#which is exactly what the evil satellite would want
firebirdsdaughter · 4 months
I respect your right…
… To interpret this honestly incredibly vague character writing/story telling in this way. I respect it.
You're wrong, but I respect it.
#Firebird Randomness#not gonna tag the game bc I ain't kicking THAT hornet nest#but listen I am team Adam did nothing wrong#well no okay I am team Adam is a person who has failings and whose entirely life has been trying do well w/ massive consequences#Raven was already predisposed to obsessive behaviour we have no evidence either way that he 'used' her#she was clearly struggling w/ the truth anyway#and if he could just control the other Naytiba why not steer them off Eve more he wanted her to live#he's clearly panicking when she falls in the fight w/ Tachy#but basically it's literally a stalker behaviour to become obsessive about someone who was even perceived as being mildly kind to you#and then convincing yourself they're sending secret messages when they're not hell even fandoms do it we know who I mean#I think Adam's failure there was just not realising how messed up Raven had become possibly bc he was absorbed in research#he was willing to sacrifice himself or this not send proxies to fight like a certain AI#he makes it clear he means no harm to Lily by giving her the hyper cell to help Xion regardless of what happens#like yes in the actual game/writing there's way too much left ambiguous#it's a she said he said when there should be some evidence one way or the other if they wanted to go that way#so I respect your right#I respect your right to not thinking critically about anything and take it all at face value#which is exactly what the evil satellite would want#oh my gods full circle you are not immune to propaganda
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bestworstcase · 11 months
Your points about Salem and Cinder possibly being a fucked up mother/daughter relationship also puts her constant parallels with Ironwood and Winter in V8 into a very different light as well.
Ironwood and Salem, in their own dark and twisted way as a result of their culture/their circumstances loving the one person they consider to be their daughter, but differing ultimately in regards to what they chose to do about it.
Ironwood deciding that his own selfish desires and ideology mattered more than even the one woman he cared for more than most, while Salem basically dropping and twisting her ideals into a pretzel to help the one person she considers the closest thing to a replacement daughter for her dead daughters with Ozma.
Winter, thinking the world of Ironwood only to ultimately have to oppose him due to his betrayal of her and everyone else, vs Cinder thinking Salem is just Madame 2.0 due to Salem constantly stamping all over her trauma buttons by poor decisions and abusive actions born of her own trauma even as Salem, in her own fucked up way, is willing to do anything for Cinder if she truly asks for it.
It also frankly explains rather well why Cinder is so important in Salem's plan in a way that I haven't been able to pin down without that as a consideration. Cinder thinks it's because she's got some fancy storybook destiny that she needs to prove that she "deserves", and the audience being led on a red herring to think that it's only going to lead to her being discarded once Salem has no more use for her. When in reality it's because (again in her own fucked up way) Salem wants her surrogate daughter to get what she wants in her life (mixed with fighting a rebellion against the gods) because Salem knows exactly how Cinder feels about having her trust broken beyond repair and demonized by others.
And all of this occurring in the story arc where an overarching theme is of multiple parents (Dr. Polendina and Penny, Tai and Summer and Ruby Rose/Yang, etc.) being deeply flawed people who are willing to do anything and everything for the sake of their daughters.
Cinder.exe will just end up suffering a mental bluescreen when Salem ends up showing this in the most undeniable way possible, because it's so opposite to everything she understands about the world.
give 8.4-5 (<- fault + amity) a watch with this reading in mind sometime. bc cinder’s relationship with salem and penny’s with pietro are directly compared, in a really interesting way:
PENNY: Why are you doing this? Why serve someone like Salem? CINDER: I don’t serve anyone—and neither would you, if you weren’t built that way! PENNY: …That is not… [She glances down, making eye contact with Pietro.] I choose to fight, for people who care about me.
<- amity is a really fraught place for penny to be confronted with this, both because it’s where cinder orchestrated her being ripped to shreds a year ago and because in order to get the comms satellite launched, penny had to let her dad remote into her system and literally use her body like a puppet and it is painfully obvious that she did not feel comfortable with that.
so… for cinder to come here and draw an implicit equivalence between salem and pietro and insinuate that penny is not free, that truly does get under penny’s skin. which i think is something that often gets overlooked, because it’s layered under the more obvious fact that cinder really doesn’t understand who or what penny is at all; but like, penny hesitates. it takes her a moment to figure out how to articulate that’s not true because there is a kernel of truth to cinder’s point. 
penny was built to be ironwood’s weapon. his perfect super-soldier. and now she that she’s defied him to do what she thinks is right, half the people she cares about have told her that she’s being evil and selfish and it’s her fault if everyone dies. and the other half told her she needs to go to amity and stay there and not help anybody, and she feels like a tool, she feels like she has a million things she’s supposed to do and none of them are what she wants to do. so she has all these mixed-up feelings about… what she was built for and what she chooses to be.
and like. in 8.4:
CINDER: I… I want to search for the winter maiden. I think that— SALEM: Did you hear that, my pet? She thinks; she wants. As if she’s done something to warrant me caring about either of those things.  CINDER: We’re just sitting and waiting. Without the maiden, the vault means nothing. Let me claim it for you.  SALEM: I will tell you when and where you are needed. CINDER: But your grace— [The Hound lunges around to snarl at her.] SALEM: I would like to think I have shown a great deal of patience over my many years walking Remnant, but I do hate repeating myself. You will remain here. Is that clear? CINDER: [lying] …Yes. Yes, of course. Without you. I am nothing.
vs 8.5:
PENNY: I can fix this. […] Our message is only a few minutes long. I can try to hold Amity in place for— PIETRO: Absolutely not! You’re in no condition to do something like this. Even just the temperature out there could… PENNY: It is our only option.  MARIA: She’s right, Pietro. We have to remember the big picture— PIETRO: I don’t care about the big picture! I care about my daughter! I lost you before; are you asking me to go through that again? No. No, I want the chance to watch you live your life.  PENNY: But, dad, I am trying to. PIETRO: …Right.
<- literally. literally the exact same argument. not just in terms of what the conflict is but the structure of the dialogue is identical. the interrupted statement of intention; the practical reasoning shot down; “but, your grace” vs “but, dad”—the difference is that where salem is masking, pietro wears his heart on his sleeve, and that allows him and penny to come to an understanding that she is going to do this and he’s going to sit in his fear and support her. whereas salem gets the false capitulation and false security. 
it’s pretty in-your-face (<- which i think supports the interpretation of salem’s motive being protectiveness twisting through her emotional walls) and it’s an interesting parallel to set up given that salem does, in the end, come to a similar resolution to step back and let cinder take risks. it telegraphs the possibility of constructive change, a choice to accept the fear instead of trying to force cinder into a position where the fear doesn’t exist. 
it’s also just darkly funny in a way. cinder kills penny twice and is directly the culprit for pietro’s intense terror of losing penny, and salem feels that same terror for cinder. mirrors. 
but yeah with ironwood and winter too, “i’ve chased a lot of shadows over the years, always expecting betrayal, but never once did i think it would ever come from you” vs “you chose to disobey my specific instructions, just to fail again. and… i’ve realized it’s all my fault.” and, “consider this my last order: step aside” vs “here i am holding you back, instead of lifting you up.” 
salem if nothing else takes cinder’s betrayal as a reason to reevaluate her own actions and consider what she did that gave cinder cause to disobey her, where ironwood is by this point completely disconnected from the reality that loyalty is a two-way street. 
and there’s something too in salem choosing not to stop at “it’s my fault” but fully articulate that she understands why cinder did what she did; it’s of a piece with the way she responds to cinder in 8.14, a conscious reversal of “she thinks, she wants, as if she’s done something to warrant me caring”—she does care, and she has always cared, and it shows in how she speaks to cinder when she’s not trying to prove she doesn’t care.
like. salem chose to put her trust in cinder—an enormous degree of trust, over and over again—without having any illusions about what sort of person cinder is. she knows cinder is singularly focused on what cinder wants. she’s unfazed by the disobedience because she knows she prevented cinder from getting what she wanted. whereas ironwood trusted winter because he molded her so well into the perfect lieutenant that he never imagined she could break from him, because he never understood there was more to her than the surface he sculpted. 
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Okay, I need to take issue with something one of your recent asks said. Working for a defense contractor does not make you evil.
Yes, the US military does a lot of things we all find problematic, but it also does a ton of good in the world. Ask the people of Ukraine, South Korea, or Taiwan how they feel about the US military and you'll get a very different answer than if you ask someone in Iraq or, God forbid, leftist Twitter. Heck, ask people in Indonesia where the US military undertook the largest humanitarian delivery in history after the devastating earthquake.
Most importantly, the military doesn't do the bad things because it wants to, everything the military does it does at the order of the US government, the presidential administration specifically and always with the tacit consent of congress. Does that make everyone who works for the government evil?
Just as importantly, most of those companies have entire lines of business that have nothing to do with the military. Lockheed is a big defense contractor, yes, but they also have entire sections of the company dedicated to satellite design and construction, industrial software, and civilian aircraft. Walk down to your local wharf and you'll find that the vast majority of the fishing boats there are sporting radars with the Raytheon logo plastered on them. Someone could work an entire career at one of these companies without ever coming into contact with the military at all.
Defense contractors are also some of the few companies that the government actuality enforces labor laws on, particularly those relating to unions and disabilities.
Now, my one caution in all of that is that you do have to be aware of your moral lines in this business. I've worked on army radar systems and I now work on network management software which is used by both civilians and the government, but I've turned down jobs or refused to even apply to ones that work in weapon systems. I won't cross that line into working on something whose purpose is to kill people. That's my line, though, everyone must find their own.
All of that said, I've enjoyed working for and with the military. They have an appreciation of sacrifice and of home life that I haven't found elsewhere and, while you definitely do find Rambo types, I don't find it any more prevalent there than anywhere else I've been and there is a greater number of thoughtful, earnest people than in other workplaces I've been in, particularly among the career folks. Many of them hold standard liberal or moderate views yet vote straight line republican because of rhetoric exactly like this.
So can we please stop labeling these companies, the military, and the people who work for them as inherently evil? All it does is alienate people who are more on your side than not and distract from the real battle against the system that creates endless wars for plunder and profit in the first place and sells them as patriotic.
People like to think it's the big companies doing it, but it largely isn't. It's a political movement that requires warfare abroad in order to distract from its civil rights abuses at home. The big companies have plenty of other lines of business to keep them going, but there's a whole industry of small mercenary companies run by ideological zealots that lead the push for more war.
Anyways, this is getting a bit long, but I think the important point is this: big defense contractors and especially the period who work for them aren't inherently evil and by labeling them as such you alienate a large group of capable people who would otherwise be your allies. Judge someone as an individual rather than signing group blame out of frustration otherwise you'll end up doing exactly what you accuse others of doing.
What are you expecting here? For non-US people to thank us?
It's true that these companies design plenty of things that end up in civilian life, but if the US did not prioritize military spending and instead spent on other research, they could have come up with the very same technologies.
I spent a few years before the pandemic working closely with a bunch of military people making films. They were nice people on an individual level, but you're high if you think me bending over backwards to placate them would have shifted how they vote. They're used to being the mainstream, and they're happy in their bubble. Only a severe shock to the system ever changes how any of them see the world. Many of them do lose faith in the military itself, and it's like a painful loss of religious faith that rocks their world on its axis.
They see themselves as uniquely responsible and dedicated to a life of service, but it has never occurred to them what service would look like if they became social workers in the first place instead of doing it after a military career.
"I want to be judged as an individual" is the constant cry of conservatives who support systemic problems and benefit from institutional power. But they neither return the favor nor consider the underlying causes.
It's one thing to ask activists operating within the US to pick messages that will actually work. It's quite another to expect a global audience to bow down and thank us for some paltry food deliveries or stamping out unrest in countries with a legacy of colonialism that probably wouldn't need our help if not for global warming (caused largely by the richest nations) and the long-term effects of having their natural resources stripped and their culture and infrastructure eviscerated.
Frankly, I'm not as hardline twitter leftist as some of the people who will respond here, but this entire ask is like a horse with blinders on.
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shellyseashell · 3 years
Rhjrhhrjrjjff I really woke up today and decided to talk about queer rep huh.
Alright. So mm. She’s one of my favorite authors and I love her books, but something that’s always stuck out to me is her queer rep. She’s straight, so as much as she tries (which aren’t very good tries), the rep is always going to be off.
For context, I’m an ace lesbian. I haven’t read the books in a while, so if I get anything wrong, I apologize.
The way I’m going to do this is by series/book. Some things might have specific things I want to talk about, I may go by character, idk. Be prepared for an incoherent rant.
I talked about it on the tlc unpopular opinions post, but I’m gonna say it again. Not all the couples had to be written as straight. Even if they all ended up in m/f relationships, with 9 main characters, it’s unrealistic none would be queer in some way, whether it’s sexuality or gender.
And why couldn’t it be? Honestly, the gender of either character in the couples could have been swapped and nothing would change. Why did they only recruit males for genetic modification? Why are dashing criminals always guys? Does Levana recruit only male guards? She has plenty of female Thaumaturges, so clearly she doesn’t discriminate based on gender.
Wolf and Scarlet could still find her grandmother. Cress and Thorne would survive the desert. Winter and Jacin still wouldn’t be able to be together, which honestly could add another layer to how oppressive Lunar society is, if she wanted to go that route. Which honestly, probably better she didn’t, since that’s something definitely better handled by queer authors. But my point still stands.
The only one that might be slightly changed is Kaider, and that’s only if Kai was a girl. Even then, Levana could have easily been the evil king instead of queen. Yeah, it would’ve changed how the whole Winter-Evret-Solstice situation would happen, but you’re the author, figure it out. And honestly? Levana would have been ten times more terrifying as a guy who only saw Kai as useful because they could have kids. Tyrants are terrifying, yeah, but that’s someone you meet in everyday life. Like Aimery, y’know? Idk where I’m going with that but it just seems like something that could add depth.
I talked about Cress in my original response, but I’ll go more in depth here. Cress was locked in a satellite for years. A lot of what she knows about the world is what she’s read and seen on shows, which is . . . exactly how comphet can develop. And what Cress has with Thorne definitely feels like that. We get no say on what queer rep and acceptance is like in the tlc universe, so for all we know all the netdramas have straight couples. Cress loves netdramas. She copes by pretending she’s on one. If Cress grew up watching only straight couples and didn’t even consider any other option, she would think that’s normal. That she can like men, and only men. Because if she wants to live the perfect netdrama life, she has to like men. So when she learns of Cinder and Thorne escaping, she focuses on Thorne because he’s a conventionally attractive man and she’s supposed to like him, right? She learns all about him and idolizes him and mistakes it for a crush. But she hides the Rampion because Levana is looking for Cinder. Yes, I’m saying I think Cress actually had a crush on Cinder. What about it.
What Cress knows about Thorne is what she’s read, which paints him as the perfect hero. The perfect man. Even as a criminal, he’s exactly what she thinks a man is supposed to be like, going off fictional standards she probably has from netdramas. And in the desert, they were working to keep each other alive, so it’s only natural they’d grow close. And I think Cress mistook platonic love for romantic love, because Thorne’s a man so it has to be romantic.
I’m way too invested in Cress and her sexuality, so I’ll try to wrap it up. Cress could have had an arc where she realizes she doesn’t like men. Her and Thorne are forced together for days and she realizes, yeah, this isn’t for me. Now, whether she realizes she’s a lesbian like I think she is, or she realizes she aro or ace or aroace or whatever, it would have been a nice arc, and I think she had the most potential for one.
Oh god, Renegades. If I have her publishing order correct, her first series with queer rep. It was . . . not a great try. I think some characters had their sexualities confirmed in an interview or q&a or something, but not in the series, so I’ll be talking about what is confirmed in the series.
Starting with Humon (that’s the ship name right—). Look. I thought they were great. They were amazing dads, for the most part. I wasn’t too invested in them, so I don’t have many points to say, but I have a big one.
So the Council is notably, not the best people. Honestly, I feel like they were more of the villains than the Anarchists. Not to say the Anarchists were great, because they definitely weren’t. But it was a bad move to make the two queer superheroes the leaders (I know they Council didn’t have one leader, but honestly, Hugh was the leader) and then turn around and make them antagonists.
I know as a community, we love to headcanon villains and antagonists as queer, but that’s our own thing. It feels off when a straight author makes the villains queer, and none of the heroes (I’ll get to Danna and Narcissa in a moment). Especially when those characters are antagonists because they’re oppressing others. Agent N was used to punish prodigies who didn’t join the Renegades, and they treated the Anarchists horribly after their defeat. Sure, the Anarchists were awful, but they could have at least done something better than shoving them in the train tunnels to be forgotten. They didn’t even care about them enough to find out they had a child living with them.
And to make the two people in charge of that project, using their son to create Agent N, and then using it to oppress people queer, when queer people themselves have been oppressed? Bad move.
Queer villains are fine. Horrible queer people exist. But it’s not fine when they’re really the only queer characters.
Onto Danissa! Look. I love Danissa. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have problems. This time I’ll analyze each character instead of both of them together.
Starting with Danna. Honestly, she didn’t get much development. She was hardly there in Renegades, and she was hardly there in Supernova. Throughout Archenemies, and Supernova I think, she was again, more of an antagonistic force. Her actions were justified, yeah, but she was still an antagonist for Nova.
Even going away from that, she wasn’t very developed. Outside of being a problem for Nova, I honestly can’t remember anything about of her. Most of her personality is headcanons and fanon, honestly.
Narcissa was a little more developed, but even then, barely. She was just the mirror walker from the library in Renegades, I don’t think she was in Archenemies at all, and she played a major part in Supernova. I can name a few things about her personality, like how she likes reading. I don’t think she was ever really portrayed as an antagonist? But still feels weird that most of the queer characters, if not all, were villains.
Both Danna and Narcissa had their parts to play, and they honestly didn’t need to get together. The only time we see them interact is with Phobia, and even then we just get a line saying they grew closer during that experience. But we don’t actually see that development. Honestly, them getting together (which was just one throwaway line) felt like diversity for diversity points. There was no build up, both their characters were hardly developed, and they barely interacted. As with Danna, everything with their relationship is fanon.
I don’t have much to say on these, so I’m combining them. Starting with Heartless, I would have liked it so much more if Jest was a girl. Look. Look at me. I don’t care about your bullshit historical accuracy excuse. Queer people have always existed. Jest and Cath’s entire plot is that they can’t be together. That Cath would lose everything for loving Jest. You know who have been kicked out of families and lost everything just for loving someone? Queer people. We’ve been denied the right to love who we want and to just exist, and plots where straight couples are forbidden from being together have always rubbed me the wrong way. I know if Jest had been a girl it probably would have fallen into the bury your gays trope, and Cath becoming a tyrant would feel off, but Jest died because he and Cath had tried to be together, even if it wasn’t the direct cause of his death. Queer people die all the time just for being queer. Coming from a straight author, it would have been done poorly, yeah, I’m just tired of stories where two characters can’t be together due to social or political reasons being straight. I know that wasn’t specifically about queer rep but I’ve been thinking about it for a while.
I barely remember Instant Karma, so all I have to say is that she honestly had no excuse for not making someone explicitly queer. I can guarantee that in a modern American high school, it’s very hard to find a friend group without at least one queer person, if not impossible (obviously there are circumstances that change things, but in general). Prudence also had so many siblings? You’re telling me they’re all straight? Some of them were definitely old enough to know their sexuality. So which one is the gay cousin?
I haven’t read Gilded yet, and I know there’s stuff in there I’ll want to talk about, so I’ll reblog with a rant about that when I do.
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yusei-clownington · 3 years
SO I FINALLY FINISHED 5D’S! And what better way to celebrate than to go through my favorite characters as…briefly as I can
Slight spoilers I suppose?
Let’s work it up from 10 to 1
10- Jack
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Was gonna go with lucchiano but who am I kidding Jack’s great. He’s a drama queen with an even more dramatic wardrobe. Never afraid to express himself and just bluntly blurt out what he thought.
His obsession with Cup ramen is on another level but what can I say? Love is love, Jack x cup ramen for life *wipes tears*
But seriously speaking he’s great. His very first line was enough proof of that. He just… apologized for being late then declared “I AM KING” like the…king he is.
My favorite Rival character still remains Manjoume… and… Yeah I still prefer Kaiba over Jack but damn was he a good rival.
Like he has to be the only Rival so far with an actual past with the Main character, no? That was pretty interesting because usually, the protagonist meets the rival somewhere during the first season and we go off from there. But here we had to go through their backstory to know what their relationship was fully like. Nice touch.
9- Aki
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Hands down my favorite female protagonist so far. I adore Anzu and feel neutral enough about Asuka but Aki? NAH MAN AKI’S AMAZING. I think 5D’s just does the best job with its female characters. Like it actually gives them big enough roles. I loved how Aki got her own episodes…be it the D-wheel ones or just… fillers.
Her crush on Yusei was justified, at least it seems so to me, and honestly never got obnoxious. Sure she had a moment here and there but it was honestly never a bad thing. Hell faith shipping in general isn’t exactly a bad Idea.
Speaking of shipping, is anyone going to talk about her little frienshipmaybemore moments with Crow? No? Ok…
But anyway, overall, SHE’S AMAZING AND I LOVE HER. There was more to her than some boring pining love interest and it shows with each episode. So when people say she has a great personality, they’re actually talking about her personality. AKI RULES
8- Mikage
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Would’ve been way WAY higher on the list if the thing with Jack was thrown out the widow.
That being said I think she’s the more mature of the Jack-crazy trio. Like sure she was just as into him as the other two, but in some scenes she was a lot more tolerable.
But that honestly might just be my bias towards this amazing woman speaking.
She’s devoted to her work, gentle, caring, gorgeous and just all around a wonderful character to see.
I loved most of her scenes in the series, and the fact that there was more to her than just the jack part. She actually had an important part to play in many episodes and honestly proved herself to be a very fun character. I just wish they gave a her little more screentime than what she got.
A lot of lost potential there- I mean come on.
7- Rua /Lua
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He reminds me of Judai WAY too much. LIKE WAAAAY too much not to be on this list. The guy’s adorable. And I love how they made him the emotional one. Like they could’ve gone with the “the boy is always rowdy and tOUGH” stereotype, but they didn’t. Sure, ruka (who I don’t like as much) was much more gentle, but it was much easier to see Rua cry than it was to see her do so. It’s just fun is all.
I also adore his deck and that little theme that played whenever he dueled… Plus his relationship with Jack and Yusei…GOLD GOLD.
6- Ushio
I made a whole post about Him, You think he wouldn’t be in my Top 10? Well think again. Great development would see through again.
5- Sherry Leblanc
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What you just witnessed in the line above is my internal reaction to literally any scene this beautiful badass woman happens to be in.
She’s just amazing. She has this really… tough energy IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT SHE’S A REALLY INTIMIDATING WOMAN. But not in a bad way, oh nonononono in a REALLY REALLY GOOD WAY OKAY.
Her character arcs and episodes somehow felt…really separate from the whole team 5D’s shenanigans even though they were basically connected…
Like she had her own motivation that didn’t particularly rely on bonds, but was still willing to accept and even form a bond with the whole team.
Revenge is kinda hot ngl.
Okay no it’s not. But seeing a vengeful character that WASN’T played off as evil or particularly wrong amidst a bunch of friendship is magic ones was pretty refreshing.
The moment she took her helmet off when dueling yusei I was HOOKED and so was Aki but shhhhhh.
But damn I love what they did with her at the end, Rushed as it may have been. It took her joining with Z-one briefly and dueling Aki and Crow ( a very underrated duo btw) to realize that maybe thinking of the past and only the past was not a very good idea.
Anyway love her. And her duels are always a delight to watch.
4- Placido
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Before he showed up, sherry was supposed to be 4th but here we are. Placido Placido Placido. I want to make it clear that…I really couldn’t care less about Aporia as a whole. But Placido and Lucchiano were pretty fun characters.
Now I finally get to talk about my beloved.
This dude was…the biggest mood. EVER.
He would hang up in that third one’s face like it was nothing and constantly ignore his boring ass. Oh. You have a plan? Ok. I don’t care. It’s boring. I’m placido and I’ll do what I want. Kiss my D-wheel ass.
He has a lot of hilariously sassy lines, which include and I quote:
“I don’t know what god wants you to do.”
“But I won’t accept it!”
The guy just does not care and I’m living for it.
Not to mention his bee analogies which- Why have I not seen anyone point out????? BEE ANALOGIES COME ONNNNNNNN
3- Kiryuu
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Edgy dude with pretty hair. Also gay. Also the crash town arc. Need I say more?
I will anyway.
Honestly dark signer Kiryuu was pretty fun to me with all the crazy laughter and stuff…
Then past/ flashbacks Kiryuu was just as interesting but in a completely different way. Sure he didn’t get as many episodes or screentime as the rest, but what I saw of him was more than enough for me to care about the Character. Like unlike the old satellite gang (Rally and the other two whose names I can’t even remember) I actually gave a shit about this guy when bad stuff happened to him.
Not to mention his growth. Like…He went through reverse/ negative development, then uphill by the end of the signers’ ark with all the…dying in your hands gayly stuff, then downhill again by the beginning of the crosstown arc….aaaaand back up and higher than ever by the end of it. Basically the fact that his development wasn’t always constant just added some spice.
Plus his dynamic with his ex-teammates…team….satisfaction (Try saying that with a straight face) was always pretty entertaining, especially his with Yusei.
Speaking of which...
2- Yusei
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With all my talk about him…and…my profile picture…and URL, it may come as a surprise that he’s not number 1 here, but honestly it’s so close you could call it a tie.
As for why I love him….Have you- Have you seen my blog????? Do I even..need to say anything????
1- Crow
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Now there’s a lot I have to say about Crow honestly hE’S JUST THAT COOL, but I’m saving it to talk about later still. All I’ll say for now is this:
Flashy guy with an amazing sense of style, an earring and an incredible amount of cockiness and charisma. What’s not to like?
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
I suppose the next step then is "BBC Merlin but it's SpideyTorch"
Oh my god. TEACHER, TEACHER, SHE’S TARGETING ME okay okay uh.
Peter, secret warlock, goes to Camelot with his mother figure, May, who does not know about the warlock thing because it kicked in when he was a teenager and they both strategically decline to tell each other things. Gaius is Reed, who was the court sorcerer and is now the court scientist. (He’s not an old man except spiritually where he has been a senile professor since he was 19.) He literally didn’t change anything he was doing, considering science and magic as different points on one spectrum anyway-- No. That’s Doom’s schtick. DOOM was the court sorcerer, and was fired. He is upset about it. Reed is just a science guy but worked extensively with Victor, so he’s kind of useful, but not as useful as Peter was hoping.
I know very little about Sue and Johnny’s dad except that he’s a supervillain who...faked his death, revealed himself, and then died for real like 12 hours later? Did he also fake his wife’s death at some point? Would he do a mad king magic ban thing? Idk but for plot purposes we’ll say yes. They conveniently already share Arthur’s dead mom syndrome. Maybe their aunt whose name is different depending on what issue you’re reading is also here just to convolute the court drama. Wait no didn’t Arthur have a shady uncle show up after like five seasons. She.
Peter is very talented at finicky, specific magical formulas. (Reed: :) )But in practice he really prefers to just slam out a big wave of power, and if that doesn’t solve the problem, repeat until it does. (Reed: :( ) He gives this a go at the beginning of sorting out any problem, like restarting your glitching computer, and if it doesn’t work the problem is complicated enough to be an episode plot.
So obviously I’m still gonna do secret identity shit? Peter saves the young prince and heir’s life and is rewarded with a second job; he only came here for job reasons and you’re all lucky he doesn’t turn down paying jobs otherwise he’d be having some words with the king. Peter also accidentally becomes a masked vigilante out in the town. His very existence is illegal because he’s obviously doing magic! They keep sending his boss out to hunt him down, and their eyes are always locking dramatically and shit in brief silent stare-offs from opposite ends of the street in thunder storms at sunset until Johnny’s horse rears and breaks the eye contact causing Peter to snap out of it and flee. You know how it is.
Sue is older than Johnny and thus older than the magic ban, so she responded to it by going “:) That’s nice, Dad” and socking away a bunch of books before they could go on the fire, and now she’s just a sorceress on the dl. This is approx. a first season finale reveal, because her real superpower is being able to keep her mouth the hell shut. I literally cannot with how nobody in Merlin ever exchanges information, so shortly after Peter and Reed learn this they exchange secrets, like sane people, which opens up their resources a bit.
That said Sue is an extra legitimate royal, not the Morgana equivalent. Maybe Gwen should be Gwen, especially since I have thought Gwen/Johnny/Peter has potential since reading Spider-Man/Fantastic Four (which if you read an earlier ask, I recommend if you want to see new art of Gwen being mean in hair clips). But Peter/Gwen and Merlin/Freya are like...same energy except the latter wasn’t as well done. And Merlin’s Guinevere honestly more reminds me of Betty. Morgana--
Okay I thought this trying to reconcile as much of the cast as possible and I now can’t unthink it so. The king’s ward is Dorrie Evans. Yes she goes nebulously sapphic evil witch queen. Sure she was an unpleasant teenager and readers hate her, but you know what, I’ll simp, whatever. Let Dorrie poison some people. In a cape. This feels natural to me. Also Betty Brant and Dorrie Evans???? Betty/Dorrie vibes???? I guess!!!!
So like. The thing where Arthur gets mystically whammied by love potions once a month, except also Johnny’s normal relationship-anticipating giddiness happening organically mixed in, the part before he actually starts dating someone and becomes immediately depressed. Peter is in the bg sarcastically dismissing magical incidents saying he can’t even tell the difference, and Reed is like 😬 Please Check Anyway. Peter’s not, haha, Peter’s not jealous, Johnny is just an idiot, and, okay maybe Peter is a little jealous! But it doesn’t matter because the prince is going to marry some noble and--
Reed: Prince Johnathan is a bit like a little brother to me, so Please Stop Telling Me About Your Problems.
Reed/Sue is reciprocated but on permanent hold for class reasons. Spideytorch is in the same boat except they’re also stupid and working it out by dating their way through the whole country, except Peter is actually into that and Johnny is not.
The dragon is...Ezekiel?????? That’s the right level of wise wry mentor who’s very shady and will kill you, so he’s a dragon now. And when he tells Peter he’s the (other) chosen one, Peter full stop doesn’t believe him. This disbelief goes on extensively. Peter is not a fate-oriented person. Johnny would love to hear about the fate thing, but no one will tell him.
Literally I’m just going to add more chronologically unmoored medievalish shit to Merlin now to cram more of the cast in. There’s some kind of town crier/herald outfit, and Jonah is their boss. He’s just out in the road yelling sometimes even though he can delegate that. The buglers otherwise known as Bugle staff named Peter’s vigilante persona the Spider, which was supposed to sound menacing but is in practice also cool. This is out-of-universe fairly equivalent to Merlin’s real name as a neat two-syllable animal word and possible title. In-universe maybe I’d elbow out Emrys and just use this. Merlin is already very servants-don’t-work-like-that, so Betty just also has two jobs for no reason so she can knock elbows with them.
MJ is the court jester and knows absolutely everything, which is a dramatic mid-game reveal that isn’t exactly foreshadowed so much as always possible while carefully obscured from the viewer (the reader). Before this she’s already a Wise Fool, Shakespeare-ways archetype character, it’s just not clear how much. She is the most important character in Homestuck Merlin Spider.
Every ship is real for at least 30 seconds. Most of the extended FF cast are either magical antagonists or weird nobles.
Ben????? (Grimm, I mean. Ben Parker is dead. Ben Reilly is a recurring episodic plot.) This show was painfully formulaic and would simply not keep someone with any version of his deal in the main cast, but he’s a full quarter of the FF so. A magical accident approximated his rock body deal. Maybe specifically tying him to ~the magic of the land~. And then, uh. Wandering the country is too satellite-like. Hiding out in a forbidden castle wing is interesting but doesn’t do him justice. So I guess it’s a come and go semivoluntary transformation thing that’s kept secret? Rock werewolf. Were-rock. Good opportunity to fake out like you’re going to do a monster of the week plot, and then he contributes to the tension to abolish the magic ban.
Knights?? Wyatt is there from the beginning, being tall and reassuring (holding a sword edition). Not sure how him or his immediate ancestors got to Europe and then ended up this involved with the local nobility, but it was probably exciting. And Flash, or he’s an early addition. Either way he’s from the same village as Peter and is approximately White’s Kay, except directed at the wizard instead of the future king, and otherwise you can completely superimpose their comic dynamic including the fanboying over the secret identity angle, which is entertainingly seditious. ...Others. I don’t know enough FF characters for this. I’ve accidentally implied the eventual addition of Bennet Brant, but his evil sorcerer of the week energy is very strong, so maybe not. Randy eventually because I already implied the Robertsons and can see it.
This is so long, covers nothing, and explains none of the namechecks. Using both these characters’ franchises in one fusion is too much stuff. I keep not talking about the core relationship because it’s just. Like That. I don’t feel like I need to elaborate on the Merthur dynamic, even transposed on a different ship. It’s Just Like That.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 24: Fragments (originally published on August 23, 2021)
AN: The end of the Alternate Future begins here! Or this story at least, I've got a few follow-ups planned after finishing this one, one of which I might set up here. But regardless, here we are at the end of Part 3 and from here on out, things will go downhill for our heroes & uphill for our villains. Can Steven be saved from both himself and Black Rutile? Who knows? Except for me that is, and a very select few as well. But I've had enough keeping you in suspense, let's get straight to the action.
Synopsis: Steven's condition gets worse and he seeks help from Jasper.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion
Ron Perlman as ?
"Hear me my followers and rejoice!" Black Rutile declared, with Aquamarine perched on her shoulder, as she recorded herself making a grand speech to her remaining minions in her cave lair. "Our day of revengeance is at hand! No more shall that sanctimonious half-breed tyrant enforce his iron-fisted rule over our people! Because despite claiming to be a pure-hearted child, recent intel has confirmed he is far from it."
As an example, Black Rutile played the footage of Steven crashing his father's van that her satellite had gathered. "Look at this absolutely abhorrent act." She stated. "What kind of child would ever dare murder their father without any rhyme or reason?"
"Actually, there have been a few throughout this planet's history that have done just that." White Topaz leaned into view to point out.
"SHUT IT TOPAZ!" Black Rutile angrily commanded before turning back to her viewers. "Anyways, soon he will be exposed as the monster he truly is, and with the army we have regrown from the colonies some of my subordinates have retaken, we shall lay siege to the tyrannical Crystal Gems and strike them at our weakest!"
"You sure about that my Rutile?" Black Rutile's Topaz bodyguard leaned back in, much to her master's anger. "'Cause I've gotten word from Cinnabar's faction that some of your former Black Pearls have formed, like, a little squadron to fight back against her."
"Can you not ruin my speech, you ignoramus?!" Black Rutile shoved her Topaz away. Just as she was about to make a grand conclusion to her speech, Black Rutile quickly declared "End transmission." and shut off the recording. "Now look what you did, I was making a motivational speech to my allies, but you had to keep getting in the way just like you always do!"
"Always?" White Topaz replied while making shadow puppets against the cave wall. "Look, I may spoil your plans some of the time, but your ego is just as much to blame the rest of the time."
"That is indeed true Topaz, but now I must ask," Black Rutile said. "what is with this attitude? Where's the overly polite idiot that always followed my orders without question, no matter how horrible they are?"
"I'm betting she's already having second thoughts about your plans." Aquamarine advised her superior.
"You mind if I," Eyeball suggested before making a slashing noise with her mouth and pulling her chisel from her gem. "put her to rest?"
"I'm being serious you guys!" White Topaz said. "The three of you may think you're Gems of the people, but I don't think Gems like those would ever hyperfocus on ruining the life of one person instead of just focusing on something healthier!"
"Like what, forcing ourselves to join those ingrates and deprive ourselves of our way of life in favor of becoming part of a hive-mind?" Black Rutile asked, menacingly pulling out her bowie knife to threaten her Topaz with. "I have been plotting against the Crystal Gems ever since Steven brainwashed the Diamonds, and I refuse to abandon those plans just because you don't like them! Now, are you going to be a good little bodyguard, or do you want to ditch your best friend in favor of the hypocrite?"
Although White Topaz showed tons of reluctance, she nervously got down on one knee and bowed her head to her three teammates. "No, my Rutile. I am at your beck and call, whenever you need me."
"Very good my Topaz." Black Rutile put away her knife to pat White Topaz on the head with an evil smile, before turning away to tap at her visor. "Now if we have nothing else to discuss, it seems the seeds of doubt I have planted in Steven's mind that fateful night have finally begun to grow." She stated before her visor created a holographic chessboard with pieces resembling herself & her minions on one side, and the Crystal Gems & the Diamonds on the other. "Now all we need is just one last push." On that last word, Black Rutile then spawned a chess piece resembling Jasper that she put squarely in the middle of the board.
Far from Black Rutile's lair in the woods, Steven and Greg had finally returned home to Beach City after a father-son outing that turned rather disastrous. Fortunately, the Crystal Gems were already home to be told of what happened and as Steven gazed out over the deck, Bismuth asked Greg what happened.
"So Steven just flew off the handle because of a song?" Bismuth asked while helping Greg put his van back together. "Frankly, I could think of weirder reasons to get angry."
"No, it wasn't because of the song." Greg admitted to the blacksmith. "It was because we drove off to my childhood home in Keystone and he learned that my upbringing wasn't too different from his mom's."
"I don't think you ever told anyone about when you were a kid." Bismuth replied.
"Not that I wanted to until now." Greg stated. "But after that crash, I don't think I ever want to bring them up again. Steven started ranting about how he wished the Gems never found Earth and he had a normal human life like I had."
"Whoa whoa whoa, where did all this come from?!" Bismuth yelled in alarm, raising her hands towards the former rock star.
"That's what I said!" Greg exclaimed before turning to his despondent son. "And now that I think about it, maybe he had good reason for those wishes after all he's been through."
Steven looked down in utter shame and regret before he walked back inside the beach house, clearly avoiding a chance to speak with his father about the incident.
As soon as Steven got inside, the other Crystal Gems were there to greet him, but the looks on their faces told Steven things weren't going to be good.
"Sit down on the couch Steven, we need to talk." Pearl commanded the son of her deceased lover, who did as he was told before Pearl began pacing around. "I just can't believe you, Steven! Crashing the van with Greg inside?! You know how fragile humans are, young man! These pink outbursts need to be dealt with!"
"It's not an outburst!" Steven yelled, briefly inflating himself as he turned pink.
"See, this is exactly what I'm talking about!" Pearl exclaimed before Steven got back up and started walking away. "What is happening to you?!"
"It's nothing, just puberty, honest!" Steven cried as he struggled to keep his pink form at bay.
"Whoa no little dude, I've seen enough sitcoms to know that is not what puberty is like!" Amethyst declared. "Right, Garnet?"
"I can confirm, this is not regular puberty." Garnet nodded before Steven put up a literal wall between him and his guardians.
"Steven, drop the wall this instant!" Pearl ordered as she pressed against the pink, hexagonal dome.
"I'm sorry Pearl!" Steven gasped in apology before the wall disappeared. "I just need some space, okay? I'll be in my room." But as Steven walked upstairs, Amethyst rushed to keep him from going any further.
"Not so fast, my dude!" Amethyst declared. "You gotta tell us what's going on!"
"It seems like Steven wants to avoid a serious discussion altogether." Garnet analyzed.
"No, I'M NOT!" Steven yelled, dropping to his knees and pounding his fist on the stairs, creating a shockwave that shook the entire room.
"Steven, either you talk to us about what's going on, or you're grounded until you're able to explain." Garnet firmly declared.
"She's right man, you gotta chill!" Amethyst exclaimed.
"We need to do something about this before anyone else gets hurt!" Pearl stated as Steven continued struggling where he stood.
"Don't let these strange powers control you." Garnet tried desperately to calm the half-Gem down. "You're better than this."
"LEAVE ME ALOOONE!" Steven finally roared, causing a pink shockwave to burst from his body and seemingly force the Gems to move in slow motion. Or rather, he was moving faster than everyone else. "I'm speeding up again!" he muttered while gazing at his equally pink hands. "I gotta get out of here!"
Steven ran out of the house and far away from the Crystal Gems. There was barely anywhere he could go right now. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl kept enabling these strange new powers, yet Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth probably barely knew what to do about things. Thus, there was only one Gem left he knew could help him in his time of need.
"The Gems tried to help me, but they just kept making things worse." Steven explained to Jasper later that night while the two sat around a campfire in front of her cave. "And that's why I refuse to go back."
"So what you're saying is," Jasper answered before dramatically removing the cloak she was wearing. "you want a rematch?!"
"What?! No!" Steven exclaimed. "I just told you why I came here in the first place. I think my Diamond powers are coming out, and I have no idea how to control them. I just want to be alone so I can't hurt anyone or be super toxic and controlling."
"So, you finally admitted it, eh?" Jasper rolled her eyes as she got up and walked away. "If you want to be alone, your definition of it is horribly wrong!"
"But Jasper, this is the last place anyone would look for me!" Steven explained before running after Jasper. "Wait, don't leave me here!" he begged the bigger Gem. "This thing with my powers is the real problem."
"The only problem you have is your friends." Jasper declared, much to Steven's confusion. "Just like how you keep holding everyone back, they're doing the same to you!"
"Are you sure?" Steven asked. "I definitely believe I'm getting them all worried."
"That's because they're afraid of you." Jasper responded. "And not just of your powers, but your control over others. And you are too! You came out here to hide, but I'm not one to hide myself. I don't need to hide my power or try to stifle it, I let everything out by training!"
"Like this forest?" Steven wondered, looking around the patch of destroyed trees he and Jasper have stumbled upon.
"Exactly." Jasper answered, walking up to a tree and making it fall over with a single punch. "And to control that power, I have to use it. Those so-called friends of yours don't understand because they always want to make you feel bad for being yourself!"
"Yeah, I do feel bad." Steven muttered to himself, gazing at his fist before walking over to punch another tree, turning pink as he landed a blow that created massive cracks on the bark and wounded his hand.
"Yeah, crush that weakling tree!" Jasper cheered Steven on.
"No!" Steven exclaimed before kissing the tree to fix the damage he did.
"Are you kidding me?! That's disgusting!" Jasper gagged at the sight when she looked down to discover that Steven's kiss caused some grass to grow around them. "No, the grass!" she yelled and rapidly pulled out the grass beneath her. "Get out of here!" Jasper then angrily turned to Steven and picked him up by the collar of his jacket. "Quit helping this planet's ecosystem and show me! Show me your power!"
Jasper harshly threw Steven to the ground, causing him to groan in pain. "No way Jasper!" Steven coughed as he got up from the toss. "I can handle myself!"
"Shut up!" Jasper yelled and lunged at Steven, who turned pink on reflex and created a barrier to defend himself from the Quartz's ruthless attack, but it proved ineffective as Jasper punched straight through it, causing Steven to fall to the ground. "This is it; this is all you were worried about?! What a rip-off!"
As Steven helped himself off the dirt, Jasper just kept on yelling. "I am way stronger than everyone you hold back and are holding you back in return!" she bellowed while pointing at Steven. "Because I'm not afraid of this, and you shouldn't be either!"
In response, Steven turned pink again and created another shield to launch at his opponent. "Yeah, that's more like it!" Jasper declared eagerly and prepared to defend herself, smashing the shield with just her arm. "Now tell me, was it good to let your anger out that way?"
"Y-yeah." Steven realized how good it felt to vent his rage on someone who could be a match for him, allowing Jasper to let out a loud laugh. "If I stay here, will you teach me how to control all this?"
"I won't teach you until you fight me!" Jasper refused the offer.
"Well, I won't fight you unless you teach me!" Steven replied.
"Ugh, fine!" Jasper groaned in resignation.
"Really?!" Steven smiled as he returned to his normal color.
"Here's lesson number one," Jasper responded. "No smiling."
"But I've seen you smile." Steven pointed out the goofy smile Jasper wore when he agreed to fight her not too long ago.
"Lesson two, shut up!" Jasper yelled before she kicked Steven into the air, and the boy landed far from where she could see him with a thud.
"Guess my training starts now." Steven declared to himself before he heard footsteps behind him and turned around to find who was behind him. "YOU!"
"Training with Jasper, Steven?" Black Rutile snickered disdainfully. "Wow kid, you're not just one Spinel, you're an entire circus of them!"
"What do you want with me now Black Rutile?" Steven asked his new archenemy as Black Rutile's three minions appeared behind her.
"We just came here to talk." Aquamarine answered. "As much as we would love to kidnap you and hold you for ransom, or maybe even kill you right here and now, we think hanging with a brute like her is much more fitting."
"Besides, we all know you'll just drive her away like you did to everyone else." Eyeball laughed. "Or maybe even something worse!"
"Look, what we're trying to say is that you should just give up now and get the help you really need." White Topaz cautioned Steven, unaware of how angry she made her teammates. "We only want what's best for you, so you won't get in the way of my Rutile's plan!"
"Are you seriously trying to help our enemy here?" Black Rutile growled with eyelids lowered at White Topaz. "I thought you were at my beck and call whenever I needed you!"
"If you're trying to ruin my life again, it won't work." Steven firmly declared as he got up to face the four insurgent Gems. "I know what you really are, Black Rutile. You're no hero to Homeworld, you're just a callous bully who will do anything to get her way."
"GROW UP STEVEN, GROW UP!" Black Rutile abruptly yelled at Steven's face. "Sociopath, hypocrite! Refusing to save a dying pet because of the natural order when he refuses to accept everyone is leaving him! Who's the real villain between us two, my boy, hm?"
"Still you." Steven remained resolute against the Rutile.
"You can't even begin to comprehend my current plans." Black Rutile replied just as resolutely. "Soon, everyone on this accursed rock will see you for the monster you truly are."
"Hey, where are you?!" Jasper bellowed from afar, and Black Rutile saw this as her cue to leave.
"Wouldn't want to keep a certain someone waiting." Black Rutile smirked. "But at least the three of us agree the Crystal Gems are the real problem."
"Aw, but I wanna turn Jasper against Steven too!" Eyeball complained. "Plus it would be an honor to see her in person again. The real deal, not an Amethyst shapeshifting into her."
"Oh, shut up, and let's get out of here." Aquamarine slapped her Ruby partner and dragged her away by the hand.
"Hey, no hard feelings kid?" White Topaz asked Steven, causing Black Rutile to slap her mouth shut.
"We'll see each other again Steven." Black Rutile declared. "But until then, I'll be watching you, just like I've always had since our last fight."
As the four rogue Gems left, Steven was left alone with his thoughts once more. And with those thoughts, a certain voice in his head re-emerged. "You know, she does raise a few good points."
"You again!" Steven said to the voice. "What do you want now? Are you another Gem working for Black Rutile?!"
"Well, kind of." The voice answered. "I'm not directly working for her, but it's thanks to her that I'm even speaking to you now. Remember that night while the Gems were out in Los Diego? She helped me grow."
"I thought so." Steven muttered in a moment of clarity. "But please, just leave me alone!"
"Maybe I'll just sit back and watch while you worry your so-called friends sick." The voice laughed deeply. "Don't you worry, we'll be seeing each other again very soon."
With that foreboding goodbye, the voice once again vanished from Steven's thoughts. Was it true, was that voice even haunting Steven because of what Black Rutile said to him? Or could it perhaps be even older than that?
"Are you dead or something?!" Jasper yelled for Steven. "Come back over here if you aren't, we got training to do tomorrow!"
"I'm coming!" Steven cried and raced back to Jasper's cave. As soon as he got there, Jasper threw her cloak at his face. "What was that for?"
"Think you might need this." Jasper stated while peering out from her cave. "Humans need to sleep, right?"
"Aw, you really do care for me." Steven blushed at the seemingly kind gesture, but Jasper just scoffed and retreated into the darkness of her home. Steven then just shrugged and laid down on the ground with the cloak covering him like a blanket, gazing up at the stars and wondering how the Crystal Gems must be doing.
The next morning, the Crystal Gems were now searching across Beach City for the missing Steven. Pearl had placed posters all over town while Greg helped Lion and Amethyst sniff around for him, but so far they found nothing that would help them.
"Whoa, easy Amethyst!" Greg yelled as he tugged on the leash of a purple-furred Dalmatian with an amethyst gemstone on her chest, which then turned into an exhausted Amethyst.
"We're getting nowhere with this!" Amethyst complained. "I mean, I learned how he could slow down time through Smoky Quartz, and even I don't have a clue!"
"I hope we find him soon, I'm getting worried." Pearl whimpered before she found Garnet walking up to them. "Anything from Little Homeworld, Garnet?"
"Nothing, Peridot and Lapis told me they didn't see Steven recently." Garnet answered. "However, Zuli said she did see a pink blur zoom past yesterday."
"That's the same one I saw with Bismuth while we were fixing the van!" Greg declared. "Could that be Steven?"
"It probably is." Pearl said before she began to break down into tears and hug Greg tightly. "I miss my baby!"
"We all do Pearl." Greg sniffed and returned the hug, followed by Garnet, Amethyst, and Lion joining in to comfort the Pearl. "We all do."
However, little did the Gems know, Steven was perfectly fine. But not the kind of fine they want him to be.
Far off in the woods, Steven had fallen fast asleep underneath the blanket Jasper had lent him. But his rest wouldn't last long as Jasper emerged from her cave and smashed a wall, shocking him awake.
"Rise and shine, your training begins today!" Jasper barked as she walked up to the half-Gem boy and picked him up by the neck. "Now tell me, what are you here for again?"
"Uh, to get a better control of my powers?" Steven answered.
"Not enough energy." Jasper shook her head in disdain. "Why don't we start with the only way you can talk to people?" she suggested and then cleared her throat. "So you're here because of your mother, kid? Well, whoop-de-doo!" the big Quartz began singing while circling Steven. "You still haven't realized more have suffered than just you! If you wanna get tougher kid, here's a tip. I got three little words for you: get a grip!"
"Shouldn't that apply to you too?" Steven asked his new mentor.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Jasper growled while walking towards some boulders and picked one up.
"I mean, you're stuck here because of me." Steven continued, much to Jasper's anger. "Not to mention closets full of-"
"Do you want my help or not?!" Jasper roared.
"Yes ma'am!" Steven nervously complied before Jasper threw him a boulder.
"That's better." Jasper grinned smugly as she hoisted up more boulders on her back and walked away. "Follow me."
"You've been through a lot brat, but let me say something about that." Jasper began singing again as Steven followed her up the mountain with boulders in hand. "As a veteran, I've seen far messier, you should've seen the Clash at the Theater."
"I don't think I've heard of that before." Steven stated while setting the boulders down nearby.
"Doesn't matter, just giving an example." Jasper replied as she dropped her boulders too. "Now come on, throw me some shields!" Steven nodded before he turned pink and summoned multiple barriers to unleash on Jasper, who managed to break through all of them. "The fusion's all high and mighty. Amethyst can be pretty flighty. And the Pearl, wow, she's nuts, you see! They all got experience, but none like mine!"
"Maybe when you're done, you'll be feeling just fine." The next day, Steven continued training via splitting logs in half on a stump, while Jasper demonstrated her superior strength by knocking down a tree with just a push. In the meantime, Black Rutile whispered something into Jasper's ear without her knowing the Rutile was even there.
"If you wanna get tougher kid, here's a tip." As night began to fall, Jasper challenged Steven to a race, her spin-dash against his pink form's speed. "I got three little words for you: get a grip! Ya hear me!"
"Yeah, those three little words are 'Get a Grip!'" Steven joined in on the song as he began catching up to Jasper.
"Now we're talking!" Jasper cheered triumphantly.
"No time for healing!" As the training went on to the day after that, Steven had grown slightly taller and more muscular, and even began growing a beard as he threw another barrier at Jasper. "Who needs feeling?!"
"You're still reeling?" Steven caught a fish in the river with a more polygonal bubble that he cooked up to eat, while Black Rutile loomed behind him with another lie to tell him. "Well, my tips are quite appealing! Let's say it again!"
"If you wanna get tougher kid, here's a tip." Steven and Jasper harmonized while clashing fists in a forest clearing. "I got three little words for you: get a grip!"
"Yes, for everything to go as planned, get a grip." Black Rutile muttered while watching the two train with an evil smile, eager to see how far Steven has come and how far he'll fall.
The next day, thunder began rumbling far from Steven, who knelt in front of a campfire with a more muscular body that made him as tall as Jasper and a wildly different hairstyle.
"I found more rocks!" Jasper called out to her student while tossing over some more rocks for him to train with. "You won't believe how hard it is to find a good rock around here, especially since we broke most of them."
"I'm done with rocks Jasper." Steven declared while getting up to face Jasper. "I'm finally ready. For our rematch." He then put out the fire behind him with one stomp, showing the other Gem how serious he was.
"Took you long enough!" Jasper cackled as she cracked her knuckles and prepared for her long-awaited round 2. "Then come on, show me what you got!"
Steven responded by creating another hexagonal shield to launch at Jasper. However, Jasper jumped over the shield and attempted to punch Steven, but suddenly, she got punched instead. As Steven let out a gasp, Jasper summoned her horned crash helmet and slammed it into Steven's head, sending him tumbling backwards into the ground.
"What are you holding back for Steven?!" Jasper yelled while the resulting smoke began to clear. "You think you can't take it, that I'm just going to coddle you the whole way through, just like the Gems?! You still want to go back to them?"
"No!" Steven coughed from the smoke.
"You still afraid to be strong?!" Jasper continued taunting her foe. "Are you dull?! ARE YOU PITIFUL?!"
"I AM NOT!" Steven bellowed out loud, causing a shockwave that knocked Jasper back, and nearly shook a certain Rutile from a tree she was hiding in as he lunged at Jasper with fury in his eyes.
"Is that all?!" Jasper cackled arrogantly, forcing Steven to create more barriers to strike at her with, which finally landed a hit on Jasper and slammed her into a tree. "That's more like it!"
Steven let out a sadistic giggle before he lunged again, far faster than normal as he started repeatedly punching Jasper while the two soared through the forest and into the air.
"Come on, come on!" Jasper beckoned Steven as their brawl took to the skies. "Show your master what you can really do!"
Steven's maniacal laughter grew louder and louder with each punch before kicking Jasper to the ground. "You were right Jasper!" he declared while summoning more shields to trap Jasper with before forming an even larger one in front of him. "I HAVE BEEN HOLDING BACK!"
With a murderous smile and white diamonds in his eyes, Steven made his barrier grow razor-sharp spikes before launching it at his captive opponent. And for the first time in what felt like ages, as the spiked shield rocketed towards her, Jasper felt one emotion that she barely showed to anyone else.
Pure, unadulterated terror.
What had she done?
The cloudy skies gave way to a loud thunderstorm as Black Rutile climbed up to the top of another tree to watch the outcome of the fight, and she was more than happy with what she was seeing.
"Bravo Steven, I never knew you had it in you!" Black Rutile clapped loud enough for Steven to hear as he returned to his senses to realize what he had just done. "If I hadn't planned for that, she would've made a great bodyguard!"
With tears and raindrops staining his face, Steven hid whatever he was hiding in his balled-up fist while glaring at Black Rutile before he raced back to Jasper's cave. When Black Rutile decided to climb down the tree, she was greeted by the nervous look on her Topaz's face. "So, who were you betting on to win?"
"I was betting on Steven to curb his problems more healthily, and you just kept stringing him along!" White Topaz accused her superior, but her accusations were shut down by a bowie knife pointed straight at her face. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Would a shadow puppet make you feel better?!"
"No need." Black Rutile frowned, hiding behind the tree to watch as Steven, now wearing his jacket again, hid his fist in one of the pockets while running out of the woods. "Nothing makes me happier than seeing him squirm."
"Oh yeah, it's funny how pathetic he is." White Topaz laughed nervously in agreement. "Come on, let's head back to the cave. Don't wanna get wet."
"Indeed," Black Rutile agreed and strolled back to their lair with her arms behind her back. "wouldn't want anyone knowing what we did to him."
"I sent so many messages, but he hasn't replied!" Pearl fretted while pacing around the beach house as the storm continued. "Do you think he even had his phone when he ran away?! What if something horrible happened and it's all our fault because he wanted to stay away from us?! What if-" Pearl's panicking soon turned to hyperventilating as she curled up into a ball on the floor and began rocking back and forth when Amethyst stepped in to calm her down.
"Pearl, chill out!" Amethyst literally shook Pearl out of her traumatized state and picked her up off the floor. "Panting and sweating over everything won't bring Steven back! It's not like he's going to just barge in as soon as I finish talking!"
Just then, Steven finally returned home, much to the Crystal Gems' delight and worry. However, he had no time to tell them where he's been as he gunned for the bathroom.
"Steven, where have you been?!" Pearl cried out in fright for her surrogate son.
"No time to talk!" Steven exclaimed before ducking into the bathroom.
"Seriously man, we've been looking everywhere!" Amethyst added just as the door closed in front of her. "Hey, what was that in your hand?"
"Nothing important!" Steven replied, peeking out the door one last time before going back.
"The way he said that makes me get a bad feeling about this." Garnet declared ominously.
'This has been a horrible day.' Steven thought to himself while filling up the bathtub and snatching the three Diamond essence bottles from the mirror, taking a moment to find a dark shadow in the exact shape of his muscular self from earlier standing behind his reflection.
"I never knew you had it in you either." The shadow growled before Steven turned to dump all the Diamonds' essences in the bathwater and pulled his fist out of his pocket, unfolding it to reveal Jasper's shattered remains in his palms.
"Please work, you gotta work!" Steven muttered in total panic while piecing Jasper's broken gemstone the best he could and submerging it in the water. "Please Jasper, I'm sorry!" he began sobbing for the deceased Gem, his hot tears streaking against his face and dropping into the water.
"I'm sorry."
Wow. Great googly moogly, it's all gone to shit, just the kind of shit that Black Rutile likes. Is Jasper truly gone? Okay, definitely not since next chapter after the break will be Homeworld Bound. Has Black Rutile won? Maybe. Will the voice in Steven's head take the wheel? Who knows? Find out on the epic final part of Steven Universe: Alternate Future, to perhaps begin after the usual two-month hiatus. Or maybe I should go for a shorter hiatus this time. Or maybe longer? What do you guys think? I mean, by the time I publish this, I'll be getting ready for sophomore year of college so my time will most definitely be filled up. But regardless, there are now only eight chapters left of laughs, tears and adrenaline rush, so don't even try to miss the next arc! Okay, peace!
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Penguin, James Penguin - Killian x Reader (Spies in Disguise)
Alternate Title: ‘I Wish I Was James Bond’
Holiday Fic 5! 🐧🐧
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
@xxstar-bluesxx​ - From one Killian Stan, to another 😉
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Author’s Note: It is EXACTLY a year since I saw this movie for the first time. 
I had way too much fun writing these two again, safe to say I missed them a lot 🥰🥰
Not joking, this plot has been in my notes since January - and I was like “Well I missed my chance completely with the song and everything!” It’s too good not to pass up!!
Reader character from my SiD series/prequel? You betcha! 😉 But this time we’re writing for them post-movie!
Also playing into the rehabilitation program / Agent!McFord storyline here. So I hope, Killian Stans, that he’s been worth the wait to come back to you. And that I’m ticking a bunch of boxes. 
Note: Whilst the song itself certainly has a Christmas theme, the fic does not. At all.
Penguin, James Penguin - Brad Paisley
I Wish I Was James Bond - Scouting For Girls
Disclaimer: SiD & all associated characters not mine / basically taking the same idea as everyone else and slightly subverting expectations, because it wouldn’t be my fic if I didn’t / you don’t necessarily have to read ‘Mine’ to ‘Fresh Start Fever’ to understand this but it might help / lyrics & gifs not mine. 
Premise: In an attempt to figure out how Walters Bio-molecular tech works, Killian ends up getting it wrong with disastrous (hilarious) results...
Words: 6793
Warnings: Christmas themed lyrics/No Christmas themed fic / if you squint there’s some slight sexual banter at the end there / 
I've got another story That I bet you haven't heard Did you know that Santa Has a secret agent bird From an undisclosed location He's watching me and you He's got satellite uplinks in his cufflinks Yeah he sees everything you do He's Penguin, James Penguin That dapper little guy Like a well dressed duck in a three piece tux He's Santa's secret spy Not so very long ago Santa didn't need much help But with more and more kids every year He soon got overwhelmed He told the elves one Christmas We can't do this anymore Then a knight in shining polyester Waddled through his door And it was Penguin, James Penguin He was there to save the day He had wireless And GPS outfitted on the sleigh And Santa said Penguin Won't you be my ears and eyes How'd you like to help me run My SCFBI He's Penguin, James Penguin And now I guess you've heard How Santa got his little Christmas Secret Agent Bird
I've seen you walk the screen, it's you that I adore Since I was a boy I wanted to be like Roger Moore A girl in every port, and gadgets up my sleeve The world is not enough for the both of us it seems Hello Mr Bond, I've been expecting you Martini in your hand, and that eyebrow that you move Don't take this the wrong way, I know it might sound odd I'm the next double-0, I'm the right man for the job I wanted to be you, I wanted to be you I wanted to be someone else And I wish I was James Bond Just for the day Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away And I wish I was James Bond Just for the day Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away And I wish I was James Bond Just for the day Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away Roger and Sean and Timmy and George And Daniel and Pierce and maybe one day me
The light grey clouds rolled over the mountains on the horizon line. By the colour alone you suspected that you were due heavy snowfall. Up in a mountaintop hideaway you were growing used to such things... no bright blue sky today.
You folded your arms with a sigh; still, a little bit of sunshine would be nice.  
KiTT - your assistance drone - beeped every so often as he moved about the room, doing the odd task. Other than that, the house was silent, for now. Your eyes hovered on the helicopter outside and then back to the clouds; would there be a chance of getting out of here for the next few days? You knew cars would be out of the question, it was treacherous even in snow fairing vehicles... Note to self: Next time choose a boyfriend whose idea of a home is not a typical villain’s hide out. Although you supposed it fit his role in all this. At least to the Agency. Things had changed a lot since Killian had tried to take everyone out with his own drones, but they were still very wary of him. You found yourself tasked with keeping him straight - you weren’t sure they understood your relationship. But agreed anyway.
  Having finished his tasks and now bored, KiTT whirred his way back over to you, beeping his greeting. Blue lights flashing.  You shook your head at him, “What would you have me do? I’ve given you everything I had on my list, why don’t you ask him if he needs any help?” KiTT’s next series of bleeps had you laughing; “I’m sure he didn’t mean to kick you out like that. K just needs to concentrate. You can get pretty loud!”  Your drone protested, which only made you giggle. Especially as he tried to make the argument that he couldn’t possibly be any worse than the rest of them. 
KiTT had a point: the drones that the Agency had let you take back now helped both you and Killian with lab work - amongst other things – and, with your own expertise in AI, each now had their own distinctive personality just as KiTT did. Sometimes you regretted that decision. Although they couldn’t have been further from his blue and silver finish; in sleek black and red lights. Fitting for your significant other maybe, but it made little sense to you for the Agency to have given them such colours. (And if you were honest, KiTT looks a damn sight better, but you supposed there was a bit of favouritism in that comment.) “Oh, yeah. Cuz nothing says evil robot quite like red lights.” Killian couldn’t clap back at that, KiTT was exclusively blue. “I didn’t design it.” “I know. Which begs the question, why the Agency was building an assassination drone.” He folded his arms, “Well they don’t care, do they?” Protection by any means necessary. Stop the bad guys by any means necessary. “Well...” You raised your eyebrows and tipped your head in agreement. He’d know a lot about that alright... 
You found yourself looking back to the clouds and sighed, “You could always go check the weather for me if you’re really that desperate. Or if you could figure out a really quick weather changing machine?” If you could count KiTT’s next sound as a scoff you would, before blue lights ran across his body to let you know he was contacting weather satellites for you.
 The sudden crash behind you snapped you both from caring about the weather. It was followed by a slightly smaller - but still loud – one, and then silence again. You immediately started towards the labs, “On second thought, sounds like I should have just asked you to go straight to him!” 
When you both got down there it was a little hard to tell what had happened. At first it looked like nothing too serious; work surfaces scattered with tools, screens full of science mechanics... until you spotted the broken glass beakers and liquid running across the surface of a worktop, dripping onto the floor. “K?!” He didn’t appear to be in here, and yet none of his drones were either, which made you think it also hadn’t been them to make this mess. Or they’d made themselves scarce. You turned the lights up a little further and kept walking, cautiously. Well - for one thing, the floor was now covered in broken glass and curious liquids… they should probably be tidied up at the very least. Good thing your drone was in a working mood. There was another sound from further in the lab that made you jump, and you turned towards it. KiTT made a sound of worry. “Hush, clear this away, I got it.” He beeped again, “I’ll be FINE. Cybernetic, remember!?” KiTT’s next beep caused you to glare at him, “Don’t use that tone with me-!” 
You made your way carefully over to the noise, stepping around the glass that had been spat all over the floor. You were sure it’d made its way to unknown reaches of the lab, and you should be careful where you were stepping. Sure, you wouldn’t bleed, but thanks to the upgrades it’d still hurt.  When you turned the corner, you came face to face with a huddled form. Your head tilted curiously; eyebrow raised. You recognised it alright: but it was more the mystery of how it got in here. It might well have been the source of the crash - after all, you wouldn’t think a penguin to be very careful in a lab. You were just thinking about how you were supposed to catch it and then tell your partner: “Well, a penguin got into the house, and then your lab somehow, and destroyed all your research. Sorry about that-!”, when it turned towards you and-
  “AGH-!!” This time you didn’t jump, although both of you were startled. Your eyes widened even further as you stared at him, on the verge of collapsing into laughter. “K?!” The laugh wavered in your voice and you tried to swallow it back, “What did you do?” Killian was very blunt about it; “Turned myself into a penguin, alright. Are you happy now?” “How?” - Trying not to laugh was having the opposite effect and he sighed. “Go on, laugh-!” You did, but still tried to make it muted, before taking a deep breath, “What the hell...? Did you try to copy Walter’s formula-!?” “Well, it didn’t work did it-!” “They are all pigeons; although this is appropriate for our living conditions.” You crouched beside him, “...I gotta say, it’s very cute.” “Shut up!” You knew, were he still human, he’d be red with both anger and embarrassment by now.  You reached out to delicately touch his feathers; it seemed, just like Sterling managed to retain the bow tie, Killian would retain the outlines of his suit. He swatted your hand away and hissed; “Stop it!” “Just take the antidote. I mean, it’s all over the desk, but I’m sure we can salvage some of it. I assume you are trying for a pigeon, right? Or maybe you aren’t; gotta say I prefer penguins.”  “Thanks.” He responded dryly.  You only grinned your ‘you’re welcome’ and then stood to walk back to his desk; even if KiTT had managed to clear everything by now, if Killian had all the data, creating another batch of antidote shouldn’t take too long, and you could enjoy him as a penguin for a few minutes... or hours... more. “No! Wait! Y/N!” He hissed again, flippers grabbing your leg. “What?” Killian gave you a look of significance. Your eyes narrowed; “You took it without making an antidote!?!” “I took it accidentally!! And I had an antidote, it just wasn’t perfected-! Now I’m stuck as a flightless bird-!” “Deadly in water though.” You mused, tilting your head – that was not well received. Killian grumbled, huffing something under his breath. “So, this isn’t Walter’s formula?” “No!” Although it didn’t look like he was prepared to admit it. And you weren’t sure exactly how he managed to take it ‘accidentally’. “I did it myself!” “Well, this part worked.” You continued walking though, which made him waddle after you as fast as he could, “WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?!” “Uhm, to get Walter. He’ll be able to fix this-!” “No!!” He got ahead of you and tried to push you backwards, you halted; you supposed you understood why he wouldn’t want to admit what he’d done. You thought Walter would actually love that Killian’s formula was at least correct, even if he couldn’t reverse it yet. “What are you going to do Killian? Perfect the antidote as a Penguin? Think about this-!” “I AM!” “Rationally.” You stooped again and gathered him in your arms, to which he squirmed until you set him on a clear desk. “He’s the only one who can help you.” “I can do this myself..!” “As a flightless bird?” He’d been the one to say it-! He sighed, but was still unwilling to concede. Folding his flippers across his chest and turning slightly away from you. You stroked a hand over his feathers again, and grumpy as he was, you felt Killian lean into your touch and smirked as you teased him. “We could be halfway to D.C. by now...” He turned to you, eyes narrowed, and pushed your fingers away again, gentler this time. “Fine. But not a word to anyone.” “I promise.” You placed your hand over your heart. “And don’t pick me up again. It’s embarrassing.” You raised an eyebrow, folding your own arms, “So... what are you going to do, waddle around after me?” “Yup.” Killian jumped down from the counter, sliding across the floor to the exit, passing KiTT who beeped curiously and looked to you. You gave a shrug and rolled your eyes. “You coming?” 
It didn’t take very long to gather all that you needed and throw yourselves into the helicopter. You thanked your lucky stars that he’d taught you how to fly this thing. Your eyes flicked back to those clouds, “KiTT what did the weather say?” He beeped the response; cold, very cold, chance of snow later but the clouds may have been long gone by then. What concerned you most was if the chopper would fly, he seemed to suggest you’d be fine. 
You took a deep breath and flicked all the switches to their correct positions before starting the ignition, blades whirring into life. Your penguin turned to you from his seat, where you’d firmly belted him in. “You sure you know what you’re doing!?! You have to get us all the way to Washington D.C.!” You glared at him, “You wanna try it in your current situation!? You taught me!!” Killian knew he had no choice but to concede. “Just be careful! Nothing reckless!” “Says the man that just turned himself into a Penguin-!” “It was accidental-!” His voice pitched. You placed your hands assuredly on the joystick and moved the helicopter steadily into the air and into higher altitudes. “Accidental my ass, how do you take something like that accidentally-!?” There was overwhelming silence and you knew you’d won again. But sighed, saying softer, “Look, it doesn’t matter...” You pulled out across the mountains and smiled at the blue sky out across your horizon line, the end of this grey was in sight-! “Walter will have you fixed into a sarcastic, Australian, pain-in-the-ass by the end of the day.” Even Killian couldn’t help but laugh at that.
How exactly did you end up in this mess? It’s probably best to go back to the beginning...
Shortly after the whole drone revenge plan had failed, you received an anonymous text telling you to bring a car to a building close to the Capitol Reflecting Pool and Washington Monument. It said nothing more than that, but it made you curious. Upon running it through KiTT and discovering it was from the Agency, your curiosity was only further piqued. And on the dot of the specified time, you were standing outside the building leaning against your car, shades on. To be honest you probably couldn’t have looked less inconspicuous, and you wondered if the Agency, in reality, were about to laugh at you for being so gullible and arrest you too. Well, you’d escaped from them before, and that was more than just a few upgrades ago.
 The doors of the building opposite slid open and your mouth was suddenly agape, you slid your shades slowly from your eyes, unable to hide your shock. Stepping into daylight - in a brand-new suit - was none other than Killian himself. 
His smile was gentle as he made his way down the steps to you, and your heart was hammering against your ribs. As Killian stopped in front of you, you couldn’t help yourself but throw your arms around him. “Am- am- am I here to pick you up!?” God I missed you, I missed you, I missed you… He chucked, returning your embrace, “I believe that’s the idea, yeah.” “They just let you go!?” Killian placed his right hand in his pocket and huffed, “Well. That’s not exactly it, I had to bargain my way out...” You surveyed him for a minute, all his cybernetics seemed intact; he didn’t look messed with. Running a full diagnostic would give you the whole picture, but you were puzzled. “What’s the price?” “Joining the good guys.” You pulled slightly back, “You’re working for the Agency!?” He gave a nod, “That’s the deal.” “Double cross all your acquaintances?” You smiled, leaning back against the car, “Does kinda sound like you... Oh. Wow. You’re an informant?”  “Not exactly.”  Your eyes widened further than you felt possible; “You’re an agent!?” “You got it.” But Killian’s smile slightly faded, “Y/N, I- I was only part of the bargain, though.” You understood him immediately, “Me? They want me.” “You’re an inspired scientist; your expertise in the fusion of human biology and robotics… not to mention AI- they can use that. It’s not really even me they want working with them, it’s you.” “You offered me up as a chip!?” You couldn’t help but be a little upset at him for that. “You’re the only chip I had to play!” Even by the desperate look on his face you shook your head, “No.” “I need you with me on this, you think I was gonna do it without you?” His hand reached for yours, and you didn’t pull away. “So, are we... a team?” “Well, about that—-” His eyes flicked over his shoulder and you both turned.
Standing in the doorway now - each with a wildly different expression on their face - were Walter, Lance and... you believed her name was Marcy. Your eyes flicked to his face and back to them. Walter was the only one that seemed to show any kind of joy; and he was ecstatic. You pushed back just about every swear word you could think of.  “You’re kidding me?”
He was not, in fact, kidding and after being hauled into a two-hour meeting - which you felt really explained nothing - you were essentially handed a file and an ultimatum.  Either you worked with them, or you were thrown in a maximum-security prison. You had to laugh, because you didn’t think this was exactly fair on you. And they had you between a rock and a hard place... Killian and you had always had the same vendetta against the Agency since Kyrgyzstan (maybe his a little more aggressive than yours), and you had a life outside all of this. You couldn’t afford not to take their offer. The Agency knew it.
That made you a lot less mad at him for signing you up, and you turned down the opportunity to vent to him on the drive back; “What do I call you now? Agent McFord!?” “Shut up!” The faint blush across his face made you smile and tease him again: “You do know all that James Bond stuff was a joke, right-!?”
It was one of your favourites. The two of you loved spy movies, unironically. And Killian really liked the classic Bond films, how any time he’d make himself a certain drink you’d come for him with the same joke: “Is that a martini!?” “Yes-??” He was always curious as to why that mattered, only for you to give a pointed smirk,  “Alright... James Bond!” And he laughed, hard. And you loved that sound, because it was such a rarity these days, “Surely in this situation Sterling is James Bond...?” Then you smirked again, and gave Killian your best flirty wink, “Not to me!” That seemed to always get you where you wanted. And wasn’t 007 known for his way with the ladies, after all?
Today in your car Killian did not raise to the bait, but you saw him shake his head as he stared out the window.  “So, are you going by Tristan or Killian…?” There was a little smile on his face as he continued to stare at the scenery, “I’ll leave that up to you…” Your sudden gasp had him looking back to you as something else gelled in your brain; “Wait does that mean I get to say I’m dating a secret agent!?” “Oh god.” His groan was quiet and you were already grinning, enjoying yourself even more. “You should never have agreed to this!” “Clearly.” “Wait—!” You turned to him in absolute joy, “Can you just put on a British accent for like five minutes-!?” “NO!” And you noticed how he managed to accent his Australian to new levels.  Clearly his childhood wish to be James Bond was getting fulfilled, but he wasn’t about to play into it for your whims...
You’d figure out how to break that will before long-!
It took Killian a little more time than he would have liked to convince you that his deal was a good one. You were basically flat out refusing to work for them, doing the bare minimum you possibly could get away with; it felt too much like coercion to you, and they must have known how much you stood to lose.
 His first track was to use Walter; with both similar approaches to science & technology and similar levels of enthusiasm for it, the work it would be possible for you to do together would be nothing short of incredible, and both of you knew it. You acknowledged Killian was right, but it wasn’t something you fell for. The files Killian gave you, the access to read about the technology... that interested you. The potential to further yourself in your own field, even if it had to be done with the Agency, was a good draw. But still not enough.
So Killian did the one thing he could, and played the last card he had left. Himself. Baiting you with his own fate. “If they say I’m not doing my job and throw me back where I came from, what then?” You hated him for it, hated even more that he had a point. Hated yourself for having to admit you couldn’t be without him. You’d almost gone stir crazy between his arrest and picking him up. You couldn’t stand to think of it being any longer than that.  Too much of a pain point, your one line. You’d both lost enough; you refused to let yourselves lose each other.
You did not become an agent though. Your role was strictly technology and it confined you to the labs. Which you had to be honest, you enjoyed. And because you had your own job – and were a name the industry knew well – you weren’t a full time Agency employee. Your research saved lives – was the reason you still had yours – the Agency couldn’t exactly stop you working on good conscience. Even better! The tension in the team didn’t really let up, but the combination of the four of you (and Marcy and co when necessary) worked well. You all got more done than any other team in the Agency. 
Still, the enjoyment of working alone, or with Walter, didn’t stop you from itching to get out there or complaining about it to Killian. “Oh. I see I’m not an agent.” “Less expendable than I.” “Out of me and you, how am I-” “You have a reputation beyond the Agency and they know it. You’re the poster child of cybernetics. They did it to save your brain; didn’t you tell me that yourself?” “You made this...” You indicated to the parts of your body that were, indeed, cybernetic. “Yes, I did.” He touched his forehead to yours, “but the top half of you is flesh and blood and I do not possess the brain you do. For now, you’re best staying in the lab.” Walter didn’t stay in the lab and it made you antsy; running around with Killian or getting to do stuff for him was half the fun.
And eventually you whined enough to get to accompany him on missions, even though you still didn’t get to be an agent.
You had a few style tips for your 007 too. In the same vein as Lance Sterling, Killian’s crisp new Agency suit was complete with bow tie and dazzlingly white shirt. You couldn’t help yourself, looking him over. Oh, sure, Killian looked great, but he didn’t look like him. As you strolled over, Killian stood still and as tall as possible: his obvious thought was that you we’re going to straighten his bow tie. Not a chance! Instead, you unfurled it and threw the fabric to one side, proceeding to undo one... two... you hovered over the third button. Killian placed his hand over yours, “Isn’t that enough?” He should have known that was a fatal mistake to say; “For me? No!” You took a step back with a smile, at the creased eyebrow and small frown look on his face, surveying your handy work: “Mmm. That’s more you. Agent McFord.” And so this was how he started to wear his suits, and before long that signature blue shirt found its way back into the mix, much to your delight.
It was on these missions together that you both became curious in Walter’s biomolecular tech. You from a purely scientific fascination. He had Sterling turning from man to pigeon left, right and centre. And the two of you had drones (now equipped with AI), but even you didn’t have anything like that. Clearly Killian’s interest had become a little more than just the spectacle and scientific theory though.
No, clearly he’d tried to replicate it for himself. And the result hasn’t exactly gone as planned. You supposed he wasn’t about to allow Lance to one up him for the rest of his Agency career - however long that lasted. And Killian wanted to get back on level footing without Walters help; he wanted to do it himself.
And it had worked, a very valiant attempt, but he hadn’t finished his antidote or had miscalculated somewhere... And that was how you had all ended up in a helicopter flying yourself to the Agency labs, with a penguin in the passenger seat.
Yet with what you’d seen working here, this just seemed like a typical day!
You landed to the best of your ability, ignoring his slight glare of annoyance at the small bump as you set the helicopter down. You would call that trip a success. You stared at the heavy doors in front of you and gathered your pass; you heard KiTT behind you and his metallic fussing as he switched himself into all the correct safety modes and access clearances for the Agency. That you had done yourself; you didn’t trust Killian with KiTT, did they really think they would get the go ahead to touch him? Turning to Killian you cleared your throat; “You gotta act like a penguin remember-! So don’t talk to me! Or do anything a penguin wouldn’t do!” “What wouldn’t a penguin do!?” You unclipped his seatbelt. Well, you supposed a researcher would know, or someone that worked with them closely in a zoo. But he couldn’t just guess the Agency’s experience. Then again, it wouldn’t surprise you if he knew everyone in it inside out by now. “Look, I don’t know. But don’t make me talk to you, I’m going to look like an insane person-!” Realising that you were both still talking to each other you shared the same ‘shut up!’ look before agreeing not to talk with a silent nod, and with both KiTT and penguin Killian trailing you, you headed across the helipad with your Agency pass. 
Here we go again...
God, you hated this building.  Most times you’d been out here it hadn’t been for any good reason - and you still didn’t feel particularly safe within it. And so many people… Even when you worked your legitimate job you usually worked alone - or with people you actually liked - you could talk to yourself or KiTT and run your mouth, or talk things through without anyone answering you.  Everyone at the Agency had an opinion. When it was just you and Walter it was okay, and Killian was right, you liked him. But sometimes other people got involved and it got messy. To the point where Walter would gingerly steer you from the room before you really went off at someone.
You keyed yourself in; immediately scanned by the Agency’s automatic sensors, the switch turned green and the door swung open for you. You hesitated for a moment and looked down to Killian. “I know you’re gonna hate this, but I’m going to have to carry you through security. I think that’s all there is for it.” You didn’t let him answer as you picked him up but, as before, Killian protested by squirming in your arms as you walked down the hall to the security area. “Geez, now I look like I’m smuggling in a penguin…”
You gained some funny looks for doing so, but you need only say the word research and they let you through with him. As you turned into the next corridor, through the next security door and it all looked empty, Killian nipped at your fingers; “OW! Okay… Geez-!” You put him back on the ground, only for him to shake out his ruffled feathers with a ‘humph!’ The corridors remained silent as you took the long way down to the research centre. And Killian switched from waddling to sliding around on his stomach. You watched with curiosity; you supposed that was faster for him than trying to keep up with you. You turned to KiTT with a raised eyebrow, only to see him also focused with puzzlement on the penguin. Knowing you weren’t about to get anything sensible out of your drone, you spoke once again to your boyfriend: “Is that easier to move, or is it just fun?” Killian barely glanced up at you, but you knew the look he was giving: ‘you’re the one that said don’t talk!’ He was right, but this corridor was empty, the last 10 corridors had been empty! “Geez you can just nod.” You were met with nearly exactly the same look, before he paused, nodded, and carried on his sliding.   “It’s fun? You are too cute.”
It took you until the next door for him to stand up and retaliate, but when Killian did, he smacked your leg as best he could with his flipper; you could only laugh.
You wandered cautiously through the laboratory and he stayed close; perhaps you should have checked that Walter was actually in today. You could already hear the stirring of whispers, and KiTT beeped in acknowledgement. You glanced to him, “Tell them to shut the hell up then!” His beep was a little louder in annoyance, and you rolled your eyes, but he began flying ominously over the heads of the other scientists and chatter stopped, work resumed. You smiled to yourself; everyone was scared of KiTT because of what they knew Killian’s drones had been capable of. KiTT was harmless, and had no weaponry, but they didn’t need to know that. You quite enjoyed how scared they got sometimes. Served them right for the majority of it. You were a little overcome with joy to see that Walter was indeed in his lab, and even more happy to see that Lance was nowhere to be found. You gave him a wave as you knocked on his door and received a big smile back. “Y/N! I didn’t know you were coming in today!” “Unplanned, I do confess. But it’s good to see you Walter!” “Well, it’s lovely to see you too! You working?” “Actually I came to ask a favour…” “Oh!” He straightened in his chair as he swung it towards you, large blue eyes curious, “What is it?” “Your bio-molecular technology?” “Yes.” It was at this point he noticed the penguin, and you could see the million questions racing in his mind, so you opted to continue quick before he got a chance to ask them. “Is that just for Lance? Would it work on anyone? You must have the formula, right? Is there any chance I can take a look? Both for the transformation process and the antidote to it. I mean you guys are using it all the time.” “Uuuhhhh…” Now you’d given Walter a million questions, and his eyes kept flicking downwards to your companion. “Well, I…Yes, I guess I could…. show you how to… Do you want to do this with a penguin?” “Ignore the penguin.” 
Walter tried to keep his eyes on you, especially as the look you were giving him was serious, but eventually they trailed back to the bird at your feet. He studied it for a while and ignored you trying to protest him disregarding what you’d said. He leant forward on his chair, “Killian?” Instead of acting as he was supposed to, your partner became immediately angry. “Not a WORD to Sterling, or I SWEAR-!!” Instead, Walter lit up with a gasp, “You perfected your own formula!?! That’s so amazing—!! Colour me impressed-! Well, I could make what I made for him, so you can turn pretty much at will-!! Well-” He turned to you with a smile, “with some assistance of course-!” “A secret agent penguin!” The idea was funny to you, but at the same time you couldn’t help but love it. Killian immediately protested, “NO-! THATS STUPID, WE ARE NOT—!” You nudged him with your foot to shut him up, before continuing a sensible track of conversation, “First off, I suppose we should get the formula done. Then we can think about what we want to do with it afterward.” “All you need is the antidote right? I can get right on that… but, Killian, I’m going to need your help with what you did…” Walter spun back to the computer and began typing away, “Pull up a seat you two!” You dragged one across, and Killian scrambled up onto your lap; “I don’t have my formula, but KiTT could probably download it. He has a satellite uplink to the lab back home.” Walter nodded, “That’ll do, I’ll have to make sure the antidote coincides… I can’t promise this will be short though, you might be stuck like that for a few more hours.” “Hours!?” Killian sounded exasperated but turned to your assistance drone: “KiTT, see if you can link back to the lab and access file F-BMP5. Then send it across to Walter.” KiTT, glad of something to do, bleeped happily and set to work. “Sorry buddy.” Walter replied softly, “A penguin though, I’m impressed.” “Not entirely easy to find birds where we live.” This caused you to chime in, “Genuinely there are penguins up there?” “If you know where to look.” “Huh!” You smiled gently, “You’ll have to show me!”
Walter worked as quickly and carefully as possible, and as you suspected people were fascinated.  Everyone who passed couldn’t resist knocking on the door and asking what a penguin was doing here. Some even having the nerve to ask, ‘Is that penguin talking?’ By the time the last one had enquired you were up by the door: “NO!” and slamming it back in their face. Walter took precautions to lock you all in here and frost the glass for privacy after that. 
Killian remained in your lap, and you held him close, stroking your fingers through his feathers again, this time he didn’t seem to mind too much, and at times when you paused, he would nuzzle against your hands to get you to continue. Though you knew he would never admit it. As he continued working on the antidote, Walter again brought up the possibility of using this ultimate spy tech regularly. Killian didn’t seem keen, but you wondered if you could get him to warm to the idea… “I’m sure that we could find a little suit jacket for you in that form.” He glared back at you, “You’re enjoying this a little too much, aren’t you?” “A little, yeah!” You grinned in admittance, making him turn to Walter. “It’s a hard no from me.” “Aw, Killian, c’mon!” That only made Walter chuckle, “Let him get used to it Y/N, he’ll like it eventually, Lance did.” “You mean just leave him like this for a while?” Walter grinned, “Something like that!” Killian spluttered, stamping his foot against your leg; “YOU TWO PUT ME BACK RIGHT NOW!”
When Walter had the serum made up, he walked you both into another lab to perform the procedure. Killian let you carry him. “You can drink it if you want, but I’d like to run a few tests.” “Meaning what?” “I mean, if I put you under anaesthetic… I can check a few things.” “Is that usual?” “No but it’s your first time, and Lance’s wasn’t a pleasant experience I just want to make sure you’re okay, or Y/N will kill me.” Killian narrowed his eyes at both of you, standing there trying to look so innocent. “Fine. If I wake up and I’m not human again, I’m going to kill both of you.” Walter winced, however you only smirked; “Noted!”
When Killian awoke again, he was indeed human. But he was not in a lab in Washington D.C. instead he was in bed, back in the mountain top hideout. Had he really been out that long? Or was whatever drug used in the anaesthetic or antidote so strong he simply couldn’t remember anything else. He stretched, glad his head wasn’t spinning, and walked into the bathroom. Skimming his fingers up the side of his neck he pressed down on the projection switch. Killian checked this every morning as routine; that the system worked, that there were no problems with the metal, or his eye. This morning, nothing worked. He straightened up with a frown and tried again. Nothing. Killian rushed through the house; “Y/N! Y/N!” He sounded panicked, making you shake your head and call him through. “In the main room, babe.” He ran the rest of the way, “Y/N, my projection isn’t working!” You turned to him slowly, crooked, amused smile on your face; as if you were trying to hold back a laugh. “Are you sure? Why don’t you check again?” This time Killian was more careful, fingers sliding up his neck tentatively. He paused, realising that he couldn’t even feel the switch. It no longer existed. His eyes flew wide, voice quiet; “You- you- fixed it!” You grinned, smile slowly spreading across your face as you nodded, “Yes! So now you have a complete face!” He sprinted the rest of the way to you, grabbing you into a hug. You couldn’t help laughing, throwing your arms around him too as Killian buried his face in his shoulder, “You can cry now too! But please don’t! I would feel terrible!” “How-!?” “Turns out I can pick up a thing or two… Called in a few favours...” He pulled back and you framed his face with your hands, stroking your thumbs over his cheeks, “The Agency have better tech, but I never admitted that out loud. I’ve been wanting to do it for a little while but… Walter finally gave me the opportunity.” “...Thank you.” “Oh, don’t you start.” You indicated to yourself, “I have far more to thank you for.” You gestured to his robotic arm, “I thought… maybe I’d leave that. That was a feat of engineering y’know?” He laughed, “One thing at a time, huh?” “Yes!” You agreed with a nod.
Killian tugged away from you for a moment, and studied your clothes. He was in luck; they were the ones you had been wearing at the labs. Although, as he glanced to the colour of the sky perhaps it wasn’t the morning after all, perhaps it was later in the same day. It was snowing, though, so that weather prediction had been correct. Killian couldn’t be sure when it was exactly, but it was imperative you were wearing these clothes. “I just need to do something.” You were confused as he got closer to you. “What?” “Don’t get too excited.” He ran his hand down your body to the pocket of your jeans. “I mean, I can’t help get excited, you’re here and touching me.” “Stop it.” Although Killian smirked, slipping his hand into your pocket. You stilled, and your features pulled into a highly suggestive look as your eyes scanned his; “I mean, I have questions, Agent McFord.” He rolled his eyes at you as he fished a small disk drive out of your pocket. “…Wait!” You gasped, moment broken, “What the hell is that!? Where did you get that!?” You patted yourself down suddenly, “Killian-!” He closed his hand around it and beckoned you with him, turning to walk back to the labs, you hurried after him, “No one was paying much attention to the Penguin, were they!” “Wait! Seriously! What is that?” “Shush, you’ll see.” He plugged it into his computer and you waited patiently for it to boot up before you found yourself gasping again; “Is that… The Agency’s entire weapons tech!?” “Yup.” You whipped around to him, hands on his desk, “ARE YOU DOUBLE CROSSING THE AGENCY!” “Kinda.” His face was fairly nonchalant as his eyes held yours again. “Killian!” You couldn’t believe this was happening. After all that talk, and trying to persuade you into this. “After what they did...” He transposed the files, “are you really THAT surprised?” You folded your arms, hating that he had a point, “...Well no. But I... thought you might be a little more discreet.” “What they don’t know won’t hurt them - besides a few months ago you were telling me I was double crossing all the people I worked with, so is it double crossing a double cross or is it simply that I’m an effective double agent?” “... That’s a lot of doubles.” “Mm.” “I figure that’s not what the programme and agreement of your release was for. K, if they find out…” He tipped his head, eyes very nearly pleading with you. “I’m not covering for you!” “Accomplice?” “Not in your wildest dreams!” You were grinning - but maybe grimacing, because you thought perhaps you’d get caught up in this too, being part of his damn agreement - and Killian already knew he’d got away with it. You were going to be there for him no matter what he did and no matter what happened, you’d made that promise too long ago and you’d never break it. Not after what you’d been through together. You folded your arms again, “I won’t rat on one condition.” His eyes rolled, “What could that be?” “If you’ll agree to use Walter’s biomolecular tech, penguin yourself on missions in the same way Lance does his pigeon transformation.” Killian scoffed, “How?!” You were sure he wished he didn’t ask as you produced a collection of vials from a table across the lab. Killian’s face fell slightly. “You did not.” “Oh, we did!” “That’s most certainly punishment.” You indicated to the screen, “Someone brought this upon himself.”
There was silence, before he began chuckling, pulling you into his arms gently - and you were only too happy to accept his hug and a kiss to your forehead. “Geez. The things I do for you!” You moved to catch his lips delicately in ‘thanks’. Oh yeah, like you couldn’t say the same thing!
Thank you for reading the penultimate fic of the year! 😁
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baebeyza · 4 years
I get a little sad when people insists that TFP Megatron is a dumbass, because come on-
His plan in the first 5 episode mini-series was fucking genius, okay? And if it weren't for Starscream doing shit when told to do nothing, he would have succeeded!
Getting dark energon to raise an army of the undead that he can control to lay waste on earth was sweet and evil and exactly what he wanted to do.
And yes, it really is Starscream's fault it didn't work.
Had Starscream not kidnapped Fowler, Bulkhead wouldn't have come to the dude's rescue, which involved destroying the Nemesis' satellite thingie to control the space bridge.
The kids wouldn't have been on the nemesis to make a photo of the Decepticons plans for the Autobots to know what Megs is up to.
Starscream had to send Soundwave to Earth to control the space bridge, where the kids could intercede and get the info on the space bridge that Ratchet used to tell Arcee how to destroy the whole thing.
And destroying the space bridge is how the autobots saved the day, and none of that would have been possible if Starscream had just done what Megatron told him to do which is nothing.
So in conclusion - Megatron's plan was good and it failing was not his own fault.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
Beth/Eugene Entanglement Part 5 — Miscellaneous
Okay, so I should have posted this like a month ago. I found it buried in my drafts. For now, it’s kind of be a catch-all for things @wdway has found but I haven’t posted yet. I doubt this will be the last Eugene/Beth post, but it’s the last of what I have right now. Prior to S11. Just know that this isn’t one cohesive theory, but rather random bits and pieces. Maybe it will spark something for someone who reads it. Here we go.
Symbol Shift from FG to Eugene:
Father Gabriel has been a Sirius radio communication symbol, which is a symbol of two of our three monkeys, hearing and speaking (hear no evil, speak no evil) and has been since s8e11 Dead or Alive Or. This thought occurred to me after seeing so much of Eugene on the radio, especially with Stephanie. It's basically been his theme for this season. At some point, I realized that the more we have seen Eugene in this situation, the less we have seen FG with the radio.
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Let's take a look at the first time we see the symbols around FG from Dead or Alive Or. His infected, bloodshot eyes, the radio (hearing, speaking). There’s a phoenix in this scene as well. 
In s9e, Who Are You Now? We see that they must have gone back to the Radio Shack and brought the equipment to AZ. The room is filled with symbols the radio, the pink clay pig that has held keys to a vehicle is mysteriously back together on the table, so they have moved the symbols to AZ and FG is the prime radio operator. This episode also is where we really see Eugene start to become a Beth symbol with a braided hair and his mission to help Rosita put up the radio antenna on the white water tower, which results in him getting a leg injury so very reminiscent of Beth in Alone.
This season in e1, Lines We Cross, is the beginning of the major shift of connecting the radio to Eugene rather than FG. There are two short scenes of FG transmitting on the radio and that's the last time we actually see him. We hear him occasionally, but we no longer see him with the radio.
This is the episode that made me realize the shift because after we see the satellite falling, Eugene runs to radio Oceanside. We have the shift.
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We have a great shot of Eugene and the Phoenix. The camera circles around and there is a prominent shot of the bright light along with the radio and Eugene. (Bright light focusing on someone is the equivalent to tree and trunks for @frangipanilove​) The light is a huge symbol of Beth to me because of all the focus lights that were around her at Grady.
The rest of the season mostly when we see Eugene, he is at his radio station at Hilltop, speaking primarily to Stephanie. He is the new radio communicator. He represents hearing and speaking symbols which leaves FG as our Sirius seeing symbol.
Pearl/Pearl Harbor stuff
*Quick note: the three of us have discussed Pearl Harbor as a military symbol and also a water/aquatic symbol in deep detail long before this post. But I couldn’t find our previous discussions without scrolling back through months and months of messages. So if it sounds like we’re referring to earlier conversations, we are. ;D*
Eugene in the attic at Hilltop, working on the radio equipment. He's talking to Rosita when there is a spark and he says "Mother of Pearl." We talked about this just the other day when we were discussing pearls in song lyrics and I noted that Pearl Harbor is one of the most famous military bases in the world, which could make this a military reference. And of course, @Frangi, you have a ton of things from you've searched about pearls. Bottom line: this is a water reference.
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Biblical References:
Yesterday, I had an epiphany that is also a biblical reference. At least the word pearl. And I cannot believe that we haven't thought about this before. This is from the King James version.
Matthew 7:6, “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your peals before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”
Some very key words here. It mentions dogs, pearls, swine, which is another word for pigs, trample them under their feet. The word “them” has been used to refer to walkers many times, under their feet, pigs feet.
Another take on it I want to share with you is when Eugene says, "Mother of pearl," he is upset because the radio sparked, it felt somewhat like a curse which made me think of his mentor Abraham always using the term "Son of a Dick." So that gives a female reference, the other a male reference.
Later in the episode, Eugene is trying to contact Rosita, and she doesn't answer because she's sick and at the clinic, so he puts out a general call. Anyone out there? Greetings, this is Tater bug calling live over open channels. Anyone out there? Give us a copy.
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I think most people like myself feel that it was a call back to Aaron in the episode Them. I feel strongly that's how it's intended to be interpreted, especially with what happened in the dialogue that is used towards the end of the conversation, which I'll get to later.
Here is what Aaron said when first approaching Maggie and Sasha. "Hey, I didn't mean to interrupt. Good morning. My name is Aaron. Oh, I know, stranger danger, but I am a friend. I would like to talk to the person in charge. Rick, right? I have good news."
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Now for the bible, again from King James, Luke 2:10, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” I won't spend any more time on the parallels between the two I think they're pretty obvious.
Eugene later, "This is Tater bug over open-air, surfing on proverbial radio waves. Any interested ear holes? Come back." He changes channels. "Anyone, anywhere, this is Tater bug." This time he gets a reply from Stephanie. "Hello Tater bug, I'm receiving you loud and clear, are you really out there?"
Very interesting and, for us, at least, obvious. Ear holes is a reference to ears, calling out for anyone, anywhere. He uses a bible reference by using the word, proverbial. Words like radio waves, radio = Sirius, waves = water. Waves could also mean to make waves, upsetting the establishment and then we have Stephanie coming back with her response of surprise and the question, are you really out there? A shock at finding someone out there.
@twdmusicboxmystery: Just breaking in to also point out that the song at the end of Still, Up the Wolves, talked about air waves as well. Just saying. ;D
Suspicious Dialogue:
@wdway: I'm going to go through a bit more of the strange dialogue. I don't think this is any huge sign pointing to Eugene's storyline as much as they're using him to throw out phrases and words, sometimes that have multiple meanings or give pause to what they might want to point at. A reminder that this dialogue is from the episode Bond. I will not rehash the entire saying, just pick out something phrases.
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Eugene talking on the radio to Stephanie, talking about growing up and visiting Pennsylvania. "Locomotives were my jam." Here, the word jam has multiple meanings. The first and what I believe is intended here is that trains, locomotives were his special, happy hobby, something he loved that he could really get into.
The word jam can also refer to being in trouble, a situation that you want to get out of. It is exactly how episode 16 ended with Eugene and company in a jam.
@twdmusicboxmystery: Also, in Alone, Daryl ate *jam*! ;D
@wdway: This next one for some reason just nagged at me and I kept going back to the sentence until it hit me why it seems odd. "My parents purchased a pair of tickets to the 1995 train Fair Expo."
Well, the thing that kept nagging at me is that unless definitions have changed, the word pair refers to 2 and if his parents (both since there is an "s" on the end) purchased a pair of tickets then they're one ticket short. It's a little thing, but I felt like what they were going for was the word pair or two. Which sent me down the rabbit hole.
In the series, there are lots of 2's. Some are more obvious than others. There are several pairs of couples in the series, for example: Rick and Michonne, Maggie and Glenn, Sasha and Abraham. These are the easy ones, but we see tons of instances of the numbers 2 and 22.
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Moving on to the next weird dialogue phrase. Eugene talks about the black raspberry ice cream I discussed that last week. It's the name of the ice cream parlor that I want to talk about it's called The Inside Scoop. That’s a reference to a large spoon/ladle. The Big Dipper, with the North Star at its end.
It occurred to me that that's a really odd name for an ice cream parlor. Then I realized the writers might be having a little fun here. The inside scoop can refer to newspaper or some form of media getting the jump on a story, getting the inside goods. I thought of all the times that the spoiler site had the inside scoop on what was going on in a TWD episode. When this episode was written, they were still up and running. I also like to think it could be a nod to TD.
Now we come to the second Aaron dialogue reminder. Eugene wants to continue his and Stephanie's radio conversation. She says, "you could be a threat." Eugene volunteers to share information. Stephanie replies that she could be the threat to him. After thinking this over, Eugene says, "I have a twinge in my belly that says that you lean toward the good column of the alignment. I do know you." He then gives her his real name and asked if they can continue to talk.
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Forget, s5e13. Aaron to Daryl: "The main reason why I want you to help me recruit is because you do know the difference between a good person and a bad person." Eugene wants to believe that Stephanie is a good person because of their conversations. And since he survived by reading the people around him, he probably is a decent judge of people.
I was pretty much done with this. Then I thought I should check out Morningstar. I had felt that I had pretty well covered that in previous messages, but lo-and-behold, I found a couple things that I feel are worth mentioning.
Near the beginning of the episode, when Eugene and Stephanie realize they are not that far apart, and talk of a possibility of meeting, Eugene said, "I can't help but believe that this is a celestially ordained meet and greet."
My first thought was Aaron and his meet and greet with Maggie and Sasha. And then I thought "celestially ordained," is very biblical sounding. It points to Beth being a Christ figure and we're waiting for her Resurrection.
This next one I really loved. Later on, right after Eugene stops singing, Stephanie finishes the song. Eugene tells her she "has great chops, singing chops that is." A singing reference. Stephanie says to Eugene, "I'm sorry for disappearing."
Oh, my Bethyl heart! My mind went straight to Alone when Beth called out the last words she ever spoke to Daryl, "I won't leave you!" Then she disappeared. She was just gone. I have this head canon that this is absolutely something Beth will someday say to Daryl.
It also seemed odd for Stephanie to use the word "disappearing," which to me is a physical act of leaving, taking your person, your body away. Stephanie stopped talking to Eugene. She went silent. She obviously did not disappear because she heard him singing. She was still present.
The last dialogue is from A Certain Doom. After the bike accident, the group is trying to get Eugene to continue. He is sad and frustrated that they have lost too much time and it will be pointless. Eugene says, "unless it involves slowing the passage of time." How could we not possibly think of....
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Here's one that occurred to me not too long after I had talked about Daryl's I Never game. His statement of "I never got anything from Santa Claus." The one that always breaks all our hearts and the hope that getting Beth back will be the ultimate Christmas gift. In reviewing the episodes with Eugene, and especially spending quite a bit of time on the episode Morning Star, the light bulb came on and I finally saw the obvious.
Santa Claus is a figure with a pure heart that gives gifts to children. Daryl is no longer a child, at least not a physical child, although at times he can pretty much be a big kid, haha. So, it's only fitting that his Santa Claus gift actually comes from a child with a brave but innocent heart. (Judith)
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I think this truly fits. It's not a new piece of clothing, but it's a renewed one. It has been resurrected. His angel wings repaired with Christmas Stars on blue. I love this idea and hope you guys do too.
Okay, special thanks to @wdway​ for digging up all these clues and putting them together for us! I wouldn’t have had the time to go through all the episodes she did, so I’m very grateful that she’s willing to share her findings.
As I said at the beginning, this is far from the last thing you’ll hear about Eugene. I reserve the right to do more posts in the future. :D Thoughts?
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chaosintheavenue · 4 years
Fallout Van Buren: The Basics
I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and entirely too much Van Buren information floating around in my head, so I decided to make a post summarising the main details of the game Van Buren could have been for those who want to know more about it, but would rather not trawl through pages and pages of design documents.
First up, for those that may not know, Van Buren was the codename of what would have become Interplay’s Fallout 3, had it not been cancelled during development. All that has ever been released is a tech demo with glitches galore and no direct relation to the intended plotline, some concept art, and a bunch of incomplete design documents.
Please note that, as a lot of planned content was scrapped even before the game itself was, some artistic interpretation is necessary to make the storyline flow, so some parts of my summary are my own personal takes on stuff.
(Warning: this is pretty long. Also, be aware that the New Plague gets involved in Van Buren a lot more than it did in any published games, so proceed with caution if you’re trying to avoid that sort of thing)
Plot overview:
The player character would start the game, in full Bethesda style, as a prisoner in an NCR prison. Choosing the crimes that had led to their imprisonment, and whether they were innocent or guilty of them in reality, was likely going to be part of the character creation and skill selection process.
At the start of the game, the Prisoner would wake up one day in a new cell in the automated, robot-managed Tibbets Prison. This prison was under attack by a group of rogue NCR soldiers led by a very skilled, but also very evil, scientist called Victor Presper. Many of the robot guards were damaged and weakened by this attack, and in the confusion some prisoners, obviously including the player, would have escaped.
Once away from the prison, the Prisoner was free to explore the map looking for more information on this Victor Presper, and would most likely end up wandering from place to place and completing a bunch of side quests for people they met along the way, as most Fallout protagonists do. More info is given on some of the locations they might have travelled to below!
At some point, the Prisoner would become aware that a large robot was pursuing them. This robot was ARGOS, controlled by the AI running Tibbets (ODYSSEUS), and its mission was to retrieve and recapture the escaped prisoners. If ARGOS did capture the player at any point, it would return them to their cell. Their original, still-damaged cell, which they could immediately escape from again. Yeah, nice work, ARGOS and ODYSSEUS…
Over time, the player would start to notice that the NPCs in locations they were visiting were becoming ill, and many would die. Somehow (it’s never specified how), it would be revealed that Tibbets was not just any prison, but a quarantine prison, and that all inmates- the player character included- were carriers of the New Plague, and had been spreading it to every location they visited on their travels.
(Quick lore break here: if you’re unfamiliar with the New Plague, its Wiki page is here, and you can find previous posts of mine about it here and here. Warning for detailed descriptions of illness, blood, death mentions, and parallels with current circumstances in all of these links!)
From here, the Prisoner had to round up the other escaped prisoners and return them to the facility to prevent further outbreaks- either by convincing them to return by various means, killing them and dragging their bodies back, or alerting ARGOS to their locations. Along the way, clues would appear that Presper was behind the whole fiasco, and was still working at odds with the player’s aims (as one design doc succinctly puts it, ‘that bastard is up to something’).
The overall main aims of the Prisoner (well, a Good Karma one, at least) would be:
To stop Presper
To cure the New Plague
To establish trade routes between settlements, likely involving getting the old trains network and running again. Of course, if done too early in the game, this would speed up the spread of the Plague…
Eventually, the Prisoner would find and confront Presper in space, on board a pre-war ballistic orbital missile base (aptly named B.O.M.B.-001), which still contained live nuclear warheads and had been activated by ODYSSEUS once the New Plague started to spread again. Presper’s plan right from the start was to activate this orbital base, then use its missiles to ‘clean the slate’ of the wasteland, so to speak, then start over with his own vision of humanity. The ending would have involved the Prisoner either launching the warheads at settlements they’d visited during the game, or blowing up the satellite with themselves on board to spare the wasteland.
Boulder Dome- a pre-war science facility in Boulder, Colorado. Has a lot of New Plague information, making it a very useful location for more scientific Prisoners to work on a cure. Also contains a handful of environmental suit-wearing scientists who spend their days completing maintenance tasks to keep the Dome in working order, waiting in decontamination tunnels, and usually being generally mistrustful of one another. Yes, this is definitely Fallout, not Among Us!
Burham Springs- a former mining town in Utah that has been permanently burning for years. Home to the Gehennas, who will make an appearance below
Denver or Dog Town- a city of dogs. Let me repeat myself, a city of dogs
Hoover Dam- was going to be a large settlement, nothing at all like the version in New Vegas
New Canaan- a town of Mormons on the Great Salt Lake, as mentioned in New Vegas. Wouldn’t have had much significance in the overarching Plague plot as far as I can tell, but it takes a more central role in my own tweaked OC storyline because I saw an opportunity to tie VB and NV together through its characters. This location was cut during development and replaced with a smaller settlement called Jericho, but the mentions of New Canaan and complete silence on Jericho in NV mean that the New Canaan information is generally considered to be ‘more canon’
The Nursery- a pre-war facility that’s essentially a contained nature reserve to the extreme. There are lush green trees, clean water, and pre-war animals here. Also, the famous Harold would have made an appearance
Reservation- formerly Los Alamos (a real-life nuclear testing facility). Now a ghoul settlement, and also intensely radioactive. Almost a combination of the Glow and Necropolis or Underworld
This was just a brief summary of my personal favourites, but there are many more locations too!
Some of my favourite pieces of concept art:
(All taken from the Fallout Wiki)
Boulder Dome!
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Hoover Dam!
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Reservation entrance!
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I feel like this post wasn’t the most coherent, so if I made no sense or you want to hear about the planned storyline, locations, and companions in more detail, I strongly recommend Retcon Raider’s series on YouTube!
You’re also very welcome to ask or chat to me about any aspect fsghgf! That said, there are some areas of the lore I know a lot about (namely, the main storyline, the Boulder Dome, New Canaan, and anything remotely tied in with the New Plague stuff), and others that I’m not as familiar with just yet, so I’m not exactly an ever-flowing fountain of VB knowledge lol.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Invincible Episode 7 Improves Upon Its Already Great Source Material
This article contains spoilers for Invincible episode 7.
Amazon’s animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker’s comic Invincible was always a great idea. The property has just about everything that streaming services and their audiences are looking for currently: superheroes, ultraviolence, and jaw-dropping twists. 
One big question facing the series, however, was how could one show possibly fit in all the story of the comic’s lengthy 144-issue run? Invincible episode 7, “We Need to Talk,” is the first season’s penultimate installment and it reveals how the show is set to approach this logistical challenge. With so many comic book issues of plot to get through, Invincible seems perfectly happy to accelerate through that plot as efficiently as possible. To that end, “We Need to Talk” features a truly staggering number of climactic moments.
This might actually be the most charmingly chaotic and jam-packed episode of TV this year (at least before next week’s finale). So much happens in “We Need to Talk” that it runs the risk of overwhelming the viewer. With that in mind, let’s break down the important plot points of this hour and examine the major ways in which they differ from (and even improve upon) the comic.
Robot’s True Identity
The reveal that the entity known as “Robot” isn’t who he claims to be might be the most shocking Invincible twist thus far. And that’s saying a lot for a show whose first episode concludes with the story’s Superman equivalent straight up murdering the rest of his Justice League.
That Robot (Zachary Quinto) is really a malformed genius named Rudolph Conners isn’t a surprise to comic book readers, but its positioning this early in Invincible’s story is a surprise. Robot’s work with the Mauler Twins to create a new body for himself doesn’t happen until after the events of Omni-Man’s confrontation with Mark in the comics (more on that later). The show, however, shrewdly decides to present this moment in the same episode as Omni-Man’s fall – just so there’s never really a moment for viewers to catch their breath. 
But now the truth has finally arrived. Robot, the orange hunk of metal with a fixedly bemused expression, is actually a machine being operated remotely by Rudolph Conners. Rudolph, or Rudy, is a small, damaged man whose body isn’t capable of surviving Earth’s environment. For many years Rudy was content to exist in his own life-giving tank of fluids while operating his superheroic “Robot” remotely. Everything changed, however, when he met the hero known as Monster Girl.
Rudy couldn’t help but identify with Monster Girl (Grey Griffin), a fellow soul who has made the best of a flawed body. Everytime Monster Girl transforms into a monster, her human form de-ages several more weeks. Theoretically at some point Monster Girl will become an infant and then waste away into nothingness. Before any of that happens, Rudy wants to fix her…and he wants to fix his own broken body so that the pair can be together.
Read more
From Battle Beast to Titan, The Invincible Rogues’ Gallery is Taking Shape
By Alec Bojalad
Invincible: Who is Atom Eve?
By Alec Bojalad
To that end, Rudy sprung the mad genius villain team The Mauler Twins from prison to create a cloned body for him to transfer his consciousness into. What makes this whole thing even stranger is that the genetic material Rudy chose for his new body belongs to his Teen Team and Guardians of the Globe colleague Rex Splode. The new Rudy appears to be played by Rex Splode actor Jason Mantzoukas with his voice altered to sound younger. 
Does that mean Zachary Quinto is no longer a part of the series? Let’s certainly hope not as he may have been the best performer of the entire cast. And why did Rudy choose Rex’s DNA (and without Rex’s consent, it must be said)? Because Rex is hot, basically. Rudy chose a human form that Monster Girl was already comfortable flirting with. 
This is…a lot. And the fact that Rudy has to introduce himself to his teammates while they’ve all gathered for an “apocalyptic event” just adds to the madness. But what of The Mauler Twins? The disappointment of Rudy’s double-crossing doesn’t last long. For, after Rudy is forced to abandon his efforts to reincarcerate the Mauler Twins to return to the Guardians home base, the twins get back to their important task at hand. And that leads to the return of another important Invincible character…
The Immortal is Immortal After All
Back in Invincible episode 1, Mark Grayson’s dad Nolan a.k.a. Omni-Man (J.K. Simmons) made short work of the Guardians of the Globe. Darkwing? Dead. War Woman? Dead. The Immortal? De….wait a minute. How can someone called “The Immortal” die? 
Well, it turns out that death for The Immortal (still voiced by Ross Marquand) is only temporary. Omni-Man removed The Immortal’s head, which is pretty much universally lethal across all genre stories. But The Mauler Twins theorized that if The Immortal’s head were returned to his body, he would spring back to life. 
Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened once The Immortal’s noggin was reattached. Unfortunately for The Mauler Twins, their dreams of forming any sort of alliance with the resurrected hero are quickly dashed as he immediately flies off to confront the man who killed him. 
Omni-Man v. Cecil Stedman
And that takes us to Omni-Man. In the comic, Omni-Man’s confrontation with The Immortal is what leads Mark Grayson (Steven Yeun) to discover that he’s got a Darth Vader situation on his hands. The show borrows that moment from the comic because any time you have the opportunity to make a character watch his father tear a Wolverine-looking dude in half, you’ve got to take it. That comic book moment is surprisingly abrupt though. In one panel Omni-Man is doing his usual Omni-Man thing and saving a group of citizens from a faulty roller coaster and in the next panel, The Immortal is all over his ass.
The Amazon Prime series dramatically improves on what is already a pretty great moment simply by drawing it out and building serious tension. Nolan’s wife Debbie (Sandra Oh) and the entire Global Defense Agency led by Cecil Stedman (Walton Goggins) are already well aware of Nolan’s treachery and have decided to finally take action. In speaking to Den of Geek and other outlets prior to Invincible’s premiere, Kirkman (who’s onboard as a writer and producer for this adaptation) revealed that Cecil Stedman would be getting an expanded role earlier on in Invincible’s story. 
“Cecil Stedman is a character that we get to know a little earlier in the show and definitely we get to do more with him,” he said. “I think that’s a lot of fun. There’s definitely some differences to his character and working with Walton Goggins on him has been great.”
Cecil really is a fascinating tool for Invincible. Many superhero stories have a Jim Gordon-style government liaison for its heroes to interact with. This person usually represents the interests of the planet’s “normal” citizen and is particularly impressive for being able to cut it in the world of the super-powered. By having Debbie and the GDA uncover Nolan’s guilt first, Invincible creates a wonderful opportunity to display both Cecil’s competence and depict the absolute horror of we puny humans trying to keep a super-powered god in check. 
Many times throughout Invincible episode 7, Cecil admits that there is nothing they can do to stop Nolan. The best they can do is slow him down for a bit until Mark is able to intervene. The first roadblock that Cecil presents is the explosion of an entire suburban city block with Nolan at its epicenter (R.I.P. Donald). 
“Best it will do is maybe knock him on his ass for an hour or two,” Cecil says. Then when the smoke clears to reveal an unharmed Omni-Man, Cecil grimly adds “Or maybe not hurt him at all.”
Cecil then throws the “hammer” at Nolan, which is a powerful blast from a weaponized satellite.
“$400 billion for the world’s most expensive nosebleed,” Cecil quips when Nolan takes the weapon out with ease. 
Then we get a sense of how many moral shortcuts Cecil is willing to take to keep the Earth safe. Mad scientist D.A. Sinclair’s (Ezra Miller) wounds from his confrontation with Invincible haven’t even healed yet but Cecil already has him using his evil technology for noble purposes. Sinclair’s “Reanimen” technology is now being used to reanimate recently dead U.S. soldiers, who are sent in to slow down Omni-Man. Unfortunately, that is also unsuccessful.
Read more
Why Amazon Prime’s Invincible Had to Be Animated
By Alec Bojalad
Invincible Review (Spoiler-Free)
By Bernard Boo
Finally, Cecil is forced to head out into the field armed with nothing but a teleporter to confront Omni-Man himself. When that inevitably fails to slow Nolan down, the GDA sends a monster that Nolan already conquered, only this time it’s been robbed of its weaknesses and fear. And that’s where Mark finds his father, just in time for The Immortal to arrive and deliver one hell of a surprise. 
There’s something to be said for the suddenness of the comic’s Omni-Man moment with Mark. Mark witnessing his dad’s evil act truly comes out of nowhere even though we know it’s inevitable as Nolan has been practicing this conversation all issue. 
What the show does with the moment is a masterstroke, however. By centering the focus on the human characters of Invincible’s world, we get a chilling sense of just how terrifying this all is. Omni-Man’s heel turn doesn’t just have personal implications for Mark, it means that Earth’s unbeatable protector now seems to hate Earth. More terrifying than that is that the only person we think can defeat him is Mark Grayson…who, it must be said, has done nothing but had his ass absolutely handed to him by lesser enemies over and over again for the past three episodes.
Amber and Mark
It probably feels anticlimactic to address Mark and Amber’s lover’s spat after breaking down Omni-Man’s reign of terror. But it’s necessary to see how far-reaching the changes (and in this case improvements) are in episode 7 in comparison to its original text. 
Mark and Amber’s relationship thus far has been all about frustration. Mark is facing an annoying problem with a seemingly easy solution. Amber (Zazie Beetz) is upset with him because he is absent in their burgeoning relationship. He’s absent in their burgeoning relationship because he’s a superhero. Therefore, the quickest, easiest solution to this dilemma is to tell her that he’s a superhero. 
So in this episode, that’s exactly what Mark does. He gets suited up and flies right through Amber’s window to deliver the exciting news. The problem is – she’s not that excited.
“Ugh, I know you’re a superhero,” Amber says. “I’m not an idiot, I figured it out weeks ago.”
This is not how things go down in the comic. That version of Amber is a bit more…let’s say “bubbly” and when confronted with the fact that Mark has lied to her for weeks she responds with an excited “My boyfriend is a superhero?!?!?”
The show, however, is smart to not let Mark off the hook so easily. Of course Amber knew that Mark is Invincible. Because, like she says, she’s not an idiot. Anyone who spends an inordinate amount of time with him is bound to figure it out sooner than later. So what Mark thought was a problem with an easy solution becomes yet another difficult lesson on his path to maturation. 
“I think that Amber is important in terms of holding Mark accountable,” Beetz told reporters prior to the show’s premiere. “Mark is still struggling with what his identity as a super person is. And she shows him that (powers) are not what make you good or special ultimately, it’s what’s in your character.”
It turns out that the people close to you don’t appreciate being lied to. Though human beings all look like particularly vulnerable ants from Mark’s perspective high up in the sky, we certainly don’t appreciate being treated like insects to be protected and manipulated by the powerful among us. 
Mark and Amber’s relationship is an excellent indication that nothing will come easy for Mark Grayson on this show. Every decision has an equal and opposite reaction. It’s important that he learns that lesson before he enters into what is sure to be the most stressful and morally confusing moment of his life next week.
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Invincible’s season finale will be available to stream Friday, April 30 on Amazon Prime.
The post Invincible Episode 7 Improves Upon Its Already Great Source Material appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3aBaalL
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
@telekinetiq, @gooselullaby​
         The hour had come.
         With all the time she spent preparing not only did Psyche find a new place to stay, she also completely set up new abode for family. The Mewtwo came up and collaborated with the villagers to create a new system of the island they were staying at. She figured out all the best places they could gather food, in their new home. Finally, she found multiple, backup locations in the unlikely event that Giovanni and Team Rocket would destroy their territory once again. Legendary was NOT going to be caught unprepared, this time. 
         The layout for their new system was a fairly simplistic one, or at least something villagers were faintly accustomed towards. The Zoroark would use their illusionary powers for concealing island completely from humanity’s radars and satellites whenever there were not any real storms going over, while Psyche would make sure to amplify their skills tenfold when amidst new home. No Pokemon was allowed to leave the island unless they asked Mewtwo first and save for some situation where an individual wanted out entirely genetic experiment would take them wherever she went, then keep a telepathic eye on wandering Pocket Monsters when exploring. If in the case of an unlikely event where some person just accidentally stumbles onto their territory they were to be tested as always. Those who weren’t involved in orchestrating these trials would need to keep their distance and if a human failed even once, they were to be immediately subdued until clone teleported them back towards wherever man originated from. Finally, any drones or tracking devices found were to immediately be terminated on SIGHT. No accused device containing surveillance functions was going to enter their sanctum, again.
         It was more of a harsher life, then what the villagers had once known and Psyche did not exactly feel entirely satisfied with choices made herself but they all were pushed towards taking such measures. Besides if anyone scarcely believed this life was meant for them, individuals were free to take their own path and Mewtwo would drop them off wherever they wanted. 
         All the villagers were gathered around Mount Quena’s lakebed, taking one last look at their ephemeral home. It was evident that they had developed some fond memories here, with Stein, his clones and even “Amber”. Even if some had to hold themselves back on their natural instincts, they would never forget this place. Psyche herself would muse over these past, few weeks inside her heart for a long time. Elder clone had granted her a personal mercy, by allowing chosen kin to briefly remain here. Though whenever they spoke towards each other more masculine experiment’s tone often sounded critical, his actions spoke louder then meager words could express. She hoped that... he wouldn’t think less of her, for doing this. 
         Honestly, it was for the best that they leave. Stein was making enemies on so many sides and even those he dubbed allies Psyche knew hardly had his best interest at heart. Elder clone had provoked the dark side to come out from others and younger one wasn’t sure who she could trust outside of family anymore. Additionally though she tried so hard to refrain from getting involved in conflict, more savage-hearted side still leaked through and now newer Mewtwo was URGED on in creating advanced Pokeballs in case a certain, alien species tried invading or destroying planet. She was falling into that Raboot-hole of hypocrisy and more feminine Pokemon felt compelled to leave before villagers were dragged down with her! They had already been through enough, she didn’t want them fighting against Silvally and foul aliens too! Besides it’s not like she failed to inform other genetic legendary about her plans. From the very beginning she stated they would remain until another, suitable home was found. However... there was a possibility his ideas on this arrangement could have changed. Either way, she was not sticking around to find out. 
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         Eyes engulfing themselves in a white light, with one broad extension of her arms she teleported villagers and herself to new home. This was the start of a new journey for them; a new adventure, waiting on the horizon. If all went well, the villagers would have a peaceful life here. As she and chosen kin vanished from Mount Quena however, something special was being delivered to Stein’s fortified abode.
         With a flash of bright light, a single flower appeared near each and every one of Stein’s clones. These blossoms shaped similar towards stars contained white petals, which blended into a deep pink at its tips. Golden anther and filament stemmed from their centers, bringing with them a lovely aroma into atmosphere. They were gracideas and Psyche hoped bringing them these gifts would help appease any pain this parting evoked. 
         While each of the clones would receive their own blossom, there were two cases amidst Stein’s family who were especially lavished. Nanako, now called Amber would have many blossoms surrounding her person. Amidst these blooms would be a single note. If the little girl noticed it and picked item up, this is what she would read:
Dear “Amber”, 
I know this may all be confusing to you; having these things suddenly appear before your person, so I will try my best to explain it in this letter.  When me and Myuutsu met and he offered to let us stay with you all, it was only meant to be for a little while. We agreed that we would remain in Mount Quena until I found the villagers a new home. I have since then done that, thus by the time you read this letter the villagers and I will have already left the place. I know you considered us all family and I admit a part of me wishes we can still be that in your eyes, but this is for the best. Don’t be sad though! Life is full of hellos as well as goodbyes. Sometimes things have to change and maybe sometimes they are for the better.  Whatever the case may be, know that we all love you very much and you’ll always be welcomed in our new home. This is why we left all these flowers for you, to show that. Just because we’re far apart now, shouldn’t mean we aren’t family anymore however if you feel differently because of our leaving, I understand.  Finally, make sure to keep a good eye on Myuutsu. If he does anything that worries you, don’t be afraid to tell him about it. Out of everyone else in the world, you will probably be the one he listens to the most. 
Sincerely yours, Psyche. 
         The second person who was given many gifts was surprisingly, Stein himself. In his most private quarters lied a plethora of not only gracidea flowers but lavender as well, all piled together. It was no small present and elder clone would need to lack sight and scent, in order for offering to go by unnoticed. She hoped such displays would be enough for him to acknowledge it, at least. 
         In the center of this mound there was a truly unique blossom, as it was not natural but meticulously crafted out of various gemstones. Shaped similar to the gracidea flowers, its petals were forged from amethysts whilst clear quartz made up the anther. Moonstone strands acted as the filament and magenta-colored metal strapped against sides of petals; seemingly holding small sculpture together. Finally two, green bloodstones were carved as the bloom’s leaves and protruded on its left side. 
         Another written note was right next to this present, if Stein bothered reading it the following words would be seen:
Dear Stein,
You will be pleased to know that I managed to find a suitable home, for me and the villagers. As per the agreement, we are now officially off of Mount Quena. You will not have to worry about us anymore, though if Rocket does stir up some trouble for us again I will be sure to let you know. I did not initially intend to inform you about my discovery through this, as I desired to tell you in person. Then again, you probably realized we were going to leave which is why you left first with your clones.  The things that are coupled with this note are mainly gracidea flowers. They are said to bloom whenever an individual is extremely thankful and are given as a sign of gratitude. Each of your family members have received at least one and your little girl has been given enough for a bouquet or two. The villagers adored her, after all. The pile here however is specifically just for you, as it is a little something from all of us. I understand my family and I have thanked you numerous times verbally, for your hospitality and willingness to put up with what quirks we presented, but words were not enough. Thus we felt compelled to express our appreciation through some gesture, like this. You will also find lavender amongst your pile. This specific blossom grew in our former territory and its scent can be relaxing to where it even helps one sleep better. The gems making up this floret next to this letter are stones that I managed to salvage from the wreckage of my home. They were abundant in the caves there and each jewel is said to enhance a psychic’s clairvoyance, telepathy amongst other abilities. The bloodstone forming leaves in particular is said to protect its owner from evil, which you might need now more than ever.  I will not lie to you, Stein. Everyone is worried for your well-being. The villagers, your clones, your little girl, even I myself have become concerned. I am aware of your strength and you are fully capable of handling yourself, but you have made countless enemies recently and I will be frank that I do not trust your newfound ally one bit. However since I assume you have left us out of whatever negotiations you forged with that individual, I will refrain from delving into that matter further.  I do not doubt that humanity’s time will come, one day. They were erroneous to create sentient entities and then treat said creatures as if we were not alive. Their hubris will undoubtedly lead toward their downfall, in some fashion. I just hope they are not eradicated, while there are still other little girls like yours out there. What I am trying to say is, please be careful and most importantly watch your back. I fear that despite my efforts to crush any knowledge concerning beings like us, a flaw in our design may have been heard by ill-intentioned ears.  I hope that you will stay safe, Stein. I do not wish for your family to possibly loose its protector. I don’t want a young lady to watch the closest thing she has towards a father be seriously wounded or worse. I do not want to see you get hurt, as you have already been through so much. Regardless whatever decision you make, I will try not to stand in your way. Whatever choice you put into action, I know you will do it out of consideration for your family.  The villagers and I will never forget your kindness towards us and I confess that I hope it will not be too forward of me to call you a friend now. If you do not desire for me to regard you in such a way however, I will comprehend it.
Signed, Psyche. 
         It was Psyche’s wish that elder clone and the others might have some gratitude towards this little, grandiose gesture of theirs. She hoped that somewhere inside more masculine clone might at least appreciate the effort, put into it. However she would not set her hopes too high, on the matter. Stein, the clones and “Amber” were their own individuals, thus if any of them reacted poorly towards this she would accept it without protest. 
         She simply had to muster up faith, that they would all be okay. 
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mianmimi · 3 years
what did you think about the what if episode?
Hello lovely Nonny! I wanted to wait until a week after the DS episode passed, mainly to give folks some time to see it and to prevent spoilers.
But now that a week has passed…
I actually really, really, really enjoyed it. Clearly it’s in a different verse since Stephen actually gave a fuck about Christine 😭 Like did you guys how much nicer Stephen started off in this episode? He was so nice! So kind and considerate to Christine. Way more pleasant and gentle than the Stephen we got in the movie.
And for some reason that’s really terrifying. Like if someone that kind can end up resorting to evil measures, how about the rest of us? How about our movie-verse Stephen? It’s really scary seeing someone like that fall. Especially when we don’t see the terrible traits that would make him unpleasant, like his arrogance and ego. It really wasn’t there. He just wanted to live a happy life with his love 😭
I read a theory that regardless of the universe, Stephen’s absolute point that leads him to becoming a sorcerer will always involve the loss of what he loves most. In the movie-verse he loved his hands the most, and in the What If episode he loved Christine 🥺 It’s just so tragic.
Also…..this whole episode just reminded me of Kaecilius’ story. Like this is exactly what happened to Kae. He lost his wife and son, and then lost the will to live until he came to Kamar Taj and worked his way up. And then he found something promising him a way to get his family back and he went full blown villain only to have to backfire on him.
They really gave Kae’s story to Stephen here. Which is interesting cause Kae and Mordo are both no where to be seen in this episode. They didn’t even cast satellite voice actors to impersonate them so I’m thinking the exclusion was intentional. Does this mean that Stephen took Kae’s role here in this universe? I’m guessing so 🥲
I’m gonna just happily fantasize that Kae moved on in this verse, and found love again with Karl. They had many happy years together before the world collapsed around them 😭 Oh goodness that episode. So good.
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
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Zero Day Threat
In which Sakusa finds himself in shambles after coming across a Red Hat.
Word Count: 1167 words
Taglist: @our-tall-slytherin-queen @gg9183
Note: Red Hats are the vigilantes of the hacking world. I feel like both of the hacker fics didn’t exactly have a fluffy ending, but yes, I’m here for it.
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Sakusa wouldn’t exactly say that his job was the greatest thing in the world. He just did it to help others. Well. At least that’s what he thought he did. It didn’t make a difference to him that he was a Black Hat, the “evil” side of the hacker spectrum. 
Most people judge what’s the good and what’s the bad by societal standards, he told himself as he quickly typed in the password to a site, rearranging everything to place it all out of order.
His cousin, Komori, knew about his job, but Komori put his blood over his job. His loyalty was towards his family first, therefore saving Sakusa from another worry on his shoulders. 
Sighing as he spun on his swivel chair unintentionally, he stared up at the ceiling, where he had tacked on letters and pictures connected together with red strong. So many jobs to do, so little time. He had one reason why he wanted to do it and as stated previously, he wanted to help people. He didn’t believe that being a White Hat would earn him as much money as a Black Hat. At least he’d be able to hack into other people’s bank accounts and steal the money.
It wasn’t like he’d tell anyone about what he did either. People would assume he’d take the money for himself when in reality, he hated that ideal. He didn’t need more than he had. He wasn’t like those rich elites that lived on the lap of luxury and looked down upon everyone else that was not of their class. Even then, there were fights amongst each other. When people had what they wanted and more, they made sure that the entire world knew.
Sakusa decided he hated those people and turned against them. Fortunately, he had a knack for hacking and used it in everyday life. 
Maybe I should take a break, a tiny voice in the back of his head whispered. He scoffed. He loathed leaving anything unfinished and he wasn’t done with anything quite yet. Turning back around to face his computer, he held his hands over the keyboard and stared at the black screen for a minute.
So many thoughts were going through his head. It was like being in the middle of a hurricane up until the eye of the storm hit. The eye of the storm in Sakusa’s mind was a target from one of the higher class members. 
He was very confident in his skills and would be able to snatch away some money without that person noticing. As he looked through the bank account information and the high number of money that they owned, that was when he chose his next mark.
Furiously clicking away at his keyboard, the sounds reverberated off of the walls, making a harmonious song of the tiny squares. Green letters falling like leaves, he knew exactly what he was doing. What would look like gibberish to someone else he read as if it was another language.
What Sakusa didn’t realize is that he had fallen into a trap.
That was not one of the people he shouldn’t have targeted. Behind the screens was a vigilante, a Red Hat. This specific Red Hat had been searching for Sakusa for a generously long time and made a plan to capture him, just from looking at how he executed most of his work.
Black Hat, judging by the way he does everything, he has a grudge against those of the higher class, gets everything for people other than him. Believes that being a White Hat would not help him as much as his current job. Emotions will get in his way someday and lead him astray.
Fortunately, when the plan was set, it was on the exact day Sakusa’s emotions got the better of him. Embezzlement was the name of the crime, yet he didn’t think about that part. His mentality was basically that of someone that thought they weren’t doing anything wrong. What he was doing was the wrong thing for the right cause.
Right as he was about to take ten more dollars, a glitch in his system occurred, making his eyes go wide. This shouldn’t have been happening, he had encryptions everywhere to prevent this from occurring. It couldn’t have been the Internet connection either, considering he was near a satellite tower. 
If the VPN failed on me now, this is the exact wrong timing, he managed to think. It was hard to form a single thought when his mind was already going into a panic.
The screen, previously blue and green with different colors weaved in between, turned black as if the computer had completely powered off. Sakusa tried to turn it off, but the little white light that signified his computer was on told him that it wasn’t doing what he wanted. He could only stare helplessly as words appeared on his screen. 
On the other side, the Red Hat was typing, muttering under her breath. “Do not do anything, I have stopped everything your computer can do. Stay right where you are, do not move, do you understand me?” She looked up and clicked on the keypad beside her to form a code so he could type back. She was taken by surprise when he typed back.
Sakusa swallowed, his throat dry, as he started typing back. “I’m not doing anything wrong, you can’t tell me I’m doing something wrong.”
“Believe me when I say there are a lot of things I can tell you.”
He didn’t move. He didn’t know what to say until she started typing again.
“I am a Red Hat. I know you are a Black Hat. Under different circumstances, I would turn you in with no hesitation. But your cousin did me a huge favor a couple of years ago. I’m trying to help you out before anyone tries to catch onto me. Sakusa Kiyoomi, you will be caught if you don’t get out of there right now.”
Sakusa blinked as he processed the words and he looked towards the door. No one was coming. Turning his head back towards the screen, he could tell that this person was serious. All he typed back was: “Okay.”
The screen went black again before showing a map with a red tack over a location. Saving it into a USB drive and taking one of his laptops, he raced out of the door, knowing that his place was going to get investigated soon. He didn’t know what Komori had done to this person.
All he could guess was that he didn’t know what would happen next.
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club  Lucky in love. March 6 - Dominance
WORDS: 1562
WARNINGS: swearing, death, violence
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader (eventually) {Soulmates AU}
DISCLAIMERS: Endgame happened, but only Thanos and his peasants died. English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
Moi, Rai and Parca are genderless & are using they/their pronouns.
This is soulmates au. When you get tattoo, your soulmate gets it as well on same spot. It glows when you touch.
Bucky and reader have dominance fight on mission and everything goes wrong.
This is multi-chapters story. 4/19
Gif from here
Divider by @rainbowkisses31
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Two weeks ago Steve sent Sam to monitoring Hydra facility in Nepal. It was unusual country for them and they were found by lucky accident by Stark´s satellite. Since then your team was preparing for big mission. Right now you were at gym, punching boxing bag after morning run with super soldiers and shooting with Natasha. Your body hurt and screamed for a break, but you were stubborn. Not even Bucky was able to stop you. After two hours of boxing you moved to gymnastics because you wanted to be both – strong and flexible. Steve found you hardly balancing on beam and took you to your room. You were hitting his back and murmuring something but once your head touched the pillow, you were sleeping.
Next day you asked Natasha and Clint to help you with your flexibility. They were great teachers. Although you were afraid for your neck and spine a little bit. They twisted you in all different positions and you swore that all your joints cracked. One thing was evil tho. Natasha tried to teach you how to fight like ballerina. But walking on your toes was impossible. You saw how Steve was watching her, his soulmate, in awe when he came to tell you the news.
„Sam said they are moving some freights from mountains to Military Barrack near the airport.  I´m afraid they already got Nepali army´s trust. Hopefully not and it´s the only place where they are operating. That's all for now.” He left and you went outside with Clint to train archery.
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Team was ready at the end of the week. You were sitting in conference room next to Bucky, who wasn't in good mood lately. Steve walked in with Pepper and put map on interactive whiteboard. „Their positions are here, here and here.” he was showing red points on the map. Sam said they have mostly weapons, but he saw some barrels with chemicals probably. We interrogated people from last mission of Y/N and Bucky. They were talking about experiments on humans. That's why you will have best gas masks we have. Our mission is clear. Stop their transmissions, confiscate their tech, weapons, secure dangerous material, catch them and make sure everything is ready to be demolished. You will work in pairs. Nat and Clint, Wanda and Tony and Y/N and Bucky. We already identified few of soldiers of Hydra and Nepal. You have permission to shoot Hydra´s men but only disarm Nepali. We don’t want international conflict. You will use brand new contact lenses. They will tell you who is who and other stuff. Departure in ten minutes. Good luck.” He then took Nat in the corner of the room and wash whispering something to her.
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You landed after 14 hours flight near Lamjung Kailas. „Gosh, I hate snow.” Bucky growled as he stepped out. You had extra layer of thermal clothes and you still shivered. You could see which way to go thanks to special lens in your eye. Bucky was few steps ahead. Snow creaked under your heavy boots, but apart from that, there was no other sound. Until you came near your destination. There were four soldiers, two of Hydra, two of Nepal. You shot Hydra, Bucky took down Nepali in hand-to-hand combat. You got in with their card and found yourself in huge tunnel. „You think they don’t know about us?” you whisper-asked Bucky. „They don’t or it´s a trap.” You nod as you both moved cautiously forward. 500 metres later you found another door with only one guard. Behind those door was real life threatening situation. Once you stepped into round hall, you were under firing from all directions. Thanks to Tony and his nano-tech suits they couldn’t hurt you. You proceeded onward, easily eliminating enemies, until they were all unable to harm you. „Sam, we are in. All clear for now.” He turned to you. „We should split up. Check whole Hell hole.” „It´s safer to stay together.” you argued. „Yes, but then it will takes longer. You saw Sam pics. This place is huge. And you would slow me down.” „Excuse me?!” „We need to focus on mission and you are too distracting.” „Geez, that's really nice way to say I sucks.” you rolled your eyes. „You on the right. I´m taking left. We are meeting here. Clear?” „Fuck you.”
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You were walking for almost hour and only finished one floor. „Buck, I´m moving on next floor.” you whispered. As an answer you heard grunts, profanities and painful whining. You assumed he was fighting some guards and with raised gun stepped up on floor 2. It was darker and you had creepy feeling that someone or something was watching you. Your imagination was active on 100% and you got scared from your own shadow as shivers and cold sweat ran down your spine.
Just when you were about to open the door of room, voice spoke on your right side. „Rōka! Yahām̐ timī kē garirahēkō?” <Stop! What are you doing here?> You turned that way and saw Nepali soldiers with guns aimed at you. „Shit.” You ran to them and effectively disarmed them. But more came from the other side, so you had to run up the stairs. „Floor 3!” you screamed for Bucky and was almost hit by a bullet directed on your head. You shot Hydra agents, threw electric disks on Nepali and run the hell out of there.
You found yourself in room with computers and hid behind one of the desk. What you didn't know was that Parca had different idea. Behind you, silently as a mouse, woke up androids. Only when one of them caught you under neck and threw you on the other side of the room you realised another danger. Your back was hurting and head was spinning yet you managed to decapitate three of them and use electric disks on other two. Then you had to run away. But when you went back into corridor you were again under fire. „F.R.I.D.A.Y. mode Actiorione.” Two more arms appeared from your waist, ready to fight. You fired few missiles at the enemy and whole floor shook. „Floor four!” Bucky screamed in your ear and you wanted to use stairs but more soldiers were rushing up to you. „There are too many of them Buck. I´m trapped!” „Hold on, I´m coming.” You couldn’t answer because you were running in hope to find stairs or elevator. Although there was no way out of this. You took deep breath and threw grenade on your left and turned face to face with coming soldiers from your right. You bravely struck back their attack until none were threatening any more and ran away, when suddenly you were flying and your body collided with hard wall and then, after few meters fall, with floor.
„Y/N!” You heard Bucky´s voice but was unable to move. You saw him fighting with big monster. It looked like Hulk. You tried stand up but was shot by strong electric shock in your lower back. Your left elbow met something for sure because pain stopped and thud was heard next to you. With shaky body you aimed at Bucky's opponent and shoot it in the head. It made only small scratch. Worse was that now it was glaring at you. Floor shook as it landed in front of you and you built your shield. It was hitting non-stop and you felt yourself falling into unconsciousness. Your defence halted and seconds later huge fist met your weakened frame and sent you to the wall behind you. Last thing you saw was Bucky jumping from floor four with machete and stabbing it deep into monster´s back.
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„What were you thinking?!” Rai were screaming at Parca and they were hiding behind the column. „I thought they will have some action together. Fighting crime together might help their relationship. Or not?” Parca looked at Moi for help but she was literally in flames. „I'm not talking to you until you make this right.” And with that they walked away. „I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you or them.” Parca said and disappeared in silver mist. Rai went to calm Rai down before she would cause some bad decisions.
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„Sam, I need help immediately!” Bucky shouted as he was holding his position next to you. „We are on the way. Are you still under attack?” „Yes. And Y/N is hurt badly. She needs a doctor. Hurry up.” He shot five soldiers and ten more appeared. He cursed and shot them as well. How many are there still? To his surprise only one came out and Bucky shot him too. He had few seconds to breath before androids encircled him. He held his machete and cut one of them in half. Thanks Wakanda.
„Need help?” Sam joked and cut two androids as he was landing. „Shut up. Where are the others?” „On the way. And Wanda is putting stuff in Quinjets. What happened here?” „We were outnumbered. And they had monster big as Hulk.” He pointed to dead body. „Whoa. What the fuck?” „Exactly. Take Y/N to safety. I´m  gonna fetch some junk from this Hell hole.” Sam nodded and Bucky went back to floor four. Laboratories.
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You woke up for brief moment. There was beeping and then dark again.
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