#he makes it clear he means no harm to Lily by giving her the hyper cell to help Xion regardless of what happens
firebirdsdaughter · 4 months
I respect your right…
… To interpret this honestly incredibly vague character writing/story telling in this way. I respect it.
You're wrong, but I respect it.
#Firebird Randomness#not gonna tag the game bc I ain't kicking THAT hornet nest#but listen I am team Adam did nothing wrong#well no okay I am team Adam is a person who has failings and whose entirely life has been trying do well w/ massive consequences#Raven was already predisposed to obsessive behaviour we have no evidence either way that he 'used' her#she was clearly struggling w/ the truth anyway#and if he could just control the other Naytiba why not steer them off Eve more he wanted her to live#he's clearly panicking when she falls in the fight w/ Tachy#but basically it's literally a stalker behaviour to become obsessive about someone who was even perceived as being mildly kind to you#and then convincing yourself they're sending secret messages when they're not hell even fandoms do it we know who I mean#I think Adam's failure there was just not realising how messed up Raven had become possibly bc he was absorbed in research#he was willing to sacrifice himself or this not send proxies to fight like a certain AI#he makes it clear he means no harm to Lily by giving her the hyper cell to help Xion regardless of what happens#like yes in the actual game/writing there's way too much left ambiguous#it's a she said he said when there should be some evidence one way or the other if they wanted to go that way#so I respect your right#I respect your right to not thinking critically about anything and take it all at face value#which is exactly what the evil satellite would want#oh my gods full circle you are not immune to propaganda
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dear-evanrosier · 3 years
Favorite Nightmare
TW: Descriptions of gore and blood, suicidal thoughts/mentions
Sirius sniggered as Rosier shrieked and ran down the hallway, away from the large spider. Remus and Peter were doubled over in laughter as James was torn between laughing and also backing away from the spider. 
The clicking of shoes came, making sharp noises against the stone. “Hello?” 
A voice called into the dark and Sirius straightened, his signature smirk playing across his lips. “Looks like my dear baby brother has stumbled upon us. Let’s see what he’s scared of. Probably going to be Mummy saying she’s disappointed in him.” He scoffed and Remus put a hand on his shoulder. “Love, maybe we shouldn’t-” 
“No, I want to see what he’s so terrified of. Can’t be Mother if he decided to stay in that horrid place.”
Remus sighed and directed his attention to where Sirius was looking, waiting for the younger Black to come through the doorway. He did, only a moment later. 
He was pale, paler than he usually was. Dark circles lined under his eyes, making the piercing silver color appear brighter. He wasn’t dressed in school robes, as he should be, but instead the under part of it. Black dress slacks, a white button-up tucked in. His school tie hung undone around his neck, and his hair was mussed as if someone had run their hands through it. A mark or two adorned his neck, only visible because the first two buttons of his shirt were undone.  He looked sick, if not thoroughly sleep-deprived. 
“Sirius, he doesn’t look right.” James cautioned, but Sirius only shrugged, whispering back. “His own fault, he could have come with me.” 
James sighed and watched as Regulus came closer, looking around the floor and walls, somehow missing the boggart that was changing at his feet. 
“What the fuck is he on about, not a single fucking spider in sight and he just had to fucking interrupt-” Regulus mumbled under his breath, and he stopped short as he spotted the woman laying on the floor, his wand clattering to the floor.
Lily Evans laid on her back, one arm bent behind her head and the other across her stomach. Her dark hair spread around her head like a halo of too light blood. Blood leaked out of her mouth in a thin line, pooling slightly on her chin. Regulus choked on his words at the sight
James furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why in the fuck Lily’s death would be Regulus’s worst fear.  Until a voice cut across the spluttering noises he made. 
“I’m so proud of you, Regulus. You did so well. The Dark Lord is proud of your service.” The clear, cold voice of Walburga Black came through the air, paired with the horrid woman herself. 
She came up behind Regulus, not touching him, but James could still see the fear in his eyes at the voice alone.
“Mother I- I don’t-” 
“Now, now, Regulus. Be proud of yourself. You’re helping rid our world of filthy mudbloods and impure blood. Such a wonderful thing to do isn’t it.” She smiled that terrible smile, which could make anyone rather anything than be on the reconvening end of it. Regulus visibly flinched at the use of the slur, which Sirius seemed to hyper-focus on. 
“Remus, what’s happening?” He whispered, who merely shrugged and stood transfixed as he watched the scene. 
“It’s not, it’s really not. It’s fucking terrible.” 
His mother’s smile vanished for a split second before returning, though crueler. “We’ve had this conversation, Regulus.” 
“I wasn’t aware using Crucio was a conversation, Mother.” 
Sirius gasped softly. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening, and was completely bewildered by it.
“Is he...standing up to a boggart?” Peter asked, a little confused, and Remus nodded. 
“You’re becoming Sirius.” 
“I am nothing like Sirius.” 
The mention of his name seemed to do something. Sirius’s body appeared next to Lily’s. His hair matted together, a large cut across his forehead trickling blood. His arms bent above his head, clasped together and bound. Regulus let out a sob and dropped to his knees, face covered by his hands. 
“Don’t be ashamed, Regulus, dear. They had it coming, they all did.” Walburga said, and James heard the gasp coming from his own lips. 
He laid there, no visible sign of harm done to him, though his glasses were shattered. One hand lay clutched in a fist over his heart, the other stiff at his side. Remus was in such an odd angle it looked painful, one arm bent under his back almost touching his leg and his head turned almost fully backward. Three large lines sliced his chest, bleeding profusely. Peter laid spread eagle on his back, mouth hanging open. 
“Pettigrew, a blood traitor. Lupin, a werewolf. Potter-” 
“Don’t you say his name.” 
Walburga laughed, cruel and icy, like a whip cutting through the air. 
“He doesn’t love you, Regulus! How could he? You’re worth nothing! At least Sirius had nerve, but you’re a spineless coward-” 
Regulus hadn’t grabbed his wand, just whipped around at Walburga so quick James thought he would have whiplash. She turned into a worm, trying to move around despite her small size. Regulus quickly stood up, walking over to it. He let out a harsh laugh, one that James was surprised came from him. “Ah, what you truly are, Mother. A fucking worm, pathetic.” 
He stomped on it, and while James wasn’t sure it would actually take care of the boggart, seemed to give Regulus some sort of satisfaction.
 He slumped against the wall opposite of the alcove they decided to hide in, and sunk to the floor. His hands reached back up to his face, and a muffled sob came from behind them. And they kept coming. And they didn’t stop. Sirius looked like he was about to step out of their hiding spot until another boy, James recognized him as a Ravenclaw sixth year, Jacob something,  came down the hallway, wand drawn as well. 
He spotted Regulus and put it away, crouching close to him but not touching.
“Arc? Can I touch you?” 
Regulus nodded and Jacob reached out, pealing his hands away from his face and kissing him. Regulus kissed back, only briefly, before pulling away and leaning to look up at the ceiling. Jacob sat next to him, taking his hand and drawing little shapes into his palm. “What happened?” 
The word was hard to understand, coming out rushed and thick. but Jacob did perfectly. He nodded and took his free hand to Regulus’s hair, playing with it softly. It seemed to calm Regulus down. Only slightly. “Sirius and James?” 
Regulus nodded.
“And Evans. And Lupin. And Pettigrew. And her.” 
Jacob nodded again. 
“You really shouldn’t be with me, Jay. I have nothing to offer you. I’m literally in love with someone else.” 
Jacob laughed, “And you know I am too.” 
Regulus turned to look at him, the corner of his lips upturned. “If you’re still waiting on my brother, he very much worships Lupin, so it’s a lost cause.” 
Jacob shrugged. “A boy can dream.” 
Regulus huffed, which could be mistaken for a laugh, and turned to look at the floor. 
“And I’m with you because you’re fun, and you’re not as much of a monster you or your brother makes you out to be.”
“That implies I am some sort of a monster.” 
Jacob whacked his arm lightly, though he was smiling. “You know what I mean!” 
Regulus nodded. 
“If Sirius knew half the shit you did to protect him, he’d think twice before calling you a coward.” 
Regulus shrugged.
“Plus, you’d probably try and throw yourself off the Astronomy tower again if I wasn’t here.” 
“Higher chance than just probably.”
Jacob looked at him, frowning. “Arc, what-”
“Nothing. Come on, Evan will be wondering if I killed the spider.” 
They both stood up, and Regulus grabbed his wand, dropping Jacob’s hand as they walked away.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Community Post: Ranking The Seasons Of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" From Worst To Best
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/community-post-ranking-the-seasons-of-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-from-worst-to-best/
Community Post: Ranking The Seasons Of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" From Worst To Best
See who lands on top. Warning: Spoilers abound.
1. Season 7
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The WB
Pros: Spike with a soul is a joy to watch (and not only because James Marsters was arguably at his most gorgeous here). His struggle highlights the fine line between sanity and madness and also touches on the shock of change and depression. Marsters is probably the finest actor of the season. Xander hits full maturity and becomes the true hero we all knew he could be. Andrew Wells makes for some pretty quotable one-liners (“Where have you been? This funnel cake is kicking my ass!”). And finally, we got one of the greatest, most moving series finales in television history. Ladies, we know we have the power. Cons: With the exception of two or three actors, everyone felt very bored and tired. It’s understandable, especially from Sarah Michelle Gellar’s point of view, but it still hurts to watch a show that used to be filled with such joie de vie fade out like that. Plus, “The Killer in Me” and “Him” were actual episodes. Best Episode: “Chosen” (7×22)
2. Season 1
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The WB
Pros: Lots of fans are really down on Season 1 and often call it the worst season, but it’s really not that bad. Buffy and her new friends tackle vampires and demons alike, but the stories are representative of things much greater than fantasy adventure. By episode three, we’re deep into mentally abusive parent-child relationships, and by the season finale, Buffy performs her first Christ-like sacrifice to save the world. It’s a solid foundation for the series to come and contains great bits of clever writing. Plus, Buffy’s dress in “Prophecy Girl” is legendary. Cons: The makeup for the demons is pretty bad, and the soundtrack is the musical equivalent of Velveeta macaroni. The quality of the film is worse than even season two, which premiered only a few months after this season ended. “I Robot, You Jane” was an allegory for Internet safety so obvious, it may as well have been a public service announcement. Best Episode: “Prophecy Girl” (1×12)
3. Season 4
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The WB
Pros: Buffy’s in college! This transition was handled realistically – well, as realistically as a show about slaying vampires could be. The drift among the Scoobies was written and performed so naturally, it feels like you’re drifting right along with them. That’s how it happens in real life, too, isn’t it? This is also the first season in which Spike is added to the main cast, and his sudden inability to harm people is one of the show’s best bits. Willow and Tara got together this season in the first female-female romance of network TV, which is still a colossal deal in television history. This was also the only season where the writing was nominated for an Emmy. Cool stuff! Cons: The way Buffy acted around her new boyfriend, Riley Finn, felt a little hollow and un-Buffy. Seth Green’s Oz departed from a show in a terrible cheating scandal. The overall arc of the Initiative and Franken-esque Adam was a little weak and underdeveloped. Of course, the reason behind this was probably because no one wanted to apply that much makeup to the guy… or look at the finished product for very long. Best Episode: “Hush” (4×10, the series’ landmark silent episode), but “Restless” (4×22) is an honorable mention.
4. Season 6
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The WB
Pros: THERE WAS A MUSICAL EPISODE. Better, there was a musical episode that actually tied in with the themes and character hardships and strengthened the sentiment that where words fail, music speaks. Also, the stages of grief and depression that Buffy went through were written poetically and portrayed beautifully by Gellar. The theme of addiction was addressed in Willow using too much magic, which is probably the best and most honest performance Alyson Hannigan gave on Buffy. The fact that Willow turned out to be the Big Bad of the season was shocking yet natural, and it’s still in the top ten most heartbreaking moments on the show to me. Spike and Buffy made for some pretty hot stuff. And the overarching theme that sometimes, the scariest demons are inside you was handled in a way that felt real, not cheesy or forced. Applause, applause! Cons: TARA DIED. Worse, she got shot by Warren Mears, a villain more horrible than Caleb the preacher (Nathan Fillion) from Season 7. She died, and nobody really reacted to her death except for Willow and Dawn, which was a rude testament to the lovely character. Spike tried to rape Buffy in the same episode that TARA DIED. Xander left Anya at the altar when that seemed like the last thing he would ever do. Honestly, Season 6, it’s just depressing. Best Episode: “Once More with Feeling” (6×07)
5. Season 3
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The WB
Pros: Enter Faith, dark Slayer and one of the best examples of character foil I’ve ever encountered. Eliza Dushku has to be one of the best actors the show ever had because when you hate Faith, your blood boils, and when you love Faith, your heart swells. That’s performance, baby. This season featured Mayor Richard Wilkins, the coolest and perhaps funniest villain of the seven seasons. It was also the culmination of the show’s main message: High school is hell. The show was starting to explore more mature themes while also staying in touch with its light, funny reputation, and it was executed well. Cons: Does anyone remember “Bad Girls”? The episode where Buffy embraced her darker side, and she had to try and defeat McDonald’s… I mean, that really fat demon in a Jacuzzi? Yeah, that’s probably season three’s weakest point. That, and Xander and Cordelia broke up when they could have been a Lily Evans and James Potter-type romance. RIP, Xandelia. It’s 2014, and I still have strong feelings about this pairing. Best Episode: “The Wish” (3×09), but “The Zeppo” (3×13) and “Doppelgangland” (3×16) come very close.
6. Season 2
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The WB
Pros: Although not the first season, season two of Buffy was where it all really began. The Scoobies became stronger friends and better fighters of evil. Romances heat up when Willow met taciturn musician/werewolf Oz and Xander and Cordelia finally gave into their sexual tension. Giles fell in love with technopagan Jenny Calendar (RIP). Plus, this was when we were introduced to Spike, who would eventually make the show the legend it is today. The dialogue is on point this season. It’s both witty and emotional, with just as many Buffyspeak quips as truly heartfelt moments (Let’s talk about Whistler’s speech at the end of “Becoming, Pt. 1”, for instance.). The overall plot of the season about Buffy sleeping with Angel and consequently losing his soul is both terrifying and a hyper-realistic portrayal of accuracy. Seeing Angel turn to Angelus is scary, but it’s also kind of fun – props to David Boreanaz in this character. Cons: Because it was the second season and many things were still rough, there were some filler episodes where essentially nothing happened. “Killed by Death”… Buffy gets sick and can only fight while sick. Counterproductive! “Reptile Boy”… Buffy and Cordelia get taken advantage of by a bunch of fraternity boys when they should have been able to tell they were bad news by their frosted tips. I would say “Go Fish”, but at least that was kind of about how attractive Nicholas Brendon is/how well he can pull off a Speedo. Amen. Best Episode: “Becoming, Pts. 1 & 2”
7. Season 5
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The WB
Pros: All of it. Primarily the writing. Season five was the season Joss Whedon and Co. was meant to write. While not my personal favorite season, I can still argue that season five is the most finely crafted year of Buffy that ever was. Everything on the show led up to this season. Let’s zero in on the foreshadowing, shall we? In season three, Faith says to Buffy in a dream, “Little Miss Muffet counting down from 730.” In 730 days, Buffy would willingly give her life to save her sister, Dawn (who in 5×02 is referred to as “curds and whey”). In a season four dream, Faith and Buffy make a bed for “little sis” and in another dream, Tara carefully remarks, “Be back before dawn.” The scrutiny and the detail of this are insane. If anyone tries to tell you that Buffy was just a silly action show, point out these careful details and how well they actually played out. Additionally, season five gave us “The Body”, which according to some critics might be the finest hour in television history (and yet neither Whedon or Gellar received even nominations for their brilliant work). Bravo, Buffy season five. Your writing and acting are phenomenal, bordering on flawless. Cons: Very few, but it was a little difficult at first to accept the Dawn thing. It was that shocking. Once the show made it clear, it was all too easy to hop on board with little Summers. Also, the fact that Riley turned out to have a vampire bite fetish was, for lack of a better term, really gross. And Xander’s hair. It just seemed mean to wear it that way. Best Episode: Since “The Body” (5×16) is TV’s finest, it’s “The Gift” (5×22).
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/bprofitt/all-the-seasons-of-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-ranke-v954
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