#he really left his youngest kid to fucking rot in a prison while he ran off with the oldest
basicallyjaywalker · 11 months
*cracks knuckles* well if I'm gonna work on my OCs and now that someone's reminded me how actually tragic Echo is
Let's talk about Jasmine and her relationship with Echo
I feel like they would get really close if they ever met. I think Julien would tell Echo about her in a way he wouldn't tell Zane because he was scared Zane would tell others someday. Echo won't ever leave the lighthouse, so he can't tell anyone. He would know about Julien's other child, but he would figure it's Zane, the one he replaced. When they meet, once they figured out they were related, I think Echo would realize and want to tell Jasmine what he knows. Julien wanted to know her but couldn't. He left her because it's what was best for her. I think Echo would want to imagine Julien left him for those kinds of reasons too.
I think they would bond over being abandoned by Julien. Jasmine before she was born, Echo long after. I think they'd each envy each other, in a way. They both resent him (even if they won't admit it), but Jasmine resents him never being there. Echo resents him being there so much, only to leave him. Echo would fill in the gaps for Jasmine on who he was, while Echo is more eager to hear about the life Jasmine lived in the wide world, especially on her own.
I think they'd have a super close bond, I think they should visit Jasmine's home and have a snowball fight, I think she should take him to Borg Industries and watch Echo go starry eyed at all the cool technology, I think Jasmine would help replace his rusted gears and wires with ones that won't deteriorate as easily, i think she'd teach him how to garden and befriend animals and i think echo would be so thrilled to get away from the sea
I think if Echo and Jasmine ever got to meet, they'd find a comfort in each other and a confidant about some of their issues that no one else could provide
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caroline18mars · 7 years
Into the night - Chapter 90
Jordan’s hands were trembling so hard when she fished her phone out of her bag, that it nearly clattered on the floor, she was just so nervous, it was like she needed to suppress a second heart attack or something and it was all because of Jared’s cold behaviour, no matter how she tried to lock eyes with him, he just kept ignoring her like she wasn’t even there. Did he even want her here? Did he even want to prove Amanda wrong anymore? “Miss McLeod?” the judge’s stern voice jerked her out of her daze, “Yes..ok, I’ve recorded this on my phone so I hope the quality is ok, the man you’re gonna hear is Cedric Lafayette..” she cranked up the volume and then clicked on the recording. ‘I just turned the tables on him and one drunken night I ended up in bed with Amanda, one of his groupies, it was a fair deal, she wanted to get back with Jared and I wanted to get back with Charlotte’ hearing Cedric’s voice roll through the eerily silent room had Jared’s blood freezing in his veins, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak, it felt like his heart was getting ripped out of his chest. 'Amanda showed up pregnant and all on Charlotte’s doorstep, telling her that it was Jared’s baby she was carrying and that finally burst Charlotte’s rosy bubble..so Amanda got what she wanted and so did I..just knowing he is now raising the child of his biggest enemy, MY child, is fucking hilarious, that bastard deserves to burn’. A shockwave of simultaneous shocked gasps vibrated through the room and in the corner of her eye Jordan could see Amanda go burgundy red. The judge nervously shuffled in her seat and cleared her throat “Right, well, I think it is only fair to say that is all the proof we need to clear Mr. Leto’s name and to drop all charges against him, we’ll be getting in touch with our European colleagues for further questioning and a possible trial of Mr. Lafayette”. An outburst of joy and relief flew through the room behind her and while everyone started hugging and high-fiving each other, Jordan felt dizzy and that didn’t go unnoticed by Shannon but just when he wanted to go check on her, the judge swung her little hammer against the wooden bench a few times to get everyone’s attention "I do understand the excitement, but there’s something else I need to say” she adressed the room but then looked straight at Jordan who was still standing in front of her “Miss McLeod..even though you went to great lenghts to let the truth and justice prevail, I’m afraid I’m going to have to arrest you for breaking the law by abducting your nephew Noah McLeod, leaving the country a few times while you were strictly forbidden to do so, so Miss McLeod, you leave this court no other choice than to put you under arrest and you will be held in custody until your trial” another swing of the little hammer sealed her fate. “What? No! Please! I beg you, let me explain, I’m all Noah’s got, he needs me..” she panicked when she saw the two security gorillas come walking up to her, this was not happening, this was all a bad dream. The judge seemed to be deaf to her pleas and when she felt the two pair of big hands grab hold of her, she started struggling and kicking like a wild cat but to no avail. “Noah..no, let me go, Noah..” she called out in despair as she was dragged out of the room, “aunt Jordan, aunt Jordaaaannn, where are you going?!” Noah cried in a panic when he saw his aunt being forced away from him. “Jared..look after Noah, please? Pleasseeee!! Noah, I love you!” her sharp, animalistic cry rang across the room before she dissapeared out of sight and the huge door fell shut with a bang leaving the courtroom in a shock. “Aunt Jordan” Noah ran after her, banging his fists against the doors she had dissapeared behind, crying his heart out. The desperate sobs of the boy was the first thing in days that got Jared out of his daze “Noah..hey, come here” he ran over to the boy and scooped him up in his arms who instantly started struggling and banging his little fists on Jared’s chest “No, I want my aunt Jordan” Noah screeched relentlessly while he quickly carried the boy out of the courtroom, instantly followed by Shannon, nobody needed to see this. The paps though seemed to think differently as they ran straight into a barrage of flashing lights and inappropriate questions about Jordan’s arrest. “Get him in the car” Jared handed a wailing Noah over to his brother as he quickly fished his keys out of his pants and opened the car jumping behind the wheel and revved the engine.
Even behind the tinted windows of the car, he was blinded by the cameras that circled around his car and he could barely see where he was going but still he put his foot on the gas, he couldn’t care less if he ran over some pap, damn vultures deserved to get run over. Noah, who was in the backseat and inconsolable, kept calling for his aunt “Aunt Jordan, I want my aunt Jordan, we can’t leave without her, aunt Jordaaaaan” wildly kicking around with tears of anger and frustration running down his bright red cheeks. “Happy now? I don’t believe you sometimes” Shannon hissed at his brother, “Shut up Shannon, no of course I’m not happy..just make him stop will ya?” Jared sneered at him without taking his eyes off the road. “Hey buddy, sshhh, it’s alright, we’re just gonna drive home ok? Just calm down a bit..it’s gonna be ok” Shannon turned in his seat and grabbed Noah’s little leg, patting it gently, “is my aunt going to be home too?” Noah hiccuped through his tears, his faith in grown-ups was clearly dwindling. “Uhmm, no, buddy, she’s not going to be there..” Shannon slowly shook his head, his heart breaking into a million pieces when he saw the young boy curling up into a ball on the backseat, crying his heart out and that’s how he stayed for the entire journey home. Constance was waiting for them when the car drove up Jared’s driveway, “Where’s Jordan?” she hurried over to Shannon who got out of the car first to open Noah’s door and carry him inside, “In jail..I swear, Mom, I can’t stand the look of him anymore so I’m just going to get Noah settled first before I do anything stupid like ripping my brother’s head off”. Constance gasped in shock and instantly her hand grabbed that of the young boy’s in Shannon’s arms, the despair in the boy’s red-rimmed eyes when he only lifted his head for a few seconds to look at her, broke her heart. “Hey sweetie, I’m Constance, I’m Shannon and Jared’s mother, don’t be scared, ok? You’re safe here with us, I promise” she gave him a warm smile as Shannon carried him inside the house and then turned to her other son “what happened, Jared..what the hell happened?” she nervously asked. “Not now, Mom, it’s been a long day..” Jared quickly circled the car trying to dodge his mother’s angry glare, “Not now?!! are you frikkin’ kidding me? What the hell is going on here? Emma called to tell me that Jordan showed up in court and got you off the hook and now I have to hear from Shannon that she’s in jail?” she stomped inside following her youngest son. Jared threw his keys on the kitchen counter and walked over to his fridge to get himself a drink and calm his rattled nerves “They arrested her for kidnapping Noah, ok? There was nothing I could do, she knew she had it coming” Jared said in a monotone voice. Contance could hardly believe her own ears, only a few days ago he had told her how much he loved that girl and now he sounded like he hardly knew her. “She had it coming? Really Jared? And nothing you could do? More like there was nothing you wanted to do!” Shannon came walking into the kitchen as well “go on, tell her everything, she deserves to know, why don’t you start by telling Mom how you got your ego bruised by the fact that Jordan spent time with Cedric, huh? Instead of calling her and giving her time to explain, because if you had then none of this would have happened! You and that goddamn ego of yours got her into this mess, nothing else, and what upsets me even more is that you refuse to see it, that girl was the only one who had the goddamn balls to dive head first into the lion’s den and she did it only to clear your name and Charlotte’s name, she couldn’t bear to see you suffer any more than you already have, nobody else has ever done that, not even me or Mom or Tom for that matter because none of us would have had the nerve but she did and how do you repay her? You let her rot and die in a prison cell?” he shouted at his brother.
”Left..right..front” Jordan reluctantly followed the orders as she had her photo taken, everybody here was shouting at her like she was public enemy number one, “ok, you’re coming with me” a man said to her and roughly grabbed her arm, dragging her down a long hall until they reached what could only be described as a concrete cubicle with a massive iron door “inside” he barked and pushed her into the small box, uncuffing her before he walked out and the door fell shut behind him. She just stood there looking at her new surroundings..this was not happening, this was all just a crazy nightmare she was going to wake up from..no she wasn’t..maybe if she was lucky then her heart would finally give up on her and she would never have to wake up again. Crying she sat down on the concrete bench that was hooked into the wall and curled up into a fetal position, not knowing if Noah was ok was driving her crazy, she could only hope that Jared had taken him home with him, the thought of Noah being brought to some orphanage until the trial was simply unbearable.
On the other side of the city, the doorbell rang right through the overheated conversation and Jared who had been under his brother’s attack pushed himself away from the kitchen counter, “Mr. Leto? I had some trouble finding the address” a man surrounded by suitcases greeted him, handing him Jordan’s handbag “Miss McLeod said she wanted to have these delivered here, but since I got a little lost..anyway, she said there was some very important medication in this bag, so I hope I’m still in time and she hasn’t needed it yet?”. Jared stared at the man dumbfounded but when he took her bag from the man, it was like a jolt of electricity coursed through his body and brought him back to reality “yeah, no..it’s fine, thanks” he mumbled as he handed the man a few dollars and let him carry the suitcases inside. “Aunt Jordan?” Noah suddenly came running down the stairs “is she here?” he raced towards the door that Jared was closing again, “Noah..” Jared tried to calm him down by pulling him away from the door. “But that is my bag and..that is aunt Jordan’s handbag, where is she? Why didn’t you let her in?” Noah grew more and more upset so Jared crouched down in front of him putting his hands on the boy’s shoulders “Noah, listen to me, your aunt isn’t here, I..” he tried but Noah wouldn’t let him finish. “Why not? Why won’t you let her come back? Why did you let those bad people take her away? My aunt Jordan has done nothing wrong! I thought you loved my aunt Jordan” the boy struggled to get away from him, “hey, Noah? Noah? Listen to me” Jared tried to calm him down but Noah refused to do what he said “No! I don’t have to listen to you! Aunt Jordan is gonna die, she told me so on the plane, she said that the doctor said they don’t have a new heart for her and she’s gonna die because if they did find her a heart then she wouldn’t even be in London to get it” the boy yelled. Jared couldn’t help but gasp in shock, oh fuck..what had he done?, “what? What did the doctor say to your aunt?” Shannon came walking out of the kitchen followed by Constance, “she said that the doctor told her she couldn’t go back to America with me, but she did it anyway because she was doing it for me so I could go and live with grandma and she told me to be brave, and she also said that she was coming back home to help Jared with something so he wouldn’t have to cry and be sad anymore, she said that she needed to do it so Jared could be happy again with another girl” Noah sniffed through his tears that he desperately tried to wipe away with his arm, his big blue eyes scanning everyone nervously “I want to go back to London with aunt Jordan, maybe they will find her a heart and she doesn’t have to die”. Jared who was too shocked by the news to say anything, let himself fall back into a sitting position, hanging his head and tugging his long hair in despair, why hadn’t he listened? Why had he been so stubborn? She had risked her life to save him and everyone, everyone but herself and now she was gonna die..fuck, no, not again, not again, not again, not again.
”McLeod” the harsh voice of a man vibrated through the cell as the door opened, she was cold and so very tired, all she wanted to do was sleep so she didn’t have to feel the agonizing pain in her heart, she needed her medication but she didn’t even know where all of her things were at the moment. “McLeod” the man thundered again and she slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, she was so dizzy that her hands grasped the stone bench for support “yes” she nodded and tried to focus on her breathing that was deep and heavy, “it’s time for your call, you’ve got five minutes” he walked over to her and yanked her up from the bench. A call? Who was she gonna call? Jared? No, she couldn’t possibly do that, he wanted nothing to do with her anymore, she was being dumped, that much was obvious..why though? Because he had found someone else in the short period of time they were apart? Probably..what else could it be?or maybe Amanda had put her claws into him again, the way she had said 'you wish’ when she had introduced herself to the judge as Jared’’s girlfriend..”Like I said, you have five minutes” the guard stopped in his tracks pointing at the telephone on the table. There were a couple of rings and then his sleepy voice drifted into her ear “Hello?” it was the nicest thing she had heard all day and she had to take a deep breath so not to start crying again, “Tom! It’s me, Jordan” she breathed, her knuckles turning white from clutching the telephone so hard. “Jordan! Oh thank god, I’ve been waiting for your call all night, anyway, everything ok?” Tom breathed a sigh of relief, “Uhm, no..I’m not actually..listen I can’t talk for long..I’m..uhm, I’m in jail..” she looked at the guard who was staring at her from a distance. “What??? Jordan? In jail?? what the..what the fuck happened? Where’s Jared? And Noah? Is Noah alright, is he with you?” on the other side of the world, Tom sat up straight in bed all of a sudden, “I don’t know where Noah is, oh god this is such a mess..” she closed her eyes in pain, he was asking too many questions she just didn’t have an answer to right now. “Anyway, Tom..that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, remember the envelope I gave you yesterday?” she took a deep breath to come back to her senses, “I think it’s time you opened it..”. The guard came walking back to her again, indicating that her time was up “Tom, I gotta go, please just read the letter, ok?! I need to know that Noah is safe and that he’s taken care of, that’s all that matters, ok? Please Tom?”. Tom stared at the envelope on his nightstand “Of course, yeah, I’ll read it, I promise” he quickly said but he could already hear the disconnected tone bleeping in his ears.  
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