#he’s so crazy and chaotic 😣😣😣
barneysbigstompers · 6 months
Atp trolls is competing with sonic to take my top interest
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theatrical-child · 24 days
guess who listened to 160? Me! 2 days ago but yeah, me.
That was Crazy. Also how did they get to the safe how, does anyone know? Maybe I just didn’t pick up on the context clues or maybe they’ll explain later. Either way, it doesn’t take away from the main statement at all.
The way that he could stop reading was so uncomfortable 😣 he was REALLY straining, great acting 10/10
10/10 for the whole episode really.
when he released the fears, the chant he did was insane! It got louder and louder, just escalated to much.
and then Martin slapping him awake.
and then “ look at the sky, it’s looking back! “ and chaotic laughter! I ate it up.
Season 5 will be a wild ride, I’m betting
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imjustsocute · 4 months
Character Inspiration🌼🌼🌼
(Thanks @cyberghostdraws for the template🥰🙏 You made my day!!!)
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Background of created OCs
1. Kettu (Our little chaotic fox) : At first I draft her as a loner, doesn’t give a s*** anything and edgy. But I thought about it that would be a boring character which we often see from series, games or movies, plus I found my beloved one named ‘König’ and read his backstory made me want to hug him, give him a warm and want to see him happy🥰🥰(so embarrassing!!😣). So I decided to created my first OC with concept of a cheerful and optimistic but naughty and chaotic energy at the same time. I just want to see this world burn HAHAHA! (Last word I’m just kidding, Okay? Don’t curse me.)
“Hey Kön! I’m about to show something really cool!”
“Hang on! I’m on my way!”
[Maniac Laughing] “Everyone goes BOOM!!!”
2. ??? (A crazy guy who loves blowing stuffs) : Well, you will know him soon. But I’ll tell you some secrets about him. He somehow related to Kettu. And his best friend named R.A. Oh I forgot to tell you one that he also is a chaotic one like Kettu.
“Hehehehe..I like youuu~ Traget practice.”
[Pick up a dynamite stick] “Hey Russ! Got a light?”
[Maniac Laughing] “WE BLOW ‘EM UP!!!”
3. ??? “Bell” ??? (My new beloved daughter!) : After I finished this game last year…Mha hart mah soleAhhhhhhhhhh!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY DAUGHTER!!! YOU BASTARD!!!(Sorry for my inner feelings hehheh😅) I think the story of Bell can be far from the original, y’know Bell is just an unknown character that control by player. No background story or even name. We do not know about her true identity(Yeah I choose female bell). So I decided to create my own Bell, it might not be canon. I put the her personality as a light ferminine with concept of a sorrow and identity crisis but yet strong to live this cruel world. And now I’m writing her information, you will meet her soon!
“…Sometimes I dreamed of about the woman and the girl…they said to me for something but I didn’t hear it.”
“Even I have my friends to support me here…But Why am I still feel lonely and…..sad?..”
“ ‘Hold your memories close to your heart’ Someone told me once…But I can’t remember who they are.”
(If there’s anything wired in my writing, I apologize to you😣😣)
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Tags: @mutantthedark @dreamcast641 @walder-138 @vasyandii and everyone who read this blog
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peachielabel · 30 days
Trust Me Not AU Character Stuff
Ok ok so I was going to wait for my boyfriend and just keep posting art, but he’s going to be busy for a while so I’m just gonna do this!! Also…I warned y’all that this was a lot of text…so <3
I’m doing the major relationship/personality changes, so characters we haven’t planned on changing or haven’t gotten to yet won’t get things. Mostly, the characters that I’m talking about are Sword, Rocket, Medkit, Zuka, and Broker. I may mention Venomshank, Ban Hammer, and Darkheart, but they haven’t changed much? They’re just here as of now. Crazy how we haven’t planned anything for the Blackrock phighters, especially because this is a Blackrock centered AU…
I don’t really have art to go with this…! Though I may draft it and make doodles (you’ll be able to see if I did lol, only one who has a crazy different design at the moment is Rocket though, so). Anyway! Ramble central time…
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Rocket’s personality is still very chaotic. He’s hyper, though he’s a little more violent than before (more because of pent-up anger than actual aggression). His temper seems to be easily triggered and he’s very quick to snap back with dry humor or sharp retorts. Honestly, he’s still Rocket, he just has more temper and attitude caused by him trying to burry emotions and come off as “tough enough” to be in Blackrock (and to help himself deal with the choice he made to abandon everyone he cared about just because he was upset).
Rocket’s relationship with his father is rocky at best, not because he doesn’t love Zuka, but because of the chain of arguments they had that led to Rocket running away. Rocket’s mad at Zuka for banning him from phights for what he sees as “a dumb reason” (he was involved in an accident that blew off part of his horn…and almost did worse). He feels like Zuka’s taken away one of his favorite things unwarranted, and the constant scolding for the week after his grounding wasn’t helpful. This anger towards Zuka is why Rocket stops carving his horns once he runs away.
Rocket’s relationship with Sword is still very important to him, despite his very obvious efforts to push Sword away (this is a Swocket AU…idk what y’all expected 😣). He was never mad at Sword, but he felt he needed space, even if that space allowed his thoughts to wander and gave him horrible ideas. He cares very much for Sword, and abandoning him was a hard decision for Rocket, but he felt like if he was going to go through with running away to Blackrock he had to cut all ties. The reason he doesn’t kill Sword during all their encounters is because he cares for him, though he still wounds him as a way of warning him to keep away (which doesn’t work). He’s absolutely crushed when he kills Sword, it was completely unintentional and it’s a very harsh wake-up call.
Rocket’s relationship with Broker hasn’t changed much, though tension has eased slightly (or it had before Rocket ran away). Rocket appreciated how Broker had laid off him though, even if Zuka didn’t. He’s not as mad at Broker as he is at Zuka.
Rocket’s relationship with Medkit doesn’t change until after Sword’s death. He’s currently on the run from Medkit, and he’s rather intimidated by him. Rocket understands his life is on the line more so now than it was before.
Rocket has Ban Hammer on speed dial…that…that is all…
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Sword’s a lot more tired and visibly stressed now. The others are getting more worried about his mental state as he seems to be coming apart at the seams. His thoughts are more scrambled and his head is fuzzy. He’s trying his best here guys…
Sword has been getting very close with Zuka, spending more time with him than with his own father (but like, when did he really hang out with his father to begin with?). Part of Sword wants to be upset with Zuka for how hard he was on Rocket, but he can’t bring himself to do it because he was also worried for Rocket’s safety and he knows how guilty and upset Zuka feels. He promises to try and reach Rocket to mend the relationship.
Sword’s relationship with Rocket is a hot mess right now. He cares so much for Rocket, and this situation is tearing him apart from the inside out. He feels extremely guilty and responsible for Rocket running away because he believes he didn’t try hard enough to reach through to Rocket while he was clearly hurting and upset. His forced optimism that his Rocket is still in there despite everyone telling him otherwise pushes him to romanticize the fights they have, often letting Rocket win intentionally because he doesn’t want to hurt Rocket…even though it’s very obvious Rocket is willing to hurt him. While his head is more clear while he’s around Rocket, he lets his emotions cloud his judgement, which ends up in his death. He has a moment of clarity right before he dies, sharing his feelings with Rocket as his final words.
Sword is skeptical of Broker still, he keeps Rocket’s dislike for the demon in mind when around him. Though, he’s beginning to wonder why Rocket has such a strong hatred for him. He’s witnessed Broker seem genuinely worried for Zuka (often trying to find ways to cheer him up) and knows he’s been trying to find Rocket himself. He has tried to stay optimistic and have faith in Broker.
Sword trusts Medkit with his life, sharing all of his concerns and anxieties with him. He feels the most safe when he’s around Medkit now that he doesn’t have Rocket (they still have that brother-like relationship, that’s based and is NOT going anywhere).
Sword’s relationship with Venomshank is very poor. Venomshank is the main demon telling Sword to give up on Rocket, so he’s not too pleased with him at the moment. Despite their rocky relationship, Sword tries his best to impress his father.
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Medkit’s personality does not change until after Sword’s death. He becomes more irrational in his thinking and rather impulsive (acting out of greif). This leads him to be increasingly more reckless and aggressive.
Medkit feels bad for Zuka, offering his assistance in trying to find Rocket. He ends up getting captured by Ban Hammer because of this. While he respects Zuka, he grows rather frustrated with him once Sword dies, claiming that Zuka should not shelter Rocket and that he must be accountable for his actions. He doesn’t do anything to intentionally harm/upset Zuka, though he understands that his actions will do so anyway.
Medkit cares deeply about Sword, seeing him as a little brother and someone he has to look out for (no matter how reckless or irritating he can be). Watching Sword suffer so much made Medkit wish he could help more, which leads to him agreeing to help in the search. He misses Sword very much and has made it his goal to avenge his death.
Medkit doesn’t want to trust Broker, but he does. He’s seen how Broker’s been trying his best to find Rocket (and how he helped Medkit escape Banlands) and tries his best to put his personal opinions aside for the time being. However, he wishes Broker wouldn’t let Zuka coddle Rocket as much as he does (after Sword’s death).
Medkit felt bad for Rocket initially, he really wanted to believe that things would work out, even despite the fact that Rocket gets him arrested by Ban Hammer. However, after he learned Rocket had killed Sword, it didn’t matter if it was intentional or not, he felt things had gone too far. He feels Rocket isn’t taking the effects of his actions to heart as much as he should, and hopes to avenge Sword by bringing Rocket to justice…whatever that means…
He’s not fond of Venomshank. He feels that his parenting needs to be heavily improved upon (big brother instincts, we love to see it). After Sword’s death, Medkit is disgusted by the fact that Venomshank seems rather indifferent, saying that Sword “should’ve heeded the warnings.” If he wasn’t preoccupied trying to take down Rocket, Venomshank would be labeled as “the problem” and probably “the target”…
Medkit constantly complains about how Scythe will have his head for how much time he’s devoting to this mess. He seems intimidated by her more than truly being afraid of her.
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Broker is Broker (he hasn’t been changed much, he’s one of our WIP characters)! Most of his personality changes consist of caring about Zuka’s well-being. While it seems like he’s trying to improve on expressing empathy, he’s still heavily manipulative and sly, leading to everyone wondering how much he actually cares about the situation.
BrokerZuka ended up canon here…so bear with me…(😞/silly). Broker feels the need to constantly check-up on Zuka. He tries to tell Zuka that this isn’t his fault, but to no avail. Zuka seems to be the only one he obviously cares for, as he constantly is much gentler and empathetic towards Zuka. After Sword’s death, he took a step back from meddling in Zuka and Rocket’s relationship, allowing Zuka to handle it how he saw fit. He doesn’t feel like Zuka is handling it right, but he doesn’t want to upset anyone after all that’s happened.
Broker knows Sword is upset. He’s tried to have small chats about things with him, but is often brushed off, much to his frustration. He can tell Sword is trying to warm up to him, which he appreciates, but it’s still very obvious that Sword doesn’t trust him entirely. In an attempt to keep things lighthearted, he frequently tries to tease Sword and crack jokes (Sword doesn’t act like he enjoys it though).
He knows Rocket dislikes him, but he still tries to bond with him…definitely just for Zuka’s sake. While he agreed that Rocket should’ve been more careful, Broker began to take notice of how the constant criticism and arguing began to weigh on the kid. He stopped taking Zuka’s side and just started staying out of it. He tried to talk to Rocket multiple times, but he would get brushed off and blocked out. When Rocket ran away, he decided to take matters into his own hands (after Rocket gets Medkit captured by Ban Hammer). He thought that talking to Rocket would fix things, though he is frustrated when he is shut down again (and joins Medkit in Banlands). After Sword’s death, Broker is distant from Rocket in an attempt to give him space. He feels bad, but knows that nothing will get Rocket to talk to him.
Broker teases and toys with Medkit in an attempt to keep things relatively “normal” between them. After Sword’s death, he began keeping a closer eye on Medkit because he knew how close he had been with Sword. Upon learning about Medkit’s plans to deal with Rocket, Broker starts being more prickly around him. He’s trying to come up with a way to deal with Medkit before anything happens.
Ban Hammer…when I catch you Ban Hammer…when I catch you…
Broker is pushing his luck with Scythe due to how much time (and resources) he’s putting inti finding Rocket. He knows Scythe is already annoyed about Medkit spending time on this rather than on his mission, and Broker can tell she isn’t pleased with him either. He’s trying to keep her from flipping her top.
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(Another WIP character) Zuka is rather reserved and quiet. He’s constantly tired and always seems ridden with guilt. It’s very obvious he fears the worst and blames himself. He seems to drag himself around all day trying to “fix” the issue himself. While he would like to go solo, he’s made it obvious that he can’t.
Zuka’s relationship with Rocket isn’t the best. He’s very concerned for Rocket, though he doesn’t express it properly and it leads to several minor conflicts. He feels extremely guilty about Rocket running away, and watching Rocket go to Blackrock was a personal blow to Zuka (it affected him a lot more than he’d like to admit, especially the way that Rocket changed his whole appearance). After Sword’s death, he attempts to comfort Rocket, though it comes off more as babying. He’s very worried about Rocket’s mental state.
Zuka really appreciates how Sword is trying to stay positive in this situation. He can tell how stressful and upsetting it is for Sword, so he tries to be understanding and patient with him (even though half the time it comes off as Zuka just being too tired to fully care). He feels bad that Sword is beating himself up about Rocket leaving and makes attempts to cheer him up frequently.
Broker is the one demon that Zuka seems to confide in. He doesn’t want to seem like a burden/worry Broker, but Broker clearly sees through it. Zuka takes comfort in how Broker tries to help him through this whole thing no matter how many times he tries to say he’s fine. Even though Zuka tries to hide it, Broker always ends up getting him to spill his feelings. He’s grateful Broker is willing to help as much as he is, and he’s even more grateful he has someone with him during this.
Zuka appreciates Medkit’s help as much as he appreciates everyone else’s. He knows Medkit is helping more because he wants to help Sword, but that doesn’t matter to Zuka…until Sword dies. Broker informed Zuka about Medkit’s plans, so Zuka’s trust for Medkit is almost completely gone. He’s cautious around Medkit and avoids bringing up Rocket.
Zuka is two seconds from storming up to Scythe and telling her to calm down/j unless…
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13shadesofanni · 3 years
Ahhh 5,7,44,54,69!! For the ask game!!
hey Kat, puuh, I'm so late... but finally, here are my answers 😉
5. What is your favourite color?
Regarding clothes, especially mine, I like dark shades like dark blue, a dark used grey and black. When it's not about clothes I like petrol, turquoise and purple the most. 💚💙💜
7. Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment. Or does a hedgehog count? One of them is living in my garden under a big pile of leaves at the moment. 🦔
When I was a kid we'd a dachshund, called "Urmel" like the little green dragon from the kids book ("Urmel aus dem Eis"/"Urmel from the ice"?). He was such a little sassy cutie pie 🐕 🥰
44. Do you have a strong accent?
Interesting question 😋🤭 in my all day life there are only a few opportunities from time to time to speak English, so it's hard to say for English.
But, since I'm living in the area in Germany where we speak the clearest "Hochdeutsch", my German is completely without accent. Fun fact: I speak plattdeutsch, which is really super fun and bit of crazy, because in only a few areas at the sea the people speak plattdeutsch. 😆🥳
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
🙈 am I allowed to call my phone joker? The attempt is there to have everything clean/cleaned up/organized, but too often I end up being chaotic. -> maybe it's a feature and not a flaw? 😅
69. Extrovert or introvert?
Extrovert. But that doesn't mean I like to have people around me all day long. Sometimes it's enough, then I need me-time. I absolutely hate it when people enter the room and start to babble without a point or a comma, totally ignoring what I am doing at the moment. Help! 😣
Thanks for asking 😘 have a nice evening! 🥳🦄🎉🎈✨
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leejungchans · 3 years
NNNAAAAAUUUUUURRRRR NOT THE CHAN PIC + FBI 😭😭 (lol this is the same anon that went crazy and theorized abt protective jongho hehe!) pLS I LOVE CHAN SM 😣😣 but fam- jongho and chan are my biases and juliet is my baby this is not going to be a fun ride 😀 it’s ok since it’s u that’s writing so it’ll be worth the pain 😔 watch me side with the boys instead of juliet HJRJFJDBSKGLSJRB I LOVE HER BUT LIKE GAHHH NOT CHANNIE AND JONGIE WAGHHHHGVVHH - chaotic 🤙 anon
GRRRR AT THIS POINT NO ONE KNOWS WHO MY OTHER ULTS ARE BC I ONLY TALK ABOUT CHAN (and maybe also seonghwa) HERE 💔 BLAME HIM NOT ME I AM INNOCENT I JUST GOT DRAGGED INTO THE LEE CHANIFICATION 😩 ahsjhwdjj i hope you guys will like it and the angst lives up to the hyping i’ve been doing for it oops ;-; (if it comes out mediocre pls look away 😔🙏) spoilers!!! but it won’t be easy to pick a side which can either be a good thing or a bad thing so it depends on what i chose hehe ✨ HGGHGHHH thank you for loving juliet 🤧 it means a lot to hear that 🥺💗
dropping some wonwoo pics bc i swear he’s also my svt bias it’s just that i don’t stop talking about chan 💔 again blame him not me 🙅🏻‍♀️ anyways here’s a very pretty boy 🥰
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