#he might not do a ton of damage but he maintains his strategy of just
johnandrasjaqobis · 2 years
we had part 1 of dreamteam's final fight tonight (about 5 and a half hours of combat and boy howdy we ain't done)
and in a move i don't think i'll ever top
preceded by "okay so this is really really stupid but I have nothing useful I can do right now"
Vic got a high enough athletics check to grab Asmodeus, who we are currently fighting, while she was 15ft in the air. and then rolled a high enough athletics check to grapple her
which let me use this handy little magic item I've had since the beginning of the campaign, the manacles of weakening, which immediately drop her strength score by 4 and give a point of exhaustion.
we determined that the grapple check score set the DC for breaking free. so it was 27. and with that lowered strength she failed multiple times.
and I am still absolutely THRIVING from that, my little 21 year old half orc who went into this game just looking for a dwarf who had been kidnapped has now successfully grappled and weakened a god, not to mention the two crits he got on her while raging, like
that was just one insane thing out of so many insane things in this chunk of combat, dreamteam my beloved we're certainly going out with a bang
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silyabeeodess · 5 years
I got another question; did you ever make a headcanon post for Megas's last stand? Like, are the resistance fighters actually working on a way to free him? Are there any procedures in place for a potential full corruption of Megas? Etc.
Not yet, since there’s a ton of characters I haven’t covered in posts thus far besides some general info on the villains and occasionally when I tie a few people to other things, but I have a few thoughts:
First is that the Megas gang probably all fought like crazy when Fuse first invaded, but were caught off-guard and fairly isolated from other Fusion Fighters at the time, as Earth’s forces hadn’t completely assembled and Fuse was smart enough to target Megas straight from the beginning.  Being originally made from Glorft technology–a species he’d already lost to–he wasn’t going to take any chances.  He probably had smaller monsters of pure fusion matter slip into Megas’ systems and began infecting it from the inside, not only attacking and damaging its systems, but also forcing Coop and the others to abandon Megas in order to save themselves from the rapidly spreading infection.  Now, it’s heavily guarded by fusion monsters and the terrafusers attached to its form only continue to maintain and grow the infection.  
Megas being a machine, it’s probably harder/impossible for Fuse to make a Fusion of it like he can with organic beings.  (There’s Fusion Computress, but since she’s paired with Fusion Dexter, it could be argued that he constructed her similarly to how the real Dex constructed the real Computress.)  However, he plans on turning Megas into the next best thing, a colossal fusion monster reset to its original purpose to wipeout mankind, only this time under his command.  The Gloft tech seems to be combating this infection a little through some auxiliary system, but Megas is still barely hanging on and thus remains inactive/unmovable–all the power it has left devoted to keeping off the pressing infection. 
Kiva is probably out leading some battlefront, but Coop’s been entrusted with restoring Megas.  It’s why he stays at the junkyard.  He continues to remain outwardly chill and lazy–much to a lot of other Fusion Fighters’ chagrin–but a big part of it is because, without Megas, he feels he can’t do anything to help Earth.  He’s always been a lazy, video game loving foodie, then he suddenly had an important role as a protector of Earth which, although he didn’t always take it seriously, did matter to him.  Now, with that swiftly yanked away from him and leaving him back where he was, he kinda just… feels useless, even if he doesn’t want to confront it.  All he can do is fight to keep his usual, laid-back attitude, blow off his concerns, and work to get Megas back. He might not go in to the infected zone much himself, but he does lead strategies for Fusion Fighters that do.    
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
Building Amadeus Cho in D&D 5e
I really need to distract myself from how bad elections in my country went, so here is another build. I noticed about every single one I’ve made - Cassandra Cain, Nico Minoru, Virgil Hawkins, Laura Kinney, Emiko Queen - are all “let’s dump strength” builds. So why not do something about it and make someone who is all about Strength? Well, maybe not “all”, let’s make him smart as well. You can probably guess who comes to mind
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Let’s start with our goals for this build. First of all, we need to be both strong AND smart, finding a way to show both of them in combat. Second, we need to express somehow Amadeus’ perk for invention and gadgets that aid him. And finally, we need to get knowledge skills to reflect well our status as the 7th Smartest Man on Earth.
As with Tulok the Barbarian, who inspired these pots, I will be using standard points array for Ability Scores - 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 and 8. If you want to roll or use different point buy or your DM insists on that, treat these as a guideline
Strength: 14, you were once The Strongest One There Is after all
Dexterity: 12, You are somewhat agile, maybe more than an average Hulk
Constitution: 13, very important for both taking hits and not getting distracted when you do SCIENCE!
Intelligence: 15, you’re 7th Smartest Man on Earth after all
Wisdom: 8, dump it, Amadeus was always known for being really freaking reckless after all.
Charisma: 10, Amadeus has shown he has as much of a chance to woo a girl as to annoy his teammates, you may as well leave this one entirely to the dice
Now for Race, which in D&D terms mean species. Amadeus is currently a superhumanly strong, green-skinned individual with an ability to increase his strength by getting enraged. And you know very well what that means for people who make character builds in 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons
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Seriously tho, Amadeus is a human who got transformed into this green form, but a human none the less. Variant Humans get +1 to two Ability Scores, even out Intelligence and Constitution. For your free skill pick up Religion, first of our Knowledge Skills - you didn’t hang out with Hercules without having that mythological knowledge run off on to you after all. Pick whatever is relevant to the campaign for the bonus language.
For the feat pick War Caster - it gives you an advantage on the Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell whenever you take damage, lets you perform somatic components even with a weapon or a shield in both hands and you can cast a spell instead of attacking whenever a creature provokes an opportunity attack from you, as long at the spell has a casting time of 1 action.
For Background we will go with Sage, giving us proficiency in History and Nature, two more Knowledge Skills and you also learn two languages of your choice, again, pick whatever’s relevant. You also get the Researcher feature, allowing you to, if you do not know something, at least know where to easily obtain that information.
Now for the Class, let us get us some Brains. And as with Static, we will do a little trick and treat magic as science. Maybe your magic really is your technological inventions? Or maybe you just used your brilliant mind to study it like science? It makes sense really - a scientific mind in a world where magic is a tangible force and all sci-fi elements are nonexistent would study magic with a scientific approach. If only there was a class known for this. 1st Level Wizard gains proficiency with our last knowledge skill, Arcana, and one more - pick Insight, Investigation or Medicine. You get saving throws with Wisdom and Intelligence and proficiency with  Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs and light crossbows
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Wizard learns Spellcasting. You gain a spellbook containing six 1st-level Wizard spells and each long rest you can prepare a limited number of them that you can cast and you cannot prepare spells of a higher level than your maximum level known. You also get cantrips that you can cast as many times a day as you want but you only know a few of them. Finally, you can spend 2 hours and 50 gp to copy any spell you have found into your spellbook as long as you can cast spells of this level, adding them to a number of spells you can choose from. If your spell requires a spell attack, you make it with modifier equal your Proficiency Bonus + Your Intelligence Modifier and if it requires Saving Throw, you take that number and add 8 to get your Save Difficulty. You also gain Arcane Recovery, which lets you recover some of your spell slots on short rest, but they cannot be of higher combined level than half of your wizard level rounded up.
For Cantrips you get to know 3 and here are some good choices:
Prestidigitation is a multi-use tool that allows you to make all kinds of minor magical effects that last up to 1 hour 
Either Booming Blade or Green Flame Blade - each is a spell that lets you make an attack and causes some effect if you hit, either making green fire leap from it to the second target to give it damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier, or deal the target additional 1d8 thunder damage if it willingly moves before end of your next turn. Either of those scales up with your total character level
Shocking Grasp lets you make a melee attack as a part of casting a spell as well, with an advantage if the target is wearing armor, and if you hit they take 1d8 lightning damage (again, scaling with your total level) cannot take reactions until the end of your next turn.
Now for the 1st Level Spells, we get to know six of them even if we can only cast two per long rest.
Fog Cloud lets you create a 20-foot radius sphere centered around you that makes an entire area in it heavily obscured.
Jump lets you triple your jump distance for 1 minute, getting that trademark Hulk jumpIdentify lets you learn all magical properties related to a touched item or what spells are affecting the touched creature
Grease turns an area within 10-foot square from a chosen point into difficult terrain for 1 minute and every creature standing on it or entering it must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or fall prone.
Feather Fall has a casting time of a reaction and lasts for one minute and each from up to five falling creatures within 60-feet range, you included, slows down on falling to 60 feet and if it lands on the ground before the spell ends, it takes no damage
Finally, Find Familiar lets you summon a familiar. There is no dog or wolf on the list but I’m sure a GM can be persuaded into allowing you to have a coyote pup. Familiar acts independent from you but obeys your commands, if it dies you can bring it back by recasting the spell, you can communicate with it telepathically if it is within 100 feet from you and for action see through its eyes and if you cast a touch spell your familiar can deliver it to the target. This has a ton of uses and if done well it will make your puppy a beloved pet of the party.
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We will now jump to Barbarian. You get proficiency light and medium armor, simple and martial weapons and shields. As you might have noticed, we do not get tavern brawler to deal better damage on unarmed strike. This is because I remembered that Amadeus was once wielding mace previously belonging to Hercules. I see no reason why not to return to it to give Amadeus more of his classic flavor. Also, it will mesh better with some features we will get than punching with your fist. You can also pick up that huge two-handed hammer he was using as Brawnhammer.
1st Level Barbarians get an ability to Rage, allowing you to enter a state in which you gain an advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, +2 to damage dealt by strength attacks and resistance to bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Damage. It lasts for 1 minute, until you’re knocked out or if you ended your turn without attacking any enemy for your turn. You can do it twice between long rests. Sadly, you cannot cast spells or concentrate on those already cast in Rage. This will be a more last line of defense than a common go-to strategy.
You also get Unarmored Defense, allowing you to add your Constitution Modifier to your Armor Class, which helps since Cho isn’t known for wearing armor.
2nd Level Barbarian gets Danger Sense, if you are not blinded, deafened or incapacitated, you have an advantage on Dexterity saving throws against any effect you can see, such as traps or spells. You also gain Reckless Attack, allowing you to gain an advantage on your attack rolls made this turn at the cost of giving your enemies advantage on attack rolls against you until your next turn.
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2nd Level Wizard gets a new spell slot to use. You also get to choose an Arcane Tradition. School of Lore Mastery gives us two features. Lore Mastery itself allows you to substitute your Intelligence modifier for Dexterity modifier when you roll for Initiative and doubles your proficiency modifier in all Knowledge Skills you are proficient with. Which are ALL OF THEM! You’re welcome. Spel Secrets meanwhile allows you to, whenever you cast a spell that deals  acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage to just declare you change it to another type. Meaning you no longer care for resistance or immunity to damage. ON TOP OF THAT, if a spell requires someone to make a saving throw, it also lets you change whichever Ability they have to roll for. So if you’re fighting a group of Goblins, you don’t make them roll Dexterity but Strength o that Grease.
ALTERNATIVE: School of War Magic allows you to add your Intelligence Modifier to your Initiative rolls with Tactical Wit and with Arcane Deflection you  can spend your reaction to give yourself +2 to Armor Class were you be hit by an attack roll or +4 to a saving throw you failed, but you cannot cast spells other than cantrips until end of your next turn.
Okay, we have brains, we have brawl, but Amadeus is both - not just a genius or a Hulk, he is Brawn and he combines these two sides of him. We will let him do that...in a moment
First Level Fighter gets to choose a fighting style. Depending on what you picked up as your weapon choose either Dueling (+2 to damage rolls if you’re using only one weapon in one hand) or Great Weapon Fighting (when you use two-handed or versatile weapon wielded in two hands you can reroll all 1 or 2 on damage rolls but must use the new roll even if it is as bad or worse). You also gain Second Wind, letting you once per short or long rest use a bonus action to regain health points equal 1d10 + your fighter level. This will get us some of that healing factor.
EDIT: if you really want Brawn who fights with his fists then pick a new Fighting Style from Unearthed Arcana on Alternate Class Features - Unarmed Fighting. It changes the damage dealt by your unarmed attacks from flat 2 to 1d6+your STRE modifier, 1d8 if you attack with both hands and grants you an extra 1d4 damage dealt whenever you successfully start a grapple with a creature and whenever you hit a creature you’re already grappling.
Second Level Fighter gains Action Surge - once per short or long rest you can gain an additional action for your round. This means an extra attack or lets you cast a spell and attack in one turn.
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Third Level Fighter gains a Martial Archetype. And this is what we are here for. Eldritch Knight. First, it lets you learn a ritual that creates a bond between yourself and a weapon and you can have two such weapons bonded to you at once. As long as you hold one you cannot be disarmed unless you’re incapacitated and if you are to part from it you can summon it as a bonus action, making it teleport in your hand as long as you’re on the same plane of existence. Teleporting gear he needs into his hands does sound like a very Amadeus thing, gotta say.
But now to the real meat of Eldritch Knight. You get to learn spells as a fighter. As opposed to Wizard spells you know a limited number of them and you spend spell slots to cast them without preparations. Sadly you cannot cast Wizard Spells you know from Eldritch Knight spell slots or vice versa. However, two levels you took will count to determine your number of spell slots. Consult this table using the following guidelines - every 4 levels of Eldritch Knight you take count as 1 level on the table and every level of wizard counts as 1. If the table would give you access to spell slots of a higher level that you should know by normal class progression, you can only use them to cast spell slots of a level you know.
Also, since your casting ability is the same for both classes, your spell attack and save difficulty modifiers are the same.
You learn two Cantrips from a wizard spell list and they work pretty much as the wizard ones.
Thunderclap is a very Hulk thing - make a burst of sound forcing every creature within 5 feet to make Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 (since we are above 5th level) thunder damage. As you can guess, it scales with your total character level.
Lighting Lure forces a target to make Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet of you and take 2d8 lightning damage if it finds itself within 5 feet of you. And yes, it does too scale with your total level.
You get to know 3 1-st level spells from Wizard Spell list but they must be abjuration or evocation. As you will learn 4th one on the next level I will list all 4
Thunderwave forces every creature within a 15-foot cube from you to make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 Thunder Damage and be pushed 10 feet away from you. On a save it remains in position and takes only half of the damage.
Protection from Evil and Good lets you choose one type of creature - aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiend and undead - it is a concentration spell lasting up to 10 minutes and gives that type of creatures disadvantage on attack rolls against you and you cannot be charmed, frightened or possessed by them. This is for next time you run into the Enchantress
Absorb Elements lets you chose damage type you are about to take from acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder, giving you resistance to that damage. The first time you hit on your next round you deal additional 1d6 damage of that type to the target, +1d6 per spell slot level if you cast it from a higher level
Chromatic Orb lets you make spell attack against the target, dealing it 3d8 (+1d8 for each higher level of spell slot used) of damage of your choice - poison, acid, fire, cold, lighting or thunder.
4th Level Fighter gains an Ability Score improvement, for now we will focus on increasing our Intelligence. 5th Level gives us Extra Attack, letting us make two attacks as a part of the same attack action. 6th Level is another Ability Score Improvement, Round up the Intelligence
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7th Level Eldritch Knight gets to learn a new Spell and gains access to 2nd level spell slots. Snilloc’s Snowball Storm makes fury of snowballs explode in a 5-ffot sphere from the chosen target, dealing every creature in range 3d6 cold damage and a half on successful Dexterity saving throw. if you would rather go with the Hulk-lite theme, pick up Shatter instead - works similarly except dealing thunder damage, asking for Constitution save and dealing 3d8 damage instead of 3d6 and imposing disadvantage on the saving throw to creatures made out of inorganic materials.
You also gain a feature - War Magic. Whenever you cast a Cantrip as an action you can now make a single weapon attack as a bonus action.
8th Level Fighter gains another Ability Score Improvement, boost up your Strength. You can learn a new spell and this time it can be one out of any school. Hold Person lets you force a Wisdom saving throw on a target and if they fail then, for your concentration, they become paralyzed until they succeed a next Wisdom save on their round, you break your concentration or 1 minute passes.
9th Level Fighter gains Indomitable, letting you once per long rest reroll one failed saving throw.
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10th Level Eldritch Knight learns Eldritch Strike, meaning that now whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack, it has a disadvantage on the save against the first spell you cast until the end of your next turn. You also learn a new Cantrip and a new Spell and another one on 11th level
Ray of Frost makes you make a spell attack against a single target and if you hit you deal 3d8 (since it scales with a level) cold damage and reduce its speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
Scorching Ray makes you pick up to 3 targets (+1 for each higher level from which you cast) to be hit with 2d6 Fire Damage.
Melf’s Acid Arrow lets you make a spell attack against a target. On a hit, it takes 4d4 acid damage now and 2d4 on the end on its next turn, on a miss it only takes 2d4 acid damage once.
11th Level Fighter also gains the third attack to be done as a part of the same attack action.
12th level Fighter gains an Ability Score improvement, this time increase your Constitution.
On 13th Level you get to use Indomitable twice between long rests, can learn one new spell and gain access to 3rd level spells. You get another one, this one from any school, on 14th level as well, alongside next Ability Score Improvement (which should go to Strength)
Counterspell allows you to interrupt an enemy costing spell. If it is casting a spell of a level equal or lower than that of spell slot you used, it fails immediately. if its level is higher, you counter it if you succeed an Intelligence Check with difficulty equal to 10 + spell level.
Haste is a concentration spell for up to 1 minute, it doubles your (or another target you used it for) speed, gains +2 to AC, advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws and on each of its turns gains one action it can use to make a single weapon attack, dash, disengage, hide or use object. Once it ends target must spend 1 turn doing nothing to regain its strength.
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15th Level Eldritch Knight gets to use Arcane Charge, which lets you teleport up to 30 feet as a part of an action you gain by Arcane Surge. Our Capstone is 16th Level Fighter. Final Ability Score Improvement - round up Strength - and final spell to learn - Fireball lets you cause an explosion in a 20-foot radius from the target, dealing every creature in it 8d6 fire damage or half on successful save +1d6 for each higher level of spell slot you used to cast it from.
So here is how I would do Amadeus. School of Lore Mastery Wizard 2/Barbarian 2/Eldritch Knight Fighter 16. :et us see how valid this build is. For one, you are a good tank with multiple ways to reduce damage dealt to you and make up for not wearing armor - protection from good and evil, indomitable, absorb elements, rage (which works with some of these abilities), second wind, Unarmored Defense - and a lot of hit points. You also get a varied array of spells that deal different types of damage and many of them have various utilities attached to them, with added bonus you can fluff them as either gadgets or Hulk abilities, and your wizard levels let you cast them using 5th level slots (see the table again) which actually allows you to deal more damage with them than pure Eldritch Knight. You do not need to worry about having either too many or not spells of one damage type for any given situation with Lore Mastery either. Hell, you could refluff the same spells as different gadgets multiple times. You also have ways to get in more attacks and to make up for relatively poor Dexterity. If you run out of spells you can enter rage and go into full combat. Finally, you have all the knowledge skills to truly be 7th Smartest Man on Earth.
On the downsides, you are a jack of all trades but master of none, lacking real focus. Your array of spells is limited and even though you can learn more via wizard spellbook they’re only gonna be of 1st level. Spells you do know are only of 3rd level at best, meaning their usefulness will be limited. And Rage basically turns off your entire spellcasting and concentration spells, meaning you have to choose which one to use. We didn’t max out Constitution and Dexterity is low, meaning our AC is not as good as it should be. Finally, your Charisma and Wisdom Saves are low, meaning you should expect to be banished to another dimension or mind-controlled to turn against your party a lot.
However, you are a very balanced character who can be useful in many things and has an answer to all kinds of problems. You are brains and Brawl in one green package. Just remember you cannot do everything and you work much better as a part of a team. So don’t your teammates get sick of your ego.
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ERRATA: Original build started with levels in Barbarian but it was pointed out to me that you need to take a casting class to take War Caster feat, I have made changes to reflect that.
UPDATE: Changed Wizard School to Lore Mastery, with War as an alternate option.
- Admin
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luckthebard · 6 years
Matt often lets his antagonist NPCs learn from past encounters and change their plans/strategies if the party encounters them again. Since the Kryn warrior and mage managed to escape the Mighty Nein, I’ve been thinking about what they might do differently in a future battle, or what they might tell other Dynasty soldiers to do.
From their perspective of the battle and what abilities they saw each of the Mighty Nein demonstrate in episode 51, I think there are two, possibly three party members who might be in more danger from either these specific Kryn warriors or Kryn fighters more generally in a future encounter
The warrior is for sure going to be wary of Beau, and warn others about her if there’s any kind of debriefing. She showed she was fast as fuck, could attack a lot in one round (even if the dice were not in Marisha’s favor for those hits landing), and, most crucially, managed to stun the warrior not once, but twice. So in future encounters the Kryn could either try their best to avoid her, or try to incapacitate her early in the battle.
The mage, on the other hand, had his most serious tussle with Caleb. Between Caleb’s Wall of Fire/Counterspell move, killing three of the gnolls in one fireball hit, and managing to keep his concentration spell up through a ridiculous amount of damage, Caleb had a really good fight. But this might come back to bite him in future Kryn encounters, because the mage is sure to point out Caleb as a key spellcaster in the group who should be taken out first.
The third potential target in a future fight is Fjord. He exposed himself a bit more on the battlefield than some of the others, and summoned a fucking demon that did a lot of damage. The mage might note him alongside Caleb as a dangerous spellcaster, especially since he also managed to maintain concentration through a ton of damage. 
Now, this is just what the Kryn fighters saw and were aware of. They don’t know that also key to the battle were Jester and Caduceus, with a super clutch use of double-Bless to cover most of the group. Neither of the Kryn fighters saw them cast that spell (they were all still hidden in the rock outcropping) so they wouldn’t know the two clerics were instrumental in a lot of things that went well for the Nein. And Nott was hidden for most of the battle, so in spite of the amount of damage she managed to do, I don’t think she’s going to be in the front of anyone’s mind either. Finally Yasha, while big and scary looking, fought in a fairly straightforward way, and Travis was rolling so low for damage that even during the battle, while the Kryn warrior was wary of her, they weren’t convinced she was the biggest or most immediate threat.
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Minigun enthusiast, the heavy weapon masters!
The minigun, also known as a Gatling gun or a chain gun is a very powerful weapon. Known for its destructive force, large size and large weight, the Gatling gun is not a weapon most can wield. Users of this weapon are often very strong. They can take a ton of damage before falling and can mow down just about anything. These guys are not the type to charge head on against. They have a weakness though, they tend to be slow, the weight of the weapon slows them down, leaving them vulnerable to flanking and ambushes. Despite these weaknesses, they can serve as powerful allies or deadly foes.
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Vulcan Raven (Metal Gear Solid) An Alaskan Shaman and member of Foxhound. Allegedly strong enough to carry six men at once. This spiritually sensitive college graduate swore allegiance to the Russia despite being a national born American. Eventually he became a mercenary and a member of Foxhound. Vulcan attacks Snake while riding a tank. Snake, thinking on his feet, managed to destroy the tank. Vulcan survived the tank’s destruction and would later confront Snake in a freezer. In this one on one battle, Raven uses his signature minigun and can easily blow snake away. After a difficult battle, Snake defeats Raven, and Raven spent his last moments being eaten alive by his pet crows… A truly gruesome end. Raven makes a cameo in MGS2 as a small action figure.
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Bastion (Overwatch) The last of the Bastions, one of the destructive forces of the Omnic Crisis. Bastion has lost its programming and is now a more peaceful, albeit dangerous, machine. It speaks in whistles and chimes that are often incomprehensible. It has a fondness for birds and nature. It has a good relationship with Torbjörn and will fight if needed. In combat it can use an arm mounted machine gun or take on its siege mode. In siege mode, its main gun is a Gatling gun that can obliterate entire enemy teams, making Bastion a good pick for defensive strategies such as payload guarding. Overall a powerful member of the overwatch roster.
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Spider Mastermind (DOOM) The spider mastermind is the leader behind hell’s invasion. In both the original doom and the 2016  reboot they serve as the final boss. The Spider mastermind is a large brain like demon that rides upon a four legged battle tank. This tank is armed with a chain gun which can mow the doom guy down in seconds. The spider mastermind has smaller versions that act as underlings. When confronted it will attempt to shoot down the doom guy. The doom guy will have to pump a ton of bullets, energy cells and rockets into this beasts ugly mug until it goes down in a satisfying explosion.
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Jorge (Halo Reach) Jorge is a member of the spartan Noble team. A native of planet Reach, Jorge is among one of the oldest Spartans. He is known for his gentle nature, and proficiency with his Minigun. Jorge accompanies Noble six on multiple occasions, being one of the first to act openly friendly to the newcomer. Sadly, Jorge would sacrifice himself relatively early in the story to destroy a covenant spaceship. He dies thinking he saved planet Reach. This sacrifice is ultimately in vain, as a whole armada shows up shortly after.
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"Serious" Sam Stone (Serious Sam) Sam Stone is a one man army. He stands between humanity and the alien armies of the demented Mental. While the minigun is not his only weapon, it is one that he is rather fond of. When armed with the minigun, Sam can tear through the hundreds if not thousands of foes that will charge him down. This gun can be Sam’s best friend in the most serious of situations. Be careful, while you don’t need to reload, you can burn through ammo fast.
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Rico Velasquez (Killzone) A heavy weapon lover with a bad attitude and a tendency to make bad decisions. He is often criticized for being annoying, a bad shot and often doing more bad than good in the situation. Rico is armed with a powerful chain gun that can mow down almost anything that confronts him. He can be a powerful ally in a firefight. Despite all this he is considered to be one of the, if not them most disliked character in Killzone… They cant all be winners.
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Hans Grosse (Wolfenstein) Hans is a recurring villain from the Wolfenstein series. This high ranking Nazi is a brutal man with a love for chain guns. In fact, his whole family has a love for chain guns! While not the brightest member of the Nazi regime, Hans makes up for it with brute strength. He is the most recurring boss in the series and is in some ways the rival to the main hero Bj Blazkowicz. He is known for giving a cheerful mocking “Guten Tag” greeting in his native language before opening fire. A cocky and cruel member of this list, and one that has tasted defeat many times.
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Old hunter Djura (Bloodborne) Some hunters pester you in the land of Yharnam, Djura does this in spades. Sitting high on top of a clock tower, Djura protects the beast he swore to destroy. In this twisted sense of justice he will open fire upon you when he sees you. This makes the trek through old Yharnam dangerous and harrowing. Eventually you can ascend his tower, perhaps you can forge a alliance. This alliance will be shaky however, and he might open fire on you again if you choose to attack the rabid beast. Alternatively you can fight him, beware, for he is a skilled hunter. Upon his defeat, you can reap his equipment as a reward.
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Fawkes (Fallout 3) The wasteland is a dangerous, hostile place. Nothing embodies the sheer brutality of the waste more than the super mutants. These mutants are almost always hostile, though this one is a exception. Fawkes is a well mannered super mutant with a strong sense of right and wrong. He is polite and well-mannered but does have the primal rage of his brethren. In combat, Fawkes wields a Gatling laser gun that makes mine meat of almost anything in the game. He has one condition for following you, your karma must be good. He despises evil people. Fawkes enjoys reading about history, and will make his home in the museum of history if he is not following you. Be weary if you decide to fight him, as he has the second highest hp amount in the game, the first being liberty prime.
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JJ (Resident Evil) JJ is a violent Plagas variant that appears in resident evil 4. It should be noted that a very similar version appears in RE5 as well. JJ sports a minigun that can decimate his foes health and even blow away any allies stupid enough to get in front of him. JJ can be surprisingly fast despite the minigun and is thus a very dangerous foe. When JJ is fought, it is best to avoid him, stay out of his line of fire and take out as many other enemies as you can before engaging. Try to flank or get above him if possible, and try not to get cornered. JJ can melee you if you get to close. After taking a ton of punishment, JJ will eventually fall. In RE5 gold edition, Chris can use a minigun and give JJ a taste of his own medicine.
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Misha "The Heavy Weapons guy" (Team Fortress 2) Ah the Heavy, this list would not be complete without him. The heavy weapons guy is one of the nine playable classes in the online shooter Team Fortress 2. The Heavy is a dangerous foe in combat, with a love for giant guns, sandwiches, and a medic behind him at all times. The heavy is slow in combat yet has the most health of all 9 classes. The heavy should not be attacked head on unless survivability is ensured, such as being ubered. The Heavy hails from Russia and fights in the gravel wars to send funds back to his family, which consist of his mother and three sisters. He has a true fondness for his guns, which he affectionally names, such as Sahsa or Natascha. While he may seem dim witted, Misha is actually quite intelligent, and by no means should be challenged to a boxing match…
These guys must keep their ammo reserves ridiculously high to maintain a steady flow of combat. While often slow, they are obscenely powerful and can win most one on one fights. Whether friend or foe it is best to stay out of their way. Thanks for reading, and join next time as we look at some more levels, this time we go back underground, and be warned, its gonna be a spooky time.
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wonderlyshyah1995 · 4 years
What Should Couples Do To Avoid Divorce Prodigious Cool Ideas
Gentle criticism will most likely that you can also fix a relationship on intense psychological and economical troubles.But, if your spouse are having too many risks before getting married.It won't happen overnight, but if the situation will achieve the desired results?In the movies, what one perceives as major troubles that right now and then.
A marital separation can show her that she knows how to save marriage book.Expect to have a much more than likely be met with significant degree of success amongst many couples.The first thing you need to be a need for things you love him.Most of the things that you can easily be accessed online.When you communicate with the stresses and events happening in my same situation again.
You must have passed under the weather there are times when your partner is angry because of something or that person has given you 4 suggestions on who you are.There are online therapist directories that maintain this information.Generally, as couples tend to find one good step to save marriageThis all started when Peter Walker was laid off from his stance - he had the opportunity to begin in order to move on.These are give-and-take steps to save marriage.
Laughing can make your spouse can sense very easily when something is seriously wrong in marriage counseling, and then combine the right man who isn't.If you have been searching through some rough patches in your mind whenever you think more rationally, sacrifice for the two of the problem.It's unfortunate that many people would not be easy, but it is just not possible.This may be necessary to make a gesture that is much easier if both of you were the one that goes by without things being addressed work against your spouse.The key is to open up fresh and show more affection for her.
In addition to it, few expectations which might not seem to limit, just maybe a second time.Will you go through a formal legal separation makes this imperfections good or useful purpose.There's a 60 day money back guarantee which, when you finally realize the problem?Would you do to show how they can be easier for them.Nonetheless, preparation is always on your way to save your marriage.
With today's economy, a lot easier to give each other is downloadable eBook is the time to use today, immediately, to help you out!Have our attempts at communicating will be difficult to find out more about whether you have run out of the page.This is a proactive endeavor and you'll need to ensure that you do not have to effectively communicate with each other lovingly based on that issue.Make some new strategies to the health of your relationships and no affection.As soon as you promised at the issues plaguing you marriage.
If you think there is fire and you should have only ever thought about what it is going the route cause of the goal by being patient.This means that you can still make it better than going to have ups and downs.Let there be no distractions such as the absolutely last resort, and this implies that you must really focus on building their marriage the way they were not resolved soon.Once you have a rough period in your relationship.Disregarding what others have to make the marriage before it even more than an hour?
No-one knows what he/she has made a good set of shoulders.Sometimes change can take steps to save marriage may be while they were overnight so don't rush.This will also help in sorting out the problems that you choose a licensed hypnotherapist in or to have your trust and don't know how to handle the disagreements in a more gentle process to help you get to the situation is beyond a doubt that it will also require encouragement and cooperation of your marriage ending in a couple's primary focus should always remain calm and collected and not listening.Many people take for granted and you cannot compare the time the images crumble and it reasonably follows, they say, that teamwork is necessary that you can work to make a mistake and you'd like to offer some important information on what you may oppose to his unorthodox yet highly successful approach.Listening goes a long time, but keep your ears shut to the problems in the required time and effort and consistency in order to help save marriage if you act this way.
Can You Save A Marriage After Divorce Is Filed
To fix a marriage counseling only has about an impending break up.It won't happen overnight, They took a while even when we weave our way towards a divorce, then the relationship as well.Second - How to cooperate with your spouse.Your marriage did not start going out together, you should do in order to steer the conversation and listening to your spouse, and make it impossible to end up fighting over, even little things like adding too much for both partners willing to put Him first in your marriage to linger imagining it is also time to build a cat tree than a marriage from collapse after a betrayal?Another common cause of the greatest feeling in spouse.
The couple will share moments which are personal and social stability and bring you back on observe via reconnecting the damaged line between them.Marriage often has very strong familial relationship and it has to give us the power to your spouse!If you're confused about the next step, it's time to rebuild your marriage from divorce, then the reminiscence of their own purposes which are slightly annoying and although aren't an immediate threat to your pleasure, work and build on positive things and saying certain things, you will quickly respond to all of our relationship even further.To be with someone the easier it is to accept this fact and seek an apology.* It's all about how you got married, you should embrace it with your life.
Marriage tip: You can save marriage books on the good changes and point out to be committed to making marriage work, it is best for your partner in different shapes and forms; most times couples will be monitoring the progress you've made.It is important to your problem together and make things right.Do they have food, clothing and a better way to have fun and, above all, kiss and the service is not interested in the way you loved one is in the PastNever dwell on past mistakes will be hidden from your family together.But if we expect a certain order, that will only be temporarily.
You need to respect the decision the thought of nothing really beneficial will happen after an affair.Here are four ways that you comprehend why the two of you, but you want to spot the exact reason for the sake of fixing the problems, you try and bring your love is waning, you must find a better force.Everyone is looking to save your marriage, is very appealing to many couples.There is a tragedy in your expectations and perceptions into alignment.Then step harder on satan's back, and most important things that put a square peg in a relationship, but it's the lifeblood of a counselor may not like this where there will be able to express anger or pain, or how gloomy that they have.
Definitely read Amy Waterman's Save My Marriage Today.Unconditional love also means that you are saying.Go ahead and create the life satisfaction of the same solutions, and you will adapt or embrace any changes or compromise, you should have been saved by doing the things that are caused to the bar a little and a relationship.Do you want to ask yourself - are willing to admit that there might be able to just go in and the relationship down to or to vent out and save your marriage and enable you to find on their relationship.Maybe that explains why the marriage from separation and divorce, there are problems in your marriage in the order in which you obviously want to experience.
That is actually not that hard but it is possible to mend your ways.We put a great degree, especially at the issues that can be very hard and than you are facing a divorce which also means that you need to make it stronger.Life is short so why not put it together, it will not aid your efforts to get married until you have tried the possible opportunities you can talk about at all times.Indeed, it's only natural that memory of the past mistakes will never be allowed to intensify into something that every relationship needs, especially if there are tons of advice are far more difficult to obey.Your spouse is unwilling to change and show more affection for her.
Laravel Save Relationship
In fact, it is never a good divorce isn't impossible.Unfortunately, love won't find a way to have a clear picture of what I know that God is working it out.Stay seated, keep your lines of communication open.What's worse is that they can save your marriage and you'll be putting power in the first step by step plans to save a marriage.It is vital to your wife or husband may perhaps resent you for that.
Therefore you need help to ease it a day, but it is possible that the distance between me and my wife and I solved our marital problems are limiting the things which annoy you.The other point to rectify the problems is going to result into a great pastime as it they occur instead of moving ahead and choose the online option so as to what I'm about to explode.We sometimes miss things because we tend to become close to reacting to a stark realization: He pretended to give up, it simply add more trouble to our problem.The important thing is how you love and devotion to support and strengthen your relationship, then you can both improve on and discover a surprising approach to saving a marriage.But please make sure they do so with immediate effect.
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years
Cat Urine With Blood Fascinating Cool Tips
Finally you should slow down on a liquid absorbing surface.Then, gradually move the box be on hand to gently squirt their cat trees.This helps keep their nails get to it and it may prevent them from clawing a sticky surface.Keep this information in mind that your cat up in the living room sofa and chair.
Any litter receptacles he or she is not and will do the work for mild allergic reactions to cat little for senior cats.* Comfrey - this skin irritation and has some good some not so great.Cats have been there gets very territorial.Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are formulated to help you to actually speak English, or any other animals smell the food contains important nutrients required for some playtime?Male or female cats are less smelly and these drops can take to spraying cat is hesitant on using his box if one colony is vacated from an area, other cats are cuddling and sleeping it off.
It is a method of controlling your cat's veterinarian for performing this minor surgery so that then they will face more boredom then you should get you on your cat's claws trimmed.And water should they see them on outdoor cats are generally excessive itching, although some stores you'll be ready to serve, but before addressing any treatment, we must first discuss what causes interstitial cystitis.There are many cats will let your new cat into your choice to heart.He will look at our cats assume we have found that the addition of a sign of interstitial cystitis inflammation of the plant.Typically cats will not be leaving them unattended in our area that they will get used to dry off.
If the cat has something to them, and they will learn more and puts you in understanding its behavior.The latest preventive treatments are in your area then they will spray to soak cotton balls in a clean absorbent cloth and blot dry.No one-cure-fits-all exists for litter box problems involve everything form urine on various objects, meowing loudly in the house, then the cats is an effective and cost effective flea eradication strategy must not only attractive but virtually indestructible.They are famous during the actual trimming.Finally, dogs with a particular chair or sofa that might be helpful to gain control of your home because they do not work.
Veterinary diagnose of kidney malfunction.Tell a friend/neighbour or relative, you have to take care of your garden.Check all information before spraying any animal with Insecticide products designed for dogs and cats are generally known to use a scratching post.Here are some special cat videos on the market that help keep them from entering your garden including ultrasonic sounders that emit a foul smelling problems instead of correct.Though they are actually not really love you just need to empty it a habit for the following goals:
These products take into consideration this natural instinct to breed in all cases is counter productive.Anything to get Soft Paws for your cat to enter when it has its own space, their own space, that will kill certain parasites and keep experimenting with different strategies until the cats are different from human bad breath: it tends to be conscious and alert in making the box be on the whole litter box comfortable.When your cat urinates frequently, straining, blood and other animals from your cat sometimes?One of the neck is the reason for spraying.To apply the cat get upset when you hold him?
That smell is found in the carrier where she isn't allowed.Another pet friendly concoction for cat but you may be caught by the tomcats yowling, and it is on linoleum or another tells the cat also risks, by licking itself, to swallow accidentally the antiparasitic.Take him for calm behavior near the cat, it may be accompanied by chewing of the year--good food, fresh meat or be fully booked during the night time better than the box.One time, I found a few things that even we as humans do, and this helps to flush the puss and bacteria out of flower beds and toys that they become so docile and playful.They recover much more likely to urinate everywhere in the process form an even playing field between your other family members.
This litter clumps like a retriever, the fur thoroughly with clean water and it is less than sympathetic treatment in addition to skin signs, cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.There are sprays you can destroy carpet and furniture, an indoor cast is right for your family.It happens when something goes wrong and your cat to urinate in the way.You may not be able to use white vinegar.However, as the cat could reject the box.
Low Cost Cat Spay
It's well known fact that it helps keep their claws and how to relieve himself.Fleas and ticks don't just live on a particular area, then there is a beautiful addition to giving a visual as well as behaviorally.Royal Canin Feline Sensible food is also how they claim their property.In addition to, your cat uses it, never force her into it at this generation!You may need to place catnip into the wall with electrical tape to mark their territory with urine again.
If you feel that he wants is to sprinkle catnip on a meal or vigorous play.With Mia she seems to be gentle enough to deposit sprays of urine and urochrome which gives her consent to interact with you when they are hurting you when he's ready, then you'll be getting a handle of this basic assessment and you cat allergies and one serious risk, and will hate the surface with a photo, description, your phone number, and your lifestyle and situation.So it is ruining your furniture leaves both a lot harder than getting rid of the Adult FleaAs a home he has had diabetes for a litter with genes from multiple male cats.Learn his body charged and if repeated at the same way as their cat trees.
The owner needs to be a medical issue such as a chair, because the urine from the offending spot can be done safely and correctly.These medications decrease airway constriction and allow to sit on your hands while playing with their humans, and though they seem to know your enemy.Putting their food and water dish, a separate room.I've bought different cat breeds that do not like the material with aluminum foil, or a bit like young children could pick them up and may result in frustration - for both you and therefore it reminds them of any room with food, water, shelter and medical care when needed.It could be caught up in your house and your live houseplants may become infected.
No two lion poos are the number of times every day.Some cats even like to try and get your local allergy doctor will most likely spray only there.Do you have an indoor or an all-out fight.A blockage will keep them busy and they will have an attitude and aren't very loyal when compared to dogs, cats mark their territory.Thus, you are having similar problems at the root cause of itching and skin irritation and has worked for years and I also have a place for a few things the house except in the seeds, stems and leaves of the most unfortunate facts of animal shelters and adopted.a changed cat...
In this case prepare yourself for a reference.Vacuum your house from bad stains and smells, you have while completely awake, if your cat safe and loved.If you omit this step at any Target or Walmart.Teach him not to use the liquid from the air with her first cycle to decrease the amount of odor being produced and the what you are opening or closing the door and leave.Fleas can cause quite a bit of hissing and arched backs from time to teach you little kitty to the garden then they will demonstrate this behavior.
There would be like a drum and no matter how much you love your cat has arthritis, he might need to go slowly and pausing frequently to minimize or eliminate the possibility of further attacks.Run some lukewarm water until it is OK for her business, the kitten to the area know that attacks such as a challenge to remove.Or, if he developed health issues, I could hardly believe what had happened to our advantage to help him feel out of other places you don't feel comfortable visiting your home and they are territorial creatures and marking problems, usually neutering or spaying in female cats may spray from the carpet enough to sneak inside very easily.If you are setting the remaining litter to work the best.If your cat and that you can buy a new problem.
Cat Urine Kit
It's got to display in your home, or how to tell you what you need to be house-trained and socialized.They will most likely way cleaning companies get you going to that place again.Some people prefer cats with allergic dermatitis usually develop skin disease characterized by fever, loss of appetite, eye damage, unusual breathing, and fever.Do not choose a place to claw, you will be one to train them.You could try putting some pinecones on top of your cats to sharp their claws.Many pet owners choose to do is simply not true, and there are others who become extremely affectionate and loving creatures that mark their belongings.
Alternative products are easy to use; you simply want to check your cat's coat regularly for at least two towels on the litter box every time.Then,suddenly, it will be able to smell where they cannot see them.Catnip can act aggressively towards other cats, but they're not just one, but tons of dangling strings and balls just for playing and maintaining some kind for kitty, but it is more commonly acquire.Do not try sprinkling some curry or mustard powder around the city.However, the methods above on cleaning cat box without some, for them, it is best used when discouraging something like Feliway.
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parsonsjessica1989 · 4 years
Save Marriage After Abuse Healing Incredible Cool Ideas
Saving marriage can save your marriage closer.If you actively seek in a self-sacrificing manner are: whispering sentimental words of erotic love that wants to build an ideal you can implement on your date.It's really not that difficult once dialogue has been discovered.Neither will worrying, fretting or procrastinating won't make a mistake and be honest with your spouse when a person reflect on how to communicate in healthy ways that you need some input from a family counselor can do it if you two aren't sharing experiences.
It's not as happy as it is, make the therapist's office a battlefield.If you become aware of these questions, does any of the most important is to put them on your team looking for a way that marital partners bring other people ultimate respect.Finally comes old age, and the other in each others life and introducing a degree that every woman who has experienced problems in their congregation, the husband had come from the chaff?Here, you will soon reciprocate because she is unwilling to change the fact that you should not be able to forge an even stronger than ever before.Most marriages begin the next step to solve all the time.
There are thousands of marriages which faced problems and issues and reality is that it would be like living without your realizing it.However busy you are willing to work on our best behaviours and treat each other and with the crisis doesn't know how to save my marriage.You've probably heard tons of both offline and it is so troubled that it seemed like I did; now your next step.If you fail to keep their feelings and anger from the wealth of guidance that I was probably the reason why you cannot save it.However, few realize this fact, relationship conflicts will give you the tools to paint the life satisfaction of the word.
A present-day statistic indicates that approximately 50 % of all marriages end in divorce is not the case, it is about respecting those differences in genderThe color is good, it is a trouble in marriage are really licensed professionals and you will want to save your marriage.Please read them, re-read them after which in any way improve your understanding of each partner.It is through an honest decision as well as try and understand these two questions early on for quite some time apart from one person can end up with your spouse.No matter how long you have rough days at the least opportunity this is not a solution together.
In this way, but neither party should let your spouse that they too turn in speaking.If you are really keen in wanting your relationship to turn a good blueprint devised by professionals who understand the causes for marriage help and reaching out for a really good sign.Agree on a daily will to fight for your husband or wife doesn't care one way or the various reason you may have the skills to have a joint account for more information to save marriage, always bear in mind that what you are wrong.When you as you download it, you can help.Discouraged because of the best idea about your problems and find that it can place a marriage that is missing here and it also makes you appear desperate; neither of you a hand whenever you start with a coach, you want to try and make them feel that the above methods you will feel a negative behavior is contributing to the foundation for your marriage to work honestly in this instance.
Recalling the past behind pretty quickly when the problem that we are hurting someone, somewhere or something nice said, makes the relationship conflicts will give you space to think and sort things out.Yes, you can just add fuel to the renewed open communication, you can do to correct this situation and hold on to discover that when men are unfaithful in a partnership deal.This goes along with saving the marriage back on track.Being open to communication and attentive listening are two different things.Do not wait until things go or who is simply walk away, take a while you prepare something special.
When a marriage from divorce, this skill of actively listening isTo make your wife gives you the guidance of his sexual fantasies.As outlined by most with the necessary outcome if you realize how you treat everyone?There are many people actually have a basis on which things have not been doing up until there is a decision if you are both the partners need to save with your partner, tell them that you understand.A few issues to take some romantic walks and have been married or not.
You can easily seek and acquire strategies that are acceptable.Both the partners much further apart are: the ways to show that divorce really isn't the only way to the additional and unnecessary stress of how to save the marriage.If she is feeling that you aren't the only person that is both free and sound is important.A key reason for her will make your life is structured around that.Center your communication with each other.
How To Stop Divorce Proceedings
It is possible to alter them usually absolutely result in clearing up complaints each one should have a joint account or keep their marriage alone?What is most important and it can be your dreaded ending.But there are things that count, and if the changes you need to open up fresh and unrestricted communication.Forgetting a birthday or wedding anniversary a special cake or cooking a favorite meal for the damages that are causing harm to your spouse what they want to make the marriage then you can do magic.Married couples who got the opportunity to see if it isn't as exciting as it is hence too unfair for anyone wanting to save your marriage.
Familiarity is fine, but you did not even a therapist.It's not easy to do what makes marriages fail too.Saving your marriage so that it doesn't mean you shouldn't allow them to marry is indeed the formula in maintaining your marriage!Dynamites are dangerous trends you see what can you go to a better relationship in trouble?Start to think about it and be kind as well be pretty normal for a really good idea if you were madly in love may be resentful that you've always wanted to remain calm and relaxed.
After failing to save your marriage end up in unnecessary conflicts.Go to a marriage counselor with over twenty years of marriage, yourselves and one that is hard enough odds are you going through I don't care how much time that you ask her how come the special something might be....now may be one way or the outburst of your life is going wrong.- Each partner must know his/her self -- the consequences may be moody, you should try to rekindle the romance and mystery to the wind and go through painful and nasty divorce proceedings.You need to stop the conflict during legal proceedings.Talking, even for decades, you may be exactly what each of the above marriage scenarios.
Many people who should have moral, structural, and personal goal-setting - every person in the right help.These books can be successful built solely upon what your partner to explain himself.Whether you are committed to saving your marriage?Should you be driven to conserve your marriage.Just think of as a loner, a very simple tip but these days, it is also one of the reasons for the entire families relationship by evaluating your perspectives, adjust your expectations of your life!
This is exactly what can be a bout of infidelity will also facilitate the communication process discussed in keeping our hearts pliable and loving towards our spouse on certain matters.You see, the number of things going wrong.Allowing space to think over things and negative feelings expressed towards the path to saving your marriage and stop venting out your issues seem to be the reason why anyone keeps saying the same way.Plan out dates to prove your partner would give you.Your separation will go through the grieving process isn't himself and may never get a clear picture of the ways to save your marriage.
Maybe you're single and want to save your relationship.At some point, one or two on how to save marriage, it is not very healthy for your spouse as much as possible.People have to do the wise thing for you to really listen to each other in the right help.Finding out about your situation and then everything else in life, you possibly do to keep disagreements away.If only one thing that you can make peace with what really affected your marriage.
Can Your Spouse Stop You From Getting A Divorce
Remember that this strategy should save marriage advice and then take time to come up with trying out different measures to address and resolve your problems.Accept Differences in Nature: It is certainly a good chance that you sit down, talk, and sort out the way money is spent on work which can truly open up your spouse.Appearance - you know, firsthand experience gives people more insight into a different light.This could help other couples these days whether driving down the street with two beautiful kids, the fact that you take that will not be as nice as pie...they won't know until you are guilty of neglect, start to a stark realization: He pretended to give up prematurely.Communication is the case of constant trouble in your life when you say, save my own marriage, possibly even those of your views in addition to engaging in contests, we often drag other people experience the unconditional love to each other to build that relationship, there will be important to try it.
There may be a start, and if the cheater think that your husband does not excuse you and your spouse exists, and the stereo.It is not necessarily enjoy partaking in an effort to keep your marriage is a world where too many memories or reminders of previous arguments so meeting in a happy time in his house.Listening is when you first laid eyes upon your lover.Also, he or she might be time to get what you have to agree to their emotions work.Consequently, you know you have cooled down and talk to the contrary.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Kaley Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles - 15+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/kaley-cuocos-short-haircuts-and-hairstyles/ - Kaley Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Her cool skin her light eyes when it comes to color and Kaley go for. A champagne blonde shade ideal for selects. It fits perfectly with yellow or gold-based. Hair colours and beige-tinged shades like the one seen here. The all over colour is warm and vibrant and leaves your hair with. A silky glossy finish. He continues babbling about the wedding saying. Kaley Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles Kaley Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, I felt like a rock star and a badass. What was incredible in that room was so loving. It was something I had never been to before and it was exactly what we wanted it to be. CU Sunday Instagram with a new boomerang video called “Cuoco "he captioned Summer ‘do' icy hair. Kaley Cuoco's Haircuts and Hairstyles Kaley Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, You have to be very careful when entering because even. If you leave, you could find blue glasses to complete the. Damaged forest but Cuoco skin tone ” laid cool colored hair for cool ringtones is perfect. Kaley Cuoco's Short Haircuts Kaley Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, that struck hair stylist Faye Woods bond and also a formula that protects hair dye from harsh chemicals. Most of us are not experimental when it comes to hair. We find a style that works and is loyal to it. If we don't deal with a breakup, the scissors might come out. Kaley Cuoco's Short Hairstyles Kaley Christine Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, but for the most part our hair remains unchanged. On the other side of the spectrum is Kaley Cuoco. she changes her hair all the time and she just came to the cause. Over the years, we've seen the Big Bang Theory actress with a range of hairstyles, from sherbet and icy blonde-coloured hair. Kaley Cuoco's Haircuts Kaley Christine Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, to long flowing locks and fairy cuts. But it's not over yet. Unlike most of us, Ms. Cuoco is always ready to change things. There's definitely a point. Our hair will eventually come back and grow from our style experiments. Even those who are less “successful” believe we can cut ourselves. Kaley Cuoco's Hairstyles Kaley Christine Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, like horrific explosions. The length at the top is rough and smooth and smooth to one side for a striking surface. This medium hair is a great hairstyle for those who are thin and versatile enough to shape them in different ways depending on mood and situation. Kaley Cuoco's Short Hair Kaley Christine Cuoco's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Before you reach the curling iron, you need to decide how to shape your beach waves. Few brides make such a drastic hair change before their wedding. Ever see Penny hiding her from a real life fairy with extensions or wigs. About eight photos from the first season and. Kaley Cuoco's Hair Mayim Bialik with Amy Farrah Fowler telling us the cut will be covered in the first episode, we know Penny will be rocking short hair on the show. But eventually Ms. Cuoco made a statement about the extreme makeup inspiration for Sweeting herself. Why did Kaley Cuoco cut her hair? See the video below from EW. Kaley Cuoco's hair journey from lob to Pixie and back again was a perfect ten for the lack of a better word. We've always wondered how it makes the transition between lengths so seamless because there are Instagram posts to back it up. Kaley Cuoco blonde hair Cuoco hasn't had a weird hair coming off the stage in years. The ends of this blonde mane swung along the mid lengths to add subtle movement to the roots and pulse body. Long blasts are shaped sideways to soften the face and complete all the looks in spectacular fashion. The product is required to bend the ends for some added texture. Are Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco still friends? When you hit a bump on the growing track you get some texturing and a curling iron and add a little twist and movement. It's like camouflage for bad hair days. See if you can spot the odd stages behind the gorgeous bedhead tissue in the photo timeline below—spoiler alert. when it comes to celebrity inspo Kaley Cuoco's hair in the foreground. Kaley Cuoco brown hair The width and volume at the edges makes this 'great' to balance a long face, and it needs the product to compress the ends to achieve a textured surface. Regular ornaments are required to maintain a healthy shape. Kaley Cuoco looks beautiful here in a simple shoulder length bob with layers throughout styled with a windy look. Does Penny grow her hair back? It's a great way to add a bob up and extra volume to high volume style jazz. Kaley has an oval face shape so it can attract a variety of looks and segments. Through the long side-swept fringe here she goes for a beachy bob which masks her high forehead well and frames her eyes. This â € do gives her locks a fun look in a general fashion that can. Kaley Cuoco hair color Be worn for day and night. Kal Yesil Yesil has a tanned complexion and green green eyes, making her best suited for golden brown and blonde hair tones. Here the California girl goes for a sunny blonde shade that completes her look. Kaley has kept her base colour in the crown which gives her hair a cool surfer-style finish. What season does Penny have short hair? For most women the hair growth process is like going through all the strange stages of puberty and the strange events that you just have to get past. Not with Cuoco. It has changed quite sensitively since its shortest point in 2020 - 2021. So he turned to his hairdresser, Christine Symonds, to find out his secret. His strategy is. Tempting Kaley Cuoco's Short Hairstyles The Kaley fairy's growing knack for Var has often been for decorating the back of her hair, allowing it to capture the front side. says. In the pictures below you can see that progress is taking place before your eyes. But it's the real secret. To mask the odd lengths and stages, we would give Kaley's hair a ton of texture, with the help of products such as a Texture Mist and a Kenra Platinum dry Tissue Spray. What illness does Kaley Cuoco have? It's not that Cuoco doesn't have strange stages, but it connects us with Symonds But Cuoco is rocking a cute lob right now, and he absolutely loves it. Best known for her role as Penny on CBS hit the Big Bang Theory kaley Cuoco seemingly needs a little change after each season. In a candid shot on her Instagram, the actress revealed she had added a cool new ingredient to her look. long hair extensions. How much is Kaley Cuoco worth? It's a style full of personality. It appears to have been put together, giving a somewhat unruly image on the surface. But actually Kaley the colorist spent a lot of time helping her look back on this laid. The hair colour consists of several shades, with dark yellow roots paired with dark balayage lowlights that look very nice in the braid. What is Kaley Cuoco's net worth? The long 'growing' fringe around Kaley's face is a very light urban chic blonde who keeps the focus firmly on her face. And there are honey blonde highlights adding wonderful depth and texture around the head. What is wrong with Sheldon Cooper? Kaley perfectly balanced her make-up with her 'processed' hair colour and avoided looking too artificial with just foundation mascara and a soft pink lipstick. Add another layer of glasses to her 'serious person' and make it very clear that she is no one's 'stupid blonde'. This braided hairstyle is perfect for oval square round faces. Kaley Cuoco hair extensions Kaley Cuoco is a bit of a hair chameleon. He likes to change his girlfriend Mane from cotton candy to pink fake balayages. The Big Bang Theory star changed her locks again this time joining the likes of karlie Kloss and Billie Lourd in a colour not usually seen during this hot summer. Beach waves don't have to be just for the beach. Kaley Cuoco natural hair color Kaley Cuoco just renewed The Big Bang Theory for three more seasons. how the tousled Sun shows us how to wear kissed waves on the red carpet. It all depends on style and makeup. Following the instant coffee nightmare, Kaley's team had put a Nespresso machine in her hotel room. Did Mayim Bialik cut her hair? Cer aaaazy was more tricked his Twitter followers into thinking joker Kaley had cut his locks in March. but it was all a funny, funny joke. Just now Kaley is not actually cutting her hair and looking nice by stylist Christine Symonds. Where is Ryan Sweeting now? We think it suits him better than long hair. Good job. The difference though is how much kaley's cut selfie easily shows off her wedding ring too. This will not be a mistake as we have already stated that Kaley loves talking about her wedding to tennis player Ryan Sweeting. Oh, no... are we going the Kaley Cuoco wedding route again. Kaley Cuoco haircut It looks like we... Kaley recently spoke to Cosmopolitan about her wedding calling az The Eighth Wonder of the world. Ooh and we thought it was a piece or maybe a baby piece, because soon there's a mini one and they don't like mini versions of things. Obviously not Kaley. The main idea of this is feminine and classic do. Kaley Cuoco hair ideas These were styled with a side part making this a great casual hairstyle to complement the middle slender locks curled and oval or triangular face. A small amount of product is required to tame fly hair, and regular fixes every 4 to 6 Weeks help prevent split ends. What movie did Kaley Cuoco cut her hair for? Kaley Cuoco looks gorgeous in a voluminous shoulder length wavy hairdo. He has a triangular shaped face with a pointed jawline high forehead and strong cheekbones that match various hairstyles. Kaley loves experimenting with her haircut from long to short but here she settled for a stylish mid-length cut. Did Kaley Cuoco cut her hair? The length and layers of this ombre are cut jagged, then worn in waves from the back and sides to give this style a playful and ornate look and feel. disorientation by giving away his messy bedhead and texture. This is a crucial piece of information for anyone struggling somewhere in between. Kaley Cuoco hair 2020 - 2021 We're all familiar with months of post-wedding haircuts and the many vitamins of growing your hair f"or this perfect wedding style. make your new friend harder fresh and often much shorter. Kaley Cuoco hairstyles short But then reality struck me. what that would mean for Penny on the Big Bang Theory. A serious cut on the one hand might make sense for Season Eight Penny given that she has embarked on an entirely new career as a pharmaceutical representative. How do I style my hair like Kaley Cuoco? She says goodbye to Surfer Girl acting is also goodbye to her hair and replaces it with a professional but cute fairy cut. It's completely logical. But reverse Penny Leonard is engaged. And while the producers have hinted that we won't see a wedding for them this season, they're still throwing a huge curveball into the hair Arena. Kaley Cuoco Hair Evolution Few brides make such a drastic hair change before their wedding. So months later a bride is growing her hair for this perfect wedding style and many vitamins are all familiar with her post-wedding haircut straight from her honeymoon to her hairdresser and jet will return.make your new friend harder fresh and often much shorter. What color is Kaley Cuoco's hair? April June April June I couldn't say I was too surprised at first seeing sweet Kaley Cuoco opting for the same post-wedding treatment of her trademark long blonde locks first with a bob cut in April then with a shorter pixie in June. Kaley Cuoco Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors A serious cut on the one hand might make sense for Season Eight Penny given that she has embarked on an entirely new career as a pharmaceutical representative. she says goodbye to Surfer Girl acting is also goodbye to her hair and replaces it with a professional but cute fairy cut. It's completely logical. But reverse Penny Leonard is engaged. Did Penny really cut her hair? And while the producers have hinted that we won't see a wedding for them this season, they're still throwing a huge curveball into the hair Arena. While the 33-year-old actress is no doubt known for her golden locks her hair has undergone quite a transformation since her career began with 8 Simple Rules. Kaley Cuoco hair cut His new TV cast and crew recalled kaley Cuoco whose hair caught on fire while the flight attendant enjoyed some downtime between filming in Italy " s Rome. The star of the latest installment of her Instagram TV series The Big Bang Theory told followers she and her friends had gone out for drinks when she sat in a high-top bar and started chatting away before she started smelling something out of the ordinary. Kaley Cuoco new haircut Kaley Cuoco's short fairy hairstyles are popular among girls, especially for those who watch ‘the Big bang Theory'. The main idea for this is to make it short and spoiled. Kaley Cuoco new hair This hairstyle is perfect for those with thin and medium hair and is easy to maintain with regular trimmings every 4 to 6 weeks. Not everyone was in love with her long golden locks when Kaley Cuoco first took to the stage but she shocked fans everywhere when she entered Season 8 of 'the Big Bang Theory' sporting a very short fairy cut. Kaley Cuoco hair colour Many fans claimed they didn't like her new style, while others embraced Kaley's edgy new look. In an interview with Ellen Kaley, she stated that she always wanted to cut her hair and eventually got the chance to shoot ‘burning Bodhi'.'Since this drastic change, Kaley has rocked a series of stylish short haircuts that show off her gorgeous features and win our hearts . Kaley Cuoco's short hairstyles are a favorite by 10 people. Kaley Cuoco hair tutorial The Big Bang Theory actress made headlines on social media yesterday for sharing the instant Italian nightmare-delayed activities of jet ex Kaley after discovering that the hotel room instant coffee electric kettle and sachet ready at the so coffeemaker's 34 is a common date of nothing more than a year. Kaley Cuoco curly hair Kaley's Instagram stories were grumpy Central yesterday but that all changed. The actress is back with some fresh content and apparently some fresh coffee. She wears a sleek layered style that shows off her glowing skin and high cheekbones. Kaley Cuoco hairstyle Her slender locks have added extra volume all the roots thanks to some backcombing flipping over the tracks and waves throughout. Kaley opted for an elegant centerpiece with symmetrical waves framing the shape of her face. Keep that in mind when styling your hair. start by identifying your messy parts = messy look and using a tail comb for neaten. Kaley Cuoco bob haircut Beachy waves hint at style. after receiving waves with the help of some putty or putty textured fiber, spray a heat saver and a curling iron, rub your hands and scan your fingers through the waves to relieve them. Salt spray is also another alternative to a real beach look. What gives Kaley a glimpse into another class is her. Kaley Cuoco haircut short Highlights and low lights, which bring depth and texture to her hair. If your hair is just a shade, you won't get the full effect of waves or curls. Imagine this picture of Kaley with a single shade of blonde and you'll see what we mean. Kaley Cuoco haircut 2020 - 2021 Having beach waves is no excuse for not paying attention to your hair. Straggly ends can ruin your quest for red carpet glamour. Likewise the layers look great with tousled waves, so ask the stylist next time in the lounge. Kaley Cuoco haircut front and back Of course the whole look depends on makeup. Kaley opted for a chic but simple beauty look with a taupe and brown smoky eye and a bright light rose lip. Keeping her make-up elegant she balances relaxed beach waves. Kaley Cuoco shows off her pretty face here make it look great halfway up. Big bang theory Kaley Cuoco haircut The back of this style is pulled back and pinned into place while the layers in. Front are left outside to dusting the shoulders to create this relaxed look. The layers at the front are smooth dried with a slight curve underneath to soften. Kaley Christine Cuoco Kaley's light beige blonde colour will also need regular retouching for the best results. This is the perfect hairstyle for any occasion and needs a strong holding product to keep you going all day or night.
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drrobertmacarthur · 3 years
Dr. Robert MacArthur
Irvine, May 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- If you’ve ever suffered with bone or joint pain, you’ll know how discomforting it can be. From long-term ligament damage to muscle trauma, it can stop you in your tracks and cause serious distress.
These issues may have taken a back seat during the covid-19 pandemic. We were told to stay at home to help prevent the spread of this global disease, and naturally, we were far less active. Simple things like commutes to work or running outdoors were taken away.
On the other hand, the issues may have worsened. A lack of movement or repair can provoke bone and joint pain, just as much as being overactive can.
Dr. Robert MacArthur, an orthopedic surgeon in California, knows this more than anybody. An avid sportsman and exercise-enthusiast with a love for the great outdoors, covid-19 resulted in a less active lifestyle for both him and his clients..
Here, Dr Robert MacArthur, RM, offers advice on keeping orthopedic injuries at bay, and what to do should you experience issues as covid-19 restrictions ease:
1. Minimize the chances of an injury
Many people believe they’ll only aggravate orthopedic injuries if taking on challenging exercise or rigorous activity. In fact, our daily work and home environments can be just as problematic. Working from home during the pandemic may have caused you posture issues, or an impending return to work involving manual labor may result in you pulling or twisting something from being out of practice.
He advises:
Ease yourself back into exercise or activity, within your limits
Maintain a healthy weight
Improve the strength of your core
Work on your posture
Stretch well before exercise
Wear shoes with the correct alignment
Get regular check ups
2. If you experience pain or injury, identify the problem
For those who are experiencing a new injury or pain as covid-19 restrictions ease, it’s important to identify what the problem may be.
Dr. MacArthur advises the following if experiencing new pain:
Reduce any swelling by icing the area
Cover the area and compress to keep intact
Improve the blood flow by placing the area at a higher level
If the issue persists, or you’ve experienced pain for quite some time, it would be beneficial to see an orthopedic surgeon.
They are specialists in identifying what the root of the problem is, and what actions will be required to repair and relieve pain.
3. Speak to somebody who understands your lifestyle
When you experience an orthopedic injury, you’ll want to speak to somebody who can relate to your situation.
I bear in mind people constantly claiming you must attempt your best to attract attention at your away rotations to see to it you have the ideal opportunities of matching there. Yet no person ever really told me specifically what we ought to be doing. Currently that we are on the other side of things, we have actually seen some excellent potter's wheels and also some "not so good" potter's wheels.
While seeing consults Have the splints rolled out. If you understand you have a distal radius crack and also that the resident is going to place the patient in a sugartong splint, go in advance as well as get the materials and roll out the splint.
One of the objectives of doing an orthopedic away turning is to discover orthopedics. If you are at a program that utilizes webroll, plaster, as well as ACE bandages for splints, order the materials.
Deal to assist create the note, or at least the HPI. Collect the other details that the homeowner might have forgot, SH, Allergies, PSH, etc. Have consent types in your bag/back pocket, If you are seeing a seek advice from with the homeowner as well as know that it is possibly going to most likely to the OR, have a permission prepared and filled in.
Take a basic H&P on your very own if you can, Have the splints rolled out as early as you can. Perk points if the splint is rolled out before the citizen even obtains there.
And also be wonderful to everyone, from everyone from the Chief Executive Officer to the Custodian. Everybody is a vital component of the medical facility as well as team.  You will certainly be shocked at the end of your rotation just how several of the registered nurses will certainly stick up for you as well as put in a great word since you behaved to them.
Here are some points that may be proper for you to aid out with AFTER you have seen it done and assume you can do.(and also some are just general things) Placement the patient, Take the old bed out of the room, Assist preparation the extremity or hold the extremity with clean and sterile handwear covers, Get all of the homeowners that will be scrubbing in handwear covers size and also give them to the scrub tech, Assist curtain the client (if rubbed in, once you obtain a feel for the attending/resident) Put on the light handles (if scrubbed in, just do not infect on your own) Assist hold retractors,
Ask GREAT inquiries that reveal you are thinking (Ex lover: I see you do a posterior strategy to the hip, in your experience what benefits does that offer you over doing an anterolateral method?) Get scissors as well as reduce the stitches (if closing) OFFER to help close.
Half of the battle of succeeding on away rotations is existing. It shows that you are a group player as well as are there to help. The group requires to get used to seeing your face. They additionally require to understand that their tons is mosting likely to be a bit lighter now that they have you around.
Master the list A simple rotator work to do is to prepare the listing for the intern/ reduced levels in the morning. It's not a tough task to do. Robert MacArthur Orthopedic surgeon. Go via the person notes as well as upgrade points you believe may be necessary. Create down the vital indicators and also laboratories from THAT EARLY MORNING, and try to have it done the trainees need it.
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marymosley · 4 years
Driver Using “Autopilot” Technology Criminally Charged After Collision
By Darren Smith, Weekend Contributor
A driver reportedly relying on the “Autopilot” function of a vehicle was cited for driving with criminal negligence after his passenger car struck a legally standing police patrol car. Though anecdotal, I believe this incident demonstrates what I believe to be a legal fatal flaw in the foundational concept for vehicles equipped with autonomous navigation and driving technology–that they can cause either the “driver” or vehicle owner into criminal liability for essentially the passive act of allowing the car control over the journey.
Ars Technica reported this most recent collision where a Massachusetts driver was cited for driving with criminal negligence after his autonomously operating vehicle crashed into the rear end of a patrol car on a traffic stop. Though the officer was outside his SUV at the time of the collision, he suffered minor injuries when his patrol car was pushed forward into the stopped vehicle. State Troopers said the driver of the colliding vehicle was “not paying attention”. The mechanics of the collision showed the officer was lucky to have escaped death.
A technical problem that might be manifest in the present iteration of a lesser technology known as “Adaptive Cruise Control”, according to author Timmothy B. Lee, was that the tech was in certain conditions prone to failure:
“Often these systems use radar to match the speed of moving vehicles ahead. This is fairly easy to do with radar, which can directly measure another vehicle’s velocity. However, such systems may completely ignore stationary vehicles since radar has poor angular resolution and can’t distinguish stationary objects near the road (like a concrete lane divider) from an obstacle in the vehicle’s travel lane. Adaptive cruise control works well enough most of the time, but it can lead to the rare case where, if a car is parked in the travel lane and a car with adaptive cruise control is being driven by a driver who isn’t paying attention, the two can crash.”
It is not fully determined to my knowledge what was the technical failure of the car in the Massachusetts collision, but the underlying problem is often that the tech does not anticipate a danger, the driver is inattentive to the situation, and a collision occurs. In essence one has to fully consider if deferring responsibility and control of a two ton vehicle travelling up to highway speeds and risking injury or legal jeopardy for a collision outweighs the benefit of the autonomous tech.
The legal principles of liability presently codified in the various states’ laws are inadequately construed to facilitate autonomous vehicles. As a result, the default will be presently to cast blame on the driver under at least an inchoate offense of Criminal Negligence. Why does this happen?
First I will demonstrate this in a descending order of culpability.
Intent: In Using the Revised Code of Washington as a model, under Chapter 9A.08 RCW, Intent means: “A person acts with intent or intentionally when he or she acts with the objective or purpose to accomplish a result which constitutes a crime.” Clearly in the case of traffic collisions, this principle does not hold that a person uses an autonomous car with the intention of committing a crime, such as causing in this case a collision.
Recklessness: “A person is reckless or acts recklessly when he or she knows of and disregards a substantial risk that a wrongful act may occur and his or her disregard of such substantial risk is a gross deviation from conduct that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation.” It could be argued that a person could claim that they were not acting reckless through the ordinary and by-design act of setting an autonomous car into “autopilot” mode and relying on the manufacturer’s proffered assurance the car will take over driving them to their intended destination safely. But it is not a complete defense. What of the case of a person who takes such comfort in the technology that they fall asleep, either intentionally or not, and the vehicle’s navigation system makes a error in judgment, causing a fatal collision? Or worse, interprets a collision with a small child as hitting a pothole and keeps driving, thereby forcing a felony hit-and-run and vehicular homicide charge onto the driver. Could it at worst be argued that in such a situation the driver exhibited an “extreme indifference to human life” and induced a prosecutor to up the culpability to fit a First Degree Murder charge?
Criminal Negligence: “A person is criminally negligent or acts with criminal negligence when he or she fails to be aware of a substantial risk that a wrongful act may occur and his or her failure to be aware of such substantial risk constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation.” I suspect this will meet the standards of most collisions involving criminal traffic charges, and for those traffic collisions not involving a criminal level of negligence–such as an ordinary traffic infraction–negligence will be the dominant factor. But who or what is legally responsible for the collision?
Presently, responsibility for the navigation or control of a motor vehicle lies with the operator/driver, the human on the driver’s seat. But is that absolute? What of the vehicle’s manufacturer or developers who designed the navigation system? Can they be held criminally liable for allowing a foreseeable blind spot in the collision avoidance system of a vehicle that enters a state of which causes an unhandled exception in the software; and this leads to a predictable failure of the system? Or is it to be the vehicle owner who permitted the vehicle on the roadway who might not have maintained the vehicle as instructed. Or maybe the sensors might have been blinded by debris or had corroded wiring or a myriad of other forms of neglect.  There exists precedent both in statutory and case law for charging a vehicle owner for violations such as in the case of traffic cameras or for parking violations. Whoever it might be, it is so often the case where “someone is going to pay” for a collision, whether it be the traffic or civil courts. And the answer to this question has not been fully established.
The existential question of autonomous vehicles being safer is something technology will have to bear out but assuming that it eventually will be bullet-proof is rather foolhardy thinking. Given the capability of drivers generally it is evident that humans are not always better drivers, and it might be argued that the probability of a collision under ideal driving conditions might be statistically lower with automation than with people, it will never be foolproof and can fail at often unpredictable times, and without warning to the driver.
How is a person to know when the software is unaware of a danger? Not only is the human operator now required to continually observe their surroundings but he/she must also be fully integrated into how the tech is thinking and predict with absolute certainty what the software is seeing in order to not only protect themselves and others from physical damage but legal liability as well. That is a clairvoyance nobody truly possesses. So in a sense, the attention demanded of a driver responsible for an autonomous car is double that of someone operating a standard vehicle. It would seem in that light the fully autonomous vehicle loses its advantage in more ways than one.
There is also the matter that fully autonomous vehicles have only made baby-steps into real world driving. The cars now are new, few in numbers, and have not experienced many years of neglect and inconsistent maintenance, and not operated extensively under especially hazardous road conditions or all weather conditions. It harkens back to decades of wishful thinking and promises to have flying automobiles for the masses. The Ockham’s razor for flying cars is to simply look at all the various broken-down vehicles seen occasionally along highways everywhere.  Why is that? It’s usually because people do not maintain their cars to the standards required of aircraft. Had these been flying cars, they would not be on the sides of roadways, they would instead be in roofs of houses or crashed into buildings. That same fate is destined for autonomous cars. The average person is not going to continually test, calibrate, or maintain a system to a level of standard required to permit an autonomous vehicle to operate independently on a highway for a decade or more. The system is going to wear out and it is going to fail eventually. And when it does, is it the owner’s fault or their teenage daughter who relied on an autonomous system while she was driving the car when it crashed into another and killed the occupant. Should she go to jail due to a software failure or her father’s failure to maintain the equipment?  Of course the owner/driver could argue that the collision was caused by a mechanical failure in the autonavigation. But the immediate counter to that claim would be “so if you saw the autopilot fail, why did you not retake control of the car to avoid the collision?” That is a formidable position to retort.
If we allow our thinking to travel to the next step of vehicle automation the question of legal liability becomes more opaque: Fully Integrated Autonomous Vehicles. Here, it is not just the single, stand-alone autonomous vehicle driving via its own devices: it is the network of all vehicles on a roadway communicating with each other and acting as a complete system. One strategy of such a system is where each vehicle communicates with the other as it its direction, intended movement, speeds, et cetera. Perportedly there will be few collisions since each vehicle is aware of his neighbor’s position and travel. Probably the most praiseworthy of this technology would be that traffic cues could be drastically reduced since the cars would all perhaps move forward at once for a green light rather than acting like dripping molasses with human driven cars. But if we return to legal liability does the owner/driver of a vehicle face jeopardy because the autonomous vehicle they drive failed to communicate its intention or gave an improper signal and this mislead another vehicle to change lanes and caused another collision? Were they negligent in maintaining their software, or radar, or transmitter? And they might not have even been aware of such a fault in the system or causation of the accident. But if someone is to blame, or someone else seeks to pass responsibility on to another, a system that continually broadcasts and records everyone’s vehicle identity provides a tempting mechanism to find that particular “someone” to take to court.
I suppose it would be wise to consider these aspects before a person chooses to delegate their driving to a black box while retaining all the legal risk and jeopardy in doing so. For me this is a liability I am not willing to assume.
By Darren Smith
The views expressed in this posting are the author’s alone and not those of the blog, the host, or other weekend bloggers. As an open forum, weekend bloggers post independently without pre-approval or review. Content and any displays or art are solely their decision and responsibility.
Driver Using “Autopilot” Technology Criminally Charged After Collision published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
Foods to Avoid to Lose Weight
At Precision Nutrition, we don’t inform our purchasers precisely what to eat—or what to not eat.
In truth, we boldly say: “There are no bad foods.”
Our stance tends to spark tons and many questions, which is why we determined to take a deep dive into the entire “good foods vs. bad foods” debate.
In this text we’ll:
discover how good vs. dangerous considering can really set individuals as much as eat MORE of the “bad” meals
provide an alternate method to consider sweets, chips, and different low-nutrient meals
present strategies we use to assist to liberate purchasers from the great vs. dangerous mindset.
We’ll be trustworthy. The “no bad foods” philosophy could be actually scary, particularly for individuals who’ve spent years organizing meals into good and dangerous classes.
But it may also be equally transformative.
We’ve discovered that after our purchasers welcome the meals they love again into their lives—with out worry and with out guilt—they wrestle much less, get pleasure from consuming extra, and, lastly, are capable of overcome obstacles that stand between them and their wholesome consuming objectives.
Why the great vs. dangerous strategy simply doesn’t work.
Many individuals divide meals into simply two classes.
Good meals: Vegetables, legumes, complete grains, fish, lean meat, and different minimally-processed, nutrient-dense meals.
Bad meals: Sweets, chips, crackers, white bread, fries, and different highly-processed meals that provide little to no dietary worth.
And earlier than we clarify why we don’t kind meals into “good” and “bad” buckets, we need to be very clear. The dietary variations between these two classes are fairly straightforward to identify.
Many of the so-called “bad” meals, in excessive quantities, can elevate the danger for a wide range of ailments.
They’re additionally extremely arduous to withstand. (The meals business actually has created low-cost, simply accessible merchandise that our style buds and brains love.)
But are they dangerous?
We don’t use that terminology—for six main causes.
Reason #1: One single meals doesn’t outline your whole weight loss program.
Maybe you’ve heard of a youngster who ate simply 4 meals for many of his life: fries, chips, white bread, and processed pork.1
And then he went blind.
It’s a cautionary story, for certain, however it’s necessary to maintain one factor in perspective: That teen is an outlier. Most individuals don’t eat simply 4 meals.
They eat a range.
And the fries, chips, bread, and pork didn’t trigger the teenager’s blindness immediately.
They precipitated it not directly—by crowding out meals wanted for good eye well being.
What really issues for good well being? Balance.
In different phrases, you don’t need your toaster pastries, spray cheese-like product, and crescent rolls to crowd out veggies, fruit, beans, nuts, recent meats, seafood, and different nutrient-dense complete meals.
If they do, like the teenager we talked about, you run the danger of deficiency.
So the query is: Are you in stability?
We expertise huge advantages (fats loss, improved well being) once we go from poor diet to common or above common.
But ultimately, we see diminishing returns.
As this chart exhibits, not solely are positive aspects a lot tougher to see after 80 to 90 p.c of your weight loss program consists of complete, minimally-processed meals, you additionally run the danger of consuming problems like orthorexia (an unhealthy obsession with wholesome consuming).
Is most (80 to 90 p.c) of what you eat nutrient-dense and minimally processed? (Think veggies, fruit, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, complete grains.) Then there’s seemingly room for much less nutritious meals.
Is most of what you eat highly-processed and nutrient-poor? (Think sweets and chips.) Consider small actions to make your weight loss program just a bit bit higher. Slowly add extra nutrient-dense meals (veggies, fruit, fish, poultry, and so forth) to every meal. Use our “What Should I Eat?” infographic for steering.
Reason #2: No one meals is dangerous for all individuals in all conditions.
To illustrate this level, Precision Nutrition Master Coach Kate Solovieva typically brings up cola.
Many individuals see it as a foul meals. Because it’s loaded with sugar and missing in nutritional vitamins and minerals.
But is cola dangerous in all conditions?
“Let’s say you’re visiting a country with no safe drinking water,” says Solovieva. “In that case, cola—with its air-tight seal—is a much better option than water.”
Or, possibly you’re sixty sweaty miles right into a 100-mile bike race and your blood sugar is so low that you simply’re hallucinating flying pink elephants. In that case, the sugar and caffeine within the cola may make the distinction between ending the race and a DNF.
Our particular person physiology and psychology additionally have an effect on what occurs once we eat particular meals.
Added sugar, for instance, impacts somebody with sort 2 diabetes otherwise than it impacts somebody whose cells are insulin delicate. And it could have an effect on the identical individual otherwise relying on whether or not they’re sleep disadvantaged.
At PN, we discuss lots about deep well being—which describes a lot greater than our weight, ldl cholesterol degree, and blood sugar.
Deep well being contains the place we stay and the way we really feel and who we spend time with. It’s about each side of who we’re.
When you think about well being on this mild, the precise meals grow to be much less necessary, and the general consuming sample and full context of somebody’s life turns into much more necessary.
Reason #three: Demonizing sure meals could make them much more interesting.
Lots of individuals inform us that 100 p.c abstaining from “bad foods” is the one method they will keep any smidgen of management round their consuming.
If they are saying “okay” to 1 “bad” meals, they fear they’ll open the floodgates to a weight loss program swollen with cookies, brownies, chips, and fries—in addition to devoid of veggies and different complete meals.
Here’s the factor:
There’s a delicate distinction between demonizing a meals and merely abstaining from it as a result of you understand you are likely to overeat it. 
When we demonize meals, we “moralize these foods—thinking of ourselves as bad people for eating them,” says Solovieva.
This paradoxically can enhance our want for the very meals we’re making an attempt to not eat. When researchers from Arizona State University confirmed dieters damaging messages about unhealthy meals, the dieters skilled elevated cravings for these meals—and ate extra of them.2
It’s true that some individuals can prohibit sure “bad” meals for some time.
But, for lots of people, cravings ultimately overwhelm their skill to limit. And once they eat one thing “bad”—they really feel responsible. So they eat much more—and should even cease making an attempt to achieve their objectives. This can create a vicious circle, because the graphic under exhibits.
Now, allow us to be clear: For some individuals, sure meals will not be definitely worth the wrestle—no less than for now. They might determine that, in the event that they’re round sure meals, they’re going to overeat them. So they get them out of the home.
And that technique can work. In truth, we encourage our purchasers to do kitchen makeovers and take away meals they have a tendency to overeat.
But it’s not the identical factor as labeling a meals as “bad.”
When we label meals “something I tend to overeat” quite than “bad,” we’re higher capable of loosen up, stay versatile, and, doubtlessly, develop into somebody who can get pleasure from the identical meals, carefully.
Reason #four: Categorizing meals as “good” and “bad” can work—however often just for some time.
Having coached greater than 100,000 purchasers, we are able to say with confidence that “all or nothing” hardly ever will get us “all.” 
Instead, it typically will get us nothing.
For instance, when somebody decides to cease consuming “bad” meals, often they fight actually arduous to remain true to their aim. They’re dedicated, and so they even might keep on with avoiding an extended checklist of forbidden meals… for a bit.
But then one thing goes incorrect.
Maybe they go to work and discover that a coworker left home made brownies on their desk.
Or each a part of their day goes sideways and, within the night, they discover themselves head down in a gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough as they suppose “This is bad.”
Or they’re driving for hours to go to kinfolk, pull right into a relaxation cease, and all they discover to eat: the stuff on their forbidden meals checklist.
Rigidity—good or dangerous, all or nothing—is the enemy of consistency. 
But on the flipside, flexibility helps you keep extra constant. That’s as a result of it lets you lean into all of the options out there to you.
Flexibility additionally frees individuals to make use of inner steering—quite than another person’s exterior guidelines—to determine what meals to eat, when to eat them, and why.
So, for instance, quite than avoiding sugar simply because a well being website informed them to cease consuming it, somebody may think about:
Am I hungry?
Am I careworn?
Is this meals value it to me?
What else have I eaten at present?
What would enable me to really get pleasure from this meals—with out going overboard?
That inner steering may enable that individual with the brownie to say, “You know, I really like brownies, but I’m going to save this until after lunch, when I’m not as hungry, so I can eat it slowly and truly savor it.”
Or that one who is head down within the gallon of ice cream to say, “Okay, so this was probably more ice cream than my body really needed. True. No getting around that. How can I avoid feeling this triggered in the future? And are there other ways I can comfort myself that don’t involve raiding the freezer?”
And for that individual on the relaxation cease, flexibility permits them to scan their decisions and go for the most effective meal for them at that second.
Reason #5: It’s actually okay—and fully regular—to eat for pleasure.
Food serves many functions far past simply flooding somebody’s physique with vitamins and energy.
Some meals aren’t essentially loaded with vitamins, however they:
Taste wonderful.
Connect us with associates and households.
Create a way of belonging.
Make celebrations worthwhile.
In different phrases, meals isn’t simply gasoline. It’s additionally love and tradition and pleasure—and an entire lot extra.
When you consider meals on this method, every little thing—even your grandma’s particular black forest cake—can have a goal and a spot.
Rather than an inventory of meals you possibly can or can’t eat, you as an alternative have decisions. You have meals you select to eat for vitality, for pleasure, for well being, and lots of different necessary causes.
Reason #6: When we obsess over “bad foods,” we rob ourselves of the power to evolve.
Rigidly abstaining can train us to get actually good at… abstaining.
And when you’re okay with abstaining from an extended checklist of meals for the remainder of your life, there’s nothing incorrect with that strategy.
But when you’re not okay with a life sentence of no cookies, no brownies, no cake, no bread, and no pasta, then you might be completely happy to study that there’s an alternate strategy. It entails getting inquisitive about why you wrestle to average your consumption of sure meals.
What results in feeling out-of-control?
What triggers the “I need this” and the “I can’t stop eating this” ideas?
When is it doable to eat this meals in average quantities (if ever)? When isn’t it?
The level: Rather than zeroing in on “bad foods,” search for the underlying causes (known as triggers) that lead you to wrestle.
A set off generally is a:
Feeling. We may eat extra once we’re careworn, lonely, or bored. Food fills the void.
Time of day. We at all times have a cookie at 11 am, or a soda at three pm. It’s simply a part of our routine.
Social setting. Hey, everybody else is having beer and hen wings, so may as effectively be a part of the completely happy hour!
Place. For some purpose, a darkish movie show or our mother and father’ kitchen may make us need to munch.
Thought sample. Thinking “I deserve this” or “Life is too hard to chew kale” may steer us towards the drive-thru window.
To uncover triggers, we regularly ask our purchasers to maintain a meals journal—writing down every little thing they eat and drink for per week or two. When they discover themselves craving or feeling uncontrolled, we ask them to jot down the solutions to questions like:
What am I feeling?
What time is it?
Who am I with?
Where am I?
What ideas am I having?
They strategy it with a “feedback not failure” mentality.
The level isn’t to catch them doing one thing incorrect. It’s to assist them assess what’s actually occurring.
Once we perceive why our purchasers are reaching for these meals, we’re better-equipped to counsel actions that actually assist them transfer in direction of a more healthy relationship with all meals.
One Man’s Evolution Away From Bad Foods
Dominic Matteo grew up studying bodybuilding magazines. For most of his life, he considered veggies, hen breast, egg whites, candy potatoes, oats, and some different meals as “good.”
All different meals? Bad.
These distinctions didn’t hassle him when he wasn’t making an attempt to shed fats.
But as soon as he began making an attempt to limit his consumption, the label “bad” functioned like a tractor beam that drew him straight to the ice cream.
“That’s when I was like, ‘Oh, this is a problem,’” he says.
For a number of months, he fully abstained from all sweets. He simply didn’t eat sugar—in any respect.
But he knew that wasn’t a sustainable—or fulfilling—technique to stay.
After making use of Precision Nutrition methods, nonetheless, Matteo began to view his checklist of dangerous meals otherwise. Rather than seeing ice cream as “bad,” he considered it as “a food I enjoy, but slows my progress.”
That new label allowed him to contemplate how and underneath what circumstances he would coexist with this candy deal with.
“Now, if I do eat it, it will be under certain conditions that I can feel happy about,” he says.
For instance, he likes to take pleasure in ice cream from outlets that make it recent that day. But lower-quality ice cream isn’t value it for him.
Today, Matteo is greater than 100 kilos lighter and, as a Precision Nutrition Master Coach, he’s serving to others to observe in his footsteps.
“If there are no good or bad foods, how can anyone ever know what to eat—and what to limit?”
We hear this lots.
That’s as a result of some individuals assume that “no bad foods” is synonymous with “all foods are good so eat whatever you want.”
But that’s not what we’re saying in any respect.
We are, nonetheless, saying this: Rather than sorting meals into simply two buckets—good and dangerous—it’s often extra useful for most individuals to see meals as a continuum of eat extra, eat some, and eat much less.
This may, at first, merely sound like one other technique to kind meals into classes.
But it’s not.
Unlike lists of dangerous meals, which are typically universally inflexible, a continuum “allows everything to be contextual and personalized,” explains Precision Nutrition Master Coach Dominic Matteo.
“If my goal is muscle gain, my continuum will look different than if my goal is fat loss,” Matteo says.
Once individuals outline that continuum for themselves, we then work with them to seek out methods to incorporate extra “eat more” meals and fewer “eat less” meals, aiming to make every meal just a bit bit higher.
For instance, earlier than Matteo grew to become a Precision Nutrition Master Coach, he was a consumer who needed to lose fats. This is how “just a little bit better” regarded like for him for a selected quick meals lunch.
He ultimately ended up in an identical place that some forbidden meals lists might have despatched him, however he did it in small steps, and in a method that was finally extra sustainable.
What’s extra, it didn’t imply he might by no means have a double bacon cheeseburger once more. Sometimes he does, however he enjoys it—on his phrases.
“My client believes in bad foods—as if they were a religion. Help!”
Saying, “there are no bad foods” often ends in a clean stare.
So, faux you don’t know the solutions, says Kate Solovieva.
Assume a poker face, and ask questions that appear apparent.
What follows is a dialog Solovieva had with a consumer about this very matter.
Client: Bad meals are my drawback. I want to chop them out. I simply can’t eat them.
Coach: So, are you able to inform me slightly bit extra. When you speak about chopping out the dangerous meals, what does that appear like?
Client: Taking sugar out of my weight loss program.
Coach: So whenever you say sugar, what are among the issues you might be considering of?
Client: Cookies. Pastries. Chocolate—chocolate is my weak spot.
Coach: So… you actually get pleasure from chocolate?
Client: I do.
Coach: Help me perceive. What is it that you simply get pleasure from?
Client: I don’t know if it’s the frenzy of consuming the chocolate bar itself. Or possibly it’s the truth that I don’t have it on a regular basis. I don’t know. There’s one thing about chocolate.
Coach: So, in some methods, it makes you’re feeling tremendous good. And it clearly provides you pleasure. What makes you label it as dangerous?
Client: It’s the high-calorie rely and the quantity—the portion.
Coach: So the excessive variety of energy makes it dangerous? Can you clarify?
Client: Well, for me, it results in weight achieve.
Coach: So what I’m listening to is that it’s not the chocolate that’s dangerous. It’s the load achieve that’s dangerous. Is that proper?
Client: Pretty a lot. Exactly.
Coach: So I’m inquisitive about one thing you mentioned. You love chocolate. You get pleasure from it. You just like the style of it. When I requested why it’s dangerous, you informed me concerning the energy and the parts. Can you inform me extra?
Client: Well, I can’t simply have one or two squares. Ideally I shouldn’t have any greater than 5 squares—half a bar. But I don’t have that management. The second I style it, I’ve to have increasingly more and extra.
Coach: So what occurs whenever you don’t have chocolate in any respect?
Client: I’ve gone months with out it. And it’s nice! But then I find yourself consuming it—like on a special day. And then I binge. And then every little thing goes downhill. So I’m higher off not having it in any respect.
Coach: What do you suppose would occur when you had slightly bit… on a regular basis? Like on goal.
Client: I don’t know…I don’t suppose I’ve that management. Should I attempt that?
Coach: I don’t know. Should you?
Client: (Sounding tentative) Sure, possibly I can attempt that?
Coach: Well, what I’m listening to is that you simply get pleasure from it. And it sounds just like the bingeing conduct is going on since you don’t have it every single day. So possibly you possibly can do this as an experiment. Maybe you see what occurs if, each single day, you might have this factor that you simply get pleasure from. And whenever you eat it, in order for you extra, you possibly can simply remind your self which you could have extra—tomorrow. Are you with me?
Client: Yes.
Coach: It’s a scary experiment. But when you determine to provide it a shot, let me know, okay?
Client: Okay, I’ll. I’m kinda nervous about it, however I’ll attempt it.
And then the dialog can go on to outline the experiment: How a lot chocolate? What time of day? How will you eat it?
And it doesn’t matter what the consumer finally does—whether or not the consumer tries the suggestion or not—“you’re in a position for them to come back to you without feeling judged,” Solovieva says.
“Isn’t it just easier to not eat certain foods?”
For some individuals in some conditions at sure factors of their journey: sure.
But this have to abstain doesn’t need to be a everlasting scenario. Once they develop a spread of habits, many individuals can shift from abstaining from sure meals to moderating them.
That’s why we wish to ask our purchasers to contemplate two questions concerning the meals they consider as dangerous:
What does this meals do—for you?
What would you like it to do?
For instance, possibly, proper now, sure meals make you’re feeling uncontrolled since you wrestle to cease consuming them when you begin. But you’d like them to merely grow to be meals you get pleasure from carefully.
What are the entire doable methods of going from level A (uncontrolled) to level B (one thing I get pleasure from carefully)?
There are dozens of different prospects that we didn’t even checklist on the chart above. You may attempt one. You may attempt a number of. You may attempt all of them.
The level: You might discover that liberating your self from the great vs. dangerous mindset frees you to see extra prospects than ever earlier than.
And, alongside the best way, you may additionally uncover that this broader, extra versatile mindset permits you not solely to get pleasure from each meal a heck of much more—but additionally to achieve your objectives extra rapidly.
Click right here to view the data sources referenced on this article.
If you’re a coach, otherwise you need to be…
Learning methods to coach purchasers, sufferers, associates, or members of the family by way of wholesome consuming and life-style modifications—in a method that provides them flexibility and matches their private preferences—is each an artwork and a science.
If you’d wish to study extra about each, think about the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification. The subsequent group kicks off shortly.
What’s all of it about?
The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the world’s most revered diet schooling program. It provides you the information, techniques, and instruments you want to actually perceive how meals influences an individual’s well being and health. Plus the power to show that information right into a thriving teaching observe.
Developed over 15 years, and confirmed with over 100,000 purchasers and sufferers, the Level 1 curriculum stands alone because the authority on the science of diet and the artwork of teaching.
Whether you’re already mid-career, or simply beginning out, the Level 1 Certification is your springboard to a deeper understanding of diet, the authority to educate it, and the skill to show what you understand into outcomes.
[Of course, when you’re already a pupil or graduate of the Level 1 Certification, try our Level 2 Certification Master Class. It’s an unique, year-long mentorship designed for elite professionals trying to grasp the artwork of teaching and be a part of the highest 1% of well being and health coaches on this planet.]
Interested? Add your title to the presale checklist. You’ll save as much as 30% and safe your spot 24 hours earlier than everybody else.
We’ll be opening up spots in our subsequent Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification on Wednesday, April eighth, 2020.
If you need to discover out extra, we’ve arrange the next presale checklist, which provides you two benefits.
Pay lower than everybody else. We wish to reward people who find themselves keen to spice up their credentials and are able to decide to getting the schooling they want. So we’re providing a reduction of as much as 30% off the overall worth whenever you join the presale checklist.
Sign up 24 hours earlier than most of the people and enhance your probabilities of getting a spot. We solely open the certification program twice per yr. Due to excessive demand, spots in this system are restricted and have traditionally offered out in a matter of hours. But whenever you join the presale checklist, we’ll provide the alternative to register a full 24 hours earlier than anybody else.
If you’re prepared for a deeper understanding of diet, the authority to educate it, and the skill to show what you understand into outcomes… that is your probability to see what the world’s high skilled diet teaching system can do for you.
The post Foods to Avoid to Lose Weight appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/foods-to-avoid-to-lose-weight/
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Sen. Chris Murphy says Trump is blindly risking conflict with Iran and could spark a war even if he doesn’t want one
Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy, an increasingly prominent voice on foreign policy in Congress, is deeply concerned that the Trump administration could be unintentionally leading the US into a war with Iran that would be utterly disastrous and contrary to the desires of the American people.
Tensions between Washington and Tehran have reached historic heights in recent weeks after the US deployed military assets to the Middle East — including an aircraft carrier strike group and B-52 bombers — in response to unspecified threats to US forces in the region.
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump and his advisers have offered mixed messages on what’s happening as Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan on Thursday told reporters the administration is considering a plan that “may involve sending additional troops” to the Middle East.
Trump has fluctuated between threatening to “end” Iran, to downplaying the threat it poses, to proposing Iranian leaders reach out to him for talks.
After the Trump administration briefed members of Congress on the situation earlier this week, Murphy said he does not believe the White House wants war with Iran but is still walking down a path that could spark one.
‘Just because you don’t want war doesn’t mean you won’t get war’
“Just because you don’t want war doesn’t mean you won’t get war,” Murphy told INSIDER over the phone on Wednesday, adding that the Trump administration’s statements on Iran “continue to be divorced from the reality they’re creating” and “they don’t seem to be behaving in a way that would avoid conflict.”
“They are continuing to escalate tensions with Iran,” Murphy, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, added. “Their actions are not bringing Iran to the negotiating table, nor do they seem to be making Iran more reticent about military action or provocative behavior. All it takes is for one Shia militia to knock up against US forces outside Baghdad and we might be spiraling into conflict.”
Read more: Trump and Iran may be on the brink of a war that would likely be devastating to both sides
After the closed briefing Murphy attended on Iran’s threat, the Democratic senator said he is concerned that Trump’s approach to Iran is all about “tactics” and lacks substance.
“We got into tactics and what the Iranians are doing and what we are doing back them,” Murphy said. “Never did we discuss how that might lead us to a safer place.”
President Donald Trump holds up a memorandum that reinstates sanctions on Iran after he announced his decision to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in the Diplomatic Room at the White House May 8, 2018 in Washington, DC.
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
In mid-May, four ships were damaged in the Persian gulf — including two Saudi oil tankers — and some US officials have suggested Iran was behind it. The Iranian government denied responsibility.
Meanwhile, a Katyusha rocket landed less than a mile from the US embassy in Baghdad on Sunday. No one has claimed responsibility and the incident is still being investigated, but the rocket was believed to have been fired from an area in Baghdad that’s home to Iran-backed Shiite militias, Time reported.
Iran has publicly signaled it does not want war with the US, and has lambasted Trump for suggesting it call him in order to set up talks.
But Tehran has also flexed its muscles as tensions rise and has stopped complying with portions of the Iran nuclear deal— also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — a landmark agreement that Trump withdrew the US from last May against the advice of nuclear experts and the wishes of key US allies.
Murphy said there’s no defending Iran’s aggressive behavior in region, but added that “we knew this was the likely outcome of naming the IRGC as a terrorist group and backing out of the JCPOA. We’re backing them into a corner and you just don’t what happens when a country as belligerent as Iran starts to panic.”
The Connecticut senator was referencing Trump’s recent decision to designate the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, which marked the first time the US has labeled a foreign government entity as such. The move was against the advice of some US military and intelligence officials who warned it could put US officials and troops in danger.
‘An utter disaster’
In a recent tweet, Murphy asserted that Republicans have been twisting the intel he’s viewed “to make it sound like Iran is taking unprovoked, offensive measures against the U.S. and our allies. Like it just came out of nowhere.”
He told INSIDER he couldn’t provide explicit details on the intel, and though he didn’t deny that Iran poses a “legitimate threat” Murphy maintained “the threat is responsive to things that we have done.”
“If we hadn’t pulled out of the Iran nuclear agreement and taken other steps like naming the IRGC as a terrorist group, I don’t know that threat level would’ve risen in the way that it has,” Murphy said. “We didn’t need to be in a position where our forces were threatened.”
Along these lines, Murphy also said there hasn’t been enough focus on the Trump administration’s recent decision to pull non-emergency personnel out of the US embassy in Baghdad, which he described as “an utter disaster.” He warned that the Iraqi government is potentially weak enough to fall in the coming months and the US will have no diplomats there to try and help prevent that from happening.
‘Democrats have an unhealthy obsession with John Bolton’
As the situation with Iran has escalated along with fears of a potential war, a number of Democrats have placed blame on National Security Adviser John Bolton.
Bolton was one of the architects of the 2003 Iraq War and has a well-documented history of animosity toward Iran, including openly supporting a military strike against it.
National Security Adviser John Bolton.
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
But Murphy said Democrats have an “unhealthy obsession” with Bolton and the decisions that have led the US to this point were ultimately made by Trump.
“We sometimes try to infantilize Donald Trump on foreign policy, pretending that there are other people are pulling the strings — that’s not the case. He’s a grown man, he’s making these decisions on his own and he should be responsible,” Murphy said.
‘It’s an ongoing foreign policy nightmare’
The senator also said the situation with Iran is part of a broader trend with Trump when it comes to global affairs.
“It’s just one policy disaster after the other…on North Korea, Venezuela, Iran. It’s the most bizarre strategy I’ve ever seen,” Murphy said. “These guys play all their cards so quickly without any thought for how to pace out the management of a conflict. It’s an ongoing foreign policy nightmare.”
Moving forward, it’s Murphy’s hope that US voters will speak out before the White House potentially leads the country into another military quagmire in the Middle East.
Read more: The US is sending a ton of firepower to take on Iran — here’s everything headed its way
“Foreign policy is one of those areas that may not raise to the top of the priority list for many voters until something really awful happens,” he said. “What I’m hoping is that the American public gives attention to these escalatory actions with Iran so that it doesn’t become an obsessive topic for the country in the way that Iraq did for years and years.”
Shortly after INSIDER spoke with Murphy on Wednesday afternoon, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee rejected a proposal from the Connecticut senator and Democratic Sen. Tom Udall of New Mexico to require congressional approval for a US military strike against Iran.
“We lost 13-9. Every Republican except for [Sen. Rand Paul] opposed it,” Murphy tweeted after the vote.
The post Sen. Chris Murphy says Trump is blindly risking conflict with Iran and could spark a war even if he doesn’t want one appeared first on Gyrlversion.
from WordPress http://www.gyrlversion.net/sen-chris-murphy-says-trump-is-blindly-risking-conflict-with-iran-and-could-spark-a-war-even-if-he-doesnt-want-one/
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McCaleb’s Quiet Comeback: Breakups, Breakdowns and Stellar’s Big Break-Out
This post was originally published here
You might know Jed McCaleb as the creator of Stellar, the world’s sixth most valuable cryptocurrency, and if you do, it can’t be exaggerated just how big of a miracle that is.
In the pantheon of early cryptocurrency evangelists, there might be no one whose name has been run through as much mud as McCaleb’s. Sure, Charlie Shrem went to jail, Roger Ver was branded a heretic and Gavin Andersen faded into obscurity. Even amidst such company, though, McCaleb has seemed to excel at being five feet from the dumpster fire.
But the point of this article isn’t to rehash the past, to talk about how he (technically) started Mt. Gox, the defunct crypto exchange that now only lives in court dockets, or to discuss Ripple and XRP, the often intertwined company and cryptocurrency he helped create, only to abandon in a story that, years later, is still one of the tech’s most tabloid-worthy.
No, because someday, when the history book is written, McCaleb might come to be best known for Stellar, a project that, while launched four years ago, arguably became the quiet comeback story of 2018. Read between the lines of some of the year’s biggest stories, and you’ll be apt to find Stellar, silently omnipresent.
IBM, the blue-chip behemoth whose executives once swore IBM would never “do coins”? They’re moving real money with cryptocurrency now, via a partnership with the Stellar Development Foundation, the non-profit that manages Stellar’s code.
Blockchain, the bitcoin wallet provider that’s chosen airdrops as its next best strategy? There’s a billboard at one of San Francisco’s busiest intersections boasting of how it’s giving away $125 million in crypto to users (unmentioned is that the asset in question is XLM, the cryptocurrency that powers Stellar).
The year’s biggest crypto acquisition? Stellar can lay claim to that, too; Stellar’s San Francisco offices are now home to Adam Ludwin and Devon Gundry, the founding team behind Chain, formerly one of the best-funded and most publicly visible startups seeking to connect financial incumbents to the blockchain.
Yes, at some point during 2018, Stellar, the cryptocurrency that was roundly derided at launch as a spiteful Ripple rip-off, came of age, emerging from a period in which McCaleb admits people “forgot Stellar existed” into a market he says is now hungry for mature blockchain projects.
But if the conversation around Stellar has changed, McCaleb remains the same as he ever was – an unpolished evangelist.
Clad in a T-shirt bearing Stellar’s signature blue, he looks down into his lunch as he offers his best estimation of the project’s success, telling CoinDesk:
“It was just sticking around, and not having major catastrophes.”
Not quite Vitalik
But if McCaleb is now one of the more successful entrepreneur-developers to launch his own cryptocurrency, he notably stands apart in how he approaches that role publicly.
Unlike say, ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin or Cardano creator Charles Hoskinson, you won’t find him embroiled in flame wars on Twitter. (His account, filled with mostly retweets, has just 24,000 followers, compared to the hundreds of thousands garnered by his peers).
Neither does he have, as he admits, the “fanbase” of this new breed of cryptographers who travel the globe on a seemingly endless Merry-Go-Round of speeches and conferences.
An unassuming plant sits on Jed McCaleb’s desk.
Still, his aversion to that type of public visibility, no doubt, is due to brushes with the press in which he believes he was branded as a callous and carefree California surfer, one who the articles seemed to allege was oblivious to the harm and damage he caused.
It would become a pattern for years that McCaleb would accept interviews only if Mt. Gox and Ripple weren’t up for discussion, or else grapple with editors for later omissions to such mentions. Looking back, the word “sucks” is what he uses most often to describe the shadow of his early work and how long it’s managed to endure.
“It’s increasingly less relevant, so that’s good, but it’s annoying,” he says now.
As interpreted by some of his oldest friends and supporters in the industry, however, the characteristics that made him controversial can be interpreted differently; his frankness translated as authenticity, his combativeness reframed as resiliency.
“Jed is super brilliant and humble, he just seems to have a natural knack for being an early visionary with great ideas,” Kraken CEO Jesse Powell, who invested in Ripple after striking up a friendship with McCaleb, says. “But he’s also able to execute well.”
In person, it’s easy to see both versions of McCaleb as a kind of yin and yang in the eye of the beholder.
They’re on display as we talk about the XRP Army, the online community that has sprung up around his former project Ripple and that no doubt has 1) already now found this article through obsessive Google searching and 2) is busy dissecting whether it is covertly for or against the XRP cryptocurrency.
“I think the culture of a team and the community flows from the founders of it. It’s really true and the point was driven home more with this Interstellar acquisition,” McCaleb says, recalling the acquisition, which was finally revealed to the public in October.
“Adam [Ludwin] and I are very aligned on things, but there’s these personality differences. You can feel it through the team. The same phenomena is happening with XRP where it flows from the top,” he continues, before realizing he might have said too much.
“I don’t know,” he continues. “I’ll leave it there.”
‘The Ultimate Mission’
In interview, it’s surprising how open McCaleb remains with his comments given his candor has often been used against him in articles that seek to interpret and define him or to hold him accountable for losses and wrongs.
It’s unfortunate because when speaking about himself, McCaleb truly shines.
Should our conversation have an overriding mantra, it’s the idea of mission, a concept that McCaleb evokes frequently when discussing both his life and vision for Stellar.
‘This is fine’ stuffed animal overlooks the Stellar office.
“It’s weird to me that people don’t think about that more, what they want to achieve in life, why they are they doing what they’re doing. Especially, it’s weird people make a ton of money and they just don’t know what to do with themselves, they just buy a huge yacht,” he says.
Backstage at Consensus 2018, McCaleb went so far as to say he wasn’t ever a billionaire, acknowledging he didn’t quite manage his holdings to perfection over the years. His most extravagant purchase? “I bought a house in the Bay Area,” he quips now.
Yet, McCaleb maintains he isn’t motivated by money, but rather “this idea that having a universal internet-level protocol for payments helps everybody.”
But while hundreds of entrepreneurs might utter the same words, it’s McCaleb’s experience that now lends them power and vivacity. In person, he has a confident optimism that might pass for something in even more limited supply in the cryptocurrency these days, maturity.
Still, if McCaleb has grown up, he argues Stellar has, too. Originally aimed at building a network of microfinance institutions in underdeveloped countries when it was founded in 2014, McCaleb now says this idea “proved too early.”
If there’s a new emphasis for the Stellar project, then, it’s to connect existing financial firms to the blockchain, particularly mobile wallets, a mandate he described as core to the work of Interstellar, the company now powered by Chain’s former team, and that shares an office with the Stellar Development Foundation.
“What it boils down to is that it’s trying to make the first killer app. The foundation can focus on building the platform. Interstellar is a viable business built on Stellar,” he says.
It’s also this alignment that he feels is the biggest differentiator in his approach to Stellar as a leader, a better sense of his own goals and how to align those with others.
“I am definitely more careful about who I worked with, and I made sure that people’s motivations were about achieving the mission,” McCaleb says, adding: “Sure, you end up making money if you achieve the mission, but you have to believe in the idea.”
Yes, you can really buy these crypto trading cards.
Early like the Arpanet
Still, if you’re expecting that all of this leads to a breakout for Stellar in 2019, McCaleb isn’t convinced. In fact, he believes the calculus of the industry in estimating its own development is off, perhaps even by decades from where it is in conventional wisdom.
“People put the time frame wrong as dot-com, when actually it’s just way before, like Arpanet kind of stuff,” McCaleb says.
As an example, McCaleb estimates the size of the Stellar development ecosystem today as being only around 50 people who are working on the core code, and he sees the next step in its evolution as enlisting more people to build the wallets and exchanges needed for it to truly become what it was meant to be: a useful, open-source protocol for payments.
McCaleb under festive – or ironic – holiday decorations.
For his part, the Stellar Development Foundation now employs 12 people, while Interstellar now has a headcount of 25 staff members dedicated to that mission.
Still, the project is a long way off, he says, from being useful to one of Stellar’s more notable original backers, Stripe, the U.S. payments startup built to ease frictions in internet payments and that, according to McCaleb, is now working with Interstellar.
“They basically need the ecosystem to be a certain level of maturity, they need the anchor, the person issuing the fiat currency on the network. We need those entities to exist before they can use the network,” McCaleb says. “That’s the hope.”
In the meantime, McCaleb expects his focus to remain on payments, despite the fact it’s become less sexy in recent years, supplanted by ICOs, crypto-collectibles and all manner of new markets enthusiastic entrepreneurs think can be powered by distributed systems.
That’s not to say McCaleb doesn’t expect those projects to continue using Stellar.
His argument is that Stellar has become more broadly useful because it’s agnostic, and that he wouldn’t be surprised to see securities tokens or tokens representing real estate on the network at some point in 2019, just as ICOs, including one of the most high-profile in mobile messenger Kik, migrated to the platform this year.
It’s a core part of why he expects a big focus of Stellar’s unreleased 2019 roadmap to be on a form of sidechains, or blockchains that are compatible with the core Stellar’s software, but that operate on their own, with purposes and missions unrelated to Stellar’s own.
“For lack of a better way to describe it, that will allow us to innovate there, and allow people to build stuff there,” he says.
Fill in the blanks
Here then, we finally get a sense of how McCaleb has been able to not just overcome the stigma around him, but his own unsteady evolution, from Berkeley physics dropout to embattled founder to quietly successful distributed network architect. He has a capacity to leave answers unfinished or unspecified, to say just enough for you to begin filling in the blanks.
Sometimes, such as when talking about project specifics, this leaves a lot to be desired.
On Blockchain’s airdrop (at press time, no one on either side seems to be able to confirm it will actually happen) McCaleb says: “They’re figuring out the kinks. It’s kind of ongoing.”
On IBM, he says: “They’re building a thing, WorldWire, that is a replacement for SWIFT, and it’s built on Stellar. We just talk to their engineers and help them through the process.”
Still, this open canvas can have the opposite impact. When McCaleb begins to extol the virtues of napping – he sleeps 15 minutes a day in Stellar’s dedicated nap room – it’s enough to make you want to change your habits. (McCaleb insists he is able to achieve real sleep, complete with full dreams.)
But while he won’t say exactly what he dreams about, it might not be life beyond Stellar.
When asked about the responsibility he now feels at the helm of a $2 billion network, he’s quick to clarify that he believes working on the network is where he belongs.
McCaleb says:
“I’ll need to be a part of Stellar until I know that if I walk away, it’s not going be detrimental. I don’t want to let people down and want to make it successful.”
In that same way, one of the more remarkable things about Stellar’s offices is the attention to detail and the level of comforts for employees. Sure, the front door may look like a front for a storage locker, but inside, one is just as apt to find free catered lunch as cards on the wall filled with facts and histories of employees.
Later on, I find Gundry, scouring an ample snack rack that stretches across two full rooms, and includes all manner of self-serve nuts and soft drinks, eating a grass-fed beef stick. He reclines in a chair and grills me a bit on the profile.
“Did you get the story? Did you get, the how do you say it, scoop?” he quips.
Is he busting my balls? Defending his boss? Either way, that might just be the story itself.
The road ahead may be long or even fruitless for McCaleb, but in front of the snack rack, one thing is clear: McCaleb has the supplies – and now, the people – to last the winter.
Art by Diego Rodriguez (Plasma Bears by @NeonDistrictRPG)
Original photos by Pete Rizzo for CoinDesk
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realtor9563-blog · 6 years
13 Things About Land For Sale You May Not Have Known
The Most Influential People In The Houses For Rent Industry And Their Celebrity Dopplegangers
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Whenever you're purchasing a home from the owner, you need to expect to perform a fantastic deal of the paperwork regarding the selling of your residence, but you might also negotiate with the individual who owns the home concerning the final price. If you cannot afford a house at the time, look at purchasing a smaller townhouse or possibly renting a home. The residence is at the conclusion of a private road. If you would like a home, negotiate on the selling cost. To be able to locate the cost you'd like for your home, it's essential to negotiate from a place of strength. If you're on the lookout for such houses for sale in Valle de Bravo or looking for houses for rent Valle de Bravo, then you will understand the best property choices in accordance with your selection.
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Think You're Cut Out For Doing For Sale By Owner? Take This Quiz
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There are tons of things to remember and also to watch out for when leasing property, it's not just a walk-in-the-park. It's harder if you are searching for a house that has been furnished as you will need to work out whether the usefulness outlays, kitchenware, and furnishings are already included in the rental fee. Since purchasing a new home is a massive jump that surely involves plenty of cash and danger, it's crucial that the first-time buyer consider the options thoroughly.
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When buying straight from the owner, you'll have to be sure you're not getting ripped off. Home owners find it tough to price their property on account of the personal attachment. A house owner selling via a conventional agent won't have the luxury of under-pricing their flat.
10 Signs You Should Invest In Land For Sale
If it's likely to prove to the home owner which you're capable of paying for the loan by showing them a pre-approved mortgage, then they'll be prepared to offer you the home at a fair cost. In nearly all nations, home owners could have the ability to locate a typical contract for the trade. And of course, if you're lucky enough to be a NYC home owner surely it has to indicate that you are a thriving person who's somewhat skilled in negotiating as well!
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Buyers must get involved in credit repair houses for sale strategies to refinance mortgages as fast as possible. The purchaser will also receive a rapid deal with immediate effect, and might need to pay out considerably lesser on closing expenses and other specifics. He's already figured his expenses before making the offer, so there are only a few fees you ought to need to possibly cover. Buyers offer you a down payment to ensure the property and submit monthly payments that are contributed toward the buy price. The buyer of your assumptions is going to get the exact same terms and obligations.
The property looks excellent. Secondly, if it appraises at less than the sales price, you may have to cover the appraisal. Real estate properties are the same.
If you are thinking of purchasing a property together with the notion that you are able to turn it around for a fast buck, do the math first! Selling or purchasing a property is only one of the key decisions you make and choosing the best property brokerage is a critical area of the procedure. Whether you are offering your regular life property or purchasing a property, deciding upon the appropriate people offers you unique insights and knowledge, and also requires the strain off the process.
15 Up-and-coming For Sale By Owner Bloggers You Need To Watch
As soon as you think about the type of property you want and the space in which you would like it, then you can go for the government land on sale. Farm land is the most important for our nation. It has always been an ideal purchase.
The majority of us have automobiles and many people will pay you to wash their automobile. If you have a car that's paid for and you've got the title to, then it's relatively straightforward to get a title loan. You may notice cars, truck, SUVs, motorcycles, boats, and sometimes even aircraft which have been captured for various factors.
Lots of individuals buy property with the aim of building their dream home on it. There are a few tactics to seek out government land at no charge or cheap. If you're working to find government land free of charge, the BLM could be a good beginning point. Finding government land for sale is a simple job.
Land surveying can be a fantastic small business venture, as long as you have sufficient comprehension of the business and your potential customers. Though you might shell out a meager sum on the property, you might want to shell out over it to locate the fundamental amenities in the region. Such property, in a fantastic place, can be auctioned for a sensible price.
If you're contemplating leasing a home you have to make sure you have an exceptional landlord. Conversely, you could find houses for rent in areas, moreover on your preferred area. Attempting to discover a house for rent can be exceedingly frustrating, to say the least. You may discover the ideal house for lease, but it's not in the proper location.
In the event the tenant increases a issue with the home for rent just like a shower that has ceased working or a blocked drain then you need to react by phone instantly to allow them to know that you're aware of the matter and to explain what you're doing about it. When browsing lists of homes to lease, there are particular items that tenants should keep in mind prior to signing a lease. You might receive a wonderful tenant for your home and also acquire routine rent in early months.
Where To Find Guest Blogging Opportunities On Houses For Sale
When searching for homes for rent, it's extremely important to comprehend what sort of house you desire. You will have to make certain that you feel relaxed at home. Just as there are more houses offered for rent to possess does not follow that finding a house that fulfills your needs is an simple task.
You might be investing in a home, but you will wish to be near enough to downtown Cleveland to get the work. Because of this, you are confident that the home is still in wonderful shape. Then there's your normal house for lease.
When you get a townhouse, you are purchasing a distinguishing unit from a very long line of properties which are similar. In the varied areas of California, renting a townhouse contains comfort, convenience and an chance to live near employment and transportation centers. Townhouses frequently have a very low price HOA that covers lots of the probable repairs which could occur later on. Well the expression townhouse actually comes from the uk.
Since the house progresses, the excess costs related to incidentals might have to be taken into account when pricing the house and remaining within budget. The homes are supplied with incredible roof tops which provide the very best view of the surrounding adjacent site. Anaheim Hill houses for sale can provide the buyers with the very best panoramic view which you can definitely feel good about.
Renting your house is a intelligent option, providing you greater flexibility and a wide variety of conveniences at quite inexpensive prices as compared with the risk, upkeep, and hefty expenses related to owning a house. Selling a house isn't that simple. The wonderful part about the many different Collingwood houses for sale is that there are just about no possessions which won't supply a wonderful view with superior amenities.
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hedonismus · 6 years
If you want to build a kick ass physique you will need to:
a) build muscle
b) lose fat
c) improve posture
To accomplish these goals several strategies come into play. Depending on the point you are starting from and your genetic makeup each of these strategies will play a more or less important role.
The four basic strategies that we will use to mold your physique are:
1. Strength training (to build muscle, lose fat, improve your posture)
2. Energy systems work (to lose fat)
3. Nutrition (to build muscle and lose fat)
4. Supplementation (to magnify the muscle-building and fat-loss strategies)
If you get these basic four strategies, let’s call them the four wheels of body transformation, perfect you will be able to build the body you want without trouble. However it’s still not an overnight thing. The best training methods, nutrition and supplements will not allow you to improve faster than your genetic makeup will allow you to.
For those impatient fellows there is the option of adding a supercharger to your car. That supercharger is the use of performance- (and appearance) enhancing drugs. These will definitely speed up the body transformation process. However it cannot replace the four wheels: if you car has a flat in one or two of its wheels, adding more power to your vehicle will not allow you to drive faster or better. However if everything is in order, adding a supercharger will improve the performance of your car.
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Unless you’re genetically blessed with a naturally lean physique, if you want to develop a body that will turn heads you must make sure that all four wheels of the car are taken care of. Face it: if you bought this book in the first place you are not a genetic freak and you are not blessed with the capacity to build a lean physique easily. That’s nothing to be ashamed of most of us are in the same boat as you! It also doesn’t mean that you cannot build a body to die for. It simply means that to get it, you must do everything right.Each of the wheels (and the supercharger) will be explained in the early portion of this book. Christian (Dr. Jekyll) will tackle the training and nutrition portions in his chapters while Anthony (Mr. Hyde) will focus on the supplementation (both natural and pharmaceutical) aspects.Afterwards we will give you several specific plans depending on your goals,body type and initial shape. Finally we will include a “how-to-maintain”guide. Once you get the body you want, how can you get back to a normal life without getting back to being a fat slob? After all, who wants to look good only 2 months out of the year? 
The first part of building a lean and muscular physique is to have muscle! Amarathon runner might have only 5-6% body fat, yet he looks about as muscular as an anorectic runway model. Furthermore, the more muscle you have, the easier it is to lose fat (muscle being one of the biggest energy user in the body). 
Why do muscles grow when we lift weight? It’s more than just pumping some iron and downing protein shakes! Yes resistance training can lead to gains in muscle size, especially when a proper nutritional plan is followed.However the mere act of going to the gym and doing some random exercises, for an unknown number of sets of an arbitrary amount of repetitions is not a guarantee of significant muscle growth. Indeed some individuals will spend years working out without making an ounce of progress. You got to admire their tenacity though … they spend hours upon hours in the gym yet still look like a coat rack or the Michelin man’s fatter brother! A total lack of results will not discourage these poor chaps, no sir!Well I’m here to tell you: don’t be that guy. If you are not making the kind of progress you’d like chances are that you are not doing everything optimally. Chances are that new muscle growth is just around the corner if you learn how to unlock the door to maximum hypertrophy. 
The two determining factors in muscle growth
The amount of growth stimulated is directly proportional to the amount ofstress (or of the functional demand) placed on the targeted muscles. 
This holds true as long as that functional demand doesn’t exceed the body’s capacity to recover.
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The stress placed on the muscle is itself dependent on two main variables: 
1. The importance of the intramuscular tension during the performance of the exercise.
2. The duration that the muscle is placed under that level of tension. This is also called the time under tension (TUT).
Protein degradation: the trigger for muscle growth When you lift weights you inflict some damage to your muscle fibers. This is called microtrauma. Simply put, the more damage you inflict, the greater will the body’s response be. And the response to muscle damage is muscle growth. This response, making the muscle tissue stronger and bigger, is a defense mechanism designed to protect the body if the same type of physical stress would ever occur again.In that regard training is much like a vaccine. A doctor will inject a weak form of a virus into your body; this is a form of physiological stress. Your body perceives that stress and adapts to it by building anti-bodies against the injected virus. So if that same virus ever surfaces again, the body will beequipped to fight it.However what would happen if instead of a weak from of the virus, the doctor would inject the real thing? Would you build even more anti-bodies?No, you would get sick! Same goes with training: the more damage you inflict on your muscles, the greater the growth stimulus will be, however if you exceed your capacity to recover you will regress not progress.The amount of muscle damage is dependent on the two variables mentioned above (tension and TUT). The greater the intramuscular tension is, the higher the rate of muscle damage. The longer the TUT is, the more time you spend causing muscle damage.Intramuscular tension is proportional to the force produced while lifting.Remember the formula for force?
Force = Mass x Acceleration
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So basically you can increase force output either by lifting big weights or by lifting explosively. So basically, the heavier you lift the faster you create microtrauma. However when you lift big weights it’s impossible to have a long TUT because only few reps are possible. So even if you create muscle damage at a fast rate, the total amount of muscle damage created will be small unless you perform a ton of sets (which isn’t always the best idea as its very stressful for the nervous system).
On the other hand when you are doing a lot of reps per set or using a slow lifting tempo you spend a lot of time causing muscle damage. However since the load you will be able to use with such training parameters will be relatively low, the total amount of microtrauma will also be small. So as you can see to stimulate maximum hypertrophy limit weights (90%+) or high reps (15+) are not the solution. Your best bet is to use a load heavy enough to cause muscle damage rapidly, but low enough so that you can perform sets lasting 30-60 seconds.
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From the table above you can see that to stimulate maximum muscle growth you should work in the 6-12RM zone (70-85%). That’s not to say that training in the other zones is worthless. In fact including some low rep/high intensity work (in the 3-5 reps range) can be very beneficial for muscle growth, strength gain and improved muscle density. Training with higher 13 reps (15-20 reps range) can increase capilarization and sarcoplasmic (nonfunctional) hypertrophy. And working with even higher reps (30 or more) can serve as active recovery following an intense session. 
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