#he literally makes me lose my mind and i can't. explain myself. other than. look at him
vcrnons · 1 year
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braided glitter woozi, the power you hold.
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liauditore · 8 months
hi i have returned opinions on secret life so far? (also any idea why bigb’s secret animation was different to everyone else’s?) :D
hi hi i have so many Thoughts that i will definitely miss Something but. lots of things. spoilers for ep1 under the cut obvs.
why is every ship getting crumbs. literally all of them. what is wrong with everyone wtf. (except treebark. treebark girlies stay losing)
new mechanic is insanely hype and i am going a little bit feral over it. i've been wanting a UHC-style season for a long time and this seems a great way to kind of. entertainment-fy it i suppose? cus as much as i wanted straight up UHC i can totally understand why players like joel or skizz or scar would struggle hard in that sort of ruleset and it wouldn't be very fun to watch as a result.
i'm a bit.. tentative about the more acknowledgment of the Lore this time around? On one hand i love it and i think it's incredibly cool but on the other hand i know well that lore can eat a series alive if let out of control. Especially when fans start getting pushy about their theories and disappointed when inevitably things aren't as explained or thoroughly confirmed or straight up forgotten. (<-- fnaf fan. i have seen it. it is horrible)
that being said i have trust in grian specifically to handle it well and not go off the deep end with it cus a good chunk of the viewers don't know/care for the lore and if it becomes a Big Thing then a lot of people are gonna end up feeling alienated and confused.
i LOVED Bigb's episode and i think it's like. the ideal way to incorporate lore into a series like this. the way you can Feel that something is off rather than it being explicitly shown. you can choose to write it off or dig deeper. it's good juice. I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again -- Bigb is easily one of the strongest roleplayers on the entire server and his editing REALLY sells it hard. He really melts into what's happening rather than getting up on a platform and shouting THIS PART IS IMPORTANT. LOOK AT ME. which i really appreciate as a kind-of honorary former theatre kid.
but yeah tl;dr i think lore/fan theories should be left to the fandom mainly otherwise it starts getting weird. that being said i trust the life series ppl and can't wait to see what's going on with this season.
now if i may be unhinged myself. i def agree with the theory that Something is up with Bigb's task and maybe whatever gave it to him is trying to mess with the game.
Bigb and Mumbo specifically I felt were acting.. a little OOC the whole episode? Bigb was very much on purpose i think and i reckon mumbo's just excited to be back lol but its fun to think about
the task system has a lot of potential for. fanfic symbolism fuel. i mentioned this on my spam blog i think but something something about the way the players' tasks almost seem to. mock them? a little bit?
like pearl's being to "earn" people's hearts after she failed to make any connections throughout double life and has been somewhat isolated the whole series. bdubs being known for his efficient and beautiful builds being told to make something ugly and useless. scott being implicitly called a parasite with his history of teaming and latching onto one specific person each season. etc. etc.
the teams this time around are looking interesting and i think it's worth noting how it almost feels like.. the opposite of limlife a bit? with how slow and cautious everyone has to play. it seems like over half the server haven't really even joined up with anyone yet which is intriguing. (im personally praying for a scar/jimmy team up. just cus scott said they wouldn't make it lol)
which is great for me cus i loved limlife but the chaoticness of everything did kind of. make deaths less impactful i think? if i see another sky bridge i might scream
im very. of two minds about the scott and impulse team up. because if you dig through my blog you'll see i have kind of a history of being unhinged about those two and their parallels. but i have the sneaking suspicion that their actual dynamic will be like nothing i had in mind lmao
overall i am very excited but trying to control my expectations
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bluerasbunny · 4 months
you know what. fuck it im getting autistic on main
C!DREAM AS JH/ARIAH SONGS. (read under the cut!!)
starting with THE MOST fitting one!!
who's eye is it anyway is so him it is insane. it's so post-vault dream in the imprisoned sam era. 'an eye for an eye'. literally. like literally an eye for an eye i need everyone to hear how much this fits c!dream.
i'd have to paste all the lyrics in i'm not doing that. all of them fit. listen to it you'll see what i mean
Is it really a complex or just lacking context? Why would someone go so far to be a walking lie? Yeah, that don't sound like me I don't think I'm that guy (enter beginner's guide)
c!dream being severely misunderstood, lacking in context, a walking lie that he went as far as he possibly could for. you see it right
That I would lose (needed a change of pace) Oh, I would lose Between my left and right, one day I'd have to choose (gone without a chance) He found the man before him had died
first of all these are lyrics from BAD LUCK!! which is the most discduo song ever. second only to want you gone from portal 2.
second of all 'gone without a chance' 'he found the man before him had died' do i even.
the abandonment of himself in the haste of his mission.
Slow down Those words mean nothing My brain just revs up faster Pressure bomb in a goddamn knife fight Ecstatic pathways runaway flood my mind Overstimulation makes me feel like I'm alive
Static that's keeping me up It drives me forward every moment Makes sure I don't stop too long to Smell the flowers I been here too long I might Burn up and explode
I get in the way of myself And it hurts to admit That sometimes I'm unequipped To handle It all on my own But why do it alone It's cause I know I'll never slow down
I'm at the end of my means From idolizing a made-up man Who one day could be me But does version sleep at night Or ever take a minute to just breathe Or Just to be
honestly i can't even. explain this one properly?? like with any evidence for it?? i just think it resembles his psyche and 'guy that is always running around doing SOMETHING' thing
this one is SO discduo. holy shit it is so fucking discduo it is insane how discduo this is.
"You're not like me, I'm not like you I'm not who these things happen to" And that's exactly what you say before they do
tommy. tommy with the 'You're not like me, i'm not like you, i'm not who these things happen to' and the responding line. its so them it is so them OGH
Hand in hand come human error and plain bad luck It seems the timing's always wrong For the ones who wait too long You'll never catch a break you'll have to make your own
'Hand in hand come human error and plain bad luck.' i am. INSANE about corellating this to discduo. tommy is human error dream is plain bad luck. by the way. or it could be the other way around it works either way
That I would lose Oh I would lose Between my left and right, I'd one day have to choose You're not like me, I'm not like you. I'm not who these things happen to And that's exactly what you say before it catches up to you Before you play with knives and find yourself in two You, you, you, you
first point except with the new lines fitting discduo even more. like
I finally climbed to heights I No matter how I try Can't descend Still, somehow they're looking down on me Laughing cause I got what I deserved (You got what you deserved)
And I would do it again I'm not sorry but thank you For enduring me As long as you did That's more than I'd ever ask of you
that final part is LITERALYL the discduo finale like. it is insane. it is insane
okay. hear me out. manhunt energy, yes, but ALSO.
Before I knew I'd live to Savor this day I'm taking off To my own grave I'm running away
So watch me disappear before your eyes And catch me if you can
Catch me, catch me, misplace and mismatch me Tie your shoes in knots but you’ll never harass me Find me, find me, I dare you to try I’ll bet on my survival But now you’re gonna die out there
Where could I be? Walking among you or inside your own homes? Or perhaps there's a part of me in all of you. (Hahaha!)
i cant even explain my thought process with this one i just need you guys to match my brainwaves honestly. like you get me (probably)
So catch me if you can Catch me if you dare Venture through the foul and you'll see what's fair Catch me if you can Catch me if you dare You'll find me through the fog and the filthy air
'Venture through the foul and you'll see what's fair' SNAKES DON'T JUST BITE.
Another grave for the digger with the crimson blade I ain't a saint or a sinner I'm the ghost you made
I fucking dare you, You wouldn't know a good hook if it impaled you That chorus isn't yours, eighty-five is for the label So are you able to take the blame, As a pawn to the winner of a losing game?
im going to gain a reputation as the guy that tags c!dream to songs and then does the worlds worst attempts at analysis posts on them and well maybe im okay with that
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through-blue-eyes · 2 years
Co-Star told me to speak my truths loudly and clearly, or I may lose them in the vast murmur, so I'm taking that as a sign to make a post. I want to try to do this regularly - I am just so freaking busy right now 😩😩 ANYWHO.....
For the past month, honestly, I keep thinking about this incident that happened when I was in second grade. I've never really talked about it before - and I think I need to. I never had a lot of friends in elementary school, pre 5th grade actually was some of the hardest years for me as a child. I grew up lower middle class, in a religious home, so I only wore skirts, and they were usually hand downs. I was an outcast in my class, but there was another outcast too, so we sat beside each other and did our work and things in silence -I actually didn't mind being left alone. That all changed, shortly after I "gave my heart to Jesus" got saved and started to process to be a Christian. I was 8ish - I can't remember what month this happened in the school year so I'm not for sure exactly how old I was (December baby) - I remember I told EVERYONE at school the next day about my Christianity. I was happy, I thought others would be too. Most people didn't care. I do remember the teachers congratulated me though - with the exception of one, she almost seemed to disapprove. Shortly after this happened, within a month, something happened though, and yeah, I'd be lying if I said it didn't still bother me.
I rode public transportation to school, and back then we had assigned seats - I shared my seat with my cousin, who lived in the same holler that I did. There were two younger kids that sat in front of us. I cant remember his name, but I will never forget his tear stained face, blue eyes and blonde hair. I can't remember what I was doing on that bus ride up until I noticed he was upset - he looked terrified, he was crying and we were right at his stop, so I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I remember I asked him if he was okay, and what was wrong, but he wouldn't tell me. I would have (should have) told the bus driver immediately, but where we were at his stop, I didn't. Because he was home.
The next morning I noticed he wasn't on the bus. Shortly after school started, I was called to the main office. There, I was met with an extremely angry father of the little boy, my mother, who looked upset/worried/uncertain, the principal, vice principal and counselor. Someone, the day before had pinched this boy, all over his arms, legs, back, stomach, literally EVERYWHERE. When asked to identify the person who did this to him, I was told the first two times he went though the yearbook, he didn't point anyone out. The third time, he pointed at me, and said that I did it. I tried to explain that I didn't do this, my cousin even spoke for me and said I didn't, but that was dismissed because she was my cousin. I asked to speak with the boy, and that was denied (I understand now, it's victim protection, but I certainly didn't at the time). I tried to defend myself - I didn't sit next to this boy, he was in a different grade then me, how could I pinch him all over if I didn't sit with him? My mom asked about cameras on the bus, at the time there weren't any. My mom did believe me - but she also didn't know how to properly advocate for her child. She was intimidated by the boys father, she even told me this then. And so, despite not having the answers as to how, the fact that he pointed me out, meant that I did it, as far as everyone else was concerned. Because my mom believed me, I didn't get paddled - but I did receive punishment. What got me more than that though, was what one of my teachers did. The same teacher who disapproved of my Christianity. She 'made an example' of me. She had me stand in the hallway, asked the other students if any of them had had issues with me bullying/being mean to them. And some lied, and said that I had made mean comments, or took their things and didnt give them back etc. None of which was true. She then humiliated and shamed me in front of the entire classroom and finished with the line I will never forget "And you're supposed to be a Christian". I think I was in the "doghouse" as they called it for at least a month. You sit by yourself, at a desk that was 5 feet away from everyone else, you were not allowed to speak, you are lunch alone, you went to the bathroom alone, and you didn't receive recess. And that's when I started to get bullied, rather than left alone. It was never physical, it was just words, but they definitely made lasting impressions on me. All of these people who were my peers knowing lying about things that I didnt do, just further cementing that I wasn't welcome, didn't fit in. Didn't belong. I probably should have been put in counseling after that incident. It definitely changed me. I loved school before that happened. But the remainder of elementary was hard after that. That's when I really started to read I think. That's when I started escaping.
This post turned out to be super long 😳 I started writing this at 1:30, and I'm just now finishing it up. (busy, busy). Hopefully getting this out there will get it off my mind. I do feel better after having finally wrote about it. I'm not for sure why I've been thinking about it so much, but maybe this will help.
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
I need to get this out of my head so I'm going to make it everyone's problem 😘
I've been thinking so much recently about Bucky and Steve's cum? And how experiments could have affected their cum and their drive etc. I have two thots about this that I really love so I'll write one with Steve and the other with Bucky. ((Please do keep in mind that there is absolutely no scientific explanation for this, I'm just a horny bitch who is determined to make it plausible. I have an A-Level in biology but failed A-Level chemistry, science isn't my strong point xo))
And I'm in SUCH a Steve mood this weekend so he's getting my favourite thot
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Because imagine Banner does some tests and they realise the serum turned Steve into the most fertile man alive. I've got absolutely no science based reason to explain why this might happen, I literally just want him to have super sperm.
But it's something that Bruce works with Steve on. There's no way for Bruce to curb Steve's fertility, nothing seems to work so instead, Bruce creates a fool-proof birth control pill for you. It's perfect, you take it every morning. In the beginning, you and Steve still use condoms too but after Bruce reassures you the pill is more than sufficient, you stop using them.
Anyway... The thot really starts on your wedding day. Maybe like a month before your wedding, Steve comes to you with a suggestion that you don't make love again until you're husband and wife so your wedding night can be that little bit more exciting. It's a pretty cute suggestion, especially since you know how needy he gets after two weeks without any so after a month, you know your wedding night is going to be intense.
But in the run up to your wedding, he can't keep his hands off you. Everything about you makes him so damn hard. He wakes up in the morning rock hard and he goes to sleep beside you just as hard as he was when he woke up but he puts it down to the fact that intimacy is off limits and his body is just struggling to cooperate.
He spends every free second cuddling you close, pulling you flush against him, making sure you feel every inch of his throbbing cock through his sweatpants. His chest is always so warm against you and the second he feels your touch, he's practically shaking with need.
"Don't know what's gotten into me, sweetheart. I can't think of anything other than burying myself in that sweet cunt and fucking us both silly. You know how good it's gonna feel when we're alone on our wedding night? Up in that big honeymoon suite with no interruptions or distractions. Gonna make my sweet little wife cum on every surface of that room." His voice is such a low groan and his cock is bobbing against your ass, throbbing with need.
"Fuck, it's only been a couple of weeks, Stevie. Are you even gonna last until our wedding night?" You tease, rubbing your ass against his length. He nods but the groan he lets out says otherwise.
On your actual wedding day, he's a little more settled. There's so much to think about, he's a little bit more distracted but every kiss is painfully passionate, lasting just a few seconds longer than anyone is comfortable to watch.
And by the time you get into the honeymoon suite, he's practically ready to tear your dress in two if it means getting at you quicker. He's got the skirt hitched up around your waist, you're frantically unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt, making out like you haven't seen each other in years.
"Fuck, baby I can't wait. Gotta get inside you. It's a-all I've been thinking about." Steve groans, his eyes squeezed shut at the feeling of the little lace garters around your thighs. He can't look, he knows he'll lose what little self control he has left.
"S-Stevie, wait. I-I stopped those pills." You whisper, holding his face in your hands. You didn't expect the pained moan that falls from his lips, his dick twitching and his balls aching because now he's even more desperate. "Wanted tonight to be j-just us. I'm sure it'll be fine for just one night. I want tonight to be about us. About how much we love each other." Your hands run slowly down his chest, still half encased in his shirt and he lets out another sound that's somewhere between a moan and a sob. Your new wedding ring shines in the dim, candlelit suite as your hands trail lower, reaching his belt buckle and undoing it.
"Y-you stopped the pills? God, I should... I should call Bruce. I don't know if that's safe." Steve whimpers, feeling your smaller hands trailing over his bulge. He swallows thickly, reaching for his phone as you undo the zipper, freeing his thick, leaking cock from his underwear, rubbing the tip over the soaked lace of your own little panties.
You hear the phone ring a few times, kissing Steve's neck as he sucks in deep breaths, desperately trying to hold off for another 5 minutes.
"B-Bruce? Yeah, it's Steve... I know it's my wedding night, believe me, I know, I'm j-just..." He trails off hearing Bruce offer his congratulations again and you can't help but smirk, lining Steve up at your entrance and sliding down on him.
His breath catches in his throat and he groans like he's never felt anything as perfect in his life before, regardless of whether Bruce is listening or not.
"Y-yeah, I just wanted to ask... Wh-what would happen if my new wife were to stop those pills?" He's keeping his eyes tightly shut because his resolve is non-existent. It would take so little for him to give in and pound you but he can't do that right now, not with Bruce on the phone.
He presses the button to put the phone on speaker and Bruce's voice booms through the device. "Well... She'd have a wave of fertility, that's for sure. Might last about 3 months. I imagine it would affect you though, you'll be able to sense the changes in her hormones. You'll probably get a little uncontrollable. The serum should make your body react to that kind of hyper-fertility. I don't know how to describe it, I guess you'd be kind of insatiable? So I wouldn't recommend your new wife stops those pills until you're ready to start family planning." Bruce is lost in his own little world, totally oblivious to the fact you're riding your husband. Steve is panting and moaning, running a hand through his own hair and he feels so sensitive, he thinks he could just cum like this.
"Guess there's no avoiding it. You're gonna make your little wife a mommy tonight, Stevie." You whisper, nibbling his ear and rolling your hips, moaning when he grips your waist and stuffs every last inch of his cock inside you.
"W-wait... Oh my God, you're at it already. Holy shit, go enjoy your night." Bruce gasps, absolutely horrified before hanging up as quickly as he can.
"I'm gonna fuckin' ruin you, Mrs Rogers. Fuck, what're people gonna think when we tell them you're pregnant already? Breedin' my sweet little wife on her wedding night because I just can't help myself." He grunts, pressing you both forward onto the floor.
He's fucking you with a kind of frantic need. It's sloppy and possessive and painfully sexy how neither of you are even undressed.
"Oh my G-God, Steve. I-... S-so good." You babble, feeling his teeth nipping at your neck. His hands feel like they're everywhere at once and his cock is slipping in and out of you so frantically, you think you've gone to Heaven.
"Knockin' you up tonight, Mrs Rogers. Puttin' a baby in your belly. Maybe I should keep you like that, all round and full of my babies. As soon as y'push one out, I'll give you another." One hand presses down on your lower tummy, making every slide into you that little bit more intense and it's not long before you're both trembling from the force of your first orgasms but not able to slow down in the slightest.
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thisdreamplace · 2 years
Hey bestie, I would really appreciate your advice about my situation because you're the only person I trust when it comes to the law other than myself.
I confessed to my SP a week ago, and he feels the same way. So now, we're not dating but we both know that we're getting there. I was the one who wanted exclusivity within our situation, and he agreed. And yet I'm scared because his energy seems off. There's the fear that he's just agreeing because it's what I want, and I keep on affirming that he wants me and I've made an assumption a long time ago that my negative feelings don't manifest but I still feel scared. We're also long distance, and we've never met. He's been hanging out with a lot of new people lately, and you can already guess which fears of mine are being brought up to the surface. I have a lot of relationship trauma, I suffer from PTSD because of a past partner cheating, and I'm really tired of people saying not to fear that he'll do the same because circumstances don't matter — I already KNOW I'll be turned off if he does that. I'm sorry, but even if I'm aware that it's my doing, I would not tolerate that. I know I'd lose interest because I wouldn't want that in our history. It also feels awkward between us — the confession didn't go in the way I planned. We do feel the same way, he does say that he wants me, but I felt like it was underwhelming. Like something was missing.
I'm just very tired at this point. I spent all 2021 manifesting a different SP, but we didn't work out the way I wanted us to and I only said goodbye to them officially two months ago. I don't want to lose this SP like I lost the other one. And yes, my negative thoughts/feelings don't have to mean anything. Yes, spiralling doesn't have to mean anything. But I'm exhausted. And I'm jealous, I feel needy, I feel so insecure. Letting go scares me because I don't want him to change his mind while I'm gone. I don't want him to go off and have intimate moments he can't have with me because of distance. I don't want to suddenly be replaced as I disappear. I feel like I'm dying.
okay first of all u really need to take a step back here.
a lot of ur frustrations come from the fact you want the law to work for you, but then you’re also going to be mad if it works for you.
like, you have to understand this world is a mirror. your inner world is reflected by the outer world… good, bad, and indifferent. so stop putting all this weight into your sp and how they better show up. bc based off everything you admitted, you cannot sit here and be surprised if the things ur claiming you don’t want shine thru. you’re so busy trying to control this person which isnt it — you need to worry about controlling urself. there is no one to change but self. that is literal. lol i understand the heaviness you explained with worrying about what they may do while you’re “gone” but the hard pill to swallow is to realize sitting here ruminating over it doesn’t stop them neither. they aren’t going to put their life on pause because you decided to put your life on pause and wallow instead. it’s painful but let it be your wake up call that your world cannot change until you do.
if you have already decided they’re not worth it if they reflect the sides of YOU that you don’t like, then imo it’s best you really do take space because you have a lot to unpack here.
you don’t have to accept any type of behavior, and you can leave behind anyone that you want to in the process. but i also cannot applaud you for your idea of proving your self worth neither. because truly choosing yourself and truly proving your self worth begins with looking inside of you and doing what you need to do to stop repeating the experience of the old story. not going person to person hoping for a new experience. it simply doesnt make sense and it will not work — the mirror cannot reflect something that is not there. this is the side of the law a lot of people don’t want to accept. especially when it comes to a sp. but you’re being invited to look within and change the pattern once and for all. and it has everything to do with how you show up — not how you decide to react to your sp.
this is why imo, people saying you don’t need to heal is more detrimental than helpful. you have manifested your sp and instead of going in the direction you want you’re being dragged back down into your own shadows… take some time to really let the past pains go as well as any ideas you keep holding onto that don’t help you any longer. we latched onto those things as a safety net, but then we end up allowing them to keep us from what we truly want. you don’t have to live your life in these pains and fears. you can experience true love and freedom — but as long as you keep gripping onto the past you will have a more difficult time, such as what you are experiencing now.
i hope this helps you to shift where you are coming from and begin going in a new direction. you truly have a lot to face within yourself, and it sounds very heavy and will be uncomfortable. but you are definitely worth the journey. 💓
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” — Rumi
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rose-likesto-write · 3 years
2PM Werewolf Reaction:-
Meeting their mates for the first time...
Part 1
A/N:- so sorry for the delay but here is a part 1 of the reaction.. I hope that you will all like it, please do give me a feedback and suggestions on this. This reaction had many sub parts and ideas given which I have combined.. enjoy! Gifs not mine..
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Taecyeon being the alpha ?! This statement was more like question to many while others were waiting for this as to come out officially. It wasn't as easy as it seems to be because a lot of deliberations were held but Taecyeon proved his worth..
A majestic golden brown wolf radiated the royalty aura and oof, the she wolves can't help but gasp and try to find their paths with him even if they knew their customs of mates. They were ready to go to their witch friends of necessary but Taecyeon didn't give a single look on their side. He was this busy, not only with his pack but being a CEO of a clothing brand... Imagine him meeting his mate would be no less than a miracle after looking his piles of work..
One day, after taking a short break he was roaming the streets he a heard a faint sounds of someone crying for help but for a normal person it won't be possible and him being the alpha as well a sense to protect the ones in danger clouded his mind and he dashed off.
He reached the destination to see a young lady holding a small puppy in her hands as she tried her best to calm and help the little one.. He cautiously went towards her and gently tapped her shoulder as to not freak her out.
Taecyeon:- H-hello? Do you need help?
Y/N:- C-can you please rush him to the vet hospital. H-he has lost so much blood and the vet ambulance is struck..I can't lose him. P-please...
(the way her eyes held sadness, the tears flowing down tugged the Wolf's heart and a slight pang was left.. could it be)
He gently took the puppy and tried to make you stand as well only to see you too were injured and bleeding..
Taecyeon:- What in the World? What did this all ha-
Y/N:- I will explain you later on but my pet's life is more important..
(with that you took in his hand and rushed towards the hospital)
Taecyeon (thinking to himself):- What did I land myself into?!
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Jun K-Beta
Jun is the Beta wolf or the second in command. The Beta wolves are highest in ranking after the Alphas. Their duties include to take and enforce orders and rules. The major role comes in place when the current Alpha is not present, missing or severely injured, they have to lead the pack..
Jun is Taecyeon shadow, following him, working with him and then making agreements and negotiations with other packs and creatures. They both are called as ferocious duo because of their looks and personality when they are in professional or in leader of the pack mode especially the wolf form, one being the golden brown and the greyish white fur.
Jun was not only working with him in the pack but was also the head in Taecyeon's company with being the head of textile and legal information department. When it comes to work life, damn he is really very strict, punctual and professional which made people fear as well as admire him. So, if you're guessing about how he met his mate, it's again a miracle...
Receptionist: Sir, the new secretary is here.
Jun: Okay, let them in..
Y/N: Good morning sir. I am Y/N Y/L/N, your new secretary.
(For the very first time, Jun paused his work to look at his new secretary. By look, I mean to see and study her features because her soft voice was enough to make his heart race.. This is the first time....)
Jun: Good Morning Ms Y/L/N. So, from today you will be encharged with the duties of the secretary along with that there are times when you have to be prepared or some reason has to come on weekends as well if required. Please, a small request don't call me Jun when we are alone together, I am literally paranoid with this term because it's like sir, this happened, sir that happened... Sir-sir
(he was mimicked the voices of his staff which made you laugh and he looked at you with a soft smile before he composed himself again)
Y/N: Don't worry sir, I mean Jun.. I will keep in mind and yeah I have taken down the notes and planner from the incharge. I shall take your leave, if you need anything let me know..
(with a small smile, you bowed and left the room. Left the room along with Jun who was just figuring out the things that happened, trying to formulate if he has found the one)
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Nichkhun is an Epsilon and by epsilon means that he is a "Guardian"... The Guardian of the pack. I know that many of you will feel that aren't the responsibilities same like of Alpha, Beta and now Epsilon. As much as the responsibilities look similar but there is a fine division.
The epsilons guard the injured as well as new members who join the pack. They also keep a watch over their territory along with the Alpha, Beta and Zeta and go for regular walks around. They have highly sensitive nose and sharp eyes which makes them more alert and thus Guardians.
They aren't as serious as the rest three and are more fun loving. This makes him to meet his mate for easy right? But do you say if I say that he has a crush on someone he knows but isn't speaking due to the fear of losing friendship..
Nichkhun was on his way to your house when he saw you hugging a boy making his blood boil and was about to go red before you saw him and ran towards him while the said boy had drove off.
Y/N: I missed you so much Khun. You remembered my address like what after a whole damn month. I really hate you..
Nichkhun: I am really very sorry and I deserve your hate but this month has been really so hectic and tired but I can't help stop missing you.
Y/N: I- ah, come let's have some ice creams and snacks. I have made your favourite cookies.
(your face was whole reddened with his comment, after all you too had developed a tinie tiny crush on him...)
Nichkhun: No let's stay like this for a few minutes before we go in. I missed this feeling... *before you remove that stupid boy's scent over hers with yours* said the wolf to him
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
Heavy Is The Crown
Warnings: None
Venti x GN!Minstrel!Reader
3.1k Words
Venti's a servant boy at the palace that you fall in love with... right?
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You’re the apprentice of the renowned Minstrel Chapman of the Riverside Performers Company. And recently your company was invited to go perform at the palace for the royal family of Mondstadt. It’s understandable really, they probably need some joy and relaxation in their lives considering the difficult war that is waging on. Of course, you’re one of the few to see it that way.
“People are dying on the battlefield every day, and the King and Queen want to make merry?” Archibald scoffed. “Peace, Archibald,” Grisela soothed. “This war is difficult for them as well.” Archibald scoffed again but chose not to respond further. These sorts of discussions were common now-a-days, and a gap of misunderstanding and hurt is starting to grow between the rulers and their people.
This really concerned you because you’d once known the son of a Baron and he had explained these sorts of difficulties to you. Your goal was to try and help bridge the gap. Since Master Chapman has charged you to write a song yourself for the royal performance, you have decided to write a song that could help with that. But the problem is that you have no idea what to write! And you’re running out of time.
When your company reaches the palace the next day, you are no closer to having written the song than you were before. Thankfully you all had arrived at the palace a couple days early, so you still had some time to come up with your song. However, you were feeling so nervous that you couldn’t even focus on trying to compose it at all.
So you decided to take a break and wander around the palace grounds, as you and your company had been invited to do when you arrived. As you did so, admiring the beautiful flowers and bushes of the garden, you ended up running into someone. Literally as in one moment you were standing up, and the next you were sitting on the ground clutching your head.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry,” someone apologized to you. “I should’ve been better about looking where I was going. Are you okay?” Peeking up, you see a servant boy with black hair in braids with teal tips and a flower tucked behind his ear. “Yes, I’m fine,” you assure him. “A little stunned, but I’ll be alright in a minute.”
“Are you sure?” He asks worriedly. When you nod he breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear, Head Maid Maribel would have my head if I hurt a guest.” You smile and laugh a little. “Well we can’t have that,” you tease. “I’m sure you look much nicer when you have your head on your shoulders.” He stills for a moment from his fiddling from a moment before, a blush spreading from his cheeks to his ears.
Spluttering some, he manages to squeak out, “Oh, um, thanks?” You look at him oddly. “Don’t tell me no one’s ever teased you like that before,” you say. “I, um, won’t tell you then.” He jokes, calming down some. You smile some and give him a wink, “Well, I’m honored to be the first then.”
“Oh!” He exclaims. “I need to be pruning some bushes right now.” Your smile drops a bit, you’d been hoping to spend some more time with him. Noticing that, he adds on, “Would you like to come along? We could talk more while I prune.” You easily agree, “I’d like that very much, thank you.”
More confident now that he had something to focus on, he continued to make small talk with you. You introduce yourself and the two of you get to know each other better; he is ecstatic to know that you’re a minstrel and play the lyre. “I’m learning to play the lyre too!” He declares. “Maybe you could teach me a thing or two.” You smile at him, happy to know that you have that in common.
“I would like that! But,” you admit, “unfortunately, I’m afraid I don’t have the time right now. My master has told me to write a song and I’m struggling to get it out. With the war going on, I want to write a song to help bridge the gap between the royals and the commoners. From my experiences with the son of a Baron I knew, this war is just as hard for them as it is for us.”
He pauses from snipping away at the bush he’s working on. “You know, I’m glad you see it that way,” he tells you with an oddly grateful look in his eyes. “My p- Their majesties have really been struggling recently, especially with the loss of support from the people. For all the life of nobility looks wonderful, it comes at a cost. You lose freedom, always have to put others before yourself, can’t show any weakness, and bear the weight of every death on your shoulders.”
The odd phrasing and sudden correction go straight over your head as your muse suddenly rears its head. “I think I’ve got it now,” you blurt out. He blinks and tilts his head, confused. “Well I’m not sure what I did or said to help,” he replies, “but I’m glad I could help.”
You give him a big hug. “Really, you helped a lot,” you admit. “I need to go get started composing! But, uh, do you think I could see you again later?” He returns the hug. “Sure thing,” he murmurs in your ear. “I should be out here for the rest of today and all of tomorrow, but you’ll need to find me.”
“I think I can do that,” you murmur back and pull away from the hug. “See you tomorrow,” you call out to him as you start heading back to your Company. He watches you until you’re out of sight, before he goes back to pruning. “Well, that was fun,” he cheerfully tells himself. “I hope they do come back tomorrow. It’s not everyday I get to talk to someone like that.”
Composing the song was child’s play once you pick your lyre back up and get to work. The boy’s words repeat over and over in your head as you plan out lyrics and try different tunes. Master Chapman was thrilled when you played your song for him and assured you that the royals would love it. “It’s a wonderful tribute to all they do for us. And it helps us understand them and makes them more relatable to us,” he confirms. “I’m sure it will help you achieve your goal of helping bridge the gap between commoners and royals.”
When you find the boy the next day, you’re nearly vibrating in excitement. “Hey you,” you call. “Guess what?” His head turns to see you mid-snip and the branch lands on his head. You run over to make sure he’s okay. “Are you alright?” You ask him. “Yeah,” he responds sheepishly. “I guess this time it’s you who has to worry about getting me hurt.”
“Well that’s good,” you state, pouting at his teasing. “Oh! I realized yesterday that I don’t know your name!” He rubs the back of his head, embarrassed. “Ehe, sorry, I can’t believe I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Venti, it’s nice to officially meet you!”
“That’s a wonderful name,” you reply. “I like it a lot.” He smiles wide, “Thanks!” As the day continues you continue to talk with each other. Eventually he ropes you in to helping him with his chores. Thanks to that he gets done early and, after reporting back about finishing, he’s able to just spend the rest of the day with you.
After a certain point you’re able to admit to yourself that you’re falling for him. He’s cute, free-spirited, and makes you laugh. And maybe it’s just your imagination, but he seems to enjoy your time together too. The days left leading up to the performance are spent practicing and spending time with him. He’s tried to get you to play the song for him, but you insist that he wait for the performance to see.
The day of the performance comes very quickly, too quickly in your opinion. For all the compliments everyone who has heard your song gives you, and all the minds it has changed, you’re still incredibly nervous to perform it. What if they don’t like it? Will they find it presumptuous for you to write such a thing? When the time comes, will you mess up?
But the moment it’s your turn you take a deep breath, remind yourself that this is what you’re training for, and take your place on stage. Looking at the audience, you see the King and Queen, but, oddly enough, Prince Barbatos did not seem to be present. You strum your lyre and introduce yourself and your song. The audience seems intrigued that you would write such a song, so you take courage and start singing.
The stars are very beautiful, above the palace walls,
They shine with equal splendour, still above far humbler halls.
I watch them from my window, but their bright entrancing glow,
Reminds me of the freedom I gave up so long ago.
Although I am the head of state, in truth I am the least,
The true royal knows their people fed, before they sit to feast.
The good royal knows their people safe, before they takes their rest,
Thinks twice and thrice and yet again, before they make request.
These tears that burn my eyes are all the tears a royal can't shed,
The tears I weep in silence as I mourn my soldiers dead.
Oh gods that dwell beyond the stars, if you can hear my cry—
And if you have compassion—let me send no more to die!
(See: The Cost of the Crown by Mercedes Lackey, Debra F. Sanders)
As the last note fades the crowd stands with roaring applause. You feel a warmth spread across your cheeks as you bow deeply and return to your place standing with your company. Those standing around you congratulate you quietly as the next member steps up to perform.
Soon the performance is over and your Company is preparing to leave. Surprisingly many members of the Company had changed their minds about royals and the Company Head, Ferdinand, approached you to pass on the gratitude and appreciation from the King and Queen themselves. Venti showed up one last time, and Master Chapman allowed you to go speak with him as a treat for a job well done.
“That was amazing!” Venti shouts. “Did I really help you write that? I was hiding behind some curtains to listen and it was so amazing that I cried.” He grins so bright that you almost have to close your eyes. “I’m glad you liked it!” You say as you smile back. His happiness was contagious, and it didn’t help that you were completely smitten with him at this point. But alas, it was not meant to be.
Master Chapman called your name, letting you know that the Company would be leaving soon and that you’d have to come back within the next minute or two if you didn’t want to be left behind. Venti’s smile dims. “Are you sure you can’t stay?” He inquires. “Yes,” you sigh. “But who knows? Maybe I’ll see you again some day. But until then…” You trail off. He looks at you curiously, tilting his head again. Quickly, so as to not chicken out, you peck his check and run back to the Company.
“Until then!” You call out to him. The Company leaves as soon as you get there, so you’re not able to look back to see him. But if you could have, you would have seen him blushing as red as a rose, with a hand on his cheek where you kissed him. “Until then,” he whispers quietly. “I’ll make sure I’ll see you again.”
Years pass, and your apprenticeship ends. You make quite the name for yourself, and your song has worked wonders to heal the relationship between the people and their rules. Of course you write many more songs, but your first is always your favorite. Because he helped you write it. Many people have asked to court you, but you have turned them all down. Even after all these years, Venti the servant boy still holds your heart.
One day a messenger comes to speak with Ferdinand, bringing both good and bad news. Ferdinand calls the whole company together to share it. “Good friends, I’m sad to say that the King has passed away.” He announces, and the Company breaks into whispers and conversation. You think you may have even seen Gwenivere crying. “However, we have been invited to perform at Prince Barbatos’ coronation!”
This was wonderful news! Perhaps you could take this chance to see Venti again! You’d missed him dearly. But the more you thought about it, the more worried you became. Maybe he’d moved on and married someone else already. Would he still remember you? Will he want anything to do with you now? What if you didn’t like you and is upset about the kiss you gave him before you left?
You shake those thoughts out of your head and take a deep breath to calm yourself. Then you feel a hand clamp down on your shoulder and you must’ve jumped several feet in the air in your surprise because the person behind you burst into laughter. Embarrassed, you turn around to see Ferdinand, now laughing so hard that he was having trouble standing up.
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumble at him, good naturedly. “I’m sure startling me was very funny.” Finally calming down, Ferdinand gave you a great big smile. “It most certainly was,” he assured you. “But I didn’t come to you with the intention to startle you.” You raise an eyebrow as you continues. “I wanted to let you know that you were actually mentioned by name, so you may want to prepare something special.
Your jaw dropped. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for someone to be specifically named, but this was from the Prince himself! Still stunned, you nodded. “I’ll write the best song I can,” you promised him. “I’m sure you will,” he replied confidently. He didn’t stay long after that, just letting you know the basics of when the Company would be leaving and how soon the coronation would be.
As you travel you do your best to compose a song. However, you soon find yourself stuck. Your muse is gone again, just like it was the last time you went to the palace. Oh well, perhaps Venti could help you again. It would be wonderful to spend more time with him anyway, so you don’t worry too much about it.
The Company reaches the palace after a week of travel. You look for Venti in the gardens all day, but can’t find him anywhere. ‘Perhaps he got moved to working in the castle?’ You wonder to yourself. But either way, that meant he wouldn’t be able to help you write your song. So you sat down that night and did your best to compose.
It wasn’t really working, but you did your best. The next morning was chaotic, as the Company had been informed that the Prince himself would be coming out to welcome you all. You hurriedly joined in making the company camp look presentable and changed into your best clothing before going out to stand with everyone else.
The Prince was announced before the palace doors opened to reveal… Venti. Your eyes went wide and your jaw must have dropped to the ground. Those who were in the company before very carefully didn’t turn to look at you, though the newbies couldn’t help but look at you, confused. You quickly composed yourself as he scanned the crowd, though the smiles of some of his guards told you that your reaction did not go unnoticed.
It was very much him. The same dark hair with teal tipped braids. His eyes brightened as they met yours. He strode forward and the crowd parted before him. You were about to move as well until he stopped before you, fell to one knee, took one of your hands, and gently kissed it. Your face warmed again in a way that it hadn’t since you last saw him.
His eyes sparkled with mirth as he saw the look on your face. “Hello again,” he said gently. “Hi,” you squeaked. “It’s, uh, it’s good to see you again?” He laughed, “It’s good to see you again too. I know I kept my status a secret before, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth then, but could I ask you a question?”
“O-of course,” you respond. He smiles charmingly. “Will you marry me?” That’s it. You must’ve died and gone to heaven. Or maybe someone had put something in your breakfast. Or maybe he had the wrong person. You looked side to side to see if there was anyone else he could be talking to before you point to yourself. “M-me?” You ask, hesitantly. “You,” he says confidently. “I fell in love with you all those years ago, and I could never imagine myself with someone else.
“Though I would understand if you’re with someone else. It’s been so long and you’re so wonderful that you must have received many invitations to courtship.” A shy smile spreads across your face. “I have received many offers,” you admit, and his face falls a bit. “But I’ve turned them all down. My heart was taken years ago by my dear Venti the servant boy.”
You get down on your knees and kiss the hand that is holding yours. “I would love to marry you, if you’ll have me.” He smiles brighter than the sun. “Nothing would make me happier,” he declares, and he pulls you in for a kiss. You pull away for air and nuzzle your nose against his. “I do have one request though,” you continue. “Anything, my love,” he swears. “Court me properly first, please,” you request.
“I can do that,” he laughs as he pulls you in for a hug. “How about we start with having lunch together,” he whispers in your ear. “That sounds like a great plan,” you agree. He gives you another quick kiss before standing up, pulling you to your feet, and leading you back to the palace.
You ignore the whistles and applause of your Company as you follow him, grateful for their support but wanting to give your suitor all your attention. This was the first day of the rest of your life, and you wanted to appreciate every minute of it. And every minute was just as wonderful as you’d ever imagined.
As queen, you were able to bring the kingdom together and closer than ever before. The people loved their rulers because they knew their rulers dedicated themselves to them. And the rulers responded in kind. The war ended, peace prevailed, and you got your perfect happily ever after.
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yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
Stronger but not Strong Enough- Yeosang 1/2
Note♥︎- i hope your day was nice today ! tags are at the bottom
Genre♡︎- smut
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Pinning, pet names, masturbation, nipple piercings, sub! yeosang, scratching, oral (male) penetration, hickeys, dom ! fem-reader, mommy kink, and ab licking
Word count♡︎- 2.6k
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❥- It has been a proven fact that Yeosang is the second strongest in the group, yet he doesn’t feel as though. He doesn’t have abs like Seonghwa or San and his muscle doesn’t look as swollen as Jongho’s. No matter how many times you reassured him that he looks good as he is, he just can’t believe it. He wants to do better, be better and most importantly feel better about himself. The thing is, he doesn’t know how to actually ask any of the members to come with him. He would go by himself but he doesn’t want to and he doesn’t really know how to start.
For the past days, he has been moping and frowning around the house when you came to visit. He knows that you’re worried for him, but he just can’t help it. He wants to feel more manlier.
Seonghwa being the person he is, he knew there was something wrong with Yeosang and he decided he was going to find out. He went to Yeosang’s house to see what was really up with him.
Yeosang was eating some fries when he heard the doorbell. He got up and opened the door to see Seonghwa standing outside. “Can I talk to you?” He asked and Yeosang nodded. Stepping in, taking his shoes off, and getting comfortable in the house, he dropped the question on him. “what’s been going on with you?” The grey haired man asked. This was his chance. Yeosang’s chance to explain to him what his problem was and ask him for the help he needed. “You can tell me, Yeosang.” He reassured.
Yeosang decided now or never. “Well...Uhm..what if i told you i want to go working out with you?” He says fastly, almost too fast, Seonghwa almost didn’t hear him.
Seonghwa blinked for a second trying to process what he said. “O-oh? Yeah of course, Yeosang. If you want, i’m going in the morning and i can start you off there?” He seemed excited? Yeosang smiled and nodded. “That’ll be great.”
Fucking finally, that boulder that was on his shoulder was off and he feels like he can breathe now.
Remember how he said he can breathe now? He lied. He completely lied.
He went to the gym with Seonghwa the next morning and he tried to literally murder him. obliterate him. Did he use that word right? He doesn’t even know, but he does know that Seonghwa was trying to kill him. He expected this shit from Jongho, not Seonghwa. Seonghwa had poor Yeosang lifting weights,doing squats, running the treadmill, and had the audacity to ask him to do the dance to ”Dazzling light” with him. His whole body is on fire and all he wanted to do was sit in a cold shower and call you to cry about his limbs that were literally burning.
His struggles has been going on for at least 6 months now and honestly, he’s proud he hasn’t gave up yet. Turns out Jongho is actually way worse than Seonghwa and he’s just glad he got to get used to the feeling before Jongho decided to join them. He has definitely noticed some changes to his body. Not only has his arms gotten a little bigger, he definitely can see his 11 line in his belly.
Yeosang continues to look at his tummy in the mirror because wow, it looks really defined. He looks good, he looks fantastic, out of this word. He wonders how you’ll react when you see it. At that thought, he traced his lines on his stomach, letting his mind go loose. He just knows you’re going to like it
He hasn't talked to you in a while for at least 6 weeks and he’s been kind of...horny. He misses you very much, don’t get it twisted, but his mind is currently hazy and he’s just desperate right now. His legs moved just as fast as his mind, taking him to the bed.
He lays down, letting his hand rub on his half hard length, just like you do, His lip tucked between his teeth, a habit that is. He let his mind drift once again, thinking about what you’ll do when you found out he was touching himself. He felt so naughty doing this without permission and that thought alone riles him up more.
He palms at his crotch that is very noticeable at this moment, letting out small, pathetic whines. It’s like he can almost feel the way your walls are squeezing around him, your moans in his ear when he hits the right spots.
He whimpered even again, freeing his cock from the sweatpants. He can feel the way his cock jumped when he released it.
He looked down at his cock with a sigh.
Was he really about to disobey your words and get himself off at the mere thought of you fucking your self on him? Of course he was.
He gripped his cock with his hands, jolting when he squeezed it like you would. He let his eyes close and pumped his cock slowly , just like you would instruct him. “fuck- want to cum” He squeezed his eyes, pumping faster. He wants to release, no, he needs to release or he’s sure he’s going to pop. He thumbs at the slit as his other rub at his nipple. His breath hitched when he pinched his pierced nipple under the shirt. You told him to get them because they would make his nipples more sensitive and you were right. He squeezed his tip and wailed. “Please- ahh-“ He cried out to no one, thrusting his hips up into his hand, fucking into his hand as fast as he can.
He switched nipples, moving on the left nipple. He bit his lip harder, body tensing when he felt his balls tightened. “wanna cum- M’ gonna cum, mommy~” The blonde moans louder, practically screaming as his cum shoots up, some landing on his 11 line and some on his thigh. He let out a breath of relief and moved to clean himself up.
❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥Sorry another one❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥
Workouts have been getting harder but he definitely is seeing his 6 pack, so it’s worth the hard work. He’s been getting more confident than ever and he just feels powerful.
Has he called you? Yes he did. Has he told you about the event he did 7 weeks ago? Also yes. You haven’t really said anything about it though, just that he deserves it and he probably looked pretty. He smiled when you told him that, still suspicious, because you never let him get away with touching himself. ever.
He hasn’t told you about him working out yet, just that he’s going out with Seonghwa. He wants to wait until you finally get him out of his clothes or vice versa. He couldn’t wait until you finally get to see how hard he worked, how much effort he put into this.
He’s been feeling a bit powerful lately. His mouth has been running all day since he came over to your house with your roommate. Luckily, your roommate isn't here and he took that as a chance to talk shit to rile you up.
“Baby” Yeosang called out to you and you turned and looked at him. “I bet you can dom you.” You squinted your eyes at him and scoffed. “As if” Was your response. Even if you were in denial of the thought, you wouldn’t have minded him topping you.
“I can, baby. I’ll leave you shaking when I’m done” His voice darker, clearly laced with lust. You pinched at your thigh, the thought getting to you, almost.
“Cute. I see you grow muscles and can’t act.” You crossed your legs, chuckling when you saw his eyes grow wide like a puppy. “Thought I didn’t notice, baby?” You smirked at him and crossed your arms as well. Seeing that he wasn’t going to respond, you decided to keep going. “I will keep the dom thing in mind just to see how well you’ll do. Got to say, I am impressed that you thought because you got stronger that you can dom me.” You uncrossed your arms.
Yeosang didn’t know exactly how to feel in this situation. Embarrassed? turned-on? Flustered? He doesn’t know, but what he does know is that you’re fucking sexy like this.
He wants to speak, but he can't. If he opened his mouth, he’ll be a stuttering mess and that is not what he wants..right now.
“Come here, kitten” You curved your index finger in a ‘come here’ motion and he scattered over there, sitting between your legs with both his hands on his thighs. “What a good boy you are, baby.” You pat his head twice, smiling when he beamed at your touch.
“Mommy, are you going to touch kitten?” He bat his eyelashes at you and you growled lightly.
“Upstairs and you better be fucking bare when i get there.” you licked your lips thinking of a good idea “matter of a fact, leave your boxers on, kitten.”Once he ran upstairs, you sipped your water with your legs crossed.
Giving him about another 20 seconds, spending it on telling your roommate not to come back for a while, you ran upstairs to see him lying on the bed, tip of his cock peeking out of his underwear,his cheeks were flushed red and oh? oh, fuck.. where the fuck did abs come from?. You felt yourself soaking your panties from the scene. “Kitten, shit-where’d the abs come from?” You had to close your eyes to keep from pounding on him.
“D-do you not like it?” His voice wavered
You opened your eyes, staring the poor man down like you would jump on him any minute. “i fucking love it, baby. One day i swear i’ll ride your abs” You softly chuckled when he laughed. “You don’t know how fucking hard it is to keep myself composed right now and you have my favorite jewelry color in your pretty nipples.” It was fun to see him squirm and lose control on his own body.
“Y-yes. They’re my favorite ones too” He was a mess. He just wants to be a good boy for you and do as you please like a good kitten. “p-please..do something.” He whined, biting his bottom lip.
“I will, kitten.” you strut over there, swaying your hips slightly towards him. Once you were in front of him, you turned around and bent over, slowly taking your shorts off with your panties right behind. You turned back around and sat on his hard on, directly on his hard on. The moan he let out was fucking delicious and you wanted more from him. “I got something for you, kitten” You smirked, rolling your hips in a circular motion, moaning when you felt his cock jump.
You got up, ignoring the boy’s whines and complaints, and went towards the desk getting a purple box. You gave him the box and he opened it, gasping once he saw what was inside. “put it on for mommy.” Your voice left no questions and he had none to ask anyway. He pulled the black and yellow cat ears on, placing them gently on his head.
You stepped back to get a good look at him. “You look so fuckable right now it is not even funny.” You shook your head and walked towards him again, his eyes piercing through your body. You got back on top of him, continuing your ministrations from earlier, loving the way he moaned out for you.
“Mommy, Kitten’s so hard right now. Kitten wants you now” He wailed and you ignored him, bending down to slowly kiss his nipples, your tongue peeking out licking his sensitive nipples. His back arched off the bed letting out a soft noise, hands in your hair. You lifted up to look at him with an arched eyebrow.
“Do tell who gave you permission to touch mommy?” You pinned his hand above his head, but moaned when he pushed up against you. “o-oh~”
You sat up and went between his legs. “I see you like that, kitten” You bit your index finger nail.
“i-i-h-h” He shakily sighed when he felt your tongue graze over his defined abs. “Mhm” His voice was sweet like honey. You continued to trace your tongue over his abs, sucking little hickeys on them. “More, please” He sounded so desperate and to say it was turning you on would be an understatement.
“Just because you’re begging me nicely, kitten” You licked his tip that was sticking out while pulling his briefs down completely. “You’re so fucking hard, kitten” You got the lube from under the bed. “Is it all for me, hm?”
Yeosang felt like he was about to cry right now. He can’t take this teasing any longer. It's too much, he just wants to release. “M-mommy, please do something. Kitten wants momm-uhh-“ He was about to beg again but felt your lips wrap around his cock. “s-so good, mommy” He couldn’t help the way his hips jumped, Your mouth was so warm around his cock. Just what he needed. He whine and felt tears prickle at the side of his eye when you pushed his hips down from moving. “Mommy- Your mouth feels so fuckimg good around me” He panted out still trying to move his hips.
You lifted up when you felt him violently twitch around you, making him cry from the loss of his orgasm. “stop crying, kitten, don’t you want to be inside of mommy?” You could tease him more, make him cry more, but his puppy eyes are making you soft. He nodded and you got up to get a condom. Once you got it, you rolled it on his cocky, squeezing his tip lightly.
You grabbed the vanilla scent lube and put some in your hand, rubbing it on his dick. “I’m going to give you what you deserve, kitten.” You lined yourself up before slowly dropping down on his cock.
The moment he was all the way inside, you began bouncing. You were already wet but the lube only made you ride him faster. Your hands are scratching his abs. His abs are a new addiction added to your collection and you’re not complaining. “Does my pussy feel good around your cock, kitten? Am i giving you what you begged me for” You moaned and bounced faster on his cock.
“Y-yes mommy~ You’re so tight around my cock.” You were bouncing so fast, his headband fell over his eyes.
You were scratching his stomach, leaving red marks over your hickeys. “Cum when you feel, baby.” You threw your head back with a long drawn out moan. You felt yourself getting closer as time grew. “You look so fucking perfect like this. I want to ruin you some more, kitten.” Your hands went back to fiddling with his nipples, groaning when he let out a hard gasp, hands flying to your waist. You grabbed his hands again, putting them back above his head, holding him down.
His eyes rolled back and he came inside the condom with you following along with a moan of his name. You rode him until you heard him whimper from overstimulation.
You got off of him, throwing the dirty sheets away. “Are you okay, baby?” You went to go lay back on top of him. He nodded and held you.
“Can we clean up when we wake up, please?” He gave you puppy eyes and you were sold. “We’re taking a long shower in the morning.” She nodded along and kissed your sweaty temple.
“Yeah, you definitely gotta dominate me now” you laughed when he gasped and cuddled deeper into his chest.
krusty crew: @ace-yeollie @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires @latte-fairytaekwoon @twancingyunhoe @little-precious-baby @rinzyk @atiny-piratequeen @choisans-dimples @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @sansbun
Network:- @8makes1teamnet
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halstudandruz · 4 years
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Antonio Dawson x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Antonio isn’t a fan of Halloween or the costumes you picked
Warnings: swearing
A/N: Picture of the costumes I’m thinking of at the end! Happy Halloween my friends! 🎃 👻
He hated Halloween. What was the point? It was just a scheme for kids to get candy, leaving the parents to deal with the sugar high aftermath. Not to mention the dressing up. Why do people think it’s so fun to be someone else for a night? As if they knew anything about being a cop. But hey let’s pretend to be one for a night. It was all a stupid, pointless day that certainly shouldn’t be considered a “holiday.” It was right up there on his list with April Fool’s and Valentine’s Day, unnecessary trouble.
Yet, here he was hanging up skull lights and setting out pumpkin shaped pretzels. What he wouldn’t do for you.
“Looks great babe.” You smiled admiring him from behind the bar.
“Where’s Herrmann again?” He huffed trying to balance on a ladder.
“Still out with the kids trick-or-treating.” You explained, checking the inventory behind the bar quickly one last time. “We gotta run back to the apartment though to get ready before we open.”
“What do you mean by get ready?” Antonio raised a weary eyebrow descending from the top of the ladder.
“We are hosting a Halloween party honey.” You rolled your eyes.
“No, you’re hosting a Halloween party. I’m here for the booze and drunk karaoke.” He countered.
“Keep talking like that and the booze you are referencing won’t be free tonight.” You quipped back making him sigh.
Standing in front of the mirror an hour later Antonio was starting to really not mind the idea of having to pay, “I’m not wearing this.” He shook his head, still focused on his figure staring back at him.
“What do you mean you’re not wearing it? You literally have it on.” You pouted stopping in the middle of your mascara routine to face him.
“It completely goes against my loyalty.” He pointed out.
“That doesn’t even make sense. Stop being ridiculous.” You rolled your eyes.
“You do realize there are going to be actual firefighters here right?” He questioned making you laugh.
“Yes, I do. Considering it’s a firefighter owned bar, and well of course the fact that I am one.” You rolled your eyes.
“Technically you’re a paramedic mi amor.” He pointed out.
“Yeah but I get to sport the bunker gear everyone once in a while, and if I do say so myself I look damn good doing it.” You joked walking towards him admiring the look he was sporting. Thinking now you’d be completely on board with him taking the firefighter exam if you could stare at what’s standing in front of you all day. Plastic helmet or not, the pants looked good on him to put it lightly. CFD t-shirt wrapped tightly around his muscles, making him look even more ripped than normal, red suspenders hanging at his sides to complete the look. You moved to wrap your arms around his waist gladly taking in the imagine in front of you, knees going just a little bit weak at the thoughts now running through your mind.
“Eyes up here.” He smirked as you drew your eyes back up his body to his face, a humorous glint surfacing.
“You shouldn’t be complaining you know.” You shrugged.
“Oh really? Why is that?” He asked.
“Well originally I was going to go as the firefighter and make you go as the Dalmatian, but I thought hey it’s Halloween. The one day of the year we can be something we can't the other 364. So technically you should be thanking me.” You shrugged glancing over his shoulder to fix your polka dotted ears.
“Babe, don’t make me do this. I won’t hear the end of it.” He pleaded turning now to face you, “Oh damn.” He huffed out now seeing what you were wearing. Antonio’s eyes trailed your body, heat surfacing at the darkness that gleaned in his pupils, as he was now fully taking in your costume.
You wore polka dotted ears resting atop your curled hair, a black bralette that came down just as far as your ribs, accentuating your breasts in a slutty but tasteful way, a white tutu sat on your hips with little black polka dots arranged on it, white thigh high stockings accessorized with a cute black bow at the top, black heels strapped to your feet, and of course a black choker to pull the look together. Antonio’s eyes were drinking you up like the last sip of water in a desert and oh did you love it.
“Oh my love,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer into his body, “in what world did you think I was going to let you go out wearing this,” his fingers tickled along the outsides of your thighs moving upwards, “Let alone bartend in it?” He questioned hands settling to cup your ass causing you to stifle a moan.
“Mmm, good thing I’m not giving you a choice.” You bit back challengingly making him smirk at your attitude.
“How about this? How about you slip on a nice white shirt over this,” he snapped the strap of your bralette against your skin, “and put on a pair of those leggings you like so much over these sexy legs of yours.” He provided his ultimatum, hiking one of your legs over his hip causing you to lose balance before he steadily held you tighter against him, “and then when we get home you can put this cute little number back on and let me and only me appreciate it hmm?” His lips ghosted lightly along your neck leaving goosebumps in their trail.
“Mmmm..” you hummed closing your eyes, before shaking the lust that was starting to consume you, tugging your leg away to place it back down on the ground, “yeah no sorry, this is one of the only excuses a year I get to show off my body. Which I put a lot of work into by the way.” You trailed a hand over your body showing off its curves for emphasis, “On the bright side, once they see what you are, they’ll get the whole couple's costume idea and there will be nothing to worry about.” You waved your hand dismissively, “However,” you placed your hands on the sides of his neck looking up at him innocently, “if you play nice tonight, maybe later I could show you how good I am at handling a hose especially a charged one, if you know what I mean.” You teased, kissing his cheek and leaving him frustrated in more than one way.
“Fuck.” Antonio groaned tensing his jaw.
“Yeah, that’s the plan.” You smiled, winking before gathering your stuff and walking out of the room.
*Photo credit to owner*
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All Taglist:
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Antonio Taglist:
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people aren't diagnosing dream with anything when they say the reason he may be acting that way is because of his adhd, it's just how adhd Is. Emotional dysregulation is a symptom of adhd, being unable to properly regulate our emotions. stuff like overreacting, getting angry over the smallest things, being Too competitive, getting defensive and excusing every perceived failure, throwing "tantrums", being overly sensitive, they are all key parts of having adhd. we feel emotions way more intensely than other people all the time and it's hard to live with and overwhelming. it all comes off as us being too self centered and egotistical and being unable to accept when we're in the wrong to other people but to us it is a lot more than just that, and dream has expressed multiple times that he feels the need to be perfect and if he fails at something he gets frustrated with himself, and a lot of that shows in how he constantly makes excuses for himself when he loses at games, it may not seem that deep to others but to people with adhd any criticism or perceived failure can be extremely distressing and hard to react in a "mature" and rational way. yeah it's not a justification to be an asshole or whatever but i don't like how many people act like it's not a Literal Symptom Of His Neurodevelopmental Disorder and blame it all on him like it's something Voluntary and his Choice to be like that. A lot of the time we don't realize we're being crybabies or we recognize it and it leads to a lot of self loathing. before criticizing dream too harshly i think people should look into adhd and how it affects emotional regulation and read about rejection sensitive dysphoria, because a lot of his "toxic" behavior is explained by these things. i'm not saying this to baby him or excuse him or anything like that, but a lot of the criticism against him is straight up ableism. i'm only really talking about this because i see myself a lot in dream and it's really not a conscious choice most of the time to behave like that. I don't know dream personally so i can't claim that that's 100% what's going on with him, but the grand majority of people with adhd struggle with keeping their emotions stable and being "sore losers" and other common criticisms people have against dream. i'm not telling you to Not criticize him for it but to be mindful and have a little sympathy for the shit we have to go through everyday.
Hi, thank you for educating me and I’m sorry for being insensitive. 
To be clear, I have physical disabilities and all my life people have tried to diagnose me (I don’t have a diagnosis) and I’ve always been stared at and seen as different and babied and that’s why I’m hesitant to “diagnose” anyone with something because I know how that feels especially when they are wrong. I still will not be “diagnosing” Dream, or anyone else, in the future because it’s just uncomfortable and I don’t think it’s fair for me (someone who doesn’t have ADHD) to do that. 
I will remember this in the future, thank you and have a great day. 💕
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phoenixdnasty · 4 years
The Problem with Season Five
this is already going to have a lot of you in the replies yelling at me. obviously, massive SPOILERS for s5 of she ra and the princesses of power if you haven't already seen it.
okay, so She Ra is definitely a kids' show, but it has a lot of themes aimed towards an older audience: abuse, war, found family, destiny and knowing who you are. I loved She Ra because it made me feel empowered, made me feel seen. after this last season, however, I don't feel the same. I will, however, talk about what it did well.
What She-Ra s5 did RIGHT
I very much enjoyed seeing the character development for most characters come to the forefront here. For example, SW returned to her original motivations. When she lived in Mystacor with the other sorcerers, her thirst for power was borne of a desire to fight the Horde. When she was rejected, then she chose to do what she did. We see a return to that in s5, where she takes a stand against Prime by enlisting Castaspella to stop her if she tries to take any power for herself. She ends up just wanting to help, to do what she can, which was excellent. Glimmer, Bow and a bunch of other characters are given some love here as well. I especially enjoyed seeing Bow and Mermista take on leadership positions in the absence of Adora; it was an excellent look into another facet of their personalities.
Character interactions in non-serious moments were, for the most part, good. Swift Wind and Scorpia being bros was not something I knew I needed but something I want more of. Netossa basically being Batman and knowing the weaknesses of everyone around her was great and an iconic scene. Bow thinking Catra was super adorable was also an excellent moment in the season and I could watch 9 more seasons worth of that. Something that surprised me was Entrapta's "not good with people"-ness being talked about and addressed by the other characters and explained by her; I wasn't sure if that was ever gonna be talked about in the show.
Side note: thank you Crew-Ra for giving Scorpia her own musical number, it was great.
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Prime was also a fascinating enemy. He's this sort of religious figure, this world destroyer who's been around for seemingly centuries, maybe much longer. He's cold, calm and calculated. I've seen it pointed out that he's everything Hordak is not. He's manipulative, knows body language and facial expressions, and has a perfect grasp on how to get exactly what we wants. My favorite aspect of this season was the hive mind control. This was a very interesting plotline to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed HiveMind!Catra as well as Wrong Hordak. I loved the idea of pitting allies against each other and the angst and emotional weight that carried.
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Going to use that point to segue into one of this season's strengths: Netossa and Spinnerella. Wow! We get a chance to see what a healthy queer/wlw relationship looks like, and two background characters get major upgrades in relevance. Two diversity points for one being a big girl and for the couple being interracial (in our world anyway), but diversity is the norm is SPOP and we might have to stan forever. It was extremely heartwarming and resulted in one of my favorite scenes to ever show up in animated media (one which I'll be stealing to add to my vows if I ever get married):
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It was beautiful and I will absolutely never shut up about it.
There were some beautiful moments this season!! Absolutely gorgeous. A highlight for me cinematically was episode 5, which will probably bother some people when I say what I will below. I will be honest, the new transformation sequence and the scene of Adora holding Catra as She-Ra was powerful and had my heart pounding with excitement. It was awesome.
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On the other hand...
What She-Ra s5 did WRONG
I'm going to break my issues with the final season down one by one, starting with the narrative of abuse.
From the very beginning, abuse is the most prevalent theme in the show. Prime (HP) abuses Hordak, Hordak abuses SW, SW abuses both Adora and Catra, and Catra abuses Adora. I liked the Crew-Ra tackling this issue. Abused people abuse people, right?
Why was everyone redeemed in s5? (Well, except for Prime, he was blasted away by She-Ra.) Hordak was given a blank slate to start over, even though he was the reason Etheria was war torn for at least a few decades; SW was given a hero's sacrifice, where at the end of her life she finally decides to do some good; and Catra is immediately forgiven for doing one good thing and all trust in placed in her simultaneously.
Hordak and H. Prime as abusers are pretty cut and dry; at no point are they ever remorseful for their actions, except for Hordak in the case of being abusive to Entrapta. SW is much more of an interesting character to analyze, because her motivations are geared directly towards herself. This seems to change in the final season, when she returns to her original motivations from back when she was in Mystacor. Defending her home. In her pursuit of the power needed to defend Etheria from the Horde, she fell into darkness. She began to abuse Adora and Catra.
One could argue that the hero's sacrifice she was given for redemption was unneeded. SW was an individual addicted to power. She was manipulative, using fake affection as a means to control. She didn't deserve a redemption. The only evidence we have of this supposed change of heart is a line to Castaspella: "...and stop me if I try to take the power for myself." Okay... so, SW, um... what changed your mind? Was it Micah? Because at no point has he forgiven you. In fact, there should've been much more hostility between the two of you (which is a point I'll address in a moment). In all honesty, the relationship between SW and Micah reminds me of what should've happened between Catra and Glimmer, or Catra and Scorpia.
And Catra... My problem with her story is that she was kinda just... forgiven? instantly. no repercussions, no long talks about feelings, no... consequences. Catra got the girl and that was it. A small list of things she did over 4 seasons, in no certain order:
Scratched what was implied were scarring marks down Adora's back
Was the cause of Angella's "death" #angelladeservedbetter
Kidnapped both Glimmer and Bow
Opened a world-ending portal all to ensure Adora failed
Also pushed Adora into what looked like an abyss
Verbally abused Scorpia into leaving
Wanted to pit Corrupted!She-Ra against her friends (dehumanization)
Got Entrapta sent to Beast Island, a deadly place no one ever returns from
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And this is just the stuff off the top of my head. We all knew Catra was going to get a redemption, but this one was completely undeserved. She apologized to Adora and Entrapta. Two very short apologies for what canonly was at minimum, months of abuse, manipulation, intent to kill (which is literally mentioned by Adora) and general disregard for anyone or anything but revenge for something that didn't even deserve it. The entire cast should've been outraged. Glimmer in particular had a very big reason not to ever forgive Catra ("I'm not losing another parent!"), but it was all glossed over.
The biggest issue with season 5 was the abuse plotline completely dropped. You can't spend 4 seasons explaining how the cycle of abuse affects you and everyone around you... and shelve it. And we know the reason why it was shelved.
Let me first preface this with the fact that I am super happy we got representation. As a queer nblw who grew up feeling alone, it's so good to see things changing in media. An onscreen wlw kiss on a kids' show is groundbreaking and I'm very happy that She-Ra broke this barrier.
But all representation is not good representation. Catra and Adora is not a good representation of a healthy relationship.
Catra is shown throughout the series to be very unstable. This is even prevalent in season 5, when Adora "chooses SW" over Catra, she runs away. This breaks Adora's heart. The last thing that Catra needs is a relationship when she hasn't even confronted the issues that she has. There's no healing done in season 5, no therapy as the fandom loved to meme about, no long talks about forgiveness and the hurt caused. There's no callback to any of the pain and anguish that Catra put Adora through. Catra may love Adora, but if there is no healing done for the both of them, their relationship will fail. They will fall into the same cycle again. Adora will do something Catra doesn't like, Catra will do what she's done for all of the show, and it will repeat until something breaks.
I'm going to talk about the implications of the ending we have now, and feel free to argue with me.
She-Ra is a kids' show. Abuse is one of the main themes. Catra is shown to be an abuser. Here's what we are teaching younger audiences:
a. if you love someone enough, maybe they'll change
b. everyone deserves a second chance
c. your abuser will change as long as you're loyal and never stop trying to love them
d. things someone does to hurt you mean nothing in the wake of forgiveness
e. if someone who hurt you changes suddenly and wants to be back in your life, you should let them back in
Character interactions for the things that mattered (plot threads from previous seasons, general personality clashes, etc) were absent this season, in the moments where they mattered the most. (The best three in my opinion were Scorpia and Perfuma, the BFS inviting Catra in, and Mermista and Entrapta.) Glimmer and Adora should've had their time to talk. Scorpia should've gotten to say her piece to Catra. SW and Micah should've interacted more. Micah and Glimmer should've gotten more than an introduction!
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I'm not going to get into how the entire final season was wrapped around making Catra and Adora get together (a fundamental writing no-no; it never ends up working), or how it was bad writing. I just want everyone to think critically for one moment. There are so many other glaring issues in what was, overall, a stellar show. If there was another season, or some mini episodes where the characters talk out their problems and past transgressions against each other, then I could excuse She-Ra. But I doubt we're going to get any of that. So I won't.
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phantaloon-books · 4 years
(some) Riordanverse characters (bc I never read TKC) and which Hogwarts House I think they would be in
Warning: this is a long one
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Nico: the dude is definitely Gryffindor without a doubt. Like Sorting isn't about some traits and some characteristics, it's about core personality. He may have gone through some of the roughest stuff when he was 10-12, and he was resentful and bitter, but he was brave and bold af throughout everything he did. From learning about his powers, to using them relentlessly despite knowing how exhausted he is afterwards, to his willingness to do whatever is necessary to do what has to be done, because it has to be done. You can't change my mind that he's Gryffindor lol.
Grover: Do I even need to explain why he's Gryffindor? He's a satyr, and even if we're shown strong satyrs, they're not really supposed to be brave fighters. Yet he is one of the strongest, bravest nature spirits we've ever encountered in the Riordanverse, and one of the bravest in general. Like he's so passionate about doing what is good, he's a hero, and the only thing he doesn't match with common Gryffindors is that he's humble and as far from arrogant as could be possible, but it doesn't take his courage away.
Hazel: She's Gryffindor, and core personality-wise, she and Nico are very much alike. They don't ever think about themselves, like Hazel really always does what has to be done, no matter the cost, I mean she literally died preventing Gaea to rise the first time, and she freed Thanatos while believing he would take her back to the Underworld. She's brave af, and she has one of the most strong willpower we've seen in the Riordanverse. She's a passionate hero, and she's the closest thing to a real knight in shining armor.
Lester: I'm gonna place him in Gryffindor because I don't think he fits in in the other houses lmao. That said, as Apollo he's very shitty, but as Lester, he's one of the most courageous people. He's grown so much, he's so willing to actually do stuff now, and sacrifice everything to do what's right, including his life, even if he doesn't know he's gonna survive. Hell, he really went most of TTT with an incredibly painful wound that nearly turned him undead, and he cared more for the future of Camp Jupiter than his own life. Additionally, he's a bit arrogant and cocky, but he truly means well, I love Lester so much.
Clarisse: Look look, all I have to say is that no one could have pulled off less than half the stuff Clarisse has done, she's so Gryffindor it hurts. She's reckless and impulsive, but she's driven by her passion to do good, even if she's the daughter of war, and was bullied by her own father. She's daring, she's bold and she is the hero. She's also arrogant and thinks she can solve everything by herself, something characteristic more of the canon Gryffindors in the books, rather than what the fans have shaped. In fact, she's very much like Gryffindors in the books, who are actually very rude to other houses and think they're the best. Still, at heart, she's in this house.
Alex: I'm in a huge dilemma about where to put them, but I reckon they'd fit pretty fine in Gryffindor. Not only are they daring and courageous, they're proud of who they are, but not in a too full of themselves kind of way, rather in a 'I am who I am, and if you can't accept me, fuck off' kind of way. They can get carried away rather easily though, and very arrogant, thinking they don't need anyone else, when they do in fact need some company. They are one of the kindest and at the same time most ambitious characters we've met, but they are brave beyond understanding in a very personal way, thus, Gryffindor.
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Percy: I think it's fair to say he'd be Hufflepuff, because loyalty is literally his fucking fatal flaw, and he is the kindest sweetheart to all those who deserve it, he goes out of his way to help those who need help, whether that be mortals, halfbloods, gods, magical creatures or even his own enemies. He's too good for this world, and even if he's grown a bit bitter, he always looks to fight justly for what is right, and never loses faith in others. That, and the fact that he turned down immortality so that the olympians were more inclusive of minor gods, and their children were treated better. He's just a lovely soul, he's like 80% Hufflepuff so that's enough for me. All that and he's stubborn as hell.
Jason: Hufflepuff. Just, undoubtedly Hufflepuff. Like he seems to be this cold and self centered hero with a superiority complex (bc of all the son of Jupiter stuff) but he's the softest guy there is. Not only is he hardworking, open minded and kind, he appreciates justice but he doesn't seek for revenge or anything, he makes sure people are treated fairly and wants everyone to be accepted. Proof of that is how he continued Percy's job of including more gods, and made sure Nico felt comfortable with who he was. He truly has a heart of gold. (He deserved better btw)
Meg: God I can't decide between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but I think I'll go with the former. She's so strong, my baby, she's faced so much wrong, but she's still so kind and understanding of others, especially those who deserve kindness. She puts up such a hard facade, but she's so patient and warm and inclusive. She's brave and strong (as strong as the big three kids, if not stronger), but she's also so loyal to her beliefs despite how she was forced someone else's beliefs for years, so I'll keep her in Hufflepuff. Also, she's stubborn af, and she can be lazy, so that settles it.
Will: I KNOW some people will say Will could be in other houses that are not Hufflepuff, BUT I won't have it any other way. Will is literally the warmest person ever. He is kind and sympathetic and enthusiastic and patient and inclusive. Like Helga Hufflepuff would take one look at him and lose her shit screaming "mine". He's the guy who saw the son of Hades so many people were scared of and immediately grabbed his hand and transfered him some warmth and didn't let him go ahead and get himself killed. He's also the one who everyone loves and likes, so much that Clarisse gets along with him and he can calm her down. He's the ideal Hufflepuff, you can't change my mind.
Magnus: I mean, what else can you expect from the son of the god of summer? He's literally a guy who heals others with warmth. He's also the guy who spent years on the street with the most difficult situations, and accepts every single person the way they are. He's inclusive af, and tolerant of everything. He's the guy who's closest include a deaf elf, a Muslim valkyrie, and a black dwarf, and he's dating a genderfluid person. Yes he's brave, and he's kinda smart, and he's ambitious, BUT none of those qualities overpower his Hufflepuff nature.
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Piper: Kinda debated whether Gryffindor or Ravenclaw fits more, but in the end I went with Ravenclaw. Even though she isn't a fighter, she's very very brave, yet her bravery isn't compared to her wits. Like others in the PJOverse, she wins her fights by outsmarting her opponents, but unlike others that's one of her strongest traits. She's witty and creative and a little on the negative side, she really struggled to work in a group rather than by herself. On another note, she's able to keep calm in crazy situations and come up with the craziest most unthinkable solutions (I'm talking borderline ridiculous) that always somehow work. She's not booksmart, but she knows so much about everything, and she's lifesmart you know?
Reyna: Why are some of these so hard? Deeply debating whether she'd be Ravenclaw or Slytherin. In the end I'd go more for Ravenclaw though. Reyna's smart as hell, she's strong and sharp, and she always sees the best way out of a situation. She's witty and observant, being able to keep her cool in battle and lead others in the best direction. She's always looking to grow, and she prefers to do things on her own, but she's a great leader. She has some Slytherin qualities, and she's not learning as learning oriented as others, but she's definitely Ravenclaw.
Sam: Let's face it, Sam has the only active neurons in all of MCGA, she's definitely Ravenclaw. I'm gonna be honest though, I've only read MCGA once, so I can't remember much of their personalities, but Sam is witty and clever, pretty much the only one who can come up with competent plans, while the others rely mostly on luck and whatever plan they can cook up in 5 seconds. She's loyal and true to who she is, and she's extremely courageous and proud of who she is, but her sharpness is what she stands out for me, which is why I put her in Ravenclaw.
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Annabeth: I know the obvious option is Ravenclaw, but I genuinely think she's also Slytherin. Yes she is booksmart and wise like Ravenclaw, but her personality matches Slytherins' ambitious, cunning and resourceful nature. She's smart as fuck, but she's calculative, she always finds a way to end up winning, and while she does so by outsmarting her opponents, she wouldn't need to outsmart them if she weren't so competitive. I feel like there's this 40/60 odds on Slytherin rather than Ravenclaw, but it's that small difference that counts. Plus her leadership skills are so powerful that people don't ask, they just know she's the boss.
(Also just picture the sweet and loyal Hufflepuff boy with the strong and cunning Slytherin girl, like it should be as opposite as it is with Poseidon and Athena, but they're so cute)
Leo: Idk what you can expect that's not Slytherin. This boy is the embodiment of ambition and determination. Reminder that not all Slytherins are bad btw (I'm slytherin myself), but like he's life smart and cunning, and he can analyze situations faster than anyone else. He's charismatic and talented, and there's no one to stop him from triumphing. I don't have much to say, I just know he'd be in Slytherin.
Rachel: She's kinda a difficult one, and I struggle between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and tbh I'm still not sure. But I think I'd place her in Slytherin, because even if she's brave af (especially since she was a mortal fighting in a war out of her power), her main trait is her determination. When she's set on something, she gets it done. You can't tell her she can't do something, because she will find a way to do it. She's kind, and she's only a mortal, but she still has incredible power unlike any other. I don't think I can really name it, but I think she'd be put on Slytherin with much difficulty from the Sorting Hat.
Luke: Where else could Luke possibly go? On the meaner side Slytherins have created themselves, Luke would be part of those misled by who preceded them, by those who want to take advantage of their mistreatment (bc let's face it, Slytherins are mistreated by both students and Hogwarts staff), and turn them cold and bitter. Luke is ambitious and manipulative, being manipulated himself, and it comes easily because of his natural charisma and talent. He's very freaking determined and cunning too. He'd fit right into Slytherin, but he'd be viewed as one of the rotten lot.
Thalia: I don't have much to say about this, but Thalia is the girl whose fatal flaw is their desire for power (or smth along those lines), just like most Slytherins. She's ambitious, she's smart, she's truly talented, she stands out between the rest, and she knows it, and she actually kinda likes it.
(Also I put Annabeth, Thalia and Luke in the same house because they're all kinda similar, even if their beliefs and postures are different.
Frank: Ngl I'm having more difficulty with Frank than anyone else. I'm kinda torn between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I literally can't choose. He'd fit perfectly in any of them lmao, I just can't decide where he'd go. You decide this one yourself.
Please keep in mind, this is my personal opinion and my take on the characters, and not all of you will agree, and that's fine! You can let me know what you think (kindly please, don't come at me), and if you want to, send me an ask on a character you want me to do the same as these (as long as it's not TKC, I'M SORRY I haven't read those) go ahead, don't be shy!
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Hi. I kno that this is a submissions blog but I need help. I can't write anymore but I want to. I usually write Bucky & Loki stuff. I feel like no one is interested because they don't leave likes & comments & it's damamging my confidence but then I just get "when's the next chapter" Why do they do that & why do I care too much. I just dont get it. I see the awesome writers on this page & I feel really bad that I can't keep doing it. What keeps you going? Can you recomend a book or something?
I’m sorry I left this a couple days, I just needed to make sure I could give you actual advice to help you rather than a generic “Believe in yourself” that is true but doesn’t always feel authentic. 
Firstly, yes this is a submissions blog but it’s more than that. We are a community, a page that is there for all its members, contributors and readers, so don’t think you cannot come here with your problems. 
Secondly, with the world as it is right now, especially in countries with terribly strict restrictions (like my home country), your ability to interact with others is being squashed and it’s definitely having huge long term effects on mental health, because of this, reach out to whoever you feel you can. It also means writing isn’t always to the forefront of your mind. I genuinely thought I would become so much better at writing through the pandemic, I was SO WRONG. And that’s okay. It’s okay to not achieve goals when your head isn’t currently in it. 
Thirdly, I get it. I fund myself more than once thinking “why bother”, that people weren’t interested due to lack of comments. I completely understand. 
Finally, “Why do you care too much?” because when we write, draw, sing, etc, we are literally giving a part of ourselves to the world and we genuinely care what they think and a lot of the time and silence is truly the worst reaction. In WWE (bare with me on this), when a wrestler is booed or cheered by the audience, it’s seen as a good thing because it’s getting a reaction. Even if it’s the guy they are trying to push as a good guy and he’s being booed, that’s something you can work with. When a wrestler comes out to indifference and silence, they get scared because that can mean they are going to lose their job. We are the same with our work. 
With regards to books, I don’t read as many books as I should, I really should read more but one thing I love more than anything is Podcasts. I love listening to a wide range of stuff, from Joe Rogan to someone that those outside of Ireland and maybe Britain may never know, Blindboy BoatClub. Sounds odd, it is. He wears a plastic bag over his face, he was in a comedy satire group but he is actually who I want you to look at now IF you have the ability to listen to him. He does amazing podcasts and mostly to do with mental health. He did a degree in it BUT he did not complete it and explains this fully but talks about his anxiety and issues, so you can hear he knows what he is talking about. There are two podcasts of his I want you to try listening to if you can, (these are why I got delayed getting back, I needed to check their names). 
Tinsel Pinochet (this is a must -  Developing Emotional Resilience. I speak about fear, anger, sadness, and hurt. Distinguishing avoidable pain from unavoidable pain)
On Becoming a Person ( The Humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers, and how it helps us develop empathy for others and self-compassion)
Here are two sites he’s on NOTE he swears and he has a promo at the beginning of his podcast for beer so I suggest not listening if these bother you. 
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After six long months, I present to you:
Tupelo Honey
Word Count- 3k
Warnings- language, angst, discussion of abortion
A/N- With help from familiar strangers, Honey makes a choice that will change Leon's life and hers forever.
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Chapter 4: Angel of The Morning
Late fall of 1968, Morning:
Honey clutched at the pillow as her hips flew towards the ceiling. Her back arched before she bent forward and twisted her free hand in Leon's thick hair. His name echoed off the bedroom walls as she came without caring if they woke Johnny this early.
Honey’s chest heaved as her body attempted to regulate her breath. Leon threw the sheets back and looked up at her. His hand absently ran up and down her stomach to her breasts and back.
“What?” Honey’s voice was sleepy as she met a green-eyed gaze. She propped up on her elbows when his brows knit together. “What's wrong?”
“Not much, love. It's just, your..” Leon's cheeks turned kinda pink, “stuff tastes different. You been eating anything new?”
“No? You mean it tastes different when I cum?”
“Just this time. You gonna start your thing?” He pointed towards Honey’s sex. “Period.”
“I don't think so. Should be around any day now though.”
Leon crawled up towards the pillows and laid down beside his girlfriend. His arm draped across her collarbone as he snuggled up to her shoulder. He nipped at the skin before kissing it. Then pressed his forehead into her neck.
Honey caught a scent of herself on him. “It even kinda smells different. I better get to the clinic just in case. I've not felt that weird other than that stomach bug.” Her nails lightly scratched Leon's forearm as she spoke. “I can't have an STI, since you went all mad and demanded my undying monogamy.”
Leon ignored her. “Maybe,” he yawned and stretched his impossibly long arms and legs straight out, “you caught a case of the pregnancy.” He sat up and leaned down to kiss her stomach.
“Don't say that!” Leon's familiar whine filled Honey’s own voice. “I won't keep it. That's legal here now.”
Leon stared back at her, “Just like that.”
“It's my body, Leonidas. Look at how short I am. Imagine this knocked up,” Honey waved a hand down the length of her naked self.
“I do.” It came out a whisper. Honey glowered. “Don't pull that face on me, Gracie. I know it's your body. We just ain't exactly safe with our shaggin’ are we? Leavin’ it up to chance. Then you get angry if there's one on the way. Keep it. End it. Give it up for adoption. I know it's YOUR choice. You tell me all the bloody time about it being your body. I respect that because I love you. Before you give me cheek, I think about having a baby with you loads.”
“Leon that's not what we want.” Honey sat up on her haunches beside him. “Look at us. We share a one bedroom flat with a ginger con man that we don't even sleep in half the time based on whether he wants to fuck someone or not. Our loo is literally a closet, and we have to shower at your parents’. There's one dresser and half a wardrobe for both of us. Where the hell would we even PUT a baby let alone afford to have one.”
“We've saved money! My parents would help us get a proper house or flat. Or stay with them until we could.”
“Oh sure. Us, your parents, your Yia Yia, one uncle and a baby. Sounds cozy.”
“I grew up in a place with more living there than that. We could get a loan.”
“What will we put down for occupations, Leon?!” Honey was losing her cool. A wave of nausea hit her, but she choked it back. “Occasional actor, waiter, and FBI fugitive?! I can't out myself like that.”
“We lie. I'm an actor. I'm sure you know loads of people who could fake it. Look respectable. I'll cut my hair and clean up my face.” Leon was equally annoyed, hands fidgeting in his lap. His legs started to bounce up and down as he reached, but fumbled with the nightstand drawer.
“Don't you fucking dare cut that hair. Who will we even pretend to be? Patti Boyd and fucking George Harrison? I'm an awful blonde and your hair would take hours to straighten. Leon we would have to fake marriage certificates. That's fraud. Real and proper, honest prison time fraud.”
Leon ignored her and finally yanked the drawer practically in half. The handle came off in his hands causing him to mumble under his breath and drop it to the ground. In a fury he tossed the contents aside in a search for something Honey wasn't sure of.
“If you're about to get high, I'll fucking leave you right now.” Honey got up and snapped her fingers in Leon's face. “We're not done talking about this.”
He looked up at her, his green eyes ablaze for the first time in their relationship. “I'm not GETTING high! Will you quit talking to me like I'm a bloody fucking child? You and Johnny always like I'm mad or deficient. I have a university degree from Cambridge, and I speak three languages. I'm observant not stupid.”
“That's.. That's not what I meant,” Honey bit her lip. “You are one of the smartest guys I've ever met. I just.. Worry about the amount of opium you started sneaking into your pot. You're working less and letting Johnny call the shots.”
Leon was lost in his search, “You’re just jealous of someone else pushing me around?” He waved his hand dismissively before Honey could answer. “I’m fine, love. I'm just a bit stressed is all. It helps me relax.”
“Leon, it's heroin. You know what happened to my uncle.”
He ignored her, “I’ll be swell. Promise. Plus I think this idea Johnny has finally.. DAMMIT WHERE'S THAT TOSSER OF A RING?!”
Something fell off the bed onto the wooden floor with a PING! Leon got down on all fours, stark naked and put his eye to the wood. His arm outstretched and came back to him with an object between his long fingers. He held it aloft towards Honey and took her tiny hand inside of his large one. Honey stopped breathing.
“It's not exactly proper, but you aren't exactly a girl into convention, are ya?” Leon smiled up at his girlfriend. He kissed the back of Honey’s hand. “You think better of me than I think of myself. I want to make you happy, and I want to be a good husband and daddy. If this meeting tonight doesn't go well, I'll stop acting. No more pot or opium or acid or coke right bloody now. I'll get a proper job and we can get a proper house and when the time comes, you choose whatever you want. Stay home. Go to work, I'll stay home. So you aren't loaded down by the patriarchy or whatever.”
“Leon,” Honey’s face was pale and she started to swoon. She saw the way his hand swallowed hers, and panicked. Her fucked up brain saw herself lost in Leon the same way.
“Even if we go to the court, just us. Even if we have to leave London because you're worried. I'll go with you. To India like you sorted out before we met. I don't want you to give up on any dream because of this baby. Or me.”
Before she could get any answer out, Leon slid the ring on Honey’s finger. It was stunning, carved marble and amethyst. She knew it was old, Grecian.
“It's purple because Dionysus cried and spilled his wine onto a maiden he offended by his drunkenness. Artemis protected her, turned her to crystal and she absorbed his wine. It sobered him. Your love, when I'm not foolish, will sober me.”
“Leon,” Honey said again, unable to say anything else.
“Will you please marry me, Gracie?”
The question was so pure. His eyes were so green and hopeful. Honey couldn't think or speak around the lump in her throat. But then..
“I can't,” she whispered. “I have to go to the clinic. You've got an early shift at the restaurant.”
Honey was numb as she pulled on some clothes and her coat. She left the flat and Leon naked on his knees in the bedroom.
Later that afternoon:
Honey stared straight passed the nurse as she explained exactly what would happen if she decided to not keep the baby. How they suggest she not be alone and to have someone willing to care for her. To make sure there's no infection.
“Ultimately, dove, it's your decision. Unless you're cold-hearted, it might do your head in. It's not as easy as you modern girls think. You might not regret it, but you might. You prepared? Is your husband keen on this idea too?” The nurse nodded at the ring.
“Oh.. we aren't.. I didn't really give him a choice?”
“Well let's see if you're even pregnant first. Then I want you to go back to your partner and have a good talk. Promise me you'll do that?”
The young woman smiled. It was tentative and nervous. “Yeah. Ok. But it won't change my mind.” She held out her arm for the blood draw and took a cup and left for the loo.
Honey sat on the stairs of the clinic and bent down in a wave of nausea. It was amazing that now she knew she was knocked up the symptoms seemed to worsen. Like how noticing a paper cut makes it suddenly sting.
Her breasts were swollen and a fire built in her chest and stomach every time she laid down. What was the absolute worst, she came to realize, how mean she had been to Leon. A total uncool bitch. Honey looked down at the amethyst on her ring finger and began to cry.
“Hey man, you ok?” a voice asked. American.
“Jesus, don't call her man! What is wrong with you?” a female American voice.
“Leave me alone! Last time I was here, I was in Vietnam. I'm freaking the fuck out, Sel.”
“weren't you a cu-”
“Uh!! This is about them, not me.”
One of them sat down next to Honey. “My brother is right, are you ok? Honey, right?”
Honey looked up to meet eyes that almost took her breath away. A young woman around her age smiled and it reminded her of Leon. Her shoulder length hair had soft waves and curls, but her eyes. Her eyes somehow looked like Honey’s.
“Do I know you?” she squinted her eyes and tilted her head.
“Not yet,” the woman’s cheeks pinked a little. “We're.. Leon's..”
“Cousins!” a male voice interjected.
“I didn't know Leon had cousins from- Fuck me on the tube.”
“Tempting, but I don't think Leon would be down for that.” The inflection of his voice, despite being yank, was so much like his.. cousin’s. “My sister and I have been looking all over this stupid city for you the last few days. To meet you before we left. Leon told my sister you were here. He seemed pretty pissed. This is an uh,” he gestured at the building.
“Abortion clinic?”
“You sure that's how you want to handle it?” the young woman questioned softly.
“Well I don't think Leon has the balls to push me down the stairs,” Honey shrugged.
Leon’s cousin, if that's who she was heaved a sigh. “I like to think I have a sharp tongue and a bit of a shrewd mind. I get it from MY mom. Can I be straight with you?”
“I mean I guess it's easier from a stranger?”
“I know for a FACT you won't be giving up on anything. You are already more involved in changing the world than most people your age. And that doesn't have to stop because you're pregnant. Activists can have children or partners. Take her with you! Take Leon! You come from a long line of shit kickers, right?”
Honey narrowed her eyes. She studied this woman’s face again. Her eyes. HER eyes somehow. But Leon’s features. If she had a daughter, this is who she would want her to be. Sharp, like herself, but optimistic like her daddy.
Daddy.. “Did you say her? How do you know any of this? I swear Leon’s family is here or in Greece. You've got to be close, this one is like fucking Patty Duke. Identical cousins. Man you sure you're cool?”
He scratched his body and Honey heard a tinkling. Then she saw the dog tags. “Yeah I'm gravy.” He looked the way Leon had when she rejected him earlier. It broke Honey’s heart all over.
He held out his tags and had this longing in his eyes, “Love.”
“You went to Vietnam for love?”
“I stayed for it. Hardest thing I've ever done besides sobriety. Having a kid and an old man is a fucking piece of cake. If you were gonna go through with.. Termination, I think you would've done it right?”
“I just don't know if I have good enough of a reason besides maybe it'll be fine. I don't know what is freaking me the hell out! We both have happily married parents!! And grandparents. But I've put so much on hold for men. I've let them.”
“Yeah but Leon’s not like that.”
“No. He's not. But the drugs and the hare brained schemes terrify me. My uncle, Lenny Bruce? He ran cons with his wife that he knocked up and they were just. Tumultuous. He loved heroin almost more than Honey and Kitty. It killed him in the end. I don't want Leon and I to be the fluke too.”
“If I tell you to say the FIRST thing that comes to your mind about Leon. No thinking, open your mouth and speak. What is the first part of him you think of.”
“His kind eyes. Your eyes,” she gestured towards the man. “Yours are a bit lost, but they're still just as gentle.”
He bit his lip. Honey noticed it trembled just a tad. “Same thing,” his voice hoarse. “What's the first thing that you would DO for him?”
“Be with him in every life we've ever lived and ever will.”
The woman beside her took Honey’s hand in both of hers. Her annoying familiarity forced Honey to listen to everything she was about to say.
“My parents came from a similar taboo situation. They were immigrants (my dad twice), during the worst war. Activists who got in a bit of a mess. They were separated for a while when my mom was pregnant with me. She had me alone. Yet they have been together for OVER 25 years.”
“I cannot imagine two people better suited for each other than my parents. They trust one another IMPLICITLY and are both still very attracted to one another. Trust me. It's gross.!
“Now they have a successful business. My younger brother and I have our own jobs to pay for ourselves, but our parents are paying for us to go to school. Marriage or partnerships are work, but I have seen that it's worth it. I hope I can be as fearless as they are one day.”
Honey took her hand back and rubbed her face. “Why are you two so hell bent on me staying knocked up? Like there’s something real heavy you're not telling me.”
“We're just like, REALLY invested in Leon’s happiness!” the woman exclaimed.
“Or we could just tell her? I saved Dave that way.”
Honey narrowed her eyes, “Convincing.”
“You and Leon and this baby are going to literally save the world?”
“Alright,” Leon's doppelganger decided to take a turn. “Someone took me away from our mom when I was just a baby. I was raised pretty abusively. But I found my parents, OUR parents,” he gestured at his sister. “They just.. welcomed me in, AND my other adopted siblings.”
“You are so, so much like her. You and Leon are like BOTH of our parents. Really we Kostases.. Kosti? We leap without looking. If we fly, we fly. So I know what Leon's decision is. You said it yourself, he's worth being with in every life you live. Isn't that your answer?”
Honey sighed again and stood up. She looked back and forth between the man and woman claiming to have her best interest at heart. The siblings with her eyes and Leon’s. “I can't just rush into this.”
“Says the woman who fell in love on the set of a porno film.”
Honey ignored him. Ignored how he knew that. She put her hand on her stomach tenderly. “I have to say, if we have this kid, I'm not sure why, but I hope it.. she's like you. What's your name?”
“Selina. After the moon.”
Honey smiled in a knowing way. “Stick around, I'm sure Leon would love to see you.”
“We can't, but you'll understand all of this one day.”
“I'll see you again?”
“I promise.”
Then Honey and the cousins parted ways. She and Leon had a lot to discuss.
Tag: @neuroticpuppy @elliethesuperfruitlover @messengeronthemoon @super-unpredictable98 @bisexualnathanyoung @forenschik @nightmonsters @firstpersonnarrator @rob-private @frogs--are--bitches @ghouls-buddy @a-ghoulish-tale @bwritesstuff @icecoffeegirl @070188
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lantsovsemerald · 3 years
Okay so let's talk about the latest episode of Nancy Drew... Or to be more accurate about that scene with the tarot cards. I'm not kidding when I say I re-watched that scene at least three times and took notes. I wrote down which cards they showed, but I'm not really gonna look them up, as Hollywood usually tends to get the meanings wrong, so why even bother... But let's talk theories. 🕵️‍♀️
So let's start with the really obvious one, the last one. "And one of you will fulfill your destiny & that will cause the rest to fall." I think we can all agree that this one is without a doubt about Nancy. They showed her while Temperance spoke and even zoomed in on her. Not to mention all of last season when they even said everything that happened was her fault and all... So yeah.
"One of you will be the other's demise." This could be like literally either one of them?! They do show Nancy, Ace and Ryan during this one and we can take off Nancy from that list, but also there is like no guarantee that it's about the person they are showing? I mean it would make sense but they could be throwing us off. They are all so intertwined with each other this could be either one of them. It could be Ned, trying to help George. It could be Ryan, trying to help Nancy. It could be about Ace. It could be about Bess. I could think up scenarios for each and every one of them, this just feels too generic, and it kinda makes sense with it being the first prophecy spoken by Temperance - if that makes sense.
"One of you will betray your true love." So with this one they show Bess, Ned and George. Once again I feel like this could be about a lot of them. However the more obvious ones are probably George and Ned. Especially since currently they are in a relatively good spot and happy and shows love to throw shit at happy couples as to mix up things, so that really qualifies them both. However I suppose it could be about Bess and Odette too? But I really lean more towards Ned or George.
"One of you will lose your heart." They show Ned and George during this one... When I saw it in the trailer I totally believed it was Nancy or Ace, so in this case I guess Ace? And from what I saw some other people seem to think so too. However now I kinda gravitate more toward George or Bess. I mean I feel like with Bess and her current state this is already true. She literally said in this episode that she lost her soulmate. So for me she seems like a very obvious pick for this one, but I also can't shake off the feeling that this one could be about George.
"One of you will wreak havoc on this town." Once again... all the possibilities. This is actually the only card where no one is shown when Temperance speaks, only the cards. This one I feel like could be about Ryan, Ned or Ace. I'm not sure why Ace, I just think with his mind, he does have the potential to do a lot. Also that business he is involved in with Mr. Bobbsey... feel like it could have the potential to wreak havoc. Then there is Ryan, he might not have money, but his family was very involved with the town and the Hudsons influence is kinda undeniable. So I think he would kinda make sense for this one? And then there is Ned. At the end of last season we kinda got a glimpse how involved he is getting with the town and using the money he got. He was planning a future and like wanting to good things, but that could go wrong and do bad instead, I guess?
"One of you will forsake what is dearest to you." During this one Ryan, Ace and Nancy are shown. From what I saw many people seem to think this one is about Ryan and what's dearest to him is Nancy. I also saw people think this is about Ace and again what's dearest to him is Nancy. I mean I could see both of those and at first I also got very Ryan vibes from this (I don't know how to explain). But at the same time my mind once again goes to Bess. Kind of for similar reasons than above, but also could have to do with her family?
Hmm... I can see myself thinking about this a lot and trying to connect some dots. Also these are just my theories and I would love to hear what you guys think...
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