#he’s got a potty mouth
baileys-writing-desk · 10 months
The Morning Sun (“I’m here, and so is Four”)
After using all his healing magic, Rulie wakes up to see someone very familiar.
(check tags before reading)
A soft, distant melody drifts into Hyrule’s ears, slowly bringing him to awareness. His body feels blissfully warm, like something soft is covering him…and a slight breeze ruffles his hair. That deep voice…the beautiful song…why is that so familiar?
He takes in a breath and groans, far too weak to move, or to open his eyes.
“Look…ru…’t worked…”
Another voice, a much smaller one this time. The singing voice slowly comes to a stop. Wait—no… He liked the singing. It was so soothing…
“…rule.” The deeper voice returns. “Hyrule…you with us?”
…Who is that?
The traveler shifts under the soft material, a blanket perhaps, but this doesn’t feel like his bedroll. Far from it, in fact…the surface he’s lying on is smooth but wrinkly, almost a bit…scaly? What the hell…?
“Hey, can you hear me?”
…Oh, right. He is supposed to respond to that…but when he opens his mouth in an attempt to speak, only a croak comes out. His heavy eyelids still won’t open, and he can just barely move one hand up from under the blanket. But it is seemingly enough for the voice to know he is listening.
“Shh…it’s okay, boy. No need to force it, just take it easy. You were asleep for…quite a while.”
…How long?, he wants to ask, and who the hell are you? Letting his hand fall limply back down, he lets out another long groan. Soft murmurs can be heard from farther away…perhaps his brothers are here. And this voice…he should know who it belongs to…The curiosity overtakes him and at last, he weakly peels his heavy eyelids open.
Squinting at the harsh sunlight, he gazes up blearily to see a massive blur of colors: yellow, brown, white…a glowing blue? Something is glowing…or rather, more than one thing is glowing. Small blobs of yellow fade in and out, like little sparks of light.
Wait a second…is that…
“Ah, there you are!” The deep voice is slightly louder this time, chuckling slightly. “Good morning, Rulie.”
The mix of bright lights hurts the traveler’s eyes, and so he gently lets them slip back closed.
“Oh, the light bothering you? My apologies, boy.”
Hyrule slowly clears his throat, attempting to speak again. “Mmmm…” His voice comes out dry and raspy. “…’s okay.”
It all begins to click now. The wrinkly texture of the surface beneath him…it is that of Lanayru’s hands.
“Wh-why are you…” he continues, voice cracking before he can finish. Why are you holding me…
“Hm?” Lanayru doesn’t seem to follow. “…Why am I here? Ah, right. You can’t possibly remember that.”
Hyrule slowly puts a hand to his forehead, rubbing it to ease the slight aching. That was not the question he wanted… After a second of silence a smaller voice pipes in.
“Hey Rulie, it’s me, Sky. Don’t worry, you’re safe now. We went through a portal to my era while you were out, that’s why Lanayru’s here. And Four is doing much better, so you can relax, ok?”
“Wh…what happened to Four?” he mumbles. Lanayru says nothing.
“You don’t remember?”
Hyrule’s mind draws a blank. “…No.”
A long, drawn-out sigh, then Sky’s voice again. “It’s okay, Rulie, you’re still out of it. Can you look at me?”
He moans quietly. Just thinking about that scorching sun makes the aching in his head return. But perhaps he could try again…
Why can’t I remember??
Slowly he turns his head to the left, to the sound of Sky’s voice, and blinks his eyes open, relieved to find he is no longer looking straight into the sun. Large brown shapes focus in front of him, with lighter, pointed tips. Lanayru’s fingers. He is lying in both of the dragon’s hands, cupped together to give him more room, like how anyone his size would hold a baby bunny.
And beyond that…Through the spaces between the fingers he can make out the blurry figure of Sky through the still-harsh sunlight. The ground isn’t too far beneath them…Lanayru must be sitting down, he figures. Bleary hazel eyes finally meet concerned blue ones, and Sky seems to be grinning, most likely with relief.
“Wh…what happened, Sky?” Hyrule croaks out. “…Where’s Four…?”
“I told you, Four’s fine. Because of you, Rulie, you used everything you had to heal him, I mean-“ Sky takes in a shaky breath. “…You could have died, Hyrule. I almost thought we were gonna lose you.”
Hyrule’s heart drops. “Oh…”
The pieces begin to emerge in his mind now, nearly all at once. The battle in Time’s Hyrule. The monster’s weapon bringing Four down. Four lying in the grass, bloody sword sticking out of him…
No. No no no…
The traveler’s eyes widen and he lets out a strained gasp.
“Four, stay with me! Oh fuck, shit, I can’t stop the bleeding- HYRULE! Please-“
The magic is already pulsing off Hyrule’s hands as he thrusts them on the smithy’s chest. He doesn’t know how much he has left…but Four’s life is now in his hands. He can’t lose his brother, his friend…he can’t-
“Rulie? You still there?”
Lanayru’s voice brings him back. He shudders.
“I…I think I remember now…”
“Yes, very good,” the dragon replies. “What you did was quite heroic, boy. Nearly sacrificing yourself to save another’s life…Among the most courageous things a mortal can do, I believe.”
“Lanayru, I-“ He coughs from drawing in a sharp breath of air. “I had no choice.”
“I know, boy. I understand.” The Thunder Dragon’s low voice is soft and gentle. “Link—or, uh—Sky…please don’t be upset, he’s alright now, ok?”
Sky nods his head, eyebrows raised and gaze pointed down, toward the grass and the swirling white clouds of Lanayru’s tail.
“I grabbed you off Four,” the Skyloftian explains. “His wounds were no longer fatal, and I didn’t want you using all your magic, but you passed out in my arms. Do you remember that, Rulie?”
The traveler grunts, closing his eyes briefly…his vision has been clearing, but the sun is still a bit too bright for the state he’s in.
It comes to him like a dream.
“Rulie. I think he’s okay now—“
“Rulie, stop! HYRULE STOP. You’ve done enough-“
He can’t stop. Not until every inch of magic has been drained from his frail body. His eyelids begin to grow heavy…his vision swims, he’s barely conscious.
“RULIE!!” Someone is pulling him away from Four, but it’s too late, the last bit of magic fizzles out and the world is now a spinning blur of colors. His eyes roll back in his head and he falls limp in their grasp.
Hyrule slowly opens his eyes, gazing at Sky through the dragon’s claws. “…I do…” He swallows hard. “…How long was I gone?”
“Almost two days. We spent the night in Time’s era, but our location just wasn’t safe for you or Four. And bless Hylia, we woke up the next morning to a portal, was it a gift from the goddesses or a sweet coincidence I don’t know…but it sent us here. We weren’t sure how safe it would be with two of you unconscious, but we had to do it.” Sky sighs. “Thank Hylia we made the right call.”
“I saw the portal open,” Lanayru adds. “Right in front of me! I was flyin’ through the air, of course…I knew you were probably in the middle of something so I waited, until my Link came to me.”
“Yeah, Lanayru was a big help.” Sky grins at Hyrule, and then up at the dragon. “He took you, Rulie, almost right away. You two spent the day and night together, and the rest of us tended to Four.”
“Wait…you were with me the whole time?” Hyrule groans and puts his elbows beneath him, attempting to sit up. “…Lanayru, did you—“
“Woah-ho, easy now,” the dragon interrupts, gently pressing his thumb to the traveler’s back as the latter finally reaches a sitting position. “Don’t push yourself too hard, you’re still very weak.”
A red checkered blanket is draped over Lanayru’s other hand, where Hyrule’s legs and feet are placed. Carefully he pulls the blanket back, turning himself to face the open clearing where Sky stands.
“Did you…stay up all night?” he mutters, finishing his thought.
“Oh, heavens no.” Lanayru’s hearty laugh rings from above, and Hyrule guesses the dragon is smiling. “Old dragons need their sleep too. Don’t worry, I kept you safe in my robe. Nobody hurts you on my watch, boy.”
“That’s…really kind of you.” Hyrule smiles. “Thank you.”
“Ah, no problem, Rulie. Now you were asking where Four is?”
Before the traveler can respond, someone else steps into the clearing, rushing up to meet Sky. The pink hair and red tunic makes him unmistakably Legend.
“Hey Sky, I just wanted to see how he’s—“ The veteran gasps as his eyes meet Hyrule’s. “Oh Rulie, you’re awake! Three-damn it, you fucking idiot!”
Legend’s tone comes out as much more of relief than anger, but surely he’s at least a little angry at Hyrule.
“Language, boy,” Lanayru scolds. But Legend doesn’t seem to care.
“Why did you do that?! When I saw you I—I almost thought you fucking died!”
Hyrule gulps, breaking eye contact with his predecessor to gaze at Lanayru’s fingers.
“But I didn’t,” he says eventually. “I’m here, and so is Four. I did what was needed…”
“Well…maybe next time, don’t do that, okay? Rulie, you scared the living shit out of us! I was so fucking worried—“ Legend pauses, gazing at both the traveler and the Thunder Dragon. “…Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
Hyrule groans at his predecessor’s question. “Could be better, Ledge. I’m still really tired…”
“Hmph, well you look like shit.” Legend smiles teasingly. “No offense.”
Lanayru chuckles again, making the veteran raise his eyebrow in confusion.
“Allll right, Link. Perhaps that’s enough of the sailor’s mouth for now, hm?” Although Hyrule cannot see Lanayru’s face, he figures the dragon is doing his ‘disappointed dad’ stare. “Now tell me, any updates on Four?”
Yes, please tell me where the hell he is… Hyrule thinks to himself, gently rubbing his temples.
“I just got back from the lake, Mr. Thunder Dragon. He’s been in and out recently, but he woke up for a bit to talk to me. I think the water is really helping…we had Her Excellence replenish his bath this morning.”
Hyrule’s brow furrows. “…Her Excellence?”
“Ah, what is that dragon’s name? That blue one with all the water.”
Sky grimaces a bit, seemingly waiting for Hyrule’s reaction.
“…Faron?” he squeaks out.
“Yes, Faron! That’s right!” Legend laughs. “Ah, she’s been so kind to me…I never asked for her name. Pity.”
“But Sky, you said…you didn’t want us going to see her.”
“I know, Rulie, this was an exception,” says the Skyloftian. “Faron has sacred water, and when she sustained critical injuries a while back…that water helped her recover. I’m not sure what effect it has on a Hylian, but I think it’s at least soothing Four’s mind. He took a nasty blow to the head too, you know. And you can’t fully heal concussions, right?”
Hyrule slowly shakes his head. “No…I wish I could.”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay. The water will hopefully do the rest. Besides…I never imagined something like this. Two heroes and two dragons, it’s wonderful.”
“Yeah,” Legend adds. “Naydra, thanks for taking care of my Rulie. You’re amazing.”
The Thunder Dragon seems confused. “No problem…wait, what did you call me?”
“Legend!!” Sky bursts into laughter, nearly throwing his head back. “You got mine and Wild’s dragons mixed up again, didn’t you?”
“…Fuck. I’m sorry, um…”
“Ah, Lanayru! Rats.” Legend snaps his fingers. “I mean…I was pretty close.”
“Don’t worry, it happens. And you’re very much welcome. When you fellas are here I’ll guard Rulie with my life! Right, Rulie?”
Hyrule nods, too lazy to turn his head back and look at the dragon’s face. He must be wondering who this Naydra is… Ever since meeting Lanayru, Hyrule hasn’t been too fond of Wild’s dragons. Not that he’d ever tell Wild, but the sight of them last time had him really missing Lanayru. So much so that it hurt to look.
“Well, you’re looking a bit better already,” Sky exclaims, smiling. “Do you think you’ll be able to stand? Because soooomebody here wants a hug.”
The Skyloftian gestures to Legend, who pouts in an attempt to hide it, but Hyrule can tell through the veteran’s puppy-dog eyes. After two days without Hyrule, he surely wants to hold his successor tight and never let go.
The traveler sighs. “…I think so.”
“Alright, I’m gonna let you down now, ok?” Lanayru leans forward, placing his hands on the grass, and slowly Hyrule scoots off, moaning slightly in the process. A wave of light-headedness washes through him after his feet touch the ground, and he grabs on to the dragon’s finger to steady himself.
“Woah there- be careful, Rulie.” Sky warns, rushing over to him. “I got you.”
Hyrule wraps his arm around Sky’s shoulders, and Lanayru sets the blanket down with his now empty hands. As the two heroes approach Legend, the Thunder Dragon rises back up to sitting with a deep exhale. His arms must be a bit tired…
“Rulie. Don’t ever do that again,” Legend scolds, but the pure relief is clear in his expression.
The weak traveler lets go of Sky and buries himself into his predecessor’s embrace, allowing Legend to wrap sturdy arms around his frail body and gently stroke his messy hair.
“I can’t guarantee it,” Hyrule mutters, voice slightly muffled.
“Yeah…I know. But maybe go for, like 80 percent odds?”
He chuckles at Legend’s joke. A little too promising… “Okay. I’ll try.”
Finally the veteran seems content enough to let go of the traveler, and as Hyrule steps away, he grins. The weakness in his legs has lessened a little, but he still longs to be back in Lanayru’s hands again. It was much more comfortable.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna go back to camp to let them know you’re awake,” Sky explains. “So you might have more visitors. Just stay here…don’t leave Lanayru’s sight.”
“I won’t, I promise.” He knows he wouldn’t have the strength to leave, even if he wanted to.
“Good. The others will be so relieved to see you.”
The Skyloftian heads off into the dense trees of the forest, where Hyrule assumes the rest of the group has set up camp. They must be so worried about me… A pang of guilt aches in his chest at what he must have put them through. At least now they’ll know he’s okay…
He slowly turns around, relying slightly on Legend’s shoulder to stay upright, and at last he sees the Thunder Dragon’s full body. Lanayru is beaming, fluffy beard a swirly mess and eyes containing their usual sparkle. His hands are rested on his crossed back claws and his tail drapes around him, white clouds shining in the sunlight.
“Well…it’s good to have you back, boy!” he exclaims. “Now come here. I think you need some more rest.”
Hyrule smiles softly in agreement. With Legend’s help, the traveler takes baby steps back toward Lanayru’s waiting arms.
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
my favorite baby style ncu continuity is cute tiny hopeless romantic kindergarten disney prince stan falling in love with kyle broflovski at first sight and buying every flavor of ring pop trying to propose to him like 'you are...the most Beautiful person i've ever seen.'
and evil feral kindergarten nj kyle threatening to bite him, fight him and end his pitiful life like 'and you are...so Gahdamn WEIRD. stay the hell away from me, yA FREAK!' and trying to bear mace him skdhs
— but then k-garten stan doing something incredibly wholesome, mindboggling stupid and storybook chivalrous to save k-garten kyle's life, the ice around his cold black heart melting, bein forever changed and falling head over heels in love w boy hero k-garten stan...
...all to take the fATTEST L OF ALL FUCKING TIME because he is too emotionally constipated to confess his feelings and end up gettin stuck in the super best friend zone FOREVER bc every day perfect stan marsh gets lovelier, handsomer and....Fucking STUPIDER.
#nina speaks#i really do feel for ncu kyle...i do#that man got shafted#please note: if the super popular extremely pretty dark haired boy w/ big blue eyes confesses his love to you on day one#just say yes like just go along with it#however i will say that kyle being unapproachable and hating him and wanting to bear mace him did make him obsessed#which is soooooo mentally ill i am actually CRYING#but yeah because then youre going to realize that he is actually v sweet and cute and kind and wonderful and special#and your chest will start to swell and youll get light headed and want to start smiling and singing and swinging#and then you think he's gonna ask you to marry you again and he just asks you to be his super best friend forever#because he doesnt want to push it clearly u dont like him and he is just happy to be near you and spend time with you#and you want to push yourself off a cliff because now every person on planet earth is in love with stanley marsh#including you#and you are legitmately FUCKED#they really are who fell first who fell harder and i mean it#i love insane yandere black lab bf kgarten stan he is so funny like he has mental problems but i admire his detirmination#i also love emporer of evil probably has rabies new jersey potty mouth orange cat bf kgarten kyle who without a doubt 100%#would have a crush on a boy and send him death threats and be like Get Out Of My School because he makes him nervous#obsessed with my silly gay opposite attract sbf sons#ft baby stan like aw! u wrote me something <3#( can't read bc he's illiterate ) ( hugs kyle ) you're the BEST! ( ft kindergarten kyle having shaking and having convulsions )#pour one out for kyle#specifically jersey#because his stan d*ed he never recovered and then fell in love with the sexc rockstar vers
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kidspawn · 8 months
cannot see nico swearing. idk why but he's a "darn" "dang" and quick hiss of his breath guy. it's just been ingrained in him at this point.
hazel, on the other hand-
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karmacores · 1 year
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Call of Cthulhu blorbos
I love a dysfunctional table of PCs <3
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diverging-tides · 2 months
Your Hunter gives me low-key chessmaster vibes, like, he's not even trying, he grew up around people who do manipulations, power plays, having at least three plans going around in the background, it all just rub off on him, add on his proactive independent streak, the moment he's not doing anything with friends and family, he's off working towards whatever project that caught his attention, one of which is, apparently, to kill a God
His current working schemes right now are:
Lure in participants in the Xiaolin-Heylin conflict and make it clear Jack is off the table, by any means required
Kill Nuwa
Break the Law of Cycles off permanently
Rip off Chase Young’s dick like a feral animal
Find a way back to the Boiling Isles to enact his already conceived master plans to kill Belos and anyone loyal to his cruel principals
The list itself is not particularly in any order, whatever he can manage now, he’s doing, or researching ways to achieve the more lofty goals
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sttoru · 5 months
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. you show your husband some affection, thinking you two were alone - only to be interrupted by your son.
tags. dad!toji fushiguro x wife!female reader. fluff, suggestive. mentions of toji developing / having a dad bod. & reader having a mom bod. reader gets called ‘princess, mama (by gumi)’. baby gumi waking up bcs of a nightmare. excuse me - not beta read bcs i was half asleep when writing this rt_t
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“tooooji,” you smile as you enter the kitchen. you’ve put megumi to bed - finally - and have the chance to spend some one-on-one time with your dear husband. both of you deserve the rest after a hard day of work.
toji has been putting the dishes back in their designated spots whilst you were away. the dark-haired man turns his head to the side once he feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist. a small grin tugs at his lips, “missed me, princess?”
you roll your eyes. even if years have passed since your marriage, toji has not stopped using that specific nickname for you. he loves calling you ‘princess’, because that’s what you’ll always be to him. in his eyes, at least.
“mhm,” you decide to indulge him. you bury your face into his broad back, feeling the muscles he’s worked so hard on obtaining. after megumi was born, toji did let himself go for a bit, but that is a good sign.
it means he’s content with his life - this peaceful life that he’s settled down for with no regrets. no more being reckless, no more battling for money; he’s now got a family to come back home to after all.
“is the little brat asleep?” toji asks while putting the last dish away. he’s visibly enjoying your warm hands that have slid under his shirt. your skin is so soft to the touch compared to his.
you chuckle and nod to his question. “gumi’s sleeping like a baby,” you rub your husband’s stomach gently, feeling the little bumps of his fading abs. you’re loving his new body - just as much as toji loves yours.
toji turns around to face you, desperately needing to return the favor. he can’t get enough of being with you. his rough hands grab your waist and bring you closer against his body, until your chests are nearly touching. he lowers his head to your neck, “that means i can show my wife how much i love her, yeah?”
you shiver at how toji’s voice turns from soft and gentle to sexual and husky. big hands find their place on your tummy, massaging the loose skin with its stretch marks. you can hear your husband’s breath hitch. “fuck,” toji swallows his spit, his fingers moving to grasp your hips.
toji loves how your hips got wider after you’ve given birth to your child. every change in your body, whether big or small, is completely welcomed by him. your body has blessed toji with a son he loves and he’ll forever be grateful for that fact. the least he can do is take his time to appreciate you.
“so beautiful,” toji sighs as he leaves soft pecks on your neck and throat. his fingers are working their way down to your thighs and ass—not leaving a single patch of skin untouched. his lips eventually find yours and you melt into his embrace.
it’s getting heated and the tension is palpable. toji’s about to lift you into his arms when you catch a glimpse of a short figure in the doorway. your eyes widen and you immediately detach your lips from your husband’s.
toji quickly catches on and sighs. he cocks his head to the left, the sight of his toddler standing at the doorway coming into view. “damn kid,” he whispers, nearly pouting because of the interruption. you playfully slap his bicep—a warning to fix his potty mouth in front of megumi.
“h-hey, gumi,” you say with an awkward giggle, walking towards the child. you fix your shirt in the meantime, straightening the material. you crouch down to megumi’s level and pat his head tenderly, “what happened? why are you out of bed?”
megumi stares up at you with teary eyes. he’s clenching onto his dog plushie, hugging the stuffed animal to his little body. you can easily guess that he’s scared—probably because of a nightmare. he’s been getting those more frequently.
though, instead of explaining himself, megumi searches for answers to something else. he points at his dad who’s leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. the toddler then looks back at you like he’s made some big discovery;
“mama papa kissing!”
you nearly choke on your spit. megumi’s a clever little boy and it shows through his advanced vocabulary. you’re surprised that he’s learnt what that meant already. you try to deny what your child said, “no, uhm, mama and papa were just hugging!”
toji snorts at your half assed excuse. he lazily walks over to you two, hands in his pockets. he bends forwards and looks megumi in the eyes with a huge smirk on his face. “yeah, we were. ‘n you totally ruined it,” he utters without any shame and menacingly sticks his tongue out at the little boy.
you hiss and lightly shove toji—he cannot take anything seriously. you’re trying your best to distract megumi’s attention from what he’s seen his parents do, to what his reason is for waking up.
“did you have a nightmare again?” you coo and pick your son up. he instantly snuggles up to you and presses his face against your chest in search of comfort. you smile and can conclude that your assumptions are right.
you pet megumi’s head whilst softly humming one of his favorite lullabies. toji watches your interaction with his son and his mood softens once more. he silently hugs you from behind—also wrapping an arm around megumi—turning it into a little family group hug.
“y’re all right, buddy,” toji mutters to megumi and the little boy sniffles in response, “mama ‘n papa ‘re right here.”
after a couple minutes, you carry megumi back to his room before putting him down in his bed. your husband stands next to you as you make sure your kid is tucked in properly.
megumi stares up at you with a sniff and you nearly melt at the adorable sight. you brush his bangs out of his eyes and kiss his forehead, wishing him a good night. the toddler nods and hugs his plushie to his chest again, still a bit shaken up from the nightmare. however, he’s doing a lot better after he got comforted by both his parents.
“sweet dreams, gumi,” you whisper and rub megumi’s cheeks with a fond smile on your lips. toji simply stares at you conversing with megumi—his face showing little to no emotion. though, from within, toji is absolutely in awe at your motherly personality. you’re the perfect mother.
megumi gets drowsy and tosses onto his side so he could be more comfortable. he struggles to open his eyes, but manages to look at toji. the little boy pouts and points another finger at his dad, this time drowsily warning him, “papa no kiss mama, ‘kay?”
that comment catches you off guard. you’re embarrassed by the fact that megumi still remembers what he’s seen in the kitchen. you try to clear your throat and explain yourself, but toji’s one step ahead of you. he silently mimics megumi’s words and rolls his eyes—
“yeah yeah, whatever. i won’t,” toji promises his son. the toddler clearly inherited your husband’s protectiveness. you chuckle at the playfulness between the two, enjoying the jokey banter the father-son duo have each time.
megumi huffs in victory and nods. he can sleep in peace now, knowing his dad won’t try anything funny with you. he closes his weary eyes and is asleep within just a few seconds.
you stretch your arms and sigh in content. you can’t help but chuckle once you notice how megumi’s fallen asleep with a tiny smile on his lips. you give the child one last forehead kiss before leaving the room in silence.
toji follows right behind you. now that his son is sound asleep, he doesn’t have to keep his promise. technically— he wasn’t planning to anyway.
“c’mere,” your husband mumbles and grabs your hand. he pulls you into a tight hug, hands instantly roaming your body which he admires so much. he plants his lips onto yours not a second later.
you smile into the kiss, finding it funny how toji couldn’t keep his (fake) promise for even one second. he would die if he actually couldn’t kiss you, and that isn’t even an exaggeration.
toji pulls back after a moment and smirks at you—those bedroom eyes of his very telling.
“so, where were we?”
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lochee · 9 months
im so annoyingly in love with min yoongi what the actual fucking fuck i've been watching fancams of his dday concert for the past 6 hours straight and i just cant fucking believe this man is real
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artsywinter13 · 1 year
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some comic previews
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nanaminokanojo · 4 months
After constantly meeting with Sukuna for several months, he invites you over to his place following an early dinner and you found out that he has a cat. It was grumpy just like him with black fluffy fur and luminous eyes that seemed to follow your every move with human-like intelligence as if it was judging you. It stayed close to its owner, slinking its body against his leg and later sitting on his lap like nobody's business as if to tell you, "He's mine. Fuck off."
It didn't like you.
At least the cat was clear about its feelings towards you. Its owner, you couldn't be too sure. You don't even know why he invites you out, his intentions as vague as how this whole thing between the two of you started. One day, you met through a common friend who was obviously setting the pair of you up, and when you thought you wouldn't see his face again – a fair assumption after he behaved rather rudely, saying he wasn't interested – he somehow got your number and eventually asked you out.
You chalked that up to him being apologetic after you called your friend out for subjecting you to Sukuna again, the choleric jerk that he is, but then promised on his mom's grave that he only gave your number to Sukuna and that was it. Everything he did was of his own volition, and you were torn about it. Maybe he found you attractive, just that he didn't like the idea of being set up. Maybe he wasn't really absolutely rude and wanted to make it up to you for giving you that impression. Who knows? You weren't that much interested, but you gave him a chance.
Well, he was attractive in an acquired taste kind of way, built impossibly tall and broad, hair in short, wavy tendrils that was the color of rosy dawn, rough around the edges, almost brutal in the way he says and does things. Strangely, you liked looking at him enough to actually spend time with him.
None of your speculations were proven. Ryomen Sukuna wasn't apologetic, not even remotely. He invited you to dinner, didn't put up much of a fight when you insisted to split the bill in half, and he wasn't overly polite either. He spoke in that same uncouth manner without putting up much of any pretense in front of you, not that you were offended. He's a potty mouth, you already knew that, but you'd rather have him speaking his mind in all honesty.
You didn't think he was all that attracted to you. Interested, probably, but that was difficult to decipher, too, at least the manner in which he found you interesting. Your so-called meetings were rather quiet with either of you refusing to say more about yourselves. It was torture for the first three times with your longest sentences to each other being three words long. You would say hello to each other, eat in silence with occasional comments about the food and then he would walk you to your car and bid each other good night. Everything felt forced and it was torture.
But to your surpise, he would invite you out again just when you thought there wouldn't be a repeat to whatever it was that you had going on. Why? You didn't know. Until it became a routine. And then you found yourself spending more time with him, mostly over meals on random days or just convenience store coffee when it's too late in the night to do anything. Both of you were busy after all.
Which brings you to your current situation. In his high-rise apartment that didn't look lived in. On a Saturday night. With his very possessive, very grumpy cat.
But you saw a very different side to Sukuna with his little pet. He didn't smile, he smirked. But with his cat, which he fondly called Ume, he did just that, gently scratching at its belly and talking silly with it. You sat there awkwardly, feeling like you've intruded on something private.
"You can pet her," Sukuna told you, making you go stiff on your spot when he looked at you as if you were an afterthought. He seems to be in a playful mood even prior to the whole cat scenario, smiling more, acting more gentlemanly, not that he wasn't on most times you spent together. It had you confused even if it had been going on for the last several times you've met with him. Or more precisely since that day you started saying more than three words to each other, conversing normally.
"I...don't think I should," you told him, eyes intent on the black fluff on his lap. Ume sat up as if it understood what you were talking about, eyes narrowing into slits from how they've been round and wide from its owner's attention.
Sukuna scooted closer to you, close enough for you to see cerise flecks in his dark irises. "You don't like cats?" He asked that question as if you were a walking red flag if you responded incorrectly according to his standards.
You shook your head. "No, it's not that. Ume doesn't seem to like me."
He looked at his cat then at you, brows furrowing. "Well, that's a problem," he deadpanned.
Was he fucking serious? You didn't want to delve into the intricacies of his statement as he continued to run his fingers through Ume's fur. But to say you were offended was an understatement, and you wanted nothing but to get the hell out of his house. So much for warming up to the idea of progress where your odd relationship was concerned.
Without thinking, you stood up from the couch, trying your best to keep your expressions neutral albeit taking herculean effort. "I think I should go."
Sukuna solemnly nodded, looking down and biting his lower lip, making you frown. He looked contrite, but you did see a ghost of a smile there, or perhaps you just imagined it. "I'll go get my keys."
"I can call a cab," you stated, your petulant mood seeping through your words, but he didn't wanna argue about that and insisted on driving you home. Why you didn't drive separately like you usually did was beyond you. What were you expecting anyway?
The drive had been quiet and you were annoyed that he was grinning, even letting out a chuckle here and there even if you were blatantly ignoring him. You just endured it until you arrived in front of your apartment complex.
But instead of getting out of his car, you just sat there. You glared at him when you saw how he was suppressing a smile as he reached over and undid your seat belt for you.
"What's so funny?" you demanded.
"You are."
Oh, okay. You scoffed. This was definitely the last time you were going out with him. You pursed your lips, trying to keep your frustration at bay. "I guess this is it."
Sukuna arched a brow at you, looking pissed yet oddly more charming that way. You hated that about him. "What?"
You rolled your eyes at him, not having any intention to lose to his temper. "I'm going. Bye –" You managed to open the door, but he reached out and closed it again, trapping you on your seat with his muscular arm.
"I don't think so, sweetheart," he stated, looking amused of all things.
"Sweet— Let me out."
You shrugged, lacking the energy to argue. "Go back to your cat, Sukuna."
He smirked at you then. "Are you jealous?"
"Offended is more like it."
Silence followed your words as you just watched Sukuna pushing his tongue against his cheek before chuckling again, his deep voice filling the car. "Damn, if I knew it would be this easy to see this side of you, I would have taken you home sooner."
You spun on your seat, shooting him a dirty look. "What?" You were beyond confounded. You wanted to reach out and smack him on the head, anything to release the sudden burst of emotions you didn't even imagine you would feel towards Sukuna in all those times since you've first met, let alone in a span of minutes and a few choice words.
"I don't get why you kept taking me out despite the fact that we couldn't fucking communicate properly with each other —"
"You agreed—"
"—and you think the fact that your cat hates me is a major problem?" you finally exploded. "And you're doing this on purpose, too!"
At that, he burst out laughing.
"It's not funny!"
He sighed, letting up on his mischief as he tried to reach out and touch you, but you slapped his hand away. "Come now. Don't be mad, sweetheart."
"I'm not your sweetheart."
Sukuna took your hand in his, placing it against his cheek. You flinched, feeling his warmth against your palm, but he didn't let you pull it back. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help teasing you all this time."
"Trust me, you did more than that." You made a face at him.
"It's just so hard to get any reaction from you. You're too damn quiet and I can't get a read on you. I can't even tell if you like being with me or not."
You let up on the barb, your anger fizzling to slight annoyance at the thought that he was puzzling about your intentions towards him as much as you were about his.
Sukuna gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "At least now I can tell you care enough to be offended at the prospect of me rejecting you because my cat dislikes you." He then tucked your hair behind your ear. "I want to see more. See what makes you tick. See more beyond my precious arctic sprite."
You were flustered by his words, the possessive way he addressed you, making you squirm on your seat, but in a good way. "Well, you'll get more ice if your tactic to get to know me better is to piss me off."
Sukuna cupped your face with both hands. "Knowing what you don't like makes it easier for me to know the opposite."
"You're a jerk."
"I know, baby. But you don't dislike me, do you?"
It was your turn to keep a serious face as you looked away from him and said, "That depends on my dog."
He smirked at you. "You have a dog?"
"So..." He scratched placed his hand at the back of his neck and you understood it as embarrassment from small talk, belated after months of knowing each other. "Do you like cats or dogs?"
Sukuna looked taken aback but he just nodded. "Cool."
Suddenly, and for the first time in front of him, you started snickering much to his astonishment. You were giving him more than he's asked for in one go, and it was overwhelming him in ways he didn't imagine.
And then you said, "I like cats, too."
Just then, he placed an arm at the back of your seat and leaned towards you. "There's something else I want to know whether you would like or dislike."
You turned your head towards him. "What's that?"
"This." He closed the remaining gap between you, his lips dipping to find yours in a kiss, albeit quick was enough to hot-wire your brain and for blood to rush under your cheeks. "So?"
"I don't –"
Kiss. "How about now?"
You're much to dazed to say anything.
Kiss. This time, he lingered a tad longer, moving to coax your lips to respond, but he pulled away much too quickly, grinning when you moved forward to chase his lips, your hands shooting out to hold him in place, savoring his warmth and the way he felt against you.
Safe to say you liked it. Very much.
A/N: This has been in my drafts for who-knows-how-long and I just found it again.
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kleftiko · 1 year
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cw: mature themes, fem!reader, pregnancy, language cause i got a potty mouth
yes, there are boys in multiple spots lol
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♡ automatic response is: “we’ll stop by the store tomorrow, m’kay?” before he realizes what you said and completely shuts down imagining the two of you raising a child
— akaashi, iwaizumi, kageyama, hinata, kenma
♡ suggests ‘practise’ rounds, cause he’s a horny bastard, then probably develops a breeding kink from said ‘practise’ rounds lol
— kuroo, atsumu, suna, tendo
♡ whips out the scrapbook he’s been working on with baby names, colours for the nursery, recipes for soft foods, and clothing catalogs: major baby fever
— oikawa, bokuto, kita, ushijima (i find this hilarious)
♡ has a mature conversation with you about what you both want that leads into soft and passionate lovemaking (bow chicka bow wow)
— osamu, sakusa, daichi, kita, akaashi, ushijima, tsukishima
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♡ probably accidentally knocked you up anyway
— bokuto, atsumu, tendo
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teaboot · 7 months
As someone who learnt english as a second language via textbook, I have to say "flying by the seat of my pants" is a hilarious idiom xD
It's the first time I've seen/heard it.
Could you share another one you like using?
Idk about idioms specifically, but there's a bunch of phrases I learned from my mom!
Lord love a duck! (Incredulous, like 'oh my god')
Lord suffer in sheep dip! (Sheep dip meaning sheep poop. Incredulous, but for annoying things- like 'are you kidding me?')
Is there a piano tied to your ass? ('Don't be lazy, do it yourself')
Someone's cruising for a bruising. (You're picking a fight.)
I don't give a rat's rip. ('I don't care'- a rat's 'rip' is it's butt crack.)
Pull up a stump! (Get yourself a chair, sit down.)
Everybody out of the pool! (Get out of the car)
I'm flying by the seat of my pants. (I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm doing it.)
Don't go blowing smoke up my ass. (Don't over-compliment me, don't flatter me, don't stroke my ego, don't tell me positive lies)
Looks like it's gonna rain on our parade. (A storm is coming.)
Sorry to rain on your parade. (I've given you bad news- can be used sincerely or sarcastically to denote sympathy for incurring a bad mood.)
Better button that lip. (Stop talking.)
Someone's gonna stick a boot up your ass. ('Stick a boot up your ass'- fight you, beat you, kick your ass.)
Stick that lip out any further, and a pigeon'll shit on it. (Stop whining.)
Suck it up, buttercup. (Stop whining.)
Dumber than a fence post. (Very stupid.)
The back forty. (The wild or forested area behind a rural home. The 'forty' being forty acres, or farmland.)
Don't go begging for a fat lip. (Whatever you're saying or doing is going to bother people and get you in trouble.)
What on God's green earth (What the fuck)
I'm sweating like a pig in a porta-potty (like a pig in a plastic outhouse- I'm very warm, it's hot here)
He thinks the universe flew out of his ass. (He thinks he's more impressive than he is.)
Your mouth wrote a cheque your ass couldn't cash. (You promised more than you were capable of providing.)
You've got a horseshoe up your ass. (You're very, very lucky.)
Taking a dirt nap. (Dead.)
Pushing (up) daisies. (Dead.)
Give me forty acres to turn this rig around. (I need time and space to move this large, heavy, or unwieldy thing. Usually about navigating a vehicle. Taken from a song lyric.)
Jesus take the wheel. (God help me, I can't handle this, I give up.)
Gone belly-up. (Has died.)
We've got a floater. (This one is dead.)
Herding cats. (Trying to organize chaos, managing an impossibly complicated situation.)
I've got a black thumb. (I am bad at growing plants, all my plants die- reference to having a 'green thumb', or being good at growing plants.)
Stop trackin' floor cookies. (Floor cookies are bits of animal shit that fall off your work boots- 'tracking floor cookies' means wearing your boots in the house; take your shoes off at the door.)
Running around like a headless chicken. (Frantic, disorganized, stressed out by many tasks or panicked by a big situation.)
Spinning my wheels. (Waiting around for something to happen, getting nowhere, frustrated by inactivity, not making any progress towards a goal.)
He's gonna blow a gasket. (He's going to lose his temper, he's going to be angry.)
They'll tan your hide. (They'll punish you severely; usually through violence. Specifically in reference to a spanking.)
He's a few bricks short a load. (He's not clever / he doesn't think things through / he's crazy)
Not the sharpest tool in the shed. (Not the smartest person. Very dumb, clumsy, or absent-minded.)
I'm not going to bail you out. (Not going to save your sinking boat- not going to help you out of your bad situation.)
Looks like things are going south. (The situation is growing worse.)
I'll start making tracks. (I'll leave now, I'll start working, I'll get going.)
He's fucking the dog. (He's not being productive, he's doing a bad job, he's made things worse, he's screwing around.)
He's making puppies. (Less graphic version of 'fucking the dog'.)
Plant your ass. (Sit.)
Playing grab-ass. (Procrastinating- accomplishing nothing, slowing people down.)
He couldn't find his ass in the dark. (He's stupid, ineffective, underqualified, or incompetent.)
He couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel. (He is unbelievably, comically dumb or ineffective. He can't do anything right.)
One foot in the ground. (Dying, or half-dead.)
I'm kicking rocks. (I'm not doing anything productive.)
I'm hauling ass. (I'm running away.)
Madder than a wet hen. (Very, very angry.)
Like I said I'm not sure that these are all idioms but they're all the phrases and sayings from my childhood that I can remember right now
EDIT: Cannot BELIEVE I forgot my mom's favourite
52. Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which gets filled first. (Wishes don't come true by themselves)
Plus some more I forgot:
53. You make a better door than a window. (You're in the way of my view.)
54. You can take a long walk off a short pier. (Go fuck yourself.)
55. He's about as sharp as a bowling ball. (He's stupid.)
56. Scoot your poot. (Move over.)
57. Not my first rodeo. (I know what I'm doing.)
58. He's built like a brick shithouse. (He's broad and sturdy and very strong, solid.)
59. I smell bacon. (I saw a cop nearby.)
60. I don't want to hear a peep. (Stop talking.)
61. You're thinking with the wrong head. (You're making bad decisions because you're horny.)
62. I'd lose my ass/head if it wasn't tied on. (I'm very absent-minded, forgetful.)
63. That went down like a lead balloon. (That situation was bad.)
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roosterforme · 2 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 15 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You want a field trip to North Island for your class, and Bradley is determined to deliver. He loves how you decide to show him some gratitude. He'd love it even more if you stayed and never left.
Warnings: Fluff, language, unprotected sex, oral sex, smut, Bradley in love, 18+
Length: 4500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley's alarm really pissed him off on Thursday morning. First of all, it went off an hour earlier than it usually did. And second, he had been sound asleep with your body tucked right up against him and his fingers laced with yours. When you began to stir as well, he kissed your ear and started to pull away from you. 
"I'm sorry, Baby," he murmured, voice laced with sleep and something intimate that he never remembered treating anyone else to. "Go back to sleep."
You rolled over so you were facing him, and your lips found his immediately. You kissed him softly as your fingers pulled through his hair, and he wanted more than anything to stay here with you all day. "I can't go back to sleep," you whispered. "Not when I get to spend a few extra minutes with you."
In the very short time you and he had been officially in a relationship, he had let himself indulge in the idea that you'd be around forever. That you wouldn't change your mind about him. That you'd love him and let him love you back, like equal partners. And right now all he wanted to do was keep holding you while he also couldn't wait to get to work and try to start sweet talking his superior officers.
"I can't be late today, Gorgeous. Not if I'm going to try my best to make a field trip for your class happen."
Your eyes lit up and you squeaked softly. "You're right. Get the fuck out of here."
He laughed and then groaned. "It shouldn't be sexy when you have a potty mouth." He gave you one long kiss before finally pulling away so he could get ready for work.
"I'll make you breakfast," you whispered, climbing out of bed completely naked before reaching for his discarded sweatshirt on the floor. It was yours now in his mind, and he couldn't wait until it and you were both permanent fixtures in his bedroom. That was going to have to wait a bit though unless you brought it up first. He'd already dropped the idea that he wanted to marry you in front of your class.
"You don't need to make me anything," he said as he started to pull on his clean flight suit, but you were already walking out of the room. 
Bradley finished getting ready as quickly as he could in your tiny bathroom, and when he made his way to your equally miniscule kitchen with his overnight bag, you were spreading cream cheese on a bagel and filling a purple travel mug that said #1 Teacher with coffee. "I'll see you tomorrow night?" he asked before taking a bite out of the bagel when you held it up for him.
"I mean... yes, I'll come right to your house from work tomorrow, but you'll see me before that." When he raised an eyebrow while he chewed, you shrugged and added, "I was planning on sending you a dirty picture while I get dressed."
Now both of his eyebrows were raised. "Yeah? How dirty we talking?"
All you said in response was, "I trust you to keep my job intact," before you kissed him and ushered him toward your door with his breakfast. "Go to work, and you'll find out soon. I love you."
"I love you, too, Gorgeous."
He would never get enough of your pretty face. He thought about it while he fought traffic going into San Diego and while crossing the bay bridge toward North Island. This drive sucked, but he'd do it every morning if it meant he got to spend the night in your bed with you. He also wanted to ask you to sleep over at his place during the week so you could test out traffic heading north.
When he finally parked on base, he didn't have to imagine your face any longer. He got to look at it in the picture you sent him twenty minutes ago. Along with your tits. Exchanging photos had always been a huge part of getting to know you while he was deployed, and he was delighted to find that the tradition continued.
"Oh my god," he groaned, needing to sit in his Bronco for a few extra minutes while he enjoyed the photo before ultimately saving it to his phone. Then he texted you back with a smirk before heading to the locker room.
Damn, Gorgeous. What I wouldn't give to spend a week in bed with that face and those tits.
Of course a honeymoon would be the perfect opportunity for that sort of thing. He dropped his bag off in his locker and made his way out to the hangar, running his hand over his face as he tried to push that thought to the back of his mind. As soon as he spotted Maverick, he made a beeline in his direction.
"Rooster," he greeted, barely glancing up from the clipboard he was holding. Bradley knew it was such a longshot, but he had to just go for it at this point.
"Hey, Mav, you have a minute?"He glanced up over his aviators and said, "Always. What can I do for you?" Bradley cleared his throat and tried to make sure he sounded as relaxed as possible. "
I was wondering if a fourth grade class could visit base for a field trip one day? Do a tour of the hangars and the tarmac? Maybe sit in a cockpit? Just an educational trip for some kids who are studying aviation."
There was a brief pause before Maverick asked, "Are you sleeping with a teacher?"
Bradley groaned, head tipped back as he rubbed his eyes and tried not to laugh. "Yeah. She's my girlfriend though, so it's a bit more involved than that."
Maverick sighed. "If I give you special permission for this, then everyone is going to want me to do the same for them. You know that." Bradley started nodding in defeat when Maverick took his sunglasses off and asked, "How many kids are we talking?"
"Eighteen," he replied immediately, straightening his back like he was standing at attention.
"Which school?"
"Mira Mesa Elementary."
Maverick pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let me see what I can do. Now get your helmet on and get to work."
You were finishing your lunch at your desk, about to send Bradley a text, when your phone rang in your hand. He was calling you in the middle of the day which was definitely odd.
"Hey, Gorgeous," came his voice along with a ton of background noise. "Any chance you can bring your class for a field trip next week?"
Surely you misheard.
"Next week? You already got it approved?"
"Yeah." The deep, raspy rumble of his voice made you shiver. "Next Thursday work for you?"
You were on your feet, doing a little dance as you said, "You got it approved! I'll make it work. I'll type up permission slips right now. I'll call everyone's legal guardian tonight if I have to. We'll be there!"
"Perfect. Email me your complete class list so I can get visitor badges printed."
"Okay," you told him, glancing around like you didn't know where to start. "Right."
"I love you, Baby. Talk later."
He ended the call without another word, and you tucked your phone away before running a lap around your classroom. You wanted to go gloat to all of the other fourth grade teachers, but you wouldn't. You were absolutely certain that this only worked out because you were in a relationship with Bradley, so instead you got to work on the permission slips.
By Friday afternoon, your kids were beyond excited about their upcoming trip to North Island. You had secured eighteen permission slips, three chaperones and a school bus to take everyone down to Coronado next week. But today, you'd be driving there yourself to see Bradley. The traffic after work didn't even bother you as you drove to his house with both your overnight bag and your work bag. You had some quizzes to grade, but he promised you he didn't mind if you brought them along.
When you parked in front of his house, you grabbed your things and ran up to the front door which swung open before you could even knock.
"I just got home," he said with a laugh in his sexy khaki uniform and boots. "I was thinking about giving you a key in case you beat me here one of these days. Oh, shit."
You set your bags down just inside his front door and then had your hands tugging down his pants zipper before you leaned up to kiss him. As you pulled his cock free, you whispered, "I just wanted to thank you again."
You bunched Bradley's shirt up around his abs and dropped to your knees while the front door was still open, and he grunted before quickly closing it. "You don't have to thank me," he rasped as you kissed his cock, and he started to grow hard.
As you ran your nose along his length, you glanced up at him and asked, "You don't want me to give you a blowjob?"
His pupils were wide as he shook his head. "Could you imagine a world in which I didn't want you to give me a blowjob? Because I definitely couldn't."
You laughed and parted your lips. "Then let me say thank you, Lieutenant Bradshaw."
His big hand settled on the back of your head, giving you an eager push, and you took him deep as he groaned, "It's my pleasure, Baby. In so many ways."
He was velvety soft and warm, fully hard now, and you gagged as he bottomed out. You let your tongue glide slowly along his length until you pulled him free, saliva already dripping down to his balls. Then you took a deep breath and let him push you again, bobbing your head as your eyes watered. His balls were heavy in your hand, and your mouth watered more as you thought about tasting him.
When you looked up at his handsome face with your mouth full of his cock, he stroked your cheek with his free hand. "So gorgeous. So perfect." He was flushed pink, and you vaguely thought for a second about how funny it would be if Vanessa showed up right now to see this happening.
You let your hands settle on his hips, and you bobbed your head until he was tapping the back of your throat again. Bradley's sharp gasp just made you go harder, and his fingers digging gently into your hair made you go faster. "Fuck," he whispered, eyes glued on your lips as you let him pop free. You licked a swirl around his tip before going deep and sucking until your cheeks were hollow, and you could feel him throbbing with need.
"I'm really close," he crooned as you squeezed his hip. You listened to him panting as you stroked his balls with your thumb, and then you sputtered when he came. You swallowed him down as you wrapped your fingers around his base and jerked him off until he had his hand braced on the wall for support. Every drop of his cum was swallowed down, and you kissed his cock when he was finished.
"Come here," he whispered, reaching for you before doing anything else, and as you stood, he scooped you into his arms. His lips collided with yours, and you sighed as he tasted himself in your mouth. "That was hot."
Bradley's nose bumped yours as he kissed you harder and started to walk you further into his house. "We could always do it again later," you whispered with a laugh as you ran your fingers along the sheen of sweat along his hairline.
"I have other plans for you for later," he promised, voice deep and dark.
"Tell me," you whispered, but he shook his head.
"You'll find out after I cook dinner."
"Can I have a hint?"
He glanced to the side and nodded as you walked through the living room with him. "Another couch date. Kind of."
"I love couch dates."
"I love you."
Bradley made you a grilled cheese sandwich, and he made two for himself, and you stood in his kitchen with him while you ate and sipped a beer. He didn't even bother to finish zipping up his khakis after tucking himself away, and he kept you in his grasp as he told you all about what he wanted to share with your class during the field trip.
"I can take them on a tour of the hangar," he murmured, kissing your cheek. "Let them listen in on air traffic control. Do you think they'd want to sit in my cockpit?"
"Bradley," you said with a laugh. "Of course they would want to! I want to!"
"Yeah?" he asked, running his mustache along your neck. "Maybe you can sit on my lap in my cockpit? I could show you my throttle."
Your face felt warm as you whispered, "You'll get me a lifetime ban from North Island."
"Can't have that," he said solemnly, shaking his head. "When you're on summer break, I'm going to want you to come visit me at work all the time."
Butterflies erupted in your belly as you pictured yourself in six months. Visiting him at work would be incredible. You could stop by with a coffee like he had done for you, and maybe you could take one for Natasha as well. But you were also thinking about how he casually announced to your class that he intended to marry you in the not so distant future.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and felt the front of his unzipped pants through the fabric of your shirt. "I'm not driving back and forth to Coronado every day during my break, Bradley."
He smiled at you and said, "Understood. You can just spend the night as much as you want. I'm right by the beach, so you can sunbathe all day until I'm done working, and then I'll take you out to Salvatore's or cook dinner for you."
"Or we can just hang out on the couch," you whispered, your lips brushing his.
"Speaking of the couch..."
Your voice filled the living room along with your little grunts and moans as Bradley held your hips in place. You were bent over the arm of the couch with your ass up in the air, fingers digging into the cushions while he fucked you. For as sweet as you were, he loved you like this just as much. Loud and needy for him.
The sound of his body slapping against yours was already obscene, but if you wanted it harder, he'd let you have it. He was yours in every sense of the word, and he would make sure you knew it. "Does that feel good?" he crooned, watching your pussy grip his cock. "It looks fantastic," he grunted.
Your response was unintelligible but enthusiastic, so he kept going until he was close and your legs were shaking. The blowjob you gave him earlier seemed to take the edge off, because as soon as he started rubbing soft circles on your clit, you came for him, but he wasn't quite there yet. He slowed his pace down, let himself enjoy the feel of you shaking and squeezing him. He could have probably gone longer, but then you turned and looked up at him over your shoulder.
"That was so good," you said with a shaky voice, "I saw stars."
"Oh hell." He came inside you as you chewed on your lip and looked at him like you'd never get enough. "Come here." You stood with your back pressed against him while he was still buried deep. "You want to snuggle?"
"Always," you whispered as he peppered kisses to your shoulder. And then the two of you ended up on the couch, and it was sweet again as you curled up mostly on top of him while he drew shapes on your palm.
And that's how the whole weekend was. On Saturday, the two of you spent a few windswept hours on the beach, wrapped in a blanket together, talking and laughing. But after the sun set and the sky turned that pretty pretty color that looked both blue and orange at the same time, your lips found his.
"Gorgeous," he groaned, hands on your thighs, feeling your warmth through your jeans.
"I love you," came your immediate response, and Bradley could barely contain himself. He wanted everything with you, but he was afraid of moving any faster than this already pretty blistering pace. But even thinking about the nights this week when he'd have to fall asleep without you and wake up alone were creeping into the back of his mind.
He pressed his forehead to yours and whispered, "I love you too, Gorgeous. And I'm just going to say this one time, and then I'll let you bring it up again if you feel like it."When he paused, you said, "Okay," in a soft voice, and he took a deep breath.
"If we ever reach a point where you think you want to move in with me, that would make me very happy. You already have a key now, but if you want it to be even more permanent, I would love that."
"Oh," you gasped, and he suddenly wished he hadn't said anything about it. "My lease ends in January."
"January," he repeated, like it was a word he was unfamiliar with.
"Mmhmm. In about two months." You kissed his cheek and wrapped his hand up in yours. "That seems reasonable, don't you think?"
Bradley let you push his shoulder playfully until he was laying on his back, and then you were in his arms just like you were on the first date. "Yeah, that seems reasonable," he whispered as the sound of your soft laughter mingled with the crashing waves.
"At least give me a chance to test out the commute to work," you said with a kiss.
"I'm not in a hurry, Gorgeous. I'm just in love."
You didn't get home from Bradley's house on Sunday night until almost eleven, but you couldn't bring yourself to complain about it. He helped you grade your quizzes, and he read over your lesson plans like it was a bestselling novel. Then he made you a snack after dinner and went over the plans for the field trip.
"I'll take care of everything this week," he had promised. "I'll get visitor's badges for everyone, and you'll just need to go through the security checkpoints when you arrive. Your kids will have a blast. Just wait until they get to watch Marty work on an engine rebuild."
"The kids are going to lose their minds when they see your Super Hornet," you had promised. "And I will, too. I was already falling for you when you sent me the cockpit photos, and now I'm head over heels."
After that, Bradley carefully folded up your lesson plans and put them in your bag while you tried to hide your smile. And that's why you got home so late. Because the two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other for more than a minute.
But it made for a long Monday. And your Tuesday wasn't much better. By Wednesday, even the phone calls and texts with Bradley were barely enough to keep you going. You hated thinking about his next deployment, but it was always at the back of your mind. He wanted you to move in with him, but even his beautiful house in Coronado wouldn't save you from feeling devastatingly lonely the next time he was on an aircraft carrier. Nothing would.
He told you he wanted to drive up and spend the night with you on Wednesday, but he was yawning nonstop over the phone, and you knew he would have to get up earlier if he came up to your apartment. "You sound as exhausted as I feel, and I'm going to see you in the morning anyway," you told him as you curled up in your bed." Actually all nineteen of us are going to see you in the morning."
"I love my pen pals," he said with a laugh. Then he repeated your words from so many weeks ago. "Do you still want me to kiss you as soon as I see you?"
"Bradley," you moaned, rolling onto your side. You were melting, and he wasn't even here. "I always want that."
"Good, because I don't think I could... Oh shit!" he shouted, and it sounded like he dropped his phone.
"What's wrong?" you asked, jolting up in your bed. "Bradley?"
"No, no, no," came his voice, but you could tell he wasn't right next to his phone speaker. He actually sounded scared, but you couldn't fathom what could possibly be going on, and then he said, "There's a fucking spider on my bedroom wall!"
"Oh," you replied, letting out the breath you'd been holding.
"What the fuck am I supposed to do?! Why aren't you here?!"
"Bradley, just squish it with some paper towels," you told him, trying not to laugh at his panicked voice.
"You want me to take my eyes off this fucking thing to go to the kitchen? I don't think so!"
You pressed your lips together and composed yourself before asking, "How big is it?"
"It's huge! The size of a quarter!" he shouted. "It's moving!"
"Bradley, pick up one of your boots or a shoe and smash it," you told him as calmly as you could. "You can do this."
"Okay. Okay, right. Yeah," he said, and his voice sounded even more distant. "I can do this." There was a terribly loud thump, and then he said, "I hate this so much."
"Is it dead?" you asked cautiously.
"Yeah, but I'm too scared to sleep in here now. What if its family shows up for revenge in the middle of the night?"
You snorted and collapsed back onto your pillow. "That seems a little dramatic."
"Does it?" he asked. "Because this is something you should be taking care of for me. I'll take care of anything else, but this one thing is on you, Baby."
You started to pull your shirt off as you asked, "Would you feel better if I sent you another dirty photo?"
"I would feel a lot better if you sent me a dirty photo," he said, and now you could tell he was smiling.
"Hmm... you think you'll be able to get some sleep if I do?" you asked, tossing your shirt aside.
"A full eight hours."
You held your phone up, smiled sweetly, and snapped a picture. "Let me know when you get it," you said as you texted it to him.
A few seconds later, you giggled as he groaned. "Got it. You look like perfection, and I love adding these to my top secret folder," he muttered. "Thank you."
Now you were yawning as you pulled your sheet up to your chin. "You're welcome. I'll see you in ten hours. I love you."
"Love you, Baby."
-------------------------- You thought you were prepared for the field trip to North Island. You had bus snacks, and responsible chaperones. You had copies of all of the required paperwork that the Navy insisted you fill out ahead of time in a folder. You even had a list of all of your kids for the guard station officer which Bradley reminded you to bring. But nothing could have actually prepared you for the excitement that all nineteen of you clearly felt when the school bus pulled up to the gates with the airstrip directly in front of you.
"Whoa!" said Jayden, trying to hang out the window for a better view. "There's a jet taking off!"
All of your kids scrambled to the right side of the bus to get a better look, and you did too. The aftermath of the takeoff was loud, and you signaled for everyone to cover their ears as they all watched the aircraft soar into the sun.
"Do you think that was Lieutenant Bradshaw?" Nia asked excitedly as your heart raced.
"No," you replied as you watched the jet fly off into the distance. "He said he would meet us after we parked in the visitors lot." When the bus started moving up to the guards, you waved your hand for everyone to sit down again. "But if you're all really well behaved, I'm sure there will be some surprises for us today!"
When it was your turn to talk to the guards, you climbed out of the bus and handed over all of your paperwork. They double and triple checked everything. As they looked at your school ID and driver's license, one of them said, "This location requires top clearances. We hardly ever see field trip groups. Someone on base must really like you."
You thought about Bradley and his kisses and his couch and how he wanted you there to share his bed and always take care of the spiders. "Yeah, that's pretty accurate," you told him with a smile, and he handed you a bundle of lanyards. Hanging from each one was a visitor's pass for each of your students as well as four for you and the chaperones. "Thank you."
Even as you handed each kid their pass and told them they needed to wear them at all times, your heart raced in anticipation. They were all looking back at you with wide-eyed excitement; these were the faces of kids who had learned a lot in your classroom already this year. They were as eager to learn more about aviation today as they were months ago, and you were so happy that Bradley had been a big part of this whole experience.
As the bus driver parked, you saw your boyfriend through the window, standing tall next to the building. He was in his flight suit, and his back was ramrod straight. There were two other officers with him, and they had even more pins on their uniforms than you remembered seeing on his. You needed to reel in your expectations, especially in front of the men who you assumed were Bradley's bosses. But when you smiled, Bradley smiled back. And when you led your students down the steps and over to the sidewalk, his posture relaxed.
"Welcome to North Island," he told your kids with a grin. Then he looped one arm around your waist, pulled you close, and kissed you in front of everyone. "I can't wait to show you everything."
The field trip of my dreams! Okay, so we are definitely going to see Marty at work, but what else should the kids get to experience? Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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writemekpop · 6 months
All Night Long | Lee Jeno
Summary: You’re pregnant, and the baby’s kicking makes it impossible to sleep. Luckily, Jeno knows just how to take care of you.  
Genre: Fluff, established relationship AU, Babydaddy!Jeno
Word count: <1k
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You stroked your baby bump.
“Let me sleep,” you whispered. But it was no use. Your baby was beating you up from the inside.
You looked over at your husband, Jeno, who was fast asleep. His cheek was squished into the pillow, and his soft brown hair stuck up in all directions. Even like this, he was beautiful. You watched his bare, muscled chest rise and fall in time with his soft breaths.
You burned with jealousy at how soundly he slept, while you had been tossing and turning for hours.
You cleared your throat way too loudly.
Jeno jolted awake.
He sat bolt upright, eyes still puffy.
“Is everything okay? Is it the baby?” Jeno asked, voice rough.
His hands found your bump instinctively, and he started tracing circles on your skin. Ever since he found out you were pregnant, Jeno hadn’t been able to keep his hands off you.
“Can’t sleep,” you pouted. “It’s the baby. He keeps kicking me in the ribs.”
You’d taken to wearing Jeno’s shirts in bed – they were the only thing that fit. His hand slipped under the white cotton, stroking your bare skin.
He gasped softly when he felt a sharp kick. 
“It’s been like this all night.”
Jeno shuffled so that he was lying in between your legs. He lifted your shirt, exposing your entire tummy.
“Let me talk to him,” Jeno said. “Man to man.”
You giggled when Jeno pressed his lips to your tummy and started to whisper.
Soon, it was becoming too ticklish to bear. Jeno held you in place, his large hands on your hips. He was holding you firmly but gently, just like always.
“Time to sleep, little one. Now, I know your mama is hot shit, but you’ve got to let her rest too, okay?” Jeno whispered into your bump.
“Hey!” you whispered. “You can’t say… the s-word in front of him.”
Jeno chuckled. “Sorry buddy. We’re don’t want you to end up a potty mouth like your mother.”
You whacked a pillow on Jeno’s head, which only made his smile grow.
His calming voice seemed to be doing the trick, as the kicking subsided. Your eyelids started to feel heavy, the weight of the day finally catching up with you.
Jeno shuffled up the bed till he was lying beside you. He pulled the duvet over you both and nuzzled his head into your neck.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk.
“I’m the only one that gets to keep mama up all night.”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Injured (Jenni's Version): Future
Grace Clinton x Reader
Summary: You need to leave
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"Mami! Mami! Mami!"
You smile slightly, continuing to pack your suitcase as your son lays back on your bed.
"Yes, my James?"
He grins at you. "Can I come?"
You shake your head. "You know you can't."
"But why?"
"Because Paris is a long way away from Lyon." You add another set of pointe shoes to your bag. "And I need you to do a very special job for me."
You sit down on the bed, patting the spot next to you.
James is more than happy to crawl towards you, leaning close to hear his special job.
"You're a very responsible boy, aren't you?"
He nods. "I helped Mummy pick up Ollie's poo yesterday on our walk!"
Ollie's your family dog. Grace had gotten him for you when the first two rounds of ivf didn't take and you'd been so down about it. You were right in the middle of your third round and losing hope when Grace had come home with a German Shepherd puppy.
You called Ollie your good luck charm because two weeks after you'd successfully potty trained him, you fell pregnant with your other golden boy, James.
"That's very responsible!" You tell him," Because I need a very responsible boy to help me out."
"I'm responsible! I'm responsible! What is it?"
"I need you to be in charge of the house while I'm gone," You tell him," That's why you can't come with. You've got to make sure Mummy doesn't order takeout every day and cleans up Olivia's toys when she's done playing."
Olivia's the other light of your life, your nearly one year old daughter.
You didn't particularly want to leave either of them but you'd been called up by the Paris Opera Ballet to be their guest Principal for one of the shows they were putting on and you loved dancing in their venue.
Originally, you were going to say no but Grace pushed you to accept. She was more than capable of looking after both of the kids at once.
"I'll make sure Mummy eats healthy and cleans up!" James tells you," Can I go tell her I'm in charge while you're gone?"
"I'm sure she would love that."
James goes bursting out of the room and you take the time to finish packing.
Ollie whines a little as you zip up the bag.
"I'm sorry, Ollie," You say, gently stroking his head," You know I'll back soon."
Ollie's the family dog, technically, but, secretly, you know he's yours. He had been incredibly protective over you when you were pregnant with Livy and he had been super excitable as a puppy when you were pregnant with James.
Fully grown now, he loved being in the same room as you. He adored the kids and Grace, of course, but you had always been his person.
Frankly, you were getting a little worried he was lonely in the house alone all day so you and Grace had been in talks about getting Ollie his own puppy.
It was only fair to Olivia as well.
Ollie grew up with James. It's only right to have a puppy for Olivia to grow up with too.
But, that was a conversation for when you got back and after your planned trip to Spain in the summer.
It would be nice, you think, to have a puppy for Ollie to be the best big brother too just like how James is the best big brother to Livy.
Ollie follows you down the stairs, his favourite tennis ball in his mouth as you start pulling your suitcase down.
Grace appears at the bottom, hurrying up to swap the bag with Livy and carry it the down for you.
"Careful, beautiful," She says as you swap," You don't want to strain anything before you go on stage." She winks at you and you roll your eyes.
"Did James tell you I've left him in charge?"
"He did," Grace replies with a grin," I think he's already planning on demanding Big Bed access."
"Don't let him," You remind her but your wife just shrugs.
"I don't know. He's making a convincing case. Says that it would be cold without you and he should be there to warm it up."
"If you get him in the habit of sleeping in our bed while I'm away, Grace Clinton, then you're in trouble and I'm choosing what breed the next puppy is."
"Oh, come on!" Grace is laughing though so you know she isn't taking your empty threats too seriously. "Cab's here though. You finished up just in time."
"Okay." You pull on your coat surprisingly well for someone balancing a baby in the other arm.
You litter kisses all over Livy's face as Grace calls James to the door.
"I'll miss you, Mami," He tells you and you crouch down to give him kisses too.
"I'll miss you too, James," You say," I love you, baby."
"Love you too."
He curls into your arms and your rock him side to side softly before pulling away.
"Remember, you're in charge, okay? So I want you to boss around Mummy and make her eat healthy, deal?"
He nods. "Deal."
"I'll see you in a week, amor," You tell Grace, pecking her lips a few times and laughing when she tries to chase your kiss each time.
"Love you, beautiful."
"Love you too."
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melancholiaincarnate · 2 months
uncle meanie
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「 in which ᵎᵎ 」 yuji itadori's mean (and quite attractive) uncle comes to pick him up from school
「 words ᵎᵎ 」 828
「 author's note ᵎᵎ 」 hii :3 check out my master list, my requests r open, thank u to @zooone for beta reading :) part two maybe ..? lmk lmk
「 warnings ᵎᵎ 」 sukuna being flirty, sukuna being a meanie etc etc, sukuna.
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"maki, please stop hitting mai - i'm going to have to tell your parents-" you sigh and walk over to the twins, where a screaming match over the kinetic sand has turned physical.
"miss, miss!" a little girl pulls on your pant leg, "miss, i need to potty." she frowns, her big eyes looking up at you, "right now."
"thank you for asking. you may go to the restroom, kugisaki." you pat the girl on the head and she runs off towards the door to the hallway.
you turn back around, ready to deal with the twins again to find that they've separated on their own and are glaring at each other from across the room.
"YUJI, YOUR MEANIE UNCLE IS HERE." kugisaki screams from the hallway. you were going to have a migraine. "I SEE HIM! HE LOOKS MEAN! AND ANGRY! LIKE ALWAYS!"
being a daycare teacher wasn't easy - especially when your children were menaces to society like kugisaki and the twins. but you loved your job - and especially loved all the hot dilfs you got to see on a daily basis.
at the door stood yuji's uncle. he was quite a stark difference from yuji's father - this man was tattooed across his face and arms, was incredibly buff, and had piercings. he was really attractive, if you had to be honest.
"kuna!" yuji drops the blocks he was playing with, (leaving a frowning megumi behind), and runs towards the older male. "hi kuna!"
"hello brat." sukuna pats his head awkwardly, his lips pressed into a tight line. "okay, that's enough. off."
yuji giggles and peels himself off of the man, and as you walk over, he bounces in excitement. "miss, miss! this is my uncle kuna!"
"i told you don't call me that, you insolent-" he huffs and then looks you up and down. "you look a little young to be running this place." sukuna had to admit though - you were incredibly pretty. he straightened his posture and ran a hand through his hair, wanting to look a little more presentable to you.
"it's a daycare, mr. itadori. i don't need to be at retirement age to work here." you roll your eyes and bend down to yuji's level. "go get your stuff, kiddo, and say bye to everyone, while your uncle signs you out." yuji nods excitedly, and runs off, heading straight to say goodbye to megumi.
"it's not itadori. it's sukuna." he surveys the room, "ryomen sukuna."
"ryomen." you nod. sukuna's always hated being called ryomen, but from your mouth, it sounded like a melody. "it's nice to meet you. let me check if you're on yuji's allowed pickup list." you head towards the desk, which was not too far, and flip through papers.
"allowed pickups?" he scoffs, irritation taking over his features, "i'm the pest's uncle - of course i'm allowed to pick him up." sukuna's nose seems to flare up at the idea that he is not a listed caretaker for yuji.
"nope you're here." you point to his name on the list, "good thing, too. we have the system in place so people don't pick up kids who aren't theirs - or for parents who want their kids staying away from people." you explain while uncapping a pen and sliding the sheet toward him, "just sign here to confirm you picked up yuji itadori today."
he signs his name with extra flare, placing the pen down roughly onto the table. "yuji, honey, your uncle is waiting." you call.
"i need to finish saying bye to everyone!" yuji pouted from across the room. he had a habit of saying bye and giving everyone a hug before he left every day.
"fuckin' brat-" the man huffed under his breath, "so, you single?" sukuna wasted no time or effort and you stifled a laugh.
"you just met me." you raise a brow, "and i teach your nephew." you weren't used to such forward behavior from men, especially ones this handsome.
"my nephew. not my son. nothing wrong with it." a tongue comes to dart between his lips, "c'mon, doll, one date. you're too pretty to be workin'. i could take care of you." he hums, smirking as he looks you up and down. "what'dya say?"
yuji comes bounding up to the two of you, taking sukuna's large tattooed hand into his. "i say, have a good rest of your day, mr. sukuna. and you two, yuji." you give him a polite smile despite the fluttering in your heart.
"i'll be back tomorrow, woman." he huffs, "you'd better have a different answer." his eyes rake over your figure once more before he bends down to effortlessly pick up the child and plop him on his hip. "say goodbye to your teacher, brat."
"goodbye miss!" the child smiles brightly and waves with both hands, and sukuna gives you a nod before he turns around.
"same time tomorrow, i'll be here to pick up the kid." he calls, not looking behind him. "i'm expecting to see you here, doll - and i can't wait."
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong wanted your first time to be special and romantic. Soft.....this is not what he had in mind. Whoops.
『Word count』 :  5.17k
-> Genre: So Much Smut. Fluffy. Romantic.
Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader
[Warnings] : I want to make this a realistic first time. It's funny, there's jokes and mistakes. It's loving. The reader is scared but not of Hongjoong. Insecurities. Oral. Fingering. Squirting. Making out. Praise kink. Bratty sub reader. Soft dom Hongjoong. Lots of lovey-dovey shit. Cute little kisses. Confessions. Daddy kink. Pet names. Unprotected sex cause these two forgot about it until after. Whoops. There is so much dirty talk and slight degrading. This is so filthy and soft and all over the place. Listen man I’m so hooked on sappy romance. And to the bitch that hated angels outfit cause it ‘not 10pm dinner date worth’, theres a part I wrote in here just for you.
Masterlist | Navigation | Part Five | Mini Series Masterlist.
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 “If you don’t get back in my car right now, I’ll drag you into it.” His words were dark, tainting on your lips. It was like a drug you’d never get enough of. Quickly, without slipping, you got back into his expensive car, your hand never leaving his thigh as he drove and your lips suckling on his neck. Hongjoong was glad it was almost two in the morning and no one was on the road otherwise he would of most likely hit someone with how fast he was going. He made it back to his apartment in no time and without another moment to spear, he dragged you towards the elevator by your hand. Fingers entangled with yours.. he pinned you against the wall in a feverish kiss, holding the back of your neck, guiding your mouth with his. This was not what he wanted your first time to be like. But god, did he need every second of it.
The way his hand crept up your dress, crawling at your hips. Feeling your frilly panties along his fingertips. His tongue raked down your hot skin, suckling a bright red mark on your neck. He was going to litter you with his marks, every part of your beautiful untouched body. Taint it like you were made for him. He was going to fuck you like it was the last thing he was ever going to do. Because you deserved every treatment he gave you.
You didn’t get time to take in your surroundings as you kept your lips flushed against Hongjoong’s. It was only when it was proving difficult to get your docs off when you both ended up laughing and grinning like idiots. Hongjoong was the first to pull away, pushing you slightly to lean against the hallway table so he could kneel down in front of you. You’ve never felt such a feeling like you had right now…This powerful older man, on his knees in front of you, slowly and carefully taking your shoes off. If he wanted you to feel like royalty, he was doing a bang-up job. 
“You like me on my knees, hmm? Angel?” He seemed to notice the way your mind had wandered off. Blush erupted over your face, feeling embarrassed of being caught bluntly staring. 
“I..Uh..” You looked around the hall, trying to find something to distract yourself as Hongjoong placed your right foot back carefully on the floor, having finished removing your shoes. Your sight caught the most amazing thing you’ve ever laid eyes on. “Holy shit…”
“Excuse you?” Hongjoong laughed at your potty mouth, but you walked down the hall, entering the large, dining, kitchen, and lounge room area. It was all opened with floor-to-ceiling windows. You could see almost the whole city. You’ve never been this high up before either, so it made the view even more grand. You watched in awe as the city light captivated you. You were so distracted you almost didn’t notice Hongjoong’s hands snaking around your waist, tugging at the strings on your corset, ever so slightly loosening it with every pull. his eyes never leaving the side profile of your stunning face. “It’s beautiful isn’t it.”
But he was not talking about the city view…
"It is..." You whisper. His lips inched against your neck, kissing down until he got to your left shoulder. Your shall had been forgotten long ago, most likely still in the car. And as you stood frozen watching the scenery beyond the thick glass so intensely, you felt Hongjoong finally slip off the belt around your plump hips, chucking it somewhere in the room. His fingers played with the fabric of your dress while you tilted your head to the side to give him better access. He could smell the sweet perfume on your skin. Feel the way he created goosebumps on your soft skin from the hot breath from his nose. His fingers would tangle, tug, and pull any part of your delicious outfit. The outfit he swooned over at dinner. The outfit he couldn’t help but smile at, thinking how sweet you looked, just like those strawberries that were embroidered on it. The outfit he was going to take great pleasure in taking it off you. Or maybe he’d fuck you in it first, watch how your nipples would peak through the layers of cotton. Feeling the roughness of the frills on his thighs as he thrusted in you hard. He’d keep those pretty little white socks you still have on as well. You’d be the most perfect little treat for him. “Hongjoong…”
He took a step back as you called for him. Standing so still, you didn’t dare to turn around. You could hear him move, the sound of fabric shifting, leather rubbed against jeans until… The clank of something metal hit the carpeted ground. 
“You wanna turn around Angel.” His voice was smooth, deep. Hypnotic. His words made every nerve burn in anticipation. This was really happening, he really wanted to have sex with you. Your heartbeats were hard, like a low base bashing on your chest. Thump, thump, thump. You could feel yourself become high head. Dizzy. Like your mind was slipping into a subspace of your mind you’ve never been before. “Baby.”
He called again but this time he was back right behind you, his hands on your hips made you take in a sharp breath. And without a second thought, you reached behind your body, pulling at the string that held the waist hem of your dress taught to your frame. Hongjoong didn’t dare take his eyes off your delicate fingers playing with the string, not until it was completely loose and the dress started to sag. Only having your shoulders keep the fabric up. Neither of you spoke, it was like you were both holding your breath. Waiting for the other to do something. You finally turned around.
His shirt was gone, the top button of his jeans was undone and his belt by your feet. You would never get enough of this man. The way he was built. The scars and tattoos decorated him like a human canvas. Everything was perfect. He was perfect. “H-Help me…”
He didn’t know he could move so fast, his fingers lacing under the cotton resting on your shoulders, slowly... go slowly god damn it. He screamed to himself as he pushed the fabric off you. The dress fell quickly, pooling by your feet. But he did not dare look down. No. His eyes stared into yours so desperately. he felt like he was in a dream and if he looked at your body he feared his cruel brain would wake him up. You took the ranes this time. Unclasping your bra without breaking eye contact with him. He could see the swell of your breasts out the corner of his eyes but he refused to look. The thump from the article of clothing falling to the floor made his heartbeat fall into his throat. And then his eyes widened, audibly gulping as you reached for his left, tatted hand. He felt your soft skin against his, and then he felt your hot plump chest in his rough palm. You hitched in a breath, feeling your overly sensitive nipples scrape along his hands. 
Hongjoong finally looked.
Taking in a big shaky breath, he saw you. He saw your soft curves, your juicy breasts. The way the balls of flesh rose and fell with each sharp breath. He made a mental note to kiss every stretch mark, scar, and blemish on your body. You are perfect. His other hand gripped your free breast, fondling your flesh. Your eyes fluttered close, tilting your head back slightly. Little pants would slip from your parted lips, as Hongjoong would start to leave light feverish kisses on your jaw, neck and collarbone. He would lower himself slightly, before slowly, pushing you backwards. you’d gasp loudly when your bare back would hit the ice-cold glass of the window. Hongjoong quickly knelt in front of you. Kissing between your breasts before latching his mouth on one of your nipples, while his free hand gripped your right thigh slowly, softly… parting your legs. You looked down at the older man, seeing his intense stare as he watched your every move closely. “Yes, I do….”
He looked confused for a moment, curious as to what you might be answering… and then you spoke out again. “You on your knees…I like it.” You felt like crawling out of your skin, feeling embarrassed at your words. But Hongjoong had a different expression. He growled, kissing down your pretty tummy, finding your stretch marks on the side of your hip, before kissing each and every one. He could do this for hours if he so wished, but for now, he just quickly pepper kisses a few before stopping just above the hem of your panties. He glanced back up at you one more time, slowly without breaking eye contact his fingers hooked under the soft cotton fabric before slipping them off down your legs. You were now completely bare in front of him.
“Fuck, angel. Aren't you the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. So soft.” he kisses your thigh. “So plump.” And gripped the flesh of your legs to move apart until he could see your dripping pussy. “So wet and ready for me.”
“F-fuck Joong!!” His name slipped off your tongue like it was your favourite thing to say. Fingers dug into his fluffy hair as he pressed his nose against your already sensitive clit and inhaled. You were the most delectable thing he’s ever had, and your taste was all he was craving. So he dived right in, his tongue flatting against your hole before licking all the way up, swiping over your nub. He did the same motion a couple of times before he shoved his tongue inside. He needed to prep you well. Get you nice and wet, and he was loving every minute of it. The way your head was thrown back against the glass, moans spilling from you, becoming his new favourite melody. 
He could feel you were close by the way your body started to shake, struggling to keep yourself up. He, without a second thought, pulled away, nearly knocking the wind out of your lungs at the sudden loss of pleasure. But before you could say anything, he was tugging you down to the soft carpeted floor with him. He wasn’t expecting to fuck you on the floor. God no. Not today anyway. But he wanted to make you cum a few times first before pounding you into his mattress. 
“There, there angel. I’ve got you.” His soft voice made your head spin as you laid on your back with your legs spread as far as they could go. You needed him in every way as he latched back onto your soaked cunt, sliding in a finger. You knew you were already falling over the edge. You’ve never climaxed so hard before, seeing white and hearing a light buzz in your ears. Those romance novels had seemly been correct when it was the right man, he would be able to give you everything. Including the most mind-blowing orgasms.
“Fuck, J-joongie I f-feel weird.” You needed to come again, rolling your hips against his now two scissoring fingers his tongue didn’t stop its desperate antics and then Hongjoong sucked harshly against your clit. You swore over and over as your legs began to shake, you cried a silent scream in the next breath as you felt Hongjoong sit up.
“Holy shit…” His deep chuckle caught your attention, opening your eyes you see in horror… Hongjoong was covered in a wet liquid. His chin, cheeks and chest dripping… d-did I just squirt? “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
You felt your face heat up, wiggling a bit so you could sit up. The floor was a mess, and so were your inner thighs. But Hongjoong couldn’t care less, all he was thinking about was if he could get you to do that again. “Come on baby. Let’s move to somewhere more comfortable before I fuck you on this floor.”
He spoke so casually, but you could hear the lust dripping from his tongue. He was holding himself back, wanting to restrain himself and your little bratty attitude caught onto it quickly. Smiling, you pushed yourself up on your knees, while he watched intensely. You crawled over to him before resting your hands on his shoulders, his face so close to yours. “You gonna take me to bed Hongjoong? You’re best friend's daughter?” You whispered, inching closer. “What would he think? Hmm? Tainting my innocence.”
“I’ll do more than taint your innocence baby…” He knew what game you were playing, grabbing your hair, and tugging it back, making you forcibly look up to the roof. His nose glided across your neck before he suck a harsh red mark on your soft skin. “I’m going to fuck you until your head is filled with nothing but me. My cock. The way I fuck you. The way I’d make love to you… I’ll ruin you for any other man.” He bit down hard on your collarbone surely leaving indents of his teeth. “Cause you’re mine now princess. Mine alone.”
Him saying he’d love you causes a different feeling to grow in the pit of your stomach. A feeling you know you’d have to discuss tomorrow. But for now, as he led you to his bedroom. Your wobbly legs found themselves perched at the entrance of Hongjoong’s lavish room. It was not as you were expecting. He looked like such a minimalistic man, with a simple, sleek style. But yet his room... was filled with unique forms of art, house plants—some fake and some real—an abundance of vinyls, CD’s and a beautiful vintage record player, sitting in the corner of the room. The dark brown wooden stand the record player laid on matched his spruce bed frame well, and his dark near black bed sheets screamed the mystery man you knew him to be.
There was only one thing out of place. On his desk, besides two custom-made motorbike helmets that he most certainly painted himself, was nail polish. Rows of bottles of nail polish. All different colours and brands. Who knew a big tough tattoed, ex-military businessman wore colourful nail polish. “Sorry about the mess.”
He spoke so casually as he picked up some clothes off the floor and threw them in the direction of an ensuite. His cute simple smile was so innocent as if he hadn't just made you squirt all over his floor just minutes before. “No, No…it’s perfect.”
Your smile eased his racing mind as he kicked himself for not cleaning up before. But yet again, you being here wasn’t planned. It was supposed to go so differently. But such as life goes, nothing goes the way it’s planned every time. He chuckled lightly, walking over to your figure that stood still in the middle of the room. You weren’t standing awkwardly by any means but more so like you were admiring everything. Taking in as much detail, fearing you’d never see the inside of his mind like this ever again. His hands found their place on your hips once more, tugging you lightly towards the bed. You giggle, grabbing his face with both hands, you squished his cheeks as you kiss him messily. His smile grew against your own and as the back of your knees hit the end of the bed, you fell with him causing you both to laugh. 
“God, I could get used to this.” He murmured against your lips, crawling with you until your head hit the nice soft pillows. You just hummed in approval, letting him deepen the kiss by sliding his tongue into your mouth. You couldn’t see what he was doing, but you could feel him shifting around as if he was looking for something. You had to break away from the kiss, so he could finally see what he was doing. You tilted your head back, seeing him grab a pillow, rolling it long ways until it was like a little cinnamon roll. He lifted up your hips slightly, making you eye him in confusion as he placed the pillow under your lower back.
“w-what is that for?” You help him by planting your feet on the bed before wiggling your hips into a comfy position on the pillow. 
"It's to help me fuck you better." He said with such cheek it almost knocked the air out of your lungs. He laughed at your wide-eyed expression with a slightly parted lip. "Hah, it's so you don't feel any discomfort when I penetrate you, darling. Don't worry. I just don't want to hurt you for your first time."
"Oh god." You moaned, covering your eyes with your arm. You knew he knew you weren't experienced, but him explaining the pillow made you feel like you were having an awkward sex ed class with your much older teacher. 
"Hey, It's okay. You don't know these things, Angel." He pulled your arm away from your face lightly kissing your wrist, then forearm before kissing your cheek and the corner of your mouth. "I know you're not as experienced as me. But I want you to know, baby." He gave you a peck on the lips. "I don't care. In fact, I'm honoured you want me compared to someone younger, less...me"
You knew he was gesturing to his scars. His battle wounds and how he carries a lot of trauma and PTSD from the military. You remember your father had spoken about healing and struggling with society after being in wars. But you knew Hongjoong was on the battlefield a hell of a lot longer than your father. "Hongjoong."
You grabbed his face again, gently rubbing your thumb along his rough skin. "What you went through, what you've done. It doesn't define you now. You're such a caring, sweet, sexy, and kind man. I couldn't ask for a better person to be my first."
You've never confessed such a thing a loud before. Sure you have a big crush on the older man, but you've never actually said it to him. You were falling in love with him and you wanted him to know that. He smiled, kissing you again. It was slow, passionate, and soft. You could feel his love spilling from his heart to yours, and then he pulled away. "So you think I'm sexy."
"That's what you got out of it!!" You whacked his bare chest, making him huff out a breathy 'hey'. You went to hit him again, but he grabbed your wrist this time, pinning your arms above your head. Everything fell silent after that, his lips find your cheeks once again, littering your face with kisses. 
"I want to take you out. I want to spoil you." He kissed down your neck. "I want to call you mine and be with you without the thought of anyone judging." His kisses trail down to your collarbone, than the valley of your chest, kissing every part of skin he could. "I don't care about your father. If he doesn't approve then fuck him. I want to call you mine. If you'll let me."
He gave your nipples a suck each before kissing back up to your face, locking his lips with yours. You could feel him shuffling around, using his free hand that wasn’t holding your wrists to fondle your breast. You were becoming lost in your feelings. Mind spinning as you felt Hongjoong’s tongue dance around your own. Teeth clashing against teeth as the kisses become hotter… messier. Everything was perfect, letting you slip into complete bliss until Hongjoong panted against your swollen lips “Take a deep breath for me.”
You didn’t understand but followed his order obediently anyway. that’s when you felt his warm, wet tip slip against your hole. You quivered, whimpering at the feeling. You needed him so badly, that your mind was short-circuiting. “S-sir, please. Please. Put it in me.” 
“Fuck baby, you can't say those types of things.” He moaned, resting his head on your shoulder, his hand that was needing your breasts was now stroking his cock. He had pulled his jeans down to his thighs, making you pull your leg up to help push them further down until they started slipping off his thighs and pooling at his knees. He kissed your shoulder before sitting up fully. 
"Hong—fuck...." You gritted your teeth as you saw his cock resting against his leg. He wasn't huge, but his girth made you swallow a harsh ball of saliva. How on earth was that thing going to fit inside you? You couldn’t help but take him all in, eying his whole figure. This man was built like a god if you’d ever seen one.
“You like what you see angel?” he laughs, finally throwing his jeans somewhere in the room. you sat up, spreading your legs wider so he could get a full view of your soaked cunt. Your smile was devious and dangerous. Just like the one you put on the first night, you were both together. The brat in you was showing. He had to chuckle watching you intensely with a bitten lip as you touched yourself. Your hand inching slowly towards where you needed him most.
“I don’t know. Do you like what you see, Daddy?” 
He was back on top of you with a growl in his throat. His face inches from yours and his cock rubbing against your clit. Your eyebrows knotted together as he breached your hole, tip sitting tightly inside you. You gulp, trying your best to take a deep shaky breath. His eyes never left yours as he watched you come undone. Your mouth fell open as each inch slipped into your abused cunt. Your moans were weak, breaking into a cry as he finally bottomed out completely. “Fuck, your cunt is so tight baby. So warm. You are doing such a good girl. My best girl.”
“H-Hongjoong t-too big.” Your whimpers were high-pitched and whiny. Your bratty nature out of sight. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you pushed against him slightly. It wasn’t that you wanted him off you by any means but your mind was racing. From feeling so full, pleasure surging through your whole body mixing with a sharp pain coming from being stretched out by his cock. And then there was the overwhelming feeling of having failed your father, letting his best friend fuck you…. But as Hongjoong kissed your tears that ran from your eyes. He whispered back to you lovingly, tenderly.
“It’s okay princess. You are doing so well. Keep taking deep breaths for me. Relax.” What he really wanted to say was how fucking tight you were. How good you felt around him. How he wanted to bust a nut right then and there. “C-can I move..fuck…” His pants became more frantic as you nodded your head with a little ‘please’. his hands that rested on either side of your head, now one rested on your hip and the other behind your neck, holding you in place. Your legs wrapped themselves tightly around his waist, letting him thrust slowly and deeply into your wet pussy.
His nose rubbed against yours, while his mouth left agape mere inches from your own. Your breath mixed with his with each pant and battered breath. Your eyes had snapped shut, focusing solely on his cock inside you alone. Hongjoong felt like he was on cloud nine, the way you moaned his name. Hugged him tightly. The way your body needed him just as he needed yours. Everything was just as he imagined if not more. His little angel. His sweet best friend's daughter. “Fuck, angel. You feel so good. My dirty little girl.”
“D-dirty?!” You gasped as his hand left your hip to push the pillow up more so he could fuck you deeper. His chuckle felt cold, chilling and oh-so-pleasurable. 
“Hmmm yes, my dirty...” He tilted against your ear grunting with each thrust. “little cocksleeve. So tight and warm for me, fuck.” You whimpered at his filthy words, digging your nails into his skin, fearing to draw some blood as his thrusts got sharper. Hongjoong didn’t mean to slip up with his rambles but he couldn’t help it. It just felt so right. And you felt the same.
“Yes, daddy. Please. H-Harder please.” You gasped throwing your head back. Hongjoong sat up this time, hooking your right leg over his shoulder, chuckling darkly. Your smile grew feeling his cock sink deeper inside you. He held onto your plump thigh for deal life as he humps his cock into your pussy, grunting at the feeling of your walls spasming around him. He swallowed in a sharp breath, snapping his eyes shut with a loud hiss going blind by the tight feeling of your squeezing cunt. 
“Fuck, baby. How did I wait this long to fuck this tight cunt? I should have fucked you the night we screwed around.” He lent down bending your body at an odd angle but the burn made your head spin in the best way possible. He cupped your chin, pulling your focus back to him, staring into his hot, lust-filled eyes. “You would have liked that huh darling? Me fucking you while your father is in the next room.”
“Jesus fucking christ.” You snapped, yelling at you felt the tingle in your gut grow quicker. “Yes, Joong. I wanted you to fuck me then and there so so badly.”
“Ha, See you are a dirty girl. I should punish you. Maybe I’ll wake you up tomorrow to eating this deilous pussy until your screaming me to stop.”
“Yes, Yes Yes. Please.” You babbled, squeezing tightly around him. You were so close to the edge, and Hongjoong could tell. By the way your face scrunched and how your legs started to shake. He knew you just needed a little push.
“You gonna cum baby? Come on, let go. I wanna feel you cum around my cock darling.” He growled in your ear, moving your leg back around his waist so he could move closer to you. Your lips found his against in a heated moment. Passion spilling out with each thrust as he swallowed your moans.
“Joongie please come with me. Come inside me. I wanna feel you.” You mumbled against his mouth, making him let out a groan. His stomach tightened as he tried to hold on just for a little longer. He needed to feel you come first. He needed to feel you as you tightened around him. As your eyes rolled back and you finally let go. You swore over and over again as felt him empty his load deep inside you. Your scent mixing with his as his groans harmonized with yours. 
“God, I love you.” His hips stuttered before stopping entirely. Your heart was thumping so hard against your chest that you could hear it in your ears. Hongjoong was the same, panting like he had just run a marathon. He kissed your cheeks, then your jaw and lips, littering your face in soft pecks. The silence that consumed the room suddenly felt comforting, like a blanket you’d wrap around yourself on a cold day.
You could feel Hongjoong slowly soften inside you, but didn’t pull out. Your fingers raked through his hair, scratching his scalp. You couldn’t have sworn he was purring for a second. “H-Hongjoong.”
“Yes, dear?” He hummed so casually like this was just a normal night shared with a lover.
“I-I think I love you too.” You whispered unsure if it was the right thing to say. He had blurted out the words of devotion in the heat of the moment and it worried you that he might not have meant it. But it was in fact the opposite. He had to constantly bite his tongue so he wouldn’t say it. And in the moment it felt right. His smile grew, sitting on his elbows so he could see your sweaty, beautiful face, dancing in afterglow.
“I’m glad. Cause I mean it. I’m foolishly in love with you.” He tried to act dramatic which caused you to hit his chest lightly. He sat up with that action finally pulling out of you. You shivered as he did it, feeling his cum slowly slip out of you. “Sorry about…that. I should have put a condom on.” 
He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed that he, a supposably mature man, couldn’t control himself. You sat up slowly, reaching for his bicep before rubbing him lovingly “Hey, it's okay. I asked for it. And I’m on birth control so it's fine.”
“Well in that case.” He smirked pulling you onto his lap. You hissed slightly at your sore limbs and overly sensitive sex. His arms wrapped around your waist, letting your chest rest flushed against his.
“Now now soldier. I think definitely cannot go another round without some rest.” You laughed peppering his cheek slowly. He hummed knowing you needed rest and a part of you knew he was half joking about going another round…
“shower and sleep.” He mumbled against the crook of your neck, feeling his fingers draw shapes into your back. You sighed feeling so much contentment. Safe in his arms. You both knew that what had now happened was something forbidden, and you both were going to have to confront your father at some point.
But as Hongjoong helped you to the bathroom and slowly lathered you with body wash that smelt like him with giggles and laughter echoing in the spacious shower room. Neither of you cared for the outside world. Not when Hongjoong's lips brushed against you every so often as you rinse the soap off your body. Not when he put you in one of his shirts and dragged you back to bed with his fingers tangled with yours. 
And not when he held you tightly, whispering how beautiful you are. How lucky he is and now he was never going to ever let you go.
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