#but i do want them to meet. i need echo to be freed and have a family man
basicallyjaywalker · 11 months
*cracks knuckles* well if I'm gonna work on my OCs and now that someone's reminded me how actually tragic Echo is
Let's talk about Jasmine and her relationship with Echo
I feel like they would get really close if they ever met. I think Julien would tell Echo about her in a way he wouldn't tell Zane because he was scared Zane would tell others someday. Echo won't ever leave the lighthouse, so he can't tell anyone. He would know about Julien's other child, but he would figure it's Zane, the one he replaced. When they meet, once they figured out they were related, I think Echo would realize and want to tell Jasmine what he knows. Julien wanted to know her but couldn't. He left her because it's what was best for her. I think Echo would want to imagine Julien left him for those kinds of reasons too.
I think they would bond over being abandoned by Julien. Jasmine before she was born, Echo long after. I think they'd each envy each other, in a way. They both resent him (even if they won't admit it), but Jasmine resents him never being there. Echo resents him being there so much, only to leave him. Echo would fill in the gaps for Jasmine on who he was, while Echo is more eager to hear about the life Jasmine lived in the wide world, especially on her own.
I think they'd have a super close bond, I think they should visit Jasmine's home and have a snowball fight, I think she should take him to Borg Industries and watch Echo go starry eyed at all the cool technology, I think Jasmine would help replace his rusted gears and wires with ones that won't deteriorate as easily, i think she'd teach him how to garden and befriend animals and i think echo would be so thrilled to get away from the sea
I think if Echo and Jasmine ever got to meet, they'd find a comfort in each other and a confidant about some of their issues that no one else could provide
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 months
Ready Or Not
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Howzer x fem!S/O | 1.9k words
Content: blind dates, bad first impressions, Howzer has some thoughts and feels to work through, maybe some demi vibes?, no real fluff but I think it's sweet in its own way
Prompt: I came across this concept of a "Meet Ugly" and thought it'd be interesting to explore. Used this scenario: Getting set up on a blind date and not having the best reaction when they first see each other.
Part of Operation #MoreHowzerFics
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He did not have time for this.
Maybe the rest of the galaxy had been duped into thinking the war was over, but Howzer knew better. There was still a fight to be had, and a more dire one at that. A fight for his brothers. Their fates were hanging in the balance... and here he was, sitting at some cafe on Pabu waiting for a date.
He wasn't even sure how it had happened. Rex had insisted there was a reason soldiers took R&R, and even though they technically weren't soldiers anymore they should still try to relax every once in a while. Fireball had taken to saying "you need to get laid" every time Howzer was in an even slightly bad mood. Greer was always going on about how they needed to think of the future, find a dream worth fighting for, like a home or a family. And Gregor was weirdly interested in figuring out what everyone's "type" was; everywhere they went he'd point someone out and gauge their reactions.
All of that somehow had culminated in setting Howzer up on a blind date the second they touched down on Pabu. As if he had time for such things. As if he cared about such things.
And yet... here he was. Wearing his armor and a frown, but he'd still shown up. If he wasn't so busy cursing his brothers in his mind, he could have analyzed why he was here. Or whether he maybe secretly did care about such things.
His leg bounced and his narrowed eyes stared unfeeling out at the planet's glistening waters. He glanced down at his watch every few minutes, growing more upset at how the time passed without this supposedly "cute" date of his showing up. A memory of Echo whispered in the back of his mind, saying something about "Pabu time", how people here didn't need to move with the same urgency he was used to, but he didn't listen to it.
A few people passed by and gave him pleasant smiles. Some entered the patio and gave warm hugs to neighbors they recognized. An elderly couple went up to the counter, leisurely reading the menu as if they had never dined here before. One girl confidently strolled in, at first acting like she knew where she was going, and then halting in the middle of the tables and looking about in confusion. She then tried to cover and got in line to order, as if that had been her plan, even though Howzer had seen the whole thing and knew she had probably absentmindedly gone to the wrong place.
He fought back the urge to roll his eyes at these people. He wasn't really annoyed at them. If anything, he envied their peace. They didn't have family enslaved by the Empire. They didn't have uncertain futures. They were allowed to wander and smile and act a little silly. It's what he would want for his brothers once they were freed. No, he was annoyed because they weren't free. This peace was not theirs. But here he was, sitting in a cafe overlooking a beautiful view and waiting for a date as if he had earned it. How in the galaxy had he let Rex and the others convince him to do this?
Just when he started to entertain the idea of bailing, the girl from earlier caught his eye. She had made it up to the counter now and the worker was pointing over in his direction. Howzer subconsciously shifted, his back straightening and his hand settling on his thigh next to his blaster holster. Usually he'd pretend not to have noticed, let any potential threats think they were catching him unawares while all along he had the upper hand. But here, he decided to send a different message. I am aware, I see you staring, try to mess with me.
The girl followed the path that the worker had pointed her in, right to Howzer. She didn't look like a spy or some other kind of threat, but these days, who really knew. Especially when she seemed determined to appear pleasant and confident, despite the nervous gulp Howzer clocked from across the patio, not to mention the little display of carelessness he had seen from her earlier.
"Hi there," she said when she came within a few feet of his table.
She gave out a breathy laugh and Howzer frowned, waiting to see what she wanted from him.
"Um," she gulped again, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Another nervous tell. What was she hiding? "I uh... Phee told me to meet someone here. For a... a date?"
Howzer's eyes widened in realization. Kriff.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to walk right past you," the girl continued to fill in the silence. "I guess I wasn't expecting, um..."
She trialed off as she realized how the thought was sounding out loud, and then quickly tried to save face by hurrying over to the seat opposite him and pulling it out. But Howzer wasn't going to let her off the hook that easy.
"Weren't expecting... what?" he asked once she sat down. He eased his hand away from his blaster but kept his posture upright. She may not be a threat but he wasn't exactly comfortable.
She exhaled quickly with a sheepish smile. "Well, a clone."
Howzer's eyes returned to their narrowed state, sizing up this girl he found himself sitting across from. She interpreted the silence as offense and immediately started babbling.
"I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. It's... it's just... You know, you've all just recently started coming here... I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised... Of course Phee would set me up with someone I don't know, I know practically every other guy here, and there's a reason I'm not with any of them... And she's been working with clones more recently... But like, I know only a few of you are sticking around for good, so I guess that's why it didn't occur to me that..."
Howzer wasn't sure when he had started zoning out. He felt bad, but also couldn't help it. He didn't have much time for this date to begin with, and certainly no time to listen to a stranger ramble without getting to any sort of point. He was a soldier; he valued conciseness. Whatever suppressed little hope he had that maybe this date wouldn't be so bad after all, maybe he finally would find a romantic connection with someone, dissipated into the saltwater breeze. 
He sat forward and the girl stopped spewing her thoughts, eagerly awaiting him to interject and contribute.
"Look, you seem like a nice girl," he lied. He honestly didn't really have an opinion about her one way or the other. He'd been hit on plenty of times back on Ryloth but had never felt anything by it, other than occasional annoyance when it interrupted his duties. "But it seems like we both have some disappoints over this arrangement. Why don't we cut our losses now, get some time back in our days, and part on good terms?"
Now it was her turn to frown.
"You... you're disappointed?"
Howzer was already scooting his chair back to stand. "It's nothing personal against you," he tried to reassure, though even he could hear how impolite it sounded. He hated that he was in such a situation. He should have never come in the first place.
He gave her a formal nod, almost like a salute, and then strode through the patio gate and down quiet, cobbled streets back toward the town square. Each step felt heavier and heavier and he did whatever he could to ignore the guilt twisting in his chest, even trying to look at his surroundings and focus on taking in the architecture and flora and beauty. It was a hollow focus, but he was determined to keep walking, believing he'd soon forget about this awkward encounter and the rude behavior he'd displayed, and things would go back to normal... as normal as they could be in a war.
But then a voice started to cut through to him from behind.
"Sir? Sir!"
He turned in confusion to see the girl jogging toward him. She pulled up a few feet from him, only slightly out of breath.
"Sorry. Um, I don't know your name. Or your rank."
"My rank doesn't matter anymore," he said, immediately regretting how defensive it sounded. He really was a mess today, wasn't he.
"Sure it does," she said with a small smile. "It was an accomplishment, something you should always be proud of."
Without realizing, the tenseness in his shoulders started to loosen. He took in a deep breath and said the first normal thing all day. "My name's Howzer. Captain Howzer."
Her smile grew just a bit more. "It's nice to meet you, Captain Howzer. And... I'm sorry if I came across rude or annoying before. I understand if you don't find me attractive, but I really don't want that to be your impression of me. I really wasn't disappointed to find out you were my date. In fact, I'm disappointed I didn't actually get to have you as a date. But, like I said... it's okay if you're not interested."
Howzer's heart was twisting again. She was a nice girl. Sweet, thoughtful. Still used too many words, but he supposed he didn't use enough sometimes. As far as attraction, he wasn't entirely sure he knew what that felt like, but those bright eyes and soft smile weren't so bad to look at.
"It's not that I'm not interested," he started to say slowly, but then realized he wasn't sure how to finish the thought.
The girl stepped closer. "You're just not ready?"
"Honestly, I don't know if I ever will be ready." He gave a sheepish shrug, though he was starting to feel better. He appreciated that she was helping him sort through these confusing feelings. Her eyes were closer, swimming with the reflection of the sky and what he believed to be genuine care. Before he knew it, he was elaborating. "I mean, do I like the idea of sitting down for coffee with someone and getting to know them? Of course. But to what end? I don't know what the future holds. I don't know if I can be a good friend, let alone... something else."
She nodded in understanding but still offered a different perspective. "To be fair, no one really knows what the future holds. And relationships come in all different forms. There's no one way to be a good friend. Or a good something else."
Howzer's eyes slipped away from hers, pulled toward the glistening sea in the backdrop behind her. He mulled over her words as he watched the waves, nothing but tiny little ripples from this distance. It reminded him of some of the paintings he saw back on Ryloth. He'd always been impressed with artists who could make small details seem real. They were only small strokes on a canvass but they captured a whole entire feeling.
He shook himself, not sure why he was thinking about such a thing right now. The girl was still watching him with a small but knowing smile. She stepped back and returned the nod he'd given her back at the cafe.
"I'm really glad to have met you, Captain. I wish you all the best."
She turned and started walking back the way she'd came. Howzer let her get a few steps before finally calling out.
"Wait. I didn't get your name."
She paused and smiled at him over her shoulder.
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minty-fanfic-corner · 2 years
Not Enough [Zhongli & Diluc]
Wow, where do I even start? I wanted to write in September but I drowned in uni work lmao. Y'all want a secret? I really don't like uni ARG. I'm finishing my semester then I'll be working full time as a barista, so I'll be able to focus on stuff that I truly love! If you've sent me stuff in my inbox, I'm slowly working on clearing it, I'm so sorry ;;;;
If you wish to commission me or support me, here's my KoFi! (I take both art and fanfic commissions!)
Warning: Established relationship with both, mention of injuries, angst to comfort
Part 1 [Xiao & Venti]
Part 2 [Kazuha & Albedo]
When Lumine arrived in Liyue, you felt so small compared to her. She did not have a vision, but somehow, she was still able to wield geo power. How cool was that? Well, you first thought it was amazing! But quickly, you realized how small you felt, by her side. What could a simple, visionless adventurer like you do to catch the eyes of the people around you. Even your friends were starting to forget about you. Before, they would always ask you about your commissions and adventures but now… They were only talking about the blonde traveler.
-Y/N! We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry!; one of your friends said, taking you by the arm. This brought you back to earth.
You blinked a few times and shook your head quickly to chase all those thoughts. Then, you gently freed your arm from your friend’s arm before saying:
-I’m sorry, I can’t come today I-
-Oh right, another said. You’ve got some commissions or training to do huh? Again?
-Well, yes! I still need to imp-
-To improve, bla bla bla, we know Y/N. But don’t you think you’re losing your time?
-I… I’m sorry? ; you asked, taken aback by their words.
-Well yeah- You keep trying, but we all know that you will always be a burden to Lumine. So we think you’re just wasting your time.
-Hey! We said we wouldn’t tell them about it! Anyway, the first said with a sigh, we should go or we’re really going to be late.
Their words were still echoing in your ears, and you were too numb to react as they walked away. Yet, without realizing it, you made your way to the guild for your daily work.
Two days had almost passed since this incident. Zhongli hadn’t heard from you since and worry was starting to grow in his stomach. Yet, he sipped his tea to calm himself down, his gaze looking over the harbour. Maybe you were just late for the date you two had settled? It wouldn’t be the first it happened… He knew that you had the tendency to overwork yourself after all. As he was lost in his thoughts, familiar figures walked by. Weren’t those your friends? Well, he got up to ask them if they knew about your whereabouts.
-Excuse me, have you seen Y/N by any chance? We were supposed to meet an hour ago, but they have yet to arrive.
-We know that they left on a commission this Wednesday, but that’s all. We don’t know where or what the commission was. ; the first said.
-And to be honest Mister Zhongli, our last conversation with them didn’t end quite well because of someone! ; claimed the second, glaring at their friend.
But their bickering quickly came to an end as they felt Zhongli cold eyes on them. It almost felt as if he was crushing them with his golden irises.
-If anything happened to Y/N, I’ll make sure you t-
-Zhongli! ; a new voice shouted.
The ex geo-archon already knew that Lumine was worried, he was able to hear it in her voice. When he turned around, his doubts were confirmed as he saw Lumine’s and Paimon’s faces. They both seemed worried and panicked.
-What’s wrong? ; he asked.
-It’s about Y/N! Katheryne said they haven’t come back yet, so they gave me the commission details. We should go check on them, now.
Zhongli simply nodded, as he felt a lump in his throat, preventing him from talking. But before he ran away with the Traveler, he shot one last glare at your “friends”, who wanted nothing but to disappear at this moment.
You had been in a half-conscious state for the last day. You had fought treasure hoarders before, but this time, they were a lot. They easily outnumbered you and without the help of a vision, potioneers only had to throw one bottle at you to knock you out. You couldn’t see them properly, everything was blurry and you couldn’t move from the dizziness. But you were still able to hear their muffled voices.
-They don’t seem to have anything valuable on them… They don’t even have a vision.
-Their weapon is quite old too. We’ll be lucky if we even get 200 Mora selling it.
-What should we do with them? Leave them here?
-We’ll let the boss decide…
Then, they all started screaming and you heard weapons clashing. Fear washed over you; “I’m going to die” was all you could think, as you succumbed to the darkness.
-Don’t worry my dears, they will wake up anytime soon, a voice said. They’ll need to rest for a while, but they’re not fatally hurt.
Was it Madame Ping’s voice?
-Thank you, Madame Ping, a new voice said. Was it Zhongli?
As if on cue, you slowly opened your eyes, only to screw them shut again as the light made your headache worse.
That was both Zhongli’s and Lumine’s voice. They seemed… Relieved? But even as they seemed relieved to see you awake, tears managed to escape your eyes.
-Y/N? My love, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? , your lover asked.
-N-No… It’s just, you started. It’s just… I’m sorry for being a burden.
As the last words left your lips, you started sobbing uncontrollably. You thought Zhongli and Lumine were going to be mad at you; you thought that you didn’t deserve to cry because of how weak you were. But Zhongli gently wrapped his arms around your body and drew you closer. You managed to open your eyes, to see Lumine kindly smiling at you.
-Please, don’t say that, she said. I’m glad to have you as a partner!
-Y/N, my love, Zhongli then said. You’re not a burden. It hurt to see you thinking this of yourself. But you’re not a burden. I love you, and I don’t know what I’d be without your help. Thank you for being here, my love.
-Can I come with you tonight? , you asked Diluc, your husband, as he was getting ready to leave the manor for the day.
-I’m sorry love, but I don’t think it’s a good idea, he said while he finished tying his ponytail.
Even if you understood what his duties as the Darknight Hero were quite dangerous, you wished you could accompany him. At least just for one mission, just to see how it was and to feel helpful to him. Yet, you simply nodded and said a quiet “it’s okay, I understand”. Diluc looked at you with a small smile and kissed you on the cheek quickly before leaving. And once again, you were alone in the cold manor.
When you woke up the next morning, the other side of the bed was still untouched. Well, Diluc didn’t come back last night you thought to yourself with a bitter taste in your mouth. He’d probably come back later today. So you went about your day in the empty manor. Sure, there were some maids and butlers here and there, you they were all busy working and cleaning.
And this gave you an idea. Maybe you could clean Diluc’s office while he was gone, no? He had been complaining about the mess and papers slowly gathering on his wooden desk. Yet, he didn’t let anyone but you in his office, because he didn’t want them to mess with his papers. But you… You knew which documents were important and were to put them. Surely your husband wouldn’t mind! So you made your way to the office, a small smile on your lips. 
Hours had passed and the Sun was already starting to set. You looked around the office with a satisfied smile on your face. The window was opened, and fresh air made its way in the room that is usually sealed. The desk, which was previously covered under piles of documents and dust was now visible and cleaned. The papers had been put in a chest that Diluc used to store them. Only a document, on which he was working on, remained on the wooden surface.
-Y/N? , his voice called from the front door. I’m back.
-I’m in your office! , you answered.
You heard his footsteps making their way to the room where you stood. Diluc finally appeared and you exclaimed “Tadaaa!” as he took a look around.
-So? What do you think? It’ll be easier to work now that your desk is cleared, no? , you said with a proud smile on your face.
-Well, I can’t say the opposite, he laughed a bit. He truly looked happy as he walked to his desks. There, he frowned as he saw the two documents sitting on his desk.
-Hey Y/N, where’s the document on the current situation?
-Oh, it’s probably in the chest, you said as you opened it. They’re all in alphabetical order!
Diluc crouched down to look at all the documents. A worried look started to appear on his face and worry started to grow in your stomach as his expression changed.
-Diluc? , you asked quietly.
-It’s not there, Y/N.
-What? But if it’s not on the desk, it should be there!
-Did you throw it away? , he asked with an accusing tone.
-No! I didn’t throw anything!
Diluc sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose; he was clearly annoyed.
-I want you to find it now. Aether and I found something and I need the document now to confirm it’s linked to our case. Archons, you shouldn’t have touched anything, I’m losing my time with you.
As the words left his mouth, he turned around. He was ready to leave to continue his mission, ignoring your pained emotion and tears building in your eyes.
-Diluc! , Aether called as he saw his “co-worker” arriving to their meeting point.
-I’m done with the case’s document. I’ve noted everything we found today, the blond said.
Hearing this and seeing the document that Aether was holding in his hands, Diluc froze in place. He didn’t move, which worried Aether.
-Diluc? Is everything ok? , he asked.
Diluc shook his head as he took the papers that were handed to him with a shaking hand. He swallowed the painful lump that was blocking his throat before speaking:
-I just got in an argument with Y/N. I… I thought they had thrown the document away.
The red haired pushed the document back in Aether’s hands before running away. Aether didn’t say anything, he knew that Diluc was feeling horrible.
-Y/N? I-I’m home, he called as he opened the door of your shared bedroom.
But the whole room was dark, and you were nowhere to be found. He had looked all over the manor already and he was unable to find you. Where were you?? As panic started to take control of Diluc’s brain, he noticed movement outside. There, sitting at one of the tables of the winery. He quickly grabbed a blanket and made his way outside.
-You’ll get sick if you stay out in the cold dear, he said has he gently put the blanket on your shoulders.
-So what? , you asked. You didn’t notice it, but you drew the blanket closer to get some warmth. Wouldn’t it be easier for you if I were sick? Or even gone? So that you wouldn’t lose your time with me anymore
-Y/N, please… Don’t say that. I don’t want you gone, I don’t want you sick. What I said was a mistake. A terrible mistake, I… I’m sorry my love.
Tears started to roll down your cheeks and a quiet sob left your lips.
-I’m sorry Diluc, I’m sorry… I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.
-Sshh, love, you’re more than enough. I understand if you’re mad at me, you have every right but… I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry that I lost my temper earlier. I love you, and I can’t imagine my life with you.
-You promise?
-I promise… But now let’s get you inside, or you’ll get sick, he said before carrying you bridal style.
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simplydannie · 5 months
Hi Dannie! I’m sure you’ve seen these storyboards on insta but showing them to you in case you missed them. Originally Vels would spray Veneer with troll even when he said he didn’t want it. It’s funny but it really showed how much she doesn’t listen to him. Really good character moments. Your stories are so good so whenever I find something inspiring I send it your way
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I’ve only seen like one frame of this story board! Now that I see all of it I get the whole context. These are pieces I wish they would’ve left in the movie to see these character moments just like you said! So much was left out on these two characters that I wish they kept in. Poor Vennie though 🥺 Let see, I’m going to go based off the first 4 shots:
Just Once More
Veneer stared at himself in his vanities mirror. Except for his green little swoop of hair, he didn’t recognize the boy staring back at him. Golden attire, blue diamond boots, cyan eye shadow.
“Is this really you Ven.” He said to himself. Veneer couldn’t help but feel a change, a shift in who he was. But was it a change for the better? Did he really want this? The door to the dressing room bursted open.
“Time for dress rehearsal!” Velvet blurted out. She quickly tossed him a diamond perfume bottle. Catching it in his hands, Veneer looked inside… a Troll, a small little innocent Troll. She looked at Veneer terrified.
“Make sure to get a good spritz in. Now let’s go!” Velvet chimed turning her heels to walk out.
The little Troll already looked so fragile, so weak. Veneer figured she wouldn’t last another spritz. He placed his hand on the pump, his eyes meeting hers. She moved as close to the edge of the perfume bottle as she could, hugging her knees, shaking in fear, her eyes never moving from Veneers. How old was she? Did she have a family? Brother or sister?… Someone she loved?…. He couldn’t do it. Veneer set the perfume bottle aside and followed after his sister.
“ARRRGGGHHH!” Velvet screamed into the mic of the studio booth. Veneer cringed as the sound echoed into his headphones. “It’s still not good enough!”
“Maybe we just need a break? Oh, and maybe some practice. Without the Trolls.” He gestured.
“What we NEED is more Troll! Especially if we want to make it to the Rage Dome show!!” Velvet took off her headphones and marched back into the booth. Veneer sighed and followed after her.
“Where is it? Where’s the little Troll?” She demanded.
“She’s back at the dressing room. Why?” Veneer placed a hand on his hip.
“Crimp! Go get her now! We need another spritz!”
“Really Vels? Again?”
“We’re so close to getting everything Veneer! We can’t give up now!” Crimp came walking in with the diamond that held the little Troll, shivering again in fear. “You go first. I don’t think you had enough. No offense little bro, but your voice was lagging it just a tiny bit…”
“No.” Veneer suddenly cutting her off. Velvet was taken back, a look of surprise crossed her face as she furrowed her brows at her brother.
“What did you just say?”
“No. I’m done using Trolls. Let’s just practice Vels! Have you ever heard of lip syncing anyways? I mean, look at the poor thing!” Veneer pointed at the diamond. The small little Troll let out smile toward him, hopeful that perhaps she’d be freed. Velvet noticed the look of admiration the Troll was giving Veneer… and she didn’t like it one bit. Velvet scowled at her brother as he kept yapping.
“I’m not saying we should tell the truth, but let’s stop living a lie just for once. Oh! Instead of essence maybe they can tutor us! Be our personal coaches! We can do this on our own Vels! We just need practice! We can- What are you doing?” He asked as she began to lean towards him. She lifted the diamond towards his face. “Vels no! I don’t-!”
Velvet spritz the essence in his face before he could get out another word out. Veneer coughed and choked at the amount of essence Velvet prayed on him. He did his best to inhale the least he could, but choking on it made it hard as he gasped for air.
A tingling sensation expanded throughout his body. He didn’t know what it was. It felt like some sort of high, his mind and vision blurring back and forth, trying to defer what was reality and what wasn’t. A sense of euphoria spreading through his body for just a moment... it felt… good.
He finally stopped gagging, breathing heavily as the sensation in his body calmed down a bit. He was holding his stomach, a sort of scowl on his face.
“What was that!” Veneer exclaimed as he held on to his throat. Velvet reached over to push in his tongue that was slightly hanging out.
“The feeling of stardom!” Velvet looked down at the diamond and frowned. “Ugh! Really! I knew I shouldn’t have sprayed you with that much. Time to restock the supply!” Velvet tossed the diamond in her hand towards the trash can as she walked out the studio room. A confused expression crossed Veneers face. He walked towards the trash can to peer at the diamond.
“Oh no….”
Picking up the diamond, he noticed the little Troll inside was not moving, she no longer bore the colors she had a moment ago. Her eyes were closed; she looked so peaceful. Veneer opened the diamond and gently shook the little Trolls body into his hand. He gently stroked her little face.
“…. I’m sorry…” He whispered, a look of despair crossing his face…. They were… killers. Tears began to stream down. How could they get themselves out of this one? How could they have known doing what they did would kill a little Troll? No matter what Veneer said, they would forever be murderers now.
“…I’m so, so sorry…” He didn’t even ask her name. He didn’t even know if she had a family… and they had just taken that away from her. He heard his sister renter the room.
“Seriously! You’re crying over a Troll.”
“We need to stop Vels.”
“No! We’re so close to the top. Once we’re at the top, we’ll stop I promise. We just need a little bit more Troll. He’s our last one so we got to manage!” She extended her hand and shook the diamond. Inside was a fresh new little Troll….Dark pink hair, bluish skin, it was a boy this time. He banged against the diamond prison.
“Hey! Let me out!” Floyd screamed. “Guys, come on don’t do this to me.”
“You asked for it Troll. Tell him Ven.”
Floyd looked desperately at Veneer who only turned away to avoid his gaze; the Trolls words still stinging his heart.
“Veneer, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.”
But the Rageoun didn’t respond, he only continued to hold and caress the little dead Troll in his hands.
“See! You asked for this!” Velvet said holding the diamond to meet her eyes. “You reap what you sow, Floyd. Veneer! Get rid of that one. It’s grossing me out. We have a show to practice for.” Velvet was once again was gone.
Standing up, Veneer began to head towards a hall that lead him to the outside. He was going to bury her, properly.
He walked towards the center plaza of the studio that had a huge artificial tree blooming from the center. Fortunately, it was “planted” in dirt, to make it seem real. Using one hand, Veneer dug a tiny hole. In the other he still held the small Troll. He looked at her one last time.
“You didn’t deserve this. I- I couldn’t save you. I didn’t even try. I’m sorry.” He cried. He placed a small kiss on her little face. Veneer gently placed her in the hole and covered her up.
Thoughts began to race his mind. Was this worth it? Could this be Floyd? But his sister, she worked hard to get them here, to get them to a fabulous, better life. He had to do it, he had to do it for her. Memories of the euphoria he felt raced in again. The feeling of confidence, of dominance. It was pleasing.
Besides, Floyd wasn’t who Veneer thought he was. He thought Floyd truly cared… but he never did. He wasn’t their friend… not anymore. Yet, he still didn’t want to hurt him. If they were careful maybe they wouldn’t?
So perhaps… just one more time wouldn’t hurt.
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sergeantgoggles · 5 months
Azure Blue - Cross/Echo <3
Maybe a different take on this prompt. Lots of guilt and heavy feelings.
Also, major spoilers for the season 3 finale, so if you haven't watched it, you might want to come back to this another time.
Azure Blue: What would they do if the other got hurt?
Overall, things turned out almost as good as could be expected after Tantiss. They could have gone much worse, Echo reasoned. For one, he could be dead, not that he didn’t see his life flash before his eyes as he took on the enhanced shadow clones. It would have been a decent way to go out. There were worse ways to die.
The prisoners could not have been freed, or he could have lost them all trying to free them. He was grateful to the ones who threw down their lives for one last fight, who put every ounce of strength into their final confrontation. Because of them, and the ones that survived, he was able to bring his squad home. And that was another thing. All of them survived. Hemlock was gone, the research destroyed, and Omega was finally free to be a child instead of a soldier fleeing for her life and watching over her shoulder for shadows lurking in corners.
All things considered, this mission was a success, but sadness and guilt weighed heavy in his chest, and for reasons that he could only explain as sympathy pains, his right arm ached something awful. It wasn’t often that Echo let himself be upset about missing half of his arm and most of his lower body. It wasn’t a sign of weakness, but a badge to prove what he had endured, what he had survived to fight another day. Most days, he was able to put aside any grief it brought him because he wasn’t less. It didn’t slow him down or destroy his resolve.
Until he looked at Crosshair.
Crosshair, who was new to this, who still reached for things with his dominant hand, who was learning how to cope with nothing where a hand used to be. Echo could see the pain in his eyes when he thought no one was watching, how he would squeeze his eyes shut and cradle his arm to his chest. His only solace was that there wasn’t a tremble anymore, but maybe that would have been preferable over the alternative.
A few weeks had passed since he’d gone to Pantora with Emerie, set up a meeting with Senator Chuchi to move things along with the clone rebellion. Just because they were able to take out a massive research facility and put a dent in the Empire’s plans, didn’t mean that they were out of the fight yet. There was still work to be done, but Echo couldn’t shake the weight. He needed to see Crosshair.
And so, here he was, only now that they were finally alone together, he couldn’t muster up anything to say to explain the sudden visit, the desperate need to see him. Crosshair never minded silent company, but Echo’s body language was screaming at the top of his lungs that he needed something and wasn’t offering any explanation.
“Don’t tell me you want out?” Crosshair gauged. His eyes raked Echo up and down as he crossed his arms, and Echo noted how he had to reach for his toothpicks with his left hand now. “You’ve never struck me as the type to quit.”
“I’m not giving up the fight,” Echo argued with a bit of bite that wasn’t meant to be aimed at Crosshair. He was frustrated with himself.
“Then why are you here, Echo? I know it’s more than missing Omega. You’ve gone for longer stretches of time without seeing her.” Crosshair pressed.
“Maybe I missed you,” he shot back. “Ever think of that?”
Crosshair sighed. This was getting them nowhere.
“…I came to apologize,” Echo said finally, quietly, barely above a whisper. Even Hunter would have had a hard time hearing him.
“For what?”
“I should have been there for you,” he rushed out. “I should have moved faster, searched harder, found Omega and the kids and got them out faster so that I could have prevented—”
Crosshair’s eyes widened when he realized what Echo was referring to, and he shifted so that Echo could see the empty space where his hand should be. “This…is not your fault, Echo.”
“You’ve been through enough,” he countered. “You shouldn’t have to deal with this, too. You shouldn’t have had to go through any of it, and I’m sorry.”
Echo’s eyes watered as their gazes met, and Crosshair couldn’t help the soft gasp at seeing him so vulnerable. He reached out for him with his remaining hand and tugged on his until they were flush, chest to chest.
“…I’m so angry,” Echo grit. “I know you’re a strong soldier, but no one should have gone what you went through, and I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t find you—”
Thin, firm lips swallowed the rest of his words, and a tender hand wiped the stray tear that tracked down his cheek. Crosshair deserved better, in life and in a partner, but here he was, reassuring him that he was the one he wanted, that he was forgiven.
“You found me when no one else was looking,” Crosshair murmured against his lips. “You see what no one else can. You didn’t give up on me when I gave up on everyone. My hand is gone, but you’re here, Omega and the others are here. It was a small price to pay.”
Echo’s cheeks heated, and he cracked a shy smile despite himself, but it felt like the first real smile he’d given anyone in ages. “When did you become a man of many words?”
“I didn’t,” Crosshair chuckled and rested his forehead on Echo’s, “but if you need to hear that it wasn’t your fault, I’ll tell you every day.”
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elizareina · 1 year
Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader
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※Summary: Reader met Chrollo in the middle of the street and thought that he's a freak.
※Warnings: Creepy Chrollo (kinda), reader wears blindfold and kind of pretends to be blind bcuz [redacted] (Is this a warning?). Funfact this is actually a snippet from my HxH fanfic.
 You haven't been out on the city's busy streets in a long time. You couldn't wait to meet with your friends once again. You kind of missed them and you hoped you would see them sooner. You walked aimlessly without knowing where your feet would lead you to. You halted your steps for a second when you felt something odd.
 You shivered, it's so terrifying.
 You didn't expect you'd come across someone so...powerful. Unlike Hisoka, who didn't bother hiding any of his power while this madness surrounded him. However, for this man, you suppose, he hid his powerful persona so well that it makes you uneasy and vulnerable. You sensed a gentle and kind aura emanating from him, but you also sensed... something else. It's dark, cold, and suffocating.
 You halted for a moment, and he seemed to notice your movement. Of course he would, why wouldn't he? Now, what should you do? Take another way or just walk past him like any pedestrian here? You were tempted to do the former, but it seemed too risky for you. Then, there's only one way. You chose to proceed as if you had no knowledge of him.
 Please just ignore me, please just ignore me, please just ignore-
 Chants of prayer echoed in your head, but you refused to show anything but a neutral expression plastered on your face. As you approached him, the aura that radiated from him became stronger and stronger. You had a feeling he did this purposely. Now, there were only five steps between you and him, and this gap didn't give you any sort of reassurance. You wanted this to be over soon.
 Each step felt like torture and your right hand that held the walking stick was getting wet because of your sweats. Then, you passed him. You felt as if you had been freed from the devil's clutches. But your relief didn't last long because you soon stumbled and fell into a pair of cold arms.
 "Are you alright, miss?" Oh, no.
 Your relaxed shoulders from your earlier temporary relief started to tense again. How could you be so naïve as to believe that it's easy to escape from this man's observation? The smell of sandalwood, coffee, and an old book engulfed you. There's a hint of worriedness in his voice, but it didn't calm you at all.
 You convinced other people that this was a gentleman helping a distressed maiden, which was a romantic view. Well, you would have the same thought if you were not feeling the rising goosebumps on your skin. You couldn't feel more grateful for having your blindfold now that you're too afraid to see his face. Even so, you still raised your chin to face him.
 "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. It seems like I have stumbled upon something."
 You tried to stand straighter and he let you but still hold a hand on your shoulder. You plastered your most genuine smile and faced him again.
"Thank you for catching me, sir. If not for your help, I would have fallen in the middle of the street." If you are in a tight situation, use flattery.
"No need to thank me. I was wondering if you're heading somewhere. Do you need help to get to that place?" This guy is persistent.
"Don't worry. I know the way. Besides, I don't want to cause more trouble for you."
"Is that so? Then, please be careful on your way there."
"Yes, I will. Well, if you will excuse me. " You nodded at him and swiftly spun your legs to go to your destination without looking back. Even so, you could still feel his scorching gaze at the back of your head.
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aurathian · 7 months
Permafrost: 2. Serenade of Water
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AO3 | Written for @zelinktines24 #18: ice. Reblogs much appreciated if you enjoy <3
Fandom: Ocarina of Time
Ship: Link/Sheik
Rating: G
Summary: Until the war is over, she will only be Sheik to him.
Read below or on AO3.
“We meet again, Link.”
There is relief in those words. Not a day passes where Sheik does not worry over the safety of Link. Should he die, Hyrule goes down with him, but each song she shares and each vision she receives brings her closer to him not just physically, but in another way she can’t describe. Maybe she fears for his safety for more selfish reasons. She is not sure.
“If you came here to meet the Zoras, you wasted your time. This is all there is,” she says bitterly. “With one exception, the Zoras are now sealed under this thick ice sheet. I managed to rescue the Zora princess from under the ice, but… she left to head for the Water Temple.”
All these destinies, all these moving parts, never seem to be in the right place at the right time when she needs them. They are right for fate, but not for her, and as always she must place fate above her own wants and needs. She is just another moving part.
“This ice is created by an evil curse. The monster in the Water Temple is the source of the curse. Unless you shut off the source, this ice will never melt.”
Sheik stares into his bright blue eyes and that face, always so stoic. What goes on in his mind? she wonders. How calm he always is, how brave. She envies that. He says nothing yet says it all with the way he runs to her–what does he plan to do should he catch her before she can leave? One day, she wants to ask him, and hopefully he would respond not with silence but with words.
“If you have courage enough to confront the danger and save the Zoras, I will teach you the melody that leads to the temple.” She knows he has courage, but if she didn’t deliver this statement as exactly as it was in her vision, the world around her could crumble and everything would be for naught. Every word she spoke echoed through time, one variable of millions that could bring ruin to the world.
“Time passes, people move… Like a river’s flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition, young love will become deep affection. The clear water’s surface reflects growth.” And though Sheik has seen these words in her visions, these scenarios taking place between Link and the sages, part of her knows these pertain to her too. That young love, that admiration she felt for him in the garden when he valiantly took up her tasks, turning to the deepest affection–and deepest fear–for him. In the ice, she sees her reflection, and her reflection is not Sheik but Princess Zelda.
“Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself.” Princess Zelda–no, Sheik pulls the lyre from her belt and plays the melody for the Hero of Time–no, Link. Names are a prison from which she begs to be freed but she feels stuck in a permafrost that even the hottest flames of Death Mountain couldn’t melt. Until the war is over, she will only be Sheik to him. The deepest fear within her, from her darkest visions, is that he loses and never again will she be Princess Zelda. Only Sheik.
By now Link has finished playing the Serenade of Water back to her and she resurfaces from her thoughts.
“Link,” she says, and as a comfort to herself, “I’ll see you again.” He begins to approach but she flings a Deku Nut to the ground and disappears into the world between places where only she exists.
And she thinks she hears him say, “Wait.”
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rainbowcarousels · 8 months
As I'm making notes for JBSWM(2), I'm collecting a lot of my thoughts of Genesis's parentage so here is a splurge of them.
It’s likely Genesis was the first baby born in the Jenova project. It’s been confirmed he and Angeal pre-date Sephiroth and given the meaning of his name, I’d say Genesis being first makes the most sense. As such, it also makes sense that Gast - a man obsessed with the Cetra - would be the person to provide the other half of the genetics of the first baby born with ‘Cetran’ biology.
Considering Gast named Aerith, calling the beginning child of a new project Genesis makes a lot of sense. As does putting his fingers in that pie - or in this case, likely petri dish.
When asked about Genesis’s parentage, they made a point of saying they didn’t want to reveal that just now.  If it was just another random third scientist in the Jenova project, there would be no reason not to say so. Therefore whoever it is has to have some importance and Gast would fit the bill.
Genesis and Aerith have more than a passing resemblance to one another. Their designs for Ever Crisis especially so given that there is the lopsided red designed outfit for Aerith that screams Genesis. You can see what I mean here.
It’s not the only echo between them. Aerith’s final cast is Holy while Genesis’s is Apocalypse, almost like two different sides of the same coin. They are both headstrong and chaotic people, but with a deep spiritual connection as that drives them. Even their parting words are an echo of each other - both promising to return.
There’s something weird about Genesis’s genes. In Deepground, the elite - the Tsviets - are given Genesis’s cells but the interesting part is that it doesn’t appear as if they were weird because of the Jenova cells but something else. A big deal is made of Weiss being ‘immaculate’ in that he has no Jenova in him yet he has some of Genesis in him.
As such, there has to be a significant enough shift between Jenova cells and what they had from Genesis in Deepground. It does beg the question then: is degradation only worsened by an influx of Jenova cells? Like the body is out of balance and begins to mutate or degrade or both. This had led me to wonder if it’s possible that Genesis and Aerith were in fact full siblings, not half, and while it’s not my personal theory, I do think it’s POSSIBLE this happened for a few reasons:
Gast’s lab in Icicle Inn is remarkably set up for a man who’s been on the run for two years. This has made me think they’re actually hiding in plain sight in the same lab that he used when they were excavating Jenova from the Northern Crater.  Given that we know he meets Ifalna there, it’s possible that Ifalna was a participant of the Jenova Project whether she knew it or not.  I do believe at some point, Ifalna was part of the project - even if she didn’t know what it was. When Hojo catches up to them at Icicle Inn, he not only calls Ifalna by name - something he doesn’t do often with test subjects - but the way he speaks to her is an accusation, as if he knew her but hadn’t known she was Cetran. “I've been searching for you, Ifalna... or should I say, Cetra!” This aligns with one of the Ultimania’s that notes that when Gast left, he freed Ifalna to run with him. This implies that Ifalna had been at Shinra. My best guess is  Ifalna had been working with Gast and the team without ever having seen Jenova. Then she found out what Jenova really was and tried to stop it, tipping her hand in the process to Gast about her heritage and they left before anyone else on the team could find out anything.  The reason I don’t personally subscribe to this is because they wouldn’t know what she was enough to want to use one of her eggs in ‘77, given Gast doesn’t leave till ‘83 and the entire project is supposedly shut down in ‘84 when Lucrecia left. (Don’t get me started on the fact it sounds like Lucrecia left after Sephiroth’s birth which logically would need to have been ‘78/ ‘79 for first soldier to make sense and that this means she was literally in the same building as her son for five years) It makes more sense that he is Gast’s - a materia expert in his own right so it makes Genesis’s connection to materia an echo - but not Ifalna’s to me.
The fact Deepground seems to be a law unto itself and very isolated sort of makes it work a little better in the world. The entire Scarlet has access to it threw me from Remake, but why would someone like Scarlet tip her hand when she knows something other execs (especially Hojo) doesn't?
Within a few years of the Wutai War’s commencement, Genesis, one of the survivors of Jenova Project G, enlisted as a SOLDIER. The scientists of Shinra were eager to learn about Genesis’ potential having witnessed Sephiroth’s superhuman strength, and the reaction of Genesis’ cells with Mako infusion was carefully studied. Genesis, along with his friend and fellow product of Project Gillian, Angeal, were dubbed SOLDIER Type G. In Deepground, this was no surprise, since all of the colored Tsviets had been injected with Genesis’ genes. It was a prerequisite to earning a color title, and becoming one of the strongest and most gifted soldiers within the facility.
We get this little bit from Deepground which if you remember that the Jenova Project pronounced Genesis (and Angeal) not Jenova enough becomes really interesting. It’s almost as if they couldn’t tell when they were babies so they wrote them off only to realise there may be something there as they got older, but Deepground was literally set up to study the ‘unique’ genetics inside Genesis and became the lab version of the wild west in the process. Why would you do that  with someone who you don’t think is interesting enough to keep? It’s almost as if someone interfered. While I tend to judge Gast harshly, I could believe this was him - or could just have been Hojo making sure his kid got the traumatic childhood. It wouldn't hurt that he hated Gast either.
When it comes to using magic, we see words used in the casting when it's done by someone with a strong connection to magic. We see it in Aerith, we see it Yuffie and if we look at his limit break literally being the text of LOVELESS, we also see it in Genesis. If you add in his unusual connection to the lifestream (even his Avatar form uses it) then Genesis's connection to the planet seems to be stronger than most. It feels as if this is supposed to be important but as of yet, I don't know why.
I'm sure I'll add to this list at some point but I needed a way to get my thoughts down and this ended up being it.
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chirpbudgie · 1 year
introducing my stanley for rawts: gidget!!!!!!! his name was from his narrator so he decided to change it :-) like stanford, he loooooves learning but his narrator got after him for asking questions. for now i did some writing about him……(kept falling asleep writing it, FINALLY FINISHED!!!!!!!!!) and later? who knows.!!! i have a ref almost done which i’ll probably post later under the rawts tag. as well as a bunch of other facts and like. half a drabble that i can talk abt. but i will prolly just make a separate post! ok i’m rambling hello to @queenburd and @charmemes
some inspiration drawn from Satisfied by Pansychic27213 on ao3 but when am i not inspired by that.
The Parable had been tense for some time now. Stanley wasn’t keeping track, but the narrator probably was. He was petty like that. But it’s not like he was allowed to have time to himself to cool off, because why would that be a good idea?
(The narrator didn’t do anything unless it was his idea.)
“Come on! You can do it, Stanley.” His tone was patronizing. Of course the son of a bitch would turn up his volume. It’s not like Stanley’s feelings mattered or anything. He never respected boundaries unless he was in a good mood.
Stanley reminded himself to unclench his jaw and it popped when he did. He stepped through the left door. Hopefully, if he stayed quiet and played peacemaker for a while the narrator would stop trying to get a rise out of him.
(No broom closet. Comfort is off limits right now so it isn’t taken away again.)
He pretended to be surprised in the meeting room. Stanley stifled a sigh in the bosses office while the monologue continued, but still acted thoughtful and put a random code in before the real one. Looked around a little, raised his eyebrows, furrowed them.
And he pretended to look surprised when the elevator opened. He did not need to pretend to be surprised when he caught movement in the corner of his vision and tripped on a wire. Obviously the narrator moved it, but a wave of fear washed over him when he thought about giving a response.
(Okay, so he wouldn’t give fake reactions. He was just trying to play along; usually it’s appreciated. Use your words, narrator—what are you, three?)
The narrator’s voice was still cranked up and echoed in the large chamber, bless his heart. Stanley gripped the hem of his shirt as he walked and his senses buzzed unpleasantly.
(He was not going to have a meltdown this soon after their fight. He wasn’t. Not a sensory one, anyway. He’d rather go down from his own choices.)
His fear had finally receded to anger again and the button panel was his victim. The narrator didn’t care how hard he punched it, since it was obviously made of something strong. (He’d love to determine what exactly, but he didn’t have a magnet. Wasn’t allowed one, after…)
(He couldn’t remember. Didn’t want to, anyway.)
With the telltale buzz of the monitor shutting down, Stanley could make out the narration again. He sighed with relief. Now that the volume was normal, he listened in (out of politeness, but still).
“Stanley reflected on how many puzzles still lay unsolved. Where had his co-workers gone? How had he been freed from the machines grasp? What other mysteries did this strange building hold?” The narrator’s voice was mocking when he asked the questions and it was grating like nails on a chalkboard. The voice he always used to mock Stanley. Anger bubbled up again. Maybe his co-workers had left because they couldn’t stand the sheer disrespect of this guy. They should’ve taken him with; subjecting him to this was a fate worse than death.
“But as sunlight streamed into the chamber, he realized none of this mattered to him. For it was not knowledge, or even power, he had been seeking, but happiness. Perhaps his goal had not been to understand, but to let go.”
Stay calm, Stanley. Deep breaths. Don’t let him get a reaction out of you.
“No longer would anyone tell him where to go, what to do, or how to feel. Whatever life he lives, it will be his. And that was all he needed to know. It was, perhaps, the only thing worth knowing. Stanley stepped-“
Stanley kicked the door as hard as he could before it disappeared beneath the floor and the echoing boom drowned out the voice. This motherfucker wanted to irritate him sooooo bad. Well, he did it. Happy?
{Boohoo}, Stanley emphasized his middle fingers in the sign. {Someone doesn’t want to address his plot-holes. I’ve been trying to be nice here, and here you go probably SPITTING all over yourself as you talk. Haven’t you ever heard, “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all?”}
The silence was deafening. He could practically see “the outside” change hues to an ugly yellow, warping and melting. He pushed back the fear that resurfaced and let the rage boil in him.
“Stanley. Stepped. Through. The. Door.” The narrator’s poorly concealed fury made his guts churn.
{Stop antagonizing me, I thought I was the protagonist. Isn’t that, like, one of the first rules of storytelling? You already have a conflict, you can’t make me another one out of nowhere.}
The reset felt more like a punch.
He was now in the Serious Room, which had long ago been revamped for solitary confinement. “TIMEOUT” was written in red blocky letters on one of the concrete walls, but it was the only feature remaining.
Fuck, he was in big trouble. He knows exactly what his punishment is going to be.
The Narrator relaxed as the restrictions of a human body melted away.
The last Parable had been rougher than he’d hoped. Just a little time to himself would be nice, or even some time with his Stanley. But he had a job to do and by god, he’ll do it.
This Stanley, he noted, did not seem to be… present. He stumbled through the halls—toward the freedom ending each time—with wide, glazed over eyes and the bucket clutched to his chest. This narrator did not seem particularly cruel, even encouraging him softly along the way. When he looked closely, this narrator’s presence was concentrated around Stanley like a blanket.
It was the fourth or fifth run that Stanley seemed to come back to himself. He didn’t stand up from his chair, disgust and guilt curling out from him in thick waves. The Narrator reeled a little, not expecting such strong emotions just from the surface. Stanley still held the bucket, apparently allowed to keep it between resets, but kept a poker face. The other narrator had receded some too, he noted.
“Are you feeling better, Stanley?” This narrator spoke. There was no softness like before, just down-to-business.
A burst of disgust billowed from Stanley again (strong enough to make The Narrator gag a little, despite his incorporeality). The office worker nodded weakly but didn’t lift his eyes from the ground.
“Good. Get on with it when you’re ready, I’ll wait out here. I hope you’ve learned your lesson.”
Stanley shudders suddenly and The Narrator feels a hazy memory. “it’s my fault,” echoes in his mind, but it feels more like a reassurance than a fact.
This Stanley is too fragile right now, The Narrator realizes. It hurts to step back and deny the poor man a hug, but he very likely wouldn’t be able to handle it in this… brainwashed state.
He still looks dazed when he completes the freedom ending again, but seems more aware after another reset and hides in the broom closet.
So it’s a drop in the bucket (figuratively) to soundproof the small room. It’s wiser for The Narrator to stay hidden from the other until he knows the extent of his seemingly unpredictable behavior.
Stanley startles at the sound of shoes hitting the ground. He stares at the new man with his hands up, but can’t seem to form anything to say. He rocks a little from his position on the floor.
That’s alright, of course. The Narrator will give him all the time he needs.
{Who?} Stanley finally manages before frantically sitting on his hands.
“I’m The Narrator of a different Stanley,” he begins, speaking softly. It’s a little hard on his knees, but he sits down on the floor too. This Stanley feels like a scared, cornered animal. “I’m going to help you leave. Would you like some company in the meantime?”
Stanley squirms a little. He has so many questions that they’re practically forced into The Narrator’s head, but he only nods. His expression is conflicted.
“Let’s see…” Wow, that is a lot, he’ll go in order. “I’m not completely sure how I’m here either. I can exist outside of this body, but most Stanleys seem to prefer I use it when we first meet. No, I created it-“
{Are you reading my mind?!} Stanley signs frantically. His mouth has dropped wide open.
“You might as well be handing them to me on sticky-notes, dear boy,” he chuckles. “I’m only listening to the surface level.”
But Stanley shrinks back. {Sorry, I hope it’s not too many questions. My narrator doesn’t do that.} He wrings his hands together and looks everywhere else.
He’s panicking, The Narrator realizes. Stanley is fearful of asking. It makes him want to cry and hold this poor man until he’s never afraid again.
He pulls himself to sit next to the office worker and holds his hand. “I don’t mind—in fact, I enjoy it very much. Ask to your hearts content.”
This Stanley wears his heart on his sleeve, it seems, and the sudden emotions hit him like a brick. It’s almost overstimulating at first.
Stanley takes a deep breath, shaky. {Thank you,} he fumbles. He wants to say more, but he doesn’t want to unlink their hands. Touch-starvation is one hell of a drug and he thinks he’ll start crying if he lets go.
Even with the reassurance, an unspoken question rests on his fingers. He finally looks back at The Narrator, who has a welcoming smile on his face. “Of course, whatever you want.”
He shuffles closer gingerly, like if he moves too fast The Narrator might leave. The older man bridges the divide and Stanley is settled in his lap.
“I’ll tell you if I’m uncomfortable,” he hums and Stanley relaxes. He curls up, resting his head against The Narrator’s shoulder. A hand begins to rub his back and he takes a deep breath again, this time in relief.
His own narrator is a ticking time bomb—he’s had to learn to switch gears fast. And that probably sped up the process of him getting here, in such a vulnerable position, but he doesn’t mind all that much. In fact, this is the first time in a long time that he’s been able to remember what hope is truly like.
But the thoughts bleed out of him like sand through a sieve. He doesn’t fight it like he always does. He’s never been truly comforted like this, it’s so earnest—there’s no fear that his coping mechanism will be exploited. That he’ll be exploited for the story.
Stanley has plenty of questions, but he can ask them later. When he remembers them.
(The Narrator notes that Stanley’s contentment is an emotion that feels stale. Like a stuffed animal that’s been moved around, but hasn’t been played with in years; dust collecting deep and thick in the fur.)
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The mourned & the heretics pt6
Part 5 here
Nerevar: *blinks awake and smiles feeling riiju-leis warm body against his, safe and sound in his arms* hm… my love… *kisses his hair softly as he gently shifts away from him and out of bed to get dressed for his duties, preparing mentally to declare his marriage to his dreamer*
Riiju-Lei: *whines softly feeling his fiancés warmth leave his side and slowly blinks open all 3 eyes* love?… *looks up to see nerevar pulling on the robes of house indoril*
Nerevar: *looks back at him and smiles* shhh, go back to sleep. I have a meeting and duties to attend to, I’ll be a few hours.
Riiju-Lei: can I come?…
Nerevar: *blinks in confusion and looks back at him again* why dear?…
Riiju-Lei: if, I’m to be married to you and be the head of my house, shouldn’t I learn first hand how the temple works?…
Nerevar: *ties his robe and sits beside him on the bed, stroking his cheek* there’s a lot you’ll need to learn before you’ll be ready to attend a meeting in person. *leans down kissing him softly, wanting so badly to just stay here with him instead* I won’t be long, *gently tucks him in again and smiles adoringly at him* I love you LeiLei.
Riiju-Lei: *smiles tiredly up at him, too tired to argue* I love you too my moon & star… *closes his eyes and snuggles back into the pillows with a long yawn*
Nerevar: *stops in the doorway to admire him again for a moment longer before stepping out into the hall and sighing* this is going to go very badly… *walks down the corridor and through several chambers before stopping outside of the main meeting room, hearing heated bickering from the other side of the door* okay nerevar, you can do this. *takes in a deep breath before aggressively pushing open the doors making a slam echo throughout the temple, silencing everyone in the chamber* Ah, good morning. Glad to see you all decided to wait for me to arrive before going at each others throats.
Ferasie Sadras: *the acting leader of the new great house of Sadras, stands up and gestures to the grandmaster of house dres* Lord nerevar I must protest this vile creature being permitted a seat at this table! There is no place for someone with his ideals in this council!
Grandmaster of Dres: *very beaten up from first being knocked unconscious by Kaidan and then being dragged from the temple by the ordinators the previous evening* Hold your tongue boy! Your house barely has a foothold in the door of this temple! House Dres has served the dunmer people for centuries!
Ferasie Sadras: On the backs of slaves our lord nerevar freed!!
Nerevar: ENOUGH!!!
Everyone: *falls silent*
Divayth Fyr: *sitting at the end of the table drinking tea, was enjoying the show of politics at its ‘best’* Good morning lord Nerevar. I trust you and your companion slept well. *pours a cup for nerevar as the chimer sits beside him at the head of the table*
Nerevar: Indeed I did, Riiju-Lei is taking some time to adjust still but I-
Grandmaster of Dres: *chokes on his tea before slamming his cup down* YOURE BEDDING ONE OF THOSE SCALED BEASTS?!
Nerevar: He is argonian only in name and by who-
Grandmaster of Dres: I cannot believe this! First you release all the slaves allowing them to go on a rampage slaughtering your own people, then they destroy ALL of my families ash rice plantations! And now you’re bed-
Divayth Fyr: Sit. Down.
Grandmaster of Dres: *feeling genuine fear of Divayth Fyr and his immense power and influence, knowing full well unlike nerevar he wouldn’t hesitate to have him killed* … *sits down slowly and falls silent*
Divayth Fyr: Forgive my overstepping Hortator. Please, continue.
Nerevar: *smiles and nods* Riiju-Lei is argonian only in name, and by the woman who raised him. Who was an escaped slave held prisoner by your house grandmaster. I have reason to believe as well that his birth mother was one of my followers who aided in their liberation. You are lucky I grant you a place at this table of peace. Especially after you assaulted him yesterday in front of the Archmaster of Redoran and Archmagister of telvanni.
Grandmaster of Dres: *shrinking in on himself as the eyes of the great house heads all turn to him* y-yes lord nerevar, forgive me… I have forgotten my place.
Nerevar: *sighs* you are pardoned. According to the census we have plenty of stores available for both local distribution and export still. The temple will provide the funds for the rebuilding of the plantations and any damages, and house redoran I ask you provide security to ensure no further attacks occur. The argonian people are justified in their anger towards house Dres however the destruction of our peoples agriculture cannot go dismissed.
Archmaster of Redoran: Of course Hortator, house Redoran will forever be devout to protecting its people.
Ferasie Sadras: Um, *clears his throat* Lord nerevar, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting this companion of yours. Riiju-Lei was it?
Nerevar: You will in time, he is still recovering from a long journey, the other house heads only had the pleasure of meeting him as they awaited us at the city gates. But on the topic of him… As you all know I’ve been voyaging across tambriel in search of something. Well, that something, was him.
Grandmaster of Dres: yes? And?
Everyone: *looks at him in annoyance*
Nerevar: *glares at him before continuing* The reason I searched for so long, why he is so important. Is he is the reincarnation of Voryn Dagoth.
Everyone: *falls silent*
Grandmaster of Dres: You mean to tell us you’ve brought dagoth ur, back to morrowind…
Nerevar: *hand moving to his sword* You will not refer to him as that title again if you know what is good for you Grandmaster.
Grandmaster of Dres: *clenches his jaw trying to hold his tongue* …
Divayth Fyr: *sensing building hostility and attempting to calm the situation* It is my understanding as well he is not yet used to being referred to as Voryn Dagoth as well is he not?
Nerevar: He is conflicted yes, he feels he is doing wrong by his parentage by accepting a new name even if it was his in the past. However, with his presence now recognised I am hereby reinstating house dagoth as part of the council, any members formerly of the house unmourned will be permitted to enter the temple once more and the 6th house shall now be mourned and rebirthed anew.
Archmaster of Redoran: Redoran house grants their support to house indorils decision.
Divayth Fyr: House Telvanni grants their support to house indorils decision.
Ferasie Sadras: House Sadras grants their support to house indorils decisio-
Grandmaster of Dres: House Dres declines house indorils decision! You dare bring the Sharmat here to the temple of our ancestors and expect-
Nerevar: DONT YOU DARE REFER TO HIM AS THAT! *draws his blade*
Divayth Fyr: Grandmaster you are out of line! Guard-
???: House Dagoth, grants their support to house indorils decision.
Everyone: *falls silent and turns their gaze to the door to see Riiju-Lei standing there, dressed in nice robes, third eye open and on display for all to see as he sees them.
Riiju-Lei: *bows respectfully to the group* I apologise for my interruption.
Nerevar: it’s… it’s alright I-
Divayth Fyr: well lord Nerevar? You have the approval of 5 houses now including your own. Shall we proceed?
Nerevar: *clears his throat and gestures to the empty seat at the head of the table next to him*
Riiju-Lei: *walks to him and sits down, face stoic minus the small smile he can’t help but make as nerevar takes his hand.
Nerevar: It is with the permission of the great houses of morrowind, that I, Nerevar of House indoril, welcome House Dagoth, as the 6th house now mourned. *pauses as the house heads, minus dres applauds* And it is with immense joy. I announce the unification of House Indoril, and House Dagoth, As I take Voryn Dagoths hand in marriage.
Grandmaster of Dres: H-Hortator you cannot be ser-
Divayth Fyr: Congratulations! We’ll begin preparing for the celebration at once! House Telvanni grants their blessings!
Archmaster of Redoran: Marvelous! House Redoran grants it’s blessings! For all the good you have already done I can see a splendid future for morrowind with this union!
Ferasie Sadras: House Sadras is honoured to grant its blessings to this union! The 6th house mourned will be-
Ferasie Sadras: Sit down grandmaster!
Grandmaster of Dres: You do not command me boy!
Nerevar: Grandmaster sit down or I will have you removed from the council effective immediately-
Grandmaster Dres: *stands up drawing a dagger from his robe* If you will not see reason then I will put a stop to this myself! *charges towards nerevar*
Riiju-Lei: *suddenly dives in front of the chimer pushing him back*
Nerevar: LEILEI NO-
Riiju-Lei: FUS-
*meanwhile outside the meeting room*
Ordinator: it’s gone rather quiet in there do you think they’re alright?
Ordinator 2: I’m sure it’s fi-
“RO DAH!!”
Ordinators: *both jump in shock watching as the grandmaster of house dress smashes open the doors with his body as he’s sent flying from the room* … *both of them slowly look in to see the remaining house heads looking at Riiju-Lei in shock, and Riiju-Lei himself standing there looking like he’s ready to murder the grandmaster*
Riiju-Lei: *steps forward to follow after the grandmaster and kill him*
Nerevar: *gently grabs his shoulder* shhh, it’s okay, calm down, he didn’t get me. I’m safe thanks to you…
Divayth Fyr: Ordinators. The grandmaster of house Dres is out of line. Arrest him.
Grandmaster of Dres: *sits up shakily* wh-what type of magic was that?! What- I- UNHAND ME!
The ordinators: *grab hold of him pulling him to his feet and dragging him off*
Grandmaster of Dres: RELEASE ME AT ONCE!! YOULL REGRET THIS NEREVAR! ILL MAKE SURE OF I- *silenced as the Archmaster of Redoran closes the doors*
Archmaster of Redoran: …I never liked that prick.
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exsanguinatc · 1 year
closed starter for: @oppulcnce​ written with legacy
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She was still getting used to it- being queen. Queen, liberator, godkiller, Lady of Light, whatever they decided to call her. All of it still felt strange. Really, she should have had months of this behind her, but after losing the Darkness, her Darkness, in that final battle, she’d felt like she’d lost herself, too. There had been nothing left of her to rule with. Everything that she’d built up, all of the power that she’d worked so hard to understand and learn to wield, had all fallen apart in mere moments. He’d made the ultimate sacrifice so she could continue on, and she’d been hailed as a savior. They’d crowned her while she’d felt like she’d been walking through fog. Feeling more alone than she ever had and pathetically unalert, Korey had lost the very essence of what had made her so inherently her. She’d lost the humanity that the Mother had told her was real even if she herself wasn’t human.
It had only been a few weeks since she’d found her way out of that fog. Since she’d realized that she wasn’t actually alone. The shadow was still with her. Darkness hadn’t left her. Darkness existed within her, and she’d finally felt complete again. Of course, that meant being thrown into ruling very suddenly. And she’d taken to it surprisingly well. It seemed that everyone who’d called her chosen had been correct. Still, that didn’t mean that it was easy. On the contrary, she wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing most of the time, and she found herself more and more exhausted each day.
Today wasn’t helping. It was her first official reception as queen. The great hall was lit with her magic, sparkling orbs that she no longer had to focus to control floating through the air. Larger ones settled where candleflames and torchlights would. Festive music played. Food and drink were plenty. Nobles and commonfolk alike had been invited. Korey had never wanted her palace to feel like the prison Harvest Hall had. It was to be a joyous place where all were welcome, especially after such a long time beneath the rule of the Elders and her mother. Magic was safe. The people were free. Now they wanted to meet the one who’d freed them.
So, she’d sat for hours and mingled for hours more, giving a few moments of her time to anyone who’d asked for it. They needed to know her. She understood that. They should have known her months ago, but she was glad that this was the version of her that they were seeing. No, she still wasn’t perfect, and she wasn’t sure if she felt entirely worthy of this just yet, but this was better than she had been. Meeting her weeks ago would have been a disappointment for anyone and everyone.
Perhaps trying to assuage the guilt, she’d given pieces of herself all night. She’d given and smiled and been what they’d needed her to be, but the second she’d had a moment alone, she’d slipped away. Out the doors, with the echo of music and revelry behind her, Korey escaped into the gardens that she’d helped grow into something magnificent. Nobody from the festivities had seemed to notice it yet, not that she minded. It was her little safe haven. Carelessly letting the silken skirt of her silver gown drag down the stairs and onto the path, she was about to let out a sigh of relief until she heard footfalls behind her. When she glanced over her shoulders though, and saw who’d followed her out, she let that sigh out.
“General,” she smiled softly at the man who’d held her rule together while she’d fallen apart. And it was a real smile, easy and warm unlike the performance she’d been giving inside but wasn’t quite sure she’d mastered yet. After all, Kaius had become quite dear to her since this had all began. “You appear to be enjoying this almost as much as I am.” She paused for a moment and glanced around. He must’ve been looking for somewhere to hide, just as she had been. “If you’d like the garden to yourself, I think I can escape notice in the library at least for a little while.”
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Whumptober day 15:
"I don't need you to help me, I can handle things myself." 
Makeshift bandages | suppressed suffering | I'm fine
Fandom: Scooby Doo (au)
Prompts used: Vaguely all of them
So writing Scooby is exhausting lol. Anyway, an alternate first real meeting of the gang, before their adventures. Shaggy angst as always. I know we have technically met his parents, but this is my headcanon and I'm stubborn.  
TW for child abuse and blood.
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers was the son of an interesting family. He would need a few hours to truly get through all of them, but the main bit was that he had A LOT to live up to, and his father would not let him forget it. 
Shaggys life was the constant pressure of finding something he could make a living off of. His father was breathing down his neck anytime he was home, and had put him into any and all extracurriculars that he thought would 'fix' his son throughout his childhood. Several of which Shaggy less than excelled at, but a few he actually took something from. 
Those somethings just weren't helpful for what his Father wanted. 
Shaggy's pretty sure he could never be what his father wanted, he looks at the kids in the activities/classes he was forced into, and sees exactly what he should be. One Daphne Blake would be perfect he's sure, who is good at everything she tries and tries at everything she does. 
Shaggys only saving grace is that he's a star when it comes to track and field. In fact, gym class is his highest grade- next to home economics but his dad doesn't count that one. His mother wished he'd stuck out his Piano lessons, but the disaster of a first recital had made it impossible to continue in public. 
As it was, he was not the ideal, prodigal son. But he would like to think he's a good brother. 
Margret "sugie" Rogers was sometimes the only thing that kept Shaggy going. He wonders sometimes, if his parents need for control and no nonsense attitudes, had jinxed their children. Though Sugie was obviously the favorite between the two, even she couldn't escape their parents' wrath on a bad day. 
And today was a bad day. 
Shaggy had come home from school early, at the insistence of the nurse, after passing out during a panic attack. A panic attack that took place in a closed locker, after a bout of bullying, Fred Jones and Velma Dinkley had heard his panic and freed him, but Shaggy had been unable to calm down. 
Shaggy's mom had to come pick him up, and since Shaggy usually walked Sugie home, they picked her up as well. The car ride had been tense to say the least, her white knuckled grip on the steering wheel and clenched jaw, the twitch of her eye with any sound they made. She had told them to stay in their rooms until she and their father got home from work that afternoon. 
Shaggy had made Sugie a snack anyway, worried about dinner not going well. A feeling that was right on the nose. 
Shaggy couldn't tell you the exact words used, echoes of a million fights beforehand that were too similar to differentiate from clouding his brain. Their parents hated their anxiety- though they would never acknowledge the medical term as a real thing- and this was a prime example of why for them. Shaggy couldn't stand up for himself, couldn't fight them off, and passed out 'from being scared of a locker'. They yelled until they were red in the face, only to start all over when they realized Shaggy had made a snack- Sugies favorite snack. 
The minute they'd turned on Sugie, his sister's already tearful face had fallen further, fear growing in her eyes. And Shaggy did something he could only ever do when he was protecting her, he moved in front of her, and stared into his fathers eyes with a defiance he hadn't known he'd possessed until she was born. The fight had turned physical after that, which was common enough in Shaggy's life. 
The sound of shattering glass still rings in his ears- or perhaps his ears were simply ringing, he had taken a gnarly hit to the head. He was honestly more concerned about his arm, since he's pretty sure that's where the glass had come into play anyway- he couldn't tell if what he was seeing was bone or something, but he hoped and assumed it was simply glass- the bloody wound took up most of his forearm and was scarily worse than any prior blood drawing injuries he'd received. 
But he couldn't focus on his injuries quite yet, limping on a wonky ankle down his darkened street, he wasn't safe from prying eyes yet. His parents would be pissed if he was seen, and Sugie was still home. He makes it all the way to the park by the lake, collapsing heavily on the first bench he finds. He takes deep breaths to calm his racing heart- the last thing he needed was another panic attack, please brain, one thing at a time. 
He tugs the flannel from around his waist, his red one, that Sugie always said made him look like Christmas when paired with his favorite green shirt. Her smile had made it his most paired outfit, he hoped the blood would wash out. He examines his arm again, blood crusting even as more continues to drip out, and can't help his grimace at the sight. It would need more than an ameture bandaging job with an old flannel, whether it was glass or bone, it needed attention and he didn't have the skill or supplies for it. He wraps it as best he can manage if for no other reason than to hide the problem. 
The bushes nearby shake, he tenses up despite a protesting multitude of injuries, leveling a wide eyed stare at the offending flora. He didn't think he could move another step, but he supposed he'd be testing that shortly. 
He does not expect a dog to exit the bushes and freeze at the sight of him, as if Shaggy of all people was intimidating. 
"Uh… nice… doggy…" Shaggy manages, the large canine quite the sight, despite his seemingly young features. A great Dane maybe? 
"Reah!" The dog nods, he… frickin nods… like Shaggy had asked if he was a nice dog, and said dog was confirming it. 
Shaggy had to have a concussion.
"Cool, cool coolcool. Cool." Shaggy nods back and looks away, maybe it was a figment of his imagination. 
"Rhy are rou rurt?" 
Well he's still here. 
"I'm fine, talking dog. Just taking a breather." He really shouldn't entertain the talking dog, this could be some creature out to eat him or steal his soul or any other number of things, oh gods Shaggy was about to die. 
"You're reeding." 
"I do like a good book now and again but currently resting actually." Seriously Shaggy, did all the blood leave your head!? 
"Ro, rud, rur reeding rud." 
The dog is now beside him, his nose sniffing at a smudge of red on his pants and Shaggy understands. 
"I'm fine, it's just a… little, blood." His body would disagree, but Shaggy had been weak far too much today and if he couldn't handle this, there's no way he'd make it until his 18th birthday where he would be able to legally work on getting his sister away from here.
What's a little blood loss and pain in the face of losing his little sister.
"Ry ran ret rou rome relp!" 
"No offense but, I don't need you to help me, I can handle things myself. I have to, you probably wouldnt understand despite being a talking dog." Shaggy shifts with a wince and a groan, his ribs protesting. 
"Rooby rooby roo!" The dog startles him at the change of volume- if only slightly elevated- and he worries this is some ritual of doom, but he only stares at Shaggy expectantly, saying it again a little louder when the teen only stares. 
"Shhh!! Okay okay, what do you want?" Shaggy looks around in a panic, if the cops are called he's screwed. 
The dog puts a paw on his own chest,
"Rooby roo!" 
"Rooby roo… uh Looby Loo?" A shake of his head, "Cooby Coo?" A soso motion, "Uh… Sooby Soo?" The dog puts up a halting paw, does a series of gestures that semi compute with Shaggy's achy head. "Scooby Doo?" 
"Reah, reah!" 
"Oh, is that like, your name?" Shaggy takes a deep breath as a wave of nausea hits him, head spinning, "You can like, call me Shaggy." 
His head lulls and he hears a worried warble of words he's too tired to listen to.
"Just… gonna take, like, a nap." 
"-aggy! Wake up!" 
"'M'fine…'mma Rogers…"
"Wake up Shaggy, please!" 
His sight is blurry, squinted eyes seeing blobs before him. 
"Shaggy, you're hurt, you need to stay awake." 
"Not hurt… 'm like fine." 
"Shaggy Rogers, you stay awake or this snack I packed is going in the lake!" 
"Like, what'd the snack ever do to you?" He mutters, but forces his eyes open further to find none other than Fred, Velma and Daphne, the dog- Scooby- next to them. 
"Do you realize what could have happened If your dog hadn't found us?" Velma asks, examining his flannel covered arm. 
"I would have gotten some more sleep?" He wonders what the big deal is until he really focuses on her intense stare, "what?"
"This is a lot of blood, it should be in a lot of pain, that is your body telling you it needs help. If you ignore that it causes major problems, you need blood to live, Shaggy, what happens when it keeps leaving?" Velma is talking slowly, small words his tired brain can catch.
"Not good." Shaggy responds, seeming to get her meaning, he looks at his bloody shirt and guesses it's worse than he thought, he'd been ignoring the pain, to keep his weakness from showing, but now that he's thinking about it, the throbbing is too much to ignore.
"You need medical attention Shaggy." Daphne pipes in. 
"Cant." He responds simply. 
"Shaggy-" Velma is cut off.
"We can go to my sister." Daphne's eyes say more, but Shaggy is the only one to know the language. 
"I can't…" he trails off, unsure of how to say it without drawing suspicion. 
"We'll be quiet. She'll be quiet. But we'll also help okay?"
Scooby lays his head on Shaggy's lap, and while Fred and Velma seem vaguely lost, they nod anyway. 
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 11 months
Hi! OK, odd question, but I would like to get into writing more smut but I've never actually done anything sexual with anyone and I'm still learning how to be more intimate with myself (Tmi sorry) so with my lack of knowledge in the realm of the devils tango do you have any tips for how someone who has never done anything with anyone to write good smut? (I'll admit I would actually use porn but I get easily annoyed watching straight porn and I cringe because of how dry it looks no matter if it'd m/f, f/f, m/f and obviously porn is all fake so there's that)
Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out. I am glad you feel comfortable asking me about this!
Definitely don't use porn as a reference (at least mainstream porn anyway) - it's not a good indication of what's pleasurable for men or women.
If you are a visual learner, I'd highly recommend Owen Gray - he runs a website called Deeplush and creates erotic content that is centred around female pleasure.
For the actual writing, I have thrown together some tips below the cut. I hope you find them useful!
Keep your language appropriate. If you're writing for canon era HotD, for instance, then words like "pussy", "dick", "cum", "clit", "ass", "boobs" etc. should not be anywhere in your vocabulary. Instead try "cunt", "cock", "spend", "pearl", "backside", "breasts". Make sure the language you're using is appropriate to the tone of the story too - if it's gentle lovemaking then words like "cock" and "cunt" can be really jarring, so soften it up with phrases like "pulsating manhood" and "wet heat" (it's fine if you giggled at this, it takes a while before you can type/read stuff like this and not want to cringe yourself inside out). Also, typically "cum" is a noun and should be used (in modern fics) as a means to describe...well..cum. The verbiage of this is "come", so if you want to bring someone to orgasm you'd say "I want you to come".
Focus on describing the sensations rather than the mechanics of the act itself. Yeah, we need to know if the characters are slamming ass or not, but keep your physical descriptors brief, so that it doesn't read like a lesson in anatomy. Instead, focus on the physical sensations - i.e. you're aiming for "every thrust of his length inside of her made her feel light headed with the dizzying sensation of lust" rather than "he thrust his cock into her before withdrawing it and then repeating the action".
"He freed his erection" will save you. There is nothing more awkward in smut writing than having to describe the physical act of a person taking out their penis. Avoid the unnecessary clutter of describing the unfastening of trousers simply by stating "he freed his erection".
Onomatopoeia is not your friend. Don't describe the noises your characters make by typing out things like "oooh" and "aahhh", and avoid using descriptors like "slap slap slap". Show, don't tell! For instance, "she cried out in pleasure, the meeting of their flesh as his thighs made repeated powerful impact with the backs of hers echoed off of the vaulted ceiling."
If the smut doesn't fit, don't force it. Smut isn't a prerequisite of fanfiction writing. Don't write it for notes. If it adds nothing to your narrative, or you just aren't comfortable writing it, leave it out.
Finally; the cervix is not an erogenous zone! It does not feel pleasurable when a man hits your cervix with the head of his cock. It's incredibly painful. I read far too many fan fics where this is described as a pleasurable experience for a woman, it simply isn't. Deeper is not always better.
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roses-boar · 1 year
Chapter 3: Options and Trajectories
"Ugh, why is Pearl making us come all the way up here. Doesn't she know I got more important things to do," Amethyst complained as the sun shone on her through the mountaintops. She made no attempt to hide her contempt over the situation.
"Like?" Garnet plainly asked as she led the way up the path. She tried to keep her head clear, but she could not help but peer into her future vision. There were many ways this day could go, and she wanted to be sure they stayed on the right path.
"Psshh, I dunno, like, anything else," Amethyst responded with a shrug. While Amethyst's life was certainly much busier now that she was in charge of little homeworld, she did not actually have anywhere to be as it was the weekend. Her indignation could likely be attributed to Pearl's abrupt request. "What about you Bismuth? Don't you got some Bismithing to get back to?"
"Haha," Bismuth replied sarcastically, but she could not hide the grin brought to her face. "All my prep work is done for class next week, and I don't have any more orders for wedding armor to fill, so I don't mind a little hike. Kind of reminds me of the old days. Long marches leading armies of soldiers singing songs of triumph. Don't you think so Garnet?"
"Those are days I would rather forget. Things only got worse after you went missing," Garnet wistfully replied. She kept her attention forward as she continued along the path, taking each step with care. "We're almost there."
The path ended near the mountain's peak, nearly 3 hours away from the nearest warp pad. Up here was a concealed entrance to Rose's armory where Pearl requested they meet. Garnet had seen she was planning something in secret, but she felt no need to confront her.
"Looks like the mountain held up quite well all these years. Not much has changed since I was last here," Bismuth said. After being freed from Rose's bubble, Bismuth was often surprised by all the ways the ways the world had changed, so it was nice to see something unchanged for once.
"You know about this place?" Amethyst asked. "I thought this was supposed to be some secret armory."
"Who do you think built it?" Bismuth proudly replied with a face that made her look almost cocky.
"There waiting for us inside. Pearl will be surprised to see you, Bismuth." Garnet chimed in, cutting their conversation short. Garnet had foreseen Bismuth in many of the day's positive trajectories, so naturally she asked for her aid. 
"Got it, anything else I should know?" Bismuth asked.
"Try not to be too rough." Garnet replied.
As the trio walked inside the armory, they could hear Pearl's voice echoing throughout the cave followed by faint laughter. 
"When I landed in that cockpit, let me tell you, the look on that nephrite's face was-" Pearl paused as the trio approached, the water splashing beneath their feet. "Bismuth?" Pearl asked, surprised. 
"I asked her to come," Garnet interjected. 
"Garnet! Amethyst! Your here!" Steven jumped up off Lion, who was still asleep, and he ran to embrace them. After a few moments he turned to Bismuth. "Did you Bismith me?" Steven asked with a chuckle.
"C'mere you" Bismuth said with a chuckle as she pulled Steven in for a hug. "It's so nice to finally have you back. "Beach City hasn't been the same without you". 
"Yeah, well, It's good to be back. Let's just hope I don't bring any more trouble with me" Steven replied. 
"So, now that we're all here, I think it's time I told everyone why we're here," Pearl's words were shaking as she nervously eyed Garnet. "Garnet, I know I should have told you sooner, and I shouldn't have prepared all this behind your back . . . I didn't know how you would react." Pearl paused again as she took a deep breath. Garnet's shades covered her eyes, but Pearl could swear they were looking into her future, preparing every possible argument against her. Finally gathering her courage, Pearl looked garnet in the face. "Garnet, I want to free the heretic." 
The room was dead silent for a moment. Amethyst expressed only pure confusion. Steven and Connie were too enthralled by the conversation to intervene and looked to Garnet, awaiting her response. But Bismuth seemed concerned as she glanced at the heretic's anguish which stood atop the armory.
"I know," Garnet bluntly stated. Garnet had seen she was planning something in secret, but she had felt no need to confront her.
"You do? So . . . so, do you think we can help him?" Pearl asked with a hint of hope in her voice.
"I don't think, I saw," Garnet replied as she gripped her glasses, the light seemed to perfectly reflect across the lens as she adjusted their fitting. "Time is like a river which splits into many paths. We are given options which lead to paths where we succeed and there are paths where we fail. The question is whether what we have to lose is worth the chance of success." Garnet looked at Steven with concern. She did not k want to put him through that risk, but she knew that was not her decision to make.
"Hold up, wait a minute, what are you two talking about right now. Who is the heretic?" Amethyst finally spoke up with just of hint of irritation. It seemed as though she was always the one left out of the loop.
"Yeah, why would they need our help?" Steven added.
Pearl smiled. "I'm glad you asked. the heretic was a human soldier once known as the Paladin of Rose Quartz. He formed the order of Rose, a large group of human knights. Sometime after the war, he attempted to fuse with the Prism . . . and failed." 
Garnet clenched her fists at the thought. "Fusion is supposed to be a mutual bond between two consenting individuals. Whatever they had become, it wasn't fusion. The Prism completely consumed him and acted upon his rage," Garnet's words were uneasy, nearly coming to a shout. She was very sensitive to the topic of fusion, but she quickly calmed herself down before she said too much.
"The Prism? You mean the one that Mom took from Hessonite during the war? The same Prism we helped set free?" Steven was asking questions quicker than they could respond. He looked over at the Heretic's anguish. Things were starting to come together, and he did not like where it was going.
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"Yes, Steven, after Rose defeated Hessonite, we bubbled the Prism and kept it in a fortress so that its power could never be used again. What we don't understand is why the Paladin had the prism or why he would try to fuse with it. He knew what it had done and he of all people should have known the risks," Pearl replied, beginning to pace around in thought again.
"We need to get him out of there, we have to help him, Garnet," Steven pleaded as he pieced everything together that the heretic's anguish was a prison. 
Garnet chose her next words carefully, not wishing to disrupt the path she steered them to. "The truth is not always as simple as history would make you believe. Truthfully, the Paladin was a violent man who was consumed by grief and anger. During the war he was a hero, but there's no telling what he might become in today's world. Not everyone can be so easily changed. I have seen a path where this ends well, but I have seen many more which lead to catastrophe."
Steven looked around at everyone in the room, his family. This wasn't just about him, whatever happens will affect them all. "Are all of you willing to take that risk? If we are going to go through with this, then we should do it together." 
"If you think we can help, then I'm in," Connie's words were supportive as she stood beside Steven.
"I'm always up for a fight if it means protecting my friends," said Bismuth, forming her fists into hammers and slamming them together.
"Sure, why not. I got nothin better to do anyways," Amethyst replied. 
Pearl clapped her hands in excitement. "Well, that settles it then. Let's get him out of there."
Everyone turned their attention to the heretic's anguish which stood ominously still. The heretic's anguish appeared as a large statue of a gem in a dress made out of various metals which mainly resembled copper and rose-gold. It towered over everyone there, even Garnet, and stood in a t shaped pose with its arms extended outward. Each arm carried three spiked flails which hung down. On its waist were three interlocked rings with a spot of black stone which resembled the shape of a keyhole on the navel.
"First things first, how do we open it?" Steven asked, side eyeing Bismuth."
"What?" Bismuth asked, staring back. Everyone else was giving her a similar look. "Alright, I am the one who built it, but don't always assume everything was made by me. I had disciples ya know! All we need is the person who sealed it to place their hand on the navel of the cell and it should open." 
Garnet stepped forward without hesitation. She approached the heretic's anguish with perfectly linear steps. Everything was going well, but this was the moment where everything could go wrong. There was nothing more she could do to push them on the right path. She placed her hand over the navel which responded with a bright light.
Garnet stepped back as the bonds between the metal became illuminated and the components of the cell began to separate. Mechanical mechanisms could be heard whirring as each flail dropped to the ground, one by one. The three rings around the cell's waist unlocked allowing the dress to contract and open in a blinding flash of light. Lion leaped up, perfectly alert as he sniffed the air.
A man clad in plate armor dropped onto the ground with a loud thud. He slowly collected himself and struggled to rise. 
Steven cautiously approached as he looked over the man. His armor was a metallic pink and the left shoulder was painted to depict Rose's shield. The right brandished a single silver star, similar to the one they all wore, but several black streaks went down his right arm beginning on the shoulder pad as though something had burned him. He wore a helmet which concealed his whole face, and his surcoat was a mixture of pink tones which resembled the banner he had given Bismuth.
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Pearl and Garnet rushed forward and attempted to aid him. When he looked up at them, he became agitated as he frantically pulled away from them. He reached for one of the flails on the ground, wrapping the chain around his wrist as he rose to his feet.
"Where am I? What did you do to me!?" The Paladin shouted, clearly in shock.
"Paladin, please calm down. It us, Pearl and Garnet. What's the last thing you remember," Pearl spoke softly as she tried to defuse the situation.
"Remember? I don't want to remember anymore!" The Paladin yelled, gripping his head as he struggled to steady himself. "Nora. Sergeant Dewey. What happened to them? I have to find them."
"Nora? Yes, I remember Nora. She was fine," Pearl said looking to Garnet who gave her a thumbs up.
Bismuth, Connie, and Amethyst carefully moved forward, weapons in hand, ready to surround the Paladin.
"Stay back! I need to see for myself. Where is she?" The Paladin was only getting more skittish as the conversation went on.
"Ehrrmm, well, that's complicated. a lot of time has passed, so If you would just sit down with us a moment, we could explain everthing," Pearl was beginning to unravel as she worked the conversation into a corner.
" I can't. Not until I find them. Not until I-I" the Paladin paused. Lion had moved to him, nuzzling his helmet. "A Lion?" The Paladin was baffled. He took several deep breaths as he looked at the heretic's anguish and felt the black marks on his armor. "I remember . . . you two put me in there. I'm not going back in."
The Paladin begun swinging the flail towards anyone who tried to approach him. Amethyst lashed her whip at him, wrapping it around his arm and tugging hard. Bismuth and Pearl rushed in, grabbing his left arm to restrain him.
"What do we do, Garnet?" Steven asked as the situation unraveled around them.
Garnet stared at the struggle which ensued for only a moment before she sprang into action. She reached for his helmet; she needed it off so that she could show him the future. Maybe, if he knew where his path would lead him, then he could make the right choice.
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net2ubiz · 2 years
Subject: When I know To Do Right, I Do Wrong!
Scriptures: Romans 7:18-19; Hebrews 10:26-31
In Romans 7:18-19, The Apostle Paul says, “ For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.”
Paul describe with painful precision exactly how I feel ever single day of my life. I’ve been a Christian from my youth. My dead heart became alive at 7 Years of Age which is when the Lord Called me to Ministry.
That was the exact time That the Holy Spirit began teaching
Me God’s Holy WORD. Although
God Called Me and Anointed me for Ministry, He didn’t Release Me To Minster until Year 2000.
Just for Reference, I was born in 1952.
The Truth That Paul describe echo continuously in my heart. I want God; I want to love and obey Him. I want to treat others as graciously as He has treated me. I want to share the Gospel boldly, serve the Church Faithfully, Give to the Poor Generously, and Care for the Hurting Compassionately.
I want to be a Faithful Father and Friend. I want to kill my Pride, my Anger, my Self Righteousness, my Discontent, my Anxiety, my Selfishness.
I want to bear the Fruit of the Spirit. These aren’t disingenuous sentiments about what I “should” want… I truly desire these things!
Nevertheless, “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.”
“What A Mystery”…
As he did in previous chapters, Paul’s Custom was to continues speaking about our relationship to the Mosaic Law which are revealed in the first five (5) books of the Bible.
In those Scriptures, we learn many important things. We learn that God created us without sin and we were free to live in a perfect relationship with Him.
But that all changed when Adam rebelled and sin entered the human race. The Law Speaks of God's Holiness and Man’s Sin.
It Specifies what actions of our Hands and intentions of our Hearts are Sinful. The Law Itself isn't Sinful, but it reveals our Sins to us.
What is this Mystery? I desperately want to do the right thing. I want to Honor and Please My God, But the Sin in meet cause me to Dishonor My God.
This Sinful Heart of mine still beats strong. Though Christ Freed me from the tyrannical of Sin, I often feel trapped by them.
Even though God Promises me the Grace I need to overcome Temptation, I Often Fail to Seize the Initiative to Overcome The Sin.
If you’re in the place that I so often find myself—truly desiring Godliness, but often acting in Sinfulness—Here are 3 Things you should remember:
1. Our Sin Spotlights the Abundance of Jesus’ Grace
Jesus saved us knowing we’d continually return to sin, which testifies all the more to His incomprehensible Grace.
2. God Empowers us to change, Degree by Degree.The God of our Salvation is also the God of our transformation. Though there are sins we still battle, there are also temptations He’s helped us overcome.
3. The Struggle Won’t Last Forever Besides meeting Jesus Face-To-Face, do you want to know what I’m most looking forward to in Heaven? No More Sin!
No More Sin:
Can you even imagine? What it will be like to Worship God, undistracted by the worries that often fight for our attention?
What will it be like to be in community, unhindered by conflict? What will it be like to never yell in anger again? What will it be like to never lust again? What will it be like to love people the way Christ created us to? What will it be like to be completely purified from sin and free from temptation? It’s hard to fathom a single day like this, let alone an eternity.
In Hebrews 10:26-31, The Apostle Paul pursues his argument, showing the weakness and imperfection of the Levitical Priesthood, and the Superior Excellency of Christ's, which he closes with suitable exhortations to Faith on Christ, as the alone High Priest, and to a constant profession of him.
The imperfection of the Levitical Priesthood is proved, from the law by which it was established, being only a shadow of good things to come.
May the Love of the Father,
the tenderness of the Son,
and the Presence of the Spirit,
Gladden your Heart
and bring Peace to your Soul,
this day and all days, Amen.
Servant DCarlos Phipps
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ventismommy · 3 years
baal/Venti/Zhongli smut
warnings: overstim, edging, degradation, inappropriate use of visions, dom!baal
Venti was the first to stir awake, his vision hazy. The bonds of Electro around his wrists tingled against his pale skin, making him let out a small sound of discomfort that echoed in the silent room.
Zhongli awoke not long after, a deep groan escaping him as he realized he was in the same position as Venti- wrists bound, clothes torn and skin bruised, kneeling before…a throne?
Each of them realized their surroundings as they looked up.
Before them was an elaborate amethyst and yumemiru wood throne, backed by intricate screens covering the walls, all displaying the Electro sigil. And on the throne rested the Empress of Eternity, the Raiden Shogun herself.
The expression on her face was nigh unreadable, but her posture was as unbothered as ever, legs crossed nonchalantly and her head resting in her hand as she leaned on one arm of the throne. Her guards were nowhere to be seen, but even without them, her presence was intimidating.
“So…the impotent gods themselves. It’s been a while. Barbatos, Morax.”
Zhongli’s low voice was the first to speak back. “I must say, Baal, this seems quite like a threat. Hardly polite behavior when addressing another archon-“
“Hush. You have no Gnosis, either of you. I see no archons before me. Only two fallen gods who failed to keep their reign intact.”
She stood gracefully, heels clicking against the wooden floor as she approached them. As she walked past, she gripped Venti’s hair and pulled harshly, forcing him to look back at her. The sudden movement forced a yelp from the bard.
“You have been silent, Barbatos…perhaps you suspect already why you have been brought here?”
“I-I-“ Venti’s usual snarky response refused to come, and even his stuttering was cut off by another high-pitched sound as she yanked his hair again. With a few steps she was in front of him, and she crouched to meet his eyes. Her half-gloved hand reached out to grab his chin, turning his face side to side before forcing him to face her again. He met her eyes for just a moment, but already she could see fear being replaced by…excitement? What a pathetic little masochist, she thought as she stood up abruptly, releasing his jaw.
“I will tell you why you have been brought here. So I may offer you a choice.”
“Your precious Traveler has been defeated. And yet again, you have failed to end my reign. It is only a matter of time before Inazuma reigns eternal not just over these islands, but over Mondstadt and Liyue as well. Of course, I will not offer you a place as my equal, but…even gods get lonely over the expanse of eternity. So I offer you this. Fight against me and lose, sentencing your kingdoms to destruction. Or…take your place kneeling by my throne, enjoy a life of comfort, and…your kingdoms shall be safe under my rule.”
Both were silent in response- and Baal was not having that. She glared at them.
“Perhaps I did not make myself clear. You either die fighting for regions who will be decimated the moment I strike you down, or you protect your homes and become, well…”
Zhongli froze instantly, but Venti was still so hazy that it took him a moment to process. When he did, he went silent with shock, staring at Baal in that same mix of fear and excitement. She narrowed her eyes. Obviously Morax would be harder to break…
“You are not convinced? Hmm. Well…perhaps I may have to put in some extra work.”
Baal rose to her feet and approached Venti, gripping his hair again- though, gentler this time than before. Her hand moved down to caress his cheek, and a barely audible whine escaped his throat. She knelt in front of him, meeting his eyes steadily.
“You’ll be a good pet, yes?”
Venti hesitated for only a moment before nodding fervently, leaning into her hand. Her hand was just so soft…he was doing this to save Mondstadt, right?
She half-sneered at him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him forward by it, towards her throne. He stumbled, unable to crawl properly with his hands bound, but he certainly tried his best to make it to the throne. When Baal finally settled into her seat, she smiled at him and freed his hands from the electro bonds. “Good boy,” she cooed with a condescending leer. “Up onto my lap now.”
Venti scrambled to obey, crawling up into her plush lap, but she clicked her tongue at him. “Other way, pet. Face Morax, will you?” He nodded again and turned, hesitantly meeting Zhongli’s eyes. The expression in them was a mixture of shock and disgust at how easily Venti had broken, but somehow the disgust just spurred him on.
Baal’s arms wrapped around Venti’s waist to begin undoing the buttons of his shirt. She left it on once she was done, hanging open on the anemo archon’s small frame, and let him shift his hips up so she could tug off his shorts and tights. He scrambled to do so, and when he was finally bare besides his shirt, he had to hold back an impatient whine, trying to sneakily grind his cock against the arm around his waist. Baal just chuckled at him, moving her arm away just to hear his desperate whine as he thrusted his hips into air. “Aren’t you a needy little thing, hmm?”
The words were pouring out before Venti could stop himself. “Yes, y-yes I am, pl-lease-“
Baal hushed him, grabbing his chin with one hand to make sure his face stayed turned towards Zhongli. She spat on her other hand before wrapping it around his cock. The first noise that came from Venti was a sigh of pleasure and relief, but his whole body immediately stiffened up and he keened when he felt a tiny current of electro roll through his skin. “O-oh!” He choked out in surprise, bucking his hips
up towards her hand for more of that sensation. She obliged him, the currents getting stronger as his moans rose in pitch. Venti could barely keep his eyes open to look at Zhongli, but when he did, he was surprised to see a flash of excitement in Zhongli’s eyes, one that the geo archon quickly hid behind disgust.
“Look at him, Morax. Isn’t he a pathetic little darling? Doesn’t he fit into his role of pet so well?”
She paused for a moment to cover Venti’s neck and shoulders in bites and kisses.
“I wonder how long it will take you to break too.”
Venti’s small frame shuddered and jolted with each current she sent through him, and eventually one of his hands reached back to grip Baal’s thigh for support, his nails digging in slightly. “Ha-ah, oh, o-oh that feels g-good-“ he whimpered, the condescending chuckle that Baal responded with only making him squirm even more.
Then a particularly strong current came from her hand, and there he was, stiffening up with a shudder and coming.
Baal stopped for a moment in surprise, but quickly regained her momentum. “Awww, was that too much? Too much for your pathetic little cock?” Venti squirmed and shook his head no quite insistently, giving a few embarrassed whines. “N-n-o, I can t-take mo-ore, ‘m not pa-pathetic-“
“Oh, yes you are, and I love it.”
She gave him no warning before she started up again, the currents even stronger this time. Venti yelped and thrusted up into her hand, hips struggling her loose grip, but she gave a rather tame slap to his thigh, and he settled down quickly enough. “‘m sorry, ‘m s-so-orry-“ he hiccuped, starting to tear up with sensitivity. She shushed him, though her tone was slightly gentler. “That’s alright, pet, would you like me to slow down?” Venti immediately shook his head no, trembling in her lap. More tears started rolling down his cheeks at the thought of her stopping now.
“Nononono pleas-se, don’t stop!” He cried, his nails digging in further into the flesh of Baal’s thigh. “Want m-more, more, ple-please?”
Baal hummed in agreement, but rather than speed up her pace, she shifted the way he sat on her lap, nudging his legs apart until each one rested on an arm of the throne. Venti’s moans carried a hint of confusion now, but then Baal took the hand that wasn’t around his cock and ran her fingers over his tip, collecting the precum there.
And then, those two fingers slid down to circle his hole, and Venti nearly threw his head back in pleasure when the first finger slipped inside of him.
Baal had completely taken his breath away now, starting to curl her fingers in that oh-so-perfect way once she’d added a second finger. Despite making it clear that she was in control, she was gentle with him, so gentle Venti could fool himself that she cared.
She did, of course, but he didn’t need to know that just yet.
She was careful to observe his actions, desperate and lewd as they might be. He wasn’t attempting to rock back against her fingers yet, so she assumed the stretch must still burn a bit. Baal decided slowing her pace a bit may help, but then the tiny god’s hand reached down to wrap tightly around her wrist, as if to say, “no, keep going!” She wouldn’t deny him that when he’d been so good for her so far, so she didn’t slow too much.
It was another moment before Venti started moving against her hand and she decided that meant he was alright. He was full-on crying in pleasure now; poor thing was completely overwhelmed, and Baal tried to keep that in mind when she curled her fingers gently into that perfect spot inside of him. He jerked up in her lap with a high-pitched whimper at that, babbling incoherent nonsense that occasionally included her name. She shushed him soothingly, placing tender kisses against his pale throat, but didn’t slow, wanting to push him to that edge again. Venti started to double over as if trying to hide his coming climax, but she caught him, moving her hand away from his cock momentarily to press him back against her chest. Too fucked-out to struggle against that, he slumped against her as she returned her hand to his cock, her fingers still working inside of him.
“So, pet…how do you feel about my proposal now? Have I managed to convince you?”
“Yesyesyesy-yes, wanna be y-yours, please, j-just- just- just let me cu-cum, please-“
Baal chuckled, directing a wolfish smile towards Zhongli for a moment. “Go on then, darling, you can cum.”
Venti tensed up with a string of “thankyou-“s falling from his lips. His thighs shook as he came again.
Venti’s exhausted body went limp, and Baal kissed his forehead, shifting him to the side of her lap so he could curl up against her chest. “Good boy,” she cooed at him, stroking his hair as she carefully pulled her fingers out of him.
Then, as Venti was starting to drift off in her lap, she turned to Zhongli. “Your turn, Rex Lapis,” she said, somehow managing to make the title sound so utterly disrespectful. She tapped the ground with her foot.
“Here, boy.”
Zhongli scoffed at her at first, not moving an inch. But then she snapped her fingers and a band of electro wrapped around his neck like a collar. She made a come-hither motion and the collar tugged him forward. “I said, here, boy.”
Zhongli reluctantly obeyed, unable to deny that being treated like a lapdog made his core tighten. He crawled over to her foot, looking up at her. Her hand reached down as if she were a gracious goddess, bestowing a gift, and she brushed his hair out of his face before tugging on it.
“You see, Morax, Barbatos was a good boy, and he was rewarded for it. Only good boys get rewards, only good boys get their mistress’s hand. And you have not quite met my standards. So.”
She outstretched her leg towards him, never freeing him from the electro bonds the way she had with Venti. “Go on, brat. Get off on my leg like the dog you are.”
Zhongli gave a whine of protest, wanting more than her leg, but her quick glare silenced him as she turned back to Venti, whose face she covered in kisses.
He scooted forward and settled himself in front of her leg, face burning in humiliation, and started to grind slowly against it. The first moan that came from him was almost shocked, as if he couldn’t believe something like this would feel so, so good. Even his next few moans were choked as he started rutting against her leg a little faster, turning his face to hide it in the inside of her leg. His eyes rolled back in his head when she tugged him out by the hair, forcing him to look at her. Baal tsked disapprovingly at him.
“Oh no no, that will never do. You will look at your mistress so she can watch that stubborn, bratty face melt. Now. Continue. A little faster, if you think you can handle it; perhaps if you’re a good boy I’ll let you sit on my lap and ride my thigh instead.”
That was incentive enough for Zhongli, who picked up his pace with a whimper, holding eye contact with Baal the entire time. He almost wanted to cry in shame when he, still looking her in the eyes, started to pant like a dog, overwhelmed from how good it felt. But she just cooed at him and ruffled his hair. “Awww, there we go, see? Isn’t it nice to give up control, Morax? Doesn’t it feel good?”
He nodded with a whine that was significantly lower in pitch than Venti’s, but no less adorable.
“Words, pet.”
“Y-yes mistress, ‘t feels s-s-so good, f-feels- a-ah, hah!”
She smiled graciously at his answer, and then gestured for him to come sit up on her lap, next to Venti, who was slowly stirring awake again. Immediately, Zhongli obeyed, starting to grind on her soft thigh and letting out a moan.
“Think you can be a good boy for me?” She asked him, her tone almost bored.
“Ye-es, I c-can, I promi-ise-“
Baal shifted Venti in her lap slightly so Zhongli would have room. Venti gave a confused whine, but she soothed him with a kiss to his forehead.
“Now, here are the rules. You go on and strip for me, Morax-“ before she even finished that sentence, Zhongli was up and pulling off his clothes, tossing them to the side and settling back on her lap.
“-good pet- now, you sit here on my lap, and I’ll let you use my hand. But don’t you even think about cumming until I tell you to. Understood?”
Zhongli nodded quickly, a grateful moan catching in his throat as Baal started to stroke his cock. It took less than a few moments to have his head falling forward, his breath short and heavy. He squirmed as if trying to get away from her hand and get more of her at the same time, and she sneered. “What? You think you deserve what I gave Barbatos?”
Zhongli shook his head. “N-no, I d-don’t, but-but- p-please- I want-“
His sentence was cut off by a breathless cry as she sent those same electric currents she’d used on Venti through him as well. Now he understood why Venti had gone half insane over this- oh, it felt so good, slightly painful but good. His hands shot out to grip her shoulders tightly. When he realized what he was doing, he looked up at her with a panicked expression, but she nodded. “That’s alright, you can hold on.” He whimpered out his thanks as his hips started to jerk in her grip, trembling as the currents grew stronger. Oh, he was so close, and-
Fuck. He’d forgotten her rule.
He looked up at her again, this time more pleading. When she didn’t seem to notice, he pawed at her shoulder. “P-Please, mistress, please, c-c-ah- can I c-cum- I need- I n-need to, ah-“
Baal met his eyes with a bored expression. “Do you think you deserve it? Do you think you’ve been good enough for me?”
“Yes, Ye-es, I’ve been g-good, please!”
“Hmm. Why don’t we ask Barbatos.”
Baal turned to Venti with a soft smile, petting his head. “Do you think we should let him cum, darling?”
Venti met his eyes for a moment long enough to leave Zhongli panicking. Then he nodded weakly, and Zhongli sobbed in relief.
“Go on then, Rex Lapis.”
Zhongli completely collapsed as he came. While the electro currents worked him through that climax, he folded into himself, sobbing in pleasure. Baal petted his hair like she had Venti’s, comforting him as he came down.
“Good boy, Morax~”
Baal opened her arms for him and Zhongli shifted to mimic the way Venti was sitting, curling up against Baal as he caught his breath. He had to admit, this was…nice. Being a pet hadn’t sounded good at first, but if this was what he got out of it…
“I must say, I’m quite excited to have two new pets…”
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