#my fanon my rules /lh
basicallyjaywalker · 11 months
*cracks knuckles* well if I'm gonna work on my OCs and now that someone's reminded me how actually tragic Echo is
Let's talk about Jasmine and her relationship with Echo
I feel like they would get really close if they ever met. I think Julien would tell Echo about her in a way he wouldn't tell Zane because he was scared Zane would tell others someday. Echo won't ever leave the lighthouse, so he can't tell anyone. He would know about Julien's other child, but he would figure it's Zane, the one he replaced. When they meet, once they figured out they were related, I think Echo would realize and want to tell Jasmine what he knows. Julien wanted to know her but couldn't. He left her because it's what was best for her. I think Echo would want to imagine Julien left him for those kinds of reasons too.
I think they would bond over being abandoned by Julien. Jasmine before she was born, Echo long after. I think they'd each envy each other, in a way. They both resent him (even if they won't admit it), but Jasmine resents him never being there. Echo resents him being there so much, only to leave him. Echo would fill in the gaps for Jasmine on who he was, while Echo is more eager to hear about the life Jasmine lived in the wide world, especially on her own.
I think they'd have a super close bond, I think they should visit Jasmine's home and have a snowball fight, I think she should take him to Borg Industries and watch Echo go starry eyed at all the cool technology, I think Jasmine would help replace his rusted gears and wires with ones that won't deteriorate as easily, i think she'd teach him how to garden and befriend animals and i think echo would be so thrilled to get away from the sea
I think if Echo and Jasmine ever got to meet, they'd find a comfort in each other and a confidant about some of their issues that no one else could provide
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soureggs · 5 months
I want to say my opinion on the btd gomenne gomenne fan game , i basicly have no leg to stand on but this is just my view on it
Controversial opinion but
I DONT think anyone is wrong realy in this situation,both sides are vaild.
°its very muddy and ppl try to bring in topics i DONT understand????
*I think ppl often forget alot of the Loud minority of gatos fanbase has sorta parasocial relationship with her since at one point gato was very active in her fanbase offten answering questions on the spot and constantly liking fanart and leaving comments, something not alot of creator's do ( i know the creator of sally face interacts with their own fandom too!)
But bc gatos fanbase is so niche the small amount of ppl assum she approves of everylittle thing or knows about every protect/merch ect She doesn't , it apperse to me shes often the last one to hear the news. If even(?)
( somewhat un related but im using this as an example bc its recent) vvvvvvv
// Very recently a merch creator/ seller said that her version of ren was a. l%li-con and there was some ppl who assumed gato was okay with this. She wasn't lol- i mean gato said multiple times kids DONT even exist in the games plot, BUT because gatos so lenient and open to head canons /spins on her characters thoes ppl assume she approved it \\
Its also very hard when you make a character and then a person starts writing them using their own head canons or having alot of out of character moments
And a STRANGE AMOUNT of thoes ppl thinking its canon or cant get THAT version of your character out of their head/ fan art /wrighting untill eventually its a fanon
Even WHEN a fangame is a perfect (like said fangane) because one person dose it , some ppl with bad intention will use this as an excuse to make a upsetting fangame and wont REALY get in trouble.
Hell even ppl with good intention could do the same and completely miss interpret the characters yk??
Veteran btd fans saw this years ago -
But keep that in mind with Everthing i said above how it might be a reasonable personal rule to have in such a small fandom. Especially if she had bad passed experiences
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I think ppl misinterpret her words, not out of malice ! Im sure of it! , but (creating your own game based off my work) is much different than
(Creating a game using my characters and or plot or story)
I belive she ment ( you can make your own muderp%rn dating sim) like courten cowboys or lurking for love , lovers trophy , etc etc ! Maybe her wording was a misstranlation ? Or misinterpreted? , im on the spectrum so i have that problem too sometimes ! And Especially since gatos so flexible and vague its easy to missread /gen
To be Inspired by a work dosent mean to use the characters or plot, just like referencing when drawing ! Example, OFF and undertail was Earthbound inspired but they both dont use any characters ect OVER THE GARDEN WALL Was inspired by Dante's Inferno! But its not the same characters pulled out and used
I hope that helps/gen
I personaly believe stuff like that , what happened before and even in other fandom is why gato has that particular rule about not wrighting her characters at length. Not wanting to take the risk of someone miss using her characters again! /lh
I think its odd that ppl can Wright about sans undertail doing some weird ass shit and ppl dont scream about how toby fox approves of it . but they do for gato for some reason? ( if you could let me know why pls do ! )
" well ren was giving to gato so its not even hers"
That argument is silly to me, ren was giving as a gift, when you give a present to yourfriend is it yours anymore?? When a person buys an adoptable is it still the sellers?
Its not like gatos shy when saying she didnt creative ren, she was given him and modified him and still lets ppl know she didnt crate him .
Some of them use that as a talking point to say that said fangame creator is fine using that character in particularly as if hes free use, i DONT understand as someone who sells characters /designs(?)
( if you could explain i would appreciate it!)
The fangame devs are very talented the game seems fine from what i hurd! They did take creative liberties but its still very much gatos characters, I think they where respectable with them even in the contex of said game! . But i find it weird that the post says fanart for their fan game is appreciate ( at least in the English post i found prompting it) fan art of a fan game is confusing and i see how some ppl might mix the two up! Know?? like what would even be the tags? 'Sorrysorrybtd?' :0 So i can see how that could be another reason for the rule!
°I acknowledge and am so grateful that the artist. And devs worked so hard on the game and assets , im sure alot of ppl are as well! And im 100% sure it wasn't their intention to upset gato or anyone in that matter at all!
they are NoT obligated to apologize, maybe not make a second game out of respect(?) But thats their prerogative! They can do it , they wield the power yk?
And making dramatic posts about it as well - it just rubs me the wrong way. Especialy using this as a opportunity to disrespect gato and ONE of her only rules she has for this very odd ( positive) fanbase. its kinda a little silly in my opinion . NOT to mention harassing the other game devs - this might make them not want to make any other games at all in the future ! D:
Please know i dont mean anything in this post to be upseting or malicious in anyway, i honestly think no one this fangane drama had any bad intentions or would do anything to upset anyone on purpose! I know its very high tension. And i would be upset too if a fangame i worked SO hard on with characters i love was met with disapprove instead of praise. And this is to say -this could have ben done better on gatos part. Thos could've ben done in privet imp
BUT im not gato , im not the other devs. im not in the positions to say ' i would've done this' bc ive never ben in that position, ive never had to deal with anything like this. So i wouldnt know what ild do in that moment ! And i think alot of ppl also forget that with all devs involved
We are all vary passonat in this fandom. But please dont start burnning bridge's over this! :'3 this fandom is already so devided due to all of our strong personal opinions it dosent realy need to be a. ' pick your side ' thing i dont think..
I am relatively new to the fandom, so i DONT know much about the past dramas srounding it, so if yall have anything youll like to say or add or educate me on PLEASS let me know and i will retract any of thoes statements !
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kidpunchertrio · 6 months
Oh, hey!
This is just some random thing me and my friends decided to do. Uh. Feel free to ask us stuff!
Yeah, but like. Don’t be weird or anything, heard there’s a bunch of weirdos on this site.
Eh, I mean, it’s Tumblr. Can’t be too bad…
This is an ask blog for Fred / Car Crash, Flamethrower, and Ben!
Asks are… OPEN!
Main: @arospecbandgeek
The basic stuff. Keep all asks SFW, nothing political, etc.
Other character interactions are welcome! Including OCs. Just remember that if they’re an OC, there’s no established relationship.
No flirting / romance in asks.
Loving threats are fine. But don’t actually threaten them.
Things To Note
There is going to be some fanon in here. Not trying to stray too far, but because they’ve only had, like, one episode to themselves, a lot of things haven’t been established.
This is my first time roleplaying as a canon character like this. If I’m out of character, I apologize.
Asks will not be drawn. Some drawings may be included on occasion, but it’s mostly done through text. The visuals are individual sprites / sprite edits.
My life doesn’t revolve around this blog, I do take time when I do asks. /lh
Happy asking! 💕
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kieranwritess · 2 years
COD MWII x Cyberpunk 2077 AU Brainrot
Fandom: Call of Duty
Characters: 141, LV, Graves, Laswell
Notes: cw for graves /lh, perhaps a bit of implied soapghost, bisexual soap, bisexual johnny silverhand, probably ooc but i do what i want ❤️
a/n: inspired by @yeyinde and my midnight-fueled obsession :) I'll probably make a part two to this because it's now my baby. knowledge of Cyberpunk 2077 is recommended because I reference in-universe characters. yes it's very niche, no I don't care.
- set in 2077
- they would all hate Johnny Silverhand. no exceptions.
- Soap's a little sad he shares a name with that fellow bi disaster bastard tho
- in a similar vein, they'd probably not be too fond of River; Price would envy him for his naivety and Gaz sees himself in River
- fanon Rogue and Price would 100% bond over being mother hens to a ragtag group of idiots
- Graves but Meredith Stout
- no questions asked
- the bitch would work for Militech or some other arms corp
- probably Militech because it is very American™ and he's a little yeeyee boy
- i might have Rudy's characterization wrong, but I feel like he'd have started in the NCPD like River
- poor boys only wanted to make the world better but instead Rudy became jaded and is sort of resigned to his job like Han
- Alejandro would be his buddy from Heywood who was always trying to get him to quit the force
- Ghost is probably the most like V in terms of skills and attitude
- but he's not some gonk kid who wants to make it big, he's made it big
- fixers either love him or they hate him
- one of those "going down in a blaze of glory" dudes
- would never work with Dex, though, and is especially relieved he never did after he hears about the Arasaka heist
- Price: veteran, but in a Mitch way and not a 6th street way. I feel like he had the potential to be a fixer, but wanted to try to have a quiet life after the war (Price bbg, there is no such thing as a quiet life in NC)
- is kind of like Takemura in the sense he'd love to run off and join a nomad clan (because fuck this place, honestly)
- but NC is all he knows and he has people he cares about there (read as: poor dude is attached to the 141 boys)
- Johnny (Silverhand) respects him, even if Price wants to rip him a new one every second they're around each other
- he could definitely become a mentor figure to V and would consider joining up with them if they take The Star ending
- honestly, i can still see Laswell working for the NUSA government
- but I'm not sure how we'd get a connection between her and the 141
- fuck logic, Price and Kate are still besties
- Soap and Panam get on like a house on fire
- a propensity for a little rule breaking and an affection harbored for an authority figure (i'll let you decide in what sense) brings them together
- I probably hc Gaz as younger than he actually is, but he gives off baby solo vibes
- brb thinking back to Jackie and V at the food stall outside of H10 and crying about it
- anyways
- Gaz would probably be the most like streetkid V
- bro knows his way around local fixers
- hc that Ghost and Gaz met on a job before Ghost made it big time
- and Ghost is all "I work alone >:(" but they discover that they work well together
- again thinking back to the streetkid intro, albeit Ghost is nowhere near the same as Jackie personality wise
- they probably grew apart after Ghost becomes a solo
- but Ghost is the first one to suggest Gaz when asked to put together a team for a big job (i.e. the heist but it doesn't go sideways)
- and yeah imo that's how c77!141 is put together
- Ghost knows Gaz, Gaz grew up around Price, and Price knows of Soap through the grapevine
- I guess to "convert" each of them into ttrpg factions, Soap is a techie, Ghost is a solo, Price is prolly a fixer, and Gaz might fall under lawman (as a PI or something)
- i am making less and less sense so I'm gonna stop here for now
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artbyace · 1 year
5, 9, 18?
for the violent asks
5. worst discord server and why: the CMC discord before it got killed 😭😭 that shit was so bad.. i domt even need to explain it just . carson viewers. also the discord server i mod for rn just because i have to mod it and people rlly get on my nerves (twitch viewers are not always great at rule following ;—;) /lh
9. worst part of canon: uhhh like all of it dealing with the marauders LMAOOO ,, no but seriously i just mean ugh i hate the tragedy. regulus dying trying to do the right thing but his brother never getting to know.. the prank.. the betrayal… WOLFSTAR NOT BEING CANON?? all of it , throw it away. i’ll take fanon over it any day
18. it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…: PANDORA!!! i feel like i never see enough fandom content with her and especially in fanfics, i want to see more from my girl!! love her sm
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spacetwiga · 4 years
leave c!phil out of bullshit 2k21 -- a not so tiny post by a new enthusiast
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As someone who finds both common fanon and actual canon to be quite fun, I really think the general DSMP fandom would benefit greatly from a few things in general: the greatest, in my opinion, is learning to accept that popular fanon won’t usually be the canon you receive. Another, of course, is that POVs are golden, but with these two things being flimsy in being accepted, they are the major flaws that cause about 90% of the absolute messy takes that gain traction, oftentimes poisoning a canon character's ability to exist in the story.
My biggest beef regarding this comes from how y’all treat c!Phil, so here I am, being annoying on main side! 
TL;DR... Just because someone acted like like a guidance to others, doesn’t always mean that they'll want to be the father figure role for everyone that breathes. Similarly, pinning down a character on a single trope is wack, so don't be surprised if they grow away from it.
Baby’s first little dsmp rambling below!
(Warning: it's long as hell)
The Dream SMP plotline is not written out like most popular media. With so many moving parts in the form of daily streams and the wonderful tool of live improvisation, it makes perfect sense that such a giant cast would not always be on the same page. Adding onto that, it also makes more sense that a vast majority of the cast will be placed into supporting roles, as the story needs to have characters that serve as narrative anchors and others that function as the links in a chain, all weathering the storm that is the plot.
Screentime, of course, plays a major factor into canon exposure -- in terms of the Dream SMP, POV matters equally, if not more, too. 
It’s a pretty neat way of showing things, but in the end, the fanbase has a lovely (read: godawful /lh) way of analysing characters, particularly when it relates to how they interact with others from their fave character’s POV. The tendency to analyse things from a single character's POV is fine, but not when attempting to critique the greater whole of a conflict. Both sides, no matter how wrong they may seem to be, matter.
Adding onto the fact that everything is live, there are things that will spiral out of control, casual words being skewed and thus having the potential of a single line seemingly contradicting the entire ‘story’ that the fanbase has made. If it directly affects a fave's POV in particular, one is more likely to take offense, as bias immediately bars one from trying to see the other person's side of things.
POV is important. 
Which brings me to c!Phil, and how critics tend to ignore his perspective to prop up another character, or justify the tearing down of another.
Improvisation is both a blessing and a curse; the fanbase, however, loves to test out the latter. With it, the fanbase starts crafting tales to justify it...And so begins the mess that is c!Phil discourse.
Say it with me, folks: c!Phil is not supposed to be your fave’s fluffy father figure... unless you’re c!Wilbur!!!
😃☝🏾Dadza is good...👉🏾😎👉🏾 But fandom wants the excessive, idealized version.
-- birb 2k21
Family dynamics are generally loved for their potential for comfort, particularly those of a found family nature. Fandom in general tends to lean into them wholeheartedly, with most major bases having at least one prominent group present; SBI, of course, is no different. From fanart to popular fanfiction, it's arguably the biggest group dynamic alongside the Dream Team, and for that, a precedence was set. 
c!Phil, if he ever joined, would fix everything! All of the ‘kids’ would turn to their new mentor and everything would turn out fine! This all knowing, morally just character will chuckle at their antics and wacky hijinks will follow! Fun times, right? /s
The hope for it, however, has long since been shattered, and frankly, good for him!
To go a little ooc, cc!Phil has stated multiple times that, while he was friendly with a lot of the cast as c!Phil, his only paternal link (at least biologically) lies with c!Wilbur. Simple, right? It should be -- there are multiple clips of him saying this -- but fans choose to ignore it in their critiques, generally citing favouritism or downright neglect for the character’s flaws. From 'favoring' Techno (who, in canon, holds the highest link in friendship outside of c!Wilbur's familal link) to 'neglecting' to visit Tommy (who he barely knew, and also assumed, like many others, that he was fine), these critiques weigh heavily on the scale that judges Phil’s so called father figure trope. 
The story, however, has only leaned into (and persisted with) that for c!Wilbur alone, and adding onto it, there is an established acknowledgement from both ccs. That confirmation should hold the most weight, especially since both Phil and Wilbur seem alright with it. Even so, that familial has yet to be explored much for both characters, particularly regarding c!Phil, who has his debut (at least narratively) in a scene that feels opposite to the classic fatherly role.
c!Wilbur denounced accepting that helping hand to fall entirely into his explosive end, setting a precedence unlike most fatherly types arriving to save their kid. Usually, fandom narrative would love a close save, father and son uniting to heal and build up what was broken, but c!Phil’s entrance inks his story in failure. Angsty, right? We love angst!
And yet, as the story ticks on, the bad takes pile up.
Why? Well, I’l used to think that it is a “funny haha” type thing; a way to grieve for a character that was lost, as Alivebur was genuinely a great character. However, with the plot slowly progressing c!Phil’s story to evolve away from the ‘mentor the kids’ trope , I should have seen a storm on the horizon.
It should have been seen from the moment he stabbed c!Wilbur in the chest, but optimism is one hell of a smokescreen.
Built up fanon, however, is probably the greatest fog to ever exist.
There are lines before the button room confrontation that paint a picture of Wilbur seeking out the approval of his father (who seemed distant, at least from his POV), as well as hints to the SBI dynamic, but with the countless dismissals/retcons from CCs involved, as well as little to no consistent canon acknowledgement of this team dad role...Why base an entire hate piece of c!Phil just because popular fanon isn’t real? 
Why, for the sake of building up a well rounded character, would one place the title of a communal parental figure on a grieving father who has little attachment to the community involved, especially when most of them are too busy delving into their own issues?
Furthermore, why go for Mr. Philza Minecraft: Angel of Death, CEO of KEKW, Functioning Immortal????
It’s madness, luv, and frankly, antis cannot let c!Phil process any of his grief (or flesh out his character) without his contributions being fatherly. His role has been idealized to the point where he is not a character on his own, but an accessory to the happiness of other characters. That is not how the world works, and in a conflict riddled server like the dsmp, arguing that it should be like that is counterproductive.
c!Phil had his own shit to deal with, and as he slowly uncovers how fucked up the server actually was, he merely adapts to it. He learns to play the game by his own rules, and people become mad that he’s succeeding in his own way. It's as simple as that, particularly when referencing his initial exposure to the world he now inhabits.
c!Phil is a man who used to hear of his son’s success from the letters he received, words spinning tales of won revolutions and newfound friendships. To a father, those letters are more than enough to assume that all is well, and with it, he had no reason to check on his son, who was already old enough to be carving his path alone. For him to arrive and see just how broken his son actually was, and then, in front of faces he only vaguely knows, kill said son... There's a lot to take in.
He shouldn't have had to care about L'Manberg in those moments, not when he had his son in his arms, dead by his own goddamn weapon; his son who, to his knowledge, was doing pretty well up until he caught wind of his plot. Yet, he does.
He gives them the benefIt of the doubt, even ignoring the one person he has shown to have deep history with (c!Techno) to assist the nation in defeating the withers and rebuilding what was lost.
c!Phil stays in a nation that has seemingly brought his son right into his demise, holding in that grief to help people who he assumes have the chance to rebuild, to reform. For a moment, he trusts that the system can turn into something positive, offering to hunker down and do what he can to help. That’s the start of a fatherly type role for most -- with many expectations rising from fans to ‘fix’ all these traumatized characters.
In another plot, perhaps critics could have gotten the tropes they want from c!Phil, but to blame the character for reacting negatively to a world he barely knew, right after seeing it ruin his son and target a friend...Maybe the need for a "father figure" only stems from making their faves happy.
Characters that don't directly support your fave are not inherently awful characters. Critique based on that alone is...flimsy, really, but honestly, you can use to to show how they process things.
Which brings me to the events leading up to Doomsday, and with it, the steady rise of c!Phil’s defining traits.
Say it with me, folks: c!Phil is one of the most loyal members on the server, but loyalty doesn’t mean he's blindly following along!
😃☝🏾Butcher Army take this L👉🏾😎👉🏾 Found it in the L’Mancrater
-- birb 2k21
The butcher army arc, while nestled among the mainline story of Tommy’s exile (which I will not even mention, because those dadza takes about visiting may deserve a post on their own), allows for c!Phil to see into the minds of those who had once been with (or even against) his son’s plans. Sure, he may be witnessing them after the eve of their newfound traumas, but this is an important observation to make when comparing how easy it was to denounce his affiliation to them and side with c!Technoblade.
Unlike the new Administration, slowly dipping deeper and deeper into their own form of power hunger, c!Technoblade’s base desires had never wavered. His trust in others, however, had, still nursing the sting of a betrayal, but with no conflict in sight. He is reforming, finding comfort in his solitude, and still maintaining contact with those he trusts.
Techno's Compass, for one, is a major example of their mutual trust. Despite being on opposing territories, they are civil enough to trust each other, just like old friends.
Thus, when you take two old friends who are more than used to conflict -- one grieving and one betrayed, but both seeking neutrality -- it shouldn’t have surprised the antis that c!Phil would place c!Techno’s whereabouts (and life, mind you) over some government he barely knew. 
And yet, above all else, c!Phil starts off as a neutral party for everyone's sake, forgoing potential conquest for peace.
To c!Phil and c!Techno, it’s like fighting back to back, knowing that one can always trust the other to fend off those just waiting to take advantage of your blindspot, while also quelling the need to imagine your partner turning around and doing the same. That sort of friendship is forged through many, many hardships.
They betray what little trust he had built in them. That’s on them.
c!Phil is aware how untrusting c!Techno is, and while c!Techno feels safe enough to give his all for c!Phil, he never exploits it to get ahead, which is something L'Manbergians felt okay with doing.
They take a book out of the playbook used on c!Techno, for c!Techno.
They went after yet another person who was close to him, using their power and influence to hold an execution under the guise of seeking justice. If c!Wilbur, at least pre-corruption arc, sent letters to his father, one would at least expect some of his old ideals of freedom and fairness to leak through into his friends, right? To see those c!Phil assumed would hold similar ideals immediately skew towards a darker, brutal side, particularly in threatening others to get what they wanted...Well, shit hit the fan.
c!Phil does not have that strong relationship with any former L’Manbergians, and despite there being potential for such, it didn't work out that way; instead, however, those characters manage to mistake his kindness for weakness. They take his preferred neutrality as a way to exploit him, to gain in such a way that he lost agency...
No more Mister Nice Dadza, and honestly, he’s justified in that notion.
They’ve lost his trust, time too short to have gained that strong link like c!Techno’s or c!Wilbur’s, and with it, came the inevitable association with Doomsday.
c!Phil knew c!Techno’s intentions from the beginning -- which had only wavered into dormancy because he had grown tired of fighting, understanding that the cycle he wishes to break is not worth his efforts -- so the agreement in participating is effortless. 
c!Dream was there too, of course, but in their mutual quest for eradication, it’s made canon that c!Techno and c!Phil hid away most of their arsenal, despite seeming overprepared. They have no loyalty to c!Dream; they’re smart enough to play along, however. He was a means to an end.
There’s no lies present in their relationship; c!Phil needed someone who didn’t try and pull wool over his eyes, and c!Techno let him see.
c!Techno needed someone who wouldn't stab him in the back, and c!Phil stayed true as his hidden sword.
Which is why, as the two joined forces, ideals aligning and power synergized, they didn’t think twice about nuking the nation to bedrock. Mutually agreeing that the system needs to die, they did what they could, and they succeeded.
How cool of them, tbh LMAO.
New L’Manberg tugged too hard at the sleeping tiger’s tail; they shouldn’t have expected it to roll over.
Their openness to each other was known.
There was no need for underhanded plays, for hidden betrayals, for undisclosed words.
Their loyalties were strong.
They were in sync.
In conclusion (maybe, maybe not...this shit is long holy heck)
😃☝🏾 I may hate this analysis in 30 minutes👉🏾😎👉🏾 Or I may make a part 2. Fuck it!
-- birb 2k21
And that’s what makes c!Phil an interesting character: He tends to be critiqued in reference to chatacters who have very well wronged him, have no affiliation to him or get associated to him through popular fanon. There's a lot to cover that I haven't (from Ghostbur to the whole Tommy 'dilemna') but overall I'm digging what I have now and if I ever get more energy, I'll continue!
c!Phil enthusiasts, I hope I did you proud LMAO. It's my first forray into this side of tumblr 👉🏾👈🏾 I'm a lurker.
c!Phil antis, you can either act respectful or go argue with a wall. I got experience dealing with antis on Tumblr; I am immune to BS.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed. Signing off!
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galacticnova3 · 4 years
*grabs you like squishy toy* metaknight headcannons. Pls. /lh
I have some but my interpretation of him isn't 100% fanon-compliant so. A?
-Meta is asexual and demiromantic! Probably not the best at picking up on flirting if it isn't made obvious, despite knowing what a lot of people think of him...
-He's kinda like a father figure for Kirby but not 100%; more like a mentor who also happens to do fatherly things sometimes. And may or may not have an extensive #1 Dad mug collection.
-He considers the Halberd crew his family, and the Halberd his home.
-He's a "good guy" but not always a great guy; treats people he cares for well, if not a bit harshly sometimes, but if you're his enemy his civility only goes so far. The exceptions are situations where he and someone he hates are working toward a common goal, such as preventing planetary/universal annihilation.
-He hates Magolor. LOATHES Magolor. For a while any time the two crossed paths he would very openly make threats, ones specifically tailored to cause maximum discomfort/damage. Straight up referenced Halcandran torture methods, like ear removal or fur stripping.
-He only stopped upon learning from a very Unhappy Lor that Magolor is still a teen. His moral code (that nobody but himself quite pin down the details of) kinda says kids/teens aren't old enough to get the Extreme Threats but once someone is old enough to "know better" he is allowed to go ham in making them feel unwelcome.
-He only somewhat regrets it, less because he freaked out Magolor to the point of nightmares and more because he broke his own personal rule.
-The only person he hates more than the egg who is also still alive is probably Dark Meta Knight. Even then that's starting to change now that Dark Meta is chilling out and Developing Better Morals. They'll still be mostly enemies but not at the attack-on-sight level.
-Seriously though do not get on his bad side, he might only be 9" tall but the guy is no stranger to causing damage physically, mentally, and emotionally if he thinks it's deserved/warranted/for a good reason. The guy can be extreme.
-He does not trust most modern technology. If the computer can insult you he thinks it is untrustworthy.
-He therefore does not have the highest opinion of Lor, even though she's actually older than him. In fact that's part of why, because he can't pull the "respect your elders" card if she makes jabs at him. Which is devastating when you're used to being the local oldest person.
-He has a sweet tooth and likes to think it's a well-kept secret. It is not.
-He's actually friends with Nova, but keeps that a secret for both their sakes.
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