#he’s just so so dreamy in his 300s
poppurini · 5 months
Others Lilia simps doing @/hisui-dreamer’s picrew game: Now Lilia
You doing the game: GENERAL LILIA 😆❤️
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floatmeintothesun-2 · 6 months
urghw Miguel's probably the type of guy to rearrange your insides and then suffocate you by falling asleep on top of you. Like imagine he’s just pumped you full of his seed from multiple rounds and the next thing you know is that you’ve got a 300 pound man sprawled out right on your ribs. who needs a blanket when you’ve got this dude? I bet he runs warm n everything too. Maybe he won’t even pull out and just pass out with his fat cock still buried inside you, isn’t he so dreamy? Then you can wake up in morning to feel ur boyfriend lazily fucking you in slow deep thrusts, probably spooning you on ur side
I have to go to work rn but I'm gonna add on later 😵‍💫
Pt 2 <3
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luvtak · 1 month
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mr. sandman, bring me a dream
✧ pairing 7 dream x reader
✧ genre/tw fluff fluffy fluff fluff, what i think dating them would be like <3 an embarrassing amount of run-on sentences i'm sure.... the dreamies being the most perfect boyfriends to exist, mostly unedited
✧ w/c 2293 (about 300 words each!!)
✧ a/n back to my roots writing for nct... also,,, not the dreamies being my ult group but my last group to do these headcanons for :/ i have so much fun writing these little ideas and dreams about them let me know if you want more!
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MARK truly the definition of wrapped around your finger… tells everyone about you every day of his life. Smiles at everything you say and calls you the cutest names. Makes sure everyone knows that you’re taken for life–no ifs about it. Tells you about his whole day, down to the most unimportant details. Kisses you all around your face and gets red seeing you so flustered. Constantly saying the worst pickup lines. Always always makes time for you even with his busy schedule. Talks to your family on the phone and becomes best friends with your siblings. Lets you win during video games and pretends that you’re just so much better than him. Never comes empty-handed–if you invite him over he’s bringing some sort of present he can’t help it. Wraps you up in at least three layers when it looks a little cold outside. Starts bringing up ideas for a Halloween couple’s costume in January. Celebrates your birthdays and accomplishments like his own. Holds you close to him in any moment of rest, the members are around? He’s only bringing you in closer. I’m sorry to say this, but he is definitely one of those people who refer to you as a “we”... “we watched that movie last week!” or “sorry, we can’t come, we have plans.” Would never even think about fighting with you and when it can’t be avoided, he is always the first to apologize. Walks around draped over you, his neck falling onto your shoulder and clumsily shuffling you along. Steals your phone to take silly pictures of himself, and you end up having 500 selfies of Mark making the same five kissy faces. Fixes your clothes/jewelry/hair as the day takes its toll. Kisses your wrist whenever you hold hands. Lovely and forever committed to giving you the sweetest existence possible.
RENJUN  My angel boy<3 would be the most loving boyfriend if you’re able to get past him giving you sm attitude. Lovingly scolds you 24/7 365. Pouts if you don’t say you love him back or forget to kiss him before you leave. Steals your sweaters and jewelry. Makes you laugh so hard you cry, then kisses the tears away. Has the worst case of cute aggression when he see’s you like he can’t help but take a bite out of you. Whenever you ask him to do something he’ll roll his eyes and scoff but still gets up to do it anyway. Says your name so sweetly and with so much love it could be a term of endearment. Sings to you when you’re sad. Holds you so tight when you sleep, like he could absorb you into his own skin. Carries a picture of you in his wallet everywhere he goes. Gets genuinely annoyed when other people know something about you that he didn’t–wants to know everything, especially the embarrassing stuff. Acts of service king, does things for you and expects nothing but a kiss in return. Gives you the first bite of his food. Forehead kisses 100% of the time. Extremely tenderhearted, wants to be loved and love in return with nothing holding him back. Knows your schedule down to a T. Shakes his head at every joke you tell, but still grants you a laugh. Kisses you slowly and earnestly even if theres people around. Drops the most earth-shattering confessions of love at random moments and just expects you to move on. Matching accessories are a must!! And he will be ready to break up if your forget it one day (we have seen how he is with the dreamies friendship rings). Wraps himself completely around you when no one is around, and stays that way until one of you has to get up. Loves completely and wholeheartedly and is a perfect perfect boy. 
JENO Shy and perpetually flustered, cannot believe he got you fr. Alternates between the cockiest boy you’ve ever met and the most oblivious creature around. Is so in awe of you, cannot get over you choosing him. A big baby of a boyfriend. Body slouched over yours at all times. Tells everyone it isn’t obvious how unbelievably whipped he is for you than giggles when you call him a pet name. Loves when you fawn over him lol, would feel so good about himself when you laugh at his jokes or wear an outfit because he said you looked pretty in it. Definitely the kind of boy who gets you a necklace with his initials on it. Is somehow even more smiley when you’re around. His love language is 100% acts of service–helping you with chores and making dinner, he desperately wants to wash your hair and help take your makeup off. Always takes you home himself and makes you call him before you go to bed. Kisses you all over when you’re sad and squeezes you so tight you can’t breathe. Puts his lips right over your ear and whispers so you can hear him in loud places, sometimes telling terrible jokes to see you laugh. Constantly on the phone with you–will get yelled at by his members and staff to focus on his schedule. Takes you on long drives and lets you have the aux the whole time, smiles even when he hates the song.  Snuggles up to you and has you in an iron grip all night; wakes up periodically to tell you to stop wiggling. Literally a broken record of “oh my s/o would like this!” and “you would never believe what my s/o told me…” Tucks you into his sweater when you’re cold and always carries extra clothes because he knows you’ll forget. Could never hide his feelings for you, it’s written all over–hairbands and your favorite snacks in his cabinets. Is so so so in love with you, and would never even think about being embarrassed of it. <3
HAECHAN Sweet as cherry pie. Silly and charming and the kindest boy you know. Lives his life attached to you, hands on your hips and kisses pressed everywhere he can reach. Never goes a day without telling you he loves you in the most sickeningly sweet ways possible. Listens to every word you say, goes as far as telling other people to be quiet so he can hear you better. Serenades you with the most obnoxious renditions of love songs and coos when you make faces at him. Teases you endlessly–tickles and jokes and ridiculous nicknames, but would never let anyone else make a joke at your expense. Sleeps fully on top of you, head pressed under your chin and hands slipped under your sleep shirt. Celebrates you and your relationship with all of him, always the loudest voice singing happy birthday and the prettiest flowers congratulating you for an achievement at work or school. Speaks to you so softly and with so much compassion you almost get whiplash when you see him around the dreamies. Brings home sweet treats and little keepsakes from his day out. Will watch a movie or listen to a new song and note all the parts you’d like so he can play it for you later and speak to you about it. Unbelievably protective, not in a toxic way, but he wants so much to be able to take care of you and keep you safe–hand pressed on your back while you walk through crowds, and his hand protecting you from hitting your head as you get in the car. Has lists of important days in his notes app, cataloging gifts he could get you and your order at all your favorite restaurants. The perfect silly boyfriend, caring and lovely and everything you need
JAEMIN Marry this man. Has been committed and steadfast in his dedication to you since you met. Extremely serious when it comes to your heart and your feelings. The first to say I love you or to apologize after a fight–would never raise his voice at you or say things he didn’t mean. Is always feeding you, either a complete meal that took him an hour to make or the most perfect bowl of ramyeon you’ve ever had. Constantly sending you pictures of the cats. LOVES pda–kisses you in front of everyone and laughs when they groan, cuddles with you on the practice room couch, and rolls his eyes when the dreamies gag. Always kisses you with soft hands on your cheeks and the prettiest smile. Buys you a keepsake from everywhere they go on tour and gives it to you in a huge suitcase and will not feel ashamed in the slightest. Somehow finds out how to bring you up in every conversation, “oh they really like this song” or “thats actually their favorite movie you know…” you would truly never have to worry about anything with this man, he’s gonna take care of everything, a future airport dad if i’ve ever seen one. Sends tiktoks of cute animals and pouts if you don’t like them right away. Buys you silly sweatshirts and phonecases and demands you wear them proudly as a symbol of his everlasting love. Out of all of the boys, I feel like he is the most likely to give you a promise ring, and in my heart, I know he would have his name engraved on the inside–a quiet confession only the two of you know about. Sleeps directly on top of you, I just know it… holds onto you in every crowd. So many conversations between little kisses and I love yous. Always carries your things, whether it be a bag or shoes that got too uncomfortable his hands are open and ready whenever you need them. The most perfect boy in the world, and whose surprised? 
CHENLE truly your best friend in the entire world, f2l in its entirety… would roast you every minute of every day but if anyone else even dared he is shutting that shit down right away. His arm has a permanent residence on your waist. Giggles at you when you’re annoyed at him but apologizes anyway. Makes you watch him play basketball at 11 pm and laughs when you say you're cold and sleepy, but takes you home right away. Will kiss you in front of anyone–loves it when you get all shy and flustered. Always trying to give you expensive presents and rolling his eyes when you tell him to reign it in. dog dates with Daegal!!! Talks about you so causally that the dreamies didn’t realize you were his girlfriend until he kissed you goodbye, and they were all so dumbfounded. Will watch anything if you like it and will tell you it sucked with a smile on his face before kissing you as an apology. Huge bouquets for any anniversary or birthday. Wraps his arms around you and rocks you around, whispering sweet words that he’d deny if you told anyone about. Stares at you 24/7 and gives you his 100-watt smile. Goes out of his way to help you–buys your groceries, helps wash your hair, picks you up, and takes you wherever you need to go–but always denies it. Begs you to wear his clothes, bonus points if it’s something that has his name on it, or some nct merch. Has an iron grip on your hand at any given point and giggles when you try to get free. Will listen to literally anything you tell him. Smiles into kisses and sighs when you pull away. Is so domestic and lovely in everything he does, even if sometimes he is the biggest menace. 
JISUNG so so so shy, truly does not know how to have a s/o in public lmao. When you’re alone he’s the cutest most confident boy in the world but as soon as there is another person around he does not know you. He makes it obvious that it's just because he’s awkward, but sometimes you definitely do have to tell him to stop being a weirdo and to hold your hand. Constantly makes fun of people with you and is always ready to hear some hot goss. Is always listening to you–even if everyone in the room is talking over you, he will be looking at you with his full attention and urging you to go on. Laughs at everything you say even if it's not funny. Kisses your cheek every morning first thing, and thinks you look so cute cuddled up into the covers. Piggy-backs you everywhere: you drank a little too much or it's too early… up you go! You being comfortable and happy is his priority in any situation, and if anyone including himself is disrupting that he is dealing with it immediately. Whether that means complaining to one of hyungs to help him or going straight to the source of the issue, he’s going to try and help you, even if it’s not like him to speak up for himself–you’re the most important thing to him. Tries to teach you nct dances and gets unbearable secondhand embarrassment when he sees you mess up. Almost exposes your relationship once a month. Is wrapped around you every single moment you’re alone, even if it’s just for a second–someone leaves the room? Jisung is suddenly fully enveloping you. Thinks pda is so embarrassing but would try so hard to be more openly affectionate with you. Blushes to his roots when you sweet talk him no matter how long you’ve been together. Kisses your hands when it’s cold outside and wouldn’t even think about giving you anything of his if you needed it. The sweetest, shyest boy, and so wonderful–loving him and being loved in return would be the loveliest gift.
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ayaboba · 7 months
summary: activities you do in the snow
characters: albedo, childe, diluc, wriothesley.
notes: wc: 260-300 per character, roughly 1.1k total, gn! reader, fluff, mentions of reader being lost in the snow in childe’s, petnames, the madness begins.
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ dreamy december event masterlist
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albedo - how to build a snowman
All year round, Dragonspine is inundated with thick layers of gleaming snow.
Twinkling in weak sunlight, an ethereal sight both close-up and afar.
However, there was always something particularly striking about waking up to a fresh new coat of snow. Impeccably perfect, its raw beauty enthrals you each time. It was a privilege, you knew. Not just anyone could climb such an intimidating mountain, and the only reason you got to experience such phenomenons, the one who introduced you to this very mountain—was someone you’d never imagined to meet. Much less be more than acquaintances, a renowned genius, who currently stood completely blank in the suggestion of building snowmen.
"So, ah… I just add another pile on top?”
For the hundredth time this morning, you shake your head with an expression of amusement. “No,” you mutter, rolling the pile next to him into the shape of a sphere before placing it before him. “You need to make it into a ball shape, then place it on top. That will be its middle.” You point accordingly, an encouraging smile plastered on your face.
Albedo still doesn’t get it.
Instead, he watches silently as you enjoy yourself constructing a snowman. How interesting, creating little figures out of snow. He watches from afar as you unravel your own woollen scarf and wrap it around its uneven neck. He watches as you judge a variety of sticks to pick the most suitable to be its arms.
Albedo watches as you stand proudly beside it, a dazzling smile etching your face as he too, unravels his woollen scarf and gives it to you.
childe - snowball fights
You catch your breath behind a large cedar tree.
Was it a surprise? Surely not. Challenging Childe in any form of fight was the equivalence of battling in an arena, playful or not.
It also didn’t help that you were winning. For now, at least.
A strong gust of frosty wind brings a blizzard of newly formed snowflakes, collecting delicately on your hair and clothing. The fierce howls mask up any forms of sound, and the gradually falling snow covers up any traces of footprints.
Moreover, the temperature was severely dropping by the minute.
Perfect weather, you curse internally.
Your hands swiftly grab handfuls of the snow all around you, leaving a deep indentation in the shape of a ring all around you. Painfully obvious evidence that you were here, but at this point in time, you were more than ready to surrender. Between the choice of victory or frostbite, you’d willingly lose.
Cradling a dozen snowballs, your eyes are alert and searching as you attempt to outline any signs of a human. It’s hopeless; the wind is intensifying, swirling the frost like a snowglobe.
An anguished sigh escapes as you look down at the heavy layers of snow. Perhaps it was time to resort to something more desper-
Something cold lands on the side of your face before falling to bits next to your feet. Another flies right past you.
You’re supposed to be mad; you’re supposed to shout and blame him for putting you in such a perilous and stupid situation, but you don’t.
As he catches you in an embrace, a contrast to everything you felt mere seconds ago, so frantic and tight, you realise how scared he was—scared enough to be rendered completely and irrevocably silent.
diluc - snow? my eyes are on you.
How long has it been?
How long have you been gazing, lost in your thoughts, through the window of your shared bedroom?
It’s quiet, but a comforting sort of quiet. The sort of quiet that you could appreciate for years and years and enjoy as if it were freshly discovered. Perhaps it was because of Diluc and the reserved and reclusive ambience he always carried. Whatever it was, you understood why he sought it so much.
Kaeya told you to expect snow tonight.
You love snow.
As soon as Diluc stepped one foot into the entrance of Dawn Winery, you had notified him most excitedly, “It’s going to snow tonight!”
You made sure not to mention that it was Kaeya who told you, though.
Being the gentleman he was, Diluc reciprocated your happiness most thoughtfully. Across the candlit dinner table, you swapped memories and dreams, all down until the last few tired murmurs sealed with a tender goodnight kiss planted on your forehead. A fond, “Sweet dreams, sweetheart,” as he drifted off to sleep.
Time steamed on; it must’ve been hours, according to the grandfather clock in the farthest corner of the bedroom, yet never once did your eyes stray from the window. You had long abandoned your previous sleeping position and now cozily huddled your legs, although still buried comfortably within the blankets.
Diluc seemed to be sleeping peacefully.
For a while, you observed in slight awe, the little rises in his chest as he inhaled, the serene expression decorating his face. It felt so intimate, so softly vulnerable—simply two people treasuring a moment in their lives so unknowingly—is what made it magnificent.
The first glimmers of snow lightly shimmered through the night sky as a familiarly snug hand pulled you beneath the covers.
wriothesley - ice skating
The many fountains in Fontaine had been frozen from the frigid weather, transforming the statues to behold graceful arches that glinted divinely in the feeble sunlight. Bound to be presented gloriously on the front page of the Steambird for the next three months or so.
Additionally, smaller bodies of water had completely transformed into ice, making it a perfect opportunity for extravagant winter activities. After all, Fontaine was never short of its flamboyance and charming flair when it came to anything of that sort.
That was the reason Wriothesley had spontaneously suggested going for a skate on the ice.
You had promptly declined at first, leaning over his desk, brushing the idea off with a brisk excuse of, “I can’t skate.”
Wriothesley had looked up from his stacks of documents, followed by a falsely exasperated roll of eyes, saying, “That’s what you said about dancing.”
"I'm not a very good dancer, you know that.”
“But I successfully taught you, didn’t I?" he confidently answered, standing from the overflowing desk.
You made a non-committal noise, shaking your head as Wriothesley chucked and wrapped an arm around you. “C’mon, let’s give it a try, all right, darling?”
This is precisely how you landed yourself in such a predicament.
The skates were easy enough to get on, but the process of skating, like you anticipated, was no easy skill.
Wriothesley, being the superb lover he is, let’s out a muffled snort as he watches you topple over for what could’ve only been the hundredth time that evening.
“Instead of laughing, you could actually help me like you promised, you know.”
With one last terribly hidden chortle, Wriothesley seizes your hands and gently guides your movements alongside his, careful and patient, as you both skate until the winter sunlight ebbs over the horizon.
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fortheloveofwonderland · 11 months
Rusty | Chapter 1 | S.R
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Chapter Summary - When you find a handsome cowboy in need of assistance at the side of the road you make the decision to help him, despite the personal risk.
A/N - just pretend for me that the episode Rusty took place before Believer and 300.
Paring - Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - strangers to friends to lovers | angst | smut minors DNI
Warnings - some direct quotes taken from 15.07 Rusty, vague mentions of the events in 13.22 Believer and 14.01 300, depiction of injuries, Spencer’s intrusive thoughts, swearing.
WC - 6.5k
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Chapter 1 - Wanted Dead or Alive
He’d watched the sun ebb across the sky, from where it began at its midday position directly overhead, scoring laboriously down, not impeded by a cloud in the expanse of blue. 
He witnessed it leisurely recede across the stratosphere, edging lower and lower on its slow descent towards the horizon. With each passing hour the heat dwindled, the sweat that had gathered on his temples and forehead was drying and crusting against his skin. 
The earth beneath him started to cool, unhurriedly, or perhaps he just got used to the temperature which seeped through the layers, beneath the denim of his shirt, further permeating his t-shirt until it scorched the skin of his back. 
The black stetson, which was originally used to cover his eyes from the assault of the sun, was now resting on his chest. 
It started growing darker around a half hour ago at his estimate and it wouldn’t be long before the darkness encompassed him, literally but maybe even figuratively too. 
Maybe out here on this isolated stretch of desert miles outside of town, would be where former FBI
Supervisory Special Agent Doctor Spencer Reid would meet his end. 
His heavy and tired eyes fluttered. He’d tried to fight it for hours now, desperate to stay awake in case a car passed by on the baron road. In all the hours he laid there, not a single one had. And now it was getting dark, the likelihood of a car even seeing him from the road was slim. 
He gave over to it, closing his eyes as his fingers drummed against the dusty ground beneath him. He was taken back to a conversation of years passed, he could practically hear the thrum of the jet's engine as she spoke. 
“All this talk of alternate realities, where do you think you’d be in a parallel universe? You know, one of your imagined futures?” Jennifer tucked the blanket tighter around her body, the BAU jet’s AC up high. 
Spencer closed his book while his eyebrows furrowed in curious contemplation at his friend's question. 
“I don’t know.” He shook his head lightly. 
“Come on,” she gave him an almost knowing look. “If you weren’t an FBI Agent, what would you do?”
Spencer inhaled through his nose, the cool air tickling his sinuses before puffing the breath back out. 
He glanced over his shoulder, then over JJ’s to check no one else was within ear shot. 
“Promise not to laugh…?” He asked and she nodded slowly with a twitch at her lip. “A cowboy.” 
He could still see the look of amusement coupled with confusion at his admittance. The way she couldn’t quite contain her smile, but also the way her forehead crinkled. 
“A cowboy?” She repeated, as though doing so might help her make sense of his words. 
“Yeah. I’d, uh, you know, have some horses, a few cattle; be surrounded by nature.” A slightly dreamy look washed over him. 
Even now laying in the dirt as the sun set that same smile appeared on his grossly chapped lips. Even as his mind succumbed to the idea that he was to die out here, he couldn’t hold back. 
Since he was a little boy he’d been oddly fascinated by cowboys and the old west. He was just five years old the first time his mother had read him The Log of a Cowboy, a nineteen-oh-three novel by Andy Adams. 
The story followed the journey of young Tommy Moore, who is helping drive three thousand circle-dot longhorns along the Great Western Cattle Trail from Brownsville, Texas to Montana. It was written, he discovered at a later age, as Adams' response to unrealistic cowboy novels that were being penned at the time. 
Spencer had clung to the normalcy of it. He’d never had a regular life, and knew most likely that he never would given his unusually high IQ. 
Something about that tale had stuck with him his whole life. He kept the idea at the back of his mind, wondering if one day, once he retired, he might seek to find a piece of that which was spoken of in Adams' story.
“And what would you do with cattle?” JJ’s lip was still twitching, curling up a little at the corner as she imagined her straight-laced, suit-wearing best friend as a cowboy.
“You know, look at ‘em, pet ‘em…I hadn’t really thought about that. But I’ll figure it out.” He shrugged. 
“Wow, I was…I was not expecting that.” She sat back in her chair, nodding somewhat appeasingly. A part of her could picture it, no matter how far-fetched the concept seemed. 
After everything Spencer had dealt with in his life, maybe being a cowboy was the change of pace he so sorely needed. 
He’d gone on to tell her how he envisioned the team there, even in his parallel universe they were still special to him, just as close as they were now. He spoke of how JJ ran a flower shop on Hickory Street with the boys helping out after school. Will was also there, an old-timey sheriff who protected the townspeople from trouble. 
Rossi ran the saloon, where most of said trouble occurred. Penelope had a sanctuary for wounded animals, Alvez was a rancher. Simmons was a blacksmith while Tara and Emily owned the only hotel in town. 
They were all happy in this timeline. Apart from the odd bar fight at Rossi’s, his make believe town was safe from all the evils of the world. He and his friends could live out simple lives, not to be perturbed by serial killers and rapists and the like. 
But it was all conjecture, an innocent fantasy created in Spencer’s head of what he imagined his life could have been like. But in reality he was an agent of the law, he’d taken an oath to protect and serve. His alternate universe was nothing more than that. 
Until it wasn’t. 
The final straw, the last nail in the coffin of his illustrious career, was Benjamin Merva. After nearly dying at the hands of the cult leader, he knew it was the end for him. 
With Merva’s blade at his throat, he remembered thinking, I can’t do this anymore. Two weeks later he stood in Emily Prentiss’ office handing her his resignation. 
It briefly crossed his mind to teach full time. He’d been working more and more at Marlborough over the last few years and they’d always told him if he ever decided to leave the BAU there was a permanent position for him there.
But the thought had been short lived, barely a blip on his radar. And somehow he circled back to that conversation with JJ a few months prior to his abduction by the cult. 
None of his former teammates could wrap their heads around the idea of Doctor Spencer Reid moving to live on the outskirts of Bandera, a small town fifty three miles outside of San Antonio, Texas. 
He spent nearly his entire life savings on a ranch with almost sixty acres of land. It consisted of a single story wooden lodge in which he would live, fitted with a wrap-around porch for which he pictured himself relaxing in a rocker whilst watching the sunset over the rolling hills in the distance. It included a large barn, outhouse and stables, as well as a second, smaller lodge which was also habitable. 
He equipped his own lodge minimally, a couch, a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and some bookshelves. He had the bare minimum kitchen appliances due to his inability to cook and his unwillingness to learn. 
He brought a whole new closet full of clothes more appropriate for the setting. Crisp, pressed shirts were replaced by denims, flannels and plain tees, his converse and dress shoes were tossed in lieu of sturdy work and riding boots. 
On behalf of a car, he brought a horse, a beautiful three year old, blue roan American Quarter Horse named Willow and to begin with purchased two cattle.
Now two years later he had four more cattle and two more horses. These two were stallions, both American Quarters, one black named Franklin and one brown called Wilbur. 
Somewhere not too far away was the sound of hooves padding around in the dirt and the occasional huff of impatience from the large beast. Spencer’s eyes opened again and he cautiously rolled his head to the side in the dust. His eyes met the cloven hooves and thick blue-grey legs of his trusty steed. 
“Willow,” he spoke, causing another huff of air to leave her mouth. “A dog, I should have gotten a dog. Lassie would be of much better use right now.” 
Willow cantered around him, as though frustrated herself that they were still here after all these hours. She’d nudged him a few times in his ribs with her muzzle, silently asking her owner what was going on. 
This was supposed to be a safer alternative to working at the BAU. After almost having his hyoid bone claimed by Merva he’d decided he’d put himself in harm's way for long enough. 
But upon travelling back to town after taking Willow for a morning saunter into nearby Pipe Creek, he’d come across a wild horse at the side of the road. 
The mare didn’t appear, on first glance, to be injured in any way but she was certainly a little skittish as he approached. He simply wanted to make sure she was okay before going on his way. 
She was a flaxen and elegant beauty. Her chestnut-red coat billowed like a flame under the blazing sun and her golden-blonde mane like a wild halo as she galloped around in haste. 
As he neared her on Willow’s back, his own steed seemed to agitate the other and she started to buck and neigh in fright. Not to be easily perturbed he tried to calm her with a series of “whoa girls,” and gentle pats of her back. 
But then the wild horse let out a piercing sound, her back legs lifting effortlessly off of the ground and kicking Willow in the neck. 
Willow herself had bucked at the impact, her front legs rising. Unprepared, he hadn’t been holding her reins and one foot hung at her side out of its stirrup, causing Spencer to slide back on her saddle. 
He quickly tried to grab hold of something but coordination had never been his strong suit. It had taken him months worth of lessons to even be able to ride a horse and although he was an efficient rider now, it hadn’t improved his motor skills. 
And so he slid, and he continued to slide as Willow raised herself on her haunches until she was almost vertical. His one foot was still in the stirrup, and as he fell his knee twisted with force, the same knee he’d been shot in so many years ago. 
He swore he felt the tendons ripping beneath his skin and he screamed out in pain whilst trying to dislodge his foot. Once freed he flew to the ground, back slamming into the dirt with a thud and a groan. 
He glanced up, pain searing through his body as Willow lowered herself back to the earth. The second horse was galloping wildly, still screeching out in fear. Willow approached it and Spencer groaned out, not wanting his own steed to be hurt by this out of control creature.
As expected, the wild horse bucked at Willow again but Willow trotted out of her way this time. Spencer slithered a hand out into the dirt, clicking his fingers at his mare to come to his aid. But instead of his own horse, it garnered the attention of the wild beast who suddenly ran at him with a fearsome gait. 
He heard the bone in his arm crunching under the weight of the creature's heavy hoof as it galloped over his outstretched limb. He screamed loudly, the sound getting no further than the lonesome desert and petering out into nothing. 
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? 
If Spencer Reid screams out in pain in the desert and no one is around to hear him, is he going to die alone?
He still had his old cell phone, he only kept it at Penelope’s insistence at being able to get in touch with him, check he was doing okay living the life of a hermit. He only used it to speak with his old team and as such, didn’t often take it out with him. 
Right now it was sitting on his kitchen counter, next to his empty coffee mug and the book he’d been reading over breakfast. And now due to the oversight, he would no doubt die out here.
Willow trotted a little closer, bowed her head near to the ground and nudged Spencer in the ribs again, as if this might make him miraculously stand up and take her home. 
“I’m trying,” he grumbled. “Shoulda got a dog. Man’s best friend, that’s what Alvez always said.” 
Willow simply nudged him again and he rolled his tired and sore eyes. 
Gritting his teeth, he decided to try and sit again. He braced his forearms against the ground, trying to turn a blind eye to the pain that rippled through his left extremity at the small movement. There was almost certainly a bone broken, maybe more than one. 
Attempting to ignore the way the pain spread up and down his arm, causing a fire to burn through his entire upper body, he pushed himself against the dirt in an attempt to sit up right. The throbbing in his arm combined with the swell of discomfort down his spine made another booming groan erupt from his lungs and he moved no more than a few inches off the ground before, panting with the exertion, he fell back against the dirt.
Even if he was to get into a sitting position, he had no doubts that he wouldn’t make it any further. Without looking he knew his knee was swollen, ballooned up so much it was now pressing uncomfortably against the inside of his jeans. He wouldn’t be able to walk even if he could stand. 
“Well, Willow, I guess this is the end of the road.” He closed his eyes, folding his good arm across his chest and leaving the other in the dirt at his side. “It’s ironic really, all those years at the BAU, all those times I thought I might die. This is not how I expected to meet my death.”
He felt oddly resided to this fate, almost feeling some kind of twisted relief. There really was no point in panicking, there was nothing he could do. 
May as well lean into it, let it happen. 
Keeping his eyes closed he breathed out through his nose, accepting that this was the way his life came to an end. They’d probably never even find his body and if they did it would be too scavenged by vultures to make a positive ID. Probably for the best, he couldn't imagine Garcia or JJ or any of the others having to identify his decomposed and ravaged remains.
He felt himself drifting swiftly, the heat and lack of hydration making him implausibly sleepy. He didn’t fight it, he let the tiredness wash over him. But before he could succumb entirely, his ears pricked at a sound off in the distance. 
His eyes shot open once more and he tried to turn his head towards the road beyond the desert. If he wasn’t mistaken, he swore he heard the sound of tires on the gritty asphalt.
It was getting dark and you felt your eyes growing increasingly heavier. You’d been driving for hours, days in fact, stopping only for gas and to stock up on snacks and energy drinks. 
Thinking of which, you loosened one hand from the steering wheel and reached blindly for the can sitting in the cup holder. Your hand wrapped around the lukewarm metal cylinder and brought it to your lips without taking your eyes off of the road. 
The liquid was warmer than the can itself and you grimaced as it trickled down your throat. Grumbling under your breath you replaced the can in the cup holder and wiped your mouth with your sleeve. 
You were heading for the border via desert roads and inconspicuous towns. You needed to lay low until you reached Mexico where you could keep your head down, keep your nose close to the ground. 
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, things weren’t meant to end this way. Your plan had gone wrong somewhere along the line and now you had to keep driving, until you reached your destination. 
You were tired to your bones, the dull ache from driving countless miles seeping deep into every muscle. But you couldn’t stop. You had the push through and keep going no matter how exhausted you were. 
You found yourself on a long stretch of desert road after passing through a small town, its signage declaring it Pipe Creek, Texas. The AC rattled through the car, almost blocking out the hum from the radio. 
You couldn’t afford to use a GPS system, if you knew where you were others could know where you were too. You’d brought an old paper map early into your journey and if your bearings were correct you should be passing through the town of Bandera within a few miles. 
You stifled a yawn and despite your better judgement, took another sip of the warm energy drink. It wasn’t warding off the tiredness, only making your heart thump heavily and a little erratically in your chest.
You stifled yet another yawn, eyes closing for a fraction of a second longer than was safe but the road thus far had been desolate. 
However, upon opening your eyes there was suddenly a large and imposing creature standing several feet in front of your speeding car. 
Your eyes grew wide and you slammed on the brake, the speed in which you’d been travelling forcing the vehicle to spin a little on its axis, gravel crunching under tires. 
You tugged on the wheel as the car turned to the right, trying to straighten up as you came to a sudden and screeching halt. You breathed heavily, gripping the steering wheel and staring at the huge beast through your windscreen in the glow of your headlights. 
The horse blinked several times at you, as though trying to convey a message but it remained on the road. 
You exhaled loudly, keeping the engine running so as to keep the lights on, you threw open the door and stepped onto the asphalt. 
“Where the fuck did you come from?” You glared at the horse, not daring to come too close in case it was vicious. 
The horse blinked a few more times before bowing its head towards the side of the road. You frowned at it, watching it slowly canter in the direction it nodded. 
“Okay, good.” You nodded with a frown as it walked off. “You’re lucky I didn’t hit you, you crazy horse.” 
As you turned back to your open door, over the sound of gravel crunching beneath the horses hooves, your ears picked up on another sound. 
Turning back to where the horse had meandered, you squinted into the darkness, focusing your hearing. 
“H-help? Please?” A crackly voice met your ears. 
A shiver passed up your spine, suddenly on high alert. 
“Is someone there?” You called back, not daring to move away from your vehicle. 
“P-please? I’m really hurt.” The voice came again. 
The horse had stopped walking now, you could just make out its figure in the dark. To its left was another figure laying in the dirt. 
“Uh, you okay?” You called again, still not daring to come closer. 
You didn’t trust this situation, you were a naturally suspicious person and this didn’t sit right with you. The horse had been used to get you to stop and you had no doubts if you were to go over to this person who claimed they needed help you’d find yourself in grave danger. 
“No I’m not okay!” The voice grew exasperated. “I fell off my horse. I’m fairly certain I’ve broken my arm and twisted my knee. I can’t move.” 
You wrapped your arms around yourself, huddling against the side of the car.
“No offence mister, but I wasn’t born yesterday.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean? You think I’m lying to you?” 
“Aren’t you?” 
“No! I swear! I’m a…” he trailed off and sucked in a breath. I’m a what? What did he plan on saying? I’m an FBI Agent? It had been years since he’d left the BAU but the habit to announce himself as such still lived inside of him. “I’m in a great deal of pain.” 
You clutched yourself tighter, rolling your lip between your teeth in silent contemplation. He did sound in pain, but he could have just been a good actor. 
“Look, I’m really not itching to get murdered tonight and I’m kinda in a hurry.” You scuffed the toe of your sneaker in the dirt. 
“You can’t leave me here!” The voice begged. “You’re the first car to pass in hours! I need to go to the hospital.” 
“I…I really have to go.” You shuffled towards the open car door. 
“So you’re just going to leave me here to die?” The voice turned sour. “Because that’s what will happen. If I don’t die of dehydration or starvation, I will undoubtedly be eaten alive by all manner of animals that live out here. Hell, my horse will probably turn against me if she’s not fed soon. Do you really want that on your conscience?” 
You grumbled under your breath, looking between the car and the shadowy figure on the ground. With a huff you spun towards the vehicle and climbed onto your knees on the driver's seat. Reaching across the central console you popped open the glove compartment and withdrew the item sheathed inside. 
He heard you land back in the gravel before the sound of tentative footsteps getting closer. The dirt crunched under your feet, your eyes flitting between the silhouette and the horse who was ambling around. The item you’d gotten from the car was being held in both hands, pointing at the figure on the floor.
As you drew closer you started to make out some features. He appeared to be tall, even laying down, slim build with a mop of dirty curls brushing against the ground. He wore jeans, a denim shirt over a white tee and a black stetson laid on his chest. 
He blinked a couple of times as you came into view, trying to lift his head to get a better look at you. But what he saw made the colour drain from his face and his eyes bulged from his head.
“What the hell?” He tried to shuffle backwards but he couldn’t move due to the pain coursing through him. “What are you doing?” 
The barrel of a revolver was staring at him between your hands, pointing directly at his head. His heart beat frantically against his chest as he scrambled to move but his limbs were uncooperative. 
He stared down the barrel of countless guns in his time with the BAU, not to mention the fact that out in these parts many people carried shotguns. He wasn’t usually so perturbed by seeing weapons, even when they were pointing at him, but this was an exception.
“You really hurt?” You stepped a little closer until you were standing right by his booted feet. 
“Yes!” He tried to insist. “P-please put the gun away.” 
You didn’t at first, keeping it levelled at him while you gave him a once over. One of his knees was clearly swollen under the fabric of his jeans and his left arm was bent and disarticulated. He genuinely didn’t seem as though he could move. 
With a sigh you lowered the gun, tucking it in the waistband of your own jeans. Cautiously you came closer to him until you were next to his chest where you knelt in the dirt next to him. 
His eyes were piercing, a deep intense brown with flecks of gold that glistened in the moonlight. He had high cheekbones and a chiselled jawline which was peppered with a few days worth of stubble. His parted lips were plump and chapped. 
Did he have to be so attractive?
“Can you help me up?” He asked, pouting slightly. 
“I can try.” You shrugged.
Shuffling closer you placed a hand on his shoulder, using your other hand to take hold of his. He flinched a little at your touch but you assumed it was due to the pain. 
You used your grip on his shoulder to manoeuvre him, peel him away from the ground and pulled the rest of his weight using his hand. He groaned deeply as he started to be lifted, the agony evident on his tongue. 
He tried to assist you even though the movement felt like it was sending daggers down his spinal column. He used you to anchor himself, steadily pulling him into a seated position. Once he was up, you let go of him and sat back on your haunches. 
“Now what?” You asked with a curious look. 
His face was contorted from the pain, his brow furrowed deeply and his eyes downturned. 
“I…I have no idea.” He groaned. “There is no way I can stand.” 
“Should I call paramedics?” You picked up his stetson which had fallen into his lap and ran your fingers along the brim.
“I think that might be wise.” He agreed, pinching his eyes closed as the pain flooded through his limbs. 
Keeping hold of his hat in one hand you drew your cell phone from your pocket and dialled 9-1-1. It was only when the phone was already to your ear that it occurred to you what a terrible idea this was. 
You’d been so careful up until now, was this handsome cowboy going to be your downfall? 
You noticed the way your voice pitched and cracked as you informed the operator of what had happened and tried to explain where exactly you were with a little help from the stranger. 
Somewhere between Pipe Creek and Bandera. You’ll see a car. And a damn horse.  
Within a few minutes you were off the phone. 
He was leaning back against his good arm, hand braced against the dirt behind him. His eyes were still closed and you saw his face twitching with each surge of pain. 
“So, uh, you new at this?” You waved the stetson in the direction of the horse who was still ambling around. 
He opened his eyes and looked between you and his trusty steed. 
“No, I just…there was this wild horse and I was trying to check to see if she was okay. She got spooked by Willow and the next thing I know I’m on the floor.” He closed his eyes again.
“Willow? Cute.” You smiled slightly at the great beast. “A little intimidating.” 
“She may look that way but she’s incredibly docile. Maybe a little unpredictable in new scenarios but on the whole she’s pretty placid.” His eyes squeezed tighter as another wave of pain thrummed along his spine. 
“Uh,” you continued looking between him and the horse as a thought occurred to you. “Where does she go when you get taken away to the hospital?”
His eyes opened again, landing on you in a look that told you it also hadn’t occurred to him either. 
“You, uh, know how to ride?” He tried his luck.
“No I don’t not.” You scoffed. “I’m a city girl. I know nothing about horses.” 
“She’s incredibly intelligent. She knows the way home, she just needs the impetus to get there.” Once again his eyes fluttered closed. 
“She’ll walk beside your car, show you the way. But you’d need to feed her in order to keep her going. I can get her to do it without the treats but you’re a stranger to her.” His fingers dug into the dirt, the ache that spread up and down the length of his back was brutal. 
And then there was the pain shooting through his left arm and the throb in his old knee injury. This was not the day he had planned.
“So you’re proposing I take your horse home?” You scoffed at the ludicrousy of it. 
“She won’t make it back on her own.” He tried to shrug his shoulders but stopped short when it caused a new eruption of pain. 
“Dude, I don’t even know you.” You shook your head, still fingering the stetson.
“I’ll admit it's a little unorthodox, but I can’t leave her out here.” He forced his eyes open, pleading with you. 
“I told you, I���m really in a hurry to get somewhere.” You shook your head. “I called the paramedics, I did the good Samaritan thing. But as soon as they get here, I’ve really gotta go.” 
“Where are you heading in such a hurry?” He cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Seems like that’s none of your business.” 
“I’m not trying to be nosy.” He shook his head lightly but even that caused him to wince. “It’s late is all, I was just wondering where you had to be in such a rush.” 
“Never you mind.” You grumbled. “But the sooner I get there I can finally rest. I’ve been driving for days.” 
“Do this for me and you can spend the night at my ranch.” He whined slightly as he spoke. 
“Excuse me?” You shuffled in the dirt. 
“Oh gosh,” he huffed. “Not like that. I’m not…I’m not hitting on you. I am undoubtedly going to have to spend the night in hospital, I have a spare lodge on my ranch which doesn’t get used. If you get Willow home for me, you can spend the night, you must be tired.” 
You shuffled again, still for some reason playing with his stetson in your hands in an absent mind. He was looking at you with a pleading expression, begging you to do this for him. But it all seemed too weird.
“You’re willing to let a stranger stay in your home without you even being there?” You clicked your tongue. 
“If it means Willow gets home safe, yes.” He sighed.
“What if I rob you? You don’t know me, I could be a criminal.” You reached forward and placed the stetson atop his head gently.
“I really don’t have a lot worth stealing. I mean I have more horses and cattle…nothing really worth anything unless you're a rancher which clearly you aren’t. I’m willing to risk it.” He once again tried to shrug but groaned at the effort. 
“This is insane.” You shook your head, unbelieving you were even considering this. 
“I’ll admit it’s not ideal circumstances but I need to go to the hospital, and I also need to get Willow home. And if you continue to drive all night you’re going to end up in an accident. In a weird way it’s kinda a win-win situation.” 
“Until I rob you.” 
“You’re not gonna rob me.” For the first time a smile spread to his lips, the pain momentarily slipping away from his features. 
It was a damn nice smile, one which you were sure it was impossible to say no to. But nonetheless you tried.
“You couldn’t possibly know that.” You swallowed. 
“I'm good at reading people.” His smile grew a little. “You have a trustworthy face.” 
“Oh do I?” You tilted your head to the side in curiosity.
“Mm hmm.” He nodded, seemingly forgetting all the pain he’d previously been in. “A very trustworthy, very pretty face.” 
You swallowed again, shuffling backwards in the dirt slightly in discomfort. Spencer averted his eyes at his omission. The pain must have been going to his head, maybe it was due to the dehydration. It was unlike him to be so bold. 
“Oh jeez,” you muttered under your breath. “Fine, fine I’ll take your stupid horse-”
“Willow, her name is Willow.” 
“I’ll take Willow home for you and I may or may not stay at your ranch and then I may or may not rob you.” 
“And then you may or may not pick me up from the hospital in the morning? Assuming I’m allowed to leave so soon.” His smile was growing, but the pinch of pain was back in his eyes. 
“Are you for real?” You hissed. “No, no I am not doing that.” 
“I don’t have a car, and the nearest hospital is just outside of San Antonio, like forty five miles southeast of here. How do you expect me to get home?” His smile faded.
“Doesn’t seem like it’s my problem.” You suddenly pushed yourself to your feet. “I don’t have time to hang around this little Podunk place. I have to be somewhere.” 
He was silent for a moment or two, looking up at you under the wide brim of his stetson. His eyes shone in the moonlight and caused your stomach to coil into knots. 
“Fine.” He spat. “Just go, sorry I bothered you. So much for that southern charm.”
“Never said I was from the south.” You rolled your eyes. 
You fell silent and in the distance you both noted the distinctive sound of sirens. Seconds later you saw the red and blues lighting up the dark stretch of road, heading in your direction. 
He didn’t miss the way you jumped a little at the initial sound and how your body seemed to go rigid at the sight of the flashing lights.
“You're off the hook, you did your good deed now you’re free to go.” The man scoffed, a sarcastic twang evident in his voice. 
“Goddamnit,” you mumbled, shaking your head. “Fine, I will take your damn horse home.”
“Willow.” He corrected you and when you looked back down at him he had a mildly smug smile on his lips. 
“Don’t make me change my mind.” You huffed. 
Soon the ambulance was screeching to a stop next to your car and two paramedics jumped out the front of the vehicle. 
You stood aside while the cowboy, who told them his name was Spencer Reid, explained what had happened with the wild horse and how he’d ended up on the floor unable to move for hours. 
One of the paramedics got a stretcher out the back of the vehicle while the other delicately helped Spencer to lay back down in the dirt. The stretcher was brought over and lowered down as far as it would go. 
“This might hurt a little, sir.” The woman, who was near his head, spoke. 
“Mm hmm.” Spencer grit his teeth, readying himself for the pain.
The female EMT tucked her gloved hands gently under Spencer’s shoulders while the man wrapped his around Spencer’s ankles. 
You hovered near the horse - Willow - arms tucked around your waist. You curled in on yourself at the howl of pain that erupted from Spencer when he was lifted onto the stretcher. The EMT’s were quick to strap him in and lead him across the bumpy ground towards the ambulance. 
“Sorry, can you give me a minute?” His voice pierced over the sound of the wheels on gravel before they stilled.
He looked towards you and beckoned you closer with an almost imperceptible motion of his head. 
“My keys are in my right front pocket.” He cast his eyes downwards. 
You drew your lips into a tight line and huffed a little. It felt like crossing over a line diving into the pocket of a stranger but you’d moved so far past this being weird it almost seemed normal. You fished in his pocket and pulled out a loop of keys. 
“The biggest one, that’s the key to my lodge. Inside the lodge on the hook is another key for my other cabin where you can stay the night. The linen is fresh and there’s clean towels on the back of the door in the bathroom. Help yourself to anything in my fridge.” He told you. 
“And how do I find it?” You cocked an eyebrow at him, keys dangling from your index finger. 
“Willow will show you the way, she’s well trained. Oh, her treats!” He used his good hand to pat the pocket on his shirt.
You huffed once more, manoeuvring around the EMT’s to his other side and freeing a ziploc bag full of apple and carrot slices. 
“The stable is a little way left of my lodge, you can’t miss it. There are two other horses there, her paddock is the one on the far right. Can you take her number down?” He glanced at the paramedic nearest him. “Have someone call her when I’m discharged?” 
The paramedics clearly sensed there was a strange story here but neither wanted to ask. Instead the man reached for a clipboard tucked inside the van and handed it to you. 
It was a patient intake form and he pointed with one finger towards the emergency contact section whilst handing you a pen. 
With a sigh you took it, scrawled down your number and - without hesitation - a fake name before handing it back to him. 
“Thank you for this. I owe you one.” He offered you a meek smile. 
“Oh you owe me more than one.” You grumbled as they set about lifting the stretcher into the back of the ambulance. 
You watched them load him, the man staying in the back of the cab while the woman closed the doors and went to the front. Soon the engine was starting back up and the ambulance turned back towards the way it had come and drove off, sending particles of dust flying in its wake. 
Holding a stranger's keys in one hand and a bag of fruit and veg on the other, you turned back to the horse - Willow you kept reminding yourself - who was seemingly watching the ambulance retreat with her owner. 
Cautiously you stepped closer to the giant mare, hesitant steps, holding up the bag of goodies. 
“Say, Willow?” You rustled the bag and she turned to look at you. “What do you say you show me where you live?” 
Willow seemed to perk up and trotted closer to you, and if you didn’t know any better you’d say the beast was smiling at you.  
You opened the ziploc bag and pulled out a slightly slimy slice of apple and dangled it in front of her eye line. 
You started walking backwards towards your car whilst keeping your eyes on Willow who was following appeasingly, eyes trained on the piece of fruit. 
When you reached your car you held the slice in the palm of your hand and proffered it towards her. She gratefully took it, large gums spreading across your open hand while she shuffled the slice into her mouth. 
You grimaced at the feeling, her saliva coating your hand in a muddy, sticky mess. You wiped your hand on the thigh of your jeans. 
“Gross. So gross.” You sighed, sliding into the driver’s seat. “Why the hell am I doing this again?” 
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@andiebeaword @muffin-cup @dreatine @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @people-whatabunchofbastards @justreadingficsdontmindme @spencer-reid-wonderland @thebloomingeagle @kalulakunundrum
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shallowseeker · 9 months
As a follow up to my previous message about Dean’s grief being colored through Sam’s vision, it’s striking in that *that’s* the full circle moment of the show the writers were leaning to. Sam was initially the viewers eyes into learning about the supernatural and the Winchester family. We learn they support their lifestyle by running credit card scams, as an example. While undoubtedly Dean became the main character, after over 300 episodes, we wind back to Sam and see Dean through Sam’s eyes. He deflects about losing Cas. We get just the tiniest glimpse things aren’t right with Dean when he’s by himself - that hug with Miracle, getting up and leaving the bed unmade - but ultimately that’s it. Everything else Dean experiences in the remaining 20 minutes of the episode where he’s still alive, he’s with Sam.
And speaking of visions, I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here. He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. If he doesn’t put pictures up, maybe the images of people like Cas and Jack, Jody, etc will fade from his mind. He’ll teach the importance of family to his son. We know that’s important to Sam by the enlarged picture of his parents and Dean (from Lebanon promo pics) in the middle of it all. And he’ll definitely keep the Impala.
And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors.
"I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here."
OH MY GOD. THE DREAMY LAST SEQUENCE AS SAM'S DAYDREAM WHILE DRIVING HIS WAY TO THE NEXT HUNT. See, Sam's listening to Carry on My Wayward Son, but in his mind, it becomes...this.
I friggin' love that idea, though! Like, when you lose someone, you do find yourself thinking, "I'll see them again, someday. They're probably in Heaven right now. Jack fixed it, so it's better. Cas helped. Everyone is together. I'll probably meet him on a bridge...when I too cross over." That's so...normal.
"He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. ...And he’ll definitely keep the Impala. And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors."
The woman is blurry, because Sam doesn't have a clear idea of it just yet, but she will be transformational and zen and so, so normal. Sam has a very poor idea of what aging will actually look like for him, too because none of his fam has ever actually made it that far. Which is why the wig looks so weird.
Sam has a very poor imagination of what "normal" looks like, because he is and has always been a weirdo. Like, he really thinks he'll be decrepit and elderly by the time his son is a young adult.
Not only do I love this, but I spent the last three minutes laughing at how Sam put his entire neurodivergent heart into his grief-fantasy, and it looks like that.
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spectacular! @lemon--verbena
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lee-aveyourmark · 2 years
besties with chenji!
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∘.∙°. masterlist Pairing: Zhong Chenle x reader x Park Jisung; chenji x bestie!reader Genre: sickening fluff, so much crack Warnings: insecurity of having a large head, mentions of food Wordcount: 646
you know those dance challenges where three people dance at 1%, 100% and 1000%?
yeah, you're 100% - the middle ground between jisung (1%) and chenle (1000%)
if provoked, you can definitely get chenle to use his inside voice
more often than not, those provocations arise from jisung's persistent complaints of his ears ringing at chenle's astronomically loud shouting
at other times, you're inspired by chenle's energy to hype jisung up to dance to snsd's 'gee' in the middle of the living room
you and chenle are harsh critics when it comes to jisung's dancing
"i don't remember there being any popping in the choreo!" "your line needs to be more curved, stick your hip further out"
there is just s o much joy when you guys are together, y'all naturally get abs and free therapy when meeting up, with the laughter so obscene that everyone is crying, breathless and clutching their stomachs
and you guys laugh over the weirdest things that would never be funny if the joke was explained to someone else
90% of playdates are just gaming, sorry i don't make the rules
but gaming with them would be so cute, especially if you're not that familiar with the game
it means that you can reduce chenle's competitiveness by often being the reason why your team doesn't win
and can you imagine jisung teaching you different plays and just,, praising you for being able to do all of them while surviving? his praises may be backhanded sometimes but still jisung best boy
the other 10% of time spent together is cooking in the kitchen (read: chenle cooking while jisung sits and watches after cutting up 2 mushrooms)
if you can cook, there will be challenges to see whose dish jisung likes more where chenle's competitiveness rises again
the prizes are literally bragging rights and jisung's approval, something that means a lot to the two of you
if you can't cook, it's okay! chef chenle is more than happy to become a single dad and cook for all three by himself
on another note, if you've been self-conscious about having a large head like me, be worried no more because these two will turn your insecurities into your charms
you three will also make your large heads your personalities, and change the group chat name to "the 3 large-headed musketeers" from time to time (not mark finding out about the chat one day and feeling left out)
yes, chenji are very good hype men indeed
whatever you choose to do, they will support you wholeheartedly
thinking of buying a new sweater? jisung will find 10 different compliments about how it fits you, while chenle will offer to buy it for you and even add on an accessory
at the same time, chenle will be very critical towards whoever becomes your potential someone, incessantly warning you of "bad men" out there
he also says that he's the model male, but rejects you before you even fall for him
"you want me right?? weLL, you can't have me :D"
back to the group chat, it's 300% memes and scandalous photos of each other used as blackmail material
there's also many voice messages consisting of nothing but chenle's laugh followed by a selfie from jisung with a concerned look on his face
but also, you three like to use voice messages to talk about tea and avoid getting caught by others
that tea is how each of you lost or broke something of another member's, but have yet to be caught for the crime
if you're a well-behaved child, you'll receive preferential treatment and will be patted on the head in understanding
if you're anything like chenle, prepare to get an earful from renjun
but, as the youngest, you three are babied so much by the other dreamies and y'all take full advantage of your youth <3
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS Wedding Series: Picking the Venue
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Before your wedding planning started, a holiday was going to be required or a celebratory holiday was going to be required. It was stressful business announcing your engagement to your family, friends, and the guys then ARMY that Seokjin had said one evening that he needed a holiday just to recover.
Which is how you found yourselves on Jeju Island for a few days, to soak in the summer weather, to soak in the sea and relax. Or at least that’s what you thought. 
Now, you would have expected Seokjin to be nonchalant about the whole planning a wedding thing but he had already picked the colours he wanted to see, had found the cake that had caught his eye one day and then had found the ideas of going against a traditional sit-down meal and going for different food stations. If there was one thing he knew about, it was his food and his alcohol. 
You already knew, sort of, what you wanted. Dreamy blues and pinks, hints of Jin’s love of fishing, hints of your hobbies that you both loved which was gaming and then making it all about the food. A mix of different foods from around the world, a massive fruit station and then your wedding cake but a large dessert tiered option as well. 
Now you had to find the venue but there was no rush, you had the ideas and the time and the money. It would all fall into place when ready - if Jin hadn’t already found it. 
He had been looking at hotels to stay in for your trip and found the one he had booked, mostly because it was secluded and the second reason was it would be a lovely place to get married. He had already seen the options on their website with a ceremony indoors and then a wedding outside in the gardens, overlooking the sea. And it could be intimate, which is what the two of you wanted. 
There were plenty of people the two of you could invite and it could range in the 300 number but you wanted to keep it to your friends, family, the guys, their partners and then some other friends outside of that. 
This place would be perfect.
If you loved it, because Jin wouldn’t go for it unless you absolutely 100% adored the place.
You two had checked in late in the evening and had dinner then gone to bed with the plan to get up the next morning to go exploring. After breakfast, Jin decided (cleverly) that he wanted to have a look around the grounds and be generally nosy. So the two of you wandered through the gardens, then at the building in the Aldr Garden and then onto the Ggotnang Garden with a small private house and gardens with a water feature. 
All of it was gorgeous in the summer and the flowers were out, the birds were making their bird noises in the trees. Yet you said nothing. Hmmm, it might have to be back to the drawing board. 
Without thinking much of it, the two of you went about exploring and returned back to the hotel just in time for dinner in the particular garden that had caught Jin’s eye, the Seaes garden. 
“Jin,” you said as you speared a piece of steak and dipped it into the sauce provided.
“Hmm?” he murmured, a mouthful of noodles which made him look like a hamster.
“Sorry,” you chuckled as you waited for him to swallow his food then stared at the piece of steak before chewing on it.
“I want to get married here,” you finally said. 
Jin went quiet for a moment, looked around, and what he did next even shocked you. He stood up and did some kind of victory wiggle dance. “Finally! I’ve been waiting for you to say something!” he sat back down, ignoring the looks of the other guests and ignoring you for laughing at him. “We’ll speak to their team tomorrow morning and get that booked. I knew I picked the right place when I found it.”
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One evening, in front of the tv, after a day of doing absolutely nothing other than feeding on snack foods and takeaways while your cat snoozed in front of the window and Holly took up space on the other end of the couch, you approached the idea of starting to plan your wedding. 
You both had discussed what you wanted: intimate, friends and family only, nothing too big, nothing over the top. Simple, clean and to the point. You had also planned to go and get married first, just the two of you, then have the ‘official’ wedding somewhere else. Yoongi didn’t want the pomp and ceremony of the typical celebrity wedding - it should be the two of you, witnesses and nothing else but your love for one another. 
However, you also knew that your mothers would kill you if you didn’t have some kind of lavish ceremony. So a compromise was put in place: the actual legal wedding would take place on another day, then the ‘ceremony’ later on with a reception and all the usual wedding stuff on another date. That way you satisfied both needs and wants from both parents and the two of you. 
Yoongi was flicking through the channels, feet propped up on the table in front of him with a small plate of crackers with sauce on his stomach. You had your laptop open, in a similar position to his, looking for wedding venues around Seoul. It had to be different to what everyone else would normally go for. 
You happened to stumble upon a venue called the Raum, which was an art and social venue where they held concerts. The venue itself had multiple areas where you could get married or have wedding receptions, two of them in the gardens but you were more interested in the Chamber Hall which gave off an Italian feel and it had a view of the pond garden from what you could see on photos. 
You found the menu so you switched the laptop over for Yoongi’s snacks, ignoring his protest. “What am I looking at?” he asked, reaching over to grab his glasses and squinting at the screen.
“Wedding venue, it also holds concerts,” you answered as you dipped a cracker into the dip/sauce Yoongi had made and popped it into your mouth.
“Hmm,” was all he said as he looked at the menu, then the various rooms, and then went onto the page for the performances. He found one he liked the look of that featured the New World Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Geum Nansae and booked tickets for the two of you.
“We can go and see that and have a look around the venue then make an appointment to discuss the wedding,” he said as he took back his crackers and handed you the laptop. 
Either way, you both fell in love with the venue itself as a whole and booked your wedding that day for the Chamber Hall. It was a big space but you could make it look smaller with what you had planned. Finally, it was all coming together. 
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The thing with Hobi was this was a man who liked to plan, who liked the luxury and the high-end things, who knew exactly what he wanted and how he was going to get it. Lucky for you, you were pretty much the same. The moment he had proposed and you had celebrated with everyone, you two had sprung into action by getting started on the wedding planning.
You two shared a Google Drive together, a Pinterest board was created and the two of you had a checklist at the home office where you were ticking things off. Wedding mode had fully entered the Jung household and you were already checking things off quickly - the colour scheme of bright colours, sunflowers were picked and Hobi had already decided on the favours he was going to do - BTS themed beaded bracelets that he would make himself.
You just needed the venue.
Two venues had been shortlisted because of the amount of people you had to invite which covered family and friends but also the celebrities that Hobi knew and then the partners and families of those people. 
It was going to be the wedding of the century if Hobi had his way and if the venue he really wanted was available. 
The two of you had arranged an appointment at the Bayan Tree Club and Spa, overlooking Seoul’s Namsan Mountains and with the N Seoul Tower in view, looking for a venue that could hold the number of people you required, that came as a blank canvas for your decor ideas but could also allow you to get married with a view. 
First the lovely wedding coordinator, an ARMY of all things and sworn to secrecy, showed you the Crystal Ballroom that could hold three hundred people and what was impressive about the room (apart from the size) was the crystals that sparkled from the high ceiling.
“20,000 Swarovsky,” the wedding coordinator proudly stated as you stood in awe of the effect it created.
“And the room is blank enough for our colour scheme,” Hobi added as he took photos and then compared it with the colour swatches he had brought along. 
She then showed you the Namsan Terrace which had the mountains and the tower in the background, almost surrounded the wooden terrace, with its fairy lights that sparkled in the evening light. 
“I prefer getting married in the ballroom,” you suddenly said. “It’s lovely out here and I think the wedding photos would look amazing out here, I just prefer the ballroom.”
Hobi once again brought out his colour swatches and brought them up against the view, peered over the top of his sunglasses then nodded. “I agree. But it’s the perfect place, right?”
He directed the question to you and you could see how eager and how much he loved the place. It matched your love of the venue as well and so you turned to the wedding coordinator who looked just as eager as the two of you that she was about to book J-Hope’s wedding.
“Can we book a date please?”
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Now you’re engagement was out to the world and you had celebrated with your friends and family, the two of you had decided to enjoy time as an engaged couple before going down the long, long road of wedding planning. It didn’t stop you from creating a Pinterest board and sharing ideas with your girlfriends, or even Namjoon when he was home but you never went further than that. You had thoughts that you wanted a garden wedding, surrounded by friends and family and the few famous people you knew you had to invite. Plus, it wouldn't be a simple get-together because of who you were getting married to. 
There were going to be plenty of logistics to work out and when the two of you had sat down to figure out a guest list, you were approaching the 150 mark already. 
Namjoon set aside a weekend for the two of you to get started on wedding planning and first on the list was the venue because it needed to be private, it needed to be somewhere with a garden, local and fit the number of people you two had already agreed on. 
Back and forth, back and forth. 
Finally, you narrowed it down to three spots in Seoul that would cover all the things you needed. On Sunday afternoon, the two of you headed out to the first place on the list: Walkerhill Hotel, with their Aston House venue as the favourite. 
“Hotel is a bit fancy,” you muttered to Namjoon as the two of you were led around the hotel itself by the wedding organiser and a security guard. The Vista Hall was a grand space with seamless windows that showed off the panorama of the city across the Hangang River but a bit too fancy for the two of you - minimum numbers were 300 and you had no intention of approaching that.
Next was the Walker Hall with its own private entrance and a bridal waiting room for you and your ladies, but it gave corporate feels and if there was anything you and Namjoon hated, it was corporate.
Finally, she led you to the Aston House and Namjoon squeezed your fingers the moment you walked through the door. It was a European-style house, with the garden overlooking the scenic view of the Hangang River and the space inside was enough to bring the wedding indoors if it rained. You could get married outside, go inside for drinks and photos then come back out for the reception. 
“Perfect, this is perfect,” Namjoon said as he stood overlooking the river he always cycles along, that meant so much to him as a musician and as a person. He turned to look at the house, to see you talking to the wedding organiser and tried to envisage what it would look like. Long tables filled with greenery and candles, the two of you married in front of everyone you held dear in nature. 
“This is perfect! What date can you give us?” he called out to the wedding organiser who looked shocked, expecting you to make the final details. You laughed at the look on her face and shrugged. “The man knows what he wants. What date can you give us?”
She gave you the date that meant the most to you without even realising: your anniversary of when the two of you got together, a year from now. 
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Jimin was being picky and he knew it. Your wedding plans had taken over the dining room table of your apartment together with colour swatches, material, free samples that businesses had been sending since you signed up for them and your Pinterest board was printed, the images stuck to a board that you had made notes all over. You were ready, Jimin kinda wasn’t.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to get married, far from it, he just wanted it to be the perfect day with everyone that you loved and every venue that you had shown him so far just wasn’t doing it for him. Nothing in Seoul was what he wanted, nothing in Busan either so you started your search in Incheon. 
You found a couple of hotels that would hold the amount of people you were thinking of and they each had a room that was blank enough for your colour theme of gold and pink. The Paradise City Hotel had many rooms that could fit what you wanted and one caught your attention, the Sapphire suite which would fit over 450 people but it could be separated into two rooms. One for the ceremony, one for the reception.
For a man being fussy, he couldn’t make it to the appointment that you had booked. Lucky for your, your mother and sister (who was going to be your maid of honour), were available. They were armed to the teeth with folders, colours, materials and more to bring to the appointment - they were looking like your own personal wedding planners.
The wedding coordinator, who was a charming young man, led you through all the rooms they had on offer for your wedding and even showed you a few of the hotel rooms as well that family could book as well as the bridal suite that would be used for you to stay in the night before and then to be used for you and Jimin. 
What you loved about the coordinator was that he came prepared with an iPad, the layout of the room ready on the screen and when you got to the Sapphire suite, he drew out what you envisaged. One part of the room set up for your ceremony, the screen in the middle to block guests from the other side of the room and that space set up with round tables for the reception.
The room itself was decorated in ivory and gold, one of the colours you wanted as your colour scheme. Your sister pulled out the colours you had picked and held them up against the overall view of the room. “It’s completely spot on,” she said as she turned to show you as you were talking through the things with the coordinator.
“I know, I’ve just booked it.”
“What? What about Jimin?” she asked, looking at you in disbelief. “He’ll love it just the same. If not, tough,” you shrugged.
Your sister stood there for a moment or two before bursting into laughter, tucking the colours back into the bag. “Okay, well, let’s get this thing booked then.”
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“You want to have the wedding where?”
You looked at your fiancee in disbelief, wondering if the coffee hadn’t quite woken you up yet even though it was clearly the afternoon and you had been awake for awhile now. Taehyung glanced up from his phone and shrugged, swiping something on the screen then typing. 
“I don’t want to get married in Seoul. All the boys have done that apart from two and everything that we want is outside of South Korea anyway so why don’t we just do it somewhere else, like, America?”
After a moment or two, you sat down on the couch and frowned. He had a point, he had several valid points but the logistics and the cost were going to be through the roof. Your budget already had been stretched to accommodate the amount of people Tae knew outside of your family and mutual friends. Now he wanted to go to America?
He could see you trying to work out the maths and the plans. Reaching over, he took hold of your hand that had your engagement ring on and tugged you close. “Listen, let’s go and do some research and see what we can find and then we can make a decision?”
Two weeks later, you found yourself in the centre of Los Angeles in the Beverly Hills area and wondered, not for the first time, how you managed to get there. Tae had surprised you with the flights and the hotel, saying you were going to spend a week in Hollywood for some fun and some exploring but you also knew what else he wanted to do.
You had seen what he had been aiming for when you saw the information for the hotel - the Fourt Seasons Beverly Hills, the old traditional Hollywood hotel. And she was a gorgeous venue and it suited Tae completely. For the last two days you were in L.A, Tae approached looking at the hotel you were staying at as your wedding venue and you were glad you had spent the past few days being a tourist and falling in love with the place.
Your colour scheme, your style, everything would fit. 
The reception team booked an appointment with the dedicated wedding team which happened to be a husband and wife team who had got married there many years ago. There were so many rooms to view that it took you all morning to get them through them all but they saved the best for last - The Ballroom. 
Old Hollywood style, the room split over two levels with a large stage at the end that you know for a fact Tae had set aside for a large jazz band. There were large Italian crystal chandeliers all around the room as well. 
“How many people can it hold?” you asked, as Tae snapped pictures here and there. 
“880 people on round tables and we have the Rodeo Terrace which is lovely at night that sits 40 for your wedding ceremony or the Le Grand Trianon room which seats 260 for your ceremony. It’s a smaller version of this room,” the man explained. 
You didn’t need to look at Tae to know he had fallen in love with this space and to be perfectly honest, so had you. The logistics of getting people over and having them stay would work slightly easier in a hotel as grand as this and in an area highly populated with hotels. The hotel was more than used to working with celebrities as well so they knew how to be discreet and how to include the security. 
Tae came to your side and took hold of your hand, glancing over at the team and then to you. “Shall we do it?” he asked, wanting to make sure you were more than 100% happy.
“Go for it. Let’s book it.”
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Jungkook had a couple of stipliations when it came to his future wedding: he wanted ARMY to be involved like they had been with your engagement ring, he wanted it to be low key and simple, not a lot of people and he wanted it to be in his hometown of Busan.
And then he had left you to it to find the perfect venue. 
So you and your maid of honour had made a weekend of it and drove down to Busan on the Thursday night, booking in with the Lotte Hotel to start your searching. The fact that Jungkook wanted a small and intimate wedding suited you perfectly and it helped narrow down a few places - most hotels in Korea were catered to large weddings in large rooms and expecting to sit 200-400 maximum. 
You only wanted anywhere from 50-100 of family and friends and you had enough of them. 
You first looked at the hotel you were staying at and marked down one of the rooms a potential, with another room to be used for the ceremony. Then your journey around Busan fully began and you went around each hotel, making a note of the rooms you loved, what they were willing to cater for.
Finally, your last destination - the Hilton Anati overlooking the sea. You remembered all the stories Kookie used to tell you about family trips to the beach and you remembered the stories from Jimin as well, of his childhood memories. The hotel had a terrace overlooking the sea where you could get married then a massive ballroom that could seat 1000 with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the sea as well. Best thing with the room is that it could be made smaller to create the wedding of your needs. 
“This could fit the theme really well, and it has the capacity to be made bigger,” you explained as you facedtimed Jungkook who was back in Seoul, preparing for another recording session. 
You walked him around the room, showing him the bar and the view then you followed the coordinator out to the terrace that had been set up for a ceremony and showed Jungkook the view from there. 
“It’s perfect,” he said as he glanced back at the screen. “Will the colour scheme of black and white work?”
“I’m pretty sure we can get away with it and we can allocate rooms for guests and there’s enough hotels around,” you said as you turned the screen back to your face which caused Jungkook to grin.
“If you’re happy with it then book it, love. It’s all in your hands after all. I want the day to be perfect for you so whatever you want, just do it.”
You glanced around one final time, your heart and mind already set on it as you could see the room decorated as how you wanted it - the modern centrepieces, the candlelight, the white flowers.
“Okay, let me speak to the team here and I’ll let you know later. Love you,” you said as Jungkook told you he loved you back and hung up. 
“By the way,” you mused as you turned around to the coordinator, “do you allow dogs?”
72 notes · View notes
lathalea · 1 year
For the Sweet Bingo, hopefully no one else has thought to ask for kissing on a ferris wheel and Thorin. I think it could be interesting if Yrsa somehow made an appearance. I do love her! Ultimately, it is your playground. Hopefully the muses are kind. Happy writing!
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Hello hello @sweetestgbye! Guess what, it's finally happened, here is your request for the Sweet and Spicy Bingo by @fellowshipofthefics-- sorry it took so long and enjoy! :)
Relationships: Thorin x Yrsa (from Blame it on Cider)
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author's notes: A modern take on Thorin and Yrsa's relationship. Since @sweetestgbye gave me a free hand with picking a Sweet and Spicy Bingo prompt, I chose "soulmates".
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“Are you crazy, Thorin? I’m not getting up there!” Yrsa huffed and stomped her foot. And stomping her feet while wearing those new ruby-red high heels was a very difficult thing to do. But she was on a date with the hottest guy at the uni, a.k.a. Thorin Thrainsson, a.k.a. her boyfriend, and she just had to look her best. Especially since today he wore his hair (his amazing hair!) loose and he smiled at her with that soft little smile of his that softened his features, and looked at her with his dreamy blue eyes… making her knees unusually weak. But she was sure the cider they had just been drinking was at least partially to blame. She took another sip and stole a glance at the huge Ferris wheel, the newest–and biggest–attraction of the local amusement park. No, she was most certainly not getting up into that monstrosity, even though everyone in her home town kept on talking about how great it was. For a whole week Yrsa tried to ignore all the Instagram pictures or TikToks everyone kept on posting: “Look, this is me on the Ferris wheel!” “This is me and my bae kissing on the Ferris wheel!” “My doggo takes a ride with me on the Ferris wheel!” “Cute baby’s first time on the Ferris wheel!” “Mikey gets sick again on the Ferris wheel!”
Somehow, Yrsa did not think it was great at all.
“I got us tickets for the midnight ride, see?” Thorin took out four green tokens from the pocket of his leather jacket and purred seductively. “We’ll have the whole pod only for us. It's a full moon tonight, just think how romantic it will be: you, me, the moonlight in your fiery hair…”
“Thorin Thrainsson, I know exactly what you’re doing and sweet-talking me won’t work!” Yrsa poked her finger into his chest (very hard chest, she might add, and a very enjoyable one too, especially when not covered with that black rock band t-shirt he was currently wearing. She was referring, of course, to how well-defined his muscles were. She needed to see his bare chest often. For science. She needed to pass her anatomy exams somehow, right?), “I refuse to become one of the slaves of the consumerist society and go on this ride to hell! Besides, we can do so many other things, like go for a walk in the park…”
“At midnight? I thought you didn’t like that cemetery nearby,” Thorin furrowed his brow.
“Well… true, but still… We have options! Lots and lots of them! And all of them are on the ground!”
“Yrsa,” Thorin murmured, his half-lidded eyes cast a smouldering glance at her. “I know you’re not a fan of heights, but I’ll be with you all the time, holding your hand, just like I do now. You will be fine. I promise.”
Yrsa looked at their joined hands and then back at Thorin’s face. Very handsome face. And that wavy hair of his, dark as the night around them. And the way his lips moved… and she knew what these lips were capable of doing when they were alone. And they would be very much alone during the ride on the Ferris wheel. She swallowed.
No, Yrsa had to stand her ground.
“I won’t be fine! Can you imagine me hanging in the air, 300 feet above ground? It’s not natural!” She waved her hand emphatically, her ruby-red nail polish sparkling in the lamplight.
“I thought that this could be something special,” his rumbly voice reached her ears despite the hustle and bustle of the amusement park around them. “It’s our first anniversary, after all…”
“Oh. Is it? Yes, you’re right! How could I forget? it’s August, and our first kiss was at that wedding… You were so unbelievably grumpy, remember?” She chuckled.
“Only because you kept on brushing me off all day long!” Thorin grunted.
“I was just after a messy breakup,” Yrsa sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m still ashamed of how much I’ve drunk that night. But I’m glad you hadn’t given up on me then.”
“It’s not often I wake up next to a gorgeous woman who insists I’m her soulmate and then falls back to sleep, drooling on my chest…” “Hey!” Yrsa protested.
“... in a very cute and feminine way, of course,” Thorin grinned.
“Nice save!”
“Thank you,” Thorin made a mock bow, making Yrsa giggled and took another sip of cider from her paper cup.
“One year already, huh?” She hummed. “Our anniversary. I’m sorry, I feel so stupid, I should have remembered…”
“You remember all the Latin names of the bones in the human body and I remember the important dates and appointments. That’s how we roll, right?” Thorin pulled her close so that she was facing him now.
“Right,” she pecked him on his bearded cheek. It smelled like cider, strawberry ice-cream, and that sandalwood fragrance she had given him for Christmas. “Has anyone told you you’re the sexiest mechanical engineering student I’ve ever met?”
“Not often enough,” he rumbled, his lips drifting towards hers, but Yrsa tilted her head back.
“Am I not getting my one year anniversary kiss?” Thorin frowned.
“It depends,” Yrsa wrinkled her nose. 
“On whether we are going on that contraption from hell,” she pointed at the said contraption moving in a steady, circular, and slightly sickening motion above them.
“Yes, we are,” Thorin said with conviction.
“No, we aren’t,” Yrsa said with conviction.
“So… are you withholding kisses from me? It’s blackmail!”
“It’s called a self-preservation instinct!”
“Yrsa. The Ferris wheel is safe. I swear. It’s brand new, it passed all the tests—I was helping with the fatigue tests, remember? You will be alright!” Thorin squeezed her hand. 
“I won’t!” Yrsa shook her head. 
“Look at that kid, he just got off the Ferris wheel and he’s beaming!” “It’s Mikey Dorisson, he’s going to puke.”
“No, he’s not, he’s… oh. Well.”
“I told you.”
“But his sister looks happy!”
“Because she’s just uploaded another TikTok vid of him puking,” Yrsa scowled.
“Well, you won’t puke!”
“Because I’m not going!” “Even if I ask you to close your eyes so that I can give you one kiss for every minute we’re up there?” Thorin purred, pecking the tip of her nose. “Hmmm… how about one kiss every ten seconds?” Yrsa batted her eyelashes innocently. “That can be…” Thorin started.
“What’s up, bro? Hiya, Yrsa!” A dark-haired teenager in a worn, navy blue baseball cap waved at them.
“Frerin! What are you doing here?” Thorin growled.
“I came to see how you were doing! Yrsa, have you said ‘yes’?” Frerin gesticulated excitedly.
“He meant the Ferris wheel,” Thorin interjected, but Yrsa clearly saw the deadly stare he directed at his younger brother.
“I don’t— Ouch!” Frerin made a jump. “Ah, yeah. Right. Sure. I meant the Ferris wheel. So, are you going?”
“I’m not sure. I haven’t prepared my last will yet,” Yrsa whispered conspiratorially, making him laugh.
“I wouldn’t go if I were you,” Frerin replied with a glint in his eye. “Can you imagine spending so much time alone with my big bro? He’ll probably start telling you everything about the centrifugal force and all that other boring stuff! And what if you catch a cold? It’s very windy up there, you know. Oh, and…”
“Shut up, Frerin,” Thorin groaned, clenching his fists.
“Actually, Thorin was about to bribe me with some cotton candy…” Yrsa stated.
“Were I now?” Thorin’s eyebrow travelled up his forehead. Slowly.
“Yes, you were, “ Yrsa exclaimed enthusiastically. “Cotton candy and that big white teddy bear from the Mirkwood Shooting Gallery.”
“You know how I hate that stuck-up guy who runs the place,” Thorin sighed with a frown.
“But the teddy bear is sooo cute!” She batted her eyelashes again. It always worked. “Please?”
“Well…” Thorin hummed, but Yrsa knew him well enough to know she had already won. 
“And you better keep on hugging me all the time we’re up there,” she wrapped her arms around his upper arm and pecked his cheek. “Deal?”
“Deal!” Thorin pulled her into his arms and kissed her right on her lips, most probably ruining her ruby-red lipstick, but at that very moment she did not really care. She could never say no to his kisses. So she reciprocated.
“Guys! You’re disgusting!” Frerin groaned theatrically. “I’m going to get some ice-cream. Who wants some?”
Sadly, no one replied to him. Thorin and Yrsa were too busy.
“I’m going to name him ‘Beorn’.” Yrsa hugged her giant teddy bear as she settled herself in her Ferris wheel seat.
“Like that guy who rented us his vacation cabin?” Thorin wondered. 
“I don’t see the resemblance.” “Well, Beorn here is… fluffy.  Just like that guy. He reminded me of a big teddy bear.” She chuckled and sat the bear on the seat opposite her.
“Beorn? A big teddy bear? Didn’t you mean a big, rabid bear?” Thorin put his arm around her shoulder.
“No, that’s you,” Yrsa grinned, but then the Ferris wheel started moving, making her pale. “I’m going to need that hug and kiss now.”
Thorin, of course, complied.
 “Yrsa…” Thorin whispered as their lips parted. “You can open your eyes now. We are on top now and the view is…”
“Not even a tiny bit?” He murmured into her ear and moved away before she could protest.
“Nuh-uh,” she shook her head, her eyes still closed.
“Not even if I tell you that I have a little something for you? For our anniversary?” Yrsa decided that Thorin using his deep, purring voice had to be classified as a crime. She couldn’t say no, could she? She opened one eye. Just a little bit. Just to see why Thorin had stopped embracing her.
What she saw made Yrsa open her other eye and gasp. Thorin was kneeling on one knee in front of her and held something in his hands.
“Yrsa… I have to tell you something. You knew it from the moment we first met, but it took me a whole six months to realize that you were my… soulmate.”
“T-Thorin?” Her voice trembled. Somehow, Yrsa forgot that she was sitting in a small pod 300 feet above ground in darkness, sailing through the air with the moon hanging above them. “What are you saying?”
“I’m trying to say that you are the one I want to spend my whole life with.” Thorin opened the little box he held in his hand. Against the bottle green velvet, something glittered like the stars above them. “Will you marry me, Yrsa?”
Before she drowned in the low, velvety rumble of his voice, in the deep blue sea of his gaze, Yrsa managed to whisper, “Yes.”
At that very moment, she was not afraid of heights at all.
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
𝐓𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 #𝟏 📚
𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬: 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐲 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐨
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Biloxi, Mississippi, 1955. When a friend of seventeen year old June Juanico invited her along to a concert by a popular young singer, she hesitated, but finally went. The singer, ofcourse, was Elvis Presley and when his eye caught June's, they both got all shook up. So began the most significant of his early relationships - a summer idyll of romance and playful fun that was to be a last stop of innocence on the path to self-destruction. In this clear-eyed, loving, and tender memoir, June gives us Elvis on the verge of mega-stardom, still a country kid with polite manners, a voice that melted hearts, and more sex appeal than anyone could handle.
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Oh, to be young and in love... (and now we all let out a dreamy sigh)
If you're looking for a no-shit, no sugar coating, tell it how it is but sweet book about Elvis, this one is definitely it. Because that's exactly the type of person June Juanico is; she's sweet but she doesn't take shit from anyone and tells it how it is. Even to Elvis.
The book is written in almost a diary kind of style, which is accurate because she kept a diary in that time and wrote her moments with Elvis down. It's a love story and a sweet one at that- June does a really good job of taking you right into the '50s. The book only has about 300 pages and 40 chapters, so it's an easy and quick read. And a very fun one!
June dedicates her book to Elvis fans everywhere and Gladys Love Presley, "the greatest fan he ever had".
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(A quote of The Prophet, which was given to Elvis by June.)
Peter Guralnick wrote the introduction for this book and he wrote: "There have been lots of books written about Elvis Presley, ofcourse, with probably as many personal memoirs among them as have attached to any other cultural figure or entertainer in history. Some have been spurious, a number seem to have been written out of little more than personal rancor, motivation has ranged from love to money to self-adumbration (never has one man had so many chief advisers). Virtually none have actually been put together by their narrators. That is one of the things that makes June Juanico's book different; it is not simply that she has written a book that is filled with feeling and insight, that conveys an experience with truth and without rancor, about a real, not-mythic Elvis Presley. She has also written (and rewritten) every word herself and in the process produced an account that is as touching in its unadorned honesty as it is refreshing in its feisty and unself-censored voice.
June Juanico's book carries conviction in its very simplicity, but don't be misled by that simplicity. There's a writer, too. And we are getting the benefit not just of her experiences but of her insights as well."
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Naturally, the book starts with a prologue- in this case, it's June and her friend Pat driving to New Orleans. June has her mind set on one thing and that is to end things with Elvis. Even Pat cannot persuade her to change her mind- she's engaged to be married to Fabian Taranto and she's going to leave Elvis in the past.
But... more on that later.
The story starts with June telling us a little about her life and her childhood. Her father, who carried Spanish and Native American heritage, was a handsome athlete in high school, where he met June's mother. They got married when her mother was sixteen and after five years, welcomed a boy into the family. Two years later, June came.
Her father wasn't a very fun drunk and when her mother caught him cheating, she threw him out. Even though June wasn't the oldest, she was the only female in the household next to her mother who had to work to provide for her family so June was in charge of cooking and cleaning. That's all she really writes about her childhood and then we move on to 1955, where Elvis comes in the picture.
June was invited to an Elvis show by Glenda, a close friend. June had plans with the guy she was dating at the time so she didn't want to go at first but she eventually agreed.
Their eyes meet a few times from the stage and when Elvis takes a break, he stops June when she comes out of the ladies' room. She's trying to play hard to get, but who is she kidding? When he asks her to show her around town after the show, she agrees. And it's cutest thing ever.
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(I highlighted so many things and put so many tabs in this book and I can't share all of them in one post - damn you tumblr! - but they're just the cutest!)
They were out until 6 o'clock in the morning, talking and talking. After that, Elvis called her house, her brother picked up and well... June and Elvis didn't see each other again until 1956 when she went on a trip to Memphis with a few girlfriends (she wanted to go to Florida instead, I'm sure she's glad that didn't happen👀).
The girls hang around Audubon Drive, sooo Elvis and June reunite again. They spend time together and naturally, fall in love. He's open about his feelings with her and she calls him out on his bullshit - because you know, a guy is a guy and they use lines to get what they want. But not Elvis- he means what he says and it doesn't take June long to meet the parents. Vernon doesn't talk much, but Gladys adores June and this is one of my favorite things about the book. Whenever June was over at the house in Memphis, Gladys treated her like a daughter of her own and I really feel like Gladys wanted them to marry and have babies. June was the perfect girl in Gladys' eyes; she could cook, she could clean and she was a nice, normal girl. June called her "Lovie" and Gladys called her "little Satnin"... Oh, my heart. MY HEARTTTT. 😫
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(June with the '56 Cadillac Eldorado they picked up in Houston and drove back to Memphis together. Photo taken by Elvis in June's driveway in Biloxi.)
ANYWAYS, the urge to describe every chapter of this book? Big. Very big. But I won't- I'm not that crazy and I won't spill everything. Takes the fun of reading it yourself away.
Elvis blurts out the L word quick. After four days, to be exact. And so does June. They're in love, that kind of young love where you don't want to spend a minute away from each other but June has to go back to Biloxi and they're forced to spend a little time apart. Not very long though because Elvis finds his way to Biloxi and they're together again, along with their friends.
Their group exists out of June, Elvis, Red, Junior, Gene, Arthur Hooten and June's friends Pat and Buddy who quickly become Elvis' friends too. They go deepsea fishing (joined by Vernon and Gladys and a few others), take a trip to New Orleans with just Vernon and Gladys and ugh, they just take every minute they can get together. Which, when it comes to Elvis and June, was almost every minute of the day when they had the chance. Their little dates are the sweetest thing to read about and their little group of friends seem so fun to hang out with (minus June and Pat accidentally walking in on Red having sex with a random girl, woops). The way this is written, it really feels you're there and it gets better when they join Elvis on the Florida tour. They watch the show from the side of the stage, hang backstage, at motels, go on drives, go horseback riding.
Just fun, carefree stuff. And that's exactly how this book and their romance feels- fun and carefree. There's no real heavy stuff written here like in some other Elvis books. And yes, June and Elvis had their little "fights" or an argument now and then, but it never lasted long and June was like "fuck you!". Well, not in those exact words, but she didn't put up with any shit and said whenever something bothered her. Elvis' jealous side is shown in this book too, as well as how fast his mood could turn around- June doesn't seem like the type of person who would be completely "submissive" to him, or any other man, and she never was.
Personally, I love that kind of dynamic in a relationship.
June doesn't describe much about them being intimate other than a make out session that almost went too far in the car and in the pool and Gladys knocking on the door when Elvis was about to... enter.. June, but that's it and that's enough for this story. If she would've described their entire sex life, I think it would've taken away from the sweetness and almost innocent like feel of this book. It's perfectly fine without it.
When the tour was over, June went to visit Elvis in Memphis again with Pat- he was supposed to transfer money to her for the flight, but the money never came and she found out the next day it was because Elvis had that fight at the gas station. Woops! The next day, they were off to Memphis though and June and Nick Adams met. June did not like Nick at all and as The Colonel's spy, he tried to get inbetween her and Elvis a few times, asking her and Pat all kinds of weird ass questions but luckily neither of them fell for it. Elvis wrote it off as nothing when she told him about it and June stayed somewhat.. civilized toward Nick, but she sure made it known she didn't like the sucker at all.
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(Nick wore "Hollywood Teeth", a curved thin strip of teeth that slip over your own, as did Elvis. He couldn't eat with them and June would hold onto them sometimes; this is what she decided to do with them during a family dinner and I screamed reading this. June is such a vibe.)
When Elvis had to leave to New York for the Ed Sullivan show, he wanted June to join him but she didn't want to (she still had a worried mother back in Biloxi and couldn't just up and leave to NY). Then Elvis tried to get her to stay behind in Memphis with his parents, but things ended in an argument, with her saying she'd be back when Nick left and Elvis telling her fine, whatevurrrr. Naturally, their argument didn't last long- they apologized to each other, exchanged their 'I love you's' and spend their last bit of time together. This time, it would be their last time together as a couple.
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(June and Elvis with Vernon and Gladys on a deepsea fishing trip.)
Elvis and June's phone calls were getting less frequent. He didn't call for her birthday and when she saw a picture of him and a showgirl from Vegas he brought home, let's just say she wasn't very happy. And then another photo surfaced of Elvis and a showgirl and then a few days after Christmas (which he spend with another girl), he called. The conversation was rushed, him wishing her a Happy New Year and I think by then, June had made her decision.
She writes: "I didn't mind sharing Elvis with his fans; that part was easy. I just couldn't share him with other loves. I couldn't spend my life waiting in the wings - and I wouldn't! I had to be not just his number one, but his one and only."
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(Telegram sent by Elvis to June, March 18, 1957.)
When June received Elvis' telegram, she was already engaged to Fabian Taranto. She did make the trip to New Orleans though and Elvis' parade was soon rained on when she told the news about her engagement. The next day papers headlined "Elvis buys Graceland!" and she couldn't help but wonder if that was the surprise Elvis was talking about when she got on that train in NOLA, only to jump off minutes later and leave Elvis Presley in the past.
But come on, nobody puts Elvis Presley in the past. (Nobody puts Baby in the corner - ok, kidding)
Pat and June fight, like.. fight fight. They have to be pulled apart by Fabian. Pat takes Elvis' side and thinks June is making a mistake by letting him go and I think it's because Pat didn't wanted the fun to end. Her group of dear friends she always had so much fun with was breaking apart and growing up and there was nothing she could do about it. Pat still visits Graceland at that time and hangs out with the guys and she notices Elvis still has a copy of The Prophet, believing it's still the one June gave him.
When Gladys passed away, June was in the hospital giving birth to her first and only son. Pat and June make up again and their friendship lasted a lifetime. In 1962, June gives birth to a daughter. In 1963, June visits Memphis for a bowling tournament she was in and decides to visit Graceland - they recognize her and let her in, but then she leaves so she can surprise Elvis at the theater he's at.
They hug and they talk and Elvis invites her over to Graceland the next day. She's excited but the next day she hears Elvis is having "personal problems" and wouldn't be able to see her and her bowling team, sending his regards.
But! The universe works in funny little ways. And sometimes real terrible ways- a hurricane devastates the entire coastline of Mississippi in 1969 and Fabian stays behind in Biloxi Bay, while June and her children move in with Fabian's brother, Wally, in Vegas. Who is also friends with... you guessed it, Elvis!
Wally worked at the International and they attended an Elvis show together. I guess Wally was excited about his sister in law being Elvis' ex-girlfriend, because as soon as they got home, he immediately phoned backstage at the International and paged Joe.
Elvis and June talked over the phone. They talk about the hurricane, a little about the past, their children, and June tells him about Buddy's battle with cancer and his passing. It frustrates Elvis, who says: "Damn! Damn! Why is it the good die young, June? Why? Damn! I sure hate hearing that about good old Buddy. I really liked old Buddy,"
Why is it the good die young?
This line tugs at my heartstrings every time I read it. It's a question I am sure we all ask so often and a question that frustrates us and makes us sad, especially when it comes to Elvis.
She asks him what he does to unwind after a show and he tells her he reads. He reads a book someone very special once gave to him, he's read it at least a million times and keeps a copy on him at all times. It's his unwinder. He's talking about The Prophet.
Their phone call ends with telling each other to take care of themselves and them exchanging "I love you's". This time, truly for the last time.
Pat being a flight attendant, the girls don't see each other very often but on the 4th of July in 1977, a party is thrown in her honor. Pat expresses worry about Elvis to June, saying that there was something about Gladys and him being the same age, Elvis not being in the best health and pressing how he was with his premonitions of death. Pat wants to visit Memphis with June to check on him and see if there is a way they can help- they try to plan a trip to Memphis but June is worried Fabian wouldn't be too happy with the news.
She suggests that they'll go to Elvis' show in Biloxi a few months later, but by then it's too late. The concert was planned for September 1977, a month after his passing.
And that's how this book ends. In my opinion, it's a rather.. abrupt end. I expected more from the ending. June talks highly about Elvis and the way she feels about him and about all their moments together, but on the last page, there's a lack of... emotion? I don't doubt that June loves Elvis and that he was her first love, which is the reason why I was like... huh? The end? GIRLY JUANICO, PLS. But that could just be me.
I absolutely adore this book and it's one of my favorites. Like I stated before, it's a very fun and quick read. It's light, there's no extremely heavy topics imo, and I think June intended it to be this way, hence the reason for the ending I think. It's mostly about two young people in love and having as much fun with each other as they can. It's beautiful and heartwarming and June did a really good job at taking you straight into 1956 along with her, Elvis and their friends- it made me want to be there! There is so so SO much more in this book than what I've described, so if you have not read it, I totally recommend to get your hands on this one. It's a gem. A sweet, teeth rottin' gem.
Definitely a 9/10 for me! 💗
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(June and Fabian.)
All opinions on this book are mine. If yours are different, that's totally okay too. Want to discuss? Leave a comment or slide into my inbox! I'd love to hear your opinion on this book if you've read it, or if you are planning on reading it. 💌
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sailtomarina · 4 months
Isn't she pretty?
cw: smut, triad
“Isn’t she pretty laid out like this?” Luna’s breath tickled his ear as she whispered her question.
Neville nodded and swallowed hard as he eyes ran the length of Pansy’s body, from her shoulder–length curls feathered like a dark halo across the pillow, down the curve of her breast tipped in dusky rose, heaving with the excitement of watching and being watched, and between the sleek muscles of her thighs, spread to showcase her glistening folds.
“Tell her, Neville,” Luna prompted. Her hand, dainty and white with each nail painted a different colour, pumped the full length of his cock, swivelling on the upstroke. She hugged him from behind, naked skin to naked skin.
“You’re so pretty, Pansy,” he said, voice hoarse.
“Aren’t you a polite one?” she replied. Pansy smirked as she watched her lover work the wizard over, shudders rippling the muscles of his lean torso. “Don’t let him finish, love.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Luna cooed. “He won’t finish without our say, isn’t that right, Nev?”
He grunted, hips thrusting upward as her thumb smeared precum around the swollen end. He gasped when she grasped his hair with her free hand and pulled his head back.
“Words, Neville.”
Staring into Luna’s pale blue eyes, wide set with fine blonde lashes, Neville saw a resolve he’d never before noticed. She had always seemed dreamy, gaze permanently fixed on the unseen. Now she pierced him with that stare.
“I won’t come until you let me.”
He nearly came at her approving smile.
She let go of both hair and cock with a wink, almost like she knew just how close she’d pushed him. “Go please our girl,” she encouraged, pushing him gently on the bum towards Pansy.Our girl. He liked the sound of that.
WC 297
Written for the HP Fanfic Writers' Guild Smut Workshop, Day 5: Triad/multi, word limit: 300
I wrote this with the idea of a pre-established relationship between Luna and Pansy. Their inclusion of Neville is new, but enthusiastically welcomed by both. Neville really is such a sweetheart, and giving to the point of self-neglect, but Luna isn't the sort to let him get out of hand.
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svhnflwr · 2 years
%! cloud nine — k-i-s-s-i-n-g event
× lee heeseung: smiling in between kisses
INCLUDES! fluff, heeseung is super in love with you, kinda word vomit but it's only ~300 words so its not that bad
NOTES! omg im actually almost done this event (also i just checked the list broke AGAIN but good thing i alr picked a prompt for each person
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Such a simple concept that often takes place in a romantic relationship. To some, it is a requirement, maybe a condition in a “relationship checklist” to achieve sometime in the earlier stages of a relationship. 
But to Lee Heeseung, kissing you came as the most natural thing. 
He was so infatuated — or in love, he couldn’t tell — with you. The emotion is so strong that sometimes he would lose conscious control over his loving actions. The dreamy smile that would appear on his face immediately after seeing you was that of a lovesick fool; in the most affectionate sense. 
If someone asked him, he could break down, in slowmo, how his brain processed a scenario when you two would approach a kiss. It was almost as if he was watching the climax of a romance show through his eyes.
In his head, it would start with the two of you approaching the other at a normal, walking speed. Both of your faces lit up upon the sight of the other, maybe one of you speeding up your steps a little. Heeseung’s arms would wrap around you first, embracing you tightly and you reciprocated his actions. 
It would last a little longer than a normal hug.
Then both of your eyes meet, the moment feeling longer than it may actually be. He admired the sparkle in your eyes, possibly happening simply because of the dazzling sun on a Tuesday afternoon, but he loves to believe they are a reflection of how much you shine in his eyes. Foreheads leaned and noses touchrd before lips finally met the other.
Magnetic. Electrifying. Meant to be. 
Many things ran through his head to describe how the kiss felt. It was slow yet in his head, it was such a rush. It was a comforting and relaxing feeling, but his heart was beating as if he had just run at full speed. 
There was no limit to the different kinds of ways Heeseung would describe kissing you. But without fail each time, you could feel his lips turn up into the sweetest smile as the kiss continued. 
Most certainly, his favourite way to describe it was that he was on cloud nine.
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dykeyote · 2 years
if it didnt just ignore this,,
i feel like for a while . joshua felt REALLY jealous of rowaniper and they were like .... fuck . am i jealous of JUNIPER or ROWAN . they had this whole crisis over it they went on long long vents to yvonne about the subject they were AGONIZED they couldnt tell if their antagonism with juniper was projecting feelings into anger OR jealousy of rowan or WHAT . yvonne eventually is like joshua . have u ever considered that maybe . you have feelings for both of them . and theyre like :O?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?
i think joshua likes lending their boyfriend and girlfriend clothes they feel all fancy . i like the idea of joshua doing Traditionally Masculine Role stuff but in a chill transfem nonbinary way and not an alpha male cis guy way . anyway they lend juniper and rowan their jacket a lot . juniper is literally never cold shes ALWAYS kind of hot despite the fact that her skin is like freezing to other people but she accepts it happily anyway for the principle of the thing (:
everyones always like rowan . how do u understand them and take them seriously . theyre both so bizarre . but rowans just fluent in nonsense by this point he can just hear joshua say the most deranged thing and have juniper follow it up with the most mpossible story and know EXACTLY WHAT THEY MEAN . hes like yea okay anyway moving on . sometimes people ask him for clarification on what the fuck something one of those two said was trying to convey and rowan serves as Random Bullshit Translator
i think they have weekly movie nights (: they snuggle up and watch nice fun movies . rowan usually suggests something dreamy and metaphorical and conceptual smt thats way more about the THEMES than a coherent plot . joshua usually STARTS suggesting smt like . idk fuckin 300 but then eventually admits they kinda just wanna watch something lighthearted and silly and warmfuz . and junipers movie taste is EXCLUSIVELY extremely dark gritty horrors . that she is NEVER scared by . shes just sitting there like blimey!! poor sod got his head bitten off PROPER hard innhe lads? lol (: while joshuas like TERRIFIED burying their head into rowans shoulder
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godsg111rl · 9 months
random reasons to love my man:
he once walked 3 hours to see me bc i wasn’t taking his phone calls lmaoooo
his attention to detail is impeccable
he still opens my car door and buys me just bc flowers almost 10 years later
we share comfortable silence and i like that a lot
for all the times i drove my car like a hell cat and lost multiple tires… he’s always been there to replace or buy me new ones
back and ass rubs go without saying lol
younger me craved blueberries and a blue Powerade during my time of the month (don’t ask why bc til this day i still don’t know lol) and he’d ALWAYS have them ready to go
he freestyles with me and doesn’t laugh lmaoooooo
that one time he almost killed Casey for talking reckless to me lmaooooo
he teaches me new things and I love to learn
his love for nature may be as strong or even stronger than mine
he treats all of the women in his family with love and respect. hell, strangers too. he honestly is not the type of man to disrespect women for real and I think that’s dope
that summer we played house bc we were babysitting baby Remi
he’d tattoo my name in a heart beat (i know bc he’s asked me to and i said no lol)…. But that’s too much
he not only secured me my current job and home but he invested $10K in me this year to do whatever with
similar taste buds makes for a greeeat partnership
mutual under and innerstanding of what we came here to accomplish as a unit in our earthly vessels (& this shit gets real deep… that’s me scratching the surface)
the way our inner children play together
he’s not a street nigga & don’t pretend to be. i love that for him.
he’s so country and that’s so hot
he’s the only one i know that admires my art like i do
he brings me freelance clients all the time
he cooks… and not the basic shit either. I’m talking gourmet esque meals
he’s my biggest fan (after my dad ofc lol). literally my personal cheerleader
he’s done a great job at keeping the hoes away from me but i’m nosey so i was gonna find out anyways lmaoooo
literally the second funniest person i know. second bc i’m first lmaooooo
the way his solid earth balances my day dreamy waters
mans really spent $300 on what others would refer to as a “doll” on ONE sailor moon funko pop for me
i never have to question if i’m the shit bc he’s gonna tell me
he’s growing spiritually and creatively in my care and i adore that
we’ve both helped each other grow into our own authentically
we both genuinely don’t care what a soul has to say about our relationship because as it turns out, it’s just us 2 in this space
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gainerbf · 2 years
I Fattened Up The Lumberjack Working on my House
A weight gain story by GainerBF
My new cottage in the woods was coming along nicely. From the stone path leading to the door to the beautiful ponds in the back, it was truly my dream home.
However. My attention was elsewhere. More specifically on one of the lumberjacks working on my house. He was the only one of the group that was a lil pudgy looking. He had cute curly hair, red rosy cheeks and laughed a big laugh. He was dreamy, so much so that I dreamed about him. And I dreamed about him..getting fat.
I would make some hot chocolate or coffee for the lumberjacks but for, lets call him Red. But for Red, I snuck in a decent helping of heavy cream and used whole milk for his. He didn’t seem to notice.
‘Ahhh you’re too sweet *takes swig* mmmmm mmmmm best damn hot chocolate ever. Thank you dear’
Polite. A big burly gentleman. I NEEDED him.
‘Well mam, were mostly done. All it takes is a few more days of side work and a weekly check up for about 3 months to make sure the structure holds up. That only requires one of us so..’
RED. I blurted out. Oh my god what a simp.
The group chuckled knowing Red had won the lottery.
‘Well ok then. He’ll make sure everything goes smoothly for you and your home’
Play time 😈
Over the next few days, Red would come by and spend time at the cottage. And I would spend time fattening Red up. He didn’t really notice his flannel getting tighter at first
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So I kept feeding him.
Cakes and cookies.
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Soup and stews.
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He ate half a turkey when he came for Thanksgiving and I won’t even lie I was in awe of that…
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One day Red showed up in a large sweatshirt and my disappointment was immeasurable 😪
‘Little cold today Red?’ I jokingly asked
He chuckled and said something I had been waiting to here ‘you feed me too well dear. I can’t turn down your cooking so my flannel had to be retired sadly 😅’
That’s when I stopped him. I put my hand on his shoulder. And whispered in his ear.
‘But you look so good carrying that extra weight’
At first he was a little shook. But after looking down at his massive sweatshirt, he said something surprising.
‘I’ll be back tomorrow’ and left.
I had no idea what was coming. Was he angry? Was he embarassed? Either way, I couldn’t sleep all night. I made 3 pies, 2 dozen cookies and a cake out of extreme anxiety. I was ready to crash when I heard a knock at the door.
I opened it up and there he was, big Red in his flannel. His way way too tight red flannel. I got a bit lightheaded. I fell. He caught me 😍
He laid me down on the couch and kissed me. With so much rich passion and effort, he made me feel appreciated for what I had done to him.
‘I’m 300 pounds because of you’
And I was now wet because of him 🥲
Sex with a fatty is some divine blessing type shit. The bed is soft. Your fat fuck buddy is soft. You’re basically in a sandwich of soft. His weight crushing down on you, smushing you into the mattress. Heaven.
After all the activity, my big beautiful woodsman was hungry.
‘I’m starving after that workout’
Ok he was starving.
‘Got anything to eat?’ He said with a smile knowing damn well I had a bakery behind him
He settled down into a chair that was..struggling, to say the least. His clothes back on, me still naked in nothing but bare feet and a silk shirt.
I brought the goods to the table along with some whole milk to wash it down.
‘Open up big boy’
I fed him and fed him and fed him every last little bite of what I had made. He ate all of it. He drank all of it.
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He started to shift a little. Uncomfortable perhaps? He did just eat enough for a small village.
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While making direct eye contact, he pulled up his flannel causing his big jello belly to jiggle free from its restraints. I fell to my knees. It was even better when he was full 🤤
‘You are an incredible baker dear. Hell this massive mound here is the evidence’
He slapped his gut and laughed before heartily belching, which made him more red than his now outgrown flannel
‘Compliments to the chef, I guess my baking skills are top notch huh big guy? 😊’
He blushed then pulled me into his soft sanctuary. I felt so warm and at home in his arms. His kisses tasted like warm apple pie, which was a hell of a job by me if I do say.
Then he whispered something in my ear that drove me wild
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Hope you enjoyed this as much as I loved making it 😊 I believe I have now given every person who reads this a massive fantasy about fattening up and getting railed by a big burly lumberjack. Glad I could do that for you 😂
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chastiefoul · 2 years
dreamy | genshin impact (1/2)
ft. arataki itto, thoma, kujou sara
tags : unrequited love, angst, little comfort
honestly just wanna write something not fluffy
divided into two parts, i'll update the post with link to the 2nd part as soon as it's posted.
part 1 - part 2
Arataki Itto is so dreamy.
Strong, gentle, and unbelievably kind. While he may be lacking in the intelligent department, you thought that his personality truly made up for it. He always did things he didn’t have to just to help with utmost consideration, always making you laugh, and always making sure you’re not working yourself too hard or get yourself hurt. Sometimes all you can think about is how the heck the whole nation’s eligible man and woman hadn’t had a crush on this guy yet.
Although, similar like the happy stuff you dreamt, he also felt far away. Like the light that was on the end at a tunnel but the more you chased it, the further it hastes. Like a rainbow where no one knows where it ends. This secret of this feelings of yours, you will keep it hidden for as long as needed. It’d decided long before that,
Arataki Itto is unattainable.
Why are you so certain? Well why shouldn’t you, when he told you days and nights, how dreamy Kujou Sara is.
"And then she just looked back as if she didn't just killed an enemy from 300 yards away with that beautiful bow of hers!" Itto claimed excitedly, while walking side by side with you.
That tugged a little of your heartstring. Although it wasn’t the first time, and probably won’t the last either. The main problem is not even that he talks about her, it's how he does it all the time when he's with you.
What? Are you that dull that he thought the only conversation that would last between the two of you is the one where he sounds completely over heels over the General of the Tenryou Commission?
If so, with how much he talks about her and how little you responded, it sure sounds like he'd be entirely fine just by himself.
But alas, you also couldn’t lie to yourself that if someone asks what has been the best part of your day, you'd answer it's when the big dumb man named Itto comes to visit. The little minutes where he didn’t talk about you know who, and instead told you about his day, cracking up jokes, telling you all about the beetle fight he had attended that day.
That, that was when you couldn’t take your eyes off of him, because in that in between seconds you didn’t have to be reminded and he’s the Itto that’s out of your reach, the Itto you have feelings for but couldn’t say, the Itto that completely doesn’t see you in that way.
You offered a small smile as response, swallowing the bitter taste that lingered in your mouth. “Yeah, she is amazing, isn’t she?”
“She sure is! Oh, this is you, I’ve been talking so much I didn’t even pay attention and that we’ve arrived at your house!” He grinned, scratching the back of his head. Well quite the opposite, you’ve been counting the steps until you finally arrive.
“Well thank you again for accompanying me home Itto, you really don’t have to,” you said. “ Not this again, every evening and what not I drag you along with me doing whatever I wanted, the least I could do is send you back home safely.” He pat your head, his overbearing smile somehow painful on your part.
“Yeah well, I had fun too so don’t worry so much!” You smiled, that one was genuine. You couldn’t be more honest when you say you always looked forward his visits on the evening. Often, he’d take you on his strongest beetle-searching, adventuring along the scary yet fascinating hills and cliffs of Inazuma.
And you’ve loved every minute of it.
Needless to say that the thunder nation is breathtaking, even though you’ve lived here your entire life, you’re only realizing that and you only got to know that only thanks to the man in front of you.
It may seem that a gratitude is overdue, the same way how ending all of this is overdue.
However fun you’ve had, you just don’t think it’s worth it anymore to stay until the curtain rises, revealing a man who’s hopelessly in love with Kujou Sara. Especially how your feelings are getting stronger each day you spent time with him, only to have your heart shattered little-by-little.
You always said you’d end it, and today now you’ve reached your 10th reminder.
“Well then, I’m off!” The blaring voice snapped you out of the trance. He’d already so far away by the time you realized, your eleventh reminder will come tomorrow.
“Hey, thought you’d be here.” A gentle voice called out. You had been leaning on the big tree that grew behind your house. Sitting there was the perfect angle to see the moon just above the water. It’s a good thing you lived by the big lake. It was always your favorite place; to hide, or cry. Whatever it was that overwhelmed you.
“Thoma?! It’s midnight how are you here?” You claimed, surprised written all over you. Thoma was your friend first before he was the housekeeper of the Kamisato Clan. Few years ago at the time he had no mora and hadn’t known what he’d do at Inazuma, you knew you couldn’t just leave him alone the moment you heard, thus you sometimes you had him help around the house for the spare Mora you had, which wasn’t much, still, Thoma appreciated it regardless.
But Thoma never felt like a helper, he was always a friend. And on his spare time doing god knows that—but it must be something right that he gained the trust of the Kamisato Clan and now have a home of his own and work he has pride in. You were beyond happy when he told you and he promised to keep in contact. Which he did, until this very day.
Every week on days you could never guess he always visit you.
And today just one of those time.
“Well I planned on visiting on earlier hours but the business I had to attend went longer than I expected, and I thought about going back immediately since you probably already asleep, but with the stories you’ve been telling me about this Itto guy, I doubt that you sleep early these days,” Thoma sat beside you, leaning back as well.
“I hate it when you’re right,” you said, hugging your knees, eyes resting on the tranquil moon. “Did something happen today?” he asked, feeling that you’re especially weary today.
“Nothing new really, I still like him, he still likes Kujou Sara, just the usual good stuff,” you emphasized the sarcasm.
Thoma couldn’t stand seeing you like this, the way your shoulder always slumped now, and your emotion was dependent on a single person. He sighed out of concern, “I keep telling you-“ he started but you quickly cut him off. “-I should move on.”
Saying it aloud didn’t make you feel better, it just made it felt more real.
You continued, “I know, but it’s just-” You took a deep breath, it was a little shaky. “It’s hard.” Thoma finished it off. He offered a quiet comfort, putting a hand on your back. “I feel like you had to be there but Itto always talks about her with this expression I can’t put my hand on. It was so, sofull of love and adoration I-I couldn’t help but yearn for that,” you meekly explained, voice barely audible at the end of the sentence.
“I guess it just hurts so much to keep being reminded that I will never mean that much to him,” you chuckled quietly out of pity for yourself, tears flowing freely.
Thoma was quiet, not because he didn’t know what to say because he always knew. It’s because this time he’s certain that no word on the dictionary would be any help to mend whatever’s hurting you right now.
The nightfall continued along with your quiet sobs and sniffle, Thoma was by your side the entire time.
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