#he won the mental illness olympics
icedsodapop · 1 month
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The lack of sympathy and the backlash towards Noah Lyles for competing while being Covid-positive is infuriating. Seeing White pple online calling Lyles "selfish" and "reckless" and saying that he was endangering others for doing so, instead of feeling compassion for him for competing while sick. Turning him into a villain no sooner after he literally won a gold and a bronze for USA before collasping onto the fucking ground.
And while I do not agree with him allegedly choosing to compete while ill, I do not blame him for going ahead with competing given how heavily scrutinised Black athletes are and are viewed as ungrateful and selfish for prioritizing their health. After all, remember the massive backlash when Simone Biles chose to drop out of the Tokyo Olympics for her mental health? And please don't forget that the IOC allowed him to compete, they did not stop him.
All this to say, seeing the backlash towards Noah Lyles from White pple is just a constant reminder that Black pple can never satisfy the White gaze. The entitlement White pple have over Black bodies. The instant assumption of guilt and wrongdoing, the urge to penalize them.
Noah Lyles doesn't need your judgement right now, he needs your grace.
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savvylittlecoxswain · 1 month
Someone should write a time loop au where Bobby keeps reliving the three days of the rowing competition at the Olympics, resetting every time they don’t win. And Bobby is the only one who’s repeating, at least maybe at first. Like they’ve crossed the finish line of the race, but when the winner is announced and it’s not the United States, literally the moment the words finish coming out the official’s mouth, Bobby is waking up in his bed on the morning of the Preliminary Races on August 12.
They can lose the Preliminary Race and still have a chance to make it into the Finals, but if they lose the Repechage the loop will reset. Basically, the way to break the loop is to win the gold medal (aka the canon ending).
And maybe it could have something to do with Bobby’s stopwatch? Like maybe it’s a special antique stopwatch his dad had given him (coxswains race with a stopwatch strapped to their left thigh btw). Like not a stopwatch his dad had made, but a piece in his collection that has been returned to the shop time and time again by the people who’ve bought it despite them insisting that the stop watch is good luck. And no one else really messes with his stopwatch so maybe as soon as people touch it they get pulled into the loop?
(More below the line because I don’t know when to stop typing)
And what I mean by the three days of the competition:
August 12: Semifinals, three heats with the winning boat of each heat automatically move on to Finals
August 13: Repechage, three heats with the winning boat of each heat moving on to the Final
August 14: Final Race, 6 boats total with medals awarded based on results
And here’s just a few examples for different loops/ Bobby’s attempt at breaking the loops to help you get what I mean:
Bobby isn’t able to convince Ulbrickson that they could win even if Don’s ill, so Coy is put in at stroke (and of course everything is thrown off)
Maybe Bobby tries to do it with Coy as stroke for serveral if not many loops, but just isn’t able to get things to click in the shell
Bobby chooses to agree with Ulbrickson, telling Don’s too sick and Coy replaces him in the shell, except this time Bobby is agreeing with Ulbrickson so he hopes that it instills confidence in the crew and Coy that they can still bring home gold (obviously not)
Don doesn’t stay hydrated enough or something and passes out (maybe pre-race or even mid race)
Bobby gets distracted and misses the start signal but they aren’t able to make up the distance
Bobby has a series of very frustrating loops and ends up starting a confrontation with the German rowers one night
Bobby eventually goes to Pocock for advice on this whole time loop thing and Pocock actually takes him serious and gives him advice
Bobby tells the crew he’s Jewish hoping it fires them up given the Nazi thing
Bobby calls up his father’s family in Switzerland for a bit of a mental escape (not quite sure how he got their phone numbers but who cares)
They won their Preliminary race and Bobby secretly takes off for Switzerland like immediately after (aka kinda goes AWOL)
Etc, etc, you get the idea
As a stressor of sorts on the situation, maybe the more time Bobby spends with Don over the course of numerous loops the more Bobby himself falls ill. Like the illness doesn’t go away so every loop he’s waking up more and more ill himself.
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nygmobblepot-trash · 3 years
So I've been running a story about Ed finally confronting his feelings for Oswald through my head. I'm going to start writing it down. When I am done I will post it here and on ao3. I am making this post to let you lovely people know to keep a watch out for it and to bother me about it. I'm really bad at starting things and not finishing it (seriously if only you could see my hundreds of drafts).
So here's the synopsis and I hope it sounds interesting.
If running from your emotions was a sport Edward Nygma would have won a gold metal in the Olympics for it. Unfortunately to Ed's dismay he can't run forever. Ed becomes ill when a ghost reappears in his life with a warning, face his feelings or lose himself to the Riddler.
Oswald has noticed Ed's mental and physical decline for months. He is used to Ed blowing him off whenever he cares too much. But this? The state Oswald found Ed in on the fateful January morning was like nothing he had ever seen before. At first Oswald thinks Ed is just infected with some bug, but soon comes to the belief that Oswald has overworked Ed after stumbling on something he shouldn't have. Unfortunately for Oswald he's only half right. He soon thinks that there may be something else at play and begs for Ed to talk to him about it.
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f-ferrari-forever · 3 years
Adding to my earlier thoughts about the CAS decision, and the situation as a whole: supposedly the podium will be the expected one on Thursday, so Kamila, Sasha and Anna. This means virtually no ceremonies for the ladies. No medals for the team event. I pressume the investigation will span a few months. The samples from Rusnats of the other girls will be analyzed. And then we'll have a podium, which might be the original one, or it might be composed of completely different people. The medals will likely be mailed. And the Olympic experience of possibly 6 people will be a giant meh. Maybe even that of everyone else competing.
The 2010 edition of the Tour de France was initially won by Alberto Contador. Then, a sample came back positive. After more than one year, the title was given to the runner-up, Andy Schleck. Here's a quote from an article about the situation:
Andy Schleck has described winning a Tour de France on paper and not on a bike as "bull***t", and that it took him a long time to accept the reality of his 2010 Tour de France win, saying he believed "Alberto did something he shouldn't have done even if he denies it still."
Of course some explanation was given, that rings a bell to the current one floating around on Twitter, but thanfully, no minor was actually involved in this case. Yes, cycling is a sport where these sitautions happen every other day, and Schleck's own brother was later found guilty of doping. But the feeling described above is still valid, and in the case of the 2022 Olympics, at least some of the extent to which it might be felt could have been avoided.
There is still a miniscule chance this whole situation was a mistake. In which case, I've seen some takes on Twitter pointing out that then, it would be a shame to not have her skate. While that is true, the road taken has the potential to harm not only the other athletes competing in the events but also the credibility of the sport in general. Nevermind the mental health of the person at the center of it all, who is, as they say, a "Protected Person". This is a situation, where I feel like the collective damage should have weighed a lot heavier than the potential damage done to one individual (which might still prove to be a lot greater than if she hadn't been allowed to compete, given what we know about international media). From the start, this wasn't a situation from which everyone could just walk away happy.
This begs the question, what now? Doping is at home in cycling. Mainly because when you see others doing it and not getting caught, or even let away easily, you begin to think why shouldn't I be doing it as well? I hope that will not be the case for figure skating, and that this investigation, however ill-started, can solve some of the underlying issues of the sport. If not, I think it will be a while before the ladies discipline could regain its credibility. I am inclined to say cycling has never truly gained its own back.
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writernada · 3 years
10 Times Yuzuru Hanyu Was Inspiring
Yuzuru Hanyu (26 years old) is a Japanese figure skater. He is a two-time Olympic champion, two- time World champion, Four Continent champion, four times Grand Prix Final champion and five times national champion. He is the only male skater that has achieved a grand slam (won all major competitions in both junior and senior circus). In 2018, he won the People's Honor Award given by the Japanese Prime Minister and became the youngest recipient of this award. He also won the award of the most valuable skater at the International Skating Union Awards for the season 2019-2020. Since his debut in the senior circus in 2011-2012 and until now, Yuzuru's performances have always made a great impact on the audience; allowing him to have the biggest fan base ever in the history of figure skating. His fans are not only from Japan but from all around the world; including other skaters and coaches. The reason behind all of this love is that Yuzuru touches the hearts by performing like an artist, hitting every note, being super passionate about what he does and combining a competitive spirit with a sport soul. On top of all of that, he has an ability to inspire people. His road has never been easy. It is full of injuries, surgeries, illnesses, strong competitors, mistakes and losses. However, he always perserves, pushes through his limits, overcomes adversity and rises in an inspiring way.
Here are the ten times Yuzuru Hanyu was an icon of inspiration:
1- Winning his first medal in the World Championship in 2012 despite having an injury and low stamina.
In his debut in the World championship (senior circus) in 2012, Yuzuru (17) sprained his right ankle during the official practice the day before the short program. His foot swelled up but he decided not to withdraw, taking into account all the effort he has made for this competition and all the people who came here for him (coach, mom and officials). He went ahead and competed. He was ranked seventh in the short program, third in the free program and third overall, winning the bronze medal.
Yuzuru commented on that competition in his autobiography book "Aoi Hono ll":
"Because I was injured the day before the short, I felt that even in that kind of situation 'I landed my quad, I did well’. I felt that I had worked really hard by myself. However, my mother told me, "That is wrong.” Getting injured was my own fault, but there were many people who helped and supported me. That is the reason why I could come to this point. Until about 9 o'clock that night, we were talking about this while having dinner, and in the end, I realized that my thinking was wrong."
Yuzuru was about to get full of himself and let arrogance take over him. However, his mother helped him stay grounded. Thus, he was able to face the free program with a humble attitude. He put out a passionate performance that many people still remember until this day and consider as one of their favorites. During that performance, he tried not to put a lot of pressure on the injured foot so he shifted all the pressure on the other one until it got exhausted and gave up on him. As a result, he fell all of a sudden in the middle of the performance, but he managed to get up right away and perform a great jump right after.
In his autobiography book that was mentioned earlier, Yuzuru talked about this fall and said: "Later, when I watched the videos, I saw that the fall did not take up much time. I was standing up again quickly. But to me, it felt like a long time. When I fell, the feeling was like flying mid-air. Like this (he re-enacts the fall in slow motion), 'ahh, I am stumbling~~’ (laughs). After the fall, I was thinking 'what should I do from here’, many thoughts circled around. Thinking that I won’t make it in time for the next axel jump, I shortened the path by going straight instead of curved. I can jump even a 3A+3A (in practice), so I thought I will be alright. (laughs)”.
One of the most exciting moments during the performance is when Yuzuru shouted out aloud before the choreographic sequence. The shout seemed like a great expression of the emotions of his character (Romeo). It made him look like he was totally into character. However, he clarified that it was unintentional. He said: "I felt like I couldn’t breathe, so I thought, for now just let the breath out. (laughs)"
Yuzuru is known to be suffering from asthma and because of it he had a low stamina at the time. However, even after finding out that the shout wasn't done to express the character's emotions, viewers still find it impactful because it is a genuine expression of Yuzuru's fight against his limits.
That night, Yuzuru made a name for himself internationally. He shed tears of happiness after getting his scores and so did his coach. He also got praised by the winner that night who said: "the one shining the most is Yuzuru".
2-  Breaking a World Record and winning gold in his first participation in the winter Olympic Games.
At the age of 19, Yuzuru participated for the first time in the Olympic Games. Young male skaters like him who participate for the first time usually don't dare to dream about winning. The big scale of the competition gets athletes nervous and shaken, even the great and experienced ones of them. Therefore, the young newcomers usually consider their first participation as an experience to have under their belt while preparing for the next Olympic. However, Yuzuru was determind to win. His choreographer at the time, David Wilson, talked about his intense determination in an interview: "he wrote me an email letter that was so touching. He was like please help me do this because I'm ready. I'll do anything. I will die. I'll do anything to be the Olympic Champion. I don't want to wait until 2018. I want it now and I'll do anything. I'm willing to die for it. Anything you tell me, I'll do it but help me."
David Wilson talking about Yuzuru's determination to win the 2014 Olympics
Yuzuru performed a marvelous short program and came out of the rink saying: "I did it!" to which his coach replied: "you certainly did". He broke the world record in his first participation at the Olympics despite his young age. He did get nervous and made mistakes at the free program. However, what he did in the short program was enough to bring him the gold medal and make him achieve his childhood dream.
Yuzuru (11) saying that his dream is to win the Olympics
Yuzuru performing his short program at the 2014 Olympics:
Other Skaters reacting to Yuzuru's World Record at the Olympics:
The moment when Yuzuru finds out he won the  2014 Olympics:
3- Continuing to compete after a pretty bad collusion with another skater during Cup of China 2014:
In 2014, Yuzuru took part in Cup of China, which is one of the events of the Grand Prix Series. Yuzuru was in second place after the short program and during the 6 minuets warm up before the long program he had an accident. He collided with the Chinese skater Han Yan. They were looking at opposite sides and couldn't see each other until it was too late.
Yuzuru talked about the incident in his autobiography book and said: "My stomach hit the ice (when I fell) and so it felt like I received a body blow. My stomach was hurting so much; I could not breathe nor get up. Then, when I tried standing up, my chin was hurting and bleeding. My head was panicking and I didn’t know exactly where all the pain was coming from."
After a few minutes, Yuzuru stood up on his own despite the arrival of medical helpers. He preferred to exit the rink on his own instead of being carried. Backstage, he was examined and given first aid by American doctors.
The Collusion incident at CoC 2014:
In his biography book, Yuzuru gave some details about what happened backstage after the incident:
"I really gave a lot of trouble to the people around me. They told me ‘Don’t compete’. The doctors also said, 'It is not a concussion, so it is possible to skate but we do not recommend it.’Coach Orser also said, 'Now you don’t need to be a hero. You still have more after this, you still can do a lot as a skater.’But 'it has nothing to do with that. I will skate because I want to go to GP Final.’ I think I might have said that to him in Japanese. I wanted to go to the Final somehow. Here, 5th or 4th place is good enough, I can get 1st place in the next competition, so for now I just want to remain connected. If I compete at GPF, I definitely want to have a second consecutive victory. I also want to win the triple crown again (Worlds, GPF, Nationals). I had those kind of thoughts. Now when I look back I think, 'ah I skated well’."
Yuzuru decided to skate his free program and the people around him respected his decision and allowed him to go. He made sure to meet Han Yan before competing again and they exchanged apologies. After that, Yuzuru showed up in the rink with a bandage on his head and a small band on his chin. He skated his free program bravely after making some changes on the layout to adjust to his condition. He fell on five jumps but did full rotations and got grades for that. He also was able to land some jumps in the latter half of the program, which got him extra points. After the performance, his coach Orser was worried about his feelings if he gets a bad score for falling five times so he was preparing him mentally by saying stuff like: "scores don't matter. What matter is what you did out there" but it turned out Orser had nothing to worry about as Yuzuru received a high score. Yuzuru was so surprised and relieved when he saw his score and he burst into tears after holding on for a long time. He won the silver medal in that event.
Yuzuru performing his free program and receiving his score at CoC 2014:
After the competition, American doctors prepared the massage room to do stitches for Yuzuru. He received 7 stitches on his chin with anesthetics and 3 staples on his head without any anesthetics, which was really painful to him! The next day, he traveled to Japan for a medical examination in a trip that he described as hell. The result of the examination was "head contusion (or bruise), chin contusion, abdominal contusion, left thigh contusion and right ankle sprain’.
For ten days, Yuzuru was unable to walk and the recovery took more time than expected. Every time he finds himself able to walk, he would go to the rink, but once he steps his foot into the rink the pain comes back. He thought that he would never be able to skate again, felt so depressed and wanted to quit skating all together. However, his mother told him "how about just giving it a try anyway? If you skate just a little on the ice every day with the intention of rehabilitation, the situation may change for the better" her response surprised him because she never tried to stop him from quitting in the past whenever he said he wanted to quit. With that new attitude of his mother, Yuzuru became optimistic about being able to skate again, and found the willpower to try and even aim to win at the next competition of the Grand Prix Series, which was NHK.
At NHK, Unfortunately, Yuzuru wasn't able to present great performances and once he finished his free program he thought to himself: "ah, the final is gone!" he thought that all his efforts in Cup of China were for nothing, but luckily, the total of his points combined from the two competitions made him the last qualified skater for the final. Thus, he was able to take part in the final, presented great performnces and won the gold medal after all the struggles he went through.
4- Winning at Nationals 2014 despite bleeding and needing a surgery:
After the short program at the Grand Prix Final, Yuzuru felt some kind of pain in his stomach whenever he stretched or pressed on it. He thought that it must be a damage in the muscle tissue but after the free program, he found something that looks like a Ping Pong ball sticking out beneath his navel. It was so painful to the extent that he couldn't sleep on his flight back to Japan. When he landed, he went to the hospital right away and was told that he might have Urachal Remnant Disorder. He was given some antibiotic and sent home because his condition wasn't bad. However, once he returned home, and got into the shower, his navel burst and started bleeding. He went back to the hospital and it was confirmed that he has Urachal Remnant. He needed to undergo a surgery but he couldn't afford to have it any time soon because the Japanese national competition (All Japan) was a few weeks away. He was determined to attend it so he decided to bear with the pain and delay the surgery. Without telling anybody about his problem, he attended his trainings after wrapping himself with gauze to prevent blood from staining his clothes. That didn't work out well and blood still got to his clothes so when it was time for the competition, he was worried that his costume might get stained. To prevent that from happening, he put a strong tape on top of the gauze, which was painful, but did the job. In this condition, Yuzuru took part in the Japanese national competition, and despite a few mistakes in both of his programs, his endurance of pain didn't go in vain, and he actually won.
Yuzuru commented about this situation in his book by saying: "It was painful to bend forward and backward, but I tried to do whatever I could in that situation. I even did the Ina bauer, but I could not arch back at all. In fact, I also intended to do the biellmann spin! However, when I started the spin, I changed it into an A-line"
Yuzuru performing his free program and putting his hand on his stomach while leaving the ice during All Japan 2014:
5-  Rising from fifth place to first in the World Championships 2017:
At the World Championship in 2017, Yuzuru made some mistakes in the short program that left him sitting in fifth place behind his rivals. The gap between him and the first place was around 11 points. He was so disappointed in himself but didn't give up. He wanted to go practice harder. However, his coaches stopped him from overworking himself and made sure that he takes a good rest and goes through a normal practice. After that, he collected himself, focused, stayed calm and presented one of the greatest performances ever. It was flawless and magnificent. His coach Brian Orser said that he felt privileged to have witnessed this performance. Yuzuru got a very high score that made him scream and left him on the verge of shedding happy tears. His coach Brian Orser was speechless while his other coach Tracy Wilson had her mouth wide open in astonishment. With that, Yuzuru was able to rise from fifth place to first and win the championship.
Yuzuru performing his free program and receiving his score at the WC 2017:
6- Winning the second Olympic title right after being away from the ice for 3 months due to a severe injury:
Before the beginning of the Olympic season, Yuzuru was done with his preparation very early and was all ready to compete. His coach Brian Orser couldn't believe how smoothly things were going and felt a little uneasy about the fact that Yuzuru was ready very early. His worry wasn't pointless because soon enough Yuzuru sustained a severe injury. It happened during the official practice before NHK. Yuzuru was practicing (4Lutz) which was a new jump he has been practicing that season. He landed the jump in a wrong way causing ligament damage to his right ankle. The injury forced him out of competition for the rest of the season.
Yuzuru's fall and injury at NHK 2017:
Yuzuru disappeared and was away from the ice for three months. During that time, he didn't make any T.V appearances or interviews. Thus, nobody knew anything about him and his condition. His participation in the Olympics and the mere ability to perform again became uncertain. A lot of people doubted he would be able to comeback. However, he showed up at Incheon Airport in South Korea surrounded by guards and declared that he was ready to compete and that he believes he has the potential to win more than any other skater. After that, he avoided talking to the press until the end of the competition.
Yuzuru's arrival at Incheon Airport to participate at the 2018 Olympics:
According to his coach, Brian Orser, Yuzuru returned to the ice only six weeks before the Olympics and had to relearn everything and take baby steps to be able to perform again. He was practicing strokes, single and double jumps while watching his training mate and rival, Javier Fernandez, do a full run through of his programs with triples and quads. Yuzuru was able to land triples only three weeks before the Olympics and started landing quads just two weeks before the Olympics.
During the official open practice before the competition, Yuzuru made sure not to reveal his abilities and current condition nor his planned layout. He simply did some strokes and single jumps then left the rink. He chose his layout after studying his rivals and calculating how many points he would potentially need to win. He did his calculations on an app that he developed as part of his studies at the university.
In the short program segment, Yuzuru put out a great performance that was so close to the world record (which he holds). He won first place at this segment. Seeing the results, he felt relieved and assured so he allowed himself to reduce the difficulty of his free program. He was one-step away from winning the Olympics again. He needed to put out another great performance during the free program, and fortunately, that's exactly what he did. He performed a memorable free program filled with emotions, and once he finished, he screamed: "I won. I won!" which was true! He became the first skater to win the Olympics consecutively in 66 years.
Yuzuru's free program at the 2018 Olympics:
The moment that Yuzuru is announced as the winner of the 2018 Olympics:
7- Receiving the gold medal on crutches during Rostelecom Cup 2018:
After winning the Olympics, Yuzuru decided to pay tribute to his role models in figure skating; the Russian legend Evgeny Plushenko and the American Johnny Weir. He chose one of Plushenko's programs as his free program and one of Weir's as his short. He adapted the programs to his own style but still kept some touches from the original ones. Since it was a tribute, he decided to perform his free program in the hometown of his Russian idol and in front of his people. That is why he chose to participate in Rostelecom Cup, which is one of the events of the Grand Prix Series, and is held in Russia. He performed a great short program and everything was going well until he injured his right foot again during the practice before the free program. He was advised to withdraw. However, he absolutely wanted to perform his tribute to the Russian legend, Plushenko, in Russia. He has prepared a lot for this performance and came all the way to Russia to do it so he didn't want all of that to be pointless. He decided to take strong painkillers and perform his free program. He lowered the difficulty of the program and then presented a great performance in front of the Russian crowd that brought him the gold medal. After the performance, he started moving on crutches and admitted that without the painkillers, he wouldn't have been able to skate. He received the gold medal that night on crutches with fans cheering for him and holding up signs that says: "Yuzu we love you from all over the world".
Yuzuru receiving the gold medal on crutches at Rostelecom 2018:
8- Conquering his fears during the season of 2019-2020:
Yuzuru has suffered from a lot of injuries throughout his career. More than once, he thought that he is facing the end of his career because of an injury. Therefore, his main goal during the season of 2019-2020 was to finish the season without injuries. He finished his first two competitions safely and arrived at Japan to participate in NHK, which was his second Grand Prix assignment. Many of his injuries happened in his second GP event and he was conscious about this fact. He was afraid of getting hurt again and was visibly shaking before the beginning of his free program. As a result of his nervousness he missed a combination. However, he pulled himself together and improvised a new combination to recover the points he missed. He thought of the new combination, calculated its points and made sure that it's not repeated all while performing amazingly. Once he came out of the rink, his coach Ghislain gave him a hug and said: "You know what? You conquered your fear!".
Yuzuru shaking before performing his free program at NHK 2019 + full performance:
Yuzuru continued to overcome his fears in the final of the Grand Prix. He was setting in second place after the short program and the gap of points between him and his rival was big. He felt that winning may not be possible this time; nonetheless, he still wanted to do his best and give a respectable performance. He decided to raise the number of quad jumps in his program to five for the first time ever in his career. In addition, he declared that he will bring back the quad Lutz, which is the jump that caused his injury before the 2018 Olympics. It's a jump that he never dared to perform again in competitions since that incident. However, he overcame his fear and performed a flawless quad Lutz during the free program with four other quad jumps in the GPF, challenging not only his fear, but also his stamina that has always been an obstacle for him. He did not win the gold medal, but won his own fight against his fears and limits as well as the hearts and respect of the audience.
Yuzuru performing quad Lutz+ full performance of the free program at GPF2019:
9- Winning the bronze medal in the World Championship 2021 despite an asthma attack and many other hurdles.
During the 2020-2021 season, the whole world was going through struggles because of Corona Virus and Yuzuru was no exception. He had to train on his own in Japan all year long away from his coaches and physical therapist in Canada. He prepared new programs for the season with his choreographers by receiving videos and training accordingly without any supervision. During the season, his hometown was struck by an earthquake twice. The last struck happened right before he traveled to Stockholm to participate in the WC. According to him, the inside of his home was a mess and he couldn't use the train to go to Tokyo and board the plane as planned. As a result, he arrived to Stockholm one day later than planned, thus, he had to change his training plans as well. However, his coach Brian Oreser said that Yuzuru is not the type of athlete who gets phased by such problems and he was right. Yuzuru did perfect run through of his programs during his official practices. He also performed his lively short program very well and won the small gold medal of the segment.
Yuzuru performing his short program at WC 2021:
Yuzuru was all set to win the World Championship for the third time, but something unexpected happened before the free program. He was supposed to start warming up one hour prior the turn of his group (the last group), but he was nowhere to be seen at the venue until it was almost time for the last group to compete. His coach Brian Orser said that he was worried and didn't know where Yuzuru was. He asked the head of the Japanese team but they simply told him: "He is somewhere else". Brian kept on going back and forth between the rink where two of his students were competing and the warm up area where Yuzuru was supposed to be, but Yuzuru did not show up. After Brian's students finished their turn, it was almost time for Yuzuru's group so Brian went to the locker room to see if Yuzuru was there. Usually, Yuzuru would put his skating boots in the locker room before the six-minuets warm up of his group and Brian would come to carry his tissue box, and then they would head to the rink together. However, Brian didn't find Yuzuru in the locker room. Yuzuru was caught on camera sitting on a chair at the warm up area, resting his head on the wall and looking exhausted while taking off his mask impatiently. At that time, the announcement of Keegan Messing's score from the group before the last one, could be heard in the background.
Yuzuru at the warm up area before skating his free program at the WC 2021:
When Brian finally found Yuzuru at the warm up area, he said that he knew something must have happened to him but he didn't ask him about it. Instead, he tried to encourage him by saying energetically: "Let's go!"
Yuzuru showed up at the rink without styling his hair unlike the norm. He made a lot of mistakes in the first part of his free program as if he was not the same person who did a perfect run through one day ago. He said that he suddenly couldn't find his balance but he did try his best. He explained that with every mistake, he tried to at least not fall. Later on, the Russian media reported that the Russian doctor who was accompanying their team at the competition said that Yuzuru has had an asthma attack right before coming to the venue and has asked for his help. Yuzuru never talked to the media about what happened before the free program and why he was late. When he was asked about his asthma he only admitted to feeling a little asthmatic after the free program. Despite all of that, Yuzuru managed to win the bronze medal and contribute in securing three spots to team Japan at the Olympics.
The mystery of what happened to Yuzuru before the free program would have stayed unsolved if it wasn't for the Russian doctor. The reason is that Yuzuru doesn't like to make excuses for himself. He once said in an old interview that he used to make a lot of excuses for himself when he was young but then he realized that real strong skaters don't do that and that he wouldn't learn anything if he keeps on making excuses. He took the renowned Japanese skater Mao Asada as an example when she competed with a bone fracture without uttering a word about it. That must be the reason why he never takes his asthma as an excuse or talks about it.
10- Achieving his childhood dreams one by one:
Since ever Yuzuru was young he declared that he wants to be the Olympic champion and he wants to land a quad Axel. He went on to achieve his Olympic dream in 2014; making history by being the first Japanese male skater to win an Olympic gold medal ever. However, he said that it’s not over yet because the plan in his head is to win the Olympics twice. He kept on improving himself and walking towards his dream while making a lot of sacrifices and overcoming injuries. At the end, he achieved his dream and made history once again by being the first skater in 66 years to win the gold medal at the Olympics consecutively. He then made a statement saying that he feels happy and that this happiness is what he gets in return to the sacrifices he made. After that, he said that he feels freed from the pressure of having to produce results. Thus, he announced that he is going to skate for himself from then on. It was time for him to start focusing on the other dream of his childhood which was the quad Axel. He made it clear that landing it in a competition is his next goal and didn’t allow himself to get swayed by what others are doing or what competitions he is losing. He stayed focused on his goal and is reported to be getting closer to achieving it.  
Yuzuru's path has never been covered with flowers. It was hard and painful most of the time but yuzuru always turns the pain into success and fulfillment with his perseverance, becoming an icon of inspiration to many people. We wish him a lot of happiness and success in the future.
Translation of Yuzuru's book is from:
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ingek73 · 2 years
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‘No event compares’: the Invictus Games shows its fighting spirit again
The meeting between the Games’ founder, Prince Harry, and Dutch athlete Jelle van der Steen sums up its unique appeal
Paul MacInnes
Published: 21:03 Thursday, 21 April 2022
Play was held up at the Invictus Games on Thursday by a late arrival to the wheelchair basketball. Jelle van der Steen, a mainstay of the Dutch national side, had to make a late withdrawal from the tournament after he was hit by illness and forced into surgery. But as his teammates prepared for tip-off in The Hague the former marine was escorted on to the court – in his hospital bed – so he could share the moment. The Netherlands went on to beat Canada 23-10.
It was an incident that sums up the event, which is being staged this year for the fifth time. It sees former service people who experienced life-changing injuries in the line of duty compete in a number of adaptive sports. The Invictus Games is not short on spirit, endeavour or camaraderie, and in the Netherlands this spring – the event ends on Friday – it has grown in scale and prominence once again.
In the UK, the BBC has been showing daily highlights. One of the hosts of the coverage, the former Invictus athlete JJ Chalmers, explained what he saw as the Games’ unique appeal.
“I get to work on a number of crown jewel sports occasions like the Olympics and the Paralympics – but none of them really compare to this and I think the reason is because the medals are secondary,” he told British Forces Broadcasting. “In fact the sport is kind of secondary. All it is, is an excuse to get like-minded individuals from all over the world who have had similar experiences to share those experiences and rediscover themselves so that they can get that sense of service back again.
“It’s about putting your country’s flag on your sleeve but also putting your best foot forward, representing your country and community and having an impact on society. I think the level of education [the public] can get from this, when people are brutally honest about the experiences they have had, is unique to the Invictus Games.”
Team UK comprises 59 male and female athletes, selected and trained by the charity Help for Heroes. The selection criteria takes in performance metrics but also consideration of how an athlete’s physical – and mental – recovery from their injuries will be aided by participation.
The captain of Team UK, the swimmer Rachel Williamson, suffered an injury in 2014 that caused her to lose the use of her right arm and led to a medical discharge from the RAF in 2016. A competitive swimmer in her youth, Williamson had once hoped of competing in the Olympics but feared she would never be able to swim again. However, she competed in the Invictus Games in Sydney in 2018 and won two gold medals in rowing and three silvers and a bronze in swimming. On Wednesday afternoon she won three gold medals and a silver in the pool, telling the BBC: “To finally represent my country is amazing, the medals are just a bonus. I just wanted to smile at the end and to prove that I can do it.”
With 17 participating countries and 10 sports in competition, the growing success of the games is vindication for their founder, Prince Harry. Headlines have followed the 37-year-old throughout the week but not all of them have been controversial. He has been ubiquitous in his role as chief cheerleader at the Games and a photo of him on the court, clasping the hand of Van der Steen in his bed, may perhaps prove the defining image of the week.
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akari-hope · 3 years
Not sure why you think that wlw are more shunned, viewed as predatory, and otherwise demonized than mlm relationships, particularly enemies to lovers dynamics? Sapphics are by and large wayyyyy more well-received than mlm. Sapphics are seen as soft and harmless and lovely even when they’re fighting, while mlm are seen as dirty and emasculated and generally viewed with complete disgust.
i said that mlm are FETISHIZED more in enemies to lovers dynamics than wlw. wlw are more DEMONIZED than mlm in enemies to lovers dynamics. and i gave clear examples of dynamics that reflect this in that post, so i'm not pulling this out of my ass. neither is good. both are bad. they're just different kinds of bad. i'm pretty sure i made that clear but if i didn't, i'm restating it now - NEITHER MLM NOR WLW ARE TREATED WELL IN MEDIA REGARDLESS OF DYNAMIC. THIS IS NOT OPPRESSION OLYMPICS. DIFFERENT PROBLEMS DOES NOT EQUAL BETTER PROBLEMS.
i am, however, a lesbian, and i'm going to be able to speak more coherently and authentically to the sapphic representation and general treatment of women in media than anything else. it's my firsthand experience and it's always going to be easier and more accurate than my musings on the experiences of other groups of people. and given that i have a particular fondness for enemies to lovers dynamics, of course i'm bound to contemplate sapphic enemies to lovers dynamics specifically.
but if we must dance this dance bc you decided to take a bad faith interpretation of my words, women have to do more to be loved in media, and they have to do far less to be hated. this is a fact plain and simple, and if you can't acknowledge that we are not even remotely on the same page. You can look at ANY piece of media and see this is true. the supernatural fandom's treatment of basically any women vs. the kingdom hearts fandom's treatment of kairi vs. the naruto fandom's treatment of sakura. etc. etc. etc. i could name examples all day. these are women who, yes, have shoddy writing, but instead of getting the same treatment of a male character with shoddy writing - immediately getting fleshed out by fans - they get set aside as annoying, bitchy, mary sues, etc. even female characters with GOOD writing will get this treatment, a la lightning farron from final fantasy xiii. male characters with the SAME EXACT TRAITS are often beloved by fans. easy example, see cloud strife from final fantasy vii, who shares a hysterically huge amount of personality traits with lightning farron.
and this is BEFORE we even get into the discussion of being sapphic, or god forbid any other type of minority. traditionally beautiful white cishet women who are feminine and kind are the only women to ever pass for general audiences, and even then it's not consistent. women must be "palatable". versus white men, who are allowed to be dark, messy, gritty, murderers, even genocidal dictators and still be beloved by fans. and yes, the qualifier of white is necessary here - men of color, especially black men, do not get this same generosity from fans, and you bet your fucking ass it goes triple for women of color.
women are "soft and harmless and lovely" as you put it when they fight...if they're fucking tifa lockhart. if they're feminine and sweet and cute normally, or at least perceived that way. if they look like they're out of madoka magica (and oops not even then, bc you bet your ASS there's insane demonization of miss homura akemi). and also, friendly reminder, that "soft and harmless and lovely" thing isn't a compliment. it's fucking infantilizing at best.
for sheer simplicity's sake, to compare two ships that are on a relatively equal playing field in terms of representation, i'm going to take a look at the general reception of goro akechi/ren amamiya from persona 5 (i'm using ren as his name for simplicity's sake) and madoka kaname/homura akemi from madoka magica.
some brief context for both: both are heavily queercoded, homura is initially introduced as an antagonistic character but it is later revealed to not be the case, akechi is initially introduced as a friendly character but it is later revealed to not be the case, and both homura and akechi have clear and intense struggles with trauma and other mental health issues.
judging by what i've said, from your own logic, surely homura is a widely beloved and not at all vilified character. after all, she's feminine, she's not REALLY a villain, and she's got sympathetic motivations. right? wrong. homura is widely beloved... by sapphics. but even people who LIKE THE SHOW DO NOT ALWAYS LIKE HER. homura was WIDELY hated and discoursed back when the show first aired. you still get people who hate her. and even more frustrating, despite the blatant, you-absolutely-cannot-miss-it queercoding, sapphic fans of the show still have to argue that it's not just "girls being friends". it's not even a true enemies to lovers setup, and you still cannot escape homura being called toxic and predatory.
now let's take a brief look at akechi and ren. like previously stated, akechi is revealed to be an antagonist later in the story. and when he is, he tries to shoot ren in the head and frame it as a suicide. this is, quite obviously, a lot different from homura and madoka, where homura never even directly fights madoka. surely by your logic, akechi would be widely seen as a villain, unforgivable, horrendously terrible? well he most certainly isn't. he's one of if not the most beloved characters by fans. his relationship with ren is more often than not read as romantic, and it's practically treated as canon by a large majority.
and like i previously stated, i am not saying the mlm example i've given is without issues - akechi/ren is highly sexualized and fetishized. it's just a very DIFFERENT problem from the vilification that wlw characters often receive. and i am not saying that mlm are NEVER vilified. i am simply saying the large, overarching trend in fandom is to be forgiving of men, and unforgiving of women.
i simply do NOT see mlm ships get the same treatment in this regard to wlw ships. sora/riku from kingdom hearts and catra/adora from she-ra have...practically the same narrative in many ways. childhood friends separated by a worldwide conflict, becoming enemies, fighting each other multiple times, arguably with intent to kill, eventually saving each other and finding a way to reconcile in order to emerge victorious against the true villain. riku and catra are strikingly alike, as are sora and adora. but riku is once again a fan favorite character. and catra has received backlash after backlash after backlash. i hardly even post about she-ra anymore and i STILL get people in my inbox talking about catra discourse!!
again, i'm NOT saying the script is never reversed. there's not really anything to be won by making absolute statements like that. i'm just saying that i have never seen it, and even on the odd chance that i do it's never as severe.
once again - yes mlm characters face backlash. no one is saying they do not. but it is different backlash. i am specifically discussing the fan reception of wlw characters and ships bc that is my personal experience. different problems do not equal better problems.
i'm tired of bad faith interpretations of my posts. unless you want to have a respectful and thoughtful conversation (which i AM open to), don't come at me with boldfaced accusations.
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aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
I've always wanted to be a therapist and help people when I grow up. But as more and more time goes on with my mental health slowly going down the drain, maybe its a dream I won ever be able to accomplish.
so there’s a post here on tumblr, it goes like this:
At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA. At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job.  At age 24, Stephen King was working as a janitor and living in a trailer. At age 27, Vincent Van Gogh failed as a missionary and decided to go to art school.   At age 28, J.K. Rowling was a suicidal single parent living on welfare. At age 28, Wayne Coyne ( from The Flaming Lips) was a fry cook. At age 30, Harrison Ford was a carpenter.  At age 30, Martha Stewart was a stockbroker.  At age 37, Ang Lee was a stay-at-home-dad working odd jobs.
Julia Child released her first cookbook at age 39, and got her own cooking show at age 51. Vera Wang failed to make the Olympic figure skating team, didn’t get the Editor-in-Chief position at Vogue, and designed her first dress at age 40. Stan Lee didn’t release his first big comic book until he was 40. Alan Rickman gave up his graphic design career and landed his first movie role at age 42. Samuel L. Jackson didn’t get his first major movie role until he was 46. Morgan Freeman landed his first major movie role at age 52.
Kathryn Bigelow won the Academy Award for Best Director when she made The Hurt Locker at age 57. Grandma Moses didn’t begin her painting career until age 76. Louise Bourgeois didn’t become a famous artist until she was 78. Whatever your dream is, it is not too late to achieve it. 
and it is. so. true. it really is! if you want to be a therapist and you want to help people then you absolutely still can, not all is lost. use your dreams and ambitions as motivation to work on your mental health, fight for your goals by reaching out for help from professionals. take medication if that’s what you need to do in order to achieve mental stability, attend weekly therapy sessions, practice mindfulness if that what it takes. do whatever you need to, fight for yourself, prioritise recovery, take it one day at a time. if your mental health is slipping then
recovery is not an easy process? and it’s not quick process either, it’s twisty and curly and sometimes you might take a step up and then sideways and then back a step before you move forward again, but that’s alright. there are some mental illnesses where full recovery isn’t 100% possible but you learn strategies to live alongside your illness and to manage it, and that’s alright too. when you choose to start this journey is up to you, just know that your ambitions aren’t totally out of reach. <33
- tash
Hey! I’d also like to share my personal experience since I work in related fields. I suffered from a lot of mental health issues back when I was in high school. I studied psych in uni because I wanted to help others. I thought I was not competent because sometimes I do feel that mental health is not at the very best place to help others. Now, I’m working with children and teens who are experiencing mental or psychiatrical issues. I am definitely not a happy, optimistic, stress-free person a 100% of the time. I have really bad days still, but I always believe recovery is a long journey. I think my experience with mental health definitely made me a more empathetic and understanding person, I am able to build rapport with those teens because it’s easier for me to understand their situation and hence know how to support them. I am also working towards my goal of being a counsellor/ therapist! Your issues may make you feel weak, but it’s very valuable. Your goal is not unachievable. 
- Sammi
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“They seek to complete Project Reunification. Should that happen, the survival of all mankind will be in jeopardy.” - Zealot
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Real Name: Lady Zannah
Lucy Blaze
Sister Zealot
Gender: Female
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Race: Kherubim
Kherubim Physiology
Dark Sorcery
Master Martial Artist
Weapons Master
Enhanced Intellect
Mental Illness
Universe: Wildstorm Universe
Origin: Born a Kherubim Lord from the planet Khera
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:
Washington D.C.
Halo Building, New York City, New York
Parents: Harmony; mother
Marital Status: Single
Majestrix of the Coda
Government Operative
Education: Traditional Kherubim Education, Advanced Coda Training
First Appearance: WildC.A.T.s #1 (August, 1992)
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Kherubim Physiology: Zealot is Kherubim, and a Kheribum noble meaning all her abilities are enhanced to various degrees, extremely long-lived, and nearly immortal. Her vocal cords are highly developed allowing a far wider range of tones than what is possible for a human being.
Enhanced Senses: Zealot's senses are more developed than those of earth humans; most notably her sight and hearing. She is easily at human peak as far as her ability to note detailed objects. Her hearing on the other hand is very enhanced. 
Superhuman Stamina: Zealot has a very high level of endurance. Her body and will are so strong, she will continue to try and fight even against overwhelming odds and when pain wracks every portion of her form. As a note, this isn't invulnerability. Simply a very high pain threshold.
Enhanced Durability: As a Kheribum her skin, bones, and muscle tissues are denser and super-hard compared to a normal human. A regular bullet will not adequately harm her.
Accelerated Healing: She can regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She can regenerate from anything, even injured tissue, brain cells, missing limbs and organs. Gunshot and stab wounds, cuts, and broken bones can perfectly heal in a few minutes.
Enhanced Immunity: Her body neutralizes all detrimental contaminants making him immune to all poisons, toxins, venom, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergens, and radiations.
Immortality: As a Kheran, Zealot possesses virtual immortality. Her race is extremely long lived and she has been on Earth for literally the whole of human civilization and is showing no sign of growing old anytime soon. She is for all intents and purposes biologically immortal.
Superhuman Agility: Zealot has a level of agility that is quite literally astonishing. Her agility, balance, flexibility, dexterity, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic gold medalist, with a quickness far beyond norm. She's capable of feats such as vaulting off of walls, going from flips into a vertical stomp, adjusting her rate and direction when in terminal velocity fall and is essentially, well over Olympic level as far as her ability to flip, dodge, dive, spin and move about. This, coupled with her strength and endurance makes her a formidable fighter alone, not to mention fighting skills.
Superhuman Strength: As a Kheran, Zealot is naturally stronger than a normal human, this ability is further compounded by her extreme level of training and abilities as per her status as Coda Majestrix, and level of experience. She can lift/press up to two tons of weight with effort and in addition to this, knows how to best apply her strength.
Dark Sorcery: For one hundred years, Zealot was in service of the weaver of souls Tapestry. During that time, Tapestry attempted to subvert Zealot into her own image. In that time Zealot became a powerful enchantress with skills and powers nearly on the scale of her teacher; along with the potential to be among the most powerful magic users on the planet. Although later Zealot would purge herself of these terrible abilities, powers she would rarely use. Zealot still has a powerful mystical aura and abilities she demonstrated when she faced Tapestry once more.
Telepathic Communication: The ability to project a dreamy vision of flowing white energy; read minds, view and erase memories of others with or without the person's consent.
Teleportation: She can send herself and/or anyone to anyplace she/they wish to visit without any space/time restrictions.
Mystical Blasts: The ability to generate powerful blasts of arcane force.
Matter Reconstruction: The ability to reconstruct matter such as clothes into a different form and appearance.
Mystical Shields: The ability to generate protective shields of magic
Mystical Manipulation: Twists and subvert other magic's cast at her; return energy projections sent to her back to their source without loss of momentum or power.
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Master Martial Artist: With weapons that are older then some civilizations and a status that placed her as the head of an order of warrior women. Zealot has literally been described as one of, if not the deadliest assassin on the planet. Her fighting abilities are unmatched among the coda, with and without a blade. And she can hold her own against virtually anyone, including those physically better then her, in one on one and even group combat. She is more than a match for the best of the best. Her range of martial arts knowledge spans almost all arts known to man and include the alien fighting arts of the Coda.
Weapons Master: Her skills with weapons mainly focus on the use of bladed weapons such as the Coda Clef blade and the katana blade; as well as the one and two handed sword. She is also an expert marksman. She is skilled in the use of throwing objects, such as daggers and the bladed weapons connected to the back of her armored costume.
Enhanced Intellect
Computer Operation
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Mental Illness: Zealot hides emotions and is prone to obsessive tendencies.
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Lady Zannah, also known as Zealot, is from the planet Khera, where she was part of one of the leading political and cultural groups known as The Coda. On Earth, she became a prominent member of the WildC.A.T.s.
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On Khera
Zannah was one of the few fertile Kherubim and therefore she was picked to mate with Lord Majestros of the other leading faction of Khera, the Pantheon. In this union she gave birth to a daughter named Kenesha. However, because Zannah desired to be a warrior rather then a priestess like other Kherubim mothers, her mother Lady Harmony declared the child dead, took a lover and claimed her as her own. This meant Kenesha was brought up as her sister and Majestros was told the child had died.
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Trapped on Earth
Thousands of years ago Zannah became one of the Kherubims who had become stranded on Earth when the explorer ship she was on crash landed after battling a Daemonite warship. It was only due to her lover Stratos that she was able to survive, as he was able to get her into one of the ships rescue pods. Not long after she joined the earth war between Kherubim and the Daemonites who wanted to take the planet over.
Zannah and the other survivors were scattered, but found they could easily hide amongst the human population. The Daemonites, while less humanoid used their powers of possession and shape-shifting to hide amongst the population. It was then that the next few millennia was spent waging a secret war, unknown to average humans.
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Founding the Earth-based Coda
Not long after crashing on the planet did Zannah start to train human females in The Coda fighting tradition. She even took part in the Trojan War on the Greek side. The payment she was to receive was the 99 baby girls to add to her new Coda. During the war she helped the warrior Ulysses come up with the idea for the Trojan Horse, for her part she spared the royal family, so the massacre would not affect the women and children. The rest of the Coda would not allow such a betrayal of the tenants she had taught them, even from its own founder. She also further earned their contempt when she refused to kill her ally Artemis in a duel she had won. She was then cast out into exile.
It was during her exile that she came across the witch Tapestry and was forced into being her slave, in return for Kenesha's life being spared. She was a slave for many centuries through which the witch tried to brainwash her into thinking like her, but Zannah stayed true to herself though wasn't completely the same. It was during this time that she was taught dark sorcery by Tapestry, though because of its corrupted nature she would refuse to use it for many years after she had escaped.
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Team One
In the 1900s Zannah took the name Lucy Blaze and joined Team One, alongside fellow Kherubim survivors Emp, Majestros, and John Colt. She would form a short lived relationship with John and they have a child, she then gives the child to a Siberian family for the child's protection. The team battle the evil Helspont on the first mission. Helspont is a Daemonite Lord and has formed a group known as the Cabal, made up of post-humans and Daemonites. The Daemonite wanted to destroy all humans using nuclear missiles so the Daemonites could rule the planet. Team One fought him and one of their members Regiment succeeded in destroying the only missile left at the cost of his life. The team disbanded after.
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Years later, now going by the name Zealot, she came into contact with a human male named Cole Cash. Zealot trained Cole in Coda fighting arts but despite his training he still preferred firearms to edged weapons. Cole later took the secret identity of Grifter. The pair would join forces with Lord Emp in gathering half blooded Kherubim to form the WildC.A.T.s.
During her time on the team she again fought Helspont and his followers. This time he wanted to bring Daemonites to Earth, they foiled his plans. When Voodoo joined the team she also trained her in Coda fighting techniques. It was during this time that Zealot would be brought face to face with her old master Tapestry and the group she had hired. The WildC.A.T.s became involved and the battle even caught the attention of Mr. Majestic and Savant.
Zealot later was involved in the discovery of a crashed Kherubim ship, which the team used to travel back to Khera. Khera turned out not to be the utopian society they had thought it to be, even Zealot was confused as her memory was very different then what she had remembered of her homeworld. Zealot learned along with the rest of the team that the war against the Daemonites had ended thousands of years ago, and they were now second class citizens living in slums and ghettos. Zealot's attitude toward the situation strained her relationship with Voodoo. Also the Coda wanted to kill her hoping she would become a martyr for their cause. Zealot was disgusted and along with the rest of the team returned to Earth. Upon returning they found they had been replaced by a new team. The new team was Mr. Majestic, Savant, Ladytron, Max Cash and Tao. However, Tao was revealed to had been manipulating the team into starting a gang war and she almost killed Tao when they attacked him, but Majestic killed him first. However, it was reveal later that Tao staged his death and had a hypnotized shape-shifter Mr. White in his place.
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Zealot was recruited by Department PSI to be a part of Wildcore when they had to deal with a group of aliens known as the D'rahn. She gained intel using a alien database, kept by a group of alien exterminators known as the Puritans. She learned that the D'rahn seek to hunt down earth's Kherubim, during the intel gathering, the D'rahn attack the military base killing the Chasers who protect it. The only people to make it out of the base alive are Zealot, the leader of the Chasers Brawl, and the leader of the Puritans, General Grant. Grant turns out to be a Daemonite in disguise and swears his faction's loyalty to the D'rahn, in turn the D'rahn enlighten them and they become more powerful. Wildcore is able to erase all but ten names of the earth-bound Kherubim, though they are not able to save any of the names left over but one. His fiance Alea is enlightened and she joins Wildcore. At the advice from Ferrian, Wildcore sought for Majestic for help, and their sorcerer ally Azrum to go look for Tapestry to get her help. Majestic joins the battle and kills the Typhon of the D'rahn causing them to retreat. Tapestry is found to have imprisoned Azrum and enslaved Zealot, she then reshapes the world, but Ferrian regains his memories and saves them. In the escape the team loses two members and Zealot left the group.
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Coda Revisited
Zealot then returns to the WildC.A.T.s. During a mission involving Daemonite tech being used to turn humans into super soldiers in an Irish village, Zealot tries to save a group of children and is mortally shot. After being shot the village was caught in an explosion and the team believed her to be dead. In truth she was in hiding from various Coda factions, whom she was hunting down in secret, and had a one night stand with a drunken Grifter, who then joined her in her quest. F.B.I. agents soon tracked her down and sends Agent Orange, who unbeknownst to them is under Jack Marlowe's control. The Coda also tracked her down and sends Sarin to capture her, Agent Orange and his agents. Zealot was tortured and about to be executed when Ladytron, under Grifter's control, Mr. Dolby, the Beef Boys and C.C. Renozzo are sent after her. They eventually are freed and the Coda and their base were destroyed.
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Kherubim Truth
Sometime later Mr. Majestic requested her help after his time-travel adventure revealed a world controlled by the Daemonites. Zealot, Majestic and Desmond go off in search of a ancient Kherubim tech known as a Planet Shaper. They are attacked by Helspont on their journey. Desmond merged with the device and the they find out that the Kherubim grew in power by enslaving species on planets and taking over that world and that Daemonites were a race that fought back against their control. Soon a rogue Kherubim of the Shapers Guild named Javen arrived. He wanted to use the Shaper and remake Earth into a new Khera and use Majestic's DNA to breed a new race of Kherubims. However, he found that Majestic's body was breaking down due to his dimension and time travel and attempted to take their child Savant as the next best thing. During the battle Majestic made Zealot reveal that she was in fact Savant's mother and he was her father. He then went off to stop the Kherubims forces on his own.
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Nemesis from the Past
Some time later a Kherubim named Nemesis made an appearance and it was revealed that she was at one time the lover of Majestic and he used his position to get her trained as a member of the Coda despite her being an Adrastea. Later Zealot and Nemesis became rivals and friends, but because of politics Majestic could not continue a relationship with her and was ordered to mate with Zealot. Nemesis was later framed for the death of Coda members by a Brotherhood of the Sword member named Raven and Zealot swore vengeance against Nemesis, not knowing the truth. Sometime in 2005 Zealot caught up with her, who was killing Brotherhood members. Zealot and the WildC.A.T.s attacked her only to lose easily. She was then bested by Mr. Majestic, who took her to the Halo building where the truth was revealed. In ensuring the battle against the brotherhood Zealot, Nemesis and Majestic made peace with each other and fought side by side, and Nemesis in turn risked herself to stop Raven but is saved at the last minute by Majestic.
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World's End
Following after Armageddon, Zealot and the rest of the Wildcats fought all manner of mutations and beasts to bring refugees back to the Halo building in Los Angeles for safety. She and her team were repeatedly, violently confronted by a overzealous Majestic, who wanted the building's supplies of Halo Batteries. After a later hostility with Majestic was altogether pacified, he told the Wildcats that he intended to offer them a chance to live on his Hawaiian kingdom. But disallowed some for being "undesirable", in which Zealot was included for lacking the capability to breed since the birth of Savant. When hearing this, Zealot was especially concerned of her daughter and demanded to know from Majestic as to what happened to Savant since she had left for him. Majestic, however, retorted to the fact that their daughter had always been on her own without the truth of her true parents.
After refusing Majestic's offers and the departure of Nemesis and Backlash, Zealot and the Wildcats were later called from help in Hawaii by Backlash and Nemesis who discretely warn of Majestic. Suspicious, Zealot and the Wildcats left for Hawaii on a feign 'visit'. When Majestic left Hawaii with Spartan to Asia, Zealot and Nemesis silently communicated each other through a training session of the problem. She then realized from Nemesis that Majestic had forcefully kept Savant imprisoned as a breeding mare through test tubes in bringing "pure" Kheran heirs. After releasing Savant, Zealot and the others barely escaped and returned to the Halo building where it was under attack by Daemonites. Zealot and Grifter helped in clearing out the invading Daemonites and allowing the building's refugees to board the MIRV, before everyone escape with the destruction of the Halo building.
Zealot and her team later helped John Lynch and Team-7 in stopping her former teammate-turned villain, Tao, who intended to become a god from stealing the powers of Void, Providence and Max Faraday. During the midst of battle against Tao, Zealot and her daughter Savant were sent by Spartan in recruiting Majestic's help. Upon seeing each other, however, Zealot and Majestic briefly fought each other after the later was still outrage over Nemesis' apparent death until Savant clarified them and informed that Tao was at fault for Majestic's behavior and indirectly responsible for Nemesis' death. When Zealot and her allies gained the power of the Creation Equation and subsequently facing her worst fear, in which Zealot was manipulated into trying to kill her own daughter while Majestic tries to prevent them. Following Tao's defeat, Zealot was granted a new and improve version of her costume patterned after her original attire.
When the Wildcats were looking for The High in Colorado, Zealot and the others were summoned to UnLondon by the Authority and offered the chance of leaving Earth on the Carrier. Zealot decided to stay on the planet and soon joined in the conflict against the militant Knights of Khera, which she greatly acknowledged of their notoriety. She and some of Earth's heroes were sent to the North Pole in succeeding to destroying one of the Knights' terraforming machines. After the Knights' defeat, Zealot and Maul decided to leave the Wildcats after hearing Spartan, who became the de facto leader of Earth's superhumans, of unifying Earth which she vehemently disagreed and preferred on training humanity into a defense force.
Following the three month period of Earth's reconstruction, Zealot claimed African nation of Zanzibar as her protectorate. After this, she recruited willing women across Africa into her own Coda army dedicating to her claim of defending Earth from alien threats. Though her Coda is fewer in numbers, Zealot had Jeremy Stone to artificially impregnate some of her volunteers to produce more female warriors through Kheran technology. This, however, cost the lives of some of the volunteers under the experimentation given that the technology are only specifically suited to Kherubims. Zealot was not concerned of this after Jeremy Stone had informed her of this, much to Jeremy's shock. Eventually, Midnighter, who was carefully concerned of Zealot's agenda since her departure from the Wildcats, investigated Zanzibar and learned of the Coda's fatal birthing process. Ultimately, Zealot and Midnighter engaged in single combat. Throughout their fight, the two were evenly matched as they argued back and forth of their flaws in which Zealot struck a chord in Midnighter in being unable to saved his adopted daughter Jenny Quarx. Eventually both combatants were literally grabbing at each others' throats when Maul, who grew tired of the violence and the guilt for cooperating with Zealot's plan, intervened to stop their fight. As he did this, Zealot was about to slice him out of reflex. Immediately, Maul had no time to avoid this and shrunk down at the subatomic level, in which everyone thought he disintegrated. Zealot was shocked of what she had done, but didn't believe that her sword disintegrated him. She was then chided by Midnighter, who points out that not only did she "kill" Maul but also lost him to maintain the machines for the pregnancies. But Zealot just coolly told him that she and the Coda will move elsewhere and continue their mission in protecting Earth, in which Midnighter vowed that he would follow and stop her wherever she went.
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Fun Facts
Since Armageddon Zealot had started a sexual relationship with Grifter.
Almost no one in the Wildstorm universe can beat Zealot hand-to-hand skill wise. Backlash and Midnighter come close, yet in the end, Zealot has weapons older than him and her superhuman attributes. With a sword, she has shown herself to be unmatched.
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Christina - (Cef's OC)
OC for @sanders-sanctuary-au g/t AU.
Age: 19 (when first brought to the sanctuary)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Height: A millimeter taller than Talyn
Weight: 23g
Physical strengths:
Physical Weaknesses:
Physical Appearance:
Blue eyes
Brunette hair
Stocky hourglass build
Darker tan-skinned (from being in the Sun)
Nose freckles
Prominent abs
Outie belly button
Extreme tank top, shorts, and sunglasses tan lines
Also has a faint leg brace tan line that doesn’t seem to go away.
Hearing: Average
Eyesight: Slightly poor, doesn’t need glasses.
Accent: Light southern drawl
Singing voice: Soprano
Limp in right leg
Birth canal obstruction and deemed infertile.
Diagnosed mental illnesses: ADHD
Dependency: Mostly independent
Education Levels:
Reading: Sixth Grade
Math: First grade
Writing: Third Grade
In the wild
Suburbs of Richmond, VA
In an Oak tree
Food: Cooked Corn kernels and popcorn
Movie: High School Musical 2
Show: Anything about sports usually
Dessert: Peanut Butter Cheesecake.
Color: Aqua and lime green
Drink: Water or sprite. Gatorade also after arriving at the sanctuary.
Video game: Mario and Sonic at the Olympics.
TV Network: NBC. Cartoon Network after arriving at the Sanctuary.
Relaxing activity: Massages and taking naps randomly in the middle of the floor.
Game: Using humans as obstacle courses.
Board game: Sorry and Trouble.
Least Favorite…
Food: Tomatoes
Movie: Napoleon Dynamite
Show: Uncle Grandpa
Dessert: Anything Cherry flavored.
Color: Black or Grey
Drink: Coffee and Tea
Video Game: Anything puzzle based.
TV Network: FOX
Relaxing Activity: Watching movies.
Game: Poker Board
Game: Monopoly and Life. (Basically anything with play money.)
Mother - Casey - 42
Father - Anthony - 30 (deceased)
Brother - Tyrus - 15
Haley - 15
Haley’s Father and mother - Gerard (37) - Courtney (35)
Age 13
Fell out of tree
Caught by Haley who had believed she had caught a fairy.
Took Christina to her mom who told her to put it back, but She didn’t.
Kept Christina in a cage, but fed her well and showed great responsibility.
Watched the movie Tinker Bell a couple weeks later and showed sympathy of being locked up in a cage.
Let her out after Christina promised to come back.
It was a stable friendship. Haley still thought she was a fairy.
After Haley turned 16, her father told her what he did for a living: manage a Tiny Sports Track and Field team for the Southwestern part of the United States.
Haley got excited and showed him Christina and how good of a jumper she was.
Gerard was impressed at her high jump and he took measurements.
He took Christina in the middle of the night using a cage back to his job.
He then told Haley and his wife he was going on a business trip and would be back in a couple of days.
He sadly filed a divorce and left, banking everything on what Christina would make for him.
Without really much of a clue what was going on, Christina auditioned for the Tiny Track and Field team and was accepted immediately.
She was the oldest of her team, as she was accepted at 15 when everyone else was around 12.
Training was rigorous, nor did she have a say in what she would or wouldn’t do. She learned quickly not to refuse anything. She also learned, she would probably never get to see her family again.
She was able to throw her purpose and anger in the sport, making her an even better athlete.
The best jumper on her team.
Was made to swim but after almost drowning twice they stopped making her do it.
Can’t carry as much as a regular borrower, therefore was horrible at weights.
Can pole vault with the best of them.
Never received first place or a gold medal, but won second at least five separate times at different events.
Was able to scale an adult human from shoes to head in 5 seconds flat, just by jumping. Held that record for a year before some other tiny in South Asia broke it.
Continued competing and training until three months after she turned 19, she fractured her right hip after missing the mat from extremely high pole vault jump.
Was told she would most likely never be able to jump like she used to. She got angry and refused to listen to doctor’s orders. She wanted to prove that nothing like a small break could stop her.
She was put on the back burner of her team to give her time to heal. But she was too impatient, and injured her hip even further.
Gerard eventually decided to pull her off the team seeing as she wasn’t going to be of any use anymore. She had served her purpose and there were some much younger recruits anyways. She pleaded with him not to, but he didn’t actually care what she thought.
He saw an ad for a humane society (or what he thought was a humane society) for tinies down in Gainesville, Florida and sent her to it without so much as a goodbye. With a still injured hip mind you.
Without a purpose in life, she was extremely depressed and stand-offish when she arrived at the sanctuary.
She wasn’t very responsive and would drink or eat hardly anything.
After being diagnosed with her injury, she was told to go to physical therapy with Larry at least once a week. She didn’t want to, but after the first session she already felt better.
As the weeks go by, she continues to grow stronger in her identity as an ex-athlete, and as a member of her new borrower family.
Future things:
She will reunite with her younger brother Tyrus later on, whose location is currently unknown.
Her mother disappeared and will never be heard from again.
Haley now knows the difference between fairies and tinies and visits the sanctuary once every three months.
Her mother got remarried to a mechanic who is a Borrower’s rights advocate and has offered to partner with Thomas in any way he can.
This is all I have so far! I hope you like it! :)
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roni19750422-blog · 5 years
Dad Cheap Fake Yeezys is my buddy
jackie robinson being honored with centennial bash The boredom rationale has been reported in Nashville, Tenn., where the citywide curfew for kids is midnight, as well as in Philadelphia and Boston. It is downright delightful, a mellifluous symphony for any motorcycle nut. A native of Rolling Meadows, Ill., Larry came to Chicago from Indianapolis in March of 2015.Larry worked for WXIN and WTTV in Indianapolis from 2007 2015. The project will be held at The Bronte Youth Community Centre in Trowbridge Street from 10am 12pm each Saturday and the cost is only 2 per session. It is not right for them to have early access to subjects that are not appropriate for their ages. They offer: prime small mouth, walleye, northern and musky fishing. Of course, it may be possible that Sony has changed the specifications in the intervening period, or that the latest smartphone is indeed something else like the Sony Xperia 1 Compact.. The design has been inspired by the KTM RC16, which is the company's MotoGP machine. Officer Hetland then climbed over the bar and got into a physical altercation with Ward that apparently lasted about seconds. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian Pool/Getty Images). Images with SnapChat text added are allowed, as long as all UI elements have been removed. Please see ourPrivacy Noticefor details of your data protection rightsThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailThe large screens either side of the stage which projected grainy black and white images of The Velvet cheap yeezy shoes Underground in their prime showed that they were the ultimate in New York cool all wraparound shades, dressed in black and with sullen expressions.If their look formed the template for every punk band which followed, their debut album was even more influential and it was to mark the 50th anniversary of its release that we'd gathered in the post industrial landscape of Clarence Dock, a desolate spot which not even the fine Mediterranean style weather could make appealing.Take That rescheduled ECHO Arena gig. "That is the reason why we wanted to do this campaign," he says. These connections allow organisations to direct messages to an audience of consumers who have registered interest through electing to 'Like' or 'Follow' (Aichner and Jacob, 2015). Dad Cheap Fake Yeezys is my buddy, my first hero. But what's different about the way he thinks about it is he doesn't think about the version 1, version 2, version 3, or version 4. Many remains from this and other graveyards in Majuro have already been lost to the sea in previous floods, residents said.. It shows Jordan holding a basketball in his left hand and leaping, ballet like toward a basketball hoop.At the time, Jordan was preparing for the upcoming Summer Olympics, which were being held in Los Angeles. They figured they were too old to join the military and weren sure they could be of help at Ground Zero. Il y en avait pour une fortune. Kaepernick was the first NFL athlete to take a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality. Enfin, nous tions chez nous. Here is a (by no means comprehensive) list of gear that could very likely, in the inner city of America, circa 1981 88, give you lead poisoning:Shoes: Nike leather basketball high tops (went from risky to deadly in 1984 with the introduction of the Air Jordan, which was even banned in many schools, dances, recreation centers), Adidas shell toes, British Knights, Puma Clydes.. He won the award for "harnessing journalism to give voice to the voiceless" and his "unfaltering commitment to a professional, ethical journalism of the highest standards".. Gus Barreiro, a Republican from Miami Beach, on the phone. He supports free post secondary education. Then they check in with the local theater owners and see which movie posters got the most attention. Thank you for the whole thing!.. 4,490. Finally, each issue concludes with a list fake yeezys for kids of additional Resources on the topic. Where they fight in new, innovative ways and gather at and disperse from protest sites in a matter of minutes. Bernie Sandersof Vermont,another 2020 presidential candidate. Kate, William and Harry also starred in a video featuring the three of them having a personal discussion about mental health. The New York City men location in Manhattan swanky Soho neighbourhood, which opened in 2014, was consolidated into a larger format store about four blocks away.. Went 0 for 4 in his farewell. On Monday, head coach of the San Antonio Spurs Gregg Popovich articulated his support of the ongoing national anthem protests taking place across the sports world. Being in command are the assignments and memories I most cherish, all the way from being a platoon leader to brigade command, she said in 2016.
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innocentamit · 3 years
Simone Biles Wins Bronze At Balance Beam At Tokyo Olympics
Simone Biles Wins Bronze At Balance Beam At Tokyo Olympics
Simone Biles won a bronze medal Tuesday at the end of the gym, her first event since she left several competitions due to mental illness. Last Tuesday, Biles left center team finish after stumbling in the room. Wednesday, USA Gymnastics he announced that the Biles were also excluded from all the upcoming competitions “so that he could think of his health.” “We wholeheartedly support Simone’s idea…
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mytennisdiary · 3 years
Western and Southern Open Aug 21-22, 2021
Tempted by the prospect of marquee weekend matchups (the first time all 4 top seeds made the semi-final in a Masters 1000 event in nearly a decade) I decided to add another streaming platform to my repertoire. This time, it was ATP Tennis TV, a service which only carries the men’s matches, something I foolishly realized immediately after purchasing a monthly subscription. However, it was the men’s matches that I was most interested in this weekend and the service did live up to most of my expectations. Reasonably priced ($15.00 a month), consistent in quality (despite a broken Apple TV App), and mercifully without commercial breaks, this is undoubtedly one of the best options for watching live tennis at non-major tournaments.
And watch live tennis I did. Beginning with Medvedev vs Rublev, an unpredictable match that saw Medvedev’s incredible start wiped away by physical and mental issues and ended with Rublev’s first career victory over his countryman (he had never previously won a set). Highlights included a bizarre episode where Medvedev smashed his hand into a television camera placed at the back of the court. In typical Medvedev fashion he made broad threats about a lawsuit and even impishly kicked the camera directly in the lens. A visit from the trainer to look at his left hand was followed by 2 additional visits, one for his right forearm and another for his leg, signs of Medvedev’s physical limitations which recurred in the hot and humid Cincinnati weather only weeks after similar, albeit more pronounced, struggles at the Olympics. Rublev, it must be said, found a balance between offense and defense that he has struggled to achieve in previous matches against Daniil, winning the longer rallies with patience and persistence. Adjustments to his serve in the 2nd and 3rd set (he stopped serving out wide which was helping Medvedev create angles early in rallies with excellent returns) allowed Rublev to lock down his service game and put the pressure on Medvedev, who eventually crumbled.
If the first match was exciting and unpredictable, the 2nd match upped the ante in practically every way. Tsitsipas vs Zverev was itself a topsy-turvy affair with a brilliant start by Zverev, whose serve was at times untouchable, an excellent comeback from Tsitsipas which coincided with Zverev becoming physically ill off the court, and a shocking comeback from Zverev from down a double break at 4-1 in the 3rd set. Tsitsipas made effective use of his slice backhand, especially in the 2nd and early 3rd set, keeping the ball out of Zverev’s strike zone, drawing him into the court, and forcing errors at the net. Similarly the chip return helped Tsitsipas find a foothold in Zverev’s service games and allowed him to break 3 times (Zverev had only been broken twice prior to this point in the tournament). However, after Zverev was able to get treatment for his nausea midway through the 3rd set the tide shifted. He gutted out some long points and Tsitsipas made too many errors down the stretch, culminating in an abysmal service game at 5-4 with an opportunity to serve out the match. Still, things were tied 3-3 in the 3rd set tiebreaker and it really could have gone either way until Zverev seized control to grab a 7-4 tiebreak victory.
Sunday was far more one-sided. Rublev was entirely outmatched by Zverev in the final, barely able to win points unless they were on his first serve (Rublev actually served about as well as I’ve ever seen him do, 1st serve % in the 70s and winning just as high a percentage of these points on his 1st server as Zverev was on his). Zverev just did not make unforced errors. He had more on double faults (4, including 2 in a nervy attempt to serve out the match at 5-2) than he had from the baseline (only 2). He looked totally dominant despite the epic events of less the 24-hours prior and enters the 2021 US Open as the player in top form, especially after his recent ousting of Djokovic on route to an Olympic gold medal.
The US Open starts in a week and I will be in attendance for both days of the 3rd round. Despite the absences of key stars on both the men’s and women’s sides (Nadal, Federer, Thiem (the defending champion) and possibly Serena), it’s still the tournament that will feature Djokovic’s attempt to secure the grand slam and Naomi Osaka’s return to a major tournament after a strange and memorable season filled with ups and downs. Barty comes in as the main contender, especially after her victory at Cincinnati. I’m predicting that Djokovic will win, although I’d love to be proven wrong (Zverev and Medvedev appear poised to serve as the obvious challengers, although I don’t think either of them are mentally capable of pulling it off), and that we see another unexpected female champion. Sakkari, Rybakina, and Coco Gauff would be players that I would look at here, although I would also put some of the top “best to never win” contenders into consideration here based on their excellent recent form, particularly Sabalenka, Svitolina, and Olympic Gold Medalist Belinda Bencic. Pliskova also belongs in this later category, but while I don’t deny the high likelihood of a run for her to the quarters or the semis, I have no faith in her to actually win the tournament. With that said, I’m not discounting Barty. She’s definitely the player that makes me the most nervous right now, a far cry from how I perceived her only a few short months ago. Osaka, on the other hand, doesn’t strike me as being in the right place mentally to play her best tennis, and despite my fervent desire for Simona Halep to put together a deep run at the US Open (she’s only been to the quarters or beyond twice; she’s done it at least 4 times at all the other majors), it’s probably too soon after her recent calf tear. Things with Simona are very uncertain these days, especially because she’s only actually played in 1 of the last 4 majors held, although that was a relatively good showing at the 2021 Australian Open that ended with a QF loss to an on-form Serena Williams.
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skateofministry · 3 years
From Simone Biles to skateboarding, these are the notable moments of the Tokyo Olympics – KION546
George Ramsay, CNN
When history reflects on this year Tokyo OlympicsImages of masked professional athletes and empty arenas might be included. But looking beyond the Covid-19 procedure, it’s clear that this was a video game with numerous stories.
Many are made from for a minute Simone Biles honestly and mentally spoke about the requirement to safeguard the psychological health of professional athletes far from gymnastics.
“After all, we’re humans, not just entertainment,” Biles informed press reporters, following the balance beam bronze.
That’s the medal she stated “Twisty” — A mental illness that makes it difficult for a gymnast to understand the position of the body in flight.
Biles shown up in Tokyo as an embellished professional athlete, however left the light on the wellness of professional athletes and the pressure of elite sports. And she wasn’t the only one to redefine her tradition in the course of the video game.
Fellow American Allyson Felix On Saturday, he ended up being the most embellished United States track and field professional athlete in history with the gold of the 4×400 meters relay. The 2 medals she won in Tokyo likewise represent her function as a professional athlete’s mom.
“There were a lot of women in front of me who had to keep quiet about fighting,” Felix stated of how sports and sports tend to ignore ladies’s professions throughout and after giving birth.
“To allow me to escape — I think my daughter gave me the courage to do it.”
Her Olympic profession covers 5 video games, and World Athletics president Sebastian Coe stated, “Frankly, it’s far from the planet.”
“We’re lucky she just came from our sport,” Kor included. “She is wonderful.”
New sports, brand-new medals, brand-new records
Both Biles and Felix might have made it to the finals, however Tokyo 2020 likewise concentrated on professional athletes at the start of their Olympic profession.
take skateboard — A sport that debuted in Tokyo. The podiums for ladies’s street and park occasions were 42 and 44, respectively. It has a typical age of 14 for the 2 medal occasions.
Skateboarding wasn’t the only sport contributed to the Olympic program to draw in young viewers. Sport climbing up We likewise attempted to draw in brand-new fans to the video game with the speed discipline of direct conflict and the unforeseeable, practical scoring format.
More can be anticipated at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Break dance Added to the occasion lineup.
Records are broken at every competition, however it’s most likely not as incredible as the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo.
For guys 400 meters difficulty In the last, gold and silver medalists Karsten Warholm and Rai Benjamin ran more than 0.5 seconds quicker than Warholm’s previous record, and Sydney McLaughlin likewise broke the world record in the ladies’s 400-meter obstacles.
Olympic record Elaine Thompson-Hella At 100 meters with Jacob Ingebrissen and at 1500 meters.
Some do it Advances in flexible running track and shoe innovation, While others rely on the professional athlete himself.
“Shoes have some efficiency. Don’t get me wrong. It’s great to have a good track,” Benjamin stated.
“But no one in history is going to go there and do what they’ve ever done. I don’t care who you are.”
The brand-new landmark isn’t simply set on the running track. Julimar Rojas broke the world record for ladies’s triple dive with a 16.57-meter leap. This is 17 centimeters ahead of the previous mark, which lasted 26 years.
For others, they didn’t require a record to leave a mark in the video game.
Shot put silver medalist Raven Saunders utilized her minutes in the spotlight to stress social oppression, as lots of other professional athletes have actually done over the last 15 months.
Sanders, Blacks, LGBTQ Athletes, Raised your arm with the X sign When she took a photo on the podium, she informed NBC that it represented “the crossroads where all the oppressed people meet.”
Citizen involvement
Fans might have been avoided essentially every Olympic occasion in the coronavirus pandemic, however nevertheless, many individuals can collect around the place to get a glance of the action, so it’s in fact the Olympics. Did not stop attempting to experience.
For example, at Aomi Urban Sports Park, fans lined up on the surrounding pedestrian roadway enjoyed the sports climbing up competitors from a range, in spite of indications and guards to keep individuals away.
A comparable scene was replayed about 1km away where the Olympic torch stand is on display screen. This put on the Yume no Ohashi Bridge hardly ever had crowds taking images, despite the fact that bulletin board system and guards recommended the public to keep strolling.
Later, outside the Olympic Stadium, fans frequently lined up to take images at the Olympic Ring, and the close-by Tokyo 2020 shop was crowded with individuals purchasing keepsakes such as Tee shirts and pins.
There is no doubt that the professional athletes were well supported if fans were enabled to go into the place. Especially due to Japan’s success, he won a record 27 gold medals.
“All I have now is sadness. I cry every time I see a ticket,” stated an extremely fan. Told to CNN A ticket worth about $ 40,000 that he couldn’t utilize prior to the Olympics.
Sometimes the place was strangely peaceful, specifically at the start of the video game.
Two days after Naomi Osaka lit the cauldron at the opening event, She headed out to the center court of Ariake Tennis Park and hardly praised.
Sometimes the dominant noise of the video game was the chattering noise of cicadas.
That doesn’t suggest the place is totally doing not have in environment. Non-competitive professional athletes have actually revealed possible to be greedy cheerleaders from the stands, and arena commentators and music (speakers at a lot of occasions) have actually likewise filled the silence.
Covid-19 steps
Accumulation at the Tokyo Olympics was controlled by a pandemic background, with reports of cancellation or additional post ponement swirling.
At the place, health procedures such as temperature level screening, masking, hand sanitizers, and socially far-off seats were all carried out and carefully implemented by a big variety of volunteers.
The variety of cases of coronavirus in Tokyo has actually increased as the competition started, routinely exceeding more than 4,000 brand-new infections daily. There were more than 400 validated favorable cases in the Olympic “bubble”, the majority of them Japanese locals.
“The flow of people in downtown Tokyo hasn’t increased since before the Olympics,” Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga stated on Friday.
“I don’t think the Olympics have led to an increase in infections.”
On Sunday, the last day of the Olympic Games, it was drizzling and dark gray clouds covered Tokyo. This is an unusual sight at the end of a tanned 16 days.
The alarming weather condition marked the short-lived end of the treatment, with the Paralympics beginning on August 24th. This is another chance for Japan to provide sports dramas in the middle of a pandemic.
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& © 2021 Cable News Network, Inc., Warner Media Company. all rights scheduled.
From Simone Biles to skateboarding, these are the significant minutes of the Tokyo Olympics – KION546 Source link From Simone Biles to skateboarding, these are the significant minutes of the Tokyo Olympics – KION546
Source link
from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/3juQuDS
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“Honestly this game is starting to heat up and I've already set up all my pieces its just time to play with them.” - aria
HOH: Brianna UPSIDE DOWN: Josh C & Nick NOMINEES: Nathan & Nash & Jev POV: Brianna FINAL NOMINEES: Nash & Jev EVICTED: Nash (9-0)
HOH: Joshua UPSIDE DOWN: Josh C NOMINEES: Brianna & Nathan POV: Emma / DPOV: Jacob FINAL NOMINEES: Nick & Nathan EVICTED: Nick (4-3)
i think i should be safe this week! well that's what brianna told me.. so hopefully she doesnt alivia me and put me up. other than that monty going home was ideal for me i think, yes i liked him as a person but he definitely didn't trust me as much as joey might. and he was a duo with nick so like.. he had to go ewp. nathan and nick were probably the votes to keep him. hopefully jury is at f11 which could possibly mean a double, which could possibly mean im fucked! :D
I think its a high chance of me getting nominated i mean i got the upside veto but its like still i hate and love this game im having fun meeting people i love joshua play with jev again been fun i love aria i love jacob i love and miss gina and saira but its outside reasons why i cant focus however today is the very first day that i havent felt depressed but im scared of it creeping up on me again this game has been so confusing these people are so quiet yet so cracked it makes me frustarted the fact that the alliances or supposed alliances are all people who played in pasio or bbdanganronpa idk if its true but if it is it feels like i got no chance of winning the game alot of people are pretty outsided to me i like to think i got a good social game but i aint some social goddess idk its gonna take for me some dark magic for me to survive or have a chance of me winning this game at this point also the nathan thing i am pretty sure i go to him more then he comes to me and also im pretty sure if he and monty were final noms i would probably kept nathan over monty uwu but damn the victim card isnt cute like i been there done that games are fucking hard but u need to pick urself back up if you want to do well like damn nathan i hope ur okay its hard but he could probably do it if he tries i just guess i need to tell him that i dont want him to feel isolated. 
Sooooooo..... TANK BOWL SZN is still on. I threw yet another competition, but I’m literally so fucking safe this week, all I have to do is just relax, let Brianna take some blood on her hands, and hopefully Nash or Nathan go home this week. Nash and I don’t talk, but that’s what half the house has said. I need Jev here as a shield. Nathan I also need gone since I think he’s tryna manipulate me, and honestly, I ain’t here for it. Literally, if I have to get rid of Nash or Joshua myself, I’ll do it.
like... genuine congrats to brianna for making moves but i also think this decision was a bit of a choice? getting nathan out would be a predictable move, yes, but hes also messy/chaotic so i don’t see why i or jev would be seen as bigger threats than him? idk.... 
well. Perhaps its been a while HBFSDJF oopsie whoopsie,, so yeah this is going to be realllllyyy long but ive been doing a lot!! and yall deserve to know the mental olympics ive been going through these last couple weeks so its time for bullet point time!! ALSO I MISS SAIRA GINA MO AND MONTY A LOT BRING EM BACK
-in the stab comp, josh c has some sort of connection with jev and emma because they both stabbed him when they've both told me they liked him, so he threw 
-joey finally snapped and made the alliance between me/kiki/joey/bri
-kiki is in a GREAT position but wbk (kiki jev joshua have to be together in some sense)
-joshua takes a shot at monty/nathan,,,conviently leaving nick the person WHO EVICTED SAIRA alone,,,inch resting
-joshua heard someone said his name, asked monty who ratted out josh, asked jos who ratted nathan-  which leads to a nathan/joshua fight
-nathan ratted out the nathan/monty/nick alliance first
-joshua good at comps
-nash and emma(?) won something from the ud
-nick then leaks the alliance to me,,,after the veto is announced
-nick hinst at going after jacob
-nick warned me i was being grouped with bri/jacob
-whole house considers bri/jacob a group
- jacob leaks kiki/nash/joshua/jacob alliance
-emma feels close with nick (REMEMBER THIS)
-jacob AND nick told nash gina was after them
-leaked to jacob nick is after them
-josh acted like he didnt know nash was connected?? is it a front???
-jacob tells me and bri nash has a dpov (might be fake)
-nathan blows up and clocks the majority thing and pisses everyone off
-i come up with cracked plans that WILL NOT be shared
-joey wants to go after joshua on live night
-joey feels close ot nick
-nick comes to me with a plan of voting out nathan with joshua/kiki so jev and nash come after bri and take her out weakening jacob
-using that knowledge i convince bri to veto nathan :)
-nick is super close to kiki
-talked to joshua josh nathan emma nick who are all evicting nash
-nathan wants kiki out before joshua 
-nick thinks jacob leaked the everyone but... alliance
-nick wants to take a shot at jacob live night
So here we are. I somehow have no blood on my hands and someone whos very connected with major players (jacob and nick) is leaving :))) literally this week turned out so well im still squealing that the rumored "dpov" didnt get used fhbasjfd like when i saw the time limit passed  i jumped around my room and squealed But!! the next big thing is where do i go from here. I THINK me bri and jacob are all safe in live night bc jacob's dpov can help if we're in trouble so im feeling kinda confident for the three of us, and then for some reason nick trusts me?? like a lot??? so i can get information and the perspective of the other side whenever i need it. Not super sure where to go from here but i want to keep the "sides" even so if someone like joshua/kiki/jev could go next that would be great although it probably won't. Honestly this game is starting to heat up and I've already set up all my pieces its just time to play with them.  
Also kinda want to address that people in this house think that bri just ruined her game by doing that but i think i made a good point when i wrote this in my dr- 
"You have a clocked group but you don’t want to take a shot at them because you might have “connections” within that group and think you can be the last person standing but at the end of the day they’re always gonna choose each over over you"
and i think Bri just broke the expectations of sheep being taken to the slaughter and rewrote her own destiny and im proud of her, shes literally the SWEETEST human being ive ever met and the rest of this house is NOTHING compared to her. This is @ someone btw you know who you are :) 
and thats on pewiod <3
So just a little recap of the week, I wasn't surprised to be nominated in the slightest. It kinda bugged me that Brianna brought social interaction into her reasoning for nominations since she doesn't seem to be very responsive in PMs to anybody but I guess it had to happen sooner or later. I just hope me and Nash can survive this week because I don't think either of us deserve to leave over Nathan. Being called out by Nathan earlier this week really annoyed me since he was literally grasping at straws to throw anybody but himself under the bus then had the nerve to say he isn't a messy player... girl the delusion but hopefully he'll leave this week, that's if Brianna is smart and doesn't use the veto on him. He's loyal to nobody but himself and he's proven that this week with his house meeting.
im super excited to make jury.... hopefully ill be able to make it this time longer... i seem to be cursed with horrible situational circumstances lately JDJEIDJDJFKD. anyway as of now my strategy was just to lay low until jury but i think i might continue that for a while... try not to win hoh. i have a finger in every pie as of right now and am in an alliance with everyone in the cast but nathan.... and in doing so have hopefully reduced myself as a target in the eyes of others.... kiki is a master of psychological manipulation. for the live night im banking on that to keep safe but i do tend to be good under pressure so if need be i can count on myself and probably even my closer allies such as joshua and nick to help me out if i end up in a sticky spot. shakes ass in here for the hosts. thats all thank u
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serenavangstuff · 5 years
Juniper Publishers-The Exercise Continuum and the Role of Doctors
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Everyone can be placed somewhere on an exercise continuum with the idle at one end and the hyperactive at the other. At both extremes, health suffers. Exercise is essential to health and managing it is the responsibility of individuals but few know what they should do. Doctors seldom teach how to be healthy and act only when repair is needed.
The Idle
In the oceans, lakes and rivers are creatures that stay in one place and water flows over them bringing food to their open mouths and removing waste from the opposite end of their bodies. Of all land animals, humans are the only creatures able to exist by the same idle method. The human brain can contrive a situation in which other humans care for idle ones and this is not about looking after a patient in bed, it is feeding an idle person who commands others. That image, perhaps of ancient kings, is seen by many to represent ultimate ambition; servants supplying all needs. The reality is that the idle one is the one that suffers and those scurrying around have more benefits.
These days, physical inactivity is available to all, rich and poor and some of the poor appear to love it. Getting food has become no more arduous than opening a packet. Ordering and paying for it is done by pressing buttons on a smart phone and getting the money in the first place is in some countries only a matter of getting state aid on the grounds of unemployment or being unable to work. The more idle they are, the less they are able to work. The consequences are obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Muscles weaken and joints are unable to carry the added weight. Generally, idleness is accompanied by little mental stimulation which leads to further decay of the body. Doctors are then asked to make repairs. In go the drugs, up go the pharmaceutical profits and up go the costs to insurers and governments. Should the doctor take the smart phone away, ban them from television and send them swimming three times a day because swimming is less damaging to fat limbs than walking and to run is impossible? Such hardship would help the patient and in some rare cases it is being done. Usually they get drugs and a suggestion that they should exercise but no enforcement. This is the situation in the prosperous countries in recent years.
The Hyperactive
In racing sports, they talk of going through the pain barrier. The margin of safety is considerable. Grin and bear it and you will win. By that means, it was not always the strongest who won but the person who could tolerate most suffering. When drugs became available, the pain barrier ceased to be a barrier and the body lost its protection. The determination to win would expose the body to excess stress that could be fatal (Figure 1).
I took this photograph of a bicycle hill climb in 1965. Almost certainly no performance enhancing drugs were used. At the finish line, all the competitors were gasping for breath and some lay on their back to recover but they were up again in a few minutes grinning and eager to find out their time. The winner I knew well back in those days and he went on to become the National Hill Climb Champion. He was only a year older than me and, from what I have been able to find out, he died some years ago of a strange illness. He had suffered a crash in a race and had never properly recovered. This, as I see it, is a danger. He had pushed himself too far, not just in physical effort but by taking chances. It was a risk he would not ordinarily have taken but, in a race, where everything is about winning it becomes combat.
The drugs scandals at the Olympic games and in the Tour de France cycle race are now headline news. That competitors will sacrifice their lives for the vanity of winning shows the danger of sport at this level.
Amongst amateurs, dangers abound. There are combat sports that were encouraged because they prepare soldiers for battle. With less hand to hand fighting in modern armies and more alternatives in schools that are threatened by lawyers there is less boxing but rugby is still popular especially in fee- paying schools. A young boy's father will tell him that the rough treatment in a game of rugby will make a man of him. If the boy is stocky enough and determined, it is very likely he will have a life changing injury before he is thirty. Physiotherapists and orthopaedic surgeons specialising in joint replacements are grateful to football, squash and tennis for the business it brings. Footballers get kicked as well as adding pressure to their knees and hips. Racquet games twist the knees more violently than straightforward running with the result that a titanium implant is offered as the easy repair. The fact that a revision (another replacement) will be needed ten to fifteen years hence is seldom mentioned.
At the extremities of all sports there are dangers even in those that are danger-avoidant. Rock climbing is all about fall prevention until the glory of not using a rope takes over and then there is no back up. Mountaineering is safe until risk taking becomes more attractive than the scenery and the threats of bad weather, an avalanche or thaw (the ice giving way) are pushed to one side believing that these hazards have been overcome before. Confidence leads to invincibility, a concept that has never been proven.
Over confidence is as much a danger as depression. The role of exercise in combatting depression with the suicides and anger that arise are seldom appreciated. Mental health benefits from exercise as much if not more than bodily health.
There are many activities classed as sports that do not involve muscles and cause damage to the participants and even more so to spectators. Motor racing is a major culprit. Deaths on the track are less than they used to be but they instil a culture of speed which on the public road will kill. It was often commented years ago when people went to the cinema that after a James Bond film the cars were hurtling away a break neck speeds with the drivers inspired by what had enthralled them half an hour before. Motor racing is nonsense. The winner is not the most skilful but the one prepared to take most risk. Is that meritous? It is not even a sport. Shooting must be equally condemned. Just as the ancient Greeks may have delighted in wrestling and the Romans in gladiator fights, those sports gave way to fencing and when those weapons were superseded by guns it was shooting that was applauded. To aim, it is necessary to be fit, so the argument goes, so that one can hold one's breath when firing to keep the gun steady as one breaths. Does that compare with the fitness of a swimmer or any athlete? When the target for shooting is an innocent wild animal or bird, the claim that this is a sport is hard to sustain.
It is a fact that most people are impressionable; they are followers and do not question those they admire. This gives role models a responsibility many of them do not understand. A star footballer is seldom an intellectual. From being groomed at school to being paid to play the game, he has learned only that what he does is right; it must be because he is paid a lot to do it and whatever he does must be right. He has a licence to do anything because at the extreme end of the exercise continuum he excels. Brawn beats brain and entertainment damages a thoughtless majority. Doctors are left to pick up the pieces. Could they have advised so that the damage is avoided?
The Importance of Exercise
Between the extremes of immobility and hyper-activity is where we should be but where is it? A good observation is a report on cycling to and from work:
Kevin Murnane writes: The effects of walking and cycling were measured by comparing them with the Non-active mode of transport. Cycling to work was associated with very large health benefits. Commuters who cycled to work had a 41% lower risk of dying from all causes than people who drove or took public transport. They also had a 46% lower risk of developing and a 52% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, and a 45% lower risk of developing and a 40% lower risk of dying from cancer.
This is a study of ordinary people doing what everyone does, getting around as easily as possible. When it involves exercise, there are great benefits - listed in the article:
a) Cycling makes you happy
b) You lose weight
c) And build muscle
d) Without worrying about over eating
e) Good for the lungs
f) Cuts heart disease and risk of cancer
g) Less damage to joints
h) Saves time and money
i) Mental skill of route finding
j) Better sex
k) Better sleep
l) More brain power
m) Improved reactions and responses
n) Better immune system
o) More friends
Each one of the above would be a medical breakthrough. To get the lot for free is astounding and true.
In richer countries in the last decade cycling has become more popular and is said to be the new golf. For those who have always cycled, it is flattering to be recognised as sensible and not shouted off the road as used to happen. When the scientists investigate, they explain what to the cyclist is obvious.
Michelle Arthurs-Brennan reports that a study followed 125 long-distance cyclists. The riders are now all in their 80's but their immune system function is similar to that of 20-year-olds. The research, published in the Aging Cell journal, showed that the ageing cyclists produced the same number of T-cells - which help the immune system respond to new infections - as adults still in their 20s, and a separate study revealed that cyclists didn't lose muscle mass, strength, or gain body fat in the same way as non-cyclists.
Co-author of the report, Prof Norman Lazarus of King's College London is 82 himself; he told the BBC: "If exercise was a pill, everyone would be taking it. It has wide-ranging benefits for the body, the mind, for our muscles and our immune system."
In parallel, the same journalist presents a report on the sex lives of female cyclists:
Saddle discomfort is mentioned and the solution is a well- made lady's saddle of which there are many on the market. They have a slot along the top to avoid pressure on the genitalia. Usually the nose of the saddle is angled down for a lady whereas a man will have the saddle horizontal. Every woman should be able to ride comfortably. If you have a problem, a good bike shop will help you. (BioFlex O-Zone Gel Womens Saddle - Black).
The reports about Robert Marchand are incredible. He is the first of many in his category. One year after setting a new Hour Record for his age category, centenarian cyclist Robert Marchand has decided to hang up his wheels and retire from competitive riding at the grand old age of 106. A multiple record holder for age-group events, Marchand has now been advised not to take on any further competitive events on medical grounds. He can continue cycling but should stop racing. Read the report and note that there is nothing extraordinary about Robert other than he is doing what others half his age could not do. If he can do it, others can. Born in Amiens in 1911, Marchand started riding at the age of 14, but gave up the sport only to return to cycling in 1978 aged 67. Since then he has maintained a daily routine of riding and stretching, eating plenty of vegetables and little meat, not smoking, and generally avoiding alcohol.
Here is a report on a study of aging published on 6th January 2015 in The Journal of Physiology:
a) Emeritus Professor Norman Lazarus, a member of the King's team and also a cyclist, said: "Inevitably, our bodies will experience some decline with age, but staying physically active can buy you extra years of function compared to sedentary people.
b) "Cycling not only keeps you mentally alert but requires the vigorous use of many of the body's key systems, such as your muscles, heart and lungs which you need for maintaining health and for reducing the risks associated with numerous diseases."
c) On the 8th March 2018, Prof Lazarus's team published another study in Aging Cell published by the Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and appears to be a similar group of people, maybe the same.
d) Study confirming old cyclists same as healthy young.
e) The benefits of exercise all one’s life has always been known. The biological data is now measured in the Aging Cell report of the study by Birmingham University.
f) Dr Ross Pollock, who led the team of scientists from King's College London, warned that most of us are inactive, which causes 'physiological problems at any age'.
Study of cyclists found they were physically younger than most their age Underwent extensive tests of their heart, lungs and exercise capacity Researchers found they had muscle strength similar to younger people Say it proves cycling keeps the body and the mind staying young Aging and Physical Performance.
Mind and Body
If the articles referred to above suggest that all that is needed to get all the benefits is to move muscle, think again. The mind and body are inseparable. In a paper published last year on The Body’s Operating System, I discussed the effect of mind on body. The interaction is also body on mind. The Birmingham and Kings Studies accurately report the biological effects of exercise. It should be obvious that the same effect will apply to runners, walkers, swimmers and all active people. In these studies, cyclists formed a convenient group that could be identified and measured. Kevin Murnane's article listing 15 benefits is correct. This includes mental health. One cannot cycle without thinking. The machine has to be maintained. It can fail when you are miles from home and you have to fix it. Problem solving is where our brain excels. It distinguishes us from other animals and has got us to the stage where we can disrupt our environment; to solve the problems we have created (Figure 2).
The man repairing a puncture became the British National Hill Climb Champion. With modern tyres and less glass on the road, punctures are not as common as they were. We used to always repair the puncture, not just fit a new tube, and competed to see how many patches were on a tube before it was eventually discarded. You will see that his friends are there to tell him what to do even though he would do better without their distraction. This is social interaction at its best. The group broke up as members dispersed to study and work, married and, in some cases, died. I am still cycling and, if this article makes sense to you, am still fit and cognitively active. The Birmingham-Kings studies required the old cyclists to be able to ride at ten miles an hour for over six hours. Believe it or not that is very easy. Normal cycling speed is 14 mph and a club (chain gang) can be doing evens (20 mph or more). For 10 mph to make the difference between being as fit as a person 40 years younger is very interesting.
This shows that the discovery is not that exercise helps, it is that no exercise is damaging. To exercise always all one's life is normal. To refer to the cyclists as a remarkable minority is to forget what we are, animals born to forage and hunt from dawn to dusk. To feed, we had to exert. When people are astounded that I can ride a hundred miles (160 km) a day, I tell them it is only ten miles an hour for ten hours. If there was more time available, I would be able to cover longer distances. It is not a matter of strength. A normal person is well capable of these distances. The pity is, they don’t know it.  Nevertheless, more people are discovering they have hidden talent. Often a bicycle is daunting and they do not live where there are quiet roads. They make go walking, Scottish dancing, swimming or just flogging themselves in the gym.
Look at again at the photo of the puncture being repaired. This was before most wheels had quick release hubs. He has taken the tube out of the cover without removing the wheel to avoid getting his hands dirty on the oily chain but he is still going to end up with the grime of the road and aluminium oxide from the rim on his hands and nowhere to wash them. The simple answer is to peel and eat an orange. We were never ill. In the summer of 1966 I cycled from Graz to Athens on unsurfaced roads through the Balkans averaging over a hundred miles a day. There were no plastic bottles of water for sale in shops back then. The water bottle carried in a cage on the bike frame was topped up at roadside wells and pumps. I never had diarrhoea and I drank a lot cycling in the heat through Greece. Nowadays, our exposure to germs is no less but our resistance is far less. Go on an airline flight for a few hours and breath the air expelled by your fellow passengers and be prepared for a sniffling cold for a few days afterwards. These are serious dangers.
Exercise in the open air, away from cities and pollution and your immune system improves not just from exercise but from the simple relationship with your environment, a relationship with which we have evolved. India has a campaign for indoor toilets to be flushed clean by water and proper sewage management. Outdoor defecation that had served for centuries became impractical as population density increased and privacy, especially for the girls and women, became difficult. They are moving to a modern system in which chemicals will certainly be used to solve one problem and cause others. The immune systems will adapt maintained by exercise, sleep, diet and a balanced approach to hygiene. We can be too careful.
Use of gyms is growing and is to be encouraged. For a traditionalist and outdoors man like me, a gym is hard work and uninspiring. In some climates, extremes of hot and cold, it can be the only option. In temperate climates the smell of fresh air, birds singing and wind in the face is pleasure. What the scientists investigating the improvement to the immune system did not record is the vitamin D from sunlight. You don't get it in a gym and the modern practice of protecting the skin from the sun reduces the essential vitamin intake. Sunglasses are worn too often. There appears to be a belief that they protect the eyes. If that were true, I should be blind by now. Bright sunshine tells the skin to beware, it changes and adds protection. People outdoors all the time seldom have the skin cancers that attack those exposed infrequently to unfiltered sun. In high altitude Switzerland and under the thin skies of New Zealand and the southern hemisphere, the conditions are dangerous and protection is essential. Under the haze of The Gulf, sunburn is less a risk.
Diet and Drinks
The old cyclists who have cycled almost all their lives learned what to eat and what to avoid. Very few smoked and that made them outcasts in the 1950s and 60s when the majority of people smoked. You did not need to be a scientist to see that the smoker had not got the puff to pedal. In other words, his lungs were being damaged by smoke. In those days, and I remember them well, almost all doctors  smoked. In their ignorance, they gave their patients bad advice.
Food was frequently discussed. We had large appetites. There was more organic food fifty years ago and it was fresher because transport was less efficient than today; food had to be grown locally. Knowing what was best to eat was understood by all and we worked it out empirically. One rider worked as a window cleaner during the week and cycled at the weekend so he was physically active outdoors every day in all weathers. He was our advisor and paid little attention to books. His knowledge came from experience. He never added sugar to his drinks or salt to his food and his explanation made sense to all of us. There was enough carbohydrate in a balanced diet and too much sugar meant too little roughage. Bran and the bike kept him regular. The amount of salt added to bread was more than enough in a temperate climate. Maybe in hot weather when sweating increased the water through-put there is a case for additional salt and more fluids but for the mileage we were doing, about 80 miles on a Sunday run, no additives were needed.
We learned to not be on the road after 10 o'clock at night because the drinkers would be driving away from the pubs drunk. It was not illegal to be drunk driving a car. Indeed, when there was a crash, the defence was that the alcohol made the driver incapable so it was only an accident, not deliberate bad driving. If the driver was incapable, he could not be blamed. Eventually this nonsense led to laws banning drivers from drinking alcohol and there seems to be a recent understanding amongst the general population that alcohol damages health. Cyclists knew it many years ago and by avoiding alcohol they have maintained good health. People have to be told. Is that the duty of doctors?
Whether you are on a mountain ridge in the mist or miles from anywhere on a bicycle, you have only yourself to depend on. You may have companions and they look to you for leadership. You have no choice but to be resilient and carry on, map reading, apportioning your energy, not taking risks. It is all about survival. Move then to a city job and your mental attitude goes with you. Exercise maintained your health mentally and bodily.
The Role of Doctors
Clinical evidence that the minority group of old cyclists have an immune system comparable to people in their twenties is proof that the majority of people are in poor health because they do not exercise. If a doctor’s duty is to improve people's health, then the doctor has to tell them to exercise and say it before the deterioration goes too far. On the other hand, if a doctor is there only to repair the damage however caused, the doctor can let people make mistakes through ignorance and this will keep the doctor busy and prosperous. Do we not argue that in an ideal world there need be no police? By the same reasoning, doctors should not be needed if people live properly.
Has science got us to the stage where all illness is a mistake? Humans live and work in communities with many specialising thanks to their education. Theoretically we can prevent all illness and injury by education, control and prevention. For example, from the earliest age, teach and practice the benefits of exercise. Avoid the dangers of extremes. Control individuals by implanted chips so that everyone is answerable to an artificial intelligence central computer thereby eliminating the benefits of crime and war (and I would resist this being done to me and demand that it be done to others, such is hypocrisy and was well foretold in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell). Ensure that the makers of pharmaceuticals and machines serve the majority in the world and not just the rich. Ebola can be controlled. Cancer is avoidable.
Guidance on these policies can only be given by those who understand the body and mind and they are doctors. Now is the time for doctors to work towards making themselves redundant. I am sure that  will never happen but it ought to be an objective. The police do little to prevent crime. They advise people to lock their doors but does nothing to change the motivation of potential burglars other than apply threats of punishment. Similarly, doctors prescribe drugs on top of drugs without getting to the source of a patient's problem. People respond to carrot, not stick. The evidence is clear. Most people can be maintained in good health by simply changing their lifestyle so that they exercise as much as their bodies have evolved to do. You are a doctor so tell your patient the blunt truth and when you say to them you don’t want to see them again, you mean it in the friendliest way.
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