#he thinks;; what is there to celebrate to begin with?
leclercinvegas · 1 day
Can I get a short blurb of Charles and the reader adopting the cat that ran onto the track ? 😂
who: charles leclerc x reader
author's note: oh hey guys! what's up! it's been a while...but i'm back! it's finally summer break and i'm ready to get back at this. also this is a little bit more than a blurb
summary: during a race weekend, you and charles encounter a frightened tabby cat that darts onto the F1 track. After ensuring the cat's safety, they decide to adopt it. despite their busy schedules, he becomes a part of their lives.
warnings: none
The sun was beginning to set over the circuit, casting a golden hue across the track as the engines roared and the crowd cheered. You were standing in the pit lane, watching Charles Leclerc as he finished his final lap of the day. The excitement and energy in the air were palpable, but amidst the usual hustle and bustle, something unusual happened.
A small, frightened tabby cat darted onto the track, narrowly missing the speeding cars. Gasps erupted from the stands, and the marshals quickly moved to ensure its safety. The race was momentarily paused, and the tiny creature was gently carried to safety by a kind-hearted track official.
After the race, you and Charles found yourselves in the paddock, where the cat was being looked after. Charles, still in his race suit, crouched down and reached out to the trembling feline. It cautiously approached him, sniffing his outstretched hand before nuzzling against it.
"Hey there, little one," Charles murmured, his voice gentle and soothing. You joined him, kneeling beside him to get a closer look at the cat. Its big, green eyes looked up at you both, and you felt an instant connection.
"Looks like we have a new fan," you joked, smiling at the sight of Charles being so tender with the cat. He looked up at you, his eyes twinkling with an idea.
"How about we adopt it?" he suggested, his smile widening. "It seems like fate brought us together."
You hesitated for a moment, thinking about the logistics. "Do you think it's a good idea? With all the traveling and the busy schedule?"
Charles nodded confidently. "We'll make it work. This little one needs a home, and I can't think of a better one than with us."
With that decision made, the process of adopting the cat began. The team helped arrange everything, and soon enough, the cat was part of your family. You decided to name it Turbo, a fitting name given its dramatic entrance onto the track.
Back at home, Turbo quickly adapted to its new environment. It became a beloved companion, often found curled up next to you while you worked or perched on Charles's lap as he watched race replays. The cat even became a bit of a social media sensation, with fans adoring the updates and pictures you both posted.
One evening, after a particularly grueling race weekend, you and Charles returned home exhausted. Turbo greeted you both at the door, weaving between your legs and purring loudly. Charles scooped up the cat, holding it close as he made his way to the living room.
As you settled onto the couch, Turbo nestled comfortably between you, Charles wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. You sighed contentedly, resting your head on his shoulder.
"I think Turbo has gotten used to the idea of being a celebrity," you mused, watching as the cat stretched out and yawned.
Charles chuckled. "Just like its owners, then," he said playfully. "But seriously, adopting Turbo was one of the best decisions we've ever made."
You nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. "Definitely. Turbo has brought so much joy and love into our lives."
Over the next few months, Turbo became an integral part of your routine. The cat had a knack for knowing when you needed comfort, curling up on your lap during stressful moments or meowing insistently until you took a break. Charles loved to joke that Turbo was your shared therapist.
One particular day stood out. Charles had a rough race, and the disappointment was evident on his face as he walked through the door. Turbo immediately sensed his mood, trotting over and rubbing against his legs.
"Hey, buddy," Charles sighed, bending down to pet the cat. You watched from the kitchen, a soft smile on your face. Turbo had a way of lifting Charles's spirits like nothing else could.
Later that evening, as you all sat together in the living room, Charles spoke up. "You know, I never thought I'd be a cat person, but Turbo has completely changed my mind."
You laughed, gently stroking Turbo's fur. "I think Turbo has changed all of us in the best way possible."
Charles leaned in, his lips brushing against your temple. "Thank you for convincing me to adopt Turbo," he whispered. "I can't imagine our lives without this little furball."
You turned to him, your heart swelling with love. "It was the best decision we ever made together."
As Turbo purred contentedly between you, you felt a profound sense of happiness and completeness. Life was unpredictable, just like a cat running onto a racetrack, but sometimes, the unexpected moments brought the greatest joy. And in those moments, surrounded by love and purrs, you knew that everything was exactly as it should be.
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barcaatthemoon · 3 days
she keeps me warm || lia walti x reader ||
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lia takes you home after you make your triumphant return to the lionesses.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead.
as a proud lioness, you had a tough year. it was like every single time that you played, the team lost. you were supposed to be their miracle player, the one who came back from a career ending injury. instead, you felt like you came back only to play like absolute shit. and still, sarina and your teammates kept pulling you back in every single time you tried to turn away.
"gold looks good on you," lucy said as the two of you stood in line next to each other. you found yourself in between lucy and leah in the lineup. they were both a great comfort for you to be around. lucy had always been the player you'd looked up to coming up in camp. leah was one of your best friends, a presence that you had felt from the beginning when you were both in the arsenal academy.
"it's been a long time since i've won anything. i don't think i remember," you told her. lucy put her hand on your back and rubbed your shoulders.
"then let's remind you and all of them what they've been missing. maybe you can show off a bit for your little girlfriend," lucy said. you blushed at the idea of lia watching you in the stands. she was with your family, donning one of your club jerseys. you wanted to see her so badly, but she had been adamant that you needed your own space to focus.
you had hoped to see lia from the goal, but it was no use. your eyesight had admittedly been going a bit, so you couldn't see the way you used to. it didn't affect your goalkeeping much, but you were a bit sad about not being able to see lia or your family in the stands. however, you knew that lia's eyes weren't going to be leaving the goal, so you put on the performance of your life.
it was like you took every comment about how you couldn't make it back to your top form as fuel to help prove yourself. the crowd was on the edge of their seats as you took your place back as the commander of england's backline. you had been waiting nearly a year to take your place back, and today, you were certain that they'd mark this the day of your comeback.
"i know how big this is for you, but don't celebrate too hard mate. remember who's up there waiting for you," leah said as she clapped her hands on your shoulders. leah never seemed to be sure where you stood on hugs, so she opted to wait around like she did for keira. you grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms around you.
"we've missed you," lucy told you as she joined in on the hug. you were quickly surrounded by your teammates and being hailed as the hero of the tournament in their eyes. you had only really played the final and a couple of games that the team had lost when you first got back from injury, but they saw the work you put in the improve.
congratulations went around, as did a few drinks, before you went to see lia. she was easy for you to spot in the crowd. your arsenal jersey was a bit loose on her, and she had to be absolutely dying in the heat, but you loved seeing her in your clothes. you felt your heart skip a beat as she turned to you with your nephew in her arms, the toddler clinging to lia just like you did.
"bet you feel like a dunce for being so nervous," your younger brother teased. you tried to reach out and hit him, but your parents quickly put a stop to that.
"not in front of the babies," your mother warned the two of you. both of you looked down at the ground as you mumbled your apologies. "you played lovely today, deary. you've just got to come up home, they're gonna throw a celebration for you at the end of the week at the fish shop."
"i'll be up there mummy," you promised. lia handed your nephew back to your younger brother, the boy whining as you took his spot. you stuck your tongue out at him, laughing as he started huffing and kicking his legs.
"be nice," lia mumbled as she pecked your cheek. "are you going out with the girls tonight?"
"god no, i'm saving my party energy for the fish shop. they get wild there, i'm sure some of the girls will want to come along when i tell them," you told lia. as much as you loved a night out in london, it wasn't the same as bar hopping around in your hometown.
"you can go out. you don't have to stay in because of me," lia said. you leaned forward and pressed your forehead against hers.
"i want to go back home with you. do you know how stupid it feels to be in the city you live in and not be in your own home?" you asked lia. she laughed at the clear look of genuine annoyance on your face. "let me get cleaned up and then take me home?"
"of course, take your time baby. there's no rush, i can go down and congratulate some of our teammates," lia said. you smiled gratefully at her as you raced off to the showers.
"i see you redecorated a bit," you said as you pulled lia through your apartment. she hadn't put many things up despite some flowers and mood lighting, well aware that if you did decide that you wanted to bring things to the bedroom, you'd go straight there.
"i also put the nice sheets on the bed," lia told you. you let out a playful gasp, laughing as you picked lia up and carried her over to the bed. lia kept her arms and legs wrapped tight around your body, taking you down to the bed with her.
"whoa!" you exclaimed. lia had rolled you onto your back, pinning you down against the bed beneath her body. you let out a nervous chuckle, something that you always did in this sort of position. lia thought it was adorable that no matter how many times the two of you went to bed together, you always got bashful when she took charge.
"relax, let me take care of you. you've earned yourself quite the reward," lia said. she leaned down and peppered your face in kisses. each of them tickled a little until she reached your mouth. you had been smiling and laughing, and lia took the opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth.
you moaned into the kiss as lia pressed her leg in between yours. everybody always looked at the two of you and expected for you to be the one to push things. they would have been sorely disappointed to learn how wrong they were. you were loud and demanding on the pitch, so it was nice to let go and listen in the bedroom.
"i am so proud of you," lia muttered in between kisses. you focused more on the vibration of her voice against your skin. she had her hands resting on your sides at the top of your ribcage. your shirt was pushed up, revealing your stomach and a few of the faded marks from the last time you had seen lia.
"i wanted to play good for you," you told her. lia's lips curled into a smile. she pushed your shirt up the rest of the way to reveal that you hadn't put a bra back on. you sat up just enough to pull it over your shoulders and throw it onto the ground away from the bed.
"you've been working so hard. i want you to completely relax for me. just let me know when you've had enough," lia said. she waited with her hands hovering over the waistband of your shorts for you to reply. with your consent, lia began to tug your pants down, pulling your underwear along with them.
lia licked her lips as she saw your body splayed out on the bed. there had been a quickie before lia's team was knocked out of the competition, but you hadn't been with lia in what felt like forever. it wasn't that you were addicted to having sex with lia, but you had allowed yourself to get used to being with her at least a few times a week.
"my gorgeous, gorgeous girl," lia whispered against your skin. you followed the trail of her hands with your eyes, only allowing them to flutter shut when she reached the apex of your thighs. lia had you spread out completely beneath her, open and waiting for her to make a move.
you were wet, something that lia could see before she touched you. the excitement from a good game always got you going like absolutely nothing else. your body was physically on edge from the adrenaline, which made you practically twice as responsive to lia's touch. that was her favorite time to tease you, especially when it came with away games and you were just stuck next to her on the bus for a few hours.
"i can't get enough of you," lia told you. she kept a constant gentle praise as her fingers stroked you. lia worked slowly, building you up until you were practically dripping before she slipped a single finger inside of you. you wanted to scream in frustration, but you trusted whatever lia was planning to do to you.
one finger was added to the slow and shallow thrusts, slowly and gently stretching you. lia began to go a little deeper, curling her fingers just where she knew that you liked it. the penetration was enough to have you rutting your hips as you tried to chase your orgasm. lia let you move around, assuming that you had energy to burn still.
"that's it, let me hear you," lia instructed. she dipped her head down, adding her tongue to the mix. lia knew just how to get you screaming without having to physically exhaust both of you in the process. in lia's mind, your body was easy. she had studied it night after night for months now. she spent every moment that she had with you trying to memorize every little detail about you.
"lia, i want to cum. can i cum, please?" tonight wasn't the kind of night where lia would make you beg, but it didn't feel right not to ask first. lia was always a little sweeter with you whenever you did things like seek her permission out. this was no different, and lia kept you on a steady build before giving you her permission.
"cum for me. i want to see you soak the sheets," lia told you. her words were absolutely filthy compared to the sweet and gentle way that lia handled you. she was with you every step of the way. she helped you through the high and was there to keep you steady when the effects of it started to wear off. "if you'd like to go again, we can. i just need to get some things first."
"no, stay right here. i just want to hold you for a minute," you told her. lia moved up to lay in your arms, but not before she kicked her shorts off. she was left in just her underwear and your jersey, which you would have paid anything to get to see every single night of your life.
"you're staring," lia told you. she had been in your arms for nearly two minutes with you just staring down at her. lia expected you to zone out a bit, but she didn't think you'd be that out of it. "do i need to order food now?"
"only if you can do it from bed, but if you have to get up to do it…" you trailed off as you started to play with your hands. lia grabbed your hands and pulled your attention back up to her. "can you take a picture for me? i think i need a new home screen."
"for your eyes only." lia straddled you and placed your phone in your hand. she positioned herself on top of you, allowing for you to get a much better picture than you had expected. "you can just owe me one until i get a few things."
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Sometimes I remember everything season 5 gave us and I lose my mind all over again. Like:
Nandor thinking he forgot Guillermo’s birthday so he makes everyone go to dinner to celebrate and then buys Guillermo something he said he wanted to surprise him.
Nandor being extremely jealous of Guillermo’s time and attention.
More Nandor dick lore: not only has Guillermo seen it and given it his stamp of approval, re-designed it, and is all Nandor can think about when he uses it...Guillermo has also now circumcised it. 💀
Nandor going to space to impress Guillermo because he's jealous of all the time he's spending with Laszlo.
Nandor and Guillermo walking home together after the Pride Parade to find their housemates in the midst of an orgy, and Nandor inviting Guillermo to join.
Guillermo being a dad again.
Guillermo saying he loves Nandor the most.
Nandor once again trying to goad Guillermo into defending his importance to Nandor and being visibly taken aback and disappointed when Guillermo doesn't bite.
Nandor being all smitten and dreamy-eyed as he describes Guillermo slaughtering a theatre full of vampires for him like it's a fond memory.
Nandor begging the Baron to show mercy to Guillermo.
Nandor clutching at one of Guillermo’s sweaters like a security blanket and looking distraught at the thought of losing him.
Nandor falling to his knees, holding Guillermo's head so gently in his lap, stroking his hair, crying when he thought he was dead, and arguing that Guillermo was more than just a familiar to him.
Nandor staring sadly out his window wishing Guillermo well, thinking he's lost him forever.
Nandor's face and the way he says Guillermo’s name when Guillermo pops out of his coffin.
The fact that when Guillermo was in danger he ran to the safest place he knew, and it was NANDOR'S COFFIN.
Nandor having a card Guillermo gave him over a decade ago memorized word for word, proving once and for all that he has ALWAYS cared more for Guillermo than is considered seemly for a vampire, even from the very beginning.
Nandor declaring he knows Guillermo better than anyone.
Nandor calling Guillermo "good boy."
The tears in Guillermo’s eyes when he confesses what he did to Nandor, and how afraid he was of hurting him.
Nandor's look of absolute heartbreak when Guillermo confesses that he asked someone else to turn him.
The implications of "you could have asked me!" in the context of the fact that Guillermo hadn't actually brought up his turning to Nandor at all between 3x10 and 5x01 (the implication being if he HAD asked again, Nandor would have done it).
Guillermo finally admitting that being a vampire had become more about being closer to his found family than about vampirism itself for him.
Nandor knowing all along how to get Guillermo to come to him but not using it until he had decided not to kill him.
Nandor forgiving Guillermo for something considered utterly unforgivable, accepting what is considered a massive humiliation, and getting over it for Guillermo’s sake.
Yerno Nandor looking at Guillermo’s baby pictures with his mother-in-law.
Nandor putting his life in Guillermo’s hands and speaking to him in Farsi.
Guillermo instinctively hypnotizing his own mother to protect Nandor.
Nandor inviting Guillermo home with him and declaring he will live with them all as an equal.
Nandor knowing immediately why Guillermo wasn't a vampire, and how to fix it (implying he HAS thought of turning him).
Nandor being so excited at Guillermo’s transformation, quite literally happier than we've ever seen him.
Nandor looking out for Guillermo after his transformation and knowing something was wrong, then revealing he has always feared Guillermo would not thrive as a vampire (essentially reframing his whole attitude toward turning Guillermo all this time).
Nandor giving Guillermo a choice and another chance, creating a whole ceremony for him because he DOES know Guillermo, all while looking sad the entire time and utterly devastated when Guillermo chooses not to remain a vampire.
Nandor breaking the only real taboo for vampires in front of half a dozen witnesses for Guillermo’s sake.
Basically just...absolute confirmation that Nandor loves Guillermo back and has always cared about him.
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 days
Clavis’ 4th Birthday Story (Part 3)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
—An incident that happened after I left to make tea at Clavis’ request.
The sounds of swords clashing rang in a corner of the large garden.
The two had been going through paperwork in the office only a short while ago, so how did they end up fighting each other with their swords drawn?
(Clavis aside, it’s rare to see King Chevalier entertain anyone)
Clavis caught King Chevalier’s swing at the right moment.
To the untrained eye, the two would look evenly matched.
Clavis: Haha, you’re stubborn. Just drop dead already.
Chevalier: I thought I’d settle this quickly, but it looks like you have some fight in you today.
(I really should stop them, but…)
I was reluctant to when I saw how Clavis was enjoying himself.
(Now that I think about it, every year on King Chevalier’s birthday, Clavis would celebrate by swinging his sword)
Chevalier doesn’t see any value in birthdays and doesn’t accept any well wishes or celebrations.
So Clavis swinging his sword every year to celebrate(?) acts as a reminder.
(Perhaps it’s reversed this time)
(Even though King Chevalier says he doesn’t celebrate…)
If their official business was actually something important, I doubt King Chevalier would drop it and draw his sword.
It’s likely that the pile of paperwork acted as a an opening to this unique present.
(I don’t know what caused this change of heart, but…Clavis must be happy)
Watching the two exchange blows didn’t feel right
(I wanted to make Clavis happier than anyone else did…and now I feel like I’m losing to King Chevalier)
(It’s a little frustrating…)
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Clavis: Chevalier, I don’t have time to casually beat you up. My lovely fiancee looks like she’s jealous.
Clavis, who had been engaged in a fast-paced sword fight, took a step back and reached into his pocket.
What was quickly thrown to the ground exploded, creating a plume of smoke.
(Woah, the smoke’s coming this way!)
As I held my breath, I suddenly found myself lifted out of the smoke that clouded my vision— 
Clavis: Let’s run.
Emma: Woah, huh…why?!
Clavis carried me with ease and ran through the garden.
Before I could even process what was happening, we arrived at a guest room decorated just like the ones in the castle.
Clavis set me down like a gentleman and peeked down the hall.
Clavis: Haha, so he didn’t chase after me in the end. Looks like I won today.
Emma: King Clavis…what was that fight just then?
Clavis: Rebellion of course. There was no way I was going to let him take up more of my precious time on my birthday, regardless of circumstances.
Emma: Is it okay to rebel against official business?
Clavis: I verified that it could all be done tomorrow…That man took advantage of me. Ah, just thinking about it makes me angry.
(...That sour look. I wonder what they talked about while I was gone)
Clavis: You forget about that treacherous man too. In the time left, our new maid will be celebrating with me.
Emma: …
Clavis: What’s wrong?
Emma: …King Clavis, didn’t you call me your “lovely fiancee” earlier?
Clavis: Hmm…Did I?
(I’d like to think I was imagining it, but there’s no question about his demeanor)
(My surprise operation…)
I resisted the urge to collapse and removed my glasses.
Emma: How long have you known?
Clavis: Oh, so the new maid was Emma all along…!
Emma: Don’t pretend to be surprised.
Clavis: Haha, don’t pout.
As if to console me, Clavis hugged me around the shoulders and kissed my forehead.
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Clavis: I love you, so how could I not have noticed? I’m confident that I can see through any of your disguises.
(Now that I think about it, he even recognized me while I was dressed as a man some birthdays ago)
(He knew from the very beginning but pretend he didn’t to not let me down)
(My heart’s a mess from both happiness and frustration)
Emma: I guess I still need to practice more if I want to surprise you.
Clavis: Yes, that’s right. But your aim wasn’t to surprise me, was it? My lovely fiancee, whom I didn’t think I’d be able to see on my birthday, appeared before my eyes and stayed by my side the entire time. Furthermore, she showed just how much she loved me when she saw through and stopped all my pranks. Is there a man out there that wouldn’t feel over the moon by this? I doubt it. I had another wonderful birthday this year. There were some complications, but you made up for them. 
When I looked up, Clavis’ smile melted my heart.
(That’s the face I wanted to see)
It was one different from the joy he expressed while with King Chevalier.
Only I got to see Clavis look this relaxed.
(...My surprise failed, but getting to see this kind of happiness on your face made it all worth it)
My frustration vanished instantly, leaving only happiness in my heart.
Emma: It’s still too early to feel satisfied. The real thing’s just beginning. 
Clavis: Haha, is that so?
Those alluring golden eyes made my heart skip a beat as he held my gaze.
I couldn’t help but kiss him when I saw the look of love on his face.
When I stole a kiss, fingers curled around the back of my neck, fanning the flames.
(...I was thinking about getting the cake I prepared for him…)
Clavis sealed my lips with his and slowly shed the gentlemanly facade.
Every touch sent heat down to my core, snatching away any confidence I had to leave this room.
(Rather than cake right now…)
I also placed my hand on the back of his neck and desperately tried to take in all the love given to me.
Emma: Apologies to King Chevalier, but…I want to spend the rest of the time with you. I’ll celebrate you for as long as we can, Clavis.
Clavis: Yes, of course. But I have one complaint…
He gently pushed me down on the bed and lifted the hem of my maid skirt.
Clavis: This skirt’s a bit too long for my birthday, don’t you think?
Emma: ……You pervert.
(Wait, no. It’s his birthday today. It’s his birthday)
When I shook my head and lifted my skirt, Clavis smiled as if he was about to burst into laughter—
Clavis: I’m a man who likes to be celebrated, so I’ll let you celebrate as much as you want.
—Eventually I was able to leave the room just as the morning sun began to light up the world.
I prepared the tea and birthday cake while savoring the happiness from the sensation of my body still feeling flushed.
But Clavis, with an elbow propped on a pillow and dreamy expression on his face, didn’t even try to get up.
Emma: Don’t you want to eat?
Clavis: Of course I do. But the problem is that I don’t feel like getting out of bed today. Oh dear, what a problem indeed. I could eat if my kind-hearted, lovely fiancee would feed me.
Emma: ……
Clavis: Every year I look forward to being wrapped in your love. Can you at least do this for the birthday boy?
Emma: …Just for today, okay?
(I have no choice but to respond when he’s looking at me expectantly)
(But I can’t bring myself to look at Clavis when he looks so charming after just waking up)
He’s normally fully dressed by the time I’ve woken up, so it’s rare to see him with just his shirt.
I turned away from Clavis, who still had the traces of last night surrounding him, and carefully placed the tray with the birthday set on the bed.
While I sliced the rainbow cake with the fork and brought a piece to his mouth, eyes down, I felt a strange sensation on my leg. 
Emma: W-what are you doing?
Clavis: Oh, would you like me to explain in detail? Sure. I saw your exposed legs, so I thought you were offering— 
Emma: Hurry up and eat your cake, happy birthday!
Sensing a hint of pleasure, I shoved the cake against his lips, but his hand didn’t leave my leg. Instead, he began to tickle the back of my knee in a lewd way.
Emma: Nn…
Clavis: Haha, that was a sweet sound.
Emma: The cake’s about to fall off.
Clavis: We can’t have that. I don’t want to miss a single piece from a cake you made. Come on now. If you keep looking away, it’ll really fall. 
(Ah, that’s why he’s playing a prank…)
Determined to overcome his sex charm, I met his gaze.
I had to steel myself so my hands wouldn’t shake when met with such overwhelming charm, but Clavis looked satisfied.
Clavis: You really know how to please me, don’t you?
Emma: Do I?
Clavis: Yes. I present you with the honor of Lelouch Master. A title only you could earn.
Emma: That… Might make me feel a little happy.
Clavis: Don’t feel so modest. You’re “very happy” aren’t you?
I felt so embarrassed that I unconsciously tried to look elsewhere, but a finger on my knee started acting mischievous again, as if to reprimand me.
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Clavis: Keep your eyes on me, Miss Accomplice. After all, everything I do is out of love for you, isn’t it? Not just now, but everything else up to this point.
(“Accomplice” instead of “fiancee”...There was something implied there)
(Why accomplice all of a sudden…)
Emma: Clavis, it can’t be that…all the pranks played on King Chevalier…they were— 
Clavis: As expected of the Lelouch Master. You’re pretty sharp.
(I see…those pranks weren’t for King Chevalier)
(Maybe they were evil deeds done out of love so that he could watch me flounder about)
(Which means I was unknowingly an accomplice to Clavis’ evil)
Emma: You played me.
Clavis: Haha, you still have ways to go. After Master, you should aim for Legend.
Emma: Of course, I’ll get promoted right away. I’ll reach Legend next year.
Clavis: Oh, that’s a lot of confidence.
Emma: So, um…that means I want to understand you even better than before!
(No one loves Clavis more than I do)
Feeling more embarrassed, I shoved the cake in his mouth and kissed his cheek.
I’m sure my face was bright red while Clavis smiled at me in delight.
Clavis: Now then, let’s see what your future holds. Can you love me even more, Emma?
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itsdeniini · 3 days
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˙✧˖°🍊 How would Enhypen members cope with a breakup? ˚ʚ𖹭ɞ˚࿔*:・゚☾ : a tarot reading (#❀)
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𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘ n o t e : i am a self-taught tarot reader, and the interpretations i provide are personal. if anyone would like to share their own insights, i would be more than happy to hear them! please be kind <3
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first stage ➜ the hermit, judgment, 4 of wands
Heeseung copes with a breakup by initially retreating into himself, seeking more privacy to process his emotions. There is also a phase where he reflects deeply on the relationship and what led to its end. He is likely to analyze every detail, seeking rightness for himself, weighing his actions and the lessons learned. During this introspective period he finds peace in rest and meditation, allowing his mind and heart to heal.
second stage ➜ 8 of cups, the chariot, the star
As time passes, the cards show Heeseung making a conscious decision to move on, acknowledging that the relationship no longer serves his higher purpose. He feels a sudden determination and willpower to overcome the emotional turmoil, propelling him forward with a renewed sense of direction. His innate passion shines a light on his hopeful outlook as he begins to envision a brighter future and new possibilities with another person.
third stage ➜ 3 of cups, knight of pentacles, the world
Gradually, Heeseung understands that he finds comfort in the support of close friends and family and that they are the most important people in life, celebrating small joys and building new connections. His focus is on personal growth and stability, channeling his energy into work or creative pursuits. Finally, he reaches the completion of this cycle as he emerges stronger and more self-aware, ready to embrace new beginnings with an open heart.
first stage ➜ page of wands, 3 of pentacles, 3 of cups
Jay copes with a breakup by diving headfirst into his passions and hobbies, using them as a form of therapy. He doesn't want to suffer much; on the contrary, he gets a lot of enthusiasm for new projects and experiences, keeping himself busy to avoid dwelling on the past. He is turning to his artistic side a lot, finding solace in creativity and expression.
second stage ➜ 4 of swords, knight of cups, 10 of pentacles
While processing his emotions, Jay seeks out his close friends (most probably the members) for support and distraction. This sensation that he has the support of his brothers helps him through the tough times, reminding him of the joy and brotherhood in his life. Just like Heeseung, he also takes time for introspection, understanding the situation and how he can grow from it and not repeat this mistake again.
third stage ➜ 8 of cups, wheel of fortune, the fool
As he begins to heal, Jay's romantic nature flourishes, allowing him to feel and express his emotions authentically to other potential partners. He also finds comfort in the stability of his family and home life, strength in their love and support, and all that thanks to Jay's strong bond with his relatives. Jay acknowledges the need to let go of the past and embrace new opportunities. And what's interesting is that a breakup might even benefit him! Maybe this experience will inspire him to do something job-related, hm? There is a turning point in Jay's life where he embraces change and accepts the ebb and flow of relationships. He emerges from the breakup with newfound wisdom and maturity, ready to embark on a new chapter.
first stage ➜ 8 of pentacles, knight of wands, king of swords
Jake copes with a breakup by throwing himself into his work and personal projects, using them as a distraction and a way to channel his emotions. Yes, another member who dives deep into his occupations to avoid thinking about this painful experience! He will get ten times more dedicated to his craft, immersing himself in tasks to keep his mind occupied. He may also seek physical activities (ex: running, boxing, swimming) or challenges to help release pent-up energy.
second stage ➜ 3 of cups, 5 of cups, ace of swords
During this time, Jake may distance himself from emotional conversations, preferring to focus on practical matters. He has a strong need for clarity and logic, approaching the situation with a rational mindset. He also enjoys the moments of laughter amidst the sadness, which means he also needs his significant others to be close to him. As he processes the breakup, Jake's initial feelings of loss and disappointment may come again. He is most probably the member who would mourn the end of his relationship the most, being unable for a long time to let it go. However, there is a breakthrough moment where he gains a new perspective and begins to see the silver lining. This silver lining leads him forward and gives Jake a cure from the pain of the past and towards calmer waters; his journey guides him towards healing and acceptance.
third stage ➜ 6 of swords, the sun, 10 of cups
A renewed sense of optimism as Jake rediscovers his zest for life and embraces new possibilities, yay, dude! With a lot of emotional fulfillment and contentment, Jake is finally emerging from the breakup with a deeper understanding of himself and what he truly values in life.
first stage ➜ knight of cups, 3 of cups, the hanged man
Sunghoon copes with a breakup by seeking out new experiences and adventures, using them for what? Yeah, a way to distract himself and find happiness. His romantic and sensitive nature will lead him to explore his emotions through creative outlets related to art. He will also turn to his friends (EMHYPEN!!!) for support, finding comfort in their company, and sharing experiences. It would be easier for him to talk about this with someone who has been through the same thing as him, as this person understands his pain better. There are vibes like the first member he will go after a breakup will be Jake, and that will be an EMOTIONAL convo, where they will be sharing their, "Bro, they did you so wrong! What a huge lose for them! Screw it, it's fine! At least you have me who understands you the best, heh."
second stage ➜ 5 of cups, ace of cups, the empress
The healing period! A new emotional beginning for Sunghoon, where he opens himself up to love, looks like he's the type that can jump into a new relationship shortly after a breakup. He will give it a try just to see how this will influence himself. Will he be happier that way, or maybe it will be a bit of a decision made in a hurry? Also, this stage is defined by nurturing and self-care, as he focuses on taking care of himself and his well-being. Sunghoon may also find comfort in nature, finding tranquility in its beauty. Hiking, fishing and many other outdoor activities, that's the best solution for him at this time in his life.
third stage ➜ 10 of pentacles, the star, the lovers
A sense of stability and security, as Sunghoon finds comfort in his new lover. He may also throw himself into his work or even start studying new things that were strange or even weird for him in the past, finding some sort of fulfillment and purpose in his career realizations. He is sensing a lot of faith and confidence in himself, being sure that his new boo will not betray his feelings and love him endlessly.
first stage ➜ the hermit, 4 of swords, queen of cups
Sunoo copes with a breakup by searching solace in self-reflection. Sunoo is brooding over his behavior during the relationship, trying to understand if he was in fact the main problem, if he was giving everything to his partner, if he was physically enough, interesting enough, beautiful enough, se- WELL... in three words: Was he enough? It's giving the top two members that are coping the hardest with a breakup, as the introspection goes WILD in his case. He spends a lot of time understanding his emotions and the reasons behind the separation. He may find consolation in little pleasant things that happen in his life; we all know Sunoo's emotions that he's posting on Twitter/X, yeah? That's his way to reflect on things that are on his mind, through the landscape that he's sightseeing attentively and then capturing them into photos. That's a good way to achieve mental recovery, and Sunoo is so smart for that.
second stage ➜ the moon, 3 of cups, page of cups
Sunoo's gentle and empathetic nature helps him process his feelings deeply. He allows himself to feel his emotions fully, whether it's sadness, anger, or confusion. If he wants to cry, he will cry about it the whole night if that means that he'll feel better. Yes, it may look like an emotional roller-coaster, and he needs to preoccupy himself with something else, something that is more efficient than just sorrowing over this failed relationship. But who are we to judge him, hm? That's his way to go through things, and that's okay; we are all different after all. He'll face this uncertainty and inner fears, but that's what will make him stronger, starting with the third stage.
third stage ➜ ace of cups, 6 of swords, the sun
EMOTIONAL CONTENTMENT! Basically, he cried enough to leave this in the past. Sunoo starts to open his heart to new people; in his case, I don't think it's a new lover, nah! I think he'll meet a bunch of new friends and work colleagues that will help him a lot throughout this time lapse. Those people will make him feel hopeful about the future. He will also show a big transition, like most probably he will change something majorly in himself, appearance or career wise. From now on, he will be constantly at peace and will know how to express his acceptance in many aspects of his life. He's moving forward with a clearer and lighter heart, which is good for him.
first stage ➜ the emperor, 3 of cups, 4 of swords
Jungwon copes with a breakup by envisioning structure and trying to create stability in his daily routine. He focuses on maintaining order in his life, as if living by a calendar. This boy also looks like he'll be desperate for a reunion, clinging with his kitty paws to his boo and counting the days since they parted ways. Either way, even if a reunion is impossible, he will just continue to follow his discipline and make himself responsible in this complicated navigation through his emotional turmoil, since Jungwon realizes that he understands his own emotions poorly and he should take control amidst this chaos of feelings.
second stage ➜ 8 of pentacles, the strength, the hermit
Jungwon tries to lift his spirit by constantly reminding himself that it's not the end of the world after a breakup. There are still a lot of meaningful people present in his life, and he shouldn't be afraid of anything. Thanks to his diligent focus, he will feel grounded and purposeful. His inner resilience and courage will come out from the depths of his consciousness; this shawty is about to do something CRAZY with his life during the second stage. He will rely on his inner strength to overcome the emotional challenges. Well, it looks like Jake will have a boxing buddy...
third stage ➜ 6 of swords, the sun, king of cups
Soul-searching period... Hmm, I think Jungwon will be extremely determined to find his twin flame, soulmate, or future spouse (call it whatever you want, lol). Until this time, he will grow a lot personally and emotionally, and he will recover as well, moving towards a calmer state of mind. He will have a clear vision of who he wants to have as a lifetime partner, avoiding quick hookups, as now he's mature enough and has a greater understanding of his personal life structure. In conclusion, he's a self-aware king, period.
first stage ➜ 7 of cups, the moon, the devil
Ni-ki copes with a breakup by indulging in fantasies or daydreams and imagining different outcomes or possibilities for the future. That's weird; that's suspicious... It's like he's not even trying to forget about this person, as if he's intended to get this lover back, and there's no word such as breakup in his vocabulary. Maybe he'll even try to create a plan for making this person return to him, like writing them declarations of love and things like, "It won't happen again, honey! It was my fault; please forgive me." If, in Jungwon's case, he will just respect this person's decision and leave them alone, then Ni-ki will be a bit of a.. tormentor.
second stage ➜ 5 of cups, 8 of cups, the tower
He's feeling a lot of disappointment; this feeling of loss is eating him from the inside. He may start to get disoriented about important things, slacking off and not paying attention to the things that used to bring him joy in the past. He may also get detached from the people that he considers close. It really looks like a mess, and that breakup will probably hit him hard. He may need to confront emotions head-on and allow himself to grieve the end of the relationship. He will need somehow to get into a period of upheaval and change and force himself to reevaluate his priorities and beliefs, because if he remains in that sudden shock forever, then things may get ugly...
third stage ➜ death, the chariot, 3 of cups
Everything depends on him. If he is ready for a rebrand of himself, then that will be a huge improvement from the emotional disorder in the second stage. He should put all of his anger into the artistic field; he'll get mad as hell and serve a top-tier performance or write a song about his grief, and seeing the support he's getting from the public, he will be able to particularly forget about this and move his attention to the things that make him thrive.
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➜ That was it, thanks for reading! ^.^ Notes and engagements are always welcome, baes <3 ilyyy
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jbaileyfansite · 21 hours
Jonathan Bailey launches LGBTQ+ Charity, The Shameless Fund, with help from Loewe (from Vogue)
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Thanks to his starring role as Anthony Bridgerton on Bridgerton, Jonathan Bailey has catapulted himself into the public consciousness. (Plus, with the critically acclaimed Fellow Travelers and forthcoming turn in Wicked, he shows no signs of slowing down.) But today, Bailey launches his most personally meaningful project to date—his charity, The Shameless Fund—with a little help from Jonathan Anderson and Loewe.
The Shameless Fund seeks to harness the power of celebrity to raise money for LGBTQ+ initiatives. “A few years ago I thought, What can you do as an actor? There are so many amazing people who are on the frontline. They’re the real heroes that are working for organizations, and charities, and initiatives, which can speak to so many specific groups of people,” Bailey tells Vogue. “How can I raise money without asking people to actually donate and sponsor, [but rather] to invite people to experience art and beautiful, inspiring, naughty, and exciting collaborations?”
For a charity that aims to help members of the queer community across the world live freely and authentically, Bailey knew that he wanted to kick things off with a bang. Thus, he landed on a suggestive white T-shirt with milk dripping from the collar, inspired by a sexually charged scene in Fellow Travelers in which Matt Bomer’s Hawk tells his character Tim to “drink your milk.” “That is a line in Fellow Travelers, immaculately and robustly performed by Matt Bomer in a way that I think will send shudders through many people in the best possible way,” Bailey teases. “I wanted his performance to be immortalized, and I wanted my character’s reaction to it to be immortalized as well. I think this T-shirt does just that.”
A regular presence at Loewe shows, and a guest of the House at the 2024 Met Gala, Bailey has a preexisting friendship with creative director Anderson. But when the two got to chatting at a Studio Voltaire fundraiser, Bailey felt a sudden spark of inspiration. “We had a deep, dark, and brilliant conversation about life, and passion, and opportunities. I started talking about this idea of foundation that I’ve had that has been dormant, fizzing in my brain like a volcano,” Bailey says.
Bailey knew then that he wanted to launch the charity with a Loewe collaboration. “I was connected to queer taste way before I even understood what it was. And I do think that’s what Jonathan [Anderson] does. He’s naughty and he’s twinkly, and he’s so alive and curious,” Bailey says. “It just makes perfect sense that the first one is with him, with something as twinkly and naughty as ‘drink your milk.’”
Anderson, for his part, was equally inspired by the conversation. “I’m a strong believer in using fashion to share information, educate, and support great causes, so when Jonathan Bailey called with this idea, there was no way I could refuse,” Anderson tells Vogue. “I wanted to support The Shameless Fund for both its goals in advocating for LGBTQ rights and for Jonathan himself—he’s incredibly inspiring. He’s someone who really wears his heart on his sleeve—I love his dedication to his craft, to culture, and to being a champion for the LGBTQ community.”
Jonathan Bailey’s collaboration with Loewe, benefitting The Shameless Fund, will be available in select Loewe stores and online beginning June 27.
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sidekick-hero · 2 days
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Here it is, the next chapter of my entry for the @steddiesummerexchange. This is a gift for my dear friend @starryeyedjanai 💜💜💜 Her prompt was 'Steve can't get his inheritance until he marries someone'. Shout out to @acasualcrossfade for being the best beta reader there is!
Pairings: Steve/Eddie, Robin/Chrissy Characters: Steve, Eddie, Robin, Chrissy, Max, Dustin, Wayne Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fake Marriage, Platonic Stobin, Platonic Hellcheer, idiot4idiot, Friends to Husbands to Lovers, Humor and Fluff and a smudge Angst
When Steve's grandmother dies, he finds out that he can only get his inheritance - half a million dollars - if he marries someone. It's her way of forcing Steve to live a heterosexual life. Sucks for her that gay marriage has been legalized since she wrote her will. Sucks for Steve that he doesn't have a man or woman in his life to marry. Cue Eddie Munson, roommate and best friend of Robin's girlfriend Chrissy and the guy Steve has had a crush on for years. What could possibly go wrong?
Read on AO3 - the fic is finished and has 4 chapters, the last one will drop June 24
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 2 (4.5k) under the cut
They all went out for dinner and drinks afterwards, and it turned out to be a great night. Robin and Chrissy both went into full planning mode, while Steve and Eddie decided to let them have their fun. Steve figured that if anyone besides himself knew what he wanted for his own wedding, it was Robin, and Eddie seemed to feel the same way about Chrissy.
It’s only after they'd all said their goodbyes that Steve takes a moment to let it all sink in.
As he lies in bed, the pleasant buzz of the fruity drinks he's had to celebrate slowly fading, he begins to realize what it will mean to marry Eddie. To have a real wedding.
Because a wedding ceremony means he has to tell people. It will be official. And while he's not exactly hiding that he's bi, he's not exactly out at work either. It just never really mattered, because in the two years he's been working at the station, he hasn't seen anyone outside of hookups and a few failed dates. Most of those were with women anyway. So he hasn't exactly lied, just not told the whole truth.
That would have to change now, he guessed. Because even if he didn't invite his team to the wedding - which he will, because they're his family, too - Captain Hopper would know because of the paperwork. Steve knows that if he asked Jim, he wouldn't tell the others. But he would also look at Steve with disappointment and hurt because he would feel that Steve doesn't trust them, and the thought of letting down the man who has become the closest thing to a father figure he has in his life aside from Robin's dad is unfathomable to him.
Which means he's going to have to tell his team, and sooner rather than later.
Just as he somehow accepts this and decides to go talk to Jim before his next shift, another thought hits him.
He's going to have to tell his little sister. Worst of all, he doesn't even know what to tell her, because either he'd make her an accomplice to his scam, or he'd lie to her and pretend that he and Eddie had been together for a while. Which would make her think that he has been lying to her for months and hiding his relationship from her.
Then he remembers that the same goes for Dustin, the kid he used to babysit and who has become as much his little brother as Max is his little sister. The family he chose. He's either going to have to lie to him, too, or drag him into this whole mess.
After tossing and turning for what feels like hours, his mind racing, Steve finally gives up trying to fall asleep and rolls out of bed again. Wrapping his blanket around his shoulders, he shuffles over to Robin's room. Selfishly, he's glad that Chrissy went home with Eddie tonight, so he can just walk into Robin's room and crawl into bed with her.
"Dingus?" her sleepy voice greets him, already scooting over to make room for him.
"Yeah, it's me. Couldn't sleep."
She turns on her side and forces her eyes open with what looks like great effort. "Wanna talk about it?"
"Not really," he answers, only it sounds more like a question. The truth is, he doesn't know what to say.
Robin just hums, and after a long moment of silence, he speaks again.
"It's just. Chrissy said nothing has to change, but that's not true. Things will change. I have to tell Hop and the others at the station. They don't even know I'm bi, it's like high school all over again."
Robin makes a sound in the back of her throat and takes his hand in hers. "No, it's not. You were outed against your will in high school. What that asshole Hagan did was a complete dick move. These people are your friends, your family. Even if you tell them that about yourself, I'm sure they won't feel any different about you, Steve."
Deep down he thinks he knows that. Or at least he hopes it's true. But it's still nice to hear Robin say it.
"Maybe. But they're going to hate that I lied. They'll probably think I don't trust them."
"Well," Robin begins, choosing her words carefully, "can you blame them? There must be a reason why you haven't told them yet."
"It just never came up," he justifies.
"Steve," she says, her tone clearly saying 'come on now'. "I've been to the last two Christmas parties at the station, and I met your team at your birthday. You talk about your dating lives and your hookups and even your childhoods. They know about Max and your bad relationship with your parents. Don't you think you could have said, 'Yeah, I don't talk to my parents because they're total scumbags who kicked me out the minute they found out I liked men too'?".
He sighs deeply, defeated.
"You're right. I was afraid they would look at me differently. That they'd think less of me, like -"
"Like your parents did. I know. But Steve, not everybody is like your parents. They don't know what an amazing person you are. A wonderful and loyal friend, a selfless and brave man who risks his own life every day to save others, and a loving and caring older brother who is more of a role model than they've ever been."
Steve feels his eyes burning and his throat tightening with emotion.
"And yet you wouldn't marry me," he deflects, and Robin punches him in the shoulder.
"Way to ruin the moment, Dingus."
"What can I say, it's a talent," he says with a wink before sobering up. "But seriously, thanks, Robs. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. I would totally crash and burn without you."
"I know. For the record, you're not so bad yourself. And as for things changing. You know change doesn't have to be a bad thing, right?"
They've talked a few times about his aversion to change. It scares him because he's always afraid it means he's going to lose something. Or someone. He's working on it.
"Yeah. I know." Theoretically, he adds quietly in his head.
"And you know you won't lose me or Max or Dustin just because things change, right?"
“I-” he starts, almost hating the way Robin knows him so well. “I guess?”
"But I might have to lie to them, Robs. I can’t drag them into this mess. What if they end up hating me when they find out I faked a marriage and lied about it? Or what if they’re mad because I never even mentioned this ‘relationship’ with Eddie before?”
"They won't hate you, Steve. They might be angry or hurt at first, but they would get over it. They love you, okay? Just like I do. No matter what happens. Even when we’re not living together anymore, it doesn’t mean we won’t see each other all the time or that we won’t be as close. You’re my best friend, my platonic soulmate. Nothing’s going to change that.”
Her words soothe something deep inside him, where his heart has never quite stopped aching since the day his mother silently closed the front door in his face, leaving him standing there with his hastily packed bag after they told him to leave and never come back. As all of her words fully register, he involuntarily squeezes her hand.
"What do you mean, 'when' we're not living together anymore?"
The longer it takes for Robin to answer, the faster his heart starts beating, until he thinks he might have a heart attack.
Just as he's about to ask again, Robin answers. "I mean, now that you and Eddie are getting married, Chrissy and I thought that, well, Eddie would probably move in with you, and that I, um..."
"That you'd move in with Chrissy," he says flatly. It's not a question.
"Yes," she whispers, as if afraid he'll break if she speaks too loudly. He very well might.
They lie quietly in Robin's bed, the darkness around them like a living, breathing thing.
He has never felt so lost. It's not that he doesn't get it—he does. Robin and Chrissy have been together for four years now, and having separate apartments has worked for them so far. But Steve understands that they'd want to share a life and an apartment at some point. He just didn't think that time would be now. But it makes sense, because he and Eddie are supposed to move in together when they get married.
It's just that, in his mind, that didn't equate to Robin moving out.
"Steve," Robin tries again, clearly worried but determined to fix this. "I don't have to move out right away. It was just an idea. It doesn't mean it has to happen right away."
"No. No, you're right. It makes sense. It's just," he hesitates before pressing on, "whenever I thought about one of us getting married, or at least moving in with a partner, I still thought we'd be living together. It's silly, I know," he adds hastily, because he does know that, "and way too co-dependent."
"It's not silly, Dingus. I won't deny that it sounds pretty co-dependent, but it's not like that's, I don't know, new for us?"
That makes him laugh, if only half-heartedly.
"And who says we won't? Maybe we can, y'know, try the whole living apart thing, and if we don't like it, we'll work something out. It's not like there aren't options. We could get a house for the four of us. It doesn't have to be all or nothing."
Drawing Robin into his arms, Steve makes a thoughtful sound. "I'm pretty sure you're right, because you usually are. Just give me a little time to get used to the idea, will you?"
It's a testament to how well she knows him that Robin—guessing he's feeling raw right now and needs the physical reassurance—settles into his embrace without a fuss.
"Of course. It'll be fine. With your team and Max and Dustin. And with us, too. I hate that your parents made it so hard for you to trust people's love for you, you know?"
He kisses her forehead gently, putting all the love and gratitude he feels into the gesture, and murmurs into her hair, "Me too."
The next day, after a hearty hangover breakfast, Steve decides to bite the bullet and face his little sister's wrath. After his talk with Robin, he came to the conclusion that he’d rather risk Max and Dustin being angry at him for seemingly lying to them about his love life than involve them in his own mess and make them accomplices to his wedding scam to get his inheritance.
Even though part of him would prefer to do this over the phone and not look Max in the eye when he tells her, a larger part of him knows that this is something that needs to be done in person. So he makes the trip to her campus and finds her in her room, nose deep in her studies, when her roommate opens the door for him.
It's not often that he comes to visit. Not because he doesn't want to, but because she insists that she doesn't want her older brother hanging around and embarrassing her in front of her friends. He would be more offended were it not for the fact that Max regularly comes to their place for game nights like the secret dork that she is. Besides, he's pretty sure that Max just wants more of a reason to hang out with Robin, not just him. She never had many girl friends, just Jane, her best friend, and Steve thinks that Max looks up to Robin. Which is cool, because in Steve's eyes, Robin’s the best person ever and Max could have much worse role models.
Things were a little tense when Robin first started dating Chrissy, probably because Max felt threatened by the new woman in Robin's life. But she got over it surprisingly quickly, and now Chrissy joins their game nights more often than not. That's how Max knows Eddie in the first place, because he makes a habit of showing up mid-game to join them, claiming he was bored all alone at home, abandoned like a badly behaved dog. Steve doesn’t really believe him, because he knows well enough that Eddie has friends and gets out quite a bit, but it's not like he minds Eddie hanging around. He just wonders sometimes why he would lie about it.
"Hey, little sis! Studying on a Saturday morning? Sure we're related?”
Max looks up from her textbooks, a mixture of surprise and suspicion flickering across her face at the sight of her older brother dropping by unannounced. "Hey, Steve. What's up?"
On the way here, Steve had thought about how to open the conversation, but hadn't been able to make up his mind before entering the dorm. Should he just say it, get it over with, or should he ease her in? Start with some small talk? Max isn't really the small talk type, but it feels wrong to just say, 'Good to see you. Guess what, I'm marrying Eddie, the guy who hangs around the apartment sometimes and you had no idea I was even dating. Surprise, I guess.'
Yeah, no. Small talk it is.
"Can't I just go visit my little sister and see what she's up to?" Steve deflects, flinching at Max's raised eyebrow.
She looks thoroughly unimpressed as she replies, "Steve, we saw each other three days ago. It may come as a shock to you, but college isn't exactly like those stupid movies. So, spill it. What's so important that you had to drop by unannounced?"
Well, he should have known this wasn't going to work on Max. She's always been way too smart for her own good, and her bullshit detector is unparalleled.
Steve takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the bombshell he's about to drop. "So, remember Eddie? The guy who's been crashing our game nights with Robin and Chrissy for the past four years? The guy who eats all of the good snacks and leaves the rest of us with the salty popcorn?”
Max nods slowly, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Yeah, what about him?"
"Well, funny story... He and I, uh, we're getting married."
Max's jaw drops and she almost chokes on the coffee she just took a sip of. "Wait, what? You’re getting married? To Eddie?"
Steve winces, realizing he might have botched the delivery. In his defense, he’s not sure there is a better way to deliver this kind of news. "Yeah, I know it's a bit out of left field. But hear me out..."
He starts explaining his thing with Eddie, weaving in a story that's only partly made-up. Steve talks about how he's kinda had a crush on Eddie for a while but never really thought Eddie felt the same. Max doesn’t look surprised at that part, just nods like she’s saying “Duh,” and Steve wonders how transparent his feelings for Eddie really had been.
Before he can get lost worrying about that, he goes on, making up some romantic-sounding story about how one night, they were just watching a movie, and boom! Next thing he knows, their hands are both going for the chips, and suddenly their fingers are all tangled up, swiftly followed by their lips. Max rolls her eyes so hard that Steve’s afraid she’s hurting something, but he also sees the corner of her mouth ticking upward. Robin once told him that she and Max had watched a few rom-coms together when he wasn’t home, so he thinks she secretly likes these kinds of stories almost as much as he does.
He finishes his story by shrugging his shoulders and admitting that he’d been the one to ask Eddie to put a ring on it, eager to lock down the guy he's been into for ages. It’s exactly the kind of self-deprecating joke he needs to lighten the mood, unable to endure the building tension in the room.
"And I know what you're thinking. 'Steve, you never even mentioned you were dating!' But trust me, it's not because I didn't want to. I just... didn't know how to break it to you."
Max's eyes narrow, her hurt evident. "So, what, you don’t trust me?"
Steve's heart sinks at the hurt in Max's voice. God, he never wanted to hear her sound like that again. It dredges up memories of all they've been through with their family, the wounds still raw. “No, Max, that's not... Damn it!” Steve curses, frustration and guilt knotting in his stomach. “I'm screwing this up. That's why I didn't tell you in the first place. I just... I didn't know when to tell you. You've always been there for me, especially after Mom and Dad...” His voice trails off, heavy with the weight of it all. “It's my fault you lost them. I didn't want you to lose anyone else because of me, so it felt like a big risk to bring someone new into our lives.”
Max's expression softens, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Oh, Steve. You’re an idiot." She sighs, rolling her eyes for effect. "It’s not your fault I stopped talking to them. I chose you over them because you're my brother, and they are bigoted assholes who hurt you."
Max's words feel like balm on his frayed nerves, but at the same time he is consumed with guilt for using their shared history and pain to make her believe his lie. He knows why he's doing it, but suddenly the phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" makes a lot more sense to him.
It seems that some of this has registered with his sister as well, because Max isn't finished yet.
"But I also call bull. This isn't about me. You're scared. Scared of getting hurt again, of letting someone in and having them leave. You didn't tell anyone before because that would have made it real."
Steve swallows hard, the weight of Max's words hitting him like a ton of bricks. His relationship with Eddie isn't even real, but her words still hit him. They've been through too much together for him to deny that she's right. He owes her that if he can't tell her the whole truth.
"Yeah, you’re right. It’s just that… I’m scared of messing things up, I guess. With you, or with Robin..."
"Or with Eddie?" Max adds, a sad smile on her face.
"Or with Eddie," Steve agrees, realizing it's true. He doesn't want to screw this up, even if it's just a scam. Eddie is still important to him, and he doesn't want to lose him because of some scheme to get his inheritance.
Max reaches across the table to grasp Steve's hand, her touch as comforting as when she first stood in his door, declaring she told their parents to screw themselves before hugging him, clinging to him for dear life. "You won't lose me, Steve. I'm here for you, no matter what. And Eddie seems like a good guy. He would be even dumber than I thought he is if he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life with you. So, if he makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. And if you tell anyone I said that, I'll shave your head in your sleep."
Even as he laughs at Max’s threat, Steve's eyes mist over with tears, overwhelmed by Max's unwavering support. "Thanks, Max. You have no idea how much that means to me. Threats and all."
Max squeezes his hand gently, a small smile playing on her lips. "Anytime, big brother. Just promise me one thing."
"Please don't let this turn into one of those rom-com clichés where everything goes horribly wrong because no one just talked to each other."
Steve chuckles through his tears, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I'll do my best, Max. I promise."
As much as he’d dreaded this talk, he’s glad he came over to tell Max. He feels lighter now.
Some days, he hates how often Robin is right about the important things in life, considering that she also believes that Bigfoot is real.
He's already out the door a few minutes later, after Max basically kicked him out so she could learn, when she gets up and walks over to him. “Oh, one more thing. I’ll be bringing someone to your wedding and I want you to remember that you owe me and not ask a single question. I’ll tell you when I tell you, just like you.”
“What? Who're you -” Steve starts, totally flabbergasted.
“Not a single question, Steve. See you soon, take care, say hi to Robin, and tell Eddie that I’ll break his hand if he breaks your heart.” With that, she closes the door in his face.
He probably deserved that.
Talking to Dustin the next day goes something similar.
Steve can't visit him on campus because the little genius just started his master's degree in bioengineering at MIT, a year ahead of his peers, because of course he is. So he has to resort to a phone call.
He skips any attempt at small talk, though, mostly because Dustin is doing the talking for both of them, telling him all about something that is way over his head, but makes him smile for all the passion he hears in Dustin's voice.
"That sounds... very cool, man. I have no idea what it all means, but I'm pretty sure you're going to be cooler than Batman pretty soon." Before Dustin can interrupt him to explain whatever he just said about DNA replication, Steve continues, "I also have something to tell you.”
That, at least, piques Dustin's interest.
Steve tells him the same version of his and Eddie's origin story that he told Max, and just like Max, Dustin doesn't seem to find it particularly hard to believe that Steve had a big ol' crush on Eddie and proposed to him over it. What he finds much harder to believe is that neither Steve nor Eddie told him about it.
"I can't believe Eddie didn't tell me either; we tell each other everything!"
Steve seriously doubts that, even though he knows that Dustin and Eddie have become quite close over the last four years. They hit it off right away, bonding over their weird little fantasy game that Dustin's been playing with his friends for as long as Steve's known him. Eddie apparently ran a club for the same game in high school, and before Steve knew it, Dustin and Eddie had become best buds. Dustin's passionate stories about how great Eddie was should have made Steve jealous, and they did, a little. But they also fueled his crush on the other man, because nothing in his life could ever be simple.
That's probably why Steve finds himself defending Eddie by throwing himself under the bus.
"I asked him not to tell you guys. I'm sorry, man. It's just..."
Dustin's silence on the other end is unnerving. Steve can almost hear the gears turning in his brain. He can picture Dustin sitting in his cluttered dorm room, probably surrounded by textbooks and lab equipment, frowning in concentration.
"It's just what, Steve?" Dustin finally asks, his voice a mixture of confusion and hurt.
"It's just that I was scared," Steve admits, the words coming out in a rush. "Scared of messing things up. I mean, this thing with Eddie... it feels huge. I never felt that way about anyone before. And I know it sounds stupid, but... it scares the shit outta me, man. And I know how much you like Eddie, too, so, yeah. I didn't want to risk putting you in a position where you felt like you had to choose sides or something if it didn't work out, I guess?”
The line goes quiet for a moment, and Steve wonders if he's said too much. Especially because he has no idea where this is all coming from. He also finds it harder and harder to remind himself that it’s just a story and that he and Eddie aren’t really together. But then Dustin sighs, and it sounds like the weight of the world is in that sigh. "Steve, you idiot. You know I love you, right? You and Eddie both. I’d never take sides, I’m way too mature for that. You should have trusted me."
"I know, I know," Steve says, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just... didn’t think this through, I guess."
"Yeah, well, that’s why you have me. You don't have to handle it on your own," Dustin says firmly. "We're a team, remember? And that means relying on each other and not keeping secrets."
“You’re right, okay? I’m sorry, Dustin.”
Apparently, that’s exactly what Dustin wanted to hear, because Steve can hear the smug grin in his voice. “I know. And it’s okay. I forgive you.”
Steve feels too much relief to be annoyed at Dustin’s ego. To know that he has Dustin's loyalty and support like that mean the world to him. It’s like balm to the wounds his parents and grandma left on him, to learn that not everybody leaves just because he hasn’t been perfect. "Thanks, Dusty. I don't deserve you."
"You're right, you don't," Dustin retorts, but Steve can hear the smile in his voice. "But you're stuck with me anyway. So, when's the wedding? And don't even think about getting married without me there."
Steve laughs, the tension finally easing. "Don't worry, you'll be there. I wouldn't dream of having it without my groomsman."
"Groomsman, huh? Damn right I am," Dustin says, and Steve can practically see his chest puffing out with pride. "But wait, who's the best man? If you say it's Eddie's old dungeon master, I'm gonna lose it."
"Robin," Steve clarifies, chuckling. "She’s my best man, or best woman, whatever you call it. And before you ask, I’m pretty sure Eddie’s best man is Chrissy."
"Ah, makes sense," Dustin says with a satisfied nod in his voice. "I can accept that, I guess. But you better tell Eddie that if he hurts you, I'll kick his ass. And you tell him I mean it, too."
"I will," Steve promises, a smile tugging at his lips. "Thanks, Dustin. Really."
"Anytime, Steve. Now go tell Eddie that I’m still angry at him for not telling me and he better make it up during our next campaign."
Steve hangs up the phone feeling lighter than he has in days. At least until he remembers that he just told Max and Dustin a story about him and Eddie getting together that he hasn’t discussed with Eddie yet. So what if Eddie also told people but used a totally different story?
Well, fuck.
Grabbing his keys from the side table by the door and putting on his shoes, he texts Eddie that they need to talk and that he’ll be over in twenty minutes.
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kruggers-mani · 12 hours
Price X Plus size reader
You and Price have been aquantences for a little under a year. You're not really friends since you don't hangout one on one or text directly, you don't even really know each other that well other than names and a few stories you've shared. You only know each other because you're in the same friend group that you were introduced to by your ex, but since you really liked hanging out with them you stayed in touch.
You broke up because you caught him talking to his brother about how your "just not hot anymore" and "embarrassed to take you out" because you're gained a good amount of weight during your year long relationship. To be honest, you saw the break up coming. You hadn't gone out on a date in a month, he doesn't post you on social media or flaunt you off anymore, and the few time you've had sex he only wants to hit it from the back where you can't see his look of discomfort. But you didn't think he thought this low of you, even though you knew he lost attraction you didn't think it would hurt this bad when the time finally came.
It didn't take more than a week for him to post another girl and tell the friend group she is his new girlfriend . Part of you has a hunch he was cheating since he had a new girl so fast, either way it's not your problem anymore and you just ignore them while out with the group.
The group chat talks about celebrating one of the friends birthdays at a club down town that's known for being "fancy" since they have a dress code and only serve high end alcohol. Everyone agrees and sets the date and time. You're terrified because this will be the first time you've met up in person since the break up, and you'll be meeting his new girlfriend who from his posts is everything you are not and better. You are determined to make it look like you don't care and want to look as good as possible for the night out. You make it a mission to leave the club with a man no matter what.
You get your nails done, hair curled, buy a sexy black dress and a pair of red bottom heels. You do your makeup making your skin look flawless and lips full. With your look all together you finally feel the first bit of confidence you've felt in a while. All of the girls decided to show up together in a shared Uber so no one is left alone. When the Uber pulls up to your house and you get in all the girls scream with excitement from your look and how good you look before driving off.
When you all finally get there, all the men of the group are already there and in a VIP booth reserved for your party. All the men look handsome dressed up in their suits, including your ex. His girlfriend didn't come in the Uber since the other girls don't really like her and think she is a home wrecker so she came with your ex. And she looks even better in person. Beautiful pale skin, long blonde hair, and most of all, skinny. You immediately lost every bit of confidence you had and begin to try and cover yourself with one of the pillows on to couch.
After a bit of catching up and congratulating the birthday boy, everyone decides to go to the dance floor. Except you. You make up an excuse of your heels hurting you and say you'll have fun watching them dance while you get drunk and they seem to accept that. The second they all leave you look down and try to fight back tears but it's no use, they fall onto the pillow in your lap used to cover your stomach. You silently cry to yourself for a minute before you feel a hand on your shoulder and a dip in the space next to you. You quickly wipe your tears and look up to see Price looking down with a smile while he rubs your back in circles.
"What's wrong Lovie, why wont you go have fun?" You don't know why it took this long to realize, but he has a thick British accent and it sounds so soothing.
"I-It's nothing just having a bad day is all, I don't wanna drag everyone else's mood down with me." You say looking back down to avoid eye contact. He takes his hand off your back and uses his index and thumb to grab your chin and look back at him.
"Me and you both know what the real problem is, but it's okay i wont make you say it." He pauses for a second and you can almost swear he is looking at your lips before continuing. "You know there has been men staring at you since you walked in?"
You give a confused face before he uses your chin again to make you look around the club. Catching one man after the next all looking at you, some even have a look of jealousy with Price for being able to touch you.
"Even the devil himself..." he says before making you look at the middle of the dance floor. Your ex, completely ignoring his girlfriend basically giving him a lap dance, looking at you with his eyes as wide as can be before looking at Price with a look of hatred. You don't notice it, but price let go of your chin and wrapped his arm around you scooting closer and winking at your ex before turning his attention back to you. He leans in close to your ear as he lowers his hand down the side of your body and grabbing the fat on your hip "Ya know, a gentleman needs something to grab onto. Any man who says otherwise doesn't know how to handle a real woman." He leans a little lower to gently kiss your bare shoulder.
With your breathing picking up and your face turning red "I think we shouldn't be acting like this in public, and I've learned better than to be with guys in my friend group." You try to move his hand off your hip but he just grabs tighter and laughs.
"Lovie, Im not just a 'guy'." He puts his lips on your ear "I'm the guy who's gonna make those thighs shake in the air while you scream my name." Your eyes widen as big as ever, and your ex notices. He pushes his girlfriend off of him before marching over to the couch.
"Get your grimy hands off my girl, Y/N get up we need dot talk." He yells at the both of you. You stare at him while Price stares at you, waiting to see your response. "Pffft" is all you manage before busting into a fit of laughter, his face getting redder as the seconds pass. When you finally stop laughing you furrow your eye brows and look back up "I stopped being 'your girl' the second you decided I was too fat to be desirable. You think I haven't connected the dots yet? There no way you just find 'the one' less than a week after we broke up, I know you cheated. And I think you have some explaining to do to ms.home wrecker behind you." You point behind him and he turns around to see his girlfriend with her arms crossed and a pissed off look. Price stands up, done with the petty drama and holds out a hand towards you.
"This has been fun, but I've got real important plans tonight that I prefer to get started as soon as possible." He says while winking at you. You grab his hand and stand up with him to walk out of the club. He puts his arm back around you and squeezes your ass
"I hope you didn't spend a lot on that dress, Lovie"
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meltorights · 2 days
WAS the forbidden fruit a metaphor for sex?
in short, no--but,
god blesses humankind after he makes them, and sexuality is part of the blessing. the book of genesis is a patchwork compiled from four different sources. in particular, the creation account has two sources, the first "god said let there be light." in this account god makes humans after ordering the whole universe in seven days. he then tells them to "be fruitful and multiply."
but in the second (and older) story, God comes down to earth. he takes clay. molds it. breathes life into it. and it becomes the human. then he makes all the animals to be its companion. this is an image of god experimenting. failing, if we may be so bold to say. each time, the human names the animal, but cannot see them as its companion.
and then god puts it to sleep, and takes a bone, and makes the woman--here, the hebrew begins using specifically gendered words for "man" and "woman," and when the "man" wakes up, he says: "here is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh," recognizing someone like himself at last.
and the account of the Fall is a continuation of this story. like many of the stories from the first few books of the bible, it's sparse in detail, it does not give motivations or elaborate explanations, it just narrates events. a man and a woman in a garden. two trees, one of which god forbids them to eat from. a snake (certainly not, in the human author's mind, the devil). a question. they eat. and they are driven out.
and on one level we should simply take this story at face value. we can't really reconstruct an "authentic meaning" without doing some violence to the text.
these books do not deal in complex metaphors or analogies. they do not skirt around sex--whether it is violent and contrary to the law or not. people "lay with each other." the wisdom books of the bible employ metaphor--whether it's the misogynistic warnings of sirach or the exuberant celebration of sex and bodies in song of songs--but these earlier text simply narrate. majestically and unconcerned about the questions they raise.
and these gaps leave for all kinds of explanations, filling-ins, that seem plausible! a man and a woman lead many people to think it must be about sex, or about seduction--that eve, being a woman, seduced adam into taking the fruit, and that he was to weak to resist her and impose his (god's!) authority. or that the tree of knowledge of good and evil represents our desire to make whatever we choose "good" or "evil" and thus impose our will on the world. but none of that is in the text.
the one hint of sex is that when they eat the fruit they realize they are naked. but the story is not so much concerned with nakedness as with shame. they make clothes from themselves to cover their bodies from each other, they hide from God, telling him they were afraid because they were naked.... the fruit is not some "Unchastity" or "Impurity," the fruit is what makes unchastity and impurity possible. before they were perfectly at home in their bodies, now they see them as a source of shame. they are alienated from their own bodies, in their shame alienated from each other and from God, even from the earth--now they must sweat in labor to eat.
you could think that in the garden the first humans had perfect sexual freedom, without shame, without inhibition, and without any kind of abuse of power or exploitation. and then they lost it all.
that's not in the text, but like i said, the text is sparse. if anything is sexual, it's these gaps the text leaves for us--they're erotic, like clothes that conceal just the right parts of the body. they're what invite us to penetrate the text, to meld with it, to be rough and passionate with it. i normally don't go in for the whole "text as orifice" metaphor: it seems a bit irreverent, a bit embarrassing, a bit try-hard at times, but here it's true..... the holes in the text can enable us to love it. so, in that sense, the fruit could be sex; as a gay person who grew up in a deeply homophobic catholic setting, I can certainly relate to such a reading, un-textual though it may be. we must recognize that we cannot read the text without doing some level of reading into, without penetrating--the text wants us to do so.
and for christians, of course, the text, the Word, the Logos, is God.
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foxstens · 4 days
what do you mean neil joined the foxes because kevin was proof that neil was real and he couldn't leave until he knew kevin would be okay and he didn't want kevin to hate him and he chewed riko out on national television to stand up for kevin
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josecariohca · 2 months
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kumomist · 10 days
intense insane staring into the distance and still crying over north no2
#txt#watching pluto#it was a really good buildup of discrimination tho like#the beginning before getting into the world you just think oh its some people its a problem but then as you keep watching you realize#its a pervasive issue the robot adoption thing is still fairly recent there was a war fought majorly by robots#yet the main moral debate in world is the idea of a robot killing a human#the war robots being treated as weapons or idols but never any real inbetween#only exception is mont blanc it seemed pretty ingrained into an actual community#its funeral was organized by volunteers they respected its choice to not have its body made into a monument#versus atom who was basically a minor celebrity and the prof wanted to refuse the state funeral but was denied#those robot parents who kindof lamented kindof like. we understand how those humans feel even if we dont know how to express it.#like the consistent casual discrimination going into tragedy and building gesuit anger#and then also realizing how they tried to cover up his anger like manipulating his memory and refusing his resignation and#ROBITA#like hrghdjsbsnks ‘youre a robot you cant resign’ wow what exactly are in those international robot rights again#but then its all revealed that like. apparently this was all a triple sided setup to buildup robot despair/hatred and also destroy the world#??????#like WHO is that teddy bear#also allubah being a robot was pretty foreshadowed. him having multiple personalities was def not#like ​haha allubah did you not even realize your bad mental health???#manipulating his own robot son too like ah. forcing your son to leave his body for a weaponized one and also using him to destroy the world.#he was a botony student.#also why is the robot named pluto??? why is the flower named pluto??? is it cause sahad was kinda just saying pluto while out of his mind#‘pluto roman god of the dead’ literally the only connection was death and. horns. was there an actual reason for the horns???#tenma was basically going along with the plan just for the memory chips. to. put them into atom and force him to ‘evolve’ ???????#building up from ‘gesuit feels intense anger abput robot discrimination’ to ‘actually gesuit had a robot child that got killed’ was crazy#like hrhghskshGGAAAAAA#like its a little wild but also its like going from. intense anger about discrimination happening infront of you#to feeling intense anger about the discrimination happening TO YOU#the bad guys at the end going ‘no hatred is endless now that you feel it it will never leave you’ and then being proved wrong is so fhjdb <3
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prickly-paprikash · 2 months
Kendrick doesn't just hate Drake as a person. He hates the very idea of Drake.
Hip-Hop is rooted in revolution. In defiance. These are the songs of an oppressed group of people, and decades upon decades people have hated it. Accused of being meaningless and invalid. Media outlets took steps to belittle hip-hop and make sure it isn't recognized as an art form and as a means to fight back.
2Pac spoke of wealth disparity and inequality. Tupac was literally a member of a communist organization when he was younger and never stopped speaking against capitalism.
Lauryn Hill spoke of the struggles a woman faces. Not just women, but black women. Salt-N-Peppa. Queen Latifah. MISSY FUCKING ELLIOT.
N.W.A made sure people knew about police brutality and violence against the Black community.
And now, in this day and age, we're also experiencing an explosion of Queer Hip-Hop. Lil Nas X is at the forefront of this. Lil Uzi Vert came out as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, even when they knew that a lot of their fans would never use it or even respect them for it. Auntie Diaries, a song about a young man who grew up in a transphobic environment and bought into those beliefs, but could never fully do it because his Uncle loved him so much and taught him a lot of life lessons, and that wisdom translated to him accepting his cousin as a woman as well.
Drake is none of that.
He's the perfect representation of what people think hip-hop is. Flexing. Posturing. Objectifying women. A fucker so insecure he bought 2Pac's ring just to feel like he's part of the black community. Rejected by Rihanna publicly. Tried to groom Millie Bobby Brown. Kissed and inappropriately touched an underage girl during his concert. His songs have inspired so many young boys to treat girls like shit. His belief that the amount of rings and chains and cars he has is the true meaning of success.
Additional Edit: This is my fault. If this post gains more views, then it would be remiss of me not to add to this. It was my fault to begin with, not stating this beforehand because while I did know, I got lost in celebrating Hip-Hop in a place that doesn't usually do so, and rightfully so.
2Pac did fight for wealth equality and better social living for the black community. He also has a long, long history of battery, domestic abuse, and sexual harassment against women. Specifically against women of color. He made a song to celebrate his own mother, but outright refused to give the same show of respect to other women in his life. His hypocritical nature was brushed off in later decades, just the way I did now.
N.W.A is the same. Sexual assault charges, violence—they spoke of Police reform, but refuses to give the same treatment back towards the women in their lives.
50 cent refuses to backtrack on any of his misogynistic lyrics.
Modern rappers of today, such as the dead XXXtentacion. 6ix9ine. Kodak Black.
I do love Hip-Hop. I love rap. And the music itself has always been anti-authoritarian at its core, because those are its roots. And I was happy that circles that did not normally know of it or enjoy it were getting into it, even for one thing like this rap feud.
Lil Nas X, Little Simz, Childish Gambino, Missy Elliot, Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill—rappers who have at the very least consistently tried to put their money where their mouth is. Who have tried to act in accordance to what they rap and write and sing for.
@shehungthemoon @ohsugarsims finnthehumanmp3 were the ones who rightfully clarified in the comments. I know an apology won't correct my hypocrisy or my stupidity. I should have added all of this before making this post, but I wanted so badly to celebrate a genre of music but failed to do my due diligence in showing a better, holistic view of it. If anyone felt triggered, offended, troubled, frustrated or any other intense negative emotions surrounding this, please do block me. I'm sorry.
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westanovencleaner · 4 months
headcanon that percy wakes up every day, just absolutely pissed about one thing in particular
like sometimes, it's entirely valid. he's mad about ocean pollution or something like that, and he spends a day in the long island sound and tries his best to clean it up.
the next day, he's mad that blue raspberries don't exist.
just like the tide, his anger changes, and he spends the entire day bugging the demeter kids to grow blue raspberries.
they go to annabeth to ask her to stop him, and she tries. she tries by dyeing normal raspberries blue, but he takes a look and notices immediately that they're not blue raspberries. somehow, he knows what blue raspberries look like, even though they don't exist.
eventually, he gets the demeter kids to give in, and they manage to plant the first blue raspberries ever. percy is so excited that he begins drawing up plans to mass produce them, but alas, it's getting late, and he's getting tired.
when he wakes up the next morning, he's grumbling about the poaching of whales when he sees the plans on his desk, and he has no idea how they got there. he thinks he's getting pranked, so he throws them in the trash.
when he walks outside and passes by the demeter cabin, however, he notices something strange going on. they're celebrating... surviving his "stupid" demands for the 50th time?
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sonicboomseason3 · 2 months
a brief recap of what has been going on with the sonic movieverse in the past several months:
paramount has come out in public support of israel
keanu reeves, a man who has publicly rubbed elbows with none other than benjamin netanyahu, reportedly gets cast as shadow for the upcoming third movie
james marsden, the guy who plays tom, got exposed as having written a letter of support for a convicted pedophile
there's fucking??? zionist propaganda in the knuckles series???
kind of connected to the last point but adam pally, the guy who plays wade, is evidently pro-israel too
this is a complete and utter joke.
EDIT AS OF 4/30/24: if people see this version of the post, i'd really appreciate it if you reblog it instead of the other versions, as it's the most updated one with all the information that i want included. thank you :]
you know, it's been a few days since i've made this post, and some of you (not most) are staying determined in defending/justifying/giving the benefit of the doubt to keanu for that photo with netanyahu, whether it's because "it was a decade ago," "him being civil to someone he ran into at a party one time doesn't mean anything," "he's probably just silent because his pr managers won't allow him to speak up," etc. i've made my thoughts on the matter quite clear by directly responding to these people, but at this point, i'm tired of both seeing them in my notes and repeating myself, so take this as my final word on the issue.
i can't help it if you don't think the photo with netanyahu is damning, and i'm done engaging with everyone going out of their way to tell me that. i obviously disagree, especially after finding out that 1. the host of the party, arnon milchan, is a former israeli spy who has a history of developing israel's nuclear program and promoting apartheid in south africa (information that had broken out a few months prior to the party and thus would've been fresh news around the time keanu chose to attend) and 2. keanu has been caught hanging around at least two other weirdos, but if you don't find any of that to be cause for reasonable concern, then there really is nothing else i can say afaik.
with all that said, i'm beginning to realize how strange it is that these people's first instinct when seeing this post is to start debating about keanu's political stances without ever acknowledging any of the other bullet points. you guys realize that this isn't just about him, right? i know tumblr reading comprehension is known for being piss-poor, but like… you realize that i was trying to make a point of how there are MULTIPLE terrible things that have broken out about the people and company involved in the sonic movies, right? and yet, a lot of the people leaping to speak on keanu's behalf in my notes are completely ignoring the parts where i bring up paramount, pally, etc. all in favor of zeroing in on the singular point about keanu and making bad faith assumptions about me for holding him accountable. really makes one wonder where your priorities lie if, in a post that talks about so many other things, me accusing an a-list celebrity with, according to google, a net worth of almost $400 million is where you draw the line and apparently the only thing worth your acknowledgment.
ultimately, what i'm trying to say is that the intention of this post was just to gather up everything that i had been hearing for the past several months and put it all together in one place. there were a bunch of people who didn't know about at least one of the bullet points before seeing this post, and i'm glad that i could help inform them, that was what i was hoping to do! but as for the keanu thing, i've said pretty much all i can say for now, and i don't want to derail the original post even more than i may have already. unless something new comes up, i'm done talking about him.
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earthtooz · 5 months
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in which: you tell veritas you love him. he gets upset with you.
warnings: contrary to what the synopsis implies, it's fluff, i promise. 1k words, first time saying ily, slightly cranky reader, no mentions of reader's gender, dr. ratio being so in love he becomes so soppy and lovestruck. confessions.
a/n: there's a phenomenon that happens whenever i write for dr. ratio, and it's that my heart literally lunges out of my chest and begins typing at the keyboard for me. i should get it checked out. anyways, this is to preemptively celebrate his release!!
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“Why- why are you mad?” You exclaim, watching the way Veritas crosses his arms and pouts with the petulance of a child. His gaze has strayed away from your eyes, and all you can do is sit in his lap with your arms hanging at your sides, brain tirelessly racking for all the reasons that you could have angered him.
He doesn’t give you any clues, displeasure brewing in his eyes instead.
“Is it because I said ‘I love you’?”
The purple haired scoffs and sticks up his nose, hair bouncing with his actions whilst you jostle slightly on his legs from the quick action. As much as you love his side profile, you’d love it even more if he spoke to you about what is bothering him.
During this moment, the world stills. You think he’s genuinely mad, and Dr. Ratio’s fury-driven state is not something you should take lightly. Really, you’ve seen it multiple times, and though it has never been directed at you, you hope it never will be. Which is why you sit on his lap now, tensely anticipating his response, and for the answer as to what you did wrong. 
“I was meant to say it first,” he grumbles, losing the arrogance that fills his tone whenever he speaks, air filling with sincerity. 
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I was meant to be the one to say ‘I love you’ first.”
Your confusion is tangible at this point. Audible, if you will, because it rings like cicada sing. “Are you being serious?”
“You- why, then couldn’t you just have said it?” You sputter, slapping his defined deltoid, concern slowly melting into frustration. “Need I remind you that it was me who confessed to you first as well?”
“Yes, and it was positively the best day of my life.” He says that like it’s a simple fact. No sentiment, no heartfelt declaration, just another logical statement straight from a textbook of his life.
They say to be loved is to be changed, but no matter how much you love Veritas, all he knows is how to be an astronomical pain in your ass. Does he know how scared you were for his answer? You thought you did something unforgivable, or that he didn’t love you enough to respond in kind, or worst of all, that he wanted nothing to do with you anymore?
However, he's acting petty because he was not the first one to say those three words? You frankly don’t know why your heart beats for him as strongly as it does. In fact, you want to whack him over the head with his own codex.  
Placing your hands firmly on his shoulders, you shuffle out of your position from his lap, planting your feet onto the ground. “Oh, you are so infuriating! Pretend I never said anything, I’m going back to my office until you-”
Not even two steps away from him and a hand clasps around your wrist to drag you back to where you started: on Dr. Ratio’s lap. His arms come to wrap around you like chains, leaving no room to wrestle him out.
“I never said you could leave. Especially not after telling me you love me,” he grumbles lowly into your collarbone, breath tickling your skin.
“I’m starting to regret it.” 
“Can’t you at least say it again?”
“I don’t want to,” you grumble, arms snaking up to rest around his shoulders. “You don’t deserve it.” 
“Well, that’s a little harsh. Is this how you treat the ones you love?”
“You haven’t even said anything back,” you pinch his skin. “Talk about harsh.”
“Do you remember the first time we met?” he asks with a fond chuckle, not missing the opportunity to leave kisses in a trail along your skin, making his way up your neck. Then, when his eyes meet yours, you almost crumble in embarrassment at the memory he’s injected into your mind. 
You push him away and raise a hand to shield your eyes from him, clearly reliving a haunting memory. “Please don’t remind me.” 
“Y’know, it’s not everyday someone gets to scold me and be right. If you weren’t so beautiful, I wouldn’t have let it slide, but it’s not everyday a gorgeous genius falls into my lap with guts to challenge me.”
“I was… agitated that day, so stop talking about it, please. In fact, for my sake, please just forget that moment. Completely.”
“Forget about it? Completely?” The scholar asks with genuine shock lacing his tone. “I fell in love with you in that very moment, how can you expect me to stop talking about it? You rendered me a fool in love and expect me to not think about the very moment it happened? Sweetheart, it was a pivotal moment of my life!” 
“Not pivotal enough if you can’t even say ‘I love you, too’.”
“On the contrary, I have loved you longer. I yearned for you in wakefulness and in my dreams. I wished for you to look my way, and when you did, I never wanted your eyes to stray from me. How heartbreaking it was when they did.” His hand has snuck under your shirt now to rub circles on your skin. If he detached from you, he fears you’d slip away from him, and the worst thing you can give him is space. “Do you know how it felt chasing after you because you were the only one out of my reach? For three years, the only thing I wanted was to be yours. You made me an idiot.”
Stunned by his confession and the weight of it, you let him continue, sharp tongue softening. The only motivation you offer is a hand coming to cup his cheek, tucking aside his bangs so you can see his expression in its entirety. 
His gold eyes shine when they look back up at you. For the first time, you feel like you’re seeing the parts of him that Veritas hides from everyone else. 
“I love you.” He continues with heart wrenching devotion. “I’ll continue loving you until the streams stop, the rivers freeze, and the oceans dry. With three hundred thousand, eighty-three thousand, five hundred and seventy-one discovered planets in the cosmos, that phenomenon will approximately take-”
You seal his lips with yours in a gentle kiss, cradling his jaw and swallowing his words. Like wax to fire, Veritas sinks into you, completely helpless against your affections. 
But, oh, you love him, and nothing else in the entire universe matters.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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