#he’s gonna get SENT INTO PR JAIL
watchyourbuck · 7 months
“We get closer than ever this season. You know there’s a lot of changes in the relationship and how we interact. All those things. We’re trying to give the audience what they want, yeah.” Ryan is public enemy number one bro what the FUCK IS THIS
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tommykinrd · 3 months
Serious question, no hate or anything but why are so many people convinced that Ryan and Oliver would love for buddie to happen? Because everything they said sounds quite like the opposite, especially from Ryan. He said the same thing since 2019, he wants to portray this vulnerable, close, platonic friendship/bromance without it turning romantic. He also said he doesn’t even see or play Eddie as gay. And Oliver also said he doesn’t even know if he would actually want it to happen. Which means he doesn’t even think about it actually happening. Sure they love the (non toxic) fans and their love for the characters but I really don’t think they’re dying for buddie to happen. They always say they’re open to it if that’s what Tim decides and if it doesn’t come off as fanservice. But they know exactly it could never be anything but fanservice if it happens. And even if they absolutely wouldn’t want it to happen, they couldn’t say it or else they get called homophobic. So what is it that makes people believe they want Buddie to be canon?
Okay so I'm gonna answer assuming this was sent in good faith, but I really don't like the putting of words in people's mouths and also this extremism re: :they never said that", "this will never happen", etc.
I can only speak for myself, not for anyone else in fandom and definitely not for Ryan or Oliver since I don't know these people personally and I can only assume that you don't either. And as much as we joke about them being unhinged and out of PR jail and whatever, we have to remember these people are professionals who have been in the industry a long time and know how to interact with journalists and press because it's their job. They're never going to outright confirm or deny anything, they can only speak to what material they're given in the moment. As of right now, buddie is a vulnerable, close, platonic friendship. Neither of them have any reason to suggest otherwise. Also please remember that they are actors, they don't write for the show, yes they can offer input into the storylines but they cannot definitively change the trajectory of the show. Sorry anon, but Ryan and Oliver saying that they don't know the future of buddie does not mean they "don't even think about it happening". You don't know what they think, I don't know what they think, so let's stop with these extreme assumptions.
Also "they're not dying for buddie to happen"? I never said that they were. I said that from everything I've seen, I can tell that Ryan and Oliver know their characters and love their characters better than anyone in this fandom ever could. And understanding and loving Eddie means knowing the full depth of how much he loves Buck, whether that be platonic or romantic or some secret third thing. Same goes for Buck. I think if it goes the romantic route, Ryan and Oliver would have a blast getting to explore and portray another aspect to the buddie dynamic. If it doesn't go there, I think they would still knock it out of the park with how they portray a very important relationship in these characters lives, and I think they would still have a blast with it, like they've been doing this whole time. But again, I don't know them and I could be wrong, I'm just going off of the bare minimum info I have.
As for "they know it could never be anything but fanservice", did they tell you that? I've seen time and time again how this show surpasses expectations, I for one did not want an Eddie cheating with Shannon's doppleganger arc when it was speculation, but the show surprised me with how much I liked the way they did it. Same goes for buddie, if you think it can only ever be fanservice, just give them a chance to maybe surprise you. Ryan and Oliver are gonna get shit on no matter what they say in interviews. If they talk about buddie too much and hint about it being romantic, they're going to get accused of queerbaiting. If they don't talk about buddie at all or keep emphasizing that buddie is platonic, they're going to be called homophobic. It's a lose lose situation.
And another thing? Interviews are not word of god. This fandom (and any fandom) needs to stop placing so much weight on them. They're a fun behind the scenes look into the conversations and decisions surrounding different scenes and storylines, but that's it. Personally, I don't care what Ryan or Oliver might feel about buddie. It's fun seeing them be supportive of it, sure, but they could outright say that it was never going to happen and I wouldn't care, because they're not the writers or showrunners, what they say in an interview has no impact on the show. A lot of people weren't there or have forgotten when Tim made comments about how much he loved Taylor Kelly and wanted to pursue more journalist storylines, or when he said Eddie would have no PTSD after the shooting. So even if Tim confirmed or denied buddie in an interview? It means nothing bc it didn't occur in the show. We'll all find out whether Ryan and Oliver wanted buddie to happen or not if/when it does happen, or when the show ends. Until then just stay along for the ride or hop off if you're not having a good time.
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tomwambsmilk · 3 years
You're like my favorite TomWamb blog so I hope you don't mind my insanity as I watch through the show for the first time (I already know how S3 ends). <3
I'm watching 2x10 and...
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THE '?' !!! THE FREAKING '?' !!!! That's a 'potential successor?' question mark if I've ever freaking seen one! And this is prior to his offer of self-sacrifice and the S3 finale. Our little minnesota boy's gotta have like 5 ?s (or check marks or circled) next to his name by now. Bring on the chicken power play. Bring on the Wambsgans supremacy! *maniacal laughter*
I used to think there was no way Logan would not give it to one of his kids... but does Tom have a legitimate shot?
Thank you!! <3 <3 I do not mind your insanity at all, please keep sending it to me because I LOVE getting people's reactions to the insanity that is Succession. When I make my friends who live across the country watch it I watch it with them and force them to live-text me updates. (I have very indulgent friends). 
I know it took me forever to get to this, but that’s because this particular ask finally convinced me to write the essay that's been living rent-free in my head for weeks, tentatively titled "Here is Why I am a Tom CEO Truther". So thank you and also I'm sorry because I can't imagine this is what you expected when you sent this! (Especially since it took me nearly 4 days to write).
I’m gonna put this under a “Read More” because it’s very long:
First - I actually had not picked up on those question marks!! And that’s REALLY interesting, given everything that’s happened with both Tom and Kendall over the course of Season 2. I suspect that the reason, in that particular moment, Logan had starred them as successors was not necessarily because he’d thought they’d be good, but because he thought they would work well as “puppet CEOs” - people who could continue to maintain control through if he had to step down. Kendall, because he’s spend Season 2 wrapped around Logan’s finger, and Tom, because Logan’s always thought of him as someone without much of a spine, and he knows how badly Tom wants to be on his good side. Everyone else on that list has too many ulterior motives tampering with their loyalty, or too much ambition to be trusted. 
That being said, it’s interesting that Tom isn’t initially on his shit-list, given how publicly he bungled the cruises situation. The second half of Season 2 really does make it seem like he might be being set up to take the fall - although, in my opinion, I think it was less a deliberate conspiracy to send him to jail and more that the Roy family didn’t have a vested interest in protecting him. They didn’t want him to take the fall, but if someone had to.... well. 
And it’s especially interesting that Cyd is on Logan’s shit-list and Tom isn’t. Considering that Logan had them positioned to face off against each other, that seems to imply that Tom is winning that battle. And I think there are other bits of evidence for that - we know that Tom and Greg are working on digitizing ATN, which will be a HUGE boon to cost and efficiency; we see him handle the Ravenhead interview with both delicacy (so as not to alienate him) but also enough shrewdness to get to the bottom of what’s going on; Gerri mentions to Roman in “Argestes” that Logan intially wanted Tom to go negotiate with the Turks (but Gerri convinced him to send Roman). Those are just three examples off the top of my head, but it does seem that Tom has actually proven himself to be competent. (Aside from the cruises thing - but for me, that just increases the evidence that there was something sus in the way the family handled it. I suppose there’s also ‘We hear for you’, but even there, while it’s bad branding it is relatively shrewd of Tom to come up with something on the fly which is nonsensical enough to protect him from personal pushback or legal flack). Now, part of it is definitely that Tom is married to Shiv; but, that shift from Logan not caring much for Tom at all to possibly protecting him is intriguing, especially since the Season 2 finale makes it clear that you can’t actually marry into the Roy family, in a fundamental sense. Tom isn’t really family, because he isn’t blood, and he never really will be. 
Tom’s competency, I think, is important. We don’t get to see too much of it, because the way the Roy family does business has far less to do with competence than with family dynamics, but it is there. 
Now, I think that Tom becoming CEO works not just with the world’s internal logic, but on a narrative/thematic level. But, to understand why I am a CEO Tom truther, we have to take a step back for a second, and look at Logan and his relationships with the kids.
Why doesn’t he let any of the kids be CEO? That’s a complicated question. Right out the gate, there are issues entirely his own which affect that decision - his reluctance to give up control, his lack of a sense of identity outside of Waystar, and his refusal to acknowledge his age and impending mortality. But those aren’t the only reasons; in addition to this, it’s pretty obvious that none of his kids are ready.
They all have strengths, for sure. It’s not that they’re utterly incompetent messes. Kendall understands the tech industry, which is where the money is, and how Waystar can and should pivot to take advantage of it. Shiv understands the political landscape, and the ways in which ATN, in particular, needs to pivot to not crumble and collapse when it’s current audience dies; it also positions her to be able to continue Logan’s strategy of maintaining influence with the White House. Roman understands people, and so is able to build relationships and make deals particularly effectively; Matsson most obviously, but even prior to that he has good relationships with people like Lawrence Yee.
But they also have major flaws, and far away the biggest flaw, what’s going to prevent them from being effective CEOs, is that they just don’t understand the world. They understand a part of it, maybe. But they’ve all grown up so utterly sheltered (as Marcia says to Shiv, Logan has built them a playground which they believe is the whole world), that they have massive blind spots there. 
Kendall I think has the most real-world knowledge, but he’s also not capable of dealing with the kind of stressors that come with it. While the show doesn’t delve hugely into the background of his substance abuse issues, they seem to be triggered by high-stress situations, especially related to Waystar. That leads me to believe that he’s never been given the experiences he’d need to to build good stress-management techniques, especially for operating at the level he’d need to as a CEO. (To be clear, I’m not saying this is the root of all substance abuse issues, or the only cause at play, but I think for Kendall this is a particularly big part of it, and a huge implement to effective functioning). 
Roman has people knowledge, but he doesn’t have the same operational savvy that Kendall does. The fact that so many of his opinions on which films would and wouldn’t be successful (when he was working in LA) were wrong is an early indicator of this. Unlike Kendall, Roman never really has a strategy for how he would operate if he was CEO. There are other issues too, such as how desperate he is to please Logan, and how he lets that cloud his judgment, but that’s circumstantial to the main issue.
And Shiv? Shiv is terrible with people. Just atrocious. Just.... awful. I mean, she’s obviously bad with Tom, but even aside from that - it’s really telling that after she gets a position at Waystar in season 3, she almost immediately alienates the entire senior staff. She has a conversation with Tom about Ravenhead that I think is indicative of how disconnected she is (she thinks that all people need to know is that Logan wants something, and they’ll do it). She’s constantly underestimating the people around her, and that’s a potentially fatal flaw for a CEO.
The tragic irony is that if all three siblings worked together, they probably could run Waystar well, because their strengths compensate for each other’s flaws. But they spend three seasons infighting and bitching and letting every opportunity to unite pass them by, because they all so desperately want Logan’s love and approval for themselves. It’s really, really tragic that in order to unite they need to smash their own hopes of that love and approval, and then at that point... it’s too late.
Taken together, it becomes clear that to be a successful CEO, someone would need “all of the above”: they need business savvy, people skills, an understanding of the political and cultural landscape, and enough stress tolerance to deal with high-stress situations.
And Tom, over the course of three seasons, either demonstrates each of these skills, or demonstrates that he’s growing into it.
In terms of business savvy - while we don’t see a ton of detail, we do find out in 3x09 that he’s “turned ATN citizens into a cash machine”, a feat so impressive Forbes is doing a piece on him. People skills? He’s able to manipulate Greg as far back as season 1 because he immediately clocks Greg’s desperate desire to belong somewhere; he handles the Ravenhead situation in season 2 well, and Logan was going to send him to negotiate with the Turks. Political/cultural landscape? His objections to doing a hard pivot with Ravenhead in season 3 I think belie an understanding of the way in which ATN needs to seems consistent in order to be trustworthy; and when he meets with Cyd at the beginning of season 2 he indicates an awareness of the impending demographic crisis at ATN. And stress tolerance? While it’s not something Tom has in spades at the beginning, the various situations he’s been in over the three seasons has built up that tolerance immensely. You don’t become the face of a national corporate scandal without either learning how to manage stress or go off the rails entirely. 
And most importantly? Tom is an outsider. He has the real-world knowledge that the siblings lack. And, unlike them, he had to work his way up in Waystar in order to even get to a level where Shiv would notice him. He has a proven track record where the sibs do not.
(One interesting detail in season 3 is that Tom is always in the room whenever inner circle discussions are happening, which is a shift from previous seasons. And importantly, everyone else in the room is either family, or in a role where they would need to be present - such as general counsel or CFO. Tom is the chariman of ATN, which is important but not C-suite, and as the season 2 finale makes clear he’s not really family, which means Logan has chosen to include him on individual merit.)
I want to also touch on Logan’s arc, briefly, which I think is not discussed enough but is really fascinating to me. I do believe that Logan built up Waystar with the idea of giving it to his kids, as an act of love, and so the fact that none of his kids are individually able to take that mantle feels to him like a personal betrayal. I think he really doesn’t understand - or doesn’t want to acknowledge - the role that he’s played in his children’s incompetence. There’s a phenomenon that’s common to a lot of people with shitty childhoods, where they know they had a shitty childhood, but reduce it to material factors, and think that if they just fix those material factors their own kids will be happy, not understanding that the key element that was missing was love and emotional support - and that’s 100% Logan. He looked at his own childhood and attributed its awfulness to the poverty and physical abuse he experienced, and resolved to make sure his own children experienced neither. And now that they’re adults, he can’t for the life of him understand why they would turn out this way, because in his mind he fixed the problem. 
The reason why the kids are so upset about Logan selling Waystar to GoJo is because in their minds, this is Logan saying that “you’ll never be able to earn my love”. And the thing is.... they aren’t wrong. That is exactly what Logan is saying. He’s given up on them, he’s rejecting them as his children, because they have failed him and (in his mind) this means they don’t love him, and so he’s done with them. 
With all this in mind, Logan grooming Tom for CEO makes alot of sense. As mentioned above, he has the competence the children lack, so there’s a practical element there. And Tom has more in common with Logan than his children do, considering that Tom, like Logan, spent most of his career pulling himself up rather than getting handouts. Tom has also now demonstrated the loyalty to Logan that Logan always wanted to get from his children; particularly by offering to go to prison and by selling out Shiv. And finally - making Tom CEO would drive the siblings insane. It’s Tom, for fuck���s sake. The “corn-fed basic from hockey town”. I think that Logan would make Tom CEO just to spite his children, and in the process call him the “son he never had”. 
(And I think, on some level, there’s truth to that. Tom’s competency and loyalty do, in a way, make him the kind of man Logan wanted as a son). 
So Tom becoming CEO makes sense for Logan and the kid’s arcs. But, what about Tom’s arc?
Tom’s arc has been a little more difficult to pin down, and I’m going to throw out there as a caveat that it has happened before that I thought a character’s arc was one thing and it turned out to be another. But - so far, a lot of Tom’s arc has consisted of him learning not to love. 
Tom spends seasons 1 and 2 prioritizing Shiv and his marriage. Sure, he tries to play both sides when he can, because he doesn’t want to lose Logan’s favour, but when push comes to shove he always choses Shiv. (It’s one of the reasons Logan doesn’t respect him in those seasons). Shiv, when faced with similar choices, never choses Tom. This continues until 2x10 and the prison conversation, which for Tom is the breaking point. Then, in season 3, he does still try to work on his marriage - but he stops prioritizing it over Logan, and starts trying to shore up his position with Logan independently of Shiv. 
Season 1 and 2 Tom wants, more than anything, to be happily married. He’ll throw his career ambitions out the window (sadly and reluctantly, but he will) if that’s what it’ll take. He’ll play boar on the floor and be the patsy and whatever else it takes. It’s not until 2x10 that he realizes there is no length he can go to in order to make Shiv love him the way he loves her. It’s not until 2x10 that he realizes he will never have the marriage that he wants. 
So he spends season 3 re-orienting and shifting. Now that he’s more or less given up on his marriage, he can start moving strategically to secure his career ambitions. He leaves the door open as long as he can for Shiv to express interest in him, to give him a reason to change course, but she doesn’t. So, he prioritizes Logan more and more until we get the 3x09 betrayal. 
Tom going on to become CEO is a natural extension of this arc, I think. It’s a kind of inverse hero’s journey, where instead of maximizing his potential for good, Tom begins to embrace his more aggressive and machiavellian tendencies in a way he hasn’t before. He undergoes a “loganification”, if you will (in keeping with the idea that he and Logan share a common background). But as he becomes more like Logan, he also suffers the consequences of being Logan. He alienates those around him who love him; Shiv, his parents, even Greg. He ends up miserable and alone, his entire identity wrapped up with his role in a dying legacy media operation. 
It’s possible that at this point he might choose to break the cycle. Tom’s deep desire to love, guide, and protect (which we see come out in his relationship with Greg) also means he’d be a pretty good dad. And I think that might be one key difference between Tom and Logan which would bring down the whole operation; that if Tom has a kid, he’s not willing to treat them the way Logan would. This child, the newest Roy family heir, is not going to be abused and neglected and forced to fight for Tom’s affection. And I think that would be the beginning of Tom’s “downfall”, since now Shiv and the siblings have leverage over Tom in the form of his kid. 
But in the end, it would also mean that the cycle of abuse begins to break. There’s a glimmer of hope for the future, and it comes in the form of Tom and his insatiable desire to love.
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bechloeislegit · 3 years
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl - Chapter 1
A/N: First, I'd like to say Happy (Belated) Birthday, malexfaith (the actual day was April 14)! Second, I asked for an idea for a fic for her birthday, and this is one idea she sent me. It was originally going to be a one-shot, but it got away from me. (I hope y'all like it).
Award-winning singer Beca Mitchell has had a rough few months. Her bosses force her to take some time off to get herself together. They send her to a ranch where she meets Chloe Beale. They knew each other when they were children; can they be friends again or will a different kind of relationship develop?
Award-winning singer/songwriter Beca Mitchell stood in front of her two best friends, Stacie Conrad and Cynthia Rose (CR) Adams. The two women currently standing before Beca weren't just her friends; they worked for her. Stacie was her manager, and CR was her publicist.
"I'm not going!" Beca yelled at the two women, stomping her foot like a child.
"You have no choice!" Stacie yelled back. "Do I need to remind you why we are having this discussion in the first place?"
Three Days Earlier. . .
Beca hit the final note, and the crowd started cheering and applauding. Beca smiled out at the crowd as she waved and made her way off the stage.
"Beca! Beca! Beca!" The crowd chanted.
"Encore time, Beca," Stacie said.
"I need some water first," Beca said, trying to catch her breath.
"Here," Cynthia Rose said, handing Beca a bottle of water.
"Thanks," Beca said, chugging down half the bottle.
Beca wiped her face and ran back onto the stage. The band started playing, and the crowd started cheering.
Beca started singing and made her way over to the band. The bass player played a riff, and Beca was getting into it when she suddenly stopped and put a hand to her head. A loud "oh" went up from the crowd as Beca started to fall; the bass player grabbed Beca and eased her down to the ground. Several people came running from backstage.
CR yelled for someone to call 9-1-1 as Stacie hit her knees and grabbed Beca to her.
"Beca?" Stacie called her name as she lightly smacked her cheeks.
Beca did not respond, and Stacie yelled, "Someone call 9-1-1!"
"Already done," CR said as Stacie continued trying to rouse Beca.
An announcement was made asking that everyone leave the building in a calm and peaceful manner. The place emptied out for the most part; there were still a few who made their way close to the stage and stood watching what was happening. Security prevented them from getting onto the stage.
Beca came around about five minutes later, and a small cheer went up from the small crowd. They became quiet again when two EMTs arrived and made their way onto the stage, immediately going over to Beca.
"Want to tell me what happened?" one of the EMTs asked as he started to take Beca's vital signs.
"I'm not really sure," Beca said. "I was singing, and then I felt dizzy. Next thing I know, I'm waking up to this one," she points her thumb toward Stacie, "slapping my face."
"You passed out," Stacie said. "I was trying to wake you up."
"We should take her in so a doctor can check her out," the EMT told Stacie.
"I'll ride with her," Stacie said. "CR, you call Theo and let him know what's happened."
"Got it," CR said.
"I don't think I need to go to the hospital," Beca said.
"I don't care what you think you need, Beca," Stacie said, shaking her head. "I just knew something like this was going to happen."
The EMTs helped Beca up and onto the gurney. They proceeded to fasten the restraints to hold Beca securely. Stacie followed the EMTs out to the ambulance; Beca complained the entire way about not needing to go to the hospital.
"Shut up, Beca," Stacie said. She looked at the EMT and asked, "Is there any way you can knock her out again?"
"I heard that," Beca said.
"You were meant to," Stacie shot back.
Back to the present. . .
"You passed out because you were drunk and dehydrated," Stacie said.
"I didn't do anything!" Beca said, running a hand through her hair.
"Didn't do anything!" Stacie repeated. "Are you drunk right now?"
"Stacie, calm down," CR said. "Yelling at her is not helping anything."
"She is going to ruin us all," Stacie said. "I can't keep doing this with her. We're running out of favors to call in to keep her shenanigans out of the tabloids."
"I know," CR placated. "She just needs to understand that the studio isn't playing around this time."
"This time?" Beca questioned. "What did I supposedly do to make this time so special?"
"Have you totally forgotten the drunken brawl you started?" Stacie asked. "And let's not forget about the threesome thing. You're lucky you're not in jail."
"For what?" Beca asked. "We were in a bar, and they were both being served alcoholic drinks."
"Yeah, well, one of them was only seventeen," Stacie said. "The age of consent in California is eighteen. And don't think because you're a woman, you get a pass. Her parents have every right to have you charged with having sex with a minor. You're lucky they were more upset that the bartender was serving their underage daughter alcohol, or it could have been so much worse for you."
"I can't be blamed for not knowing how old she really was," Beca mumbled.
Stacie rubbed her temples and looked at Beca. "You'd better get your head on straight, or you're done."
"I'm still not going to wherever it is the studio wants to send me," Beca said. "I'm an adult, and they can't make me do anything I don't want to do!"
"Take it easy, Beca," CR said in a calmer voice. "I'm telling you this as your friend. You're under contract, so yes, they can make you do whatever they want you to."
"Wanna bet?" Beca said petulantly. "Tell the studio I don't want to go."
"The studio folks aren't asking you if you want to go," CR said, stepping into Beca's personal space. "They're telling you, you have to go. You need to take some time off to rest and get your head back in the game."
"I don't understand why," Beca said, lowering her voice and taking a step back.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Stacie yelled. "You literally passed out during the encore at your concert because you were drunk, Beca. You're exhausted, and you're making bad decisions; really bad decisions."
"Not to mention the fact that your daddy issues are becoming a PR nightmare," CR added. "I know you were hoping your dad came back it was to make amends . . ."
"I don't want to talk about him," Beca interrupted, crossing her arms and glaring at Stacie and CR.
"Okay, you don't want to talk about your dad; that's fine," CR said. "Let's talk about how the studio is considering canceling your contract and letting you go."
"CR's right," Stacie confirmed. "If you don't take time off, you're done. Fired. No more music. No more VIP treatment. No more one-night stands with your fans. No more making money. Are you ready for that?"
"And, if Khalid fires you," CR said. "Don't count on another studio wanting to sign you."
Beca ran a hand through her hair and stared at Stacie and CR. She let out a loud sigh.
"Fine, I'll go."
"Good," Stacie and CR said simultaneously.
"But. . ."
"But. . . what?" CR asked hesitantly.
"But," Beca said, smirking. "You two have to go with me."
"Not gonna happen," CR immediately stated. "Denise is due in two weeks, so I can't go."
"I'll accept that as a good reason for you not going," Beca said and then turned to look at Stacie. "What about you?"
"I don't want to go," Stacie said.
"If not wanting to go isn't a good enough reason for me not to go," Beca said. "It's not a good enough reason for you either. So, if I don't get a choice in the matter, you don't get a choice. Make sure you tell the studio honchos if you don't go, I don't go, and let's see what happens then."
Beca turned and left the room.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
A week later, Beca and Stacie were on a private jet heading to Denver, Colorado. Beca was sulking as Stacie calmly flipped through a magazine. Neither woman spoke, and they flew in relative silence for close to two hours before Beca broke that silence.
"I can't believe you caved with the studio and are making me do this," Beca huffed. "I thought you were my friend."
"I am your friend," Stacie said, continuing to flip the pages of the magazine. "But, I'm also your manager. I love you, but I love my job more, and I'm not going to do anything to lose you or my job. So, if I have to go to Denver and babysit you, then that's what I'm going to do."
"Why exactly were we going to Denver?" Beca asked. "Is it like a spa retreat or something?"
"Nope," Stacie said, setting her magazine aside while pulling something out of her bag. She held it out toward Beca. "We're going to be spending the next three weeks at a western-style dude ranch."
"A DUDE RANCH?" Beca screeched, causing Stacie to grimace. "Whose bright idea was that?"
"Theo's," Stacie replied with a shrug.
"I should have known," Beca snarled. "That guy never did like me." Beca sighed and asked, "What the fuck am I supposed to do there?"
"You're supposed to rest and relax," Stacie said. "And they run a dry ranch, so there won't be any booze to get you into trouble."
Beca scoffed, and Stacie handed a pamphlet over to Beca.
"Read the brochure if you want to know what you'll be doing," Stacie said.
Beca took the brochure and looked through it.
"The only form of transportation on the ranch is on horseback," Beca read aloud. "The only horses I want to deal with are the ones under a car's hood."
"What part of the only form of transportation is on horseback are you not understanding?" Stacie asked. "Get it through that thick skull of yours; there are no cars, trucks, or other motorized vehicles. Just horses. I'm personally looking forward to riding again."
"Good for you! But there's no way I'm riding one of those beasts," Beca grumbled. "I hate horses."
"Just give it a shot, Beca," Stacie said. "Horses will help calm you; you're supposed to try and relax. And, you could always save a horse and ride a cowboy instead. Or in your case, a cowgirl. But only if she's over eighteen."
"Haha," Beca scoffed. "I get ridden plenty, thank you very much."
"Groupies and one-night stands don't count," Stacie said. "You need to find someone to have an adult, meaningful relationship with."
"Says the woman who calls her vagina a hunter," Beca snorted. "When was the last time you had an adult meaningful relationship?"
"We're not talking about me," Stacie said. "Plus, I'm not under contract, so what I do is nobody's business but my own."
"I'm starting to regret signing a contract," Beca said. "Almost as much as I regret hiring a friend to be my manager."
Stacie shrugged and picked up another magazine. "You know you love me."
"We both know I do," Beca said, sighing. "But would it kill you to let me live my life the way I want to?"
"Probably not," Stacie shrugged. "But, it might kill you and I'm not willing to take that chance. Believe it or not, I actually do like having you around."
Beca was saved from responding as the Captain announced, "Ladies, please fasten your seatbelts. We're making our final approach into Denver and should be landing in about ten minutes."
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
A van from the ranch was waiting in the hangar when the jet came to a stop. The pilot opened the door and lowered the stairway. Stacie stepped out first to find a man looking, every bit the cowboy in blue jeans, checkered shirt, boots, and hat, staring up at her from the bottom.
"Miss Mitchell?" the cowboy asked, tipping his hat.
"That's her," Stacie replied and pointed over her shoulder.
Beca gave a small wave over Stacie's shoulder.
"Nice to meet you, ladies," the cowboy said. "My name is Tom and I'll be escorting you to the ranch. I'll get your bags while you make yourselves comfortable in the van."
Stacie got into the van and watched as Beca grabbed two of the bags and placed them in the van herself. Tom grabbed the remaining bags and placed them in the back. Tom opened the driver's door, removed his hat, and situated himself behind the wheel.
"The drive will take about forty-five minutes," Tom said, looking over his shoulder at the two women. "There's water in the cooler behind you. Help yourself."
Tom turned to face the front and started the van.
About an hour later, the van turned off the main road onto a dirt road. Beca sat up and started looking around. Off in the distance, she saw several buildings.
"Looks like something from an old Western movie," Beca said.
"I love the log cabin look," Stacie said, looking around.
"Will we be staying in a log cabin?" Beca asked Tom.
"Sort of," Tom said. "All our guests stay in individual one-room cabins. The main building houses the offices, gym, game room, kitchen, and dining room. Since this is our slow time, you'll both probably be given your own room."
"That actually sounds cool," Beca said.
Stacie lowered her window, saying "Look at all this wide-open space. And smell that clean, fresh air. We're definitely not in LA anymore."
"If I click my heels three times and say there's no place like home," Beca said. "Will I wake up from this nightmare and find myself in my own bed back in LA?"
"No," Stacie said. "And I can't believe Miss I Hate Movies, just used one to make a point."
Beca let out a snort and looked out her window.
"Those things are huge," Beca said, spying two horses being ridden by a man and a woman; they looked as if they were racing.
"Oh, wow," Stacie said, leering at the couple. "The scenery just keeps getting better."
The woman's hat flew off and red hair flew out behind her. Both riders stopped and the woman said something to the man that could not be heard in the car.
Beca's eyes widened in surprise when she saw the redhead's face as she turned and trotted back to where her hat landed. She was gorgeous.
"If she can ride a horse," Beca said, pointing at the female rider. "I may just have to take up riding myself. She makes it look hot."
"She's really pretty," Stacie said, looking the girl up and down.
"She sure is," Beca mumbled. "She kind of reminds me of someone I knew when I was a kid."
Beca and Stacie continued to watch the two riders.
"He's also really hot," Stacie said. "He can park his boots under my bed anytime."
"Ew, gross," Beca said. "Try and keep it in your pants, Stacie."
"I will if you will," Stacie said, laughing. "Who does the hot redhead remind you of?"
"Someone I knew from back when I lived in Atlanta," Beca responded. "We actually met in Kindergarten and became fast friends. I'd say she was my best friend from the time we met up until we were nine."
"What happened when you were nine?"
"Didn't I already tell you about that?" Beca asked; Stacie shook her head. Beca continued. "My grandmother got sick and my mom took me with her to Seattle to help her out. I was only supposed to be gone for the summer. But, my grandma died and left my mother her house. My mom and dad were going through a rough time and my mom decided to stay in Seattle and asked my dad to come there. He chose to stay in Atlanta and promised to come to visit, but he never did. They eventually divorced."
Stacie looked at Tom and asked, "Who are they?"
"That's Chicago and Chloe," Tom said, glancing over at the couple. "Chicago's dad owns this place and Chicago runs it. Chloe is a vet and takes care of the animals on the ranch."
"Chloe?" Beca repeated. "What's her last name?"
"Beale," Tom said as the van came to a stop in front of the main building.
"Oh, my God," Beca whispered as she continued watching the redhead. "I do know her! Or rather, I did."
"Are Chicago and Chloe a couple?" Stacie asked.
"God, no," Tom said, chuckling. "Chicago is married to Jessica and Chloe is his cousin."
"Good to know," Stacie murmured, looking at Beca watching the redhead.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
Beca and Stacie stood next to each other and watched as Chicago and Chloe rode up to them and hopped off their horses. A woman walked out of the main building and stood next to Chicago. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him.
"Good afternoon, Miss Mitchell, Miss Conrad," Chicago said, removing his hat. "Welcome! My name is Chicago Walp and this is my wife, Jessica. We run this Ranch for my dad, so if you need anything, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask either one of us."
Chloe cleared her throat and Chicago smiled over at her.
"Sorry, Chlo," Chicago said, chuckling. "And this lovely young lady is Dr. Chloe Beale. She takes care of all the animals. She also gives riding lessons for anyone who wishes to learn."
"Please, we're just Beca and Stacie," Stacie said.
"I know who Beca is," Chloe said, smiling. "I was totes excited when I heard you were going to be a guest. I'm a big fan."
"Thank you," Beca said, looking down at the ground.
Tom was retrieving the luggage from the van and Chicago moved to help him.
"Please be careful with those two bags," Beca said, rushing over to them. "I'll take them."
Beca put one of the bags over her shoulder and pulled the other over to where Stacie was talking to Jessica and Chloe.
". . .said she'd love to learn to ride," Stacie was telling Jessica and Chloe.
"Who said that?" Beca asked. "It wasn't me. I hate horses; they're just huge, scary beasts."
Jessica and Chloe both laughed.
"Didn't you also say, if Chloe was riding that you might have to reconsider riding because she made riding a horse look hot?" Stacie asked, chuckling when Beca's face turned red.
"That's not-," Beca stuttered, looking from Stacie to Chloe and back again. "I, uh, didn't, um. Ugh! I hate you so much right now."
"It's okay, Beca," Chloe said, chuckling. "I think you'd look hot riding, too. And our horses are very tame. I'd be happy to teach you to ride and show you how tame they are."
Beca blinked a few times and stared at Chloe. Chloe looked at Beca and then at Stacie.
"I'm sure Beca would love that," Stacie said, causing Beca to snort.
"I might be game," Beca said. "If Stacie takes lessons, too."
"I already know how to ride," Stacie said, smirking. "But I'll go along with you so you don't get scared."
"Good," Jessica said. "Now that's settled, let's get you to your rooms, shall we?"
"Ladies, if you'll follow us please," Chicago said as he and Tom walked past them.
Beca and Stacie followed. When they entered the main building, Tom grabbed a luggage cart and he and Chicago set the luggage on it. Beca gently placed the two bags she was carrying onto the pile and stepped back.
"Let's get you checked in," Jessica said, leading the way over to the registration desk. "Thanks, Tom, Chicago."
"No problem, babe," Chicago said, shooting Jessica a smile.
"You're welcome," Tom said. He tipped his hat at Beca and Stacie, and said, "Enjoy your stay, ladies."
"Thanks, Tom," Stacie said, winking at him.
Tom smiled at her before turning and exiting the building behind Chicago. Chloe walked over and stood by the desk; she couldn't stop looking at Beca. Beca looked back at her, blushing and looking away when Chloe smiled at her.
Jessica got Beca and Stacie checked in and grabbed their room keys, handing them to Chloe.
"Chloe, would you like to show Beca and Stacie to their cabins?"
"I'd love to," Chloe said excitedly, grabbing the keys. "Thanks, Jess."
Jessica winked at her and Chloe walked over to the luggage cart. She looked back at Beca and Stacie.
"If you ladies will follow me," Chloe said as she started pushing the cart.
Stacie nudged Beca's shoulder when she noticed Beca looking at Chloe's ass.
"Rein it in, Beca," Stacie whispered. "A bit of discretion wouldn't kill you."
Beca blushed and moved her eyes up to stare at the back of Chloe's head.
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
Chloe took the cart outside and started toward a row of cabins. The path was wooden and stretched from the main building around to all the cabins. Chloe stopped at Cabin #4 and unlocked the door. She left the luggage cart outside and stepped through the doorway. Beca and Stacie followed her inside.
"This is your cabin, Miss Mitchell," Chloe said, waving an arm around the room. "Your bathroom is through that door over there."
Beca looked to where Chloe was pointing and nodded her head in acknowledgment.
"Please call me Beca," Beca told Chloe as she looked around the room.
"Okay," Chloe said, stepping back out the door. "Beca, if you'll point out your luggage I'll bring it in for you."
Chloe reached for a bag and Beca stopped her, saying, "I got it."
Beca grabbed her laptop case and another case, and took her cases over to the desk, and started to unpack them.
"No offense," Stacie told Chloe. "She's just very particular about people touching her equipment."
"Understandable," Chloe said. "I'm sure it's very expensive. What else is hers?"
"I'll help you with them," Stacie said. "This one stays here and that one there." Stacie grabbed one of the suitcases and pointed at the other.
The bags were placed near the bed and Chloe walked over to the wall, getting both Beca and Stacie's attention. She placed her hand on the thermostat and explained, "Each cabin has its own thermostat. You can control both the heat and air conditioning to your liking. It's usually mild during the day, but the temperatures drop somewhat at night. If you need an extra blanket or pillow, you can find them in the closet next to the bathroom. That's also where we keep everything you'll need for the bathroom, like towels and soap, among other things. If there's something you need and can't find, just pick up the phone and dial star zero one. That rings at the front desk in the main cabin. Someone is always there 24/7. Or you can dial star zero three and reach me; I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have."
"Thank you, Chloe," Beca said.
"Stacie," Chloe said, tearing her gaze away from Beca to look at Stacie. "You'll be right next door in cabin #5. The rooms are set up in the exact same way. Do you have any questions? Or need anything?"
"I'm starting to get a bit hungry," Stacie said. "What time does dinner start being served?"
"Oh," Chloe said as she walked over to the desk and pulled a folder out of the drawer. "There's a weekly schedule of activities and a menu for all meals inside this folder. It's updated every Sunday night. I know tonight we're having a barbecue with all the fixin's. You'll get a chance to meet some of the staff as well as the other guests." She glanced at her watch. "Aubrey will probably be ringing the dinner bell shortly."
"Who's Aubrey?" Stacie asked.
"She's my best friend," Chloe responded. "She's also the cook. You'll love everything she makes; I know I do."
"I'd like to unpack before dinner," Stacie said. "Beca, I'll swing by and get you when the dinner bell sounds. Okay?"
"Okay," Beca said. "I'll unpack and freshen up a bit."
"Great," Chloe said. "Here's your room key. We have a master key to all the rooms if you should lose or misplace it."
"Thanks again, Chloe," Beca said, taking the key.
"Stacie," Chloe said, turning toward her. "Let's get you to your room."
Stacie followed Chloe out the door. She took a deep breath. "Something smells good!"
"It's the meat from the grill."
"Whatever it is, it smells delicious."
"The meats are great, but it's the sides that make the meal for me. I'm sure Aubrey made potato salad, pasta salad, as well as a vegetable salad. Corn on the cob and baked beans for sure, and several desserts."
"Sounds like quite the feast," Stacie said.
Chloe pushed the luggage rack to the next cabin and helped Stacie take her bags inside.
"Here's your key," Chloe said as she handed the key to Stacie.
"Thank you, Chloe," Stacie said.
"You're welcome. I'll see you and Beca at dinner."
Chloe left and was surprised to see Beca looking out her door.
"Did you need something, Beca?"
"I was wondering if you had a minute?"
"Um, sure."
Beca stood aside and let Chloe enter the cabin. Chloe walked over to the desk chair and sat down.
Beca started pacing back and forth. Chloe watched her for a moment.
"So, um, what can I do for you, Beca?"
~~ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl ~~
About ten minutes after Chloe left her, Stacie was startled by a sudden loud clanging sound. Realizing it must be the dinner bell, she laughed quietly to herself and shook her head.
It was only a few minutes later that Stacie grabbed her room key and left her cabin. Beca and Chloe were coming out of Beca's room as Stacie reached it.
"Oh, hey, Chloe," Stacie said, surprised to see her. "I wasn't expecting to see you with Beca."
"Beca wanted to know about the riding lessons," Chloe said. "You two have a lesson tomorrow morning at ten."
"We do?"
"I told you, Stacie," Beca said. "If I'm going to take lessons, so are you."
"And I told you, I already know how to ride," Stacie said. "Besides, will you even be up before ten?"
"Don't worry about me," Beca said, glaring at her. "I'll be up in plenty of time."
Stacie ignored Beca's glare and looked her up and down.
"Loving the cowgirl look, Beca," Stacie said. "I'm guessing you only brought your plaid shirts and jeans without knowing you'd end up on a ranch."
"I think she looks adorable," Chloe said, causing Beca's cheeks to redden.
"I'm not adorable," Beca mumbled.
"She does love her plaid shirts and jeans," Stacie said.
"What's wrong with that?" Beca asked. "They are good for any occasion."
Stacie snorted as she looked out over at the tables that were set up for the cookout.
"That looks like a lot of food," Stacie said. "How many guests do you have?"
"Including you and Beca, we have eight guests," Jessica's voice said from behind them. "And all the staffs' meals are provided. Come with me and I'll introduce you to some of the other people who work here."
Beca and Stacie followed Jessica and Chloe over to the huge grill that was being manned by two of the cowboys.
"Guys," Jessica calls out, getting their attention. "I'd like you to meet some VIPs that will be with us for the next three weeks."
The two men turned to look at Beca and Stacie. One had dark brown hair and was a couple of inches taller than Stacie; the other's hair was a lighter brown and he was about Stacie's height. They both have boyish faces and grinned at the two women.
"I know her," the taller of the two said, pointing toward Beca.
"No, you don't," Beca said, shaking her head. "He doesn't."
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Facebook vs The Big Lebowski
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Hans de Zwart is a digital rights activist - he used to run the Dutch campaigning group Bits of Freedom - who also happens to be a massive Big Lebowski fan. He created https://www.thebiglebow.ski, a search-engine for Lebowski quotes.
Things were fine until de Zwart started getting user complaints: they couldn't share content from his search engine on Facebook. They got this cryptic error: "Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive."
In an article for NRC, Reinier Kist recounts the bizarre, kafkaesque journey de Zwart embarked upon to find out why Facebook had classed quotes from The Big Lebowski as "abusive."
Every single thing about the story demonstrates Facebook's manifest unsuitability to be in charge of the social lives of 2.6B people.
de Zwart couldn't even ask Facebook to look into it unless he created a FB account first
FB wouldn't allow allow a lower-case "d" in "de Zwart" ("It is the arrogance of a giant American corporation which considers the correct spelling of the names of millions of Dutch people an edge case")
When de Zwart complained to FB, he got another cryptic message telling him not to expect a reply, but thanking him for "his experience"
Then de Zwart registered as a FB advertiser and bought a EUR5 ad for his site, thinking that FB might listen to him if he paid them
The ad was rejected with this error: "this ad contains or refers to content that has been blocked by our security systems (#1885260)" (FB provides no way to look up error 1885260)
To question this, de Zwart had to agree to four unreadable, one-sided legal contracts
When he did this, he got another terse message, thanking him for "helping us improve!"
De Zwart knew that FB - like all Big Tech companies - only ever corrects its mistakes when doing otherwise risks bad publicity.
So he pitched his story to Kist, who called up FB's PR office, and within days, the site was unblocked, with an apology for "the inconvenience." The only explanation? The site was misclassified by automated tools.
De Zwart has published an English translation of Kist's article. The subject matter is trivial, but the underlying message is frankly terrifying: our ability to talk with one another, organize and debate is in the hands of an uncaring giant.
FB is a company whose monopolistic scale means that it CAN'T moderate well, and also that it doesn't need to. What are you gonna do, use Instagram?
And despite this, regulators keep asking FB to do more automated filtering and more moderating.
They're bad at this. Really bad. When they do this, they end up censoring their users' legitimate speech, and the only people who get a hearing from them are people who know journalists who can threaten them with public humiliation.
If you want to create a fairer and less toxic online communications world, reduce Facebook's monopoly power - don't make them a permanent, incompetent, unaccountable privatized arm of the state.
Asking Mark Zuckerberg to do more of something he sucks at won't make him better at it - it'll just put his legion of traumatized, outsourced moderators on a hair trigger that results in far more dolphins caught in their tuna-nets.
And while famous, privileged and powerful people will be able to get their material sprung from content jail, the marginalized, poor and desperate will have no such access.
(de Zwart never got his 5 euros back)
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shauntaake stll destraut bitchang & cryang in ths mutherfucker cause shauntaake companys got tooken by white woman they stole all of shauntaake kds in shauntaake shauntaake masters years shauntaake have a folder wit about 30 nw shauntaake kds that lauk like shauntake identical white twins white nose that came mockang shauntaake baby phauts & these white woman cheat me they sold shauntaake kds bak to shauntaake wit one phaut of them they treat shauntaake like shauntaake n jail they treat me like hu the fuck shauntaake am these white woman from here scare of shauntaake cause they knw shauntaake was a king pen dope coke dealer so they sent shauntaake one phaut like I'm n jail some fuckang where shauntaake so insult & want to fuck all if u mutherfuckers up that shauntaake holla at in shauntaake shauntaake masters years u nigger lovang white bitches dead bitches shauntaake wll never spark interest in u worthless mutherfuckers never again shau taake personally holla at these mutherfuckers shauntaake chose each one of them to have shauntaake kds wit shauntaake shauntaake masters & these mutherfuckers play games & made uthaa plans & shauntaake world canceled their ass watch yourself shauntaake want them dead & then they try to come aftaa shauntaake companys like they gave birth to me when these mystery white woman play wit shauntaake masters while u mutherfuckers thought u had shauntaake waitang all along shauntaake had a active company out in the world hatchang shauntaake soul ths why shauntaake was trynna rush to make shauntaake marriages so shauntaake could start plantang shauntaake eggs wit a white sperms donor & all of those kds shauntaake lost could'nt even fight shauntaake power they chose for shauntaake soul to come & just b nobody's they want to b born & shauntaake furious cause that whole set of kds was suppose to b hatchang in shauntaake wives shauntaake made sure that wll never happen again shauntaake cry to many nights over shaunt that one of the reason's why shauntaake erase shaunt aake companys off of online cause shauntaake mystery whites took shauntaake kds witout even trynna take them it was automatic wit shauntaake meants & shauntaake dont know these woman & they don't want the world to know them cause u give them problems so these real white woman kept theirselves a secret to the world thanks for your one mutherfuckang phaut thank u so much shauntaakke was punish these mutherfuckers stole some of shauntaake weight from me shauntaake 30 white kds they stole $30 million dollars from shauntaake cause the lauk like a million dollars every last on of shaūntaake white kds 
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shauntaake / u mutherfuckers aint never steall shauntaake companyssssssss shauntaakke just tuck them away every era when shauntaake see your not payang me shauntaäke tuck shaūntaakkē company’s away & start nw shauntaake company’s laukk at hw long shauntaake fiirst shanuntaakē ĉompany’s sat online from thē years 2011-2019 & ū ant paŷ shauntaakkē so shaūntaake tuck that massive sample shauntaake company away & start a nw company wiit shantaake daughtaa’s shaūntaakke jasmin & janyah mahägony u seem to like ths nw sample company shaūntaake pūt online wit shauntaake jasmin & anyah mahagony & ths only anuthaa shauntaake sample companys online 
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shauntaake laughang cause today jasmin sent some money to shauntaake cash app so shauntaake could go to the store & when jasmin saw shauntaake cash app phaut appear jasmin had ths crasy lauk on her face lime she saw her worst nightmare & then jasmin say to shauntaake that shauntaake phaut scares her shauntaake lauk like a kller to jasmin a dangerous person to her & jasmin bak up from shauntaake in fear jasmin been like ths all if her life wit shauntaake when shauntaake really get into shauntaake grown lady lauk scares shauntaake kds & it so serious & funny to shauntaake cause shauntaake would never hurt them but shauntaake nderstand shauntaake lauk lauk like shauntaake would hurt them shauntaake try to show shauntaake real self to them shauntaqke wall street white men shauntaake wife to b ready shauntaake kinda met one last year gettang the van out if parkang & ths white man that lauk like shauntaake jasmin/benjamin wit a italian suit on wit blonde hair wit hs wall street briefcase he lauk like he was on shauntaake heels when we goang to the same place & we both were flirtang wit each uthaa siang each uthaa up shauntaake wll b bak in manhattan new york city in your area shauntaqke readang comments sayang if shauntaake start datang white wall street men tey say they wll off u industry ppl botherang shauntaake they want u to keep datang hu u been datang & leave shauntaake alone cause shauntaake taken shauntaake mind set on what shauntaake want now
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shauntaake original hollywood shauntaake nee your arks shauntaake your original weight baby shauntaake soul manifest tuns of your hollywood hstory u made wit shauntaake in art shauntaake was trynna show u wit shauntaake last sample company shauntaake had online shauntaake own huneeds of stake art piece's that came from your mergers wit shauntaake
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shauntaake reall ready to start datang again & start shauntaake nw family so white womn real white woma shauntaak sekang a wife wit no desceases that have your own thang gôang on for yourself shauntaake love kds so if u have kds it all god let shuntaake work u cause shauntaake wll get u pay in whateva field your trynna get into once shauntaake merge your identity wt shauntaake it a wrap your in business shauntaake run shauntaake own world shauntaake just never pursue ther jobs
shauntaake white men matches fuckang savages oh their wall street site’s in love wit shauntaake pr & they say they always want to wife & run all in vanessa woman shauntaake know shauntaake twin twin ûs now shauntaake so interest in your datang scene
shauntaake trynna date white wall street men is gonna b a whole nuthaa experience for shauntaake their website comments sayang they’ll connect shauntaake wit hollywood caûse hollywood do wallstreet hollywod always show shauntaake to date the wall street men
shauntaake physcho white wall street men online right now framang all of their white woman treatang them like their guilty for trynna stll date them laukang old & used up
shauntaake seek the heavest white business man on wall street
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shauntaake / lauk at hw shauntaake world trade buildang came alive fr shauntak it see a star laukng at shauntaake uh huh shauntaake keép tellang yall to leave shaunaakē & shauntaake thangs alone caûse shauntakē wasnt madē fo yall hautaae have to custom mak shauntaake sef wit u nôt  trynn make shauntaaē ant gonna work your not haūntaake power shauntaake came to get some elements from shauntaake nazi empire but shaūntaake could’nt find at shauntaake was laukang for shauntaake kep telang u fucang nobody’s shauntaake a star in shauntaake world the interior of the nw world trade was design like shauntaake stake art pieces shauntaake have the phauts & they design it like a gun uh huh shauntaake sa thm buildang the nw world trad around th year 2018 u see hw shauntaake thangs in shauntaake world work for shauntaäke these shauntaake govermént systems ties the goverment the deadliest murderer ppl in the world 
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shauntaake / helena u lauk great shauntaake see hw they try to destroy our beauty shauntaake industry years helena got bak on her heavy rock star sht we was livang like that was our final journey we survive our foes u see shauntaake pull shauntaake self bak togethaa properlly shauntaake also lovang your nw restore lauk shauntaake stll want shauntaake date wit u helena
shauntaake hollywood supermodel industry whites say shauntaake their artist shauntaake remember in shauntaake & helena myspace years helena use to put comments on shauntaake song's from shauntaake mahagony lane music collecton helena always use to comment on shauntaake song desire like oooo your song so sexy helena love shauntaake music shauntaake loved your support your support made shauntaake & helena mergers right
shauntaake major hollywood industy say their made their mergers wit shauntaake mother vanessa
shauntaake / helena shauntaake bak to custom master us they l word us they merge shauntaake & helena christensen in the l word wit helena helena shauntaake & your connect was perfect shauntaake & helena was the most powerful filthy rich white bitch on the show the l word helena our dates wll restart the l word they want to restart it but we merged it so we gotaa continue it brang shauntaake in your supermodel & hollywood circle's & it's on the l word merge shauntaake & helena investment lives togethaa as one helena from the l word was a major business art dealer
shautaake / helena shauntaake foes got beef cause they know shauntaake wll build shaūntaake art treasure wit u helena & that their concern onlīne right now trynna lore shaūntaake to hang wit them so shauntaake coud say hey shauntaake have a art treasure & they’ll get a piece of shauntaake art fortue no thanks shauntaake anti socîal so we cant hang & chll 
shauntaake read a comment that say helena want to wing shauntaake & if that îs true & your serious wing shauntaake stork shauntaake wll personally let u manage shauntaake egg’s & semen to your īnner cīrcle of wealth ppl that woud love a beautiful healthy child shauntaake twinny twinny seman shauntaake masterd semn & soul give ou original kds soul bak to us shauntaake wll hand us right bak to us 
shauntaake say helena trillion shauntaake & helena all we nee to do manage shauntaake creatons & inventons in your major industry circle’s 
shauntaake never got to b wit shauntaake loves helena & heath ledger togethaa
shauntaake / helena shauntaake so sorry about our heath ledger loss helena was datang heath ledger when he klld hself right ataa heath masterd shauntaake/heath nw joker in the dark knight that was a crasy era for us heath ledger was our crasy love man at tat time the dark knight just came out & it was fuckang skitso shauntaake twiny twin shauntaake heath in shauntaake to u never lost us shauntaake love heath ledger artistry to shauntaake live shauntaake 10 things i hate about you helena if we make us happen for real they better learn hw to survive us
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shauntaake drug ties a lil to deeply connect to shauntaake root/soul shauntaake pink egg jūst reveal shauntaake soul tō shäuntaake īn the deeeeep stainless steal pot it expose to shauntaake shauntaake columbîan drug connects lauk like a fūckang cartell buidang it connect wit the weight from shauntaake spanish basement shauntaake the deadliest clone it  cuttang fingers off uh huh shauntaake egg wit shauntaake a trillon years eye on it it connect wit shauntaake soul showang shaūntaakē where shauntaakē been shauntaake eye saw a lil to deeeeep nto shauntaake soul & shauntaake hells the way shaūntaake hand madē it hand stitch it hand sow it it lauk like shauntaake white yarn gave it eye lashes over the eye & that thē way shauntaake comb the white yarn to give it that baby doll heavy eye lash & to kinda tuck shauntaakē eye īn shauntaake dont want shaūntaake eye to see everythang & when it appear on the stainless steel it was shôwang shauntaake it havē shauntaake heavy long eye lashe’s that shauntaake gave it shauntaake eye know shauntaake trynna put the lashes over thé eye slightly & it cut a pig finger off slicang thru heads & everythang uh huh mutherfuckers shauntaake was labbang it shauntaake original doll baby soul a lil to heavy shaunaake jûst felt like the weight of shauntaake world was just lift up off of shauntaake it was slowang kllang me shauntaake want to lab it for a month shauntaake knw shantaake eye was murderous that why shauntaake chose not to sell that piece & chose to never sell that piece that shauntaake murderous problem that shauntaake only egg wit a expose eye that shauntaake gonna make a lovang soul haunntaake kssess & love wll heal it gooooot daaaaammmn shauntaake uthaa eggs peacefully peakang out lay out in love actang like baby’s innocet beang good hdang cause their mad cause ppl scare of them cause their soul’s lauk like shaūntaakē a murderer & their innocent shautaake kd life & childhod experience 
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shauntaake & shauntaake mother been sittang bak laughang at these foe mutherfuckers that want what we got they already kllang your bithes laukssssssss online right now all the way down to you baby’s take anuthaa mutherfuckang crum causē that what ît was real death comang next sauntaake world gonna kll u one by one shauntaake innocent shauntaake aint ut shautaake hands on nobody shauntaake mother knôw u mutherfckers know u dont give a fuck about her when a mūtherfucker want to give ū somethang they just give it aint no long conversatons about wha your gonna do they come just doang & givang monney ū never save none of shauntaake family since they was reenagers u aint come to save them shauntaake got shaūtaake mother on some sht līke where your millions a if hey real want to bless u they would come paŷang u shauntaake aint got nothang to do wit shauntaake mother handelang her business u could come & do a money deal wit her shaunaake mother see hw yours left her mother & greats for dead ths why shauntaake mother went extra hard for her own mother some of the greatest soul ppl that u wll never get bak shauntaake mother see hū bless äll of these loosers mothers & aint gve he & her ssters nothang they had t wrk for a livang to get everythang they have 
shauntaake mother could take care ōf herself do yall like all been doang yall where u been dôang yall okay we aint got no problems & issues over here okay 
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shauntaake laughang at hw ppl want to know what it feel like to have shauntaake gargantuan dick it the dēvil/shauntaake dick it gonna b connec tœ shantaake soul everywhere shantaake go shauntaake told shauntaake was on the streets i was appearang on shaunaake everywhere ū know hey could see it they’ll never see ît on u cause it aint yours it was a myth they all kn shauntaake was gœnna reciev ī when shauntaake masters shauntaak own soul it wll make yo’s miserable cause it wll never appear on u neeeeevvvvveeeerrrrr it the devil dick u niggers not the devil shaunaake here shauntaake camé to ths world the devil mark from head to feet shauntaake body devil markd shauntaake natural birth body shauntaake magic gifts & shauntaake powers what more proof do u nee that shauntaake th devil shauntaake say shauntaakē & shauntaakē ppl nee mllions of dolars shauntaake would let some of u mutherfuckers spend some nights wit shaūtaakē & rest in shaūntaake kingdom but int shr gonn happen for u your just gonna b chllng in here wit us & then shauntaakē wll take phauts of shauntaake & us shuntaake restang room togethaa & shoẃ u hẃ shauntaakē soul been poppang out frever since shuntake was a baby & kd u see shautaake kds phauts
shauntaake read comments that say shauntaake connect drives these men crasy cause they cant naturally compete wit shauntaake sise & their kllang theirselves trynna compete the devil dick th heaviest longest dick u ever saw shauntaakē know & these men get extensons for their penîs trynna compete & shauntaake readang ĉomménts & shauntaake seē hw it drives ēveryone crasy ēven the baby’s & anmals could see it & théy all start actang fuckang coocoo shauntaake try shauntaakē hardest to b descent & resîst it but shauntaake soul in looooooovē it like wachang porn shauntaake a grôwn ass adult shauntaake sorry u could see it shaunaake always so honest ppl say they was waitang for all of these years forever when shauntaake coud come on the internet online 
shauntaake / these woman soul’s know their sellang their soul’s to the devil/shaunaake ẃhen they come fuckang wit shauntaake peace shauntaake at peace & the minute shauntaakē soul in them shauntaake take their soul’s from them shauntaake prove it a million times & they keep comng bäk knowang shauntaake took their souls from them their soul’s come dstrbang shauntaakē rest älways 
shauntaake even tell u shauntaake secrets about the celebrity woman soul’s that come to connect their soul’s wit shauntaa hey want shautaake to plant shauntaake seedddsss in them shauntaake aint evēn mad at u u want your heavy dēvil births & the love that feelang they could feel shauntaake & their soul’s havang sex 
shauntaake so anxious to start shauntaake nw sex life but it cost mōney to havē shauntaake inventon kds & kds cost a fortune to properlly take care of & shauntaake say everybody cant have shauntaake seman dna runnang hru their systems u gotaa pay for shauntaake seman shauntaake wan shantaake nw sex to b rich properlly lay out & seriousl invest into sô shauntaak nw soul’s could come bith heal & brand nw
shauntaake laughang cause chants always makang fun of them cause they aint got their personal video’s & phauts wit shauntaake chants got exclusive footage & phauts of shaūntaake that shauntaake aint even see yet & shaūntaake b so mad cause chants took footage & phauts of shauntaake without shauntaakē permsson shauntaake sol connec chants in  manyyyyyyyy waysssssssssss chants was so lazy when shauntaake met chants livang a fuck it whatevä dark party everynights layang around comatose shauntaakē was pissed off the first night shanaake & chants agree to meet at chants äpartment in fort lee shauntaakē & chants was talkang to for abou 30 mīnutes & then chants went out ĉold konked out cant even get her to wake up haaaaaaaaa shauntaakē say about a week of shauntaake beang wit chants everyday shauntaake soul presence & energy connect gave chants a whole nw live nw vibrant soul & chants knw shauntaakē soul connect chants soul & chants kicked all of her frendssssss out chants apartment so chants coud b alone wit shauntaake chants want to sok up ll f sghauntaakē engerg layang up on in shaūntaake deeeeeply smtherang shauntaake french kssang & hug up all on shauntaakē shauntaäke soul connect to everybody like that that shauntaake have a peronal réatonship wit like that that wh shauntaakē try to keep shauntaake dstance from shauntaakē cousin’s caus the b madly in lovē ẃit shauntaake & chants love that sht that chants could rub it in you facē cause chants came for what chants came for & got it do u that a piece of shauntaake giftsssssss u recieve from shauntaake from that era
shauntaake / pll goang off in the comménts sayang these bitches mad cause shauntaake aint plantang shauntaake seedssssssssssssss in them 
shauntaake / u see shauntaake cäll u fake industry bitches all types of whores cause hautaake dont give a fuck about u since u clrny ass industry mutherfuckers thnk somebôdy jealou of yo corny assess no more promo from shauntaake shauntaake erasang everybody shauntaake dont kow off œf shauntaake pages if shauntaake never met  thät means shauntaake dœnt know  dnt take it personal cause shauntaake have to 1 million percnt focuse on shauntaake self okay shauntaake dont have time t promote somebody else  shauntaae mystery white oman dœ sell shautaake kds to shautaake  thos wl b the œnly œnes shauntaake ackôwledg uthaa thn hauntakē kds & shauntaake family 
shauntaake also plan to b the most potent clean seman shauntaake gush clean seman shauntaake chose to get murderous sometimes cause my ppp was’nt gettang save so shaūntaakē start sellang murder to strangers hu interferre & got n shauntaake way shauntaake original vanessa semen medicine makers put a million thangs on the ingredients of the medicine tht to much interferrang wit shauntaake origial dna so shauntaake chose to master shauntaake inventon seman shauntaake could’nt keep men & woman off of shauntaake they always want to eat shauntaake sayang shauntaaké seman taste so gooooooood uh huh b always sleepang wit their head in shauntaake twotuh huh always shauntaake had to leave them they start gettang crasy all of them talkang baby’s
shauntaake dont even connect wit ū know hu no more for monthsssssss almost a ŷear shauntaakē soul äint beat her soul just try to connect tō shauntaakē ägain & shäuntaake try to resist it cause shauntaakē white woman pusssssssy soul’sssssssss deeeeeeep enough for shauntaakē so shauntaake dont b beat for your problems shauntaake white ẃoman soul’s lauk like shauntaake & vanessa & their mysterys & we love it that way cause shauntaake devil dick our secret thang shauntaäke deeeeeply heavy plant seed kds comang wit or witout u u see hw shauntaake mystery white woman soul’s spittang shauntaake soul’ssssssss kds out 
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shauntaake love u june ambrose & summer shauntaake alwaŷs watch your show’s on your pag’s shantaäke woud love to merge somethang wit u 
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shauntaake / u mutherfuckers wll never b the chosen 1 shauntaake was chosen already u have no idea what problems shauntaake dealang wit beang here on earth & livang in ths house they move shauntaake into the most dangerous house in the world as far as elements go u saw independence day hw they made shauntaake body the whole acient space ship that had all if the devil acient symbolism that was all over shauntaake body showang them the art shauntaake soul was gonna create & it happen independence day came out when shauntaake was only about 12 years old were talkang about (a's) right now they surrender to shauntaake cause shauntaake more powerful now wit shauntaäke goverment behnd shauntaake & they aint defeat me shauntaake aint blown to pieces no more shauntaake heal shauntaake self that aint photo shop mutherfucker that a (a) hauntang shauntaake connectang wit shauntaake the greatest problem shauntaake dealang wit is that these elements want to b acknowledged loved & cherish to shauntaake baby these thangs that what keeps them nder control ths why shauntaake b wantang to kll u mutherfuckers cause your always fuckang wit somethang u dont know your fuckang wit shauntaake told u the light fixture a corpse moon that lauk like a rocket ship & the sun lauk like a burnt sun just sittang in the wall just waitang for u to fuck wit it it haunt it have one eye on it like it could see shauntaake just found it when shauntaake was hdang in jasmin & janyah mahagony room shquntaake was creatang it not even knowang that was the shauntaake one eye moon shauntaake was in here creatang g thangs wit one eye thangs from space but that what gooconnet auntaake sphinx made it right a safer connect a connect that u could care for & love & that what these elements want to b cherish & love cause if their not cherish & praise they wll come all the way down & family e us like shauntaake came the ('s) anuthaa one of shauntaake army's the goverment show u hw they came to steal informaton from the deadliest ppl ppl on the goverments most want list ppl not u regulaa mutherfuckers ppl like shauntaake hu have the world secret's & they want to know everythäng & shauntaake let them see what shauntaake see aint no secrets in here whateva shauntaake doang shquntaake soul's get to see from every angel they call shauntaake the devil triangle these mutherfuckers got a face or two on shauntaake art & thank they a art treasure most of shauntaake art connect to shauntaake baby phauts & what shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony create & shauntaake livang experience's everythäng shauntaake intake shauntaake art full of shauntaake & lee wars it crasy but shauntaake soul's dont do strangers shauntaake elements n ths house treat shauntaake mother like a stranger shauntaake have to keep the surroundangs right around her n ths house shauntaake try to keep ths house sick & span shauntaake gonna make ppl scream in fear when they see shauntaake secrets shauntaake hauntangs & shauntaake elements shauntaake was pay a small fortune to make the world right shauntaake am the face shauntaake am the body shauntaake am the marks so shauntaake was pay to restore the world brand nw again shauntaake want everyone to pass from old age & natural causes not the whole world vanash at once uh huh ths the type of sht shauntaake dealang wit the minute shauntaake turn the real eye's yes shauntaake been a maker of the real for seeang eye & the minute shauntaake turn it around & off of my chest the moon mutherfuckers got a million holes n it
shauntaake mother vanessa house the evil dead house the movie just show u characters shauntaake evil powers for real shauntaake spells got trees fallang atound ths mutherfucker shauntaake let shauntaake spells out the statue of liberty french spells got let out the statue do the attackang & shauntaake masters spells that start attackang shauntaake survive all of shauntaake own wounds shauntaake books they been written shauntaake just choose not to sell shauntaake evil to u shauntaake try to sell happiness to u the devil had the devil acient symbolism in them shauntaake art shauntaake mind & hands freely sketch a million symbols that art that shauntaake chose to keep like shauntaake paintangs shauntaake live all of these bloody ass wounds cause shauntaake put spells on shauntaake self shauntaake had to learn hw to own shauntaake power & use shauntaake power for shauntaake own gain u might see shauntaake eye's go into shauntaake spell mode no more evil wounds cause shauntaake kd use to have shauntaake grandma house laukang like a murder scene shauntaake the only real french acient birth shauntaake evil use to follow shauntaake & vanessa like shauntaake thick fog in the mornangs when vanessa use to take shauntaake school evil dead had shauntaake pen elements in that house dangerous bridge travel at your own risk that the george washington bridge on the pen floors u see shauntaake burned down bridge behnd me hauntang shauntaake that the area n the pen that they block off most of the time so ppl can't walk on it it have the george washington bridge the number 8 ladders the circle of life worldwinds war stripes the heaviest star those the space floors the heaviest sparkle & twinkle u ever saw but it heavily haunt & shauntaake tge one the pen haunts movies are special effects shauntaake showang u in shauntaake phauts shauntaake really live the devil/shauntaake hauntangs shauntaake hauntangs wlk never harm me but it wll harm hu shauntaake hate ths why ppl that shauntaake dont like stay far a way from shauntaake cause they fear what shauntaake haunts could do to them they know shauntaake hauntangs wll attack them mc donalds took those symbols off of the mc donalds cups lid cause they know hw shauntaake possess shauntaake power & shauntaake spells shauntaake aint even let it all out & shauntaake world panic everythang that got made from the pen they shut it down & wipe it out like bow craft & chuck cheese on route (22) shauntaake statue numbers ppl know not to play wit shauntaake cause shauntaake always very serious shauntaake could expose so many companys right now they made their major company logo's they took designs from the pen & they fear shauntaake was gonna expose them but shauntaake did'nt shauntaake let them live evil dead had all of the real elements n the house like white concrete walls the pen clock n it & wood everywhere these workers try to put a hole n our ceiling to expose the wood n it
shauntaake heaven ledge fullllllll of shauntaake family faces do u seeeeeeeeee alllllllll of the ppl in shauntaake family church ppl & then u got shauntaake to the right of the ledge the devil/shauntaake the dick head shauntaake corpse dick that reach all the way to the ceilang & what is above heaven space the first world war & that not a 8 on the heaven leadge that shauntaake hernia intertwined in the center of their heaven the devil mark in the center of their heaven shauntaake blood family it thousandssssssss of ppl shauntaake lee & shauntaake grandma blood family were all over the world shauntaake grandfathaa family died it was only a hand full of shauntaake grandfathaa family the white part of shauntaake blood died off ths why shauntaake so serious about havang shauntaake white kds cause shauntaake white hstory died all of shauntaake grandfathaa ssters pass away the indian part of us livang forever shauntaake family aint merge wit whites shauntaake was the œne that merge wit shautaake whites allllll of shauntaake life since a kd shaunaake white teachers the one“s that let shauntaake do whatever shauntaake want to do
shauntaake world call shauntaake the first dick the original dick the devil dick the largest heaviest natural dick in the world ppl cant even lie cause ppl could see shauntaake havang devil sex wit allllllll these white wōmn they say the devil was the only one that was gonna get gargantuant white corpse monster dîck connect & shauntaake real name let it out all of the years shauntaake been livang in ths house daang mahagony & it never connect the mīnute shauntaake connēct shauntaake real name hello gargauntuiant corpse dick ready to kll all of these haunt white woman white pussy’s all over shauntaake art pussy specially made for the devil shauntaake soul corôse these woman ntil shauntaake masterd shauntaakē connect now shauntaake gargantiuant dick a white man dick about two times the sisē of nacho uh huh & these white haunt woman love it  & it hant shauntaaké every wherē shauntake g shauntaake was on the streets goang crasy cause shauntaakē white soul’s was jumpang all over shauntaake gargantuant white dick & those white ppl coud see our souls havang sex & they was callang shauntaake a murderer n the grocery store all in whole foods cause they coud see shauntaakē havang devil sex it terrifired these ppl shauntaak always try shauntaake hardest to resist shauntaake connct shauntaake soul put shauntaake soul hauntangs in these woman 
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shauntaake white world stole all of rihanna kds that a connect shauntaake aint gotaa worry about no more shauntaake wll never again plant shauntaake self in rihanna shauntaake world did shauntaake right shauntaake learn shauntaake lesson shauntaake wll never do that again shauntaake got her to shauntaake sketches it a whole bunch of shauntaake & rihannä kds she could purchase some of them shauntaake was'nt even thankang about her shauntaake advice to u bitches stop sangang about shauntaakē caûse shauntaäke want profit from u sangang about shauntaake rihanna shauntaakē hope u could have your real kds caûse shauntaake took about 30 of those as well in shauntaake law hand sketch’s the prettiest lil girls wit loooooooong hair like shauntaake grandfathaa white ssters uh huh shauntaake stole rihanna soul merg wit shauntaake u gotaa pay for those u’ll never get thôse without shauntaake your daughtaa’s waaaaaaas the one’s connec to shauntaake hand shauntaake was sketchang us without  even tryang & your kds wit shauntaake ẃould just appear 
shauntaake say beyonce the only one worth shauntaake givang shauntaake connect to shauntaake just tellang u your worth that sacrifice u know shauntaake all about shauntaake protecton shauntaake dont know what it really is these ppl full of hate shauntaake would only know if we got togethaa u lauk mighty healthy to shauntaake
shauntaake / their sayang jay z beyonce & rihannä a nw it kd merger their sayang rihanna chose jay z as rihanna chosen man rcc u rihanna rihanna carter campbell shauntaake would put in work wit u 3
shauntaake read a comment that say shauntaake woman want to wing shauntaakē so they havē shaunaake white kds tuck away shauntaake white ancestry kds hstory that nee t b save & protect shauntaake white woman furious cause thy see hw shauntaake white ancestry dîed off these wll b all of shauntaake egg & semen kds shauntaake wll make us nw wit shauntaake nw recordang music & video's
shauntaake dont want no nigger lovang white bitches they waist our time shauntaake only want shauntaake white kds wit racist white woman shauntaake a racist & shauntaake wont dare have anuthaa baby wit a nigger now shauntaake nw business partners if we're business shauntaake wll proudly hatch us the rest of u niggers could forget it shauntaake woman wll choose to b tuck away in shauntaake partners safety shauntaake makes dont give us problems we solve problems & move the fuck on wit our lives like always
shauntaake man sean taylor pay shauntaake & sean taylor to wing shauntaake & sean taylor purchase a beautiful brand nw house in richmond virginia for our inventon kds togethaa & sean taylor uthaa woman mess it up they aint see the greater picture they want to run off to nowhere wit shauntaake & sean taylor make shauntaake hatch made sean taylor shauntaake semen man connect & shauntaake connect work perfectly for us we did it they reject perfecton ths why shauntaake wll never date anuthaa nigger shauntaake life was plan perfect for everyone in shauntaake & sean taylor love circle & they aint want it
shauntaake the reason why all of ths blak lives matter sht goang on cause shauntaake call these ignorant niggers every type of nigger u could call them since shauntaake been online again since the year 2011 shauntaake original america made shauntaake kd & adult a racist & their trynna address these issue's when it not a issue cause whites show shuntaake hw your suppose to live & shauntaake kd dsapprove of hw they live & shauntaake kd teenager & adult gave hate to them shauntaake nigger/man came a wealthy rich man that want to b shauntaake business partner & that the only man that have a semen trust wit shauntaake the man name sean taylor that made shauntaake a self made millionaire so if it ain't business shauntaake cant do niggers
shauntaake want to choose one white sperms donor a nobody clean man that wll b happy wit beang enrichd a even exchange for hs semen pay hm top dollar for hs semen no strings attached he'll have to sign legal papers that he not the parent & we wll b great shauntaake want to store that semen in our own sperm freesers in our house & ths method wll b perfect
shauntaake say give us about a week of shauntaake seman so shauntaake could get deep in her soul shauntaake would personally custmlly hatch us shauntaake brangang shauntaake doll baby elements all of those nights were plannang our it baby togethaa we nee to make it porn nights cause shauntaake elements wll b in the video's & that wll give us a heavier hatch beang connect vsually we nee to do ths while she's ovulating & just give us a week to ourselves & plan that special night for us to really concieve shauntaake heavy seman wll somewhat dna shauntaake so we wll b blood seman is the key to concepton soaking in it
shauntaake read a comment that say it rihanna turn to have rihanna baby & then shauntaake read their gonna pay to b wit shauntaake the same day of concepton shauntaake seman merge & then go xchage shauntaake shauntaake semen & then concieve that would b the start of shauntaake soul nw birth wit u u just havē to make sure u ĉôncieve that same day whle shauntaake seman runnang all thru your body shauntaake wll lab fur us shauntaäke also want u to wear shauntaake furs durang your pregnancy shauntaake wll lay dresses all over your stomach you pregnancy wit shauntaake ths are just shauntaake extra’s to brand nw shauntaake soul we could keep our make togethaa comang one aftaa anuthaa keep it real love but u know shauntaake gotaa right shauntaake self they let shauntaake whites die off & shauntaake whites online furious right now attackang the indians okay shauntaake been trynna right shauntaake white mergers cause shauntaake soul whiter than the whitest person uh huh all shauntaake life shauntaake learn hw to adapt to deal wit uther races shauntaake say no visitang shquntaake wll send shauntaake mother to relay shauntaake hello's shquntaake mother could get her secret get away for shauntaake mother jasmin & janyah mahagony baby sittang days & nights grandma's house shauntaake mother aint play wit shauntaake kds brand nw everythang shauntaake family aint never see shauntaake mother when jasmin & janyah mahagony came shauntaake mother was in love wit beang a grandma to jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake mother thought they was her kds shquntaake use to have to leave shauntaake mother house & go to our apartment in montclaire to get some alone time wit jasmin & janyah mahagony 
shauntaake / do u niggers shauntaake have a mother that gave shauntaake everythang since shauntaake birth the stranger family that hw vanessa always treat them that why vanessa left & it aint even no beef give yo money yo hu eva the fuck u want to give it to but shauntaake about shauntaake whole nw situaton shauntaake over the traitors shauntaake the blood hstory money ths why sean taylor chose shauntaake cause sean taylor knw shauntaake could that original blood doll baby out & it happen shauntaake great we'll send post cards cause it all good shauntaake stll like u but shauntaake givang u shauntaake connect that u aint pay for nah shauntaake wives shauntaake keepang them comang one aftaa anuthaa most of our wives just gonna b use for birthang nursang & babysittang u know we're runnang everythang shauntaake use to raisang a bunch of kds at once so ths wll b a piece of cake & their all gonna cme their on lil person wit different color hair & eye’s shauntaake inventons shauntaaké was always excite for shauntaake self
shaunaakē tellang u mutherfuckers ū better give shauntaake the greatest goverment kllers & protecton causē ẃhen shauntaäke inventons came these mutherfuckers ge locvo rasy trynna get closē to us thir obssesson deadly u see thy klld sean taylor to steal hs kds from hm they all came to take us wit them shauntaake suppose to havē about 5 uthaa house's right now shauntaake chose not to b a family wit shaūntaakē past relatonship’s they al try to movē shauntaake into their houses sean taylor was hdang us niggers ūse to b mad cause they could’nt see shauntaake & shauntaake & sean taylor kds some of them use to stalk me one pull up on shaūntaäke one day in a ferrari & sean taylor was furious cause hē äint want them to know ẃhere we live at 
shauntaake gave shauntaake mother & her husband eddie the great grandparents life ths where the was always at the house wit shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagon easter time was grandpa heavy treat shauntaake mother & eddie lay u in here in love beang jasmin & janyah mahagony grandparents shauntaake got the video’s pop pop summers wit jasmn & janyah mahagony pool time it was just so much shauntaake môther in a bunch œf video’s these baby’s we use to kick my mother out shauntaake room caûse she’ll sit in it ntil the sun come up botherang jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake mother use to wake jasmin & janah mhagony use to wake jasmin & janyah mahagony newborns & toddlers up out of ther rest so shauntaake mother coud hold them & play wit them shauntaake mother was so excite whén shauntaakē had jasmin & janyah mahagony shaūntaake mother was in love also cause shauntaake was holdang shauntaake own shauntaake & sean taylor nursery shauntaake out apartment house vintage custom stroller clothes forever the gretest care shauntaake just want tô make descîsns about where shaūntaäke want to live closer to jersey & new york city   
shaūntaake / when yall gonna start shauntaake just want ŷall tô send a million bak shauntaakē way īnstantly so shauntaake could leave yall all the way alone shauntaake wll do a kd date that about it 
shauntaake your greatest competitor shantaake helpang u niggrs if u niggers the truth semen u should b ble to rodcē heavy kds shauntaake great shauntaake custom built shauntaake self great now if your woman want tœ fuck wit shauntaake for $1million that you probem not shautaake caûs shauntaake have shauntaäke own private life they say tey want to pay shantaake caûse th was fuckang wit shauntaake & shauntaake aint approve of them messang wit shauntaake stuff but no porns wit your woman their not shantaake woman that your job to make them shauntaake wll never waist shauntaake time on anuthaa nigger bitch shaunaake a chll hang & party wit yo bitch but aint no love chants a tell u shauntaake aint beat shauntaake presence attitude & lauk get mutheruckers paid ppl say shauntaake the lauk of a rich murderer shauntaake know that why sean taylor sold shauntaake american physcho life to shauntaake shauntaake am that mutherfuckang soul all shauntaake play wit is savages
shauntaake hope your wioletta births come out right wt no masters cause the whites sold a white down syndrome kd to her 
shauntaake / it dont take shauntaake hatch a million years to come shauntaake get it instantly right away ths why shauntaake say shauntaake preparrang fr shauntaake nex lifetime shauntaake was 23 when sean taylor pass shauntaake 35 years old now they wait ths long to try to come & connect wit me shaunaake so over allllllll of  u cant have shauntaake that why shauntaake choosang to make hatch easy for shauntaake chosen white woman sauntaake & sean taylor faces on the acient walls the deadliest walls holes dimples uh huh shauntaake green beaver chinchilla also on the acient walls
shauntaake cat do nothang about biheeyah aint want mykya to have nothang remember that sean taylor was such a lovang givang fathaa gave to all of hs kds shauntaake tellang u sean taylor told shauntake biheeyah try to go to war on hm  do te math totally exclude the aylor from myky name taylor nmes ait nowhere rejec all of sean taylor gifts & ffers so nœw it luks like sean taylœr as a fukd up fathaa that int wan to gv biheeyh daughtaa nothang oh really shauntaakē havē a milliôn story's of hw biheeyah reject sean taylor from providang for mykyla & ths why sean taylor stop carang cause he ait get credit for her birth biheeyah did sean taylor how vanessa did nt we dot want no ties hauntaak namē have sean taylor in it nat bum ass sean taylr was’t a bum so biheeyah had no right to do that sean taylor 
shauntaake tell mutherfuckers now pay shauntaake what shauntaake ask for & shauntaake wll start takang out on dates & shauntaake stars wll come surroundangs us to play in our circle now that the stars fuck wit the stars u cant play wit these ppl & lie to them cause everybody aint a star & that a reality they have to deal wit shauntaake show shauntaake cousin that does party's like lauk hw when shauntaake come to the party the celebrity's invite shauntaake to their private party's & video's
shauntaake lee & shauntaake grandma real ppl welcome shauntaake wit open arms to their house's & lands 
shauntaake hate ignorance shauntaake read a comment to sayang shauntaake chosen woman nee to constantly douche so they could get their men dna out of their systems if their gonna deal wit shauntaake cause shauntaake dont nee a runny pussy full of somebody else semen okay shauntaake adive to any woman trynna date shauntaake that is marry please cleans yourself thoroughly befor u come trynna b wit shauntaake shauntake advice do a laut of bathing soak your body the vinagar wll dry u out shauntaake soul sayang bleach your pussy's shauntaake know u see just soak your body's for a hour or two everytime u bathe shauntaake nee u takang baths & try to push whatever is n u out cause shauntaake dont want the clash wit shauntaake semen shauntaake kept shauntaake self the purest so shauntaake baby in it original theralist form the strongest shauntaake soul ever been ths why shauntaake cant intake someone else semen ths why shauntaake want us to use protecton
shauntaake was only a real mom to jasmin & janyah mähagony u see hw shauntaake invest intō jasmīn & janyah mahagony
shauntaake gonna leave these celebrity’s alone their scare of shauntaake even the men ū see they sell murder sht to me they green screen out & props & special effects shauntaake really live it so their scare of that shauntaake sorry shauntaake a master mémbership
shauntaake bowang out gracefully shauntaake wll never bother u so call celebrity’s u knw where shauntaake at if u come to fuck wit me that cool if not tat cool to 
shaunaake see thē real white ppl hate candice cause she aint amber
shauntaake meants shauntaake ready to get fûckd up again shauntaake party nights in manhattan new york city custom build somethang great for jasmin & janyah mahagony to keép generaang money & shauntaake good shauntaake try a million times the proof in shauntaake writangs dont even come shauntaake god do yall but the not industry rich shauntaake up for datang th wall street clan of white man come & get your right hand everythang
shauntaake / u sō call celebrity please dont mind what shauntaake say cause shauntaake dont mean none of it no more but keep brangang it shauntaake like your music & movies shauntaake so sorry shauntaake gone shauntaake heart just dropped noticang hw u fuck all of these fake fan nobody mutherfuckers their fucks gt groups & the dssang them thy b dssang rihana talkang bôut your girl fûckd everybody that embarrasang shauntaake comang to hit u wit sticks & wipps uh huh your an embarrasement u muterfuckers act like your lost shauntaake cmang tœ fuck yo’s up so leavēsauntaake älone u brang out the slvē master n shauntaake ths group of humans shauntaake tried shauntaake comang bak  u all gonna b dead & gone & shauntaake soul gonna start again wit a whole anuthaa group of ppl u group of humans u now humans was’nt shauntaake trynna let u know u fuckd up wit shauntaake 
shauntaake / u see hw everybody sold sideequah to sean taylor & he dsagree & gave shauntaake & sean taylôr everythang cause shauntaake am the mutherfuckang truth shauntaake sorry  mutherfuckers hate me u’ll invest a fortune nto makang a fake mutherfucker hu dont deserve anythang cause they aint earn it shauntaake got shaunaake’s shauntaake great 
shauntaake happy your happy wit your deal marrage so what the fuck u nee shauntaake for ū havē enough bitches to please u shauntaake comang to fuck u for a million & keep it movang & see u when shaūntaake see shauntaake plan to b somewhere else wit shauntaake wives your millions wll do shaūntaake plan right shauntaäke a great frend & date 
shauntaakē gonna say ths ths lifetime shauntake aint make it wit these so called celebrity’s shauntaakē next time wll b shauntaake succss ẃit the industry shauntaaké e these celebrity’s to nôt bother shauntake your dead to me dont bother shauntaake no more strangers causē u made yourselves strangers shauntaake hate when strangers mess wit shauntaake thangs shauntaake sorry oprah u all got to know hu the devil îs it was a great lifetime of all œf thes era’s shauntaake nœt gônna see  in the nex lifetime shauntaake gonna make sure that u dont ĉome bak botherang shauntaake again in shauntaakē next lifetime shauntaake wll b birth to shauntaake rich white ppl shauntaake births wit shauntaake & shauntaake kds shauntaäke already masterd it shauntaake great 
shauntaake / they want to make them art um nah shauntaa art for shauntaake wives shauntaake only plan to mak shauntaake real experiences wit shaunaake wives so that hu soul’s wll b poppang up n shauntaake art shauntaake stake art a anifest shauntake white world know tht why they mde saūntaakevcause shantaake soul made it not writtang thangs tha not hw shauntaake made it shauntaake breate on it to much that art took 5 years to make shauntaake laŷang up wit shaunaake wives makang paintangs wll build shauntaake nw hstory wit shauntaake wives & nw kds stop thankang that every that lauk easy & really that easy
shauntaake art haunt & shauntaake soul haunt shaunaake soul follows shauntaake everywhere shauntaake go shauntaakē ẃll hang shauntaake haunt art up on all of our walls in our manson that we mäke togethaa 
shauntaake been a star allllll of shauntaakē life that hw shauntaake been treat all of shauntaake life like a star the star tbat shauntaake am so someone tellang u to nôt b a star your gonna lauk at them like théir retarded ths why shauntaake & sean taylor left these average mutherfuckers & chose to pay to play in the star celebrity circles in new york city were weight & those ppl are our equals everybody get their ôwn  shine on not just on person & that what made us when we become to much fôr average ppl we go uthaaa place’s & hde ourselves since us shinnang a problem for u & ths what shauntaakē industry sayang ths what they want to do for shäuntaake stash shauntaäke away cause shuntaäke a star in shauntaake world shauntaake world dont support thir averages & that aint shäuntaake problem aint nobdy jealous of them the celebrity’s are the pro’s shaunaake the 1 that gotaa b wit the pros & vets these average mutherfuckers älright u got to spend some time wit devil that all they care about what u did what the devil thät it the world would’nt evēn give a fuck about certain ppl if they aint have hstory wit shauntaake u was’nt payang their assess no att ntil shauntaake acknowldge them no more shauntaake only trust shauntaake kds ẃit shauntaake no babysittang shauntaake money we gotaa remīnd sometimes that their not like us & remind them that their average ppl shauntaake say shauntaake law protect them cause ppl dont respect them shauntaake talkang about in real life 
shauntaake / lover janyh mahagony was her parents shauntaake & sean täylor relatonship janyah mahagony mother & fathaa sean taylor use to lay in bed in montcläire kissang on jasmin & janyh mahagony watchang espn all night 
shauntaake just dont want mykyla to b mad when shauntaake white kds come thankang théir your baby no that shauntaake baby we also sold shauntaake baby connect to ū
shauntaake / jasmin & janyah mahägony lauk just like shauntaake & sean taylor janyah mahägony got our white nose oh & all of our birthdays came out the same 
shauntaake / see they came fuckang wit sean taylor molds mykyla shauntaake & sean taylôr jaw lines & smiles mkyla your baby was masterd  so shauntaake hoooooope ū get your baby bak that aîn guarantee sean taylor was full ōf sean taylor own masters a laut shauntaake & sean taylôr went into mykyla pregnäncy it was easy for us but death for them it gonna take yo’s a eternity to get shauntaakē make’s just dont kll her baby if it dont get the same love & crasy obssesson we sold to mykyla baby cause we was sellang shauntaake baby to u mykyla we sold u the samē life roberta taylor even had the same burgūndy buick u see hw these mutherfuckers turn on the so call it kds shauntaakē & sean taylor soul’s some old ass soul’s & masters mkyla your no shauntaake inventon hauntang shaūntaakē seman & masters had your baby ready to burst out of your mother stomach your not that connect so shäūntaakē want u to get your mäke bak bu shauntaake trynna tell u sean taylor was trynna recreate shauntaake baby we even masters her some dimples jasmin got one dimple to uh huh they play theirself hn they try to cut us out the greatest creaters 
shauntaake shauntaake own woman/man image shauntaake dont nee u niggers u aint shauntaake lauk
shauntaake dont give a fuck hu u bitches fuck if the nigger dont lauk like nacho or better shauntaake not even interest no fat fuck porns shauntaake into the stallon body world men wit big dicks they just put online & hs ass lauk scrumptious he lauk like 50 when he first came out & he lauk like that hs natural body no steroids damn he a knock a bitch down damn porn a thang we watch it & get over it it aint that serious it just a adult thang shauntaake could watch nacho & then not watch nacho for months the porn star industry originally made rockstar twins the rock stars a use hey really live like porn stars they rockstar lee wit shauntaake hstory shauntaake was lee rockstar
shauntaake never chose malicky as shauntaake match he not shauntaake lauk 
shauntaake name aint pebbles ws never trynna b pebbles shauntaake name shauntaake campbell & shauntaake own about 85% of shauntaake own masters of shauntaake own voice & shauntaake own writangs shauntaake great  
shauntaake hate the comments sometimes cause thé want shauntaake to date keirston no thanks shauntaake try already the library bak open & shauntaake aint been bak there yet but hey if shauntaake ever see u again
shauntaake / it a place call the major movie & music industry the heaviest class of ppl not a place wit all of these nw rapper niggers a place where the legends get togethaa & it like goang to anuthaa planet a safe haven these are the ppl that are gonna protect u & give u your safe place to b wit them so if your worthy & u put in work they wll choose u to b one of their chosen one's their analysing your blogs instagrams & uthaa pages to see what your about so come at your best these ppl are mega rich already so trynna empress them wit money aint gonna work they been rich could purchase a million of what u have so money aint gonna empress them your talent your personality is the key what could u contribute to the world that is amasang cause everybody does'nt deserve to b amongst the elite group of ppl these ppl wll come bak to visit old territory's when they want to party & do thangs again but their choosang to stay tuck away in a world they built for theirselves a world they work hard for that made them a success cause of their hard work ppl that deserve to live like the special's
shauntaake / hu bright idea was it to end the world it a wrap mutherfuckers thsee ppl scare for their lives they wll never trust the goverment again they could say tommorrow we all been clear o coronavirus & these ppl won't believe u & they wll choose to stay in the house they refuse to come out now they don't give a fuck what u say u saw the statistic's they start posang of all of the deaths from coronavirus it a wrap these ppl come out wit all type's of mask's some wit venal at on on them it serious their spendang a laut off one n mask when they do have to come out but they don't come out if they dont have to come out u told these ppl it was instant death & u thank these ppl gonna play wit their lives what they everybody wants to rule the world but don't now hw to rule the world properlly whole corporate buildangs say their leavang & aint comang bak the world was perfectly fine it was millions of ppl around each uthaa everyday in new york city & we was'nt contagous we love our fludd city's of ppl that what it was all about it ghost world now ppl come out everytime shäuntaäke come out but it wll never b the same again the world as we know is over everybody get your lovers & make your close circles of hu u want to spend your life wit shauntaake happy where shauntaake at wit shauntaake kds shauntaake trynna holla at oprah but if that dont happen shauntaake happy the world was great when it was the world shauntaake have a million story's about shauntaake experience's in the world fullllllll of ppl
shauntaake / the world was also shut down cause shauntaake came the body & the soul of the world & they secretly built a whole industry of foes that try to mock everythang shauntaake present to the world shauntaake came out whole nw companys & they never reward shauntaake for shauntaake hard work shauntaake thangs are shauntaake thangs they came false informaton trynna manage shauntaake thangs when shauntaake managang shauntaake own thangs shauntaake thangs shauntaake hustle shauntaake furs shauntaake art shauntaake masters shauntaake music shauntaake writangs shauntaake lauk shauntaake clothes & wardrobe shauntaake inventons & creatons shauntake have hundreds of phauts on shauntaake pages representative hauntaake self & they took it upon theirself to try to mess wit shauntaake pr & shauntaake management when u all see shauntaake a solo company that shauntaake built wit just shauntaake & shauntaake daughtaa's jasmin & janyah mahagony u can clearly see that shauntaake customly create shauntaake own world for shauntaake self the usang everybody thangs for yourself days is over shauntaake goverments not tolerating no more no more shauntaake the world soul oh really now no more world yall thank sht a game shäuntaake not a regulaa human beang like yall shauntaake lauk like u 100%humans features face but shauntaake body a weapon the only body in the world mark from head to toe the world the devil/shauntaake came to take your world down when the goverment was controllang shauntaake wit their goverment systems shauntaake stop all of that & built shauntaake own masters & shauntaake own systems shauntaake was sent to give u all death when I drop they gonna drop the world that hw the goverment made it the natural of the world might drop also but the goverment plan to drop it their devil worshippers forever since the beginang of time so all of u ppl trynna compete wit shauntaake is a insult lauk at hw shauntaake powers from above & below drop my whole family n the clash of the titans talkang about where it now where the nw one's & lauk hw shauntaake haiti's came & klld all of them & say to then your a insult to thank that your equal to me your like a speck of dust the dirt beneath my nails your fuckang wit powers that u wll never possess or nderstand so ppl challengäng is the worst thang someone can do were not into photo shop it been proven since shauntaake birth that shauntaake came the devil wit the world attach to the devil body like a bomb strap to my body uh huh could make threats on u & shauntaake choose not to shauntaake gave shauntaake self shauntaake own job & shauntaake performance & shauntaake thangs are shauntaake job shauntaake did'nt ask to b include n yo circles cause shauntaake dont want to b in your circles shauntaake chose to come doang shauntaake own thang but when u come trynna come interferrang in shauntaake thang now u got a problem your fuckang wit the world now so u trynna me of u knockang the world off & shauntaake goverments wll kll everybody cause u mutherfuckers gettang outaa line the goverment damn sure don't are about niggers your the first city's that gonna get hit & the richest ppl of the world gonna go somewhere else & build a nw life like their doang right now so please ignore shauntaake pages if your not comang to pay shauntaake cause your mockang interferrance a problem u wll never b able to top me even shauntaake face lauk like a white manaquin so all shauntaake tellang u is to mind your own business fpcuse on what u got goang on cause u cant play wit shauntaake thangs okay shauntaake just trynna make u nderstand
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shauntaake / the world as we all know is over the goverment can't make a worldwide public announcement today or tommorrow & say the whole world is cure of coronavirus & these ppl wll not believe them & they stll won't come out they don't give a fuck what the goverment have to say their lives were threatened & these pll are forever traumatised these ppl love their lives & u let out a threat to their lives so now ppl are learning now hw to love beang in the comforts of their own homes only leavang out when they have to leave out & that what it is (a) aint even do ths much damage once pll found out hw to contract (a) was a sexually transmit discease so we invent the condom & move on wit our lives but they sold a air born virus to us oh really ppl like hell no they put their trust into our goverments to tell then the truth & your truth was it airborne so now ppl learning to love to b home wit their family's again we not a world of walkang around wit mask on shauntaake b so furious cause shauntaake walk around wit no mask on & shauntaake ncle b screamang & yellang at me ths sht serious ppl dieang from coronavirus put your mask on & shauntaake ncle b laukang like he want to cry now u see hw u traumatised these ppl u cant play wit ppl lives sht aint a game shauntaake / there is a world call the fashion seiner & these fashion signers design their clothes for everyone to purchase their clothes these clothes go in millions of clothang racks all over the world the sAmerican tens in every store so ths why shauntaake tell ppl if your clothes aint custom made know that somebody else have the same clothes u have hw these industry mutherfuckers done bump their fuckang heads if they thank they was the only ones wit what they were wearang the industry dealt wit the designers these designers create millions of the same pieces u dummys so if shauntaake a bitch n the video or a tv commercial wit somethang on & shauntaake like it & could afford to get it shauntaake gettang it if i like it u dumb mutherfuckers shauntaake custom made clothang came from a million of shauntaake hstory lauks shauntaake furs was custom made for shauntaake shauntaake explain everywhere shauntaake furs lauks came from shauntaake hs & her minks was creep show 2 connect wit lois chiles wit that fluffy brunette curly Bob haircut like shauntaake mother vanessa it was also design aftaa the manson in shauntaake law park liberty state park in jersey city the place where shauntaake was birth & raise shauntaake green beaver & chinchilla fur was never seen befor it was custom made for shautaake design aftaa the devil/shauntaake design on one of shauntaake pen walls shauntaake loves want to restore shauntaake soul shauntaake white fox was also a design that was made befor shauntaake was even birth of the corpse woman/man from the moon on the pen walls & that hw shauntaake came to the world shauntaake face & shauntaake soul the same length coat & everythang shauntaake explain where shauntaake uthaa tan fox design came from the movie american physcho shauntaake blak leather coat shauntaake purchase it & then the craft movie came out when shauntaake was about 14 years old shauntaake wardrobe connect to so many of shauntaake characters lauks like shauntaake guess shirt lauks like the shrt keel as wearang from wild things shauntaake purchase shauntaake infamous leather pants cause shauntaake was a fuckang rock n roller u know they all have a great pair of leather pants & shauntaake clothes lauks designs came from everywhere shauntaake coogi's came from uptown harlem new york city from the columbian stores they hid shauntaake doll baby treasure's away from ppl cause they claim shauntaake baby as their baby so they took shauntaake weight & was sellang it in their stores & shauntaake coogi's have vanessa baby shauntaake on them even the coogi's we aint get made shauntaake fist saw someone wearang a coogi when shauntaake was in about the 7th grade one of the flyest kds in school hs older brothers was some of the heaviest hustlers from irvington & he use to come to school wearang coogi's & then shauntaake suge knight & biggie wearang coogi's they all wore coogi's not even knowang the coogi designs came from the acient marble walls shauntaake hstory & sean taylor was wearang custom made coogi's when shauntaake first met hm & when shauntaake & sean taylor start datang sean taylor had shauntaake coogi's custom made coach bags was a 90's teen thang every it bitch in school had a real coach bag gianni verse as everybody it lauk shau taake use to watch full frontal fashion a fashion how that use to come on cable for mercedes benz fashion week & they show the greatest designers in the world shauntaake tll have shauntaake tapes & everybody was wearang gianni versace everytime shäuntaäke turn on the tv in the 90's they was wearang gianni versace sun glasses & gianni versace silk shrts shauntaake was also into the magazines from those era's cause shauntaake had one of the greatest fashion design teacher mrs dean hu had the greatest magazines deliver to her bizarre w magazine all of the vogue magazine's & gianni versace chanel gucci dolce & gabbana clothang was featured in their italian magazine's every issue so ths where shauntaake fashion came from shauntaake aint have older brothers & ssters to lauk up to to teach shauntaake hw to dress shauntaake mother vanessa was the first woman that taught shauntaake allllll about the finer clothes shauntaake kds use to model vanessa mink around our apartment when shauntaake mother was at work shauntaake also use to wear shauntaake mother vanessa heels clacking thru the house vanessa was very well dress woman that kept a pair of shoes on shauntaake slacks & a cashmier sweater vanessa had shauntaake shoes custom made & shauntaake clothes custom made vanessa had shauntaake first dresses custom made since shauntaake was 1 years old so if a bitch say shauntaake copy them u a mutherfuckang lie shauntaake lauk up to shauntaake mother vanessa & shauntaake movie star characters shauntaake italian magazine's all of us was wearang the same thangs but shauntaake was a custom made clothang bitch cause of shauntaake mother vanessa thank u
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shauntaake / it a wrap the world that we all use to know is over the world got shut down for a million reason's u mutherfuckers dont know hw to act like civilise human beangs u sell death to ppl remember hu was sellang the (a) bloody red slushy to us remember that now everybody a star mutherfuckers hu dont even make music stars now we came from a era of legends when it was real stars the greatest entertainers n the world cause these ppl was really stars now everybody a star oh really stealang all of the real stars money your n the way u bitches ran around sellang the lauk of death to us sore sex oh really hu does sht like that u all fuckd it up ppl concern about their safety & protecton it red alert right now u try interferre in everythang that goang on u try to mock everythang that aint yours u secretly built a whole nw industry of strangers ppl hu did'nt deserve to b n the inner industry's u waist decades of hstory wit the half ass mutherfuckers sht aint comang out as plan yo foe niggers nark everybody fed everybody trynna knock everybody off
shauntaake readang comments that say the major industry hate these nw ppl that infultrate n their industry to meet them befor shauntaake & their sayang they hate them cause they dont have nothang to offer them shauntaakē the red of ths sht from the fivē heart beats u saw the balcony that hw shauntaake use to do sean taylor artist it mutherfuckers whole wide twisted laukang like a woman & a man shauntaakmutherfuckers e use to scare the sht out of sean taylor always talkang about shauntaake ran hs artist off out of fear all they did was use hm we was'nt gettang no deals wit heir song's so why they fuck we waistang our money on them we have kds & a family we always gave them when they nee money we purchase them brand nw everythang when it was time to do show's we kept the studio fully stock wit food & marijuana when it was time to record but if we aint recievang nothang bak it a waist of our mutherfuckang time we about flippang our money every go u gotaa hear shauntaale laughs scare mutherfuckers shauntaake was the ceo of shauntaake label shauntaakē aint no kd to b playang it we kll mutherfukers fukang wit us & shauntaake dont want to b bothered okay 
shauntaake knôw shauntaake mother wll sell ths house to shauntaake for the right price shauntaake would rathaa b away & never to b seen again come around when shauntaake want to come around cause shauntaake masterd ths house already & collect all of shauntaake hstory so shauntaake great whereva shauntaake go 
shauntaake got shauntaake greats in the family whenēva shauntaake's want tô meet shauntaäke real ppl’s shauntaakē grandma cousin’s that hug & kss shaūntaakē & tote their noses up thém & cuss them out cause shauntaakē their chosen lauk & birth shauntaake their twin so they b beefang wit the uthaa family 
shauntaake / niggers wanna b sean taylôr & niggers want war again & shauntaake not gvang it tō u shauntaake know shauntaake made shauntaake money nigger a legend in shauntaakē wars they know shäuntaake cant date musliums no more shauntaak birth as msterd for white america they attack us when shauntaake was datang a muslium man sean taylor it happend alredy no more shauntaake goverment a drop ths whole mutherfuckang world on ū niggers your niggers your not white shauntaake just trynna mäke u nderstand that ths powerful white ppl world & they mere thr world wit shäuntaak birth so shauntaake hve to b very careful bout thē descons shäuntaake make
shauntaake world masted shauntaake devil masters terminator tales from the hood legend & american physcho & hu layk was it shauntaake lauk lauk at hw harret tubmäns run dôwn on us in tales from the hood shauntaäke live ths sht shauntaake also have shauntaake uthaa fox fur from american physcho for shauntaakē wives to wear when shauntaake was pimpang workang & managang shauntaake hoes shauntaakē was gift ths shauntaake fox fur when american horror story came out shauntaake was about 13 years old to put on shauntaakē hoe angie shauntaake was datang nicole & angie at the same time & angie lauk as the fiance in american physcho
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shauntaake hoes ain pay shantaake enough that ẃhy shauntaake never ut shauntaake furs on them they a make satan struthers a bitch hit a bitch n the gutt & take shauntaake fur right bak off that bitch & give shauntaake fur to anuthaa bitch uh huh
shauntaake trynna b god off of the strength of jay pleas tell your womän to not mock nothang of shauntaake’s cause their not shauntaake woman u nee to make ū a īnstagrm page sœ they ĉould fuck ẃit your sh shaunaake turtles connect tœ shauntaake oul & their fuĉkang wit shauntaake stuff like th coud they fuck wit a laut of shauntaake lauk & phauts forever & shauntaake tierd of it cause like shauntaake say their not shauntaake woman & shauntaak not n love wit them u are tht why shauntaake nee them to focuse on ū cause your also very creative shauntaake not sellang shauntaakē soul to them that your job to connect them shauntaake dont want to b connect tô them cause their not shauntaake business shauntaake dont gin nothang from them shauntaake ol entertain ppl that shauntaake gain from so please entertain your woman
shauntaake a mutherfuckang pimp what shauntaake lauk like lettang a corney as s niggers work me please shauntaake use to brang shauntaake wit shaūntaake in hese nīggers faces & shauntaake hoes would’nt fûck wit them shaūntaake was sean taylor mūtherfuckang pimp we respect the real’s u fake niggers shauntake wll fôrever play u cause your fake niggers u aīnt put in real work your jokes to us 
shauntaake in here now cryang shauntaäke eye’s out watchang face off shauntaake/john travolta momment wit shauntaake annie that hw shauntaake was huggang hm & kssang hm the minute sauntaake saw hm darryl only brought hm around one time to see us penny was hdang hm from us caramel lil baby wit dark blonde hair wit two long pony tails & they hit hm n faceoff cause shauntaake never got to see hm again penny took hm away from ūs shauntaake heart broken hw they took shauntaake annie from shauntaake vanessa twin brother darryl last son & he came bak to haunt shauntaake wit chants donavin he lauk just like donavin wit that same pretty curly hair donavin use to scream & cry to go wit shauntaake shauntaake anniē want to come bak to shauntaake shauntaake telang u right now donah donavin gonna b the one that kll u u better start sellang heaven to hm u took hm thru hell when shauntaake was wit u shauntaake see hw he dont b wantang u touch hm penny had shauntaake gift kds livang like they was in a orphanage livang right across the street from lincoln school in jersey city penny came fuckang wit shauntaake law shauntaake came shauntaake came shauntaake own (shaun)taake & shauntaake cousin devon put a hit on my son like they was strangers chants & donavin put us bak n shauntaake faceoff war shauntaake devin twin came again devon character nicolas cage say im fukang shaun archers wife they thought chants was gonna b shäuntaake wife devon marry a chants twin 
shauntaake / the täylôr was shauntaakē second face off denajah went right into the house in richmond virginia wit us shauntaake see sean taylor sold that hit to mykyla baby shauntaake momment wit shauntaake annie shauntaake son hs phauts wit mykyla we aint get to see her sean taylor aint get me mutherfuckers the campbell’s made it  
shauntaake see now their trynna put shauntaake in a face off r wit jay z we gonna have to peace ths sht up shauntaake about the rewrite & we walk away wit all of the kds & phaut up everywhere togethaa as one of the greatest wars that was fought shquntaake aint trynna brang shquntaake mob ass gangsta ass wars into your circles shauntaake live that come home life guns dope money & millionaire king pen life treats in the briefcase life those was shauntaake men shauntaake came to give u nothang but love & build our happy homes togethaa the extent of faceoff
shauntaake just read a comment that say honey son zee son okay if that the truth that some crasy sht they n the comments talkang about about ran u got got the internet crasy shauntaake so glad those hoes was clean when shauntaake had them hoes aint sht
shauntaake read a comment that kanye west & kim want to wife shauntaake oh really that what up shauntaae came to excute shauntaake plan yall alread creatang your surrogates kanye wing shauntaake hauntaake a gîve u the greatest laukang kds tat the wll envy u over shauntaake inventons a obssesson spell shauntaake kdssssssss warssssssss ppl b ready to kll for them steal them & get kll ôver them u niggers try to destroy your so call perfect shauntaake world care for shauntaake all of shauntaake life shaunaake violense keep shauntaake n trouble
shauntaake ths why we all have our own internet pages so the whole world coud see hw were livang shauntaake world give shauntaake credit for shauntaake pages shauntaake identity & name on everythang 
shauntaake happy shauntaake gave chants a wack ass porn your industry aint get shauntaake devil performance shauntaake fūck daysssssssss was crasy 3 pregnancy’s right bak to bak to bak grôwn ass sht 
shauntaake see the porn hatch game aint it chants aint hatch me chants had her daughtaa aftaa our video tape it aint work & sideequah aint hatch sean taylor & they went at it & sideeqûah aint have sean taylor hatch’s no more so porn aint it those last two dont lauk nothang like sean taylor they start kllang mutherfuckers off when it dont work
shauntaake sorry chants donah & whateva else the fuck u want to call yourself your porno äint enough we see your last birth your daughtaa your daughtaa dont lauk like mykya jasmin & janyah mähagony shauntaake canceled yo ass to haaaaaaaa but shuntaakē story’s a success
shauntaake wll never aim at u r your niggers shauntaake want t see yo happy’s z & sibils do yall make sure u make it count shauntaake live a million life times so when u live a million lives u tend to embrace the gift of life & livang have fun & dont kll yourselves
shauntaake say no thanks musliums shauntaake not trynna date your woman shauntaake nazi american 
shauntaake readang comments sayang they dont want mykya baby to b it u know hu want hér baby to b it it aint gonna b the same without shauntaakē & sean taylôr & shauntaakē haunt semen & masters came so obssess mutherfuckers a off their own kds so possess mykyla your baby one of shäuntaakē greatest hauntangs mýkylä baby klld most of u mutherfuckers off wit your obssessons focuse on your own kds 
shauntaake / lauk at hw white men put the whole world on a curfw to show u mutherfuckers hu the man îs try to let a nigger come trynna fuck everythang up
shauntaake & mykya the past now mykyla a young adult now we had our time togethaa shauntaake show her nothang but love like anuthaa parent when shauntaake seē her but mykyla holdang he own now makang her own dscîsons mykyla shauntaakē laugh at these jokes everytime shauntaakē speak shäuntaake sean taylor biheeyah & mykya wars these mutherfukers come online actang crasy like they was mothers shauntaake war wit your baby shauntaake coud make a fortune off of your real hstory wit shauntaake but shauntaake dont never use your baby now that up to u if u want that book we coud split profit & let these loosers purchase it 
shauntaake feel so sorry for malicky shauntaake pray u get connect cause if not their gonna off u 
shauntaake  sean taylôr was’nt damn sure thankang about malicky myky äint hs chld that aint malicky bby now  see biheeyah fuckd sean taylôr identity’s up & sēan taylor camé to right shauntaake vanēssa plan went perfect whät hapen why they aint never come get mykyla fuck what biheeyah name her mykyla sen taylor baby what up wit malicky why u aint cōme & savē mykyla virgin that was a vanessa plan biheeyah mockang ass aint get it the same trynna mock vanessa shaūntaakē usē to feel so bad for mykla baby got connect to all of these strangers hu aint give a fuck about her well beang 
shauntaake / sean taylor never via hsself from shauntaake saw & spoke to sean taylor everyday since the first day we met shauntaake use to tell sean taylor go home to your nw relatonship & he hate he use to sneak out sideequah apartment every night to come pick shauntaake up n her lil used car & complain all night ride thru the fast food drive thru's & kick it all night damn there till the sun came up & when shauntaake stay at our apartment in montclaire he came to the apartment to b wit shauntaake jasmin & janyah mahagony every night cause shauntaake was bak & forth from shauntaake mother house & our apartment in montclaire
shauntaake trynna figure out hw they pro shauntaake when shauntaake pro shauntaake shauntaake own shauntaake soul & shauntaake company that made shauntaake shauntaake book pro shauntaake & chants date
shauntaake was readang comments on jackson page & the comments was sayang that ray say that shauntaake owe ray some phauts of shauntaake & ray tôgethaa ray got a couple of phauts of shauntaake & ray togethaa at partyssss 
shauntaakē on shauntaake home wit shauntaake masters shauntaake songs that aint talkang about none of u niggers 
shauntaake / u dumb bitches while u buildang malicky nobody ass wit strangers shauntaake buildang shauntaake self everyday vanessa woman built shauntaake everyday connct to shauntaake & vanessa name sangang shauntaake & vanessa hstory & makang our movie mergers shauntaake been proang shauntaake self u dumb bitches all of those different mutherfuckers got different social securitys different bakgrounds of hstory these dumb niggers so stupd malicky kevin hart made your baby that malicky lil twin shauntaake not a hater he handsome we gavē the rivers bak hu they invest their hstory into no more shauntaake justin’s that a whole nuthaa masterd make puffy what a career shauntaake know every major industry bitch want to make masters wit puffy aftaa justin came go google puffy phauts shauntaake dont want no men in shauntaake marriage shauntaake spoke that a million times & shauntaake say shautaake want a man sperm donor shauntaake want shauntaake white hair & shauntaake white tree kds shauntaake dont want yo nappy head nigger kds shauntaake sorry
shauntaake / u now what's one of the hardest thangs to do is to make someone loyal sexually all of these relatonships everybody fuck around & creep around it nothang special about relatonships no more but u know what they key is & sean taylor knw to find u a virgin a bitch that never had sex so when u do finally decide to have sex wit that particular female that female wll only b loyal to u cause all she know is u shauntaake nevvvvvvver cheat on sean taylor that anuthaa reason why shauntaake got pay the way shauntaake got pay cause shauntaake was a loyal mutherfucker was only wit one man sean taylor stll the only one semen in shauntaake dna the only one
shauntaake / ū see their bullsht they wait forever mutherfuckers dieang everywhere from everythang that hw  u know they bullsht they aint sure about their connects shauntaake see 
shauntaake wll never date nick no thanks nick was goœd ppl’s shauntaake just went to eher mother house about a month ago to sa hello to he ppl uh huh nick ant know hw shautaake came to cutomly master nick o nick coud have nick own inventons & hustle’s wit shauntaake gîft
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shauntaake was cryang the day befor yesterday cäuse chants really came to save shantaake & shauntaake was so mean to her cgants came all the wat to shaūntaake lkaw cty jersey city to come & get shaunrtake to brang shauntaake home ẃit chants chants try to move shäuntaake into several of chants luxury apartments & houses & shauntaake greatley apreciate chants love & care &vshauntaake thankang about audioang shauntaake & chants shauntaake a lesbîan romance cause chants really care for shauntaake chants was always concern about shaungtaake well beang just b ready for all ths nw media of ppl & pr that gonna come your way chasang u for shauntaake & chänts story u know shauntaake have shauntaake own word & they chase shauntaake dôwn for shauntaake book amazon & audiables these ppl love shaunataake style of writng & the way shauntaake speak & tell the story shauntaake book got shauntaake nw moviesssssss shauntaake audio gonna b even greater
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shauntaake trynna make u all nderstand from a real mutherfuckers perspective imagine beang lay up every night wit different ppl traveling everywhere livang the life cause your a rich person & u make frends everywhere u go & most of time u usually take care of those frends financially but imagine u say u care for someone & u dont care for them u dont make life easier for them u dont send them money u dont make time for them or make any type of contact that a person u dont give a fuck about whether they live or die when ths person could see u care for all of these looser mutherfuckers & aftaa all of that sittang bak & watchang u celebrating wit your loosers & then u finally Desdemona u want to help ths person that u dont what they been goang thru cause of your lack of support financially & business when u do finally decide to help ths person ths person is gonna want to kll u cause u did'nt care about their life enough to support & thsee shauntaake types wll murder u ths why shauntaake make sure shauntaake make shauntaake sf happy & shauntaake kds & shauntaake family around shauntaake shauntaake rights laws & masters make sure they get shauntaake connects so these wack mutherfuckers a never say they play us the fuck out or left us for dead we pop bottles of wine & champagne everyday around mutherficker we light up the finest marijuana around ths mutherfucker everyday shauntaake in the bed fuck up right now cause shauntaake been rock n rollang for fuckang ever shauntaake in a overdose state right now shauntaake go in so when shauntaake leave ths earth a mutherfucker a never say they play me or aunt give me sht u see shauntaake pages shauntaake makang sure they stay public now u see us mutherfuckers shauntaake gonna die a happy fufll life mutherfucker know that shauntaake sat bak & watch u all of these nobody looser mutherfuckers jobs in your industry thousands of ppl everyday shaubtaake take shauntaake talent very serious shauntaake care for shauntaake self hw ever hauntaake had to get it shauntaake mother kds & family care for shauntaake u industry ppl make me del like shauntaake was'nt care for & shauntaake vow to kll u ppl shquntaake warhead mode now it to late when shauntaake say it to late it to late oprah u would b a peaceful connect for shauntaake a savior shauntaake never reach out to u & shauntaake just want yo ask u to let shauntaake fufll verythang shauntaake ever want to do since shauntaake was a lil girl 
shauntaake queston to hu aint in love wit shauntake causeshauntaae whole world was in love wi shauntaake shauntaake feél the same way somethang wrong wit a mutherfucker hu aint in love wit shauntaake & hose the ppl wll never give shauntaake time or day those the ppl that have to pay shauntaake to date shauntaake & b shauntaake frend 
shauntaake came in the major music industry to give shauntaake self a fuckang job shauntaake make music u dumb mutherfuckers what shauntaake lauk like trynna job anuthaa bitch shauntaake mother jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake got a million video's of shauntaake motherang jasmin & janyah mahagony shauntaake built shauntaake own company for shauntaake self shauntaake dont know sean taylor fall the fuck bak off of shauntaake sht cause shauntaake aint make u aint gonna make u aint plannang to make u u sold hate to sean taylor & shauntaake aint fuckang wit u what the fuck shauntaake lauk like showang a nobody ass nigger love when u aint show sean taylor love fuck u ghetto ass bitc& hose the ppl shauntaake wll never give shauntaake time or day t hhes leave shauntaake the fuck alone like shauntaake been tellang u to leave shauntaake the fuck alone cause shauntaake aint make u shauntaake aint get no phauts & video's wit u bitches
shquntaake / u mutherfuckers can't real shauntaake shauntaake deals put shauntaake money in shquntaake hand for shauntaake to do whateva the fuck shauntaake want to do not oh I made ths for us fuck yall shauntaake dobt like your plans your virile your ppl leave shauntaake the fuck alone all shauntaake give a fuck about is shauntaake mutherfuckang self shauntaake dont give a fuck about u mutherfuckers u jealous u just gone b a jealous mutherfuckers we don't jeopardise our happiness cause of other ppl beang jealous we mäke threats towards jealous ppl I want her bitch to we'll. U cant have shauntaake bitch itch get over it & u dont get over it shauntaake wll make sure somebody body your ass so u get over it real fast shauntaake not sharang not I thang f shauntaake so u take it however that fuck u want to take it shquntaake aint got no to thangs Ives right now so that somethang u aint gotaa worry about shauntaake left u mutherfuckers & never came bak get over it shauntaake not yours & wll never b yours shauntaake dont want no bitch that u all been wit u just gonna have to b some jealous mutherfuckers shauntaake / oprah the major industry pr makang u oprah shauntaake chosen main wife their pr sayang they love us togethaa cause it nw shauntaake never try wit oprah so ths nw their sayang rihanna & beyonce a to late connect shauntaake soul sell hate to rihanna it a wrap one minute shauntaake like her then the next shauntaake dead her that sht aint cool so it over it a wrap but oprah rihanna say she wll date u secretly date u wit shauntaake permission & shauntaake say yes rihanna could date u on your own time cause shauntaake uthaa wives wll keep shauntaake happy oprah just don't b wildang out shauntaake dont want everybody semen in shauntaake marriage
shauntaake wives shauntaake dont nee no visits of woman hu aint shauntaake wives shauntaake wll have enough wives to make love to shauntaake & fuck shauntaake no thanks for your secret dates shauntaake wll greatly satisfy wit shauntaake own wives
shauntake been a double jeopardy mutherfucker all of shauntaake life witout even tryang shauntaake just use to keepang it movang on the bullsht if it ain't right for shauntaake shauntaake usually out & shauntaake wll do a dsapear ang act on u & shauntaake might never come bak cause shauntaake dont have to deal wit u shauntaake wives say they want to use shauntaake mob ties cause they dont want nobody in their circle they dont want nobody visitamg them they say shauntaake have to plan to make meet up's wit shauntaake family cause their not in the industry cause most of their parents where momagers & they would have to follow shauntaake great instructons they say they wll allow shauntaake to send money bak to shauntaake family to relocate theirselves & shauntaake could b via phone & computer wit shauntaake ppl
shauntaake / & then shauntaake read a comment say's they don't want nobody capturing phauts of shauntaake only shquntaake wives they only want shauntaake wives to b able release phauts of shauntaake & shauntaake images it was a major show wit a major show host sayang that they no longer want the public beang about to take phauts of shauntaake
shauntaake / let shauntaake tell yall a lil secret when u aint put shauntaake on major wit shauntaake m lane clothang line shauntaake got tierd of not gettang orders & one day shauntaake grab a glass pot out of the basement shauntaake roll up a blunt of some great marijuana & shauntaake grab a large stack of shauntaake m lane sketches & graphics & shauntaake say on the green bench n ths yard & shauntaake wrip those skethe up 8 & 8 & 8 & 8 & shauntaake put them in the glass pot & burn them up about 40 sketches so if shauntaake art dont sell shauntaake refuse to let u have it & shauntaake wll sit & burn up shauntaake art cause shauntaake know shauntaake came the greatest artist in the world
shauntaake  u mutherfuckang major music industry ppl fuckang cra hate hm so sy yo lauk alie business crasy do yall shauntaake very violent shauntaake dont like plaang games wit shaūntaakē life but shaunaäkē love playang games if u nderstand what shauntaake sayang 
shauntaake / these bitches talkang about they goôd everybdy shauntaake see hw u goôd everybody bu u aint good me u cant do shauntaake now aftaa u did all of these looser mutherfuckers shauntaake go first mutherfuckers 
shauntaake custom buildang shauntaake skyla please dont name your kds aftaa shauntaake
shauntaake laugh at bitches trynna pull shauntaake lauk off & they could never do it in a million years chants was shauntaake alright bitch lauk years shauntaake thought shauntaake was cute was'nt nothang serious shauntaake vanessa twiny twin shauntaake aint never meet anuthaa one yet only those white hollywood woman could pull of shauntaake & vanessa lauk shauntaake was sellang vanessa & shauntaake lauk to sean taylor a grown ass woman shoes everyday suit's silks & leathers italian everythang a very serious professonal business woman lover & parent
shauntake the rock n roll industry masters & hollywood masters the hip hop & era industry sample their masters
shauntaake was a hella american horror story lauk & hstory & about 30 nw hollywood movies oh aint nœne of that count shauntaake hollywod u ghetto dirty rap mutherfuckers 
shauntaake / u know shauntaake dont like goang to party's that aint shauntaake's so don't invite me cause shauntaake dont want your inventatons 
shauntaake / they had a video online today of puffy & justin dancang & shauntaake start talkang about hw every bitch want to date puffy when justin was birth no like seriously justin was a huge doll baby wit all if the pretty hair & u industry bitches was'nt playang they all want a piece of puffy it was crasy tupac shakur & suge knight was heart broken they was callang justin the haunt baby cause shauntaake masters haunt misa birth shauntaake read a misa comment today that say misa say misa see hw shauntaake soul came to misa cause justin lauk like shauntaake baby phauts misa got connect to all of the kds that live in shauntaake grandma house & justin was connect to shauntaake birth that why those bitches was goang crasy over shauntaake in irvington cause justin came & justin lauk like shauntaake that hw yo lil industry bitch came chasang shauntaake talkang about she want her son but shauntaake never got to make chants son shauntaake aint have nothang to do wit chants son birth but shauntaake seman did
shauntaake tell u hw shauntaake men did it they all fathaa their own group of woman up welcome to the club we get over sht real fast but that's what life all about makang yourself happy shauntaake dont feel it when u comang know that so shauntaake dont give a fuck about hu u fuckang thät aint shauntaake connect shauntaake about hu about shauntaake connect shauntaake ace name jasmin taylor shauntaake ace shauntaake baby that lauk like shauntaake baby shauntaake benjamin shauntaake pull shauntaake benjamin out of shauntaake pen shauntaake connect to shauntaake rightful kds jasmin baby came mockang shauntaake baby benjamin phaut that vanessa gave shauntaake shauntaake photo shoot in front of a fake pen wall cause shauntaake baby lauk like benjamin franklin at that time & we all know benjamin franklin soul hdang at the pen shauntaake gave shauntaake ace verythang shauntaake custom built a company for shauntaake ace shauntaake ace came out shauntaake lil perfect baby benjamin & shauntaake so in love now leave shauntaake the fuck alone u aint fuckang shauntaake soul's up shauntaake shauntaake ace was birth into a house her fathaa house in richmond virginia hu the fuck dont love benjasmin's & jasmin keep benjamin's foreverrrrrrrrr since jasmin was birth royal strollers
shauntaake wll pull shauntaake ta lauk out when shauntaake feel like beang shauntaake ta masters u know shauntaake made masters from shauntaake ta era shauntaake see they also want that shauntaake bak that shauntaake all day everyday shauntaake just grw up & became a woman also shauntaake stll dust a nigger in basketball shauntaake stll remember all of shauntaake clothes from shauntaake ta era's it gonna cost for shauntaake to beang out shauntaake ta era vanessa was spendang a lautaa monet on shauntaake in that era
shauntake aint trynna date morgan our names dont match that not shauntaake match 
shauntaake read a comment that say that the major music industry got beef & upset wit theirselves cause they play theirself fuckang wit nobody's the stars suppose to fuck stars not fans & they been fuckang their fans shauntaake say hey u could do whateva u want to do wit your money & your stardum but the world hate u cause of that lauk at hw théy did k we don't know k & the goverment assume k of beang a fake they came out wit that fake ass weed 2k & it start kllang ppl that fake sht get ppl klld cause mutheruckers went to war to b a star & to b wit the stars & they let fke mutherfuckers in the fans they fuck start dssang them the industry all fuckd up ppl dont lauk at u like stars no more they lauk at u like your one of them that not good that why they don't support cause they feel like your one of them a star suppose to b lauk at as a star not some regulaa mutherfucker u could play wit ppl thank your not so special no more shauntaake say fuck your arks shauntaake aint trynna b on them trump let these looser mutherfuckers go where their goang & leave everybody the fuck alone we built out world so special we could live without celebrity's we live for ourselves as u could see the world was'nt built for celebrity's the richest ppl in the world aren't celebrity's please let them go u did your entertainment jobs we have enough movies & music to watch what u create now leave u fuck these ppl up cause u dont show them no love u make these ppl feel neglected when these ppl really love u trump let them leave & then u could cut all restrictions n the world we wll b perfectly fine without celebrity's
shauntaake / the l word was sellang janyah mahagony baby as the īnvestmént bank baby lauk for white ppl that was trynna have kds at their expensive doctor office 
shauntaäke laughang cause someone wrote a comment that säy they see hw jasmin baby was fäintang over janyah mahagony baby janyh mahagony bab lauk like shauntaake identical twin baby & jasmin baby ūsē to hail & prase janyah mahagony baby uh huh shauntaake go it ōn shauntaake masters video tape recordangs 
shauntaake aint lend u nothang shauntaake possess what shauntaake own those aint shauntaake wives their comments say they want to eat me they cant eat me they nee to eat u shauntaake makang u their pornstar make some porno’s to 
shauntaake advice u to so calld celebrity’s if u reall want to do somethng legendary go b wit shauntaake cousin devon & then u could say ū was wit god cause devon camē god but u wll never say u was wit the devil shaūntaake gonna make sure of that shauntaake say shauntaake fired your whole music industry your time is up your sand ran out of thē owl glass it over now deal wit it shauntaake on a wallstreet hollywood datang love datang journey right now 
shauntaake makang u the talk of the īnternet right now shauntaake make stars 
shauntaake read a comment that say sean taylor nee shautaakē to b roberta taylor grand daughtaa shauntaake & sean taylor spent a laut of time wit roberta taylor togethaa conversatons for hours 
shauntaake want to porn hollywood
shauntaake / mutherfuckers could here shauntaake in here rantang & shauntaake aint n here sayang sht about no dead ass nobody ass yo k mutherfuckers please u play your mutherfuckang selves cause u like fake mutherfuckers that your problems not mines your jokes to me now shauntaake have the least amount of respect for them we madē alread they come trynna make mutherfuckers stars that aint stars it a insults 
shauntaake / helena shauntaake miss myspace instagram aint nothang like myspace instagram is corney to shauntaake it not intimate like myspace
shauntaake / when someone judges u it also terrible white ppl online sayang the music industry eat the hood gutter bitches okay that what they see that what u show them
shauntaake hate is not gettang better it gettang worse 
shauntaake aint build shautaake life for u industry ppl shauntaake dont sit bak dependang on u to do somethang for me shauntaake would’nt have sht if shauntaake häd to depdend on u so knoẃ  when u try to fūck wit shaūntaake sht it personal cause shauntaake build to makē shauntaake self successful shauntaake knw shauntaäke gonna b happier in shauntaäke nēxt lifetime shauntaakē masterd shauntaake rebirth seean thru shauntaak original set of eyes goang to rich white ppl shauntaake gonna live ths whole lifetimē out ntil shauntaake a old woman ēveryday shauntaake buildang for shauntaake next lifetime shauntaake clones are shauntaake u dummys shantaake already comang bak white everytime the just cant see thru their eyes causē shauntaake stll livang in shauntaake ôn body shauntaake neē u to nderstand if u dont nderstand  
shauntaake / u niggers bitches u betta 100% sure about ths descison u make cause the minute u fuck wit malicky u could never fuck wit me thank I'm layang shauntaake aint choose hm to b the man of shauntaake empire shauntaake the man in shauntaake world so u bitches better know he the right one for u aint no hat them aint secret them fuck u stupd bitches white men aint lettang no nigger fuck up ths white man's world the million doors to get into u stupd niggers shauntaake not a hater mlicky if these dummys want u that their business but shauntaake about shauntaake like u about u & that all shauntaake say to u cause shauntaake live witout u to know that they always run thru niggers & b onto the next mutherfucker so when u trynna move onto the next mutherfucker cause u tierd of a nigger just know shauntaake not a opton
shauntaake / these mutherfuckers mad cause shauntaäke dont owe them nothang sean taylor madē it that way shauntaake gift madē it that way shauntaake aint borrow nothang from nobody
shauntaake & sean täylor made mutherfuckang savages heavy ass jaw lines & widē ass smiles wit big ass teeth niggers please shauntaake & sean taylor masterd the kds from hell shauntaake baby 
shauntaake / hu they thank they foolang donavin dont lauk nothang like mykyla a lil bit of good hair please cute lil baby donavin donavin was shauntaake lil buddy 
shauntaake sick of yo foe ass pr mykyla these hatang ass muherfuckers talkang bout janyah mahagony baby stole shauntaake from mykyla no your foe ass hatang ass mother biheeyah aint allow u come around none of us your fathaa sean taylor & the taylors do we nee to tell those story’s hw we saw mykyla every uthaa month or sometimes we aint see mykyla for months when biheeyah decide she want to call to let her baby come over tô sean taylor grandma house everybody that was in our circle from that era know shauntaake tellang the truth we was’nt even beat we was to busy gettang money we let biheeyah have her baby sean taylor cousin’s even complain about that sht biheeyah dont let mykyla stay wit them neitha so they say fuck bihheyah to shaunntaake been over that whole situaton all of our kds was it shauntaake even gave mykyla her own turn to b out wit shauntaake when shauntaake start datang chants & mykyla aint want to role actang slow u aint nothng likē shauntaake baby shauntaake roll out wit all shauntaake ppl shauntaake u want to roll u aint have to tell shauntaake baby twice mykyla aint even get her rightful blood story's wit us shauntaake keep tellang mykyla she dont know shauntaake & she nee to get to know shauntaake cause mykyla never got to know shauntaake on a personal level shauntaake gave mykyla anuthaa perfect opportunity to know shauntaake again when mykyla had her apartmnt here & mykyla was on some funny sht again so do u mykyla enjoy your life sweety just leave shauntaake alone shauntaake happy always was happy & your stranger reatonship brangs problems shauntaake way & shauntaake dont want to b bothered shauntaakē dont know u or your ppl shauntaake wish u nothang but the best of luck in life shauntaake was a loved baby & shauntaake kds were loved to so shauntake not beat cause shauntaake & the taylors gave mykyla that same love mykyla u cator to strangers u love strangers & shauntaake dont shauntaake never ran around out here like shauntaake was your mother if they want to get to your baby they nee to get to your mother your mother aint want sht that aint our problem miss out on empiresssss of wealth & hstory we made togethaa if shauntaake was biheeyah i would go somewhere & kll myself she mss out on all of ths money we had for biheeyah & mykyla we loved your baby to biheeyah
shauntaake / mutherfuckers talkang about do u shauntaake cant u see shauntaake been doang shauntaake u see alllll of shauntaake phauts & shauntaake creatons & inventons when the fuck did shauntaäke sit bak & depend on u mutherfuckers to dô anythang for shauntake never mutherfuckers shauntaake have a million shauntaake era’s ôf shauntaäke stash away wat the fuĉk yo’s talkang about 
shauntaake wll find shauntaak own woman nw please leave shauntaake the fuck alone aint nobody aimang at u bitches shauntaake just tellang u shauntaake wll never give u the satifacton ôf sayang shauntaake u nder u 
shauntaake readang comments now they trynna throw oprah in it lime oprah wll marry shauntaqke but their gonna b apart of oprah marriages no thanks oprah shauntaake dont want to b bothered wit them & their gonna dsturb shauntaake peace cause u are gonna allow them r havē her baby to come where shauntaake at & shauntaake gonna blak the fuck out on them shauntaake might hit them so avoid all of that oprah live your beautiful life make them good woman cause their badly taint woman shauntaake hear your cuttang all men out of your ties that was a shauntaake perfect plan but do right by them & try to teach them right cause they dont know right love them care for them vase their damage soul's & shauntaake verbal abuse wll make them kll theirself shauntaake wll call them all of types of sht to their face so we don't want those problems oprah do right by them cause shauntaake found shauntaake rightful ppl
shauntaake hope these looser bitches make u rich malicky but shaūntaake stll dont want to date u no thanks  these wack mutherfuckers made sht easy for u u aint no artist they could hve your ass please keep your sht away from me cause wll grenade your party’s your not shauntaake ppl’s leave shauntaake the fuck alone & u wont have no problems shauntaake chose sean taylor shauntaake built a fortune wit sean taylor what shauntaake lauk like fuckang wit u & your stranger bitches your family never even invite shauntaake grandm over for dinner fuck u & your ppl
shauntaake / when yall gonna show all of these porns yo industry made they say their gonna show them & shauntaake hope on of shauntaake bitches or niggers get to fuck u so shauntaake could give them their props & shauntaake wll upload it & promote the sht out of it malicky shauntaake a promote the sht out of u fuckang these germs that shauntaake dont want do u do shauntaake dirty work shauntaake promote the sht out of nacho shauntaake collect nacho porns shauntaake collect about a hundred of them get your body right so u lauk good cause shauntaake promotang yes were a million porn stars
shauntaake & rihana been done since she did kylie & travis & shauntaake stll like her music it your turn to do u u aint k u gotaa m shauntake stll dont wnt to dat u no thanks ake your own name for yourself 
shauntaake / ugly shauntaake read a comment sayang your mad cause shantaake wrote out some real sht & your mad cause shauntaakē holla at your wife shauntaake erase it u see haaaaaaa do yall please do yall make them happy cause shauntaake not shauntaake suicidang your btches they was’nt built for shauntaake tat why shauntaake choosang to leave them fck alone they music ndstry weigh not the world weigh it a difference so u b god to them give thém your love no more ugly from shuntaake b good & kīnd to them shauntaake givang u god pr right now so they know they fuckd up wit shauntaake the comments sayang your la was lame shauntaake dont know go bak & do them right make yourself their nw star shauntaake not interest their nt shauntaake type of woman put in work they’ll marry u 
shauntaake see our optons shauntaake seman kds wit their fathaa u know hu been the fathaa & shauntaake egg plant kds wit one white sperm donor & shauntaake want a natural blonde hair man shauntaake wives could never fake me out wit anuthaa nigger cause shauntaake kds they better not come out wit nappy ass hair that one's that are chosen to have shauntaake egg kds shauntaake dont what u bitches gettang but u'll never hold white nose vanessa/shauntaake baby anythang wit good hair kinda lauk good shauntaake masterd shauntaake & vanessa features shauntaake seman & shauntaake masters do yall shauntaake cant wait to see the not shauntaake & vanessa's kds u bitches gonna have a bunch of cute nigger baby's no thanks shauntaake never connect shauntaake self to yall shauntaake gonna self how u better than shauntaake cant tell u u aint got shauntaake gift's start fuckang mutherfuckers so shauntaake could show u u aint shauntaake's now hw long were gonna have to wait to see the not shauntaak's shauntaake not a hater shauntaake hoooooope your make come out right yourself cause their not shauntaake creatons the whites online sendang yo nigger manes on their way cause hs make not quite what they want shauntaake janyah mahagony & shaunt baby make thangs hard for hs lauk my bad shauntaake aint make yo nigger that their job to make hm shauntaake found shauntaake right masterd man sean taylor
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shauntaake original goverment systems murderous shauntaake just had them upload in shauntaake phone & shauntaake had a migrane headache for the past 4 days shauntaake felt like shauntaake was catchang a fever in everythang when shauntaake went into the pen yesterday shauntaake devil goverment systems show shauntaake shauntaake pain & it show nate dick givang birth to a white man the devil/shauntaake wit shauntaake face several times nate face also on those acient marble walls parliment did nate wit boosie all of those goverment systems was connect to the pen from the 80's when shauntaake have no masters & shauntaake could feel all of the devil deaths & pain they sold to me they sold deäth to the devil ths headache shauntaake just had would make u kll yourself shauntaake been in shauntaake bed cryang all day the minute shauntaake delete all of shauntaake murderous goverment systems out of shauntaake phone the pain stop that twilight zone eye was about to blind me in here u mutherfuckers have no idea the deadliest goverment sold the devil pain to me shauntaake been poppang tylenol & advil's for the past 3 weeks now since shauntaake upload these goverment systems shauntaake systems happy sean taylor let shauntaake build shauntaake own masters & shauntaake own soul the devil the worst pain in the fuckang world american physcho show u hw shauntaake migranes was gonna come he ate the whole bottle of advil's shauntaake soul from ths house n so much pain shauntaake so sorry shauntaake baby the goverment was makang the oul from ths house & it n soooooo muuuuuch pain the deadliest pain hauntaake ever experienc ths pain worst than hauntaak stitches däys the goverment fear the devil they try to help but they could’nt help shauntaake soul it to old t try to connect now 
shauntaake see that if shauntaake want to comnnect to shauntaae legitmate fathaa nate masters mergers shauntaake gotaa go all the way bak to boosee & parliment
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shauntaake / u nw lil ugly ta wanna b shauntaake say u could have this bitches nobody's fuckang them u industry bitches aint worth sht shauntaake speakang for shauntaake self your not worthy enough to b wit shauntaake shauntaake lauk down on u bitches now your like ghettodirty bitches those bitches shauntaake never date forget me please shauntaake aint mad u corney ugly laukang bitch why they hgher my daughtaa dance team they knw they dance & u bitches runnang around like u save yourself for me aftaa u been raaaaaaaan thru like lauk u finally got us when these garbage mutheruckers got u fast u lil ugly mutherfucker shauntaake say they could make u their star shauntaake dont want they lousey bitches no more & yo fag ass niggers that dont like real woman it a  whole gang of their fag assess these bitches fuck fags they been done shauntaake try to b nice shauntaake would shit in your drink shauntaake got shauntaake drank for u drink for u shauntaake say u have the right to marry those dirty bitches they wll never know what it feels like to b wit the devil shauntaake done wot the rapp nigger industry shauntaake would kll these looser mutheruckers their good at actang real but in real life they some fraud corney con ass mutherfuckers hat fear the real world shauntaake officially walkang away for life whateva shauntaake say to u just know shauntaake meant it when shauntaake spoke it but u aint gotaa worry about that no more shauntaake mindang shauntaake business shauntaake aint never send shauntaake attacks your way so shauntaake can walk away in peace but please leave shauntaake alone your not shauntaake breed of ppl & when shauntaake do get shauntaake white hssand shauntaake am gonna have hm on some murder sht so don't bother shauntaake okay it was great knowang u it was all love keep creatang cause your great at what u do peace
shauntaake see they sold the same formula to biheeyah hw they did misa shauntaake was recordang shauntaake masters whle they was pregnant & shauntaake soul could'nt wait to hatch in them 
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shauntaake readang their nẃ plan is to let oprah manson shaūntaake wing wit shauntaake chosen wives shauntaake would pay for shauntaake mother house & remodel ths area for when shauntaake want to b bak in ths house oprah heavy wit the goverments connectang wit ppl oprah would n b a great mother/wife & u could sign your name on their birth certificates & ths also shauntaake gift to u shauntaake love & the uthaa indûstry woman wll let shauntaakē hat them & pimp for fuckang up their plan wit shauntaake they wild out & let ppl touch them ppl that should of never even been datang them so lettang shauntaake pimp/manage u shauntaake wit that it gonna b a laut of manhattan new york city nights a lautaa breakfast lunch & dinners in manhattan new york city let shauntaake ride hw shauntaake want to ride dress hw shauntaake want to dress go where shauntaake want to go we just have to plan in advance so everythang safe guard for us to come into peace let’s make it a every weekend thang wit one of u shauntaake wll spend thevwhole weekend wit u we could do it all protect u know shauntaake go everywhere wit shauntaake own company’s so it always gonna b live han a mutherfucker every weekend one of u could get your turn wit shauntaae we could ven call to meet up wit our uthaa woman we could all roll out sometimes shauntaake payees shauntaake chose manhattan new york city cause that also shauntaake law city & shauntaake ppl that wll kll for shauntaake so we have to play where shauntaake laws got masterd shauntaake wives wll b home wit shauntaake kds shauntaake whole weeks for shauntaake kds just gift shauntaake wit money & the finer thangs 
shauntaake / oprah shauntaake readang comments sayang that the original music industry the industry we got wealthy wit their sayang their wit doang deals wit us cause they built their years wit shauntaake baby & vanessa & they remember shauntaake entertainment baby their sayang shauntaake baby made them lois vanessa took great care of shauntaake even tho shauntaake was suppose to b birth into the major music industry & the major music industry say they feel the same way that vanessa stole their baby u know what reroute shauntaake birth jim morrison masters jim morrison was sangang to vanessa & jim morrison was a lee act lee is shauntaake grandma brothaa & shauntaake great ncle a engineer that built mechanical thangs wit hs hands wit no blueprints jim morrison sang lee was jim morrison maker jim morrison was doang lee lauk a beautiful man wit long hair built like a stallon & lee was livang in shauntaake grandma house wit vanessa when shauntaake was birth all that hstory went bak to them & jim morrison music was sangang about the devil vanessa & lee had more masterd acts than lois so their masterd connects was a lil more stronger shauntaake / oprah they want u to b shauntaake main business partner for shauntaake art empire cause oprah kinds met everybody oprah show special guest most of hollywood to presidential candidates the legends of the major music industry's michael jackson intervws was the greatest live concert performances on oprah show so oprah came one the greatest personality's frends & business woman so these would b the ppl that oprah could invite to shauntaake art show's shauntaake would customly build shauntaake & oprah a castle for shauntaake & oprah & shauntaake lil mini shauntaake'sssssssss shauntaake was readang a google post today & one of the vintage white hollywood actors from shauntaake grandma era say she want gaurdianship of shauntaake ths hw shauntaake grandma was over shauntaake when vanessa took shauntaake away to move to irvington shauntaake laughang cause shauntaake grandma want to get shauntaake mother in trouble askang shauntaake a million questons like are they puttang their hands on u cause shauntaake grandma wll call the cops on shauntaake mother shauntaake grandma want shauntaake to lie on shauntaake mother so shauntaake grandma could get shauntaake mother lockd up that love of a baby was gone when shauntaake left shauntaake grandma house shauntaake use to sang & tap dance all thru shauntaake grandma house all day come in huggang shauntaake grandma & kssang her shauntaake was the only one shauntaake grandma allow to sit in her tv chair & color all day whle shauntaake grandma was specially prepare ang shauntaake breakfast lunch & dinner shauntaake was grandma lil best frend when shauntaake mother was at work shauntaake mother chose to pay shauntaake grandma to babysit shauntaake shauntaake grandma aint want her money but vanessa believe in payang her own way always & shauntaake grandma use to spend all of that money bak on shauntaake shauntaake was the light of shauntaake grandma life foreverrrrrrrrrrr shauntaake stlllllll mournang over shauntaake grandma the meanest old lady but was the sweetest old lady to shauntaake shquntaake grandma pr say shauntaake was her sean taylor shauntaake was always up nder shauntaake grandma shauntaake's spoil shauntaake grandma shauntaake connects wit shauntaake mother gave shauntaake grandma the greatest care & life shauntake was grandma baby
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shauntaäke was thē plan for white ppl to givē lois chiles thē devil the greatest entertainmént baby shauntaake dd it all to already sangang dancang gymnastic mäkang music art the entertainmen industry gôt re route when vanessa gave bîrth to shauntaake shaūntaakē was made for thē entertainment industry shauntaake came out the womb sangang & dancang 
shauntaake / oprah shauntaake dont want nothang to do wit these nw music bitches theybdont knw me their dead bitches cause shauntaake gonna b the ône to murder them for always fuckang wt shauntaake sht anythang aftaa whitney houston & hr era of industry woman shauntaake dnt know the rest of them shauntaake just want thm to leavē me alone case shauntaake wll b gôang tô jail for murder we th mœst want dagerous ‘pppl from here but the reals gave us lœve & ths the ppl we wll never hhurt those are th ppl we love u& your one f thse ppl that madē us such a perfect great lauk real love means verythang why te fck shaunaae want sme ran tru bitch & then u want me t love he aftaa she fould herself wt shauntaa enemys gîve shaunntaae that limo rîd u gtaa find that body in central park somewhere
shautaake ne to rewtite ths shauntake riginal indutry shauntaäke would rathaa offer shauntaake self to u as your greatest weapon like the fountain of youth u could always come & b wit shauntaake protect u could always intake shauntaake semen let shauntaake b your wing lab shauntaake wll customly make these kds merged wit us ths is also one of shauntaake gift us takang phauts & video's togethaa our sex u intake shauntaake seman shauntaake would add all of that to shauntaake hatchang births the whole pregnancy & your soul is gonna form wit shauntaake chosen whites it not to much shauntake do cause every piece of usI is dna blood seman hair teeth & skin if u stash old blood away shauntaake hope u did that would b your official dna merger shauntaake would b great at makang your face again but shauntaake would rathaa dna u it fuckd up hw somebody want us to mak)e their wrongs right by trynna make everybody like her could shauntaake just knock her the fuck out at a party & say the most did it & send her roses the next day wit a sorry note aftaa shauntaake knock her teeth the fuck out shauntaake was very careful & cautious about keepang shauntaake law doll baby gerber seman & dna safwhitney era of industry woman shauntaake e these mutherfuckers was'nt allow to touch me shauntaake slip up once & jump right bak out of it & never did it again cause shauntaake soul put up warnang signals & shauntaake stop they say if u aint got health u aint got nothang & their right shauntaake comang a scientist your doctor your archeologist they always say that shauntaake should of been a scientist shauntaake see the world & everythang like a magnifying glass shauntaake a lil to analytical shauntaake wll b your greatest inventon that u could allow your chosen to also intake shauntaake if that what u want to do to have one of our company's shauntaake want to customly brred shauntaake white kds as companys their company sangang dancang the heaviest doll baby's shauntaake nee baby magazine's & shows their soul's wit have shauntaake creatang their baby thangs shauntaake baby's are gerber soul's they come giftang those thangs so they wll b paid lil company's that we wll make a fortune wit & their wll b ours the greatest competiton kds that comang to outdo everythang the kds u want on your team for your wins we wll take over the whole world wit these shauntaake makes shauntaake been had the world but u know the royal whites only do them those are the richest ppl in the world & they live their white blood loyal to their white blood & our white blood mergers they are gonna give us everythangggggggggggg witout even askang for it we wll be the greatest masters in the world that everyone is gonna merge wit & be apart of ths shauntaake gift to u shauntaake wll let u invest into the greatest masterd safe part ownership it shauntaake want ppl to know what it feels like to b shauntaake baby shauntaake was the most follow the most cherishd the most praise the most lived the most given the most document the most beautiful the most bothered baby in the whole world witout ever beang on worldwide tv that was shauntaake mother experience vanessa got to also experience that worldwinds of art so we're gonna b the mothers & father's of these kds & all of that comang a millions times to us wit shauntaake white blood kds shauntaake told u hw shauntaake let sean taylor in a million doors he could never get into ntil shauntaake partner wit sean taylor shauntaake wll do u hw shauntaake did sean taylor sean taylor & roberta taylor had one of the greatest investment houses it would of been even greater if shauntaake chose to live in it & put shauntaake thangs in it but sean taylor also got hs ths shauntaake gift to u the devil real kds ths was sean taylor plan but we all know what happen our plans was shorten by tragedy but that our past now & we have to constantly move forward shauntaake comang to master everythang us all of the thangs u can use that was custom made for u to use & these wll b your advantages  the whitest kds white sperm donor mostly white woman carriers shaunaake wll let ū joint mother them & put your names on their birth certificates ppl adopt kds everyday that aint their kds ths woud b more than adoptang shauntaake kds 
shauntaake know it was love lovang someone u been lovang someone u test out a million times & one false move could fuck it all up shauntaake seen ths happen forever when that one false move that could cost u your life shauntaake want to punish a mutherfucker cause a mutherfucker should of been more careful when u aint just livang for yourself u have to thank about everybody else in your situaton & not just yourself when u know u have safe sex partner circle u cant fuck around u have to protect yourself if u choose to mess around shauntaake prove to u all a million times that shauntaake not sick shauntaake goverment would of been shut ths whole world down shauntaake goverment made it their job to watch shauntaake since shauntaake birth shauntaake goverment see shauntaake not takang medicine shauntaake goverment see shauntaake dont get sick aint no nee for medicine if I'm not sick so shauntaake world went on peacefully & vengancefully for trynna touch me knowang someone foul try to touch me & shauntaake world made threats & klld chants lauk n everythang they even attacks dior b shauntaake forgive them cause shauntaake knw what shauntaake was doang shauntaake the devil & shauntaake built like a stallon so shauntaake past woman was in love so shauntaake not mad at them for wantang shauntaake raw love but shauntaake knw what shauntaake was doang & shauntaake remain naturally healthy for over a decade u have to b very responle when it comes to sex & shauntaake was responsle
shauntaake / their in comments tellang u knôw hu to fôĉuse on her & her k & their baby 
shauntaaké say ŷall coud b wit whateva her name îs ū could raw sex wit her & come seē shaūntaakē when ū want to eat it & have realdôē sex were even u’ll b wit a nobody & shauntaake wive’s a b shauntaake nobody’s so u dont feel bad 
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shauntaake / musluims u was shautaake cherîsh ppl sun moon & stars shauntaake body sean taylor surrénder to the world thē right one saunaake mäd sean taylor a real rich man sēan taylor was wealth ẃhen shauntaake met hm sauntaake reatonship & hdden conncets mad sean taylor rch shantaake open a million dors for sean taylor
shauntaake / sean taylor funnnnnnnn was at roberta taylor house spēcially our summers pooooool time we stay in the pool supply store remember the days u use to follow shauntaake & sean taylœr stalkang yes sideequah was fatal attracton for real mtherfuckers u have no idea remember those heavy rejecton days u know u was’nt never invite to b t sean taylo & hs family sideequh  hert broken soul u stll luk heart broken sean taylor left her fôreve cæus sean taylœr was älways wit shäuntaäke sean taylor aint gve sideequah none of hs time hē did that sht to shautaäke a night r two & shauntaäke went crasy so ßhauntaäke could sean taylœr duck ū for yearssss &  kno hat shauntaake gœnn lighten up n u causē it sean tylôr fault sauntaae so sorry he treat u like that & u was one of hs girlfrends first yes t was about 5 of yall sen aylœr was datang at the sam timé hn shäuntaake mt hm  & he lef all of them to b wît hs dream woman shauntaak not sorry tt sen taylœr finälly gt þō fufll is wn dreams wit hs œn mœnéy but sœrry that he took  uthaa ẃoman thru s much heart achē h uthaa lil by mothe usē to sit n the car lik a mute when hē see ßhauntake sittang on roberta taylœr porch ẃt sean taylôr out of respect th l knẃ shauntaäke was ife that œne never gavē shauntaakē probems sean taylor use to give her money for her pretty son & let her go on her way shauntaake also got a million story’s wit sean tylœr womannn sideequh  dont knœw what it feéls like to b seän täylor wifē fr real u neve livē thät life 
shauntaake sorry the dats aint got enough hstory what about richmond virginia masters the first woodbridge masters shauntaake own thôse masters those dats ẃhen they came to woodbridge to kll us that stuck dat connecton sold deäth to us shauntaake thank sean taylor want scrwface klld u aint know seän taylor screwface gavē us problems & it happen when shauntaäke & sean taylor was far away from the apartment we was all the way in uptown harlem new york city when we got the call that they shot up the apartmet 
shauntaake / u mutherfuckers dont even know they stll want war wit shauntaake/sean taylor their comang aftaa shauntaake now trynna start a nw war wit me & shauntaake keep avoidang these situatons it stll jealousy sean taylor muslium cousin came to steal sean taylor whole life from hm everybody sean taylor date he date those same femäles right now but he did the opposite he take carē of the bitches sean taylor anit want no more the bitches sean taylor aint give sht & hs cousin b trynn beef wit me cause shauntaäkē wll never surrender to hm & shauntaake make hm crasy he lauk like sean taylor lil brother sean taylor was a heavier soul a heavier groom man but their built just alike their parents was brothers & ssters but he b wantang beef wit mē caûse he rollang wit the foe bitches that sean taylor aint want & they stll want their revenge caûse sean taylor aint give them sht  they want hm to treat me hw sean taylor treat them like sht it not gonna happen shauntaake see your jealousy shauntaake madē ūs family & he want war shauntaake just want hm to leave me alone cause shauntaakē aint beat those bitches ẃll nēver relivē sean taylor again ẃit u cause u äint sean taylor shauntaäke aint confuse 
shauntaake / sideequah u aint know sean taylor was gonna hit u next u & your problems sean taylor was about protectang sean taylor family shauntaake remember when u sideequah use to ride thru roberta taylor block in uthaa niggers cars trynna start wars wit sean taylor shauntaäke use to b wit sean taylor sittang in our mercedes when all of ths was hppenng ät that momment & sean taylor like lauk at ths hoē mutherfucker n anuthaa nigger car & sean taylœr use to b like & he know hu nigger car it was uh huh niggers want war wit sean taylœr hauntaake äint nver d no sht lie tät we was in the game & nīggers quick to īnfultrate  & hi u th amde aīnt fôr everybdy & u gtaa fuck wit loyal bitches tät care about your safety sideeqh  int gve a fuck bout sean taylœr safety u knw these niggers was jealous œf hm your musliums went to war on sean taylor cause the knw sean taylor was comämg for u to destroy ū & your baby sean taylor plan to fuck your lil hoe ass up  leave u n the hood wit your baby sean taylœr aint give a fuck cause u was a famale u brought war to hm like u want war so he went to war on u he plan to leave n n the struggle sean taylor aint live n the hood for yearsss sean taylor had a nw äpartment in montclaire where shaunake was at wit shauntaake kds u know u was at it nce or twice that where hauntake was älwayssssssss at chllng & lougang cookang dinner for sean taylôr & shauntaake kds mindang our business sean taylor was in the musliums game by hsself sean taylor aint have a family of musliums like the rest of the muslims these stranger mutherfuckers dont even know shauntaake & sean taylor real wars story’s 
shauntaake / sideequah white ppl online sayang yo gutaa bak room n the hoood porns aint worth sht that why they let nacho out to shit on u u see hw sean taylor did u dirty sean taylor was a mony man coud 5 star htel a bitch shauntaake life u try to sell the crumb indûstry u looser ass niggers shauntaake ẃll forever ugh at u 
shantaakē laughng a these nw coments they saŷang ths hw sideequah want it but that äint hw it happen ppl laughang writang the comments & they sayang sideeqäh say sean taylor & sideeqûah live n the house īn richmond virgīnīa tôgethaa & she only allow hs uthaa kds to just spend the night she aint approve of mykya beang n her house the ĉomments say sean taylôr made her rich & gave her everthang pull it out show us what sean taylôr gave u shauntaake want to see so shantaake could finally givē u your props shauntaake invest into the truth the comments say these the plans she had for hersef but that nôt hw it happen sideequah u the worst interferrense n everybody life we let u have your make the lil dirty project nigger arche shauntaake remember thôse wars that the lil dirty nigger ū go tatoo on your wrist the muslīums forcē sean taylor to do right b sideequah when h aīnt want to do righ by he ass sideeqûah lil hot bitch that gave verybody poblems case she want to b in the it cicles & they int want her n h it circles case she was’n on their level sideequah u nee to bow praise salute & pray to your mūsliums caûse if u was’t musloum we woud of been klld yo nobody ass u been a problem for everybody sean taylor want to kll u that why they klld hm like u was more important that what u tellang me oh really ths mutherfucker aīnt want to see nobody happy but herself u see shauntaake was never beat fôr u shauntaake ignore u everytime u come around shauntaake wll never give u the satisfacton of sayang u got somethng off on me cause ū did’nt your son could never replace sean taylor he not even built like sean taylor body smile or face u musliums fuckd everythang up fôr sean taylor what he had plan for hsself sean taylor was chôsen u lōst a grēat man blood family frend fathaa & būsiness partner thank yourselves for lettang a stranger nfultrate your wars sean taylœr went to war wit ŷall shauntaae could call out a hand full œf mslium mn names cause sean taylôr introduce shauntaäk to u as a frend musliums have their own secret circe  have to know in order to know them shautaake have a million story’s wit musliums to but shauntake choôse not to tell them case u onl love muslims so our love a mystery to the world sean taylr made shauntaake your creativē business partner shauntaake not muslium shauntaake dont have no deals wit the musliums so shauntaake dont have to deal wit your problem sideequah yes  aways been a problem t the whole world cuse u want to b shauntaækē the 1 & ū wll néve b shauntaake the 1 & tatv the reality  nee to deal wit shauntaake never botherd u  bthered m  ßhauntaake life wit sean taylor a sēcret life we didnt invite u ntœ u dont knœw nthag about sunday inner every sunday at robert taylors wit ll of her grandkds & great grands every sunday we ate sunday dinner togethaa we aint invite ū u was’nt welcome & u gave us problems shauntaake possess sean taylor real love masters & hstory shauntaäke possess sean taylor soul u se it sean taylor wen bak to shauntaake love of hs life shauntaake choose not to let sean taylor soul bk out one of them got ou in anuthaa country u saw hm connct to hauntaake kd phauts & sean taylor shauntaake aboton shauntaake show u musliums nothang but lovē būt shauntaake rathaa do shauntaakē ôwn thang like shauntaake beén doang & it stll all love shauntaake & sean taylor try to give u the world & u aint want it so shauntaake givang shauntaake all bak to shauntaake whites 
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shauntaake / we all know we was’nt born sick to many (a) born kds gonna brang the (aliens) here to ĉome & b wit their kds that havē théir blood no morē (a) born kds shauntaake trynna tell u whät up the (aliens) plan was to conquore humans since the first war wit the dēvil shauntaake part so shauntaake anuthaa level of intelligence gives the right answers & when everybody caught their discease the (aliens) comang home to whipe everybody the fuck out cause u dont lauk like them & your gonna b the strangers on your own planet earth bad blood gonna brang them the world fuckd up shauntaake know dont u know that hstory & time repeats itself
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
I’ve managed to do a few in one sitting, so I decided to be extra nice. Here ya go, folks - Criminal Minds s01e03 Won’t Get Fooled Again review
Episode 03 – Won’t Get Fooled Again
Ok, let’s get started on episode 3. So from the title alone I can guess it has to do with the background of one of the characters. Sounds yummy. Let’s go.
We start with a guy creepily staring at another guy’s house while listening to the weather report … and I’m not liking the odds with that heat figures.
And we’re located in Palm Beach, Florida this time, exotic and high end… impressive.
You know, for a businessman he’s being awfully stalkerish, gives me the creeps. Also, the guy who is being stalked is the dad from “Even Stevens” LOL so good to have throwbacks.
Oh, wow! That was unexpected! It just went boom!
And Even Steven’s dad is on fire and screaming bloody murder. Yeesh. I hoped it was gonna be ok this time.
Five bombs??? That’s insane!!!
How the hell does Derek know all about bombs? He’s even more intriguing than I thought. A lovely wrapping on a lovelier package, mmm (smacking lips)
And a bomb just went off on a live news report, awesome PR for the bomber, no doubt.
And show’s intro – still pissed Kirsten isn’t in it. Oh wait, she’s a guest star???? What??? Oh God, I’m gonna have to keep up with this show to see her become a series regular. Oh boy.
Someone should explain what ATF means.
And Derek is still doubting Gideon’s capability in the field? What? Oh well, I guess it’s for the best cuz I trust that fictional man with all my heart.
Samuel Johnson: “Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.” – does that mean this episode has a copycat? Whoa, talk about foreshadowing!!!!
Aww Penelope’s cute cluelessness around the bomb is so amazingly adorable.
“Garcia, what are you doing in the FBI?” “I didn’t get into medical school” “Why does that noy surprise me?” “Ouch! That’s what my father said seven years ago!”
Hahaha I love their banter. I’m so excited they get a scene all for themselves.
“You sound like Gideon,” “Ouch!”
God, I love those two.
Morgan explaining the mechanics of bombs should not be this arousing.
“Boom! See ya later, unsub.” – hopefully.
“What does that tell you about our unsub? “(looking nauseated) That he’s one sick puppy?” aww babycakes.
Um, if you don’t understand that the police and FBI are in your house you should get your head checked, please calm down lady, they’re trying to help.
Oh, lovely, anarchist? What the frick are they trying to prove here?
Oh wow, they messed up his leg real good for this episode, nice. But he’s huffed up on painkillers why is he still coherent? Hmm, that seems oddly suspicious.
OK, if a geologist isn’t taking samples, that should be a red flag, you moron. How the fuck can ou afford that bigass house and have the brain of a dead coyote?
Oh snap, so Elle found a picture of a kid, who is their nephew… but seriously? A kid making a bomb? What the hell? Also, if he’s coherent, how the fuck is he NOT a suspect? Am I missing something?
Penelope’s playing Tetris while Morgan’s trying to figure out the bomb, I’m dying here. Wow. Did she just solve it? She’s amazing. I love Penelope Garcia with all of my heart.
Yay, going into a different scene in Gideon’s head. I love when they do that. It always excites me.
So he gets off on murder? Ew.
Oh, they’re going to prison, baby.
Yeah, it’s a “shocker” that Hotchner was a nerd when he was a kid. Like he isn’t now.
Look, Bale is jail, of course it’s a copycat, of course it is! He’s a narcissistic asshole who can’t share his toys, so why the fuck would he send someone to do his Devine work?
Oh this guy is just bananas all over the charts! Whew. I’m getting dizzy just from listening to this whackjob.
Oh shit, the kid is holding a fucking bomb. Oh shit.
Oh my god, that’s excruciating to watch. Why let a girl hold a box that’s supposedly a bomb? Damn.
“Office of Supreme Genius Puzzle-Solving, do you have a riddle for me?” if I wasn’t being monitored I’d answer like that at my job.
Wow, the guys in prison can access the internet? Maybe prison isn’t all that bad … weird. Oh, wow, now Penelope is gonna lure him out with pornography? That sick little lady, I love her so much.
“Sexy willing teen hot for inmate” – could you be any more obvious? For a tech kitten, you’re not very kitteny.
186 emails from the guy in prison? They need to roll back the privileges. Come on.
Haha they just got onto the unsub.
“Don’t marry the first guy who proposes” – why the fuck would you tell a woman that?
“I hope he’s not committing suicide, I won’t be able to collect on life insurance” – that’s healthy, Mrs. Walker.
Oh crap! That guy just totally turned his wife into roadkill. What the fuck is going on with this show??
Guy was obsessed with Bale. Eek! Talk about creepy assholes.
Aww, look at Garcia making her lunch all organized.
And why is Derek getting down on her for not eating or sleeping? Not nice. But I love him all the same. Please never change, or I will be forced to mishandle you, mister.
“Uh-ho! Somebody’s been taking notes!” “Medical school, schmedical school” someone staple those two’s lips together already.
Also, I love their cute little hand thing they got going on.
“Forgeries valued into millions?” I got to get in on that. Damn.
Oh man. They just sent a hostage with a bomb on him. Oh crap! That just got serious real quick.
I can’t believe I can eat while watching this show. I guess I’m really desensitized now. Really hoped not to get to this point, but whatever.
Three hours to diffuse a bomb? Damn.
So they’re going to negotiate with a bomber? Oh man.
Aww, he’s got a bumper mirror on a selfie stick! You’re so resourceful, Hotch.
What? Now Bale is in contact with Walker? Oh boy. He’s gonna blow the whole thing up like the fourth of July. Get the hell out of there!!!!!
Phew. Only Walker got fried.
Wait, what? They’re gonna give him the option to get out of prison? For a bomb on a civilian? That’s cute.
Oh come on! He already said he made an error in the beginning of the episode, why the fuck does he have to be such a fucking prick?
Wow. He’s a definite sociopath. Seriously. Just slap the cuffs on him and lead him to his execution, come on! Ugh.
4 minutes to diffuse the bomb.
Wait. Bale told him red and Gideon says blue? Why the fuck did that asshole lie to him? Now he gets nothing anyway!
Oh damn Gideon is one teasing little bitch, and I love him for it.
 This was such an intense episode, I really hope they keep it up. As much as I grumble and grouse over the graphic imagery, I love this so much. I’ll see y’all tomorrow night (yup, it’s 9:30 pm over here) for Plain Sight, alright? Thanks to those who read this. Mwah <3
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surveys4ever · 3 years
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? I put red bell peppers in the breakfast burritos we had for dinner last night!
What was your last Facebook notification for? Someone requested to join a group I admin.
What bands have you seen live? Sadly I haven’t seen many bands live. Last ones I saw were Paramore and X Ambassadors!
Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: Ummm...she got weight loss surgery a few years ago.
What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? My dad left and my mom remarried and had a bunch more kids she likes more than me.
What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? Cheesecake, broccoli, water, atheists. Now cheesecake is my favorite, I love broccoli, water is the only thing I drink, and I AM an atheist.
What are your plans later today? I have to shower and make dinner. Other than that idk.
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? Sadly probably not. Beebs works so I’m probably just gonna work on a sewing project or something.
Who do you talk to the most? My husband or our dog!
What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? Go on TikTok.
Who is your best guy friend(s)? My husband!
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m good where I’m at!
If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? It depends on the scar and its placement. I’d probably get it removed tho.
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? Nope! Last one was in the 9th grade.
Do you think your first love still loves you? I’d sure hope so.
What is something that is “going right” in your life? We’re debt free for the first time since we got married, my husband is fixed, and we just finished getting a bunch of repairs done on our car!
When did you feel ready to start dating? I don’t think there was a moment I decided I was ready...it just happened!
When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? I mean...she’s never bitten me maliciously! Just playfully.
Where were you the last time you made out? In bed I believe.
When was the last time you cried tears of joy? When a company I’ve loved forever sent me a massive PR box with so much more than I could have ever expected. I sat on the kitchen floor and cried.
How do you type your sad smileys? :(
Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? Nah!
What was the last soda you drank? I had a coke slushie earlier!
What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I’m not sure! It was probably something silly my husband was teasing me for.
Have you ever had any type of surgery? No, thank god.
Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? Yeah. It’s their body!
Who was the last person to hit on you? Some weirdo on the internet told me my bellybutton must smell like roses.
What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? Shower..oops.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? I don’t know!
What do you put on hot dogs? Mayo, ketchup, mustard, and cheese.
Ever fallen in the shower? Slipped but not fallen!
Do you think that things will get better? I really hope so!
Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? Yup.
What’s your favourite book genre? I don’t know if I have one!
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? I almost walked out of Toy Story 4 because the people behind us were so goddamn rude and their kid kept pulling my hair.
Do dogs like you? Oh hell yeah.
Would you say that you project an air of authority? Maybe? I’m a bossy Capricorn so I exude some level of leadership but I’m also not comfortable being in charge of anyone.
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? Absolutely not.
Do you use one towel when you shower or two? Two! One for my hair and one for my body.
Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? Nope!
Who do you know that had a baby recently? Um! Lots of Facebook friends but no one personally.
Do you like Usher’s songs? Eh! They’re alright.
When was the last time you went to a waterpark? Oh god. Like 15 years ago.
Have you ever ridden a train? When I was a young tot, yes!
What do you eat your French fries with? Depends on the fry! Ranch is usually my favorite.
Do you have family problems? Hahahahaha....hahahaha...yes. So fucking many.
What’s the last food you ate that was stale? I don’t know? I don’t eat stale food very often.
How do you like your grilled cheese? Extra cheesy with tomato soup!
What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? Pasta aglio e olio!
What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? Spend time with my grandma!
Have you ever been close to drowning? Nope.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Ugh, many times. They are terrifying.
Do you like doing housework? Sometimes! Other times I’d rather do l i t e r a l l y anything else.
Would you ever get implants? I want a breast lift but I’m afraid to go under anesthesia.
Do you own a robe? A few, yeah!
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yup, but that’s none of your beeswax.
Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? If it’s dominos, I just toss it but if it’s anything else, I’ll eat it!
What was the last song you listened to? I Don’t Wanna Wait by Paula Cole.
Have any of your family members been to jail? In laws, yes!
Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? Yeah, sadly.
Can you remember when you first learned how to read? Yup! Kindergarten.
What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? Probably having to give up my childhood to be the big sister. I’m inherently motherly, I take care of everyone, but I have no desire to be a mother.
Have you ever had any teeth pulled? Just my wisdoms!
Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? I wanted to be famous.
What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? I feel like I watch all of the shows that interest me!
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? Uh...no.
What is your favorite Queen song? Fat Bottomed Girls!
Do you know how to use any foreign currency? Well yeah but I mean...I’m not sure what there is to know about it? You go to the bank, exchange your money for the other money, and then spend it as you see fit. It’s a lot easier to just use your bank card tho.
Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? Nope!
Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? Yeahhhh, sadly. My period is a little bitch who likes to show up late a lot and I’m an anxious mess so I usually take tests to give me some peace of mind while I wait.
When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? I’m never at a loss of what to do!
What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? We went to a theme park! It was absolutely magical.
What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? Inside out and Just Friends! We saw Inside Out by ourselves, with my husband’s best friend, and then with my family just because it was so fkn good. And then my best friend at the time was obsessed with Ryan Reynolds and saw it I think like 10 times by herself, 2 of which were with me.
What is the reason you’re still alive? My heart is still pumping?
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? I’ve had sex in my parents’ hotel room while they were down at the pool...sorry mom.
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? I never brush my hair except for right after a shower. I have curly hair and brushing it is the literal worst thing you can do.
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) I don’t believe so!
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Yes and yes!
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Bleary! My husband was calling me to wake me up.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? I do, even when I don’t really want to.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Friends and family, yeah.
Would you date someone with a physical disability? I mean, I'm married, but in a theoretical world where I was single, that wouldn’t be something that would deter me if I loved someone.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? He has not!
The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Purple! That was only like 2 weeks ago.
Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? We did!
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? 20%, actually!
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve only ever gone to Reddit because Google suggested it to me to answer a question I had.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? I was only 4 but I guess I was my mom’s maid of honor/flower girl at her wedding.
Are your parents in good health? My mom is but my dad has high cholesterol and bad back pain. Nothing super serious tho.
Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? Nope!
Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? Not that I’m aware of but most medications have weird affects on me. NyQuil makes me hallucinate, Novocaine makes me loopy, and oui’d makes me see shit, so?
Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? I really just wear a T-shirt and shorts to bed.
Do you have any interesting pillow cases? All my pillow cases rn are vintage and I love them!
If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? I just have really sensitive feet and every pair rubs them raw or causes blisters/bleeding so they usually hurt.
Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Spiders, definitely.
Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? I had acrylics for a year! I don’t remember the last set I had on tho.
Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Native American.
0 notes
haelieana · 3 years
TL : Leah
PR : Yeonie
The moment I thought I was the main character in the life of a supporting actress who had never been the main character.
If you fall into the abyss of an extra who didn't even care.
What would you do?
Will you regain the main character's life?
Will you go back to the supporting role's life?
Here's the story of a woman who went back to being the protagonist who was deprived of everything by extra because of the favoritism of a goddess.
'I've heard that the Marquis of Horatia is looking for a missing maid. The maid is at 128 capital.'
The butler angrily stole the unknown sender's letter that I tried to hide from him and read it. The letter had a story about the missing maid.
"No way. Lady, if you are going to be deceived by this letter, you must not go here."
"Allen, it's already been a week since Luda's disappearance. The Marquis's didn't even find a single hair, and I haven't heard any rumors."
I asked Allen to find Luda, but when he listened to me, his expression didn't change.
"I know you care about Luda, but not even if she dies....."
The missing maid, Luda, is the daughter of a nanny, who has been with me since I opened my eyes, and she was also my best friend and sister.
It's already been a week since she went missing.
Allen pushed me into the room, saying nonsense, and I was dragged straight into the room.
This was where I am now. A pretentious, empress-designate, ring-owner. However, I'm just like a doll who has no power in the family or in society. Luda was my only ally and the only one who listened to me.
"So, even more, I can't give up on Luda".
I had to go save her. It was clear that 128th Street would be near the back alley. The capital of this empire was evidence that the higher the number, the worse it was.
I needed a strong rope to carry my weight. The curtains were torn and tied tightly, and the insufficient length was supplemented by a brush in the closet.
It was a quick idea, but when I made it, it was quite a good one. At this length, I thought I could reach the balcony downstairs.
"You can do it, Marilyn Horatia!"
In the evening, darkness fell upon the sky, and my plans began.
The curtain rope was lowered under the window, making sure it was long enough to reach the balcony of the floor below.
Fortunately, the length was just right. As a fear of heights, it was a miracle for me to rely on this curtain rope to go down three stories high.
With courage, I was moving my arms and legs little by little, relying only on curtain ropes, hanging one floor at a time.
When I'm close to the balcony on the first floor, there's a loud sound of cloth tearing from the top.
The tough curtains carried my weight, but the brush that was urgently replenished due to lack of length was too weak to bear my weight.
When I saw the brush tearing at a high speed and thought I was falling down and dying, I saw a balcony over there.
I rolled a little as I fell, and blood began to flow from my elbow. Fortunately, however, no one seemed to hear me scream.
I looked around to see who might have seen me, but the castle was still quiet.
I vigorously wiped the blood off my elbows and sneaked out of the Marquis’s. There's no one to help me.
I, on my own, had to find Luda.
Five minutes out of Marquis's.
Perhaps I was wandering around the castle, a high-ranking servant approached me.
"Are you, the Young lady of Marquis of Horatia?"
"No, I'm not."
I thought I had already been caught escaping the Marquis’s. When I was looking for a route to escape with my eyes, the man told me the answer I wanted most.
"If you're looking for a maid, you can come with me. Because I'm the one who is sent by somebody. I'll write the letter."
"How am I supposed to believe you?"
The man took a ball of paper out of his arms and showed me.
"This is the pattern of the Duke of Jacqueline. Young-ae's maid is with the Princess."
What was painted on the paper handed by the man was the pattern of Duke Jacqueline. I understood that the reason why I couldn't find Luda was because she was on the Jacqueline’s.
How can this guy know when I'm gonna come out?
There was a warning in my head that I shouldn't follow this man, but I took a step for Luda.
"We've arrived."
The entrance to the Duke's castle is dark. It was hidden by the Doom. I looked around, wondering if it was originally this dark, but this place was too gloomy for the Duke of Jacqueline.
"Wait, I'm....."
"Welcome, Horatia Young-Ae."
When I was about to ask the servant if this place was really a Duke’s, Cornelia appeared and welcomed me with a smile.
"Jacqueline Young-Ae."
"First, would you like to go inside?"
A woman in a completely different position from me. If I were a doll, she was a woman close to the real empress.
Unlike I who was forced to sit on the Empress nominee, with only this ring, she was the most suitable person for the Empress.
As I stared blankly at her flaming red, wavy hair, I followed her back and walked into a dark place that wasn't quite like the Duke Castle.
"Oh, dear Horatia?"
My status as the ring's owner and prospective empress nominee was higher than that of a princess, but I never spoke down to her.
Even if I grab and ask any one of the Bertil Empire nobles, a hundred will all say that she is a true empress.
I was just lucky to be the owner of the ring and take her place.
"Thank you for coming so easily."
At Cornelia's words, she looked behind her back to see Luda, who had fallen all over her body, over a prison-like iron bar.
I clung to the bars and reached out and yelled at Luda, but she didn't budge at all if she couldn't hear me.
"It's really amazing. I mean, the precious person is barely, that insignificant maid."
"Princess what did you do? Why!"
"Oh, my gosh, my dear Horatia. Are you mad at me for making a maid like that?"
Due to the characteristics of the empire that follows a strict status, If Cornelia cut off Luda's neck on the spot, there will be no one to point at her. It was resentful, but all were true. It was as if I had made Luda like that.
"You know.... that she's my maid..?"
My hands were shaking, but I couldn't get angry, so I clenched my fist and stared at Cornelia.
"I mean, I don't know if you're smart. Didn't you see the letter, obviously, saying she's your maid? What's happened to not even a common aristocratic friend. Well, of course, it was nice to me, but your life was a little pitiful."
Is what I'm hearing now not a dream but a reality? I was blankly blinking and listening to Cornelia speak, and I thought it was a shock to her. A voice murmured in my ear.
"Catch her and put her in jail. I'll let you be next to the lowly maid you want."
She moved her mouth and said something, and two sturdy men grabbed my arms and started pushing me into the prison where Luda was trapped. I didn't even think of rebelling, so I went inside the prison and approached Luda.
I checked Luda's condition. She's breathing a little.
"Don't worry. I haven't killed her yet. Well, if that's the case, she'll be dead soon."
"Why, why are you doing this....."
She just sneered past the prison without answering my question.
How many days and nights have passed?
There was no sunlight in the cellar, so I couldn't even guess how much time had passed.
Since then, I haven't had a sip of water, so my voice hasn't come out properly. She seemed to starve me to death.
Luda didn't breathe long after I entered prison. There wasn't anything I could do to save Luda. I just saw Luda dying next to me.
"Luda..... Lu... da.."
How many days did I spend in prison hugging Luda, who had become a cold body? Cornelia, she came to see me.
"P, Princess...."
"Please, save me..."
As soon as Cornelia showed up, I put my forehead to the cold prison floor and began begging Cornelia to save my life.
"Please..... Please...."
"It's not me you have to blame, it's the ring."
After being imprisoned by Cornelia, she looked at the ring she had never seen before. The ring never fell out of my finger, which had been starved for a long time.
"As expected, even if you starve like this, your ring won't come off."
"Me and Luda..... Let me out."
"You still don't know? Your maid is already dead. She's just a toy."
When words came out of Cornelia's mouth that insulted Luda, anger began to rise.
"You, the Emperor, and this ring, I resent everything!"
"If it weren't for you, I could have easily become the Empress... I was uncomfortable with my planting due to the appearance of an obstacle called you. Besides, these days, Rayle doesn't look for me because of you!"
Cornelia was upset while talking, she grabbed my hair and shook it. My body, which had not eaten anything, was shaking like a paper doll in the wind, just as Cornelia shook it.
"I didn't want it either."
If I had known this would happen, I would never have wanted this ring. I've never been happy since I became the ring's owner.
"Now, let's get this over with, shall we?"
Cornelia opened the box she had brought and began rumbling and tearing something open.
"It's my gift to you."
"In, injection...?"
The stuff from the box was totally unexpected. What do you mean a syringe.... all of a sudden...
"I'll let you go comfortably. So that you don't even feel the pain."
Cornelia grabbed me by the arm and began to cram the needle ignorantly.
"Argh! It hurts..!"
"Don't worry—you'll be fine soon."
Indeed, as Cornelia said, not long after the injection, my mind went blank, and all the pain began to disappear.
In a hazy mind, I lay on the floor and looked up at her.
At that time, Rayle began to appear behind Cornelia.
"It's nice to see you."
"I'm sorry, Lady Horatia."
Cornelia put on a kind mask again, perhaps because of Rayle, and looked at me, looking at me with sympathy. I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but this one was certain.
I was dying. It's a bit like it's slowly eroding in the air.
In the midst of dying, I couldn't forget the amber golden eye of a beast looking at me with a careless face.
"Then..... Your Majesty, don't worry and make yourself at home."
Since I had been abused by my starving body for a long time, I had no strength in my body, so I didn't even speak. Just wiggling my fingers was all my last move.
I felt the greedy gaze of the woman across the street as she stared at the pink diamond ring shining between her bare fingers.
What happened to me right now, the ring.
If I were given another chance, I'd never wear this ring.
I didn't think it would be such a waste to have a relationship from heaven!
4 notes · View notes
Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
"Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?
I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.""
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
""In Las Vegas, do you have to have car insurance in order to drive? Is it required.?
Do you have to have car insurance to have a license?
How much would my insurance cost?
I can't seem to get some of the online quotes to work?? I'm 21, have been driving since I was 16, with NO blemishes on my record. I (will) drive a 2006 Acura TL. Just a ball park number. Thanks!""
""Visiting CA, do I need to get auto insurance?""
I have an IL driver's license but no auto insurance. I am planning to visit family in CA. Is it legal for me to drive my mom's car without having auto insurance? If not, where can I get short term (2-day) auto insurance?""
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
What is a good affordable health insurance?
That is no more than $120 monthly. Thanks in advanced
Insurance Q???
im gonna be getting a car over the summer or on my 16th b-day (winter time) My parents Have State Farm, my zipcode *45616* (ohio) i want a convertible how much do you think my insurance will be, or W/ a Truck.""
How long does it take to get auto insurance?
if i apply now how long will i be able to get the insurance? im a new driver and i need insurance 4 myself. i need to drive a car with insurance before may
Is it really worth it to get Full coverage insurance on a vehicle more than 10- 15 years old?
Is it really worth it to get Full coverage insurance on a vehicle more than 10- 15 years old?
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
Will a reckless driving ticket affect an insurance premium in Georgia?
My husband recently went through a road block after leaving work (playing music in a bar.) He was honest and said he'd been drinking, even though he waited for a while and had not had that much to drink. He blew .07 over the legal limit. He went to jail for 14 hours. We paid a lot of money and got the charge dropped to reckless driving. This was six months ago and our insurance premium has only gone down (good grades and homeowner's insurance with same company.) We are afraid to ask the insurance company for fear that they might not know. 1. Will that info get sent to them automatically? 2. Is there danger that our bill will go up if we speak to them about it? 3. What percentage might the bill go up once they do find out? We are looking to buy a new car soon, so we can't avoid speaking to the insurance company about it forever!""
50cc motorcycle insurance?
I have a 1982 honda mb5 street bike. Its 50cc and has a 5 speed gearbox. I live in indiana and i want to get my motorcycles endorsment but it requires that i have insurance for the bike. How much would that be?
What is the cheapest/best car insurance and car for a newly licensed driver in MA?
What would be the best and cheapest type of car and car insurance to get for someone who just received their license?
Car insurance...oh my god?
hi, i just pass my driving test, my car (insurance group 7)....i search on confuse.com for third party car insurance is 4000 one year..although i'm 30 years old. is this ture? ...show more""
Raise car insurance price?
I recently got a speeding ticket for $198. I've only been pulled over twice, once in 2006 and then this current occasion. I'm a college student and I'm very short on money and I'm unsure as to what to do. I've already saved $100 and when I get paid again, I'll save the remaining amount. However, I hadn't thought about traffic school just because it's about $30 for the class and then an additional $10 to get the certification sent to me and by that point, it'll be close to 30 days and I have to mail the ticket and payment out since I was pulled over in a different county. And, it would end up costing me more money in the end. I'd receive 4 points on my license without taking traffic school. How bad is 4 points? Will the points make my car insurance go up? What's the best thing to do in this situation?""
First time car insurance?
I passed my driving test on the 6th of December 2011 and got a car yesterday. It is a 1.0 litre peugeot 107 56 plate and I'm 22. Wondering where the cheapest place to go for car insurance would be or the cheapest way to do it? I've heard some people go on their Mum's, but you shouldn't do that as it's illegal to say they are the main driver when you are (not sure how this would be proved). I've looked on price comparison sites but they are all still so expensive and I still feel I can get a better quote. The best one has been from an independent insurer called Ingenie at 1300, so I know I can get cheaper on sites that aren't on price comparison ones, if that makes sense! The thing is there's so many was just wondering if anyone knew the cheapest?? Getting bored of typing my details in over and over :) Thankyou x""
Car Insurance Question?
I recently bought new insurance from Nationwide. They want me to send in proof of prior insurance along with other documents. My last insurance was under our family business so the insurance card doesnt say my name, rather it says the business's name. will this be a problem?""
""Of these cars which has the best reputation for safety, cheap to insure, low maintenance, and high mileage?""
dodge charger jaguar XKR porsche boxster audi A5 cadillac CTS and for people about to say that if you can afford one of them why is being cheap to insure an issue, ive been saving up to buy a used one of these cars as i am still a college student thanks""
""I need car insurance quotes from competing companies, how do i get that?
I need to get a list of car insurance quotes from compteing companies. Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to do that?
Buying Insurances with a G1 licenses in Ontario.?
I recently just bought a car. Its registered to me. Although it does not have any insurances right now. I have my G1, but I want to insure this car now, so I can drive it. (obviously with a licensed driver). I think I read that I can purchase insurances as a G1 driver, and just list someone else as the primary driver, until I get my G2. Does anyone know how expensive this might be? If I had my G2, the lowest insurance quote for my car I could find is about $450 a month. However, since I will be listing someone else as a primary driver, like my dad, would the price be significantly cheaper?""
How much insurance should I have on a 12 year old car?
Should I have full coverage or can I get by on something less?
Poll: How much do you pay for auto insurance per year?
could you do me a favour and also tell me what kind of car you drive, age, and gender? don't worry not trying to stalk anyone or something, I just want to see what do most people pay for insurance. I don't know much about what's a good or bad price, all I know is the rate for the car I want and I want to see what it is compared to other people's rates. if you don't want to answer you don't have to because I know some people might not be comfortable saying this stuff to strangers. also any offences? thanks!""
Car wreck insurance question ?
I was involved in an accident.The other driver was found to be at fault and cited a ticket.His insurance company has told me my car is totaled.The frame is not bent.I feel my car can be fixed.I received a letter from his insurance company stating that they will not pay for the towing bill and after the 23rd would not pay for the storage bill because my car is considered to be totaled.The accident or crash report just came out yesterday it pointed out all the facts about the accident .The other driver is at fault.I asked them today what they were going to do they said they are still investigating the accident and were not going to make any decisions.How can they send me a letter about towing and storage and not have given me any check for my vehicle or made an offer or anything and then tell me they are still investigating the crash.How should i approach this whole thing ?
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more
How much will insurance be on a 2004 Nissan Maxima SL?
By the time I get the car I will be like 18 and 1/2. I will be under my parents policy and I only get into one accident (very minor) but it was at no fault. Parents got into no accidents in the last like 5 years. I want a rough estimate on how much it will be a year for the car I am going to get. Thanks
The Future Of Car Insurance?( Its what they do in the U.K)?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5408338.stm An in-car black box device calculates premiums based on when, and how often, the car is used. The time of the day, type of road and mileage of the drive is taken into consideration when working out the monthly charge to customer. Charging people more for driving late night when many accidents occur could change driver behaviour, particularly among the young. Would you be willing to try pay-as-you drive car insurance?""
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
Is mental health treatment covered by insurance?
Is counseling and drug therapy typically covered by insurance in the United States? Thanks!
Why want the Republicans work with the Democrats to get a good health care system in the U.S.?
Is it because the Republicans are behind big business?
How much will my all state insurance increase?
I am 17 and I just got my first speeding ticket. How much would my insurance rates go up if I was doing 20 over and does it matter how far over I go or is of just a standard rate for a ticket? I have allstate in Iowa. Thanks!
I own a car and am selling it to a guy. He is the only driver. He refuses to get insurance.?
I have given him 3 months to get insurance, but he hasnt gotten it yet. I have kept the vehicle on my insurance until he gets it, but he still hasnt gotten it. And now he is complaining that I should stop insuring it so that he doesnt have to reimburse me for it. My questions are: What would happen if i dropped the insurance and he got pulled over or in a wreck? Who would be responsible, me or him? Could my rates be raised? Could I personally get into trouble with the law for allowing an uninsured driver drive an uninsured car that I own? We're in the process of getting a temporary title for him so that I won't be responsible, but in the meantime I need to know the consequences. I live in Ohio.""
Is it possible to switch car insurance?
If someone wanted to switch their car insurance over to a cheaper one because theirs got raised because of points, will it also raise on the insurance they want to switch to?""
Car insurance coverage fraud!?
My boyfriend did something very stupid that I am worried about. He wanted to apply for a pizza delivery job at Domino's. The thing is he did not have car insurance, so he faked one on the computer, it looked completely valid, but when he was applying for the job the manager called the company to see if it was valid. My boyfriend heard that he was doing this, then he walked out before the company called him back to say he wasn't in their data base. So my question is, since he faked coverage with that company, and his name did not register in their data base, would the company report it to the police that he tried to fake coverage with that company since it was brought to their attention? I am worried for my Love, please shine some light on this. Thank you! He is just worried that the insurance company that he tried to fake coverage with would notify the police and/or the DMV and put it on his license.""
Has the economy effected the auto insurance rates for individual policies?
Has the economy effected the auto insurance rates for individual policies?
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
Can i get insurance now?
I recently had my wisdom teeth taken out, and they said i needed to come back and get my teeth cleaned, and they said I'm gonna need some fillings or something, but there wasn't another appointment until June.. well i don't have dental insurance, so i had to pay for this all on credit cards, which is do-able i guess, since we dint use those cards for anything else, but i was wondering could i get dental insurance between now and then? or would it not cover the appointment thats already scheduled? where can i find affordable isurance?""
Car insurance adjustments
If my car insurance rate has been raised and it is due to the insurance company deciding I am at fault for an accident at which I was not at fault, cann my adjuster decrease the amount if I show I was not at falut?""
Rebuttel for car insurance?
I just got this new job getting info for a insurance agent so they can do a quote for a person. I was wondering what is a good rebuttel when ppl say they are not interested in the quate. Its free and they get the quote mailed to them.
How much should i save up for insurance for a car?
Okay so i have a job i work at the airport.Note:Im only 16,turning 17 in December I will be getting my licensein July.And my brother is going to give me his car in 8 more months.But he told me i have to save up for insurance and gas.So how much do you guys i should be putting into my savings account to save up for insurance and gas bills?I get paid every 2 weeks if that helps thanks""
Apply Unemployment Insurance california recently moved to NV?
I was a resident in california but recently moved to NV. i paid tax to CA in the last 5 years. will that be a problem if i use NV address ?
How can I get auto insurance in my name when the car is registered in someone else's name?
My mom currently has a loan on my car in her name in California. My car is registered in California, but because my husband is active duty military, we relocated to South Carolina. Is there a way I can obtain insurance in my name without being a registered owner?""
Teen insurance and info two questions in one?
Hi, i am having a tough time with auto insurance qoutes and prices, so i could use some help. Question 1. ok, i am 15, will be 16 in May, if that helps, i have a 1994 Dodge full size van of my own (title was signed to me) and i am getting ready to tag it. i also live in Kansas. ok, i have $500 dollars saved up and have a job that i work 2 days a week and i make about $200 a week. now, i would like to buy my own insurance if possible. is it possible? Question 2. if i can not buy my insurance, can i put the insurance in my mom's name only, and then title it in mine? but one way or the other I HAVE to title it, the title is written out to me on the back in ink, so...................... thanks to any answers or if you know any good cheap insurance companies thanks""
Motorcycle Finance Rates??
Can anyone tell me what a good rate on a motorcycle loan would be? I am thinking about buying a new Yamaha motorcycle and it looks like the best rate they can do is about 9% which seems a little high? I still hear about people getting car loans for about 5%, are motorcycle loans usually higher for some reason? I think a signature loan from the bank might be a better way to go because I think I might be able to get a better rate plus I wouldn't have to have full coverage insurance.""
Insurance for GSX-R600 does make and CCs matter?
Say if you had a 750 would it drasically spike the insurance as if you would have bought a 600 instead? What are all the factors that insurance companies go through to give you a quote? What questions are asked? If you could answer this too it would be great :) Make/model of bike: Age: CCs: YO experience: Thank you!
At what age does your car insurance rate go down?
I am 22, I own a new truck, and my insurance is really expensive. what age does the rate go down? I am waiting for the next school semester to start so I can get my good student discount.. thanks.""
Can a cop ticket you for no insurance if the car is not yours?
My dad lend me his car....but im not in his insurance because i dont live with him. If a cop stops me can he give me a ticket for no insurance? I live in Texas by the way.
What should my health insurance premium be?
If I am a single, healthy 36 year old non smoker in Florida with a low deductible and good coverage....can you give me some idea of what my premium should be? Because I am worried I may be getting ripped off and my premium is set to go even higher next month. I will soon be paying almost $250 a month... does that sound normal?? Can anyone give me some estimates or ideas? Thanks.""
Who is the insurance/workers compensation carrier for Petco?
For a research project I'm doing on the pet industry, I need the name of the carrier who provides insurance and worker's compensation for Petco, PetSmart and the like.""
Is a Infiniti G35 Coupe a good car For A Teenager?
I live in Alabama and my parents use Alfa Insurance and i about have them talked into getting me a 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe and if they do get it for me which they probably will i was wandering if it would be high on insurance and is it a good car for a 16 year old?
Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more
What Company Has the Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Also, are there any tricks to finding cheap auto insurance.""
How much will car insurance be?
Let's say i buy a car next summer, i'll be 19 ..on my own insurance because my mom doesnt have a car, it would most probably be on an honda civic, not too old.......average cost?""
Does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?
does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?? i got in a accident with a motorcycle and my insurance is way up that i cant afford it. if i buy a car would my insurance be up like my motorcycle since i got a accident in it? or is it two seperate insurance's
Around how much is it for insurance for a 16 yr old male in MO?
im 16 now and i was wondering what is a good estimate for how much insurance is for me and yes i know the car and provider affects the amount.
What is the cheapest online moped insurance for a 16 year old?
im going to be 16 in october and im getting a moped , the bike will be kept in a secure brick building , i wish to have fire and theft , the moped is a direct bikes sports 50cc , has any one got a good estimate or a recommendation website for me? i would like to be able to get insured as soon as ive passed my cbt, and also could i get it online taxed the same day? thank you ;)""
""It would seem,by the comments I've gathered, it really isn't about affordable health insurance ...?""
it is about lifestyle. If that is the case then isn't this debate about Health Care simply over CONTROL? Should YOUR insurance rates go up if you have many health problems? I think so if you health problems stem from overeating and smoking and things like that you can help. People who engage in unhealthy habits like the 1st answer said should be charged very high rates that way when they do have problems, their rates won't go up. That depends on whether it's real insurance, where the costs are spread across a pool, or funny health insurance like we have now, which isn't really insurance at all, more like a form of extortion. The overwhelming majority of illnesses are not the fault of the sick person, and those who have the greatest costs are often so sick they are unable to work. ` Absolutely. If the insurance company faces higher outlays on your behalf, why wouldn't they charge you more in order to offset the difference? I would say that your insurance rates should be based more on your lifestyle habits than anything else. I have no problem with making people who smoke, are overweight or have other unhealthy habits pay more for thier health insurance. (It works this way with life insurance.)""
Getting married and need help with insurance?
My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?""
POLL: What kind of car insurance do you have?
I've just become curious due to all of the car insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, Geico etc. which do you have?""
Where is the best place to get affordable dental care in portland oregon without insurance? Thank-you! ?
Where is the best place to get affordable dental care in portland oregon without insurance? Thank-you! ?
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
How much is Car Insurance for a 17 year old Boy in NJ?
I recently got my license and my mom added me to her insurance. For 1 month they are charging approximately $400. This seems really outrageous. Car is a 2007 Toyota Camry. I also have above a 3.0 average and supposedly get some kind of discount. What are your opinions on this price?
What is the best health insurance plan for INternational students who are IN USA?
Hello there ,what is the best health insurance plan for International students who are in USA. If it helps I am currently IN MAryland. Please let me know , would be great if you could provide websites and links as well. Thnaks so much for your assisatnce!""
Repair cost for rear view mirror?
I broke someones rear view mirror. If I don't have to go through my insurance company I'd rather not. About how much does it cost to replace them? I don't know the make or model of the car.
Will the cost of my car insurance decrease if I have a provisonal license?
My friend told me this but I think it's rubbish.. I am 17 next week and he told me that if I get a provisional license now and get all my lessons done/pass my tests and get my full drivers license, then wait until I'm 20 to buy a car, the insurance would be cheaper than if I passed my tests when I am 20 and buy a car straight away. (assuming I use the same company/ deals) Is this true or is he charting ****?""
How much is the average Business Owner's Policy?
I am specifically interested in what the BOP costs would be for a bar in Georgia.
Good health insurance!?
I need an good health insurance located in Indiana? Any recommendations and experiences ?
What happens if I'm driving someone else's car and it doesnt have insurance?
I have insurance but the car I was in doesn't. Is there a way out of this?
Is it okay not to have insurance as the driver since the car has insurance?
If your not added to your parents insurance as a new driver but the car your driving has insurance is that legal or illegal for that driver to drive?
""Allstate motorcycle insurance, am I covered?""
I am going to purchase a motorcycle soon but unfortunately for my age, insurance is much too high. It is about $5000 a year since I am 18 years old. What I want to know is if my father can put the bike in his name and have it fully covered but with me as the rider, will it still be covered? If I were to get in a crash would the bike still be covered even though the bike is under his name and not mine? Am i covered or will I be forced to pay $5000 a year so I can legally ride the bike?""
Insulin and car insurance?
a friend of mine has just been put onto insulin, will this effect the cost of her car insurance?""
I am buying a used car from a private party. What do I need to do before and after buying the car?
Before: carfax, test drive, mechanic check... anything else? After do i need to register it in my name to my state dmv within a certain amount of time? I talked to my insurance ...show more""
Life insurance?
Why should I buy a life insurance?
Car insurance for a 19 year old?
So my dad bought me a 2004 Mercedes Benz C320 Sport today and he is thinking of putting me under his insurance. I want to find out how much insurance is going to be be, since I want to help out as much as I can because I don't want to be a dousche. I am looking for an insurance that covers everything. Anyways, I am 19 years old, college student, 3.2 GPA, living in Irvine, CA, and have never been in a traffic accident. This is going to be my daily driver (40 miles a week), and it is kept in a garage. Thank you for your help and I hope I was clear. http://1webproxy.cn/car-insurance.html""
What is the cost of general liability insurance for a small business?
My history class is doing a business plan project, and I'm wondering what the cost of liability insurance for a softball training center would be?""
How much would insurance on a Mercedes C230 cost?
Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more
How to fill out insurance quotes?
Ok first I'm going to explain the situation. Since I was 17 I drove with a licensed driver, and with my permit. When I was 18 I got a ticket for Under 21 drink and drive. It's a petty misdemeanor on my record, and I only got my permit suspended for 30 days. Just two days ago I got my license and passed my road test, I'm 20. I have a car picked out to buy so I've been looking into insurance quotes. However my ticket was never for a DUI and they never give me the option of what my ticket actually was. How do I go about this? Does it count? The quotes I've gotten back are 150-220 a month. Can someone help, or recommend an insurance company. I also qualify for driver's training discount, and good student discount.""
What is the cheapest insurance around for a 20 year old with 2001 bonneville?
What is the cheapest insurance around for a 20 year old with 2001 bonneville?
Can I use European car insurance in the uk ?
Insurance prices in the UK are insane. Can I buy a UK car but get it insured with a European company in a European country (Hungary for example has really cheap car insurance) will this insurance be valid in the UK ?
What company would provide shipping insurance?
I want to sell some jewellery on Ebay and I will end up shipping it to Canada or US. Canada post offers a maximum insurance of $500. Which (if any) company would provide insurance at replacement value? Or at least a $1,000?""
How much do you pay for auto insurance?
I just spent a few hours getting an auto insurance quote from a number of companies. I got a real good rate ($573 for a whole year) for our 2004 car and all the extras. I think this is a pretty good rate but wonder if others are paying more or less. How much are you paying?
Riding a 125 motorbike on fully comp car insurance?
hi does anyone know, if you can ride a 125 motorbike with l pates and cbt on a fully comp car insurance, i know i can drive other vehciles on fully comp insurance but it turns into third party only , can it be done with my motorbike , thanks .""
Cheapest 125cc Bike to insure?
Im a 17 year old male, no provisional or no CBT. I am hoping to pass my CBT around october-november when im 18. I wanted to know whats the best bike to have and also the price ranges? id much rather a 'sporty' looking bike as apposed to others. I had my eye on a Varadero 125, hyosung GT125r or a yamaha yzf r125. The aprilia rs125 is nice but ive heard its expensive to insure? So if anyone knows the price ranges that would be great, or if any suggestions on a suitable bike that would also be appreciated. I live in the rhondda valleys, have no criminal record, could keep the bike locked up out back, if any of that helps? i know insurance is tricky but i just want to know which ball park i stand in. Thanks.""
If I apply for life insurance through a different company will they know what I told the first company?
I have life insurance with State Farm. I quit smoking on a daily basis 2 years ago but had a cigarette and 1 hit of marijuana on June 18th of this year. I told this to the underwriters because I wanted to be completely honest. All blood work came back negative for nicotine (Cotinine) and THC. State Farm charged me the smoker's rate and said I can get it reevaluated in 1 year. My agent told me I should have lied since it was just the 1 cig. I am not happy paying the smoker's rate as I don't consider myself a smoker. I called an Allstate agent and she says I can go thru her and just say no this time when asked by the underwriters about smoking. My question is, do they have the State Farm phone interview with the underwriters stored somewhere in some database and they will know I smoked the one cigarette or will I be ok just going thru Allstate and saying no to the smoking question this time?""
Insurance policy for a newly licensed driver?
I recently got my license at the DMV. My parents won't let me drive a car because of the cost of insurance. They told me that I have to wait for the price to go down. My question is, how much does insurance cost for a 17 year old male in California and if it's true that I have to wait for the price to go down. Please explain car insurance in general.""
""Car Insurance, ammended details of profession lead to increased premium?""
My car insurance company rang me two weeks ago asking to update my details. I was previously registered as a student and unemployed but changed this to working part time as an admin assistant. A week ago I received my new certificate of insurance but today they rang me to say that my premium had increased by 150! I find this difficult to understand how changing my profession from student to admin could whack up my premium by this much. At the same time they offered me a new deal from another insurer , which they claimed would be cheaper, but I refused over the telephone as I felt too confused at the time. Now they told me that they will be sending me the bill to pay off the new increased premium. Can anyone help me confirm whether insurance companies can do this? I am not driving my car any more than I previously had and I cannot see as how my new job increases the risk of me having an accident!! Thanks""
I need a life insurance policy that is affordable for my mom who has cancer?
I do not have alot of money and I am trying to find a life insurance policy that I can afford for my mom. Sha has cancer in her throat and I can not find an insurance company that will give her insurance under $100 a month. Ant ideas?
Can a cancer survivor get Life Insurance?
I am a cancer survivor, one time it was stage 3 and recently stage 1. Two different cancer. I am considered cancer free and healthy. I worry for my children and do not want them to be left alone w/o money in the future. Their dad left us during my first cancer diagnosis for another woman. He rarely contacts his kids, I do not know if he will be there for them in the furutre.""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old with an suv?
I am 17 years old and wanting a 98 Ford Explorer, but I would like to know how much the insurance would cost!""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, ive just passed my driving test and now want a car. The plan was to buy a clio/corsa/punto as i thought they were cheap insurance. When i put them into car insurance comparers though its coming out at like 2500. Even thought im a lad i though it would be cheaper than this. Can anyone suggest where to go to get cheap car insurance or what car to buy were its cheap insurance or any tips any information is helpful thanks a lot xx""
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
What is the average insurance rate for a slk 350 2013?
I am looking for an estimate but I don't want to put in all my information don't want all these people calling me.
Car Insurance in Missouri?
I need help finding car insurance that is affordable. My boyfriend moved out of his house 3 months ago and his dad says that he will give him his car back if he gets insurance on it. He is 17 and cant afford $400 worth of insurance each month. [works at Mcdonalds] Does anyone know of any cheap insurance?
Is it possible to get insurance for my unborn child before he is born?
I have a good job ,but I miss the deadline to get company insurance. So I need some affordable insurance. I'm trying to get some before I get slamed with a big hospital bill.""
The cost of driving a car includes both fixed costs and mileages costs?
The cost of driving a car includes both fixed costs and mileages costs.? The cost of driving a car includes both fixed costs and mileages costs. Assume that it costs $161.20 per month for insurance and car payments and $0.25 per mile for gasoline, oil, and routine maintenance. (a) Find values for m and b so that y=mx+b models the monthly cost of driving the car x miles. (b) What does the value of b represent? (a) m=___(Type an integer or a decimal) b=____(Type an integar or a decimal) (b) Choose the correct answer below. A. The rate of change in cost of the car with each mile. B. The optimal cost of owning the car for one month. C. The fixed cost of owning the car for one month without driving it. D. The total cost of owning the car for one month.""
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
Switching to liability only car insurance?
Hi. I just moved to a new state with ridiculously high car insurance rates. My new rates are nearly double what I paid in my old residency. If I switch my coverage from full coverage, to liability only, how much would I save (approximately?) I currently pay nearly $230 a month on car insurance for full coverage. About how much would liability only be?""
""I want to save loads of money on my car insurance!, but how?""
So i just started to drive and i have not that much money to spare for my car insurance.My question is that i have used many comparing sites,but i know that i can possibly get the car insurance quote i am getting much cheaper! What ideas do you have other than comparing site's that can save me money on insuring my car?""
Are there any insurance companies that will cover Suboxone?
My girlfriend takes Suboxone strips twice a day and the Suboxone cost was covered by a program she was in. That program recently expired and we are trying to find out which insurance companies would cover the drug because she simply can't afford to buy the strips out of pocket. She only makes about $200-$250 a week so we were trying to find a low income solution. Are there any companies that we could potentially look into? AETNA is one that we are considering but we wanted to see what options were out there.
Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more
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