#my detective in that book is such a hard ass
Pls headcanons of a flirty dolores [human] and five .
Trying to forget "that season".
Denial stage activated.
Pls and thank you.
Good day/night.
OOOHH YES! but first i want to write a human Dolores of my own then we can get to the flirty stuff. * she is in her mid 30's and works as a librarian who LOVES books and is very smart and pretty and perfect.
she is MADDENINGLY in love with the Noir detective novel series " Five "max" Hargreeves and the Umbrella of Time. a long running series about a Old man who turns into a young man some times and solves crime with his dog Mr. pennycrumb. * she hated that when they turned the books into movies, they hired a actor that looked NOTHING like how she sees him in her head. Five looks like how she sees him in her head. she cant pinpoint why it bugs her so much. its just wrong. thats not him??? * one day well sorting books, she no clips into the backroom subways and gets stuck. idk how. s4 logic aka make shit up. but she thinks "what would Five do?" and copy his mapping and travel style. * and then they meet......Jesus my kinnie ass heart melts even thinking about it lol. * "five?!" "Delores?!.....are you..real this time....." "wait how do you know my name??....and yes i am very much real? are YOU?" "how do you know MY name?? and yes??" then they nervously chuckle and tell each other how they know each other. * they get a bit sad that the others Delores and five were not real and five admits he got the better end of the stick by being a cool book character....she didn't deserve to be just a......mannequin. but Delores reassures him that his life needed her and that's what gave it so much value. "and at least you got to physically hold me~ i just had....really embaressing art of you...." *Delores drawing him then she thinks he's not looking. she wishes he was a bit older but her self shipping ass is used to his age "powers" but knows this Five cant turn back. at least he's not 13 Five lol. *he's tried to explain his age situation a few times.... shes so understanding about it and five, for the first time, feels seen....and got does his face get red. she knows he's a old man. she loves him BECAUSE he's actually an old man. ANYWAY TO THE FLIRTY STUFF. MY BRAIN IS JUST ON FIRE WITH HUMAN DELORES. * they CAN NOT stop looking at each other. five feels so stupid being THIS flustered. its not his wife. he knows this. but god....shes so stunning. younger then his Delores but he doesn't mind. * she's taller then him no matter what. she was taller then him when he was old, young doesn't matter. shes a tall women and he loves that about her. *her always behind his shoulder correcting his math. and him huffing and admitting shes right. *she likes to head to him. he likes listening. hearing her voice with none of his own voice fused in is so refreshing. he would read his head in her lap and just relax for once in his life. *them slow dancing and mumbling soft words of comfort to each other. *she loves booping his nose. at first, it bits him because the handler used to but ends up finding it nice. its a trait she would have. *he loves watching her move. dance. walk. talk. shes in front of him. again, their eyes are glued to each other and its hard hard not to. just knowing their loves are real keeps them going. *that art meme of all the lovestruck chibis surrounding a very flustered person. that's Delores if she walked into the deli. imagine all the fives looking over and melting in surprise. crumbling in their seats because they are filled with "i miss my wife,tails" energy. the five we are following for this post has to fight them back and give protective glares well she admits the attention is nice and oh god! so many fives! *when five finds a way to return, he doesn't fucking hide it and want to introduce her to his family so bad. she is worried about ending up in a different timeline. he understands the risk but at this point, he just wants the love of his life. and Shes so starved for adventure that she agrees wholeheartedly.
sorry if this wasn't all flirty themed stuff, i just really wanted to write Delores.
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merry-kuroo · 5 months
I just finished Book 3 of The Wayhaven Chronicles. Mason has a hold on me, I'm sick 😭 I loveeeeeee his route.
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I'm only disappointed because I didn't get a chance to say "I love you" yet. Like it feels like we're a official couple, especially by the end but I guess that wasn't established verbally...
Either way I really enjoyed the story. It had a really good mix of super intense, emotional moments and romantic and fun moments. My emotions were all over the place.
I'm going to play with some of my other detectives. I was hoping to recruit Sin (is this possible or do I have too much hope?) to the Agency.
Now, should I do Nate, Adam, or Love Triangle route next? 🤔
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grapecaseschoices · 4 months
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once again, i think it is so very fucking strange to include a route/path in an INTERACTIVE book and the maximum exploration of it is '????? welp i don't know! ???' in a scooby doo voice.
there is no reason why a resistant detective not be allowed options as to WHY they're resistant to start a relationship with N or F (and I say this as a huge F-fan who agrees when the narrative is like 'why am I doing this?' yes why are you resisting the hot adorable one??). If this journey is given, then I - as the player - should be allowed to explore it as fully as the game/writer's skills allow.
And I know this isn't as far the game/writer's skills allow, because we are granted variations on how to treat a past with Bobby and a future with Douglas, we can decide on our relationship with the Captain and the Mayor - side characters to varying degrees - but we CAN'T choose why the detective might be hesitant to start something as important as a ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP with MAIN CHARACTERS???
make it make sense to me.
please. i beg.
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cinellieroll · 6 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 4!
satan and diavolo ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part two (asmodeus, levi and barbatos)
part three (beelzebub, belphegor and solomon)
small note: last part is here wooh! i apologize i wasn't able to add the others. i just didn't know what to put for theirs bc im big idiot. i might make some of them soon tho! i'll probably make aot headcanons next but there will be delays bc exams are next week 😔 i'll also plan on putting more characters in one post next time so stay tuned!
☆ satan:
- likes friv.com, y8 games and papa games.
- picked up the habit of meowing out of nowhere when he's bored or enters his room. only does it when he's alone ofcourse because no way he'll let others see him like this. (everyone knows he does it they just don't say anything)
- he really liked enola holmes and other movies where it has detectives. it just riles him up more and more and wishes a hard ass case will just appear in the devildom already so he'll be first in the scene.
- don't get me started on how many times this man has tripped on his pile of books. he never really learned his lesson and just kept the books on the floor because he enjoys watching cats step on each one
- watches mat pat theories with you and levi. that's when he genuinely started gaining interest in games and sometimes fear he'll end up like levi one day.
- before he was able to manage his anger, he used to pull on his hair really hard. he'd have bald spots for years. thankfully he takes care of it now and it's perfectly luscious and soft.
- gets pissed when he sees people leaving pens uncapped like this is a waste of ink
- also gets pissed when his brothers leave the bathroom door open. he'll use his sleeve to cover his hand and close the door like a clean freak (i do the same thing)
- snores really loud when he sleeps on the couch. yes, the couch not his own bed. the couch.
☆ diavolo:
- he finds pleasure in buying a lot of unnecessary stuff. never learns from his lesson and just kept buying little trinkets and giving silly excuses for it.
- "but barbatos! doesn't this pig just look so cute on my office table? look! i even bought 300 packs of those tea leaves you ordered last time! isn't that great :D?"
- "my lord those tea leaves cost 100k grimm each-"
- he loves to spoil people so much it's so insane. you mentioned you like tanghulus? he ordered barbatos to make 20 of them. oh you really liked that furry coat made by a famous designer? he just bought you 5 pairs of it in different colors. your welcome.
- he likes onesies
- takes really long showers as well. he recently caught up to this thing called an "everything shower" and got invested. now he can't go on with his day without using body washes, oils and cleansers. a demon prince always has to be fresh and well maintained.
- he's always very excited to see you so when he rushes for a hug it's required to pick you up. who cares if he gets scolded by barbatos or receives a glare from belphie? you enjoy it and so does he!
- beautiful thick thighs and ass cheeks it makes me go what the fuck papi chulo
- enjoys the idea of cosplaying. doesn't care what he wears as long as gets to go out and dress up as a character. a dinosaur? sure! princess diavolo?! say less!
another note: we just reached 30 fucking followers hello??1!1(1?@? thank you so much !!! (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
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kaelohver · 1 year
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-You met at a café where he caught you gushing at him quite loudly…
-He approached you and you both clicked immediately!
-Your personalities are similar yet so different but it seems to work even more because of that.
-He’d be surprised of your constant compliments towards others and him at first but quickly gets used to it.
-Might get jealous of you complimenting others so he’ll pester you a bit, but won’t let you know of his jealously (as you’re more than likely oblivious if you’re like Mitsuri).
-Might baby you a bit, but not in a way he’d act like you can’t do anything. He’d just be really affectionate!
-Extremely protective! He would already be protective due to his loss of people in the past but would be even more so if you’re so sweet towards others.
-If you have an ability then he’d get you into the armed detective agency for sure (if you’d want to join).
-If you did join the Ada then prepare to put up with Dazai clinging onto you when you’re doing paperwork whilst Kunikida yells at him to do his work..
-Overall, you two are definitely like besties & partners at the same time.
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-You two probably met through work, considering him.
-I’d guess that he heard you talking loudly about how smart and cute he is..
-Probably freezes up then checks if you really said all that for a second.
-Might go on a rant about privacy as he’s increasingly flustered at your words, might not.
-You two are the definition of one fell first and one fell more (though you could easily compete with him falling more).
-Would appreciate your compliments about him and wouldn’t mind you complimenting others (as he seems like he’s not often jealous).
-Would absolutely admire your physical strength, being extremely surprised when he first saw you fight someone.
-He’d appreciate that you’d probably try to work around his schedule (despite it being quite literally a whole day being planned..)
-Might invite you to the agency (with permission, of course) if you had an ability. Though he might possibly be unsure of this choice for a bit.
-If you did join then he’d quite literally go mad if you gush at Dazai (considering if you’re like Mitsuri, you gush at everyone). He’d throw him at a door (/hj).
-Overall, you’re an extremely sweet couple <3
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-Y’all probably met outside of work… I can’t rlly see a reader like Mitsuri being in the Mafia but I think it would be extremely funny if they were.
-If you met in the Mafia he’d kinda wonder how the hell you even managed to get yourself stuck into such an organisation.
-If you met outside of the Mafia, he’d be hesitant to have even friendship with you, considering his role at work.
-However you manage to charm your way into his heart, he’d enjoy the comments you make about him and would love you a ton.
-Is likely to get jealous but more on the insecure side and will only really stop sulking like a big baby when you give him one of those hugs that make everything better (grown man my ass).
-If you had an ability, he wouldn’t really care much for it. Like, he’d admire it and your strength but overall it’s just an ability to him
-Would put off using corruption even more when you’re around (whether Dazai is present or not, which he wouldn’t really like anyway) to keep you safe.
-Will go mad if you gush at Dazai… He will literally throw him at a tree.
-Would also probably heavily dislike it if you gushed at Mori… He respects him but there’s no way he wants him near you.
-Would love that you’re physically strong, it’s a good skill to have!
-Not joking, he’d seriously stop and watch you beat up someone brutally whilst he’s just ‘???’ with some dumb blush on his face.
-Overall, a sweet couple that will probably be together until they die! (Ignoring the manga rn)
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-Y E S
-Definition of powerful gfs (or partners)!
-Wouldn’t be necessarily hard to get into her life but you’d have to be trustworthy in her books to not get a glare every once in a while.
-Wouldn’t really look for compliments but would appreciate them.
-Though she’d be a bit surprised on your constant praise for others, she’d find it endearing.
-Not likely to get extremely jealous but if she does she’ll just glare menacingly at the person she’s jealous of until they run off in a hurry before then turning to you with an innocent smile.
-Would be supportive of your strength for sure, she’s at the back whilst your beating tf out of someone, smirking proudly.
-You’d be a good team, healing and physical strength, whether you have an ability or not.
-Protective like most bsd characters but she’s not gonna stop you from doing things, she’ll just come with you if she can.
-Overall, probably one of the least-toxic & sweetest relationships!
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-It would be extremely hard to get into Fyodor’s life and it might be even harder with your personality.
-I’d imagine that you’d have to either be his enemy or ally, not a random citizen, to be involved with him.
-However you manage to be aquatinted with him, he would find you particularly interesting.
-He would make a secret of his enjoyment to the compliments you give him, not visibly showing emotion when complimented apart from a possible smirk.
-He is a possessive man so it’s not far fetched to believe he’d be a rather jealous man at times.
-He would probably just do that thing where he smiles unsettlingly at someone if he’s jealous.
-Depending on what level he feels jealous, he might find where they live and resort to violence, though depending on who they are to you.
-His opinion on your strength with or without an ability wouldn’t change much.
-If you had an ability, he’d see it as a win due to the increased strength you’d have.
-If you didn’t have an ability, then he wouldn’t really care much. Seeing as you’re like Mitsuri, you’re strong physically and able to defend yourself either way.
-His opinion on your overall strength is that it’s a useful and impressive asset.
-Overall, a surprisingly non-toxic relationship for him but one that lacks affection. You’d be safe and cared for, so it’s basically a win!
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-This man would be so hard to warm up to so it’s a wonder how you’d be able to.
-When you do, he’d still be a bit annoyed by your antics.
-He’d be fighting seriously and then there’s you in the background doing the splits & all that whilst somehow still winning in a fight by a mile.
-Would secretly seek your compliments and won’t be afraid to glare at someone when you compliment them.
-If your like Mitsuri and you meet Atsushi, he’s going to go mad.
-Would admire your strength and the fact that he doesn’t have to protect you.
-Please don’t gush over Dazai, he will be so sad.
-Would appreciate the fact you don’t start arguments & if he started any then you’d make an effort to sort it out before it got any worse.
-Keeps you away from most people in the Mafia unless you’re in there.
-Very protective, he wouldn’t want you hurt or sad, it completely ruins his mood.
-Overall, unbelievably sweet for a seemingly cold and ruthless Mafiaso!
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honey-milk-depresso · 8 months
Batboys watching anime with reader
You know my ass went FULL ON LOCK MODE with Tim. I went crazy- 💀
***S/o is above 18, which means characters below are also aged up!
Doing requests until 1 Feb! Please see my pinned post and read the request rules on the navi! Thank you!🩷
Batbros watching anime with you
Dick Grayson
He’s watched a few 90s anime before, more the basic ones like One Piece and Pokémon, and he probably still watches them to this day. Boy has old CDs he has and you should probably try finding a Blue Ray (or use his if he can have Tim help fix it because it’s good as dead 💀) because he’s popping in every CD of old anime’s he have lying about.
“Wow, I didn’t know I had cowboy bebop! Or Slam Dunk!” He got a few rare gems, which makes it all the more fun to sit down on the couch under a blanket as you huddle and watch the nostalgic 90s anime shows together while eating popcorn.
He doesn’t mind watching new, modern day animes, just be prepared for when you two watch sad anime shows because he will sob like it’s the end of the world.
“NO, WHY WOULD KAORI DIE LIKE THIS?? AND SHE LOVES ARIMA- OH MY GOD IM SO—”sobs even more. He gets emotional while watching them because it’s so sad that it’s sO GOOD-
Loves dancing to those danceable anime music with you. He goes ALL. OUT. He even sings all of it in Japanese like wow-
I would love to hear him sing Cruel Angel’s Thesis in his Discowing suit and with goth makeup on it because it “sets the mood”, PLEASE-
Overall, great time watching with Dick. <3
Jason Todd
You expect someone like him to like Chainsaw Man, Trigun or something like those grunge-y, guns and knives animes, right? I mean, he does, but only with you and ONLY with you will he let his inner Magical Girl enthusiast ass shine. Because he LOVES Magical Girl animes. That’s probably the reason and one point of time why he wore red ribbons around his arms, he wanted that Sailor Moon experience and Tim might’ve just teased him about that era without knowing his love for Magical Girl animes and Jason might’ve flipped and freaked the fuck out and started chasing him down the manor.
Jason watches Sailor Moon, Madoka when he feels edgier than usual, Cardcaptor Sakura, every Precure series, Tokyo Mew Mew, man has all these shows somehow. He swears they weren’t through illegal means and he just worked very hard to gather all of them. He also might be a shoujo anime fan because if he loves Jane Austen books, you bet his ass would be reading Fruits Basket, Maid Sama or something because of course he would.
Also a Studio Ghibli fan, although watching the Tale of Princess Kaguya might make him feel too much, especially getting pissed off with the dad who forces his daughter into a wealthy life without her input and- yeah, you gotta calm him down as he cries bitterly and sourly with a pout on his face.
The two of you can go on and on about debating about unclear endings of animes all day long. You know the “AND SHE WAS A PRINCESS” video? That’s Jason.
Great man to watch anime with, and he’ll gladly be your Tuxedo Mask to your Sailor Moon (and not the “But you did nothing meme- or the other way around- he don’t mind being the Usagi-). <3
Tim Drake
I’m very convinced this man got into his whole detective shit because he watched Detective Conan and honestly I can’t blame him. Tim has probably the largest vessel of anime knowledge out of all of them. He doesn’t really have a specific genre he likes but he’s pretty fond of old 90s and 80s animes. He can explain the whole lore of One Piece, Fairytale, Pokémon like Jesus Tim, calm down- 💀
I can see him watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain or Key the Metal Doll because he likes that little bit of horror nature and mystery and thriller in his animes although he really doesn’t mind watching Haikyuu all over again if you want to.
Might introduce you to underrated and/or old animes like Revolutionary Girl Utena, Nadia the Secrets of Blue Water, every Studio Ghibli movie, those kinds of animes that give off the really pretty and aesthetic old anime animations that is just so pretty to watch and with really good storylines that both of you can cuddle on a couch together and watch. I bet he even watches anime with you even before you two got together, so you guys pretty much have “watching anime together” as part of the foundation of your relationship. Owns so much manga that you can’t even count, too.
Just… don’t make him watch those really slow burn, comedy love animes, specifically Love War. Not that he don’t like romance animes, he watches Ouran High School Host Club and Your Name, trust me, but Love War? He is going absolutely insane because of it.
Damian Wayne
Damian likes anime. Would 100% go to an anime convention with you as a date if you’re up for it. He doesn’t mind (surprisingly- just for you only-).
He doesn’t necessarily like showmen animes although he has enjoyed a few, but he really loves slice of life, I feel. It just feels like he wants to put himself in a normal life and with a tad bit of drama in it like what the characters go through. The touching ones like Hyouka or Natsume’s Book of Friends.
Also animal related anime maybe except Beastars because he didn’t understand shit-?? He calls that peak anime. Aggretsuko, Chi’s Sweet Home and My Roommate is a Cat?? Damian loves this shit, he watches it intently with his arm around you. Even if he doesn’t smile, you know he loves it by the way his eyes sparkle.
Just don’t tell his brothers. He will seriously feel betrayed if you do so because he only watches these kinds of shows with you: the cute animal ones that are actually wholesome and/or funny.
The whole family is into Studio Ghibli, and he is no exception. He feels like it’s the best kinds of anime to watch with you when you guys just want to turn in for the day and huddle up on the couch. It’s one of the rare times he relaxes and softens and he’s glad to have quality time with you. <3
Duke Thomas
He likes anime! Studio Ghibli is definitely a favourite of his and he would gladly watch it together with you! He also love a fair bit of Shounen animes, the more popular ones like Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Haikyuu, or Spy x Family. He likes them a lot!
A big fan of romance animes too: Ouran High School Host Club and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (if you two are in the mood to huddle on the couch together and cry).
Duke doesn’t mind any kind of anime so long as it doesn’t have too much horror or gore like… Higurashi. He gets chills when that anime is mentioned. D-Don’t watch it for your own sake if you don’t know. And if you do, avoid it with him at all cost because he will.
Duke also like singing some good anime songs with you and you guys can go crazy and dance around, just not as dramatic as Dick.
He would be super excited to spend a date with you watching shounen anime movies like from Jujutsu Kaisen and he would be so hype to spend time with you being a fanboy while also sharing that romantic air for the shared love of anime between you two and the love that you two share, although that love is far stronger. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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Ties That Bind - Part 9.5: Rewarded
Characters: (AU: first names are as in the show renaming a few last names to fit my story): Reader (Y/N Harvelle), Detective Dean Winchester, Claire Stanford (mentioned)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Smutty smut. 
Word Count: 900ish
A/N: Thanks to @blacktithe7 for betaing and helping me rework this series.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.*** 
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Dean hadn’t expected the lights to still be on, when he got back to her place that night. The interrogation and booking of Claire’s parents had taken the better part of the afternoon, and the paperwork took most of the evening. Y/N had had a long day too. With the funeral, followed by an evening shift at work, he had surely expected her to be asleep by the time he got to her house. 
Dean walked into the hallway, but had barely gotten through the door before she was in his arms. Almost knocking him on his ass, taking him completely by surprise. She kissed him deeply and passionately as she rubbed her body against his. Instantly making Dean rock hard and aching for her. His hands wandered down her body and cupped her ass, readying to hoist her into the air, but she broke free of him before he could, leaving him out of breath and confused.
“Not tonight, Dean. This is about you.” She spoke slowly in a low seductive tone that went straight to his cock while she worked on his belt and zipper.
“Y/N…” His breath caught in his throat as he reached out for her. Running his hands over her arms, stopping her before she could get on her knees. “You don’t have to do this sweetheart.” He wanted her too. Fuck, did he want her too; to feel her wet, hot mouth wrapped around him, but he also did not want her to feel like she owed him anything. She just smiled at him, standing on her tiptoes to press her lips to his in a searing kiss that practically made his head spin.
“I want too. Let me?” She ran her hand down his chest, over his stomach to the bugle in his boxers, cupping his rock hard length through the material. His let out a slight hiss at the sudden contact, and he couldn’t help but nod. How could he resist her? How could he ever resist her? She was driving him crazy, and he never wanted her to stop.
She smiled at him and bit her lips as she lowered herself down to her knees in front of him, licking her lips as she pulled his pants, along with his boxers, down to his ankles, letting his cock spring free to stand proud an inch from her face. She looked at him like he was a treat she had denied herself forever and was only now allowed to devour.
Still, she ignored his throbbing erection, kissing and licking his thighs, lightly brushing her cheek against the side of his cock every time she moved, making him more and more desperate.
“Y/N… please.” His hands tangled in her hair. Not pushing nor guiding, just simply needing to feel her. She pulled back a little, looking up at him with those beautiful big Y/E/C eyes of hers.
“Do you want me to touch you, Dean?” She sounded so innocent he couldn’t help but smirk.
“Fuck yes. Do whatever you want to me,” Dean breathed wantonly, hoping what she wanted was to suck him down like he was candy.
His breath hitched as he watched her slowly lick her palm before she wrapped her hand around his shaft. Barely able to close it around him, she started jerking him off. Slowly. Her eyes never leaving his.
His head fell back against the wall, and he let out a needy groan as her tongue gingerly teased the head of his cock.
Her lips felt soft and warm against his skin. Her tongue, hot and wet, teasing him, darting into his slit over and over, making him moan in pleasure as his hand once again found his way to her hair.
He watched her eyes sparkle at him as her tongue traveled up the thick vein on the underside of his cock, making his hips involuntarily buck in anticipation. His breath getting heavier and heavier. How could he be this lucky? She was fucking perfect. And she was right here with him. On her knees. Wanting him every bit as much as he wanted her.  
Then suddenly and without warning she took him into her mouth; all the way down. Her nose pressed against his lower abdomen, and Dean’s hips jerked against her of their own volition making, her choke and swallow around him before slowly pulling back. Her tongue running soft and smooth along the vein of his cock, leaving him wet and glistening with her saliva.
Her teeth gently ran over his tip, making him groan loudly, digging his hand into her hair even deeper.
“Jesus… fuck… Y/N.”
She began bobbing her head up and down, taking him down all the way, humming against him in contentment, twirling her tongue over his slit and driving him wild. He had to use every ounce of self control he possessed to prevent him from not grabbing her head and holding her still as he fucked that flawless mouth of hers.
“Y/N… I’m gonna… I can’t…” Dean tried to warn her, but she didn’t stop. Instead, she increased her pace, sucking him down harder, and Dean exploded into to the wet heat of her mouth. She swallowed every last drop, licking him clean, before she allowed him to pull her back on her feet into a bruising kiss.
He could taste himself on her tongue, and somehow that turned him on even more. Her warm soft body pressed against him prevented him from going entirely soft, and he spun her around, pressing her against the wall, attaching his lips to her neck and sucking down on the spot that never failed to make her arch into him.
“Tonight I am gonna make you scream,” he whispered into her ear, his voice drawing a soft moan from her lips. He knew she believed him, and be damned if he wasn’t going to keep his word.
Dean Tag Team 
@percywinchester27 @slowlywithfreeedom @flamencodiva @deansgirl215 @atc74 @winecatsandpizza @blackcherrywhiskey @feelmyroarrrr @whimsicalrobots @torn-and-frayed @jadewritings @mogaruke @wayward-and-worn @super100012 @blacktithe7 @becs-bunker @docharleythegeekqueen @smoothdogsgirl @ericaprice2008 @danijimenezv @roxyspearing @adoptdontshoppets @supernatural13-13 @onethirstyunicorn @deanmonandnegansbitch @mysupernaturalfics @angreadsficsandauthors @its-not-a-tulpa @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @atwistoffate @adriellej @mrswhozeewhatsis @sillesworldofwriting @sandlee44 @wildfirewinchester @mary-magizoologist @ruprecht0420 @winchesters-favorite-girl @spnfanficpond
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writing-until-i-drop · 2 months
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Wildflowers For A Hangman Ch. 1
Daisy, a career novelist, moves in with her college best friend Phoenix who has been permanently assigned to Top Gun with Dagger Squad. She finds herself instantly connected with a cocky pilot who's soft only for her and Jake can't help but want to know everything about her. When the past comes knocking at both of their doors, will they stand together or fall apart?
Or: The Dagger Squad can't cook and Jake falls in love with a woman who makes a mean lasagna while they work their personal trauma.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x writer!femOC | 18+ (eventually) minors dni. Fluff, smut (eventual), idiots in love, past trauma.
AO3 Link
“I think that’s the last of it,” I wiped my hands on my thighs, not yet used to the California heat. Natasha, my god send in cut-off sweats, passes me a cold beer, sitting on the edge of a box.
“I’m so glad you’re finally here, Daisy, It’s been impossible being surrounded by the asshats in my squadron.” Ah yes, the infamous dagger squad. Natasha had shared a little bit (or a lot) about each member of her team, leaving out any of the classified details of the mission that had brought them all together except for the fact it had led to permanent assignment for all of them. “When I told them my friend was moving in, they were chomping at the bit to see a picture of you.” My eyes cut to her, taking a long swig of my beer.
“And what picture did you show them?” As best friends since college, there were a lot of embarrassing pictures Natasha had access to that outweighed any of the hot ones on my Instagram. Natasha refused to meet my eyes, my heart sank. “Please tell me it wasn’t the one from-”
“It was.” Nathasha confirmed my worst fears with a proud smile. “You’d be surprised how well it worked for them. I told you, those Tweety Bird shorts- hey!” She rubbed where I punched her shoulder. The photo in question was me, drunk as a skunk, leaning over a frat house toilet while I puked my guts out. It had been a pajama party and my Tweety Bird pants had been cropped to show the entirety of my ass.
“You’re the worst, I’m never meeting your friends. You’ll have to suffer the testosterone alone.” 
“Noooo,” Natasha whined. Rolling my eyes, I focused my energy on unpacking. 
Surprisingly, I didn’t have a lot of boxes. Packing up my entire life had mostly been packing up my books and pajama pants that I wore for every occasion except weddings and funerals. My agent supported the move, saying that military novels were all the rage right now in the romance and crime communities, and he was hoping I would take advantage of my new situation for my next series. 
I was one of the lucky authors, I had gone from self-publishing to being picked up by a moderately sized publishing house, my books taking off more than in my wildest dreams. My best-selling series was a 1920’s lady detective, followed by a hard-nosed New York cop hunting a serial killer. Despite this, my agent wanted me to take a swing at a smutty romance novel to capitalize on the buzz around them but I was hesitant.
“Have you forgiven me yet?” Natasha yelled from downstairs, “I ordered pizza!” 
“Pepperoni?” I shouted back, getting an affirmative answer. “I forgive you!” My growling stomach marched me downstairs despite the few boxes still needing to be unpacked in my room. Tasha couldn’t cook, much to her mom’s disappointment, and lived solely off of cup noodles and takeout, something I planned to change the moment I could get to a grocery store. 
Tasha was curled up on the couch, the pizza box and two fresh beers on the coffee table. I took my spot beside her, grabbing a greasy slice.
“We’ve got to decorate your place, Tasha. It’s depressingly bare.” Natasha shrugged, putting on some shitty action movie. “You’ve lived here for six months.”
“I didn’t expect it to be a permanent assignment and then I didn’t know where to start.” I rolled my eyes, opening Amazon and adding an insane amount of decor to the cart as we ate in comfortable silence. If this was going to be home, it was going to be cozy. No matter how much my bank account cried.
It took a week but the apartment was finally starting to feel like home. The brown couch now had throw pillows, there was art on the walls, and rugs on the floor. Everything was calming shades of brown, green, and cream, and there were string lights in every room that could be turned on instead of the overhead lights. 
Tasha: Bringing some friends over for dinner - that cool?
I rolled my eyes, she was lucky I always cooked enough to feed an army.
Daisy: Sounds good. Get more beer.
Tasha: Already got it, babe.
I grabbed two more of the new placemats and finished setting the table. Tonight’s dinner was an authentic lasagna, garlic bread, and salad - it truly was far too much for just the two of us. Once everything was laid out of the table and I had myself a glass of wine, the door opened.
“It smells fucking delicious in here,” A man in an extremely loud button down exclaimed, followed by a boyish man with glasses who nodded in agreement. I snorted with laughter, drawing their attention. “And you are beautiful.”
“Nice to meet you too, Rooster. Hi, Bob.” 
“Hi, ma’am.” I cringed,
“Daisy, please. Now why don’t the three of you wash up and then we’ll tuck in.” The boys, who had clearly been here before, took off for the bathroom while Phoenix shook her head, putting the case of beer on the counter.
“They’re ridiculous but they’re right, you and dinner are both delicious.” 
Dinner went by with little conversation, the three pilots hungrily devouring the food in front of them so fast I was surprised they hadn’t passed out from lack of oxygen. 
“Rooster, you have a roommate, right? I’ll make a plate for you to take home for him.” 
“Hangman will be fine but I’ll take a plate for work tomorrow, honey.” I rolled my eyes, 
“Tasha, text Hangman I’m sending home food for him and he’s to tell me if Rooster eats it. Bob, do you have a roommate?”
“No, ma’am - I mean, no, Daisy.” 
“Then I’ll pack you something for lunch, there’s plenty - and yes, Tasha, you’ll have enough for lunch too.”
“Thank you, Daisy.” 
“You know, once you meet, Hangman you’re not going to send him food anymore.” Phoenix and Bob laugh with him,
“I warned her about Bagman but Daisy’s sweet as can be. She’d give a cannoli to her worst enemy.”
“You’re wrong,” I wrote a quick, little note on Hangman’s box. Natasha gives me a uh huh look before I finish, “I would never share my cannolis.” 
Phoenix: Daisy’s sending dinner home with Rooster for you - he’s going to say it’s for him, don’t believe him
Confusion wrinkled my brow as I tried to recall knowing a Daisy. It took a minute but eventually I remembered Phoenix talking about her new roommate. She had cooked dinner? Besides Bob, no one in the squadron knew how to cook much, if at all. So a home cooked meal would be the best part of my day. 
Hangman: Tell the little lady thank you
Phoenix: Tell her yourself, she’s coming to the Hard Deck tomorrow even if I have to drag her kicking and screaming
I chuckle, refocusing on ironing my uniform for tomorrow. I even take pity on my roommate and iron his, not wanting to hear him crashing around the apartment bright and early trying to do it in the morning.
“Hagman, have you eaten?” Rooster called out, slamming the front door shut. There was not a single subtle thing about that man. Not his clothes, his flying, or his mannerisms. 
“No but I heard you brought me something.” When I reached the kitchen Rooster was standing there, staring at the container of food. “Is that for me?”
“She even wrote you a note. She’s perfect, man. Funny, pretty, cooks well.” He slid me the still-warm container with a pink note sticking on the top. There was a hangman doodle with the note.
E N    O Y    H     N E Y
“This is the best lasagna I’ve ever had.” Rooster nodded, passing me a beer. “I’ve got to meet this girl.” 
“Try not to scare her off, bud. Or else she’s going to stop feeding us.” 
Next Chapter
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bobfloydsbabe · 7 months
yours | eccentric professor!bob floyd x oc
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a gold rush fic
SUMMARY: Professor Bob is working on his next book when Imogen comes home and suggests they try something new.
WARNINGS: academia au, age gap (mid 20s/late 30s), power imbalance, SMUT, cockwarming, unprotected p in v, dirty talk, praise, possessive bob, discussion of birth control and protection, intimacy, and a little fluff. strictly 18+/minors dni.
SPECIAL THANKS to @up-thereinthesky for the Lew pic and to @attapullman who sent in this delicious ask that set my horny little brain on fire. What was supposed to be a short blurb took on a life of its own, so here we are. Thank you for loving Bob and Imogen as much as I do. Enjoy ✨
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He’s sitting at his desk, staring at the blank document on his laptop, when he hears the front door open and close.
He smiles to himself as her stomping footsteps get closer. She’d never survive as a spy with those heavy footfalls.
“Hey,” she says when she appears in the doorway to his office. “You still at it?”
He hums, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Getting nowhere.” 
“Maybe you should take a break,” she suggests and crosses the room, placing her ass right in his lap.
“Perhaps I should,” he agrees and presses his lips to her shoulder. “How was lunch with your parents?”
She scoffs. “A disaster,” she mutters, snaking her arms around his neck, and presses her forehead against his temple. “I don’t know why I expected it to go well. It never does.”
He squeezes her waist, turning his head so their lips can meet. It starts off slow and sweet, a little lazy, just kissing because they can. He’s so lost in her, he barely notices when his cock hardens.
She grins into their kiss. “Someone’s excited to see me,” she mumbles against his lips.
“Just ignore it and kiss me.”
He means it. He doesn’t want to start something when she’s just come home from a bad meeting and he’s supposed to be working on his next book.
She does as he says and keeps kissing him, but after a minute, she pulls away. He sees her eyes dart down to his growing erection.
She looks almost shy when her eyes meet his again. “Do you want me to keep you warm?”
He gapes a little. “Are you asking if you can cockw–”
“Cockwarm you, yes,” she finishes for him, and he detects no hint of joking in her tone.
“Baby,” he whispers, placing his palm against the back of her head. “I’d never ask you to do something you’re uncomfortable with.”
She frowns, lips pursed in an adorable pout. “I’m not uncomfortable,” she insists. “I want to.”
“I don’t have a condom.”
She shakes her head. “We don’t need one.” He opens his mouth to argue, but she beats him to it. “I have an IUD, and you’re the only person I’ve been with.”
“Baby, are you sure?” He’s stroking her hair even as she nods.
“Okay,” he agrees and kisses her lips.
She slides off his lap. He rids himself of his joggers and boxers, and strokes his cock to full hardness while Imogen slips her black panties off. She tosses them aside and they land on his laptop keyboard.
As she climbs back in his lap, a sudden thought strikes him. “I don’t have lube either,” he says, trying not to sound disappointed. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Smirking, she reaches for his free hand and guides it to her pussy. “Not a problem, Professor.”
She’s already soaking for him.
He holds back a groan as he runs his fingers up and down her folds a few times. He pulls back, looks into her dark doe eyes, and sees love reflected back at him.
He loves her. She loves him.
“You ready?” The hand that isn’t holding on to the base of his cock snakes around her body and rests on her ass.
She nods. “I’m ready.”
She rises to her knees, and he guides his cock to her entrance. They moan into each other’s mouths as his tip slips inside, but then she hisses and Bob’s eyes shoot open.
“You okay?”
"Yeah," she assures him, but her face contorts into a tight grimace. “You’re big.”
He smiles, a breathy chuckle escaping as he leans forward, brushing his lips against her cheek. “I know, baby,” he mutters. “Take your time.”
She nods, biting her lip as she sinks further down on his cock. “Mmm, feel so full.”
“I know,” he repeats. “You’re taking me so well, keeping me nice and warm.”
Stifling a moan, she tightens her grip on his hair. “Keep talking,” she whispers.
“So good for me,” he mumbles, groaning as she slides even further down his cock. “So fucking tight, so warm.” She’s whimpering now. “Almost there, baby. You can do it. My good girl.”
Then their hips come flush with each other, and he’s seated all the way inside her. 
Even though she said it was fine, he can tell she’s feeling the stretch. Bob always makes sure to prep her to take him, and often they don’t need lube, but right now he sure wishes they had. He doesn’t like the face she’s pulling.
Leaning forward, he kisses her lips gently. “You did so good, baby,” he assures her.
It’s quiet when the tension leaves her body, and she sighs deeply into his mouth. His fingertips run up and down her spine, and she shudders at the sensation.
They stay like that, foreheads pressed together. Skin to skin in the most intimate way possible, pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly together.
“How was lunch with your parents?”
She jerks back, a deep dent between her brows. “You really want to talk about my parents while you’re inside me?”
He can’t help the chuckle that passes his lips. “I never want to talk about your parents,” he explains. “But you came home from lunch upset.”
She sighs, rests her head in the crook of his neck. “They asked me to break up with you.”
He hums, not surprised in the least. After almost a year of being together, you would think her parents would give up and just accept it, but they haven’t. Bob knows they likely never will.
“Hey,” he mutters, making her raise her head to meet his eyes. “I love you. You know that, right?”
Unexpectedly, or perhaps not entirely, she clenches around him. “Fuck, baby,” he groans into her neck. “Don’t do that or this won’t be cockwarming anymore.”
“Maybe it was an excuse to get you inside me,” she says, her tone sounding a little too innocent. She leans down and her lips graze against his ear. “Maybe I just wanted your cock.”
He lifts his head as his hands travel down her spine. “Oh, yeah?”
She nods, biting her bottom lip with her doe-like eyes wide and innocent, as if she isn’t greedy for him, and he’s sure she’ll be the death of him.
Grasping her ass, he plants his feet solidly on the ground and thrusts up into her. He revels in the sound that escapes her, gasp turning into a breathy moan as her fingers scrape across his scalp.
“Do it again,” she whines, eyes closed in pleasure and pussy holding him in a vice grip. “Fuck me, Professor. Make me yours.”
“Open your eyes,” he demands. “Look at me.”
She does, pupils wide with desire and desperation, a delicious flush rapidly spreading across her cheeks and down the column of her throat.
“You are mine,” he growls, punctuating the statement with another deep thrust. “All mine.”
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likes are nice, but reblogs and comments are golden
TAGLIST: @attapullman, @bobgasm, @joaquinwhorres, @kmc1989, @bcarolinablr, @cremebruleequeen, @xoxabs88xox, @auroraseddie, @roosterforme, @bluezraven, @sio-ina-bottle, @bradshawsbaby, @sweetwhispersofchaos, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @keyrani, @cherrycola27, @just-in-case-iloveyou, @seitmai, @solo-pitstop-vibes, @millieb-3199, @hangmandruigandmav, @sebsxphia
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Nobody's Girl - Chapter Five.
Thank you everyone for your kind praise of the last chapter! I appreciate you all so much :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 3,554
Warnings - Adult content throughout, minors DNI!
“God, you are so fuckin’ beautiful, doll, but if you don’t look even prettier when you’re takin’ a pounding. God damn,” he cussed, hands gripped onto her thighs as he held her spread before him, cock driving into her like a jackhammer. Now he’d gotten over his fear that anything even bordering on brutal would shatter his pretty little creature like she was heirloom glass, he was very, very much enjoying letting the beast in his nature run wild.  
After all, she had demanded he fuck her harder, reducing his blood to pure magma.  
As for Emily... not words existed. Merely static where her thoughts once resided, mouth dropped open, crying out as her lover fucked her so hard, she was sure he was attempting to actually go through her. The sexual finesse, the dirty talk, the way he fed her his thumb while grasping her jaw, slowing the savage onslaught of his thick cock as he leaned to her, kissing her neck sumptuously. God... it was both too much and not enough, if such a juxtapose could exist. 
His mouth met hers, kisses of filthy indulgence shared, hand still clutching her jaw as he drove himself into her hard, but slow, oh so blindingly slow. He kissed every little sob that fell from her pretty mouth, the twitch of her slick walls around him sending a flare over his nerves, willing himself not to give in to it. He didn’t, hanging onto his own release until she shattered beneath him, both lying there in a state of blissed out contentment in the aftermath.  
“You have all those books over there,” she began a while later, lying on her side as she gestured to the packed-out bookshelf across the apartment, “but I never see you reading any of them.” 
“Don’t get much chance to these days,” he confessed, his hand wandering over the curve of her ass. He’d never seen an ass that perfect in all his damned life. “All my good stuff is at my house upstate, anyways. Gotta small library up there.” 
“Yeah? Wow, that’s my dream, to stay in one place long enough that I can accumulate books, rather than sitting in a library for hours on end while I read,” she revealed, Luca looking interested. 
“Who do you enjoy reading, hm?” he asked, fingers skimming back and forth over the curve of her waist and hip.  
She took only a second to ponder. “Edith Wharton, the Brontë’s, Anton Chekov, Franz Kafka. God, I love Kafka. I get giddy on Kafka!” she enthused, watching his eyebrows rise significantly. 
“Chekov and Kafka? Really?” 
Her mouth dropped open, poking the centre of his chest with her index finger. “Hey, enough with this face of disbelief!” 
“No, no, cara mia,” he was quick to speak, shaking his head. “No disbelief, just surprise. Kafka is my favourite author, yet I can’t think of a single other woman I have ever met who has even heard of him, let alone read his work.” He hummed a chuckle, his eyebrows fluttering. “Then again, the kinda broads I meet ain’t exactly bookworms.” 
Her eye roll displayed a little bit of attitude he’d never witnessed in her before, and it made him chuckle, reaching to stroke the side of her neck. “Do I detect judgement there, Miss. Mortensen?” 
She looked a little uncomfortable for a second before raising her eyebrows, her mouth twisting into a lopsided grin. “I suppose, but that’s only because I don’t know how people can’t find reading somebody else’s words fascinating, especially when there’s so much affinity to be found with them.” 
“Gimme an example,” he requested, curling a piece of her hair around his middle finger.  
“Kafka once said, ‘I am free, and that is why I am lost.’ It resounded with me so much, after leaving my mother and San Francisco behind. I finally felt free, but so lost for so long, not rooting myself anywhere. Moreso, never finding a place or a person to root myself with,” she spoke, her hand drifting up to cup his face, taking a brave breath. “Until I found you.”  
The breadth of his smile made butterflies burst in her tummy, Luca covering her hand with his, turning his head to kiss her palm. “Let your roots wrap around mine all you want.” 
“Like two vines curling together?”  
“Mmm,” he hummed, leaning to kiss her, “just like that.” Peeling back the protective layers that surrounded her, he was finding a woman who seldom let people see what lay beneath. Quiet still, but so, so intelligent. Well-read and thoughtful, his absolute dream. He had yearned for a woman both of beauty and the intellect to discuss literature.  
Why oh why had he wasted his time with whores?  
He knew why, actually. Since he’d hammered in the final nail into the coffin that was his marriage, he had not sought women for permanence, merely a means to an end. And now here she was, the permanence he hadn’t been searching for at all, but who he now couldn’t see himself letting go of without a fight. 
“So, tell me more about these.” Her hand wandered from his chest, over to the tattoos upon his arms, a seemingly random, haphazard collection of black brandings that marked his olive toned flesh. 
“Whaddya wanna know?” he asked, his eyes following where her finger trailed down to his inner elbow.  
“What does omerta mean?” 
“The code of silence. It’s a Sicilian thing.” 
She arched an eyebrow. “You mean a mafia thing?” 
Laughing softly through his nose, he nodded. “Yeah, honey. A mafia thing. It’s a code of honour as well as silence. Very big in my world, omerta.”  
“And the snake?” she then asked, her finger tracing the swirl of the viper upon his inner forearm. 
“No reason, I just liked it.” 
Good enough reason as any, she thought, to have a certain pattern of ink etched into your flesh for the rest of your life. Her finger continued to glide, reaching his hand and swirling over the number six. “This?” 
“It’s my lucky number, solidified even more lately. I met you on the sixth, and your birthday is on the sixth, too. The sixth of...” he trailed off, frowning with thought. 
“The sixth of?” she repeated, winding her hand around.  
He looked pained, face creasing as he wracked his brain. “The sixth of one of the months of the year.”  
She couldn’t help but fall apart laughing, Luca grumbling softly. “Hey, it’s eleven thirty in the morning and I already blew my load twice. You have to forgive a fella for havin’ a scrambled-up brain.”  
“Okay, you’re forgiven. April, by the way.” Leaning in, she kissed his jaw a couple of times, resting her head down on his chest, her fingers gently tickling over the dark hair. “How long do I have you here for today, then?” 
“As long as you like. That call I made earlier, it was me tellin’ Angelo to handle everything ‘cuz I knew I’d be busy with somethin’ or another. Glad it was the way I wasn’t expecting to be.”  
“You weren’t?” 
“Nah, not just yet, I wasn’t. Thought I’d have to deal with why you suddenly stared acting like a rabbit caught in headlights,” he told her, fingers slowly stroking up and down her arm. “Why was that?” 
“I’ll tell you another time.” 
Oh, she should be so lucky. “Tell me now.” 
“Because it’s embarrassing,” she muffled, hiding her face. 
“Can’t hide behind your hair forever,” he snorted, popping his shoulder against her face to make her look up at him. 
“No, but I can burrow.” Detangling herself from his embrace, she grabbed the pillows, piling them atop her head and then pointing. “See? Successful burrowing,” she muffled, making him laugh quietly.  
He grabbed the pillows, throwing them off and reaching an arm beneath her, hauling her body atop his. “Successful unearthing. Now, tell me.” She made a small noise of discomfort. “Emily.”  
“I had a sex dream, alright? Are you happy now, mortifying it out of me?” 
He laughed again, louder this time. “Sweetheart, when my tongue has been pushed right up in your holiest of holes, I think we’re past embarrassment, ain’t we?” 
Her concession came at the expense of a very pink face. “Hmm, suppose you’re right.” 
“Was I as good in your dream as I am in reality?” 
Of course, he’d ask that. “It was more of a combined effort.” 
The grin he fixed her with had her blushing, hiding her face against his chest. “I demand to be shown.”  
Just then, her stomach gurgled. Loudly. “And I think my belly demands to be fed.” Save by the rumble. Phew.  
“You wanna eat?” he asked. “I can make that happen for ya. Whatcha want?” 
Her head shot up from his chest, her eyebrow arching. “Are you going to cook?” 
“I am not,” he chuckled, “Luca Changretta does not cook. He burns. Seriously, I decided to try and be a good husband one morning, when Filomena was days away from giving birth to Milania. Attempted to make her breakfast and started a small fire.”  
“Not a good cook, huh?” she laughed, watching him grimace slightly as he shook his head. “Tell me, what are you good at?”  
He eyes slowly found hers, grinning widely before sticking his tongue out and giving it a very rapid wiggle.  
“Yeah, I think I might know that already, Luca!” she snorted with soft sarcasm, moving to lie at his side again. “What else?” 
“I’m a mean shot,” he began, watching her widen her eyes. 
“I think that’s standard for a successful wiseguy.”  
“I did mean animals opposed to people. But yeah, them too,” he informed her, linking his fingers through hers and squeezing her hand. “I hunt when I’m up at my place in the Catskills. Always manage to get a clean head shot.”  
“What else?” 
“I’ve been told I’m a good listener. I prefer listening to talking. Trust me, this here, this is real fuckin’ chatty for me,” he spoke, pointing between them. She had noticed that the usually quite verbally concise man had indulged a little more than he normally would. It made her belly tingle. And then it rumbled, quite audibly.  
He looked down, running a fingertip around her navel. “So, food?”  
“Pastrami and Swiss on white bread, with lots of sauerkraut and mustard, please.”  
He kissed her head, detangling himself. “Comin’ right up, doll.” While he walked to the telephone, she admired his form, chiselled back, a few scratches here and there from her nails, more tattoos as well. Oh, and the most perfectly pert ass in existence.  
He made a call to the deli just up the block, putting in their order for the shop boy to bring down on his pushbike, her request followed by something loaded with mozzarella and assorted deli meats for himself, returning to the bed as soon as he’d hung up.  
“Fifteen minutes. Just enough time for you to give me a live rendition of your dream.” 
She should have known that he wouldn’t let it go. “I will, one day. When you’ve forgotten about it.”  
He raised en eyebrow, shaking his head. “I’m a guy, darlin’. Trust me, we don’t forget things like that. Ever.” 
Leaning to him, she tickled his cupid’s bow with the tip of her tongue, squeaking when he rapidly, but gently moved to bite it. “I’m still not showing you now.”  
She got up to fetch herself a water, leaving him grumbling in mild agitation in her wake. Once they’d eaten, they returned to the bed, lying there talking for much of the afternoon in between bouts of sex that only got even steamier than the session before. They did finally make it out of bed, Luca taking her out for dinner in the city before they arrived back at Bella Vita.  
While he went for a sit and a drink with his buddies, Angelo and Donny raising their glasses to her, she slid into a seat at the bar, being greeted with a cheek kiss from Maggie.  
“So, I hear somebody was enjoyin’ herself with the big boss this morning, huh?” she grinned, her red lips curving to reveal a huge, beautiful grin. “I’d say tell me how you like his cock, but baby love, I fuckin’ heard!”  
Emily’s eyes widened in an instant, reaching for the glass of vodka rocks she was furnished with, her hand missing the receptacle a few times before Maggie steered it into place. “Oh my god, how? I didn’t think I was that loud?” 
Pointing up and to the side, the barmaid’s grin continued to widen. “Air vent, sugar. Trust me, when the music ain’t blastin’ out down here, the sound travels well. I ain’t even ashamed to admit it got me all hot in my undies, hearin’ you two goin’ at it!”  
Her booming laugh filled the space at Emily hiding her face in her hands, reaching to squeeze her shoulders. “Next time you get that hot with ya man, at least let me come up and watch, eh?” 
“Jesus, Maggie!” she cried, her friend reaching to pinch her cheek playfully.  
“Come on, miss lady!” she laughed, pouring out a measure of rum for a waiting patron, sliding the glass over to him. “You’re the boss’s gal now, you gotta carry yourself like you are. No more wallflower behaviour. Lift that pretty chin, ‘cuz round these parts, you’re the fuckin’ queen now, darl. Everybody knows it, therefore so should you.”  
The words absorbed like ink to blotting paper, Emily sitting up a little straighter, casting her glance around the room. She’d walked in there with her hand in Luca’s, and the patrons had noticed. The way they viewed her, it was with nothing but respect from the men, and envy from the women. She wasn’t nobody’s girl any longer, elevated to the most coveted position in that particular corner of Brooklyn.  
She turned back to an expectant Maggie, paused in a lull, waiting for her thoughts on the observation. Her eyebrow rose, lifting her chin, remembering. Remembering the way he’d barely let her go for even a second all day, the way he’d praised and lavished her, the way the words cara mia had rolled so effortlessly off his tongue... the way his eyes had shone like peridot wildfire when he came for her.  
“Hm,” she hummed, sipping her drink. “I guess I am, and honey...” Leaning close, she made a motion with her finger for her friend to lean closer, Maggie obliging, “...you should see how glorious my throne is.”  
A very mischievous wink was delivered, and her mouth fell open, squealing as she drummed her hands repeatedly off the bar, pointing at Emily with both forefingers. “And that is how you be a queen, my gal!”  
They shared laughter, Maggie counting down the minutes to her break, taking Emily with her when she went out back to the small rear alleyway behind the speakeasy, where it was quiet and free of people. Well, as quiet as Brooklyn could get on a Friday night.  
“There is a way you could help me become queenlier, you know, Maggie,” she spoke, her friend lighting herself a cigarette, offering the case. “Ah, why not?” Cigarettes were a rare treat she couldn’t usually afford. Pulling one out, the redhead offered her light, snapping the lighter shut again.  
“Ahhh, my regal acolyte comes to the oracle for her sage advice,” she nodded, blowing smoke down her nose. “Whatcha need help with?”  
“Can I be blunt?” 
“Are you gonna blush while you do it?” she couldn’t help but tease. 
“Probably,” Emily confessed, taking a drag on her cigarette. “I need tips. Blowjob tips. Luca is nothing short of giving – and very talented – when it comes to pleasing me with his mouth, but I’m just so stunted by inexperience that I don’t want to shame myself by trying to return the favour when I have no real clue what I’m doing.”  
Maggie began nodding rapidly, pointing her cigarette at her. “Now this, sistah, this is my mother fucking forte! Oh, you have come to exactly the right place, and please do feel free to mention I was the one who taught you to suck dick like a champion. I could do with a pay bump.” They shared giggles, Maggie continuing. “Alright, so first, you gotta make like his manhood is the most amazing thing on god’s green earth, like there ain’t nothin’ you want in your mouth more.” 
“I’m there already,” she confirmed, smirking. “Continue.”  
“Alright, so with your technique, think popsicle. Don’t go at it all guns blazin’ to begin with, give him a few strokes with your hand, couple’a licks over the head a few times, which you’ve probably noticed already is the most sensitive part of a cock.” A nod confirmed that such had indeed been noted. “Few little sucks, and I cannot stress this enough, get his dick real fuckin’ wet. It’ll feel amazing for him, think mimicking your pussy in terms of wetness.” 
“So yeah, keep teasing, taking a little more of him back, go an inch at a time, and for the love of all things holy, cover your teeth. I mean, some guys like a gentle graze, so if he does, he’ll probably tell ya. Keep ‘em away until you know for sure, though. Tease the fuck outta him with your tongue, don’t give him too much at once, and yeah, just build on it. Speed up the closer he gets, then once he’s come, slow it down, be gentler.” 
Nodding rapidly at her own advice, she was all done until something popped into her brain, her eyes widening as she flapped her hand. “Oh, just a warning, too. If you let him come in your mouth, be warned. Cum ain’t exactly tasty, so be prepared! He don’t smoke no more, though, so you have that goin’ for ya. Always tastes like salty bleach when they smoke, for some reason.”  
“Gotcha, I think I can remember all that. And the warning? Appreciated.”  
“Don’t panic about it, though. I mean, it don’t taste the best, but shit, darl. It’s fuckin’ sexy to have a guy blow right in your mouth, and he’ll love ya for it if you swallow. All men do.”  
Armed with her new information, Emily made rapid mental notes, feeling herself growing aroused at the mere thought of having his cock in her mouth. She and Maggie walked back in, returning to the bar, unable to stop herself from swinging her ass as she walked, feeling her man’s eyes right upon her, turning to wink at him.  
The conversation at his table was much, much more concise over the matter, but conveyed all it needed to.  
“Oh, so she finally let you in there, huh, cuz?” Angelo chirped, waving to Emily before grinning at Luca.  
He sipped his whiskey, enjoying the buzz. “A gentleman never tells.” 
His statement earned a snort. “Yeah? I’ve heard all about your exploits, amico. You ain’t no goddamned gentleman!” he laughed, leaning closer. “So, how many times you jump her today, huh?” 
“Yeah, I might not be,” Luca began, putting a fresh toothpick between his teeth, “but that gal over there is my fuckin’ lady, and you don’t get to hear shit.” He then paused, rolling his tongue around the inside of his cheek, a devilish grin beginning to widen his mouth. “Four.”  
“You horny bastard.” 
Luca raised his eyebrows, sinking his drink. “That’s what she called me, too, cugino. Now, cousin or not, you talk about my gal like that again and I’ll crack your teeth out your goddamned jaw.” Angelo knew he was only half joking, Luca winking as he rose and left the table, gliding across the room and over to the bar.  
Emily felt his hand touch against her bare upper back, sliding down at he leaned in close. “Havin’ a good night, doll?” 
It could stand to be better. “I am, but I think I need you to take me back upstairs.” Waving to Maggie, she sank her drink and slid from the stool, fingernail running along his jaw before she sauntered off in the direction of the heavy door. It was surprising to nobody more than her, how different a woman she was walking through it than she’d been two weeks before, carried through by Luca a bloodied and battered mess.  
She could feel him behind her, her back tingling from his presence, sliding her feet from her shoes and her stockings from her legs once she reached the top of the stairs, moving to the couch and sitting down. “Get over here, handsome.”  
“Oh, look at this now, making her demands of me,” he drawled, walking over to her all the same, halting once he was right in front of where she sat. “And what can I do ya for, now I’m here, huh?” 
Without a single word, she stood, pushing the jacket from his shoulders, his waistcoat, tie and shirt following before sitting back down again, her gaze never leaving his while undoing his pants. “Stand there and enjoy, is what you can do.”  
He had a distinct feeling he was about to do just that. 
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calibabii21 · 14 days
| lunch pt. 2 | billie e.
pairing: billie eilish x songwriter fem!reader
genre: suggestive
warning(s): mm..kissing? near anxiety attack, obvious flirting- no abuse of power.
a/n: y'all petitioned for a pt 2 (and I was itching to write one) so here we aaarrreee~ not proofread ofc
"girl, if you post on your story one more tiiime." Billie's head falls back against the couch with it a genuine laugh, "you do this with each session we have."
your nose scrunches up, "shut up. I can't help that I'm excited for this." you flash her your freshly manicured middle finger for emphasis on your attitude.
"keep playing and that finger's gonna be up my ass." there's a brief pause before you both bust out laughing, "WAIT– I meant YOUR ass– nooo wait- listen."
but you're on the floor doubling over, clutching your stomach. "that's what you get dumbass." your giggles and chuckles slowly die down as you rest on the floor.
"whatever man." she smacks her teeth but looks down at you with a soft smile, "it's your turn. get your pretty ass up here."
you sit across from her picking up your mic and place the studio headphones over your head, only leaving your right ear uncovered. "we starting at the chorus or the second verse?"
Billie leans forward and presses the record button, "let's hit your verse, beautiful." her cheeky grin is detected without you even having to look up at her.
you give her the nod and thumbs up as you take a swig of water and do a few more last minute vocal warm ups. "ready when you are." your head begins bobbing to the groove of the bass heavy track.
I’ve always been an “I like who I like” type of person. I despiiiise all the labels, so much added pressure such unnecessary conflict put me in a box- no need to confine me
the last couple hours of studio time pass before you're even aware. "I dig that. I really do." you bite your lip to contain your grin, "I just..can't believe this is really happening."
before she can interject and question you, you continue speaking. "I mean, I know my words are powerful and all- but I never expected it to happen this soon. I still record in my room for Christ's sake!"
you lean against the mixing console, "Willow is next." you can't even hide your smile anymore.
"I can't tell if I should be jealous of your excitement or the fact that I also want a Willow collab." she looks at you half joking, half serious, "but I'm excited for you. you've worked hard in that bedroom of yours."
you share a baby laugh as she gives your thigh a poke.
there's a few seconds of silence before she sighs and slides over in her chair to sit right in front of you, "okay. I've been stalling to ask this, but..do you want to go to a party tonight?"
not sure if you wore it on your face, but she's quick to follow up. "it's nothing too big, by the way- just a few of my friends, a pool, good food..me." you were going to decline, until she said that.
"I'm just not.. really a party person?" you can feel yourself growing anxious at the thought of having to fit in with thee Billie Eilish's friends. you weren't very outgoing, and damn sure not experienced.
what if they play truth or dare or something??
you're silent and your breathing hasn't changed to indicate a rise in panic, but you feel her place a hand on you to ground you. "hey, you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing. you can bring you a book if you want haha."
you half smile, "that's sweet of you." your pinkies lock as she initiates a more intimate level of affection. "I'm starting to think you only called me here to seduce me."
there's a half playful, half serious look on her face as she shrugs, "is it working?" but you say nothing despite her hands now firmly resting on your waist– pulse kicking.
"we are so doing this out of order."
your eyes flicker from her lips to her eyes, a cute smirk forming when feel her fingers daringly dig into your ass, "should I report this?" her nose jokingly scrunches against yours, "only if you don't want it."
but you're already meeting her halfway. back arched, fingers combing through her dark locks..lips locked.
your first kiss. shared with the one and only Billie Eilish. a woman you've unknowingly had your eyes on for so long.
the way she naturally leads the kiss– the feeling of her tongue connecting with yours has your hips gyrating in an attempt to feel the slightest bit of pressure where you need it most.
an alarm blaring pulls you out of your impromptu makeout session and back to reality.
"shoot, I forgot I have a..thing." you make up a lame excuse, too embarrassed to tell her you have a date with the ticketing queue for one of your favorite groups.
you gather your things and lean over, giving her a slow, deep kiss– hoping you did it right, before pulling away and looking dead into her eyes, "I'll see you Friday."
placing a peck on her cheek, you dash out of the studio. as you get into your car you feel your phone vibrate with a text.
bills: I don't think I can wait that long😩
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siremasterlawrence · 4 months
Factory Reset !
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Detective Harrington in early morning of the first Friday of the week pours himself a cup of joe as his cellphone begins to vibrate in his pants as he alerts himself about the importance of the day.Jays phone rings after he takes a inhale of the aroma traveling straight through his nostrils and his nerves rush in to overdrive sendings him in shivers as he wakes up for the morning.The minute he presses a answer call button placing the cellphone by his ears as a buzz worthy sounds vibrating through his ears in to his soul as he stops cold and he mindless stares ahead.A young man’s voice enters his ears leaving him to his core as his mind begins to spin in to a new atmosphere and whirling in to the sky everything fades out of existence like his soul jumps. He cannot fight the idea that something he is off in to a new life like his life has changed completely in a matter of seconds falling out of his body as he transported through time and space. A man appears in the midst of his darkness he is being called to him like a moth to a flame his feet begins to life and he is going insane deserving my absolute control over everything.
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“Detective Harrington Welcome!”
“Where…where am I?”
“You are being processed”
“For what? I never asked for this?”
“So what my friend”
“Your white ass did”
“I am about to break you “
“No stop!”
“You are fucking pig”
“A white piece of shit “
“Look at me”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“You arrested me “
“I don’t remember “
“You deserve this”
“You framed me”
“What if I did ?”
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“Take a deep breath”
“Heavy and heavier “
“Stand your ground “
“Lock your house down”
“Go to your office “
“Close the door “
“Good boi”
“Go kneel on your desk”
“Bark like a dog”
“Smile for me”
“Change your clothes “
“Go to the train station”
“Step on it”
“Travel to this location “
“Take three rides and get off the train”
“Walk down to the street and down the block “
“Enter the alley side door and greet me”
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“Watching the suspect enter the train sir”
“Good job officer “
“Advise “
“Make sure he gets off at three stops “
“Guide me! “
“Give him a shove “
“Yes Master”
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Officer Harrington “
“Oh Hey!”
“Are you alright?”
“I am drunk! I think”
“You’re fine”
“I promise”
“Take our hands”
“Ok we need to get you help “
“You are high”
“No! I don’t do drugs “
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“You did yesterday “
“No! I can’t “
“I wouldn’t “
“Guys! Wait”
“Where are we?”
“Who are you ?”
“Master “
“Why are you calling him that?”
“Flick the lights on”
“Yes Master”
“The fuck!”
“Take the needle”
“Firmly “
“Inject him”
“Woah! Wake up “
“Must obey “
“Must submit “
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He stops cold at fainting on his new masters command he hits the floor as his eyes are whirl around and slide back his eye balls in to an upper position inside of his socket and he succumbs. The man exits the shadows in to the lights in a super fashion knelt next to him placing his palms on him rubs his stomach slowly but steadily waking him up and he stirs back to reality.
His body loves the sensation of my hands on to bin with love crawling on him as he cock straightens upward hard with pleasure in moments of rock hard nature throbbing him to the side.Harrington can’t help but smile taking up his hand in mind as he kisses or slowly up to his neck and flowing to his lips in time to meet his neck and the two are forced to kiss as they are connected.
The man points to his bed wear he lays out new clothes for him to which Jay felt a very renewed desire of this life to begin yet ever again as our lips connect them again and with that he held on to me with craving he cannot and will not control.Sitting down on my bed just watch him go on his transform removing his shirt over his head, letting his pants drop exposing his underwear to the world, his dress shows kick off and he quickly dresses now in all back a sign of submission to his Nubian king.
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I am on the scene Master Lawrence “
“Find him, hunt him down”
“With pleasure”
“Use every skill in your book”
“Use your badge correctly “
“I will bear him to he submits “
“Good boi”
“Mmmm! I love being bad”
“I tracked him down”
“Go off grid “
“Capture him”
“Yes Master”
“Rub through it”
“Bring him to the station”
“Enslave him and my fellow cops “
“Yes Master”
“I love you “
“Will call you soon with completion “
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The end
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lightofraye · 1 month
What A Supportive Spouse Should Be
I--and others working together--have been slowly going through the full panel video of Wales Comic Con. It's slow and hard going due to audio issues, technical issues, time issues (we do have lives y'know), and just listening to that one particularly horrid voice is... hard.
Then there's the emotional abuse aspect of it all. I imagine there are Elta supporters who are more than a bit irked. "It's just playing!" "They're teasing!" "Be married for 14 years, then tell us what it's like!"
Uh. My aunt and uncle--my father's twin brother--has been married almost 50 years, and I see them tease each other all the time. Guess what? That is playful banter. That is being married long enough to see humor and tease each other. And I grew up with it, and I'm... almost that old. I know what it looks like!
I also grew up around an emotionally neglectful, emotionally immature, abusive father. I also know what that looks like.
I also know what an unsupportive spouse looks like.
An unsupportive spouse is one who tends to their own needs and leaves you waiting for hours. As I was after my son was born and my ex essentially left me to starve for months. I lost thirty pounds in three weeks, I was burning more calories than I was taking in, because I was tending to a newborn on my own. (And no, Elta was not on her own; they had a fucking nanny.)
Meanwhile, I made sure my ex had a lunch for work every time he left. I supported him into going back to college for a welding degree that he then left to rot on the wall because he was too lazy to search for work. I supported him by working nights while going to full time college myself. I supported him by doing the dishes, making meals, taking care of my son (yes, I said my because it takes more than just sperm to make a father), tending to house and home. All just so he could...
... sit on the couch and never work. Never do his part.
I supported him through everything. I believed him when he told me lies. I believed that he actually loved me. I did everything for him, and all I got was ashes in return.
I know what an unsupportive spouse looks like. No, I'm not "projecting" my trauma. I've had ten years, thank you, of processing this. It's not pain you're detecting in these words. It's rage.
Rage against the deniers. Rage against those who would dismiss it. Rage against those who would be all "But he's a man! You can't abuse him!" Or even "She's his wife!" As if that excuses anything.
A supportive spouse would stop putting him down. A supportive spouse wouldn't try to claim glory left and right, as she does. Oh I know--but he says it at conventions all the time! Right. Because where is her glory? Where is her spotlight? She doesn't have one because she's too damned lazy to get off her flat ass and put in some genuine work.
She couldn't even get into Supernatural on her own merits. She said it herself. No, it took her twisting Jensen's arm until he caved and got her in on a materialistic, lazy, self-entitled 'angel' character specifically written for her--and about her.
I know what a supportive partner looks like. I live with a pair--my daughter and her spouse. I see it in other people, whose love stories give me hope that it's actually out there, and not just some fairytale in books.
I was one too.
Whatever she is, folks, Elta isn't one of them.
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frankenjoly · 4 months
"If I told you I liked you, would you finally get it?" + nikonathan
"If I asked you out, hypothetically, would you say yes?" + souheki
"You make it really hard for me to be subtle, you know." + tachigin
tasty *insert eyes emoji* soo have nikonathan with very oblivous nathaniel, fake dating... or not souheki and suggestive tachigin :3
nikonathan + “if i told you i liked you, would you finally get it?”
“If I told you I liked you, would you finally get it?”
There wasn’t a more direct way than that one, and yet, Nathaniel still managed to stare at him in evident confusion. As if Nikolai had just asked him to eat one of his shoes, tried to convince him eggs weren’t real or… whatever other ridiculous idea; it wasn’t funny to try and come up with other examples in a situation like that.
“Are you kidding me, Gogol?” Nathaniel then said, and laughing right then may be counterproductive, but fuck– it was either laughing or groaning. “Nevermind, of course you are.”
And: jackpot! Damn, that man was a totally open book more times than not.
“Oh, c’mon! If I wanted to pull a prank on you, I’d be way more creative than that! A fake confession is sooooo basic.” Nikolai answered, rolling his eyes. “It’s not even a ‘cheap comedian’ thing, it’s a ‘high-school jerk thinking they’re so funny’ thing. And lemme tell you, since you haven’t figured it out despite having tons of evidence pointing towards the opposite: I have wayyyy more style than that.”
“So… you were really trying to flirt with me?” Obvious surprise, as well as confusion, were written all over Hawthorne’s face.
“I mean, been for a while now, but thanks for noticing.”
souheki + “if i asked you out, hypothetically, would you say yes?”
“If I asked you out, hypothetically, would you say yes?” Naomi asked, and holding back laughter as Atsushi’s eyes went wide in shock was extremely difficult, but she somehow managed.
“What? I mean, you’re great, Naomi-san but…” He was about to start sweating, even, so she decided to spare him. Besides, Atsushi was a terrible liar, anyway.
“Relax! I just need a fake partner for the undercover stunt in this case and–”
“Didn’t Kunikida-kun say you couldn’t do it?” Ranpo then intervened. Well, damn. So that was where her chance to get involved in more detective-like work ended, apparently.
“Why can’t I have some fun every now and then?” She even pouted; it may not get her anywhere, but at least there would be an attempt.
“Oh, but you will.” Dazai also joined the conversation, clasping his hands together and offering her a big-ass smile. “We’ve been talking with Kunikida-kun, and managed to convince him. You’re welcome, by the way.” Without moving from his seat, likely because of a not so good leg pain day, he pulled off something similar to a theatrical bow. “We just gotta make some changes in the script, y’see? Ranpo-san and I are gonna be the lovey-dovey couple, and you, my darling lil’ sister.”
Naomi grinned from ear to ear.
“I can totally work with that. Now you better practice, if you don’t play your part well I’m gonna be very disappointed.” It was, obviously, a joke. And both Ranpo and Dazai knew it, there was no doubt… yet they stared at her with a look that clearly read as ‘challenge accepted’ or something akin to it.
“Oh, but we already know how to do that! Right, pookie?” Dazai said, holding onto Ranpo’s arm, who leaned in and pressed a brief kiss over Dazai’s cheek with utmost movie-like charm.
“Of course we do, babygirl.”
There had never been a doubt about how they would be amazingly good at that, but there was also the possibility they weren’t acting at all. And honestly? Naomi was down to see everything unfold either way.
tachigin + “you make it really hard for me to be subtle, you know.”
“You make it really hard for me to be subtle, you know.”
Gin’s first response to Tachihara saying that was merely tilting their head, not as much in confusion than as a way to nudge him into keeping on talking; she already had a hunch about where his boyfriend wanted to go with that.
“C’mon, Gin. After all the hints I’ve been givin’ through the whole thing I think it’s pretty clear, isn’t it?” He offered them a toothy grin, evidencing how he had caught on to her intentions and was indulging in the wordless suggestion to play a little before anything else. “Should I kneel and beg, then? ‘Cause I’ll do it gladly.” Not only was there no doubt he would, but Tachihara also proceeded to get down on his knees right after saying so, grasping the hem of Gin’s knee-length dress and looking up to meet their gaze with the most obvious intent in his eyes. “Please?”
Strictly speaking, there was no need for Tachihara to do that, but damn if Gin wasn’t enjoying it. In fact, the only reason they took a moment before replying was so she could check with a quick glance if the door of the room they had sneaked into had been properly closed; ditching the party to have privacy wasn’t uncommon, but someone else may have to try and claim that same spot if not.
Then, once making sure there wouldn’t be any chance for interruptions, she nodded, unclasping one of Tachihara’s hands to entwine it with theirs.
“By all means, go on.”
“My pleasure.” Instead of getting up, though, Tachihara lifted the hand still grabbing the cloth a little. And after the dress’ skirt was out of the way, he started peppering Gin’s thighs with kisses.
(Also on ao3.)
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 month
If me and my mutual’s were the Spider-gang…
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❤️EMERY AS MILES MORALES🖤 @sunsetsandsunshine
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Artist of the group
My Dad is a police officer AND detective sooooooo…
He has done the “You gotta say I love you back” thing to me multiple times…
Fucking loves having friends and talking to people
Keeping the collectibles I N S I D E of the box!!! IT STAYS NICE AND FRESH THAT WAY— LIKE PRODUCE YK???!!!
Tries to be quote on quote “cooler” in front of others…
Newsflash? It never works
💝 Family lover all the way 💝
Music is LIFE 🎶🎤🎵🎼…idfk what we’d do without it…
A collector of many random things— rocks, toys, bracelets you NAME it
Hyperactive as HELL
Has a hard time accepting loss
A sketchbook for literally every season
When it comes to friendships, I will try everything in my power to maintain it and try to keep it going but once I’m done? I’m done 🫶🏾
A singer 😩🤚🏾
Physical affection 🫣💕💓
Apologies WAAAAAAY too fucking much
H A P P Y. S T I M S.
Suppressed anger issues
Knows way too many people both online and irl
Becomes a whole different person when angry 🥸👍🏾
Beatboxes and raps horribly
Basically Miles is me and I’m Miles ❤️🖤
🤍JOJO AS GWEN STACY🩵 @shut-up-jo
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Cool af legit why the hell are you friends with me man—
Musician of the group 🪗🎷🎻🎺🎹🥁🎸
Shows up to your house without warning like you owe her money
In a band (most def)
Says the most DIABOLICAL and out of pocket shit known to MAN
🔥 Would burn down the kitchen if she ever cooked 🔥
Listens to Billy Joel 😌
Short af too 🤪🫶🏼
Would be cancelled if any of her texts got leaked
Had the WORST 2020 phase (I’m sorry ilysm please don’t kill me 🙏🏼)
AOT lover (as you fucking should )
Honesty is the best policy 💋
Changes her voice depending on who she’s talking to
Has the most fucking unhinged and cursed FYP page
Doesn’t matter what social media app…it’s just straight up CURSED
Gives the best advice like oml
Could host a TED-talk but would there’s a 99.9% she would get cancelled
Needs to take a flipping BREAK 💕
Could make a TV show with her life (with like a million specials and crossovers)
Licks the powder off the Doritos and/or Taki’s and puts them back in the bag 😶…
Has burned Barbie’s before
Unironically sings 'Dance Monkey' just because
Your so so silly I love you so much 🤍🩵
💛SANA AS PAVITIR🩷 @itzsana-kiddingmenow
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If sunshine were a person 🌞
Has a really toxic fanbase…
The best cook out of all 4 of us probably
Calls people adorable, cute etc but can’t handle when people say that to her 🥹💓
Your adorable btw ☺️
When she’s mad she doesn’t cuss that much but most def just says big words
Takes selfies like every single second 📱
Has Snapchat probably
Has listened to JoJo Siwa’s Karma WAAAAY too many times…
Would fold like a lawn chair if poked in the side 💕
✨ Bilingual queen ✨
Sobbed for DAYS when MatPat dropped his departure video…
Is way too fucking smart 😉
Has the Ultimate Alpha Sigma Gyatt Rizz but doesn’t know it quite yet 👁️🫦👁️
A tea lover ☕️🍵
Would go to antique stores with people to just look at things and then end up buying the whole ass store
Does cartwheels for funsies
Overthinker ☹️
Could solo Bakugou and win
Is going to be a menace one she learns how to drive
Needs more sleep frfr
My lil sugar cream puff over here you guys 💛🩷
💙ZEEZIE AS HOBIE BROWN❤️ @ziipzeepzop-eez
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101% effort in E V E R Y T H I N G
Side-eyes 🤨
Has more rizz than the whole Earth population combined
Did I say emojis?
Comes up with the most cutest freaking nicknames for people 🥹💕🩷☹️💓✨
Can most definitely win a dance battle against anyone but acts like she can’t
Dad jokes 🫶🏽
Uses finger guns unironically (through text and in person) 👉🏽👉🏽
Could make a diss-track about so many people 🫢…
Would have a million cats if she could
Probably had a Gacha Life phase
Would go to a movie theater just to watch cat videos on the big screen
Popular af 💕
Friends with legit everyone 🙏🏽
Would actually murder a man if they hurt one of her friends
Has watched Coraline and The Nightmare Before Christmas soooooo many damn times
Guillmero Del Toro’s Pinocchio made her ugly cry (Same here 🫠)
Could solo everyone here on Tumblr easily 👁️👄👁️
Hates Twitter/X but only has it for the ✨drama✨
Is most def someone’s opp ☺️
Can multi-task like crazy
So cool and dazzling and aahhhfhfhds 💙❤️
(If any of this makes any of you guys uncomfy just DM me and I can erase it 🫶🏾)
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literary-illuminati · 1 month
2024 Book Review #40 – Dead Silence by S. A. Barnes
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This was yet another book that has been on my TBR list for so long I had entirely forgotten what the actual pitch was – I went into it pretty much entirely blind, just ‘sci fi horror’ from the glanced over marketing copy on the back. Which is really the best way to go about reading(/watching/playing) horror, anyway. It was an entertaining enough read? If an uneven one – the first half was really incredibly better than the second, unfortunately.
The story follows Claire Kovalik, the ‘team lead’ of a maintenance crew repairing com relays in the ass end of the solar system – at least until they finish this last run and are officially rendered obsolete. Too psychologically fragile for her corporate masters to trust her with an actual ship, the only future she has to look forward to is a deskbound sinecure revising training manuals on Earth. She’s seriously considering killing herself instead, when their sensors detect an archaic distress signal past the edge of charted space – the Aurora, first and last space liner for the rich and famous, vanished with all hands on its maiden voyage decades ago. The finder’s fee and accumulated bounties would be enough to set everyone on the team for life (not even counting any artifacts they pocket to auction on the side), so the five of them board and reactivate the old hulk, exploring its galleries and aiming it towards Earth. Just a 60 hour burn to reliable communications with the rest of the system, totally worth it for fame and fortune. Even once they start discovering the state of all the former passengers, and figuring out what happened in those last hours aboard the ship.
So! This is Event Horizon but with the Titanic. It’s other things too, but that’s the pitch. Now, I like Event Horizon, and adore exploited corporate serfs being slowly suffocated by looming dread as they explore the gore-stained ruins of past decadence, so that’s no bad thing for me. But still, even from the outset this is not a work that tries to break any molds. This honestly becomes much more of an issue in the third act, when the book basically shifts genre and also has to come up with answers and a resolution to the whole thing and just does not land it for me.
The main twist on the formula is that Claire is the only survivor of a Martian colony that was annihilated by plague (and a missed resupply) when she was a child, the physical and emotional trauma of which left her partially deaf in one ear, terrified of emotional connections and (most pertinently) already possessed of significant experience with hallucinating the bloody corpses of people she cares about wandering around when she’s stressed. Which turns out to be a very useful life skill, when they turn the ship back on and everyone starts having to deal with that. Which is mostly pretty fun! The paranoia and terror as everything goes to shit at the end of the first act are great. Sadly, the book then decides to keep going.
The first half of the book is the story of the initial salvage crew’s discovery of the Aurora, as relayed through Claire getting debriefed/interrogated by a couple of corporate goons after being found half-dead in an escape pod. The latter half is those same corporate goons conscripting her for a return journey to the ship, now guiding three platoons of mercenaries. It’s like if you watched a double-feature of Alien and one of its bad sequels. The book slips from well-executed to paint-by-numbers, and the big reveal is basically the most boring possible answer you could imagine. This is not helped by the book’s action sequences just not being very...good.
Part of that is just the book’s complete lack of faith in its audience, or understanding of subtlety. Several twists are telegraphed so obviously that it’s hard to believe Claire is actually surprised by them, and character beats are just repeated so often you want to grab the author and scream you get it already. Claire’s tragic backstory is repeated something like half a dozen times, and the surprise villain spends half the final confrontation basically giving a monologue about how he’d drown a nursery full of babies if it topped up his 401k.
Villains aside, the supporting cast is mostly fun-if-one-note. Decently executed, but all very much walked out of sci fi central casting. Which more or less works, in that they’re all energetic and mostly fun to have on page. The unfortunate and singular exception is Claire’s love interest, the team medic. Whose...nice? Has a daughter back on Earth? Might as well be a statue carved from literal white bread? You know the cliche about hollywood action movies where the hero’s girlfriend has zero personality or arc and mostly exists to be hot and motivate him by being imperilled? Basically the gender-flip of that.
One thing the book kind of teases but absolutely never really explores or tries to resolve is the fact that in addition to all the hallucinations and madness with (boring, but) mechanistic and materialistic explanations, ghosts might also just be real? There’s several points in the book where Claire sees the body she doesn’t recognize hovering around someone, and when she describes it to them, they know who it is. It’s also a recurring thing that her visions of her dead mom are supposed to be how she even knew how to send out the SOS that got her rescued from the dead colony as a child. You might expect that this would eventually build to something, or be key to the final resolution. You would be incorrect.
So yeah, would have been a very solid horror novella if it just cut the entire second act. As is, I mean I’m not angry I read it, but not sure I’d go out of my way to recommend it either.
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