#he’s weird when he’s 7’3
sexlapis · 2 months
started watching mha and idk malnourished all might is kinda hot
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guardkeywolf · 1 year
Male reader that is 7'3 tall like that mf towers everyone and has a big dog I mean a HUGE boy that you can ride on and perverse Male reader and sleeps on his bed literally
I just wanna see the bois on call of dutys reaction meeting him-
(Gonna be my first time writing so PRAY for meeee, I hope this is good)
BIG THANK YOU to the Anon who requested this!
I'm freaking out but trying my best!
So I hope you like this
141 Boys X Male Reader with a Big Wolf
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When Laswell said they were getting a new soldier, Price had just expected a simple newbie that they would have to train.
The C.I.A. agent was quick to stop those thoughts when she mentioned that you were a good tracker and also had a K9 companion that also followed him around as well.
Your name was “Y/n” but went by Hound on the field. You were great at stealth despite having a height of 7’3, but you were also selectively mute. Price could only glare at your file when he also saw the picture of the K9 that was tall enough to ride on.
Price could only listen in silence as Laswell continued to tell him about the man’s skills. Some parts even making him question where the hell someone managed to find you as well.
When she concluded her speech, both said their goodbyes before hanging up. Price sat on his desk as he let his thoughts wander about Y/n and decided to get up and inform the rest of boys.
After doing so, the next day, the helo landed as Price and could only prepare himself for their newest recruit.
It seemed your file wasn’t playing tricks on him when he saw your 7’3 stature along with the Black Timber Wolf, which god only knows how you tamed, that walked along your side.
When you came up to him, Price introduced you to the 141. Even so, his eyes were on the wolf at all times. Ghost, Gaz, and Soap also had similar reactions as they stared in bewilderment at the animal.
After introductions, he let you go settle in before turning back to his men.
“Sir, how the hell did Kate find this man?” Gaz could only question him.
Price shrugged back in response before turning to Ghost.
The man stared back and shrugged before turning away to go back to what he was doing previously. Price let the other two go as he could only imagine what else was going through their minds.
(Gonna do something weird and kinda switch to headcannons here)
Was surprised when he saw the Wolf first rather than you
Despite freaking out slightly, he really really REALLY wanted to rub that K9's belly
Call him a good boy too
He looked so calm when standing next to you and couldn't help but wonder how you two met as well
He also wished he could ride on top of him like Y/n did but the wolf turned away from him
When it was nighttime, he went to go get something from the fridge
He hardly took notice of Y/n before turning around and eyes widening in fear before hitting him with the sandwich he made and slamming you to the ground
When he noticed it was you he relax and apologized but told you to make yourself know before walking you back to your room
When he saw you open the door, he saw the wolf laying on your bed
The wolf spared him a glance and looked at his owner before moving slightly to give you some space on the bed
Y/n chuckled before getting the bed as well
Soap could only close the door as you and the wolf fell asleep cooing at how cute you two were in bed
Was surprised to see the wolf but didn't show it
Questioned how you and the wolf met though to himself
Definitely kept a more close eye on you and your wolf than the others
Didn't mind making small conversation with you either
When it was nighttime and he was up reading, he decided to get some water but didn't realize you crept up behind before reaching over him to get something for yourself
He elbowed you in your rib before grabbing the closest thing to a knife in the kitchen
When he did spin back around and notice it was you he sent a small glare but apologized
He offered to walk you back to your room too
He noticed the dog on the bed and squinted a bit but thought nothing of it
Was in awe when he saw the huge black wolf
Like Soap, he was also curious to pet the K9
Thought you were like the ultimate beast tamer or something when he saw you ride up on the damn wolf up to them and nearly passed out
Also took in you appearance more when he met you
At night, he was up and walked right past you chilling on the couch
When you came up behind, he turned around and shrieked
Like HIGH pitch girl shriek
He stared at you for a second before telling you to tell no one
He was so embarrassed that he began to walk back to his room and you followed
Just before entering his room, he turned around and saw the wolf laying on top of your bed comfortably and gushed over the sight as it sleep
Like the others, he was surprised but wasn't fazed by your presence
The Wolf however caught his attention quickly
Laswell said it was a K9
It wasn't a K9
It was a big ass wolf that you could ride on top of
It was like something you'd see out of a fairytale or something
Price could only shake his head as he watched you and the wolf head towards your room
During the night, he was up finishing some paperwork and decided to go make some tea
Surprisingly, he walked right past you and you decided to follow to see what the Captain was up to
While the man made his tea, you came up from behind casting a shadow over Price and the Captain took notice before nearly wiping around and hitting you with the kettle
Thankfully you dodged just in time before Price finally realized who it was
The man's heart was pounding as he breathed before finally getting it under control
He didn't ask what your were doing up but did say you should be in bed at this hour and nodded towards the barracks and walked you towards them
While he watched you enter your room he saw the black fur that belong to your canine companion
He was surprised to see he wasn't in a cage but slept on the bed with you
He didn't comment as he closed the door and let you two sleep but kept the image in his head
He found it cute
Tell me what yall thought!!!
Was it good, bad, ugly?
Criticism is good for me, also if you'd like to reblog please do! It be lovely and do it for the other writers on here as well!
- Guards
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brights-place · 11 months
hii!! Can i request general headcanons with Laughing Jack and Candy Pop? (Creepypasta) thank you <33
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Never ever safe when with us!
Pairings: Laughing Jack, and Candy Pop
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Laughing Jack
- He allows Sally to paint his claws sometimes but gets rid of them before a kill.
- He tries to act sweet with the creepypasta kids but due to his experience with Issac he seems to be creepy. Took the kids awhile to try get to know him more.
- Thrives on pranks
- Bipolar
- gets into some arguments with Kageko on who’s the better dressed in Black and white…
- Jill and ChessMaster always glance at eachother before recording the scene.
- He likes to watch Some creepypasta sleep since He dosen’t need to He finds it weird.
- When you came to the mansion he started to poke you whenever you where sleeping
- LJ takes particular interest to befriend most of the children of the slender mansion trying his best but when it comes to his victims it’s a whole diffrent story.
- like to talk about his victims and how he kills them.
- Very Childish
- He dosen’t understand emotions that well.
- When he’s angered He’s either very creepy or he flips onto the floor and throws a tantrum like a child due to the fact he had been surrounded by kids his whole existence
- These temper tantrums is how he thinks how people should be upset Lora do people get hurt though.
- about 7’3-8’0 Mans Lanky
- Hates being left alone, forgotten or ignored he would throw a huge fit.
- Slender created a rule to never touch the music box until it changes spots.
- LJ use to find it comfortable to be in the box at first when entering the mansion and rarely would come out unless he went out to do his little Adventures.
- Likes to dress up
- He smacks the shit out of anybody who comments on why he wore a dress around the place.
- “You Ugly Brat I look fashionable”
- He dosen’t swear much he uses words such as ‘Butt hole’ and ‘Poop Brain’ as insults unless he’s really pissed then he’s going to start cussing like there’s no tomorrow.
- Enjoy Listening to Classics music or HyperPop music he’s open to any.
- Very sharp teeth
- He has poisoned sweets in his left pocket and Non-poisoned in his right
- He dosen’t know his lefts and rights so sometimes he gives Somebody a poisoned one by accident.
- Doctor smiley hates LJ for the amount of times he gave Toby, Sally, and Zero poisoned candy by accident.
- purposely trips over Candypop once for stealing his sweets.
- Likes to mimic the personality of his new “owners” (aka his victims)
- Very stretchable and can jump super high
- He Likes to Hum to pop goes the weasel multiple times
- You Can Hear him from a mile away because of his humming of the song.
Candy Pop
- Best friends with Nathan the Nobody
- Gossiping King He knows everything going on.
- Likes to torment his victims
- He’s an Incubus, once a genyr before possessed by Night Terrors
- Man’s in his 6000’s
- Loves pranks like LJ but takes them very far
- He Likes to make bets with his sister and Nathan
- Him and Candy Cane like to switch up their outfits sometimes giving each-other little tips.
- Nightmares Whenever
- Cocky Asshole
- Can’t be in the human world physically for a very long time
- Loves every genre of music
- He has 3000 kids yet He dosen’t Care for them though (MF HAS CHILDREN 😭)
- Loves to fuck around with Night Terror
- Loves draining the energy and torturing his victims
- Most do his victims have mental illnesses cause he finds it funny to see their reactions and thinks it’s much easier to toy with them.
- master manipulator
- doesn’t kill the victims himself drives them off the edge if you know what I mean
- Likes to try different styles of clown makeup but always sticks to his usual look
- Has step by step guide for his hair
- he is kind of similar to Slender-man and puppeteer though if he gets enough energy to use in this reality it will bring chaos.
- uses his hammer when he REALLY needs it or deems it Useful for his situation
- found a child too annoying he claimed that “The child had something on him I had to smack it with something!”
- His laughs are psychotic
- Friends with laughing Jack due to the fact both of them could of been created by the same guardian.
- Demi-Boy
- Likes to hangout with Jason sometimes.
- gets pissed very easily
- Can Kill you in dreams or In real life You are not safe.
- He Acts like your bestfriend before it gets too much for you to drive you into madness.
- He pierced his ears.
- On his activities He dosen’t have allies nor help he works alone.
- His candy is filled with Melatonin so his victims sleep quicker
- When you arrived in the mansion he tried to kill you in your sleep… you guys made bracelets in your dream instead.
- Damages anything in his path whenever he is angered
- Large mood swings
- Night Terror always has some problems and he likes to move night terror somewhere else just to Piss him off which always works.
- People in the mansion where informed to never be vulnerable around Candypop.
- dosen’t like to admit that he is amazing at cooking and sewing.
- likes to show off his tricks
- The bells on his collar are loud along with the bells on his wrists and shoes but he can quiet them down in a second when he wants to.
- Get Jump-scared whenever he is around cause he will pop up anywhere anytime
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goblinbugthing · 1 year
Currently just thinking about just how weird Kirby’s process of growth is.
When he first arrived on Popstar at a few weeks old, he was tiny. 8 — 10 inches, to be exact. That’s average for someone his age.
By the time they defeated Nightmare in the anime at a year old, they were 3 feet tall, and already had horns and fangs growing in.
When he defeated and purified Void at 3 years, he was 5’9”, his horns were almost fully grown, and his wings were way too big for someone his age.
Now, in modern day, at 4 years old, he’s 6’1”, his horns are fully grown, and his wings are well on their way to the end of the final growth stage.
That is… not normal, like at all.
Kirby’s height when he first came to Popstar is understandable — after all, he was only a couple weeks old. However, the fact that he grew to 3 feet tall in 1 year is concerning, considering how Star Warrior growth and aging works. Meta Knight, Hano, and Empress were pretty confused when his horns started growing — that happens at about 2 years of age — but they put it off as a random growth spurt.
Then Kirby’s wings started growing in. At 2 years old.
That is the furthest thing from normal.
Wing growth is Star Warriors typically starts at 5 years, not 2. And their wings were growing fast. 6 months later, they were bigger than them. At this point, Kirby was about 4’9”. That is abnormally large for a 2-year-old Star Warrior.
His height began changing drastically, too. After 9 months from his wings starting to grow, he was 5’9”, and the storyline of Star Allies was just beginning.
Void predicts that, if they continue growing the way they are now, they’ll be fully grown by the time they’re 6.
That is the least amount of normal something could be.
For reference, Galacta Knight was 7’3” from 22 to modern day, and he won’t be getting any taller. Star Warriors in general are typically in adult stages of growth by 16 or 17 years, and average height for those ages is about 6’5”. Star Warriors are usually fully grown when they’re 20 — 22 (the latter being Galacta Knight’s case).
In other words, Kirby grew alarmingly (and unsurprisingly very painfully) faster than is normal. He somehow ended up in the final growth stages at 4 years old instead of the expected 16, and will be done growing by the time he’s 6.
That is terrifying.
Void estimates that, since his parents were both over 7 feet tall, he is going to end up at the very least 7’9”, at most 8’3”. He is expected to grow 1-2 feet in 2 years.
Many people are, understandably, incredibly concerned. Including Void, and especially Galacta.
Even Elfilis is alarmed. They didn’t understand at first (they thought kirby was, in fact, a teenager when they met), but now that his situation has been explained to them, they are actually starting to freak out a bit.
Fumu has been trying to research Star Warrior growth and come to a conclusion as to why this is happening, but she hasn’t found any leads yet. There isn’t much documentation as to Star Warrior growth, unfortunately.
Hano, Meta, and Galacta have absolutely no clue why they’re growing so fast, and they are the most knowledgeable people in Dreamland when it comes to Star Warrior biology.
They’ll find out eventually, but until then, they just have to remain confused and scared.
sucks to be you ig lol
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cyberbvnniee · 2 years
So for my request, can you write a oneshot with the reader and All Might practicing exhibitionism please? In the fic, the reader would go on a date with AM who would wear a trenchcoat, flip flops, a hat and face mask. In truth he'd be butt naked underneath with his cock in chastity, a vibrator & his mouth tape gagged. His mission is to finish his date without being exposed or cumming in public. What do you think?
chileeee this was my first request and I’m just getting around to fulfilling it 😭😭😭 But Eddy was super sweet and patient with me 🥹❤️ it’s a little rushed at the end but I hope you enjoy it 😭❤️
pairing: All Might x GN!Reader
cw: exhibitionism, chastity, anal play, slight language
He sat on the shared bed in nothing but his boxers and a tank, waiting for you to emerge from the closet. What made him agree to something like this he’d never know. It must’ve been how cute you looked when you asked, how fun you promised it’d be or how good you convinced him it’d feel.
He eyed you confusedly when you pulled out a coat and..only a coat.
“Why do you look so scared baby, lighten up.” You kissed his forehead and then his cheek. “Arms up, hun.”
He gave a wary smile as he allowed you to remove his clothes. First raising his arms so you could pull the shirt over his head, then lifting his hips and allowing you to slide his underwear down.
You guys had never delved into exhibitionism before so Toshi was excited, a bit nervous but excited nonetheless.
Might was big, so big and strong you couldn’t shop at normal sex stores for certain things. He required heavy artillery, like the chastity cage made of Tungsten you were currently locking onto his cock at this very moment.
“All fours baby.” Your voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he turned the kneel on the bed.
“You left it in,” The excitement in your voice warmed his heart. “So good for me.” You praised your big boy, slowly sliding the ruby plug out of his hole.
The slight gape welcomed the lubed vibrator, the oblong shape slipping right in.
“Perfect!” You admired your handiwork.
You helped him slip into the coat, standing on the tips of your toes to plop the red baseball cap on his head.
Of course the cap was from his line of merch, you wondered if it’d draw more suspicion or if they’d mistake him for some weird impersonator. Either way it was the only one you had so it would have to do.
The big 7’3 brute blushed heavily as the hostess looked him up and down. Only a goddamn idiot wouldn’t be able to tell it was him, but he hoped and prayed to the heavens that no one would out him in the restaurant.
The pro-hero cleared his throat, rubbing at his Adam’s apple, pathetically signifying that he was having throat trouble.
In actuality, he was gagged with tape, unable to communicate anything but muttered vowels and groans.
He walked slow but in long strides, ass clenched tight. Maybe he was just paranoid but the buzz of the vibrator felt very loud. Even worse with that it was heavily lubed and with the intense vibrations he worried it’d slip out.
What would the world think of their Symbol of Peace? Stripped of his pride, and clothes, prancing around the city in some pitiful disguise.
Toshi and the hostess finally made it to your table, a few stares and mumbles here and there but for the most part, people minded their business. He was eternally grateful for that.
“So glad you could make it, All M-.”
Swift and agile, you didn’t even see him move to pop the butter roll into your mouth.
He spoke to you with his gestures, face heavily red as he looked around, seeing if anyone happened to be listening to your exchanges.
“What? I was just gonna say all my wine is gone. I need to order another glass.” You smirked, playfully rolling your eyes and finishing the roll.
He gave an awkward laugh, unsure if he liked playing your cruel game. But his heart was beating out of his chest, cock achingly hard at his current predicament, so he guessed it was safe to say he did.
“Do you know what you want?”
He took a second to browse the menu, pointing at what caught his attention.
“Sorry darling, it seems I forgot my readers. I’m gonna need you to tell me.” You feigned innocence, but Toshi saw right through your act.
You didn’t even wear glasses. Right about now he was regretting all of this. When did his little cutie become so evil and conniving.
With shaky hands, he adjusted his mask a bit, hoping it’d help make his muffled sounds a bit clearer.
But he didn’t expect you to suddenly increase the bullet’s speed just as he began to talk.
“Mph, mmphh.” He moaned and panted, trying his hardest to keep his voice down. This sensation was crazy, nothing like a finger or wand against him. It hadn’t even been fifteen minutes, yet he was insanely close to blowing his cover and probably spilling his release all over this restaurant’s floor.
“Tell me what you want. The waiter will be back any minute.”
“I ant ammon en occoli.”
“One more time baby, you sound a little muffled.” You smiled a little, enjoying the torment probably a little more than you should’ve.
He repeated, but of course you didn’t understand such gibberish. Luckily you could see where he was pointing before the water was approaching your table.
“Hello again, what can I get the two of you.” The young man eyed Might’s attire warily. He stuck out like a sore thumb, not only because of his massive size but his questionably outfit as well.
“I’ll be having the scallops and linguine, with an order of salmon and broccoli to go.”
As soon as the waiter stepped away Might cut his eyes at you.
“What?” You sipped your water, laying off the wine since you’d be driving the two of you home.
“To oh?”
At least that wasn’t too hard to make out, since you answered him immediately.
“Yes to go, how are you going to eat when you’re having..throat trouble? I mean, that is why you can’t talk, right?”
All Might hid his face in embarrassment, nodding furiously, completely forgetting about the current arrangement. Luckily he’d snacked beforehand, he was sure he would’ve caved on an empty stomach.
There was a short silence, of course only Toshi could still hear the buzzing of the vibrator, but nonetheless it was quiet until you began talking again.
“You must be so uncomfortable, having your big cock stuffed in that tiny cage.” You feigned concern, kicking off your shoe to nudge his balls with the ball of your foot.
“Mmpph.” Might let out a muffled groan, nearly jumping out of his seat at the sensation. Having his prostate stimulated for so long was weighing on his control enough as it is.
He slid further into the booth, away from your foot, and tried to catch his breath as fast as he could. How much longer was this date?! He really wasn’t sure how much more he could endure.
You guys are finally graced with your food, his is boxed and bagged but yours smells absolutely delicious.
“Smells good doesn’t it!”
“Mmm.” He mumbled. It looked like he was overexerting himself. His breathing rough and ragged, pupils blown out and sweat was beading at his brow. Fighting off an orgasm was harder than fighting villains, it seemed. Especially out in public.
You ate fast, not wanting to subject your partner to anymore torture. It was fun and you’d love to do it again, but even the strongest man alive had limits.
You paid cash, allowing the waiter to keep whatever change was left, before standing and helping Toshi gather himself.
Your babe had clearly gotten his fill of exhibitionism and humiliation and you almost felt guilty.
“Well you made it through the date, I think you deserve to be freed and rewarded.” You tossed the cage’s key back to him once you’d settled in the driver’s seat and him in the rear.
“Mhm.” He pitifully responded after snatching the tape off. Luckily he’d done this with a clean, shaven face.
You looked at your partner through the rear view mirror, peeling himself out of the sweaty, suffocating trench coat.
You silently thanked yourself for getting those back windows tinted as he sprawled out against the rear door, one leg stretched out while the other was hanging off and planted on the floor.
Once he unlocked himself, his cock stood at full attention, all twelve inches of it. He ran his hand up and down the length and it didn’t take him long to reach the most mind breaking orgasm he’d ever experienced.
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axislascl · 2 years
Nba 2k17 servers are terrible
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#Nba 2k17 servers are terrible Ps4
It was quite similar to Vince Carter’s career trajectory. Later in his career, he developed a jumpshot and became a spot-up shooter. Originally, he was a purely athletic finisher who could defend three or four positions. One of the more pleasing aspects of this campaign was how my player evolved. Overall, I played seven seasons, which is by far and away the most I’ve played of any M圜AREER on this list. After Dirk Nowitzki retired, I jumped ship to the Memphis Grizzlies, where I achieved similar success with Marc Gasol and company.
#Nba 2k17 servers are terrible Ps4
The prospect of helping Dirk Nowitzki win one last ring, having my most balanced build and a generally likeable team all made this an unforgettable M圜AREER.īeing my debut M圜AREER on PS4, this campaign had a lot of firsts: my first 2K PRO-AM experience, my first M圜AREER story, as well as the first – and only – time I changed teams in a PS4 M圜AREER. There was a lot to love about my NBA 2K16 M圜AREER. #3: Small Forward – Lockdown Perimeter Defender (NBA 2K16) What’s more, NBA 2K19 was the game that essentially disbanded the NLSC squad due to our lack of enjoyment and gatekeeper nature of 2K PRO-AM, so that was also quite a downer. Sure, he was a beast on the boards and blocking shots, but constantly missing layups wears you down after a while. A weird continuity error in the story was also jarring, as a stint for the Los Angeles Lakers late in the previous season meant my rookie season for the Hawks was actually my sophomore season.Īnother point against this player was that I had limited success online. I think it says a lot about my patience that I not only returned to the mode but also won the championship in the following season. Indeed, after winning the game originally, I had to play it again, and I ultimately lost. With that said, the experience was ultimately soured by a server glitch on game seven of the NBA Finals that cost me the championship. In this iteration of M圜AREER, I had arguably my favourite sidekick in Trae Young and enjoyed greater control during team takeovers. Not many NBA players stood a chance when I was patrolling the paint. Single-game and regular-season block records tumbled, and quadruple doubles were commonplace I even managed a few 5×10 games. This centre build, however, was dominant in M圜AREER. While it certainly helped our overall paint presence, it ultimately meant I was taken away from the three-point game, something I previously excelled in. I created a 7’3” behemoth in the hope of solving an ongoing problem we were having online rebounding. #4: Centre – Rebounding Rim Protector (NBA 2K19)Īfter skipping NBA 2K18, I returned to the NLSC squad in NBA 2K19. Yet, despite shooting only 25% from beyond the arc, my raw stats across the board were impressive, and I managed to win a title with the post-big-three Spurs. I played my one season with San Antonio sporadically, partly due to my woeful perimeter shooting. The most fun I had with this build was online and with all due respect to Andrew, Q and zzcoolj21, who were all great teammates, that’s never a good sign. I never felt particularly invested in my teammates either – and if this image is anything to go by, DeMar DeRozan didn’t like me much either. However, this stint was short-lived since 2K often wants to revert to default rotations in M圜AREER. I felt like I unlocked my player’s limitless potential when I shifted to point guard after Dejounte Murray’s injury. Ultimately, though, the biggest flaw of this campaign was that I was playing in the wrong position. There were a few things that didn’t sit right about this experience, including getting a DNP in the opening game and the shameless Beats promotions. #5: Shooting Guard – Two-Way Pass-First Guard (NBA 2K20)Ī leftie shooting guard with a flair for driving to the hoop and making flashy passes? Surely this would have been the best M圜AREER experience of all time, right? So, I’m going to rank each of my last five M圜AREER campaigns on PS4 from worst to best. For this reason, I played a different position for each game.Įvery situation had its strengths and weaknesses, but some stood out more than others. During my run on PS4, I made a conscious decision to make each M圜AREER experience unique. However, it wasn’t until I purchased my PS4 that I played the game annually (except for NBA 2K18). M圜AREER has been a part of my basketball video game experience ever since I first picked up the mode in NBA 2K10, back when it was called My Player. What’s that? A surprise edition of The Sunday Substitute to start the new year? With the next generation of consoles here, I’ve decided to reflect on my PS4 M圜AREER experiences and rank them from worst to best.
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flauntpage · 6 years
Giannis Antetokounmpo Finally Has the Space He Deserves
Giannis Antetokounmpo spent the first month of his fifth season consecrating his own mind-melting ability. Just 22 years old, already nearing the end of his paralyzing transition from phenom to titan, Antetokounmpo wielded every statistical benchmark you'd find in an MVP, mutilating box scores without hesitation. He exploded off the starting blocks by averaging 30.6 points (with a 57.8 field goal percentage), 10.0 rebounds, 4.6 assists, 1.9 blocks, and 1.6 steals per game. (If you want to get weird and talk like Elon Musk, Antetokounmpo became basketball’s very own alien dreadnought before our very eyes.)
Until opponents adjusted by coaxing more unremarkable jumpers, the kind that provided a prayer’s chance relative to his unstoppable production at the rim, Antetokounmpo mixed laudable agility with violent power and a 7’3” wingspan to hold the NBA hostage. His dominance popped on both ends. But as the year went on, defenses took a deep breathe and found relative “success” slowing him down, be it with consequential hustle back in transition or an even more urgent willingness to help off teammates in the half-court.
Sometimes neither strategy worked, even when executed to near perfection. Antetokounmpo's evolution was that overwhelming:
Now, almost an entire offseason removed from a disappointing first-round loss against the depleted Boston Celtics—a series someone in Antetokounmpo’s talent bracket should’ve dominated—the Milwaukee Bucks have made several moves to stimulate their franchise player in ways that mirror those carried out by one of the league’s best teams two summer summers ago.
In 2016, the Houston Rockets failed to put a second star (Kevin Durant, Al Horford, Mike Conley, etc.) next to James Harden. Instead—right after Kent Bazemore spurned them to re-sign with the Atlanta Hawks—Daryl Morey signed Ryan Anderson (four years, $80 million) and Eric Gordon (four years, $53 million) to deals that were longer and more expensive than many anticipated.
Both agreements were criticized for various reasons, but Morey knew that leveraging his most important player’s all-around craftsmanship in space would let Houston be the very best possible version of itself. The result was 14 more wins and the point differential of a legitimate championship contender.
What we’re seeing in Milwaukee almost qualifies as a marginalized version of that same approach. They added nobody on Gordon’s level, or a transparent specialist like Anderson. No new contracts will crush their cap sheet for years to come, either. But the bottom-line similarities should foster a situation where Antetokounmpo is finally able to play in space; if all goes according to plan, the Bucks should almost always have a center who can shoot threes by his side. The days of Greg Monroe, Miles Plumlee, Zaza Pachulia, and Larry Sanders will feel one million miles away.
In comes Ersan Ilyasova, just signed to a three-year (the third year is non-guaranteed), $21 million contract. (Ilyasova was Antetokounmpo's teammate for the first two seasons of his career, before Giannis became an impact player, hardly ever at the five.)
Ilyasova isn’t a complete player but, as someone who doesn’t get destroyed on the defensive end, can be a nuisance on the glass, and knock down open threes, it’s not surprising to see his on/off numbers be so positive over the past few years—particularly on offense. Lineups that put him as a stretch center next to Giannis, Khris Middleton, and just about any backcourt combination Mike Budenholzer wants to deploy, will be a nightmare. And, frankly, replacing Jabari Parker with Ilyasova should solve some unwanted problems.
The Bucks were bad when Parker and Antetokounmpo shared the floor last season, with the point differential of a team that could’ve picked third or fourth in the draft. Parker didn’t make his season debut until February 2, and coming off two ACL surgeries in the same knee it wasn’t fair to expect much. But enough was seen over the past few years to at least question their fit as long-term collaborators.
With Parker gone, addition by subtraction is a distinct possibility. The former second overall pick does not view himself as “the help,” and watching Antetokounmpo run high pick-and-roll from the corner wasn’t a sustainable way for him to function. He engaged himself with well-timed cuts along the baseline, but too often would trade purposeful movement with a restless boredom that destroyed Milwaukee’s spacing. It all bubbled into a palpable tension on more than one occasion; he was clearly upset with a role that forced him to play off Giannis instead of the other way around. Look how disgusted Parker gets below:
Parker is better than Ilysasova, but on this team, next to Antetokounmpo, in Budenholzer’s system, it’s not hard to see whose minutes would be more beneficial. There are, of course, so many different ways for Antetokounmpo to positively impact Milwaukee’s offense—be it as a putback monster or diving big man—but taking the ball out of his hands ultimately does the opposing team a favor.
When he wasn’t frolicking in the open floor, the Bucks loved to gift Antetokounmpo with a ball screen from one of their guards, a strategy that dissuaded a switch and let him get downhill. Unfortunately, running this too often with their center in the dunker’s spot, and non-shooters spotting up on the weakside, was less than ideal.
These sequences always had the right idea, but were often foiled by Milwaukee’s own detrimental personnel, whether it be Tyler Zeller or John Henson’s man who made it feel like the game was five on four.
The next man up is Brook Lopez, whose ideal role in Milwaukee should be as the fulcrum of its second unit, someone who can force double teams in the post and carry the offense for small stretches when Antetokounmpo is sidelined early in the second and fourth quarters. But run the actions seen above with him standing in for Henson and suddenly the Bucks are that much harder to guard. Lopez nearly shot 50 percent from the short corner and a third of all his shots last season were wide-open threes—he made 36 percent of them.
Imagine him on this play below, either available for a kickout or dragging Serge Ibaka to the perimeter.
Henson tries to make himself useful by setting a back pick on Kyle Lowry, but Ibaka could not care less about Antetokounmpo's vision (he's not Ben Simmons, LeBron James, or Harden), or Henson floating to the weak-side corner. Only four of Henson’s 552 shots were beyond the arc last year, according to Cleaning the Glass. He isn’t a bad player. Whenever his man would load up on the strongside to thwart Giannis in the post, he’d cut into an open pocket and either make himself available or drag a help defender off someone else.
But, at the end of the day, that’s not good enough. Every single person who Milwaukee pays from this moment forward needs to make Antetokounmpo’s life easier in an obvious way. Right now, it's preferred that help come from players who're just as effective without the ball. Lopez and Ilyasova will either unlatch driving lanes or find themselves launching a whole bunch of open threes; at least one of them should always be on the floor.
Against defenses that knew what he wanted to do, Antetokounmpo averaged 11 drives per game last year, a strong number relative to his position and size, but pretty weak once you consider how often the ball was in his hands, his skill-set, and how many minutes he played. Some of this is on him, to tighten up his handle in traffic and be less willing to settle for a long two when the defense turns the restricted area into a moat. But some of it's thanks to a noticeably cramped floor. That should change next season.
There will come a day when, just like the Rockets needed to add a ball-handling star like Chris Paul and more two-way wings, the Bucks will have to acquire talent at different positions, with more varied skill-sets, if they want to make a serious run at the title. What they've done this summer is a step in the right direction, but it’s not that. Middleton, Malcolm Brogdon, and Eric Bledsoe are all unrestricted free agents in 2019, and even if the Bucks noticeably improve under Bud with more space and a fluid half-court offense, locking any two of the three up long-term will essentially cement what they are through the rest of Antetokounmpo’s current contract, which expires in 2021.
Smart money might be on trading one before this year’s deadline, letting another walk next summer (a la Parker), and then re-signing the last man standing to a fair deal. Depending on who fits which slot and what they get back in a potential trade, the Bucks can open max cap space (and then some) in the offseason before Antetokounmpo’s contract year. Until then, he's one of the most underpaid players in the league, on a team that's finally making a transparent effort to build around. It'd be a shame if the Bucks don't ever capitalize.
So much can change between now and a few years, but if Milwaukee wants to keep their best player for the rest of his career, it behooves them to bring in another legitimate All-Star sometime over the next two years. For now, tinkering around the edges with sensical companions who'll open the floor is a pretty good strategy. What happens beyond that is anybody’s guess.
Giannis Antetokounmpo Finally Has the Space He Deserves published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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Giannis Antetokounmpo Finally Has the Space he Deserves
Giannis Antetokounmpo spent the first month of his fifth season consecrating his own mind-melting ability. Just 22 years old, already nearing the end of his paralyzing transition from phenom to titan, Antetokounmpo wielded every statistical benchmark you’d find in an MVP, mutilating box scores without hesitation. He exploded off the starting blocks by averaging 30.6 points (with a 57.8 field goal percentage), 10.0 rebounds, 4.6 assists, 1.9 blocks, and 1.6 steals per game. (If you want to get weird and talk like Elon Musk, Antetokounmpo became basketball’s very own alien dreadnought before our very eyes.)
Until opponents adjusted by coaxing more unremarkable jumpers, the kind that provided a prayer’s chance relative to his unstoppable production at the rim, Antetokounmpo mixed laudable agility with violent power and a 7’3” wingspan to hold the NBA hostage. His dominance popped on both ends. But as the year went on, defenses took a deep breathe and found relative “success” slowing him down, be it with consequential hustle back in transition or an even more urgent willingness to help off teammates in the half-court.
Sometimes neither strategy worked, even when executed to near perfection. Antetokounmpo’s evolution was that overwhelming:
Now, almost an entire offseason removed from a disappointing first-round loss against the depleted Boston Celtics—a series someone in Antetokounmpo’s talent bracket should’ve dominated—the Milwaukee Bucks have made several moves to stimulate their franchise player in ways that mirror those carried out by one of the league’s best teams two summer summers ago.
In 2016, the Houston Rockets failed to put a second star (Kevin Durant, Al Horford, Mike Conley, etc.) next to James Harden. Instead—right after Kent Bazemore spurned them to re-sign with the Atlanta Hawks—Daryl Morey signed Ryan Anderson (four years, $80 million) and Eric Gordon (four years, $53 million) to deals that were longer and more expensive than many anticipated.
Both agreements were criticized for various reasons, but Morey knew that leveraging his most important player’s all-around craftsmanship in space would let Houston be the very best possible version of itself. The result was 14 more wins and the point differential of a legitimate championship contender.
What we’re seeing in Milwaukee almost qualifies as a marginalized version of that same approach. They added nobody on Gordon’s level, or a transparent specialist like Anderson. No new contracts will crush their cap sheet for years to come, either. But the bottom-line similarities should foster a situation where Antetokounmpo is finally able to play in space; if all goes according to plan, the Bucks should almost always have a center who can shoot threes by his side. The days of Greg Monroe, Miles Plumlee, Zaza Pachulia, and Larry Sanders will feel one million miles away.
In comes Ersan Ilyasova, just signed to a three-year (the third year is non-guaranteed), $21 million contract. (Ilyasova was Antetokounmpo’s teammate for the first two seasons of his career, before Giannis became an impact player, hardly ever at the five.)
Ilyasova isn’t a complete player but, as someone who doesn’t get destroyed on the defensive end, can be a nuisance on the glass, and knock down open threes, it’s not surprising to see his on/off numbers be so positive over the past few years—particularly on offense. Lineups that put him as a stretch center next to Giannis, Khris Middleton, and just about any backcourt combination Mike Budenholzer wants to deploy, will be a nightmare. And, frankly, replacing Jabari Parker with Ilyasova should solve some unwanted problems.
The Bucks were bad when Parker and Antetokounmpo shared the floor last season, with the point differential of a team that could’ve picked third or fourth in the draft. Parker didn’t make his season debut until February 2, and coming off two ACL surgeries in the same knee it wasn’t fair to expect much. But enough was seen over the past few years to at least question their fit as long-term collaborators.
With Parker gone, addition by subtraction is a distinct possibility. The former second overall pick does not view himself as “the help,” and watching Antetokounmpo run high pick-and-roll from the corner wasn’t a sustainable way for him to function. He engaged himself with well-timed cuts along the baseline, but too often would trade purposeful movement with a restless boredom that destroyed Milwaukee’s spacing. It all bubbled into a palpable tension on more than one occasion; he was clearly upset with a role that forced him to play off Giannis instead of the other way around. Look how disgusted Parker gets below:
Parker is better than Ilysasova, but on this team, next to Antetokounmpo, in Budenholzer’s system, it’s not hard to see whose minutes would be more beneficial. There are, of course, so many different ways for Antetokounmpo to positively impact Milwaukee’s offense—be it as a putback monster or diving big man—but taking the ball out of his hands ultimately does the opposing team a favor.
When he wasn’t frolicking in the open floor, the Bucks loved to gift Antetokounmpo with a ball screen from one of their guards, a strategy that dissuaded a switch and let him get downhill. Unfortunately, running this too often with their center in the dunker’s spot, and non-shooters spotting up on the weakside, was less than ideal.
These sequences always had the right idea, but were often foiled by Milwaukee’s own detrimental personnel, whether it be Tyler Zeller or John Henson’s man who made it feel like the game was five on four.
The next man up is Brook Lopez, whose ideal role in Milwaukee should be as the fulcrum of its second unit, someone who can force double teams in the post and carry the offense for small stretches when Antetokounmpo is sidelined early in the second and fourth quarters. But run the actions seen above with him standing in for Henson and suddenly the Bucks are that much harder to guard. Lopez nearly shot 50 percent from the short corner and a third of all his shots last season were wide-open threes—he made 36 percent of them.
Imagine him on this play below, either available for a kickout or dragging Serge Ibaka to the perimeter.
Henson tries to make himself useful by setting a back pick on Kyle Lowry, but Ibaka could not care less about Antetokounmpo’s vision (he’s not Ben Simmons, LeBron James, or Harden), or Henson floating to the weak-side corner. Only four of Henson’s 552 shots were beyond the arc last year, according to Cleaning the Glass. He isn’t a bad player. Whenever his man would load up on the strongside to thwart Giannis in the post, he’d cut into an open pocket and either make himself available or drag a help defender off someone else.
But, at the end of the day, that’s not good enough. Every single person who Milwaukee pays from this moment forward needs to make Antetokounmpo’s life easier in an obvious way. Right now, it’s preferred that help come from players who’re just as effective without the ball. Lopez and Ilyasova will either unlatch driving lanes or find themselves launching a whole bunch of open threes; at least one of them should always be on the floor.
Against defenses that knew what he wanted to do, Antetokounmpo averaged 11 drives per game last year, a strong number relative to his position and size, but pretty weak once you consider how often the ball was in his hands, his skill-set, and how many minutes he played. Some of this is on him, to tighten up his handle in traffic and be less willing to settle for a long two when the defense turns the restricted area into a moat. But some of it’s thanks to a noticeably cramped floor. That should change next season.
There will come a day when, just like the Rockets needed to add a ball-handling star like Chris Paul and more two-way wings, the Bucks will have to acquire talent at different positions, with more varied skill-sets, if they want to make a serious run at the title. What they’ve done this summer is a step in the right direction, but it’s not that. Middleton, Malcolm Brogdon, and Eric Bledsoe are all unrestricted free agents in 2019, and even if the Bucks noticeably improve under Bud with more space and a fluid half-court offense, locking any two of the three up long-term will essentially cement what they are through the rest of Antetokounmpo’s current contract, which expires in 2021.
Smart money might be on trading one before this year’s deadline, letting another walk next summer (a la Parker), and then re-signing the last man standing to a fair deal. Depending on who fits which slot and what they get back in a potential trade, the Bucks can open max cap space (and then some) in the offseason before Antetokounmpo’s contract year. Until then, he’s one of the most underpaid players in the league, on a team that’s finally making a transparent effort to build around. It’d be a shame if the Bucks don’t ever capitalize.
So much can change between now and a few years, but if Milwaukee wants to keep their best player for the rest of his career, it behooves them to bring in another legitimate All-Star sometime over the next two years. For now, tinkering around the edges with sensical companions who’ll open the floor is a pretty good strategy. What happens beyond that is anybody’s guess.
Giannis Antetokounmpo Finally Has the Space he Deserves syndicated from https://australiahoverboards.wordpress.com
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junker-town · 7 years
Meet the 5-star college basketball recruits you need to know this year
From Marvin Bagley III to Zion Williamson, these are the recruits every program in the country is fighting for.
July is the biggest month on the calendar for the players and coaches at the center of the weird world of college basketball recruiting. For three straight weekends, coaches are permitted to be in the gym to watch the best high school basketball players in the country compete for scholarship offers. It amounts to a massive open audition with huge stakes for everyone involved.
As the July evaluation period begins, the class of 2018 remains wide open at the top. Only one player in the top 17 of ESPN’s rankings has made his college choice. Blue bloods like Kentucky, Duke, and Kansas don’t have a single commitment yet. It’s setting the stage for a thrilling stretch for the biggest prospects in the sport.
College recruiting classes are like NBA draft classes in that they’re often judged by the star power at the top. In that sense, the class of 2018 is reminiscent of the 2015 class: there’s one potential superstar — with Marvin Bagley III as this year’s Ben Simmons — followed by a tight crop of elite prospects below him.
These are the 5-star recruits you need to know as recruiting season approaches.
The undisputed No. 1 — Marvin Bagley III
Brian Fluharty-USA TODAY Sports
I’m tempted to say Marvin Bagley III is the best player I’ve seen at this level since I began covering recruiting in 2013. The scouts and recruiting analysts I’ve talked to all agree Bagley would be in contention for No. 1 in any class.
What makes Bagley special? He’s a 6’11 big man with the athletic fluidity of a wing and the comfort on the perimeter of a guard. The way he pushes the ball up-court off rebounds will remind you of Simmons. His finishing ability is reminiscent of Anthony Davis. He can also shoot the ball from three-point range and defend both on the perimeter and at the rim.
Simply put, Bagley is a 6’11 mega athlete with very few holes in his game. It would be shocking if anyone else is the No. 1 pick in the 2019 NBA Draft. Until then, Kentucky, UCLA and Arizona feel like the leaders in the clubhouse for his one season of college basketball.
The mixtape king — Zion Williamson
It’s possible Zion Williamson is the most famous high school athlete since LeBron James. His incredible dunking ability made him a brand name before he could ever attend junior prom. He’s had the top play on SportsCenter, Drake wears his jersey and he’s closing in on a million Instagram followers. He just turned 17 years old last week.
This was supposed to be the Summer of Zion. Instead, he suffered a bruised knee in April and hasn’t really played since. The good news is Williamson appears healthy and is back on the court, which means it’s only a matter of time before he’s taking over your social media feed once again one windmill at a time.
We know Zion can dunk. How well-rounded is the rest of his game? That’s the big question. Like many young players, his jump shot and his handle will need to improve. Scouts will wonder if he’s quick enough to defend small forwards and long enough to defend power forwards. There’s no point in worrying about this now. What we know is that he’s historically explosive for a 6’7, 230-pound teenager. Time will tell whether he really deserves the No. 2 overall ranking in this class that he currently holds on ESPN and Rivals.
Until then, just enjoy the show.
The breakout star — Bol Bol
Photo by Josh Lefkowitz/Getty Images
Bol Bol — son of the late, great Manute Bol — always seemed like more of a prospect than a player to recruiting analysts. That changed this spring when Bol blossomed into one of the most productive players in the country. He finished third in Nike’s EYBL circuit in scoring at 24.1 points while also averaging 10 rebounds and five blocks per game. Now he’s rated as high as No. 3 in the class rankings and every school in the country is after him.
What makes Bol so tantalizing is his rare combination of elite length and three-point shooting. He reportedly stands 7’3 with a 7’8 wingspan now. He also went 22-of-45 from three-point range this spring (48.9 percent), making him one of the best shooters in high school basketball. That three-point stroke is what separates Bol from someone like Texas’ Mohamed Bamba — another absurdly long big man prospect one year older than Bol who should be a top five pick in the 2018 draft.
At this point, Bol is his own player, not just the son of a legend. You’re going to be hearing about him incessantly for a long time.
The silky smooth shooter — Romeo Langford
No state has a greater tradition of high school basketball than Indiana. Romeo Langford is poised to go down as one of its all-time leading scorers.
A 6’5 off-guard, Langford has the ability to put the ball in the basket from all three levels. He’s been popping off for 40 point games since his sophomore year and recently made the USA U19 team that won bronze under John Calipari at the FIBA World Cup. Back injuries have slowed him down this year, so it will be interesting if he can regain his buzz as coaches and analysts pack the gym in July.
Langford also has one of the most interesting recruitments in this class. Louisville has made him its No. 1 priority for years. Indiana desperately needs him to make a splash under new coach Archie Miller. Duke and Kentucky are in the mix, too.
The prototypical wing — Cameron Reddish
Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports
Reddish has ideal measureables for a wing at 6’7 with a 7’1 wingspan. He finished the spring as the fifth leading scorer on the EYBL at 22.6 points per game, but he shot only 40.3 percent from the field and 28.6 percent from three. If there were any concerns about his efficiency as a scorer, he put them to rest with a terrific showing at the U19 World Cup.
As the youngest player on Calipari’s U.S team, Reddish was also one of the most productive. He scored in double-figures in five of the seven games while hitting 54 percent (13-for-24) of his three-pointers.
Duke is thought to be the heavy favorite Reddish’s recruitment. He would fit nicely into Coach K’s developing lineage of one-and-done wings, from Jabari Parker to Justise Winslow to Brandon Ingram to Jayson Tatum. Expect Kentucky to put up a fight, too.
10 more uncommitted prospects outside the top five
Jordan Brown: A 6’10 big man from California with some crafty post moves, Brown averaged 21 points per game on the adidas circuit this spring. Cal, UCLA, Oregon Arizona are fighting for him.
Moses Brown: Brown is an incredibly long center prospect who is just growing into his body and his game. Expect Kentucky and Kansas to be in the mix.
Tre Jones: The younger brother of Tyus Jones, Tre has built is own reputation as arguably the best point guard in this class. He led the EYBL this spring with 8.3 assists per game. As you would expect, Duke is in tight.
Simisola Shittu: A 6’9 Canadian pogo stick, Shittu can play above the rim on both ends of the court. Oregon is supposedly to be in tight with him.
Immanuel Quickley: Quickly looks like the best NBA prospect of any point guard in this class because of his size (6’4) and athleticism. His jump shot is the big question, but he’s made big strides with it this summer. His final four is Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland and Miami.
Darius Garland: A shifty 6-foot point guard, Garland looked terrific all spring in the EYBL. It will be interesting to see if the Nashville native stays local or goes to a national powerhouse.
Naz Reid: A 6’10, 230-pound big man from New Jersey, Red is an interior bruiser who also has a nice jump shot. His final seven is LSU, Kentucky, Louisville, Seton Hall, UCLA, Arizona and Kansas.
Louis King: King is one of the best shooters in this class. He averaged 18 points per game this spring on the EYBL while hitting over 38 percent of his threes. He’s the type of player Kentucky has needed for a long time. Expect Kansas to be involved, too.
Ayo Dosunmu: A 6’4 point guard from Chicago, Dosunmu is a gifted scorer who has no trouble creating his own offense off the dribble. He finished the spring fifth in the EYBL in scoring at 23.2 points per game. Illinois, Xavier and Northwestern all want him.
Keldon Johnson: A big time 6’6 scorer from Oak Hill, Johnson averaged over 20 points per game on 51 percent shooting this spring.
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brights-place · 11 months
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LJ Headcannons
Warnings: Slight Gore, Fluff, Swearing
A/N: I love LJ so here’s some dumb Headcannons for him!
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- He allows Sally to paint his claws sometimes but gets rid of them before a kill.
- He tries to act sweet with the creepypasta kids but due to his experience with Issac he seems to be creepy. Took the kids awhile to try get to know him more.
- Thrives on pranks and competes with Kagekao and April Fools
- Bipolar
- gets into some arguments with Kagekao on who’s the better dressed in Black and white…
- Jill and ChessMaster always glance at eachother before recording the scene.
- He likes to watch Some creepypasta sleep since He dosen’t need to He finds it weird.
- When you came to the mansion he started to poke you whenever you where sleeping
- LJ takes particular interest to befriend most of the children of the slender mansion trying his best but when it comes to his victims it’s a whole diffrent story.
- like to talk about his victims and how he kills them.
- Very Childish
- He dosen’t understand emotions that well.
- When he’s angered He’s either very creepy or he flips onto the floor and throws a tantrum like a child due to the fact he had been surrounded by kids his whole existence
- These temper tantrums is how he thinks how people should be upset Lora do people get hurt though.
- about 7’3-8’0 Mans Lanky and can tower over yall.
- Hates being left alone, forgotten or ignored he would throw a huge fit.
- Slender created a rule to never touch the music box until it changes spots.
- LJ use to find it comfortable to be in the box at first when entering the mansion and rarely would come out unless he went out to do his little Adventures.
- Likes to dress up whenever he can - Jane caught him wearing her dress once when LJ was bored and was so fucking confused
- He smacks the shit out of anybody who comments on why he wore a dress around the place. - Jeff Was so confused and tried to make fun of LJ but got smacked
- “You Ugly Brat! I look fashionable”
- He dosen’t swear much he uses words such as ‘Butt hole’ and ‘Poop Brain’ as insults unless he’s really pissed then he’s going to start cussing like there’s no tomorrow.
- Enjoy Listening to Classics music or HyperPop music he’s open to any but he likes Classical music and Hyperpop more.
- Very sharp teeth - Two sets of teeth like a shark.
- He has poisoned sweets in his left pocket and Non-poisoned in his right
- He dosen’t know his lefts and rights so sometimes he gives Somebody a poisoned one by accident.
- Doctor smiley hates LJ for the amount of times he gave Toby, Sally, and Zero poisoned candy by accident.
- purposely trips over Candypop once for stealing his sweets.
- Likes to mimic the personality of his new “owners” (aka his victims)
- Very stretchable and can jump super high
- He Likes to Hum to pop goes the weasel multiple times
- You Can Hear him from a mile away because of his humming of the song. - He will throw hands if someone disses on his outfit and style. - Laughing Jill and Laughing Jack glare at eachother before doing hand shake. - Sometimes LJ and Jill decided to swap outfits for some days - LJ watches Sally bake and asks questions sometimes. - LJ absolutely HATES electronics due to him being in the 1800s he hated the new generation. - One of the kids he looked after was a Gen Z... - He was stuck in his box bawling his eyes out. - LJ can waltz dance. He taught sally - Likes to file his claws to make them sharper. - EJ and LJ stare at eachother before walking past - "Jack" "Hm.. Jack" - Every Now and then he likes to steal the toys from his victims or small items as trophies. - He likes to rip every single thing out of his victims chests and body. - Guts them all out. - Lulu and Ej along with other Cannibals complain how LJ and multiple others waste the amount of month worth of meat was wasted. - LJ has a very heavy accent which is hard to hear and understand so it took other CPs awhile to understand him
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