#he’s such a precious cinnamon roll and needs to be protected at all costs
I'll admit it, I don't like Cassandra that much. But I love Horace so damn much, probably even more than Will.
Fuck it. I love Horace more than Will.
And I like Alyss more than Cassandra, even though I still don't really "love" her.
But for some reason Horace and Casandra's relationship is still so much better than Alyss and Will's in MY opinion.
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yandere-class-1a · 10 months
Also can you do normal yandere class 1a head canons if that's ok? (and can u add mic and aizawa)
Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to complete this ask, I got burned out about halfway through and needed to take a little break. I hope you like them though! I wasn't exactly sure how you wanted me to do them so I did all of class 1-A (+ platonic Aizawa and Mic) separately, they do have some connections in them though. There are a lot of words (3,895 to be exact) so I'm gonna be adding a read more button.
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Shoji is absolutely the type of yandere to try and protect you from the bad in the world. If anyone so much as looks at you wrong he will turn into a big guard dog. He wraps you up in his arms and death glares at the person that looked at you funny. If you comment on it he will turn back into the big teddy bear that you know and love. He will not limit your internet access but you bet he will watch over you if you look up triggering or problematic things for your mental health. He won't restrict it but he will have a big talk with you about how it's better to consume positive media instead of negative media. He loves to cuddle you with all his arms, and it's absolutely heavenly. He might be the tallest in class, but no way does this man not like being the little spoon. He loves feeling you wrapped around him actually a little bit more than him being wrapped around you, he just loves the comfort you give him.
Koda is absolutely a cinnamon roll yandere. He doesn't want to hurt you or anybody else for that matter. He feels like the type of yandere to worship the very ground you walk on. If you give him a gift he will put it on a special shelf and cherish it forever. Once he accidentally forgot to put it up on his shelf and one of his animal friends accidentally broke it, he cried for hours until you managed to calm him down. Whenever you can't sleep Koda will send over a bird with a beautiful song to lull you to sleep. If you confront him about it he will try and deny it at first but end up cracking under your gaze. He tells you how he just wants to make sure you get a good amount of sleep, he didn't mean to upset you. If you aren't angry at him he will be so happy, if you are he will honestly turn into the poutiest baby you've ever seen.
Sato is the type of yandere to give you anything and everything you want, especially if it's something to do with baking. He and you probably have a designated day to bake at least one thing. If you don't feel like baking that day Sato will definitely sit you up on the counter and just talk to you well he bakes. If you love to lick the spoon he will definitely bakes the batter specially without eggs so you can eat as much of it as you want. He might look big and scary to some people but he is actually a absolute sweetheart. If you get tired from walking, even just a little bit, Sato will pick you up and cradle you like a baby so you don't have to walk. He feels like the type of boyfriend that will give you his shoes if yours are hurting your feet. Either that or he will carry around a extra pair of shoes in his bag. He doesn't care what people think when he does stuff for you, your his precious angel and he's willing to do anything for you.
Ida's obsession with you stems from a deep-rooted sense of duty and responsibility. He becomes fixated on protecting you at all costs, believing it's his duty to keep you safe, even if it means resorting to extreme measures. Now Ida does not want to hurt anyone, however if they were to hurt you then he most definitely would be willing to bend his morality a little bit. He is smart enough to do full background checks on anyone close to you and is willing to use that against them if they try and hurt you. He will have Aizawa set up security cameras all throughout the dorms saying he wants to protect his classmates as class representative. He does use the cameras for that, however he mostly uses them to keep tabs on you. On a side note he keeps the kitchen stashed with all your favorite foods so you never go hungry.
Sero is the type of yandere to be possessive of you but still lets you have friends (He definitely doesn't have Ida run background checks on them or anything like that... oh who am I kidding he most definitely does). He will definitely get close to all your friends and family if you want. If someone you grew up with shows him your baby pictures you he will definitely internally fan boy. He has a pretty laid back attitude, so he's not super controlling or manipulative. However this man definitely makes up for it with his obsessive ways. He will definitely want to do the spiderman kiss at some point or another, once you start dating it happens all the time. ⚠️Next part of Sero's headcanons continues slightly suggestive things, just thoughts and not actually doing anything⚠️ He's best friends with denki so we can guarantee he's at least a little bit of a pervert, at least to you. He would love to either see you shirtless or in a sports bra depending on your gender. He knows you're not ready for the next step so he's not gonna force you, for now he's fine with just resting his head on your chest or sitting you on his lap.
Todoroki is the type of yandere to be so obsessive for you that it hurts his heart to not be with you. He can be so possessive sometimes that he'll lock the two of you in a room and hide the key. He knows it's a bit over the top, he just can't help it. To him you are a living breathing God, you are so amazing that he just has to be next to you. However he does know that you might try and grow distant if he gets too possessive... To make up for this he tries to be as lenient with you as possible in most things. He will definitely stalk you, but he's pretty open about it. He will be like "He darling! You went to the ice cream shop yesterday and left your notebook. Don't worry though, I picked it up for you". Him and the class decide that kidnapping was out of the question... but sleepovers with the class that "accidentally" last for a week aren't uncommon. Todoroki will invite you over to his dorm all the time, sometimes just to cuddle. He desperately craves physical affection... Please give him some.
Momo is one of the yanderes with more common sense. She makes sure to match how fast she eases you into her yandere tendencies and how well you take them. If your reactions are on the more positive side she will move up a few levels in about two to three weeks. However if you seem uncomfortable she will ease them onto you slowly, conditioning you so it all feels normal. She feels like the type of yandere to invite you with her instead of stalking you, though she's not against it either. Like if she goes to the Mall or even the Library she will definitely invite you. If you don't really want to go she will tell you that you can get your favorite food or stop at your favorite place on the way. If she goes shopping by herself you can 100% guarantee that she returns with at least two gifts for you. If you go shopping with her however you both will definitely come back with bags full of gifts.
Bakugo is on the extremely possessive yandere side. He used to want you to be only his, but after a lot of convincing from the class he realized that they all loved you as much as him so maybe just maybe they could share you. He still can't be in the same room when Izuku's or Todoroki are being lovey with you though, he's working on it though. He used to call you only his and use words like my darling, now he calls you the only theirs and names like our darling. If anyone that isn't in class 1-A gets too close to you, even simple things like brushing against you in the hallways, he will quickly and without thinking grab your hand and not let go until he feels better. Bakugo here is definitely not shy about pda (public display of affection). He will hug and kiss you all he wants no matter where you are, though it's a bit more rough out in public to keep up his tough boy appearance.
Kirishima is the type of yandere to obsess over every little thing you do. He notices every little detail about you and points them out to other classmates. Like one day you came into class and Kirishima just casually tells the bakusquad that your breath smells slightly different than it normally does, probably because you ran out of your favorite scented toothpaste and had to replace it with your second favorite. They all looked at him funny. Not because of the obsessive sound of that sentence, but because he somehow managed to notice something that no one else did. The minute you walk into the room Kirishima's eyes find you. He can somehow keep a good conversation with a person well-watching. He is always telling you how manly you are, even for the littlest things. He is almost constantly wanting to give you affection. His affection ranges from quick kisses on the nose to cuddling for hours. He wants to wash you in the bath soooo badly. Not in a perverted way of course! He just wants to take care of you, you're his darling after all! He would have Momo make a bathing suit to cover up your privates so he could even just wash your hair for you.
Ojiro is the type of yandere who literally just wants to take care of you. He will buy you whatever snacks you want, no matter how hard they are to find. He hates to see you sad so he will almost always have a funny or cute video saved on his phone to cheer you up. He honestly buys the most thoughtful gifts in all of class 1-A. He will teach you martial arts if you ask him to, though he's absolutely gonna baby you if you get hurt during training. He likes when you play with his tail. He will definitely wrap his tail around you while you're both sitting down. He is extremely shy about telling you his love for you. Him and Koda can sit together for hours and just talk about you, but when it comes to actually telling you about it he gets all shy. He once managed to get out the words I like you but before you could even respond he tried to cover it up with a like a friend.
Aoyama is the type of yandere to constantly compliment you and not be shy about his obsession. He loves to do Mini fashion shows for himself and You. He will invite the whole class and they all show up. Bakugo might take a bit more convincing but he cracks when Aoyama shows him one of the dresses/suits you will be wearing. If your having a self conscious day where you don't like something about yourself fo to Ayoama. He is always ready with a list of things he loves about you. The list doesn't have only things about your body either... It has little habits you do, your tone of voice, your passions, your different styles, your personality, ect. He is always ready to make you any type of clothes you want. He can make the comfiest bra's and/or panties if your comfortable with that. He knows how to make binders and breast forms for trangender darlings as well. He gives you your favorite type of cheese randomly, and if you don't like the taste of cheese he buys cheese scented candles for you.
Denki is the type of yandere to follow you around like a lost puppy. He is super duper protective of you to the point that he will do his best to remove anyone and anything that has the potential to harm you. At some point you got a splinter in your foot and this boy convinced everyone that soft carpeted floors were a necessity to have in the dorms. He may not be good at numbers or other academic things, however he is amazing with people. He would never hurt you, that includes manipulating you, but he'a not above manipulating other people. Half the time nobody even notices he's manipulating them, and if they do, Denki will manipulate them more to think it's all in their head. Denki is a naturally cuddly person so cuddle sessions are a must have. If you ask him for cuddles he will drop everything he's doing and cuddle you. He isn't the type to get jealous cause he knows you love class 1-A and only them romantically. He is more the type to get to show the other person that you belong to him.
Izuku is the type to know everything about you, even things you don't know. Izuku definitely has at least 3 notebooks full of all your information. The first one starts of pretty standard, just your name and quirk, same as everyone else. It then gets more in detail about your quirk until it's basically entirely explained as far as to your family tree to compare the quirks to your own. It then sorta just kept on going from there. He definitely has a secret shrine to you. It has little things like pens that you left behind up to pictures of you at all times of the day. He keeps it hidden in a locked drawer so no one can find out about it. He’s a huge stalker. He almost always knows where you are and when he doesn't he panics and searches the entire city for you. He likes to watch you sleep secretly, only for about half an hour though.
Mina is the classic type of stalker that watches you from a tree. She will absolutely positively have a wall covered with photos of you in her room. Now she's not a complete idiot, so she buys a pretty tapestry and covers up the pictures with it. She is super bubbly and friendly so she has no problem talking to you. She will listen to you talk about something you love for hours if it would make you happy! Of course if you preferred to listen she has tons of stories to tell you, even if she might bend them a little bit to make herself sound more amazing. She definitely sends you good morning and good night texts, just not at normal times. Her good morning texts range from 4:00 in the morning to 12:00 noon. Her good night texts are around 10:00 in the nighttime to 2:00 in the morning. She definitely posts all about you on her social media's. If your not comfortable with pictures she will just post all about how amazing and beautiful/handsome you are. If someone says something like "Oooo what's their number" or "I bet I could date them" Mina will instantly block them. If they something more, suggestive to straight up filthy, Mina will not hesitate to break their online profile. She has a passion for coding and knows how to hack into accounts without leaving a trail.
Tokoyami is the type of edgy but soft yandere. Tokoyami loves it when you listen to his poetry. He could go on for hours with edgy (yet very cute) poetics about how you are his beautiful Shining star. Darkshadow also likes to talk to you. However theirs are more asking you questions and listening to your answer so they can store it in their mind. Tokoyami is really shy when it comes to physical affection, Dark Shadow is definitely not though. Tokoyami will be sitting next to you in the common room and Dark shadow will just pop up and be like "Tokoyami wants to hold your hand but he's too scared to ask". Tokoyami isn't that great with speaking words, mostly prefering to write instead. He will write cute little notes for you and leave them on your desk. He makes handmade black envelopes and seals them with a red wax stamp. Dark shadow likes to put little random questions at the back of the card, like what's your favorite color or do you have any pets. Dark shadow likes to write in pretty pink glittery gel pens just to mess with Tokoyami.
Uraraka is the type of yandere to be so caring that you hardly see the obsessiveness because you're too happy from all the love she gives you. But let me tell you that the obsessiveness is 100% there. She's very careful that nothing can hurt you. If you do somehow manage to get hurt she will take care of the wound extremely tenderly. It could range from a splinter to a broken leg, it doesn't matter because she treats you so sweetly it's impossible to top it. At times she will become quite clingy, wanting cuddles and kisses galore. If your just not a touchy person or maybe you don't like skin on skin contact she will try and back off. However she needs some type of contact or she gets super pouty and sometimes depressed. If you want to bring her out of this state all you have to do is link your pinkies. It's not much but it makes her super happy that you're even touching her. Be careful as when her emotions get super high her quirk gets out of control and you might float up to the ceiling.
Jiro is like the edgy to everyone except you girlfriend. Once you found a cute and fluffy pink key chain and gave it to her. She paused for a second and you panicked thinking you messed up. When you offered to take it back she snapped out of it and hugged it to her chest tightly. She gently smiled at you and said she absolutely loved it. After that she placed it on her bookbag and hasn't taken it off since. She is super flirty to you but if you so much as say she looks pretty she will turn into a blushing mess and not be able to look at you for at least 10 minutes. If you ask her to teach you and instrument she will absolutely agree. If you are a slow learner it's ok, She has all the patience in the world for you. If you learn quickly she will eventually start playing musica with you. It doesn't matter what type of music you like she definitely has a playlist of all your favorite songs that she listens to when she misses you.
Hagakure is definitely the type of yandere to stalk you any chance she gets. She would have major problems approaching you cause she thinks you're too good for her. She honestly thinks that you are absolutely one of the most perfect beings in the universe. Her quirk literally makes her invisible so she could stand directly next to you and you would never know. It may sound a bit creepy, and she is well aware of this, but she likes to watch you sleep. She loves how peaceful you look when you're having a good dream. If you were to sleep walk/sleep talk she will let you do whatever it is you do as she finds it adorable. If she thinks you might hurt yourself in your sleep she will gently lead you back to bed and tuck you in tightly. She will sometimes follow you for hours. When people ask her what she likes to do her reponse is "being with y/n". It sounds normal enough to not cause suspicion but it's still the truth, she does love being with you! You just Don't know she's there most of the time...
Tsu is the type of yandere to be extremely sweet to almost everyone but if they so much as look at you wrong that switch flips fast. So basically Tsu is overprotective central. She will protect you from any harm that comes your way. She has a dead serious glare that is honestly scarrier that original Bakugo. She loves to cuddle up next to you in the sunshine on a warm day. She doesn't like intense heat but she loves sunlight. She will curl up next to the pool and just sunbathe with you if you want. If you love swimming she will take you swimming all the time. She uses her excuse of being able to breath under water as a way to kiss you. Let me explain, she will press your lips together and blow air into your mouth so you can stay underwater with her. She will 100% take selfies with you any chance she gets. She actually has a locked folder on her phone called 🐸 ~ My Darling ~ 🐸 with over 500 pictures of you.
Aizawa is like a father type yandere to you. He's gonna be super duper protective of you. If a villain tries to attack you while your in class (because Class 1-A is just a villain attack magnet) you’re the first one he thinks about protecting. He knows it's wrong to have a favorite student but he just can't help it. Your just such an amazing person to him how could he not favorite you?! He absolutely is not afraid to show his favoritism to anyone. If Nezu comments on it aizawa will just be like "What are you gonna do, fire me? Who else would be willing to take care of those problems children?". If you accidentally mess something up he will just simply forgive you and tell you it's ok. Like once you and denki had a sleepover and forgot to do homework... Denki had to do 10 laps around the field and you got asked if you needed help on any of the questions. He definitely teaches you privately different skills that aren't related to your quirk.
Present Mic is like an extremely proud father. At any game or contest that he announces he scream out praise at every little thing you do. He's been asked about it before and his answer was just pure confusion. He doesn't understand that he might be focusing more on you than the actual thing he's supposed to be announcing, he just thinks that you're doing amazing and wants everyone to know. Mic is extremely handsy with you, of course in a fatherly type of way. He will often be seen with some type of contact with you. He will pat your back, ruffle your hair, hold your hand in crowded areas, ect. He will hangout with you and Aizawa in your dorm room as you all take turns picking a song to listen to. If you really like a certain band or singer Mic will get you both tickets to one of their concerts.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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Don't get fooled by his innocent look because beneath that innocent pure cinnamon roll exterior lies a hidden side, a part of him that's obsessive, possessive and lovestruck to the core along with being completely DELUSIONAL to the point where he doesn't even feel like there's something wrong with his feelings. You need to hand it to him though, he's quite the dedicated one indeed and from the very moment your eyes met, he's already devoted his heart, mind and soul to you, his precious beloved. He views you as a precious innocent angel that needs to be kept safe from the toxicity and darkness of the world and he's more than happy to be your protector and provider
He's actually good at masking his real intentions and yandere tendencies for you. In fact, he hides it so well that people won't even realize from the first look that he's so obsessed and possessive of you but his sister Nezuko knows all about his obsessive feelings of love for you, yet she won't really do anything about it other than encouraging her dear brother to pursue the love of his life. Both siblings are delusional to the core and congratulations, you have his equally possessive and obsessive sister who wants to keep you safe for her brother's sake after you
He takes the role of your caretaker VERY seriously, he does not want your health deteriorating or you suffering from any complications. He's taken the time and liberty of stalking the living HELL out of you and when he found out about your irregular sleep schedule, needless to say he was less than pleased. He realizes you really aren't capable of taking care of yourself which fuels his desire to take care of you even more. He's like a fussy mother hen always concerned and worried for you whenever you get hurt even in the slightest. The other day you accidentally received a paper cut and he was tempted to ensure you stay away from paper completely as he kept fussing about your little cut for hours and hours. He doesn't like seeing you in pain, when you're in pain, he's in pain. He feels like his heart is getting wrenched and someone dug a sharp blade into his heart, as an overwhelming amount of tender love and affections flows for you in his tender heart whenever you get hurt as he comforts you
He loves seeing that bright beautiful smile of yours and wants to ensure your happiness. With him. Where you belong. He'll buy small gifts for you such as your favorite flower, your favorite candy and such and give them to you with a sweet smile on his face, you won't even suspect how long he's stalked you for and how he's managed to find out these things without you ever telling them to him. He's very observant too and notices every single new detail about you. He can probably draw a freaking portrait of you with his eyes closed since he's memorized every inch and every part of your beautiful ethereal heavenly features. HIs mind is occupied with thoughts of you as he dreams about the happy and blissful life you both would have with each other after he brings you home with him and marries you
He's also quite the paranoid yandere, his fear of losing you to someone or losing you in a fight against a demon would send his concern and worry for you into overdrive and he feels the need to take you 'home' as in kidnap you, sooner than expected. Whatever do you want to be a Hashira for? There's no need for you to fight against those dangerous demons when he's around to take care of you and protect you. Your safety is of the utmost importance to him and that is something he will NOT compromise on at any cost. He admires your bravery and strength to save people but he doesn't want you facing the risk of you losing your life in the process. At times he might have to even keep you in the dark regarding a few missions but it's all for your own good in his opinion
He's good at masking his true intentions and feelings when he's around you and other people. He might look calm and friendly and collected on the outside when you're speaking to your so called friends but he's SEETHING inside as he has a fake plastered smile on his face. His hand is just ITCHING to slap your friend and throttle them for daring to steal your attention away from him, he feels like they're doing it deliberately just to drive a wedge and distance you from him. Deep down he's slightly worried that your friend might charm you too much and steal you away from him which is something he cannot allow to happen. He might not resort to killing the person off, but the next time there's a demon around the area, Tanjiro might not be able to save your 'friend' in time. Of course you wouldn't know that he's also asked the demon to TARGET your friend but that's a different story altogether. The only person he trusts to be around you is Nezuko
His love for you is like a passionate growing flame and your every touch is like a drug he can't get enough of. He needs you, he wants you. He needs you in a way like a drowning man needing air, he feels like he wouldn't be able to live without you. His family was killed by Muzan and he can't afford to let you fall in danger as well, he can't lose you. You're his world, the light of his life, his SOULMATE. His feelings for you would just keep getting worse and worse and finally it would lead to him ending up kidnapping you at some point in the night when you're asleep in your house. You'll wake up in Tanjiro's house on a bed with Nezuko looking at you with a curious look as she lets out a happy noise that you're awake and she'll alert her brother. "Oh, good morning darling, how did you sleep?" asked Tanjiro as you stared at him and blinked in disbelief, unable to comprehend what the hell was even going on at the moment. When you asked Tanjiro what was going on, he just let out a soft smile and told you the truth of how he took you in the night for himself and how he was going to protect you. Please don't scream or cry, he'll feel sad and he feels a sharp pang of hurt in his chest to see you upset. He doesn't like seeing you sad. He knows it's a big change and you'll need some time to adjust, he's understanding and willing to let you take as much time as you need to adjust to your new life and your new home with him and his sister. But one thing is for sure, he does NOT feel guilty at all, not even a single ounce of remorse because the way he sees it, he's keeping you safe. He's protecting you, that's what he tells himself every time and that opinion of his clouded his sense of rationality. Is it so wrong to protect someone you love?
There's no point in escaping from him, he'll just track you down and bring you back to the house. Scream, cry and insult him as much as you want, he'll just put you down on the couch and check you for injuries. He feels like the reason you ran away from him is because you didn't feel loved enough from him and he didn't shower you with love before but don't worry, he'll smother you with his affection now and cling to you like moss below a rock you'll barely have any time for yourself. Nezuko might like your head pats and likes hugging you but she wants her brother to be happy too which is why she'll side with him no matter what and prevent any means of you escaping from them. She likes it when you braid her hair and Tanjiro has a soft smile when he sees you and his sister interact with each other which is an adorable scene in his eyes
You're not to step into the kitchen for cooking either, the house is most probably baby proofed as well. He just doesn't want you getting hurt, the kitchen is a dangerous place, he doesn't want you cutting yourself accidentally with one of those sharp knives or burning yourself with the stove. He'll cook for you instead, you don't need to lift a finger when you're with him. Just let him take care of you and spoil you
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starlitcorgi · 7 months
Hi......If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hmmm 🤔 my favs are always changing but at the moment.
1. Gokurakugai: Alma is a precious cinnamon roll who loves his mentor Miss Tao like a sister. I really love their platonic relationship and the fact that Alma is incredibly emotionally balanced. Like he's not this typical macho guy. Probably because he's surrounded by strong female role models. It's really refreshing for Shonen and I really hope it gets an anime series because I think it has the potential to be as big as JJK and Demon Slayer.
2. Jujutsu Kaisen: I love Yuuji as a ML and I'm usually a side character gal. So it's great to actually like the lead character. I've noticed in this current generation of Manga and Anime that our Male Leads are becoming much more well rounded and likeable. I love Yuuji's strength and his resilience, he definitely deserves all the love and hugs. I also of course love Gojo and I kind of hope Mappa deviates from the manga in regards to his fate because man that hurt.
3. Demon Slayer: I read the manga start to finish and loved every minute of it. The anime series is just as good. I love all of the characters in this in their own rights. From the protagonist to the villains for me at least the author got everything right. It's Shonen at its best. To be able to make your audience love Rengoku in such a short time is an amazing feat. To care so much that you feel as devastated as Tanjiro to me the Mugen train arc is a masterclass in story telling. It's sad that the series will be coming to an end soon but I think for me this will always be in my top 5.
4. Ghost in the Shell: This is the movie that started my love of anime/manga. It's a cinematic masterpiece and everyone should watch it at least once. It was well ahead of its time and it's not surprising that it inspired the Matrix.
5. Hells Paradise: I love the manga and the anime. Gabimaru is so relatable to me, I think we share the same sarcastic and apathetic nature lol. I love it as well because it gave us one of the best disabled characters in current manga generation. Shion is an epic character for the disabled community, being partially blind myself it's nice to be represented you know? And he's not full of loathing or self pity, he embraces his blindness and uses it to his advantage. He's funny, kind, strong and handsome. He never questions Sagiri's competence, he doesn't try to send her of to the kitchen like his colleagues. He recognises her talent and encourages her to achieve her goals. In short Shion needs to be protected at all costs.
6. Chainsaw Man: when I first saw this pop up on Shonen Jump I didn't have high hopes. It seemed like a crack series but this is exactly why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I love this series even though it hurts me 😭. Denji is a typical hormonal teen, power is a ball of chaos and Aki is just trying to keep everything together. Plus Angel 😇 is one of my fav characters of all time maybe because he reminds me of my daughter lol.
7. Elfen Lied: this is another classic anime the violence is on par with AOT but once you get past that you have this heart wrenching story. Lucy is a monster created by her environment and the abuse she suffered. This is also one of the most beautifully animated series of all time. The art is phenomenal.
8. Solo Leveling: I fell in love with the Manwha and was so excited when it got picked up for a series. I'm loving the anime so far, though I'm two episodes behind. Due to my sight loss I have to wait for the English dub but dubs have gotten way better than when I first started watching anime in the early 2000's. I love Jinwoo's tenacity and the fact that he just cuts through the villains. He never really worries about whether that makes him a bad person. Sometimes you just want to see bad people get what's coming to them. Plus this has some of the most epic fight scenes, I can't wait to see them animated.
9. Tokyo Ghoul: I spent most of Tokyo Ghoul crying ugly tears 😭. Ken Keneki has one of the most heartbreaking storylines in all of anime. It's just painful to read/watch Gege definitely took a leaf out of the Tokyo ghoul book when writing JJK. Yet still I couldn't put it down, I'm a sucker for punishment. It's a great mix of characters as well, I love that we see goth culture mixed in there as well. You do get those Crow vibes the way it's so gothic in inspiration and the art work is stunning. I think the only illustrator that tops it is Yuta Sano.
10. Attack on Titan: AOT has been deemed controversial because of it's fascist themes. However I think it's only problematic if you think Eren is the hero in this story. I actually really can't stand Eren, it's pretty obvious that he's been radicalised by his experiences early on. The foreshadowing is strong with him you know he's not going to turn out well from the start. The real protagonists for me are Armin, Levi and Hange. Like these three are definitely trying to save their comrades and people. Whereas Mikasa is constantly having to save Eren and Eren jumps to mass genocide pretty quick. Levi almost feels like he's representing the audience with his snarky commentary. I also love Levi and Hanges platonic friendship. They really get each other and their banter is a joy to watch especially in the first season.
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Helluva Boss Theory And My Thoughts On Small Bean Stolas From Helluva Boss
Stolas’s past small bean self is a precious cinnamon roll and a small bean that needs to be protected at all cost.
if I held him in my arms, I would say the same words that became a meme and is used in different fan arts and is said by a video game character or cartoon character or a movie character....
but the words being slightly different...
like “I haven’t known Small Stolas for very long, but if anything were to happen to him.......I would start Omnigeddon.”
even if that isn’t technically a thing, it is just a word that pop into my head not too long ago, might of been around this year I guess...
basically it’s like Armageddon, but far worse as it would mean it wouldn’t just effect Earth...
if there can be Omnimanity that includes both humans and non-humans, than there can be that word that has do with something far worse than Armageddon.
also I think I will wait until tomorrow or whenever I can, to post a theory about Undertale, Deltarune and Steven Universe...
 and well besides Small Stolas, Blitz and Fizz being precious Goddess’s gifts who need to be protected at all cost...
here is a theory I have that has to do with Heaven in Helluva Boss,
and the band called F*** You Dad, that Octavia was listening to one of their songs....in theory, I think the lead singer of the band might be the Princess of Heaven and the Polar Opposite of Charlie.
 it might be weird theory, but it would make sense that the Princess of Heaven is part of the band that goes by the name F*** You Dad.
the song “my world is burning down around me” is a good song...
well I think it’s good.
even if the theory about the Princess of Heaven being a part of the band F*** You Dad is non-canon, but I guess it could be more of a AU idea I guess.
 if Charlie sees the good in every sinner demon,
then the possible princess of heaven who is like her opposite,
might see the bad in every saint angel, and can see that they aren’t as “saintly” as they seem, and might be a really bad person.
but they were let into heaven anyway, even if they were abusive while trying to “correct” those who are non-believers who were either their own child or someone else.
 and while Charlie tries to get sinners redeemed, the Princess of Heaven could be trying to throw those who were mistakenly let into heaven, into hell instead.
the Princess of Heaven, could try to talk to her Dad about the injustice and not just let someone into heaven without looking into their darkest deeds they have done in their life, and if the darkest deeds are really bad, then they should be send to hell.
but if she did try to reason about it, I guess like Charlie’s parents, she wouldn’t be listen to or taken seriously either.
 I mean we know how some Toxic-Religious people can be, which kind of gives a really bad image to the others who aren’t toxic-religious.
it be interesting if the Princess of Heaven pulled a Persephone and went down to Hell to see which Sinner Demon could be redeemed and be taken to heaven, like her trying to help and co-work with Charlie so they both get what they want.
the two princesses who come from two different kingdoms, of course I know that the original story of Persephone is that Hades had kidnap her because he wanted to marry her...
 I don’t know what else to describe the whole possible Princess of Heaven from Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel going down to Hell and starting to co-work with Princess Charlie.
but that weird theory and thought aside, I’m going to wait until maybe tomorrow or in a few days to talk about some Undertale/Deltarune theories...
anyway see ya later and stay safe everyone...
I’m going to go play on my Xbox One.                           
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herstoriies · 4 months
Barnaby, Holmes, Javert for the Baroness: 🔪 - protect, attack, fight side-by-side with.
meme: THREE (3) CHOICES ; absolutely accepting!!
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... Barnaby at all costs!! In all AUs Barnaby must be protected, I don't make up the rules. xD I mean, who wouldn't want to protect a precious cinnamon roll that's also a man of virtue AND boss vampire hunter? He's like a cuddly teddy bear with bear claws . Plus, since Baroness currently has some moral & vampire-related issues... she certainly needs someone like him in her life!
Fight side by side
... with Holmes. This was a tough one (between Holmes & Inspecteur Sideburns), ngl! Given the choice, however, Baroness needs would prefer the force to be reckoned with and mind palace that's Holmes as an ally (or at least truce/partner or frenemy rival what have you) over a direct enemy. If you can't beat them outsmart them, join them, c'est vrai? Also, their fighting together would make for an incredible scene! Whether that be literal physical combat and/or intellectually fighting alongside him!
... so that leaves attacking Javert. 😂 Although, lol, Baroness wouldn't exactly want to pick a fight with a monolith like him! That said, I could have sworn waaay back we wrote/noodled something with Javert pursuing the escaping Baroness into a dramatic confrontation-standoff involving pistols and his Savate vs her Bartitsu?? 👀🍿
So it seems only natural that this flavor of the Wolf and the Fox bare their teeth a little more... physically~ But! If you ask Baroness, “attack” here is left open to interpretation, and she’d much prefer declaring she’d gladly “attack” Javert any day if it involved witty banter, clashing of wits and wills, and her signature barrage attack... blowing a kiss Javert’s way 😘
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warriorformers · 5 years
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My main man!!
A tough but sweet man!
I love him!!
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takadasaiko · 6 years
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Vontae Jones.
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like-the-rest-of-la · 3 years
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This man is so precious and we need to protect him at all costs 🥺🥺
(but also, there's this tiiiiiiny part of me that's like.... but...what if... BUck.... was ...hurt while Eddie... wasn't there... and the plot kinda.... developed from there.... what then?)
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Okay, so my thoughts and opinions on Kinnporsche, the characters and stories, since I've literally spammed ya'll with my reblogging for literal weeks now.
I love it. It's different. It's mature. I wish I could read the book because apparently these characters are even more intense and sometimes more cruel than their live action counterparts.
I adore Porsche. I love Kinn. I am obsessed with Vegas. Tankhun and Pete must be protected at all costs. Porchay isn't my favorite but he is cute. Kim is too pretty to look at.
So. Let me delve into this intense, mature series that I am obsessed with.
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They legit tried to convince us that Porsche was this cool guy who gets all the ladies he wants, has all the guys wanting to be him when in reality he is an awkward, chaotic, bisexual man who has no idea what the heck he is doing and is just trying to get through the day to support himself and his younger brother. I adore Porsche. I adore him for trying to understand Kinn and for trying his hardest to have a relationship with him.
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Alright onto Kinn.
This openly gay man who holds everyone at an arm's length because he has major trust issues but still cares for his team, who legit won't let any of his one night stands kiss him on the mouth but kisses Porsche twice without thinking about it. This dude has anger issues aswell but it's legit just the trust issues he needs focus on right now. I love him very much thank you so please take your Kinn hate else where because this boy this last episode is so in love with Porsche that even though Porsche was snooping behind his back, there is no way in heck that he is letting Tawan convince him that Porsche is the mole. He basically says that he has a plan, did he fill Porsche in with that plan? Maybe, probably not. Hence why he said he needed to clear things up with him. Let the man figure out who the mole is before passing judgement on him okay? Remember this dude said he had a million enemies and that everyone wants him dead. His only somewhat serious fling ended up selling his family's information to the Italians and is now claiming they are holding his family hostage, which, any sane person whose boyfriend is the heir to the mafia would go to him and tell him what was going on instead of betraying him. So no, I don't believe Tawan in the slightest, I bet he even poisoned himself to garner sympathy. Kinn sure as heck doesn't believe him, he is playing along sure, he may also be reminiscing because this dude is also a hopeless romantic. Again, I love Kinn and anyone who slanders him will be ignored in this thread.
Moving on:
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This motherf***er. This manipulative b*stard. I've heard about the shit he does in the books and while I'm glad they will most likely tone that down in the show, the shit he has done so far. He is one bad mofo. I am obsessed with the actor's portrayal of this character. I am just obsessed. *chef's kiss*
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Tankhun, this guy was kidnapped as a child and whatever they did to him has traumatized him as an adult. He is "crazy" but is he just pretending just to get out of being the heir or is he actually crazy due to trauma? There has been several times when he has been smarter than everyone and then he acts outrageously crazy right after. It's interesting, at one time I even thought he was the mole because he was kind of suspicious in the way he acted but now... now I just think the guy got kidnapped due to his mafia connections and said, nope. This is not for me but also, I could probably do this better than any of you if I really wanted to. Which I don't. But I could. Just so you know. I'm smarter than you.
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Pete. This precious cinnamon roll. Who is most likely already being tormented by Vegas due to how his character is slowly changing. He started off being all smiley and happy who didn't drink on the job and took his job seriously. But now, after watching movies/kdramas with Tankhun all night, he has come back to the room drunk af. He is staying more in the background lately and probably wants to tell Porsche what is going on but can't because Porsche is dealing with his own crap and no one else he is close with to tell. I'm scared for him because Vegas is so manipulative and sadistic.
Porchay and Kim. I'll talk about these two together because... personally Porchay is not my favorite character, I like him, I think he is cute, but honestly... his story so far... anyways, I'm not here to say negative things about him. Kim on the other hand. His story is complicated, he is clearly trying to play detective and uncover some great mystery set in place by his father, his father who let's him live away from the family mansion and therefore his protection. Kinn and Tankhun live at home, one terrified and one the next in line to the mafia throne as it were. His father lowkey seemed afraid of him in a way. But on the other hand, he has this cute little love story with Porchay that started because he was using him for information while simultaneously helping him.
Kim is also ridiculously pretty. I can't even look at him.
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There are plenty of characters and overall the only one I truly don't like is Tawan, but only because it is so obvious he is only back because it's a plot against Kinn and his family. The series is amazing so far and I can't wait for the next episode.
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How the Witcher show runner really feels like (probably)
The Witcher Show Runner: The focus will be so on the strong powerful female characters. Like, this will be all the fans will talk about. This is going to be the reaction and maybe by season 2 we can get away with reducing Geralt's storylines even more and rename it 'The Sorceress', haha! No one will notice. Tomorrow is the day, Dec 20th, here I come. Can't wait for the reactions! Girlpoooow-
Fans: OMG, Jaskier is so fucking cute!
Fans and critics: Joey Batey steals the show.
Fans: 10 minutes in and I already ship Geralt and Jaskier!
Fans: I can't stop listening to that song! Why is it not on Spotify?
Fans: I got pregnant just from watching Geralt's bathtub scenes!
Fans: Joey Batey/Jaskier is a pure innocent cinnamon roll and needs to be protected at all costs!!!
Show Runner: Ehm, excuse me, what is going o-
Show Runner: Look, look! Behold the amazing love story of Geralt and Yenne-
Fans: Why do Jaskier and Geralt have better chemistry than Yennefer and Geralt?!
Fans: Ratio Geralt x Anyone fics 1:10 with 1000+ Geralt x Jaskier fics within four weeks.
Fans: Jaskier is our bi disaster and no one can tell me otherwise!
Show Runner: Totally just frien-
Joey Batey: Jaskier falls in love with everyone.
Joey Batey: Here are two men who love each other very much.
Joey Batey: Profound, unspoken love..
Official Witcher Twitter: Geralt can try and resist Jaskier all he wants to. (direct quote)
Witcher writers and directors: Do you think we were too subtle with all the homoerotic text, I mean subtext and Jaskier's pining for Geralt?
Witcher composers: Yeah, so we are going to write Jaskier a heartbreaking version of 'Jolene' in case someone still hasn't gotten the message.
Show Runner: Why do I feel like I'm not in on something here? ಠ_ಠ
Fans: Release the damn soundtrack!!!
Fans: Jaskier, Jaskier, Joey, Jaskier, Joey, Jaskier...
Shown Runner: Why is this happening? I made so sure he wasn't included in any promo (Except Poland, how dare you?), not invited on stage at the Witcher premiers and left out of San Diego Comic Con.
Official Witcher Twitter: So Jaskier runs this account now.
Show Runner: I can't believe that damn song went viral. It has a horrific message!
Fans: Where is the soundtrack?! Take my damn coin!!!
Netflix: The soundtrack is happening.
Show Runner: Okay, but at least make sure to not credit Joey Batey.
Fans: Credit Joey Batey da fuuuuck?
Nextflix: Haha, it was just a technical issue, will be fixed.
Show Runner: Okay folks, back to what really matters! I'm sure everyone is talking about Geralt and Yennefer's heart wrenching breakup at the end of episode 6 I mean-
Fans: Geralt yelling at Jaskier and sending my precious baby away broke my fucking heart oh my GAWD!
Fans: I swear if Geralt doesn't apologize to Jaskier next season we will riot!
Fans: Write several hundred heartwrenching break up fix-it fics and flood Youtube with Geralt x Jaskier fan vids.
Fans: Nooooooo, I need season 2 NOW!
Show Runner: Okay okay, focus, pesky fans, FOCUS! Have I told you about the amazing chemistry Henry and Anna have on the se-
Joey Batey: I publicly love him.
Joey Batey: We absolutely adore each other.
Joey Batey: We make each other laugh. Henry is such a joy to work with.
Joey Batey: So I had a bit of an anxiety episode at the London Witcher premier and found a room with a piano in it and just sat down playing some music to try and calm myself down and then Henry found me and had snuck in and was just listening to me play and our eyes met and we had a moment there and-
Show Runner: FUCK! (ノಠ益ಠ)
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jeonwonhi · 3 years
mutuals as tbz members
Hi anon! Thank you for giving me a TBZ game <3
@jaembluey - Changmin. The reasons are obvious, he looks like a cutie, but in reality, he's the spawn of Satan who finds Chucky cute. Meri is known for her ✨duality✨, not to mention Changmin is her bias.
@deobis-moon - Sunwoo. Yuki is known for being a HUGE flirt and so is Sunwoo. Not to mention their common boldness and self-confidence, pls share some with me bestie😩
@delicatewerewolfsoul - Sangyeon. I SWEAR, VICKY JUST RADIATES LEADER ENERGY AND THAT'S HOT. She's also very responsible and caring, not to mention her patience *cough* dilf energy *cough*
@oifelixcmerebrou - Younghoon. Linnie is a precious cinnamon roll who is so wholesome and must be protected at all costs, just like Younghoon😭
@moonshineboyz - Chanhee. As far as I know, Chanhee is the one who gets bullied the most in TBZ and same goes for Sun in the deobis squad lmao. Aside from that tho, Sun has a really good aesthetic and she knows how to take pictures, just like Chanhee juyeon take notes you mf
@heephoriia - Kevin. Vienna has a very artistic nature, as she's well-versed in various forms of art, such as photography and music. Kevin is very artistic as well and we've seen perfect examples of that. Also, they have both peak gen z behaviour, I said what I said✋
@badboyjuyeon - Juhaknyeon. Afia is a sweetheart and I'm 100% sure she's gorgeous too. Even tho she's not always active, she knows the right time to come and make your mood
@sleepylixie - Juyeon. There's not much explanation needed, Elliana just has that very attractive and sexy aura, just like Juyeon himself. They're both Capricorns, very hard-working and perfectionists. They are also hot😩
@daystiny - Jacob. Yav is a sweetheart and an angel, she will literally rush to your inbox to comfort you, just like Jacob *cue that Eric Nam interview where he said he would shave his eyebrows if it meant for Kevin to meet Beyoncé*
@sainthwngs - Eric. Kiyo is a very energetic person and she has that mischievous side to her, but she also gets flustered very easily. Strong maknae energy too.
@kaisuk-a - Hyunjae. Kai is generally a reserved person except for the times he screams over TBZ lmao. Don't let him fool you tho, he WILL ATTACK YOU OUT OF NOWHERE FOR NO REASON. Kinda sneaky, like Hyunjae, but also hot I said what I said✋
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
OK MY ELECTRICITY WENT BUT IM HERE WITH MY LIVE BLOG. Im also wearing a tiara i found during cleaning at 2 38 am...
You see, that’s how Lexi functioned. Unlike Selena who had a weekly planner with her name doodled on it, Lexi didn’t like having a schedule. She would decide what she wanted to do when she wanted it.
lexi why are you in pain
what what what
whats happening
im freaking out
There were six of them. Each handle in one colour of the pride flag.
these demons can talk as well.
that's what bothers me the most
CLARY STFU YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU FOUGHT A WAR AT 15. I know she's worried for valid reasons but im losing it right now.
calm its ok its gonna be ok
georgia collecting the ichor-
i love her so much
Lexi didn’t think it was possible, but the sight somehow made her gayer than before.
me every time i look at amy or rosa from b99
“Of course you are not dying!” Lexi said severely. “Neither one of us is allowed to die before we finish binging Game of Thrones.”
with the major character death tag right there
dont make me think of georgia getting sick
The bar was extremely low for shadowhunters.
yes it is
did i just sob "my child" ?
maybe i did
im so proud of him
wait but in tid sophie was over the age of ascention too
“Life is too short for bad blood,”
yeah. yeah it is
i still really like camilla
He could go to Mexico right now. His heart wanted to do it. His body screamed at him to do it.
It wasn’t the distance that was the problem. He had two warlocks at home. He had a bike. He had money to buy a plane ticket.
It wasn’t the distance at all. Rafael would walk to Mexico for her if necessary.
i screamed so loud here i was grateful for the closed door
“Y’all really be acting as if portals are like a bag of Cheetos!” Max pointed out seriously. “It ain’t $2.50, bro! Do you have any idea the energy it takes to make a portal? What people actually pay for it? I can’t be making portals for free. I don’t get a salary from the Clave like you do. This is how I make a living!”
“I was going to say you should go stay at the institute with David,” Rafael said. “But you are right. You are not a baby. You can stay here on your-”
“On second thoughts,” Max interrupted with a grin. “I’m still a fetus in warlock years so I will go the institute.”
my throat hurts
“All thanks to the amazing Isabelle Lightwood,” Jaime replied. “I think I am a little in love with her.”
“Who isn’t?” Rafael chuckled.
we all are in love with isabelle lightwood
no no no
where's anjali
where is she
dont fuck with me right now
why does diego look like a mess
“Diego,” the woman rasped. “She is coughing up blood again.”
it's chapter 1
stop making me cry
if anyone gives izzy shit for this i'll kill them
“Jace, if you want to a baby so much then grow your own damn uterus,” Isabelle snapped.
After Georgia’s birth, they had promised each other that they would always choose the children first. If it ever came to a point, as it often did in their lives, where they had to choose between themselves and the children – they had promised each other to save the children.
dude theres a major character death here
Jace thought for a moment and then grinned at her. “No uterus. No opinion.”
“Selena has trained you well,”
selena my smart feminist child
“Do you really need those?” Alec asked, pointing at the glasses.
“No,” Jace replied. “But Clary thinks I look hot with glasses.”
“You two are ridiculous,” Alec shook his head.
Jace turned around. “Really? And your beard is for character building, is it?”
there's no use lying alec we all know why it's really there
she cant die
my throat hurts from all the shouting
“Can I get a cinnamon latte with extra cream and two sugars please?” Alec asked.
Jace raised an eyebrow.
“Magnus had a long day at the Spiral Labyrinth,” Alec explained.
“Can’t he just magic his drink?”
“Well, yes,” Alec replied. “But I like buying it for him. It’s called being a good husband.”
aww that's so sweet
“I’m saying no one can do better than David,” Jace huffed. “He is precious.”
“If you are going to be this way, things are going to be very awkward at their wedding,” Jace muttered.
“They are not getting married, Jace!”
“Do you not want them to???”
“They are nineteen!!”
“Doesn’t mean we are not allowed to think about it,” Jace pointed out. “If they get married, we will be family!”
“We are already family!” Alec all but yelled.
“Yeah, but we will be even closer!” Jace sighed happily.
“You are my parabatai!” Alec said incredulously. “My soul is literally tied to yours! How closer do you want to get?”
wait how old is michael
"Oh my god,” Jace gasped. “Three out of three! I win!”
“It’s not a competition, Jace!” Alec rolled his eyes.
“It is and I won,” Jace grinned. “You’re welcome, LGBTQ+ community.”
“Can we talk about something else?” Izzy demanded. “We are not those parents who only ever talk about their children.”
Alec cleared his throat. “Right. Of course.”
“Yeah, we have lives of our own,” Jace nodded seriously.
They drove quietly for a while before they started discussing about their children’s love lives again right up until Jace pulled over at Jade Wolf.
of course...
Lily’s face was pale – paler than usual.
lily what's wrong
please lily
lily is close to her
of course
“Then we burn all the angels,” Lily growled.
Jace walked in that moment, sipping from his latte. “I bought donuts, y’all!”
A chuckle escaped Magnus. “Jonathan. Your timing is impeccable.”
"Is everything okay?” Jace asked, looking troubled.
“No,” Maia replied. “But at least we have donuts.”
at least they have donuts
“I love you,” he mouthed, and Alec’s heart was okay for a moment.
They had put on their clothes
they grow up so fast...
im crying
dont please
she was poisoned
oh my god
Rafael drank like a dozen a day.
understandable have a good day
Im squeezing the life out of Emma (my emotional support stuffed cat) right now
the first time i heard the source was angelic my very first incstinct was seelie. I didn't wanna share it because of how absurd it sounded. but it doesn't anymore.
charlotte was poisoned by a seelie unintentionally which cost her her child
I'm losing my mind oh my god... I am so scared. Please Anjali and Isabelle please they cant...no i dont wanna think like that. tryna take deep breaths. ok. it's gonna be ok. maybe.
see ya friday!
Now I want to write lbaf while wearing a tiara. Hmmmm. I'll look for one online.
See you Friday! Also hope you had a good birthday!!!
And send pics of Emma!!!!!!!
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mugglesarecool · 3 years
I just finished Ted Lasso and I have lots of thoughts and feelings but mainly this:
- I need a guy like Ted asap because he's a little cinnamon roll who needs to be protected at all cost and he deserves the world and I love him
- I hope someone wrote a fanfic where Rebecca is the one knocking on Ted's hotel room door because I really need that in my life
- I absolutely love every character in this show, they're all so precious (well except Rupert who I want to smack really hard but he's a great vilain)
- I love that there isn't any unnecessary drama! Every tricky situation was dealt with in a very mature, adult way and it's so refreshing to see that
- I find incredibly important and amazing the way they chose to portray the dynamics between all the female characters. It is so easy and frankly so common to pit women against each other, to make them jealous of one another just for the sake of drama. I absolutely adore Rebecca and Keeley's relationship (women supporting women is the best!) and I love how Rebecca is dealing with the whole Bex situation, in the sense that it would have been easy to have her be jealous and spiteful and trash the girl every occasion she had (how many times have we seen that scenario?) but no, her resentment is directed towards Rupert instead, as it should be!
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My Thoughts On Autobot Bumblebee (From The Bumblebee Movie) AKA The Bumble-Muffin
my thoughts about Bumblebee from The Bumblebee Movie,
while watching the movie for the first time I have this to say....
he is a adorable Bumble-Muffin that needs to be protected at all cost.
those who would dare harm the Bumble-Muffin will feel the wrath of the Protectors of the Bumble-Muffin! 
all hail the bumble-muffin! the precious cinnamon roll of cybertron and earth!
and yes the nickname “Bumble-Muffin” came to me while watching the Bumblebee Movie, it fits him because he is like a real sweet bumblebee
and a adorable as a muffin.
also with how the Bumblebee Movie is, it is obliviously set in a time and place before he meets Sam Witwicky.
I wonder if the whole Bumble-Muffin nickname for Bumblebee, will catch on with many fans of Transformers....?  
I’m not 100% sure if others will use it and it becomes like a meme to the point the nickname becomes used in canon...
but yeah anyway, All Hail The Bumble-Muffin! Protect The gift from Primus that is the Bumble-Muffin! XD
and see ya later & stay safe everyone.        
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