barneysbigstompers · 6 months
Atp trolls is competing with sonic to take my top interest
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littlestpetgoth · 10 months
Tell us more about your little homestucks?
ok.. ill only go over my descendent ocs because they're the ones ive been posting about recently, i have too many homestuck ocs to cover lol..
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mayosi pyrope is the first descendent oc i made back when there was a brief trend on twitter to make, fan descendants of the trolls. i think i was inspired by ko's descendent acarid, and terezi being one of my favorite trolls i ended up making a bootleg pyrope. (and i draw them together all the time bc they rot my brain)
they're a radical transmasc weeaboo skater "vigilante" who grew up being raised by humans in a very normal average household where they got basically anything they wanted with no issues. their interests include; dishing out justice, watching animes, playing videogames, and doing sick tricks on their board. they wield a katana that resembles terezi's dragon cane.. they're my simplest designed character, and though they look a lot like terezi with a skirt and long hair their design was heavily influenced by dirk because i imagined that dirk has influenced some kind of anime character that mayosi obsesses over and has based their look on..
they aren't at all interested in, being a lawyer or anything like that and would like to take care of bad guys samurai batman style in their ideal world.. unfortunately the loving gently parenting of their human family didn't toughen them up enough so they're mostly a baby who doesn't do well when faced with conflict. mayosi's easily bossed around by anyone who firmly tells them to do something because they're too scared to step up and stand up for themself and others, they have a lot of shame for not being as strong and cool as terezi or red glare. real wet blanket.
uuuh like terezi, they weren't always blind. they were lured in by their ex best friend now super complex hate not boyfriend acarid and he poured acid into their eyes, ruining their vision and giving them crazy chem burn scars.. i think around this time they were also given their super rad pointy shades so they can look more like their hero, but it was a major blow to their confidence since not only are they a weak coward they're now a weak coward who can't see. they eventually learn to navigate the world via sound waves, its not as effective as terezi's sniff and taste vision but mayosi isnt as interested as smelling and licking everything in their presence.
example of what i think it's like for them here..
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theyyy are convinced by acarid to join him in his perfect sburb sesh, where they eventually grow a pair and cut off his arm and gouge his eyes before being shot in the brain and killed dead without ever waking on their moon. (sad) mayosi's feelings about acarid, who essentially abuses and manipulates them constantly, are very complicated because they feel an obligation to take on the brunt of his crazy in order to protect everyone but also because they cling to the nostalgic memories they have of him and are hoping he'll one day go back to that.
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kokesi megido is based on kokeshi dolls, i think she sees ghosts and is really scared of them so she's super skittish and is always finding ways to shoo them away.. she probably knows how to speak japanese ig, i dont have a lot to say about her unfortunately.. i like how her design turned out though.
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grimir maryam and romato vantas are brothers adopted into a rich human family, they're both spoiled brats and are constantly bickering with each other when they aren't pretending the other exists. grimir is mute and likes to garden (sooo original, i know) and romato speaks a lot and is a hopeless romantic writer. shrug.
i don't have as much to talk about. for any of my descendents other than mayosi because i have a really hard time developing ocs when i dont have people to bounce ideas off of. i mean most of mayosi was formed around acarid's existence and from ko's influence, otherwise they also wouldn't be developed . sorry .
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homestuck-loving · 2 years
Maybe some fluffy Kurloz x Reader Headcanons? 👉👈
It's been so long since I've played openbound. This was a fun refresher. I hope you enjoy!
Kurloz x Reader Headcanons
-I will start with the non-fluffy stuff. Kurloz is a purpleblood who grew up with the clown church. He’s a strange troll with morbid tendencies. If we’re talking post accident Kurloz, then he doesn’t really communicate with people either.
-This can be seen in his relationship with you. For the first couple of months he’ll feel rather distant, never quite contributing much into the relationship. Every question you ask him turns into a crazy riddle. If the two of you were able to make it through that awkward patch, you’ll see him become more open. 
-Now onto the fluff! 
-Kurloz would ask if you were up to learn sign language. It’s the easiest way for him to talk without using his chucklevoodoos. Though, being honest, he’s not against using them when he wants to.
-He’d give you all the lessons of troll sign language you could ask for. He’s a very hands on teacher. He’d drag his gloved hands against yours to set them in the right position. If you're a human/non troll, he’d love to know how your version of sign language differs. He enjoys repeatedly signing the word ‘Fun’ at you. No one’s quite sure what it means.
-Kurloz would partake in pda. He feels no shame in leaning against your body or kissing you with stitched lips in front of the others. He would enjoy laying with you while watching the dream clouds float by. If he’s relaxed, or stoned, enough, he’d take a nap right there.
-On the topic, when he’s high he’s a lot more cuddly and playful. He’ll lay on top of you with a lazy, mildly sinister, smile all while signing dumb memes. He’s pretty malleable at the same time. You wanna go do something? He’s all for it. You wanna cuddle in a different position? Just move him any way you like.
-Kurloz would also come up with a strange nickname for you. It’ll be possibly crude and unusual. It’s an even mix up on if he’s going to call you by your actual name or something he created from the deep depths of his thinkpan. 
-I don’t think he’d introduce you to Gamzee. He’d like to keep his personal life away from his servitude.
-He has a habit of pressing the tips of his fingers onto his lips before pressing them into your own. There isn’t much of a reason as to why he does this. It’s more of something he just enjoys doing.
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fantomette22 · 2 months
I have had accusations hurled at me by one @heraldofcrow and I just wanted to inform the public of how wrong she is, and has IN FACT authorized the bombardment of Sephiroth in an innocent old Russian lady's inbox. It got so bad that this poor old woman can't live her day to day life as an autistic lore digger without fearing the face of Sephiroth. I may have told a few jokes here and there, hell I even joked about this topic, but are the masses willing to believe a person who has done worse things under the radar? Are you willing to believe a person who bullies old ladies on the internet for fun? I may be a troll, but I am a professional, and even I ain't that monstrous.
Also she wholeheartedly believes that Dark Souls 2 is the BEST souls game, when that is an OBVIOUS lie on so many levels. So who do you believe more, this gothic witch who probably eats baby birds or the upstanding citizen that is me?
( @izunias-meme-hole )
(For people wondering what the hell is going on don’t worry this is about a satirical post here 😂)
I am very sorry Izunia but i stand with my cancelled friends @heraldofcrow 😔
I mean i have proof to back up!
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She might have started it but you got super crazy man. (Very entertaining to watch! but the blame is to you when it goes too far now 😂)
Also are you saying @katyspersonal is old?! 😭
And it’s not because Crow is indeed a bird vampire that she’s actually biased and a bad person! I don’t see how it have something to do with her accusation towards you.
(More seriously Crow i can’t wtf how you make fun of such thing 🤣😭 just reading and knowing it’s a satire of you know what who was very real, almost made me anxious 😭 ptsd trigger. But yeah screaming Sephi in inbox can be a good distraction for our dear friend but i worry it’s too much at time 😅 I am the one who PLAYED FF7 & remake after all!!!!)
And again i’m sorry but Dark Souls 2 is a good game. Expect Lud & Zallen & a few mechanics
I very enjoy it and it’s underated. Sorry 💔
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chevelleneech · 16 days
I watched all Frankie Biggs videos and he is a red flag for me.
He has stated clearly that he is NOT an Army, just a reactor. So yeah. He chose the biggest global group that has a fan base known for views. Makes sense.
He started with WHO by Jimin and wasn't impressed at all. He said it wasn't a hit. Cool. Thanks for stopping by. Keep it moving.
Next thing you know he has a Once You JimIN you can't JimOut tshirt on!!!????
He invested in that why?? It's sus. Reactors I know don't just run out and get a Jimin shirt like that, especially when they are not floored by Jimin's talent/music. Frankie is hitting Army hard with that "pick me" merch - it feels super manipulative and not genuine at all.
For AYS the guy said some totally random stuff like he heard that JK is married to a woman - like serious real housewives gossip type stuff that is not cool with Army at all. I haven't seen any reactor show up on the scene with rumors but supposedly no knowledge of the group.
Something isn't adding up.
He hates shippers and solos - okay cool - there are other channels that love everyone that supports BTS. I can watch those. Not every reactor gets my views.
Chapter 2 had been all about Solo albums so yes, solos are going to exist. They may have only heard Golden or Face because they got radio play. So there will be naturally born solos in Chapter 2. Old Army need to adapt and realize this is by design. Solos are not the bad guys. Trolls come in every flavor OT7 SHIPPER SOLO - any of them can be rude when hiding behind a keyboard.
Did he deserve death threats - no but that doesn't mean he deserves sympathy views either.
I support a lot of reactors on youtube. But I can't support this guy. He is making it all about himself and I am just not down for his victimization angle.
Also he said Who is mid. I can't support someone that can't see Who is a masterpiece. Our ace duo deserve reactors that can appreciate them from Day 1 and not add to the rumors already surrounding them.
I’m just going to go at this like a bullet point list.
• It’s obvious he’s not army, seeing as he just started reacting to them. Expecting him to be all in already is kind of silly.
• People aren’t obligated to enjoy every song the members put out. I don’t like everything, but I still consider myself a fan, because I enjoy a solid amount and adore them as people.
• Don’t know the story behind this, nor how many reactions he did before getting one, so I won’t say anything about it.
• Like I said, I don’t know his motives. If his wife is Army, maybe she got it for him? As I’m not sure where he’d find one outside of her, if he got it as quickly as your message implies.
• I was told his wife told him this, but I didn’t see whatever video that is in. I haven’t watch all his videos, so idk. That said, if it’s not his wife and I am being led astray… I don’t think him having heard this rumor without knowing anything about the group is that crazy. I see and hear rumors about celebs all the time whom I don’t follow nor listen to. The rumor mill is the rumor mill, it doesn’t prove of disprove much. However, he did have a handful of reactions to the members/group up before AYS, so it’s possible someone in the comments said something. Or his YouTube algorithm started showing him those clickbait titled videos. I don’t watch the people who make them, yet I still get their stuff recommended to me.
As for the rest of your message, cool beans. No one is forcing you to watch the guy, lol. I simply do not think he comes across as a grifter just yet, but that’s me. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong. It’s not the end of the world if someone joined the community just to gain traction to their channel. It sucks that BTS get used, but so do so many other artists and shows and etc. If he’s a fraud, I’ll stop watching him the same way I’ve done with many reactors.
In regard to your opinion on solos, I think you’re treading real close to admitting you are one, lol. I don’t like solos and I don’t care for their excuses. Obviously there will be people who only know one or two members these days, but each member is different enough with their sound and execution of craft, that I can’t take anyone seriously who thinks one member stands out above the group.
All of BTS are extremely talented, and their group music may not be for everyone, but trying to claim you like JK more than everyone else, for example, is just a way to be contrarian. Particularly because he and JM make music that is currently the most similar to the group sound. The only reason someone would get into one member, try BTS, then flat out refuse to listen to the group is because they fell into a toxic solo rabbit hole. No one who genuinely happened across one member, yet never listened to the group, would call themselves a solo, purely because they wouldn’t know what that means.
So again, don’t watch what you don’t want to watch. Don’t listen to whomever you don’t want to listen to, but solos can kick rocks right along with fake reactors. Being Army means actively enjoying BTS. Not without critique, but a minority enjoy more of their work. If you don’t enjoy them or if you only enjoy one member, you’re not Army. Therefore, there is no need for you (using the universal term) to be part of Army conversations.
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luminace · 4 days
I’m Excited to Write With Cain in Black Ops 6 Fanfiction and Here’s Why!
WARNING! This post contains HEAVY SPOILERS for the BO6 Campaign, kinda…
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Amongst all the leaked footage of the Black Ops 6 Campaign a lot less information, than what is needed to make sense of the storyline is missing (due to missing audio), but also enough is there to where it does make some sense where the plot is going! Some are more blatant than others, one in particular being the final cutscene of the campaign. I’m 1000% not going to spoil how the story ends for our good guys, who lives and who dies, that would just be dirty. However, as much as I already dislike him, (not genuinely, he’s just good at being what he is, an antagonist) one character in particular really caught my eye, as I was watching the multiplayer reveal trailer! I didn’t think much of it though, until we got to play the BO6 Beta, and I got a much better look at his face and lo and behold, I remember where I’ve seen this man’s face before. Out of all the leaks for BO6’s campaign, and all the cutscenes we have, we’ve not once seen Cain, except for the ending scene. There’s no great way to explain this scene really without giving it away entirely or not addressing it at all, so once again, read at your own risk! If any of you have completed the Warzone challenges for the Sally blueprint, you may remember the mention of Director Livingston. A fraction of the finale to BO6 Campaign, we switches perspective to be inside his office, looking in on a character who’s presumably accessing information he’s not supposed to have his hands on. Moments later, we are shown the very memorable face of Cain. Not only from this cutscene can we tell Cain is being set up to be a major antagonist of some sort, but let’s think a little bit deeper! This man, somehow made it into the office of the Deputy Director (according to Ursikstan bunker 7), there are only a few kinds of characters who can pull something like this off. Either someone like Adler, who just knows what he’s doing, wether it’s legal or not, or someone who’s got a higher power behind them, to help them get to the information they need. I think this man is affiliated with, or part of Pantheon. He’s got a lot of personality as well, as heard in the Beta! Which isn’t one I’m entirely crazy about, but it’s one I’m excited to play different characters and OCs off of! He will be expertly trolled! Lastly, I think it’s really interesting that he’s not really seen in the campaign until the finale! According to YouTuber, InkSlasher, a lot of the multiplayer maps have similar dates and themes to campaign missions. Meaning he might not just be a Pantheon operative, but the Pantheon operative, possibly the ‘Stitch’ of Black Ops 6. If my hunch is right, we may spend a bit of the multiplayer storyline, discovering the direct consequences of campaign missions, and in particularly, how Cain is responding to them. Honestly, I’m just happy we seem to have a good bad guy, I really missed having a genuinely antagonistic CoD villain, especially after narrative murder of Makarov, in the current title! What are your thoughts?
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chambers003 · 3 months
home alone so i watched venom instead of doing anything useful . watched venom because of malevolent . yes i was comparing the two the whole time but also i can recognise them as separate things with separate themes. a rare win for media literacy. might watch let there be carnage next. tonight? maybe. idk. it’s only 8:43 pm (now 9:07pm by finishing the post) . ivegot thoughts about similarities and differences. might drop them first. yeah theres up to date malevolent spoilers in here oopsie
venom is very much an action movie. venom the character has more autonomy than john to fit. venom and eddie speedrun their trust like literally they beat up some guys in their shitty apartment and then immediately go on the SICKEST car chase ever and eddie trusts venom to do all sorts of crazy shit even though hes only known him for like 3 seconds. he’s very open and accepting the fact theres an alien sharing his body he literally only freaks out about the aliens on the lift with that poor doctor who deserved way better. like someone who would remember her name. so not me. eddie’s like “ha this might as well happen ellemayo” because he’s got nothing to lose.
then again it could be argued that arthur also has nothing to lose but his approach to the whole “theres a spooky eldritch horror sharing my body” is far more sensible. investigative reporter vs private investigator is really not that different so it must be something else . arthur is a mostly sensible guy where eddie has been kicked out of several jobs before so maybe thats it the point is this is what happened. but . john isnt really sharing arthur’s body. he’s taking it. but as a trade, he’s much more passive, has much less autonomy. a lot of this is balanced out with him being their eyes; arthur is the one doing all the action, john’s basically just a narrator with a character arc.
but malevolent isn’t an action podcast, it’s about choices, and hope, and humanity. venom is about cool guys having a fight. and looking awesome. so that all makes sense. john is NOT the heavy hitter, the action-taker (with exceptions in part 40 and 43), this is due to the fact no one can hear him apart from arthur. arthur is the one throwing basically all of the punches. whereas in venom, venom is the more action-heavy half. eddie is more than capable of taking care of himself too, but he would be so so so dead without venom be fr.
but the format of venom as a film is that you cant fit a character arc like malevolent’s in an hour and 20 minutes. or whatever however long it was idk. so eddie had to be cool with venom from early on. or they wouldve had to make that the plot of the whole movie, which you just cant do, because thats not visually interesting and this is marvel we’re on about. it all comes down to format and themes. limitations.
malevolent is a podcast. you cant do action scenes in podcasts. not like you can in movies at least. and in movies you cant really have heartfelt moments because we’re here for cool explosions not the spooky and the freak talking to each other with emotional maturity for extended periods of time. you couldnt turn malevolent 43 into a movie. arthur is dead and mostly unmoving on the table the whole time. theres like one thing that could happen in that movie that would be interesting to watch and then john gets trolled about it anyway. and if you turned venom into a podcast it’d just be unreadable noise.
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creepymarshmallow3 · 1 year
New friend)
Jess the playful clown)
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This cute friend is very friendly and nice. He loves making new friends and playing with them. Also, he is very careful with new friends, and will always console and cheer. He's not dangerous at all.)
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" The show must go on! " incident
Jess - this trollge is based on coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
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Jess or Jester, was a former clown actor named Richard. It was difficult for him to get a job, but he needed money. And soon, he found an advertisement for finding a man, for the role of a clown in a children's show, and the amount of earnings was quite tempting, and Richard could not refuse.
He was quickly accepted. He was a slender and strong guy, which was necessary for the image of a lively merry fellow. The clown he would play was called Jess or Jester, and his show "Jess the Playful Clown" is trite, but Richie didn't care.
At first, this job was difficult for Richard, because he was not a fun person and never played with children, but the boss, when it was difficult for Rich to do something, he said "the show must go on, Jess)" and it helped.
Richard had to almost always rehearse his character, because the show was very popular and often filmed, the rating should not have fallen. Richard himself eventually liked this role, and it was no longer a sad person who did not find himself in life, but a cheerful and playful clown who loves children and gives them joy.
Everything was going well, the guy was almost always thinking about the show all the time he was on the job, and how he would get back into his new clown persona in disguise. He smiled more often when out of work, and finally became happy.
On one of the days of work, he was preparing for the show. Smiling at the mirror in makeup and suit, he walked onto the set, but his smile quickly faded when he saw another guy in a different suit. Richard asked what does it mean?? The boss said that the clown Jess is no longer so popular, and replaces him, and since Richard got used to the role a lot, the boss took a new guy for a new role.
Richard just couldn't believe it. He is also the favorite of the public. He is also a favorite of children. He got used to the role so well, and now the show where he is the favorite of everyone will disappear? .. nope ..
Richard: The show must go on, boss!
Richie called out with a wide smile. The boss did not understand the reason for what was said and asked Richie to leave, but instead, Richie attacked the boss, starting to beat and bite him, laughing madly and shouting that same phrase endlessly. After hours of carnage, in the center of the site, a clown staggered, covered in blood, giggling softly, in a gloomy building.
Jess is an unpredictable and dangerous troll. Don't be fooled by his cute face, it's a scam! He only disguises himself, but once you are alone from everyone with him, he will show who he really is.
Jess has the ability to influence the minds of people, especially young people (children and teenagers), using his own show as hypnosis.
Children from 5 to 9 years old are easily hypnotized, and after watching the show, they are ready to submit to Jess without talking. Jess can either use children as well as against their own parents, or take them with him, turning them into little helper clowns:
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These lil creatures are as dangerous as their owner, have sharp claws and teeth and are very dexterous and strong. One such baby, the size of a small dog, can lift a grown man and jump to the second floor of the house, but they are rather stupid and confused without Jess and his supervision, and they love him very much, like faithful puppies.
Teenagers suffer from nightmares with Jess, and his voices in their heads, from which they can go crazy and kill people who are objectionable to Jess, but they will not become his henchmen, since Jess loves kids and not older people.
Adults, on the other hand, do not notice him due to hypnosis, but Jess cannot influence them globally due to "stronger adult minds", as he says.
Jess's character is funny to the point of insanity, he almost always laughs, and is quite proud, saying that " There is only one star on the stage. It's me! Jester!)) And my show will never die! ", and is always looking for attention.
Jess is able to remove his head from his shoulders at will and without consequences, and is able to put his body in a middle box without harm to himself, and then jump out at someone like a clown from a box, and attack.
Able to change information about himself to deceive you, concerns: videos, photos and files of gadgets and computers.
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I want extensive Scongo lore, I realize that I probably won't understand much bc I'm not intumately familiar with classic who or EU stuff, but Scongo sounds too iconic
Omg you're in for a wild ride and I am the perfect person to ask. This post probably won't be 100% complete tho bc its 6am and I am omw to work but I'll include some sources so you can become a real Scongler (Scongo scholar, not a real term I just made that up)
So Scongo (the best villain) is a fake, made up Dr Who character that was made up by the members of the TARDISposting Facebook group in 2017. The image is admin Joe Brennans friend Lenny but his face is made all weird:
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The gig was basically to troll people of the main Dr Who Facebook group, many of which were elitist and kept calling people who didn't know every single classic who episode "fake fans", by claiming they are fake fans for not knowing about the iconic 60s villain Scongo.
Similar to tumblrs new Goncharov meme, TARDISposters were making up fake stories to go along with this fake villain to more successfully gaslight normal fans into thinking he is real. Quick side note in case you are wondering why hes called Scongo. It's just a silly name that they came up with that sounds Dr Whoey, it's not deep.
Sometime, I don't know when, they also made up Scongos brother/lover (no doubt a reference to the master, who writers tried to make the doctor's brother some time) the Wibbler, using a different picture of Lenny and a different effect on his face:
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Now therere few iconic details about Scongo that no Scongo fan should be ignorant about, like his powerful Bongos, for example.
During Scongos Genesis (referring to both the creation period of Scongo as well as the iconic 80s episode) people were making fan art and shit, and the TARDISposting admins even recorded an audio drama called the Age of Scongo.
Another iconic thing to be aware about is the amount of Doctor Wbo actors who were asked to say Scongo is the best villain at cons, of which Colin Baker was the most enthusiastic imo. You can see all of the actors up to 2020 in Joes Scongo Video, which is a good resource to just watch entirely too.
Around spring 2018, I believe, TARDISposters got tired of the joke and it kinda faded and lay dormant for a while.
Fast forward to 2020, Scongo is suddenly back again. Many new memes are coming out (you gotta understand that lot of Scongo stuff is tied to the kinds of memes that were also going on in TARDISposting at the time, which is why someone asked Salad Man from The Woman Who Fell To Earth to say Scongo is the best villain, for example), there was even talks of an Age of Scongo sequel, which would turn out to be kinda hard since one of the admins who played i think Nardole in the first part? got kicked for being a weird pervert who sends gross messages to female members (something that got memed endlessly as well at his expense and was pretty funny).
Me, a member of Facebook and TARDISposting since just after the Scongo meme died and who was aware of him for a long time by then, I was thrilled by this and immediately introduced Scongo to my Discord server "looms".
This would be the start of the best era for the then only about 3 months old looms Discord server, as well as a pretty funny era for TARDISposting, with a few big problems for them which are also pretty funny to me.
So lets start with the new stuff on the Facebook side of things. A Scongo redbubble shop was opened, including breathtaking Scongle merch such as a bedsheet and a coffe to-go cup. There was also a TARDISposting Discord without rules that got, iirc, immediately spammed with scat porn so that rules were instated and memes were made about the ban of said material. Joe Brennan even joined the looms discord and is still there but hasn't written since 2020.
Simultaniously looms was taking the idea of Scongo and going crazy with it. We thought it unacceptable that the AO3 tag for Scongo was empty so we filled it. We made our own contributions to the Scongoverse which TARDISposting doesn't even know about, using a member of the server and turning them into Chad, a being of ant-time (as a parody of Zagreus, a real Dr Who character and being of anti-time) and the CEO of Chad Books, the publisher of Longbooby (Lungbarrow). There's a lot of silly stuff connected to this, lots of lore in the confines of the looms discord and it was a big time for looms social media but this is about Scongo, not looms.
There are 2 things that resulted from looms' contribution that you need to know about. The first is the Scongo era coming to Tumblr, something which we back then called the Scongo Renaissance. The second is the downfall of the TARDISposting Facebook group.
See, 2020 was a big year for transphobia, especially in Britain. TARDISposting was handling it as well as they could, kicking all the tories for example, which lead to a knock off tory TARDISposting and it's all very funny and pathetic. But this destableized TARDISposting. The critical hit would be served by my good bestie @factkinparadoxx posting the following meme:
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It immediately sparked discussions, a lot of people reported one another leading finally to the banning of TARDISposting and Joe Brennan for terrorism (? Yeah.)
I personally was asleep through the whole ordeal, waking to only this post at the top of my facebook timeline and a broken link to the TARDISposting group, as it was no longer there. Here's a message from the admin to Clem that I found while looking for the meme that killed TARDISposting just now:
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So following the death of TARDISposting a new group was made and there were some Scongo memes but after it died a lot of people didn't find the new group and after a while I stopped using Facebook so I can't give you any updates on Scongle Facebook.
The recent Goncharov meme, however, is opening a door to what I'd like to describe as the Scongo Enlightenment, a perfect time for Scongo to make a comeback on tumblr.
If you would like to know more about Scongo you may consult the Scongo page on TARDISposting wiki or the only archived version of TARDISposting before the disaster that i could find rn. There is also probably a live and active TARDISposting on Facebook right now if you look for it. But don't feel like you need to know any Scongo "canon" to participate. Just make shit up.
Any other true Sconglers can reblog this with additions or iconic Scongo memes that I didn't care to look for atm. Sconge on.
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
SO 10 days ago (that post is late) I discovered Mummies Alive (which I ENTIRELY binged in 5 days ; a great underrated show with heart and development and compelling characters like Skeleton Warriors, even though it was more silly and humorous and episodic) thanks to THAT VIDEO IN MY RECOMMENDED I SPOTTED RIGHT AFTER HAVING WAKEN UP THAT HAD ME GO "NANI ?!??!?!"
In the show he is an evil sorcerer who wants to be young again and immortal, and she is his loyal yet sassy as fuck living staff though we don't know what exactly she is (a familiar who conveniently disguises as a staff ? A staff given life to ? Her origins nor how they met is never said), and OH MY GOD FROM THAT VIDEO I WAS HOOKED
I binged the show in hope to see more and hoping that the examples used in the video were not the only ones... AND THEY ARE NOT ! THERE ARE SO MANY MOMENTS THAT HAS ME GO "yeah I know it's not canon but it is SO MUCH of a long marriage subtext to ignore" LIKE DR CYBORN AND BARON DARK ANOTHER TOY SELLING 90'S SHOW
-really act like an old married couple like with her going "I told you not to [...] it gives you rash !" And him just rolling his eyes are her criticism while he could kill her or make her just a staff forever
-in fact she feels comfortable to criticize him and make fun of him despite being his familiar so should be submitted to him by definition, so she knows he won't do her anything and so is comfortable
-and official descriptions call her loyal to him
-he says in one episode when thinking they are gonna win "all our dreams will come true". He includes her in his future. He even includes her in his victories such as gladly inviting her to "feast her eyes" on what he just stole and is always chatting with her (having his staff sentient was the writers' excuse to have him monologue his plans without sounding crazy from speaking alone I bet)
-she gets legetimagely worried for him when he summons his litteral nightmare by making himself fall asleep and as the nightmare becomes a literal scorpio she gets worried for who is still asleep begging him it's dangerous. There are other instances of her being unsure or concerned about him for other plans and helps the best she can admist sass and mockeries
-in one episode she ogles at Apep the evil sbake god and calls him a hunk. Scarab glares at her and covers her eyes
-same episode he calls her "my dear"
-another "sweet Heka"
-she is worried for him when he goes too far to her tastes
-an episode when they get defeated and in particular Heka who got so knocked out she doesn't return to her staff state but a loose soft snake, Scarab flies away hoding her not with just one hand but with both hands bridal style as if he were being careful
-another episode she sasses him for the last time when he loses and he puts a rock in her mouth, not painfully shoving but enough to have him smirk smugly as she struggles to take it out without hands, so showing a mischievous side
-there are times he is actually violent on her but it is short and is when he is exasperated thinking he will die or when he thinks he is so close not to be mortal anymore and she interfers, but given how paranoid/thanatophobic he is and how she herself is made of gold, seems immortal and doesn't seem to mind (in fact there are times she even keeps trolling him or bounces back like it was nothing without looking upset) that I don't think it is a huge deal for them
-they sleep in the same room, not in the same bed but she is close to it
-she alternates calling him boss, master or by his name meaning "boss" is more sarcasm or a pet name, while "master" is more respectful but can be a pet name too then since mostly used when she agrees or finds him brilliant
-in one episode Scarab turns into a gigantic scary beetle after he found a new artefact. He has a demonic voice, the music is epic orchestra, it is a threatening moment, he rejoices with a speech that says something like "I am stronger... I feel eveything. I feel them. I know where they are. I shall get immortality. It won't take long now." And flies away a badass way... and Heka who stays home literally says "Would you pick milk while you're out ?" WIFE WHO SAW ENOUGH MOMENT
-in the one in which they mention Vegas, Scarab is nearly bankrupt so he summons the ghosts of gold miners to fetch him gold. It goes out of hand as they steal gold for themselves including his golden possessions like a realistic gold bust of himself. He is alarmed but doesn't love to stop. Yet when they try to take Heka out of his hands since after all she is made of gold too and she screams he goes "BACK OFF THAT'S MINE" and electrocutes them. The bust is not as important as her to him
-in another she goes sadistically gleeful when a villain ally of the day messed up "Scarab is sooo gonna harm you !" as if she gets off to him being evil and powerful on others
-still she can also praise him the times she agrees with the idea or sees it work. Some rare times like when he kisses her he also praises her when she gives him an idea
-they tend to his garden (he has a gardening hobby) together and uses her as scarecrow which she isn't fond of but plays along
-And that same episode HAS MANY THINGS : she nags him to pay already the villain ally of the day so they can be done with it and it is a short argument about taking one's time and how fine fine he'll do it and he just pulls out a sock-turned-coin purse like an old couple paying a delivery man, in that episodes he keeps dangerously aging just like everyone in the world and in the end when everybody thinks there is no hope she (who doesn't age thanks to the McGuffin) loses hope too and gets very sad and calls out human hubris so we can suppose she realizes he will die since he is the only person in her life, then when all is done and he is stuck under a tree she does her best to pull him out but struggles since no hand and grumbles she's getting too old for this but KEEPS doing it because who else would help that old fart ?. We can also note she wore the McGuffin because without knowing it would help or anything he put it on her for no other logical reason that he probably thought she looked cute with it, and even after removed the scarecrow attire still kept it on meaning that she probably liked it too and maybe saw it like a gift from him so was wearing it proudly and gets MAD when Ja-Kal understands what it's for and takes it off her to save the day "HEY ! GIVE THAT BACK !"
Omg I love them I can't wait for more
I ship a fucking Jafar knockoff and his cobra scepter. And I'm proud. Expect more posts soon
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #11: act 6 p2
aranea first appearance!!! shes so beautifullll hi girl
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okay so i think i misremembered this specific comversation. in a previous conversation with roxy, roxy accidentally IMPLIED that jane might have feelings for him. but then jake was like yeah i already know that she has a thing for me but then since he knows roxy isnt supposed to talk about it he agrees to drop it. then here he is like hey jane do you like me? be honest. just come out and say it. do you? and she is like clearly not ready to be honest yet so shes like uh no i dont
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so then hes like oh you dont well thats crazy i thought you did. but then hes like . are you sure? and she is like... haha i guess not... GAHHH THIS IS SO PAINFUL TO READ. but the problem im finding is that i feel like jake is in the wrong here but like i dont know i might do the same thing. if i suspected someone liked me and then got soft confirmation from their best friend i might also approach the situation by asking for confirmation rather than being like I KNOW YOU LIKE ME. but maybe the real thing i would do is wait for them to tell me... i honestly dont know what the right answer is... like what was his best option here because what he did felt so wrong. and jane. poor jane. she is suffering with the weight of liking this FREAK . its just hard cause i wanted her to be honest but i also get why she wasnt
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i dont even want to show this next part but jake after this is telling jane about how he thinks dirk wants to date him (which he does) and jane is just. suffering . but she keeps telling him to like go for it? like why are you sabotaging yourself like this?? i get shes trying to be a good friend but like at what cost girl your sanity?? and how is he this socially unaware when he has proven that he can pick up on the hints that jane liked him even BEFORE roxy accidentally implied it?? but now he cant tell that jane is OBVIOUSLY not happy with the situation. i actually cant tell if hes being a cruel person and deliberately ignoring her feelings or if hes just suddenly unable to pick up on her feelings. i GUESS in his defense there has been this ongoing theme of his friends saying that he has a tendency to believe people at face value and believe IN people. get it. because hope. but that is dumb and in my opinion a weak defense
to be fair. he is glasses
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what heaven looks like (without the dead cat)
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god damn you. tumut
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this is really cool
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me every time i get mad and my friends call me delusional
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this section of dirk giving jake the Lore is cool. look at alpha dave he is so awesome
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holy balls look at rose too
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hee hee look at lil seb
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this baller ass panel. hes so cool he has a fucking SWORD
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look at him go!!!!
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me when im the dumbest boy in paradox space
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wait this makes sense to me. the seer of mind can see brain ghost dirk. that is so cool
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I AM CRESTFALLEN. (also jane and roxy just died so that is very sad too. but they have dreamselves.) shit is kind of hitting the fan when all the alpha kids are trying to enter. also calliope just got name and appearance revealed so... hey
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this is funny
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ok so i watched s dirk synhcronize. really good flash! some things i noticed. 1. there is that tumblr post that is like dirk just high fives meenah without even knowing who she is or what a troll is. that is wrong he DOES know what a troll is and had already briefly met her like right before the high five happened . 2 its crazy that he has no fear or hesitation when he puts his own head in the transportalizer. like bro really just was willing to kill himself for his friends. i know that he lives bc of his dreamself but still to have ZERO hesitation shows how much he loves them all. 3 in the beginning of homestuck john needed a sledge hammer to open his cruxtruder and throughout the comic most of the characters have needed to drop something heavy on the lid to pop it open but dirk just fucking kicks it open with little effort . actual baller
based hal
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this goofy ass scene look at roxys face its so me
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fuuuuuck i just watched caliborn enter... lord english destroyed the dream bubble with the john who died and a couple dead daves... (and a bunch of alternate trolls) man i fucking HATE that guy....
shes real or somefin
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dude. not cool
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i fuckin love his hashtags
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gender envy
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im out of image space but ........ to be continued. this is definitely... like... i feel like after cascade the comic came to an abrupt stop. and it is taking a while for things to get going again. maybe once they arrive at the new session
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kookies2000 · 1 year
Just wanted to remind everyone that I am still working on my Trolls 2 Rascim Alagory essay. At this point, I think I'm gonna make a video because there is too much to just write. So I gotta freshen up on my drawing skills. But here is a list of films I'm gonna talk about that also handle rascim for kids. In the order of how well they handled the topic. Worst to best.
5. Z.O.M.B.I.Es by Disney. They are Zombies who killed humans. Then, one zombie disguises himself to look human, and the werewolves rely on Addi, a human, to give them back their land that the humans took. When the monsters, who have killed humans and go crazy, are supposed to represent the none whites, yeah. I don't like the thought of being represented as a monster who relys on humans to give them back what they took in the first place. The film is a guilty pleasure film of mine, though.
4. Zootopia by Disney. None whites are supposed to be predators who were savage and killed prey. Prey is supposed to be the suppressors. Again, I don't like the idea of me being seen as naturally savage and my people killing the suppressors because it's in our instincts. Also, the predators were the suppressors in some moments, which makes it confusing as to who are the suppressed and who are the suppressors. But I still adore this film to bits and it's one of my favorite films. Just not the best rascim alagory.
3. Elemental by Pixar. This is one of the best rascim alagory films for kids I've seen. Did everything perfect and beautiful! Love how they managed to make a story about interracial couples in a grand and accurate way. *Chefs kiss* BUT! I have an issue with the other elements having a good reason to fear fire. Fire just naturally kills other elements on accident. The tree that didn't get near Emebers parents? He had dry leaves and didn't want to die. Good reason. Sure, you can say that's the whole "we touched" moments are supposed to represent. That fire can be around other elements without being a danger. And fire being a danger was just a false stereotype. It could work if Emeber hadn't accidentally killed her boyfriend. Giving a good reason for other elements to fear fire. But that's just a nip pick, really. What REALLY bugs me, the term "fireball". Gale calls Emeber a fire ball to which Emeber takes a massive offense to. So I'm gonna assume she called her a slur. And then they never revisit that moment. Instead, they laugh it off. Gale said that she could get worked up during a good game, to which Ember agrees. I would not let that slide. If someone who's none Latino called me a slur simply because they were in the moment of a good game, I would be fuming mad. And then Gale calls her fireball again like a nickname. That's my only issue, though. Elemental is absolutely beautiful and a MUST SEE!!!
2. Cats Don't Dance by Warner Brothers. Beautiful, perfect, gorgeous, good music, stunning, loved it. Showed how hard none whites had it in Hollywood. Just no words. Watch this film. It's underrated as hell. My only nip pick, none whites are represented as animals, but it's literally JUST a tiny nip pick that you can't even see it. And I fully understand why they chose animals. It's for kids and kids love animals. You can easily humanize these characters, and nothing will change.
1. Of course! Trolls 2 by Dreamworks. Best racism alagory I've seen for children. Absolutely beautiful message, gorgeous animation, give whoever was in charge of casting a massive raise and a kiss and a hug and my soul to them. They did a fantastic job. As did everyone else involved in the film. Talked about colonizing, erasing history for their own benefits, differences do matter, so don't be color blind, and cultural differences and appropriation. Respecting and listening to others' opinions. Especially if it involves their culture. The only complaint is that the film is too short and should've been given more time. Also, a big one. They didn't make none whites a different species as the suppressors. They are Trolls no matter what with different cultures.
But yeah, back to writing that *checks* f$@%#!!!! 20 thousand word essay!!! Gotta delete some stuff, dam it.
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hoghtastic · 7 months
Just a little rant bc I just don't get it. I was all happy for Alex when I first heard him mention he had a girlfriend, everyone deserves love but then I looked closely at her, her history and her behavior and I drew my own opinion and here it goes. If she really truly loves him and not what he can do for her why did she act so childish and horrid? The post/deletes before he went public the trolling fans and crazy obsessive behavior, his clothes, using his apartment etc. It drew some negative reaction, did they really not expect that?. She made him look like a fool , especially during her Jersey Boys postings, then I think Alex made her scale back. He has looked terrible for months now and only since in Madrid has he looked better.
Here is my question? why then do they keep trying to make this big public love show. If she is really loves him then just stop pushing this and just be together in their private life. She has a career and right now Alex may still have a chance to salvage his. So why keep up this constant push in the media, the A necklace and a section in her magazine article aboit him? I mean I know it's common for some to speak about their relationship but not to the extent mostly she has to push it so public. It is obvious they both feel the negative impact. But she clings to this association to Alex!
So why keep up this crap, why do they feel the need to convince the public that absolutely does not matter to their personal lives?? Career wise yes fans are important but at this point I don't understand why they keep pushing so hard to "convince the world they are in fact in love?? To me it makes it seem more fake and it has really hurt Alex with his fan base so why does she keep trying to make it look at me I have Alex. I don't get that and I don't understand how he doesn't see it?.
They really just need to keep it private and on their private accounts and just let her own personal talent shine without piggybacking on Alex so much. I think maybe more fans could let shit go but she just keeps pushing it.
Am I the only one who sees that or am I wrong?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, anon. 😊 In my opinion, you've raised a lot of valid questions. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we'll never get definitive answers to them. Although, we can speculate, and from my perspective she doesn't love him as much as she loves the idea of being with him — a hot, internationally famous actor — and everything he can do for her, both directly (like helping with the podcast, bringing her to Paris Fashion Week, etc...) and indirectly (granting her more views and exposition by association). We've also watched the downfall of "the best in the world" (aka Mikal), when she so quickly replaced him for Alex, leading me to believe that she also didn't love him as much as she loved the idea of being in a perfect relationship. As for Alex, I don't know... maybe he really thinks this is love and how things are supposed to be? Maybe he's blinded by love bombing, or maybe he actually sees things how they really are, but is okay with everything nonetheless? 🤷‍♀️
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
So After fem!Obito returns to the village. How would she and male!Rin interact? Considering that Male Rin has feelings for Fem Obito before kanabi bridge. Also thinking that she was dead for a year. Do you think it would lead to them to confess their feelings.
I just love the whole fem!Obito concept. She’s more of a fucking troll and I love her.
XDD I love that she's a troll too, really. She's so crazy and funny, it makes me think that her male counterpart would be scared of her, lmao xDD
It wouldn't lead to a direct confession, but it would be the start of their romance. He doesn't have to tell her immediately that he had feelings for her, but there is another way he'd show.
Let's begin, this will be a bit of a ride!
I would say that they would meet again when fem!Obito escapes the Mountain Graveyard and intercepts the Kirigakure ninja that were attacking male!Rin and fem!Kakashi. Whether male!Rin becomes a Jinchuuriki at this point or not is up to your imagination. :)
Fem!Obito would make a rather flammable entrance; so as male!Rin and fem!Kakashi are fighting, they suddenly hear a voice out of nowhere shouting out: "Katon! Gokakyu no Jutsu!" and they'd be shrouded by large, gigantic flames made by her fireball.
Here, fem!Obito would maniacally use her Wood Release and starts summoning sprouts of wood that would either bind her enemies or she would throw cutting springs at them-since the wood would be fuel to her flames (just your usual pyromaniac things), as she would say, "Gotta stoke these flames a little~"
Note that Rin and Kakashi wouldn't recognize her because she's hooded, so they're just watching in confusion and awe about this mysterious person that jumped in and lit the whole world on fire. xD
I guess fem!Obito became more unhinged because she spent a year in isolation planning her escape, lol.
Anyways, so then, after the enemies can no longer attack thanks to Obito's flames (some may have escaped), rain starts to fall around them. Rin and Kakashi are standing a few meters apart from Obito, whose back is turned to them.
Male!Rin takes a step forward, and firmly asks, "Who are you?!"
Fem!Obito stands still for a few beats, before slowly lowering her hood, and slowly turning around. Her scarred face is exposed, and she tearfully smiles at Rin with her Sharingan gleaming. "Hey, you guys...!"
Everyone is shocked at the fact that Obito is alive, and they register that it's really her, male!Rin would immediately run towards fem!Obito, and fem!Kakashi would stand there covering her mouth, overwhelmed with joy about the fact their friend is still alive. Fem!Obito also runs towards them, and they meet in the middle and male!Rin would instantly embrace her and lift her off the ground, holding her so tightly to her as he buries his face in her shoulder. Their fingers would tangle in each other's hair and Rin would tell her how much he missed her and how hard it's been without her.
He then lets her go and takes a good look at her, asking her many questions. Obito tells him that it's best that they go home first and settle certain matters beforehand. Of course, not forgetting fem!Kakashi here, they also embrace each other and fem!Obito would playfully tell her, "Nice eye~! Wonder who gave that to you?" And Kakashi would shake her head and chuckle, telling her to shut up.
So skipping all the other details, we circle back to male!Rin and fem!Obito finally being alone together in the training fields, in front of the Memorial Stone with fem!Obito's name is engraved.
fem!Obito would be describing how that horrible day lead to a horrible year for her... and how much she wanted to return to the village... she'd even tell Rin that she thought about him everyday and couldn't wait to see him again.
Here, male!Rin would wrap his arms around her from behind and hold her closely to him. He'd tell her she has no idea how much that day has changed him as a person and that he never stopped thinking about her too.
He'd then turn fem!Obito in his arms and lean his forehead against hers, then cup her scarred cheek with his hand and promises her one thing: That from here on, for as long as she's alive and right beside him, he's never going to let her go, and that he'll always be watching her.
Rin makes her promise that she will never leave him and she will never his sight ever again, to which Fem!Obito's single eye wells up with tears, and she happily nods her head and says, "That's a promise!"
Male!Rin is hot, js.
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signalwatch · 1 year
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ggstargetedlife · 2 years
I'm beginning to wonder even more what I'm being punished for by the Program: the TRUE reason of why they are doing this to me. Is it really due to a past trolling fest from 2018? Is it due to turning down Brinley's proposal? A proposal I'd never understood or even believed until I became the T.I. and not the gangstalker. Or is it simply because I cannot be by his side? Or perhaps all three theories? It makes little to no sense, none of it. Yet over these last four years I have been relentlessly punished as if for merely existing in a world that's already turned its back on me. A world Brinley has claimed before is HIS because of his status and influence on the downlow.
My sudden descent into the B.Y. neighbors' ruthless grip has become a nightmare in itself. Those people have hated me from the beginning and now they take every opportunity to show it. Perhaps journaling over their heated actions in the very beginning had been a mistake, tipping them over the edge. Maybe they began attracting unwanted attention from all of the social media posts I made about them, as well as the writing/typing I'd do in what was supposed to be a private journaling app. Admittedly, I didn't focus as much on the former neighbors as I did them. Then again, the former neighbors never gave me this much hassle and abuse either. I just don't understand why so abruptly they've been granted this level of authority over me. I miss the days where blocking them out with music was sufficient. Knowing now what I hadn't then, I would've complained a lot less or none at all over them.
And then this heavy demand that I go to "sleep" is just utterly ridiculous. They see for themselves Sickening me out only makes me even worse. This morning yet again I attempted giving into their instruction, and still I got blasted and verbally bashed. There's no pleasing ruthless abusers. Nothing I do is ever good enough for them. Nothing. They'll hold a full conversation in my head even when I don't respond to them, rather than just quieting down as I do. I don't know what propelled me out of nowhere into their abusive hands in the first place but.....Jesus. Smh. As crazy as it may sound, I miss my original "taskmasters." At least they allowed me to freely journal, think and even read books with no abuse from their end to this extent. The B.Y. neighbors bare no issue nor hesitancy towards abusing their power over us. There is never any reasoning with them in any way. They're cruel and completely coldhearted. Never have I craved deliverance as much as now. You never experience the full extent of hatred and abuse until those who wickedly despise you are given full reign over you.
And despite it all, still no one helps me, or even tries. It just sucks. In the midst of escalating abuse and torment, the world watches, yet no one lifts not one finger or voice to protest the injustice of it. No one. I understand completely how other T.I.'s aim for suicide after a while. The world will do everything they can to hurt, abuse and torment you yet no one ever wants to ever genuinely help. Even now I can feel myself being blasted yet again by the B.Y. neighbors and their DEW's. New day, same ole stupid shit. Sigh. So long as the Elites allow them, the Neighbors From Hell are never going to stop. They've made tormenting me their #1 everyday sport. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving, a time spent with family, yet it will not surprise me whatsoever if this same hellish pattern is repeated. I can't imagine those people gathering around their home to actually celebrate a holiday and the closeness of family without centering on me. The only real way to make them stop, get rid of them, it seems is to murder them off. Why it always takes death to get abusers to stop hurting you, I'll never understand. I'm just sick and tired of this whole damn thing. Their efforts are clearly not helping me, they can see that for themselves. One day they too will placed in a predicament where they are made utterly helpless, despite their claims and arrogance it'll never happen. It will. And when it does, I want them to recall every moment of terror and sorrow they've put me through. Every single time I begged them to stop and just leave me alone and they wouldn't because it makes them feel good on the inside to ceaselessly persecute someone else for no reason. I want them to remember indeed when their season of reaping what they've sown come back on them, no matter how long it takes to catch up to them. You can't genuinely say it won't because after all, isn't it your complete lie that I'm "reaping" what I sowed in the past?
Yeah. If you truly believe all the lies the Elites, trolls and Brinley spun about me, then stop acting like you are exempt from a general life concept. "Karma" or whatever you want to call it spares no one according to your religion. Yeah.
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