#he would not forget about him at the dolma!
adhd-merlin · 1 year
Thanks for the answer. This show is tiresome in its logic and narratives...I don't know why I'm still a fan. I want to yell at them. Please, help me get free.
it's okay anon, it's not that serious. don't think about it too much.
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amber-of-ember-glows · 4 months
“You forgot me.”
“I didn’t forget you, I just…”
“You forgot about me.”
“No!” Arthur denies vehemently, shaking his head emphatically in an attempt to make Merlin listen. “I didn’t forget about you. It’s just– usually I can...sense you, your presence, and it was like you weren’t separated from me at all, it felt as if you were right there with me.”
“Oh,” Merlin says, breathlessly, because he knew that he was there with Arthur, but he hadn’t realized, hadn’t been prepared for the fact that, instinctually, Arthur had known that, too. Merlin had initially been annoyed when he, disguised as the Dolma, had needed to remind Arthur of Merlin’s existence. That annoyance had been closely followed by hurt at the notion that he was nothing more than an afterthought to Arthur, even after all this time.
“Yeah…” Arthur finishes awkwardly, the usual discomfort that comes along with baring his emotions apparent on his face. The expression on his face changes then, closes of a bit, faux-annoyance taking over his features. “Are you done being such a baby now?”
Whatever wave of touched affection that had been coursing through Merlin crashes to an immediate halt. He clenches his jaw and lifts his chin in defiant irritation. Arthur softens a bit a the fiery look in his eyes. Slowly moving closer, Arthur’s hands come up to frame Merlin’s face, thumbs caressing his cheekbones gently.
“I don’t think I am capable of forgetting you even if I tried. You haven’t left my mind since the day we met.”
The look on Merlin’s face turns heart-achingly vulnerable at Arthur’s words, wide-eyed and slightly parted lips. Arthur presses his forehead against Merlin’s, and Merlin’s hands wrap around Arthur’s wrists where he is still cupping Merlin’s face. For a simultaneously too short and endless while, all they do is breathe in the other, basking in the closeness, the intimacy of the moment. Arthur tilts Merlin’s head slightly and nuzzles against him with his nose before letting his lips graze lightly against Merlin’s. A barely-there touch of their lips, but it is enough to halt Merlin’s thoughts in their track and his mind to momentarily empty.
“Merlin,” Arthur says around a breath of air. The heady tint and low cadence of his voice sends shivers down Merlin’s spine. Heart beating harshly in his chest, Merlin groans and crashes his mouth against Arthur’s. His hands find their way into soft hair, pulling Arthur ever-closer to him. He feels dizzy, intoxicated, at the feel of Arthur against him, at the reality of the situation. One of Arthur’s hands wraps around the nape of Merlin’s neck, gripping a grounding hold of him as their mouths move together. The urgency of their kisses ebbs and flows, going from desperate and burning to slow and languid, and back again.
Eventually with a few, final chaste kisses, they pull apart, leaning back enough to lock eyes, but not moving out of the embrace they have found themselves in. Merlin looks at Arthur and Arthur looks at Merlin, both content in the moment even as the changes between them solidify. Merlin feels safe, comfortable in it in a way he had never been able to imagine. He had never allowed himself to imagine this happening, and even in his wildest imagination, wherein he allowed himself to indulge in the fantasy of what it might be like, there would be some nerves, some backtracking, maybe even some denial.
“I couldn’t forget you, either,” Merlin admits softly, eyes boring into Arthur’s. Arthur looks touched for a moment, a ripple of emotion crossing his face, before he schools himself, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Well, I am remarkably memorable.”
Merlin groans and rolls his eyes. It doesn’t prevent an amused huff of air from leaving him or his lips from twitching as he tries to suppress the smile trying to make itself known. “Shut up,” he says and pushes Arthur with one hand on his – very solid – chest, even while keeping him close with the other.
The easy, tender smile on Arthur’s face, the adoring eyes as they roam Merlin’s face, the gentle touches of his hands on him are too much. All of it makes Merlin ache in the best way possible, his chest feels tight around the whirling emotions within him, yet despite how loaded everything is, he feels light, lighter than he has felt in years. He can do nothing to stop the smile shaping his lips, or to stop himself from closing the distance between them once more, desperately needing the heat of Arthur’s breath, the taste of him now that he has finally gotten a glimpse into that slice of paradise.
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thenerdyindividual · 1 year
I’m gonna lose my mind okay so a common complaint I see about Merlin is that Arthur didn’t keep his promise to the druids but he fucking did!
He’d already been leaving druids alone by the time he became king in season 4. The last conflict he had with them was at the end of season 3 and that was only because he was desperate to keep the cup of life out of Cenred’s hands. Come season 5 he continued to leave druids alone to do their thing without his interference, which I think is pretty much what druids wanted since they seem to be a pretty insular community. But there’s more to show that Arthur respected them!
Mordred is right there. Mordred is a knight and Arthur knows he’s a Druid. I understand the confusion there, as Morgana implies that Arthur doesn’t know what Mordred is but she’s speaking about magic not being a Druid. Arthur rescued Mordred as a boy, and clearly recognizes him. It would be hard for him to forget that he rescued a Druid boy, especially when Mordred goes out of his way to say Arthur saved his life as a child. Later, when Mordred admits to trying to help Kara and admits to being a Druid, Arthur is not surprised or shocked or dismayed. He asks Mordred to stand and speaks to him as a fellow knight. And we’ve seen how Arthur reacts when he feels like he’s been lied to or betrayed. This was not that reaction.
In fact Arthur’s promise to the druids not only advances his character development, but explicitly allows for the return of Mordred. If Arthur still had issues with the druids, Mordred’s return would have caused conflict that isn’t there. The conflict is Merlin not trusting Mordred because of the prophecy. Arthur is happy to have Mordred in Camelot.
It’s also important to note that Kara brings up druids in her defense at her trial. Arthur goes out of his way to say he has no quarrel with the druids and that they are peaceful people. That is further proof that Arthur has not had a conflict with druids since the ghost possession in season 4.
Magic is still outlawed (mostly because magic as a whole just views Arthur as an extension of Uther and tries to kill him) but Arthur kept his promise to the druids. He doesn’t know that druids can be sorcerers too. No druid ever used magic against him, and it’s unclear how many druids actually have magic. Other than the Druid mind speak, the only Druid who uses magic is Mordred. Arthur likely also differentiates between the Old Religion and having magic, since Gaius tells Arthur that many people still worship it in season 4.
Would it have been cool to see Arthur breaking bread with druids? Maybe. But the point of the show is the tragedy. It’s dealing with the fact that Arthur and Merlin come so close to achieving peace (peace with druids, then Arthur’s promise to the Dolma) only to fail.
TL;DR Mordred is proof that Arthur kept his promise to the druids.
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lucylichtenweg · 2 years
I hate what they did in s5e9 of Merlin "The Hollow Queen."
Arthur would NEVER forget about Merlin, in s4 he was looking for him himself, when everybody thought they lost him.
But in this episode he... forgets that Merlin was with them?
Like I understand that he got his wife back (after he didn't see that something was wrong with her for such a long time), and was happy with this. But even after Dolma asks him if he is forgetting something?
I know this is probably made so Merlin doesn't see Arthur cares (because really, Arthur carrring about Merlin is shown only where the boy in question isn't there), but this is to much.
Don't get my at the episode where Evil Gwen told the knights that Merlin poisoned the King.
And the knights didn't question it.
That was to much for me.
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myself-being · 2 years
I have a thing stuck in my head.
It's six months or so before Arthur and Gwen's wedding. A night, after a feast, Merlin and Arthur find each other and it's rough and beautiful and so like a dream that Merlin wish he would have physical proof that it all really happened.
The day after it's not a dream, though. They're still the king and his manservant, and Arthur still love and will marry Gwen no matter what other feelings he has, so they have to forget and go on, "but please Merlin, stay. I can't do it if you're not here". It's difficult and hurtful, but Merlin is nothing but stubborn and will do anything for his king.
The thing is, Merlin magic took his wish seriously and he soon discovers that he actually has the physical proof that night wasn't a dream.
He does as he can, stays until he can't hide it anymore. Then after the wedding he leaves "Just for a while, Arthur, until my mom gets better". He goes and stays with the Druids outside Camelot borders but he knows he has to return to protect the king, so when his son is born he left him with them, where he will be safe. Where his magic will not be a secret that can cost him his life.
Four years pass, everything is like always. Merlin is still by his king, proud to serve him. He watch him and his queen from afar glad for his friends happiness, but still with his heart pulled to shreads.
He goes on as if nothing ever was and when he can't keep his mask on because it's too painful, he just go away for a few days to see his son, his ray of sunshine in the darkest days.
Morgana come back in full force after years of silence. Merlin does everything he can to protect the king and kingdom like always, but the prophecy of Arthur's doom is like a boulder ready to crush him.
Everything is too much. He feel like he can't breathe, he can't sleep. He doesn't know what to do and he feels so alone in all of this mess that when The Dolma came and Arthur forget about him, it hurts too much and he decides he can't do it anymore.
He doesn't remind his king about himself.
Soon after his friends are gone, he leave a letter for Arthur, hope he can forgive him because he couldn't forget and he couldn't stay. He tried, he really did, but it was all too much so he decided to go. His majesty should go on with his life and happiness, be the greatest king the Kingdom will ever know, as Merlin is sure he'll be, and "do not worry about me, I will always be your friend, always be your servant. Just from afar this time".
Arthur is desperate. He knows it's all his fault. He was an idiot and now he lost one of the most important person in his life. But still he doesn't give up. He can't give up, because if he do he'll be torn to peaces too little to find.
With the support of his queen and the knights, he organizes search party to find their dear friend. The patrols are warned to keep an eye out for the lost manservant. Still nobody brings news.
After weeks, months, of search, is Gaius words that put a stop at it. He's polite as always when he address them in the council room, but they can sense the anger underneath the form.
They assure him they will find Merlin, but he knows they won't. Because he doesn't want to be found. They forget that he's smart enough, skilled enough, that he managed for years his training as a physician still while attending to the king as a manservant. He is a great scholar, more educated and intelligent than anyone care to acknowledge. He managed to successfully survive every difficult situation he and Arthur found themselves in for years and he knows the woods better than anyone, because he used to always go collect herbs for Gaius's tincture at day and night without any problem.
Everyone is always underestimating his boy. The thing about Merlin that nobody seems to care to notice is that he wasn't a manservant because he needed to "it was he choice. He could have done so much more, my dear boy. But he decided not to. Because that way he could have stayed by his friends, helping them, saving them".
The physician words are heavy weight in the hearts of Merlin friends, guilt and shame for not taking the time to really see the person that was always there for them. And so it came for Arthur the painful decision to respect Merlin choice and let him came back if and when he's ready. It's the least he can do, even if is too little, too late.
Life goes on and the news of Morgana seems to stop. Not progressively, not with warning of something worst ready to strike. They just stop. The council still worries, but apparently peace settles in Camelot and the kingdom flourish. Magic users doesn't attack and the sovereigns doesn't hunt them.
Still, the anti-magic laws stands, so when The Disir pass their judgement it's a surprise, but not really.
A knight life is at stake. Mordred was wound trying to save his king and now Arthur has to face a difficult decision: let magic free or leave is friend to his death.
How he wished Merlin was with him to help him find the answer.
At the end he saves the knight and do as The Disir says, but still he ask time. It's a great change to apply, and it can't be done lightly.
He pass his time between reading book on magic and consulting Geoffrey and Gaius, so he can redact the new laws. It's almost done after a few weeks, but still it's tiring, difficult and consuming, and now more than ever he wished his friend was with him. Now more than ever he feels his absence like a living thing in his chest, so when a knight came to call him for an emergency in the council room it's a welcome distraction.
He certanly didn't expet this tipe of emergency.
Gwen it's beside him when they reach the room's door and he feel her shocked gasp at the sight of the situation they're faced with.
Council members and knight are all adunated, some worried some just clearly confused with what was happening. Only Mordred seemed to be different, his amused expression settled on a tiny blond squirming figure with strangely familiar blue eyes and druids clothes currently trying to escape a knight's grasp.
The druid's furios gaze is directed to one of his older counselor with a fire that would have being in fact quite funny, if the child wasn't in iron cuffs.
The little boy, he couldn't be older than five summers, was apparently found alone, trying to sneek into the castle. The knight saw him opening a door to the kitchens with magic, and some council memebers thought he could be working for Morgana to kill the sovereign and so the king should judge him.
Arthur found the idea utterly ridicolous, and he would have said so, if he wasn't interrupted by the impertinent child voice staiting how stupit all that is and how stupid the old man that said it must be, because "my dad alway says that I'm too little to work for anyone yet and I like the king and queen, i don't want to kill them!".
Besides, as the kid inform them, nobody works for Morgana anymore and she can't harm camelot and her regents since Emrys defited her. He bounds her magic so she can't use it, and now she leaves with him and the druids helping others to repent her wrongs.
After disposing of the cuffs and an offered refreshment for the boy, king and queen gently inquired about this Emrys guy, the kid's dad as they're informed, who it seems is the most powerful sorcerer ever to walk the earth, prophesied to be the Once and future king, Arthur apparently, protector and the one that saved the kindom from the shadow time and time again from every sort of peril.
Worried wispers raises at the tale end, what will stop this person from trying to take the kindom for himself, only interrupted by the boy's joyful lauther.
Nobody needs to troubled themselfs, Emrys doen't want power or a kindom, doen't want to be a leader or a king. He just want peace and you can never achive peace with hatred and war. So he will simply continue to guard Camelot and his people and, as he always says, "he's happy to be the king's servant till the day he dies".
The words leave Arthur with such familiar and nostalgic feeling, the hurge to meet this guy so pressing, that he has to change the topic and distract himself to be able to breathe again. So they discover that the child escaped the other druids in the forest near the city, because his father always talk so fond of Camelot and its people that he was just too curious to see for himself. But now he regrets it. His father is surely worried sick, and he love him so much he really doesn't want to hurt him!
It takes two hours to calm the boy's and stop his tears, and in the end it's just because he cry himself to sleep. They left him sleep in the qeen's chambers, set on return him to his family as soon as possible.
And that's how, the day after, Arthur, Gwen and the knight of the round table find themselfs on the way to the druid's camp, with the little boy chatting theirs ears off in way so familiar that was almost conforting at the scaring prospect of meeting such a powerful sorcerer.
The tension felt almost tangible when they finally reached their destination. In a blurr of movement the kid is off Arthur's horse saddle and running into the arms of a shaking hooded figure clearly intent to find if he was harmed in any way, no matter how many time the boy said that he is ok, that his has now awesome friends that brought him back home safely.
Nobody in the king's party dared to move, watching the scene before them from the open of the clearing where the camp was as minutes pass.
All the camp's occupant came to see what was happening, it seems. Even Morgana.
It was her frightened expressin that snapped Arthur out of his daze enought to hear the well known voice that was frantically wispering to the young boy and, for a moment, he tought himself mad.
He recognize that voice. Gods, he could recognize that voice anywhere, it's the same voice stuck in his head. The one he always hear in his dream and long to listen to in his everyday life once more. The voice he tought for sure he would never get to hear again. But it's simply not possible.
It's not possible because it's clear that the hooded figure it's Emrys, the sorcerer, the boy's father. He could never be...
He could never be...
Arthur's beathe stuck in his lungs, a weight on his chest that almost chokes him. A step foward, than another. He can feel his heartbeat increase as if he was running for his life, a hand raised to touch the figures. To assure himself he was real or to shook him for his idiocy, he's not sure.
He doesn't stop himself until he's in front of Emrys.
He swear he could hear the heavy breating of his friends behind him in the stillness of the clearing, silence around them like nature itself wanted them to have this moment, a knot tying his tongue as his gaze encounters a pair of beautiful blue eyes that he tought he lost forever.
All at once all the sound and sesation surrounding them came back to the king, like the stillness was just an illusion real only in his own head, and maybe it was. As his breathe leave his chest all at once, the longing in him is finally satisfied just by the one name on his lips.
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buriednurbckyrd · 4 years
The Breakup Box (6)
Y/N smoothed her hands nervously over the skirt of her dress after she slid into the back seat of one of the sporty yet comfortable sedans at their disposal at the compound.  To her surprise Bucky opened the other door and sat next to her instead of the front passenger seat beside Steve like she expected.  
“Hope you don’t mind the company.”  He told her with a wink.  
“You know I don’t,” she replied with warm cheeks.  “I just feel bad for Steve alone in the front.”  She fiddled with the fabric again. “Are you sure I’m not over or under dressed?  Since you won’t tell me where you’re taking me?”  Bucky pulled her closer to his side and kissed her temple.  
“Doll, you look absolutely perfect.  You always do.”  
“Seconded.” Steve said as he pulled out of the garage.  Y/N met his eyes in the rear view mirror.  The heated affection in his gaze lessened some of her tension.  She startled when Bucky brushed her hair off her shoulder and almost nuzzled her neck.  
“You smell so good,” his voice was low and gravely.  “’M so glad I don’t have to hide what you do to me anymore.”  
“Buck.” Steve’s light warning came.  “We’re gentlemen.”  
“You’ve both already kissed me stupid, what are you worried about?”  Did her voice always sound so breathless?  Bucky chuckled and separated himself from her but laced his fingers with hers a compromise.  
“Maybe we have, but he’s right.  You deserve a nice first date before we forget about manners.”  He shot her one of his crooked grins that always made her heart flutter.  “My Mamma would come out of her grave and tan our hides if we didn’t properly court you.”
“I can’t decide if your chivalry is charming or damned frustrating.”  
“It’s definitely both,” Steve laughed.  “But you deserve to be wined and dined, Y/N.  And we both want to give you a little romance before the...er…”
“Fondue?”  She suggested, throwing a cheeky smile at Bucky.  
“Yeah, uh, that.” Steve cleared his throat.  “And we like spending time with you. Like Bucky said, it’s nice to have all our feelings on the table, No pretending anymore, not trying to suppress anything.”
“Gonna play footsie with me, boys?” She asked and slid her foot up Bucky’s calf.  Her nerves faded away and her normal playful side was coming back out.  There was no reason to be anxious around them, she reminded herself.  Adding romance into their relationship didn’t change their closeness, it only enhanced it.  
“There’s that feisty little kitten,” Bucky said.  “I missed her.”  
“Still finding my place in all this,” she replied.  “But don’t think I won’t put you in yours.”  Steve made a sound that might have been a groan.  
“We’re all figuring it out together, Doll.  And you’re making it real difficult to behave.” He shifted in his seat.
“Fortunately for our distracted driver, it seems we have arrived at our destination.” Bucky laughed.  Y/N looked out the window and gasped.
“This is my favorite restaurant!”  Bucky unfolded his lanky frame from the car and jogged around to the other side to open her door.  
“I guess the courting is off to a good start then.”  Steve got out and locked the car, slipping the keys into his pocket.  He held his hand out to her and smiled.
“May we escort you inside?”  Y/N took his hand and stood up, reaching for Bucky.
“You’re my two favorite people in the whole world, you know that right?”  Both men flushed and looked down at their joined hands.
“Well...we’d do just about anything for you Y/N.”  Bucky said a little bashfully. Steve squeezed her fingers gently.
“We need you to know, this isn’t us and you. It’s all three of us, together.”  The two men shared a glance and then looked back to her.  
“’Til the end of the line.” They said in unison.  The significance of their words rocked her, nearly had her stumbling over.  Unable to speak yet, she tugged them closer, going up on her tip toes to kiss Steve, and then Bucky softly.  
“I’m with you.”  She said fiercely.  She cleared her throat and swallowed the lump of emotions.  “Let’s go eat.”
She dissolved into a fit of giggles sitting between the two of them when Bucky speared a dolma with his fork, sniffed it and eyed it suspiciously.  
“It’s a leaf?”  
“Didn’t they have Greek restaurants back in the Forties?” She teased him.  
“Well, yeah, probably.”  He frowned.  “Did you like it?”  He asked Steve.  
“It’s good!  The leaf is just the outside.”  He reassured the other man.
“It’s stuffed with rice and meat and spices.  They’re delicious, I promise.”  Bucky looked at her warily but brought the fork to his lips and took a small bite.  He didn’t balk at the flavor and chewed thoughtfully.  He swallowed with a smile and popped the rest of it into his mouth.  
“Okay we definitely have to come back here now.”  Y/N nudged her knee against his thigh.
“Told you.”  She pushed her plate away and leaned back.  “I don’t know if I have enough room left for dessert.  And their Baklava is not to be missed.”  She pouted.  “I can’t keep up with your super solider appetites.”  
“You can get yours to go.” Steve offered.  He was still working on a large slice of spanakopita.  
“I guess I can eat it for breakfast tomorrow.”  She laughed.  “I’ll have to hide it in the fridge so Sam doesn’t find it.”
“About that…”  Bucky began.  
“What if we didn’t go back to the compound tonight?”  He asked her.
“Where would we go?  What did you have in mind?”  
“I hope you don’t think we were being presumptuous,” Steve said. “We booked a suite at the hotel for a couple of nights.”  
“For privacy,”  Bucky added.  “Alone time for the three of us.”  
“Natasha packed a bag for you.”  Steve scratched the back of his neck and blushed. “But if you’d rather just go back home it’s okay. Whatever makes you most comfortable.”  Bucky gripped her hand and she could feel his anxiety.
“I thought it might be a nice surprise, but there’s no pressure.”  
“It’s kind of nice to see you two nervous for a change.”  She grinned and took a sip of her wine.  “But you don’t need to be.  I’d love to spend some ‘alone time’ with you.”  They both sighed in relief, making her chuckle.  “Were you really that afraid I’d be mad or say no?”  
“No? Sort of?”  Steve winced and thought for a moment. “It feels like a walking a very thin line.”  He finally said.  “We want you, want to be with you,” his voice lowered.  “You have to know how hard it’s been to not just…” he trailed off and she could see his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed.  Feeling bold, she rested her hand on his knee.  
“Why don’t you tell me just how hard it’s been, Stevie.”  She purred.  
“Jesus Christ,” he suppressed a shudder.  “You know what I meant.” Bucky’s lips were at her ear.
“Evil little minx, aren’t you?”  
“I don’t want you to feel like we’re taking advantage, that’s all.”  Steve gritted out.  Deciding to be kind, she backed off with a gentle smile.  
“I would never think that.”  She reassured him.  “I know your heart, Steve.”  She turned her head slightly.  “And yours, Bucky.  I like surprises, I like that you take a little initiative.  I trust you both, and you can trust me.  If there’s something I don’t like, I’ll let you know.”  They caught the double meaning of her words.  Knowing she had their attention, she continued. “Communication is key, my loves.  Don’t forget that.”  Steve fidgeted again.  
“On the topic of communication, I do want you to know something before we commit to a decision.”  His expression made her want to wrap him up in a hug.  
“Of course, you can tell me anything.”  She took his hands in hers.  
“I’ve um, never been with a woman.”  He muttered.  “I mean, I’ve been with a few women but never ahhh…in the Biblical sense.”  He looked down at their linked hands.  “I’ve only been with Bucky that way.”  Y/N was taken aback.  Not surprised, Steve wasn’t one to philander and she knew that.  She considered her response carefully.  
“That’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she said.  “And you’re sure this is something you want...with me?”  This time Steve couldn’t stop the shiver that went up his spine and barely stopped the pleasured sound that rose in his throat just at the brief fantasy that flashed in his mind.  
“I’m very sure, Doll.”  He answered in a husky voice.  Y/N slid one of her hands up his forearm and it surprised him that a seemingly chaste caress like that could feel so decadent and seductive.  
“Then I’m very honored, Captain.”  She looked over her shoulder at Bucky.  “And I definitely haven’t forgotten about you, Sergeant.”
“Never thought for a moment you had.”  He brushed his thumb over the back of her neck.  “I think maybe we all order our dessert to go and get headed over to the hotel before things get even more heated.”  
“You’re just full of great ideas, aren’t you?”  Y/N traced her fingers over the buttons of his shirt.  “I’m ready for the rest of my date.”  She bit her lip and looked up at Bucky with dark eyes.  He felt his breath hitch as he lifted a hand to signal their waiter.  
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coinofstone · 4 years
5x09 With All My Heart
"People only see a queen when they expect to" or when she's wearing a queen's clothes and hair 😂
I'm kinda glad they jumped right into Merlin and Arthur spying on the conversation between Morgana and Gwen rather than do a whole drawn out thing where Merlin tells Arthur, Arthur threatens to exile Merlin for suggesting such a thing, etc. I'm choosing to believe thatI after Merlin proved to be right about so many other betrayals, Arthur decided to trust him enough to go check it out. Plus it's just nice to have him in on the plan for once.
Arthur: if I lose Gwen I lose everything
Merlin: I'm standing right here
Here's the new route you've got ten seconds to memorize it and you won't be using it until three days from now good luck!
The ongoing 'Merlin in a dress' gag is so silly, but I'm glad they followed through with it because so far the only one we've actually seen in a dress is Leon 😂
Merlin remains unable to get anyone to drink his poisoned beverage but Arthur comes through in the clutch!
Poor Angel having to be manhandled onto that hand truck by these two
Wondering who managed to get Arthur dressed and into his armor
I've often wondered if it's really Angel on the horse, really Angel that Bradley is carrying on his shoulder. I don't *think* it is, but it's still definitely a real woman that he's got in a fireman's carry. He's a fit dude but like, in full armor, walking on a rocky ridge path? Ouch.
It's a good thing he didn't stab himself with that sword on the way down.
Arthur realizing Mordred was Merlin's funny feeling. The irony. It's still a sweet sort of husbands moment, but. Irony.
You'd think Morgana would be angrier at Mordred for the whole stabbing her and leaving her for dead thing
The Dolma voice is really impressive Colin should do cartoons.
Why doesn't Merlin just use the druid telepathy to tell Mordred to stfu? I know he doesn't trust him but like damn
Why is this making me cry make it stop
I'm sorry but no. That water is literally algae green. Absolutely not.
She's calling him over for a hug lol more like 'fuck that you dragged me in here you're helping me out'
Silly 'forgetting Merlin' bit but if you read me screaming about the way 'Dragoon' bartered with Arthur in The Wicked Day, in an attempt to force Arthur into lifting the ban on magic rather than proving to him that he should because it's unjust - this exact exchange with the Dolma is what I thought that should've been. I like to think that as he's gotten older and wiser Merlin's figured that out for himself too.
Commentary by Angel and Alex
Angel says she was quite sad to go back after Gwen's puppet queen arc ended, and my traitorous brain just screamed "yeah cuz now you're back to being left on a shelf and ignored until they need you for Arthur again" 🙃
They are having a good laugh about Gaius' little mezzanine level with the books, saying he fell off it in the first episode and then never went back up there again 😂
They are funny together. Saying the Dochraid could be a great anti smoking ad 😂
Angel pointing out the fly or possibly spider crawling on Alex's cloak and Alex seeing it for the first time and going "oh my God" in the highest pitch voice I've ever heard 😂
Angel said it became her least favorite episode to film because of the passed out dead weight being carried thing. But she says she felt bad for Bradley having to carry her so much so I guess it was her. Oh wow she says it was her on the horse in one point when they're not moving.
Alex is saying "no don't climb down there" to Arthur going down the ridge to get Merlin and Angel is like "he has to go rescue his love"
Apparently the location where they filmed all these scenes was really miserable.
Oh wow they made Colin go back and reshoot his lines as the Dolma because he initially played it pretty straight and Johnny and Julian wanted it to be played more comedic, so he actually had to go back and shoot it by himself and then it was spliced together. That's crazy.
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The White Knight and His Queen Part 4
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [AO3]
Chat Noir finds himself sitting rather awkwardly beside Marinette’s father at the dinner table. It’s crowded with a wide assortment of foods, and while he’s practically drooling at the sight, he can’t find it in himself to start eating when he’s feeling like he shouldn’t even be here at all.
Tom’s reaction to Chat Noir made sense. Sabine’s was downright bizarre, and certainly out of character, if Marinette’s expression was anything to go by. She’s been staring at her mother as if the woman’s been replaced by an alien fake for the last ten minutes.
“I made all of your favorites, dear,” Sabine says, still arranging the plates so that there’s more room on the table. “Tofu spring rolls, steamed salmon, sesame balls, pork dumplings— oh, don’t worry about having to eat that if you can’t, Chat Noir, we also have chicken dumplings.”
Chat blushes at that, realising he made a face. Pork dumplings are not kosher.
“And I even bought some of those dolmas you love so much! Didn’t have time to make those from scratch, but I have a feeling you would have preferred the store-bought ones anyways.”
As Marinette’s mother continues to list all the food spread out, Chat finds himself glancing towards the TV not far from the table. Tom had turned it on for background noise, he said. So when everyone starts eating, the silence doesn’t feel awkward. 
It’s an old Italian movie he doesn’t really understand. Well, Tom probably understands it, so it may not completely be just background noise. Personally, he would have chosen the news, but—
Oh. Now that’s an idea.
“Um, Monsieur Dupain?”
Tom quickly turns and grins at him with a fanboyish glee, probably once again fantasizing about the Dupain-Noir bakery now that the hero and his daughter had gotten akumatised together. 
He doesn’t know how to break it to Tom that he’s far more likely to take Marinette’s last name than the other way around. Not that... he’s ever thought of it, of course. Not deeply, at least. Only once or twice. He might have doodled it once in his notebook during class, out of curiosity. Because he definitely does not have a crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng, since he likes La—
“Uhum,” his voice cracks as he tries very hard to brush away the realisation, attempting to make a polite request. “Would it be alright if I could change the channel to the news? Since Ladybug hadn’t used her restoration magic, so—”
“Ah, of course, of course! Don’t worry, son, I’ll find a good station.”
It takes only a few seconds before Nadja Chamack’s familiar face lights up on the screen. Just beside her, there’s clear image of their akuma.
Nothing about their akuma screams evil or destructive, not at first, second, or third glance. Marinette’s hair is done up into a woven bun, with delicate pink butterfly pins scattered about it. She wears no mask, eyes wide open and chin raised as if to command a crowd. Her gown reminds him of the historically accurate redraw of Princess Aurore, except a lighter, gentler pink. Her dress is that of a kind and noble Princess, and yet, her expression and the way she holds herself demands a respect worthy of a Queen. 
He, in contrast, is dressed like a kind of knight he’s never quite seen before. A skintight white fabric covers his body, with a white metal breastplate woven into the material, as well as plates around his arms, shoulders, and legs. There’s flaws in the design, gaps between the metal plates that could easily be pierced through, but something about that seems like a dare. His yellow eyes scream the same thing his armor does. Come and try it. He stands behind Marinette, a rapier at his side. 
In the picture, there are many civilians on either of their sides. None of them are injured or frightened, simply standing and staring at the pair, staying out of their way as they march through the streets.
He forgets to listen to what Nadja is saying, and as a result is startled when the image suddenly takes up the whole screen, turning into a video. He briefly glances away and turns to look at Marinette, who also looks as though she had been startled out of a trance.
“Oh, I remember seeing this playing live,” Sabine says, noticing where the children’s attention is at. “I was so worried. I knew my baby was smart, and paired with a superhero, I thought you would be unstoppable. I was scared Hawkmoth was actually going to win, this time. Can you believe it? You two sure showed me, of course.”
What was that supposed to mean, exactly? He wants to ask, but something definitely seems odd about this situation, and he isn’t sure if he should admit that he doesn’t remember a thing. Sabine is making it sound like they were easy akuma to beat, that Marinette wasn’t smart, that his power wasn’t so great. 
The fact that he had a sword was an easy enough reason for him to believe that he most certainly was not easy to beat. Not with his experience. And Marinette being Ladybug, the other half to his whole, there was no way they weren’t a total nightmare. 
But there’s definitely something he’s missing. Something confusing.
Why were they simply walking through the streets at such a leisurely pace? Where were they going? Why hadn’t they simply given Hawkmoth their Miraculous yet? Why were they not causing a havoc, destroying everything in their path, making the public bend to their will?
What were they doing?
The video continues on, finally revealing exactly where the dual akuma is heading. They make it to a platform where the Mayor is standing, looking nervous, but not running away. The knightly version of him holds a hand out for his lady, and he politely helps her up the steps.
The camera zooms in as Marinette gets behind a microphone. Chat belatedly realises that the video actually has audio, but everyone had remained completely silent as Marinette had made her way onto the stage. 
“This part was clever of you, sweetheart,” Sabine says, smiling and kissing the top of her daughter’s head. “You really fooled everyone in Paris.”
Fooled? This was a trick, then? Didn’t Sabine imply earlier that Marinette was not as cunning as an akuma than she was normally?
When Marinette speaks, it’s almost as though the earth itself had gone quiet.
“What you see before you, today, is the White Knight, and I, his Queen. We have one goal in mind. A Miraculous we must obtain. We will find it whether this holder reveals themselves or not. We will battle them until our very last breaths. We will bring Paris into a peace it had not experienced since the beginning this war had begun.”
A shiver goes through his body, and if it weren’t for the fact that he knew who Marinette truly was, he knows he would have been absolutely terrified for his Lady. If it weren’t for a fact that Marinette was Ladybug herself, he would have believed that this, the Queen, was talking about defeating Paris’ last standing hero, fully confident in their ability to take them down, marking the defeat of good in a war against evil.
But she can’t possibly be talking about Ladybug, that much he knows now. No, while the entirety of Paris must have thought as such, she must have been talking about someone else, a different Miraculous user. This was the trick Sabine was talking about.
He presses a hand to his suit’s pocket, feeling the indent of the Butterfly brooch. 
This wasn’t simply a trick to fool Paris.
This was a trick to fool Hawkmoth. 
The pieces are clicking into place, one by one.
“I have one message for you, our final foe,” the Queen says. “We will defeat you. Your life will be spared, despite the numerous reasons it shouldn’t be. I am a merciful Queen, after all. But you will be defeated, as swiftly and painlessly as possible. In fact...”
The Queen’s lips crook into a smile, confident and determined. Behind her, her White Knight grins.
“You won’t even know what hit you until it’s too late.”
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druiidboy · 5 years
While don’t ship much on this blog, and never really have. And I’m sure I will go into much more detail about this at a later date. Mordred truly does admire Merlin. He has heard stories of this man, through his abilities he is able to sense the immense power and immediately know that this is Emrys, the savior of all those with magic. He doesn’t even second guess it, and he never has. He also admires Merlin the man, and what strengths Merlin has that are not fueled by magic.
Mordred is always aware of Merlin’s power, and has always respected it. Two times we see this are the Dolma, and the Kara incident. Now before I delve into those lets think about why Mordred is not only aware of Merlin’s power, but why he also respects it.
Merlin has used his powers against Mordred. Mordred has already made it clear that he can sense Merlin’s power hence why he calls him Emrys when they first meet. But lets not forget, Merlin tries to get Mordred killed, he may not be the one that was holding the sword but he definitely tried to make it easier particularly when he tripped Mordred.
When we last see Mordred as a child, he says he will never forgive and will never forget. I have said it multiple times on this blog, but those were said out of anger of a child towards a man who almost killed him. Mordred does forgive Merlin for these actions. He was a child, do you know how many times I have said things I didn’t mean as a child out of anger--- hundreds, ask your parents you’ve probably done it too. He is a kid, however, one thing can be said is he doesn’t forget. Sure he doesn’t forget what Merlin did, but he also doesn’t forget Merlin, doesn’t forget that immense power he felt. You ever wonder how Mordred just happens upon them when its time for their reunion in season 5? I bet its something to do with the fact that Mordred senses Merlin’s power.
Now onto the two incidents that show Mordred’s respect for Merlin’s power. First. the Dolma. Mordred knows Merlin is the Dolma, he states it very clearly as the four of them are headed back to Camelot. He admires that power, and admits he wishes that Merlin did not have to keep it a secret. Perhaps a nudge in the direction of Merlin revealing himself, maybe. Either way, Mordred respects the power that he saw used. He also never outs Merlin for it, not once, nor does he ever show he has any desire to, throughout all of season 5.
Second the Kara incident, or rather an incident that is started by this. Mordred is angry at Merlin for not standing up for Kara, cause the writers were horrible and used her for a plot device. I digress. He corners Merlin in a hallway, and is come at Merlin and getting in the man’s personal space. Merlin puts his hand up, and Mordred stops getting closer. Mordred knows what Merlin could do to him, he respects that power despite how angry he is. And even with all his anger he never tries to out him as someone who uses magic.
Mordred also respects Merlin as a person. At one point early in season five we see them both mourning the grave of someone who used magic. They share a moment of tenderness because of the mutual oppression they both face. Mordred hopes for it to be different, and we know that Merlin does too. But it is one of their friendliest encounters in the entire show. Mordred wants Merlin to like him, Mordred wants to be Merlin’s friend. He is not using this moment as a tactic to manipulate Merlin in anyway, he simply is showing that they have something common. Something that they can work together for.
Another thing that Mordred does to show his respect and admiration for Merlin, is compliment his medical training. As someone who nearly died from it (on accident of course) way back when he was a kid, to acknowledge how far he has come is huge, particularly when none of the other knights do. He not only knows first hand how far Merlin has come, but he knows just how skilled he is. He can see it. He’s not stupid. If Mordred was to trust anyone to take care of him should he get sick or wounded, I have no doubt Mordred would pick Merlin because of how confident he is in Merlin’s abilities as a healer.
Anyways, the long story short is that Mordred admires Merlin for all that he is especially as a young adult/late teen.
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