#almost all of that is Legend O-O
baileys-writing-desk · 10 months
The Morning Sun (“I’m here, and so is Four”)
After using all his healing magic, Rulie wakes up to see someone very familiar.
(check tags before reading)
A soft, distant melody drifts into Hyrule’s ears, slowly bringing him to awareness. His body feels blissfully warm, like something soft is covering him…and a slight breeze ruffles his hair. That deep voice…the beautiful song…why is that so familiar?
He takes in a breath and groans, far too weak to move, or to open his eyes.
“Look…ru…’t worked…”
Another voice, a much smaller one this time. The singing voice slowly comes to a stop. Wait—no… He liked the singing. It was so soothing…
“…rule.” The deeper voice returns. “Hyrule…you with us?”
…Who is that?
The traveler shifts under the soft material, a blanket perhaps, but this doesn’t feel like his bedroll. Far from it, in fact…the surface he’s lying on is smooth but wrinkly, almost a bit…scaly? What the hell…?
“Hey, can you hear me?”
…Oh, right. He is supposed to respond to that…but when he opens his mouth in an attempt to speak, only a croak comes out. His heavy eyelids still won’t open, and he can just barely move one hand up from under the blanket. But it is seemingly enough for the voice to know he is listening.
“Shh…it’s okay, boy. No need to force it, just take it easy. You were asleep for…quite a while.”
…How long?, he wants to ask, and who the hell are you? Letting his hand fall limply back down, he lets out another long groan. Soft murmurs can be heard from farther away…perhaps his brothers are here. And this voice…he should know who it belongs to…The curiosity overtakes him and at last, he weakly peels his heavy eyelids open.
Squinting at the harsh sunlight, he gazes up blearily to see a massive blur of colors: yellow, brown, white…a glowing blue? Something is glowing…or rather, more than one thing is glowing. Small blobs of yellow fade in and out, like little sparks of light.
Wait a second…is that…
“Ah, there you are!” The deep voice is slightly louder this time, chuckling slightly. “Good morning, Rulie.”
The mix of bright lights hurts the traveler’s eyes, and so he gently lets them slip back closed.
“Oh, the light bothering you? My apologies, boy.”
Hyrule slowly clears his throat, attempting to speak again. “Mmmm…” His voice comes out dry and raspy. “…’s okay.”
It all begins to click now. The wrinkly texture of the surface beneath him…it is that of Lanayru’s hands.
“Wh-why are you…” he continues, voice cracking before he can finish. Why are you holding me…
“Hm?” Lanayru doesn’t seem to follow. “…Why am I here? Ah, right. You can’t possibly remember that.”
Hyrule slowly puts a hand to his forehead, rubbing it to ease the slight aching. That was not the question he wanted… After a second of silence a smaller voice pipes in.
“Hey Rulie, it’s me, Sky. Don’t worry, you’re safe now. We went through a portal to my era while you were out, that’s why Lanayru’s here. And Four is doing much better, so you can relax, ok?”
“Wh…what happened to Four?” he mumbles. Lanayru says nothing.
“You don’t remember?”
Hyrule’s mind draws a blank. “…No.”
A long, drawn-out sigh, then Sky’s voice again. “It’s okay, Rulie, you’re still out of it. Can you look at me?”
He moans quietly. Just thinking about that scorching sun makes the aching in his head return. But perhaps he could try again…
Why can’t I remember??
Slowly he turns his head to the left, to the sound of Sky’s voice, and blinks his eyes open, relieved to find he is no longer looking straight into the sun. Large brown shapes focus in front of him, with lighter, pointed tips. Lanayru’s fingers. He is lying in both of the dragon’s hands, cupped together to give him more room, like how anyone his size would hold a baby bunny.
And beyond that…Through the spaces between the fingers he can make out the blurry figure of Sky through the still-harsh sunlight. The ground isn’t too far beneath them…Lanayru must be sitting down, he figures. Bleary hazel eyes finally meet concerned blue ones, and Sky seems to be grinning, most likely with relief.
“Wh…what happened, Sky?” Hyrule croaks out. “…Where’s Four…?”
“I told you, Four’s fine. Because of you, Rulie, you used everything you had to heal him, I mean-“ Sky takes in a shaky breath. “…You could have died, Hyrule. I almost thought we were gonna lose you.”
Hyrule’s heart drops. “Oh…”
The pieces begin to emerge in his mind now, nearly all at once. The battle in Time’s Hyrule. The monster’s weapon bringing Four down. Four lying in the grass, bloody sword sticking out of him…
No. No no no…
The traveler’s eyes widen and he lets out a strained gasp.
“Four, stay with me! Oh fuck, shit, I can’t stop the bleeding- HYRULE! Please-“
The magic is already pulsing off Hyrule’s hands as he thrusts them on the smithy’s chest. He doesn’t know how much he has left…but Four’s life is now in his hands. He can’t lose his brother, his friend…he can’t-
“Rulie? You still there?”
Lanayru’s voice brings him back. He shudders.
“I…I think I remember now…”
“Yes, very good,” the dragon replies. “What you did was quite heroic, boy. Nearly sacrificing yourself to save another’s life…Among the most courageous things a mortal can do, I believe.”
“Lanayru, I-“ He coughs from drawing in a sharp breath of air. “I had no choice.”
“I know, boy. I understand.” The Thunder Dragon’s low voice is soft and gentle. “Link—or, uh—Sky…please don’t be upset, he’s alright now, ok?”
Sky nods his head, eyebrows raised and gaze pointed down, toward the grass and the swirling white clouds of Lanayru’s tail.
“I grabbed you off Four,” the Skyloftian explains. “His wounds were no longer fatal, and I didn’t want you using all your magic, but you passed out in my arms. Do you remember that, Rulie?”
The traveler grunts, closing his eyes briefly…his vision has been clearing, but the sun is still a bit too bright for the state he’s in.
It comes to him like a dream.
“Rulie. I think he’s okay now—“
“Rulie, stop! HYRULE STOP. You’ve done enough-“
He can’t stop. Not until every inch of magic has been drained from his frail body. His eyelids begin to grow heavy…his vision swims, he’s barely conscious.
“RULIE!!” Someone is pulling him away from Four, but it’s too late, the last bit of magic fizzles out and the world is now a spinning blur of colors. His eyes roll back in his head and he falls limp in their grasp.
Hyrule slowly opens his eyes, gazing at Sky through the dragon’s claws. “…I do…” He swallows hard. “…How long was I gone?”
“Almost two days. We spent the night in Time’s era, but our location just wasn’t safe for you or Four. And bless Hylia, we woke up the next morning to a portal, was it a gift from the goddesses or a sweet coincidence I don’t know…but it sent us here. We weren’t sure how safe it would be with two of you unconscious, but we had to do it.” Sky sighs. “Thank Hylia we made the right call.”
“I saw the portal open,” Lanayru adds. “Right in front of me! I was flyin’ through the air, of course…I knew you were probably in the middle of something so I waited, until my Link came to me.”
“Yeah, Lanayru was a big help.” Sky grins at Hyrule, and then up at the dragon. “He took you, Rulie, almost right away. You two spent the day and night together, and the rest of us tended to Four.”
“Wait…you were with me the whole time?” Hyrule groans and puts his elbows beneath him, attempting to sit up. “…Lanayru, did you—“
“Woah-ho, easy now,” the dragon interrupts, gently pressing his thumb to the traveler’s back as the latter finally reaches a sitting position. “Don’t push yourself too hard, you’re still very weak.”
A red checkered blanket is draped over Lanayru’s other hand, where Hyrule’s legs and feet are placed. Carefully he pulls the blanket back, turning himself to face the open clearing where Sky stands.
“Did you…stay up all night?” he mutters, finishing his thought.
“Oh, heavens no.” Lanayru’s hearty laugh rings from above, and Hyrule guesses the dragon is smiling. “Old dragons need their sleep too. Don’t worry, I kept you safe in my robe. Nobody hurts you on my watch, boy.”
“That’s…really kind of you.” Hyrule smiles. “Thank you.”
“Ah, no problem, Rulie. Now you were asking where Four is?”
Before the traveler can respond, someone else steps into the clearing, rushing up to meet Sky. The pink hair and red tunic makes him unmistakably Legend.
“Hey Sky, I just wanted to see how he’s—“ The veteran gasps as his eyes meet Hyrule’s. “Oh Rulie, you’re awake! Three-damn it, you fucking idiot!”
Legend’s tone comes out as much more of relief than anger, but surely he’s at least a little angry at Hyrule.
“Language, boy,” Lanayru scolds. But Legend doesn’t seem to care.
“Why did you do that?! When I saw you I—I almost thought you fucking died!”
Hyrule gulps, breaking eye contact with his predecessor to gaze at Lanayru’s fingers.
“But I didn’t,” he says eventually. “I’m here, and so is Four. I did what was needed…”
“Well…maybe next time, don’t do that, okay? Rulie, you scared the living shit out of us! I was so fucking worried—“ Legend pauses, gazing at both the traveler and the Thunder Dragon. “…Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
Hyrule groans at his predecessor’s question. “Could be better, Ledge. I’m still really tired…”
“Hmph, well you look like shit.” Legend smiles teasingly. “No offense.”
Lanayru chuckles again, making the veteran raise his eyebrow in confusion.
“Allll right, Link. Perhaps that’s enough of the sailor’s mouth for now, hm?” Although Hyrule cannot see Lanayru’s face, he figures the dragon is doing his ‘disappointed dad’ stare. “Now tell me, any updates on Four?”
Yes, please tell me where the hell he is… Hyrule thinks to himself, gently rubbing his temples.
“I just got back from the lake, Mr. Thunder Dragon. He’s been in and out recently, but he woke up for a bit to talk to me. I think the water is really helping…we had Her Excellence replenish his bath this morning.”
Hyrule’s brow furrows. “…Her Excellence?”
“Ah, what is that dragon’s name? That blue one with all the water.”
Sky grimaces a bit, seemingly waiting for Hyrule’s reaction.
“…Faron?” he squeaks out.
“Yes, Faron! That’s right!” Legend laughs. “Ah, she’s been so kind to me…I never asked for her name. Pity.”
“But Sky, you said…you didn’t want us going to see her.”
“I know, Rulie, this was an exception,” says the Skyloftian. “Faron has sacred water, and when she sustained critical injuries a while back…that water helped her recover. I’m not sure what effect it has on a Hylian, but I think it’s at least soothing Four’s mind. He took a nasty blow to the head too, you know. And you can’t fully heal concussions, right?”
Hyrule slowly shakes his head. “No…I wish I could.”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay. The water will hopefully do the rest. Besides…I never imagined something like this. Two heroes and two dragons, it’s wonderful.”
“Yeah,” Legend adds. “Naydra, thanks for taking care of my Rulie. You’re amazing.”
The Thunder Dragon seems confused. “No problem…wait, what did you call me?”
“Legend!!” Sky bursts into laughter, nearly throwing his head back. “You got mine and Wild’s dragons mixed up again, didn’t you?”
“…Fuck. I’m sorry, um…”
“Ah, Lanayru! Rats.” Legend snaps his fingers. “I mean…I was pretty close.”
“Don’t worry, it happens. And you’re very much welcome. When you fellas are here I’ll guard Rulie with my life! Right, Rulie?”
Hyrule nods, too lazy to turn his head back and look at the dragon’s face. He must be wondering who this Naydra is… Ever since meeting Lanayru, Hyrule hasn’t been too fond of Wild’s dragons. Not that he’d ever tell Wild, but the sight of them last time had him really missing Lanayru. So much so that it hurt to look.
“Well, you’re looking a bit better already,” Sky exclaims, smiling. “Do you think you’ll be able to stand? Because soooomebody here wants a hug.”
The Skyloftian gestures to Legend, who pouts in an attempt to hide it, but Hyrule can tell through the veteran’s puppy-dog eyes. After two days without Hyrule, he surely wants to hold his successor tight and never let go.
The traveler sighs. “…I think so.”
“Alright, I’m gonna let you down now, ok?” Lanayru leans forward, placing his hands on the grass, and slowly Hyrule scoots off, moaning slightly in the process. A wave of light-headedness washes through him after his feet touch the ground, and he grabs on to the dragon’s finger to steady himself.
“Woah there- be careful, Rulie.” Sky warns, rushing over to him. “I got you.”
Hyrule wraps his arm around Sky’s shoulders, and Lanayru sets the blanket down with his now empty hands. As the two heroes approach Legend, the Thunder Dragon rises back up to sitting with a deep exhale. His arms must be a bit tired…
“Rulie. Don’t ever do that again,” Legend scolds, but the pure relief is clear in his expression.
The weak traveler lets go of Sky and buries himself into his predecessor’s embrace, allowing Legend to wrap sturdy arms around his frail body and gently stroke his messy hair.
“I can’t guarantee it,” Hyrule mutters, voice slightly muffled.
“Yeah…I know. But maybe go for, like 80 percent odds?”
He chuckles at Legend’s joke. A little too promising… “Okay. I’ll try.”
Finally the veteran seems content enough to let go of the traveler, and as Hyrule steps away, he grins. The weakness in his legs has lessened a little, but he still longs to be back in Lanayru’s hands again. It was much more comfortable.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna go back to camp to let them know you’re awake,” Sky explains. “So you might have more visitors. Just stay here…don’t leave Lanayru’s sight.”
“I won’t, I promise.” He knows he wouldn’t have the strength to leave, even if he wanted to.
“Good. The others will be so relieved to see you.”
The Skyloftian heads off into the dense trees of the forest, where Hyrule assumes the rest of the group has set up camp. They must be so worried about me… A pang of guilt aches in his chest at what he must have put them through. At least now they’ll know he’s okay…
He slowly turns around, relying slightly on Legend’s shoulder to stay upright, and at last he sees the Thunder Dragon’s full body. Lanayru is beaming, fluffy beard a swirly mess and eyes containing their usual sparkle. His hands are rested on his crossed back claws and his tail drapes around him, white clouds shining in the sunlight.
“Well…it’s good to have you back, boy!” he exclaims. “Now come here. I think you need some more rest.”
Hyrule smiles softly in agreement. With Legend’s help, the traveler takes baby steps back toward Lanayru’s waiting arms.
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dreaming-of-lu · 11 months
A/N: Cause I'm in a soft, gooey mood. I'm thinkin of the Links being married.
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~~ Imagining Wild smiling so softly down at a letter, looking so love-strucked yet yearning at the same time. Of course, one of the boys called out to him in a teasing way, wanting to know what got him all head in the clouds like their fellow skyloftian knight. He huffs softly and replies with a voice filled with longing, "My spouse wrote me a letter, basically wishing me safety and sweet dreams of them to soothe me."
~~ First normally kept to himself about his s/o, wishing to keep them safe during his time in prison for 4 years. Pushing you away from Demise's grasp with one last kiss, as he headed off to fight hard and long til his last dying breath. Only to reawaken in a coffin, tumbling out and wondering where he was.
His first thought after was wonder of if you were alive and kicking. He rubbed his left ring finger in a panic, sighing in relief when the metal met his skin. The impression of your bright, sweet smile soothed him, made his heart beat fast until the sound of a screech reached his ears.
~~ The look on the chain's face when a body slammed into Legend was hysterical yet made him shy under their wide questioning gazes. He wanted to squirm out of your hold, only to halt when those eyes, filled with tears of relief and love made him melt on the spot. He softly sighed and rubbed their head while exchanging gentle words between them.
The ring on your hand made them choke in surprise; so those rings on his hands are for distractions, huh?
~~ Hyrule kept his ring on a necklace under his tunic, away from sight due to conflict. His head was always threaten to be on a pike, didn't help when he carried all three pieces of the triforce on the back of his hand. He was constantly hunted, he worried they would come to find you if they were to ever find out he was married to you. Yet alas, he would be found by Legend with him sitting there, idly messing with the ring around his neck, a far off look on his face and a gentle smile. Of course, the veteran was going to be curious of whom caught the dear traveler's heart.
~~ Four watched you idle around the living room, gesturing a flick of your wrist to who could lay where without the worry of stepping on somebody. He stares with his chin in his hand, smiling softly as you jabbered on about something to one of the Links. The colors laughed when you bickered and bantered with that Link before silencing at the sweet smile you quickly flashed over to him alongside a wink.
He covered his face with his hand, flushing red at the laugh that echoed in the home.
~~ Once again, he had his head in the clouds with a dreamy smile on his lips. Sky clutched the letter close to his chest and heaved a tranquil breath, his ears flapped wildly, almost imaginary hearts fluttered and popped around his head. Some of those groan, while the other laughed and shook their head at the lovesick expression on the skyloftian's face.
He raised the letter above his face, pressing a gentle kiss against the ink on the bottom of the page then one to the ring gracing his finger.
"I'll be home as soon as I can, my love."
~~ He was so giddy to be home. As one could be, he was always the composed and conscientiousness captain, but when given the opportunity to reunite with his love. Warriors is practically floating down the path to his shared home that the group is struggling to keep up with his rampant pace. He can't help himself! He needs to smooch his spouse! It's a crime to him to be away for this long from them.
The look on their face when he entered the house with a flourish yell of their name, made his heart soar.
~~ Time chuckled when you fussed over Twilight, tucking him in before glaring at the male when he tried to protest. His descendant looked at him with a silent plead for help, only to slump when the old man shook his head and made an 'x' symbol with his arms. He knew that butting in would not protect him from your glare too.
He rather walk straight into a pit of lava than face your glare head-on. Though he melts at the passing thought of you tucking your future child in, sternly telling them its bedtime and that rest is important. He makes his way over, pressing himself against your back, lacing his hand with yours and placed a kiss against your forehead.
~~ He was already suckered from the day you first played together when you were both children. From the shy glances to the shared giggles, to the sleepovers and to the shared secrets. Twilight knew he had to have you as his spouse when you jumped into his arms and kissed him without a thought after he saved Hyrule.
Even as he stared up at the night sky during his watch, he could still remember the sight of you walking down the aisle with a shy yet giddy smile on your lips. He rubbed the ring back and forth as the memories took over his mind, making the time go by fast til he was tapped out by the next watch. He falls asleep easily when his head hit his pillow, with a faint smile on his lips.
~~ He felt smug when the chain jaws dropped at the sight of him running towards his spouse yet ignores them as their squeals and giggles graced his ears. Fierce swung them around softly in the air before slowly lowering them in his embrace, holding them by their waist, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against theirs. He purrs at the hands that cupped his face, sweet yet butterfly like kisses gracing his skin that soothe the ache that grew in yearning for their touch.
He felt them move away the white strands away from his forehead, placing a kiss against the blue 'v' shaped mark there. He retaliates by placing one against the ring on their finger before opening his eyes to them. Feeling himself melting in their ever so loving and gentle gaze, "You still look radiant, my dear jewel."
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Can I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin being jealous of some guy is flirting with their female s/o although she's oblivious that he's flirting with her? He's so possessive that he even took her back home to have a heated make-out while holding her close!
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ThE pLaN wAs SiMpLe. All jokes about Astarions' cut scene aside, he simply tried not to like you.
He tried not to notice your smile, laugh, or radiant personality that felt like the sun.
He fell, though, and you were everything to him, but he was afraid to lose you. To push you too far, you to abandon him like all others.
He tried oh so hard not to think about how that tieflings stupid tail was getting dangerously close to you.
You were so naive and unique, so headstrong but so so clueless. How could you spot an ambush a yard away but couldn't tell this creature was hitting on you.
Astarion chose the safe route of just sitting there and watching like always.
A burning fire lit within him, the usual cold tempered vampire became lit with something. Jealousy? No, it couldn't be.
Then that damn tail wrapped around your leg; why, just why couldn't you be simple? Why couldn't he just not care who you sleep with?
Before he knew it, he stood before you, the tiefling behind him. Why?
He turned on his charm, and before he knew it, he was wooing the Tiefling, convincing him to go on his married way in hopes of bedding another.
Astarion looked at you as the tiefling left, and the fear of losing something so good ate at him. Gripping your arm, he took off as quickly as a fox through the forest you close behind.
Once safely away from prying eyes where he could be vulnerable, show you how much he cared and how scared he was of losing you, and he kissed you deeply.
You two had bedded in the forest many times before, but today, your connection was so passionately different.
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Gale liked to imagine he was a simple man who didn't need much, especially after all that happened with Mystra.
That was until you came along, with your well everything; Gale couldn't find anything to hate about you.
The fear of messing up again and entering a new world of troubles ate him alive—almost as bad as the orb resting in his heart.
That's why anyone getting close to you, even a fraction of romance hinted or thrown your way, killed him.
He knew his place, though. Trying to woo a woman got him into the mess he is in now, so he just stood by and watched as people flirted with you.
Every instance though filled him up like a bottle, soon the pressure was going to explode but he didn't know how to inform you of this.
That night at Sharess Caress, though, when the twins propositioned you, the bottle overflowed.
Gale couldn't handle the pressure building or how you just laughed at the twins even though he could tell you were uncomfortable by their touch.
Before he knew it, he pulled you into him and used his ability to travel the astral plane to escape.
You were his and his alone to look at, adore, and love. No outside force or group could take you. Here, he ravaged you all night and early in the morning.
From that day on, Gale never hesitated to steal you away to his private hiding place to show you his more jealous side.
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Halsin was one with nature, so sharing with you wasn't horrible.
He knew that people would come and go, but he would be your one rock, always present and always there.
That made this evening at camp so much more confusing for him.
Halsin knew the wizard, vampire, and legend were all seeking your companionship, especially since they all brought it up to him before this month.
However, watching them flirt with you repeatedly, you just accepting the advances and taunts ate at him a little.
Halsin tried to go on nature walks, work with the land, and even speak to the great oak father about this; however, he turned up blank.
Tonight at camp was exceptionally hard. Though you had turned down Wyll and Gale, you never quite turned down Astarion. Halsin didn't know why this tore him up.
As the vampire asked you to take your life force once again, Halsin grew irate. You were simply too oblivious to realize this was an addictive habit, so you always stayed by the cold man's side.
Anger consumed him, and Halsin went to your side. Grabbing your hand and dragging you along, Halsin allowed nature to take its course.
Once you two stopped in the middle of a clearing, Halsin sighed. "Oak father's blessing, I know I always said nature can take its course, but Petal, I do not think I can stand this any longer. Let's just stay us, me, you, and no one else."
Once his profession came to light and you agreed, no questions asked, Halsin couldn't wait to enjoy the combination of you two as one. Oak Father's blessing on you both.
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Genshin girls: Dehya, noelle, Eula, Shenhe, Kujou Sara. Ayaka And Yae Miko
Reacting to S/O’s mom leaning close to S/O and not so quietly asking when she should she expect grandchildren
(Genshin Impact) Dehya, Noelle, Eula, Shenhe, Sara, Ayaka, and Yae being asked THAT question by S/O's parents
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(Source: Yuushibadesu on twitter)
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Dehya laughed at the question and S/O's reaction, as they hurriedly tried to shush their mother.
(Dehya) "Hm...I'll just get back to you on that one!"
However, she does start thinking about it after the dinner.
Kids? She had so much to do to truly live up to the legend of the Lion, and having a kid was not on the agenda.
Dehya isn't sure she's ready for kids anytime soon, or if she would ever be. But, always time later to think about that, right?
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(Noelle) "Kids?!"
Noelle is way too young to be thinking about that!
She's just as flustered as S/O, watching the mother only laugh at their reactions.
(Noelle) "I'm far too busy, ma'am! I have to be accepted into the Knights of Favonius, and then there'll be so much to do afterwards!"
It's a topic she shoves into the back of her mind. Kids are the furthest thing from her agenda of things to do.
...Well, at least S/O's mother approved of her.
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Eula almost chokes on her food upon hearing the question.
(Eula) "A-Ah...kids?"
She tries to recollect herself and clears her throat.
(Eula) "I am glad you approve of me that much, ma'am but...Kids are not in my foreseeable future. I have many responsibilities to attend to as a Knight of Favonius."
Though honestly, she's using her position as an excuse not to talk about it.
First she'd have to get the approval of Mondstadt so her kid wouldn't get bullied, which would be impossible.
But, the hurdle of the parents approving of her was passed it seemed.
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(Shenhe) "Grandchildren?"
Funnily enough, Cloud Retainer had asked the same thing when Shenhe brought S/O to meet her.
And she still has the same answer.
(Shenhe) "I do not know."
She's not entirely opposed, but not in favor either.
Before anything else, Shenhe wants to feel emotions without the red string inhibiting her violent impulses.
Kids can come later.
That does not stop S/O's mother, or Cloud Retainer from asking constantly, however.
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Sara completely halts when she processes what S/O's mother had said.
(Sara) "G-Grandchildren...?!"
Her professional air is shattered for the briefest moment before responding.
(Sara) "Until Inazuma is fully stabilized, I'm afraid children is out of the question. I would like them to be raised when we can all rest easy, ma'am."
Sara is a little flustered, but she meant what she said.
Until everyone's safe, there can be no rest.
...She did wonder how much of her Youkai blood would be part of their child, however.
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Ayaka spits out her drink and coughs violently, being completely taken off guard.
(Ayaka) "A-Ah, please forgive the mess!" COUGH "i-I was not ready for such a question!"
Ayaka apologizes profusely while her cheeks did their best impression of a tomato.
She barely had time for herself, let alone S/O! The last thing she wanted to do was neglect their own child!
For now? Kids are absolutely out of the question.
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(Yae) "Hm, that is a rather good question S/O. When are we having kids?"
Yae gives a dangerous and teasing smile to S/O, tilting her head and enjoying the reaction of their pride dying on the inside.
In all fairness, Yae doesn't particularly care for children at this very moment.
It would add excitement to her life to be sure, but there were...more serious matters when it came to that question.
Such as Yae herself outliving S/O. Would their child live as long as her, or would she outlive them too?
Regardless, that was not the topic to bring up at a family dinner, so she lets those thoughts go unsaid.
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lily-lovelyy · 1 month
Warnings; smut, violence, gore, talk of virginity loss, virginity loss, breeding kink, kidnapping?(Technically), grumpy reader, Roman!Konig
Part 1 of ???
I am very excited to get started on this, I've always liked the old Roman Konig prompts! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
You'd head stories, hell all of your village people had. The legend of a Roman champion, who took down entire cities and killed armies single-handed.
You yourself always rolled your eyes or snickered when you heard these tales, because 'who could conquer an entire army by himself?'.
You soon figured that out, two soldiers threw you to the ground, the dirt grooving it's way under your fingernails. Your wet, tear stained face felt burning hot and your head hung, too nervous to look up.
"Salută-ți regele." One of the soldiers behind you spoke, his boot kicking your leg, bringing a stinging pain through it. You sniffled, slowly moving your eyes up to greet his pale blue ones.
He was big, so big. Bigger than any soldier here. He looked out of place, as if he was a god standing amongst men. Scars littered his exposed arms, but you couldn't see past his shrouded face.
"Ach, was hast du mir heute mitgebracht?" The man asked, looking at the two soldiers behind him. "O curvă." They spoke, your brows furrowed trying to understand their foreign tongue.
The man looked you up and down, finally deciding to take a seat. He huffed, almost as if he was annoyed with their presence. "Verlass uns." He spoke again, making a waving motion with his hand.
The two men grunted before turning away and leaving. You watched him with watchful eyes, wondering what he would do next. Take you as a slave? Rape you? Kill you? Your mind raced, terrified.
After a few more moments, he flicked his wrist, motioning for you to stand. He stalked towards you, and you tried to back away before he took hold of your arm in an almost bruising grip. "Hübsch." He spoke, almost fondly. You wished you'd understood his native tongue.
"W-what?" You whispered, your tears flowing freely again. Was he demanding something of you? He tilted his head, his eyes scrunching with what seemed to be amusement.
"Ein süßer Kleiner, perfekt für mich." He chuckled, before leading you over to the large expanse of his bed, which was covered in large and luxurious furs. You wondered how many people he had killed to get those.
You breathed unevenly, this was the moment you dreaded, he was going to rape you. Your tears fell harder, you tried to stifle your sobs to the best of your ability. His head cocked to the side, and he walked over to the table, picking up a pitcher and pouring water into a small, clay cup.
He walked over, handed it to you and waited. He watched until you finally brought it to your lips, drinking in deeply. "Thank you.." you whispered, handing the cup back. He smiled, you thought since you couldn't tell other than from his eyes.
Slowly, he began to undress, your heart sank. You couldn't possibly fight him off, he was at least four times your size, built of muscle and strength.
You froze, staring at him in fear. All you could do was try and brace yourself the best to your ability for what was coming, slowly, he sauntered over to you. He was built with muscle, towering over you. Scars also littered his torso and his legs and arms. He looked like he's gone to battle many times.
He reached the bed, extending a hand to caress your face. He brought his face down, breathing in your scent. You shook with fear. Slowly, he lowered himself to knees, spreading your dress open to reveal your bare cunt. Undergarments were a luxury your family weren't able to afford. At least when they were alive.
"p-please...don't..." You hiccupped, trying your best to scramble away. The man looked up at you and stood. His head cocking to the side, questioningly. "Du meinst...nein?" He wondered, before nodding to himself and redressing. You sat there, shocked.
By now, most if not all of the men in his camp would have beaten and raped you bloody, but why'd didn't he? You were thankful regardless. "Du hast ... Angst. Ich werde dir etwas Zeit allein geben, Kleines." He spoke, before moving the flap of his tent and leaving.
Moments after he left, you sobbed loudly, your body wracking with sobs and cries. You felt grief flood you, the death of your family, of your chief and your friends. Your village had barely made it through the fall, your crops dying and the soil becoming dry and dead from the lack of rain, only to be slaughtered by the Romans.
You laid back, holding yourself as you cried. And slowly, you cried yourself to sleep, huffing slow and uneasy breaths as you let sleep take you.
This is the first part/chapter so let me know what you think of it! The German/Romanian is also roughly translated so don't quote me on some of this! 😭💗
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amphibiahawks321 · 12 days
Legend of Korra request: Korra and Asami dating the same M!S/O and not caring what anyone thinks about it please.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Asami : Sighs... What a great day to have good hair....
⛈️Storms and raining sounds can be heard from outside⛈️
M!Reader : Aww, don't beat yourself like that Asami... Tomorrow you'll definitely get to show off this gorgeous hair of yours!
Asami : Chuckles... Thanks for the optimism sweetheart....
[Reveals Asami sitting on a bunch of pillows on the floor In front of the bed while Y/N laying himself down on the front row of the bed doing asami's hair]
M!Reader : seriously where's Korra with the snacks? It's almost been an hour–
[Suddenly Korra viciously opens the door with snacks in hand and an annoyed expression]
[Y/N and Asami stares at her with surprised expressions]
Asami : .....
M!Reader : .....
Asami : Should we say something–
M!Reader : Yeah we should-Hey Korra! Something wrong?......Oh no are the snacks expired!!?
Asami : I could've sworn the snack booth always keeps them fresh...
Korra : No it's not that! Uuuggh...
[Korra sits on the side of the bed, Korra throws the snacks onto Y/N's back]
[M!Reader thought 💭]
Cheese flavour!✨—
M!Reader : But Uhh... Something wrong? You usually make that face when you're annoyed
Korra : What face...
[Shows Korra looking in their direction with an uneasy annoyed expression]
M!Reader : .......
Asami : that one....
Korra : "Those" people....
Asami : Oh Korra....
M!Reader : Uhh? "Those" people? Wait what does that mean aga–Ooooooh...
M!Reader : you didn't take it personal right?
Korra : Of course not! I could care less about what people think of our relationship trust me! They were just being annoying that's all
M!Reader : Trust me those people are more annoying than skunk beetles!
Korra : more than badger frogs when they see you as a threat!
Asami : Chuckles Well we're both glad you didn't take it personally korra
M!Reader : Yeah I know right! Cause we would thought you would do something drastic like–
"Help! Somebody!"
"We're stuck! somebody help!"
[Asami and Y/N slyly stare down outside the window to see two people trapped inside a rock box but with their head the only one sticking out]
[Y/N and Asami stares back at Korra completely dead panned while Korra starts chuckling nervously]
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luimagines · 23 days
Soulmates from the Start Part 7
Final Chapter!!! Wooo!!!!!
First Chapter/ Previous Chapter
Content under the cut!
“Wha- what?” Link looks at you as all the breath in his lungs leaves him at once.
You swallow the spit in your mouth, but it feels like sandpaper going down your throat. “I… I did a very bad thing, Link. I’m sorry.”
Your Link shakes his head, scooting closer to you, holding your hands tighter. “You’re not that kind of person. I know it. Stop this.”
You bite your lips harshly and hang your head in shame. How could he have so much faith in you? Haven’t you done enough damage? How isn’t he angry with you?
“Ok.” Someone else speaks up. “Can I say something?”
You look at him. He’s one of the two you don’t recognize. Green undertunic, red on top, blue hat, pink hair- wait. Pink hair? You can work with that. What was his game again? A Link to the Past?
While you’re busy trying to figure out where you might know him, he takes your silence as permission to keep talking. He puts his hands on his hips and manages a smile. “Whatever it is. It can’t be as bad as you think. You’re clearly shaken. The Rancher here is going to take good care of you, now. We’re not here to make enemies. We’re to end them. No one is in trouble. Got it?”
That last sentence seemed pointed, but you’re too distraught and distracted to figure out who he was actually talking to.
You take another deep breath, holding onto Link tighter and tighter. You’re shaking. You can feel the tremors wreck your nervous system from the top down. Luckily, he seems to meet you halfway, pulling you closer to keep you contained and to keep you close.
Feeling a little braver, you turn to the boy. “Which one are you?”
Because that’s a normal question to ask.
It shows on his face because his reels back in shock, not fully understanding what you mean by that. “...Meaning?” If anything, he seems to calm a little more. “See? How can you know all of our secrets if you don’t even recognize me?”
You flush. He has a point. “Every Link is famous to some degree. But… the only thing I have to go off of is your hair. I don’t recognise the rest of you.”
“I- ok. My hair isn’t supposed to be this color.” He deadpans. You can feel your Link snickering by your side. The untitled one shakes his head. “They call me the Hero of Legend. Or The Veteran. Whichever floats your boat.”
“The Veteran?” Strange name.
He smirks. “Yup! I'm the most experienced hero here. Seven adventures, counting this one!”
Your mouth makes a small ‘o’ shape. That makes more sense. If he’s responsible for and is the protagonist for at least six or seven Legend of Zelda titles, there would have been no way you would have known at first glance. Your breath gets short again. Your lungs feel hollow and heavy. You need to breathe again, but you’re too frozen to make a sound.
Your Link (you refuse to call him anything else) notices your spiked panic and gently rubs circles on your back. “Darlin’, what is it? No one will attack you here.”
You don’t fully believe him. The one they called The Captain, Warrior, has been eyeing you suspicious the entire time you’ve been here. You turn back to Mr. Legend, gulping down more sand. You hesitate to ask. You’re aware this is a loaded question. You have to take a few more deep breaths to even think of making your mouth move the way it needs to speak.
You’ve probably taken too long. Legend now looks nervous.
Your voice is quiet and weak, barely above a whisper. There is very little reason to believe that this is going to end well. “...Do you know Koholint?”
You see it before the others do. His eyes widen and his pupils widen to almost exaggerated proportions. He takes a step back- going as white as a ghost.
The rest of the group looks between you both.
Legend himself begins to shake, staring at you with renewed suspicion and distrust. “How… How do you know that?”
You bite your lip, keeping our eyes on him, watching his fear and shock. You deserve this. You knew better and did it anyway. You should have better self control. Now he’s in front of you. Time to confess your sins. His reaction is all the answer you need.
“She had a beautiful singing voice.” You say, twisting the knife for you both. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“You knew her?” He whispers. 
You shake your head. “No. But I saw you… and her... And the windfish.”
Then he surprises you. He gulps, also meeting you head on as tears begin to pool in his eyes. “Could I have saved them?”
You both know who he’s talking about.
You shake your head.
He takes in a shaky breath, hanging his head- not dissimilar to how you had your earlier. But he nods, surprising you again. “I understand… Who else knows?”
Do you even answer that? Would it do more harm than good? But the look on his face- the bond you share with the boy next to you- the way everyone’s eyes are on you, waiting for you to explain yourself and answer his questions- You can’t bring yourself to lie.. “....Millions.”
Warrior scoffs and finally takes his eyes off of you as spins on his heel. You don’t even bother hiding your flinch.
“It’s true.” You weakly defend yourself. “I’m not the only one.”
“How?” Says the final one you have trouble placing. They called him Hyrule and he does magic. But you can’t pinpoint anything familiar about him that would tell you of his identity. What happened to him? What were his adventures about?
“There’s… stories.” You can’t really answer his question either. The truth would seem cruel, mean and pointless. You know better than anyone thanks to Your Link- it was more than what you saw. Their fears and experiences were real- so real and you had no right to learn what you did.
“Just that? Stories? Down to the details then?” The Hero of Time raises an eyebrow at you. You’ve that look in passing when Link would let it slip through your connection. You never considered how it would feel to be on the receiving end.
It feels worse, somehow. You think you might vomit.
You nod. “....Interactive stories.” Because how else would you explain it? “But yes.”
“So you know us?” The Hero of Winds bounces towards you. At least, he seems more intrigued than offended and suspicious. “Do you know about me?”
You nod. “I do… You wield the Wind Waker… And sailed on the King of Red Lions.”
He laughs, delighted with the recognition. “That’s me, alright! One of the fiercest pirates to ever sail the Great Sea.”
“An interactive story, huh?” The Blacksmith (The Hero of the Four Sword- Hero of Light- Hero of Men- your brain supplies unhelpfully) leans forward from where he’s sitting and puts his palm to his chin, his elbow to his knee. “I bet that’s mighty entertaining. I’ve never heard of a story that you interact with.”
Game- Game- It’s a game- They’re games- They’re fun- They’re for children- Your brain fires off in rapid succession, deepening your guilt. There’s no way you can tell them. They’ll be horrified. They’ll be pissed.
“Games?” Yout Link whispers beside you, turning to you with an unreadable expression. The fur along your hair stands on edge. He’s caught on. “Darlin’ games?! Is that all this ever was to you?”
You flinch violently.
In a last ditch effort to defend yourself, even though you’re fully responsible for your own actions and his anger and awe is fully justified. “Link- please- You know that’s not true!”
He growls.
“I didn’t…”
“Don’t say you didn’t know.” He snarls. “I’ve had you in my head since we were children. Don’t you dare say you didn’t know.”
“I wasn’t going to.” You whimper, letting your chickens come home to roost. “I didn’t think I would have ever met them. Link- I only followed along with your story but I never touched it. I never stepped into that. I know what it was like for you. I remember the sleepless nights- the panic attacks- the fear in your ice cold blood as you journeyed. It felt wrong to take your struggles and make it a game.”
“What about them?” He gestures to his friends. They’re all staring at you with looks of incredulous judgment.
“...I thought it would be just you.” You whisper pathetically. “I couldn’t have known you’d meet them. So many of them don’t even touch your time and era- I wanted to know them! I didn’t think it would have mattered from where I was because they… they didn’t exist, Link! They don’t exist and so many people don’t even think the land of Hyrule is real-”
Your Link rubs his hand down his face, taking a moment to breathe and calm himself down.
“We’re not real?” The Champion, Wild, steps forward. “We’re… toys?”
You bite your lips. “I… wouldn’t go that far. But many would.”
“So this is why you feel guilty.” Your Link mutters, ruffling his own hair roughly.
“....Link, I’m sorry.”
“Just-... give me a minute-!”
You click your mouth shut.
“We’re games.” The Knight of Skyloft sits down on a nearby log. “Are you sure?”
You nod. “It’s incredibly popular actually… So many people love you.”
“Do they?” The Captain scoffs again, turning back and glaring into you. “Toys. That’s what we are. To break and remold as they see fit because we’re not real people to them. That’s not love.”
“That’s-” You struggle to find the words. The stench of betrayal lingers heavily in the air. It’s all your fault. “That’s because you don’t see how many lives you save by just existing, even as a thought.”
“Explain.” The Hero of Time doesn’t leave room for negotiation.
“Your stories… despite your struggles, are lighthearted.” You swallow down figurative glass. “Because they’re told from your perspective- because despite everything, you just wanted to help people. You just wanted to do the right thing. Even when everything was against you, you stayed true and proud and you were so brave-” Your voice catches and you’re shaking again. “You all have so much love… for your people… your homes… your friends and families… They push you forward. They give you a reason to keep going. I-if we… If we could so much as copy a fraction of what it means to have courage, our lives wouldn’t have to seem bleak and… hopeless. What use are ruins in an old world when there is no love to preserve the present?”
Your words silence the group as they mull it over. You're on the verge of tears again. You’re so scared. Your heart is pounding. You never wanted to hurt them. You weren’t trying to hurt anyone. You hiccup and clasp your hands together, trying to lessen the way you vibrate. It doesn’t work. “...I wasn’t trying to do anything wrong… I panicked…”
“This conversation isn’t over.” Your Link curls up his lip, revealing a fang that you’re not entirely sure was there before. “But even if I’m not happy about this, I stand by what I said earlier. You’re not that kind of person. You didn’t do this maliciously.”
“I’m sorry.” You repeat yourself for the nth time.
“I know.” His voice finally softens and he pulls you close to him again. “I know you are. I can feel it in every fiber of my being.”
“If we’re famous even outside of Hyrule,” Wind speaks up again, appearing more calm than the others at the news. “Then why did you stop talking to Twilight? You were avoiding him for a while.”
You hang your head again. “I was with you guys… I didn’t want to risk Link learning something of your adventures that could have ruined the timeline or potentially… ruin the relationship we already had. I didn’t mean to-”
“Are there people who know more than you?” Legend asks again, having calmed down from earlier.
“Yes, of course.” You wipe your eyes, coughing on your own spit. “I… became obsessed- I won't lie or sugar coat, but I am certainly not the craziest fanatic out there. It’s not like I’ve got shrines in my room or collected all the icons and merchandise I can… I thought about getting a few… But again, I didn't want to risk hurting Link if he saw something he recognized when I couldn’t give him a straight answer.”
“Idiot.” Your Link clicks his tongue. It stings but in the way a blade or a fire would. At best, it’s close to tearing a scab. Not the greatest feeling, but you have the inclination to admit he’s not trying to actively insult you.
“Millions…” Warrior throws his back against a tree as he scowls into the space in front of him. “We can’t even be mad at you then. You’re not the only one and you’re not the worst.”
You’re scared to see how they’d react to the people who dress up as them. “Yes, neither the first nor the last. I’m not the only one.”
“But you’re the only one that matters.” A new and dark voice whispered in your ear. It made you jump, making all the hairs on your body stand up on edge.
Your Link jumps to his feet, reaching behind to his hand on the hilt of his sword. He puts his hand on your shoulder, keeping you down on the log before you can get up as well.
“Pathetic, little hero.” The voice taunts. You don’t know where it’s coming from. It seems to be both in your head and yet all around you at once. “It wasn’t my intention for you to find each other, much less so quickly. It certainly complicated some things, but I can’t say that this hasn’t been entertaining in the least.”
“Touch them and DIE.” Link snarls.
“I’d love to see you try.” The voice mocks.
It shakes you to your core. The voice echoes in the clearing you’ve found yourselves in. It circles you, like the shadows of the setting sun. In through one ear, behind your head, teasing the other ear as it makes its rounds.
“Link…” You say softly. This is too much. Why can’t today end already?
Multiple swords are unsheathed in an instant, moving around and getting into a circle around you without muttering a word. They certainly know what they’re doing, even if it isn’t just to protect you specifically. You won’t lie, it does help your heart somewhat if you allow yourself to think that they’re protecting you despite it all.
“Do you feel that betrayal, little hero?” The voice taunts Link again. He said, “They knew about you all along but didn’t share a single detail about themselves.”
“I couldn’t!” You shout impulsively, almost jumping to your feet in the same second. Your Link keeps you down. “I would have if I could have!”
The voice chuckled darkly. His form simmers out from the shadows of the trees, appearing within the circle the other heroes have made, appearing right in front of you. Your heart jumps into the thick of your throat. He looks so much like Your Link, but with solid black abysses for eyes instead the blue you fell in love with.  “....Liar.”
You suck in a breath, getting to your feet at once. 
Twilight pulls you back and quickly puts himself between you and the monster that threatens you. This is not the time for this. He points his blade at the shadow man, grazing the flesh of his throat with the tip of his sword. A bead of crimson blooms just beyond the edge of the sharp steel, but the shadow monster doesn’t seem to be impressed.
“You’re no better, little hero.” The creature turns its head to him, cracking it unnaturally as it bends at an abnormally twisted angle. “Have you even told your sweet ‘Darlin’ of the effects that crystal of yours has done to you?”
“I owe you no answers, beast.” He spits, thrusting his sword ever closer to his jugular. “Leave now or lose your head.”
“I am not the beast.” The shadow man sinks into the earth, reappearing behind you, grabbing you by your hair and stealing you away from Twilight. “You are.”
You both scream as the shadowman laughs. Yours; in pain. Twilight’s; in outrage. “Go on! Tell them. Tell what has been done to you!”
“Link.” You gulp, trying to reach behind your head to lessen the pressure. Twilight can see it; the way your hands seem to phase out so you can’t physically touch the being that has trapped you. One wrong move and you could be gone forever.
But Twilight doesn’t know what to say to the creature. He doesn’t understand. You already know that he turns into a wolf. He can remember how you started to research all about wolves just to learn more about him. Not that you told him that part- that was before you started to drift away.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Of course you don’t, stupid boy.” The creature pulls on your hair sharply. Your cry of pain causes Twilight to growl, baring his teeth as the fangs set in his jaw. He doesn’t register the warmth of the crystal- just the bubbling determination to get you away from him as fast as possible.
“See that?” The shadow man starts backing up slowly, ignoring the rest of the group as they all wait on baited breath. “There’s very little man left in him. It’s only a matter of time before the beast inside takes over.”
“That’s not true.” You whimper, trying to get away. 
“It is very true, my pet.” The creature tugs harshly again, toppling you over in an instant. The sound you make when the hit the ground is worrying and it makes Twilight unleash a feral sound. It startles himself, he hadn’t known he was capable of such noises.
The creature seems pleased by the development. “A perfect demonstration, little hero. I couldn’t have done it better myself.”
An arrow flies, nicking the shadow man in the shoulder. A crimsonline blooms from the injury, making him stubble backwards and away from you. Twilight dives to pull you back up, cradling you close.
It appears that the creature wasn’t expecting the attack. Its hubris had caused it to believe that no one would make a move when he had you in his grasp. “Pathetic fools. I’ll be back.”
He slinks away back into the shadows, not sparing any one but you a passing glance. Twilight doesn’t like it one bit and tightens his grip on you.
“Twilight, what the hell?” Wild throws his hands up. “Is there something else we need to know about? Why are they-” He points to you with an arrow. It slips from his grasp. “-brought into the middle of this?”
“I don’t know.” Twilight grumbles. If he had things his way, you would both be meeting under very different circumstances. “But they’re here now and the shadow wants them for some reason-”
“It claimed you were changing-!”
“I can feel him. He’s not changing.” You speak up, still shaking. Twilight tightens his grip on you. Despite… everything, the rose around his heart is too real and too intricate for him to bash his way through. Any amount of brute force on his end would crush the already delicate foundation that it’s built. He takes a deep breath, willing himself to comfort instead.
You’ve had one hell of a day. You both have. Twilight doesn’t want to ever repeat those terrifying hours of not having you connected to him. And thinking about it, there’s no misplacing that amount of guilt and sadness in your voice and soul for him to think you would have hidden all that you did out of malice.
You were that kind of person. He’s said it already. He’s said it twice, even.
“What do you mean?” Four speaks up, tilting his head, keeping his sword unsheathed. Nobody else seems keen on putting their swords away after the not too violent attack on their senses. They had thought this was a safe space. Apparently not.
You gulp and cling to him like a lifeline. He holds you. “I have him. He’s mine. I can feel him. And I’ve had him for as long as I can remember. He’s always been the same.”
Twilight sighs and hides his face in your hair. A hand of his comes up to gently soothe down the spots where the monsters had viciously grabbed you. You relax within seconds, leaning more of your weight on him and loosening your grip.
“We should move.” Time growls, not dissimilarly to how Twilight was earlier. “We can’t risk having the shadow come back while our backs are turned. We need to find a spot to camp for the night.”
“On it!” Warrior twirls his sword, taking Legend and Wind without a second thought. They lead the group as scouts while everyone else picks up their equipment to follow them. Everyone gives you both passing glances but no one says anything.
You’re his soulmate. He’ll figure out what to do with you. You’re here now; he has to take care of you and make sure that thing never comes close to you again. Today was too close. It was toying with you both. If it ever so much as looks at you the wrong way, he’s going to rip out its throat.
His grip on you increases subconsciously and you squirm.
“I know you’re mad.” You whisper. It rings more through your connection than through his ears.
“Not at you.” Twilight huffs. He’s decided it. You’ve been chased, hunted, cut, bruised, thrown about and frightened within an inch of your life. He’s already told you that he’s forgiven you. He’s not going to take it back.
You’ve already apologized and cried him a river. Something he never in a million years would have asked for. What more does he want from you?
“How?” You say, looking up at him. The cut on your cheek makes him grit his teeth. You’ll survive, he knows this. He’s still not happy about this. He’s not happy about any of this.
But it’s never been your fault.
“...Even if you know our secrets-” he starts and takes a deep breath to steady himself. The others have all left save for Wild, who doesn’t want to leave you alone on the off chance that danger still lurks in the shadows. “-it’s not inherently wrong to know about us. If we are toys in your world-”
“Please don’t say it like that-”
“Let me finish.” He takes another deep breath, looking into your eyes. “If we are only stories and games to other people, you know better. You know we’re real. That I’m real. And while others would brush us off as fiction, you went in with a different mindset entirely. You wouldn’t feel so guilty if you didn’t see how badly it could have gone. I can’t fault you for the place you’re from or how other people see us.”
You lip wobbles once more and you collapse against him, properly hugging him back at long last. “You’re too good to me.”
Twilight tries to fight another snarl. Was the shadow creature right? He wasn’t this beastly before…. And he has been using the crystal more often now that he’s with the group. “I’m still processing everything, but I personally think that what should take priority now is keeping the shadow away from you and making sure that you don't get hurt. Do you fight?”
You still have the energy to give him the flattest look ever. “Link, you already know the answer.”
His lips twitch up. “Forgive me for asking anyway?”
You drop your forehead to his shoulder. It gives the impression it would hurt if he wasn’t wearing his layers and wolf pelt. “...Fine.”
A beat passes. Wild stands a little ways away, looking through his sheikah slate for something Twilight can’t be bothered with. Not while you’re in his arms and slowly sinking deeper into the embrace. “How’re you feeling Darlin’?”
“Tired.” You sigh. “I’m exhausted. I’ve never run so much in my life.”
He snorts and shakes his head good naturedly. “Come on. We’ll walk from here on out. The group should make camp soon enough.”
You blow a raspberry but break away from him. Twilight all but dives to take your hand, capturing it in his hold. You hold him back without question.
Do you really think I’m not changing? He asks through the bond, not wanting Wild to overhear him.
You lean your head against him again and shrug. Mentally, psychologically? No. Physically? Not really. Although admittedly, I’m not the best judge of that. However the fangs are new.’
Fangs? Twilight raises an eyebrow, bringing his free hand to poke at his teeth. 
He has fangs.
And they retract apparently, given that he can feel the sharp point receding the more he calms down. That’s new.
I just said that.
Twilight smiles. You’re feeling better already. You have to be feeling better to banter like this with him again. It’s like a weight’s been lifted from your shoulders. It feels lighter on Twilight too.
Does it bother you? Twilight tries to ask casually. He’s aware he looks different from the people of your world. You haven’t ever seemed bothered by it before but then, he’s never asked.
No. They’re hot. 
You trip over yourself.
Twilight snickers, covering his mouth with his hand. You blush brightly, still holding onto his hand even if you’re unable to meet his eyes.
“That,” you say out loud, “was a little more honest than I was intending.”
“I would rather if you both kept your flirting in your heads.” Wild rolls his eyes, coming forward at last. He has a sword in his hand. Twilight feels the need to protect you flare up, but it’s strange. He’s never felt threatened by Wild before. This is weird. He’s being weird? Is he being weirder than before?
“Here.” Wild snorts, seeing the way Twilight gets offended. He hands you the sword.
You take it, inspecting it. “A flame blade?”
“You recognize it?” Wild seems surprised. “Oh wait- duh. You know my story too?”
You nod. “...Yours was fun…. I yelled at you a lot.”
Wild deadpans. “You’re Twilight’s soulmate alright.”
You laugh. Actually laugh.
Twilight takes a deep breath, feeling the sound penetrate to the deepest marrow of his bones and fill him outward with such a peace he didn’t even know was achievable. Is that corny? Screw it, he’s a farm boy. He can handle corn.
You swing the flame blade experimentally, a bright smile that only spells trouble for Twilight’s (and the group’s) future. A small tail of fire follows the path of the sword. Twilight thinks he recognizes this. It’s not his powerful variant of this weapon but it can be held in one hand and deals a decent amount of damage regardless. Setting the opponent on fire usually helps with that.
This choice was purposeful.
Twilight wants to feel grateful that Wild is already looking out for you too, but the fact that you seem a little too excited about it has Twilight reconsidering the option.
“I love it.” You grin at Wild and it fills Twilight with a familiar sense of dread. “Do I get to keep it?”
“So long as you swing it at the other guys and not towards us.” Wild gives you that same smile.
You giggle, hopping excitedly on the balls of your feet as you grip the hilt of the sword tighter..
Twilight groans and has half the mind to smack Wild. “Why did you give them that?”
“They need something to protect themselves with.” He says decisively, leaving no room for argument.
“...But the flame blade?”
You pause and look back at Twilight. He can vaguely feel where your thoughts are going. But before he can stop you, you speak up with a wide grin. “If this is a problem, can I have the one that freezes stuff instead?”
“Let’s stick with the fire.” Twilight finds himself saying. The only thing worse would be to give you something that would inevitably backfire on all of them. A fire is (unfortunately) more their field of expertise.
Wild chuckles, knowingly giving Twilight a wink over your head. You seemed to enjoy Twilight’s disgruntlement very much, laughing at his expense when he agreed to the weapon. He’s in trouble. He barely fought that.
“Well, that’s all from me.” Wild gives a mock salute as he begins to walk away. “I’m going to catch up with the others.”
“Thank you, Link!” You call out to him and he smiles.
“I think you’ll fit in just fine. Just give the other guys some time to adjust.” He says and walks away.
You gulp quietly and nod. You look down but have nowhere to put your new toy flame blade. “Hmm… That could be a problem.”
Twilight rubs his temple before you shove the sword in his direction.
“Oh wait-! You’re my boyfriend! Hold it for me?”
He coughs but takes it on instinct. He stares at you for a comment before your words sink in. He blushes, feeling it crawl up his neck to the tips of his ears. He hooks the blade to his back, converging with his other sword.
You smile nervously and take his hand again. “...Are we good?”
“We’re good.” He says softly, bringing our hand up to kiss it. “Come. A new chapter awaits us.”
“I can’t wait.”
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animeyanderelover · 3 months
Witch s/o but with hisoka ,chrollo,kite,killua
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, toxic relationship, obsession, delusional mindset, clingy behavior, manipulation, threats, blackmailing, murder
Tags: @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama @maggiequinn59
Witch s/o
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀​You're certainly not going to scare him with anything that you store in your home nor with the questionable rituals you perform at times to complete a spell or summon something. Killua has seen too much shit in his life to the point where he engages you in your occasionally morbid interests. If you need some special ingredients like a heart or intestines just call him and he'll deliver it fresh to you. It is quite relaxing to be around him as he doesn't judge you for your interests and hobbies. If you have a small cottage somewhere in the forest and live isolated from civilisation he'd be able to have you almost exclusively to himself and he'd absolutely love that. As you are able to use powers not even Nen-user can utilise there should be little reason for the assassin to worry about you yet being protective is something that comes naturally with his obsession and will be unavoidable sooner or later. He doesn't trust easily and as someone who has grown up to see all types of people he is fully aware that some would very much desire to either use your magic or perceive you as a threat and would want to get rid of you.
Hisoka Morow
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Gosh, he loves you. You're perfect, unique and best of all you are all his. Living in an isolated area in a dark forest has never proven to be more painful the moment Hisoka stumbled upon your peaceful home after he heard the rumors in the village. It is no secret that he lives for the thrill of fighting strong opponents yet you prove to be the most promising unpolished diamond yet. Never before has he encountered someone who uses magic and he just can't wait to see what you are capable off. He's lurking around your cottage all the time and as much as you try to ignore him, you are fully aware that by doing so you'll only encourage him to keep on stalking around to find a weak spot to use. He slaughters people who dare to intrude into the forest and drops their corpses in front of your home like a cat, jokingly proclaiming that he has brought you some ingredients for you to use in your next concoction. The only reason why he hasn't broken into your home yet is because you used seals to prohibit him from entering. Only giving him a small taste of your power... You're such a tease, you know~
Chrollo Lucilfer
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📖​Chrollo is undeniably intrigued. Magic is something that has only ever appeared in fairytales yet your existence proves that there is always a little bit of truth in every legend. His Nen-ability has always allowed him to steal the powers of others if he fulfilled the conditions yet he is unable to steal your source of power. His approach is much more careful and calculated now as he enters unknown territory with you. There is so much he has yet to find out about you and your magic and he knows that it may take time yet patience is a virtue Chrollo has learned to embrace for himself. After all every moment with you is an experience he intends to savour, every word that leaves your lips another piece of a puzzle he intends to solve. You possess knowledge he wishes to claim and every little story you share with him about your own world is a story he is deeply invested in. Treasure has never been something Chrollo has limited to diamonds and gold and in his eyes you are a treasure, the most priced one at that. You fascinate and enchant him and he wishes to claim you for himself. He supposes that you wouldn't willingly abandon your lifestyle for him though, would you? Seems like he'll have to use other methods then.
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🤡Both of you are able to share mutual interests as his profession and your work as a witch align. He documents unknown species to the government together with his friends and you as a watch have creatures to offer that he has probably never heard about. Similar to Killua the morbid sight of body parts or disgustingly looking things stuffed in jars and stored in your house do not deter him in the slightest. He's genuinely interested in the knowledge you have to share with him and the stories you have to tell. Kite is very cautious around you though as he perceives you as the strong individual that you are. Aware of his own obsession he has going on, he does his best to not give you any reason to distrust him. You're anything but weak and the last thing he would want is to provoke a fight with you, especially since there is still so little he knows about your magic. Instead he stays low in regards to his obsession, enjoys the time he spends with you all whilst slowly collection information just in case something should go wrong.
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akutasoda · 2 months
I hope this isn't weird or anything but could I please request some fluff for AlHaitham, Zhongli and Albedo with a dragon reader? They have horns and a tail and are just distant and brooding but love to chill with their beloved, enjoying their presence and doing stuff together?
Thank you sm for your time!🙏
draconic lover
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synopsis - how are they with a dragon s/o
includes - albedo, zhongli, alhaitham
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, maybe ooc, wc - 1k
a/n: it wasn't weird at all! if anything i think i got carried away...
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albedo ★↷
↪initially, the two of you had met when albedo began chasing down a small legend surrounding dragonspine out of interest. eventually he traced it down, unknowingly, to your dwelling.
↪originally, all those years ago, you chose the isolated dragonspine to live out your life - preferring it's lonely scenes to fit your more distant demeanour. unfortunately you hadn't accounted for or even considered a particular curious alchemist to choose his main area of research there.
↪the first thing you learnt about albedo was that he was persistent. no matter how much you ignored or tried to push him away, he would come back the next day or keep trying to initiate conversation. it took him ages to even get a sentence out of you but he was thrilled when he did.
↪albedo initially only had a more scientific interest in you, he was curious and he was sure that sucrose would love to meet you as well - not without your permission of course. however, as time went on he began visiting you out of pure friendly curiosity.
↪nowadays, the alchemist could be found sat with you up in dragonspine either trying to get you to tell him something interesting or him explaining an experiment to you.
↪a favourite past time for albedo was when the two of you would spend the evenings cuddled up as it was a quiet time for the two of you to bask in each others presence - and a prime time for him to inspect your draconic features.
↪albedo respected the fact that you were the distant type and preferred to stay up in dragonspine. maybe the selfish part of him even enjoyed the fact that he was the only one who could spend time with you.
↪but he would always help you do whatever you wanted to do because he enjoyed spending anytime with you regardless.
zhongli ★↷
↪if zhongli were to be honest, he never thought that he'd come across another dragon any where in the near future. and he was content with that. he had enough people around him that he found tolerable or even enjoyable to be around.
↪but as soon as someone introduced him to you, he noticed something was off. he could almost instantly recognise and he could guess that you could as well, although answers weren't very easy to obtain in a public place - and you weren't exactly the most talkative.
↪admittedly, zhongli’s interest was piqued and so he pursued conversation with you. soon it became very apparent to him that you were in fact another dragon.
↪it seemed sort of unreal to him at first, more so because it seemed almost weird that he hadn't met you before, but he quickly became very much interested in getting to know you more - despite how standoffish you seemed.
↪zhongli quite quickly learned that you did prefer to keep to yourself, it toook him quite the while before you started actually acting friendly toward him but the two of you soon acted like you'd known eachother for absolute forever.
↪in fact, zhongli quickly accustomed to your more solitary life and loved spending his time with just you in the comfort of your shared home. of course you two still went out but being at home with you always seemed better - and neither of you bothered to hide your draconic features at home.
↪zhongli loved spending his time with you. no matter what it is or where it is, as long as you were by his side, he was content.
↪with you, he could open his heart. you both would live a long time and so he never had to fear the day that another love of his would be eternally separated from him and he would live on with the pain. now, he could embrace your love and your presence.
alhaitham ★↷
↪alhaitham found heard of a certain rumour that circled quickly around the akadeymia and initially he ignored it as he thought rumours were a waste of time. however he got a bit more roped into it than he wanted.
↪and eventually he met you. someone who he could get behind as he also preferred to keep to himself and avoid most. you two could often sit in complete comfortable silence and yet bond better than actually talking to people.
↪it took absolutely ages before the two of you started having actual conversation, even longer to get friendly enough to the point he learnt about your draconic blood. to say he was impressed and intrigued would be an understatement.
↪he had to try his hardest to not constantly admire your horns and tail whenever you had them out. the absolute urge he had to pet your tail was a struggle.
↪when the two of you finally started actually dating, alhaitham offered you to say at his - he apologised in advance for kaveh and kaveh was sworn to absolute secrecy about your dragon form because alhaitham found it absolutely ethereal and he wouldn't have you hiding it.
↪soon alhaitham loved nothing more than to relax in your embrace in the evenings as he read. he enjoyed the small moments with you. doing absolutely nothing yet so much at the same time, he also noticed how much you enjoyed it aswell.
↪as long as you two did something together, you were both content. although alhaitham was quite indulgent when it came to those small moments between the two of you in the comfort of your shared home.
↪but he wasn't an idiot. he knew that eventually time would tear the two of you apart but until that day arrived, he'd indulge in everything you had to offer and he'd show his love in his way.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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duachai · 2 months
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Super Smash Bros You So Ass Though Proly Pick Kirby So You Don't Get Smashed On
SYNOPSIS : M/n, a competitive gamer, is distracted by fellow gamer Wonwoo's charisma and flirtatious advances during a match. After the game, Wonwoo's commanding demeanor leaves M/n flustered and vulnerable. They share an intense, intimate encounter backstage, leading M/n to experience a whirlwind of emotions. Overwhelmed by Wonwoo's touch and words, M/n feels a deep connection forming, hinting at a promising new chapter in his life.
CONTENT WARNING : This writing contains explicit sexual content and mature themes.
AUTHOR'S NOTE : I know nothing about E-sports, but I tried my best 😭
LINKS : Wattpad | Kofi
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M/n had never been so nervous going ANYWHERE before today. This was the day he could make history and he carried an insane amount of weight on his shoulders as he walked through those arena doors. Even in a room full of people he still found himself zoned out and very unfocused while doing a fan sign.
He felt someone staring at him, his eyes slowly looking up from the table. A pair of eyes were staring at him, unbreaking eye contact. It sent chills down his spine. He was always a bit reserved during these events and always kept his head down so as to not engage with many people. He didn't like a lot of interaction anyway so this set-up worked for him fairly well.
Except with this particular person.
He knew this guy. This guy... he was a legend. But not one of those old crinkly ones that don't really do their fortay anymore.
He was Jeon Wonwoo.
He slowly lifted his sharpie off the desk, eyes still locked with the other male. He was just so intense. It's like he's trying to burn a hole into my brain. He thought. He tried to ignore the way his stomach churned beneath his button-up and continued signing the girl’s team T-shirt in front of him. She could sense M/n's attention was not on her at all.
M/n quickly tore his gaze from the other person and plastered on a smile for the girl in front of him. Come ON, stop staring! Just mind your own damn business! He cursed in his head, trying to focus back on the girl.
The girl in front of him tried to talk to him to which he desperately tried to answer, eyes darting to the side every so often only to see the man still staring at him. "Are you okay?", the girl asked, waving her hand in front of his face "You seem distracted."
"O-Oh, yeah. I'm sorry... um thank you for supporting us! I hope to see you in the arena later today.”
She nodded and moved away, making room for the next person. M/n took a small breather, closing his eyes for a moment. Ok M/n, pull yourself together. Just focus, do your job and then you can g- He glances up only to see Wonwoo sitting down in the seat in front of him. Ah, you've got to be kidding me...
The male in front of him sat back casually, resting his t-shirt right on the desk in front of him. M/n felt his heart speed up a bit. He glanced down quickly then back up to see Wonwoo grinning at him like he knew exactly what he was thinking.
It almost looked like he was teasing M/n and it ticked him off a bit. He was here to do his job and this guy was distracting him. "I guess it's my turn," Wonwoo spoke, his voice so sweet it almost made M/n shiver.
"U-Um, you don't need to get in line... you're like VIP."
The male laughed heartily. "VIP huh? I like the sound of that"
Jesus, he's even got a beautiful laugh M/n thought, trying to shake the idea away.
Wonwoo said generously, "But I'm no different than the other teams here. I just am a fan... I want a signed shirt from my favorite junior team.”
M/n let out a short laugh, trying to be casual about the whole thing. "Yeah right, like you can call yourself any team's fan when you're the main part of your team's success," he says. It came out a bit harsher than he intended but the confidence the man had was starting to irk him. "You're a legend, Jeon Wonwoo."
Wonwoo smirked and leaned in a little closer. "Say my name again" he says. M/n stared at him, dumbfounded. Say it again? Why the hell does he want me to say his name? What is his angle..
He swallowed down the lump in his throat and took a breath. "Wonwoo.." he said slowly.
The tension was cut by an intercom coming on. "Please everyone please gather in the area for the SVT and Fifty-Forty’s team matches.” M/n's head snapped up to the speaker above his head when the announcement went off. An overwhelming sense of relief washed over him. Finally, now i'm out of this awkward position.
He looked back to Wonwoo only to find him still staring, that smug smile still plastered on his lips. He tried to glare at the man which only made him smile more. He felt his face get hot again. Damnit, why am I letting him get to me?
Wonwoo leaned even further forward and M/n could feel his breath on his cheek. He was so close M/n could count the individual eyelashes framing the other man's eyes. Damnit, Why is his face so close? What is he doing… Wonwoo spoke up, his voice low and sultry in his ear "Are you gonna sign me that shirt now?"
With a trembling hand M/n picked up his marker and signed the shirt. He tried to keep the letters straight but his hand was shaking like crazy and he felt like sweating buckets. How was this man making him so nervous? Why could he feel his heart pounding in his chest like this? It was insane...
He finished the signature and was about to set the shirt down when Wonwoo took hold of his wrist, stopping him from moving. M/n's heart nearly stopped. Wonwoo's hand was on his wrist, not to mention it was so large as well. His fingers were wrapping all the way around him, his long slender fingers completely covering his wrist.
He swallowed a lump that formed in his throat and made the mistake of looking up into Wonwoo's eyes. His eyes met the other man's intense stare and he couldn't look away. He felt like he might pass out if he did.
His mind was going a mile a minute, there was so much going on. Their faces were mere centimeters from each other and M/n felt like he would have a heart attack right there, and on top of all of that, he had never felt more... excited? for something in his entire life.
M/n swore he felt the thump of his heart skip a beat. "You're a lot cuter than I thought you'd be.." he said quietly. M/n's eyes widened and before he could reply the intercom came back on, cutting off whatever he was about to say.
"All teams to the main stage please, the match is beginning in a few minutes.”
Wonwoo's hand finally left his wrist and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He felt lightheaded like he might pass out at that very moment.
The man leaned back in his seat, picking up his signed shirt and smiling. "See you after the match," he said before he stood and headed for the stage. M/n could only watch as the man left, a thousand thoughts running through his mind. What was just happening? He thought I was cute? Why was he being so upfront? Why did he make me so nervous?
He needed to get himself together and quickly. There was a match about to happen and he needed to be focused. He looked over to the crowd and saw all the fans waiting. As much as he wanted to go back and hide in his room, he couldn't. Just do your best, and after you can freak out.
He took a deep breath and got up to join the rest of his teammates on the stage. The game began and M/n tried to focus on playing, which he usually had no problems doing. Except this time, he couldn't seem to find and kind of concentration.
Every time he would start to get into the game, his mind flashed back to Wonwoo's eyes. His words, his grip on his wrist, the way he made his heart stop...
He was so distracted, he was even making mistakes in-game, which was completely unlike him. Usually he was so precise and careful with his playing but today it was like he was just going through the motions. He was doing everything on auto-pilot.
Wonwoo was amazing. His hair, his perfect form, his talent, his lips, all of this just drove M/n absolutely insane. The game wasn't even on his mind. All he could think about was how he just had to have Jeon Wonwoo.
The game was over as quickly as it had begun. Wonwoo's team had crushed his, leaving him and his teammates with no chance to even compete. As the two teams made their way off the stage and into the hall, M/n felt a hand on his shoulder.
He felt that intense sense of nervousness fill him again as he slowly turned to come face to face with Wonwoo. M/n's heart nearly stopped when they stood face to face again. Every single thought he had from earlier came rushing back to him all at once, leaving him feeling vulnerable.
Wonwoo smirked down at him which made him feel even more flustered. Why did he keep doing that?!
"You guys put up a good fight, I'll give you that," he said, his hand still on M/n's shoulder.
M/n couldn't find a single word to say, he just stood there like a complete idiot as his brain malfunctioned. He didn't know what to say or do, he just stared at the man with his mouth slightly open.
Wonwoo chuckled lowly, which caused the hairs on the back of M/n's neck to stand up. Damnit, why is his laugh so attractive? Is he trying to drive me insane?
"Cat got your tongue?" he asked, lifting a hand and running his thumb over M/n's bottom lip. M/n suddenly forgot how to breath. His hands started to shake and he swallowed down a lump in his throat. What does he think he's doing? Just.. touching my face like that. It's making me so.. His thoughts were cut off when Wonwoo began to speak again.
"You're cute when you're nervous, you know that? You get a little red too," Wonwoo said cooing as he swiped a slither of hair that fell on M/n’s forehead.
Jesus Christ, he's so handsome..
M/n tried and failed to keep control of his composure. Why does this man make me so nervous? I can't even form complete thoughts with him staring right at me.
He finally gathered the strength to speak, his voice quiet and shaky. "I'm... not nervous.."
Wonwoo laughed again with his perfect teeth showing. "You're not? You're shaking like a leaf right now." he said with a smirk. His hand came up again, this time cupping M/n's cheek in his warm palm. M/n felt his legs begin to get weak.
"You're a terrible liar, you know that?" he chuckles again before leaning down so his mouth was right next to M/n's ear.
M/n could feel his heart pounding against his chest as the other man's breath tickled his ear. "I can probably make you even more nervous,” he said, his low voice dripping with confidence.
M/n's mind seemed to be a complete jumble at this point. His thoughts were a complete mess and he felt like he might explode. The proximity of the other male's body was almost overwhelming, especially since he was so much taller than M/n himself.
He swore it felt like he was in a trance of some kind when Wonwoo spoke again, his breath warm on his ear. Wonwoo's warm hand shifted from his cheek to the nape of his neck, resting there and making shivers run up M/n's spine.
"You know.." he began, his tone was like silk. ".. I thought you were cute from just watching you play, but now I think you're even more adorable up close.”
M/n chuckled nervously, "U-Um... I should really catch up with my team. They're probably heading to the hotel... y'know. Tired and stuff.
Wonwoo's hand on his neck seemed to tighten a bit, keeping M/n from moving away. "Your team is going to be fine without you for a few minutes," he said, his tone a bit more demanding now.
M/n's breath hitched in his throat as the other man's grip pulled him a little closer. "O-Oh... kay, okay..."
M/n's head was spinning, the man was way too attractive for his own good.
Suddenly, Wonwoo's hand slid from his neck to his jaw, his long slender fingers wrapping around his chin and turning his head to the side. M/n didn't resist, he let him move him, his mind foggy from the closeness.
"You have really pretty eyes" he said lowly in his ear, his thumb brushing across M/n's bottom lip again.
M/n felt his heart flip and his breath shuddered again. He was trying so hard to keep what little composure he had left, but the other man was making it damn near impossible. His touch was driving him insane and he found himself unable to speak, his mind completely blank.
"They're brown... not very unique. Um, how about we move to another area... it's kinda hot h-here. Yeah?" M/n says in a slight pant. Wonwoo chuckled softly and leaned back slightly so he was hovering over M/n's face.
"Oh my god, you are so adorable when you're nervous," he said, his eyes raking up and down M/n's body as he spoke. M/n's stomach flipped at the look in the other man's eyes, Jesus, that stare is going to be the death of me he thought. "I have an idea," Wonwoo said as he grabbed M/n's wrist, his large hand wrapping all the way around him again.
A shiver ran down M/n's spine at the feeling.
With one quick move, he found himself being led down one of the backstage hallways into a secluded backroom. As soon as the door closed behind them, Wonwoo turned and pushed M/n up against the door, trapping him between his body and the hard surface.
M/n felt like he was going to have a heart attack. His heartbeat was so loud he swore Wonwoo could probably hear it. Wonwoo placed a hand on the wall on either side of M/n's head, effectively trapping him against the door.
He was so close M/n could feel the other man's breath on his face, it was warm and smelled faintly of cinnamon. Wonwoo was just staring again. Those brown eyes staring directly into his own, leaving him frozen in his spot.
His mind was swirling, his body was hot, why was this man having this effect on him? The other man smirked down at him, a wicked smile that made M/n's body shiver again. "You're so innocent, you know that?" he says, his eyes raking up and down M/n's body again.
This new side of Wonwoo was turning M/n on in ways he never thought possible. The intense gaze, the smirk, and the commanding tone, it was making his legs feel like jelly.
"M-Maybe I should get back to the group... I-" Wonwoo's hand on the wall moved to M/n's hip, resting there and grabbing it firmly through the material of his shirt. M/n felt a jolt of pleasure run through him. Jesus... that hand, it's so big
"I don’t want you to leave, sweetheart," he stated, his tone commanding. M/n was speechless. The nickname made his heart skip a beat and the hand on his hip made his legs even weaker. He was having a very hard time breathing at this point.
Wonwoo chuckled, the sound sending another shiver through M/n. "You're so easy to tease," he says as he leans closer to M/n.
His hand was still tight on his hip, his grip almost possessively tight. "Tease?" M/n asked almost in a whine. Another sultry chuckle escaped Wonwoo's lips as he leaned in even closer, his mouth now right next to M/n's ear.
"You heard me," he said, his warm breath sending more chills down M/n's spine. M/n's mind was a mess and his body a wreck, all from a simple hand on his hip. M/n began to lose his balance. Trying not to fall, his arms wrapped around Wonwoo's waist instinctively.
Wonwoo chuckled again, the sound so deep and smooth, it left M/n's mind feeling blank once more.
"You're a little clumsy, hm?" he asked, his tone almost mocking now.
M/n was trying desperately to keep his mind from completely shorting out, but the man's proximity and his voice was messing with his head.
"Oh.. sorry. Um, Wonwoo? I don't understand, why... why me? I-I'm not complaining I'm just... confused.”
This time a frown appeared on Wonwoo's face instead of his usual cocky smirk. He moved back from M/n's ear, looking down at him with an almost serious expression.
"Why you? I'll tell you why" he said, his gaze never leaving M/n's face. M/n's heart rate quickly began to pick up at the intensity in which the man was staring at him.
"You're cute, that's obvious.." he began, his eyes roaming over M/n's flushed face. "But on top of that... you're talented.. and I could tell when I was watching you earlier... that you're so damn hot when you're focused.”
M/n couldn't understand why this man was having this effect on him, why his words were making him feel weak and his body hot. And Wonwoo noticed. He could feel the rise in M/n's pants.
A smug smirk reappeared on the man's face, as he took notice of M/n’s predicament.
"Looks like I'm having an effect on you, hm?" he purred in M/n's ear again.
M/n 's face flustered with embarrassment, "I'm sorry! I-I don't know what's happening, I'm sorry.”
Wonwoo laughed lowly, his laugh doing absolutely nothing for M/n's already fried brain. "You don't have to apologize, I enjoy it," he said as he pulled M/n's hips forward, closing the distance between their bodies. M/n's eyes darted down to Wonwoo's lips. Wonwoo smirked again, the expression causing M/n's stomach to flip.
"You keep looking at my lips sweetheart, what are you thinking about?" he asked, his voice still low and smooth. "You're speechless a lot, you know that..?" he asks, his grip on M/n's hips tightening. "You're not saying anything because you're too busy thinking about my lips, I can tell," he said, a low chuckle escaping again. "You don't have to speak yourself then. I'll make you.”
And with that, he pressed his mouth to M/n's. M/n's mind suddenly went into overdrive, the soft pressure of Wonwoo's lips against his own sending sparks of pleasure shooting through him.
Wonwoo's mouth felt so warm and soft against his own. He couldn't get his mind to form a single thought, the only thing he could process at this point was the feeling of Wonwoo's lips moving against his. Wonwoo deepened the kiss, pulling M/n even closer by his hips.
The room was suddenly getting a lot hotter, the only thing that M/n could focus on was the man in front of him. The kiss was intense, and M/n was losing himself further and further with each passing moment.
His fingers found the way to the back of Wonwoo's shirt and clutched at the material tightly. Wonwoo let out a light moan as M/n gripped the fabric of his shirt, the sound sending yet another shiver of pleasure through him.
He continued to kiss him, his tongue slipping between M/n's lips and tasting every crevice of his mouth. Wonwoo suddenly bit down on M/n's bottom lip, causing him to gasp out a moan at the mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Jesus, the noises you're making are going to put me over the edge, you know that?" he says in a low, sultry tone. M/n's brain could barely process the words coming out of the man's mouth. "You're... you're driving me crazy," he managed to get out in a pant.
Wonwoo's hand inched up the underside of M/n's shirt, running his fingers along the bare skin of his stomach. M/n let out an involuntary noise at the feel of the man's fingers on his skin, his stomach felt like it was on fire wherever Wonwoo touched him.
Wonwoo's hand inched up the underside of M/n's shirt, running his fingers along the bare skin of his stomach. M/n let out an involuntary noise at the feel of the man's fingers on his skin, his stomach felt like it was on fire wherever Wonwoo touched him.
Wonwoo began to trail his mouth down M/n's neck, peppering kisses lightly over his skin. M/n's head fell back against the door of the small room, a soft moan escaping his lips.
The feel of Wonwoo's lips on his neck sent a fresh wave of hot pleasure through M/n's body.
"God... you're so whiney, I love it," he says softly between kisses. Wonwoo continued to mouth at M/n's neck as his hands began to wander further up his shirt. M/n could feel his body burning up, every touch from the other man was making his brain malfunction. "You feel so good" Wonwoo whispered against his neck.
M/n took one of Wonwoo's hands down to his crotch, "Wonwoo please... help me.” M/n let out another moan, the man's touch was doing wonders on his body. "Just... touch me, please," he begs, his hands coming to rest on Wonwoo's hips.
Wonwoo quickly began to undo the buckle of M/n's pants, his fingers working quickly to get the material off of him. M/n let out a low moan, the anticipation driving him crazy.
"You're so cute... I need to see more of you," Wonwoo says lowly. Wonwoo's hands were roaming over his thighs. "God, you're perfect" he says as he squeezes the flesh of one of his legs, his eyes roaming over his exposed body.
"So damn pretty" he mutters under his breath as he begins to kiss down the skin of the thigh in his hand. Wonwoo continued to mouth at the skin of his thigh, he was making his way closer to the one place that M/n wanted him to be.
Each little bite and kiss was sending more jolts of pleasure through him, his body felt like it was on fire. "Please, please.. Woo...”
"Please what, gorgeous? You have to tell me what you want," Wonwoo says, his mouth mere inches from the hardness of M/n's lower body.
M/n could barely form a coherent sentence, his brain was mush at this point. "Your mouth.. I need your mouth," he says in a pant, his hands tightening around the material of Wonwoo's shirt.
Wonwoo hummed against his thigh in response to his words. "Beg me, baby. Tell me how much you need me," he said lowly, his breath ghosting over the flesh of M/n's inner leg.
"Please, please Woo I need you. I need your mouth, I need your hands, I need you. Please." M/n was practically pleading now, the anticipation was killing him.
Wonwoo hummed again, satisfaction in his voice. "Such a polite little thing... can't say no to that now can I?" he said as he leaned forward in between M/n's thighs.
He wanted to see how much more he could break him down.
"You're being such a good boy for me, I'm going to make you feel so good, you hear me? You're going to feel so good, all because of me"
"Yes... please. Only you make me feel this way," M/n manages to pant out, he wanted the man's mouth so bad his body was aching for it.
"Mmhm, no one else but me can make you feel this good, and no one else ever will," Wonwoo says lowly as he continues to mouth across the inside of his thighs. M/n was already a mess, his breathing was uneven and his skin was hot.
"I'm going to have you begging for more, I'm going to have you screaming my name," he says in a murmur against the flesh of M/n's skin.
Wonwoo continued his ministrations to the flesh of his thighs, marking the soft skin with his mouth and teeth. He was purposely avoiding the one place M/n wanted him most, he wanted to hear him beg for it.
"You're already a mess and I've hardly touched you. You really are desperate, aren't you baby?" he said in a low tone. "My Good boy," Wonwoo says with a smirk.
Without any warning, he suddenly sank down to his knees, his face now level with M/n's hardness. M/n let out a low moan, finally giving in to the overwhelming sensations coursing through him.
Wonwoo's hands slid up M/n's thighs, his touch firm yet gentle, sending shivers up his spine. He looked up at M/n with a mischievous glint in his eyes, and without breaking eye contact, he pressed a kiss against the fabric covering M/n's arousal.
M/n's breath hitched, his hands instinctively reaching to tangle in Wonwoo's hair. The other man smirked, his fingers deftly undoing the button and zipper of M/n's pants. With deliberate slowness, he pulled down the material, freeing M/n's hardness from its confines.
Wonwoo's warm breath ghosted over M/n's exposed skin, causing him to shudder with anticipation. He placed a series of teasing kisses along M/n's length, each one sending jolts of pleasure through his body.
"Wonwoo... please," M/n murmured, his voice barely a whisper, filled with need.
Wonwoo chuckled softly, the vibrations of his laughter adding to M/n's pleasure. "Impatient, aren't we?" he teased, his lips brushing against M/n's tip.
Unable to take any more of the teasing, M/n's hips involuntarily bucked forward, seeking more of Wonwoo's touch. Wonwoo finally took pity on him, wrapping his lips around M/n's hardness and taking him into his warm, wet mouth.
M/n gasped, his head falling back against the door as waves of pleasure crashed over him. Wonwoo's mouth worked expertly, his tongue swirling around M/n's tip before taking him deeper.
The sensations were almost too much to bear. M/n's fingers tightened in Wonwoo's hair, his hips moving in time with the other man's rhythm. Wonwoo's hands gripped M/n's thighs, holding him steady as he continued to pleasure him.
M/n felt the tension building in his core, his breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. "Wonwoo... I'm close," he managed to say, his voice strained with need.
In response, Wonwoo increased his pace, his mouth moving faster, taking M/n as deep as he could. The sight of Wonwoo on his knees, his lips wrapped around him, was enough to push M/n over the edge.
With a final, shuddering gasp, M/n came, his release spilling into Wonwoo's mouth. The other man swallowed greedily, his eyes never leaving M/n's face as he rode out his climax.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, M/n slumped against the door, his legs feeling like jelly. Wonwoo stood up, a satisfied smile on his lips as he wiped a stray drop from the corner of his mouth.
"You're even more adorable when you're completely undone," he said, his voice low and teasing.
M/n could only nod weakly, his mind still reeling from the intensity of the experience. Wonwoo leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to M/n's lips.
"Let's get you cleaned up," he murmured, his tone now gentle and caring. "We can't have you going back out there looking like this."
With Wonwoo's help, M/n managed to pull himself together, his body still tingling from the aftershocks of pleasure. As they made their way back to the main area, M/n couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of connection with Wonwoo.
The game may have been over, but for M/n, a new and exhilarating chapter had just begun.
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gyorouis · 2 months
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— "every piece of me, holds parts of you. it feels much better when i'm with you."
genre: fluff (tooth rotting per se), attempt on crack ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ), just reader and soobin admiring e/o.
pairing: ldr bf!soobin x afab!reader
warning: none (except maybe some cringe stuff for fluff)
wordcount: 4.6k
now playing: beabadoobee — ever seen ୨ৎ
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the glow of the computer screen was the only light in the room, casting a soft blue hue over the messy gaming desk, and half-empty snack bags. you had spent countless hours in this very spot, headphones on, mic ready, waiting for that familiar notification: “dia_soobie314 has joined the game.”
you and soobin had met a year ago in the most unexpected way. what started as a casual gaming session turned into nightly marathons, then into a friendship, and eventually, something much deeper. the two of you were a team, a dynamic duo in every game you played. but somewhere between the virtual battles and late-night strategy talks, started a deeper connection beyond the screen.
it all began in a game of league of legends. you were having a particularly rough match, teammates bickering, and everyone blaming each other for the impending loss. just as you were about to give up, one of your team mates joined the voice chat.
“hey, let’s turn this around. i’ve got a plan,” the voice of a man said, his voice calm and confident. he’s playing lee sin, you’ve been watching his moves earlier and you can’t deny that he’s got the moves, he’s good at doing combos. you read his gaming name: “dia_soobie314”.
skeptical but desperate, you decided to follow his lead. you were playing jinx, and your team had been struggling to keep up. as the match went on, the player using lee sin executed flawless ganks, setting up kills for you and turning the tide of the game. your jinx’s rockets and rapid-fire attacks synced perfectly with his aggressive plays, and together, you started to dominate the battlefield.
“keep pushing, i’ll cover you,” he directed, his voice steady even in the chaos of the game. to your surprise, the team rallied behind his leadership. turret after turret fell, and soon you found yourselves at the enemy’s nexus. in a stunning comeback, you secured victory.
after the game, “dia_soobie314” sent you a friend request.
“nice playing with you,” his message read. “wanna team up for another round?” 
one game turned into two, then three, and soon, you found yourselves gaming together almost every night. your shared love for anime quickly became a staple of your time together. you'd often watch episodes on discord, discussing plot twists and debating the best characters. one of your favorite topics was jujutsu kaisen, and there was that one memorable argument about megumi. soobin had made a comment that you took as a negative remark to your beloved character.
“seriously, megumi isn’t that great,” soobin said, trying to sound casual. “are you kidding me? megumi is awesome!” you shot back, your voice rising in mock outrage.
“he’s too boring. give me yuuji any day.”
“that’s because you have no taste!”
the argument turned into a playful bicker, filled with laughter and exaggerations, and became a favorite story in your growing collection of shared moments.
when it came to gaming, you and soobin made an unbeatable team. you both complemented each other perfectly. you were the one who dived headfirst into the action, while soobin stayed calm and strategic, guiding you through the chaos.
then there were the horror games. you loved them, but soobin was not a fan. whenever a new horror game came up, you’d coax him into playing.
“you promised me we’d play this,” you’d remind him. “yeah, but i didn’t sign up for a heart attack,” soobin would groan. “come on, it’ll be fun,” you’d say with a grin. and it was fun—at least for you. soobin would try to act brave, but his fear was pretty obvious.
“why are all the lights flickering?” he’d ask, voice trembling slightly. “it’s part of the game,” you’d reply, barely containing your laughter. “this isn’t even scary,” he’d insist, though his hands would be visibly shaking on the keyboard.
despite his clear discomfort, soobin would push through, just to be with you. it was endearing and made those gaming nights even more special.
“you know, we make a pretty good team,” soobin remarked one night after a particularly intense match. “we do,” you agreed. “i’ve never had a duo partner like you before.”
outside of the games, your conversations grew more personal. you’d talk about your days, your dreams, and your fears. it was easy to confide in soobin; his voice was always comforting.
one evening, after a string of victories, you found yourselves in a quieter moment. “so, what’s your story?” soobin asked. “how’d you get into gaming?” you laughed, thinking back. “my brother got me into it. he needed a teammate, and i just stuck with it. what about you?”
“i started in high school,” soobin replied. “it was a way to relax after school. never thought i’d meet someone like you through it.” his words hung in the air, filled with meaning. your heart skipped a beat, unsure how to respond. “i feel the same way,” you said softly. “i never expected to find a friend like you here.”
“more than a friend,” soobin said gently. “at least, i hope so.”
those words marked the start of something new. your gaming sessions took on a new layer as your connection grew deeper. what used to be just about winning games became about sharing more personal moments. conversations that started with strategies shifted to late-night talks about your lives, your hopes, and your dreams.
one evening, as you both leaned back in your chairs after another victorious match, soobin’s voice took on a more playful yet earnest tone. “hey, can i ask you something?” he said, his eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and seriousness.
“sure, what’s up?” you replied, feeling a warm, comforting sensation from the intimacy of your growing connection.
soobin took a deep breath, looking slightly nervous. “so… i was thinking,” he began, his voice wavering slightly. “we’ve been playing together for a while now, and i’ve really enjoyed every moment of it.”
you smiled, sensing where this might be headed but eager to hear more. “yeah, me too. it’s been a lot of fun.”
“well, uh,” soobin stumbled over his words, his usual confidence momentarily giving way. “i was wondering… if maybe… we could make it official?”
“official?” you echoed, your curiosity piqued. “like, adding me to your friends list with a special status?”
soobin chuckled, his cheeks turning a soft pink. “not exactly. i mean, i was thinking more like… asking you to you know.. be.. uh.. be my g..girlfriend.” he said, the last word almost inaudible.
the question hung in the air, and you felt your heart swell with emotion. “oh, so you’re saying you want to upgrade from gaming buddies to… couple status?”
“y-yeah, something like that,” soobin said, grinning widely. “i figured, if we’re going to keep winning games together, we might as well win at life too.”
you were touched by his heartfelt words, feeling a surge of happiness. “that’s cheesy, but i’d like that,” you said, your voice warm and sincere. “i’d love to be your girlfriend.” soobin’s face lit up with pure joy, his eyes sparkling. “really?!”
“yeah, really,” you replied. “but only if you promise to keep playing games with me and not let me win just to make me feel good.”
“deal,” soobin said with a laugh, his eyes full of affection. “but only if you promise to keep being as amazing as you are now.”
“i’ll do my best,” you replied, your heart racing with excitement. “and don’t worry, i’ll make sure to keep you on your toes.”
then the time came when you both, you both decided it was time to meet in person. you picked a date and a place, both eager to see each other. the excitement was intense, you imagined the day vividly: finally meeting soobin, feeling his presence in real life.
but plans didn’t go quite as expected. there was a funny mix-up. you had both picked different locations to meet, each of you certain you had the right spot. you ended up at a busy train station, scanning the crowd with anticipation. soobin was at a cozy café on the other side of town, sipping coffee and checking his watch.
hours passed, and the realization set in that neither of you would reach the other’s spot. your messages were filled with confusion and humor.
“are you sure you’re at the right place?” you texted, trying to stay light-hearted.
“yeah, unless this coffee shop moved,” soobin replied with a hint of laughter.
the mix-up became a funny story you both laughed about. it was a reminder of how things don’t always go as planned. after that, you both decided to keep the meeting plans on hold, sticking to being in a long-distance relationship.
as time went on, the idea of meeting in person came up again. this time, you both decided on a trip to japan, a place you had both dreamed of visiting for years. the excitement of finally meeting soobin face-to-face was intense. you poured over every detail, planning each day carefully to make sure your time together would be unforgettable.
“can you believe it’s almost been a year?” you asked one night while on a call with soobin on discord, fingers moving over the keyboard while playing a game before the trip. “it’s wild,” soobin replied. “i’ve been looking forward to this for so long.” 
“yeah, i’m definitely not nervous at all,” you joked, though your excitement was hard to hide. “don’t worry, it’ll be great,” soobin said, his voice soothing even from a distance. “we’ve got this.”
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the excitement of your upcoming trip to japan filled every conversation you and soobin had. you spent hours discussing and planning, each detail adding to the anticipation.
“okay, so we need to figure out our itinerary,” you said one evening, your screen filled with maps and travel guides. “what’s first on your list?”
“definitely tokyo,” soobin replied, leaning into his webcam. “i’ve always wanted to visit akihabara. i hear it’s like an anime paradise.”
“agreed! i’ve been dying to visit the ghibli museum. i’m bringing my camera for sure,” you said, your excitement clear in your voice. “oh, and don’t forget we have to try all the street food,” soobin added. “i’m counting on you to be my taste tester.”
“taste tester? is that code for ‘let’s see how much you can handle’?” you joked. “i hope you’re ready for some questionable delicacies.”
“bring it on,” he said with a grin. “i’ll just make sure to pack a lot of snacks for backup.”
you both laughed, imagining the endless food adventures ahead. the planning sessions often turned into playful banter.
“so, are we getting lost in tokyo on purpose or is that just a bonus?” soobin asked.
“getting lost is part of the fun!” you replied. “besides, think of all the new places we’ll discover.”
“right. like that time we were supposed to meet in person and ended up at different locations,” soobin teased. “i’m still not over that!”
“oh, don’t remind me,” you groaned, laughing at the memory. “i was at that busy train station, searching for you in a sea of people, and you were at that coffee shop across town.”
“sipping coffee and waiting like an idiot,” soobin said, shaking his head. “we didn’t even think to check our locations again.”
“i still can’t believe we didn’t think to call or text,” you said with a grin. “guilty as charged,” soobin admitted. “but this time, we’re meeting at airport. we’ll be fine.”
as you continued planning, you each picked your favorite spots. you both agreed on visiting kyoto for its beautiful temples and serene gardens. soobin was excited about exploring osaka’s vibrant nightlife and trying the local ramen.
“i’m so excited about visiting the shibuya crossing,” you said, eyes sparkling. “and i’m looking forward to eating my weight in takoyaki,” soobin replied. “just remember, no food fights.”
“no promises,” you joked. “but if we end up with takoyaki in our hair, it’ll be a story for the ages.”
the playful banter continued as you finalized your plans, each moment of preparation bringing you closer. the excitement of exploring japan together, mixed with the joy of simply spending time with soobin, made the trip feel even more special.
the days leading up to your trip were a blur of packing and final preparations. you double-checked everything, eager for the moment you’d finally see soobin in person. the thought of meeting him, sharing real-life laughs and moments, was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.
“are you ready for this?” you asked soobin during a call when the both of you are busy packing your things. “as ready as i’ll ever be,” he replied smiling, revealing his dimples.
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the airport was bustling with activity, a sea of travelers moving in every direction. you and soobin had spent countless hours planning every detail of this moment, from the flights to the outfits you'd wear to ensure you wouldn’t lose each other in the crowd.
you spotted him first. soobin stood out with his black cap that read “bunny senpai <3,” a playful nod to his favorite anime character. you, on the other hand, wore a blue and white striped beanie that was a little too big but made you easy to spot.
the two of you locked eyes across the crowded terminal, and for a moment, everything seemed to pause. a mix of excitement and nervousness danced in the air as you approached each other.
“hey,” you said, trying to sound casual but failing as your voice wavered with excitement.
“hey,” soobin replied, his dimples appearing as he smiled wide. “we finally made it.”
you both laughed, a bit awkwardly at first, but it quickly melted into genuine joy. it was surreal to finally see each other in person after so many months of video calls and messages. “so, how do we do this?” you asked, glancing around. “do we hug, kiss or just wave?”
“let’s go for a hug,” soobin chuckles, stepping forward. the embrace was warm and comforting, filled with all the emotions you had both been holding in. as you stood close, the height difference between you became more apparent. you were smaller than soobin, making him look even taller and more imposing. you had to look up to meet his eyes, which made both of you laugh.
“wow, you’re tall,” you said, chuckling. “i feel like i’m looking up at a skyscraper.”
“and i feel like i’m towering over a very cute skyline,” soobin teased, his smile widening. “this is a new perspective for me.”
“well, at least i don’t need a ladder to hug you,” you joked, tightening your arms around him.
after getting through security and finding your gate, you shared a laugh about your first-time plane experience. “i still can’t believe you’ve never flown before,” soobin said, shaking his head in amusement. “you’re like a kid at a theme park.”
“hey, it’s my first time!” you protested. “i’m allowed to be excited.”
the boarding process was an adventure in itself. as you boarded, you struggled to figure out how to stow your carry-on in the overhead bin. soobin, trying to help, ended up knocking his bag into yours, causing a minor luggage avalanche.
“great start,” you said, laughing. “we’ll survive,” soobin said, grabbing your hand to steady the chaos. “just think of it as part of the adventure.”
once settled into your seats, the excitement of the trip began to settle in. the flight was filled with conversations about what you were looking forward to and how you were going to tackle the next few days. eventually, you both fell asleep, your arms tangled together. as if you will lose each other.
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when you finally landed in japan, the rush of excitement was evident on both of you. the airport was another whirlwind of activity, but this time, everything felt thrilling rather than overwhelming.
the first day was spent exploring, starting with a visit to a charming local café. the aroma of fresh coffee and pastries filled the air, and you both enjoyed a leisurely breakfast while soaking in the new surroundings.
“this place is adorable,” you said, sipping on a cappuccino. “it feels so cozy.”
“and the food is amazing,” soobin agreed, taking a bite of a freshly baked pastry. “this is exactly how i imagined our trip would start.”
after breakfast, you headed to one of tokyo’s famous landmarks, the shibuya crossing. standing amidst the amount of people crossing the street in all direction. you both laughed and took pictures, capturing the vibrant energy of the city.
as the sun began to set, you both continued to explore, feeling like you were living in a dream. the excitement of finally being together, combined with the thrill of exploring a new place, made every moment special.
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the morning air was crisp as you and soobin ventured into the bustling traditional market in tokyo. the market was a sensory overload of vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and the lively chatter of locals. you both eagerly darted from stall to stall, trying every sample offered.
“so, which street food should we try first?” soobin asked, eyes wide with excitement. “let’s start with takoyaki!” you suggested, pointing to a stall with a long line of eager customers. “and maybe some yakitori.”
you both ordered generously, balancing a tray of steaming takoyaki balls and skewers of grilled chicken. the takoyaki was a delightful mess, hot and gooey, with octopus bits hidden inside. you managed to get sauce all over your hands and face, making soobin laugh.
“you’ve got a little something right here,” soobin said, pointing to a smear of sauce on your cheek. “thanks,” you replied, wiping it away. “you’ve got some too.” you grinned, dabbing at his cheek with a napkin.
as you continued exploring, you ended up buying a small souvenir—a cute, hand-carved figurine from one of the stalls. but as you were admiring it, a gust of wind blew, and the little figurine went tumbling off the table.
“noooo!” you cried, watching helplessly as the figurine rolled away.
“well, that’s one way to give it a proper send-off,” soobin joked, helping you chase after it. eventually, you both found it, and the vendor even gave you a discount for your trouble.
the next morning, you took a train hand in hand to kyoto to visit the fushimi inari shrine. the famous red torii gates created a mesmerizing tunnel that seemed to go on forever. you and soobin wandered through the gates, taking in the serene atmosphere and snapping countless photos.
“this place is even more beautiful than i imagined,” you said, awed by the sight. “totally,” soobin agreed. “though, we’re probably going to get lost in here at some point.”
“i’m already lost in this view,” you replied, smiling. as you climbed higher up the mountain trail, you noticed a small food stall selling traditional sweets. you bought some mochi, but in the excitement of trying to get a perfect photo with the shrine in the background, you accidentally dropped the mochi. “and that’s why we can’t have nice things,” soobin teased, handing you a napkin. “next time, remind me not to be so ambitious with my selfies,” you said, laughing.
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the next day was spent at universal studios japan. the park was a whirlwind of colors and excitement, with thrilling rides and themed areas. soobin was especially thrilled about the harry potter world, while you were excited to explore the minion park.
“let’s head to hogwarts first,” soobin suggested, peering at the park map. “sounds good!” you agreed. but somehow, in the maze of attractions, you both found yourselves wandering into the jurassic park area. “how did we end up here?” you asked, laughing as you saw the massive dinosaur sculptures. “i think we took a wrong turn,” soobin said, grinning. “but dinosaurs are pretty cool too.”
after finding your way to the harry potter section, you spent the rest of the day enjoying rides, sipping butterbeer, and taking silly photos with minion-themed props. the park was a blast, and you both relished every moment of it.
on the fifth day, you took a trip to the arashiyama bamboo forest. the towering bamboo stalks created a green, swaying canopy above you as you strolled through the serene path. the cool shade and the gentle rustling of the leaves made the hike incredibly peaceful.
“this place is like a dream,” soobin said, taking a deep breath of the fresh, green air. “definitely,” you agreed. “though, i’m glad we’re not lost this time.”
“not yet,” soobin teased. “let’s see if we can find the monkey park.”
as you wandered, you found yourselves at a nearby bench where you paused to rest. you shared a picnic lunch and laughed about the mix-up with the directions.
“if we get lost again, at least we’ll be lost together,” soobin said, holding your hand.
the last day in japan arrived with a gentle start. after a week packed with adventure, you and soobin decided to take it easy and savor a slower pace. you began with breakfast at a cozy café in harajuku. the place was a charming escape, decorated in soft pastels with a menu full of tempting pastries and aromatic coffee.
after a leisurely breakfast, you strolled through harajuku’s quirky streets. you found a vintage shop with an array of unique trinkets and charming finds. soobin picked out a cute, retro keychain for you.
“this will be a great keepsake,” he said, handing it to you with a smile. “something to remember this trip by.”
“thanks, ‘bin,” you said, holding the keychain up. “i’ll think of you every time i see it.”
your next stop was going back to shibuya. at the famous shibuya crossing, you both marveled at the sea of people moving in perfect chaos. you posed with the hachiko statue, laughing as you tried to capture the perfect shot. “this statue is as iconic as they say,” soobin remarked, adjusting his camera.
“we’ve got to get a picture,” you agreed. “it’s a must-do for sure.”
for lunch, you wandered into a small ramen shop. the rich aroma of broth and the sight of steaming bowls made your mouths water. You both slurped up your ramen with enthusiasm, savoring each bite.
“this ramen is incredible,” soobin said, grinning as he twirled his noodles. “i’m definitely going to miss this.”
“we might have to try making ramen at home,” you suggested. “though i doubt it’ll be as good.”
after lunch, you took a leisurely stroll to a nearby park with a stunning view of the tokyo skyline. you found a peaceful spot under a cherry blossom tree, and took a moment to relax and reflect on your trip.
“this view is amazing,” you said, leaning against soobin. “It’s the perfect end to our adventure.”
“it really is,” soobin agreed, resting his head against yours. “i’ve had the best time.”
as the sun began to set, you headed to a quaint restaurant for dinner. The intimate atmosphere was perfect for winding down, and you both enjoyed a delicious meal together.
“to an unforgettable trip,” soobin toasted with his glass of sake.
“to the best company,” you replied, clinking glasses and smiling.
after dinner, you took a final, leisurely walk through tokyo’s sparkling streets. the city was alive with lights and sounds, and you both soaked in the last moments of your adventure.
“i’m going to miss this,” you said softly, holding soobin’s hand. “me too,” he replied, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. he looked around at the glowing city lights, a thoughtful expression on his face. “what if…” he started, hesitating as if searching for the right words.
“hmm?” you asked, pausing to look up at him. “what if we lived here instead?” he proposed, his voice full of a hopeful, playful tone. his eyes sparkled with the idea, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.
“‘bin, we’re still in college,” you reminded him with a teasing smile. “i know, i’m not saying we should do it now,” he clarified quickly. “i’m talking about… uhh, when we get married.”
his casual mention of marriage took you by surprise, and you felt your cheeks flush. “you’re thinking about marrying me?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady but unable to hide the blush spreading across your face.
soobin’s expression shifted to one of mock disappointment, his eyes widening in feigned shock. “why? you don’t think about marrying me?” he asked, his tone playfully hurt. you laughed, shaking your head as you reached up to gently pinch his cheeks. “of course i do, dummy. who else would put up with your terrible puns?”
“i knew it!” soobin said, his face breaking into a wide, relieved grin. “i was starting to think maybe i was in this alone.”
you both laughed, the sound of your shared joy mingling with the city’s hum. soobin pulled you into a warm, tight hug, his chin resting on top of your head. the world seemed to pause for a moment, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble.
as you stood there, holding each other and watching the lights of tokyo twinkle around you, the night felt full of possibilities. the city, the trip, and your shared dreams blended into a beautiful memory, one you knew you would cherish forever.
“let’s make a promise,” you said, lifting your head to look into soobin’s eyes. “no matter where we end up, we’ll always make time for adventures like this.”
“promise,” soobin agreed, his gaze steady and sincere. “and maybe next time, we’ll be exploring somewhere new… or maybe even this city, just as locals.”
soobin looked down at you, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint that made your heart flutter. the city lights reflected in his gaze, adding a touch of magic to the evening. with a playful grin, he leaned closer and said, “you know, i’m definitely marrying you tomorrow so we can be locals here.”
you raised an eyebrow, trying to hold back a laugh at his bold declaration. “oh really? admit it, you’ve been dreaming of living here because of your anime fantasies, haven’t you?”
“i mean, yes,” he admitted with a dramatic sigh, as if he were reluctantly revealing a long-held secret. his face softened, and he reached out to gently tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “but… but… it’s not just that. i really want to be with you.”
his words, so sincere and filled with affection, made your heart swell. the warmth of his hand brushing against your skin sent a shiver of happiness down your spine. you looked up at him, your cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and joy.
soobin’s gaze softened, and he placed a tender kiss on your forehead. his lips lingered for a moment, leaving a gentle, comforting warmth that seemed to melt away any remaining traces of the chilly evening air. it was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings.
“when we get back home,” he murmured, his voice low and earnest, “let’s still meet, okay? and let’s promise not to lose each other this time.”
you took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers as you looked into his eyes. “i promise,” you said softly, your voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside you. “we’ll meet, and we’ll make sure not to lose each other. no matter where life takes us.”
the streetlights cast a soft glow around you, and the bustling city seemed to fade into the background as you both stood there, savoring the moment. soobin squeezed your hand gently, his smile widening as he looked at you with a mix of affection and anticipation.
“and who knows,” he added with a playful wink, “maybe we’ll find a way to live out our dreams together. after all, i have you by my side.”
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gyo's note: i'm so inlove with loser bf core soobin i have to write something out of it, quite hard to write the japan trip because i've never been to japan so i just did some research but i hope you loved how i made the japan trip!. if you made it to here, thank you for reading! i hope you liked it and pls like and reblog, it helps my works :>> you will be loved, xoxo!
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✮ 2024 gyozies, all rights reserved.
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fics-n-stuff · 2 years
The Interview (and the year and a half to follow)
Pairing: Eddie Munson × Steve Harrington
Summary: When rockstar Eddie Munson reveals that he's married, and to a teacher no less, his fans don't know what to do with themselves. Steve and Eddie, especially Eddie, love the chaos. And he can't help but keep declaring his love for his mystery husband.
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: This is a modern AU in which Steddie are in their early thirties and everyone else is aged up accordingly, and it's truly incredibly sappy. I wrote this all in one go at 2-4am before a shift at 9am, so it could be a masterpiece or it could be crap. You decide!
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"My husband is a middle school teacher." Eddie had said, just trying to give the interviewer a little bit of background on his life. He hadn't expected it to set the internet on fire. 
"Eds, what the hell did you do?"
"All I did was say that my husband is a middle school teacher and now everyone's obsessed with you. I think they like the idea that I have a soft side."
"You're nothing but soft sides." Steve chuckled, engulfing Eddie in his arms as they cuddled on the couch. "Maybe I should be the famous one."
"In your dreams, Harrington." Eddie scoffed, playfully smacking him on the shoulder.
"If they like the idea that you're secretly a softie, maybe you should tell them that we're an emergency foster home. Or that we have seven pseudo-children."
"One thing at a time, babe. I don't want to set the world on fire."
Eddie didn't do another interview for a while. He was busy producing his band's next album, their fifth one, and spending time with friends and family between tours. But when Corroded Coffin was invited to be the musical guest on a late night show two months later, partly to promote a movie that Eddie was in (it would be his acting debut and he would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified that people would think he was absolutely horrendous), he had almost forgotten about the frenzy he had whipped his fanbase into at the reveal of the existence of his husband.
"So, a couple of months ago you let slip that your husband is a teacher." The host said to him when he sat down after performing his song, and the audience cheered. These were the questions they wanted answered.
"Yeah, a lot of people were surprised to hear that I'm married but I've been wearing a wedding ring for six years." Eddie smiled, holding his left hand up to the camera to display the simple silver wedding band on his ring finger. "I guess nobody really noticed because I wear a lot of rings."
"That's insane, you've been married for six years?" The host exclaimed, and Eddie nodded with a chuckle. "I have to ask, how did you two meet? I mean, a heavy metal rockstar and a middle school teacher are not a conventional pair."
"We met in high school." Eddie answered, and the audience awed. "Well, technically, he had just graduated high school and I was on my second repeat of senior year. We met through some mutual friends."
"That's so sweet. Isn't that so sweet?" The audience cheered at the host's prompt and Eddie giggled, his hair falling into his face. "Was it a love at first sight thing? How did you end up together?"
"Um, kind of. It was strange, he was a popular jock in high school and I was about as weird and unpopular as they got, but once we got to know each other outside of school we clicked fast. And he's hot, like really hot, so I fell immediately." The crowd laughed.
"Wow, that's fantastic. But, anyway, I need to move on before I get carried away. Let's talk about this movie you're in."
"Yes, let's."
Steve was watching the show at home, sat on the couch with Robin on one side and Dustin on the other who were poking and teasing him as they watched the tooth-rottingly sweet interview. Robin was the one who hopped onto Twitter to see what people were saying, and, once again, social media was ablaze. #eddiemunsonhusband was trending the whole next day, and Steve and Eddie found it hugely amusing. 
Eddie slowly started opening up about his personal life after the overwhelmingly positive response to all his husband talk. At the premier of his movie, he walked Robin down the red carpet with him, telling the interviewers that the two of them and his husband were all roommates for a few years in his early twenties. In a radio interview he did in the lead up to his album release, he talked about how he ran the Hellfire Club in high school and how he was still friends with and still semi-regularly DMed for the kids that were in the club, and he told them about how one of the Hellfire kids was the one to initially introduce him to his husband. When the album released and the band did an interview with Rolling Stone, he told them about how supportive everyone in his life was of his music. He told them about the night's he would stay up writing Corroded Coffin's first album, his husband - then boyfriend - doting on him the entire time. And all of this served to fan the flames of his follower base because, even in opening up about his life and his friends and family, he never revealed who his husband was.
Steve didn't go to many of Eddie's public appearances. He never had; it wasn't his scene. And when he did, they kept their distance and kept things discreet until they were inside and there were no more cameras. When Eddie went out and released another morsel of information about his life, Steve sat at home grading papers or planning lessons and smiling to himself about his chaotic rockstar husband. 
And then it was time for Eddie to go on tour again. Steve hated saying goodbye when Eddie went on tour. 
The tour started in California and slowly snaked it's way across all fifty states, stealing Eddie away from their home in Indianapolis for six months. The faculty at Steve's school kept asking what was wrong in the first few weeks after Eddie left. He told them that his husband was travelling for work.
Eddie missed Steve too. Unapologetically so. For the first time on tour, he felt comfortable mentioning his husband. Every other night he brought up how much he missed him, usually as an introduction to one of their songs; one of the softer ones, off of their third album, that he wrote about Steve right after they got married. The audience ate it up every time. His bandmates always rolled their eyes and teased him after the show.
Eddie's tour landed back in Indiana right after Spring Break. Steve was thrilled to have him back, even if it was brief before he moved on to the next state. And Eddie was thrilled to know that, as he played his first night in Indianapolis, Steve was out in the crowd watching. Will, El and Mike had been out in the crowd when he played in California, Max and Lucas had come to see him in their recent new home of Chicago, and Erica, Nancy and Johnathan would be there when he played in New York City. But tonight he knew that Steve was out there in the crowd, with Dustin and Robin, screaming and cheering for him like he had from the start.
"Alright, this is the part of the show where I normally get all sappy about how much I miss my husband." Eddie said into the microphone, his skin gleaming with sweat. His fans cheered. "But not tonight. Because tonight, I'm pleased to say, my husband is here in the crowd." His fans screamed even louder. "And no matter how much you try you're not gonna spot him. You wanna know why? Because he's wearing my clothes so that he blends in with the crowd." Eddie grinned. The audience went wild. "This next one's just for you, sweetheart." 
Out in the audience, dressed in a pair of Eddie's black jeans, a pair of Eddie's bulky boots and a t-shirt from Corroded Coffin's last tour, Steve felt his heart swell.
A year after the revelation of Eddie Munson's husband came the revelation of Eddie Munson's kid. Like the chaos gremlin he is, Eddie took to Twitter on a Thursday afternoon and casually announced that he and his husband were fostering a kid with the intention to adopt.
Like clockwork, the internet set ablaze.
The eleven year old girl had been in Steve and Eddie's care three times over the past two years before the adoption, spending about eight months in their care over the three stays. Then, when Eddie had been in the last month of his tour, Steve got the call that a kid needed a place to stay. Steve had got the second bedroom ready with clean bedding, made sure the cupboards were stocked with snacks. And when the social workers arrived, the girl had launched herself into Steve's arms, babbling about how happy she was that she had ended up with Steve and Eddie again.
It was unusual for Steve and Eddie to see so much of the same kid. They were an emergency foster home, they usually only saw kids for a few nights or a couple of weeks. And it was the same with her the first time she stayed with them. She stayed for twelve days before she moved to a different home. But then she was back. Only three weeks later she was back in their care and, for whatever reason, that's where she stayed for the next five months. It had been a year since Corroded Coffin released their fourth album, and they had decided they were taking their time with the next one, so Eddie was home and not very busy and perfectly happy hanging out with the kid that they hadn't expected to have for so long.
She went back to her parents at the end of the five months, much to Steve and Eddie's disapproval. But they hoped that they had cleaned up their act and she would be going back to a more child friendly environment. Unfortunately, she was back a year later. The social workers had brought her back to Steve and Eddie and asked if they could keep her for a few months again. Of course, they enthusiastically agreed, and the three of them settled in together for the next three months until she was taken back to her family again.
The third time was the final strike. There was no way she was going to be placed back into her parents' care. Steve had volunteered them to foster her for as long as they could. She had always been a wonderful addition to the home ever since her first stay.
When Eddie got home he was thrilled to see her. He'd been filled in on the situation over call, of course, but you couldn't hug someone over the phone. It was only a couple of weeks after Eddie got home that he and Steve started talking about the possibility of adoption.
Steve and Eddie had always wanted kids. At first, they had planned on adopting a baby, but after involving themselves in the foster system and seeing the demand that there was for people to take in older kids they decided that that was their calling. The girl coming into their lives in the way that she did felt almost like fate. And so they sat her down and asked her how she would feel about the whole thing. Much to their delight, she had enthusiastically agreed to the idea, and they started the process immediately. Eddie felt like this was a major development in his life and he wanted to share it - at least a vague bit of it - and so a month later he took to Twitter.
Things went pretty quiet after that. Eddie's label was organising for a European tour, but he made sure it wasn't too soon so that he would be around for the adoption process. And that was where he put all of his energy: into his kid.
The girl attended the school that Steve taught at, and Eddie signed her up for a dance class when she mentioned an interest. Steve helped her with her homework and bought her books and had long conversations with her in which he taught her things without her even realising that she was learning. Eddie nurtured her creative side, buying her art supplies and teaching her guitar and singing Disney karaoke with her on the weekends.
Corroded Coffin was nominated for a Grammy. It wasn't their first nomination but Eddie was excited about it anyway. They hadn't won a Grammy yet, there only really being one category for metal music and plenty of artists deserving of the award.
Steve and Eddie had their first Christmas with a kid. Wayne came over like he did every year, making it a real family affair. They went overboard with the decorations and wracked their brains for the best gifts to buy. They made a gingerbread house and watched an obscene amount of Christmas movies, and it was the best Christmas they'd ever had.
The adoption was finalised at the end of January. The whole thing had been smooth sailing, Steve and Eddie having proved more than capable of taking care of a child over the years. And now they had a kid and they were officially a family and things couldn't have been better.
And then Corroded Coffin won the Grammy for Best Metal Performance. Steve and their daughter had leapt off of the couch with cheers and whoops and fists waving in the air. And after his bandmates had taken turns at the microphone thanking their management and their fans and their families, Eddie had taken his turn for a speech.
"I have so many people that I want to thank, and they know who they are. My uncle Wayne, the Hellfire kids and all my other friends from back home, all of our fans and every friend we've made in the industry. But, obviously, I want to thank my amazing husband for tolerating my chaos and the fact that I write best in the middle of the night. And I also promise to try and change that habit now that we have a kid in the house, and you're allowed to hold me to that." He gave his speech with a massive grin, trophy gripped tightly in his hands, and when he stepped off stage he split off from his band and excused himself to call Steve, who had secretly bought a bottle of champagne and Eddie's favourite cake from his favourite place to celebrate the victory (because he'd had a gut feeling that Corroded Coffin was going to finally win this one).
Then, as if it had crept up on them, it was time for the European tour, which would steal Eddie away from his husband and daughter for even longer than the US tour. 
Right before he boarded the plane, Eddie opened up Instagram, ready to cause one last stir.
The picture was one of Eddie's new favourites. Robin had taken it in their garden when she came over to hang out one random afternoon. Eddie was dressed peak rockstar, distressed black jeans and a studded leather jacket, chains dangling off him and hands covered in rings. And Steve was peak teacher, all blue jeans and a soft grey sweater, and glasses balanced on his nose. He was giving their daughter a piggyback, but the picture was from just an angle that you couldn't see her face, because she deserved her privacy even if her new dad was a rockstar. 
Now that it's all official and I find myself with this perfect little family, I think it's time to finally show you all the amazing man that I share my life with. Everyone, meet Steve.
And, for the final time, the internet went crazy. It was unanimous; they loved Steve. And Eddie couldn't blame them, because he loved Steve too.
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Sirius black with a busty reader
𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
MINORS STAY AWAY I'LL BLOCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, THIS IS +18!!! See also… All marauders versions in my marauders masterlist<3
I want you all to picture me giggling and kicking my feet while writing this 'cause this is my main hoe 🤭💗
-I'll die on this hill dear god
-Pretty silver chains, golden necklaces with expensive charms, you name it! HE SPOILS YOU SM BECAUSE THOSE ARE EXPENSIVE ASF TOO?????
-Yk that good house of Black money n shit hehe
-Loves seeing how it sometimes gets in the middle of your tits and pulls it out himself, definitely touching you more than necessary
-"Wait, I'm almost there doll" "Do you need to bury your face in my boobs to get that crow charm out?” you deadpan with a smile, looking down at the pretty boy, feeling his nose dig in like he’s on a treasure hunt
-“Helps my visibility” yeah visibility my ass he loves your pretty tits
-He’s the “Wear what you want, I can fight” type of guy <3 (all of them are!!!)
-Will and has gotten into fights if someone’s staring and making you uncomfortable. No one disrespects his girl like that:)
-L E A T H E R T O P S
-You both wear leather tops that show your belly and chests, matching ones ofc!!!
-Remus loves sweaters, James loves crop tops
-Sirius lives for seeing you in lacy bras AND his leather jacket:(
-Boy gets heart eyes, jaw to the floor, drooling, screaming (ofc the boys mock him for it<3)
-“You’ll catch flies with that mouth, Pads” Remus smirks, watching Sirius watch you having a conversation with some Ravenclaw girl as you pour more fire whiskey on your glass “Shut it Moons” he replies, dreamy voice too entranced to even comprehend the chaos the party around him was causing
-Speaking of parties, he loves doing vodka shots from your boobs.
-Ogles them sm and compliments them all the fucking time!!!!!
-He’s shameless about it as well
-"Your tits look amazing" with a lovesick expression on his face like he genuinely loves them so so so much
-He knows his friends stare and he doesn’t mind as long as you don’t either. Boosts his ego quite a lot tbh!!
-If you feel uncomfortable, he’ll definitely do something about it! The boys would never make you uneasy, of course. They look away to be respectful, but those small glances have Sirius all cocky
-Having said THAT…
-Marks u up <3
-I’m talking love bites, scratches, hickeys
-Makes sure to make them on a regular basis so they don’t fade out with time
-Yes the boys have walked in on him marking you many times
-“Fucking hell Padfoot just lock the bloody door” James groans while covering his eyes since he knew damn well his best friend wasn’t stopping. “Hey Prongs” you giggle “Hi darling” he says, still not looking at you guys
-“Could you tell your pig boyfriend to lock the door next time?” “ITS AN ART YOU WOULDNT GET IT!!!” he yells, but the sound comes out muffled and barely understandable. “We’ll try” you muse, giggling slightly as the other boy left the room
-Won’t do any of these if he knows it bothers you!! Respectful legend <3
-So, summing it up
-He absolutely adores your boobs, is very much shameless about it and will not tolerate bullshit from anyone <3
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sailor-aviator · 15 days
Fool's Fare: Chapter Eleven
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Fool's Fare: Chapter Eleven
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Captain Jake "Hangman" Seresin had come close to swinging from the gallows more times than he would care to admit. He's stolen, cheated, even killed. The worst thing he's ever done? Broken the heart of a woman. Having broken the heart of the woman whom Davy Jones himself had fallen for six years ago, Jake is now cursed to live as something not dead, but not alive. He's doomed to live a half-life for the rest of his existence unless he manages to obtain the treasure Davy Jones deems most valuable. The problem? He has no idea what it is, and he only had seven years to obtain it.
Content Warning: Loss of a parent, Crying, Premonitions, Anxiety, Bermuda Triangle, Insomnia, Running from the law, Near drowning, Near death experience, Sea monster, Cursing, Death, Mentions and brief description of blood, Magic. I think that's it, but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 3.5k
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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You had always had a feeling of otherness surrounding you, of that you were sure. You had a knack for predicting weather changes or which ships would come home when others wouldn’t. You had known when your father stepped foot out the door that fateful morning that you would never see him again.
You had chased after him, begging him to stay, to delay his departure. Your hands had gripped the fabric of his trousers as you sank to your knees before him, tears streaking down your face as you babbled and sobbed for him to not leave your side. Your father had crouched down next to you, a gentle hand on your head as you sniffled pathetically.
“What’s the matter,” he asked gently, thumb stroking away the drops of tears that fell from your eyes.
“Something,” you hiccuped, your bottom lip trembling, “something bad is going to happen. I can feel it. Please don’t go, Papa.”
“What could possibly go wrong?” He asked, but something in his voice sounded off. At the time, you hadn’t paid it much mind. You were in hysterics, after all, and that in and of itself was so unlike you. That inner sense of knowing had always kept you cool and collected, warning you away from danger or towards something joyful. Never had you felt that deep sense of foreboding, though. Like your whole world was about to be ripped out from under you at a moment’s notice.
“Everything will be alright, little minnow,” he smiled, blue eyes twinkling in the early morning light. “There’s a sort of magic that courses through your blood, always has been. Even if something happens to me, you’ll be just fine. I promise.”
It had taken Bradley pulling you away for your father to leave, and you watched from the docks as the silhouette of his ship disappeared past the horizon, a sense of foreboding clutching at your heart.
And it had been right, of course.
You had tried to hold on to his words, praying that he was right. Hoping beyond all hope that he would come home.
But he hadn’t.
You remembered how the ocean spray dotted your cheeks, much like how it did now. The Hangman dipped with the waves as you stared out over the rails. You weren’t sure why that memory was on your mind now, the ache still as strong within your chest as it was the day it found a home there, but perhaps it was due to the sense of foreboding that now pulled at the back of your neck, warning of something yet to come.
“We’re nearing the triangle, lads,” a crewman murmured, grizzled face glancing around almost conspiratorially. You paused on your way to the galley, ears perking at his words.
“Aye, and what about it?” Snapped his companion, a surly looking fellow with a dark beard.
“Don’t tell me you’ve not heard o’ the tales of the triangle,” the first man scoffed, giving the bearded fellow a rather unimpressed look. A moment passed as the two stared at one another.
“I thought e’ry good sailor knew about the legends of the sea,” he continued with a shake of his head. He clapped his companion on the shoulder, leaning in as if to tell him a secret. Several other crew members stopped what they were doing to listen in as well.
“The Bermuda Triangle,” the man started, his tone taking on a warning tone, “is home to all sorts o’ monsters and fiend. They say God himself cursed this bit o’ sea, sending all sorts o’ devilish creatures to live here where they mightn’t cause any trouble for the res’.”
“You’re full of shite,” guffawed one man, leaning back so far on his perch, he nearly fell to the deck below. The storyteller scowled at him as several others shook their heads almost knowingly.
“You’re laughin’ now,” the storyteller growled, shaking his finger at the man, “but mark my words, lad: several of ye will be doomed to live out this cursed existence at the bottom of the sea before we see land again.”
Several more men let out a loud chorus of laughter as the crowd began to disperse. The sense of foreboding sat heavy as you turned back towards the underbelly of the ship.
In the galley, Bob was already hard at work making that night’s supper. You slid in easily beside him, chopping away at some carrots as he messed with one of the pots.
“Alright, out with it,” he said after a few minutes. You paused, looking at him in confusion as he fixed you with a rather unamused look.
“What?” You asked, sliding the carrots off to the side as you grabbed for some potatoes. He rolled his eyes at you.
“Don’t ‘what’ me,” he scowled, waving the wooden spoon at you. “You came down here with this look on your face and haven’t said a word to me since. Now what’s got you in such a mood, hm?”
You chewed on your bottom lip, avoiding his keen eyes as you contemplated on how to answer. There truly was no reason for you to be feeling this way. Or at least, nothing new that should. Of course, the rapidly approaching deadline had been near the forefront of your mind for a while, but this was different. This sense of impending doom was more urgent, more…immediate.
You couldn’t tell him that, you just couldn’t. You already felt crazy, you didn’t need word to spread of your premonitions. Really, after everything that had already happened, you didn’t need accusations of witchcraft being thrown at you—not when you were so close to the end.
“The men were just talking about sea monsters, is all,” you lied. Bob scoffed, turning back to stir whatever he had bubbling away in the pot.
“Sea monsters,” he muttered with a shake of his head. “The things they come up with.”
“You don’t think they’re telling the truth?” You pressed, an arch to your brow as you slowly went back to cutting up the potatoes.
“I’d believe it more if they actually told the truth once in a while,” he snorted back at you.
“You’re the cook on a cursed ship where all but two of the crew members don’t even need to eat,” you hummed, “and you’re questioning the existence of sea monsters?”
There was a brief pause as Bob mulled over your words.
“Hurry up with the potatoes,” he grumbled, and you did your best to hide your smirk.
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The evening passed much like any other, but still a feeling kept nagging at you, and the more time went on, the stronger it became. You laid in your bed that night, the rest of the crew having retreated for some shut eye as well. Only the watchman and the helmsman stayed awake, and though you tried, not even the slow, rhythmic rocking of the Hangman could lure you to sleep. Natasha snored quietly on the other side of the room, and you envied her in that moment. You tossed and turned helplessly as you willed yourself to get at least a few hours of sleep.
You finally gave up as the telltale signs of dawn crept through the window of your cabin, casting a faint, blue glow across the wood. You let out a heavy, tired sigh as you slowly sat up. The air was cool around you, and you couldn’t help the shiver that ran up your back. Natasha shifted on her bed, rolling over as you paused and waited for her to settle once more. After a moment’s hesitation, you slowly slipped out of bed and padded towards your chest, lifting the lid to reveal your meager belongings. You changed quickly, shooting glances at Natasha’s sleeping figure every so often to make sure you hadn’t woken her up. Your boots tapped against the floor as you padded towards the door, careful to keep the old wood from creaking as you slipped out.
Clouds covered the sky, a mist clinging to the air around you as you sucked in a lungful of briny, sea air. You peered behind you, smiling softly at the helmsman, Daniel, as he nodded your way.
Waves crashed against the hull, a familiar sound that brought you some sense of relief, no matter how small it may be. You walked towards the edge of the ship, grabbing on to one of the ropes as you leaned over the railing. The water below churned into white sea foam, the spray flying up to meet your cheek. The murky depths gave no hint as to what may lurk beneath, but the feeling within you pulsed ominously.
“Must be somewhere off the coast of Florida by now.”
You startled, head twisting to take in the sight of Jake just a few feet behind you. The wind whipped around you, twisting through your hair and obscuring your vision for a brief moment before you pushed it back.
“Are we?” you asked, turning back with a squint towards the water, as if it would help confirm what he told you. The wood echoed beneath his boots as he walked towards you, pausing just behind as the waves crashed against the hull.
“I’d expect so,” he replied, squinting his eyes at the horizon, as if the answer lay somewhere just out of sight. “If we aren’t, then we should be soon.”
You hummed, the silence between you stretching from moments to seconds to minutes. Jake cleared his throat, shifting closer to you. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, his gaze trained on you, and a slight shiver ran up your spine.
“What’s wrong?”
You glanced at him, a frown pulling on your lips at his question. His face was serious, lips pressed tightly together, a crease of worry on his brow as he studied you. You shook your head, turning away from him. How could you explain this feeling within you? How could you explain to him this sense of dread and foreboding that curdled in your stomach, urging you to run, to get away. Your lips parted like you wanted to answer, but no sound came out. Instead, you let out a frustrated sigh, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you contemplated how to explain.
“I don’t know,” you settled on finally, eyes shifting from the rolling waves to the hard wood underneath your feet. The air around you felt charged, like it did during a thunderstorm. The waves seemed to grow quiet as a heavy feeling dripped through your ribs to clutch at your heart.
Another pulse ripped through you, your breath catching in your throat. Several of the crew members were making their way up to the deck now, laughing and shouting orders at one another. You looked around wildly, your heart hammering in your chest much like it had on the siren’s isle.
“Something’s not right.” Your voice sounded small even to you. Jake watched with worry at his brow as you pushed off of the railing, pushing past a pair of crew members as you searched wildly for what, you weren’t sure. Every fiber of your being screamed at you to run, to hide, to do something.
“Sail ho!”
You looked skyward as the lookout above signaled towards the horizon. Jake cursed under his breath, already taking off in search of Javy. You peered towards the sea. Sure enough, you could just make out the distinct sight of white sails billowing in your direction. You searched for Jake, spying him on the top deck next to Javy, a telescope to his eye as he peered at the sails.
“It’s a hulk,” he spat, lowering the scope and shoving it back towards Javy. “Flying the Union Jack. Ready the sails and make haste! We’re going to outrun those redcoats.”
The crew began running around the ship, readying the sails and tying knots as they went. You moved to help them, stopping short as another pulse shot through you, stilling you instantly.
Bradley grabbed you by the arm, shaking you momentarily from your stupor.
“Bradley?” You questioned, unsure of yourself in that moment. He pursed his lips as he gave you a once over, pulling on your arm and leading you across the deck.
“Come on,” he ground out, letting go of your arm momentarily to tie a rope off on the mast. “Don’t just stand around, help!”
You blinked at him, the familiar sense of panic crawling its way under your skin and towards your chest.
“Bradley, I-”
“What are you waiting for?” He asked, a frown on his face as he turned to look at you. Confusion and irritation marred his face, and you swallowed thickly.
Before you could answer, a gust of wind burst across the deck, nearly knocking you over. Bradley grabbed onto you, steadying you on your feet as the ship rocked dangerously in the sudden onslaught of waves.
“What in the hell,” Bradley cursed, watching as various other crew members also stumbled and struggled to stay upright. Droplets started to rain down, soon becoming a downpour as thunder roared above you.
“Where did this storm come from?” He shouted.
You turned to see Jake scrambling towards you, shoving a couple of his men to the side in order to get to you quicker. His green eyes flashed with near panic as he slid to a stop in front of you.
“You need to get inside!” He shouted, voice barely audible over the roar of the waves and shouts of the other men. His hand landed on your bicep, turning to tug you towards the cabins. Before he could even take a step, a shadow fell over you, and you turned just in time to see a monstrous wave towering over the masts of the Hangman. Your eyes rounded in horror as shrieks of panic permeated the air.
“Watch out!” A man cried just as the wave began its decent. You sucked in a sharp breath as the water crashed down onto the decks with a deafening roar. You had no time to grab onto anything as the water slammed into you, knocking Jake’s hand loose as you were sent careening back. Your back hit the wall of the railing, knocking the air from your lungs only for it to be replaced with a mouthful of seawater.
The water quickly rescinded, leaving you choking and gasping for air. Your throat burned from the saltwater, your eyes stinging as you fought to focus your eyesight. Your head swam with fogginess caused by the force of the wave and your head bouncing off the wood. Your hand came up to cradle your forehead, willing the pulsing to stop so you could get your bearings. You were vaguely aware fo the chaos that surrounded you, the pulses of pain giving way to something more sinister. All at once the world became to intense—the waves too loud, the flashes of lightning too bright. The sensations began to grow stronger, your breaths coming out in pants as your heart began to hammer away in your chest.
Something was wrong…but what?
Hands grabbed you, hauling you up and to the side just as another wave crashed into the ship from behind you. You landed on the deck with a grunt, the blow of your landing only softened by the person underneath you. You tore your eyes open, looking up to see Jake already watching you.
“Are you alright?” He asked, voice a deep timbre as he helped you up to a sitting position.
“I-” Before you could answer, a shrill roar like the sound of breaking class pierced the air, chilling your blood in your veins and causing your heart to stop. You scrambled to your feet, Jake not far behind you as your attention turned towards the dark waters surrounding you. That heavy feeling of dread filled you once more as movement rippled beneath the surface. The air was unsettlingly silent, pulling at your throat and squeezing it tight. The storm had calmed some, but rain still fell down onto the deck, drenching you down to the bone.
More movement caught your eye, something circling the boat, and you watched as slowly, the waves parted. Scales flickered in the light peeking through the grey clouds, causing a rippling effect along the greenish blue scales of the serpent. It was easily bigger than the whole ship, towering above the masts as it stared down with hungry, vicious eyes. Its jaw opened to reveal two rows of razor-sharp teeth, a horrible hissing noise leaving its maw as its body moved from side to side with the waves.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, terror striking through you at the sight. Several men shouted warnings just before the serpent came crashing down towards the deck. A splintering crack resounded in the air, drawing your attention to one of the masts, broken and hurtling towards the deck from the serpent’s strike. You had little time to react, only managing to dodge out of the way as the wood hit the deck, the vibrations of the impact rattling your teeth. A whizzing sound caught your attention, and you looked down just as the rope pulled tight around your ankle, dragging you back towards the railing.
You scrambled for the dagger you kept strapped to your thigh, unsheathing it and working furiously to sever the rope before it pulled you overboard. The threads released you with a snap, and you watched as the rope slithered over the railing and down into the depths below.
The serpent gave another mighty roar before once again diving towards the deck, the screams of men cutting short as the monster sank its fangs into flesh, dragging their wriggling bodies into its gullet. The sound of a familiar cry rang out in your ears, and you turned to see Mickey laying on his back, hands grasping desperately at his right leg. His teeth clenched tightly as blood poured from the wound, and a chill ran through you.
“Mickey!” You cried out, scrambling to your feet. Your boots thudded against the wood beneath you, but you only got a couple of feet before another ominous pulse shot through you, stopping you in your tracks.
The world seemed to grow still once more as the noise around you gave way to a high-pitched ringing in your ears, your breath coming out in slow, labored breaths as the feeling inside of you compelled you to turn. Slowly, you turned on the balls of your feet, facing the railing where your eyes met golden, snake-like irises. Blood dripped from the jaws of the serpent as a low, hissing noise escaped from its throat, the smell of death hot on its breath. You were vaguely aware of your name being shouted from behind you, too focused on the beast that stared you down. It made no move to strike at you, it simply continued to stare as if observing you. An energy hummed between the two of you, a feeling you could almost describe as familiarity passing between the two of you. It leaned forward slightly, nostrils flaring as it gave you a curious sniff, its exhale blowing over you as it let out a low growl. It blinked at you slowly before retreating with a hiss.
The sounds of shouting off in the distance drew your attention away from the monster and towards the water beyond where the British ship was drawing closer. The serpent’s head snapped back to look at the new ship, a low growl rumbling in its throat as it sank into the dark waters surrounding it. You let out a shaky exhale just as a hand gripped your shoulder, pulling you into a wall of solid muscle. A second body joined in, wrapping arms around you from behind.
“Jesus Christ,” Bradley breathed from behind. “You scared me half to death.”
You didn’t say anything in response, too shaken up by your experience. Why had the serpent stopped? What had passed between the two of you? You were only pulled away from your thoughts by the shaking of the chest you were pressed into.
You pulled away slightly, just enough to look up into Jake’s face. You were met with a look of terror mixed with relief as he held you. He opened his mouth as if to say something, stopping only as the terrified screams of the British crew echoed through the air. You turned in Jake and Bradley’s arms to see the serpent beginning a new hunt, its meal easy pickings as it managed to tip the British naval ship on its side. Your hands tightened in Jake’s shirt as the sea beast let out a triumphant roar, lightning cracking overhead as rain began to pour down.
“Come on,” Jake murmured, releasing you slowly and turning to what remained of the crew. “We need to get to land.”
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A/N: And thus marks the end of my hiatus! I'm still working on some other updates, but hopefully I'll be a little more motivated to write now that I'll be on the road a fair bit again. Thank you so much for all your patience. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get more updates out to you guys soon, but please bear with me!
As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. I no longer do taglists, so if you would like to be notified on when I post, please follow my sideblog ( @sailoraviator-library ) and turn on post notifications! You can find me and my works on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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Could I request Gojo with an s/o who can manipulate all sorts of liquids and fluids?
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Gojo knew he was strong, but there were limits to his abilities.
The first and most glaring of which was that there was only 1 of him. Though his powers were almost infinite, Gojo could really only be in one place at a time. Sure, with his speed he could get to any number of spots quick as a flash, but that wouldn’t help anything at the moment as they were over run. Besides which, who would he chose?
Yuji? The boy who was scheduled to die, but Gojo stuck his neck out for. The physically strongest but arguably the weakest of them as he didn’t have the life time of training most of them had. The boy thrust into this world with the hardest of shoves.
Nobara? Their big fish in the small pond. Though she was adapting to the bigger pond remarkably fast, the limitations of her curse technique were starting to show. He would have to teach her some ways to overcome that. He couldn’t do that if she was dead, but would it be sexist to save the girl first?
Megumi? His notable favorite. The student he had had the longest. The stray he had taken in. Genuinely the strongest of his kids from a technique standpoint but had a blind spot in his need to help others. He was spending so much time trying to save Yuji & Nobara on his own, he seemed unable to see that he was about to get swallowed up on his own.
Who was he supposed to choose? How was he supposed to choose?
The choice became irrelevant rather quickly as suddenly there was a flood of rushing water that whizzed past them. Coiling through the mass as pipes burst, one after the other, in the abandoned subway. Washing away the transfigured souls and curse spirits away like leaves on a stream.
“Are you all alright?” The group looked up to see [Y/N] there. Descending on a mirror like pool from the air towards the ground.
“Of course we’re fine.” Nobara insisted. “We had it under control.”
“Of course you did dear.” [Y/N] didn’t believe her either.
“Where do you think they all went [Y/N]-sensei?” Megumi asked as he looked down the once again abandoned tunnel.
“Who knows.” They told him. “Legend has it that there is an apex at the middle of all subways where all the lines collect. That’s where the rat people live.”
“The rat people?!” Yuji questioned.
“Maybe that’s just New York.”
Gojo chuckled. He came over and kissed their temple. Glad to have them here, and his students safe. “Thanks for the assist babe.”
“Don’t mention it.” They reply with a soft smile. “Now, as for where they were all going…” [Y/N]’s hand flinched, and suddenly a figure came out of the shadows. Clearly against their will as their limbs moved on their own like puppet strings and blood beaded out of their locked jaw. “I think this one might have some answers.”
Gojo smirked. “Oh ho... you’re in trouble now…” He might be the strongest, but his partner was the scariest jujutsu sorcerer around. Especially when you messed with their students & lover.
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fallingdownhell · 8 months
May I request Zhongli, Itto, Kaveh and Cyno with an s/o who's got crazy good luck? They could win any challenge or game presented to them, never get hurt (to badly), and are always making loads of cash (somehow).
I can imagine at least one of those characters getting jealous over something like this.. Characters Included: Itto; Cyno; Zhongli; Kaveh Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; crack??; some fluff and comedy; nothing too serious here, just some funny headcanons Word count: 942 words Have fun with this<3
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the man, the myth, the legend himself..
he gets SO incredibly jealous. When he challenges you jokingly at first, and you keep winning against him..
His pride is on the line here, okay?
you win a match of TCG against his amazing deck? That's fine, he can always challenge you for another round
but when you keep on winning and winning, he gets more and more desperate with each passing round
okay, screw TCG. How about a beetle fight? He's sure to win this, no doubt about it!
...what do you mean he lost again?
he's heartbroken. Will fall to the ground in disbelief. Have the gods truly forsaken him now?
a little drama queen about it, but it wouldn't be the Itto you know and love if he wouldn't act like this
still, you do feel a bit bad about it. To the point where you decide to only do the bare minimum and let him win against you, so he'll cheer up again
when he does win, his spirit is back up again immediately, bloating about his superior victory for the rest of the day. Like, seriously, he won't shut up about it anymore
unless someone were to mention all his previous losses, then he's back to sulking again
however, the next day, all is forgiven and forgotten again
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one night, after dinner, he was talking about his new deck in TCG when you decided to ask him if he could teach you how to play
immediate sparkles in his eyes as he gets all excited and pulls out a new set of cards for you. He's been waiting for this day to come!
takes his time to explain the rules to you and helps you build your deck. If you ask him questions, he answeres them paitently
then comes the time for your first duel. Even though you are his partner and it's your first ever match, he doesn't plan to go easy on you. Well, maybe a bit, but he still will take this match very seriously
But when you end up winning against him, he's dumbfounded. How did you manage to do that?
He'd quietly mumble something about beginners luck, then challenges you to a rematch. This time, he plans to go all out
...and he looses again
now thourougly confused, he's looking at his cards like he might find the answer in them, while you are laughing your ass off. Your stomach hurts from all the laughing, but you can't calm down. Cyno's just so cute when he looks so shaken up
it's a mystery to him, how you could win against him, despite him having the better cards, the better deck and obviously having more expierence playing the game
in the end, he does swallow down his pride and congratulates you to your win, though he will work his deck over and challenge you again at a later point in time
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as an adventurer, it is unavoidable that people get injured every now and then. It's just a risk that comes with the profession
and yet, Zhongli has never seen an injury on you more severe than a cut and maybe some darker bruises
don't get him wrong, he's glad that you're not getting hurt all the time. It's just that your stories and the results don't match up most of the time
"And get this. Then, a huge rockfall comes falling down in our direction! Can you imagine that?" "Darling, that's very serious. How did you manage to avoid that?" "I don't know. Guess I just got lucky. I only got hit my a small one on the head, but it wasn't even big enoug to give me a concussion, so all's good!"
"I almost fell down a cliff today!", "A group of Ruin hunters attacked us today!", "We got locked in a cave, but luckily, they were connected to other caves, so we got out no problem."
almost every other day, you come home with a similar story and every time, Zhongli questions just how much luck one single human can possess to come out mostly unharmed every single time
still, every time you set out for work, he can't help but worry about you. What if one day, your luck runs out on you? You reassure him that you're careful, but it does little to appease his mind when you come home with yet another tale to tell...
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Kaveh isn't one for gambling, never has been and never will be. Though, he knows that you like to induldge from time to time, so when you invite him to come along with you, he agrees
and then he witnesses you winning each and every game you partake in. Doesn't matter how rigged the games might be, you make it look so simple
with a huge grin on your lips, your arms raise into the air as you declare your victory one again, and he's left dumbfounded
when he catches a quiet moment, he can't help but ask you about it
"I don't know. I just always had really good luck when it comes to those type of games.", would be your nonchalant explanaition
now he gets why you don't go out to play more often. You'd get banned from every single location if you were to do this regularely
Going home from a place like this with such a massive win.. he's too stunned to speak, but nonetheless very impressed and proud of you for it
will accompany you more often when you want to go out to gamble again, just to see your excited and joyful expression again
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