece of bacon and she was on to feeding him parts of her waffles. Shaking his head though Roman refused the offered food, “Nuh-uh Babygirl, I want you to eat first then I will.” Even now Roman couldn’t quell his Alpha instincts of feeding his Omega first until she was full and satisfied, then he would partake in breakfast.
Luna wasn’t having it though, so she moved to slightly dirtier tactics. Nuzzling her face into Roman’s scent glands, Luna murmured against the sensitive skin, “Please Alpha, want you to eat too.” She pouted against his skin.
Groaning, Roman’s eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head from the feeling of her soft warm lips dancing across the crook of his neck. Right before he was about to protest once more, Luna began purring hoping to entice her Alpha further.
Roman couldn’t believe how this tiny Omega already had him so wrapped around her finger, reducing him to putty in her hands. He could just see the future mischief this would bring but it only endeared her more to his heart.
Seth and Dean both exchanged knowing looks as they watched the pair in their bout of wills. Turns out their little moon could be just as stubborn as the rest of them.
“Ok, ok. You win this time Babygirl but only because I want you to finish eating before your heat kicks back up.”
Nodding quite happily, Luna turned her body sideways so she could watch as her Alpha got his fill. Every now and then Roman would hold up a bit of waffle for her, to which she gladly ate. This went on until all the plates were clean and each Shield mate was well fed, happy, and full.
After each mate was well and done, Dean stood up to remove the left-over kitchenware, causing Luna to look up from her spot in Roman’s comfortable hold. Looking up into her Lunatic’s electric blue eyes, Luna whimpered low in her throat, asking without speaking just where he thought he was going.
“Easy Kitten just clearing off the bed. I’ll be right back.” Leaning over Dean reached for his Kitten’s chin, placing a loving kiss on her pouty pink lips. It was the first kiss they would share that wasn’t a chaste kiss on the cheek or temple. The kiss was a prelude to the loving relationships she would now create with each Shield member. Dean let out his own pleased rumble as he backed away and saw his Kitten turn to literal mush, giggling and blushing like mad.
“Don’t be shy Kitten, there is a lot more where that came from.” And with a wink, he was off to quickly put away the trash and dishes.
Luna couldn’t help but burrow herself back into Roman’s embrace, nuzzling herself into the warm crook of his neck. A spot that would soon become her favorite place to be, feeling utterly at peace snuggled into her Alpha.
Reaching from his spot next to Roman, a jealous Seth spoke up,
“Hey, what about me, Princess? Don’t I get a kiss too.” Playfully pouting towards his little moon, big brown puppy eyes and all. Luna was convinced her mates’ sole purpose in life was to reduce her to nothing more than a blushing mess. Seth’s warm whiskey eyes and the love shining through them was enough to cause her heart to beat right out of her chest. Gone was the take no shit Omega, gone was the strong and brave Warrior Selene, here and now was Luna the sweet, caring, and playful little Omega surrounded by the strength and protectiveness of her pack. Something she didn’t take lightly. All the walls she had built came down to pieces in seconds while surrounded by her mates. Realizing this, each Shield mates’ heart grew that much more for the sweet Omega in their arms.
Looking up to her pup mate Luna shook her head yes still too shy to use her words at the moment.
If she wasn’t a pile of mush already Seth’s answering smirk would’ve surely done her in. Leaning in the pair shared a slow sensual kiss, lips dancing in a sensual but natural rhythm. The kiss had both primal and human sides reveling in the intimacy. As Roman watched the exchange between his sweet mates, he couldn’t help but want to join in.
As they broke the kiss Roman decided to voice the inner rambling spurred on by his wolf,
“What about Alpha, Baby boy?”
Seth groaned low in his throat at, not only the sight of Luna’s blissful state but also the want and dominance of Roman’s voice. Without a second thought, Seth leaned over Luna, who was still very much sandwiched between the two Alphas, to share a very needy and intense kiss. Grabbing Seth by the scruff of his neck, Ro let him know just who was running the show. The charge in their scent and the heat in her belly, made Luna begin to squirm once more. Not wanting to be left out, Luna began to nip at the exposed skin of Seth’s neck, honing in on his scents glands, the very same scent glands that would one day bear her mark. Seth began to growl at the sensation overload, never wanting it to end, it was the sweetest of tortures. Luna, on the other hand, was surrounded by scents of warm apple pie and freshly baked brownies. The scents of her mates nearly sent her into a frenzy and the warmth created between their bodies only added to her euphoria.
Walking back in Dean was greeted to the erotic sight of all his mates entangled together, causing him to groan at the intense arousal permeating the air, “Please tell me you aren’t starting without me” He rasped before diving into the bed, smack dab in the middle of all three mates breaking apart the hottest of kisses yet.
“Not even, Lunatic, your kiss is what started this. You got Baby boy all fired up. I also think we’re in for a long morning.” Roman stated ruefully, earning a few quiet giggles from the omega in his lap. Giggles that vibrated against the sensitive skin of his neck, where her new home had become.
The Lunatic couldn’t take it anymore, he had been dying to hold his little moon since the moment he woke up and now seemed as good a time as any. Eagerly Dean reached over scooping the little omega out of his Alpha’s lap to plop her down into his. Earning a shocked but soft yelp from Luna. What happened next though shocked all four mates.
Spilling from Roman’s mouth was a snarled growl that could’ve brought any opposing Alpha to their knees, his eyes flashing a crimson red. Frozen in his spot was Dean not wanting to anger his Alpha but still very much confused as to why it happened.
Speaking up was Luna, but weirdly enough her eyes began to take on a bright white hue as her voice came out as a low enchanting rasp, “Alpha? Are you okay?” As she reached out to touch him, broken was the trance that befell Roman and gone was the charged kinetic energy in the air. Returned was the Ro they all knew and loved.
Blinking away his own red eyes and clearing his throat, Roman looked to his three startled mates ashamed.
“Yeah, Babygirl. Dean.” He nearly sobbed saying his name, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Uh-hem. Watch our two mates while I go grab something from the kitchen. Ok?” Luna whined as she could feel the hurt in her mate’s heart and not wanting him to deal with it alone, she reached out towards him much like a toddler would a parent. Seeing her reaction had his stomach in knots. He didn’t want to leave her but he did need a minute to figure out what the hell just happened. Never before had his wolf, or himself for that matter, acted like that towards his mates least of all Dean. Dean was his first love, first true mate he’d claimed. Roman trusted Dean above anyone else and it truly hurt his heart to see the look of fear on his face, on all their faces.
“It’s ok Babygirl. Alpha just needs a minute. I’ll be right back I promise.” Sealing his promise with a chaste kiss on her cheek, the Alpha was gone to sort out his swirling thoughts.
Watching Roman leave the room caused both herself and her wolf to whine and whimper.
Dean paused and looked down at his little Kitten, where she sat in his lap, her gaze still very much on the threshold their Alpha had left through. Had he just heard the thoughts of her wolf?
None of the bond links created between the pack had ever formed until after they had been bitten, marked, or claimed as a true mate. But something was different about his little Kitten and he knew it from the moment they met, she was something special.
Turning her in his arms and carefully laying her down between himself and Seth, he took her delicate little face in his war-torn hands.
“It’s ok Kitten, Alpha just needs a minute. He’ll be right back I promise.”
Dean sealed his promise with a sweet lingering kiss, trying to melt away all the sadness and worries his little mate had. Her wolf could smell the scent of leather and whiskey pouring out of her Lunatic and it had her momentarily purring in delight from the comfort it provided.
Again, though the thoughts were not only heard but felt by the Lunatic and it nearly had him stuttering in the kiss.
Reaching out too to soothe his little mate was Seth, running his big warm calloused hands up and down the length of her curvy body trying to relax her as she laid in their Lunatic’s embrace.
Dean paused their kiss to look deep into his Kitten’s eyes. Staring back at him were eyes filled with lust and want but in his heart, Dean knew Luna wanted him to check on their Alpha.
Kissing his little Kitten one last time Dean was up and off the bed leaving a confused looking Omega in his wake, Seth too rut brained to notice.
“Dean, wait come back?” Came her soft voice as she reached out to him. Turning back to embrace his little mate, Dean extended his hand to gently stroke her face, soothing any worry that might still be lingering.
“What is it, Kitten?”
“Where are you going?”
“To check on Alpha, Babydoll.”
Her eyes lit up hearing his response causing him to flash her a dimply grin.
“It’s okay Kitten. I’ll be right back. Take care of Sethie while I’m gone. But don’t start the main event without us ok?”
Luna blushed at his innuendo, giggling at her silly Lunatic.
“Dean!” She whined, hiding her face in her pillow.
“Aw, I’m sorry Babydoll. But there is nothing to be ashamed of. Come on.” He coaxed her face out of the pillow, caressing her cheek as he spoke, “Give your Lunatic a kiss to remember you by.” This man, she thought, cheeky as ever.
Leaning up towards her Lunatic, Luna positioned herself within a breaths distance of his lips, waiting for him to close the gap. But just as Dean went in for the kill, Luna pulled away teasingly, giggling at his reaction. Playfully Dean growled at his Kitten before going in for a second attempt only to be teased further. But as Luna was too busy giggling at her Lunatic, he made his move. Slotting their lips together Dean didn’t pause in his assault, gently encasing her beautiful face in both his hands while his tongue wasted no time in invading her mouth.
Dean’s chest rumbled while little moans and whimpers were poured into the kiss. Dean didn’t let up until he had his fill causing his little Omega to become breathless. Finally, though, Dean let up looking up to see Seth so entranced by the display of love and want between his mates.
Winking towards his mate. “Watch her while I go get Ro but don’t think I don’t see you over there Baby boy. You know the rules, no starting without Alpha.” He commented noticing Seth’s naughty hands wondering the expanse of their precious mate.
Seth let out a whine in response burying his nose in Luna’s hair, causing her to turn in his hold to see what had caused her mate’s distress. Turning around she left sweet little kisses on Seth’s face every once in a while, stopping to nip at his pouty lower lip.
Watching Luna soothe their pup mate caused all kinds of feelings to be built up inside Dean. He knew this was a moment all the mates should be present in, bonding with one another to create a strong link, that apparently Dean already shared with his little moon. Without wasting any more time, he was off in search of a very handsome, very brooding Alpha.
Sniffing the air, Dean could smell the overwhelming regret and sadness on his Alpha mate. Roman’s overall earthy and fresh baked brownies scent was dulled to nothing more than lawn clippings and cheap chocolate, all rich notes dissipated with his mood. This heightened Dean’s awareness and began to make his wolf, even more, stir crazy.
Dean walked up to his otherwise occupied mate, wrapping his strong arms around Roman’s thick but cut waste. Resting his head on Roman’s shoulder blades, Dean began to purr in an effort to melt away the sadness surrounding his Alpha, rubbing his hands up and down his chest as he went. After a minute, Roman caught Dean’s hands, kissing each set of knuckles lovingly, then gripping his hands firmly entwined with his and placing them right atop his heart.
Moving his head so that his mouth grazed the shell of Roman’s ear, Dean finally spoke up in that deep gravelly tone his mate loved so much,
“Ro, you can’t beat yourself up about this. I’m fine, Seth is fine, Luna is fine.”
He punctuated each name with enthusiastic nips to Roman’s ear alternating between the shell and lobe.
“I know it’s... it’s just that’s never happened before. I mean you’re my first mate for goddess’s sake!” Roman released Dean’s hands and throwing his own up in the air in frustration.
Forcefully turning his big Samoan in the hold, he still kept him in, Dean reached up towards his mate’s crestfallen face and gently encased it in his calloused hands, imploring his mate to hear reason, “It’s different, Superman, she’s different. I know you can feel it, she’s special and it scares the crap out of you, hell it scares me too. But I know damn well she’s ours for a reason. The moon goddess doesn’t make mistakes, you know that better than anyone.”
Holding tight to Dean’s wrists on either side of his face Roman finally meets his mate’s gaze, seeing nothing more than adoration and love in it.
“Roman Reigns, I love you, and I will always love you, ya hear me. I know our road wasn’t easy. But I’m here and I will always be here. By your side, forever until the moon goddess calls me home.” Dean tells his mate with a conviction that burnt hotter than a thousand suns. Seeing this, Roman did something in that moment, something he had ever rarely done in their relationship and that was submitting to his younger Alpha mate. Baring his neck, his most vulnerable spot, Roman whined low in his throat asking his mate for forgiveness.
Dean was shocked but rather than hesitate, he acted on pure instinct. Nipping at Roman’s mate mark Dean had given him way back when he licked and sucked until he could feel the tension leaving his Alpha’s body and smell his scent return to the delicious mouthwatering scents of earth and freshly baked brownies. Roman quickly became mush in his mates hold and finally, he let himself be forgiven.
“There is nothing to forgive ok?” Dean gave one last kiss to his mate mark. “Now, get your ass in gear because there are two very needy mates in there who are waiting for their Alpha. And there is also a sweet little Omega in there who really wants to see her Alpha. She’s worried about you Ro.”
Roman was shocked, he was convinced he made an ass of himself and totally broke what little progress he had made with his Little Omega.
“Really? Even after that bullshit display of Alpha Brain?”
Dean just shrugged his shoulders but didn’t lose the look of intensity in his blue eyes as he said,
“I don’t know how to explain it, Ro. But it seems like she knows what we’re feeling even before we do. I don’t if it’s an Omega thing but I can tell she’s really affected by our emotions. She’s the one who sent me in here, little minx wouldn’t take no for an answer. All I’m saying is she’s going to be the death of us, Uce.” The Lunatic laughed ruefully thinking about all the future mischief his little mate’s influence will have on the trio of Alphas.
“I hear you, Mate. I really do I just need a minute longer. Go ahead and check on our little mates and I’ll be right there.”
Dean gave a look of uncertainty towards his Alpha but Roman didn’t let him feel that way for long. Grabbing Dean by the scruff of his neck Roman pulled him in an embrace so full of love and passion, it caused the Lunatic to become dizzy.
“Alright sheesh Ro. Any more heat and I would’ve been burned alive.” He chuckled looking at the face of his loving Alpha, just basking in his presence and thanking the Moon Goddess every day for blessing him with such caring mates.
“Sorry, Dean. I just, I Fucking love you and I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m the pack Alpha for Christ sakes.”
“So, what if you’re ‘Pack Alpha’, I worry about you just the same because it’s my job and I Fucking love you too.”
Dean roughly placed a kiss on his Alpha’s mouth, cheekily slipping in his tongue to join the party. Roman rumbled as the kiss created a warm tingling feeling, starting from the tips of his toes, traveling all throughout his body and settling a warmth within his core.
Dean’s wolf was finally satisfied enough to give him the few minutes he requested. So, with one last searing kiss, Dean left Ro to his own devices.
“Don’t take too long Alpha. You’ve got a very eager pup mate in rut, in bed with our heat-induced Omega.”
Roman’s answering rumble was enough for Dean to know Ro wouldn’t be too far behind him.
Taking a minute to slow down his breathing, Roman tried to calm all the swirling emotions that were running rapidly through his mind. Roman knew his little moon was special but he was terrified, terrified he wasn’t strong enough to care for someone so special. He was the pack alpha and his mates were his number one priority. That priority being to provide for the pack and make them happy. It’s what he lived for. Unfortunately, Roman felt a foreboding, especially with Wyatt’s lurking. The darkness that encompassed them was palpable and he’d be damned if he’d let them get near his Luna.
Then there was Luna. Finally, after searching for her for years, he’s finally found their pack Omega. Luna was literally a goddess come to earth and he couldn’t believe that Selene, the Moon Goddess, blessed him with such a special mate. What if he wasn’t enough? What if he wasn’t Alpha enough to care for three mates, her in particular? What if the heat wore off and she realized he and his mates were not what she wanted?
...Listen, big guy, there is more than just instinct. The moon goddess blessed all her children with free will, regardless of true mate status...
...Not yet Big Dog. I will when we go into rut. But for now, I just want to focus on her and Seth. They need us right now...
...Goddess please give me the strength to be the best Alpha I can. All I want to do is do right by the mates you have blessed me with. Please watch over my pack and protect them with your love and light...
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“Tell me again why she is so important.”
Selene began to become exasperated with her love and his nonexistent memory span. But the minute he wrapped her up in his strong arms, solid chest to her delicate back, she became putty to his will, especially with him mouthing at her mate mark.
“Because my love, there is a darkness that grows threatening the lives of our children, her especially. I blessed her with my own essence so that she can be the beacon of light in a world I can no longer walk. She is also blessed with three Alpha mates of her own to protect her, just like you all protect me.”
Tensing in his stance her mate asked the question he feared most.
“This darkness, My Moon, is it the same darkness that once threatened your life? The same darkness I fought off, swearing to never see its return.”
Turning in her lover's arms the Moon Goddess placed a gentle hand on his rugged cheek looking deep into his rich hazel eyes.
“I’m afraid so my Love and now we live in a time so easily influenced by those that would look to harm them. But she is different. She will lead them, my little warrior, my sweet little moon.”
Looking towards the lake water where the image of the Alpha in question played.
“And him? You say he will protect her like I have protected you?” Smiling ruefully at her worried mate she answered,
“He will my Love, he is just scared. He wants her to willingly choose him. He respects my law of free will and I cannot fault him for that.”
Erebus snarled at that answer, looking toward his son of the moon,
“You might not, but I can. He leaves her vulnerable! She still has not come into her powers and can be easily manipulated by those who lie in the shadows.”
Settling her apprehensive mate with a kiss Selene spoke once again.
“Have faith my Love, everything will reveal itself in due time.”
She spoke as her hand ran through the water clearing the image of Roman praying for her guidance. Roman just needed to follow his heart and trust his little moon and all will reveal itself soon enough.
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