#he will not have a good time in book 3 😭
Hiya, bb! 🫶
Vi here! Little fic request (no pressure ❤️)
So basically, it’s a Azriel x Y/N (because we all love Azzy, 🥰) Reader is Nesta’s friend and she asks if she can join the Valkyrie training and Nesta is like “ofc bb” but since they are so far in training, Nesta sets Reader up with Azriel for private training, and Az is like “ok”
But Nesta doesn’t inform our favourite bat-boy that Reader is actually really good at training and ends up kicking Azzy’s butt in their first lesson, and then Az becomes obsessed with her 😍
I’m not making much sense but I’d love to see if you could write it! If anyone can bring this story to life, it’s you 🥰
Love ya Xx ✨🤍
I absolutely love this request (always love my badass readers)!! 🤭❤️
Love you too, Vi!! Thank you for requesting this 💕
Also I'm really sorry for sometimes disappearing for a week or two 😭
So anywayssss
Training Gone... Right? | Azriel x reader
Summary: read message
Warnings: mentions of blood reader being a LITTLE violent while training with Azriel (its not too graphic dont worry!) 😌, cute little obsessed Azriel 😊💕 (also there is a curse word but ignore it) let me know if I missed anything!!
Words: 1.4k!
Little note: 3 povs, (Nesta, Azriel and reader) but mostly it's Az!
Nesta looked up from her book as she saw you entering the library. A determined expression had found its way onto your face. She reached over for her bookmark, closing the book and placing it on the table beside her.
As you approached her, your steps firm and confident, she raised an eyebrow. You stopped in front of her, and your gaze met hers. She couldn't have helped it when her grey eyes softened.
"I want to learn how to fight," you state, your hands clasped behind your back. Nesta's face brike off into a smirk. Clearly, she had been waiting for you to ask her.
Knowing you, and your past, it was logical that you would want to learn how to fight, and honestly, she was eager to train you.
After that, you joined the Valkyries, training with them daily. Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie all taught you how to fight. The different techniques and fighting styles. Nesta observed you throwing a punch at Emerie, catching her off-guard. She knew you would be almost - if not - better than the rest of the Valkyries in no time. When you were determined, nothing would get in your way.
And Nesta had gotten another thought, late at night, as she read the new novel she borrowed from the library. She would set you up to train with Azriel.
Of course, you had seen Azriel once or twice while visiting Nesta in the House of Wind, but he doesn't know you were training with the Valkyries. Nesta had made sure of that.
The next day in training, she approached you as you ran through the stretches. Sunlight hit your skin, making it look golden. Taking her place close to you, she began stretching as well. "Do you remember Azriel?" She asked, turning her head slightly to look into your face.
She saw you pause for a moment before you answered her. "The shadowsinger, right?" You asked her back, furrowing your eyebrows. Nodding, she answered, "yes, the shadowsinger."
"Right, what about him?" You asked her, confused about why she would bring him up like that. Nesta rarely spoke of the shadowsinger with you. "I was wondering if you would be alright with inviting him to train with us tomorrow," she said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.
"I wouldn't mind it, no," you said, still partially confused, but the anticipation of tomorrow gnawed at you. The door opened, Gwyn striding in, giving both you and Nesta a wave. Smiling, you wave back at her.
Reader (Y/n):
Training was surprisingly light today, and while it usually lasted longer, Nesta had retired early, then Gwyn, and lastly Emerie, leaving you alone. Not that you minded it, Nesta told you she was going to spend the afternoon with her mate, Gwyn saying Clotho needed her help in the library, and then Emerie deciding to spend the rest of the day doing her own things.
However, you wanted to train a bit more, as you always did. Perhaps that was why you had gotten so good, because you stayed about another few hours and practice what you learned that day.
As the sun slowly set behind the Illyrian mountains, the last rays disappearing beneath the horizon, you took a break. Sitting down, you roll back your shoulders, watching the sky shift from the golden hues to a dark blue. A sense of calm washed over you when the stars started appearing like bright flecks against the darkness.
You lost track of time, too deep into your thoughts to come out. Though eventually, you winnowed to your bedroom, taking a quick bath, and laying off to rest.
Strapping his siphons in place, he was about to go train you. Nesta had asked if he could train Y/n, and Azriel couldn't refuse.
As he winnowed to the roof of the House of Wind, he found you alone, getting ready for training. The leather trousers you wore were rolled up to your knees, letting the chill morning breeze kiss the exposed skin.
Azriel had been told by Nesta that you were a new Valkyrie. She just hadn't told him that you had started training with them more than a year ago. Nesta wasn't lying though, you were the newest member of the Valkyries (and the best one in sparring).
His gaze locked with yours, and you gave him a brief smile, which he returned, much to his surprise.
"Quick spar before the others get here?" You suggest, and Azriel nods. Wait, the others? Azriel had been told this was a private training... that's when he noticed one of his shadows, wrapped around your wrist. As his gaze locked there, your own eyes followed, looking at the shadow. You hadn't realized, he noticed as he watched your expression.
Dismissing it, he took his fighting stance, and you quickly did the same. Azriel took in your stance, eyebrows raising as he looked at your near-perfect stance. Maybe you knew a few things about sparring.
He quickly knew that 'a few things' was a lot. You threw punches, most of them hitting their marks on various parts of his body. Azriel could feel the sore spots, knowing they would bruise sooner or later. A groan slipped past his lips as your knee drove itself to his stomach. Stumbling back, he clutched his abdomen, sharp pain shooting through his body.
You didn't falter and that one moment was all it took before you landed a hook to his jaw. His face snapped sideways and he really tried to get himself together. Not even his shadows could predict you.
Suddenly, he was swept off his feet, his back hitting the training mat. The breath was knocked off his lungs and he gasped, struggling to draw air into his lungs. Every coherent thought left his mind but he managed to roll over and scramble to his feet before he could receive another blow.
You dodged most of his jabs, although a few found their targeted spots. Exhausted, that was what Azrisl was. Seemingly, you were exhausted as well, although less than him.
It didn't make sense. Azriel had been training for more than five hundred years and yet you, that have been training for cauldron knows how long, are beating him. He would be having a talk with Nesta after today.
His footwork started to falter slightly, and of course you would notice that too. Taking full advantage of his state, you manage to knock him off his feet again.
"I yield! Cauldron, I yield." He panted, his eyes closing momentarily. Once he opened his eyes again, he was met with the sight of you, hand extended to him.
Azriel froze. Before, he hadn't fully taken you in, but now, you were right in from of him, and Cauldron, you looked ethereal. He had competely forgotten his bleeding nose and the bruises that had started to bloom on his skin as he stared at you.
A thin layer of sweat coated your body, your training leathers clinging to you like a second skin. Strands had fallen free from the simple hairstyle you wore, sticking to your forehead, and falling into your eyes and you pushed them back. His gaze flickered to your parted lips, almost unconsciously, as you drew in heavy breaths. Quickly, he averted his gaze, not wanting to be caught at you, and especially not wanting to be caught staring at your lips.
Realizing he had been dozing off for too long, he grasped your hand in his. Planting his feet onto the ground, you helped pull him up. Finally standing back on his feet, his thoughts replayed Nesta's words. She's the newest Valkyrie. Mhm, he's noticed that, he thought, slightly annoyed at Nesta. Who could have thought the newest Valkyrie would be that good?
Even Nesta couldn't beat him, neither Gwyn or Emerie, and yet this woman had handed his ass to him today.
And he found himself stunned.
And perhaps a little obsessed... but he wouldn't admit that to himself.
Nobody came and as you and Azriel waited, he finally spoke. "Do you think the others will come?"
"No," you reply. After a beat of silence, you speak again. "I'll go find Nesta," you say as you walk towards the door.
"You're a worthy opponent, shadowsinger." The door closed behind you and Azriel was at a loss of words, a flush tinging his cheeks. Get it together, Az, he thought, but the image of you refused to leave his mind.
Obsessed indeed.
a/n: I had so much fun writing this, I was giggling the whole time! Again thank you so much @anarchiii for this request! I hope you like it, because I adjusted it slightly 💓
general taglist: @blessthepizzaman @amara-moonlight @homeslices @flourishandblotts-inc @anarchiii
comment '💕' to be added to my general taglist!
Love, Cassia ❤️
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olenvasynyt · 1 day
Top 3 most controversial acotar takes/opinions, now☄️
Uh nooooo only my top three? Alrighty. These are going to be very harsh:
1. I have read the ACOTAR series at least 3 times since 2021 and I very often skim chapters every week for posts and videos. And I will be fully honest, I never want to reread the series ever again because of Feyre. I dislike her biases, her hypocrisy, her habit of ignoring other people’s POVs and the mistakes she’s made. I hate her excuses and her blindness and selfishness and how she treats everyone who is not in the IC. I hate how she treats Tamlin and Lucien. I physically cannot reread ACOWAR without flinching at all of the stuff she does, ESPECIALLY her taking down Spring out of revenge. I do not like her as an FMC and I’m glad we have moved past her story and onto other characters.
2. I think the fanbase’s hatred for Tamlin is so extreme and it is heavily influenced by Feyre’s own biases, as well as stupid memes on tiktok. If you take a second to look at the story from Tamlin’s perspective, you can easily understand his actions. With Hybern, EVERYONE FORGETS THAT 1. He was not part of the Archeron Sister’s kidnapping, that was Ianthe. It’s literally explained by Hybern in the book. And 2. He was playing as a double agent, which is hinted at many many times and it is something we later discover. I would go into it more but I feel like that’s its own post that many people have made before.
3. I don’t think SJM is the best writer. I know writers can retcon, especially in huge series like this, but she uses retconning as a crutch, and it’s very frustrating. She has so many inconsistencies and plot holes and inconveniences that personally bother me. I think her world building in ACOTAR is so flat and not thought out at all, and her magic system is even worse. Most of her villains, not just in ACOTAR but in her other series, are not that good idk. She also has a habit of the typical villain monologue that I am getting so sick of and I literally skip the part of the human queen during the Blood Rite because I think it’s so badly written 😭😂
And here’s some random ones just for fun with no to little explanation (I couldn’t do just 3 LMAO sorry)
4. ACOTAR would be better in 3rd POV limited and we can still get the mystery of the world, Feyre’s biases, etc. A lot of problems I have would be solved if we got the POVs of other characters
5. I would like Rhys so much more if he was revealed to be a villain
6. Lucien is one of the only characters I genuinely enjoy, and I’m holding out for him. If he did not exist, I would not be reading ACOTAR at all
7. The IC are awful for how they treat Nesta and I DESPISE THE “intervention” they put her through. It was not a real intervention and readers should not try to defend it in that way
8. This fanbase is filled with too many straight normies who have never experienced a fanbase before and refuse to broaden their minds and think beyond canon. Tamsand would be the most popular ship in any other fanbase. There would be more sexuality and gender headcanons. Trans headcanons, trans fanfics, m-preg fanfics, etc etc. But I guess this is a very popular fantasy romance so I get why those aren’t popular but I should not have to explain why it’s okay to ship ships that aren’t canon, and why people often insert their heteronormative fantasies in queer ships (looking at you Azris)
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joelsgoldrush · 2 hours
wip wednesday: "epiphany" (worst!logan x fem!reader)
third time lucky because i posted this twice with different passages and none of them seemed to satisfy the overachieving monster i am 👹 but let's forget that detail.
this fic is making me crazy... in a good way. i'm enjoying the whole process even though imposter syndrome's hitting harder than ever </3
thank you @moonlight-prose for tagging me 🫂💗
also tysm to @lubdubology because she’s an amazing beta (sorry for tagging you again and again 😭 don’t mind me)
He thought that not seeing you for a week would snuff out his feelings. That by next Wednesday, every thought tied to your name, every urge to uncover the last of your secrets, would be extinguished. That's what time usually did: it diminished dangerous desires that couldn't afford to be voiced, and buried those longings that had no place in the light of day. Logan now figures he’s been underestimating the spell you cast on him with just a few glances and the intensity of your eyes. He’s seen you animated, angry—both defiant and vulnerable. Each of your gestures feels like a memory he can’t quite place. The way you laugh, the right corner of your mouth lifting just slightly higher than the left—he swears it isn’t the first time he's seen a smile brighter than the sun. Still, he convinces himself it’s all in his head. He must be the one losing his mind, the years finally catching up to him. It’s the only reasonable explanation for the thoughts that consume his every waking moment. He’s wrong—you’re right. He’s seeing things where there are none—you’re simply too kind. Too kind. Too young. Too damn clever for your own good, with your books and that sharp mind of yours. He wonders how you see yourself. Do you like the reflection in the mirror? Are you content with the way your life has turned out? Do you, too, lie awake at night, the bed stretching endlessly, aching for a touch that never comes? The walls in this place are paper-thin. When darkness falls, and the moon rises, the big, scary Wolverine can’t close his eyes.  Instead, he listens.  You play the same movie on repeat—a romantic comedy that lasts exactly one hundred and twenty minutes. For two hours straight, he’s privy to your laughter, your commentary at the characters on the screen. He hears you cry when the lead couple drifts apart after a terrible argument, but they always find their way back to each other, and you watch every second until the credits roll. None of the other films you pick ever ends in heartbreak, he realizes. They all have happy endings—the kind you wish for yourself.
no pressure tags: @zloshy @princessanglophile @hauntedhowlett @wlwloverwrites + whoever wants to post sth they´ve written
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merry-kuroo · 5 months
I just finished Book 3 of The Wayhaven Chronicles. Mason has a hold on me, I'm sick 😭 I loveeeeeee his route.
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I'm only disappointed because I didn't get a chance to say "I love you" yet. Like it feels like we're a official couple, especially by the end but I guess that wasn't established verbally...
Either way I really enjoyed the story. It had a really good mix of super intense, emotional moments and romantic and fun moments. My emotions were all over the place.
I'm going to play with some of my other detectives. I was hoping to recruit Sin (is this possible or do I have too much hope?) to the Agency.
Now, should I do Nate, Adam, or Love Triangle route next? 🤔
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toytulini · 3 months
me, stupidly and weirdly resistant to listening to audio books vs reading a physical book for no real reason: man i wish there was a way to like, read a book while i crochet like i do with tv shows and movies and podcasts
#toy txt post#my reasons are irrational you dont need to try to talk me into it. i KNOW#its very silly of me#imagine how much reading i could get done. but alas. Feels Bad#even listening to a more. uh. Story type podcast or fiction like nightvale was a bit difficult to start for me. i like nightvale now i#listened. but i worry that is clocking in my brain as an Exception 😔 maybe it would be easier if i tried some nonfiction books? scary#i also struggle with single host podcasts apparently even tho im also ehhhh on the kind where the structure is the host Interviewing a#different person everytime? maybe it would be okay with a nonfiction audiobook tho cos it would be getting read by a narrator and not sound#so much like a guy ranting into a mic which makes me feel a little insane. altho propaganda doesnt necessarily always sound like a guy#ranting into a mic so idk. i could probably make it through if i can find a nice book about like. parasitic worms. i could tolerate#feeling like im falling into sigma male affirmations videos for worms i think. wormffirmations are allowed#*to clarify i dont listen to those but listening to better offline makes me feel like im morphing into the kinda guy who does and i hate it#which feels unfair cos he is RIGHT and the podcast is good but i need there to be like a cohost there to break the tension of the Ranting#sometimes he has guests on? but its not quite the same#i think the format i like best is either like 2 or 3 regular cohosts discussing things within a specific topic#OR. 1 host whos like infodumping to the other host who knows nothing about the subject. OR. 2 hosts info dumping to each other about#different aspects of the subject. OR. 1 host who brings on fun guests to infodump to them about a subject. and then obviously the subject#needs to intrigue me. ex. sawbones well theres your problem (I HATE THAT THIS ONE IS BEST EXPERIENCED ON YOUTUBE😭 I WANT THEM TO JUST DUMP#ALL THE SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST SOMEWHERE AND I CAN CHECK IN AND FOLLOW ALONG THAT WAY WITHOUT HAVING TO HAVE MY PHONE SCREEN ON THE#WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!! but. im listening for free so its unreasonable to demand more of them BUT ALSO I FEEL LIKE JUST COPYPASTING ALL OF THE#SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST ISNT THAT MUCH MORE EFFORT THAN EDITING A WHOLE YOUTUBE VIDEO? WAAAAAH. THEY DONT NEED TO BE TIMESTAMPED OR#ANYTHING JUST THROW EM IN ILL FIGURE IT OUTTTTTT#anyway. also more than 3 hosts is really pushing my ability to keep track of voices.#anyway: sawbones wtyp tpwky behind the bastards scam goddess#(which is true crime adjacent but focuses mainly on scams and isnt copaganda and laci is funny and cool)#common descent pod completely arbortrary maintenance phase if books could kill#deep sea podcast has more bringing ppl in to interview them about shit than i personally enjoy but i put up with it cos i do like the hosts#and the subject
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ta-bajna-cerna-okybaca · 10 months
Now that I finally got to play TWST diasomnia chapter 1 myself, I'm gonna need everyone who said Malleus was a baby throwing a tantrum for no reason to pay me 2000 dollars each
#twst#twisted wonderland#yes it did take me until the second to last day of the new chapter event to finish book 6 what of it#in my defense i had no good leona&jamil cards for chapters 66 and 67‚ i'm glad i managed to do it at all. robe malleus carried the team <3#anyways! i haven't seen this take in a while but i remember it popping up a lot earlier this year when we got diasomnia on the jp server#as a member of the malleus defense squad i can't bear all this slander and now i have proof it's baseless#his overblot is one of the most justified ones??? what do you mean no reason#He's already established to be constantly left out and lonely because of it#And now he gets hit with the triple whammy of 1) realizing his fellow students' mortality after book 6#2) learning that his father figure is dying and in one week fucking off to fantasy china to live out his retirement without him#3) his best friend the MC telling him they found a way to un-isekai themself#Maybe he could have weathered one of those‚ but all three at the same time?#Poor guy stood no chance‚ those are hits straight into the trauma#Of course he's gonna have a breakdown! It's not his fault breakdowns in twisted wonderland come with a side of destructive berserking#And to be fair from what i've heard in spoilers all he did was put the whole school to sleep he didn't even destroy all that much#like yes putting everyone to sleep so they can live forever and never leave him is not a healthy reaction#but this is Unhealthy Reactions The School it's not like he's such an outlier in that#leave my boy alone 😭#excuse my ranting i'm just insane about twisted wonderland and malleus specifically
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
jesus christ like i only finished the sumeru story like a few months ago but i already forgot your literal first intro to kaveh is a scene of several minutes of him and alhaitham fully bitching at each other
#GIRLJFDSKLFHFKLSJG they are FIGHTINGGGGG god they have so many issues <3#it's sweet to see them get along a lil more in recent stuff#but also so very funny when they still argue#but also MY GOD the situation was DIRE like going back and watching rn. hoougfhghfdh lol#it's SOOO funny tho like#kaveh as a person is very reactive in general#but like. alhaitham isnt. hes normally sooo monotone and cool and collected or whatever#but you put kaveh into the scene and hes like Oh I Have To End This Man#his voice actually fluctuates so much and hes such a little BITCH!!!! the way they fight like petty teenagers 😭😭😭#ughghhhghgh kaveh ur the special one bc youre the one hes got all the history and the angst and the affection with lol#sorry it's 130am and im back to my old sleep deprivation habits and im coping via thinking about alhaitham and kaveh#anyway kavehs so funny hes in this scene like TELL ME WHATS GOING ON TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME#alhaitham: shut the fuck up also when are YOU gonna build a COOL MANSION HUH???????#kaveh: MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!!!! <- ok king of hypocrisy jkaJKLFDJSKLFJ#the way that they both are. good lord. im obsessed with them SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AS IF IT'S MY FAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULT#ive heard clips from i think both voice actors saying how theyre like yeah i made sure to change the tone of voice when theyre talkin#about each other specifically fkljsdjfkldsb JEEZE!!!!!!!#alhaithams so funny hes like hehehehe i almost became a grand sage while you were gone 😏 heh he ha ha bitch#like god he has so much fun bullying kaveh he literally almost never Experiences Joy in other situations#<- havent. dont i say this about jamil also. that often times jamils rare laugh animation plays when hes bullying azul. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#also i love that kaveh is just fully Yelling in the library or whatever. i mean it's the ~house of daena~ or w/e but also there are books#it is a library and hhe is so loud. i love u kaveh#sometimes it's so confusing tho like kaveh will very much be angrily yelling but his animations going 😃#like wh. what was the tone in the original fjksldjfskld#i did see once ALLEGEDLY. someone said that the og chinese dialogue between them is a bit less aggressive#and a lil more playful bantering? IM NOT SURE if that's true tho thats just a random comment i saw once
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u know i’m not sure if it’s because i read the series pretty young but i never got into percabeth even though i like their characters and enjoyed the narrative of them growing up and getting together !🫣 i think it works for the story but i don’t have any strong feelings abt it
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#the shark is 2 soften the blow. in fact the shark is saying this not me he is speaking thru me. i am merely a vessel#i do not have a single pjo ship. the characters get together and i go ah. that makes sense <3#actually wait sometimes i say no <3 hashtag free leo from rr and hazel too#also. i will die on the hill that jason/leo works better than their canon ships#apparently i do have opinions 😳#i do think percabeth is super cute but i think reading it back when romance in books kind of annoyed me made me not get the hype#like if i had the patience to reread the first series now i would probably be a lot more into it#i think i was more invested in the trio than in their individual relationships with each other#grover percy and annabeth was soooo cuuuute i miss them#also seeing people hate rachel for being a girl with a crush made me super annoyed! she’s just existing omg 😭#i kinda made me :/ at the percabeth shippers for a bit#annabeth was so rude in that situation and she was supposed to be! she’s growing up and trying 2 be her best self but she has flaws too#she has a lot of flaws and that makes her interesting but not Correct#tbh percabeth was the only option story wise but i don’t think rachel/percy is an extremely offensive concept#i do recognize that the way her character was treated is a product of That Time when it was cooler to hate girls 🥲#i hope she’ll get a lot more love in the new show and people will acknowledge her as more than a home wrecker or whatever#🎵​that one sabrina carpenter song i watched in target🎵#(all because i liked a boy or smth?)#yo that song looks so funny because her background dancers are almost all woc#which is good great excellent But idk it looks hilarious when these girls are kicking and bullying the cute white blonde girl 😭😭#obviously i feel for her but the visual of it is unintentionally hilarious#if you read my tags you may be entitled to financial compensation#i talked enough on tumblr for today byeee
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leodoriya · 3 months
grocery lists you get from your dad: party size doritos (PUT DOWNSTAIRS IN DESK CABINET SO MOM DOESNT SEE)
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reinemichele · 6 months
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I think I need to shut up and just mass-bookmark these tabs and exit them so I can get this under control 💀 I keep thinking that I'll read through all these pages and then exit them and I just keep opening more
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Ari, if I may ask, do you study English lit?
hi anon !! ofc u can ask !! <33 i study literature in uni, but not specifically english lit… sadly most of my assigned reading is western though :’3
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sharlsworld · 5 months
lando smau where theyre lowkey but he’ll find a way to slip small crumbs of her in every post somehow
⋆⭒˚.⋆ private not secret - ʟɴ4 ☆
✿ lando norris x reader
✿ a few of the times lando norris managed to sneak his girlfriend into his posts and the time he won his first formula 1 race
ᵃᵘᵗʰᵒʳˢ ⁿᵒᵗᵉ ୨୧ my brain is fried so i’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted 💀
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 752,014 others
landonorris see you next time china 🇨🇳
hearts4lando bro thought he could slip a flick of y/n and we wouldn’t say anything
carlando everyone say thank you for the crumbs
⤷ danielricciardo Thank you king! 🤴
alexandrasaintmleux Missing my girl 😞 bring her back to me
⤷ landonorris how about no 😊
⤷ landonorris i’m coming baby - alex’s girl
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux I’ll be waiting 😉
⤷ charles_leclerc So I guess I’m stuck third wheeling my girlfriend and my girlfriend’s girlfriend when I come back
⤷ landonorris always 😇 - alex’s girl
landolovesyn i love y/n so much 🥹
georgerussell63 Y/n is my idol I wanna be like her when I grow up
⤷ landonorris your 5 years older then her??
⤷ georgerussell63 Well then I wanna be like her in my next life damn.
⤷ landonorris you are my hero george russell you’re such a icon - alex’s girl
⤷ charles_leclerc Oh we’re still doing this?
⤷ landonorris we never stopped?? 🤣 - alex’s girl
beloved.hamilton no it’s the fact y/n has her own account but always takes lando’s phone and replies on his account 💖💓💝
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liked by mcarlen and 3,227,986 others
landonorris WWE FUCKIJG DID IT. P1 🏆
yn so proud of you 💗
⤷ landonorris i couldn’t have done without you and all you do for me baby ❤️
oscarpiastri Well done man 👏👏👏
georgerussell63 Congrats mate!!
lando_luvr4 him running to y/n before anyone else got me in tears 🥹🥹
maxverstappen1 🥳🥳🥳
carlossainz55 Well deserved ❤️
mclaren We made it boys! 🧡👏🏆
chilipowder55 i took a nap and got woken up to be told LANDO WON HIS FIRST EVER F1 RACE???
maxfewtrell So proud brother 🧡
landowantsrizz ok but what does WWE have to do with this?
all4lando i already know what him and y/n are doing tonight 😭
estiebestie everyone shut up i’m so happy right now
charles_leclerc Lando we can be world champion!
team_quadrant *SCREAMING*
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liked by danielricciardo and 1,953,017 others
landonorris a night of celebration 🥳
charles_leclerc “alex wants to know the next time her and y/n can have a sleepover”
⤷ landonorris it’s like we’re just their side hoes or something 😞
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux Or something? you are - alex’s girl
⤷ landonorris babe come back i miss you where did you two go
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux You’ll never find us
⤷ charles_leclerc They just took the bowl of pasta and ran 💔
pierregasly the clam before the storm
maxfewtrell Come back soon I miss you 😘
sharls_lerklerk y/n and alex stealing the pasta and hiding with each other 😭
alex_albon it was amazing seeing lando going feral when y/n wouldn’t come out of hiding 😭
⤷ carlossainz55 Truly a sight for sore eyes
georgerussell63 I wish someone was as down bad for me as lando is for y/n
⤷ carmenmmundt Girl. Don’t even.
danielricciardo Crazy crazy night 😂
⤷ flowers444yn i need to know what happen now
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liked by judebellingham and 1,082,439 others
landonorris feels good to be back 🤍
landolovesyn y/n appearance!! 🥰
landonowins i’m only here for y/n tbh
⤷ lilymhe me 2
⤷ francisca.cgomes me 3
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux Me 4
⤷ carmenmmundt Me 5
⤷ lilyzneimer Me 6
⤷ landonorizz everyone loves y/n
carlando lando nowins & lando norizz are retired. lando norris has won in life.
carlito55sainz if you look very closely you can see me jumping off the balcony 😂😂
operationsainz55 this love is the typa love you find in movies & books
lewistearmeup the dark aesthetic then the light pictures of y/n 😭🥹🥰💘💖💗
lovely_leclerc my heart can’t take all this love and cuteness anymore stop
ynstan4lyfe awhh so cute i’m sleeping on the highway tonight 🥰🥰
ᵃᵘᵗʰᵒʳˢ ⁿᵒᵗᵉ ୨୧ i just took a nap and when i woke up i opened instagram AND THE FIRST POST I SAW WAS LANDOS?? i had to finish this and him winning was my motivation 😭
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ham1lton · 3 months
pairings: jude bellingham x reader.
faceclaim: maya jama <3
summary: being the personal assistant of sir lewis hamilton has been the highlight of your career so far, even when he has you fetching organic vegan dog food for roscoe at six in the morning. but that was expected, what wasn’t expected was a certain english footballer taking an interest in you.
author’s note: shout out to my jude girlies! this one is for u! it’s also technically the 29th where i am, so happy twenty first to jude! now part of a series.
— wanna be tagged in any future works? fill out my taglist!
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liked by landonorris, yourbestie and 78,928 others.
yourusername: days lately 💐
view all 10,739 comments
user1: THE LEWIS PIC 😭😭
lewishamilton: you’re fired.
-> yourusername: this is the ninth time you’ve fired me this week.
-> landonorris: i’ll hire you y/n.
-> lewishamilton: shut up norris. don’t steal my assistant.
user2: why is yn the most entertaining f1 related person.
user3: guys, who is she??? she’s stunning!
-> user4: yn yln! she’s lewis’ assistant and practically family at this point. she’s been with him since she was 18. she just had her 24th birthday so they’ve worked together for almost 6 years! she’s so funny and if you’re a fan of lewis, you should definitely follow her!
charles_leclerc: roscoe and leo playdate when?
-> yourusername: roscoe is booked up for the unforeseeable future i apologise.
-> alexandrasaintmleux: oh no 😢
-> yourusername: suddenly he has an opening!!!! just for alex.
-> alexandrasaintmleux: yay! i’ll message you 😊💐
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liked by lewishamilton, judebellingham and 233,938 others.
yourusername: btw if you catch your girl smiling at her phone it’s probably something i posted. your girl thinks i’m hilarious and loves me more than you 🤷🏾‍♀️
view all 27,127 comments
carmenmmundt: caption is true!
-> yourusername: kissing you virtually <3
user1: i love yn sm.
-> user2: did u see her vlog for the lv event?? she feeds us sm. shirtless lewis in the beginning, jude bellingham in the background of the event and her posing with central cee at the end. she’s collecting british boys like she’s getting paid for it.
user3: marry me yn!!!!
lilymhe: roscoe is judging tf out of you 😭
-> yourusername: he hates to see me shine 😔
user5: why is jude in the likes omggg???
roscoelovescoco: you’s my favourite’s 🐶
-> yourusername: love u sm my baby 😢
user8: is it truly a yn post without a roscoe pic?
*liked by yourusername.*
user6: all the wags love yn. i need wag!yn expeditiously.
user7: can you even post this?? won’t you get fired?
-> yourusername: idk. take it up w/ my boss lewishamilton.
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YN: hi guys!! how are we all doing? you okay?
user1: YN I LOVE YOU!!
user2: im good!
user3: where are you?
YN: i’m currently in madrid right now for a event that lewis is involved in. i love madrid. much different to drizzly england.
user4: omg perfect timing.
user5: your bf is in madrid rn.
user6: god aligned your chakras 😍
YN: my bf???? guys i don’t have a boyfriend.
user7: you do now. boyfriend distribution system has done its job and he’s hot! and rich! and successful!
user8: lmfaooo ur face 😭
YN: who are you guys talking about. i promise you, i am single.
user9: jude bellingham posted a tweet asking if he could get more screentime in your next vlog 😭
user10: girl he wants you bad 😭
user11: and we don’t blame him!
YN: jude bellingham? the football player? isn’t he like twelve.
user12: he’s 21 girl 😭
user13: cancers rise !! ♋️
YN: i don’t date younger than me! he’s a baby!
user14: you are freshly 24 😭
user15: dw you are not kelly piquet girl 😭
user16: you should date him!!
landonorris: hi 😃👋🏼
YN: hi future boss dude
landonorris: i think you should date jude as well.
YN: et tu, brute?
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liked by trentarnold66, roscoelovescoco and 1,288,567 others.
yourusername: roscoe took me to the airport and we both sobbed and cried when i had to leave. i could barely enjoy looking at shirtless jude 😔
view all 45,928 comments
judebellingham: it’s okay. you’ll have plenty more chances to see it again.
user1: caption so real 😔
user2: how’s your holiday going?
-> yourusername: great! but i genuinely crave a roast dinner so bad. roast dinner with all the trimmings please and thanks 🙏🏾
user3: i thought you were lewis’ assistant 😭 why are you chilling with jude?
-> yourusername: i am lewis’ assistant but thanks to labour laws, i am entitled to holiday leave. i am on holiday right now.
-> lilymhe: without me? 😔
-> yourusername: sorry babe 😔😔
trentarnold66: thank god. jude wouldn’t shut up about you. so glad you’re together.
-> judebellingham: i’m praying on your downfall. hope your account gets blocked 🙏🏾
landonorris: you’re just on holiday? was hoping you’d been fired so i can hire you 😒
-> yourusername: i only work for world champions. nicorosberg, you hiring?
-> user4: MESSY ASS 😭
-> user5: yn could singlehandedly repair brocedes.
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— taglist: @23victoria @maxlarens @m1892 @stinkyjax @yelenasloverrrrr @tsireyasgf @landososcar @ourlifeforchaos @itseightbeats @xylinasdiary @chelle1306 @velentine @ariellovelynn @shhhchriss @f1kenzzz @lavisenri @namgification @hiireadstuff @theblueblub @lifeless-firefly @ctrlyomomma @evie-119 @starz4me1 (found yourself tagged in something you’d rather not be? refill the taglist with what you would rather be tagged in and leave a note at the bottom for me to delete your old form! if you’d like to be removed all together then send me an ask!)
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3K notes · View notes
beastking-golion · 2 years
I can’t stop thinking about how Chen saw a photo of Sidestep’s dead body, saw that there was no way anyone could’ve survived those wounds, saw their tattoos and learned they were a regene, and specifically hid these pictures from Ortega so she wouldn’t get herself killed trying to avenge Sidestep.
Got a call from Ortega telling him excitedly that she found Sidestep ALIVE
#chen being so tense makes so much sense to me cause the dude literally thought he had full proof you were dead and yet here u are#’didnt you die???’ ‘that was years ago chen things change’ type shit LMAO#I think of it slightly jokingly like haha man that mustve been a mind fuck but also I think of it sadly#he didnt know they could put sidestep back together and force him to survive#he didnt know they werent buried or even an autopsy for researchers to learn about#no sidestep was ALIVE lived through that horrific death and then was experimented and tortured for years#and maybe he couldve done something#he couldve saved them if only he knew but he didnt#and i personally cant fault him fully for not taking on a fight bigger than even himself#pursue the lead to get your teammates body back and risk killing yourself your team and your best friend?#or be forced to accept you can’t do anything even if you wanted to#IDK MAN CHEN JUST MAKES ME SAD OKAY#especially if you romance him cause the poor dude has a homophobic family who treats him like shit#so of course the next time this dude falls in love its to the literal villain terrorizing the city#chen my man im sorry 😭#im a chen defender he wasnt fully right but he wasnt fully wrong#poor man saw a ghost enter the rangers office#I wonder if when he sees Sidestep he sees their corpse too#URGH I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS MAN#gonna have to wait a good couple of years for book 3 but imma be stewing in that time#fhr spoilers#fallen hero retribution spoilers#fhr#fallen hero retribution#wei chen#marshal steele#text post#typical me writing an essay in the tags LMAO#dex talks
0 notes
il-miele-che-scrive · 5 months
Lando Norris and [Y/n] Wolff are an on-and-off thing, fans think they're all good after [Y/n] releases a song supposedly about Lando, but they forget he's not the only Brit on the grid.
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username3 sorry but in which part is y/n american?
↳username1 her mother, Y/m/n Y/l/n, is American and Y/n spent most of her life in the US after Y/m/n and Toto divorced
username3 oooh good to know, thank you!!
username4 I'm so happy to know Y/n and Lando are still together after all
↳username5 But they were never official
username4 But it's obvious! They were seen on dates many times, hanging out around Monaco, not to mention every time Y/n is in the paddock she spends more time in the McLaren garage than Mercedes'
username6 my fav nepo baby <3
username7 damn Lando must be doing a good job lol
username8 Y/n finally released a love song, everybody thank Lando
username9 Weren't there rumours about them being over forever just during the winter break?
↳username10 Toto would find a way to get Lando kicked out of F1 if he ever broke Y/n's heart lmao
username9 What does Toto gotta do with McLaren?
username10 He's rich? Lol
username9 And? Stroll's daddy is rich as well yet he can't make idk Verstappen disappear lol rich doesn't mean he can do anything he wants
username11 Guys I have a bad feeling, we actually haven't seen them together in a long time , I'm afraid they might be actually broken up for good
↳username6 I wouldn't read too much into it, Y/n studies in Monaco so she isn't able to attend races right now
username11 You sure? Y/n hasn't made a single appearance since the season started
username6 The season started in the middle of her uni year lol you ever thought of that?
↳username7 this is literally a love song, how are we even wondering if they broke up? she wouldn't release this if they were done
username6 THIS!! I feel like this song is a confirmation from Y/n that all is good, maybe she was tired of people talking if they're broken up or not
username5 Then why don't they make it official?
username6 that's not a question i can answer
username12 "I'll go anywhere he goes" then why aren't you attending races miss girl? Education can wait
↳username2 lmao it literally can't wait
username13 "the books you read" ma'am, Lando looks like he hasn't touched a single book his whole life
↳username12 And it's not like he dresses that well either, his style is nothing special
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y/n's texts with Lando
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username1 All men are the same I swear
↳username2 nooo I swear there are good ones, but that's just not Lando
username3 excuse me sir, y/n has just written a love song about you
↳username1 Him and Y/n are done frfr 😭
username5 Do we know who the girl is?
↳f1gossip Not yet, but I'm sure we'll know in no time
username6 Wtf is wrong with you, it's not her fault Lando can't focus on one woman
username7 But there's no way she didn't know about him and Y/n ;)
username6 There is/was no "Lando and Y/n", they never confirmed a relationship
username8 He's just won in Miami, I was hoping they'd make it official after that :(
↳username9 Sameeee it would be so cool
↳username10 Literally same, it'd be perfect
username11 Lando Norris, you disappoint me again
↳username12 at this point Y/n must be used to that lmao poor girl I hope she finds someone better
↳username3 Whats he supposed to say? Y/n is a grown woman, stop treating her like a baby
username14 I swear if we see Y/n back again with him after THIS I'm gonna break some dishes
↳username15 Yeah I hope she'll find some self respect and finally leave his ass
username16 Y/n I beg you to leave him, the d can't be THAT fire
yn_wolff posted on instastory
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landonorris replied to your story:
↳mind if i join?
yeah lol don't join
i was gonna sail today anyway, what if we do it together?
hey i think i see u thru my window who are u with?
with dad and susie
stalker ass creep don't get anywhere near me today
I see another man
who is he?
y/n answer me who is he
is that russell?
fucking russell wtf is he doing there
he better keep his hands away from you
what the fuck why are u hugging him
i'm hugging george and I'll do something worse if you don't stop with ur stalker shit
what the fuck do you mean y/n
don't worry, I'm sure that blonde girl would love to give you a hug, you should go see her
she's just a friend
y/n you're mine
she doesn't mean shit to me
don't show my texts to russell
Hello it's George, stop texting my girlfriend or we'll have to tell Toto
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username1 Right after? The Lando thing was yesterday
↳f1gossip Yeah, and this was this morning
username2 Whats Y/n doin with George? 🤨
↳username3 in case you forgot she's y/n WOLFF, the daughter of Mercedes' boss which GR drives for
username4 After seeing Y/n's story I hoped she's finally spending some time with Lando but...
↳username5 Have u seen what Lando posted? 😂
username4 What did he post?
username5 Oh apparently he deleted it already lol it was a story
username5 Anyway he posted like a lowkey thirst trap pic and the music he added was Tumblr girls by g eazy lmao
username4 Boohoo consequences of his own actions catching up
username5 Yeahh and he especially chose the verse that goes like "fucking off and on, always stop and go, probably got someone, choose not to know"
username6 Guys, I say we take in consideration the possibility of 'so american' being about George
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landonorris Monaco weekend 🇲🇨☀
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username1 Why do I feel like he posted this just so people think Y/n was there with him even though there's not a single pic of her? 😂
↳username2 Bro why he want her when he can't have her anymore?
username3 get over it, it's your fault
username4 I feel like he's tryna say "Hey guys look, Y/n took these pics" but why would we believe it 💀
↳username1 Exactly!! We all KNOW she most likely spent the day with George
username5 Now all i think about when i see Lando is the story he deleted 😭
↳username6 totally hahah he literally called Y/n a bitch but also admitted that he can't help wanting other girls
username7 Wait when did this happen? When did he say that?
username6 he never said that, it's lyrics of a song he posted but quickly deleted
username5 He immediately regretted hahah
username8 @/maxfewtrell Tell Lando to behave, why are you even helping him with this bullshit?
username9 It's too late, you had your chance FOR HALF A YEAR and still chose to lead Y/n on, now she got someone else and you're being petty
↳username10 She let him lead her on for half a year? Damn it he should pay for her therapy
username9 I feel like she really hoped she can change him but realized "if you can't change the man, change the man"
username10 Very accurate lmao
username11 Guys, I believe Y/n and Lando were a thing for much more time than half a year, it was going on for at least a year, they were just very secretive about it
username9 Well, good for her to finally get out of this shit, she deserves so much better and I hope George will give her that
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username1 I bet Toto loves his new son in law
↳username2 He has to be very relieved to know Y/n chose George eventually
username3 We still don't know if they're dating, remember George drives for Mercedes
username4 I really hope Lando is crying rn
username5 Now Lando for sure can't trick us into thinking Y/n was with him lmao
username6 I love George for saving Y/n
username7 I love them, they're all so old money, Y/n and George are a great match
username9 This is our confirmation that so american is about George
username10 I feel like Y/n upgraded at some point but at one point also downgraded
↳username2 Let's not talk about it, we should be happy for her and George, at least he won't treat her like an option
username11 George is literally THE MAN for Y/n, I'm so glad she finally realized that
↳username12 Chill, let's not assume stuff before we have any statement from them, we all know where assuming can get us
username13 This is my old money dream
username14 HEAR ME OUT but I'd actually love to see George and Y/n get married one day
↳username12 THIS is exactly where assuming can get us
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yn_wolff Oh you'll like him, he's really kind andhe's funny like you sometimes, and I found someone I really like maybe for the first time
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username1 I'm so happy for them I'm gonna cry
lewishamilton Invite me next time!
↳georgerussell63 Toto said it was family only, I'm sorry, Lewis!
↳yn_wolff Ask Ferrari to invite you wtf
username1 lmao only Y/n Wolff can talk to a 7 times world champion like that
↳username1 Y/n is officially free from Lando!!
username3 I love the vibes, I love the fact that Y/n is dating a driver from her dad's team, I love the fact that Toto accepts it
↳username4 He must've been going CRAZY when Y/n had the situationship with Lando
username3 Absolutely and I think we all know about Toto's anger issues lol
susie_wolff 💝
↳yn_wolff 🩷
ymn_yln I hope George knows he's welcome in America too 😊
↳yn_wolff Of course!! We have a plane on Friday❤️
↳georgerussell63 I wanted to take Y/n to Miami so we can visit after the GP, but she refused 😔
yn_wolff Shut up I have uni!!
georgerussell63 It can't be more important than me meeting your mum
lilymhe Beautiful couple 😚
↳yn_wolff @/susie_wolff it's about you and dad💕
lilymhe Might as well be 😂
username3 Susie and Toto literally are Y/n and George in like 20 years lmao
alex_albon Finally, no more secrets
↳username2 ALBONO KNEW?
username4 Phew I can't imagine how much stress it was for him 😂
username5 George just MIGHT be the guy which so american is about...
username6 Something about this relationship makes me feel so at peace and I don't even know them in person
charles_leclerc Someone check on Lando😂
↳yn_wolff Charles 💀
username5 Is he wrong tho
username7 I laughed harder than I should've
↳username8 Betting all my money he's regretting all his actions
username9 As he should tbh imagine leading sb on for about a year, people who do this are evil
username8 Yeah, that was so wrong of him
username10 No but I need to know what books George reads tho
landonorris 👍
↳yn_wolff Stalker ass you don't even follow me
↳username4 THE AUDACITY
landonorris I hope you'll have fun while it lasts
↳yn_wolff YOU'RE the one to speak about lasting
↳georgerussell63 Not your place to worry about it🙂
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username1 "THE WAY YOU DRESS, THE BOOKS YOU READ" he dresses well✅ he looks like he reads✅
username2 He's the perfect man for Y/n frfr
username3 I'm so happy that it's not about Lando after all, I was like girl he's treating you like shit and you write a love song??
username4 I've been waiting for it for YEARS
username5 So they had a thing for no longer than since the end of winter break and already made it official
↳username2 Something Lando couldn't do for almost a whole ass year lmao
username6 But have y'all noticed how obsessed with Y/n Lando is suddenly?
↳username1 of course he is, that's how it works, he's been rejected so his fragile ego is hurt
username3 He's even liking fans' edits of Y/n😭man is manifesting hard but I doubt anything can help him
username7 Good to know George's hands are warmer than hell, they don't look like it
username8 Girlie deserved a man who doesn't have commitment issues aka is a real man, I'm glad she got him
username9 Y'all think Lando reads Y/n x reader fanfics?👀
↳username1 Totally
↳username2 I can imagine it
↳username3 He'll do it until his delulu becomes trululu (it'll never happen🔥)
username10 I'll laugh so hard if now Lando will now stop fooling around with other girls 😂
username11 Can't wait for a whole album full of love songs about him
↳username12 I don't think we'll have to wait for long
1K notes · View notes
landograndprix · 4 months
╰┈➤ ❝ desire us • l.n c.l ❞ i
part two
➪ life changed after you decided to go through it as a single woman, offering your daughter the best life she deserves, focusing on work, friends and family but damn, that guy.
➪ life is good and so is your 'friendship' with lando
➪ mom!reader x dad!Charles x lando
➪ book two is here & im so so sorry it took so long :( this takes place 2/3 years after desire. I kept the taglist from the first part of this series but let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore. Comments and feedback are welcome <3 **I fucked up with Shangai gp and Suzuka, please pretend you never saw that 😭
📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by manon_roux, charles_leclerc and 578,982 others
y/nusername meeting manon's mini 👶🏻
tagged manon_roux
view all 1,212 comments
norrizz welcome to the world manon's mini! <3
milliexoxo he's here! Will drop by soon 💙
↳ manon_roux still in florida with your boy?
milliexoxo yessss ☺
logansargeant what's his name, logan?
manon_roux boy you wish :')
logiebear still not over the fact logan is a part of this silly ass friend group 😂
norry4 congrats to Manon & Alice 🍼
joris__trouche bienvenue petit garçon 💙 (welcome baby boy)
landooooo zoe would make a great big sister 👀
↳ carlandooo bet lando would love to volunteer 👀
landooooo lando give y/n a 2nd baby pls 😭
norrisgp what the actual fuck is wrong with you guys?
landonorris thanks for the nephew 💙
landonorris his name's lando right?
↳ alicedidier 🖕
landonorris classy
yukisan MANON HAD A BABY?!
↳ landoscar girl her and her wife have a whole football team already 💀
yukisan WIFE?!
charles_leclerc bébé, tu es déjà tellement aimé 👶🏻💙 (baby boy, you're so loved already)
leclerc_16 all these men in the comments having massive baby fever lmao
charlos16 I personally think Charles and y/n should give zoe a sibling
↳ norry4 leave them alone jfc
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📍 Australia
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 462,781 others
y/nusername straya 🇦🇺
view all 1,222 comments
oscarpiastri would've given you a tour if you'd told me you were here
↳ y/nusername I've been here before, I know my way around :')
oscarpiastri I guess what i'm trying to ask is; do you want to hang out?
y/nusername no, I only want to hang out with lily
oscarpiastri that's fair and totally understandable
landoscar I love them your honor 😭
norrizz just two girlie girls living their best lives 🥺
charles_leclerc c'est définitivement ta fille 😂 (definitely the your daughter)
↳ arthur_leclerc deux divas (two divas)
y/nusername tu devrais peut-être te regarder dans le miroir une seconde ;) (maybe you should look in the mirror for a second)
joris__trouche trois divas dont Arthur 😂 (three divas including Arthur)
y/nusername fais-en quatre parce que tu es le plus grand de tous 🤣 (make that four because you are the biggest one of them all)
norry4 can't wait to see your pretty face on TV again <3
milliexoxo thanks for the invite..
↳ y/nusername you're welcome 😘
logansarge mom abandoning her child again lol
hamilt44n pls continue to humble Danica this season 😂
sharl16 I'm counting 3 adorable koalas in this post 🐨
landonorris do you want to build a snowman?
↳ y/nusername no
landonorris oh ☹️
y/nlando please y'all still so cute :(
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liked by manon_roux, oscarpiastri and 413,678 other
y/nusername osc & co.
tagged: milliexoxo, oscarpiastri, landonorris
view all 1,319 comments
mrsnorris interesting
oscarpiastri knew I was being watched
norrisfour in the mclaren garage again? Interesting indeed 👀
↳ bott_ass she was in Oscar's side of the garage, calm your tits
norrizz yall need to chill out, she's with mclaren, ferrari and williams most of the time. She's friends with their drivers. Give it a break.
logansarge what the hell millie, a mclaren hoodie?! 😭
↳ milliexoxo I'm sorry, it was the first thing I found in y/n her suitcase!
landoscar it's alright bestie, we know it's your favorite team <3
milliexoxo don't tell my bf :(
charlos16 dinner with lando you say?
maxfnorris where's zoë?
↳ sharl16 she's got a dad too yknow?
maxfnorris I never see them together
sharl16 then you need a pair of glasses cause youre blind as shit, Charles loves to show off his daughter 💀
landonorris starting to feel you're a bit obsessed with osc
↳ y/nusername just a bit?
landonorris a bit too much
manon_roux same 🥰
y/nusername yeah, don't you just want to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair?
manon_roux i just want to kidnap him and put him in my basement
oscarpiastri this is getting weird now, should I be worried?
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y/nusername posted to their story
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manon_roux replied to your story
What are you doing in London?
I mean I know why you're in London but want to see if you're going to be secretive about it again 😂
No shame in visiting the people you'll call your in laws in a couple of months 😉
Don't you have a newborn to look after?
He's taking a nap
If he let's me, I'll have 20-30 minutes to annoy you
Are you staying at his place?
I hope Noah keeps you up at night
He's got a one bedroom flat, right?
He's got a couch
lol and who's sleeping on it? You?
He's not letting you sleep on his couch and you're not letting him sleep on the couch either
People can sleep in the same bed without anything going on
We did it before
we never dated nor do we still have feelings for each other
I'm glad you know how I feel
Bubs you're an open book to me, it's written all over your face
Even your baby daddy is trying to get you two back together
oh c'mon charles is trying so damn hard to get you and lando back together, don't play dumb with me 😂
you meeting up with mum and dad norris? 🥰
You've been hanging out with millie too much
and you've been hanging out with my wife too much because why are you ignoring my questions?
Suck my nonexistent dick babes
I tried for years babes but turns out your into British goblins :(
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @softboystarkey @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseoki @pretty-little-bunny382728 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @severewobblerlightdragon @cherry-piee @namgification @mycenterfold @devineendevers @celestialend @jsjcue @d3kstar @themislovesf1 @geehsf @mehrmonga @gentlemonsterworld
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10 @bored-brunette2 @i83andrew @mcmuppet @justdreamersdream
Desire taglist; @fangirl-dot-cm @sainzluvrr @writingworlds @chezmardybum @lewisvinga @xjval @fanficweasley @rockyhayzkid @aundercover @thecubanator2 @minchedchilli @crimeshowjunkie @alisoncasey21 @eeviepepi08 @shamelesspotatos @sleepybrokenmelle @leireggsworld @janeholt3 @iamahalicinationn @dessxoxsworld @kapsylia @22yuki @dark-night-sky-99 @sheslikeacurse @nerdreader @norwayxo @sunny44 @honeymoonelvis47
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