#wayward on main street
shallowseeker · 1 year
As a follow up to my previous message about Dean’s grief being colored through Sam’s vision, it’s striking in that *that’s* the full circle moment of the show the writers were leaning to. Sam was initially the viewers eyes into learning about the supernatural and the Winchester family. We learn they support their lifestyle by running credit card scams, as an example. While undoubtedly Dean became the main character, after over 300 episodes, we wind back to Sam and see Dean through Sam’s eyes. He deflects about losing Cas. We get just the tiniest glimpse things aren’t right with Dean when he’s by himself - that hug with Miracle, getting up and leaving the bed unmade - but ultimately that’s it. Everything else Dean experiences in the remaining 20 minutes of the episode where he’s still alive, he’s with Sam.
And speaking of visions, I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here. He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. If he doesn’t put pictures up, maybe the images of people like Cas and Jack, Jody, etc will fade from his mind. He’ll teach the importance of family to his son. We know that’s important to Sam by the enlarged picture of his parents and Dean (from Lebanon promo pics) in the middle of it all. And he’ll definitely keep the Impala.
And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors.
"I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here."
OH MY GOD. THE DREAMY LAST SEQUENCE AS SAM'S DAYDREAM WHILE DRIVING HIS WAY TO THE NEXT HUNT. See, Sam's listening to Carry on My Wayward Son, but in his mind, it becomes...this.
I friggin' love that idea, though! Like, when you lose someone, you do find yourself thinking, "I'll see them again, someday. They're probably in Heaven right now. Jack fixed it, so it's better. Cas helped. Everyone is together. I'll probably meet him on a bridge...when I too cross over." That's so...normal.
"He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. ...And he’ll definitely keep the Impala. And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors."
The woman is blurry, because Sam doesn't have a clear idea of it just yet, but she will be transformational and zen and so, so normal. Sam has a very poor idea of what aging will actually look like for him, too because none of his fam has ever actually made it that far. Which is why the wig looks so weird.
Sam has a very poor imagination of what "normal" looks like, because he is and has always been a weirdo. Like, he really thinks he'll be decrepit and elderly by the time his son is a young adult.
Not only do I love this, but I spent the last three minutes laughing at how Sam put his entire neurodivergent heart into his grief-fantasy, and it looks like that.
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spectacular! @lemon--verbena
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theseeingfawn · 2 months
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Azriel and Elain confront the implications of their choice and set boundaries.
Chapter 5 | Read on AO3
“How’s Mayberry?” asks Devlon as I walk, fully clothed down Main Street. He’s not thrilled that I’ve chosen to settle in Hewn Hills temporarily. I can’t tell if he is genuinely concerned for the town folk or if he just likes to nettle me. To be perfectly honest, the town, while charming, is not ideal for the lifestyle I typically lead. There are no nightclubs, shooting ranges, twenty-four hour gyms or quick access to an airport. There’s not much for me to do. “Things are fine. Maybe a tad boring.” 
I officially moved into the townhouse and for obvious reasons, I don’t want my mail delivered to Rhys and Feyre’s home. The last thing I need is Feyre snooping through my stuff. Which brings me to why I am currently walking down the street at 10 am on a Sunday subjecting myself to the staring of suspicious townies. A PO box is the safest way to make sure my private matters stay private. 
I wave at a gawking lady as she walks into a diner. She blushes and quickly waves back. “Maybe you can pick up a new hobby, you’ve been working non-stop since we met. I don’t want you to start getting sloppy.” I growl into my phone. “I don’t need a hobby.” I hear Devlon chuckle before he adds, “a girlfriend then, you need to blow off some steam.”
“That’s not…” as if on cue I see Elain across the street. She’s walking down the sidewalk beaming and waving at every person passing her. They all seem equally as thrilled to see her and I practically hear them cooing over her from where I’m standing. She’s wearing a pair of cut off denim shorts that show off her lean legs and a pink tank top. Her wavy hair is unbound and blowing in the wind. It’s like she’s moving in slow motion but she’s not, I’m just going insane apparently. Her expression is one of utter happiness. Her skin is glowing, no doubt from hours spent outside toiling in her garden. She’s so deliciously sweet. It’s exactly the distraction I need from my boredom. 
She stops outside the hardware store and chats with an older man. He says something that makes her laugh. The sight of her smile is enough to make my heart clench. “Hello! Rosehall!? Are you still there?” Devlon practically shouts at me. “Sorry, I lost service for a second, you know how these small towns are.” I clear my throat since I can’t seem to clear my head. “Listen, I called because there was a report of suspicious activity at Amarantha’s last night. I'm going to need you to go into the bar and make yourself acquainted… if you know what I mean.” I watch as Elain heads into the market. “Look Devlon, I have to go, just email the details and I’ll take care of it.” I hang up before he can reply. 
I reach for a box of cocoa pebbles when I hear a soft masculine voice behind me say “Hello.” I nearly jump out of my skin at the man’s sudden appearance until I see a scarred hand pull a box of the protein cereal into his waiting basket. 
“What are you doing here?” I ask suspiciously mainly because I wasn’t expecting him and I am slightly mortified that I basically begged him to date me last night. It may also have something to do with the fact that I typically need ten good minutes to mentally prepare for interacting with him. You know, to keep my wayward mind from descending into the gutter and what not. 
“I believe it’s called shopping.” I frown down at his poor choice in cereal. Choosing to ignore the dry humor in his voice. How can he eat that cereal? Oh my gods, I bet he eats boiled chicken and rice for dinner. That simply won’t do. I pull his cereal out and replace it with cocoa pebbles. The man deserves to live a little after all. 
“Shouldn't you be out scaring the town folk?” Unimpressed, he grabs the box protein cereal and places it in my basket, “You need strength Elain Archeron if you’re going to be my girlfriend.” I gasp a little. Of course he wouldn’t let me forget. “You came all this way to make sure I eat enough protein?” 
“All the way from the townhouse? Yes.”I notice a hint of a smail at the corner of his deliciously full lips. I realize I’ve got no defense against this man. I may need my strength after all. 
I turn toward him, allowing myself to take a moment and appreciate him. How can someone so large and intimidating have the most beautiful face? His hazel eyes sparkling with mischief. His clothes, well he is sort of dressed for combat which is amusing and sexy at the same time. I see the edges of black ink peeking out from beneath his collar and I have the sudden urge to trace it with my tongue. He is mine now, surely I can lick him. Get a grip Elain, what kind of deranged thought was that? Pauline is literally twenty feet away. 
The reminder we are in public and the fact that he called me his girlfriend has me turning in the other direction. The last thing I need is to do something regrettable like climb him on aisle four.
He follows quickly, “Are you on a lunch break?” 
“No, I have the day off. I actually plan to visit Nesta. I usually pop into the store and get her a few things. She’s too proud to admit she needs help so I pretend that I bought too much food for myself.”
Oh gods, why did I tell him that? Nesta would kill me if she knew I was talking about her behind her back. Feyre would probably be disappointed I was still offering her help. The last thing I need is to start another round of fighting between my sisters. I feel a headache forming just thinking about it. I pinch my forehead, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that. Feyre might kill her if she knew I was helping out.” Azriel gives me a sympathetic look before asking, “How is Nesta?”
“You saw her yesterday, she is… the same.” He nods, “But you know her best, how is she really ?” I let out a long exhale. Nesta hasn’t been the same since our father died, perhaps even before that. Our father was once a successful business man but got caught up in some gambling scheme involving the mob. He had to declare bankruptcy after they took every dime we had. And if that wasn’t enough they busted his knee caps as a reminder not to wrong the boss again. He had been lucky really, they could have done so much worse. 
After that, I became a full time caregiver. Feyre was forced to drop out of high school to help make ends meet. Nesta hated father for our downfall and refused to help, Feyre thinks it was out of spite but deep down it was more than just that, Nesta was broken-hearted. When he was killed two years ago, Nesta shut down entirely. She began drinking and doing the gods knew what with any man she could find. I stop in front of the toothpaste section and take a steadying breath. 
“She won’t face what’s happened. I’ve tried to get her to go to therapy but she shoots the idea down every time. Most people think she’s cold and harsh but deep down Nesta loves more fiercely and deeply than anyone I know. She just doesn’t know how to forgive herself. I used to be able to get through to her but lately, she won’t even let me in.”
Azriel places a hand on my shoulder, “That sounds really tough,” his voice gentle and kind. He leans closer to me, like he wants to comfort me more but isn’t sure how. I look up at him and the tenderness in his eyes does nothing to help the tears that begin to well in mine. I turn away before they can spill. I grab a tube of toothpaste and throw it in my basket, “It’ll be alright. She just needs time, I have to believe that she’ll find her happy ending.” I say willing myself to smile. Being upset doesn’t help her. It doesn’t bring our father back. It doesn’t undo the years of poverty or fix our strained relationship. It’s better to cling to hope no matter how fleeting it may be instead of giving in to despair. 
Azriel grabs a tube of denture paste and throws it into my basket. My somber mood instantly lifted as my tears give way to a small smile. I reach for the tube and place it into his, “silly you, you missed your basket.” He begins to object before I quickly add, “forgetfulness is common with old age.” I walk to the next aisle as he stands there stunned. Unfortunately for me Pauline is there stocking the shelf just around the corner and I freeze when I see her. Azriel nearly bumps into me but catches himself quickly. 
He smiles at Pauline, “Hi there, do you know where Elain can find the intimate care section?” I choke on a breath as I look back at him and glare. How he is able to look impassive at all times astounds me. Pauline glowers at him but gestures for us to follow. All the while my cheeks are burning hot with embarrassment. Pauline vaguely gestures to the aisle on the left and goes back to her work, not before she gives Azriel a look that would melt bark off a tree. “She likes me,” he says confidently. I laugh and steer us down the aisle, fully aware that Pauline is likely mentally sharpening her pitchfork. “You know, you're not doing yourself any favors by taunting Pauline.” 
We pass the intimate care section and I toss a package of heavy duty overnight pads into his basket. I try not to snicker at the look on his face. With a self satisfied smile I round the corner and Azriel meets me half way down the aisle, no pads to be seen in his basket. How the hell did he do that? 
I face the impressive display of baked goods and he stands shoulder to shoulder with me. I know I shouldn’t be buying baked goods from here because I own my own bakery but I can’t resist the smells. I cut my eyes to him and fight a smile as I see he is doing the same. And then he turns toward me, “you know I’ve been thinking about last night.”
Shock whips through me as I drop a package of eclairs. Using my bewilderment to his advantage, Azriel slyly slips a bottle of stool softener into my basket and strolls away. 
Horror, curiosity and unease all tangle inside of me. I spent most of the morning pretending last night didn’t happen. I don’t want to know what he’s been thinking about.
Well that’s not true. A part of me wants nothing more than to know what he’s thinking. Sure it wasn’t exactly comforting to know I got drunk and begged him to be my boyfriend. But there was  that moment where he brushed my fingers with his. Then there was the way he held me in his arms and comforted me. The way he nearly fell over himself when I touched his chest. 
I can’t help it, I have to know so I chase after him, “What have you been thinking?” My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty and I’m pretty sure Pauline is watching us through the security cameras.
“I've been thinking about how you asked me to be your boyfriend ,” I can see the arrogant smirk starting to form on his face. He is enjoying this, taunting me. “I’ve been thinking about how we should sit down and discuss what we want out of this… arrangement.” I bite the inside of my cheek so I don’t smile. I love the sound of we .
I suddenly feel the prying eyes of the other shoppers. He didn’t yell it out or anything but I don’t trust these people to not eavesdrop on us. The last thing I need is the town crier sharing that Azriel and I are dating. Are we dating?  I lean in closer, “As I recall you told me you would be my boyfriend after I found an alternative.” Azriel steps into my space to avoid a passerby, his hard chest now pressing into my side. “As I recall you begged me to date you. I believe the word please was involved.” His eyes lock onto my lips as he adds seductively “I do love it when you beg.”
Mother save me. I avoid making eye contact because if I look into those eyes I would surely melt into a puddle on the floor. How dare he talk to me that way! Like… like… I’ve always wanted him to. 
His hand sweeps under my chin. Oh right, he’s still here. My attempt to imagine him away didn’t work. Our eyes meet and the air whooshes out of my lungs. The thread that ties me to him pulls me closer until our baskets are tangled together. He leans down and whispers, “You liked it too, didn’t you?” My heart thumps in my chest at the wild glint in his eyes. “Like what?” I ask innocently. He tuts before leaning down to whisper in my ear, “begging for me.” My whole body responds to him. Goosebumps break out all over my skin. My heart is pounding. My panties are quite literally soaked. 
“How would you know that?” No one in the world would suspect me of liking such a thing. No one would even dare say such filthy things to me. Now I feel like Azriel has unlocked a deep dark secret about me. A quiver of need rumbles through me at the thought. 
His eyes return to mine, his rough fingers holding me captive. “Because contrary to what everyone else seems to think about you, I can see that wicked spark behind those innocent doe eyes, Elain. I know there’s a secret side to you”  His eyes drop back to my lips, and I’m ready to beg him again. Desire pulses through the air around us - thick and heady- making it impossible to think clearly. 
“But it’s our secret, isn't it Azriel?’ He practically purrs as I say his name. “This thing between us, we can’t let them know.” His body stiffens next to mine, “Why can’t they know?” He doesn’t have to ask who they are, he already knows. 
“They just… they can’t.” I take a step away. “If they find out they will be full of opinions. They’ll make suggestions or worse try to intervene and I don’t want that. Do you want that?” He shakes his head no. I feel his hand rub my arm comfortingly. I can hear Feyre now, asking me a million questions or telling Lucien in the hopes that he can somehow stop it. I can see the town passing around a petition banning Azriel from dating me. I hear Nesta’s mocking me for not being enough. I’ll end up caving and doing what they want to avoid hurting their feelings or creating problems. I look up and nearly flinch at the intensity of Azriel’s gaze. “I just want something for myself - is that so bad?” 
“I don’t think it’s wrong Elain but I’m not necessarily the best judge on what’s good. I lead a pretty selfish life… Besides isn’t the whole point of this,” he waves a hand between us, “to be bad.” He gives me a devil may care smile that would make James Deen look like a kitten. 
I swallow, “I don’t think you're selfish Azriel.” His eyes soften a little. “Elain I don’t want you to get the wrong ideas about me. I’m not a good guy.” I want to protest. How can he say that about himself? He’s going to date me out of… out of… oh gods, is it pity? I force the thought away. I opt to just quietly nod instead. 
He steps away but I don’t miss the moment his thumb glides over my hand before he releases it. “I’ll sneak into your place tonight around eight? We can talk about how this will work between us.” I barely notice as he slides something into my basket. I’m too panicked thinking about Azriel in my place. “Wait, why do you need to sneak in?”
He shrugs one shoulder before saying, “When you’re being bad you need to be sneaky. Besides, the people in this town have eyes everywhere. We will have to be careful.” He sits his basket down and doesn’t glance back as he heads toward the door. I look down and his basket is empty. Did he come in here just to talk to me?
At the checkout counter, I set my basket down and start to pull items out for Pauline to scan. And it’s too late when I realize I’m holding a box of magnum xl condoms. Oh gods, that’s what he slipped into my basket. I look up to see Pauline’s scowling face. I blurt out, “You know how Nesta is.” Pauline narrows her eyes at me like she doesn’t know whether she believes me or not but she isn’t pleased either way. Great, a new topic of conversation for the knitting circle. 
“You stay away from that man, Elain. He’s a ruffian and not the kind of man you need in your life.”
I turn toward the window and catch a glimpse of Azriel smiling as he walks away. Clearly he is pleased with himself, the sneaky devil. 
I realize then that there is truth in what Pauline said. He isn’t good for me. Too bad he’s exactly the man I want.  
I hear a shriek and the sound of a panicking Elain tripping over something. I pull myself through her window and watch amused as she crawls over a fallen kitchen chair. “My goodness Azriel, you scared me!” I give her a flat look, “I told you I was sneaking in.” She stands and blows a fallen curl off her face. “Remind me why I agreed to that?” I walk closer and lift the chair off the floor, “because we’re being sneaky. Are you alright?'' I sit the chair down and give her a once over to make sure she isn’t injured. I try and fail to stop my eyes from lingering on all the places they shouldn’t. She gives me a sidelong glance and the corner of her lips teases a smile. “Yes, I’m quite alright.” I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. If she were to get injured because of me I would never forgive myself. 
She gestures for me to take a seat at her small kitchen table. I sit down slightly charmed by what I see. There is a cute floral teapot, little cakes, tea sandwiches, pastries and my favorite cookies. I didn't think she remembered . As I sit down, she starts to serve me. It feels nice to be tended to. Like there is someone who wants to care for me. The whole situation feels like a picture perfect domestic scene. I imagine myself becoming used to this kind of care and attention. I chide myself for such wistful thoughts. She pours me a cup of tea, remembering that I prefer one sugar and no cream.
I take a moment to look over her place as she fusses over me. It's a charming little second floor apartment with a large arched window overlooking the street. There is a wide variety of potted plants lining the window’s bench seat. A small kitchenette is tucked along the back wall with open shelves filled with delicate cups and plates. She has a small seating area with a white slipcovered couch and a well loved wooden coffee table. There are a few bookshelves lining the wall with a scattering of nicknacks. A TV sits on a low lying console table with more plants surrounding it. Off to the side I see a small bathroom with a pedestal sink. In the very back is her bedroom. It’s dark without a light on but I can make out a lush bed. I turn back to my tea before I think too long about her in that bed. 
I take a long sip and revel in the comfortable silence that sits between us. Most people don’t like that I prefer the quiet to strained small talk or the general bloviating others indulge in. Something about her soothes me. Her gentle manners and soft spirit lulls me into a state of calm I can so rarely achieve on my own and certainly not with others. The constant hum of dark whisperings that plague my mind are quieted by her lightness. It’s why I crave her presence more than anyone else's. Why I’m sometimes overcome by the need to seek her out even though I know I shouldn’t.
Which brings me to why I’m here. Elain literally asked me to corrupt her. It was like having my deepest darkest fantasy brought to life. I spent last night dreaming of all the ways we could be bad together. How I wanted to devour every inch of that supple body until she couldn't wash away the smell of me. I need clarity on her expectations so that I can reign mine in. 
Damn that dream.
I take a deep breath and interrupt the silence, “I think we should lay out some ground rules before we start dating.” She looks at me a little hesitant and then nods again. She is being shy which is adorable. I wonder what happened to the confident Elain who practically shoved me against the wall. I look her over as if to search out the answer. She’s changed out of her jean shorts and tank top. Now she’s wearing a lilac sundress, the style she typically favors. The ones that make me drool like a love sick puppy. Her long thick hair is braided back with a few unruly curls framing her perfect neck. She clearly put in effort toward her appearance. Did she do that for me? 
Gods she looks delicious. I just want to take a bite. 
I take a deep breath. I absolutely cannot go there. It’s one thing to date her for a few weeks. It’s another to have her completely. I clear my throat and try to remind myself of why I’m here. “You told me you want me to be your boyfriend to prove that you’re interesting. To break out of the box you're in. You also said you wanted to be… bad . I need you to elaborate on what your expectations are and how you want this to go.” She gives me a small smile, before biting her plump pink lower lip. I watch her completely enraptured, I want to pull that lip between my teeth. 
“When I'm with you I feel different.” My cold heart flutters a little, “different how?” She lets out a nervous breath, “you make me feel bold. Like I could do anything. That I can be myself” She shakes her head nervously and smiles, “you don't see me the way the others do.” I nod. I know what she means, she’s coddled and often overlooked by those with louder personalities. The town is also bizarrely interested in her personal life. She continues on, “So, when I asked you to be my boyfriend, I thought you could help me discover the parts of myself I've hidden away, either because I haven't been allowed to or I've been too scared to try.” 
I want nothing more than to draw her out of her shell. I’ve always suspected there was more to her than meets the eye. When she thinks no one is watching, Elain does the most fascinating things. She observes and understands more than people realize. She is always the first to know a secret. Well besides me . There was the time we lost Cassian after a night of drinking and Elain found him hiding in a closet quietly singing Abba to himself. All of us howled with laughter and teased him relentlessly. But to Elain it was old news, as if this was a regular occurance for her to rescue him. Cassian would have stayed mad at her if he could have managed it. But, it is impossible to be mad at Elain. She is the only one who can get Nesta to listen. She is charming and can convince anyone to do anything. It’s like magic. Just her smile could bring Rhys to heel and he is notoriously stubborn. 
“I also think I need practice dating. As much as I want to blame the worst date ever on Lucien, I'm certain I played a role as well. There is also…” She quiets and is wringing her hands in her lap. She seems sad and at a loss of words. “Also what, Elain?” I ask gently. 
“Graysen. He was so willing to end things with me. It felt like maybe the situation with Lucien was just an excuse to be rid of me.” 
“What happened with Graysen?” She sighs and nervously twists a loose lock of hair with her finger, “He was jealous of Lucien, he had just won the election. Feyre was bragging about him every chance she got. Nesta was also making snide remarks… she never liked him. Anyway, all the chatter made him suspicious that Lucien and I were having an affair. Jurian and his drunk rambling didn't help. So, when he saw Lucien walk me home from a town meeting late one night he ended it.” 
I take a calming breath, what is it with the men of this town that made them act like utter jackasses. “You think he just used that situation as an excuse?” She nods, “if he really loved me he would have at least heard me out or fought for what we had. It’s like he had one foot out the door.”
She lets out a shaky breath, “I think I need lessons in not giving a shit.” I laugh. How can she think she’s not interesting, she’s the only one who can make me laugh like this. 
She taps her pointer finger against her chin, “I think my recent date proved I'm a little rusty when it comes to dating. There were a lot of awkward silences with Lucien.” She gasps suddenly and buries her head in her hands and muffles a scream. I laugh again, “that bad, huh?” Without lifting her face she replies, “I don't think I asked him a single question. I mean I know about him and I just accepted there was nothing else to learn. Man, I am such an asshole.” I smile, “see you are already on your way to being bad.” She smiles and throws a cookie at me. I'd do anything to see that smile, “so we have lessons in not giving a shit and dating.” She nods. 
I take a minute to consider how best to phrase my next question. “And you don’t want people to know we are dating?” She thinks about it for a moment before she says, “I'm so tired of everyone in my business. People think they are entitled to every aspect of my life.” 
It would also solve a few problems for me. For starters, there is Rhys and then there is my job. It would be too risky to publicly date Elain. If word got out, it could put her in danger. I have to be careful. This isn’t just some romantic comedy plot, it’s her safety that matters most. “I agree and I think it would be safer if we keep it just between us.” She narrows her eyes, “Safer?” I nod, “my job can be dangerous and I don’t want to put you at risk.” 
Her eyes widen in shock, “Risk?” I nod again. She asks carefully, “Azriel, what is your job exactly?” The sound of my name on her lips always undoes me. Normally I’d tell her anything she wants to hear but not this. A part of me knows I can’t have it both ways. I can’t date her and keep secrets. It's not fair but I’ve never been a good guy and right now I’m too selfish. I won’t outright lie to her but I won’t put her in unnecessary danger either.
“I do bad things, Elain. Bad things done extremely well.” I watch as her cheeks turn a perfect shade of rosy pink. I think I’ve rendered her speechless. I’m going to enjoy this. I ask, “anything else?” She studies me for a second and says, “you forgot that you're not allowed to fall in love with me.” I lean back in my chair and cross my arms, “uh huh, sure. Won't be a problem.” She mimics my posture, leaning back and crossing her arms as she asks, “what about you Mr. Naked, do you have any rules or expectations?” Damn that nickname. 
I was hoping she would ask. After last night, I spent most of today thinking about all the pitfalls… If I should keep things close to the chest. How much of myself am I willing to share? Elain has a way of lowering my guard without me realizing it and worse still, I don't think she’s trying to. It's just the natural effect she had on me. My biggest fear is the same one I had with Mor, that I will develop feelings and she won't reciprocate. In the back of my mind, I know that’s not an issue with Elain. But that’s somehow even more terrifying. I’m not sure I’m prepared for that. I’ve never settled down with anyone. I’ve never had the sort of intimacy a relationship requires. I don’t know if I can give her what she needs. Elain said I wasn't allowed to fall in love with her. That is exactly what I did with Mor but I’ve learned my lesson. I won't be sticking around Hewn Hills after this mission which is my safety net. The only thing that could possibly unravel me is if I got a taste of her. She is too sweet, too big of a temptation. Since I returned, I've lost count of how many times I initiated contact with Elain. If I start, really start, I won't be able to stop. I would ruin her completely. 
I take a steadying breath before I say, “My only rule is that we keep this PG.” Her brows furrowed in confusion, “PG?” I smile at her sinless thoughts, “I mean, no fucking.” I watch as my words land, her cheeks flush and spread down to her perky little chest, disappearing behind the top of her dress. Her eyes flare as she stutters, “I didn't… I wasn't… Azriel, that's not what I…” I smile at her desperate attempt to form a sentence. “I know that's not what you intended Elain but you said I wasn't allowed to fall in love with you. My rule makes sure you won't fall in love with me.” 
Her cute little jaw drops, “Excuse me?!” I shrug, “I am aware of the effect I have on women, if we sleep together you'll become… attached.” She snorts as if the idea is ridiculous. But, I know better. We have always shared a quiet understanding. A longing perhaps, a mutual desire that is palpable anytime our eyes meet. The jolt of electricity that passes between us every time our fingers graze. The way I can't resist her like I'm a moth and she's the flame. 
I stay quiet, letting my eyes slowly roam over her body. I marvel at her flawless skin. The curve of her body, those long lean legs crossed demurely. I watch the way her chest rises and falls, in sync with my own breath. The way her throat bobs as I silently drink in the way her body reacts to mine. So responsive. I give her the full weight of my attention. Just for her, only for her . I can see little goosebumps start to rise on her arms despite the flush of her skin. I cock my head to the side as her wet little tongue licks her lips. When my eyes finally meet hers they are heavy and full of heat. I give her a knowing smirk, “do we have a deal?” All she can manage is a small nod. 
I leave Elains the way I came in, out the back window. I pause for a moment in her garden and catch my breath. I go over every detail of her in my mind. I feel delirious. I’ve made this rule for myself, for my own sake but I’ve never been good at following the rules. A part of me knows I made it just for the thrill of breaking it. I enjoy torturing myself like that. There would be pleasure, beauty even, in the exquisite pain of denying myself of her… for now. 
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i-am-still-bb · 3 months
FiKi Week by @gatheringfiki - Day 2 - 06.23.24
“Love doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints; it takes and it takes and we keep loving anyway.” 
NEW AU - Outlander (1940s) AU
“So what will you do today?” 
“Probably just read, and take whatever tea and treats that Mrs. Baird offers. And I might go out for a walk to look for that henge that Thorin mentioned last night.” Kili sat in the upholstered armchair in the corner of their room. His feet were tucked beneath him and he was curled forward around his book. It always reminded Fili of when they first met. Kili had been sitting in such a position, shoes off, and bare toes wedged between the seat cushion and the arm of the chair. Fine if it was your own chair, but decidedly not fine when said chair was in the University library. Fili had been instructed to inform this wayward patron that he needed to collect his things and leave and not to plan on returning unless he was going to remain fully clothed. 
“Stone circle,” Fili corrected absently. He was doing up the buttons on his white shirt. 
“It’s a stone circle, not a henge. A henge is a circular earthen wall or ditch. A henge can have a stone circle, but you can have either without the other. Stonehenge has both.”
There was a spark of sarcasm in Kili’s reply, “Interesting.” He was decidedly more interested in how the circles were used and decorated than how they were constructed. 
“It is,” Fili responded earnestly. 
“I’ll go looking for a stone circle then.”
“Just don’t get lost. I can join you if you care to wait.”
Kili snorted.
“You’re right,” Fili acknowledged. “But do ask for directions, please? You’re as bad as Thorin.”
“I am not.”
“You both got lost on a street that had no intersecting streets. More than once.”
“I promise I’ll ask for directions.” Kili turned back to his book. 
“I’ll see you later,” Kili said, not looking up from his book. “Don’t stay out too late looking at old and moldy papers.”
“I won’t,” Fili straightened his tie. “Don’t forget to eat something,” he teased. 
Kili hummed and turned his face up for the quick kiss that he knew was coming without tearing his eyes off the page of his book. 
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“Kili!” Fili shouted into the rain. His voice was echoed by DI Fundinson and the handful of constables that he had been able to gather for a search party on such short notice.
Mrs. Baird had not seen Kili since he had gone out shortly after midday. When the hour had gotten late and the rain had gone from a gentle mist to a pounding deluge she had assumed that he had been with Fili at the Manor House. It had not been until Fili returned, dripping and cursing and willing to murder for a cup of hot tea, that anyone had realized that Kili was missing and had been for hours.
The locals knew the location of the stone circle that Kili had gone in search of. And one of the constables had quickly spotted the bicycle that Kili had borrowed leaned up against a tree near the main road out of town. 
Fili’s hair dripped in his eyes. His torch lit a small circle that was tightly enclosed by fat drops of rain. 
Mud sucked at his shoes. Heather and low hanging branches pulled at his clothes which were soaked all the way through. 
He shouldn’t have let Kili go alone. He should have put personal projects and genealogy aside to indulge Kili’s interests.
Fili did enjoy seeing the old stones, looking at and trying to puzzle out what animals or figures  had been carved into the stones. Carvings that were interspersed with far newer scratchings of dates and initials that simultaneously amused and annoyed them both. But the stones did not hold his interest as long as they held Kili’s. Kili had notebooks filled with the painstakingly copied designs. His letters during the war frequently had at least one doodle in the margins, sometimes that doodle would take up an entire page or more as Kili worked through visual problems. Fili saw them so often that he even began to draw them when his mind drifted during some interminable meeting or another. 
Fili could not see far in the rain. He did see other lights bobbing in the distance appearing and disappearing around trees, other searchers, or a low hill. It was dark in a way that Fili had hated for many years. The dark that seemed to suck and absorb any light that someone dared to put forth. He preferred to stay under the streetlights of Inverness, London, or any other city. But now that darkness made the search even harder.
His voice was raw with shouting when a hand gripped his shoulder.
“They’re calling it a night, lad.”
“Did they find him?” Fili looked over Thorin’s shoulder where he could see the lights gathering together.
Thorin shook his head, flicking rain from the brim of his hat. “Dwalin said that he will have men out here with the first light. With as dark as it is we would only be feet away from him and we wouldn’t see him.”
But he’d hear us. Fili did not say that. Because if Kili could not hear them that opened the door to a whole host of possibilities that Fili did not even want to consider. “I should stay. Keep look—”
“You should go home,” DI Fundinson gruffly interrupted. “You’ll be no use to anybody if you are dead on your feet.”
Fili started to protest.
“Stay at the Manor House,” Thorin said. “It is closer.”
The next day brought sun.
But no sight of Kili.
They did find his old jacket with the frayed cuffs that he refused to replace inside of  the stone circle.
After a week of no new information DI Fundinson had trained dog handlers brought in from Edinburgh.
“I have more in my other account, but I’d have to go down to Oxford to access it.”
“That is a handsome sum,” DI Fundinson said. “I wouldn’t offer too much otherwise you’ll start to attract all kinds of malarkey. As it is, most of the calls won’t lead us anywhere.”
Fili roughly ran his hands through his hair and paced the study in the Manor House. He was aware of how he looked. He hadn’t properly slept in over two weeks. He could barely eat. He was wearing his belt a notch tighter than when he and Kili had arrived what seemed like an age ago.”
“I would give everything I have to find him.”
“Dwalin’s right,” Thorin said. 
“We can always increase the amount in the future. It’s harder to decrease the amount.”
“Why would I want to decrease the reward?” Fili snapped.
Dwalin and Thorin shared a look, but said nothing. 
“They’re saying that if I don’t take up my post with the new term then they’re going to find a replacement!” Fili shook the letter on the University letterhead.
Thorin looked up from his book. He closed it on his thumb. “It has been two terms…”
“But we haven’t found Kili yet.” Fili dropped into an open armchair. Most of the flat surfaces in the study were covered with books, papers, and other detritus of academic life. He scowled and stared out the windows at the snow capped hills and the low clouds that threatened more.
“There’s nothing to do but wait now.”
“I still look!”
“Those hills have been scoured. You can wait for news just as well at Oxford as you can here.”
“I don’t know…”
“I’ll keep you up to date. I’ll send along any news no matter how small. You need to start living again. Refill yourself a bit rather than just pouring yourself into this search. I know you love him, but you can’t just stay like this forever.”
Fili’s voice was small when he spoke, “I don’t know how much more I have to give.”
Thorin does not push him to explain.
Fili leaves in the end.
He moves into the small flat above the bakery that they had picked out together. It was a short walk for the college where Fili would be teaching and only a handful of steps from a grocer and a pub, and a bit further along there was the library and the green.
Kili had been excited to begin exploring the town; absorbing inspiration for his work from the architecture.
Fili did not jump up when the phone rang.
He would have leapt to his feet when he first arrived here. But he’s well settled into his faculty apartments at this point having been teaching for several terms already. The snow doesn’t stick around for long here. But even those dustings have ceased now that  spring has started to creep in. The apartment is less cold and drafty than it was a few weeks back.
But he sat down heavily when he heard the words that came down the line.
“We found him. He’s here.”
“Is he…?”
“He’s alive.”
Fili was on the next train north. 
He thought that this was the end. He thought he had given all he would have to give.
But it was just the beginning. 
Fili would give and  he would continue to give until he was no longer breathing.
Everything @silvermoon-scrolls @metztlilua @I-am-pinkie
Fili/Kili @dubhlachen
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fanterfane · 12 days
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Brain Dump 5! (Preview)
Previously: https://www.deviantart.com/fanterfane/art/Brain-Dump-4-Cheerleader-854715848 View the full sequence unobstructed and both parts now on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/posts/111512174
It's finally here, Brain Dump #5!
Something down on the streets of Chesterfield had all the spirits in a tizzy! It was extremely concerning to the often possessed Fayne, so by enlisting the help of his NEET roomate Faith, he went down into the hot zone to try to figure out what was going on. There, it was clear to him that there was something nefarious happening, but he wasn't sure what. His roommate had no idea either, but they could both tell that it was an extremely local thing. He kept seeing various ghosts flying around, but only one at a time? Always a different one each time too. Some were in control, others very much not. Which was strange because if the dead were restless they should all be out at once right? Well, his investigation was cut short when the inevitable wayward ghost found her way to his backside... Although she had no ill intent, it seemed she was far too dumb to catch on as quickly as Fayne or anyone else had... He had tried to save everyone by stopping the spiritual mixup, but now that Fayne has had a change of heart and mind, it doesn't seem like he'll be figuring any of that out any time soon! Now he may just a ditzy boy, but at least he remembered his shorts this time! I wonder what's gonna happen to his soul...? Maybe if I ever make a 6th brain dump, we'll find out... and maybe even get some answers to what's happening... (Bonus points if you know who the girl is based off of. It's a super secret >:3) Also, this concept is heavily based on some of the concepts that HugoTheTroll has drawn in the past, so be sure to check out his art if you're interested in more of this kind of art! https://x.com/HugoTheTroll2/media?lang=en If you're not already supporting me, please consider it! It's how I pay my bills, my rent, and how I buy good food to eat and pretty clothes to wear!~ Since this is my main source of income, I really appreciate any small part you can send my way! <3
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namig42 · 10 months
Spoilers for Astarion's lore below!
So question for Astarion lore appreciators: why do you think Cazador specifically targeted Astarion all those years ago as a target to turn?
I've been thinking about this mainly because of the fact that Cazador's main seven spawn all seemed to be people of notable positions in life, such as Dalyria having been a doctor and Violet having been a singer before being brought into Cazador's "family." I could see how the jobs that the other spawn had before could benefit Cazador in one form or another, so I'm fascinated what he could've gained from turning a magistrate of Baldur's Gate. None of the main seven spawn seemed like a coincidental choice for Cazador, so what was it initially that led him to target Astarion?
After Astarion was turned, he never performs his duties as a magistrate again, so if it was political power Cazador was searching for, he would gain nothing from turning Astarion. He could've built a relationship of sorts by bribing or blackmailing Astarion while the young elf was still living and serving in his position, but he decided to turn him instead and make Astarion his own. Outside of proper political power, I can't think of what skills a magistrate would have that would serve Cazador, unlike a singer who has a natural charm for luring others or a doctor that could put her healing skills to use, or perhaps lead poor, wayward, sick souls to their doom in the Szarr Palace. A magistrate may have a skill for conversation which could be used to lure prey back to Cazador, but that's not something unique to that position, so there wouldn't be a reason to specifically target someone in that higher, possibly more notable position within Baldur's law system. Cazador even makes a point of telling his spawn not to target members of noble families since it leads to unwanted attention, so perhaps we can imply that Astarion's family was not one of note, and the position of a magistrate isn't one of great significance.
With all that in mind, Astarion's former position seems irrelevant. There's the idea that Cazador was simply captivated by Astarion's wit and beauty and wanted to have it for himself, but why go through all the trouble of framing a Gur and getting them to beat Astarion to near death? Why not lure him to the palace with some promise of power and turn him there? It would be easier to fake Astarion's death if he was beaten in the streets, but I'm sure a disappearance in a city the size of Baldur's Gate wouldn't be the most pressing of news, especially if my former theory of a magistrate not being a notable position in Baldur is correct.
My favorite idea I've read is the idea that at one point when Astarion was alive, him and Cazador had met at some social function, and while Cazador was immediately infatuated with our favorite pale elf, Astarion rejected Cazador's advances with that same mentality of "it's not you, you understand, it's me. I have standards." To think that Astarion made Cazador feel dejected and that Cazador took that personally and created this whole scheme as his first punishment for Astarion sounds so incredibly cruel yet in character. Framing the Gur, Astarion commiting that Gur to the death penalty, being beaten almost to death as a result for his judgement, and all to end up with Astarion falling into Cazador's clutches where he would become Astarion's tormentor, it adds to that insane cruelty that would only go on for years and years until the events of BG3.
Or perhaps it was all a pure coincidence that Cazador was there that night when Astarion was nearly killed, though I find that hard to believe. Why would he be out in the streets anyways? He had at least one or two spawn already to hunt for him, so for him to be outside walking around the streets of the city all alone seems unlike him. Cazador doesn't seem like the kind of person to lean on chance or do things on a whim, especially in terms of something as precious to him as choosing his spawn, so to think that he simply saw a pretty face bleeding to death and took it without any regards as to who the person was before being turned doesn't seem to fit his character. After all, how could he effectively torment this new spawn if he didn't know the life he pulled them away from?
I'd love to hear people's thoughts! Any other theories or points that maybe I haven't considered yet? Please share!
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leaderpinhead · 11 months
Lilia - King Of The Hill
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“Bow down before me!” 
Lilia paused with a hum. He had left the other juniors behind on the main street where they were nostalgically looking back on previous Bean Days. Lilia had thought it adorable to watch them laugh and tease each other, their cheeks still reddened from the day’s activities. It would be their last year on the campus, and it was shaping up to be a fine ending in Lilia’s opinion. 
The sun had dipped to the point of twilight though, and Lilia had excused himself to search for his wayward children. Beans Day or not, there were still classes in the morning. Sebek and Silver needed a good night's sleep after such a strenuous day of activity. 
The sounds of shouts and scuffling within the trees quickly detoured him from his path. He tempered his steps until he was practically gliding over the detritus littering the ground, not emitting a sound that would announce his arrival. He followed the excited noises to a small clearing not far into the woods. His perplexed frown stretched into a humorous grin. 
Six little freshmen plus one Ortho bounced around the clearing, and they had somehow all managed to find some type of bean camo gear. Yuu stood on top of a tree stump, a green and purple camo monster jacket slipping off one shoulder and the hood thrown over her head. Ortho hovered beside her, looking like he was having a grand time swinging his monster net to deflect incoming bean attacks from Grim, who frequently paused to adjust the farmer ammo vest devouring his tiny form. 
A boisterous laugh from Epel said he was having the same amount of fun in his monster gear as he clashed with Deuce, the Heartslabyul freshman grinning just as wildly under his farmer beret. Jack, still in his monster camo, stood off against Sebek, now fully decked out in farmer’s gear. He stood at full attention, with his shoulders thrown back and one arm thrust towards Yuu. “I will never bow to the likes of you, human!” 
One of Jack’s ears twitched. “You realize none of this is real, right?” 
“Real or pretend, to bow before anyone other than Malleus is a personal insult!” 
Yuu pointed back at him, the sleeve of her jacket covering her pointing finger. “Then suffer my monster army! Attack!” 
Epel tackled Deuce with renewed gusto, knocking the taller boy off his feet with a startled grunt. Lilia hummed in approval when Epel utilized the maneuvers Lilia had taught him, using his smaller size as an advantage instead of lamenting its weakness. Grim released a loud battle cry and charged at Ortho. Ortho swung his weapon, catching the small monster in its net. Ortho giggled and lifted the net high. “I caught an actual monster!” 
“Little did you know, that was this monster’s plan all along!” Grim popped over the rim of the net and pelted Ortho with a pawful of beans. Ortho cried as he was beaned directly in the face. “Take that! I told you you’d rue the day you underestimated the Great Grim!” 
Ortho carefully placed the net on the ground beside the tree stump before dramatically falling. He reached for Yuu, and his tone took on a warbling tune. “I’ve been beaned! I’m so sorry I failed you, Yuu!” 
Ortho “died” with a loud “Blergh!” that made Lilia giggle. Ortho’s eyes briefly snapped to his hiding spot, but he placed a single finger over his grinning lips and winked. Ortho’s eyes creased with a smile before he squeezed them shut. 
Yuu jumped from her tree stump with a dramatic cry. She hugged Ortho’s limp body. “I shall avenge your death, my one and only adorable sidekick!” Ortho broke character to giggle at Grim’s offended Hey! Yuu pulled a length of rope from the pocket of her camo jacket and swung it towards Grim. “Take that!” 
Grim yelped with honest surprise when the rope twined around him. He waddled a few steps away in the enchanted rope before falling on his side. His back legs kicked in the air. “No fair! We said we weren’t using the enchanted items.” 
“That was before you took the life of my adopted son!” Ortho couldn’t keep up his act thanks to his constant giggling, so he leaned against Yuu’s shoulder. “Think about your actions, Grim.” 
“I’m starting to rethink a lot of things!” 
A cry from Sebek drew Lilia’s eyes back to him and Jack. Jack grunted in his grappling standoff with Sebek. Lilia could see the genuine shock on Jack’s face when Sebek dominated their confrontation. Sebek jostled Jack into the right position and with a mighty roar tossed the other freshman over his shoulder. Jack landed on his back with a startled grunt, an expression of dazed confusion blanketing his face. Sebek laughed above him. “Have I not told you I train daily for the moment I become Lord Malleus’s devoted guard? None of you can comprehend the sheer determination that pushes me—.” 
Lilia was proud of Sebek’s growth. He had trained both Sebek and Silver himself after all, and he didn’t think it a bit egocentric to pat himself on the back for their successes. Unfortunately, he would need to revisit their lessons on keeping an awareness of their surroundings because it didn’t take much effort on Yuu’s part to sling another length of enchanted rope towards Sebek and ensnare him. Sebek fell face down into the dirt beside the still stunned Jack, his passionate protests muffled in the grass. 
Yuu glanced in the direction of Deuce and Epel. Epel now rode Deuce’s shoulders with a sharp-toothed smirk at the steadily escalating rise of Deuce’s voice. Lilia thought the boy would be a force to be reckoned with if Vil ever managed to temper the quick fuse that ignited and stole all forethought from the boy. 
Yuu turned away from them without a single attempt to save either and climbed back onto her stump. She threw her arms above her head and cackled with an impressive amount of wickedness. “I am the king of this hill! Bow before my might!” 
Yuu barely got another cackle out before she was tackled from behind. Lilia tipped his head as the orange and white camo of Ace’s farmer jacket tangled with Yuu's monster jacket. What a turn of events! Lilia had imagined the missing Ace had been his way of showing his lack of enthusiasm for their childish games. Lilia had become laxer during his stay at Night Raven College than he realized. Had he been more thorough with his initial scan of the area, he would have easily spotted Ace hiding out in the bushes at the edge of the clearing. 
The two of them tussled with each other for domination, rolling across the ground and kicking up clods of dirt and grass. At one point, Ace leered down over Yuu and shoved a fist into her face. “Eat beans!” 
Lilia belatedly realized the fist was full of beans when Yuu nipped at Ace’s knuckles. “You shove your own beans down your throat!” 
“Hey! Watch it with the teeth!” 
They both gamely rolled along the ground, tripping Deuce and Epel in their journey. Jack, having regained his bearings, sat up and watched them with a wide grin and wagging tail. Ortho perched himself on the tree stump and kicked out his legs. “For someone who acted so against the idea of playing a game of King of the Hill, Ace sure has changed his tune.” 
Grim huffed and wiggled out of the ropes Ortho had loosened for him. “Yuu’s lost her mind. Who knew slapping monster bean camo on her would make her into such a villain?” 
Jack’s tail wagged harder. “She’s not a villain. She’s just got a competitive spirit.” 
“Release me from my bonds!” 
Lilia snickered when Jack casually pushed Sebek’s face into the grass. Yuu and Ace rolled around for several more minutes, each one taking the advantage before abruptly losing it. Epel and Deuce abandoned their tussle after being steamrolled by the two and watched with the same fascination as the others. Ace had somehow rolled out of his camo jacket, and Lilia could have sworn he saw Yuu’s hairclip go flying through the air. Lilia watched with anticipation to see who would come out victorious. 
In the end, neither won. 
Lilia’s ears caught the familiar sound of a bean rifle. A second later, Ace jerked upright from where he grappled on top of Yuu. His hand slapped the back of his neck where an almost indiscernible bean had pegged him. “What the—!” 
“No one told me we were going another round~.” 
“I assume the rules remain relatively the same?” 
The foliage on the opposite side of the clearing from where Lilia hid parted between the Leech brothers. Floyd grinned as he twirled one of the dual bean launchers by the trigger. Jade smiled, a bean rifle strapped to his shoulder. Lilia was somewhat surprised when the bushes continued to part as Silver, Kalim, and Jamil followed them. Riddle and Azul must have retired to the dorms, neither of them likely interested in exerting more physical fortitude than they had already shown today. 
Lilia smiled as the sophomores joined the game. Kalim laughed when Deuce gave him an extra farmer’s vest to wear. Silver freed Sebek from the ropes, much to Sebek’s stuttering protest. Floyd cackled as he joined Ortho on the stump, listening with undivided attention as Ortho explained the game to him. 
Jade grinned next to Jamil while the latter helped both Ace and Yuu off the ground. Lilia was pleased to see even a small smile on Jamil’s face though he tried to hide it with a stern frown. “If I had known you were asking for my camo jacket to roll around in the dirt like a child, I would have thought twice before lending it to you.”  
Yuu rolled her eyes towards the sky. “And what were you planning on doing with it, huh? Just give it back to Coach Vargas?” 
“Did you have to peg me with a bean like that?” Ace grouched. He still rubbed the spot on the back of his neck while he glowered at Jade. “That thing’s meant for long distance targets.” 
Jade’s grin never faltered. “I’m afraid you have the wrong twin. Floyd was the one who shot you.” 
Ace snorted. “Yeah, right. Did you forget I'm in the Basketball Club with him? If it had been Floyd, he would have run over here bragging about making the shot.” 
Jade covered his smile with the tips of his fingers. “You know my brother quite well.” 
“You’re not even gonna try to deny it now?” 
“I fail to see what it is I'm meant to deny.” 
“Jamil!” Kalim shouted next to Deuce. He waved enthusiastically even after gaining his vice housewarden’s attention. “Can we play a round of King of the Hill? It sounds like fun!” 
Jamil released a long, drawn sigh. “Don’t you think it best to retire back to the dorm like Azul and Riddle did?” 
“But I was so busy making the lunch you prepared for everyone today that I didn’t really get to play!” 
Lilia snickered as the vice housewarden’s plan came back to nip him in the rear. Jamil knew it too if the resignation in his lidded stare said anything. “Fine. But we need to return to the dorm after one round.” 
Kalim’s cheer was muffled by a camo jacket landing on his head. Ortho giggled from his perch on Floyd’s shoulders. Floyd grinned. “I’m playing the monster this time. You better run, li’l farmers. I’m coming for you first, Sealie~.” 
Grim yipped and sprinted over to Deuce and Kalim. Epel grinned with an enthusiastic fist bump. “We’re gonna dominate this hill!” 
“Perhaps I should remind you who was on the losing team today.” Jade slung his rifle off his shoulder to grip it properly. “Floyd is easily distractable.” 
Floyd’s cackle abruptly silenced. “I don’t like how you’re talking right now, Jade.” 
“Case in point.” 
“Silver!” Sebek’s shout drew Lilia’s attention back to them. Silver started out of his apparent doze and blinked at Sebek. “Were you not assigned to guard Malleus?” 
Silver’s eyebrows drew together. “Lilia insisted on the duty after their rivalry today. I believe he and Malleus joined the others in their classes for an afterparty celebration. Perhaps they would enjoy an invitation to this game as well.” 
Lilia grinned at Sebek’s huffing protest of them being too refined to join a child’s game. He directed his grin to his left. “Well? Is it too childish for us to join?” 
Malleus didn’t appear shocked when Lilia addressed him. The prince had tried very hard to sneak up on him, but Lilia had sensed his presence quickly. Malleus may have been stronger in both magic and physical prowess, but Lilia possessed the experience that evenly balanced them out and often pushed Lilia ahead. As he had once more exhibited to Malleus earlier. 
Malleus shook his head, making Lilia emit a slightly disappointed huff. The young prince watched the group of lowerclassmen divide themselves into teams and circle the lone tree stump. “As much as I would enjoy playing with them, I am afraid this is not for my benefit. I was beginning to worry he was not bonding with his fellow classmates.” 
Lilia’s eyes darted to Sebek without needing clarification. Sebek still addressed Silver on the subject of their whereabouts. The moment Yuu declared the game beginning, Sebek dropped the topic and charged Jack. Jack clearly anticipated Sebek’s intentions and ducked away instead of being caught in another grappling match. Floyd was drawn to them like a bug to a bright light, and he cackled the whole time he attempted to bait one of them into tackling him. 
Lilia grinned. “Sebek will be fine! Both of them will be. They’re dedicated little retainers, but I believe it will do them good to have the opportunity to explore themselves in our absence.” Malleus hummed in agreement. “That being said, it wouldn’t be too detrimental for us to join.” 
Malleus simply shook his head. “I would rather not ruin the fun with my presence.” 
Lilia frowned at the offhanded self-derision. He didn’t try to sound like Malleus’s fellow classmate when he said, “Malleus. I thought we both agreed this small group has become—.” 
“My apologies for how that may have sounded.” When Malleus turned to him, it was with a small smirk. “I meant only that my presence would force both Sebek and Silver to focus their efforts on protecting me.” 
Lilia snickered with a sudden wave of understanding. Sebek’s enthusiasm to protect his lord would all but guarantee he’d be pelted with both beans and monster weapons. Silver would be more subtle, but still, what was the fun in participating knowing you were being handicapped by both teammates and enemies. “I see. Well, that changes everything. I suppose we will have to sit out this one game and allow the children to have their fun.” 
Malleus nodded. They turned their attention back to the young ones just in time for Yuu to launch herself onto the top of the stump. Her jacket was a bit more worn at this point and heavily slipping down one side. She didn’t appear at all inhibited by the bulky clothing as she threw her arms into the air. “Bow before me, peasants!” 
Lilia giggled along with her and watched her defend her throne from both farmers and monsters. 
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
A Supernatural Story
~ The Mark of Cain has Dean doubting even his own thoughts, but there's one place he can go for a moment of peace, one person who can take away the pain... even for one night. ~
Dean Winchester x Magdalena (OFC)
3,801 Words
Warnings:  Bitter Angst. Pain. MOC!Dean drama. Blood. Hurt. Sadness. 
A/N: Magdalena is an original character I've created for an SPN spinoff idea I'd written the pilot for. She's not a main character, but this scene would be part of a greater story. I do hope you like it. It took a long time to write, and it's honestly one of my favorites...
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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There were two bars in the town of Lebanon, one on main street- Mack’s, which is full of neon lights and pool tables and teenagers trying out their fake i.d.s every Thursday night for Ladies Night- and JD’s, a filthy, oft times grimey biker bar on the very border of town.
Dean liked to go to Mack’s when he wanted people around, when his stomach was calling for some crappy bar food and nothing would satisfy him but some overdone french fries. It wasn’t really his favorite, but there were familiar faces and he could pick up a few bucks here and there when the local coeds got wasted.
Sam always went to Mack’s.
Dean truly preferred to frequent JD’s.
JD’s was dark and seedy and there was always something sticky on the floor no matter how carefully you stepped. Mysterious stains painted the walls in the john, and the bartop had been lacquered so many times over the years that there was an inch of resin on top of the old wood.
Dean felt strangely at home there.
Maybe that’s why he hid there. Maybe he felt safer there when the Mark was burning, egging him on, changing him. But it wasn’t just the decor that called to him.
Magdalena had been tending bar at JD’s for years, too many to count, and it was safe to say she’d been hanging out there since before it was legal for her to step through the door. She was older than Dean, but he wasn’t sure by how much, or if he just saw himself as younger in his own head. She had faint smile lines around her full, rose-colored lips, and a deep wrinkle between her eyes that deepened whenever she squinted, which seemed to be often. Her hair was as dark as midnight with subtle streaks of silver by her ears, and her eyes were like chocolate, big and brown and filled with adventure.
Of course, she rarely had any.
She’d been at that bar forever.
Dean gravitated towards her, never leaving the bar before he’d tried and failed at a not-so-smooth pick up line. He liked her. She was homegrown but clever, seemed to know a thing or two about nearly everything but never enough to seem bookish. Her voice was like syrup that ran down his body slowly, and she knew it, knew just when to turn up the charm and knock him off his cocky pedistal, but she also knew when to be quiet. She never prodded, never spoke first, always nodding when Dean walked in, letting him come to her if he wanted.
He didn’t always sit at the bar. Some nights he lingered in the back, beer practically stuck on his lower lip, just watching from the shadows. He liked to watch her float around behind the bar; straight hair flipping back and forth over her shoulder as she worked, smile wide when called for, her voice stern and loud when needed. She took no crap from no man, and maybe that’s what Dean liked the most about her. She was beautiful, sure, but not in the way that made him run home and rub one out, or turn up his wayward charm to full power and woo her into the back seat of the Impala. No, she had something else, something he really couldn’t name and didn’t want to. He didn’t even mind that she always rejected him. It had become a favorite game for both of them, and with her, he felt he had one true connection outside of his shitty life, even if it never left the stale air of JD’s.
Maggie looked up the way she always did when the door creaked open: with one eye. It was a technique she’d mastered over the years, a way to let the patron know that their arrival was recognized without leaving them an opening to talk to her. She really hated talking to most people. Well, she didn’t mind it so much until they got drunk and tried to reach over the bar to grab her tits, or used her polite smile as an excuse to drop all of their problems on her shoulders. She had enough problems of her own, thank you, she did not need anyone else’s.
This time when she looked up, she smiled, her entire face lifting towards the entrance.
He walked in with a slow stagger as if something were heavy on his shoulders. He glanced around the room once before turning towards Maggie and tossing over a weak smile.
“Dean.” She said his name like a greeting and a prayer, soft and sweet and hopeful.
He sat down at the bar, hooked his right boot heel on the stool and licked his lips slowly. “Heya, Maggie.” His voice crackled as if his throat was torn raw from days of screaming. He swallowed hard and looked down at his hands.
Something was wrong, she knew; he would have shot a joke at her by now.
“Haven’t seen you in a while,” she said cooly, reaching below the bar to grab a tiny square napkin. “Thought you ran out on me.”
Dean looked up and she winked which instantly brought out a tiny smile, turning the corner of his mouth upwards. “Oh, come on, Sweetheart,” he countered, the familiar charm seeping back into his voice. “I could never leave you. Not in a million years.”
Maggie held back a laugh. “Beer?”
His eyes closed as he shook his head slightly. “Whiskey,” he whispered. “Double.”
She nodded thoughtfully and grabbed the bottle from the shelf. “Bad day?”
Dean let out a heavy breath and rubbed at his right forearm. He felt The Mark burn and pulse even under so many layers of cotton. “You could say that.”
Upon the napkin, Maggie placed an old, well used tumbler. “Wanna tell me about it?” She kept one eye on Dean as she poured four fingers into the glass and when his eyes met hers, she let a little more pour out.
“Maybe after a few of these,” he replied, his giant hand already wrapping around the glass.
She bit her lip and inhaled deeply, knowing it was going to be one of those nights where someone else’s troubles fell squarely upon her heart. But with Dean, she didn’t really mind. He never said much anyway, always alluding to his woes rather than facing them head-on. If the rumors around town were true, Maggie knew she didn’t want to hear the details anyhow.
“How ‘bout I join you? Loosen up the gears a bit.”
She winked again and Dean felt a gentle wave of calm wash over him; something that he hadn’t felt in days. He knew he was staring as she poured herself a drink from the same bottle, knew his heart was racing as she held up the glass to toast the cruel world, but it didn’t matter. He felt safe around her. Even if the Red Curse on his arm was screaming for blood again.
Their glasses clinked together with a dull chime and Dean held her gaze as they both took a sip. He hissed as the whiskey coated his mouth and stung in the back of his throat, but Maggie took it like a champ, rolling the sip around on her tongue. She held it there, savoring the bite of it as if the pain were part of the flavor. She closed her eyes when she swallowed slowly and sighed happily.
“That’s delicious,” she whispered, opening her big brown eyes to find emerald locked on her lips.
“It is,” he agreed, taking another heavy swallow. He licked a drop from his bottom lip and then set the empty tumbler down on the napkin. “Tell me something…”
Maggie knocked the rest of her drink back and then grabbed the bottle. “Like what?”
He shrugged. “Something. Anything.”
She smiled. “Anything?”
Her plump lips twisted into a sideways pucker as she pondered and poured them both another drink. “I can roll my tongue.”
Dean laughed around his sip.
“I can! Can you?”
Maggie stuck out her tongue and rolled it into a perfect cylinder. Dean shook his head and mirrored her, feeling like a fool. Her laugh made it worth it though.
“Hey, you said anything,” she reminded him as she wiped a little spit from her chin.
He nodded and stared down into his glass, feeling suddenly cold and sweaty at the same time. “That I did.” A tiny shiver rolled down his back and his shoulders tensed badly.
When he looked up, she was leaning over the bartop, her hand slowly reaching across for his, hesitant to land, but close enough for him to grab. He held his breath and her fingers fell over his left wrist, gently settling. Her flesh was hot, like her fingertips were flames, and something inside of him wanted to rip them away, grab her wrist and snap it backwards until the bones tore through her delicate pink skin.
“What’s going on?”
He blinked and saw blood, saw her body broken and shredded open at his feet. The Mark burned icy hot and his stomach turned.
His pulse was racing, every breath sluggish and heavy, echoing in his ears. His bones ached, his flesh crawled. In his mind, he heard her scream.
“Mags! Beer!”
The stranger’s voice ripped Dean away from the horrors of the Mark’s control and he pulled away from her, eyes open in shock.
Maggie withdrew, concern painted on her usually unphased features. “I’ll… be right back, OK?” She tried to catch Dean’s eye but he was unsteady, gaze darting around in the void between them. “Hey! Don’t go anywhere.”
He considered it; how easy it would be to run away, bolt from his seat and peel away in the Impala. He could be four states away before Sam even noticed he was gone. Closing his eyes, Dean ran his hands down his face, hiding himself from the world. There was blood behind his eyes, death in his mind. He felt the Blade in his palm for a second and jolted out of his seat, afraid to look and find it in his hand.
Maggie was back before the stool settled on its feet.
She grabbed his hand before he could protest and dragged him into the back room, straight through the tiny, dirty kitchen, and out the back door.
The alley was dark and the air was blessedly cool.
Dean took a deep breath and tipped his head back, face lifting towards the midnight clouds. She squeezed his hand and he let go, realizing he had been holding on too tightly. “What are we doing?” he asked, voice cracking in the shadows.
She took a step back and leaned against the brick wall. “Thought you could use some air.” There was no judgement in her tone, nothing but genuine worry. “You gonna tell me what’s going on?”
Dean drew his bottom lip in between his teeth and bit down hard. He rubbed at his forearm and shook his head. “I… I can’t. You wouldn’t understand.”
“You can’t tell me or I wouldn’t understand? Too very different things, Dean.” She kicked a foot back and her heel caught on a groove in the bricks.
He shrugged. “Both? Neither? I don’t know.” His heart was heavy. “I feel like I’m losing myself again and I… I don’t want that.”
“No one would.”
He sighed and lifted his eyes to find her staring. “Why are you so-”
“You’re so…”
She pushed off of the wall and moved towards him. “I’m so what? Annoying? Rude? Sexy? Chill? Pick a word, babe.”
He took a step and his soul reached for her.
“So… you.”
She laughed gently and rolled her pretty eyes. “I don’t know how to be anything else.”
Another step and he was in front of her, barely inches away. “That’s true isn’t it?” he asked, voice dropping to a deep whisper. “You can’t be anything else… but amazing.” His left hand lifted to her cheek, hovering there, asking, praying for permission.
Maggie touched his hand with her own and pushed it down, pressing his palm against her warm cheek.
“It’s OK, Dean,” she said softly, staring up at him with an open mind and a true heart. “Whatever it is, it’ll be OK. I promise.”
His fingertips pulsed on her skin. “And what if it’s not? What if I lose control again and-”
She pursed her lips and turned into his touch. Caressing his hand with her cheek. “We all lose it sometimes. What’s important is, we come back home.”
His chest was heaving, breaths pushing out quicker than he could draw them in. The Mark clawed at his soul but he refused to let it take over.
“I need-”
Maggie curled her fingers around his hand and pulled it gently from her cheek to her lips. “Tell me. Anything you need, I’ll-”
His body ached for her, but his heart reached out even more. “I need-”
Chocolate eyes looked up and Dean felt himself falling deeper into her, deeper into the feeling of her, the calmness of her touch.
“Tell me…”
It came out like a breath but she heard it, felt it, knew it.
She didn’t wait and he was glad. If he had to hold back another second he was sure he’d die. As it was, Maggie took the lead, wrapping a warm hand around the back of his neck and drawing his lips down to hers. She kissed him sweetly at first, just a breath and a press of lips, but as his scent filled her mind, the kiss became harder, fuller. Her tongue darted between his lips and Dean took his first real breath in weeks. He drank her down, hands sliding around her body, holding her close as their lips pulsed together. He could almost feel her heartbeat, smell the blood flowing in her veins.
Even when she pulled back for air, he refused to let her go, closing his arms tighter and hugging her close. She relaxed against him, her face buried in the dip of his throat, ear against his chest. His heart was racing terribly fast and she pushed back to look him in the eye.
“Why don’t you come back inside and sit with me, OK?”
Dean’s jaw dropped but nothing came out, not even air. His muscles tensed as he looked down at her, once more seeing her mangled body lying at his feet, her blood coating his hands.
“Hey-” She rubbed a hand against his cheek, trying to pull him back. “Dean. I gotta stay here until two, but then we can close down and I can take you home, Alright? It’s like a quick hour. I promise.”
His fingers curled on the nape of her neck, blunt nails digging in as he tried in vain to shut out the Mark’s visions.
Maggie squirmed in his grasp, trying to get free. “Dean. You’re hurting me, come on. Snap out of it.”
The more blood he saw, the harder his grip became until Maggie’s hands were on his wrist, desperate to tear him off.
Her screams echoed in his mind, bouncing around until he cringed and shut his eyes. His body was on fire. He flexed and tore, and Maggie slapped his face.
He startled, releasing her immediately and pressing a hand to his stinging face.
Maggie stumbled back and touched her neck, her hand coming away with a trace of blood.
“Dean, what the fuck?”
He gaped at the blood and his stomach churned. Wide eyed and terrified, he backed away, nearly tripping over his own feet as he tried to flee.
“Dean! It’s OK.” She wiped her hand on her jeans but his eyes would not leave the blood. He could taste it on his lips.
The Mark was hungry.
He blinked and saw the knife in his boot, the other in his belt.
He shook his head and saw her flayed open, eyes wide and helpless.
Dean stumbled backwards and hit the wall, his hands flying up to claw at his face. “Stop it!”
Maggie fell with him, falling to her knees on the asphalt, trying to steal his attention, get him to calm down. He was immovable, unreachable, growling at nothing, lost in his head.
He could see her face but it was drenched in blood. He could hear her voice but it was pained and shrieking.
“Please. Please! Stop it!”
Again and again, he beat his head backwards onto the bricks, but the pain did nothing to stop the visions.
Maggie left him; she had to. She shooed all the drunkards from the bar as quickly as she could, paying off their last rounds and locking the door behind them. She shut the lights, locked the register, grabbed her coat and raced back to the alley.
Barely fifteen minutes had gone by.
Dean was where she’d left him, huddled in a ball by the dumpster.
She stood in the doorway, single light above shining down on her like the light from Heaven.
Dean turned when she called his name and he looked up to see an angel moving towards him, raven hair glowing with haloed light, her kind face hidden in shadow, her hands soft yet commanding.
The screaming had stopped but something inside of him was broken. He couldn’t move on his own, couldn’t think. He let her stand him up, walk him to her car.
The little Toyota was a mess but he didn’t care. His boots crushed an empty can of Monster as he crammed his long legs into the passenger seat.
“Don’t mind the mess please,” she said with a smile.
Her voice was soothing but distant, his ears were ringing loudly.
Home wasn’t far from the bar and up just three flights of stairs. Dean followed like a zombie, not sure if he should turn and run or stay with her. When she looked back over her shoulder to make sure he was alright, there was no question left.
He needed to stay with her.
Needed to let her peel off his filthy clothes.
To let her guide him into the hot shower.
To relax as she washed the sweat from his hair, the grime from beneath his fingernails.
To breathe deeply and calmly as she toweled him off, not flinching as she ran her fingers cautiously over the scar on his forearm.
The Mark was calm for the moment, as if her touch could turn it off.
Dean lingered in a thoughtless limbo for hours as Maggie cared for him. She dressed him in an old t-shirt that had been left by an ex years ago and pajama pants she’d stolen from her brother last Christmas. She tucked him into her bed and lay with her chest against his back, gently running her hands down his arm, across his shoulders, through his damp hair. He never moved away, never hid from her touch.
She fell asleep sometime around four, but Dean was wide awake. He turned in her arms and pushed up on his elbow, looking down on her sleeping face.
She was beautiful and kind and everything that he needed in that moment, as well as rough and funny and smart and sassy and everything he needed every other time.
It seemed for a moment that she was all he’d ever need, all he’d ever want.
Maggie stirred as he swept a finger down her nose, her dark eyes popping open and a smile tickling her lips.
“You OK?”
Dean nodded and dropped down, his hand sliding back through her hair to hold her close. His lips brushed over hers and Maggie opened up to him, letting him in while sleep faded quickly away.
They tumbled on the bed, hurriedly stripping and reaching for the other. It was quick and sloppy, not either’s best work, but it didn’t matter. It was raw and real and Dean held onto her like he would die if they ever parted.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” Maggie asked, pouring him his second cup of coffee.
He took a sip and hissed at the heat. It tasted terrible, but it was strong. “Let’s just say I’m goin’ through something right now. Something bad.”
She set the carafe down on the table and took the seat across from him. “This have anything to do with the monsters you hunt?”
He looked up, shocked. “How do you-”
Maggie laughed, mug at her lips. “Dean, the whole town knows. Or thinks they do. Rumors are, after all, usually true.”
He smiled down into his coffee. “Why’d you never say anything?”
“What was I gonna say? Hey Dean, kill any vampires today? Here’s a beer.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I guess that woulda been a little awkward.”
“Have you?” she asked, leaning in closer.
“Have I what?”
“Killed any vampires? Are they real? Are they more Tom Cruise or Robert Pattinson?”
Dean nearly choked on his sip. “They are real. More… Buffy than sparkly. And yeah, I’ve killed hundreds. Probably upper hundreds, I don’t keep count.”
Maggie sat back and whistled, impressed. “That’s pretty awesome. So what else is real? Ghosts?”
Dean nodded affirmatively.
“Shit. OK…. werewolves?”
“Damn. And you and your brother really go out and like kill these things? That’s what you do for a living?”
Dean sighed and nodded. Sam would be worried, he hadn’t even told him he was going out. “Yeah. We do.”
Maggie shook her head and stared at him in awe.
She smiled. “You’re really amazing, you know that?”
His heart ached. If she knew how close he’d been to killing her last night, she might not think that way. “Not really.”
“Dean…” She reached for his hand, palm open on the table. He dropped his hand into hers. “You’re incredible. Don’t ever let yourself forget that.”
She squeezed his hand and Dean felt the familiar sting of tears as they formed behind his eyes.
He pulled away and cleared his throat.
“Thanks for the coffee,” he said, standing up and grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair. “And uh… for everything.”
Maggie nodded slowly, debating whether or not to ask him to stay. She was scared for him, worried if he left she’d never see him again.
“Anytime, Dean.”
He bent down and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see myself out.”
She held her breath as he walked away, only speaking again when she heard the squeak of the door.
“Hey, Dean?”
“You know where I am if you need me, OK?”
He swallowed hard and looked back over his shoulder, taking one last look.
“Thanks, Maggie.”
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melanielocke · 2 years
Book recommendations: horror
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Horror & fantasy romance ended up in a tie in my poll. I chose to do horror first mainly because the book I'm reading right now will be on the fantasy romance first and I need to finish it first.
I have been reading some horror lately. It's not my most read genre, but I have a big enough pile that I could pick out the ones I think are really good. Most of these aren't necessarily so scary it keeps you up at night, but they can be eerie, very atmospheric, dark and occasionally very messed up. I'll mention the type of horror and what kind of scary elements are in there. All of these are YA, I don't have many adult horror books on my shelf.
I'll start with House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
Iris is the youngest of the three Hollow sisters. When they were young, the three sisters disappeared from a busy street. It should have been impossible, but there was no trace of them. A month later they reappeared, changed, and with no memory of what happened to them. Iris has tried to forget what happened, and stay away from the weirdness that followed. But when her oldest sister Grey goes missing, Iris and middle sister Viv go looking for her. If they want to find Grey, they will have to uncover the mystery of the past.
This book is creepy and has a rather horrifying twist near the end when you learn what really happened in the past. I think this is one of the scarier books on this list, but it's done really well, with monsters chasing Iris and her sister around and an eerie parallel world
Rep: bi main character, lesbian side character; Korean side character
Other books from this author: The Invocations (horror, coming early 2024); Our Chemical Hearts (contemporary), a semi-definitive of worst nightmares (fabulism)
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw
Two hundred years ago in small Oregon town Sparrow, three sisters were accused of witchcraft. Stones bound to their feet, they were thrown into the harbor and drowned. Ever since then, the sisters have returned once a year as ghosts. They each possess one young girl in town and kill one boy.
The town has long accepted their fate and Penny is no different. But then Bo Carter enters the town, unaware of the danger he's just stepped into. Penny can't trust him, but she wants to save him from the danger just the same.
This book has one big twist. It's not super scary perse, nor is there any gore, but very atmospheric and that's where this author excels. Would recommend it for people who aren't used to reading horror.
Winterwood is the next book by Shea Ernshaw
Once again set in a small, isolated town in Oregon, this book follows Nora Walker, a girl descended of a line of witches. She is connected to the Wickerwoods, dangerous haunted woods that only she can enter during full moon to collect lost things.
In the middle of winter, with the power out and all connection to the outside world lost, Nora finds a boy in the Wickerwoods. Oliver went missing from the Camp for Wayward Boys weeks ago. By all accounts, he should be dead and yet she found him. Oliver has no memory of what happened the past weeks.
Nora quickly bonds with him, but realizes she has to uncover the mystery of what happened to him and how he could survive so long in the woods. And it soon turns out Oliver was not the only boy who went missing.
Much like the Wicked Deep, this book excels in its atmosphere and the way it portrays a very creepy forest. It has an interesting plot twist, though not as strong as the one in the Wicked Deep. It's not keep you up at night scary, and also has a lot of focus on the romance.
Other books from this author: Long Live the Pumpkin Queen (Nightmare before Christmas book); A History of Wild Places; A Wildnerness of Stars
Next: Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand
This book is set on the isolated island of Sawkill rock, where girls have been going missing for decades, stolen away by evil no one has dared fight... until now.
Marion is new to Sawkill rock, trying to escape the tragedy that befell her family
Zoey's best friend was the last girl to disappear, and she is determined to find out what happened, and if Val has anything to do with it
Val is the queen bee, the daughter of the richest woman on the island. But she has a dark secret.
This book was not entirely what I expected when I bought it, but I loved it. This one is rather creepy, I think, though not what would keep me up at night (to be fair, movies are more likely to keep me up than books due to being scary). It creates an isolated atmosphere, but another strong point in this book is the relationships between the three girls and the development there. Marion and Zoey become friends and team up to uncover the mystery when Marion's sister disappears. Zoey hates Val. But Marion might have feelings for Val.
Rep: Sapphic relationship, Zoey is Black and asexual
Also by this author: Furyborn trilogy (epic fantasy); Extasia (horror); Winterspell (Nutcracker retelling)
House of Salt and Sorrow by Erin A. Craig
This is a retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses
Annaleigh is one of twelve sister. Or, she used to be. Four of them are dead due to strange accidents, and people are saying her family is cursed. Annaleigh becomes more and more suspicious that her sister's death were no accidents.
Then, her sisters start sneaking out, going to glittering balls and dancing the night away. Annaleigh does not know if she can come with them or stop them, because where are they really going and who are they dancing with?
If Annaleigh does not find out what happened to her sisters soon, she might be the next one to die.
It's been long enough that I do not remember exactly what happened in this book, but I do remember that it was eerie and there was an interesting plot twist when Annaleigh finds out where they really go dancing.
The book stands on its own, but there will be a companion coming out this year, House of Roots and Ruin, which follows one of Annaleigh's sisters
Also by this author is Small Favors
I read this solely because someone told me it would make a good comp title for the book I'm querying, and this is a retelling of Rumplestiltskin.
Ellerie is the daughter of a beekeeper in Amity Falls, a small town surrounded by mountains. They're very isolated and have to go on supply runs to a bigger city to make sure they have what they need. But during a supply run, all people on it die. More and more strange things start happening, slowly building up. Monsters in the woods, people acting strange.
Ellerie finds herself in a race against time to save herself and the people she loves before her town goes up in flames.
This book has a kind of strange pacing. The last part has a lot happening, but before then it's all a very slow build up. Most of the incidents with monsters, Ellerie does not witness, she hears about it second hand. She befriends a strange boy who has come to town as a trapper, catching animals in the forest to sell their hides. He won't give her his name, making me instantly suspicious, but their relationship builds up for such a long time that I was constantly questioning if he could be trusted or not.
My biggest criticism of this book is that I could not tell you when it was set. It took me a while to figure out it was America, though the religious small town feels very American to me, but I couldn't tell you the time period. Likely historical. But when? Who knows, certainly not me.
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala
Mars and his twin sister Caroline have always been inseperable. But that summer, Caroline went to Aspen summer school alone. Mars no longer felt welcome there due to his gender fluidity. But when Caroline dies unexpectedly, Mars decides to take her place at the camp to feel more connected to her. It does not go as expected, and Mars quickly remembers why he stopped going. But he befriends Caroline's old friends, a group of girls called the Honeys because of the bees they tend to. But he soon finds something is seriously wrong in the camp, and it might very well have caused his sister's death.
This is a book about grief for a large part, and I think inspired by the author's own grief for his sister. I especially loved the way the Honeys were characterized in this book, and their friendship with Mars, and the story is also about a very femme queer person being accepted within a group of feminine girls.
Rep: gender fluid MC; queer side characters
Also by this author: Reverie (contemporary fantasy); Be Dazzled (contemporary); Beholder (horror, coming in October)
The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould
The Dead and the Dark is a paranormal/horror mystery set in a small town in Oregon. Because apparently Oregon is where all the spooky paranormal mystery things happen? I don't know, it seems to be a popular location
Logan's two dads host a ghost hunting show together, and have traveled to this town, which is also their hometown, for the new season. But teenagers are disappearing and there might be something really spooky going on here, and Logan has the feeling her dads are keeping secrets from her.
Ashley is a girl who has lived in this town her entire life, and her boyfriend was the first to go missing. Now, Logan is her only hope to find him.
This is a sapphic story as well as a paranormal mystery, but the emphasis is more on the mystery, I think. There are ghosts in here and a pretty sinister and quite creative explanation for what is happening in this town and why.
Rep: sapphic relationship, main character has gay dads
Last on this list is Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White
Trans boy Benji is on the run from a cult. A fundementalist sect that unleashed Armageddon, killing most of the population. They believe that one chosen one will end the world for them and they made the ultimate bioweapon to do this.
Benji is rescued by the teens from the ALC, a queer youth center, and their leader Nick. Benji is immediately drawn to Nick, he's slowly changing into a monster capable of destroying the world and Nick knows.
Still, Nick allows him to stay with them as long as he can control the monster and use it to fight on their behalf.
This is I think the goriest book on this list, with lots of details on the ways Benji is slowly transforming into a monster. It's written by an autistic trans man. Benji is trans, while Nick is autistic. There is a lot of creepy fundamentalist religion in this book, as Benji was raised in the cult and their whole idea is that they should kill everyone not part of their world with their bioweapons.
Also from this author: The Spirit Bares its Teeth (coming September)
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @beyondlifebeyonddeath @ikissedsmithparker
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tomionefinds · 6 months
could you please recommend me good tomione ffs where its not set in hogwarts? And I prefer if it has dark themes😚
Hey Anon:
There's alot that fit this description so I'm placing just a few here to get started (I say this so no one thinks I deliberately slighted a fic--we have a wealth of darker, non Hogwarts fics, thank you writers). Many of the authors below have extensive backlists as well on A03 to explore in this pairing.-Haus
Dimmuborgir by NoFootprintsinSand
E | complete | 93k
He steps straight out of the shadows one late autumn evening, but she is not afraid. At least not at first.
A Sin to Know by EchoPhoenix
M | WIP | 76k
Tom allowed a genuine smile past his bloody lips as he raised his slender fingers to his gaze. Miss Granger really ought to curb such a self destructive habit, digging her fingernails into her palm like a reprimanded child? How very unladylike. Tom pressed his fingers to his nose, smelling her sweet scent of copper and iron. He could hardly suppress a moan as he breathed her in deeply. He traced those two, bloody fingers across his lips, allowing his and hers to intermingle in an intimate act of which one party was not privy to. Tom couldn’t quite bring himself to care, his tongue darting out to taste her, despite himself overeager at the thought of her on his tongue. A groan escaped his throat, low and guttural as he dipped his fingers into his mouth, swirling her there like a fine wine. Hermione Granger tasted positively divine. (NOT abandoned- author just travelling :D)
Madam Umbridge Home for Wayward girls by LovelyVillain
E | complete | 753k
Hermione’s life takes a dark turn after the death of her parents, leaving her at the mercy of a tyrannical Matron. Her new home is more prison than sanctuary, haunted by ghosts bearing terrible, bloody secrets. And though she is surrounded by troubled young women, it is the men in her life who teach her that freedom comes at the greatest price of all. Victorian AU, Tomione, Dramione, no triad
The Itch by Seollem
E | Complete | 75k
Tom looked intrigued. “Soul Glass? I’ve never heard of it.”
“Oh, yes, it’s a very rare material, indeed! If you look carefully, you can see the other half of your soul on the other side. Perhaps that of a lucky lady?” Mr. Burke winked conspiratorially. “How fascinating.” A slow, predatory smile overtook the handsome features of Tom’s face, something flashing in his eyes as they locked on the shadow beside his reflection. “A piece of my soul, you say?”
The Prisoner by NerysDax
E | Complete | 180k
Imprisoned, Lord Voldemort is considered a threat of the past. His knowledge is desired by many. Yet, his offer is for one person only: Hermione Weasley-Granger.
Wolfer by peppershark
E | WIP | 38k
In the year 1889, Tom Riddle has travelled west to a little gold-rush town in the foothills of California’s High Sierras. What happens next shouldn’t have been so easy. He never meant to find a woman this early in his plan, but lucky for Tom this little fury is just a firecracker of accidental magic. It gives him a fine feeling seeing the preacher’s daughter going about the town, doing the Lord’s work, and not even knowing she belongs to him. Of course, Hermione Granger doesn’t even know she’s a witch. Old west AU with magic. Dark romance.
The Anti-Heroine by Chershire_Carroll
M | WIP possibly abandoned but worth it | 641k
Hermione Granger knows she's not a good person. Disillusioned with life at only twelve years old; she is cynical, manipulative, ruthless and, above all else, a survivor. For six years she has lived on the streets of London with only her sharp mind and her sharper knives to keep her alive, but a letter from an owl changes everything for Hermione, and the bond she forms on the Hogwarts Express with a timid boy with broken glasses, skinny wrists and a lightning-shaped scar will change the whole of Wizarding Britain.   Main Pairing: Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle
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monsieuroverlord · 7 months
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Bleeding Cool released the solicits early this month!
source here
We even have a quick preview of Marvel Voices: Pride this year!
Mystique and Destiny Wedding!
(renewing their vows, perhaps? It would be cute having their son officiate a vow renewal)
Marvel Voices: Pride #1 (2024 oneshot)
written by Kieron Gillen, Yoon Ha Lee, M. Louis & more to be announced, artists to be announced, main cover by Jan Bazaldua, variant cover by Russell Dauterman, and two more variants to be announced
"WEDDING EXTRAVAGANZA! Mystique and Destiny are one of the most beloved – and longest running – gay couples in history. Somewhere in their 100+ years together, the pair married, but we've never seen the event on the page. This year MARVEL'S VOICES: PRIDE makes history with Marvel's first woman-to-woman wedding in a story by superstar X-Men scribe Kieron Gillen! And with a couple as complex as these two, you know there's a lot more to the story. We promise party crashing! Villainy! Romance! In the classic tradition of FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #3 and X-MEN #30, this anthology will be a must-read for every comics fan. Featuring the Marvel debuts of award-winning writers Yoon Ha Lee (Ninefox Gambit, Machineries of Empire) and M. Louis (Agents of the Realm), and much more talent to be announced!"
Ultimate X-Men #3
written, art, and main cover by Peach Momoko
"• Maystorm's origin! Mei Igarashi was a regular girl until she discovered her unusual abilities and her hair changed from brown to white… • And how she came to idolize a mysterious freedom fighter in Africa who also harnesses the power of the storm!"
X-Men '97 #3 (of 4)
written by Steve Foxe, art by Salva Espin, cover by Todd Nauck
"DANGER ABLAZE! Powerful new foes descend on the X-Men, endangering not just our merry mutants – but any innocent civilians caught in the crossfire! Will humanity's improved opinion of mutants survive the chaos – and will one member of the team find herself pushed past her limits? Find out in the penultimate installment of the official prelude to the hit new Disney+ TV show!"
AND they're releasing a NYX Gallery Edition Hardcover (a.k.a. Laura Kinney's introduction to the comic book world)
written by Jose Quesada & Marjorie Liu, art by Josh Middleton, Robert Teranishi, Kalman Andrasofszky & Sara Pichelli, cover by Josh Middleton
"Headline! Meet a pack of New York City gutterpunks – including the girl destined to one day become the All-New, All-Different Wolverine! Yes, X-23's journey of hardship begins in NYC, where Xavier's dream has failed a group of young mutants. These wayward angels with dirty faces must rely on themselves for everything from food to shelter to love. Just as the X-Men battle for their lives against super villains, these kids face their own fight for survival in the cold, harsh city that never sleeps against the backdrop of their species' nigh extinction. The world of the X-Men hits the streets in this gritty and offbeat different series – now looking better than ever before on the oversized pages of a Gallery Edition! Collecting NYX #1-7 and NYX: NO WAY HOME #1-6."
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crimeronan · 1 year
If Princess Luz hadn’t managed to activate the glyph which killed Belos, leading to Hunter dying etc etc, what future did Belos reserve for Luz? I’m certain the “loving” paternal figure would disappear but I’m curious as to what their dynamic would evolve to be.
oh god it would've been awful. pretty much exactly how luz's narration envisions it - belos having a totalitarian grip on her and getting increasingly irritated that she's given up completely, despite being 100% of the reason that she's given up completely.
i guess the main question for me is how belos would navigate the human realm. probably he'd expect luz to figure stuff out for both of them (despite her barely remembering anything about modern human life herself); i think it's LIKELY that he'd eventually come up with an excuse to return to the isles, like his canon self. because the isles are actually closer to the human world he remembers, technology-wise.
maybe his excuse is that clearly luz needs a new grimwalker companion to snap her out of her funk. it wouldn't really matter much how vehemently luz protested this course of action
alternatively he might try to move into an abandoned farmhouse in the human realm or something. lmao
i'd like to say that IF they stay in/around gravesfield that eventually luz would be rescued Somehow -- a well-meaning neighbor concerned that the teen girl down the street doesn't seem to go to school and appears to be taking care of her elderly grandfather alone; vee recognizing belos or luz and telling camila what's going on; camila herself seeing luz and having a moment of "....i'm being crazy" and then asking vee & being informed that no, she actually isn't crazy to think that that's her long-lost daughter.
however that goes down, i don't think it would involve the cops or social workers coming to the rescue because um. belos is an extremely good manipulator. and thinking about what he'd tell authority figures about him being a caring old man trying his best to care for his wayward crazy troubled granddaughter..... is.... too upsetting for me to get deep into. wow.
but yeah it would have been awful. luz would have been just as listless and grief-stricken and unwilling to fight as she predicts in the fic; belos would have been just as controlling and cruel and impatient and abusive.
so. good thing that did not happen!
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shadow-bringer-ao3 · 2 months
Omake: Stain
The first Dabi hears of Stain is not long after the villain’s debut (and not long after Dabi became Dabi). He stumbles across a youtube video someone had caught of Stain fighting and killing the Paint Hero: Watercolor as well as his manifesto. Not much of the actual murder is in the video— a blur of movement as the cameraperson yanks their phone around, a spray of what can only be blood, and a back shot of Watercolor crumpling to the ground like a puppet with it’s strings cut (like a child trained too hard, pushed too far).
The manifesto comes through distantly though the villain who introduces himself as Stain clearly knows he’s being videotaped, eyes on the camera and pinning Dabi in place even through the screen. The villain speaks of change, of heroes unworthy of the title, and Dabi’s breath catches in his throat because Stain understands. He understands that just because someone gets a license, it doesn’t make them a hero. There are too many fake heroes in the world, too many people in it for the money or the power and not enough in it to save people.
The video is taken down. It’s too late to really mean anything; too many people saw it, downloaded it. Too many people are reposting it to youtube, to underground video hosting sites, to obscure corners on the internet. Dabi doesn’t hunt it down again. He doesn’t need to. He knows what Stain says, could hear the words in his sleep.
He keeps meticulous track of every news article, every wayward bit of video, every possible sighting. Dabi rests halfway between vigilante and villain, though cops and heroes are quick to call the two the same, so he hears word on the street about Stain’s last known whereabouts. He doesn’t track the man down because he doubts he’d be welcomed warmly but he keeps an ear out. Just in case.
The first time Dabi hears about Stain at home is during the monthly mandatory family dinner. Or, well, Family and These Random, Seemingly Unrelated People dinner. It’s a complicated and large affair. The main family isn’t overly large— it’s Kushina and Minato and their son Naruto plus Dabi. The mandatory family dinner consists of the four of them, Naruto’s maybe-friend, maybe-mortal-enemy Sasuke, Sasuke’s mother Makoto, father Fugaku, and older brother Itachi, Tsunade-nee, Orochimaru (who gets banned every family dinner from participating in the next one but who comes anyway), Jiraiya (who also gets banned fairly often), Tsunade’s father Hashirama, mother Mito, uncle Tobirama, and uncles-in-law Madara and Izuna. It’s a disasterous affair and he’s not sure anyone in the group actually likes everyone else except maybe Hashirama and Naruto, who could both make friends with brick walls if you left them alone long enough. Jiraiya’s also apparently trying to invite three other people to the family dinners but they purportedly hate him so Dabi’s not really sure what’s going on with that.
Anyway, someone brings up the topic of Stain. He’s not sure who and he’s not sure why but it ends up being a family wide conversation (barring Sasuke and Naruto, who disappeared upstairs to either play video games together or attempt to kill each other, depending on their moods). To his surprise, no one actually seems… all that opposed to what Stain’s trying to do. They all have complaints, of course, because that’s just who they are, but none of them are outright condemning Stain despite him being a villain and about half of the gathered people being heroes.
Dabi isn’t sure what encourages him to speak up but he takes advantage of a short lull in the debate. “Doesn’t the killing bother you guys?” In an almost creepy and definitely intimidating display, everyone goes quiet and turns to Dabi. He’s never felt like an outsider before but right now, with everyone’s eyes on him, their expression just shades off from normal, he feels like the only one left out of some huge, hovering secret. The moment shatters when Madara snorts indelicately.
“It’s not the killing that’s the issue, it’s the victims selected,” Tobirama says, offering his husband-he-maybe-hates a sharp look. “Although, yes, murder is against the law and if we came across him we would not hesitate to bring him in.”
“What do you mean, the victims selected?” Dabi pushes curiously. “He’s going after corrupt heroes.”
“No,” Itachi says softly. “He’s going after any hero that isn’t All Might.”
“Even though All Might is as much an issue in the system as any other hero,” Kushina butts in, pointing her chopsticks at Dabi. “He’s a nice guy, sure, but he’s also complacent in the way the hero system abuses the people it’s meant to protect. According to Stain’s own ideology, All Might is a corrupt hero due to the fact that he doesn’t make a stand against the inherent way the hero system is broken.” Kushina gets some surprised faces from various group members and she scowls at them darkly. “What? I wanted to be Hokage once, yanno?!” Looks of understanding are traded around even though Dabi has no idea what the fuck ‘fire shadow’ has to do with anything. Or even what ‘fire shadow’ is.
“So you don’t support Stain?” He questions instead of delving into the weirdness that is his family.
“Legally, we couldn’t say we supported him even if we did,” Tobirama points out.
“And it’s not really whether we support him or don’t,” Hashirama says, “it’s about how Stain can’t even hold true to his own beliefs. How’s anyone supposed to trust a hypocrite?”
“If he wants to enact real change,” Tobirama adds, “he needs to go after the disease, not the symptoms. The only way to fix the system would be to change the laws dealing with it and to completely overhaul the HPSC, which is so incredibly corrupt that it’s not even funny.”
“It’s a little funny,” Izuna disagrees.
“Of course, he could always burn it all down and start from scratch.” Madara gets a scathing look from his husband for that eye rolls from a handful of others.
“The HPSC is certainly a large portion of the issue,” Orochimaru says as though Madara didn’t speak, “perhaps even the root of it. Plenty of other countries have hero systems that work far better and hold heroes far more accountable for their actions. The HPSC and Japan as a whole put heroes on an untouchable pedestal while they tighten down regulations on civilians, effectively smothering and singling out the general populous. It has it’s uses, of course, but the people who can take advantage of such a system are not usually the ones you want to have power.”
“Like you,” Jiraiya grumbles. He winces a moment later and Dabi elects to ignore the fact that one of the butter knives nearest Orochimaru has gone conspicuously missing.
“So you want him to… take out the Hero Commission?”
“What he really needs to do,” Minato chimes in, “is get the public on his side. With a large enough backing from the public, you can do virtually anything. Of course, in a society like this one, he’s already curbed the amount of change he can enact from his first kill. But look at the US— just recently, they had a huge overhaul of their active heroes because a large enough group of people started complaining. Whether or not the change was good is irrelevant, the point is that it happened because the person or people who wanted change were smart enough to know how to rally the public and to get them angry.” Dabi shakes his head, a little overwhelmed. He had forgotten just how strangely good most of the people he knows are at manipulation and politics.
“Still, isn’t it good that Stain’s getting corrupt heroes off the streets? The change might be short term but fewer people will get hurt as a result of those heroes’ choices,” he argues.
“They are not all corrupt,” Itachi says. His mother nods at him.
“Itachi’s right, several of the heroes Stain has gone after are just bad at maintaining a public image. And of course the heroes are in it for the money— it’s a job. They can earn enough money to make a living and still contribute positively to society. Stain going after them just because they want to be paid well would be like him going after doctors or nurses.”
Fugaku picks it up when his wife finishes, “And you’ll notice that Stain himself is only going after limelight heroes that the public knows. Underground heroes can be just as corrupt— often even more so because of the more direct connection they have to organized crime and the lack of public oversight —but he has refused to go after them for the same reason many limelight heroes refuse to go after petty criminals. It simply won’t bring enough attention to him because the public won’t care.”
“Really, the heart of the matter is that he’s a hypocrite that doesn’t really want anything to change, he just wants an excuse to kill people,” Tsunade declares firmly. Just then, there’s a crash and yelling from upstairs, Naruto’s prepubescent voice reaching impressive heights. Dabi, head swimming with everything his family’s said, stands up.
“I’ll go check on them,” he volunteers.
“Dabi,” Kushina says, a little soft for her, “you’re allowed to have your own opinions on Stain, I don’t want you to think we’re telling you to feel a certain way.” Dabi shakes his head.
“It’s not that,” he assures. “I just need to think. Plus someone really should check on the boys.” Itachi nods solemnly.
“I will accompany you,” he decides. “In case.” Dabi offers Itachi a grin and the two of them extricate themselves from the group, heading upstairs. Dabi can hear the conversation restart as they leave, turning less into the almost-lecture they had started and more into a debate (which will almost certainly end in an argument that makes several people mad and a broken table).
Sasuke and Naruto, it turns out, are fighting over who gets to play what character in their game, a problem which is soundly solved by the game getting changed to Mario Kart so that Itachi and Dabi can join. Dabi is better at the game than the others but Naruto manages to pull off insane moves on a regular enough basis and Sasuke refuses to lose to Naruto and Itachi is quiet enough they forget about him half the time so Dabi has to work for every victory.
(Dabi will still be thinking about Stain and his family for the next couple of weeks. He still supports Stain because Stain is the only one willing to do anything but his family really did give him lots to think about and a revolution sounds only more tempting, even if he doesn’t know the first thing about starting a revolution.
His family probably knows someone who started a revolution. They always know someone.)
Series Part 1
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Rule: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPS, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received. Tagged by the incredible @setsailslash
I'm extending this to a week, to give folks a chance to read the previews beforehand. Previews for each WIP below the cut!
And I'm forcing @daemoninwhiteround2 @scandalsavagefanfic @sarriathmg and @nightwang96 to join in the fun, because I know they've got some excellent WIPs tucked away.
Enjoy the previews! 💙
Wild West AU — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Mature
The main street of Gotham rises like a vulture’s shadow over the prairie, solidifying before their eyes as Slade guides them towards the townsfolk milling through its paved streets. They strike Dick as odd; it’s not often towns this far out on the county’s border will bother with infrastructure. But even the wooden facades of the bank and the sheriff’s office are immaculately painted, not a single chip to mar their appearance.
Dick casts his gaze around, pitching his voice above the gentle clop of their horses’ hooves. “This place looks well-to-do.”
“You’ll do well to keep your mouth shut and your comments to yourself, boy,” Slade reminds him, and Dick sighs as he steers them towards the hitching posts of the saloon.
They earn a few wayward glances as Slade dismounts, the spurs of his boots chiming gently as he steadies himself and deftly lashes his reins to the timber. Dick leans his bound wrists onto his saddlehorn and offers him an amused smirk when he circles around to meet him.
The look Slade gives him is unimpressed, like he knows exactly what game Dick is playing at. To be fair, it isn’t the first time they’ve played, but Dick is always looking for the simplest, time-proven means to irritate the man. It’s the least he can do.
“Dismount,” Slade commands, and Dick’s gaze flicks to the slatted saloon doors and back again.
“Too tired to lift me off yourself, old man?” he purrs, flashing Slade a thinly veiled smile. That blue eye rolls, one hand snapping out to seize Dick’s belt. There he pauses, the threat obvious, and Dick tenses.
“Hop down, boy, or I’ll pull you down. Quicksmart.”
“That’d cause a scene,” Dick murmurs down at him.
A muscle in Slade’s jaw ticks. “If these townsfolk are wanting to see a criminal spluttering in the dirt, who am I to deprive them of the entertainment?”
Dick’s ribs twinge at the threat, the reminder of their last venture into a populated town still fresh in his mind. One snowy brow crooks, and Dick kicks his boot from its stirrup, shifting until he can dismount clumsily.
One broad hand falls to his hip to steady him when he staggers at the force of his descent, dust gathering around his calves as he sucks in a breath. Dick clenches his fists to curb the way he wants to flinch from under that grip.
Slade’s lips brush his ear, breath warm in the stagnant air as he murmurs, “Keep testing me, and I’ll leave you tied in the sun with the horses.” Then he straightens, that hand shifting back up to the small of Dick’s back, to press his shirt into the beads of sweat that have been slowly gathering there. “But I thought you said you were thirsty.”
It takes most of his self-control to unwind his jaw and mutter, “Yes.”
“What was that, boy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” Slade murmurs, one wrist winding through the tether of Dick’s cuffs. His tongue clicks once as Dick falls into step, and he takes the time to glare at the man as they cross onto the timber floorboards.
Pacific Rim AU — Tim Drake/Jason Todd — Mature
You can begin to read this here.
“You know who they assigned me to?” Jason asks, and Dinah shakes her head clinically.
“Not my place to ask. I don’t need to know to provide my diagnosis.”
“But you know, right?” Jason presses anyway, holding her gaze, because he and Dinah go way back. She’s got a better map of his head than anyone, and he hasn’t even shared a drift with her.
Dinah purses her lips, considering her answer for a moment. “I don’t know,” she answers, honestly. “But I can guesstimate their height based on the dysmorphia.” Jason waits. “They gave you Drake, huh?”
“Has he seen you?” Jason asks, and Dinah nods. “You wanna give me a heads up on anything?”
“There’s legislation that prevents me from disclosing confidential patient information,” Dinah reminds him with a wry smirk.
“Well, he’s gotta have all the pieces ticking up there if you’ve approved him for duty,” Jason reasons, and Dinah doesn’t acknowledge that, but she does smile like she’s proud of his deductive reasoning. Jason leans his forearms onto his knees, bowing forwards as he studies her expression. “And he’s gotta be pretty fucked up in there for him to still want to be a pilot. What’s his motivation?”
Dinah doesn’t gratify that with an answer, and Jason sighs.
“Fine. He said he’d lost people. How many copilots has he had before me?”
“That’s classified information,” Dinah provides on auto-pilot, and Jason frowns.
“Two,” Jason retorts, and lifts the fingers on his left hand for emphasis. “I’ve had two copilots so far. Tim’s my third. Based on what I’ve seen of the inside of his skull, I’m at least his third. But I get the impression with a career as illustrious as his, I’m well out of the ballpark.”
“Does the number of co-pilots he’s had previously trouble you?” Dinah asks.
It’s a digging question, and Jason’s lips twist, but he answers, “Just want to know if I’m up to scratch or if they threw me in here because they had no other option.”
"It can't be both?"
Royal AU — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Mature
"Will you be back later tonight?"
The crown prince's skin looks bronze in the flickering torch light. Stretched out across the furs and linens, all plump sinew and firm muscle bared, Slade could mistake him for a sculpture.
Those blue eyes are heavy, indolent. The smile tugging at his lips even more so. He'll rise soon, to clean the stain of Slade's release from between his thighs; but for now he indulges.
Slade lowers his eyes to the teeth of his belt, scabbard rattling against his armour as he redresses. "I will. I'll wake you."
Prince Richard turns over, spine arching as he stretches into a more favourable position. Slade has never understood how such positions could be comfortable — far more suited to a hard stretcher or a thin bedroll from his earlier military days than the palatial silks that line Dick's bed — but he also supposes pleasure and discomfort are often bedfellows when it comes to the prince.
Slade pauses to press a lingering kiss to the prince's shoulder as he passed. He's enjoyed many luxuries since he came into the royal employ. Slade's still learning to enjoy them fully.
Dom/Sub AU — Dorian Chase/Dick Grayson — Mature
“Shit, kid,” Dorian sneers, half-impressed, half-disgusted. It makes Dick’s chest pang. “They really did a number on you, didn’t they?” 
“Dorian,” Dick wheezes, but the rest of his sentence is swallowed in a groan when he’s dumped on the concrete. 
“Stay,” Dorian orders, thrumming with command, and Dick’s muscles unspool of their own will. His shoulders roll forward, breath sighing from his lungs as all of him melts pliantly into the floor at Dorian’s heel. Beneath Dorian’s heel, when the vigilante rests a boot on the back of Dick’s upturned neck. “Good.” 
He doesn't stay there long. It might feel like an eternity to Dick, all of his focus narrowed to the scrape of Dorian's tread over his skin. But it can't be more than a few contemplative minutes before Dorian is shifting down to crouch beside Dick's prone form. 
“Tell me what Eddie and Liu did to you,” Dorian instructs, and Dick hiccups on his next breath. It hurts, even now, even after the months Dick’s had to work through it. The hours he’s dedicated in therapy to getting over one bad dom. 
He doesn’t want to talk about it. He doesn’t want to talk about it. Dick doesn’t want to have to relive every excruciating moment, squeeze out every blind ounce of trust he put in his former doms. Doesn’t want to pick over every wrong word he said, to earn their betrayal. Doesn’t want to analyse every disappointed look, to work out when he should have seen it coming. 
Dorian doesn’t give him the reprieve. Dorian’s never been that kind of person. 
Bodyguard AU — Harvey Dent/Lincoln March — Explicit
Lincoln blinks. Harvey shifts, uncomfortable with being so vulnerable.
Repeats himself, rephrases it to, "Fuck me, damnit. Hard."
And he must have had a lot of champagne, because the words don't stop pouring out of him; every fantasy Harvey's had spilling up.
"Push me down on my knees and make me suck your cock. Throw me onto the bed and fuck me until I come without even being touched. Make it hurt. Make me enjoy it." 
Lincoln doesn't move, and Harvey can feel the frustration ebbing; he's not going to get what he wants, he's drunk, this was stupid—
And then Lincoln moves.
Hunger Games — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Explicit
You can read the beginning of this series here.
He forces a smile onto his face when the door whispers open, blinking back the last of his prickling tears to beam at his guest.
In all honesty, Dick is terrified. The thought of servicing Slade Wilson, the gamemaker who crafted his Games, who nearly sent Dick to his death… It’s too much to stomach.
If the dread is plain on Dick's face, Slade doesn't acknowledge it. He takes his time crossing the room, surveying Dick where he sits. Those eyes pin him to the bed like a butterfly to a board, and Dick's chest feels tight beneath the draping sequins and fabric.
When Slade reaches out, Dick flinches. Doesn't pull back, lest he provoke the gamemaker, and chastises himself for being so obvious. Dick's spent months playing at this game, preparing for this dreaded moment. He's a victor, for Christsakes; he needs to be smarter than this. His survival depends on it, now more than ever.
The earrings clatter, little gems chiming, when Slade tips his face up with two fingers beneath his chin. With the height disadvantage, Dick feels small and outmatched, his pulse a drum in his chest.
Slade fingers the sapphires, watching them refract the light. “Are these pierced?” he asks, and Dick glances down, shaking his head.
He tugs them free of Dick’s ears, tossing them aside. Dick swallows, summoning resolve as he’s made bare before his gamemaker.
Dom/Sub AU — Tim Drake/Jason Todd — Mature
You can begin to read this here.
"As his physician, I'm asking you to leave."
Tim does his utmost not to bristle. "And I'm refusing, as his dom."
When Jason flinches at that assessment, bare shoulders pulling together beneath the harsh fluorescents, Tim swallows and shifts into a less rigid stance.
"I'm not trying to be an ass," Tim begins with, and forges ahead despite Dr Thompkins' arched and acerbic brow. "But I have a responsibility to Jason, now that he's my sub. His well-being is my priority. If I'm responsible for his care and maintenance, I need to know his afflictions. All of them, not just the ones he wants to tell me about. Then I can be mindful of them when we scene. Can't soothe a bruise with a harder hand, or so the saying goes. I'm staying."
Dr Thompkins watches him for a moment before straightening and holding Jason's attention like Tim had never spoken.
Jason's lip twitches at that, the first hint of positivity that Tim's seen from the moping teen all week.
"Legally, I can't remove him," she tells him, and Tim bites his lip to let her have this small victory. "He's entitled to attend on you, as your dom. But I want to take this opportunity to remind you that I'm your physician, Jason. And my confidentiality does not bend, not matter how persistent the dom."
Star Wars AU — Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Tim Drake/Damian Wayne — Teen & Up
You can begin to read this here.
Some of his lackadaisical grace is marred by the onset of adrenaline, sliding into that entrancing focus Tim’s all too familiar with. 
It’s not like Tim’s focus; it’s more fluid, less tangible. Shifting around his opponents, to ensnare and entrance. Tim’s spent years beneath Dick’s leadership, learning to undo the effect that trance has on him. Learning to ensnare himself. 
Dick rolls his sabers over his palms, the motion an outlet as much as it is a goad. He can see how tightly the jedi is wound, how firm a grasp he has over his control as they circle one another. Their footsteps are steady, pace languid if not for the thick undercurrent of anticipation that runs between them. 
“Been a while,” Dick calls around a broad smile. The flares of his saber reflect off the whites of his teeth, carving them into vicious incisors. 
Tim doesn’t bite. He knows every tactic the knight has to offer; distracting him with banter is hardly the sharpest tool in Dick’s arsenal. 
He rolls his shoulders, sliding into a stance as he grips his saberstaff in a defensive lean. 
Dick considers him for a moment, the last dregs of amicability dying as those lips close thin over his teeth. “Alright,” he says, dangerous and resigned, and springs. 
Wild West AU — Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne — Mature
The boy is persistent, Bruce will give him that.
He’s swearing up a storm, wrists burning raw with the friction of the ropes he won’t stop trying to fight.
Bruce ignores him, checking his mare over. She’s remarkably placid, considering Bruce has never handled her before. Her tack is worn in places, repaired in others. Meticulously maintained, despite its age. The mare, too, is in good nick; her girth filled out, and coat gleaming in the midday sun.
Bruce flicks a glance towards her ears, and sensing no protest, dips a hand into her saddlebags.
Her owner isn’t nearly so neutral. “Hey!” the boy pipes up, slightly breathless. Bruce doesn’t even look down. “I said, hey!”
“You did,” Bruce agrees, retrieving a tattered novel from the saddlebags. He flicks idly past the worn cover, skimming the prose.
“That’s mine,” the boy snarls, with such indignant fury that Bruce glances up from his place on the page.
Hockey AU — Duke Thomas/Jason Todd/Slade Wilson — Explicit
"You're sloppy," Duke says without looking up. 
That hits Jason under the ribs. He cocks his hip, tilting his head to survey the goalie. "Excuse me?" 
Duke looks up, his gaze arresting. "You're sloppy. You miss passes. You make too many turnovers." 
Abruptly, Jason feels defensive. "In the rush of a game—" 
"Let me be clear," Duke says with a mirthless huff. He sets his stick against the goalpost to give Jason his full attention. "You miss easy passes. You make too many easy turnovers." 
"Is that so?" 
Duke crosses his arms over his chest at Jason's tone, unfazed. "The GM brought me in to give this team a breath of fresh air before playoffs. If you don't want my insight—" 
"No, please," Jason says, haughty without being able to pin down why. "Give me the miraculous insight you gleaned from sitting at one end of the ice, watching through bars."
Vikings AU — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Explicit
Dick laughs when Slade tips him back into the bed of furs, ankles still hooked over his hips. His dark hair looks like water in the nighttime, trickling between the soft white fleece as Slade lifts a hand to trail down his cheekbone.
He's still bloody, still stained with the rot of battle, but so is Slade. It flakes beneath his touch, Dick's warm, blemished skin waiting for him beneath.
Dick's eyes are hooded, his throat tipped back for Slade to kiss down as his fingers move deftly for the knots at the warrior's waist. They fall apart with a harsh tug that rocks Dick up the bed, drawing another chuckle from his smiling lips.
"You nearly died out there, today," Dick hums, arching to press his collarbones to Slade's fingers when he slides them up Dick's chest, shucking his tunic with heady care. "Again."
Slade breaks from his warm skin long enough to murmur, "I have Hel's blessing."
Dick scoffs, lips curling further in his mirth as Slade sits back on his heels to tug his own tunic over his head. When he looks back down, Dick is watching him, all indolence and amusement.
"You'll slight her one day," he warns, shivering when Slade's calloused fingertips trace the blue inked vegvisir on his wrist, trailing up his forearm to finger the heavy gold of his wedding band. "Outlive her graces, and then she'll take you from me."
Slade smiles, soft and amused, and dips his head to kiss Dick's shoulder, wrap his hands around his husband's narrow waist as Dick's ankles tighten around his back. Holding them together, as inseparable here as they had been on the battlefield.
Omegaverse AU — Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd/Slade Wilson —Explicit
Apollo can feel Mid's temple cushioned on his collarbone, Slade's steady presence at his back. Cracking his eyes open reveals the murky shadows of their bedroom, sunlight lain across his brow like a lover's touch.
Everything is muted, the sweet dregs of slumber still clinging. Apollo becomes blearily aware of what's woken him:
Jason, straddling his thighs, his wet heat grinding against Apollo. Coaxing the alpha to half-hardness in the morning light. Enough that he can begin to lower himself into Apollo's length.
A whine fills the room when Apollo reaches a hand down to splay over Jason's thigh, anchoring him.
"Oh, starlight," he murmurs, voice thick with sleep.
Thank you for reading 💖
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ghostace · 1 year
gw2 oc masterlist
something like the swtor one - a very brief, very non-exhaustive introduction to each
main crew:
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pleurri - commander, priory, champion of aurene - mirage
asuran scholar turned priory researcher, after the colleges' back-stabbing and competition became less and less to her liking. frequently summons her own clones just to talk to, a socially anxious wreck that ended up in a position of leadership she was never meant for when mordremoth arose. with the care of aurene now her responsibility, she rose to the challenge and carried out the path of the champion.
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taior voth - commander, vigil - firebrand
the dream always meant for him to be a leader, a protector, a healer, but fate had other plans. lost in the tangled depths after the destruction of the pact fleet, he took a back seat after a painful recovery. reunited after the destruction of the twin dragons, he and pleurri are more of one mind than ever - and they have each others' backs.
side characters:
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kiyo kanai - whispers - daredevil & deadeye
criminal scum, street rat - they made many ill-advised choices before finally being caught. leveraging their skills, they negotiated a release to join the order of whispers, where they excelled - and were eventually admitted to the shining blade. with cantha reconnected, they're seeking out particular new interests in the region, including some personal questions as to their ancestry.
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saga stormslayer - reaper
a shepherd in the shiverpeaks, away from civilization raising goats and dolyaks, saga led a quiet life until a svanir attack ended her life... and she reawoke, some days later, with new powers and the distant memory of someone in the mists sending her back. she and marad set out from their destroyed homestead to find the person who'd saved her, and try to figure out how she returned.
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marad warweaver - specter
an ash legion elementalist, her magic began to wane, growing too unreliable to count upon. frustrated, she left, resigning her position and risking being branded a gladium, and went north where she met saga and the two formed a deep bond. with the help of the raven shaman, she was able to learn a new type of magic, but it wasn't enough when the svanir arrived. despite burying her, saga arose and brought with her more questions than answers, and a new focus for the two.
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syvva vlok - renegade & herald
the mists were always an interest of hers, one that made her greatly successful - and always kept her pushing for more. when an experiment led to her falling into the mists, she had to quickly learn to survive with the aid of a long-dead charr warband. manipulating the mists came easily to her, and more than once she sent back wayward spirits, not knowing she was returning them to tyria. her eventual escape landed her in the crystal desert, but in her time away much has changed - and she's in for a rude awakening.
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marsus ruincatcher - spellbreaker
blood legion aren't typically known for their intellect, but marsus was perhaps an exception. tired of the battlefield, he joined the priory and devoured the knowledge there, becoming both a stalwart protector and a keen mind in the fight against the dragons. when his wounds from mordremoth's attack never fully healed, he took on the role of caretaker instead - looking out for other wounded pact soldiers, and living a more peaceful existence.
julian frei - elementalist
a healer by trade, the vigil soldier was left to try and keep as many alive as he could when the pact fleet fell. struggling with the effort and the memories, he spends most of his time drowning his mind or following after marsus. aimless, he finds a hint of purpose when an unfamiliar sylvari shows up on their doorstep.
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calastris - scrapper & mechanist
she awoke on the run, halfway out of the depths of the maguuma jungle, the echo of a dangerous voice in her mind. straight across tyria, she built tools and weapons from scraps, trying to place as much distance between herself and the remnants of the voice, until she ran into marsus and julian deep in ascalon. clothing and feeding the sapling, they found the odd sylvari doesn't speak and avoids eye contact - but with her contraptions, determination to learn, and an unexpected cheerfulness, she manages to communicate regardless.
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ahnwyl - untamed
what do you do when your dream is about someone else? left aimless after fulfilling his purpose, and bitter that his entire existence is meant for someone who doesn't want him, he trails after dragon's watch, causing as many problems as he clears.
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dexion theta - holosmith
an inquest experiment in cloning turned sideways when he escaped, one of many copies set himself loose upon the world. injured in the escape but smart enough to take care of himself, dexion took to freedom with enthusiasm - and a particular love of setting things on fire.
fable frostsong - bladesworn
nameless victor - willbender
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// Starter for @wayward-sword (Welcome to Eden!)
Meia had been on a shopping run in the mid-sector of the city with her brother, pulling her nearly full mini-trolly cart behind her as she headed to their meeting spot by the main transfer station. Traversing the layers wasn't ever too hard in Eden, but it was prone to delays during high traffic hours. Unfortunately, such a time was rapidly approaching as the late afternoon was turning to evening. People were starting to flood to the transit platforms and elevators en masse, and it would soon be chaos.
As such, it was never hard to spot a tourist getting caught up in these waves. They'd usually be a little lost trying to get to the ticket machines, or be swept up in the crowd. Just the average sort of behaviour for those unfamiliar with the tiered tree city that made up the better part of Eden.
Today, however, one man caught up in the sea of people stood out to Meia.
His aura seemed a little off to her in a way, between the ones she was used to seeing. Different than most that left her curious. There was also the matter that she could tell he was like a deer caught in the headlights near an information kiosk. Enough so that she was worried he might get pickpocketed if he didn't start moving as the crowd grew.
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Making her way nearby to him, she moved her cart to in front of herself and leaned into his view while giving him a greeting smile, "You trying to look for anywhere in particular?"
As she said this she covertly showed him how to use the kiosks controls, opening the search display. Not everyone was used to this form and level of technology that Eden offered if they came from the other cities. Helping the odd tourist was just second nature now for her where she could do it.
She also hoped that her artificial eyes wouldn't make him uncomfortable, as the iris colour display mimicked more the surface of blue water than anything natural. Some folks were put off by that once they noticed.
Enzo had arrived at the main transfer station entrance a little later than he wanted, though still within time for the transit with his sister. He knew she'd never reliably stay in any exact spot he gave her, and started scanning the crowd almost immediately for her while resting his bag on his shoulder.
It didn't take him long to spot her for her platinum blonde hair, seeing she was helping an unfamiliar man at one of the information kiosks. Something that wasn't entirely unexpected from her. Still, he scrutinized the man from afar for his build. He knew too well the look of someone whose been in a few fights was, and that stranger was fitting the bill a little too well.
Weaving through the crowd he worked to make his way over to them, meeting some resistance as the sea of people was gradually picking up. Soon it would be a flood for the elevators that could separate them. A thought he didn't like.
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When he did reach them, he came up behind the man first before greeting Meia at a distance, "You can't be stopping to help every lost tourist you see, sis. We can't really afford to be caught down here for rush hour."
He was trying to say it in a joking tone, but he decided to linger behind the man somewhat imposingly with his meager advantage in height over him.
Enzo already knew he looked like a punk given his choice in street wear, green dyed hair and piercings. It was something he counted on when he needed to blend with crowds below the canopy district streets. It also came in handy to out anyone with ill intentions near him or his sister pretty fast too.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'It's almost a cliché, but the locations in Netflix's Ripley are like characters in the action.
The limited series adapts Patricia Highsmith's novel The Talented Mr Ripley and moves from New York City to a flurry of locations across Italy set in the early 1960s.
The story follows American con artist Tom Riley (Andrew Scott) as he is tasked with heading to Italy to bring home an old acquaintance and a wayward scion of a shipping dynasty, Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn), now living a relaxed life away from his family responsibilities as a carefree painter.
Actress Dakota Fanning, who portrays Dickie's girlfriend Marge Sherwood in the series, told Netflix: "We were filming in so many of the most beautiful cities in the world; Rome, Venice, Capri, the Amalfi Coast. Naples had its own grit and electricity.
"It’s interesting because I do think that the show portrays the country in a different way than most people have seen Italy."
Where was Ripley filmed? Stunning locations from gorgeous Netflix series
New York City, New York, USA
One of the most iconic cities in the world, New York City is the location for much of the premiere episode of Ripley, as we follow Tom Ripley's hand-to-mouth existence in the sprawling metropolis - which feels all the more oppressive in the almost gothic black-and-white.
Atrani, Italy
Atrani is the setting of multiple episodes in the series, as this is where Dickie and Marge live in Italy. The small city on the Amalfi Coast in the province of Salerno is in the Campania region of south-western Italy. The area today has a population of around 900 people.
The winding steps and mountainous exteriors make it a visually stunning backdrop.
Production designer David Gropman told Netflix: "It was just the incredible geography of that town, the relationship of the main square to the beach, all of those unbelievable paths, that maze of stairs and corridors through the mountain."
The location provided the production with space for Marge's home and Ripley's hotel room in the village too.
Capri, Italy
The setting of Dickie Greenleaf's villa was not filmed in Atrani, despite it being set there. Instead, this was filmed on the glamorous Italian island of Capri.
The island is legendary for being the home of Emperor Tiberius during his retirement from Ancient Roman politics.
In recent decades, Capri has continued to be legendary as a holiday destination for the rich and famous.
Rome, Italy
The main location of the action from episodes 4 to 6 of the series, the ancient capital city of Italy and the previous centre of the Roman Empire means the city is brimming with ancient architecture and cobbled streets that are as old as time.
Here, Tom Ripley begins to build a new life with a new name, but it is also where further crimes occur and everything threatens to unravel.
Palermo, Sicily, Italy
The medieval streets and numerous statues of the capital of the Italian island of Sicily, Palermo, are a key feature of the seventh episode in the series, which sees Tom Ripley hiding out in Southern Italian territory.
Recently showcased on the HBO series The White Lotus, Palermo also provides a location brimming with uncertainty, as Tom Ripley moves through the city with fear of being watched by authorities - and he's wise to worry.
Venice, Italy
The principal location for the finale episode, few places in the world are as romantic or as iconic as Venice.
Brimming with canals and the absence of automobiles, Venice has not much changed from the time of Tom Ripley.
Its medieval magnificence but inevitable doom to sink beneath the waters only adds to its romanticism, making it the perfect site for the show's climax.'
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