#he saw what he was like how he was shy and awkward and abrupt
eoinmcgonigal · 1 year
07: Bill/Johnny
Catching up! Here's my very late thing for @almost-a-class-act 's prompt: Character A's ex-lover/high school acquaintance/friend they haven't seen in years has just turned up on their doorstep. "The curse. It's real."
For context/warning: Bill is massively dysregulated at the start of this.
Also. This is long. Oops.
He could do without the buzzer going. He could do without a lot of things happening today, but the last twenty four hours have just been like that. He’s still unsettled from running into Pat yesterday, and could seriously have done without that reminder of the past. It’s been three years since high school, and not one single memory that’s come back to Bill in the years since has been a good or happy one.
The intercom is, of course, still broken. Bill tugs his keys from their peg, and goes to answer the door manually. Two floors, four flights of stairs, and then he’s hefting the lock of the front door open, yanking on the unimpressive thing. The door swings open, over the worn mat, to reveal a typical grey day, and someone Bill never thought he’d see again. His heart trips, and then sinks to new, unknown depths, taking Bill’s already shit mood with it.
As gorgeous as ever, as perfectly handsome as Bill tries not to remember, Johnny Cooper stands in the street, smiling his brightest everybody-loves-me smile.
Bill doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve this.
“The curse,” he mutters to himself, pulling the door back towards himself so that there’s no space for Johnny to see past him, into the hallway. “It’s real.”
Johnny’s expression falters, falling. “What curse?”
Bill has no interest in dealing with this. It’s already a bad day. Facing the person he had a crush on since S3 the day after he bumped into the guy he disastrously dated for a whole week in S5 really is torture. The universe is laughing at him, and Bill half expects someone else from school to jump out from behind Johnny.
No one does. It’s a start. But Johnny is still there, staring up at him. “Um, I…”
“Yes?” Bill prompts. He wants to get this over with. “What is it?”
Johnny recoils from the tone of his voice. Bill can tell it was perhaps a bit abrupt, but he really doesn’t care. “I, um…” Johnny repeats.
Bill lets out a sigh, aching to turn away. There’s a deep, familiar stinging in his chest, and he hates that, after all this time, it’s still there. He only managed to get over Johnny after school because he never saw him again, and Johnny became a sometimes-memory of the only person Bill ever felt genuinely attracted to. The fleeting, passing fancies he’s had since then have never got so deep under his skin, and never lasted so long.
“Pat said he saw you yesterday.”
He hadn’t meant to mutter that, but the filter between Bill’s thoughts and speech usually fucks off when he’s in a sour mood. It never improves matters, but Bill is beyond caring.
“Did you want something?” he bites out. The sooner Johnny comes out with it, the sooner Bill can retreat back upstairs and deal with the horrible nest sensations swirling inside of him.
“I wanted to see you.”
Bill snorts at that. “Well, now you’ve seen me.”
He leans against the door, wanting to shut it, just as Johnny climbs the step. “Bill…”
He’s reaching out, not to touch or anything, but… Bill’s attention falls to that hand for a moment, and then he looks back up at Johnny, hating that he now knows those blue eyes are as heartbreakingly beautiful as ever.
“What happened?”
“What happened?” Bill echoes, not understanding the question.
“I thought you might… want to see me?”
“No?” is Bill’s immediate response. “Why in the world would I want that?”
He can see how much his words hurt. The hurt little part inside himself is pleased, but the rest of him feels awful. Johnny actually looks upset, his eyes going wide as his expression falls. Regret comes hard on the heels of his own words, and makes Bill feel even worse. Why won’t this day just end? Why did he have to see Pat, and indulge him, admitting to things Bill never wanted to tell anyone else?
“Pat said…”
In his horror, Bill doesn’t know if he should slam the door, or scream. He freezes, his eyes starting to sting as he tries to defend himself. “That was years ago!”
He realises he’s breathing hard. It hurts. Why did Pat have to go and say anything? Why did he repeat what Bill told him?
Johnny leans forwards so subtly he probably doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, but Bill does, and he wants to run.
“I wish I’d known,” Johnny says.
Bill scoffs at that. He knows he’s being ugly, but he doesn’t know how else to be. He feels like a raw, exposed nerve, and needs it to end. “What, so you could laugh at me?”
Johnny pulls back. “What? No, of course not!”
When Johnny shifts his weight again, his shoulders soften, his expression gentle.
“I liked you too.”
Oh fuck. No. This isn’t happening. It’s not.
Bill takes a step back, laughing harshly. His mind tells him that Johnny is being serious, but he can’t understand why the world has to be so cruel. He could have lived the rest of his life without ever knowing that. Now, if his thoughts drift back to that time, they’re going to be forever changed by the painful ‘what if?’, instead of the old, familiar knowledge that no one as handsome and perfect as Johnny would ever want Bill. No one ever wants Bill, which is just fine, really, in spite of the deep, aching loneliness at the core of him, because Bill has never wanted anyone anyway.
Well, apart from Johnny.
He lets out a breath, the laughter gone as quickly as it came. He doesn’t know what to say. Johnny is still standing there, gazing up at him, not leaving. Bill wonders what it would take to get him to go.
He wonders, and does nothing. It’s Johnny who leads, now. “Honestly?” Johnny continues plainly. “I still think about you sometimes. You are my ‘what if?’, you know?”
Bill does know, although he doesn’t know why he’s that to Johnny.
“So if you want to hang out, catch up, get a coffee…” Johnny trails off for a moment. “I would like that.”
Unclenching his jaw, BIll tries to get his tongue to work. He’s not sure he can trust this. It’s too good to be true. “Is that why you came here?”
“Yes,” Johnny breathes. “A few years late, I know.” There’s a weak little smile, something… shy. Vulnerable. Cute.
Bill swallows, not sure where he stands. He doesn’t feel better, but at least the swirling, angry irritation has shifted into something quieter. “Aren’t you and Pat…?”
Johnny shakes his head. “No. We are just good friends.”
At least Bill hadn’t admitted how he felt about Johnny to Johnny’s boyfriend.
“He knows how much I like you,” Johnny continues. “I mean, he only found out after you two…”
Yeah, Bill would really rather not remember that disaster.
“Is that really why it didn’t work out?”
Bill isn't able to answer that. It's too raw, too personal and private. He’d carelessly admitted to Pat yesterday that when they’d had their silly little thing he’d liked someone else, and couldn’t get over them. His guard had been down. He’d admitted that it was Johnny when Pat asked, knowing even as the confession escaped him that he was going to regret it. Pat had gone still for a moment, and then chuckled a ‘Cooper? Damn’ before moving on.
He wonders if Pat also told Johnny that he’s still single.
“Well, anyway,” Johnny breathes, his tone shifting to something breezy. He seems dismissive, brushing away what he’s just asked. “If you want to, as friends or whatever, I would like that. I can give you my number?”
“My phone’s upstairs.”
“I can give you a missed call, and you can message me back.” As he speaks, Johnny gets out his phone and, feeling somewhat trapped and unsure how to get out of this, Bill automatically rattles off his number.
It’s only when Johnny repeats it back to him, and gives the call a few seconds to connect, that Bill realises he could have given the wrong number, and Johnny would never know.
“What sort of place would you like to go?” Johnny asks.
Embarrassed by his answer, Bill gives the only one he can: “The arcade.”
Johnny’s face lights up. “By the beach?”
Bill nods. “Yeah.”
“I haven’t had a chance to go yet.” His smile is distracting. “What about this evening?”
Bill doesn’t really feel like adding to today’s disaster, but the temptation of getting it over and done with, and not having anything up in the air, is stronger. “Okay.”
“It’s a date!” Johnny grins.
Bill flinches at that, not ready for it. “I don’t know you,” he points out.
Johnny’s expression falls, suddenly seeming sad. There’s something gentle about that look, though, making Bill want to reach out and do something to make it go away, because it feels like he could do something to make it go away. He is the cause of it, after all.
“You don’t have to know me,” Johnny says softly. “Wanting to get to know me is enough.”
There’s a twitch of a smile, something very open and unguarded about Johnny, and in that moment Bill feels like no time has passed at all since that last day of school. Only, this time, he has a chance, and not just a cheery ‘good luck!’ that had felt false. Johnny had wished everyone luck—they still had exams, after all—and given everyone a hug. Well, everyone apart from Bill, who had curled his shoulders forward and wrapped his arms around himself, trying to keep his head down and survive without any unwanted touch. It had been a wretched day, and gladly forgotten once he was free of school walls.
Bill looks at Johnny, and forgets everything else. “Aye, okay,” he decides, and watches as Johnny smiles again, his whole face lighting up. It’s strange to know that he’s caused that.
“Text me the time, okay? And where to meet.”
He starts to nod, and then goes still. “Wait here.”
Bill doesn’t hang around to explain. He turns, letting the door fall shut behind him as he darts back up the stairs. It’s suddenly urgent to check his phone, and he makes it through his front door to find his phone where he left it in the kitchen. There’s a missed call. With a sigh of relief, he bounds back down the stairs.
Johnny is still standing there, a step back. Bill joins him in the street, letting the door shut behind him. He hadn’t realised how chilly the air was. Lifting his phone, he shows the screen. “This you?”
Johnny peers at the number, leaning in close enough that Bill catches the scent of his deodorant. “Yes.”
Nodding, Bill pulls his phone back, and saves Johnny’s number properly. “See you later?” he wonders.
“Definitely,” Johnny smiles, and it’s then that Bill realises he has about an inch or two on Johnny, now that he stands up tall instead of curling in on himself. It makes Johnny feel different to him, new, while at the same time still the same person Bill fell for. It’s both dangerous and reassuring to know that Bill could easily fall for him again.
There’s nothing more to say. Bill lets out a breath, an agreement reached, and the unknown before him. At least he won’t have to wait long. He gives an awkward wave as Johnny takes a step back, and tries not to watch him go while he works his key into the lock. He doesn’t have a fucking clue how it’ll go this evening, but it feels so much better watching Johnny walk away knowing that it’s not forever this time. Well, not that it was forever last time, but Bill didn’t know that.
Safely back in his flat, Bill realises that the turmoil of earlier is gone. Another kind of turmoil has replaced it, but it’s not as distressing, nor as fraying. He’s excited, he realises, although has no idea how he’s going to apologise to Johnny for being so abrupt earlier.
Trying not to think about it, Bill sends Johnny a text telling him to meet Bill at the arcade at six. It closes at eight today, instead of ten. Two hours isn’t too long if it goes badly, but if it goes well they’ll still have time afterwards, maybe even to walk along the beach. Bill would like that.
With that in mind, he goes into the hallway and sets his army surplus boots in front of the door, hopeful they’ll be the right choice.
Some time close to eleven, he’s kicking them off again, and smiling absentmindedly to himself. They were a good choice.
War is Helloween
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minjix · 1 year
cinderella → Vinnie Hacker x female!reader
summary: in which you’re the one catching his attention
warnings: fluff, and that’s a warning of itself lol + plus the standard swear word here and there. also I can’t for the life of me write an ending, so I apologize if it feels abrupt-because it is lol. also keep in mind that english is not my first language.
a/n: I write with breaks to actually be able to give it my all and not lose interest in writing- which is a genuine fear of mine
word count: 2.6k :)
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reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
It was all a stupid cliche in your eyes as you stared at the tweet Vinnie had posted. “who is she.” Simple as that, yet mostly everyone knew what he was referring to, but they didn’t know whom and Vinnie didn’t know either.
Like previously stated, it was all a stupid cliche- a masquerade party filled to the brim with influencers and small celebrities, crowding a huge mansion which felt tiny as you pushed your way through to get a much needed breath of fresh air, away from the liquor stained breaths.
You sighed in relief as you stepped into the cool L.A, two am breeze, the music thumping through the ground, vibrating your whole body. “I feel the same way,” a dark voice chuckled. Startled, you looked into the direction of which the voice came from, and there he stood, leaning on the wall, head tilted back and eyes on the night sky. He was dressed simple, something you rolled your eyes at, and his arms of which were folded in front of his chest was covered in tattoos. “Huh?” Was all that you managed to get out, your tongue deciding to twist on itself.
The corners of his mouth twitched as though he wanted to smile, but refrained from doing just that. “Wanting to get away for a few minutes,” his voice was velvety and , his skin shone red from the neon lights seeping through the huge windows.
“Oh- yeah, you answered stupidly, “totes.” You wanted to smack yourself. A laugh rumbled his chest and escaped from his lips as his head tilted in your direction, his eyes meeting yours. “Totes? Never heard that before-in real life that is.” Duh, because you’ve spoken like a bad stereotypical surfer dude.
You didn’t know how to respond so you simply nodded your head, very aware of his eyes trailing down your body. A tattooed hand entered your peripheral, “I’m Vinnie,” he introduced himself. It was then more sober you connected the dots, of course it’s Vinnie the Hacker. The only disguise he had was a black eye mask with black crystals in intricate designs; it looked expensive and it most definitely was, knowing who he was and all. You hadn’t bothered to wear a mask, but had regretted that decision the moment you stepped into the mansion.
You didn’t shake his hand. “Cool,” you shrugged mentally preparing yourself with whatever half assed excuse you could come up with to leave. ‘my apartment is on fire’ don’t want to jinx myself you thought afterwards. “Um, nice to meet you?” You sounded awfully unsure, and guilt brewed in your stomach when you saw Vinnie wince. “So,” he began carefully, trying to get an understanding,” what’s your name?”
But you didn’t feel like answering. “I’m hungry.” You spat out and his eyes widened. “What?”
“I’m hungry, so I’m going to leave. Bye.” You turned to leave but a careful grasp of your arm halted you, “do you want to get McDonalds with me? I’m kinda hungry too.” He sounded shy, and you couldn’t even imagine turning him down, he looked like a sad puppy for Christ sake.
The drive to the fast food chain was surprisingly comfortable, even though Vinnie tried his best to get you to tell him your name; to no avail. And soon enough the two of you were seated by the window, both with big macs in hand, awkwardness thrown out the window as the alcohol induced hunger made everything taste oh so much better.
“so fucking good,” Vinnie groaned through a mouthful causing you to almost choke on your fourth bite. Your eyes didn’t leave his form, his hair in a disarray and his eyes closed as he ate the burger.
You forced a chuckle, “won’t your friends get mad or something?” You mumbled, playing with your fries. The tattooed man shook his head, “no? Why would they?” His eyes were on yours now and you couldn’t help but feel bare under his intense gaze.
“You kinda ditched them…” you trailed of as a smirk grew on his lips, his tongue quickly darting out to lick them. “Trust me they won’t notice.” He sounded sure. “Why?” You asked and this time he laughed softly, “you’re very curious, huh?” You shrugged, “I guess.”
He continued, “but no, they were pretty busy trying to get laid so I really doubt they’d notice me missing.” He stressed the word ‘really’.
“Oh.” He laughed again as he stared you down, “you’re really weird, y’know that?”
You and Vinnie had spent an hour talking nonsense, and when the two of you noticed the hard stares from the workers you both decided to leave. Vinnie had insisted on dropping you off at home but an uncomfortable feeling grew in the pit of your stomach as you politely declined, telling him a white lie to soothe his worries about leaving a girl in the streets of LA at three am.
The morning after, curiosity had you in its grip as you reluctantly opened Twitter and searched for his handle.
@/vinniehacker: who is she. posted at five am. Quicker than lightning you exited the app, contemplating on deleting it completely, but you refrained from doing it.
You grew frustrated at yourself, you had an amazing night last night with an amazing attractive guy, and you full out blew everything to bits.
Your best friend tended to call you a flesh ball of anxiety, a saying that left a sour taste in your mouth and cheeks aching from faking a laugh. You were a people pleaser, but at the same time you hated everyone and preferred to be by yourself. So you did everything to stay out of the spotlight, simply rooming with your childhood best friend who went viral on TikTok months ago. And Vinnie was the opposite of staying out of the spotlight.
Before your brain had caught up to what your hands were doing, you had already entered the cursed bird app again, entering his handle, tapping on the tweet and reading through the comments. ‘she????’, ‘what?!’, all in a similar fashion. Speculations were thrown left and right and thirty minutes had passed of you endlessly scrolling, biting your lip raw until you tasted iron.
“Get up! We have an event to go to!” You wanted to cry, to come up with a lie that you were sick and didn’t want to spread it further. You lied a lot, at least tried to before your brain took you through the endless possibilities of consequences coming from said lies. So you heaved a sigh and got ready.
The event was extremely overcrowded and overwhelming, the LA sun beaming down on bodies dripping in expensive perfumes, a cloud of strong smells begging for a headache to form. You were a plus one, a non famous one at that, so you stood awkwardly to the side as your friend and her famous friends took promo pictures. In your hand was a mimosa, minus the champagne, so orange juice.
You didn’t bother to keep up the happy charade, settling on frowning while sipping your expensive orange juice. You had half a mind to ask what brand of juice it was but decided that you were already looking stupid so there was no point of making it worse.
You were painfully aware of how lonely you looked so you grabbed your phone and entered the weather app, wondering how the weather in Hamburg was.
“So, uh, how’s the weather looking?” A velvety voice asked from above your right shoulder, warm air tickling your skin and you froze. Shit. “Uhm, cloudy with a chance of rain,”
You turned towards him and tried not to gape at what you saw. He was wearing a half buttoned white blouse with his hair slicked back except for a few strands in the front. He wore black and expensive looking trousers, and silver rings wrapped around almost each finger with a silver braided bracelet. His sleeves were rolled up revealing his tattoos on his sun kissed skin. And he smelled so fucking good.
He gave you a mischievous grin, “hey, you.” His eyes trailed over your form, several times with a glint in his eyes. You whispered a hey back, flustered for some reason and you were also ashamed, for what, you had no idea.
“I never got your name,” he muttered, his hands in his pocket. You could only shrug, words not agreeing with you. And there it was, that nauseating shameful feeling you got, you were ashamed of yourself for some reason, well you know why, but actually taking the bull by its horns are the hard part.
“I know,” he frowned at your answer, raising an eyebrow. “So you’re not going to give me your name, so I’ll just have to call you Cinderella then. “ he smiled smugly at the end of his sentence, as though he had conquered the world with his pinkie.
“Cinderella?” You asked confused and a smit insulted. “I didn’t drop my shoe…” you trailed off, combing through your memory, and sure enough, you had both your shoes on, or you would’ve noticed otherwise.
He laughed out loud, his teeth on full display and eyes closed. “No, you didn’t drop your shoe. But you did leave me with not being able to stop thinking of you…” he said, his eyes unrelentingly searching yours as if he could simply read your name in your irises. Your eyes widened and you felt as though your stomach was turning inside out. This has to be a cruel joke, you thought to yourself as you glared at him.
“That’s not funny,” you murmured through clenched teeth. He looked confused, brows furrowed. “It-it wasn’t a joke,” he said sheepishly. He looked genuinely hurt, and it made you doubt your insecurities.
“I genuinely had a great time with you last night, and I want to get to know you.” He kept his eyes on yours the entire time. “So please, what’s your name?” He sounded desperate, as though your name would unlock every story there was to know about you.
“Y/n,” you whispered and you watched in awe as he tested your name on his tongue, several times before settling with a “I like it, it suits you.” Vinnie telling you that your name suits you felt like a thousand suns were shining down on you. You bit your lip to repress the grin that was threatening to grow and instead you settled for a shy smile, praying that you didn’t have anything between your teeth.
“Y/nn!” A voice called, it seemed as though your friend had finished with her promo pics. “I got you a goodie bag-oh,” she paused when she saw the Vinnie Hacker standing beside you. “Hey,” she smiled and fluttered her eyelashes and a boulder dropped into your stomach. Of course, you thought. She’s so much prettier than me, and famous.
He only nodded in acknowledgement with a small ‘hey’, it didn’t deter your friend from asking a lot of questions. You took that as your queue to leave, slowly walking backwards whilst Vinnie’s eyes were on yours the entire time, looking confused as to what you were doing.
You quickly nodded towards your friend, who was still animatedly talking, whilst wiggling your eyebrows suggestively, ignoring the knot in your stomach.
Once again Vinnie looked confused before the dots in his head connected. His eyes widened before he shook his head, something your friend hadn’t noticed as she was too busy scrolling through her TikTok to show Vinnie a specific video of her. He mouthed the word ‘NO’ several times whilst staring at you with his wide eyes.
It was kind of endearing to watch him panic. A chuckle escaped you before he turned to your friend, an apologetic smile on his face. “Excuse me,” he said softly, eyes still on you before walking towards, grabbing your hand with utter care before he led you inside the building.
He stopped in an empty hallway, staring down at you with a smirk on his lips. “Trying to set me up with your friend,” he murmured lazily, eyes tracing your lips. “When you know fully well that I’m interested in you…”
It felt like a fever dream, and you had to mentally force yourself to focus on the situation at hand. Is Vinnie about to kiss me?
“You don't even know me,” you retaliated, a frown on your lips, your lips of which he still stared at. He shrugged at your answer, a serious look taking over his face. “So let me,” he began. “Let’s get out of here.”
You shook your head, “I can’t just leave my friend-“.
He interrupted you, “your friend who seemed very busy, in fact, I recall you standing by yourself.” You had nothing to say to that except for a gentle nod with a smile on your lips. Vinnie grinned in return before tugging out of the building and into his car. You had sent a simple text to your friend-‘ i’m going out, don’t wait for me <3’
Vinnie treated you to McDonalds, once again and took you to a look out, the city of angels to stare at whilst you both ate. His shoulder touched yours as you sat on the picnic blanket filled to the brim with greasy and mouth watering food.
“So tell me, how come I can’t find you anywhere?” He asked, his hand playing with yours, twisting your rings. It created a warm feeling in your stomach.
“I’m a private person,” you began, hearing Vinnie murmuring a ‘couldn’t have guessed,’ and you nudged your shoulder into his playfully, drawing a laugh from his lips. “I guess, uhm I don’t see myself in the spotlight, having people constantly judging my every move.” He nodded in agreement, looking lost in thought.
“I can understand that, it’s just unusual to see someone not famous in parties held by influencers.” You nodded, agreeing with him. “My friend is pretty famous and always makes me her plus one.”
“I like it though,” you stared at him confused whilst he stared at you with a small smile on his lips, almost looking shy. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, it’s hard to explain…” he looked lost in his thoughts.
“Try,” you pushed, his hand tightening around yours.
“I like that I can pursue this,” he gestured whilst you stared at him with wide eyes. “That you’ll be somewhat safe from the onslaught of comments you would’ve gotten if you were a public figure. This feels normal to me, y’know. Like it’s not for show, it’s just me and you.”
“Me and you?” You asked with a grin, his smile grew and he gave you a wink, “of course, this is our second date after all.”
“Is that so?” You bit your lip when he leaned towards you, his lips so close to touching yours, before he planted a small, almost phantom-like kiss on them. “It is so,” he gauged your expression before ultimately seeing the contentment in your eyes, and pressed his lips to yours firmly. You felt his hand grasp your cheek as he tilted his head to gain more access.
You were both breathing heavily before you disconnected your lips, but Vinnie took it upon himself to kiss your cheeks before traveling down your neck, leaving you even more breathless.
“I’m taking you on dates everyday this week,” he breathed into your neck and you felt your eyes roll back from the sensation and his sultry voice.
“I expect you to-“ he stopped you from talking with another kiss. “Shut up and kiss me,” he ordered and you did, for several hours, the once bright sun in the middle of sky, now dipping down on the horizon covered by the Los Angeles skyline.
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luvolani · 3 months
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In the bustling halls of Jujutsu High, Gojo Satoru was a name that echoed with admiration and envy alike. With his unrivaled charm, silver hair, and magnetic charisma, he effortlessly held the attention of everyone around him. His presence was like a whirlwind, drawing people in with his infectious energy and leaving a trail of intrigued whispers in his wake.
Yet amidst the sea of admiration, there was one person who remained largely unnoticed by the charismatic whirlwind—Y/N. Y/N was the epitome of quietude and shyness, always blending into the background with her soft-spoken nature and a tendency to keep to herself. She was known among her classmates as the girl who never spoke unless spoken to, the one who preferred the solace of books over the clamor of social interactions.
One ordinary day, as the autumn leaves painted the school courtyard in hues of red and gold, fate decided to weave their stories together. It happened during a mundane classroom session when Gojo, seated in his usual spot near the window, noticed Y/N across the room. She was bent over a textbook, her brow furrowed in concentration, her fingers gently tracing the lines of text as if deciphering a secret code.
Intrigued by her serene presence amidst the chaos of teenage energy, Gojo found himself inexplicably drawn to her. He wanted to know more about the enigmatic girl who seemed to possess a quiet strength that was rare among their peers. Summoning his usual confidence, he decided to approach her during lunch break, weaving through the maze of desks until he stood before her.
"Hey there," he began with a smile that could light up the darkest corners. Y/N looked up, her eyes widening slightly in surprise at being addressed by someone like Gojo.
"Um, hi," she murmured softly, her cheeks dusted with a delicate shade of pink.
"I'm Gojo Satoru," he introduced himself smoothly, extending a hand. Y/N hesitated for a moment before timidly shaking it.
"I'm Y/N," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Their conversation was brief, stilted by Y/N's nerves and Gojo's overwhelming charisma. Sensing her discomfort, Gojo tried to steer the conversation towards safer topics, but before he could make any progress, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break. Y/N excused herself hastily, mumbling something about needing to get to class, and hurried away, leaving Gojo slightly perplexed by her abrupt departure.
Days turned into weeks, and Gojo couldn't shake off the memory of Y/N's quiet presence. He found himself stealing glances at her during classes, noticing the way she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear when she was nervous or how her eyes sparkled with hidden intelligence whenever she participated in discussions.
Their paths crossed again unexpectedly one afternoon when their homeroom teacher assigned them to clean the classroom together as part of a disciplinary measure for arriving late to class. Gojo grinned mischievously when he saw Y/N's bewildered expression upon hearing the news.
"Looks like it's just you and me, Y/N," he remarked with a playful wink as they gathered cleaning supplies.
Y/N blushed furiously but nodded in acknowledgment, focusing her attention on sweeping the floor with meticulous care. The initial awkwardness between them gradually melted away as they worked side by side in comfortable silence, occasionally exchanging shy smiles or brief, hesitant words.
"So, Y/N, what's your favorite subject?" Gojo ventured to ask, breaking the silence that had settled between them like a gentle mist.
"Um, literature," Y/N replied softly, her eyes flickering up to meet his briefly before returning to the task at hand.
As they continued to clean, their conversation flowed more freely, ranging from favorite books to shared anecdotes about their experiences at Jujutsu High. Gojo found himself genuinely enjoying Y/N's company, appreciating the simplicity and sincerity that marked her every word and gesture.
By the time they finished cleaning, the once pristine classroom now gleaming under their joint efforts, Gojo realized something unexpected had blossomed within him—a deep admiration and burgeoning affection for the quiet girl who had captured his attention from the very beginning.
As they parted ways outside the classroom, Gojo hesitated for a moment before gathering his courage and speaking from his heart.
"Y/N, I really enjoyed today. I hope we can... um, do this again sometime," he said, his usually confident voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability.
Y/N smiled shyly, her cheeks flushed with a delicate pink hue that made her look even more enchanting in the soft afternoon light.
"I-I'd like that," she replied softly, her eyes sparkling with a newfound warmth that mirrored the blossoming emotions within Gojo's heart.
And so, amidst the backdrop of falling autumn leaves and whispered secrets, a new chapter began for Gojo Satoru and Y/N—a tale of unexpected connections, quiet moments of understanding, and the gentle magic of two souls finding each other amidst the bustling chaos of high school life.
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fatboyfiction · 7 months
Opposites Attract
Chapter 2: Reaction
The palpable chemistry that had been mounting throughout their meal was at a tipping point as the two men left the buffet. They walked the eight blocks back to his building and Pritchard spent the whole time anticipating what was to come. Marshall’s unabashed display of gluttony at the restaurant had worked him up into a lather and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on his beefy new toy. 
The building lobby made Marshall’s eyes widen in awe. Pritchard savoured this when he saw it; he enjoyed how innocent and impressionable the boy was. The more charitable part of him thought about how much fun it would be to give the guileless hunk a taste of how the other half lived. His less altruistic side was imagining all the ways he could use that youth and naïveté to mold his new project into the waddling, wheezing porker of his fantasies. 
These thoughts percolated in Pritchard’s mind on the long elevator ride up to the eighteenth floor, but came to an abrupt halt as soon as he’d closed the door behind them. He’d had a game plan in mind, one that he’d used before on the other eager young things he’d brought home after a night spent feeding them into a stupor. He’d dined the boy already, now he had to wine him. He’d break out a nice red, something good but not too expensive. These beefy college idiots never knew the difference anyway. He’d put on some music, something soft and low in the background to ease the mood. These fledgeling gainers were always so shy and self-conscious. Years of keeping their horniest, kinkiest fantasies as a shameful secret had conditioned them to stay safely inside their shell. He’d learned that he needed to coax them out gently, ease them into things and take his time. 
Marshall surprised him, though. After having broken through the initial barrier of awkwardness at the restaurant, he didn’t seem at all inclined to curb his boldness now. As the heavy door clicked against the latch, he wasted no time in taking Pritchard by the wrists, holding his hands above his head, and pushing him bodily against the door. 
Pritchard was taken aback by this. He was so used to dealing with timid little things who were afraid of their own desires. This forcefulness on the part of his feedee was unexpected. Unexpected, but very welcome.
Marshall brought his lips to Pritchard’s and started making out with him hungrily, grinding his wide, powerful hips against Pritchard’s narrow ones. The older man was enjoying this rough treatment, relishing the feeling of being so delicate in the beefy boy’s hands. This was a large part of what had attracted him to Marshall in the first place. He’d liked the boy’s air of unrefined, unrestrained strength. The kind of brute barbarism that he must have displayed while hefting hay bales on the farm, or when out on the football field. He had an unapologetic and elemental masculinity that was so unlike the sleek and mannered city slickers he spent his days with in the boardroom. 
The friction between them was reaching a fever pitch when Marshall pulled back. He stepped away and with a cocky look in his eyes, he began to undress. “This is what you’ve been waiting for, right?” he teased as he lifted his shirt up over his head, baring the full splendor of his beefy torso. “I know you’ve been wanting to see this big, bloated gut all day. You’re the one who stuffed me like a pig back there at the buffet. Why don’t you come admire your handiwork?” 
Pritchard’s cock was at full mast at these words. He was so used to being the one in change during these hookups. Having someone take that role from him was strangely satisfying. Out in the streets, Marshall might have been the unpolished country mouse and Pritchard the confident, successful master of industry. But here behind closed doors, he found himself wanting this hulking meathead to take charge and demand whatever he wanted. 
He approached the younger man and put his hands on his tight, distended stomach, claiming the prize he’d been waiting for since they’d first started messaging. When he’d first walked into the buffet, Pritchard had seen that Marshall carried some softness around his waist. He knew from their horny midnight exchanges that Marshall had packed on some weight during college, about 40 lbs he said. Marshall had sent him pictures from when he was a freshman, cut muscles on full display after being so recently released from the structured diet and workout regimen he’d been subjected to in high school. His luscious pecs protruded out above his perfect set of washboard abs, capped off with a pair of surprisingly large and pointed nipples. All of this Grade A man meat was coated with a light dusting of chest hair, a shade or two darker than the gold of his wavy locks. 
The other details of this newly minted collegiate hopeful were still largely the same. The beefy biceps that always seemed fit to burst the sleeves of whatever shirt he was wearing. The huge, wobbling melons of his ass that tested the limits of even the most forgiving pair of pants. Even the pecs were mostly unchanged, still peeking out coyly around the straps of tank tops and decorating his shirtfront with the twin peaks of his almost perpetually hard nipples. But the abs were no longer present and accounted for. They had been replaced with the tantalizing beginnings of a small gut that was just starting to catch up to his chest in its degree of hang. 
Like any good gainer, Marshall had taken a bumper crop of selfies with his new belly as the star of the show, taking advantage of all the forced angles that he knew would exaggerate the size of his new pudge. Pritchard had chuckled to himself as Marshall had sent him these pictures. He knew as well as Marshall did that these weren’t an accurate portrayal of his size, but had enjoyed them nonetheless. He’d been pleasantly surprised when Marshall had shown up at the buffet looking smaller than his pictures, but still with a noticeable wobble at his waist. This owed something to the white tee shirt Marshall had worn, obviously a size too small and very clearly selected to show off his assets to their best advantage. 
That wobble had gone now, Pritchard noted as he ran his hands slowly over Marshall’s skin. That softness from earlier had been replaced with a tautness from everything that Marshall had eaten. Or rather, from everything that Pritchard had made him eat. He smiled to himself in a smug way as he thought of all the calories he’d pumped into the boy, and all the extra wobble he’d hopefully soon be feeling as a result of it. 
“You did me proud earlier, fatboy. I didn’t know about you at first, you seemed like you might not be able to live up to all those things you said to me online. I was glad to see you were able to put your money where your mouth is.” 
Marshall grinned at this, bringing his big hands up and mirroring Pritchard’s ministrations as he helped to rub his abused belly. “Sorry for being so awkward at first, man. I’ve met up with some other supposed feeders before and let’s just say it never went well. And then you showed up looking like a million bucks and I didn’t want to act like a greedy pig in front of all those people and turn you off.” 
“Oh trust me big guy, there’s absolutely nothing about you being a greedy pig that could ever turn me off. That’s one of my very favourite things about you.” 
Pritchard moved his hands lower, tracing the bulge of Marshall’s dick through his jeans. The younger man’s breath hitched as he felt his cock twitch. The big bruiser was turned on to a screaming pitch by this hot older guy saying out loud all the filthy things he’d only ever thought in the safety of his mind.
“God I want to be fat so fucking bad,” Marshall said breathily as Pritchard continued his explorations. “I’ve wanted it for as long as I can remember. You know the first thing I ever jerked off to was the thought of lying back in bed, weighed down by a big, fat, round belly.”
“That’s quite the mental image, big guy. Who would have guessed it, huh? A big, strong, manly guy like you wanting to be turned into a fat, lazy, greedy pile of lard.” Pritchard said this with a malicious grin plastered across his face. This was it, they were finally getting to the good stuff. 
“Oh fuck yeah,” Marshall moaned, moving his hands to his sides and jiggling his budding love handles. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted, to give in and eat like a fatass, blow up into a huge mound of blubber. You have no idea how badly I want it.” 
“Yeah? And you’d be willing to give all this up for that? You look like a goddamn catalogue model. You’re not going to be able to get by on your looks once I’ve turned you into a land whale. And what about all those years you put into sports? Just imagine what your old teammates would have to say if they knew about this.” 
“I couldn’t care less about all that, man. You know I only got into sports to shut my dad up and get him off my case? You should have seen me before I started football when I was twelve, I was a pretty chubby kid. I still regret losing it all.” His tone shifted as he said this, becoming somewhat more contemplative as he looked down at his developing paunch, wondering how big it might have been by now if he’d never given in to his dad, never gotten into sports. 
“Well I guess I have my work cut out for me then, don’t I? I’ll just have to make sure you gain back all those pounds you shed, and maybe a few more for good measure.” Pritchard started unzipping Marshall’s jeans as he said this, looking him straight in his pretty blue eyes as he pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles. 
Marshall’s dick slapped up against his stuffed gut, splattering a few drops of sticky precum. He was clearly enjoying everything Pritchard was saying to him. “I want that so bad, dude. I want you to feed me until I can’t stand, fill me up with as much fucking food as you can cram into me.” 
Pritchard took hold of Marshall’s impressive girth and started stroking, the other hand toying with his hard nipples. “Tell me what else you want.” 
“I want you to tell me what a fat pig I’m turning into. I want you to tease me and humiliate me. Put me in tight clothes and parade me around in public. I want everyone to know what you’re doing to me. I don’t want to be able to hide it.” 
Bingo. “Your wish is my command, tubs. Now, what about this?” He waved around Marshall’s thick cock by the base, making his hefty balls swing. “What should we do about this? You’ve been such a good fatboy today, you deserve a reward.” 
Marshall looked Pritchard square in the eyes and his face split into another cocky grin. “I want you to fuck my big, fat ass and tell me how much of a pig you’re going to make me.” 
“Well then. Let’s get started,” he said with a solid smack to Marshall’s meaty globes. 
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sashaisready · 10 months
Chapter 4 - The Ghost
Nick Fowler x Reader
Summary: Reader is a brilliant but shy and awkward CIA employee whose work is often overlooked by her colleagues…she’s blended into the background for so long that she doesn’t think there’s any other way - even if she does have secret aspirations for another life. Unbeknownst to her - a certain blue eyed agent is very aware of her talents, even if nobody else is.
Under the Radar Masterlist
<Chapter Three - Now or Never
Warnings: mild angst, reference to violence, references to sex trafficking, reader being sassy Wordcount: 3558
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You were back at work the next day with a renewed sense of optimism. Everything was turning around, maybe everything would really be okay.
And no bumping into Nick for at least a few weeks. It meant you could entirely focus on throwing yourself into your new job. No distractions. 
As you sat at your desk typing a few handover notes for the other Assistants covering your work, you saw Agent Leigh stumble in and plop himself down in his desk chair. His pathetic pout complimented a nasty looking black eye and bruised nose.
Oof. You couldn’t hold back your wince as you took him in. He caught you staring and met your gaze. You froze, unsure of what people are meant to say in situations like this. He seemed…different. His usual bravado muted. His shoulders slumped. You supposed a shiner would do that to even the biggest ego.
“Uh…Rough night?” You offered gently, hardly believing you felt something resembling sympathy towards him. Or pity at the very least.
He frowned but the effort of moving his face seemed to cause further pain. He grimaced. 
“Something like that” he muttered.
It seemed as if his big mouth had finally got him into trouble. You were only surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.
“There’s a few ice packs in the cafeteria freezer” you offered, kinder than you should’ve been. “Might help the swelling. Speak to Helen the catering manager, she should be able to get them for you”.
He nodded. “Yeah…thanks”.
You went back to work thinking that was that, but he spoke again.
“Hey…” he said meekly.
You looked back at him.
“I’m sorry…for what I said yesterday…when Fowler was here…that was really rude. And not appropriate for the workplace at all. I apologise”.
You blinked in confusion. Someone could’ve offered you infinite chances to guess what he was going to say next and you never would’ve picked that.
“Oh….well….thank-you” you replied.
He looked at you pathetically. “So…uh…we cool?”
You nodded. Well…No. But you didn’t really want to drag this out any longer.
“Sure” your smile artificial.
He nodded tentatively. “So…if anyone…like…asks. I apologised, and we’re good now. Right?”
You frowned, somewhat bewildered. “Uh….yeah. Okay. But why would someone ask?”
He shrugged unconvincingly. “Just…you know. If anyone did”.
He started booting up his laptop then and it was clear the discussion was over. Palmer rounded the corner and arrived at your desk. He was smiling, looking good in a navy suit, his hair carefully styled.
“Hey…you all set?”
You smiled enthusiastically, picking up your laptop and notebook as you headed to the conference room with him. You were practically vibrating with excitement to begin.
“Yep! Ready”.
Palmer turned to look at Leigh as you passed by. He let out a low whistle once he was out of earshot.
“Jeez! What happened to him?” Laughed Palmer.
You shrugged. “Beats me. Guess he ran his mouth at the wrong person on boys’ night. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy…”
You paused, cringing, remembering you were at work and realising how abrupt you’d been. It wasn’t like you to say stuff like that. 
“Sorry…that was rude” you whispered.
Palmer chuckled. “Not at all…you’re totally right. It was bound to happen sooner or later”.
You smiled back at him, grateful for his reassurance.
“You’re a bit of a dark horse, aren’t you?” He teased. 
“No! No…I don’t…I’m not-Oh god. How embarrassing” you groaned, hiding your eyes behind your hand.
Palmer just laughed kindly. “I’m just kidding. Look, Palmer is a jerk. Don’t worry, you’re not gonna offend me by rightly calling it out. Okay?”
“Okay” you nodded with a shy smile. 
As the two of you walked, you pondered Leigh’s strange question. What was he talking about exactly? Why was he so concerned with the two of you being ‘cool’? It’s not like he normally gave a shit what you thought of him. Maybe he was visited by three Christmas ghosts late last night…
Your thoughts of Leigh soon dissipated as you and Palmer got to the conference room and started to work. 
He ran you through the basics of Project Cotton which was extensive and complex. Essentially, the CIA were trying to infiltrate a worldwide sex trafficking ring which had made its way to the States. There were a lot of moving parts, but it boiled down to sifting through a mixture of reliable and less reliable sources, finding ways into suspected bases and working through the chain of suspects to find out who was at the top. Palmer would be leading the field work as Walsh had assigned, but it was your job to work with him to make sense of the intel, help plan the op and collate everything into a strategy. 
The scope was like nothing you’d ever worked on in all your time here. Walsh was really testing you. The FBI were assisting, as were multiple local law enforcement agencies, and you felt the weight of your responsibility to them all heavy on your shoulders. Palmer and the rest of the team were all counting on you - bad intel could expose Palmer as a CIA operative and blow his cover - the likely outcome would be his death if the mark discovered who he really was.
As anxious as you felt (and you were anxious) there was some excitement too. As Palmer ran through the summary you found yourself immediately brainstorming ideas, solutions - this was going to be tough…but you could do it. You knew you could. And you felt encouraged that Walsh thought you could, too. This wasn’t really about Nick. This was about you, and proving to yourself what exactly you were capable of. Proving that you could take a leap out of your comfort zone and succeed. Hell, it wouldn’t be perfect - but it didn’t need to be. It just needed to be enough. 
And if you proved Nick wrong somewhere along the way too?
In a way, you should thank him, his cruelty lit a fire under you that you may never have sparked yourself. 
The days turned into weeks and you and Palmer had slipped into a comfortable ease with each other. You both worked hard together, but you had clicked as people too. The content you were dealing with day in day out could be hard going, so you balanced that out with joking and a little fun where you could. You didn’t feel nervous around him like you did with your other colleagues. He had a calming presence you appreciated, especially as a newbie to this. 
In short? You liked Palmer a lot. 
“Call me Joe” he had said at your second meeting.
You felt a twinge of sadness as that was exactly what Nick had said to you on the day you’d been together for the first time. But you swallowed it down. 
“Joe” you’d repeated, looking back at him with a smile. 
You were making good progress with the research, constantly adding to a seemingly never ending report which covered all of the bases. You were just struggling to pin down the names of those at the top of the ring, a lot of leads were dead ends and pointed to ghosts, men who seemingly didn’t exist. But you told yourself that weeding out every dud lead meant you were one step closer to nailing the real perpetrators.
One of the quirks of the case was that you had boxes and boxes of historic CIA files to sift through, looking at records of convicted criminals from decades earlier who may have had links to previous rings that Cotton may have grown from the ashes of. The files were mostly yellowed pages, thick layers of dust and occasionally indecipherable hand writing when nobody had bothered to type up the reports however many decades ago.
“It’s crazy that the CIA, with all its resources, hasn’t taken the time to digitise these” you huffed, shaking your hand out after getting yet another paper cut from one of the archaic monstrosities. 
Joe laughed. He had a sweet laugh. Slightly on the dorky side, but you liked that he laughed loudly and unashamedly - not caring what anyone thought of it.
“The CIA isn’t an endless money pit” he said kindly. Unlike Nick, he was never patronising when he explained things to you. 
“The bosses want cash to go on the actual operations, not paying a bunch of temps to scan these old perverts’ files nobody but us has ever looked at”.
“Mmm” you conceded. “But have they considered…it would be helpful for me personally”. 
Joe grinned. “No. I don’t think they have…but that’s a very persuasive argument”.
You were both sitting in the conference room Project Cotton had taken over in the last few weeks. Papers and files were sprawled across the table, endless photographs and maps were pinned to the walls as post-its and notes littered every surface.
You yawned, slamming the file shut and pulling the next box out - grabbing the letter opener to split the tape. Joe had given it to you to open the boxes. It was a thing of beauty really, a slim silver knife with a delicate ornate handle. He had unearthed it in an old storage room in the basement, no doubt an essential tool for some clerk four or five decades ago.
It has become a bit of a strange running joke for the two of you. You’d take turns moving the opener to the other’s desk when the other wasn’t looking, and it became a sort of competition to see if you could sneak it into the other’s space without them noticing.
You opened the first file from the new box, taking your time skimming the musty pages. Both of you worked in comfortable silence.  
“Anything?” Joe eventually asked as he scribbled on the whiteboard.
You pointed with the blade to the file in front of you.
“Mm. Maybe. Three of these guys were all associated with something called ‘Cosmos’ - seems to be some sort of weird cult which preached peace and love…but also the kidnapping of young women”.
Joe scoffed. “Peace and love indeed…”
You peered down at the grainy mugshot of the man in the file, snarling back at you. He looked oddly familiar…but you couldn’t place him. 
You sighed. “I feel like my eyes are gonna cross…”
“Let’s take a break. You need a breather. You work too damn hard” teased Joe.
You rolled your eyes playfully. 
“We’ll order lunch. I’m thinking Hong’s” said Joe, grabbing his phone and hurriedly closing your file. 
“Ooh. Yay! Okay”. 
The novelty of expensed lunches certainly hadn’t worn off yet.
You stole a glance at Joe as he pulled up the food menu and dutifully scrolled through the options. The more time you spent with him, the more you liked him. He was sweet. Earnest. You liked that he said exactly what he meant. He never had you guessing…unlike some people.
As time went on, you began to realise how handsome he was. He had a cute dimple on one side of his mouth. His eyes crinkled a little when he smiled. He was a big guy too….broad. Strong. Sometimes your mind wandered and you wondered what he looked like under his suit…
You liked being with him.
And you liked that he liked being with you. You weren’t an agent like him, yet he treated you like an equal - not just the grunt beneath him doing all the admin. He respected you. Appreciated you. 
The other night at dinner Annie had jokingly said she was sick of hearing about him. You hadn’t realised how much you must talk about him. 
After lunch had arrived you sat together in the conference room, eating and laughing.
“…I’m sorry, I’m just saying I wanted Tom to win once in a while. Okay? That mouse was pushing it” Joe said incredulously.
You laughed uproariously. “What?? Who sides with Tom??”
“I just mean…Jerry is mocking him…”
“Jerry is a mouse…if Tom catches him then he’s dinner! Nobody roots for Tom, Joe!” You giggled.
You laughed more as you pushed the food around your takeout container.
“I’m working for a madman…”
Joe smiled. “True. But you’re doing a great job”.
“Thanks” you giggled.
“No…I mean it. You’re a beast. The stuff you’re pulling together is so impressive. Especially for a first timer. You should be proud. I sure am”.
You blushed, surprised at his admission. “Well…thank-you Joe. That means a lot. You’ve taught me so much in such a short space of time. I’m…so grateful”.
You both stared at each other for a few seconds. The air felt different suddenly. Charged somehow. Time seemed to slow down as Joe leaned towards you, his gaze dropping to your lips. You found yourself moving in too, leaning closer and closer until-
The jarring sound of Joe’s phone vibrating on the table seemed to break the trance. You both surged backwards in your chairs, looking in opposite directions.
“I better take this…” Joe grumbled, picking up his phone and leaving the room.
You sat in the silence, struggling to grasp what had just happened. You got to your feet, going to the bathroom and splashing a bit of water on your face to calm down. Fuck. You really needed to stop doing this with colleagues…
…but Joe was just so…Joe. 
You made your way back to the conference room, sitting back down and picking at your food again as you waited for him to return. You decided you wouldn’t mention it unless he did. Nothing actually happened. No need to make it awkward when you were both working so closely.
You were fishing your chopsticks around the takeout box when you heard him come back in. 
“You ate all the wontons…jerk” you joked.
“Not me, princess” came the reply. 
You jolted in your seat, a small squeak leaving your lips. You whipped round to face him.
There he was. The ghost. You suddenly felt very nervous. 
Nick was leaning against the doorway, his short chestnut hair neatly combed. A hint of 5 o’clock shadow that wasn’t there when he left for his Op. Still handsome. Still infuriating. Those damn eyes watched you carefully as he slipped his hands into his pockets. 
“I always left the wontons for you when we ordered in. I would never leave you hanging” he smirked.
“Yeah…The only thing you were ever consistent about” you said dryly.
He laughed hollowly. “So…Project Cotton huh? Going up in the world I see” he surveyed the room, taking in all of the files and documents strewn around.
“Yeah. Walsh put me on it” you replied stoically.
He nodded. “So I hear. Guess I was wrong about that, huh?”
You glared back at him. “You were wrong about a lot of things”.
He smirked. “I probably deserve that”.
You didn’t speak. Just left his words hanging. You wanted him to sit in it. You had no desire to make this any easier for him. 
“Not gonna ask how my op went? It’s been weeks”. He asked casually, but his eyes had a slightly needy quality to them.
“Well it was fine I presume. You seem to have all your limbs intact” you deadpanned. 
He chuckled. “Just about…”
You ignored him, just taking a bite of your food.
“And how’s Palmer? Being good to you?”
“Absolutely. He’s a good boss”. 
“Huh…That surprises me”. He ticked his jaw.
You glared at him. “And why’s that?”
“Just…he seems like one to keep an eye on. That’s all”. He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes. “Why? Because he doesn’t come out on your little boys’ nights?”
He chuckled again. His patronising laugh made you want to punch him in the face.
“No…actually he comes sometimes” he smirked. 
You quirked an eyebrow. That surprised you. As Joe had said that time with Leigh…it wasn’t really his scene. Still, you wouldn’t hold it against him. Everyone needs to let loose sometimes.
“Ah, Fowler. Welcome back” said Joe as he came back to the room. His voice suddenly seemed strained. His posture uncomfortable. 
Nick nodded, he also seemed somewhat tense. “Thanks Palmer. Looks like you’ve made good progress with Cotton…”
“Yup. Well it’s hard not to when you’ve got this one your team” he smiled over at you. 
You smiled back warmly. If Nick’s return had thrown you off balance, Joe was a stabilising anchor who righted you again. 
Nick smiled. “Yeah. I know the other agents are whining that the briefing reports aren’t being done to the usual standard now that their best Assistant has been poached”.
You shrugged, embarrassed at how inwardly gleeful you were at Nick’s compliment. “They’ll be fine”.
He looked back at you and you found yourself stuck in his gaze. Unable to look away as old feelings stirred. Shit. No! Be strong!
He cleared his throat abruptly. 
“Well…I better go debrief. You two have fun” Nick added sardonically as he left the room. 
Joe glared at the empty space where Nick had been standing. You saw a strange expression on his face that you hadn’t seen before. A hint of rage beneath the surface that you’d never seen a glimpse of until now. What sort of issue did those two have with each other? There certainly seemed to be a weird tension between them. 
“Anyway. Let’s get back to it” said Joe, back to his usual sunny self as if nothing had happened. 
He didn’t say anything about Nick, nor about your near kiss, he just picked up his notebook and resumed where he left off. You followed suit, but your head bubbled with unanswered questions as you pulled out your next file.
At the end of the day you made your way out of the building, exhausted from a full day and fantasising about a bubble bath back at home. Seeing Nick again had knocked you slightly. You knew when he left you’d have to face him again eventually, but he caught you off guard. As always.
As you strolled down the hallway to the building exit you were torn from your thoughts, quite literally, by some unseen force as you were yanked by the waist into an empty office. You let out a small shriek as your assailant spun you around and revealed himself.
“Fuck, Nick!! You trying to give me a heart attack?” You squeaked as you slugged him on the shoulder.
He grinned. “I’ve missed that fire”.
He moved to close the door.
You frowned. “I’m tired, Nick. I’ve had a long day and I want to go home. I don’t have any time for games”.
“I need to talk to you…” he sighed. 
You rolled your eyes. “Can it wait?”
He shuffled awkwardly, his cocky tone now diminishing slightly. “I just want you to be careful”.
“With Palmer. Be careful. Alright?”
You laughed coldly. “Why? He’s a good guy.”
“Just…you’re smart. Don’t let him take advantage”.
“What does that mean?” You glared.
“Just…I don’t know. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t…I don’t know… let him take the credit for your work or anything like that. Alright? Just be careful with him. I just….I don’t trust him”.
You scoffed. “I don’t know what your beef with Joe is but you have no business butting in. I’m not interested in your masculine pissing contest. He and I have been working really well together all this time. He’s sweet, and smart, and he supports me. He actually wants me to do well and get ahead! Unlike you, he believes in me! It’s really nothing to do with you. So thank-you for your ‘advice’….but it really isn’t necessary”.
Nick frowned, raising an eyebrow. “Joe? Oh God…you like him don’t you?”
You tried to force a laugh, but it didn’t sound very convincing. “What?? No! It’s all very professional…”
Nick shook his head, tutting. “Unbelievable…”
“You can talk…” you spat. 
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t know…Ask Mace?” You narrowed your eyes. 
He laughed hollowly at that. “I knew you heard her that day in my office. Not jealous are you, princess?” The shit eating grin was back on his face. He had you now. 
You clenched your jaw, trying your best to retain your sense of calm as you felt the heat rush to your cheeks. 
“No. You can fuck whoever you like”.
He laughed again. “I’m not fucking Mace…”
“Sure…” you rolled your eyes. 
“Believe whatever you want, princess…”
You curled your hands into fists, suddenly feeling overwhelmed as all of those old feelings rose to the surface. How did he still have this hold over you? You thought you were free…
You managed to suppress it as you bit your lip and looked towards the door. 
“Can I go now or have you got another lecture for me?”
He shook his head, sighing. “Do what you want. Okay? Just…remember when I said”.
You rolled your eyes. “Tell Mace I said hi”.
You’re stormed out of the room as you shot down the hallway and left the building. Ugh. What a pig!! He could see how well you were doing and was just trying to get in your head to throw you off. He clearly didn’t liked Joe for some sort of weird male ego reason and was making it your problem. He didn’t know what he was talking about…
Chapter 5 - Done
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bloodymiso · 6 months
Hi hi~! I was wondering if I can have a male stardew valley matchup please?
I’m a 25 year old female. I’m 5’4 with dyed burgundy hair and big green eyes. I also wear glasses and have a few piercings (nose and lots of ear piercings). I’m also a little on the chubby side.
Personality: I’m very shy and awkward around at first, but once I’m comfortable with someone I’ll warm up to them fast. I’m also more talkative, bubbly, giggly, sarcastic and a tad bit moody. I can also be mischievous and cause some chaos when I’m bored. I also suffer from anxiety and depression, so I need Simeon who can be patient and understanding. I hate confrontation, so I’ll avoid it as much as possible. I’m not a physical person as touching makes me anxious at times. But I’m very touchy and affectionate with loved ones. More of a reserved and calm person and rather watch my surroundings than participate in socializing. I’m also very sensitive and kind of a hot-head. I can be social if I want, but I’d rather keep to myself and stay home. Sometimes I don’t act my age because of how playful and youthful I come across.
Likes/dislikes and hobbies: if I see anything cute and fluffy I will absolutely melt! I also love kids and would like some in the future. I have two cats of my own, so an animal lover is a must! I enjoy playing instruments, gaming, watching trashy shows, traveling, doing my makeup, banter/teasing and naps! I can literally sleep all day long with no interruptions. Also enjoy spooky things and going on ghost hunts. Absolutely hate spiders, loud abrupt noises and crowds.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day/night~!
i ship you with..
okay hear me out hear me out. when i started reading i honestly thought “oh def seb or harvey” but then i remember sam exists.
hes really immature for his age but willing to listen to anyone’s problems. he cant just turn on and off adult-mode but he can in the right situation. whenever you need comfort or a hug, he’s there.
i feel like you would have met sam through an injury. you were walking down willow lane when he was skateboarding and hit you like the dumbass he is. rather than going to harvey’s he brought you into the house with the help of jodi. as he *cough*jodi*cough* patched you up.
“sorry for the scratch..”
he actually felt so bad though like legit puppy eyes. he always saw you walking down willow lane to get to the beach or to yk any other part of the town but he never dared to even make eye contact with you. ever since that day he’d say hi. at some point that “hi” transformed into various conversations.
once you two got closer, BOOM jamming(not that jamming as in music jamming what are you thinkiny) sessions. like literally every day. expect seb to join you on saturdays. he invited you to the saloon and introduced you to the group. you and abigail would def do your makeup together, i can see you two vibing. you and abigail would go ghost hunting in the forest, sam would sometimes join but get ready for endless screaming. i can imaginr you and seb being complete gaming rivals
he always dreamed of starting a band with sebastian but now, he dreams of starting it with both of you. sam knows he cant hide his feelings forever, eventually he confesses in the middle of a commercial break as you were watching a movie.
after that you got together but completely forgot to tell the group. one night at the saloon, before you left you gave sam a quick peck on the kiss and left. the others stared for a quick two seconds before screaming at the top of their voice “WHAT.”
he thinks your piercings are soo pretty(i would too) he’d always giggle when he’d kiss your nose and feel the soft tingle of your metallic piercings on his lips. ever since you started dating you two have been complete menaces to the group. literally the best dumb jokes duo ever. jodi loves you, vincent thinks youre “stealing” sam from him.
sam would absolutely love youre cats, the problem is..they dont feel the same(protective much.) he’d try his best to get him to like him, but i guess it takes time:)
thanks for the request! i had a lot of fun with this . reblog if you can:3!!
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wulfums · 2 years
Self Ship intro to Grulfe (Gregory x Wulfe, Gregory Horror Show) and Scudwulf (Scudworth x Wulfington, Clone High) !! They’re my main two ships so it’s important to me that everyone reads abt them also I spent a lot of time on this. Original form by @/libbys-shipping
Under the read more! 
* Tell us about the S/I and F/O(s) you’re discussing! Name, source, job (if it applies), personality, or other information you think is necessary!
I’m going to be doing this for my two main ships - Scudwulf(Me x Scudworth Clone High) and Grulfe (Me x Gregory GHS)
Scudwulf - Scudworth is the principal of Clone High and Wulfington is his beloved that handles all the paperwork that Scuds does not want to do. Which is a lot. They are a very classic sitcom married couple except they actually love each other. Wulfington is very mundane and doesn’t really get involved in Scudworth’s antics but is always there to comfort him at the end of the day!
Grulfe - Gregory is the owner of Gregory House which may or may not be purgatory or something. Wulfe is his beloved who loves to paint and cause mischief. Wulfe basically takes the role of uncle to all the kids in the house- he loves to run groups for them so they can have fun. Gregory would do anything to protect Wulfe and make sure Wulfe knows he’s the most important person in Gregory’s life and makes waking up in the morning worth it.
* How did your S/I and F/O(s) first meet? Did they know of each others’ existence beforehand?
Scudwulf - Well in summary, Wulfington was part of a gene splice experiment and grew up in a government compound- and ended up working there as secretary. So he met Scuds when Scuds started working there on the Clone project! Wulfington had to work with him a lot to log data and fell for him pretty quick. I do think at first Scuds was just like “Hmm if anything goes wrong I COULD use him as a scapegoat..I should keep him around.” and that quickly turned into “Wow I love him so much.” 
Grulfe - Wulfe, like everyone else, moved into the house. He struggles a lot with PTSD due to his dad and his anxiety. He was very shy when he first moved in and didn’t talk much, though like any other new guest Gregory was like “Im going to do everything in my power to bother him.” but Wulfe didn’t really...react. So Gregory just started talking to him normally and found out Wulfe is very sweet...I think Wulfe did fall for him fast but Gregory did...but didn’t know for a while. I think as Wulfe started coming out of his shell more, Gregory wanted to be around him more and more.
* How did they behave in the beginning of they relationship? What did they think of each other? What do they think of each other now, & how do they currently behave?
Scudwulf - TBH Scudworth was actually very nervous when they actually started dating but covered that up with being overconfident. Wulfington was very awkward, not entirely knowing what to do in a relationship...Honestly Scuds didn’t really either. The only person he had Ever dated was Mr B(Who he is still dating, both Mr B and Wulfington are dating Scuds!) who is a lot different than Wulfington. I think though their confession was abrupt, after that they took it kind of slow bcuz neither of them were super comfy with PDA or emotional stuff. But now? Opposite. They are just so totally in love. Wulfington cooks for him every morning and kisses him and Scudworth loves having a big fluffy boyfriend who can hold him. I think they think about each other a lot, all day every day.
Grulfe - I think Gregory kind of just expected this to be like any other relationship he had- pretty short-lasting but fun. I think the point he realized this was different was when he saw how Wulfe was getting more comfortable around him, and even opened up about his trauma. I think Gregory relates a *lot* to it and he found himself immediately wanting to protect Wulfe from anything like that happening ever again. Wulfe also felt safe around him. I think now, Wulfe is showing his Mischievous side now that he knows all the guests, and Gregory is glad! Even if Wulfe seems to be encouraging James to torment Gregory…you know how it is. Gregory and Wulfe are very PDA heavy- Wulfe is also the only reason Gregory has ever stood up to his mom. He cares about Wulfe so much.
* Were there any huge turning points that changed how your S/I or F/O(s) saw each other, or was it gradual? Describe it to us!
Scudwulf - I think the moment Scudworth realized that Wulfington…actually liked him and saw him as a friend? He re-evaluated how he thought about him. 
Grulfe - I think it took a while for Gregory to come to terms with being in love with Wulfe. He had never been interested in a man before and had to grapple w/ some internalized homophobia and denial for a while. I think Wulfe could tell when Gregory started actually caring- coming to his room more often to check on him etc. and that really sparked his interest in the rat…
* Tell us about a defining moment in the self-ship lore (for example - the most impactful moment, a moment your S/I and F/O reminisce over all the time, a moment that fans of the self-ship would see as the “ship’s iconic scene”, etc.)!
Scudwulf - I think their most defining moment was their confession. They rented an RV for burning man and throughout the entire trip had really obvious romantic tension. I think one night, partly due to being dehydrated, they were on the roof of the RV looking at the stars and they just…kissed. They did that several times and fell asleep cuddling, and the next morning they weren’t entirely sure if that really happened…but it did. They were quiet for part of the way home until Scuds was like “So are we…together? Now?” and Wulfington is like “I hope so..hehe” and since then they’ve been inseparable. Don’t worry, Mr B made sure they were properly hydrated at every trip after.
Grulfe - I think their most impactful moment was after they started sleeping in the same room and bed, Wulfe woke up very upset from a PTSD Nightmare(Something I personally deal with IRL) and Gregory comforted him. Wulfe explained why it was so traumatic- and the fact he never thought anyone would actually love him…which Gregory reassures him that he really, truly does and promises to protect him and not let anything like that happen to him again. Wulfe still dealt with PTSD nightmares after that, but Gregory would always get him some hot chocolate and stay up with him until he calmed down, every time. 
* If discussing a Romantic F/O, who confessed their feelings first and where/when? Did it go smoothly?
Scudwulf - I described up there the confession scene! I do think when they got home, Scudworth bragged about it to anyone he knew…including the main shadowy figure…who he soon found out happened to be Wulfington’s ex. And yes, he absolutely rubbed it in his face because he is just like that(Even though the main shadowy figure is actually fine with it, he and Wulfington broke up on good terms. Though he does think Wulfington could have done better than Scudworth…)
Grulfe - I don’t think either of them got to confess, I think James got word of Wulfe having a crush on his grandpa and was like “I promise I won’t tell him” and then immediately told him. So I think Gregory had a little panic mode over whether James was telling the truth or setting him up for disaster…but he went with it anyway and ended up having a, very awkward, conversation with Wulfe about it.
* Do your S/I and F/O(s) have any nicknames for each other? What are they?
Scudwulf - I think Scudworth absolutely calls Wulfington things like ‘My beloved husband who does all my paperwork.’ which makes Wulfington laugh. Wulfington calls him Scuds, Scudsy, but mostly calls him by his first name, Cinnamon. He’s probably the only person who calls him that affectionately and not angrily. And is the only one ALLOWED to.
Grulfe - Gregory has probably used every term of endearment for Wulfe possible, and Wulfe loves it. Wulfe has such loving nicknames for Gregory such as ‘My beloved’ and ‘My rat bastard husband who leaves crumbs in the bed’. 
* How did their first time hanging out/going on a date go? What did they do?
Scudwulf - Their first time actually going on a date after the confession at Burning Man was to Olive Garden. Half because Scudworth just really likes it, half because he thought it’d be a nice place to take Wulfington. He wanted to pull a Lady and the Tramp with Wulfington with spaghetti but Wulfington was like ‘I want lasagna’ and Scudworth was like ‘OK good point, lasagna it is.’ Grulfe - I think Gregory was super anxious about the first date like, hours before and was like “I havent been on a date in SO long and I actually LIKE him oh god oh fuck I gotta make sure this goes well.” I think Gregory bribed Hel’s Chef to make a very nice romantic meal for him and Wulfe (God knows what he had to promise) and you know what? It went well, even though they were both wildly anxious the whole time. I think they kept finding the other staring at each other lovingly…they also both discover they are BOTH big fans of meat and cheese <3 
* Has your S/I had any slumber parties (or in general late nights out) with your F/O(s)? How did those go?
Scudwulf - Well, long story short Scudwulf moved in together before they were even dating, because Wulfington’s house mysteriously got destroyed. So for a long time he just slept on Scudworth’s couch. I think they have a lot of late nights together where they just…spend time together. 
Grulfe - Well to be honest it is…always night in this world. Or at least dark out. They also sleep in the same room so they get to spend quality time together before bed. Gregory is banned from eating cheese in bed though. He is not happy about this but he will get over it for his beloved.
* Do your S/I and F/O(s) live together? If so, where?
Scudwulf - Yep, they’ve been living together even before they were dating! They live at Scudworth’s place. Thankfully Wulfington being there has given him some incentive to keep the place more clean than it was. Not clean but at least it’s…more clean.
Grulfe - They live together because it is a hotel but also they eventually share a room and bed together.
* What love languages do your S/I & F/O(s) have?
Scudwulf - Touch and Tenderness I think…Scudworth just feels safe in Wulfington’s arms. Wulfington also appreciates that Scudworth goes out of his way to be romantic even if it tends to end Cartoonishly Wrong.
Grulfe - I think just…comfort. That’s all they’ve wanted in this world. Company and comfort. 
* Did your S/I or F/Os make any friends from each others’ friend groups (like, does your S/I have any friends they met through F/O, or vice versa)?
Scudwulf - Gonna be honest, neither of them have friends really. They were kind of always in the same circles anyways. THOUGH Mr B did not like Wulfington at first but they ended up growing on each other and are friends now. 
Grulfe -  Gregory doesn’t have friends. But Wulfe did learn to get along with most of the hotel guests. Most of them…(He is glaring at his enemy Bonsai Kabuki who is terrified of Wulfe.)
* What does your S/I’s family think about your F/O(s), or what does your F/O(s)’s family think about your S/I?
Scudwulf - They just are each other’s family. Scudworth still won’t talk about Brian however but Wulfington won’t push him. 
Grulfe - Oh No it did not go well at first…James likes Wulfe because Wulfe is actually fun, but Gregory’s Mom was…not happy at first about Wulfe. When Gregory first introduced Wulfe to her as his boyfriend she kinda went off on how she would have So Much rather had a daughter in law...and this was the first time Gregory stood up to her. He could tell how upset Wulfe was getting so he stood up to her. I think over time she has begrudgingly accepted Wulfe as part of the family. She does keep trying to introduce him to “better” men in the hotel…but Wulfe is like “not interested.” I don’t think she ever ‘likes’ Wulfe but she keeps telling Gregory he Better act like a gentleman to him and to Not end up like his dad(Who left one day and Never Came Back) and Gregory has to keep insisting he is NOT going to do that to Wulfe. I don’t think she believes it until Gregory and Wulfe get married.
Teehee hope you enjoyed everyone feel free to talk to me abt them
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Meeting and Dating Napoleon Bonaparte
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Having worked at the Museum of Natural History for over two years, very little was capable of surprising you at this point. You’d come to expect the unexpected and you were almost always prepared for anything.
- Apparently though, there was still a few things that managed to catch you off guard: like your dear friend; and ex coworker, explaining that Ahkmenrah’s evil brother was trying to take over the world …or the fact that you’d wind up finding Napoleon Bonaparte of all people; or wax figures, …sort of attractive. 
- Yeah... that was an interesting discovery....
- So, as the story goes, Larry informed you that the museum exhibits were in trouble and that he’d be traveling to Washington in hopes of saving them from whatever danger they’d found themselves in. With very little convincing, you’d agreed to accompany him and you soon found yourself facing off with Kahmunrah and his various minions.
- Which led you to this exact moment: standing cornered in a random room as Napoleon and his guards pointed weapons at you and; mainly, Larry. 
- You watched silently as Larry and the man went back and forth, arguing about height and whatever other unimportant thing came up before you’d made yourself a little more known by complimenting the French mans plan. 
- Whether you were being serious or merely taking the piss is unimportant, all that matters is that you’d made it seem as though you found the man to be impressive and that you’d directed his attention towards you …and boy did he like what he saw. 
- He immediately walked over, putting on a smile and thanking you as he began to noticeably behave in a far more flirty way. 
- Although it wasn’t entirely successful; particularly after he slid across the floor to question Larry about your relationship, it did manage to catch you off guard and get you just a tad bit flustered. 
- But, just as soon as it began, it was over in a flash. The man forced Larry to come with him, interrupting you as you began to say that you were coming with them, telling you that their fight was not with you; which you would probably have considered to be quite noble in just about any other circumstance. 
- Your story momentarily ends here but that isn’t the last time you encounter the Frenchmen. It’s only a few months later that the Museum of Natural History gets a few new guests....
- The first time Napoleon awakens again, he almost immediately encounters Larry; which neither of them are very happy about. What he is happy about is the realization that if Larry is here, there’s a very likely chance that you are as well. 
- So; with forced nonchalance, the man asks about you. 
“And your friend ...is she here?” He says slowly, looking around as though he expects you to show up at any moment. 
“Yeah. Yeah, she’s here. She works here so …you know,” Larry pauses. “She’s probably in her office …working. Downstairs …her office.”
- They stand in an awkward silence for a moment before they both excuse themselves and Napoleon goes off in search of you.
-  He runs into you just as you’re coming up for a break, greeting you with a charming smile and a “Bonjour Mademoiselle”. And, for the first time since you first met, he properly introduces himself, kissing your hand and making it increasingly obvious that his interest in your love life was not merely a “French thing”. 
- And though you should probably be doing whatever you can to get away from the wax figure with a questionable moral compass, you find yourself unable to. Instead, you stand and speak with him, making conversation until you really need to get back to work.
- But that isn’t the last time you speak with him …he makes sure of that. It seems as though you’re the only thing that really interests him in the museum and soon enough, you’re growing quite used to; and fond of, his growing presence in your life. 
- It doesn’t take long for Napoleon to try and ask you out. I mean he conquered most of Europe; wooing a woman is childs play compared to that, right? 
- Partially. While you do like him and admit that his French flirtation is tempting, you also know that you have to be reasonable and being reasonable does not include dating a museum exhibit who is only capable of coming alive at night with the help of a magical tablet. 
- So the two of you play a game of cat and mouse where he flirts and you enjoy it but do your best to pull away when things start to get too heavy and you can feel the damning words approaching the tip of his tongue.
- You never let him get to the point of actually asking you out. You excuse yourself, you distract him, you change the subject, you do whatever you can to keep your head on straight.
- And it works, it works for a pretty good amount of time, but there's only so long that you can avoid the inevitable; especially when its obvious that you both like each other.
- So finally, the wax figure manages to get the words out, very romantically and suavely asking if you would be his, and though your mind is telling you that it really isn't a good idea, you cant help but say yes.
- He smiles and plants a kiss on the hand of yours that he was holding, telling you that he’ll meet you at your office the next night and the two of you say goodbye.
- Your first date is a stroll around the museum, talking and enjoying your newfound attempt at a relationship.
- You share your first kiss a week or so later after you have a few good dates and decide that you want to continue on with this out of the ordinary relationship.
- You’re sitting outside on the steps of the museum, looking out at the view of the city under the stars when he leans in and presses his lips to yours. You share a soft kiss before you pull away with a smile and scoot in closer to each other.
- After that, the two of you get to experience all the nitty gritty of relationships with each other.
- Napoleon isn't shy about his interest in and affection for you so pda isn’t a rare occurrence in your relationship. He adores you and he thinks that people should know that. 
- His arm around your waist; depending on your height it’s probably the easiest place for him to reach. 
- Keeping close to each other. He’ll oftentimes hold your hand or your elbow and stay right by your side, looking at you lovingly and listening to you intently. 
- Knuckle kisses. 
- Slow, romantic kisses. 
- Him occasionally just laying one on you; particularly when he’s frustrated or overcome with another sort of powerful emotion. They’re always abrupt and passionate and wind up taking your breath away. 
- He uses a lot of pet names on you; oftentimes ones that make you sound small or cute: things like my little darling, my little mouse, etc. He’ll also use a plethora of French terms of endearment on you since he doesn’t speak a whole lot of English. 
- He secretly likes when you use pet names on him but he probably won’t admit it to you; he’ll just have a little smile on his face and a warm reaction to them whenever you happen to use them. 
- Don’t even bring up the idea of him being the little spoon because he will never take kindly to it. He’ll always be the big spoon or have you resting your head on him regardless of how little sense it may make snuggle-wise. 
- The two of you are only capable of seeing each other at night and only when you can get away from work or when you’re able to get night shifts so he likes being able to have a keepsake of you. More likely than not it’s a photo or note that you wrote him which he keeps in his pocket or hat. 
- Bringing in little treats for him. He’s stuck inside a museum and his own waxy body most of the time, he’s bound to miss things from the outside world so it’s always nice when you surprise him with something no matter how small.
- Having him by your side whenever you can. He likes lazying around and just being in your presence while you work so you better get used to him. 
- He’s always the first one to greet you when he awakens or as you arrive at the museum for your shift. He likes having that honor.
- Telling him about the outside world. He’s missed a lot so you’ll definitely need to fill him in on some current events. He’d also be rather interested in hearing about his impact on the world and how people view him; just try not to mention the complex thing too much. 
- Learning about each others lives. He’s obviously going to have a lot more interesting stories but he never minds listening to yours; even if they’re really boring in comparison.
- Letting him brag about his military prowess. He’ll probably try to act all humble and modest in the beginning but will then start eagerly talking about it like you were begging him to do so.
- Hyping him up and making him all smiley with your compliments. He’s pretty approval driven so your praise and validation does wonders to his self esteem.
- His soldiers standing guard or interrupting you if something important is happening.
- His soldiers have also probably helped him execute grand gestures that he’s thought up for you.
- Trying to sneak him out of the museum and into your home every now and again. 
- If you’re able to sneak him away for a night then he’d probably enjoy going to a quiet café or restaurant; somewhere the two of you can relax and enjoy some nice food away from the typical chaos of the museum. 
- He’d definitely be the type of guy to order for you at restaurants; if you were able to go to restaurants. It’s really up to you if you want to spend your hard earned money and take the time to try to figure out a way to get him out for the night. 
- Getting him to play little games with you. You have to do something to pass the time, right? And he’s secretly a bit of a pushover for you so it’s never very difficult.
- Using his telescope to look out the windows of the museum.
- Picnics in areas of the museum or right outside on the steps.
- Marching/strutting around the Museum. Something tells me that he’d walk around with his chin held high and his chest puffed out; as though he were still emperor.
- Romantic language; though he probably speaks in French when he wants to be all lovey dovey with you. 
- Him looking you up and down. He’s fairly obvious about it but it’s up to you to know if you’d be able to pick up on what he’s doing.
- Get used to winking and borderline salacious facial expressions and gestures because they’re fairly common with him.
- Love letters. 
- He’s old fashioned; partially because he’s just old, so chivalry and social etiquette is a big part of who he is; though it might only surface when he’s around you. He’s always on his best behavior whenever he can be and acts endearingly gentlemanly.
- Gossiping with each other. 
- You having any Napoleon “merch”; for lack of a better word, would make him completely smug and he’d have no other choice but to tease you for it. 
- Dealing with his overdramatic reactions and behavior. 
- Making sure he doesn't get into trouble; or at least trying to whenever you can. Sometimes it’s just inevitable so you’ll have to do your best to provide damage control. 
- Letting him handle his fights. It’s best to just sit back and let him deal with things sometimes; he likes thinking that he doesn’t need any help even when he really does. 
- Ivan probably makes sure that you have only the best intentions for Little Nippy and once he likes you, he’ll feel the need to defend and protect you as well. 
- Larry thinks you’re sort of crazy for wanting to be with a wax figure; particularly one who literally had a complex created in his image, but you just pay him no mind. 
- Napoleon isn’t an incredibly jealous person, mainly because he’s not afraid to be direct and ask questions. If he thinks something is going on between you and another person, he’s going to interrogate them to see what their intentions are. 
- But on that note: he does get jealous when you fawn over someone else; someone like a movie star, or show fascination in another exhibit; although it’s less jealousy and more him feeling insecure and wondering what they have that he doesn't. 
- He isn’t particularly protective but he also has guards he can order to watch over you whenever he perceives there to be some form of danger. That being said: he’s immediately rushing to your side the minute he hears you let out any pained/frightened noise or hears that something might have happened to you. 
- Given how sensitive he is, there’s bound to be a few arguments in your relationship. They’re never very serious but they still occur. 
- He’s easily placated with an apology or an explanation but if you’re not in the mood to give one, it still wont take him very long to forgive you and begrudgingly admit that he may have overreacted. 
- Napoleon tells you that he loves you quite a bit but he leaves it for when you’re alone or tries to say it quiet enough for the people around you not to hear. He wants people to know that you’re together, he doesn’t want them thinking he’s weak. 
- Your relationship might not be the most conventional nor is it one that’s easy to keep up for years to come, but you know that you care about each other more than anyone can know and that's enough for you. 
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shinescape · 3 years
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Cooking Show
Idol Seonghwa x Idol Reader
note: hi anon, hope you like how this turned out. This was my first time writing an idol au so it might feel awkward. Thanks again for this request <3 Enjoy!
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After a successful collaboration stage with Ateez’s Seonghwa, the both of you were invited to a cooking show. As a way to promote your groups as well as the special collaboration.
You’ve met Seonghwa almost everyday for practice for the past few weeks but never actually get to have a full conversation together. Even at the waiting room, both of you were seen either talking to your managers or eating quietly.
It’s not that you don’t want to but being in a new rising group, things could go wrong even by greeting each other. There were numerous eyes watching backstage and rumors could easily spread.
When both of you meet up again for the cooking show, you just had the urge to say hi to him. Seonghwa was sitting at one of the benches and was on his phone. It’s now or never, you thought.
You told your manager you wanted to go and greet him and after getting an ‘okay’, you took a deep breath and walked straight up to where he was. “Urm...hi Seonghwa. Are you nervous?” That didn’t come out the way you wanted but you acted normal anyway. “Hi, yeah a bit.” He smiled at you and ushered a bit for you to sit down.
“I hope we don’t burn anything later.” He laughed and you had to stop yourself from squealing right in front of his face. Your fans were aware that you adore Ateez as you mentioned about them a few times in your Vlives. But what they don’t know was that you’ve developed a slight crush on Park Seonghwa. It’s a secret that you’ll bring to your grave especially being in this industry.
“I’ll make sure to get the fire extinguisher ready, just in case.” You winked at him to which he laughed again.
“Show starts in ten minutes!” A staff shouted. Everyone was running around making sure everything was in place and whether the other celebrities were present. “Do you want to take a photo together?” You looked at him disbelieved. You’ve had photos taken by others due to promoting together but never a selfie. It was risky even if there were fans who understood and saw you both as colleagues.
“Sure thing.” You got a bit closer to him and smiled at the camera. Right after a few shots, you were called back by your manager to which for the first time you felt reluctant. Yes, you were going to see him in a bit but in front of cameras felt different. You had to show the best side of you which gets a bit tiring however you remembered that Seonghwa would be there as well. You felt a bit better.
Cameras rolling and the host introduced everyone that was present for the recording. Both of you were the youngest cast which made them tease how it was nice to be young and looking cute together.
“Before we begin with our weekly recipe challenge, I would like to invite our youngest guests here to showcase their special performance!” Both of you knew it was going to happen, it was in the script. But after the loud cheers from the other guest, blush crept up your cheeks, even Seonghwa looked shy.
The dance ended faster than you thought it would and more cheer erupted through the studio. You went back to your station and started to put on aprons since the others had already worn theirs while you performed. Amidst the host explaining about today’s challenge, Seonghwa was having a bit trouble wearing his apron and asked for your help. “Why does this apron have so many buttons?” He had a confused look on and you took the apron from him. You told him to lower his body a bit so you could hang the apron properly on him.
“Look at those two not paying attention.” The host playfully rolled his eyes. “Seonghwa was having trouble wearing the apron so I helped.” You smiled nervously. “Or did you do that on purpose to get more screen time, hmm?” The both of you quickly denied and everyone started laughing and teasing again.
Throughout the recording, the both of you had fun helping out cooking the recipe. You helped cut up the ingredients and Seonghwa would listen to the head chef every time they give out orders for the cooking process. He would occasionally stir the pot and help clean the counter. It felt like a dream cooking together even if it was just for a show. How you wished this would go on forever but the promotion was ending soon whether you liked it or not.
Once in a while, the host would come and ask how everything was going, to which Seonghwa answered, “I’m not incharge of cooking at the dorm but today I feel confident to cook anything.” “It’s because I’m here right?” You jokingly said and he nodded in response with a sweet smile on his face.
“Look at these two, they look like newlyweds cooking up dinner. I’m leaving you both to finish things up.” The host went away leaving both of you quietly finishing up. It was obviously a joke but somehow you felt happy hearing that comment.
You watched Seonghwa and saw that he was done plating the food and looked proud at his masterpiece. Yes, he’s tall and looked intimidating when he performed on stage but today he looked like any normal guy with an apron despite having unusual hair colour at the moment. You could sit there and admire him yet this was going to be the last schedule together. Time flies so fast when you’re having fun.
The recording ended when the head chef picked a winner after making rounds and tasted every group’s final dish. You were informed that there would be an after party with everyone and you somehow hoped Seonghwa would attend as well.
Your manager was explaining about the party and where it would be held when you felt someone tapped your shoulder. You turned to Seonghwa standing there with his phone in front of your face. “Do you want to take pictures again, Seonghwa?” You asked knowing how he loves to take pictures and it’s not like you minded.
“Can we exchange numbers instead?” He licked his lips and looked away. Was this really happening right now? You thought as your eyes observed how he was trying not to be embarrassed with his abrupt action.
“Of course we can. If that’s okay with you.” You replied. “I asked, so obviously I’m okay with it. You're funny, you know that?” He shook his head at your words. Both of you exchanged numbers and he told you that he’ll come to the party if only you would attend and you said you were going without hesitation.
“I’ll text you later, don’t miss me too much.” He joked.
“I won’t since I can bother you anytime I want now.” You waved your phone at him with a knowing smile.
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"ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙᴏᴏᴋ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ?" - ʜ.ᴏ
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Hello to you! There it is! My first Harrison request. I'm working for a one shot with him, but it takes me so long because it's a little angst. But don't worry, this one is just fluff! I hope you'll all like it! I did not have time to be reread and corrected. So be indulgent once again, English is not my native language.
Summary: harrison met you in this coffe/bookstore where you friend worked. Since that day, he tried to ask you out but nothing really worked he would like. Until that day. Word count: 2690 Warning: some of swear, spoilers of "one day" by David Nicholls" Pairing : harrison osterfield Request: yes!
You walked happily into the store, heading towards the counter where your best friend was. “The cup and feather” was a second home to you. The warm atmosphere that reigned in the bookstore/cafe has always seduced you. There was a peace of mind that relaxed your muscles: the woody decor, the warm and captivating light, the mixed smell of old/new books and coffee. You were leaning on the counter where Maya was completing an order for a regular.
“Good morning Luke! Enjoy your drink!” you said with a large smile.
“Hello dear y/n! Thanks sweetie! Let me know if you want to drink something. It’s on me”
“It won’t be necessary but thank you. I appreciate!”
The customer adds a generous 10-pound bill to the tip pot with a wink at you. Maya thanked Luke and then gave you a broken look. You gave her an amused smile, shaking your head, already anticipating her next line. But nothing could dissipate your good mood, your day was good.
"It's unbelievable how my tips increase when you're here. What's your secret?"
“Hello to you too, dear best friend. I don't have a secret...but maybe, try to be...nicer to customers? Give them a smile while you're taking their order! ”
“Hello honey. I’m so thankful you’re here. It’s a boring day”
It was a pretty quiet day, there weren't a lot of customers. The rather gloomy London weather seemed to have put them off. A huge thunderous sound echoed outside and Maya jumped. You had a sympathetic and somewhat amused smile. You liked the storm. To be honest, you liked the storm when you weren't alone: feel the heavy, electric atmosphere before the refreshing rain falls. She looked out the window with annoyance.
"Jesus. It looks like it's gonna be a long day" she complained
“Don’t be so dramatic! Let me help. How can I help you?”
“There is this book cart that I have to put away and that has been lying around for an hour. But my boss would kill me if he found out that someone who actually doesn’t work here, did it for me”
Maya gave you a knowing look. It wasn't that she hated you helping her with her work, on the contrary, you were quite useful to her. But she would have preferred that you spend your free time other than helping her. You took a few books from the cart, sticking your tongue out at your best friend and rushing down the aisles of the library section. The distinct sound of a heavy downpour was heard outside and a few seconds later, the store door opened to let in two young, but also handsome, men. Maya bit her lip as one of the individuals approached the counter with a polite but warm smile. He seemed tall, with a thin but toned build, thin lips, his blue eyes pierced her from the moment his eyes met hers; a fucking model.
"Hello. Do you mind if we stay a little while the downpour subsides?" he asked.
" Hell no, of course! You can stay as long as you want as long as I can admire you… uh, shit, no, as long as you order something… did I say the other part out loud?
The second boy laughed, but nothing mocking. He was shorter than the guy across from Maya, brown hair and chocolate eyes, muscular arms but not sculpted like a bodybuilder. He seemed in good shape.
The blonde raised his eyebrows, an amused smile on his lips.
"I'm afraid so. Um ... okay. Tom?" he turned to his friend "Do you want to drink something?"
"Black tea. A single sugar and a drop of milk."
Your friend nodded meaning she heard it and then she patiently waited for the blonde to place his order.
"I'll have mint tea. Just one sugar too."
"Noted! Feel free to go grab a book once you've settled in."
The blonde smiled at Maya as he turned slightly to the tables to settle in with his friend. You were immersed in reading a synopsis when you finally returned to the counter. You looked up too late while talking to your best friend.
"Hey, Maya can I keep - ouch"
You had just hit a rather solid chest and your eyes widened in surprise. Two hands grabbed your shoulders before the fall, stabilizing you on your two good. And thank you, handsome stranger because you would have been able to let yourself fall so as not to drop the book you were holding in your hands.
"Everything's alright, love?"
"Huh Huh" You barely said, still a little surprised by the impact.
He smiled at you and finally joined Tom at a table without giving you a chance to thank him. You leaned against the counter giving your best friend an indecipherable expression.
"Who are these guys?"
"I know, right?" Maya whispered, biting her lips again.
You smiled to her. You and your best friend had the same tastes when it came to boys. So it was no wonder that they found them attractive.You quickly gave a last look on the mysterious guy before focusing on the cart again. Your logic wanted you to go back and forth rather than pushing this wheeled machine. And deep down, it was also an excuse to admire the blond boy at the table 7. When you came back from your last trip down the aisles and there were no books left on the cart. You noticed with a sad expression on your face that both boys were gone. What did you expect? A romantic scene where love story is born in the aisles of a bookstore cafe. What's the point? You might not even have been his type. Correction: You were certainly not his type. Maya came over to you, a mischievous half-smile on her face.
"If you're wondering. His name is Harrison. I heard his friend call him. And he kindly tipped you 25 pounds."
"I don't work here."
"It's just like"
"I would probably never see him again, Maya"
"Believe me, I have a feeling that you will."
And she was right. The following week did not bring the handsome stranger, the following week either. You had totally, or almost, forgotten this delicious abrupt encounter. You were in the aisles of the cafe, looking for the next book you were going to devour when you were politely tapped on the shoulder, a throat clearing accompanying the gesture.
"Hm, excuse me?"
You turned around and your eyes widened a little in surprise. You did not expect, or more, to see this beautiful stranger again. He was holding a book in his hands and looked nervous. His demeanor was endearing and you couldn't help but suppress a shy smile.
"I'm looking to get my mom a book. I've heard of this one but ... I wanted your advice."
You raised an amused eyebrow. He wanted to buy a book from his mom and he went to a coffee shop to ask you for advice on a book he obviously couldn't buy here. You found this sweet and awkward. You gave him a shy and mischievous smile.
“You know you're not supposed to buy the books here… just read them. »You joked
"Hmm, yeah ... but ... I wanted your opinion since ..."
"I don't work here ..."
The surprise was read in his eyes as in yours but for different reasons. Harrison felt silly for asking you when you weren't an employee. You, you were surprised by your tone, which seemed so cold when it was not your intention. You didn’t want to be rude to him. In fact, he makes you a little bit uncomfortable. You had never been so awkward with a boy but, for some reason you didn't know, his piercing blue eyes bowled you over. You couldn't deny that you were drawn to him and there was something really spellbinding about Harrison. To catch up you glanced at the book, you wrinkled his nose and you scratched your head
“I'm sorry, this is not the kind of novel I read ... But if she read Fifty-shade of Grey ... this book might please her” you told him, somewhat embarrassed.
Harrison gave you a confused look and you pointed to the cover of the book. To be fair, although he won't admit it, Harrison had grabbed the first book he saw off the storage cart and it actually turned out that it was an erotic fiction rather categorized in the young adult, a bestseller. Honestly, you didn't know where to put yourself. You watched the cheeks of the boy in front of you turn deep red.
"Okay ... Okay. I wasn't there for my mom."
"No shame ..." you tried to comfort him
"No..no i swear. It..i'm … okay ...
A boy with curly hair appeared in the aisle, calling out to the young man, breaking that awkward moment between you at the same time. Harrison's friend seemed vaguely familiar to you, as if you knew him or seemed to know him.
"Harrison, we're late. Tom's gonna kill me, mate!"
Harrison gave a sigh of relief that he seemed to have held back. He gave you a sorry smile and apologized before leaving you, putting the book down on a shelf. They headed for the exit and you stayed there, without moving, still challenged by this moment. You heard a laugh that came from the curl without actually hearing the reason.
"Did you ask her advice about 365 DNI? What kind of div are you?"
"Shut up Harry."
And Harry's laugh echoed one more time before the door closed on them. After a few seconds, you returned to the counter where your best friend was. She nodded at you, as if asking like it had happened. You have to shake your head negatively while shrugging your shoulders. It was the most bizarre interaction you have had in your life. A total failure. With that, he was sure you would never see him again.
But you were wrong again. You were, again and again, at the cafe. Maya was finishing her shift and you were sitting at a table with a book in your hand. You were in your own little world when your gaze was drawn to a male hand, wearing rings highlighting the veins of that said hand, placing a cup of latte on your table.
"I didn't order any-" you said before interrupting you.
Harrison was in front of you, a shy little smile drawn across his face. You frowned, intrigued. How had he guessed your favorite drink? A simple glance over the blond's shoulder told you your answer: Maya was smiling at you, thumbs up, as a token of encouragement. You looked Harrison, pursed your lips, flattered by the gesture.
“I wanted to apologize for the other time.” Harrison finally spoke.
“It's nothing ... I..I hope your mom liked the book.” you just told him with a little smile
"I… It wasn't for her."
"Oh..for whom?" you asked intrigued.
He smirked, amused by your carelessness. Was he not obvious, however? Since the day he met you, the actor hadn't stopped thinking about you. Tom and Harry kept telling him that he was completely whipped and looked like a fool.
"For no one actually. I grabbed the first book I found."
"But why?" you seemed more confused.
"I wanted to see you. It was a pretext… I didn't know how to approach you."
Your cheeks turned as red as Harrison's the last you met him. You were flattered but at the same time surprised to know that he was interested in you. You've replaced a strand of hair behind your ear, blushing. An awkward silence has settled between you two. Neither of them really knew how to break the ice. Harrison looked up at the book you had put on the table when he arrived.
"What do you read?" he asked interested
“One day by David Nicholls. It’s the one of the most moving books I have ever read.”
And you started talking for hours about how this book moved you and how Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess' portrayal in the film adaptation blew your mind. How you went from laughter to tears to anger. How you got attached to the characters in both the book and the movie. Harrison couldn't stop you. He admired you talking with passion and found you endearing. The way you spoke with your hands or the way you frowned when some character action disturbed you. You were in your world and he wanted to enter it.
"I hope we end up like them." He said, interrupting you.
You suddenly stopped in your monologue looking at Harrison puzzled. You didn't expect this. First, because by knowing the story of this novel. You didn't want anyone to experience people's stories, no matter how beautiful it was. Second, did Harrison just say he was considering something with you?
"Like who?" you asked
"Emma and Dexter ... I hope we have such a great story."
You pursed your lips, amused. You swallowed to keep from laughing and you shook your head. You were sure he didn't read the book but you wanted to play with him a little.
"I don't hope so."
"Why? Their love story is beautiful!"
"You haven't read this book have you?"
"Of course yes!" he defended himself, uncomfortable.
In truth, he was lying. He was trying to impress you. He had simply said he wanted to live this love affair to soften you and try to approach you to ask for a date. Once again, you smiled, genuinely amused by the boy in front of you. He looked so innocent and so confident in her walk. But you knew ... You knew he hadn't read the book.
"Harrison, she dies at the end"
Harrison's cheeks have once again turn red. He played with his hands nervously, embarrassed. He was an idiot, a complete fucking div. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to let go of all the stress he had accumulated but also to find a way to make up for it. You were blowing him outright. He thought you were so beautiful and had never been so awkward about approaching a girl. Of course, Harry had introduced him to his ex-girlfriend. But, the actor had never had a hard time flirting. He knew his strengths, he was kinda funny, can't deny he was pretty handsome, after all he was a model. He was also an actor, he could play all emotions, recite hundreds of lines of dialogue. But you looked different and he was unable to have a conversation with you without being ridiculous. You found that rather adorable.
"Okay, okay. I don't hope we end up like them."
“I hope you don't wait 20 years before asking me out?”
Harrison looked at you surprised. Did you really just reach out to her? Did he hear what you just said or did his imagination play a dirty trick on him? Her heart skipped a beat. You pursed your lips before putting on a warm but shy smile. You weren't that confident in normal times but ... but it was pushing you out of your comfort zone. You liked him, his clumsiness made you laugh and moved you a lot. You wanted to know him better. And with a simple smile, Harrison knew he had the green light.
"Would you ... have coffee with me?"
"I'm already taking one with you, idiot" you joked ...
"Yeah..hmm, okay ... um. Would you like to go on a date ... one day?"
Your smile widened. You didn't know if he had chosen his last words intentionally but you liked to think he had. And if it wasn't, that awkwardness had melted your heart. You bit your lip, a smile still on your face. Your cheeks were rosy with emotion. Eventually, you might have had your romantic story at a coffee shop / bookstore.
“Yes, Harrison. I would like to go out with you.
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camillemontespan · 3 years
you can’t just leave [drake & camille part one]
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My writing is a bit rusty but I hope you enjoy this! I’ve had to split this into two parts as I’m sleepy and so a cliffhanger it has to be!
So much angstttttt.
Her dress was too tight. 
Although it was made of the finest and lightest silk, Camille's dress felt constricting around her slender frame. 
The music that lilted around the ballroom was too loud. 
Even though it was only strings, the sound of the violins filled Camille's ears and she couldn't hear herself think. 
The ballroom was too warm. 
But the French doors that led out to the terrace had been flung open, allowing the cool night air to breeze through the gilded ballroom. 
Her dance partner was clasping her hand too tightly, holding her too close.
But Liam was the Prince and she had to dance with him whenever he requested her hand. He was a kind man, respectful, funny even. 
Liam wasn't Drake Walker. 
Drake, his best friend, and Camille's secret.
Drake had been difficult to get to know at first. When Camille had arrived in Cordonia, she had firstly been surprised by his apparent dislike of her. After all, he didn't know her. Anytime she asked him a question or tried to talk to him, he would respond with sarcasm or bluntness. He would only address her by her last name. 
Camille persevered. 
Gradually, she had broken down his walls. He admitted that he had kept her at arms length deliberately. He actually liked her. Hell, he said, I think I more than like you. 
He would find her in a crowded room. He would seek her out. He would take her outside of the palace to do normal things, like go to a pizza restaurant or a dive bar. The palace was claustrophobic and the suitor competition was fierce. Camille needed normality. Drake could provide that. 
They both pretended they weren't dates. 
But they were dates. Everytime they met in secret, they got to know each other a little more. Drake opened up and told her about his family - dead father, sister who upped and left, mother living in Texas. They shared secrets and spoke in whispered voices about things they had never said out loud before. 
Feelings became stronger. 
Hands would lightly touch in the dark. 
Shy kisses gave way to urgent and desperate embraces. 
'I love you,' he had breathed in her ear, his breath tinted by whiskey. 'Fuck, I love you so much.' 
'I love you too,' Camille had whispered back. 
All this said in darkness at 3am. 3am when the whole world except for them was asleep and nobody could hear the searing honesty under the silk sheets. 
Then the sun rose and Drake and Camille would return to their charade of pretending to be just friends and Camille would take part in the suitor competition in a bid to win Prince Liam's hand in marriage. 
Whenever Camille danced with Liam, Drake would sit in the corner of the ballroom, nursing a glass of whiskey and unable to tear his eyes away from Camille. She could always feel his intense stare on her. She could always sense his presence. 
But tonight, she couldn't feel his eyes watching her every move. She couldn't feel his presence. 
Camille sneaked a glance around the corners of the room and found that Drake wasn't there. 
His head was slightly foggy from whiskey but Drake had never felt more alert in his life. 
He was packing his clothes quickly into a battered leather bag, not caring about folding them neatly. He needed to get out of the palace and away from this situation. 
Drake knew he should have told Camille his plan to leave. She deserved better. But after months of watching Camille excel at every aspect of this competition, and watching Liam fall head over heels in love with her, Drake couldn't take it anymore. 
He loved Camille. But he knew that in the harsh light of day, he stood no chance against a Prince. Drake was a commoner, the boy who rode on Liam's finely tailored coat tails. 
A Prince vs a commoner vying for the heart of a beautiful girl. 
Fuck that. 
Better to leave and save face. Better to escape to a new life, move on and forget about Camille Montespan. 
Camille was a dream he couldn't imagine into real life. A fever dream. 
He took another swig of whiskey and then continued to throw clothes into his bag. 
Nobody would miss him. Liam would be busy with Camille. Everyone else at court acted like he didn't exist. Drake didn't matter. 
As he threw a pair of jeans into the bag, Drake heard a knock on his door and he knew he had been caught. He could recognise Camille's knock anywhere. Abrupt and quick, no fuss. 
'Fuck…' he muttered. He continued packing though, hoping that she would assume he was out and would go back downstairs to the ballroom. 
'Drake, I know you're in there,' Camille said through the door. 
Drake swallowed. No, he had to keep quiet. 
'Drake, I asked Maxwell and he hasn't seen you leave and he's been hanging around outside obsessing about the llama pen!’
Drake sighed. 
Fucking llamas. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to hire llamas for a fucking ball?
Oh yeah, the nobility.
Admitting defeat, he dragged himself across the room and opened the door to find Camille who was standing with her arms crossed, looking less than impressed.
‘I thought we were working on your social skills!’ she sighed. ‘But instead you’re hiding!’ 
She gave him a smile to show she was only fake angry.
But her smile fell slowly as she looked past him into the room. Her eyes settled on the bag filled with clothes.
Drake prepared himself for her real anger fairly soon.
'Drake.. Why are you packing up your clothes?' 
A horrible, awkward silence filled the space between them. 
Camille’s voice was laced with anxiety now. Her hands had clasped into fists at her sides and her eyes were penetrating his. 
Drake cleared his throat. ‘I’m leaving.’
His voice was low and gruff. He kept his eyes on hers, willing her to understand why he was doing this. She had to understand. 
‘Why?’ Camille asked. She stepped forward; Drake stepped back. Camille stopped and a wounded expression filled her face. Drake instantly hated himself.
Drake could feel his heart hammering against his chest. ‘I have to leave,’ he whispered, hearing his voice crack and strain. ‘I can’t take this anymore.’ 
‘What do you mean?’ 
Drake looked down at the floor. 
Camille stepped forward again and caught at his wrist, refusing to let him go. ‘Drake, what do you mean?’ she repeated.
Drake closed his eyes. ‘I can’t stick around and watch my best friend fall in love with you,’ he murmured. ‘I can’t sit back and watch. So I’m leaving.’
Camille’s eyes were huge now. ‘You can’t just leave,’ she said, her voice rising. ‘You said you love me.’
Drake opened his eyes now and settled his gaze on hers.
‘Exactly,’ he replied. His heart was pounding in his chest now and he could feel his skin turning cold. ‘I love you. That’s my problem.’
Camille stepped back and blinked away hot tears that she could feel forming. 
'But..' she whispered. 'I love you too.' 
Drake's shoulders dropped. This was killing him. He could hear her heart breaking and it was all his fault. 
'I just can't watch the woman I love be with someone else,' he muttered. 'Camille, I know I've only known you for five months but these have been the best five months of my life. But that's all I'm gonna get. Five months. Liam will propose to you -' 
'We don't know that!' Camille burst out, moving towards him quickly. She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her. 'Liam could propose to Madeleine or Olivia or Kiara or Penelope! He could pick any of those girls!' 
Drake let out a frustrated groan. 'You know that's bullshit!' he said. 'You know how much he cares about you! He's always seeking you out, taking you on romantic walks around the palace grounds, dancing with you at balls. You're his favourite. Camille, I've known him since I was five years old, trust me when I say that I know how Liam thinks. I know when he likes a girl. He is going to ask you to marry him.'
Camille shook her head fiercely. 'Then I'll say no.' 
Drake let out a dry laugh that was devoid of humour. 'You're going to reject the Prince of Cordonia? You can't. That would be humiliating for him and social suicide for you. Everything you have achieved in this competition will have been for nothing.'
'Maybe I don't care about that!' Camille shouted, finally breaking. 'Maybe I want to be with you, have you thought about that?!' 
Drake surveyed her silently. His eyes penetrated hers. 'All the damn time,' he finally said. 
Camille let out a shuddering breath and wrapped her arms around herself. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked down at her feet. 
Drake stepped forward and tucked a finger under her chin, bringing her face up to look at him. 
'I think about being with you all the time,' he whispered. 'About taking you out for dates. Actual dates, not secret ones. I think about dancing with you in public and kissing you without caring about what people will say. But we can't do that.' 
‘If we told Liam how we felt..’ Camille whispered, ‘maybe he would understand-’
‘He’s my best friend,’ Drake interrupted, his voice still soft, coaxing her, trying to calm her down, trying to make her see sense. ‘I can’t betray him.’
Camille clenched her fists against her sides. ‘But you already have. We’ve been together so many nights. We’ve kept this a secret for months. We could just come clean and he will understand in time. He has to understand!’
Her voice was rising in desperation. But the more she tried to convince him, the more she saw his walls being built back up. The walls she had worked so hard to break down. As she tried to persuade him, he would look away, looking anywhere in the room but at her. If she reached out to touch him, he would step back. 
‘Drake, I love you,’ she said. ‘That has to mean something.’
Drake felt the lump in his throat and his heart beating hard in his chest. This was brutal. Part of him really wanted to listen to her and go along with what she was saying. They could tell Liam. They could be honest. They could admit the truth and finally be together. 
‘You know I love you,’ he murmured, finally fixing his brown eyes on hers. ‘But I can’t watch my best friend be with you. He will propose and you will have to say yes. Forget your feelings; this world forces you to put your feelings into a box and lock it away. Trust me when I say I have first hand experience with that. When he proposes, you will say yes and you will present your best smile to the world. You will marry him and become the princess. Later, you will become the Queen of Cordonia. I won’t be around to see this; I refuse to. Please, Camille. Don’t ask me to watch you marry him. I couldn’t take it. Please.’
He was actually begging her. Begging her to let him go when deep down, all he wanted was to be with her. 
Camille started to shake her head but Drake stopped her.
‘If you love me,’ he whispered, dealing the fatal blow, ‘you will let me go.’ 
To Be Continued
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ventura-starlight · 4 years
Chesley!!!! My love I'm in my draco feels rn but i cant find any draco x hufflepuff reader anywhere :( Pls could you do a draco x nerdy hufflepuff reader thats just suler fluffy - would make my day😚
Skye my darling!!!! I hope you have been doing well my love. I would absolutely love to write this for you 💕 Sorry I didn't respond quickly I had some family to visit and couldn't get to my computer to write very much ;-; I hope you enjoy this <3333 I also kept this as a general reader so I hope that's alright!!!
Summary: when draco dates a hufflepuff
Warnings: none! maybe a bad word (?)
No one could have warned draco about Y/N L/N. no one prepared him for the absolute madness that would come with dating them. To be fair, no one expected the relationship in the first place.
Y/N L/N and Draco Malfoy met during the first year at hogwarts. They had one class together but there was one fatal flaw in their interactions with one another.
Y/N L/N was a hufflepuff, and a nerdy one at that.
They knew so much of any topic you could think of. Muggle TV show from the 40s? Probably. Random indie video game? for sure. You get the idea.
Draco and Y/N started dating during their 5th year. The two were always in the top of their class (along with Hermione Granger of course). One day after getting test results back from the last exam, Y/N had nearly failed the exam. This shocked even the competitive slytherin. Y/N was the smartest hufflepuff to grace the house in years and for them to fail a test? there was something happening.
Draco walked towards the teary eyed hufflepuff cautiously. The two weren't friends by any means but also weren't enemies either. The relationship they had was one of acquaintance, filled with teasing and competition to be better than the other. Draco wasn't sure how Y/N would react to his company but he was going to try as best he could.
The Slytherin had offered to help tutor the slightly embarrassed hufflepuff. What sprang from that were study dates filled with teasing and joking around. All the while feelings slowly building up in both of their hearts.
Y/N wasn't a very forward individual. Being bullied for being a bit of a nerd will make a person act like that. However they couldn't help but notice how deep they could fall into the blue-ish gray eyes that would explain concepts to them. They saw the kind smiles and caring personality that was hidden behind all the sarcasm and witty remarks. Y/N was perceptive and was smart enough to realize they had feelings for Draco Malfoy.
Draco felt the same.
He couldn't tear his eyes away from Y/N's face every time that they would laugh. When he leaned over to explain a question that they had asked, his heart rate picked up with the closeness that they shared.
They were both absolutely smitten.
They shared their first kiss in the observatory tower. Y/N had suggested that they study there versus the library that they had always studied in.
"A new location might be helpful to us Dray" Y/N replied. The nickname set Draco's heart into overdrive.
Draco had actually asked Y/N a question. When they had come behind him looking over his shoulder to examine the equation Draco couldn't stop the words from falling from his mouth. Maybe it was the smell of their hair. Maybe it was seeing their eyes narrowed in concentration. He wasn't sure and frankly didn't care.
"Can I kiss you?" both of the teens turned bright red. Y/N stumbled back slightly from the abruptness of his question. Draco started anxiously spitting out apologies before being silenced by a pair of lips pressed on his.
The kiss started off awkward and messy. Both not really sure whether to pull away or continue the embrace. Finally Draco's hands found their way to the sides of Y/N's face and pulled them in deeper. When the two students pulled away, in a silent agreement, they agreed to a relationship.
Y/N was frankly very shy to start. They were very afraid of what people might think of them. And frankly, not everyone was supportive of the couple. Many Slytherins and Hufflepuffs alike thought that they were too different, that it wouldn't last. However they were all proven wrong.
The relationship the two shared was one filled of book talks, study dates, cuddling while reading, watching any nerdy TV show that Y/N had found, and any other thing they could think of.
The two brought out the best in one another. Because of Y/N, Draco became slightly more accepting and less standoffish. Y/N let loose a tad more, letting their hair down so to speak.
When Draco got his dark mark Y/N tried to stay strong for him. He broke down into sobs apologizing but Y/N didn't care. All they cared about was the sweet and kind Draco that they knew was still there.
The loved one another and although they seemed so different, it was a match made in heaven.
@70swonderpoisonstark ​ @skyeisaprincess ​ @brianmydear ​ @casuallywriting ​ @fantasticnewtimagines ​ @silversslytherin @weareinfinity-darling @hunter-with-a-tardis ​ @ghullehh ​ @living-through-the-fictional ​ @fire-in-her-veinz ​ @regalillegal ​ @a-hopeless-fan ​
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babydaddyleorio · 4 years
snacks: ryunosuke tanaka x reader
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pairings: ryunosuke tanaka x shaven head!fem!reader
word count: 1,385
summary: in which tanaka is hungry but forgets about his hunger when he meets you.
additional notes: the reader’s main take away is suppose to be her hair, but her appearance might be slightly oc if you don’t share everything in her description.
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Tanaka walked aimlessly down the long hallway, It being empty since school let out a while ago. He smacked his lips with annoyance as he recounted the events that led him to where he was currently at now.
When his last period ended, Tanaka rushed out the classroom door excitedly because he and his teammates were training themselves hard so they could win their next volleyball match. However, when Tanaka got to the gym, he wondered to himself why the usual loud and chaotic locker room was quiet and barren today. Being confused, he turned to see If Coach Ukai was lazing around in the teacher’s office, but the note on the door had stopped him before his hand could even touch the handle.
Apparently practice was cancelled today and Tanaka just didn’t get the memo. 
His stomach suddenly growled, breaking the suffocating silence that once surrounded him. He grunted out loud as he stuck his hands in his front pockets and changed his direction to go get a snack. It was after school hours so the café area was most likely closed, meaning he would have to be satisfied with vending machine food. His left hand moved around in his pocket to feel against crumpled up paper; Saeko had given him a few bucks this morning so Tanaka figured he might as well use it for a good cause. His black converse squeaked against the freshly waxed tile as he neared the snack area, but his movements stalled once he saw that somebody was already there. 
A girl stood in the distance, hand holding her chin thoughtfully as she surveyed the many options displayed on the vending machine. Tanaka stood immobile in his spot while mentally wondering to himself if he had ever seen this girl before. He discreetly studied her from the top of the ramp that led to the snack area, his eyes widening once he took all of her appearance in. The girl wore their school uniform, only substituting the usual tights with ones that were black and fishnet. She had a lot of piercings, well more than Tanaka’s ever seen, and her skin was a beautiful, rich color. Tanaka marveled at how different she looked from the other girls that went to Karasuno, but there was one thing that stuck out about her the most to him.
The girl who was getting a snack, her head was shaved… just like Tanaka’s.
Tanaka blinked at her, having this weird, bubbly feeling start to spread throughout his body. He contemplated If he wanted to hide himself behind the trash can that was beside him until she left to avoid any awkwardness, or just suck it up and get the snack anyway. As these intrusive thoughts wormed their way into his consciousness, Tanaka’s stomach decided it would be a great idea to growl loudly again, rudely blowing his cover. He immediately stopped his mental bickering and instead face palmed his forehead to shield himself from the embarrassment. 
The girl who populated the snack area quickly turned towards Tanaka, startled by the abrupt sound. 
“Oh, hello.” She said to Tanaka while pushing her glasses up her nose.
The girl's voice was beautiful and Tanaka stared dumbstruck at her for a split second before straightening his posture and clearing his throat.
“What’s up, you come here often?” Tanaka asked her with a slight head nod.
“No, no, no- why the hell did I say that? Damn I panicked, of all the times to say something embarrassing, it had to be in front of this cute girl! Oh she’s going to think I’m weird now!” Tanaka yelled at himself mentally, resisting the urge to bang his head against the wall that was next to him. 
Tanaka was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of low laughter reaching his ears. He glanced up, sheepishly peeking at the girl by the vending machines who was currently snickering at him. He rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment, but he was glad that she didn’t seem too bothered by his response.
“This is my first time at these machines— in fact, I’m actually new to this school and the reason I’m still here is because I missed my bus.” The girl answered and Tanaka looked at her in surprise.
‘That explains why I haven’t seen her before’ he mused to himself.
Tanaka’s stomach felt like it was going to tear itself inside out, so he began walking down the ramp and towards the vending machines plugged in the wall.
“I’ve been there before.” Tanaka said while shaking his head. “But I usually walk home now since I started playing volleyball.” 
The girl turned to Tanaka since he now stood right next to her. “You play volleyball? That’s pretty cool!”
Tanaka awkwardly pushed the button that would trigger the Doritos to fall, but he immediately perked up once the girl showed interest in his mention of volleyball.
“Oh yeah, It’s amazing! My position is a wing spiker and  whenever I’m out there on the court, I feel so free and happy. I’ve improved my skills so much since I've been practicing more this year,  and even my family is so proud of how far I've come! And don’t even get me started on my awesome teammates-” Tanaka beamed while bouncing gleefully in his spot, but once he realized that he was rambling about volleyball, he stopped talking and cleared his throat.
“Sorry.” Tanaka apologized while grabbing the chips from the machine that had fallen moments ago.
“Why are you apologizing? It’s nothing wrong with being passionate about what you love.” The girl shrugged, causing Tanaka to freeze in his spot. The girl bent down and grabbed her juice out of the vending machine slot and stood back up to slide it in the pocket of her backpack.
“When you were talking, I noticed that you had this really bright sparkle in your eyes. I can tell that volleyball means a lot to you and frankly, I think that’s pretty dope.” The girl smiled at Tanaka and he blushed while scratching the side of face bashfully with one finger.
“Well, I guess I better get going now. It was nice to meet you, but I gotta get home!” The girl said quickly after her eyes trailed to the watch on her wrist. She swiftly turned around and started speed-walking towards the exit, leaving Tanaka in his same spot with his arms stuck by his sides. He looked down at his sneakers, clenching the bag of chips that he had in his left hand. Primping his lips together, he turned around, facing the girl who had just pushed the door open.
“Wait!” Tanaka shouted at the girl with his eyes closed, causing her to stop in her stride and turn to look back at him with a confused expression.
“Yeah?” She asked, wondering what suddenly got into the boy. Tanaka nervously shifted in his spot feeling uneasy, but he quickly decided that he wasn’t going to be timid at this moment. He had something he wanted to say and he was making it his mission to say it with his chest this time.
“Your hair.. I really like it. I think It suits you well and it's very pretty on you.” Tanaka declared while looking at the girl’s shaven head, trying to keep a cool composure even though this was something that even he was too shy to handle. He hoped she didn’t find this to be weird since she had been quiet for so long, but Tanaka wasn’t lying about her hair being beautiful to him. He meant what he said.
The girl looked at Tanaka, startled at his sudden comment. She stood still while processing what he said, then finally a huge smile broke across her face. The girl lifted her arm and her hand formed a thumbs up. She tilted her head to the side while laughing happily at Tanaka.
“Thanks, I like yours too!”
Tanaka smiled at the girl who had by now waved goodbye and left, glad that she liked his compliment. He turned his attention to the chips that were in his hand and stuffed them in the pocket of his volleyball jacket that he was wearing.
His stomach was happy now. 
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chatonne-rousse · 4 years
Three Kids and a Hamster
This was my contribution to the @adrienettezine.  I joined the zine as a beta and ended up as a pinch hitter - this sweet little fluffy story was the result.  I hope you enjoy it!  I just love these two so much.
Read it on Ao3 here.
The same full moon that lit their way over rooftops and across the Seine an hour before shines through the hatch above the bed, illuminating their entwined legs in its gentle glow and casting shadows on the room below. Even if she weren't tucked beneath his arm with her cheek against his chest, this would be a place of perfect peace, awash in a sense of rightness and comfort and home. It makes his chest constrict all of a sudden, his next inhale a sharp shudder that rouses her immediately from near-sleep.
"You okay, Chaton?" she murmurs, eyes wide and worried.
He reassures her with a soft, genuine smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...thinking."
Bending forward to press a kiss to her forehead, he pulls her back down to his chest and starts up a purr for her. The breathy giggle he gets in return is always worth the twinge of embarrassment and the weird tickle in his throat.
"About what?"
The purr dies down, replaced with a contented hum. "How much I love you, of course, Princess. What else?"
As expected, she swats him playfully and laughs, but a moment later he feels her hand stretch across his torso as she cuddles closer into his side.
"I mean it," she whispers into his shirt. "Your breathing got all weird. What's wrong?"
"Bugaboo, you know you take my breath away!"
Her voice is all no-nonsense Ladybug, but it just makes him grin wider.
"I'm actually not kitten, Marinette."
She groans and lifts her head again but when she meets his gaze after an exaggerated eye roll, her features soften in response to his. She begins to duck her head shyly before changing course and pressing her lips to his instead, soft and sweet and warm. His eyes slip shut and he melts beneath her, his ever-romantic heart singing her name over and over in a three-beat cadence.
"I love you, too," she whispers against his lips, finally breaking away after a long, slow kiss that leaves them both breathless.
After a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth and another on his jaw, she settles back into the crook of his neck, her breath warm and tickly and perfect against his skin.
Logically, he knows he needs to transform and head home, but the stark difference between his bedroom prison and Marinette's warmth is enough to keep him here just a little longer, stretching time and tempting fate.
Wouldn't it be wonderful, he thinks, as the sleepy calm drifts over them once more, to stay here forever, just like this?
He imagines waking up this way, morning breath and snoring kwamis and a warm tangle of limbs illuminated by a new day's dawnlight instead of the quiet moon. Perhaps there would be a purring cat asleep on the bed with them. And one day, maybe, he'd wake to find a toddler who had crawled up onto the bed and wriggled between them in the night to be close to maman and papa. A family. His heart squeezes with emotion again, but he keeps his breathing steady and Marinette doesn't seem to notice this time.
Dreaming of what the future might hold seems like an extravagant luxury in a world where a supervillain regularly terrorizes Paris and threatens to rend the very fabric of the universe and its delicate balance. Then again, isn't that all the more reason to dream?
Even with the freedom being Chat Noir grants him, the responsibility of avoiding that fate is a heavy weight across his shoulders, and a far more cumbersome yoke on his Lady's. Imagining a day when they can transform for fun instead of necessity, cook dinner together, fall asleep just like this, and not have to wonder if an akuma alert will rouse them before the sun—well, that just makes him fight each battle harder and despise Hawkmoth that much more. After all, the fate of humanity includes the fate of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng, too.
Her fingers glide feather-light at his wrist, so he knows she's still awake, and before he can think twice about it, he's murmuring a question into the dark.
"Hey, Bug?" He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Do you ever think about...the future?"
Her hand stops its gentle, soothing motion against his arm, and he misses the feeling immediately.
"After we defeat Hawkmoth, or...?" she trails off.
"That could happen tomorrow, so let's start with tomorrow and go from there."
She resumes her caress, though this time her hand trails higher, up and under his t-shirt sleeve to the warm skin of his bicep. He smiles against her hair and hugs his heat-seeking little bug tighter.
"Well, tomorrow we have a calculus test, then you have a piano lesson after school. I really didn't plan anything beyond that, but if we're going to squeeze in an epic final battle with Hawkmoth, I suppose I should work on my history project at lunch to get ahead."
"Cheeky bug!" He tickles her in retaliation, and she giggles into his chest. "I was being serious!"
"I know, Minou." She laughs for another moment but says nothing more.
He waits through one deep breath, then two, before he whispers her name, questioning, against her hair.
She cranes her neck to look up at him, her gaze shy but warm. "It's just...can I be weird?"
Ah, that explains her reticence. The delighted half-smile that crosses his face is pure Chat Noir, but he can't help it. He loves this.
"Of course, My Lady. Always."
Five months and four days ago (yes, he's counting—it was the greatest day of his life, so far), after more than three years of superhero partnership and civilian friendship, an unplanned reveal, and the awkward nine day aftermath (yes, he counted—it was awful), they'd finally made it official. Adrien and Marinette had, at least. Ladynoir was still under wraps for now to avoid suspicion, but he looked forward to the day when a real kiss they could both remember would grace the front page of the Ladyblog.
At the beginning, between blissful kisses and timid touches, they'd taken the time to really get to know each other—with no secrets between them, a whole, beautiful picture emerged. It was amazing and thrilling and freeing. It was also a bit embarrassing.
She'd seen him in his Ladybug pajamas one evening when she'd stopped by his bedroom for an unplanned visit. Another afternoon, he'd opened a drawer in her room looking for a pen and discovered approximately two dozen photos of himself looking back at him. Plagg had unceremoniously dropped Adrien's Ladybug and Chat Noir action figures onto Marinette's lap while they watched a movie and proceeded to tell her that Adrien sometimes played with his dolls and made them kiss. He'd never been so mortified in his life (and he once fought an akuma wearing a banana costume, so that was saying something), especially when Marinette had laughed until she cried.
He'd have sentenced the tiny magical agent of chaos to eating Velveeta for a week if Marinette hadn't caught her breath, removed his hands from his beet-red face, and kissed him silly.
Afterward, lovestruck, he'd asked, "So I'm not...weird?"
Cheeks still stained with the sweetest blush, eyes soft and bright and full of love, she'd responded, "Of course you are, kitty. I already knew that," and kissed him again for good measure. "It's a good thing your Lady is just as weird."
And just like that, it was okay. His pajamas, her photo collection, his action figures, her calendar.
Can I be weird? preceded his admission of being unable to sleep if his Marinette lucky charm wasn't beneath his pillow. It was asked before he learned she slept with her handmade Chat Noir plushie beside her every night.
The question is rhetorical, of course. Permission to be weird is simply indemnity from embarrassment, a solemn vow of understanding between them. It's been the lead-in to many shared secrets and it still gives him a little thrill every time, just knowing that he's about to learn another closely-held tidbit about his Lady.
Tonight, he's especially curious—the question he asked was about the future, after all.
"I used to think about it a lot," she begins quietly. "And I mean, a lot. I'm a planner, you know."
Oh, he knows. Thank goodness one of them is.
"You've seen my sketchbook. You saw my wedding dress designs and all your possible matching tuxes. Alya's dress and Nino's suit..."
"And they were beautiful, Bug. I loved them all."
He can feel her smile against his t-shirt collar.
"Thank you, Chaton. But...it's not just that. I, um...I chose the flowers for my bouquet, I planned the menu for the reception dinner—"
"And your parents will make the croquembouche," he whispers, suddenly entranced.
She nods, but goes silent once more. He wants to hear about everything—the venue she imagined for the service and reception, what they'll wear at the civil ceremony prior, whether their guests will throw rice or rose petals or wheat as they exit as newlyweds. It's all so beautiful, his heart is positively singing; how could she ever think this is weird?
"I named our children."
The song in his heart comes to an abrupt stop when the rhythm falters before restarting at hummingbird speed.
Dazed, he breathes, "Our..."
"I know!" she groans. She covers her eyes with one hand and buries her face in his shirt. Her voice is muffled, but he's hanging on every word. "I told you it was weird! I named them! I thought about who would be youngest, oldest, middle--"
"Three?" He chokes on air. Is he even breathing?
"I designed the little outfit we'd bring each of them home from the hospital in. Their nursery had a theme! Our hamster had a name! I imagined our house, our garden, the layout of the kitchen, the color of our master bathroom!"
"What color?" he asks weakly.
A pause.
"I love blue."
"I know."
Silence descends again, as he attempts to regulate his breathing and bring his swirling, scattered thoughts under control. She hasn't moved a muscle, and neither has he. Honestly, he's thankful to be moored to his steadfast port in the storm right now, so he can't float away or slip under.
He hums questioningly in response.
"I'm sorry." Her voice is small and tinged with sadness, slicing directly through his current bubble of overwhelmed euphoria in an instant.
Sitting up so quickly that she's dislodged from his side with a startled squeak, he pulls both of her hands between his and brings her close enough to really see her face in the shadowy moonlight.
"Why are you sorry?" he asks, baffled. "That was..." he trails off, shaking his head as he searches for the correct word, wanting to convey his feelings properly. Incredible doesn't seem like enough. Perfect, perhaps? A dream I didn't know I had until you said it, and now I want that exact thing more than I've ever wanted anything in my life?
"Crazy, I know. Selfish."
"What? No!" he exclaims, and her wide eyes snap to meet his. "Marinette, it sounds amazing!"
He lets go of her hands to gather her in a hug instead, happy to feel her arms wrap tightly around him in turn.
"Amazing," he murmurs against her hair, hoping she can hear the sincerity in his voice. "Why do you think it's selfish?"
"Because...because I never thought about what you'd want, not really. Maybe you don't want kids—"
"I want kids," he interrupts.
"Or maybe you don't like hamsters."
"Mari, I love hamsters."
She smiles against his skin. "I'm glad. I thought you'd want a cat."
"Oh, I do," he says, nodding.
"I knew it!" she laughs. "But I didn't know any of that back then. I just dreamed my own wild dreams and brought a fantasy of future you along for the ride. It wasn't fair to you." She leans back, settling her wrists over his shoulders and searching his gaze with her own. "You deserve to have a say in your own life, Adrien. For once."
A wave of stunned gratitude wells up within him and he swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. No one, not even his beloved mother, has ever extended him the courtesy of autonomy, much less apologized for not considering it in the first place. The way Marinette loves him, with a selfless, gentle kindness, is like nothing he's ever known, and it overwhelms him sometimes.
Oh, he loves her so much.
"Marinette," he says, when he's able to. "Do you want to live on a desert island with me and eat only fruit for the rest of our lives?"
She blinks, confused.
"Because that was one of my dreams," he continues. "You—well, Ladybug—me, our hamster, and a ton of fruit. Silly, right?" He shrugs. "I was a lovesick teenager. I have a feeling you know something about that, don't you, Bugaboo?" His cheeky wink and Chat Noir smirk are rewarded with the blush and giggle he'd hoped for. "My point is, I wasn't thinking about what you wanted when I daydreamed about that, and I never worried about it. You have nothing to be sorry for, Bug."
Her smile is bright even in the shadowy loft. "Thanks, Minou. Those were fun dreams."
"Were? You don't want the hamster and the blue bathroom anymore? I was just getting excited about our house and three kids."
"What do you dream about?" She asks, clearly dodging the question with one of her own.
He doesn't even have to think on it to know the answer.
"A family. Hugs. Eating dinner at a little table together. Going to the beach and seeing you in your bikini."
She snorts. "Tomcat."
"I'm only human, Mari."
"Adrien, you can purr."
They can only laugh. Their lives really are ridiculous.
"Princess?" He asks after they've settled into silence again. "What are their names?"
"Our kids."
She takes a deep, deep breath, and it feels like an eternity before she speaks. "Emma, Louis, and Hugo."
"I love them already," he breathes, imagination awhirl with scenes of bedtime stories and blanket forts and the myriad other childhood joys he only knows about from movies and tv. It's so beautiful, they're so beautiful, that he has to clench his teeth for a moment to keep from crying. "Have you drawn them?"
She nods, brow starting to furrow in concern at what must be one hell of an expression on his face.
"And their clothes? The nursery? Our kitchen?"
"Yes, I told you I was—"
"You're amazing, Marinette. I can't wait to see them. I can't wait to meet them."
Before he knows it, she's pulled him into her embrace, whispering her love against his shoulder. If a few tears escape into her hair, she doesn't say a word. They stay like that for a few long, sweet moments, until a thought pops into his mind.
"Mari? Why didn't Plagg find those drawings when he found your sketchbook of wedding ideas?"
She pulls away from him and giggles. "Because that sketchbook is hidden under the mattress."
"Along with how many of my photos?"
The mock-glare she levels at him would be terrifying if she weren't so adorable. He leans in and watches her stern expression slacken just before their lips connect and his eyes close, and her soft sigh tells him he's forgiven once more for teasing her.
They fall back against the cat pillow and soft pink sheets once more, rearranging their bodies to that perfect fit that reminds him every time how phenomenally lucky he is to have found his soul's other half as a teenager via ancient magic and fated proximity. The kiss deepens, his hands clutch at her back, and he thrills at the feel of her fingers in his hair. This is everything, everything—love and light and power and freedom, the chance for a future, a home, a family.
It's just another late autumn Tuesday night in Paris. Marinette will convince him to stay for another hour, he'll set an alarm. They'll go to school again tomorrow and, though it's certainly possible they'll defeat Hawkmoth before the day is over, it's more likely they'll simply fight and cleanse another akuma before returning to the library to work on that history project.
But it's suddenly different. He's always fought for Paris, for the safety of his friends and family, for his beloved partner. Now? A new and different feeling of protectiveness rises in his chest, even as her tongue brushes the seam of his lips and his purr rumbles gently between their bodies.
Hawkmoth will rue the day he tried to take Emma, Louis, and Hugo away before Adrien could meet them. He makes the promise right here and now, with his Lady in his arms and their kwamis sleeping on the desk below: Every akuma from now until he can punch Hawkmoth in the face and rip the misused miraculous from him, Chat Noir will fight for Paris, the world, and that shining dream of the future. He's one half of an unstoppable team. Together, they can, and will, do anything.
He and Marinette have three kids and a hamster to look forward to, after all. And it's going to be amazing.
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Crush - Michael Gray
Main Masterlist // Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Summary: Y/N has had a crush on John Shelby for a while but she never expected falling for his cousin.
AN: Johns still alive in this. And sorry if it sucks and has an abrupt ending.
Pairing: Michael Gray x Female!Oc, John Shelby x Female!Oc (platonic)
Warnings: Smoking, language, drinking, mentions of sex
Y/N has had always had a crush on John Shelby. Ever since her mother took her over to Aunt Pollys house. She remembered that day like the back of her hand.
After that day she always had this crush on him. He would never pay attention to it though. Y/N thought he didn’t know.
But everyone knew. Especially when she talked to him. Y/N would stutter and always looked at the ground. Y/N would have butterflies in her stomach.
John knew he always thought it was adorable that she had a crush on him.
When he got married to Esme Y/N still had a crush on him it didn’t change anything. She didn’t hate her though.
The same as John she thought it was cute Y/N had a crush on him. Esme didn’t take offense knowing that John didn’t have feelings for her. Except maybe as a little sister.
But now her being 19. Things were changing.
Currently Y/N was at the bar at the Garrison. Drinking little at a time. She knew she only got served for knowing the Shelbys.
A few hours ago she overheard John joking about her to his brothers. Arthur said that John had a little tail referring to her. John waved it of saying that was just a little school girl crush.
Y/N frowned trying to hold back her tears. She got the drinking thinking when she was drunk on how she was so stupid for having a crush on a guy who was married. She knew she had to move on from him or at least try.
Y/N kept waving the barmaid down for refills on her drinks.
The brothers left an hour ago bidding a good bye to Y/N who was drunk giggling as she said goodbye.
They didn’t even notice how drunk she was. It made her sad that they didn’t even notice. But she got over it quickly as she had another drink.
When Michael entered their bar the only people he saw were Y/N and a few drunk guys who were looking over at her. But she was to drunk to notice them.
Michael rolled his eyes at the blokes who thought that Y/N would sleep them.
He walked up to her sitting on the other bar stool. When he sat down she didn’t even notice him since Y/N’s head was buried in her arms as she was sleeping.
“She’s not gonna feel good tomorrow,” Michael muttered under his breath to make sure Y/N didn’t hear.
He put his hand on her shoulder shaking her a little to make sure he didn’t hurt her. Y/N groaned and stirred.
“Y/N sweetheart you passed out in the bar,” Michael grinned when she groaned lifted her head not wanting to get up.
“What time is it,” Y/N groggily asked looking at Michael.
“2 o’clock,” Michael cooed her as she asked again.
“My moms gonna be so pissed at me,” Y/N sleepily said getting up but almost tripping. Michael caught her before she fell.
“Okay let’s get ya home,” Michael murmured as he wrapped a hand around her waist getting her up and began walking her home.
Once they got her home Michael carried her to her room and laid her down her bed. Michael explained to Y/N’s mother that he found her at the pub and decided to take her home.
Y/N’s mother thanked Michael and they bid each other far wells. She knew that the shelbys were there that night and was slightly agitated that they didn’t take her daughter home. She was going to talk to Polly about the next morning.
The next morning Y/N got up with a huge headache and the feeling to vomit. She ran to the toilet and threw up. She knew she would get an earful from her mom about getting drunk. She only remembers a few things from last night.
What she didn’t know was that her mom was at Pollys thanking her for her son who wasn’t there.
As she washed her mouth trying to get the taste out the door bell rang.
“Wonder who that is,” Y/N muttered under her breath as she walked down the stairs towards the door.
When she opened the door she saw Michael standing there holding his cap on his hand. She know remembered he had helped take her home.
She knew who Michael was but they barely spoke unless they didn’t need to. He had been around for around 2 years they just didn’t communicate that much.
The reason Michael was there is to check up on Y/N. He was worried that she wouldn’t have a very good morning.
“Michael,” Y/N stammered feeling a bit embarrassed for the night before. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “W-what are you doing here,” She asked quietly, her shy side coming out.
“Just wanted to make sure you were ok you looked pretty drunk last night,” Michael explained rocking back on his feet.
They stood there for a few minutes feeling a bit awkward. “Oh come in,” Y/N grinned as she opened the door wider letting him walk in.
Michael sat down while you started to make tea for the both of them.
“Oh I just wanted to say thank you for last night,” Y/N stated with a smile on her face.
“No worries just didn’t want you to get taken advantage of,” Michael reassured with a smile on his face. The smile made her heart flutter which confused her since this only happened when John smile at her.
“Still it was nice of you, you could of just left me there but you didn’t,” Y/N softly replied as she sat down and put the tea in front of him and started sipping on her own.
“Well Polly would slap me over the head if I didn’t,” Michael teased with a smirk on his face. Y/N let a little giggle out. “I couldn’t ask you last night but why were you drinking that much,” Michael asked with seriousness in his voice.
“Nothing,” Y/N lied as she looked down at the table picking her nails a bad habit she’s had since she was child.
Michael knew she was lying but decided not to push it not wanting to make it awkward. Michael nodded and finished the tea she gave him.
“I think it’s time for me to leave,” Michael stood up with a cough.
“Are you sure I feel bad I haven’t done anything for you and you had to deal with me last night,” Y/N interjected feeling bad hasn’t done enough.
“You don’t have to feel bad love,” Michael soothed approaching you pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Ok”, Y/N whispered feeling butterflies in her stomach. As he was about to walk out the door Y/N stopped him “Will I see you again.”
Michael stopped his footsteps and turned around to face her he gave her smile and nodded.
For the next few weeks Y/N had been ‘accidentally’ running into Michael. She knew she liked him. She actually had a chance with him unlike John. She didn’t hate John but the crush for him was starting to dwindle and the crush change to Michael.
On that day Michael came over she went to Polly’s, where she apologized for the brothers for not taking Y/N to her house.
Y/N reassured her and telling her that it was good that Michael got her home before something bad happened to her.
Her mom was there as well and got an earful about drinking late at night. Y/N apologize knowing her mother worried for her. She was happy she had such a caring mother.
But as the weeks went and she continued hanging out with Michael, she began dropping hints to prove that she liked him. Y/N didn’t know if he felt the same.
Michael liked Y/N before she had even had a crush on him. He wasn’t very good at getting the hints from her. Until Polly told him which he was surprised to hear.
Michael finally asked Y/N out, which she excitedly agreed to go out with a huge smile on her face. They went out to dinner and had a great time. Both of them very nervous that night.
A few weeks after they began dating she was offered a job as his secretary. Y/N doubted not wanted to get special treatment because she was dating him.
He reassured her that would happen so she accepted his request.
Now here they were with Y/N sitting on the desk and Michael standing between her legs while making out. His hand rested comfortably on her thigh massaging it.
His lips left her mouth and began to travel down her neck trying to find that sweet spot. Once his lips started kissing her collarbone she began moaning quietly.
Before they could continue the door opened to reveal the Shelby brothers.
Michael let out a groaned of frustration before looking at them. Y/N was feeling embarrassed. She never thought she would get caught making out with Michael gray.
“Michael if you’ve feel like you’ve finished we have a meeting to attend,” Thomas snapped at his cousin angry at his actions. They even haven’t saw Y/N’s face yet.
“Don’t worry Tom I’m done,” Michael sighed giving a kiss to Y/N’s forehead, a thing he had been doing for a while which she loved.
As Y/N for down from the desk and face the Shelby brothers. They were shocked they didn’t even know that they were dating.
“Sorry for keeping him,” Y/N apologized to Thomas before turning to Michael. “See you later,” She pecked his lips a goodbye before she bid everyone else and then left.
John wasnt jealous he felt over protective. A feeling he’s had with Ada. He didn’t care that she didn’t have a crush on him anymore just worried if Michael would break her heart.
“Right let’s get on this meeting,” Michael coughed out of the awkwardness. Thomas nodded and they all left the building to go to the building.
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ezrasarm · 4 years
HC requests you say? 👀 Cuddles! that's it. Just some soft cuddling hc's with one of the pedro boys or all of the pedro boys whatever you want 🤷
Warnings: Just some 10 ply fluff and a severe lack of proof reading
A/n: Once again I thank you @din-damn-djarin for helping to write your own request!
Marcus Pike
Marcus wants to be a good cuddler- and he is! Just the first time wasn’t as movie perfect as either of you had intended... 
Elbows were in places elbows shouldn’t be, hair was in mouths, someone may or may not have been kicked in the groin...
It wasn’t graceful but the sentiment remained!
You can blame the tiny couch you were on all you want for the awkward shuffling while you attempted to find a comfortable position but the truth is you were probably both just nervous despite how well you wanted things to go. 
You did get quite the good laugh out of it though and its hard for either of you to curl up together in a similar fashion without one of you breaking out into a fit of giggles at the thought of it but if anything you’re kind of grateful for it!
It acted to break the ice in terms of showing affection to one another through touch and now it’s very hard for either one of you to get shy or embarrassed about wanting to be close to the other. 
Now you’ve got your cuddling down to a science and its hard to imagine a time where you didn’t slot into each other’s arms like two pieces of a puzzle.
Din Djarin
It was nothing special, no hunt gone wrong, no emotional outburst, it was just time it happened and you knew he wouldn’t start it on his own.
The two of you had been dancing around these feelings for a while. You knew you cared about one another more than the average crew mates, you had just never crossed that barrier of touch before unless it was an emergency.
You hadn’t meant to scare him but you noticed the slight jump when you placed your hand on his shoulder. 
You suppose you should have announced yourself seeing as he probably could have broken your arm or had a hole in your head before you could get a word in edgewise, but he had never struck that kind of fear in you before and he didn’t still as he spun around to face you.
“It’s just me.” You whisper and you watch his muscles visibly relax before slipping your arms around him so his chin now rests on your shoulder. 
You don’t move from that position for a long time, some might call it awkward but it didn’t feel that way. It was safe and warm and full of possibility.
“What was that for?” He whispers after a while and you shake your head with a gentle smile on your lips when you pull away to face him. Though his grip on you doesn’t loosen.
“Nothing,” You shrug. “What, you don’t like it-”
You haven’t even finished the words before he’s spinning the two of you around and plunking you down to sit on his lap in the captains chair. You squeal at the abruptness but settle just as fast.
“Those aren’t the words I would use.” He says as his arms lock around your waist and he pulls you flush against his chest.
Frankie Morales 
Let’s face it. Frankie is amazing at cuddling!
It just happens so naturally with him. 
If you’re someone he likes and knows well, he shows his affection through physical touch [y’all saw those hugs in TF, right? right] and he does well to make you feel loved using it.
He will take pretty much any excuse to tug you as close as possible to him. Those big strong arms are made for holding you.
He has absolutely know qualms with just having you lie on top of him while he’s conked out on the couch or in bed. In fact he often drags you with him when he rolls from his side onto his back and uses you like a human blanket.
Javier Peña
Javier doesn’t think he's good at cuddling. In fact he doesn’t think he’s good at the relationship thing as a whole.
The first time you wind up cuddling with him it may as well have been an accident. 
You were just friends at the time. It had been a long day, you were tired and had him over for takeout and a movie cause you were too exhausted to cook. 
At first you had just leaned your head on his shoulder. You were half asleep and it was at the perfect height, you hardly realized it happening.
When you woke up what must have been a couple hours later, the movie was over and your legs had tangled together, his arms had wrapped around you, and his chest acted as the perfect pillow as you listened to his breathing, slow and soft with sleep. 
You weren’t sure who had initiated it anymore but neither of you were about to complain in the slightest.
After that, relationship-y things came a little bit easier to the both of you and it wasn’t long until you had made a habit of it.
Ezra has lived as a nomad for so much of his life. 
But now, no matter how far he travels, as long as you are by his side, he is home.
It took a lot to get as comfortable with each other as you are now. 
He values trust most of all in a ‘partnership’ but gaining that trust with someone who had experienced so much betrayal in his life was no small feat. 
It took small, carefully placed steps for him to feel comfortable enough to allow you to so much as hold his hand without chattering away nervously about anything and everything that crossed his mind.
Those days seem so distant now, because once he got a taste it was like he couldn’t get enough of your touch- of being near you.
He liked the warmth and intimacy of it. The way it made his heart beat a little faster in his chest.
It was a feeling he had only read about in poetry and prose before and now to feel it himself- it was overwhelming ...but exhilarating all the same and he was hooked. 
He loves the feeling of you tucked into his side as he reads aloud those same passages he had only dreamed about before meeting you.
He always wants you on his left side so he can wrap his arm around you and trail his fingers up and down your spine as you hold the book on his belly for him to read.
It drives him crazy when you hook one of your legs over his because it seemed you never thought you were close enough until you could hardly tell your limbs from his with the way you were so entangled with one another. 
That was the feeling of the home he never had before, he was sure of it.
[ masterlist ]
I’m taking HC requests for the day!
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@agirllovespasta @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @oloreaa @this-cat-is-dea @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia @cryptkeepersoul @prxtty-boah @aliciaxglasgow @elena-myth @theocatkov
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